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  • 8/6/2019 kumpulan crita


    Brer Rabbit Earns a Dollar-A-Minute

    A Georgia Folktale

    retold by

    S.E. Schlosser

    One fine morning, Brer Fox decided to plant him a patch of goober peas. He set to with a willand before you know it, he had raked(menggaruk) and hoed out(mencangkul) a beautiful

    patch of ground and he put in a fine planting of peas. It didn't take too long before those

    goober vines(tumbuhan yang merambat) grew tall and long and the peas ripened

    up(masak/matang) good and smart.

    Now Brer Rabbit, he'd watched Brer Fox planting the goobers and he told his children and

    Miz Rabbit where they could find the patch. Soon as those peas were ripe, the little Rabbits

    and Brer Rabbit would sneak on in (mencuri) and grab up (mengambil) them goobers by the

    handfuls. It got so bad that when Brer Fox came to the goober patch, he could hardly find a

    pea to call his own.

    Well, Brer Fox, he was plenty mad that he'd worked so hard on those peas only to have them

    eaten by someone else. He suspected that Brer Rabbit was to blame (menyalahkan) for this,but the rascally (tdk jujur/jahat) rabbit had covered his tracks so well that Brer Fox couldn't

    catch him. So Brer Fox came up with a plan. He found a smooth spot in his fence (pagar)where a cunning rabbit (kelinci yang licik) could sneak in, and he set a trap for Brer Rabbit at

    that spot. He tied a rope to a nearby(dekat) hickory sapling (pohon Hickory) and bent itnearly double. Then he took the other end of the rope and made a loop (putaran/lingkaran)

    knot that he fastened with a trigger right around the hole in the fence. If anybody camethrough the crack to steal his peas, the knot would tighten around their body, the sapling

    would spring upright, and they would be left hanging from the tree for everyone to see.

    The next morning, Brer Rabbit came a-slipping through the hole in the fence. At once, the

    trigger sprung, the knot tightened on his forelegs, and the hickory tree snapped upright, quickas you please. Brer Rabbit found himself swung aloft betwixt the heaven and the earth,

    swinging from the hickory sapling. He couldn't go up and he couldn't go down. He just wentback and forth.

    Brer Rabbit was in a fix, no mistake. He was trying to come up with some glib explanation

    for Brer Fox when he heard someone a-rumbling and a-bumbling down the road. It was BrerBear, looking for a bee-tree so he could get him some honey. As soon as Brer Rabbit saw

    Brer Bear, he came up with a plan to get himself free.

    "Howdy, Brer Bear," he called cheerfully. Brer Bear squinted (memandang) around here and

    there (squinted around here and there = memandang sekeliling mencari seseorang yg

    berbicara), wondering where the voice had come from. Then he looked up and saw Brer

    Rabbit swinging from the sapling.

    "Howdy Brer Rabbit," he rumbled. "How are you this morning?"

    "Middling, Brer Bear," Rabbit replied. "Just middling."

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    Brer Bear was wondering why Brer Rabbit was up in the tree, so he asked him about it. BrerRabbit grinned (menyeringai) and said that he was earning a dollar-a-minute from Brer Fox.

    "A dollar-a-minute!" Brer Bear exclaimed. "What for?"

    "I'm keeping the crows away from his goober patch," Brer Rabbit explained, and went on to

    say that Brer Fox was paying a dollar-a-minute to whomever would act as a scarecrow forhim.

    Well, Brer Bear liked the sound of that. He had a big family to feed, and he could use themoney. When Brer Rabbit asked him if he would like to have the job, Brer Bear agreed. Brer

    Rabbit showed him how to bend the sapling down and remove the knot from his forepaws.When Brer Rabbit was free, Brer Bear climbed into the knot and soon he was hanging aloft

    betwixt heaven and earth, swing to and from the sapling and growling at the birds to keepthem away from the goober patch.

    Brer Rabbit laughed and laughed at the sight of Brer Bear up in the sapling. He scampered

    berlari mengambil langkah seribu) down the road to Brer Fox's place and told him that his

    trap was sprung and the goober thief was hanging from the hickory tree. Brer Fox grabbed hiswalking stick and ran down the road after Brer Rabbit. When he saw Brer Bear hanging there,

    Brer Fox called him a goober thief. Brer Fox ranted (berteriak-teriak kasar) and raved

    (menggila) and threatened(mengancam) to hit Brer Bear with his walking stick. He yelled

    (berteriak) so loud that Brer Bear didn't have time to explain nothing!

    Brer Rabbit knew that Brer Bear would be plenty(banyak/sangat) mad at him when he found

    out he had been tricked, and so he ran down the road and hid in the mud beside the

    pond(kolam), so that only his eyeballs stuck out, making him look like a big old bullfrog. By

    and by, a very grumpy (marah) Brer Bear came lumbering down the road.

    "Howdy, Brer Bullfrog," Brer Bear said when he saw Brer Rabbit's eyes sticking out of the

    mud. "You seen Brer Rabbit anywhere?"

    "Brer Rabbit jest ran on down the road," he told the grumpy Brer Bear in a deep croaking

    voice that sounded just like the voice of a frog. Brer Bear thanked him and trotted (bergegas)

    down the road, growling fiercely (menggeram dgn ganas).

    When Brer Bear was out of sight, Brer Rabbit jumped out of the mud. He washed himself off

    in the pond and then scampered home, chuckling to himself at how he'd escaped from Brer

    Fox and Brer Bear, and already thinking up a new way to get into Brer Fox's goober patch to

    get him some peas to eat.

