
1. How do you hide the Add-In Manager so that it will not be displayed while launching QTP? Answer: a) Uncheck "Show on Startup" checkbox in the Add-In Manager b) Uncheck "Display Add-In Manager on Startup" in the General tab of Options dialog box. 2. How do you display the DataTable or Active screen if they are not shown by default? Answer: In Menu choose View → Active Screen or View → Data Table. 3. What are the default add ins provided by QTP? Answer: ActiveX, Visual Basic, Web. 4. What is the default location of DataTable for any QTP script? Answer: Script Folder Test Folder (folder with the name of the test where all test files are stored) 5. What is QTP workflow Phases: Create, Display, Verify and Enhance,Integrate.? Alternative answer: Create test suite, Create an engine, Automate test cases, Debug the script, Deploy the script to QA team. 6. Low level Recording is used to record? Answer: To record actual keyword objects or ignore Object identification capabilities Answer: To record your clicks and keyboard input based on coordinates. 7. What are the conditional statements provided in QTP? Answer: For..Next, While….wend, For……loop, Do….. While, If… Else…. End If, Select…. Case. Answer: If… Else…. End If, Select…. Case. 1

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Page 1: QTP-Q&A

1. How do you hide the Add-In Manager so that it will not be displayed while launching QTP?

Answer: a) Uncheck "Show on Startup" checkbox in the Add-In Manager

b) Uncheck "Display Add-In Manager on Startup" in the General tab of Options dialog box.

2. How do you display the DataTable or Active screen if they are not shown by default?

Answer: In Menu choose View → Active Screen or View → Data Table.

3. What are the default add ins provided by QTP?

Answer: ActiveX, Visual Basic, Web.

4. What is the default location of DataTable for any QTP script?

Answer: Script Folder Test Folder (folder with the name of the test where all test files are stored)

5. What is QTP workflow Phases: Create, Display, Verify and Enhance,Integrate.?

Alternative answer: Create test suite, Create an engine, Automate test cases, Debug the script, Deploy the script to QA team.

6. Low level Recording is used to record?

Answer: To record actual keyword objects or ignore Object identification capabilities

Answer: To record your clicks and keyboard input based on coordinates.

7. What are the conditional statements provided in QTP?

Answer: For..Next, While….wend, For……loop, Do….. While, If… Else…. End If, Select…. Case.

Answer: If… Else…. End If, Select…. Case.

8. What is the first step to change the logical name of the object recorded by Quick Test?

Answer: Identify the instances of the object in the script. {S1, S2…S10 – OR}

Alternative answer: Identify the instances of the object in the Object Repository{S_1, S_2…S_10}.

9. Where can you find the result of an output parameter?

Answer: Runtime Datasheet in Results

10. Where do you set action iterations for a specified action?

Answer: Action call Properties in Action0 Script


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11. Which of the following is created by default with new action?

Answer: Action Properties, LocalSheet of Data Table

12. Which source property specifies that data is retrieved from database?

Answer: Output type

13. Local object Repository is used for Single action tests. TRUE/FALSE

Answer: TRUE

14. Shared object Repository is created in Object Repository Manager.

Answer: Question looks like an answer itself

15. Which tool is used to merge two shared object repositories?

Answer: Merge Tool in Object Repository Manager.

16. Virtual objects are stored in?

Answer: dat folder of QTP Installation

17. How do you create a Template for every Actions?

Answer: Write the template script as "ActionTemplate.mst" in DAT folder of QTP Installation

18. Bitmap checkpoint takes into consideration

Answer: Image size and pixel match

19. Breakpoint is used for?

Answer: Pauses the test execution at Current Step and then proceed to next step when instructed.

20. When using recovery scenario wizard, the first phase is to specify?

Answer: Triggered Events

21. What all the types of Triggred Events :

Answer: popup window, object state, test run error, application crash

22. GetTOProperty is used to?

Answer: Getting the test object properties i.e property from Repository.

Answer: Returns the value of the specified property from the test object description.


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23. Give me 2 examples of ADODB objects?

Answer: QuickTest?, Recordset and Connection.

24. Close method is used to close the database session.

It is unclear what they mean because the question was altered: Close can be used to close a window or dialog too.

25. Exportsheet is used for?

Answer: Exports a specified sheet of the run-time Data Table to the specified file.

26. Recovery scenario: is used to handle exceptions i.e. unpredictable actions/Errors.

Answer: Question looks like an answer itself

27. Step Generator is used for?

Answer: Adding Steps to scripts without recording using the Repository/Utility Objects etc.

