microbial diversity in natural asphalts of the rancho la ... · microbial diversity in natural oil...

APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, July 2007, p. 4579–4591 Vol. 73, No. 14 0099-2240/07/$08.000 doi:10.1128/AEM.01372-06 Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Microbial Diversity in Natural Asphalts of the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits Jong-Shik Kim and David E. Crowley* Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, California Received 14 June 2006/Accepted 27 March 2007 Bacteria commonly inhabit subsurface oil reservoirs, but almost nothing is known yet about microorganisms that live in naturally occurring terrestrial oil seeps and natural asphalts that are comprised of highly recalcitrant petroleum hydrocarbons. Here we report the first survey of microbial diversity in ca. 28,000-year- old samples of natural asphalts from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, CA. Microbiological studies included analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences and DNA encoding aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases from two tar pits differing in chemical composition. Our results revealed a wide range of phylogenetic groups within the Archaea and Bacteria domains, in which individual taxonomic clusters were comprised of sets of closely related species within novel genera and families. Fluorescent staining of asphalt-soil particles using phylogenetic probes for Archaea, Bacteria, and Pseudomonas showed coexistence of mixed microbial commu- nities at high cell densities. Genes encoding dioxygenases included three novel clusters of enzymes. The discovery of life in the tar pits provides an avenue for further studies of the evolution of enzymes and catabolic pathways for bacteria that have been exposed to complex hydrocarbons for millennia. These bacteria also should have application for industrial microbiology and bioremediation. Prior studies of subsurface petroleum reservoirs using culture- based methods have revealed diverse microbial communities that are able to live on complex petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures (22, 43). Nonetheless, very little is known yet about the true extent of microbial diversity in natural oil reservoirs and terrestrial petro- leum deposits, such as those that occur in oil sands, shales, and natural asphalts. Initial surveys of underground reservoirs using molecular approaches so far suggest that the majority of micro- organisms inhabiting these environments are new species that represent a rich pool of novel genetic diversity with potential importance for industrial and petroleum microbiology (43). Com- pared to underground oil reservoirs, even less is known about terrestrial habitats, where petroleum-degrading soil bacteria have come to inhabit heavy oil seeps, tar sands, and natural asphalts. With the advent of improved DNA extraction and purification methods, such bacteria and their genes may now be accessible for detailed study of their diversity and genes that encode petroleum- degrading enzymes. The existence of bacteria in petroleum deposits at great depths suggests that many species have evolved specifically for this environment and may be carried to the surface in oil seeps. In soils that are permeated with the asphalt, bacteria may also include indigenous bacteria that survived after asphalt seeped through the soil. Selection of bacterial communities for petro- leum substances occurs rapidly after even short-term exposures of soil to petroleum hydrocarbons following oil spills (41, 42). Over time spans encompassing millennia, bacteria that can tolerate this environment would be expected to undergo ge- netic adaptations that may lead to evolution of new ecotypes and species and enzymes for growth on petroleum hydrocar- bons. During adaptation of communities, genes for petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes that are carried on plasmids or transposons may be exchanged between species. In turn, new catabolic pathways eventually may be assembled and mod- ified for efficient regulation (27). Other cell adaptations lead- ing to new ecotypes may include modifications of the cell envelope to tolerate solvents (28) and development of com- munity-level interactions that facilitate cooperation within consortia. Here we describe a survey of microbial diversity in natural asphalts at the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in California. These natural asphalts are located in Hancock Park in downtown Los Angeles and consist of asphalt-soil mixtures formed by up- welling of heavy oil and asphaltenes in spatially separated seeps that differ in their chemical composition and age. Al- though the asphalt at Rancho La Brea is commonly called tar, the petroleum hydrocarbons here are correctly referred to as natural asphalt and are comprised of some of the most recal- citrant carbon compounds in nature (9). Our survey examined two excavation sites. The first site, Pit 91, has yielded thou- sands of plant and animal fossils and is the richest Pleistocene fossil site in the world (10, 16, 45). Carbon dating of fossils from the current depth under excavation in Pit 91 fixes their ages in a range from 10,000 to 38,000 years before the present (16). The second site, Pit 101, was excavated early last century and was closed in the 1920s, after which the pit was covered with a permanent building as part of a museum display. Mi- crobiological studies included analysis of 16S rRNA genes from DNA extracted from the tar pits and a traditional ap- proach employing cultivation of bacteria on agar. In conjunc- tion with microbial diversity, we also surveyed DNA sequences for aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases that may have application for industrial microbiology and bioremediation of petroleum wastes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Characterization of chemical properties in Pits 91 and 101. Ten-gram samples of the asphalt-permeated soil were physically broken into small aggregates and placed in beakers containing 10 ml deionized water or 10 mM CaCl 2 buffer. The * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Environ- mental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Phone: (951) 827-3785. Fax: (951) 827-3993. E-mail: [email protected]. Published ahead of print on 6 April 2007. 4579 on January 26, 2020 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from

