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s s oz. - oss · i l 1'rl1nn are ·· r : 1 1 r 1'1)!' ·r:ah11;_: th• :'t· '"h. rf \( . "<t(l :r. ,'jl r.r· 1:'! "\ n: !11. , ,"" \U :I 1r i ... t h r-:,· \\ ""' of .. :.·1rt at 7 II and , half houn romp:ete a ';or; will rnllrctrd to n• on Tue;- ill call on 111 1\'ed- >i('k ur th! Thr mon!/ net nrposit!d 'diP' will h! I' lerlerl ll'>i!l - Onr rl low olhCII ,1(•-d;,,- \1 h!l r ""1 · •·a] r root of 1 In hra't Cal· 11 for Dowe'l l'd >aid lhl fro:n 11Jil!lin: whfn 1IP cnHit o:l nr. ,-aporiztd,- with oHr· :n:ron Lee A. P ro; e•:ulor '' O tnt, 't Tuesnay. T'll rr a patien! :\01·em· w in •. llr wa! . 1 OYi11 n citilcn!hiP NG and g . ·.' 1 • • ! : · : r. T, · ,- ..- .... , , . :" ..... . . t ' t:..; -ross- .............. Y8}': f_ n1 THE NEW SMALL PONTIAC THE ACADIAN erra Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS \0. 6f1 1'HE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, 20. 1962 (Price: 7 Cents) rmy Presses For Drastic Action [)r 1\0:'11.\:-1 .lll\lENEZ "iT\! I:' .\lli!·:s 1 :\1'1--..--\rgentine 1;,n l'?mmanrl?rs • . ·", r. thr l':'I'-i,.l·omhl.1 111 fl\·e prm·m- 1 l'";,,t:i·.t c<liHlid;ltes ll'on in a l<ltlrl-sline •. •• 1 ,::.:,;:;:l'ii· .. it a maltct' of time· · ,;,'!''on' takrn in fmn· other pro,•inees ·l\'rl'l':-:.- ,,-,,rr due to governorships o::'r·r. !hr.'· ,:;ainecl in the stunning election. ", ,, ,, . · .:ndPr 111:!- c!ipln111:<lil' I'\' lations with Fide! I :., , .J' ,t 'I' \ii't':','n's l'UJllll1l111iSt ('uiJ;ltl i.'C•I: -:: 1: 1 , \.'.ttl, Feh, II. I'EIW:>;ISTS , .-. 1 -,j : 1·.-:1. ., :It 'h' <I e ,. ••1 o p men!.;, , t .. ' ' r'rondi1i':-- hrun:,:ht tlll il:U11cdintc uprua_r I ," t:1 ; 11 1 ·:\' th· : trom the P(•rnmsts:, foes of lJOtB :: \"''" o:· '.lt' .. ·I<T .\lll't'do Frondit.i and 1hr I :nitrd State<·' T'•r ""'',·nt n:•JJWd hac·!;L'tl A!lianc-c·' .... li.•'P \'dl:n· to fM-Progn•ss {nr l.a•ml ,:: .• · (1il ;:n h,i:--i..;, .. IR\' 1\ {'11\TI:OI. i:1,:·, 1\. illt'• (;I'll (; •.Ji\. .1:n tn t:nnrrol .\nwl'ican to t·omh:lt L'OI\1\llll• I 1;;:-:m. < 'nmmtmi.-:b wen' ! 111 lhc l'cl''JII·! isis in till' election l'Hill(mign, / \:rr·• pro·.- Ia hoi' which, 'IIJ>Jllll'lt•d the i'cl'onists c!c- ; <'lal'cd till')' 11onlcl strike indef-: , inilely in inl' the mil-l lbr whn i ... illll',\' m C\ n Ol'!l\'rrs. Tngrth(lr I or thl'y elaimcrl nlnwst 2,001\,0!\11' ;: !.< Pbl;l. itll't\ !liS Ill'\\' I 1 ,. c·'"'icl nullify P[•ronist lc;ulc<rs raiiPrl r1f \:·,drr• Fram1ni. rlrelion n n•hukc for 1 ! lohnr ir:11lr·r who atl'\c:l·ity and n man- to hrcomr lhr nrw dale for ree:1ll of l'cmn. an exile ric-lw.-t in Spiiin. 1 1 pnpuln11< nrn':inc·r linollieial nnd incomplete re- , ·, pro- tnr11s .!!ttvc Pcl'nnbt pnrtics fo: inlrnt-ntinn 1•1 1.22:1.!11\ii ,·ote>: l'mndi·J.i's nh'.rr.'"'ll o:· a thrc,Jt Tiadieals . fortH or .!(J',. Flolldi/j r, n " rr111("· · w:l :t :n L•. n p1·m·inn·s r·a•t . \1-yr<r-,,·d l-'r•Jl1'iili [;wed pnjrn:ia! 1 !i1r Jn'l:·r th:m th;1t !.!f,'tH'l':tlr.:f p: ndrliP: c·h:flf..; fo 'PI'\ !,, :.l'ri the anli-Fnwr;il.i Proplr' . ..; Haclkals 1.:111-l.tlll. party :1pproachrcl ;, wort;. in!.! m.::t.iorily n{ !li !'e;:b in !he :\ational llousr of l.Jrp- l<llPS. The llndic:ll' toni; · i.i. tlir People's Haclic:ds , lh(' 4:1 mul l'id'l i(•;; 1\l(.. j'p.;l_' i\[OSCOW Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev warned that Russia has de- \'l:\oped a new-global rocket illi'Ltlnerahle to anti-missile defense and render- int; the U.S. polar rmlm· dctcl·t ion obsolete. Addressin_g a huge Krem- lin rall.v. March llith, shook rist and warned that ;\merican's d11n't realize how ntlncrahle they ha\·e become. Cartoon abo\'e illustr<Jtcs Khrushche,·'s rlaim.--t UPl Photo 1. U.S., Algeria ease If By ANDREW BOROWIEC ALGIERS (AP)-Europeans opposed to independence angrily greeted· the cease-fire ending the long Algerian nationalist rebellion Monday with paralyzing general strikes in all major cities. But for the mom· ent, at least, Algeria was spared th11 bloodbath many fear will come. The· cease-fire, signed Sunday by French and Algerian Moslem negotiators, went into effect at noon. French headquarters for AI· geria reported later: "All is well." IJirol'ision<Jl French-:\!oslem goy- Resume Test· - ·- ---------------- I But the 1-'rench \\We refcr-1 crnmcnt to rule until Algeria [\ A , to I he lac! that not a i votes on independence. this sum- n, \\ !Pi\\ls had hrcn exchanged after tl1e. nH!r. u' ";,;}' H y 611 cease - fire betwrCil French ' Slopping HOillC en rome. troop:; ;md the rebels , from to A!gu:·· still dispersed in the rnonn1ains. i;m nationalist premier Ben Ban I reedy Tra .(i_ t"l•( : Thr stonn from the was 1 Yo1:-,et hrn declared: 1 still blowing, and the European ''The r'Pasc - firP. h8' not Scnrl .\mw nrdrred its follow- , pr;1re to Thert. · "1'. 0 011 " 1\',:11' a",.,,·nst 'he stilt are rncmir• of pP.Ace I 11'.\SIII:\tiTfJ:\ r('f'l .\ I_'_S ' ·• " .. " I 1.-1·cnch army and authorities .. '.here." : ,<1;111' drparltn<'ill o,fici:d ><•id Thr SLTret nrmv has warned it The secret ;mny >howrd II.• I \lwula.v l\rl1!inm IIJ> · "ill fi;:ht the .\lgNi<nl nation.\- l>r· 24-liour · :1nd olh('r tr1 l'uh.a - · ·r. 1 1 · t' ii>1.< in an ohrions .<11'1'"· l\' 'omma (;Jo::\1·:\-.\ '1'1' 1 --- TIH• l:nitcd In ''1'1 il ln··,ty. T'n•si<knl 1\1.'11 · firillllll\ of lw() ;;:!n. · inet Names Fouchet High Con1missicner · •cmjll lo \\Tc'ck thr 1he city of Oran. anrl l:>y scat· 11ri111i11 and 1hr tH'II\' hf 1 s itllllOtiiH'rd .1 Ill'\\ nwnls. · 11· · f. 1 11 · ' .o11rl kt'C.J' French. ·terre! alta1·ks on .\loslem5 in rnion 1111110llllCCfl flf )()]' nut. \\'t!"-'1('1'11 :-(lid, t:p . !r'{ ll'l'£1 1!-i •;o . "ll(l\1' 1 1'.· 'E.·\SI'1' th• massire dP.- 'I<Jilrl"v lo rc '\\Ill \ ' II' I' I I \ ., I I' I' ' I'" I ll 't ' I I fll'l'.<('lll tl·,·lfll',. I'll ,'JI'',)]s.· IH•t,•·:'.'-'11 .""! .... 1 ' _,, ,. II l', <; ·' ''• e n 1011' .".r . pn 11111''> ne .t"·'""" ,,,_ :111! 1'1 ;1111 sl:lll< "' 11'111 )' ' · f()l. •" llllt'lc,·•.J' (n•.•1-11-,111 ''•' .• 'I'C'l' Ill ,'111 f I I I ' I I' I II . . . ,. llrbnm anrt Cnlm.·· tllf• ofrktal : ployment of Frcneh in " , , . . I'll 1e \'!'il.)' ilS t•\'C'I' 11' liiH II' J'l'll\C'IJllr 0 Pneil:;incfs OI'Ct' the fCC'I'rt this tcn'P l'ity. Their tlrl'isiun In h:wk to hefun• ttwn. 'inl<'rll:tlirm'll contrnl. They ,1rr . sai<l. 1 arm)' w:.'' shown hy the ,\lgrr-! CLOSE SHOPS the la'•Jlr 1111 I hi.- :,_. 'will lo modify ilrt;1ils hnl ·.nil 1 1 t 1 th /sue ll'ilS rrw:ilrd on thr ln thr lal\;s coming liP. ;he insisl I hat 1hr <H·c·rpt to l aJ I of a li·nalion li.S. and Tlrilain arc rrportrrl inlt"'tJali:mal rnfon·c nwn Dante l'ascell who snid be, ·:shops and major services in so1·rrl the Unitc•rl \':1tions to 'inlclllling to offer some conc-c1-, mcnt to prot eel tl1c "''"n·ity of · 1 1 ' 1 d th T full . . sions to the nus_sians for simpli-, all twrtic.·. 1 to :m.r- lrst han. ''aw l'nhan troops earrymg Be ·I Table SpaCe I Oran, A giers an ° er CJ Jes. . ginn riCes and other weapons. Bands of European tough• lkput.v Sm·1rt I• on•1gn , ------------·-·---------------------------- 1 To during his two-tby im•estigation patrolled the streets of Oran. · lcr Zorin told a prrss ' p d c f ' · trip to the U.S. na\'.11 base ill Some wore arm bands with the '11'' 1 ":··· --- r·hri1ti<m Tlir. assembly was caller! inlo, the .sol'iet Union 1 1'' 111 tccl to 1:, "'M! f">""'!Jf"O, frnnnsa•s Secret army insignia and some diplom.1t 'C.,oion to role on the settlcmeut nhnul lllll'lc:a·. h:l'l. : \:.'i rc 0 1 Y,J. IW L"' I showed Only a !ew ; ·' '<.nrt1n_1 >1 1 PJIOrtcr of reached Snndily n!ter 12 days of I fur :1\ld army aml riot police appeared Algeria". b c t II' e en France ci c I c gallons rrporlecl . short mras, or as a region-by· U:-i!TED NATIONS lAP) - ,·n the streets of the port and 'l·•n tl 1 I' I tl 1 " t 1 1 0 0 linkUJl pro,:iciing periodic Tl ,. ·1 d Sl t 1 d p · '. ::. le (C l(';rlr anrl dif· I anci the Algerian insurgents ;;t \e r s we comr.c n . c, lC .__me a cs p nee rest- they ignored the secret anny Ia,, of I Erinn. such a IJJU\C, I ·p- ... · ns F1l or continllO'!S interchange_ dent Kennedy's proposals tor t l St t I 11 J 1 . N II l tl l I f"..B JO!l FOlD liD \BLE . l b . . pa ro s. s n a ma or I. 'IW< inclcpendencc. , , e\'Cl' 1C css, ICY lal'c oom- ' ' U.S. So\ tct col a. orah,on_ 1n cities were deserted as the . I 'r, 'i 0 n of the hcfo1·e them as ln1·gc ns I Dinsdale dc>erihcd the space before the Umled !'<allons, European minority obeyed the c'UnN named Fouche! Keep Eye On ever bnsic East • West cliffct'- By AllCII :\lacl\E:\'ZIE 1 · cn;:incers. technical and economic fadms ancl smd SoVIet accep·l secret army's order to remain commi"'Dn"l' r 01 . \1, ences on cnforcin" a test han. I . . . . 1 1 1 'd 11 C t·mce woulcl be a fa,·orablc: · i' · ·· ' · · Tl m · · t ·"' h tl 1 OTTAWA !Cl'J - A one-day I Dmschl<'. 1111'0 1·cc as orm1 a 1 e. ' lmdoors lr.e dthe c?nse- ·. c dl • pro\'incial conference: chairman 'ur the mecling,. •said J silion of the committee will he "lor peace every:vhere." masses remained "ar an AI-! ana tan done on a national hasis. as the! agree? to a>k Quebec II hr hoper! _some l'I'SilltS could, _he I announced soon, he added. U.S. delegate FranCIS calm, obeying orders of the at noon 1 ofhclall) de· 1 1 1 Russians insist, or hv inteJ'>la-: to JOin a detmlcli of; adncvccl m a few I';< ,\ confere_ncc spe:ch text ;s- ton told J! I Algerian National Liberation l'our.h• 1 ,-,.,,. tlic fiShing BOatS jlionnl nuthoritv as West de-· the and e_eonrmucs •Jf: conumttec 1s to report hack to 1 suc•d h;· Prtmc J\luustc;- the 2 tratJOn liN 1 on Front for discipline. ' 1 ·' <JI· i 1 d '' I a natmnal pol\'l'l' 1 the t'tlnfcrcnec ill a subscqu·•nt : hal;er prompted Premrcr Br.n- peace 11 uses 011 cr space. Je , French air force planes lmpc!;silttiP of · AUGUSTA, 1 AP)-:\lainc, m.m s. The close1\ c_onft'I'CIIL'C, which: meet . . :nett of CoiumiJi;l ,. to prop_nsals . con tam no conchtwn: dropper! an estimated 1.000,000 order <n n tcrritOi'Y co:lstnl wardens are keeping a I F.FFOHTS _ ; Quchcc alont• thd not atlc•nct .. '•s·' _.\ n:111onal Jlllllt'r " :·n- 'da1m a sluft _federal. or .. . , .. lteaflels on Algeria's major 1111 h II)' fo:;n•. s·lt•, rp eve on f'lshl'ng llo,•t•. fi'Oin l'l.wse plus tnc Sli(llell the to a .m.mlllltlee ;1s me• :or tapp111g I_ <lll power ex pot ts-.a sluft led_- l he I c "·'< 110 . re- 1 . irs, with the Euro- rlcdieatcd tu " ' " " k t1 f l 'ponse fmm _the Sn•:lel \ _nwn., peans to how to t11e 1·erdict of indetwndeill'" Campobello, :-I.B., Olleraling off 'j Snl'lrt test explosiOns nf last of fedei'nl and prm·mr:lal goY· of IHlwc•r lor : erat. S<H:I .. l:.l· Its clele!(ate Ill the comnnttce. I' l•'l','n"e •'lid a"c·cpt tlJ• cease- ' the "Oast hll wrcc';ed a lhn•c-''C''lr L'i''ol't Prnment • hnlro · tr:1nsmi"iou to (JO\\'L'I'· to lw q.l,tlifu d II. .. ! " " ' ' I ' '. I ' ' . ' ' • ' . I .. ' 'I ' I t I 1 ' .'nliJ',lSS, ·.tdOi' l'I,•JI<Jn l\lol'OZOI' 'f' A de t h c cablnN . . llonald \\'. Green rommis- 1 - - . . -- o S.l) 1 sremet o Je on; a ". · ' , 1re. llll01111CCrs ma h 11100 con· · . . ' . . · ' c-IJ<tngr. in emphasis. 1 Will sprak tod:tr-. i same appeal h;· raclio. 1 memhcr,1 1 1 p or 11 I' SJone1· of shore hshenes, smd . ---------- ___ -------- .rrorisinnal the1·e _is no i - --- ··--· ----- 1-- he 'CI un In 'lClin' . ·. that the Canadian fleet IS fish- II G u .I s p . t <nd t'tw iug ,in. letTitorial waters re-·e n . ' nve I s ·.even 0 In 111 prep- 11 - 1 · 11 " 1 . · hut 11 1s hem!( kept under sur· I . olC , 'IJ t J t I , . 111 llhich .the Algc·-' a1_1ce o guar( agams any I i the law. . 1 lr,rtr, I (,rcr.n sa1d he re-, . b.\T£ TO!l.\Y : ports of at least t11rce herring i mectin• · 11 , 1 .. . srincrs. ami possibly others, I h , Js an- . r . . I al ric Gil\lllc wtll : 1shmg m the Willers he,twecn nf a rcfrrendu 1 . Island and Cane to approl'c ·ten: Small. A do7.Cn carriers have Algerian 1 been in the men, he said, " a rne>sngc to a spec- lc! haul the. cmlch bnck to Cnna- or the French \ I cll:m cannenes. I today. ' s- i The patrol Guardian was I Cloudy w'th I sent to wntch the operations after M a i n e fishermen ex·[ p1·esscc\ to "Green "a growing concern regarding the seining pmcllccs of Canadian vessels •u the Guil of Moine. Green snfd owners of Ca· na(linn vessels fishlnr. within the -three • mile limit would be prosecuted. fl . t scattered urnes. High today l' cmperatures Min Ma: lln)' !.lontre3l ........ 2!1 lloncton · · · ·.. 27 ·" · ... 3U Sydney " " •· :12 St. .. ".. 29 ' ...... 25 35 t l f W ASfiJNG'rON < AP1 - A fire in· a motor Indirectly cnusetl an Atlns missile to crumple on its launching site ncnr' 'fopei\a, 1 Kan., the nit' force saiil 'l'hm·s· I day. '!'he electric motor fs used i to maintain intcmnl pressure on I I the lhin skin or the Atlas, thus keeping the rocket's fuselage In shape while the missile ready 11n Its launchina base. GUATEMALA CITY: Rioting Guatemalan students try in vain to keep the tear gas fumes from their eyes as they run from the tear gas bombs thrown by police during demonstrations here M:m:h l:ith. Mi_litary police battled teen- age mobs here March 13th in a day of wild street fighting in which at least 80 persons were wounded and more than 100 were arrested.(UPI Photo). \ Canadian Disarm. Formula Jlv HARVEY United and his top dis- warned. i GENiiVA !CP> - A buoydnt armament experts, William -------· ------------ 1 · '11IE COUNTRY PARSON new mood 'ne Fosler Arthur Dean, came Gcncvn disarmament confer· over to congratulate Green. So cncc 11onctay night with the un- far only the Russians, Poles veilin)l sel'cn-point Canadian and the Bulgarians have been formula designed to break the unenthusiastic . East-West deadlock on disarm· AGREE TO TALKS ament. In another conference devel- In pcrhnps the first show opment, Russia announced that enthusiasm since the 17-na- it is ready to resume negotia- tion conference opened Jnst tions on a nuclear test ban in Wednesday, Western and nca- a subcommittee. Britain 1nd tralist delegations warmly wei- the United Stales said thev comed the detailed Canadian would accept, . proposals for reconciling ri":tl Through his eight - page disarmament plans submitted speech, notably devoid of the. by Russia and the West. weighty official language that External A £ f a i r s !'Ylinister often deadens documents on dis- Green outlined the find com- armament, Green weaved mon ground aJ>proach in n . of, the urgency of S!IC·I ' crisp, straight-forward speech cess m Geneva. "O h h h' h that India's Foreign Minister "If we . do not agree on this ur c urc es, W IC we Krishna Menon· called "great." occasion, the world may not be jtake for granted: here bP- Foreign Secretary Rusk of tile given another chance," he cause someone d1dn t. . ... . .• .I :! i'/ '• :I . ' 'i ,I I '. ; l ' I ' l: ;-.J· 1 ••• ....

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------\0. 6f1 1'HE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, ~lARCH 20. 1962 (Price: 7 Cents) ~~~--------------------------

rmy Presses For Drastic Action

[)r 1\0:'11.\:-1 .lll\lENEZ "iT\! I:' .\lli!·:s 1 :\1'1--..--\rgentine l'rc~iclenl ~:·.;·;.It•! 1;,n l•l~hl Pr~t'rerl milital:~· l'?mmanrl?rs • . ·", r. thr l':'I'-i,.l·omhl.1 J~"''CI'nors 111 fl\·e prm·m- 1

;.··r:~ l'";,,t:i·.t c<liHlid;ltes ll'on in a l<ltlrl-sline •. ·~· •• 1 ·~,.1 0 1'\. ~'l11da\·,

,::.:,;:;:l'ii· .. ,,~~,·c,; ~<>id it i~ on]~- a maltct' of time· · ·-:: 1 ~_:: 1 : ,;,'!''on' takrn in fmn· other pro,•inees

·l\'rl'l':-:.- ,,-,,rr due to as~ume governorships r':~r:' o::'r·r. !hr.'· ,:;ainecl in the stunning election.

", ,, ,, . · .:ndPr 111:!- c!ipln111:<lil' I'\' lations with Fide! I :., , .J' ,t 'I' 1'.,;~·:1,1:0. \ii't':','n's l'UJllll1l111iSt ('uiJ;ltl i.'C•I:

-:: 1: 1, \.'.ttl, ~.;ml::l·~o ~nnr Feh, II. I'EIW:>;ISTS A:~:t;ny ,

.-. 1-,j :1·.-:1. ., :It 'h' ~loncln~··s <I e ,. ••1 o p men!.;, , t .. 1 :rc·~"r ' ' r'rondi1i':-- hrun:,:ht tlll il:U11cdintc uprua_r I ," t:1 ;11 1 ·:\' th· : ~·.;i:_;;·~;~. trom the P(•rnmsts:, foes of lJOtB :: \"''" o:· '.lt' .. ·I<T .\lll't'do Frondit.i and 1hr I :nitrd State<·'

T'•r r· ""'',·nt n:•JJWd hac·!;L'tl $2t).(~lll.tJOO.OOO A!lianc-c·' \~:11 :,.( .... li.•'P \'dl:n· to fM-Progn•ss pro~:l'nm {nr l.a•ml

,:: .• · (1il ;:n .r.'i'··~m h,i:--i..;,

.. IR\' 1\ {'11\TI:OI. ~l i:1,:·, 1\. illt'• (;I'll (; •.Ji\. ~. >· ~.l:•t • .1:n tn t:nnrrol

.\nwl'ican to t·omh:lt L'OI\1\llll• I

1;;:-:m. < 'nmmtmi.-:b wen' tllli(\~ ! 111 lhc n<~linn:di~l-mindecl l'cl''JII·! isis in till' election l'Hill(mign, /

~ ~.rr ~"''I'"' \:rr·• pro·.- ~1:,1y-lwo Ia hoi' union~ which, 'IIJ>Jllll'lt•d the i'cl'onists c!c- ; <'lal'cd till')' 11onlcl strike indef-:

, inilely in n•t:~liation inl' the mil-l lbr ~~·~w~·;~l, whn i ... illll',\' m C\ n Ol'!l\'rrs. Tngrth(lr I

or :~"' ;.rm~· ~;n·:·i· thl'y elaimcrl nlnwst 2,001\,0!\11' ;: !.< Pbl;l. itll't\ !liS Ill'\\' \lH'IllhCI'~- I

~.{,r· 1 ,. c·'"'icl nullify P[•ronist lc;ulc<rs raiiPrl ih~' r1f \:·,drr• Fram1ni. rlrelion n n•hukc for F1·ondi1.i'~< 1

! lohnr ir:11lr·r who .1·~-' atl'\c:l·ity polieic·~ and n man­to hrcomr lhr nrw dale for ree:1ll of l'cmn. an exile

~~ ,\~:r~: 1 in:.'• ric-lw.-t in Spiiin. 1

1 pnpuln11< nrn':inc·r linollieial nnd incomplete re-, ·, tllll•!l~'.lliun pro- tnr11s .!!ttvc Pcl'nnbt pnrtics

fo: ~uch inlrnt-ntinn 1•1 1.22:1.!11\ii ,·ote>: l'mndi·J.i's ~-nh'.rr.'"'ll o:· a thrc,Jt lnlransl~cnt Tiadieals Ulol.lll~

. rt·~::~llil''~n fortH or .!(J',.

Flolldi/j r, n " rr111("· · w:l :t :n L•. n p1·m·inn·s

r·a•t . \1-yr<r-,,·d l-'r•Jl1'iili [;wed

pnjrn:ia! 1,· !i1r Jn'l:·r

th:m th;1t !.!f,'tH'l':tlr.:f

U~~!ll p: ndrliP: ;,~· c·h:flf..; .il~mr~ fo 'PI'\ !,, ht·t~:,r

:.l'ri the anli-Fnwr;il.i Proplr' . ..; Haclkals 1.:111-l.tlll. ~:o party :1pproachrcl ;, wort;.

in!.! m.::t.iorily n{ !li !'e;:b in !he l!"-~<'a1 :\ational llousr of l.Jrp­l<llPS. The inll':lll>i~cnt llndic:ll' toni; · i.i. tlir People's Haclic:ds , ~,-:, lh(' PNnni.._t~ 4:1 mul ~mHilfll' l'id'l i(•;; 1\l(.. j'p.;l_'

i\[OSCOW Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev warned that Russia has de­\'l:\oped a new-global rocket illi'Ltlnerahle to anti-missile defense and render­int; the U.S. polar rmlm· dctcl·t ion ~-'·stem obsolete. Addressin_g a huge Krem­lin rall.v. March llith, Khru~lwhcy shook hi~ rist and warned that ;\merican's d11n't realize how ntlncrahle they ha\·e become. Cartoon abo\'e illustr<Jtcs Khrushche,·'s rlaim.--t UPl Photo 1.

U.S., Britain~




By ANDREW BOROWIEC ALGIERS (AP)-Europeans opposed to independence angrily greeted·

the cease-fire ending the long Algerian nationalist rebellion Monday with paralyzing general strikes in all major cities. But for the mom· ent, at least, Algeria was spared th11 bloodbath many fear will come.

The· cease-fire, signed Sunday by French and Algerian Moslem negotiators, went into effect at noon. French headquarters for AI· geria reported later: "All is well."

IJirol'ision<Jl French-:\!oslem goy­

Resume Test· -·- ---------------- I But the 1-'rench \\We refcr-1 crnmcnt to rule until Algeria [\ ~ A , rin~ to I he lac! that not a ~h.1t i votes on independence. this sum-~\~W n, \\ !Pi\\ls had hrcn exchanged after tl1e. nH!r. u' ~ ";,;}' H y 611 cease - fire betwrCil French ' Slopping i~ HOillC en rome.

troop:; ;md the ~loslcm rebels , from Tnmoi<~ to ~lorocco. A!gu:·· still dispersed in the rnonn1ains. i;m nationalist premier Ben

Ban I reedy Tra .(i_ t"l•( : Thr stonn from the ri_~ht was

1 Yo1:-,et hrn 1\hcdd~ declared:

1 still blowing, and the European ''The r'Pasc - firP. h8' not Scnrl .\mw nrdrred its follow- , hrn11~ht pr;1re to .-\lgeri~. Thert.

· "1'.0 011 " 1\',:11' forJII.IJ~ a",.,,·nst 'he stilt are rncmir• of pP.Ace I 11'.\SIII:\tiTfJ:\ r('f'l -· .\ I_'_S ' ·• " .. " I • 1.-1·cnch army and authorities .. '.here." : ,<1;111' drparltn<'ill o,fici:d ><•id Thr SLTret nrmv has warned it The secret ;mny >howrd II.• I \lwula.v l\rl1!inm ~::<rr IIJ> '"trill~ · "ill fi;:ht the .\lgNi<nl nation.\- ;tn·n~lll l>r· l'allin~ th~ 24-liour · :·Lle~ :1nd olh('r nrm~ tr1 l'uh.a - · ·r. 1 1 · t' ii>1.< "~ -.~t·tl in an ohrions :~1- :!rner:~l .<11'1'"· l\' 'omma m~ (;Jo::\1·:\-.\ '1'1' 1--- TIH• l:nitcd In ''1'1 il ln··,ty. T'n•si<knl 1\1.'11 · firillllll\ of in·p~<·tinn ~\Till\'~•'· lw() ,_.<'<11'~ ;;:!n. ·

inet Names Fouchet High Con1missicner

· •cmjll lo \\Tc'ck thr t•r,1Sr-fir~ 1he city of Oran. anrl l:>y scat· SlClfe~. 11ri111i11 and 1hr ~nrirl tH'II\' hf 1s itllllOtiiH'rd .1 Ill'\\ ~C'· nwnls.

· • 11· · f. 1 11 · ' .o11rl kt'C.J' .-\l~eria French. ·terre! alta1·ks on .\loslem5 in rnion 1111110llllCCfl willtll',',llf:'~.-.. riP~ flf iltlllO~jJIH'ric: IP!-il~ )()]' nut. \\'t!"-'1('1'11 ~nun·r..., :-(lid, t:p . ~~ ~11'f" ~:ltl.-.. !r'{ ll'l'£1 1!-i •;o ~ ."ll(l\1' 11'.· 'E.·\SI'1' ·r·:~.-_s .·\l~i·ri'S ~e>.pt'tn th• massire dP.-'I<Jilrl"v lo rc '\\Ill \ ' II' I' I I \ ., I I' I' ' I'" I ll 't ' I r· I fll'l'.<('lll tl·,·lfll',. I'll ,'JI'',)]s.· IH•t,•·:'.'-'11 .""! .... 1' _,, ,. II l', <; ·' "· ''• e II'~O n 1011' .".r . pn 11111''> ne .t"·'""" ,,,_ :111! 1'1 ;1111 sl:lll< "' 11'111 )' ' ·

f()l. •" llllt'lc,·•.J' (n•.•1-11-,111 tl·n,·~·,,. ''•' .• 'I'C'l' Ill ,'111 f I I I ' I I' I II . . . ,. llrbnm anrt Cnlm.·· tllf• ofrktal : ployment of Frcneh troop~ in " , , . . I'll Ort'~ll 1 e \'!'il.)' ilS t•\'C'I' 11' liiH II' J'l'll\C'IJllr 0 Pneil:;incfs OI'Ct' the fCC'I'rt this tcn'P l'ity. Their tlrl'isiun In ~o h:wk to hefun• ttwn. 'inl<'rll:tlirm'll contrnl. They ,1rr . sai<l. 1 arm)' w:.'' shown hy the ,\lgrr-! CLOSE SHOPS

the hnn!aininr~ la'•Jlr 1111 I hi.- :,_. 'will in:~ lo modify ilrt;1ils hnl ·.nil 1 1 t 1 • th /sue ll'ilS rrw:ilrd on thr frin·~r: ln thr lal\;s coming liP. ;he insisl I hat 1hr l\l~>si;ms <H·c·rpt ~ 1 ~,1~~·ni 1::·~~:•·n~~:;;m~;;linti·on~i,1.c·,~~, :~;s ~=~ 10:;:·~~tio~' to mi~~:~t!r~ l stti~t~o~~;\n~ut ~~~~~~:;/ :0~11 aJ I of a li·nalion ronfert'lll'c~ ~pcm-: li.S. and Tlrilain arc rrportrrl <'lllllt~h inlt"'tJali:mal rnfon·c nwn Dante l'ascell who snid be, ·:shops and major services in

so1·rrl ~~~- the Unitc•rl \':1tions to 'inlclllling to offer some conc-c1-, mcnt to prot eel tl1c "''"n·ity of · 1 1 ' 1 d th T ~ct·k full c_lif'<_lrm:~ncn_t. . . 1· sions to the nus_sians for simpli-, all twrtic.·.1 to :m.r- lrst han. ''aw l'nhan troops earrymg Be ·I Table SpaCe I Oran, A giers an ° er CJ Jes.

. ginn riCes and other weapons. • Bands of European tough• lkput.v Sm·1rt I• on•1gn ~hms- , ------------·-·---------------------------- 1 To during his two-tby im•estigation patrolled the streets of Oran.