28. Information pane and missing resource used for?

Answer: The Information pane provides a list of syntax errors in your test or function library scripts.

The Missing Resources pane provides a list of the resources that are specified in your test but cannot be found, such as missing calls to actions, unmapped shared object repositories, and parameters that are connected to shared object repositories.

29. Where do you enable smart identification?

Answer: Object Identification.

Answer: Check box in the Run tab of Test Settings dialog box.

30. What are the environment variable types?

Answer: User defined and built-in.

31. One more area to look into is Menu options i.e., where to look to enable or disable different features of QTP .There are around 4 to 5 questions covering the same.

Answer: can't be given

32. By which type, procedure parameters passes the values to script?

Answer: ByRef

Answer: String, Boolean, Date, Number, Password, Any.


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33. If we create a procedure under any test/script, Where we can use it?

Answer: Procedure can be used only in the Test/script in which it is created, not callable from other test

Answer: If Action containing a procedure is reusable, it may me used in another tests.

34. If we create a procedure under function library, how does it save with which extension?

Answer: .QFL/VBS/TXT

35. What is the difference between function and subroutine?

Answer: function can return a value, where as subroutine cannot.

36. What are the different STEP commands?

Answer: Step Into, Step Out, Step Over

37. Which keyword is used for counter increment Under For…Next loop?

Answer: Step

38. In Do Loop, at which point the condition is checked to proceed for next iteration?

Answer: End of the loop, minimum one iteration will execute

39. What is the first step to use the low level recording mode?

Answer: Open in Normal mode

Answer: Normally start recording.

40. How do register a procedure/function to a test object :

Answer: RegisterUserFunc statement

41. How do you bypass the object repository?

Answer: Descriptive Programming or Programming Desc

42. Where do you set the action as reusable action?

Answer: Action Properties

43. Global Data sheet is having one record and Local Data sheet is having two records, how many times the test executes by default?

Answer: One time


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Answer: It also depends on record and run settings: in this question they assume "Run on all rows" radiobutton selected.

44. Test -->Settings --> Run tab belongs to which sheet:

Answer: Global

45. Global Data sheet is having no records and Local Data sheet is having two records, how many times the test executes?

Answer: One time

46. How do you find the number of columns in database table?

Answer: Fields.Count or Get the array size of the Record Set object. i.e upper limit.

Answer: Use GetParameterCount method of DTSheet object

47. What will return for ChildObjects method?

Answer: Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object.

48. Where can you set the smart identification "ON":

Answer: Check "Enable Smart Identification in the Object Identification dialog.

49. How can we release the database after its use?

Answer: Close the connection and Recordset objects; then set the object of "ADODB.Connection" type to "Nothing"

50. How can u link individual actions to shared repository?

Answer: Resources>Associate repositories

51. Which object properties are shown in object identification box?

Answer: Mandatory and Assistive

52. Where can we disable the virtual object recognition?

Answer: Toolsà Options à General à check "Disable Virtual Object Recognition" checkbox

53. How to associate a procedure to a test object class?

Answer: Use RegisterUserFunc statement.

54. Which object is used in sending information to the test results?

Answer: Reporter


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55. What is default identifier type for web objects?

Answer: Index

Answer: CreationTime

56. Test object properties are:

Answer: those mentioned in object identification box and in object repository

57. Which object is used to read from text file?

Answer: "Scripting.FileSystemObject"

58. A dot followed by object in expert view displays?

Answer: Child objects and methods

59. While merging the two object repositories, what are the filter options available for target object repository?

Answer: Show all objects & show only objects with conflicting descriptions

60. How to declare a constant?

Answer: Const name = value

61. The method used to retrieve data from the weblist object is?

Answer: GetItem method

62. What is the method used to get the object name from a Web table cell?

Answer: ChildItem

63. How do you know the no of links in a web page?

Answer: Page Check point, ???

Answer: a set of statements:

Set PageDesc = Description.Create

PageDesc("Class Name").Value = "Link"

Set Pages = Browser("Mercury Interactive").Page("Mercury Interactive").ChildObjects(PageDesc)

Number_of_pages = Pages.Count


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If Number_of_pages = 0 Then

Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "No links was found in the web page, ""

End If

64. What will change using update run mode?

Answer: The test updates the test object descriptions, the expected results of check pts and Active screen images and values.

65. If virtual objects are available at your machine, but you don't want to consider the virtual objects what you will do?

Answer: In Toolsà Options à General, we will configure to ignore the Virtual Objects by changing "Disable recognition of virtual objects while recording".

