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    RECALL No1

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    3RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Welcome ... to the first issue of Recall, a new publication for

    executives and board members that provides insights

    into marketing and sales for the telecommunications


    Our industry is changing at an unprecedented pace.

    Market saturation, new technologies, regulatory pres-

    sures, and the emergence of new players are just a few

    of the issues among many. The way in which successful

    companies currently create marketing opportunities in

    this space is very different compared to just some years

    ago and will again be different in the years to come.

    Marketing and sales in telecommunications has never

    been more exciting and challenging.

    Recall aims to offer you a holistic view of the implica-

    tions of these challenges and to recall how successful

    companies managed to take advantage of them and,

    how they have created positive recall with customers

    and consumers and hence, value. Recall will cover one

    marketing or sales topic at a time and is firstly published

    on the McKinsey Telecommunications Extranet (to

    register, see page 47). Topics will range from pricing via

    branding to channel management, striving to provide

    you with the latest thinking on telecommunicationsmarketing and sales.

    The authors of Recall are members of McKinsey &

    Companys Global Telecommunications Practice,

    a group of more than 380 dedicated practitioners and

    some 60 research analysts. Together with leading

    academics, they aim to bring you an integrated

    perspect ive on key marketing and sales topics.

    We hope that you find Recall interesting and that it

    provides you with unique insights and ideas that are

    useful in your daily work. We look forward to your

    feedback and thoughts on relevant topics you would

    like to see covered in this publication.

    Jrgen Meffert

    European Leader of McKinseys

    Telecommunications Practice

    Thomas Barta

    Leader of European Telecoms Branding /

    ROI, Editor Recall

    Pedro Mendona

    Leader of McKinseys Marketing

    in Telecommunications Practice

    Boris Maurer

    Leader of McKinseys

    Telecommunications Extranet

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    About This IssuePricing is the focus of this first issue of Recall. It starts

    with Triple-play pricing. Like no other area, this topic

    combines many industry challenges into one: fixed-

    to-mobile substitution, migration towards flat rates,

    the increasing commoditization of broadband, and theemergence of IPTV. If you can make it there, you can

    make it anywhere see what it takes to be successful in

    this arena.

    The next article is Value Pricing for Profitable Growth.

    Maturing mobile markets make sustaining profitable

    growth an increasing challenge for operators. Pricing

    creates a host of opportunities for those who know how

    to work with it, as examples show.

    Second Brands & Wholesale Plays: Pricing Strategies

    for a Changing Market is the next topic. A multi-brand

    and wholesale strategy can play a fundamental role in

    protecting the profitability of main brands.

    Part four explains McKinseys CHESS approach.

    This approach integrates pricing conjoint analysis,

    brand analysis, and product optimization in a single,

    comprehensive method that provides a way to increase

    a brands consumer preference share by in some

    cases 50 to 60 percent or more.

    The fifth part Best-Practice Multi-Play for DigitalConvergence describes a market-research-based

    methodology for defining an optimal range of bundles.

    Digital convergence is quickly leading to the emergence

    of various telecoms and media services bundles,

    creating a new space of multi-market and product

    competition. Bundling is a way to differentiate offerings

    via complementary services and hence, reduce price


    The first issue of Recall concludes with interviews

    with the CMO of T-Mobile Croatia and Telenors Head of

    Mobile. Get an inside viewpoint as T-Mobiles Hendrik

    Kasteel describes his companys success in defending

    itself against the market entrance of a new network

    operator and as Telenors Jon Erik Haug shares his

    perspective on pricing strategies and future develop-

    ments in markets that have a heavy MVNO influence.

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    Contents01 Value Pricing for Profitable Growth 9

    02 Customer-Centric Success: Triple-Play Pricing 15

    03 Beyond Traditional Market Pricing: Second Brands and Wholesale Play 21

    04 CHESS Moves: Creating a Complete Customer Value Proposition 29

    05 Best-Practice Multi-Play for Digital Convergence 35

    06 Points of View 43


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    9RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Value Pricing for Protable Growth

    01Value Pricing for Profitable Growth

    Europes maturing mobile markets and price-testing

    regulatory environment make sustained profitable

    growth a newly daunting challenge for operators,

    despite their significant brand-building investments.

    This value-killing shift has been an emergent reality in

    Europe since early in the decade, when revenue growth

    and earnings quality began to wane as markets became

    saturated. Regulation-driven cuts in interconnection

    rates are expected to cause up to 35 percent of the industry

    profit pool to evaporate over the next two to three years.

    Additionally, new regulations for mobile virtual network

    operators (MVNOs) are triggering price wars in basically

    all markets.

    To counter this downward spiral, operators should

    adopt a value-based pricing strategy, something thathas, for the most part, been overlooked thus far. The

    typical marketing approach taken in the mobile industry

    has consisted of combining massive brand-building

    investments (with leading mobile operators emerging

    as top advertisers in each market) and more recently, a

    general shift towards viral marketing again,

    with significant investment into CRM systems and

    capability development. However, between these levers,

    little attention has been given to pursuing a consistent

    pricing and portfolio design, which proves crucial in

    effectively extracting the corresponding premium from

    such heavy brand investments and better focusing

    targeted promotional campaigns (Exhibit 1).

    A value-based pricing strategy involves better matching

    the natural segmentation of consumers reaction to

    each of the mobile price components. Such an optimized

    pricing structure should allow operators to capture

    their brand premium from those who are less sensitive

    to price, while exploring profitable trade-offs with those

    who react to specific price components rather than to

    the price as a whole. A dual strategy is often required

    since, while on the one hand, a large majority of mobile

    customers are stil l willing to pay a brand premium or

    choose a price plan based upon a particular tariff

    component and on the other hand, a growing segment

    in each market is becoming increasingly sensitive to

    transparent, simple value propositions (Exhibit 2).

    Such a strategy, which takes advantage of the innate

    brand-building skills that operators have developed,

    consists of two complementary elements:

    1. Leverage the inherent strength of the current mainbrand McKinsey & Company research conducted

    across different European markets reveals that a

    significant segment of customers (i.e., 30 to 40 percent,

    depending upon market) choose their mobile service

    based primarily upon brand appeal. Still, others react

    to specific price components rather than to the price as a

    whole. Operators should work to maintain and enhance

    the brand premiums captured from these customers

    by differentiating pricing according to a given groups

    willingness to pay, while exploring profitable trade-offs

    among the price components.

    2. Launch a value-focused second brand and/or open

    own network to third parties Value-driven brands can

    enable operators to de-complicate pricing structures

    for price-driven customer groups. These new price-

    focused brands allow operators to protect their premium

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    Value-based pricing (and product) design should be regarded as a crucial

    element to ensure marketing spend effectiveness01

    brands price position, while fighting for market share

    in other, more price-sensitive customer segments.

    Leveraging current brand power

    Europes mobile operators have worked hard to build

    power brands, having increased advertising spend

    over the past decade to the point where they outspend

    other traditionally brand-focused industries in

    many markets. The results of this spending have beenimpressive McKinseys analysis reveals that brand-

    driven price premiums can represent 30 to 50 percent

    of a European operators margin pool (i.e., earnings

    before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization

    EBITDA). Unfortunately, these brand-based premiums

    are expected to decline by a range of between 9 to 32

    percent, depending upon the country.

    To protect brand value, operators can explore a range

    of possible trade-offs among selected price factors. One

    key task involves clearly identifying price components

    that are fully visible to customers, as well as those that

    are less so (Exhibit 3). The former can include plans that

    leverage on-/off-net pricing dif ferentials or the intro-

    duction of minimum consumption schemes. Such offers

    can have a big impact on churn and market share, but

    typically require a structured approach in order to fully

    explore the profitability trade-offs that each plan brings

    with it. Less visible components, which can often be

    addressed on a stand-alone basis, could include roaming

    charges or fees associated with taxation periods.

