jess presentation

Deconstrution of ‘Yes Man’ Trailer Jess Tonczynski

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Deconstrution of ‘Yes

Man’ Trailer

Jess Tonczynski

Page 2: Jess presentation


The duration of the ‘Yes Man’ is roughly between 1 minutes 30 seconds and 1 minutes 50 seconds. This is a reasonable time limit for a teaser trailer, it allows you to add the key elements in order to attract the audience. Although with some teaser trailers to attract attention they use all the main parts to the film thus releasing the whole story line.

Although this is a small amount longer than we are allowed for our teaser trailer, we still need to to base ours around this. Remember to make the shots within the trailer interesting to attract the viewers.

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Within the Yes Man trailer the USP (Unique Selling Point) is using a well known famous actor ‘Jim Carey’. By doing this they are instantly interesting the viewers as he is known for his comedy in previous films which were a hit with the audience.

As we cannot access famous actors, our USP will be associating our films with other well known popular films. For example using a title with ‘From the directors of ‘Yes Man’.

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As Yes Man was aiming to be popular over a wide scale of people their advertising methods were much more thorough than ours will be able to. Their advertising included Youtube videos, posters, billboards etc.

Our advertising will include a magazine cover, a poster and a teaser trailer. Although, on a similar basis to Yes Man we will also be looking into creating a viral video which is a sneak preview of a scene from within the trailer or the actual film itself. We would expect to see our trailer advertised on the basic things such as television and youtube adverts to reach a wide range of people.

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Within Yes Man the main character is obviously the center of attention being ‘Jim Carey’ the others our clearly established to be his close friends as the other main characters.

Within our teaser trailer there are going to be 3 main characters, all with a variety of characteristics and differences in clothing and status (mise en scene).

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When the Yes Man teaser trailer it becomes clear of the genre. Through the presence of Jim Carey being in many previous comedies the audience become aware that this will be a comedy. With our teaser trailer it will also be our job to make it clear within the short time we have that it will be a comedy. By adding in humorous parts to our trailer hopefully it will be obvious as to the genre from the audience’s perspective.

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In Yes Man they used relatively plain and straight forward titles, this may have worked for this type of film however we have decided to use more of an exciting and eye catching style.

As our teaser trailer is going to be a comedy we want our titles to be relatively comic like as it has a student effect to it. By doing our research we found certain titles likes the ones shown on this slide.