· lcr Zorin told a prrss eonferctH''~ ' p ~ • d c f ' · trip to the U.S. na\'.11 base ill Some wore arm bands with the '11''1":··· --- r·hri1ti<m • Tlir. assembly was caller! inlo, the .sol'iet Union 11''111 tccl to ~"1 1 '' • 191>~J\Il~~· 1:, ~-m "'M! 'l'!\1~ f">""'!Jf"O, Gmml~namo B~Y. Cub~. frnnnsa•s Secret army insignia and some ~ wrr~n diplom.1t 'C.,oion to role on the settlcmeut :~~:lin nhnul ~ lllll'lc:a·. tr~l h:l'l. : ~--'·fi \:.'i rc ~~~ ~. 01 Y,J. -~ ~ ~ ·~ 't~ ~ ~ ·~'& IW L"' ~ I showed we~pons. Only a !ew

; ·' '<.nrt1n_1 >11PJIOrtcr of reached Snndily n!ter 12 days of I Sp~l;rsmrn fur ~~mmc~n :1\ld army aml riot police appeared

Algeria ~~~". ~loncby 'ncgoti~lions b c t II' e en France Tln~lsh ci c I c gallons rrporlecl . short mras, or as a region-by· U:-i!TED NATIONS lAP) - ,·n the streets of the port and

'l·•n tl 1 I' I tl 1 " t 1 1 0 ~ 0 rc.~ion linkUJl pro,:iciing periodic Tl ,. ·1 d Sl t 1 d p · '. ::. le (C l(';rlr anrl dif· I anci the Algerian insurgents ;;t \e r ,m·e~·nmen s we comr.c n . tta\\w"'~a c, lC .__me a cs p nee rest- they ignored the secret anny Ia,, of fll!llli\1~ ,\[~eria I Erinn. such a IJJU\C, I ·p-... · ns F1l or continllO'!S interchange_ dent Kennedy's proposals tor t l St t I 11 J 1 . N II l tl l I f"..B JO!l FOlD liD \BLE . .· l b . . pa ro s. r~ s n a ma or I. 'IW< inclcpendencc. , , e\'Cl' 1C css, ICY lal'c oom- ' '· • ' U.S. • So\ tct col a. orah,on_ 1n cities were deserted as the

. I 'r, 'i 0 n of the m~ hcfo1·e them as ln1·gc ns I ~Jr. Dinsdale dc>erihcd the space before the Umled !'<allons, European minority obeyed the c'UnN named Fouche! Keep Eye On ever bnsic East • West cliffct'- By AllCII :\lacl\E:\'ZIE 1· cn;:incers. technical and economic fadms ~Iom!ay ancl smd SoVIet accep·l secret army's order to remain commi"'Dn"l' r01. \1, ences on cnforcin" a test han. I . . . . 1 1 1 'd 11 C t·mce woulcl be a fa,·orablc: · i' · ·· ' · · Tl m · · t ·"' h tl 1 • OTTAWA !Cl'J - A one-day I llr~ource' ~llnl:;tcr Dmschl<'. 1111'0 1·cc as orm1 a 1 e. omr~- ' lmdoors

lr.e !or~}er dthe c?nse- ·. c dl lc~~ion a~~ \~~!nti~nsw s~w:~:; \~~:federal • pro\'incial conference: chairman 'ur the mecling,. •said J silion of the committee will he ome~ "lor peace every:vhere." ~Ioslem masses remained "ar \\'~• an IJI_~nd~ AI-! ana tan done on a national hasis. as the! agree? ~Jonday to a>k Quebec II hr hoper! _some l'I'SilltS could, _he I announced soon, he added. U.S. delegate FranCIS ~limp- calm, obeying orders of the

at noon 1 ofhclall) de· 1 1 1 Russians insist, or hv inteJ'>la-: to JOin _n~. a detmlcli stu~ly of; adncvccl m a few I';< L•l;~. 1:1~; ,\ confere_ncc spe:ch text ;s- ton told t~e o~e_nmg se~slon J! I Algerian National Liberation

l'our.h• 1,-,.,,. tlic fiShing BOatS jlionnl nuthoritv as th~ West de-· the f~as1h1hty and e_eonrmucs •Jf: conumttec 1s to report hack to 1 suc•d h;· Prtmc J\luustc;- Dwf~·J· the 2tratJOn liN ~ommlttce 1on Front for discipline. ' 1 ·' <JI· i 1 • d '' I a natmnal pol\'l'l' ~ncl. 1 the t'tlnfcrcnec ill a subscqu·•nt : hal;er prompted Premrcr Br.n- peace 11 uses 0 ~ 011 cr space. ~ Je , French air force planes

lmpc!;silttiP n,ignm~nt of · AUGUSTA, ~!e. 1 AP)-:\lainc, m.m s. The close1\ c_onft'I'CIIL'C, which: meet in:~.. . . :nett of B~·itish CoiumiJi;l ,. to prop_nsals . con tam no conchtwn: dropper! an estimated 1.000,000 order <n n tcrritOi'Y co:lstnl wardens are keeping a I W~Enmn_ F.FFOHTS _ ; Quchcc alont• thd not atlc•nct .. '•s·' _.\ n:111onal Jlllllt'r ~l'hl " :·n- 'da1m a sluft n~ _federal. l"'~'cy or .. lu:~~~atH~n. . , .. lteaflels on Algeria's major ~it.

1111h I'IO!~nee II)' fo:;n•. s·lt•, rp eve on f'lshl'ng llo,•t•. fi'Oin l'l.wse chffcrcnec.~. plus tnc Sli(llell the tn~k to a .m.mlllltlee l'·d ;1s me• an~ :or tapp111g I_ <lll power ex pot ts-.a sluft led_- l he I c "·'< 110 11 ~11n.ccli,ll~ . re-1. irs, ple~din!( with the Euro-

extrem~>ts rlcdieatcd tu " ' " " k t1 f l 'ponse fmm _the Sn•:lel \ _nwn., peans to how to t11e 1·erdict of .l.l~crion indetwndeill'" Campobello, :-I.B., Olleraling off 'j Snl'lrt test explosiOns nf last of fedei'nl and prm·mr:lal goY· d~>tant ~oun·t•s of IHlwc•r lor : erat. ~I"' -~sl~en S<H:I .. l:.l· :~:- Its clele!(ate Ill the comnnttce. I' l•'l','n"e •'lid a"c·cpt tlJ• cease-

co~t. ' the ~1-•1nc "Oast hll wrcc';ed a lhn•c-''C''lr L'i''ol't Prnment • hnlro u·:~nstlli><inn · ton_·~·h<lll[ tr:1nsmi"iou to (JO\\'L'I'· to ~ec. Lo~tct. lw q.l,tlifu d II. .. ! " ~ " ~ ' ' I ~ ' '. • I ' ' . ' ' • ' . I .. ' 'I ' I t I 1 ' .'nliJ',lSS, ·.tdOi' l'I,•JI<Jn l\lol'OZOI' 'f' A de t h c cablnN . . llonald \\'. Green rommis- 1 - - . . -- o S.l) 1 sremet o Je on; a ". · ' , 1re. llll01111CCrs ma h

111 ~rl1n~ 11100 con· · . . ' . . · ' c-IJ<tngr. in emphasis. 1 Will sprak tod:tr-. i same appeal h;· raclio. 1 ~ memhcr,11•1p or 11 I' SJone1· of shore hshenes, smd . ---------- ___ --------

~ .rrorisinnal exccuti 1:~, ~.Jonday the1·e _is no e~·idc~lcc i - --- ··--· -----

1-- he 'CI un In 'lClin' . ·. that the Canadian fleet IS fish- II G ~ u .I s p . t <nd R<~-ist t'tw ;1'~~~. iug ,in. ~!ail~e letTitorial waters re-·e n . ' nve I s ·.even 0 In

111 prep-11-1·11" 1. · hut 11 1s hem!( kept under sur· I . • ~ olC , 'IJ t J • t I

, . 111 llhich .the Algc·-' ~-~·! a1_1ce o guar( agams any I -~~~ ehoos~ indt•penden~c i ""'!~!lions o~ the law. . 1 lr,rtr, I (,rcr.n sa1d he rccem~Ll re-,

. b.\T£ TO!l.\Y : ports of at least t11rce herring i th~ mectin• ·11 ,1.. . srincrs. ami possibly others, I

h , Js an- . r . . I al ric Gil\lllc wtll : 1shmg m the Willers he,twecn clnt~ nf a rcfrrendu

1. ~lonhcgan Island and Cane

to approl'c th~ ·ten: Small. A do7.Cn carriers have '.'~g-songht Algerian se~ 1 <~l~n been in the men, he said, " a rne>sngc to a spec- lc! haul the. cmlch bnck to Cnna-

