leadership styles and theories

Leadership Mohamed Abu elnour

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Leadership & Management

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LeadershipMohamed Abu elnour


Agenda1-Leader and manger.2-Leader Traits.3-Leadership styles.4-Leadership theories.5-Facts about leadership.


What's the leadership ?Leading people

Influencing people

Commanding people

Guiding people

Leader and MangerLeaderMangerDo the right thingsFocus on peopleInspireAsk what and why?InnovateCreate ChangeOutcome orientedOriginatesShow a directioncharismaTransformationalProblems are opportunitiesFollowersDo Things rightFocus on thingsControlAsk how and when?AdministerMange ChangeRules orientedImitatesPlans and budgetAuthorityTransactionalProblems are problemsSubordinates


Leader TraitsMotivating Be organized Inspiring Strong communication skills Honesty Team BuilderInitiative Make a differenceAmbitious EnthusiasmSelf-confidence Clear VisionBe Knowledge CoachingSociability Problem solvingAdaptability IntelligentEncouraging TrustBe passionate Decision MakerExperience CreativeCharisma Good listener Be Positive

Leadership stylesThere's no best leadership style.What are the factors for selecting leadership style?Objectives that need to be achieved.Followers.SituationSo leadership style is the approach for providing the right way to the team members, implementing planning strategies ,and motivating people by including all the leadership styles.


Leadership stylesAutocraticDemocraticLaissez FaireBureaucraticCharismaticTask Orientated TransformationalTransactional

Leadership styles1)Autocratic2)Democratic (Participative)Leader make decision without reference to anyone else .Team agreement not needed.Demotivation ,alienation of staff as they cannot question decision or give suggestions.Valuable when quick decision are needed or high level of management control are needed.(Military ,manufacturing)

Encourage decision making from different prospective.Team agreement is needed.Help motivation ,involvement, improving share of ideas and experience business.Can delay decision making as its time consuming.Need knowledgeable and skillful team members.

Leadership styles3) Bureaucratic4) CharismaticLeader follow rules and procedures without any deviationThey Act as enforcer rather than leader.This style doesn't work in organization that require staff to be creative, innovative, and flexible plus this style produce culture of resentment..Suitable for work involving high level of health, safety , security concerns.Leaders instill inspiration, motivation ,excitement and commitment in staff.They adept using body ,verbal language can tailor their actions and words to suit given situation or person.The team can become reliant on one person and collapse if they leave.Similar to transformational leader.

5)Laissez faire(Free rein style)The leadership responsibilities are shared by all.Leader doesnt involved with people other than to provide resources or advise if required.Can be useful when team members are highly capable, able to analyse the situation and close monitoring of decision is not needed.When there's full trust and confidence in the team members as it depend on good teamwork and good interpersonal relation.Not suitable for lesser experienced employees or poor self motivation people.This French phrase mean (let them do it)

6)Task OrientatedFocus only on getting the job done.Monitor and organize peoples work and put structure ,plan , roles ensure deadlines are met.Leaders work well with staff who can not self manage their time.

Transformational and transactional7)TransformationalLeaders arouse emotions in their followers which motivates them to act .

Leadership is proactive and forms new expectations in followers.

Leaders are distinguished by their capacity to inspirational motivation and provide individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and idealized influence to their followers. Leaders create learning opportunities for their followers and stimulate followers to solve problems

Leaders possess good visioning, and management skills, to develop strong emotional bonds with followers

leader changes the organizational culture.

8)TransactionalLeaders are aware of the link between the effort and reward.Leadership is responsive and its basic orientation is dealing with present issues

Leaders rely on standard forms of inducement, reward, punishment and sanction to control followers.

Leaders motivate followers by setting goals and promising rewards for desired performance

Leadership depends on the leaders power to reinforce subordinates for their successful completion of the bargain. leaders work within the organizational culture as it exists.Transactional is four element contingent reward, active management by exception, passive management by exception and laissez faire.

Leadership theories:-

1-Great man Theory2-Behavioral Theory. 3-Situational Theory.4-Contingency Theory.5-Trait Theory.6-Participative Theory.7-Mangement Theory.8-Servant Theory.

