performance report - c quarter 4 (2010/11) report - c quarter 4 (2010/11) cpu080 performance...

C Performance Report - Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12 th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293 438519 Key points: 1. The 2010/11 quarter 4 performance report contains 26 performance indicators. 2. Out of the 22 targeted indicators 12(55%) have met the target. 3. 12(46%) of the 26 indicators have improved since previous annual result and 18(69%) have improved on a long term basis, based on an average of the previous three annual performance outturns. Recommendations: That the Performance Monitoring & Scrutiny Panel note and consider the performance outcomes in the report. C/ 1

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Page 1: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293

CPerformance Report - Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080

Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293 438519

Key points:

1. The 2010/11 quarter 4 performance report contains 26 performance indicators. 2. Out of the 22 targeted indicators 12(55%) have met the target.

3. 12(46%) of the 26 indicators have improved since previous annual result and

18(69%) have improved on a long term basis, based on an average of the previous three annual performance outturns.


That the Performance Monitoring & Scrutiny Panel note and consider the performance outcomes in the report.

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Page 2: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293

Performance Report - Quarter 4 (2010/11) The indicators which are reported quarterly to the Performance Monitoring and Scrutiny Panel are a selection of key indicators of importance or indicators which are in need of improvement. The selection may evolve over time as new measures of performance are introduced as a result of systems thinking interventions, short reviews and changes in Corporate Priorities. The Council's Performance Management framework is currently under review, following changes in the national framework.  In order to achieve high standard of data quality for our performance information, Crawley Borough Council has Data Quality Managers who are responsible for checking and verifying the data outturns. They have final sign off before the data become active on our performance management system, Covalent, and feature within this performance report.  The report is filtered by indicator status. The status is based on the year end annual outturn against target, the status for Data Only PI's is identified by a graph symbol. The trend arrows report on annual progress; the short trend compares with the previous annual result and the long trend with the three previous annual results where available.  High level summary charts of the Councils performance are shown on the following pages. Out 22 targeted indicators 12(55%) are on target and 7(32%) off target, please note that non-valid (Data Only) status outturns are excluded from this summary. Out of all the 26 reported indicators, 12(46%) have improved and 12(46)% has

 got worse in the short term. 18(69%) have improved and 8(31%) has got worse in the long term.  Recommendations to the Performance Monitoring & Scrutiny Panel: That the Performance Monitoring and Scrutiny Panel note and consider the performance outcomes in the report.  Report Number: CPU80 Report Author: Lise Sorensen Generated on: 27 June 2011

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Page 6: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 £570,921

April 2010 £464,432 £550,000

May 2010 £507,354 £550,000

June 2010 £552,471 £550,000

July 2010 £602,851 £550,000

August 2010 £638,925 £550,000

September 2010 £556,048 £550,000

October 2010 £584,594 £550,000

November 2010 £578,602 £550,000

December 2010 £627,590 £550,000

January 2011 £557,209 £550,000

February 2011 £554,255 £550,000

March 2011 £620,407 £550,000


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 £570,921

Q1 2010/11 £552,471 £550,000

Q2 2010/11 £556,048 £550,000

Q3 2010/11 £627,590 £550,000

Q4 2010/11 £620,407 £550,000


Value Annual Target


2009/10 £570,921

2010/11 £620,407 £550,000


Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-F-3a Current Tenant Arrears Short Trend

Rent accounts are currently in transition and the team are currently working on re-synching accounts following the rent increase , rent free weeks and bank holidays. We have now also transferred £90k worth of court costs on to the rent account. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager

Phil Scott; Gail Weeks

Aim toMinimise

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Page 7: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 1.7 1.9

Q1 2010/11 1.6 1.6

Q2 2010/11 1.8 1.6

Q3 2010/11 1.9 1.6

Q4 2010/11 1.9 1.6


Value Annual Target

2008/09 6.9 7.5

2009/10 6.8 7.5

2010/11 7.2 6.5

Code Title CurrentStatus

HR&D23(BV12) Working Days Lost Due to Sickness Absence Short Trend

We have been able to achieve a reduction in average sickness levels for a number of years from 11.2 to 6.8 which places us below the averages for the public sector and comparable with many private sector organisations. We will be looking to revise the target for the authority to an average of 7.5 days which we feel is more appropriate and achievable.  This year there have been some long term sickness cases which have resulted in 5 ill health retirements - last year there were no ill health retirements. The Directors have asked for more detailed information each quarter to ensure services are consistently dealing with cases using our new Occupational Health Service 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division HR &Development