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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, July 2007, p. 4579–4591 Vol. 73, No. 140099-2240/07/$08.00�0 doi:10.1128/AEM.01372-06Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Microbial Diversity in Natural Asphalts of the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits�

Jong-Shik Kim and David E. Crowley*Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, California

Received 14 June 2006/Accepted 27 March 2007

Bacteria commonly inhabit subsurface oil reservoirs, but almost nothing is known yet about microorganismsthat live in naturally occurring terrestrial oil seeps and natural asphalts that are comprised of highlyrecalcitrant petroleum hydrocarbons. Here we report the first survey of microbial diversity in ca. 28,000-year-old samples of natural asphalts from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, CA. Microbiological studiesincluded analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences and DNA encoding aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenasesfrom two tar pits differing in chemical composition. Our results revealed a wide range of phylogenetic groupswithin the Archaea and Bacteria domains, in which individual taxonomic clusters were comprised of sets ofclosely related species within novel genera and families. Fluorescent staining of asphalt-soil particles usingphylogenetic probes for Archaea, Bacteria, and Pseudomonas showed coexistence of mixed microbial commu-nities at high cell densities. Genes encoding dioxygenases included three novel clusters of enzymes. Thediscovery of life in the tar pits provides an avenue for further studies of the evolution of enzymes and catabolicpathways for bacteria that have been exposed to complex hydrocarbons for millennia. These bacteria alsoshould have application for industrial microbiology and bioremediation.

Prior studies of subsurface petroleum reservoirs using culture-based methods have revealed diverse microbial communities thatare able to live on complex petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures (22,43). Nonetheless, very little is known yet about the true extent ofmicrobial diversity in natural oil reservoirs and terrestrial petro-leum deposits, such as those that occur in oil sands, shales, andnatural asphalts. Initial surveys of underground reservoirs usingmolecular approaches so far suggest that the majority of micro-organisms inhabiting these environments are new species thatrepresent a rich pool of novel genetic diversity with potentialimportance for industrial and petroleum microbiology (43). Com-pared to underground oil reservoirs, even less is known aboutterrestrial habitats, where petroleum-degrading soil bacteria havecome to inhabit heavy oil seeps, tar sands, and natural asphalts.With the advent of improved DNA extraction and purificationmethods, such bacteria and their genes may now be accessible fordetailed study of their diversity and genes that encode petroleum-degrading enzymes.

The existence of bacteria in petroleum deposits at greatdepths suggests that many species have evolved specifically forthis environment and may be carried to the surface in oil seeps.In soils that are permeated with the asphalt, bacteria may alsoinclude indigenous bacteria that survived after asphalt seepedthrough the soil. Selection of bacterial communities for petro-leum substances occurs rapidly after even short-term exposuresof soil to petroleum hydrocarbons following oil spills (41, 42).Over time spans encompassing millennia, bacteria that cantolerate this environment would be expected to undergo ge-netic adaptations that may lead to evolution of new ecotypesand species and enzymes for growth on petroleum hydrocar-bons. During adaptation of communities, genes for petroleumhydrocarbon-degrading enzymes that are carried on plasmids

or transposons may be exchanged between species. In turn,new catabolic pathways eventually may be assembled and mod-ified for efficient regulation (27). Other cell adaptations lead-ing to new ecotypes may include modifications of the cellenvelope to tolerate solvents (28) and development of com-munity-level interactions that facilitate cooperation withinconsortia.

