saint luke t c o - parishes online

Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:30 am Saturday 3:30 pm (Also by appointment) Saint Luke A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES THE CHURCH OF 1980 Hillsdale Road El Cajon, California 92019 (619) 442-1697 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 27, 2017 Reflection: Reflect upon/share about your experience of being made to feel unworthy. What has that feeling of unworthiness kept you from? Why should you be given access to what you need anyway? What needs to change, in you, for you to open yourself to God's love, worthy or not? Gospel "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heav- en. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ. (Mt 16:19-20) First Reading : Isaiah 19:22-23 Second Reading: Romans 11:33-36 GOSPEL: Matthew 16:13-20

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Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:30 am

Saturday 3:30 pm (Also by appointment)



1980 Hillsdale Road El Cajon, California 92019

(619) 442-1697

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 27, 2017

Reflection: Reflect upon/share about your experience of being made to feel unworthy. What has that feeling of unworthiness kept you from? Why should you be given access to what you need anyway? What needs to change, in you, for you to open yourself to God's love, worthy or not?


"I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heav-

en. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in

heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

(Mt 16:19-20)

First Reading : Isaiah 19:22-23 Second Reading: Romans 11:33-36

GOSPEL: Matthew 16:13-20

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Parish Pastoral Council

normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Visitors/observers welcome. If you wish to have

an item placed on the agenda, contact a Council

member to present it for you or contact the Parish Office.

Parish Council Members:

Fr. Ron Cochran Jane Alfano

Mark Balmert Amy Cannon

Bob Guarnotta Linda Jacobson

Anita Leak Sam Lupo

Don Mercurio Dcn. Emeritus: Dennie Nickell Rick Roberts Dave Sapper Karen Sapper Tom Selfani Bryan Shull

Dcn. Jerry Stenovec Dcn. Allan Williams


The Parish Finance Council meets every other

3rd Wednesday of the month.

Parish Finance Council Members:

Fr. Ron Cochran

James Chitkowski Jim Crockett

George Heidenreich Jeanne Houghtby

John Krueger

Cathy March

Dave Sapper

Jim Stepovich Richard Venancio

Parish Council, Finance Council & From the Pastor

2 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

Important Meeting for

Ministers of the Eucharist and Homebound Ministers to the Sick

Fr. Ron, Deacons Dennie and Jerry

request all current Eucharistic Ministers, Homebound Ministers to the Sick as well as parishioners who are interested in these ministries

to attend an important meeting:

Date and Time: Thursday, September 7, 2017

at 6:30 p.m. in our parish hall

Purpose: Provide proper instruction and clarification of the role of lay persons in these ministries.

Items to be discussed: The flow of the Mass; Communion procession; Spirituality of lay Minister; Practical and logistical matters; Question and Answers

Note: Eligible Ministers are fully initiated Catholics and in good standing with the Church.

Your presence and participation at this meeting

is vital to our ministries.

For more information: Contact Linda Jacobson at [email protected].

Thank you!

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PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Brian Hill ,P.Michael Winkler,Gary Corwin, Roberto Lopez, Lorraine

Flint, Bill Phillips, Isaac Armas, Mary Botte, Lara Pasi, Nancy Usrey, Ryan Cochran, Emmanuel Hallak, Dylan Coughlin, Frank Alfano, Selena Chum, Jimmie Davis, Dr. Barbie Taylor, Rachel Chavez,