Data QualityManager Sarah Barnes Aim to


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Page 8: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 290 150

Q1 2010/11 0 38

Q2 2010/11 27 75

Q3 2010/11 58 113

Q4 2010/11 134 150


Value Annual Target

2008/09 168 200

2009/10 290 150

2010/11 134 150

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) cumulative -LAA2 - District Short Trend

Completions: 20 Intermediate Rent and 21 Social Rent  134 net affordable dwellings were developed due to the market downturn which will continue throughout 11/12 due to the low number of starts on site in 10/11. The AH Manager is initiating schemes to alleviate the slow down. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionStrategic Housing and Planning Services

Data QualityManager


Aim toMaximise

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Page 9: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 138 190

April 2010 140 170

May 2010 169 170

June 2010 154 170

July 2010 163 170

August 2010 167 170

September 2010 190 170

October 2010 188 170

November 2010 191 170

December 2010 190 170

January 2011 191 170

February 2011 204 170

March 2011 215 170


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 138 190

Q1 2010/11 154 170

Q2 2010/11 190 170

Q3 2010/11 190 170

Q4 2010/11 215 170


Value Annual Target

2008/09 203 247

2009/10 138 190

2010/11 215 170

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 156 Number of households living in temporary accommodation -District Short Trend

Levels of homelessness continue to rise and lack of access to the private rented sector for applicants in receipt of housing benefit is resulting in increased homeless presentations to the authority 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionStrategic Housing and Planning Services

Data QualityManager Mark Dow Aim to


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Page 10: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 75.00% 78.00%

April 2010 83.33% 78.00%

May 2010 77.77% 78.00%

June 2010 100.00% 78.00%

July 2010 80.00% 78.00%

August 2010 57.00% 78.00%

September 2010 35.71% 78.00%

October 2010 33.33% 78.00%

November 2010 57.00% 78.00%

December 2010 75.00% 78.00%

January 2011 57.14% 78.00%

February 2011 87.50% 78.00%

March 2011 100.00% 78.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 72.00% 78.00%

Q1 2010/11 88.00% 78.00%

Q2 2010/11 50.00% 78.00%

Q3 2010/11 57.14% 78.00%

Q4 2010/11 76.47% 78.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 80.51% 68.00%

2009/10 76.71% 78.00%

2010/11 67.78% 78.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 157b Processing of minor planning applications - District Short Trend

For the 10/11 year only 68% of Minors were determined within the eight week period, although this is higher than the government set target of 65% the result is lower than in previous years. This result was driven mainly by the Systems Thinking Intervention in DC that put pressure on staff resources particularly in Q2 and Q3. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionPlanning & Environmental Services

Data QualityManager


Aim toMaximise

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Page 11: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 86.21% 89.00%

April 2010 78.78% 89.00%

May 2010 92.59% 89.00%

June 2010 86.00% 89.00%

July 2010 89.00% 89.00%

August 2010 70.00% 89.00%

September 2010 73.53% 89.00%

October 2010 79.49% 89.00%

November 2010 76.47% 89.00%

December 2010 79.17% 89.00%

January 2011 92.00% 89.00%

February 2011 90.00% 89.00%

March 2011 67.00% 89.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 80.00% 89.00%

Q1 2010/11 85.00% 89.00%

Q2 2010/11 78.79% 89.00%

Q3 2010/11 73.98% 89.00%

Q4 2010/11 82.61% 89.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 85.15% 84.00%

2009/10 85.31% 89.00%

2010/11 81.30% 89.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 157c Processing of other planning applications - District Short Trend

For year 10/11 there were 369 other applications determined, 81% (300) within the eight week timeframe - considering the pressure on officer resources resulting from the Systems Thinking intervention on DC this is a good result. The number of applications determined in 10/11 was slightly higher than in 09/10, at 369 against 354, showing that the workload for officers has remained steady over the past couple of years. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionPlanning & Environmental Services

Data QualityManager


Aim toMaximise

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Page 12: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 27.87% 30.00%