    Acting upon visible price components requires an

    in-depth understanding of customer key buying factors

    (KBFs). For example, in segmenting a market in terms of

    price-sensitive buyers versus other types of customers

    (e.g., those driven by brand, network size, etc.), takinga closer look can help to clarify true customer needs.

    In one case, such an analysis revealed that fewer than

    10 percent of price-sensitive customers were influenced

    by overall pricing schemes, but instead, were actually

    interested in specific aspects of their mobile pricing

    plans (e.g., on-/off-net pricing, no minimum usage

    requirements, etc.). Such an analysis can help operators

    to pinpoint value drivers for different customer groups

    and to maintain pricing levels (and associated profits)

    in areas of less interest.

    Price plans must be adjusted to exploit profitable trade-

    offs that occur between different price components.

    For example, the pricing plans of one operator were not

    focused on delivering the value that customers in

    different KBF segments wanted. By realigning plans to

    better address true customer needs, the operator was

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    To protect their revenues, MNOs should evolve towards a dual strategy,

    better matching of significant differences in consumer price sensitivity02

    able to meet the real requirements of specific customer

    segments and boost its ability to capture value. In a plan

    targeted towards on-net, price-driven customers, the

    operator discovered that by making a small decrease in

    the on-net tarif f (which customers sought) it was also

    able to substantially increase off-net tariffs and thus,

    capture additional value.

    In addition, a brand price plan should be carefully

    designed to retain and extract appropriate premiumsfrom brand-driven customers, but without destroying the

    portfolios consistency (Exhibit 4). Such a plan should

    be guided by two basic rules. First, no aggressive

    discounts should be offered in any of the key price com-

    ponents, which may include pricing for SMS (Europes

    dominant text messaging technology), off-peak calling,

    minimum consumption requirements, and on-/off-net

    plans. Second, the brand must be more competitive

    than other mobile network operator (MNO) brands in

    terms of at least one of these price components.

    By following these and other recommendations, one

    European mobile operator experienced a 33 percent

    increase in SMS ARPU (average revenue per user), with

    little or no churn impact. Additionally, the operator has

    already moved roughly 40 percent of its consumer

    customer base onto the new price plans, which are

    generating an ARPU increase of 8.5 percent.

    Opening up to second brands:simplicity wins!

    In most cases, boosting mobile plan simplicity and

    transparency levels in order to attract price-sensitive

    customers without damaging the primary brand can

    only be accomplished by launching an own secondbrand or opening up the network to MVNOs and SPs

    (service providers).

    Over the last couple of years, tens of new mobile brands

    were launched in European markets. Starting this new

    category of secondary brands, MNOs goals include

    protecting their main brands from aggressive price

    movements; addressing an important and growing

    consumer segment, estimated to represent more than

    20 percent of most European markets; and, in some

    cases, launching a preemptive strike against the expected

    proliferation of MVNOs and SPs. Three common factors

    characterize the positioning of most of these second

    brands, either those belonging to MNOs or others

    developed by third parties:

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Value Pricing for Protable Growth

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    Visible and less visible pricing factors may vary by market and require

    different approaches03

    Simplicity:All elements of the offer should convey ease

    of use and total transparency (i.e., no footnotes or tiny


    Low prices: Pricing should be competitive and based

    upon a single plan that essential ly offers a 20 to 30

    percent discount versus comparable MNO price plans

    (no hidden charges).

    Effectiveness: Although focused on the main servicecomponents, customer care should be distinctive

    (it works). Goals include problem resolution on first

    contact, innovative features that promote simplicity and

    cost control, and automatic interaction either online or

    through IVR (interactive voice response).

    Any of four models can be used to create a second

    brand (Exhibit 5), providing MNOs with a variety of

    options that can be tailored to specific needs and

    market conditions.

    Brand positioning should be delivered via a no frills

    value proposition. Pricing, for example, should be a

    single, flat-tariff plan, featuring the 20 to 30 percent

    discount versus comparable main-brand price plans.

    Products and services should be based upon a SIM

    card only offer, complemented by a limited portfolio

    of low- to medium-range handsets. Distribution plans

    can include remote (e.g., the Internet) and direct

    (e.g., call centers) channels, complemented by non-

    traditional physical distribution channels. From the

    customer franchise perspective, the new brand should be

    designed to allow for smart and effective media choices.

    The above-mentioned elements must be supported by a

    low-cost operational model. For example, customer care

    should be very eff icient, based upon Internet and IVRaccess, and augmented by a paid customer helpline.

    In terms of IT and systems, highly automated and

    integrated IT systems can enable end-to-end work flows

    and tariff flexibility. Human resources need to be

    optimized in a low fixed-cost structure featuring a single-

    layer organization of 30 to 40 dedicated people. Support

    services could include formal service agreements

    supported by service level agreements for network access

    and shared services between MNOs and new operators.

    Overall governance issues include the need for the new

    brand to be managed in strict alignment with the MNOs

    main brand in order to prevent cannibalization.

    By Pedro Mendona, Duarte Begonha, and

    Ole Jrgen Vetvik

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    A consistent portfolio should be composed of x+1 default price plan04

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Value Pricing for Protable Growth

    Recent proliferation of asset-light mobile brands has been taking place in

    Europe illustrative examples/not exhaustive05

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    Across both developed and emerging markets, wireline

    operators are seeing substantial developments in the

    marketplace, driven by the acceleration of f ixed-to-

    mobile substitution, the continual migration towards f lat

    rates, an increasing commoditization of broadband, and

    the emergence of IPTV. When combined, these trends are

    shifting the balance in the residential consumer demand

    profile, reducing the value of traditional voice, limiting

    the differentiation via broadband access, raising the

    importance of new service lines (such as TV), and above

    all, increasing the appetite for integrated home solutions

    with multiple services in bundled offerings.

    For incumbents, these trends clearly represent a threat,

    but also some positive aspects. On the negative side,

    they result (in most cases) in the ability of attackers to

    undercut their offers with dual- and triple-play bundlesof 50 percent or higher price discounts, with a substantial

    impact on market share. However, and depending

    upon specific market conditions these changes also

    represent an opportunity to proactively accelerate fixed-

    line market growth through broadband and in some

    cases, access uptake.

    Responding to these strategic shifts poses substantial,

    unseen challenges for incumbent operators: exploding

    complexity in product options and bundles; risky choices

    with substantial potential for cannibalization (e.g.,

    flat voice, VoIP); complex trade-offs (e.g., regulatory

    concessions); the need to develop new skills in previously

    untested waters, which tend to be low-margin businesses

    for incumbents (e.g., TV); and most importantly, the need

    to deeply understand consumer demand and preferences.

    The case for developing an integratedcustomer-centric approach

    To effectively address the new paradigm, incumbent

    operators must follow a set of fundamental principles.

    These principles call for an integrated customer-centric

    approach and must guide the way in which operators

    develop and price their offer structure across the full

    product portfolio.

    1. Product and pricing architectures that focus on

    segmented customer preferences can result in both

    gaining penetration/share and improving ARPU.

    Customer needs are not necessarily aligned with mini-

    mizing prices. Systematically, in all cases, McKinsey has

    identified sizeable segments of customers that are not

    driven by pure total price, but rather by specific pricecomponents or other elements of the offer. For instance,

    there are typically some segments that prefer lower-price

    entry TV packages and are willing to heavily consume a

    la carte channels and personalized on-demand content,

    resulting in higher penetration and ARPU. Others prefer

    an integrated, less flexible package. In a particular

    example, an optimized design of an IPTV offering yielded

    75 percent higher penetration and 10 percent higher

    ARPU. In another example, for a particular customer

    segment, a lower monthly rental was a key buying factor

    in exchange for a higher per-minute price, thus allowing

    the capture of an important share of mobile-only house-

    holds with limited cannibalization.

    In this context, designing suboptimal offer structures

    based only upon traditional intuition may yield

    02 Customer-Centric Success:Triple-Play Pricing

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Customer-Centric Success: Triple-Play Pricing

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    substantial loss of penetration and more importantly,

    lower product margins due to increased cannibalization.

