reaction by the united states comprehensive anti-apartheid act of 1986 – imposed sanctions on...

Download Reaction by the United States Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 – Imposed sanctions on South Africa – Introduced in 1972, Would have banned all

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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  • Reaction by the United States Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 Imposed sanctions on South Africa Introduced in 1972, Would have banned all new US trade in South Africa Attempted passage in 1985, filibustered in the Senate Passed the House and Senate in 1986 Vetoed by President Reagan Veto was overridden and the act passed
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  • Nelson Mandela ANC member Fought for national self- determination 1960 ANC is banned in South Africa, Mandela set up a military wing on the ANC m/watch?v=fPofm50MH W8 m/watch?v=fPofm50MH W8
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  • Sharpeville 1960 69 black anti- apartheid demonstrators were killed by police. Government banned the ANC. Mandela travels outside of South Africa to receive military training.
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  • Life Imprisonment Arrested on his return to South Africa Sentenced to 5 years in prison 1963 Mandela and other ANC members were put on trial for plotting to overthrow the government 1964 Mandela sentence to life in prison
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  • Life Imprisonment Held in Robben Island prison Later moved to Pollsmoor Prison During his years in prison he became symbol of the anti- apartheid movement.
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  • Elected President 1990 Mandela released from prison, ANC ban lifted 1991 Mandela becomes the ANCs leader 1994 Elected South Africas first black president
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  • The Rainbow Nation Wanted national unity Blacks and Whites living together peacefully in South Africa Met with many former senior officials of the apartheid era Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace.
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  • Springboks Mandela encouraged black South Africans to get behind the Springboks during the 1995 Rugby World Cup. This was viewed as a major step toward national unity
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  • Retirement and Death 1997 Steps down as ANC leader 1999 Time as president comes to an end 2004 Mandela announces retirement from public life 2008 Mandela removed from U.S. terror list Dec, 5 th 2013 Mandela passes away at the age of 95