revised lit review 2

Running Head: The implications of Crossfit on personal health and fitness. The implications of Crossfit on personal health and fitness. Andrew Her University of North Carolina at Charlotte Spring 2014

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Running Head: The implications of Crossfit on personal health and fitness.

The implications of Crossfit on personal health and fitness.

Andrew Her

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Spring 2014

08 Fall  

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Its ME against MYSELF.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Many times we see fit, beach body

guys and girls at the gym and when you compare them to yourself, you lose motivation.

You know you need to change but lack that drive to become what you’ve always wanted

to be. Many times I have felt the stares and giggles from wandering eyes on my physical

attributions and one thing came to mind, I’m not doing this to be your motivation, but to

compete with myself and love myself. Many obese and overweight Americans tend to be

scared of entering a gym to be criticized and laughed at but why must we react to their

need for change. Changes that includes proper diets, routinely exercises, and rest. We

often judge others before getting to know their story and it often leads to causing more

harm then to benefit those who are trying to live cleaner and healthier. Crossfits

environment has no discrimination towards anyone young or old, skinny or obese. We go

to train our mind, body, and soul; to encourage others in their fight for a better lifestyle

and to further their future. So I believe it is essential to discuss the benefits of crossfit’s

intensive training and how it can decline obesity, the most common health disorder in

America. We will also discuss the differences of crossfit and traditional anaerobic

exercises. Not only does it have its benefits, we will also be discussing the drawbacks of

crossfit and how it can impact muscle growth.


Crossfit: Kuhn, Steven, (2013), describes crossfit as a diet and exercise program that

follows our old paleo way meaning that how our ancestors relied on fresh meat, nuts and

vegetables is the principal of eating clean. He describes how Greg Glassman, a former

gymnastic coach and high intensity trainer, formed crossfit in1995. CrossFit incorporates

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high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics,

strongman exercises and other disciplines.

Paleo: Short for Paleolithic is a healthy lifestyle, which mimics the way our ancestors

once ate and lived. The paleo diet relies on lean meat, nuts and seeds, seafood, and fruits

and vegetables.

Box: A box is another term for the crossfit gym. Each box is different in their own unique

way but the community often stays the same. Most boxes are open rooms with barbells,

medicine balls, rowing machines, pull up racks, and jump boxes.

WOD (Work Out of the Day): The WOD is usually after a warm up to get the blood

flowing and approximately 15-minute strength conditioning. The strength conditioning

can consist of anything to improve your max Olympic lift. Lifts such as front squats, back

squats, power cleans, push jerks, shoulder to overhead, and many more. Then comes the

WOD, which can consist of high intensity training. WOD’s can be up from 12 minutes to

25 minutes of AMRAP’s (as many reps as possible) or EMOM’s (every minute on the

minute). WODS are designed to improve your endurance and skill.

AMRAP: As many reputations as possible. During the WOD you can do

anything from wall balls, box jumps and 100 meter run. During this workout you have a

set time, such as 12 minutes, and within that 12 minutes you have to do as many reps as

possible, thus calling it an AMRAP.

EMOM: Every minute on the minute. This workout can consist of 3 power cleans

and a 100 meter run. On odd number minutes you do 3 power cleans and even number

you run 100 meters. This set time frame is usually around 20 minutes depending on the


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Burpee: The burpee is also referred to as the squat thrust. It is used in an anaerobic

exercise and strength conditioning. The movement is a four step movement consisting of

standing position, squat position with your hands on the ground, kicking your feet back

while your hands extend, and then immediately returning to the squat position. For

crossfit they use the push-up technique following the plank position, this is called the

burpee push up.

Anaerobic Exercise: The anaerobic exercise is an intense workout that triggers the lactic

acid formation. This type of exercise is commonly used by athletes to support strength,

speed, and power. Unlike aerobic exercises it uses a high intensity activities that

improves the performance in a shorter duration.

Rhabdomyolysis: A medical condition often found within the crossfit community.

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle tissue. Once this process begins the muscle

releases muscle fiber contents into the blood stream. It then gets processed out by the

kidneys and can cause kidney failure.

