one mindanao - november 9, 2015


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Page 1: One Mindanao - November 9, 2015
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One Mindanao

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GERIE MAE G. COCO, PIA Caraga Region



SEC. SONNY B. COLOMAPresidential Communications Operations Office

JOSE MARI M. OQUIÑENA Director General Philippine Information AgencyEXECUTIVE EDITOR

EFREN F. ELBANBUENACluster Head, Southern, Western &Central MindanaoRegional Director, PIA Region XI

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THELMA B. OLIVERRegional Director, PIA Region X

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DTI holds online business registration training in Surigao Norte town

DOLE 12 hands out PhP1.4 M worth of livelihood projects


18 2623

Former NPA rebels reap fruits of reform through 8thIB’s “Arm to Farm” program

Better agriculture in the last five years

Seize the Moment: TPMT Statement on the Basic Law for the Bangsamoro, now in Congress


By: Rodrigo R. Matabaran

Cover Story





DOH-XI warns haze remains a threat to public health


40 O




By: Norman M. Tagros


By: RG Alama

By: Danilo E. Doguiles




33All systems go for !3th MindaComNet Congress in CDOBy: Alma L. Tingcang

27 P200K bounty up for each primary suspects in Lumad slay in SurSurBy: Greg Tataro Jr.



First paperless session in Lanao Norte conducted


39 Implementation of more road projects in the offing

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4 November 9, 2015One Mindanao

Cover StoryFormer NPA rebels reap fruits of reform through 8thIB’s “Arm to Farm” program

“\ “I am very grateful as I convey my appreciation to the army’s 8th Infantry Battalion (8thIB) for giving me the opportunity to lead a normal life after spending years in the revolutionary movement,” former New

People’s Army (NPA) rebel ‘Jonathan’ shares his blissful story as he works with soldiers in harvesting their cassava planted nine months ago.

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Former NPA rebels reap fruits of reform through 8thIB’s “Arm to Farm” program

By Norman M. Tagros

“\ “I am very grateful as I convey my appreciation to the army’s 8th Infantry Battalion (8thIB) for giving me the opportunity to lead a normal life after spending years in the revolutionary movement,” former New

People’s Army (NPA) rebel ‘Jonathan’ shares his blissful story as he works with soldiers in harvesting their cassava planted nine months ago.

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“Wearenowreapingthefirstfruitsofourlabor,thefirstproduceofthePilotOrganicFarmpopularlyknownas“ArmtoFarm”Programcraftedbythe8thIB.Wearenowwellonourwaytoabrightfuture,”hesaid. Asformerrebelslabouredinatwo-hectarefarmlandownedbyImpasug-ong Local GovernmentUnit (LGU) situated near thebattalion headquarters, they arealso inspired of growing variouscrops such as the cultivation of“Pinakbet”garden(acombinationof string beans, bitter gourd,eggplant,squashand ladyfingervegetables) because the pilotorganicfarmusestheIndigenousMicro-organism(IMO)technology,hence less expenses on farm

inputs. MunicipalAgricultureOffice’sresearch showed the farmlandabundantlygrowscornandotherhigh-value crops. It also has a“Tilapia(St.Peter’sfish)”growingsite, which could be cultivatedsoonby dozens of former rebelsin order to intensify the farmingproject. The “Arm to Farm” programwas crafted by 8th InfantryBattalion, in coordination withImpasugongLGUandDepartmentofAgriculture-Region10,inorderto provide agriculture-basedlivelihoodopportunitiesforformerNPArebelsandassistindeliveringlivelihood to the communitiesaffectedbyinsurgency.

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Itisavenuewheredifferentagencies like the Department ofAgriculture, Technical EducationandSkillsDevelopmentAuthority(TESDA), Department of Interiorand Local Government (DILG),DepartmentofEducation(DepEd)andtheLGUconvergeandsharetheirroleinachievingacommongoalofworkingtogethertowardspeace. It can be recalled thatJonathanNacarisaLumadoftheHigaononTribewhowasrecruitedby the NPA rebels of SPP TOTO,Guerilla Front 4B under LinoNamatidongaliasDAHON. ‘Jonathan’ bared hisfrustrations over the CPP-NPA’sdeceptions and exploitations ofissues related to social, culturalandtribaldiscrimination. “TheCPP-NPA leaders’ claimof hope and good life, once youjoin the organization, is totallyopposite. It is really a wastedopportunityformetohavejoinedtheNPAwhenwecoulddobetterhere with the government’sassistance,”hesaid. Lt.Col.LennonG.Babilonia,commandingofficerofthe8thIB,saidNacarsurrenderedearlythisyearundertheAFPGunsforPeaceProgramandreceivedP52,000ashisfirearmsremuneration.

