· i...

I llt·l:lit!. ·. p: lf t!.rdUr k'• Da) o!rd on s \ER S VAUXHAll VICTOR THE DAILY NEWS Amazing performance and gas mileage results from this fully, equipped four door Sedan. lasts r. :'. . \ i r Foret' dwppt·d a humh a h·.lll't' llt':tl' Flor· t 1 u··d".'. hou•r 111 pit•t•t•s anti ri 11 inc da In a nt•;Hio.l·. tllle Vol. 65. No. 67 ST. JOHN'S, NEWfOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1958 Discuss ·suspension !INDONESIA .. boo,launch i cnhowcr administration, It was started, authorities reported, are ! learned 'fuesdny. has taken the being supervised at least in part si\•!Js toward radically revis. by Dr •• lames R. Killian J ., Eis· its policy for suspension or enhowcr's science adviser. 'But · nudr:•r The objecti1•e to they also nrc being made by tiwir to nn nf!t'eement with Rus· I Atomic l!:nerg\· Commission· and >i.t on i:<!<nc. i ln,·oll'e defence department sci· l't)'i'idcnt Eisrnhower, 'On the 1 enlists as well. , t\•t·o:nnwndation of Stale Sccl'l'·! Dr. Edward Hw physi- . Dulles. has started studies cisl oftPn cnllrd the or the hy lt•mlins alomic scientists on i hydrogen bomb, said here 10 '' l;t•tiwr a can be pro· 1 days ar,o he thought disarmament 1<-rtd cheatint.:. n "lost cause" bccnu'e the .. l( it !" drcidrd that. a foolpyoof I be nnd 'llli'p:•t'IIOII S)'StPill IS pOSSible,: 113 riCI'lCI'S !11'1' avaiJahlc tlwn t·.s. may he ito pre1·ent them from -pro1·i:lcd ct•rtain othrt· condi· I Opjlosed to the. Teller l'icw an• I it•ns art• h1Hillcd. I such men M Harrison Brown ,,f ' 11 I he ex!Jt•rts decided thnt no' California Institute of Tech· techniques al'ailnble I and .Jay Orear of Colum-1 I'I'CI'Cni then, of!i. ·bin Vnil·ersi!:: in 1\;c\1' Yorl1. 'fhcv ; !'i:1ls said .. the Jlolicr lilmly will : argue any secret h;·l · not he · the Russmns after a ban Attack To tPrice 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons Crush Rebels i Jakarta Troops I I On The Move I PADANG. Central Sumalra-AP-A rebel spokesman said Tuesday that invading Jakarta forces seeking to crush the rebel regime now apparently control the of oil fl-owing from fields deep in central Sumatra. . Prescnl r.s. insists that i errectil'e II'OU)d be known to in· I I su;prnsion of testing he closely I ternational insncction teams . linked to a cut·off in manufacture I Various gro.uns of 1 hu1w ol , nl weupons. how· I haw been het·e off and · , . . . '''"11\ fiH' t'HI'. had adl'ocalcd a test sUs· I on for sen•ral weeks, offit•inls I kilh'd. Fi l'l' llt•r· 111 •11' hu1·t. onlr of 11 hum was nd· 11 , h•"l'i ta I. He said the invaders occupy Bengkalis and other islands at the mouth of the Sink River, main artery for the movement of oil out of the U.S.-owned Caltex fields around Pakanbaru, 50 airline miles inland. 1 ;.· i .. "' .- Fortu· :1lone as a first step to· . said to discuss this is>nt• 1 - .. • "' :!11• ••·m-tl thsarmmuenl. 1' and marshal the scientific eYi·l The added. howerer. 1------------- tlml rebel forces entrenched in i the Caltex terminal of swamplands will i Sungai Pakning un the to kec!l lbe .fa karl a troons from 1 east coasl. . . . .:.- 1lw huust' . SCI'ER\'ISED B\' KII.I.IAS dencc. ':.: .. :_ •• .The Woman's 1\iHer Threatens! . _, · · .. ll;ullo•r Au· ' 1 mol'ing inland lo the oil fields. , Tbe rnulutional'l' I' Caltex officials suspended opcr·, tl;at 300 Jakart: 1 ntiuns at thr fields cenl·: troops Frida: r .. To Strike Again I . :-.···n 'Suciet,· '1'1'111:'\, Ita II' 'llt•nlt•rs I - .\ I I ' ral !Is of- ! after a 211-111<111 rrbd 9latoon with· rcnsl\·e the rebels l·nd<lY. drrll' to the mainland. COJ.LF.CT ItO\' ,\LTU;S SA\' OFFESSI\'E 1 ..-\USCIIEIJ ' By controlling the mouth or the · 'In ,Jakana a mililary spokes I Sial;, lhc could t•n·. man ><tid the go•·crnment 1 s1we collrciJnn of ro,·altws on · launched cumhinrd land, ·.- \ :_,. n:"'' lo >1'1; 1 . confessed munit•rcl' who hon>ls ot ' · '·' ;,round the• 1 . 111 , ,.,. 1 11 - 111 , . . hal'ing already stabbed one man ...•.. :·r tlw JlOS· · auslhan' of . . . . · · , to death In a "oerfecl crinw" in· o•l out ol Palmnharu. But . anrJ :1 i1· to crush lh£ I i1 is unlik<•l\' the · rr'1cl in ih mountain cap· . mtl lllOI'cnwnt ot oil tl royalttrs ita' 11 1 · .• ·" · '-''"'·' 11111 II<: loullw l.nttcd Church· fo1·med Italian police Tuc;dal' he f . ·-: · .. •'! "''I 1111, lw· : 11\t•l uu 1\ .• ,\larch I will ngnin this week. on !he1r 1 The killer. who himsl'it .•... ' '"" ,,.,,. mectmg. Be· "Dinbolich." issul'\1 his 1 wor . :-r '.;--· "·' .onw di>l· ot lhr tndement wcnthcr! tJn·eat in I he smuc \I'll)' a., lw ::c·:r, h '·''r wht•n thr . the attcnd<mce was not as good tolri or !tis first killing _ in an I go to .Jal;arl:l. 'He dreli:Jcd '111 "o into dctait. I nrotlainwd their'"' n on till' offcns,·c. · c i rrnmcnt J'rh. lo llw rrhrls [l('l)rl Forces '"'l'c in j ha•·e tried. to nil royalties, nlcn;: thr ,,.e,l "ann ; frr.m flowmg mtu th" .!Hkarta ht>low this lndiaa UCNIII 11ort in r-:·;:':.c: .,:l'h•· as . . . crossword flllZZir. ., • · ·' · ,11 '' llu nrd )IJ •· fuckct and Brett i Police wo .·ked out his to ,:, ::.; 00 ''tr , on1·cncrs for the worship :read: "Another friend will die on lrt•nsury. <llllidpation o( another .Jakarta in· Thet·e no olficial q,siun. . . >CI'\'ICC and lot• the study pro- I Thursday... . NEW YDRK-Randoi)lh Chlll'clull, son or former Prime l\linislcl' Sir ·• ., "'' 1 thrn· two gramme. / A · 'I · · Churchill, was all sweetness :md li!!hl here as he vie\\'erl tile t ior. here of .lakartn radio claim, . Thr reiJds ha1 l' he en I that successful troop a two- .• idrd iln'il:-ion to at were made on island Padang. l'hiet rebel centre. and . of Selalnandjang. Bcn;::l;a. · lo thr nil ;,rra•. ,.,, h·om 111·· All•t· tit• pt·e· 1 · 1 , , 1 ar arrostw letl pollee lo ., ' L > 1 Clh, " rs. · tl b d f 1\1 · G'J'l t' I h' ' ' I .. \ ': :lw \\'oollrr)', had welcomed the I 0 )' 0 arlO II lCl' I. 1 ex li Ilion or paintings IY his sire at the New York Museum of Art. The ., : with sc· Brett assisted b)•l 1110 weeks ago .. He. harl bc_cn l'wcetness and light gave way to acidity and heat laler when he appeared 1. ·:·.. : ., hrnd ' 'lr· Rob rl. 1 d 11 h' 1 stabbed to death m h1s bed. Dl8· I ·---- . · . . . · ·' •· e s e te wors 1 P b I' h' I tt · t · d WABD TV' ''N' ht B t" t b ' t ' d b J 1 W' t R "' , , , ""··n m houses sen·iec the theme being "L k·l o tc .s c ers o ne11spn!>Crs an on s 1g ea o e 111 crvtewe y om mga e. an· ;Summit I 'e ,,, . I : , . . . 00 to pohcc have boasted of the mur· d I h t d . I l t ,. d h t t' I th t _ _ ... - . tnil. to .. Chmt and not to Our·/ dcr as a crime., The Jet· o Jl erup e 111 o a v1o en na e w. en mga e men to net e recen , ; . , , " 1 ters claillJed the dead man once. run.- in sister, Sarah, had with the police in California. He llle(l · Youth 1n the Ne 1 1_S was the was a fr1end of the slayer. denounced America as a nation of conformists, where "everybody is Kh h h A •r young people in .Tapan who I Ummprcssed by the letters. PO· trightcned, bulldozed and bullied"; b ted American newspapers as "gul· : ' . ' ' " of two studieS on the . I rus c ev ., g ees .. . i:. -- Rnlnh 1'. . :1. ' ', .. , .. r :111d for· .. :1nrt : '' · ·' premier of S,,. a ;;,. .., n appointed · -·drnl of the up and since the lice Saturday the ar· tcr press" and questioned Win.,aate's parentage: "I don't even know if : "'• war years. The aim of this rest or 24, son .o! a , was to highlight the spec· wealthy on suspiCIOn you had a father, or if yol.l know who your .was."-(.IN - ,·ngto n s lllte in! point of l'iew of the young of the stabbmg. people in Japan's changing cit· Tuesday's new communication 0 F M II irs to hO".' christian I from Diabolich told the police: : ve r IVe I 10 n scrl'lces arc hclptnr !hell' solve "Do not charge Aldo. He is not : ROY ESSO\' ,\:\' .. •aid Tur<tla1· l:u>,ia l1as a>surrd some of thmr l\Irs. capable or lol'ing as 1 !ol'r.. And: · 1.\P' - 1'\ikita Khru· tl•e ll'r,;lrrn powers I hat agree- . , ,_: !!;· , """ a prr;on o! presented !heir I kill." \'.ould be willing to go to \\'ash·! not a Sorirt nrrcondition for Tucker a young he culd not be able to kill as J hl I Th u s shchc1· said Tuc·sday night he, mrnt on :1 .•mnmit conlercncc 'I·"·, · .. · , and ad· 0 e ss n e inglon for a summil conference if 1 nrcnal·atory .· · ·',": .. .iustment.• in the post·II'Br per· A a cl'imc e e nrct•s:<al')'. -mnu>lt·rs conlcrcncc. , 1 ·• 1 , ·;·: :1 !: iod in atb\\'t!l' t1 a number nf IIOI'el P,Ubhshed here recent))' was indicalctl al di•.llomalic rr- Rritbh .\mha;;a•lor Sil' Patril' 1 i . ,, ' 'I ' In !P.1J . II d "D' b I' ·h .. I •I t ' * * .;,lmtl in the 1pest10n• pt ll)' the cha1rman. 11 h O ·ff n 1 . 1 e s 1 ory. * * ccption he was dissatisFied wilh. !lrilly wllh llw forci:n . · 1 1 . 1 h' The stu1l" was informative ta O c tppe o PO ICe o a I currrnl toward a lcp .. ministt·y on that nuint. A So•·icl , L ,. .. ,. .. le1 rl I·:a.+\\'est nolr lo F:'8ncc Vch. >aid a · · rr- · rr un 1 .. !on". strin" or murders. I In the period the I d reluctant to dis-; 'ummit would hal'e lo ,,,;.I'!'> it)', hr u'ual r.:>;lfll't< 1\ ere recrh·ed I "EmP.rald hie" on the TaX cuts Are D ,·s cuss e cuss it in thou;;h he rarely ! hcfure Sol'iet Union .·e Matl i \\'e are loJking forll'nrd to 1 of l'lth. Please keep t'le' a>scd up a chance to talk on any , v:ould to attend the lie: n!d lor two letture tln the date In mind. 1 :ministers conference. But a So. ' •·: ,,r rnr threr - · - ··-· \\'ASIII:'\GT0:-.1 i AP' - A go\'· The presidential decbion American economy fails In im· ; The SotiPl parly · l'iel note lo the States and · e!'llment report Tuesday showing I relayed by Representative .Joseph I pro1·e . first secretary brushed off sel'· '. Premier Nikolai Bulganin's late.t 1.' SEATO 5.173,000 u ne m ploy e din the .Martin of Massachusetts, one of Another btg hfm· tll1de 1 era! attempts by reporters to: letter to President Eisenhower set ,.,, ... < II' oriel \\'ar 1 United States intensified talk of a a group of Republican leaders I conference was ow muc cou 1 bring the con1·ersalion around to! no such •'·c r ' tax cut !o stop the recession. But who conferred with Eisenhower. he expected. in o\'ercof!!ing the 1 · thr topic. i The dinlomatic informant !aid ... n ' '':: thr rank President Eisenhower was re· They met one day after Vice- recession, from public works, LOVED OTHER SUBJECTS thP foreign ministry told Reilly : · ,,,,, nr·ws editor i A . . · E h" ported to have decided to delay j' President Richard Nixon called 1 housing construction and. longer Khushchev talked readily and I the messages to the United States 1 '''.· Un·t grees XC ange b I h I t I b h f II b t th t ll't d d tl t t F 1 0 trr r: ... nf ._ 11 ,. 8 S"o· any such move at least a month. for su stanlial tax cuts f t e unemp oymen compensa ton en· c eer u y a ou ear sa e 1 es, I superse e 1e no e o ranee. efils. his early days as a soccer player. 1 j 0 I Martin said the Republicans the relative virtues of wines and ; "N l F " bfl;o:: ... a partner in I D . t' w·th NATO Ra,·lways ut ,·ne present thought that the idea of liquors and his own ability as a I 0 unny or O'Hearn a a I . culling taxes "could be delayed diplomat. i tn 1 was ap. . 1 at least a month to see whether A correspondent asked whether 1 Jud O'e Says ·' 1 t 1 h s d d these shots in the arm take ef· the U.S.S.R. planned to unvell any , an ° I e By GRAHAM JENKINS An American eonrerence I' N w fa ar s feel." more scientific wonders. and the "" ----- , MANILA tReutersl-SEATO'a source said SEATO Secretary· ew age n Labor Secretary James Mit· conversation went like this: GLASGOW fAPl - Four stu· foreign ministers worked Tues· General Pole Sarasln was author· chell supplied the unemployment Khrushchev: "Not just one." dents of Glasgow University who am .• •,,d in · sl;di<oll. IJuokt-ti on (hnrgr and J.!iven A!t;, -- CP - \l'h c•·f en · : 1 I of London, arm·ed to visit a Fra•tuhar Beaton lindto. about Can: · 11 a fascinating a happy one, hut .. I ike a bronco, II day to bolster their alliance and !zed to find an "area or contact" By ROBERT RICE ' dollar dispute. The union case ligures, saying the 5,173,000 total Reporter: "Any more Sput· threw bags of flour at Home Sec· I recapture Asian attention from for exchange of infol'ma!ion with C 8 nad!an Press Staff Writer I completed Monday. · • was reached in mid Februar)'. niks?" retary R. A. Butler last month thr: latest Communist bids for NATO. MONTREAL tCPl-The major The unions originally asked for This meant 6.7 per cent of the Khrushche1·: "Absoluteh·." Tuesday were fined £5 each for , leadership in the Far East. Philippines President Carlos railways •ruesday began outlining a 35-cent-an·hour wage increase U.S. working force was jobless. Reporter: "Do we have' to wait disorderly conduct. : In closl'<l session, they consid· Garcia called fol' forms of con· before a redernl concilinlion plus other benefits, but have in- He told a of long'!" . . The flour barrage was an In· I , cred pleas for more economic aid tact between st:,\TO and oilier board a new wage standard for dicnted a number of CIO thai. tf the ''·ou just watt 1 (•idenl of the instal!alion of But· cw the Asian members-the Phil- collective-security pads. theiJ· 130,000 non-operating em- would be made to reach a scltle- tsn t as an!tc- ami you '11'111 st'e." ltr as reclot' of the university. 8 I ippines, Thailand and Pakistan. Mozaffar Ali 1\hlin (Jisilbash, . . mc,nt. . . . 1 P<'IL•d, llw. l_Hg step would NEEJ) PREPARATION ceremonv which students usually 1 The Unill•d States offered $2,1100,· Pakistan minister for industries 'I he wage slanda_rd lws .at C. PH. S. Gos· _an allmtmstral1on recummen· . ll'residenl Eisenhower 311.: Jh·rn with horseplay. i 000 and Australia £1,000,000 ($2,· and commerce. said I here is a · the heart ot the lug dis· I sage, f1rst of 12 rmlwny Wtlnesscs "a major and suh:1tan- nounccd at a Washington 1 . l\1 •.. 1 t J F 1 , . 1 ld : , growing feelin" among pule between llw lratllron!tnentalllo appear belore the three-man llal cut m pet'sonal and ronferencr last Wedne<dal' I hat 11 ' 3 " 1 1 ' 1 ra 1 e · 1 · 0 d " 'I ' · d I" · '·- ·d 'd 11 . ·t f tl ·•· 1 . " · • · ' w s 1e 1 n rcgar I . The otlwr memll!'rs of SEATO I oped countries that the aid they rat lla)s. an a umons. . . uuat ·.sat te 0 te I . 1\ussia's leudcrs hall toid him; 11 . d ·t < f -the Southeast Asia Treaty Or· receive is "not 'fhe railways contend then· new I' nal umon proposals amounted to "1lus act Jon. I can assure you. llhcl' were willing lo come to the: lelr uc a. unny. ganlzation - are Britain and with their treaty obligations."' standard-based on wages paid to $116,800,000 a year without health is being fully considered and its/ cnited states for a summit! .d I France. I in comparabl7 and l de!ails worked out,'' Mitchell' parley on East-Wrst trnsions. But I SelNOr Resz ant. 1 Slate Dul!es of the Nor was It proortionate to aid that no mcrcase m, The umons health and wellare 1 he said it would be futile and "in: , l'.S, told the delegates the pres· I recelvedby nedutdrolists from both pay. 1s JUshrtable at present for have. been \\ House Press Secretary m)' O!linion damaging" to con1 ·enc OAKVlLLE. On\. _ CP- i nt session has attracted "un· camps, he a? e · · , . . til. later, followmg .lames C. Hagerty rrporters any such meeting unless it was. Oak\'!lk's oiliest native-born I usual attention" in Communist I The counctl elected Fehxberto . fhe .concthahon .board, _now m week at whtch an _!there has been no dects1on on the adequately prepared in adl'ance.l 1 citizen, Elizabc!h Whitak· ' quarters which "should alert us Serrano, fm·eign sec· 1ls week, 1s the tenm agreement was reported ' form of any cut. A Western diplomatic source er died at the age ul to the possibility that there may relary, as chatrman. ra1lway s1de of the mulh·mtllon· reached. I Hageriy declined an answer 98. Qnring the town's een· new aggressive Communist when asked how Mitchell could i tennia1 July she was bon· plans Cor this area which Com- Power By Nuclear FI. SSI. on have become "so mixed up." I ored as Oak\·ille's oldest \\'0 munlst rulers rear SEATO migllt COOL TO TAX CUTS man. block." Speaking for the Democrat> ML'ST STAND FIRM who control Congress. Sam Ray· STRETf'ORD, Eng. - CP- He called on the free world to burn of Texas, speaker of the Roy Wilkinson, 16, beat 4,000 b sland firm tin frcsberving peabce By FORBES RHUDE H 1 llt·. Keys' spoke to a combined construction of nuclear power 1 that its alomic locomotil'e wi!l House of Representati1·cs, and girls in a cookery competition ut not to ry ' 0 uy peace Y TORONTO !CPl-ln 20 years as 1 audience of the prospectors, the plants to supply electricity for pull a train from .Moscow to Senator Lyndon Johnson, a fcl· in tins Lancashire town. His conceding to "Communist im. much power wlll be developed Geological Association of Canada dustrial purposes, their applica: V!adivostock on slightly more low Texan, expressed no great prize-winning dish was four perlalism." Dulles said he be- 1 h · · d 1 t d lleves stirrings inside Russia (rom nuclear fission In Ontar o as and the Mineralogical Association lion to the propulsion of ships, · than one pound of nuclear fuel, ent ustasm for votmg a tax cut lamb chops an se ec e vege· k Is produced today by hydro and of Canada, all of whom are meet· · trains, and even airplanes, is compared with the 600 tons coal now as a job-creating measure. tables. eventually will rna e peace pos· coal.rlred stations, Dr. David A. in!l simulataneously. being investigated. The atomic new required." George Meany, AFL-CIO pres· ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. slhle. Keys said Tuesday In an address CENTRAL HEATING submarine is already a success. Referring to British and Ameri· idEnt, had sharply critical things In mov41s outside the conrer· to the Prospectors and Developers Looking ahead to new uses, he "The Russians have launched can progress towards the prepar· to say of both the Republicans ence hall, the three"Western for- Association. said: their ice-breaker Lenin. British ation of hydrogen-through a pro· and Democrats in his talk to the cign ministers agreed on a meet· Dr. Keys, scientific adviser to "The possibility of using central and Americans arc designing com cess involving the use or heavy labor conference. He said neither ing for fresh talk on an East· thP president, Atomic Energy or hcatinR jilants for supplying large mercial submarine tankers, crnis· Keys commented: bi;! party had done what it should WPst summit conrerenee. Canada Ltd .. based his prediction sections of cities, 'Which would eli· ers. plane carriers. passenger "The !ina! accomplishment of to prevent people being thrown Communist moves which the the fact that demand for clec- minnie boilers in separate build· ships and freighters, and some of release of energy by some such out of work. conference Is concerned about trlc power is doubling every 10 lngs-a system which now is used these are nlreadv under construe· fusion proc'l!ss will doubtedly be "The Democrats know they can Russia's offer or an Asian col· years and thut Ontario will have in some cities-is an application lion. In fact, every maritime achieved but it will be many make political capital out of talk· lectlvc peace treaty, offers lo tarncssed Its available hydro which so far has received little country is interested in .such nu- years before power is produced ing about the recession and doing Weather Overcast, with occas- ional light rain or drizzle. Winds light N.E. High 35. Outlook, little change. TEMPERATURES on reducing arms In power by 1002. earnest attenton. clear ships. '-, I in this way. . little about it. The Republicans North VIet Nam, Laos and South" "Our demand for uranium at "'fhe usc of reaclors as a source NlJCLEAR TRAINS "When it is. however. our en· hope to protect themselves by Halifax . . . . . . . 36 Viet Nam, the situation In Indo· that time-20 years from now- of process in industries, "Nuclear . powered locomolil'es . requirements or the future hiding the fact that, during a Re- Moncton . . . . . . al· nesia and Communist China's de. and that of other countries, will however, is be in:: considered in hr,ve been planned at the Univer· 'will be solved, since all water publican ad min is ration, the Montreal .' ..... 25 in . to withdraw her troops probaby use all the uranium we Finland. sily or Utah and by the Russians. I contains a fraction of heavy wa- cccromy has become danger·! St. John's . . . . . 32 44 38 37 38 1 from North Korea. can mine," Dr. Keys said. "Apart from the design and 'Thr laller country has announced I ter ously sick." •-----------' . '. / l. · ... , . ,f? .f ' ' !J.' . · .'-< ·-•.:• '18 '':.s .:-.·.: >"Z ...... ...... )'' . , ' . t>'• . . .;..: t-•t; :1·-w ... ., .. . . .. . y ·;, .- .. , 1: ,, , •' ,. . -! ! \ ' .. .. ' .. ; . ; .: ' '

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Discuss ·suspension !INDONESIA w.~Qt .. ~~~~.e!~.,}!s~ boo,launch

i cnhowcr administration, It was started, authorities reported, are ! learned 'fuesdny. has taken the being supervised at least in part tir~t si\•!Js toward radically revis. by Dr •• lames R. Killian J ., Eis· in~ its policy for suspension or enhowcr's science adviser. 'But · nudr:•r t~sts. The objecti1•e i~ to they also nrc being made by tiwir tr~· to ~··I nn nf!t'eement with Rus· I Atomic l!:nerg\· Commission· and >i.t on thi~ i:<!<nc. i ln,·oll'e defence department sci·

l't)'i'idcnt Eisrnhower, 'On the 1 enlists as well. , t\•t·o:nnwndation of Stale Sccl'l'·! Dr. Edward T~llet·, Hw physi­

. l:u·~· Dulles. has started studies cisl oftPn cnllrd the tnlh~r or the hy lt•mlins alomic scientists on i hydrogen bomb, said here 10 '' l;t•tiwr a su~ncnsion can be pro· 1 days ar,o he thought disarmament 1<-rtd asain~t cheatint.:. ~ i~~ n "lost cause" bccnu'e the

.. l( it !" drcidrd that. a foolpyoof I llussia.n~ cann~t be trust~cl nnd 'llli'p:•t'IIOII S)'StPill IS pOSSible,: 113 pohcltl~ riCI'lCI'S !11'1' avaiJahlc ~ tlwn t·.s. noiir~· may he chan~:cd ito pre1·ent them from chca!in~. -pro1·i:lcd ct•rtain othrt· condi· I Opjlosed to the. Teller l'icw an•

~ I it•ns art• h1Hillcd. I such men M Harrison Brown ,,f ' 11 I he ex!Jt•rts decided thnt no' lh~ California Institute of Tech· in~prclion techniques al'ailnble I nolo~:y and .Jay Orear of Colum-1 l'~n I'I'CI'Cni chentin~. then, of!i. ·bin Vnil·ersi!:: in 1\;c\1' Yorl1. 'fhcv

; !'i:1ls said .. the Jlolicr lilmly will : argue tl~nt any secret t~sts h;·l · not he r~nsrd. · the Russmns after a ban b~camc

Attack To

tPrice 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

Crush Rebels i Jakarta Troops I

I On The Move I PADANG. Central Sumalra-AP-A rebel

spokesman said Tuesday that invading Jakarta forces seeking to crush the rebel regime now apparently control the tran~port of oil fl-owing from fields deep in central Sumatra.

. Prescnl r.s. !JOiic~· insists that i errectil'e II'OU)d be known to in· I I su;prnsion of testing he closely I ternational insncction teams . linked to a cut·off in manufacture I Various gro.uns of scie~lisl~ 1

hu1w ol , nl nuclr~r weupons. Rus~ia. how· I haw been mc~ting het·e off and · , . . . '''"11\ fiH' t'HI'. had adl'ocalcd a test sUs· I on for sen•ral weeks, offit•inls I

kilh'd. Fi l'l' llt•r·

111•11' hu1·t. onlr of 11 hum was nd·

11 , h•"l'i ta I.

He said the invaders occupy Bengkalis and other islands at the mouth of the Sink River, main artery for the movement of oil out of the U.S.-owned Caltex fields around Pakanbaru, 50 airline miles inland.

1;.· i .. "' .- Fortu· J't'l~;ion. :1lone as a first step to· . said Tuc~da~-. to discuss this is>nt• 1- ~ .. ~.. • "' :!11• lin·~~ ••·m-tl thsarmmuenl. 1' and marshal the scientific eYi·l

The ~pokcsman added. howerer. 1------------­tlml rebel forces entrenched in i li~. ~ml ~~ the Caltex terminal of ~teaming swamplands will fi~ht i Sungai Pakning un the Sumatra~ to kec!l lbe .fa karl a troons from 1 east coasl.

. . . .:.- 1lw huust' . SCI'ER\'ISED B\' KII.I.IAS dencc.

':.: .. ,~.: :_ •• ::\~~~~~:;; 11111 ~~ .The Woman's 1\iHer Threatens! . _, :· · · .. ll;ullo•r Au· ' 1

mol'ing inland lo the oil fields. , Tbe rnulutional'l' ~ol'ernmcn: I' Caltex officials suspended opcr·, dis~loscd ~lond~,. tl;at 300 Jakart: 1 ntiuns at thr fields aft~r th~ cenl·: troops s'cn~akalis Frida:

'.t_:~,~~l;-;·~/'!.:,\:s:;p r .. Mi~sioncn-y. To Strike Again I . :-.···n a;k~d 'Suciet,· '1'1'111:'\, Ita II' 'llt•nlt•rs I - .\ I

I' ral _gu\'CI'Il~lent laun~hed !Is of- ! after a 211-111<111 rrbd 9latoon with· rcnsl\·e a~mnst the rebels l·nd<lY. drrll' to the mainland.

• COJ.LF.CT ItO\' ,\LTU;S SA\' OFFESSI\'E 1 .. -\USCIIEIJ ' By controlling the mouth or the · 'In ,Jakana a mililary spokes I Sial;, lhc .h~karta force~ could t•n·. man ><tid the go•·crnment ha~ 1 s1we collrciJnn of ro,·altws on an~· · launched ~ cumhinrd land, s~a ·.- \ :· :_,. n:"'' lo >1'1;

1 . confessed munit•rcl' who hon>ls ot

' · '·' ;,round the• 1.111, ,.,.1•11-111, . . hal'ing already stabbed one man 1·

...•.. :·r ·'~·· ~:~~ tlw JlOS· · auslhan' of . . . . · · , to death In a "oerfecl crinw" in· o•l ~ommg out ol Palmnharu. But . anrJ :1i1· ,,rr.-n:-i,·~ to crush lh£

I i1 is unlik<•l\' the reh~·ls_wuuld p~r- · rr'1cl rl'~imr in ih mountain cap· . mtl lllOI'cnwnt ot oil tl royalttrs ita' 111 Bul;illin~~i. · .• ·" · '-''"'·' 11111• II<: loullw ~~~·r••t l.nttcd Church· fo1·med Italian police Tuc;dal' he f

. ·-: · .. :· •'! "''I 1111, lw· : 11\t•l uu 1\ rdn.~ .• da~·. ,\larch 5~h I will ~trike ngnin this week. •':~tl. t~l on ru~sd<t~· f~1· !he1r 1 The killer. who si~ns himsl'it

~-< .•... ' ~,,. '"" ,,.,,. IC~ul~tl~ month!~ mectmg. Be· • "Dinbolich." issul'\1 his 1wor . :-r '.;--· "·' .onw di>l· \'aiiH~ ot lhr tndement wcnthcr! tJn·eat in I he smuc \I'll)' a., lw

::c·:r, ~r, h '·''r wht•n thr . the attcnd<mce was not as good ~· tolri or !tis first killing _ in an

I go to .Jal;arl:l. 'He dreli:Jcd '111 "o into dctait. I ~incc th~v nrotlainwd their'"' n on till' offcns,·c. · c

i ~~~~ rrnmcnt J'rh. lo llw rrhrls [l('l)rl Forces '"'l'c di~-inn in j ha•·e tried. to ~cc-p nil royalties, nlcn;: thr ,,.e,l to~·t Hli~·c "ann ; frr.m flowmg mtu th" .!Hkarta ht>low this lndiaa UCNIII 11ort in •~ r-:·;:':.c: .,:l'h•· con~·us· as ' 1 ~11<11; . . . acro~!lc crossword flllZZir.

., • · ·' · ,11 '' llu nrd )IJ •· fuckct and ~IJss Brett i Police wo .·ked out his to ,:, ::.; 00 ''tr hi~hwH)', , 1\W~ on1·cncrs for the worship :read: "Another friend will die on

lrt•nsury. <llllidpation o( another .Jakarta in· Thet·e 11n~ no olficial ~onfit·ma- q,siun.

. . >CI'\'ICC and lot• the study pro- I Thursday... . NEW YDRK-Randoi)lh Chlll'clull, son or former Prime l\linislcl' Sir '· ·• ., "''1 thrn· two gramme. / A · 'I · · Win~ton Churchill, was all sweetness :md li!!hl here as he vie\\'erl tile

t ior. here of .lakartn radio claim, . Thr reiJds ha1 l' he en Jlrcdictin~

I that successful troop Iandin;:~ a two-.• idrd iln'il:-ion to ~trike at were made on th~ offohor~ island Padang. l'hiet rebel centre. and

. of Selalnandjang. !'\~ar Bcn;::l;a. · lo ~ei1.~ thr nil ;,rra•. •.::··:·~ ,.,, h·om 111·· All•t· tit• pt·e·1· 1 , , 1 ~1m1 ar arrostw letl pollee lo .,

• • • ' L > 1 Clh, " rs. · tl b d f 1\1 · G'J'l t' 2· I h' ' ' I .. \ ~·-:·' ': :lw J:n·~~s \\'oollrr)', had welcomed the I I~ 0 )' 0 arlO II lCl' I. 1• ex li Ilion or paintings IY his sire at the New York Museum of Art. The ., : ·~::.1 with sc· ~~·oup. ~!iss Brett assisted b)•l 1110 weeks ago .. He. harl bc_cn l'wcetness and light gave way to acidity and heat laler when he appeared

1. ·:·.. : ., hrnd ' 'lr· Rob rl. 1 d 11 h' 1 stabbed to death m h1s bed. Dl8· I ·----

. · . . . · ·' •· e s e te wors 1P b I' h' I tt · t · d WABD TV' ''N' ht B t" t b ' t ' d b J 1 W' t R "' , , , ""··n m houses sen·iec the theme being "L k·l o tc . s c ers o ne11spn!>Crs an on • s 1g ea o e 111 crvtewe y om mga e. an· ;Summit I 'e ,,, . I : , • . . . 00 to pohcc have boasted of the mur· d I h t d . I • l t ,. d h w· t t' I th t _ _ ... - . tnil. to .. Chmt and not to Our·/ dcr as a "p~rfect crime., The Jet· o Jl erup e 111 o a v1o en na e w. en mga e men to net e recen , ; ~el.~es. . , , "


ters claillJed the dead man once. run.- in Randolph'~ sister, Sarah, had with the police in California. He

llle(l ~!i:Sf · Youth 1n the Ne11_S was the was a fr1end of the slayer. denounced America as a nation of conformists, where "everybody is Kh h h A •r young people in .Tapan who I Ummprcssed by the letters. PO· trightcned, bulldozed and bullied"; b Ia~ ted American newspapers as "gul· : ' . ' ' " • ~econd of two studieS on the . I rus c ev ., g ees

. . . i:. • r· -- Rnlnh 1'. . :1. ' ', .. , .. r :111d for· ~ ·~3:'!f·:· :· .. ·~ :1nrt t~xccu·

: '' · ~ ·' premier of S,,. a ;;,. .., n appointed

· -·drnl of the

~rew up durin~ and since the lice Saturday an~~unced the ar· tcr press" and questioned Win.,aate's parentage: "I don't even know if : "'• war years. The aim of this rest or ~ldo Ct!SI~J, 24, son .o! a , :<tud~· was to highlight the spec· wealthy mdu~lrtahst. on suspiCIOn you had a father, or if yol.l know who your -~ather .was."-(.IN Photo)~ - ~··Wash ,·ngto n s lllte in! point of l'iew of the young of the stabbmg.

people in Japan's changing cit· Tuesday's new communication 0 F M II irs ~nd to ~how. hO".' christian I from Diabolich told the police: : ve r IVe I 10 n scrl'lces arc hclptnr !hell' solve "Do not charge Aldo. He is not : • B~· ROY ESSO\' ,\:\' .. •aid Tur<tla1· l:u>,ia l1as a>surrd some of thmr problem~ l\Irs. capable or lol'ing as 1 !ol'r.. And: · ~lO~CO\\' 1.\P' - 1'\ikita Khru· tl•e ll'r,;lrrn powers I hat agree-

. , ,_: !!;· , """ a ~rat!· prr;on o! Ja~a~ presented !heir I kill." \'.ould be willing to go to \\'ash·! not a Sorirt nrrcondition for ~~-Tucker impcr~onatinG a young he culd not be able to kill as J hl I Th u s shchc1· said Tuc·sday night he, mrnt on :1 .•mnmit conlercncc i~

\· 'I·"·, 1· · .. · , problem~ dll!iCUitie~ and ad· 0 e ss n e inglon for a summil conference if 1 tr~Hinnc<" at~ nrcnal·atory forci~n . · · ·',": .. ~ . 1 111 ~rr,;t:: .iustment.• in the post·II'Br per· A fiction~l'mtn·dl'r~t·,in a cl'imc e e nrct•s:<al')'. -mnu>lt·rs conlcrcncc.