April 2010 29.00% 32.00%

May 2010 29.50% 32.00%

June 2010 29.50% 32.00%

July 2010 29.50% 32.00%

August 2010 29.00% 32.00%

September 2010 29.00% 32.00%

October 2010 28.00% 32.00%

November 2010 29.00% 32.00%

December 2010 25.00% 32.00%

January 2011 27.50% 32.00%

February 2011 29.00% 32.00%

March 2011 29.50% 32.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 25.40% 30.00%

Q1 2010/11 29.00% 32.00%

Q2 2010/11 29.00% 32.00%

Q3 2010/11 27.00% 32.00%

Q4 2010/11 27.50% 32.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 28.60% 30.00%

2009/10 29.01% 30.00%

2010/11 28.00% 32.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 192 Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling andcomposting - District Short Trend

2010/11 recycling rate 28% estimated. It is likely to be down on last year due to contamination issues and the impact the snow and delayed Christmas collections had. Work to improve this figure is already taking place and is planned for the coming year - County wide joint Recycling Quality Forum was formed in June 2010 to address contamination issues and work with For Better Tomorrows is going ahead this year on behavioural change. Also within Crawley we are carrying out a Systems Thinking Review of the whole service starting in May which will feed into the new Waste Reduction Strategy and potential reletting of the contract with Veolia post 2014. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Community Services; DivisionAmenity Services

Data QualityManager

Susan Barrett; JustinRoberts

Aim toMaximise

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Page 13: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 99% 98.83%

April 2010 94.87% 99.5%

May 2010 96.6% 99.5%

June 2010 96.86% 99.5%

July 2010 96.87% 99.5%

August 2010 98.11% 99.5%

September 2010 98.62% 99.5%

October 2010 98.11% 99.5%

November 2010 98.69% 99.5%

December 2010 99.11% 99.5%

January 2011 98.6% 99.5%

February 2011 98.75% 99.5%

March 2011 99.5%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 99% 98.83%

Q1 2010/11 96.86% 99.5%

Q2 2010/11 98.62% 99.5%

Q3 2010/11 99.11% 99.5%

Q4 2010/11 98.75% 99.5%


Value Annual Target


2009/10 99% 98.83%

2010/11 98.75% 99.5%


Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-F-1b Proportion of rent collected excluding void rent loss Short Trend

Rental income for the entire year has been in a transition period as a result of the systems thinking intervention. This has meant two systems have been running during the year. The rolling in of the final tranch of accounts is as now complete so future data will reflect the effectiveness of the new processes which have been implemented in the intervention. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager Gail Weeks Aim to


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Page 14: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 99.18% 97.50%

April 2010 98.27% 99.00%

May 2010 98.87% 99.00%

June 2010 98.93% 99.00%

July 2010 99.24% 99.00%

August 2010 99.05% 99.00%

September 2010 99.40% 99.00%

October 2010 98.56% 99.00%

November 2010 98.76% 99.00%

December 2010 99.15% 99.00%

January 2011 98.01% 99.00%

February 2011 99.28% 99.00%

March 2011 99.36% 99.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 98.16% 97.50%

Q1 2010/11 98.65% 99.00%

Q2 2010/11 99.22% 99.00%

Q3 2010/11 98.82% 99.00%

Q4 2010/11 98.94% 99.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 93.81% 97.00%

2009/10 98.06% 97.50%

2010/11 98.93% 99.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

FIN16 (BV8) Percentage of invoices paid on time - within 30 days Short Trend

Community 98.3%, E&E 99.83%, Res 98.97%, CE 97.81%  Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division Finance &Procurement

Data QualityManager Karen Hayes Aim to


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Page 15: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 95.22% 97.50%

April 2010 92.75% 99.00%

May 2010 95.06% 99.00%

June 2010 92.14% 99.00%

July 2010 96.77% 99.00%

August 2010 92.19% 99.00%

September 2010 95.44% 99.00%

October 2010 94.38% 99.00%

November 2010 93.18% 99.00%

December 2010 96.32% 99.00%

January 2011 95.97% 99.00%

February 2011 91.02% 95.00%

March 2011 95.06% 95.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 82.88% 97.00%

2009/10 91.35% 97.50%

2010/11 94.59% 95.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

FIN17 Percentage of Small & Medium Business (SME) invoices paidon time - within 10 working days Short Trend

