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Page 1: Profile of Andrew Broere · WORK HISTORY 2016 Administration 2014 – current Elementary Principal at Schaumburg Christian School (IL): supervised 31 teachers, 15 teacher’s aides,




Page 2: Profile of Andrew Broere · WORK HISTORY 2016 Administration 2014 – current Elementary Principal at Schaumburg Christian School (IL): supervised 31 teachers, 15 teacher’s aides,


APRIL 2019

Dear Laura and the JobfitMatters Team, This letter is to introduce myself and let you know of my interest in becoming part of New

Life Academy in Woodbury, Minnesota. The enclosed resume and position papers will provide a glimpse of who I am. My abilities have been forged over 18 years of public and private education. I assure you I can successfully fulfill any obligations placed upon me by New Life Academy.

As I look back at my years of teaching, I am amazed at how God has led and shaped me

through the experiences and opportunities I've been granted. As a public school teacher for four years, I learned to creatively share my faith with my students, and to stand for the faith in front of my coworkers. The next ten years provided me with the environment to truly minister to children and their families on a daily basis, lead several to the Lord, and counsel other students to yield to God’s will in regard to their life’s work. My administrative experience in a large, diverse Christian School has provided much on-the-job training:

• Scheduling of approximately 600 students yearly, accounting for teacher and parent requests, accommodations, etc.

• Scheduling special classes (art, PE, music, STEM, foreign language, etc.) • Director of Assessment for two years • Proactive discipline measures • Facilitating special education services for underserviced students • Redesigning the school culture for staff • Creating a coaching model for informal observations and formal teacher evaluations

Christian education and administration are my calling. My youth has given me both optimism and energy, while my experience has given me the ability to contextualize and see the big picture. I have displayed a track record of growth and change, and I desire to be faithful in the performance of my obligations and commitments. I have the qualities and characteristics to lead teams, I support high-quality teaching and learning, and this work allows me to prepare and take schools to the next level. I would love to answer any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have. Thank you for your time.



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ANDREW BROERE Instructional Leader

M: 872.212.DREW

E: [email protected] 309 Pleasant Drive

Schaumburg, IL 60194


As an administrator, I will utilize the talents God has given me to support high-quality teaching and learning, preparing and taking schools to the next level.

PROFILEI provide support to the instructional process with specific responsibility for directing assigned programs and services at the preschool and elementary levels; provide information and serve as a resource to classroom teachers; supervise assigned staff; coordinate school activities; and address issues, situations and/or problems that arise on campus or with enrolled students.


Administration 2014 – current

Elementary Principal at Schaumburg Christian School (IL): supervised 31 teachers, 15 teacher’s aides, 20 childcare workers, and 600+ students; beginning a comprehensive review of teaching practices and classroom management skills; beginning the transition to a standards-based curriculum, a process to be completed by the 2021-22 school year; recruit, support, and evaluate teachers and staff

Dean of Students at Schaumburg Christian School (IL): supporting teachers through effective student discipline (4th – 12th grade); coordinate Student Council activities

Director of Assessment at Schaumburg Christian School (IL 2016-2018): led all aspects of the Iowa Assessment Series; facilitate program review efforts; facilitate the writing and submission of all documents; kept staff abreast of all changes

Fundraising Liason at Schaumburg Christian School (IL); coordinate the annual fundraiser with Boosterthon, Inc.; $25K raised each year

Day Camp Director 2014 – 2017

Director at Schaumburg Christian Day Camp (IL)

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Classroom Teacher 2000 – 2014

Oconomowoc High School (WI) 2000 – 2003 Connersville High School (IN) 2003 – 2004 Bible Baptist Christian School (GA) 2004 – 2014 • Designed and presented comprehensive lesson plans, which

incorporate KWL and scaffolding, ensuring each student is able to retain and understand the materials at hand

• Conducted small-group and individual classroom activities with students based on differentiated learning needs to ensure all students reach their full potential

• Communicated regularly with stakeholders concerning academic and SEL progress


Concordia University 2017 – 2019

Master of Educational Leadership (in process) leading to Illinois administrative certification; graduation in spring 2019

Maranatha Baptist University 1995 – 2000

Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics Education; Wisconsin Teaching Certification