Here we describe a survey of microbial diversity in naturalasphalts at the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in California. Thesenatural asphalts are located in Hancock Park in downtown LosAngeles and consist of asphalt-soil mixtures formed by up-welling of heavy oil and asphaltenes in spatially separatedseeps that differ in their chemical composition and age. Al-though the asphalt at Rancho La Brea is commonly called tar,the petroleum hydrocarbons here are correctly referred to asnatural asphalt and are comprised of some of the most recal-citrant carbon compounds in nature (9). Our survey examinedtwo excavation sites. The first site, Pit 91, has yielded thou-sands of plant and animal fossils and is the richest Pleistocenefossil site in the world (10, 16, 45). Carbon dating of fossilsfrom the current depth under excavation in Pit 91 fixes theirages in a range from 10,000 to 38,000 years before the present(16). The second site, Pit 101, was excavated early last centuryand was closed in the 1920s, after which the pit was coveredwith a permanent building as part of a museum display. Mi-crobiological studies included analysis of 16S rRNA genesfrom DNA extracted from the tar pits and a traditional ap-proach employing cultivation of bacteria on agar. In conjunc-tion with microbial diversity, we also surveyed DNA sequencesfor aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases that may haveapplication for industrial microbiology and bioremediation ofpetroleum wastes.


Characterization of chemical properties in Pits 91 and 101. Ten-gram samplesof the asphalt-permeated soil were physically broken into small aggregates andplaced in beakers containing 10 ml deionized water or 10 mM CaCl2 buffer. The

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Environ-mental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Phone:(951) 827-3785. Fax: (951) 827-3993. E-mail: [email protected].

� Published ahead of print on 6 April 2007.


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suspensions were mixed using a magnetic stir bar for 1 h, after which pH andsalinity were determined. Salinity was determined in water solutions using aconductivity meter. Other samples for metal analyses were acid digested in nitricperchloric acid using digestion bombs and a microwave oven (USEPA SW-846,method 3051). Heavy metals and cations were analyzed by inductively coupledplasma mass spectrometry using an ELAN500 mass spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer-Sciex Instruments, Concord, Ontario, Canada). Carbon, nitrogen, andsulfur were analyzed using a Flash EA 1112 NC analyzer (Thermo ElectronCorporation, Milan, Italy).

Sampling and DNA extraction. Previously unexposed samples were removedfrom approximately 10 cm under the surfaces of Pit 91 and Pit 101 of theRancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles in October 2004. A total of fivesamples were taken along a 3-m transect from the center of each pit. Sampleswere removed from the pits with sterile, autoclaved spatulas and were trans-ferred into sterile 50-ml plastic tubes with screw caps and transported to thelaboratory for processing. The samples from each pit were pooled prior toextraction. One of the challenges in conducting this survey was the difficultyin extracting high-quality DNA for use in cloning and sequencing. DNA wasextracted from the asphalt-soil mixtures by first freezing approximately 5-galiquots of the asphalt in liquid nitrogen. The frozen samples were trans-ferred to a sterile ceramic mortar and were then ground under liquid nitrogento a fine powder. Approximately 0.5-g subsamples were processed to extractDNA by bead beating using the BIO 101 Fastprep DNA extraction kit for soilfollowing the manufacturer’s protocols. Extracted DNA was concentratedusing a Savant Speed Vac system (GMI Inc., Ramsey, MN), and subsampleswere combined to obtain a high concentration of DNA. The DNA waspurified using a QIAquick gel extraction kit (QIAGEN, Chatsworth, CA)according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The purified DNA was concen-trated again for use in construction of clone libraries.

Phylogenetic analysis. 16S rRNA genes were amplified by PCR and purifiedwith a QIAquick PCR purification kit (QIAGEN). The purified PCR productsfrom five runs were combined and used to construct clone libraries using thepGEM-T Easy vector (Promega) with selected primer sets. The Bacteria weredetected using bacterium-specific primers, 27F and 1492R (21). The Archaeawere detected using the domain-specific PCR primers, Ar4F and Ar958R (17).Pseudomonas spp. were identified using the Pseudomonas-selective PCR primers,Ps289F and Ps1258R (47). Dioxygenases were detected using the PCR primer setadoF to adoR for aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (36, 37). The se-quencing primers were T7 and SP6. After obtaining raw sequences using Chro-mas 2 (Technelysium Pty. Ltd., Tewantin, Queensland, Australia), putative chi-meric sequences were identified using Bellerophon (12) and identified chimericsequences (43 of 278 bacterial sequences) were excluded. The 16S rRNA se-quences were aligned using the NAST aligner, and the aligned sequences werecompared to the Lane mask (21) using the Greengenes web site (4, 5). Evolu-tionary distances were calculated with the Kimura 2-parameter method, and aphylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method (31) withMEGA3 for Windows (19). Bootstrap analyses of the neighbor-joining data wereconducted based on 1,000 samples to assess the stability of the phylogeneticrelationships.

