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Course started on December 2001 First Revision - January 2003

Second Revision – December 2004 (Effective from 2061/2004 Batch)

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MSREE Entrance and Examination System

1. Eligibility: To be eligible for admission to the program, a candidate must: • Hold a Bachelors degree from normally, a Four Year Program in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical,

Electronics, Computer and Agriculture Engineering or Five year Program in Architecture or a Two year program in Master of Science in Physics and Chemistry from Tribhuvan University and other recognized Universities as well as Degrees equivalent to any of the aforesaid branches of Engineering.

• Have undergraduate grades significantly above average and not less than that prescribed by the

Faculty Board of the Institute of Engineering, and • Secure at least a minimum score, as prescribed by the Faculty Board, in the Admission test

conducted by Pulchowk Campus. 2. Selection: The Candidates fulfilling the program requirements will be selected for the admission on the basis of merit, which will be assessed in terms of total marks considering: (a) The percentage of the total aggregate of Bachelor Degree, and (b) The marks secured in the entrance test. 3. Entrance Test: The nature of the entrance test will be decided by the Entrance Committee, set up by Pulchowk Campus. The exact mix of the percentage of the total aggregate of Bachelor Degree and the nature of the entrance test will be made known to the prospective candidates through notification in Pulchowk campus and/or Public media. 4. Course Structure: The course structure is based on the Semester system. The detailed course structure, examination scheme, marks, etc. are listed in detailed course structure sheet. Each Year is divided in First part and Second part, amounting to First and Second Semester. There are five compulsory subjects in the First part and the Second part of the First year. The Second year First part consists of three Groups. One subject is compulsory. Students can select any two subjects from among eight subjects in group A and any one from among four from group B. The subject may change from time to time and number of subject may be limited. Second part of Second Year consists entirely of Thesis work. The Thesis work shall be extensive and normally field based.

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5. Duration: A regular student should complete the course within three years and a Part-time student should complete it by five years. Minimum of two students could be admitted in part time students. A part time student must take at least two subjects per semester. Each student must take a minimum of 60 credits. Student may take more than 60 credits but the excess credit will not be counted for. 6. Merit: The total percentage is calculated from the following relation: Depending upon the total percentage of the marks obtained, the following division shall be awarded:

Percentage Division

Pass >=50% 50 -< 65 II 65- < 80 I 80 – higher Distinction

7. Qualifying Criteria:

To qualify for the Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering, a student with Bachelor Engineering Degree or equivalent must complete a program of course work of 60 credits including an individual thesis of 16 credits.

To qualify for the Master of Science in Renewable Energy, a student with appropriate M. Sc. degree must complete a program of course work of 60 credits including an individual thesis of 16 credits.




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Year: I Part:A

Duration Hrs Marks

1 EG801ME Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering 3 2 1 1.5 4.5 *40 3 60 1002 EG802ME Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications 4 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1003 EG803ES Energy Resources 2 2 1 0 3 40 3 60 1004 EG804SH System Mathematics 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 1005 EG805ES Bio Energy 3 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 100

Total 15 13 5 4.5 22.5 200 300 500* This 40 marks includes 20 marks of practical.

Year: I Part:B

Duration Hrs Marks

1 EG851EE Instrumentation 4 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1002 EG852ES Renewable Energy Systems Technology 4 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1003 EG853ME Project Planning and Management 3 3 2 0 5 40 3 60 1004 EG854ES Economics of Energy Projects 2 2 1 0 3 40 3 60 1005 EG855SH Applied Sociology 2 2 0 0 2 40 3 60 100

Total 15 13 5 3 21 200 300 500* This 40 marks includes 20 marks of practical.L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical

Examination Scheme

Examination Scheme

L T P Total



Assessment Marks


Teaching Schedule

M. Sc. in Renewable Energy / Engineering


Teaching Schedule

Course Code Course Title Credit L T P Total

Total RemarksCourse Code Course Title Credit Final


Assessment Marks


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Year: II Part:A

Duration Hrs Marks

1 EG901SH Research Methodology 2 2 1 0 3 40 3 60 100

1 EG902ME Solar Thermal Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1002 EG903EX Solar PV Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1003 EG904ES Micro-hydro 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1004 EG905ES Bio gas Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1005 EG906ES Bio fuel Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1006 EG907ES Wood Energy Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1007 EG908ES Wind Energy Technology 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1008 EG909ES New Renewable Energy Technologies (NRETs) 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1009 EG915ES Environmental Impacts and Climate Change 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 100

Elective B***1 EG910ES Energy Planning and Management 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1002 EG911ES Energy Auditing, Analysis and Conservation 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1003 EG912ES System Integration 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 1004 EG914ME Design and Manufacturing 3 1 1.5 5.5 *40 3 60 100

Total 14 11 4 4.5 19.5 160 240 400* This 40 marks includes 20 marks of Practical/project work/s.** Two subjects from this group*** One subject from this group

Year: II Part :B


Assessment through Project Work/Thesis and final Viva/thesis presentation

1 EG951XY* Thesis Work / Research Work 16 100Total 16 100

* XY could be ME, ES, EX, EE, SH** As per the department rules and regulationL = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical

Teaching Schedule

Final Assessment Marks**



Assessment Marks


Examination SchemeTheory


Elective A**

P TotalCourse Code





Examination Scheme

TotalCourse Code Course Title TotalL T P



Teaching Schedule

Course Title TCredit


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Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents

S. N. Description Page No. 1. MSREE Entrance and Examination System i

2. Teaching and Examination Scheme iii

3. Course Titles v

4. Course details

1. Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering 1

2. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Application 3

3. Energy Resources 5

4. System Mathematics 7

5. Bio- energy 9

6. Instrumentation 16

7. Renewable Energy System Technology 19

8. Project Planning and Management 21

9. Economics of Energy Projects 23

10. Applied Sociology 25

11. Research Methodology 27

12. Solar Thermal Technology 29

13. Solar Photovoltaic Technology 32

14. Micro Hydro Power 35

15. Bio-gas Technology 37

16. Bio-fuel technology 40

17. Wood Energy Technology 43

18. Wind Energy Technology 47

19. New Renewable Energy Technologies (NRETs) 49

20. Environmental Impacts and Climate Change 51

21. Energy Planning and Management 55

22. Energy Auditing, Analysis and Conservation 57

23. System Integration 60

24. Design and Manufacturing 62

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Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering (EG801ME)

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To apply the knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer, combustion processes in the combustion engines and assesses the effects of pollutants from these devices. 1. Thermodynamics (4 hrs)

• Review of laws of thermodynamics • Energy availability – available and non-available energy of a system and surrounding

atmosphere • Relation between fuel conversion efficiency, combustion efficiency and thermal efficiency

2. Application of Heat Transfer: (4 hrs)

• Heat exchangers • Solar thermal devices

3. Combustion: (8 hrs)

• Introduction to combustion process • Combustion equation, stoichiometry, heating values • Flames: types, structure and propagation • Quenching and explosion hazards, flammability limits • Combustion of solid, liquid and gas fuels

4. Combustion engine and emission control: (14 hrs)

• Working of spark ignition engines, compression ignition engine, stirling engine, steam turbine and gas turbine

• Pollutant emissions, effects of pollutants, emission from combustion engines, emission control measures

• Emission control and analysis Assignments: There should be at least one assignment from each topic.

Laboratory works: 1. Analysis of heat pumps 2. Advanced experiments on conduction, convection and radiation 3. Analysis of heat transfer of different types of heat exchangers

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4. Emission testing of spark ignition engine and compression ignition engine 5. Exposure to boiler operation (Site visit) Text books, reference and journals: 1. E. Radhakrishnan; Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India (P.)

Ltd, New Delhi 2. Z. Warhalf, An introduction to Thermo-fluid Engineering; the engine and the atmosphere,

Cambridge University Press, 1997 3. J.B. Jones and R.E. Dugan: Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India (P.) Ltd, New

Delhi 4. Stephen R. Turns; An Introduction to combustion: concept and applications, McGraw-HILL,

Inc., 1996 5. J. P. Holman; Heat Transfer, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1997 6. Web sites:,, 7. Journal: Combustion Science and Technology 8. Journal: ASME Journal on Heat Transfer

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Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Application (EG802ME)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To review on basic fluid mechanics including forces on stationary and moving systems. Study and application of similitude and dimensional analysis, compressible & in compressible flow, water turbines and pumps. 1. Review on Basic Fluid Mechanics: (8 hrs)

• Basic Hydrodynamics: Differential equation of continuity, Bernoulli’ equation, stream function, basic flow fields, velocity potential, orthogonality of streamlines, equipotential lines

• Momentum and Forces in Fluid Flow: Development of impulse momentum principle, force exerted on a stationary vane or blade, torque in rotating machines, reaction with rotation, momentum principle applied to propeller and wind mills

2. Similitude and Dimensional Analysis: (4 hrs) Geometrical similarity, kinematics similarity, dynamic similarity, scale ratios, comments on models, dimensional analysis 3. Incompressible Flow in Pressure Conduits: (6 hrs) Laminar and turbulent flow, Reynolds number, general equation for conduct friction, laminar flow in circular pipes, entrance conditions in laminar fowl, pipe roughness, chart for friction factor, pipeline with pump or turbine, pipe in series and parallel 4. Forced on Immersed Bodies: (3 hrs) Friction drag of boundary layer incompressible flow, boundary layer separation and pressure drag on two and three dimensional bodies, lift and circulation lift of an airfoil, induced drag on airfoil of finite length 5. Similarity laws and Factors for Turbo-machines: (4 hrs) Efficiency definitions, similarity laws, restriction on use of similarity laws, peripheral velocity factor, specific speed 6. Compressible Flow: (6 hrs) Introduction to compressible flows, wave propogation and sound velocity, mach number, basic equations for one dimensional compressible flow, isentropic flow relations

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7. Water Turbines and Pumps: (10 hrs) Types of turbines (Pelton, Turgo impulse, Crossflow, Francis, Kaplan, propeller), working principles, components and their functions, characteristics and design Classification, size and rating, head delivered, specific speed, characteristics of constant speed, energy laws in pumps, cavitations, efficiency, proportion and factors for pumps, system characteristics and design.

8. Basics of Wind Energy Conversion: (4 hrs)

Principle of wind energy conversion, component, efficiency, tip speed ratio, wind direction changes, material fatigue, starting, delayed stall types-vertical/horizontal axis, constant/variable speed, wind farm.

Laboratory Experiments: 1. Fluid flow visualization and analysis 2. Investigation of validity of Bernoulli’s theorem for convergent and divergent flow system 3. Determination of coefficient of discharge for orifices for flows under constant head and flows 4. Operation and characteristics of different basic types of flow meters 5. Determinations of critical depth and specific energy at upstream and down stream (*) 6. Losses and characteristics associated with flow through bends and fittings 7. Laminar and turbulent pipe flow analysis 8. Experiments on airflow rig (*) 9. Performance characteristics of turbines and pumps *Subject to availability of equipment Text books, References, and Journals: 1. Robert L. Daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini and E. John Finnemore, Fluid Mechanics with

Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill Book Company, SI Metric Edition 1989 2. Dr. P.N. Modi and Dr. M. Sethi, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book house 1995 3. Dr. J. Tritton, Physical Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition, Claredon Press, Oxford Press 1988 4. Dr. Jagadish Lal, Hydraulics Machines, Metropoliton Co. 1995 5. Dr. D. S. Kumar, Fluid mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, S.K. Katheria & Sons, India

1998 6. Experiments in Fluid (Journals) 7. Physics of Fluid (Journals) 8. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Journals) 9. Chemical Engineering Prog. (Journals)

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Energy Resources (EG803ES)

Lecture: 2 Year: 1 Tutorial: 1 Part: A Objective: To furnish the fundamental knowledge on energy resources in general and renewable energy sources in particular such as wind, micro-hydro, wave, tidal, geothermal energy, etc. 1. Introduction: (2 hrs) ! Energy scenario (National, Regional and Global) ! Environmental issues and socio- economics impact.