or the French \ I cll:m cannenes. I today. ' s- i The patrol boa~ Guardian was I

~~~~ Cloudy w'th I

sent to wntch the operations after M a i n e fishermen ex·[ p1·esscc\ to "Green "a growing concern regarding the seining pmcllccs of Canadian vessels •u the Guil of Moine.

Green snfd owners of .~ny Ca· na(linn vessels foun~ fishlnr. within the -three • mile limit would be prosecuted.

fl . t scattered urnes. High today

l' cmperatures Min Ma:

Nl~ht lln)' T~ronto !.lontre3l........ 2!1 lloncton · · · ·.. 27 Halira~ ·" · ... 3U Sydney " " • · :12 St. John·~ .. ".. 29

' ...... 25 35


lf W ASfiJNG'rON < AP1 - A fire in· a motor Indirectly cnusetl an Atlns missile to crumple on its

~ launching site ncnr' 'fopei\a, 1 Kan., the nit' force saiil 'l'hm·s· I day. '!'he electric motor fs used

i to maintain intcmnl pressure on I I the lhin skin or the Atlas, thus

keeping the rocket's fuselage In shape while the missile stand~

ready 11n Its launchina base.

GUATEMALA CITY: Rioting Guatemalan students try in vain to keep the tear gas fumes from their eyes as they run from the tear gas bombs thrown by police during demonstrations here M:m:h l:ith. Mi_litary police battled teen­age mobs here March 13th in a day of wild street fighting in which at least 80 persons were wounded and more than 100 were arrested.(UPI Photo).


Canadian Disarm. Formula Jlv ALA~ HARVEY United Sl~tcs and his top dis- warned.

i GENiiVA !CP> - A buoydnt armament experts, William -------· ------------


· '11IE COUNTRY PARSON new mood 'ne Fosler ~nd Arthur Dean, came Gcncvn disarmament confer· over to congratulate Green. So cncc 11onctay night with the un- far only the Russians, Poles veilin)l o£ sel'cn-point Canadian and the Bulgarians have been formula designed to break the unenthusiastic . East-West deadlock on disarm· AGREE TO TALKS ament. In another conference devel-

In pcrhnps the first re~! show opment, Russia announced that o£ enthusiasm since the 17-na- it is ready to resume negotia­tion conference opened Jnst tions on a nuclear test ban in Wednesday, Western and nca- a subcommittee. Britain 1nd tralist delegations warmly wei- the United Stales said thev comed the detailed Canadian would accept, . proposals for reconciling ri":tl Through his eight - page disarmament plans submitted speech, notably devoid of the. by Russia and the West. weighty official language that

External A £ f a i r s !'Ylinister often deadens documents on dis-Green outlined the find • com- armament, Green weaved ~he ~ mon • ground aJ>proach in n . Uwm~ of, the urgency of S!IC·I ' •-•~ crisp, straight-forward speech cess m Geneva. "O h h h' h that India's Foreign Minister "If we . do not agree on this ur c urc es, W IC we Krishna Menon· called "great." occasion, the world may not be jtake for granted: a~e, here bP-

Foreign Secretary Rusk of tile given another chance," he cause someone d1dn t. .

... -· . .•

.I :!

i'/ '•

:I . '

'i ,I


'. '·


l '

I ' l:

;-.J· 1 ••• ....



Announce Winners · In Arts and Letters Competition

Paramount Now Playing

Search for Freed om. by Don Oakley and John lane P:::An4 OF TIBERIU5 GR~C""li•

I \tf": \l


< The Hon. Dr. G. A. }<'reeker, ·.··Minister o£ Education, wishes to

announce that Mr. George A. Pepper, R.C.A., O.S.A., Vice· l'rincipal Ontario College of

. Art, Toronto, who was invited ·~i by the Committee on Arts and

First Prize-Rae Perlin, St. John's, "Buildings and Har­bour".

Second Prize - Mrs Florence Barbour, "St. Paul's Church, Trinity".

ELVIS PRESLEY IN "BLUE HA WAll" IN COLOR There's something for every

member of the family, in Hal Wallis' spectacular and incred· ibly beautiful "Blue Hawaii", the dcliglltful, tunc-filled Tech· nicolor attraction now playing at the Paramount Theatre.

.;: : Ll!tters to adjudicate the Art Section of the Government· sponsored Arts and Letters Competition, has now complet·

Hon. Mention - :Mrs Barbara Barrett, Stephenville, "Seren· lty". . Sculpture:

First Prizc-:\liss Joyce Hall, St. John's, "Saul's Conversion" •

Second Place - F. J. War· rcn, St. John's, "Caribou".

Producer Wallis, Director Norman Tauros and Writer Hal Kanter hit on the happy . •· .. ed his adjudication and the fol·

lowing entrants have been named as prize winners:-

Bon. Mention - ·ll!rs Esther Herder, St. Jolin's, "Mother and Child",

idea of casting Elvis Presley as THE IWELVE !ABLES OF a ukulele-strumming tourist ~ guide accompanying n group LAW FOR ALL 10 READ El;c:;J: 7



Oil Painting: First Prize - Gary Sauml­

ers, St. John's, "Rooftop View". Second Prize-Stephanie Ed­

wards, Happy Valley, Labrador, "Juliet of the North'',

Honourable Mention - Mar· rei Cloarcc, Labrador . City, Labrador, "La rose jaune".

WHter Colours:

The results of the Literary Section of the Arts and Letters Contest will be announced within the next few days.

of schoolgirls on a tour of the At the same time that Greece was develop- officials were given a veto power over the two p~trician :.,;·.~:e to tlcfend n, Hawaiian Islands. 'rhis opens ing her civilization, Latin tribes settling on the consuls, patrician magistrates and senate (com- vandm.g mdr:Je c1:c~s. '·1~\' •::cro 'fico·:·· the door for lots of fun, lots seven hills of Rome were laying the founda· posed of former magistrates). Plebian agitation c(c·:1a11i.\~s Gr~v~hu~. known lo hi:,:o-ry ;:.5 ·:;!.: of singing and dancing and lots also led to the writing down of the laws in u o( authentic Hawaiian scenery. lion for the ancient world's greatest empire. 12 tablets, which were placed i11 the Forum. Elected tribune, Ti~crius ;;tlemnlc<l•o bwo·

Elvis, who has more songs in Like Greece, Home began with kings and The "Law of the Twelve Tablets" formed up the grc"t cstat~o and protect ti1c srr;'l· slowlv moved toward democracy. But while the Rome's basic law for several hundred Fars. farmer. pc w3s bc;1tcn to death i.n. J ri'Ji ·r,

this fii!Jl than any before, has Greeks suspected all politicians, the Romans, Finally, laws passed by the plebian council twcell Ins followers and the n<Jtrwran·: ,,: 1'cchnic~lly, there arc no not one but two leading ladies: with their tradition of the father as absolute were made binding on all citizens. year~; l:ter. GJi;Js rdurned from ,;,!di~~i~~":!

I U.S. nation~! holidays that luscious Joan Blackman, as a ruler of the family, admired strong authority In spite of these steps toward dcmncwlic carr:· 1111 !ll~ >lru;:.~le ,_,nd \\·; 1 :1:Jlcd 1; ·1

hare been established as such French-Hawaiian beauty. and and were too content with only the outward go\·ernmcnt, the Jlatricians ncrcr relinquished rcrul~!l:<Jn'l•·:: by ill? ~;v:n p•lriciJn d"-'· H,1

by the fcdrral government. Nancy Walters, as an attrac· forms of democracy. actual power. Rome's constant prcoccu;J<Jlion teo. flll<'liy n1cl 3 noh·nt <icatl:. ·• First Prize-Marcel Cloarec, live, vacationing school teach· In 510 B.C., Rome replaced her kings with with war, as she e:-:panded throughout italy, \','hat demnc1 ~ey ll0int• had <.tl;,::,~d i2,,,,

Labrador City, Labt•ador, "Roc'h A "session" of Congress cr. We won't reveal who finally two consuls elected annually from the patrician then Gf au!, hSpain fand Greece1, .1kc!'t s1 ohlicrs ~ few more ;>.~r.c:·a\ l,m~. Thl':t t:Ji:~c 1 i·:~: ;;~:

!\an;;'', . . usually m~ans that both Sen· wins Elvis, hut the romantic class, or ancient nobility. In 494 B.C., a peace- away rom ome or years 11· 11 e ,all( o1·:ncrs an<! the . .'ol'.rar stepped in. · Second Pmc-Dal'ld Black·. ate and !louse or meeting for complications arising out of I ful revolt by plcbir..ns, or commoners, i'lt;hthe banJtariJstoclhracy ~i~~· rifchthwit,lt [lave tlabor.~1~d >,;t:\.T I 'tl

1\'ood, Wesleyville, B.B., "FiS·i' the transaction of business. this triangle arc highly amus· i army, led to the setting up of tribune~. cse oo y. n c ml( u.c o e ~nc ccn ~:r:; "· -· . : .aw 111 1out I.ibcrtr urc in Space". ------ ing, and the many production!---· ------ --- ---------------------------------···· ----

lion. Mention - James Bad· Niagnra Falls probably at· numbers co.lorful and tlll~eful. ! tcrs: ,John .Archer . and Iris I Tompkins, Christ ian Kay, I Panavision·T~chnicolor cameras 1 has ncvc.J' been_ se~n to more : Bcac11. Diarnud l!i·al. foc·k, St. John's, "Odcrin". tracts. more visitors than any " Surrou.~?~~.~. the stat~ o~' :\drl.'ln. Walhs also Introduces I Jenny ~lax well and Pamela to th~ Hawan~n Islands for the t'yNai~hm;: auvantJ,;c, atHl hundrds uf 0 :;1cr .

other sin;;lc n~tural pheno· Blue H"wan are top p]ay~rs: .1 number _of appcalmg young 1 Akert. locatwn f1lmmg of the Para·, one can almo>l feel hilwclf in si~!1t; that !lke 1 _o_u_1e_r_M_c_d_lu_n_J: ______ m_c_no_n_in_A_m_er_ic_·a_. _____ A_n_gc_I_a_L_a,_n_sb_u_ry_,_n_o_la_n_d \'I'm· __ P_Ia_Yc_rs,_J_n_clt_ld_ing -~a_rl_en=: _ -~"-'a_ilis was wise in taking his I mount release. The 50th state· such_~o_l~rf:~-~!J_Ots_J~~V_a~f:.:~--~c~I~ _ _il_~:l;:.





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. ' ' '


View of spacious General Office of ~[erit

Insurance. Adequate space is providecl

for each clerk and ~ificial to speed the

transaction of business.






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Take advantage of M E R 1 T' S ''Composite dwelllng . policy", This is a special packaged policy with a number

of coverages in one. I e. Insurance on your building contents, personal liablllty as weli u Seasonal dwelllna policy (Insurance on your summer ho!DI or cabin),


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SPECIAL dl!count allotted when you take advantare of this new policy, '








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sT. JOHt

. !

THE FIRST 'I . male residencE . from Co om b ·s ·Breton.-! l\la:

Blitz for Re

St. John's h blitzed tonight b of women who

.· el'ery door scel

. the 1962 Red (

. Campaign . Orer fifteen h

mostly busy h · take part in the

to·door can\·a~s.

pni1.rd by ~!r

and ~Irs. John I

Earh of the . call upon ten h• . It 15 hoped to

rollcction in a hr · hall hours-IJ~l

· ; ·, tnd 10.30. On · 'll'ill be ri;ited .

Trip Nfld. A round tril

Newfoundland · ed in a packag

by the Washin ter. of the ::-;

· .· Historical Soci . 1002.

The tour, a1 rail tour way N ell'foundland"

: In Washington, · 4 and wilt pi<

· members at · ' Montreal. The . rhoscn to of

· ·· •ampling of h · ·: tencrat tour!;

•. Se~

lceb . ;, ; The sealers

:; ine were still . ! a large herd 0

· ; ted!slands, La · ·,' ~oth vessels, ·!/ Norwegian an .:: :; sealers are st ·<; unable either ,: the seals l . - The vessels

~d by bad we; tee since the l5 miles of i Patch last weE . A hclicopte

Kylr, has bee Rte because lr~ather.

;\ report Ia the seal pater !~:'6c enough oC\'Cfal time -Keou

·powt Disc

Mines A" I ' b ources 'I' . • " llll Keough is in ~~ssing a n; :lth Prime l -~baker and !lght other t

Originally 1/Qo~ was i~ ence but Mr represent N< conference, Quebe~ is

Province wh r!Presentatb llleeun1,

··" I"\ •U;;,

. '

~ .'~ '~~ :: ~:;~~ .: 'V:~


-H:·s Tl"Rl


:PEC'f \riLE

::mtage LS Veri· 1ghl IO


cope of Noob-


I • • • 1.

The Daily News TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1962


By ERIC A SEYMOUR 'l'he Sir Wilfred Grenfell

! I • • •

Shall Spring r Salvation Army's Tho '''" '"" •f W•b<>Ob -Hotel '" jo.t ''"'' b<o> e>m· F t • ·1 f M • a:r~:n~1~r.;;~ ~:!: .. ;.~; ·~f~~.~~:,·r~~~E~ Be Far Behind? . To~tt ~!.~!SA 9, '"''"-Sgt GH~~.~ era! Manager ol Wabush Iron branch is also located in the , 1 Temple, Springdale Street, the 1 land. Co., told this Dally News cor· hotel. · Officially the first day ol Winter l'lothing, including : final meeting for the 76th An·: Se!Cction-Songs of Test1 respondent in Montreal on There will be a great surge I spring is Wednesday. But the heavy gaiters. are being stacked nil'ersary will take place with • mony (N. Bearcrolt)-Tcmplt Friday. in work at Wabush this year : ea:;t coast ol the prol'ince, par- away for another season, and . Colonel G. Higgins as Chair-

1 Band, B/M. W. K. Howse. ·

A large work force would be and if the company gets the ticularly the Avalon Peninsula, pedestrians have gone back to man, a ~lusic FcstiYal will be Selcction-"Free, Healed ant needed soon as the Kaiser right type of people to do the has been enjoying pleasant raglans and hare shoes. . presenter! by the Sa!l·ation Satislied"-Tcmple Songsters Company of Canada goes into 1 work e1·erything will go well. breezes and sunny daj s-with In many places the green Army Citadel Band under the S/L. W. Woodland. high gear on the sixty million I The target nate for Wabush is rain, of course, in between-for grass is sprouting and only a Baton of Deputy Bandmaster Transcription-" All in tlu dollar concentration plant. 1965. The S20-million spur line the past two weeks. chirping rubin is needed to Nathan Osmond. The Temple : April Evening"-Citadel ·Band,

Ground was broken l.ast and docking facilities at r'oint 1 'l'hc city of St. John's has complete the picture. Band, Bandmaster \\'.K. Howse· D.B/:"11. :'<1. Osmond. Wednesday for the housmg Noire will be speeded up as been free of snow, for the must ! and Temple Son~sters, led by; The Holy Scripture-Bill!. R. project which will include 172 soon as weather conditions im- . part, for nearly a month and


Wilmore C. Woodland B.S.C.,: Chaytor. family residential units. A pro1·c. the streets and sidewalks arc A,ddreSSeS :will also present items of a l Air Varie-"Good-bye Egypt" temporary tenroom school is The compan1• hopes that more dry as in summer. K vocal and instrumental char-


-Citadel Band. a_lso being_ built along with_ a


~ewfoundlanilcrs with suitable The spring-in·the-air feeling actcr. '!'here will also he Vocal i Instmmental Quartet-"Free ftre. stahon and a pollee I trades will participate in the is evident everywhere around ~ and instrumental Soloes, and' and Easy"-Temple Bandsmen. station. job ad1•antagcs coming up in the capital city. Thousands of ~ n SUra n C e an item of much interest from : Selection-"\\' e are Junior

The huge modern cafeteria 1 the near future. A,ll that can motorists are shaking the win- the Temple Singing Company. I Soldiers'' - Singing Company, hns been completed and in be i> being done to help the ter bugs out of their cars and c f Below is a programme of! Glenda Woodland, Acting Ldr.

W' : i ~ ,; t ' ! the baseme_nt a recreation workers' living and working themselves with long drives on on erence what will take place at The; Offering.

~entre con tams a 12·lanc howl- conditions at Wabush satisfac- , the Trans-Canada Highway. • :Temple tonight. All arc we!· : Euphonium Dnet-"Capt. & mg alley, regulation size bas- tory. Conl'crliblcs roll merrily along: OYer 220 insurance people. · come. . . . 'Lieut.' s;L W. Woodland, kctball court which also with the tops down. 1 nearly double the expected : Spccwl Guest>. S.A. C1tadel • B/:IL B. \\ oodlaml. doubles as auditorium for con- --- -------------- I number, attended the noon : Band-D.B'hL N. Osmond. ! Transcriplion-"Trust in tha certs and other social gather· A t:lft,ther Cuban One Call luncheon of the ~laritime In- ; Ode to :"<ewfoundlanrl-1st. Lord"-Templc Band. ings. This also contains a t'.:un~; surance Conference in Halifax ! and Ja,t verses. Uniterl Bands. Courtcsies-C.S.~L G. Wood-stage or platform. There is Nova Scotia, March 15 to hea; I Prarer-~!rs. Colonel_ llig- , land. .

. ' '·~:~.

also 1 library, general games 1'1'· f tS One call was received by Paul Johnson of the' Johnson . gins. . . . ' ~larch;-"Snuth Down''-Ray room fully equipped. ...~e t.\C .. 1 1. d Insuran"e Offt.""' st 101111 -s , Introduet10n of Chalflnan - Allen, lemple Band.

" ct v 1rcmcn ycster ay 1 ' cc .. , • , • . . , • . Workers are living in new • ;1,1 11

f · T . , ~!r John"on •poke on the Bngadtrr B. F. J!allrtl. Select10n-"The Heart's Clos-b

lC ca was rom opsa1l ' · · ' ·' ·' · · · " •. , , . , ., , , , " . , · at-racks and the water and The Hith Cuban to defect at H d 1 . . h A f1 · 1 future devclopmcn\s in the in- Colonrl G. ll!~gtr.s will cd Door -Temple Son~stcrs.

rnE FIRS 1 1" 0 s n:DEN rs to a tTl\'(' at 1\·lUN l:i I sewage S)'s\em for the town of. Newfoundland's Gander Airport I (I~ as\ mg ,t. are pol I <unncc industr,.- speak. The Quecn-L"nitcd Banrl5. ma>: :·c,idriivl'. Holhmcrc Hall. \\"Ct'C Winston Fiander i \\'abush has hecn completed. • and srl'k admission to the .;:,~<c. ov~r urncl on the road. 1 • Primarilv at; educational • Vocal Soln--".fr>us lnrcr of Benediction. ;1c:n L\'tJn:l';; Co\·c and Earl King from Harbour: . A.s the water !rom Wah nan· • United States was identified in · te lias no damage. i fundion, the conference was a,--------------------~··------------:--

B·r:0n.- . ~I<!.\ ~]C!'('C't' Photo l. : tsh La~e starts to _flow to the· Ottawa ~londay as 36-year-oltl ! one-day intensive program I E j c k G t . . ----· ---.----- . town Site system It Is heated Carlos Manuel Diaz Fernandez. ~eal H}·nters which heard eight .guest leclur-1 .ll n.o e e s

1 in winter from 34 to 47 de- 1 Fernandez was the co-pilot o! ! .: U ers speak on a w1de range of I • • \#

Bl't I c·' T . ht : grccs to keep It from freezing a Cuhana Airlines plane which. insurance topics. Speakers and LZ ~ n hY C'nlg 'in the pipes and thus prOI'ide 'landed at Gander Sunday night. S"lfe On .Island :those attending, represented 1 the residents With fresh Wa\cr on a fli~ht from lla\"Jll.l \0 Ita a ' company, agency, adju,\ing and I

at all limes. By the time the ' Prague. llc a~l:cd Canadian im- rahng segments of the bu,incss. i

fer R "'""'"-a~ c ,!&'"OSS (am pii l·g n ' wat~r .gets to the sewage sys- : ofC:cials fo~ tran~it • Three mksing ;'\cwfoundland Amongst the speakers of the . ~ ,, . em II ~s down to 37-38 degrees. prmle2eS lo enable hun to ap- ' ocal hunters were found YCS\cr- conference committee were ·the ~[oncton-Ernest .T. Cooke has ~ r . . : The pipes are nine feet into ply to American authorities for :day about eight hours ;ller a following, who are well known · been named General ~tanager i .• ··

the ground. a visa to enter the U.S. l search started for them in the in the Newfoundland insurance • for Canadian National Railways I' · 5: ·'•''":·, h•mt·~· will be , that each home will contribute The Quebec ~ealth lnspee- 1 The 15 other Cubans who de- < northeast section of the Gulf circles: G. ll!organ, one-time Alantic Region, it was announc- ;

t':::cd 1 ,,r.:~l' ,,,. a ;mall army at least one dollar. to,r recently mspec~ed. the i fccted earlier at. Gander all of St. Lawrence. · manager of the Newfoundland ed today by vice-president How- · r: ,. 0 ~,n ·.1·::,1

>~tll l:nock on The taroct of the 'ty . , \\abu~h camps and_ satd tl was. were successful m obtaimng , Board of Insurance l(nderwrit- 1 ard C. Grayston. n::. C<•<•r •fc~ln~ funrls for . . ~- . Cl can :the first such proJect he had Amcd~an l'isas. The men were spotted on · ers, now Branch Manager of the 1 :llr. Cooke succeeds John :'! 1 ~,~ J:o:rl

1 r(l,, Finr.ndal :~~~s e\~td::r~~O--t /lgu~c '\t 1 l'isitrd nnd had not found any- Flat Island, about 10 mtles north Canadian surety Company: Don . Denwcoc who was recently

(a•·.-. .-;::n , le 11 1es or Je thing of which to complain B • ol Port au Choix. B. Baird, Branch Manager of 1 appeinted ,·icc-president of two Y\'ars tl1ry have used the -----·----·- ll'lliUS A helicopter from Torbay

(<· ;; f ':rr:• 11

11drrrl women. onP·night hlitl tnrtks. ::!1 1 airport failed to l~nd 'on the the America Fore Group of i Transportation and illaintcn- i ~:;· •, !•!\-\ ll"ll·f'I'IIT, will Catl\'a,rrs. will 1Jn t'!l"llil'ft'•rl Legl·slature BRil1VS.--Lcnt is hcin.c 0 ,_ 1 Companies: Bill Shakespeare. i Rnce- ' , c ' d · 1 ll -1 d Ch 1 t" and festerday and some hours '! · 'I h · t h. t ll\( par: 111 :r.

1• ,,

11(' ntght d(\or· hy their Heel Cross lapel pins I srn·e 111 lie nt c . Ill"<' 1 "anager Nova Scotia Board of i r ~ nn~> n L> nrw_ PM ,

11 1l)' '''"ekl)' s·•r1-1·ccs. IJ•J1t "•"t"h later a Lancaster plane from J u d · 1 h ·of sernnrl in roinmanrl C:\'· \I '

:--j "': "''"' :·· •. "!wh II'H• or· lind b.1· Ill• nfft.ct'•lt·"cet'pt~ the)' -- ' , , ' , 1 . nsurance u et·wrtters; Rap ' · · ·. • . ' ' 1

- · ' n ' . I 45 ' tIC airport rlroppcrl foort, cloth- A " I t" R . . . rl hTrl ~ttllr." wtll i"lle lot' ,,

1 ,, 1111,111115

of . Cl T d ''l'nc,rlny nig 1\ nl 7. , p.m. 1n . nucnon. Agency Supr.rintrnri- · an 1~ r.~1nn e~;penrncr ~alii" , .. oses 0 ay Ill)! anrl sllpplirs to thr mrn. ' (' I \I f th •·: :.!;• J.,·,n n ll')lr~ nuc d"llilr and over. :\11 rollrc- • . i thr A!'ar!r-m)' !lnll. RI'.~i" rrpOI·tnrl the men .. rnt, nor~! Exrhan;:e-AI)~.<. ~s .rnrr'1 , :tn~~Pr o r.' lil•ll~ will he 1111


orl in to te''In. · The pastor. Rc1·. Ro\anrl )J' , . (;roup; Prtrr Holme•. A~<i.<tant . Prairir nr~inn. . . " \\' 11 I t 1 l. tl e ' l!'llllel r..IJillri, .lr_""Ph Alfi,_ls . J',J'alll"h .\l•tl.'!".l", ROI''l-t:),,IJ" :'<1!-. ('qn\;r I' nn str~n~rr tn

,, ' o! '''r C>t:• ;•, .f'l', Will ' [If Ill t tl It I II t" The 1\cwfntindl•nd L~-,-_,la- ' r ; 111 ' ~:en ;I, ll:, 1"111 . I II I " ",'- n ' c (a " ' 0 1.~ 1 or 1'0 er Ion n <" all! /\ lCII 1 a1111) n. to he Ill f'otn :<tlir·· r " ' B.. ' 'Atlantic c~n"la. For three ,-ear.< '

rf' ·tr ·•: ., · .,,,.l·r'l"l'lrr< ~nrl on \\'c;lnr;rla)· ni~ll\ h)' Zone · lure will offidully prnro~uc to- ''TI~r Sii\'tnnrhon<l of Year'"· '~ond ph,·,ical conditton "nrl ex· · P ·'· " 0 r .. on tar!,•. · 111"7 1 WoO 1 · rt '' I' ., • '~''; ,_, ,.,.

11,1,,,c•,r lh" 1 rl

1• tl•l' 11w fn·st <crncc on Turs- II · . 1 Braneh ~lana~er Prndr.nti'l of ,, o · --- '"- <Cl

1 e n.o; • ·

c .• ra c <. · "· • • . ee cnt ~ptrl ~ ' ' · ~~- · 1 r. 1 s · I ··>:'.'" ·. ,;,,::: :-.,n and onr ~~~·cr)·body i~ "'ke~ tn h"r~ The Hous~. "'hich opened In dar ~\:mh l~lh ll'a' nn ''1 he, A I I' . •'I . En;;lanrl; ll"rrc)· Allen, Branch: ~nacn anr .enrra . upmn-. 1_;:! ''1"'--'"·'-.'""' -~ n't•llll'k tl ·r rl ,. I I tl . Jantlarl' 1\'0illl!l tip ,·t r""ttl•r Jni~nfiOI! of llis' Sarinnrhon!l", I.,. lC lc~pter ,",'It llca~p Tor- }!:mager. Phoenix of London. : trndrnt. of th"- old !'ell·fnH!Ifl·, E. J. COOKE 1~1 011<1 lOll r~at )' or JP. ' • • 5 'M n la, ;nrpOli e:1r ~ 0( ") 1\1 All \I [I !' t) f i \a!HI i)istrict.


t·i : 11 ~ 0 ''"1 t,;_ono hnnw> ro!untrcr l'am·ass~rs tonight to: hu~incs~ at 1 a.m. on Saint. il\:llt. lB, 1. · rffnrt to take the men of! the 1

so a enn~g le con errnre; J-1 • h AI Mar;trg. i '·: '• 1 ·-''" ""ol I liP hope is eliminate rail hacks. I'atl•ick's Day. Durin~ thr ses- · A large con~l'r~ation ~~lhrr- ·island. · ~ wrre many adJusters who wrre ' t' wa.l orn · \\'a I•;. ~amP t" l'>n•d" ~~ ~;

. -------. -------------- sion, some ao pieces of le:;i>la· rd to worship and it is hnpcd ! holdin;: their Maritime (nsur-. ------ • hoy. a:1n join•d the Railway i~:

T • B R •1 A lion pass~d through the House. tlwsc who were nnnhlc to cnme i ancc Adjuster.• Conference thr Att ·~ ,,. f"r 1!12~ a; a Carmen'> apprentict

riP Y .. a The Legislature will be pro· will be prcsrl:t on ~larch ,?tllh I'll II I I d i followin~ da)'. .. ' n.,u te I es at Tramcona Shop~. Winnipeg. I cross rogued this afternoon by the when the subject Will he The ue s an ' He progressed Ulrough \'ar;

Administrator, Hon. R. s. Fur- D:sclosure and DtscoYery of I 1 T 1Jt I ious positions, being promo_te~ I long, in the absence of Lieu!· His Saviourhood"._ On 1\~~rch N t Highway 0 .Mrson :to Carman_in 1929, Apprentict!

N fl d f A • enant Governor Campbell ~lac- 20\h the t~ll; \~Ill be The I 0 e s . ' ~nstructor m 1937, and Foremar nr m.efl(a:"'S pherson. 1\lany prominent per- Scope of Hts Savtourhood. o_n' c d•t• Two fires on Doseo property Ill 1944. • w ~I sonalities have been Invited to Apr:ll 3rd, :'The Need _or HIS I ~ INDECENT ASSAULT on I I ODS have been attnbuted to arson.' . In .1947

he was appointe{

A ro~nd tr.p by rail across' three Jarnest of canada's four attend the prorogation cere- ~~~Jou~h~od;.Ho~ ~prt\ 10~~~· A resident of Bell Island was The Hi"h~ays De.partment I One fire occurred on Friday, S~pcr~nt~nde~t of C~~ ~~061 ; ~e·•foundland i; to be 1ndud· ·\tlantic Provmces s'i"htseeing monies. 1 Ale!! os 0

1 IS atllouhr wo ·1n' ·charged in Magistrate's Court reported that sc1•eral 1w1sh-outs 1 ~larch 9th, at midnight at the 1

ad for ougel, t ' abru 0


1; n . • · o Premier Smallwood will miss are we come o s are ' th 1 d . h d d :-.; 6 •1 .. h 1 an our years a er ecamt · ·l_a Plt·•:,:e tour organized !tours are planned for llloncton, ' . . :these Lenten services. I ere yes er ay WJt tnecent occured on the road from Gan' :unuse 'o. <;Jano~ o~se •. an; Superintendent of Transcona'

:'. t,e :1 a,~l.t<:ton D.C. chap- New Brunswick, Sydney and today s closing .. He IS on Ius 1 l'ERSONAL as~ault. There was no en de nee der to ~ay Sout_h ~nd a~ a , the other on \\ edne,da:;, :l!.mn Shops. I .e .• ~[ .r.t \.<\tonal RatlW,JY Halifax, Nova Scotia and St. ~ay South for his annual vaca- I A small nrou of friends I tal.en and the case was post- result thts road Is unpasstble Hth at 10.45 p.m: on -~ne of the lie was made Assistant Gen llis.o.1ra! ~·'cll'cl' lor ·\u"ust John's Newfoundland j tion. I tl d , 1 o 1 1P7th t 1,,.11 i paned unt.l lhts afternoon. The I but JIJghway personal are work· sectiOns of the llans-l>land con- d 'Jl SLIP ,rintendent of Cai '&:2 · • ~ 1 ' ' ga Jere 1' nrc 1 a '' 1 o- 1 · t t · th · · n 11 · d "t ·t 1 d v )'O ·rste n B II f · I -ere " • . . The tour group will arrive at ' . . . , , won Farm to celebrate the 70th comp a~n an tn c case Is a tnb on ns. an I I wpe to e r '·: r_. o I Ires ' equipment for the Central Reg· r~, tour. R<herltsed as "A Port-aux Basques

011 Au"ust 9 Theres a posstbthty the 1 b'. hd , f :\!. W L B t-l non-restdent of the Island. I be opened m the near future. caught 111 tunc before senons 1011 at Toronto in 1952 anc

1~11 :our ""' down cast to and take spectal sleepers ~n the House ~ay be called toge~her n t 3.' 0 • 15• , • • h:~n I -- Roads in t Bachic \"erie area damage was done either to the three Hars later was 'transi -:e•foundlan<i". wtll ,.

0111mcnee "Caribou" [or the trip across l~ter ~~~~ yea~ to pass legt~la- let~. u~rs. B~r~et·,car~as bein" , .To RECRUIT ~liNERS jwcre closed oYer the week-end cha•:gchousc .or to the con1·e) or [erred to St .John's as manage

I., lla!ntn~lon. IJ.l'. on August countr~- to St. .John's. Two days !ton dealing ~vtth t.he estahhs_h-, hctc Oler th~r!d ~tat~~ citizc~ '!he !ron Ore Compa,ny of 1 due to snow fa11J and roads ncar , bcltmg, a s1x-foot scctwn of of the :-;cwfoundland District lar.d 11111 p1<k up additlllnal Will be spent in general sight-f mcnt of~ lh1rd m11l .o~ the IS- a fort~e~ ut;~-, 1• 0

· 1 ink of Can:\da will be sending a team 1 Trout Rtl'er 111 Bonne Bay were i wlml1 was affected by the fire. He mo,·ed to Winnipeg fron' ll:!mom a: :\r)l' York and seeing

111 the St. John's area, land, Thts Ia not dcfmtte, how- anad tl " r 1 :ct~l \w-'1~ h en; to Bell Island this weekend to also closer!. due to snow, how- ~lana~emcnt has stated that :\"ewfoundlans in 1960_

llontrcal. Titr r<•ute has heen with accommodation at the ever. I he~ as not hal m~ a a, s e I .recruit workers. ! el·cr, a htghways spokesman such acts by Irresponsible per- . :llr. Cooke took an actin par IM!en In offer a generous Newfoundland Hotel. Departing ~ hcte. I A spokesman for the local • reported that all roads were. son or persons could. under cer- in community affair! durin:' nmpltn, n! hnlh railroad and ' on sunday, August 12, the tour ICe BlOCkS [ miners' union said that over 30 , hop~d 1 ~ ~e ~~ened by today. : tam mc_umst<tnces, prevent the . his sen· ice at st. .Tohn's and wa.: l!nrra! tom·1,t a\lractions in is scheduled to wind up hack p I' M k

1 men Wtll be mterncwc<l anrl. IIJ~hll.a)> ac_1055 the r_cst of resumptiOn of operations for. a director of the Rotary Chtl:!

. \\' I' t. A l 19 0 ICe a e tests Will he held on the Island 'the p!OilllCe ale all repmtcd to' sercral weeks because 'ome' member of the Board of TradE 1 m as ung on on .... ugus . . · • be in goorl dri ·· " d"!' . · 1 · · ·

1 ~!embers of the National F 'l'he accepted men w11! be gil'· i . , •·

1 lllh con 1 tons 1 cqlllpmcnt cannot. be replace< the Xewfoundland RchabJhta1

Sealers lctbound

Railway Historical Society re· erry 4 Arrests en work on the Company's pro- ' cunstdcnng the season as com- . from stocks retatnerl at the ion Association. Bally Hally an• f~r to themselves as "railfans'' jecls on the Labrador. pared to that of other years. 1' mine. : Country Club and the St. John'

1 . k 1· · t t 1 · -- 1 • • Curling Club.

unr _ at.e , e~~) 't ~res et -.I~ The Bell Island-Portugal Col'e 1 F t d b ,JOliN GUY CROSSES CORRECTION . Secunty mPasurcs are being : At Winnipeg, he "'as 8 mem pre•er\Inb ~ us. ory an_ fer~y John Guy was tied up i . • our _arres s were rna e Y The fcrr, John Gu , i The St . .Tohn's Jayceltes Ad- : taken _to protect the plant, but ! ber of the Winnipeg Cham be tradtltons of ratlroadmg, Their agam up to late Monday hem· 1 ctl)' poltce yesterday. i 11 p ; 1 ~. 5 now • vct'liscmcnt which appeared in • there Is no assurance that fur-


of Commerce !'he Canad1·ar The

1 . .. ·t r t 1. · d, ·g d 1 1· ' ·r 1 d f · on 1e or.una Cove stdr. She · 1 h . . 1 ' • ito we sea t·r

1s Kyle and Alger- I c


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,? n· med in by heavy ice in the . w_o dmedn . were ardrcst e for crossed over h vesterday after a 1. yesterday's. paper stated the : ht er arson al~empts wtl not ~ Club of Winnipeg, St. Andrews' 1

'· re suI unable to reach c 111 c sue 1 1111 s as 1e uran· tickle. unpatre riVIng an wo or th 11 ·h . 1 winning number as 203 should I aYe more SCl'IOUs results than: Society the Manitoba Club anr tlarge herd of scab near Spot- ford Museum in Connceicut, drunkenness. pa !rough t e heav~ ICc was 1 have read "302" so far experienced I th Ca;le\on ·Club : ted Islands, Labrador ycstcrda)' the historic Sydney and Louis- The ferry made a number of made for her by the tcebreak- · · e · ~lt~ reosels, along with Jiv~ burg Railway in Nova Scotia runs between the two points SIIIPPING ers Wolf and Labrador. ~orwe~ian and two llalilax and Newfoundland's unique Sunday after a narrow gap was The Harbour Pilot reported mlers are still ice-bound and and famous narrow gauge rail- cut In the Ice by the Federal : that one ship sailed yesterday, ~ither to reach land or way. It is very htcresling to icebreaker Wolfe. :this was the Pierre Radisson.

e mls. note that a promotional leaflet 1' Three ships entered, a German ,/he '~c;,els have been p!agu- issue~ in connecti~n with this But the Ice closed In again Freighter and two small Ge.r· , b) b,d wcathrr and difficult vacal!on tour crcdtls the local Monday, forcing the Guy to tie man Sealers. A Russmn shtp

~·-t !tnce they rratltcrl within express train scl'l'ice with the up again. anchored just off the narrows ~ mllCI nf tile rxlcn>ire seal I best on-time l'eeord ol any I while awaiting blood pfasma P-~h laH week. : train in the entire Canada-Wide Sunday's runs were the first i from St. John's for an injur~d K;l nchroptcr, CnlTicrl hy the C.N.Il. s)'slem. 1 for the ferry In two weeks.

1 seaman.


\ ha; been llll?.ble to o)lcr· · -----------------------------------. · •.. rrail~e of !loor fll'ill" I