Statistical analyses. The computer program DOTUR (32) was used to calcu-late species richness estimates and diversity indices. A second program,LIBSHUFF (34), was used to compare the similarities of bacterial clone librariesin Pits 91 and 101. The distance matrices for both programs were obtained usingan algorithm located at the Greengenes website (4, 5).

FISH. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was carried out as describedpreviously (49) with minor modifications. Oligonucleotides were 5�end labeledwith fluorescent dyes and included Eub338 labeled with Cy3, ARCH915 labeledwith Cy5, and Pae997 with Bodipy FL. Details on these probes are available atprobeBase (24). Cells were photographed with a Leica TCS/SP2 UV confocalmicroscope.

Cultivation. Culturable bacteria were isolated by serial dilutions of watersuspensions of asphalt-soil mixtures on agar plates containing DSMZ medium

371 amended with 20% NaCl and 10% tryptic soy agar and M9 minimummedium. The plates were incubated at 28°C for 2 to 3 weeks, after whichindividual isolates were transferred and processed for sequencing of 16S rRNAgene sequences. Isolates were placed in glycerol medium and transferred to a�80°C freezer for long-term preservation. Bacterial isolates were tested on agarmedium with 1% asphalt as a sole carbon source.

Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. All sequences were deposited inGenBank under accession numbers DQ001614 to DQ001623, DQ001626 toDQ001638, DQ001641, DQ001642, DQ001644, DQ001646, DQ001647, andEF157073 to EF157279 (for Bacteria), DQ192039 to DQ192061 (for isolates),DQ062817 to DQ062856 (for dioxygenase), AY860440 to AY860443 andAY939988 to AY940011 (for Archaea), and AY940013, AY940019 to AY940022,AY940024 to AY940026, AY940028 and AY940029, AY940032, and AY860446to AY860448 (for Pseudomonas stutzeri).


Detailed analyses of the two tar pits revealed differences inboth the chemical composition and the microbial communitycomposition of the asphalt samples. The asphalt-permeatedsoil from Pit 91 contained a greater concentration of petro-leum hydrocarbons, was slightly acidic, and had a relatively lowsalinity and metal content (Table 1). In contrast, water suspen-sions of asphalt-permeated soil from Pit 101 were alkaline (pH8.4) and contained a high concentration of salts and metals.The salinity of 1:1 asphalt water suspensions of Pit 101 was4,610 �S cm�1, which was 100 times higher than that of Pit 91.Materials from both of the tar pits are impermeable to surfacewater from rainfall, and bacteria in this matrix are subject towater deficits and high salinity. Water contained in the asphaltis present in stratified water pockets and pore spaces that occurthroughout the pit and are likely the main sites for microbialgrowth. The occurrence of microbial activity in the tar pits isvisually evident from the continual evolution of methane bub-bles at various locations in the pits where there is still viscousliquefied asphalt.

Here a total of 235 bacterial clones were sequenced to iden-tify the predominant phylogenetic groups (see Fig. 2). Themost striking difference in the microbial community composi-tion of the two pits was the presence of halophilic Archaea inthe highly saline Pit 101, which were not detected in Pit 91 (Fig.1). Among these were 27 clones representing clusters of closelyrelated species from two unclassified genera that were mostsimilar to Natronococcus and Natronobacterium (Fig. 1). Of the29 Archaea sequences that were obtained, only 2 were outsideof the clusters representing the new genera.

In addition to Archaea, there were also differences in thedistribution of bacterial phyla between the two pits. The pre-dominant bacteria in both pits were Gammaproteobacteria(purple sulfur bacteria). Pit 91 contained 3 unclassified families(60 clones) in the order Chromatiales, none of which was foundin Pit 101 (Fig. 2). Other families of the Gammaproteobacteria

TABLE 1. Chemical properties of asphalt-permeated soil samples from Pit 91 and Pit 101 of Rancho La Brea Tar Pitsa


pH of suspension EC(�S/cm) % C % N % S C/N


Concn (�g/ml) of:

1:1 (CaCl2) 1:5 (H2O) Na Ca Mg K Al Cd Cr Fe Zn Cu Mn Pb Ni

Pit 91 6.3 5.36 46 22.04 0.3 0.97 74.16 13 2,902 265 86.1 356 2.2 2.65 484 33.9 23.4 13 ND 89.9Pit 101 8.44 7.59 4,610 7.04 0.18 0.53 46.74 178 3,696 4,245 1,011 11,395 1.52 19.9 14,133 126 37.1 178 58.1 39.4

a EC, electrical conductivity; ND, not detected.