“Andhewillalsobereceivinganother P65,000 from theComprehensive Local IntegrationProgram of the Office of thePresidentialAdviseronthePeaceProcessorOPAPP,Lt.Col.Babiloniasaid. “I thanked the differentagencies who contributed inthe realization of the programandwe are very appreciative onthe cooperation of the differentgovernment agencies and theLGUofImpasug-ong,whoworkedtogetherincraftingthisprogram.This is a vivid example of howIPSP Bayanihan works to bring

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a concerted effort among allstakeholders toattainpeaceandsecuritythrough‘whole-of-nation’approach. This also shows thatthe 8th Infantry Battalion andthe Philippine Army, as awhole,is committed in coming up withpeacefulmeansofendingviolenceand conflicts from among theFilipino communities. In spite ofalltheseissuesonLumadkillingsand exploitations, I assure ourbrother rebels that when yousurrender, we will continue towork with other stakeholders toensureyoursafetyandwell-beingand thatofyour family,” Lt.Col.Babiloniasaid.

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9November 9, 2015 One Mindanao

Economic stability contributes to better PH disaster response capability

QUEZON CITY -- Two years after super typhoon Yolanda ravaged the Philippines, the country has gained enough capacity to respond to future calamities.

Budget and ManagementSecretaryFlorencio“Butch”Abadsaid the country’s economicstability and continuous policyreforms have contributed to itscapability to respond to futurecalamitiesthatareasdestructiveasYolanda.


nang mabilis at karapat-dapatlamang sa mga kalamidad aydahil sa magandang katayuanngatingekonomiya,”Abadsaidduring the recent Kapihan saMediangBayan.“Kapagmatibayang ekonomiya, higit lalongmalakasangkapasidadnitoparatumugon samga ganitongmgaklasengkalamidadat ibapangmgahamon.”

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Headdedthatthegovernmentisalsostreamliningitsoperations,through the National DisasterRiskReductionandManagementCouncil(NDRRMC),integratingallthelessonslearnedfromYolandaincluding disaster preparednessanddisasterresponse.

Whole-of-society approach

Yolanda caused anunprecedented scale ofdestructionto171municipalitiesin the provinces of Palawan,Masbate,Aklan,Antique,Capiz,Iloilo, Negros Occidental, Cebu,Leyte, Biliran, Eastern Samar,WesternSamar,SouthernLeyte,andDinagatIslands.

Abad said that thenationalgovernment has worked closelywith the localgovernmentunitsandcommunties in theaffectedareas for the rehabilitation andrecoveryprograms.


itongmgaitoaytinulunganangkanilang mga sarili at kanilangmgakapit-bahay,”Abadsaid. Abadaddedthatcrucialeffortsofthegovernmentindisasterriskreduction and management ofthecountry–notonlyinYolanda,but also with recent calamities– is now gaining recognition intheinternationalcommunity.“Sangayon,palagaykoangPilipinasangtinitingalanakungmayroonmang leaderditosasistemangpagtugon at paghahanda (samgakalamidad).”

Recently, the government’spreparation and response totyphoon Lando, which causeddamagestoNorthernLuzon,waslaudedbytheUnitedNations.

Yolanda Rehabilitation and Recovery Program

Due to the magnitude ofdestructioncausedbythesupertyphoon, the Rehabilitation andReconstructionProgramrequiresa P150.03 billion budget tosupportthefourcriticalclusters

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ofsocialservices,infrastructure,livelihood,andresettlement. The Department of Budgetand Management has releaseda total of P93.87 billion as ofOctober31,2015.

Thebigchunkofthebudget,withP61.26billionisallocatedtothe construction of permanenthousesby theNationalHousingAuthority (NHA) for survivorslivingindangerzones.

Super typhoon Yolandaentered the Philippine Area ofResponsibility(PAR)onNovember6, 2013 and made landfall insix different areas – Guiuan,Eastern Samar; Tolosa, Leyte;Daanbantayan, Cebu; BantayanIsland,Cebu;Concepcion,Iloilo;andBusuanga,Palawan.

It exitedPARonNovember9, 2014 and left a total ofP89,598,068,634.88 worth ofdamages.