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    Brer Rabbit Falls Down the Well

    A Georgia Folktale

    retold by

    S. E. Schlosser

    One day, Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox and Brer Coon(rakun) and Brer Bear and a lot of otheranimals decided to work together to plant a garden full of corn for roasting. They started

    early in the morning and raked and dug and raked some more, breaking up the hard ground so

    it would be ready for planting. It was a hot day, and Brer Rabbit got tired mighty quick. But

    he kept toting (membawa) off the brush and clearing away the debris 'cause he didn't want no

    one to call him lazy.

    Then Brer Rabbit got an idea. "Ow!" he shouted as loudly as he could. "I got me a briar in my

    hand!" He waved a paw and stuck it into his mouth. The other critters told him he'd better

    pull out the briar and wash his hand afore it got infected. That was just what Brer Rabbit

    wanted to hear. He hurried off, looking for a shady spot to take a quick nap. A little ways

    down the road, he found an old well with a couple of buckets hanging inside it, one at the top,and one down at the bottom.

    "That looks like a mighty cool place to take a nap," Brer Rabbit said, and hopped right into

    the bucket.

    Well, Brer Rabbit was mighty heavy - much heavier than the bucket full of water laying at

    the bottom. When he jumped into the empty bucket, it plummeted right down to the bottom

    of the well. Brer Rabbit hung onto the sides for dear life as the second bucket whipped passed

    him, splashing water all over him on its way to the top. He had never been so scared in his


    Brer Rabbit's bucket landed with a smack in the water and bobbed up and down. Brer Rabbit

    was afraid to move, in case the bucket tipped over and landed him in the water. He lay in thebottom of the bucket and shook and shivered with fright, wondering what would happen next.

    Now Brer Fox had been watching Brer Rabbit all morning. He knew right away that Brer

    Rabbit didn't have a briar in his paw and wondered what that rascal was up to. When BrerRabbit snuck off, Brer Fox followed him and saw him jump into the bucket and disappear

    down the well.

    Brer Fox was puzzled. Why would Brer Rabbit go into the well? Then he thought: "I bet he

    has some money hidden away down there and has gone to check up on it." Brer Fox crept upto the well, listening closely to see if he could hear anything. He didn't hear nothing. He

    peered down into the well, but all was dark and quiet, on account of Brer Rabbit holding sostill so the bucket wouldn't tip him into the water.

    Finally, Brer Fox shouted down into the well: "Brer Rabbit, what you doing down there?"

    Brer Rabbit perked up at once, realizing that this might be his chance to get out of the well.

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    "I'm a fishing down here, Brer Fox," says he. "I thought I'd surprise everyone with a mess offresh fish for lunch. There's some real nice fish down here."

    "How many fish are there?" asked Brer Fox skeptically, sure that the rascally rabbit was

    really counting his gold.

    "Scores and scores!" cried Brer Rabbit. "Why don't you come on down and help me carrythem out?"

    Well, that was the invitation Brer Fox was waiting for. He was going to go down into thatwell and get him some of Brer Rabbit's gold.

    "How do I get down there?" asked Brer Fox.

    Brer Rabbit grinned. Brer Fox was much heavier than he was. If Brer Fox jumped into the

    empty bucket at the top, then Brer Rabbit's bucket would go up, and Brer Fox's bucket wouldgo down! So he said: "Jest jump into the bucket, Brer Fox."

    Well, Brer Fox jumped into the empty bucket, and down it plummeted into the dark well. He

    passed Brer Rabbit about halfway down. Brer Rabbit was clinging to the sides of the bucket

    with all his might 'cause it was moving so fast. "Goodbye Brer Fox," he shouted as he rose.

    "Like the saying goes, some folks go up, and some go down! You should make it to the

    bottom all safe and sound."

    Brer Rabbit jumped out of the well and ran back to the garden patch to tell the other crittersthat Brer Fox was down in the well muddying up the waters. Then he danced back to the well

    and shouted down to Brer Fox: "There's a hunting man coming along to get a drink o' water,Brer Fox. When he hauls you up, you'd best run away as fast as you can!"

    Then Brer Rabbit went back to the garden patch. When the thirsty hunter hauled up thebucket full of water, a wet and shaky Brer Fox sprang out and ran away before the huntercould grab for his gun.

    An hour later, Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit were both back in the garden, digging and hauling

    away debris and acting like nothing had happened. Except every once in a while, Brer Fox

    would look sideways at Brer Rabbit and grin, and the rascally rabbit would start to laugh andlaugh 'cause both of them had looked so silly plummeting up and down in that ol' dark well.

    rer Rabbit Fools Sis Cow

    A Georgia Folktale

    retold by

    S. E. Schlosser

    Now Brer Rabbit was skipping down the road one day heading for his home in the briar patch

    when he spotted Sis Cow grazing in the field. It was a mighty hot day and Brer Rabbit was

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    thirsty. Some milk would be real fine on such a warm afternoon, but Sis Cow always refusedto let Brer Rabbit milk her when he asked. So Brer Rabbit thought up a plan.

    "Howdy Sis Cow," said Brer Rabbit, walking up to her in the field.

    "Howdy yourself, Brer Rabbit," said Sis Cow. "How are your folks?"

    "Fair to middling," said Brer Rabbit. "How is Brer Bull?"

    "So-so," replied Sis Cow.

    "I'm wondering if you could help me out," Brer Rabbit said to Sis Cow. "I'd like to get somepersimmons down out of that tree, but it's too high for me to climb." He pointed over to a

    nearby persimmon tree.