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in Pit 91 included Xanthomonadaceae (5 clones) and Pseudo-monadaceae (5 clones). (Fig. 2A and C).

Pit 101 contained a greater breadth of diversity of Gamma-proteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria than Pit 91. This in-cluded two unclassified families and one new order with twomore unclassified families (Fig. 2B). In addition to 16 clonesrepresenting the family Rubrobacteraceae, other unique taxa inPit 101 included 5 additional phyla that were represented by 9clones from the Planctomycetes, 6 clones of Gemmatimo-nadetes, 1 clone of BRC1, and 2 clones each of Nitrospira andVerrucomicrobia (Fig. 2D). Taxa that were common to both

Pit 91 and Pit 101 included species from Alpha-, Beta-, andGammaproteobacteria and various representatives from theAcidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Clostridia(Fig. 2).

Sequences obtained using the Pseudomonas-selective prim-ers included 14 clones of Pseudomonas stutzeri, which repre-sented 8 new genomovars of this species (Fig. 3). All but 1 ofthe 14 clones was obtained from Pit 91, suggesting a differentialdistribution of P. stutzeri in the two tar pits (Fig. 3).

Culturable bacteria from both tar pits were represented byrelatively few species. The 10% tryptic soy agar medium

FIG. 1. Phylogeny of halophilic Archaea identified in an asphalt soil mixture from Pit 101 of the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits. Genera are indicated byvertical bars on the right of the tree, and values in parentheses are clone numbers. The robustness of the topology was estimated by bootstrap resamplingof the neighbor-joining data. Bootstrap values greater than 75 are shown at branch points. Scale bar denotes 0.02 changes per nucleotide.


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FIG. 2. Phylogeny of the Bacteria from near-full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences identified in heavy oil from in Pits 91 and 101 of the RanchoLa Brea Tar Pits. Taxa are indicated by vertical bars on the right of the tree, and values in parentheses are clone numbers. The robustness of thetopology was estimated by bootstrap resampling. Bootstrap values greater than 75 are shown at branch points. Proteobacteria in Pit 91(A) and Pit101 (B); other bacteria in Pit 91 (C) and Pit 101 (D). Accession numbers are indicated in parentheses on the right of the tree. Scale bar denotes0.02 changes per nucleotide.


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FIG. 2—Continued.


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yielded five distinct isolates of Pseudomonas spp., eight isolatesof Bacillus spp., and five isolates of Citrobacter spp. The 20%salt medium yielded three isolates of haloalkalophilic Bacillusspp. from Pit 101 (Fig. 4). All of the isolates obtained on theabove media were further shown to grow on M9 medium withasphalt as the sole carbon source.

To study the physical distribution of Archaea and Bacteria inthe asphalt from Pit 101, samples from the tar pit were micro-scopically examined using FISH with DNA probes targetedagainst Bacteria, Archaea, and Pseudomonas spp. (Fig. 5). Cellsfrom each group were observed to occur in dense clusters ofcolonies along with randomly dispersed individual cells. Thevery close association of cells from different phylogeneticgroups suggests that there may be consortia that cooperativelysolubilize, degrade, and detoxify the complex substances con-tained in the asphalt. Such consortia also may be conducive forhorizontal gene transfer of plasmids and DNA sequences thatencode catabolic genes for use of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Diversity analyses. Rarefaction curves of Pit 91 and Pit 101libraries showed significantly different numbers of operationaltaxonomic units (OTUs) at distance values of 0.03 correspond-

ing to the species level, 0.05 at the genus level, and 0.1 at thefamily/class level (Fig. 6A). Only 37 OTUs were obtained fromthe Pit 91 bacterial library, while 80 OTUs were obtained fromthe Pit 101 bacterial library. Indices of diversity were higherfor the Pit 101 library than for the Pit 91 library. The Shannonand Simpson index values were 2.8 and 0.139 for the Pit 91library, compared with 4.2 and 0.014 for the Pit 101 library.Richness ACE (abundance-based coverage estimator) andChao1 (13) values were 64 and 58 in Pit 91 and 268 and 242 inPit 101 (Table 2). There was a significant difference betweenthe rarefaction curves for the Pit 91 and Pit 101 libraries basedon 0%, 3%, 5% and 10% differences (Fig. 6A). LIBSHUFFcomparisons of each of the libraries indicated that two com-munities, Pit 91 and Pit 101, were significantly different (P �0.001). At an evolutionary distance of 0.03, coverages of thelibraries were 80% and 46% in Pit 91 and Pit 101, respectively(Fig. 6B).