Michele Chavez, Joy Darrah, Gray Draper, Linda Rogers, Helen Chu, Al Bowen, Margaret Dennison, Jacob Seilheimer, Joyce Kammer, Theresa Warcholik, Cheryl Berry, Natalie Enriquez, Candace Dayton, Harriet, Ladel, Michael Ward, Nina Murphy, Noel Fisher, Jason Zdunich, Karen Bennett, Connie Elba, Blanche Duncan, Charles Brown, Jim Leachman, Christine Banuelos, Jose Orrantia, Dave Johnson, Mina Scannicchio, Jan Lindgren, Carol Petrich, Carey Moore, Jose Azarza, Parker Landis, Joan Smith, Anthony Potito, Kaylee Mikulsky, Jackie, Jeff Rogers, Michelle Tello, Katherine Boomer, Chase Laird, Vera Navetta, Miriam Kaskorkis, Adelaide Fitzwater, Ed Solorzano, Alice Zizzo, Luis Orrantia, Maggie Matthews, Sophia Christensen, Steven, Cindy Russell, Karen Walker, Mike Murphy, Ann Mussomeli, Jeanine DeSanti, Joe James Sowards, Vie Liddell, Olivia Dunn, Elda Lavelli, Jennifer Soares, Dorothea Wall, Martina Chiappara Cahill, Antoinette Daquisto-Guidi, Bob Weisham, Teri Harrison, Danielle P. Joe Scannicchio, Maria Warcholik, Ruthie Condon, Marin Mejia, Mike Marcon, Theresa & Vito Siragusa, Tracy Weaver, Rick Gores, Corrine Meierbachtol, Sue Sullivan, Rose Camacho, Ray Camacho, Tommy Collet Sr., John Lawton, Justin Hughes, Clara Morrison, Travis Butler, Jordan Garcia, Winston Quitiquit, Gregory S., Joan Hall, Joni Marco, Vern Hubka, Ricky Latorre, Camryn Mayer, Dolores Morrison, Aimee Gatus, Tommy Collet Jr., Thomas Baca, Chuck Moore, Gui Mei Guo, Audrianna Lococo, Karl Viederstein, Carey Moore, John Morrison, Maria Teresa Valquez, Nancy Samayoa, Tyler Parr, Karin Oravetz, Terry McMullin, Mary Morrison, Laura Allen & Family, Ryan Waters, Sam Attisha, Debra Burke, Andrew Mearm, Richard Perricone, John Agostini, Clara Morrison, Austin Gatus, Rosemary Lowe, The Hill Family, Russell Morrison, Frances Colombo, Christina Morrison, Megan Kruer Jones, Zaim Attisha, Laura Lee, Teresa Russo, Lillian Peregud; and all our relatives and friends who are sick. A NOTE ABOUT OUR PRAYER LIST: If you would like to add a name to our prayer list please contact Nancy Adema. Also please notify Nancy when a name can be removed. We appreciate the prompt notification & your cooperation.

Remember in your Prayers, Weekly Readings, Mass Intentions

Online Giving Link: |3

PARISH FINANCES In order to fulfill our budget, we need to collect an average of $12,722 in the collection basket each week. Some weeks may be higher and some lower but we need to maintain that average. Additionally, we have budgeted for an average of $12,802 to be contributed monthly through our Online Giving contribution program. The total amount budgeted through these sources is $660,095 this year. Our budget includes another $106,384 expected income from other sources; (Annual Catholic Appeal rebates, Christmas & Easter collections, Sacramental Donations, Interest, One-time gifts & bequests, etc.).

LAST WEEK: Totals for 8/20/2017

Plate: $ 1,085.00 Envelope: $ 6,103.00 Total Collection Basket: $ 7,188.00 Online Giving May 2017 = $20,604.78 (114 users)

SUPPORTING THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH: Once you’ve made a decision on how much you should be giving, decide how to give. WAYS TO GIVE: You can use envelopes, as many people do, you can set up automatic donations through your Bank, (forms available in the parish office), you can go to Online Giving on the St. Luke website and set up an online giving plan which you can personally manage or call the parish office to arrange an online giving plan administered by the parish Business Manger. Online Giving Link: Click on: Online Giving in the center of subject bar. For more information please call the parish office at 442-1697.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8/Rom 11:33-36/Mt 16:13-20 Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10/Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b/Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday: 1Thes 2:1-8/Ps 139:1-6/Mk 6:17-29 Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13/Ps 139:7-12ab/Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13/Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17/Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8/Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12/Mt 25:1-13 Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11/Ps 98:1, 7-9/Mt 25:14-30 Next Sunday: Jer 20:7-9/Ps 63:2-6, 8-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27

THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS Saturday: 5:00pm Jim Shipman RIP Sunday: 9:00am Parishioners of St. Luke 11:30am Mr./Mrs. Louis Bertsche & family Wednesday: 7:30am Jerry Neu RIP Thursday: 7:30am Ursula Graham RIP Friday: 7:30am Phyliss Coensenberg RIP Saturday: 5:00pm Billy Agnello RIP Sunday: 9:00am Marietta D’Alessio RIP 11:30am Parishioners of St. Luke

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE Sunday: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Tuesday: Passion of Saint John the Baptist Wednesday: Weekday Thursday: Weekday Friday: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Saturday: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Next Sunday: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Billy & Mary Jane Papenhausen 52-years Richard & Colleen Venancio 49-years Terry & Liz McMullin 49-years Tom & Kelcie Haggard 47-years Jim &Janis Lindgren 46-years Terry & Ann Murray 45-years Zen & Bridget Barelka 41-years Dan & Jean Goulding 32-years Schuyler & Gloria Boyce 27-years Greg & Adriana Rasberry 17-years Dave & Karen Sapper 13-years Brad & Gina's Elsass 12-years Frank & Alexxa Terrazas 4-years Ben & Susie Machado 51 years Rick & J-Marie Roberts 37 years John & Donna Vugrin 65 years Rich & Corrine Warcholik 50 years If you would like to have your Wedding Anniversary

placed in the bulletin please call 442-1697.

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4 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

Gospel Meditation, Live the Liturgy & Why Do We Do That GOSPEL MEDITATION: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church." Simon got a new name after his profession of faith. As soon as he declared to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God," Jesus re-named him with a title that means "rock." And with that name he gave Pe-ter the mission to be a solid foundation upon which he would build his church. Not Peter's church. Not James or Paul's church. Not Martin Luther's or John Calvin's or anybody else's. This is Jesus' church, the church of Christ himself, that we call the Catholic Church. So it was Christ himself who desired to give authority in the church--"the keys to the kingdom of heaven"--to a human leader. Peter was thus estab-lished as the first pope. He exercised a special kind of headship, within the community of the apostles and the church at large, because Jesus gave him the power to do so, not because Peter claimed it for himself. And so too every pope since, right down to our Holy Father today, exercises this unique leadership within the Church. What a gift this is to us! Jesus knew well the human tendency to squabble and disagree, to argue and compete. He knew that the church would be prone to all of this because of her members, and that providing a final voice of authority, saying in effect that "the buck stops here" would be helpful for maintaining unity. As Catholics, even in spite of the differing opinions and perspectives that are manifest in the Church, we nonetheless maintain a strong sense of identity and belief thanks in large part to the papacy. Today, may we give thanks for the pope and pray for him as he strives to lead all of us closer and closer to Christ.


We all know the given answers to the question: who is Jesus? Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah, Lord, and the Christ are some that immediately come to mind. But, who do YOU say that Jesus is? Who we need or want Jesus to be becomes the key to unlocking a relationship with God. For some, Jesus is just a prophet, a wise man, or an inspirational figure in history. These labels keep Jesus in the past and prevent us from really having a living, vi-brant relationship with him. If Jesus is more than this to you, then who is he and what purpose does he serve in your life?

WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED Question: Does the pope choose his own name or is it given to him? Why does it change? Answer: The pope picks his own name. Although all of the popes since the Middle Ages have done so, it is not required to change your name. The first pope to change his name was John II in 533. His given name was Mercury, the name of a pagan god and he felt that his was not an appropriate name for the head of the church and he changed it. The last pope to keep his given name as pope was Marcellus II in 1555. Pope John Paul I was the first to choose two names. Until the election of Pope Francis in 2013, the last pope to choose a new, unused name was Pope Lando in 913.