    "I ain't no good at climbing myself," said Sis Cow dubiously.

    "I don't need for you to climb," said Brer Rabbit. "Just butt your head against the tree a few

    times, and the persimmons will all fall down."

    Sis Cow considered this a moment, and then she agreed. Sis Cow backed up a bit and ran at

    the tree with her horns down. BANG! She butted the tree as hard as she could. But the

    persimmons were still green and none of them fell down. So Sis Cow backed up again and

    ran at the tree with her horns down. SMACK! She butted the tree as hard as she could. And

    her large horns got stuck in the tree. She pulled and tugged, but her horns were held fast.

    "Help me out, Brer Rabbit," Sis Cow pleaded.

    "I can't climb up that high," said Brer Rabbit. "But I'll run and fetch Brer Bull."

    So saying, the rascally Brer Rabbit ran home to fetch his Missus and all of the kids. They

    brought a mighty big pail to the field and they milked the trapped Sis Cow until not a drop of

    milk was left. Sis Cow was pretty sore at Brer Rabbit. She kept pulling and tugging, but she

    couldn't get free.

    "I'll come back tomorrow for more milk," Brer Rabbit said. "Seeing as you're probably stuck

    'til daybreak."

    Brer Rabbit and his family left the field with their big pail of milk, leaving Sis Cow trapped

    in the tree. Well, Sis Cow, she tugged and tugged, trying to free her horns from the tree. It

    took her near 'til morning, but finally she broke loose. Once she was free, she had a quick

    graze of the green grass to calm herself down. As she ate, she made a plan to revenge herselfon Brer Rabbit for his nasty trick

    As soon as it was daybreak, Sis Cow put her head down and stuck her horns back into the

    holes she had made in the tree, pretending she was still stuck. Now Brer Rabbit had come

    early to the field and had seen Sis Cow grazing as free as you please, so he knew she was up

    to something when she put her horns back in the tree. He decided to play along with her game

    for a while to see what she was up to.

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    Quick as a wink, Brer Rabbit went back down the road and came clippity-lippity, hippity-hoppity down the road, singing as loud as you please. "How are you feeling this morning, Sis

    Cow?" asked Brer Rabbit when he reached the field.

    "Poorly, Brer Rabbit," said Sis Cow slyly. "I've been stuck here all night. But if you grab my

    tail, you can help pull me out."

    Oh ho, thought Brer Rabbit to himself. She means to trample me. Aloud he said: "I'm a puny

    ol' man Sis Cow. If I pull your tail, I might get crushed. So this is as close to you as I'm going

    to get!"

    Well, Sis Cow was furious that her plan hadn't work. She pulled her horns out of the treelickety-split and started chasing that rascally Brer Rabbit down the road.

    Brer Rabbit ran as fast as lightning. He reached the Briar Patch well ahead of Sis Cow and

    threw himself into the brambles. He watched Sis Cow sail passed his hiding spot. Then shestopped because her quarry had disappeared. She looked around, trying to locate him.

    Brer Rabbit chuckled to himself. He folded back his long ears, made his eyes extra wide, and

    then peered out of a shady corner of the Briar Patch, pretending to be Brer Big Eyes. "What

    are you doing Sis Cow?" he asked in a high-pitched voice quite unlike his own.

    "I'm looking for Brer Rabbit, Brer Big Eyes," said Sis Cow, who did not recognize thetrickster rabbit in the dim light of dawn.

    "He jest ran passed lickety-split," Brer Rabbit lied.

    That was all Sis Cow needed to hear. She gave a bellow of rage, lowered her horns, and ran

    on down the road.

    Brer Rabbit, he just laughed and laughed, rolling about among the briars. He had fooled Brer

    Fox and Brer Buzzard in the past, and now he had fooled Sis Cow. He was a real rascal, no


    Humming happily to himself, Brer Rabbit went home to have a big drink of milk, courtesy of

    Sis Cow.

    Bakery Bear

    A Tongue Twister TalebyS. E. Schlosser

    Brenda was busy baking a batch of blueberry muffins in the kitchen of Butler's Bakery when

    the bell rang.

    "Be with you in a bit," Brenda called, brushing her blond braid over her shoulder.

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    "Shoo you bumbling brute," Brenda said to it. "You are bad for business. You made me burnmy muffins."

    Brenda threw a blueberry muffin at the bear. The bear ate the muffin and went back into the


    "Is it gone?" asked Bill, as he and Barney came cautiously into the kitchen.

    "The bear is in the store," said Brenda. "I have a plan."

    Brenda sent Bill to get some honeycomb and had Barney back his van behind the bakery.

    Meanwhile, Brenda beat up a batch of buttermilk biscuits. Then she mixed the honey fromthe honeycomb into the batter. Soon, the kitchen was bursting with the smell of honey

    buttermilk biscuits.

    The loud banging noises the bear was making in the bakery store ceased abruptly as the bearsmelled the honey. Brenda carried the big batch of biscuits out to the van. Bill opened the

    back door. The breeze blew the smell of the honey-buttermilk biscuits into the bakery. The

    bear nudged open the swinging door of the bakery and ambled into the kitchen. He knocked

    over the big brown bowl and grumbled when he found no honey.

    Then the bear sniffed his way out the back door. Brenda had placed the basket of biscuits at

    the back of Barney's van. The bear bounded up the ramp and Barney banged the door shut.Brenda and Bill cheered.

    "I will take the bear back to the forest and let him out," said Barney.

    While Barney and the bear drove away in the blue van, Brenda and Bill bustled back into the

    bakery to clean up.