'-••hn. · " 1

,,.\ rrpurt Jaq W!•ck ~aid th~t I '''c •cal pat h ' · k:c c c ncar the ship> is i '·t· , nou~h to !til all ships I · • tunes 01w," 91

I Keough On· 1

·power Grid niscussion

lline; A• . 1 · 11urce ' . ~rtcu lure and Re· ~. s ~ltntster Hon \V J "•Ollgh j· · • • • :ussiug • In ~ttawa today dis· I'Ith Pri a natmnal power grid !nbake me ~!mister John Dief­!iiht o:h:~d repr~sentatives of Original!·Canadta~ provinces.

~OOd wa~ .l •. Prem1er Small· tnc• b 1· Invited to the confer· rep;Cle~ M.r. Keou~h will now !onf 1 Newfoundland at the ere nee

Quebec : th PIOI'ince ~~· 1 c only Canadian I!Prtsent . IC 1 has not sent a lllttUnl. alive to this important

l\IR. and 1\IRS. J. C. JENKINS of 154 Craigmillar Avenue, St. .Tohn's, were named the lucky winners last wee~end, of the big Clal'k Foods contest. They have won a weekend trip for two to the City of Montreal whel'e they will se~ a regular N.H.L. ·game, have a tour of .the City, and meet top hockey stars . ..:..(Tooton Photo). · ·

Missionary Rallies On

West Coast Pastor and Mrs .

Prince, missionaries of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Can· ada, have moved to western Newfout;~dland for missionary r

rallies in that part of the prov­ince.

They will he special speakers at rallies in Corner Brook, Deer Lake and Stephenville.

The Princes will hold a rally at the Corner Brook West Pentecostal Assembly Wednes- · day and at the Deer Lake Pente­costal Church March 22.

The missionaries will speak on their missionary experiences both in Africa and in Palestine. They were stationed in Kenya, East Africa. Mrs. Prince, oper· ated a Pentecostal children's home, mainly for Jewish chil­dren in Palestine.

For the past three months, tbe missionaries have been min­istering in· Italy, Scandinavia, and England.

.Toska, a fotir-year-old Afric· an girl. committed to the Princes' tare by the Child Wei· fare Societv of Kenya, is travel- I lin~ with th r.m. l

The Primes held rallies in St. · John's last week.

SPECIALS Bey's Windbreakers

Rayon lined with collar, zipper front and knitted wrist bancl.

Sizes 3 - 6JC. 2.95 Boy'S Grey Flannel Pants

Self B-elt. Sizes 26 - 34. 2.95

+ ,. I I

' ( i

I. •

:, .

'· '

( t·


\ I


., . '

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4. TilE DAILY l\EWS, ST. JOH~'S, NFLD. TUESDAY, ~lARCH 20. l9!iZ -~------------------------------------------------------~- ..............

I , I I THE D;i/L r NEWS ' l '

Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

Y'Pj\RL \' SUUSCRll''flO~ R,\ TJ·:S

Can~a .................... . $12.00 per annum .. '

t:nitw 1\in::dom nnd nil for}!il:n countries $14 00 prr annum

Antlwr17NI a~ srl'l'lld rl~s' mail, Post Ofkc Drp;:rlmt•nt, Ottawa

The DAIL\' SEWS Is a morning papc:r established in 1!!94, and published at the News Building, 355·359 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, O)'

Robinson & Company, r.imited.


TilE CANADIAN PRESS . ' The Canadian Press Is exclusively

entttlcd to the u;e lor republication of all news despatches 111 thts paper credit· cd to it or to the Associated Press or Reuters and also the Jucnl newg publish­ed therein.

All Press Services and feature articles tn this paper at·e copyrighted ~nd thell rrpt·odurtion ill prohibited.

~ ~

~lembrr Audit Rureau of Clrculntlun

'l'UESDA Y, II·1ARCH :lD, 1962


\''nh t!w ~ltllpPrt nf the •:;bt tt:i'.lfl,tl.\' of the Frrnch n·,tinn, F't'l•,;•detlf dr G::ullr h:ts ;11 Inn~ last ;:JITI\Trl ;JI ,'/l1.i1:~11'~1 \lH''Jt \\"iflt the c\kni"tl ll-ilit11!~1t~f.s fh'lt \\'ill ~;ti­l; C•. 1\1'' hlli'Ol\1' nf l•o(h .c~I'Ol!pS, "nd 11•c ft.~:htt:H! hl'l\\'Ct'n lh(m, and nt•ell t'•t• 11·;;~- fnr thr r;trl~· cst;,b-1 'ohmeP\ nr .\ ll~c·ri:Ht inrlcpcnrionce.

F11r dl' C;-ulle it !·;1s hcc>!t a rlip­J .. ;n;;iil' and p(llittc;tl trittml'h. The .\l·~crian \1'<11' ha:; c·ost more than ·llill,lliltl I•I'('S in sC'\'Cn ~·cars anrl 11.::: HllJ•noc•l l!!'ii\'C' stre;:,cs and : '•·,,::.' llJ10it the• Fro•wh fll'publil'. 1-'nr the 1\ii\ion;:!::;\s, il has nca\('rl iln ;,tmnsph('rr itt \l'hil'h it \l'ill be i'~'''·ihlf' for :llnt:dJir rel;ttions tn ~·"nlitHir ll'ith nfitcial l'ram·c.

Rnl tltc cr;J:,P-ftrc h:1s not cnrlcd ~trife in Algeria. The fan<Jtic:,,,

Higher In almost the d~·ing moments o[

the preoent session of the House of Assembly <1 Bill introduced nt the request of the city of St. John's has hnrl <1 mi:.:cd rcce:ption.

The Hou~e l1:1s appro\'ed the Council's rronm:Rl for the ilddition of a cent a <:<<11lon to the city's tnx fu'::'l oiL Tl<··. at the pre~;ent rate of consumption. will acld S300.000 a wnt· to the rcHnue of St. John's. • The wi~h of the Council to make the de\·clopcr~ of new housing nreas \\'ithin the eil_v responsible for the \\'holl' to.·:t or ~:cn·iL-ing the Lind h:t,, beL·n denild. This. ho,•:­e\·er. M'L'llb 111 have bL'PII the result of mi,tltH!Pr~l.!ildin~ (lf the pUI'·

J'l ,·,•,, td' 1111' p!;l\1, Thr addi:iot•al 1:1:-; 011 fud uil

\\'ill lw 1111 m11rc \\'c• 1 u)l\1~· th:m <111~· tax incrL'<I'l' c-.·cr is. lt rcpt c:;enU

But Not Peac-2 lcnrlrrs nf I he Secret. Am1~· Org<llti· ;(ill ion' lJ<n·e no intention of <Jccept· in~; the srt I Iemen!, Thry h<ll·e t cr.

· rorizrr] t hr Europc:m populn !.ion nf :\l;;cria into becominq their fright­ened ilnd\'e allies in 11

I re<~snnahle <1nd irmt.ionnl r·n11~e thnt hns brou~ht on conditions bor­de>ring nn 11narchy.

The• effecli\'encss of the historil' settlement th<JL has been produced h_,. the dedicated and pairiotic t'f- . fort~ of clc GauJle has to be cstab­li~herl b,l' a coml,inc<l efforL to crush the Scc·rel Arm:: Orgmtiza­lion and restore ~ecut·it.l' to the sf ri!'C'-ridrlen count r,\'. L'ntil t:wt h:1s lwcn m·hh~\·ecl, the cease-fire

. ll'ill fail to acc:ompli~h its true ob­jecti\'es,

<1 doubling of the existing lnx. B1\t there arc few sources of new n~,-­enue to which the Council c<m tum and the need of beii1~~ able to finance some major capit;\1 pro­jects is imperative.

The $300,000 of new revenue ex­pected to accrue from the increns­ed tax will finance more thnn three million dollars of new capital ex­penditure nnd it is to be hoped that a good part of this mn~· be de\·oted to the implementation of importnnt sections of the urban re­newal pro_gramme and the pro\'i­sion of new building lpts in the norllten~lem suburbs.

Hml'l'\'er. the Council would be wi'(' to m<1ke a. publil' slalc•mettt on I he projects to w h it-h the L'apilal proclut·ed b~· the additional rc1·enue will be applied,

The Drama Festival

'· ' '

T:.'· ;:il ::~rrmutt:: the rcgionell rli·•ma fcoti\-ill. to \\'hit:h Granrl V<dls \l'il,'i hnst thi:; year, hils bcc!l 11 C! rc<~t sueccss.

Si:·: groups of pla~·ers worlwcl hard and. to a very large extt>nt. in a broud ficlct of experimenta· t ion. choosing difficult plays that presented special chnllengc~ for directors. players, set-designers i'nd costumers.

This hold nP11l'oaeh clcnrly im­prc~sed the ml,iudicator, Miss Nor­ma Springford, and brought from her the comment that all was go­inA \''ell with the theatre in Can­ada r,·:1cn nmatcur groups were prcp<tn:d to follow this venture­::11111e ['11\.1\'::e.

1'\r·ihin~ <'<111 be said here in the ttatm~~ of l'rit icism since, except for tbosc \\'ho were able to nlte!lrl lhtJ

festi\'al at Grand Fall!;, nH nf L:~ have been dependent upon tl·.e nightly ndjudications thnt came to us by radio.

The News extends il~ congratu­lations to those who won the nwards and must observe also thr.t no adjudicator since the regional festival was first launched !:as combined the clarity of expression, the wit and the evident sincerity nncl interest that have chnrncteriz­ed Miss Springford's comments ns they came through the medium of rndio.

It is to be hoped that all the com­pcti!'tg groups have found encour­agement nnd incentives in the ad­ditionHI experience they hHvc gain­ed in prepnring for <~nd parlicipat­inr! in this yc<u·'s fcstivnl.

Rem~dy For Defcndtiii~ :iunters It ir; reported that. the Depart­

i i mcnt of Mines & Resources has · I hecn thinking of prosecuting those

!·big game hunlers who have failed j tn comply with the conditions

, I undct· which their Jlennits were is­! _; sued by failing to file tlw reqttil'dd .•

. 1j returns.

l' , 'l'he people involved are ch;efly i jmoose hunters. All but ten out ~f

: j, :.100 persons licensed to take caribou .l :·:have furnished the Wildlife De­:i :! .pat·tment with the necessary infor­! . malion. Bul people who hunt i : caribou are in search of trophy

, I' ·animals. Their attitude towards : l :1 hunting is different from thosn

.. J ; , who simply want to kill a mooso i , I.. easily and quickly as possible in

1; · ;, or~er to get a little exercise and •; · :-a freezer full of meat. ,.

· Of those who received a licence , . : to take moose, nearly 5,000 'have


failed to repDi t. in spite of the terms under whiri1. !.he licence was is­sued· and tlle conservation pur­poses for which the returns are wanted

They ·ba\'e broken ~ contract and it is up to !he Wildlife Divi­sion to decide whclher pros!!cU­tion should follow. But what is h1r more important as a remedy l'hr clefnult in this situation is advicP. to the tardy that since they cannot be trusted to comply with a simple rule designed to assist in the prop­er management of our natural re­sources, it will .be a waste of time and effort for· them to seek a big game permit in the future,

In fact, no' permits should be is­sued to anyone who, having been duly forewarned, ignores the simple ro~uirements made upon them by the licensing authority.

---• ----- ,....,.. .. w••_..,.,.. __ .,._,.....,,_ ..... ,. •• ._..,. __ .......,,.,.,_ .,---··~-j

J'lt's Catching Up to Us!

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-- Auld Lang Syne ~laJ·ck ~o. 1n l i:

\\'ralhri'-Cienl' anrl rolrl

TH U:A \'E :\'ET Mm~TII llri:·:;,.tl's .\· 1' .. 1. C:~>hl'l,

~It ''r>. C. Crm bit•. B. Butt. \I. Jlolictl, 1'. 1-'nrbc <IIHI \\'. 1\c•ough Hl't't' ~clc·eted ~·r:-ll'l'·

day aftr•mun h,1· lhc Nati011<1l Cnnl'rntion to comprise lhr· rlclrgation wlll\·h will pron•ecl to London to cii>ru;s lll<ill~·rs

r:·:·nrdil'·~ the t•t·onomic and thr fi11anri;•l l'onditions in :\t'\V·

f,•lltuilawt with mcmhr•rs of the lt'itish Govemnwnl. This clclr­~at:on, tr>gcthrr with Clwir­man Bmc:le)', will probably lravr fm· London early next month. This was decided in yestcrdny's srs:ion of the llcr:sc, whir·h was private <1!111 nwmbcr:; of the press and 1111, public were not prrmit1cd ttl enter the Convention Chambr•r until thr result of the secret ballot hod been dclcrmincd.


The tension in the Gander lniJonr disrmte appears to h~vc been e~scd somewhat as a re­sult of the visit of Union of· tieials to the city and inter·

' • I 4

L·0tters '!'liE '!'WIST

J:dilol' llail: :'\t'll>, lll'ar Sn·.- S" ltilll'il is llt';ml

th.•::L• d~IY!-i ;li:ottt lll'W Lt~.h, or 1 should :-a.\ h.'L':l-:t~~t· l:ul.;, O!H.'l'

tlw II HI\ jp Wils a hig inlel'e:-~t.

This pa '\ der·;Hit• has >~'l'll the introcliielioll ot lht• hot-rnd, hratnik age, !'ock anti roll, and noll' tlw twist. Just whnt is the twist'!'!'! Is is a rlnncr'!'?'! \\'hat clot's it si~nlf~·'.'

~lost agree tlwt the twist is a dance. '!'he twist. at least follows \\'chstcr's rlcfinition of ~ d;mcr-that of "a rhythmic and pntterncrl sncec~sion of lllol•cments to music." Surely the lndinns of our early ages followed this pattern wh~n they wrrc on the war path. To my mind, there isn't' much differ·

Vii'WS with (;ovet'lllllrlll nud L::hnnr officials. Diffrrl'lH'PS which I'Xisterl bclll'rt'n the :'-'cw­ftlllnrllillld Fcdcr<ll!Oil of Lab­our ;wtl the liancln Gcn:':'itl '\'t:l't.;rr;;' t:nion ill'(' thought It;

h<J';r IH·:·n ad ju,ied, at'l'ordin~ to l'~porl~ l'<'l'!'i\'('d hy tilts p::pcr. llowcl'l'l', hdorr it 1nll he known for c•t•rtain whl'IIH·r nr not tbr rlrflicullics h:,1·r· h;·rn surnHHinted. tlw (iandr'r {.:nion offiriab II'! II ha1 r In rr· port to thl·it' or:.Ullh/':lio!l.

• T'Ol,H'E nE,:l't'E

On St. P.:lrirk's lla~· t:tc rot•c:: i.;nuwh wa~ eallrd i1:1 • action to tow In port a motor boat wllich had rlen•lopcrl r11· ginc trouhle quite a distance off the narrows. The police launrh was out,:dr lhr narrows Pll r:~­trol whln the sn•~ll bo<:t 11'<11

si~htcd out to sea anrl lh·~ oc­cupants were signalling for help.

l'tlarch, 1932:

Weather-Fair, moderate winrls and not much change in !em· pcrnturc.

WHITS lSSVED \\'rils a·ganst Prime ~linistrr

To The Pllt't' bt•lll't't'll thP lndiath' da!ll·e mui lilt• twi.<t.

At lt•:t,l thl' lnrliaus' war tlallL'C had a si~nifH:;IIH'l'-th.Jt

ut bl'ing un lilt• war palh. Hul wh01t does the twist st.~nily'! It signifi(1S t~iill onr twl:'ll'!'S are lowerin~: lht·mst•lll•s morally to the animal staJ~C. This drmon­slralinn I if I may name it' ns such l is \'nlgarity personified. To he a bystander ancl see our· youn;: tccn-agrrs 111 a puhl1c entertaining huildin~ - wilh chest held hackward. le~s wig­gling anrl hips rolling ... ont:· lllen to go into a romprtc dil'e towards each other ancl drop slowly to a crouch, still per­forming the abore mentioned movements-makes one sick, Th~re must be something

Sir Hldwrcl SltUII't''· ~I H.A., :nut lion. IJr. Campbell, :1\.11 A., \\'!11'(' bstwd ~ e:-.tcrda.'- at ler· nm1. The tlnr~t' unrlt•r wh11 i1 \h!' writ wa~ i:--'tlrd a:~,li11 ... 1 ~II' Hir'h:ll'll Squires 11as that he. had act·r;·lr'd an nflll'l' of rmoul­llll'lll untlt·r lh<' ('ro;,rn. n:nnrJ:~·

rhairman of IIH• llr-p;!t'<lltiiiiS l'ommilil'r tor 11hieh hi' tlll'll'

'a s<~lary ol' S5.000 in llt>temh:•i' ia'l in conlrawntinn of lhc at'l. 1', hi!" OlTIII')'ill~ i1 ,r,1l Ill I he Hntl~f' of :\--:-emhly.

TllP rhar;.!P a~,1in~t lion . II•·. (':•mpiH'll "'"' thai IH' ar­l'l'piPrl st". l'!'al nff"'C' nf pnwul­nwnt II!H!:•r I hi' l'rn~1 11 fm· which hr• rln•w from the Treas­ury ~omc $5,940 for 1 ariou5

• • • :\Ilci:TIXG f'.\LLEil

The rr·~nlar · 11·eekiy mrrlin~

of the: :\ewfonndland Board of Trade wns helcl lit noon on Fri· riay, ~lard1 lBth. The Presirlcnt announced that a letter had hcen s~nt to the firms doing business in St. John's outlinmg the recommendations pi'eparcd IH· a committee of the Council stlggc;ting improvPments m the Insolvency l.;l\v and asldn~ In•: funds to co1·?r tlw cost of draft­in.~ the ncces;;my Bill.

Editor bcktllg- ill our tt·t)ll a~u·o.: to Jll'l'lol'lll !'!Udl all Oll(lat.:P, 'l'i~t·;.·

;1:·r• lo\\l'l'lllg lh\'tli'l'i'"' to makp a hit \~ ith sotietr: to silow of! IJ\'lol'e their !J)·· l.;[:mdt·r~. 'I'\\ i'ltPI'"· You JllaY think thai you ar,• maktnc: a Jut when ~on tin the \II'"'· hnl in the minds nf )'mlr •·non-lwi>t­in~'' h~·slandt'I's yntJ nrr actin,!..! slupidty, prrsnmf)·ini! ndg<Jr­i\,1' lil·.r an animill.

It )'1111 wish to mal'r a l11t 11'1lh ;oc:r(\, rilh\'1' ~n 111 ) our twis11n~ at Peppermint Lnun~c ;>;.Y. and make a hit, or -'lay with your present sodet:· and make a !lit by NOT DOING THE TWIST. AN "E\SULTED" TEE:\'-AGE

BYSTANDER. Holyrood, l\fld.

- Strength For Tl1e Day By EARL L. DOUGLASS


We do not know who wrote the Epistle of James but who­ever he was, he wus a practical souL Apparently he had become annoyed ovrr the fnct ·thut so manr pcoplr. were professing a f.!n•at 1leal as regards their rc­lidmls failh anti then living the ~amr kind nf lifr they hnd al­alwn:·s lived. In othrr words, .lames complaincrl lh~t somr. Christinn~ were lon.r: in thcit· profession and short in their

practice. They claimed to be­lieve many Christinn truths and principles which they appar­ently took not the slightest in­terest in putting into practice.

"Be ye doers of the word," wrote James, "and not hearers only, deceiring your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the won! and not a riner, he is like unto a man hcholdin~ his nat­ural lace in a glass, fOI' lie he· holdcth himself and ~ne' hi< way and .<lraightway ror~elrlh what manner of man hr was . , , Rul a riner of the wnrk . , . shall he blessed in his


(Victoria Times) It is tragic to ace the original

C.C:.F, thus ~haken and 11er· hnps destroyc<L For tlte C.C.F., while ltr.\'cr clc<•tcd except in Snskatchrwan, was one or th~ most useful movements in Ca· nacllan hi~tory ami led by some of Canuda's finest ntrn like ,T. S, Wood~worth and M .• T. Cold­well.

lis c[(ecl on our policies hnvl! been profound but the C,C.F's success In Influencing the political process was based on its consitent advocacy of

· certain principles, Once they wore diluted in an attempt to win votes, once the C.C,F, trh!d to form a national party based on two conflicting groups, Its orlginnl purpo~e wus lost. Its distinctive role as a political nllic nnd social conscience was largely sacrificed. And so, In

all probablllty, was the dlstin·

guished career of Mr, Douglas, a man who deserved a better fortune.


Toronto Tclegrmn) The Ont~rio (iov~rnm~nl d~m­

onstratcs its desire to enlar~e the opportunities for highr.r education by the intnuluctlnn of a bill by Premier Hobart~. acting in his capacity or :\!in· istcr o{ Education, to elevate the Lakehead College of Arts, Science and Technology, Port Arthur, to university status.

The pressure upon the Prov­ince's university accommo!la· !ion, manifested most marl1cdly by the University of •roronln's expansion. intensifies wth the growth of the student popula· !ion. At the opening of New York University In September, 1960, former Premier Frost noted that 15 years ago there were about 13,000 university

deed." No one probably ever !ires

up completely to the highl'st and best that he believes. W c never get one hundred per cent on life's ~xnminations.

But we nrc urged by Christ himself to seek perfection. We may not attain it-in fact we arc prrt\y sure 1\'C shall not­hut only if we try lor perfrc­lion will we achir\'e an~· satis­farl nry n·,ull whai"H'I'CI'.

Let us not he afraid In pro­(rss Ulll('h I'P~ardiJ1~ l'PIJgiilll!'i faith, hul lrl us hr rli11;:enl tn :;rc that wr pill inln operation lhe lollh we pt•ofrss .

Say'ing sfurienf~. Enrolment in 11160 had increased to 31,000. In 1070 there would he 65,000; by 1980, tho universities of Ontnrio would have to accommodate 1:!0,000.

This tJ•rtHI rdlrl'ls the chanr,­in~ ~tl('inl nnci el'lllllllllie put· h•m .'l'hr• proft•ssintls, lmlustrY nnrl couHIWI'l'e n•quit·e ;1nrl :Jt· tnwt ti'Jdncrl bt·nins, and yuung 1111'11 and women In ndmirnble numbors realize the necessity not only of fitting themselves to the need but nlso appreciate the vnlue of a cultivated mind to their gcncrnl wellbeing.

• • • UOSI'l'f AL (:Aim

(Pull•rhurough Examiner) One of the tlungers of uperut­

ing a Provincial hospital scheme In which evl'ryhmly is

· an insured (larly is that the purpose o[ hmpitals lll'comcs ohscurcd. 'l'hey are funrlament­a11y for the treatment of the

-. 04•- ••••• ···~~ .... ·······~ ••

IN THE. NEWS - By Wayfarer -


In five afternoon and evening sessions-a to:,; of about thirty hours-th~ House of Assembly he; disposed of the grca test Supply Bill in N ewfou1:0. In nd· history. deb a ted the· Budget, approved a Re . distribution Bill, and passed an assortment of otb legislation. It may be doubted if ever in the anna'; of parliamentary government in ti:is Island has Sl

rnuch been achieved in so short a tLme. The stan,, the ,c:;sion was slow but it ended in a sprint th;; mi.'~lit be called a full gallop. Of course. in C<Hlltnii­sion or Govemment limes, there was no di,eussic, or anything in public:. When the s.ev~n ruler~ of n,;; d,l\. hml been ad\'i~ed by sorne JUnior elerk in ih! Dr;minions 0[1'ice. who might have been hard un to locate Newfoundlnnd on the map. that their e;1:. m<Jlcs and legislation hnd acquired the 11CLC,,a~; imprimatur, all that remained was lo <tdl'i::e theta:(. p<1yers of the decision.

It w<ts on the afternoon of Frirlal' i'vLm:h 8, Hl62. in the thirteenth :.·ear ~~ tlllton of Cannda with Newfoundland, th~t the !vlinister of F'inance read his Rudg~t SpcPI'h and laid on the table of the Hnus~ the f'slimates of revenue and expendtlnre fnr the 1962-fi3 fiscal year. It was tltr h~­ginning nf <1 year of rh<~nge and a pr.riort nf unrertnin duration in which conditions mi,t;ht be crucinl if not criticaL The Burl~et Snecl'11 o\·er!ooked the nlterations in fiscal r~lalions with Ottawa that were the re­sulL of unilateral repudiation by the Dicfen­baker Go\'ernment of the Tax Rental Agree­ments that had served the nation and Lhe pro1·ince so well for twenty ~·cnrs. But tlus omission ma~· lwl.'e been deliberate beeame of the short December session which had been summoned to pass the provincial ~ax lcp;islation needed to conform with the new anangcment. Yet the Tax Rental Agree­ments might hil\'e deserl'ed the p.Nit•g tribute of n sigh. But if the Budget Speech contained nothing more memorable than the size of the sums in whit:h it dealt and its mere suspicion of a fcelin~ that pcrhap1 1\'e cannot go on inc:-easing spending at the recent rate, the new peak achie\·ed in the bud~etary realm seemed to call for more exhaustive analvsis than it received. ln anv e\·ent, the consi.deration of income and out­go, itwolvin~ a re,·enue of S106 million and an expenditure of S117 million should hare

. ' been extensive.

It is with no desire to be tender with the Go\'· ernment that it must be said that the fault, if any, lies with the Opposition in principle. In the debat! on the Address, several ministers who are heads d the biggest spending departments, explained th! operations nne! plans of their departments in more detail than u~uaL When the Suppl~· Bill Rnd tl:t Bud!!d come before the House. the burc!t'll ii;;.l uoin . . the Opposition. Govemmenls, unless tl1t·\· h;lle!

Sjll'l'ial point lo make. prefer a speed~· col 1t'ilL'ion lo the disl'ussion of the::e subjects. But eren· gore:t:· ment must stanch· ready to defend and r;.;IJ!ain under opposition critielsm. il{quiry and attack .. Each cab:­net minister introduces his own estimates or 'hould. There<lfler he must be prepared to inlerpt el. defir.e ancl justify the expenditures he is asking th(' Jloll!t to appro\·c. And in Committee of the \\:l1o!e. there is no limit upon the number of times hi:= c:h~!lcngel! or questioners may speak. The great pri\·ile~e o(p!r· liamcnt is to determine what monev is to he ~rar.'· ed to Her M<Jjcsty for the purpose~ of g<v.·ernment A minister must be ready to answer for h:.• depart· ment~l expenditures and' policies. But he is notre­quired to \'olunteer information. It is the ta,;k of th! opposition to elicit it. Since I have nothin;: mo:e !! go by than the press and radio reports of ,,-J:at Ira~· spired, I am unable to say to what effect the est;· mates were the subject of discussion. Howerer, il the whole of the time that the House was in se~s:oj last week had been devoted to nothing but finan· cia! clebnte, expenc~ture would have been appror· ed at the average rate of four million dollars an hour

We are, in a way, paying the price of fifteen years of Commission of Governrne~Jt. In that time, there was no means of <JL'qutr· ing political experience. The chain of 1rcll· informed financial criticism was broken. All throu"h the pre-Commission period. the op­po,;ili~n always included men with ;~ rr.r~ wide lwowlcdge of the country's htt,tltPS:• and <1 \'Cl'~' lai·;.:c invoh·cment in il;: fpde ;utd fiuancc. But. in anv e1·ent, thP. .-ttllll denlt in \\"l~re :;mallcr, the problem~ were grenlet· in relative dimension but. were murh simpler in scope, and political competttiO~ was more intensive. Out of all lhi~ e:-:amt· nation of the estimat~s great political b~!­!lrs were waged. To blame a small and In· e: .perienced opposition for its failure . to make discussion of the estimates the maJor <~nd vita] business of the session may be un· fait·. But even if there is not a solitar~· ite~ in the estimates th<~t cannot be fully 1·indt· eater!, !.he analysis in Committee or Supply should have been fnr more extensi\·e and. if necessary, far more time-consuming. The fact remains that the galloping end of t~e session was a period of lost opportunity '" terms of parliamentary and popular infor· mation.

sick who cunnot be treated at POSITIV£ home nnd for those who have d E . ositor) sustained injury for which pro- (Brantfor xp ·~ longed treatment is necessary. Then there's the philol.oP;; Any suggestlnn that the~ are who says that being P01111 ' til custodial institutions for the. 1 h ing mistaken 11 ~enile or incapable Is bound to mere Y c . meet with resistance. top ef ,-our vo•c•.

• T.P esident or

pr Teachers -~o••l• "c-onsider it n

u the teact yo 'what bas

:-• .ilt:iall''"o'r the n Department

_,jlth ~~:h relation to tloll WI 1 rY scale.

. "' our s:h~n two yeat )lor~ undertook t

_ .... ullve f t , ..,... the level o e. tr~t . ;o.:ewfoundl rl In •

I es relative to sa " be ell of Canads II pte rmind the abil ~.•"ce to pay. We p!01 10 h dil'ision ol researcTeachers' Fel ldl•n t a surveY for conduc .·1h the~e 1

-'de [IS \!I ~·. the report of June .. d and a

11 rece11 e . • · 'fl, floyd Robtn> ' vr. h director, ca

rtsearc d ns undland an C?

~ 01mittee Ill . ~h c~hese findings , :r proved among I

thai: 1946 to 1- From . · ra"e salanrs o ave dland Teachers toun . 11 Cat d Jowc;t tn a ea!. That ~s a pN·c CJlladian average

Al'erage it 11·a• in 194R

. 3 Thai the avera for· Ne\\' eornparison w1th t -. Jnterv•ew Displaced . Representatives c

Department in lit. visit certain Cone communities today miners affected b) D05C0 la)"·Off On

'fhc interl'icwing dl)' l'isit Salmon Carboncar. The

· will be~in in holh at 9 o'clock this n o1·cr the past

week>. several hu p)oyed miners wcro by both Labor De1 National Emulo:·n en Bell lslanri itsc

Pro~ lrregula

An lnvestigatiot launched by Como :ld.P. into allege< ties'' In the Corn< Council offices.

Police were ca the P•

•mrtlov~• or e acted illegally ir Council equipmet men.

According to r day, the im·estig .:uested by Counc 11. Godsalve.

Police probin: atarts with inves employee who \l'a

charged for insub< ll!iolence.

The Corner Br1 due to hold a m and it is likely t1 'lrill be discussed l~d councillors.

Ice Re -llelle lsle Norn

II!Od, no ic1. Cape Bauld: \

ID ice . ·Belle Isle Sou

•Iring heavy icE 'fest of station t Gtending East 1 '~Jity fifteen. · ; Flowera Islam

Mavy ice. Scatte cr~wlers motio~ bUay ten.

Twil!ingate: w lftst 5. Visibil ODe hundred per ~ttered lakes

llonavista: Visi Pick local lee <ltpe open leads ~tn shore. Scatt ll'owters in vicin ·~ape Spear: ·W

bl)lty 10 miles. I coverage. Lane •-tendin2 l t lllore 0

:n,;calieu hlat 5. Vii

nne ht h

alush lc1

to:<!\ " h . .a~

OUnd­?. Ii~-

<lt""r i!1l)~!;.

~;i~ ~()

'l n r,j

\ t h;,t :r;:nl~·­


· · :he : !'J\';,

: r;-: n. C:;;:d:'\'

~r tax.

rr-cn­ce­thE' i::5

~ l,...; ('

1act f ... -,G,\,

• , • r1 .,1:_

e ... + ~1~ n

":1 rl f! t"~



:ore «n~·

:•ut­and : ;n-e

he Go\'· . if any, : debate heads of ned the in more Rnd the ;,., upon han~ a

I u'iPn to J.::o\·ern·

:in under 1ch cahi· r >hould. ~t. define 1 c 1-louse 1le. ~here ;;llcn~ers

:t> or par· he grant· ·crnment. ,~ dcp~rt· . ~ not re· ~~k of the ~ mo:e to .·hat tran· the esti·

''''e\·er, if in sc!'sion 1L1t finan· 1 approv· san hour,

,ce of ,ment. cquir-wcll­

n. All lC op· , ,-cr~· t;i ne~~

t r;~de ,<U111:1

, were . much ctition ~x;uni· ;1 bat­,nd in· .1re to major

be un· ·v itern · ,·indi· Supply ·c and. 1 ... The ~-f the nity in · infor-



Pbtl' 1 e phtl050 .1 . ~ po•lth'e I 1n. • 111, stakeD at


p:\JL\' i\EWS. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. TFESDAY, ~lARCH 20. 1962

T.A. • Report On Teachers' Salaries

lhc floc broke loose he w~s I r.;; ~· ...,r,r,. S"'~"l'"l"·i [ 1'"'''1 ld•· ,,,,.., .",J 'I ~ .. ·J~\J! .:~ l,;';:;k·-~;ul -~~i't wil.h ·little ~·l:o~.i.! Post Off•

He killed two dogs, maltina I ECe

receil'cd a lcttet· from ~!r. Lee reminding him that Con­fucius said:


Peter Jackson Tobacco Ltd.

-··""'''" of thr ~cw- for th~ manufacturing industry above. 'l'his brief was presented------------Trachm' Assod- arc the lowest in all Canada, to the Minister of Education Resourceful

a b~nnkct ~rom their pelts md I MONTREAL I CP 1-A Chi-fecdmg thctr, carcasses to the nesc - Canadian operates Jn other 10 dogs. exotic 1\lontreal post office . Thc_n he uncorked ltis. most where pall·ons can buy tiger tngemous scheme. He. killed a balm and preserved shrimp large sent, cut out 1ts heart, sauce along with stamps and squeezed oil from the blubber money orders.

"At 60, my ear was 9n obedient organ for the recep­tion of truth; at 70, I couttl follow what my heart desired without. transgressing what l'.'l!s right.''

. ,1·d,•r it m)' dutr to with the exception of one a and the Deputy Minister of l (lln. t• tl . . . 1 ) . , lht' trarhcrs o liS I spcc1a case . September 25th, 1961, and E k •

. )O.I. what llJ~ llcrn the I In view of these facts, we personally explained by the s I n10 The prime minister prom­ised to remen.bcr and h1s reply now occupies a place of honor in ).lr, Lee's office .

1 tht nc~otiations then turned to the consider· secre\ary and president of the ;rparuncnt of Educa· ation of what a salary scale for association. Later It was dis·

· :tth elation to a rel'ision Newfoundlaml teachers should cussed with the Department of .. ~11

1111. •rate. be when worked out on the ratio Education under the chairman·

·1 11• an. t;,.n 1·rars a~o your existing between what is paid shi)1 of the Minister. The l\lin-' 1111 . . f h .' . undert••nk tn a~re:·tam or ~car ~rs' salaries and other ister informed us that he was

:ht tml nf trach1crs sa

111- ~crv1ces m other prov- in full agreement with our sub­

, \rll foundlant oug I wee, or prov1nccs, say the missions, and that he would · 10

1; 11, 1 tn ~a lane~ paid four Western provinces. This present It to the Cabinet We ~~ rr, r•f t':111~da. and ht•ar·!mcthod takes in the ability of WCI'C to wait until the bttdgct

_::I ~~:~.1 thr ahilit)' of the 1 th1•, prol'i~ee to, p~~· for teach· for the answer. '.~. 10 p.ll \\'p a>kt•d the 1 t•rs salai'ICS r<>lahve •to what Wht•n the budget was de­. ;: .. r dtli,;•"l uf tht: Call· 1 i~ paid for other expanding ser- livered, an increase of one and

Tothm' Fl'll,,ra\lnn to 1 1'1ces. Our proposed scale Is a half mlllion dollars was an· ' ; ,unt.' lor us to pro- : built on this, we believe, re· nounced 'most of which is oc· · . ,. 1h till''" l:irts. l.:1sl :liable formula. cn~ioned by increases in tcnch­

:.r ·.~ 1 rrth'Ti of thr l'.'~'.F. : We disco1·cre.d that our pres· 1 er;' salaries.' Frankl~·. we were .. t .. 111 rd ~ud at that tunc cnt scale pro1•1des too little ammcd. 'l'he amount we had

11 :;.:ord nnb n;!ln. l'.T.F. , remuneration for the bctlrt' pre· as';etl !or was les~ than hnlf a · : rlirr<'wr. can•r to :\rw- 'pared teachers a~ compared milinn dollar~. A delegation ' ,_'n~ and ,·nnsuttrrl witl1 · with :hose nr lesser training. from our association met th~ . ·· ·~ 111111 cr in rnnnrctwn This disproportion is serious Premier, Rnd the Minister or : r;ht'~ f1nri;n''· This sur· 1 hccausc this kind or better pre- Education, on Thursday morn· ; 1;,~d 1mnr., olhtr thln~s parcel teacher will have no in· ing past. We were plniny in­. 1 ccntil'c to acquire more prorcs· formed that the one nnd a hal£