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Better agriculture in the last five years

QUEZON CITY -- “Something good is happening to the Philippine agriculture,” Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala emphasized during the opening of the Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc., (PAA) 3rd Congress at Angeles City, Pampanga. Citing milestones andaccomplishments for the lastfive years, the agriculture chiefsaid that the Department ofAgriculture (DA) was allotteda total of P339.7 billion from2011 to 2015. Alcala said thattheamount is “aproof that thePresident trusts (us) enoughand believes that we can craftand implement projects for thedevelopmentoftheruralsector.”

He reported that as thecountryremainstobefeeofbirdflu and foot-and-mouth diseasewithout vaccination, moreopportunitieshaveopenedupformeatandpoultryproducts.

“We have been exportingYakitori chicken and Bukidnon-grown Peking duck to Japan.Thisisinaddition,tothechickenandotherproductstotheUnitedArab Emirates andSouthKorea

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Asidefromtheachievementsin the livestock subsector,Alcala also reported successfulinitiatives within the fisheriessector specifically the lifting oftheyellowcardwarningfromtheEuropeanUnion.

“Thisparticulardevelopmentopened access to the tuna-richHighSeasPocket1ofthePacificOcean,”hesaid.

Alcala added that becauseofthecollaborativeeffortsofthepublic and private sectors, thecountry’slocalfishermenarenowgivenagreenlighttofishinoneoftherichestmarinesourcesofthecountry. “Ang Pilipinas lang po angtanging bansa na mabilis nanaalisanngyellowcardwarningsabuongmundo,”hesaid.

Aside from presenting theunprecedentedaccomplishmentsof the agriculture and fisheriessectors for the past five years,the DA chief recognized thevaluable contributions of theprofessional agriculturists in

furtherenhancing thePhilippineagriculture. He also took theopportunity to encourage thesameprofessionals to takepartin the government’s campaignto attain food sufficiency andimprovedincomeandproductionoffarmersandfishers.

“Let us continue to partnerandworktogethersothatwecanreachthemaximumpotentialoftheruralsector,”hesaid. Lastly, the DA secretaryasked everyone to help changethe imageoftheFilipinofarmerfromasimplelandlaborerintoasuccessfulentrepreneurandself-sustainingbusinessman.(DA)

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Seize the Moment: TPMT Statement on the Basic Law for the Bangsamoro, now in Congress

As foreseen under the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, the Third-Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) has since July of 2013 been monitoring regularly the implementation of the agreements signed between the Philippine Government and the MILF. During that time we have met with the widest possible range of stakeholders, in Manila and across Mindanao. In all of these contacts, wehavebeenstruckbytheuniversaldesire for peace and security, forprosperityandprogress,andfora

better hope for the future. ThosewhohavelivedwithmorethanfourdecadesofarmedconflictinMuslimMindanaohavealsounderstoodthe

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tremendous benefits which peacecan unlock, allowing the regionto achieve its full potential, andto contribute more effectively totheprosperityand securityof thenationasawhole.

The international communityhas watched with admiration asthePhilippineshasworkedtocarrythisprocess forward.AsuccessfulconclusiontothepeaceprocessinMindanaowillbeofbenefitnotonlyto thepeopleof theBangsamoro,ofMindanao,andofthePhilippinesasawhole,butindeedtotheglobalcommunity as well. We have allseen the wider impact of povertyandconflictaroundtheworld,atatime when criminality, radicalismand terrorism can easily leapfrognationalborders.

No-oneever said itwouldbeeasy to build a sustainable peacein Mindanao, and it has takenmany years of effort, of setbacksaswell as achievements, to buildthe foundationsof thispeace.We

arenowatacriticaljunctureinthepeace process,when a successfulconclusion to eighteen years ofnegotiationsisalmostwithinreach.Expectations are running high,though fears of failure are alsogrowing.

The detailed deliberationsin Congress on the Basic Lawestablishingtheautonomousregion,andthewide-rangingconsultationsaccompanying this,have certainlyallowedallstakeholderstoexpressthemselves on the substance andthe detail of the agreements andthe draft law, and to make clearboththerewardsofpeaceandthecosts of conflict. There is now anhistoric opportunity to completethelegislativeprocess,andtobuildanewfutureofpeace,securityandprosperityforMindanaoandforthePhilippinesasawhole.

By adopting now a basic lawgiving legal expression to theComprehensive Agreement andproviding for the real autonomy

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foreseen under the 1987Constitution(andimprovingonthemore limited autonomy providedunderRA.9054),Congresswillhaveshown its leadership inpromotingpeace, security andprosperity forthebenefitofthenationasawhole.Theprizeofpeaceiswithinreach,and we believe that the politicalwill and vision of Congress canindeedallowittoseizethishistoricmoment.