    On the contrary, by leveraging carefully designed market

    research, operators can understand the key buying factors

    (KBFs) behind the selection of individual products

    (and bundled offers) and structure an offer that is able

    to address the full range of customer segments, extracting

    the maximum value (ARPU and/or increased share/

    penetration) from each segment (Exhibit 1).

    2. There is substantial value to be gained from taking

    a comprehensive portfolio approachthat goes beyond

    simple discounting. Matching underlying customer

    needs in a holistic manner by redesigning and optimizing

    a complete set/portfolio of integrated offerings in a single

    effort allows for compensating the likely cannibaliza-

    tion with increased up-selling and retention (namely,

    of broadband). Many operators still see bundling as a

    mechanism for delivering discounts. On the contrary,

    experience shows that well-designed bundles can,

    by far, compensate for the reduction of ARPU in some

    customer segments, with substantial gains in other

    segments. The key to success lies in being able to

    simultaneously understand preferences and trade-offs

    for multiple offerings, determining the net impact at the

    consumer level by using market research coupled with

    internal consumption data (Exhibit 2).

    As an example of the benefits of applying these principles,

    one incumbent operator managed to carefully design a

    dual- and triple-play portfolio offering that resulted in

    having, in terms of ARPU, an up-selling, retention, and

    win-back potential six times higher than the cannibal-

    ization risk (40 to 50 percent of the customers acquiring

    any of the offers). This allowed the operator to achieve

    all-time record sales in broadband (multiplying by a

    factor of two) and a net ARPU increase in all segments,

    significantly contributing to total revenue growth.The key to the design of the offer was to develop a structure

    that was attractive to the segment at risk of churning,

    while at the same time, providing significant up-

    selling potential to a large share of the segment at risk

    of cannibalization.

    3. A consumer-integrated perspective should be taken

    into consideration, even when designing product/pricing

    architectures for individual products. A larger and

    increasing share of consumers make their consumption

    decisions in a comprehensive total spending manner.

    Hence, when redesigning indiv idual products (e.g.,

    ADSL structures), companies need to consider a full-

    spending perspective on the consumer (Exhibit 3). In

    fact, very often, new products derive more value from

    the side effects of other products than from their own

    self-standing business case (e.g., there has been a beneficial

    Principle 1 design integrated offers that match the KBFs in the market01

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    effect of IPTV on increased broadband uptake). Also, ade-

    quate bundling can minimize cannibalization within a

    specific product (e.g., bundling of f lat voice with DSL).

    All of these are ef fects that can only be accounted for

    if tackled from an integrated consumer perspective.

    In one particular case, the optimized design of an

    IPTV offer al lowed for a significant impact on ADSL

    cross-selling, which added nearly 35 percent more

    higher-margin ARPU to the initial business case. Theseprinciples will be critical for incumbent operators in

    addressing individual and bundling product development

    decisions in an effective manner:

    In voice, flat-rate pricing requires a holistic approach.

    In order to develop an aggressive offer that adds

    significant value, operators need to move away from

    launching offers on a product-by-product basis towards

    the design of a full offer structure that covers the needs

    of all segments from infrequent users (that for the

    most part, will not buy flats) to more frequent users

    (that will require premium voice offers to avoid the

    reduction in ARPU from the unlimited f lat), e.g., the

    new voice offer from Telecom Italia.

    In broadband, offer structuring will become more

    sophisticated.To further stimulate growth, operators

    will have to explore the remaining opportunities in

    order to adjust the existing offers (driven by speed and

    price structure) to better match the existing structure

    of customer needs. At the same time, they will need to

    develop bundled offers with content and value-added

    services, contributing to differentiation and unlocking

    new broadband segments that are currently dormant

    (e.g., the Comcast approach).

    In IPTV, maximum value extraction for telcos requireseffective matching of consumers underlying needs.

    Although new in the pay-TV markets, telcos must leverage

    a higher degree of offer f lexibility than established

    competitors (e.g., mini-basic entry packs or a la carte

    channels, such as the PCCW offer). Telcos must also

    provide a higher degree of interactivity (e.g., personal/

    shift TV) with new creative pricing structures (e.g.,

    flat rates for on-demand catalog movies, bundles of

    channels with PPV/on-demand content). For optimum

    design of their IPT V offer, operators need to use a

    systematic approach based upon a deep understanding

    of consumers underlying preferences.

    Dual- and triple-play bundling requires sophisticated

    pricing. As markets evolve into integrated home solutions,

    operators will face the diff icult choice of pricing their

    bundles to compete with aggressive attacker offerings,

    Principle 2 focus bundling not on discounts but on up-selling02

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    Principle 3 take an integrated perspective even when designing

    individual products03

    while avoiding the risk of cannibalization. To avoid this

    deadlock, operators need a new way of thinking about

    bundles, based upon launching all new bundled products

    not necessarily developing individual products that

    are then bundled at a discount, but rather thinking

    about full offerings from the start (e.g., Fastweb triple-play

    entry offer) that truly promote up-selling and retention.

    Shifting from product-oriented to customer-centric

    pricing will be a key differentiating element betweenbest and worst performers in the sector, particularly as

    the market gets more competitive and complex. Players

    that manage to develop the necessary capabilities and

    processes will be able to sustain a higher premium and

    take advantage of opportunities and threats that lie ahead.

    The proposed customer-centric approach

    While the challenges may be very specif ic, the approach

    that operators should follow in order to develop their

    offer structure is very similar. This approach can be set

    up in two phases (Exhibit 4).

    The first phase is based upon sophisticated consumer

    market research, conjoint analysis, and will lead to the

    identification and design of the ideal offer structure.

    This would allow for the development of an integrated

    (consumer- and competitor-based) market tool that

    can be used for both tactical as well as for more strategic

    pricing and product development.

    Operators will be able to thoroughly understand consumer

    preferences and potential decisions in each competitive

    scenario. In fact, the approach includes the development

    of an optimized product and pricing market segmentation

    based upon key buying factors, which is instrumental for

    the purpose of offer design and allows for the structuringof the full tr iple-play offer or specific components of it.

    The model will simulate the likely customer adoption rates

    given different price points and competitor reactions,

    and will support the development of migration paths from

    the current situation.

    This first phase is required for in the complex design of

    new products (i.e., identify ing what to offer), but could

    be avoided if a clear idea of a desired offer structure

    already exists.

    The second phase will simulate up-selling, down-

    selling, retention, etc., based upon a usage-oriented

    segmentation and identif ied consumer preferences

    in order to refine pricing and optimal structure of the

    offer. Consumer preferences can be performed with the

    conjoint simulator (if Phase 1 were conducted) or with

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    Product and pricing approach based on an end-to-end customer-centric

    integrated methodology04

    simplified price-testing research. This phase, which

    will be required in all cases, wil l result in the offer road

    map, including key implications of implementation and

    net impact on overall economics.

    This overall approach would also allow for understanding

    the impact of multiple critical decisions that take place

    during product development, including technical,

    operational, regulatory, and even those related to media

    content acquisition, which are absolutely key to successfulnet value creation.

    Wireline operators are facing new unforeseen challenges

    in the marketplace, which will require a much more

    sophisticated approach to product portfolio and pricing

    design. Recent examples demonstrate that, by adopting a

    systematic methodology to understand customer needs

    and match the offer structure to satisfy these needs,

    operators can extract substantial benefits (in volume

    and/or ARPU) and significantly improve their competitive


    By Armando Cabral and Pedro Mendona

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Customer-Centric Success: Triple-Play Pricing

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    Can mobile operators develop a successful multi-brand

    strategy? Many apparently think so, judging by the

    exploding number of virtual players entering the market.

    In fact, over the past five years, players launched nearly 300

    mobile brands worldwide (two-thirds of them in Europe),

    significantly changing the traditional three-to-four-player

    competitive market landscape in many countries.

