prefixes, roots, & suffixes

Prefixes, Roots, & Suffixes

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Prefixes, Roots, & Suffixes . Prefixes, Roots, & Suffixes. Most words used in the English language today were not originally English. These words were borrowed (taken) from other languages. The majority of English words have Latin or Greek origins. . Prefixes, Roots, & Suffixes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Prefixes & Roots

Prefixes, Roots, & Suffixes 1Prefixes, Roots, & SuffixesMost words used in the English language today were not originally English. These words were borrowed (taken) from other languages. The majority of English words have Latin or Greek origins. 2Prefixes, Roots, & SuffixesPrefix: word element that is placed in front of a root; it changes the word's meaning or makes a new word. Root: the part of a word that contains the basic meaning (definition) of the word; is the base element of a wordSuffix: word element that is placed behind a root; it can add information or change the meaning or part of speech

3Why is this important?Helps build vocabularyEnhances the ability to comprehend course readings and learn new terminologyImproves educated guesses about unknown words while reading or test taking

4What to do on your paperIf the word is a prefix, put a dash AFTER the word partPre-If the word is a root, put a dash BEFORE and AFTER the word part-Cede-If the word is a suffix, put a dash BEFORE the word part-Ness5Re-Again, back, backwardExamplesRebound- to spring back again, recoverRebuild- to build againRewind- to wind something backward

6Retro-Backward, back

ExamplesRetroactive relating to something in the pastRetrospect the remembering of past events


Anti-Against, opposite ofExamplesAntibody- a substance that destroys bacteriaAntiseptic- a substance that prevents infectionAntislavery- against slavery

8De-Reduce down, removeExamplesDebase- to reduce something in value or qualityDecelerate- to slow down; to reduce speedDethrone- to remove from power

9Dis-Do the opposite, exclude, absence of, notExamplesDisagree- to have a different opinionDisappear- to stop being seenDisassemble- to undo something thats assembled

10Un-Not, opposite of, lackingExamplesUnabridged- not shortened; full lengthUnfair- opposite of fair, just, and impartialUnfriendly- lacking friendliness; hostile

11Non-No, not, without

ExamplesNonfiction true, real, not made upNonsense without senseThis is a non-smoking area.

12-Fug-Flee, run away, escapeExampleFugitive- a person who is running awayRefuge-a sheltered place to flee toRefugee- a person seeking protection


-Numer-NumberExamplesNumerous a large numberNumerology the study of magical uses of numbers

14Numbers1Mono- or uni-2bi- or di- 3Tri-4Quad- or tetra-5pent- or quint-15

ExamplesPlane with one wing on each side

One wheel


ExamplesTwo wheelsBicycle17ExamplesFrom Physics something that has two poles

Two vowel sounds joined together to make one sound. Ex: Book, Boat, ToyDipoleDiphthong

18ExamplesThree angles

A cycle with threewheels.TriangleTricycle



20ExamplesAll the shapes in Tetris are made of four blocks.Tetris

drkaayladaniel.com22Numbers678910Hex-/Sex-Hept-/Sept-Octa-/Octo-Novem-/ennea-/nona-Deca- 23ExamplesSeptuagenarianSomeone who is at least 70 years old.Hexagon



EnneagramNine different personality types period of ten yearsDecathlonTen different events


HundredThousand(th)ThousandMillionBillion27ExamplesCenturyMillimeterKilometerMegatonGigabyte100 yearsOne thousandth of a meter1000 metersOne million tonsOne billion bytes

28NumbersMulti Many, more than one or twoMultitaskDoing more than one task at a time

Poly-Many, more than onePolygonA shape with many sides


Octagon shape with eight angles

Diagonal a slanting line (on an angle)


Diameter a measure of half a circle

Gravimeter an instrument that measures gravity

Metric system a system of measurement

31Equi-Equal, equally

Equivalent equal in value, meaning, effect, etc.

Equidistant an equal distance from two points.

32Circum-Around, about

Circumnavigate to sail around

Circumspect looking around, cautious



Anniversary a date observed once a year

Annual happening once a year

Millennium 1,000 years

34-Cycl-Circle, ring

Bicycle a vehicle with two wheels

Cycle a sequence that is repeated

Cyclone a storm with circling winds

35Mal- & Bene-Mal-Bad, badly, or inadequateExamples: malicious, malign, malfunction Bene-Good or wellExamples: Benefactor, beneficial, benefit.

