mount vernon signal.. (mt. vernon, ky.) 1908-01-10 [p...

m l ori = = THE METROPOLITAN BEST PLACE IN ROCKCASTLE TO BUY DPUCJ Stationery Ji9arfS TobCCQ s paints Oiland patent Medicine Diseases of Children A Specially r S C DAVIS Prop P D3DK H NNo 53 MAIN STREET MT YER NON 1H I GRANVILLE OWENS I UNDER A ER I 1 IBrodhead Ky I F FLORIDA AND NEW ORLEANS IOUEEN CRESCENT ROUTE I IWb TicketsOn Ifor THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE lit iJE asNer If RotaryShuttle Sowing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange Mass Many sewinc machines are made totcit regardless of quality but the New Home is made to wear Our guaranty never runs outi Sold by authorized only FOR SALE DY UNUERTAKER i I have just return I etlfrom the city where I full and complete line of Cof ¬ fins Caskets and Jobes Our line of Couch Caskets is unexcelled Hearse sent to all parts of the county All orders by L J filled L i W A OOXi J rMt Vernon ky > i i 1 9 lp Ji COMPLETE LINE Coffins Caskets and Robes 1 All Mail Telegraph or Tele- phone orders Promptly Filled J X ttTHOUT CHANGE I 6 Tourist Sale November 1st 1907 f Returning May 31st 1908 I I purchased wire- proinply A PROMPT EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR LLFORM- SOFRHEUMATISM HeuralgfaKidney SdnstfBtt Diseases GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost in ¬ stant relief from pain while permanent results are being effected by taking it in ¬ ternally purifying the blood dissolving removiuaitfrom DR SD BLAND Of Brewton Ga writes I bad been sufferer for a number of years with Lumbago and Bbeumatlsm in my arms and legs and tried all the remedies that 1 could gather from medical works and also consulted elclaaebutfoundi practicetorrncumatlem DRC L GATES ITancockMlnn writes AUttlOBirlherohadBucliaweakbacJicansoJI could not stand on her feet The moment they put her downon the fioorshe wouldecream with pains I treated her with 6DltoPSand today she runs around as well and happy as can be I prescribe 6DROPS for my patients and use It in my practice FREE If you are suffering with Rheumatism KidneyTrouble us for a trial bottle of 5DROPS PURELY VEGETABLE 5DROPS is entirely free from c jlum cocaine morphine alcohol latdanum and ofher similar ingredients Large Size Bottle SDKOPS 800 Dotes 9100 For Sale by Druggists SWAHSOU RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY Dept 43 174 Lake Street Chicago M AGENTS WANTED To take oriers for household toilet and midicl preparations on com ¬ mission We prepay freight and express Write for terms R D McCollom c Co Richmond Ky iOflONEYATAR4a TALK ABOUT TAXES Various State Grangers On the Subject Demand For Study of the Question by the Farmer For His Own Interest The farmers composing the Grange sn organization that has done much lr study tire real interests of the farmer has been taking a good deal uf interest in the subject of taxation lately and some very pertinent ut terances on this question have been given out in the addresses of the Masters at annual sessions of various state Granges At a recent meeting of the Wash ington State Grange the Master gave considerable attention to the question of taxation He said in tart tor urge every Grange in this state to take up the study of taxation in all its phases earnestly and seriously during the coining year for I fee strongly that we farmers have hlflI Iy realized the importance of thor oughly uiiil standing the principles or taxation- in tundnmentalI censoring the taxes In the brief time able to give it since my mind has been fully aroused to its importanceI I have come to doubt wisdom of our present method of as scssing stale taxes Section 2 of Ar title 7of our slate constitution is as follows The legislature shall pro vide by law a uniform and equal rate of assessment and taxation on all property in the state according to its value in money This is the general property tax similar to Kentucky The above constitutional provision is similar to that of many of the west ¬ ern states and enjoins a system of taxation which has been tried in praq tically all the states of the Union It requires the application of the sanie rules of taxation to forms of property totally different in character Most of the older states such as New York Connecticut Massachusetts New Ter ¬ sey and Pennsylvania have constitu- tions which impose no restraint on the power of the legislature or very little more restraint than that imposed by the federal constitution Those states have developed systems of taxation more in harmony with modern condi tionsThe attempt to tax all kinds of property by the same rules has in all times and in all countries imposed heavier burdens upon rural districts than cities and in a large degree has measured the tax to be paid by each citizen by the amount of his con- sumption rather than by the oppor tunity he enjoys to acquire wealth under the protection of the state The plan adopted by our neigh- bor Oregon is to apportion