    Within the f lood of new offerings, most mobile virtual

    network operators (MVNOs) and mobile network

    operators (MNOs) second and sometimes even third

    brands seem quite similar, as they typically feature asset

    light low-cost operational structures that are 20 to 50

    percent below those of MNO primary brands. However,

    upon closer examination, significant differences emerge.

    These new operators tend to assume different businessmodels, depending upon whether they possess their own

    network code, interconnection agreements, customer

    relationship management programs, or pricing schemes.

    The different players align as follows:

    MVNOs tend to control all four of the above elements,

    thus ensuring full separation from the MNO.

    ESPs (enhanced service providers) lack network code

    (and may or may not have interconnection agreements).

    MNO second brands are generally similar to ESPs,

    but are MNO owned.

    Brand partnerships (between an MNO and retailers)

    feature separate pricing plans.

    SPs (service providers)act as pure resellers of MNO

    tariff plans.

    Furthermore, the positioning of MVNOs and second

    brands tend to vary across regions, since the competitive

    challenges faced by players are significantly different

    (Exhibit 1):

    In Europe,where national regulatory agencies strive

    to enforce the creation of wholesale offers in mature

    markets with excess-installed capacity, MNOs must

    decide whether to open their networks to MVNOs and/

    or launch their own second brands. In either case, such

    brands can address a growing market segment that

    is sensitive to low prices and transparency (i.e., no

    frills), but less demanding in terms of service or the

    need for interaction.

    In the United States, where there still remain important

    penetration pockets, MNOs aggressively attempt to

    gain market share through the development of wholesale

    offers that allow different MVNOs to target and penetrate

    specif ic sizeable groups, such as the youth and Hispanic

    segments, as well as develop premium-based offerings.

    In developing markets, where the most profitable

    segments have already been skimmed, MNOs have

    been launching second brands in order to prof itably

    penetrate low-income customer segments. Focused on

    affordable positioning (e.g., low consumption, low

    denomination vouchers, inexpensive intra-group/zone

    prices, and basic handsets), emerging operators seek to

    ensure differentiation in terms of brand, product/

    03 Beyond Traditional Market Pricing:Second Brands and Wholesale Play

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    service, and channels to avoid cannibalization of the

    existing customer base.

    How MNOs can address the multi-brand issue

    Clearly, questions surrounding MVNOs and second

    brands will continue to make their way to the top of the

    mobile CEOs agenda either as major opportunities to

    conquer additional market share (i.e., attracting new

    customers via a differentiated positioning) or to preemptthird-party competitive moves driven by regulatory action.

    Because the premature launch of a second brand or

    aggressive pursuit of a wholesale strategy can jeopardize

    the profitability of the current and potential new

    customers, MNOs should consider two central dimensions

    in order to determine the best time to act. First, they

    need to evaluate their prospects for profitable growth in

    terms of EBITDA, which hinge largely on market

    competitiveness. Second, MNOs must assess the inherent

    risk of these initiatives starting a price war, which

    depends upon both the potential for price reductions

    (measured by comparing the lowest flat fee versus

    interconnection rate) and other specific market conditions,

    including perceived price elasticity, current brand

    positioning of different players, and current existence

    of other MVNOs or second brands (Exhibit 2). Overall,

    MNOs should develop a multi-brand strategy only when

    it either presents a limited risk of triggering (or fueling)

    a price war (having a negative impact on the current client

    base) or when the actual market context indicates poor

    future profitable growth prospects. However, if the high

    risk of a price war exists and there are still interesting

    growth prospects in the market, MNOs should maintain

    a wait and see posture and evaluate trade-offs in cases

    in which at least one of these elements may jeopardize

    MNOs future performance. If the case for action isclear, MNOs need to decide between launching a second

    brand or pursuing a leading wholesale market strategy,

    taking into account their actual market position, the

    strength of existing no frills players already operating in

    the market, and the level of regulatory pressure focused

    on opening up networks.

    A critical aspect of this decision centers on the MNOs

    current market position. Market leaders are able to offer

    lower flat tariffs (due to a relatively higher portion of

    on-net minutes at marginal costs), thus they typically

    should pursue a second brand strategy instead of the

    less attractive option of selling wholesale minutes to

    MVNOs. Conversely, a mobile attacker will likely develop

    a wholesale strategy because of its ability to offer lower

    wholesale prices without the fear of cannibalizing its

    (relatively smaller) customer base (Exhibit 3).

    MVNOs/second brands dominant purpose and positioning have been

    different across regions01

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    The prevalence or lack of no fri lls operations in the

    market should also influence MNO strategies.

    Experience shows that a first mover in this category

    clearly benefits from a winner takes all dynamic,

    easily capturing a 10 percent overall market share,

    which usually equates to a 50 to 60 percent share of the

    no fril ls category. If no/a few strong no fril ls

    competitors currently exist, launching a second brand

    may seem like an obvious move. However, if many

    planning-stage MVNO candidates may soon emerge,using a wholesale strategy to lock in potential winners

    without losing control of prices or customers may

    constitute a better approach. Finally, regulatory pressure

    to accommodate MVNOs also drives MNO strategies

    towards wholesale, since launching a second brand

    while negotiating with MVNO candidates can reduce an

    operators degrees of freedom and drive down wholesale

    prices. As an alternative to launching a second brand

    or opening its network to a wholesale play, MNOs can

    consider collaborating with strong customer franchisees

    or distributor networks in order to leverage their retail

    brands, while maintaining some degree of control over

    potential competitors. Partnership models can be

    structured like second brands (e.g., simple brand-

    licensing agreements) or like real MVNO wholesale

    deals (e.g., selling large minute bundles to a jointly owned

    new MVNO).

    Typical positioning of a second brandin Europe

    European operators position most second brands (e.g.,

    Uzo, YESSS!, M-Budget, Tchibo, simyo) based upon

    three fundamental factors simplicity, low prices, and

    effectiveness. These factors differentiate virtual operators

    from both the complexity inherent in main brand pricing

    schemes and the need for massive communication of

    low penetration services. Such positioning targets agrowing segment that according to extensive market

    research in various European countries and five years

    experience in Scandinavian countries can represent

    from 20 to 25 percent of all current users, making it

    much larger than any other market niche built upon

    sociodemographic factors (Exhibit 4).

    A no-frills value proposition relies upon four key

    attributes. First, most no-frills players focus on a SIM

    card only offer, complemented by a limited portfolio

    of low- to medium-range handsets and a very simple

    and reduced range of services. Second, from a pricing

    standpoint, they offer single plans with f lat tariffs and

    no minimum consumption obligations at a discount of

    approximately 50 percent compared to similar plans

    from main brands. Third, no-frills operations usually

    offer a combination of remote and direct channels (e.g.,

    To understand if it is time to act, MNOs need to consider 2 key factors02

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    the Internet and call centers), complemented by non-

    traditional physical distribution channels at half the

    cost of telecoms retailers (e.g., post office branches,

    kiosks). Fourth, no-fril ls players brand design and

    positioning typically favor innovative and cost-efficient

    marketing campaigns focused on younger customer

    segments, but with universal reach.

    In order to be able to systematically offer low prices,

    MVNOs and second brands rely upon low-cost operationalmodels. The key elements of these low-cost models

    include efficient Internet and IVR (interactive voice

    response) customer care, complemented by a paid customer

    helpline, and highly automated and integrated IT sys-

    tems that enable end-to-end work flows and billing/cus-

    tomer care f lexibilit y. Other features include a reduced

    fixed-cost structure with a single-layer organization of

    about 30 to 40 dedicated people and the outsourcing of

    all shared services (e.g., accounting, human resources)

    supported with pre-negotiated service level agreements

    (SLAs) with the MNOs.

    Best practice in designing a winning mobilewholesale strategy

    When pursuing a leading wholesale market strategy,

    MNOs must simultaneously take into account the effect

    that wholesale will have on the operators market share

    and ARPM (average revenue per minute). In this context,

    designing a winning wholesale strategy requires the

    answers to three fundamental questions:

    What wholesale pricing conditions should operators

    push for? While the maximum wholesale price per tran-

    sit for MVNO breakeven typically runs at about half the

    interconnection level, MNOs must avoid very low whole-

    sale tariffs, since they will lead to MNO retail price cutsand thus, destroy value across the industry.