    Brer Fox Catches Old Man Tarrypin

    A Georgia Folktale

    retold by

    S. E. Schlosser

    Well now, Brer Rabbit had made friends with Old Man Tarrypin, a big turtle that lived in the

    pond near his house. Brer Rabbit and Old Man Tarrypin liked to pull tricks on Brer Fox, andthat rascally fellow got pretty mad about it.

    Since he couldn't catch Brer Rabbit nohow, Brer Fox decided that he'd get even with OldMan Tarrypin instead. He started walking beside the pond every day, hoping to find the turtle

    out of the water.

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    From the other side of the pond, Brer Bull Frog called out: "Knee-deep! Knee-deep!"

    Brer Fox glared at the pond, and then looked back at Brer Bull Frog. "It's only knee-deep?"he asked suspiciously.

    "Knee-deep, knee-deep!" Brer Bull Frog said again.

    All the little frogs joined in the chorus then. "Better-believe-it! Better-believe-it!"

    Well, thought Brer Fox, if it was only knee deep, then he'd have no trouble catching Old ManTarrypin.

    "Wade-in, wade-in!" croaked Brer Bull Frog.

    "Knee-deep, knee-deep!" agreed all the little frogs.

    Brer Fox didn't much like water, but he really wanted to catch Old Man Tarrypin. He

    approached the edge of the pond cautiously. From underneath the water, Old Man Tarrypin

    laughed at him, and his words bubbled up to Brer Fox: "I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere! I-dare-

    ya-ta- come-down-'ere."

    Well. That did it. Brer Fox ran right up to the edge of the pond. Leaning over, he looked into

    the water and saw another fox staring at him.

    "Dat's-your-brother! Dat's-your-brother," Brer Bull Frog told Brer Fox.

    Brer Fox was thrilled. He didn't know he had a brother. Now that there were two foxes,

    catching Old Man Tarrypin would be a cinch! Brer Fox leaned down to shake hands with his

    new-found brother, and toppled right down into the deep water of the pond.

    All of the frogs laughed and laughed at the trick they had played on Brer Fox, and Old Man

    Tarrypin started swimming up from the bottom of the pond, his red eyes fixed on Brer Fox's

    tail. Brer Fox knew that the old turtle wanted to pull him down under that water and drown

    him, so he learned to swim mighty quick! With much splashing and squirming and kicking,

    Brer Fox made it to the edge of the pond, where he jumped out and ran away as fast as he

    could, while Brer Bull Frog laughed and the little frogs shouted with glee.

    The last thing he heard as he rounded the corner was the voice of Old Man Tarrypin calling:

    "I-dare-ya-ta- come-down-'ere".

    Brer Fox never messed with Old Man Tarrypin again.

    Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

    A Georgia Folktale

    retold by

  • 8/6/2019 kumpulan crita


    S.E. Schlosser

    Well now, that rascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of he was always cutting capersand bossing everyone around. So Brer Fox decided to capture and kill Brer Rabbit if it was

    the last thing he ever did! He thought and he thought until he came up with a plan. He would

    make a tar baby! Brer Fox went and got some tar and he mixed it with some turpentine and

    he sculpted it into the figure of a cute little baby. Then he stuck a hat on the Tar Baby and sather in the middle of the road.

    Brer Fox hid himself in the bushes near the road and he waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to

    come along. At long last, he heard someone whistling and chuckling to himself, and he knew

    that Brer Rabbit was coming up over the hill. As he reached the top, Brer Rabbit spotted the

    cute little Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was surprised. He stopped and stared at this strange creature.

    He had never seen anything like it before!

    "Good Morning," said Brer Rabbit, doffing his hat. "Nice weather we're having."

    The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin.

    Brer Rabbit tried again. "And how are you feeling this fine day?"

    The Tar Baby, she said nothing. Brer Fox grinned an evil grin and lay low in the bushes.

    Brer Rabbit frowned. This strange creature was not very polite. It was beginning to make him


    "Ahem!" said Brer Rabbit loudly, wondering if the Tar Baby were deaf. "I said 'HOW AREYOU THIS MORNING?"

    The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox curled up into a ball to hide his laugher. His plan wasworking perfectly!

    "Are you deaf or just rude?" demanded Brer Rabbit, losing his temper. "I can't stand folks

    that are stuck up! You take off that hat and say 'Howdy-do' or I'm going to give you such a


    The Tar Baby just sat in the middle of the road looking as cute as a button and saying nothing

    at all. Brer Fox rolled over and over under the bushes, fit to bust because he didn't dare laughout loud.

    "I'll learn ya!" Brer Rabbit yelled. He took a swing at the cute little Tar Baby and his paw got

    stuck in the tar.

    "Lemme go or I'll hit you again," shouted Brer Rabbit. The Tar Baby, she said nothing.

    "Fine! Be that way," said Brer Rabbit, swinging at the Tar Baby with his free paw. Now both

    his paws were stuck in the tar, and Brer Fox danced with glee behind the bushes.

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    "I'm gonna kick the stuffin' out of you," Brer Rabbit said and pounced on the Tar Baby withboth feet. They sank deep into the Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was so furious he head-butted the

    cute little creature until he was completely covered with tar and unable to move.

    Brer Fox leapt out of the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit. "Well, well, what have we

    here?" he asked, grinning an evil grin.

    Brer Rabbit gulped. He was stuck fast. He did some fast thinking while Brer Fox rolled about

    on the road, laughing himself sick over Brer Rabbit's dilemma.

    "I've got you this time, Brer Rabbit," said Brer Fox, jumping up and shaking off the dust.