the state tax in proportion to the reve- nue raised by each county Oregon nade the mistake of not carrying ou the principle to its logical conclusion The tax should be apportioned in pro portion to the entire revenue raised by each county and all the taxing dis tricts within each county- It is very easy to see that the more highly developed and more densely populated a county may be the more money it needs for local purposes in proportion to its taxable values and the greater is the power to pay taxes The tax apportioned in this manner will shift from the poorer and remote rural counties the burden they now bear and impose it on the more thickly settled and prosperous coun awayI i dervalue property in order to shift the state tax o other communities A study of the experience of other states shows that one of the greatest evils has been this incentive to undervalue It produces inequality and dissatisfac tion if not downright fraud The Ohio State Grange In Ohio they are proposing an amend- ment to the constitution that will per mit of a classification of the sources of revenue such as is now in effect in Pennsylvania The difficulty with ttie Ohio constitution is exactly similar to that in Kentucky They are pro posing there an amendment to the constitution which will make it read this way Taxes shall be levied at a uniform rate upon all property of the same class The Ohio constitu tion now rrquires that taxes shall bP uniform upon all classes of property the provision being similar to that ol the constitution of Kentucky The Master Honorable F A Derthick commenting upon the proposed amend ment to the constitution said To pull up every stake in our con stitution seems heroic treatment ant if lone would throw upon the people added responsibility in the selection of their representatives If classifica- tion is to be the plan adopted it should be left to a commission of at least five members appointed by the governor one from each of the four sisters whose combined efforts have made us all we areone from manu facture one from mining one from commerce one from agrculture This board should be reinforced by the up- pointment of a member of wellknown integrity and great legal ability j The farmers are not committed to the idea of classification but we wish to join in the study of tax revision The Ohio State Grange assembled in annual session December 11 to 13 1906 by a unanimous vote expressed the desire of an organized body of tax ¬ payers fifty thousand strong to co ¬ operate with all other interests in de ¬ vising a tax system that shall be Just and fair to every legitimate interest in the state WHY COLDS ARE- DANGEROUS if you would be immune from disease keep the system healt Each successive cold weakens the i constitution and renders infectious diseases more liable Chambe- rlains ¬ Cough Remedv will cure your cold promptly and restore the system to its normal condition For sale by Chas C Davis PillsIFOR f Weak Lung- sBronchitIs i For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayers Cherry Pectoral for coughs colds weak lungs bronchitis con ¬ sumption You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap ¬ prove Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough The beat kind of a testimonial Sold for over sizty years IA Made Mus1Allo s lJ ers SARSAPARILLAI Wo have no secrete We publish the formulas of All our medicines Ayers Pills keep the bowels regular vegetable and gently laxative I rt 6i The Midwinter Term Which is the rush term opens January 21 Do you want to be a working unit in the livliest most ambitious enthusiastic and professional body of teachers ever gathered together for study in Eastern Kentuck If so see your County Superin ¬ tendent now about an appoint rient to free tuition if ypu have not already do7e so and write to the President of the E K S N S for a catalog telling him what studies you desire Address R N Roark- Richniond Ky i A CURE FOR MISERY I have found a cure for tht misery malaria poison produces sosR M James of Louelleu S C tts called Electric Bitters and comes in 50 cent bottles I teaks up a case of dulls or s ilious attack in olmost no time < nd it putsyellow jaundice cleat m commission This grea only medicine and blood purifi rives quick relefjn all Jtomacl her and kidney complaints ant he misery of lame hack Sold inder guarantee at Chas C Davis rug store MoultiVoroo Monnen- tjimm Manufacturer ofant am Granite Monuments ofal kinds Estimates furnishec on application133iJg i t- t n fCheaper than wood Will lest lifetime 1 I1lgbest bard Worlds Fair St lonls 1904 111pf tt1tI10n tmtl Fence Il AR1 IRON 1lRYS ol4Pal CINCINNATI O User 100 Julius of less Fence shown in oar eats lo ae Low J 10110Gal S ace tu ALSO AGENT FCR Stewarts Iron Fences GEORGE OWENS Propr WCARSONo I PAINTER AN- DPAPERHAHGER WALLPAPER ROOM- MOULDINGS ETC Let us make an estimate on work before placing your order All Work Guaranteed 1P > + r c c GRIFFINS ILLI Xmas ard New Year are days