2. Classifications of Energy Resources: (4 hrs) ! Primary and secondary resources ! Conventional and non-conventional resources ! Commercial and non- commercial resources ! Renewable and non –renewable resources ! Traditional and modern resources ! Need of standardization

2.1 Non- renewable energy resources (4 hrs) ! Fossil fuels: Introduction and their exploration and development ! Formation, classification and properties of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels (Natural gas, Propane, Butane, Methane, commercial LPG)

2.2 Renewable Energy Resources: (18 hrs) ! Solar Energy: Introduction, Reactions at Sun, Extraterrestrial solar radiation, Components

of radiation, Earth Sun orbit geometry, Effects of Earth's atmosphere, Measurement of solar radiation, Estimation of solar radiation, Application of solar energy (2)

! Application of PV Technology, Types of Solar Cells, PV Module Characteristics, Simple PV SHS Design, Simple PV WPS Design, Reduction of GHGs due to PV(4)

! Bio-energy: Introduction, Bio-fuel classification, direct combustion, Pyrolysis, Bio-methanation and fermentation, Densification and gasification(2)

! Wind energy: Introduction, classification, Present scenario, Future potential and prospects, Power from wind, Wind turbine types and power extraction, Wind farming.(2)

! Micro-hydro power: Introduction,, classification, Present scenario , Future potential prospects and Constraints, Working principles of different types of turbines in brief.(3)

! Ocean energy: Introduction, principle, power generation.(1) ! Geothermal energy: Introduction, exploration and development, Present scenario

Harnessing of Geothermal resources.(1) ! Nuclear energy: Introduction, Fundamentals of nuclear energy (principle, radioactive

materials, power plants and safety measures)(1)

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! Newer forms of energy: Introduction, production of Hydrogen, Fuel cells.(1) ! Economic and financial analysis.(1)

3. Global trends in Energy policy (2 hrs) Textbook, Reference and Journals 1. Renewable energy Power for Sustainable Future

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System Mathematics (EG 804SH)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Objective: To deal with the application of Partial Differential Equations, Laplace Transformations, Mathematical Modeling, Optimization Techniques, System Modeling & Simulation and Statistical Application in Operation Research. 1. Linear System, Non Linear System and Stability: (12 hrs) • Introduction • Solution of linear system by elimination using differential operator • Solution of system by Laplace Transform • Non-linear systems phase plane, critical path and stability 2. Probability and Statistics: (5 hrs) • Central Tendency and Dispersion • Probability Theory and Distribution • Correlation and Regression 3. Mathematical Programming/Optimization Techniques: (13 hrs) • Linear Programming, Integer Programming, Dynamic Programming/Non-linear Programming,

Transportation Model and Assignment Model. 4. System Modeling and Simulations: (5 hrs) • Application of Dynamic System Models • Queuing Systems • Modeling and Simulating Theory 5. Forecasting: (4 hrs) • Models for Time-series with Trend Components • Models for Time-series with Seasonal Components • Models for Time- series with Trend and Seasonal Components • Selecting the Best Forecasting Method • Causal Model; Simple and Multiple Regression 6. Geographical Information System: (6 hrs) • Importance of GIS in RET, Data acquisition and analysis using GIS

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Textbook, Reference and Journals: 1. Peter V. O’ Neil:, advance Engineering Mathematics, Wadsworth Publishing Company,

Belmont, California 2. Rosenberg K. M. ; Statistics for Behavioral Sciences, Wm. C. Brown Publication. 3. Camm, Jeffrey D. and James R. Evans, “Management Science & Decision Technology”, South

– Western College Publishing, A Division of Thompson Learning, USA, 2000.

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Bio-Energy (EG805ES)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To create awareness and to enhance endogenous capacity in handling the upcoming challenges in the biomass front, including resource identification, energy generation, system design and technology development to ensure a sustainable future of the carbon neutral indigenous bio-energy sources Components: 1. Bio-gas Energy

2. Bio-fuel (liquid) Energy 3. Wood and Non-wood Solid Biomass Fuel Energy

General (2 hrs)

• Introduction to different sources of Bio-energy • Bio-energy and environment • International concerns of renewable energy development in the context of particularly

global climate change (United National Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol), Acid Rain, Ozone depletion, Population explosion, etc

1. Bio-gas energy

1.1 Introduction: (2 hr) • Historical context of bio-gas energy • Bio-gas Energy Resources (International context) • History of biogas development in Nepal • Institutional growth • Technical growth • Financing arrangement etc. • Suitable organic waste for Biogas production (1 hr) • Microbial activities in relation to anaerobic digestion of organic waste (2 hrs) • Morphology of methanogenic bacteria

o Biochemical process of anaerobic digestion o Stages of anaerobic digestion o Factors affecting microbial activities in digester

1.2 Advantages of biogas (domestic application): (1 hr)

• Time saving • Health and sanitation

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• Cleanliness • Reduction in purchased fuel expense • Environment protection • Contribution to agriculture (slurry)

1.3 Limitations of Bio-gas Development: (1 hr) • High investment cost / high interest on borrowing • No direct cash income to user households • Land, water and maintenance problems • Sustained supply of raw-material.

1.4 Economics of Bio-gas plant installation in Nepal (Gobar-gas plant) (2 hrs)

• Investment vs size • Subsidy policy and sources • Loan (credit) arrangement and repayment conditions

1.5 Design concept and other parameters of biogas plant. (3 hrs)

• Introduction of plant designs • Volume calculation and structural (design) aspect • Site selection aspect and constructional details • Cold condition bio-gas plants

1.6 Quality control of biogas plants: (2 hrs)

• Introduction • Need for quality control • Quality control parameters and procedures • Verification system • Anticipated problems • Financial implications and expected outputs • Expert requirement

1.7 Role of management, communication and human resource development: (2 hrs)

• Introduction • Approach of management • Extension and Communication • Monitoring and Reporting

1.8 Bio-gas in relation to environment, ecology, health and sanitation: (2 hrs)

(National Context) • Bio-gas and agriculture, • Biogas and women, • Biogas and forests, • Biogas in relation to health and sanitation

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• Bio-gas in relation to local environment

Laboratory Works: a) Demonstration of different kinds of biogas appliances (stoves and pipes) and their accessories b) Demonstration of biogas lamps. c) Site visit to observe bio-gas plants in different stages of construction and operation.

2. Bio-Fuel (Liquid) Energy 2.1 Introduction: (1 hr)

• Common traditional Bio-fuel (e.g. Fire wood, charcoal seed oil and fats etc.) • Modern / Commercial biofuels (e.g. Hydrocarbon fuels, petroleum products, briquettes etc)

2.2 Traditional Fuel situation in Nepal (2 hrs)

• Role of renewable bio-energy (non-wood) in the national energy demand supply situation • Comparative review of other developed and the developing countries in particular reference

to SAARC countries and scope of bio-energy development in the future

2.3 Bio-fuel Resources and Production (2 hrs) • Bio-fuel resources assessment of sustainable production potential • Product analysis • Market value of bio-fuel resources • Cost of bio-fuel products • Bio-briquette • Bio-diesel • Bio-ethanol • Bio-hydrocarbons

2.4 Conventional agro-farm bio-fuel and bio-briquette (2 hrs)

• Prospects of production and promotion • Combustion characteristics • Material property • Application of bio-briquette • Current situation of motor specific consumption, demand and application, • Comparative study

2.5 Bio-ethanol (2 hrs)

• Resources for bio-ethanol production • Production of liquid bio-ethanol • Cost benefit analysis of bio-ethanol • Material properties of bio-ethanol • Combustion characteristics of bio-ethanol

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• Scope and limitation of bio-ethanol fuel as renewable alternative energy source in the transport sector

2.6 Bio- Diesel (2 hrs)

• Resources for bio-diesel production • Production of liquid bio-diesel • Cost benefit analysis of bio-diesel • Material properties of bio-diesel • Combustion characteristics of bio-diesel • Scope and limitation of bio-diesel fuel as renewable alternative energy source in the

transport sector

2.7 Bio- Hydrocarbons (2 hrs) • Resources for bio-hydrocarbon production • Production of liquid bio-hydrocarbons • Cost benefit analysis of bio-hydrocarbons • Material properties of bio-hydrocarbons • Combustion characteristics of bio-hydrocarbon • Scope and limitation of bio-hydrocarbon fuel as renewable alternative energy sources in the

transport sector 2.8 Bio-fuel conversion and application (2 hrs) 2.9 Environment impact of bio-fuels (1 hr) Field Exposures

• To observe local bio-fuel resources • To observe traditional as well as modern application of bio-fuel conversion process • To observe the application of bio-fuel

Laboratory Works: 1. Extraction of fixed oil by mechanical and solvent distillation processes 2. Demonstration of fuel grade renewable liquid bio-fuel 3. Demonstration of preparation of gasohol (90% + 10%)

Text book, References and Journals 1. AlFinch, E. O., Energy Research by Brogilis Agricultural Research System 2. Wilsons, D. Evaluating Alternatives: Aspect of an Integrated Approach using ethanol 3. Luty A., Vegetable oil as fuel, An environmentally and socially compatible concept

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3. Wood and non-wood solid biomass fuel energy 3.1 Terminology and general introduction: (4 hrs) • Definition of wood and non-wood biomass fuels, terminologies, including national, regional

and global context, traditional and modern applications of biomass fuels (including historical background, share in national energy balance, emerging scenarios in the energy sector)

3.2 Wood and non-wood solid biomass fuel resources: (5 hrs) Forest based production systems (direct woodfuel): • Production from different types of natural forests, including Public, Private, Leasehold forests,

etc. • Production from forest and tree plantations (afforestation and reforestation) in forest lands,

block tree plantations in public and lease-hold forest lands, including village woodlots, village forests, leased forests.

• Production from community owned/managed natural forests, scrub shrub and scrub lands. Non-forest land based production systems (direct woodfuel): • Naturally grown trees in private lands, farms, home gardens and homesteads • Planted trees in blocks, patches or isolation in farms, homesteads and home-gardens • Fruit orchards and non-industrial tree plantations (rubber and cash-crop plantations) Other production systems (indirect woodfuel and recovered woodfuel): • Indirect woodfuel, wood wastes and by-products in wood and paper industries available for

fuel. • Recovered wood from different sources, wood from demolition of old construction, abandoned

furniture, packing materials, driftwood (along riverbanks and coastal areas) etc. Non-woody solid biomass fuel production systems: a) Animal Residues: Biomass residues available as by-products of animals and poultry for fuel (indirect biomass fuel) Recovered biomass from meat processing and other related industries for fuel (recovered biomass fuel) b) Energy crops & residues: Different types of crops (soybean, sugarcane, oil seed etc.) raised exclusively for energy purpose, direct energy crops) Biomass residues of different types available in the field after crop harvests (indirect biomass fuel) 3.3 Wood and non-wood biomass fuel flow systems: (4 hrs) • Wood and non-wood biomass fuel production/collection/preparation/conversion/bundling • Wood and non-wood biomass fuel transportation (loading, unloading, transportation, etc.) • Wood and non-wood biomass fuel distribution/marketing (including collectors/gatherers/

harvesters, contractors, transporters, retailers/wholesalers, pricing mechanisms, etc.) • Assessment of wood and non-wood biomass energy resources (productivity and sustainable

supply potential, management systems and scope for development; strategies and programmes of biomass fuel supply enhancement in the relevant sectors

• Policy and planning (national policies and regulations governing the use of wood and non-wood biomass for energy, the roles of POs, NGOs, CBOs and GOs in biomass energy development.