    Therefore, MNOs should attempt to maintain as

    much control as possible over wholesale pricing and

    avoid indexing them to interconnection rates (that are

    doomed to be cut in the future). Furthermore, leading

    MNOs should resist engaging in wholesale price wars

    in order to retain a fair market share, since in most

    situations they are economically better off with a lower

    wholesale market share than with lower retail prices

    (induced by the wholesale price war).

    Which services should be provided? Restricting an

    MVNO to a basic offer limits its ability to compete in

    high-end customer segments. However, enabling a

    wholesale offer of data connectivity and content can

    drive upscale MVNO business models focused on value-

    added services that prevent pure voice price competition.

    Second brands seem to be more attractive for market leaders, while

    wholesale seems to be more favorable for attackers03

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    Which partners should be engaged? Selecting wholesale

    partners forces MNOs to make important trade-offs

    between locking in potential winners in order to gain

    share in the wholesale business and minimizing the

    negative effects on retail prices by, for example, filling

    the market space with non-voice-focused business


    To clear these significant hurdles while creating a

    wholesale business model, MNOs should follow threebasic principles. They should establish a retail minus

    wholesale pricing scheme that ensures better control

    over the wholesale price and avoids setting prices that

    are oriented to cost. Next, they should offer a stan-

    dard closed list of services and maintain the ability to

    negotiate ad hoc services according to the profile and

    objectives of each MVNO. Finally, MNOs should provide

    a balanced offer for different types of virtual operators

    (such as pure MVNOs, enhanced service providers, and

    pure service providers). At the same time, they need to

    ensure a pricing scheme that allows for appropriate

    profitability to different types of MVNOs one that

    doesnt feature conditions that can be used by the NRA

    (national regulatory authority) to impose special

    benefits to pure MVNOs under the non-discrimination

    principle umbrella.

    Adjusting the organization to a multi-brandreality

    As MNOs evolve into more customer-centric organizations,

    selecting the right organizational framing for second

    brands and/or wholesale businesses can help ensure the

    appropriate coordination and development of value-

    creating solutions going forward. To manage a second

    brand, early evidence suggests that the most appropriate

    framing is to position the new brand as an independentconsumer unit within the MNO organizational structure,

    ensuring coordination through a unified command

    (e.g., both reporting to the same COO). This model

    fosters the independent and flexible development of a

    second brand, enables accountability, and ensures basic

    coordination between the main and second brands,

    while preventing regulatory action. In short, an MNOs

    second brand should be seen by consumers as a new

    operator, by other departments in the MNO structure

    as an autonomous but articulated marketing unit, and

    by NRAs as just another tariff plan (Exhibit 5). MNOs

    should avoid organizational solutions that either make

    the second brand little more than a simple tariff plan

    within the MNO consumer market division or create a

    full-fledged independent operation with transfer prices

    for network usage.

    In Europe, most operators second brands have been targeting a market segment (20 -

    25% of mobile consumers) more sensitive to low price and simplicity of mobile service04

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    There are 3 alternative organizational framings for an MNOs second brand05

    There are 3 alternative organizational framings for the wholesale business06

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    To manage the wholesale business, MNOs should adopt

    different organizational models depending upon the

    nature of the contract and the relationship established

    with the virtual operator (Exhibit 6):

    Pure service providers should be managed by the MNOs

    consumer business unit, which simplifies the close

    articulation required between retail and wholesale, and

    facilitates the contracting process.

    Pure MVNOs should be managed by the interconnection

    area or by the area that manages the MNOs business

    with other operators. This makes for a less complicated

    interface with the other areas, such as network and IT,

    and increases transparency for the regulator and

    contracting entities.

    All enhanced service providers are best managed by

    an independent business unit. This unit assumes

    responsibility for the overall development and management

    of the no-fri lls and other niche segments (including

    potential MNO second brands).

    Actual experience across markets shows that, in most

    cases, few MNOs strictly follow these rules. Some attackers

    opened wholesale access too early, jeopardizing

    profitable growth. Market leaders often chose to open

    their networks to third parties rather than launching

    second brands. Several operators have launched their

    second brands with no clear dif ferentiating positioning

    or, even worse, as simple price plans. Given these missteps,

    the mobile brand explosion under way legitimatelygenerates mixed feelings. However, McKinsey & Company

    believes that when appropriately managed and positioned,

    the multi-brand strategy can play a fundamental role in

    protecting the profitability of main brands by addressing

    the needs of a growing price-sensitive segment in all

    markets and avoiding the quick commoditization of

    mobile offers.

    By Duarte Begonha, Pedro Mendona, and

    Hugo Espirito Santo

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    Believe it or not, the maelstrom that appears poised to

    consume much of the telecoms industry isnt unique.

    In fact, many consumer and industrial sectors face the

    seemingly endless proliferation of products, serv ices,

    channels, segments, and media. The only constant that

    most of these industries share is the tirelessly searching

    consumers, who are actively trading up or down to capture

    the best deals on the best products and services at the

    best prices.

    These maturing industries face the paradox of sinking

    prices and rising customer acquisition costs. In the

    telecoms industry, for example, prices dropped by 6 to

    16 percent in Europe and the United States from 2003

    to 2005, while the costs to acquire a new customer rose

    significantly in some markets by nearly 60 percent.

    In such an environment, firms seeking to surprise and

    delight customers confront the need to provide the best

    (and most profitable) value proposition in terms of

    product/service, price, and other benefits. Due to attendant

    complexities, most telcos trying to deliver on this promise

    tend to manage things along a single dimension, focusing

    entirely on the product (e.g., prepaid, data, voice), the

    price, or the emotional benefit being offered (e.g., fun,

    functional, etc.). Instead, McKinsey & Company research

    shows that two or more dimensions must really be pursued

    in order to deeply understand a category. Further

    complicating things, two key dimensions benefits and

    price usually dont correlate very well with each other.

    Staying on top of so many issues can challenge even the

    savviest marketers.

    Rather than following conventional approaches,

    McKinsey has developed a way in which to understand

    a category and define the best product/service, price,

    and value proposition all in a single pass. The CHESS

    approach integrates pricing conjoint analysis, brand

    analysis, and product optimization in one comprehensive

    method that provides a way to increase a brands consumer

    preference share (i.e., the percentage of customers

    preferring a given brands products or services) by, in

    some cases, 50 to 60 percent or more.

    CHESS enables marketers to see a category through the

    customers eyes and identify the right segments. With

    it, marketers can locate the ideal (and most financially

    attract ive) product and price by segment, understand

    which benefits to communicate, and finally, simulate

    the impact. There are three primary CHESS piecesthat together can provide an unassailable marketing

    strategy (Exhibit 1):

    Pricing conjoint analysis determines which product

    attributes customers prefer. The representative customer

    taking the conjoint survey must choose one product out

    of several with different attributes, and the process is

    repeated multiple times to determine the persons (i.e.,

    segments) product preferences.

    BrandMatics is a quantitative analysis that assesses

    customer behavior and attitudes towards brands. It

    enables marketers to precisely define real consumer

    needs using a derived needs analysis technique.

    04 CHESS Moves: Creating a CompleteCustomer Value Proposition

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    The Product Optimizer allows marketers to quantify

    how many customers would choose a given product.

    Through multiple simulations, the optimal product

    configurations can be determined, and the calibration

    of the optimizer al lows teams to convert preference

    shares into gross adds shares (i.e., the proportion of

    subscriber additions that an operator can expect from a

    given product/service offering).

