… · i . vauxhall...

I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 67. No. 111 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ; ' I i I ,11 . I! . i I I I I Nikita Warns U. S. ny ' ou tart I .... . -- --·- . - ·- I py tomic * I ts ... ar iAly Khan Dies, I . 1 In ·Car Crash ·Scores P1lot Powers 1 PARIS I APl-Princ·c Ah· Khan, Wol'ld ll'ar attached to thr , United from ,\merican Army, He won the Pakistan <md fathet' of the n•ign.' Croix de Guerre, Legion of Honor ; ing Aga Khan. was killed in an and Bronze Star. : automobile accident in suhurhnn For 'Gangster ' h d · 1 r Aiv Khan had been married : Suresnes T U)' mg Jt, po ICC twice. His first wife was Joan B,· ST.\:'\ LEY JOII\'SO:'\ Raid' · reported. · . . I 1 b • h Yarclt'-llul!er Guinness, dau"llter \I OSCO\\' .\ 1'--l' .S. Stall' Secreta!,. Christian .\. ll•·rlcr ·, (!PI cJrLT of thP. 'P'.· The for mer p ay oy anu or>e· . ... :! ·man, son of the tate 1 \ga Khan of an ],;nglish nobleman. That plane invidcut 'is the kind of sta!t•ment that could onh- hr n 1 ;tdP hi' a l'tllllliJY ill t) · .. i ,, .•·· . • 11 \ie 11 a ;l;c :d il I hc1 lw <' nr1 <T r-. prTi ........ ,; · .. o' lomacl' nlll'J' an eal'iit·r· t':rreer of the suuunl'r of 1U:i7, AI>· wa, t•ncPd an atoll! holl!h on tlwir tt·rriton. thr1· L'l'r!ainll 11·ill ·in thP fir,f lllitiltlt·, ·.·.; •. ,c.- .. intern:ttional m1·ing ami m;socia- pas.>ed 01-er as the new imam, or nl a war," he addrd. · ·.. tion with urmttifut women, among · ·t 1 1 1 r 11 1 T · .'• ;_, ., 1 1 R't II tl S!lll'l ua cater o le smar 1 Tht'."' hlnnt slalt•nu·nh Wt'l't' n·ka"·tl front t't'"'"rshill Tlun·sda,_· ]I l 111 , 1 rs :d tn ·-: · · :i; t hllll t 1e aclre>s r a aywur 1, st•tl of the Shiall branch Is- .. : '.. :._:·:.:"' · , whom he khrushclw1· made tlwm at a pn·,, coJtl<·r,·llt'<' 11 ith So1·ir-t and t'orrrsp'lltd- .. lam. in fai'Or or his son, PriJH·e . , ,.:.:.:: ...... - ........ · ........ ,;:.;,,i:., .. .:J : On hi, !alai accidt•nt- he was Karim, thrn a student. l'llh. atTOmJJallit•d by a beautiful morlel Tht· Jsmaili sect has 20.000.000 Hcrtlt-rs s.titl tltat in f'\Jlrt'IS(•cl thr hc-lid that Klll'ltilwlw 1 · 11 ·ill .... THE S1:\:\ \\'110 S'L\HTED TilE Sl'\ FLII\OHE-l'ilot Frauds (;, l'm1t•rs i' 1hown ahove in a photo takPn while hr "·as in air fnrer tli!(ht training in HJ5:J or }!-).j.t, He was shot down 1.100 mil<'s imid<' tlw Snvid Union 1 whibt flying an 'information gathrrin!!" mission. llr is now bt"ing triPd as a spy the (L'P Tt'lrphoto) Hammarskjold Arrives To Discuss Apartheid called Brttina, whose real name bt•liel·ers in India. Pakistan. Iran, ask l'rt'sid!'nt Eisrnhmwr to postponp his 1 isit to Hu.ssia. st-h(·dnl<'d .lurre 10 to FJ. is Simone Bodin. The hospital -nt Syria, Africa and elsewhere. Thr 1• hascd thrir 1·iews on thr SoYirt lradr£' 's harsh criticis!ll of Ei.,rnholl'rr lor endnr.l- suhurhan Sl. Cloud said she hacl , , bt•cn released after treatment of the li -2 flight. . minor injuries. Russian Aid Khmshchev castigated I.OXG DI\'ORCF. .\CTIO:-.' 1 G. Powers, pilot of I he l·-2 jet "And that is will' I sav the.,e i>IS. Jlut IHJwaday, no one ,, .'\1'. \\ 'as nl,"l'r't'c 1 1 1 ·1 , J'.l'n. to F N£ld r""onnaissanc•. pI a n e oowncd 1 t• t 1 · t · · d f · 1 f · · 1 . 1 . 1 " ,., "' " ' a <111en s 1 ct·e am <Wrous an a ra}( o nnpena tst;. on:; :\ti:;; Hayworth. Lc.<s two j Of :llav 1 deer inside Rll»ia. for brazen. lmpt•dcncc! Impudence: gil'e ri>e to ridicule and )'<'<ll's later slle stnrtcd a dil·orcc making "·a anrl bandit. tmplldcncc:·· ter. .. ,uit. The with the accompa- R,l' .IOE Dl'Pl.'l!! raid.'' and added: t'Ontinucd: 1\'ithout indicating when I'm·. ) .,·tl" nroncrl)'· • e t t 1 c m•nl for· (',·•n.·••t•'arJ Pr•·. •. Staff \''riiPr "\'!r• sh,·,II tr,l' hiJn - tr.1· him · 11 h · · ,. ,. ,. ·' , ,, ·• ,. · crier says t e Sonet L'nton 11 ill he tried. the Soriet ne"., their dauahtrr Ynsmin. as a spy .. , i' to olamc hcca11sc it does not Tass said he had ad. thl'Ough the cotll'ls for . .JOIIYS, XOd. tCPI-Prrm· The permit)' for i.< 10 the l'nitrrl Stales access to milled g11ilt by telling interro;:'· \ '",'ll'.··. ir1' .Joset•b Smallwood calm!)' an- ·""•'•t·.s 1 ·11 prt·,_on tn death ht'ion· a · d 1 . , , 1ls secret' an t 1e l'nrtcd States tor<: . '.··,·lli'C tiJ• t,, .• ,.,\,·llp 1\J.t!J '. lt'··s· 'nonm·ed Tlmrsda.v Xrw· squad. ct t h t' t . I ( _, , , ·' , .. nee s o arr 'W accc<s. "1 plea., to t le ad t!v' Ila)'Worth, thr pl'ince harl hrm fonndlnnd ""d Russia may grt In· But 1\hrushchcr his "So tl1c pre>ident in>lnrc· 1 f!e11' 01 er Sol'iet territorv and '"t•n 1110 ,. 1 nft•n 1 ·n th•. "ntnp."n•· gc!hrr on h,arnes.·l reharkc .. !o1 · Hrrtrr t' t f' I I tt o I . . t . 1 . t d . o' c c " , t' ron, 0 IIH 011 IC n- orer p01n s Ill I 1Ca e 011 I 11:· 9,. ,\1,.-\:'\ H,\R\'EY r!llllfll'Oll\i,r solulion o( thr I coundl a•krd to or Bt•ltina. vast _pow;r l1e talked to a 1 n ion's secrets. That is a route of' the ranadlan rre•s Staff Writer mo<t difficult in:t•t·nal problem: talk to lhr Sonlh African .\lv Khan wn, nanwcl P<tl;i.-- prrmrrr as e n rs 0 tcr. rxhibit of espionaae articles I IC hand it . like .<tatrmrnt. ·· . l'ol•-ers hrou 1 ht to to:-:DO:'\ 1CP' - Zero· hour family or mrtiuns hac faced' ment about of implement- t:m< cllit'[ clclcgatr to the l'nilcrl lorkrd his doo•· to rrporlers Hussians say Po II' e r 6 carried SHOWEn 1'Rl.E FACE from Srcrdlm·.;k, miles ra 1 " f. t 1 · th 1 t' retired lor the night, h h' 1 n drrw near night as. sim·e Lord JlQSCuCl'Y u·s usee liP!( e reso U Jon. · :'\at ions Feb. 6. l!loH, and aft£•r a a oar" IS fl a r. Later Khrushehc1· said: "I hr- of :\lo>cow and 1,200 miles lnsiclo Commonwealth prime minis· thr wnrd "Commonwealth" in the i · [(•W weeks in the post made an J\lr. Smallwood told 100 mem- Herter ha<l defended the right i1·c I! e rt e r hy his .statement the so 1 ·ict l.'nion. trrs so\lllht a !urmula that would tHth century came after a formal, impression as hnrt 1 1\,;c\in:,. nt•rs Qf the st. Jolm's Lion, flub of a nation to make reconnnr.;- wiped off all lhc makeup Mlrl hi,, plane .<hot down h\· a roc- •atis!v s 11 t h Africa's craics afternoon session in which min· ' John G y serious minded ambassador. that Russl;ln are pre par- "mr.c over the territory of showed the trur race of imperial- . ncar ' "ithout alienating the embattled isters only took pm'l. lie was horn in Tul'in, !tal)·. rd to belp Newfoundland latt the a pos.sJole rncmy and dedarctl · t t Th t · ted t'n« wa de would continue. natlona 1s governmen . e res l'IC mce l ,., s · ·.Tune 13. 1911. the of the Aaa power nf Jlamittnn E CF. With the lOth post . war pre· rotcct wholl)' the COOl· Launched '1\h:rn 111 hv the second or lli< Falls In central J.ahrador, THREAT TO p .\ RCAF Needs New Jet Interceptor mien; conferenCe schedulctl to munique. four wh·es, ·an l t a 1 ian haBet Khrushchc\·, ··a •nd this afternoon. expert draft- 11.\)mARSKJOI.Il !JERE dancrt· named Theresa :llagliano. Russians, he said, hne lhreal to peace .•. I[ tl1ere arc trs worked late on a final com- :II can w hi I e, Dag llnmmar- PICTOU, x.s. ICPI- Destined shown interrst In the denlop· anv further such aggres>ion.- wr munique that might please both secretary-general of the to ply a stl'l.'tch of angry water AR:IIY mcnt "and ha,·e said that pro· will strike out at thr 1ides. At tht' same time. reports l'nitcd :-lations, aJTi\·ect here in eastern :'\ewfoundland, the lie Wil.s offic<•r with the vided it Is for pracelnl Shaking his fist and looking an- t'irculated that a sepat'ale docu- Th;rr·>clal' night to discuss South balhtub·shaped ferry John C:uy French Legion. then wa, lhry are In l1r!p with the premier deelared: ment would be issued hy the A!rien's ·racial policies with Ex· slid into the harbor here with lhr British Army, nnd ctur- whatr\·er technical "These are audacious nnd hr·a- mMt biller opponents nf South tcmal .\ f fait's Eric Th11rsdm· after being christened ing the lattrr pat·t of tl1e Seconrl tbe)' bal'e." zen statements. This is the kind Africa, who'"P racial policies are Louw. · bv the \,·ire of a federal cabinet --·--- ------ · of statement that could hr IInder lire. ](;umnarskiolrl is undrr minister. 0 I k I T ll'ade by il country in a slate of ' 1 t' It 1 " l W I · · lanadiao · Press taff Writer detected in the north bv the Di'- Canadian said lhry j" mantl<rte from the Secul'ity: , , . u t 00 s e·n se ll'nr with anolhrr countn· and B)· DAn: that unknown aircraft hal'! bcPn hare not such a dncu- C'ouncilwhich a reso uwn was ra.n m., w 1 ,en · rs. · · II'C are not at war with thr T \ · last month calling on South Af. w1fe of :-.:ewfoundland s 0 T, IrA 1 CP'-To the Hl-'.\f. I ant Early Warning radar t\'l'nin• pfforts to rica to abandon apartheid. The minister without portfolio in ·the I he significance of thr SilY plane but that thel' had not been idcn- . · --·-------- ------ --- cabinet, broke a bottle of incident is confirmation of its tified as R1i,sian. :champagne 0\'CI' the bow of F s . T I k w·lll ,·iew that the air force needs a I.\IPOSSIBLE 1'0 K:\OW U S R t lfifl·lon car-ferry. The .John Guy t s TeC!t ne\\' manned interceptor. Prarkes in effect conccdrtl e J e C S 'lid smoothly down the 0 r u m m I a 'II The new has long argued that positirp identification ill im- ways of the Ferguson .<hipyard, ' that inlcrceptors are required to possible without interception by , which set a peacetime speed rec-. Old C·lal"m patrol Canaclian atr space if lor manned aircraft. Radar cannot · ord in building hcl'. · PAIItS ll'PI -- !'reparations than one thought before. no othet· distingui>h a plane's nationalit;.-. R d C h I !nr the Big Four summit confer- "It is disquieting to sl'e to what It says Canadians hare fo1· The 10-yeur-old CF-100 jet in- e a r g e S The '·csscl, namrd after the cncc mol'ed bl'iskly ahead Thurs- . point this regrettable incident ha\ Rnn; 1-:s. Belgium ' R£·nter, · -- )'eilrs shown c o n c e r n about trrccptor: scrl'ing in nine RC.\F ' man who established the first ay amid concern i)('en undcr.<cored hy the Sol'irt. fishermen will srnd a ,\mcrican mil it m·y aircraft flying' air dcfcnte squadrons, has , British_ settlement in ?'cwfot!nd. here about ef!ccts of the l:.s. spy who ha\'e attempted to exploit it trawle1 · into British horne water.' o1cr Canada-the l'-2 reconnais- range of le,, than 300 miles. ,, : land 3o0 years ago, 11'111 1:0 mto: plane incident on the top lcl'el to the maximum." to test their 300-year-old claim ot >ance plane is a case in point- >peed of some .;oo miles an hoq:· · servi!'e between Portugal Cove i l;tll.'iO OXE fishing rights thct·c. the new;;- hut iwve wort·ied lillie and a limited <1It1tudc ·capabilit;· WASHIXGTO:-.: tM>t - The r politrly httt finn!)' upheld the t'. and Bell Island in Conception Bay· As. w 11 r k men hammcrrd. 1.\t his Wednesday prL'.'s ron- paper Le Soil· said \\'cdnrsday. abmrt the pos"b1hty of nussian. of auout 40.000 feet. It i; known t!nited States rejected Thursday S. \'icw that flights a1-c on :'\ew!oundland's e.nsl coast. 11 cle;mpd and r(•tminted, President ference in Khrushchc 1 · :llembers o[ the Belgian Fedcra- planes crubing o1·er the Cana- that Soviet homher.s-and like''· Russia's charge that American needed unlc:;s Russin to Will tra\'el a three-mile stretch uf Charle., de Gaulle presided 01 w said he did not think the plane tion of Fishermen will dian Arctic. rcconnai.o;sance p 1 _ IPY flishts o1·er Soviet territory open its borders 111 intemationnl water Where hem·r seas and a lengtlll' cabinet session de· incident would he discussed at sail in a few days, the new,. Defen('e .\lini.ster Pea1·kcs in- faster and can rlimh higher than are deliberate hostile acls. inspection against surprise at· spring ice battered el'en the voted lar·gely to summit arrange. tlte summit. "It. is not an ap- paper said. The claim arises from formed the Commons this 11ork I he CF-100. The state department ga1·e this. tacks. . sturdiest ships, : mPnts. After the cabinet se.<sion.' propriate question," he said. "!.a !666 charter. saicl to hal'e hecn · ··-·-----·------- formal reply in two days. There \\''.'-' thi.s devel· FUJ,FIJ,S PRO:\liSE 'lnfo1:mation Louis Ter- would he only rer:esentative: granted by 1\in_g Charles II ?f A T A d the flights. ore OI'CT the Amencan spy plane :\lr. . r 0 w n <:scn c e "It's certain that. the confer· three allies and 1 am sure I hat Bruges for The after _Moscow ofhctnlly protested opment amul the fur·. B d . 'b d th renotre told newspaper men: of the .socwhst countnes '<lgmnst England who hved m extle m ttempt 0 men The Soviet_ had de· downed in Russia 12 days ago: . lmhmchmg a 1 . cnce, because or the airplane ln-. two of these allies condemn this British Embassy in Brussels a , . manded an 1mmed18!e halt to all ,ot er promise 0 e Con.<ena !Vc: cident, wilt open in an 11 tmos· ·incident and that reflects their few days said the foreign of-' such aerial intelligence gathering President Eisenhower was for peo- .' phcre infinitely more uncertain· honorable position. ·• fice is looking into the matter. ' University and threatened what it called described as .determined to go , rL. o New oun an urmg a "retaliatory measures" if it con· with 11 scheduled goodwill : bnef speech. Bill tinues. visit to Rus-<ia. unless Premier ------ A State department spokesman. 1\hrushchel' personally suggests In reporting that the U.S. reply he slay home. Represcntnlii'C Yas deli1·ercd in ow Thnrs- Arch t Rep. W.Va. l. one of 1 day, said the text would he mil de 11 or who: public later. ill·eakfasted ,,. i t h him at the FLIGHTS House, r<>ported Eisenhow- lnformants repo11ed the reply e1··, Farmers Save To Fight Livestock By BEN WARD r temperatures touched o!f new 1 Canadian Press Staff Writer ! fears of fresh flooding from the 1 TIMMII\'S, Ont. <CPI-About !iO I upper Matt a gam i watershed: marooned fa r m e r s stuubomly I where the heaviest winter's snow : fought to keep stock alive Thurs- 1 in 50 years still la.v three feet I day as Mattagami River flood 1 deep in the bush. . waters, still on a steady rise, · Already the river had either ! awept through new areas of sub· , flooded or isolated 20 square 1 urban Mountjoy Township, : miles of the township. Damage ! Apart from the farmers, all of : etslimates range to $2,000,000. . the township area has been aban· 1 Reeve .Jack Atkinson declared 1 1 doned to the rampaging river .j an emergency Wednesday and now at the highest flood stage I orderPd the township ab!!ndoned, ! ever recorded in this Northern . and the 0 n t a r I o government Ontario gold·mlning area. i Thursday declared the district a Township officials and civil de· ' disaster area. An army of s111all fence units watched In vain Thurs- powerboats manned by volunteers day for a drop In the river level. rushed to evacuate the last of ·The rise, however, had slowed lo Mountjoy',q I ,900 resldents. a rate of en Inch every four But most of the farmers in ru- bours. ral Mountjoy resisted efforts to , move them from their propt"rty, FEAR FitESH FLOOD all at least partly under lltt!r Brlaht a u n s h i n e and rising ranging to five feet in deptlt. Lost His Ship OT'fAWAA (CPI- .1.\\', Pick· s n m e "per- sonal embarrassment" over the matlern suggested Thursday that election c a n d i d a t e s shouldn't have to list their oc· rupalion on the ballot. The problem of the MP for Bonavista - Twillingate and for· mer Liberal cabinet minister: lack of a fixed occupation. Mr. Pickersgilt explained to the Commons election commit- tee that he became unemployed in June, 1957, when the Lib- erals went out of office. "In the 195» election I was reluctant to list myself as un· employed, or to use the old- fashioned phrase, solution then was to claim the status "shipowner." He owned a vessel which plied the New!oumtt!md coast. "But since then, I've lost the ship," )#r. Piekersglll said for· lornly. s OTTAWA 'CPI - The Liberal To finance ils grants pattemccl opposition fired a barrage of on the federal scale, Quebec ha.- amcndments at the goremmcnt's increased its corporation incom,. , nnil'cr·sily gmnt s bill Thur,day tax to 10 per· cent from nine an1! with renewed charges that Ol- the government's bill prol'idc; . tawil is trying to force Quebec· that Quebec corporations will N:·· to conform to federal regulations. : celve an abatement of one pe1·· i . One proposed by i centage point when they pay their I Chevrrer !L - Montreal: federal corporation tax. I Launer!. brought an appeal from Within a few minutes of l\lr f the ruling of Speaker) Chevrier's amendment being dis- , .Jacques Flynn that 1t was out posed of, two more were pro· i o:der, third occasion 1 posed, one by J.P. Deschatelets ! _thrs Parharr.ent formed. (L - Montreat Maisonneuve t m 19o8 that such a ruling was · Rosemont l and the by Leon i challenged. Crestohl Cartier) , Flyhn was upheld on a re- I corded vote of 147 to 35 with the Deschatelets• amendment Liberals and six CCF members 1 was defeated on a standing vote I going down to dc!eat by the Pro- . of 44 to with the same division gressive Consen·atil'e majority. / 1 of forces as in the earlier vote. Chevrier's proposal was Debate on the that university grants be paid ! C_re_stohl extended mto the mght through provincially . incorpor- 1 SJttmg. a ted councils in provinces which 1 1 v + 'W + + w w w •• do not accept the current method : of payment through the Canadian J .llea tl."e ·Universities Foundation, acting t J'.4 1- r as agent of the federal govern- ! ment. i ALTERNATIVE PLANS 1 f The government's bill pro'lides these alternatives - payment I ' through the foundation as is done Mostly cloudy with some sunny periods. High today 55. T Toronto .. .. . .. . 41 50 .. .. . .. . 48 58 BROOKLYN, N.Y. Perched prccariouslyabovc the the water here May 4th -is an now in all except Que· . auto driven by Patrick Casey, 54, of Brooklyn,, He suffered a fainting spell while bee .or _payment dJrcctly by the . driving nlong the belt parkway at 80th Strc· .. nd the car lunged through the wood- provmcJal government. I "Why not -call an eX· d 'I 1 d d d b h d ! Quebec which rejected the for- · shi sungested Frank <'11 guar rm, smas 1e past a concrete an woo enc an came to rest as shown: · . . f . . 1 smpo · " : . , t k C I I d h · . I 'th f d I . h , mer as an Jlll'asron o provmc1a . .. . .. .. 48 73 Halifax . . .. .. .. . 47 73 Sydney . .. .. .. .. 43 64 M'cGee <PC - York Scarbor· '. ,\sey \HIS a en to s an osp!ta WI a racture eg. ' A passcuger m t c J jurisdiction in education, now has oughl. I auto was reported unmJured.-(UPI Photo). accepted !be latter. · St. John's .. .. .. 34 48 j+ ••••••••• J

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Page 1:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

I .

VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales



&~~ Terra Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 67. No. 111 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

; ' I

i I ,11 . I! . i I I I


Nikita Warns U. S.

ny ' ou tart

I .... . -- --·- . - ·- -· I

py tomic


• I ts


ar iAly Khan Dies, I • .

1 In ·Car Crash ·Scores P1lot Powers 1 PARIS I APl-Princ·c Ah· Khan, Wol'ld ll'ar w~.< attached to thr , United :-:~tions delcgat~ from ,\merican Army, He won the Pakistan <md fathet' of the n•ign.' Croix de Guerre, Legion of Honor

; ing Aga Khan. was killed in an and Bronze Star. : automobile accident in suhurhnn

For 'Gangster ' h d · 1 r Aiv Khan had been married : Suresnes T ur~ U)' mg Jt, po ICC twice. His first wife was Joan B,· ST.\:'\ LEY JOII\'SO:'\

Raid' · reported. · . . I 1 b • h Yarclt'-llul!er Guinness, dau"llter \I OSCO\\' .\ 1'--l' .S. Stall' Secreta!,. Christian .\. ll•·rlcr ·, (!PI cJrLT of thP. 'P'. · The for mer p ay oy anu or>e· ~ .

... :! ·man, son of the tate 1\ga Khan of an ],;nglish nobleman. That plane invidcut 'is the kind of sta!t•ment that could onh- hr n1;tdP hi' a l'tllllliJY ill

t) .· · .. i ,, .•·· . • >~~ 11 \ie

11 ;:~~;I ::::.~~~db~~n .s~-i~J;h;;;~: m::.::::g:]J:~t::, e:::dK~:n d~~::c~n a st:~\[ ;l;c "{~:;;~f'~;n~111<it~~s Ki~m~:::~;l~c';o''~:~~ lt~,;~·i:h:~::~:a~; :d il I hc1 lw <' nr1 <T r-. prTi

........ ,; · .. o' lomacl' nlll'J' an eal'iit·r· t':rreer of the suuunl'r of 1U:i7, AI>· wa, t•ncPd an atoll! holl!h on tlwir tt·rriton. thr1· L'l'r!ainll 11·ill ·in thP fir,f lllitiltlt·, ·.·.; •. ,c.- .. :_·.:··.·.·-~.: intern:ttional m1·ing ami m;socia- pas.>ed 01-er as the new imam, or nl a war," he addrd. · ·.. ~ tion with urmttifut women, among · ·t 1 1 1 r 11 1 T · .'• ;_, ., 1 1 R't II tl S!lll'l ua cater o le smar 1 Tht'."' hlnnt slalt•nu·nh Wt'l't' n·ka"·tl front t't'"'"rshill Tlun·sda,_· ]I l111 ,1rs :d tn ·-: · · :i; t hllll t 1e aclre>s r a aywur 1, st•tl of the Shiall branch ~f Is-

.. : '..

:._:·:.:"' · , whom he m~rried. khrushclw1· made tlwm at a pn·,, coJtl<·r,·llt'<' 11 ith So1·ir-t and lorri·.~n t'orrrsp'lltd-.. ·:.::.:~ lam. in fai'Or or his son, PriJH·e . , ,.:.:.:: ...... - ........ · ........ ,;:.;,,i:., .. 2iu;,,,~,,; .:J : On hi, !alai accidt•nt- he was Karim, thrn a colleg~ student. l'llh.

atTOmJJallit•d by a beautiful morlel Tht· Jsmaili sect has 20.000.000 Hcrtlt-rs s.titl tltat in \lo~l'll\1 f'\Jlrt'IS(•cl thr hc-lid that Klll'ltilwlw1· 11·ill .... THE S1:\:\ \\'110 S'L\HTED TilE Sl'\ FLII\OHE-l'ilot Frauds (;, l'm1t•rs i' 1hown ahove in a photo takPn while hr "·as in air fnrer tli!(ht training in HJ5:J or }!-).j.t, He was shot down 1.100 mil<'s imid<' tlw Snvid Union ~IHy 1 whibt flying an 'information gathrrin!!" mission. llr is now bt"ing triPd as a spy h~; the Hus~ians. (L'P Tt'lrphoto)

Hammarskjold Arrives To Discuss Apartheid

called Brttina, whose real name bt•liel·ers in India. Pakistan. Iran, ask l'rt'sid!'nt Eisrnhmwr to postponp his 1 isit to Hu.ssia. st-h(·dnl<'d .lurre 10 to FJ. is Simone Bodin. The hospital -nt Syria, ~:ast Africa and elsewhere. Thr1• hascd thrir 1·iews on thr SoYirt lradr£' 's harsh criticis!ll of Ei.,rnholl'rr lor endnr.l-suhurhan Sl. Cloud said she hacl ,

, bt•cn released after treatment of in~ the li -2 flight. . minor injuries. Russian Aid Khmshchev castigated Fr~ncis I.OXG DI\'ORCF. .\CTIO:-.' 1 G. Powers, pilot of I he l·-2 jet "And that is will' I sav the.,e i>IS. Jlut IHJwaday, no one ,,

.'\1'. \\'as nl,"l'r't'c11 1·1, J'.l'n. to F N£ld r""onnaissanc•. pI a n e oowncd 1 t• t 1 · t · · d f · 1 f · · 1. 1.1 " ,., "' " ' a <111en s 1 ct·e am <Wrous an a ra}( o nnpena tst;. 1~y on:; :\ti:;; Hayworth. Lc.<s lh~n two j Of • :llav 1 deer inside Rll»ia. for brazen. lmpt•dcncc! Impudence: gil'e ri>e to ridicule and !au~lt-)'<'<ll's later slle stnrtcd a dil·orcc making "·a gan~>ter anrl bandit. tmplldcncc:·· ter. .. ,uit. The en,~. with the accompa- R,l' .IOE Dl'Pl.'l!! raid.'' and added: Excit~d. Khru~htl1c1' t'Ontinucd: 1\'ithout indicating when I'm·. ).,·tl" nroncrl)'· • e t t 1 c m•nl for· (',·•n.·••t•'arJ Pr•·. •. Staff \''riiPr "\'!r• sh,·,II tr,l' hiJn - tr.1· him · 11 h · · ,. ,. ,. ·' , ,, ·• ,. · crier says t e Sonet L'nton cr.~ 11 ill he tried. the Soriet ne"., their dauahtrr Ynsmin. dra~:~rd ~errrcl)· as a spy .. , i' to olamc hcca11sc it does not a~cnc.v Tass said he had ad. thl'Ough the cotll'ls for ~c1Nal -~T . .JOIIYS, XOd. tCPI-Prrm· The permit)' for spyill~ i.< 10 ~i1·e the l'nitrrl Stales access to milled g11ilt by telling interro;:'· \'",'ll'.··. ir1' .Joset•b Smallwood calm!)' an- ·""•'•t·.s 1·11 prt·,_on tn death ht'ion· a · d 1 . , , 1ls secret' an t 1e l'nrtcd States tor<: . '.··,·lli'C tiJ• t,, .• ,.,\,·llp 1\J.t!J '. lt'··s· 'nonm·ed Tlmrsda.v ni~:bt Xrw· ft'riJl~ squad. ct t h t' t • . I ( _, , , ·' , .. nee s o arr 'W accc<s. "1 plea., ~tully to t le ad t!v' Ila)'Worth, thr pl'ince harl hrm fonndlnnd ""d Russia may grt In· But 1\hrushchcr ~rrrd his "So tl1c pre>ident ~a1·c in>lnrc· 1 f!e11' 01 er Sol'iet territorv and '"t•n 1110,.1 nft•n 1·n th•. "ntnp."n•· gc!hrr on drvelopin~ J,abrndor·~ '· h,arnes.·l reharkc .. !o1· Hrrtrr ~s t' t f' I I tt o • I r· . . t . 1. t d . o' c c • " , t' ron, 0 IIH 011 IC :>01'1~ n- orer ~li'Cil p01n s Ill I 1Ca e 011 I 11:·

9,. ,\1,.-\:'\ H,\R\'EY ,om~· r!llllfll'Oll\i,r solulion o( thr I coundl a•krd flammar~k.iold to or Bt•ltina. vast _pow;r :~e~tia\.Th~nff'the l1e talked to corre~rondent< ~~ a1 n ion's secrets. That is c~rl~inl\' a route of' the !li~ht."

ranadlan rre•s Staff Writer mo<t difficult in:t•t·nal problem: talk to lhr Sonlh African ~owrn- .\lv Khan wn, nanwcl P<tl;i.-- prrmrrr as e n rs 0 tcr. rxhibit of espionaae articles I IC hand it . like .<tatrmrnt. ·· . l'ol•-ers wa~ hrou 1 ht to ~los<·r,-•· to:-:DO:'\ 1CP' - Zero· hour th~ family or mrtiuns hac faced' ment about war~ of implement- t:m< cllit'[ clclcgatr to the l'nilcrl lorkrd his doo•· to rrporlers ~nd Hussians say Po II' e r 6 carried SHOWEn 1'Rl.E FACE from Srcrdlm·.;k, ~no miles ra 1 " f. t 1 · th 1 t' retired lor the night, h • h' 1 n drrw near Thursda~· night as. sim·e Lord JlQSCuCl'Y u·s usee liP!( e reso U Jon. · :'\at ions Feb. 6. l!loH, and aft£•r a a oar" IS fl a r. Later Khrushehc1· said: "I hr- of :\lo>cow and 1,200 miles lnsiclo

Commonwealth prime minis· thr wnrd "Commonwealth" in the i · [(•W weeks in the post made an J\lr. Smallwood told 100 mem- Herter ha<l defended the right i1·c I! e rt e r hy his .statement the so1·ict l.'nion. ~loscow .~a'·' trrs so\lllht a !urmula that would tHth century came after a formal, impression as ~ hnrt1 1\,;c\in:,. nt•rs Qf the st. Jolm's Lion, flub of a nation to make reconnnr.;- wiped off all lhc makeup Mlrl hi,, plane •ra~ .<hot down h\· a roc-•atis!v s ~ 11 t h Africa's craics afternoon session in which min· ' John G u· y serious minded ambassador. that Russl;ln ~xprrt~ are pre par- "mr.c fli~hts over the territory of showed the trur race of imperial- . ~ct ncar SI'Nrllnl'~k. ' "ithout alienating the embattled isters only took pm'l. lie was horn in Tul'in, !tal)·. rd to belp Newfoundland latt the a pos.sJole rncmy and dedarctl

· 1· t t Th t · ted t'n« wa de ~11rh fli~hts would continue. natlona 1s governmen . e res l'IC mce l ,., s · ·.Tune 13. 1911. the ~on of the Aaa power pot~nllal nf Jlamittnn E CF. With the lOth post . war pre· rotcct wholl)' lo"'ra!tin~ the COOl· Launched '1\h:rn 111 hv the second or lli< Falls In central J.ahrador, THREAT TO p .\ ~ RCAF Needs New

Jet Interceptor mien; conferenCe schedulctl to munique. four wh·es, ·an l t a 1 ian haBet Thi~. ~aid Khrushchc\·, i~ ··a •nd this afternoon. expert draft- 11.\)mARSKJOI.Il !JERE dancrt· named Theresa :llagliano. Th~. Russians, he said, hne lhreal to peace .•. I[ tl1ere arc trs worked late on a final com- :II can w hi I e, Dag llnmmar- PICTOU, x.s. ICPI- Destined shown interrst In the denlop· anv further such aggres>ion.- wr munique that might please both ~k.iold. secretary-general of the to ply a stl'l.'tch of angry water AR:IIY r.~REF.R mcnt "and ha,·e said that pro· will strike out at thr a~~rcssors." 1ides. At tht' same time. reports l'nitcd :-lations, aJTi\·ect here in eastern :'\ewfoundland, the lie Wil.s ~r offic<•r with the vided it Is for pracelnl purp~~srs Shaking his fist and looking an­t'irculated that a sepat'ale docu- Th;rr·>clal' night to discuss South balhtub·shaped ferry John C:uy French Forci~n Legion. then wa, lhry are wlllin~ In l1r!p with ~~·y, the premier deelared: ment would be issued hy the A!rien's ·racial policies with Ex· slid into the c~lm harbor here with lhr British Army, nnd ctur- whatr\·er technical knowiPd~c "These are audacious nnd hr·a-mMt biller opponents nf South tcmal .\ f fait's ~Jinister Eric Th11rsdm· after being christened ing the lattrr pat·t of tl1e Seconrl tbe)' bal'e." zen statements. This is the kind Africa, who'"P racial policies are Louw. · bv the \,·ire of a federal cabinet --·--- ------ · of statement that could onl~· hr IInder lire. ](;umnarskiolrl is actin~ undrr minister. 0 I k I T ll'ade by il country in a slate of

' ~ 1 t' It 1 " l ~! W I · · lanadiao · Press taff Writer detected in the north bv the Di'-Canadian ~our~s said lhry j" mantl<rte from the Secul'ity: , , . u t 00 s e·n se ll'nr with anolhrr countn· and B)· DAn: ~lci:\TOSII that unknown aircraft hal'! bcPn

hare not ~·•t ~een such a dncu- C'ouncilwhich p;l~seu a reso uwn was ra.n m., w 1,en · rs. · ~ · II'C are not at war with thr l'nit~d T \ · l'll~nt last month calling on South Af. Brown~. w1fe of :-.:ewfoundland s 0 T, IrA 1CP'-To the Hl-'.\f. I ant Early Warning radar lin~

'J'h~ t\'l'nin• pfforts to rr~ch rica to abandon apartheid. The minister without portfolio in ·the State~. I he significance of thr SilY plane but that thel' had not been idcn-. ~ · --·-------- ------ --- ferlrr~l cabinet, broke a bottle of incident is confirmation of its tified as R1i,sian.