The TPMT therefore joins allthose,inthePhilippinesandaroundtheworld,whohaveexpressedtheirsupport forthetimelyadoptionofanacceptableandmeaningfulBasicLaw.


The independent Third-PartyMonitoring Team (TPMT) wasset up by theGovernment of thePhilippines and the Moro IslamicLiberation Front to monitor theimplementation of the GPH-MILFpeaceagreement,asprovided forin the Framework Agreement onthe Bangsamoro (FAB) signed on15October2012.

The TPMT has five members(twonominatedbytheMILF,twobytheGPH, and a jointly nominatedChair) : Rahib Kudto (UnitedYouthforPeaceandDevelopment,Philippines), Huseyin Oruç (IHH,Turkey), Steven Rood (The Asia

Foundation, USA), Karen Tañada(GastonZOrtigasPeaceInstitute,Philippines),andAlistairMacDonald(Chair, former EU Ambassador tothePhilippines,nowretired).

The TPMT is tasked withmonitoring, reviewing andassessing the implementation ofallsignedagreementsbetweentheParties,primarilytheCAB,FABanditsAnnexes.Inparticular,itsbasicfunctionsareto:- monitor and evaluate theimplementationofallagreements;- review and assess theprogress of the implementationof commitments by both PartiesundertheAgreements(submittingcomprehensive periodic reportsand updates to both Parties fortheirappropriateaction);-andtocommunicatetothepublicthe progress and developmentsin the implementation of theAgreementsoftheParties.

The TPMT was launched inJulyof2013,onthebasisoftermsofreferenceagreedbythePartiesin January 2013. The TPMT hasconvenedonaroughlytwo-monthlybasissincethen,andwillcontinueto monitor the implementation ofthe agreements through till thecompletion of the Exit DocumentforeseenintheCAB.

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Lack of witnesses hampering anti-traffick-ing drive

This according to AssistantRegional Prosecutor Atty. RitzelRabor-Polinarduringthemonth-lyKapehansaNCCCpressforumheldtoday(Nov.6)attheNCCCMallinDavaoCity. Atty Rabor-Polinar togetherwith some members of the In-terAgencyCouncilAgainstTraf-ficking(IACAT)atthemediafo-rum as part of the informationcampaignintheoccasionoftheHuman Trafficking AwarenessMonth. Theladyprosecutorsaidthatthere are several factors whichcanweakenahumantraffickingcase.Oneofwhichisholdingthewitnesses. Polinar said that the rela-tionship between the witnessesand the accused particularly ifthey are relatives is one of thereasonswhywitnessesarereluc-tanttotestify.

Shecitedacaseagainstchildpornographywhere theaccusedistheauntofthevictim/witness. AccordingtoDepartmentofJusticedataof the85anti-traf-fickingcasesfiledfrom2004uptothepresentthereare85casesfiledofwhich11weredismissedduetolackofevidenceandlackwitnesses. About52casesarestillac-tivewith11convictionsandoneacquittal. Theyear2014wasthebusi-estinthefilingofanti-traffickingcaseswith20casesfiled in thecourt. The 85 cases involves 123victims of which 68 are femalechildren,44femaleadults,eightmale children and three malaadults. About82ofthecasesinvolvesexualexploitationwhiletheoth-erthreeareforcedlaborcases.

DAVAO CITY- The lack of witnesses to prosecute illegal traffickers is hampering the drive against human trafficking.

By RG Alama

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18 November 9, 2015One Mindanao

DOH-XI warns haze remains a threat to pub-lic health

He affirmed that the trans-boundaryhazehadbeenexistentinthepastbutitsimpactismorefeltnowadays. Speaking in the quarterlymeetingoftheRegionalDisasterRiskReductionandManagementCouncil, Dr. Paulo Fantojan,spokespersonoftheDepartmentofHealth11explainedthatcur-renthazewhichstartedinJuneinIndonesiawascausedbyfor-estfires. In Mid-October, Mindanaowas already affected by haze.FantojanrecalledthatinOctober

28,theweatherbureaudeclaredthePhilippinesashazefree. “Wearenotactuallyeasingour guards because the forestfireisstillgoingoninIndonesia,which might be aggravated bytheentryofthreemoretyphoonsthis year that can once againbring thehaze fromIndonesia,”hesaid. Fantojansaidhazeisclearlyair pollution with different gas-es and particles, causing lighttransparencyoftheairandwasinitially experienced in DavaoCityinOctober17andotherar-

DAVAO CITY- An officer of the Department of Health in Davao Region warned the public to be wary of the impact of the haze to the health even if it is already gone.

