screenshots of ‘edge’ double page spread

Screenshots of ‘Edge’ double page spread production process

Upload: amberjoneseddy

Post on 07-Aug-2015



Art & Photos

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Screenshots of ‘Edge’ double page spread production process

For my double page spread I used a landscape image that I took at a gigAnd stretched it across the whole page.

I then added the quote ‘They’ll blow your brains out’ as the masthead as I thoughtthe audience might find it amusing it is a pun of the bands name (‘Aneurysm’). I alsomade it very large to stand out and continued my colour scheme by using white and red.

I then added details at the bottom of the page such as the page numbers, the magazine website and a by-line to credit the photographer and the editor of the article.

Lastly I added my main body of text that is a question and answer with the bands lead singer. I also included a drop cap and a drop quote that gives the illusion that thereis less text so the audience can focus on the main image.