of the Fast again How many made New Year vows Will ycu keep your oM r Green Sowder of- t North Saltm Ii d is in our midst entertaining with his graphophone T B Curamiuj closed a very successful term at Popular Grove lsi SaturdayA Cummins and wife of Mt Vernon visited Jiiei d all rcatitles here last weekP- Q Griffin uent to Crab 0 hard lst Saturday Uucle Dick Cum mitts of M t Veraun is visiting relatives at this place Sunday Chool is getting along nic lctP- oplar Grove Wm Denne wei t to Mt Vernon last Friday oil basiiieis I Miss Fanvie Debotd will teach a two months tenn of scln ol at L vel Green beginning Monday Jan 6th- Aunt Cyntha Hawley an agtd 1 fv friend and neighbor of this place who has been an invalid fur some time departed this life the 3ist of Dec 1907 The young dts and according to nature the oldmust die The bereaved riends and relatives have the symI oathy of the entire neighbo Rev J M Cuuimins ThoCdl inging school at Union JridayMis Mabelle Cummins vent to it Vernon last Sunday aUc11Mrs RANK FOOLISHNESS I When attacked by a cough or a old or when your throat is sore it is rank foolishness to take any It her medicine than Dr Kings New Discovery says C O Eldridge of Empire Ga I have used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds croup and all throat and lung troubles My children are subject o croup but New Discovery quickly cures every attack Known the world over as the King- f throat and lung remedies Sold under guarantee at Chas C Davis drug store Soc and 100 Trial bottle free FOR SALEA good wagon and team L T WELCH Mt Vernon Ky WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Do you know that sins can be relieAed rhetmaticI loubt this just try one if Chamberlains Pain Balm It nay not give you relief front pain ut will make rest and sleep ossiband that certainly means a treat deal to anyone afflcted with heumatism For aale by Chas 0 Davis R W DYCHE = IS NTISTM- T VERNON KY Office in old brick opposite Courthouse All Work Guaranteed Satisfac ory Crown and Bridge Work a- Pe = ialty rod he ad Marble Work BODHEAD KYI Granite and Marble Monument and Totnbstope manufactured bj ALBRIGHT FRANCISCO Also Agents for Iron Fence- D B ALBRIGHT Manage ML ltJYEI StI DentistMt f Fir tClass Work j OFFICE At residence on OldI Main St kuown as the C C Hams residence PHONE No 7t cc Williams ATTORNEYATLAW MT VERNON KY 16r0FFICE On ard floor ot The Bank of Mt Vernon on Church streetSpecial attention given to collections Phone No 80 3 C McCLitRY Undertaker Embalrner Camp lete SkptslRobes Orders by Telephone attend ed promptly Stanford Ky I 1 AII rr The Kinl You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of dv and has been under his sonal supervision since its perI Allovno one to deceive TOU in All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants und Children Experience against Experiment tt Al r V f1r ea i CASTORIIA9fu Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare ¬ goric Drops add Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Karcotie substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess It cures Diarrhoea anti Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy ami natural sleep The Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend b eJrH A made Wind CASTOR A ALWAYS I Besa rs the Signature of III e r a The KM Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY r P iThe New Store y IGo to Carmicals for Fresh Oysters Coconuts Grapenuts Apples Cocoa Table Jelly Prunes trigs Raisons Shreaded Wheat Evap orated Pairs Ice Cream cellO Baked Beans Beestaakand Meats of all kindsl delivered in town W hen you t yant groceries call Phone 56I 7 W H CARfflCAL COi Next door to Bank of Mt Vernon Mt Vernon t SgDJCSfce KYE Y q W rAt vw CCGD oCSeaoCDCG3 JONAS MCKEZYE cant afford to miss the old reliable Store j SPRING and SUMMER 1 iYon oo s i Staple and Fancy Notions 1 l We carry no shoddy secondhand auction sale goods only the best such as we can con- scientiouslY 1 i r Ii recommend to our customers Call and see us when in need ofanything x our line Phone No 83 1 inI E xc JONAS McKENZIE i ti WASTING STRENGTH 1 Women who suffer from unnecessary disagreeable painful weakening female complaints will find that Wine of Cardui is a sate and pleasant remedy for ail their ills It acts directly upon all the delicate inflamed tissues purifying the blood throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular scanty profuse painful catamenia prolapse etc R i Also relieves headache backache dizziness cramps dragging pains nervousness irritability etc If you need advice write us a letter telling us all your symptoms We will send free advice in plain sealed envelope Address Ladies Advisory Dept The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tennw ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN 100 BOTTLES I WROTE YOU for advice and by followinjr and taking Cardui my Female Troubles were luredMrs RS Wallace Lavaca Ala J12 WINECARDUI f J- i

