kaj newsletter newsletter...vol. 51, no. 3 kaj newsletter 2 rav mantel, in his sermon on...

בע''הKAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun December 3 rd , ‘20 י''ז כסלו תשפ"אVolume 51 Number 3 תעניות בה''בAND KRISTALLNACHT The Monday, Thursday and Monday preceding Rosh Chodesh Kislev are the days observed according to our minhag as בה''ב, (Taaniyos Sheini Chamishi VeSheini), as days of prayer and fasting during which special Selichos are said. This year, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, 16 Marcheshvan, was the Tuesday before Taanis Sheini Kammo. It was on the 16 th of Marcheshvan 5699, eighty-two years ago, that the Nazi furor destroyed almost all the synagogues in Germany. Countless Sifrei Torah and other Seforim were burned, homes and stores broken into and looted, and all men between the ages of sixteen and sixty arrested, many assaulted, and some murdered outright. On Parashas Vayeiro (20 Marcheshvan) Rav Mantel, in his talk after Mincho, cited the Medrash that Rashi brings, regarding the differing opinions that Oner, Eshkol (against) and Mamrei (for) expressed in regard to Avrohom’s obeying הקב''הand making the Bris Miloh. Although Mamrei was the only positive voice, urging Avrohom to go through with the Bris, even his approach is not the Jewish one. We do not keep Mitzvos based on Cheshbonos of how faithfully הקב''הhas rewarded and helped us in the past, but rather, from an Emuno Peshuto: We are mekabel the Mitzvos, because ה' has thus commanded. Those who live life and keep the Mitzvos with such a firm Emuno are also those who are steadfastly mekabeil gezeiros, without questioning the ways of הקב''ה. This was the Gadlus of the Doros past, including those who lived through the horrors of Churbon Europe, more than eighty years ago. In our Kehilla, the special Selicho of HaShem Elokai Rabbas Tzeroruni (recited three times on Yom Kippur) is added on Taanis Sheini Kammo in commemoration of the infamous Kristallnacht and the ensuing Churban Europe. Memory of these events is also evident in the recitation of the Yehi Rotzon’s after each time we say Tachanun. This was a Takono of the Rabbonim while still in Germany, and our Kehilla is one of the few places in which this Takono is still observed, until, as our Minhag-book says, all Tzoros cease, במהרה בימנו. RAV DOVID FEINSTEIN זצ''לOur Kehilla joined Klal Yisroel in mourning the loss of a Sar veGodol, when Rav Dovid Feinstein זצ''לwas niftar on Erev Shabbos, 19 Marcheshvon/ November 6 th . The boys of our Yeshiva joined in, virtually, for a part of the Levaya, which took place that Sunday. Rav Feinstein had a close kesher with our Kehilla and Rabbonim, and came yearly to the Heights for the MTJ Melave Malka (pictures following)

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Page 1: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא



A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

December 3rd, ‘20 י''ז כסלו תשפ"א

Volume 51 Number 3


The Monday, Thursday and Monday preceding Rosh Chodesh Kislev are the days observed according to

our minhag as בה''ב, (Taaniyos Sheini Chamishi VeSheini), as days of prayer and fasting during which special

Selichos are said.

This year, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, 16 Marcheshvan, was the Tuesday before Taanis Sheini Kammo.

It was on the 16th of Marcheshvan 5699, eighty-two years ago, that the Nazi furor destroyed almost all

the synagogues in Germany. Countless Sifrei Torah and other Seforim were burned, homes and stores

broken into and looted, and all men between the ages of sixteen and sixty arrested, many assaulted, and

some murdered outright.

On Parashas Vayeiro (20 Marcheshvan) Rav Mantel, in his talk after Mincho, cited the Medrash that Rashi

brings, regarding the differing opinions that Oner, Eshkol (against) and Mamrei (for) expressed in regard

to Avrohom’s obeying הקב''ה and making the Bris Miloh. Although Mamrei was the only positive voice,

urging Avrohom to go through with the Bris, even his approach is not the Jewish one. We do not keep

Mitzvos based on Cheshbonos of how faithfully הקב''ה has rewarded and helped us in the past, but rather,

from an Emuno Peshuto: We are mekabel the Mitzvos, because ה' has thus commanded. Those who live

life and keep the Mitzvos with such a firm Emuno are also those who are steadfastly mekabeil gezeiros,

without questioning the ways of הקב''ה. This was the Gadlus of the Doros past, including those who lived

through the horrors of Churbon Europe, more than eighty years ago.