1)Great man TheoryGreat leader are born, not made.They will arise when there's a greet need." leaders possess characteristics or traits not found in the rest of the population. This concept is based on the belief that great leaders are not made but born with unique characteristics which allow them to rise to the occasion during difficult periods in history to overcome obstacles and lead their nation successfully.

2)Behavioral theoryBased upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. This leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on mental qualities or internal states, According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through teaching and observation.

HighHighLowLowConcern for productionConcern For people

Concern for people:-this level to which leader considers people , interests, development and needs when accomplishing a task.

Concern for production:-this level to which leader emphasizes, organizational , productivity when accomplishing a task.Its known by managerial gird. 3)Situational leadershipChoosing the Right Leadership Style for the Right PeopleA)The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory was created by Dr Paul Hersey, a professor and author of "The Situational Leader," and Ken Blanchard, author of the best selling "The One-Minute Manager," among others.

The theory states that instead of using just one style, successful leaders should change their leadership styles based on the maturity of the people they're leading and the details of the task.

Using this theory, leaders should be able to place more or less emphasis on the task, and more or less emphasis on the relationships with the people they're leading, depending on what's needed to get the job done successfully.

Leadership stylesAccording to Hersey and Blanchard, there are four main leadership styles:4STelling (S1) Leaders tell their people exactly what to do, and how to do it. (one way communication)Selling (S2) Leaders still provide information and direction, but there's more communication with followers (two way). Leaders "sell" their message to get the team on board.Participating (S3) Leaders focus more on the relationship and less on direction. The leader works with the team, and shares decision-making responsibilities. Delegating (S4) Leaders pass most of the responsibility onto the follower or group. The leaders still monitor progress, but they're less involved in decisions.As you can see, styles S1 and S2 are focused on getting the task done. Styles S3 and S4 are more concerned with developing team members' abilities to work independently.

Maturity levelMaturityMaturity levelDescriptionM1LowPeople at this level of maturity are at the bottom level of the scale. They lack the knowledge, skills, or confidence to work on their own, and they often need to be pushed to take the task on.( unable, unwilling)

M2ModerateAt this level, followers might be willing to work on the task, but they still don't have the skills to do it successfully( unable ,willing )M3Moderatefollowers are ready and willing to help with the task. They have more skills than the M2 group, but they're still not confident in their abilities( capable , unwilling)M4HighThese followers are able to work on their own. They have high confidence and strong skills, and they're committed to the task.( capable ,willing )

According to Hersey and Blanchard, knowing when to use each style is largely dependent on the maturity of the person or group you're leading. They break maturity down into four different levels:


Development levelA good leader develops the competence and commitment of their people so theyre self-motivated rather than dependent on others for direction and guidance.According to Hersey's "the situational book ,the leaders high, realistic expectation causes high performance of followers; the leaders low expectations lead to low performance of followers.According to Ken Blanchard, "Four combinations of competence and commitment make up what we call 'development level.'competence mean (ability, knowledge, and skill)commitment (confidence and motivation)

B) Vroom and Yetton's Normative ModelDecision acceptance increases commitment and effectiveness of action.Participation increases decision acceptance.Vroom and Yetton defined five different decision procedures. Two are autocratic (A1 and A2), two are consultative (C1 and C2) and one is Group based (G2).A1: Leader takes known information and then decides alone.A2: Leader gets information from followers, and then decides alone.C1: Leader shares problem with followers individually, listens to ideas and then decides alone.C2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group, listens to ideas and then decides alone.G2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group and then seeks and accepts consensus agreement.This types effect on decision quality and acceptance.

c) House Path-Goal Theory The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership was developed to describe the way that leaders encourage and support their followers in achieving the goals they have been set by making the path that they should take clear and easy.In particular, leaders:1-Clarify the path so subordinates know which way to go.2-Remove roadblocks that are stopping them going there.3-Increasing the rewards along the routeHouse and Mitchell (1974) describe four styles of leadership : supportive ,directive, participative, achievement oriented.

