saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · he is risen,alleluia! third sunday of...

He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian). e Resurrection, ca. 1619. Oil on panel (133 x 78 in). Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

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Page 1: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

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Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian). The Resurrection, ca. 1619. Oil on panel (133 x 78 in). Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Page 2: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

Offertory #66—Two Were Bound for Emmaus 

Closing #82—Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today 

III Rebecca Perhay & Victor Barbalato

LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord 

Joan Harley 

Joseph Marvin 

Mary Tyburski 

Text & Music © 2005 , Lynn Trapp. Published by OCP. All rights reserved 

Reprinted under  license #U9537, LicenSingOnline. 

Sprinkling with Holy Water Springs of Water...L. Trapp 

Merici Chapel… As you make plans for Spring activities, sporting events, graduations, showers, weddings and gardening, try & make time for the most important event in your life — preparing for eternity. Visit Jesus in Merici Chapel. He’ll help you with your plans.

Third Sunday of Easter                                                                     April 10, 2016 



Congratulations and God’s blessings to Jenna & Robert Baldwin on the Baptism of their daughter, Sadie Elizabeth; to Lena & Wessam Mekhael on the Baptism of their son, Xavier Kenneth; to Rebecca & Darin Riley on the Baptism of their son, Ethan Darin.

Entrance All You Nations...L. Deiss 

Text: & Music © 1965, 1995 Lucien Deiss. 

World Library Publications, Franklin Park, IL 60131 

All rights reserved.  Reprinted under license AL 1023872. 

Communion #332—In the Breaking of the Bread 

In the breaking of the bread we have know him; 

we have been fed. 

Jesus the stranger, Jesus the Lord, 

be our companion; be our hope. 

Text: Based on Luke 24:13035; Acts 2:42. English, Bob Hurd & Michael Downey Music © 1984, 1987, 1989, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP Publications, Inc. All

rights reserved. Reprinted under license #U9537 LicenSingOnline.

Psalm 30 I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. 



“Releasing the Power of our Rosary” 

Thursday, April 28th 


Parish Activity Center (Go up the 2nd floor & turn left to John Paul II Room.) 

In the past, Deacon Dan has addressed: “Catholics and the Jewish People: Our Older Brothers in the Faith,” “Voting with a Well-Formed Conscience,” “The Importance of Baptism in Daily Life,” and “What Pope Francis is Saying and not Saying,” and “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic.”

Our Deacon, Teacher of Theology at St. Ignatius, does an in-depth preparation for these timely presentations and would welcome your attendance. The semi-annual presentation will allow for a Q&A period as well as interactive participation.

Doors open at 7:15pm. Meeting is free and open to the public with complimentary refreshments. Any questions, call Fred Hollman, President, St. Charles HNS (440)884-6179.

Page 3: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

St. Charles Borromeo Church                April 10, 2016

Last week I mentioned that our St Charles Borromeo Parish Education Foundation had recently received a $35,000 bequest from the estate of the late

parishioner, Fred Sever. I also requested that parishioners consider our Education Foundation when making their wills and for their charitable giving. That announcement sparked a few phone calls and several e-mails asking me to provide some details about the Foundation and also to mention some other opportuni-ties for charitable gifts to St Charles. In 1988, the year after I became pastor, I asked some knowledgeable parishioners to work with me to establish an Education Trust for our Day School. Our goal was to invest the funds received and then use the interest earned to help keep tuition costs affordable. We did very well throughout the 1990’s. There was never any “pressure.” We received many substantial gifts and bequests; we invested wisely; we then began to use a portion of the interest as planned. In 1995, I asked the Day School Faculty to take on the added task of teaching religion classes to our parish children who attended public schools. For twenty-one years, our Day School teachers have “stayed late” on Mondays to teach in our Parish Catholic Religious Formation (PCRF) program. So our Education Trust helps to pay the salaries of the Day School teachers who instruct all parish children.

Just ten years ago, in 2006, in order to protect the funds entrusted to us, we took the proper legal steps to establish a separate non-profit corporation, called the St Charles Borromeo Parish Education Foundation. It is a registered charitable foundation, recognized by the State of Ohio and the Internal Revenue Service. Its affairs are guided by a five-person board: the pastor, the Day School Principal, a representative appointed by our Parish Pastoral Council, and two knowledgeable parishioners. All funds from the Education Trust were transferred to the Foundation in 2006. Those funds are professionally managed and separately audited. Regular reports are filed with the proper governmental agencies. So the Foundation will always remain under the control of St Charles Borromeo Parish.