, 1·•1, ·;·: ,·.,'.R10~ • :1 !: iod in atb\\'t!l' t1 a number nf IIOI'el P,Ubhshed here recent))' was II~ indicalctl al ~ di•.llomalic rr- Rritbh .\mha;;a•lor Sil' Patril'1i . ,, ' 'I ' In !P.1J . • II d "D' b I' ·h .. I •I t ' * * ~~ 1~wa: ~- .;,lmtl in the 1pest10n• pt ll)' the cha1rman. ~ ~ 11 h 11~ O ~c ·ff n 1.

1e s1 ory. * * ccption he was dissatisFied wilh. !lrilly chcck~d wllh llw forci:n • 1 ~ . ·1 1.1 h' The stu1l" was informative ~r.d ta O c tppe o PO ICe o a I currrnl rrogre~s toward a lcp .. ministt·y on that nuint. A So•·icl

, L ,. .. ,. .. le1 rl I·:a.+\\'est parte~·. nolr lo F:'8ncc Vch. ~a >aid a · · rr- · rr un 1 1~ .. h.·tll•n"J· 1·'1 ~. • !on". strin" or murders. I In the hu;in~~~ period the I d fl~ an~cared reluctant to dis-; 'ummit cunt~rcnec would hal'e lo

~:,,.,,!!, ~ ,,,;.I'!'> it)', hr u'ual r.:>;lfll't< 1\ ere recrh·ed I "EmP.rald hie" on the ~tP.nlnlt TaX cuts Are D ,·s cuss e cuss it in d~tail. thou;;h he rarely ! b~ fi.~r~l hcfure th~ Sol'iet Union r•M:·_~, ~r • .·e m~ht Matl i \\'e are loJking forll'nrd to 1 of Ma~b l'lth. Please keep t'le' a>scd up a chance to talk on any , v:ould agr~c to attend the for~i;m H1~:1;\ lie: n!d lor two ~It', llou~:i'l'! letture tln the date In mind. 1 SIJhj~ct. :ministers conference. But a So.

'~~ ' "· •·: ,,r rnr threr - · - ··-· \\'ASIII:'\GT0:-.1 i AP' - A go\'· • The presidential decbion wa~ American economy fails In im· ; The SotiPl Communi~! parly · l'iel note lo the lTnit~d States and · e!'llment report Tuesday showing I relayed by Representative .Joseph I pro1·e ~oon. . first secretary brushed off sel'· '. Premier Nikolai Bulganin's late.t

a'.''~'.·'.·.,,,,. I'~II<Hiian 1.' SEATO 5.173,000 u ne m ploy e din the .Martin of Massachusetts, one of Another btg qhue~otion hfm· tll1de 1 era! attempts by reporters to: letter to President Eisenhower set 1~ 1~• ,.,, ... < II' oriel \\'ar 1 United States intensified talk of a a group of Republican leaders I conference was ow muc cou 1 bring the con1·ersalion around to! no such pre~onriition. •'·c r ' tax cut !o stop the recession. But who conferred with Eisenhower. he expected. in o\'ercof!!ing the

1· thr ~ummit topic. i The dinlomatic informant !aid

... n ' '':: -~rt! thr rank President Eisenhower was re· They met one day after Vice- recession, from public works, LOVED OTHER SUBJECTS thP foreign ministry told Reilly : · ~~~ ,,,,, nr·ws editor i A . . · E h" ported to have decided to delay j' President Richard Nixon called 1 housing construction and. longer Khushchev talked readily and I the messages to the United States

1'''.· t'•re_)_·~ars Un·t grees XC ange b I h I t I b h f II b t th t ll't d d tl t t F 10 trr r: ... nf ._11


S"o· any such move at least a month. for su stanlial tax cuts f t e unemp oymen compensa ton en· c eer u y a ou ear sa e 1 es, I superse e 1e no e o ranee. • efils. his early days as a soccer player. 1

j 0 I Martin said the Republicans the relative virtues of wines and ; "N l F " bfl;o:: ... a partner in I D . t' w·th NATO Ra,·lways ut ,·ne present thought that the idea of liquors and his own ability as a I 0 unny

or F":''!lll~. O'Hearn a a I . culling taxes "could be delayed diplomat. i ~nn tn 1 ~; 1 was ap. . 1 at least a month to see whether A correspondent asked whether 1 Jud O'e Says

·' 1 t 1 h s d d these shots in the arm take ef· the U.S.S.R. planned to unvell any , ~ pr~mi:r~IS an ° I e By GRAHAM JENKINS An American eonrerence I' N w fa ar s feel." more scientific wonders. and the ""

----- , MANILA tReutersl-SEATO'a source said SEATO Secretary· ew age n Labor Secretary James Mit· conversation went like this: GLASGOW fAPl - Four stu· foreign ministers worked Tues· General Pole Sarasln was author· chell supplied the unemployment Khrushchev: "Not just one." dents of Glasgow University who

,~as am .• •,,d ~lvntla\' in · sl;di<oll. IJuokt-ti on

(hnrgr and J.!iven

A!t;, -- CP - \l'h c•·f en · : 1 I of London,

arm·ed to visit a Fra•tuhar Beaton

lindto. ~ay about Can: · 11 a fascinating

a happy one, hut .. ~re I ike a bronco,


II day to bolster their alliance and !zed to find an "area or contact" By ROBERT RICE ' dollar dispute. The union case ligures, saying the 5,173,000 total Reporter: "Any more Sput· threw bags of flour at Home Sec·

I recapture Asian attention from for exchange of infol'ma!ion with C8nad!an Press Staff Writer I w~ completed Monday. · • was reached in mid • Februar)'. niks?" retary R. A. Butler last month thr: latest Communist bids for NATO. MONTREAL tCPl-The major The unions originally asked for This meant 6.7 per cent of the Khrushche1·: "Absoluteh·." Tuesday were fined £5 each for

, leadership in the Far East. Philippines President Carlos railways •ruesday began outlining a 35-cent-an·hour wage increase U.S. working force was jobless. Reporter: "Do we have' to wait disorderly conduct. : In closl'<l session, they consid· Garcia called fol' forms of con· before a redernl concilinlion plus other benefits, but have in- He told a confe~ence of ~Fl.· long'!" . . The flour barrage was an In·

I, cred pleas for more economic aid tact between st:,\TO and oilier board a new wage standard for dicnted a number of ~oncessions CIO l<'~dc!·s thai. tf the busm~ss Khrushci~PI': ''·ou just watt


(•idenl of the instal!alion of But· cw the Asian members-the Phil- collective-security pads. theiJ· 130,000 non-operating em- would be made to reach a scltle- ~lump tsn t ol'erc~me as an!tc- ami you '11'111 st'e." ltr as reclot' of the university. 8 I ippines, Thailand and Pakistan. Mozaffar Ali 1\hlin (Jisilbash, plo~ws. . . mc,nt. . . . 1P<'IL•d, llw. l~ext l_Hg step would NEEJ) PREPARATION ceremonv which students usually

1 The Unill•d States offered $2,1100,· Pakistan minister for industries 'I he wage slanda_rd 1ssu~ lws .at C. PH. Virel't'l'Sid~nl S. ~1. Gos· b~ _an allmtmstral1on recummen· . ll'residenl Eisenhower 311.: Jh·rn with horseplay. i 000 and Australia £1,000,000 ($2,· and commerce. said I here is a · the heart ot the lug contr~cl dis· I sage, f1rst of 12 rmlwny Wtlnesscs t~ahon f~r "a major and suh:1tan- nounccd at a Washington pr~ss

1. l\1 •.. 1 t J F 1, . 1 ld

: ~J.I,()I)(I'. , growing feelin" among Jes..~·de\•el· pule between llw lratllron!tnentalllo appear belore the three-man llal cut m pet'sonal and busm~ss ronferencr last Wedne<dal' I hat 11 ' 3" 11' 1ra 1e ·1 · d'adn~tmmr 0 d

" 'I ' · d I" · '·- ·d 'd 11 . ·t f tl ·•· 1 . " · • · ' w sIll~~~ s 1e 1 n rcgar

I. The otlwr memll!'rs of SEATO I oped countries that the aid they rat lla)s. an a umons. . . uuat ·.sat te ~us 0 te 0~'~~1 ~ I ~xc>. . ~ 1\ussia's leudcrs hall toid him; 11 • . d ·t < f -the Southeast Asia Treaty Or· receive is "not commen~ura!e 'fhe railways contend then· new I' nal umon proposals amounted to "1lus act Jon. I can assure you. llhcl' were willing lo come to the: lelr ~on uc a. unny. ganlzation - are Britain and with their treaty obligations."' standard-based on wages paid to $116,800,000 a year without health is being fully considered and its/ cnited states for a summit! • .d

I France. I ~l·orkers in comparabl7 industri~! and welf~re ~osts. l de!ails worked out,'' Mitchell' parley on East-Wrst trnsions. But I SelNOr Resz ant. 1 Slate skretm·~· Dul!es of the Nor was It proortionate to aid Johs'7sh~ws. that no mcrcase m, The umons health and wellare 1 sa1~.. he said it would be futile and "in: , l'.S, told the delegates the pres· I recelvedby nedutdrolists from both pay. 1s JUshrtable at present for ~roposals have. been ~eferred 11~·1 \\ lut~ House Press Secretary m)' O!linion damaging" to con1·enc OAKVlLLE. On\. _ CP­i nt session has attracted "un· camps, he a? e · · , lh~ worker~.. . . til. later, followmg pn~ate ne~?,ll·' .lames C. Hagerty tol~. rrporters any such meeting unless it was. Oak\'!lk's oiliest native-born I usual attention" in Communist I The counctl elected Fehxberto . fhe .concthahon .board, _now m atl~n~,last week at whtch an m· _!there has been no dects1on on the adequately prepared in adl'ance.l


citizen, ~ft·s Elizabc!h Whitak· ' quarters which "should alert us Serrano, 'Phlli~pines fm·eign sec· 1ls secon~ week, 1s hem:m~ the tenm agreement was reported ' form of any Ia~ cut. A Western diplomatic source er Km~. died at the age ul to the possibility that there may relary, as chatrman. ra1lway s1de of the mulh·mtllon· reached. I Hageriy declined an answer 98. Qnring the town's een· b~ new aggressive Communist when asked how Mitchell could i tennia1 la~t July she was bon·

plans Cor this area which Com- Power By Nuclear FI. SSI. on have become "so mixed up." I ored as Oak\·ille's oldest \\'0 munlst rulers rear SEATO migllt COOL TO TAX CUTS man. block." Speaking for the Democrat> ML'ST STAND FIRM who control Congress. Sam Ray· STRETf'ORD, Eng. - CP-

He called on the free world to burn of Texas, speaker of the Roy Wilkinson, 16, beat 4,000

bsland firm tin frcsberving peabce By FORBES RHUDE H 1 llt·. Keys' spoke to a combined construction of nuclear power 1 that its alomic locomotil'e wi!l House of Representati1·cs, and girls in a cookery competition ut not to ry '0 uy peace Y TORONTO !CPl-ln 20 years as 1 audience of the prospectors, the plants to supply electricity for in-~ pull a train from .Moscow to Senator Lyndon Johnson, a fcl· in tins Lancashire town. His

conceding to "Communist im. much power wlll be developed Geological Association of Canada dustrial purposes, their applica: V!adivostock on slightly more low Texan, expressed no great prize-winning dish was four perlalism." Dulles said he be- 1 h · · d 1 t d lleves stirrings inside Russia (rom nuclear fission In Ontar o as and the Mineralogical Association lion to the propulsion of ships, · than one pound of nuclear fuel, ent ustasm for votmg a tax cut lamb chops an se ec e vege·

k Is produced today by hydro and of Canada, all of whom are meet· · trains, and even airplanes, is compared with the 600 tons coal now as a job-creating measure. tables. eventually will rna e peace pos· coal.rlred stations, Dr. David A. in!l simulataneously. being investigated. The atomic new required." George Meany, AFL-CIO pres· ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. slhle. Keys said Tuesday In an address CENTRAL HEATING submarine is already a success. Referring to British and Ameri· idEnt, had sharply critical things

In mov41s outside the conrer· to the Prospectors and Developers Looking ahead to new uses, he "The Russians have launched can progress towards the prepar· to say of both the Republicans ence hall, the three"Western for- Association. said: their ice-breaker Lenin. British ation of hydrogen-through a pro· and Democrats in his talk to the cign ministers agreed on a meet· Dr. Keys, scientific adviser to "The possibility of using central and Americans arc designing com cess involving the use or heavy labor conference. He said neither ing for fresh talk on an East· thP president, Atomic Energy or hcatinR jilants for supplying large mercial submarine tankers, crnis· w~ter-Dr. Keys commented: bi;! party had done what it should WPst summit conrerenee. Canada Ltd .. based his prediction sections of cities, 'Which would eli· ers. plane carriers. passenger "The !ina! accomplishment of to prevent people being thrown

Communist moves which the o~ the fact that demand for clec- minnie boilers in separate build· ships and freighters, and some of release of energy by some such out of work. conference Is concerned about trlc power is doubling every 10 lngs-a system which now is used these are nlreadv under construe· fusion proc'l!ss will doubtedly be "The Democrats know they can ar~ Russia's offer or an Asian col· years and thut Ontario will have in some cities-is an application lion. In fact, every maritime achieved but it will be many make political capital out of talk· lectlvc peace treaty, offers lo tarncssed Its available hydro which so far has received little country is interested in .such nu- years before power is produced ing about the recession and doing

Weather Overcast, with occas­

ional light rain or drizzle. Winds light N.E. High 35. Outlook, little change.

TEMPERATURES ~onsult on reducing arms In power by 1002. earnest attenton. clear ships. '-, I in this way. . little about it. The Republicans North VIet Nam, Laos and South" "Our demand for uranium at "'fhe usc of reaclors as a source NlJCLEAR TRAINS "When it is. however. our en· hope to protect themselves by Halifax . . . . . . . 36 Viet Nam, the situation In Indo· that time-20 years from now- of process st~m'l in industries, "Nuclear . powered locomolil'es . cr~:y requirements or the future hiding the fact that, during a Re- Moncton . . . . . . ~3

al· nesia and Communist China's de. and that of other countries, will however, is be in:: considered in hr,ve been planned at the Univer· 'will be solved, since all water publican ad min is ration, the Montreal .'..... 25 in . ci~ion to withdraw her troops probaby use all the uranium we Finland. sily or Utah and by the Russians. I contains a fraction of heavy wa- cccromy has become danger·! St. John's . . . . . 32

44 38 37 38

1 from North Korea. can mine," Dr. Keys said. "Apart from the design and 'Thr laller country has announced I ter ously sick." •-----------'


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l . ' ! ' .,


~THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN . Conservatives Liberals ,... .. [f : DUFFY • lion given the P. C. eandldnte BIG VICTORY The first three signatures on ~he member of the House ol was described as one or ul'lnnl· A big l'ictory has been fore· llr. :\Hiler's nomination' papers AsSembly for St. John's centre. ' mous acclaim, cast in Placentia area for Leon· were those of John P. Cheivers, Mr. A. M. Du!fy, says there m , Hon. Mr. Brooks will be join· , ard .Miller, the Liberal cancli· Stanley Reid and William F. few men If any In public life . in~ llr. Derl,~r fot• two meet· I dale in the riding of St. John's 1 Tiller. There were more than a In Newfoundland toda~· more lngs tonight, WednesdPy-thc . West. RcpoJ·ts flowing into St. :dozen other names of men from qualified than Honorable W. ,1. ·first in Botwood and the second :John's from Placentia say sup·: all parts of the huge riding of Browne. A rcpre.•entatil'e ol In Bishop's Falls. After the ·port there for 1\lr. lliller is , St .• John'$ West. Ewart A. Pratt whom an,· constituency would Bisho11's Falls meeting ~lr. i O\'erwhelmi~. In the last pro· 'of St. John's was the witness. be proud." He rcl'iewcd Mr. Brooks will return to thr main·!' ,·incial election .Gregory Power,

11. Attending the nomination be·

Browne's history In public lift'. land by wa~· of Gander. the Liberal member for Pia· fore ;Returning Officer Joseph 1 'eareer which he drscrihell : ~lr. Decker meanwhile w!ll ' centla East, polled 78 per cent I Fitzgibbon were Highways Min­... pectacular". Rcferrin~ to thr: he in Lewisporte on Thursd.1y 1 of the votes cast. In this election, I ister G. J. Power, Provinci31 ,erlod while Mr. Browne 1\'<15 · for yet another giant rally and i with lllr. Power's vote solidly 1 Affairs Minister l\!yles 1\lurrny, 1n the House of Asscmhl~· hP · reports say the Lcwlsporte com· behind ~lr. lllillcr. and with his i Finance Minister E. S. Spencer :laid, "His knowledl!c and ex. mitlce is planning the ~i~~:est :own personal popularity he is! and former federal cahinet m!n· perlenre wa~ a tower of rally of the campaign for the i expected to incrca~e this ma-: ister J. \\'. Pickersgill. atrength to the small opposi- P.C. canclidut~ when he arrives ~ jority, j ~lr. Power, l\lr. l\lurray, ~~r. tlon. ~lr. Dn£!~·. ~p~akin~ on · in thl'ir town. ' O'GRADY 1 S]lcnccr. and lllr. Picker~l!tll

:television said he ha~ covered . -- I The campaign of Gregory· J .. joim•d al)et he had been fot·m· .quite a bit of the St. John's 1 CMill.I, O'Grudy, Liberal candidate In I ally nomtnatcd to con~ratula!e .:we~t rldln~ ~ince the elrction' The P. r. eanclidati> for Hum· St. .John's East, Is rollinR into • Mr. Miller. and forecast a hilt WI' called and said "l h~rr ~·rt bel'·St. Geor!le's, Tom Cahill. · hi~h gear. Mr. O'Grady l'isitcd: majority for him on lllnrch 31<1,

, to m~tt a sln~lc per~on whn spent. the past couple of d:t~·s Bell Island ~·esterday and last J ,OlhPr me~ w~o sitwcd l\lr. . questions i\lr. Browne's rr·elec· · co1•ermg a number ol places tn e1·eninn held meetings at t'lr.t ·!\hiler's nommat10n papers were : tlon with a great majorit~·." : Ba~· of Islands by boat after ht• . Rock ;nd Torba~·. His reception f Captain Earl Winsor. Capt~in ; · i had to .Po~tpone a propowl 'wn~ excellent. l\lr. O'Grady 1 Tom Hill, .James Byrne .. W. W. •. • COLE · plane trtp to Flower's Cove be· plans this week to lntensll)• his ' Lester, Mtchael Blrmmgham,


'. The P. r. candidate for Burin cause of poor fl)·in!l weather. ' campai~n with meetings from/ Thomas Healey, Thomas Hor~n. , l!urjlcO, Ham!y Cole. Tuc;~ay . ~mong the places he ~~~ o~e end of his riding to the Lawrence O,'Keefr, Ron O'Brien, J VERA ·BEACH Fl Tl dl f B. kl . · j ·t b 1 ~ent ~ me~~aAe to the FrrlPral \'tsttrd arr l!alfwn~· Pomt. other. He will be holding meet· Charles Ou1ck, Joseph D. Ash· • a.-· le vo~ce rom 1 oo ) n JS Us a out romp ete as the Los AnRC'l•'' .,linlster lor Pnhlic wo.•·k•. Hon. Benoit'• Cove an.d York Hnr· ing~ at Avondale and Pouch' ley and Aubrey Wight. rally around the pennant: of thetr new home. Photo was made at the Dodgers spring c;m·;. tn Howard Grrenr. a>km~ that hour and last nt~ht, Tu~sday,: Co1·e, just to mention two. DP·j1 Beach today .. Manager Walter Alston (nude noggin\ and his staff are seated in front.-' r \ Rrtlnn on thr prnposrrl puhhr hr II'"' ~chrdulrd to hold a tails of where Mr. O'Grady will -- . c ___ -·---- .... ----.. -· -·---- ··- _ ... _____ _ huildin~: for th.• town of ~Jar)''· rail)' in i.nrk Harbour. hold his meetmgs on each da)' : Oaytimer town br held HP ann an inn••· ~It·. rahill plans to n~· to will be announred hv radio. · A UagJ]'cenf I mre Lieutenant Gorernor, Sir i G t",. d F 1 l11f1' PfJ{' ti~ation maclr in!<• thr rom· F!owrr·~ C'ol'r as snun a~ thr • lfj ~Leonard Outerbridge. ! Tfa hU C Of j • - I 0 plaints of thP proplr n! thr· wrathrr clr.•r~ to ro\-rr 'Ill' re· IH1RIN·BURGEO /c i Sir Lennard. who ha~ rlrvotrd' Oh . Al'Pa cnncrmlnR thr nlBI" ' lnaining p:uH of thP s:. B.1rhr 1'hr Liberal candidate In the I esture . I a long and actil·r life tn the. ~erVIIlr-0' : Oll~l'~7c,i;~ ~~r;:: , . .\P

Thr f1)llowin\! is thr tr~t of l'rnimul:' 'I )t colwrd In hi.• r1·ct1·n" of Burln·Bur"co, Ma.ior · f h' 1 " b • , sen·trc o 1s roun r)', re~orn. • polio vaccine ir.r. · lhP mr;~a~r whirh ~1:·. Culr (•;n·li~r lu~rs. rhr~ Carter, Is headed hack lor The generosity of the New ·mended the Rerl Cro>.< rrr" p • • r.s.. some tn 11,,.,

.. <rnl '" lhr Pllhli<' "'""~' ,,in. Tc . .Ju;· \l'•·•!•.esd~)·. ~tr Cnhill. his riding after a hectic da)' in I founrltand cil'ilian. workers 2t Bloor! Transfusion serrice as ro ,ert n•i\·erl their sllfl'· .. · htrr who is cnmp:tigniw" in 11.~< schrrlu',· .. · \'i<it; to a ~corr st. ,John's on l\londay. M:tjor a U.S.A.F. Ba~e m Grecnlanrl, perhaps the most deserl'ina filed past a hat:'~.' ·or' '.Bt·ill,h l'olumhia: Mint' includin~ Penguin Ar:n, Carter \l'a8 one of the kry I and the farsightedness ol one. recipient for the donation. r<· 1 ratholir l'ni\W>it,· nf

"Oh.irrt to romtrnctinn of ~lr!lm·~· Gilliam~, W~od'~ Is· speakers at the Liberal ralli•s ·~ ?f New!~undlan~'s m?st pro":'· pecially since it would be of America I . ~~~:: •. 10 nurses : 'puhlit• huilrlin~ in :\lat·~ stown as l"ncl. frenchman~ COif. ~le3d- for the Honourable Lester B. 1 1nen~ ctttzen.s wtll brmg to tht• perpctu:~l hrnrflt tr1 our nw:•t TI:Patre Arts merits thP grall-·prrspntly pl:<nnrcl. trnrlr•·s tnr ows an~ Summer.villl'. A~ thr ·Pearson and took an actil·~ part, provtnce th1s year one of hu- nred1· citizens-the sick anrl tude of all lor acecntin~ thr in·

· :whirh ha1·e ,1,rr~rl;· bern let. sanJP tune tf f!)'lnll. condttions 'in the reception for him. 1 I manity's greatest boons-the. Injured. ternntinn01l aspect< of the thr·' Thr I(Pneral ooinion in thr ar~a nrr nil. !'l~ht ~~ wtll cancEl Since the campaign be;:an! Red Cross Free Blood Tram :1tre art h1 ioining in th·· n:,. ·h that the huilrlin~ a~ plann·•rl tl~ese \'tslls unh.llntrr and ~a~.~ ~lajor Carter has been working· j fusion Service. To commemoratP th~ grnrr· >rtT:mcc of t.he t:\E!:'t'O Inter.

. 'b. tot~ll\' umuitahle fnr t!J~ P;t~ p~oposal f!t~ht to Flo\\Ct > extensively on the Hurin Penin· The outright donation of some osity of the :\'ar.-arsstwk work- n:ilinnal Thr01tre \lonth. Co11r:c · cnmmunlt~· and rlrfinitrly m· cm·c 1nstearl. . sula nnrl while he has heen un· 1 seventy thousand dollars hy ttc crs the :'\c•.l!ouncllanrl Dh"i<ion t'i:·,IJrr nnce exprr.'.'Crl thr I.O:\OOX. nr· • adrquate to provioe,the nrcrs· (In Sund:~~· ~!r. Calull ~ro· able to be!lin his olt·postponed , 111embers of the now-disbanncd of the Rerl l'ro<> has rlccirlrr! thou~ht th:tt a aood pia)· i> duw. at a tim.r .,~,~ ': sr"'' JIUhlir srrvir~•. l •lronell· JIMr~ on r.omg to Stephem'tlle western swing he hns been con· :Newfoundland Cirilians Cluh to chri>trn their Blond cPrt:linh· thr mo't r:1tionr.l nrd · 10 hJrthrl•~·, Ir ·~, · rrrnmmrnrl ti1nt thP rnnl1'.1rt hr to <l:t•·t on a trn rla)' campalg11 clucting 8 thorough canvass in 1 at Narsarssuak Air Force Ba;r Depot, when it is finisher! a~d the hi~·'"''' "ntrrlainmcnt 1i1:~t \lr. a!•d ~11·. \, · "''•! Ill' l"'"dl't,• •. ' 1,1CI'f•il"'l rP tr•tll' thrntt•IJ th• \l'•st·rn p•rt~ t' { h' 'd' I th d d h' h r· r--rl,· to np~n '"'" ' •. ill:n::ln inrc•n!inn C:ln prolltl,'.r .. and their Ol'f·', · ·• • " ' " , ", · the eastern ~ec ton o ts rt mg was e nee e spur w IC m- '" . ,. · ,,,,·sar.-sua,;

·:,.,,,,. nf t'·, 1•l11·1~ ''':tlte"" n! thr Jlumhrr.St. r.rorges rtrl· to which he has been confined. ,ally put the project in motiooJ House". I.n this way the gener· E::ch n:1tion ha;; it.< 011n l101h· rot l.:~l·ry. All In•·: . ~:·""I 1t:.•. ,., f'"l'. l' ···.::. '· i"~· I and t.hc one who inlluenred the ""'·'· :!r.rl Pll'tlir <pil'itrrlnc'> o! thb hi~h fo:·m nf ~ntert~inm~n1· hirthriay- 11arrh

.<J•e ··on<~n::111·r r,n,!:d,•c f• GRANGER· . donation of this wonderful gift thrGrr.rnlancl ha<eworkrrs 1•::'1 it.' p!:t,,·.-. :\.1tion< nrr prourl•1f .- r.,ll·tn.J:II. ~,., r~FITY Pt\PF:R The campal~nin~t of Liberal, towards the Rcrl Cross Bloocl hr prrprliwtcrl for as hm~ as tlu+ d:am:~tir rla«;r,, Tht·l' ('0 anrl c .. ''r. ,·,,:, 1\\r;"!'.' h'l" ;, ,·lu· P. r. he~rli'Jilnl'lrrs in St. Chat•lie Gran~er In the ddin~: of: I Sen·icc is Newfoundland's for-. the l.tlnor! <rnirr is in knrl'\' lltr<<• pi:J~·, rrprc•srnt thC!IJ \lnnth 'oYill ht· ,.,,: ~ rl1. ''" t~ ,,. ::~e in .~I .l•·l11~·~ 1111 .trhn'~ h~s h"rn hummin~ for Grand Falls· White Ba~·-Lahra· ~--- ... -....... -. ~- ---~ • operatiOn m :\ewfounrlland. in t'1r <riri1u<l as peel; of them :'\ewfounrllanrl ~''r ::!

\l'•··~"r·, ·. !•'" " ;,, · ir•l l'l'.tl th~ p~>t sHeral n:l)'S a~ a. flo~k dor will he done most!~· In the, Sizes 10, 12. 14, lfi. lB. Size W: .<<'ll·e, .1s a nrnp!r. anrl as a ;~art time with a p:·r.rl;:cti'~ . ,.., h r":'l)' lr~rlrt·~. llr will t•'·p of roh1•1trrr. pn_rt)' worke·~ urban areas of his riding this: takes 41, yards 35-inch fabric. i It's ~oin~ to ro~t a lot mo:·c of n '~1'<•\Yin~ cultu:·r. A nation'• hr:tutiful rom:m•:• · r:: ~~~:n rn ll•e •-me rl~,. In tarkle . th~ lll!':nnttc . tPsk of wrrk. :llr. Gran~cr i~ 11.orkin~ I Printrd rlirrction son each pat. than .se,·cn!y thou>and dollar< literary anrl lin~ui.-tic ~xprr<· rrly "TI1e ('rar!lr . ,

E~ltCI'n Prol'inci~l Air.lra,·.- r.m·ka~tn~ and od.dre~sm~ nearly with Premier .1. R. Smallwood,: , tern part. Easier. ac·curate. ·to hnng thr Rerl Cros< Frrr sinn of itsrlf. as founrl in it< r1·rnin:.: of St. · pllne for a cnrnp;.i~n tour of'''" ~lXI)' th•msand ts<urs. ~f the

1 Education ~!inister Rowe. Muni·: I Send FIFTY CF.~TS fin coins' B.lood Transfusion ~~n·icc to pla~s. h:l< ahr:~y.< hPrn a kr;· !n ~lorrh lith. anrl '!a:c~

Port nux Basques ~rr.1 anrl fnl party newspaper, the ;'l;ewfound·, cipnl Affairs :llinistcr Abbott. I 'rstamps cannot he accepted I for ;o.;t>wfounrlland hut It' safe tn a pr·oplr'> 110blr<t self. 1.':\'ESt'i• All seats arc r••··:·.r~ · ln.,· in~ this will rr!urn 1" h!• l:md p~~s• . , , ! Resources ~llni~ter Keou~h. 1nd I II this pattern. Please print plain· say that without I he Grernland lntrrnation;!l Thratrr ~1on•'1 Grr.nd B:,nk hea<1qu~rlrr~ h~· Thr '·""r w1l.l be a

1om .. ot~t Labour ~linister Ballam. Big ly SIZE. SAYLE, ADIIRESS, workers' magnilicrnl. bequest. once more hrin~s our contrm two prdnrman1·r• at

boat alon~ the south ro.1>1. ,11 the t~oml• wtthtn. t te next rallies at the centres of Bishop's I I STYLE 1\T~IIlER. : i'i'ewfounrll:~nrl woulrl not be )!t'l· por:;r;· civilization tn th~ nwnrr ; !t 11· d.1 ~·~ tu r.early ••xt,r tho:ts·: Falls. Grand Fulls, Lel'·i~porte. 1 Srnd order to A1\:'\E ADA!'riS. ling the serl'ice this year ann nrs< of rich heritage r:1cn nnl· Feilrl Auditoriun·

.1!..\LOXr:Y anrl homes from one end of the ~ .• 1 1 and "nn~"r ar• care of ST. JOIIS'S DAILY; p h t 1 t ion ltn<. ,,·,··I•• "I th" ho.\ . .,prm~c a e, " "' " XF.S\\', P,•ttern Dept, •o FRO'.'..,. cr aps no or many year~ o " c L:.11:·c .... \rthur .~1:.· Prni'IIH'P to the ~thrr. hi~hlinhtin" ~It·. Granger's cam· " • ·" In St . .John·~ the Thea!~r Art.•

lo,r~. P.l. \lcmh<'l' nt thr l om· The paper contmn~ a comprr· . . ~th'· ~•t•rk ST .. WEST, TOTIO:'\TO, 0!\:T. ·Club is cooperating 11·ith tr:->ES rin;:.•. mon> for th~ riding d T.,,.r,nto· hPn~irr li~t of the accompll~h·: patgn 1' _ Parkdalr. an·h·.prl n1rr Torh·•y me.nts of t~~ Gol'er~ment of' D:ITTBN 1,. hut ~Iter fnur pas!r> Prune "'"1ster ~tef~nba~er The tiht·r~l incumbrltt in tbr l.l.,\. pl;.r~ r~tT~·m~ the •tn<·r the)' took offt<'e a~ 11ell 11 1 St ('"tiro•'• lt~rm·~n I Jk 1/Je ' c·.n :' ~tr 1a tn r 1\'PI'l to .. te;l· a' a h~t o quotes rom nell.<· X R 1\r Is Iavin~! plans thi~ ...... eMit( , rt I 1 rl I. c· . I f . u1n leh . " ~" .. , • j 't . hrnl'lllr. papct·s across C'~narla on th~ '.' kalor"~am'l~i~nint: in th• St. ·- ' · .\lr. ~!;;Inn•) .. "ho '' ~ ,.P'')' rrcol'll a~ the De1frnhalcer ad· ~e:hP ar:•a. 'I• Batten nlan~ to; Davtime sun·es;: Sure to h•

. N°1~tnr.nt c·~'.'':In•·~ .l;,";rr. 11 ·": mip,i:otrattnn: . !1~· to St. R••·he h)' h:!i~·lfll"l' I the tiu~i~•t rll'css in ,l'our wan!· • arh. duh d tn t~kr p.·t t Ill :1 ~rnr 1 he paort cnntam• a numhrr to rann•• a• man)' octtlrment~ 1 robe-for of! tee or homP-work , M mrrtiM• on .thP rli!lfOI m of I"N)' fme rarloo~• and Rr· a! hr po.-'hl:· can tlrtnils nf, m· raention. l'hoo'e Mriprrl r.

•·11.h h1~ rrllmi·~O~tlllo~s ~!<·111 t1riP< about the l':<rtotts ra~rl 1 : ~Jr. RM!~n .~ H. llarhc tr;p \\'ill; gay s~lids !r this ~rlnti.>d Pal· hrt and riM• hiN.rl .. l.m "r· clatr~ and a rrport on thP IPr) 1 . , rl toda,· or totr.or· tl'l'n ll'tth a 11rnt!l· mpped wai<t r. th rl r ,. . "'I·t . ~· f I . .· ., ni •r annott.lle . . ·' . - . · .r.~ . , .1r .1 . Cnn•1tr ~ e Ill ._ .. ~ucers' u rampa1~n ''" , r,w, I ripplin:: 6·~re skirt. Jonn ~ 1·-~·t. \lr. Tlirfrnhaker to St. .Johns: Printrd Pattrrn 47.i0: Missr<.

A~ ~ rr~ull, of thr. rhm1;• nf Ia<t month. . . r. ,lllltf:rl Sizr~ t2, 14. t6. 18, 20: 40, 42. pl,-n~ 'Jr. 'J~,onr~· '' not• P::: Jkprnrhn~. on thr llahtllt;· n. Thr l.thr;·al r:~nrlulotr in thr j Sizr 16 tak~> 41 2 yard' 3.i-inch Jlertetl In armr tn St. .John· moll itP!ncnr; 11 ts hnprrl to· . 1. 1 •1 1 1 11• \''n left I Printrrl dirrction; on r·1ch pal f·~m l>tephen1·iltr h; tlw {1!''1 hal'r thP paper; rli;trihutPrl r1H 111 ~ 0 ~ ·,

0 It~ ~ ·dal'l tern part Fnsirr · nreln:·ne · fli~ht \\'prlne<.-1~;· to t&kc• up hi; thron~hout thP prodnrr within 1 lr pro,·m"f• ·<· cahp.t ' ~·r<t_e~ '"·t SPnd FORT;; !'ESTS 1 tn ~oins · t ~ h d 1 ·· 1 1 · 'n afternoon or a 1~ mrr m,," • · · . tn1Prrup c .. ~c r uP 11111 m thr nrxt 11rrk or ten a,·~. ; r . 11 patlt'•rl 1 slamp~ cannot he acc•pnted' for f . ·t tt' · (' 11' .• r · ' rrpassr1·. · r was accom · ,. ·. · tr• mrr n~ 111 o 1e1 ~. nn· . h. · ,· · 1 ~I' · ,1 o[ 1 thtr, pnttem. Please print plain- . ~eption Ba~·. \\ Pc1nr<day ni:ht. II :\R:':ETT h~ t. c. plroAI tfnfc.m 'thtnt.Hrr our lv SIZE N,\~IE ADORES" '

PrO\'tnCta atr5, e on • s· . . : . . ', ' '• .\lrGRAT/1 The P. r. cnnrlidatt for able ~lyles P. ~Iurray. i • n LE ~DIRER. , , • . .