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DPUCJ Stationery Ji9arfS TobCCQ s

paints Oiland patent MedicineDiseases of Children A Speciallyr S C DAVIS PropP




IBrodhead Ky I F




lit iJE



Orange MassMany sewinc machines are made totcit regardless of

quality but the New Home is made to wearOur guaranty never runs outiSold by authorized only



i I have just returnI etlfrom the city where

I full andcomplete line of Cof ¬

fins Caskets andJobes

Our line of Couch

Caskets is unexcelledHearse sent to all

parts of the countyAll orders by L J

filled L iW A OOXi

J rMt Vernon ky > i

i 1 9 lp Ji

COMPLETE LINECoffins Caskets and Robes 1

All Mail Telegraph or Tele-

phone orders PromptlyFilled




I 6Tourist Sale November 1st 1907 f

Returning May 31st 1908 I






HeuralgfaKidneySdnstfBtt Diseases

GIVES QUICK RELIEFApplied externally it affords almost in ¬

stant relief from pain while permanentresults are being effected by taking it in ¬

ternally purifying the blood dissolving

removiuaitfromDR SD BLAND

Of Brewton Ga writesI bad been sufferer for a number of years

with Lumbago and Bbeumatlsm in my arms andlegs and tried all the remedies that 1 couldgather from medical works and also consultedelclaaebutfoundipracticetorrncumatlem

DRC L GATESITancockMlnn writesAUttlOBirlherohadBucliaweakbacJicansoJIcould not stand on her feet The moment theyput her downon the fioorshe wouldecream withpains I treated her with 6DltoPSand todayshe runs around as well and happy as can beI prescribe 6DROPS for my patients and useIt in my practice

FREEIf you are suffering with RheumatismKidneyTrouble

us for a trial bottle of 5DROPSPURELY VEGETABLE

5DROPS is entirely free from c jlumcocaine morphine alcohol latdanumand ofher similar ingredientsLarge Size Bottle SDKOPS 800 Dotes


Dept 43 174 Lake Street Chicago


AGENTS WANTED To takeoriers for household toilet andmidicl preparations on com ¬

mission We prepay freight andexpress Write for terms R DMcCollom c Co Richmond Ky



Various State Grangers On theSubject

Demand For Study of the Question bythe Farmer For His Own


The farmers composing the Grangesn organization that has done muchlr study tire real interests of thefarmer has been taking a good dealuf interest in the subject of taxationlately and some very pertinent utterances on this question have beengiven out in the addresses of theMasters at annual sessions of variousstate Granges

At a recent meeting of the Washington State Grange the Master gaveconsiderable attention to the questionof taxation He said in tart

tor urge every Grange in this stateto take up the study of taxation inall its phases earnestly and seriouslyduring the coining year for I feestrongly that we farmers have hlflIIy realized the importance of thoroughly uiiil standing theprinciples or taxation-

intundnmentalIcensoring the

taxes In the brief timeable to give it since my mind hasbeen fully aroused to its importanceII have come to doubtwisdom of our present method of asscssing stale taxes Section 2 of Artitle 7of our slate constitution is asfollows The legislature shall provide by law a uniform and equal rateof assessment and taxation on allproperty in the state according to itsvalue in money This is the generalproperty tax similar to Kentucky

The above constitutional provisionis similar to that of many of the west¬

ern states and enjoins a system oftaxation which has been tried in praqtically all the states of the Union Itrequires the application of the sanierules of taxation to forms of propertytotally different in character Most ofthe older states such as New YorkConnecticut Massachusetts New Ter ¬

sey and Pennsylvania have constitu-tions which impose no restraint on thepower of the legislature or very littlemore restraint than that imposed bythe federal constitution Those stateshave developed systems of taxationmore in harmony with modern condi

tionsThe attempt to tax all kinds ofproperty by the same rules has in alltimes and in all countries imposedheavier burdens upon rural districtsthan cities and in a large degree hasmeasured the tax to be paid by eachcitizen by the amount of his con-

sumption rather than by the opportunity he enjoys to acquire wealthunder the protection of the state