Over the years, as the assets of the Foundation have increased, the interest earned has increased as well. For this 2015-2016 budget year, the Foundation will provide $208,000 in assistance for our children’s religious training.

Also, there are three other parish opportunities for your bequests and charitable giving:

St Charles Borromeo Parish Memorial Fund: provides for the articles used in our worship: Mass vestments, altar cloths/linens, Roman Missals, Lectionaries, etc. Items can be memorialized in an individual’s or a family’s name.

St Charles Borromeo Parish Vocation Scholarships: interest earned assists with the expenses of St. Charles parishioners pursuing a priestly or a religious vocation.

St Charles Borromeo Parish Youth Group Trust: interest earned provides for educational and spiritual programs benefitting St Charles high schoolers.

Please remember the Foundation, Memorial Fund, Vocation Scholarships, and Youth Group Trust when making your will and for your charitable giving. Someone provided for us in years past, now it is our turn to provide for the future of others. Contact me, or Tom in the Business Office, for additional information at 440-884-3030.

Reminder: Parish Council meets this Thursday, April 14, at 7:45pm in the JP II Room of the PAC.


This Week’s Liturgy 

SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Third Sunday of Easter Acts 5:27-32; 40b-41; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19 Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm MONDAY, APRIL 11 St. Stanislaus Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29  7:00 AM † Lillian Subin 8:30 AM † Rob Berlekamp 7:00 PM Intention of McQuillen & Early Families TUESDAY, APRIL 12 Acts 7:51—8:1a; John 6:30-35  7:00 AM † Anna Gatzke 8:30 AM † Jean Bialas 7:00 PM † Marie Avon & Dolores Tirabasso WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 Acts 8:1b-8; John 6:35-40  7:00 AM † Agatha Schlundt 8:30 AM † John Kelly 7:00 PM † Dec'd of the Drahos & Rykena Families THURSDAY, APRIL 14 Acts 8:26‐40; John 6:44‐51  7:00 AM † Stephen W Sabo 8:30 AM Margaret Harubin 7:00 PM † Frank Strimpel, Sr FRIDAY, APRIL 15 Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59  7:00 AM † Edward McVey 8:30 AM † Eugene J. Koprowski 7:00 PM † Marie M. Martin SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Acts 9:31-42; John 6:60-69  8:00 AM † Clayton Rooy 2:00 PM Wedding - - - Rebecca Perhay & Victor Barbalato VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 & 6:00pm SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52; Revelation 7:9, 14b-17; John 10:27-30  10:30 AM † Fr. John Iammarino Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm

Offertory Collection $28,046.57

ACH / Online / Credit Card 11,693.00

Total $39,739.57


April 3, 2016 


Thank you! 

Page 4: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)






Saturday, April 9...7:30-10:15pm Youth Mass, Party, & Open Gym. Meet in the Church. (Please bring a drink to share.) Tuesday, April 26… 7:30-9:00 Transform in the JPII Room of the Parish Activity Center.

 Upperclassmen Leadership Team  Youth‐Focused & Youth‐Led Mass  New Days & Times for Events  Twice a Month Events for 9th‐12th Graders 

Any questions, contact: Lena (216)-544-6164 / [email protected] Fr. Ryan (440)884-3030 / [email protected] Sr. Denise (440)884-3030 / [email protected]

Third Sunday of Easter                                                                        April 10, 2016 

JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY (7th and 8th graders) 

Tuesday, April 26… 4:00-5:30pm Junior High Youth Ministry Closing Event. We will meet in Lower Parish Hall and walk over to church together for a prayer service. After we will return to Lower Parish Hall for an Ice Cream Social. All 6th, 7th and 8th graders (Day School & PCRF) are welcome to attend. We will say good-bye to our present 8th graders and welcome our new 6th grade members into Junior High Youth Ministry.






$100 WINNER 

Priscilla Prioletti 


The St. Charles Knights of Columbus would like to invite eligible blood donors to participate in our first annual:


St. Charles Borromeo School LifeShare Grant Program Blood Drive

Sunday, April 10th 9:00am-2:00pm

St. Charles Parish Lower Hall

Visit sponsor code stcharles for more information. (See separate article to the left.)