Literacy Review

Crossfit and other high intensity training can be beneficial to a healthier state of

mind and physical well-being. Patel, Pratik, (2008) had stated that 2/3 of Americans are

obese or from being overweight. The author has also stated that many of these people

suffer from type 2 diabetes and that with high intensity training it can improve an

individual’s insulin sensitivity and improve blood glucose control. The article further

went into depth on how crossfit can improve blood flow, decrease in body fat percentage,

and insulin sensitivity. From joining Crossfit Northlake, I have witness massive changes

in participants whether it is less body fat percentage or building stronger bodies. It not

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only changes your physical outlook but your mental state as well. Through the coach’s

motivation and the individual’s drive, they have exceeded their own expectations. The

motivation each participant receives to the friendliness the environment has to offer.

Although some people might disagree with crossfit, I believe it has its advantages.

Castillo, A., (2013) describes why we should chose crossfit to lose fat fast. In his article

he describes it as “balanced and a holistic way of attaining fitness and health”. In his

article he tells us how crossfit can influence all the muscle groups rather then focusing on

one in particular. In my experience with crossfit, I have felt my whole body shiver from

pain rather then going to a gym where I would only focus on muscle to “get bigger”.

Gillio, Sarah M., (2013) took on that doing crossfit would be beneficial for women in

their state of mind. For her study, she wanted to understand how crossfit can improve a

women’s integrity, anxiety, and depression. That with crossfits environment, the

friendliness and motivation can improve their mental state of mind.

Crossfit versus traditional anaerobic exercises

In an article written by Michael M. Smith, Allan J. Sommer, Brooke E. Starkoff, and

Steven T. Devor (November 2013) they concluded that the high intensity program had

improved both genders body composition. The article had stated that the high intensity

program was more sufficient then the regular interval exercises. In another article written

by Hayden Gerhart she explain that in crossfit it helps improve a participants

cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed,

coordination, agility, balance and accuracy while the traditional anaerobic exercises help

maximize muscular strength, maximum muscular power, muscular endurance, anaerobic

capacity, aerobic capacity, agility, speed, body composition, flexibility, and

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anthropometry. (Hayden D. Gerhart 2013)

Downside of Crossfit

Like many exercise programs, crossfit has its dark little secrets as well. One article

identifies this subject as crossfits dirty little secret. Eric Robertson wrote in article about a

rare condition called Rhabdomyolysis. This condition is the breakdown of muscle tissue

that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents into the blood. These substances are

harmful to the kidney and often cause kidney damage. He states in the article that the

participant who had attended a crossfit class suffered from rhabdomyolsis and had lost

her muscle tissue. The sad part was that the coach knew all about the rare condition.

The Elitist attitude. Another bad habit within the crossfit community is the attitude

some people put off. Their attitude that whatever isn’t crossfit, isn’t worth trying out or

wasting time. My biggest issue is that it's very easy for my ego to get caught up in the

moment competing with the others in class and screwing myself up. This happens when I

start by getting lazy with my form to get a few more reps, lifting more than I should to

"keep up" or pushing too far when I’m not ready. Its better to concentrate on yourself

and your own progress then worry about someone else. So like most gyms will say,

“leave your ego at the door.”

Preparing to be a warrior?

So how can someone who is not physically active prepare for crossfit or be a

crossfitter? Arnold Schwarzenegger once gave a speech on the 6 rules for success. Not

only do I believe they pertain to life but in a crossfit setting as well. In his speech he tells

us that you have to trust yourself, break the rules, don't be afraid to fail, don't listen to the

naysayers, work your butt off, and give back. So why do I believe this is necessary for

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change? First and foremost to change and be better, you have to believe in yourself. In

life there will be people who tell you that you wont be able to accomplish something or

be someone but like Arnold said you have to dig deep down and find yourself and be

yourself, not what others expect you to be. Next I believe it is necessary to get out of your

comfort zone. You wont get anywhere by following what society expects you to be and

how you should feel. There are too many times in life that people are afraid of change or

are scared of the possibilities but I say be different, be you. In crossfit you cant be afraid

to fail. There are so many times you will fail but that's the best part because you get to

see what needs to change or what needs to improve. Being a crossfitter doesn't mean you

have to be perfect at everything but the willingness to fail and learn. Don't listen to the

naysayers, the ones that say you cant do it or the ones who hold you back. With that