Democratic Services had 14 invoices out of 26 late so achieved 46.15%, Community had 22.95% late so achieved 77.05%  Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division Finance &Procurement

Data QualityManager Karen Hayes Aim to


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Page 16: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 185 167

April 2010 132 167

May 2010 139 167

June 2010 168 167

July 2010 139 167

August 2010 161 167

September 2010 143 167

October 2010 146 167

November 2010 121 167

December 2010 78 167

January 2011 197 167

February 2011 129 167

March 2011 159 167


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 425 500

Q1 2010/11 439 500

Q2 2010/11 443 500

Q3 2010/11 345 500

Q4 2010/11 485 500


Value Annual Target

2008/09 2048 2000

2009/10 2170 2000

2010/11 1712 2000


Code Title CurrentStatus

Amen22The number of missed domestic rubbish and recyclingcollections, reported by the public which are due to contractorerror

Short Trend

Although quarter 4 is the worst quarter for missed bins, this is to be expected due to seasonality with delayed Christmas collections and snow. Looking at the whole year missed bin figures they are far below the agreed level with Veolia of 2,000 per annum with 1,712. This is the lowest number since the start of the contract with Veolia in 2005 and is a result of new management within the Veolia contract, better customer care training of it's staff and the crew returning for their own missed bins. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Community Services; DivisionAmenity Services

Data QualityManager

Susan Barrett; JustinRoberts

Aim toMinimise

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Page 17: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 £471,438 £500,000

April 2010 £476,948 £450,000

May 2010 £485,176 £450,000

June 2010 £494,499 £450,000

July 2010 £498,250 £450,000

August 2010 £373,683 £450,000

September 2010 £342,959 £450,000

October 2010 £345,674 £450,000

November 2010 £356,980 £450,000

December 2010 £366,707 £450,000

January 2011 £372,255 £450,000

February 2011 £346,490 £450,000

March 2011 £347,210 £450,000


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 £471,438 £500,000

Q1 2010/11 £494,499 £450,000

Q2 2010/11 £342,959 £450,000

Q3 2010/11 £366,707 £450,000

Q4 2010/11 £347,210 £450,000


Value Annual Target

2008/09 £516,819 £492,424

2009/10 £471,438 £500,000

2010/11 £347,210 £450,000

Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-F-3b Former Tenant Arrears Short Trend

Year end figures show recovery for dwellings 26,877.47 Hostels 3,943.80 Garages 13,395.42 Total 44,216.69. After major push from Finance to tackle bad debt write offs total £207k. Team plans reflect drive to increase recovery rate but also prevention of debt in first instance. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager Gail Weeks Aim to


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Page 18: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 98.2% 96%

April 2010 98.2% 95%

May 2010 100% 95%

June 2010 98.5% 95%

July 2010 98% 95%

August 2010 98.4% 95%

September 2010 97% 95%

October 2010 98.95% 95%

November 2010 97.61% 95%

December 2010 98.16% 95%

January 2011 99.32% 95%

February 2011 95.45% 95%

March 2011 95.2% 95%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 98.21% 96%

Q1 2010/11 99% 95%

Q2 2010/11 97% 95%

Q3 2010/11 98.71% 95%

Q4 2010/11 97.03% 95%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 96.5% 96%

2009/10 98.65% 96%

2010/11 98.07% 95%

Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-M-11 Customer Satisfaction with response repairs Short Trend

This year we have received a total of 2288 cards. There has been a reduction in the number cards being returned in recent months and we will seek to work with the contractors to understand why this the case. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager


Aim toMaximise

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Page 19: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 5.3 6

April 2010 2.6 6

May 2010 2.66 6

June 2010 3.2 6

July 2010 1.93 6

August 2010 2.1 6

September 2010 2.2 6

October 2010 2.3 6

November 2010 3.1 6

December 2010 3.5 6

January 2011 3.6 6

February 2011 4.3 6

March 2011 4.2 6


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 5.4 6

Q1 2010/11 3.2 6

Q2 2010/11 2.2 6

Q3 2010/11 3.5 6

Q4 2010/11 4.2 6


Value Annual Target

2008/09 6.27 6

2009/10 5.3 6

2010/11 4.2 6

Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-M-15Average waiting time in months for Aids & Adaptation 'major'works over £500' from referral received to installationcompleted