’07, ’10, and ‘13 Professional Association of Georgia Educators – STAR Teacher

2014 American Association of Christian Schools

Teacher’s Licence (expires 2019) 2016 Illinois Teacher’s License (expires 2021) 2018 Teacher Evaluator (Danielson Model)

Certification (expires 2023) 2019 Illinois Principal’s License (expected)

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TESTIMONY I grew up, like many kids, in a religious home where my family attended church

services regularly. It was the type of church where the pastor preached and taught from the Bible. It was in this environment that I realized my position in God’s eternal plan. Through my own sin (Romans 3:23), as well as by birth (Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12), I was separated from God.

I was six years old in the summer of 1984, and I remember my pastor preaching on Hell. I don’t remember everything he said that night, but I do remember understanding that my sin had separated me from God (John 3:18). And if nothing was done to change the status of our relationship, I would spend eternity in Hell (Matthew 25:31 – 46).

I went home that night and was tucked into bed, as was my usual fashion. But I couldn’t sleep. I knew that I was not right with God, that my eternal destiny would be Hell. So I prayed. I told God I knew I was a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that I deserved Hell (Romans 6:23). I asked Him to be my Savior (John 3:16), to change the status of my relationship, and to help me obey Him (Ephesians 2:10).

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I was saved that night. I know Jesus saved me (John 1:12), and because of His love for me, I now want to live for Him (Romans 8:29).

The decision to follow Christ in all areas created the space to live a life of full-time ministry. Though I began my career as a public school teacher, I realized my talents, time, and treasure were best used in the ministry of a Christian school teacher.

Even today as I write this, I can see how God has weaved the story of my life, my career, to put me where I am today. Six years ago, I asked to create and manage an informal teacher induction program for the five new staff to our building. I did it because I knew the need was great and my principal did not have the time to serve these new staff. Shortly after, I became the unofficial “secondary teacher leader,” taking care of assemblies, chapels, bell schedule corrections, and the daily schedule.

Fast forward two years to my arrival here in Schaumburg: I had no administrative experience to my credit, yet the administrator took a chance on me to become the Dean of Students for 4th – 12th grade students. A year later, he took another

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chance and asked me to be the elementary principal, caring for students from K3 – 5th grade.

I now see the Lord has prepared me to lead in ways both small and great. I have learned from the incredible life experiences God laid out for me: dealing with the Department of Children and Family Services, managing a Room Mom Program, coordinating small fundraising efforts, managing student discipline for 9 grades, hiring and firing of staff, managing budgets, and so many more.

Applying to be the next Head of School at New Life Academy has been a desire of mine for the past three years, beginning with the announcement that Cade Lambert was leaving for Des Moines. Since that time, I have endeavored to grow my leadership potential through professional learning and personal growth. I believe God has uniquely gifted me to lead, prepare, and support a community of learners to grow and thrive by building relationships.

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MY EXPERIENCE IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION As a product of Christian education, I was not keen on returning as a career

choice; in fact, I told my pastor I would never teach in a Christian school. (Side note: that pastor saw through my childishness and hired my wife as a junior high teacher the next summer). For me, I saw and lived the life of a hypocrite, and I was good at it. I knew what my youth pastor and classroom teachers wanted to see, and I gave it to them. I knew how to skate the line between right and wrong, and stayed on the correct side most of the time.

Having now been “inside” Christian education for almost 15 years, I see myself in several of the students I serve. Though I serve at the elementary level, I am still able to come alongside students and encourage them in their Christian walk or attempt to lead them to Christ. During my time as a Day Camp Director, I was privileged to lead 40-50 student employees each summer. Though each of those students professed faith in Christ, I would engage and challenge these students/employees individually and in groups in order to mentor and disciple them throughout our time together.

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I believe in three defining marks for today’s Christian schools:

• Biblical Worldview - Beginning with the belief that the ultimate reason for man's existence is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, the Christian school must make much of God's Word and allow it to the foundational for all beliefs. A biblical worldview is the basis for knowing what God wants and living it out in daily life.

• Biblical Integration - Biblical integration is more than a verse at the top of the page, praying in class, or beginning the school day with a devotional thought from God's Word. Biblical integration is the weaving of subject matter and the nature and character of God.