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3.4Wood and non-wood solid biomass fuel conversion and utilization (secondary and final energy forms): (4 hrs) • Pyrolysis and charcoal making • Briquetting & Pelletising (densification of loose biomass residues), Charcoal briquettes • Biomass fuel based boilers, kilns and furnaces • Biomass Gasification (low cost, small-scale gasifiers for different applications) • Cogeneration of heat and power from biomass fuels • Dendro-thermal power generation from biomass fuels • Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) for household applications (for domestic cooking and space

heating) • Improved technology for enhancing the use of biomass fuels in the industrial and commercial

sectors, (for enhancing the biomass fuel combustion efficiency in traditional industries and commercial undertakings which rely on solid biomass fuels)

• Commercially available modern biomass energy technologies (i.e. gasification, cogeneration, dendro-thermal power generation, hybrid system, etc)

Laboratory Works: 1. Improved technology for charcoal making and utilization, for enhancing charcoal combustion

efficiency at the household and industry levels, as well as for reducing environmental pollution 2. Determination of the calorific value of different wood and non-wood biomass by tree species,

crop 3. Determination of the heat and combustion efficiency of different types of ICS Text books, references, journals and newsletters: 1. Energy Statistics: Definitions, Units of Measure and Conversion Factors, Studies in Methods,

Series F No. 44. Department of International Economics and Social Affairs, Statistical Office, UNDP, New York 1987.

2. Energy and Environment Basics: RWEDP Report No. 29, 2nd edition. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, July 1997.

3. P.D. Grover & S.K. Mishra. Biomass Briquetting: Technology and Practices 4. Regional Study on Wood Energy Today and Tomorrow in Asia. RWEDP Field Document No.

50. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 1997. 5. RWEDP (2000), Wood Energy, Climate and Health: International Expert Consultation,

Summary Report. Field Document No. 58. (Paper of A. Koopmans, "Trends in Wood/Biomass and other Renewable Energies").

6. Options for Dendro Power in Asia: Report on the Expert Consultation, Manila, Philippines, RWEDP Field Document No. 57. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2000.

7. Others national and international sources of information, including published documents, journals and newsletters

8. Unified Wood Energy (UWE) Terminology (Draft), FAO Forestry Department, Rome, November 2001

9. Wood Energy Development: Planning, Policies and Strategies. RWEDP Field Document No. 37 (a, b & c). FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 1993.

10. Wood Energy, Climate and Health: An International Expert Consultation. RWEDP Field Document No. 58. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2000.

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11. Wood Fuel Trade in India, Report of the national consultation in Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. RWEDP Report No. 57. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2001.

12. Websites and CD-ROM of FAO-RWEDP (November 2000) and others: ! ! ! ! ! http://eubionet.vtt/fi !

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Instrumentation (EG851EE)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1hr. Part: B Practical: 1.5hrs Objectives: • To review the basic instrumentation in Electrical Engineering & Electronics. • To review the basic instrumentation in Mechanical Engineering and understand its application

in Motion and Dimensional Measurements; Force, Torque and shaft Power measurement; Heat Flux and Temperature Measurement; and Fluid and Pressure Measurement

• To impart the fundamentals of Microprocessor based instrumentation. 1. Basic instrumentation in Electrical Engineering and Electronics

• Basic Electrical Engineering [4 hrs] • Review of faraday's law of electromagnetic induction-emf and torque production • Role of resistor, inductor and capacitor in electric circuit • Concept of active and reactive power and power factor • Instrument transformer • Operational Amplifier • Logic gates

• Instrument fundamentals [4 hrs]

• Function of various components of measuring instruments • Need of electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic working media and conversion

devices • Accuracy, precision and sensitivity of measuring instruments • Static of error and calibration • Input impedance and loading effect

• Electrical measurement [4 hrs]

• Voltmeter and Ammeter: construction, operating principle and their application • Wattmeter and energy meter: meter construction, operating principle and their applications • Frequency meter construction, operating principle • Power factor and power factor to voltage converter • Megger and its application for insulation testing resistance testing

• Transducers [4 hrs]

Primary and secondary transducer Advantage and classification of electrical transducer

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2. Microprocessor based Instrumentation [8 hrs]

• Introduction to microprocessor • Microprocessor architecture, memory • Peripheral devices in microprocessor- A/D and D/A converters, multiplexers, demultiplexers,

encoders, decoders • Examples of microprocessors based 3. Motion and Dimensional Measurements [6 hrs] • Measurement of linear and angular displacement - potentiometer • Measurement of linear velocity - Electromagnetic transducer • Resistance Strain gauge and its application • Eddy-current non contacting transducers and its application • Digital displacement transducers(rotary encoders) • Speed Measurement-DC and AC taco-generator, stroboscope 4. Force torque and shaft power measurement [4 hrs] • Bonded strain gauge transducers • Piezoelectric Transducers • Dynamometers for shaft Power measurement 5. Heat flux and Temperature [4 hrs] • Electrical resistance thermometers • Semiconductor thermometer • Thermistors • Thermocouple • Radiation thermometer • Digital thermometer 6. Flow and pressure measurement [7 hrs]

• Velocity Magnitude from Pitot-Static Tube • Hot-wire and Hot-film Anemometers • Constant Area, Variable Pressure Drop Meters ("obstruction" meters) • Constant Pressure Drop, Variable Area Meters • Turbine Meters • Ultra Sound Flow meter • Electromagnetic Flow Meters • Elastic Transducers for pressure measurements

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Laboratory Works 1. Use of Operational Amplifier 2. Calibration of Thermometers 3. Use of Strain Gauge (*) 4. Use of Dynamometer for shaft power measurement (*) 5. Calibration of different types of devices for temperature measurement 6. Measurement of motive, Dynamic and Total pressure using pitot tube (*) 7. Use of data logger 8. Use of microprocessor in experiments *Subject to availability of equipment Text/Reference Books 1. E. O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems: Application and Design, McGraw Hill. 2. T. G. Beckwith, N. L. Buck and R. D. Marangoni, Mechanical Measurements, Addison

Wesley, Third edition. 3. A. K. Shawney, Electrical and electronic measurement and measuring instruments 4. E. W. Golding & F. C. Widdid, Electrical Measurement and Measuring Devices

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Renewable Energy System Technology (EG852ES)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: B Practical: 1.5 hrs Objectives: • To provide the general understanding of the energy conversion and the physics of different

types of energy conversion systems. • To provide knowledge on active and passive solar systems Photovoltaic systems, Wind power

systems, Micro Hydro Systems, OTEC, Wave/Tidal systems and Geothermal systems.

1. Solar Thermal Systems: [8hrs] ! Solar radiation and its characteristics, basic principles of heat transfer, selective coatings,

principles and performance of flat plate and solar concentrators, solar water heating, solar pond, solar swimming pool, solar stills, solar drying, solar cooling and solar cooking, conversion to mechanical energy, application of active and passive solar thermal system in buildings.

2. Solar PV Systems: [8 hrs] ! Fundamentals of solar cells, types of solar cells and their fabrication. ! Application of photovoltaic systems (modules and arrays), pumping systems, lighting

systems, satellite solar power systems, solar home problems, PV cathodic protection, and other related problems, PV Tracking Systems

3. Micro Hydro and Wind Power system: [8 hrs] ! Theory on power generation and utilization, details of wind and micro hydro power system,

site selection, transmission and installation 4. OTEC, Wave, Tidal, Geothermal and other types of energy: [4 hrs] ! OTEC: Temperature profile in temperate and tropical oceans, principles of OTEC systems,

site selection, power cycles, selection of working fluid, pumps and turbines, heat exchangers

! Wave: Generation of waves, patterns, wave energy and power extraction devices ! Tidal: Origin and nature of tides, tidal heads and duration, principle of tidal energy

conversion, tidal power generation ! Geothermal: Geophysics, available technology, harnessing geothermal resources ! Others: Hydrogen energy and fuel cells. ! Energy generation from waste

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5. Energy Conservation and Demand side Management: [7 hrs] ! Thermodynamic of energy conservation, energy conservation through controls, energy

auditing, process heat and steam management, waste heat recovery, electrical energy conservation in buildings and industries, economics of energy conservation

! Techniques for measuring energy use, approaches to optimizing and monitoring energy use, design principles to minimize energy use in buildings and devices, analysis of systems, satellite solar power system, PV cathodic protection, and other related relative costs of energy conservation and energy production in various appliances

6. Climate Change [4 hrs]

• Global Climate Change • Global use of fossil fuels, CO2 greenhouse gas and global warming • Mitigation of Climate Change: UNFCCC, IPCC, Kyoto Protocol • Kyoto Mechanism: CDM, JI, ET; Prospects for CDM in Nepal • Carbon finance in Renewable Energy Projects

Experiments based on course content of RET:

1. Experiments on solar radiation measurement 2. Performance study of flat plate and concentric solar thermal energy collector 3. Experiments on Solar PV pane (Four Experiments and one day long field visit) 4. Experiments on water turbine Text Books, References and Journals

1. Philip G. Hill, Power Generation, Resources, Hazard Technology and Costs, MIT Press, 1977 2. S. P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, Tata McGraw

Hill, 1984 3. John W. Twidell and Anthony D. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, ELBS, 1986 4. S. S. Penner and Iceman, Non-nuclear Energy Technologies, volume I and II, Pergamon Press,

1984 5. Proceedings of International Conference on Role of Renewable Energy Technology for Rural

Development (RETRUD-98), IOE/AEPC/NESS, 1998 6. John A. Duffie, William A Beckman Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Willey and

Sons. 7. Y. Goswami, Principles of Solar Engineering, Talor and Francis, 2000 8. IPCC, Third Assessment Report, 2001 9. John Harte, Consider a Spherical Cow, University Science Books, Mill Valley, California

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Project Planning and Management (EG853ME)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 2 hrs Part: B Objectives: • To understand Project Planning and Management tools. • To provide knowledge on Project Identification, Formulation, Planning and Appraisal, Project

Monitoring & Controlling, Evaluation & Auditing and Organization & Management of projects.