1 rrom 1P4~ to t~5P . the . fiiona\ training while tenchiM million dollar~ were for the !alar<r' or ~11 :\rl1'· j in Ncwfomuttanrl. and if he docs normal increase in teacher~ and Tra<'hrr< 11 ~~ thP sec· I hr will he enticcrl tn seck more for increments to salarie~ as

FORT CHIMO, Que, ICPl-A story or remarkable resource­fulness that kept a plucl;y Es­kimo alive on un ice floe im· six days has come out o[ northern Quebec.

The Fort Chimo Northern Slar, a mimeographed news­paper started recently, tells or the pel'ils of Yucini, a Wnkch,un Bny, Que., Eskimo, nnd how he met them .

into the cha!l1bers of the ~cart Sub-Post Office 121, set up and, by addmg_ n small. b1t of by William Tue Lee, 56, in the cloth for a wtck, fasluoncd a henrt of the downtown China· lamp-stove. town area a ycur ago, serves

By burning the lamp in n some a,ooo Chinese residents. small igloo he constructed, Yu- Domin;1ling the tiny office i~ gini was able to keep [rom a mnssil·c portrait of Prime freezing, From lhe' seal and ~linislct' ,J o h n Dicfcnbal;cr anotlJCr smnllcr onr · he killed, I which rep1escnls more th:m he had enouglf rood. :llr. 1.ce's political sentiments. I

Fom· days passed before word It rc~alts the dnvs of his of his pli.ght re~JChcd the youth when he 1\'otild trud.~c ' ern scrv1ce officer nnd pohl'c to lawyer Didcnbal;cr's office

He nnd 8 11 o the 1' Eskimo here. An RCAI~ Dakota search in Prince Albert, Sask., to named Mm·k travelled fi'Om and rescue plane made repeal ctl • borrow books. Wakeham Bay 200 miles south- t · u n 11 1 · eust along the lht"DI'a Coast to l'IPS over ngava a~·. sp'>- I On Mr. Die[cnh:lker's lilillt :

~ ted the floc hut didn't ·''~; birthday last Scplembcr he I!

h~mt .in Ungnl'a ~ny, Tt~: Yu~ini becnu~e of a thin m~>l' ' d<~y \ ugm1 went adl'lfl ;\btl, covering the nrc~. 1 • - - - ··

had decided to remain ashore Wil~ p>cked up hy hunters 1ncl, :1t !hell· c~mp. j Mtc1' six days of ,;riftin~ th~ after a frw days in the F'o1i I

Yugini set of[ across I hr. icc floc mov?d hack to the pack k~ Chimo nursing home. was ·~·,,111 with a sled and 12 do~s. When and Yugmi walked ashore. He enough to resume h1s huntm~.

When ).!r. Lee opened his post office, it marked another phase or. a varied career in many parts or Canada. After leaving his father's restaurant in Shellhrook, Sask., he moved to Calgary and then Vancou­ver where he 01·ganized :m employment agency and Chi· ncsc • Canadian newspaper.

"There is a real need for a post office here," he says.

"About ao.per-ccnt of the customers are Chinese anti many o[ them need help in addressin;~ parcels and letters G. J, ST·J'ACQUES in English. Every<lay we shi.n 1 H. W .• Joly, President of Peter " large numher Of food and ! Jackson Tobacco Limited an· clothing parcels from this I nounccs the appointment ~f Mr. off1ce to Hong Kon;~." . j G. ,J. St-Jacques as Vice-Presi·

dent of the Company . ----------------------------·---~------

.,.1c<t matt r~•1•d•. 1 rPmunrriilil'e Iirlrls 011 thr th~y now exist. We were given ·, lhal ,, 1 prrf'rlll of thr I mainland. This is happ~nin~ tn undrrstand that. nn increase 1 • 1 '" al'l'ra~r 1hr ~rw· now, ann is a lu:mry w~ can't h:od he en contcnlplated hy the , · ~~rra•r I< now less ' afford. !IOII'CI'rr, taking into ar· Cnhinel for this session, and

.. w;< 11> 1Q~f> roun1 the po~ition of the Go1·- ·that there coud be no Increase • 1',1, 1h, ;~rracr .<Rlnri¥s rrnmrnt, nnd the difficulty or I in teachers' salaries for thiA 1 \~··ionr.rll.mrl tr~rhrrs hy ~rcurin~ expamlinl( funrls Ior yrar. nor next, However, In a · 1 , 11ith lh~ arrra~e an rrcr cxpanclin!! cronomy, wl'itten statement, the Premier

··--·---- we derirlrd to a;;k only for an assured us that the matter amount to equate the grades woulr! be dealt by the House with th~ rest of Cannda. This session or 1963. was an increase of less than llccnuse our submission was 5c;. A 1·en· extensive brief was in the hands of the Minister of

lic>mrn:atirr~ of the .J.ahor pt·cparcd with statistics to Education before the end of '''"'"'''" in St. .Jnhn s Will prot•c the facts mentioned September, Hl61, and because .·. ;;rta1n l'nn;·rption Bay the Minister knew that no con· . · .: . :t>rl.,,. to interl'iew sidcrntion hnrl been given it .. aii~tlrd b)' the rrcent 1 "b=tuary bt· the Cabinet, therefore there

o :ay·0ff on 11<'!1 hl<:nd. I u~ • c~uld be no inclnsion in the · i't :~ter~1~"·1:1:·tr~m will to- budget, we feel that we could

1:!:: salmon (orr and : Ell\V \RD N\.:CENl' i have been inform~d earlier and Thr intl'rrirwin~ ' 1 1

' ' , wilh less frustration. : \c;:n in ~n:h l·o:nmunities 'l'hcrc paoscd away sudden!)' 1 In view o! the fact that your l o'clork lhi~ nJIHnin~. a! Kclligr,cws on_ Mar~h lllh, annual convention is lillie more r·.t; lhr pa-t couple of · f.rlwartl Nugent, m ~Is lllst than a month away, we would ,:~= mml hunr1rcd unrlll- i year. advise members to in~truct dele-

.; mmm 11 rrr mtcn·icwcd : He started work on Belt Is- gate~ how to act wtth regarcl . ·:":h L;hor !lrparllncnl aiiCI ·land at. an ~arl~· a~e as a

1 to this matt~r. Reactions anrl

,~ 1! E•J:L:in.' mrnl officials . rlnttcr m 1\o. 3 :llmr., a net , rnmmcnts wtll he welcomed by Ft:l t•la~rl ll>rlf. , when he left thct·e about iii'CI~ty your nf[ice.

, years ago he went to work w1th ------

Probe Irregularities

.ll ln1c;ti;a1ion has been · by Corntr Brook R.C.

. into alleged "irrcgulnri· in the Corner Brook Ci I)'

offices. ro!ite were t·allcd upon to

the po~>ihility that · or elllployces had

in the use of equipment and work·

the lli~hroads Dcpl. where he i"!: Alpha Chapter was employed as foreman up to d

the date of his death. B s· Ph. He was held both by super· eta . •gma I

iors and subordinates in the The members of XI Alpha highest esteem, as they came · Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held from Maddox Co·;e, Petty Hr., a particularly interesting meet· Goulds, St. John's, and right up ing recently at the home of the shore to Avondale to pay member Mary Codner, Gower their last respects to a man who Street, when l\lr. V. Snkliknr of wlll long be remembered by Calcutta, India, who is attend­those whose privilege it was to lng University in St, John's be associated with him. preparer a Ught meal of Indian

He was one of the commun· Foods which was greatly enjoy· ity's most beloved residents. ed. Ned as he was familiarly ~!r. Sakilgar also told the known embodied all the good gathering something of the diet

by Cnuncil mnna~er w. qualities that arc to be found and eating habits of Indian Godsailr


in a succ~ssrul hushan.d a.nd people. Mte prohing app~rrntty !ather. llts whole marmd llfc ~'he members very much ap­·, w11h llll<·,ligation ur 811 1 was devotctl to his wife anti six pn•ciate l\k Snkilknt•'s help in · . ~h•• ··'"' n•lcnlll' dis· child1'en, !atht•r and mothN' the studv or India which is sub-

for in•uiH,nt;natio;, and who blessed the union. E1·cu jccl of ihe cultural programme I then he found time for innum· o! the chapter !or the 1961·62

Tht l'orn~r Brook Count•il is erable acts of kindness and hos· season. :o hnld a meet in~ toni"ht I pita lily and it was these chari· l'he chapter also held a Excm· it i\ hktl.'' that the matter table traits which endeared him pier degree ceremony em Sun·

'I bt di•l'IIS>rd by the ~tayor to the whole community and his day, February 11th, nt the t~uncillnr1. co-workers. Truly, he was a home of Mrs. Arthur Johnson,

------Ice Report

man rare to find, a friend to Roche Street, when .Amelia all and without an enemy, Green received her Exemplcr

To his wife, ~lary, his daush· De~ree from the President, tcrs, 1\h·s. Thomas Shea at Ste· 1\!ary 1\!oores. Amelia. was ae·

- phenville. Barbara and baby corded the congratulations of b!\lr hlr :..'orthea1t: l'i!ibility (Loretta) at home, also three her sisters and afternoon tea

no 1r•. sons at home, Paul and Thomas was .th~n serred. \ape Bau\d: Vi>ihilill' "ood going to school and Robert em· The thanks of the gathering :te. · ~ ' played with McNamara Con· was extended to Mr~. Johnson·

Btllt hle Southwest: Large structlon Company; father and by Trudy Green •

Booming Busiriess

: hea1·y icf sercn miles mother (Robert and Johannah . station five mites wide Nugi!nt), also two sisters, 1\lrs

P:ast and West. Visi· John Penney and Mrs. Edward fifteen. Somerton of Bell Island, to . Island: Ten tenths whom the writer offers deepest

.·Ice. s~attered bergs and :sympathy and hope that their VANCOUVER <CPJ - Nobody motion \\'est. \'isi· i sorrow at the loss or a loving wanted to set up a coffee shop

1 husband, son and a devoted on Granville Island, an Indus· . · \\'1nd \\'e•L•oulh·: father will be lightened by trial area In False Creek In the

h·}· Visibility unlimited. ! the knowledge that the thoughts heart of Vancouver. ndred percent heavy Ice. · and prayers of the whole com·. So th~ federal government

lakes making. 1 munlty are with them In their stepped m, spent $25,000 nnd Is nona

1J:ista· Visibility 15. Close bereavement. no,~ doing a brisk. business

oocal lee both sides of The funeral took place on s.ellmg coffee, doughnuts and Pen leads about 8 miles Saturday March lOth and the hght lunches.

shor.e. s~attercd bergs and extra large concourse' of mourn· '~he NnUonul Harbors .Board In ncinity, ers, 1\!ass Cards and wreaths bmlt the co[fee shop after 1t was

. Spc~r: Wind We~!. Visi- attested to the esteem in which unable 1? find anyone lntoreslcd · 10 Dlllcl. Fil'e tenths ice the late Edward F. Nugent was In bulldmg 1 privately owned

· Lane or 0 h ld shop. I 2 10 ~ ~en water c · . The government a I s n lt<td

· m1lcs frnm. Masse of Rcqtucm was nffcr· trnuhle tt·ying to find a man to 1 1 . I ed by Rev. Fnther Jackman and run the plncc

5 ~a:ld:. W~nrl West.' the remain~ were laid to .rc~t In Port manaR~t· Cupt, H. ll. L. '!rtir nn. 1 IIHIJI~ 1~. Ice lhe cemetery at Kelltgrcw,,, ,Johnston ~nirl Alphonse Schret·

m P hundred percent. There to await his reward !or len WIIS the only applicant arter 11 ~~~ 1 1 hra1•y tre, ~ixty his kindly Christlan liCe. lite hoard ad1•ertise!l for a

l ce. "May hi~ soul rest in puce". propl'ielor. Ht 101 thr. job .


SPEC/All WHEEl BALANCE • Stop Annoying Steerint Vlbratloft • Stop Rapid and Uneven Tbe Wear

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Regular 5.60 s)99 Lolttur, Wtltlm

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Interiors, too, are designed to combine practical hard wear with dis­tinctive luxury . •. harmoniously color-keyed with many fine appointmenm.

YIJU WANT 8 p11ssen1er COMFORT b~~~~1e::~~~~:!f~~~~;:iEf:r:£~ to seat six husky adults. Wide-opening doors make Acadian easy to

IF rou WA/11 Iu,1Nimif~iiANiUNi!7ii~~·~=e:; yorL surprising agility in a car this roomy. Ball-Race steering

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IF YOU WAilTIIdfty yet Peppf PIIFIJRIIIIIC£! lF!E!t;:;~: Econof/.ame 6-cylinder power,,. both available with smooth Synchro-Mesh

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Whatever your family's motoring needs may be ••• the answer is the famHy-size car with full-size value •••

Wllilfwall tirt8 oplioMl at mrs -.... 126JI

Be sure to see "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBC-TV network on Friday evenings. Check your localliltings for chan.nel and timr.


---~---··-··~·-~"--·- -~ ...... _. ,... __ ,_ :v ...


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~ · ''n' Mature Pari .

rs;~t;z:p;;;~-;t~J:jRegional Drama Festival-1962·.PDllY'SOUIZ ' . ~y~ :·. ·:· 1 TJ 19 •1 R . 1 n F . 1 . d d . 1 . 1 Unearth Your Bun::d Trca~u~~

Choic~ •!• :•: b 1e 6 egwna rama estl\'a 1s over an one wtt 1, and 1t 1a;; ~ ~ ;::: Go' l'umn ~: y I certainly been a successful one, soci~·,J]y and otherwise. Grand Falls outdid T IJ 1 u D b R Of 1 ·::: ::: I itself t~ entertain the visiting troupes and to make them truly wclcomr'. . 0 eL( p a 'ra \ ~ ::: :::I' rrass"e B·1~0WJ1 The townsfolk, whether they were directly connected with the Fc~;ti\'8.] . I ~· ,•, ~ • - · . · . . , :.lust homes hal'e nt c~ct o.w 1

~·· ·~ or not, nodded to the players m a fnendly fashwn on the streets and 111 tne ' trc.:Jstwe hidden «11-a1·. It may • ·.vhite frin~c. Cu , 1• 1 .. 1 ch~ir Sects_ 1·. il11 PI:·.~'., · and hn[[ 1•:1th r:~~~~ 1.1• .

the china p:·l'.:>rn. ~nd·~~­them <Jrouud lhl• lohlt.'

.,5 MURIEL LA ~h· .

;RECUPERATING dence, 160 Forest Road, The diminu)tiv_e sevcn~y- shops. There was• a general air of wa: mth and welcome. be forgvtlen or ne:·;·Jy so. ll '

three pound adJUdiCator, J\11ss . probnhly isn't mus~um t'Unlity 1 . husband has t: . . nc that offers

Norma Springford, was a 1•ery 1 but i[ it h::s been s:n rd l0i' 1 · The many friends of Mrs. Eric Seymour, Bideford Place, SISTERS OF SERVICE

. JOb. 0 but greate1 moneY t' n · . [or promo .o ·

Wi!l be pleased to know that A \'cry enjoyable and sue· ;~he is recuperating at the


1 cessful coffee party was held !Rilyal Victoria Hospital in ~lon· at The Residence on St. Pal· treat after major surgery, and j rick's morning. It was a real is· making satisfactory progress. , pleasure to greet old friends Eric arrived home by TCA on I and to wclr.omc new ones.

large personality when sbc ; . color, shape or ~cnlimc~tJi : . [lcS been late g' went before . the footlight;; i l'alue. bring it out into tl·~ · Bin c. ~rcen <~nol ., •. l;ilc ..

c\'cry night, and thr audience ! ··! li~!:-t of Lby, Pl:·n a I'G·J;.1. curl Jns \\ou~d IJr ~: 1 ,, .. : }le haS gel

.. When he does . and players lo\'cd her. She, in · ,c:1cnw to enhance !he im;lllr· : there i> a lt:;·ec11 e '" return, fell right in lol'c with tance of th!s tre"£"1'~. ~-,J 'J'1r.• Hr"':.·h:c ri' ··, in 11:; ,::" ·

·: : still preoccupied ,, ; d plans for the : .::1 an hal'e never S! the Newfoundlanders, their l'<rn rnjoy it ll'hi1e it lurks i11 i\ i.; a c~n· l'iJ''"o '·· ·

songs and dances. the dark corner of :orne c:n:· table. . . ,,, ''1 ' . You to w . ? delil'ered ov~r

,sunday. Among them, lady rcpresenta· Till this year, it had been ho::rd o1· closet. ; to his new JOb. , -- 1 lives from some of the organi· BEL,\TED GREETINGS I zalions in the Cit)', who so

Belated .St. Patrick's Day I kimllr patronized the party. A birthda)' greeting~ arc extend· ' big "Thank You'' is extended to ed to ~Irs. ~laud Wall of No. 10 · those 1vho donated cookies, George Street, who on that day . breads, etc.. and to those who celebrated her 8oth birthday. ; remembered in other wa)'S even Greetin~s come from all the .


· though the)' could not attend. f11111ily. Tch large fruit cal•c which was

- · , donated, was won by Miss Gcr· ALU:\Il\'I I trude A. Phelan.

.The St. John's General Hos· 1 --pita! Schoo] of Nursing Alumni I YOU1'11 CLUB Association will hold their

1 Guest speakers at the St.

rc~ular monlhly meeting on i ~lary's School Youth Club, Tlnmday, :\larch 22ml, in the I Waterford Bridge Road, f_ri. Nurses' Residence. dar, March 9th, were Alwyn

Clouston, Chairman, Boys' Club l'TA MEETING of Canada, and W, Adams, De·

The PTA of the Vera Perlin puty Mayor. l\lr. Clouston and School will meet tonight, Tues· : ~lr. Adams were both impressed day, :\larch 2oth, at 8 o'clOl•k in i by the number of children the S~hool. Dr. Fra~cr Walsh : attendin~ the Youth Club, will speak on "Bchal'iour Prob· · which is approximately sixty, h~ms of Children." Any prr· , The)' were also impressed by ~ons interested in hearing Dr. ' the bcha1·iour of the children Walsh will be cordially wei· 1 and the good carr. of the build· comecl. i ing and the various aclil'itics.

• Table Tennis Championships COS,'.\LESCING AT HOMF. I stnrted ~larch 9th, the bo)'S

~Irs. Olive Barnes. who rc· harl wrestling and boxing con­tenth· underwent major surgery ' tests and the girls had physl· at tl{c General Hospital, would 1 cal training. The new commit· like to thank the doctors ancl i tee took up office under the

' nurses at the hospital who were I new chairman, George Goobie, ~o kind to her during her ill· I 3nd the meeting ended at 9.30 -ness. She would also like to o'clock. The next Youth Club

. ·. thank the friends who so kindly meeting will be held on March l'isited her and sent flowers. 30th. Usual activities will be She Is convalescing at her rest· held. _____ .. __ '"" --------------

.the general practice of adjudi­cators to remain aloof, they 1 could mingle a litt1c with the Cl'owd, hut for only a short ~: pcrio(t. llliss Springford came to the infonnul gathcrin~s at the Nortlll'liffc Club Room~ lor a lew minutes the first night and remained for hours, and so it went for the whole week She had an insatiable np· petit~ for local dancing and singing, she liked to dance as well.

~liss Springford a!ljudicaled the plays as a producer-direct­or. She was a slicl•lcr fot• de· tail, but was otherwise pretty "cagey". By the third adjudi­cation it was apparent that while she said a lot, she ga1•e nothing away: there was not one real hint as to what she really thought about the plays,

One of the main faults of all productions. was diction. Play I after play. Miss Sprincfol'!l . stressed this point, players i •

dropped the ends of all their j ; sentences: there was not cnou~h 1 • :

tone variation: they spoke ' · much too puickly and were not understood.

This was particularly notice· able in "The ~Ian wilh a Load of 1\lisehicf". the winning play. One of the leading players had n niccl)' toned voice, she said, but his delivery was extremely rapid and his cmuiciation did not match. She didn't under· stand a word he said until the

Wesley U.C.W. TV MICRO- last act. Since this player was onstage most of the time, and

FUNNIES was talking, the audi· The third general meeting encc soon became re,tive. They

o[ Wesley t'nited Chcrch wo· simply could not follow what men assembled in the primary wa~ 'going on. room on Monday 12th of This did not influence Miss • h Spring[ord, who admitted on •• tare .

The president. Mrs. L. Ben· Satunla)' night that· she had ,on called the meeting to been brutal to them hack;tagc · order. and announced hymn 16, in their pril•atc ac\.iudication. I ,

the theme hymn o[ the associ· Whether she could understand ; ation. the play or not, she awarded :

A Jifp membership certifi· Charily to the~l. and just ahoul · l'at.e and the accompanyinJ: pin el'cry other awa1·cl. I

··• ' .......... , .... ,. .... ~"~--~--., ................................. .

•·as 'Presented to Jlln. Ralph Thi~ surprised cl'cryone ~X· ! Crummer'by the president. cept the adjudicator herself. 1 .\!iss .1\orma Springforcl, Regional Drama Festival Adjudicator, posrs ,,·ith

The devotional period was (and possibly the pla)·crs, who ; ":\('\~·h . .'', the l\cwfmmdland seal \\'ith which she was prcsentctl al tl1e £'11'1 d d b M' s 11 A h were bli.~sfully unaware nf !he , '

:~~s~ecJe by YMr;~s M!~o~ ~b: audience's difficulty in follow· i of thr 12th Regional Drama Festival, IJ('ld in Grand Falls from .\lar<:h 1:2 ln hott. :!lli~s Ash read a thought· ln,q the play). . 17. With her is (left) \V. T. Howell, Festival Director; a11d \Y. F. Calga~·, ful meditation on God's Judge- On the other hand the mn-: D t Cl · Nfld R · 1 I) "" t' I 'LI'l]' }J\ I ) 1

d 'orit.v of .the Buckmasle.r's !, cpu y !airman, 1 • eg10na rama res tva .-(r 1 1er w o. I menu, and also His won rous J mercy towards His )leOple. Pl~yc:s r:ce1v~d .such a glowm~ ·latter pia~·. being essentially a Surprise or no 8Urprise, on 1 House), kindly lent c.b. a t)·pe-

A ,-ery fine paper was read adJUd~cat1on, It )ust ab_out too~ I radio play. diu drag somewhat its 25th anniversary, the St. 1 writer for own private use. on ehNtian stewardship by P~P, WI-lEN YOU W~RE ~KIP the wmd out of the ~atls o[ al I in spots. hut "Shadow and Sub- John's Players .llave brought '.They relaxed their strict meal :\!iss E. Butt. She said that, WAS 'THERE SOMEOOPY ON the .dr~ma gr_oups that they stance" went over well and was home the bacon-with a ven- schedule a few times. and \\'ere "We must gi1•e ourselves,· our ]Y~ALI.ED'HOWDY Dgot>Y'{" recen·etl n?lhmg at all. . . well recei\'cd. Whether geance. helpful in every possible way. !eo·ices. and material possess· 1 Perh~ks 1\t~~ the choir ~.r "Ycnua" went ol'er well, I can't I On the social side, it can be The Northclifle D•·ama Group . lnris to God. and that all of life Youngsters marched out P ~Y· 1\,~· a S 1 ~ec~or~a~JU I· say. llal'in;: pnrticipated in the 1 safely said that this had been 1 can be set up, I think, as a : must be used for God's glo"'· carrying their books during 8 fa ors,f hiSS 'p:m~ tr as a last play it is impossible to the most successful Festival of· shining example of how ho,ts i

Rei': V, A. Smith, B.A., B.D., school fir~ in Kentucky. Carry. '~~~l 0 ~~~~~~;,ns,tc 0 t r.nguag~ ha1·c any opinion since I didn't all. Th~ whole town turned out should behave. The memb~rs thdn addressed the women on lng their BOOKS? wo:d;, she said 1i~ h~sa,1~ bt:;:'h. sec i~. . , to support the_ Festival, people th_emseh·es, serl'~d coffee, sand-church membership, and what ling, light quality that Is like . Th1s 1s ,John Holmes ~econd opened. up thc1r hom~s. and all Wlches and cook1es every mom-la really implies. among its members. listening to music o[ words." lime on the he;'t ?tre~tor were kmdncss persomfl~d. Two ing, a!lernoon and night to any

An interesting pla~·let on The. evening's service closed This coupled with the fact that I award, Denys Ferry s thml time members of the Wayfarer hungry visitor at their club Bible sled)' was introduced to with the singing of h~·mn 182, the 'had the strongest Ia ·ers around as hest actor, and Pat group were struck with laryn- 1 . the audience b,. l\l1'ss E.'!lo•"ell, 1 th b d' y · · p ) · · Lees' second. for best actress. gitis on the morning of the rooms, there was a wa;s some-wllP stated that "we should president. . land, perhaps) must have in- Flo Pat~cr,on, 11 ho 11_as best performance,- a~d Dr .. E ward . ·

.lJ~::r l'olk: I ll"'d , 0 ,

It mi•!ht be a >nwll pidl'rc thd: . ;mel h!'l. '.:.1· i :::·r·. · ·,::. ,,>, · mol'ed lly a S! ·Be 15 .. 1. , the would tal.;e on nr\\ bc:Iul.\· 'C I tcr~·dn t.'~:!r r~·;,,.,.-. . ' .. · :· ... ponsibllt~, f . t' • 1'' . . ' 11 ,. . 1/ • ramcd :lnct gl\'cn a "r:;;t'r 1 roJm. :1'''" \' :~!1'~ it 1· •• ; ·:·chotec.

m"t. Or. it could br a bit ol : b:'OII'Il h:·t 1'1:1 r~ ,,. 1" ,· · · china or ~~J::s<. a pi~r:~ or fnr-: Couch In\ i. pl:1in >· ;:, · . ·' 0 take your~elf. ni'un•. n sm:11l rug Ol' lol'l')) · Drape, ::r~ ,.,.,, .. ,1 ; •. ,, , · · .· • rbought the ~md. of old qui!t m:Hie b~· lm•rl. T<o 1 ine rr;nt on ' · . ,;; ru" !hal you 1'e1 all often, I hill'!~ ;n·e J;,•pt bi•'lillll ~ gi·oun!J. . ': So\ou'1•e had t lC 1

tiosed doors hccc>~.;l' 1\'C·. :, r repaired lest Ol dam:~· . .-·{) of :-:nJl't) 50JI. T!7P I Tiro cl1,.,..:! . ..: ~)l'r to fr. ·~acuum clcar:c.r lhin:! In do is ~et them oul ·uL', \'m·ni~ 1 :<v! ",, ·i · ,,,.·. · rug's fih

1ers. l·~~

enjoy thl·m. .. fbn~ t•not'"" ''"'d '1,1: . ·.you l1au a~ wood lwl e;,1·,T 1 .. 1 . 0 .1 . ·,: its positio~ m th7

• • 1

.. • to ,pare 1l uncH Dear Poll)': T hal'e ju,t lall:·:1 gcrmt' h~ L:·t11 i"' \1'''1 · . f I ·t 1 , · . \. the appearance o · ho>ir lo n lot of ,J!cl hl,w-~a.l· II' 11 r > l:lLP< on n::'ll'i'

white chin::. ~)\· f11rniture 1s iln<r< or wn:i'd rclt•ra: · -.:rush with sponge 1

hn t ntt , \1'1 · { .\< .I'OUr lll.ISban.d not nntictue so 1 1\idn't know " k 01"· .,.,, ''1·1'~ • -Pal. t , 11 1 -.. ·• l:"rd to J'usltfy Ius wlwt to do ,.,.;th thc;-c dish"-'· ' n ,.,, s ::no "'"'''' " "

I hntc to put !hem nwny in :1 get a rtl~. •.rh:tl rn'or' '· · , · new job. you are closet. i hn1 c n g-l:!s>-toppcrl wrou~hl iron tlinin~ tahlr :111'1 'Dr:1r ??? : Boy, ·.• :II f,, l'hairs. Please help mr.-.\lrs. : so a ru~ '"Pil'- "'"::1'1' x. ! dradcn the '""'P ·

:1nd brown nr· hci:.r~

De:1r ~Irs. X.: \'ou'1·r lurk\' and: don'! bow it Build onr~ , shclws to hold ;-our ~hinn. pr,·. · hnps at cithco· side of a win­dow. Paint them white li!•e the wa lis and woodwork.

Buv a bright green rug and ha1·e it r11l in the ,:ame ~hape ;:s your tahlr top h11t lnr~e enou~h to aeeommod,otp the tnh!e ,l'i!h rlwir.< nround it. E•'qe 'l'ifh

would he n prnuicol . i1 ronm-:·:i::e n1: '·

would .il''l n i:e hones. Paint thr •, 1 ,1~·; .· r::rchmrnt color of th! . bnckgrounrl <Hid 'H eorduroy for 1he bcd~prP,ad. 1t will ·.,ad··· and not sho11· I hr >Oil :;; ly, I wottld pnint :he tang e r i n c. \"iura' shnt!e.< would b~ •mmt o• .. lnmps,


mrnflVJ~ P/lES/lY. 1JflUE . HAI.WA!tts U.DT•zrr. ~,

TECHHlCoJDR• JBi~A"'.#BJ ~ . See ELVIS !inganddance f



1:.\'ENii\'G SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK- 9.00 1IATINEE: 2 P.lo-1.


. '. lo justify your ch!

' :ro thoosc is to be• · sible [or what you

' ' d "\' r.·ritcs a rea Cl", ! ! trouble bet ween . I , daughter hy sayn ; drcn should be ( choose tileir ! ' Don't \'OU realize ' . ; uoing when yo~L sa

· · : that? As a resu t \'OUr column. r ~· dawdles worse tl:

. ·,: her Saturday char the beds. You :

' irresponsibility 11

~o, dear reader, I

If I am preaching ; ! respect for 'There arc two 1

.; man beings can

:We can work becat ' dered to work.

. I


• ~ anc e ene Iction by the In the CitY. (m the whole IS· . , , d I bodv there

train our ears to hear the voice . ;:-;--,;.;· -;_·;,:·;:.:·:-:-::::::::::.:::::::; flucnccd the adjudicator. How- actress 10 1961, reeetved the Sharpe_ came 1mmedwtcly to Two other people who kept : o[ God, above .the noise of the : ' ever, the "bubbling, Jigt dual-, award lor the best supporting the Hotel, gave Injections and 1 the Fcstil'al running smoothly I --------------------I world." The following ladies I YOUR RED CROSS I ity" certainly did not come role this year. The Northcliffc throat sprays and charged not f were Deputy Chairman, :\fld. I M_t d?1111 ~0 8 lea-party: Misses I •. through to the audience. ' 1· Drama Group, which has been a red cent. This was the real· Regional Drama Festival, W. F. i :!llmme Diamond, and .·Florrie : Pit~her, and Mesdames Rub•• · Again, taking into consider- 1 a seven time Festival winner, spirit of the Festiyal. Gal gay, Dlr. fcstil'al l'; and W.

. • ation the type and quality of d n 1 1 '·I d '! . o t '!' k T H , 11 F · , · . Neal and Jean Mills .. They I 1 I ·d'd th' ,, "Sh d d coppe the Han·ev ose ·Bow "r. an 11 IS. t a r 1c s. . o11c . esh1al Dncctor. b h I P ays, 1 m... a ow an · . ,

r<iug t out the idea that one YOUR HELP flOW Substance" and "Groundswell" this year for the best visual owners of the Carmelite Hotel Let us hope we in St. John's 1

of the functions of tlie u .c.w. . . 1 r I l I were strong contenders.· The presentation. (known former y as the Star can do as wei next year. 1 is .to encourage Bible reading : ___ ..._ ______ .J ---(----. - . ·--·--

The proud winners of the Nfld. Rcgion~l Drama Festival Awards clutch their prizes aud smile happily after the awards Saturday ni~ht, March 17th,.at Grand Falls. (L-r) Denys Ferry, Best Actor; Pat Lees, Best AclTess; Flo Patterson, Best Supporting Role~ is also holding Charity; the (:alvcrt Trophy, for the Play; Gerrv Ros~. Visual Prescntalimt. John llolmcs is also holding Charity, the Calvert Trophy, for the best play, "The Man With a Load uf il-lischief" .. - (Hillier Photo). · .

----"·-----~ ~- ...... , '"--.--·-:···~



FREDRIC MAR~~ , · ') BEN GAZZA~ . ··; DICK CLA~~ / INA BAll~



Also - UP-TO-THE-1-IINUTE i\'E\\'5


E\'E~I~G SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00 MATINEE: 2 P.i\1.

------·--·----NEXT ATTRACTION




' 1 .'l ' "

~: :·.


' ,


. {' ~"\[~

r··m:ct J '7':":.,1 !' ~ ·=·

kN"! '.\ ; ;·, ·~.

'~.. .. • ..t r• •• ·" h~o, rt0:~y .. ~~

,, ;;~·~ u.~:l

· '"~n o--: .. k !·: _,: r·r~~~; :·"' hu~'!l





_ g,OO


tH~ ])AlL'i NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. TUESDAY, .MARCH 20. 1962

1~8 Mature Parent Alicia Hart's Quick Change

Choice ... Keystone How To Go From Business To Of Responsibility



T~ ,~l•·:·t' I' to hrt'tnllr l'C.SUOll• ;. ;,1,. \\:1:!\ \'IIU ha\'C chOS\~ll, ,. '.. • I

): ,.~, "rr;~dcr. · 1\Ht hili'C matle ··~ ;~;e t~l'l·' ~.·rn mr and my ,,.;htrt· t.y ;;1) ing that <:hil· !:c~ ~::0 :t:d hr allowed to c"·~,~~ t:1r:r oH 11 cllot·~s. "'•·"i·: \0\1 rt•;llizl' \\hat you ili'C

;, :~ 1 ~ hrn you ><~)' a thin~ li!<e 1::-:· .\~ a mult of rending ''":: rolumn. my daughter tl,\f.!r~ \\Or~t~ than e\'er ' ~IT Smtrt!a)· dwrc of ~trippillr, •:c rE'<i'. You arc pre;JC:Jin~ :::c;~Jn;i!,ilny lo l'i1ildrcn .... "

Ia. dm rradtr. 1 am not.

as 11 Chinese Communist works without choice of the kind uf work he does, liDW he wants to do it, where he wants to do rt. We can work lil1e the Chinese peasant, blindly, without any incentive but that which has been implanted in him by feU!' of the commissar.

And we can work 'as free people work, responsibly out of Choit.r.,

lt is a curious thing that in this country, embattled ns it is in its struggle to maintain Chotec for human beings, that a na.-. cnt cou]rl so fear to :tllow it to her child.

Why do ~·ou thing, ma'am, th,Jt America stands for free elcc· lions? .Just to keep the r.overil· ment going~ Hardly. Arw l'f. ficient ciictator can keep a go\'Crmnent going. No, we vote because choosin~ a ~an· dldnte forces responsibility liP· on us.

Like the man who chooses a uew job and the woman who cho;l~· es a new rug, politicnl choo:;. ing, the Founding Fathers l;new, would compel us to in· terest oursell·es in whut 11c were doing,

I recommend :1llowing childr·on some \'oice in the choice of chor·cs, not because I am a;:ainst responsibility, but ua· cause 1 am for II.

Accordmg to the 1960 ccn· sus, tlwrc were 108.5 million persons of l'oting ·age in the United Stales.



Transition from career girl to glamour girl can be fust if you have worked out a system. 'l'his girl finisl:.~s her offce day, then starts gettiwr ready for 1linnc1' date (left). She docs a quick 1:g washing to move the muddy splashes of Sllring, then changes

ALICIA 11Ait1' !!:\·cry once in a while, the busy

career girl faces an occasiun · when she must go on to m1 evening engagement from !he oHice with no time to go home to freshen up and change her clothes.

'l'hc trick o{ changing ft om a smartly dressed business wo· man to a femme fatale can be managed in 15 to 20 minut~s. if planned in advance.

It's not necessary to lake along a complete change of rlothing.

ies and jewelry for the glitter.

:\mazing transformations c:ta be made \\'ith just a simple evening blouse, a dressy belt or a sparkling necklace and earrings. So all the luggage you'll ueed when you leave lot· work in the morning is a lar'ge tote-type handbag,

Into this you can put clean glor-1 es, hoiset·y, jewelry, an even· ing purse, and even shoes. along with all the beauty aids you plan lo use.

Wear a versatile suit,, or :1 At the end of the work day, take 11 ran nork because we are ot'· smart sheath dress with a lac· your tote bag into the powder ~c~m~dlo~lro~rk~·.~\\~'e_c~a~n~w~o~l·~:<~==========~_:k~e~t.:_:'.nn~d~d~ep~e~n~d_:o~n~a~cc:e_:ss~ol:::··~ room and begin the transfer·

~ 1 am preaching anythin~. il is 'l!~ltt for rc5ponsibility 1'.irr arc t'•' o 11·a~·s that h•J. ::•~ bein~s can work. +