Short Trend

Performance has improved year on year by around 1 month per year.  Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager

StuartEdwards; Tim Honess

Aim toMinimise

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Page 20: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 2.4 3

April 2010 0.4 3

May 2010 1.6 3

June 2010 1.81 3

July 2010 2.1 3

August 2010 1.3 3

September 2010 1.7 3

October 2010 1.7 3

November 2010 1.1 3

December 2010 2.4 3

January 2011 2.4 3

February 2011 1.4 3

March 2011 1.8 3


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 2.4 3

Q1 2010/11 1.81 3

Q2 2010/11 1.7 3

Q3 2010/11 1.7 3

Q4 2010/11 1.8 3


Value Annual Target

2008/09 4.24 3

2009/10 2.4 3

2010/11 1.8 3

Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-M-16Average waiting time in months for Aids & Adaptation 'minorworks under £500' from referral received to installationcompleted

Short Trend

Performance has improved from 2.4 months in 2009/10 to 1.8 months in 2010/11. This has been achieced mainly by improving the administration and control. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager

StuartEdwards; Tim Honess

Aim toMinimise

C/ 20

Page 21: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 23 20

April 2010 23 23

May 2010 22 23

June 2010 21 23

July 2010 22 23

August 2010 24 23

September 2010 24 23

October 2010 24 23

November 2010 23 23

December 2010 23 23

January 2011 23 23

February 2011 23 23

March 2011 25 23


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 23 20

Q1 2010/11 21 23

Q2 2010/11 24 23

Q3 2010/11 23 23

Q4 2010/11 23 23


Value Annual Target

2008/09 22 24

2009/10 23 20

2010/11 23 23

Code Title CurrentStatus


Average time in calendar days taken to re-let local authorityhousing - Cumulative Short Trend

Overall average times for voids has increased from 20 days to 23 days in the past year. This is mainly due to a change over in contractors and processes. We are currently implementing system thinking principals to the void process and expect to see improvements during the next year. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager

StuartEdwards; CraigHumphrey

Aim toMinimise

C/ 21

Page 22: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 98.14% 97.96%

April 2010 11.21% 11.17%

May 2010 20.61% 20.72%

June 2010 30.30% 30.23%

July 2010 39.76% 39.64%

August 2010 49.29% 48.87%

September 2010 58.82% 58.54%

October 2010 68.27% 68.21%

November 2010 77.69% 77.72%

December 2010 86.95% 86.90%

January 2011 96.09% 95.93%

February 2011 97.44% 97.26%

March 2011 98.19% 97.96%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 98.14% 97.96%

Q1 2010/11 30.30% 30.23%

Q2 2010/11 58.82% 58.54%

Q3 2010/11 86.95% 86.90%

Q4 2010/11 98.19% 97.96%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 97.88% 97.80%

2009/10 98.14% 97.96%

2010/11 98.19% 97.96%

Code Title CurrentStatus

Cust22(BV9) Percentage of Council Tax collected - Cumulative Short Trend

Last year's figure was 98.1%, which was our best ever figure. This year's figure is the tenth consecutive year of improvement.  The figure achieved is a team effort, with Taxation staff, benefit assessors, inspectors, contact centre staff and cashiers all having vital roles to play.  In a year of constant change and difficult ecomomic climate this is some achievement! 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division CustomerServices

Data QualityManager

DaveRawlings; Gail Yates

Aim toMaximise

C/ 22

Page 23: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 98.96% 97.00%

April 2010 11.08% 10.67%

May 2010 21.03% 20.45%

June 2010 30.70% 30.08%

July 2010 39.88% 39.97%

August 2010 50.87% 51.38%

September 2010 60.77% 61.45%

October 2010 69.40% 70.87%

November 2010 79.11% 80.55%

December 2010 87.93% 89.00%

January 2011 97.28% 96.97%

February 2011 98.32% 97.50%

March 2011 98.89% 98.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 98.96% 97.00%

Q1 2010/11 30.70% 30.08%

Q2 2010/11 60.77% 61.45%

Q3 2010/11 87.93% 89.00%

Q4 2010/11 98.89% 98.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 98.31% 98.80%

2009/10 98.96% 97.00%

2010/11 98.89% 98.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

Cust23(BV10) Percentage of Non-domestic Rates Collected - Cumulative Short Trend

Last year's figure was 98.96%, which equated to 99.0%, so very little change in difficult times for business. In the autumn we were almost 1.5% down on last year, so a strong performance in excess of the 98% target. Well done to the Taxation Team, in particular Malcolm Crane, Carole Forster and Stuart Keast. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division CustomerServices

Data QualityManager

DaveRawlings; Gail Yates

Aim toMaximise

C/ 23

Page 24: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010

April 2010 15.4 14.0

May 2010 12.4 14.0

June 2010 12.8 14.0

July 2010 11.1 14.0

August 2010 11.1 14.0

September 2010 10.7 14.0

October 2010 11.8 14.0

November 2010 11.2 14.0

December 2010 10.9 14.0

January 2011 13.9 14.0

February 2011 11.1 14.0

March 2011 10.7 14.0


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 14.2 14.0

Q1 2010/11 13.9 14.0

Q2 2010/11 9.8 14.0

Q3 2010/11 11.2 14.0

Q4 2010/11 11.3 14.0


Value Annual Target

2008/09 13.9 13.0

2009/10 14.0 14.0

2010/11 12.3 14.0

Code Title CurrentStatus

Cust25a(BV78a) Speed of processing in days - new HB/CTB claims Short Trend

This is an excellent outcome that may be amongst the best in the country (last year's national average was 25 days). Since 2004/05 we have constistently been better than the national average and this has become more marked since systems thinking was used to change the way we deal with customers. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division CustomerServices

Data QualityManager

DaveRawlings; Gail Yates

Aim toMinimise

C/ 24

Page 25: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010

April 2010 2.0 7.0

May 2010 5.3 7.0

June 2010 5.5 7.0

July 2010 4.8 7.0

August 2010 3.8 7.0

September 2010 4.9 7.0

October 2010 4.6 7.0

November 2010 4.2 7.0

December 2010 4.5 7.0

January 2011 6.1 7.0

February 2011 3.4 7.0

March 2011 1.7 7.0


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 3.0 8.5

Q1 2010/11 4.7 7.0

Q2 2010/11 4.6 7.0

Q3 2010/11 4.4 7.0

Q4 2010/11 2.7 7.0


Value Annual Target

2008/09 8.3 8.0

2009/10 4.4 8.5

2010/11 4.0 7.0

Code Title CurrentStatus


Speed of processing in days - changes of circumstances forHB/CTB claims Short Trend

This is an excellent outcome that may be amongst the best in the country (Q3 national average was 11days). Since 2004/05 we have constistently been better than the national average and this has become more marked since systems thinking was used to change the way we deal with customers. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Resources; Division CustomerServices

Data QualityManager

DaveRawlings; Gail Yates

Aim toMinimise

C/ 25

Page 26: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 100.00% 72.00%

April 2010 100.00% 72.00%

May 2010 100.00% 72.00%

June 2010 50.00% 72.00%

July 2010 100.00% 72.00%

August 2010 50.00% 72.00%

September 2010 100.00% 72.00%

October 2010 100.00% 72.00%

November 2010 .00% 72.00%

December 2010 66.67% 72.00%

January 2011 100.00% 72.00%

February 2011 .00% 72.00%

March 2011 100.00% 72.00%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 50.00% 72.00%

Q1 2010/11 80.00% 72.00%

Q2 2010/11 80.00% 72.00%

Q3 2010/11 60.00% 72.00%

Q4 2010/11 100.00% 72.00%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 77.55% 63.00%

2009/10 66.67% 72.00%

2010/11 82.61% 72.00%

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 157a Processing of major planning applications - District Short Trend

For the year DC determined 23 major applications, 19 were determined within the 13 week timeframe, achieving a 83% result. This is a great result and considerably higher than the government set target of 60%. There were 27 major apps determined in 09/10, 67% in time. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionPlanning & Environmental Services