• To understand contract management and quality management. 1. Introduction to project management: [6 hrs] • Project definition; project objective(s); Definition of project management; Evolution of project

management; Scope of project management • Elements of project management: organization, time, cost, quality, human resource,

communication, risk, and integration • Concept of project cycle: identification, formulation, appraisal, implementation and M&E • The Change as a result of project and impact of change in project management (Dynamic

management, assumptions and risks)

2. Project identification, planning, formulation and appraisal: [9 hrs] • Project identification studies (opportunity analysis) and marketing • Feasibility study (detailed project design, cost estimate, economic and financial analysis) • Project appraisal: Technical, Commercial, Economic, Financial, Management, Social • Cost-Benefit, Project Risk, Environmental

(Concepts of time value of money and financial evaluation will be covered under ‘Economics of energy technologies)

3. Project organization and implementation: [9 hrs] • Project organization • Resource allocation: budgeting, material management (inventory), human resource allocation,

and resource loading and leveling. • Resource mobilization • Project scheduling: scheduling techniques (Gantt, PERT, CPM, etc.) • Project delays and impact: time and cost overrun • Project administration 4. Project monitoring, controls and information systems: [8 hrs] • Purpose of monitoring and types of monitoring • Monitoring planning, controlling cycle • Design of control systems

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• Project information system: Needs and reporting 5. Decision & Risk analysis: [3 hrs] • Introduction to decision making • Understanding Risk and Uncertainty • Expected Value & Decision making 6. Project Evaluation and auditing: [6 hrs] • Purpose of evaluation • Project auditing systems • Benefits monitoring and auditing techniques • Impact assessment • Project life cycle auditing 7. Contract Management [2 hrs] • Contracting Concepts, strategy • Contract types, procedures, Contract law • Public Works Directives 8. Quality and Value Management [2 hrs] • Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management • Value management concept, Quality cost, Quality standards Textbook, References and Journals: 1. The Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (JET-M), Elsevier Publication 2. Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation, (Third Edition); David I. Cleland,

McGraw-Hill International Editions, General Engineering Series (1999) 3. Project Management: A Managerial Approaches; Jack R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel Jr.,

John Wiley & Sons (1998) 4. Project Management: K Nagarajan, New Age International Publication, New Delhi, 2001 5. Entrepreneurial Development; S. Khanka, S. Chand & Company Ltd. (1999) 6. Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation, and Review; Prasanna Chandra, Tata-

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi

Computer Software:

• Supporting software like Microsoft Project 2000 will be implemented.

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Economics of Energy Projects (EG854ES)

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: B Objective: To provide basic concepts and methodologies to conduct financial evaluations and economic analysis related to energy sector investment projects and/or reviewing and evaluating such work done by others. 1. Forms of Energy Organization: [2 hrs] ! Sole Proprietorship ! Partnership ! Corporation (Private Limited and Public Limited) 2. Energy Finance: [4 hrs] ! Equity Capital: common share, preferred share, convertible share ! Debt: short term (working capital loans), long term loan or corporate bonds ! Cost of capital: cost of capital share, preferred share, cost of debt, weighted averaged cost of

capital 3. Cost and Revenue: [4 hrs] ! Short run cost: Total cost, marginal cost, average cost, fixed cost, variable cost ! Long run cost: Plant size and cost, Long-run average cost (LRAC) ! Revenue: Total revenue, marginal revenue, average revenue 4. Financial Statement analysis of energy firms: [4 hrs] ! Familiarization with balance sheets, income statement and cash-flow statement components ! Calculation of financial ratios and their familiarization 5. Capital budgeting: [6 hrs] ! Depreciation methods, straight line, declining balance method ! Interest rates; simple and compound interest rates ! Cash-flow; cash inflow and cash outflow, free cash flow (FCF) ! Capital budgeting techniques; Payback period, discounted cash flow analysis, net present value

and IRR techniques ! Real Options and its use in Project Evaluation 6. Benefit cost analysis: [4 hrs] ! Calculation of Economic Cost ! Calculation of social benefit

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! Calculation of social cost ! Benefit-cost ratio 7. Financing Renewable Energy Projects using CDM [6 hrs] ! Introduction to Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC, IPCC ! Global use of renewable energy, prospects and challenges ! Kyoto Mechanisms: Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, Emission Trading ! Carbon Trading in global market ! Scenario building in global energy use, Business as Usual and Alternative scenarios ! Clean Development Mechanisms finance in Renewable Energy Projects Project work and report has to be submitted at the end of the course on Capital Budgeting of Energy Project. Text Books: 1. Chan S. Park, Porteous, Kenneth C. & Zuo Ming J. “Contemporary Engineering Economics: A

Canadian Perspective”, Allison-Wesley Publication Ltd., 1994 2. Bade, Robin & Michel Parkin; “Micro Economics”, Allison-Wesley Publication Ltd., 1994 3. Asian Development Bank, "Economic Analysis of Projects", Manila, 1996 4. IPCC, Third Assessment Report, 2001 5. John Harte, Consider a Spherical Cow, University Science Books, Mill Valley, California Journals and magazines: 1. Energy economics 2. Energy, the International Journal 3. Energy management 4. Energy policy 5. Petroleum Economist

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Applied Sociology (EG855SH)

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: I Tutorial: 1 hr Part: B Objective: To deals with the social issues normally encountered in third world countries in course of technology transfer and the use and adaptation to various forms of renewable energy systems in a family, community and district levels. 1. Introduction: (6 hrs) • Importance and use of Sociology/Anthropology in engineering • Sociological/Anthropological perspective and application • Basic concepts in Sociology and Anthropology, Society and Culture, Norms and Values, Status

and Roles, Religion and Festivals 2. Structures: (4 hrs) • Social structure, family, Groups, Caste and Ethnic groups, Community and Institutions 3. Community: (4 hrs) • Indigenous and Appropriate Technology, Community Participation, Value system and

community development forces 4. Gender: (4 hrs) • Gender issues • Gender differences and the role of women in energy conservation and development 5. Applied Sociology and Anthropology: (12 hrs) • Social change: Population Dynamics, Ecology and environment, Technological impact, impact

of culture on technological acceptance, operation and maintenance, retention and sustainability, Modernisation and Globalisation, Communication, Social movements and Planned Changes, Development approaches.

• Application of knowledge of Sociology and Anthropology with special reference to Energy policy, Legal issues and practices, Identification of issues and resolution.

Textbook, Reference and Journals: 1. Inkels Alex, What is sociology? Introduction in the discipline and profession, Prentice Hall of

India Pvt. Ltd. 2. Foster G. M., Traditional Culture and impact of Technological Change. 3. Mair, L. Applied Sociology, anthropology.

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4. Gsanlender A.W. Applied sociology opportunities and problems 5. Regmi, Rishikeshav Raj Dimension of Nepali society and culture. SANN Kathmandu 6. Gurung, Sant Bahadur, Rural Development Approaches in Nepal. Deva Publications,

Kathmandu. 7. Reed & Reed; Nepal in Transition. 8. Gyawali, Dipak; Water Nepal. 9. Pande, Devendra Raj; Failed Development. 10. Bista, Dor B.; Fatalism & Development 11. “Water Nepal, Journal of Water Resource Development”, Vol. 5, No.1, Jan 1997

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Research Methodology (EG901SH)

Lecture: 2 hrs Year:II Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A Objectives: • To prepare the student for the research works ahead. • To deal with data collection system, measurement system, sampling technique, analysis of data • To apply the various statistical tools and report writing and presentation. 1. Introduction: [1 hr] • Objective of research: • Type of research Criteria of good research • Problem encountered by researchers 2. Defining the research Problem: [1 hr] • Selection and defining the problems • Technique involving the defining the problem 3. Research design and protocol: [2 hrs] • Meaning and needs of research design • Features of Good decision • Experimental Design • Simulation Design 4. Sampling design: [4 hrs] • Census and sample survey • Step in sampling design • Type of sample design • Sample size determination • Concept of standard error • Estimation 5. Measurement and scaling technique: [4 hrs] • Measurement scales • Source of error in measurement • Scaling techniques

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6. Methods of data collection processing and analysis: [3 hrs] • Types of data • Methods of data collection • Problem in processing • Control techniques 7. Testing of Hypothesis: [6 hrs] • Procedure of testing of hypothesis • Z-test and t test for mean, variance and correlation coefficient • Characteristics of distribution free test or non parametric test • Chi-square test, Supermen’s and Kendall’s test • Limitation of test of hypothesis 8. Analysis of variance: [3 hrs] • The basic principle of ANOVA • ANOVA technique • One way and two way ANOVA • Introduction of ANOCOVA 9. Multivariate analysis technique: [1 hrs] • Importance of Multivariate techniques, Factor analysis, Path analysis 10. Interpretation and report writing and Project work: [3 hrs] • Techniques of interpretation • Proposal and report writing • Report presentation Textbooks and References: 1. Kothari C. R., Research Methodology; Willy Eastern Limited, 1987 2. Rosenberg K. M., Statistics for Behavioral Sciences, Wm. C. Brown Publication. Note: • Student should present the Research Proposal in related field. • Software: Supporting software like SPSS, Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), Database (MS-

ACCESS), etc should be used.

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Solar Thermal Technology (EG902ME) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objectives: • To provide in depth understanding of different technical factors involved in the understanding

of solar radiation, collection and their conversion to useful energy resources. • To deal with different technologies such as solar heating, solar water heating, solar cooling and

so on. 1. Solar Radiation: [4 hrs] ! Sun and Solar Constant ! Spectral Distribution of Extraterrestrial Radiation ! Variation of Extraterrestrial Radiation Definitions of Solar Time ! Ratio of Beam Radiation on Tiled Surface to that on Horizontal Surface ! Extraterrestrial Radiation on Horizontal Surface

2. Available Solar Radiation: [4 hrs] ! Movement of Earth on its orbit, Azimuth and Inclinations ! Attenuation of Solar Radiation by Atmosphere ! Estimation of Average Solar Radiation ! Estimation of Clear Sky Radiation ! Distribution of Clear and Cloudy Days and Hrs ! Beam and Diffuse Component of Hrly Radiation ! Beam and Diffuse Component of Daily Radiation ! Beam and Diffuse Component of Monthly Average Radiation ! Total Radiation on Fixed Sloped Surfaces

3. Heat Transfer: [4 hrs] ! The Electro magnetic Spectrum ! Plank's law and Wien's Displacement law, Stefan - Boltzmann Equation ! Sky Radiation ! Measurement of Surface Radiation Properties ! Selective Surfaces

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4. Radiation Transmission and Absorption: [5 hrs] ! Reflection and Absorption of Radiation ! Transmittance for different radiation ! Transmittance Absorptance product ! Spectral Dependence on Transmission ! Effect of surface layers on Transmission ! Absorbed Solar Radiation

5. Flat Plate Solar Collectors: [4 hrs] ! Construction ! Basic Energy Equation ! Overall Heat Transfer ! Temperature Distribution ! Heat Removal and Flow Factors ! Heat Capacity Effects ! Performance Standard of collectors

6. Concentrating Collectors: [4 hrs] ! Collector Configurations ! Thermal Performance ! Solar Thermal PV

7. Shallow Solar Collectors: [1 hr.] ! Collector construction and application

8. Solar Water Heating Systems: [6 hrs] ! Natural Circulation Systems ! Forced Circulation Systems ! Solar Water Heaters in low atmospheric temperature regions ! Building heating: The f- chart Method for Air and Water Systems, Fundamentals of

Building heating using Solar Water Heaters, Heating System Simulation, Architectural Considerations and Calculation of Heating Loads

9. Passive Solar Heating: [4 hrs] ! Direct Gain ! Storage Walls/Roofs ! Greenhouses ! Solar Load Ratio Design Method ! Resistance Network Design Method

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10. Solar Cooling: [4 hrs] ! Solar operated Absorption Refrigeration System and its limitations

11. Solar Drying: [2 hrs] ! Free convection ! Force convection ! Hybrids solar dryer

Laboratory works based on the course content: 1. Determination of thermal efficiency of plate solar collector 2. Determination of performance characteristics of plate solar collector 3. Measurements of direct and diffuse solar radiation 4. Study of the performance of conventional solar water heater 5. Study of performance of conventional solar water heater with separate fluid as heat carrier

medium 6. Measurement of thermal radiation 7. Simulation of solar water heater performances of different types of solar water heaters through

simulation software. Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. John A. Duffie William A Bukman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 2. John Willey and Sons, ISBN 0-471-05066-0 3. William C. Dickinson and Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Solar Thermal Technical Hand Book Part A

& Part B, ISBN 0-8247-6927-9

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Solar Photovoltaic Technology (EG903EX) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To provide in depth understanding of the Photovoltaic conversion, Solar cell technology, System balance, design and application of Solar PV systems. 1. Solar Radiation: [10 hrs] ! Electromagnetic spectrum ! Variation of extraterrestrial Radiation ! Solar time ! Equation of time ! Prediction of solar radiation ! Computation of radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces ! Measurements of diffuse, global and direct solar radiation.

2. Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Conversion: [10 hrs] ! Semiconductor materials, P-N junction, absorption in semiconductors ! Principles of solar cells including homojunctions and hoterojunctions ! Manufacturing of solar cells ! Metallurgical and silicon grade solar cells ! Single crystal wafers/cells ! Modules and arrays ! Cell operating temperature, ! Durability ! Introduction to design of solar cells ! Solar cell’s equivalent circuits, short circuit photo current, open circuit photo voltage, fill

factor and efficiency 3. Modern Solar Cell Technology: `[3 hrs] ! Thin film technology ! Polycrystalline silicon ! Thin film solar cells (Amorphous polycrystalline including, SiH, Cu (InGa) Se2 and CdTe) ! Epitaxial films including GaAs modern solar cells.

4. Concentrating systems: [4 hrs] ! Solar cells for concentrated sunlight systems ! Ideal concentrators

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! Tracking concentrators ! Concentrators cell design ! Ultra high efficiency systems ! Single junction devices ! Multi junction devices ! System sizing

5. Balance of systems: [10 hrs] ! DC to AC, DC to DC converters ! Electronic ballast ! Power conditioning devices ! Charge controllers ! Electronic tracking systems ! Energy storage systems (different types of batteries and their characteristics)

6. System Design and Application of Photovoltaic Systems: [3 hrs] ! Stand alone and centralized power systems ! Grid connected systems for residences ! Water pumping ! Water purification ! Satellite solar power

7. Socio-economic Analysis: [5 hrs] ! Economic assessment of PV power system ! Payback periods ! LCC, PWF, EIA and safety of PV systems ! Production and recycling ! Integration PV into future energy systems.

Project Assignment Laboratory Works based on course content of Photovoltaic Technology: 1. Characteristics of Different Photovoltaic Cells. 2. Characteristics of Photovoltaic Module 3. Series and parallel arrangements of Photovoltaic Modules 4. Effect of temperature on performance of given Photovoltaic Modules 5. Effect of tracking performance of given Photovoltaic Modules 6. Two field-visits and report writing

[Experiments could be modified as per the need and availability of the equipment]

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Text books, Reference and Journals: 1. Photovoltaic Power Generation, Pulfrey, D. L., 1978 2. Solar Cell for Photovoltaic Generation of Electricity, 1979 3. Solar cells, Green M.A. 1992 4. Relevant recent articles published in professional journals 5. Solar Engineering, D. Goswami, 1999

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Micro Hydro Power (EG904ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objectives: • To deal in depth the application of Micro hydro systems from mechanical and electrical

perspective. • To provide knowledge on selection of appropriate machines for Micro hydro application in a

rural setting. 1. Overview to Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Development: [2 hrs] ! Historical development, review of general principles, hydro power equipment and their

components 2. MHP Survey and System Design Procedure: [10 hrs] ! Capability and demand survey, hydrology study and site survey, pre-feasibility and

socioeconomic study and detailed feasibility survey ! Civil works: head works, de-sanding basin, headrace, fore bay, spill ways, daily pond age basin,

penstock, power house ! MHP system design 3. Turbines for MHP: [10 hrs] ! Turbines applied in MHP, Theory, head, flow range, specific speed, suction head, surge head,

cavitation, selection of turbine, part flow efficiency of various turbines, part flow system efficiency

4. MHP Electrical Power: [9 hrs] ! Driving system, governor, transformer, load controllers, automatic voltage regulator, protection

system, current cutout and metering ! Basic electricity, design of transmission and distribution system, synchronous generators,

induction generators, switchgear and protection 5. MHP Performance: [2 hrs] ! Quality of electricity, reliability of electricity, efficiency of turbines 6. Production Uses Promotion and strategy for MHP based electrification [4 hrs] • Introduction, targets, primary and secondary users, ownership structure, organization of MHP,

concept of mini local grids

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7. Installation, Commissioning and Testing [2 hrs] • Detail Project Report (DPR) preparation, planning, transportation, installation, operation,

commissioning and testing 8. Operations, Maintenance and Repair [2 hrs] • Civil works, electro-mechanical equipment, transmission line, maintenance check list schedule,

tools and stocks of materials 9. Financial Evaluation: [2 hrs] • Load factor, unit energy cost and net income, net present value, internal rate of return, payback

period, financial credit and interest, cash flow analysis, tariff setting, promotion strategy for MHP.

10. Introduction of Guidelines and Policies of MHP Stakeholders in Nepal [2 hrs] A Case study report will be prepared on running and failure of micro hydro power plants. Laboratory works based on course content of MHP: 1. Performance characteristics of various turbines 2. Part load efficiency study on Cross flow turbine 3. Experiments on multi purpose teaching flumes 4. Head losses at bends and elbows 5. Study of different components of water turbine and generator 6. Study of live electrical power generation and distribution 7. Head and stream-flow measurements at site Text Books, references and Journals: 1. Alex Alter, harnessing Water Power on a Small Scale, SKAT, Switzerland 1990 2. Win Holsters and Peter Frankel, The Power Guide, Second Edition, Intermediate Technology

Publications 1994 3. Adam Harvey, Micro Hydro Design Manual, Intermediate Technology Publications 1993 4. Allen R. Inver sin, Micro Hydro Source Book, NRECA International Foundation, Washington,

D.C. 1986 5. Manuals on MHP for Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance and Repair, Operation and

Management, ICIMOD 1999 6. Proceedings series of International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural

Development (RETRUD), IOE/AEPC/CES, Kathmandu, Nepal 7. Journal of Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Amsterdam 8. Civil Engineering Guidelines for Micro Hydro Power, Intermediate Technology Development

Group/Nepal and Butwal Power Company/Nepal

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Biogas Technology (EG905ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To provide in depth knowledge on physical, chemical, biological processes, production technology, uses and limitations of bio-gas (methane) utilization of bio-gas for energy generation, including optimized production safety in storage as well as commercial viability of wide scale application. 1. Introduction to biogas: [4 hrs] • Biogas energy sources (raw materials) 2. Bio-chemical and Physical constituents of cow dung, chicken manure, human excreta,

municipal solid waste etc. from the point of view of bio-gas production [2 hrs] • Different types of gaseous energy derived from biomass resources applying diverse

technologies (e.g. Pyrolytic gas, CH4, C2H6, Producer Gas, Land fill gas etc.) 3. Characteristics of biogas and necessary condition for formation: [5 hrs] • Composition and Characteristics of bio-gas, fuel value of bio-gas and other fuels, use of bio-gas

for cooking and lighting, bio-gas appliances, bio-gas fuel for internal combustion engines • Necessary conditions for anaerobic digestion of organic waste • Loading rate, retention time, dilution and consistency of inputs ,pH value, temperature, C/N

ratio, toxicity 4. Microbiological Aspects of Anaerobic Digestion: [3 hrs] • Morphology of methanogenic bacteria, biochemical process of anaerobic digestion and

anaerobic reactors, Anaerobic digester • Stages of anaerobic digestion process: hydrolysis and, acetogenesis and Methanogenesis • Microbial Activities of methanogenic bacteria 5. Biogas Production in Cold Climate: [3 hrs] • Calculation for theoretical heating requirement of biodigester • Treatment of biodigester in cold climate: Enzymatic treatment, Biological treatment, • Use of solar energy and Integrated bio-system (IBS) 6. Uses of biogas and its Advantages and Limitations: [3 hrs] • Multiple uses of biogas as energy • Benefits of biogas energy • Limitations or constraints of biogas technology

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7. Biogas in relation to other disciplines: [6 hrs] • Overall rating of biogas plants, sufficiency of biogas production in winter and summer, biogas

versus women in the developing countries, biogas versus agriculture, biogas versus forest, ecology and environment, biogas versus health and sanitation, impact of biogas on various smoke-borne diseases.

8. Slurry Utilization as fertilizer: [4 hrs] • Contribution of slurry in soil nutrient replenishment 9. Design concept and other parameters of biogas plants: [6 hrs] • Different parts of biogas plant (digester): digestion chamber, inlet, outlet • Types of biodigester: Floating drum digester, Fixed dome digester (GGC and Deenbandhu

model plants) and other designs (Bag digester, Plug flow digester, anaerobic filter, UASB, etc) • Plant dimension for 4m3 – 20 m3 GGC model biogas plants: site selection, design, parameters

for sizing of biogas plants • Design and construction aspects: construction details; volume calculation for GGC, Deenbndhu

and Chinese model digester and structural design aspects 10. Quality control of biogas plants- Case Studies: [5 hrs] • Site selection and constructional details • Need for quality control, enforcement of quality control measures, important parameters, for

quality control and monitoring, after-sale-services, quality of construction materials and trained manpower, critical stage of construction, construction faults and remedy, Common problem in plant operation

11. Role of management, communication and professional development: [4 hrs] • Role of management: approach to management and traditional approach • Scientific management model • Management process model: Beaurocratic model, behavioral approach, quantitative approach,

system approach, contingency approach • Role of communication: language and gesture in communication, communication to the general

mass, communication: a two way process, telephone and communication reporting • Role of Professional development 12. Biogas installation cost and financial viability: [2 hrs] • Discount rate and net present value • Internal rate of return (IRR) • Objective, methodology and method of analysis of IRR • General assumptions for the calculations of IRRs • Data collection • Further assumptions in economic analysis Values of IRRs

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Laboratory Works: 1. Demonstration of different kinds of biogas appliances and their accessories 2. Demonstration of duel fuel engine (biogas and diesel) 3. Site visit to observe biogas plants in different stages of construction and operation Text book, Reference and Journals: 1. Biogas Forum: A Journal Published by BORDA, Germany 2. FAO/CMS (1996) Biogas Technology : A Training Manual For Extension. Prepared for FAO

by Consolidated Management Services, Nepal (P) Ltd. September 1996. 3. Godfrey, B. (1996) Renewable Energy Power for a Sustainable Future. Oxford University

Press. 4. Howes, M. and Endagama, P. (1995) Farmers, Forests and Fuel. Intermediate Technology

Publications. 5. Hurst, C and Barnett, A. (1990) The Energy Dimension-A Practical Guide to Energy in Rural

Development Programmes. Intermediate Technology Publications. 6. IUCN, 1995. "EIA of the Bara Forest Management Plan." Kathmandu, Nepal. 7. Karki, A.B. and Dixit, K. (!984) Biogas Fieldbook. Sahayogi Prakashan, Tripureshwar,

Kathmandu, Nepal. 8. Martin, A. (1977) Introduction to Soil Microbiology. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

New York. 9. Sathianathan, M.A. (1975) Biogas: Achievements and Challenges. AVARD, New Delhi-

110048 10. Updated Guidebook on Biogas Development Series (1984) No.27, United Nations, New York,

USA. 11. Werner U, Stohr U and Hees N (1989) Biogas Plants in Animal Husbandry. GATE /GTZ,


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Bio-Fuel Technology (EG906ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To provide knowledge about non woody biomass resources, supply potentials, Physical, Chemical, Biological and biotechnological process of conversion, application technologies, scope of utilization, limitations in storage, transport as safe handling and economic feasibility 1. Assessment of commercial potential of different bio-fuel sources in Nepal: [3 hrs] • Bio energy consumption in relation to annual total bio-mass production • Share of commercial and non-commercial bio-fuel consumption • Share of different types of biomass in total production 2. Liquid bio-fuel development agencies and their activities in Nepal: [3 hrs] • Role of various organization in the development of bio-fuel energy system • RECAST • Green Energy Mission • AEPC • CBOs/NGOs/ INGOs • And others 3. Solid bio-fuel development and importance in Nepal [3 hrs] • Material composition and characteristics of non-woody bio-briquette • Assessment of current state of cooking fuels • Prospects of commercial bio-briquette.