to clean stockings. She strips down to her lsill ( ccn· tcr) and wash'!s her face and neck thoroughly. Then S'hc applies fresh make-up, Tailored sttit jacket is put away to be replaced (right) by sparkling top, bag, i,;loves a1id jewelry,

mat ion.

A thorough wash-up is '.he first step on the asemia; neck aod arms as well as face, so that you'll really feel fresh.

And even if you don't intend to change into sheer evening anrl wash your legs with a hose, roll down your nylons cloth wrung out in warm soap· suds. You'll feel better groom· ed if there arc no dust or mud sp~ts on your legs.

][ your hose has become spotted during the day, you can w~sb off the spots without removmg your stockings, Nylon dries


After you've cle;mcd up apply yom· e1·ening make-up, do ~·our hair and don the acccssorb; you'1·c brought along for the occasion.

Should your lwir need a lift, .too, put in a few rollers before you start to wash. Usc hair sprn,", and the setting will lake m ahout 20 minutes. Don't comb it out until the last minute.

Now pack your beauty aids buck in the tote handbag, gather np your evening purse and gloves, and you're ready to face ihc evening looking and feeling

Mercury Monterey cuatom 4-door aedo:n .. , one of Ford of Canada's fine cara, built In Canada,

Try not to think about how nice it looks! It won't be easy, but be practical. This new Mercury Monterey has all but done away with the inconvenience of

monthly chassis lubrications, oil changes, brake adjustments and seasonal radiator changes. Monterey's a big car for the man who 't_Vants stretch out room and power to spare. On long trips

miles turn to minutes, while a new Big Six engine whittles regular gas costs. (And for even greater performance, there are three V-B's as well: the 220 hp. that runs on regular gas, and the high

powered 300 hp. and 405 hp. Marauder engines.) In Monterey's two series you can choose from hardtops, sedans, wagons and a sporty convertible. Sound good? It should for the

new Mercury Monterey is good for you-if you want imd need practical motoring at the lowest Mercury prices in years. Read the small print with the big story.

30,000 mile chassis lubrication e 30,000 mile anti-freeze engine coolant e 6,000 mile oil change cycle • double wrapped aluminized muffier • automatic self-adjusting brakes • super enamel finish • choice of Big Six or 3 V-8 engines • sedans, .hardtops, wagons and convertible • Dealer warranted for 12,000 miles or one full year, whichever comes 'first S•lltf 1111111 11/ustraltd or m1nl/on1d are optional al txtra cost.

To get all the facts, ask your Mercury dealer for your free "Comparison Guide"


., . ' rast ... The wort! "cockrail" Future ... lly next \Car China is said to have originated during is expeclc<l Jo hav~· a ~opula· lhc American Revolution wh~n tion of 700 million; by 1968, a ~armai<l who ~crvcd. Colo.nial 800 million. Three years ago, off1cers garn1shed thetr dnnks China had about one-fourth ~j with the Jail feather~ o~ chickens rh, world's population showing slo!en from a B r 1 t 1 s h ;ym- an increase of aboUJ 67 million pathi7or. in five years.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born March 2t to April 191 II~Htr ~.~.k )UI1r \1Uintr fnr an opinioa hfurc tlnnw .. go much hrth~r.

Beauty Tips For total skin cleanliness, wl

liquid and cream cleaners should he rinsed with skin freshener. It rcmo1'es nny Ill· risible residue and so helps to refine the pores and lhc gene!· al texture of your skm.

~.IBRA (S•pt. 23 to Oct. 22) J h.n~~ tend to Ut un~rt, 1x::ssib1y due to )<JUr attttude of defutism and. de~ ,:,pa1r.

a, 19~2. Field Enteq,rlsu, fne. ... ·-. - ' -·

that intcn~ifies color without drying.

You may not have noticed it y~t. but if you've been wearing a scarf around your neck aU win· ter, there are most likely somt sallow, yellowish skin to. show for it. Remove the yellow as you would a fading suntan, by rubbing with lemon juice. Yo11 could also rub gently with a pumice stone, but you're likely to lose some skin this way If you're not careful.

:"lew on !he market is a lipslic!; I that slrenks on like cream. It is loaded with royal jelly, lo whic:b was added vitamin A 'o keep lips smooth and soft. As a plus, a newly discovet\~d healing: a;lcnl was added to keep lips from cracking Ill cold weather, and an ingredient

Airline stewardesses for ont


company arc told to use 11 cig· m·ette holder if they smoke, in order to protect their teeth and hands from disagreeable yellow stains.

And you'll h<11·e achiel'ed ~he mel<Jmorphosis in less than a The motto on the state !laa: lwlf hour. of Rhode Island is "Hope."





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'MUNN MOTORS LIMITED 81ackmarsh Road, St. John's, Branches: Spaniard's Bay, Comer Brook. Sub-dealers: Duffitt Motors Ltd., Clarenvillc,J; Tilley's Garage, Elliston.


I I I '



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THE DAILY KE\VS, ST. JOl-IN'S, NFJ_.D. TL'ESDAY, \fARCH 20. 1062 . ~

·:Radio . And ~ .'.·

TV Programmes 7Afi-Doyl~ Bullctln ,10.31-Th~ Bill Allen Show 8.15-l'arliamentary Report 10.55-News 8.19-Rol'illg Reporter 1 11.00-'l'he Dill Allen Show 8.2fi-Jn.,trumclltally Yours jll.aO-Ncw, llcadlines 8.40-l'u~lic Libraries 11.31-'fhe Bill Allen Show

'·~ C B N =~1UESDAY, Mmh 20th. •..

8.55-Wrathcr lor ~lurincrs I 11.55-News

I 9.00-lnvitatinn to Worship 1

1 P.~l.

7.30-CBC News ' D.:lO-Tu llc Announced 1 12.00-Georgc Cawdry Show 7,3.'1-Tnp o! the ~Iorning ; 10.:!0--i\f\d. Yesterday and To· · 12.~0-Ncws 8.00-CBC N1m:s and Weather i day 12.35-Gcnrge Cawdry Show 8:15-:-.:\lus!l'al Clock 11.00-1\ol:turne 12.45-l•'ishcl'mcn's Forecast II.OO..:...}.torninJ: Devntions · 11.30--CBC National New~. 12.55-Ncws 9J5-Intcrludc lor ~lusic , llnlmdup and Speakin~ 1.00-Gcorr,e cawdry Show

... A: it



9.~0-C~C I ~monally 1.15-World or Sport 9.i'~Dll'Cct Rcpnrts . 12.00-Slgn Ofr-0 Canada- 1.:!0-News (Local SummR~' 1

9~~a-Rrcords at Handnm The Qurrn 1.45-Gcorge Cawdry Show lll;~Archcrs - 2.00-Ncws Headlines 10.15-Doris Janes ~. VOCM 2.01-Prizcs ami Problems ,10.25-l•'or Consumers 1 2.30-News Headlines lO .. aO-NI!d. School Broadcast Tl'E~IlAY, ~lan:h 20th:..... I· :!.:ll-Prizes and Problems 10.,45-i\lu"c in the Mor111ng 2.fla-Ncw3 li.lio-BBC Variety ' 3.00-T:IC llnb Cole Show 11.::0-Nfld Sehoul Broadcast ' t\G~U-Sl!:n On · 3.:l0-Ncws llcadlines 1M5-Sacn·d Bran Program " I'' h 1' 3.:~1-'l'he Bub Cole Show 12;00-BBC News 6.30-News llllu ., cat cr 12:10-Anrwuncers Choice fi.35-<it:nr~r Cawdr~· Show ' ~:~~=~~~v\:olc Show l!l.30-Farm Broadcast 6.40-i\lnrmng Mcditalion

6 '" \\' II 1 Sp rt 4.:10-News Headlines 1':!.45-~hd Day Serenade .~.~- or < o o u 55 N 4.:!1-Bob Cole Show

l. :oll-Do,·Jc Bulletin u .• -• c·,·s • •tlO (' C 1 ' Sl I" 4.55-Ncws and Weather 1.15-Aiong with E\nn 1. · - •cnr~c awe r; • Ill •

1:3o-t.:BC News and Weather 7.15-Wol·id of Spol't 5.00-The Bill Allen Show 7.:m-Ncws 5.80-Ncw.s l~flnd.'•••t~

1.43-'l'onnnv llunter Show ".1.,"1-Tile Bt'll Allen Sho1v :!.IJ-:\Iuslcat Rcndezi'Ous 7.35-TI·:•wt Guide ·•

' 7.36-Gcorgc Caw1lry Show 5.45-Fishcrman's 1-'orccast 2.29-Domiuion Obs. Time 5.55-News

Signal 7.45-\\' orld of ::ipor1 :!.:Ill- .~hl>ll'~i lleudcz1·nus 1 7.5a-News ( Locall 6.00-Bulletin Board 2.·l5-Atlnntic School Broad· 1 8.00-RCAF '!'ower, Torhay 6.10-l\lovie Gulrlc

cast 1 (\\'cat her Report) 6.15-Sports Report 3.15-.Jo:1n Drmme Tells a , 8.03-Ncws (National) 6.25-Travp! Guide

Sbry 1 8.08-George Cawdry Show 6.30-Early E1•cn1ng News 3 30 t 'BC " d T · 8.15-Sports Capsule Roundup . - . .-cws an rans .

· Canhda Mahncc 11.25-Ncws 7.00-Sage Brush Sam Show 3.33-'frans Cnnada Matinee 8.30-Hit Tunc or the Day 7.15-Shellelagh Showtime. 4.30-CBC News 8.35-\\'orld of Sport 7.30-News Headlines 4.33-Niec and Ens~· 8.40-Georgc Cawdry Show 7.31-Shelleilagh Showtime 5.00-Mbslc in the Air 8.55-Ncws 7.55-News 5.:10-Fisherics Broadcast 9.00-~lornmg Meditation 8.00-Cream of the Crop

. M5-:Music from the Albums i 9.0~-George Cawdry Show 8.30-News Headlines 6.00-CBC !>iews j 9.30-News Headlines 8.31-Cream of the Crop 6.0.'>-lntcrmczzo 9.31-Gcorge Cnwdry Show 8.55-News 6.45-Suppcr Guest 1 10.00-News 9.30-1\iwanis 7,00-CBl News and Weather ; 10.05-Storlt Club 10.00-Night Show 7.1:i-CaiO! Lane Sings i 10.08-Bill Allen Show 10.30-Ncws Headlines 7;30-Top~ Today i 10.30-News Hcadhnes 10.31-Ni::!ht St:ow


WH .. 1' A~ UI>JC.LE!

10.45-World o! Sport 9.20-Hit or the Day 10.55-Ncws 9.30-Austin Willis 11.00-'forbay Weather Rep~rt 9.35-Weather ~·orecast 11.02-Big Top Ten 9.45-Doctor's House Calls 11.30-News He:dtmea . 9.5a-Kitchen Glatter 11.31-Night Show i 10.00-News in a ~!mule t\.M.

110.01-~lartin's Comer

12.00-Night Show IO.~o-\~hat's Co?kin 12.31!-Ncws Headline~ 10.:1~-Natwnal, t;ew~ 12.31-Night Show I 10.3~-.Jcrry ~\ 1ggm s 1;omr 12.55-News summary. Weather I w1ves Chmce and 1"ew!

Report and Time I I.UO-Robm Hood Bullctm 1.05-Si•n Off 111.15-~he Right to Happmcss

o 111.30-l\ews ----------- 1 11.45-0rchid for t~iscle

CJDN TUESDAY, 1\larch 20th .

A.~!. 6.30-The Bob Lewis Show

News, Sports anu Wcath er. Reports ·

9.05-~iusic for Millions

12.0G-Bob Lewis Town and Country, News and Weather

1.05-\Veather Forecast 1.15-News l.:l5-Don Jamieson's Editorial 1.40-Sports 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook 2.00-NC\'16 Highlights 2.03-.Terry Wig~:in's Matinee


HOURS 9.15 - 6 p.m.

PHONE 8-4041






670x15 67QX.15


71QX15 710X15 7&ox·t5 75ox 14 soox 14 85QX14 5601590 6QOX13





Sale and wl Old Tire

B.S.W. SUPER SAFETY T.T. TYREX Reg. $21.70 ... ~ ........................................ $l 5.98 W.S.W. SILENT CUSHION T.T. TYR·EX Reg. $29.7D .... , .................................. $22·98

. B.S.W. SAFETY-T-TREAD J.T. TYREX Reg. $20.70 ......................................... $14·98 W.S.W. SILENT CUSHION T.T. TYREX Reg. $31.70 .................. ~ ................... $25·98 B.S.W. SILENT CUSHION T.T. TYREX Reg. $32.70 ........................ ................ $25·50 B.S. W. SUPER SAFETY TUBELESS TYREX ·Reg. $23.70 .................. ................ $1 7.98

B.S.W. CRUSADER TUBELESS TYREX Reg. $21.70 .. : ..................................... $15·98 B.S.W. SUPER SAFETY TUBELESS NYLON Reg. $32.70 , ............... ················

B.S,W. SUPER SAFETY NYLON Reg. $20.70 It tottltoott lllttllt I 01 It ltlttt I tlltlt tt Itt I o I tl

B.S.W •. SUPER SAFETY NYLON Reg. $20.70 ............................................... .

$23·98 $14·50




Bay Rc~erts News Town Council

News Newsy Briefs

BAY ROBERTS.-Tht :r.a fncnds of Capt. Sloodtel' S ~

BAY ROBI~RTS.- Sine~ its Corps O!ficer, will h-. h~pn1.~ inception the present Council learn he is doin~ q11 j"L •t

k, - •'- Vt' has been" \'Cry active rna mg following an opcratinn ·t :'

"' ~~., plans for projects it hopes to :;anitorium. Sl. .J 11:1n··

I aceompli>h during the year. \\'cdncsday. '· 11

llcccntly three new connl'il· • • • i tors werr! added to the Coun" A number of lad:." !r:tr· '. cil as n:sulls of bye-election. ~athcred at th1• 11r11 i111 ,1.,"·

namelv Frederick Oates. Waite." ~tr• John J'arlr (' ·•· t"

Yetm;n anrl Archibald Mercer. ~~~ ... )ionda~·., ~l;;rr·h"~;~t;·,~· '•: l ... , ~

Hubert· ~tercer was t re sue· honour her with a no. cessful applicant for position of warming slwwe1·. The nc:.:1

'I' 'I" t' I '·"! own n ana~cr. ll'as :;pen 1n Ill' '''":•I 111 .1,

Application has hr·en m:uk to ncar mi<ln'ght a deli;~: Lhc Dcpullncnt of ~;unicipal ltmch wa; <rr' ,.,1. )I!·· E· ~.

I [. ' ... if~

,<\tl.::irs lor ;:ronm sun·ey u: was p:·escntcd ·.r:1 1: ~ Pur;~ • l walcr and scwcra~l', al:-:o Town 1110110y. '.II

plan to gul"crn fntll;'c h~1ild- • , , in" it 1 the Town. Tiw Dcpa;·t" Ti\C )L\'. E:cpiDII- 1, prr-.,,1

n1~lll is ma!dn:.! ,'>ro'.'hion!-. tu"ll"f"I.Tl" a ar -~.~ '' . , , .._ c n .., I' ':0 r,t ferLI: undertake these stn'I'CY.I thi.; zer for the linn 1![ A!\•";

- --- ~·car. Sp~nrer & Co. "t :he !_" 1 :'

Sll'"Ct li~hls have been Ill'· · ·r "I 3.00-News Highlights 3.01-.John Nolan's Western

Jamboree 4.00-Ncws Highlights

• <> p:c . dcred to he instnllcd in Trench· • • , ard' 3 anrl ~IDsdcll's Lanes, a; . ~l.V. Glcnwo~>•l ;,. at :he Pll re<ult uf petition:' from some 1 c ll'harf <II' I .;, ::tr~1:rn a ca··

4.05-John Nolan's Party

4.30-National News ·4.33-John Nolan's

residcnt5 !rum these areas. . of flour for lo<·a) 1:;· 1~1 ,, ''1

Ranch The weekly meeting of the • • • Council was held in the Town i The many fncnds o[ Rottn

Ranch Hall Monday, March 12th, w1th i Caravan will he sorry to lea., all rr~embe:s present. Alter 1 he was obliged to enler ho.) the d1spens1ng of routme hmt· tal on Wcdnesd~v [ ~ Party

5.00-News 5.01-Art


Highlights Andrews' Dance ness, the Mayor gave a report appendicitomr. · 01

II · on recent delegation visit to St.

d :John's ,\lal·or Eric Jlawe and C • an i Councillor ·D. H. Ru;scll. ac· ; omtng Event

---- i companied h.v 11r. L. Strange. . __ _

6.00-~ews Head'ines IV eat her

CJON-TV I ~I.!!. A., • !~ad a very c<~rdi~l . BAy ROBERTS ·-\!eat <:1 mterv1cw :' 1~h the Ho~~ I;.\\: . Salad teas will he 'med in~·. Rowe, :\ of Hl~hlla)s, i :llatthcw·,, Hall h:: the CEW also Messrs .. Kn1ght and )lac- i on Wednesday. April 25th .. \

----------- . Donald of his department. : Pantry and work ;tails . A full d1scusswn w_1th regard · eard party at ni~hl. A . 10.45-Pastor's Study

10.50-\Yomen's News 11.00-Physical Fitness

. to our roads. cond1t10ns took • blc Sate j, aiso plannd, Pl·og. place the )l!mster p1:om:scd th_c : take place early in ~ra,·.

assistance and adv1ce ot h~> · . 11.05-Cartoons ~ li.Hi-ROlll!lCr Room

f 12.UU-I.ocal and National

Headline News 1 12.15-Sign Off · :!.00-The Public llefcndcrs ' 2.30-Chez Helene

· department from time to time · also the usc of highroads I equipment to the Council

when _not in usc hy the High­road:-.

As the rc.•ult of this meet-

George \\"ashin~tnn \Hm 6 bare knuckle< l,o,in~ cha:. pionship ol the 1"11lony of rt. ~inia in I i48.

ing \lr. Tulk. Road Stiperin· tlw cxerss d;lln,gc "' temlcnt for Avalon Pcnins~1la ; from )'Car \o year on lh:s area, also ,\lr. Smith an1l ~11·. of the street. .lerrctt, Department experts on Arran;;cment., arr tn he pavement. 1·isited Bay Robrrt.< in the ncar future for 1.'1

S!!i:ret. last Fl"iday, and a thorough committee on fire ;nd light I


inspection was made of all the Council to meet with roads in the area. These gen· 1 Chief Walter Ba~~s and tlemen are to give the Council ' cuttl'eo ot all areas mnc!d

2.4~-Nursery School :1.011-National St•hoot, :1.30-The \'erdict is Ym•l'tl :1.5j-Cross Section 4.00-0pen llousc 4.30-Dr. lludson·~

· .Journal 5.011-Adventures of B!inky 5.15-Hower l'ot Men 5.30-Razzle Dazzle 6.00-Captain .Jack 6.~0-The World of Sport 6.30-News Caralcade 6.50-Point of \'iew 7.00-The Real ntcCoys 7.30-Thc Beachcomber 8.00-Believe it or Not 8.05-Talent Showcase 8.15-Nationa! News 8.30-Jack Benny Show 9.00-Shannon 9.30-liarr~· ~1oore Show

10.30-Red Skelton Show 11.00-Front Page Challengr 11.30-Inquiry 12.00-Fighting Words 12.30-Sport.~ Calendar 12.35-News anrl Weather 12.45-Pastor's Study 12.50-Sign Off

a wriHen report as to their · the lire cquipmrnt to findings and recommendations. 'ways and means of

The promptness of their ~ new fire truck ~nd othtr visit and interest taken on our · h1ted matter~.

· behaH was very much apprcci· I The Council al;o approved , ated by all members of the ! make applit~allnn to th~ Drt,

I Council. ! or Municipal Affairs 1equ!t· The Council decided to start 1 in~ the department to maill

:as soon as arrangements are ; appraisal of all properly in made to fill in vacant land on i Town with a ':iew n! .

: water side of Water Street , ling the ll!umc1pal Serv!Ce tu ; from Churchill's store to Cross 1 lor the Property Ta~. Road, providing parking space I A petition was received . and thus relie1•ing traffic con- 1 residents or the Back Roada geslion on this street. '!'his ' the vicinity of Yetman'!

· was approved h;- j[r. Tulk on I requesting installation of . his visit. He thought it a good I crage system in their are1. : idea as it would spread the I was decided to drier thil ' use of the road to all pavr· ! ter [or furturc rli<cu:>ion. mcnt, no! as it is now. mainly I The meeting conduded at

:on the inside, thus relieving I p.m.

They'll make 300 payments before it's theirs·

Now they have a house ... and a mortga~e. ONLY LIFE INSURANCE CAN PROTECTYOU But it takes time and money to own a THESE FIVE WAYS home completely. You can't be absolutely y~s sure of having all the time it takes ••. but 1. Guaranteed protection for the .homert 111• you can guarantee the money, through family will never inherit an unpa1d mo g Life Insurance. This is the only way you . from thl can be sure your home will belong to your 2. Guaranteed I mmedlate protect1on, · family if you do not live to complete the moment you qualify •

payments. a. Guaranteed protection, no specuia!IO~;I~ Undoubtedly you are presently insured guessing. You know exactly the num .but your circumstances are changing, so dollars to come, make sure your life insurance keeps in step rmes tot with your life. Tell your life insurance 4. Guaranteed benelils at big expense 1

5 ;11(1 agent what it is you want for your family's can guarantee funds for future expense future. Guarantee that your family will as sending children to college. always enjoy the comforts and security w•'' you have provided for them. Make sure of 5. Guaranteed retirement income. You tomorrow, today. income you can never outlive.



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,·rtman's Llltl L>t1on of aew: thr1r area. 11.

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. , home. yttJI opaid mortgag•·

ction, fror11 tht

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1P. . '" You hav

NFLD. TtTESDA 1' :\IARCH 20. 1962

Brookfield .'Annual Dinner

r:~~r•"•'"'"" nf 2lhear service watches was made hy :\Irs. Gordon Luseomhe to ~!iss Alma King, ~[r. \\'ilkins. \ti·. Edgar Hiscock and ~[r. Edison Colbourne. Shown ahove, left to right: ~!r. Gordon

l•,•cmnlle, \'icP-Presicleut and ~[ana~er, St. John's; \lr. Gordon Wilkins; ~liss Alma King; ~lr. Edison ; \lr. Edgar Hiscock and \lr. H. R. Luscombe, President and General .Manager.

Presentation Highlights /,

The Eric 11-loore Memorial Scholarships are awarded yearly bv the Brookfield Employees Welfare As­sociation of St. Jorm's, ·to sons or daughters of employees of the St. John's plant, att_aining the highest marks in Grade 9, 10 a11d 11. Abm·e, with two company officials, are the winners for 1962. Left to right: Mr. Gordon Luscombe, Wss Jean Press-Grade 10, W~s Doreen Crott\·-C:rade 11, and ~.[iss ~ar­bara Gaulton-Grade 9, Mr. Hussell Burke. General Purchasmg Agent, and President of Brookfield Em-

ployees Welfare Association. 'I ing the past few -w-e-ck_s_w--i-th_'_ll-'il_h.-e-n_\l_n_ts-ia-s-m. --A-pa-r-t:o;-· -o-f _o._f_D_._G_l_o_v_e_r_&_S_o_n_>_vc_n_t -to-S-1.-t ---~~;~-IS-TE_R_D;;.;----­their son, Rev. E. C. Sturge and rclatil·cs was held on her .fohn's last Tuesday on a brief' REG!~,\ ll'l'J - L". io>n F.

1 · tl d t t1 h f 1 businc>s trip. ~!clntosh, 64, a l' ;: ' · · family at Gander. >11' 1 ny a te ome 0 ter . of the SaskDl~I'E · dll 1: ,;,, .. ~ .. ·.·,

, 1

!he elnse of the dinner. two beautiful bouquets were presented to Mrs. H. R. and .\Irs. Gordon L11scomhe by the Brookfield Emplo\·ees Welfare Association.

'"''"'''·"- wrre made lw two \'onng ladies of the Brookfield staff. Shown above, left to right: llhwr, .\Irs. H. R: Luscombe, ~Irs. Gordon Luscombe and i\liss Shirlev Fleming,

Lus­The Miss

• • • daughter. ::O.Irs. Kenneth Dia· • • • : 13 years. rliecl )1~;·c · ,, · .: ·

Collnt•attll"tl'ons to • !!rant! mond, with whom she resides, · 1. 1 , h u n ._- . 'co-opera IOn (l\1( e(l fl:,!·~l _I, . ~

old lady in the person of i\!rs and ;\Irs. LcDrew cut her cake Mrs. Roy Taite enplaned at lie was anp0 i,:d ,, ,., , , .• Elizabeth LeDrew who celcbrat- which was decorated with 89 Gander ill arch 14th for Carol r!cwlrpmrnt in ~~ i 1• in 1 • ,.

etl her 89th birthday on March, candles. ·Lake where she will !<pend municipal aff.:ir>, a:••i in · ·· 7th. :\Irs. LeDrcw is quite ac-! • 0 • · som~ lime with her daughter,· l"embcl', J%1, .,,·;.s r~ · "'' tire. knit~. sews and reads: ~lr. Edgar Glo1·er of the firm :\Irs. Don Rooney anrt family. pointed co-operatil'rs r'i11i:'•

---------------- ··-- -----~-


Gl N Whole World".· I Mr. Stephen Hicks were absent , n-ve rtown ·O;te· s Various prayers were offerell I and will be installed at a later .

f1i by Mrs. Hubert Ralph, repre- date. 'OP•:x I. ... sen ling the Anglican women; PERSONALS lh.erl· HOts!. , bet wren the home and the I :Mrs. Havward Burry of the - ante r E 1 · ' "Op 0 ~~ ucatwn school. Salvation Army· Mrs. Roland !\Irs .• James Blackwood spent

Fr,ua~ et Hou•e" was held ] 'fowarrl the end of the eve· Lane, Pentccost'a\; l\h·s. Chris- the past week-end at St. John's rer.t;al ~~~ 2 to 4 p.m. at : ning a social hour was held topher Saunders, and l\lrs. where she attended the· Cap­

.. Srh 1ementary United ' when over coffee and sand· Frank Feltham of the United ping Exercises o[ the S. A.

of 00 where a large wichcs parents and teachers Church. Grace · Hospital School of cord

1afrents _and friends talked togther in a most Soloist wns l\!rs. John W. Nursing at which her daughter,

: ~l'l recel\'ed by the friendly atmosphere. Howse who sang the appro· Carole, received her cap. Mrs. ' :, 1~~~ ~l~ry FelthaJl!, priate "1\ly ~rayer". Organist Blackwood returned home on

S .- \\ allace Dav1s WORLD DAY OF PRAYER !or the evenmg was Mrs. Jas. l\!arch 6th. us,e Whalen, · Women of all denominations Blackwood. Youth groups of * • • ·

& SCHQ of this area in the Central United Church and Salvation l\lr, and Mrs. Edgar Glover meetino C 0~ lJEETING United Church on Friday at Army with their leaders attend· arc receiving a visit from Mrs

· Ass~ci:r t e Home and 8 p.m. with one I!Ommon aim: ed in uniform in a body. Glovt!r's parents, ll!r. and i\lrs. lon of Glover- an hour of prayer and fellow· Arthur Feltham of Musgrave-.

was U.c. Elementary ship together using as a guide TOWN COUNCIL NEWS town. They arrived on Sun· S<'hn~~ld in the Central the service prepared by the A meeting of the Glover- day, March 11th. Bth on Thursday, Women's Inter-Church Council town Town Council was held on * * •

Itt ' at 7.45 p.m. with a of Canada. !\larch lOlh for the purpose of Congratulations to Mr. and !ndanl'e 1.1 thair

1 · lc meeting The ser1•ice wus tmdcr the in,;talling new councillors. They 1\lrs. Alfred Travers to whom a . }J/;1 b)' the Vicc·l'resi- Jeudcl'ship of Mrs. John W, are us follows:- son was bofl! at nanling 1\lem:

· t oJ ti 11-.. I.odcr, in the Butt and ~Irs Kenneth · Ilia· )llayor - Gideon Janes, re· orial Hospital on February · p

10, 1 ~ ltt·•nlcnt. montl Prcsidt•nt and Vice· elected. 25th. And also to Mr. and Mrs

. ,ralll t t - ' • 1 or a a Ius meeting President of the United Chmch Deputy Mn)'or-Citns. Davis. Weldon Ralph \vho arc the tctith·d .. ~::;••! appropriate Women of Glovertown Ccntrul. Councillors - Watson Lnne, . proud parents of a son born at

ll0,1 a •c Family Cir· : The guest speaker for the Alexander Gange, Samuel Fell· I: the Gander Hospital on Feb . o( the

1Pfll'llfli'Jate. be· I evening was :.Irs. Hedley Iloilo. bam, ~It'S, Kenneth Diamnncl. 2(i!h, · ·

ll'ee~~t that this is 1 way o! U~e Salva lion Army, who A short business period fnl· • • • • the cl And the film I spoke on the thenie of the scr· lowed. Two other councilloJ's, • !llr. and Mrs. John Shu·ge

ose connection , vice, "God's Love !or Ute 1 namely l\lr. H. B. Loder and ; returned recently alter spend·


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Minor HO<key: Intermediate Hockey: Girls Basketbali:

,Bradbury S(ores Eight ·Brigus Win First 1

First Place Tie P ....... 11 S G·.bb 4 DropPortDeGrave3~1:BC Drop UC 35-2 0 we even I I 0 n s Brigus went one game up in goal apiece at the end of the

. Conception Bay Intermediate second period. · . By WILSON BUTLER I I of Commandoes but the big hockey finals lnst night a.t the Frank Connolly gave Bri?US l'tiu der Yetman Pot 14 . Each Alex. Faulkner may be mak· : test will came on Thursday Harbour Grace Arena wtth a the lead at 7.35 of the ftrst 1,1.1


ing a name for hlmsel£ in the · I afternoon when they· face off 3-1 victory over Port de Grave. , period after taking a pass from American hockey league but I with Signallers. A win for Sap· The two teams ope.ned the · t!aywnrd Fry. H:•' 4 ') Porter One upset may turn out to scored 9·8. · man's understudr right here in the St. John's pers and a loss or a tic !or best of seven series for the lied it scoring the Ia :. Port de be all that defending champs, Ann Duder was the guiding the twins for five ~oi 1 l\1inor hockey leagLtes we have Commandoes to the same team Lorne Walle lin Thophy and the Grave goal at 18.35 of the sec· Bishops College needed to rc- hand behind the B:shop win as Linda King added tw~ 1•

, on Wednesday would sec the Championship. Bt·igus finished and on a pass from .Tohn Efford. peat as Girls High School Bas· she scored 14 points, while the · a couple of dandles of our own , . . two teams Ued for the finals hrst In the standings and won The wmnlng goal came off ketball champs for the third league's top scorer, Hilda Yet· BOX SCOREs in the persons of Wayne Brad· •, h · • " · f' 1 h i k h kl' B' h but Commandoes would still I e section 'A semt· ma s t e st c of C es Strac m un· straight year. man, matched her output for ts op3; FG F'r 11 bury of the Bantam league and ,i Vi t i h'l p d · t d 1140 f th r· 1 · h d D d have two games in hand. over c or a w I c ort e asm e at . o e wa B1s ops, after dropping a 30· the Unite gals. u er 4 6 1 Dcrt Powell of the Pee Wees. ' G th' d 1 · f' · , · d d h · k. I Gerry Holland wits the top •rave tr P no~ tms.Jers perto an t c msurance mar cr 28 decision to first place il!e· Hilda's 14 point production ~!cLenncn ~ 0 2 Both Bradbury and Powell are tl t' "ll" · r· I I b F k J · . scorer for the winners with a won 1e sec wn semt· mn s was score< Y ran· anes on moria! University in their im· 1 moved her season's total to 120 Parsons 4 1 1 scttinc a fabulous pace in ' hat trick while teammates Tom over Shenrstown. a pass from Ron Burke at 12.50. tial meeting, looked like they points, 21 more thea second I Earle 1 0 1 Minor league goal scoring. ' Drl n th g 'th Tl d f th ' · 1 Bradbury's flying high at the Devereaux, Ricky Steele and : gus wo e arne . Wl . 1e .secon game, o e had been clminated when they 1 place ~!arg Dawe of l\!emortal l\Iartin o 0 1

Ed. Collins each tallled singles. two quick goal~ at the. midway f1~als wall be played '\ cdnes~ay managed only a 35·35 drawl Prince Wales' Judy Cole in I C. Parsons o 0 3 rate of better than four goals : Pat Dempsey scored the single mark of the tha·d ~cnod after mght at the Arena startmg with the Varsity team in the 1 third with 73 points and Bis·. Har:nun o 0 3 per game and Powell at better\ ·for Gunners. both squads were tied at one at 8.30. final round, but United Coi-l hops Ann Duder moved into: Lynch o 0 3 then two a game. . ; Next games in the schedule Jegiate gifted them with 39·34 : fourth place with her 14 points ! Totals: 14 7 11

Bradbury played havoc with : are slated for this afternoon B •II• d Ch victory over li!UN and then : on 68. ,1' Un!ted: the Caribou nctminder in when at 4.15 p.m. Liberators 1 Iar s amp yesterday the United gals how· Yetman 7 0 yesterday's Bantam game as he "AYNE n u y ' \, liRA B R meet Sterllngs; 4.55 p.m. In· ed 35-21 to Bishops to force a Susan ~!cLennan anrl Sandra Davis 1 3 plastered him for eight goals fantry vs Troopers; 5.30 Victory first place tie. Parson shared the scoring high- King 1 o to run his goa) total to 14 in running up a goal total of 33 vs Hood. . G I Bishops were in command lights for Bishops and Ann ! Drodgc 0 0 Terra Nova's three games to I in the fifteen games which he Jo'or Wednesday at 4:15p.m., Loses FI·rst arne all the way as they jumped out' Duder. Susan potted len and Jensen 0 0 dale, a pretty good average on has played, over two goals per Cansos vs Lancasters; 4.55 p.m. ' front 14·6 in the first. quarter '] Sa~dra nine. ~larg. Earle had Adams 0 0 any man's team, also having game, a good man to have Signallers vs Cammandoes; 5.30 . i and held a 27·16 half llme lead. their other two pomts. J Green 0 0 picked up a pair of assists, he around. Despite his 7 goals In 1 h f' 1 h If h t I b 1 p.m., Huron vs Briton, and at The opening of the first bill·l John Bennett 241·228 as the In I e 1na a t e were ou · Bar Davis was Hilda Yet· Tota s: g 3 has taken away the leadership his game yesterday afternoon, 6.10 p.m. Vildngs vs Eagles. lard tournament in St. John's I Knights ot' Columbus bounced in the Bantam points parade Powell was not able to overtake Here's 8 note for all Ban· in eight years took place last· back. l f L . H I ( M N H l s from "puffs" Power of Cresents teammate Sandy Gibbons for tam players. Players arc asked night at the Knights of Colum· Mr. French's breaks: 11, 17, ea S OSe &0lY rOSS eet Prrll.~•lftt with a total of 18 points, three the Navy's scoring lead as Gib· to turn in their birth certifi· bus rooms with the Newfounrl· 11, 24, and Mr. Bennett's: 11, more than Power. bons picked up 8 points on 1 1 b'll' h ·

cates at once. ] am l lard c amp Mtke, 11, 15, 12, 11, 11. T D f RCAF T • h s l d Down in the Pee Wee league four goals and !our assists to O'K f . d f I l nceman t I Dert Powell appears to be the stay out front with 41 points I ee c bemg c eatec. i The tournament is the star! 0p e e omg ( ~e u.~~

~!r. O'Keefe represnting the 1 of an annual event nnd saw the · • highest scoring winger the lea· while Powell is In second place · · F' • Cl h 1 1

guc has seen for many a year. with 38. c 1• N t 'Jrcmen 5 u bowec to Ned~ billiard rooms filled as 1\lr. TORFONTO <CPl - Defence· Holy Cross and RCAF both MONTREAL Posessing perhaps the hardest Defenccman Ian Kirby of · ur tng ·0 es O'Brien of the Knights of Col-I Chairman welcomed. all and in·. man Carl Brewer of Toronto tied for third place with a win National Hacke\· shot in the league, he really l\laggle also picked up a pair of umbus. 331'311• but. the ?renks. troduc~ Gran~ Kmg~t Ashley Maple Leafs under\vent an oper· and loss will be out to break of·seven scmi·fi~als plays heck with the goalkeepers goals and Bob Simms register· NFLD. GREAT LAKES went m favor of ~!r. 0 Keefe and Ftre Chtef Cadthgan who ation Monday for a charley horse the deadlock tonight when they :l>lontreai and Toronto

ed his fourth shutout to keep who had a total of 184 to ~lr. spoke to the gathering and com- suffered in a National Hockey tangle at the Crusader gym ~farch 27, the League

Patricians AA Hockey Tonight

his goal average to a neat 1.47 March 20th, 1962 O'Bricb's 169. O'Keefe breaks plimented both committees for Lea"ue game against the Ran· starting nt 7.15 while RCAF de· ed ~londay. tops with Navy goalies as the 7.00-8.30 were 11, 12, ~0,. 43; 14, 18, 28, their efforts of reviving the ger; Sunday night at New Yorlt. feated United in their first out- ~!ontreal Canadien'

1 h 1 bb d 15• 23• 10· 0 Bnen s breaks lO, game. · The 23·year-old Brewer was ing and lost to St. Bon's in their weekend captured ·· ' defend ng C amps e o ere V. Reid J. Burgess ]10, 14, 16, 20, 12, 16, 11, 36, 14, Both Mr. Caddigan and 1\Ir. injured when he collided with encounter. consecutive league Nelson to the. tune of 13·0, the J. Chelvers T. Stentaford 11. Mr. O'Brien represented Ashley wished both teams the Andy Bathgate during the sec- St. Bon's lea'; the loop l'•ith ship, will face the highest score m the league thus R. Templeton A. Lush Plain and Mr. O'Keefe Spot. best af luck and then broke the ond period in the game which three victories without a loss Chicago Black Hawks far this season. Nelson were .J Herrick C. ~·. Horwood In the 9:30 game it was Spot's balls to officially open !he 1962 ended in a 2·2 tie. while St. Pat's are in second , ser!es. without the services of their Doug. J. French dropping Plain's, season. Punch Imlach, the Lenfs' I T Coach nnd several of their top 10 0 as they won their only two oronto ~!a pie 8.30- . 0 coach and general manago.r assured of second players. H. Wylie J. Laws c .1 I t Cl b said he isn't sure how long :::a~~\'at's and St. Bon's will league. will meet

In the Bantam game in which s. Stack R. :\loyse I y l7il et·- u Brewer will be out o[ action. t . h t . t d t b York R·n" Terra Novas handed Caribou F. Hue j j · · 1 m~e m w a ts expec e o e '" oet·s or their fourth loss in as many ~.'·:rv;~;~~~r c1t't~~Y!ro~ll~~~hes~~~en~r [~~ the hig game at the TorbJy ~ym Win.!!s, dcpendin~ on .

D. 111. Lowe Wednesday ni-''t. It will be the finishes fourth. Xew : games, Fluke Noftall netted a B t• L American League, will take o1·cr .

ens. hat trick while teammate 10.00-11.30 ow lng eague Brewer's defence spot. fiTS( game of·'" d.oublehcader, leads De,troit by Ol:e Players on both teams arc [ Wayne Sturge added a single. A. Foster H. Kelly The leafs are also miss:ng vet- tit~ secon~ game ~vtl.l see RCAF The s.c~tedules, wath ..

a~ked to contact t~e tl~o cap· Caribou who had their highest E. Kennedy G. Dearin eran forward Bert Olmstead • gomg agamst Fetldtand. for addJtlonal games If

The Patrician AA has one !(arne scheduled for tonight and it will be played at the Forum. .1 oc Kenn)·'s Backouts will tan­gle with Charlie Walsh's Chick·

t.uns for the startmg tune of scoring game to date offset the E. Butler D S A TEMI STANDINGS I Fenco Eng ...... 21 3 18 3 w'w broke a bone in his shoul:' Referees for tonight's game are: ~hr r.ame. Joe's 'pl~one. number Terra Novas 13 goals by re· W. Weir A. iien~;;. (Up To Thursday, March 15th) ·~ ~Iarsh all's Tc .... 21 3 18 d~r recently. I wiil be Dave Barrett and Jack . Series A, at ~!~ntmi ts !ll92fi :md Charlw's ts 91001. tal:at'Jng ,v:th four, as .rookie p 'V 3 -- Walsh. II 27 and 29, at Ch1cago. , , L Pt~. : Council Tc ...... 18 3 15 3 ' . 1 and 3, at :llontreal

sandy Gibbons scored his first NFLD. GREAT I,AKES Ramblers ....... 21 19 2 19 , R. Cauglue (~laple Leaf) ~26.00, St John'S Cl b Chica.go Aprils and • Bantam teague goal. John Cor· l\larch 22nd, 1962 Victorians ........ 24 19 5 19 llighest 'l'hree Frame: R. Lane (Ramblers) ........ ~25,131 • U April 10. coran, Bob Smythe, and Don 7.00-8.30 Holy Cross ........ 21 18 3 18 (Individual) A. Downton (Feildians) 223.09[ Quinn, also picked up singles. P. Templeton E. Warren Imperial Tc ........ 24 17 7 17 F. Crocker (H.C.) ........... 867 J. Byrne (.M. Workers) .... 222.15 l't• t L · Series B, if Toronlo

In Alrforcc action, Spitfire~ F. Bishop R. :\!urphy Nfld. Brewery 21 16 5 16 G. Wadden (H.C.) ........... 836 A. Jackman (Victorians) 222.06 fUar S eague New York, at Toronlo made it a tic for first place R. French R. Kent Royal Tc ........ 21 16 5 16 (Team) D. Oldford (!mpenal) .... 220.Gl and 29, at :\ew York with Sterlings as they nosed J. Norris W. Pctten !II. Leaf Club .... 21 13 8 13 Holy Cross .................. 2U55 J. Power (Victorians) .... 219.1ti To·Night, ~larch 20th.: and at New cork April . out the last place Jets 2·1. Dave lto)'a) Garage .... 21 13 8 13 J. Dooley (Imperial) ....... 217.00 7.30-St. Pat's vs Star i and 3, at Toronto April


Fina~s Continue Innes and Sam Murphy were 8.30-10.00 Avalon Tele ..... 21 13 8 13 llighest Single Frame: D. Meadu; (Imperial) .... 215.G7 9.00-Guards vs Holy Cross I

The fir>t game of the section the scorers for the winners V. Reid T. Stentaford I CNR Assoc ......... 21 19 9 12 (Individual) E. Churehtll (Royal) ........ 213.00 , If Toronto face! ".\'' Cil'il Service finals is on while Randy Bishop picked up R. Templeton J. Burgess Feildlans .... .. .. 21 12 9 12 G. Wadden (H.C.) ............ 365 E. Murphy (Ayre's) ........ 212.20 : will be at Toronto llt'ti tap tonight at the Arena and the lone Jets marker. Jets still J. Chcivcrs C. F. Horwood Ayre's Tc ........ 21 11 10 11 J. Dooley (Imp. Tc.) ........ 361 W. Williams (Feildians) 212.06 and 29, at Detroit AprJ the second game of the section have two games left In the A. Lush J. Herrick Mun. Workers 21 11 10 11 (Team) W. Dunn (Rovers) ........ 211.14 A. Pinksen (!II. Leaf) .... 204.11 3, and Toronto AprilS,. •·n" finals will also be played. schedule while Spitfires have MacDonald's Tc 21 11 10 11 Fcildians .... .. ............. .1028 H. English (R. Garage) 209.19 V. Pittman (Palmer's) .... 204.02 trait April 8 and at

C:'o\R took two games off just one. · 10.00-11.30 Dept. Highways 21 10 11 10 J. Hurley (Highways) .. 209.07 0. Suliivan (M. Leaf) ... 203.06 April 10. Buckmas\ers and Mental did In Army acl!on, Sappers, the H. Kylle R. Moyse 1 Palmer's Tc .... 21 9 12 9 AVERAGES G. Martin (:-l'fld. Brew.) 208.19 E. Kugent (Amherst) .. 203.06 lil;ewise to RC~IP for the right dark horse team which has W. Winsor J. Laws Munn's Tc ........ 21 9 12 9 (Up 'fo Thursday, March 15th\ H. Andrews B. Verge All games in to meet in the best of five sec- finally caught fire, may have S. Stack D. ~!. Lowll Simpsons-Sears 21 8 13 8 I<, Crocker (HC).. .......... 241.13 (!llacDonald's) ............ 208.09 (;\lacDonald's). .202.06


onto and New York lion "A" semi-finals while caught fire too late, as they F. Hue C. lllcrner Marconi Co ..... 21 7 14 7 G. Wiscombe (Royal) .... 238.09 B. Cleary (CNR) ........... 206.10 L. Power (!II. Workers) 201.15, at 9 p.m. AST. The Fisheries and Cabot arc play- dumped the Gunners 11-1 in a ------- Fry's Eng ... , ..... 21 7 14 7 I B. Jackman (Horwobd's) 236.19 J. Vinicombe P. Dunphy (Avalon T.) . 201.13: games will >tart at u:· ing a best of fi\·e series in sec- last minute attempt to up set 'l'o get a correct blood pres· Del-Tile &. T. 21 6 15 6 G. Young (Rablers) ........ 229.10 (Highways) ............... 206.09 C. Barnes (Rovers) . ..201.02 I AST and the Dertoit tion "B". Commandoes from the final sure maybe they should blind· C. Packers ....... .18 6 12 6 R. Laite (Nfid. Drew.) 229.00 R. Embcrlcy C. Goobic (Ramblers) ... 200.05: would start at 9 pt.. ·

Cabot won the fit's! game last I playoff spot. The win moved !old a young man when a Amherst Tc ... 21 5 16 5 R. Short (H.C.) ........... 227.05 (l\lncDonald's) .......... 205.12 J. GOSSE, i week·days and B30 p.: week with a 6·1 victory. them to within a single point pretty nurse is taking it. Rovers ............ 21 4 17 4 H. Downton (Feildians) 226.11 C. LeGrow (Ramblers) .... 205.06 Secretary. I Sundays. ~~~~~~----------~~~--------~----~-----------------------------------

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"on car,· ~ of

TilE D.\JLY \F.WS, ST. JOHr-\'S, NFLD. TPESDAY, !\lARCH 20. Hl62

- A Long_!fQi.(~-~.!.._. 27 Xears·

.. _ _._ ....... __

n'D 27 YEAll t'AMINE: .. The Guards senior hockey team ended 1 27 year famine and captured the his- 1,.. __ -------------­lllric Bo~·ie Trophy last night by defeating the Feildians 2·0 to tak.e the best of .seven series four games to one. :\!embers of the team are: Front Row (left to right): Rolhe Clarke, Btll Drover, Ian Campbell, Jim Eg Billard, Bob Bad cock, Geoff Campbell. Second Row: Art Pierce, Bert Warr, Jack Drol'er. n~\·e But I cr. Gar P~·nn, acting captain; Bill Pike, assistant coach. Back Row: .Tack Crane, Ross 1\e~rin~. Jlo\l'ie Meeker, c·nach: Bruce Bradbury. assistant m<magcr; Boh William5, Murray Ch~plin, \1': 1 "''~ \\·~~rm<Jn, Erldie V11tchcr . .Ioe Slm1e,\', 1'vli!'sing from photo: Ray Murphy, captain; Ralph Skanes, tlc".li: l'[;;;,l)k, i\'cls Kcarley.-(lloyRl Photo Service).


Blank Feildians 2 • 0 For Title

'l'h~ t•nd of a cham!Jiouship famine, which may nuu·k lht• lwginniug of a new era in SJlort, r~;ts lntla~· with the Guards, 1!162 Boyle 'l'ro11hy 11'11\n I' I' s.

. They rt•achecl the Jlinnaclc last night by blank­Ill~ the Fl'ildians 2-0 and taldng the best of seven rt1p finals four games to one. Since 1935 the Gu~rds ha\'e stnaggled, often hopelessly, and have huilt Ami rebuilt in nn effort to capture the his­torir ll·nphy, ·

Oa\'e Butler and Boh Williams, two juniors hlovcrl 1111 to th.~ senior ranks hy coach Howie )1~ckcr, were the players to hit pay dirt {or the Guards, while acclnimed hero Eg Billard came through with the shutout. "'

a winning combination, had Bud Duffett, Doug Squires. Bill several changes ln. their lineup.! Martin, Frank Brr>cklehurst, Playing without captain Stan Dave Batten, Tom Collingwood, , Breen, injured in the third Ralph Rowsell, Graham Carter, game, and Donny Yetman, the Bob Noseworthy. Double Blues moved defence· SUMMARY man Bill Martin up to Breen's First Period: 1. Guard5-But-~ right wing slot and filled Yet- lcr (l. Campbell) 4:38. Penal­man's position with junior star ti~s: Squires 5:24, Cooke 12:10,1 Tom Collingwood, Bel •rhistle Marlin 17::12. I retm·ned to the lineup to pl:ty Sec<m<l l'eriod: 2. Guards-Will-~ on the bludine. · iams (WatT) 14: t5. Penalties,

Guarth were again without Jim Drover, Jack Drover,, Gar defcnt•eman and captain Ray l'ynn, Bill ~llu·tin, Doug Sttuires, Murphy who was out of town G. Bt'een (Majors) 15:27. on husiness. Thir!l Period: No scoring.

When the game ended, Major Penalties, Hend~rson 11:44, / II.G.R. Mews presented acting Butler 16:03, Co\hngwood 19:2.2, captain Gar Pynn with the his· Noseworthy 19:33. toric Boyle Trophy at center -,---ice. r;onowing this presentation Bill Breen of the Long Shore­mans Prote~lil'e Union present­ed assistant captain .Jack Drov· er with the Tobin Tie Cup as first place finishers.

The last Guards cup was In 1935 when they defeated St. Bon's. Their only other cham-Jurn · btl Pmg off to a fast start Warr to roll a weak shot to- pionship came in 1923.

h;re d 5 0~e 4,oo.o fans that j wards the goal that dribbled Referees· Gerry Smith and tru ~e tne StadiUm for the . through . Chapman's pads and Gerry Murphy called 13 penal· hir~tal &ame, both teams hit I over the line before falling ties with the Feildlans being hd d and often, but gradually flat. ' . nabbed for nine. Each team thet 1 anti m the final period Feildians seemed to sense de· drew three majors.

D Pay became Cl'cn ragged. feat after the poor 5econd mar· Eg Billard was the top per-ton~\': Butler with only his se- ker and were unable to form a former for the Guards with hi5 th, 8

6Qaj of the year, both in real attack except for several shutout, while Dave Butler and the G O)'le Trophy finals, ga1•e individual rushes following a Ian Campbell were their top IJa ~arrls their needed zip at slight mix-up in the middle forwards. Ralph Rowsell was· be bo the mitial period when . session. the top Feildian attacker, wi~h B!u roke through . the Double The mix·up saw six players Lloyd Cooke playing well on p11:

1 1dcfcnce to take a corner going to the sin· bin, three from defence:

ltEer ;om Jan Campbell and each team, with all being UNEUPS Chipmlt .Pas~ netminder 1'o\s assested five minute majors. Guards: .Goal, Eg Billard; de-Po;t, an 5 r1g~t leg and the Eg Billard in the Guards net renee, Jim Drover, .Jack Dro-

Boh ,. . turned in a perfect perfor· ver, Hollie Clarke, Joe Slaney;

I\{; 811,L.\RO


1i1 thi \\ •II tams, playing only mnnce to register the lone forwards, Gar Pynn, Bill Dro· !Cored rd R~me of the finals, shutout of the series and was vcr, Bob Badcock, Ian Camp­''~nd t~~ msurance tally, his at his best in the first period bell, Wilson Wiseman, Dave Ute sec 0 the s~r!es, at 14.15 of when he kicked out seven of Butler, Et!die Vateher, Bert to~ne ond _periOd, but the out- his 17 saves. His best save Warr, Bob Williams, Geoff lht fi;emam_ed in doubt until came on Tom Collingwood w~o Campbell.

1\'illi:\ Wht5tl~. bro~e alone with Billard just Felldlans: Goal, Tols Chap· ''ildla ms cut In front of the jlethng his glove on It to de- man; defence, .Nev Henderson, ble an; cage during a scram· fleet it to the eonier.' Doug House, Lloyd Cooke, Gor·

took a Pa&s from Bert The Felldians seeking to find don Breen, Ed Thistle; forwards,

BOYLE TROPHY: Gar Pynn, acting captain of the Guards accepts the historic Boyle Trophy from Mayor H. G. R. Mews following their 2-0 win over the Feildians at the Stadium last night.-(RPS).


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Illustrated: Falcon Fordor Sedan ••• one of Ford o{Canada'6 fine cars ••. built in Canada .

·:. .·


11'• Fnundl\1\on .n Fr.:!~rr iii't ll\lr1 r.;lv Min 011'~ Imp Oll ,;n I nl ~1rk ~l7 .• ltH I'A\1

.lltl :'\1~"l .. l"f'l'

:1;! 11 ,\'Ot"illlrJ:t fi Jl,1tlll~ch

:t'' Prh·p ll.i'1 qu t" Pnw f';jl ~ finyll! nnnk 1111 nuy.:~lit(' 11~, ~hawln


I' Onrli Wl'lrn~r 4j3t Munlv w .;fit' c ~nri o .:lfi ;..·n { •n! ~:1 2 t:nnp. f)Jh~•n R1 Rarllo 1 nrr 1,11 1'.1 ,\uln fJ M~-' Sid 0 11 ~J :1~ ,• (;rn F.lrr 77U~ 1Jid A ire.-" I' ' 1 ~,' 1 (inrlrl.'·r;~r ns• \'An~dltm1 ·1:1~ J I Gt :'\n: tll'l! \\'•~ln.r:~' :-;'•H: j Ill! I :w . .-


'I ;\21 f H:J I

t:l• ~ i 2'Ws · _:_I

,' · Toronto-· { t ~ •

"O.~T ACTIVP: TORON10 "0CJ1 R, ThP C1aadh1n Pttu

llllnrlr: 8•1!11 ntcb t"" tl"" ~·,, INilUSTR!Af.~

nc Pow Cdn nr.,. SJ:.trr

281:U 516!. 1~\4 , •• , 2421fi Sf2'4 1111 II 11 - :1

~965 tlJ\1 12~ a-. , " Si~ S2H\ ~O'i ~~ Dom Tar

R•ll Phnno l2:!2 $!! "" .1!11- lj

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I ntAcll"r Wayn" Pl:1e.P

, ,\nl'hnr ' ' ! nnkflr-hl i .1 ll'nlt• · tat Sh1nv ! ~\Rrralt

01[..'4 192200 11\1 1ft 1n~t • '-4

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tmi:i 2i :1113\'1 :~q 3127~ , •

moo "'' 1\tlN'l:~ 1.16000 2i 1tn•oo u 10153~ 2!> 81000 I

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J'l4 ·" -n HI :~·-t .,, t'--l-1\t


:.,U'l'(rAJ. Jo"li~Wo;

n, Th• f'•~t~dl,.,. r, .... 1\ll Cdn i:nm ; ;1 1·1 Amrri~"" Grr~wih ~ ~ t~\J Cnadlftft Invootm .. l 1• 11 ll.ll Canalund i<.f~ U Champion MutUJll 'J; ! P Cornmonwulth Jnll!r. ~"' 1~ :Ill Commonwnlth Lnt"fll tlf t.1; torporJte lnvtaLon Jn d 11.'.1 Europun Gnt1Vtb '.44 U! Dividend Rbarr!ll 1~1 •:ot Dominion F.qultr I!J.I U.:l Dreyfus Inc. ~7.1U 11 !I Jo"'d~rah~d. Growth J U ~ U Flnt 011 and Gu "'n J.U Fond~ t:olldtlc A • ~' 7.')1 Fonds Colleftte B ~ (1 S H Fond!! Coltectl1 C .1..~5 i'J~ Group In e. l n 'II Growth Oi and G11 1 n~ t H Investors Growth 7.:!.£ UQ Investors ~tutull JHI !Ill Mutuat AccumulaUa• :1.~4 Ut Muuol Incom, 5 il>i 1.:1 .'\1, American ol aaa4a li.l1.~ an RadlJson .4 ~' ~ U Jtpgent Fund .~ "~ u: !;n,·e and Im·••t ol Cantda ~ ·.; HI Supen·lsed Arntr 8 ;11 17t Supenind l:xee 8l t~ \lo.l

Supervlacd exec 5S '1 ~~

I Supenind E:u•e 5I T ~~ ~.n Supuvi!'led Grmvth 2.1; lit

1 Supen·ised Jncome ",;; ua TV Electronic 8.1'~ :~q Timed lnve!iitmtnt ~ 'iii H! Uni tde-Accumulatlu li 1~ ~ ··• One \\'iliiAm Slret 1S :f !5 53


-,::-New York. · ' . . . .

:>£11 \'OitK CLO;ISG STOOl Ur l'he Alttt-eltlld. ,,..., '

Nr"' l"ork Slac:k Euh•n•e-){arrli 1J xd - Ex·dlvidtnd u - 'Et·rit~tJ,

xw-J!)co~.nrrantJ. Ntt d11Dt1 lJ frc~ pr-r:vtou, day's cion.


I: ·EVE iT tTRY if t BUY 0: !___~YoUr Ford De8MiE;foni\OWi ' .. I SEE YOUR

.I ,. 'i



George G. R. Parsons Limited ST. JOHN'S-PHONE 95071, P.O. BOX 5486. GRAND FALLS-PHONE 2245 ·

' Sub-Dealers: Murrin's Service Station Spaniard's-, Bay; Field's Garage, Was. leyville; Singleton's Garage, Clareiwille; G. & A. Buffett. Grand Bank; Conway's G·arage, Collie'rs.








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WASHERS from S124·95 AUTOMATICS from S292·50 DRYERS from S169·95

. For prompt and efficient furnace and stove oil delivery

DIAL ... ., ...................... 8·300 8·3005




.... -~------ .. --· Sr.\ YniAN TRIES JACOIIY GADGET

NORTH (D) 1 4KQJ8 .914 + AQ 1032 •U

WEST 410643 ¥AKB52 • 86

l'!AST 4A972 • QJ 103 •• J 975

"'8 5 SOUTH 46' '16 +K4


t?• A K Q J 10 9 'l 6 4 East and West vulnerable

North East !!lluth Wed 1 + Pass a N.T. Pass 4 + Pass 5 "' Pass Pass Pass

Opening l!nd-~ K

By OS\VAL}) .JACOBY Sam Stayman of New York

is an ~xpert who Is willing to try out and use n~w methods. I told him about my three no· trump response to a minor opening as an nee request and he liked it. A~ a result he and Vic :Mitchell collected a nice

1 top score by using it about a week later .

. Of course, Sam'~ hand in the South position looks almost as if it were designed for this con· vcntion. Give North three aces and he could bid seven no· trump. Give North two aces only and Sam would surely be delighted to play six clubs.

Unfortunately for slam pur· poses, Vic showed hut one ace in response to Sam's three no· trcmp bid. This clic! not upset Sam. He simply went to five clubs and managed to make ~ix because West tried to cash two heart trick~.

Why was this A tnp score? The other South pairs were not usin~ this new com·entinn. Some nrriverl ~~ ~ix clubs when nlackwoorl cxploclcrl in their faces. One South plnyer p~ssccl to his partner'~ fh•e-rliamonrl hid ~nd watcher! his partner work out a play for down three. A couple or pair~ rcarlwrl three no-trump, only to s:o down two tricks ngainst a heart opening. ·

CARD SENSE Q-The hidrlln~t has been:

EaU South West North l• 1 N.T. Pass 2+ Pas~ 2 N.T. Pass 2"' PasA ?

You, South. bold; .K.T2 ¥A6,5,2 +A.Q,3 ... KlO,!l

What do you do? A-Bid th;·ee diamonds. There

is a temptation to hlrl three no· trump but yoc should resist it. For all you know your partner may be jack high.


Your partner continues with a bid of four clubs. What do you do now?

Answer Tomorrow


A ~ruck ran into a hambur· gcr stand In Ohio. That's one way to get a quick lunch;

• • • Happiness sometimes b a

state of mind your own busi· ness.

• • • To get a corr~ct blond pm .

sur& maybe they should blind·

fold a young man when a pretty nurse is taking it.

• • • Youngsters marched out

carrying their books during a school fir~ in Kentucky. Carry . lng their BOOKS?


as a ng won a,

Irish Sweep. atllce•~· B111l Is touring the:

Statu and he de· old•• to vlslt"hla old frltnd, MaJor Hoople, whom he mat In London In -193.8, The MaJor Ia lmpresnd · witt! Bull'• b&l)k roll and ~rlea to amootb-talk him into ·In: \ltltlng In a gold mlt:te ven. ture. Bu1: Basil· I• a careful mM with a buak, and you'll let many a chuckle ·aa lie KHPI the iloquent Major at bay. Tum now ,to. OUR BOARDINQ 1-!0USt on the comlo1 :Pill'•








I t·lf


To lv\A.I<E: A CIRCLE-

------------~-101"PI'-"..._~;t.-;-"~~;:-._.....-·• -.•,•-;.;·•:··:~_-.•.;--·,~~··--;.•··-,_ _-. '"':',,".',<'~·.:··;:·. __ , <·~_,·.,} · .. :.:.:.·"!- :.:;·-·-:---~--·~7<···


j~~ltoli7IIP. ... 1".M. ltt- U.,_ PI£ e&

: "Trutn is strar.r;,. • .. :m t:ction! He did it punchini · · time clock at work!" · -·-·

AI\[) ri Sf;JULDtl'T TAKE THi:J.\ 1/Er<{ LONG TO GST ALl.

\'JC'L\. NEED:


THEN '.til 00 6<\Clt. TO WATCHINGiTVA<MIH!

' . '·



:. .;

.: . .", I

. '

' . ...

{i •


. -. ! t - ' . ·~ . .\'

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. '

.... ~


. •··. .. . ~


I , I


f""­.. --· -··------ ------ --~

Female Help Wanted A-I -------' ·-·-------- . -

Domestic Help Wanted

I W~ere To Stay 1

Balsam Hotel i BARNES HO:\D


: Situa\rd in the heart of the ~ I ' Ctty. .I

General housework. Good • Quiet, Comfortable Atmos· home for willing girl. All i phere. · I mod r. r'n conveniences; ! For ~cr~e;~~U~~~ and II· own room. SlOO.OO per: ! , month. Fare advanced. '11 Dia18-6336 I! S2ncl necessnrv refer- 1 nfR~. JOliN FACE\', 1j1

cnc:es; photo, medical rc- 111 Rrsulrnt ~lanagcrPss. .

_-pDrt. \\"rite: ' i I~,=~~"' m• ..... ,..,.,........!:... I lb~!ddd Ilc!p RcA1stry, --- --· ~~,4(H5 C:·r!ton

1A \'Cllt!-'.!, ~--~'·~he~-~ To ~? __

·.~.'·.: ~1ontren. ___ ····~--··-;-·,,~~ 1

BARGAIN BASEME"T . · .... ', .. 1


nargnln Priced at

3 Pee, CIIESTERFIEI.Il Usually $249.95




.. ____ cAsu PAm FOR-Comics. , Statutory Notice I -~~n~ra~~ors ~~~ ~~vg~;~~ncJohn an~ Sn~J~tr~ i · _ I

New Gower Street, Pho~e In tl:e matter o! the estate of i 86808. jan61mth R Arthur llolwcll tntc of Saint.

COSTS ---· .John's in the I~land of New·' rlu:CENTUAL BARBER : ·fonn!llan!l, rztired Ttucknmn,

!ill UP-We arc now uperat· i llcccascd. ; mg 10 chatrs, rou can be , All persons claiming to be 1

STAY DOWN assured of· prumpl. efftct- ~creditors of or who any clai_ms i \VILL BE OUT OF em. samtary scrvtce No :or demands upon or cffcctmg, '

Dr. D. E.

Gower Street 'upposilc Atk I late of Saint John's aforesaid, i

Dcp~rtment of Health

Hospital Secretary

waitmg problem, 24 New :the estate of Arthur llolwdl, TO\VN FOH ABOUT I' WHEN ARMCO Lairle ~lotors Ltd. R :retired Trucl;man, deceased, arc I 10 DAYS,

hereby requested to ~~nd par· 1

1 St. John's ticulars of their claims in writ· I!._-____ -_-----~-_,._ ... _-__ --!_ 1 Applications are invited fur

Bu~lDINGS I ing, duly a_Hcsted, to the under· 1 Department of Public Works. appo!ntment to the po£t of , signed soltcttot·s (or the ad·: TE~;m-;ns Secretary of Old Perlican Hos-. ' J a·ycettes ministrator o( the est at~ of the pita!.

I said deceased on or be.orc the' SEALED TE:O-.'DERS address· Salary for this position is on

Drawang aU~r ,,:hich rlate the "'id ad· ed "Tender For Alterations and Per annum, commencing at , G 0 up I • 4th dav of April A.D. 19u2, ctl Office ~iln<:ger and cndors· the scale .of $3190 • 100 • 4020

ministrator will proceed to dis· i additions Fisheries Cold s:or· S319D a~d incre:;sing by annual .!.!tl!i!id;~t!lil!islili&l&il~!!fil \1, ~pt1• ,,..1• ""g ~.U~nbeC' trilmtc the said cst~b havin~! age Building. Kin~·s \\'harf, St. increments of S!OO.OO to the "' -IV 11

"" H I'' rcga.rrl onl)' to the cl:tims of·~ John's, .:\ewioundland", will he ma::irnum of S~020. 1 ~02 'which he shall then have h~d

1 recci,·cd until 3:00 p.m. (;;.s. C~.ndidates must po>sess at

_ nottce. . T.), lees! Grade E]e,·en education, Dated the 27th, day of· to~elhcr with a knowledg,, of

.~;r!G.IO.ZO ~moma ~~ ·l: .• _·~. ·--:\\TE ~obc;· I I 'j'

~~:Ll>lr ·;:orking m~n from ~ . , . · ~ 1-~----------:.!c!Hlay to friday or all --


we~!; nround. Dial 91895:1. r.1:.r20.1mth C To-:;JG!IT 8 o'clock


Adntlssbn . . . . . . oO Cents

i·r.!l !\f:::"-;T - t:n'urnlshed. -.~atrd Apartment. contain· mg liYing room, !! bed· rooms. l:itc!1en ar.d hath·

! ,, __________ _

·. ru:Jm. S:Uat~rl L~~[ardllnt

· Ro<td. Suit~ble fot· C<HlPie or 3 adults. Dial 94262.



Cdhnau Bldg.. situate: ·-A~i~l; F~~--S:~I~----ll 1

opposite C.:\.R. Station. Li'!ht, heat and parkin:~. Inspection in1·itcd.

Db! S-G9GG

FOR SALE - Underwood Portable T)'p~wr;ter, and cat'l'~·m;: CJse, excellent con· dttiun. For informalion !'hone 8·42614. liH1'2CI.Zl H

C;:F:~~Pn S: (;Q. , ron SALE-Cl'c!l't ~ote on 'rater Street . I 1962 Ford Fairlanr. Phone

8-:iGiO. mnr20,21 H

m"r""·"~-~5 ·-· ---------~-L~~t~ll. Speci;i~ lnsur;mce D '


llepcndab'r Flrr lnsuranrr, l'rom(tt Claim Settl~mrnts.

lliAI, 8·7035

Labrador Pickled Sea Trout Labrador Pickled Herring Fresh Frozen Cod Fillet

Fresh Frozen Salmon Fresh Frozen Halibut

No. 1 Salt Codt'ish HOT IN$WIII fT llU I.LC.

Yle can erect your Armco Building !art and sm you money at the same time. Factcry.produced part> cut job-site work, eliminate waste of mllcrtals. Our Cl·

'pericnccd crei'IS reduce construction time o~1 o•Jc~se. Wrile or call for com­plete inicrr.iJ:ion. ( .. , ARMCO


February A.D. l!:G2 AI'TIJL 4, 19G~!. office routine ~nd book-keep-

1 I ing. Duties will involl'e, under '\'OOD nnd J\ELLY, Plans, spe•:if:eations ar.t

direction, th~ business admin-


Notice , Solicitors for Administrator. 'I forms of tender can be .-een .. or 1 - 1 G ~:·trat;on of t 1e Hospital, ap· \\ '•]] tl l L\JZ7mar£i,13,20,27 S I can be oht:uned thro\tg J. er· )llicJiion o( th" llttlcs ancl ·1 1c persons sect _ aid E. Knigh:, !Xstrict En·. . -takinc,.f. two men's tOjJC:oals - --- - ------ gmrcr. D.P.\\'. of C,1nada. r. 0. llc;:ulalions of the Cotta:;r Hos.

' 1 pita! ~Tedical Care Plan and th 1 j:l.lllll tl1e }lJ'cc·,tcJt'Jl\' CJnb BAlE VEHTE, SFLD. Box 4GOO, St. John's, :\cwfoun< · 1--Io~(tnl lti:'Ul't11H.:~ Pro~ra:nm~.

on Satmdav night, :\larch· Tenders 1";::; be ron,idct·rd each tender accc;:t1ncc and rrco,·ding of l ~tl k' ll t e 1 c2sh rcc.-ir-t; and other relotcrt I ·1, '\ll( \' rc urn sam 7-:a·-oN, Si!b ..... , rades 'must be made on the printc•l

13 3 F t 1' 1 • ~ 1. 1 1 11 D t as"~i~4Juner:1s. ['o . , ; • ores <OCH or forms supp ter 1.1· te cpar · C:mdidates ~nil 8544G or furl!:, r Tenders should he receiwl mcnt and in a~~ordance 1\'ith itr to- should ha·.-e a'JiJ.

k ,. the undersigned by the conditions set forth therein. action will be Ia ·en. · · 1 . Tllt:RSD.\ Y, ~larch 22nd, 1962, , The lowest or any tenc cr not mar20,21 (a 1 cr>m·enc public mcctin~s: ( ;) J or~llnize cC1:n:1: iaec:::; v DEALER ! ----- for all sub trade prices required necessarily accepted. (c) Yisit the Hns~iU :Jistrict

Do not hesitatp to call us, for free estimates

A,·ailable Shortly Clear Spans, up to 13U ft. width.

17n New Gnwrr Strret, i

· st. John's Dial 85795 · s:mo • ~I I ·~'Wt~~t~l





i in the construction of Sta.~e II !

of ashest:» ore de1·eJopmcnt at ! Baic Verlc. :'\ewfoundlanrl. for'

~1.\X St:LI.IY :\:\, OHir:c )!anagcr.

!ld1·ocate ~iinrs Ltd .. Toronto. ' ------ - · ---i

Lo\\' or any tender not ~~ , necessarily accepted. • .. ~ ~ · .


At~as 1 : .. ~l_,;~~ ! ' Construction 1 ~~~~

~:1d l:c capah1e o[ initiating ;~nrl m'ii111aining suh.~l'riher in~·~··c.-t in >upport of the !lGS~ital:

(rl) supe!·vise rnaintcn~nce of th~ IIo;;pi~~l.

The ):ost is of a p~rmancnt r·•:'lrc wich annual \'ac?.tit•n of

· Trans-C"nada ;•tu! !Ian well !toad ~' · '>.-;t:,.~,J.;~ -·~ P.O. Bo.o.: i, l·~rPii·?l'icton, X.B. n".t·~~l.

}.i 1··o:li :~~ (hys ns \~·;'l i'!3

tT· hiJ;t,\' for paict sk!: !r-are :-,~>··:in,~ a period of empk:--

c J tJ.- . mar "• , ( 1 2" ~7 28 1n 20 21 This is an excr·llcnt Ofll"'' · 1 ---- -. --------- Te""

1 ders tuni:y for a rrrson l•a,·in~ t~tr ' T t.4 ti 1 ahore qualifications •ngdhu

I' own nr~a nager ; with ability to exercise ;!oo<! . A Town ll!naager is required Tenders are im·ited for the judgment and possessing initi~-

Eicct. Applicanccs l\1-2: ..YJ.~- 1 by the Town of Happy Valley, supply of the following items to ti,·e. Preference will be gh·cn ------ - IJGH C. ........ • Labrador. the various Government Institu- qualifird candidates residing in

HEAP & PARTNERS lib rv'tllt'IIJii 1 The principal dulit's of the • lions in the St. .John's Area for the Hospital di•trict. :l\IFLO.) Ltd, 4&"' • A' v

1 ,., '' t •.·~l:llt:l~l'l' will adminioter, 3 period ot' twch·e months end· Applic;ttion with tletail5 re-

Wirmg ~tatemls, Wire and ,, Chea11 Hcliable EIPrtricity I plan :md supt't'\'hc the <tl!atrs, ing )lan·h :llst. 19ti3. · garding a~e. marital ,latus, Cahles. Motors, Starters.

1 In anrl Around St. John's ol th•· 'l'u\\'11 in at·,·t~rtlant·,· with: ~!ILK IH'itlth. t•due:IIion. lormrr em·

Lamps. SWJt['he.~. t,Jghttng R- pulh'IL's dl'lt'l'lillllt'd by tl11•' :IIEATS plo.nnt•nt. de., shonltl ht• sub-Fixtures. ~tc --- -------- l'tHIIH'il lllldt·r and in aeeonl·' P.I\EAIJ 'miltt•d to tht• undersi~ned on D Stri!'tly Fresh Herring Halibut and Cod Fillet

(when obtainable)

WAREHOUSE: PllJNCE'S ST. : auc·~ witlt the pn>~i>iou' ot Tlie' t•:t:t:s or before April 5th, l!lti2. _____ .. ____ · --------- 1 Jll \L s 5088 Notice 1 Local tiol'<·t·nnwnt At'!. l!tut. ' FISH I.EONAitH MILI.Eit. !II.D.,

Auto Accessories I ' · M-2 I l'rdclenee. will be gil'cn to , ~·orm of temlcr and ~!Jeeifka· · H~pttt)' ~linister of llealth, CROSRIE & CO., Ltd. Ag~nts for


LOW RATES lllAL 8·5031


The Two-Way Stores Ltd.

ST. Cl.ARI·: and (iOI,F A \'E,

Dial 9·2198~9 ---~----r JOB BROTHER~ i mat·n .. lmth & CmlPAN\', Ltd. 1----- ..

Water Stre!: J

IliA L 8·26:i8 - 8·1123 D

·REG. T. MORGAN INSURANCE Ltd • Telnp!e Bldg~ P.O. 01 168.

· 3U Duckworth Sl. DIAL 80370 or 8·7756



Fire • Auto • Casualty

PH: 8·2902, 8-7811 .158 Water Street St. John'! ··mar6,lmth D

.. -. -- ··-·----

: · ,_,. ~~crallf ,. NIGHT CLUB

TO·SIGHT . at the Keyboard:

· .. ::,ELSON CONI'OLL \'" Ploy your nques!J: 8 p.m.-~ldnlahl


' ' ' ' '

: I



_________ .;...._ i .--- applteants Wtth cxpcr•cnce m: tinns may be o!Jtametl on ap·, mar20.22 Nrld. E AIRS , Three weeks after dale here , ·------~

Armllture RADIO-TV R P i of application will be made to· administration or engineering,: plication to the und~rsigned. [-----·-- --\Vorti 'h B d f L' C' 1 The successful applicnnt will be 11 Tenders are due at noon on ,

GI'E• ,tT EASTERN 011 • ' e o~r 0 Jquor :ontro '" · '!' 1 t · · g t th U SD \ Y M h 90 nd 1962 1 38 ' ·~ . , for a license to see! Liquors, ,tven mt ta . ramm a e I Til R ' ' ' arc •• . . I ~:NJW.~OUNDLAND llambrlc• COMPANY, Ltd. 1

1 Beers nnrl Wines in the Cock·· Dcpartm•~nt of Municipal Af·' r.. POWJIRS. 1

St e I I 'I 1 . fairs and Supply, Sl. .fohn's r .e REPAIHS TO RADIOS, TV ,• at ~ounge of Park ~lolrl.: ·n· 1 of ~ttpplv !lrt•t . ;,? -SERVICES The salarv offcrrrl is ~fi,OOO.OO . trrc· or · .. · Dlnl 8·7lfll·2 AND ALL ELECTRICAL I llnwan Street, Churchill Park. prr atttllll1;. hut thi,, may hr. ~ub. ~tuuirip"l Aff"in •nrl ~IIJlJllY

________ ...,;_ __ 1 niA'¥:~~~~~~~005 rs~d.) M. TUCKER, jrr·t In fCI'i,<ton, havin~ rrgorrl. marfi.\Uil : l'ASSE;'o;GEH NOTlCES ' .

~I-J ~ (Prop.). to the qu;.lific;llion< and ~xperi- i ---··· ' fO:'>i!"iECTIOI'O JJ.\ y RUN Beauty Parlours K. ----------------------- ... i 111~r!J,&27 i €nre of thr. "pplieant. I'Lr\CEI"T!i\ s,\Y

,. _______ N __ ...... --I Lrtlrr,, or ~pplicatinn .~tating. Tr~in "Th~ l'arihnu" le~ring GI,AD\''S BEAUT\' SUOJ'I'E

cor. Bond and Prescott St.s. Phone 8·495l·B·7R08. Spect· alizing in cold waving, hair styling, eutting and tinting, manicuring, facials etc., 14 operators, no waiting.

Fuel (Coal and Oil) L




For any worthwhile : 'purpose for

from one to three years '-.

GREAT EASTERN :. Statutory otice i ~~·. nmit~l ~iatll~. erlncation. 51 .. fohn's 12:01 p.m. tomorrow . OIL & IMPORT . experirnce anrl !hr. rarlicst date : Wcdnc~da,v, ~!arrh 21st will

-- ! on 11·hieh ~cn·ice~ ,,.,II h~ Rl'ail· • · CO LTD . In th~ ~tntler or the estate~ of, ahle ~hmtld he arirlresscr:l to· m3ke conncctton 1·ia Placen!J~ •

'' ' francis Gr~ham Balfour, late rroch the undrr,i~:ned not later· <.".\\.·\111\ · .Tnnction and Arg~•ttia ~·ith M. Rodlo, Tr.l~l'ision, Washers. or St John'• in the ni•lrict of· d · V. "Petite Forte" on Bay Run

• • · · 1 thim April 2n . 1 • TENDERS P\ 1- Bay Refrigerators, Deer Freezers ~t. John's East, ln the P~o~- nepnty ntinister of Municipal , . acen Ja · Electric Ranges. m.ce or Newfoundlanrl, Ctviii Affairs, DeJI!. tl{ Mllnlcipa! i SEALED TENDERS address· 1 COONECTIO NWEST RUN Floor Polishers. s 1 d d f r 1

Gramophones , ervan , ecea.1e , anrl o • Affairs and Supply, : cd to Secrelary, Department o : ·PLACENTIA BAy Public Address Systems Helen Bower Balfour, late nf I Confederation Building Public Works, Roo!" _B-32:2.,, Str i Train •'The Caribou" leavinl

Tape. Recorders St. John's, In the District or I St. John's. ' Charles Tupper Butldmg, Rtver- ~ St. John's 12:01 p.m. Friday, St, John's East, In the 1 marlfi 20 27 side Drive, Ottawa and endors- ~larch 23rd will make connec·

REPAIRS5 t~~lERVICE Province of Newfoundland, ' ' ed "Tender For Wha~f Reco~· lion via Placentia Junction and DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005 Spinster, deceased. . strnction and ExtensiOn, Ship Argentia with M.V. "Petite

WATER Jan28,1y


All persons claiming to be Cove (Port de Grave), New- i Forte'' on West Run Placentia creditors of or who have any foundland", will be received 1 Bay. claims or demands upon or af· until 3.00 p.m. (E. S. T.), feeling the estates of Francis CONNECTION SOUTH COAST Graham Balfour, late of St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, SERVICE VIA PORT

Q John's aforesaid, Civil Servant, 1962. AUX BASQUES

-__ .;D;;.;ru;.;;;.~g::..;S;;.;t;.;;o.;;,r_cs __ ...;: deceased, and Helen Bowt•r Bal· 'f' t' ·'

_ Plans, spett tea wns an.. Train "'l'h~ Caribou" te&ving CONNORS L d four, late of St. John's afore· 1 1 t M. t , (uml.'l o !<'liter can >e ic.:n, "t. Johu'~ I:!:UL p.m. 'J'hursuay, . said, Spinster, deceased, are T d · d d 't t' "

Prescript.ions Pickup and en ers OJ' tan be oltlalltl' on· epusl O ~tarch 2:!ntl will make connec• hereby requested to send par· · 1 t' ( delivery service. sum o[ $25.00 111 t te urm 0 a tiotl at Port aux Basnues with ticulat·s thereof in writing, duly 1 tt "

PHONE 8·2206 Q atlesled, lo lhn ttntlersi~tted --. -. l th I Certified bank c tctttte to te S S "llar Haven" on the South " " Tenders are mv1ted or e I order of the Receiver General c' · s .·. ------~----= Agent for the Executor of the supply of Provisions and Groc· of Canada, through: Chief En· I oast enJce.

Rentals R said deceaseds on or before the cries to the Department of : "ineer Room E-443, Sir Charles , CONNECTION SOUTH COAST 28 day of ~farch A.D., 1962, Health Institutions in the St. • Tuppe~ Building, Riverside I SERVICE VIA ARGE:\'TIA

Floor Sanders, Belt Sanders, after which date the said Ex· .John's area for a penod of stx Dril·e ottawa· District En· : Train "The Caribou" leaving Power Saws, Electrical Drills ' ccutor will proceed to distribute months commencing April lsi, ;:inee~, P. o. Box 4600, St. Sl. John's 12:01 p.m. Friday, Reasonable Rates Call 8-5016, ·the said Estates having regarrl 1!162. . . John'~, Newfoundland. District .\larch 23rd will make connec· etc: Reasonable Rates. Call I only to the claims of which he Form of tcnrier and spcct[tca- Engineer, 1'. o. Box 875, Hali- t ion via Placentia .!unction and 8·5016, 8·7352, then shall have' notice. lions may he obtained on ap· ·fax, N.S., and can he seen at· Argentia with .\I.V. "Bonavista"

U-RENT lliv. Harris & lliscock Ltd.

169 Water Street, St. John's !eb23,1mth · R

Miscellaneous R

Daletl at St. ,John's this Z3nl 1 plication to the undersigned. the Post Offire~ at Corner • on the South Coast Service.

day of February A.D., 1962. · Tenders are due at noon on , Brook and Grand Falls. New- ' THE EASTERN TRUST ,1· FRIDAY. ~larch 23rd, 1962 ... 1· foundland; and_ at the _office,s of COniPANY,

E t I G. Po"'E'RS, the Construelton Scchon, New-Agent for the xecu or. " St Water Street, llircctor of Supply, Dept, of foundland Board of Trade, : St. John's, Newfoundland. Municipal Affairs and Supply • .Tohn's, Newfoundland and H~lt· feb27mar6,13.20 s mar6 13 20 fax Dartmouth Construction ________ ..:._ _____ ' -' ---·----- Association, Halifax, N.S.

CLASSIFICATION INDEX 1\Tale Help Wanted ............ A Articles Found .................... H·4 Female IJclp Wanted ........ A·l Auto Accessories .................... ! Domestic Help Wanted .... A·2 Garages .................................... J

The deposit will be released on return of the documents in good condition within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned with· in that period the deposit will be forfeited.


SERVICE Freight is accepted daily at

the Railway Freight Shed for ports on South Coast Service, but in order to guarantee move­ment by this trip· S.S. "Bar lla\·en" freight must be at the Railway Freight Shed by 1:00 to-day, Tuesday, lllarch 20th.

RESTRICTED CARGO . ·' · D!ntnr-Danctnr Ni<hlty , , TBUIISO.W: · CBC DANCE !!AND I Canadian Imperial

DO YOU NEED your Spring. filled mattress re-condition· ed or your All Wool.mat. tress J;e-picked, and recov· crcrl, your bedspring or daybed re-wired or your furniture re.upholstcrcd. If so c;~ll us. Items called !or and delivered. Rates lowest obtainable. Keats lllattrcss Factory, 16 Mount Royal Avenue. Ph: 9-2753.

Positions Available ............ B Service Stations" ................... J-1 To be considered each tender ?asoline, oils and other re·

• FIIIDA \': BJG FLOOR SHOW l . ,:• . CALL lo7SII . or Hll%8 · ·-:: IROOKFIELD ROAD - I p.m.

Phono 300!8 '



.•,-.111 WATER .STREET. ·.: . . Fam'oas·~er ._flat~. reedl, ·

, Ill 1-1111 . ' '• ; ~ '· TO-D.\T'R IPI!:Cio\L


' Dlanrr FOr Tpe · La.t Wrek'• Lulir .N'amt.~tt

'"' ' - 1147 -· 7151 ' ..



8·~~:.2.14:1. · ·all cALL Ar ouR· . :. R!!.'T AIL 'STOR.Ei '

.. 665 WATER STREET . , . .• ·H··



. Bank. of Commerce

Ri JOHN'S 203 Water Street

Ilamllton Ave. ,an~ Cashin . 115 New Gower Street


.... \w~t:i~;J.B¥ RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR. HElP

FOR YOUR Interior Painting . nnd sparkling, also repair work. Our prices are rea· sonahle. Dial 8-47673, F. 1\Ielcndy, 112 Barnes !load.

8·73974. · fcb9,1mth .n ASTlll\IA '

Quick, . effective relief for Asthma Sufferers, Try "Riddobron Treatment" -the famous English pre· parations being introduced in Canada. At all 3 Theatre Pharmacies, St. John's •

. Position .................................... B-1 /Beauty Parlours ................... K To Let-Houses, Rooms, Fuel (Coal and Oil) ............ L

Apartments ...................... C. Construction Contractors .... :If Wanted-Houses, Rooms .... C·l Electrical Contractors ....... M·1 Insurance ............................. D Electric Appliances ........ ~r 2 Cluhs, Entertainment ............ E Radio-TV Repairs ........... .\!·3 Where to Eat ........................ E·l Pianos - Organs .............. 0 Wh~e · to Stay .................... E-2 : Auct~on Sa_lcs ... . .. .......... P Where to Go ........................ E-3 · Auclton L1vcstock Etr. . .. P·l Automobiles ............................ F Cards· ...................................... I' 2 Tax·i ..... : .................................... F·l Druggists ............................... Q Cars For Sale ............. : .......... G Miscellaneous ...................... .R Cars Wanted ........................ G·1 Legal Notices ......................... S Cars to Rent ........................ G-2 Business Services ................... T Articles for Sale ................... H Real Estate Agents ............... U Articles Wanted · .................. H-1 I Real Estate Wanted ........... " Articles for Rent .................... H2·j Real Estate for Sale ........... W · Articles Lost ........................ H-3 Classified Display ................ X

$25 ooo and O\'er must- stncted cargo for regtiiar. ports ' · I on the South Coast Sernce to (a) be accompanied by one of Port aux Basques {or forward·

the alternative securities 1 ing via Argcntia and Motor called for in the tender I Vessel \Viii be accepted at the documents Railway Freight Shed tomor·

(b) be made on the printed row, Wednesday, March 21st forms' supplied by the De· from 9.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and partment and in accordance Thursday, March 22nd from with the conditions set 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. forth therein.

'The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

ROBERT FORTIER Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary

Department of Public Works, Ottawa •

·~~ .. -~., .. _.-~, ..... , ......... _., ... .,._ -- ···-.······-· ···-·.·- .. .





~ .I

1REs FT PF ~ . 0 2 1 I q I il

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\1 l 3 0 II II n 3 Q I II l 0 l :l 6

r1en rfon. r;ar1 ·


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B I N G 0 4 25 45 5:3 67

~- ·H 49 74 5 . . s :~(l 43 47 66 r Hi 35 46 72


~ :2S 34 51 63 11 :2\.l 5·1 1~ 1

2 6


Help Kin - He!p K~ddies

Expert Watch Repairs


TO LET A Two Room, Modern

Apartment Self-contained, residential area.

Phone 912232 or 91055


will take place at


WEDNESDAY, March 21, 8 p.m. Ry Order: H. Porter, W.M., St. John's Lodge, No, 579 E.C. F. G. Bowden, W.M., Avnlon Lodge, No, 776 E.C. ~· Craniford, R.W.M., Lodge Tasker, No. 454 S.C. · E. llclferton, W.M., Whitcway Lodge, No. 3541

E.c. V. 1.. Ash, R.W.l\1., Lodge St. Andrew, No. 1139

s.c. E. P. Dymond. W.M., St. George's Lodge No. 6739

E. C. c. HR. Rowe, 11!.E.H.P., Shannon Chapter, No. 9


<Brethren assemble i.n basement of church)

Service will be broadcast courtesy VOWR.

FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! When you n.eed oil Here's what to do:


UNION OI:L 8·2822 When you need riu-You need. us I

The funeral of our late Comrade, James Taylor, will take place Wednesday after­noon at 2.30, from No. 17 Garrison Hill.

All available ex-servicemen are request­ed to attend.

J. W. GOODYEAR, Secretary, St. John's Branch.

TYPI-ST WANTED Apply in person to


Brtl~okfield Ice Cream Ltd. Dial 8-0271 .for appointment

TO LET Furnished House

Situated at 20 Cochrane Street. Con­sists of two kitchens, living room, dining room, four bedrooms, bath· room and automatic hot water system.

Rent $120.00 per month.

Open for inspection Tuesday and Wednesday after 7:00 p.m. mar20,21



Get in on the Big Klondyke Buyers Sellers Sweep sponsored by the

St. John's lions Club

Anybody can sell. Tickets in this Sweep:

Seller of 1st Prize drawn gets $1000.00 Winner-1962 Mercury Meteor 4-door Sedan.

12 Prizes in all-6 to Sellers and 6 to Buyers of Lucky Tickets.

Get your books now from any Lion or by phoning 8-0370. Tickets SOc. each - 3 for $1.00. Book of 15 for $5.00.

Drawing Date April 21st, 1962.





Preferably a Newfoundlander to man· age General Consulting Engineering practice in Newfoundland with offices in .St. ,John's. Salary open.

Reply giving details of education and professional ~istory with present sal· ary etc., to:




1';i;• The Reg~~~Etl:!~ly Meet· t}Y ing of Archbishop Howley 1ft" Assembly Fourth Degree

Knights of Columbus, will be l1elcl at Terra Nova Council Chambers, St. Clare Avenue, Wednesday evening, March 21st commencing at 9.15 p.m.

As business of importance is to he dis­cussed. A large attendance is requested.

By Order F.N.,


Y. W. C. A. The Y.W.C.A. will be holding a Card Party May 9th, in the Cathedral Parish Hall, beginning at 8:15-Auction and Bridge will be played. Candy and Home Baking will be available.

Patrons please bring their own cards

Well established St. John's firm requires

MALE Applicants must have Grade XI educa­tion and a good knowledge of typing.

Apply BOX 105 cl o THE DAILY NEWS mar20,21

Advertise In The News




'·, .

will be having a



TO-NIGHT at 6:30 p.m. in Kirk Hall

Admission ............ $1.50

PHONE 8-2181 or 8-5640

THE STORY: In addit;on to the mystery about Mrs. Isabel Foale, the absentee landlady, l\largarct Russell is concerned over the illness of Hilary, an S·year-o!tl whom ~largarct is caring for in the rented house.

··well, th:a seems to tal:e L . .-·

of tonight. Is there anything I can do? Errands to run?"

"I rlon't think so, thanks. If the doctor gives her something he'IJ have it delivered."

";\I«ybe tomorrow, then, How's Cornelia, by the way?"

~ ~~ ¥ "Fine, I suppose." CHAPTER XIII "They didn't call last night?"

There were surprisingly few "No. Of course," said ~Iarga. general pr~ctitioners in the ret, mostily for her own benefit, town; it seemed to be a rcfu~c "there's no real reason why for specialists. l\Iargaret, cali· th;,~·. should;" ,. 1 ing grimly by alrhahet, grew


• I h_cre ~s no';:- retcrned mountingly anxious. Ambu·

1 Kmca1d mildly. They odght

ancers sped through her mind, 1 l? know ):ou're in charge of a hospital corridors, the accus· SJCk·bed, 1f only to make them ing encounters before she got a httle more gr~teful. No l!e;;s hold of Dr. A. J. Limple. Hts of your wandermg !andlad~} nurse said he would come as "~Irs. Fo;:!e?" ~largarct was soon as possible after office somehow astonished. "No.'' hours, probably between six What did he c::pect, she won· and ~e\·cn o'clock. dcrcd presently, after she had

Lena left at four; :\Iargarct left the ~hone-postcards? Lit· thanked her and saw her go tic buliettilS ft·om abroad? • • • with a queer strong reluctance. . .

. Jerome Kincaid called at five. She found lhlar:r awake. list· Until she heard his voice :liar· lessly pinking .the edge of her garet had forgotten that he


shee~ witit he: scissors, fo~e· was to have tal:cn her to dinner st~lhng any kmd. of ,;c,·ent,Y tonight. She explained lightly, Wlth a .~omplammg, I cant co\'erin" her own surprisin" swaliow.

n " "Y " 'd 'I disappointment, and Kincaid <S, you can, sat "' arga. said reflectively, "You know. ret after an a armed second. she looked like the kind of "You've been asleep, and your child who might do this." throat is dry. Wouldn't you

l'k ?" "I'm sorrv. I do wish she'tl 1 e some soup. I picked another time." J_Iilary recoiled fr~m the ' ''l'll bet this is the first time menhon of soup, tea, mtlk. egg.


1 she's been sick in years," said nogg, or ginger ale. She. finally J{incaid. He sounded gloomy. unbent to sherbet, whtch.,-she

swallowed, Margaret not1ced. as though she were eating

P••••••••llll'llll!l!lllloUI!!IIil&••rarR'!&I!I!IIIIII!liii!!!III!Bm!:m!!I'IB!Bl!!m!lll5!1!!11~~ , jagged stones. Wocld the doc· ;


tor ne\'cr ccme? 1 Like an answer to prayer, the ' doorbell r:;ng. ~!argaret }lad \left the porch light on with the : coming of darkness; she put a

As Low $g.oo As

; 1 hand to the ~ock, thankfully, ~ .. loJith · · · and mat2hed 11 hack as thougn

she had heen scorched,

• All new internal parts (up to 3001

• Guaranteed trade-in allowance

• Installation quickly, eas­ily arranged

There he was, the m~n who called hnr.self .Tulia, only a thin width of curtained · glass awa>·: big hat, shabby serpen·

I tine body. smiling at her with foolish determination, brim·

I shadowed eyes taking in the 1 empty room behind her. While · she stood there, frozen, he put f out a finger without moving his . pze from hers and pressed the : doorhell a~ain. It made a. mad : nid1tmarisl1 somid in MRrga·

~. ret's cars, f~ce to face as they I 1 were.

·I She lifted her voice to pene 369 WATER STREET I' !rate the glass. "Go away,

~---------•••••••••••••mn:l'lm!D•m~, please. There's someone sick ~ I here."

He said something she didn't

·p L::YM 0 UTH. ~~!r~£~~c!trn~~~~:~~~:~~J~ . pound of panic: he could prob· ably smash the door open, if he

· tried hard enough, and · he

the .Pr(lctical car for particular people ~~~~~ ~~s;i~o~~~a~J:e p;~t~j~:J 1


Engine? Slant Six! This amazing 145-horsepower engine is the most economical Six you can own today. (Proof: Mobilgas Economy Winner last two years.) And its eager power to go matches its power to save. It's the six that acts like an eight! It's great. Try it today! . 1

......... .__ __ THERE'S MORE IN r: FOR YOU AT __ __j

Marshall Motors Limited Kenmount Road, Trans-Canada Highway ST. JOHN'S

----------·----·--·---~-----~-~~-- .. ~-- ...... , .... _ -.-·.

her voice and repeated clearly, "Go nway. At once."

His hand went out. the door· hell shrilled again. He was very determined; he had found a source of money ·in this house and knew she was here alone witli a child.

.. I •

The doorknob turned ;)!gain. I the wood pressed slight!~.: in. l\largaret's throat was~."c.tight ·I with not bursting into gasps of panic; he would, i11 that case, smash the glass instantly •. :.shc could not turn off the .:porch light and walk away, because . · then, for ~H she knew, he:mi!!ht be trying the back door, oi the cellar entrance, or· j' dows. •.· 1

She wculd have to stand · ' there, holding him off with a : . stare as immobile as his, until ; I , something happened. . . : .

t : I Hilary called· her, quelilous· '.;

ly. ll!argaret didn't turn her i, · head. She was too terrified to . ; : · move, to turn her back on him : H for the necessary time it; would '\ . ' . take to get to the tele!lllpne, ;, , · call the police, identify herself. i~ · and her address and her com· ''1 paint. ·-·· \ .

The man outside made a··~~ud· den m o v e m e n t of furY, ' · mouthed 5omethlng she didn't , · hear, and turned and.: wove ' out Of the light. On the' very edge of it. face now buried 1., darkness, he turned back ~anr1 lifted a fist and shook it at pe•

!To Be Continued) !


I i i



. '



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white orlon I ,

Soft fine quality, open and

and· close weave.

Exceptional Value.


$ I Each



Get your require· ments now while Stocks are adequate.

AT THE I ~!~~~ !!ap~~~~ . ,~IIJIIIII£...., SIGN I NY cont 3900 13\i 1s m, . • Ohio on moo 45 44 45 + •.

Ooth Mar 4200 221'o 22~> 22\' - ' '

l Penn RR 9300 17'/.o 17\o 17\i ; •• Phelp• D JJOO :19 5SY.i 59 + '·, !'it Plato 2100 66'/.o 66\i 66'~ f'roc Gam 4300 B2% F21,f. 82~"J- ,., Pullman ~0 m> l7ii 371>- ,.;

ll'll.l'ft co. RCA 11600 63~8 63~·~ 63~ .. - 1 I ........., OOK Repub su 9500 56 56 -1''


.1..1 M.IT···D~~~~~ j Ral Purin 5700 43;1 42~8 4:!~'-- ;\.·, 1

Rey Tob 12500 7!5'A. 74~' 751,3- 1 ~ · Royal Dut 24000 J8\ii Ja:!i% 3811 + ', Sears R 9000 a.n~ 83 8:J -n:. Shtll Oil 7000 4P,, 40~-. 4()34

l Sinclair "1200 .38~ 38 38 - t~

I IN SEARCH OF. Socony 12600 5513 55~> mi H< Sperry 1l 13000 22 21!~ 21~~

i IRELAND Std Brand 1!100 69 67% m.; -ll•

i T~I. \T. ~·I oi·ton . $4 ~o std ca1 6aoo 59ll sm 591> + .... r !\ , ,i) Std Jnd 9800 55 51 51 -1

'' GLO\•H OF Std N.T 21000 ss•,; 54!-1 ss , '' ·y , Stud Pad 19~00 lOH, 10 10~ R + ~~~

.. Sun Oil 1300 S03 l. 50(-:. 501,l

We are now book,ln CANDLELIGHT Texaco moo 59'> .~ai; 59'>., 1 g . p . . J Tex Sui S4500 2! 2tl'' 2011,- ,,

orders for CABBAGE :, GOla)tr!cltAaD~E~IuS~Up ~;'D \4Y.751' i~~~.~~ f~~ ;f;~ ~m ~m I 1 ,..\ 1' 1 Timkcn 500 5611 56'.1. 5514 -- :

PLANTS FOR EARLY • Twent C :MiOO :12 31311 31 ... ,. .;.. , .• , 1 \·Valtcr Macken 3.50. u. carb 1aoo m us'' m -!'<.



,., I Uld A1rc 2900 48'1 47~, 48'1 .c 1,

'-'· l HE CHINESE us r.;-r, 1100 96'' "'"' ,,;,,- ,, EXECU 0

!JS Rubb 1900 :.9\i 59 ;q '· • TI 1\TER 1 I's ~t~et 116(}0 7'~~~ 111:- iz1-~- ~~



410 WATER STREET. Phone 8·4328 St .• Tohn's

• i \\'alkt"rs MO :\6\.~ .i61 ~ .j61 1 P1erre Boulle . , 3.50 11· un T•l 7~oo •9•, ~''• ~,;, , '•

TlJ E CHEAT SIEGE, Wool"th I !nO M•> I 3 ~J - '•

I 'I ] l 6S , 'Toto! "le>: ~.220,000,

I. 11 a ta · 5 · -Ernle Bratlford . 5.00

I WILD WINTER : Kerrv Wood ...... 3.00

I THE CONSPIRATORS A~IERJCAN CLOSING STOCJ\8 i D. J. Goodspeed 5, 00 . Dr Th• Asmlaled l'rm ·

I A Bo,QK Ol~ I .\m•rlran Slotk E'<hanr•-:lhrch ". · ~ xd - E"t.dlvidcnd, u - Ex·ric:ht··',

, CA''A))JAN ANI~I 4 LS xw-Exw.nrrant•. :-let chang• is from I 1 ,, l _ 1 J.\' 1\. I pre,•iotls da~·'5 dnsto.

, Charles Paul May 2.75 s&oot ~.,., Dlrh tow c1o .. ch"f;! ORDEA r Anacon t700 7-16 7-tli 7-16

< L B) FIRE Hell Phone 200 55'> 55 55'> + '' · 1 ' Brazil 1600 :t 2~8 J Canac a 1910-1945 H.\ Oil 200 ]~C\ m; J3'> c. I',

; American. .·. :' ' ' ,, '.

R I h All 6 00 Hunk Hill 900 '" 9'< 91.i- ,. The Canadian Red Cross En· a r en .. .... .. . cs Pete !100 J>'o B·l6 ~·· ·'-l·lr I ' DE Chrsebro 2600 59lR 53 58 -11 ~ !

qUiry Bureau handled requests , • VIL \VATER con Ms Joo z!li; 20'\ 29'\ -I r from 38 countries last vcar ' A S l 6 t:rown CP 200 15'< J51i Is •• + ''. i

d I. d , • ' ; nva , e on ... .95 nom• I'•J >2no II'< m~ 1m ·'", an rep 1c to O\ er 7,000 en· , IN II.IGfi PLACES r.Jdfld 7400 2'i 2 '' 2~•- " I quiries. · · . ~ H{lllimzcr ;no 21~~ 2:1 2H~ + ~·.

A I 'I lmp on 100 473~ 471,~ 47~;. -~ 1

rt mr Hal ey .... 5.75 &mr Tnh mo t61< 16'; 16'' ~ '··,

NEWSPAPER SOLD 'IV FRIEND · Ins X A 400 1~2 1.\ 1011; 101'8- " •

VA,. 0'1\'ER CP Th .\ ~ • ' i l Mamy r 7900 !]I' 13 \J - " l,c .... l ( ) - c 1 'IARTI·I \'S AUNT 1\~ol\' 14oo 28•.;. 211,~ :! 7 .. ~ _ "'~: Vancourcr Sun announced sat·['v 1 • :O:•t P•l mooJJ:I·I6 ~··: 3''· ~nr. .. !

I f . J )) !'\nt Ruh 1500 41 38 ., 401., •3'·; nrday the sa e o the DailY ane uncan . .. 3.:50 ~-~ Zinr .1oo ~~ ~~ 13 .. ·

Garden Grove Calif. Nell'S a. TJ IE ROAD FRO' I Pae Pet• 1'oo w• w; "'' + '• , ' • • • I ' - lJ 4 -' ra,• Pete "'' 4()0 11 ,.,. R '





Model B only S14800 (lf!t1~r-me capntty)


rlodel s only S19500 llcgai·Silf UP!Ctt~)

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WHOLESALE ilnd RETAIL POI'ated. i\0 affiliate or the Rirl·l Stcll'lll Janleson 3.75 ~~~:, \~·\?m• ';., .01 3,:,~~. ~."61 ~~ •• !.:.:~ _·· .·.•.1! ~.~.~ GP,,o~·- pr .... 5,,j0'.4 ·W~ tlll~ Uu(' Tl'\ :.ti ~111~ "~'·I " ,. • ..,. ~ .. Jti.i SJ:l :i.~; ~ :;2; ~ · ~ Rull\' Fnn .Iiiii ,:;;r1 ; .,

de_I' Puhliralion.s group, T~e I ,j, 'E\'IJ .. s'I·lU'fE T'"., .• P,,;,nlr 0 Mil :\~~- ;":.f:'~ :15'•··- 1~' Rolland A 11",0 ·qp~ lh"4 l!h I n i·"no w jll()O -,11 } l' • •1 '- 1.1041 ?5::<11 :'1~ h .1-F~ --!~I Ruyi\1 flank .pj(l ~s:r_. R~ '··• •. :~ 1 Sl 1. Cnl l~ll\1' 72."1 ;;. '·'

~:;:;:;;:~::;:;:=;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;~~=:;;;=====~~~~~~~~pl~'I~Ce~ll~'a~s-n~o~t~di~S~C~O~Sed. [ S J . \[ , 3 :') .... Tt'C'hnrlr :1~00 19~~ 19'i u11:.- :iJ noyalitP ::~u .c;rp. 1:;1,. 13'~ . ::~ '~.L;tw n1\· w:;cu r:·· J.'., 1 :~ = I ~ trp 1Cll ... orns I .:..o: Tm~ J.ux l~flfl lf.'-t 1.)l., Hii,C :1 Salada F uo ni··.- 1 ;,.:, };jJ4 ,_ I~' Sr.n Ant :wn 1~ .. \ ~~ !~~ -·

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S \v UT"CLE Tr·Cont wt :100 4111~ <4l~'ll 4l5~~o :. ~ Sbawin -1~111 j;~:J(~ :!;:Pz 2..1'J --:,..~Shop Sa\·t 20fi o:.s :· ~. :,_.

j J 1

J..' J Wr Jlll.rg !.100 15·16 ''I r;. Shaw -t pr ~t:i s.\1 40 -11 ·· 1 , 51H"il- 1()(1 lfn~ 111" lf<,

E • N' ] d Sicard l.ill ~8~·.... ll'•• :;~, ~ s Dufault .i~l 1.; '" :~ _1 ~ nc .. 'teo an Tolal J,1)P~: t.JiO,OOO. I StN~I Can 4-R:l $S;j:t, R:,~ ... :13~~ ;. ~.' S(.' row r. pr ~:i $11:, ,,., 1:;

P t \lTJ 11 I) "'5 Steinbli! A lOll ~~31:.! 2:11-; ~3~-J ! Stc~p R 112; 7111 ~ 8 -, ';'{.j

€ er \ la eV •· i, : i Tt)IO\Co Can .')0 ~-H-:~, .i6 1 ~ j6'::-- '' Tazin !.",~l•J w~ 11: 1 '!~ 1 _.,

GILES CARTO.·"-' S 1.00 ', ·,·TrorF1I

11>omA 11~~ Iii'• "''• 66'•- •, Tih E'pl ~;no , ; , : ~ .:.'I "" $.i:l~4 533 , 53~,+ ~·2 Tr C .Fretn· 100 ~~n :;:,, ~:.rt "1

1 TR C Cor 2300 $!J~11 9'.-2 f'll,:; 11:rans Mt fii,i li:J-1i;; 1! .. 1rJ Montreal Dicks & Co., ltd .

The Booksellers Spin

8-4425 or 8-2008 or 8-3191

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\'f'ndomat JHn ~7.1" ;J, 73 , + '• · tn Gas lt.S ~t~. :z·, ~2' 1 • ~ Walk GW 26~ !t59 59 5!1 I' n Obalski 50fl :ill'; ~/.- J :w, _1 \\'Coast 'Tr :!2.'1 ~l!l 19 19 ; :,:.: , V Prin M(' :;1 ~1"1 ~l -1

M:OriTRF..-\L CLOSISG STOCKS WCotUit \'tc 90!i tlfll.~ HI Lflh 1- L: : \'an D Hout 100 :12.i 1!."· _,1; s,. Thr Canadian l'rr's~ Wstn A v.·t 102 ~11 11 l1 · \~ngu~rd 2i0()1) 10 1 ~ ~·, :n·1

Montrnl Stock Exchanre-:\larcb 19 Tellers :ill ~35 35 35 \·tr;:!lntil 1000 5 i ; Completfl tabulation of Monday trans· CASADUS Wt"ndell 14700 .t J'-. r. '

rnark('d $. z-Odd lot, xd-Exd.i\•irJend, I Aj<tx 1000 :JO :m 30 \\'e'!led ZUG $!=~~• :;·1 i;,-: ·1 xr-F-;x·ti.crhts, xw - Ex-warranls. Net All:t Tnk A 30 S1P.4. JPf. JP~ + '~ We'ih"illt 60110 ~ "l ) _ ·1

chant:P if. fi·om prt\-'iOU!I board-lot dos· Alscupt !000 70 711 70 -5 ing ule.J Am n Rf'llr 2000 ~ 9 ~ , ~los in~. ~air : lndtt~lmh 'YI-~~:;

Ntt I An Am Mol 6700 JiO J5:i l70 -• 10 , mtnPs and oils fil~,:iM, l§tttrlr ~ale~ High J.o"' Clou Ch'Cf!' _.\nthoninn ~coo HI ~ 10 -ll. ~ : ------ · --·

Abitibi !O~j $H1o 14~· 4H< + .,, I Alias Tel 21R~5 n; ~~) "' ~ 20 ' DO:>;''T ACCEPT p \CT A cad AU 200 Ul!8 12'·• 1271!- 1 ~ I Au~ustus 2~1fl 3~ :l!l ~(! 1 p 'RIS R · 'Algoma 710 $52~1 52 ~2 + ;~ A \'ilion f<-97 ~l.i'J t55~ t:P-8:- 1'~ 1 :1.

4 euters• - Tile ~ Ang T 20011 so m 54 5-1 Bailey s A •ro o2:. nn no " 10 jlitical bureau of !h~ Ahh .-\r~;u" 5fl S48l,i 48~-2: 18'.~- % I Baker .i~OO 14 13'~ 14 -1 ,._. 1. I '! . ~ .~~. Alum !!p 100 uav.a ifP.-2 491,-2, · Bateman JOOO R a 8 ... ,~ t,a tona ~\ 0\'emeul, n rtral b Ang T 4\l p 95 546 46 46 +1 ReJeeh•, 11100 20 1s· IS -1 the Algerian :\alional Vbe"!· Argu~ 50 ~U81:~ 48'h •Wlh- ~ Bluw n w 100 6li5 f,{i5 66.i -5 ,. F . . ' Bank :\lont 1063 $70~1 70~ I 70h- ;, I BornitE' 40~00 2:}!,.) 2J 231:2- '-~ ton ront. Said her~ Smtd31 nanq PC 120 s:;o 5o 5D Burnt Hill 103oo J1\ 22 m, +2\> night it was no! hound bl· tct Btll Phont lleJ $58 573i 57~l _ J_.~ Butrrfh: 100 210 210 :no - · . now s pr so ssn~ jt~~ 5n'l + ~ c PaCk B so s55 ~ 8 35 ,~ :15 3-~ ~ 4:t" agreement reached at Ena! BroziJ 902 315 310 310 -s c Delhi 3oo 4ao 1;; 450 ~ l The national mo1·emrnt no~e! B A Oil 2U6 S3m :J.H< JFi _ •• c Kodiak 11G9 125 120 m 11 t ·1 t 1· h d . BC Forest 300 S13~;, 13',;.; 13~~ _ ~-~ carbec B4:;00 2fl ~2 22 -~ 13 1 s represcn a l\'P5 a I~ • BC Pow 9951 $HHA t51A 16~'4. + 1,4. cent Del :!575 775 7~:> 7in -!U · taken part in the n(l~otiatic:l Brown 1.1() 5151,~ 151_. !;)IS-~~ Chemaloy tno 210 20.j 20R +:I :I d' t r· nnild PrM ;;zs s32~• 321/~ 32;, + liJ Chlh cop 1500 12 ~~ 12 12 ~~ + ~-':1 ea mg o a cease· 1rP. Hurr A pr 101) $81:8 8' ~ Rl:~ - ~-i Comin~a 2000 .i :) :1 I C~d.,nE Br•w • 30~ $231; 231.; l1'h 1 c Ne"· Poe ;oo 1:. n 10 V \\'COUVER · 1 CP, f~t

bO:l~ 512411 11~-.l lH~- llJ .' C Pap«>r -t6.i (,~~'-4 t!'·~ .;.214 _;.. 1:._ • • - · c Hron7.f! 16() $19'.. 19'4 1~11:4;- 1,~ i Caprand 900 12:.! 122 ll:.! -2 : mauled body of Jlr .... RMf ro.1~' Cdn Ctlan 625 SJ5~1. :w ~ J .. H4 _ '-2 i David Fr ·' 7.i $-l8 ~R 4ll 1 son ... ., wac:: found in her ,.,·., C el 17tp 20D $:\7 37 37 + ~~;Denault w1o; 100 512 12 t! ' • I .. , ~ ••• c Chern 2i5 $7;11; 7~;.; ;~• 1 v E"plor 22.iOO 54 ·\9 ;')ll .: 2 1 urban Burnnby homl.' Satur.!;y C Frbk~ A 320 $10 9~, to : D I.tas• .iOU ffl ~~~ t\0 . :1 ' f !I ( ·} t J" . }) •: · c Imp Bk t·:o S6i?~ 6;::, ti7~i. + 1,4 Dumont 41cn 111 ~;;-:J Zi';L __ 2,:! 1 o \\ 1fl po 1<.:e • e .• e·! CIL 62~ S14~M 14:1_.. 14·~~ nrumwtld .li.i ~1:!'-• 1.2•. 1~1, was an attack on her n\' hr CI Pow 100 $123, 12:1~ 12~~ _ 14 Fah tooo !P~~ !l 1 ~ !l'.l t G Sl 1 ·d rlo". T'! Cl Pow pr ~95 SS-to~a 40~J -tO'i .:.1~ Fann :.tooo !)t 2 :1"'~ 5 i-2' 2 P~ 1 rrman lC'PH!l . ~- ·

I Crtn Oil l.i4 SJ2:1" .12'~ .12~4 + ',.f Ft neliann tow 40 .~o 40 :SIX • year old do,i:'. wh:c)l ~!r; I GPR 00 F • ' 3 .. o S26. 25~ .... 26 .un~~Y 1.1.soo 1! IO'~ 11 .-. ''J Watson had kept ~:nu~ it ·;q!

C \'Jrktrs 1·~ ~2~~~ 241 4 2~•l, (.lrn Lakf 151;00 14, 14~ 14-t -2 , cnn .\IS :!i.1 $15~1 151 1 l:i~A Gasp" 2000 :t :1 .1 , two months old. wa~ tm-~e~ ~:-con ~ts 2205 "i2Z 2F• 2P' Gian~ \'K :>1}() SHJ•.:: ln-'~lt w:-~a ._~';''serration in the muniri[l~~ m~t SNil' 410 HB 4tl 48 ~10 i Uasrm.o:" :won 92 Oil !10 -· .1 I c . Dom LimP~ 455 $i~i i~M 73i! + t 4 ! Tnt H{'Jium liOn 400 ~90 .1~ -5 ponnd . Dnme Pf'tp 20n $12 12 12 : lsmrl JO:'{l ~ 9 9 -----n Rrirl~e 31.i S:!J 223,4 :!2_34, .:. 1-4 Kefl+'"y wtp;; JOI}() 21 :U 21 -2 , , r :. n Fr.dr;~r JU ~66~2 61i 66'.'J .. 1.-1 ' Kelly n A zon ~6 6 f; -- 1 4 i \\omens \\ nrk :riltiP~

CRO'ITY-Born at St. Clare's 1 °110 mGJa~r':.xt 122023:.0 ~B2 az a2 ' L'< !·~1h ceo AB 13~' ~~·,·• ~·• 9'•- '·: mor~ than 1.000 ('"t•rlian Rf~ .... . .,ta~ !8'~ tah • tt J.l'l > o (lO sg ~~ 9 7 ~< o,;" 1· 3'''

II Mercy Hospital, Jl!areh 18th. to I Fam Play 150 $16~\ 16'< 16'i _ ,.,· ~Iacl>rrn R 100 $27 z; 27 ~,,,Cross branchPs prr.rlnced "' Frank and Anne Crotty (nee Fleetwood 500 ~2Pi 2~'' 2~~•- '·• ~lam'al "r;' " 9 9 • 250 knitted nr se~rn mic~:'

' i Frase-r 4011 S26~~ 26~2 261,'.1- l_)j :\fan·h ~~ 3.1000 a1 75 Z3 I 8 i . 1! . Buckingham), a daughter. 'Fr Pete pr 5~ 3755 375 J7 5 -to ~!eleh pr m sc,•; ''• .;•,- '•, last year for ~1Hpn!rnt to

MORRISSEY -Born at St. ' GG •• •stinl•,~."res 40 S32'i 32'' 32~1·- '' ~rer . Chtp 26'.;' 61 •z 62 -.. I nation in nred 100 :$11 11 11 _ t~ ~ternll :;no 7.3 7S 75 1· · '

Clare's 1\lercy Hospital on March !!om• A m 11m 14\1 tm , '' ~lid Chib 6000 Jt 28 2a . -J

I W It Jlomt B 100 $13~~ 13~• 13~~- ~~ !\1oorP 925 ~5il~ ,371~ !171~ .-. 1~ 19th to Mr. and 1\ rs. a er Hurt Boy 1477 !5a 57 , 1 58 + \I ~lt Pleasnt 1oooo 19~ 100 m ·-B Morrissey (nee :'liary Molloy), I


011 900 $13% 13 13'.1 Mr Dairi« ~10 s9 agm a!<- li

1229 $49~~ 49:1~ 49~~ MR Rice 125 M~-1 Rt.f. 314, 6 lbs, 3'!4 OZS. Imp 'Tob 1315 11m 17\1 17 + •• Xat Au l'tn 100 285 285 283

lnd Accep 1885 S31~~ JH-2 Jl·"'~ _ 1• :-;at Pete 1300 395 Jf-5 395 .L.lO / DEATHS lnRI;., 200 SSll m 511 . Noti\e ~[ 500 12 12 12 -1

Int Nlcktl 1£06 $85~-:: B 1'~ 84'-~ _ 14 ~ Forma 2000 51,-J 51.1 51~ I Int 'Pap 607 $39lh 3911.! 39~ _ t--4 ~ Jack I. 4500 151·2 15 15 -1 Int U!U 2.'50 S~S':M 4~~; 45~!1 + ¥.& NW Amult 17500 22 20 20 -1 I Int Utlt pr 275 $51% Sl!JJ sts' + 1,11 :-Ja Rare 2iOO 63 60 63 -1 I Jamalctt PS 200 Slfl 10 !8 _ ~~ Paudash 500 9 9 9 Laur F HO 'P 100 $2& 26 26 I'C'nnbee 500 9 ~ 9 - 1.~ MB PR l.\70 $20 20 20 Pllt Prod A 600 Ul 10\-2 t1 ~I I Maritime T :Jj2 $22 '22 :!2 _ V.z 'Place Co 500 it 71' 71 -4 I ~tet Store p 100 $:?2lJ 22 ~".! 22~~ + :t4 Pmv Cp 2 pr t:m $71 i3 '73 .._ ~.i. • Mlron n pr 66:i SiH.l~-6 10 10 - IH Que Cob~ll 2000 -t-tl) ~25 42.'i I' Mohon A 325 $30~ ~ 30t4 30'.-: + ~;. Que Smt'lt nsoo 13~ ~ lU W - t-l

daughters, Joan, (:\Irs. Peter ~!olson B l!JO $301o 30•; 10•.; I Que Tel ~~ ~oo s2~:• ~o;- ~o~; ' ' ' '[ h ) Sl 'I (1\! p t · k Morgan pr .• o SIOO \00 100. I Que Tol oS 100 S.!<J., _n, _o, , ,,

GOODRIDGE-Passed peace· fully away March 18th, 1962, ;\lay Goodridge. Leaving to mourn beside~ her husband, A. J. Goodridge, four sons, Peter, Jack, David and Wallace; three

n a er , lel a rs. a ric , Nat ru~ 100 SIH1.~ 1a1.~ 1a•.; _ ;• 1 Murphy), St. John's, Zoe (Mrs. Noranda s2o sm• sm 59''

• • NS J.p 305 $2.1 2.1 23 A. Grady) m Ontano. One Ogilvie 1.1 m .13 :.:l _ '' brother R. C. Jackman St. Pae Pet• 1250 stm 1410 15 + ••

. ' Pow, Corp l25 $58 57t.2 58 - J.2 .John's; one sister, Mrs. George Price Dr p lUI ss; 53;; 54 ~ \\ White in Ontario. Funeral QN Gas 1so S7'' 7'1 m- '·' Tuesday, March 20th at· 2.30 p.m. from Carnell's Funeral Home, 28 Cochrane Street to the Anglican Cathedral. Interment at . Anglican Cemetery, Forest Road. marl9,20

RUTLEDGE - Passed away suddenly at 1\!ontreal on ~larch 1

18, ·1962, ~largaret Sarah Yolanda Carr, dearly beloved wife of Robert J. Rutledge. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray and Bros., 1234 Mountain Street, Montreal. 2 p.m. Wednesday to Field of Honor. No flowers by request, send · eontribut1on to the Heart Foundation.




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ALGIERS (1 foot of the woundin~

It climaxec s dash mortal

....... ,.u. was bl to wreck tl



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