    Opening gambit: pricing conjoint analysis

    Consumers often perform a sophisticated calculus when

    shopping for products and services, trading off tangible

    and intangible benefits against prices within an array of

    possible choices, until they narrow down the selection

    to a single product and buy it. Pricing conjoint analysis

    replicates this highly efficient process by surveying

    representative test consumers, who are forced to make

    a series of trade-off decisions among various products

    at different price points. A three-step process is used:

    establish basic factors, create preference clusters, and

    fill in relevant details.

    Establish basic factors: This first critical step defines

    the possible key buying factors that will be tested via

    the conjoint analysis. Attributes considered by a mobile

    operator, for example, might include the brand, the

    handset, bundles of minutes, or voice prices. From among

    these attributes, different product/price packages are

    then assembled and shown to the survey respondents,

    who must choose a favorite bundle from a group of

    perhaps three bundles in a 30-minute conjoint survey.

    Create preference clusters: Once the basic factors are

    established, distinct customer preference clusters can be

    identified, based upon the relative weight of purchasing

    factors. For mobile operators, first-cut purchasing factorsmay be the brand and the price, with subsequent cuts

    refining these factors further (e.g., price may be broken

    down into those seeking the lowest possible price per

    minute and others seeking the lowest monthly recurring

    costs). In terms of process based upon results of the

    conjoint survey utility profiles are generated for each

    respondent and individual profiles are grouped into

    logical clusters. The right number of clusters is achieved

    when each is distinct and can be described in a unique

    way. Typically, a mobile market has from four to seven

    clusters each for pre- and postpaid segments.

    Fill in relevant details: Additional research data will

    help marketers to gain a deeper understanding of the

    initial conjoint clusters. Examples of such data might

    include customer commitment levels, sociodemographic

    insights, or brand market shares. Ultimately, the conjoint

    CHESS integrates pricing conjoint analysis, brand analysis, and product

    optimization in one comprehensive approach01

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    process results in the creation of the basic CHESS

    board, which identifies customer segments by size.

    The CHESS board can also be overlaid with an operators

    own market share per cluster (Exhibit 2). From this data,

    its possible to establish where the company is leaving

    money on the board because it has low market shares

    in attractive customer segments.

    Middle game: BrandMatics

    Brands can be powerful marketing tools that help

    companies elevate their ability to capture value or

    anchors that drag down competitive products and

    services. To better understand these enigmatic assets,

    McKinseys proprietary BrandMatics approach

    helps marketers identify customer preferences that

    extend beyond the product to the brand itself. The

    BrandMatics approach typically includes three steps:

    the completion of the BrandMatics survey, identification

    of the brand drivers for each customer cluster, and the

    development of product positioning by cluster.

    The BrandMatics survey is used to compile the relevant

    set of brand drivers. The survey itself should be part

    of the conjoint analysis survey discussed above. To be

    effective, the survey must address all four dimensions

    of the brand, which comprise:

    Emotional benefits,which can include how the brand

    interacts with the ways in which respondents view them-

    selves (e.g., this brand makes me feel special, connects me

    to friends and family, allows me not to worry, etc.)

    Rational benefits can include product or functional

    attributes (e.g., the handset has a good keypad, a llows

    for connection every where, etc.), or values that are

    related to the process or relationship that surrounds the

    branded product.

    Emotional attributes consist of the aura surrounding

    the brand (e.g., has a good reputation, is an innovative

    company, etc.)

    Tangible attributes might include elements of things

    that the company does, such as good design, many product

    promotions, or offering a helpful Web site.

    Attributes and values representing all four of the above

    dimensions should be included in the quantitative

    BrandMatics survey in order to ensure the holistic

    coverage of all relevant brand drivers.

    To determine the brand drivers for each customer cluster,

    marketers must assess the relative importance of the

    drivers in reaching specific customer segments and

    The CHESS board helps to identify market potential02

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    With the advent of convergence, many players in the

    telecommunications and media industries are quickly

    marketing a set of multi-play offerings in a combination

    of products and serv ices, including the Internet (broad-

    band), television services (mostly digital), and telephony

    (moving to VoIP and wireless).

    Todays examples are many from the early VoIP and

    digital service bundles from Cox in the United States,

    to the multi-play services of Free in France via its Free

    box, to the quadruple-play offering being put into place

    by NTL-Telewest-Virgin in the United Kingdom. In fact,

    given the current number of bundle launches, not offering

    them is more the exception than the rule in the digital

    convergence services industry.

    There have been various business reports showing thestrategic relevance of bundling for the convergence

    industry. Likewise, many economists (e.g., Economides,

    1993; Bakos and Brynjolfsson, 1999; Stremersch and

    Tellis, 2002; Whinston, 1990) have looked at the effects

    bundling might have in terms of competition dynamics

    especially those motivated by a) the need to define the

    underlying variables determining optimal bundling and

    b) the need to determine how those factors could lead

    to anti-competit ive behavior, which would need to be

    closely monitored via antitrust regulation.

    From a static economic perspective, bundling can be

    seen as a way to differentiate offerings via complementary

    services and hence, elude price competit ion. However,

    today, the most used bundling strategies in digital

    convergence have instead been very competitive, i.e.,

    large discounts to motivate quick uptake.

    These aggressive, possibly pro-competitive strategies

    can, however, have large perverse ef fects if the customers

    signing up are only motivated by price discounts, thus

    leading to persistent lower margins for the industrys

    marginal suppliers of digital services. This, in itself,

    compensates by delivering poorly correlated services to

    those bundled customers.

    There are ways to believe that the best answer is the

    middle to gain a welfare perspective with suff icient

    room left for profitably offering bundling in order to

    achieve quicker new product intake. This article aims

    to demonstrate how convergence services players can

    leverage the demand functions of tr iple-play services

    to create versioning strategies and deliver the best

    offering of service bundles and prices in the context of

    acquisition. The methodology is based on systematicmarket research and a conjoint analysis. We will explain

    the methods and results applied to a set of disguised

    European convergence clients, outline the dif ferent

    types of optimal bundles and compare them to current

    practices, and finally, we will describe the managerial

    and strategic implications of the approach.

    A research-based approach to optimal bundling

    Before explaining the approach in detail, it is important

    to understand three underlying principles to be considered

    when designing optimal bundling strategies.

    The first principle deals with matching the natural

    structure of consumer preferences. Beyond the different

    weighting consumers place on key buying factors (KBFs)

    for each service, there are also differences in the way

    05 Best-Practice Multi-Play forDigital Convergence

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    Understanding the natural structure of potentialdemand

    At a preliminary stage, a comprehensive piece of market

    research should be designed and executed in order to

    assess the natural structure of consumer preferences.

    With a non-proportional sample that should be structured to

    include a minimum number of interviewees with different

    consumption patterns (from non-users of each service tosubscribers with different providers), a multi-step adaptive

    conjoint analysis is typically required to encompass all the

    relevant factors that emulate consumers choices among

    alternate suppliers, key service characteristics, and

    possible struct ures of the offers (packages) at different

    price points. The results of this research will show the

    relative importance of key buying factors (e.g., supplier,

    standard of the different services, and price) and the

    utility of the a lternative attributes within each factor

    (e.g., utility of each brand/supplier; of different levels in

    each service; and utility of each price level).

    Based on these results (the relative importance of

    KBFs and the specif ic utility of each attribute), a non-

    hierarchical clustering of the sample will provide the

    natural market segmentation in terms of what different

    consumers look for (Exhibit 2):

    At an integrated level 2-play (2P), 3-play (3P), or 4-play

    (4P) this will allow for understanding the natural

    clustering of consumer reactions to bundled offers

    of different services provided by dif ferent suppliers.

    As mentioned, beyond the natural brand versus price

    trade-offs, consumers also differ in the relative

    importance they place upon each service attr ibute.

    At a specific product/service level (e.g., TV service), that

    same exercise will help identify the natural clusters ofpeople in terms of the relative value of dif ferent service

    components. In the case of TV services, for example, we

    typically f ind a natural segment of people that equally

    value multiple types of content and the diversity of

    channels (natural candidates for a basic TV package)

    and others who are fundamentally focused on specific

    channels and content genres (natural candidates for

    vertical packages and/or premium channels).