    "You've sassed me for the very last time. Now I wonder what I should do with you?"

    Brer Rabbit's eyes got very large. "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throwme into the briar patch."

    "Maybe I should roast you over a fire and eat you," mused Brer Fox. "No, that's too much

    trouble. Maybe I'll hang you instead."

    "Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox,

    please don't throw me into the briar patch."

    "If I'm going to hang you, I'll need some string," said Brer Fox. "And I don't have any stringhandy. But the stream's not far away, so maybe I'll drown you instead."

    "Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please,

    Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

    "The briar patch, eh?" said Brer Fox. "What a wonderful idea! You'll be torn into little


    Grabbing up the tar-covered rabbit, Brer Fox swung him around and around and then flung

    him head over heels into the briar patch. Brer Rabbit let out such a scream as he fell that all

    of Brer Fox's fur stood straight up. Brer Rabbit fell into the briar bushes with a crash and a

    mighty thump. Then there was silence.

    Brer Fox cocked one ear toward the briar patch, listening for whimpers of pain. But he heard

    nothing. Brer Fox cocked the other ear toward the briar patch, listening for Brer Rabbit'sdeath rattle. He heard nothing.

    Then Brer Fox heard someone calling his name. He turned around and looked up the hill.

    Brer Rabbit was sitting on a log combing the tar out of his fur with a wood chip and lookingsmug.

    "I was bred and born in the briar patch, Brer Fox," he called. "Born and bred in the briar


    And Brer Rabbit skipped away as merry as a cricket while Brer Fox ground his teeth in rage

    and went home.

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    Freddy's Fabulous Frogs

    A Tongue Twister Tale


    S.E. Schlosser

    Fabian Frogmorton stole Freddy's frog Fats on the Friday of the town of Flowerpot's

    Fabulous Frogs Contest. Freddy was furious. Fabian Frogmorton had cheated Freddy out ofthe Fabulous Frog Award last year. Fabian had fed Freddy's frog flies just before the Fast

    Frog Frolic, the final race in Flowerpot's Fabulous Frogs Contest. Freddy's frog had been toofull to frolic, so Fabian's frog had finished first.

    Freddy reported the theft to Flossie French, the teacher in charge of Flowerpot's FabulousFrogs Contest.

    "Fabian Frogmorton registered Fats as his frog." Flossie French fussed. "Can you proveFats is your frog

    Since Freddy couldn't prove he had found Fats in the pond last Friday, Flossie French

    could not get Fats back for Freddy. Freddy was frantic. He did not want Fabian to win

    Flowerpot's Fabulous Frogs Contest for the fourth Fall in a row.

    Freddy decided to find another frog. During lunch, Freddy followed the schoolyard fenceto Felix Frasier's creek. Freddy was fuming to himself about Fabian, and did not see the frog

    until his foot came down on a flower and the frog jumped away from him. It was the highesthop, made by the tiniest frog that Freddy Friedman had ever seen!

    Freddy chased the frog to the foot of Felix Frazier's stream before he caught it. The frog

    opened its tiny mouth and croaked furiously in protest. It was the most fabulous sound

    Freddy had ever heard.

    "You are the littlest flibbertigibbet I have ever seen!" exclaimed Freddy. "I am going to

    name you Flib."

    Freddy hugged Flib and ran back to school to show Flib to his friends. Freddy's friends

    laughed furiously when they saw Flib. They said that Freddy would never win Flowerpot's

    Fabulous Frogs Contest with such a tiny frog.

    "Don't fret Flib," Freddy said. "You are far faster than my old frog Fats. Fabian

    Frogmorton will not win Flowerpot's Fabulous Frogs Contest."

    Flossie French chuckled when she registered Flib the frog, but she also patted Freddy's

    hand sympathetically and said: "Flib is a fine frog, Freddy. Good luck."

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    There were three trials in Flowerpot's Fabulous Frogs Contest. The frog which won themost trials was declared the most Fabulous Frog in Flowerpot. The first contest was Foghorn

    Frog, the loudest croaker. Freddy knew that Fats was a famous croaker. Fabian was sure towin. The contestants fought their way up front with their frogs. Along the fringes, Freddy's

    friends cheered for Flib. Fabian Frogmorton laughed scornfully when he saw Freddy's frog

    Flib. Fabian pinched Fats hard. Fats croaked loudly in pain. Before Fats had finished

    croaking, Flib opened his little mouth and croaked so loud Freddy clapped his hands to hisears.

    "Flib wins the Foghorn Frog Contest." Flossie Ffrench said.

    Fabian frowned. "It's not fair!" Fabian whined.

    The second contest was the Frog Jump Far trial. Freddy had seen how far Flib couldjump. Freddy was sure Flib would win. Freddy and Flib lined up with the other contestants.

    Each contestant urged his frog to leap as far as it could. Flossie French measured the frog'sfirst jump. Freddy and Flib came just before Fabian and Fats. Freddy's friends cheered and

    chanted as Flib jumped farther than the other frogs. When Flossie French had her back

    turned, Fabian Frogmorton stepped on Fats. Fats croaked in pain and leapt away fromFabian. Fats jumped even farther than Flib.

    "Fats is the winner!" said Flossie French.

    Freddy's friends booed.

    The final trial was the Fast Frog Frolic. The contestants and their frogs lined up. Flossie

    French fired the gun and all the frogs jumped in surprise and began hopping in all directions."Go Flib, go Flib!" chanted Freddy's friends. While Flib hopped fast and furiously, Fats

    sat at the starting line. Fabian fussed and fumed. Finally, he kicked Fats. This time, FlossieFrench, saw him and Fabian was disqualified.