Bacterial dioxygenase sequences. Taxonomic relationshipsfor the dioxygenase sequences that were identified areshown in Fig. 7. The phylogenetic trees for these sequencesincluded reference dioxygenases that were not found in the

FIG. 2—Continued.


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tar pits but that provide an indication of the similarities ofthe new sequences to those of previously described enzymes.Sequences from Pit 91 were predominantly associated withthose of known proteobacterial biphenyl dioxygenases. This

cluster of biphenyl dioxygenases was comprised of 12 se-quences from Pit 91 and 2 sequences from Pit 101. Overallsimilarities to known biphenyl dioxygenases ranged from 79to 95%. Detailed analysis revealed at least four subclusters

FIG. 2—Continued.


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within the biphenyl dioxygenase group. As with the micro-bial 16S rRNA genes, there were striking differences in theclusters of dioxygenases represented by the two sites. Ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases from Pit 101 were predomi-nantly comprised of a new group of 18 closely related se-quences that represent a novel, phylogenetically deep groupof enzymes. This cluster was most closely associated withsequences encoding benzene and toluene dioxygenases butwas sufficiently distant that it is not possible to infer whetherthese dioxygenases utilize these substances or instead trans-form other substrates. Two other new clusters that werediscovered from sequences from Pit 91 were represented byone and two clones, respectively, and also appeared to rep-resent deep branches of genes encoding unknown types ofdioxygenases.


Previous research has suggested that bacteria in deep sub-surface oil reservoirs have inhabited those environments sincethe oil was formed (25). The origin of the bacteria in thenatural asphalts at Rancho La Brea is unknown, but theirpresence could reflect recent entry from dust deposition on thesurface, bacteria originating from the subsurface oil reservoirthat seeped to the surface, or the progeny of soil bacteria thatwere embedded in the asphalt matrix as heavy oil seeped to thesurface. Regardless of their origin, life in asphalt poses ex-treme conditions in which microbial growth is limited by thelack of air and water, the presence of highly recalcitrant carbonsources, and high concentrations of potentially toxic metalsand chemicals. The selectivity of this environment would be

FIG. 3. Phylogeny of Pseudomonas stutzeri. 16S rRNA gene sequences identified in asphalt from Pits 91 and 101 of the Rancho La Brea TarPits using PCR primers for Pseudomonas spp. Candidate genomovars (gv.) are indicated by vertical bars on the right of the tree. The robustnessof the topology was estimated by bootstrap resampling of the neighbor-joining data. Bootstrap values greater than 50 are shown at branch points.Scale bar denotes 0.005 changes per nucleotide.


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expected to require specialized adaptations. Here 235 cloneswere described, many of which appear to comprise new generaand families of Proteobacteria (Fig. 2). An analysis of twodifferent pits differing in their chemical properties revealedvery little overlap in diversity (Fig. 6A), indicating that site-specific differences in salinity and pH strongly influence selec-tion within the asphalt communities.

The relatively simple community structures and low com-plexity of Pits 91 and 101 compared to soil suggest that thisenvironment is highly selective. The phylogenetic trees withinthe Proteobacteria revealed considerable breadth in taxa at thelevels of family and order but also manifested branches con-taining discrete clusters of related sequences. The occurrence

of many closely related species within the Gammaproteobacte-ria in both pits and the Archaea in Pit 101 suggested either anevolutionary radiation of species or an initial selection ofclosely related bacteria that share specific traits that enablethem to survive in this environment.

Important questions arising from this research are the func-tional properties and adaptations of the taxa that inhabit thetar pits. It is very difficult to infer functionality at the level ofphylum, and there is sparse information on many of the bac-terial species that were found here. Among the predominantbacteria were 60 clones representing three unknown familiesfrom the Gammaproteobacteria in the order Chromatiales. Thisorder has previously been characterized by two families, the

FIG. 4. Phylogeny of cultured bacteria isolated from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits. Bootstrap values greater than 75 are shown. Bold lettersindicate isolates were obtained from Pit 91 or Pit 101. Scale bar denotes 0.02 changes per nucleotide.