36 -Ami- and -Belli--Ami-LoveExample: amiable, amity, amorous -Belli-War Examples: antebellum, bellicose, belligerent

37Contra-/Contro-/Counter-Against, contrary, opposite, opposing

Contradict to argue against

Controversy disagreement

Counteroffensive attack against an attack


Pan-All, of everythingCooperation or unity of all membersPan-American belongs to all AmericansPangaea- all continents were squashed together39Omni- All

Omnipotent with all the power/all-knowing

Omnivore one who eats all foods


Auto - SelfAutobiography written by the subject of the bookAutograph written by the person him/herself41-ar/-ard/-arian/-ant A person who does an actionBeggar, burglarWizardVeterinarian, librarianServant, applicant

42-Er/-OrA person who does an action

Teacher, announcerInventor, translator

43-IstA person who does an action


44Inter -, between, among

Intra -, within

Intramural sport played within the school Interact

45Intro- Into, inward

Introduce to lead into the main part of something

Introvert a shy person who keeps to himself

46-Cede-/-Ceed-To relinquish, abandon, transfer, surrender, give upRecede, concedeExceed go beyond limits


Accept - to take a thing that is offered

Perceive to take notice of something

48Sub-under, lowExamples Submarine- under waterSubway- a path or way to move under groundSubliminal- below the level of consciousness

49Super-over, above, beyondExamplesSuperb-splendid; excellent; beyond the expectedSuperintendent-a person with the highest powerSuperior- above average in quality; excellent

50Ultra-Beyond, extreme, more than

Ultrahigh extremely high

Ultramodern more modern than anything else

51Extra-Outside, beyondExamplesExtracurricular- outside the school curriculumExtraordinary- beyond ordinaryExtraterrestrial- outside the Earth

52-FulFull ofExamplesCheerful- full of cheerHelpful- full of helpThankful- full of thanks

53-OusFull ofExamplesHazardous- full of dangersHumorous- full of humorWondrous full of wonders


-Act-To do

Activity something that a person does

Reaction something that happens in response to something else

55-Phob- abnormal fear ofExampleClaustrophobic- fear of confined spacesAcousticophobia - fear of noise

56-Mania-Madness, insanity

Bibliomania a crazy love of books

Maniac an insane person


-Phil-Having an attraction to

Bibliophile someone who loves books

Thermophilia love of high temperatures

Hydrophilic attraction to water58-WardShows specified directionExampleBackward- in the opposite direction Eastward- toward the eastHomeward- in the direction of home

59Pre-Earlier, before, in front ofExamplesPreamble- a part in front of a formal documentPrepare- to get ready in advancePrepay- to pay ahead of time

60Ante-Before, in front

Antecedent a word that comes before a pronoun to make it clear what the pronoun is referring to

Anteroom a small room before the main room

Antebellum something that existed before a war

61Fore-In front of, previous, earlier

Forebode to give an advance warning of something bad

Forearm the part of the arm before the elbow

62Post-After, later, behind ExamplesPostpone- to delay something until laterPostscript- a message at the end of a letterPosthumous- happening after someones death

63Pro-for, on the side of ExamplesProlifeProchoiceProponent

64-Ject-throw ExamplesEject- to throw someone outInterject- to throw a remark into a discussionProject- to cast or throw something


-Gram-Letter, writtenExampleGrammar- rules of how to write words in sentencesTelegram- a message sent by telegraphDiagram- a simple drawing



Autograph- a persons hand written signatureStenography- writing in short handTelegraph- long-distance writing by electrical codes


Scribe a person who writes out documents

Transcribe to write an exact copy of something

Transcript a written document showing grades

68-Dict-SpeakExamplesContradict- to speak against someones statementDiction- clarity of speakingPredict- say in advance what is going to happen

69Ambi-BothExamplesAmbiguous- having more than one meaning Ambivalence- conflicting or opposite feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person or thingAmbidextrous- able to use both hands equally well