:champagne 0\'CI' the bow of t~ F s . T I k w·lll ,·iew that the air force needs a I.\IPOSSIBLE 1'0 K:\OW U S R • t lfifl·lon car-ferry. The .John Guy t s TeC!t ne\\' manned interceptor. ~It'. Prarkes in effect conccdrtl e J e C S 'lid smoothly down the launchin~ 0 r u m m I a 'II The new has long argued that positirp identification ill im-

• • ways of the Ferguson .<hipyard, ' that inlcrceptors are required to possible without interception by , which set a peacetime speed rec-. Old C·lal"m patrol Canaclian atr space if lor manned aircraft. Radar cannot · ord in building hcl'. · PAIItS ll'PI -- !'reparations than one thought before. no othet· re<~son. distingui>h a plane's nationalit;.-.

R d C h I !nr the Big Four summit confer- "It is disquieting to sl'e to what It says Canadians hare fo1· The 10-yeur-old CF-100 jet in-e a r g e S The '·csscl, namrd after the cncc mol'ed bl'iskly ahead Thurs- . point this regrettable incident ha\ Rnn; 1-:s. Belgium ' R£·nter, · -- )'eilrs shown c o n c e r n about trrccptor: scrl'ing in nine RC.\F ' man who established the first ay amid incre~sing concern i)('en undcr.<cored hy the Sol'irt. Brl~wn fishermen will srnd a ,\mcrican mil it m·y aircraft flying' air dcfcnte squadrons, has ~ , British_ settlement in ?'cwfot!nd. here about ef!ccts of the l:.s. spy who ha\'e attempted to exploit it trawle1· into British horne water.' o1cr Canada-the l'-2 reconnais- range of le,, than 300 miles. ,, : land 3o0 years ago, 11'111 1:0 mto: plane incident on the top lcl'el to the maximum." to test their 300-year-old claim ot >ance plane is a case in point- >peed of some .;oo miles an hoq:· · servi!'e between Portugal Cove i l;tll.'iO OXE AGAI;'o~ST TIIRE~; fishing rights thct·c. the new;;- hut iwve apparrn~ly wort·ied lillie and a limited <1It1tudc ·capabilit;·

WASHIXGTO:-.: tM>t - The r politrly httt finn!)' upheld the t'. and Bell Island in Conception Bay· As. w 11 r k men hammcrrd. 1.\t his Wednesday prL'.'s ron- paper Le Soil· said \\'cdnrsday. abmrt the pos"b1hty of nussian. of auout 40.000 feet. It i; known t!nited States rejected Thursday S. \'icw that ~PY flights a1-c on :'\ew!oundland's e.nsl coast. 11 cle;mpd and r(•tminted, President ference in ~loscow. Khrushchc1· :llembers o[ the Belgian Fedcra- planes crubing o1·er the Cana- that Soviet homher.s-and like''· Russia's charge that American needed unlc:;s Russin ~::rces to Will tra\'el a three-mile stretch uf Charle., de Gaulle presided 01w said he did not think the plane tion of ~laster Fishermen will dian Arctic. rcconnai.o;sance p 1 ant~ _ ar~ IPY flishts o1·er Soviet territory open its borders 111 intemationnl water Where hem·r seas and a lengtlll' cabinet session de· incident would he discussed at sail in a few days, the new,. Defen('e .\lini.ster Pea1·kcs in- faster and can rlimh higher than are deliberate hostile acls. inspection against surprise at· spring ice h~vc battered el'en the voted lar·gely to summit arrange. tlte summit. "It. is not an ap- paper said. The claim arises from formed the Commons this 11ork I he CF-100.

The state department ga1·e this. tacks. . sturdiest ships, : mPnts. After the cabinet se.<sion.' propriate question," he said. "!.a !666 charter. saicl to hal'e hecn · ··-·-----·-------formal reply in ~ ~ole two days. There \\''.'-' thi.s ot~1er_ devel· FUJ,FIJ,S PRO:\liSE 'lnfo1:mation ~linister Louis Ter- would he ~h~ only rer:esentative: granted by 1\in_g Charles II ?f A T A d the flights. ore OI'CT the Amencan spy plane :\lr. . r 0 w n ~. <:scn c e "It's certain that. the confer· three allies and 1 am sure I hat Bruges for ~everal ~·t>ars. The after _Moscow ofhctnlly protested opment amul the ~ontmum~ fur·. B d . 'b d th renotre told newspaper men: of the .socwhst countnes '<lgmnst England who hved m extle m ttempt 0 men

The Soviet_ go1·er~mcnt had de· downed in Russia 12 days ago: . lmhmchmg ~s a 1 i~lftlment ~It~~· . cnce, because or the airplane ln-. two of these allies condemn this British Embassy in Brussels a , . manded an 1mmed18!e halt to all ,ot er promise 0 e Con.<ena !Vc: cident, wilt open in an 11tmos· ·incident and that reflects their few days ag~ said the foreign of-' such aerial intelligence gathering President Eisenhower was gorerfnm~nt for Cdalnatdl~. todlh~ peo- .' phcre infinitely more uncertain· honorable position. ·• fice is looking into the matter. '

University and threatened what it called described as .determined to go , rL. o New oun an urmg a "retaliatory measures" if it con· ah~ad with 11 scheduled goodwill : bnef speech. Bill tinues. visit to Rus-<ia. unless Premier ------

A State department spokesman. 1\hrushchel' personally suggests In reporting that the U.S. reply he slay home. Represcntnlii'C Yas deli1·ercd in ~lose ow Thnrs- Arch ~lnore t Rep. W.Va. l. one of 1

day, said the text would he mil de 11 ~roup or con~rcs~mcn who: public later. ill·eakfasted ,,. i t h him at the FLIGHTS SECI>S~.-\RY :\\'!lit~ House, r<>ported Eisenhow-

lnformants repo11ed the reply e1··, ~ttitude.

Farmers Save

To Fight Livestock

By BEN WARD r temperatures touched o!f new 1 Canadian Press Staff Writer ! fears of fresh flooding from the 1 TIMMII\'S, Ont. <CPI-About !iO I upper Matt a gam i watershed:

marooned fa r m e r s stuubomly I where the heaviest winter's snow : fought to keep stock alive Thurs- 1 in 50 years still la.v three feet I day as Mattagami River flood 1 deep in the bush. . waters, still on a steady rise, · Already the river had either ! awept through new areas of sub· , flooded or isolated 20 square 1

urban Mountjoy Township, : miles of the township. Damage ! Apart from the farmers, all of : etslimates range to $2,000,000. .

the township area has been aban· 1 Reeve .Jack Atkinson declared11

doned to the rampaging river .j an emergency Wednesday and now at the highest flood stage I orderPd the township ab!!ndoned, ! ever recorded in this Northern . and the 0 n t a r I o government • Ontario gold·mlning area. i Thursday declared the district a

Township officials and civil de· ' disaster area. An army of s111all fence units watched In vain Thurs- powerboats manned by volunteers day for a drop In the river level. rushed to evacuate the last of ·The rise, however, had slowed lo Mountjoy',q I ,900 resldents. a rate of en Inch every four But most of the farmers in ru-bours. ral Mountjoy resisted efforts to , move them from their propt"rty,

FEAR FitESH FLOOD • all at least partly under lltt!r Brlaht a u n s h i n e and rising ranging to five feet in deptlt.

Lost His Ship

OT'fAWAA (CPI- .1.\\', Pick· cr~gill, admittin~ s n m e "per­sonal embarrassment" over the matlern suggested Thursday that election c a n d i d a t e s shouldn't have to list their oc· rupalion on the ballot.

The problem of the MP for Bonavista - Twillingate and for· mer Liberal cabinet minister: lack of a fixed occupation.

Mr. Pickersgilt explained to the Commons election commit­tee that he became unemployed in June, 1957, when the Lib­erals went out of office.

"In the 195» election I was reluctant to list myself as un· employed, or to use the old­fashioned phrase, ~entleman. •

Hi~ solution then was to claim the status "shipowner." He owned a vessel which plied the New!oumtt!md coast.

"But since then, I've lost the ship," )#r. Piekersglll said for· lornly. s •

OTTAWA 'CPI - The Liberal To finance ils grants pattemccl opposition fired a barrage of on the federal scale, Quebec ha.­amcndments at the goremmcnt's increased its corporation incom,.

, nnil'cr·sily gmnt s bill Thur,day tax to 10 per· cent from nine an1! with renewed charges that Ol- the government's bill prol'idc;

. tawil is trying to force Quebec· that Quebec corporations will N:·· • to conform to federal regulations. : celve an abatement of one pe1·· i . One amen~mcht, proposed by i centage point when they pay their I Lmn~l Chevrrer !L - Montreal: federal corporation tax. I Launer!. brought an appeal from Within a few minutes of l\lr f the ruling of Dep~ty Speaker) Chevrier's amendment being dis­, .Jacques Flynn that 1t was out ~r' posed of, two more were pro· i o:der, ~nly t~e third occasion 1 posed, one by J.P. Deschatelets ! ~mce _thrs Parharr.ent wa~ formed. (L - Montreat Maisonneuve t m 19o8 that such a ruling was · Rosemont l and the ~tber by Leon i challenged. Crestohl <L--~Iontreal Cartier) , ~lr, Flyhn was upheld on a re-

I corded vote of 147 to 35 with the ~1r. Deschatelets• amendment Liberals and six CCF members 1 was defeated on a standing vote

I going down to dc!eat by the Pro- . of 44 to 2~ with the same division ~ gressive Consen·atil'e majority. /1 of forces as in the earlier vote.

~lr. Chevrier's proposal was Debate on the ame~dment ~f ~k that university grants be paid ! C_re_stohl extended mto the mght through provincially . incorpor- 1 SJttmg. a ted councils in provinces which 1

1 • v + 'W + + w w w •• do not accept the current method

: of payment through the Canadian J .llea tl."e ·Universities Foundation, acting t J'.4 1- r as agent of the federal govern-

! ment. i


f The government's bill pro'lides these alternatives - payment

I ' through the foundation as is done

Mostly cloudy with some sunny periods. High today 55.

T ~MPERArURES Toronto .. .. . .. . 41 50 ~lontreal .. .. . .. . 48 58

BROOKLYN, N.Y. ~ Perched prccariouslyabovc the the water here May 4th -is an now in all provinc~s except Que· . auto driven by Patrick Casey, 54, of Brooklyn,, He suffered a fainting spell while bee .or _payment dJrcctly by the . driving nlong the belt parkway at 80th Strc· .. nd the car lunged through the wood- provmcJal government. I

"Why not -call yo~rself an eX· d 'I 1 d d d b h d ! Quebec which rejected the for- · shi wner~" sungested Frank <'11 guar rm, smas 1e past a concrete an woo enc an came to rest as shown: · . . f . . 1 smpo · " : C· . , t k C I I d h · . I 'th f d I . h , mer as an Jlll'asron o provmc1a

~foncton . .. . .. .. 48 73 Halifax . . .. .. .. . 47 73 Sydney . .. .. .. .. 43 64

M'cGee <PC - York • Scarbor· '. ,\sey \HIS a en to ?'~ey s an osp!ta WI a racture eg. ' A passcuger m t c J jurisdiction in education, now has oughl. I auto was reported unmJured.-(UPI Photo). accepted !be latter. ·

St. John's .. .. .. 34 48

j+ ••••••••• J

Page 2:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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Pickersgill Speaks Up For Alantic Provinces : lllr. }'lemlnll (Egllnton): Mr. to the ·objection which was ing arrangements. That would sounder foundation than it is 1

Speaker, I am l'islna on a well taken, be a difference of SO million. at present, with the population point of order. The hon. gen· Mr. Plckcrsgill: 1 hope there ~Tr. Browne (St. John's und the number of young pco-tlen:an is launching into a dis· will not be any suggestion that Westl: •'or two years'/ ple there are today in the At· CU>>ion of financial relations I cannot sa>' anything 1 hke :\lr, Plrkersl(ill: ~o, the hon.llantJC pronnces those tnclustms

1 between the dominion and prov. about the fedcral-pro1·incial member docs not seem to un· could not possibly provide the ''incial govtrnmtonts. He Is 1 conr~rence or 11155 or the F~d· dcrstnnd. In the !isc·al year I employment that is need eel m 1

speaking now of certain lea· i erai-Provincial Tax Sharing 1956-57 the three maritime pro· 1lh.ll arc.J in order to ha1 c a' lures which are wr~ttcn Into Ar.rang~ments. A~t of 1956: \'iners receil'cd S53 million h)': hra~ll1~· cxp;u,ding economy. 1

the Fedcral·Provincial Tax· ncllhcr of whtch 1s hcforc thr, 1\'a~· of tax rental payments 1111

\\hat about the oth•·r mdus-ShJrin!( Arrangements Act housce anrl both o! which I hca of thl•sc taxes and in the 1 tn'''' There arc some healthy Ti1ere is btolorc the house at happened below the present :snhscquent year, 1957-58. under 1 i•Hltbllll'S. On the 11hole the the present time a hill deal·' go1·crnment rame in to of!icc,' the nrw statue they rrcl'll'ecl forest in,lustrll's are m a very in-; with this \'Cry s~tbject. The but ~. agrc(' with .the :\linistcr 1s52 million. an increase o! S9 hc·a.lth>· condtlton. 'J'lw~· hal'e debate on. the motton ~or ~c· of ¥ tnancc I ~tr. ¥ lenung) that, mtllwn. The mc1·euse in ~ew- 1 thetr ups and downs ft:om year r11nd readtng Df that btll has to the extent I talked ah~~1t tl~e I founcllancl 11:1< in proportion. 11 to year. hut happtl)' .this 1s one ~!ready had one day dc\'Oled extra three Jll'l' cent wmeh 1s tlo not ha1 c right under my mdu,tr:· llwt g1ves s1~ns ol hav­lo lt. and It ~terns lu me with all Ius bill <kalth with it wonlrl th<unb thl· txal't figure Inti the Ill;: a wmcwho~l hl'ller Far than ~reat respect. Mr. Spcak('r. not he pro11rr to go on an·l II tnt,li in 1·t'l'a~•' tn ;Iii tlw [nur 'la'l )car: :~t lca.t that I> tnw thai,. the hon. !:Cntlemnn is ~·1rld at once. ~:1we I ha1·e not pl'lll'tncl·s 1ras hl'ill'l'l'll Sl 1 nul· o[ >OIIW p;1:·ts u[ the fm·,.,: Ill· now l!il'ing us the specl·h which mo\('rl an amendment nr an~· lion ami Sl2 milium. a> i rr· du•.tr) Tlw Inn" term future 1'1 idently is intended to he a thing else, surely I can disc•ts,; ml'lllhl'r tl. nl illl' for,•st mclustry m liw AI· repetition or what has been the fedrral-provincial confer·


itlr, llro11nc :It, John's l.·nuc prolllll'es 1s Jll'oh.,hly


~aid Dr what he may intend to cnce of 1055 or th(' statute Wcstl: Was it not 59 1111 ,J 10n·: lll•ller than an; nthcr mclmtry ~ay with respect to the am~nd· hooks and is now the law of the 1 ~lr l'ickcrs~ill: No, 1t 11·;" so' llr. Sp~akcr: I ;un trouhlcd , 111cnts to lhP Fecl~ral-Prol'in· country and ~o as long as I rio nullion for the three mant1mc by the tune of the hon. nwm· ri11 Tax-Sharing Arrnn~em~nts not rlisruss tl1~ a~rnrlment to 1 pro\'lnr~> and the Newfound· lwr who has the !loot• I nn.lrr· Art. that st;\llle whtch 1.• befor~ us Ja,1rl mrn•asc has to he mi<IPct siood hun tn say at the hegm

Hr is qu~st10ninn nm1· thr 11 would sr~m to me that I to th,1t. nmg of h1s spec•l'lt that he d1d fal'l that. with r~;1rd to thr i would he quite in ordPr , I As 1 was >aymg there 1s nnr not propn~e to mo1 c a non con·, lncr('a<rs mad(' in lhr pro,·in· llr. Browne (St. Johns other as]ll'CI o! tim mallc>r he· fubwr motion It i' only 1f he eial share ()[ thr personal in' Wesll: ~h· Spraker. may I •_J;k ls1de the qm'sllon of ,ta:11hz.t is mak1ng such a moll()n that he' r(l)ne tax. the stabilization the hnn mcmhcr a quesll<•n twn winch .• ecms to Ill<' to he of llould hal'e mon• th.m 40 111111·

rrineirlt is not ap1•1ied to the ~l'!tirh is right on th~ poh_1t he grl'at importance. It was also nil's. al lca.t. th.ll mny he one 3 ppr cent increase in the i Is n.ow t:llkmg about. He IS re· 1 point('d out hy ~lr. Hicks m inlt'rprelalJOn of the rule. l pro,·inr.ial shar~. This takes 1 frrrm~ to the general aba'l'· 1953 that thet·e shonlcl he-and just raise 11 brrrusc we do noli m right hark into the mid<llr 1n.1rnts to lhr. prol'tnrrs aero.;~ again 1 m:t)' he crit 1 min~ the 1\,llll to let thr procedure be

St Jnhn's Chapter nf \'atinnal Office ~lanagemcnt Associ.Ition held their annual meeting in the :'\cwfoundland II old nn Tucscluy. \lay 1Oth. Outgoing !'resident Chcs Benson reported a \'cry ouhtanding ~·em "ith un incl'L'.ls~ m mcn.lwrship of 1!l uwkim~ a lotal of .~0 representing 37 companies. The mouth!~ mcctin~s l'onsistt•d of P.mel dis· l us,im" al:mg wilh .uldresses hy prominent speakers and the annual la!lics' night. During the \C.'ar the C:h.ltJler prL • •<'ntl'tl 20 houl,s to the (;osling \lemnrial Library and con dueled survey on office salaries and dictating Hl<tChine~. The eh·tion nf Offict•rs for the HJG0-61 sen~on resulted ns follows: Pre~idcnt, Eric Thompson, Stcl'rs i.ctd.; Vice­l'residl•nt. Hol:m•l Inkp\'11, BmHing Brothers; Secretary, Sheldon Churchill. llicknum \lotors; Treasurer, Ed. Til­lei'. l'\ll'it' J•,Jdori<'s Directors: Dan Long, Bnwring Bros.; Doug. Chafe, l'urit~ Factnries: \n:;ns Chafe, Jnhn· ston •, hhin·.mcl' Offices; C1 ril Ash, Sanitnry Products; Da l'id Edwards, H<trw)· Ind. Di1 ision; II a I' Howse. SteC'rs Omnrancc :\~cnl'il·s. ·

of tbp rl~bate on the lnll to, ( anada ronslllUtlll~ a total of forn!l'r administration when I illlc'l'rd hy ddaull. from :\lont1·eal \!a;· ~6th, rlue 1 amend that ·act. You will find 15405 million between 1956·~7 sa)' thi• but I am sN•king, as I ~lr. l'i•·kersgill: l intc·nrl .•ir. St .John's ~~a~· ~Bih It in item !'i'o. !I on torlay·s 1 anrl JO~i-58 The hon. memb•·r p<•mtcd out at the hrgmnin:~. to to lll'>l'l' an amemlmrnt and • nl'fn : .. : . .t ·" 11

Mclrr pappr, Bill :-\o· 56 , dirt not make any r_cfcrcncc t~J make a non-purlt,an sptwh- what mtrrJH'clatlon 1s put upon FURNESS, WITHY & CO., : "r. Plrk~r·~lll: ~lr. 5pe;1k.


11hat the r!fccl wasm the man· I :llr. l'lt•min;: U::!lintou): !low it is not f,lr me to say Of Fort .\\~Inn due St. .John's I rr. on that point. 1 have no lime (11'0\!llres or the Allant:c ~xtraorchnaril)· >nU an• surt'l'l'd· t'lllll'>l' 1 suppose !he rules ~Ia,· :10 1,,.;'1 In~ for IJ.1lifax,

Holy Heart High School's Second Musical Show

intention of routinnil'~ in tins provinc•es. ing! g01wn. I say it 1s not gout~ to anci B ·''"11 'I;,~· 31. Our llali- 1

\'em 1 sim)lll' m~de that as a ~lr, Plrkrrsgill: 1 ~ave the :llr. l'itkersglll: I thmk thrre be in llw lnngna~e ol a 11011• fax .lull\'~ an.l Bo•ton .lnnr 6 Students of the Holy Heart depth of tone qualtty wh21h. •In~le isco!aterl statement. figure for the thr~e marJti'1W was a ~l'l'<ll dc•al of !llt'!'lt 111 the conftdrnce motwn, but from my \t 11 fnuncii.11Hl due St .John's of :>lary Regional Htgh School, combtned with the arttstlc tn·

"r. Speaker: If the hon pronnc<•s rarhc·r m Ill)' sPe<'Ch. contentiOn of 'lr. llicl<s that p.1st ~xpe 1·wm·~ 1 n~;•~· s:J)' 1t :\la1· 20 f.<'<ll'l!lg [or !lalifm; under the distingUished pat· terpretation achiC\'erl, resulted mrml>~r ts comin.t: hack to till' ~lr, llrownP (St. Jolm's CC!UaiJzallon mul st.tinh;alllln nu~hl he so mtl'l preted. ancl Jlo,ton :-ray ~l. cine Halt· rnnage of His Grace ths Arch· in a performance worthy of the

all!) of llllloiC cdu~atwn.

1 Those n'sponolhle for the 'llraming of these young people are to i>e congratulated on

· havin~ led them to a pcrcep· ' t1on of heaut.y, growing with the years. wtil ennch rhe1r lives and be for them and th~1r associates that "joy for ever" of which the poet smgs

Atlanhr pronncc~ I shall not \\'~st\: Thrl 11a' for three and till' whole h;l>is of liw>e ~lr. Speaker: 1 ~liPPO•(' 11 1< fax '1;•, ~:! anrl Ro,ton ~,.,,. l11shop, presented their second highest" praise. DIPLO~IATIC CHASGJ> n~ed t_n deal at len~th mth ~·c.1r<. ll'.aS it t~ot·• p.l)'lllents including till' .\flail· not n•ally for llw lwn member 2fi J.r.ll lng r.oston :-lay 27 annual musicale on the even· Another oulstandmg feature OTTAW.\ ICPI-James George, tha pmnl of nrcl('r. I fc•lt m1. ~lr. PI(•kers~!ll: Oh. no I tic prol'lllCt•.• anangl'mc·nt• to say wl!l'lhcr the gnvemmcnt and .l!allf:JX ,;lay 31. due St. 111~ of ~lay 5. o[ lhl' evenin~'s recital was the 11, 11 as named Wednesday 65 •rlf that. althou~h hP harll haH• the fi!(ure right lwrc> winch 1 hn(le <oulcl he gpm•r,tlt·. 11111 accl'pt Ill' amrnrlmrnts a- 1 .l.lhn '.,JunP - Sn~lnl~ a~:ain a•·hievcd throughout !he entire splendid performance by the Canada's lngh com1msstoner to t · h. 1 h h 1 1 1 1 1 · san1r d;n for Lll'rrpool. f 1 1 Glee Club Which 111 punty of •rPn Wlt 111 t lr scopt• w IC > mewlet·r nne \l.aC<'I 11 nn wd ,hnuld all lw J>UI min thl' a 11:111! of conhdrncc mot :on. I prr orm.1nce wa~ suct as o • Ceylon, suc~ceding R G o:-;1k• h h rl f I If 1 II I f 1 I :\q\'a S{'!Jlla lra\ m~ no~ton 1 · tone and clarity of d1ction r a set or um''' w wn, an>arc. a e11' mmntc•s ~~~ 1.01 , 1111111011, aJHI th,1t 111 ,t 1w! of 1 nn'c the pm.1t hc•t,lu'r I we rstahllsh a mustca reputatiOn ' C'a\ell who retires >hol'\ly lr01r. h~ 11a~ talklll" abn1 l th At The fl"ll!'e for th lhr 'r nm1 1 1 t I t t Tl I ~Ia,· 10 :~nd II;IiJi':lX ~Ia\' H. fc11· tit• ·I1tt're s-ho<ll. 1·1, tn left httle to he dC'Sired. The the d 1' pI om a I i c sen itr .. \It·

• I"> 1 . (I • 1 • ,.. c c '. · hit\ln:.: lh<'"t' fi-~c.It' (\~l'l\l'lllC'.Jll ~~~ JW < 0111 a lOU 1 · lt' 011 \ dul: ~1. .John'..; :\L1\' I fl. S:llllll~ I \.- " ., tuneful vo1ces ga1.c beauttful

lanhr prol'tncr~ p,,rhcularl~· hill(' rronncrs was S4 nulhon wlul'il liWI'l' 1s IHl ,.. •. 1j c'c'l'illnl' n•,"nn tlw hon mcmhc>r would f strnetors anrt performers. and r;eorge .iomed the <.'XIHnal al ~ th I · · · II' tl 1 t f 1 II t ' ' ' · 1 1 k 1 1 a.~am '·"n" or I.JI'rrpowl. and sllrrm" retu!itwns of selen r · 1 t t t"'" d 1 an" r~r c nnunwn pronncw 111 1r as ~··,n· n I 1e o c ax ot h ll'in•· l'<l!lilllliP 11 1111uld hr It' Jll'l'llllltet to spca · H')OIH to pronde for those prlVIIe~ed .. a1rs c epar men Ill ~'"an W' 1 t. h tt' · 1 1 1 1 1 ~·~ ·11 · I ' ,.. II 1 :\01.1 Seolla due St .• John's numbers, and with a fcrltn~ d t t · ~~·- 1 1 rr a 1011• r. "'" ~<' 111~ Ill o rcn a '.1' rm anr "'''- m1 11111, )lrl'ft'l'ahl•· 1., mdud•· thrm 111 41l mmnll'S won, w to Jlltro to he:tr thr programme a rich " an·s opar men 111 . '" anc W· I ~ f ld 1 ' 1 f f 1 1 .lunl' 3. Lcann!! for ll~lifax f h J 11 that was re d · \th d t ,. ~-1r~~-~-~·: ~·~'~-fl~(' 11111r ~·:t_~~~" ~1r ~·~:~_lar- 1111 ,._,,, 111 " wa) ,1,_ .lllhr 1111 ~ 1 l!JI,'h"''' a. lllll,'·l'Onl•.d,•JWP "}"111111 and l]o,lon.lunr l.dnc ]],,lifnx and rherlsbable ~:<prrwnce. or eac ~cec nn · >ene Ill CIN an a ,e••

·confr•h'l'aiJllll, •lntnloll , 11 h. ~lr. flemm~ n.gllnlonl. \l•11 .ltlll•' 6 ,"nrl llo,fnn .June ~- ~ell' heights n[ musicianship markahle m a group so ~nunc• i01\- 111th the permanent ,.,,,.,

S 1 1 1J 1 1 il 1 1 " · c1 h 11 · t rl Thr IOUihful 1·o~al solotsl, chan !111"1011 to lhe llmled '\,1 Pl.oneer Fox Farmer ees 'HhC> 1\t'l'(' )!JCillcird. llilhuut 'Ill" I :liH lllf ca 11~ a-'ll' l I.e ,'11'111~ "J coStllll .Jtll1r !0 anrl llc•rr :•ttamr )' 1C In ro uc . )I " ! 1 1 t 1 - " showed a competence and h~d IJoiJ. T01 onto-horn. he ha, hPt'r wh•rh thc•rP llnnld hal<' heo'll · r · tl<':l!er: r:u'ec w ll,"llt,·lx· ,ltii\C 1 '. rltte s.·t. ,Jto11n's. twn mto the orchestra of bras-

' 1 t t 11 1 11 s not ur' " • II 1 tl 1 'Jl~.1al f<'L·hng f•1r l!wa· Ill Pari' w1lh the C:mad1an dele no l'Uilfl'cil'l'<lllllll. m n 1rr~ Sl' a. ' ' ,)Jill(' 111·. S,"t\•, 11 ~ •"~•"tn .,, me 'l'lll•'r, 'cnc mg 1r1r 1.1r h 1 ti li 1 i 1 ll t " .. "~" "" f h · selechons that marked the ~atwn to l c :\.\TO council. \ I 1 1\0llld not h,11·c lho11~ht th" II' I~ 1rr IC rue 11011' go 1" day for I.nrrnunl. monies w1th those o t e str1ng- ---- __ _

Industry As A Has-Been :trgunwnt half as lmJHlrlant IWil 1.1~1 'T tl (J·'.sse• L' tl :\ellfouncllanrt clur ~t. rei and percussion groups, pro· cn\t:rel. proga•rl~dmmpc;ano solmsl~ TOKYO 'Rcutersl - Olcr•r,"

'\,'rill's ~"O a< I dn lml,n .. And .·' r. '' ar 11. ·' •• as : 1 1 · J 1 ''l r " fell' chll•ed an emmentlu ~atisf,l'ing 1 10 tn • I 'OIII s 'u le - .cal tn~ ' I d h I standard m:mufacturcr;; hal·e cmnplmncl\ wh)? I l'I'!U't'i to have to >il)' tl \\hat nther mtt•nhnn c·oulc a Ilal!fax and Boston ,June 3~ ! --- -- ··--·- - - -- · reac 1e a very lg 1· o~hout .Tapanc-e 1nutdlton, ,,[ and I do not lllll•nd ln make any. l'l'a,onal;lc ~an h~v~_; clue HaiifJx .June 24 anc! !los: Fl'Rl\'ESS RED CROSS U:'<it: and charmed the ?1101 cnce With thctr good~ .. Japan's tJ·acle mini-·

Ry UOUG ESGLJ:m FOXES FltO~I AL\R i."uc o[ thts fot' ohlhJlls rea· ~lr Fl~mm~ (J.~oiiJtnnl: Is ton .June 2i.\mg Boston' S.S. Guernsey arriving St. their hlghl;- efflc.cnt and .en trv said Wcdne•day Busine<smr•1 Th~ Chatham :\'e"s tiradually other people in the sons, hnt wr iHII'P Wllnl''·ed a !lw hem. nwmher for Honansla· · .l•tnc 28 anrt J[altf:tx .Tuiv 2, I .lnhn'~ \lay 15th, lea1•ing :\Yay "'111 CI! 11111 ' 1c'11 perform:. nee. in nme \l'cst~rn count ric>, mdu•!·

RIDGI::TOW:"i, Ont. <L'P'-Sim area began to bring pan·s to the rcpurliatum of the cnnslltutwn l'wti!Jngah' not a reasonabl: due Sl. ,John' .July 4. Sailing IJRth fnr Argcntia, Corner Notln~ the poise and dlgn!l) ~~~~ Canada. '<lct·<crl .Japam Coil, who helped pioneer fox Coli farm fnr him to rai'C on the· in thts l'l'r)' field h~· the prc'l'lll man l!l I'IC": of h!s collt';~~ur? 1 again •1nw day for Ln·crpool. 1 Brook, J\ali!ax and =-:ew York. of the graceful perlorm~rs anrl manufacturers and cxpocter .• co! farmini 111 Ontario. then 11al~hed •nme :;o.;o hH>ls. His ability be. admimstrntwn 11'1\h rPst•cct to . Mr .. ~tarim (f.ssfx f.ast): 1 Xo1a Scotia due St John's l.canng :\cw York :llay 31st, hearing their mature s~·mpa copymg the1r dr<i~ns •1r tiudl• it flourish and suddenly collnpse, came widely known anrl A buyer term 20 nf tlw ll'l'ms of umon 1 hal ~~ ~x;!clly 1~h~t I ~atd. . ,Julv 5. Lcal'ing for Hali(ax Saint .lohn, N.B., .June 3rd, the tic rend('rin~ of demand· mark< in Jn.i9 .\monz the copJ'd doubt~ the industry will e1·er Ill P1·im·f ¥:dwm·tl bland starlcd wtlh ~rwtounclland. That makrs 1 ~lr l·lemm~: (F.~l.mton•: It 1' and Boston JUI)· 6, due Hali-1 llal1fax, .June 6th, arriving St. in~ musical compositions, the 1lcms 11rre ,yntlwtic texilk'. n1~kf a comeback. sendin~ fo~es to him. 11 nil the more impnrtanl that rx.H·IIr the nppo~1t~ of what fax .July 8 anct Boston July Jl. J .Jnhn's. une 9th, sailing June t'· · •htful h<tc'Jcr cnulcl not 1tn1e<. sr;•nc>, clc<lric shm<'"'·

.\ harhrr hy trmlc. ~lr. Cull "For yeat·s he would ~end lllP all o[ the prol'lllcrs sllon!d 1 the hun mrml>rr sa HI. I Lt' 11 in;~ Roston July 12 nnd! 11th, for Corner Brook, Hah· but reOec on the manife<t 'Hi f1<hmg tackle, talcum pow de•·. •tarted lm stlwr and black fox foxe~ anrt I'd raise lhPm, sell know c•xat·tly wht'rl' tlwy stand, (To Be Contlnntcll \Ia I fax .July 16, due St. John's: f.1x and =-:ew Lork. '·""'';''' to the h11man person· lor<, 1azor blades and camcr:~S farm on a shoestring in t912 them and dPpostt his ,,lwrc o[ the m matters of this kind ·-- ----·· • --··-- -------------- · ·· ---------- - -- -"' ar thL< southwc•tem Ontario mone1· in the bank. I nc\ et· did 'fhrre is a110! hrt· .I hmg I rn:-11\llllly and ~aw it dc1clop meet the man but he tJ·ustcrl me want tn >n1· ahnut the Atlantic s J E AM s H 1 p ;l mto une of the most modern op· to look after his Rhare of the prol'inccs grants hefnrc I leai'P' eratmns m the prov!nce. ' money." 'the snbjrc·t. \\'hen they w~•·e _In W22 the magazme Salurda)· Fox farming was risky, ~1-en hron~ht furwarcl by the ~linl>tcr MQVEMEN TS , . ~ 1~ht _de1·oted. more than ?a If a for successful fa1111e1 s. "Once I of Finance m this house m pa~~ m lis hnancal seel!on to refused an offer of $14.000 for one ·Januarv of 1958 thcv were dPs· a storr and photographs. o[ the pai~ of fl'male-'. 1 kept them a~d crihcd ·by ~Jr. Kirk, then the TilE :\FLO. (;,a.A1' t. \l>L~ Coli farm. The story car~·1ed the as 1t turned out they never d1d hon member for Shelhume· STE.UTSIUPS !.Til. ?,rPdlction th~!. !ur farmm~ was p~ocluce .any pups. An~ when they Yar;nouth-Ciare, as dehCI('IlCY 1 :11.\'. Ard~len loading at Ham

here t.o ~In) . . . . thcd the1r pelts wercn t any good, pwments and ttmt IS of course 1 til em ~lay 13th, ~lontreal ~Ia) ~Jr. Col! s al>lh!l• to ra1se pnme e1thcr." . '· 1 ' h 1 th ' Tl 'I!Gth fur St .John's

foxes brought him dozens o[ .\t one time the Coli farm had prcCJS.c .Y w a . ey ~re,, tey 1 s s. ~la;:chcster' Explorer ~ward.• at the Royal Winter Fair more than 80 adult foxes and 133 ~re pa) mcnls m.ul~ hccau.c th~ loading at Hamilton :llny 21st. m Toronto, inclurling the reserve pups hut the rur-farminn boo I mcome anrl the tax.! hie capaclt~ T t ~~ . 20th \I t I world championship in 1927. , throughout c a n 8 d a n~trl ll~, o[ these prol'tnccs Is he low the ~ron 2~ h 3j St ' J i ~n rea 1 DECUSE IS 1950 t'nited State~ brought ai>out the n.ntwnal ave.rage, anrl substan·' B. ay } • or · • 0 111 s an<

\ 1 t 1Qt8 It r th . I • d l!allv b!•lcl\V !I I otwoou, : s a e as · • pe s rom e me us try s own£ all I ' · . · s s G Oil Tie Joadmg at Hamil· Col! farm were selling for as ~TARKET COLLAPSEn , l\lr. Phillips: How d1d that · ~~' 25 1 T t '.1

h $1 '0 h R t 'th" . h 'th . · ff. ,. I ton ,, ay t 1, oron o .• ay muc as , ear . u Wt m "We o v e r d 1 d it. Everyone appen Vi 1 ) .ou 111 0 Icc· "6th ~I 1 1 ~I . 28th f st two vears these same prize furs started raisinn foxes and finallu 1 Mr. Plckcrsgtll: I am pi cased J- h ·, • ondrcBa 1• a~ 1 or ·

I . · b ' · " . • ' t ] . l · f h o n s an 0 WOOl • cou d not e1 en rmg $10 aptece. the market collapsed." o ~nswcr t 1.1 questiOn o 1 e ~! V p th 1 d' 1 H .1 When thet point was reached :\lr. Chan~ing styles also contrl·, hou. member. If you had gone · · · cr oa tng a 31111 · Col! decided it was time to quit. buted to the demt~e. 1 back to 1935 compared their ton June 1st, Toronto June 2nd.