4. Bio briquette Technology [3 hrs] • Existing technology of bio-briquette • Detailed aspects of briquette technology • Techno.-economic considerations of bio-briquette production. • Raw material and fuel properties of bio-briquettes and production 5. Necessity of liquid bio-fuel development and its importance in Nepal: [3 hrs] • Consumption and supply of transportation fuel • Assessment of renewable bio fuel against the conventional fuel • Rate of growth of transportation fuel • Environmental impact of transportation fuel • Characteristics of liquid bio fuels

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6. Bio-diesel Resources: [6 hrs] • Selection of raw materials • Detailed aspects of bio-fuel production • Purification and concentration alkyd esters • Material and combustion characteristics evaluation of bio-diesel • Enhancement of fuel property of alkyd ester • Production of bio-diesel fuel. 7. Characterization of Bio-diesel: [6 hrs] • Physico-chemical characteristics determination of bio-diesel • Techno-economic consideration • Calorific value determination • Elemental analysis of bio-diesel. • Determination of cetane number value of bio-diesel • Overall Evaluation of bio-diesel fuel as an alternative fuel which can be generated from

indigenous renewable bio-fuel resources • Engine / automobile testing of bio-diesel • Analyses of exhaust gases of bio-diesel

8. Bio-ethanol Resources and Production: [6 hrs] • Detailed aspects of bio-ethonal production • Distillation of bio ethanol from the fermented mash • Material and combustion characteristics evaluation of bio ethanol • Fractional distillation of bio ethanol to produce technical grade of bio-ethanol • Purification processes of bio ethanol to produce fuel grade bio ethanol. 9. Characterization of Bio ethanol: [6 hrs] • Physico - chemical characteristics determination of bio-ethanol • Techno-economic consideration • Calorific value determination • Elemental analysis of bio-ethonal • Determination of octane number value of bio-ethanol • Evaluation of bio-ethanol as an alternative fuel that can be generated from indigenous

renewable fuel resources • Engine / automobile testing of bio-ethanol • Analyses of exhaust gases of bio-ethonal 10. Bio hydrocarbon Technology: [3 hrs] • Assessment of raw material supply potential for the production of bio-hydrocarbons • Evaluation of bio hydrocarbon fuel as an alternative that can be generated from indigenous

renewable bio-fuel resources • Detailed aspect of C-10 bio-hydrocarbon production

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11. Characterization of bio-hydrocarbon: [3 hrs] • Material & combination characteristic evaluation of bio hydrocarbon. • Calorific value determination of bio hydrocarbon • Physio - chemical characteristic determination of bio hydrocarbon. • Application of bio-hydrocarbon to subsitute commercial fuel Laboratory Works: 1. Extraction of fixed oil by solvent distillation processes (scaled up) 2. Transerterification of oil/fat sample with ethanol ( chemical/biochemical) 3. Preparation of fuel grade biodiesel (test scale) 4. Microbial fermentation of non conventional bio resources for ethanol production 5. Fractional distillation of ethanol 6. Dehydration process of ethanol 7. Determination of calorific value of bio-fuel. 8. Physico-chemical characteristics determination of bio-fuel 9. Determination of combustion characteristics of biofuel 10. Demonstration of application of biodiesel in diesel engine 11. Demonstration of application of bioethanol in Otto engine 12. Experimental demonstration of Cetane number value of biodiesel 13. Experimental demonstration of Octane number value of ethonal 14. Elemental analysis of biofuels 15. Experimental gaschromasographic analysis of exhaust gases of biofuels Text book, Reference and Journals 1. AlFinch, E.O., Energy Research by Brogilis Agricultural Research System 2. Wilsons, D. Evaluating Alternatives: Aspect of an Integrated Approach using ethanol 3. Luty A. Vegetable oil as fuel. An environmentally and socially compatible concept

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Wood Energy Technology (EG907ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To enhance knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of different forms of wood and non-wood solid biomass fuel; wood and non-wood biomass energy resources, management and distribution systems; technologies applied for different end uses and sectors, limitations, and the systems of their production, transportation and supply. 1. Wood and non-wood biomass solid biomass fuel related terminology and general introduction: (9 hrs) • Definition of wood and non-wood biomass fuels, terminology, need for standardization of the

terminology • Common traditional biomass fuels in solid forms (i.e. firewood, charcoal, residues of crops and

animals), historical background and contribution in total primary energy consumption, • Share of solid biomass fuels in the national, regional energy consumption and the newly

emerging trends and the scenario of biomass energy in the context of renewable energy development globally.

• Contribution of biomass fuels to the local socio-economy through income and employment generation and to the national economy through import substitution in the developing countries of Asia

• Common solid biomass fuel resources and the systems of production/recovery and utilization 2. Wood and non-wood solid biomass fuel resources & production systems: (14 hrs) Forest based production systems (direct woodfuel): Production from natural forests of different kinds, including Public, Private, Leasehold etc. and the methods of assessing their sustainable production potentials. Production from forest and tree plantations (afforestation and reforestation) in forest lands, block tree plantations in pubic and lease-hold forest lands, including village woodlots, village forests, leased forests and the methods of assessing their sustainable production potentials. Production from community owned/managed natural forests, scrub shrub and scrub lands, including the methods of assessing their sustainable production potentials. Non-forest land based production systems (direct woodfuel): Naturally grown trees in private lands, farms, home gardens and homesteads and the methods of assessing their sustainable supply potentials. Planted trees in blocks, patches or isolation in farms, homesteads and home-gardens and the methods for assessing their sustainable supply potentials. Fruit orchards and non-industrial tree plantations (rubber and cash-crop plantations) and the methods of assessing their sustainable supply potentials.

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Other production systems (indirect woodfuel and recovered woodfuel): Indirect woodfuel, wood wastes and by-products in wood and paper industries available for fuel, and the methods of assessing its sustainable supply potential. Recovered woodfuel from different sources like wood from demolition of old construction, abandoned furniture, packing materials, driftwood (along riverbanks and coastal areas) etc. and the method for assessing its supply potential. Non-woody solid biomass fuel production systems: a) Animal Residues: Biomass residues available as by-products of animals and poultry for fuel (indirect biomass

fuel) Recovered biomass from meat processing and other related industries for fuel (recovered

biomass fuel) b) Energy crops & residues: Different types of crops (soybean, sugarcane, oil seed etc.) raised exclusively for energy

purpose, direct energy crops) Biomass residues of different types available in the field after crop harvests (indirect biomass

fuel) 3. Woodfuel Surveys (8 hrs) a) Woodfuel Demand Survey: General variables: End users (domestic, industrial, commercial, etc.) sector size, geographical distribution, variation over time. Methods of data collection: rapid and detail surveys Specific variables: Source of provision, saturation or penetration, multiple fuel use, substitution, end uses, activities, fuel burning means, consumption, measuring average day, and direct measurement. Methods of data collection: rapid and detail surveys Supplementary Variables (SV): Common to all three elements of the woodfuel surveys and include parameters such as local units and their international standards; specific weight; moisture content; and heating value of woodfuel. b) Woodfuel Supply Survey: Actual and potential supply General variables: woodfuel sources Direct sources, indirect sources and recovered sources Methods of data collection for all sources: rapid and detail surveys Specific variables: Stocks, productivity, availability and accessibility Methods of data collection: rapid and detail surveys c) Woodfuel Provision or Flow: General Variables: Type, size and distribution of woodfuel: woodfuel producers, transport operators, commercial supplies Methods of data collection: rapid survey and detail survey

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Specific Variables: Types of provision (flow): self-provision, commercial provision, periodicity of provision, cost of woodfuel, market network, price setting for woodfuel, woodfuel values, Methods of data collection: rapid and detail surveys 4. Technology for woodfuel Conversion/Combustion: (8 hrs) • Woodfuel in primary, secondary and final energy forms • Direct combustion with stoves and burners (heating and cooking) • Carbonization through Charcoal Kilns (charcoal making) • Gasification through Gasifiers • Heat and power generation through Co-generation Plants • Electric power generation through Dendro-Thermal power Plants • Densification of loose biomass into briquettes and conversion of wood waste into pellets, etc. • Others (liquid biomass fuels through chemical reaction and distillation, i.e. ethanol, methanol) 5. Woodfuel Conservation and Efficient Utilization: (6 hrs) • Fabrication of improved stoves and fireplaces for household applications (ICS for domestic and

improved fire-place for space heating) • Improved technology for charcoal making and utilization (charcoal kilns, stoves, etc.) • Demonstration of appropriate technology for briquetting of loose residues (i.e. sawdust and

other biomass residues, both woody and non-woody) • Demonstration of charcoal production • Experimental work on household level biomass fuel gasifier development Laboratory works: Solid biomass fuel conversion into secondary and final energy forms: 1. Charcoal making 2. Saw dust/Charcoal Briquetting 3. Gasification (low cost, small-scale gasifiers) Woodfuel conservation and efficient utilization 1. Improved technology for charcoal making and utilization 2. ICS for household applications (Domestic cook stoves for fuelwood and charcoal use) 3. Improved technology for industrial commercial applications (includes all traditional wood-

based industrial and commercial applications such as biomass based boilers, kilns and furnaces) 4. Demonstration of modern biomass energy applications such as gasification, cogeneration,

dendro-thermal power generation, hybrid systems etc. Textbooks, references, journals and newsletters: 1. A guide for woodfuel surveys. EC-FAO Partnership Programme (2000-2002), Sustainable

Forest Management Programme, GCP/RAF/354/EC and GCP/RLA/133/EC, FAO Rome, 2002. 2. CD-ROM of FAO-RWEDP (November 2000) 3. Energy Statistics: Definitions, Units of Measure and Conversion Factors. Studies in Methods,

Series F No. 44. Department of International Economics and Social Affairs, Statistical Office, UNDP, New York 1987.

4. Energy and Environment Basics. RWEDP Report No. 29, 2nd edition. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, July 1997.

