reflection tsl 3106

First and foremost, allow me to show my greatest appreciation to my respected lecturer, Miss Loke Khoon Ee for her hard work in delivering lots of useful knowledge to my friends and I. I have been learning with Miss Yeoh for about two semesters. I could say that Miss Loke had put so much effort especially when it comes to her lecture hour. I really love when it comes to Miss Loke’s lecture. I find that she has her own way in delivering knowledge because the way she demonstrates things to my friends and I is not the same as other lecturers. Whenever Miss Loke was giving her lecture, I will always have a pen and a paper on my table just to jot down important key words that she suggested during her lecture. This is mainly because I feel so interested and eager to listen to her lecture. Besides that, we will also have some sort of discussion on our assignments and tasks. Miss Loke did her part in explaining things that we do not understand and commenting on our drafts of our assignments. I really appreciate all the positive and negative comments that she gave. I take all the comments as the opportunity for me to learn to be more effective in teaching my pupils in future. Reflection on Experience in Learning Throughout the Whole Course.

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Page 1: Reflection TSL 3106

First and foremost, allow me to show my greatest appreciation to my respected

lecturer, Miss Loke Khoon Ee for her hard work in delivering lots of useful knowledge to

my friends and I. I have been learning with Miss Yeoh for about two semesters. I could

say that Miss Loke had put so much effort especially when it comes to her lecture hour.

I really love when it comes to Miss Loke’s lecture. I find that she has her own way in

delivering knowledge because the way she demonstrates things to my friends and I is

not the same as other lecturers. Whenever Miss Loke was giving her lecture, I will

always have a pen and a paper on my table just to jot down important key words that

she suggested during her lecture. This is mainly because I feel so interested and eager

to listen to her lecture. Besides that, we will also have some sort of discussion on our

assignments and tasks. Miss Loke did her part in explaining things that we do not

understand and commenting on our drafts of our assignments. I really appreciate all the

positive and negative comments that she gave. I take all the comments as the

opportunity for me to learn to be more effective in teaching my pupils in future.

Reflection on Experience in Learning Throughout the Whole Course.

My experience of learning Linking Theory to Practice (TSL 3110), is really

challenging as it is my very first experience in learning this subject. Mainly, in this

course, I have been lectured about some topics that I have learnt during my ELT

methodology subject previously. The purpose of it is so that we are more aware about

each language skills that we have learnt previously. Besides that, some of the major

topics that I have learnt throughout this course are Scheme of Work (Yearly and

Semester), Lesson Planning - KSSR (Integrating Language Skills), Formative

Assessment and Feedback Strategies, Micro Teaching (Stages) and etc. Frankly

speaking, I find that this subject is quite challenging because it requires me to

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comprehend on how to link and integrate the four language skills in a week lesson plan.

Besides that, in this semester, we have been asked to design a lesson plan based on

KSSR syllabus. I find that this is really challenging as it is my first time doing a KSSR

lesson plan. I have to put so much effort in doing some extra reading on KSSR syllabus

and thankfully, I am able to understand more as I went into my extra reading.

Based on what I have learnt from this subject is that Linking Theory to Practice

will somehow guide my friends and I as future teacher to carry out a meaningful

teaching and learning process. For this semester, under this subject, we have been

introduced on how to design a lesson plan based on KSSR syllabus. At first, I find that

KSSR syllabus is not quite as good as compared to KBSR syllabus, but then as I learn

more about the modular framework in KSSR, I find that KSSR is far more interesting as

compared to KBSR due to the reason that KSSR includes Language Arts and

Grammar. Based from my understanding, KSSR is a new curriculum which emphasizes

on holistic development of the pupils which covers new elements such as grooming of

creativity and innovation, entrepreneurship, and integration of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT). The aim itself which states that “to equip pupils

with basic language skills to enable them to communicate effectively in a variety

of contexts that’s appropriate to the pupils’ level of development,” tells that this

syllabus try to put more emphasizes on creating future fluent English speakers.