• Biblical Epistemology - God invites us to know about His Creation, not just from the Bible (for Solomon searched for wisdom in a great many places). Students, likewise, have been given a curiosity from an early age to know about the world around them. Christian schools must be in the business of cultivating that curiosity and continually allowing students to ask, "Why?"

Having been a product of and a participant in Christian education, I would love to believe that its graduates would also qualify as a distinctive. However, students cannot be forced to believe or follow Christ and His teachings.

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PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY When asked what the definition of

ministry is, most people would begin by stating they know what it looks like rather than what it is. It is easy to point out who is involved in the ministry, how they are ministering, and even how not to minister. However, defining ministry is not a difficult task. Though Webster defines ministry as “the work or vocation of a minister of religion,” the concept has a deeper meaning, especially within the local church. Ministry is the act of meeting people where they are at and taking them to where God wants them to be.

Ministry Examples Jesus, as the master teacher, laid out a pattern for those who desired to do the

“work of the ministry” (Eph 4:12 ESV). In a time where social responsibilities primarily meant the practicing Jew would give alms to the poor, Jesus went a step beyond and met the demon-possessed (Mark 1:21-28), the lame (Matt 9:1-8), the blind (Mark 8:22-26), and the lepers (Matt 8:1-4) where they were and ministered to their needs. When social responsibility demanded charity towards one's neighbor, Jesus stepped out from the conventional mindset and through the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37), taught the biblical definition of neighbor: one who is in need, regardless of station or race. Finally, in a society where servants were looked down on, Jesus laid out His philosophy of ministry: “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others” (Mark 10:45 NLT).

Paul specifically discussed the work of the ministry with Titus (2:7-8). Here, he implores Titus to work with love towards others, to teach with integrity, and to walk with sincerity and seriousness. As Titus was to be an example to the believers, his work,

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his ministry, was to be so deliberate that no one would be able to criticize what he did or said.

Ministry Explained Meeting people Ministry must always be relational. While help can be given

without a relationship, the servant of God will find that projects and acts are not ministry. These are simply tools to in order to build a relationship with others.

Too often, Christians have the mentality that the world will come to the church. Christ never intended the church to become a spiritual rest home but a barracks and training ground for soldiers. While “lifestyle evangelism” has its faults (not presenting the Gospel but letting the Gospel shine through the believer), it nails the need for a relationship in which to communicate the love of Christ. Building a Gospel bridge should be the primary focus of an individual who employs a lifestyle of evangelism.

. . . taking them . . . If you notice in the picture, two arrows are drawn from “people” to “God.” This is done intentionally, as people need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement along the way, and most people, like the Ethiopian eunuch of Acts 8, need someone to guide them. Ministering means going the distance with the individual in need.

Pastor Jim Newcomer (Calvary Baptist, Ypsilanti, MI) spoke several years ago at The Wilds Christian Camp regarding this topic. His messages were typified by the phrase getting in the chair. Newcomer asserted that ministry demanded one to be willing and able to sit in the same situation as the one being ministered to. I believe Paul would propose a similar analogy when he tells those who are spiritual to “bear the failings” of others (Rom 15:1 NIV). Ministry is a partnership as much as it is a journey.

. . . where God wants them to be. Following Jesus is not about personal wants, desires, or preferences. Jesus would not finish the definition with “where they want themselves to be.” The goal of ministry is to bring a person to where they can stand on their own and begin the process of ministry with others.

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Ministry Examined As an elementary principal at Schaumburg Christian School, I attempt to

minister to students, faculty, staff, and parents on a daily basis. Through daily contact and communication, I identify individuals to begin the work of the ministry. I can encourage the individual to continue what God has performed in their life (Col 2:6) or gain a fuller perspective of the Gospel (Acts 8:30-31). As I have opportunity, I endeavor to encourage, pray for and with, and guide that individual to be what God wants them to be.

In years past, I was a soccer and basketball coach. The front seat of the bus during road trips became my counseling office, the practice field/court became the proving ground, and the games themselves often showed the results. Wins were a side benefit of working together as a team. Even greater victories were won in the hearts of the players as they yielded to God and gained victory in areas of anger, bitterness, selfishness, and mistrust (I Cor 9:27).