    Overall, the natural segmentation of preferences should

    reflect the ultimate drivers of choice in the marketplace.

    For some people, a specific provider may have a natural

    advantage with an integrated offer; for others, price

    discount wil l be the driver in penetration of 2P or 3P

    standard solutions. For specific groups, access to

    some type of kil ler content or service can be used as a

    fundamental lever to foster integrated offers.

    A non-hierarchical clustering provides a natural market segmentation02

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    The opportunity to address and serve these natural

    segments as such wil l, however, depend on:

    Their willingness to pay according to their relative

    preferences.In many cases, the greater preference and

    importance placed upon a certain element of the offer

    by a specific group of people is not enough to make it

    exclusive to that segment. This is either because such a

    segment is not big enough or because it is not willing to pay

    a sufficient premium over the value that the averageconsumer places on the given item. Therefore, deriving

    the ideal offer to match the natural structure of demand

    requires the analytical assessment of service components

    value for a target segment and for the total market.

    The degree to which the structure and design of existing

    competitive offers already match (or dont match) those

    preferences.Operators have the fundamental option

    to go head-to-head with existing players or to look for

    an alternative and complementary positioning of the

    offer. Market simulation can be built upon the research

    results, allowing for an estimate of potential reach

    (penetration and market share) and profitability of

    alternative configurations and price positioning of

    the operators own offer vis--vis competitors current

    offering and possible reaction.

    The dynamic effects, in terms of up-selling, competitive

    churn, and margin cannibalization, of launching new

    single and packaged offers in the marketplace. Rather

    than greenf ield developments, most cases are about

    complementing and partia lly replacing the existing

    offer, with natural concerns over expected migration of

    own customers and competitive reaction. Market

    simulation should also be used to define the migration

    path from the current offer to the new offer.

    With the described systematic approach, convergence

    services players can leverage the demand functions of

    triple-play services to deliver the best offering of service

    bundles and prices in order to maximize the value captured.

    Overview of optimal bundles and current practices

    As previously mentioned, significant differences have

    been identified regarding the nature and size of customer

    segments across different markets. These differences

    are fundamentally explained by the specific competitive

    structure and existing offers in each market, reflecting

    consumers experience and influencing the dominant

    patterns of consumer reaction. For example, in a market

    with only two strong players, the brand lovers segment

    will be much larger than in a market with a strong

    proliferation of discount players.

    Different market structures can be identified and influence consumer

    reaction patterns03

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    Of the many different types of markets, one could

    generally describe three typical ones (Exhibit 3): (1)

    markets with a strong telecoms incumbent presence

    and a strong media player (e.g., Portugal and Belgium),

    (2) markets with strong competition in the telecoms

    field, but one dominant media player (e.g., the UK), and

    (3) markets with very strong competition from both the

    telecoms and media fields (e.g., France).

    Markets with a strong telecoms incumbent presenceand a strong media player. These markets are generally

    character ized by strong brands competing in a duopoly

    and a polarization of customers with interest in dif ferent

    premium products. For example, in Flanders, both

    Telenet and Belgacom have a strong brand with different

    attributes, and both players could develop a portfolio

    strategy to extract the most value out of the market.

    Markets with strong competition in the telecoms field,

    but one media giant. In markets such as the UK, there

    is generally a customer preference for specific products

    in the media and telecoms arenas (e.g., Sky won against

    cable 3P; BT has survived without its mobile arm) and,

    in the other extreme, preferences for telecoms bundles

    are essentially based on good price offers (e.g., basically,

    all players in the UK have added 3P and 4P discounted

    offers to their portfolios). This represents both an

    opportunity and a challenge to capture 3P and 4P

    customers and, at the same time, sustain product


    Markets with strong competition in both the telecoms

    and media fields. France is an example of a market that

    has generated large discount driven segments based

    on the development of highly competit ive offers that

    have forced all players to lower prices.

    To illustrate this approach, the following example

    describes a specific market with a typical segmentation

    and the types of bundles that better cover the needs of

    the segments in order to generate an optimal portfolio.

    Lets picture a market with four segments: (1) discount

    driven individuals, for whom discounted price is their

    key driver and who have no special request for product

    specif ications, (2) the product oriented, who generally

    have one or two core product needs and are receptive to

    packages that include other services, (3) the brand lovers,

    with a clear preference for a specific provider and who are

    generally interested in one or two core products from that

    company, and (4) the piece buyers, who want the best

    solution for each service and rarely react to bundled offers.

    In this market, the optimal portfolios aim would be

    to maximize the value extracted from each segment,

    Serious challenges ahead, beyond analytical complexity04

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Best-Practice Multi-Play for Digital Convergence

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    adjusting the offer to the needs of each segment. The opti-

    mal portfolio for this market could be structured as follows:

    Individual premium products to cover the needs of the

    piece buyers with the high-end products of the port-

    folio range. Prices for these products should be maintained

    while offering product enhancements, since discounts

    on premium combinations dont drive up customer

    penetration and would imply a reduction of value.

    2P/3P bundles combining design-to-margin products

    and high-end solutions at a discount. These packages

    attract product oriented individuals to the offer with

    a better solution for their core needs. The optimal price

    for these bundles will be defined based on the price

    sensitivity of this segment in order to foster up-selling.

    2P/3P bundles combining standard and low-end solutions

    at a discount to attract discount driven individuals.

    The price sensitivity of this segment forces the offer to

    be quite price attractive, and a combination of pay-per-use

    products with standard services achieves this requirement

    while avoiding cannibalization of other segments.

    Along with these bundles, a dif ferentiated offer should

    be designed for the brand lovers segment. In markets

    where this segment is strong, a great opportunity exists

    for capturing the brand premium that these individuals

    are willing to pay. However, the solution is not as simple

    as increasing prices across the entire portfolio, since

    there will be a strong impact on customer loss from other

    segments. In this case, the optimal strategy would

    consist of a combination of the standard product version,

    with over-allocation of the advertising budget and optimalchannel distribution. Knowing the most common service

    level valued by this segment allows for enhancement

    of the standard product (either individual products or

    2P/3P offers), thus developing an exclusive offer that

    captures this segments surplus.

    Achieving success in this context underscores the

    importance of understanding the specific needs for each

    market, given the fundamental differences observed,

    which are explained as we have seen by the specific

    competitive structure and existing offers.

    Managerial and strategic implications

    Overal l, most operators have not yet found the way to

    optimize development of their offering or to deal with

    the increased complexity of a multi-play world.

    Underestimating market elasticity has inhibited

    established players from making bold pricing moves

    that could result in significant market share growth and

    preemptively fil l the natural room for new attackers.

    In many cases, the unstructured response to new

    offers in the marketplace is also inducing margin

    cannibalization of traditional business.

    To profit from proliferation and succeed in the transitionto a multi-play landscape, operators still face serious

    challenges that go far beyond the analytical skil ls and

    capabilities needed to deal with the increased complexity

    of pricing and offering design (Exhibit 4):

    First, top management has to be involved and willing

    to take risks. Bold pricing moves typically encompass

    some downside risk (e.g., cannibalization of the existing

    offer and margins) and therefore, should not be relegated

    to marketing managers who will always choose an

    incremental path.

    Second, it often calls for a significant shift in operators

    posture towards regulation.To ensure the required

    degrees of freedom to develop new bundled offers

    (deregulation of retailing conditions), operators may

    have to make wholesale conditions more transparent.

    Finally, operators will also need to learn how to navigate

    uncharted waters. In a number of circumstances, telecoms

    operators lack consideration for what it takes to design

    a TV offer that will drive subscription and high usage.

    The same happens to other media-based players that are

    extending their reach into the telecoms services realm,

    such as with broadband access and VoIP.

    Although recognizing that the convergence of these services

    brings significant differences back into the competitive

    landscape from one market to another (often requiring

    local regulatory frameworks), we believe this transfor-

    mation process and the corresponding challenges that

    lie ahead should play a fundamental role in the telecoms

    and media CEOs agenda in the coming years.