70-Claim-/-Clam-To shout or speak out

Clamor to shout and make noise

Proclaim to announce something publicly

Exclaim to cry out loudly and suddenly

71Hemi-/Semi-Half, partialExamplesSemicircle- a semicircular structureHemisphere- one half the earthHemistich- half a line of poetrySemiannual every half year

72Ir-/il-/in-/im-not, withoutExamplesIllegal- not legalImpossible- not possibleInappropriate- not appropriateIrrelevant not relevant

73Tele-Far, distantExamplesTelephone- a device to talk to a distant personTelescope- a device to view distant objectsTelevision- a device to receive pictures from afar


Microscope a device used to see tiny things

Telescope a device used to see distances


Circumnavigate to sail around a place

Naval relating to navy or warships


Clarification an explanation to make clear

Declare to state something clearly

77Trans-Across, beyond, throughExamplesTranscontinental- across the continentTransfer- to move from one place to anotherTransport- to carry something across a space

78-Fer-Bear, bring, carryExamplesConfer- to bring an honor to someoneFerry- a boat that carries passengersTransfer- to move to another place

79-Luc-LightExamplesElucidate- to explain; to throw light onLucid- easily understood; giving off lightTranslucent- allowing light through


-Scend-Climb, goExamplesAscend- to climb upwardCrescendo- a climbing up of the volume of musicDescend- to go or climb down

81-Port-CarryExamplesExport- to carry goods out of placePortable- able to be carriedPorter- a person who carries luggage

82Ex-From, out, out of, away fromExamplesExcavate- to dig outExhale- to breathe outExtract- to draw or pull out


Aquarium a container with water for fish

Aqueduct a pipe for moving water

84-Aer-/-Aero-AirExamplesAerate- to let air reach somethingAerial- relating to the airAerospace- air and space

85-Terr-Land, earthExamplesExtraterrestrial- existing outside the earthTerrain- ground or landTerritory- an area of land


Geo-Earth, soil, global

Geography study of the earths surface

Geology study of the structure of the earth87Bio-Life, living matter

Biography a life story written by another person

Biology the science that deals with life

88A-OnExamplesAfire- on fireAshore- on the shoreAside- on the side


Ab-/Abs-From away, offExamplesAbduct- carry away by forceAbnormal- away from normal, not normalAbsent- away, not present90With, together, jointExamplesCoauthor- writer who writes with another authorCoeducation- the education of males and females togetherConcur- t0 agree with someone


91-Sol- Alone

Desolate lonely, dismal, gloomy

Solitary done alone, by yourself

Solo a performance done by one person alone

92Mis-Bad, badly, wrong, wronglyExamplesMisbehave- to behave badlyMisprint- an error in printingMisquote- to quote wrongly

93Ob-In the way, against

Object to be against something

Obstruction something that is in the way

94-Struct-BuildExampleConstruct- to buildDestruction- the act of destroying something that was builtStructure- something built

95-Tact-/-Tang-TouchExamplesContact- a state in which two things touchTactile- relating to the sense of touchTangible something you can touch

96Arch-Chief, most importantExamplesArchbishop- the highest ranking bishopArchduke- nobleman with high rank, like a princeArchenemy- chief or worst enemy

97Vice-Acting in place of, next in rank

Vice president the person next in rank to the president

Viceroy a governor who acts for a king or queen

98MotherExampleMatriarch- a female head of a householdFatherExamplePatriarch- a male head of a householdMatri-


99-CideCut, killExamplesHomicide- murderInsecticide- a chemical used to kill insects

100-Mort-DeathExamplesImmortal- living forever; unable to dieMortal- certain to dieMortician- an undertaker

101-Corp-BodyExamplesCorporation- a company recognized by law as a single bodyCorpse- a dead body

102-Miss-/-Mit-SendExamplesDismiss- to send someone awayMissile- a weapon sent into the airTransmission- something sent by satellite, wire, radio waves, etc.Commit to send yourself

103-Mob-/-Mot-/-Mov-/-Migr-MoveExamplesImmobilize- to stop from movingMobile- able to move freelyMotion- the act of movingMotivate- to move someone to actionMovie- rapidly projected pictures that moveRemove- to move away from a placeMigrant someone who moves from place to place