Data QualityManager


Aim toMaximise

C/ 26

Page 27: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 27.0% 14.0%

Q1 2010/11 11.6% 20.0%

Q2 2010/11 6.9% 10.0%

Q3 2010/11 1.2% 5.0%

Q4 2010/11 .0% .0%


Value Annual Target

2008/09 32.4% 28.0%

2009/10 27.0% 14.0%

2010/11 .0% .0%

Code Title CurrentStatus

NI 158 % non-decent council homes - LAA2 - District Short Trend

All non decent properties were completed by the deadline.  Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager

StuartEdwards; Tim Honess

Aim toMinimise

C/ 27

Page 28: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 72

Q1 2010/11 73

Q2 2010/11 106

Q3 2010/11 95

Q4 2010/11 119



2008/09 257

2009/10 244

2010/11 393

Data Only

Code Title CurrentStatus

HSS20 The number of homelessness applications received Short Trend

The continuing difficult economic climate, changes to LHA rates which in turn has restricted access to the private sector as an housing option as well as the expirey of the Government sponsored financial hardship tools is resulting in a continuing rise in homeless applications - 38% compared to 2009 / 2010. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionStrategic Housing and Planning Services

Data QualityManager Mark Dow Aim to


C/ 28

Page 29: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 7.4%

April 2010 5.1%

May 2010 3.5%

June 2010 4.9%

July 2010 5.5%

August 2010 4.4%

September 2010 5.5%

October 2010 4.75%

November 2010 5.5%

December 2010 5.4%

January 2011 5.6%

February 2011 4.9%

March 2011 5%


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 4.9%

Q1 2010/11 4.5%

Q2 2010/11 5.9%

Q3 2010/11 5.2%

Q4 2010/11 5.1%



2008/09 9.9%

2009/10 4.6%

2010/11 5%

Code Title CurrentStatus

HSS31 Homeless applications received as percentage of approachesmade Short Trend

This figure reflects the high levels of customers approaching for housing advice and options at an early stage rather than at the point of homelessness when there is little opportunity to apply prevention tools,negotiate with landlords or find alternative housing options for applicants. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionStrategic Housing and Planning Services

Data QualityManager Mark Dow Aim to


C/ 29

Page 30: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 191

April 2010 125

May 2010 35.86

June 2010 93.4

July 2010 123

August 2010 22.8

September 2010 121

October 2010 78

November 2010 53.9

December 2010 60.3

January 2011 124

February 2011 155

March 2011 125



2008/09 126.79

2009/10 95

2010/11 95

Code Title CurrentStatus

HSS36 Average length of stay in weeks of tenants leaving temporaryaccommodation Short Trend

This figure is based on applicants leaving all forms of temporary accommodation and therefore the outturn can fluctuate dramatically.  Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionStrategic Housing and Planning Services

Data QualityManager Mark Dow Aim to


C/ 30

Page 31: Performance Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) Report - C Quarter 4 (2010/11) CPU080 Performance Monitoring Scrutiny Panel 12th July 2011 By: Lise Sorensen, Project Support Officer 01293


Value Target

March 2010 12.2

April 2010 11.4

May 2010 16

June 2010 12

July 2010 9.7

August 2010 8.1

September 2010 10

October 2010 10.9

November 2010 11.2

December 2010 8.9

January 2011 10.5

February 2011 8.3

March 2011 9.9


Value Target

Q4 2009/10 11.83

Q1 2010/11 13.13

Q2 2010/11 9.27

Q3 2010/11 10.33

Q4 2010/11 9.57




2009/10 11.83

2010/11 11.1

Code Title CurrentStatus

CH-M-21 Repairs End to End Time (NEW) Short Trend

The end to end time for repairs is a measure of the time taken for the Crawley Repairs Team to complete repairs from the date of reporting to the date of practical completion.  This measure has improved in recent months but it is important to note that the average end to end time is determined by many factors such as volume of demand, type of demand (repairs), resource levels and changes that have been made in the work and to our flow as part of the ongoing systems thinking way of working.  This year we have been working towards gaining a better understanding of our resource requirements and are actively working towards having a greater number of competent multi skilled operatives as we feel this is one area that can improve our average end to end times.  In additional we have also been working closely with Mitie to switch supply chain partners so that materials are purchased from a suppliers who are more centrally located so that we reduce travelling time for operatives hence increasing productivity. 

Long Trend

Directorate& Division

Directorate Environment & Housing; DivisionCrawley Homes

Data QualityManager


Aim toMinimise

C/ 31