“Based on the four (for Year 1 and 2) or five (for Year 3 to 6) modules for

KSSR English language, teachers are expected to teach these modules

separately and individually, and in sequence,” (Cindy James, 2011). From my

experience in learning KBSR syllabus, I must say that this KSSR syllabus differs greatly

from KBSR where all the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing

should not be taught separately. In KBSR, the four language skills should be integrated

in a thematic approach while Language Arts and Grammar are to be incorporated (most

of the time in a covert manner) throughout the curriculum as part of a lesson activity.

Meanwhile, in KSSR, I understood that teachers are expected to teach the skills

separately and in sequence, starting with Module 1 (Listening and Speaking), then

move on to Module 2 (Reading), then Module 3 (Writing) and Module 4 (Grammar). For

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Year 3 onwards, after Module 4 the sequence will continue with Module 5 (Language

Arts). However, from the argument made during my lecture hour with Miss Loke, I learnt

that if the level of proficiency of the pupils is low ability, then we should introduce to

them Language Arts before we introduce them Grammar. This is because, from my

understanding, we should not demotivate the low ability pupils by teaching them the

difficult thing as they are not able to catch up. Grammar involves rules and it is much

more serious lesson as compared to Language Arts. We know that Language Arts is

one of the fun approaches to teach pupils. So, it is more advisable to teach Language

Arts first to the low ability pupils before we teach them Grammar. Make them love the

language first and motivate them to love in learning English. Besides that, one thing that

I agree about KSSR is that listening and speaking skills are combined because they are

inter related, means that they have a connection between both skills.

“The design of the Modular Approach in KSSR provides a 'scaffolded

learning' experience. Skills should be taught in sequence because the previous

skill provides the scaffolding for the next skill that follows,” (Flora Tan, 2012).

One example that I would like to share based on my experience in designing my lesson

plan is that by integrating listening and speaking in a reading lesson. Based on this, of

course we can see the main focus would be on the reading skill, but then the listening

skill is also integrated as when the teacher points to segments of words and then asks

the pupils to listen to each words read by the teacher carefully. There, we can see that

listening skill is actually involved in the lesson. Apart than that, the speaking skill is also

used when the pupils blend the segmented words to form a correct word. It is a reading

lesson when the pupils read and later, it becomes a speaking skill when the pupils

practice their phonemic skill by reading aloud the written letters they see to form a word.

Yet, as I have demonstrated in the example, listening and speaking skills are also

actively involved in the lesson. Hence, why must skills be taught in sequence under the

Modular Approach? It is strongly because it seems to be the best way of teaching the

skills if we want the Modular Approach in KSSR to work.

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Besides that, as what I understand from my reading, as compared to the KBSR,

this new syllabus believes in creating a fun and exciting learning environment as well as

ICT due to the fact that ICT could enhance pupils’ understanding. This new syllabus

focuses on ongoing assessment in order to monitor pupils’ progress and understanding

of the lessons. Now, here comes the assessment topic which I have also learnt based

on this subject. The implementation of formative and summative assessment could give

a holistic review of pupils’ achievement. Formative assessments are used to monitor

pupils’ progress and would be useful for follow up action of the lesson. Meanwhile,

summative assessment focuses on pupils’ achievement in a particular time. Personally,

if I am given a choice whether to choose KBSR or KSSR, I will gladly say that I will

choose KSSR for several reasons. Firstly, because I believe that the learning should be

fun and exciting which was proposed by KSSR. I also believe that pupils learn better

when they found the element of fun in the learning process. Secondly, the emphasis of

ICT in the classroom will help the pupils to enhance their understanding and somehow

enable them to comprehend the English language effectively. Besides that, the syllabus

itself also promotes the element of creativity and innovation, entrepreneurship with the

help from ICT.

Reflection on Experience in Completing All the Tasks.

For the subject Linking Theory to Practice (TSL 3110), my friends and I were

assigned to complete merely five sub tasks which require us to do both pair and

individual work. For the pair work, I have chosen Lily Nurlina as my partner because I

used to work with her before and personally, I do feel comfortable working with Lily. I

was glad because throughout completing the five sub tasks given to both of us, my

partner did her part in giving full commitment, cooperation, collaborations, and ideas

which really help us as to complete our tasks.