    To Freddy's delight, Flib crossed the finish line first.

    "Flib is the winner!" cried Flossie French.

    Every member of Flowerpot's Fabulous Frogs Contest, with the exception of Fabian,cheered wildly. Fabian howled in fury at being foiled in his fraud and threw Fats on the

    ground in disgust. Flossie French presented Freddy with "Flowerpot's Fabulous Frog" award.Then Flossie Ffrench picked up Fats and handed him to Freddy.

    "Freddy, here is Fats." said Flossie French. "You have two fabulous frogs. Take good

    care of them."

    "I will," Freddy promised.

    Freddy took Flib and Fats over to Felix Frasier's Stream and set them free. Flib and Fats

    floated near the lily pads and peered out at Freddy.

    "See you next Fall," Freddy said.

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    And Freddy Friedman went home to tell his family about winning how his frog Flib wonthe town of Flowerpot's Fabulous Frog Award.

    Harry's Hair

    A Tongue Twister Tale

    byS. E. Schlosser

    Harry Horse loved to watch television. He loved the cartoons and the sitcoms. He watched

    the movies and listened intently to the talk shows as the sounds drifted through the open

    window in the kitchen.

    Every day, Mrs. Harvey would watch her favorite show on the small white television set on

    the kitchen table. Many an afternoon, Harry would stick his head through the paddock fence

    and follow The Trials and Tribulations of Raymond and Julia Tanner. Harry would lean as

    close to the open window as he could to catch every word.

    "Come roll in the grass Harry," the other horses would say. "Race with us across the wide,

    green meadow."

    But instead, Harry would watch television.

    One afternoon, a brand new commmercial came on.

    "Worried about hair loss?" said the television. "Is baldness creeping up on you? Get Miracle

    Hair Tonic and fight back!"

    "I should get some of that for Sam," Mrs. Harvey said, jotting down the toll free number.

    Mr. Harvey had a bald spot at the top of his head. Harry liked to blow on it when Sam gave

    him his grain.

    "Harry, what are you doing?" Harriet Harvey asked.

    Harry pulled his head through the fence.

    "Come on. I'm going to clean you up for a ride."

    Harry loved having Harriet curry comb him. She scratched all the itchy places.

    "You're going bald, Harry," said Harriet.

    Harry looked around. The curry comb was full of hair. More hair was drifting down from his

    side. Harry could not believe it. Bald! Just like Sam.

    As he jogged around the ring, Harry pictured himself losing all his hair. How the other horses

    would laugh!

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    When they got back to the barn, Harry watched Harriet curry his itchy spots. Maybe she hadbeen joking. But again, the curry comb was full of hair.

    Harry was so embarrassed that he stayed in his stall for the rest of the day.

    "What's wrong, Harry?" asked Sam when he brought Harry his grain. Harry shook his head.

    Several hairs floated off his neck.

    "Soon you'll be as bald as me!" Sam said. "Amelia should get some hair tonic for you."

    Harry perked his ears. Mrs. Harvey had ordered hair tonic. Maybe, if he could get some of it,

    he would not go bald.

    Harry waited all week for the hair tonic to arrive. The only time he went out of his stall waswhen Mrs. Harvey turned on her show. While he was watching The Trials and Tribulations of

    Raymond and Julia Tanner, Harry could forget his creeping baldness.

    On Friday, Mrs. Harvey came into the kitchen with a box. Harry hurried over to the fence to

    watch her open it. It was the hair tonic!

    "Dilute in water and spread over balding area," Mrs. Harvey read.

    She put the bottle down by the sink.

    Harry stared at the bottle. If he could get his nose in the window, he might be able to reach it.

    Harry squeezed his neck as far as it would go through the fence. He got a mouth full of

    curtain, but no bottle. Then Harry shoved his shoulders through the fence. This time, the tip

    of his teeth touched the bottle. It rocked a few times and then landed gently in his mouth.

    Harry trotted to the barn. He broke the bottle gently into the water trough. The water turnedgreen. Harry ducked his nose into the water. He rubbed it over as much of his body as he

    could reach. He planted his feet on each side of the trough and lowered his belly into the

    water. Then Harry sloshed some water on the grass and rolled in it.

    "What are you doing Harry?" asked Harriet. She was sitting on top of the fence. Harry stood

    up quickly. Harriet's mouth fell open.

    "Ma, Dad, come quick!" yelled Harriet. "Harry's turned green!"

    Harry looked down at himself. He was green all over. Harry bolted into his stall, followed

    shortly by the Harveys. Sam Harvey took one look at Harry and started laughing. Harry tried

    to duck behind his manger.

    "How do you suppose he turned green?" asked Mrs. Harvey.

    "It looks like he's been dyed," said Sam.

    "Daddy, the troughs filled with green water," shouted Harriet, running into the barn. "I foundthis beside it."

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    In her hand was the broken bottle of hair tonic.

    "Miracle Hair Tonic?" asked Sam.

    "I got it for your bald spot," said Mrs. Harvey.

    "Oh Harry," said Harriet, "I was just teasing you. You're not going bald. You're just losingyour winter coat."

    Harry hung his head.

    "Just think, Dad, if you had used the hair tonic, your hair would be green instead of Harry's,"Harriet said.

    "We'd better wash him off," said Mrs. Harvey.

    So Harry had a bath. In fact, he had several baths. He ended up a light green color with

    patches of brown here and there. His nose remained dark green because he had dipped it so

    many times into the tonic. And Harry stayed green until he lost the rest of his winter coat.