On Tuesday April 26th 2016 the Saint Charles Knights of Columbus are partnering with Bakers Square to benefit the Measure Up Campaign. For every order on April 26th Bakers Square will donate 20% of the bill to Measure Up Campaign (flyer is required). The Measure Up Campaign benefits individuals with developmental disabilities. For more information please see the flyers at the Parish Office or our website

Spring is around the corner and it is time for the Annual Knights of Columbus Super Cash Bonanza. Each ticket is only $5 and the proceeds from each sale benefit St. Charles. For more information and for tickets please contact a fellow St. Charles Knight, PTU member, or visit the Parish Office.

On April 25th at 8 PM in the Borromeo room of the Activity Center, please join the Knights of Columbus in welcoming a representative from Lifebanc who will give a presentation. The presentation will be about their efforts to encourage organ donation, and to share information regarding the upcoming Transplant Games, and the Gift of Life Walk and Run on June 11th downtown. Everyone in the Parish is welcomed to attend.

Brother Knights, please remember that there is a meeting on Monday, April 11th. Officers Meeting at 7:00pm, Rosary at 7:30pm, followed by the Business Meeting at 7:45pm in the Borromeo Room of the Parish Activity Center

Please Pray the Rosary.

Page 5: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

 St. Charles Borromeo Church                   April 10, 2016 

Next meeting ~ Wednesday morning, April 13th, 9:00-11:00am in the Parish Activity Center. Please stop in any Wednesday morning and join us. Any questions, call Sr. Denise Marie (440)884-3030 or email [email protected].



Two months back, I mentioned that our parish St Vincent de Paul Society was in need of new members. Sixty-five parishioners responded to that call for help. As a group, we met three times over the last several weeks. At our second meeting, volunteers completed a survey indicating the exact type of work they would like to do: making home visits, organizing our Emergency Food Kitchen, starting a Jail Ministry, or directing occasional special projects and activities (such as Baby Bottle Collection, Rice Bowl, etc.) At our third meeting last week, we broke into groups based on the preferences expressed. Now each group will get acquainted and then make decisions as to how they will proceed. Our new Jail Ministry group will meet this Tuesday, April 12, at 7:30pm in the Borromeo Room, first floor, Parish Activities Center. I have asked Sister Rita Mary Harwood, Diocesan Director of the Parish Life Office, to meet with us and share some simple examples of “what works” in jail ministries sponsored by other parishes. Preliminary ideas include collecting postage stamps, stationery, and magazines for the incarcerated. We will also hear about LEAF ministry, a support group for families of the imprisoned. If this work might interest you, even if you did not originally volunteer for SVdeP or attend a prior meeting, please come to our gathering this Tuesday evening. All are welcome and your ideas and your help are needed.

NEW! Cleveland Catholic Radio Station - THE ROCK AM 1260 has a strong radio signal during the day and night.

Tune in for authentic Catholic teaching and programs. This is a great way to learn more about your faith, what the Church teaches, and for developing your spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more at

2nd ANNUAL MAY CROWNING Our 2nd Annual May Crowning will take place on Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 2:00pm in our church. We are asking that any member of our parish that would like to participate in the “Living Rosary” to please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number. This could be one adult or teen individual, a couple or a family of no more than four who would be willing to lead a Hail Mary or another part of the rosary.

Page 6: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

Third Sunday of Easter                                                                        April 10, 2016 

St. Charles Ladies Guild presents

t [|@gxt _âÇv{xÉÇ “Bring your own tea cup & saucer”

Saturday, May 21st 12Noon—2:30pm

Lower Parish Hall

Ages 10—110 A lite luncheon with all the tea & coffee you can drink will

be provided. Our speaker will be Deborah Lime — “What Parma has to offer its Residents”

Door Prizes & Raffle Prizes

Welcoming great grandmas, grandmas, mothers, nieces, daughters, sisters (no children under the age of 10, please)

$5 for ages 10-16 | all others $7

Stop in the Parish Office to purchase tickets. For more information, please call Pat Lawler (440)843-9186.

Fit from Faith Wellness Ministry Speaker

Tuesday, April 19th 7:00—9:00pm

Parish Activity Center, 2nd Floor Join SWIFT as we bring to the parish, Lindsay Fullerman, 

who  through  personal  relationship  with  Jesus  and        

understanding  of  her  Catholic  roots,  developed  a         

ministry  to  bring  inner  freedom  and  balanced  living 

through the mind, body, and spirit connection.   

Salad / Pizza Social to follow on 1st floor   

Open to family and friends.  Bring your teens!   

Questions:  Joan Kuczek 440‐884‐0338.  