By Joey Sem Dalumpines

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easinMindanaolikethecitiesofCagayandeOro,Iligan,GeneralSantosandZamboanga. Hesaidthehazephenome-nonalreadycaused5,000casesofrespiratoryillnessinSoutheastAsiaandthehazemightlastuptoJanuaryof2016. Fantojansaid thehazewasdetected in October 3 in CebuCityputtingtheplaceundersev-endaysofhaze.Hesaidhazecanbedescribedbymist,fog,cloudorsmoke,smog,vapororsteam. Fantojansaidmajorgasesintheaircausedbyhazearesulfurdioxide, particulate matter, ni-trogendioxide,carbondioxideintheozonelayer. Hesaiditsimpacttohealthiscausedbyirritantlikegaspar-ticlesinthenose,throatairways,eyesandskin. Fantojan said severity mayvaryonthelevelofpollution,thedurationoftheexposure,healthstatusandlevelofactivityofanindividual. Hesaidmanifestationsmayshowfrommild,tomoderatetosevere. “The public might experi-ence only mild symptoms suchas sneezing, running nose, eyeirritation, dry cough, dry throatfrompollutants,”Fantojansaid. Hesaidpersonswithmedi-

calproblemslikeasthma,chron-ic lung diseases. Chronic sinus-itis and allergic skin conditionsarelikelytobemoreseverelyaf-fected. “These illnesses might beaggravatedbecauseof these ir-ritants,”Fantojansaid. Hesaidthathazeiscausedby manufacturing gases, volca-niceruptionandtraffic. FantojanrecalledthatinOc-tober 3, the haze in Cebu wasmisconstrued as caused by thetrafficandnotfromtheIndone-sianfire. HesaidCebuandManilaal-ways experience local hazeduetoheavytraffic. Fantojansaidthehazeexpe-rienced inMindanao twoweeksagowascausedbyforestfiresintheKalimantan region, in Indo-nesia. Hesaidcountriesaffectedbythe haze comprise of Indonesiawhichisthecurrentcause,withthe wild fires emanating fromSumatra and Kalimantan; Ma-laysia, Brunei, Singapore, Phil-ippines, Thailand, Vietnam andCambodia.(PIA11-JoeySemG.Dalumpines)

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Sarangani swears in IP representative

ALABEL, Sarangani. Nov. 9 – Fredo Pandian Basino, the first Indig-enous Peoples Mandatory Representative (IPMR) to the Sangguni-ang Panlalawigan, officially assumed office last week.



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DOLE 12 hands out PhP1.4 M worth of livelihood projects By Danilo E. Doguiles

KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato, Nov. 9 — The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) 12 is handing out PhP1.4 million worth of livelihood project to recipients in Tacurong City.








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AFP pours in additional battalion to Sur-Sur By: Greg Tataro Jr.

TANDAG CITY, Surigao del Sur – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has added another battalion to its strength in Surigao del Sur. Lt.Col.GasparPanopio,2ndSpecial Forces Battalion com-

mander of the Philippine Army(PA)hasalreadypaidacourtesy

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callonGovernorJohnnyPimen-telonWednesday. Infact,hewasalsoabletoattend the closed-door meetingcalledbythegovernorwithbothofficials of the AFP and PNP ontheupdatesofthemanhuntop-erationagainstLumadslaysus-pects—LoloyTejero,BobbyTeje-ro, andGarito Layno—all facingmurderandotherrelatedcrimi-nal charges at the Lianga Re-gionalTrialCourt(RTC). Earlier,whilewaitingforthegovernor to arrive, Col. IsidroPurisima, 402nd Infantry Bri-gade commander, told mediathatasidefrom2ndSFbattalion,

two companies of army SpecialForces,respectivelyfrom7thand9thhadalreadybeenunderhim. These “SF companies” hadbeen tasked as “maneuveringforces,”headded. Itwaslearnedthatthenewbattalion,whichcameallthewayfrom Bohol province, would setup theirheadquarters inBaran-gay Tina, San Miguel town, 31kilometerssouth,thiscity. Withthisnewdevelopment,the province is now home notonlyto36IBand75IB,butalsoto 2nd Special Forces battalionapart from the two SF compa-nies,itwaslearned.