    By Jacques Bughin, Armando Cabral, Patricia Ferruz,

    Pedro Mendona, and Steven Spittaels

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    To better understand the challenges facing mobile

    players in Europe, McKinsey & Companys RECALL

    magazine had the opportunity to talk with T-Mobiles

    chief marketing officer (CMO) in Croatia and the head

    of Telenors consumer mobile business in Norway.

    T-Mobiles Hendrik Kasteel spoke about his companys

    success in defending itself against the market entrance

    of a new network operator, while Telenors Jon Erik

    Haug shared his perspective on pricing strategies and

    future developments in markets that have a heavy

    MVNO influence.

    Hendrik Kasteel

    Hendrik Kasteel, T-Mobiles CMO in Croatia, has spear-

    headed a remarkable achievement, namely, growing the

    market leaders revenue market share and profits at a timewhen a third network operator entered the Croatian market.

    McKINSEY: When you heard that a new player was

    about to enter the market, what were your thoughts?

    HENDRIK KASTEEL: A mix. On the one hand, the

    new operator has a certain reputation, and I realized we

    (T-Mobile Croatia) were facing a substantial challenge.

    On the other hand, I was inspired by the challenge. This

    challenge injected energy into the entire organization.

    McKINSEY: Established operators have used different

    strategies when encountering new entrants. What was

    T-Mobiles strategy?

    HENDRIK KASTEEL: Our ambition was to stop the

    new player at the beach. We didnt wait for them to

    enter the market and make the first move; we proactively

    rebalanced our prices prior to the new operators entry.

    The principle underpinning our pricing adjustment was to

    establish a few price plans that all had one really attractive

    price point. We launched an aggressive on-net price plan

    one price plan with low prices for calls to fixed services

    and so on. This made it difficult for the new player to

    undercut our portfolio on all the important dimensions.

    The on-net dimension was absolutely essential. On-net

    is key for Croatian subscribers and by leveraging it, we

    gained a market share greater than 50 percent, making

    this a huge advantage relative to the new operator. In

    fact, many subscribers compared our on-net price to the

    new entrants off-net price. This dynamic really hurt

    them, since our on-net price was set close to interconnect

    rates. The real beauty of our new portfolio was theopportunity that it gave us to respond to the new players

    marketing strategy. Whatever they communicate, we

    can always communicate one price element from one of

    our price plans that is better or is at least perceived to

    be better than their offerings. We can now adjust one

    price plan if we need to change prices, rather than having

    to cut prices across the board.

    McKINSEY: By how much did you actually reduce the

    price level?

    HENDRIK KASTEEL: We reduced prices by about 20

    percent. However, the price elasticity effect has proven

    to be much larger than we expected. In fact, the elasticity

    has far outweighed the price reduction. Blended ARPUs

    (average revenue per user) and revenues have increased

    a lot, despite the price reduction.

    06 Points of ViewInterviews with Hendrik Kasteel, CMO of T-Mobile Croatia, and Jon Erik Haug,head of mobile, Telenor

    RECALL No 1 Pricing

    Points of View

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    McKINSEY: How did T-Mobiles position change after the

    new player entered and you introduced the new price plans?

    HENDRIK KASTEEL: Our revenue market share is

    around 55 percent (up from 52 percent) and margins

    have increased somewhat. The new entrant has gained

    about a 4 percent share, mostly coming from the other

    network operator in the market, Vipnet. The market

    has also changed. Marketing intensity has increasedand communication is much more aggressive. Vipnet

    has also launched a no frills brand in order to strike

    back at the new player. The total minutes of usage have

    increased significantly by about 30 percent and

    interestingly enough, SMS (short message service)

    usage is down by 20 percent or so. The SMS reduction

    is probably due to subscribers getting dual SIMs

    (subscriber identity modules, which are smart chip

    cards used in handsets) and thus, replacing off-net SMS

    with on-net calls. The MoU (minutes of usage) increase

    is partly due to lower minute prices and is partly a sign

    of emerging fixed-to-mobile substitution.

    McKINSEY: Going forward, what are your priorities?

    Are you considering launching a second brand?

    HENDRIK KASTEEL: We are very satisfied with our

    brand position. Despite being an incumbent, our brand

    is dynamic and stronger today than before the new

    player entered. A part of the brand success is our ability

    to shape the market. We are usually the first-to-market

    with innovative price plans and new products. For

    instance, we were the first operator within the T-Mobile

    group to launch the value bundle or Flext concept in

    the postpaid segment. The ability to shape the marketis a core reason for our strong brand and the successful

    fight against the new entrant.

    However, our experience doesnt necessarily mean that

    other operators shouldnt have more than one brand.

    Generally, the mobile category is maturing and consumer

    preferences are becoming more diverse and sophisticated.

    I would, therefore, expect to see more future brand

    proliferation in the mobile industry.

    Whether to have more than one brand must be a case-by-

    case decision, based upon the merits of the respective

    markets. I do not believe there is a general rule about

    if operators should or shouldnt have more than one

    brand. Im surprised that many firms seem to be launching

    no-frills brands. The mobile industry should introduce

    brands that move the consumer focus away from price.

    Just look at retail banking: We all know we could get

    better deals somewhere else, so why do consumers

    not move? I believe it is due to comfort. Customers are

    comfortable with the bank they have, although it may be

    neither the cheapest nor the best in terms of service. The

    mobile industry should build brands that move consumers

    into the comfort zone.

    Jon Erik Haug

    Norways Telenor enjoys a strong position in its domestic

    market, with a subscriber market share close to 60

    percent and healthy margins. Last summer, Telenor

    introduced new postpaid price plans in the consumer

    market that resulted in a 7 percentage point increase in

    EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,

    and amortization) margins and a small market share

    increase. However, the head of Telenors Norwegian

    mobile business, Jon Erik Haug, is far from complacent.

    He sees several threats on the horizon, including the

    current challenges from aggressive MVNOs (mobile

    virtual network operators). In McKinseys conversation,

    Jon Erik Haug expands on this point and discusses future

    threats such as VoIP (voice over Internet protocol).

    McKINSEY: How price-sensitive are Norwegian mobile

    subscribers and how has this developed over the last few


    JON ERIK HAUG: When MVNOs entered the market

    around 2003, they focused on price and claimed this

    position in the minds of the consumers. This clearly

    increased subscriber price awareness, and we now find

    price hunters in all classic sociodemographic andneeds-based segments. The established operators, for

    example, Telenor and TeliaSonera, responded to the

    price competition by differentiating in terms of simplicity,

    coverage, network quality, and innovation. This was only

    partly successful, and as long as established operators such

    as Telenor struggle to successfully differentiate on para-

    meters other than price, price sensitivity will probably

    continue to increase in most segments. In the market-

    place, we see our brand premium diminish year-on-year.

    McKINSEY: Telenor and other mobile operators have,

    in the last few years, invested significantly into their

    brands. To what extent have they been able to capitalize

    on this investment?

    JON ERIK HAUG: In Scandinavia, incumbents have

    had limited success wit h brand investments due to

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    a lack of consistency. Telenor and others have shifted

    focus between several differentiators for example,

    coverage, innovation, serv ice, and simplicity. In a

    European context, numerous attempts have been

    made at building brands, but in my opinion, few if any

    established operators or incumbents have succeeded

    in doing this. The most successful cases actually seem

    to be attackers that have a clear price-focused value

    proposition. Overall, I would be surprised if the mobileindustry as a whole has had positive returns on brand


    McKINSEY: Your main competitor has at least had

    some success focusing on simplicity; and the MVNOs

    focus on simplicity in addition to price. Is simplicity a

    must in your opinion?

    JON ERIK HAUG: Ideally, price plans should be simple

    and straightforward for consumers to understand.

    Transparent price structures do, however, stimulate

    price competition and reduce industry margins

    although attackers sometimes benefit profitwise from

    price reductions. I believe operators should try to appear