In our Kehilla, the special Selicho of HaShem Elokai Rabbas Tzeroruni (recited three times on Yom Kippur)

is added on Taanis Sheini Kammo in commemoration of the infamous Kristallnacht and the ensuing

Churban Europe. Memory of these events is also evident in the recitation of the Yehi Rotzon’s after each

time we say Tachanun. This was a Takono of the Rabbonim while still in Germany, and our Kehilla is one

of the few places in which this Takono is still observed, until, as our Minhag-book says, all Tzoros cease,

.במהרה בימנו


Our Kehilla joined Klal Yisroel in mourning the loss of a Sar veGodol, when Rav Dovid Feinstein זצ''ל was

niftar on Erev Shabbos, 19 Marcheshvon/ November 6th. The boys of our Yeshiva joined in, virtually, for

a part of the Levaya, which took place that Sunday.

Rav Feinstein had a close kesher with our Kehilla and Rabbonim, and came yearly to the Heights for the

MTJ Melave Malka (pictures following)

Page 2: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2

Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )פ' חיי שרה )שבת מברכים referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of אמור מעט

therefor, carried utter clarity and decision. Rav ,פסקים a master of silence, whose words and ,ועשה הרבה

Mantel recalled some of the parting words that Rav Feinstein had spoken with him at a recent MTJ Melave

Malka, telling him, “You have a choshuve Kehilla”, for the same reasons, indicating the quiet and dedicated

work for which our Kehilla is known.

Page 3: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 3


Members enjoyed the first of the season of the Kehilla’s special, legal-holiday Shiurim, on Thursday,

November 26th/ 10 Kisleiv (pictures following). The Shiur was given in Shul, by Rav Mantel, on the topic

of ריבוי בשיעורים.

Due to the current situation, all the Shiurim will take place in Shul, at 10 AM—social distancing and masks

required. The schedule for the next Shiurim is as follows: Friday, December 25th (Asara BeTeiveis), Rabbi

Nosson Lowenthal; Tuesday, January 1st 2021, Rabbi Tzvi Richter; and Monday, February 15th, speaker to

be determined.


Members of the Kehilla’s Daf Yomi Chabura, along with Rav Mantel and those mispallelim present,

gathered together in Shul on Sunday, November 22nd/ 6 Kisleiv, after the 7:30 Shacharis, to celebrate the

completion of Masseches Eiruvin. Rabbi Elchonon Stern, who was mesayeim, noted it was a Kovod to be

able to hold the Siyum in Shul, in-person. (While much of the Masechta had been learned remotely, a few

Page 4: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 4

weeks in Elul-Tishrei had allowed for some outdoor, in-person learning, in the Sukka behind Shul, and the

schoolyard.) Rabbi Stern urged those who may not have joined up to this point to do so, noting that Daf

Yomi will be learning the end of Masseches Pesochim within the Sheloshim Yom Kodem HaChag of this

upcoming Pesach, אי''ה. The schedule, and any updates, for the Daf Yomi shiurim can be found on the

Kehilla’s website.


The newly-formed Vaad HaKollel, mentioned in the last issue of the KAJN, is comprised of Messrs. Dovid

Braham, Ben Ettlinger, Yisroel Gradman, Moshe Meir Klugman, and Michoel Meir Levi. As mentioned, the

annual Kollel Breakfast is אי''ה scheduled for Memorial Day, May 31st 2021.


Held in Moller Hall to allow for maximal social distancing, and with masks required, Ovos uVonim has,

despite all the challenges, gotten off to a great start, as it inspires fathers and sons to use at least a

portion of the long, winter Motzoei Shabbosos for learning together. Pictured following, the scene on

Motzoei Shabbos Parashas Toledos, November 21st.

Page 5: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 5


Emails sent from the Kehilla to members with AOL email addresses have been bouncing back, undelivered.

If you have not been receiving KAJ emails, and you have an AOL account, you may wish to consider setting

up a free Gmail email account. Please let the office know of any change to your email address.


On Sunday afternoon, November 8th/ 22 Marcheshvon, the Senior Social Clubs of KAJ hosted a both

interesting and inspiring Zoom lecture by Rabbi Betzalel Tzvi Mandel, Director of Yeshivas Ohaley Yaakov,

Moscow, Russia. Rabbi Mandel’s topic was "One Hundred Years of Dreams.”


Moriah Senior Center continues to service our clients by hosting a variety of Zoom activities.

Our Wellness programming this past month included a Medicare Update seminar, a presentation

highlighting the nutritional needs of older adults and an information session on age-related hearing loss,

along with our variety of recurring exercise programs.

Our Recreational programming this month offered not only an autumn-inspired Tuneful Tuesday program,

but also a Music of the Earth Show, featuring ancient and indigenous world instruments.

Moriah seniors participated in a Zoom meeting with Crime Prevention Officer Duran from the 34th

Precinct. Topics addressed were scams targeting seniors and how to protect themselves.

Page 6: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 6

Moriah’s virtual museum tours continued to take us outside the confines of our four walls by bringing us

to such fascinating topics as the New York Transit Museum’s presentation on rebuilding the City after

tragedies such as 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy, and the New-York Historical Society’s presentation on the

first Jewish Americans.

Over 70 Moriah seniors received a special meal delivered to their homes, on Thursday, November 26,

to help ease the isolation of being unable to connect with family on legal holidays during the pandemic.

Special treats, gifts and a fall napkin were included. All of this would not be possible without the amazing

work by our deliverers, Eric Freeman, Gavriel Feigenbaum and the volunteers from the HASC Center.

Moriah’s upcoming activities include a LIVE virtual tour of Jerusalem’s Machane Yehuda Shuk, a dental

health presentation, a workshop on Genealogy Basics, the Museum of Tolerance’s Anne Frank Exhibit, a

musical guitar concert and a tour of the New-York Historical Society’s Tiffany Exhibit. Special Chanukah

programming will include a candle-making craft, a virtual Chanukah Party with live music and a video tour

of a very special dreidel collection.

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Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 7

To keep updated on these programs and more, we would like to encourage everyone to join our email

list. This can be accomplished by sending an email request to [email protected]

We also distribute a "Daily Dose of Inspiration" via email to those who express interest in joining this

additional email list.

As always, Moriah continues to be available to help with other benefits, entitlements and insurance issues.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us at the email above.

If you are 60+ and currently not registered as a client with the Center, take this opportunity to join our

programming anyway!

We look forward to greeting everyone IN PERSON soon at Moriah!

Stay healthy and well.


Sunday Night Mishno Beruro Shiur

Rav Mantel’s Sunday evening Shiur in Mishno Beruro takes place in Shul after Mincha-Maariv. (No Shiur

December 13th—Chanuka.)

Tuesday Night Minchas Chinuch Shiur

Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Shiur takes place after 8PM Maariv in Shul.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur

The shiurim take place Thursday evenings, 8:30 PM, REMOTELY by telephone, call-in number 435-

777-2200 then enter code 85932#. Check the Kehilla’s weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers.

Mikro Lectures

These lectures take place in Shul following davening on Friday evenings.

December 3 שלחוי Rabbi Yehoshua Fulda December 11 נוכהח No Shiur

December 18 מקץ Mr. Dovid Lomnitz

December 25 עשרה בטבת No Shiur

January1 ויחי Mr. Michoel Meir Levi

January 8 שמות Rabbi Ezra Lasdun

January 15 וארא Rabbi Pinchas Ashen

Sisterhood Parashas HaShovua Shiurim

The shiurim take place REMOTELY by telephone, call-I number 435-777-2200, then enter code

85932#. Check the Kehilla’s weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers and times. This Thursday night

at 7:30—Mrs. Esther Katz.

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Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 8


Heartiest Mazel Tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Avram Cahn on the recent marriage of their son

Mordechai to Miss Esther Meth. Very best wishes to the parents of the Kallo, Rabbi and Mrs.

Chalavna Meth. Special Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn.

We are delighted to extend Mazel Tov wishes to Rav and Mrs. Nosson Lowenthal on the Bar

Mitzvah of their son Yehoshua. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Lowenthal,

and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Lowenthal.

Our very best wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwartz on the birth of a grandson. Mazel Tov to the

delighted parents, Sammy and Bassy Schwartz.

Heartiest Mazel Tov to Mrs. Shelley Bulman on the Bar Mitzvah of Ahrela Maccabee. Best wishes

to the parents, Yoni and Rena Maccabee. Special Mazel Tov wishes go the great-grandmother, Mrs.

Rivka Bulman.

We extend best Mazel Tov wishes to Mrs. Judith Levi (Washington Heights) on the marriage of her

grandson, Mr. Nesanel Chaim Altmann to Miss Dina.Brunschwig. Best wishes to the parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Shimon and Yael Altmann of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Baruch and Shulamite

Brunschwig of Basel.

Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Katzenstein are delighted to announce the engagement of their son Aaron to Miss

Rochel Finkelstein. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein.

Very best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Klugmann on the recent marriage of their son Moshe

to Miss Rena Zuckerman.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Boruch Diamond on the engagement of their son Zevi to Miss Ruchy

Freund. Best wishes to the parents of the Kallo, Mr. and Mrs. Dov Freund, and the grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein and Mr. & Mrs. Berish Fuch

Our very best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Jacobovits on the engagement of their daughter

Michal to Mr. Yitzchok Katz. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits

We are delighted to extend Mazel Tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. David Bechhofer and Mr. and Mrs.

David Hoff on the birth of a granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Levi and Deena Hoff, and to

the great-grandmother, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer.

It gives us pleasure to wish Mr. and Mrs. Eli Klugmann Mazel Tov on the engagement of their daughter

Blimi to Mr. Aryeh Wein. Best wishes to the grandmother, Mrs. Hilde Klugmann.

Very best Mazel Tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas Katzenstein on the engagement of their daughter

Rivky to Mr. Menashe Segel. Mazel Tov to the parents of the Chosson, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Segel,

and to the grandparents, Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Mandelkorn of Montreal.

Our sincere Mazel Tov wishes to Mrs. Edith Erlbach on the birth of a great-granddaughter. Best wishes

to the parents, Leib and Tzipporah Gurwitz, the grandparents, Rabbi Doniel and Naomi

Greenberg and Rabbi Shmuel Chaim Gurwitz, and the great-grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid


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Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9

Congratulations to Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel and Miriam Glazer (Baltimore) on the marriage of their

granddaughter, Miss Yehudis Matz (Miami) to Mr. Aryeh Leib Frankel (Lakewood). Mazel Tov to

the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Matz and Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Frankel. At the same time,

we wish Rabbi and Mrs. Glazer another Mazel Tov, on the birth of a grandson. Best wishes to the

parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Rubinfeld (Detroit)

It gives us great joy to wish Rabbi and Mrs. Baruch Lichtenstein Mazel Tov on the birth of a grandson.

Very best wishes to the parents, Tamar and Burry Moskowitz.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Kalman and Dina Strauss on the upcoming Bar Mitzvoh of their son

Yonah. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Strauss and Mr. and Mrs. Moshe


Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Allen and Leah Brickman on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazel

Tov to the parents, Yehuda and Chany Brickman, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yechiel and

Baila Munk.

Mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the marriage of their grandson, Mordechai Strauss

to Miss Esther Perel Herzberg. All the best to the parents, Rabbi Yekusiel (Kenneth) and Mrs.

Esther Rochel (Jessica) Strauss (South Fallsburg) and Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Chanie Herzberg

(Lakewood). Good wishes to the grandparents, Mr. Sidney and Mrs. Lois Meyers (Silver Spring), Mrs.

Chaya Sara Herzberg (Monsey) and Rav and Mrs. Yisroel and Gittel Ehrlich (Brooklyn). At the

same time, we are very pleased to wish another Mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the

engagement of their granddaughter, Miss Ahuvah Strauss to Mr. Binyamin Greenblatt. All the best

to the parents, Rabbi Avraham (Aaron) and Mrs. Elisheva Strauss (Ramat Beis Shemesh) and Mr.

Tzvi Meir and Mrs. Rachel Greenblatt (Rechovot), as well as to the grandparents, Rabbi Nechemia

and Mrs. Rheta Zabrowsky (Ramat Beis Shemesh) and Mrs. Rivka Rina Pinner (Rechovot).

We are very pleased to wish Mrs. Pauline Berger Mazel Tov on the Bar Mitzva of her grandson,

Nesanel. Best wishes as well to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Berger.

Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. David Loebenberg are delighted to announce the birth of a great-grandson. Mazel

Tov to the parents, Raizy and Binyomin Schwartz of Yerusholayim, and the grandparents, Rabbi and

Mrs. Shuiey and Malka Shapiro.

Heartiest Mazel Tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Ezra Hes on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Eliyahu

Eliezer Hes. Best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Amram Hes of Silver Spring.

It gives us great pleasure to wish Mazel Tov to Judge and Mrs. Herbert and Ruth Cahn on the

marriage of Moshe Levin to Miss Aliza Goldstein. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaim

Levin and Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Goldstein.

Mr. Norbert Strauss is delighted to announce the engagement of his great-grandson, Mr. Shmuel

Meir Perl, to Miss Hila Karol. Mazel Tov to the parents, Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Gil Perl of Bala Cynwyd,

PA and Mr. and Mrs. Sheon Karol of Riverdale, NY, and the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Perl

of Teaneck, NJ.

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Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10


• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the first

Maariv on weekdays, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night.

• Mincha Gedola

Through 3/11/2021at 1:30.

• Sha’alo (Tal UMatar) begins on Motzoei Shabbos Vayishlach, December 5.

• Sunday of Chanuka, December 13, there is only one Maariv, immediately

following Hadloko and Maoz Tzur (there is no 8:00 PM Maariv). This was

inadvertently omitted from the semi-annual Luach.


Face masks must be worn—covering nose and mouth—at all times while in Shul,

in addition to adhering to social distancing. A face shield is not an acceptable

substitute for a mask when entering Shul.

To contribute to Yayin leKiddush, please click


Page 11: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 11


The SSC of KAJ invite you to a fascinating lecture by RABBI MOSHE BAMBERGER Author, Mashgiach Ruchani - Beis Medrash L'Talmud at Lander College for Men

“Kivrei Tzadikim of Gedolei Ashkenaz” Including those of Rav Hirsch, Rav Breuer and Rav Schwab

Sunday, December 20 at 8:15 PM

Signed copies of Rabbi Bamberger's latest book: Great Jewish Journeys – To the Past A

Spiritual Travel Guide to Kivrei Tzaddikim and Torah Landmarks around the World will be made available for purchase at the end of the lecture

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 847 3154 6947 Passcode: f22Vbr Spons


With gratitude to Hashem, I wish to convey my appreciation to the Rav and Rebbetzin and all my dear

friends who expressed concern for my well-being and good wishes for my recovery. May we all share

good health and בשורות טובות.

Margot Lasdun


We thank Messrs. Alan Ettlinger and Ben Ettlinger, and Mrs. Shuli Gutmann, for the photographs

featured in this issue of the KAJN

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Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12

זמנים for upcoming לוחDATE 1st Minyan זמן טלית ותפלין Remarks

Monday November 30 6:00 6:02 Tuesday December 1 6:00 6:03

Wednesday December 2 6:00 6:04 Thursday December 3 6:00 6:05

Friday December 4 6:00 6:06 Monday December 7 6:01 6:08 Tuesday December 8 6:02 6:09

Wednesday December 9 6:03 6:10 Thursday December 10 6:03 6:10

Friday December 11 6:04 6:11 1חנוכהst Minyan Moller Hall

Monday December 14 6:06 6:13 1חנוכהst Minyan Moller Hall

Tuesday December 15 6:07 6:14 1חנוכהst Minyan Moller Hall

Wednesday December 16 6:08 6:15 ראש חדשוחנוכה 1st Minyan Moller Hall

Thursday December 17 6:08 6:15 1חנוכהst Minyan Moller Hall

Friday December 18 6:09 6:16 1חנוכהst Minyan Moller Hall

Monday December 21 6:10 6:17 Tuesday December 22 6:10 6:17

Wednesday December 23 6:11 6:18 Thursday December 24 6:11 6:18 Monday December 28 6:13 6:20 1st Minyan Moller Hall Tuesday December 29 6:13 6:20

Wednesday December 30 6:14 6:21 Thursday December 31 6:14 6:21 1st Minyan Moller Hall

Monday January 4 6:14 6:21 1st Minyan Moller Hall Tuesday January 5 6:14 6:21

Wednesday January 6 6:14 6:21 Thursday January 7 6:14 6:21 1st Minyan Moller Hall

Friday January 5 6:14 6:21 Monday January 11 6:14 6:21 1st Minyan Moller Hall Tuesday January 12 6:14 6:21

Wednesday January 13 6:14 6:21 Thursday January 14 6:13 6:20 ראש חדש

1st Minyan Moller Hall Friday January 15 6:13 6:20

Page 13: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 13

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla


1 Dr. Godchaux Schnerb-N.Y.

1 Emil Heuman-N.Y.

1 Moritz & Betty Lustig-

Kitzingen-Izbica (Poland)

1 Lucie Hanauer-NY

2 Flora Katzenstein-N.Y.

2 Siegfried Wohlfarth-Ffm

2 Wilhelm Hackenbroch-Ffm

3 Rev. Isidore Marx-


3 Max Moses Ephraim


3 Ella Schueler-Ffm

3 Selma Rosenthal-N.Y.

3 Max Lomner-N.Y.

4 Jacob Eisenmann-


4 Herman Bechhofer-N.Y.

5 Moritz Eldot-Ffm

5 Lilli Grebenau-Ffm

6 Ida Rosenbaum (Ettlinger)-


7 Edith Prager-N.Y.

8 Moritz Bamberger-Salt Lake


8 Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer-


9 Sally Goldman-Leipzig

9 David Mayer-Mannheim-


9 Max M. Kulp-Ffm

9 Howard Hall-NY

10 Sammy Wechsler-N.Y.

10 Julchen Katz-Rhina

11 Jacob A. Samuel-N.Y.

11 Hermann Stobezki-


11 Ella Gonzwa nee Schwarz-


11 Recha Wimpfheimer-NY

12 Gustav Stern-Fulda

12 Recha Wallerstein-N.Y.

13 Shlomo ben Menachem-


13 Sol Muenz-N.Y.

14 Louis Meyer-Gelsenkirchen

14 Henny Ehrenfeld-Antwerpen

14 Ella Sondheimer-Ffm-N.Y.

14 Henny Marx-N.Y.

15 Leo Lehmann-N.Y.

16 Pauline Ellenberg-N.Y.

16 Rosie Stern-N.Y.

16 Flora Neufeld-N.Y.

16 Henry Philipps-N.Y.

17 Heinrich Scheuer, his wife

Thekla and daughter, Judith-

Auschwitz (1942)

17 Siegfried Schwab, his wife

Frieda, nee Freysinger and

children, Hanna, Manfred

and Erwin-Verschollen

17 Rosa Marx-Waisenhaus-Ffm

17 Eleanore Klugmann


18 Amalie Edinger-Mainz

18 Emil Fiebermann-Ffm

18 Abraham Berlinger-N.Y.

19 Lottchen Andorn-N.Y.

20 Menki Neufeld-N.Y.

20 Johanna Oppenheim-


20 Esther Oelbaum-Providence

20 Karoline Gruenebaum-


20 Joseph Lehmann-N.Y.

21 Lina Hamburger nee


21 Fanny Klugmann-Loeb-NY

21 Zerline Darmstaedter-


21 Marga Weis-NY

21 Betty Stern-Ffm

21 Hilde Baumann-NY

22 Henry Strauss-N.Y.

22 Hertha Kaufmann-N.Y.

23 Moses Dittman-Aufsess

23 Nathan Schueler-Ffm

23 Moishe Gruen-Berlin-


23 Frieda Heuman-N.Y.

24 Myra Breuer-N.Y.

25 Louis Fulda-N.Y.

25 Gustav Mosbacher-Ffm-

Atlantic City

26 Walter Joseph-N.Y.

26 Betty Wertheim-Kassel

26 Ilse Weissmann-N.Y.

26 Mathilde Haarburger-Berlin

26 Jacques M. Poppers-

Enschede, Holland-NY

c26 Jette Wallheimer-N.Y.

26 Frieda Katz-NY

27 Fritz Goldman-Leipzig-N.Y.

27 Max Grebenau-Ffm

27 Hermann Gutmann-N.Y.

28 S. Stern-Ffm

28 Dini Fulda-Emden-Fulda

29 Rosalie Landau-Leipzig

29 Theo Katzenstein-Ffm-N.Y.

29 Justin Adler-Urspringen

29 Lina Adler-Urspringen

29 Erna Kruskal-Scheveningen

29 Jacob & Frieda


29 Manda Edinger-NY

30 Sidy Klebe-Forest Hills

Page 14: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14


Mr. Boruch Schechter (44 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of his brother Rav Herzel Schechter


Mr. Michael Poppers (190 Summit, Road, Elizabeth, NJ) mourns the passing of his mother, our member,

Mrs. Sonia Poppers (143 Bennett Avenue)

Mrs. Margot Neuhaus (50 Overlook Terrace) Mr. Bernie Neuhaus, and Rabbi Shlomo Neuhaus mourn the

passing of her husband, their father, our member, Mr. Isfried Neuhaus

Mrs. Suri Levi (285 Aycrigg Avenue, Passaic, NJ) mourns the passing of her brother, Mr. Shalom Dreyfuss

Mrs. Renee Schwarz (424 West End Avenue), Mrs. Karin Diamond, Mr. Alex Schwarz, and Mrs. Evelyne

Rosenstock (24-B Brockton Road, Monsey) mourn the passing of her husband, their father, her brother,

our member, Mr. Charles Schwartz

זכרונם לברכה


Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Kisleiv) 173.40

Mrs. Sarah Stern In memory of her grandmother, Sarah bas Shlomo הי''ד Grunberg (10 Marcheshvan)


Rabbi & Mrs. Baruch Lichtenstein in memory of his mother, Mrs. Trudy Lichtenstein, o.h. (14 Kislev)






1898 Flatbush Avenue,

Brooklyn, NY 11210

Telephone: 718 375-5333 Fax: 718 252-9300


Page 15: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 51, No. 2 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15

Page 16: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 50, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16



We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers of the Hebrew

edition of the

Hirsch Tehillim

Copies may be ordered at $21/volume.

To order, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/the-hirsch-Tehillim%20in%20Hebrew.html

Page 17: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 50, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17

As a reminder for those who have not yet registered for

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman’s weekly Nach Shiur, the Shiur

is now being given virtually. An audio and video link will be

sent weekly to registrants. Anyone interested in

participating, and desiring information on pricing should e-

mail [email protected].

Page 18: KAJ NEWSLETTER Newsletter...Vol. 51, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 Rav Mantel, in his sermon on )םיכרבמ תבש( הרש ייח 'פ referenced Rav Feinstein as an exemplar of טעמ רומא

Vol. 50, No. 3 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 18


Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store.

Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until

it has been determined not to contain shaatnez.

For information call:

Mr. Dovid Brownstein – 718-915-8837


Chevra Kadisha

When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following




LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue

Cell: 917-733-3639



All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family

members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha

will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.



Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 OR 212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275 E-mail [email protected]

Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020

Rav Chaim Kohn 718—252-3343, Email: [email protected].

Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089, Fax 845-356-2938, Email:[email protected]

Mikveh - 4351 Broadway -923-1100

Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867

Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399

Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715


HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750