    The other horses were very understanding about the whole thing, but Sam Harvey laughed

    each time he fed Harry.

    Harry never watched television again. Instead, he rolled in the grass and went running across

    the wide, green meadow with his friends.

    Mrs. Peter's Pens

    A Tongue Twister Taleby

    S. E. Schlosser

    Listen to the story (4 mb download)

    "Oh pooh," said Mrs. Polly Peters to her pet parrot Petey. "Where did I put that pen?"

    "Petey's pens," said Petey Peters, bobbing his green head up and down inside his cage.

    Mrs. Peters started looking for her pen. She crept under the desk, until only her pink penny-

    loafers were showing.

    "The pen is not under here!" she said. When Mrs. Peters crawled back out, she was all dusty.

    Next, Mrs. Peters crawled around the pink rug, looking for her pen. Her nose was close to the

    floor, because she had forgotten to put on her glasses. She looked like a pink-and-purple

    puppy dog.

    Petey bobbed up and down excitedly in his cage. He wanted to play the new game too.

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    Mrs. Peters looked inside all the flowerpots on the windowsill. But she still could not find herpen.

    "I have misplaced four pens this past week," Mrs. Peters said with a frown. "This is a most

    maddening mystery."

    Mrs. Peters was a poet. She wrote poems for Petunia Press. She used her pink and purplepens every day. Mrs. Peters had no pink and purple pens left, so she put on her hat and went

    to Patsy's Odds 'N Ends to purchase some pens.

    Mrs. Peters told Patsy her problem. Patsy sold Mrs. Peters a purple pen holder in which to put

    her pens.

    "This will put an end to misplaced pens," said Mrs. Peters.

    Mrs. Peters placed the purple pen holder on her desk and put her pink and purple pens insideit. The next morning, they were gone!

    "This is perfectly preposterous!" cried Mrs. Peters.

    Petey Peters peered out of his cage.

    "Petey's pens," Petey remarked, blinking his brown eyes at her.

    "Petey Peters," said Mrs. Peters. "Someone is stealing my pens."

    "Petey's pens," agreed Petey Peters, bobbing his green head up and down.

    "We must catch the thief," Mrs. Peters exclaimed.

    Mrs. Peters went to Patsy's to buy more pink and purple pens. She also purchased a Polaroidcamera. When Mrs. Peters got home, she placed the pink and purple pens inside the purple

    pen holder. Then, she covered Petey Peters' cage with a pink and purple polka-dotted coverand put herself to bed.

    At midnight, Mrs. Peters snuck out of bed with her newly purchased Polaroid. She perched

    on a purple cushion in the doorway.

    Soon, Mrs. Peters heard a plink. Then Mrs. Peter's heard a flapping sound and a thump. "I

    caught you red handed!" shouted Mrs. Peters, snapping a picture on her Polaroid. There came

    a clatter, a flapping sound, and another plink.

    Mrs. Peters turned on the light. A purple pen lay on the floor! The pink and purple polka-

    dotted cover on Petey's cage was crooked. A pair of brown eyes peered out at her.

    Mrs. Peters watched the Polaroid picture develop. Soon she saw Petey Peters, her pet parrot,pulling a purple pen out of the purple pen holder!

    "Petey Peters have you been taking my pens?"demanded Mrs. Peters, pulling the pink and

    purple polka-dotted cover off of his cage.

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    Petey peered out at her.

    "Petey's pens."

    Mrs. Peters pulled up the papers from the bottom of Petey's cage. Underneath the papers, shefound all of her pink and purple pens! Mrs. Peters was pretty peeved with Petey. She

    purchased a new cage with a door that Petey could not open. Then Mrs.Peters took away allof Petey's pens.

    Except for one purple and pink striped pen.

    Now, whenever Mrs. Polly Peters takes out her pink and purple pens to write poems forPetunia Press, Petey Peters pulls out his favorite pen so he can play too.

    Heron and the Hummingbird

    A Native American Myth

    (Hitchiti Tribe)

    retold by

    S. E. Schlosser

    Heron and Hummingbird were very good friends, even though one was tall and gangly and

    awkward and one was small and sleek and fast. They both loved to eat fish. The

    Hummingbird preferred small fish like minnows and Heron liked the large ones.

    One day, Hummingbird said to his friend: "I am not sure there are enough fish in the world

    for both of our kind to eat. Why don't we have a race to see which of us should own the fish?"

    Heron thought that was a very good idea. They decided that they would race for four days.

    The finish line was an old dead tree next to a far-away river. Whichever of them sat on top ofthe tree first on the fourth day of the race would own all the fish in the world.

    They started out the next morning. The Hummingbird zipped along, flying around and around

    the Heron, who was moving steadily forward, flapping his giant wings. Then Hummingbird

    would be distracted by the pretty flowers along the way. He would flit from one to the other,

    tasting the nectar. When Hummingbird noticed that Heron was ahead of him, he hurried to

    catch up with him, zooming ahead as fast as he could, and leaving Heron far behind. Heron

    just kept flying steadily forward, flapping his giant wings.

    Hummingbird was tired from all his flitting. When it got dark, he decided to rest. He found anice spot to perch and slept all night long. But Heron just kept flying steadily forward all

    night long, flapping his giant wings.

    When Hummingbird woke in the morning, Heron was far ahead. Hummingbird had to fly as

    fast as he could to catch up. He zoomed past the big, awkward Heron and kept going until

    Heron had disappeared behind him. Then Hummingbird noticed some pretty flowers nearby.