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DTI holds online business registration training in Surigao Norte town By: Rodrigo R. Matabaran

SURIGAO CITY, Surigao del Norte - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial office conducted a training on Online Business Registration at Claver Municipal Hall on Nov. 4, 2015 for their Business Permit Licensing Office (BPLO) staff. The activity is undertakenin preparation for the operationalizationofBottomUpBudgeting (BUB) funded onlinebusiness registration project oftheClavermunicipalgovernmentincoordinationwithDTI.

According toDTIprovincialdirectorCelestinoL.Negapatan,once fully operational thismonth, the project will enablethe processing of DTI BusinessName registration certificateright at the BPLO office of the

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municipality. Hence, business applicantswillno longer travel to thecityjusttoapplyforbusinessnamebeforeapplyingbusinesspermitwiththe localgovernmentunit.Ownersof singleproprietorshipestablishmentintheneighboringmunicipalities and barangaysmay also avail of this businessname registration service,Negapatansaid. This initiative also aimsto reduce the cost of doingbusinessparticularlythatofthesmallentrepreneursandfurtherimprovethebusinessregistrationmechanismofthemunicipality. Director Negapatan andClavermayorEddieP.Gokiangkee

pushed for the implementationof the said project along withits effort to improve the LGUscompetitiveness. In 2015, Claver showedsignificant improvement inthe cities and municipalitiescompetiveness index (CMCI)ranking of which it is placedthe 51st most competitiveamong 462 1st and 2nd Classmunicipalities throughout thecountry. In 2014, it is ranked82ndamong399municipalitiesthatparticipatedCMCI. The training was attendedby Business Permit LicensingOfficerPaulNiñoD.YuandsomeLGUstaff.

P200K bounty up for each primary suspects in Lumad slay in SurSur By: Greg Tataro Jr.

TANDAG CITY, Surigao del Sur – A P200,000 reward each for the capture of three suspects on the September 1 Lumad killings here was set.

The announcement camefromGovernorJohnnyPimentelhimselfduring thebriefvisitof

theclergiesoftheIglesiaFilipinaIndependiente (IFI) last weekalthoughhedidnotcategorically

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statetheamount. He also told the visitingclergies about the dismalperformance of both the PNPandtheAFPherewiththejointTaskForceBangkawtaskedtogoafterLoloyTejero,BobbyTejero,andGaritoLayno,allfacingthreecounts ofmurder, arson, gravecoercion,androbbery. He said thatmore than60dayshadalreadypassedbutthesuspectshadremainedscot-freesincetheincidenthappened. The governor was also

requestedbythevisitingchurchpeople during their MindanaoBishops’ Conference here tonarrate thewhole storyofhowthe“evacuees”cameabout. Ithaddrawnempathy. Meanwhile, when asked tocomment on the reward, bothP/SSupt.NarcisoVerdaderoandCol. Isidro Purisima of the PNPand AFP, respectively, repliedthat the bounty raised wouldhelpthejointefforttrackdownthesuspects.


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Abel De Guzman, PDRRMOexecutive officer, explainedthat concerned communitieshad already identified “hazardspecifics,”whichoutofthese,acontingency plan adaptable onthegroundhadbeendevised. During calamities anddisasters, whatever, localgovernment units (LGUs)through their respectiveDRRMOs are normally on thefrontlinetoeaseofftheburdenwhilethePDRRMO,whichisthe

umbrellaorganization,functionsasoverseerandconsolidator. DeGuzman said right nowtheprovincehadbeenfacedwithamanmade disaster, citing themassevacuationofsome3,000individualstakingshelterattheSurigao del Sur Sports Center,in particular, as an offshoot ofthe murder of three lumads inKilometer 16, Sitio Han-ayan,BarangayDiatagon,LiangatownonSeptember1.

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All systems go for !3th MindaComNet Congress in CDOBy Alma L. Tingcang

IPIL, Zamboanga Sibugay (PIA) – It’s all systems go for the 13th Mindanao Communicators Network, Inc. (MindaComNet) Congress slated on Nov. 11-13 in Cagayan de Oro City which will be held at Pryce Hotel.