The plan adopted by our neigh-

bor Oregon is to apportion thestate tax in proportion to the reve-nue raised by each county Oregonnade the mistake of not carrying outhe principle to its logical conclusionThe tax should be apportioned in proportion to the entire revenue raisedby each county and all the taxing districts within each county-

It is very easy to see that the morehighly developed and more denselypopulated a county may be the moremoney it needs for local purposes inproportion to its taxable values andthe greater is the power to pay taxesThe tax apportioned in this mannerwill shift from the poorer and remoterural counties the burden they nowbear and impose it on the morethickly settled and prosperous counawayIi dervalue property in order to shift thestate tax o other communities A

study of the experience of other statesshows that one of the greatest evilshas been this incentive to undervalueIt produces inequality and dissatisfaction if not downright fraud

The Ohio State GrangeIn Ohio they are proposing an amend-

ment to the constitution that will permit of a classification of the sourcesof revenue such as is now in effect inPennsylvania The difficulty with ttieOhio constitution is exactly similarto that in Kentucky They are proposing there an amendment to theconstitution which will make it readthis way Taxes shall be levied ata uniform rate upon all property ofthe same class The Ohio constitution now rrquires that taxes shall bPuniform upon all classes of propertythe provision being similar to that olthe constitution of Kentucky TheMaster Honorable F A Derthickcommenting upon the proposed amendment to the constitution said

To pull up every stake in our constitution seems heroic treatment antif lone would throw upon the peopleadded responsibility in the selectionof their representatives If classifica-tion is to be the plan adopted itshould be left to a commission of atleast five members appointed by thegovernor one from each of the foursisters whose combined efforts havemade us all we areone from manufacture one from mining one fromcommerce one from agrculture Thisboard should be reinforced by the up-

pointment of a member of wellknownintegrity and great legal ability

j The farmers are not committed tothe idea of classification but we wishto join in the study of tax revisionThe Ohio State Grange assembled inannual session December 11 to 131906 by a unanimous vote expressedthe desire of an organized body of tax¬

payers fifty thousand strong to co¬

operate with all other interests in de ¬

vising a tax system that shall be Justand fair to every legitimate interestin the state


if you would be immune fromdisease keep the system healtEach successive cold weakens the

i constitution and renders infectiousdiseases more liable Chambe-rlains


Cough Remedv will cureyour cold promptly and restore thesystem to its normal conditionFor sale by Chas C Davis


Weak Lung-sBronchitIs


For over sixty years doctorshave endorsed Ayers CherryPectoral for coughs coldsweak lungs bronchitis con¬

sumption You can trust a

medicine the best doctors ap¬

prove Then trust this the nexttime you have a hard cough

The beat kind of a testimonialSold for over sizty years


Wo have no secrete We publishthe formulas of All our medicines

Ayers Pills keep the bowels regularvegetable and gently laxative



6iThe Midwinter Term

Which is the rush termopens January 21

Do you want to be a workingunit in the livliest most ambitiousenthusiastic and professional bodyof teachers ever gathered togetherfor study in Eastern Kentuck

If so see your County Superin ¬

tendent now about an appointrient to free tuition if ypu havenot already do7e so and write tothe President of the E K S N Sfor a catalog telling him whatstudies you desire


R N Roark-

Richniond Ky

iA CURE FOR MISERYI have found a cure for tht

misery malaria poison producessosR M James of Louelleu SC tts called Electric Bittersand comes in 50 cent bottles I

teaks up a case of dulls or s

ilious attack in olmost no time< nd it putsyellow jaundice cleatm commission This greaonly medicine and blood purifirives quick relefjn all Jtomaclher and kidney complaints anthe misery of lame hack Soldinder guarantee at Chas C Davisrug store

MoultiVoroo Monnen-


Manufacturer ofantam

Granite Monuments ofalkinds Estimates furnishecon


i t-t

nfCheaper than wood Will lest lifetime 1

I1lgbest bard Worlds Fair St lonls 1904




IlAR1 IRON1lRYS ol4Pal

CINCINNATI OUser 100 Julius of less Fence shown in oar eats

lo ae Low J10110Gal Sace tu


Stewarts Iron FencesGEORGE OWENS Propr





MOULDINGS ETCLet us make an estimate

on work before placingyour order

All Work Guaranteed1P >



c c

GRIFFINS ILLIXmas ard New Year are days of

the Fast again How many madeNew Year vows Will ycu keepyour oM r Green Sowder of-