Temporal relating to time

Contemporary existing at the same time105-Chron-TimeExamplesChronic- lasting for a long timeChronological- arrangement of events in time orderSynchronize- happen at the same time

106-Path-Feeling, emotionExamplesAntipathy- a feeling of great angerApathy- a lack of feeling or interestEmpathy- ability to understand anothers feelings

107Primitive, ancientExamplesArchaic- belonging to an earlier periodArchaeology the scientific study of ancient culturesArchive a collection of historical materials


108Hearing, auditory, soundExamplesTelephone a device used to hear over long distancesPhonograph a device used to record sound-Phone-



Binoculars 2-lens device for seeing distances

Oculist an eye doctor

Optical relating to sight

Optician a person to fits eyeglasses110-Photo-Light

Photograph image made on light-sensitive film

Photon the smallest possible unit of light


Vision the ability to see

Vista a big, wide view

Evident clearly seen

112-Spec-See, look

Spectacles something one wears to see better

Circumspect cautious, looking all around

Retrospective a looking back at past events


Vocalize to produce with your voice

Advocate to speak in favor of

Evoke to bring something to mind


Audible loud enough to be heard

Audience people who hear and see a program

Audiovisual relating to sound and vision


Consonant a speech sound

Supersonic faster than sound



Pedicure something done to the feet

Tripod a stand or frame with three legs

Podiatrist a foot doctor117-Somn-Sleep

Insomnia inability to fall asleep

Somnolent feeling sleepy


Amble to walk in a slow, relaxed way

Ambulatory able to walk



Cardiologist a heart doctor

Cardiac relating to the heart120-Dent-Tooth

Dental relating to the teeth

Dentist a doctor trained to treat teeth


-Phys-Nature, medicine, the body

Physical relating to the body

Physician a doctor

Physique nature, shape, and size of ones body


Thermostat a device that controls the heat

Thermos an insulated jar that keeps heat in or out

123-Anim-Life, spirit

Animal a living organism

Animate to make alive

Inanimate not alive or active

124-Psych-Mind, soul

Psyche the human spirit or soul

Psychology the study of the mind

125-Gen-Birth, race

Genealogy the study of the history of a family

Generation all the people born at approximately the same time


Innate inborn, native, natural

Natal relating to birth

Natural received at birth



Maneuver to move with the hand

Manual done with the hands

Manuscript a book written by hand128-San-Health

Sane mentally healthy

Sanitary relating to cleanliness and health

Sanitation maintenance of public health


Toxic poisonous

Detoxification the process of removing poisons


Conscience sense of knowing right from wrong

Conscious knowing what is happening

Omniscient knowing everything


Philosopher a wise person who explains about life

Sophisticated wise about the ways of the world

132-AstroStar, stars, outerspace

Astronaut a person trained to travel in space

Astronomer someone who studies the stars



Constellation a group of stars that form a pattern

Stellar relating to stars134-Cosm-Universe

Cosmos the universe

Microcosm a miniature universe


Lunar relating to the moon

Lunatic insane (as if driven mad by the moon)



Solar relating to the sun

Solstice when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point137Study of, science ofExamplesAnthropology- the study of human kindArchaeology- the study of past culturesBiology- the study of all forms of life-ology

138GiveExamplesDonation- a contribution or giftDonor-someone who gives somethingPardon- to give forgiveness for an offense


139-Tract-Pull, drag

Attract to pull objects nearer

Tractor a motor vehicle that pulls things

140breakExampleFracture- a break in a boneFragment broken into pieces-Fract-/-frag-

141-Flect-To bend

Deflect to bend or change course because of hitting something

Inflection a bending in the voices tone or pitch


Bankrupt unable to pay because youre broke

Interrupt to break in, to disturb

Rupture a break in something

143MasterExamplesDominate- to be the master ofDomineering- excessively controllingPredominate- to have more power than others


144KnowExamplesCognizant- having knowledgeIncognito- disguised so no one knows youRecognize- to know a thing, person, etc-cogn-

145-Ion/-Ing/-IzationAction or processExamplesCelebration- the act of celebratingCompletion- the act of completingDancing the act of taking part in a danceSeeing- the act of looking at somethingColonization establishing a colonyModernization making more modern