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Reflection on Scheme of Work.

The very first sub task that we were assigned to do is to prepare a scheme of

work comprising two weeks of lessons in a primary school. For this sub task, it involves

a collaboration of pair work. Lily and I have brainstorm and decided to choose Animal

(Pet’s World) as our topic. We were asked to prepare a Year 3 scheme of work and use

the Modular Approach of KSSR. The reason why Lily and I have decided to choose this

topic because we find that most young learner love to learn about animals. They can

learn about how they eat, walk, breed, and etc. Just by watching a video of a

documentary of animals can be fascinating to the young learners. Watching animals

move from place to place can bring a strange fascination. However, due to the level of

the pupils that Lily and I plan to teach, which are the Year 3 pupils, we have decided to

narrow the topic to pet. In our scheme of work, Lily and I have extracted the content

standards and learning standards for each module; Listening and Speaking, Reading,

Writing, Grammar, and Language Arts. I must say that throughout the process of

completing the scheme of work, I have gained a lot of useful knowledge especially in

understanding the meaning of each content standards and learning standards. I learnt

that I must not simply choose any learning standards which I personally feel suitable to

be suit with my activity without having much understanding of what it actually requires.

For example, the word ‘enjoy’ in content standards 4.1 which states that,

4.1 : By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and

appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.

The word ‘enjoy’ must show how the pupils actually ‘enjoy’ the learning. I learnt that in

order to make this content standard to be achieved, I should plan an activity which

involves the pupils to participate be it in jazz chants, poems, songs and etc. Pupils will

enjoy the lesson when they participate throughout the lesson.

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Reflection on Lesson Planning.

The second task that we were assigned to do is to plan a lesson for any one day

based on the curriculum specifications suggested previously in our scheme of work. As

for this sub task, we were asked to complete our lesson plan individually. As for me, I

have decided to choose a reading lesson plan from week one scheme of work. The

reason why I decided to choose to do reading skill in my lesson plan is because I find

that reading skill may integrate the skills of listening and speaking and also writing, but

of course, my focus is still reading. I find that reading will somehow help pupils to

improve their spelling as the best reading is having them to read silently. This way, it

may give chance to pupils to read at their own pace. They can read word by word

according to their own speed without having pressure of listening to teacher reading.

Sometimes, the speed of the teacher can be too fast for the pupils to catch up. As they

read, I can also have them to reread for the second time, but this time, with their

partner. This may somehow integrate the listening and speaking skill of the pupils as

they have to read and listen at the same time. The writing skill can be integrated during

the post reading stage where I have assigned work sheet for them which involves them

to write base on their reading. In my lesson plan, I have planned some activities and

work sheets for low ability pupils, intermediate pupils, and advanced pupils. The main

reason why I choose to design variety of work sheets for low ability pupils, intermediate

pupils, and advanced pupils is because I want to make sure all the pupils in my

classroom are able to participate in answering and asking questions throughout my

lesson. Besides that, I want to avoid them from being bored especially the low ability

pupils. If I was to give them the same work sheet of intermediate pupils and advanced

pupils, I am sure they will feel bored and demotivate in learning. This is because they

will find the work sheets are too difficult and it will make them to feel easily give up and

disturb their friends.

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Reflection on Micro Teaching.

For the next part of our sub task that we need to do is to conduct micro teaching

on any one of the lesson plan of planned by the member of our own group. Lily and I

need to select one lesson plan between both of us which will we use for our micro

teaching. After having some discussion with my partner, we have agreed to choose a

day one lesson plan, listening and speaking which was done by Lily. The reason why

we choose to carry out a micro teaching based on listening and speaking is because we

find that listening and speaking skill is much fun and interesting as compared to other

skills. Besides that, after running through Lily’s lesson plan, I think that the lesson

planned by her is quite interesting. We have adopt and made some changes in the

lesson plan to make it more interesting and improvised the grammar error and sentence

structures in the work sheets.