As a Day Camp director, it was my privilege to employ a number of high school students on a daily basis. Both my wife and I were involved in helping these young men and women as they took charge of campers, some, for the first time. From in-service to staff meetings to informal situations, we were able to share the vision and burden of the camp: to produce boys and girls who loved God and knew Him as Savior. The fruit of this encouragement and mentoring came in the form of vibrant cabin chapel sessions and one-on-one counseling sessions, all led by high school students.

As I have grown and matured, I believe God has molded me through experience and the ministry of others in my life. I have slowly grown to realize the work of the ministry is not to be performed solely by the pastoral staff or even the leaders of the church. In fact, their mission is to multiply themselves in the lives of the congregation so that the overall ministry may be more effective. D. L. Moody’s life motto was, “It is better to put ten men to work than to do the work of ten men.” So too must the followers of Christ be ready to do the work of the Lord (I Cor 15:58).

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Finally, I will always desire to be in a place where God can use me and my family to come alongside and minister to others. Ministry is never done in isolation, and we desire to serve others just as individuals and families have lifted me and my family.

All verses are taken from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted.

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PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Percy B. Crawford, evangelist of the early 20th century and leader of a

conservative revolt against modernist theory at Princeton University, spoke the following at the September 25, 1929 opening ceremonies of Westminster Theological Seminary: “Our new institution is devoted to an unpopular cause; it is devoted to the service of One who is despised and rejected by the world and increasingly belittled by the visible church” (Crawford, 2010, p. 82). The Christian school movement of today must be driven by a similar purpose. Within the operation of each school must be educators whose philosophies are also in line with the aims of the school.

A philosophy is only as solid as the foundation it stands on. For the Christian educator, the Word of God becomes our source of truth, not the “enticing words of man’s wisdom” (I Cor 2:4 KJV). The nature of that truth comes to us in the form of the trinity: God the Father (Psalm 146:6), God the Son (John 14:6), and God the Holy Spirit (John 14:17) (Morris, 1977). Biblically, all truth must be God’s truth (John 17:17, II Cor 13:8) for He is the only source of truth (John 14:6). Anything that is a distortion or dilution of that which is real, true, and good is untruth and is only beneficial to point out to students that which is true or incorrect character.

Man was created in a perfect state (Gen 1:26, 31), having a perfect knowledge of God (Rom 1:20), and as such, had perfect fellowship with Him. But because of Adam’s choice to disobey the clear command of God (Gen 2:16 – 17), the image of God was marred in him. His body was put under the Curse (Gal 3:10), his knowledge of God became limited (I Cor 8:2, 13:9), and he was put at odds with his Creator (Rom 8:7). Since Adam then, all men are sinners by birth (Rom 5:12, 18) and are sinners by choice (Ps 14:1 – 3). Mankind’s greatest need is a right relationship with God (Acts 4:12), and it is through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that man can have his sins expunged (John 1:29). There is no work or act that can justify God’s love towards us (Eph 2:8 – 9, Col 1:21), yet His love redeemed us, not in our sins, but from our sins (Rom 5:8).

The purpose of Christian education is more than just the schooling of children; America is replete with excellent academic institutions! However, God’s plan is that each believer would transmit the knowledge of God from one generation to the next (Morris, 1977). One of Crawford’s major reasons for Christian scholarship is that it is

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necessary for evangelism (Machen, 1995). The Puritans and Pilgrims of the 1600s had a similar philosophy: everyone should be taught from early childhood to read and understand the Bible (Fisk, 1889). The colonists were passionate about bringing their children up “in the discipline and training of the Lord” (Eph 6:4 ESV). Likewise, today’s society needs effective Christian young people educated in a worldview where God comes first in everything (Col 1:18). The effective Christian school today must be about the business of convincing the student of his personal need of Jesus Christ, and to nurture, admonish, and encourage the student to live in accordance with the Word of God (Rom 12).