146-Ade/-Age/-AtionAct, action, or process

Blockade an action to block people or goodsPromenade leisurely strolling in publicPassage the act of going place to placeVoyage a journey to a distant placeCreation the act of causing something to existNarration the process of telling a story

147-Er/-Ment/-UreAction, condition, or process

Ponder to think carefullyStutter to say something haltinglyMovement the act of movingShipment the process of shipping somethingClosure the action of endingFailure the action of failing

148PlaceExamplesLocomotion moving from place to placeLocate to find the placeDislocated moved away from its place-Loc-/-loco-


-OryA place for

Armory where weapons are stored

Dormitory a college building where people sleep

Laboratory a place where scientific work is done

150BelieveExamplesCredence- belief that something is true or validCredulous- believing things too easily; gullibleIncredible- unbelievable-cred-

151SureExamplesAscertain- to find out something with certaintyCertain- being absolutely sureCertify-to state that something is true


152Able to beExamplesExcitable- able to be easily excitedPortable- able to be carriedPreventable- able to be prevented

-Able/-ible153SeaExamplesMarina- a harbor for pleasure boatsMaritime- relating to the seaSubmarine- an undersea boat-mar-

154Small, lessExamplesMini- something that is very smallMinuscule- extremely tinyMinutiae- very small or trivial details-min-

155-Max-/-Opt-Greatest, best

Maximal the best or greatest possible

Maximum the greatest amount

Optimal the best, most desirable

Optimize make the best of

156Magni-/Mega-Great, large, huge

Magnify to make appear larger

Magnificent grand, impressive

Megaphone a device that projects a loud voice

Megastructure huge building or other structure

157Micro-Very small, short, minute

Microbe a very small living thing

Microscope a device to see very small things


Midway halfway between

Midterm middle of a term in school

159Hyper-Too much, over, above

Hyperactive very restless

Hypertension pressure above normal


Braver more braveCooler more cool-EstMost

Bravest most braveCoolest most cool


Fearless without fear

Hopeless without hope

162NewExamplesInnovate- to introduce a new wayNovelty- something newNovice- a person who is new at a job-nov-

163PeopleExamplesPopular- appealing to a lot of peoplePopulation- all of the people who live in a placePopulist- a supporter of the rights of people-pop-

164Guide, rule

ExamplesRegent- a person who rules on behalf of a king or queenRegime- a government that rules-reg-

165HighestExamplesSum- the combined total of everything; the limitSummation- the total, highest amountSummit- the highest point or top-Sum-

166TruthExamplesVeracious- truthful, honestVeracity- the truthVerify- to prove that something is true-ver-

167State, condition, or qualityExamplesChildhood- the state of being a childMotherhood- the state of being a motherSainthood- the condition of being a saint-hood


State or quality of, condition, actionExamplesAnnoyance- the state of being annoyedBrilliance- the quality of being brilliantDefiance- the act of defying; bold resistanceAbsence- the state of being awayDependence- the action of dependingNegligence- the condition of being careless

-Ance/-ence169State or quality ofExamplesAffectionate- the quality of showing affectionDesolate- the state of being deserted, uninhabitedObstinate- the quality of being stubborn, inflexible


170State, condition or qualityExamplesBelligerency- the state of being at warEfficiency- quality of being efficient and capablePrivacy- condition of being private and secluded-Cy/-ty

171Condition of, quality ofExamplesBoredom- the state of being boredFreedom- the state of living and acting freelyStardom- the condition of being a star-dom

172State, condition, or qualityExamplesAbnormality- the condition of not being normalCivility- the quality of politenessNecessity- the condition of being necessary-ity173Doctrine, system, manner, condition, act and characteristicExamplesExorcism the act of driving out an evil spiritPlagiarism the act of copying someone elses workCatholicism a religious system of beliefs


174-State or quality (makes a noun)ExamplesKindness- the state of being kindShyness- the condition of being shyWeakness- the condition of being weak-ness

175State or condition of; skill ofExamplesAuthorship- the skill of being an authorCitizenship- the condition of being a citizenFriendship- the state of being a friend-ship

176State or qualityExamplesAttention- the state of mentally focusingCaution- the state of taking care to avoid riskFascination- the state of being very interested Confusion the state of being confusedDepression- the state of hopelessnessTension- the state of being anxious, nervous, edgy-tion/-sion

177-Ern/-th/-uousState or quality of

Eastern the state of being east of a place

Depth the quality of being deep

Virtuous the quality of having moral goodness

178-Ate/-Ed/-D/-En/-FyAll are used to make words become verbs

Activate to make something activeCalled did callEnsured did ensureStrengthen to make strongerAmplify to make larger or louder

179-IzeTo cause to become

Antagonize to cause a person to become angry

Authorize to give someone power or authority


Used to make words into adjectives

Creative inclined to create thingsAthletic relating to athletes-Ily/-Ly

Used to make words into adverbs

Sloppily in a sloppy mannerQuickly in a speedy manner


Gratify to please someone

Ingrate a person who doesnt say thank you


Judgment a decision of a court or law

Judicial having to do with judges or courts of law


Urban relating to a city

Suburb residential area on the edge of a city


Metropolis a large city

Politics actions of a government or political party


Monotheism belief in one god

Theology the study of religion, god, etc.



Evacuate to empty a dangerous place

Vacant empty, not occupied

Vacation a time empty of work187


Bibliography a list of books used as sources

Bibliomania an extreme love of books188Hetero-Homo-Different, other

Heterogeneous made up of unrelated parts

Heteronyms words with the same spelling but different meaningsLike, alike, same

Homogenous of the same nature or kind

Homophones words with the same sound but different spellings


Hydro-/Hydr-Water , liquid, moisture

Hydrate to add water to

Hydrophobia intense fear of water

190-Ant/-Ent/-IveInclined to, tending to

Defiant tending to disobey

Competent inclined to be able to the job

Attractive inclined to attract

191-Ery/-ry/-yTrade, job, activity

Archery the activity of shooting arrows with a bow

Dentistry the job of caring for peoples teeth

Robbery the act of stealing from somebody

192-Al/-an/-ian/-ar/-aryRelating to, belonging to

Bacterial relating to bacteriaAmerican belonging to AmericaItalian belonging to ItalySolar relating to the sunLiterary relating to literature

193-EseRelating to a place

Chinese relating to China

Japanese relating to Japan

194Of or relating to, characterized by, capable of-Ic/-ical-Ile/-ine/-ishAnalytical relating to analysis

Comic relating to or marked by comedyDocile capable of being quiet and easily taught

Canine relating to dogs

Childish like a child, immature, silly

195Of or relating to, resembling, characterized by-Like/-some-Ular/-yChildlike characteristic of a child

Awesome tending to cause awe or amazementCellular relating to living cells

Brainy characterized by intelligence


Narrate tell a story

Narrative a story

Narrator a person who tells a story


Incline a surface that slopes or leans

Recline lean back and relax


Aristocrat a member of the ruling class

Theocracy government ruled by a god or priests


Conduct to lead musicians in playing music

Aqueduct a system of pipes that leads water to a specific place

Educate to lead to knowledge

200-Funct-Perform, work

Defunct no longer working or alive

Malfunction to fail to work correctly

201-Junct-To join

Conjunction a word that joins parts of a sentence

Junction a place where two things join


Collaborate to work with a person

Laboratory somewhere to do work


Liberate to set free

Liberty - freedom

204-Merge-/-Mers-Dip, dive

Immerse to put or dip something into liquid

Submerge to dip something under water


Immutable not changing

Mutate to undergo a change


Herbivorous eating plants

Savory delicious, flavorful

207-Vol-Wish, will

Voluntary resulting from your own free will

Benevolent showing good will and kindness


Convince to win someone over

Invincible not able to be conquered

Victory the conquest of an enemy

209-Pon-/-Pos-To place or put

Postpone to put off doing something

Deposit to place or drop something

Position the place where someone is


Deride to make fun of someone

Ridicule to make fun or mock

Ridiculous silly, causing laughter

211-Serv-Save, keep

Conserve to save to keep something safe

Preserve to save something

Reservation a place kept for a person


Stable standing steady and firm

Stagnant standing still, not moving