question 2


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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 2: Question 2

■ Teenagers is the main social group we've aimed our film at but young adults are considered as well [roughly about the 15 - 25 year range]

■ The males are represented as the stronger out of the two genders though in this film opening as the female is asking for help with the ghosts that are running amok in her house - this can be seen as her being weak enough to not handle the situation with her own hands but instead having to depend on the male - though it is his job after all.With this is mind, she also seems to be the 'crazy one' in the end of planning for this film so the fact she is mentally unstable can make her be seen as weaker compared to the male.

■ The male is seen as being of a lower class as well compared to the female as she's paying him to work for her. This initially can make people think of her as being of higher status compared to the male as she's the one in control and giving him the job, someone who holds more power over him and his actions as well as her owning the house that is currently being looked around by the ghost hunter.

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■ We have shown class through the use of clothing and what the characters wear - this is noticed by the attire that the male wears as he is wearing casual clothing, nothing smart that would be seen worn by a business man or a high job that requires you to wear a suit or some sort of other formal attire. This shows his as being lower class just due to the fact that there's no uniform or proper arrangements for what he needs to wear.The use of the backpack as well for what he carries the equipment in seems to be less formal compared to the briefcase that people of other occupations would use to carry their items around.On the other hand, the ghosts wear clothing that also shows them as lower class, nothing that stands out the eye or is formal, instead, they wear clothing that is quite casual.

■ We based this thriller film opening off of a game which also helps us to distinguish our target audience as it would be those that are initially interested in that game -which is the category we named beforehand as if the game is aimed at the same age range then our thriller film should be aimed at a similar audience.

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■ We chose to represent things in a certain way as we wanted to show the power between the two different genders in a certain way the most - it also was the easiest way to represent such and what we were thinking of at the time.

■ We followed the stereotyping of the damsel in distress, the hero and the villain. - The damsel in distress being the owner of the house - The hero being the ghost hunter - The villains being the ghosts that haunt the houseThis stereotyping is adhered to throughout the opening of the thriller film though, as we planned out how our story would progress in order to help us think out our opening, we challenged the stereotypes.We challenged this further on, behind the scenes, by turning the owner of the house into a villain as well when she loses her sanity.