66. What is the default "Ordinal Identifier"?

Answer: Location

67. What is the default property of ordinal identifier when using smart identification?

Answer: Mandatory and assistive properties.

Answer: Properties displayed in the Base Filter Properties list.

68. How to declare constant variables?

Answer: Const Name = [value]

69. How did you find whether script used the smart Identification or not?

Answer: It will show in the test result pane as a Warning

70. What is the first step in editing an object in the object repository?

Answer: Enable Editing


Page 8: QTP-Q&A

1. The toolbar enables you to view the details of an individualaction or the entire test flow is:

A. Testing toolbarB. None of the aboveC. Action toolbarD. Test Pane

2. The key that is used to Start/End analog recording mode ?


3. QuickTest supports virtual object for analog or low-level recording.

A. FalseB. True

4. To use a specific property to identify your object, but that property is not listed in the properties list. Then how do you identify that object?

A. Add the specific property to the listB. Use the Default propertyC. Use some other property to identify your object

5. The checkpoint used to check the alt attribute exists for all relevant objects (such as images) is

A. Database CheckPointB. Accessibility checkpointC. Bitmap checkpointD. Standard checkpoint

6. Bitmap checkpoint is supported in VB environment.

A. TrueB. False

7. Can we parameterize the checkpoints properties?

A. NoB. Yes

8. What is the shortcut key that is used for a Standard Checkpoint?

A. F12B. F2


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C. F10D. F7

9. Can we change name of checkpoint?

A. NoB. Yes

10. To compare the values of the specified property during a run session with the values stored for the same test object property within the test.

A. CheckpointB. All the aboveC. Output ValueD. Compare the object property

11. You will use which recording mode for an object not recognized by QuickTest?

A. Low-Level Recording ModeB. Normal recording ModeC. Analog Mode

12. The statement that calls the recorded analog file is:

A. RunAnalogB. CallAnalogC. ExecuteAnalog

13. An action can be called by other tests or actions is:

A. Call ActionB. Split ActionC. Reusable Action

14. You can replace the page in your Active Screen tab:

A. FalseB. True

15. QuickTest adds a checkpoint statement in the Expert View as:

A. Check CheckpointB. Checkpoint

16. A Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows application is:

A. AccessibilityB. Text AreaC. Standard


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D. Text

17. In ACTIVE X environment, an ACCESSIBILITY checkpoint is supported?

A. NoB. Yes

18. Can we get the execution time for an action in a Test?

A. YesB. No

19. Can we add external library files in QTP?

1. No2. Yes

20. The method used to get data from HTML Table is

A. GetData(Row,Col)B. GetRowValue(Rowid,Colname)C. GetCellData (Row,Col)

21. The Command used to insert the transactions in test is:

A. StartTransaction(Name�), EndTransaction(Name�)B. Services.StartTransaction "Name", Services.EndTransaction "Name"C. StartTransaction.services "Name�, EndTransaction.services "Name"

22. A step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in your test and stored for the duration of the run session is:

A. Output ValueB. CheckpointsC. Active Screen

23. Quick Test can detects an application crash and activate a defined recovery scenario to continue the run session.

A. TrueB. false

24. In Batch Test process, the test list are saved in file format as:

A. *.mtbB. *.mtsC. *.mbtD. *.mtr


Page 11: QTP-Q&A

25. The command used to invoke other application from QTP:

A. InvokeApplicationB. SystemUtil.RunC. RunD. Both b & cE. Both a & b

26. The command used to retrieve data from excel sheet is

A. Set ab = Connection("srcfilepath ") , Set ws = ab.getdata(sheetid)B. Set ab = CreateObject("srcfilepath ") , Set ws = ab.getsheet(sheetid)C. Set ab = GetObject("srcfilepath") , Set ws = ab.worksheets(sheetid)

27. The method that explicitly activates the recovery scenario mechanism is:

A. recovery.activateB. enableC. recovery.enableD. activate

28. The method used for sending information to the test results is:

A. Reporter.log()B. Reporter.reportevent()C. Reporter.msgbox()D. Reporter.report()

29. To terminate an application that is not responding we use:

A. SystemUtil.terminateB. SystemUtil.StopC. SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName

30. The recovery mechanism does not handle triggers that occur in the last step of a test:

A. falseB. True

31. We can add Test object methods, function calls into the Test using:

A. Function generatorB. Step generatorC. Object repository

32. The method that adds to the test while implementing synchronization is:

A. SynchronizeB. WaitC. WaitProperty


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D. Pause

33. The mechanism used to identify objects during run session is:

A. Recovery scenarioB. Smart identificationC. Handling object

34. Post-recovery test run options specifies:

A. how to continue the run session after QTP identify the eventB. errors while runningC. recovery scenario during a run session

35. The action that can be called multiple times by the test as well as by other tests is called:

A. non-reusable actionB. Reusable actionC. External action

36. The command used to connect with Database is:

A. Createobject(connectivity name�)B. dbconnect(connectivity name)C. open(connectivity name)D. None of the above

37. The method used to retrieve the folders is:

A. FileSystemObject.Getfolder()B. FileSystemObject.selectfolder()C. FileSystemObject.retrievefolder()

38. The method used to compare 2 XML files is:

A1. XMLfile1.compare(XMLfile2)B. XMLcompare(file1,file2)C. compare(XMLfile1,XMLfile2)

39. The QTP script files are stored in the extension of:

A. *.mtsB. *.usrC. *.mtrD. *.vbs

40. The method used to register the user-defined function with test object is:

A. setFunc()B. RegisterUserFunc()


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C. RegisterFunc()

41. The method used to open the specified URL in a browser is:

A. openURL()B. navigateURL()C. navigate()

42. The 3 Parameter types available in data driver is:

A. DataTable,Environment,Random numberB. DataTable,random number,uniqueC. environment,string,numeric

43. The method added to the test while parameterizing is:

A. get Data (variable, dtGlobalSheet)B. get DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)C. Set Data(variable, dtGlobalSheet)D. Set DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)

44. The length of the array can be get by the method:

A. length(array)B. ubound(array)C. count(array)

45. The method used to get the count value of list box or combo box is:

A. GetItemsCountB. GetCountC. GetItemCount

46. To retrieve the current the objects in your application during the run session:

A. GetVisibleTextB. GetROPropertyC. SetROPropertyD. GetTOProperty

47. The list of test objects and their properties and values are stored in the:A. Object RepositoryB. Object Identification

48. The method used to continue the test execution after getting run-time error is:1. On Error Resume Next2. On Error Raise Next3. On Error Next


Page 14: QTP-Q&A

Q1. How many tabs are there in Test Settings (File->Settings) window A) 5B) 6C) 7D) 8

Q2. 'Browser navigation timeout' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings) window?A) PropertiesB) ResourcesC) WebD) Web Settings

Q3. Identify the tabs in the Test Settings (File->Settings) windowA) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery


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B) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web Settings,RecoveryC) Properties, Run Options, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web, RecoveryD) Properties, Run, Resources, Input Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery

Q4. 'Generate Script' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings) windowA) PropertiesB) ResourcesC) WebD) Recovery

Q5. For each object and method in an Expert View statement, a corresponding row exists in the Keyword View.A) TrueB) FalseC) There is some problem with the statement.D) None of above

Q6. The following are the four main columns in the Keyword viewA) Item, Operation, Value, CommentsB) Item, Operation, Value, DocumentationC) Item, Operation, Property, DocumentationD) Number, Operation, Value, Documentation

Q7. You can work on one or several function libraries at the same time.A) TrueB) False

Q8. You can insert additional steps on the test objects captured in the Active screen after the recording session.A) TrueB) False

Q9. The Active Screen enables you to parameterize object values and insert checkpointsA) TrueB) False

Q10. A QTP user can increase or decrease the active screen information saved with the test.A) TrueB) False

Q11. The toolbar enables you to view the details of an individual action or the entire test flow is:A. Testing toolbarB. None of the aboveC. Action toolbarD. Test Pane

Q12. The key that is used to Start/End analog recording mode ?A. F3B. SHIFT+ALT+F3C. CTRL+SHIFT+F3


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D. F10

Q13. QuickTest supports virtual object for analog or low-level recording.A. FalseB. True

Q14. To use a specific property to identify your object, but that property is not listed in the properties list. Then how do you identify that object?A. Add the specific property to the listB. Use the Default propertyC. Use some other property to identify your object

Q15. The checkpoint used to check the alt attribute exists for all relevant objects (such as images) isA. Database CheckPointB. Accessibility checkpointC. Bitmap checkpointD. Standard checkpoint

Q16. Bitmap checkpoint is supported in VB environment.A. TrueB. False

Q17. Can we parameterize the checkpoints properties?A. NoB. Yes

Q18. What is the shortcut key that is used for a Standard Checkpoint?A. F12B. F2C. F10D. F7

Q19. Can we change name of checkpoint?A. NoB. Yes

Q20. To compare the values of the specified property during a run session with the values stored for the same test object property within the test.A. CheckpointB. All the aboveC. Output ValueD. Compare the object property

Q21. You will use which recording mode for an object not recognized by QuickTest?A. Low-Level Recording ModeB. Normal recording ModeC. Analog Mode

Q22. The statement that calls the recorded analog file is:


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A. RunAnalogB. CallAnalogC. ExecuteAnalog

Q23. An action can be called by other tests or actions is:A. Call ActionB. Split ActionC. Reusable Action

Q24. You can replace the page in your Active Screen tab:A. FalseB. True

Q25. QuickTest adds a checkpoint statement in the Expert View as:A. Check CheckpointB. Checkpoint

Q26. A Checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows application is:A. AccessibilityB. Text AreaC. StandardD. Text

Q27. In ACTIVE X environment, an ACCESSIBILITY checkpoint is supported?A. NoB. Yes

Q28. Can we get the execution time for an action in a Test?A. YesB. No

Q29. Can we add external library files in QTP?1. No2. Yes

Q30. The method used to get data from HTML Table isA. GetData(Row,Col)B. GetRowValue(Rowid,Colname)C. GetCellData (Row,Col)


Page 18: QTP-Q&A

Q1. The Command used to insert the transactions in test is:A. StartTransaction(Name�), EndTransaction(Name�)B. Services.StartTransaction "Name", Services.EndTransaction "Name"C. StartTransaction.services "Name�, EndTransaction.services "Name"

Q2. A step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in your test and stored for the duration of the run session is:A. Output ValueB. CheckpointsC. Active Screen

Q3. QTP can detects an application crash and activate a defined recovery scenario to continue the run session.A. TrueB. false

Q4. In Batch Test process, the test list are saved in file format as:A. *.mtbB. *.mtsC. *.mbtD. *.mtr

Q5. The command used to invoke other application from QTP:A. InvokeApplicationB. SystemUtil.RunC. RunD. Both b & cE. Both a & b

Q6. The command used to retrieve data from excel sheet isA. Set ab = Connection("srcfilepath ") , Set ws = ab.getdata(sheetid)B. Set ab = CreateObject("srcfilepath ") , Set ws = ab.getsheet(sheetid)C. Set ab = GetObject("srcfilepath") , Set ws = ab.worksheets(sheetid)

Q7. The method that explicitly activates the recovery scenario mechanism is:A. recovery.activateB. enableC. recovery.enableD. activate

Q8. The method used for sending information to the test results is:A. Reporter.log()B. Reporter.reportevent()C. Reporter.msgbox()D. Reporter.report()

Q9. To terminate an application that is not responding we use:A. SystemUtil.terminateB. SystemUtil.StopC. SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName


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Q10. The recovery mechanism does not handle triggers that occur in the last step of a test:A. falseB. True

Q11. We can add Test object methods, function calls into the Test using:A. Function generatorB. Step generatorC. Object repository

Q12. The method that adds to the test while implementing synchronization is:A. SynchronizeB. WaitC. WaitPropertyD. Pause

Q13. The mechanism used to identify objects during run session is:A. Recovery scenarioB. Smart identificationC. Handling object

Q14. Post-recovery test run options specifies:A. how to continue the run session after QTP identify the eventB. errors while runningC. recovery scenario during a run session

Q15. The action that can be called multiple times by the test as well as by other tests is called:A. non-reusable actionB. Reusable actionC. External action

Q16. The command used to connect with Database is:A. Createobject(connectivity name�)B. dbconnect(connectivity name)C. open(connectivity name)D. None of the above

Q17. The method used to retrieve the folders is:A. FileSystemObject.Getfolder()B. FileSystemObject.selectfolder()C. FileSystemObject.retrievefolder()

Q18. The method used to compare 2 XML files is:A1. XMLfile1.compare(XMLfile2)B. XMLcompare(file1,file2)C. compare(XMLfile1,XMLfile2)

Q19. The QTP script files are stored in the extension of:A. *.mtsB. *.usr


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C. *.mtrD. *.vbs

Q20. The method used to register the user-defined function with test object is:A. setFunc()B. RegisterUserFunc()C. RegisterFunc()

Q21. The method used to open the specified URL in a browser is:A. openURL()B. navigateURL()C. navigate()

Q22. The 3 Parameter types available in data driver is:A. DataTable,Environment,Random numberB. DataTable,random number,uniqueC. environment,string,numeric