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The Philippine Information Agency in partnership with the Regional Association of Government Communicators (RAGCOM) in Northern Mindanao will play host to this big event which will gather together about 150 participants from all over Mindanao. MindaComNet is an organization of government public information and relations officers of national government agencies (NGAs), government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local government units (LGUs) in Mindanao. Anchored on this year’s theme, “Investment Opportunities in Mindanao towards ASEAN Integration,” the congress aims to present the vast opportunities available in Mindanao

and our readiness to the challenge of the integration. It has two learning events which will provide participants with latest trends in Public Relations as a tool in promoting government development programs and utilization of Mobile Photography through a workshop and critiquing of outputs. Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Sonny Coloma will be the keynote speaker. Topics up for discussion will be Investment Opportunities in Northern Mindanao, Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP) Bayanihan, Public Relations: A tool in promoting development programs, How to Become an Effective Spokesperson, and Mobile and Available Light Photography Workshop, among others.

All systems go for 13th MindaComNet Congress in CDOBy Alma L. Tingcang

ZAMBOANGA CITY (PIA) – In observance of the death anniversary of one of its finest leaders, the late Mayor Cesar C. Climaco, the city government will hold a series of activities on Saturday, November 14.

According to City Hall Public Information Officer Sheila Covarrubias, “a commemorative mass at the Sta. Maria Parish

Church” will be held on that day, which will be led by the late mayor’s niece, Mayor Beng Climaco-Salazar.

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A wreath-laying and candle-lighting service will then be done at the site where the late mayor was assassinated along Governor Alvarez Street, near the La Merced Memorial Funeral Homes. From there, the activity will lead towards Climaco Freedom Park in Abong-Abong, Pasonanca. There, a commemorative program will be held. Another activity for this year is the launching of the Cesar Cortes Climaco (CCC) Installation Art in Abong-Abong. Mayor Cesar Climaco served Zamboanga City during the Marcos regime, and was one of that administration’s staunch critic, raising his voice against corruption during the martial law years. He is known as a jolly and honorable man sporting long, wispy white hair, plying the streets of

Zamboanga on his motorcycle without any close-in security. On the morning of November 14, 1984, Climaco responded to a fire incident in downtown area. After leaving the area, the mayor was believed to have joked upon noticing a set of caskets in the nearby La Merced Funeral Homes. “Reserve one of those for me,” he said in jest. Upon mounting his motorcycle, a man approached from behind and shot him in the nape. Climaco was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. The assassin was able to escape, and his identity still remains a mystery to this date. Today, residents consider the late mayor as a legendary man, who gave his life for the liberty of the people from all forms of corruption.

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36 November 9, 2015One Mindanao

DTI awards BAGWIS seals to 22 establishments in NorMinBy Jasper Marie Oblina-Rucat

A total of 22 establishments in Northern Mindanao has been awarded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) region 10 with BAGWIS seal including five Liquefied

Petroleum Gas (LPG) dealers who are first time awardees in celebration of Consumer Welfare Month.

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Atty. Fel LesterBrillantes, legalofficer and chief of the ConsumerWelfare Division of DTI region 10saidthattheawardingoftheBagwisseal is aimed to recognize businessestablishments that practice fairbusiness and uphold the rights andwelfareofconsumers. Formerly known as the DTI-Certified Establishment, the DTIBagwisProgramgivesduerecognitionto establishments that adhere fairtrade laws, rules and regulations,havingconsumerwelfaredesks,andgiving quality customer services toclients. Further, their Bagwis seals orsealsofexcellencecanserveasguideandassurancewhereconsumerscanbuysafeandqualityproductsatthebestvalueformoney,Brillantessaid. TheBagwisSealisclassifiedintoGold,SilverandBronze.

Bagwis Bronze Seal awardeesinclude CDO 2 Cycles MarketingCorp.,FabulousJeansandShirtsandGeneralMerchandiseandMetroGoldSupermartInc.inBukidnon,DLBonitaMerchandising-Catarman Branch inCamiguin, Mtzia Corporation, and JIandJEsGeneralMerchandiseinLanaodelNorte, and Jo-MaryConstructionSupply and Lumber, New El FrancoCommercial,JMarketingCorporationandSeclotGeneralMerchandiseInc.inMisamisOccidental. Meanwhile, silver awardeesinclude D’Dales Shopping Center,Emmcor Inc., Highway Constructionand General Merchandise, Bob’sConstruction Supply, Princity Inc.and New Family Traders in MisamisOccidental, and five LPG outlets inCagayandeOroCityincludingJuanSiaEnterprisesandGranciaMarketing. Asfirsttimeawardee,Dominick

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38 November 9, 2015One Mindanao

First paperless session in Lanao Norte conductedTUBOD, Lanao del Norte – The Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP), which is the lawmaking body of Lanao del Norte is currently using the Paperless Session Information System for its regular weekly sessions.