On Tuesdny night thr St. Trinity.ronrcption, Art Harnt•lt: Today ~Jr. ~lil~er. t~e Jllinis~~r ca~~nd 0~rd~~ to J~~~; A~~~~; . • John'~ East candidate held ar.· rronrtrrl yestet•doy that A~·· of Hlgl~ways. ~ e onoura ~ : ~E\\'S, Pnttrr'n llrpt: G'o FRO!I:T ! other \'ery succrs.<lul meetinl! in othrr new branch of th.c New· Gregor~ J. Power, and Senator j ST .. WEST, TOIWXTO OST Pouch Core and amon~ thr !nundland P. C. As~ociatton was ·Harold Connolly, former Pre· • • • prominent sprakers nn the plat· [ormed :Monday night on Ran· mier of Nova Scotia will hold I S 1. h form were Jame.• f). Hi•::ins, ·!lorn Island. Known a~ the: another big meeting at Fery.. pot 1g l the P.C. ~lembe 1· n! the Ho•J·;e 'Random Island West Brar.rh, ·land. Further details of Mr 1

of As;~mhl)· for St .• John'•. ~lr. !he .h~adqunrters is a! Snook's: ~Iiller's campaign plans will be 1 0 w ::llalcnlm Hollrtt. the l~nder ol Hnrhour and the ~ranch is mtocle i announced later this week. fl 011

' the P.C. Opposition In the Pro· uo of ('on<~n·atn·p supoor r•rs; . \'inciol l.eqi~latut·~ ~n1l ~lrR .. of Snook'~ Harbour. Elliott's Sf:l\'.1TOR CONNOLLY ::·;Grace Sparkc~. F.xrcuti,·r .~ccrr· Cnl'l! and Apsey Brook. : Onr of Canada's fort-most ~RINTED PATTERN: :. tary of the Nntion31 r. c. As· : On ham! to assist in the lor· 1 nrntors arrlv<•d ln St. John's ~:i!'.Ciatlon of rnna~a. ! mati.on o[ the nt'll' .branch wen• yrstenl~y after~no!' nn1! ht•gan 4615 i;::·:"llr. Hiagin~. who hns now Philln t>tanle)', ~ltlton 1\Toores , a weeks cnmp:ngmng on ~rhalf SIZES ;::b:!len on Mr. McGrath'~ platfurm and ~lil(c SiMleton of the C~ar·, ?r the se1·cn 1 ihernl canrl·~ateq 10-18 =~r a numhrr of campaign me~!- I em·ill~ Branch and t~e rlr.chon ; m thP Mardi 31st feder.11 l!Cn· ,. :Sfltgs, report~ that the rnthus· I of offtcet·s result~d tn the ~ol· i era! cle~\tnr.. I , ' · ., · §fism which he has ohsm·ed :lowing bein~ elected as the fmt : The H~n~umble Gr~ory J.l. S,:~om one ~nd of the ridinz to i ~late nf ~fhcers or the Random. Power, M1m~ter ol Htghways; : · -:;the nthrr ts e1•rn grentPr than : Island . \\est B.rnnch. ,. . met Senator Harold Con noll~ 1 • . l~'R: was durlnll the l~st rlt•ctin•J. · Prr~tdrnt-Ltncla Sguth of when he stroprd rlown from a S:~!Don't wnrr1· about .lim \lr· · Snnok'.< Harho!tr. TCA North Star at Torbay Air· ~!lrath". ~lr. Hi~~ins !aid. ''He's Srcrrta•·1·-Gtlhrrt Pal')' o! pr.rt ye~terday afternoon. Mr. :::t l(oin~: hat·k tn thr Commons ancl Elliott'~ C'o\·c. Power e~.cortecl Senator Con· iE:'rlth ~ ron~io~rah1y in~rr~<rrl TrraSI•J·rr-LuthPr !'imith of· noll;· to thr Newfoundlanrl := itajoritl'." ,\J!~e)'· Rrook. Hot•! which will h~ th~ bn~e nf e;:: . .. .. -.. i ~lr. Harnett al~n rli~closrrl1 his operations during his vi~it -·;: nECKF.R that hr. was in Bay 'Roberts and. to Newfoundland. ~ i~·A 1ar~~ turnout of ,·otcrs Snani~rcl'~ Jla\' last night for! Details of S~nator Connolly's

l iathered in thr Airlines lln•rl discus~ions wit~ some of hi~ : compni~n plan~ will be announ· l1i Gander on ~!on day ni~ht !or campaum or~antzers roncermng 1 ced toda)'. ";meeting which was nddrr~s~d i thP latter sta~cs of hi~ cam· --;;;E' the P. C. candldnle for Grand ; pal~n. ; P/CKf:RSGil.l,

::= s-Whlte Ba)'·Lahrador, Da1·id i ~Jr. llnrnrtt left h\' ~lontl~v·~ i , ~he Liberal in~umhen.t !n the e ~cker. I' Cl'nress for Trlntt)' North 'He : ruhng of Honavtsta-Twtlhngate -·!·Vet~rans Affairs Minister. will spend the rest of thi.• week jleft St. John's yesterday after· ::=tton. A •• J. Rrnoh, was schr· . on an !'Xtensive tour of part~ , noon by air for Gander from iS ~~lrrl to t~kc no~t in thP me~t· of thP Trinity North area and :where he plans to trove I to his !af~ hut ll'a< 1 \' 1 up h'· 111;;,.. thn nr~t wePk h~ moves Into ridinl! to resume his campail(n. :Eflyin~ ll'!';.thrr Thi~ r~u~rcl tltr• tl~~ ronrrptlon ll•y arPn nf tlu· 1']1c Honourable J. W. Plci!Prs· s;:~nistr1· tn cnmr tn c:n:!l•l rirli11~ fnr ~nothrr intrr.~h·r ~ill will announrP rlrta!l~ of hi~

l ~ldl~ h;· lt·~in in~trn1t nf !ll'i·t·~ >rrir; nf ntrrtin.:~ nne! rnllir•. enmpal~n plnnq torln;·. tthirh mr~nt that hr h~rl tn mi•\ Yr.•trrrlav momin-!t Mr. Pick· I

-tb~ Gnnrlrr mrrtin~. : -·--~-------- rr~~ill l'i.<ilrd hoth thr !'t. I t;L ·;:At <amr timr 11w rrpo··• · Fo~·/'''1' Jl tniws .T~hn~• \\'r<l n~rl ~t .. John'.; P.n•t j i!.Q'Ill11 (,nndrr ~1~tr~. that thr nh· • · • l.thrrnl rnmpmcn hracli)Unt'!N~. iijjncP. nl t'tr \'~ttrn'ls Mf~!r> • HP attcndrd the nominal ion ol • ~ni<tcr dir!n't r!imir.i'h tho e, 1 sm:nOROOKE, Que. -CP- 'r.conard Miller in ~t. John's Giu~lasm of the meet in!! a hit · The Sherhrooke Rehabilitation , West and then vlsl•ell Ghnndi :;:Mr. Tlrcl!er ~poke o£ the pr'lh· Society reportsu It placed 143 ('oombs, cnmpnl~n mana~er for

:: [s and needs of Gnnrler and chililrcn In foster homes In the 1 Greg O'flrP.dy In St. John'; East. • referred to the promise of 12 mo:~ths ending March 31, -lme Minister Diefenbal:er of 1957, compared with 140 chil· MILLER NO'MlNATED

~:new deal for the great Inter· dren in the previous year. Placentia businessman Leon· ~tiona I airport town. · ard ~Iiller yesterday morning Just the right thing to wear : ~ .HUNGERFOUD. Eng. - CP 1 offirinlly be~ame the Liberal: when the Invitation reads,J $: flROOl\S i ·-·Hc.,idt•ntN of this Bt•rkshit't'! rundid~te in the ~larch 31st I "Dress simpl)'-hut look dt1im·:· 1

i .a;t night. Tue>da~·. hnth ~Jr. ! ~ommulloit~·. which has 6,000 ! federal ~lertion In the riding ·To enhance your figut·e, the . cker altll I he Veteran~ Af. 1 resirlrnls and 25 taverns, point ·of ~t. John's West. Mr. ~lill~r 1 f~:Fnl is arrowslim. the hack : .r~ llllni:~t~r attrnr1rd a \'en·' proudl,v to the report that in I wns the first candirlatc to filr · if.'acefully nared. Choose cotton 1:

'Mthu.,la~llr mPrtin~ in B1irh· 'bPcn no cases of drunkenness ! nomination paper~ in ritht-r of or ~ilk for thi~ Printed P:1acrn. · ~IIi and onee aKa in the ree~p·l the Jut 12 mnths there have 1 the St. John's ridinss. I Printed Pattern 4615: Miss~s· j



LINOLEUM REMNANTS 3 yards and under


FANCY FLORAL DRAPERY 45-48" wide. Lovely Borkcloths. Regular 1.49 ................. SPECIAL sse yard

' MODERN AND FANCY DRAPERIES 48". Attractive designs.

Regular 1.95 to 2.30 SPECIAL 1.49 yd.

36" NURSERY AND KITCHEN DRAPERY Large 1election pattE;~ ns.

Regular 1.10 yard ........ SPECIAL sse yard

SPECIAL HOMESPUNS 48"; Plains and Fancies.

LESS 25%

PLASTIC DRAPERIES 54" wide. Florals and Moderns.

Regular 75c ......................... SPECIAL. 59c


' 9 feet wide-in rose or green. Thick Pile-all

wool. Regula'r 12.95 square yard.

NOW ONLY 6.95 sq. yard



Rose - green - fawns. Size 27 x 51. Regular 7.60 each .......... NOW 6.1

Size 36 x 68-Fiorol patterns. ~egular 19.65 .............. NOW 16


Size 22!2 x 48. Floral potterm Regular 5.95 ............... NOW 4.60

VENETIAN BLIN Plastic tapes; steel slats. Color

Sizes 28 to 36" wide by 64" long.

4.79 Size 42--47-49 inches wide by 74 inches

. 7.80


In wood grain patterns. Self sticking. Size 8" x B"··

Regular 43c, square foot.

NOW ONLY 29c sq. foot


sT. JOHN'!


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Alre&:ly th response f1 country, an~ will be quit speakers wil

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the recent meeti Council tribute other. in;tance

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I· 79 eac~ inches Jong 80 eo'~




n Island-Wide nference St. John'S

Church Canvass For







Green, black, brown, fawn

59c 75c 1.25


At Memorial:

Students Planning Mock Parliament

lrfal; M1·, !'. Y.. Dawe, Mall· a~~r. Ea>l~rn l'~nada SHing1 and l.o•n l'o.; ~lr. John l'. New· lln<l. flr>i<t~nl f'a111ner. l'PJt, .llJt'll'i<·k, Mildtrll a11d !'o.




2" WID£ ................................ 12c yard




l l I


·i ' ' '!


THE DAILY NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper


Canada .............. . United Kingdom and all

Foreign Countsles . . . $14.00 per annum Authorized as 6econd class mail Post Offices

Depnrtment, Ottawa.

The DAILY NEWS Is a morning papa established In \894, alld publilhed at the News BullnlnR, 31111·359 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & Company, Limited.

MEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled

to th~ use for republication of all news rlcspatches In thla paper credited to It or to the Associated Press or Reuten and also the local news published therein.

All Press sen·lce and feature articles In this paper are copyright and their reproduclion Is prohibited.

• :... I ~ 1

• . Member Audlt Bureau Of


---------~~---------------WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1958

Quiet Winter This has been one of the quietest

and most anxious winte1·s in New­!oundland fm· man~· years. Work nas · been less and relief has been requil:ed on the biggest st:ale since the wmtc1· of 1949-50. This has been partly. due. to lhe decline in logging ope~·atlons 111 the fall which deprived 1 hou!'ands of men of the opportunit,· to gain mat·g!n!ll additions to thei'r mcome~. It has been partlY clue to· the kind of winter we ha\·~ had.

Thousands of men usually get• em­ployment in hauling the pulpwood <'Ut in a normal \\'inter. B4t this year \here has been little snow and less frost. The result has been that men who were normally able to get a few \l'eeks of good winter emplo~·ment had to stand b~· in idlene~s to await conditions suitable for taking out the wood. And these circumstances have influenced the ''oluine of trade and hurt the eamings of many people whose work may seem remote fl'Om that of the woodsmen-men like long­shoremen and tmckmen and others in the sen·ice trades. Unemplo~·ment insurance has help­

ed to cushion the blow of recession but its benefits are relatively short­lh·ed and many who could 'not get enough work in summer and fall have been unable to qualify for any benefits at all. Ou1· concern, therefore. must be with work. And the big problems of the moment is how much work will be available this coming spring t:nd summer.

Federation Government should he eommand a majority in the new legis­lature. ' The West Indies Fed~ration was brought Into being, the first week of January and incorporated ten island colonies. It will have a bicameral legislature with a Senate of 19 mem­bers appointed by the Governor-Gen­eral and a Lower House of 45 elected members. The new parliament will be formally opened by Princess Mar­~aret on April 22nd, Once the new government has begun to function effectively, Canada shouU:l lose little time in seeking a reciprocal trade agreement. Success in this respect <:ould be extremely helpful to the fish industry of Newfoundland.

President's Health A recent medical report on Presi­

dent Eisenhower has revealed com­plete recovery from the stroke he suffered in November and that there is no evidence of any damage to his ~:entral nervous svstem.

This is very \\:elcome news. But Ttme Magazine, alwa~·s very fa\·our­&bly disposed towards Mr. Eisen­hower, has expressed the opinion that he is no longer capable of exerting the full effort that his responsibilities require.


NOTES AND COMMENT our incomes ought to be re· This Is quite a remarkable valued at the rate off 88 cents

election In a number of re· . to the dollar for tax purposes. spects. One is the cornpeti· •· n •

tlon In election promises The politicians are keeping · "the word of promise to our far" In a way they never diti be· fore. The reasor• is simple. It hnb been ~ v~r~ long time since an ele~tlvr• was rought ln slmibr circumstances. Tilis Is quite t•ossibl~· a contest !n which e~e! y scat may count. That gi\'e~ this province a ! lmpc:·r.:uLe th:t 1t has not )'!!! en.:l·~:ed sin:.c it cjltered thl! Ca;~ar:dan conkd· eration. ·

• • • It would appear from these

promises that we can't Jnse but nei\h~r can we get all we want. The Conservati1·~s are .prepared to put a floor prire under fish which would be a very good th1ng for the eron· omy of Newfoundland. The Liberals have as~ured us that they are willing to pay 90 per cent of the cost of completln~ the Trans·Canada Hlghwny in this island. That would also be a very good thing for New· foundland. Perhaps we should forget all about party preju· dices, weigh the promises, es· tlmate the probabilities of ,.fctory throughout the nation, and see If w~ can really get on the gravy train.

• • •

In addition to the Trans· Canada Highway, which we would expect to be built en· tirely at national cost, we should ask for a paved road right around the perimeter r.f the Island. That would be about 6,000 miles and could probatu)' be completed At a cost of about S900 million. But that Is a small price to pay for the privilege of control· lin: the government of a great nation.

• • • These would be great nn·

tiona! projects. But th~r~ are other things of a more per· sonal nature. After all, 1f the citizens of the mainl~nd can roam at will over the high· ways of the American contin· ent, Newfoundlanders should have a similar privilege, So we could demand free trans· portatlon at any time any oJ us wanted it for our cars anrl oilr families to the nearest point of access to the roads which lead to Florida or a:'\.v other place where we mi"'ht wish to go and relax. o

On the other hand, In case most of us prefer to do our relaxing at home, we could demand free beer and per· haps a quota of free cigar· ettes, There is a limit, how· ever, beyond which we could not go, There are things that not even the politicians can control and it would be un· reasonable for us to ~sk them to do the Impossible be· cause this is something the politicians sometimes admit they cannot do. One nf these Impossible things is reculr,tion of the weather. So .we would have to dr;.w the line thtrc and be content with the ntro· duction oi special o;,portuni· ties to enable us to mo\c souti1 with the adl'ance of winter.

• .. *

Another deadlock could· be very bad for the nation since stability in government is greatly to be desired at this time. But in the event of a decision which might leave the fate of a government in the hands of two or three l\ewfoundlanders of one party or the other, we could really ha1•e fun. We could ask for almost an~·thlng we wanted and get it. We might start with the proposal that New. foundlanders should receive special equity payments that would make sure that no· body's income fell below the Canadian average. That would be an excellent beginning but ~ow. of course. all this can no more than that. , only he procured if we get a

• • • The next step would be to

introduce a measure of justice into the income tax law by allowing us to ilepreciate our Incomes by the difference be­tween our cost of lil•ing and that on the mainland. The Re1·ision Commission prove'd that the Newfoundland dollar brought only 88 cents worth . of !(oods in relation to the Halifax dollar. That means

situation in which two or three Newfoundland members could bring dcwn thJ next government at will. It is clear in these circumstances th?.t even if another deadlock would not help the nation it might really do us in i\ew· foundland quite a spot of good. We don't, of course. want to raise any false hopes but the prospect, we think you will agree, is certainly enticin~.


That is hardly surprising. The President is not so old as vears count today. He will be 68 in October. But & man of that age who has had three serious illnesses in a little more than a year can hardly be expected to maintain the pace that a strong and healthy chief executive must set himself. j What Others Are Saying I

ISS\JE IN QUEBEC FISHING STORY Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph Belleville ntelligencer There is no real political And then there's the stor)·,


To The Editor QUESTIO!IOS C.:S.R.

Editor Daily .:\ews.

Dear Sir:-Since the advent o[ Confederation one thing has alw;tys supfl'ised and puzzled me, and th:;t is-wby so many kej· P0>itions of the C.:\.H. here in St. John's should be filled by mainland· ers? If the jobs required the brain; of a "Dnnalc! Gordon." or suitable local men were not available. I would umil'r· stand; but the mrn who. after long yc.:·rs of >t'TI'ice and ex· pcricncc must 5tcp down to make room for them, could admirably fill the pMitions. )!any of the;e mainlandcr.­hal'e not the prac·tical experi­ence that old .:\cwfountlland Railway men po;scss. and in some are only glorified office machine opcrntors re· cl'i\'in~ bncy salaries.

In the near future senral long s:cn·icc t,mployecs in key posilion3 are to be rrtircd. A mainlander is alreadys in· stalled in one office to fit into tlw job. The other posi· tion is being watched to sec who ll;e incumbent will !)('.

The President's Optimi~m By BRIJCE BIOSSAT

President Ei~enhmrer continues to ,r,,;:.,j

mistic notes on the 1958 bu,..iness ow 1• c.f..

though generall~· the economy hasn't ye:. bounce back.



of St. Joh~'s, ' by.

of barl ta only sympathy

is not 3 youn~

His insi~tcncc 011 tnking the hope:>ft.: pears to anno:· some people. Bclie,·ing t~.a! ·

situation is in fact fairh· gloom::, the~· ~r·c:~ :o that the President's public utterances ~hr,Jld

n·so;;kcn ~ml unror ll'a>. he coulrln't h~P!~~· :1 ! thr i,1

lrf01tiJi11~ such .1ntics ' the gloom.

Other~ bdic1·e that this is a highl: : able proposition.

For mam· decades. eL·onomists ha, ·~ ized that tho. \l:or~t bu~ine5.s de.clines are , a kind of contagion o[ fenr \\;hich sprN .. :<

businessmen in all iiclcls. An epidemk of confidence c::rtainl:· 1•:as a prominent fac:or ::. Great Depre;;sion of the l!J:lO's.

In the light of this history. no Pre~:·lt:.: deed no publk figure an.\·,•:here in busine;;< <(

ernment. would want willin;;l.\· to encn:::-:1::e of confidence in the bu~incs~ commun::,·.

On the contr:1r1·. it would seem th<:: :he course (or n~~pono:iblc public men is to ,. !·;1·e

just the opposite: to b:;ttle to keep confidrnce despite the aceumubting problems of a

!\atur:1ll:·. merd~· l:ilking in hopefu: not nll 1\·e ha\·e a right to expect from :l~e F:! dent in a time of economic distress. In tl: ·

>remin:;:ly 1

i>. after fi~ure in h: ..

apart from P• need the kind nl

that the r. nec~~~:~ry. I

had had the !ense to lea,·e to make his ow

the 1

The outlook for the forest industrv is least encouraging. The curtailme~t of logging contracts is likely to be ~erious and the number of people ~mployed in the woods may be further reduced by still further extension in the use of the power saw. Certain areas rna~· suffer more severely than others. Some to\\'ns that hav~ been <'reatcd through the woods industry ha\'e lost their onlv means of eco-

Major de~isions ha\·.e to be made from day to day and vigorous and incisive direction must be given to the making and implementation of policy. But such is the nature of the American constitution that the Presi· dent cannot lay aside any of his bur­dens without leaving the nation leaderless.

issue in the current election about the Bay of Quinte ang· campaign for tile province of ler. He became ho impatient Quebec, other than the qucs· with sitting in his boat wail· !ion of whether this province ing for a bite that he ~tartcd desires a large share in the throwing over board bits of working or the next ~overn· plug chewing tobacco. Every ment to hold power in Ot· time a muskle surfaced to tawa. ~pit, he clubbed it over the

If things continue ;.s thc•y ha\·e been for the past eight years, it could l'cry well happen tho t e\'en office boy~. who have been brainwashed or indictrinated in l'.:\.It.'ism will be imported here. Hail· rnaders in all br:~nches o[ the 'ervi<·r rxpL•ct a squr .. re deal. \Ye ciidn't ~et it since 194!1. \\'e now look to )h•s.'rs. Bruwne and ~lcGrnth. and the ~linisler of Transport to rry "halt'' to th1s most unju;t practice.

gm·ernment is coun:cd unon to exert it~ was ~lr. p

reYcr::e a~ man~· o; ! he down trending bt: .. ~e;; onnortunitv tll

. nomic support. There is also the : gra\·e fear that there will be a reduc­tion of the number of mill employees In Comer Brook at the end of this month. .

Fishery activity will probably be as . great ~s last year's and the spring may · see some improvement for fishermen . in those areas where the salmon and : lobster industries are important. If , by chance the herring should decide ; to return to Fortune Bay, that would be another great benefit to a district ~orely in need of it.

. The slack in employment should be : largely taken up by the many private : and public construction jobs that are ' planned to begin in the spring. The

1 big problem w~ll be to provide for a : distribution of employment on con­. struction works that will benefit : those who need jobs without attract-

ing from their normal occupations people who can continue to earn in the productive industries. The volume

· of construction work ought to fill in the gap in tenus of money wages which will be created by curtailment

: of logging. The big problem will be . to get a fair distribution of jobs to

. · the greatest benefit of the people and the economy. ·

The President is fortunate in his immediate personal staff in the White House and in having an able Vice President but the leadership must be his and the strain in present circum­!itances must be severe.

--=~====---Strength For The Day


TRTJTH ABOUT LIFE A little man, now bordering on

old age, sl1ines my shoes. He is visi­bly handicapped in several respects. Yet I seldom encounter anyone more cheerful than he. After shining my !>hoes, he brushes my coat and then always sends me away with a pat on the back.

"Where does he live?" I asked a friend.

"Oh, with some folks in the low­er part of town. You see, he was born out of wedlock and he's never had a home-never any folks. Sent to an institution while he was quite young. Now, these people have taken him in. He pays his way easily, but he has no folks-and never had."

West Indian Election Listen. Do you ever feel sorry

for yourself? Do you ever ruminate on the essential unsatisfactory nature

· The first general election for the of life in general and think what a : West Indies Federation legislature raw deal you have had? I guess we

will be held on March 25 and for a all do. But I am sure we ought to : while there seemed an unusual diffi· be kicked about considerably for : dence among the major political thinking this way and having these :figures in the British West Indies to emotions, especially in view of the ! offer themselves for election. That · many blessings we have which others ! was because such men as Norman are denied. : M~mley and Eric Williams preferred Life is good. Sometime~ il seems ' to. h~ld their pre~ent offic~s of Chief to be about as bad and unhappy, a : Mm1sters of the1r respectlve islands mixture as could be stirred up. BUt : of Jamaica and Trinidad. The expec- essentially, life is good. A good 'fad . tation was, however, that Sir Grantly made it-and looked upon it and called ~ Adams, the prime minister of Barba- it good. We have messed it up no end. i dos, would be prevailed upon to stand All that is the matter with life is the , .and to become head of the first result of man's lolly and sin.

STREET FLOWERS Hamilton Spectator

Prince Rupert has follow­ed British Columbia's capital cit~·. Victoria, in decorating street light standards with hanging flower baskets. This might be considered by Ham­ilton's board of architectural review in its downtown civic centre zone beautification program-weather permitting.

TO STAY ALIVE London Free Press

· W c are now engaged on a tremendous program of high·' way construction in Ontario. We are on th eway to a vast system of muUi·Iane routes on which cars will be driven at high speeds. We are go­ing to have more cars and trucks, just as we are going to have more people in larger cities and towns.

Inrreasing congestion de·

head with an oar. Quintc folks are vcr)' ima~

inatlve. That is why so mal}!' tourists like to vacation here.

A BIT OF EXERCSE Windsor St;.r

A survey' at Don :\!ills, Toronto, reveals. a large per· centage of children cannot pass minimum physical fit· ness tests. Long periods of sitting in front of television sets have brought on lack of flexibility in the olwer limb~ or TV legs. ·

Exercises have been sug. gested to overcome the prob· !em. May we suggest the fol· lowing? The child should stand up, take three ;.aces forward, extend the right hand-an dturn off the TV 1et.

Fu1ly Eqnrippetl mands l!l'~ater .effort and EAST GRINSTEAD, Eng.­more . pos1t1~e achon to pre· CP-A woman in this Sussex vent mcreasmg crashes. community returned from a

ANOTHER ONE GONE week-end holiday to find n roast of beef had been deliv·

Cornwall Standard·Freeholder ered-with the butcher's knifl' Another fine old' textile still in it.

firm has been forced to close ------

Need Nurse.~ Its doors. It Is the J. R. Moodie Compan!r of Hamilton which bcgans its operr.tions back in 1880.

The reasons? The same old story ... "tight money and lack of tariff protection.''

Not too many years ago, there were 2,500 to 3,000 jobs In the textlle field In Ham­Ilton that have vanl&hed for

EXETER, Eng. - CP - A new ward at a hospital in Ibis Devonshire ctiy has b~en un· used for two years, because not enough nurses can be re· cruited to run it.

ever. Cage Experts Probably there win be fur·

ther failures and further MARCH, Eng, - CP - The heartbreak for long·term em· ca~e blr~ society in. this Cam· ployees In the textile firms brrdgesh1re communrty has set unless faster action Is taken. up a free advice service to

help new bird-owners with

TOO PERFECT! Victoria Times

Considered against the real Winter which other parts of

their problems.

Long St,..etch Canad have been experienc- WINDSOR, Ont. - CP lng, our own Spr!ngllke Win· Fifty years of service was tcr has been almost embar· marked as Comber Women·~ rasslngly lovely. Institute celebrated its gold·

tors as it mn~· bl' able trJ influence.' Ire If 1 ~lr. Sm;;llw his henchmJn ·.·

Tl · t 1 · · · nct to put 1' •.1 1:s can mc<lll no o:1 .\· easm!! crell:' :;~: ~ ond whenr1r·

Yours trtil)·. haps cutting taxes to build up con~un:c·.· · t when he fir.a power and launching cxtcnsi\'e public 'lo:·~ swin~ or hi, ra: IRON HORSE. create jobs and put new life into the wb.,.·~ ;1·;lj0ii~:<t tho~ l'.L.B. A•

11'1<s rudely int

Eciltor Daily :\c\\,s. Dear Sir-\\'ayfarer is riJht

when he ,avs that Premier Duplcs;i< "srems wi\lin!! that his provincial or;:;anization shoulcl be used for the benefit o[ the Cc>nservatives. TIH\t could he the dcddiug influ· ence." It is surely in the in· teres! of e\·ery .:\cwfoundland. cr to \'ole against allowing that to be the deciding influ· ence.

Decidin:~ when to take each of the'':' a delicate matter. ThNe are many o1:i1: ·'::!. amoog the expert~. But Americans nw< that no administration \\·ould deliberate''· or deepen an economic decline.

E\·en if no higher motiYe e:-.:isted. e·.-.;:~t!

sho\\'n that to he caught in just a mild can be politicnlh'. cru:-:hing.

President Eiscnho\\'er ob\·iouslv is !; ::1' o£ the facts of this recession. He a1~d hi~ . be judged npt for their failure to preac·h . on the effecti,·eness of the concrete me<i.-~tre; take to combat it.

r' r e :n i e r Duplc~sis wa.­elected Leader of th~ Con· ser\'ative Party in Quebec in 1933, He calls his ~ovemment "Union i\atiouale" bec:msc the Conservatives are sup­ported h,l' some other Quebec nathm:.lists. He has ahi'JI'S J> Ad } pro;peetive comm:ti:c:er · been opposed by the Liherais. 1ear llifa pine operations;

It was nwinly Premier • _ Smith, t:.S.C\., ~--""1~ 1

Frost'~ Conscr~·ative. or?(aniza- VIsi.tS Tlte ~:o~··l· AHEA staff for nno·o·,tiC~ liOn m OntariO which made A 1\ t .__ H. E. Ferguson, l ·. Mr. Diefe.nbakcr Prime ~lini· PEPPERHELL AFB, :\fld.- of Trausportatic•n F.i ster last Junl'. Fortunately he Rear Admiral Donald T Eller Force; Cal. W. Bu:;cher. lacked a clear majority. so he u. s. !'\an. comman;lc~. ~lili: Transportation Terminal could not ignore the res! oi tary Sea Transportation Ser· mand. Atlantic; Cdr C. us altogethc•r. But he was in vice Atlantic Area and ;1 part~· Ro~ a! Canad!an· \;;l')'. a great hurr~· to call another of nine other !\an- Arm1· and appomted asststant lor election. Royal Canadian Na1\· pcr~~r;ncl operations on the

Now he is relying on the will visit St. John·~ and Ar· sta[f; Mr. B. T. K)·ie o_rganizatimi or the l7nion X:1· gentia this week as part of their ial projects . ho~~Je. the most . rut?Iess itinerary of their inspection trip ~lr. R. J. M,cGou~lt t. P?hhca! machme . m ~ana. through the Arctic. Other stops ll~·drograp~rc Of!1c~: d1an htstory, tu g1ve b1m a will be made at Goose Ba1· A. J. Tall, U.S.~ .. clear majority. If he suect·ecls, Frobisher Bay ( Thule aud soi1: staff for opentional we in Newfoundland will ha1·c drestrom. ence. had it. . . Admir:•l Eller commands the

Prerut•~r Dupl~>st~ l1as ,only task force of tankers, freiphl· o?e . pohlleal pn~.crple: pro- ers and icebreakers that is re­vn~cml autonomy. _You, Mr. sponslble for transporting thous· Edrtor. h~ve .~fie~ P?mted ~~~~ ands of tons of ·petroleum, food, how fatal tr1s prmc1ple. wouk building materials an11 a myriad he for N~WlQundland. \\-c n~ecl of other support itrms to the a ~anai1an government w~1ch northern bases. belu·vc,; In th[ snmr semrts While in St. John's the Ad· and the same •.tandacds for mira! and his partv will be every pa_rt of Canada. hosted by LCDR. :Jackson L.

While at PAFB the and his party will al;P headquarters of Col. 1\lcColpin, CDR. &lth ion. Col. N. H. Gold, ing Qfficer U.S.A. fTC. will join the Admirll'; at a later time during erary.

:lfr. Dtcfenbaker can mak~ Morton, U.S.N.. actin!! com. a.ll the vag1~7 speeches h~ mander of the !liSTS of!ice. hkcs about a ~e~ Canada. Members .of the ,·isiting party If he gets a mnJonty b~eause are: Capt N J Frank Jr. us N of Frost and Duplessis, he COMSTS · st~ff. for ope~atlo~s: TOI!ONTO - CP ~ will have to run Canada in Capt. R E Lockwood u N 5· ··ears of marriage, and the interests of the two hi~ - --·-·-.... ~-·· . . . -···-·~..:.. · \Irs. Arthur DorrinGI~' central provinces. Provincial Newfoundland. The conclusion had only 12 anniversar.e! autonomy will mean a differ· seems obvious. E\'cry enligh:· .v~ar they got the jurnP ent standard in each province. ened Newfoundlander will year, celebrating thell

A vote for Dicfenbakcr is vote Liberal. wedding with a part! a vote for Duplessis. That Yours truly, claiming Saturda~·.


For Hogs, Poultr and Pastures

flexible fenc under oudde1 . to plac. 11 removed.

galvanizo r .•trengt.h anc talltanc:e to co

In this fiense our weather en anniversary. Mrs. Thomas Is a liability, for It Is reach· Taylor, one of the original lng a point of perfection members, recalied some tough where both our climate and times in the ea1·ly •;ears when our veracity will be he\d in the group could not afford to doubt by, the "foreigner." rent a hall. cannot possibly be a vote for VOTER. be "February 29."

• !llll~lll

: n ~on::d

'•Ut !no~. ,·et


. ; . 1 •• ~ ... ,'

is full~· :1 his party ('ilch gloom measures

PAFB the , will also i of Col. DR. 64th H. Gold, t'.S.A. TTC;

1e Admiral! ime durinl tU

1 - CP­rriagc, and r Dorrlngton annivcrsarlef·

11 the jurnP 011 nting their th a part1 L :urday, M~rcll rr 29."


' As I See It


By PAT LEES 1 , ·rh sudlwoorl'; cd by a parading orowd from ;,1:,:. P•'' 1111 to in~· Pitt~. M~morinl Hall (supposed·

~J,qt L•;-:.r B. I'<'JI'· 1~· Ius supporters) who didn't , 11 1:1 ,, "" .•u,! rv~n hnd the ~ood manners to

lla·.',,, '"i-.1 ,!bpi:.•· wait until he'd fin1shcd a s£11· · n.• · I · 't t \\lil:l''"l'~ Ill :; . CllC<' • • ~· :: d.}. llr. Pearson passed it off

:;.;'\ .. :~, ::~·· .. 1'1~ !rom n•t·y graciously but I would say '··~:, .. , •• , ..• ";·!.· ol' prr· ·he wns hard put to it to figure

. • ,,.;11 .1111 , ... ''· e hml out what on earth was going ~t_·-~,.~~l· . ti·l) hr;,~s on. .

: • .-..... ;1,,:;:- down<.· I am not n Liberal, but after \",.,,,, 11 , •. rd .~::nd~· the exhibition put on by NeiV· ... · · foundlnnd's Lihl•rnl party !or . ,.· ~~ .•. ::n·,. l'<Lr· tla·ir l~ader, I felt I wanted •.•. : ... , .. ,·.1 ]l~ tit•' 111 apologize to him !or the \'cry

,·:.;. ·, , 1 l•.11l 1:<.'1~. unworth~· nne! un~outh reception ·· · ;·11 ;, •• T th.' fl': 1-'i\'Cn him iu our capital citr. 1 · · :·p.~p~rt ~11·. Pearson as a great

1::. ,.,,,,,.11:n· L'l:m. Lihl•ral ur otherwise. and ....... : , : t'.1:1:•· w:t~ sad to SN' him smc,her~c!

. ' ~

QUINCY, Mass. <API - In one of the largest masli anti­polio \'accine inoculations in th6 U.S., some 10,000 persons re· cei1·ed their shots Sunday as they filed past a battery of nine doc· tors. 10 nurses · and 53 clinical aides.

LIVERPOOL, England <Reu • lersl - A clinic for people who want to stop smoking has been opened b y Dr. Lennox Johnston, president of a group calling themselves the national societ, of non·smokers. "I have receiv~ 3,000 letters from smokers seek !ng help to stop," said Rev. H. V. Littlen the society's secretarym

-, Sprt,roes Rod

·:~:.1 · , •. , ': ·, ph~·d hy n 1·nlcnr display of emptv , · .. :; ~.··.· : ;:· ::.