The desire for every Christian school student (and every Christian student) should be Christ-likeness (Luke 6:40). The student must learn what his place is in God’s plan. Christian schools are necessary in order to drive students away from a life of anti-Christian thought (Machen, 1995), and become imitators of God (Eph 5:1). The Bible places no limitations on what characteristic or attribute of God is to be emulated: we must be as holy as He is (I Pet 1:15 – 16). In developing this Christ-likeness, the Christian school will refine the God-given talents within each student and spur them on to godly action.

The methods used in the Christian school may not necessarily be different from its public school counterparts but will not be used if they are contrary to Scripture. As Christian educators, we must use methods appropriate to the student’s ability levels (I Cor 3:1 – 2) and to the subject matter at hand. These methods must be powerful and lend effectiveness to reaching the educational objectives, but also must point to Christ, who is the Master Teacher. He used techniques ranging from individual attention to small groups to large lectures. Christ also used object lessons, illustrative stories, historical references, debate, and many other means of communication.

As an extension of the local church, the Christian school must minister to both student and family. Its purpose, like that of the Holy Spirit, is to come alongside families in the effort to train the next generation for service to God and regain the image of God in their children. Not only would students be taught to know God, but they will also be led to imitate God. Though the school will instruct the student in many subjects, its singular desire is “godliness of character and action” (Horton, 1992, p. 4). Through its various activities, the school will endeavor to point each child to Christ in every way

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possible. No subject is to be taught, no sport is to be coached, no art is to be created outside of the Creation Mandate: dominion over the earth (Gen 1:26, 28).

Students and graduates of Christian schools ought to be welcomed in today’s society, as they will have a greater appreciation for hard work, honesty, integrity, and many other values. The Christian school student will have been taught that work is a gift from God to provide an honest living, that shading the truth is sin, and that whatever is done must be to the glory of God. Society will see those individuals as salt (Matt 5:13), diffusing God’s love, mercy, and justice far and wide, and as light (Matt 5:14), illuminating their surroundings with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The opportunity to be involved in Christian education is as bright as the promises of God. Its premise is built on a solid foundation, Jesus Christ (I Cor 3:10 – 11), its purpose is to assist in training the next generation of godly servants, its process is the imitation of the Master Teacher, and its place is beside the parents, assisting the home and the church as part of a three-legged stool supporting the student. The key to Christian education is in its balance, for the student needs a rigorous academic environment, but the needs of the soul are of eternal value. A proper Christian philosophy of education will successfully guide the educator in this pursuit.

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Crawford, D. (2010). A Thirst for Souls: The Life of Evangelist Percy B. Crawford (1902

- 1960). Susquehanna, PA: Susquehanna University Press.

Fisk, J. (1889). The Beginnings of New England, 11th Ed. Cambridge, MA: Riverside.

Horton, R. A. (1992). Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission. Greenville, South

Carolina: Bob Jones University Press.

Machen, J. G. (1995). Education, Christianity, and the State. Hobbs, New Mexico: The

Trinity Foundation.

Morris, H. M. (1977). Christian Education for the Real World. Green Forest, Arkansas:

Master Books.

All verses are taken from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted.

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WHAT I AM INFLUENCED BY BOOKS The Coach Approach to School Leadership: Leading Teachers to Higher Levels of

Effectiveness (2017) by Jessica Johnson, Shira Leibowitz, and Kathy Perret

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea (2012) by John David

Mann and Bob Burg

The Go-Giver Leader: A Little Story About What Matters Most in Business (2016) by

John David Mann and Bob Burg

The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues

(2016) by Patrick Lencioni

Kids Deserve It! (2016) by Todd Nesloney and Adam Welcome

Servant Leadership in Action: How You Can Achieve Great Relationships and Results

(2018) by Kenneth Blanchard and Renee Broadwell

What Great Principals Do Differently: 18 Things That Matter Most (2011) by Todd


PODCASTS Better Leaders, Better Schools by Daniel Bauer

Creating Disney Magic by Lee Cockerell

Lead to Win by Michael Hyatt

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast by Andy Stanley

The EntreLeadership Podcast by Ramsey Solutions

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LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENTS Strengths-Finder 2.0 Assessment in July 2016:

Communication - You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write. This is your Communication theme at work.

Belief - If you possess a strong Belief theme, you have certain core values that are enduring. These values vary from one person to another, but ordinarily your Belief theme causes you to be family-oriented, altruistic, even spiritual, and to value responsibility and high ethics -- both in yourself and others.

Learner - You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. The thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite or practice what you have learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered -- this is the process that entices you.

Significance - You want to be very significant in the eyes of other people. In the truest sense of the word you want to be recognized. You want to be heard. You want to stand out. You want to be known. In particular, you want to be known and appreciated for the unique strengths you bring.

Restorative - You love to solve problems. Whereas some are dismayed when they encounter yet another breakdown, you can be energized by it. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution.


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DISC Profile, January 2017: High I

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DISC Profile: Administrator Version, April 2017: High D Andrew displays a high energy factor and is optimistic about the results he

can achieve. He will work hard at achieving his goals. He loves to win and hates to lose. He wants to be viewed as self-reliant; willing to pay the price for success. Most people see him as a high risk taker. Andrew likes to be forceful and direct when dealing with others. Some may view him as being stubborn and opinionated. He views it as the price you must pay for success. He is an aggressive administrator who wins through hard work and persistence, that is, he will come up with a good idea and follow through. He is often considered daring, bold, and gutsy. He is a risk taker who likes to be seen as an individualist. Andrew has very high ego strengths and may be viewed by some as egotistical. He may lose interest in a project once the challenge ceases. He seeks his own solutions to problems. He appreciates others who are team players and will reward teachers who are loyal.

Andrew likes to make decisions quickly. Logic and people who have the facts and data to support this logic influence him. He prefers authority equal to his responsibility. Many people see his decisions as high-risk decisions. Andrew is very decisive and prefers to work for a decisive administrator. Sometimes he may be so opinionated about a particular problem that he has difficulty letting others participate in the process. Sometimes he becomes emotionally involved in the decision-making process. He is a good problem solver and trouble shooter, always seeking new ways to solve old problems.

Andrew likes people who give him options as compared to their opinions. His creative and active mind may hinder his ability to communicate to others effectively, that is, he may present the information in a form that cannot be easily understood by some faculty. He may lose interest in what others are saying if they ramble or don't speak to the point. He may lack the patience to listen and communicate with slower acting people. Andrew may display a lack of empathy for others who cannot achieve his standards. He could improve his communication with others by being more flexible and showing a sincere interest in what they are saying. He likes people who present their case effectively. He may sometimes mask his feelings in friendly terms.

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Name Phone Number/ Email Current Position Relationship

Alan Benson

864.242.5100 [email protected]

Vice President for Student Development and Discipleship, Bob Jones University

Former Pastor & President of Schaumburg Christian

Loren Regier

770.947.4700 [email protected]

Senior Pastor Bible Baptist Church, Hampton, GA

Former Supervisor & President of Bible Baptist Christian

Tracy Fleming

770.530.6101 [email protected]

Owner/Operator Chick-fil-A at Lovejoy Station

School Board Member of Bible Baptist Christian

Michael Davis

678.822.1621 [email protected]

Self-Employed in the IT Field

Parent of students I’ve taught (Bible Baptist Christian)

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November 27, 2018 Bible Baptist Church 2780 Mount Carmel Road Hampton, GA 30228

To Whom It May Concern, It was my privilege to serve as Andrew’s pastor for several months before he decided to take a position in Illinois. His departure was on good terms as he saw opportunities to advance his career and develop his skills in the context of new challenges and expanded leadership roles. He had served faithfully here at our school for 10 years and I would say, without hesitation, this is a top-notch candidate who is qualified to lead, to manage, and is not afraid to serve. While under our employ at Bible Baptist Church of Hampton, GA, he served as a math teacher, among other roles, and demonstrated a high degree of competency in all we asked and demonstrated a great spirit of care for those he taught. His response to those over him was compliant and courteous and the response to him by those in his classes was respectful. His spirit is steady, pleasing, cheerful and he is not given to moodiness or inconsistency. He bears burdens well and is timely in his tasks. He worked well within the framework of our educational team and his personal and family life strengthened his overall impact and influence upon our ministry. We were sad to see him go and valued the many years of his investment here. I commend him without reservation. Sincerely,

Pastor Loren Regier Senior Pastor Bible Baptist Church Hampton, GA

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