Born nearly 91 years ago in ~lr. Col! doubts fur farming position then with that of some ~!ont~cal June <lth, for St. )Jorpeth, Ont .. ~lr. Coli operated will cl'er come bock because the other parts of Canada ,you Jolln 5 and llotwood. I harber shop in Ridgetown-15 industry has been abandoned [or! would have found that there CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. miles east of Chatham-until 1912 so many years. But in a way I was a vast improvement in the •Gulfport. leave :\l~ntreal w~e~ he. became interested in he's happy about it. For despite period we were in office, I can ~lay 11: arnve st. John 5 ~lay ra1smg Sliver foxes, the fact that he made his living tell hon. members that there 16• ~ea\ 7 1\!ay 18·

"A cousin or mine In Thames- by killing foxes and selling their i arc lots of people in the Allan· Illghhner. leal'e M?ntreal vnte had a pair of silver ones pelts, he loved them. 1 tic provinces somewhat older !\Jay lB, arrtve St. ,Johns :\lay' and my wife and I h~ppened to' He kept a pair in his house as I th th h b f S·. t 23, leave St. John • May 25. t d . t th d . ( :tn c on. mcm cr or am "" p rt I a a 'lontr "I

l'l\'t! ou ere one St~~ ay after. pels and foxes on his farm were John-Albert Olr. Bell) who are .,ova o .· c v. ·' , eu, I noon to look at th•m taunht to perform tricks at his ld h 1 h th t May 25, aruve St. Jolt111 Mas I . . , . . ., . o enoug o rcmem er a . 0 1 . J

:\lr. Coil dtdn t ha1·e nearly command and even cat from his: Mr Simpson· Do you remem· 3 • ea\e une 1. 1 enough money to buy a pair but, hands, ] b • • • · • "Gulfport leave Montreal , a friend put up the cash and 1 And his eyes still brim with c;ir Pickers 111• But 1 am June 1, arrive St. John's June I turned the foxes Ol'er to ~Jr. , tears when he talks about the I . · g • 6, lcnve June 8. Colt to raise, They dil'ided the 1 little soft. pelted creatures that 1 afraid .that lr o,yc are not care· Highliner leave Montreal' pups produced by the first pair. \ 11 ere so much a part of his life. fuld_lh1!S n;ayh-dlllf ~hed wolrds. o£ June B, arrive St. John's June I _ ----- --· _ .. --·- _ a IS mguls e rten o mme 13 leave June 15.

I -degenerate _iryto a debate. :.!\'ovaport leave Montreal Show Business These deftcJCncy .payments June 1~, arrive St. John's June

are needed and there 11 nD Dne 80 leave June 22.

ACIOSS 3Pesterer 4Tum 5 Arabian JUif 6 What tenants

pay 1Rodent I Chorus boys DEU·Ihaped

10 Cllt I 1>11\ot 11 Sheep (pl.) 17 Fancy 29 Heredity untt 43 State 19 Llnded estate 31 Entertainment 44 Rend 23 Loved ones media 4G AdJective 24 SelvH 33 Claw su111xes 2J lllustard plant 38 Queen'• chair 47 City In 2S Mexican 40 Chol'llll Pe11111ylvanla

moner females 48 Enchanted 27 Unburies 41 Make drunk 60 Electtlcal 28 Prtu 42 Peel . particle

~hD would question !bat in the ~Refrigeration. ltght of the experience o[ the GULF AND NORTHERN three years. I do not believe SHIPPING co. that any government even if it •Fergus leaving Charlottete· w~nted to would dare to ter· town :>.lay 13th, due St. John's mmate these arrangements. But ~lay116th, sailing May 16th. I do say that what we really •Fergus leaving Charlottete·l 1~ant to do, what should be the town, 1\!ay 20th, due St. John's 1

a1m of al~ of _us and what I May 23rd, sailing May 23rd. really believe 11 our aim-al· •Fergus leaving Charlottele· though perhaps some of us ~ave own May 27th, due St. John's a better aim than others-Is to May 30th, sailing May 30th. end the deflclency so that the •Fergus leave Charlotte­payments wlll not be needed to town, P.E.I. une 3, leave Plc-1 correct a basic difference In the tou, N.S., arrive st. John's 1 e~onomy of the Atlantic pro· June 6, leave same day. 1

1 vmces. · •Fergus leave Charlotte· How is that going to be done? tDwn, P.E.I. June 10, leave ·

i That Is the problem. I have a1- Pictou, N.S. June 11, arrive i ; ready alluded to the weak posi- St. John's une 13, leave the 1l 1 lion of. agriculture, to the coal same day, i industry and Its serious plight, •Refrigeration. I

to the relative and absolute de- . 'lii.V. Wodcock enroute from cline In the fl.sherlcs. About all Montreal, due St. John'• May these things I bellevo a good lOth. de~! could be and should be 1\I.S. Bedford II saillna from done and on various other oc- Halllax May 9th, due St. John's caslons suggestions have been May 11th. matle. If some of the sugges· M.S. Belle Isle II salllng from lions, for example, made in Montreal May 12th, due St. another debate the other day by Johns' May 16th. my friend the hon. member for M.S. Bedford II sailing from Grand Falls-While Day-Labrador Halifax May 17th, due St. {Mr. Gronlfcr) were carried out JohiJ's May 19th. they would be a step in that M.S Woodcock •ailing from direction. !llontreal ~lay 19th, due St.

Even if the fisheries were John's ~lay 23rd. restored, even if the coal Indus. M.S Bedford ·u sailing !rom try employed as many people Halifax l!ay 2~th, due St.

I today as It dirl in 1956, even if John's ~lay 27th. , a~:riculture was on a much M.S. Belle Isle II sailing




OUT We Must Vacate This






Raincoats Rc;::. S1.95. Now $1.00 Windbreakers Reg. 4 95. Now 2 95 llraces (Police Style) Rc~. 97r. :\ow 49c. Sweaters Reg. 8 95 X ow 3 95 Dresses, Assorted Re~. 1 0ii :-;ow 1 49 Flannel Shirts .. .... . . . . Reg. 1.95 Now 1 00 Khaki Sh1rts Reg. 3 49 X ow I m; No-Iron Shirts . ....... .. . . . . Reg. 4.95 :'o:ow 2.8R No-Iron l Terylene) .. . ........ ... . neg. 6.95 :\ow 4.95 Sport Shirts Reg. 5 95. Now 3 88 Underwear Reg 79r. :\ow 4flc. Work Sox . Re::. 79c. 3 for 1 00 Plus: Pants, Overalls, Coveralls. Boots, Sutts. Jacket>.

Ties, Belts, and many, many more

FOR GIRLS' Bobby Sox . Reg. 89c. Now 57c. Ankle Sox Reg. 4~c. :>low 29r. Full Slips (Nylon) .................. Reg. $1.49 :->ow fi6c. Full Slips (Cotton) ........ ......... Reg. 1.95. ;.low 99<! Slacks .. ................. R~g. 2.95. X ow I 95 Skirts, Assorted .............. Reg. 1.95. :-iow 1.00 Dresses, Assorted . .. ........ Reg. 1.95. I'> ow 1.40 Dresses, Assorted (Nylon) ......... Reg. 4 95. I\' ow 2.77 Dusters, Sizes 3 to 6x . . • .. Reg. 4.95. :-\ow 1.39 Babv DoH Pyjamas .. Reg. 2 49. Now 1 49 Slacks, 3 to 6x . Reg. 1.69. Xow 99c. Spring and Summer Coats Reg. 16 95. Now 10.00

And many, many more.

FOR LADIES' Blouse~ . . ........... .. Reg. $1.95. :Sow 77c P.obby Sox (Tw~>ters) ..................... Reg. 97c. :-<ow 50~. Bandanas .. ........ .......... Rcg.-l9c. !'{ow 25c. Panhes. As•orted ..................... Reg. 79r. 3 for 1.00 Full Slips (Nylon) ...................... Reg. 2.95. :Som 1.47 Full S1ps (Colton) . .. ..................... Reg. 2.95. Now 195 Half Slips (Nylon) .......................... Reg. 1.95. Now 87c. Hal! Slips tCotton) ....................... Reg. 2.40. Now !.OU Gloves. Assorted ............. Reg. 1.25. Now 69c. Panties Reg 99c. Now 59c. Pedal Pushers Reg. 2 95 and 3.4!!. Now 1.49 Banlon Pullovers Reg. 4.9i. Now 3.00 Cardigan Hi-hulk Orion Reg. 9.95 :\'OW 5.9.'i Shaggy Cardigans Reg. 10.95 :Sow 6.95 Jackets (color white only) Reg. 3.95. Now 1.95 Slacks. sizes 12 to 20 Reg. 2.95. )~'ow 1.95 Slacks, sizes 12 to 20 Reg. 4.95. Now 2.95 Dresses Reg. up to 15.!15 :Sow 8.5G Dresses R~g. up to 12.95. Now 6.50 Dresses . Reg. up to 19.95. Now 10.00 Cuals, Assorted Styles . . Reg. 39.95. Now 19.95 Coats, Misses sizes ..... . . Reg. 29.95. Now 15.00

And many, many more Top Quality Gnods.

One lot Children's Flannel Short Pants, Baby ( Doll Pyjamas,

Flannel Shirts,

Rompers, Overalls, Shorts,

Pedal Pushers, Blouses, Skirts,

Girls' Short Pants, and many many more

items, ALL .............. ' .... ··········-····· .... ,,, ......... ,.,_ ONLY


Page 3:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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Premier Warns Oil Companies.\ Not To Try And Undermine Th~ Local Golden Eagle Refinery

Premier J. R. Smallwood ating in :'\ewfoundland. He employment. 1 The Premier said he did not termed the statement by the said Imperial could physically He repeated much of the ' care how big B.A. Oil Is, it chairman of the B. A. Oil : handle all the oll business statement he made last week 1 was no better than the fine Company as "ungracious" and here but not more than 1000 following the signing of the I British company from the Old als~ ga\'C warning to any oil p~rsons would be employed, agreement wltl.l Ultramnr and 'I Country-Uitramar. It may ~e I compan~· or group of oil com· whereas with so many other Golden Refinmg . Company .. richer, but had no more '."· panics which try to price I companies here nnw there Is , The d~lly productwn of the , tcgr1~y ~r sense of honour Golden Ea)!lc Refininl! Com·. grcaiN' employment and o\'er' plant of 5000 barrels and sales! (Contmued on page 5) '· pinY out of busincs•. He was' 4000 will find jobs In the! outside of :'\ewfoundland of • .. _ ..... ·---·-l!'e~kin!l in the House of As· oil Industry .. ;\lore shops and i products, as far away as Que·' N GEA E ; wmbly Thursday. on ~econrl· m'\'ICC statiOns mean more bee. . . . xpresses ln11 reading of thr hill "An -- - ---

;\rt to :\pjll'OW ~nd ~in· statu· · Pres·l_dent ton· Ef£rrt to an ,\!lrermrnt ' Rciwcen ihr l:owrnmrnt and Golden Ea~lc Hrfinin~: l'nm· pan1· of Canada l.imitrcL"

C.anadian Restaurant Disappointment The following is a news rc·

lrr;'e fro111 the Secretar)· of lhe I. ~:cwfoundland Government Ern- i plo)·rrs !l.ssnrlation: ·

AI ~n rmrr~r.ncy mreling or ·I hr full lloard of Director~ of

The Prrmi<'r ,pc•kl' fnr on•t' ~n hour on tltl' impnrtanrr nf thr nrw oil inclu~ll)' anrl ~al'l' ~ hrirf hi<lnric•al rrl'irw of thr 1 nriou< oil rnmp~nir~ oprr· Association Arrives ·II ,. ('"' • h ld 1 t · 11 \1!-n;hrrs nf lhr lloarrl nf !lr•.••·ol< nf \frmnri;tl l;ni1·•T<ill· ;,J ~ rr·•·•·tll i"" lwlrl ol RaJ_,. ll"h.· in ltnnnm nf all mmher& 1r ,, . '·'•·"· r as mg 1 •

· \\'hich was ealled lo rrcrivc a .md nl tltr facnll)'· lk;ulin•! ltnm 1,-ft to rdtl--\fr. ;uid\11·, Cr"d"" 1\'intn. ~lh~ ll. Ct~<h11P. Dr. 1\a,·mnnrl Gush~~

Ranger Into

Runs · rrpnrt from th, delegate.~ nam· Pn·sidrnl \lrmnrial Cniwr~il1, \fr<. E. J 1'1:.-lnn ancl ~fr. f.. 1. l'lwlan, !,J.C., Chairman, Rnarrl nf Regl!nls Memorial · d 1 rei IJy the rxrrutive to seek an U · ·1 • · \lr. llut:h t'nthcrwnod Crai~. nnrl and first \'lce-pre,;i en . !11\'Pr .• l y.

Ice 1 )Wr.•irlrnl of the Canadian Res· and this year was flrrtrcl to inlenicw wilb :lte Premier to 'I ------ --· ------ -- --- ------- -- .. ----------·--·----·

tauraut .-\~sociation and :\lr~. the as~nl'i~Uon's highr~t of- discuss the mailer or salary in- N A G 11 I ('llinrl,\· lower grades, utter dis· •,' trrda.1· artrmoon to begin a ing these years :\Jr. Crni~ 1as

. l'rai~. arrircd in the city yes- [icc. national pm<irlcnl. Dlll'· creases for cil·il SCri'Rnls, parti· I Recel·ves ew rt a ery The C\R's roa•tal l'e"cl tour that will take them across ~en·cd on many associati~>n ;tflpointment and keen indiana-.

~orthern Ranger, nHli;ing the Canada to British Columbia. :committee!;, but his greatest Lion was expressed by the lliC~I·' Honorable first trip of the seas9n to north· • :\Jr. Catherwood and )lis 1 assignment was as ~hairmnn in~ that lhc delegates· were' A • t • F d trn ~ewoundland and !'OUth· 1\''ifn, .•\ltn. lla\'C been connect·' nf t.he .. 1960 COil\'Cil[IOII and ;~gain denird the courtesy of an I SSOCia lOll orme trn Labrador. has run into il'e cd ~vith the r«.>staurant busi· exhibitiOn held in Toronto, intcrl'iew with the Premier. . Menti"On trouble off thr northern com· ness fm· thirt)' yl'nrs. be6in· :'.larch 28 to 31. Arising out 'of ~ full discus· · munil\· of Engler. it was learn· nin~ in the middle of the ~~·cat: The .!oral \)raneh of the 'ion on the subject the mcelin~ Tltr .\rl c;allrr)' :\\>ori- frll tlt.1t , 11 ,h A prniN-t rd yesterday. The ship car· deprc>'~ion, when he became C~nad1an Restaurant Asstll'l· •·~~retied llwl the appoinlrd ThP Jli('k.~ Trophy. rmhi<'m<J- ;1linn ,r \p11·t,ncnrlland wa' .'lwuld hr unrlrrlakrn a~ a rie~ badl.1··ncrdl'd supplie~ to the proprietor of a sCI'CIHtool allon held a rcccptwn al tl~e drle~alc., ll'rrc aa<Jin unsuccr;s. lie of salety supremacy in mo nr~an!Z!·d al " nwc·ting hrld comm 11 nil)· r0'pon>:hi!it)·. thr rommunit1rs isolated sinl'C hamburgel' stand. Today, he Is :'\c~·foundlnnd Hotel aftrr lm ful in arranging an inlcrl'icw til·p power shops o( the L'an- in tile (at·ulty room of \lr· .\ con>miltt•r romf,nect b)· lut fall. ro·ownrr of \\'atCI'ton Ln~cs arl'll'nl yeqerday and a l~tb· with tile l'rcmi~r. a(lian National Railwa)·s' Allan- nwrial l'nil-rr.,ity on 1\'rdnc>- \tr.'. n. II'. June<, r\o,·int·ial Tran~port Mparlmrnt offi· lintel l'nmpan~· nnct mannges ~tcr dinner and . rrc·cp\ion In thr li~hl of this situation tic Rc~ion. 11·as pr~>cnl•·d ;·rs- rla;· ni~ltl. \la;· 11th. ci1rrclcr. w~- •r! up to ~rrl; nut

participate In ~uch an nr~~nlt· :ttion.

,\t this inaugural meP.tin)L reprc>entlltl\·rs from ~Jcmorial L'nil·~r>it::. Dcpartmrnt nf ErluC"ation. thr \rwfounrllanri Tcarilrr,· . .l,••oriation. JnDE, ciA!~ ~aid thr ROI'rrnml'nt ire· J.nke Shore \'illa~:r. a tourist la't mght at ~I arty s Hc>taur. lhr mrrting unanimous!)· a~recd lrrda)· to employers or l'oir- Thr a in" 11r tlti' a'"'ci<~linn inttrr,tPrl ~roup' and indil'irl­

brtaker Wolfr wa~ in the ~amr rc~orl at Watcrton Park, t·on· an.l; , . thai the onl)· rrcoursr now was l'icw Rnunrlhnusr. who '""'"'rt- nrr lo slimulatr inlc•rr>t in. uah who ""uld ltr wtllin;: In area M the Rancrr, hut had· sisling of a lkcn~cd hotel, a _I ocla~·. :111·. anrl \Irs. (rat~ In conrrnr an rmer~enc)' mer!- eel 201.000 man-hours in l!l~,g and rn_to:ymrnt nf rxhibi!ion' - ·------------::-MrPiVPd no rl'<jue~t for a~sist· · lodge, molrl and gift shop, wtll hr gul''t~. al ~ dnmcr at tng or thr membership and sub- without a single lo>t-limc in- or wnrl;, of ;trl. hnlh !o(';t\ W E B' h

((nnttl11l~"'ri nn pa.:r 51

antf, lth«.>r business intel'ests in· Park-I.e and Will Wlncl up th~lr I Ill if a full report of tht pf. jur). ;lilfl :mpnrt;:nl. in lhr main • ' IS op: lfUnl\'hile another C'IR elude a \'arirtv store in Fort ~tay \l'llh a d~nner ;~nd rol·k· forts of lhc Board of Director.<. Of the 15 other rr~ional mn- t·cntrr~ of \Pirfnundlanrl. ;~nrl

llhip. SpringdalP, left Corner 1

:llarlcod. whcr'e he make~ his tail party tom!:hl at the Old in thi~ respect. ; tive power points eli~iblc for to 'III>P"rt an)· mm·r fnr tltr llrnok Wednesday in a second home and a Pancnkc Spcclalt) ·I ::-Jtll, . \\'ilh this Jn mind it wa~ de· the award, honorable menl1on form~tion of a !'rod!H'ial Art •ttempt to na\·igate the Ice· House in Calgary. , The~· leal'e tomorrmv morn· cided to convene an Exlraor- for last year's safety perform-. Gallrrr. tilled Strait or Belle Isle. lt . , , I lnt: by T.C.A. to continue their 'dinary General ~lee ling of the 1 a nee went to employees at Syrl-: The idea for the formation wu for~td to turn back on a· D~rmg ~\ orl~. ~\at~ 11 R :lfri , tour. .. 1 membership on ~ay 26. The As. ncy, Slcllarton, Bridgewater. or this organization originated prniom try ~ecause of heal')' 1 Craig .sened "'1 s:enal~y~n 1 ~-- ·--: ;ociation bas a membership or! Havre Boucher. Saint .John.· with the (;rand Falls. Comer

Attending Work Conference

Of School Superintendents ~. The Sprmgdale also car-: Canadmn Corps of g ; T h s f 2100, with branches at Deer' Newcastle, Fredericton, Camp- Brook and St. ,John's hranC"hr; rtea tupplies for the northern ~~~~:~y~ei;1~~6 ~~~~~~r~~~ i eac er ues or Lake. Grand Falls, Clarenville II bell ton,. Humbermouth and I Df the Canadi~n Federation o( )Jr. \\'. E. Bishop. vice-prin· ft:rn:e ~:~~!/. lfre:~· ~~~~- ~~~; wtporta. to Canada and his small res· I and Corner Brook. Clarenvtlle. __ . _____ un_11:ers1t~~~~m_c~- ~s l'ipnl of Curtis Academy is one tou stud·.·· problems of educatl·on-J ·of sixty-ei~ht educationists •

Alarm ~~:~:~!~~!i~{~;~~!~~i~' Unfair Dismissa Business Men Sl1ould ·Visit Schools :~~~in~~·;~_~]~~-Bt~;~:-~~~~~~c~~ ~~e~:a:::s::e:n ::~::,::m:sunl~ joined the Canadian Restaur- It was learned yesterday that • 1 member of a short course for

False .A. piton• nil •tating that I ant Association. In 1953 he Carl Clarke, 17·year·old school: H } T h w k Q t S 11 b 01•rt ROadS school superintendents and ln-

flert wu a house afire on . was elected to the national teacher of Victoria, Carbonear, I e p eac ers Of U y a US spectors offered by the Can· llaekler Avenue brought city 1 board of directors and In 1956 is the Pentecosta! As· I adian Education Association In flnmen to that area at 9.03 last 1 ~ecame a mem~er of the nat· scm~hes ~oar~ of Educatton fori l\!r. Norman Smith, 2nd. Vice· I ing aix prominent speakers gi\'c gressil'e, competitive policie• Gettl"ng 01"l conjunction \lith the Faculty ~ lo!lht. On arrival th«.>y found 1 IDnal exccuthe comm.lttee unfair d1smJssal and three, President of the Newfoundland their points of view and corn· and drawing altcmion to the Education of the Univenlty of thel'll wu no fire. Th• only i when he was named regiOnal months pay. It is understood ! Board of Trade reporting on be· ment on "Ways and ~leans of exrrllcnt opportunities that Alberta. either eall for the day was from 1 co.ordlnator for Alberta. For, that Clarke, who had been half of the President to mern- Selecting and Training Future exist toda~· for people entering Treatment Fort,·-ti::ht of the slxty.elgbt llerrymHtlng Road_ "''here an. two yean he serl'ed as pres!· i tea.ching at. a church sc~ool. at: ber~ at their regular ~lonthly. Salesmen and others interest rei bu.<inrss life. or~ superintendents and inspec· ell burner was grnng trouble. ! dent of t_he .southern Alberta Pomt Lt'ammgton, was .dismiSS· , :\leeting last night paid tribute. in following Business Careers." 1 <"onlinurd on p~~e ~: lor> from pr~dorninnnlly rural A burh tire that hrokt out on and Cro.\\l X est branch .of the eri Ill Januar)· for smokm~. "lo the activity o( the Re· ~Lr. Lewis Ayre, Dirrrlor of Cit,· 1-:n·cu•t•er LJunr Sharpl' arras. scleclerl h)' the Depart-Pennrwtll Road was allended, associatiOn. . 1 A ~pokesman for the Penle- tail Section and to its t'urnl· Ayre's Ltd. referred in parti- A • loltl 'cit)· t·nunl'il un \Yt•dtws- menl ot Education of tht • 'bt,l' the fortst fire patrol. He has ser\'rd as th1rd, ~ec· costal Assemblies said earlier ture and Appliance Dealers cular to the l'hongrs that ppOIRlment ""' thai " lttlntlll'l' or''"' gran•! 1·arimts p1·ori1"'rs.

·------- · ·- · -- that Pentecostal school tcal'iwrs 5ub·Srrlion" who were respon- ha\'e hken plate in bu>ine» in r11;.ttb in 111" c·1:;· h.lle hl't'll Fourl•·•·" are ~it)' ~uperin·

S • c • ·are not permitted to "curse, sihle fttr or•anizing a parlicuJ. Xcwloundland durin~ I he pa,: cilt·n " t•o;<ill~ of ntl lo kc•t•p io•tldt•nt' and other arlministra· t t <0 ~!r. llueh Fr"nvi; Bro•l\P;ttl Upervlsor Ons ru( lon drink .. 1moke or use harl lan· :lrl)' successful programme. few years. stressing the ll('Pd has rc•t't'llil)' ltt·c·n "Pllllillll'd "' ""'"ll tht• dtL•I a:ttl lhat all lhc ltW tmployc·es of local school guao"t'." A large group of member~ of for well trained personnel to · 1 tlin ro:td> ,Jwulcl ha1e oil nn hoards. Teat·hrr and trus\tt t'mploynlt'nt !'-\lfH'r\·i_..;t•J' With t lt'

D. "'. K. J)al"t'. cOUII.<el for the l\ewfoundland Board of .. rope with the prc»urc of pro- · llll·m hr tlw l'lld of I he wt•t•k. J!Ollll.< of 1·icw will be assured " ' . :\ationar Emplo; m~nt St'l'\ let•. .

G E R f• • c A • '~lr. Clarke, claims that Clarke. Trade had the privilege of hear-:-- A T . Si. .luhn's. \'ohilt• on. the '"hj••t;t 1 of hr I he inrlu,ion o( three ap-s should hnve been gii'Cn three.----------·------·-···----~ nsl\rers 0 I This )ltbilioll was !nrn:t'l'h' Ul'· t'oad< llltll\('tllur Ali'X (')I··~ p~iniPes of the Canadian Teach-e lntng 0 rrtve :months noti~e before di<rniss~L' I R t I . Cllptcd b)' ~! .. J. l!.trrily wh~ rc· a'kl'd tf ihl' rounrtl had .Ill- rr,' Federation and one of th•

• • • I Mr. Dawe Will move for a Ina~ I ce epor ' Q . I signed to bccomt• rll'llian prr- ~lructcd I he c?nlracto; 1\ho Ia!~ Canadian School Trustees' As-. • date early next month. i ! uestiOllS :sonnet officer with the nc- a sewer hnc Ill the_ (,oosrhcrry sociation. Two additional placel

'ftlt Director General .of EcO·I . ~his IS Mr. Polk s second , Tw'llingat . Visibility 41 . parlmrn, of :-\at tonal !ldenl'r, Lane am• to repm lhr ro'd have IJren allotlrd to A Super· -.omit Development dlselose~·~v•.s•t to Newfoundlancl_. and ~e Struck By {ar mils~:-\ ic:·in si!lht. Prem1er Smallwood ~nlrl. tlw !'alllp (;,,~clolln, ;--.;rw Rruns that lht·1· h.11l to oq 11p to intrnrlent of School~ fTom tha ~ ~•t Mr. H. J. Polk, Dl· w11l now take up r~stdenre m ,c · 0 , , . • . Hou~c of Assembly 1 htn,rla~ k lh• n'""' llnP. . • rector of Golden Eagle Refin· !he Province for the conslruc-1 . . 7.r~tt.i;·;~n s: \ lslblhty ncar lhe Royal Commi~sion on Un-, 11 1 ~ 1 ~ Rt·p:tnan ll'a' rrlnc·:~lrrl at: \lr. Sharpe s:J"l thai th• rn11- ___ <Contm~_:!_ on 'P~!• Sl IIIII CG of Canada who is In lion of the refinery. A four-year·olrl ho1·, resi(Jcnt · BJ 1. ~. 1 VI 'bTl • employment cost $16.000. llr 'Si. 11· 1 . 1. >llr" is ?A lr:trtnr harl h•rn notih•rl RhoiJI 1 eompleie charge of 'the construe- I During the dav he. together I of Victoria Str«.>ct. ;vas ~truck l .1 accn let~ sd.: . Rl 1.1 Y jj


was answering ~ quest con askrtl:' · '";""rn ur~ \.' hr·;~ · ;,, lhr cxi<t1ng conrl1linn ann harl fa"tled T St eiOII and operation of the pro·! with officials of ihe Departm«.>nt I' bv R ear on Duckworth Street II dn~l est .. sea ere pieces ICC a l by UNP leader. A. ~1. Duff)', yrlar.• OJ -~a=,r,, allhlf ,:~1-lnttal Em- ~0 far rlnt>r nnthnu: lo mah th~ 0 op

. 1 . . . · 1 1rcc 1ons. , A 11 . 0 1 1 1 p 01 rt \'I r ,,, · · poaed eil refmery at Holyrood,! of EconomiC Development VISit· at 2.05 p.m. yestcr< ay. He wa.s I Trawler Blue Foam reports s 1e co~1m~<s1on . " no ln~mrnt Scn·ice fnr thr pa't nrrr"ary rppalr~. . 11u arrived in St. John's from cd the site at Holyrood, and brought to the General Hospl·, 1 e . lld gro .. ·lei'S llalf 1 ('orne up Wilh a ~olutwn I he I 5P. · l'""l'" ', 'lr Hrnir1· lhrn introdurorl a A car parker! on Ltme Street.

. I be' d I d I . d I Tl ()()S ICC a n p . 'cl tit l'lll IX • '" ·'· - - • th t t ef :Panama, where he. ts Ge~c.ral, an·ange_mcnls _are mg rna c Ia an ( e_lm~r. l. tere. 1e ex. I mile from entrance St. John'~ 1 .rcn:uer sal _ ere was I c: :\Tr. llrrunrn is nnw altrndinc' mollon that was at'Crpterl hy was damag~d t~ e ex en :Manager of Pana.mlan Refmmg i for an 1mmed1atc s~rvey o.f the tent of h1s InJUries are no! i extending to twenty miles SSW i llkehhood or 1t bemg lablrd .. If I courses of trallling 10 hr gll'en the council to art1·i•e the ron- ·1 5200 when 1t :WaJ struck by II!· ·~ Petrol Co'!lpany 1 proper!)• for the refinery 5lle. known. . Cape Spear, dense fog, 1 there were a str?n~ destre 1 at Halifax. :-lol·a Senti a, St. tractor lo make these repairS 1 other ~ar on Ltm! Street at 10.UI wh1dl Ia eonstructmg the1r 50,- · from the m~mhers 11 would be John and ~loncton. New Bruns· wilh one week or else legal BC·Ilast mght. The other ear failed eoo barrel a day refinery. J Challenge tabled, but It was volummous. wick. tion will he taken against him. to remain at the scene.

Together with Mr. Polk. are o· b t" A The non·m~dleal staff ~t the engineen representing the de· aycees Ia e IC ssn. General HospJ~al totnlled a39; a aignen of the refinery and Gen.era~ Hosp1tal 539; at the they have been advised to pro- Annud~l Dl'nner Samt?rmm 204 and the ~!ental eeed without delay with the T A D • Hospttal 5~6, Hon. Dr .. J. Me-fabrication and erection of re· een- ge rivers Grath replied to a queshon. . fine..., ""Uipment h d 1 d' d Hon. J. T. Cheeseman ~a1d ., ~.. • T c secon annua mner an lh f th f' h 1 t t ------------ , annual general meeting of the e 0 eh Ids P aln a

Only thirty of St. John's apparently do not feel confi· 1St John's and District Branch Joe Batts Ar~ .a m~< e no Presents teen.agcrs hnve thus far sig· dent enough to do the super· I or' the Canadian Diabetic As- secret or their tnlenhon to nlfied their Intention to enter vised drlv!ng skill test." sociation was held May 11 at 7 close the P!a~t. The govern~ent the 1960 Safe Driving Road· "If this IS the case," he con- 111 at Bidgood's Waterford an.d the. '!l'mster were sorn at Petl•ti•Oft e·o sponsored by the St. John's tlnued, "we can certainly un. ~ridge Road. ' th1s dec1s1on. Deepest sympath~· Junior Chamber of Commerce. derstand why the msuran_ce ! The dinner was excellently would be extended to the rcsl-

:\fore entries are expected rates are so much htnhcr lor d b th b) B'dg d dents of lhe area. It was the 1 Premier Smallwood presented be'twecn nolv ai;d the closing the tecn·age drivers...:ir they 1 ctatef[re1•1 YG e calp ~fcetln'n tohoat company's own business .the I

t' · · h H r 1 . s a 1c en era ,, e ~ M' . 1 'd If th 0 T I pe Ilion Ill dl e ouse ~ date. :llay 18th, the day set for can not pass !he Roacl·c·A test, : follo;l'ed ·was chaired by Dr. ,J. .Ltndls er sa1 ·d : p~os\~on .A.~semhly Thurs ay from Ills the written tests whit•h each they shouldn t he allnwt•d to '!' Sl k P 'd t 1 the \s· eA er want~ to now ur rr Grace Ardlbi~hop Skinner, c.m •andidalc must write hefon• drivr" - · . t~ cr, hrcsl rn 1 ° d 'the dtlaiiM h~ su~g~sl~d ~lr. GreenP · s d ' · · . ~ucla ton, \\' o \\'r come h • Monsignor H. • ummcr~ an 1 he or she ran take the dnvin~, The .lnvcee ~pnkr,man 'a1d 1 11d •soclates contact t '- romp~n).

f h · · . · manv mennrrs R ao I 5up.t. o t e S1stcrs ~~ ~lerry, . test on :\Jay 21st. , that wh1lr. thcrr an• many ·and 'rricnds present. He recount- , •~ktn~ that St. Clare 8 Hospl·l CommcntillJ: 1111 the .~mall )lrlzes offct•ed. the challPngc d tb ogr s r th Associa- 'R d c H ! bl be incorporated. ~~~un~ber of cntri~s, . J~naci•C·O[ should be enou~h lo ~ion :u~~~ ~~~ :receding 'year, I e ross as

Chairman ,!ohn 1 cssiCI said, hi mg all the tccn·agcrs out m ·outlined some projects in view , ! "It seems that thr teenagers force to show Just exat"~!y what 1 for 1960.61 particularlv the dia- I E L Neal :·feel they just don·t have the. they .can do. h?th behind 'the betic surv~y to be carried out i $85 000 So • • ! neccssa1'y drlv!ng knowledge I wheel and bchmd a p~ncll 011 this summer on board the t : to ~ake our s1mplc, straight l•\1ay 18th. . ~f.V. Christmas Seal. AtfD DireCtOr ; forward written test and they A special f1l.m has been. of- 11 was announced that the fi.;:~:iarcr~~~~rt~~rema~tf :~:

fercd for showmg on the mght 1959·1960 executi'\ie panel had Canadian Red Cross said yester­of the written test, and as been re·elected by acclamation

. GRAND FALLS-At a meet· th 1 1 r t h day that so far returns from I f h ano er spec a ea ure eac to serve during the 196().61 per- Red Cross •ollecton have sur-ng o t e shareholders of contestant will get a copy of iod. • Anglo·Sewfoundland Develop- , the '!IOPUlar Motorist Manuel, An 4 njoyable social ~riod passed last year's total of $83,-mlent ,Company, Llmitt>d, May 1 published by the department followed, during which guest 000w· many point to still be l • l!luO, :\lr.- E. L. X cal, pres!· of Highways 'I R b t '{ 1 d t 1 · d d!!nt and gPncral mana~er or i ' ' " r. 0 er "c .eo en cr ame heard from the March Financial Gaspcsia Sulphite Compan.v I Entry r_orms have !JOW been In his inimitahle .~t)'le a most Campaign in this province may Limited, Qucbl'c, wns clcclrd I placed wtth the seniOr starr appreciative audience. ~till meet ils quota fiJlure .or

d. t f A 1 1 mrmhcrs of most city high $100 000 .. ., 'd th t a Jrec or o ng O·:-le\;'found· schools, as well as being at the ' ... r .... erccr sal a , land De\·eJopment Company His Honour the Lieutenant teen agers disposal in the var· • } alreadys $83,000 has been turn· ' Limited. . Governor and Mrs. Macphcr· lou, city drug stores, service Police B otte" ed Into Red Cross headquarters

The above release came 1 ft s J h • t u d th 1 • » here In St. John's. son e t, o n s y~sterday, s a ons an o er popu ar I The chairman said that most from the head office of Anglo- Thursday, May.t2th, for Mon· teen gathering places, such as Newfoundland Development treat. They expect to return the Pioneer Drive· In / O~ly two . arrests .were maile of the out·of-town centres haye Company Limited. · to St John's . Ma 23rd by c1ty pohce late yesterday not ;yet reported in and th~·se

· on Y • When completed it should


. and over nig)lt. One man was communitic~ account for ap Mr. Neal Is a former mill Governmc~t H~se,, be sent to P.O. Box 1462, arrested under warrant and one prm:imatcly 77·78 per cent ol

mana11er of A.N.D. . . . St. John's, Nfld, G.P.O,, St. John's. for drunkenness. j the contributon.