NORTHEAST OHIO CATHOLIC E‐NEWSLETTER Stay informed with the latest Catholic news from the Diocese of Cleveland. Subscribe to the Northeast Ohio Catholic e-newsletter, the free, weekly, electronic newsletter of the Diocese of Cleveland. It is delivered to your email inbox every Thursday, sharing timely news about the faith, important local events, articles from Northeast Ohio Catholic magazine and much more. Visit and click the e-newsletter icon to sign up today!

Page 7: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

Third Sunday of Easter                                                                        April 10, 2016 

BECOME A HOSPICE VOLUNTEER University Hospital Parma Medical Center, Seasons of Life Hospice, located at 9511WestPleasant Valley Road in Parma is seeking volunteers to provide support services at the residential facility and patients' homes. Support services include spiritual care, respite care, residential kitchen and office support and other valued services. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sharon Secura, Coordinator of Volunteer Services at (440) 743-4943 for further information.



ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The annual 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, July 31st at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Richard G. Lennon, will be the principal celebrant. Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50 years (married in 1966). Couples celebrating other significant anniversaries (55 or over) or who have missed previous celebra-tions are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited in the Cathedral. The number of guests will be determined by the seating capacity and total number registered.

Date & Time: Sunday, July 31st, 2016—2:30pm Mass Place: Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Please register in the Parish Office by June 26th. On or after July 15, registered couples will receive a letter with instructions, map and driving/parking details.

If you have any questions, contact: Jane (216)334-2978; email [email protected]

or Jason (216)334-2974; email [email protected]

MARY QUEEN OF PEACE  (216‐749‐2323) “Festival of Choirs and Brass,” Wednesday, April 27th, 7:30pm. The Mary Queen of Peace Choir and Schola, the Choir of St. Noel, Willoughby Hills, and the Choir of the Basilica of St. John the Baptist, Canton, will be here for a “a festival of jubilant works!” This is a free concert with a free will offering.

ST. LEO THE GREAT   (216‐661‐1006)

Bus trip, Tuesday, May 10th, Mansfield, Ohio, stops at Mansfield Memorial Museum, Richland Carrousel Park, Der Dutchman Restaurant, Possum Run Greenhouse, Wayne’s Country Market, Eatmor Bundt Co. & Olivesbury General Store. $66/person. For more info, call Joanne (440)426-3505.

ST. THOMAS MORE   (216‐749‐0414) Women’s Guild Spring Style Show & Luncheon, Saturday, April 23rd, 12:00Noon in Utopia Hall. Fashions by Dress Barn. Tickets are $8. For reservations, please call Marge (216)351-7850 or Diane (216)749-6332 by April 20th.

SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Your Old Car Can Earn You a Tax Deduction

& Help Someone in Need: Your used car can become food, medicine and rent for the poor in our community. When you donate your late model car, truck, RV or boat to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, not only will you receive a tax deduction to the fullest extent of the law, you’ll be free from the troubles of insuring, licensing, repairing and selling your vehicle. We’ll even provide free towing within 24 hours. It’s quick and easy to donate! Call 800-322-8284 or donate online:

CASINO  BUS TRIP Fundraiser Sponsored by the St. Charles Ladies Guild     

Meadows Casino Washington, PA 

Wednesday, June 8th


$40/pp  / $30 play back money   

Leave new parking lot 9:00am;  return around 7:30pm 

All are Welcome!! 

Reservations due by June 3rd to the Parish Office in  

envelope marked Ladies Guild Bus Trip ‐or‐ Pat Lawler 

Checks payable for $40 to:  St. Charles Ladies Guild  

For more information, call Pat Lawler (440)843‐9186  


DONATIONS FOR VA HOSPITAL Margarita Chmielarski, the St. Charles Ladies Guild Veterans chairperson kindly requests donations of small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, shaving cream, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. These items can be dropped off at the Parish Office, and will be delivered to the VA Hospital. Thank you!


COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL Mark your calendars now for Sunday, June 5th at 10:30am. Your parish family is planning a special Mass and reception to celebrate your graduation. We invite ALL graduates to be a part of this celebration (high school, college). Please call the Parish Office (440)884-3030 if you can attend. Invitations to known high school seniors will be mailed out soon. More details to follow.

Page 8: saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio · 2019-09-19 · He is risen,Alleluia! Third Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio Caravaggio, Cecco del (Italian)

 St. Charles Borromeo Church                   April 10, 2016