When a pope chooses a new name, it might indicate his hopes for his reign, or tell us about his view of spirituality; it might also reflect continuity with a predecessor. In the early thirteenth century St. Francis of Assisi had a vision in which Jesus commanded him, "Repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin." In choosing St. Francis as his namesake, Pope Francis was pointing to a beloved saint who embraced radical simplicity, poverty, and care for the poor. As Pope Francis himself put it, "Oh, how I would like a church which is poor and for the poor!"

Saint Luke Faith Formation Registration for 2017-2018 Registration forms are now

available on the Parish website or in the Parish office.

Sessions for Pre-school-Grade 5 begin the week of Sept. 10th

Sessions for Middle School Grades 6-8 begin Monday, Sept. 11th

Confirmation Preparation begins Sept. 10

with High School Youth Group beginning Sept. 11th

You may register today at the Faith Formation Fair

in Church Hall after 9:00am Mass –11:30AM. Or on our Parish Website at OR drop by our Parish Office,

Monday through Friday between 9:30am-4:30 pm Please check the Parish

Calendar on the website for class times, dates and special events.

t’s time for Church Cleaning Monday AUGUST 28

from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon

For more information please call Peggy Nelson

Faith Formation Fair Sunday August 27th immediately after

9:00am Mass until 11:30am Swing by for information about:

Registration for Pre-K through High School

Sacrament Prep, RCIA Fall Festival Parish Event Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Volunteer Opportunities We will also be happy to answer any

questions you may have! See you there, may God Bless your family

YOU ARE AWSOME!! Thank you!!

For your generous participation in Out-reach’s School Supply Drive.

Anza and EJE schools received their numerous boxes of school supplies

and were extremely grateful for all of you who participated by:

donating, sorting & delivering the school supplies.

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For additional calendar and event information go to |5

Contacts & Calendar Information

VISIT OUR WEBSITE For additional calendar and event information.

FROM THE BULLETIN EDITOR Office Phone: (619) 442-1697 Fax (619) 442-2293

Joanie Maitilasso and Carole Morales OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm



CALENDAR OF EVENTS Month of August and September (Calendar Events are subject to change)

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 3:30pm Reconciliation 5:00pm Mass w/50th Wedding Anniversary Blessing: Larry & Mimi Murphy 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am Pro Life Rosary 9:00am Mass w/ Children's Liturgy Word and w/Baptism: McKenzie Reed 10:00am Faith Formation Fair 11:30am Mass w/Children's Liturgy Word w/First Communion Celestyal Chavez 9:00am Church Cleaning No Meetings 7:30am Mass 7:30am Mass 6:30pm Bridges Out-of-Poverty Follow-Up STL Parish Volunteers

7:30am Mass 8:00am-5:00pm 1st Friday Adoration 5:00-5:30pm Closing Benediction 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal: Shannon Bradel w/ Presider: Dcn Frank Rielly 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 3:30pm Reconciliation SVDP Walk/Run Speaker 5:00pm Mass 7:00pm Wedding: Shannon Bradel w/Presider: Dcn Frank Rielly 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time SVDP Walk/Run Speaker 8:30am Pro Life Rosary K of C Breakfast 9:00am Mass w/ Children's Liturgy Word 11:30am Mass w/Children's Liturgy Word Labor Day Office Closed

Tues 29th

Sat 26th

Sun 27th


Wed 30th

Thu 31st

Fri 1st

Sat 2nd

Sun 3rd



Pastor: Rev. Ron Cochran (619) 442-1697 Deacon Emeritus: Dennie Nickell (619) 442-1697 Deacon: Jerry Stenovec Deacon: Allan Williams Pastoral Associate: Jane Cruz Alfano (619) 442-1697 x103 Business Manager: Jim Crockett (619) 442-1697 x110 [email protected] Secretary: Joanie Maitilasso (619) 442-1697 x101 [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Joanie Maitilasso (619) 442-1697 x101 [email protected] Facility Manager: Robert Stevenson (619)442-1697 x109 Web Master: Lance Attiq [email protected]. Altar Servers: Dcn. Alan Williams Choir Director: Colin McColl Organist: Susan Paul Eucharistic Ministers: Linda Jacobson Greeters: Maria Oliver Lectors: Susan Smothers Ushers: George Heidenriech