North Saltm Ii d is in our midstentertaining with his graphophone

T B Curamiuj closed a verysuccessful term at Popular Grovelsi SaturdayA Cummins andwife of Mt Vernon visited Jiiei dall rcatitles here last weekP-Q Griffin uent to Crab 0 hardlst Saturday Uucle Dick Cummitts of M t Veraun is visitingrelatives at this place SundayChool is getting along nic lctP-

oplar Grove Wm Denne wei tto Mt Vernon last Friday oilbasiiieis I

Miss Fanvie Debotd will teach atwo months tenn of scln ol atL vel Green beginning MondayJan 6th-

Aunt Cyntha Hawley an agtd1 fv friend and neighbor of thisplace who has been an invalid fursome time departed this life the3ist of Dec 1907 The youngdts and according to nature theoldmust die The bereavedriends and relatives have the symIoathy of the entire neighbo

Rev J M Cuuimins ThoCdlinging school at UnionJridayMis Mabelle Cumminsvent to it Vernon last Sunday



When attacked by a cough or aold or when your throat is sore

it is rank foolishness to take anyIther medicine than Dr KingsNew Discovery says C OEldridge of Empire Ga I haveused New Discovery seven yearsand I know it is the best remedyon earth for coughs and coldscroup and all throat and lungtroubles My children are subjecto croup but New Discovery

quickly cures every attackKnown the world over as the King-f throat and lung remedies

Sold under guarantee at Chas CDavis drug store Soc and 100Trial bottle free

FOR SALEA good wagon andteam L T WELCH

Mt Vernon Ky


Do you know thatsins can be relieAed rhetmaticI

loubt this just try oneif Chamberlains Pain Balm Itnay not give you relief front painut will make rest and sleep

ossiband that certainly means atreat deal to anyone afflcted withheumatism For aale by Chas

0 Davis



Office in old brick oppositeCourthouse

All Work Guaranteed Satisfacory

Crown and Bridge Work a-

Pe= ialty

rodhead MarbleWork

BODHEAD KYIGranite and Marble Monument

and Totnbstope manufactured bjALBRIGHT FRANCISCO

Also Agents for Iron Fence-D B ALBRIGHT Manage

ML ltJYEI StIDentistMtf Fir tClass

Work j

OFFICE At residence onOldI

Main St kuown as the C C


16r0FFICE On ard floor otThe Bank of Mt Vernon on ChurchstreetSpecial attention givento collections

Phone No 80

3 C McCLitRY


Camp lete SkptslRobesOrders by Telephone attend

ed promptly

Stanford Ky I




The Kinl You Have Always Bought and which has beenin use for over 30 years has borne the signature of

dv and has been under hissonal supervision since its perIAllovno one to deceive TOU in

All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ofinfants und Children Experience against Experiment

ttAlr V

f1rea i CASTORIIA9fuOastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare ¬

goric Drops add Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Karcotiesubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allays Feverislmess It cures Diarrhoea antiColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy ami natural sleepThe Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend

b eJrH




CASTOR A ALWAYS IBesa rs the Signature of


e r a

The KM Yon Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over SO Years


r P

iThe New Storey

IGo to Carmicals forFresh Oysters Coconuts GrapenutsApples Cocoa Table Jelly Prunestrigs Raisons Shreaded Wheat Evap

orated Pairs Ice Cream cellO BakedBeans Beestaakand Meats of all

kindsl delivered in town W hen you t

yant groceries call Phone 56I 7

W H CARfflCAL COiNext door to Bank of Mt Vernon

Mt Vernon

tSgDJCSfce KYE Y qW rAtvw



cant afford to miss the old reliable Store jSPRING and SUMMER 1iYon

oo si Staple and Fancy Notions 1l

We carry no shoddy secondhand auctionsale goods only the best such as we can con-


1 irIi recommend to our customersCall and see us when in need ofanything x

our line Phone No 831 inI






Women who suffer from unnecessary disagreeablepainful weakening female complaints will find thatWine of Cardui is a sate and pleasant remedy for ail

their ills It acts directly upon all the delicate inflamedtissues purifying the blood throwing off the cloggingmatter and relieving female disorders such as irregularscanty profuse painful catamenia prolapse etc R


Also relieves headache backache dizzinesscramps dragging pains nervousness irritability etc

If you need advice write us a letter telling us allyour symptoms We will send free advice in plainsealed envelope Address Ladies Advisory DeptThe Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tennw



for advice and by followinjr andtaking Cardui my Female Troubleswere luredMrs RS WallaceLavaca Ala J12