During our micro teaching, there were lots of encouraging comments that Lily

and I received from Miss Loke and our classmates. One of the comments that we

received is that time management. During the pre- listening stage, which was my part, I

failed to organize my time wisely because instead of preparing a word card, I wrote on a

whiteboard. This might results in allocation of time during pre-listening exceeded. From

the comment that I received, I learnt that in order to be an effective teacher, I must know

how to manage and organize time wisely. In future, I promise myself not to repeat the

same mistake again. Besides that, there are also comments that we received based on

our work sheet. I must say that I agreed on almost all of the comments given. Some of

the work sheet, there were grammatical errors, and the work sheet (filling-in the-blank)

during while listening stage, we have blanks the missing words too many and it is too

difficult for the pupils to catch up although they have to listen to the teacher reading

aloud. Besides that, the blanks that we blanked were all mixed with nouns and

adjectives which might confuse the pupils. Apart than that, there was also a suggestion,

instead of having the teacher reading aloud, we should use an audio tape. The main

reason why it is more beneficial is because if we were to teach in intermediate pupils,

we can always play the audio tape as many times as we want without having us to use

our energy to repeat reading aloud. An audio tape is useful in the sense that we can

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repeat the audio for as many times as we want. I find that is will be much helpful for the

low ability pupils as they might need more listening practice as compared to

intermediate pupils.

As for the overall comments based from all groups, I can see that most of us

failed in giving clear instructions towards the pupils. Sometimes, we might not realize

that our instructions are actually too long and it is not suitable to give such instruction for

young learners. Our instructions should just be short and simple. Apart than that, to

make our lesson more meaningful for the young learners, we should demonstrate by

doing actions, movements and gestures. I find that most of us, when we were asked to

explain some difficult words from the pupils, we do not know how to explain it in the

correct meaning in fact, some of us do not even know how to explain the words. Instead

of having a wide range of vocabulary, we should know that by using demonstration, it

will be more helpful to explain to the pupils. This will able them to watch, see, and thus

able them to get the clearer idea of the things that they do not understand. This might

be most applicable if we were to teach verb, because verb involves actions and

movement for example jump, run, walk, and etc. Besides that, most of us when we were

asking the pupils to work in group, we seems like do not understand about what is really

a group work. Based from what my lecturer said, group work is when the every each of

the group members contributes something (synergize). Group work does not mean that

merely having the pupils to work in group, but group work is something which requires

every members of the group to take part and role in the group. As a teacher, we should

therefore assign each member in the group to take role on doing something. That is why

the best group work is pair work. I believe this is because when we ask the pupils to

work in pair, the role of the pair in completing the task is much more maximized as

compared to the group work. Besides that, pair work also may avoid much noise as

compared to group work. Apart than that, as a teacher, we must be aware of our pupils’

level of proficiency. If we find that in our class, there were some low ability pupils, we

must make sure to always drill them especially on the difficult part of the task. Drilling is

always important for the pupils who are in low ability level. Teacher must therefore

always prepare different set of work sheet for them so that it suits with their level of

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ability. This will somehow encourage them to learn and love English as we help them to

learn that learning English should not be necessarily difficult.

All in all, we take all the comments positively and take it as the chance for us to

improve ourselves if we were to teach primary school pupils in future. Personally, I must

say that I should be thankful to those who give their full cooperation and commitment

when my group was doing the micro teaching. I do gained lots of new and useful

knowledge in learning this subject. As a future teacher, I hope that I will be able to

produce pupils who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral

standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-

being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family,

the society and the nation at large learning. In other words, the content of knowledge is

not an end in itself but a means to an end.

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Web Sites

CindyJames. (2011, October 13). Beyond Chalk and Talk. Retrieved

March 20, 2013, from kssr-and-modular-approach:


Tan, F. (2012, April 10). Retrieved March 22, 2013, from

Smith, M. K. (2000). Retrieved March 27, 2013, from