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FHID:\ Y. :\1:\ Y 13, 1960

Keeping It In Perspective Tn a plea to kPep the Hnemplm ·

ment situation i11 prrspecti\'l', the Finanl'ial Post has said editoriall\' that it cannot lw equated with human suHerint: i11 all lmt a kw cases. The rea~o11 is that a lart:c \'arid\· nf social Sl'CIII'it,· and wd­larr scr\'il'l'S ha\'1' put a floor nuder the Ji, int: standard.

This is admitted~\- a hw tr~tus­l.Ltion of a fairh- lont: artide. But fnr a lltwspapl·r with 'a maturl' ancl s,,phi.;til'ated approal'h . to eco­nomic ami financial proh!t•ub. the ~~·ueral knnr nf the l'ditoria-L is s mpri~ i 11 g. .

Thl're ar(' tm> chief 1'fi\SIHJS lor S<l\ in(! this. ( )ne is that :J)(i,OOO lltlrllipl,,,.cd 1 tlw nmnhPr quoted ll\· tlw Post lor \l::reh) rl'pl'l'Sl'lll a tremcmlous loss of production of hoth (!oods and srr\'ices. And the l'iltrr is that "·hile production dr·­(·lilll'S with IIIH'IIlJ1lll~ llll'llt, the t·,•,t of those social scctu·if\· lwne­ii., which put a floor tmdrr lh·ing 5tand::mls puts a strain on the 11 at imwl fimncrs and on all etll· plowd taxpa~ws.

\\'c a~ree with the Post that the situation dews not call "for panic­horn rPmeclies on a s\\'cepin~ 11ational scale .. " But we do con­tend that there is a defect in the ceonomic health of a nation that must tolerate eaeh winter a condi­tion of unemployment that affeets clirecth- nearh- ten per cent of th1· "·nrkin~ force. lt maY he added t~1at if this occurs i11 a pl:'riod of

,gl•neral pmsperity, what strains and stresses will be imposed upon the counlr\' if there should he a recession or a real depression·~

There are, of course, man\' kinds of unemplonnc,nt and no sillglc remed\' will serve. There t•at; he special problems of a high­h- !neal izcd characlt•r sueh as those at Elliot Lake ami Bell Island. Therr are n·.~ional cl iffieu !ties which ma\' have dissimilar cause'S -under-dc\'C'Iopmt•nt ill ~<'Wfnnml­land and the :\laritimes. eoal in Cape Breton, and tlw efft•els, 'll intl'nsi\'e foreign eontpetilion on cPrtain classes of mauu fad u~·(·d products all O\'er the cmmtn·. Eaeh ma\' require a different approaC'It ill the search for a solution.

There is no national progranmw to cope with thesP mam· matl,•r<; which cmnulati\'el\' prcst'nt n lar.~e sPasonalnnemplo\'ment pr:Jh­lem and in some cases constitute a chronic condition. An owrall monetar\' pnlic,· is not a eurP·all. It nul\' ser\·e a purpose in one area at the cost of making things worse in another.

If the politicians of all parties would stop treating unemplomwnt as a political issue and nothing else and if the Ilonsc of Commons were to consider the problem on a national basis and lend its com­bined weight to a statesmanlike approach, mueh that is cnnstrue­ti\'e and beneficial could be done. Is that too much to ask~

Commonsense In West Virginia Wr,t Yirginia is not a large

statr. Its delq~ation to the national part,· con\'C'ntions in a presidential election \'Par has little influcnee. But the ·primary election in this ~tate this vear took on a very special si~nificancr.

The reason was this. West Yir­ginia is a 95 per cent Protestant state. ln the Democratic primaries, Srnator· I-lmnphrer a Protestant, was running against Senator Ken­nedv, a. Roman Catholic. And he­cause opponents of Kennedy have raised the issue of religious preju­dice, what happrned in West Vir-ginia could be important. _

The people of this state, to their e\·erlasting credit, struck a g0od blow in favour of religious toler­ance. Thev i,gnored the denomina­tions of the candidates and· voted

for the man the\' tlHiu•rht wonld ... he lllore suitable of the t\l·o 1.'<111·

didates for the president:\' "ho \\'rre contesting the West Yir:.(i1lia primm~·· As a result, Senator Ken· ncdv has come out well in b ont amf Senator Humphrev has h•;en put out of the presidential race

This does not mean that Kl'll· nedv will ~et the desired nomina­tion. There will he other strong contenders at the national con­vention, among them Senator Johnson and ~lr. Adlai Ste\'ensnn. But it has been shown in \Vest Virginia that a predominantlv Protestant state is prepared to ac­cept a Roman Catholic as a presi­dential nominee. That ought and, we hope, will put an end to the usc of religious prejudice as a poli­tical_wcapon in American elections.

Khruschev Makes The Most Of It For a countrv which has used a

combination of subversion and espionage as an important instru­ment of national policy, Russia has little cause in realitv to look with offended e\·e upon 'the revelation that the V nitcd States operates its own espionage service. But tl!e. truth probably is that.Khrushchev, for all his blustering and threats, is having the time of his life. Well he might for, whatever else may be·thought or said about the inva­sion of Russian air space by an American pilot on an intelligence mi~sion, he has been presented with just the kind of jropaganda material that he coul wish for an4 hardly expect to· get. Mr. K is ~aking the most of it.

I~ is not a happy situation for the· United States or her allies on' the eve of the long-awaited sum· mit. conference. Almost every ad­vantage that the west has acquir· ed ln the past fe\v month~ in prepa­ration for the conference has been nullified At every turn, Khrush·

che,; will throw this spv business at the western delegates. And evervthing thilt is said about it in Washin~on seems to make things worse aml assist Khrushchev in his role as tormentor. But while he maY have his fun, there is serious business afoot. If Khrushchev al­lows the conference to break up without a eonstructive contribu­tion to peace; he will himself he a victim of the consequences of his o·wn intransigence.


Sault Ste. Marie Star

There is nothing more illiPortant to the Canadian people· than our national

, security, which Is our only guarantee that 'we can and will retain the free· doms we presently enjoy, a degree of freedom unsurpassed anywhere In the.· world. To presence that freedom It ia necessary •for our authorities at times to withhold from the public certain types of Information, useful in the right hands lf not commonly known. but often useless, or even dangerous, 1hould it .become publlc property.

I IN THE, NEWS NOTES AND COMMENT mgly prPpar~~ and l'eh<>at 'eel, But m

By Wayfarer

An~·body who has seen the llr.tbc of Commons in action or has studied Hansard will quickly agree that it is d~slrable that something u~cful should be done to alter the rules to provide for expeditious handling of public business. A resolution to bring about this revision has produeed one or the better dcbat~s of the Pl'CS{'nl srssion and general agreement on its necessity. In its course. discerning members drew attention to som~ of the things which make for dulness and delay in the transaction of par· liamentary business.

One that particularry concerned some members was the matter of l't•rding ~p~cclws. There i~ a eon· sid~ruhlc diffCI'ence between tltt• r~ad· ing of a prepare· address at smne important function and a speech m the !louse o! Commons. When a speaker has a difficult or com;>lcx wbject to handle within a limited time. it may be necessary tor him to marshal his thoughts in a well·prc· pared speech. That is particularly truc if his talk is being broadcast. But in the House of Commons, conditions arc different. .A speech that is read i~ prett'ntious and rlestroys th~ tracii· tiona! character ol debate. At \\'e•t· minster. the spel·tator is impressed with the almost com·crsational nature of specdte;;, I.ih Queen \'ictori11 in her dt~ta~tr for ~lr. Glr.d>tonc'< l~l'· ture>. thr Commons dislik~.• king nci· clres.·ed a' 1f it WPI'l' a puhlit· mectmg. Copious nntes are pt'rmitted. Rcarlin;l i• not l'Xl'ep\ in tlw ease of ministerial statements and in the budget .<peech.

In tilt• l'Pl'l'nt dl'hatr• in OHawa on the l'l'l'l'don nf thr rules, .1. ~I ~lac· rlonnrll. hinm•lf a polished sp~a:;cr.

was r•~:nccrnerl nut on!~· with the fact th;tt too manv spcc .. hes are rend hut al>o tlwt the;· arc too ott~n hndl~· re:1ci. It i• burl rnou~h when a mem her l;1e:, the Ilm•'e w'th R long and tedicus n ~nuscript but it is infinitely wm·,r when he rcarl~ it 111 a cir~ary

monotrne thRt hns th~ ec·ret of de· stroy11g an~· merit in th~ >rwe:h and of dririn~ out nf thl' !leu~ l' or :r•lting to sleep m:n)' of his rolh·l~IIP~ There is. of ruurse. ncthing at all wron ~ 11 ith careful anrl a's!duous preparation of an im::o:·t~nt <prrrh Winston Cl1Ur· chill li:·s rarc•ly m~rle a sperr·h of nn· portnn~c tltat h1s net b~011 paimtak·


ETHICAL CODE I.:ditor Daily :\cws,

Dear Sii·-Ju R letter in your es· tcrnwd paper clatt•d ~lay 5. 1930. our union p1-r '!dent. ~1:-. .lne!:man. trir• to dclcml till' ;J: tit:ll' of tlH' majority of cur uu:on cxee11ti\ ~ anrl him,~lf

on tlwit• dcri,ion ta attend the Polie,1· l'unlcrl'IWI' at ~.lontt·eal witllout proper authority !rum the mcmbrr,hip.

To >UPP~rt th1s 11 ron~rlniu~: he quntr< .\rtir·lc :\o. 11 of lhP Jo,·al 1111ion 4121. hH·Ia11.' 11hi('h ;.tales: "If Pll cmcrg:·n•·y al'i'l'' winl'il require• the pre,elll'r of a dt'k~atc f111111 lius local union anrl thr:·c is no oppr.rtuni· t~· to bring thi> m~tter before til~

l01·al union. the l'XCl'utire shall be I'Pspun• ible lor the selectiOn of 'u~h dcle~ate m· delegates." Ccn•irlenn;! the statements 1 will mai;n beiow in my opinion. Article II cannot cxcu•e their actions. There was nn emer· gency or rri~is. There was sufficient time for the membership to rom·ey their wi>h~s to send dclcgJt~s to ~Ion· tr~nl if they so desired.

:\o. 1: Since receiving the "call" to gi\•e us an opportunity if 1\'t' desired, to send delegates to the Policy Con· ferencc at :\lontre~l there were two mcctings held. one a regular monthly meeting, another a special meeting to rleal with a call to attend a "School Workshop at St. John's. :\t neither of these meetings were the member· ship given the op~>ortunity to make a decision about scndinl: delegates to :\lontrcal.

o. 2: The first two weeks of Apl'il past by with no regular monthly meet· hig called.

Unfortunately our membership arc not \'ery enthusiastic about attending regular monthly meetings and they. are less enthusiastic about attending meetings to send delegates to confer· ences. They are not well informed on parliamentary procedure and you often hear them remark that they stay away !rom meetings so there would not be a quorum and they think that by boycotting the meetings dealing with delegates they can save the union a couple of thousand dol· Iars. However If the notices calling for a regular monthly meeting had to be posted on the plant, stating also we would deal with the question of sending delegates to Montreal, it might have been possible to get a quorum.

No. 3: There was no emergency; our union was not being attacked from without or within. If there was an emergency or crisis the decision of the union executive would have been unanimous. According to the "grape vine" there ·were !our members of the executive who were In favor of going to :Montreal without receiving authority from the membership and the ·three members who comprised

·the minority claimed it was uncon· stltutional and would have no part In it. Those executive members who voted against the motion to so to Montreal have common sense and ca·

the lloU~l' he ts armP.d onl) \\ itlt notes and from tltc~c he rcereat~, his ma­tcnal in a natural Y. ay and often im· prores upun 11.

But the rrading of a good ~pr~ch whieh makes a real contribution to the JH'OJlCr Utlller.,tandiu~ · of Important puhlie is.,ues is somt:thin;: that might 11 ell be toll'raled. What is killing de­bate in Ottawa ts the reading of long. dull, merliot're speeche~ that arc full of superfluities, pontifieations and t::ut~logies. They did nothing to pub· he knuwledge. contribute nothing to the undH~ t~nrling of the subject un· der diseuosiun. and do nothing for the

.Politit-al reputation ol' their authors. 11 clebntp dnrs not have an appear· ant•t• of >JHdll ;uwit~, it has little \'aluc anrl Jess intt•n .. ,t. Speeches that at·e so lovingly and prourll.1· prrparerl for reading iu the Honse are usual!~· full of those wlto make them. For a man studded \lith• platttude> to a de>(ree that may often dPny the real talent~

of those ·who make them. For a man with little 'llill in publir spcaldng but with a practical knowledge of the topic under dist"ussion may often make a useful contt·ibution to a de· bate h.1· being natural and may only make an ass of himself by tr, mg to be an orator.

But changing the rule~ to speed up business. eliminate the reading o( speeches and curb the time spent on the discussion of tri\·ial matters in a trivial way, may not be enough to improve the standing of parliament in the nation. ~!embers who are obse's~d with the belief that parlin· ri1ent exists only as another means or condueting the platform battles of the la't eleetion are abusing their rights and duties. The oppo.,ition tinu;t op· posl'. But opposition must be geared rhiCfly to rational rhallen!!c to the policies and actions of gol'ernmcnt. This hu:<iness of what the Liberals started or what the C'on>en·ath·cs hJ\'P rlnnr. of who did it fir't or who dirt it hest. all conductt•rl in a spirit nf ;1nrty and per,mwl anta~onism. is a .;ad misuse of parliamentary timr an:l c·;1nnot JHts.<bly mal:e a u:;~ful

f'tJ11trib~1tion to tlw solution of nation· nJ prcblem>. Hules alone eannot give a ~cn•c of proportion and prone!~ a mature apprr.arh to the nation's bus· iness. These mu>t lw !UI'IlJ'hed by the members th~mselrP.<.

lVhat Others Are Saying

SPILLC:D MILK Timmins Pre's

The per,on who laughs orrr spilled milk isn't nrar1y '" ('areful to a\'otd spilling 1t in the future as the person who eric., nl'cr it.

BADGES Tmw and Ttd~

· 1 a1 Old ron1 cr.<ai.Jon, '' tth proplr w!1o \\'Par b:Higrs . \', hrt her 1t is a politll'al bad~r. a rcltgious harl~r. a trade uniun badge. a <·ommcrclal had;:c is lrl'clcl ant.

"The, arc affirmations of soliilpl'l\y 11 ith p:u·ttl'Ul~r set, of oPtlliou.

"The,· arc al;o <ffirmatwns of de· 111al, of rejection. of opinions ur in· !crest which diffe1· from ·those pro· claimrd b)' the badges.''

pacitics and sound thinking a~ well as those who vutcd for the motion, They also have a conscirnce whil'h rlirtatcs to them which is right and which is wrong anrl conscience is their guide.

In clo>ing. ~Jr. Erlitor, I might add I am not in the habit of using (;orl's name or quding scripture, as l do not u·y to regulate my life by tht• "golden I'Ule.'' Anybody who noes His :\amc or quotes scriptme and docs not try to live by it is only a hyponitc. How· ever I think the scriptural quotation I rear! on the same page as ~Ir. Jark· man's letter explains the reason why I am enclincrl to write under a non de plume:

Quote. "He who fights for rightcon,. ness, his star will shine for ever.'' I do not want my star to shine fo;: ercr. 1 only want rightness aud honesty !or everybody for ever and c\·er.

Waban a,

Yours truly, ETHICAL CODE.

Bell lslanrl. :llay 7th, 1960.


Dear Sir-On Saturday last, which incidentally is now as much a holiday as any other holiday, 1 acquired an O\'ertime parking ticket, for parking on Duckworth Street East. This at

·a time when there was not any more than 30 cars parifed on Duckworth Street, "between the East End Fire Hall and the City Hall.

It appears to me that under the •guise of traffic C'ftrol, the motorist and business men of this city are. being hounded and consistently rob· bed, and it is abou~ time that we got organised and broke what Is the worst racket in town.

I will give the Traffic Commission some credit !or some of their ideas, but In the main It appears that both It and the City Council, are like the wind, and neither know whether they are coming or going.

Yours ver.v truly, GEO. W. MONTAGU!.



By I'ET!CH EDSO;>; W:\SHI:'\GTO:\, 1:\EAI-The frr.eze

on farm policy is beginning to thraw a little.

Sc1·rctary of Agliculture Ezra Taft Benson hus been before the Senate :\grit·ultui·c Committee to restate his program. The committee has taken a r~w test vo\es.

Though it is contr~ry to Eisenhower admm:stration policy. a proposal by Sen. K~rl S. ~lunrli m.S.D.I to raise wheat priee supports !rom 75 to 80 Pl'r cent has been •.cntativcly appror· rd.

ln the House. a bill introduced by Bcp. \\'. H. Poage (DTex.l is ;!~ining

support. lt bears a little resembl<.nce to the old Brannan plan in proposing direct gorernment payments to pro· ducers, wi\h limits of S5.000 to S!O,OOO.

And President Eisenhower, in one of his classir replies to a press con­ference quc,tion, had this to say in lan:luagc that shows huw balled up the f"l'tn ~dtuation is,

":\ow. if there were any kind of reasonable plan that ronncc'ed with other features of the thin~ lhey <·oulrl bring something about that seemed rea;onable and fair to t11e farmrl·o. 11el. I 11ould h~ glarl ~o look at it and becausr• a< I saY. ir it look' r!'a> nahlr lo me. 1 11111 a11rro\ r tt bet'au;c I am juq to tl11< point-- kno11 that 11 r arc in a had fix. the fanners arc. anrl I hare had correspond•'nce ret'entl)· with .<om!' of my farme1· f1·ienrls herau,e. ill·

rlil'lduals, to ge! >tali-tits." That's the farm problem fot• you­

in one s~ntcnce. Confused. llut the ramlictates for prcoident to sut't'Ped Eisenho11 cr arc just ahout as mixed up on it as he seems to be,

Vice President Nixon sa~·s that >Oille· thing will have to be done to cut rlown surplu,;es and the costs of maintaining those surpluses, while at the same ttme the farmer is given a fairer share of the na•.ional inr·ome.

.Just how he .is going to do these two impm•sibly opposite thing' at the same l!me he won't tell till af~cr he's nom· mated.

Sen. Hubert 'Humphrey <D·~Iinn.) has introduced a farm bill which lllcor­poratcs almost every gimmick pro­posed so far b)' anyone.

It would give away gt·eatcr surpluses in cxp;mdrd school Juneh and food stamp )ll'Ograms here at home. I~

would channel other surplu,es into foreign countries with food and fiber deficiencies.

The Humphrey plan would impose strict production controls on a unit basi~. But all kinds of extra paymen•s would be authorized to gi1·e farmers higher income,

They would include crop loans, premiums. dirersion purchases. ex­port ineenti\'cs and even direct de· f1ciency payments.

This would probably result in giv· ing farmers more than 100 per cent of parity pa~·ments. Du~ the higher costs are incalculable.

Sen. Stuart Symington likewise has introduced an omnibus farm bill.

It would set up a system of state and federal advisory commWees of farmers. They would submit new pro. grams to all farmers. If two·thirds of those voting approved, the prog1·ams would go into effect.

Surpluses would be turned over to agencies other '.han the Agricultural Department to stockpile, give away or otherwise dispose of.

Symingion would impose strict pro· ductlon controls on a pound or bushel basis, then taise support prices ~o 90 per cent of parity.

Sen. John F. Kennedy spelled out hi~ farm program in a· :\orth Dakot~ speech earlier this year. . ~

He has not yet introduced legis-

:Jtrength ~or 5odaq IY EAitL L. DOUGLAS

WORDS OF GOLD A traveller in Asia :\linor was being

shown through " Greek Orthodox monaster~·. The monks proudly dis· played an ancient manuscript of the :'\cw Testament in which the words of Jesus were insmbed in gold.

This started the tral'eller to think­ing. The words of Jesus inscribed in gold! How fitting that thi~ should be ~o. Vcr.1· few ancient teachers have left a~ lew teaching as did Jesus, yet all the teachings of wise men in e1·ery age combined are not in the slighte't to be compared In quality or influence with the few teachings which Jesus left his disciples. They a1·r wonls of gold indeed.

All the sayings of Jesus are found in the !our Gospels with the exception of one saying in the Book of Acts. :\!any of these sayings are repetitions of sayings in other Gospels. This means that the teachings of Jesus eon· stitutc a small number of basic moral principles.

But the point is that they are basic indeed. They touch us where we Jive. They point us to the goals which ll'e

wish to attain. They re1·eal to U1 the nature or God and encourage us to appropriate to ourseh·es powers which the Divine stands ready to pour into our lives.

The words or .J~;:ns inscribed In gold. Filtin;: indN'd for th~t perfect· ly rc1·eal5 thcir true nature.

W~t lfnrb nf <6nb If meat ma~es mY brother to offend,

I will eat no flesh while the world sllndeth.-1 Corintltf1ns 8,13.

• • • :\lore important than my own pleas­

ure is my good ir.fluence upon others. S~1irit must triumph over flesh.

FOR THE FUTURI Halifax Chronicle-Herald

The mounting interest in conser­\'ation is to be applauded. :\luch of it, however. stems from financial eon· siderations. We sh~>uld think in terms of presen·ing the total natural heri· ta;:c even when the only gain in sight ts the enjoyment that will be provided to coming generations.

JUST A YARN Brantford Expositor

That yarn about St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland is, as we have often told our readers, a bit of fiction. There are no snakes in the Emerald Isle for the simple reason that there is something in the soil they can't tol­erate. The same situation pre\·ails In :\cwfoundland. which has no snakes either, and St. Patrick was never there that we have heard tell of.


''This trip to Ottawa, Quebec, ~ton· treal and Toronto before going to the Cnited States was politically wise.

"It pays to flatter Canadian 1ensi· bilities, when one considers tbe ties that bind it to the United States be· cause of geographical proximity, and to Great Britain through the Common· wealth.

''France is going to need friend~ in the United Nations."

Iation to carry out all his ideas. In general, Kennedy would impose

stricter production controls and keep support prices high.

He outlined a six-point program in· corporating all the old political bra· mides:

Treat farm surpluses as a blessing. Preserve the family farm. Have farm programs run by farmers. Encourage co-operatives. Cut farm costs. Give farmers a fair share of national in· come.

If Sen. Lyndon Johnson has a !arm prosram, he has never outlined it. But he saya one ia zoinl to pa11 thla year •


Page 5:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd


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The phnlul-(ntph slum~ ~oldicrs of the Canadian Army .(l;cguln~) .stuli.onctl at hloCI\IIIll~lcr's f iclu, trai11ing in n·s~'IW work from a partly dcmoll\hed huildin~. fhc bmldmg Js. a mock,-up erected by the tramin~ purposes and. the "1·ictim" on the stretcher is Cur jloml J. R. McConnell. ---"-------- ..... - .. . .. . .. ---- ·--;--------------- -----

~1. John's, Army for

GRADUATES HO.KOURED-Thc 2000th recruit to graduate from the Heginwnt.ll Depot of the Queen's Own Rifle; of Canada in Calgary's Currie Barracks, was presented with an en)!rared silwr mu!! Tul'sda\·. lie was Riflrman Wil­liam J. Slaney, right, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sian ey of Port ~lay. !\'c\\'f<;,llldlaml. · Prt'srnting thf' m•H! was !o.lajor D. M. Creighton, officer commanding the depot, (cc ntr~\ Left is Hif!Pman Sheridan E. Coates. snn of ~lr. ami \Irs. Cl,arlees S. Coates. Prescott. Ont., who was naml'd top rrl'mit o[ th,, 5S-ma;l g:·acll!atin~ da,s.


!Con1inncrl from p~Je 3,

· \lnrk t:onference rContinuerl from p~ge 3)

\orthwr:<1 T~rritorie~. ~nrl a Hr~ion~l Tn,prrtor of Inrliar; Sehoo!.' frmn Ontnri~.










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1956 HILLMAN ........ $595.00 1953 VAUXHA~L ...... $290·00 1956 FORD PICKUP .. $750·00 1950 AUSTIN P.U • .... $895·00







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Page 6:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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. . 1


The Inside Track Sy CAS51E BROWN

Hello people. Popping up alii O\'cr the place aren't I? With the beautiful. beautiful weath·j er we've having lately. life is


suddenb· wonderful. What a ' little b~t of sunshine can do for us poor raw, cold weather ridden people. 1 reel like a new person. And furthermore, the green. green grass has made its appearance at Kar· wood within the past two or three days. Summer is com· , ing. I

• • • I I

THE THEATRE I The Bay Scouts Association :

\'ery plea.•ed and proud or 1

their members connected with Spring Smiles and Whistles.· They feel It was a tremendous production, and gil·e their


U1anks to Director Mike Fower 25th. This is a drive to get and to Dan Cook who did the · peo;llc interested in scouting musical scot·e. Bouquets also : to purchase membership cards to Bill Griffin and other back· . in the assorintion. If you lla\'C stage members. a son in the scouts, why not.

The Association treated the buy a :'llcmbership card? ea;;t and crew of the produc· ' • • tion, to a dinner at Park·Le PARTY PARTY la't !":Jturda\' aftct· the final · A l'l'rCI>hon at the OCfirer.; per!ot·malwc.' . ~lr>s nt Torbay was held la~t

• • • ~~1111'(\ar r1·enin~ to wind up

Look Ahead lo '

The Avion Player' n[ Gall· \il'fOl'l'r Day. The Golden drr \lavr t~kcu to louriu~ lhwks wc•rr thr hcl'(lro n! Ill" nvw Tnnk li1r1r pia~· Yrllnw dar, and d1d mrrl anrt mtcr !':~1:tl, In L~l·:i.<powtr l~'t wrrk l'irw Sttuadron I.radrr Fern aflrr tt went on"t' ~n well at C. Villenruvt, tanri \1 a~ \'1'1'~ GandN. In rrrcnt ) car~ ~CI'CI'· popular with m1· ~on wh~n I al th~atl·p J;l'NIP< hal'c taken hruu;:ht homr Iii~ autograph•, to tourin~ different parts o[ Saw \'OOI's Bob Lockhart, I hi' Pro\ incc, brt:inning with chatter with Fit. Lt. Eric Ed· tlH' Theatre Arts a few \'cars . wards and Joyce Edwards, Eric h;wk. then The Wayfarer~. and · was deetlly tanned from his The St. John's Players also len day slay in Florida, Hucky tock one of their play~ on tour. fellow). Also talked with Fit. :\ow U1e Gander group has Lt. George LeValiant and his ~tarted. pretty wife. It's the first time . • . •


1 k•tow that if the Theatre ' l'\"e seep George since ~orth ............ ~ ..... • v ............ " """''~· .w..


Social-Pers('nal -Column-

iHANK YOU NOTE :.; l·dmg iinc. ~Ii~s ~Icrccdr~ TayJc,r ui ~~~·s. ~lildrcd Picrrey of Ra

!U5 Springdale Stt·cct. wa, dis- !ci~h Strrct, who has been a ~hargcd from the Grace llo~· patJC'lt at the Grace Ho.;pita! pita! on Tu~sdal· aftrt· unticr· wa., disd1argcd ycsterd8J.

. going sur.:ery. !':lie 1\ i~ilcs to· thank Dr.:\. t'. Htt•ted a1HI the, IN HOSPITAL nurses \\ho hrlpert h<·•· to ~ 1 'Tr. Vrnd; \\"alsh. ~rll Roa:l ~peer!y rccovrr). al'o al! hrr (irand Fall>. "·ho Ia't week ll!l· friend~ r.;Jlo ~;cnt Jlm\ c1·:; ond dC'I'W~l1t ~ur_;!ery at ~t. Chil'f;'s get well cards. ,,_,,.,.,_ Ho~;J;tal h new rr.ul'l1

irnpmn•d. ~ir, Wal~h ex~ects TO ATTEND GRADUATION to 11c ready tc lc8\·~ fGr Grand

~lr>. Fiorrn1•c Sparrc\',, a·: 1 enmprni"rl hy :'.Ji~:s Anni,~ (\;1-

lin'. Jr!'t by T.C.A. Tur~tl<•o , l~r :\lontrfal to attend Ute ; ' p·a;!unt:on pxerd:-cs ei lwr

: dau~hter Frt,nci~. at t:1c R'1~o1! i Vic·toria ~Io>pital Scho': d · \'ur;ing.

I DISCHARGED FROM , HOSPITAL I ~'"'· Elizaheth Gt·an<:cr c.f · 80 Eiiza:wth AYenue. who IT·

' cently undenn·nt a s;i!lht o•J?l'· atirm at the f;raee llo.<:;Jital.

, was di•charged yestel'Cia)·. She

!';;ll< 'arne t:nw n(Xt week.

ANNUAL SALE Tite E:·intnn ;\lcmori<JI H~.~:r

:'!~d s~~i1n1,! Ass.Jeiation w:i, !;~~ holdin;:! thPir 4~nn~:1l Sc:h: Pn :\lonclay af!ernoon, :\!a~· 16 Th0 Snlc ll'iii he opened b) th0 !{rv. C'. D. II a; ac,. There ·,rill be tlw nsua! att:·actiom• ;1~d ;-tltcJ'JlPr:n teas will be .;cl'\'Pd. The r:hjecth·e tl'.i5 .1 •'\.1r ~~ a lUI}\ ie proje"tnr for th~ U>C of th~ sehool. The pntl'OIIfiCC o! !r!t:n(~S and SUP· pol'trrs ic:; p•cwr-~:.~d.

Beautiful fVIodel' s Grit Defeats Crippling Disease

RY G.~ILE llUG,\S I '1cr ·~"" p1nk an~-~ m••. Sl1e \E\\' YOnK-· ~E.\'- You'rp; ·rai~:.c: tttid mo\ c~ ,. ilh a.~::;uranle

11 fa<hion model, 1all. !lim, r•d· • Sh• :s :•rad of hrr o·A·n moicl . haired anrt ~autiful. Life ~ecms a~e!Oc)'. one ''' .<uccc" that it ~stacked in your fa1·or. rat~. >;x'h ol~ce m tile list of

I, Suddenly on the runway dur- such a~cn• :r<. ing a fashion show in a ~el\' She trains t~o (r's ,..o~kin~

I York hotel, the sight in )'OUr left for her anrl <:r ;. l"e a:~i·.r eye blurs and dims. You al· head of the bu~inc;;. en lhe ·:t.;, most mios your fooling, far longer eech day then tile

FrighU>ned. you make an ap. a1·era~r p~r;on "·ork.>.

Groups can take the lnade· Bank Ski Bank dars. Gad· And Thi1 is the time for you to ~et remh· for nmr sum1•wr n glass container. Small skin irritatiom can be soothed quate facilities that the rna· · thank you to Flt. Lt. Jim Barr appearance on the beach in 'pla"clothcs m;d swimsuits. (center) hv making: a pa~tc of baking soda and water

pointmenl with an eye special!st.J She i; still unclcr Iter doctor's ~hs checkup sho~<·s nothmg, care. ha; re~ul<~r checkups and

.io:·it ,. of these little outports who made the .arrangements : Strut with an honest aJlp~aisal of \'OUrself. 1f \'OU need and nppl~·in,!! it with antiseptic cotton. Help the lll·alin!! hal'c to offer, the people flock for me to interi"Iew Squadron ! •· • · •> .~ to ~ce them, Ha\'ing been a Leader Villeneuve. 1 ~o ~hed a .few pound~, ~hut now. Lnnhrr up mth streld•· alnn~ hy placing a cup of baking soda ami a cup of m!'mbct· of thc;c tt·a,·elling A party was held by The mg excrctsrs to ~mooth out those lml~es. And rely on clothes starch in \'OIIr hath water cad1 nir:ht. Bakinr: grot:ps. I ran tell you it's prct· Wayfarers last Saturday night : your kitchen cabinet to help yon in a complete bl':mlv sod;l comhined wiih powdered table salt makes a rirsi. ty ;rim at times. \re'l'c ))!a)'· at the home of Lewis and Phyl· , program that's easy on your budget. An excrllent and in· rate preparation for hrn\hing your teeth (rir:hl). Check £'d In halls as cold as a tomb. lis Brookes, Ill honour of Joe cxpcnsi\'e monthwa~h cnn he made (left) from half a 11 ilh \'OIIr denli~l first, Chance.~ nrc. he'll tell 'on thai on ~tages the size of a box. Graziano and Bill Cruder who teaspoon of salt and a l1alf n tea~poon of hakinr: soda lll'r I hi~ old relinhlc hn1 been known for many vcars. to kcl'Jl lind "·tth hardll' an\' room lr!l ~·esterday for the United . . k . . . I . backstage to lllrn around. 111 StaiN. A really steady tWO· I pmt of botled water. ~Ia e It m fJUanllly Rll( store Ill Ieeth hoth clc;m and ~hining. And it'~ economical, lou.

fact. in one hall in a tiny rom· ~omc. w~s N. N. anrt J, J, who I 11\' ALICIA Hr\RT : There arP common housl'iwld teeth 11 hitr h)· hrushin~ them for t.1king nnt the stin~ . mmuty, we couldn't e1·rn turn· hnd Ina, starry c~·ed look. Saw items thnt will IJ~ of t•on<ider~hle daily "i:h baking ,oda nlonr. ur ,\s In!' a' your "right ~ con-around. ju~t had to ~lay Jam·. Mary and ~ae Raulter, ~tan 1 At the first whi[! n( 6prin;, help in you "summcrizing·· pro· with n combination of three eernrd, there isn't all\· tommon mcd again~t the waiL To mo1·c Rots, thadn t &ecn Stan smce I eYet·y l!al cas!~ a cl'ilical eye on1 gram. For inotnnce, that hall· parts soda and one part powder· hon>cholrl 1tem tho! V:·iiJ J1elp if meant to knock o\·cr the ALATHI. John Moores, Enid: her figure, hair and complexion .. lemon you hm·e in the rdri~N· eel table sail. you'l'e ~ailwrl a !c11' pound.<. .\s scenery. Nurse, who wore a very pretty i For summer, the season or out· '.ntor ean be an cxcrllcnl blench A bakin~ soda hath 1~ also an is to keep the c·upbom·d and re·

But we lol'cd cl'ery momrnt ; dress, Dave Middleton, Mar· I door Inn, slec\'cless dresses and lor yotir hands. antidote for wintcr·dry skin. a matter of fact. ,·our hc<t bet or it. Once you've _heard lh~ ~uerlte R~ld, who also wore a 8Wimsuit~. i.~ not far off. : A \'inegar rin~e will bl'ing a Adrl a half·P?und of soda to a refrigerator dooro iirmly shut for laughter of an audtence from· 1ery fctchmg dress. Jean King,, If your skm is rough and dry shine to \'OUr ncwh· st,·lcd hair. tubful of warm water and jus\ a 11'hile. backsta;e .. you're a goner. 1 Joan and Gordon Tluard, Ger· from winter weal her and heated And bicarbonate 0( sod·a !baking 1 soak. Soda is mildly detergent, .Just cut down on tho~e be· Good luck Avian Players, 1 ry Chaft • • • t.o mentio~ 1 few. rooms, you take ways end: sodal has 1 number or uses as a so you don't need to dry out twecn·m~al snacks and do some

• • • 1 C. B. was shghty Indisposed means to soften lt. II you·~·e' beauty aid. 1 your skin further by using soap. bending and stretching to smooth The St. John's Players have : and left early, so missed late gained a few pounds, you d1et 1

1 • out the bulge~. picked The Red Key for their' comer Joe Murphy (Barry them o!f And If you've worn! You'll want your teeth to look: lnetdenlnlly, If your spring out- If you start a diligent beauty T.\'. Pia~·. Directing this will: Hope to you) and hi1 orchel· your hai~ in a style that won't iwhitc In contras! .to your sum·: door activities take you into the routine at the rit·st sign of w~t·m be Betty Ferry. (Allan Vannan: tra. l\Iany thanks to hostess stand the summer breezes, you mer tan. ~trst \'lstt your denllol

1 ~arden and. lea~·e you to the w~athN. you'll look trim. not

who was going to direct, is out , Phyllis Brooks who also playa have It restyled for the casual i ~or a carti.Y check and pro[ess·, mercy of btt!ng msrcts: a paote tnm. m ~·our swimsuit come of town on business). Betty, i hostess for the Wayfarers on days of sun and fun. 10nal cleanmg, Then keep your made of bakmg soda 1s handy. ~ummer. you will recalL took top hon· the nights of their performan· ---

honours for direction in the ccs. A really lovely party, D '} R • Th R • L k F s ~~~t~cs~f.!at~:e:l~;:a!.ll~s~/~:;i I Tomorro: n:gh~ (Saturday) I at y eclpe e oman tiC 00 or ummer this comin;l weekend. So more 1· The St. John's Players having about cast and crew later. an end of the season party at B"AISED oxnn.s

• • • I the Veterans Club on Henry .. And speaking of the One ! Street. They held their an· 2 oxtails 1 11~ lbs. eachl

I ~• cup flour • .S.ct Pla~· FcstiYat which was . nual meeting last night, and 2 tbsps. lard scheduled for the end of this ' will therefore toast the old 2 boullllon eubu month, it has been postponed el!ecutive and the new one. 2,_ 2 cups water

~t:"' h:·:: ;·~~-:"""'': '

·~ .. '., .

... "'--~~..)'' .... ~...::,, ...

wrong. I rc;!llli1r \ itnm1J1 inicct10ns. .~nd You go to ~·our own phy.-ician

1 she knoll'.' tim hc1·; is an ar·

(or a complete checkup. He· J'('•:ted ra<e of ~ d1<ca<e fm· places ~·ou in a ho<pital ~nd thus whil'h there i< 'et no kno:~n be~ins a ton~ hallie for health ''Ire. · and life. The diagnosis is multi· pic •clerosi<. r •

This j, what happenrri to E..-: llurnay in l~oo. .~ lop r~·hio:• model, in drmanrl for both pho· tograph)· anct fashion <how<. shr found hcr•el! Josin~ co-ordina· lion.

If she triPd In pick •omelhin~ up. it ~lipped fi'Om hrr ~ra<p. She :;tumbicd Soon ohe was no lon~er a hie to walk. S h c cnutcln'l turn in bed without he· in~ lifted.

"I was frightened:' ~he s:w-. toda~·. "so frightened that m)· cloclor told me only in indirect phr,1ses that I had MS.

"But I wa.• lucky. too. For I had happen~d to pick a doctor who knew exacth· whal to no to get m., back on 'mr feet.''

Her doctor explained to f:l'a that multiple sclerosis put< muscles out o( "·orking order.

' He said other nmscles he re-edu· enled to take on their work.



.. ~-· .... -. .. ,,., .... ~


i ·~

. ..-J l!e showed hrr how to walk, En Buma7 .. __ ,

cuttinl( her lon~ model's stride '1 . .

down to small. shufrtinq steps. One grcnt change ,n her smce He had her .-pend ton)! hour~' her carl;· modelm~ dars has learnin~ aga'n just how to hold! eome as the re<ult o[ her cx· a cuo of (.offer.. I peru:nt:e. . .

''The test came." she , 8 y 5 ' "\\ i1en I'Oll ,.e reaily ~on;cthm;;

until the Fall because of bus· , :\1ore about it next week. 2 tbsps. tomato paste !ness pressure on \'arlous : • • • 2 tbsps. vinegar members of the committee. : A reception and dinner is 2 tbsp. sugar

"when I tried to walk R<·ro:<< m,· senou., to cope '':th. ,ou re tn· new hdng room rue with a up 1 clmed to he impatient WJth peo. of cnff<'C in one hand. 1 madP pie 11 ho cnmplam over Ulllm·

. it From then on. 1 alwan I porlant tlun~.<" she sa)s. ~ade it." I And it', IIHs 1mpa\lenrc. of • • • ! being held tonight at Marty'a 2 tsps, salt

CLUBS 1 Restaurant in honour, of Mr. '!. tsp. pepper The Y's Men were plentv Hugh Catherwood Craig, Presl· '"' tsp. nutmeg

pooped by the time the Bt· : dent of the Canadian Restaur· 1 eup chopped carrots cycle Rodeo was finished last ; ant Association. Lobster Is the 1 cup chopped' onions Saturday, but delighted with ! main dish. Yum' More about the success of the Rodeo. Did i this later. Have oxtalh cut into 1 1·~ see R's Evan Johnson, Bert • • • inch pieces. Trim off excess fat. Pye Wilf Anstey and George ' PEOPLE AND THINGS Roll pieces In flour until well Dy;e when It was all o1·er, but Johnni• Carter unable to coated, Heat fat in deep kettle. \'ery briefly as they were busy stand inactivity any longer, 1o I When ho~ slo\\:ly .saute floured totalling scores, etc. j back to work he came on Tues· meat In 1t until TJChly browned

According to C's Btrt Pye it day. Good to have you back on all ~Ides, about . an hou_r. looks like a goodly few of the I John. Add boUillon cubes dissol;ed In

Y's :\len will be attending the I • • • water, tomato paste, nnegar, Regional Com·entlon In Syd· Bouquets to Harry Brown of sugar, salt, pepper. nutmeg ney on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd the C.B.C. who did such a and Vl!getables. The chopped of this month. I splendid commentary on the vegetables will cook to a puree

• • • Airforce show last Saturday. to ma~e a navorful gravy. Cook The Lions Club Swimming Heard many comments about and 5U~mer over l'ery low heat

pool in a deplorable condition j it. about H hours, or until tender. with mud and debris thrown 1 • • •

in by children. The Lions are 1 Ha\'e been trying to buy my urging parents to keep their 1 length (32 Inches) in nylons at children away from the vicini· i Bowring's for the past month. ty untll the pool is drained and ' But no soap. I like seamless, the debris remtwed. Although mesh. ~ize 10. length 32, and the pool is fenced. children hav~ round It qu!te annoying manage to climb over it. so week after week to hear, "sor­parents are cautioned to keep ry, we don't have that length. their children away from that How about thai, Bowring's. vicinity. • • •

There's a definitely romantic look about these summer cottons by Vera Maxwell. Pastel print (left) has deep cape collar, wide skirt and vel~ct streamers at collar and waist. The same print is used (right) for dress shallow· cowl collar and wide tics. Both designs are done in Cone fabr1c.

, Actually. the disease had not: cout·,e. that ha~ helped put E1 a , come 'on as suddenh· as tl srem· I hack on her feet. ; erl. It was traced ·hack to the! • -----

time when E1·a had double \'i<· : I' or sports and camal wear ion in her left eye when she was i >mouth leather . Bermuda shorts only 14. fHer vision is f!ne now. l i arc m~de up m almo>l hand·

In the hospital. she saw other: kerchief-soft texture. and pro· MS patients who couldn't walk. i mise to carry through into Later <he met others who walk· I' warmer wcathrr because oi

: ed oniy with the help of canes their cool. li~hhlci~ht qualities. I or who were confined to wheel ; chairs. I Tho<c htXIIt'ious <atin night·

Her doctor explained to her ;to11:n• ~f the l~.;o, h31'_e been juol how important is a <tron~ copied m the nylon .-atm slyles

1 will in determining that a dis- of t%0 They "'"'11 hl<c a hanky ; ease will not defeat ,·ou. · and drip dry 1rilhout ironin~. ' E1·a was determined. Looking . They'rr perfect ropie>, e1·en to at E\'a Burnay today. you find it the lace applique,, also done in

' hard to belic,·r that she ha.s ~!S. nylon. A tall. willowy bcauly-Jt8, - ·----- ·---pounds O\'ei' her ;; feet 3 inche~ Dri,p 'A'i:hin the <prrd limi· -she h~· the per! ret model'' an~ ; ou can wa!ch :11e :est ol figure. Her ~;es are dear 2"d · th~ ":nl'icl ~~ h.'··

II ASTR O-GUIDE11 By Ceean For .Friday, May 13

• • • Our telephone at K Is fixed The Mount Park·Giendale · at last. Ever since we've had

Llon1 Club holding their Char· I a direct line to town (about ter Night at the Old Mill on three months) It's like talking May 17th. I know this Is going from the planet Mars. We to be a wing din~. Also on could scream and yell as much Tuesday. night past the Lions as we liked . and scream Club presented a chain link and yell we did to the Tele· fence to the ,\malgamated phone Co. who became weary School In Mount Pearl. More of our complaints. A call to about Charter night mixt week.


the Trouble Department

At large parties the host and hostess are often too busy greet· ing guests to make introductions. Introduce yourself. ------------·----·-- .. - -· -- --


.PresE>n}-For You and ; Yours •.. Pe<~p!e ha~e a tend· ' zncy to be do·;:n in the dumps I one mincte art! up i~ the cloud, /Ihe nc.~t {'" th;s dal' ,,f mixcJ ; a~pccts. A ... oid 1dtua1:0ns that

• • • brou~:ht a patient resigned,

If YOU are gjy)ng II lllnChCOn r-----. .., ---,1 failing since We [orget tlte chi!·, Weighs less than 3. pour.ds, rUllS 1

at a private club hotel or res· '1 dren's birthdays, the dale of 1 by itself, costs notlung .~o op~rate,' taurant be sure to arrive early 1 ( The DoctOr • our weddin~ anniversary, and holds a rtle of, more llems lhn~ ' / J I who it was that )lave us that. you could eoun. m a rr:onlh o ------------ f 1 knitted sweater last Christmas. Sundays, ~nd u<tl<llly rot;1cs ~~~ dug up cables, and glory be 1 SayS J The puzzling part of all thr~e witl.l the Jnformat1on .you re a.t· . . . they found it! A leaky J memorY defed5 i.- our abilitv to et· m 2 or 3 seconds r.~l. cable. Now we're happy, the I recite the nur;;e1·y rhyme~· we Rrvenlly, as a ntatt~r of f~ct.' Telephone Company is happy B, HAROLD TIIOMAS HYMAS, learned in chi 1 d hood the we had an example CJ! w.wt e;,n

M.D. '1 choruses (j( not the \'Cr;cs 1 of OP<'l'ates too well. T!tis occurrrd

The Boy Scouts Auoclatlon "What now, ma'am?" I don't are holding their supporter j' blame them, for they changed Membership Drive on May wires, changed telephones and

. ; . everybody's happy. 1 1 tl · 1 1• • • • . ' the popula•· songs we sang when 1appcn w ten 1e mun~u mrn o " I TOSS ~UT MENTAL RUBBISH I we went hiking and the batting when a man. ":ho'e ~:ft of t.o.l~1l

And on th s happy note ' • • TO Gl\ E FRESH IDEAS ROOM order of the local team we root· recall helped 111m wm a. 1 .. 1 ~e cheerlo, -- J ed for long before softball was sum or mone.v on a qtu7. pro·

-----------------------------'----- BY HAROLD THOMAS HYMAN in\'ented. gram, then [ailed to qua\i[.'' as a

. ~·.

LUNCHEON SETS! Our specialty .. A.set of four mats only $3.50 up to six mats and six napkins at $10.80. Available in many designs, a wide colour range and moderr interesting textures.


C!t4r 3Jubiltr G;~Jilbs nf Nrwfnunblunb


What make~ all these com· 1 census . taker bccau~e. among

1 No one ever seems to have a plaints so unfair is the praise other t_hmg~· he was vague about good word for memory. When we bestow on machines like the dtrecllons east and west,, we're kids and forget where UNIVAC that predict results a north and south. : we've left our rubbers and [ew hours alter the polls close This incident has given me the I mittens, we're told we'd probab· nJter they've had a feeding o! courage to advance a pet theory. ly lose our head i! it weren't at· early returns to compare with 1 1 propose that individuals (and! Iacher! to our neck. the early returns of a prcviou~: nationsl unite in a drive to cui· i

When we grow a bit older an_d election. ! til'nle the "forgctory." We clear 1

! forget ~e were ~upp?s.ed lo watt Now UNIVAC is a mnssh·e! attic~ and Iiles of usele~s and in· : ' and brmg our hllle stsler home , machine. You neccl a whole I nammahle ruhbi>h. Why not; after rehearsal from the school building to house it ancl Its gad· treat our )lrey-anrl·white matter play, ":'e're t~ld we must have a gets and spare parts. Each one with equal consideration? I brain hke a sieve. must cost millions to make and , . .

When we · marry and r.etum oodles to maintain and service. When we re hmshed, we may home. alter a hard day, wtthout And It takes a crew of trained J not remember the names of the 1

the umbrella' we started of with technicians to operate it and g.enerals who . commanded the 1 In the morning, we're told we keep 't In order nval forces m the Hundred don't seem to have the brains we. 1 · Year~ War-or maybe not even I were born wilh. · A~ainst \his, the comparative· , whv the wars were fou~ht-but

I And. as we grow older, we Jy tinv gr~~·-and-while machine we'd hal'e olcnly of storage room ; complain that our memory is i you keep between your· ears · for fresh ideas I

.1 r o us~ contr.::·,~~;·. Stick to t.p.:,~ that rc~uiL..: a mini,nam of \.1\(l~:y. \\'(•,' .. ;,,;: alnnc i; r:-e:.:r­:-.~ic tl, co,"';:~e:-;.tl\·c ~~l: .. ity,

?a~t ... v~ 11 :iam rr.r; ... atl:\!1 nf !he Ln.11:-\ A:m\· h\:~:;.me the t1r·t ;old:~~ h~1ri~!J :a .o\tl!n~lon C"m::-rc;y fno~o\ rh~ n:li:on\ i~rJ:­r ... t nulitH\' ~r.wev~rdt en ~·h\' 1.;, I ~6·1. · The I~"J , . .,, nn:e the j1ropcr1v o[ (re•';gc \\ oSh· ington·, stcrson.

!=urur~ ..• '!n~:~nt h~!:sing" m.,. l•t! u-~d for the a> m c •J fci-c:es. f.n inf~"':::i,': c;;nva::; cltime \\(':.ld t-.1! ~e~ u~. th~n .t

''li~ll·riliir.f' pi3"it:c f·.''"' rr.hcd on the •pN "c':!~ 1:-e sr:-.1; tt! on the dom,. It \\,ll h•,Jcn in lm than an hour.


The Day Under Your s•gn . t.f: ... ~ I Corn March 21 to April 19] {,,.,.._,, tv is a lirtttt, but don't be a ,_u, t.~r I or one "'ho habitudly Impost!.

TAURUS (Aptil 20 to Moy 20] J>,m't jnmp to r'lnch~oinn~ if snmrthing ''"~"'l'"'ttll J,~rf•"n~. Srrk. h.cts.

GEMINI IM•v 21 to ~uno 21] This maT not he • .rood day to entc.r· r;\irt businru usodate:.

CANCER (Juno 22 to July 21] ~~,·rr mind v.hat the othtr persC'In dot~. Follow your awn consc.ieact.

LEO !July 22 to Aug. 21) :-.=cnnus tension is a:en~nl, fO you'll l1:t\'t to lltndh: l'~Pit with kid t:lo\'r•.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sop!. 22) 1 . rn thott~h !'l('lf in mo.,.1 to ht 1o~ia hl,., rupllnd t.:ind1~· to 1 fritndly o\ "'r· turr.

LIBRA (Sop!. 23 to Oet. 22) A frknd rottld b:tlfl thow }OU the w.1y to succus, ~o Iuten.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 211 nt)n't w:t•tro tim.. iTt idle th~t~r. Th,.r~ j, much t'l be d•1nt,

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dee. 21) Feclinrs 1re t.UII¥" hurt. so be rlip!o· matic. Tr:r to see both siieL

CAPRICORN (Doe. 22 to Jon, 20] Don't ,;poi! a fine relatiocuhip by ~•&'· ginc. Yoll have fa~r~lts, too.

AQUARIUS (Jon. 21 io Fob. 19] Your memory ma( bt: nnnli•ble today, Jl'1 ma'kc a note o the thina:s you must ci~. )

PISCES (Fob. 20 to !.torch 20] .\dht'fe loa potiq· of 1he and U.~t. It \'I'! tt'lllfltr:tl'fltnlal cla~hts,

of', l9b·1, he:rt J:nt("n·ri·e;, )ric.

Page 7:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd



manse for David's apartment ap. parcntly has Ozzie and Harriet's approval since Ricky moved in when David moved out for two

By ERSKINE JOJINSO~ months service in Texas with HONOLULU - (NEA) - the Air Force National Guard.

TurninK in his teen·age crcden·l When David returns the story tials on his 20th birthday May i is that the lads will then share· 8 wasn't ali that's n~w in. Ricky I the apartment. Nrlson's life, ;:iris. He hns: I assume this is all wrapped

C'hrcked out of the Nelson up with "Young Emotions," homestead to share brother Da·: which just happens to be the vid's bachelor apartment. 1 title of Ricky's current song hit.

t.eft somr of his hair on the "The Wackiest Ship" is Ricky's first movie since last year's "Rio Bravo" In which h helped .Jolm Wayne clean up : town. Now he's helping Jac:

1 Lemmon win World War II i: 1 the Pacific and it's his bigges: , role to date. 1 The snipt gives him morr I word&, I'd guess, than he'a sah' I ;In six years, On 1nd OFI-

Color Combinations In Summer Shoes

t' i: i screen, . Ricky leaving the teen·ag1· ranks :\Ia~· 8 apparently has not

·cued a big policy meeting of hi'. career guides. No one has been able to drtect any worry line~ on the lad's face about moving

;, ,i, ' • I FOR FOLKS who like chicl<cn with a patale·plcasmg sauce, yr. : : must walcl1 caloric<;, Ca~tain's ('hid<rn is the ideal choice,

• • Times chan~c in many way~.

· into the "old" bracket. I · Wasting no words, as usual. i ·he's S!\III.ING the far from 1

: earlh·shaking opinion: "I don't think I'll feel any


What 11'~" to be called ~ sprin~ chil'kcn 1 the rcten\ncl'. nf cour.""['. is ~trid I\' eulinmT 1 is now

.. " · '"'" known as· a hroiler:rrycr .. Thl')' · "'~~ are n-wrek-n!d h1rd, ,,,,,glung .\:\._'\\.\'-''i:'l !rom 1', tu :J'·' puunds ;u11l hw.t•

' iow~r lat content than 111n't

Rlt'KY XEI.SOS ... he got clipped .• ,

tuttinll room floor for a neater

Well, maybe that's at least a ; fan magazine headline.

Between Us

m2;1t, a point of intNe<l to hungn· calorie-counters.

i, Here·, a deli~·ious chicken re. i ripe with a sauce interestin0l:· J: sen,oncrL .\n ar!lra:e scrvin::!

J! contain' onlv about :100 caloric·.'·

Captain's ·!'hickrn i\'<'ild: ~ . <>f'l'\'in~..;l

".Navr look." A~quired a f«lrmcr all·Ameri·

cen football star to run inter· terence for him against femin· ine fans at his door and photo· ll'•Phers and fan magazines on

One hrnill•r-fr.rrr chicken. t'llt · · in ~rnirtr pi~Ct>~: 1 tfln~poon ! ' monn:-;ndium ~it:t:mwt£1. 1 tP~J-

his heels. The "navy look" haircut came

with tlia role of an ensign in "The Wackiest Ship in the Army." It also came with Ozzie ,


j' ~poon ~:1!t. 1-1 troarsoon pemwr. , I'. trn,noon.' CUlT\' powrlrr. I 1 1 te;~pno11.·d.;, 1 e;m 1 ! J pound 1 tom~J'r~~·..:. 1 ~;n·)it· elm e.

Nelaon'a words to director Rich· ' WIVF.S, FEED THE BRUTES ard Murphy: TO KEEP TIIEM CONTENTED

''Thanks, pal. 1'1·e been tryin~ i , . l'f" d · l' to get him to cut it for three " >olen 1 1c stu. y mtwalcs J•ars." I there at·e thre~ tunes a. day , ...... ····- _

ThP lilll3 ~II • American· 1 whrn human brm~s are QtliC~c~t Shoe fashions a ease for contrast lor the ron1lng s11mmrr. Is donr in white with "'~~'Y call gathered into soft loins at thr

UCLA's famed passing tailback 1 to an~er-the half·ltour permds llolh ennlrasllng colo11rs and le~ther~ are used In sleek closed Int. Striped pump with harh•qllin heels IJower lcftl is done P 1 C h 'th · precedmg breaklost, lunch R n d pumps and open, airy sandals. Sandal tupper 1!'111 In pastel In hlark·and·whlle straw. lire Is arc donr in a sn,nnth silk. ,\

.au ameron-c. arne ere WI I dt"nltCl', t 1 1 It 1 th r d f ft N 1 kidskin has lhe straps reversed In graceful twists nl pale and smooth pale ~rR)' ca 111 pump ( ower r ~ 1 I gc s a swo • n hlfn. as 1 stan. '10 or~ e e ~on I! your h!lsonnd doesn't come deeper pink. Tht n•o~k mncca~ Rln walking ~hoe tupper rlghtl navy faille lor contract In colour and texture. fam1ly p~bhc relaho~s ~an , home for lunch you don't ha1·e . · · · D~rmal~ I~ c~arge of keepmg. to wmT~· about that dangerous NEW \'OR!{ _ 11\:EA 1 _ Onr give ~umme" shoe> a new lind. poss1uly onr dann~ p:ur of pmk «nm"n preler a clo,e<l, light·;. Jllclcy tlelnng. I half hour. But look out for the' color, like one ~wallow, does not di£ferent look. 1 sh()('~ will change hc1· mmd when weight :;hoes for t'ity and husi·t

CAME R 0 N IS . BATTING irritable period before breakfast '1 make a summer. Or a summer's' There's just as much conlra~l. she shops .for. summer shoes ih1s ness wear So designer.\ have 1 · •own passes now mstead of 1 and before dinner fashion news in shoes. . in texture. Smooth cnl! and. year. Shes likely to come home gil'en it io them this year in i · thrmnll the~ and he's bloc~· i How can you· sail calmly : Thi.; year, it's two col~rs in ~traw go togel~?r ~·ear .. with four or fir~ pairs in. var.ying many smart treatment>. I ing on the hne, too, her~ Ill, through those trying times? • one shoe or two leathers m one. Straw also combme.s .. w1th hlack leather_ and combmat1o~'· The narrow, pointed toe is still I Bonohllu where the trade wmds , It's fairly ~imple. If your 1 ,;hoc. Pale and bright color p~tent lea.ther. l• aule teams, • Fash10n spills 1tself ahout . ,,o. with us. :\ot quite as .sharp u1· earry Kents of romance and I mornings are hurried and rush· I tones tea;n together. Darks Ill'(' wtlh soft k1d nnd gramed lentjl· oO between the closed pump nnd n, Ion~ ~• in the pnst. perhaps, professional and amateur photo·' ed, set the alarm a little eal'iler. ! us:rl with whil~s. Hm·lequin er go with glossy black patent. the open sandal for summer. h~1l definitelY pointt•cl. llecb I!'Rphers c:arry lots of extra That way ~·ou will have time to ! heels, polka dot trim. stripes. The woman wh~ thinks in \\"llile t.he sandal usually 111o\'es come in C\'ery height h~1t for the iilm. prepare a good breakfast and ' bows and swathes o£ f::bric all term; of hlack. wh1te. blur. an:l ,,hend m deer summer, many m_ost -~~~rt are slim and narrow.

AU photographs of Rirky. you look fresh and pretty at table. ' ·-···- - ··-- .. ---- ··· ·-·--ll't, demand Ozzie's approval The dinner hour need not bei il' oft'~-·1 • )t • · * ·-, -------~ £f d M 1 •nd ene fan magazine represen· hectic, either. Instead of runn·. '.' ... ,., -·J. it w I t St usnrooms btivt, Pat Campbell, already ing out an hour hefore dinner to: ·~;;;~~. Helen linn's I T'HE I a nu u e llu been blocked out by Cam· Cl'ab a few grocel'ies and rush. 1

• ·(, ~~ • •

ernn, apparently on signal from ing home to .cook u.hurrled meal, i ~~7t_..,., ETIQUIZ I I Are Conversatl'on App?.tl.Zff the Hollywood bench. plan your dmners In advance. . ::0J' r M t - -

Pat wanted a layout of Ricky Have dinner ready to go on : ' . I a u ~e I It work and surfing at Waiklki' the lahle ·llS soon as you~:. fravelut~ mwm:1·s alnlt mt.~r I 1 . By GA\'1\'0R !IIADDOX W.\L"LlT STl!FFEJJ ]leach but Cameron had to pass!' ~usband ~ets h?me from WD!'k, m o~e re>pect. 1!'~ 111 those on I R t I Let's have something di£ferent ~IUSIIROmts ~10:'\F.T.\It\' the "sorry" word, Approved' mstead 0[ rushmg around trym~ .the .,rounrt. I \ou le more a rnn ju,l [or the fun of it. For CX· Olakrs N apJlPiizersl i photos ne available in Holl)'·i to get a meal together after he: apt to hal'e Llt; person stttm~ lie· I· 1 ~

1. ample. these walnuts stuff- T11enty-four lm·.~p 1 ium~JO-,ilc' 1

wood. turns in the driveway. Why pro·; s1de :;mt begm ~ ronvcr.;atmn ed mushroom<-a t c m p t n g 11~: 1 ;) 1 roam<. 2 tablc>ponns h::tt· · When Pat protested that her I long the possible "grouchy per· a~ct you mny contmue ll If you I • combinntion o£ flm·o1·s and cr. ', cup dry white table 1'.'ine

1nagazine wanted Ricky with 1 iod:' when you c~n elif!!inale it 1 ll'tsh. . . . . B7 MRS. MURIEL LAWRENCE: textures. Good comwsati on • o1· water 1'. olh l"mon juice'. 1 Hawaiian backgrounds of swa)'· en~lr~~y by [eedmg him nght 1 . 1:. ha:. c lathes "' c . n~o~~ • .. ' pieces £or a party. . r <111 'fo·ounc~' l!nlla11dni'r sauce In 1 d bl d away. app, optwte lnr plane h mel. , HRO:\Df.R 01:1 LOOK NEEDED 1\'e di<coverecl them el :o;c11. I' 1 cup'. ', cup comme'rci:~l >our

g tam~, ~ep ue se.~ an Again. don't forget the al :\lore hi~h st~·Ie ciotll€s th:m ON PROBI,El'>IS OF CHILDREN York' ~lc~ant "Forum of· the cream, 1 tablc~poon lemon .h1icr. eorad' reel 5

'p t~meron sal ' ac· importance to your husband's I you'd wca1· lrmeling other -·- , Twelv~ Caesars" restaurant re· •; tcospcnn numhlccl drier! ear mg 0 a · ~· 't' [ h · ll wa\' ' • £ th d d her f l !) "Sbucks. Miss Campbell, the ~1spos11on o av.m~ a we ·, • . .; i nose.~ a er was ea.: cenlly. Our g 0 u r met lrien,\, tal'l'aqon, 2 cup' 1'1'' 1 unccnt''' )ackgrounds aren't e\·er seen, broomed woman. stllmg ecross 1 bl s.uils onl.1' ,. : authorllles sr:anged a . ho~e .-\ian Lewis. the director, en· crah or canned crab ml·nt, 24

,., the table from h1m. : c1 SlrPel . tlothP. .. , al'ersc to i mother hosp1lahzed. y.el£~1e thusiastically explained how to California walnut hal res. anwy

11111)1. th 1 t 1. I p 1 If you're wise vou'll take one I wnnklinl( 1 situation'' with her marned SIS I· 1 make them at home Brief\ 1• Pull stems from llll"hrooms

e • e as 1me saw a f th t' • '12 But · tl1•r• "n · ·t·l"llln · , . . · · ' h · ' . , ur. e,r prcc~u 1on, . . 1s . ' • " l pm ' . • ' 1 cr. . . tender JUmho·s 1 ze muslll'oom and .<m·c lor mlUt e1 pu~P'"e. !

minc·r:l: onr-thirrl cup r in e I y ('hop:~Pd un:on. nl\f'-third ctlp fine­ly clwpflC(t -:!l'l'l'll prpp"r, :1101bl~'·

<poon' currant:;, optional. S p r in k I e c l1 i c ken with

m,,no-oclium :;iu•mnatr, salt and IK'PPPl". Pl<•t'P chieken piece! . /111 ,idt• up ,n pt~hrat~cl brailcr~ broil until hn>wm•rl. about 10 minute'. \\'hi'~ chickm is broil· in~. com:1inc remaining in~rcd· it''lt.:; exe••pt r:urrants in sattcf'· pan: hrm~ to a boil. Place chirkrn pi<•ce; in hakin~ dish: ·>our >JU<'P 01 er chicken. CO\'·

~'r with fo1l. !lake in a moder· at~ nrcr I:J;;o de;:rr~s F.l 45 minule.;. l'nrol·er: actr\ currants ~nrt ba~:e 1.-1 minute.~ lon~cr.

~lim·fhick Salad One container •8 ounc~>l yo;t·

hurt. 1 t~aspoon curr)' po\\'der. •, tea~poon ~alt, I rup diced c ·kr~·. 2 cups diced cooked l'hicken.

llh•nrl to~ethrr yoghou·t, curry powclor anr! ~all .\r\11 to rr!ery :mct r h;<krn. To<.< !d,ll;-. ~erl'e on '"lnrl ~rcens. I~BO calories ~.:rr\'int! l

•he Jhll .had not Rrll anced .t~e "\ oull wa1t .until after your cons1dera!10n . you should Rll'e, The sisier's husband ms1s~ed caps are filled with Dun~~ne>s .Simmer mushrooms in a mixture I ball agamst ~he 1 all·Amer~an husband has enJoyed a good meal them, othc.nn;e? :on annoying his 12·year·old s1sl· · c1·ah and Hollandaise and topped' of butte1· and wine 'or water ~nd Y~U co.ul a most rca a befor~ you tell him that the wash· :t1 There 1s~'l · er·in·law with his attwtions. 'with crisp California wain u t .1nd lemon juice• for .1 minute,, then· I m.g~mg.home ;, to • ph~·~ er broke down, that you can't bl I£ lrnn~lm~ from a warm I Conferring again, the welfare: halves to ndd just the right or until lender. ~1i:' to~.-ther tl~e

tograph.Eh·ls Presley look Ill get the check book balanced, or climate to a cold one, or 1 board and the si~ter agreed on emount of crunchines.;. . Hollandai<c, som· cream, lemon her eyes, ' that a relalil'e )'our ltusband vice versa, cho~e what will: anolher "home situation"-in the, ··-·-·-- .. - ... -·· • juice and tarra~rn. ,\lid rn1b

AFTER REt\DJS<i some re· : isn't fond of is comin;: for a visit. be most comfortable when i cill''s shel~r £or dependent and ''deliquent'' tag on Rose. They and lo>S ii~hlly. · Pile into steam· eent things written about Ricky j Grandma knew all this wilh· )'OU ali~ht, al~o neglected children. ! had to. 'ed mu.<hroom caps and top wit'' in the fan magazines, I suppose out any scientific surveys to tip cl They should be dark·color· However. after being trans·' In reformatiories children re·, a walnut half. B;:kc at 400 rk-

()\" ST.\GE- \. ,tar is hn111 in C;lSiwldrc'.~ two.piecc .utfil of ,!uh sh:,r!,•.!dn >.·:ith douh!c lm·asted pop-top .and ,wnnanrntly plct~ted shirt. Tbnl:s 1~. the .~nn-made f1~re. ·,md the nulfit wn:;hes and dm·s m a pffy, need~ httlr i•· 1mi 1 :~. ":\ Holiday in Amel" feature, I'hotographed at

Ozzie had good reason for hav· her ofr She summed it up neat· ed. · ferred to the sheller, Rose gave 1 ceive a semblance o£ psychiatric: grees F. lor 5 minute~. or until ing Cameron suited up and jell· ly in three woeds: 3. Why should you arril·e at the evidence o£ de£iance that did not ·~treatment they do not receive; hot throu~h the w<lnul light!;· ed over here a fled a Knute "Feed the brute." air terminal or airport early? £it th amenable character re· when they are labeled de· toasted. Rocknetype pep talk. al You're r~quired to he there quired to quali[y for care as a I pendent and neglected. The: H~re's another a:;reeable ami

Playing the aame like an all· PJ"nafore ot Heck forty.five. minutes before', dependent and neglected child. ' well;~re authorities got this treat. different appetizer course: American should, Cameron .1 take·olf time She had, unfortunately, be·. men! £or h~r in the only : A\' Ar ADO COCKTAil. SALAD hasn't hit the turf yet and his b) Your luggage must be' come so attached to a puppet! wav open to them. i CYield: 4 to 6 serl'ln!(~l trouser pleats are still as sharp weighed mnde in the shape of a baby I However. it does seem r~lher Chill 1 large ripe m·ocado. ct•l as when just pressed. c) Your ticket must be con· belonged to the shelter's craft a pity that we cannot find in half. remove seed, peel anu

His training rules for day· firmed, also cnunselor that she stole it. When methods other than reformatory· cut into cuiJes. To,, lightly with time alertnes c:all for a mid· 4. Are !her any rules you're forced to return it, she ran away commitment to help a child fo1· 1 tnhb;1onn £re'h lemon juice .. Dight curfew. obliged to observe? from the shelter. As ll truant, whom a PU[Ipel had become a "-··.bine one-thin! cup mayonn- i

But If there is a late movie a) To fasten your seat belt she was sent to a reformatory source of comfort. ni~e. 1'2 tablc,poons fr~'h le'1.on. call and the guitar and bongo ~hen a lighted sign asks' as a delinquent child. . . ------· ·- -- -----·-------sessions continue past midnight, tt . , 1 So far as I know she still ts Ricky's stand·in takes over until bl Not to s~.ok~ wh!le ~he No there, . th fl 1 h'stl Smoking s1gn 1s Itt The speech I hked hest at the ~£ ~: wct

1 ,;· stand-in rune· el Not to smoke ai all

1 recent White House Conference

. c s · e . 5. How I~ the stewardess ad· on Children and Youth was made t1ona as ~ sort of ltn~sman for dressed, and is she tipped? by Dr John A. Rose director of Cameron. m the backfield. al As "Stewardess," or by her the Philadelphia Child Guidance

It Is sa1d, h~wcver, tft~t a call surname, ,preceded by Clinic. !o Camer?n Will bring htm rush· Miss, If you know it He warned that the population mg back mto th~ fray in case of b) You do lip her when you explosion had increased emot· such em~rgenc1es as loss . of leave the plane / ional disturbances in children to ground v1a new ~nd decephve c) Airline personnel is never the point of epidemic and attack· plays, Illegal holdm11, backfield tipped ed "outmoded facilities that now in motion or encroaching, Answers lump all children's problems

LEt\ VING THE NELSON under catergories like dependent 1. c; 2. b; s. b, c: 4. a,b;5. a. c. 1 t 1 "

LOW COST PAINT REMOVER Removing old paint can be a lo111 and tiresome job. But here's how Gillett's Lye can help you, at a fracl.ion the coat of preparedfaint removers. DiMolve 1 can o Lye In 1 quart of water. In another contamer, stir 4 heaping tabt. 11)1001111 of com lltarch or flour into 2 quarta of water. Pour thia mix· ture very slowly into lye 10lution, ltirring con~tantly to make a thick paste without lwnpa. Wear­inll rubber gloves to. protect hands, swab the paste on painted llllrface in a thick, even coat. Cover only a small area at a time, aDd aseoon as ligna of dryingap­IJII&l',IICr&pe oil with putty knife, Old p_aint will come ott with it. Par dozen11 of other time and m.oney .. vinl tiJ!I, write for ,_ Ltd., 1150 Sherbrooke W ,, MontzMI.

Right for now and for summer days ahead-a pretty pinafore made of huck, II\ white or color!

Easy huck weaving, Pattern 7128: children's aizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Included. Pattern; directions for huck 'pinafore; easy·lo-follow chart for buck weavlnJ,

Send THIRTY·FIVE CENTS !In colnsl for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted! to ST, JOHN'S DAILY NEWS,

TODAY'S ETIQUIZ MEMO and neKlected, del nque , e c. You say good by to the I support his attack.

stewardess as you leave the However, we cannot lay the plane, and also to any passeng. fault for our antiquated manage­era you've talked with. ment of children's problems at

Stuffed celery takes on a new look and taste when you c u I stakes Into uniform lengths and fill each with a mixture of e h o p p e d h a r d·cooked eggs, chopped !XIrsley and mayonnaise. Garnish with sliced olives or sar· dines.

Roa1ebold Arts Dept. 60 FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER,

JUST OUT! Our New 1960 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book contains THREE FREE Pat. terns. Plus Ideas galore for home furnishings, fashions, gifts, to)'l, bazaar a~llers-excltlng, unusual designs to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, huck weave, quilt. Be £irst with the newest -send 25 cents now!

the door of our welfere authorlt· les.

We cannot, for example, blame welfare authorities for plnnin!,_ a


Now .d than nerybe~J 1111 a. "ilrad•oul" fulin1, and 11111 ~a httheroi 1tJ &ackKhat. Perhapa noth· int .. ,~ow~, wra"', jull a lolllpOfllf undilien cauud hJ uri11111 lrrilatitn er bladder diacell\lort. That'• the li"'e to ltko o.dd'• KidnoJ Pilla. Dodd' a help atlmulatt the ki~niJa It rell"o thll cendltion whkh ... , oftenuwa hack• acho and llrod lul'm1. Thon JOU lo., bettor, rut betttr, work bellor. Got O..W' 1 Kidn•r PUla now. Loollor tlw W.. bK wilh 1M red band at aD dru1 Ttucuulepeadon Dodd'a.u

Support Guiding ... BUY GIRL GUIDE


l'oronto's Crest Theatre. . .... · ........

juice. 1 talliespoon tomato cat- If it isn't the hunter bra_~· >Up, 1 tea.,poon minced onion, gin~ about hlJ gamt, It's thr one-sixteenth teaspoon ground golfer. l'J\'cnne p~pper. :1-!ix li~htly , -------with the al'ocado. Scrl'e 011 It's funny how so man)' PC"-l•:t!uce ~arni>hed with tomato pie will be following the polit• wrd~r<. Serre as an appetizer cal news from now on, and or salad course. ' then forget to vote.

Sift together i 11/o a howl 2 c. once·sifted

pastry flour or I% c. once·slfted all·purpose flour 3 tspa. Magic Baking

Powder '12 tsp. salt V4 c. granulaled sugar

Combi11e I well.baaten egg % c. well-drained

canned crushed pineapple

'12 c. syrup from pineapple

% c, milk V4 c. cooking at! ~ tsp. vanilla

Make a well i11 flour mix­ture a11d add liquids all at once. Stir just 11111il dry ingredients are moistened- do not o:•fr.tltix. Threc.quarters fill greased nwjfi11 cups.

Sprinkle with mixf11re of 2 tbsps. granulated

au gar Y2 lsp. ground


Bake in mod. hot cn•rn, 37 s·. 15 lo zo mins. Remove from pans td once. Yield: lZ muffins.

You'll serve it with pride when you say-" I made it myself-with Magic!"

Page 8:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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N Freighter ~~re Cargoes

Temperance Conception Bay eWS!0!~,~~~DISI•rt>~Th,'l!L~Ts~!~~SbiO~TJ" Th h ' British freighter :lf.V .• Juecns· Briti~h freighter l\1.V. Chari· Oug ts garth en route to Wabana to ton l\lira. Capt J, R. Laing. :-. • I S • ~~ J ' D I (' b ~~ ' H load ore cargo, was damaged under charter to DoseD and Sl}ecla ervlces II ot 'Cl' s ay . ,aJ' onear· 0

11 I aneco as when the vessel ran into hea\'Y the Dosco freightel' s.s. M· 1\'c l'lllltinue the Jist 111 facts pl:·stic>, smokeless tlliiHirr. anti· l. i • k

d t h" h h ld b 1 1 1 · 1 d · 1


, ice in the vicinity of Bacalieu. thur Cross. Capt. J. H. Willi>, an contcp s w IC s Oil p l'CCl.r, so ren s, pam s, l'YinS s I • A I p • ,N· e''rsy Brl·efs Niew Lease Lt.fe It was necessary fOI' the sailed O\'er the week-end with present~d to school pupils ac- agents. etc. a vatiOD rmy · fOCJramtne _ :ordin2 to the Department of I 1. The establishment 11r !acili· l. i 0 freighter to proceed to St •·a;·gocs of ore for the Sydney, Ed t. · B ·t· h c 1 b' I t" 1 th h b'l"t t" f tl ' c \RBO"EAR , · 1 l .John's for repairs before load· X.S. blast furnaces. uca 111n m n 1s 11 urn 111. 1es or e re a 1 1 a 1on o 1e , ,, - ,, speer a Last week we listed some genet•;~\ 1 alcoholic is a sound practice CLARKE'S BEACH-A special ~luther's Da~· programme wn.s ~Irs. Ascnath Marshall cele-. CARBONEAR-The M. V. !I! an- ing ore cargo. statements an~ some facts per·. economically. · ~lay 8th as well as being ~loth· Jlresented by the pupils of the hratctl her ninety-first birthday· eco arrived from Halifax liD Sat- ------- Tt) Rett"re taining to physiology, I .i. The ri~ht to manufacture, er's Dal' was al~o Home League Salr<~tion Army Sunday School in on Friday last, May lith. A small· urday last, with a full cargo of J • M }

C-PHYCJIOLOGICAL 1 sell. and consume alcoholic bev-: Sunday at the Sah•ation Army the Citadel, on Sunday afternoon birthday party was held at the; fertilizer and feeds consigned to:, J.ffi Ufp ty BELL JSLA.'iD rStaffl-Ed-1. The l'fntral nerl'ous system ~rages is a pril'ilegc granted by . members of the Home Leag11 ~ 1 Jasl. Captain Ratcliffe was in home of her daughter, ~ll·s. J. A., Harvey and Company. The' ship i f'1 ,. - · warrt Somerton. Wabana. will

Is affected by alcohol. the voters of this country. took part in hoth the morning and the ~hanr nnd the following was Thoms, with only immediate rc·' was making ~er first voyage, af·i uet lJO N anies retire Ill\ pension. Wednesday, 2. Alcohol affects the central 6, The alcohol industry is sub- e\'ening sel'l·ices. The afternoon the pro~ramme: Jath·es and friends in altendanrA>. · ter havin~: been rebuilt, refitted 1 ' ~I 1

nen·ous system by d~pr~ssin~ the· jett to a high rate or taxation sen·icc was taken orer Ill' the Op~ning Song, :\o. 31!1: Pray- 1\'e extend to ~Irs. ~larshall best. and rebumished in Xo1·a Scotia. 1 BELL JSL:\\"D (Staff .:....Tim · ~~/ 1~,;;nerlon is 111 he nn hil!hcr brain centres. which con- and man~· lt•gal controls by the Sunday School pupils who· ;:arc t'l': Scriplurc Read in~ by ~I Lis A. ll'i.;hcs for the future. where she spent the past eighteen; :\!urphy. the Green. who say, l:onorrd ~ue.;t of his f:,rmer tro\ l'olunta1·y beha\'iour. The Prol"inciaJ anrl Federal Govern-. a special :llothe1·'s Day progr·am ... \;h: 1\'cl~omc. Frances Snow: ~Irs. llat'old Paddock arril'ed months. he will be in the runnin;! fnr t·o-wurkt•rs at a part:• in the latest learned or more complir at· mcnts. Flo\\'crs on the altar were in lloy; I•:xcrci>c "I than~ (;od for from :-Iipper's .Harbour a sl1ort Her owner~. the E<Jrle Freight·: Counci1Jo1· in the next \l'abana !Ji··:nond Clull 1\'ednc,day I'd skills are arrcct,•d first mtd lo 7, Althogh no accurate li~11rcs mhcmory of :llrs. James Jlcill. '.!olhcl"': Tell Her So". Barhm·a while ago. Mrs. Paddock •nee in!: Service Ltd., told your rt- Town CounC'il. rh·ti<m, rr· night. a ~realer rlc~n·c. . ill\' al"ailable. there is e\"idrnec ~1r.;. E. Boone, :11rs. 1. ButJc1·, Snow: Girls' Ex:rl'iH'. ":llothcr" .ludy Earle 1 ll'as engaged in, porte1· the ship had been rebuilt· ports that !50 rc.'idenh or' tile .July 18. Saihn:: again same fo.· S<l)'in~ that a lal'!:e part of :llr~. Bendall "~(other's Pr:~yt•r". Chesle,l' :\>It: h1eilin~ at the aho1·e named by the Sn)·der Shipyard, or Day- St·otia llid~t· arra ,igncrl their day for Lii'CI'Ilo'll til•.• costs of arrests, ~aolin.~. at'·· · n·•: ·' Hlld (;i "L• Exen·i't' "Carna- Jll<lt'l' and is on lcal'c o[ absence. spt•ing, :\.S .. wiltle the machin-. names to a petition he cir1•11 .

:l. ,\!coho! is a physiolo~ical <ic· cidents. absentrenism and othe1·, Oh" lions." "Tn llo11nilr ~lotlwr". due lo ill lwalth. \\'e undrrstand · cr)' was installed by the Lunen- ·later\ to l!rl some a!"fion nh:;ul prcs~ant, nol a >1imulant. The anli-social h~hal"imu· Is attribut· IlUal'y ~'lil'k•)' llu:t: l"hn1·us. Singin~ she is muth imJll'ol·ed ,,ince 1·c- bnrg foundry. She i~ pm•:crcd rll·inkinn watrr r·mulition.' in ~llJlarent stimulation ot·curs he· :ohle rlircctly or jll(Jircctel)· to in· Company: "\lothN's .\ llou.<c· turnin;: home and is now on the b)~ a Kcll'i~ ~:nginc . and. we· tlwt ar9a. cause ol the r~lca,c of inhibitioth ehl'iel\· I'L.·\Ili\1-:'S BI~ACll - l'il>s('d •n:e", ll<11 id llc~rin~: "Th,• road to complete rccol"ery. nught add. 11 ts the fl_rst _or 1ls ~Jr. \lurphy -tal(', 111 ~, 1 J,c an:l submc;·sion of anxiet)·. R. Stttdb mad~ al Sin~ Sing Jl~al."('fully away after a 'long ill- ~!other r.od <iarc Yuu": Girls ~Jr. ancl ~Irs .. lack Le~ anrl lunrt to be_ used on th1s s1de of rli><·us~cd til(' r·mHii\1 1111 ll"ith

~- .Judgment and reason arc Pl'ison in 1n:m. 1!13!1 <llld 19~0 show ness ~lr. Ed. Snow of :-<o1·th llir- I·:x:rcbc: llo)·< Excrcbr, "Sa- family were l"isjtors from St.: the Atlan.tJc. ~lr. Charles B<n·· the proper «nthoritie'. who amon~ the first !unctions to he lh:~t in at le;•st ~ per cent. of e1·. ~It', Snow has been a mem- lute to "other". Song ii.1: "ller .John·., on Sundav and their num- hour·: of F .. and_ S. B;~rbou:. of St. were quite ,_,·m;lathrli<· aut! nffcctcd by alcohol. and with in- the ofJ~n~es alcohol \\'!IS closely her of the L.O.I .. fo1· a number Day", Elsie Ash: Ilol"s' Ex<'rl'ise erous friends i1cre were re1·y .l.ohn ·'· supervised the_ mstalla· promised to 1111 all Jl<l:<;il>!<' 1, rn•a.<in;: amounts lht• impairment relall••l to the crime. ot years, The funeral seni~e "~lot!Je!·'s llelocr". "~!olhrr happy indeed to st·~ them. twn. She IS eqmppcc!. ll'llh radar .. renwrll' the prPsrnl lrat<·r \>(>com's ~rrall'r. ~- Tlw akoholic u.>ually in· was held on ~londay, ~lay mh. Hymn". Emm;~ Pa'",on;: r.irls' :llr. and \J,·s. Harold Vallis left echo sounder and ~ad1~ telephone., situati~n

i ~h•dcralc amonnt.< of akohul roll'es himself and his family in Ill the Anglican Church. ~orth 1-:xrl'cise "On "other's Dav" h1· lhc ":\orthcrn Ranger" for Her cargo capacrty 1s approxl· h~IC ~ mea:;urnhlc effect un a s~rics of dram11tic and ·di~t,·es· ·«JI'cr, the Rc1·. ~laidment ron "Wo"rd for r.ranrlma.'' E1·ic Sn~w BatHe llarbonr. Bernre lakin~ up. nwtel~· three hundred tons. Cap-~perd nr reactions. rttscrimina- sin.~ crimes that rleman:l attcn· duclin~: the serl'ire. The J..O.L. (;iris' Jo:~r1-eise "~Inthers' Dav his duties as manager of the lain Slel'e Dowden, her master. 1

1 lOme Fronl

linn of srn>or~· pel'lCillion,;. and linn and ecOilomic help h·om so-! !llCmbers of Clarke's Beach at- \\'ish"": "If", Garfield Pil~rim·: Earle Frei~hting Scn·icr's spent the eighteen months l dr:rr" oi nnrscular t•ont:·oJ. dnl a~cnl·ies anrl the communi!)'. 1 tended in a bod)'. Deepest sym- Offering, Pn•.ocntation of C'arna- F'rcnchmrn's !>land branch, he in :\o1·a Scotio, in the interest of

~ ~ricmific e1 ide nee prn1·,., 10 Lar"c sums of moncr me. pathv is extended to his son 1\'al- lions to oldc>t <11td ,·oun~est will make preliminmy p1·rpar·a- her ownet·s. l JOSDl tal that athlelc, who usc alcohol her· exprnrle<(fOI' alcoholic bc\:em,:e i tcr with whom he rcsiderl, abo mother p"r.-entl, ltamrl)' ~ll·s. lions lor the alll!le HariHll~" The ship is the rinishr!l pro- .: •. :. A '·'

era:rs arr lcs~ dficicnl in arcut·· ~rl,·crtiscmcnl.' ·~~20,4i9.42~ in· his daughter Florcuce ~It's Hall let! anrl llrs. lli<I'Ol'k: "Thi11k o~ hr.lllrh. dnet of ::ood worl<m<lnshi1l a11d BELL JSL.\ ':n 1 ~toff 1 _ !lt·•· and ~ndut'all('P. th, l'nited SWI•.',; dnrin~ t!l-10'. ·of Xorth Hf1W, · · her Temlerly". (;)arl~·~ 1\'orrham: Thr l·:al"ie Vrrdllin~ ~erl"it·c she will br sd in the firm's fish· :-tr'. ,John .\Jilkt·. 1 :1e Fr 11 a1.

7. The ;enrral rsycholo.~ical This column is compiled h)' 1 1 P.n~·.<' f·:xercisr, "Garlamls'' Flow Ltd .. r~ceiled a full c:•r~o of salt· Cl'l' husine<s. We wish the ~ood ha< rr!urned homr from lEI'· r~fect of alcohol is that of rcrluc· the ~ewfoumlland Tcmperan~·c !' J H • I er Dlstribnllon h.1· C'aptnin flat-' dirrrl fi'Om the 1\'eot Indies last sh.ip and her owners. the t·cn.· ·t 1 · St 1 1 · · · n t pI il Ill • . , II ltl S ,1 ll fl IS rr· In~ r!ficicnt·)·. • Ferlrration to whom ~nqulric~ osnJ a l'liffe. Closin~ sOil[ "Tell ~lolhcr week and :\orth Shore fishermen he.<! of luck. It ma1· bP <lmi'> to porter! feeling line .

R. Pellplc drink lor \·m·inus rea- Ill~)' hr nrJd··rssr<l' ' r I'll be there": Benediction. There :I~C el·en now getting their sum· mention here that" lhe F.arle ~ons. among which me: <l< an rTo he conlinuerll I BELL ISLA:\D• (Staff! was a large eongregation anrJ tit~ nwr supplies of same fi'Om the Fr:·i~htin~ Serl'ice Ltrl., is cx-rscapc from respon~ibility and 1

1 :llrs. Philip Delancy, \\"est rrng1·amm~ ll'as well l'cnerlred. firm. , tending its fisher~· premises hrr" ronrentional hehal'ionr. to relicl"e :\lines. recently entered St Gu,· Tho1m was rccentll' ap- h)' adding quite an extension to tensions. 10 obtain social appro1·· · Clare's Hospital, St. .John·.-. poi11tcd lax cnll2ctm· for the· it' wharf. erecting a large corru-

Socia I H el (I ~1. to e;capc lhe problem~ and Speciaii\'Iotller's for treatment. ll~ead-on Town Cotmeil. He took up hi' ~ated >ld sh~d and l'P\"Crel BELL JSL.\\"1) !Staff ·--The rl:sappointments of lifr. , <lttlit•s on ~Iondnl', :lt~v 2nd. morr innomtions. ~Irs. F'. G. chilclren of :\tar.'·, (;uild. SL

D-ECO:'\O)llf D s • F I• B · {' lJ" • George Cole. "son o.f :\lr. and E:~rlc or lhe firm relurned home :\Jicilael"; parish hl'ld a st1ei3l t The :\ationnl Saf~tl' l'o111wil ay Cl"VJCeS . iCC }0$1 etter C...D~JJE10Jl ~Jr>. Harry Cnlc. ami" first year ada~· or lim a~o. after sp~ndin~ in St. :\Jiehael"s II<> II ~unday

reports th<tt alcohol is a contri- l"' en~ine~1·ing s!udcnl at the ~Jem· fm11· werl<' in :\ol'a Srotia. at- ni'!ht. :\fay 8th. hu!ing factor in one part of elw)· BELL JSL,\:\D (Staffl-~Jr. BEl. I. !SL\:\D 1Staff1-Twr. orial Pnii'CI"sity. h:Js aci·eptco lendin~ to tho finn] d"ial!' of tltr :\!ember., d t!w (;uild in· fr,·c hi~hwav accidents. CJ..-\RKE'S BJ.:ACJJ -.\special Philip Delancy of II" est ~Iitws. motor (·ars were rlamagecl eX· .<ummer work with llan·c\" ann rrhuildinl: of the ":llancro... risited boy iril'nlb. ~ll'l.rcn·s

~- 'Iaiii· industrial and labour ~!other's Day programme was who was confined to his home tcnsin•ly in a head-on eo I- Co .. Llrl .. < Cat:bonear lll'anchl, He Orcht•stl·,, sup;1licd lllU'Ir· for rroups fj:e .. railroad en;:ineer~ 1 given by the Sunday Seh!lol for a few days, through illness. lision nra1· :\u. ~ hridge on plam; nn resuming his studies in the nt·t'a-inn. forbid thP u<c of alcoholie her· pupils at the c1·ening sct'l'ice in is feeling much hetter. \l'c.-t :\line' Road Ja•t week- Sep!rmhcr. t!·a:N because ~r thr dange1· to the Vnitcrl Church. Clarke's On last Sunrla~· h~ anrl tlw ('nd. The r>~rlt of the rlll;e nnd £]ias Basha ~thcr< inl"oilerl, Beach. :llany lol'ely flower~ oth~r members of his fotmill" It i~ unrlPrstoorJ th.1t th('r~ cool:i~ >ale held ill" the ~o111h Side

~ .\ftoohol ha< many important adorn~rl the altar in memurr of l'isited ~Irs. Drlanev at St. ll"t're no ,rrious pursonal in- l"nited Church li'oman's .-\.<,oci· Freid1ters 11,r,_ 'lll'h ~~ ~yn!hctie r<Ibhe1·. depat·tcrl mothers. ' Clar~'s llos;Jital. St.' .John's. ,iltl'ir,. tio11. in t'lnrl<e"s Supt•:·market. ott L




· -- -·- · · Saturday 1;:~:-~t, "il.'-' quite ~::atisfac:-·

Iori' hu! a ]nl morr of cakes and • t·o~kies euuld hare heen solei. Bt·:u. JSL.\:\"Jl iSIIIff!--Tilr

~.Ield Rack EXCITitiG ACCELERATION Just fccllh< .\n;li.< 1 05E ~o, ~o,go. Zero to no ink-.~ than JO ~ccondt, .-\nd plenty uf rc:tc.:rvc powe-r for i'lvena~ins; .

EXCITING MANOEUVRABit.ITY Rcspon~il"c <tcering and ~ tumins drd~.: of anly 35 feet. Clear all 'round \'i~ihiliry mJkes parking in ti,;ht corn..:n a cil:zch.

EXCITING ROAOHOL0114G lndcp~nd~nt front-whc~!l s.uspen­~ion with lwdraulic ~hockab~orbcrs iron~ out.bump'>-~in·s you a smooth, 'urc, Ja/t drire.

hod ·t11~·r bren on hand. Stocks familiar figure of Elias Ba.<ha 11-rrr sold out ill. an cat'l1· hour. is again to br seen on Town

Th<' Soulh Side l'. c. ·sunda,· ~quare. followin~ a period or ~ehool arc planning an afternoon illnc.-s. tea ;ul' 1\'crlnrsday, .Tun~ 1.<1. pi"O· :l!t', Bash,, was •·onfincf! lo errds fi"Om whi1·h are to go to tl1e l~<><pital in St. .John's fo1· a fl'\1" 1\'orld llcftl!:!'e Fund. Friend< of I'."Ceks to rct•cil'c ml'rlieal the .<ehool a·nd friend, of ehilrlren treatment. arc "'ked to remember the date His friends arc plril'l'd to

Bt·:LJ. ISL\\Il iS!aff, -·· Dense fo~ and irr "n the \ rld. t"oa!'l has >lower! I he ;HTir:d of fll1'0i~n ore II-cl,!.!htF:'r' 1rJ Da ban a.

z:kd. No Holiday REI.L JSL.-\ \D IStaff'-Thr anrl "thl' inasmuch. ·• sc~ him around a~ain.

\lr.<. Stuart Thornhill and son ~cncral manager of Doseo. \\"a-Stuart .Jr .. of Grand Bank arc ··- hana ~line<. \· .. 1. Southey. an· 1·isitin~ ~ln. Thornhill's parents, Sunda~· 11 ilh ~Ir. Bartlett's aunt nounccd 'Tonda_,.. that thr Captain and ~lr,, William Swain., .\lr.o. Chm-les Elli~. plant will operate on \lonrta~·.

~lrl.< .. James Young went to St. Pastor Eugene \'aters of the ~1a)' 23rd. (Vietona Day! in .John's on Sunda)' afternoon. to Pentecoslal As>cmbly spent a aceordancc with the ll'rms of enter ho,pitol. She wa' acrom- few clays with Pastor· and ~Irs. article 8. clause R.03 of the panied bv her mother. ~ll·s. liar- Bur~e~· at Clarke's Beach, from Company-t:nion a~recmcnt. old Pcnnc)'. The many friends here he went to Ham·s Harbolll' · :\Jr. Soul he)· rr111inrts rm-of :\Irs. Young will her ~ fo•· a couple of da)·s. plo~·ces that in orrlrl' to quali· spr:'dy l'rstoration to health. ~Irs. Abel Clarke of South Ril·- fy for payment of statutor::

Vm'l Young people o; the Sal- t•:·. had a l"el·~· p)en,ant surprise holiday pay for that cia)·. they 1·ation A•·m,·. in command of on ~lothH's Dal' when her dau"h· must work their la't al'ailablc l'aplain R<;lcliftr. IICill to St. tcr Pals)', ~!r< .lor Saw~w .• ,:~!- scheduled shift, prior to anrl .John's h)· bus on :\lay 1st. whc1·e lrd het· fl'om her home in Okla- their first a\'ailahlc scheduler! the,· ntt~IH!ed the Youth Coundl homa. shift after ~Jay 2:lrrl.

1 ron.ductcd h)' Commissioner \l'y ..

~to11r ~~r \\'a:hana ka,·r::'~ ~non

lo t<~l;l' 11p re,idrtH·c in Galt, r ):,tnrio.

Don':=: friend..: ,2a\·r him a Jnl'r'll'c!l Party at tile Diam:m<l l'ltth on ~Iondo)· ni;rht.

Around A1!ain I.

P.EL!. ISL.-\';1) 1Staff1 -· Vt"i•· St<rne. who wa.; confiner! lo hi• home thr;:u~h i!lnc''

: durin~ the pa>l few wc•ck>. i' fl'eling br!ter nnr\ h1; rctl'rn­ed to work.

~tor!\ nwdt:' ~ numbcl' of \'i.;;it..: to Bell Hanrl homes rceentl~·.

.\mun;H tho>e who WPre prc:-Pnterl \rith nf"l_,. hahic..:: arc: .\Jr. and .\tr,. c!,·rie Snow. ci;nr;.:lltel': :\Ir. 1111d ~\lr:-:. C~-ril Cahill. rlatt~li!cr: ~Jr. and ));·.'. .!ohn :\toorc. <on: ~II'. "'~" Pat o·nricn. _,on: 'rr. ami ~lr-.

lia.1·ward l'oner. dau~htcr: .\lr. ar1d ~Ll'' .. Tchn Karana~h. ~on.

l'on~l·;ttnl<•tlon< to the p1·oud P:li"Cflt>.

Showers Bring Rclief I

BELL tSL\:\IJ iStaff>-:'ll"ll· rla1· cl"enin~.' <howers lll'uu~ht sn;JW relief to this dtt<l .<mothcrccl blanrl.

()I')' wrath('l' rlul·ing the pa'\ tree ks and It 11 nrlrcds o( mol or 'rlli(•Jrs u>in!l til~ ~rai"Cl ltiglJ. 1\"a)·s arnund tile r,Janri t•au,~<J ~rf'llt elmHI' of c!U>t altuost l'Oil-f. i llliiHt..;Jy_

New Ferrv promitu•nt Town Square hus­inc>'man sard yr,terday, that he i~ nnt ~oncerned with the name of t llc new ferry the .\1.\". ,John Guy.

\\"hat he i' eont·Prnrrl ah:mt. ;, l1al"ing the fen·~· here a' soon as JlO>sible.

Gil·e it to us qui<·kl)·. hr sairl . '" that we may ~ct the <rrl"iec we need

(Conce~lion P•v New\ con Tfnued on page 141.



EXCITtN~ ROOMINESS Pot· fCt.:tl)' rJanncd dririn;: J'IOSitltln th·c~ vou a dcgrl'c: of comfort never before c:xpcw:ncc:d in li;;;ht l';..r mutorin~. And e\'~n th~ filllc-.t r<~~s~ngcr~ can k~ep thctr h.H" un! : ~~~fr opo;~!~- ~~~·1\~~~r~-~~~ ~~~~;.an- i'£ ~~~!~~.~~1~1'f!!:'~i~~:~f"::Tf;~:~{:;;3~·j·~~1~:;E~~-~~ :::::~--:::. ·-·~ ... :::-Zt·:-:·~~-·-\~:;:~r~~~ :- -~· .. ~~-:~.-~·-.~


llEt.I."XE ,\:0:( ji.J,\ 1058 U''hirt sidmall rlrn avarlab/1 at urra utr..

'As soon as you settle into the sporty contoured seat,

you know the Anglia lOSE is excitingly different. Yoa

look with satisfuction at the dashboard, the controls­

placed with you in mind. Instinctively your foot finds

the clutch, your right hand grasps the sports-type

4-speed gearshift. You and the car are "one" -and

you're away! Driving the Anglia I OSE is all exhila-

. rating expcnencc. Ask for a proof-drive at your

British Ford Line dealer's.




Personals ('L \lll\l·:·s BY.:ACH - \!1·. anrl

'Jr.<. D;ll'id Pike. and their two t·hil:t·rn, Holly 8nd Christopher,

: or lker Lake. spent Saturday with :llr.~. Pike's parent<. ~lr ..

. am! \Irs. Ellie Reicl. • · 1

~Irs. Rhoda Driscoll who hn' ; \wen lil·in~ with :\Jr. and :.Ir;. lllerh Boone. South Ril-er. ha< : returned to her home in \ew , :llelhourne. "

~Irs. A, Puddisler accompanf­. ed :\Irs. Dri,col\ to ~cw ~ld-1 hourne and spent a few days there.

Mrs. William Parson~ of Coley's Point Yisitcd her aged molher 1\lrs. Bishop and her sis­ter Mrs. Herbert Boone of South River.

~lr. Roher! Whitten llf Petty Harbour who is employed on the 1 Imperial Oil boat paid a brief ; risit to :\lr. and :\{r,, Harris Can· ning. '

The man1· fricnrl~ of ~!iss Ella Faccv will· he sorrv to hear she has cnlered hospita·l in St .. John's

: ~Irs. H. Far~!y accompanied her sistcr-in·law to town anrl will be remainin~ there for a few days.

:\lr. William Tavlor who is on the teachin~: staff at Bauline spent the week-end with his par­ents :\lr. and !llr>. H. Taylor or Clarke's Beach. He was accom­panied hl' ~fiss LeGrow.

Mr. Bursey who has been spending the win!er with his daughter. Mrs. Rex Moore at Clarke's Beach has returned to his home in Port de Grave.

Mrs. Fred Wells of Kelligrcw.< is spending a few days as guest of Mr. and :lfrs. Harris Cannir.g.







CONDITION Equipped with Gas Stoves and Electric

Refrigerators and Oil Complete Bathroom

Heaters. Facilities.


For Full Information and • pr1ces. Apply

~-~ ' ..:.


;<I ~: .. ,-; ~ ..-, :;; . . r.h

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The many friends ow !lfr. Har­ris Canning wil\ he glad to know he is over an attack of pneu­monia and able to get outside for a short time when weather per· mils, While he was ill his son Harris who is emploved at Fro­bisher Bay phoned from there, reception was very good.

RUTH MURPHY =·--~ . :

George G .. R. Parsons Ltd. I "


Munn Motors Limited M~NETt AVE. and B~ACKMARSH ROAD, ST. JOHN'S

" • •. • •

DIAL 94061

Visiting their mother. Mrs. Abel Clarke on Mother's Dav was her two daughters nM their fam­ilies. Mary. Mrs. r.eorg~ Pike anrl two children of Carbonear, and Lizzie, Mrs. Ralph Slana· ford and three children of Heart's Content.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartlett and thrca •hildren of St. John's spent




Page 9:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

rHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., F~DAY, MAY 13, 1960 •



2 tins for 35c.


16 oz. jar

r -~-~~~-· i CHOICE RIBLETS

27'· lb.

' '



3 for 25'·

., ,

r . ~·. -~·+··~ "'" . HUNT'S


18c. battle

....................................... ___ _



Pick and Handle •. $2.85 )) Rubhcr Hose: Shovels .. . .. . .. ... $2.25 <( Length 25 ft. $3.45

Lawn Rakes ••...... 9~c. ~. Length 50 ft. $6.45

Garden Rakes $1.40 · $1.75 ), Plastic Hose: ) Length 23 ft. $1.60

Hatchet Handles: )•

il L<>ngth 50 ft. $2.25 35c., 60c., 70c., 90c. i: Gyproc Filler:

Shovel Handles .... $1.10 n 5 lb. pkg. $1.00 Roof Coating:

J 25 lb. bag $3.911

1'Ga!. $1.50, 5 Gal. $6.50 Perforated Tape: \· 75c. roll, $2.25 roll

Tar , •.. $2.25 ~ Gal. Tin

l Braiden Wire: Tar Brushes ••••.. $1.25 No. l2/2 10 feet Hatchets:

(, No. 1412 8 feet $1.80, $3.25, $3.75 & $4.65 .Oct Boxes , ••.•. liOc. ea. Buck Saws ........ $2.45

,. ;) Sec. Boxes ..•.•• liOc. ea.

Blades 36": l Connectors % ... 10c. ea. 75c., $1.55, $1.65, $1.75 We Stock Automotive

Wire Nails: i Bulbs 6 and 12 volt and 1 to 5 in. 1\c. lb. G.E. Light Bulbs all sizes.

Fence Staples: I We cut. window-glas• to 11,1 20c., :y, 30c. l size.




GRADE A EVIS. TURKEY 8 - 16 lbs. 65c. lb.


STEAK ROAST 85c. lb.

ROUND STEAK 90c. lb.

DEVON SLICED BACON 1 ~ lb. pkg. 49c. lb.


39c. lb.


21 ·~ lb. for $1.00


there's nothing like OUR

Jolene AND \I,\

Beaumont ) \:, Pumps ·~

!l's nnt onh· thr ~m~rl 'lyli"·' :',;•1 m•hs n11r new ·.TOLE:\t; i!nrl Bi·:.'X~Ifl:\1 · Pnmps oul;;tandin~. Their iii. their <oftness. thdr light. :<'Onthful lines ~rlualh· make ~our feet look p;et· tier. ·come in today and pick n11t thP perfect ~lyle to com· plemcnt your new Spring costumes. Availahlr in Rlark, Bei~e. Rrd anrl r;reen. Sizes ~ to

10- AAA to B fittin,qs.



faiTJtelt t. 'f!lonlzrJe jjd

The picture shows the Basement Hardw_are Department

of Electric Utilities, which features one of the greatest varieties

of hardware in St. John's-Gardening. tools, glass cutting,

paints and roofing materials, in short everything for all your

home improvement needs. All are top quality mat~riafs at

the lowest possible prices. Call in today, to get what you

want-when you want i·t, at the Eleotric Utilities Limited,

Your Higher Levels Hardware Store, Freshwater Road.


IN DAYTIME COTTONS FOR .SPRING AND SUMMER. Sizes 12 to 20, 14% to 24%, 38 to 44, 46 to 52.

• HELEN MORGAN $2.98 ·JULIANA $3.98 • FRANCES FAY $4.98 •KAY CAROL $5.98


LONG'S HILL ..................................... DIAl 434~ DUCKWORTH STREET .... : ................... DIAL· 3257

REMEMBER " • ' l •• ' ., -~ ~~· •• ~ ,, "'· • ' .... ; ·-'. • :(. • !I ~ • :.';' /" ' •



Page 10:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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l()(al Walkers Invited To· BryantCoach~Si-B~is~ Stanford Hurls Well As Canad.lan Qlymp.IC y·f·lals ThP st. Bon·s Athletic :\,sodalion <111110111\l'(·d lastni~hl G·lants Edge Ph 1-~~~·es 1-0

Finances Are Big Problem A lt'tlt>r to the DAlLY NE\\'S Sports Dt'pm·tmrnt yes·

tenlay from a Toronto law\'!'r, .lnsrph A. ~lahon, Q.C., held Jn ill\ itation for local walkl'l's to tuke part in tlw Olympic Trials ami Cmmdian Championships for the 20 kilometer and the 50 kilometre nll't'S,

Contacted by thr DAILY NE\\'S last ni!(ht two of tlw thn•e top hrel and toe tn<'n in St. John's exprrssed !(rt•at interest in the e1·ents but stal!•d that finances \\'as thr hi~ obstacl~ premting their attt·ndancl'. Sports Editor, Daily ~ews. St. John's. ~ewfoundland.

Dear Sir-The Olympic Trials and Canadian Champions:lips for the 20 kilometre walk arc to be held at Camp llordcn, On· tario. near Barrie. at II o'clock on Saturday, June lith. 1960. The Ob·mpic Trials aJHI Can· adian Championships tor tlw 50 kilometre walk are to he hrld at thr ~ame plal'C one wel·k latl'r on .Tunr IRth to start at ten o'rlod; in lht• forenoon, both rla,·lidll sal'lll~ timr.

1 ha,·~ hrt•n ;uln;l'd that \Ill• Arm)· Offil-ials will ht• glad to Ill PI' ly qn~rt r r> to 11 ,,I krr• l'OIII·

In~ from a db;tanl'c and Wt>h· In~ to remain from .TUlll' I It h. to .lum· ln:h. to lakr part in th? 10 kilonwtre Ol)·mpil' trial~ .

1 \louie\ apprt'datr IW)' mnrh tf }llll would pa;, ths ini!nr· malion alon~ to the Xrwfound· land walker~ as we arc anxious that a~ many as possible take part in these rares. so tlwt Can· ' ada may be represented hl· our be5t walkers.

Yours 1·rry t ru ty • • JOSEPH A. ~IAIIO~ .

)(a~· lith, 1960 .

War Or Quit


Pollowing annual drydocklng

DAILY SCHEDULE • • Leave North Sydney .... , .................. , 1.30 a.m. : Arrive l'ort aux Basques .................. 8.30 a,IJI.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Leave l'ort aux Basques .................. 2.00 p.m . Arrive North Sydney ........................ 8.00 p.m .

Local Times ·

• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Meetin~ For Sohhall League

that l'aul Bwant will coarh tlll'ir Sl'ninr hasl'hall team this -COillill!( srasnn. Last year Byrant pilotl'd tl w Blu<'golds to the lca~ue crown.

Hamperecl by an al'm injury · last year Byrant moved into the coaching slot for tho senior

1 Blucgold squad. After a slow

B;v TOE CANADIA!II PRESS 'b~ir 11 in streak to ei~ht. The on!~· hits off Sanford at S.: ' ·:"':r:d·-..:o ·.•:ere ., .-.:i!l~~~ ll·· llarr

· ···lf''''On in fl•,-. fifth i'l1rl ~ !'-in'11

· .~d, in D;Jt''t ;n lh~ Pl·· 11 ~ n~·:·. I' rn! irr•:l 14 itt « 1'0\1' h"!-1·" 1 start he had his boys making

1 the semi-finals in their last 1 game with l'epperrcll. St.

.Jack Sanford pilched a two­hiltrr for San Fr:mcisro's secon•' ,o\raight 1·0 ddOI'I' OVCI' the Phi!­iiC]Ciphia Phiilies ·rhursllay, hoost ing the Giants' National League

. leacl to two full gnmc~. I •;,~,1 h:-: fj]' t hit 1I' 1,'';-'C: rr• roT in th~ ei~htil b!' Dick f;--

Bon's took the sf.'mi-final I round and defeated Holy Cross

in the finals. Byrnnt played seven years

! of senior hall before taldng ' orcr as road1 last season. Ilr , was junior roach the p;·crious ~·ear. :\ hu~tling <'fitl'hrr

' Brrant rated witp the hrsl . and performed for six St. : John's All-Star teams.

This summer Byrant is t·x· peeled to he a playing ro~l'h as hi< injury has l•ealccl. lie Will likely go bal'k l'illl'ilin'! with Karn Arns lllOI'IIH~ to f1rst ha'e l'l'~>larmg Ed Browne 11 lin will lw 1Parhin~

, In \':UI'f>\H' thi' .'llllllllrl'. ! Tlw rctuming c·oal'h Will \ holrl a llli'Plin~ of playc•rs in·


\f'l'l''tl'd en trym~ out for 1111, yt•ar'< t••am on Saturr\a) night

: and is l'Xi>Pell'd to swing into . praelll'''' IWXI wrl'k.

llyrant Will ha1 r just aiHIUt

thr• <•me tl'am that perform· l'd I• r !11m la'l surnnu•r. 1\'itli tlw I'XCP)llion of ltr" h:1 ·t·n•nn Bt·o-., tl(• I ill' n·mainrl<•r 111 tlu· >l!lloid \\'Ill Ill' h;ll'l< Ill' l:l>t•l) 11:!1 hilll' 111nior pill'iH•rs Ed (;ru~!t-) and lt<•'J l)util'r up \\ :p, \t'l£'ran .It d Ci;,··~~:H't:...: IT hll :1111:..! tn }1111 ,lolln Pol\ t'l

illld Don H,\ an .

Bowling T ourna1nent

The Chicago White Sox clun~ tn their lend in the Americ~r I.ra~ue, although beaten 1-0 b: the !Joston Red Sox. who got ; two-hit pit ~hing !oat from Tom nrrw~·r They held a one • half i ~an~e ed~e orer J1o,ton and the r'lcrl'l:md Indians. who handEd lhP Xew York Yankees their lhit·d , lr3i~ht set bock in extru in· nin~< ~-2 on Russ Nixon's home ;·un in tile 11tll. Detroit nl Wnsh­ington and Kansas C'ity at !Jalli· :••nrr wrre rained out.

S:mfonl. thplirntin~ til~ t11o-hit , .. .,·[o"miinC·.. of tl'ammatr Sam .!nne' on \\'cdm,-=.da~·. !-'lru~·1< o·It '' 1'11\lli<'< ;•rtl w"ll;~•d thrrr. Tlw r::: nl<, 11hn hm·r 110tt six strnl~ht ,1·nrcd in tlw f•flh 11 hl'n caldJ'T ]l,,l,j~ Landrith ,itt'!lrd hom•· Wt!· i:l' l\rr1:lwvl. whn had l'ollect,•d till' fir-t hit of[ no:>in floh~!'l> 1 :· ' h''-"1'. t' (; \ 'lES

Tho San Fn.lll ·i..,~o \id1'tT pHI lhr <~i·mt, ... h~o full :!ill1~t'"' ah"<Hi I'! P•thiJIIJ'~h I' hi:·h with l.o;­. lll~l'l<'< ~~""' i<lle. ;md lhrrc nlw:'ti of \tt!IIUtJ1;rc Thr Br;n·r< hr-at lh1• ~I l.oui< C;m\inal< 4·:1 on Eddie \!athrw>' thiro home

:'o:atinn.l] l.l'a~ue W L Prt. Gill.

San Frant"i:;co 17 7 .7011 -Pittsburgh 1:; !I .ti15 2!'o\:!llkPe 11 i .lil I 3 Cincinnati 12 1t .:m 4' • Los Angole> II 14 .4'0 fi', St. Loui:< !I 13 AO~ 7 Philadelphia !I IIi .lliO B'" Chica~o fi n ::1-1 :1 1


... mrrican l.e~~llt' \',' I. !':·t (ill!.


'l"lli"'''"• h0mr "'Tr. }lie: ("ixt'• nf tho ~~" ;nn ft~" ~ Ti 1 '''£lll~ . .,,., r:1.'11P in th~"' pi·fl..,il, ;r'f1r tt~-­r.,,.,l:; h"'r1 f:P(1 t!•r.. ~f';)'(\ ~-:1 (lo'l

thrrr \\idl;_~ ~11,1 ~ <.:;~· ;-ir:f'.., fh-P.n1, Tl•·~h ,, .... · th-. , .. ;,,r--,· in re 1inf of Pn'' 'QPiliP') Th~ )o.::'r \1':'C'

1.11'1''' .l1 r!~ c;nn. !'",. n• , .. Ff'R nFn~

'fho T'"''l""< '"nr~·l •e,·rn 1"'"' i'l tl,, (! ·~• j .. ,j,...ot pn.-l ---i\: in t''"

·pnnr'l rtf f')pr r•·'-l ... it,.'lrrc: p,..~ \ .... )_..,,, '~'~11 1nPl; 1\,, ,.lrf~,.t 1',.'


n~tl Ptlrkr·,· ··-~·{\ t,,.,•l')rt :t ,;"

Chil'agn Ro-iton l'l<>l"elalld :'\:rw York Baltimore


Ill 11

7 1., !,, ·i" ,. ':n Jhn ,,:,.,!. jp.,i·•rT rot• lh.-.

q •rt <::.rt'\' ,;,...l,t "f'"''"', tdunl' l,

llrt ro:t

10 II ;


1'1 Ill 12 1:1

:l'24 Al.1 ;pI

r1111 111 21 llllll'"> In the "rlu·r \it·

tiun,li l.ra~nc Pl11". the <'mc.\1· n;1ti H<'d. 'cored 1:1 n:n. 111 the (ir::;t t·.\o Jl\1\in~ ... in .. ,!~~hhi!i~! lllC' Chicago Cub; !4 . I and rr:nnm~

,• f\1 P-''"'('(l rrrr'" nq " _., ,.;r; ,.

:"'"I a fp•'ct• :11 q,.... n'"h~. ~":' ...:· ... '1. \'.''l. ,..,/, '0 .. :· • .:t.-.h.--r.

.,.,, ',,.,~, ., .1'1'11"" ,. ~\-,, ,_.~ .. ':~""'

i·~ln rl}l~"'l!l •)l;~', in !hn \; ,,. i . ( - 11 1 ,<)..., .• , ,,.,,_··.~~ r ....... r,"t'

'':1, th, \dnnin:! :~;+rh"r (f\!' ~ 4·1 :·reo:·~i

Throw~ Decid:-~ Gamzs Semi- Final Berths Close

Cliff 39-28 Holy Cross Defeats MUN 30-27; Guards Nip Red Jial'olrl S:1rinkle R. Garlan<: Eoatwri~ht 5 .. \<'l J.nn•lanrt 4. Brll F•·ankiYn 3, !l;·g~ie ~linN 2. Jerry Painrluka 2 .. lose ~>· puwsa.' .Jim Pre,Iry, .John ~Jtl· !cr.

NEXT GAMES The ~emor sprint:! ~C'I'IC!' '·'·I·:

r·ontinur \Jonrlay ni~ht at till' \kmonJ! gym with two gam• • on tap.

In thr• first j1amc which 'll'' .:

get under wav at 7.00 p.m . c;uards will TIJCCI :llemorial :llemol'ia! ha,·e one win in tl,rec tries while Guards han• one victory 10 four starts . Holy Cross and St. Bon's will dash in the second game of the double-header set for 8.30 p.m. Bolli clubs have three straigl1l wins with the winner taking over first spot in the >tnndnlg,,


Page 11:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd


11 is a great honour indeed to be asked to send greetings on the occasio_n of your Golden Anniversary, It is a long time in the annals ·or Scouting since It's first introduction to New· ofoumthnd. In 1910 Scouting was in its infancy. At that time I had never ridden in an automobile, never seen an airplane, and Scouting was just what individuals' made or it,

At that time Mr. Bray, ~fr. Goodman and myself thought it would add to the College spirit to introduce Scouting. Afl~r much discu~sion and thought wt• decidede that we

I would speak to th!' Principal. I ~lr. Harrington, and the Hoard, \and with their consent we a!)·


proached the hoys. I was voted i as Scoutmaster and ~lr. Bray i and llr. (:oodman 1\'(•re assis· 'tant Scoutmasters at the begin· , nin~.

We dcwloprd into three :Troops of 30 each. Our uniform ·

., I and ~quipment came from Eng-TROOP "A ! land. We had no such thing as

• \\' 11 D Cl k G h c k R p · J' Camp· a Group Committee or a Di&· Front rol\' left to right· Doul( Stephens Wayne e s, on ar e. ra am oo , on enne~, · un . . ' · • ' rb D Pik • K lth D b . p L . Jim tnct Committee. There was no

bell, Billy Ledrew. Second row: !.lone I Clarke, Sec.; Gerald Ba our; oug e, e ar ), • ·• , Provincial Scout Committee


SCOUTING ...... ~,..-... ....... .- .. ·····"' :-~· ..

·' . .. '·"'. .. . , ..


Moores; Neil Bradbm·y; Bob Bratlbur~·. Reg Legrow. Third row: Jim . Wells, T.L.; Bill Tucker, P.L.; Bruce i and no Provincial Commis-Pike, P.L.: Phil Pratt. Sec.; Wayne Cole: Bruce Bradbury, Sec.; Bob l'\osrworthy; Bruce Barrett; Bill Camp· , sioner. All the~e, like aero· .... flr5t row (l~ft tn 1 ht· . . . · . , . . . .. . · . ~II, .8.~1. Fourth row. • Chris Brookes, Sec.; Bill Nose worthy, P.L.; Fraser Day, Sec.; Terry Matthews, P.L.; planes and space rockets and I Rod I r g •• De~ r.k ~ahh~ts. l~ a) nc ( u~ mm c .. Dr an \\ md,<JI, Pu~scnt lhamunrl, llcrek Strong,

E I B rt) It D , Ad S . Keith Thomas "••. Roy M Pike S M nuclear fission were later deve·l er ck Butler. Serond row. !'tiel! \ ann.111. fred Dominey, (.ary Bourne, l.omc harbour, Geoffrey Decker, Keith

r c a e ; a\e ams, ec., • =~·· · • • • ' Bowden Geoffre1· Tucke J h 11· k 'l'h' d lopments. · , • · r, o n 1c ·man. 1r row: Gary ;\launder, .John An~cl. Ro~er ~loorcs, Etr]>hen But Scouting. basically Is tile Winter, Adrian Horwood, Roderick Winsor. 1\'ayne Bal!. Tom Clouston. Rol:•rt Jnkren. FQurth row. 1'1·ank

!same. Its aim is. to bring out Janes, Assi<tant Cubma~ter: Rex '\~r~nan, Tom ~erkL•nl. Earl ~ft·Cnrrl). Fra,er .. r.aton. Geor~e Peel. Cuh. the very best m every. Boy :master, Barry Strong, B11l RaMonl, l::nc Bo1·ard, ll1cky t;oosncy, Dorothy Peel _\,,j;tant Cubma,ter Scout and our Scout Promtse IS ' •


still the same to serve God and the Queen, and do ~ood turns daily and obey the Scout Law.

, To all Scouts and Cubs of the 'Sixth, Good Scouting and a 1 Happy Golden Jubilee.

(Acknowl~dged and reporter! from Mr. Harry Berry, C.D .. B.A., LTh .• While Rock, B.C.)


INTER ESTEll I The men who slartr.d Scout­ing at the old .Methodist Col-

1 legr, fifty years ago tl1is )·rar is still \'Cry much interested in Scouting. ~lr, Harry Berry, who now lives in British Columbia, writes to say "you may be sur­prised to know that. although almost 76 years ago, 1 am still

1 very much interested in Scout­

: ing. I am temporairly compelled 1 to go slowly on account of eye : trouble, but am hoping to re·

~ sume membership on the Dis· ! trict Council here a.~ soon as I

I am over an operation for 1 cataract." We hope ~lr. Berry will have many more year~ of

Frllnt row (left to ri~hll: 11. Whelan, w. Skinner, It Grimes, J. <:hapman, w. Bnrser, n. ~loorfs, Seeonrl · hclpi~l( out the Boy Scouts As· row: W. )1i!(us. C. Butler, H. Stanaford, P. Porter, II. Davis, F. Llntlsay, D. Pottle, Third row: R. Lemessurier, soclahon, · IS.!\1.), E. foc, K. Soble, (', Lush, C. \'lnceut (A.S.M.)' Mlsslnl from photo. Jim Radford tS.~l.), , DECORATIONS AND

AWARDS RECEI\'ED BY SCOUTERS 0~' THE SIXTH The Scouters of the Sixth St.

:John's Boy Scout Group have !received their &hare of decor· Front row (left to righll: Jlr. J. 0. Fras~r. (', A. Pipp~·. Rc1·. W . .J. )Ju•·ph. \'!nrn~y r:oneral I.e'li" n . ations and awards through the, <:urtis, !llayor II. C., R. )Jews. Standing (Jcrt to right): Walter Pippy. il... .·n ; · ·. li;a ·.-:,. T'JU::l.:s , J. 'J i Boy Scouts Association. Some . Wornell, Tom Lench, IIeber Angel. \of th~. Scouters were decorated I ·at a time when there were no I longer Scouters of tile Sixth, but it was with the Sixth they rec'eived th'eir start in Boy \ ;· ' "'


Front row (left to right): Bmce Josephson, Billy Moores, Ian Penny, Ken1Irlh Goudie, Tommy Jlalllday. Second row: <:harlle Taylur, John Barnes, Jeff Fogwill, Paul Goodyear, C. Moores, Juhn Day, Third row: Elln· beth Purchase, Cubmastcr; lan Penny, Peter ~lllley, Ted die Dingle, Glen Josephson, Paul Bennett, Robert Hop· klns, Brenda Purchase, Assistant Cubmaster.

Scout leadership. . In November of 1936, Mr.

Ron Ayre reccil•ed the Sill'er Wolr, lor services of the most exceptional character. '!'his was then first time the Sih•er Wolf was awarded in Newfoundland, and even today there is but one other holder or the award, that of Mr. E. B. Foran, provincial commissioner for Newfound· land.

Two gentlemen from the Sixth, Messrs. Wilf Peters and John Hmsey each received the Medal of :\lerit Awarrl, for especially good service to Scout· ing, These two gentlemen along with Mr. Ayre became commis­&ioners of either St. John's or Newfoundland.

Finally, getting closer to to· day, Richard and Roy Pike each received the Service Medal for at least ten years' faithful and efficient service as a Scouter. These awards were made in the Fall o! 1959.


I · Over the years, the Sixth .has supplied quite a number of Scout commissionen for New· foundland, thereby extending I rACK ''B'' it~ held and influence beyond

1 First row (left to right): Keith Xocl, Sydney Wilansky, Robert Pippr, ~hrldon )litchell. Brent Bugden.

~orne bMse. The following is a I Second row: Kirk Tiller, Robert Forbes, Kelvin Crowther. Rodger Pottlr. C.ror!re~· Winrl>or. Robert Perry list ·of such men and the posts Third row: Louise Windsor, Assistant ('uhmaster, Gary Shute, Tom llum(ll:r:e,, Fr~uk I.P~Iesmt;a, Ro11rrt Wig-


thJey held:- d k 1

. ,;Ins, Stephen Bugden, Rihert Cameron Ruby Monks, Cubmaster. ames Mur oc , comm sston· 1 •· Ri k • k · f St J h

, R A nser.. c y Harvey, I·ran Lemessuner. er or . o n a: on yre, chief eommissloner · for New·

i foundland; C. F. Horwood, as· I sistant commissioner for St. ' Jolm's; Wil! Peters, assistant commissioner for St. John's; John Hussey, commissioner for Cubs for Newfoundland; Doug Strong, assistant eommissioner for St. John's; Arthur Tomlin· son, executive commissioner for Newfoundland.


An official count has never been taken, but we feel It is qtlite safe to say that Prince of Wales College supplies more boys for Scout Troops than any other school In St. John's. Apart from supplying boys for the , three Troops within the Sixtfl group, it also has quite a few boys who are honoured to be members of the First St. An· drews. At varioliS limes in the

~ack row (left to right). J. O'Reilley, N.. Bannister, B. Rose, J. Weidman, D. Soper, G. Phillips, D. Small· 1 past Prince of Wales College wood. Second row: J. Weidman, E. Ledrew, E. Stanley, R. Abbott, E. Day, s. Hampton, L. Winsor, Third row: :also has ·.supptied several boys r. Gibbons (P.L.), G. Wllansky, G. Harvey, J, Lush, J, Cole, J. Cooper, D. Howe, Fourth row: Richard Pike i ~r :h~.r~~~t G~orged s:~ee'j,.th~ Stand inc (left to right)- Mr. Harry Goodman, S ~!., Morley Parsons, Geor,l(e Taylor, Tom (S.M.), R. Ta~lor (A.S.M.), G. Whalen (P.L.), R. Drlacoll (Sec.), A. Winsor (Sec.), D, Kendall (P.I •. ),_)t. 1 sts Tho;,;/r~t~oo~~~. e trs

1. l~cr. Ross, Tom l.cnch, George nuncan, II. )larch, Stan ~tartin. l'ront row: Bert Bowden,- Ashtn

Aaael (P.L.),. D. Day (Sec.), C, Hopkins (A.S.M.). l01ert: Keith Kelloway, J (Continued on page !Sl Watts, W. Rabbitts, Grant. Trapnell, Charlie Thompson, ,\ndrew Wilson, Don ~loore.

Jame~, .\\'al· Jolliffe, Jack

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Page 12:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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12 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1Y60 --------------------------~----------------------------------------------~~~~~--~~~~~~----~~

Stock Market Toronto




EVENING SHOWS: ~.20- 9.00 MATINEE: 1.30




Report OltT l"'tiR WAY












l<ADJO PR0(1RAMS ----- ------ · II 4:5--R!•gina McBride

1 12.00-BBC !'icw~ : 12.10-Annol'1cers Choice CBN 12.15-Fann Broadcast

6.50-Thc Bob Lewis Sbow 7.00-News 7.05--Loc~l Weather 7.2D--The Bob Lewis Show 7 30-Ncws 7.35-Complete Weather 7.45-Ncws 8.00-Ncws 8.05-Wenther 8.15-Shlpping Report 8.20-The Bob Lewis Show 8.25-Kiddies Corner 830-News 8.40-The Bob Lewis Sh~w 8.55-Just a Minute 9.00-Ncws


10.00-News ltl.05-Stork Club 10.15-Jim Ameche Show


10.55-News 11.00-Jim Ameche Show

1 11.15-Westcrn Jamboree

: 11.55-News IP.:It. 112.00-Western Jamboru

1 12.30-New• 12.35-Ramblin with Records 12.45-Fisherman's Forecaat 12.50-Ramblin with Records 1.15-Sportscast 1.20-Ramblin with Records

' 1.30- News 1.45-Passing Paradt (John 9.05-~lusic for Milhons

9.20-Jerry Wiggins Shnw 10.00-New~ in a ~linute j 10.01-~lartin's Corner

Nesbitt) 2.00-Jim Ameche Show 2.55-News

10.15-The Right to llappine•s • 10.35-Housewives Cho1•:e I 10.55-Mus~c for Relaxing. 11.00-Ncws in a Minute ) 11.01-The Rev. ~tatthew 1

11.30-News 11.35-Nfld. Quiz 11.45-:Moncy 1\lan. P.~l. 12.00-News Highlights 12.02-Town and Countr'l

1 12.30-~ews : 12 JJ-Town and Country I 1.00-!'iews I 1.05- Weother Forecast

1.15-News 1 1.35...:..Don Jamieson's

Editorial 1.411-Sports

3.UO-Dollars On Parade 3.55-Newl 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon 4.55-Newa 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon 5.30-Supper Serenade 5.50-Fisherman's Forec3st 6 00-Bulletln Board 6 15 .. -Sportscast and

Travelogue 6.30-Supper Serenade 6.45-New~ 7.00-Hymns for E1·eryone 7.15-Shillelagh Showtime 8.00-t'ream Of Tht Crop 9.45-News

10.00-VOCM All Time Hit Parade

10.30-Eventide ~leditatior· :0.55-:\ews

FRIOAY, ~L\ l: 13th, 12.45-:llid Day Serenade. I 1.00-Doyle Bulletin i.aO-CBC News

1.4:>-Art Baker's :\'otebno~ 2.00-News Highlights 2.03-.Jerry Wiggins Shvw 2:iO-:-.;ews

· 11.00-Big Top Ten '11.30-Ciub 590 11.00-Closedowr

7.35-Top Of The Morning 8.00-CBC News and Weather

1 8.15-:\tusical Cl!ll:k 9.00-~lurning Devotions 1

l.15-A Lo1·e to remember I 1.30-CBC News and Weather 1

I 45-BBC Variety 1 2 15-National School Broad·


2 . .ll-Jerry Wiggins Shol9 3.00-:-.;ews 3.01-Weotern Jamboree

~--------------------vous 9.15-Program Pre1iew 9.30-CBC Ne11s and D1rect

Reports. 9.45-Hecords at Random

10.00-Archers 11).15-lris Power 10.25-For Consumers IO.JO-::-l[]d, School Broadcast 10.45-Ciilfts Kitchen. 10.50-~lusie in the ~lorning. , 11.00-To Catch a Falling Star 1

11.15-Xfld. School Broadcast j

2 29--Dominion Obs. Time Signal

2.30--:ltusical Randezvous

4.00-News in a ~linute 4.01-Ranch Party 5.00-News in a ~linute 5.ot-Bob Lewis Dance Party


2.45-'l'ommy Hunter Show I 5.55- Doublemint Show 6.00-News Highli1hts 6.01- Weather 6.05-Bulletin Board 6.10-National News 6.15-Sports

6.00-Sundial 6.30-Newa 7.00-News 7.30-News B.UO-Breakfast Club 8.30-Network Time

3.15-Kindergarten Of The Aii 3.30-~cws. 4 30-Variety Hour 5.00-Frontier Sto1·ir.1 5.30-Fisheries Bruadca>t 6.00-CBC News 6.05-lntermezto 6.30-Supper c;uest

Weather Sings

6.45-Ct••lain Time 7.00-CBC News and 7.15-Helen ~larq~1s 7.30-Tops Today 7.45-Doyle Bulletin R.l5-Rawhitl1. R 30-.\htsirHif Interlude R.40-Kitchen Corn~r 1\55- Weallwr fnr MHrmcr1 !l.OO .... A>k the \\'ea:h~rman !1.15-Repcrtoire fl.:HI-Song5 ot 111~ Pe"plc

IU 00--llrama in .sound IU.:JO-l'Bl' s~ mphnny

11.30-l'BC National :>;ell'S, Roundup and Talk.

12.00-Sign Off-0 Canada­The Queen


6.25-Ever Battery News 6.30-Ciub 93 7.00-News m a \!inute 7.02-Club 93 7.~0-JI:ew5 7.45-Don Jamieson's Xews 8.00-l'.'ews in a ~!inute 8.01-Best from the West 8.30-Xational News 8.31-Bcst from the West !1.00-:\'ews in a \linute 11.03-~ lid. Soiree 9.30-Chapcl by the Stdc of

the Road. 9.40-Report from Cnited

Kmgdom I A.4S-NCI\S . 1U Otl-:'\ews Highl:ghts 10.01-The Falcon 10.30-National Nell'S 10.:i5-~lusic 1n the Night 11.ll0-New> Highlights ll.O:J- \lusic in the ~ight !~.Gil-News

. 12.dl-~lu,ic in th" \'ight

9.00-It happened lui ntpt 10.00-Coffee Time 11.00-Turn Back the Clod:

111.30-Program Twelve , P.~l. · 12.30-:March of Events i 1.00-Arthur Godfrey i 1.25-News 1 1.30-Bob and Ray

1.45-Quote-Unquote 2.00-Viewpoint 2.30-News 2.35-Panorama 3.30-News 3.45-Junior Misa oi.OO-Spotlight on a Star

' 4.30-Polka Party 5.00-Word Play 5.30-Ncws 5.45-Checkin' In 6.00-Capitol Cloakroom li 30-Checkin' In ( Cont'd l 8.00-Broadway is my Beat 8.~0-People are Funny !!.00-Could This be You!

I R . 12 :Ju-Nrws .....-:~-· _J_n_A_Y_,_)I_A_\_· _1_3-th_._. 12.35-~lusic in thr :\i~Sht

!! 30-High School Program !! 4j-:\av~· Swings

10 00-Final Edition .~.)!. 1.00-Xew; Hi~hli~hts i0.15-Sports Final 6.30- The Bob Lcwi~ G :!II -:\11!1. New~ 6.35- \\'rather foreeo~,t 6.4!1--The Bob Lewi, :-ii1"w 6.45-lleadline News 111<!


S~IPrry R ,j(i~l 2:.!1. zr:·. ~p, -- '• :O.hl Bri.intl 14t.ll 12 1J;l,.., ~~ 1

Sh.l 01 Ct.~ I 9:0,0•1 H 1 ~t, ~ U '•" Si.d Od ln•l 71\~,0 "...7 '11 4 .!~'~ -: 1 "t-1 Oil ~J l!:UI ~JI~ ~'I HI~ .:i lid Pat•:t t:•JtKI JIJ1 11 1•11 ~ 111 ~ • 1 ~ Tt:,;.~w i2:{JI iO 4 ~~ 71 ~ rc·; Sulph :;J')il Ji w~, L • - •, l'.ljoiwl 4141 ~~·., ,,;-~ ·t;·~ Tld\\otler W.t• lY 1 • 19 \!! t'mlotll .• 7o.J ,jQ- 4 ;,JI, ,!J , , ~ 1V.cnt l' fi71){} ·;il· . .f( t • .., _ l7' J

ln ('out' t;u,J l:!UJ" U71 • • !~. 1 Ltd .\hr 7Jlfl ~.i Jj" 11 ~~~ •• 1•

l''ltl l 'erp t:S Gyp

J'i.JU ·, •1o 1!. ~I 1

0:~,.11 11 JL ~ !til !IJ:l l'~ nUJhL'I t:s Steel 1~5J 1 \'unatJ1um 19..,;.~>-1'~ JOIJ \V t:u Tel H3Ul1 Wdsrhse ssoo Wuol\\th fathl



34'. • .. 44 1

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Mutual Funds

VOCM FRIll.\ Y, ~lA \' 13th.


ti.:l\J-Kcws and \\'eullwr 6.35-Breakfn.<t 11 1th Bill 6.55-:\'CII'> 7.00--Breakla>t 111llt B11l 1 311-News and \\'atPrfront

Directory 7.30-Brrukfast ll'llh Bill 7 55-:'\e\I'S 8.00- Tor:m \\'c:11hcr 8.05-· l~r · 1,.,t l':lth 81!1 q 25--Xews B 30- Hit ol thr l)ay R ~.'i-Sportsenst 8.40-Brea:.rast ll'llh B1ll 8.55-:\cws g uo.-:,Jorning Dote 9.15-Lindns First Love d.30--~lornin~ Dale

Nfld. Skies By BAILEY R. FRA:'\K

FRJD,\ Y, :lla~· 13th.

Sunset today 7:29 p.m.: Sun rise tomorrow 4:25 a.m : Thr ~loon rises 10.12 p.m tomghl and ride> lo11 in the ron>tcll:t· lion. Sagittanus

La>! Quarter ~lay 17. The planet. Jupiter. •er11

near the ~loon tonighl. i, 11011

·about 415 million miles from the Earth.

i Hi;:h Lo11


9:00 a.m. 9·1! p n· 2:52 a.m. 3:11 p.rr


TO ST .JOH!'i'S. ~HD.

FRml HALif.\X, S S.


Oa'" ~t .f.,hn'~

~I.S. "BI:IJHJI:U ll"

~L\ Y li 23 ~L\ y 19 2< I

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Phont: ':lOll

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:.1.\ Y 12. 26 ~lAY 16, 3(1

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I. N COLE. SSitCIII Rt,rtstnhtlvt, ltt'fll l1nk lldl·• St. Je}ln'l• PIN llfJ





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June 21 June 24 June 27 June 30 July 2

Will call at outports as inducement offers and conditions permit.

-Accepting freight for Corner Brook at all Ports. For rates, etc. Telephone 2073-5890.

Furness, Withy & Company. Ltd.

Page 13:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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Brighten up your home for Spring with the

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Now is the tim~ to go modern - go Chrome.


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• Jacoby !On Bridge



NewspaJlcr t:nterprise Assn. i

Here is another hand that I might well be used in that freshman chl&i In trump Plan·

! accment. ' The bidding iR Rimple enough. 'I Anyone fol·tunate enough to 1 pick up this South hand should

i bid a grand slam, unless he is 1 one of those really Clllllious ln· · dividuals who wears both sus· ' penden and a belt to &nard i ' agaimt all misfortunes. !

Declarer ruffs the opening 1

heart lead and goes after the : f trumpR, 1( they break el'cnly i

he can stop after two leads and i spl'cad his hand ~ince dummy·~' third trump will take care of · hiR deuce of ~lubs. '

Unfortun;;tcly. West ~hows , out on the second lead. What 1


I JIO&TB ' I lo8U .1074 +UU ..... u

WESt ., •AX.965U • J 108

EAST • 7 32 .Q.TI +175

4oH 4tJ 109 5 SOUTH (D) .AKQJlOI •None +AKQ ... AKQZ

North and South "ulnerablc 8autll Wea& Narth Eut 2 • • 3 ¥ Pas.' Pus 7 • i'B.!! Pus Pa:~s

Openlnr lead-• K

should South do? He ~an run the rest of his trumps and hope for a club break or bad dis· rarding by the defense, but there Is a far better play.

He goeR right after the clubs. If everyone follows to three I leads he draws that last trump · and makea the hand. If Hw second or third lead gets trump ed he goe.. down, but he almo1: surely would have gone dow1 • anyway,

As the card~ lie, l:ast must i follow to four elub leads so

South makes the hand by trump· . ing that deuce of elubs with , dummy'• Jut trump.

I CARD Sense Q-Tbe bidding flu been:

South Wnt North Eut 1 4t Pa11 1 • Pan 1 N.T. Pau J N.T. Pus

? You, South, hold:

•az .Q10 5 +AM 4tA11:10!13 What do you do?

A-Bid three no-trump, You only have IS high eard points,

, but your hand It rlcil In tens l and nines and you have a ttrong rrve card club 1ult.

I TODA Y'S QUESTION Instead of railing your one

no-trump to two, your partner bas jumped to three dubs. What do you do In thla ease?

Anawer Tomorrow


i Wllen a man fails to eome ' througi! on his job he uaually 1 is ·

• • • If It lan't the hunter braa·

ging about hia 1ame, It's the ~ol!er.

• • •

If you want to make weight· 1 i nduclng food look exceptionally

. good, go on a diet. I • • • j It'R funny how ao many peo-ple will be followini the politi· cal news from now on, and then forget to vote. •



Will Knock at Your Door with Gifts and Greetings

from Fritndly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic · and Social Groups On the occasion of:

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t" .APT AIN EA~l

0~ I;>.CCOU~\ O'i'- 't\~'S C'r\~\~~~ 0\! 1.{0\.)"?, "'Oe-.'il-'0 O'i'- '0\'\l..t:.C'\~'1

• 13


W'e.\..\.. -\...\.., \'rl.'i'-~ ~0\ 1:-~C\ Ul\\~\ t:.')U>.C;\\...'-:~ ~


By lEOt--I s:.HLESit'-IGER








'lt ~ F.SLIE TURNfl

Page 14:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

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I Furs in perfect condition. 'Phone 6246.

! myl3,14

TO RENT-Modern Bungalow partly furnished, three bed· rooms, situated at Upper Gullies. Apply Wm. Casey, Store, 205 New Gower St. myl3,14

FOR SAI,E-10 Horses, apply Bert Guzzwell, 34 Camp· hell Avenue, Phone 94601, P.O. Box 614. myl3.14


OLD MILL Night Club Open 5 p.m. Every Night Orchestra

Except: Mon.: Record Show on Air Sun.: CinemaScope Show

9 p.m. The Best ' In De!iciOUI

Food. A la Carte or Full Course

$1.35 up. Join the happy crowd at

Nfld's Most Popular 'llite Club:


Immediate opening available for ' .... Blliii!I••JII!111~~~ reliable. man to rail on factories• ---­schools, hospitals, offices, door~. etc. Highest commisions paid on orders received with R5 per cent repeat business year round at fuiJ commission. Successful


. man will be appointed Pro1·in· cia\ ~lanager within 90 days. EX· perienced guaranteed lighting salesman will receive immedi· ti:iii!;ll==-Hll.: !~='/~~~); ate managerial appointment. Write Certified Electric Com­pany, Dundas, Ontario . my13,14,16

USE a herbal laxative for ' quick relief of constipation,

biliousness, indigestion . Kipp's Herb Tablets, 50c. and $1.50 at all druggists .

- ------·-------O'KEEH'S CORSER - Cuts·

the Cost - Lowest Enr­Kiik 35c can, also Kam 35c Tulip 25c lb.; B;.keapples 69c; York Stell's 3!>c can; ' ~1. L. Bologna 33c ;x:e. Puritan Turkey Spread 12 cans • 32c; Turnip Tops 39c can; 2 pks. Roth mans 65c.; Spinach ~ can~ 29c.

Yes, Dial 3320, we deliver FREE-3320. apr:Heod)lf

A\',\11.,\BLE to gentleman room with or without meals. Elir.ahcth A\'cnur East. AP· ply to Box 6000, Daily :-<ews.

S'f.\ RT your own business. ~tanufacturr, srll. distri· hute vnur own products on full ~r part time basis. Particulars: Box 4059, Post· al Station E, Ottawa, Ont. myll.lw

"Well Dear - bere'• lll11' little LOVE NEST!"

• • • Now there is a realistic bridegroom, but if YOUR Lo1•e Nest needs some Re· modeling you better fly In here for some new ideas and '->ians We have what it takes to make your Love Srst more Li\·able - more Lovable and more valuable.




Going At A Bargal!'l. p,\INTING Etc:-f'IM' all your interior and exterior paint· ing and sparkling. Phone 4767-F, Frank ~leiendy. ·Charles Hutton my5.2wk

-- i & Sons P,\INTlSG-For all your

PHONE 2650 exterior and interior paint­ing, cleaning or paper hanging. Phone 7:>~7-H, I.. Howell. ~p28.2wk.

I myl3.16

FURNITURl: REPAIRS- Re pail" to spring-filled mat tresses. Ch ~ I erfield suite~ also rebuilt. Fifty years· experie,tce. Ke~ls ~lattres: Factory, 16 Mount Royal Ave Dial 92753 or 2656. oJC!8,(tf)

! __ N_E_W_M-cE='f=n=o-D-::R::-~U--'G::-C=L:-:E:-:A-:-:N · ERS-Rugs and Carpet made to look like new.




Von sc: 'er process adds 1 INVESTIGATE -----------

1 Must have experience. : years to life of rug~ Clean·

INSURANCE AGENTS . Aged 18 or over. Apply, ed in home or at our plant. THIS AND BROKERS . I 'Phone 91033, New Method

1n person to / Rug Cleanm, Freshwater I OPPORTUNITY JOB BROTHERS Lichee Gardens : _R_oa_sdi:oo sToPs $t.oo ·-.High Profit-Trouble Free

& CO. LTD. Water Street 57 HARVEY ROAD. THAT RUNNING TOILET Investment

Dlal 2658-4123 : __ ....;....-,....;,;;.;.....;;;;.;.. __ my13.14


Temple Bldg,, P.O. Bos 168, 341 Duckworth St. IHal 80370 or 7756



Dial 2206


Cor. Monchy & Empire Dial 90070


Elizabeth Ave. Dial 91120


119 ~UHtary Road Dial 6446



1 Fro111 St. John's via 1 Whltbolll'ne to Old Perllcan,

North Shore Conception to Carbonear. Trucks also available !01

long haul servtce. Rates Reasonable.

I. for further Information DIAL 936030






For Fast

Taxi Service

HOTEL TAXI Diai2424-24H

QUEEN'S ROAD tlpen from 6.30 to I a.DJ I .


At last! ~ simple logleal ·

tnrxJ)t'Dsh:e i way to finall) ·

"'llliH ~'--i} - and pooiU,.,,, H' 1 : stop that run

MOFFAT "Launderama" Din.: toilet. .

Senr • Fail 1

s~ivoi AdaptOI , (Reg'lster.ed) instantly atopt flow of 9o'attor

alter ueh SERVICE . nusbmr. Keept SELF • toilet ~!lent "'hrn not tu us:r. Consrn·r.! v.·tll waltr-lits all toilet..-usy k c • 0 d

1 ln•t•n 11.00 P••'••• rr<r•ld. s.,., 01n perate i FaU Service,: 80l: 26J. St. John'•• Nfld

~~~~-. LAUNDRY and FLOORS of

DISTINCTION Coin Operated e .Wall to Wall I DRY CLEANING

Carpets * Up to 30~~ return , * As little as $2,000 dawn • • T1les * Financing up to 80%

Lin~ieums * Complete inst?llation.

For Home ..• Store • Office .•• Churches,

Schools, etc.


*\Money - mak1ng s1tes found for you

* Finest equipment -engineered by Norge, made in Canada by Moffat.

Write for full information to: THE ,_MANAGER,

Commercial laundry Divisio1, M::ffats ltd ..

my5,1mth Box 700 ,, o Daily New. ·--------• jap29my6,13 ·

Page 15:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

.. \ ., •,

. . • . t

... . ·.•. •• l .

· ...... ·~ . . .~

. - ...

. · ... ·:· .... ' ." .... ~ f

. ;: ·~ .' . . ·-·~. ... . · ......

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, N~~:·.!.~~-A.,.Y,...._.M .... AY....,.13o.;.'...;l-.960.._ ________ , _____________________________ ..;1..:.5_


Newspaper BINGO


B I N G 0 3 29 42 52 73

15 16 40 49 69 4 22 32 51 72 1 26 31 60 63

11 28 38 56 67 12 21 35

46 71

14 19 75 17 61 24 23

FREE Consolation prizes to first 25 players who comptete the outside frame of the card. "FRAME THE CARD". ---------·-----Help .Kin - Help Kiddies

Rave It Expertly

Repaired llere




All Given

Immediate Attention


The Dog-catcher has taken our Watch Dog


We've Lost our Key

So we are now , •••

OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY For Gas, Oil and Accessory Sales Only.


8 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.

Neil Kelland's B ·A Service Station WALDEGRAVE and GEORGE STS. PHONE 6291 my13,17,26


TO RENT up to 18000 square feet.


Apply to:


From_ 10 a.m. to naon or 2.30 to !$ p.m.

FOR RENT Five room h1ated modern

Apartment in excellent residential lo,ality. Private entrance and driveway. ·Situated near Confederation luilding,

For further particulars

Dial 91849-H

Canadian Red Cross Society Newfoundland Division

Water Safety Service A Water Safety Instructor's Course for

Leaders of Summer Camps, Life Guards, Parents, etc.

will be held over the weekends of May 21 and 28.

Candidates must be 16 years of age or over and strong swimmers

Persons may apply by phoning 7031 giving name,

age and phone number. Instruction is free of charge.


FOR RENT ---------------------------1-3 bedroom and 1 Single bedroom


Apartment Phone 80161


at Laurier Club



MONDAY, May 16th at 8:30 p.m.



Apply in writing ta Miss B. R. AYRE.




COUNTRY HOUSE For about three months.



' I

NOTICE The oHices of the

Department of Edueation will be closed on the csfternoon of

FRIDAY, May 13, 1960 . and will re-opert

TUESDAY, May 17, 1960,

in its n•w offic:es in


TELEPHONE .......................... 950 11 Conntc.tloris for all Departments. --

The following Division• Df the Depart• inent WILL NOT bt moving at this time and will remain at Fort Williamz

Division of Public Examinationt: T_ELEPHONE .............................. 5804 · Division of School Supplies (Book Bureau) TELEPHONi .............................. 7971


'm,yll,lll Deputy Minister of E~ucation.

ST. JOHN'S LAURIER CLUB Members and guest$ are invited


of the


at the Club TUESDAY, May 17th at 8 p.m.


Required . By June 15-30 1 combined Lab and X-Ray Technician


Registered X-Ray Technician with knowl· edge of simple laboratory procedures -for 21 bed hospital. Salary commensurate wi1h training.

Apply to:

SUPERINTENDENT, Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital,

Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia. my13,3i

WANTED -------~---


Book· Keeping Machine Operator

Apply in writing to, OFFICE MANAGER,

Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. BAMBRICK STREET











This Week's Special B. & H. PAINTS ........................ $1.75 Qt.


SALESMEN for Automotive Wholesale

Trade. Apply to

ANDREWS AUTO SUPPLIES 'P.O. Box E-5203, St. John's.


M & M Self Service SPECIALS MAY 11th to 31st.

FRESH STOCK CANADA PACKER MEATS PORK CHOPS (Loin) ................................ 59c. lb. LAMB CHOPS .......................................... 57c. lb. CHICKEN LEGS ...................................... 59c. lb. STEWING MEAT .................................... 35c. lb. LIVER ........................................................ 45c. lb. KLICK ........................................................ 33c Tin Kam ......................................................... 33c: Tin


KRAFT M. W. SALAD DRESSING 8 oz ......... 25c. KRAFT M. W. S-ALAD DRESSING 16 oz ..... 41c. FIX NEV'ITON BISCUITS pkg ....................... 19c. 3 lb. GOOD LUCK .... .. . .. ...................... 89c. 3 lb. PARKAY MARGARINE (KRAFT) ......... 89c.



PHONE 798,

·-· -------------- ·-·-~

FOR RENT Suite of tw~ modern offices with private washrooms. Located 203 Water Street next to Canadian Bank of Commerce.

$100.00 per month. Immediate occupancy.


Ba~ne, Johnston & Co., Ltd. PHONE 2101 -MR. L. G. COOK.

my! !.1.1.11)


Defence Co-~~t;~ct~~-n --;- ----------! (1 9S1) L' 't d ! ROAT BROKERAGE_ Ne'll . 1m1 e and us~d Boats and O.B . . . l'RO.J F.:CI': ln>la!latinn of I ~rotors. · l. ;HIP· •!round Power Fer:lcrs to -·1h~ 'fr:111.<onil1cr llu i 1 d i 11 ~. USED--12 it. Aluminum 1 Rt'M' St:~tion, Torha,, Xfld. lloat with 3 h.p. Viking

File 122·7-T7-'10 motor $200. Will sell 1ep sr·:ALi,;ll TE:\'DEHS. marked aratPJy .

'" 1tn. ~·nntr1nt ac


1.'srcl to .tlw

1 1 l:SF.D-1:! ft. Mar. Ply. Boat

UO( _lll.,l~IH'£ \\'i lf' l"t."tel\"C( ~ :"l~" hot. 570.00 ' untrl 3:00 P.\1. E.rtr. ., _:_

Tlll'HSJJ..\Y, .Tunc 9, 1960. ' ct;asf:)D-GI7 ft. .Ahluminu~

I nc e, oruman, Wlt bullt·Jn I Plans., sp•·cifirations and ten- Qotation tanks. To take 0 ! clrr fi"Jills will he 011 dew 01 • )Iaior 5137.50. : Builcicrs' E'\ehanges at Halifax. FSED--1 "-h ,. Frr lr ·· t s · t J • ,. B ·1 .p. ..eptune

i C liC Oil. • 3111 'llolll, ·'· .. ~lotor and spare parts $50 00 ; \loncton, St. John';, ~Wei.. · lloanl of Tr3cle. nn<l DC!. llali- ~F.:\\'-14 ft. Deluxe Fibre

·fax Branch Office and ma1· bc- glas BnaL.Arkansas Travel · ohtaincrl by Prime l'onlra;·tors ler. Wshld., strg.. 40 h.p. 'only from DL'L Plans Section. eler. Scott motor, deck hdwc. : Room 15R at the address below trailer Sl.900.00. on clcpo;i1 of 525.00 Jlayahlc to _ --Drfence Construc~ion (19j1) f LSED-16 ft. :-.rar. Plrwoorl Limil,•cl. : Boat. wshlcl.. strg., deck

. . . · hardware $220 00. A Sl'~_unty dcposcl of 5750.00 1

oc· a 10 ' hrrl bond must acrom- ; XEW-Roat Kite. 12 and 14 P"''l' tendrrs. ft. , from St32.50 J. II. ,JE:\:-;rso~. liecretary, ·

: ~o. 4 Temp. Il!dg., l:SED-36 ft. cahin cruiser 56 Lyon St., 73 h.p. Gra;-mar Gas engine: Ottawa, Ontario. toilet, washbasin. freshwater

my13,14 1

1. tank. Built 1954, hut only

usPd 4 years. Excellent con. • dition . . . ......... $2,500.00



1·17 GOWER ST. PHONE 49" , myJ l.lmlr

1---·-- -·--l Newfoundland


i : COSl\'F.CTIOS BAY RUN AND /WEST RUN PLACENTIA BA\' : Regular 8.33 a.m. train leav· j ing St. John's Monday 16th.,

1 will make connection at Ar· ·~entia with ~Iotor Vessels for , the Bay Run and West Run ; Placentia Bay. ;


Train "The Caribou" leavinl St. John's 1.30 p. • Tuesday, ~Ia~· 17th. will make connection at Lewisporte with the M.V. Nania for regular ports Green Bay Service.


SER\'ICE : I r'rcight is accepted dailY at j the Railway Freight Shed for

--------- regular ports South Coast: Ser·

Notice of Public Sale

In the matter of a distraint by Cabot Building Limited Agailllit George Gushue. By virtue of a di~traint made

by me as bailiff the 2nd dav of lllay, 19GO, I will sell on· the premises known as 253 Duck­

/ worth Street, St. John's by pub·

!lie auction, on 1\Tonday the 16th , day of May, 1960 at 12 o'clock : noon thr. following articles: · 1 steel ofice desk , 1 four-drawer filing cabinet. : 4 chairs

1 wastepaper basket. Dated at St. John's this lOth

·day of ~lay, 1960. II. BARFITT,

Balllti myl1,13,14 l

vice but in order to guarante• movement by this trip of tht M.V. Bonavista freight must be at the Railway Freight Shed not later than 1.00 p.m. TuPSday, :\lay l'lth. . .


Freight for regular port~

St. John's-J,ewisporte Service Per M .V. Trepa>sey will be arccptec! at the Dock Cojlstal Shed Tuesday and Wednesday, ~Iay 17th, and 18th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Page 16:… · I . VAUXHALL VICTOR -Canada's Import Sales Leader. THE DAILY NEWS ~~r. Terra Nova Motors Ltd

·-- . .

r ... ,. -· .. -

~ . . ' ' . - . ... :

- . 1'. :

.. , ... · ... ~ ..... ..........

-'- - .


. ' •

. · .. i . I . . . . •.-

' .

. . . ~.

,; .·.: ... ! •

·~·~-:~. : i

·•· .. J ' ' l . . . ~· '~ . . .. .





Communion And Confirmation



Sizes 6 to 14


$1.75 each $4.75



75c Pair GIRLS

White Slips 2-6-$1.00 8- 14-$1.25




$1.00 GIRLS

White Hand Bags

75c and $1.00

S. MILLEY LTD. -- --· ------- ----------------


,,--------11 1: Paramount I; I I :

, Hayseed ••• Cabbage Plants

To-Morrow , ! . ' Jules Verne, the lirst atid 1 I perhups the greatest of all [ ! science fiction writers, was·~ llllure than a century ahead of

• • • Fertilizers, Etc. Etc •

I his lime when in his nineteenth No. 1 Lion Brand SO's (and smaller lots). :century writings he descrihcd I THE THIEF IN THE j the atomic submarines and the I WHITE COLLAR ; ·airships that have become the N J span $57 5 ! fure of modern warfare. Who orman a .. · ' I knows how far ahem! he was CANADA j

Cabbage Plants (Booking Orders)

Nitrate of Soda (Immediate delivery)

Certified Seed Potatoes (All varieties)

ALSO ~ •

looking when in 11864 he wrote J. Bortlet Brebner .. 70.0()

Earth." now a Twentieth lr.n·j'

1 Car Straw and No. 1 Timothy Hay.

",Journey to the Cent~r of .the THE POLITICS OF I tury·Fox produclion opcrtinl( EDUCATION . tomorrow at the .Pm·amou.nt! frank MacKinnon 4.75 j Th~utre, a_hout mans. lit'> I 111·! ENGLAND EXPECTS I

! vasJOn of tnner space! 1 · 1 ! Fox doesn't claim to am.wcr ~ Dudley Pope ........ 5.00 ; the quc~tion in its forthcomin~ ; MRS. 'ARRIS GOES 1 -~inemaSco~c. ~c Luxe color 1 TO NEW YORK , f1lm. but 11 w11l g1vc you ani .

2.75 ·excellent glimpse <tl the imagin· i Paul Goll1co 1 cd marvels thnt are said to lie · ROSAMARIE I und~r the_ earth's cr~1st. . : Erich Kuby ...... 3.25

The guulcs on th1s penlous i E '

I journey into the innards of the: THREE MEN ON TH I earth arc none other than Pat • LEFT HAND :

I ' I

I Boone. .lames ~Inson, D1anc 1 /lka Chose ...... 4.50 Baker. Arlene Dahl and Peter •

1 Ronson, a new face on the, THE AFFAIR PHONES 5143- 5144

screen from Iceland, and his! C. P. Snow ........ 3.50 I pet duck, Gertrude. ALIBI FOR A JUDGE

On their way to the lost eily . . · ,---------"I Warner llro~. 11h1•n _ hr ~·:a.< a~: , of Allantis. this attrarti1·c quin· Htenry Cecrf ........ 2.75 • 1 ;1gncrl ln "llt·>tl1laltnu lok~·o i let actually encounters a ~iant MOLIERE THE COMIC i 1 CapitO I for '.':hitl1 he had writtc11 the j fo1·e~t of mushroom ll·rcs. a. MAS·K ' 11 1 serct·npl«:·. Si!lec :hen. 11 hen-' reptile stampede, a ('~\'ern or' ' N PI . I C\'l'l pm,J,Ic. hr ha; '-Hlllrn "' :~listen in~ quarl7., an under- i D. B. Wyndham I ow aymg \I ell as dirce!(•d hi.; motion pie· ! gro~nd n~tural shower. a mag·· Lewis ................. 5.00 ' ":\ SU~J~IEH PLi\lE" IITI'Ii llm·> Some or lhr n~lll'<' rrc·rn: nct1c storm. a waterspout. aur.l a NIGHT WITHOUT END S:\i\;DRA DEE- pieture.< D;ll:c- h•.•: dn:~t:t.~·r~ m: huge subterranean ocean. 1he AI' . M L 3 OO RICHARD EGAN "The !la11~111~ lrre. KnH(~ expedition begins in Iceland I ISfolr ac eon · · (;u Forth · --:! :ii to Yumo" anrl and ends when the pat·ty rides

1 THE RED SNOWS "A Summer Place," the pnpu- '('ll\rlw: ·

a great all~r stone-like a ros-: Sir John Hunt and . lilt' novel by Sloan \\'ilson,



Sl'. \.-\Z.\IHE. Ffance (R .. ,;•. O!'' ·--T!:c ',.;_()()Il-Ion hlX!Irv lin•::· Vr:int:c w:1..; imml'hcd in the Lotr~ E•l:lrtl'\' 1\'cclne<d~~-. A c;·o11d •,f ...:~\·r-ral !ll111l"i:111d p;r::-or.s saw tl~:'! wife nf P!'t"-;l:"nl Charles de l;~nilc lv~ak a ll'iJ;Io ma.~nt!m nf cham~,a~ue at~·n_.;r.;, t~r. f:·an~:r"·~:;;

bm.,., to l.;~'u th(' ·,·e~ :~;! riown tf_~

\ra.' "· 1 iw

'mic elevator-up through the Ch . t h B h 4 SO author of ''The )!an In Thr I volcano Stromboli anrt out onto ns op er ras er . h • · (;r•: Flannel ~uit." as been ; the floor of the ~lcditcrranean WHAT CARES THE SEA brought to thr. ;crcen by \\'ar· ·Sea. Kenneth Cooke .... 3.25 ·n<'~' Bros. as a Techniculur pro-! Pat Boone. who kissrs A ~irl du,·tiun starring Rirharct Egan, i (Diane Bakel') for the fi1·st D'ck & ( Ltd Dorothy :\lcGuire. samlra Dec,

'if£#/7///.~'''1 .: II • time in R movie, is making itis I S 0., , Arthur Kennedy and Tony

fourth film appearance in Dvnahue and featuring Cun· "Journrv to the Center of thr The Booksellers sl,illCl' Ford and Beulah Bondi. Earth." · which is directed hy The direction of the motion

I. Henry L"l;:in and prorlncrrl hy Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 . Jllcture, opening tomorrow at c_harles _Brac~Jctt .. Although_ ~he: ------·--- the lapitol Theatre, wa; cn-

~~ \:.. ?

!\ '{0; ';:' c-

C>) ;·., ~ ·. .. .. "" I -· --~ ·--·. .... . . r

-·' - ,J I

To Sew ·18 Big Change Noted In The Economy Of New Zealand

1 p~etur_e IS bas1call> non-m~JsJc~l. : tnt>lcd to one of Hollywood's

, Pat sm~s four so~gs wh•lc on , . grcal talents. Delmrr Da1·es, . ht~ subterranean JUnket. They · BIRTHS · whu also wrote the screen adap- _j ~.rH' _:; , ,

~~ ·J_6;_' ~ .-

:)'~; . -·- -Lrl ~' .; ·~ J \': .,, ,, (>- ..

...,_ 1 ~ I . \ •

'-._" _ .. l_ ~l~ . ; a~c: Robby Burns' "~!~·. Lo\'e Is . -- -- --- · tation. J,Jke A Red. Red Rose. another· )!:\HONEY-At St. Clare's · "A Summrr Place'' is a pre· old Scottish melody "~ly Heart's )!ere)' Hospital un ~lay lith. s~nt-da 1· ston· with a ~~~inc In The Highlands," ''Twice As I! 1960, a daughter to .John and backnt·ound. · ~!illionaire Ken

; Tall," and "Come Spring," . CarmPI Mahoney. ! Jorg;nson. with his wife, Helen . • . • . . James l\lason play~ the part ' 1 1 rtaunhtor ~lolly returns to WEL~~:-:~'r~~ ?;~~liE\ A ~hmployJ~f- .. ne~r~ af quarter of. of the Unil•ersity of Edinburgh . ~IORRIS-:-Born to Sidney ~h~~ Pine~ Island :\la~sion wiJcre

b'n h n~ . t' k'n I ers ln-th ~hecouc ~>: a. or, orce.te th t. geology professor who leads the and ?eraldmc ~lor~IS at St. he cnce worked as a lifeguard . 1., c a .,c ts. a 1 g P ace e . o n ry 1~ or una a ; expedition Mason's an old hand i Clare s :\lercy Ho.spl\al on ;\lay t • h ·

. economy of ;iew Zealand. · the mam expansiOn o! manufac- ·I • • 1 • 1 the 111h a s 1 The owner. Bart ~untcr, as . · For veat·s the Dominion's in· tut·ing came rather later than at Jules Vern~. havmg P a)er ·1 • on. . dissipat~d the fam1ly fortune· · , • the dour·Captam Nemo master · · !' th come and labor force hare been elsewhere in the world, for there: . . ',.20·000 i NOAH-Born on May tlth ·anti 11 now opera mg_ c su~-. based on its primar.1· industries is ~ high. proportion of new fac- '~ ~he ~a~hlu:h 1~ ,. · at St. Clare's Hospital to ~lr. mer placr w1th _Ius wtfe. SyJvta ·-products of the land and the tones 1\'llh the most modern, ;t~ucs nd ?r· . f ca. A 1 and ~Irs. Donald ll.'oah, 20 AI- 1 anrl son .Johntl), as an mn for sea. :\'oil', to absot'b a popnla-. plant and machinery, ; As t~le Ia ) . exp orcr, r enc bany Place, a son. 'pa,·ing gue~to. lion of 3,000,000 expected by 1974: Del'clopment of hydt·o-clectric , Dahl 15 makmg 1 rl~p~rturc : 1 Ken and S\'l\'ia face t h0ir old

· -the 19:i6 census recorded 2,· · power has been a potent factor, from -~cr ~lsual sophishcated · WINSOR-Born at the Grace Jure. determine on divorce. The : 200.000 people-plans are being· in the Dominion's industrial: ~ole~ :1\o t•htc wardrobe for her Hospital on Wednesday, )lay sc.llldal causes difficult prob· · made to de\'clop industry. · growth. Until the war, there was 1m "Journey." In fact, her cos. 11th at 7.45 p.m. a baby girl , !ems for ~lolly and Johnny, who,

I The land will require some of. ample available in both North 1 tume gets more anci m~re tat- to Mr. and ~Irs. Keith W1nsor I forget thctr loneliness in each, 1 the additional labor but industry· and South i~lands at rates com-; tercd ancl scant as the JOUrney: (nee Hieks), (tel. I other Like their parcnls 20 ·

. is expected to hal'e to use the paring fa1•orabJy with those in. progresses. i I years ago they have an illicit :hulk or the new residents. :more industrial countries. ! "Jm!rney" is the third picture , DFATII lu\',. Mfair. How the problems : EARLY JSDUSTR\' . WAR RESTRICTIONS , for D1ane Baker, who debuted J-- ---~--- ' are ~olved and greater under· j :\fanu.facturi~g, _particularly ln: . But the wa~ curtailed deliver-~ ~s the quiet older s!stcr _::lfa~~ot , S::lllTH - Passed peaccf~llly • standing between th~ paren~s i the mam ccnhes. IS by no means: JCS of generah_ng eqmpment and 111 George Ste~ens T\\enheth ·away early Thursday mornmg, I and children established. 1s ; a r~cent dcvclopme~t: From t~e' ~~ the same lime brought hea\'· production "Dtar~· o! An_ne ·Edith Blanche, beloved wife o[ ! frankly and sens:ti1•ely told. 1 earliest days. the c1hes had Ill· 1er demands. :Frank," and followed up With • Wiliam Smith. Leaving to I Richard Egan portrays the i dus.iries. For a star.t, they. were . Then folloil·ed ye~rs of restri~- :a lead l_n J~.rry w.ald'_s "~est of mourn besides her hushand, 'selfmadt millionaire. Ken Jor· i mamly lor processmg pnmary hons, but these d1~appeared m : Evcrylh1ng. A ~mahst Ill the one step-brother, Wm. Vokey, 4 genson, Dorothy ::llaGuir~. who 1 products, .. but even by 19~10 th~re ~he South Island With, the .open·! annual ~!1ss Rhemgol.d contest . daughters Bessie Olrs. Alex- has captivated audiences on

was a fair measure of dn·ers1ty. mg o( :'lew Zealand s b1gge~t ·a few seasons bac~. D1ane plars , ander Pendergast), ::llary ()Irs. both stage and screen, is cast 1 Real progress. ean:e at the end power s.t at Ion, Roxburgh, m I Jenny in the picture, James , Wm. Smith-, Gladys C\!rs. \Val- as Sylvia Hunter, trapped into i of_ the depr~ss1~n m the 1930s, July, 1~a6. ~lason's daughter, and Pal . ter Pendcrdast) and Bertha marriage ·to a m;m she never · with • a 1\'ldenm:: scope and ' B o c's intended " d / m rke in . n<e in roduetion Its wealth of poll'el' leads the ~n ·----~ __ · (Mrs. Joseph ulatthcws). 5 sons. really l?ve .

aF 1° . Cle - sd fp . ·.South Island to hope that It will ·John. .James Albert Gordon Beau!lful 16-year old Sandr~ · ac ones pro1·e o Jmmense · . . . ' · 1 'D 1 . ~I 11 J c ·on the ! l'aluc to the countr during the: attract new md~strtes. An $!~.·, IN MEMORIAM and Charles. Also 16 gran:. i e" p a~s - o Y org ns ,. • ' Second World War Y : 200,000 cotton mill has been ~mit: children and 4 great-grandchJJ. l'oluptuous. _teen-ager 11 Jth a · The end of thp ·war was foJ. · at :'<lclson and there are. proJc~ts ' McCARTHY dren. Funeral from her daughl· , Jove _of lmng and a .. gr~at ! lowed hv further developments 1 for -a ~280,000,000 al~m1~um Ill· : er's residence, 48 Alexander , capac1ty to Jove. F11 ~-t1me

.. -..

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1,./A.;... ./l.l,_s I in factorv construction and in- : dustry 111 the lakes dlsh·Jct. In loving memory ol Street at 2 p.m. on Saturday to . Academy • Award n ° m 1 nee 1 stallation ·of new machinery and 1' ~feanwhile in tile North Island: EIJWARD McCARTHY, the Salvation Army Citadel for Arthur Kcnncd)'h rctu

11rncd t


d " Z I d h • ' · · ' · wh died · th t s t t' A m' Warner Bros w ere c marc · : ffEl~-: J .j m Turn on Cold

'>" Waler ,.,.;.(

.. .;; ~-·-'"""''"". j& (:!l Fli11 slartina


I. to ay ,,ew ea an as more' active steps are being taken to 1

. o i seJ'VICe en o a va Jon I' ; . • . • C " v' _' than 10.000 manufacturing units, attract industry. May 13, 1956. I cemetery for interment. ; his film bo:; ~s James a.,ne_ .~ i -----~-- ---- , :lin)' the Sacred Heart . m .13 14 1 brother m C1ty for Conqt1cst._ ,

The two-piece dress-ide a 1 tern part. Easier, accurate. on the world markets, New 1 of Jesus hiVe mercy on } ' --------~In "A Summer Place" lle 1s : lor every. busy. day or as a suit: Send FIFTY CENTS tin coins) Zealand is best known as an ex-/ His soul.. playing Bart _Hunter: a cultured i

for \'acauon tnps. :'lote deeper: fstamps cannot be acce_pted> ~or 1 porter of farm, forest. and rna·· -Inserted by daughter IN MEMORIAM 1 gcr,tleman w1th a w1cked sense

· t- 9 .... )1 switch

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rut of the collar that's so smart this pattern. Please prmt plam-! rine products, both as raw male· and son·in·law, Thomas' ·of humor and a love of the. ~tnd slimming above the smooth·, ly SIZE, · NAME, ADDRESS,: rials and in processed form. Hounsell, McCARTHY

1 bottle ·

I~· curved jacket. STYLE NUMBER. , , . I Director Delmer Davrs direct- • Printed Pattern 4963: Wo-, Send order to AN:'IE ADAMS,: :N~w, ~owever, It ~s producmg In memory or : ed his fir.,t motion picture at I '----•'<lNG'S ROAD ... PH. 3916--

men's Sizes 36 38 40 42 44 46 , care o( ST JOHN'S DAILY :•a dll'erslty of goods m Jts maml·' EDWARD J, McCARTHY, I::....::.:.::....::.:.:_:_....::.:. __ :_ ___________________________ _ 48. Size 36 takes 4 ya'rds '39·i~cb: 1 ·NEWS, Patt~rn Dept. 60 FRONT I facturinll. industries many of' TV

NT th I bl f t I Gone just four years toaay, Printed direction~ on each pat. · ST., WEST, TORONTO, 0 · em avaJ 8 e or expor · 1










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