Throughthisnewsoftware,SPpersonnel are no longer requiredtoprinthundredsofpagesforeachprovincial board member priorto every session conducted at itsSession Hall, Provincial CapitolBuilding in capital town--Tubod.InformationisnowsimplyuploadedtothesystemforeachSPmembertoreadilyaccessit. This first-ever paperlesssession aims to modernize thelegislative process in Lanao delNorte provincial government, saidVice-GovernorMariaCristinaAtay. “With the paperless session,it will make our SangguniangPanlalawiganmoreefficientindoingourlegislativefunctionandenablesus tobecomemore responsive totheneedsofourpeople.Inaddition,wecanalsohelpinpreservingourenvironmentsincewewillnowbe

using less paper products,” saidAtay. The computer-aided sessionis adopted from the system usedby the provincial government ofAgusandelSur. LanaodelNorteSPpersonnelrecently visited the Agusan delSurprovincialgovernmentinPlazaGovernment Center, Prosperidadtown, Agusan del Sur, for abenchmarkingactivitytolearntheirbestpracticesforpossibleadaptionofitsownlegislativebody. Prior to its holding of thefirst paperless session, Lanao delNorte SP personnel together withprovincial board members weretrained and familiarized with thePaperless Session InformationSystem by a team of informationtechnology (IT) experts fromAgusandelSurlocalgovernment

Grancia of Grancia Marketing saidtheyarealready19years inserviceandthattheyalwaysupholdhonestyandmaintains standards set by theDTI and Department of Energy intheirbusiness.

Theawardingceremonyisoneofthehighlightsofthisyear’sConsumerWelfare Month Celebration held onOctober28,2015inCagayandeOroCity.(JMOR/PIA10)

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Implementation of more road projects in the offingCAGAYAN DE ORO CITY - The City Council committee on public works and engineering is set to review the resolution for the approval of appropriation for the project road reblocking of ACPT Jabulin Street and Iponan Entrance road in Barangay Iponan, Cagayan de Oro City.

The resolution, adopted bythe Local Finance Committeewith corresponding Certificate ofAvailability of Funds (CAF), wasfavorably endorsed by City MayorOscar Moreno, City Treasurer OfficeandCityBudgetOfficerrecommendsapproval to appropriate the amountofP6,222,400forthepurpose. Thiswillbetakenfromthe2014Surplus. The committee, chaired by

Councilor Alden Bacal, will likewisetackletheresolutionfortheapprovaloftheappropriationintheamountofP8,979,060fortheconcretepavingofZone10inBarangayCarmen. This was favorably endorsedby City Mayor, Budget Officer andTreasurer with corresponding CAFalsotobefundedfromtheSurplusforCY2014.(JBD/CdeOSP)

unit. Insupportofthisnewsystem,SPmembersareprovidedwithnewAcer laptops, printers, and otherelectronic gadgets for use duringregularsessions. With the paperless session,LocalLegislativeStaff(LLS)simplyuploadcommitteereports,minutesofthemeeting,andjournalstothesystem thereby saving additionalexpenses on ink cartridges, bondpapers,foldersandothermaterials. Municipalities can now alsosubmit soft copiesof their annualbudgets, ordinances and other

supportingdocumentsthatfurtherlessen the expenses on officesupplies as well as the negativeimpactonenvironment. Forhis part,GovernorKhalidDimaporo iselatedwiththe latesttechnology upgrade implementedbytheSanggunianPanlalawigan. Gov.Dimaporohasconsistentlyexpressed his support to the SPparticularly in providing logisticalsupport and training to membersandstaffoftheprovinciallegislativecouncil. (VNL&SP/PGLDN/PIA-10LDN)

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“Being a PMA cadet givesanindividualanobleprivilegeinservingthecountry.Oneisabletoavailofafreecollegeeducationwith awell-rounded curriculum,aswellasreceivemonthlypayandallowances.AftergraduatingfromtheAcademy,oneisguaranteeda progressive career as anofficer in theArmy,NavyorAirForce,”disclosedCaptFerdinandQuiochoofthePhilippineMilitaryAcademyduringhisinterviewonTuesdayoverPIA-Caraga’s107.8Power FM/Advanced ForwardEmergencyBroadcastingSystem(AFEBS)Network,thiscity. Quiocho also revealedthat applicants must at least5’0 inches in height both formale and female, natural-bornFilipinocitizen,physicallyfitand