being sad you have to follow your goals and drive to achieve more. You can’t listen to

those who look down upon you and make you feel less because we are all create equal

regardless of the situations. The next phase is to work your butt off; with everything we

do we must always work our best to achieve our dreams and goals. Nothing comes easy

and so we must continue to strive for better and to continue learning. The final step is to

give back, give back to those who have started, be a mentor or coach so that others can

achieve their dreams and goals. I believe these are some of the steps at being a crossfitter

as well as life. (Arnold Schwarzenegger USC commencement speech 2009) So is that all

you need to do to become a crossfitter? If you prepare by giving it your all and never

doubting yourself you can achieve and be anything you set your mind to. You have to

keep trying no matter how tough it may be or how difficult it becomes. To be a crossfitter

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you have to be eager to learn and to not be ashamed that you finished last but to

understand you made it through.

My Crossfit trial

Before beginning I was hesitant about trying something new and so high paced. I

had no idea what I was in for or what I would be putting my body through. The things I

thought I could never do and the health I wanted to achieve seemed to be out of reach. As

the first day arrives I became nervous and I had begun to doubt my ability to finish. I saw

the pain in everyone’s eyes that had previously did the WOD but I saw a glint of

happiness because they all finished. I had thought to myself, “can I really do it?” So I

gave it my all, heart beating rapidly, sweat dripping over my eyes, the roar of the coaches

as they motivated us to beat the pain. At last, it was over, I had completed my first WOD

and fell in love with crossfit. Throughout my time at Crossfit Northlake I had seen

participants drive their bodies past the max, I have seen people change from the shy

lonely guy to the one cheering their teammates during competitions. Crossfit has changed

me for the better, I am more aware of healthy eating and staying active. But most

importantly I am aware that we need to change for the better. To change the lives of

others in a healthy lifestyle and introducing other alternatives then relying on binge

eating to relieve stress. So why not go to a regular gym? I believe that it’s important to

have that extra drive, the coaches that continuously monitor you and your progression.

The way gyms such as planet fitness, YMCA, or 24-hour fitness run, I believe I would

slack off and lose motivation. I would just sit around and wish how I could be stronger,

and as I begin I would immediately quit. That's why I chose crossfit, because of the

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coaches always pushing you to remember that its mind over matter and the way the other

participants continually cheer for you not as a competitor but as a team.

So why is obesity an important topic?

Obesity affects 2 out of 3 Americans, which in turn causes an insulin

resistance within the body and type 2 diabetes. These problems become serious issues

that can lead to high blood pressure and death. So we tell ourselves, “so what?” If we

don't fix the problem now, how will our future generations live their lives? Will they be

even more obese then how it is today? We need to change our views on becoming

healthier, not because society has told us to but for the ones we love and especially for

ourselves. To be able to see our kids grow into fine young men and women, and to spend

quality time without worrying when the obesity will be too much. It is better the future

and how we can promote a healthier lifestyle rather then focus on technology.

So really, why chose crossfit?

In this paper we had talked about the changes in obesity, the obvious strength gains, and

the community. So why not give more reasons as to why crossfit is such a huge success.

You get more done is less time, although the programs usually only last an hour, it

benefits those who find little to no time to work out. It is easy to throw in an hour before

work, lunch, or even before heading to bed. Another reason is that you are allowed to

have fun in a gym, and like playing sports, crossfit is the sport of exercise. Crossfit is

designed to be challenging and motivating.

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Work Cited

Kuhn, Steven, (2013) The Culture of CrossFit: A Lifestyle Prescription for Optimal

Health and Fitness. Senior Theses - Anthropology. Paper 1.


Patel, Pratik, (2008) The Influence Of A Crossfit Exercise Intervention On Glucose

Control In Overweight And Obese Adults



Castillo, A., (2013) Crossfit to drop fat fast: A Beginners Guide To Crossfit Training To

Drop Fat Fast




Gillio, Sarah M., (2013) Socially supported exercise: implications for improving mental

health in women



Smith Michael M., Sommer Allan J., Starkoff Brooke E., Devor Steven T., November

2013 Volume 7 Issue 11 Crossfit-based high intensity power training improves maximal

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aerobic fitness and body composition