    He zip-zipped over to them and tasted their nectar. He was enjoying the pretty scenery and

    didn't notice Heron flap-flapping passed him with his great wings.

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    Hummingbird finally remembered that he was racing with Heron, and flew as fast as he couldto catch up with the big, awkward bird. Then he zipped along, flying around and around the

    Heron, who kept moving steadily forward, flapping his giant wings.

    For two more days, the Hummingbird and the Heron raced toward the far-distant riverbank

    with the dead tree that was the finish line. Hummingbird had a marvelous time sipping nectar

    and flitting among the flowers and resting himself at night. Heron stoically kept up a steadyflap-flap-flapping of his giant wings, propelling himself forward through the air all day and

    all night.

    Hummingbird woke from his sleep the morning of the fourth day, refreshed and invigorated.

    He flew zip-zip toward the riverbank with its dead tree. When it came into view, he saw

    Heron perched at the top of the tree! Heron had won the race by flying straight and steady

    through the night while Hummingbird slept.

    So from that day forward, the Heron has owned all the fish in the rivers and lakes, and theHummingbird has sipped from the nectar of the many flowers which he enjoyed so much

    during the race.

    You can read more Georgia folktales in Spooky South by S.E. Schlosser.

    Mrs. Chory's Chickens

    A Tongue Twister Tale


    S. E. Schlosser

    "Chick, chick, chick," called Carol Chory as she chucked corn onto the ground. Chickens

    popped out of the hen house and scurried into the yard. Charlie Chicken strutted to Carol

    Chory's side.

    "Something new, Charlie," cried Carol, "Here is some caramel corn." She gave Charlie a

    handful. Charlie Chicken scratched at the caramel corn, then took a chunk and swallowedquickly. Carol Chory chuckled and went inside.

    Beside Charlie, a hen began to choke on the caramel corn. She flapped about the coop in a

    frenzy. Soon chickens were choking and flapping all over the chicken coop. Charlie

    swallowed another chunk of caramel corn. The corn got caught in his throat. Charlie Chickenchoked and flapped out of the coop and into Cobb street.

    Charlie Chicken bumped blindly into Karl Kramer's cart full of chocolate-covered cherries

    and flopped inside. To Karl's consternation, the cart began to tilt. Suddenly the cart full of

    chocolate-covered cherries began rolling down Cobb Hill. Karl gave a shout and chased the

    cart. Charlie Chicken choked and flapped among the chocolate-covered cherries.

    Kristel Cramdon screamed when she saw Karl's cart full of chocolate-covered cherries

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    careening down Cobb Hill with Charlie Chicken's white wings flapping frantically at thefront.

    "Look out!" called Karl.

    As the cart rolled past Kristel, a loose piece of board hooked into her cream-colored coulats

    and ripped them right off. Kristel gasped and tried to cover her polka-dotted bloomers, just asKarl Kramer crashed into her.

    The cart continued its calamitous path down the hill, cream-colored coulats flapping at the

    rear and Charlie Chicken choking and flapping at the front. It cruised under the ladder on

    which Ken stood cleaning his chimney. The ladder collapsed and Ken landed face-first

    among the cartons of chocolate-covered cherries.

    Charlie Chicken flapped frantically in fright as Ken gave muffled cries from underneath the

    cherries. Kristel Cramdon's cream-colored coulats fluttered in the wind and the cart full of

    chocolate-covered cherries continued to roll down Cobb Hill toward the center of Coon Falls.

    Policeman Chad Charles leapt into Chin's China Shoppe to avoid the cart. He crashed intoChin and they fell to the floor, crushing most of Chin's china.

    The cart took a short cut through Carla Cutler's courtyard and caught her laundry line, full of

    frilly pink underwear, on one of its upward planks. Kris Kringle, Carla Cutler's charcoal-colored miniature collie jumped aboard the cart when he smelled the chocolate-covered


    Kris Kringle took a bite out of Ken's nose before discovering it wasn't a chocolate-covered

    cherry. Ken clouted Kris Kringle and blotted his nose with Carla Cutler's pink underwear. In

    the front of the cart, Charlie Chicken continued choking and flapping as the cart cruised into

    Cobb Court at the center of Coon Falls and crashed into Cami's Custard Stand.

    Kris Kringle landed in a vat of chocolate custard. Ken splashed into the Coon Court fountain,

    as the chocolate-covered cherries cascaded all over the square. Carla Cutler's frilly pink

    underwear showered upon Cami's customers and Charlie Chicken crashed onto the ground.

    The caramel corn came flying out of Charlie's throat and rolled into a storm grate.

    Charlie Chicken was annoyed by the rucus. He ruffled his feathers and went home. Charlie

    strutted past Cami's Custard Stand, where Cami was shouting at Ken about her underwear-

    strewn customers. He strolled passed the chocolate-covered Kris Kringle, who was licking

    custard off of his charcoal-colored fur. He went by a red-faced Carla Cutler, on her way to

    collect her collie and her frilly pink underwear. He flapped around Chin's China Shoppe

    where Chin was chucking china at Policeman Charles. Finally, he edged around the polka-dotted-bloomer clad Kristel Cramdon, who was clobbering Karl Kramer with her handbag

    and strutted into his yard.

    Mrs. Chory's chickens had flopped in feathered heaps all over the yard, gasping heavily. The

    caramel corn lay uneaten on the ground. Carol Chory came out of the house. "How did you

    like the caramel corn, Charlie?" she asked. Charlie Chicken gave an indignant sqwauk andmarched back into the chicken coop.

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