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Ectothiorhodospiraceae and Chromatiaceae, both of which com-prise phototrophic anaerobic bacteria that produce sulfur fromhydrogen sulfide gas (14, 15). The former produce granules ofsulfur on the outside of their cells, while the latter produceinternal sulfur granules. The three new families discoveredhere are not likely to derive energy from photosynthesis giventhat they live in complete darkness within the asphalt-soil ma-trix. Nonetheless, an ability to utilize electrons from hydrogensulfide is consistent with life in the tar pits, where hydrogensulfide and methane are produced during anaerobic metabo-lism of hydrocarbons contained in the asphalt.

Another important cluster in Pit 101 was classified within theRubrobacteraceae. There were 16 closely related sequencesfrom this family. The Rubrobacteraceae are in the phylum Ac-tinobacteria and have been previously reported to occur inhigh-ionizing-radiation environments and in Australian desertsoils (11). Rubrobacter strains have received considerable at-tention as being among the bacteria most resistant to ionizingradiation (7). Whether the bacteria from Pit 101 are radiationresistant is unknown, but it can be speculated that this traitcould be of importance as an adaptation to protection fromDNA damage in mixtures of heterocyclic aromatic hydrocar-bons which are potent mutagens (48).

The occurrence of Pseudomonas stutzeri sequences, whichincluded eight new genomovars, is consistent with prior reportson the distribution of this species. P. stutzeri is a well-knownpetroleum hydrocarbon degrader (8) and appears to be a cos-mopolitan species that is readily isolated from various petro-leum-contaminated environments (20, 29). Previously 17 geno-movars have been described (20); this research has added

another 8 candidate genomovars. As noted for several taxa inthe communities from the tar pits, the existence of closelyrelated sequences of P. stutzeri could be explained either byselection for bacteria that shared essential characteristics thatallow them to survive in the asphalt or as an evolutionaryradiation of ecotypes. With the exception of Pseudomonas spp.,all of the identified taxa were dissimilar to those reportedearlier for two studies investigating a high-temperature oilreservoir, which are the only other studies in the literaturereporting a bacterial survey of a natural petroleum habitatusing culture-independent methods (3, 26).

The discovery of many halophilic Archaea sequences in Pit101 is particularly intriguing and provides an opportunity forfuture studies on the role of Archaea in petroleum hydrocar-bon degradation. Based on studies conducted with enrichmentcultures of bacterial petroleum degraders, biodegradation typ-

FIG. 5. Microorganisms associated with heavy oil-soil as revealedby FISH using a combination of dyes that stain different organisms.Cells of the Archaea are stained red, the Bacteria are yellow, andPseudomonas (a genus of Bacteria) is blue. The microbial colonies canbe seen as clumps of different-color cells that are growing together,which suggests coexistence in diverse consortia.

FIG. 6. Rarefaction curves of observed OTU richness using DOTUR(A) and coverage calculated using LIBSHUFF (B) from the two bacterial16S rRNA gene libraries in Pit 91 and Pit 101 of Rancho La Brea.

TABLE 2. Richness and diversity estimations in 16S rRNA genelibraries from Pit 91 and Pit 101 of La Brea Tar Pits


Richness Diversity indexvalue

CoverageNo. ofOTUs




Jackvalue Shannon Simpson

Pit 91 37 64 46 58 58 2.8 0.139 0.8Pit 101 80 268 105 242 265 4.2 0.014 0.45


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FIG. 7. Phylogeny of aromatic ring hydroxylating dioxygenases identified from Rancho La Brea Tar Pits. (A) Pit 91; (B) Pit 101. Bootstrap values greaterthan 75 are shown. Bold letters denote clones sampled from the asphalt-soil mixtures. Sequences shown in regular typeface are known dioxygenases fromGenBank used here for classification. Enzyme classes are indicated by vertical bars at the right of the trees. Scale bar indicates 0.05 changes per nucleotide.


