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Post on 14-May-2015




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it is the presentation on pollution


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There is no doubt that excessive levels of pollution are causing a lot of damage to human & animal health, plants & trees including tropical rainforests, as well as the wider environment. All types of pollution – air, water and soil pollution – have an impact on the living environment. The effects in living organisms may range from mild discomfort to serious diseases such as cancer to physical deformities; ex., extra or missing limbs in frogs. Experts admit that pollution effects are quite often underestimated and that more research is needed to understand the connections between pollution and its effects on all life forms We know that pollution causes not only physical disabilities but also psychological and behavioral disorders in people. We are discussing the effects of air pollution and specific air pollutants in more detail in the Air Pollutants article.

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The following pollution effects on humans have been reported:

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Reduced lung functioning Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat Asthma attacks Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing Increased respiratory disease such as bronchitis Reduced energy levels Headaches and dizziness Disruption of endocrine, reproductive and immune systems Neurobehavioral disorders Cardiovascular problems Cancer Premature death

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Waterborne diseases caused by polluted drinking water: Typhoid Amoebiasis Giardiasis Ascariasis Hookworm

Waterborne diseases caused by polluted beach water: Rashes, ear ache, pink eye Respiratory infections Hepatitis, encephalitis, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, vomiting, and stomach aches

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Lead in soil is especially hazardous for young children causing developmental damage to the brain Mercury can increase the risk of kidney damage; cyclodienes can lead to liver toxicity Causes neuromuscular blockage as well as depression of the central nervous system Also causes headaches, nausea, fatigue, eye irritation and skin rash

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1. Use Environmentally Safe Products

Many pesticides have safe, chemically-free organic alternatives. By using non-toxic methods, you reduce the amount of dangerous chemicals that flows off of lawns and into storm drains.

Lawn and garden products may contain harmful chemicals if disposed of improperly. To safely dispose of leftover chemicals, herbicides and pesticides, please visit a Los Angeles S.A.F.E. collection center.

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2. Recycle Your Used Motor Oil and Filters

Used motor oil is extremely toxic to the environment if disposed improperly and there are literally hundreds of collection centers located throughout the city. For a current listing of one nearest you,

3. Compost Yard Trimmings

Dispose of yard clippings and waste in a compost bin or in your City issued green container

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4. Report Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping of trash, paint products, motor oil and other chemicals into storm drains is against the law

5. Pick up After Your Pets

Animal waste that runs off of lawns and sidewalks sends harmful bacteria into the storm drain system and out into the ocean, creating problems for swimmers and fish.

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6. Dispose of Trash Properly

Separate items into plastics, glass and paper products, and discard only what is non-recyclable.

7. Use Water Based Paints Use Water Based Paints

Oil based paints are extremely toxic and much more problematic in disposing of than water based paint. Oil based paints are also not allowed to be disposed of in the City's sewer system and dumping it into storm drains is ILLEGAL.Water based paints cover the same area just as well as oil based, and it is strongly encouraged that you buy the water based brand.

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8. Recycle Everything You Can

Landfill space (where all our trash goes) is rapidly filling up and we can greatly reduce the need for having to find precious, open land for additional capacity. Open land can be better suited for parks or natural habitat for wildlife and much of what we throw away can easily be recycled!FACT: It is estimated that, of the 40 tons of trash that washes onto our beaches every year, over 80% of it could've been recycled!

9. Don't Litter!

Simple enough? Everything dropped, tossed, spilled or discarded onto streets and gutters will eventually make its way into the storm drain system--and out to the ocean!FACT: Every year, at least 800,000 cigarette butts are picked up from our beaches by Coastal Cleanup Volunteers.