portfolio draft 1

Future and dreams Obstructions and distractions

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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Future  and  dreams  

Obstructions  and  distractions    

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Suits   Soldiers  

Be  yourself  

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Branded hedonism – for successful living

(hedonism - the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.)

Diesel does not really compare them selves with anyone. Through the years their message have been constant, stating the difference and the quirkiness but changing the background topics that framed this difference, evolving from more global and sociopolitical issues to more hedonistic and youth-worries-centered.

The Diesel brand is based on edgy design that stands out (but not too obviously). It encourages customers to be happy, worry free and enjoy life but without being too superficial and conscious about the world they live in.

By having their brand inside the rectangle, Diesel logo can be applied anywhere perfectly, specially in top of multicolored photographs, which is what they do in their campaigns. From the early days of the brand when they were already using collages of pictures or very colorful photographs for their advertisements  

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Investigative  Research  

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History Skop is a traditional South African dish, which has been enjoyed as a delicacy by African men for centuries. The main ingredient of the dish is the head of a cow, pig or goat and is heavily spiced and served with vegetables and mielie pap or bread.

Preparation Skop is traditionally prepared by the woman in a metal pot over an open flame. All unwanted flesh is removed (nose and ears) The head is spiced and heavily salted and then left to boil for three to four hours. The dish is then served with vegetables and mielie pap or bread Most commonly bought at a tavern (R40), uncommonly cooked at home pre boiled Skop is available at selected local butcheries. Traditionally the man would eat the head and the family the body however – there is no restrictions from women eating the dish. The head is a delicacy as cattle is a symbol of wealth. Would commonly be eaten on occasions such as weddings and funerals.

v The recipe itself is quite traditional.

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11/3/11 5:15 PM

pamper, rejuvenate,

regenerate pamper,


regenerate pamper,

rejuvenate, regenerate pamper, rejuvenate, regenerate



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Layout  and  visual  Communication  

Creative development rationale

In this brief we were asked to select an advert then improve the layout so that the advert read clearly and looked inviting.

When we started we had 5 individual concepts, each involving aspects that would communicate the values of the Romney park hotel and day spa.

Through extensively understanding and indulging in the culture of the Romney, spa we came to the conclusion that the main appeals are to be pampered, to be comfortable and to be free in the mind and in the heart so we found an image of a woman dancing in nature enjoying the freedom, purity and grace of the natural beauty both inside her and around her. This illustrated the core value of our brand. We then labeled it modestly and added the text that too helped to make the message clear and concise. The colors go with the theme of the brand and have calming and healing connotations.

For the final product, I decided to take the image of the expression in the models face that encompasses the feeling the Romney Park would like you to feel when being treated at the Romney Spa.

The text reads from left to right and the layout guides your eye through the advert so that the message is clearly communicated.

In conclusion the magazine advert, billboard or brochure cover, clearly communicates the values of the Romney park and appeals to their chosen market.


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