FAITH FORMATION Catechetical Ministry Jane Cruz Alfano, Pastoral Associate (619) 442-1697 x103 [email protected] Coordinator of RCIA: Dcn. Jerry Stenovec Coordinator of PreK-5 Faith Formation: Debbie Stenovec (619) 442-2515 x 105 [email protected] Coordinator of Middle and High School Faith Formation &Youth a/Young Adult Ministry: Evelyn Beale (619) 442-2515 x 106 [email protected]

MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Baptism Class: Joanie Maitilasso (619)442-1697 Centering Prayer: Rosemarie Murphy Church Cleaning Crew: Peggy Nelson Cub/Boy Scout Religious Emblems: Shannon Vint Eucharistic Adoration: Cindy Christmas & Mike Wasyliw Friends of the Poor: Martha Evans Knights of Columbus: Clark Sr. G.K. Marriage Preparation: Joanie Maitilasso Ministry to Sick and Homebound: Dcn. Jerry Stenovec Outreach Ministry: Ken Stempien Prayer Chain: Nancy Adema Respect Life: Don Mercurio Scrip: Tom Stone Small Church Communities: Jane Cruz Alfano, (619) 442-1697 x 103

Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Mike Wasyliw St. Luke Business Network: Cathy March

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Parish Events

6 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

Already Booked !!

Please come to learn more about pre and post excursions.

September 14—6:30pm. St. Luke’s Church Hall

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Parish Events

7 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

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Parish Information

8 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray…

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament THE REAL PRESENCE: Jesus’ Gift to the Church

The first Friday of each month, beginning at 8 am, prayer before Blessed Sacrament ending, at 5 pm, with a Closing Benediction and

Prayer for vocations. Sign up to spend an hour in prayer with Jesus who is present on the altar in the Blessed Sacrament, or just come by. This

month Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be on Friday, September 1st. All are welcome! There is a sign up sheet available in

the baptistery. If you wish to sign up by phone or for additional information call Cindy Christmas Mike Wasyliw

Everyone is Invited to A Pancake Breakfast Sunday- September 3

Served from 9:30am to 11:00am Old Fashioned Pancakes, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Ham

Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea or Water

Your Price : Adults: $7 Sponsored by: The Knight of Columbus

WOMEN’S RETREAT SEPTEMBER 1, 2, & 3, 2017 Sponsored by St. Stephen Catholic Church

with Father Dave Pivonke, TOR, keynote speaker

“To discover our true identity and role in Gods plan and to live in the power of the Holy Spirit”

We are blessed to have music by Aly Aleigha, her voice is truly a gift from God. Weekend includes, Spiritual presentation, Praise & Worship, daily Mass, Confession,

Adoration Saturday, Eucharistic Prayer Service. For more information, Visit our Website,

email or call [email protected].

Gloria Salimas (760( 535-6994 Retreat will be held at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula

S . V P F P W S 30, 2017 8:00 AM L : S C H S 12440 C R , S V CA


OR PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] 619-508-4452 OR [email protected] 619-715-8801

Church of St. Luke Knights of Columbus Council 10512The Council Officers will be hosting an informational meeting

with regards to joining the KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS on Monday September 11, the Church Hall.

Membership is for men ages greater than 17 ½ and a practicing Catholic. Please sign up after Masses this week or next weekend so we can have a count.

Wives are very welcome.

Parishioners and families can participate in Knights Activities.

Sept 3: Pancake Breakfast. (Proceeds go to a Diocesan Seminary & a Military Seminarian Fund) Sept 30: St Vincent del Paul Walk /Run for the Poor Deputy Grand Knight, Mike Wasyliw 444-9240 Sept 30th and Oct.1, 2017, Baby Bottle Drive after masses (Culture of Life) Oct. 8: Blood Drive (signup click on appointments, enter code LUKE

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Parish Information

9 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

Danube Serenade River Cruise

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