5. P.D. Grover & S.K. Mishra. Biomass Briquetting: Technology and Practices

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6. Regional Study on Wood Energy Today and Tomorrow in Asia. RWEDP Field Document No. 50. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 1997.

7. RWEDP (2000). Wood Energy, Climate and Health: International Expert Consultation, Summary Report. Field Document No. 58, (Paper of A. Koopmans, "Trends in Wood/Biomass and other Renewable Energies").

8. Options for Dendro Power in Asia: Report on the Expert Consultation, Manila, Philippines. RWEDP Field Document No. 57. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2000.

9. Others national and international sources of information, including published documents, journals and newsletters.

10. Unified Wood Energy (UWE) Terminology (Draft), FAO Forestry Department, Rome, November 2001.

11. Wood Energy Development: Planning, Policies and Strategies, RWEDP Field Document No. 37 (a, b &c). FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 1993.

12. Wood Energy, Climate and Health: An International Expert Consultation. RWEDP Field Document No. 58. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2000.

13. Wood Fuel Trade in India, Report of the national consultation in Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. RWEDP Report No. 57. FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, Bangkok, 2001.

14. Websites ! ! ! ! ! !

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Wind Energy Technology (EG908ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To provide the fundamental of Wind energy , applications, system involved, types of machines, and their selection. 1. Introduction: [5 hrs] • Historical evaluation of wind power technology. • The use of wind power, energy budgets, wind resources, demand and climate change, • Wind power applications systems – wind power for large and small scale utilization, water

pumping, grinding and electricity generation etc. 2. Wind Machine Fundamentals: [10 hrs] • Types of machine characteristics, wind machine performance, types of machines, savonious

rotor, Darrieous rotor, and multiblade form wind mills, high speed rotors, enhanced-performance machines.

3. Wind Energy Resource Analysis: [6 hrs] • Global wind circulation, wind speed characteristics, measuring the wind speed, wind direction,

wind shear, turbulence, site survey, anemometers and recorders and site analysis • Average speed, energy pattern factor, frequency spectrum 4. Wind Energy System Design: [10 hrs] • Aerodynamic design, blade loads, blade construction, flutter and fatigue • Tower or structure design (lattice, tube, welding, cyclones) • Generator (permanent magnet, induction, synchronous) • Controller (remote, grid) governor, yaw control, shut off controls, tail • Economical aspects 5. Wind Power Systems: [6 hrs] • Wind water pumping systems • Wind electric systems, generators and transmissions, storage devices, inverters • Wind farming • Installation, lighting protection • Environmental considerations • Power factor correction, grid support, fuel/water saving,

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6. Legal Issues: [2 hrs] • Legal and social issues (noise, aesthetics and others) Laboratory works based on course content of Wind Energy Technology: 1. Use of measuring instruments: pitot tube, inclined tube manometer, anemometer, orifice plate

meter for wind 2. Dispersion of a jet 3. Head losses at bends and elbows in wind tunnel 4. Study of lift and drag forces on wind blades 5. Study of different components of wind turbine and generator Study of performance

characteristics curves for wind machines 6. Gear and mechanical power transmission in wind energy generator Text Books, references and Journals: 1. T. B. Yahansoon, H. Kelly, A.K.N. Reddy, and R. H. Williams (Editors), Renewable Energy

Resources for Electricity and Fuels, Islands Press, Washington D. C. 2. Jack park, The Wind Power Book, Cheshire Books, Palo alto, California 1981 3. Dennis L., Catch the Wind, four Wind Press 1976 4. Gipe, Wind Energy Comes of Age, john Wiley 1996 5. Falkner H. and Fawkes J.F., History of the Marlec Wind Turbine, Proceedings of the 1994

sixteenth BWEA Conference 1994 6. Journal of Renewable Energy, Elservier, Amsterdam 7. Wind Power Monthly, Knebel, Denmark

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New Renewable Energy Technologies (NRETs) (EG909ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorials: 1 hrs Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs

Objectives: • To understand the fundamentals of Geothermal energy and long shaft pumps and the properties

of piping materials normally used in Geothermal applications. • To understand OTEC power systems and Hydrogen fuel systems.

1. Geothermal Energy: [9 hrs] • Geological structure of earth • Characteristics of high temperature, intermediate temperature and low temperature, Geothermal

esources • Geothermal Temperature of fluids and the respective applications • Composition of fluids for different locations

1.1 Application: [8 hrs] • Water well terminology: Zone of saturation, ground water, Aquifers, Static water level,

pumping water level • Water quality testing for: Oxygen, Chlorination, Sulphide species, Carbon dioxide species,

Ammonia species, Sulphatation and their principle effects • Direct use of hot and steam • Heating and cooling system using Aquifer thermal energy storage system Aquifer thermal

energy storage system 1.2 Equipments and materials: [6 hrs] • Preference of carbon steel, copper and copper alloys stainless steel, Aluminum, Chlorinated

polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) and Filter Reinforced Plastics (FRP) 1.3 Long shaft pumps, Submersible pumps, Characteristics of Pumps [6 hrs] • Selection of pumps • Characteristics of centrifugal pump 1.4 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: [4 hrs] • Global Ocean Thermal energy Resources • OTEC power system • Salient features of OTEC systems • Closed cycle OTEC system

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2. Hydrogen Energy: [4 hrs] • Brief history of hydrogen fuel • Sources of hydrogen • Availability of hydrogen • Current production and storage techniques of hydrogen and their uses • Future scope of hydrogen fuel • Hydrogen storage and safety • Fuel cell (metal hydride, liquid hydrogen)

3. Wave Energy: [4 hrs] • Origin, types, potential, harnessing devices 4. Tidal Energy: [4 hrs] • Origin and nature of tides, features of future energy, principle of tidal energy, conversion, tidal

energy schemes, modes of operation of tidal power schemes Laboratory Works 1. Water quality analysis for (a): Temperature (b): pH (c): Soluble salts (d): BOD and COD

(Students are required to be familiar about the test, test principle and procedures but needn't have hands in experiments)

2. Study of the characteristics of some Hot Springs. (at site)

Text book, Reference and Journals

1. Godfrey Boyle: Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future 2. Harrison, R., Mortimer, N. D. and Suarason, O. B. (1990): Geothermal Heating 3. Downing, R. A. and Gray, D. A., (eds) (1986) Geothermal Energy: The Potential in the United

Kingdom, London

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Environmental Impacts and Climate Change (EG915ES) (Elective A)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: The course will apply basic principles of physics and chemistry to analyze and quantify the environmental impacts of energy use. Environmental impacts and climate change will be studied at three levels: local, regional, and global. Quantification will stress back of the envelope calculations, estimation techniques, modeling, stocks and flows, equilibrium and feedback. Components: Impacts at the local level: Air Pollution from burning of fossil fuels; Indoor Air Pollution, Hydropower. Regional Environmental Impacts: Trajectories of air pollution, Acid Rain, Environmental impacts of nuclear power. Global Environmental Impacts: Ozone depletion, Climate change. Course Outline: 1. Overview of energy use and environmental impacts: Industrialization, economic growth,

development and energy use, trends in energy use, environmental impacts of energy use. [1 hr]

2. Energy measurement units and conversion factors. Quantitative tools for environmental problem solving: mass balance, stocks and flows, residence times. Energy flow on earth.

[1 hr]

3. Energy sources: Fossil fuels – Utilization, production, and reserves of coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Production and use of nuclear energy. Use of biomass energy and deforestation. [1 hr]

4. Air pollution: Particulates, lead, health impacts of sulphur and nitrogen compounds,

ground-level ozone, photochemical smog. [1.5 hrs] 5. Air pollution: Indoor air pollution, dose response, energy ladder. [1.5 hrs]

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6. Hydropower: Benefits and impacts – abatement of air pollution and CO2. Impacts of inundation on biodiversity, displacement of people. Impacts on fish, reservoir siltation.

[1 hr]

7. Acid deposition: Source, pathways, impacts, mitigation. Tropospheric air pollution. [2 hrs]

8. Radioactivity and radiation: Source, doses, effects on health and ecosystems. Environmental impacts of nuclear power. [2 hrs]

9. Ozone depletion: Patterns, causes, impacts, response. [2 hrs] 10. Climate change: Radiation balance, atmospheric and ocean circulations. Historic climate

change, El Nino. [2 hrs] 11. Climate change: Feedback effects, impacts of land use, albedo, clouds, ocean storage of

CO2. [2 hrs] 12. Climate change: Impacts and consequences: sea level rise, changes in monsoon, glacial

melt, floods and droughts, health, pests in agriculture. [2 hrs] 13. Climate change: GHGs and energy use, inventory of GHGs, the carbon cycle. [3 hrs]

14. Climate change: Mitigation options – renewable energy, energy efficiency, fuel

substitution, cleaner production. [4 hrs] 15. Climate change: Clean Development Mechanism. Emissions under baseline and mitigation

projects. [4 hrs] 16. Climate change: Carbon trade. Economic analysis of CDM and other GHG mitigation

projects. [4 hrs] 17. Climate change: Adaptation measures. Risk analysis. [3 hrs] 18. Climate change: Global response. UNFCCC. Kyoto Protocol. Commitment periods. Equity

and climate change. [3 hrs] Practical: a. Research paper on one local impact of energy use: indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, or

hydropower. b. Research paper on one regional impact of energy use: acid rain, nuclear radiation. c. Development of a Project Idea Note for a CDM project. d. Modeling assessment on Environment Impact and Climate Change

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References and journals: 1. Abbasi, S.A., and Abbasi, N., 2001, Renewable energy sources and their environmental impact,

Prince hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Ahmed, K., 1994, Renewable energy technologies: a review of the status and costs of selected

technologies, The world Bank, Washington, D.C. 3. Asian Development Bank, 1991, Environmental considerations in energy development, Asian

Development Bank. 4. Chandra, D., and Srinivasan, P.R., 1990, Energy scope, South Asian Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Christensen, J.M., Halsnaes, K., Sathaye, J. (eds.), Mitigation and Abatement Cost

Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Appropriate Use, UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark, 1998.

6. Cline, W.R., The Economics of Global Warming, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C. 1992.

7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997, Energy and environment basics, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok.

8. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1991, Energy for sustainable rural development projects, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

9. Grubb, M., Vrolijk, C., Brack, D., The Kyoto Protocol, Earthscan, London, 1999. 10. Harte, J., 1998 Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in Environmental Problem

Solving. University Science Publishers, 1988. 11. Harvey, L.D.D., Climate and Global Environmental Change, Prentice Hall, 2000. 12. Holdren, J.P., Smith, K.R. 2000. “Energy, the environment, and health”. Pp62-110. World

Energy Assessment. UNDP, UNDESA, World Energy Council.

13. Hollander J.M., 1992, The energy environment connection, Island press, Washington, D.C. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. International Energy Agency, 1991, Greenhouse gas emissions: the energy dimension,

OECD/IEA, France. 19. International Energy Agency, 1997, Key issues in developing renewables, OECD/IEA, France. 20. International Energy Agency, 2002, World energy outlook, OECD/IEA, France. 21. IPCC 2001, Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. IPCC Third Assessment Report. 22. IPCC 2001, Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. IPCC Third

Assessment Report. 23. IPCC 2001, Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. IPCC Third Assessment Report. 24. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Special Report on Emission Scenarios,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. 25. IPCC, 1996, Technologies, policies and measures for mitigating climate change, IPCC. 26. Johansson, T., et al, 1993, Renewable energy: sources for fuels and electricity, Island press,

Washington, D.C.