1",: .. 1':· .• nn!,

1·e a1~d organizebdl~om[ool~r~:. PEIPING IReutersl _ Ll Shih

• ·' t' c::rsnn. I c reve, would Lung, vice-governor of eastern · · . · · '''':''' tlw h;;~·l' h~cn ~ccordctl a far mol'e Anhwel province, has been dis·

:·· •• '• 1111Tr fitt:n~ r~rcption had he nd· missed from his post of secre· . .'r:••>l n dr~s>,·n :1 Prf'~rc~• 1c Con;en·· 1 tary of the provincial Commun·

atll'l• rally rather :han a Llh· S/LT. G. WELLS (centre) and his Cadets from Ute 1st Blue W t h I f th • h is! party on charges of "lettin1 . : !"'· .:: of ern I onl'. The•·c were mam· a c ' w nncrs o e sportmg events eld on February 21st.. more than 2,000 counter. revoJu. :1'111:1\'lb I'.L'.'s at the Lii1Cl'o11 rallv on 1958. The grOUII will l'eceive free tickets !-a n hockey game at the St. John's Memorial Stadium. ,tionarics go unpunished."

... , ·· 111'•.·: ~1:·. ~lt,n<lay ni::ht. who w~ni for I . :·. •·· · · ·: .. , r·,:·:rl the r:.:,,·rss PILI'pa!·•· or h~~rin;!: The regular weekly parade \\'. Jackson who reported the tt·~ining. He spoke highly of At 2130 hundred hours. L<:dr. ·Red Watch for the week of:

·· · · :·:··:o"t'".<k h n~. fh~~· cam~ aw;t~· dtsgu•.t·, Cor RCSCC Terra Nova was I Gur·rd to Lcdr. lnnmnn, "Your the !lltireness of each boy In the~ lnnman was piped ashore and February ~Bth. The Cadet of' Refused .,, ' ·,:l~:n·;· ed and dua_rput!Jterl. and more' held on Frid~y 7th. )larch and i Guard read~· for inspection Sir." clam·oom training and the way 1 the ship's company entered the' the l!onth Award. went to;

'\.•.··.•-·(·i·.·1t"<l rst~·~·~~011l1·. l'tp thlar. ,.,·er. ~1 ~'1·: 132 cadets r~ported on deck: On completion, the inspecting each insiruclional officer con· I second period training. In view O.C D. Hose. 2nd. Hcd Watch,' PARI" I API F ,. .. .. ~ s s ccc 1 w~:; mnrrc• 1 • th 11 11 L C 1 If' · t th . d f, • 1 ,, ormer prem

, , r1:;,.,.,r·l hy n r•·>ll~>s aucli•·n~r. nul~ 1~. ,bans11Eer 1e. ro

0crar· . t. .

1 toh icchr.u~spec e remham cr o , dueled his lectures. 1 of the ~enten season, the sc~· l for the month of ~·euruar~··, ier Pie;re Mendes • France IUf:

::: ;, h• 111 inl~rrurtiuns ami a h:J;Il~· plan· : \If );, xecu 11:c .. Leer, , n.s· 1 e s IPs c~mpa~y, I en rellr: · Aft th . t' L d : ond penod was devoted to- Cadet Ro£c ts oubtandmg m h1s i fcre·l 3 personal setback when _, .<tr.·:.:n l:<·d >l·h~clulr whirl' iur,·r.~ the .~rmb.e.d the slups compan~ llrl1. ing to the dtas 11herc he tool, lnnm~~ adedr~~~~~c ;~~· sh~ ;~,Padre's Quiet Hour. :~ports·ity. cl&ssroom _in·, the federation of mayors In Eurt

.... ,., 1, , l~r.Qt• ro\lllienec to list~n to n the drlll hall ~~ 1945 'the salute o~ ~he march pa5.- d t P 1 • tercsl, gu,1rd of honour dulLes.: department. his home territory . .·l:•cd in lot ,,f pompous nnn.«·n~.~ from, hours and 1\'lUtcd the arm·al; by Red, \\ h1te and Blue ~on.lplimc.n~cd the c~ e s .0~: . ~ue to ad.vcrsc w.eathc: cr.n·' and general apeparance while: refused to re·elect him their pre':

" rhmr n ntrnht•r of Xcwfounttl.mtl Lib· of L<:dr. \\'. N. lnnman, SB. 'watches, Guurd of Honour and l!telr t~ammg .• tarchmg abth·: dlttons &nd !~ter·upll01.1s m the on parmle. II ident. The Radical - Soclalisl .· :.· ·'~nrrt· 1·:-:11 lr~:'et·s hdorc t!lc m~in · RCN, ~fficcr ~nd the Brass Band. :lies an. gencr" appearance of i regular tramlng routme, the Well done 0 C Rose. and con·


splinte group leader also i> : :::1 ,,,,lk·. s1 r"l(rr was lntroc!uccd. i Lcc~r .. G. F1lhcr. Commandmg i , ••• n I the ~oip but, addedd a ~ootnote !1st. Lteutena.nt. reports I hat :t gratulations to Lt. c. Fcltham,, mayor of Louviers . . . 1r t.•::~)· .l. \\'. Pick~t·>~ill excelled 1 Ofhccr, RCSCC Terra !'\ova. ! . Lt. J. Dunph~. Tt~mmb ,Of· to his talk by rcmcndmg the. was very d1fhcult to select 1 Dtvisional Olficer for the 2nd. I .. 111 the himself in lon~·windcclnrs~. 1 : . • . ; ftc~r .. escorted the mspecll~g c~dcts . that mo~e attenti~n 'I cadets for C~d~t of the Week; part of Red Watch. It is boys I ·BELL ISLAND-T~e Waban•

... h·1::•'> 11 oul1l drwly have Jovrcl 10 ~ce b Lcddr. tin2n010nnn

1 11a

1, dp1pebd o~ ?fhce

1rs on ha 1tdo~r Bo! .t

1hdc tr~!n· 11 1~lf hale to

1beb giVen to the1r Awards. Ho11c1er OlC B. Ser· like Cadet Rose who ;t'l the I Boys' Club opens mghtly, and

. : 11 pititul what wa~ written on t'l•! note oar u 0 nuH rc our,, mg c osscs e m 111 mg .-o. um orms all! oots to bring !'cant, 2nd. Red Watch was hi«h ;lands of nuality lh:tt 15 ~ TV ··~t has been placed tiler~ : ·,: toll'<. Jlll~>t·d Ol'el' to him by ~lr and was met at the gan~way: 23. Lcdr. lnnman asked man)' them up to the required stand·: selecterl for the week of Feb· 1 ap~ar~nt in ncsrc Terra !\ova for tlteir enjoyment throu11h \, ·,, fo11111tl s~.~~llwood. ~~·hich. took the by Lt. Kirb~· followed by SILt.· questions relating to na1·al • nrds for &nnual Jnspeclion. iruary 21st., O;C D. Rose. 2nd.· from year to yea~. the courtesy of !l!r. Gordon Mar. -::!1 ;,,,·: , .. : wmd out of h1s sail~ so ~!feet· 1--·--·--·------.. -·------·~---· ----· -- --------------· __ _ . _ .. --· ___ tin. the local branch mana1er

•· ,,·in~ to· irrl~· and hrou~ht his ~pcech · of Simpson Sears . . • - ].,11• unto •to nn :1111·upt end!


Wagama was then ov~rdue at 1 Kt. Com. Edwin Ree;: Chap-/ ! !••· mo'ot· 1 hope one day llr. Pearson Sydney after leaving Wahannllain. D. Parmitcr: Sct•ibe, John

1 '·,·!·•,.. ,,r. will return to l'\rwfoundland ' Ne~V,spaper Hz•story I on the 12th. A fierce storm I Luca;: Trcas., Stephen Black· · ·m:~ ~11111. when we ha1·c a PC )!O\'rrnment : ·raged on the r\. S. coast on the more: Sir ller:~ld·at·Arms, Ken·

":·rom fort· lwre. to finil out that not all : ) 14th when she should ha1·e ncth Buller; 1st Lcct., Jos. 1 •':'n'l hal'~ :\rwfouncllanders ar~ ill·man· · ·reached the Cape Breton port. • Gosse: 2nd Lcct., Gco. Mercer;

"··· i,lf·,> of r:~rd or it.:norant. 1 Wages at the end of No1•em- ; 1st Conductor. Jas. Barrett; 2nd ~ · ·:,.. ''1'\orr 0~ Bell ll d t ber were reported to he 25c Conductor, Gco. Thomas; In-.. ;]\' mamr rn d PI s an ; an hour wth war bonus. ! side Herald, John Barrett. f

1 .... ::enW00 ans . 1 Conception. Counril Xo. IP:lil: Happy Home Lod~e held a : ·tcrl l'l'rr:1.. ! Knights of Colum':lus, winch :parade _to the C. of E. Church / ·

1w.-p:ion w s I this. year will celebrate its 40th 1 on Chnstmas Day. ~ , ... ··r:h;,l;ir _. at·er .. vstem [F Th F"l annt\·ersary, was formally in·' -

·.· :it·f··t:rl'll'.:lll.toao. Atld Se~:;era~e rom e 1 es Part 2 ~:~~~::1 ~~p~~~cc.s 6~~. ~~~"·~·~~:: :iEXT: Escape from Germany. , .. " v ] assisted b)' w. w. Thos. Arm· I

r:·e :.:.· .. : .. 11! ~'" 1 ,t~r;. my The 01d Grouch) Of Tlhe Daily News Chapter 35 ~~~~gir.s~1;t~d~o~~~~i~J ~f~~~~t~ 1 . Flabilla . · ·:' .... ·· of fml· GLENWOOD, :lla~ch 5 - . J .. J: lllac~.ougall; D.G.K., IV. F I THROl'GII BOSPHORUS WELCOME WAGON

· · · ::,,· l'•·~mlcr. Stories of the calanutr which: Bllhngsle), Chancellor,. J. ;II. I IST<\:\BUL Turke\' IRculersl . ·· .. :. If )Jr.' hdcll St. John's licinily and I By ADDISON DOWN· Recorder, J. L. Ccn- i Thrc~ nussidn naval motorboats HOSTESS

' 1 .. '1 the good Bell Island made big news to 1 1 I n~rs, m. Seely.,, ~· J. Lawton: 11as•rd through the Bosphorus . ~: .. , · · k·a,·c ~lr. 1 us folk further north who ex· I . ~~e~s., ).1. J .. ~lc;o.;~IJI: Advocate, l\lomlay to tile Black Sea. They Will Knock on Your Door :. ~ • ·' !u< own lm· pericnce1l a mere touch o[ J '1 · ·. PDIIcl', "arden, ~· P. an• nart of a Hu»ian flotilla with Gifts and Greetings

r~ :!Jr . people sleet la.<t week. CONCLtlll' ;(; EVE!'\TS, 1918 headed by the C.C.C. Band from I month. Sergi. James Newton Burke, I.G .•. J. J. ~lornssey; 1rhicli sailedto tile il!editerran- • · ~ ·' · · "' I t h o ut To the Grouch It bring• A ten · epidemic of La I St. John's under Capt. Bullcy. died of wounds on Oct. 25 and 1 ~.G.,t Erlll ard S w c c. n e y.

1 can from tbe Stmits :\larch 2. from Friendly Busmess

"r · · '1 "1th the memories or a similar, but , Grippe ''· Spanish inllucnza Col. Conroy held .1is annu-.11 Pte. Wm. E. Rees on the 27th.

1 ru~ ces, Dr. H. A. G1o1·an-. Neighbours and Your

· ··.":·:··, • .,f :1 three·: minor visitation or some twcnt)'l (popularly !mown as "the 'flu") I inspcctivn o1 the C.C.C. on the These were the last casualties: ~etu, ?· J. Jackman and John/ FLOODS 1:-1 SYDSEY Civic and Social : .. , l '1'• :.11, might I odd ~·cars ag. It was prbbably, &truck the world in the last 13th and 1t coincided with the! among local boys in the Regi-~ onn°.1 :~· , SYD:'\E\', Australia tAPl -

., ·:·. '.: ... '' kw . int~ll!· 1 about 1932, or around thcr~. 'I yea~ of. the. G.r~at War, num· Bishop's l'isi,t. 100 lad~ turned· men~ ~elore the signing of the Ch~latk '\ a11ace Royal. ~carlet lnunrlrcds of Sydney houses and 1 Weltare. Leaders ':".. • ,, ''· \I a~. whrn sleet disrupted electnr bmng Us \'iCllms by !he h~n· out u~dcr Capt. J. ~1. Greene I Armtsllce on Nov. 11. 'tionpte; rr?·A. held Lb eiCC·/1 ~lll·PS wer~ flooded .Monday after: On the occaSIOn ofr

. ", ••f mtrlh· r.l•n·ice durin gthe night. At 1 drcds of thousands 1he hrrt and Lwut. Jnhn J. ~hlrP11)'. the Edward 'f. Barnes of Hr. • f 11 ? . 0 ~cers 0.n Dec. H as henry ram fell for 48 hours./ The Birth of a Baby · · .. ..., ·I for ~lr. that tim~ the r.1·ouch was work- ; were rcpurtetl in St. largest parade in th•! history Grace was accidentally killed' S~ 0115·. \\. c. m .command, Flood waters s~1·ernl feet deep • I ' · . ·~ · ;·, to think ing on the ni~ht shift and I John's on Ol'l. 4. By the 14th of the Bell Island company. I on Oct. 16 while engaged in/ ~:r K~Jght Co1~pnmon Henry 1 swept throut;h many suburban I! Arnva s of Newcomer' to

: .. ·: :lu>. c~~at ;1boul two o'clock a.m. all was :nil schools, theatres and hulls A banquet was. te.ndere.d the i construction work with the ~ ercer, E. C. m cumm., Sir slrrels. City, call 2503. . .. ~:,med of ! plunged in darkness. Ther ~:wen· closed and the Seamen's: Archbishop and VLSIILn~ Bishops N.S. Company, leaving a wife, J I -----·-·-- ... ------.. --- n

were no candl~s available nor jlr.stitute on Water Street was, hy the 300 mcmhl•rs of the Star two daughters and three sons, '.J:·. I'L•arson an•· kerosene lamps. B\' the: taken o1·er as an hospital. I Societ~· on the occasion of the one of whom (Lester) was with

::, c·" ·: · I'''" ~nrak: it.Chtc light from some 'wick· Eight deaths o.ccurred in the opening of their hall. Dr. V. P. the Nfld. Regiment. I : ''1 •• ... II wood or. in~ in olcl can·tops work wns , city in 24 hours on o.ct. 24. Th~ ·Burke, ~!.B. E., and ~Tanager J. . On Oct; 27 the .first Ordina· · · ·· ·· ·" '.';as al· canieti on under ~ome diffi .. 'flu was then reachmg alarm· J. Mac~ougall. ~·ere guests. of tum scrv1cc of prtcsts to take

· .· . .'.'' ;.n l•ar cull)'. \\'hih• the. interruption j i~il proportions and nil churches: ~onour 1n. adchlto~ '? the, I'L~t.f· place at Portuga~ Cove was ~el~l ·1 , . ·,, .. , 1rr pol· was short lived-light was t•e.,\\cre closed on, Oct. 29. . 1 mg clerg~ .. :ll~gtshatc I 011cr by the Lo:d Bishop ~~ Ne11 . ... '· · · cot stored a~:ain about dawn- the Mrs. John Connor~. wtlc. of acted as chall'~«n. I !oundland tn St .. Peters Angh .

. ·,: r:n~1pai~~ results of our emergency lamps i Pier Supt. Joh~. Connors,. died 1 ~h~ Toast List was as fol· can C~urch, whtch had been 1

· A1n•ou11 1 wns 1cen in the sooty faces of 10n Oct. 12 lealmg one daugh.po\ls. . lconse.c1ated o~ June 291 1864,1 · :~trnu~l· ' tho,e who tried to carrv on Iter and three sons, one ~!whom: The . by ~tshop Fetid. Among lhose!

- -· --: with tile makeshift illumlna· (~us) was O\'ersens wrth the, Archbishop, Btshops and i ordamed was the present Lord I ti •n · I Newfoundland Regiment. i'he 1 Clerg)' - Prop. J. :11. Greene; I Bishop, then Rev. John Meaden,

. . F';•r the fir<l time thi· winter was formerly a l\llss Kent of· Resp., The ~ope's illnrch.. , B.A., incumbent of White ~ay .. ltcre hns been amp!: snow 1 Lance Cove, . I Our Emptrc and . A.~hes - 1 Edward Bennett was appomt·/


For Hozs, Poultry and Pastures

. n.~,blr. fence which •udd•n •train

lo place when ••moved Made

· Koll'anized sL•cl l!ren~th •nd m rui•t axt•

•nee to corrosion.

11J1t IIU "Dutalotl" Knot 8h· orazontal wires·

12' apart: top 13 W<reo 10 gauKe.


Full detol/sfrom:


' '

,inc last week The last Sun 1 On Oct. 13, the Feast of St. Prop .. ~lag1strate Pollet, Resp.,


cd a member of the C. of E. ctav c 1 ~ • Fehrunr~· brou(!bt ~ J Edward, His Grace Archbishop ' Dr. V. P. Burke. Board of Education on Oct. 29 I ; '· , . f 'I , ti · 1 . Roche blessed the new St. Ed·1' Sister Societies-Prop. D. J. in place of Wm. Bennett, re- , • 1 e1~':; 11i · 111 1 !~roe prccl P•; /ward's Convent. Their Lord· Jackman; llesp., J. .1. lilac· 1 signed. ;

11,1,~n it ~ ·:~e; 1 1 ° 1~·cl·er d ;s. ships the Bishops of Jlr. Grace I Dou~all, ~· of ·C .. and J. 111./ Dr. J. B. L)·nch reported ~0 1 1 ·~ . u: 11 ~ 1 ~I rat~ 311 T~·~ and St. George's were present., Greene, C.C.C. cases of 'flu ~nd two deaths m , /:.!' 11 • ~amL~!!. a . ay: . c On the night pre1·lous a con· The Land We Live In - one week. The three doctors· n,hl 0"d. 11 hlch Ita, been II ell ccr·t was given b~· the children 1 Prop. R. D. Walsh; Rcsp. Mag. on the Island at that time, Drs. I plougb~d. is P.leasant to walk 1 of the convent school and an 'istratc Power. Carnochan, Giovannetti and un hut local roads Ol'er at I address prcscr.ted to His Grace. Ladies' Auxiliary- Prop .. J. 1 Lynch, were working day and 1

. \~~~·e 3 mess of snow Besides Archbishop Roche and P. Burke: Resp., A. ~lurphy. i night to cope with the epi. r lnd. r.hp this ntternoon. II looks Bishops March nnd rower, our i\lembcrs on Activ~ Scrv·/ dcmic.

tf we arc to bsc even this ~lsgr. !llacDcrmott, Rev. Frs. , ice-Prop. R. It. Costigan; Resp., Theresa Josephine Kent, cld·/ of snow. I Renouf, O'Callagan, K c II v, 1 by singing "Far, Fnr Awa~·" 1 est daughter of E. J. ami ~Irs. 1

Pulpwood. workers are hope· O'Reilly, Dr. Greene and Fi·.j and "Good Luck To the Boys 1 Kent. died on Oct. 23 at the age 1

ful of JlCtlln.!l more than. hal! McGrath were present. The or the Allles." 'of 12. the cut. "hauled off" (to rrvcrs preacher at 1\lass was Bishop i The Star of the Sen As;(lcia·! . I (or dl'ti'Lil~ Inter) but arc prob· Power of St. George's who I lion-Prop., R. Jackman; Uc~p., I The DAILY NEWS pubhshed

1 1~h· womcd h~· the return of spoke on the tcachin~ power w. J. Power. a let.tcr on No,~. 2 &!~ned 1mld weather and threat of lost of the church.

1. Vocal selections were gtvc~ "An~t~us Parent re samtary 1

snow. After i\lass His Grace ad· by J. B. ~lurphy; R. R. Cosh· comhhons on !he Island. It re· 1

Dmin~ the middle of Feb· dressed the large congregation ! fan, A. l\lurphy, D. J. Jackman, p~rted that f1ve persons ~ad I ~unry who ~hould come knock- which included members of the 1 T. Kel~r •. J. Ry~n •. T. Hunt, and d1cd that wc<'k from the _flu mg at the Grouch door but ~lr. Star of the Sea, K. of c., and a patnollc rcc1tatton by W. J. and tnat hundreds were stck. K For~n. best known to City the c.c.c. Band from st. Power.

1 The letter suggested tit at a

. a~. the. Jerk of the ::'llunl· , John's. The Mother General Word was received o~ Oct. Public H~allh Inspector from ~tpal Counctl. and man)' sisters of thr ::'llercy f14 that l'tc. Joseph Dobbm had 1 St. Johns should spend . a

II was undl•r rather inaus· Order were present. Bcnedic· • been. II'?U?d~d. He succumbed 1 !llonth on .. Bell Island lookmg

picious happenings that he ar· lion of the ~lost Blessed Sacra· to hts tnJUrtcs on the ~8th. · mto conditions. rived. Tne three Little Grouch· mcnt was given by Bishop Lieut. Frank Burke was killed Jas. R. Butler a~d AlgPrnon ~s harJ just bren misbehaving !\larch, assisted by Fr. llenouf in action on pet. 14 and Pte. Tucker were appomted mcm· i themselves outrageously and and Dr. Greene. Fr. O'R~iJJv 1 Edgar Rces d1cd of wounds on hers o~ the C.. of E. Board !\f 1

were all three, roaring in con- of St. George's recttecl the Ros· ·the 17th. Echtcatlon on Nov. 4. 1 I cert from a mild spanking. ar~·. : Two more casualty reports The Sydney Post repor .ed on

1 What )Jr. Foran could Itavc Next day the new Star of the were received Inter in the Noy, JR that the ore 1team~r thought of such a uproar one Sea Hall was officially opened

but imagine. However b)' His Grace. Members of the subsided quick'ly enough 1 Society as well as the Cadets

and crowded around the visitor 1 had attended .In a body at the who, alas, was on his way to opening of the Convent, the keep an appointment at Gan· parade exceeding 400. It was der. As Chief ommlssioner for ---­\'cwfoundland he was Invest!- Issue to establlsb water an.~ •atlng Boy Scout groups In this sewage systems for the settle­lrnnd Falls district. It was ment on the west bank of Gon· aod to sec an old 4rlend of dcr river. Here the land is ·ity days once again. low-lying and continued growth

Little Grouch took great of bullding and poor run off of Valentines Da!' (Feb. has worried folk Jiving in that

He despatched valentines area who fear contamination of his school cliums and RC· wells. The meeting voted for

cunlula1tcd quite a balch from the proposal. He seemed to be especi· Another plan envisaged (pres-

interested In female mem· ently In tbe hands of a special of his class. committee for study) Is the

Last Saturday night the post· establishment of a Health 9oned meeting or citizens to Clinic, which wlli be subor·

the Community Coun· dlnatc to the doctors of Gan·

A round trip and 10 dars tn


For less than $42S.oo


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: ,Just $39,95 \


The S~,L ... --statement of revenue and der hospital and have· a rcsl­

~xpenses and budget for the en· dent nurse. Both are ·indlca­~~ting year was held with a good' tlon that Glenwood folk are ~ttendance. Chief Interest was ambitious for the advance­the proposal to tloat a bond ment of their community.


* By RAIL and SEA, By A:R $425.00


l '·

' 'II i . ' . , . . .


·' ••



6 • ___ .,.,,,_.,...,._: I ... _. --..·-~----,--~, _ _......._,...... i

f!rsory~--~~Jt~;~~~~-~¥ FOR THE LADIES*' RIRTHIM \'S : t u rrqu~~ls fur inform~! h~n , on

Gretlings lot' h~r hirlhd~)" ltt·llhe whcreabouls of 1111ssmg cia)· come from her lillie lricnds p1·i~one1~£. of war. , to Anne Loui~e Simms o[ 107 1 lal one mstance a Polish mo~h· Pleasant Street. : cr re·est~blished contact ll'llh

Happ~· birlhda)' greetings 1~ her missing son who had last arc extended by his parents been in a German prisoner of


and sister Anita to Bobbie I war camp when 11 Red Cro.;s 1 lloore of 167 So~tlhside. Rot.d.! worker. traced h!m to an ad· I

Your Child's


AMERICAN MENU Week's Sew· Tl1rift

who is celebratmg his 14th' drt'ss m Austrnha. birthday today. I Another case invo!l'ed, an en·;

-- I quiry to a lnn·eau m England· CHRISn;NIMi , as to the where;;bouts of a


. mmM:\:'11 ~IE,\SLES ~lA \' The infant son ol ~11·. n111l i submarine offict•r who hnd , ~1AU'ORM TilE U~BOIIX

llr£. Allan Burton, Flrtlalr: once h~en 011 the stage anrll cnu.n . Drh·e. Portugal l'o\'C Ruad, was· the onll· real due lhr hureau, - · · christened at the moL'Ililll! .ser·' had to· go on was his stage: II\' J-:1>~\'1:-1 1'. ,JOitDAS. ~I.}~· · ,·ice of Cochrane Street Umted 1 name. :"iOS~lO KING. '!'hey, :\lost mfants arc born 1111.1

Church on Sunday .. ~larch 6!~·! di~cu 1·er~rl that the man hr..d; renso~ably .nor ~1 ~ '· ana~or~; The child wr-; rhmtcned \\II· died but put the enquirers in ; Occaston~ll~. ~Oil e\~'· .~,~ 1~ a ·t liam Allan . Edric b)' the Rei'. touch with his ~on. · I ~l~~~:~s ~~~ J::~~~~~~l. ~~r!lir·ca~r-, W. G. Langtlle. I lnridentally the stage name.! 1 1.1 ·1• lc or •otne otlJCr 11hy-

- -·· 1 • 1 h R ~ c . c t' 11a a • . .. . • , • • · wluch puzzlct I e e~, ross '·sica! almormalill'. :

BORS Ar Rl RI:'I f :\l" . 1d: in1·csti1:;1tm·s for a wlulc, was · Somctimrs s i1 c h l"al'iations The 1 ;nra~t r11' ~inlal~ .~~·c·' explained (tuite simt>l~·. II had i lr:•m normal arc inht•rilcd, but

Mr;. A au ur ~ 11 •. '·•d • 11 .. 1. r hrrn ~doptcd from a ":-/o ! 111;,.1 of them arc lwlicl'ed to be nue_. Portu):::l l 01 r R•\ · , :~~ Smol;ing'' sign in :1 lher.·ll'<'. d<•\:t•lopmental ddrcls occurring 1 n d swrt•l 11 utatoe~ ('rumbled c.hmten<'d, ~tl·t .~111~ ~~;.~~~): l'·~il· Thr'l' art• jus\ a t'OU(Il~ n[, SOilll'lilllC between COIICl'!llion 1 ('RJSI'\' bacon rlli'IS (O!I lh<'Sl' s II C 1• 0

'ICC • r{ l ()( 1' . ml"\' ~lan·h · r~ndom examt1les of the \hml~· 1 mul birth. bacon and onions also nrr In til e flulf~··heatrn sluff u •.

t>d Church on S~l. •··. 'ri~t;nrd · amh of queries handled C\'CI' · Tlw tJOssihlt.' l'HI~><' or !'atlsrs' BACO:S n:m.s c;:\R:SISII s;~lad oil or hacon drippings. Ar 81.~ .. The ehtld ~~.~s. ~\,: the yr:•r b)' the Rrd Cro;;' En·. of these con,:t•niwl m~lf~rma·\ }"Ll'•'F\' STt:FFEn S\\'.:1.~'1' I range on baking sheet 01'. ~~·en \\tilt~'!' Allan .Ldnc . quir,· Bureau as the)' march (nl' lions hnl'e bt•t•n cxlt•nsiiCI~ stu· I P01',\TOES I rack and hal;c un\11 tend<'l \lh~n :Rei'. \\ · G. Lan~llle. ! and· lr<-ck down hundreds ol! dit'd. All tht• lucls .ar~ not yet _ I tested with a Cork-about.~:; ~m·

• • • ·-- ;· mis>ing person~ in. countries lt•nlirl'ly cl••at·. lm! 11 IS prett.y • GA \'NOR :\IAHDOX lutes. Roll 1; bacon str.'rs .1.nt ~ COFF 1::1:: .P.\RT\ . . HOUnrl the world. 1 well prol'cd tlwt 1! the motl1cr .~~ 1 , . ,1. gruws cxcellcnt: curls. Saute hacon until rt.':'·

The St~trrs or S c n 'u 1 ac<tuires Gl'l'ln:m measlrs dur- !I:< II · Pt~c... s wr :~skrd Drain on paper toll't•l. Kcl'P Auxiliary will ho:•l 1 cof\ce I :in" the lirst three months or pre 1 sw~et polalo~s. k '~ . thev usc: bacon curls warm and rc~ci'IT "lfl\' at thr!r refidenre. i Gar· Puzzle n 1~anc\' there is an increased 1 some .Jcrs~)' fcloofs 1t0'

111 d ·511,c~t 11 for garnish. crumble remainin~

,. • p t · k • Da.1· " · · · b' h II ' them 'fins nt v ' u e · · s t 1ion rison Htll on St. a m s . risk of gl\·mg trl to a ma or· I · . . · ,.tli bacon curls is' rou bacon strtps. at~ e 01

In the n1ornin; from 10 to med child. . potato I CCI!~ ,~1 \,.c {ound Tr\' it 1 in bacon drippings unt1l tcnde•. l2.30. Plan to m~et ym1r frirnds \ It is possible that. olhr~ d~>· I m~t· ol ~he 1~~i<nlv brow'n r~ast : c 11 t a lengthwise slice from e~c~ there 11n the holiday for rol· • '~ \t> .~ : ~a~<'s or. injurit•s dunn;:. ~~~1s per·;" ~t~l tm~rl;. ·A 'wonderful com· lml;ed swer~ polnlo. lea'·.m., ftt There will h~ a home ,1. ,j ,1.."'> , , wd abo mcrrase such nsk. 1'~ 11 ol P 1 ,.d Iaiii' the pota· ·about two-thtrds ol the s11eel


DE" For Weclnesd~y. March I Z

Present-For You and yours ... You ~hould make a good impression on people; your charm and personality are at their best.•Seck CIJ·Op<ration and favors from others, as people are receptive to suggestion~ now. A happy day for social rclalion· ships, too. Be profilabl}' busy as ts~~meonc important may have hts eye on you.

Past ... The so·calleJ "Swcd· Future • • . Ptll, m;1 i~h match king," lvar Kreuger, 1cloped thai '"II ~~~~ commincd suicide on March 12, population an ~n11do1e 1932, when his mylhical finan· <>t atomic au"ck. C ial empire "'enl up in a putf

~mole. cine.

The Day Under Your Sign

IES (lotn M•d 21 to )lp<il lOI I h:~ cr:·1'•l t,- 41 1 ..,_, ~-i::l .:.if \' ~~r: llr•~nC1,,) l'l~•H~ II (t'J:• t'l,l 11.

T"IJWS (April ll to M•y l~) of\ 1)1:1 ,.H:', ,,~d 1r.:• ·• ~·J('.l .. r,,:l

'•• :--.rr n~I~('T. '''" y, :•:•: • "'.:~ r.

GEI.oiiNI (M•y 21 lo Jomt 21) \ mu r'l ,,,_,: .. •· Jl 'u·.··.'• ;' ;•" ·' 1 '•, ·'~ l rr••1l1 ol ;.<·''' u:." .:t·'l ,,,,[

fO,NCER (Juno 22 to JJv 72} .• . frr!lrr ~~.o:r~ .,1·::· .. ., ·' ... ; . ( : •1

:n D!l )C.-If f,jJ.-1;::,

Lm (July l3 1. Au~. 22) A s•rtHOO".\Ir\11'' ,J .. , ~!' 1 ... ~,· ! -: rn·r'•l h.3J ~"· 1-\l'tf'l )O.:r I"V'\ "' d r •· 0 1 '' lo

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sopl. 22} Bt fntr.rl1v \o,rh •u ... ~r'rr-. lltoran t mr.'l\ t•:!•r•l"' tht> ,r.U, h., ...... u.

LIBRA (~tpl. ll '• C,t_ jjj ;:~":, ::~r·,· '• ··,. '." . , .. · '·.•~ . : .. ~ -11!

SCORPIO (Oet. ll •• \ ,,,, , -. It·. r'l r · • :·•- I ~r.u \1.;:1 k· •- '" ~ • ·· ' .. : ·

~AGinARIUS (II". lJ ,, :; ( '' :::,.: 'r.:,,• ,. '=' ·~- •. i.. • :

· • I f.ITI'I .0. \ r I lt •

AQUARIUS IJ'"· 10 to Fti :-- ..... 1('0'~" ... ;., I~ ,., •. -·-· : 1': 'I v·t r.n }Ci'Tf n~r~"'· i ·~-·: rnat,.,f.

this old worlrl ... '! sla1·e~ tn [HI<· . its l'"rt as ahr;,:' . it is tnn l"lr.

ell Edi

for many years I storm will be ~

were so man by the weigl

50 many wires to electrical e

The storm. as e the miners just the power does

have so man: because they I

such a clean-up

'~1·w \'or· Ml:;:gt•s s Ia r , ,. . kinn hr:n" carefu no I rnr •"' • · eoo~m· and Apron Jtall AI the •B • ''· 1.1' .~ nt;cr:sk·nr at r,r,oo,rllh frl.?l~k I:~~~~~~~; b~clb~~ccl ·;nd stullcd: potato> scoo!'l outt swtcet ri~t::kt~. aJ 'PArty. '"' •T •I~ 5t 1 ~rcn 1mdcr these cirt·um~tancrs 1 while the 1k·oa,'ts" rtoo t"t·;·r·, .•• 6 , Pia~ sconPd out potato io a [j} Sketches


in this pr was much

Island but to on Penin!'ul -- , , • 1 . 1 Stuflrrl Jla 'N • wrc s ~ • · · · 1 1 •t 1

RL'f p .. ~·o CRO!'i~ "' t"l~l' ;: is nol a> :;rt•at as somr un e >e· • . 1 1 ol"ln£•· , •1 .•. 1 l•o·--1 to~•tlwr w11 1 sat. me. rt r. • "•· • • """ 1 • ' ' · 4 · StX ar••c Sll cc P ~ ' ' " · 1 I · I La•t \'t~r in :\rwConnrll~nrl \l., 1 • 1l , •';_4 \.~ lie1rd. In lhls.rt•porl 10 \\O·I.-: '1 <al;d-oil or hal'nn tlripr· butler or mnrgannr .. numJu

• w men worker~ lor , I\) • • • • o' • 4 I) [;t mrn '' ho had lo<•rman mra~lcll : IZC • . ·hs lw·on ., tnhlr· k·<Oil and ~<:Ill ·•rd otliOil. Blend I 4 4 by

BEN Bl'llROl GIIS ,.~lu~e~r rr:•s took car~ or a ~\1..."'-; (, <\ t I ..-,/' durin:: the rir<t lhn•r months or mg·. 10 Ol~::n;· mi·n~·ed·. ; t~hlr· ami then lll'al uunltl li~ht anll VU 'J~s I ~- c rt nf. the clothin~ and ~~ ?Jct:/•''~-{'7 prt•:;nanc)· wen• id,•ullfu•d. ~puo~: hacon. dnp•nn~'· •, lea· fluff)'. Viii swrrt potato l:lt:kr•• I 11.4-~·dl~r :a nercl• ol our Colla~e ~~- ' !. 01 tht·>~ ~a delllwt•d nnrnwl ~~~~~~· '111 ., tnhlt.',o~on< melled ll'ith mixtun·. n~llirn potator~ tjutck. II hip up thc'c .• un ·n· ··roo I IT!''' r m I Tl. ,. lllade and re·j 4. • • inl:mt~:. t·on~rnila'. ddrrl> 1\l'l:l' I ~I'll PI'.;. ~1;\g.arm·e·. minced ar lo 0\rn unlil ~leanung ho~ an;_ lit n >C\Ial'alt'.' iu a iilly-dau~h·l .. · .

H~sptla ~. '~· ree thousancl I :found 111 thrN'. mlant~; lhrt~ sl;.1. ,l!ghtly hr01m-aboul 10 mm.~tt.' !<':· II ill lin 1n. play in. lore 'foo lair. m1 In~<·. tllll<' pl.ty pured ~ra{\· I; nd bedding ! were tlu·pr ~lllllllfth>.: J. \'~lbl~s I P;cheal o~en 1o 4:,0 degrees.( Sprinkle ~nth nunred paL·~f:' them. ~lake ~ci'Cral Hr.ion:; ot ed Its p:ut .... the pain ha> llemsh o co~ l:rt ~ospitals. II I were lo~t ,before .the) I c~u t .~ Scrub and dry sweet potatoe~., ann top wtlh warlll baton em .•. ,mock. >hurls. peda.l pushers m ~one away ... anti I "'" ha,·e for t ese ou P I , IJorn nhH. 10 ~1ere o~t ra~. 1 Ruh rach with small amount of Sen·e. -·------- no-iron cotton. demm: seersuc· 1 no more regrets •.. about a

, ; of. and there 11ere ~B mlerrup I -·-· - - . - -- -·-- ---·- 1 ker with our easy Prmted Pal·: b\'~ou da)· too late 11w JAYCETTES 1; lions of pregnane~·. '" most m· y RECIPE lte•n i ·" e • · ci - '1

'The St •• John's Jaycettcs will I stances performed because or D AIL Pr.interi Paltt'l'O 4707: Child's tcar.s hai'C turne 10. :nu r> .. (

nleet for dinner tonight at 8.151 the lear that the child would be I s1·ze· 2 4 fi s Sizer, smock and 1 noll I no lon~c,r c1 1 ~ · · · t11

~!' " · · · · • · sang our <ong HI <our no <' at the Central Caterers .• tss I , deformed. . . . . , shcrt~ take J', )'ards 35·inch. I I' " b d 1 .' ·, 1 11 b Hilda Dawe. will be the gurst , 1 The tenta\ll'e cqncltts1on from Guests a\ the spectal Ftsh 4 cups llat.~r \ Printed directions on each pal· • • · ( ~~tur fe . 0 ~ e d u u" •prak•.'r ancl \\'ill ~peak on ! this study wn~ that _danger of: \\'eek bullt•t luncheon held al the I 1 lb. cod lnllets tun part. Easier. accurate. • · · at 1~st 11 ~ 0111erc< a ·, Red Cro« \\Prk.. lmallormation m a child born to I Chatrau Laurier in Ottawa had 3 tbsps. ~utter h d ' Send FORT\' CENTS tin coins ,\sea •.• ut roll ~ e .lor"m h

, .. --- ~ m~th•'l' who h~d German meas· a ~hoice ofmon~: enticing ;ish' ~4 cup hn~ly c oppe green I I stamps cannot he acceptedl for through.. . . too )owar t i TRA([II or I•" <till' Ill~ the. flr~t three mo~ths I and shelllish dishes. One un·l pepper . ' . < : this pattern. Please print plain· f~tu~~ ... lllth opt~ 'fi'SIS(i PFRSO\S nf prr~n:llll'~' .'s. almost cc~tam.l~· usual ollering was creamed Cod


1z cup thml> shced mu. h·lll' SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS,\ t~c 1 1e11 ... too late. the1 e · '· • rd rro•·.' 1:11 ,11111·) 1. l!I'Pah·r than tt IS when !Ius dts- 1 En \'oilure-impressivcl~· rolled rooms . . STYLE SUMBER. little ?se I? dream . · · ''

The ~ Iiiii<' puhht'l'"' I, l.\Ji 'IJvVv.J , r:•sc had not occurred, but that in on a large whce:ed cart. the i 3 cu~>s hot seasoned \\hlte, Send order to A:-INE ADA!\!S, somethmg satd and done .. FltJrNU 1.• ~ ·I. ·I hi~ <er· } "II r '11\., intel'I'Uption of pregnancy rou lood kept piping !JOt in special'! sallce care of ST JOII:"i'S DAILY' my broken dreams are m~ndt but tr~mrnt nil•' l.lun . . ~~~' \ill 'K .... tincll· is unjustified. pans on the top surface. This de tl to •• cup dry sherr~· OR 2. NEWS Paite~n Depi 60 FRONT I now •.. and there's a hrtght· 1'1CP wh~r·h '' rlnl\1 tl·~r111 ~ ml;.d t'~Jfl'l. II 1 lA.. 1 H~WCI'Cr, the report also poln- lectable luncheon or bulfct menu tbsps. ~~ter Jllus 2 tbsps.: ST. 'VEST TORONTO, ONT. 'su •...• that's how it goes in tn£ r•l;~ltlrs and ft•enos 311 • 1\fVI"' · \etl out that susceptible young item can be dulicated easily a\ lemon ~mce ·• --·- - -----reuntlln~ famthes throughout, • .,___ .•. anm:! girls should be ext>osed to Ger- home for the pleasure of lamily Simmer omon, celery .. salt a~d the world. ' l.ucy and ,John are se~rc ~1" .


man measle~ since it is mild in anti gnrsls. An allr:ll'lil'c ·~ot· lemon slices, ct~1·cred, m water I During ln56. lor exr,mple, the in the lNl\'CS under the tl ees r childhoml. rarrly caUSl'S compli· !cry or tmtal ca~srrole or chal-' lor about 15 mmuh•s. Add cod

Red crois ~uccrssfull~· located something .. "Johnn)' ~u~·s thai ~~ cations, and gi1·cs lift•· long im· in" dish would make an l'X·, lillrts and ~.'mmer g~~1 tly tor no le;• than lour hundred and; fpels jURI hkt• a. squll'lcl..\'~·1~~~~· 1 munty. thus prel't•nting lntt•t'l l'ellent substitute lor tlw Cha· about fi1·~ mmutcs .. a hllle .Ion· rift~·fuur mis~ing pt•r~ons, man)' : ~a~·s that lht·~· Will >OOn. h •• ' '<'t' I :mxicty. 1 lt•au's wu~on. If inspiration stri·l !(<•:· for frown 1111~1~. .''"111• 1 of them in dt•nwte. nut-ot-lht•· b,,g lull. If ~nil :"!uhl Ilk< \u · ! 'I'JII: l'ltESf::S('E nf ~ t·ongt·n· kt•s 11 hen tltt>slores ~re l'lo.,e<l.: slwuld nut he B< 111011

wal· pl~t·t·~. atul put tht•m in wlwl b tht• bag! JOin<~l~~·::;; 1 ital dt•furmit)' in 8 ru'll'·llllrn in· slll'h as 111wn the arrin1l uf un· fi,h; drain thor<w~hly. Ht·t•al; · tot;ch llilh their :.nxwus tamil· ben•d !lois lo~t·llwr. ~13111117 with· i:mt_ l'annol · lll'l(l hut bt• 8. t•xpe.·lcd ~um1:1y l'allers. y~u 111> inln l'11U1~k:. L1ghll~· ;:wte: . 'fhf c n•sult- l'OI'crecl rc· dttl numbrr onr and rndm~: 1.. · tt'ITihcl shock to the pan•nts. will lind ramwrl salmon a salls· ~rt·<·n pel>P<'t and mu>l 11_•l0111S

111 1

lC,. t. l~r n~w ·nddrr>ses in, dol number twcnty.nmc. ll ~r 1to11·1•n•r. toda)' 11111ch ran br [acton· sland·in for the cod. huttrr add chunks ol fish. and , q~':• ' whel'C rd;til'rs hadn't )'OIIl' paints o; crayon~ on liS : do~e for many of these ddects. The lol!owing recipe . has l1cr.'1 : l'ontinu~. to >aule f01.' •• nother

NEW! NEWt B. F. Goodrich

lll"H 'II I : !:1 Till·: 11.\1;1 t:

\car!)' lh r 111 ,. · '~· · Dull'h emi~rilll', ·, Zeu!and anti .\~:·.-, (•:.-.J\t tl:'l' f.:llnt Ill : .• -~ '

~~~un~· to South \:~~:~ turnrd to llollan·L · sh~·'-rf'fl ~[on:':···

~a cs. C<·l'·~ ~r lor a rcw months. ptclure. __ ·-- ~or example. the adl'nnce~ ol 1 n~ap1e d h)' lhr Fishcnes l'ou~lctl :three mmute;;. Rlend tn hot sr~ ccn 11 ·• -- heart ~urger)' are wrll known.: of canada for home preparation. ~oncd 111ute ~ance. th~n sherQ

Thinking It Over

In many inslatlces n club fool ; S YOITl'RE ~ or water and lemon JUI~e nliX· can be corrected Md surger~· for CREA~IED COD E. ; ture. Season lo taote "1th 5nlt harelip and clrft palat e is gene·! 17medlum onion ~licrd and penper. M~kes 4 t~ li sen·· 1

all weather Overs

. ?ii4 9JtP11t/,J­\tFEATURE



1 Commercial on radio and tel~\·ision olten Irk us because they break into the programs which we do not want to ha\'e interrupted. In spite of our anno1·ance wp 1:0 forth and pal· roni1~ thr ~l>nn;or~. 1\'P do ap· !lronaf• th~ prn~ram< anrl hkr· w1~r wr arrrre1at~ th~ onr~ who

. mak~ t11o .<hnw< o<<ihlr.

rally quiiP. successful. ! Few stalks of celery with ings. Sen·e on toagt. r1cc or n~o · The parent~. ol onee malform· ; 1 tsr. salt dies. This may .he pre~ared 111 .

etl child ha1·c about sP\'Pn chan· I'I'S I advance. stored m ~efn~erator. , ce~ out. or eight that the next I 4 thin ~llr~s of lemon and reheated at sernng ttme. ,. child 1rill be normal. This Is not -------- --.. - - ----·--·--- .. --------- -bad, hut in' general congenital de 1 feels occur only about once m 213 births.

Many prominent people ha1·e been horn with ~erious congeni· t.1 1 delel'ls. This should be a 111~11 rr of rncoura~rment to par· . Pnt< who Are unfortunate enough · to l1~1·p " lllRlformcd child and I

In thP rhihlrrn them<rh'e~ when ! liltlP fOllllll•rdnl< until thr rrnrJ. 1he)' nrP nltl rn011~h tO realize i

urt< anrl thr shows hrrnmr ulrn· tl•rir rrnhlr111<. 1 EDITOD'S NOTE: The F'amlly Council consists of a .,

i The arlrrrt i~rr~ r•'rral thrir

tifirrl with Pnrh oll.1er. \\'r dP·\ ----- " · rrlop R rrrlain lo~·nlty lo the Judge, 1 psychiatrist, thre~ c!, 1. n~~spaper editor 1 ,

.<prmsOI'<. · women's editor and two wntt·u. l'.~ch article ts a summary of : r;nrl ke~r~ ~prakin~ to mnn Ji'PWPI' ;ll uvi·PS RA actual case history. Tbe touncil rrpurls on problems thll

1 throu~h hi~ ron<ri~nrP, IIi~ worrl i . ha 1·e bet·n draft with hy r<''llonsihlr .l~Cill'i<•s anrl rouusclors. I

m~krs it~ imprrs-.on on n<, 1\'r I •:r·:ll' .:\fti\'JES M"fF.PTARU: LUCY R.-~ly husband en·, Iter dbcumfort.. \\'e can. well he· 1

hrrnmP :mnn)'rrl ~omr1ti11<'S ll'l'h I hD\11•. 1 Reul rrs l. - Only 61 tct•tains women. lieve that shed he Wllltng to : lh~ intrrrurtion of our world!)' out or 493 new mo1'1es were found FELIX R.-I really pas off. accept a .somewhat more mc•d· 1

.• ~~·s, hut we become more loyal acceptable last year for s~owlng \ • • • est style of living - pius the : :o God than we realize. God to Italian Roman Catholics, a LUCY R.-i\ly husband and company of her husband. : stays with us whr,ther we con· mc,·le review board said .Mon- I 1 hal"e been manied six yrars We don't means to encour·

day. l and hal'e two children. Wr 1 age Lucy's jealousy. Wivro; hal'e :


erep·soled shoe~. white buck~. loaf•r• '.r1

Available in three e:mting colors: 1'·r;tt. ·

yellow. Sizes 4 to 9.


MISSES' FLIGHT BOOT Styled to fit all types of shoes. A ~uU.on type

hoot ~trongly constructed and available In colors:

1 Saf,pty liJ,Pas NEW YORJ' <t:Pl _A h 1 haye hPfn .fairly happy, <'Xcept, to accept t~P fact that their 1

hoa~ was di•~OI'CI'ed M d 0,m ~ for one !lung. . 1 h~sbands \\'til brush. elbows white, red. yellow. I J.ONDON _ cr _ Awards I the 'New y rk Coli 1 °~ a~ ". I My hushanct ~oes nul ll'llh ll'tth. )'Oung and attraclll'e 1•·om·; totaUing £100 are offerelj to ployee fou~d a ;:c' ninen~ l~ts of l'ery ~:oung. attraruve rn 10 tot~ay·s ,hu>~ncs~. world.

\ firPmcn h~· the Fire Brigades phonP. hooth. Gin~erly polir~ \I omen. lie dauns he ha~ to In mos.t ca~~~ .hr) hn<e. little Sizr~ ~ In 10 .. · t:nion for iclea~ cn~nrins: s:rrat. 1 homh ~qu~d memhrr~ nnwrar·

1 rlo 11 for hn>II1C~~. hut I. kn·"" In r~~~- )h•~t ol 111~ 11om~n

rr ,~ret~· In th~ u~e o( hrealh· : JlNI 1ho1 parr~!. J\ con~i~trn nnl)" that. n~~ny ot.hrr mrn .'!1 h~~ ~~~~ ~rrn 1 I'R!llflll'r~. n•:'·. <lo 111r

in!! HJ)flaralu~. 1 11r nrw~l'llf'Pr~. n( <~OI k 1lont no II. I liP~ lm mrn !all 1n1o trmpti<1Jon al thr ------------· ------ - .. ·---·. i hll<lii•S~ I'Otl[el'l'lll'r< Ill lhr1r flttflrl' n[ nil r1·rla'h. \lto>l

. oilier~ 11·ith (hr'p \\'fiiJ1PII--Ill?)• tli;HTi;;cn, >rr fo; t<>O ".tf'~l"

You can take ASPIRIN rrad1 Mork Rtg,

Any Time! It's used by millions

Paint ol




more people than any other

pain reliever-

Without Stom.ach Upset I


Ttade supplied by

; lu; • lunch. hul lh~t·, >II. f•mndnrl In hr threal"ll~~ IF :,;1ze; M:r hu~hnnri i~ n•l•>l,ntl)' lht !lr•tin~ rnntract> Fllhrr

tekin~ thr:;p wnmrn out IQ rartnrr m;.y ha1·~ wi1h the op-~ockfail~. rlinn~r anti su111rtitnr< . po~itr >r~. a ~how. HP ~w~ar~ hi< int.~r~ct ! Howcl'rr, wr !IQ lhit'k that hi< intere~t i~ str'ictl)" hnsine~s : Fdi.x " hem;: hQ\h unorthorlo.x

:and I have no right to be jeal· , and unfair to his wife and the : · ous, but I just can't help it. : other women by entertainir.g

• • • in thr wa)' he ne<rrihr~ ntli~irlr FELIX ll. - I nlw~~·.• trll of hu>inc.·'~ hour.•. Hi~ wifr i'

f,ur)' ~~ Inn:: a< it's "wnmrn" ll'fl lonrlr ~nrl hi~ "nntr'' for ·and not "wuman" shr's \1'01'1')'· thr rl' may rrry ra•ii)' I inr: ahm1t, ~hr t•an .lll~l fot·~~~ grt the idra th~t an nnharr.ily

th<! wholr thin-a. Thrrr·, safrly' mHrird m~n ha.< h<•coml! intr·l'· in nnmlwt·~ J nhl'a)·~ sa\', 1 rstrn in hrr. This may ,-rr~·

LIIC)' i~ richt that many nf wrll awakrn intrrr~l on h~r fhr mrn in my line ol work part-with who·knows·whal 1'1'·

rlnn'l rnlrrtain lhrsr ~ult~ lh• \\'a)' I dn. i dun'! oprr«tr Th.r t·u•tnm~l')' prnt•rtlllt'e f111·

i likr thPm in lnls nf ollwr , ... ~.1·s. 'mnrrird mrn in entrrt;~ining I r hai'P mr own i<lcns. Ano\hrr 'wnmrn husinP.s~ rontarts. out· diHeT<!IlCP hrtwrrn tho<e ~~~Y~ sidr of husinr« hour~ makr> anti me is nur yrar!l' inrn1nr.< ! much hrllcr srnsr. Thr man

1 )line happrno; \r be a hrck of may inl'ilr the woman tn his ·a lot highe;·. homr for rlinnrr. or takr hrr '

I finrl tl1;1 1 womrn like t~ hr nul with his wifr, ann somr· Pll\rrtainrrl. Thr)' fr.rl flatle''rn · timr~ another man. This ma:v whrn a m~n wine• an~ d•t•rs 1 hring rlown the income a bit,.

11 to 3 ...... $2.69



them. II I'P1ll,l' rays orr in t1le. hu1 if is far morr ~thiral •nd. rnd and m)' 1•:ifc anr. lnmily; wr dnuhf whe\hrr it wou!r! benefit. : lead to bankt·nrlcy. I If I li!Jiil I ]II ]I 1 I ill i1!J I I I I iltLtJ:tili!l!lll I!! I!] lli!i!!lt


• • • 'fHE COUNCIL: If Lucy is LONDON-CP - A motor-

forced to stay home and gn~w cycle firm has· produced the her [inqcrnails rl'enings whit~~ l"orld'~ fir~t fihreglass motor· I

F!'li~ is. out fl<~fl~rin~ womrn! r)'dl! Dr:<ismcd to prn,·idc' In urdPr to rai'·' the l•:n,il·; in· I <~!most complete protccfil)n cJ•nc w~ can r•~il~ understand from weather, it cost! £!57.1 !...---=----..... --------""""""".,..,_,... _____ ..,._...,.,_

had its SOUl

damage to d All seems t<

power and it i ill be back to 11

of the gre the good fellow:

each other. bad side of

committed an of crime on

Perhaps t the islander cannot feel

and gi\·en a the punishmcr

necessit~· f during the e and many \'a

were lost, som Council may the long 0\·e

the bot and costly und

e\·er there w as possible ten days.

into obscurity upon all th• to the aid this import



.......... ........ '


~ ;. ' ..





ell Island Editorials

H<mn."r.~ II·.,., R·Jn~ " " · · · "

Wh;,:~n· "·"' Solan .... " · · ~ormorP · · .. • · • • • · ,.tantll~ll '.'.'.·.·:.·: . . >ormnre Fr~nch "" .. " : Rc~, · · · ·' · ''''' ·

Luffm~· · .. • .... " n .••.••• C:.t,..,·lp~

' ~ J\1:!·~ ... r • ·- · '· • •

~!:.~:;. :: :::::·.:: • ~:· lr·r I~";. . . • • , • • • •

-'•-\•·- ,,' ,' ,. '<'"";: I '' •' - t•.'" y_; •


Qgruuo ;ounson ••

TM 9n ill.t~l t'iil<.l

All Forms of Protection

·--··· ... ,- Bell Island:

Expect Electricty To

;'Reni!J1ili~ ~t .u.:.·• .. s· i'. q;_· , , · -· · .J'~uo~ll,. TOI"J!~ ! -· . .

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l foir weather when you 0iwoY





The Daily News Cirl 80027 St. John'· THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1958

ran ews ----------------------------

.IU\"11 5th-- ' Twenty five people put in a 1 panic and consequent loss of WOIS the general opinion that all l"~ry unplcasqnt night I a s I :life. . character parts w c r c well ''.~·tlnc>day when they bcc~,m~ I . Local_ residents were ,quite ·selected and t•xrcllcntly per·

,t_l ,mdcd on the Tcrrcnccvlllc• : dlsappomtcd and resent the fact : fornll'd. Len din:.: parts were hr~~lll"aY near Clan~ Brook. Five , that in the recent announce· I tnken by :\Jr. mlCI l\lrs. Chester

,o_,, " ·. ', •• ~;"'_P•·ri· ta~ls got can,::~t 1n the snow· i men! mcde by Premier Small·[ Duniurcl as "r-;ancy" n n d .,i;,:':o:·"·"' :<: J.•,,h. . tlnft. Ill the hcr!(hl_of the storm; wood relative tu the great "Toodle.;". George Welsh as ,,,;~: ,,,,.:,: :· "' llw ~1. :uuJ ont• of the ~rrvers had tu 1 healh ;md hospital extension: "Jinml)'" took to his role like ' .. <" ",:: n•n•t•mht'l' walk fottrlccn m!les to Boat i programme for the Province 1' duck to w.1tcr. P.ufl Tihbu was ,::- :;,, · • ,, <Ia~· ami llarbtllll' to seck assistance. A! that no mention or considcra·, good ~s "Ted". Tlw part of :\Jr. · · ,',, ,., n•mm:<nirJ· pr.rty from Boat Harbour went 'tion has been given to our Cot· 1 King was well suited for Ches

,.:J:r: ., ·' rc'''· llt•n-. to help the stranded travellers, tage Hospital here. '!'his hos· 'E1·e!eigh, whilst excellent HIJl· · .·' ·!lo· •lt'••t were but \l'l'rC ~even hours before: pita! at present serve~ Ol'cr. porting l'Oic.; were ginm b~· /

': .. :. :,.,, ,.,. r-llhou'h the~· got to the cars. and as-; seven thousand people with en·: Gt•nr~ic Patten, Eloise BuHctt .. , '11;;:,,·:, · .. ; -lwrt;1~r ,,f >l>t~d the people to get moving· tircl~· inr.dequatc facilities and .Joan ~·ootr. I::thrl Coppin ;uHI 1'

., •..• ,·r ,,.,. ,, t•'W hour> ~g.1111. ,\ spokesman for the. lack uf space. Se,·erill ~·car; :\lar)' Tcs>icr. ;-.11 of whom , 1

''·'' • ko n r<lrc of peo~le . concerned . expressed 1 ago II'~ were given an assur- were 1n•ll suited fol' the char· I

·.,1 r:~·,.,· .o•::c·~ t!it•>t•l gr:111tune and prarse to the. a nee that our hospital here acter role~ they rcpreseuted. ,;; ~.:: :: ··· •'lll'l':<t inn. proplc of Boat H.nrbour for: was to be enlarged fur nddi· ~~~·~. Burr- Tibbo and Jlcg Cop­"tJi~rr, · :r:,· pa•t WP<'k thrtr l'alur·ble a>ststance In: tiona! bed spr-ee and other fa·· pin assisted the c;rst in the)

., ·· "i··cl u~ tlmt lim~ ol ~n·at nct•d. ; cilities. We are still wniling. ~roles o! prompters. · i ,:::: :·,· '1 llh u, ;rnd All b well that ends well. but 1 We hal'e no quarrel with the Following the ~rcond night's'

· , "·':· ·:· ,.,·,•n tlwu;:h sonnt•r or later tra~ic results areas and hospitals which arc! >how members ol the co~tc and cJ:rn·i"' ·• • :ol"l' n_ltu thr arc going to dc1·elop on thai ito get these new ~en-ices be·: other;; mel at Clawbunny l.odgr I

1\ rclnl''· T!'rl·encel"ille hi~hwa~·. It is cause they dcsen•e them. but i and decided to organize into a· . .,,,. ·111' wnr>t cx-1 trut• that in winter people must~ we do feel that we are being· dramatic society for t h c'

.,.,-,,on and and do tral'el at their own risk neglected and ignored. The furthcr&llCc and encouragement i

;w:·. :"·: nt 'now n\·er thi; dc~olate s ection of 1 first Cottr,ge llo>pital in New· I or dramatic entertainment in' :'t ~:::· .. 1 ,,,,.~, whirh rnad but we feel th:-.1 it iR the~ foundland operated here man~·: this area, The following officers

' .;. ~ .. ~t

;,t"'!~· ·~~·

,_,;. ,iii:' ' . . .

....... ,I ·:A· 1

THE HONOURABJ,E .T. W. PJCKERSGILl, Lih eral cl!ndidate for Bonavistn·T\•:illingate, Is showa above congratulating thr Librral candiJ::te for St. John's West, Leonard i\Iiller, shortly after Mr. Miller's nomination yestcrda.v morning. Also shown in the above picture are the Hun. G. J. Power, Minister of Highways, and the Hon, i\Iyles .Murray, Minister of Provincial Affairs. Both of the Provincial cabinet ministers gave Mr. Miller their wholehearted support whose riding of St. John'• West includes both of the cabiuct miinster's provincial districts.

;,,!( ;·:;. : rulo dntt; rr~ponsibilit)· of ~omcbody to 1 years ago as a Community i were elected. . ----·--·-- --- - -- ·--·-. :11C:1o' :· ct high in take precautionary measures,; enterprise. Are we to be ex·: Prcsidcnt-Mr~. F. ~!. Tcs· ber of member~ •nd ~e~t.1 at· 1 R_ose ?f this town w~s solem· 1 illr. ~n~ )Irs. Arthur Baker was .!'-'o ScJ·eall~·m· g

, r:~r: .:<' · .. hro~<b >now lor the safe!~· of the travelling, peeled to have to tollow the' >icr. , tended the social funchon and mzed 111 the Umted church at solemnozcd in t h e United I L' ~' · · r~:<ll'l"• ::· wa~ gi1·~·n public. man~· of whom are often 1 same procedure again now Hi Vicc·Pre~ident--C. 11. Dun· 'enjorcd the festivities. i :Fortune on Saturday evening.· Church here on Thursday'

· <1' .. :' :" pr<>\'e tl· children and hospital patients. we are to get the necessar)' ad·' ford. ,. ROYAL BLACK i February 22nd .. The weddin;; evening, feb. 27th. The wed· . . tlw hca1·~· Rec~ntb·. 11:e took part in a dl~· ditlonnl facilities here which) Sccrr.tary-'l'rcasurer _ F. ~!.. PRECEPTORY 'ceremo~y was performed b)· ding ceremony was performer. LUTON, Eng, -CP -Teen

: '·'"' · ''·' to .~rt the, cu~s1on whtch centered around are urgently needed? And the: Tt•ssier. i The annual supper and en-! He\'. K1rk Fell ham. by Rev. Dr. J. L. Rernolds. '' girls who scream ti:lr:ing :..;~:.;r· ,.,,,., tlw hllow- the ur~t·nt need of safety

1 same apparent!~· goes insofar I Exccutil'e committre-:\lrs .• tcrlainmcnt of John Knox i The bride was utlcnded by The bride was given in m;,: ·l shows at mo1•ie theatres

mca~ures and precautions In I as getting another dentist is: Gerald Patten. c. o. Evclei"h · Preceptory was held in the :llisses Ann Lucas, GladY> riage by :llr. Elias Franci• : this Bedfordshire town will :\'ewfoundland. We see evi· l concerned. Following th~ de· I' ~Irs. Rc"inald Coppin a~Hj Orange Hull on Wednesday, I ~lonster and :\linnie Marsh n, ~fisses Georgie Stone. ~Jae :c banned from the cinema dences of the lack of such , parture of Dr. Dubinsk)' a )'car George A~ \\'ell'h. j February 26th. Despite the very bridesmaids, The best mmr Downey and ~lac Ralph were ·!'he nuisance caused by 1ome measure.• all around us ever~· 1 ago the Town Council made/ '!'he troupe has brt•n exlcnd· 1 inclement and storm~· we~thcr was :\Jr. George Harding with .-idesmaids. ~lr. Thomas Baker. people in the cinema hat da~· ~r!d lit, tie actil•e or rem·! representation In this respect : ed an invitation to perform the . a large .number of S1r Kmghts ~les~rs Thomas . !lose a. n d hmther of the bride w;:.s best ne\'er been worse than it is cd1al IS bcmg done to correct , to the Depart met no! Hedth but . pl;;y Jt Burin and ~re oil·ing ; and their guests were present. llaude :\Iarsh ucllng as bnde'· man whil.;t :\Jessrs Thomas Rose t:>day." said theatre manager

, .. ~ .... , . '' hil'h hal'r :. :~.1·:~ ,1:: t'~L'1l'l'!y rli· ~ ::: ;:,• :·.,.· week hnve

· -~ i';·:n; TllO\'t'mrnt~ . :~; ,, -: The coastal

:; : ., . :,,.,.,~ ''"I'm hound • ~ :::~ :r !rip~ nlon!!

exisling Cl'ils. For evample, a ! apart from the customar~· i the nl<olter con>ideration. ~ The ~-allowing a delicious cold boys. During the signing of the and Howard Kearle,· were. Charles Smith. citizl'n of this town wa~ drown·' acknowledge~cnt no action h~1s 1 tronpe is also plnnnin~ to hold meal supp~~ prepared under register :\!iss ~largarct .spencer bridesboys. During the signing I ------

;:.- ::·b:::~ erafl ha1·e ed at sea 3

short wh1Ie ago been taken ell her apparently m a turkey dinner in the near the supervmon of ~Irs. Arthur ga\'e a beautiful rend iliOn ol of the register ~lr. Brie F.' Top Cook whil;t his ~hipmtites looked on this direction. I future. 1 Evans an entertainment pro· "The \\'edding Prayer". l'i<· >ang "I'll wnlk beside [ ;:,':(" · _..: in llllll'h

·X'· ~ .... :1.•11 l<lll~lirwr ,·:: pt ~ mrd i1:•

h.elplc>SI)'. We feel an investiga. "NOBODY BUT l'\ASC\'" SOSS OF 'l'E:\lP•:nA:\'CJ\ , F~'mme was taken up and en·, Following th~ church cert•· you . lion should be made into such The Grand Bnnk Dramatic The Grand Bank Dil'ision, I Jo~·ed. mon)· a. receptiOn was ~eld at Following the wedding crre· · J..ost Tr-eaS'll·l'€ a trr.~cdy a~ to cau~es and why· T1·oups presented the 3 act No. 9. Sons of Temperance held r ~!any of _those present declar·. the Legwn Hall at Fortune nwny a rcccptiou was held in aderauate life saving methods comedy "Nobody But Nancy" in its annual parade on liundal' ed that tlus year's Black Pre·. where a l~·rge number of gue<ts the Canadian Legion club room and eqmpment were not avail·· Frazer Hall last week. '!'he pro·, r-fternoon, ~!arch 2nd. A larg~ ceptory annual tea was one of, attended tu honour th~ C\'C~t. . tollo\ICd by a dance.

.\::-·· ·. ro.•1urncd to S,\X~!IJNDHA:\1. Eng. -CP -A garage attendant in thi~ :·.: ,,, .. ' .,-,~h I he bn l\'

.·: ~-~ ;· ·:1 ,·1\. who in;~ :~· .<t •·•· ~!w h:utk~ in

.. \ · _ .. :.· T!w unhl!'· : ~:.:- ·::·.~.:!l:'t't' y{l,lr c,icl

able to meet such an emerg· duclion wa~ a howling succes~. : number of local and other l'i~it· !h~ best ,held for. man~· year~. I ~Ir .. and Mrs Rose w!II. res~de eney. Another example we ha1•e i from start to finish. i in!! brcthern were in attend· , flus years Committee responsl· here 111 future and we JOin With. ar~nmd u~ i> the lack of safety , For the first night perform· 1 a ncr. , hie _for the _event was. und~r. the tl~eir many friends . and well·; T IC·O·Glln {; (I [,o; e~lts fr?m p\ of public as·: ance the hall was sold out long! The parade Jrd by the Sall•a· c~a1rmunsh1p of Str Kmght . w~shcrs 111 ~xtcndm~ good.

1 Suffolk communit~· found ~ I gold ring. ~et with rubies and diamonci>. in the tread of ~

: .. rmt•rl,r of .1·.: ·: ·1. • \\ ;c,.IWll O\'Pr·

: :' -: ":·: hut er .•w

sembly ll1 our town. Last week: before curtain time. A second. lion Army Band paraded trom. S1meon Grandy. 1 wlshrs for their future happl· POOI.f:. f.n::. -- l'P -the rurtain caught fire in. repeat per!orm.,.ncc was mnde Temperance Hall to the Sail'~<·· WEDDIXG BELJ,S ne>s. <man;:ing disp~ays al ;1 ''razer Hall following the per·' on Friday night and this w01s · tion Arm~· Citadel. The ~rrvirc' Rose-Grandy Raker-Raker <'I')' ;;tore in this Dor"•t !ormancc of a play In a crowd·' seen by a fair!~· large audience.: was conducted b)·· Senior )!ajor' The wedding of Cbri,tinr: Thr wcddin~: of .Tc>>ir. are wearin~ cowhoy-st~·!t•

.. ,,. l!'.•:'el '"'t ed hall. What would have been/ Total receipts for hoth niahts Dominic Goulding who also' C.r;mdy, daughter of ~lr>. Silas rlanghl<~l' of ~!r. ond ~lr.•. and holsters-to carry · .:c., 1:·· ... : < r r·:Jrlirr 1n the results il the incident OC· • exceerled 5420.00. The receipts: preachrd the sermon. J<'ollowing · Hillier of FortunP, with Robert· .Samnrl Baker to )!ax, JOn of mcrs and othrr toni~.

: "."f!: ''' ;o!wn rlnrll. currd midwa~· through the pia)': will be passed ol'er to the 1 the serl'icc the parade reform·'----- ----------------·- · l'l": :·'. l'n1r. w.1s i. a darkened hnll and with I Home and School Assoriationl ed and returned to the Hall/

.. '",'c', •·_,,,,. and pa«· limitt•d rxil.< and that thr011~h: for chool purposes. 1 whrre the mrmbcrs dispersed. p t t• • F th ' • b ... ,:r:,, ·.(:.' rntrl'"l~ I be mai I door part!~· oMruct·' It would be unfair to ~inglc I On Wednesday ('\'cning last' ro ec lOll IS a a er s JO

· '•'t!:·.·· llo•prtal for ed_? We. can on!~· .. •!1~1dder to 1 out sn~·. individur·l performer· the_ Snns of 'l'empemnre held! • • 0

tlunk ol the poss1lnhtrc! of a for ~pee1al credit hccaUS!' it: therr :Jnmwl tea. A lar,!!e num·:

out tARE JUST SOME of the t11ousands of staunch Libera] supporters who have been tum-

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<;il'l:< tire he was repairing. drap·. town hclt­ha 111·

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CJ,,f::."!!fl.:!::r~.!: §mFE .t~:~r,.:~~.r;c;z CQ'.foA:;y OF CANADA

UUI~!S~EO ·11•. l!t'C DffiCt. 'IU:fatLOO.CIJf.

Mo meet. pnd greet the Liberal candidate for the Federal rid ina of St. John's West Leonard r. M11lcr i5 · • tl .. ' Pfrsonall d . · sc~n ltlvm~ tc~~ people the same advice he has given thousands he has

Y ur1ng h1s campaign, Vote Liberal, Vote Miller on March 31st." Branch Office: T. A. BUILDING, DI,JCKWORTH STREET,

'Phone 80321 - 80322 R. E. GOOD, Branch Manager

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The Daily News Silhouette Contest

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Hl58. Eaeh day ~londay throu~h Saturday for 60 da)'S nne silhouette and two pictures will be print· ed. After you have paired a silhouette with 1 picture, paste or in wme way fasten the matching pair on a single ~heel of paper. All 60 sheets arr to bt> fa.stened together in order and each abut 1hould bear vour name.

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cons-St. Pats Win

jgh "'~~.~~!!st.!.~~!! 11 i.lh wtn~ in High 1 play o( hoop sai'Y as he counter·

ur ball art ion ~·ester· 1 ed 9 points In a losing cause. Thr ratoM de·: Reg Badstock was second In the

·.: lhcharl'; 6a·2~ at ~hhe / P~~hnt8 getling . for St. Mike'• ~· · m "hilr the IriS

1 11'1 .

r&:"• &~ & ll~h· Cros~ 40·, ST. P,\T'8-ROLY CROSS cr~PP'" 1 ·court ' · · . ('nt•ac rr ~tlKf.;S I

0 St. ~at's oulseored Hoi~· Cross

. · k thrir ~ixth ~6·1R m the second haiC after , fll~n! ';~,a•on and ran lakin~ 1 slight 14-12 edge at , "" lht •·ecnrd to 16 ' !he half lime mark to . move vrnrfratr•l pia" a~ : 1ntn a ~econd place tie 1\1lh the

:W :··' 0101~;a:n~a.17 ·half. t:1·usadrrs 'in league standings, :)mrr~ 1 thrn nul· 'Thr game was 1 tight one with ,;,~n:••'t_ 1.';' ~11 • 12 in lhc Hoi~· t'ross forcing the Irish · ~~ 111 r . all the way

jor . h• \\'\11. I •· Fl h. · 1r1~·r 11 •quart wnrt i 1 .. el' s er nelted e points mrrrrr I nf lhr ~:ame in the first hall In pace St.

: rnntrn •. 1111·t1• Un·: Pat's with Dou11 Phelan and · • orr"'"• · ' •·· ' F k S I h bo h I . :. 1 • mr• thr win· ran m I I gett ng ' to tM•;.," 1~1~rn;;nliz~ the hall gll'e the Irish their 1' point d d · h '·rt• a' Squires . total. For the Crusaders Bob

thr R~·~··ll ,:! the st 11 Pie!'Son had 6 points to hit

~~ II•.. .. • . . I I lek 1 ~~~hrrl lol'ce and credit, .J m F tzpatr added ' 11~~. ~rho!IIHI;. . : ann C'harli~ Ennis and Pat . · our fMwArrl na,·e ; Cleary both got 1 tor the 12

1o p~rr the Hi~h ; Holr Cross points. Wilt ~nd camr up · In the. second frame Bren

1~ krr~ hi~ a1·era~r , ~~~rshall ~ot h~l to. record 8 • 1 ~0,, ~41 p~int~ per po1nts lor the lmh \11th Fisher 1· ~rif h~rl rrti~terccl 121 and Phc_l~n bot~ pottlnJ 11. T~m .~ A r 1H·,>unlrl'' sn far ,\n~el ClllfJPCd Ill 4 and Smtih; · · , II• had i point~ added !!. Ed. S~apter was ,the : . :,. ho:i anrl added 14 top Crusader with 10 pomt~, • r",,;.,.; fl,,h .Ioyce wa~ while Charlie picked ; . • , :,,, 111r Pcpprn wilh up their other 8, Fuhr.r,of the.

:· ... . • . i

' . •<··,•.::

·' . .

THE CHAl\IPS-Hol~· Cross defeated Guards lll· 61 in the ~econd game of the Senior Basketball Pla~·of{s last night to take the IM!st of three games series in two straight. 1\fcmhcl's of the champion· ship squad are (left to right). front row:-Pat Hur lcr. Ccc Joy, Bren Everard. Ed Pnwcr. Back row: Duffy Sorensen (coach), Lar Keels (team scorer), Jim MacDonald, John Galway, Geor:te Sorensen, Frank "Toe'' Byrne (manager). Missing from the photo arc Robin Short ami Pat Hobbs .

------- - . - .. --·--------·--- ---

Guards Take 7-3 Win 1 Over Bell Island Bees

Fi1·c goals in the final frame game and had 34 sa1·cs to" his ~a1·c Guards a 7·3 1•ictory ol'er · credit. He was cut in the head Bell !stand "Bees" in an c-:hibi· [and leg hut both were of a

I lion hoc:;cy game at the Arena· minor nature and he finished last night. Guards rc~istcrcd , l he contest without any lirsl· two markers in the opening aid. Joe Pcnne)', between thr. period wilh the lslande1·s com· pipes lor the Miners also came ing up with a brace of tallies U!J wilh 34 stops hut he set in the ;ccond stanz~ In rlcadlo~:; up sc,·eral rebounds and \\'as the encounter at the slart •'

1 ~low on two of the Guards tal·

the third but then Guards out· I lies. scored the Miners 5·1 for the· Art Prarce scored !rom Fred 7·3 \'ictor1·. :'lorth at 9.00 or the first and

Guards 'first string ri::ht wi1~~· 1 the~ Don I.ockhar~ tallied un· er Don Lockhart pJlcrrl the wm· a~mtcd to make 1t 2.0 : for nrrs with four ~··als with Crril GLards as the second opened. 11'any getting two srore~. Art I Bart Ford got !!landers elose Prarce added the other marker. at 2·1 with an unassisted &core Warren England pickrd up ·at 2.08 and then Martin Craig three assi~ts while ·Fred North 'tied it up at 7.15 on a pass from had two assists. .\lax Howell 1 Ford. It was 2·2 at the start drew a ~inglc assist. On the· o' the final frame. Miners Bart Ford came up with i Cyril lvany unassisted at %.14 a brace o( goals while ~!arlin • of the third gal'e Guard~ a 3·2 Craig got thr other plus an a~·. lc~d but Bart Ford got his see· sis!. Pat O'Brien picked up an · o>nd score for the night at 10.o7 assist. 'on Martin Craig's pass to make

The game was a r~,t one · il 3·3. At 11.12 Don Lockhart Guards hal'ing a sli;;:ht edge , got the winner with W. England in pia)', Both teams had I >citing him up. Lockhart .was se1•eral r~gulars missing from bRck at 16.04 with Ensland and I heir lineups, Bell Island were , ~lax Howell getting assists and without the ser\'iccs of the !am· i again at 17.40 with England ou~ Power brothers. Bill. Cyril, drawing his third assist of the and Hubert. No reason lor their ::arne. The last goal eamt Jt non appearance was ~h·rn. On 1 IP.I2 with c~-ril ll'any counter·

1 Guards Ralph Rowsell was out: ing on Fred North's passout to

·. :·' ·.·r .,prnint ;tam:a ' ll'inning St. Pat's squad was. thr.: -, • ·~, :.r ... : tramr For a ~ame·~ top scorer with I~ pomt,;, · ... ·~· r '·'r .\u.<tin lhi'CII' while Phelan 4lf the Irish and i H I c . :.-.··• ... :1r llr>l hall. Crusader Shapter both register· I 0 y ross . ,,.:.:•• ••• lhr >land·, td 10. i

Annex '58 I Sr. Meeker Ba{·~; ·Holds Practice

. with a harl arm wilh out of I own· ha1·e il end 7-3 for Guards. · I working commillments hlanking Thirteen penalties were hand· I 1\oh rhaulk and Rollie Clarke. ed out with Bell Island gettinrt i :'I! irk Thistle was in the nels; 7. r.erald Ta~·lor 11( the Island· !or the winneu as regular • er~ ~ol a fi2hting major late ill goalie Ron Skin•ing was gil'en j the third when he took sel'eral a rest. Thistle player! a fine; punchs at Guard'• Ed. Thistle. . .. . -·--- I House Leads Wings To it by Dunlops Sweep j Basl{etbal~ Championship !Last Night

Team By 4 1 '

Holy Cross came back with ~11 George Taylor and Jim Browne. for Guards with Len Walsh add·' Howie ~lerker arril·ert back 't T k o· . . L d - points in the second half to de· I. both netted 7. with playing: ing 4 while Frank Skitfington. in thr. Cit)' ycstcrda)' afternoon a e IVISIO n ea

, . feat Guards 81·61 and take the coach Frank Carter getting 6. ·got 1 for their 17 points. 'and worked out with the St. · · ~"~~·''''land •AP•- : a~Din in Ba~el today. put up s~lfl Senior Basketball crown for l George Crewe and Frank Skif·' . · 1• Johns "Bees' at the Stadium . , • , · .

, ,,or\c rhann,ion Whito~· :resistance In the . flr~t per~od 1958 in a hoop encounter at: fington both had a single basket: . John ~alllay, bll: !fo Y Cr?ss l~st ni~ht. He put the hols' • .s: \\ ILSO~ Bt.;TLER ! score tzc~. lllo all. . ,,,,~~~ t~~ Swis.• national ·when Canada took t1me 11:arm1ng the Crusader g~'m last night.' for 2 points. On the Crusaders. ~enlc~, 11Y5 the ga!'lc 5 top pom~ through a two hour practice, "mgs dcfendmg champs of T.he ." mg5 t_ook the lead ·•.' ·,,,rd~·· nicht in the I liP for whirlwind del'astatlng sec· Guards hrld a 44·30 ad,·anta•c II John G~lwa\' was tops with 16 grttNI Width 29 pomts. Crusade! . "lld IJ"•I tllt'e" lin•s wot·kin•' the Bantam Hockey League for~· a gam m the thard peraod aa ·' '' ' . d I ~ . '•uarl E Power \\'~~ nrxt m .. n •. c. • lh t t l D Kcll fir d Pat D burk . . ,, ''" rxhih1tinn hock!!)' on . al the half time mark hut could point~ while Jin. ~lat•Donaltl hart ~. . · . · .. · 1 . s l'eral nf I hr. pla,·c1·• r pas wo season~ moi'N 1 ave Y e e e I ".,,.,;17rrlano I lnthrthirdPcriod.thedemoral·l~nlv register 17 in the !lnall5 Ed rower •ot 4 l'cc Jo\':1 111 e Wtlh I~ whtle Don \\m<nr•mrJIPr~l· 1·rto 111 .,,.P. tile. "l.tla•l·.out front in the srclion B rli· pass into the net at 8.01, and

· .. ' d f · d · h th ' . ' ' " ' · . I'~ me 11(1 With Ill POint~ fOI' r~ c r• o"' · · · f h 1 ff t St d :·~r ~tatr~ ;~flrr I he eu o , 17.e S~I'ISS were now, ere ~ear r j' frame while Crusaders were ~et·, picked up 3 ~ nd Ge01·gr SoJ'CII· , Gl a d< 0 L!' \\'at 1 · 1 11 liN~ mi.«in~ howc1·er. (;nartl> n<Jon yr•terrlay a trrnoon. a~' c d o ~. s rong ampe .ers ~~:~ •orlri rournamrnt. 11 here I ranadtan go~ I and \\hltb) scored ting Ill to lose the all import·! son and Brcn El'crarrl had 1 . 1 { ·. ~n , n G 5 ~ llOrl· 1. wNr merlin~ Bell f.<lanrl in ~ 11 ·I he~ no>cd out th~ hard fl)!hl· .attack until 13.59 wh~n Doug ,~ !'•l•tlr "ith ~rrcn con. ~ almost at will though they •lack· ant game. 'fhc l'iclnry made .1 apiece. 1 ~~ 7 1~{" c;~ ~· 1 u;,r h~ d 1" 1 rxhihitwn rncountcr at lhr in;: SINnp~ders 4 to 3 a~ Dal'id Hou~• tiP.d the .~ctJre Again for

·.: 'l::l~rtr'. lhr Canadi.ans : cncd do1~·n th~mselYes. Hol)' Cro~s the champ~ a~ the~·, ! ~. 0 le . ou ~ 15 e .0111 ,\rrna hut Warren Endand di•l Ktll~· banged in the winninz hi~ third goal. Jssited this time :rouW outmanocunms. 1 Four Canadian pla)·ers-George took the best oC thr.-e ~:ames; Holy Cros~ 1lart•tl to rut thr h~ ~c~~rr~ Fr~c~~.ftd Reh~of/ <prnr! an hum at the '"Bee~" 1 ~oal with fifteen secon~s left· h,· Jla•. Fagan. with less than a

· · and nut~corin~ the ; Gosselin.· Ted O'Connor. Connie series in two straight contests 1 Guards lead fl'OIII the open in~ . ;1'1~. \a Is van th 'I angt~n t,. 1 · practicr hr!ore the cncount~t :in the game on a play by dP· n;inutes left to play in regu·

>.rroo fa~s tn the i Broden and Frank Bonello-eac~ and ran up an undefeated record 1 ot ~~~~ second half. a.~ Ed. Po we~ lla e to ea e e game or 1 e at the Arena. 1 fcnwnen Ralph Chancey and lation time Pat Deburke started ~~l'Or Ire !tadmm. i scored twl~e. Jean ~aul ~~:: for the Ieason. regastercd ~5 points. Galwa~ fouls. Two goalies. In· Wal~h ann' Pat Deburke. Ralph Chancey off on a long

!Pd :-1 at the end or : rande .. Jack ~~cKenzte, Bo r e Don Winsor and Len Walsh got came up 1\lth 13 ~nd Georg~' Holy Cross - Galway, ::!9; 1 ~lcrv Greene wca·e on h~nd Wings tailing 1·0 going into pass !rom behind t~e Wings ptriod thrn e~ploded for 1 ~erslej' k:S:~~ S~~~e~lth G:Md hot to pace Guards to a . 14 ~)Je:~fefD~ 120d J;~ :lf~cDfn. 1, Power. 19; ~lacDonald, 14; G. , with three defcncemcn seem~ the second periodd scored twice net whach Chancey p1cked up at

1o,~;1 in the second, til'c I .amt en point advantage in the openmg thr w i 2 1 ~~v th a C uJ e~ Screnson, 13. Joy, 3; Hurley, 2; , action on the blue line were' while allowing the Stampedcrs the red line and went In on the ~~ tht third as pressure ; 51~~ es. cleanly played stanza of. the contest. Winsor ~ ~ 51 ° "1• ~ 1 e t {u.s a f~5 Everard, 1; D. Sorenson. , Len Coughl~n. Carl Brown and , on a single to face the third defence firing 1 hard shot t:d sanging attacks be· ; . e game was altl called made II f1eld baskets for 12 a ea pom 0 a 10 e' Guards-Winsor, 18: Walsh.· Noel Hutton. ~leeker had the frame with 1 2·2 tie. Doua 'o;vhich rebounded of the Stam·

lhP Swi~s defenders. ~ '~th onl)'l f~u~ pe~ .:it Treen' points with Walsh adding 5 last stanza. Don Winsor and i 14; Crewe, 8; Browne, 7. Taylor. first line of St. Bon's workin~ ,. House husky defenceman of th; · peders defence onto the stiok

1. h .. 11 I~· ree ~~~O::~or ':n~ Slnden wer~ jump shots (or 10 points. George Crewe both had 6 points ,7; Carter, 6 Skiffington, 3; Ash., a~ a unit. Noel Sparrow, Ted Stampeders fired all his team: of D&ve Kelly who made no mis· ::~111 ', :beam. wuct. 1 .,~. 1 'tho•mbad men j t:illi~s and "ik~ \\'ooclforrl. On i ooals to take o\'cr first place take a~ he banged it into the

:~p nil \' rtpresen a \eS I < • I t T c I" tl . ' .,, .... Rov Rowe W"S r e ' . . . I f . n er own ur IU 0' It orl(\0( s Ill" . •. in the lea gut scormo race With net With hlteen seconds e t • • t' : ~btin~ l,.lw•·~n LI"Y 11 ~~~~~· 10 point.-. o in the game for the winning

Starrl•ng In NHL St~~~~·, s J h ' M s u d f "1"t ''harlte

11 ~ 1 ' 11 ""

1. ""1-:1' llo'"~ optne.t tlw ••·nriug in t 0 n S en tay n e eated ~\~:~~~~:~::~·~~~:t"\1,.t;~·.,,t':h.'~Jt~~~~~ lhe ~a111r at ~ 111 .:.s hr ''""

I . II I II Jl he \I'U!Ifcl \'el'lrd ll.c"l t aean ' Jla>> lui'

Football As Favour•ltl .1 • . :: 1 ;~'/~,;·;r~~" 11 ;\:ial:d st. Jut111·,. '.h• lirl (Jrrit"l ~:u lrM lor thr

~.u~l. 'l'llol u~ualtie~ Wtl'e h~nded

uul h\' l'•lrl'trs Ku1111~ Gouliyear ~1111 1\· tlutl•l' tac,th ,;, lhf St~tn·

'"'' '"'· \\'heu \l'ol'h I•• II lhr il'e · Sl.clli(Jedrrs, \1 111p llthllllr pede\·;. a> 1;1·iuar' ~ul lh~ tale ftt t'f' -\\'hen Tul'ontu! a<·thlK man~¥er·. "Bul now l'tn L d I B ttl I c I G h.dl 11 :,~· tltnru~h the llul'i>hlll. ho~l'<l 1\ra·r re11'.crdrd ll!lliiiJ> 11itrll lu., l•alla 11:.o IJrllalit.rd

. Lw, ,t:n a posse to tlu;h: certain he's as ;ood ash~ look~. i a 1es a e n ose ames 'l'ullt \l•n·ph,l' ul Sl. Hun\ tuoh ~!1run~h .thr ,c,ulnl 1r.c1ur h• lu1· h.cllut '"" lu•IIY mrn "" ·;erl James out of the, 'l'he big~test ma~take lhl~ cluo I hi~ pi:f,·e :IIHl pl.r~t·d 11 1111 lum ~~~~~lr1 L:.ur.r.t 111 ll;alph lh~ irr a1nl Kulaml :>IJrtin

'o' more than the)' ex·/· e'·e1• made was In lettinJ: htm a:et . . Buwe ~nrl 1\elly for the n'- t'haurt·.···, pa>> t.a lie thr >WI<'. 11rnl In the sill·bin lot· holtliug. away 10 football for the sake of i By NOR~f ROCKWELL 1 back from lhe1r mom1n~ defeat 1 Si. John's had the h~·e. In thr maindrr nl the pradkr. at 1-1 and liltlr mer a minut" Slll!t; Pll .~ual were by the

. rt ama;td. And fru~· I $l.OOO.~' .I 'fhe men'l rink h·om. St.' an~ gal'e l;orncr Brook only 1 night draw ~t. ,John's ro~li11urd · Tht• third ,·ombin~tio~ . sa\\' later Pal Oebourkr put the \\'ings ~8 and b~· the Slam· I LealshAI'P.Wa~tedJames,a23 :John's continued their winning:th1cc t;nds m le~ lo de!e~tthelunde.tcaled 111 the mens com· r.cor~r Philips and Jttmor ,tar 11 ing; 11 u1 tront fo 1• the hrsl pcdcrs ~8.

_ .:~;re' •a-n' .IPsor. lie 1 )'~ar·old rtaht 1\'l.nger who ~lands 1 ways as the lnler·town Curling: dcfendmg cham.ptons 10·4 1n the I peht10n takm~ ~he meas~r~ of .l!m Byrnr pl~yin)! with Dam1en 11 me 111 the g;1me a»istcd by l\'EXT G.\.\IE .w: l :il• thf foothalllu)t· ~!:;feet ~.n~ 11e1gh~ lR5 ,llounds, 't Bonspiel at Corner Brook mol'• a.fternoon dra11. At the >a':"e Grand Falls ~B·• whale Coanrr n~·on. Ryan 1s not 1e·;::~stcrcll Trrl Heath. stampcdcr~ rc· The next game in the Bantam

•,·~ '.'.mn!P~l: 1\lue 1\omo· . $1l1Ce h~ J,tomed thetr cham ye~rs, ed into the second dav of com· time the Grand Falls larhcs, Brook ::a,·e up only thrre rnrls with the Cit)' team hut w~· tailatrd <·t 10.39 as House ncl· League i~ scheduled for Thurs· ··a• ric• cloned into onf aso. But he'~ 11lwa~·3 gone wtth / ""ll't' A . . t·r' d .,.. ,quart~! ll'crc ncl'er 1n ~mou;' an turmng hack Brll Island 13·8. ,1.n 1·kin~ out all the ~amr. t•d his s"cond ooal ~r the dar afternoon when at 4.30 p.m.

· b · th W I n Foot ,.. ion. 'en 1 e "' oup ' t hl · · 'b k U 1 c· k · ~ c • ·' " 1•.• ~rdccnun; ltalUl'C51 the Bom ers an e. ~s er • o( the hdv curl~rs were l'cry rou r tn turnm.: ar St. n cs~ orncr Broo .mrn :- ~1r~k~r tnlrl th~ \'E\\'S !hilt hr· •ilmr tha~ time una.•sistcd. to the Black Hawks meet the Can·

cumn• ~attonal Horkc~· ball Con!bercince.1 )'lelf~mg1~o ~rJ 1 happy to ;ee the last rncks i !John's 12'7 to take R command· team can stop St .. John's m thr "ould not hr namin~ anr hncu;> ;nd the ~ccontl period 11•1th lhr adian.<. !ll!on · t•ontract a I on Y a er t •· played in A day'~ aetil'ity which lllllt !earl at that po1nt. In the draw to-morrow fmt place Wilt until later. ' ---------· _ _ _ . . ..... _- --- .... - · ..... -... -!J;~rt1 .lames 11·ould help season ends. . included three draws Some o! 1ni;:ht draw lhe Bell Island prol'· he in the hag lor Ed):ar Hick·' · , d

:~ ~~· hra"n department Leafs lined lum !IP alter tbe f . . . · 1 cd that their bad game in the· man's crew. The ladies com· • C l H Jd 0'(' llDOf. Place ·d:~~·· txnect him to take 1957 football campaign and Gerry :~eup::fr~~d~~~; ~~:r~t ~~~'h:·~ first draw was all a mi~lake I petition i~ Ktill a wide opcr. a!· c I. N ap . ll( y ,o

r'.!! in filth !!lace and I 11'8~ sent to Rochester, a Toronto men re~ai u defe ted' when they handed Grand Falls I fair with no enrl o! possibilitirl 'ur 1110' ews T R . . On Lc f ' L. t Dt makinl • Stan· farm team In the American n n a . their second defeat 13-~. The I in the way of ties i! some COOl· !"I I 0 tequest a ·s IS

pla;·Dfl PDsition. League, to aet In shape. He Tht morning draw nw Cor· thriller of the day came when hinations come up, The stanrl· mxED IIOSSPIEL TO·SlGHT 1 are lru!trated because moved up to Leafs three weeks ner Brook ladies skipped by Ida St John's ladies came from ings going into the final day Cl PI ££ · T 0 R 0 :-\ T 0 rep 1 - Toronto

tti!l in!ists football is his ago. , Levitz give Kit Jnkpen's Bell be'hlnd In the last end to count as follows: 7.00 p.m. · lange a yo 8 ! ~taple Leafs of the National H~ke;-. for the .time being

1 "They told me .~• eouldn,t Islind ladies no chance as the a· big three and defeat Corner Ladles: '>trs Clouston! ' ·Hockey League announced 'l'ues·

II 1 mere stdellne for skate," said Reay. But 1 cant Iron Isle girls were able to Brook 12·llln the closest match Won Lost; ~rsL;;tl~an · · v. Reid - : da1• Ted O'CoMor, Whitby de· see anything wronll wl

1tdh !tit• skat· count only one end in ten to go of the day. Grand Falls ..... 3 2 , K: O'Regan G. Burnell Capt. Don Huddy of Pepper· : fenceman. has been placed on

en a c h BIUy Rcay ' lng. They said he cou n score, down 14•2, ln the other draw In the afternoon draw the Bell Island .... .. .... 3 2 H R bert• rell Base will be delegate at 3 :their negotiation list. Jame~ on his career but he got two 1oals In his lirst too many blg ends by Vi Pike'~ Corner Brook men were all out


St. John's .... .... .. ... 2 3 1 J. King · 0 - meeting of the High School! Whitby last Sunday won the

· Jame~ gave the ~ame four games. rink from Grand Falls proved to take the inexperienced Gand· Corner Brook ........ 2 3 w w ·r "basketball league meeting. • world hocke)' championship at "He works hard and chec~ to be the downfall of the St. er rink 9·8 when the Gander !\len's i ;ir~· ~}~~~t~n . 'L;, • which will be held this week to i Oslo b)' defeatint: Russia ~-2.

OLD ~TASD hard an d by maklnl the opp1os • John's ladles led by Jean Stent· bo,vs pro\•ed that the" are not 1 St. John's .... .... .. .. 3 0 . ~~~51 · CO -~~ · discuss the playoffs for the 1 ''He'll likely try out w1th the plans are all in Winnipeg. t1 1 k for him he has he peel ' 1 1 · v~lrs. Tessier ·' : a.rne !~ague championship. . club next fall." said Stafford Pl·•n kn0\1' ll'hl'l fl~ure In Boll~ly ooHarrls (Jam'es' centre) •et aford wht.n they splil.five ends slow in picking up the fine I Grand Fall~ .......... 3 . 1 : i;·, Knight J. t,, l.rcen, Capt•''n Hutlrl)· ,·n "Onl'ea·sa'· :, SnJ.vthe,acting manager.

' ~ ked 1 .. · each but Grand Falls were on points of. the game. Grand Corner Brook ........ 2 • ' plans. ll was strictly busl· un.t'lr~tcter" awgoan?t· "et • ·all anJ· the long end of a 12·9 score. F. ails had no trouble in rlispo. S· B,ell Island .......... 0 :l · t J r, Bcarns ion with the NEWS last night:

!hat brought ffip back here; g ' • i.e 3 :\. l·os er . • . said that he feels that ther~ t n· k . id~a ol I hochv future. where. JamP.s will rid~ . West 'rhe Bell island ladles bou~~-~.~ Brll Island 1::~--~hlle __ Gand~- _ __;_·_· _ .. _ .. _·:·:... 0 ... J '~Irs l'nnro)' ~If'S. '!.•bu~ should not be an.v playoff hP·: IC ev ~

lhoughl I had something a~?Tinll~vy~lreen tjlulestSI'ua;lon~ lsnfllenlSrhlllehdt, NHL' 110 UND UP ',:'IJI.r~l:ai~:lrl .\Irs. Lase. 'tween the two top te:uns in lhr . • u.~ a~nrl I figured il had ~ • •"on' D. ~loores league 'lor ,_~e t·ham~ionship if' DJ.scltar«ed I tould use." noll' the same .as· any other or· - W \\' 1 Peppcrrell Fa leon~ wm the sec· ; ~

· "r• intmsled in .lame;;' ganlzalion," he says. "I'd be will· \\', 1\'in,or · Fa s~~. ond round. The Falcons ha"· PITI'SBl'RGH lAP•- B1·anch · .lam .. wanted l.eaf dol· ing to come hack again next )'tar Baseball . .. H. Frenc~ J~lrsl:a;e~;11 ' ready won the first round ::mng Ricke)·. i6. hoard ch~i~anan of

-after the football season. "But • DETROIT 4,\PJ- New York1Ncw York M !8 24121<> 180 nr. ~Irs. Lentz · P1.1 throu~h undefraterl and are on Pitt~bur~h Piratt~. was di~· hr.ll I lhr.•l"hl thP IHl nl 'I ~till don't lrPI I'm &ood enou•h B:r THE ASSOCIATED PRF.!i!l Ran~ers came from hrhind twice :Detroit 64 25 2i 12 J.;l 188 fi2' ~Irs Siron~ ~Irs. Sm. h thrir II'A~· to an nndrfeatcd •rr· rhar~t>d from hospil~l Tu~~dal· '··.~· ;n h:o it made. him : tn. n1akP 11 10-year career out of At Sara~ola. Flam 011 ~oal~ by Andy Hcbcnton and 1 Boston 64 ;4 26 14 1 Z~ liO ~2 onrt round. Captain !ludd~· f~c!~ aflrr treatmrnt for a hMrt •il· · '~"' ~~~lforri Snwthr 'hnrke1·" 1 Chl fAl 200 01.0 000- 3 A 1 Camille Hcnn• and tier! Drtroit · Tnrnntn ~~.I ~I l.l 1 •~ 1 ~4 ·'~ !\.~O p(~·\L•inwal·in:: lhl nnlr~~ •omc nthrr team win.~ mcnt. . l

--- _ . ..:...._.:_ ___ :_:_ ...... --·----·-·--- I Ro~ 000 003 001:- 4 II 1 Red Win~~ 2:2 in " Ol:alional Chica~n M 21 ~fi i 141 17R 4n A. Ln.<h . lhr •rcnnrl round that thr Y:al- I nl·ckft.''·· •rimill•n ~~ ho.<~it~l H k L ~ •r 1 d• p Jlou<o ~lr.<. Thi>llr , ,.

d D W I ' So R .d I Pi~ret, Monrt. l~l Fi~ch•r 111 oc ·ry ra::ur ~nmr 1 rs n)'. , \' ('lou.•lon w. f'hrrl)' rnn.• .<houlrl · h~ croii'ONI Frh. ?.n. wa• takrn h~· ~mhulan~r e oesn't ant t e ; and l!att,y: Baumann, Fnr~ilie~ Tlw tic rlinchrrl II playoff hrrlh. Pee Wee Hf)Cl.C'. r n: ~lillrr II ch~mr<. In hi.< hom• in ~uburhaD Yo;. I i 14) Stone (i) and H. Sullll'an. for the Ran::rr~ ~nd lllalhrmalir.· , K 'r .1. Kc ~· At lh• merlin' rrpprrrrll Chapel.

• , W·Sion,. L·Fi~hcer. alii' rliminlltrd last plncP- Chica~o. .., f ~lr'. Lr~trr will rell,uc~t fnrlciturr nf ~ ·-·--·---

obJ'ectS To New 'RUling I At SL rctersbur~. Fla ..... ~fORf: Lea~.ue Schcdn .C • ,; 11:;~,~~~~ton A .. 1. Dunnr ~allle ll'ilh Curtis. Curti< fail•~' Hocke,, S'cores · 1\:C. 202 03R 007-14 15 4 Th• li~ k1•pl th~ n~n,rr~ ltn· {_; 1, T r.rilfill~ ,J. ~l~eha~ tQ turn up. for th~ ;;;mr •··

. Sf .. L 012 001 400- 8 11 4 ti~atrn on Detroit irr thi~, ~rasnn __ , ; -"I [ I" R F H . d: though their team wa~ ~n1l. • What . happ~ns th"' II' II 11ot Herbert, Tsitouris 141 Coleman -fir.~l time. any Ortroit foe. ha.s All me111ber~ of the Pr~ \\'rr! \\ · " '' ac 10113 " · · orlloo : able. S11tl~n~l LeJne

made clear. 17) Brunet 181 and Honse, H. succeeded smcr. Montreal n1d 11 Hockey Lea~u~ are rPminrlod I 1 51 I - ,. :\ew York 2 Drtroit 2 The league passed a ·headgear Smith 18); Kuzava, Clark 14l M. 14 years ago. New York ha~ won oC ihe special meetin~ to he ·1· Prall '· ' on~man QuebPc Leape

rult at meetln&s I!Ul)~ecember. Martin 17) Choate (91 and Smith. f?ur and.lied three here at Olym·l held ~t the Stadium this after ; Mr~. Josephson c. Tho~pson I Ct"t Infer Club Montreal3 Quebec 8 Thr, Red Sox dissented becaus W-Brunet. L·M. Martin. HRs: pta StadiUm. , noon at 5.00 p.m. when both IT Woodford Mrs Hoorl. V Shawinigan Falls 1 Chlcoutiml 4 genea·al . manager Joe Cronin st ·L·Ennis, cunningham. The point was enough to assure 1 pla)•crs and coache~ are aske i 1 · • ·,1 ' • OHA F.astrrn Senltll' A

ld • f · I N ' \' k 't t b o ·n • • · ' '~h·s <"an non T 0 ,cary R I• Le K' t 0 B II 'II Q ki\CII' Williams WOll n 1. t:o. or lt. . At Ft. Meyers, Fla. C\1 or I _canno ; I d 'I to please all~nd.Players II ho ;;re'' . . O'l' In 0' a O"UC ID~S on r. Pl'l r. . The rule already Is on· the Na· wa~h 000 030 000-3 7 a huuled by the ftfth·placr foron~o not plavinf: regul~r scltcduic·l ~ • T s Cl'ft 1 " t' t:" ' 1 'Belleville wins ~emi·final 4·31 tionaJ·League books. · 1 Pllh 00120a lOx-7 15 o 1\laple Leafs. The Rangrrs are m! oames for this afternoon arc not 'll Krnt · ·- 1

1. __


Cornwall 2 Pcmbrok~ 6 Before Harrldge Issued. his Bill· Griggs, Wiesler W Saban !7) the playoffs ~or. the .third ~tra~t:hl ~to b;ing ani' equipmnnt a ion~ ; :\Irs Sparkrs ~Irs. Butler TONIGHT'S GA~IF.S l Pcm~r~ke win~ b~st • nf . seven

letin, Cronin said there wlll·not Schultz 48; and Fitzgerald: Dan. limr. alter mtssmg fi\'C years 11111 The gqmes ~~·hi~h arc ~chedulrd ~\Irs. Lush :llrs. D. Clouslon · Allrl ~ 1 nud 2: srml·fma 4-2 wtth one game he any trotible over the rule. lels, E. O'Brien (4) Gross 17l and roDw.t It 11 1 1 t 1 a 11 k will go ahead as listed, they 1

1' · Snow 10 pm 5· Cannon R.Jn-cahot TC vs. Malon TC : lied I CAPPROTECTJON ENOUGH Peterson, K r a v l t z (7), W·E. . c ro P11 cc ~ 0 a 1 r ,1 oc are: , · , !1.45-Guard~ v~. Horwoods. OJJ..\.~OitA

"The rlile merely alates a O'Brien. J,..Wiesler. \~llh Boslo~ for third pl~cc ~~ ~~~ 4.15-Hurricancs v~. North I H. Gourlc)' J .. McCarthy' ,\/leu.~ .1 and 4:' I Sudbun· 2 KitchenPr 4 player must· wear protective At Tampa, Fla. ~HI, standmgs an~ each has s1x 1 .\ I' G ;\lcDonald, 8 ao..:..p t' c ,.5. O'Krrfr. r tBr~t-~f·l'('I'Pn sr.mi-final tiPd 2-2 headgear •. Well, a~ far· as the Red N.Y. 112 000 100-~ A 1 g'aN~oersmlri!Jtllmtoanunallned lhBcohknBoat.J.Ic)' 4.55-~~~~~·llcrs vs. Jllark IIi .. Cn~~cl.l . :11. Cox I 0.45-Ao~h~:r.<t vs. Rambler<. with one ;;:nmr tirdl So:• are 'concerned, the ordinar~· Cine! 300000 000- 3 6 o w t h n B All 5 d li N1 n-:J Nzu·se .. ~ baseball cap w lll · eonstllute . Sturdivant, Freeman (4) Ci. fired Detroit into 1·0 and 2·1 n c · · D. Bownng · rccn cu~ ~n : n We~! &M.t enough protection ·around the cotte (7) and Howard; Schmidt. leads. Bailey's coal at 6:08 of the ~.35-Vanguard '''· Brilon. 8·30-Ctty Eire. head," Lawrence (4) Jl Freeman (A) and third period appeared good for a F. Hue L~.S~~~ End. McDonald'~

Dotterer. W-Sturdivant. L· victory unlil Henry slippcrl home T d S"d I• d S. Elliott P.4S-~cntral VK. New York Yanke~s JIPOnsored Schmidt. HR: NY·Skowron. hh 32nd of the season at 11:06. e I e Ine ;llr>. ;llcOonald ~I Dunne i rugs,

the leeislalion and manager Henry literally came off the P. Taylor H. Whelan j THURSDAY'S GAMES Casey Setntel 1ald Tueaday It Is C D t lee for the big tally. Early in the TED SIDELINED · · · · · · · · · · J E B 11 R. Moyse . Alleys 1 and 2,. up to Harrldae to enforce it. omm. af S second period, the diminutive for· SARASOTA, Fla. (APl - Ted E. c'ran~o~~ C. Wagner t 7.15-City Electric ,.5• Pontiac

ward was shaken up but he Williams, Boston Red Sox slugger Mrs Carter .J. Baird I 8.30.,...Cabot vs. Caribou. showed no loss in efficiency upon wa~ ordered Tuesday to pass up R, .~tovse j !1, .• \'s, Crescents. hi~ return. batting practice for the next two G. Peters ' ,

With Lorne Worsley makinll :rn or three davs because ol a pain· Spare - T, Stcnt~ford, S. Alley~ 3 ond 4: ~ll\'es tn TJirV Sawchuk's 2f\ II in his left ~ide. Sl~ck. I 7.15-Holy Cro~, 1'~. Wool-wa~ a hri.#. w1de-oorn eonlcst. He quit hattin~ prac·tire :Mon. l,ast ni~hl'~ ~rorr~: worlh~.

TONlGHT'S GAMES 7,15-Nfld. Hotel ve, Bennett

Brewery. Nfid. Bre'l\·~ry T~. Rtl'.

EXETE!l. En$1. - CP - A new ward at a hospital in ltlis Dcl'on~hire eli~· has been nn· used lor two years, because not enough nurses can be re· cruited to run it.

Harvey, Alley~ 5 and 6:

7.15-Patrieians I'S. Council. 8.30-MammY$ I'S. Royal Gar· ,

age. Q.45--\lun. \\'orkti'S 1'~. aVn·

(Bowling Scores On Pa~e 16) ~~le~.

J.OO-Mew1 D. Cleanin& vs. Montreal r w 1. T F' A r4 liA)', appRrenlly with a t'nllrrl Whil~ :l~. llrrl 42. R.:lO--iclorian< 1·~. EastJ.nrl. ·

63 39 11 111 :!21 12n 88 mu~clP. but ~~id "it':; nothing." Blue 47, Green 22. 9.i5-Rase Supply \'!, 8· 1 guard. . : ~.

• ., !' .. 'I ' .. I .

' .

•' I 'I ! I ., i

~ ~ ,.. i . ~ -; ;:


'' I'

' .


' -~


. ·t J' ·I·

t ;.


I l ,, . ·; I

' .

j l

T.V. ANTENNAS Complete Replacements Accessories Dial 3001

·- This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Lt·d . •

Radio Programmes 3.01-Weatem Jamboree. 3.30-News In a Minute. 3.31-Western Jamboree. 4.00-Gen. Prov. News. 4.05--Ranch Party. 4.30-Newa.



11.28-Sign On. &.3D-Breakfast Club. 11.35--Newa. '7.00-Breaktaat Club. 7.30-News. 7.35-Breakfaat Club. 'f.55-News. 8.00-Breakfast Club. 8.25-News. 8.30-Hit of the Day. 8.35-Sportscast.

· 8.40-Breakfast Club. O.OD-A Date With Denyt.

10.00-News. 10.05-A Date With Denys. 10.3D-Burton'a of Banner

Street. 10.41!-A Date with Denys. 10.55--News. 11.00-Juke Boll Jamboree. 11.~1!-News. 12.00-Bargaln Hour. 12.~11-.Ramblin wltb Recorda. 12.SD-News. 12.45--Fisherman's Forecast.

2.11!-Nfld. School Broadcast. 2,30-Atlantlc School Broad·

cast. 2.41!-The Happy Gang. 3.15-For the Plano. 3.30-CBC Newe. 3.33-Trans Canada Matinee ~.~u-t;llC News. 4.35-Timely Tune1. 4.45-Chlldren'a Story. 15.15-Fisherles Broadcast. 5.41!-Kindargarten of the Air 6.00-Intermezzo. · 6.21!-Programme Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. 6.41!-WI'stem Caravan. 7.00-CBC News & Weather. 7.15--Roving Reporter. 7.25--By Line, 7.30-Tops Today. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin 8.15--Rawhlde. • 8.30-llusicd Program 8.45--Klthen Corner. 9.0o-Introduetion to Wednes·

day Nite. Talk. 9.3o-Talk. 9.41!-Leasue of Composers.


4.31-Ranch PartJ. 11.00-Newa.

·11.01-The Record Shop. 11.3()-.News. 15.31-The Record Shop 6.00-News. 8.05-Bulletin Board. 8.10-National Newa. 6.1J-Sporb. 8.25--Newa. 8.30-Top Tunes of our Time. 7.00-News. 7.01-Right To Happlnesa. 7.15-Programme Report. 7.3o-News. &00-News. B.Dl-The Best from the West. 8.3o-News. 8.31-Best from the West. 9.0o-Newa. 9.01-Nfld. Soiree. 9.30-Smllln' Ed McConnell. 9.45--Dosco Newa.

IO.Oo-Newa. 10.01-Superman. 10.3o-Natlonal Newt. 1MI!-Houseparty. 11.00-Newa iD a Minute. 11.01-Sportl. 11.15--Houseparty, News.


WEST .KQJ3 ¥J5 t643 •·97 6~


•None 'AK8G42 • QJ7 ... KQJ3

EAST • A 10 98 'i ;. l ¥Q 109 +None .1042

SOUTH .62 ¥73 t AK 109852 •A a

North and South vulnerable Norlh East · South We~l 1¥ 3. •• 4. S t ~ • Pass Pass 6 t Pass Pass 8 • Pa~• Pass Double Pass 7 f Pass Pass Pall

Op~nlnc lead-• K 10.30-Jazz from Toronto.

1.!)0-Simpsons Searl Show. 11.3G-CBC National News. 1.15--Sportseast. jn.45-Federal Election.

1.01-Sign Off,

By OSWALD JACOBY 1.30-News, h 1 12.0D-Cloae Down 1.411-:\lusic Stars of t e · • vous Written for NEA Service

LARCENY LOU d~-.! not 1

confine his tricks to the play of I ---------- : the cards. His deceptive blddinJI

Century. 2.0G-Rf.mbllng with Records. 2.51!-News. 3.00-Dollar• on Parade. 4.00-News. 4.05--Westematrea. 4.55-News. 5.00-1\lelody Man. 5.3D-Superman, 6.00-News and Weather. 6.05--\'0C~I Bulletin Board. 6.15--Sportsca~· 11.20-1\lelod)• Man. 6.45--News. 7.00-Break the Bank. 7.15--Thls is the Story. 7.30-Cream of the Crop. 9.41!-News.

CJON WEDNESDAY, March 12tll,

6.3()-.'Iht Bob Lewla &.aow. 8.30-Nfld. Newa. 6.35--Weather Fo~cut. 6.45-N ews and Forecast. 7.00-Ncwa and Sportl. 7.05--Local Weather, 7.15--Wbat's Conkin'. 7.20-Bob Lewl1 Show. 7.30-Round the World Newt. 7.35-Weather Summary. 7.45-Nfld. News and Weather. 8.0()-.Nfld. News.

N SDAY 11• a thing of beau:y WED E • March 12tb. 1 His partner hapvenetl to be t

6.0o-Natlonlll Anthem and conservative bidder and when Sign On. he was able to bid four dla·

II:JII-Sundlal. monda over East'• p~emptlve 6.80-World Newa and three·spade blc! Lou dec!ded

Weather. that be had to have a side Bee 7.30-World News and Supply. I for the bid. When West put In 8.00-Breakfast Club. a four-spade bid Lou decided 8.30-1\fan About Music. that his side hlld a cinch grand 9.00-It Happened last night. I slam in diamonds but that East

10.00-Co!fee Time. and West undoubtedly had a 11.00-Turn Back the Clock. good ~ave In spades. 11.30-Juke Club. I An ordinary bidder might 12.10-World and Local Newa have jumped right to seven

10.00-1 Was a Communist for' 8.05-Prov. Weather. 8.15--Shlpplng Report. 8.25--Kiddies Corner. 8.3()-.Nfld. News. &35--Weather Forecast. &40-Bob Lewis Show. 8.45-Mornlng Merry.go.round. 9.05--Music for Milllo111. 9.30-Newa In a Minute. 0.31-Westward to Music. 9.41!-Laura Chilton,

and Weather. diamonds or played possum 12.20-Juke Club Continued. with a six·diamond bid only. the FBI.

10.30-Club "590." 10.55--News, 11.00-Sportscast. 11.10-Forecast. 11.15--Club "590." 12.00-News in a lllr.utll!. 12.ot-Ciub "590." 1.00-News and Close Down.

CBN ------·-WEDNESDAY, Marth 12th. 7.30-CBC ~ews. 7.30-Top of the 1\lornlng. 8.00-CBC News and Weather 8.15--Musical Clock. · 9.00-Mornlng Devotiona. 9.15--Programme P~view. 11.20-0rgan Styllnga. 9.30-Rccords at Random.

10.00-Cream of the West. 10.10-Irla Power. 10.20-Ruth Hardlna. 10.25--CBC News 10.30-Atiantic School Broad·

cast. 11.00-Fred Waring Show. 11.11!-Parade of Stars. 11.30-Showcase. 11.45--Regina McBride. 12.00-Announeer's Choice. 12.15--Dinner Bell Breakdown 12.45--Mid~ay Serenade. ' 1.00-Doyle Bulletin. 1.30-CBC Newa and Weather, 1.45-Musleal Pro.11ramme. 2.00-Worda and Music.

·~ .. ., Literary Club

t. ACKOII S Wicked

I Author, - 4 Used for Harte bltlns

I I War ani!__, S "-House ot . t Spanish hero the AuJUSt


1·12 Rallt e Property IS Italian city 'I Solar dirk 14 Garden tool 8 Forllflcallon aa Estran1ecl 9 Cleanera

•0.00-Newa In a Minute. 10.01-Martln's Comer. 10.15--Golden MadonnL 10.30-Newa In a Minute. 10.31-&tartime. lD.4:1-Eleven for the Mour. 10.!15-Juke Boll Review. 11.00-Newa In a Minute. I 1.03-Three Generations. 11.30-,Honour Your Partner. 11.45--Swlft's Money Man. 12.00-Newa In a Minute. 12.01-Town and country. 12.30-News. 12.31-Town and Country. 1.00-Locai and National

Headline Newa. 1.01-'l'own and Countr7 1.05--Weather Forecast. 1.15--News. 1.31!-Editorlal Comment. 1.40-Sports. 1.45--Art Baker'• Notebooll. 2.00-Newa in a Minute. 2.01-What's Cookln'. 2.03-Tbe Storr of Jane

Armltag.e 2.15-A Woman Confeue~. 2.30-Newa In a Minute. 2.31-Matlnee, 3.00-Newa In a Minute.

12.30-Hillbllly Matinee. Lou went one step further with 1.00-Behlnd the Storr. the quiet tactics. He simply bid 1.15--0ne M~n'e Family. five diamonds! 1.30-Strike 1t Rich. Lou had 1 brief anxious mo· 1.45--Grand Central Station. mcnt and then East obliged 2.00-New Yorkera. with a five.spade bid. This was 2.111-March of Eventl. passed around to Lou and be 2.30-Muslc Room. went on to six diamonds.

~:~:~~~· Room (cont.). and South both pmed 3 30-News and Lou had another anxious 3:35-Gayien Drake. 111o.ment until West got Into t~e 4.00-News, swmg and went on to etx 4.05--Hollywood Music Hall. apades. . . 4.30-Checkin' In. Lou passed thu b1d. He knew 5.00-Newa. his partner would act and his :1.15-~lusic. partner did. He doubled the six· 1!.30-Capltol Cloakroom. spade bid. When It came around 6.00-News. to Lou be went on to the seven 11.05-Spotllght on Music. diamonds he had been heading 8.30-Ncwa. for all the time. 11.35--Music. East looked at Lou euspicloua. 7.00-Sports Today. ly. He wondered what Lou waa 7.111-Bob and Ray. up to. Then he looked at his 7.30-Gaylen Drake. guarded queen of hearta and 8.0D-2nd Precinct. ace of epades. Ma.ybe he had 8.30-Groueho Mark. defense after all. In any event, 9.00-Unlt 99. East paued and ao did West. A 9.30-Great Glld.eraleeve. apade wu opened and South

10.00-Finnl Edition. spread his hand 10.30-Robert Q. Lewll. · 11.00-Muslc Til Midnight. East Mid West would have 12.00-Slgn Off and National been down only five or minus

Anthem. · 900 at seven apades.


CHANNELS 8 anll 1~ WEDNESDAY, March 12th.

2.30-0pen Bouse. 3.110-N uraey School 3.15-Matlnee. 4.311-Bowdy DoodJ. li.H-Swing Your Partner. !1.30-Chlldren's Program. 11.00-Champion. 6.80-Newa.

Q-The bidding han been: West North Eut South 1• 2"' Paa1 T

You, South, hold: .It 2 ¥U +A Q 911 II ... lt875 What do you do? A-Bid three no·trump. Yon

have to·take a chance on the heart suit.

TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner continues by

bidding four clubs. What do you do now?

(Answer Tomorrow)

17 Con~umed 10 Jot 18 Greek letter 11 Consider 28 Author, - 45 AIIBhtl

Runyan 46 Cloy

1.011-Vartety Playhouse. 7.30-,-The Early Show. 11.110-Mark Saber. 8.30-Wyatt Farp. t.oo-Kraft Thutre. •BARBS

'liB Rearransed 18 Faatened Word 20 Frosty

11 sunut 22 Ba~eball 23 Recent teama 24 - Anaelet 24 Burden 27 Fa billed 25 RIW!ail city 29 Horle'a Pit 28 Italians 12 Ascended 14Grucllt 86 Determine 17Up to dati SB Dlvlllon of

ancient Greece I8A-Intht

dark 41Bom ~Vamlah .

~ ~





30 Unadulterated 47 Blackbirds ot 31 Hireling cuckoo fami]1 33 Rope fiber 48 Get up 35 Obaerve &0 Western atate 40 Strussle 51 Brlalle 43 Musical 52 Paradise

pauaeea 55 "My Gal-"

~ '~ ~·

..:: ij ~ I~ J7


lnsredlent 441ndlao MMulnera 49Reuon IS Literary bill t4 D!Jatreed I& The-

~ Jl Jf ~

' woodmanof Oz

17 On the water ' 18 Appointment

18Worm IIOVend

·• 11 Thallanauaae DOWN

tNaU ICbuhatUe



.. j]



~ ~w ·If!

" 17 " iO 11.

10.00-Wayne and filhuster. 11.00-News. 11.10-The Late Show.

Beauty Tips A treatment for routing black·

heads, which takes little else than time, I& as follows:

As the pack dries, your skin will have a tight feeling es the application has astringent qual· !ties. Do not take the mask off with soap. Dip a washeloth in clear water and go over the skin aurface gently, Dry and apply a nourishing cream, let· tlng It remain on for an hour or so.

Place two tablespoons of kao. lin In a small bowl. Add enough liquid cream to form a paste the consistency of whipped cream. Spread the mixture over a clean surface of your neck and car lobes.


People who insist on driving over 60 miles Ml hour should make It a point to look out for other idiots.

0 0 0

Which do grandparMits real· ly enjoy most, the time when a flock of grandchildren rush in for a visit, or the time when they go home?

• • 0

Some of the spring dresses on display will make the gals look sllm and . the fellows look 'dound.

• • • . At the ages of one, two, 17,

18 and 19 ~ids like to slay up most of tlie night and raise cain.



f3cH f LUCIC1' SPEWY!He DOI:SN'r I{A.V~ 10

• t>I':>CC\.l'i:.~ OF ,..-..;...:...;;....,. __ ,_jil-l\"' \X;>\.."' '0\.)\

~\.11'1'1=\t:e.\...'E ~ \~ Ill\..\.. ~~~ \-1.0\.'V\~ 'U? \..t:ll\:lt\1Ct\~ 1~6 O'F 1\ l'l)'i3\.\C\i~ C~~\~ iO ltJ\i'R.\\'1:\T il4E ~IJI'E OF ~E\..\.. ~'D ~ET\CC:, o\'1:1 il4E ~~~P c;:: E\)'i:.'i<..'-1

~\~tl t'IE i\'.~\ WOM~ ~t-:l'D 1. WI\..\.. R'i:.l'\..~Cc 'TO'UR. ~\\..R iR\.)(..~W\'il·\ ~ 0-\~~\0\ O'F 60\..'V, t:>R~t\l 'eN C:ii'i:E'V'b ~S W\-\1\E ~':! i'HE ru~ 'i:JRN~~

....,.,_..__, ~w~

'----, ~OME\...'l WOt"\li'll,':), 1"\l:: ... '<t'UII





ount Playing









corr!Piete line c ACCESSORII

always in stock DIAL 90141


ST, and TOPS! For all )'OUr Bu!l1

Requirements c 80161 - 80118


REQUffiEil!El'l~ DIAL 7166

Up·to-da'e R


Word, Obtal~a~ J, COLEMAN

• U8 DUCKWo DIAL 2115


. '

DA~~~~~~~~~~--~~----------------------------------------~----~13 warmly huml)n comedy In "The Fossey, who scored an outstand· Melinda was not a fool. The Happy Road" his flnt lnde- lng hit In "Forbidden Games," meaning of the word felll' was pentent Kerry Production, for and eleven-year-old American :II·G·~I release, which opens Bobby Clark, who played the simply not in hen Gravely sober

I, tomorrow at the Paramount kidnapped boy In "Ransom!" he drifted slowly through the

HU~GERFORD, . Eng. - CP I proudly to the report that in -Res1d~nts of ~his Berkshire the last 12 mnths there iia commumty, wh1ch has 6,000 ve . residents and 25 taverns, point been no cases of drunkenness.

. . ·: ·"":· ~·:.:.t· :·= •• ~· ~.' ' J: ..... · ..

Theatre. and John Millan's grandson In I By W. Edmunds Claussen scrawny timber. Reaching the '.'.:::....-~--- :


· Kelly not only stars In the "The Ten Commoodments." point where he had downed picture. he also produced and Combining humor, adventure 1gs7 by w. Edmunds Claumn. Distributlcf br NEA 1tmo. Ferris he sat the tin filled with i directed it. Featured In Its In· and romance, "The Happy • ;,....>.llf water beside the man and


, tcrnotlonnl cast are French Road" tells the story of an TilE STORY: Returning 1smal cllScade made by the water crouched on his bootheels. · 1 ..;tar Barbara Lange, England's American boy and a little from the Civil War to his . spilling from t h e flume. _He ~ampened Ferris' brow

th~ ~lichnei Rcdgrave, ten-year-old French girl, who runs away fath~es ranch In ArlzPna, I Through ali these motions his With h1s water and worked some and French child actress Brlgltt from a school In Switzer)l)nd. Dave Sharadln know1 thnt J brain was turning over the reply of i~ between Fe~ris' lips. T~c

The boy wants to join his he has many enemies. I he had received from the port10n that remamed In the tm widowed father, who Is opening Taylor Kains, his rather's house. ·It should have been he· fint~lly tossed over Ferris' an office In aPrls. The girl foreman Is determined to . hostile. He had been expecting scalp. Presently Ferris stirred. wants to be reunited with her tnim over the ranch somP.· a bullet; for this man was He sat upright. Dave said quiet- - -----dh•oreee mother. dny ami will resent Dave's poaching on Sharadin't grass Iy, "Take your time, Ferris.

Their adventures as they · retu1·ning. On lhe way to t·nd knew Block s would not When you're able we'll ride on I make their way to Paris via the ranch Dave is wayhid I stand for having its graze to Block S." water·bike, barge and trucks, by Ferris, a cowboy, and stolen in either large or small Ferris stared at him with eyes aided bT, a juvenile "under· now they battle with fist~. chunks. The very water he had which came &lowly into regist- 1

l!round, and culminating In I • • • I asked to usc had been paid for er. There was no longer hatred · their Involvement In a All· XVI with Bock s. Jives. in his look, almply a strange, Europe bicycle race, arc ~oth Da\'C began to lose !Jis fuZ7.1·1 When the can was filled he half-believing curiosity. D&ve ~uspcllseffl 8 n d thhilnn~us: ness. Ferris had earned his. re· 1 returned his glance to the expected to find ruined pride In t qua Y f ~~nt are te', ad\ en. spect, and now Dave rc:Jhzed [shack. "Thooks for the water," that gaze:-a challenge to try:

eunrtes ~~~ elri trestphec l\eid parf that he must get the man back' hecatled. again until Dave was humbled.· · · TO-DAY --·-·--------


Aldo RAY· Ph~ CARrf· Dick YO~K



[lL\Ni SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK-9.00 '1.\ TI!I1EE-2 p.m.

s, \1 o en s e a o It h I h . Th . f th' r . the school uthorlti th o t e B ock S. T ere was wa!cr '·Ar~ you a Block S man" ere was none o 1s qua tty . ·. French police a and ~~en :\just beyond the fence Prole hnr! the girl demanded. about ~erris. He climbed !~me·: < NATO army In their attempt I built .. Dave ga_zed towar:l the I :: l am Da~·e Sharadin:" ly to. h!s feet and wr.lked JD a .

1 to track down the youngtsers. sha_nt~, recalling the cool, . You don t seem ve11 much wcavm~ pattern. · . "The Happy Rot<l'' was film· I spnng. I hke the others." Ferr1s t~rus.~ out a hand, th~n

ed entirelv on locations in the 1 A wooden flume had been I • • • dropped 1t. Sharadm, you II south of France against settings I: lpld to bring the water into j SHE came forward two un· do. AI the wa~·." : of picturesque landscapes and Prole's ranch yard. Dave could, certain steps until the moon- • • • i medieval towns. The picture Is hear the water spla8hing from [!i!(ht brushed her allcht figure. hased on a screen play bv Ar· the end of the flume into a She was no more than nine, HALF an hour later they thur Jnll;,n, Joseph Morhaim I horse through. lie was con·! pcrh11ps 10. And then he was were close to the Bl.ock S. Da1·~ and Harry Kurnitz. scious that the shnnty's rear 1 shocked by the sight of her abruptly ?roke the stlence. "Tell I''-··--:~

door stood ajar. Someone waited' holding a rifle. It shouted aloud me, Ferns. W_hat kept th~ .. old GENE KELLY -BARBARA LAAGE

C • unseen In the dt~rk. j of the sorry condition of this man fr?Tfl closmg Prole out. 1 apttol He stopped uncertainly In his I country. _Ferns, sore douth unbent i tracks, tring to pierce the "Are you alone here?" Dave sllghtly. Your old m;o.n has got

T d blackness inside the shack. "I've ·asked. I a weaknes~. Only one I ever , 0· ay I ~ot to have water,'' he called: ":,Jy father will be home dl-1 f?_und .In hl~. ~akeup, Prole's

"TIIREE STRIPES IS TJIE mto the doorwa~·. , rcctly.'' ! ".1l.e \las rl~m •. S? ,Bluett held, SUN- WlTII ALDO RAY i He wasn't certain whether' "Shouldn't be by yourself this Kams of from ftvm them wh;;t,

AND PIIIL CAREY I he'd get a bullet from the ln· 1 !'lay," Dave told her, frowning.~w~. ha~decl the Br~.;;·,s." • I - side. But when the answer i "What's your name?'' .. shes ,dead no\1. · The fobulous real-life ro· 'came it was p!ez.sant. "You may 1 "Melinda Prole. If you'll wait . Yeah: F~ms. made a hea~­

mance that started two worlds, i ha\'e all you need." • :a little tiny while my father lng rr·ohon ,m .his saddle .. ".~, the lo\'e story or U.S. Army: It had been a girl's voice. a

1 will come b:;ck." guess now \\e _coo go ab.out 11. ·

sergeant Hugh O'Reilly and. \'ery young J!irl. But no ~·oung i He paused, listenlnR to the Dav~ recogmzcd the _facet of




TIM~S OF ~HOWS E\'E!\11!116 SHOWS: 1 p.m.-9.00

PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT! the beautiful Japanese girl who i girl would be here unprotected , lonely howl of a lobo wolf high Bluett~ character ol wh1ch none became hi& wife, Is depicted In; in these hills. He walked on to: (In the escarpment behind the of the crew would he aware. Col~mbla Pictures' "T h r e c, the trough, cupping his hands· cahir.. "Your father ever 1een Blue~! he.hl fast. to the memory Str1pes in the Sun," opening: beneath the flume. He brou~ht. )lo!wves'!" of hts wtfe. Thts was the sole , tomo~row at the Capitol Theatre: his palms upward, wetting his: ''He's not !lfrai~. either. I i generous huma~ trait Dave re·. · sttorrmg Aldo Ray as the·/· battered face .r,nd damping his; saw them one time, but I'm not • of h1s father. . . •



CJIILDREN. . . .. 25c, E\'Ef.ii!I1G-ADt:LTS ..... 75c. CHILDREN ..••. Sk.

\1,\Tl!I1EES-ADULTS .... SOc. CHILDREN ....... lie.

ATTRACTION geant, . fhll Carey and D1ck hair. Then finally he let the· scared of them." I Fems stared at lb1·e w1th h1s Y~rk and intro~lucing ~lltsuko il·ater run between his lips and i , go?d eye. "1_'11 s~y this. You're K1mura, , beautiful Ja~anese took a long, ~atisfying drink. . . He. took ~ long loo~ at her i gomg to be m a pm a~ soon as actr.~ss. Thrc.c Stripes m the An empty can lay b~neath the i ~tJndmg \lith her n_fle and 1 you show up at the BiOl·k S. The Sun· was filmed In Ja~an. trough. He fiiied it in the ~~hen t~rne~ &w~y carrymg that 1 d~ck's ~tacked again:;t you so Based on a magazine nrhcle,l--------·-·--·--.. ·1m age 111 h1s mmd. Her father, J h1gh the odds can't be tnuc!wd . "The Gentle Wolfhound'' by 1\Tlttrn for the screen by Rich·; ot course, ~as a Cool. He was. a Kal.ns' men arc ~oim! to put

NEXT ATTRACTION 101:1r~ •·THE RISJ!I1r. 01' TilE :\lOON" \VITH umn Tllt:.\TRF. CO)li'AN\' PI..\YERS •• , . \UY Ill.'IEil 1!11 TilE I')JER.\LD ISI.E!

E. J. Kahn, Jr., the new ard Murphy, who also d1rectcd.1. fool for bemg here on Sharadm j the1r spurs into you." 1


A c~.mpie'e lint ol At:!O Al\'ESSORIES

alway, ir. slock Ot\t. ~01 U

II \1\E!'.Y 1liE FJ:'\[q Bl\EAD, CAKES a~1 P.\STRIES llade :n ""' foundiand

0111 o·nnrs Ol.\1. ms


For all yo::r Bu!lrling REquircmr nts call

iOI•t - 80118

.R.\~;DEI.L. LTD. Bl'>G


Columbia romantic drama wu ·Fred Kohlmar produced. range in the first place. But (To Be Coutinuctl)


1\EID'S CONFECTIONERY -------- EMPIRE FRUIT STOnES HARRI~ & IDSCOCK LTD BRniAY SAFETY For the Freshest Fruit in GE"ERAL DARDW•R MATCHF.S Cigarettes. Fruit, Ice Cream ·• ,, E "


ar.·.~ Drinks. BAINE JOHNSTON Town call Distributors for Sunbeam Distributee! by We Give Good Service, C0:\1PANY, LTD. EMPIRE FRUIT STORE Electrical Applinnces. FRANK 1\lc NAMARA LTD.

Rownn StreLt. Dial 91054 Agency Department 144 Patrick Street, Dial 285Z Sporting Goods and Sports· Queen St. Dial 5143. 41 14.~ Watrr St. Dial noz 376 Duckworth St., Dial 3911 wear for all occarlon1.



Industrial Electrician& 77 Hamilton Street.

Ofll~..e 2274 Rei, 4SS'l

~OUR FRIGIDAIRE ! Locations: ___ ....;D;.;.;IA;;:L~5;:,;,01;:,.6 __ MEAT MARKETS DEALER



Wiring Materials, Wire and Agents for 127 NEW GOWER In'. DIAL 3469 Cablu, MotorA, Starters, UNDERWRITERS AT DIAL 3317 Complete up·to·date

Lamps, Switches, Llghtlnf LLO\'DS. Ctmplete Plumbing and Meat Market Fixtures, etc. · LOW RATES Healing Servic~



MHICE For .. \pp1:aisals of Real Estate

and Auc:ions in private homes.


t-;o. t Bideford Place




\IRE REPAIRS DIAL 5085 ___ ...;;,;;;.;;;..;..;.;~-- ERNEST CLOUS~ON, For all your PAINTING, --....,;;;,;,;,;;;..;;;;;;..... __ FISH STORES LIMITED - ----------, DIAL 3518 ·•--------




At ~ensonable ratea. ONES ELECTRIC 36 PRESCOTT M', 210 WATER ST. TOPSAIL ROAD PHONE 9343011. 10 PRESCOTT S'J', DIAL 22%6 DlAJ, 4183 Dial 4902A


DIAL 6-128 Service, Quality, Variety HEATING raetory: Water St., Hr. Grace ~~In~. • ~~~

Generators, Steam Irons and FURNITURE MOVERS 'l'\"""o:-"l::-~rw-11'11~-- _____ .;.;...,;..;...,. __

all Household Appliances. c. A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY HOUSEHOLD r,:OVERS PLUMBING and HEATING ,......,_-~-----



HAMILTON AVENUE SERVICE Packing, Crntlng, Shipping 36 Kings Road Dial !Sll DIAL 2958 • . Heating and Ventilation. Electrical Contractor Agentc; for Allied Van Lines HEARING AIDS Wedding Photos, Portraits Structural and Re-inforclnl • 408 Water Street, T. C. HIBBS, Manager and Commercial Photography

steel 8t. Jolm's, Newfound!BIId. Res. 6-155; Office 90061-2 BEL TONE HEf lUNG

-___ m;;.,A_L_so_m ___ ----P-ho_n_e _ea_u ___ LEDRI!:W'S EXP,.,ESS LTD GLASSES




Guaranteed against Cuts, Blowouts, Bruises,

Under Inflation. Call M,\RSHALL MOTORS

Water St. :>ial 80031




SEKVICES ENGIN 1111 DUCitWORTR liT. ES lncal and Ions distance mo•IJIJ,

----------- packlnf, eratiDJ and ahlpplliJ,

----------- Members of C.W.A. and M.M.T.A

DRUG STORES HEARING Newfoundland views artlstlc· SERVICE GLASSES ally mounted and framed. • mL FURNACE

. I

E. and S. BARBOUR LTD. Aaenls ·lor Unlled Van lin••· D, R, L<DDEW, MANAGER Distributors of: Ol!leo !81&, Warebouu to.\21

CALL See OUr selection. o REFRIGERATOU _____ _;____ o WASDERS

s. w. SHOR1 • RANGES


R. W. t..A.~.NES


OIL BURNERS Immediate Delivery

DI~L 92718

TRASJ- FOUNDR1 LTD. 362 WATER ST. Manufacturer• of







Dlstrlbuttd 11J FRANK

llkNAMAill LTD.

Dill IUI-M

CALVER A\'Z. DIAL 1150 • l77t

Anywhere, ArrJ place, Any time.


DiAl. ~lr.G lll··'fJ·dil (' 5'~f\ lCP

~lm•nwrtin~ Roud IliA!. 7lfofi



can bo obtained at COSSORS .DRUG STORE

33j WATER ST. DIAL 2208

Kelvin Marine Diesels Kelvin Ricar4o Gas Engines

Full Line of Spare Parts. m · m WATER ST,

DIAL 4611



Gifts, Games, Toys, Novelties, Cout's Carda

for all occasions DIAL 426~

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Waler 81. W••l 11. Jo)n't. You Choice of what you need


HOW!:E OF FLOWERS Serving St. John's from 1 locations:

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PORTUGAL COVE You can buy your grocerirs just as cheap aa In St. John'r and have them delivered to your d:)()r without charge.

We stve D.P.S. Stamp•


Certainly a handmaC:e article ' from NONIA If onl7 the Beat

will do. ·

209 • !11 DUCKWORTH ST. Paper and Paper Products



NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS o Slonn Subu aDd Dool'l • Add that extra room•. o Modernl.. your kltehOlll

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DIAL 450!




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E. R. RQGERS IS MeFarlanl! Sl.

'Phoae 6787







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Readers' Convenience ~-~ .. . ··' .. .. ·. '

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'•: ' I . ·: 1:

.. I " I• !

; i ';

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i ' I \ . ;·. II !I .,

~· ~ • ~ ' f.

.. . ~ f ,. [. ... • !



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1 I j I I 1

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Engineer. The lowest or any tender

will not necessarily be accepted.

E. B. FORAN, City Clerk

NOW ....

DAY SERVICE Just 48 hour~ is all we

need to prove that

we are offering the

finest, fastest and

most dependable

Service in Town.



Newloundland's Pioneer Dry Cleaner


MEDICAL ASSISTANT There b a ~lenn~· .iuh with a future lor ) ou in lhr Royal l'an~di~n .\rill)' ~!rdiral Corp~ ~~ a ~lcclic~l .\~si~lanl. l~xcrllrnt u·ainin~. ~ootl pa)' anrl other adl'antagcs of .\rm)' lifr make this an excellent opportun·j il)' for physica!l)' lit )'01111~ men of I i . 40 who meet Army sclec· : lion requirements. I The numbers that can be Be· 1

cepted are limitrd so apply now! i Get lull details from your Arm)' 1 Rccruilt>r. at the address shown bL'low. or mail the coupon lo: i



431 Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland

Tel. 8-0294

!\DDRESS •••••••. I ••• I •••••

~~\~1E ... I ••• I. It' I' •••••• 0.


CllY.TOI\'~ ............... ! . . .. tTrtephonc) j

PF.O\ J:>;C E ................. .

FOR RENT Furni~hcd Apartment consisting of one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom, situate Water· ford Bridge Rood. Sr.porotc cntronce. Rent $50. per month. For inspection and further particulars opply to


i '



Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd •

·------1 90 ALLANDALE RD. 'PHONE 9087 6


SWEEPSTAKE In Aid of the lions Club Sw1mming Pool


in beautiful two-tone fini;h

50c. o ticket-3 for $1.00 - $5.00 book of 15

(One prize per person) (eb14.cod-.l(

! l --r~-1

·--------GAZE SEED CO.-SPRING 1958

WI~ 11.\\'E FOR FIRST 11.\LF .\I'Rll. TIELIVERY. 200,000 E.\Rt \' C.\81\Afif. PL.\ :'iTS.


: •. ooo ths. UW ,\RF ESSEX, !flO lb. Sat·ks .\Lt. !'\EW St:EDS


Al.l. SniBER OSI-: SEED FHO)J TilE BEST GROWER. !look l'L:\:oi'I'S SOW, as u1·er hatr SUJ!ply alread)· booked.


Zoning Appeal Board

:The following appeal from' the decision of the City Building Inspector will be

1 he a r d by · the Zoning :

GAZE SEED Appeal Boord on Tuesday,

COMPANY .March 1s, 1958, ot 12.oo 'I'IIUi\1-: 4:12l /o'clock Noon, in the City ' ~ 10 \\':\'1'1-:R S'l'ltl:t-:'1'

mi. I~ , Hall: i --------------! Jome~ Murphy, •

I 61 Queen's Rood, : Confectionery Store. • Any persons whose pro·


) ~erties ore affected by the : , obove appeal hove the · right to be heard and to ! give evidence thereon.

Any person intending to oppeol before the Board is

. hereby requested to n<»tify 1 the undersigned.


THE 1958

"Model" Sweepsta slS,OOO.OO In Prizes

111r- 31 C-ASH PRIZES First 25 Sets presented will be worfh $200.

5 Prizes of sl,OOO. each

25 Contests of s200. each


..... s5, .... s5,0 ss,o

The contest will consist of Ten letters





I 23 30 21 26 16 25


.. PRIZE '•


(llnder the Disting ' )lost Rel'ere~


: ~IThree Tic It is unlawful to use the mails with regards to sweepstaket r

' .~

the Committee advises would-be purchasers or vendors nol ~~- ' ·;

use this means of communication.

TICKETS 50 ·cents eacl· On Sale Thursday March 1 ~~·

"Mrs. Also

1\amH of pcrfor


of Hall at 5j6 l\ight-Re~e

20r. General a Direct1

E. B. FORAN, ~~~~~-~--~-~--~--~~-~~-~~-~-~~~~:;:::;:;~;::::~ Secretory:·= SP Bell Island Goes liberal

THJ~ NATIONAL LEADER o£ the Lihl'ra] Party of Canada was to say tl1l' IC'ast thrilll'd with the lreml'ndous grel'ting accorded him on his Newfonmlland visit. Tlw llonottrahle Lester H. l'e'arson, Canada's only winner of the Nobel Peace l'rize, was in the midst of dclh-cring his address before a packed house at the C.L.B. Armoury when the above picture was taken. Thi~ shot shows many Liberal supporters from Bell Island marching dcl\vn the centre aisle of the auditorium with plack­ards waving, The Bell Islanders were also shouting their all-out hncl•ing for the Liberal cancliclate in St .• J11hn's Easl, Greg O'Grady, anrlalso for the Liberal candidates in all the ridings. Mr. Pear­son said that it was indeed a "pleasant inlerruptio n." He added that a scene such as this makes a political rnlly in Newfnunclhltlcl "Far Superior" to ones that are held on the Canadian mainland. Approximately 17 hundred ardent Liberal suppor lers turned out to greet the Liberal leader at the C.L.B. Armoury, who later addressed a similar house at the Holy Cross The Be11 Js­landt'rs' dt'monstration is just typical of the greeting Liberal candidates are receiving everywhere l.n New.(oundhmd.

I I 'renders For Reinfor~:ed i

Concrete Bridge

1 Sea!•ct te1•tlcr; ••·ill be r~· rel•·~d ,1p to Werlnesda)'. A~rll 9th 19~R for the constru~.tton

! of ~ reinforced concret.e br1dge 'I at Neyles Brook, 10 miles west of Glenwood. .

I. 2. l'l:tn~ aud sprLifirahon~

(01' lh~ reinfur••d l'Oncrete . ~ti'Uclurr may IJr lllspeclcd_ at • lhr Roads Draughtmg . Ofllcr .. i court Hou~e. St. .Johns and: : •·opiB may he ohtainerl up~n: application to the Revenur Clet k i

or 1 hi~ Department n~on rlr· . posit of ~25.00 which w!ll _h, rt· ,

· runrlrd to 1hr trudcrrr 1f th~ '"~l1.' and ~prcificatinns arr. TP·

lnrnrd ln thr Departmrnl. 3. Trn<lrt·~ must hr maM nn

1 form~ prn\'irlrrl h)' th~ Oepa~t- • mrnt , 11 rl mml he mhmiltrrl '" a •ralrd rn1·r.lope ~ddrrsserl_ In thr J)epulv ~lini~trr of Ht~h·,

l "'"''~. Thr word~ "TPnrl~r.! ! Ne~·lr~ Brook Brirlge," arP to; 1 he writtrn across the face of i 1 th . envelope. 1

4. Tenrlers must be accom· . panic<l by an approHd acrrpted · chequ~ for $100.00 as a snrrtr thai the tenderer will, i{ ~ur· , ccssful. enter inlo a contract · wi1h the Departmc~lt. The si~C·f re~s!ul trnrlcrer w11l be requn·· 1 rd to Mposit further sums to 1

I bring the total deposit up to! i ten percent or the amount of . the aecep!Nl tender, to be held ; i as security for the proper and 1 sausractorr performance or th_e i contract. ln lieu o( cash rlepos1t I the successful tendfrer may , furnish a surety bond approved 1 bv the Department for the amount o{ 50% o( the total sum tenrlcred.

5. The Department does not bind itseH to accept the lowest or any tender.

C. A, KNIGHT, Assistant l>eputy 1\Unlstcr. I

: l:lrp~rtmrn1 nl lli~h~~·~~··· : ·1'1 . .Tnhn'•. Nell'foundlanri. i mar 1Z.2i,eod

Inviting Subtrade Quotations for construction of BUILDINGS and AIRFIELD FACILITIES (CY-58) Harmon Field, Newfoundland, same to reach our Office on or before March 20, 1958 •

Eastern Woodworkers Ltd. NEW GlASGOW, N.S .


Large Firm Wants Man 30 to 40, who has hod bonking, clerical, or soles_ experience for local office. Good salary, Group Insurance and Pension Benefits.

Please give full particulars as to age, experience, etc., to

BOX No. 32, Doily New'


co., Rarlio. 'l'elt'l i·.·•ll

Rdri)(l'l'Jlors 11 •

Elrt'lric 1: ' Floor

Public T~pe nrr

RF.P.\IRS ,\\11 5 1,1\l:~

Dl.\ L ~nPJ 1~

WATER j;;n26.JJ·.