Q23. The method added to the test while parameterizing is:A. get Data (variable, dtGlobalSheet)B. get DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)C. Set Data(variable, dtGlobalSheet)D. Set DataTable(variable, dtGlobalSheet)

Q24. The length of the array can be get by the method:A. length(array)B. ubound(array)C. count(array)

Q25. The method used to get the count value of list box or combo box is:A. GetItemsCountB. GetCountC. GetItemCount

Q26. To retrieve the current the objects in your application during the run session:A. GetVisibleTextB. GetROPropertyC. SetROPropertyD. GetTOProperty

Q27. The list of test objects and their properties and values are stored in the:A. Object RepositoryB. Object Identification

Q28. The method used to continue the test execution after getting run-time error is:1. On Error Resume Next2. On Error Raise Next3. On Error Next


Page 21: QTP-Q&A

Q1. 'Browser navigation timeout' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings) window.A) PropertiesB) ResourcesC) WebD) Web Settings

Q2. How many tabs are there in Test Settings (File->Settings) windowA) 7B) 6C) 5D) 8

Q3. Identify the tabs in the Test Settings (File->Settings) windowA) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web, RecoveryB) Properties, Run, Resources, Parameters, Environment, WebSettings,RecoveryC) Properties, Run Options, Resources, Parameters, Environment, Web,RecoveryD) Properties, Run, Resources, Input Parameters, Environment, Web, Recovery

Q4. 'Generate Script' is in which tab of Test Settings (File->Settings)windowA) PropertiesB) WebC) ResourcesD) Recovery

Q5. The following are the four main columns in the Keyword viewA) Item, Operation, Value, CommentsB) Item, Operation, Value, DocumentationC) Item, Operation, Property, DocumentationD) Number, Operation, Value, Documentation

Q6. For each object and method in an Expert View statement, acorresponding row exists in the Keyword View.A) TrueB) FalseC) There is a problem with the statement.D) None of above

Q7. You can work on one or several function libraries at the same time.A) TrueB) False

Q8. You can insert additional steps on the test objects captured in the Active screen after the recording session. A) TrueB) False

Q9. The Active Screen enables you to parameterize object values andinsert checkpointsA) TrueB) False


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Q10. A QTP user can increase or decrease the active screen informationsaved with the test.A) TrueB) False

Q11. The Information pane provides a list of............. in the test:A) Semantic errorsB) Syntax errorsC) Common errorsD) Logic errors

Q12. When we switch from Expert view to the Keyword view, QTPautomatically checks for syntax errors in the test and shows them in theinformation pane.A) TrueB) False

Q13. If the information pane is not open, QTP automatically opens it incase a syntax error is detected.A) TrueB) False

Q14. ..................... provides a list of the resources that arespecified in your test but cannot be found.A) Missing paneB) Missing Resources paneC) Resources paneD) Missing Items pane

Q15. Whenever you open a test or a function library, QTP automaticallychecks for the availability of specified resources.A) TrueB) False

Q16. The Data Table does not assists you in parameterizing your test.A) TrueB) False

Q17. Tabs in the Debug Viewer pane are:A) Watch, Variables, DebugB) Watch, Data, CommandC) Watch, Variables, CommandD) View, Variables, Command

Q18. ............... tab enables you to view the current value of anyvariable or VBScript expression.A) WatchB) VIewC) LocateD) Current

Q19. The .... tab displays the current value of all variables that havebeen recognized up to the last step performed in the run session.


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A) ViewB)VariablesC) LocateD) Current

Q20. The .........tab enables you to run a line of script to set ormodify the current value of a variable or VBScript object in your testor function library.A) ViewB) VariablesC) CommandD) Current

Q21. Panes in QTP can have one of the following states—docked or floating.A) TrueB) False

Q22. Which of the following statement is True:A) QuickTest enables you to open and work on one test at a timeB) QuickTest enables you to open and work on two tests at a timeC) QuickTest enables you to open and work on predefined number of testsat a timeD) QuickTest enables you to open and work on nine test at a time

Q23. Which of the following statement is True:A) You can open and work on two function libraries simultaneouslyB) You can open and work on multiple function libraries simultaneouslyC) You can open and work on nine function libraries simultaneouslyD) You can open and work on one function library at a time

Q24. You can open any function library, regardless of whether it isassociated with the currently open test.A) TrueB) False

Q25. You can work with multiple documents (test, component, orapplication area, function libraries) using the...... dialog boxA) PanesB) DisplayC) ShowD) Windows