4) Contingency Theory

Contingency theory is similar to situational theory in that there is an assumption of no simple one right way. The main difference is that situational theory tends to focus more on the behaviors that the leader should adopt, given situational factors (often about follower behavior), whereas contingency theory takes a broader view that includes contingent factors about leader capability and other variables within the situation. Fiedler's Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) TheoryLeaders prioritize between task-focus and people-focus.Relationships, power and task structure are the three key factors that drive effective stylesLeader-Member Relations: The extent to which the leader has the support and loyalties of followers and relations with them are friendly and cooperative.Task structure: The extent to which tasks are standardized, documented and controlled.Leader's Position-power: The extent to which the leader has authority to assess follower performance and give reward or punishment

Fiedler identified the a Least Preferred Co-Worker scoring for leaders by asking them first to think of a person with which they worked that they would like least to work with again, and then to score the person on a range of scales between positive factors (friendly, helpful, cheerful, etc.) and negative factors (unfriendly, unhelpful, gloomy, etc.).

A high LPC leader generally scores the other person as positive and a low LPC leader scores them as negative.

High LPC leaders tend to have close and positive relationships and act in a supportive way, even prioritizing the relationship before the task.

Low LPC leaders put the task first and will turn to relationships only when they are satisfied with how the work is going.

A high LPC approach is best when leader-member relations are poor, except when the task is unstructured and the leader is weak, in which a low LPC style is better.

5)Trait theoryThe trait model of leadership is based on the behavior and personality characteristics of many leaders both successful and unsuccessful and is used to predict leadership effectiveness.

Assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership.(born not made)

The resulting lists of traits are then compared to those of potential leaders to assess their likelihood of success or failure. Successful leaders definitely have interests, abilities, and personality traits that are different from those of the less effective leaders.

identify physiological (appearance, height, and weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality, self-confidence, and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related (achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and cooperativeness) charisma , flexibility ,creativity with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.

Advantages of theoryIt serves as a yardstick against which the leadership traits of an individual can be assessedIt gives a detailed knowledge and understanding of the leader element in the leadership process. The manager aware of their strengths and weaknesses and thus they get an understanding of how they can develop their leadership qualities.

Limitations of The Trait TheoryThe list of possible traits to be very long. More than 100 different traits of successful leaders in various leadership positions have been identified. There is also a disagreement over which traits are the most important for an effective leader .The model attempts to physical traits such as, height and weight, to effective leadership. Most of these factors relate to situational factors. For example, a minimum weight and height might be necessary to perform the tasks efficiently in a military leadership position. In business organizations, these are not the requirements to be an effective leader.Not all traits are born some are developed . How do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership.

6)Participative Theory:

Its the same of transformational style.7) Management Theory:Its the same of transactional style.8)Servant Theory:The servant-leader is servant first It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.Characteristics of being a servant leadera)listening: communication skills is motivated to actively listen, hear what is not said.b)Empathy: employees are seen as needing appreciation and respect.c)Healing: problem solver ,manages conflict.

d)Awareness: self and general awareness, holistice)Persuasion: convince not coercef)Conceptualization: personal vision, implements goals and strategy, think outside limits of business.g)Foresight: can see what could happen, learn and reflect on the past and can use this in future.h)Stewardship: openness and persuasion are more important than controlj)Commitment to growth: people have value beyond what they can contribute, everyone involved in decision, personal ,professional and spiritual growth.k)Community building: within the organization and between organizations.

Facts A good leader inspires people to have confidence in their leader while a greet leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.A leader is one who inspires, motivates, and leads people to accomplish the organizational goals.

You dont have to be in a management position to be a leader, leaders are found throughout all levels in an organization

Leadership plays a major role in determining the success or failure of an organization

Leadership skills can be developed, if you want to be a successful leader you must work to develop your skills. Leadership is the ability to direct people, more important, to have those people accept that direction. (Lombardi, 2001)

Its better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. you take front line when theirs danger. then people will appreciate your leadership.(Nelson Mandela)