~~~ ____ N_O_T_I_C_E_ ..... _ .. , PLl:~lBJSG I P.M.

The annual general meeting of the shareholder~ of the Greet Eastern Oil and Import Co., Ltd.,

·will be held in the Offices of the Company, Woter Street, on WEDNESDAY, March 19th, ot 8.00 p.m.

By order of the Directors. F. BURRIDGE, Secretary

m6.7,10, 11.12,19



Hearing Aid Consultants.

)90 ~rw Gower l't. ('ornrl Sq.

Dial SZ61


installation ~nd to all IJ'pr~ ·



t. Pc lj



:ak zes


;,oo )0




\'llE A.. lG~ W .o\TER

P.O. Bos !15


NEWS,E· .. JOHN'S, NFLD.,· WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1958 15 v..-:;;;...--



I N G 0 23 32 59 65 30 44 48 61 21 . 43 49 74 26 35 54 72 16 40 56 63 25 33 46 64

27 41 51 70 66 71

31 67


.. th• fl<~titlgUi$hed Patronage of His Grace the )lot Ro'\Wend P. J. Skinner, C.J.~I., D.D.)



Tickets To Killarney" "Mrs. O'Leary's Cow"

Also GRAND CONCERT '~'"'" ~~ I" ··:ormcrs will appear 111 Friday's paper)


Patrick's Afternoon & Night · ~: n.:: •· :ii6 Water Sll·eet \\'est or 'Phnne 7702A·

.'i;;~: · !ir,rne ~1.00 and 75r. ~latinr1• 50c, ·!Or. Gr:.~r.;l adllli>!ion 50r. night. ~latince 20c,

Directed by Kathleen Hayes

SPECIAL uded in Furniture Effects

sold at 116 Springdale

at 10.30 a.m. To-day will



Joseph Fitzgibbon 2006 Auctioneer


~ ~ UIUUO IMR .m1 ~ Dancing, Dining-Nitely. ~~ Slcaks Spccinlt~·. TOPSAIL ROAD CAR LOT OPEN FROM ; Mon. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 n.m. k Brookfield Rd. Tel. 90026 r , 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY'S.

r *********** 1

SPECIALS TO-DAY :::.".:I ' ...... ;.'::;,: .. ~ ... .,..: ~ .

. ·---1 . 1956 DODGE REGENT ........................ $1525.00 . .... , .. ~;,_.,.1954 DODGE ...................................... $750.00 ~ -~.

~ ... '-t·t- .< • '

Velvet Horn Club

·-.. -................ .,...... ·u-·· .·. , · ... . r. PADDY'S DAY DANCE

Time 4 p.m.-1 a.m. Prizes and Fun with

Commandos Orchestra. Cover 3.00 double. 1


..... -.. ........ ... OtK4to, ... ,a...,...;.


·ro m:sr an nt•ari ment ccn· taining large ih•ing room, three bedrooms. built·in· kitchen. hot and colrl water. oil furnace and hardwood floors. Situate one mile <mtside the city. 'Phon!! 7367.

I Bt:At;TYI.AND. 129 Queen's

Road. SPECIAL - $15.00 Cold Wav• 510.00; 512.00

I Cold Wave SR.OO;. $10.00 i Permanent Wave $5.00. · Open evenings. Dial 6534.

Sparkling 1 FOR SAI.E-China cabinet,

chrome cabinet, coffee j FOR ALL YOUR SPARKLING table, overmanll~. dining and Painting needs. Spark· room table, coal range, ling a speciality, Diai6013L,

AUCTION· dinette set, carpet, piano G. Crane. febll,lmth accordion, guitar. Rogers -- -------.. - 1

cutlery set. leather suit 'PI AN 0 AND ORGAN i case and all kinds of used 1 TV:\'ING-For prompt ser·


furniture. Laite's Furni· vice contract L. Goulding, I ture Store. 210 New Gower 135 Newtown Road. Dial I STADIuM _ Street. Telephone 6370. . . _9_0._3i0.' feb25.3m.

Help Wanted - Male Wall Washing TO-NIGHT


SKATING 9 o'clock·

Admission SOc

, TWICE AS GREAT IN '58- 'WAI.L Wt\SHJNG - Walls I Our New Spring and Sum· I cleaned by ;1ew machine.

mer samples of lllade·lo· ' Results perfect; saves ~Ieasure clothes, low prices. paint.-New Method Rug Big profits. Free suit. Be 11 1

I the first in your district. and Wa C caners, Fresh· Write at once. Full or water Road, 'Phone 91033. spare time. Even begin· ag25•1m. ners make big pay el·ery . NEW 1\-IE_T_H_O_D_R_U_G_CL_E_AN-.-

! day. Cioodwear Clothes, ERS. Rugs and Carpet made Dept. 1260 P · 0· Box 652• to klok like new. Von :\tontreal, Que. Schrader proeeu adds years mar12.14 to life of rugs. Cleaned in ··--·---ml2,13

·=~~~~~~~~:CALLING ALL LADIES ! ---- · Start to·day to a brighter

home or at our plant. 'Phone 91033. New Method Rug Cleaners, Freshwater Road. WANTED future. Turn ~·our spare

hours Into cash. by just

1.30 p.m. ! . I



CATTLE, (Subject to arrival)

4 Female 1 showing to friends, neigh· hours, our large salrs Outfit of 'over 175 nrwest 1~5B

Assistants samples for ladies-chi!· dren and mrn. E1·ery

for Seed Business. household need~ these



1 items. Experience not Apply in person. ,. neres~ar;·. Your own per·

~onal clothing FREE. Write Gaze Seed Co.: today !or Giant s~le~ out·

I fit. Dept. 760, Blake·Walker

· Co., P.O. Box 657, Montreal, 410 WATER ST. mar7,10,!2 I Que. ----------· "INVEST IN REST." Sleep

ROCK EXCAVATION romfartably. we apecia)ize In repairing and recondition·

· Rock boulder~ or cliff removed. Done safely and guaranteed, regardless of the nearness of buildings. At a cost :wailabie t all. Also Bhallow well drilling.


'Phone Mr. George Bonnell, Dnnnvllle.

At St. John's cnll 6700H





lng all types Springs and Mattresses. Guaranteed work. Mattresses for back ailments a specialty. 'Phone 6449 or 3361, Standard Bedding Company, Ltd., Flower Hill. feb20,tf.


of Washing Mnebines, Floor Polishers, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. For prompt aervie• Dial 6013·1, G, Crane. fcblt,lmtb.



Collie Pup. FUR~IS~E~R~g~ERN I



Attached Garage. 1951 BUICK

can be included in sale.

8 9990 i Apply at Premises. OX marl1.41 ·-- ·---

DAILY NEWS NOTICE Three weeks from thl~ date,

we wish to make application to the Board of Liquor Control. St. I John's, for license to sell beer, i

I wine and other spirits in the 1

Canadian Legion Club. Upper Island Cove. Conception Bay. (Sgd.) NATHANIEL JO!'<ES,

President. mar12, 19,2~




R~gular 8 a.m. train lra,•ing


ST I PATRICK'S DAY APPEAl Kindly send contributions to the .Home; Mrs. H. Outerbridge, 21 Ki~g's Bridge Rood; Mrs. W. H. Peters, 52 Bonaventure Avenue; Mrs. Ethel Ren· dell, 30 Queen's Road; Mrs. W. H. Crane, 44 Carpasian Road; Mrs. W. J. Fib.gerald, 69

Rennie's Mill Road.


Tonight At 8:45 Schedule: 22 games for $10. each; 4 games for . S 15. each; 3 games for $25. each and 1 game for $100.

e 30 GAM~S FOR $1. . ----------


BUSINESS Nice ~ize Store and large property, 15 room House, heated, hot and cold water, bathroom,: 5Cwcrcge. place for hotel. Abo1JI 1 50 f.,!'! I from Town Square, Bell Island, oppCJ'it~ nr.w Park, short di;tance from new Pc:> .. ,t Oiii~~·. C,.,t~r.l size ymd md two other h.Ju>r>5 r<"Pt"rJ, O~" ·~f the houses 8 rooms and thP. othet ;. roon~>. P.r:J:..i; . for inspection Or"}' limP.

lntcres!ed parties <tpply to


St. Patrick's Night ENTERTAINMENT


under the direction of Capt. J. J. O'Grady


'Jenny Kissed Me' Abo

Selections by the School Choir under the direction of Professor Norman Browne

St. PATRICK'S HALL AUDITORIUM (Bonaventure Avenue) I !1.00-PEE WEE IIOCKt:V.

j 8.30-SENIOR AI.L·ST AR ~~--~-~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 PRACTICE.


THE l..'ENTRAL BARBER SIIOP. We are now operat· lng six chairs. You can be assured of the best possible 8ervlce pllis the least pos­sible waiting. 24 New Gower Street, opp. Adelaide Mo­tors. If you prefer appoint· ment service 'Phone :1367.

1 St .• John's Frirlay, :lfarch 14th .. will make connection at Ar· ~entia with :lfotor Vessel !or the West Run Placentia Bay.

MARCH 17, 1958,

Patrick's Night

DANCE Sponsored by St. John's Lions Club


PRINCE'S ORCHESTRA Tickets1 $5.00 Double

D (~upper includedl . ance Broadcast by VOCM from 11.30 to 12.

Lions Ray MacGillivray-7608, John George Tessier-730'1·A, Terry

res1,.v~-,,:: .dLarry Sutherland-3664 or dial 3031. esk.

CLOTHES makt the man if CHAFI make• the clotheJ






1 9 s 4 VANGUARD



DIAL 80378-9 ·

TEACHERS The Amalgamated School Board of Gander In· vites applications from TEACHERS to fill the positions cf,

1. PRINCIPAL 2. SCIENCE TEACHER to teach Physics and

Chemistry. 3. Primary, Elementary and High School grad•

TEACHERS. New School, opened in September, 1957, will

· have twenty-nine classes next school-year with an enrolment of about eleven hundred.

Equipped laboratory for science teaching.

Residence for both married and single teach· ers. Applicants should give fuJI. details of quali· fications ond should forward recommendations or other references. Apply to the



at 8.15 p.m.

Reserved seals .. .75c. General Admission .. .50c.

Tickets may be obtained from pupils of the School or by calling the School Office, 2166.


WANTED CHIEF QUALIFICATIONS: IMAGINATION AND DRAWING ABILITY. Also helpful: knowledge of newspaper lay-out work, display and decorating,

and typing. (Both men and women considered for this position).,

Apply in person




( .J )

... : I

: . : I; . . '

:. I '' I !· •i I

•• ;.; . :



r-· •• i·-·_ ~

....... -{.: . •• . ,J


. '


' .,


·1 1


Men ~s C. Service Interpreting The New~

M . ' agtstrate s I I

For Fast Taxi ' I I VEGETABLES •• Court I Howling teague

R~· .JOSEPU MacS\\'EEN A man was remanded lor

Service I ' ' OF


1 ('nnadlan Press Staff Writer eight days pending a medical 11'~ a cc11nintv that the foreign examination In Magistrate's

WINS CHAJWIONSHIP: m!ni~tm now' holding thch' Court Tuesday. The man had ---·- 1 SI·:ATO conference in Manila arc been brought before the court



Dial 2424-2410 i



Last nil:ht at St. Pal's ,\lll·~·s the boys from the A.udilol's team b~· tal\ing thl'ce frames off the D.N.D. clinched the hll\•·lin~ honfllll'S in this League.


I Open 6.30 a.m. to , .. !


! l;ecpin!: a worried e~·e on the In· on a charge of breaking and : do1wsian cil'il war. . . entering with intent to commit 1 Althou:;h lndonPsla 1~ not a an indictable offence. , 1 SJ~,~TO mr;•1hrr. 1t poses the A local driver was sentenced Please Don t Eat 1

I :

' - -i


-- '

11~11.\l~t:~·s With a knoll)' problem ito SCI'en days in jail prohi· The Dc.:sies : 1 h.t.~ll~•- 11 hatrhm!ncns there has i bited from dril'in~ for two years

: o~11 tons imp.1cahons I or the


b M . t te Hunh O'Neill on Jean Kerr ........... $4.00 ! c1r,hl·mrmber pact. Y • ai!IIS ra . . " • 1

I · , . . .· . a drunken .drmng charge. The Maggae - Now ;

. SE:\TO 1s fa.ccd 11 11h .a .s1t11a· t offence occurred 011 the Torbay · · llor. u! lndonesnl whc1·c It 1s th? 1 R d Fchru"-l'l' 4111 when the . , . . , h , . .. . , Betty Sm1th ....... .... $4.00 ,

lt•stnbhshrd gOI'Ct'nment that IS' oa on ''. . I~ hrl eh)' gi\Cn t ~~ Certltlcatc: Th Wh" w· h I

I open to char::es of Communist in· I defcn~ant ~~·as r~ulllt 111 an un· :of Registry .No. C·1999 has .t?is; e. Jte ltC .


FANCY TURNIPS-50 lb. Sacks FANCY PARSNIPS-40 lb. Hampers

P.E.I. POTATOES-75 lb. Sacks


EXTRA FANCY "SUNKIST" CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 113s . tongratulat!tms are

extetulcd t.o the team. name!~·: W. Barron, E. Noseworthy. G. Flynn, Rnd C. l.ockc.

. tlnencl'. Tl.1e besieged rebels in c~nscwus .con•lillon~. slumped date beer 1ssued to . the ~CO· i Elrzabeth Goudge $3.00 ; ~I hi• out~r Islands have said that I olcr the II heel of his car. NO~IIC INSURANCE cml·. N B B "' d AI e I I tlw ouster or Communists from~----·- ...... ---------·--- PANY LIMITED. autl.orizin~ it ot Y r"'o on i Prcsidrnl Suknrno:s central go~·· 111 Communist intlu~nc~. The de· to transact in the PROVINCE j Vladimir Dudintsev 3. 95 I

1 rml~f'nt h~ .Ja1'a 1s one of the1r I nmndcd that th~ owr islands rc· ·OF NEWFOUNDLAND the bus . Time and The Hour I r can)mal mm~. . . c~il'e a gr~r.tcr s··~re from their I iness of: I .




I Rc~Ult> I t\nttil-3 w.''"' ~~1 ~no E. :\ osr1rbr hmrw z.:o,cwol't:t~· 22!i 2~2 G. r:ynn 212 212 C. L:Jckr J 6ti I ;a

1124 011 D.X.Il.-0 ll. l't•nnor~ 1411 liO P. Rrrwt•r H1i 21:1 1\. nunph1· ~18 182 ~1. ~l;ll'lill li2 2ti:!

676 836

! II .s II urohl~m .• cnl!m~ ~o~ dl~· Hlmndant resources. I fliRt: INSURANCE. Howard Spnng .... $3.50 • I c:rll,ot~ by .~.he. SE/110 .numsters ro~il.l' !;,\H,., ••.• IlJ~E;o.; BOII.ER Il'iSURANCE, ex· s, !vester !

_ o, ~hmppr~r~. Rr1laln. the t.a't :-IOI'f'mb~r. nn attempt was , clmllng 1\lachinery Insurance, ! Y i 1~6 ~~.6 I "'.tc.d .stal~s .. !'ranee, Paklsta1~. nude to a~sa;;?inate Sul;arn?· bul: EXPLOSION INSURASet:. ! G:orgeltr: Heye~ .. $3.50 I 1~~~ rt~U~ ·)~~~.~aha, i\e11 Zealand and Thai· lin• n•bcl~ dcnred any Jlllrl m the . PLATE GLASS INSURANCE,. G~ . ~ ... :1 My R1ght 1 m tiS! ; XF.\'ER usn-tEn act. I RE.\L PROPE~TY INSUR· i Alfred Duggan .... $3.00 all ti:i51 lllthot•;:h SE:\TO ~xi~t~ to fi!lhl Thr .Ja!;arta g01wnnwn1 tlwn . ancc and, In a1ld1hon thereto, , I I filii :!liSI ·communism. any criticism of Sn· o1wncd its cnmp:.•h;n to wrest j EARTHQUAKE I~SURANCE !ntroducm; Portuga I

l:::rno h~·thr ministers would he \\'e:<l :'\NI' (iuhH:a.a rcmot~. un- F.<\LLING AIRCRAFT IN· ~ Cedric Salter ........ $3.7 5 : 1 Rll 508 .l"RJll'<l u~ou 11s unforgil'ahlc mcd· tnmcd tm·itor)'. tromthc Dutch. 'SURA!'iCE, Th V Of 1 I w; 536 dl'n~ !n the inl~rnnl affairs on In· It. is :;cncrnll~· conceded now th~ UlP:\CT m· n:mcu:s IN· e oyage

233 !i:i3 do:~c~!.a. . . thl~ was m~stly an all•:mnt to .dt· . SUR/.XCt:, . Me: flower 11 q''i ti5n 1 :'\,\I 0-Sb\TO's s1slcr pact- Hrt nttcnhon from the g1·owmg , HAIL INSUR.\:'iCE. 1 ' • h j $3 5 ' 87i4 ~:i76 nl~o faced a batkgrounil problem inl'rnnl crisis. i SPRINKI.ER U:AKA<H>. Warwick C ar ton .7


or .r~l.mnt ·~·~r 11hr~ its Decem· ~~~~'ll'a~·, it J:a~·c. rise t~ a~ rc~·, INSURA:SCE, Challenger-The Life N,E.!'.- 2 ~1c1 s~mm.llt mcetnu: w~s held nomiC 11ar Dut~h mtel·i WATER DAMAGE ISSUR, h"

1·. Fi:•ht'l' ltH ~lltl ~ii:l ti 1i m ~nr1s with Ft•nncc hatthng AI· esls in lndonrs1a m .. whtc~ both! MiCE, 1 Of A Survey S 1p

'PHONES 5143 • 5144 QUEEN

H. l.ahrl' ~111 14:1 15H 51n ~~·nnn. rrhrl.< .. Fran~e. one .or suffcrrd ~e.l'crel~·. I hr. Islands i WE.\THER ISSVR:\:'I'l'E anrl Ca t G. S. Ritchie $5.75 1;. <·:,cr;ll'fl 21 ,~ 2~H ., 1. ro· :'\ATO s kr)' nnlton~. ftrml)' mam· lull'e hren m ferment smcc. I P , . 1:. Rudden ~67 :m j11~ ~P.~, 1~1inrd r.hat Algrria was a domes· WISDSTOR:\1 INSl!RAsn:, The Golden Sovere1gn ! • ·------

8:il p4 ~ 815 ~tilj i tt\nlln1u·... . . ·limited to the insurance of the: Richard Church ... $3.75, Clttldi·en's

1 : t. t .w uux of the lndonrs1nn same proper!'' as is insured un· rf :1! 2 6~7 ~~·1s1s 1s the t:.wt that the 3,{1()(). I dl'l' a policy ~~lire insurance of The Wonde ul 0 . p }

iHairdo Is :Sensation 1:. T:lii'IH' 1711 11i2

Tl. Willim••~ 1114 101 ~1. ()~.-j, J;jl 214 It ~lo~rrh llli J:i!l

21:i :.uul' ~:~~~~~~c r:p::~l!~l'(:•a;a(CI'Cl'. r~all~ Ill he l'ompan)', James Thurber ... $3.95. uzz e ~114 -,11,1 . 1 10n smcr 1

• 5a'l ~~·?~' mdepen~rnce from The ~cth· i K. R. llacGnt:GoR. . ~~~ ')'lj•l' lllomds Ill ].l~n. . i SU)lerintcndcnt of Insurance, o· k & c Ltd \ .. ·'~ -- " 1 '~~~~ . thr Commu.mst 1:ole I~ 1 Oll~wr •• Frbruary 3. 1958. I( S 0., • ··,,


R\' AUCIA HART I 1\'omcnwho want a hain·ut 700 fi:Jfi

1 hr.H) m l~e repu~hc. wh1ch ha.<; I fcb2G.m~r5,12.1!1 . ·~· 'I~ f:'l'll Shu tis-'! (."lll . 'talmlou~ nche~ m natural I'P.·: • I The Booksellers

. b1H not a set. who want to get in l · and out of a beaut\' salon in half : an hour. who want a nalltral· : p b I'

h. 1\rnnrdy ~n; li~ ~·101 s1!m:cc~. and With 84.000.000 pop· l R. Holh•tt ~~2 :!OR 1!11 b4llut~tlon IS 1he world's sixth largrst 1

Tl. t;r~)· 212 2211 :!lO fi421n:uion. · I F. flocl~rr~ 2:i0 267 :!115 812 XJ.:\\' TACTH'S

n ·I !!till 846 2tl2:i :'~ rarly as 19:i2 arm~· officer~ ~lrt·h:mk•-1 i tncd unsuccessfully to seize the :

•·. \\'i:.'ltll ll>~ '1115 1"~ "'I J •· . · • ' ,., I' aoarta llOI'ernmcnt and other at· n ~J .... nn 142 2:18 Hil H.i1l tempts fail~d in 195:i and l95fi ,,· O'Dea l~!! 218 :!20 500 Failing in their'hend·on allempt~ · Ri<-harci>on 102 215 153 470j on lhe cenlral government, the ·

~;.n 976 711 2242 rebels adoptt>d a different atrat· l ejly late in 1936-switching their :

('SR At·t·otm!~-3 1 operations to the rich outer is· .1. 1\'J<Irlrn 210 238 !!Oii 743flands. on which Java depends in Hollow;~)· 1~2 1~5 !til 5211, an economic way. I \\'. En~li~h 1115 224 158 5671 In ~larch 19ai, the Jakarta cab· I fl. Xu~rnl 2P4 247 1!11 732 . inel fell and Suknrno declared a I

!lfil 8114 8tl5 2570 : ~tale. of war emergency, insUtut· n•o-0 . m~ h1s program of "guided demo· 1

E. ll:u·num 1~0 1R:i 227 602 l'\'acy" and permitting commu- 1 \\'. r:.c;.·i•rr 184 :llfi IHI ;,o; I msts to serl'e on an important 1 A. t.1•amon Hi 1:i:i 119 400' go1·~mment advisorv council. I E. l\rm1•.·r:.1· l~ii JAR 233 557: Thl' rebels charged that the new

HR 724 74 2210 ~o1·crnment was corrupt and open

r .u .-·!-. I. :-iprali 1fi4 I'. .llarl.r)' 121 1'. ~lurph~· 1!11 T Elford 181

65; ('~R ~turrs-1 R. I:ona~·nc 25£) 1\. \\'bairn 2~.;

1'. ~li!l'k~~· 1!15 .1. r('(ldlr IP.8


I.ahnratnr~·-3 J·:. Lr·(;: .. 1\\' 1~0 ,. !lodrlrr lliR (', n,~r 101 0 \\ hc:kr :~ml


l'islll'ril•,-t1 l't:rlt•rlli!.l' 121\

·' \l'al;;h 106 T llor.~ h ur 1411 J. Elhotl Jill


21i0 I ::ti 210 104 SOP

196 1:10 136 :!62 724

1119 189 152 :!68 8118

m 209 152 176 ti94

i :GPO ~o. 2-D

2:12 tiS:i , Kennech· 228 152 4119 I D. Her.l.h 193 202 603! N. Carew 179 188 :i63


' 1.. Pkco 182 774 :!240 7112 . 196 648 i \\'elf art-! 213 588 ·C. Harding 202 1111 502 E. Johnson 224 1«4 614 ~orensrn 224 754 2352 ll. Spearn~ 200

850 Exllrt'ss-1

217 ;;86.R. Stacey 108 125 4fl2. ·r Wickham 178 21:! 5:i6 <t. Penney :no 244 7RO II\\'. \\'~l~h 181 i99 2404 677

174 4~9 1 Cil'll Sn. 1-2

160 106 208 176 650

326 161 185 221 893

122 227 100 177 626

1~1 466 1 F. Crocker 18.~ 386 210 510 1 D. Whittle 185 231 158 4115 L. :.teaney 180 172 6113 1930 D. :.teaclus 214 280

179 :167 130 429 186 573 182 540 677 2109

~28 11i6 541 249 658 242 663 647 2300

210 440 213 618 162 472 220 588 805 2108

: Spin 4425 or 200B or 3191 I

' -- .. ---·---


I looking hairdo. will welcome a U IC I new cutting technique just : dCI'Ciopecl. I Your hair is shampooed. then Application; :<r~ : tul, arranged but not set. dried fill ~ number ui I fo:- five minutes and you're fin· the District Sch<.>,JI 'ished and ready to leave. You staff ol the DepM~ment

\ , '· · h~1·e a hairdo that's easy to man cation.

Certificate Of i


~~ ~. 1} •

1·,". 1 a~e. Your stvlist will gil'e vou . ·

• •. ''• • \' ! d1rections for "taking care of it Vacancies ext> I a~ REASONABLE RATES l4 r I • • • 0 (I) Roman c • . 1 :lb 1 until rour next visit. · 12 ) Church of

GUARANTEED WORK .l. • : Developed by Coiffures Ameri- 13 ) United cnu i ; ~· • \ . cana. the new cutting may be had ( 4) Salvation .\rmr

'P H 0 N E 7313 .I • ~ in salons across the country. Salaries will br on ' Under the Community Councils ' This shaped ~utting is based on following scale~


1 · a knowledge of your hair texture Act, 1956 ' anci type. It works for every- qnl!ifications:-

f Electronic . thing but very limp 0 r fine hair. (a) $4400·l00-5QOO. . Pursunnt to I he proviSions. 0 1 It's a kind of beaulv serl'ice (b) 54400·100'5600· • Section 7 of The Commumty' C Ltd ·that salons have not oifered be. (c) 55000·100'6000· I Councils Acl. 1958, I hereby I entre . fore. It means a real S31'ing in Preference wil: be 'certih· the area described or . • tim" for busy women as well as candidates holdin~ commonly known as 90 CAMPBELL AVE. I· a finished hairdo that looks nei- degrees and who

North West River 01 A '· ther "sel" nor st1'ff. , sidcrahle and ••"nnn,,,., I I I -om A,"ter hours 'PHONE 64 ' to be a oca go,•crnmen • · "" : ing experience :.1

munity by the name of: t C 1

J.EST TO RUSSIA ' land . "The Local Gol'ernmen om· WILD RICE HARVEST D · ld the I Applications should

munitv of North West River and unng ~\'or War ll. . is

her"eb" authorized to provide Most ol the annual crop of. 'United Str.tes lent Russia 585, informahon c?n ' ! II . wild rice 'till is handharvested , , 1 nal'al craft. including' frigates I date:s_ ·educatiOn.

and maintain the o owmg ser· · bl' Indians in the lake rcgiou~ II\ THE ll ORK BASKET : and ice·breaker!. In addition, : quahf1cat1ons. vices and controls:- 0£ Minnesota, Wisconsin and th~ Bertha's au~t asked he~ hl !121 merchant vessel! were sent, ence. age,

Drainage, Fire Prevention and Canadian province• D[ Mani· fetch !Omet.hmg. ~he sa1d 1t 1 10 Russia under !end-lease. other r~levant lll"'"l"'"'' Protection, Garbage and Waste toba and Ontari. was somcthmg wh1ch was one 1 --· Candidates s Disposal, Sewerage, Local -- -· ... - · ------ but was always a pair .. Join all• T.B. (1). Lewisporte, N.D.B. their application; to Rrads, Wal~r. Supply,. r!aY· 1 ENGAGEl'tlE:'i~- __ the numbered dots together.; (epidemic). ::llinister of Educ,:IOr.

Jrs. - \\lake a dramatic en· Zgro~nds.T B~~\dmg.d S1~~~~;o~t -·;r---;nd-~i~s- St~~lev '!arlin. starting with dot number one : Rubella-Lewisporte, :\.D.B. hi: hands not latN :h;r. trance .in this sahl:c-sli'!' sheath i onmg, ra IC an '17 G'olf Al:em;e, annou~c~ the an~ en.ding with d~t numbl'l:' (epidemic). )larch 10, 1958. thai eriSsrrosscs h1gh m front,


, Large. . h' g m nt of their onh· thlrly·SIX and you wtll sec wh;o, Chicken Pox-St John's ( ll d'p 1 · 1 k y h . Dated a! St John's this 4t en age c · B th f d · h · k b · ' · ' s .?w m ~a~ . ou a\.e a I . . . • 'd ghter Helen to Charle5. only er a oun. In .er \\Or a~· Burin Bay (3), \\'andsworth. real poured·m .look -. stnc~ly

1 day of ~larch. A.D., l9<>8. 1 au f ~lr~ a~d the Jatf' :\!r ket. Color w1th your crayons. Burin District ( 1 l Pcterview

sensatiOnal! EnJOV bewmg With B. J. ABBOTT, ~on o · · · ' . . --- ---·--· our easy Printed . Pattern. I, ~llnlster of l'olnnicipal Arlalr~ \ Charles Cu!l. 6~~~nroe Street. . } R , Botwood o.>. B.o!wood ( 1). •

. Printe.d Pattern 4653: .Jr.' !\I iss I Affairs and Supply, . ~-- DEATIIS I Week y eport Gastro Enlwlls-St. John. S1zes 9, 11, 13. 1:;, 1i. S1ze 13 --·- · --------- • (21. takes 2'• yard s 39·inch fabric. I • REDMOND-Passed away at· C • b} Broncho Pneumonia - St.

Printed directions on cnch pat·: ; Brookl)·n. N.Y. Tuesday, :'>larch; OffiffillDlCa e . John's !2). tern part. Easier, accurate. I MONA RYAN'S :wh 1958 Bridget, widow of: Quinsy-Corner Brook (ll.

Send.- FORTY CENTS <in coins I BEAUTY SALON 1 the '!ate Patrick J. Redmond. i n1• ~nase~ : Inf. Hepatitis-Burin, P.B. (stamps cannot be accepted! for 1 Leaving to mourn. her daughter,: '~' "' · (3). this pattern. Please print plain· HAIR STYLING I Florence mrs. John B. Borges), i WEEKLY REPORT I Aseptic ~Ieningitis-St. John's

Hea!lh-~ r.. r.orer l!i3 :m

764 1069 Treasury-1

20~ 575 L. Whitten 215 224 708 G. O'~lara 1!15 204 668 . B. O'Neill 203

249 820 251 667 226 578 230 724 956 2789 ly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, and all types of , with whom .s~e resided, and her· The following communicable j (3). . . . . 1

195 1115 STYLE NUMBER. PERIIIANENT WAVING tw.o ~ons, Rlvlyn and John of, diseases have been reported to, Men. !11enmg1hs-St ... Johns' 191 676 Send order to ANNE ADAMS, th1s c1ty. Interment at Con~or?·, the office of the medical hea.lth (1), Bell Island, C.B. (lJ.

Good Morning, Neighbor Plcea.t 40n~ttdrr u\ fbll vout tner~ch nraahbon. If "'" ''" 'ou in ant ,, 1, ll. Chafe 2i7

n Whitten 250 L.' Recs 240


207 214 191 829

272 7031 J. Walsh 154 905 2654 767

121 577 care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY OPEN FROM TUESDAY !\lass. U.S.A. May she re.t m 1 officer for the week endmg • Strep Sore Throat-Port au 223 622 NEWS, Pattern Dept, &O FRONT TO SATURDAY peace. . , March 8, 1958:- ~Port (1), Corner Brook (2). : 730 2490 ST .. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. SEVERN;-Entered 11fto F;es~: Measles-St. John's (1), Out·. Scarlet Fever-St. John's (1),'

DIAL 5477 on Tues~a), lllarch . h, or · er cove, St. John's East (1). 1 Corner Brook (8), Outer Cove. ence Em1ly, beloved w1fe of the Scabies-C::.mpbell's Creek.: St. John's East (1), Canning's late Rev F~ank Severn, aged 78

1· Port au Port (3), Corner Brook' Col'e, B.B. (2). ·

'=~=;~~:===~~= years, leavmg to. mourn three (2) I Pulmonary T.B.-St. .John's' daughters. Claudme, (~Irs. E.. · ,

rout tn•uraoct JWII .:all


J. Bully, Baie Verte); Eelaline. J l\lnm~s-Corner Brook (4),. (1), Salmon Cove, C.B. (1), St.: (Mrs. John J. Windsor) and Conception Harbour, C:B. (1),1 Lawrence (1). Lewis, (Mrs. Wm. Snow), both Holyrood, C.B. (1), Wmterton.1 V.D.G.-(7). of St. John's, also three grand· children. The funeral will take place at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, Jllarch 13th from her late resi· dcnce. 18 Henry Street to St. Thomas' Church. Interment at the Anglican cemetery. Forest

Petters, Mclaren, Mirrlees Marine an~ BRACELETS, PINS, EAR-RINGS




LIMITU I · ''·"o .... ·s.,..-"•I

Cheap, Reliable Electricity In and

Around St. John's



In loving memory or our dear mother,

MARGARET O'DWYER, who departed thi~ life

March 12, 1955. May her aoul rest in

peace. Inserted by her sona

and daughters.

: Stationary Engines In All Sizes BRABO LIGHTING SETS SIGMUND




and a full line of

up Boys' LINED



Perk up a winter-weary wardrobe with spring-bright, fashion-right

jewelry from our newest shipm~nts. We have also received some

smart new cuff-links and tie-bars for the men. folks. Ideal for any gift

occasion ••• a March birthday ••• St. Patrick's Day , , , or Easter.


GUR ST. myii,NeJ,thurl,llll

Wind• breakers

Sizes 26-36

1.98 A. H. MURRAY Co., Ltd.





Amazing per mileage resu equipped fou

rumors w rocky roma

Douglas-l opposed b

ivPnu•nl of the

K. C ek By ED smm

Press Stall <CPI-For t

as many month! party Thurs1 a Parliamer

Yelec:tion in whicl opposition car month's pol!in1

gol'ernment disastrous th and Liberal ,

than one·tll