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27. Leitmann, J., 1996, Energy environment – linkages in the urban sector, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

28. New Energy Foundation, 2001, New and renewable energy in Japan, New energy foundation, Japan.

29. Nordhaus, W.D., Managing the Global Commons: The Economics of Climate Change, The MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, 1994.

30. Pearson, C.S., Economics and the Global Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2000.

31. Renewable energy: GEF partners with business for a better world Bank,

32. Smith, K.R. Homepage of Prof. Kirk R. Smith –

33. Shepherd, W. and Shepherd D.W., 1998, Energy studies, Imperial College Press, London . 34. Swisher, J., Jannuzzi, G., and Redlinger, R., 1997, Tools and methods for integrated resources

planning: improving energy efficiency and protecting the environment, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark.

35. Tilling, S., Nisbet A., and Chell, K., 1990, Acid rain: a practical GCSE coursework guide, Field studies council, Shrewsbury SY4 1HW.

36. Trudeau, P.E., 1991, Energy for a habitable world: A call for action, Crane Russak, New York. 37. Winteringham, F. P. W., 1992, Energy use and the environment, Lewis Publishers, London. 38. Watson, R, T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. (eds.), Technologies, policies, and Measures for

Mitigating Climate Change, IPCC Technical Paper No. 1, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1996.


- Climate Policy - The Energy Journal - Energy Policy - Resource and Energy Economics - Energy-The International Journal

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Energy Planning and Management (EG910ES) (Elective B)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objectives: • To deal with the macro and micro level planning and management of energy systems. • To understand energy pricing, evaluation of microeconomic impacts, Energy demand analysis,

Supply Projection and dealing with uncertainties. 1. Introduction to energy planning [4 hrs] • Scope of energy planning • Linkage between development planning • Difference between comprehensive planning (master-plan) and disjoined incremental planning • Reference Energy system • Rural or decentralized energy planning 2. Concepts of energy planning-I (Microeconomic Background): [8 hrs] • Theory of consumers and producers • Market equilibrium • Consumers’ surplus • Producers’ surplus • Elasticity 3. Concepts of energy planning-II (Macroeconomic Background): [10 hrs] • National accounts, Balance of payments • Import-Export and foreign aid • Impacts of external shocks (price and supply) • GDP and other macro-economic parameters • Energy balances: energy accounts, unit and conversions

o Treatment of elasticity o Treatment of non-commercial energy o Different forms of energy balance: examples

4. Energy demand analysis and demand projection [10 hrs] • Macro versus sectoral demand • Process analysis • Trend analysis (time series analysis) • Elasticity approach • Input-output method

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• End use energy demand • Demand forecast and generation expansion plans • Solving energy systems (matrix formulation, optimization, etc.) • Incorporating environmental dimension in reference energy system solving 5. Energy Supply Analysis and Supply Projection: [8 hrs] • Energy resource assessment

o Non-renewable domestic resources o Renewable domestic resources, hydropower supply o Biomass supplies analysis: forest and non forest products, analysis of agricultural residue

and animal dung • Energy transformation • International supply 6. Energy option evaluation and policy analysis: [8 hrs] • Energy pricing, taxes and subsidies, rationing • Supply-demand matching • Energy-GDP interaction

Laboratory works: The laboratory works shall consists of case studies and energy scenarios planning using professional software like Long Range Energy Alternative Planning System (LEAP), RETScreen, Market Allocation (MARKEL) etc. depending upon their availability. Textbook, Reference and Journals 1. Energy used in Mountain Areas: ICIMOD (1999) 2. Energy Data and Directory and Year Book 1997/98: Tata Energy Research Institute 3. Energy Statistic Yearbook- United Nations Publication 4. Prasanna Chandra, Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, Tata-

McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 5. Integrated Energy planning, Vol. 1,2,3; APDC, Malaysia 6. Rural Energy planning, APDC, Malaysia 7. energy Policy: national and International Implications, Ed. Sridhar Khatri and hari uprety,

NEFAS, CASAC and FES Nepal, 2002 8. Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance, HMG/N 9. Renewable Energy Technologies: A Brighter Future, ed. Dr. K. Rijal, ICIMOD 10. Energy Economy modeling, Dr. A. Shresthacharya 11. Nicholson, walter, 1995, microeconomics: theory, Basic Principles and Extensions, Sixth ed.,

The Dyden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Orlando Computer Software LEAP, RETScreen, MARKAL

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Energy Auditing Analysis and Conservation (EG911ES) (Elective B)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objective: To deal with the energy auditing and the efficient use of energy in a given system. 1. Introduction: [2 hrs] • General principal • Importance of energy conservation and Demand Management • Organization of energy conservation and Demand Management • Energy conservation and Demand Management plan 2. Energy Auditing Technique: [10 hrs] • Methods of energy auditing and System approach • History of energy use • Familiarization with the systems • Existing energy consumption pattern • Field survey • Approach to analysis of fuel and electricity figures • Energy saving potential by good house keeping, electricity, waste heat recovery 3. Fuels: [3 hrs] • Types of fuels • Common fuels and industries • Combustion basics • Fuel firing 4. Energy conservation in Steam Generation, Distribution: [8 hrs] • Types of boilers and salient features, losses in boilers, boiler controls, boilers tuning, boiler and

furnace efficiency calculation • Steam distribution, system layout, pressure selection, pipe sizing insulation, steam quality,

steam traps, and condense recovery • Fans and blowers, cooling towers, efficiency of electric motors and losses, idle equipment 5. Energy conservation in Buildings: [6 hrs] • Building heat gain, Types of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning, economy cycle, chilled

water storage, Thermal insulation, solar passive architecture

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6. Co-generation: [2 hrs] • Topping cycle, bottoming cycle 7. Electrical Energy Conservation: [4 hrs] • Electrical energy survey: Understanding the bill, tariffs, analysis, instruments for electrical

energy survey, efficiency calculation • Energy conservation in Distribution: Distribution system arrangement, design aspects of

distribution system, design of new plan distribution system. • Power factor management: causes of low power factor and its effects, power factor

improvement, economics of power factors 8. Electrical Energy Demand and Load Management: [6 hrs] • Maximum demand: demand charges, Cost saving from demand control • Demand control potential: load factor, load curves and demand profiles, identification of load • Method of demand control: manual and automatic • Load management 9. Energy conservation in Lighting System: [4 hrs] • Source of light, Electric filament light incandescent and halogen lamp, gaseous discharge lamp-

fluorescent, compact fluorescent lamp, sodium and mercury vapor lamp, metal halide lamp. • Design consideration of good lighting system • Energy conservation opportunities in lighting system • New development in lighting energy efficiency Laboratory works: 1. Experiment on heat transfer 2. Experiments on refrigeration and air-conditioning 3. Experiments on compressor 4. Stag gas measurement and analysis 5. Use of electrical energy meter and calculations 6. Electrical light flux measurements 7. Experiment on electrical motor 8. Experiments on pumps and fans 9. Exercise on energy auditing from simple to complex one in step 10. Project on specific energy auditing Text books Journals and references: 1. Paul O’ Callaghan, “Energy management”, McGraw Hill, 1993 2. Charles M. Gottschalk, “Industrial Energy Conservation”, John Wiley and Sons, 1996 3. S. M. Guinnes and Reynolds, “Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings” McGraw

Hill, 1994, McGraw Hill 1994

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4. J. Kriecher and A. Rabl, “Heating and Cooling of Buildings” 5. IES Lighting Handbook, Reference and Application Volume, IESNA 6. Thumann, Lighting Efficiency, Application, Fairmount Press 7. Solar Energy; Light and Energy; ASHRAE transactions

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System Integration (EG912ES) (Elective B)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A Practical: 1.5 hrs Objectives: • To deal with the optimization of different energy resources for a given situation. • To deal with integrating the different energy systems for the best optimal use, both in analytical

terms as well as the use of appropriate instruments. 1. Example Applications of Integrated Systems: [4 hrs] • Heating and cooling of buildings • Village power systems

2. Simulation of Integrated Systems: [10 hrs] • Modeling of Solar Thermal systems • Modeling of Solar PV systems • Modeling of biofuel systems • Modeling of micro hydro systems • Modeling of electrical generators, including cogeneration • Modeling of thermo-mechanical components (heat exchangers, pumps, etc.) • Modeling of building thermal behavior • Modeling of Hybrid systems

3. Optimization Methods: [8 hrs] • Variational calculus • Optimization of unconstrained and constrained problems using Lagrangian techniques • Gradient search methods • SIMPLEX and COMPEX methods

4. Applications of Optimization Techniques: [12 hrs] • Identify thermal system for optimization exercise (e.g., biofuel and solar thermal, building

design for heating and cooling, solar assisted heat pump) • Application of optimization and simulation methods to design and/or operation ! Use of Softwares: Application of supporting software like OPQUEST and CRYSTAL BALL

5. Design of Integrated Village Power Systems: [11 hrs] • Resource and load estimations • Optimization objective function: initial and operating costs

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• Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) for design analysis • Case study

Laboratory Works: • Use of the computer simulations

Textbook, Reference and Journals: 1. S. C. Arora and S. Domkundwar, “A course in RET and A/C” 2. J. W. Cogdel, “Text Book of Linear Programming” 3. Camm, Jeffrey D. and James R. Evans, “Management Science & Decision Technology”, South

– Western College Publishing, A Division of Thompson Learning, USA, 2000.

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Design and Manufacturing (EG 914ME) (Elective B)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I Practical: 1.5 hrs Part: A Objectives: • To develop and consider the application of proper material selection, design and drawing • To understand the manufacturing aspects for the research related renewable energy engineering

works. 1. Sketch and working drawing (12 hrs) • Sketch and working drawing of machine elements, assembly drawing, reading assembly

drawings, Detail drawings. 2. Jigs and fixtures (6 hrs) • Types, application and design 3. Analysis of metal forming processes (8 hrs) • Cold working, hot working, die forging, rolling, drawing, Extrusions... etc. 4. Design of product for economical production (12 hrs) • Design and decision making process, selection of Material and its energy value, basics of

process design. Suggestions for designing for production: Machining, casting, forging, welding, plastic parts, Powder metallurgy parts

5. Failure theories, safety factors and reliability (7 hrs) • Fracture mechanics, applications, static failure theories, selection and use of failure theories.

Uncertainty analysis Laboratory Exercises: 1. PVC pipe joints, making and testing 2. Sheet metal joints, soldering pressure test 3. Welding penstock, welding strength for hydraulic pressure 4. Turbine blade casting, know-how 5. Proper bearing and gear selection for data book, catalogue 6. Performance and selection of proper coating for absorbing and radiation surfaces and against

corrosion and rusting

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Textbook, Reference and Journals: 1. S. Bogolyubov, A.Voinov: Engineering Drawing; Mir Publications 2. Narayana, Kannaiah: Production Drawing; New Age International. 3. Doyle.Keyser.Leach: Manufacturing Processes and Materials for Engineers; Prentice-hall. 4. P.C. Sharma: A Text Book of Production Engineering; S.Chand. 5. Robert C. Juvinall: Fundamentals of Machine Component Design; John Wiley& Sons. 6. Joseph Edward Shigley: Machine design; McGraw- Hill 7. G.E. Dieter: Mechanical Engineering Design: