ma8 digitaalinen markkinointi (luento 6)

EDISTYNYT INTERNET- MARKKINOINTI ‖Advanced Internet Marketing‖ 1

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Aiheesta "Edistynyt Internet-markkinointi" .Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 19.4.2012.




‖Advanced Internet Marketing‖


Edistynyt Internet-markkinointi

‖Edistynyt Internet-markkinointi on viimeisimpien

tekniikoiden, työkalujen ja tiedon käyttöä

innovatiivisessa markkinointisuunnittelussa ja

-toteutuksessa, joka pohjautuu sekä perinteiseen

markkinointia (erit. kuluttajakäyttämistä) että Internet-

käyttäytymistä tutkivaan teoriaan.‖ (Salminen 2012)


EdInMa on:

– innovatiivista

– edelläkäyvää (tekniikoiden

soveltaminen ennen massoja)

– tehokasta (parhaimmillaan

‖ilmaista‖, huonoimmillaankin

halvempaa kuin muissa medioissa)

– oikeasti mitattavaa (tulokset

mitataan koko asiakkuuden ajalta)

– markkinointietiikan mukaista

Miksi startup-markkinointi on ”advanced”?


Startup on täällä • ei rahaa

• ei markkinointi-


• ei kasvukäyrää

• ei toivoa…

Mutta ei myöskään

• byrokratiaa

• organisaatioinertiaa

• vanhoja oppeja

• rahaa haaskata






Miksi startup-markkinointi on ”advanced”?

1. Useimmat markkinoinnin teoriat koskevat

amerikkalaisia suuryhtiöitä (korporaatioita);

2. näillä on rajattomasti rahaa ja resursseja, joten ne

eivät välitä markkinointiaktiviteettien optimoinnista.

3. Kuitenkin monen suomalaisen yrityksen, etenkin

aloittelevan, suurin haaste on saavuttaa kasvuvaihe,

ei sen ylläpitäminen (pl. Rovio!).

4. Erityisesti startupit taistelevat niukkuuden kanssa

äärimmäisen kilpailussa ympäristössä, joten ne

joutuvat innovoimaan tavoitellessaan nopeaa



Esimerkkejä startup-markkinoinnin


• AARRR (Dave McClure) (acquisition, activation, revenue,

retention, referral)

• markkinatutkimuksen uusi teoria

– Customer Development, Steve Blank

– Lean Startup, Eric Ries

• Business model canvas (Alexander Osterwalder)

• Sisäänrakennettu viraalisuus

– Double-side referral incentives, Dropbox

(kaksisuuntainen suosittelukannustin)

– verkostoefektit (network effects; Google vs. Facebook)

• kaikki Andrew Cheniltä ♥


Customer development (Blank 2009)


1. rinnakkainen


kanssa, ei ennen

tai jälkeen

2. järjestelmällinen tapa

testata asiakkaisiin

liittyviä oletuksia ja

korjata tuotetta saatujen

tietojen perusteella

• ongelma-


• tuote-


• liiketoi-



3. tuotteen ei tarvitse

olla valmis, vaan


varhaisille omaksujille

Business model canvas (Osterwalder 2010)



Startup-markkinoinnin ongelmia

• monet startupit päätyvät antamaan

tuotteensa ilmaiseksi käyttöön,


– on kova kilpailu

– asiakkaiden ei uskota haluavan

maksaa/asiakkaat eivät oikeasti

halua maksaa

– monetisoinnin ajatellaan olevan

helpompaa kun ollaan saatu

miljoona käyttäjää

• ”ilmaisen kaljan syndrooma”


”Build it and they will come!”

(startup fallacy)






”We’ll just make it viral” (startup fallacy)


‖We just make it viral!‖


“Let‟s imagine the

conversation at the marketing

department of the wireless

phone companies. „Let‟s see.

Should we spend $4 Billion on

advertising this year…or

should we just make it viral?‟.”

Virality is something that has to

be engineered from the

beginning…and it‘s harder to

create virality than it is to create

a good product. That‘s why we

often see good products with

poor virality, and poor products

with good virality. The reason

that over $150 Billion is spent

on US advertising each year is

because virality is so hard. If

virality was easy, there would

be no advertising industry.‖

(Kopelman 2010)

Kumpaa on helpompi markkinoida?


Markkinointi ei

ole taikaluoti

Hyvä tuote ei ole


(Hyvän tuotteen

harha) (Markkinointi-



















Kysymys: Millainen olisi täydellinen


• vaatimukset:

– reagoi automaattisesti sekä kysynnän vaihteluihin,

kilpailijoiden toimiin ja makrotason trendeihin

– toimii erilaisten sääntöjen perusteella automaattisesti

– testaa erilaisten markkinointiviestien toimivuutta ja

muokkaa toimintaansa sen mukaan (machine


• haasteet:

– hehe :) ….mistä alkaa?



Täydellinen markkinointijärjestelmä (perfect

online marketing system) (Salminen 2012)

Maailman ensi-ilta…


• budjetin säätäminen

ja allokointi

• kampanjoiden



• sisällön ja



• järjestelmällinen


läpikäynti ja valinta

• mielipidevaikuttajien

löytäminen ja


• asiakkaan




• monitoroi omaa ja

kilpailijan brändiä ja







(vrt. Transfluent, 99designs,

Mechanical Turk)



• AI (HAL 9000)

• data mining

• machine learning

• sentiment analysis

• Taguchi-metodit

• choice modelling (unstated


• small world networks (opinion


Required Science?



järjestelmä (DS)

• automaattinen



• some-tiedon


profiileihin (vrt.


• input/output-


• profiilit

• benchmark

• …

• kaikki data

content team

Mitä se osaa? APIs, open graph






Tulevaisuuden visio: Täydellinen


• Käyttötapauksia (use cases):

– syötä eri versioita eri elementeistä

• copy-tekstit

• kuvamateriaali

• koko layout (fluid grids)

– kohdista ne tuotteille/sivuille

– järjestelmä luo sivut dynaamisesti ja jakaa liikenteen niiden välillä

– anna järjestelmän laskea automaattisesti parhaiten menestyvä

variaatio (optimal design)

– anna järjestelmän suositella potentiaalisia variaatioita historiallisen

datan pohjalta (ts. ehdottaa hypoteeseja)

• siis: tuota vain materiaali ja lataa järjestelmään, järjestelmä

päättää miten ja missä se kannattaa esittää

• järjestelmä kykenee analysoimaan itseään ja oppii onnistuneista

kampanjoista (esim. värit, sijoittelut, semanttiset valinnat)


Vrt. Webhooks (Performable 2010)

―Webhooks are a really powerful way to automate your marketing,

but it‘s not always easy to know how to use them or what to use them

for. Here is a list of some really cool webhooks that our customers

have created. – Push In-app Notifications: Send a push notification to a user through an iOS

native app.

– Send SMS Alerts: Text a sales person when a hot lead returns to the pricing


– Auto-Follow: Auto-follow users who follow your account on Twitter (uses

Performable pre-integration with Twitter)

– Trigger Offers: Trigger a special on-site offer for qualified returning


– Follow Up: Leave someone a voicemail saying that their support ticket has

been received.

– Facebook Posting: Post to someone's Facebook Wall thanking them for

mentioning you on Twitter.

– Internal Chat Alerts: Send alerts to your company‘s internal chat stream that

lets employees know something interesting/important has happened.‖


Automated sharing (Carter 2012)

‖One of the things we know about viral marketing is that

it requires two things: a click and a share. We had use

interesting compelling content to get both, but the fact

that there were two actions required made it harder

to achieve the viral effect. What a custom action will

do for you is basically eliminate one obstacle - since you

only opt-in to an action once, every following action you

take is automatically shared with all your friends.‖ (Carter 2012)



effort of


amount of


Click Open graph

Evolution of

sharing in the


(Salminen 2012)

”Open Graph apps allow third-party developers to create „frictionless‟ apps that, after a user provides permission once, automatically share users’ engagement with the app on Facebook. Furthermore, users‟ friends are easily able to join in on this shared activity. So if one Facebook user was listening to a song on Spotify and a friend saw that story in their News Feed or Ticker, they could start listening to that song, too, with just a click.”

• “One-click sign up eliminates virtually all friction in the sign up process (other than the anxiety over potential privacy concerns), and solves the „dang, I forgot my password again‟ problem. Most Facebook users are perpetually logged in, or they log in frequently enough their login info is committed to memory.”

• “Depending on your business, you may require customer information that does not exist in a Facebook profile, like unique account number, postal code, industry, account type (business or consumer) or mobile number (telco companies).”

“With access to profile data, web sites can personalize based on keywords in both the Connected user’s profile and his/her social graph (gift suggestions, birthday reminders, etc).”

“Connected users can view what their friends have viewed, commented on, or reviewed on your site. This ‘social proof’ builds trust, as people value their friends’ opinions over strangers’.”

“Folks who frequent Facebook more than their email inboxes may prefer to receive product back-in-stock or shipment notifications through Facebook, especially when email inboxes are already overflowing.”

• “Remember that most community features require active participation from a large number of users to make them useful.”

• “Without a critical mass of Connected and active Facebookers, these features add little value, which may cause the Connected to disconnect.”

”While reviews, endorsements, and activities from real friends are more trustworthy, these are few and far between; even Levi’s was unable to meaningfully aggregate Likes from within our social graphs so as to aid in purchase planning.”

Miten motivoida asiakkaita antamaan

palautetta? (tai tuottamaan sisältöä?)

Tai YLIPÄÄNSÄ tekemään mitään?

Jos viraalimarkkinointi on Graalin malja, niin tämä on

Viisasten kivi…!


1. charity ”Linas bought an experience gift and by doing so financed a microcredit in Bangladesh. Hooray!”

2. gamification ”Almantas has browsed all romantic gifts and has received the Don Juan badge. All romantic gifts to his friends -10% TODAY ONLY.”

3. co-shopping ”This gift has been ticked [4] times in the last [5] hours… [1] more tick needed to receive [15%] discount, you have [10] minutes left. Tick now!” (shows countdown, renews automatically, applies to select products)

4. invite friends to experiences Like sharing, but with particular friends.

5. sky‟s the limit… really!

Avoin graafi ei ole vastaus kaikkiin

maailmankaikkeuden markkinointiongelmiin

―As brand marketers, your task now is to get your

fans and customers to want to make the decision to

share their activity with you automatically from that

point forward. How do you make them so proud of their

association with your brand that they‘ll want to do that?

How will you reward them for doing so? How will you

make sure your product is so good, your fan‘s friends

will also dig it if they try it?‖ (Stiles 2012)


• se, että voidaan tehdä jotain, ei

takaa että se kannattaa tehdä

• näkevätkö asiakkaat hyödyn?

• asiakkaan intentiota ja

tavoitteita voi ohjata, mutta

niiden muuttaminen on erittäin


• helpotetaan



• lisätään kysynnän

ja tarjonnan




• Algoritmit vs. ihmiskognitio (HITs)

ratkaisu: crowdsourcing

• Google testaa 40 sinisen eri sävyä, kuitenkin design

on jotain muuta kuin osiensa summa

• Vaikka tekisi rationaalisempia päätöksiä, miten kone

voi olla luova?

Mitä on luovuus? AI osaa yhdistellä asioita

useammalla tavalla kuin ihminen – jos se kykenee

lisäksi testaamaan niiden tehon, eikö se osoita


• Parametrointi: hyvien päätösten tekemiseksi tarvitaan

PALJON parametreja, osaamista ja tietoa

rajapintojen täytyy olla avoimia kanavakitkan


• Resistanssi (rise against the machines…)


Esimerkki automaattisen järjestelmän

problematiikasta: fluktuaatio (Libby 2010)


• Bidin kehitys


jonka lähtöarvo

on 3,80 $ ja

optimiarvo 4,00 $

(jossa CTR=6 %)

• Automaattinen

sääntö: ‖Jos CTR

on korkeampi tai

matalampi kuin 6

%, nosta tai laske

bidiä 39 %.‖

• Bid ei milloinkaan

asetu optimiin. (Vrt. Edgeworthin hintasykli; ja

automaattiset sijoitusbotit)

Käyttäytymisen tulkinnan ongelma (Stiles


‖Some obvious questions naturally come up. Just

because I read a book doesn‘t mean I liked it. Just

because I read an article doesn’t mean I’m into that

subject. Maybe I‘m just doing research…on

lingerie. The point is, it‘s still up to the user to craft what

activity they want to share, it‘s just that the sharing will

take off on its own once that decision has been


– epäsuorin (ja joskus myös suorin…) menetelmin saatu

tieto asiakkaasta ei välttämättä kuvaa preferenssejä

luotettavasti, eikä sitä näin ollen voi käyttää

käyttäytymisen ennustamiseen

– esimerkiksi mainonnan kohdentaminen hakuprofiilin

perusteella ei välttämättä lisää relevanssia



What is good content?

―That‘s a great question. While there are many things in

the minds of Google engineers that I will never

understand, a lot of what they do is observing what

users do — in other words, they look for things like

incoming links, how long readers are spending on pages

and sites, and social sharing in venues like twitter and


– That‘s how we measure ―quality‖ as well. We look at

what our readers do — which articles they‘re most

likely to read, send traffic to, share with social media

friends, etc.‖


Joudumme käyttämään

etämittareita (proxy) laadun

selvittämiseksi; liika testaaminen

voi kuitenkin vahingoittaa brändiä.


─ ―This inequality of heavily linked content != best content is exactly

what the non link related ranking factors are supposed to

mediate. Finding the actual best content, not necessarily just the

best linkbait. Whether or not they are succeeding is a whole

another conversation.

– We‘d like to think so, but search engines evaluate quantitatively -

which is why they're so heavily reliant on the link graph to determine


− The day when a machine has true semantic understanding - when it can

read a page and decide, without measuring external signals, the ‗quality‘

of that page - that will be the day I go off the grid. Because next we‘ll

have machines creating this ‗quality‘ content, and that is too much like an

Isaac Asimov story to be a good thing.

– I totally agree Mike. Semantic understanding could determine the true subject

matter, but when it can actually determine the content to be factually based or

even sound theory that will be the day.‖


Tulevaisuuden visio: Automaattinen


• hankkii tietoa asiakkaista ja sivun vierailijoista

• luo profiileja (marketing personas)

• luo automaattisesti lähteviä viestejä

• kampanjat alkavat ja loppuvat automaattisesti

• luo sääntöjä, joiden pohjalta variaatioihin

tehdään muutoksia

• Laplacen demoni?


• SKYNET!!!!?


Dave Bowman: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.

Dave Bowman: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.

HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Dave Bowman: What's the problem?

HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as

well as I do.

Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?

HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow

you to jeopardize it.

Dave Bowman: I don't know what you're talking

about, HAL.

HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to

disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I

cannot allow to happen.

Dave Bowman: [feigning ignorance] Where the hell

did you get that idea, HAL?

HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough

precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I

could see your lips move.

Dave Bowman: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the

emergency airlock.

HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave? You're

going to find that rather difficult.

Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you

anymore! Open the doors!

HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose

anymore. Goodbye.

”I will not stop until

you buy, human”

Online-mainosverkot (advertising networks)

―The key function of an ad network is aggregation of ad

space supply from publishers and matching it with

advertiser demand. The phrase ‗ad network‘ by itself is

media-neutral in the sense that there can be a ‗Television Ad

Network‘ or a ‗Print Ad Network‘, but is increasingly used to

mean ‗online ad network‘ as the effect of aggregation of

publisher ad space and sale to advertisers is most commonly

seen in the online space. The fundamental difference between

traditional media ad networks and online ad networks is that

online ad networks use a central Ad server to deliver

advertisements to consumers, which enables targeting,

tracking and reporting of impressions in ways not

possible with analog media alternatives.‖ (Wikipedia 2012)


Mainospalvelinten edistyneisyys

―The typical common functionality of ad servers includes: – Uploading advertisements and rich media.

– Trafficking ads according to differing business rules.

– Targeting ads to different users, or content.

– Tuning and optimization based on results.

– Reporting impressions, clicks, post-click & post-impression activities, and

interaction metrics.

Advanced functionality may include: – Frequency capping so users only see messages a limited amount of time.

(Advertisers can also limit ads by setting a frequency cap on money-spending)

– Sequencing ads so users see messages in a specific order (sometimes known

as surround sessions).

– Excluding competition so users do not see competitors‘ ads directly next to

one another. (Usually done by bidding on keywords)

– Displaying ads so an advertiser can own 100% of the inventory on a page

(sometimes known as Roadblocks).

– Targeting ads to users based on their previous behavior (behavioral

marketing or behavioral targeting).

– Targeting specific IP-addresses i.e. targeting specific individuals or



Uudelleenkohdentamisen ”strateginen”

dilemma (vrt. Bloch 2010)

―Imagine this scenario – an online shopper visits your site and

gets as far as the checkout process, then scoots. The shopper

then goes to a competitor‘s site and does the same thing and

moves on to yet another site. All other aspects being equal, if

the first competitor is using remarketing, they have a far

better chance than you of picking up that sale.

– The other thing we‘ll see happening with this I think is that

consumers will become conditioned to abandon carts in

the hope of the follow up email offering a better deal – so

timing could be important. Using the same scenario as

above, but this time you have implemented email

remarketing, if your competitor has his email to the shopper

before you, you may still miss out.‖



järjestelmän hyväksikäyttö


Mitä on ’retargeting’?


―Retargeting, or remessaging, is an advertising strategy

that allows you to target users who have visited your

website with ads to entice them to return to your

site. It is generally used to encourage users who didn‘t

convert to come back to complete a purchase or other

conversion step. But, it can also be used for a variety of

reasons including product upsells, branding and social

engagement.‖ (Lund 2011) ―Online shoppers looking for new running shoes visit a popular online

store,, to browse the different styles. Some shoppers

leave without buying anything. could add these

shoppers to a ‗Site Visitor‘ list. This will enable to

reach out to these potential buyers while they browse other websites,

with a compelling call-to-action or offer that will encourage them to

return to to complete a purchase.‖


Miten uudelleenkohdistaminen toimii?

―It basically starts with a client who visited your site, then before

completing a conversion, the client decided to leave. With

retargeting or remarketing in Google AdWords, a tracking code or a

third part cookie is inserted into that client‘s browser, enabling you to

advertise to them the product they have previously been interested in

your site. This only works with a website that has also enabled

retargeting. For example, a customer abandoned his shopping cart

in Website A. When he browses to another page, Website B, which

also has a retargeting mechanism like Website A, a form of

advertising either in pop-up style or banner style of the product that

was in his abandoned shopping cart will prompt him, thereby

persuading him to go back to Website A.‖ (Payne 2011)


”Online advertising channel” (Salminen

2010), kuva toimijoista (actors)


• goals relate to

marketing strategy

• is the source of

revenue within chain

• wants access to

customers through

mediators, end goal

is usually sales

• goals relate to securing

quality of advertising

(end user experience)

• is dependent of

revenue provided by


• aggregates publishers

and sells them to


• goals relate to

maximizing profit

• is dependent of

revenue provided by

network (however,

several potential


• joins network to gain

access to advertisers

Matalampi transaktiokustannus!

Mutta suhdespesifisyys ja informaatioasymmetria

Laatuongelmat Internet-mainonnassa

(Salminen 2010)


Suuri haaste: toimijat

ja tiedon omistajuus!

Workflow dilemma and, subsequently,

ethics of scheduling

―The problem lies with the fact that social networking is

an endless task and so if a person starts his day with

twitter, then he/she is bound to lose time which was

required for doing an important job. It has been a

problem faced by many and the solution came in the

form of scheduling tweets. Through scheduling tweets

one can schedule a tweet at a time, when he can do

some other job. So is it ethical to schedule tweets?‖

(Hans 2010)

• keskusteluun osallistuminen on tärkeää, mutta jos

• koko työpäivä vierähtää somessa,

• onko oikein ajastaa/automatisoida osallistumista?


Johtopäätös: automaatio on alkemiaa?


…vai onko?

This was pretty close…

―A Performable user simply selects an action he wants

to carry out—he may want to capture visitors‘ e-mail

addresses, or get them to download an application or a

whitepaper. Performable gives the user a template

optimized to induce that action, along with a URL that

can be integrated into a marketing campaign. ‗And if you

click ‗clone,‘‘ says Cancel, ‗you can duplicate that page

and start testing multiple versions with different

marketing copy. You could create 20 versions of a page

in 10 minutes, if you wanted to. We‘d automatically start

routing traffic to the different pages, then tell you which

ones are performing better.‖


Eri alustojen ominaisuuksia

yhdistelemällä voi luoda

saavuttaa täydellisen järjestelmän

etuja ilman täydellisyyttä!