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ically involves consortia in which the species composition ofthe degrader community is strongly influenced by salinity (18,44). Whether this selection also occurs with Archaea is notknown. The Archaea have been reported to occur in crude oilsludge but not in crude oil samples in oil stockpiles in Japan(40) or in petroleum reservoirs in California (26). VariousHalobacteria isolated from soil and sediments that are capableof degrading hydrocarbons under saline conditions have beendescribed. These include species tentatively identified asHalobacterium (2), Haloferax (51), and Haloarcula (40). Aprior report on Archaea that can degrade aromatic hydrocar-bons under anaerobic conditions using Fe(III) as an electronacceptor was published in 2001 (39). Although not yet cultiva-ble, genes from these bacteria potentially could be used forimproving culturable hydrocarbon degraders used for bioaug-mentation or could serve as a source of catabolic genes thatcould be seeded into the environment on plasmids to facilitateadaptation of indigenous strains for degradation of recalcitranthydrocarbons (38). It will also be important to determinewhether the large unknown cluster of ring-hydroxylating dioxy-genases identified in Pit 101 are carried by the Archaea, whichis suggested by their cooccurrence in this particular site.

As expected from prior experience with environmental sam-ples, relatively few isolates were obtained using culture-basedmethods. The culturable bacteria included strains of Pseudo-monas spp., Citrobacter spp., and Bacillus spp. that were similarto known strains from oil-contaminated environmental sam-ples (Table 2). The ability to culture these strains, especiallyisolates of Pseudomonas, provides opportunities for full ge-nome analysis and examination of genetic exchange that mayhave occurred within this group of bacteria, as well as deter-mination of plasmid-borne genes or catabolic pathways.

From an applied perspective, the most practical aspect ofthis research may be the confirmation of heavy oil seeps andnatural asphalts as sources of novel genes for biodegradationof petroleum hydrocarbons. Here we focused on genes encod-ing aromatic-ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases that are impor-tant for degradation of BTEX and aromatic chemicals, such aspolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hy-drocarbons, that are common environmental pollutants. Themaintenance of genes encoding dioxygenases by bacteria thathave undergone selection for life in an anaerobic system issomewhat of a paradox but is common for known oil-degradingbacteria. Previously described toluene-degrading bacteriaplaced under anaerobic conditions have been shown to first usedioxygenases to degrade toluene until all of the oxygen isconsumed, after which the cells switch to a benzylsuccinatepathway that is coupled to denitrification (33). Among thesequences that were obtained were a large number that weresimilar to those encoding known biphenyl dioxygenases thatfunction for degradation of PCBs. Subtle variations in keyregions of these genes can lead to large differences in substraterange and specificity for different PCB congeners. In the fu-ture, enrichment culture methods may be used to identify stillother enzymes that can target specific substrates.

Relatively little is known yet about anaerobic petroleumhydrocarbon degradation, although there has been steadyprogress in this field (1, 23, 30, 50). Tentative mechanisms thatfunction for anaerobic degradation of alkylbenzenes and non-aromatic hydrocarbons are proposed to involve hydrolases and

carboxylases and are coupled to sulfate or nitrate reduction(35, 46). In our survey, anaerobic bacteria that were identifiedincluded members of Gammaproteobacteria (60 clones of pur-ple sulfur bacteria), Bacteroidetes, Clostridia, and Acidobacte-ria, none of which have been studied with respect to theirpossible contributions to anaerobic degradation of petroleumhydrocarbons. Homologous genes for the benzylsuccinate syn-thase (bss), which is the key enzyme for anaerobic toluenedegradation, have been cloned (33) and may provide an entrypoint for future studies on the relevance of this pathway in thetar pit bacteria. In addition to direct catabolism of hydrocar-bons, anaerobic bacteria may also contribute to hydrocarbondegradation by syntrophy, in which metabolically linked con-sortia function to consume fatty acids and degradation prod-ucts of hydrocarbons to generate methane (46).

Looking toward future research on the Rancho La Breamicroorganisms, the discovery of closely related bacterial clus-ters and genes encoding new dioxygenases is of particular in-terest for understanding the evolutionary biology of bacteriaduring adaptation to the extreme environment posed by life inasphalt. Detailed studies on efficient regulator-promoter pairsare now being conducted to understand and design improvedoperons for xenobiotic degrading bacteria (6). New approachesusing high-throughput DNA sequencing will be the next stepfor obtaining insight into the function and diversity of oil-inhabiting bacteria and the catabolic pathways for degradationof petroleum hydrocarbons.


We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and review comments ofJohn Harris and Christopher Shaw and the cooperation of the GeorgeC. Page Museum at Hancock Park, Rancho La Brea Tar Pits.

This project was supported in part by National Research InitiativeCompetitive Grant 2004-35107-15021 from the USDA CooperativeState Research, Education, and Extension Service.


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