iy^» ,n,ya» work^^ed. i lq ^^something rendred....

^ ,Saturday, February 15, 1941 T+-. -:^- --.^ I Hot**.Tow qu.tloa qffl bt uuw* a "bH la this column. For-* Futati toil j Mad 15c for my saw Armoioo* 4 a Lvcxy Day Ckaat and iwidw hrw ratda* I m*H i eekfldwrtil lattar of btt aniN aai 1 all lattais and pUasa lncludo a a»H ad draaaad. nxxrn anvalop* lor ron roplrn Writ* Tot.Abbs' Wbu age. out el nil a PjUMSTTO ISABSS. lilt AMSMS&T ll« P Cmvnbia. S. .L, W. C..I had a job and had p to leave it so please tell me il H I wi-11 get another. Now I have oJA wiuiuAcu anu nu nusuttnu uiiu I would appreciate anything you ,.might tell me. , __ Ans: Indeed you need w.rk and soon too. Register at all the ag"< encie8 this very week. Ru.i an ad (in the paper too. Make a number of personal oontacts around to various places that you have work^^ed. and I feel sure you will have ^^something to do within the nexl (ten days or so. Get out and search diligently for a job. * D. M,.My husband and I have been married, fdr seven yeaee and it has beeiL/a struggle, The lasl she pumths, pretty bad. Tell me il we will copfciji)* on in this rut ? ? ' Ans: not since you belli are working* The thing to do now is to learn to lrve- cheaply and economize so that tyou can get by with less expense. Your hus band will be willing.to help you cut expenses until you get on your feet. This year is going tc brintr »h»iif n phiinc**- H I. J. W,; Must my boy friend am I continue to pay on thrs furni[.. ture as we are doing? Ans: Yes V . It "Would be wery nice. Right now it is rather difficult for .him to do his share . . hut encourage him to get a better job. In all probability by spring T or early summer you two will be hi a position to get married. G.. H. B..My Son is plnnning ' to rent out his farm and come into, the city and live with me._Wil] this be the best thing for him? Ans: Yes, it will. He has made up his ivind to take the, job thai war, offered him a few weeks bach and he can't take rt if he lives in the country. Do- everything.thai you can to make him comfortable while he, is with y°u and be sure to invite his wife to come too They will prpbably_ buy,'-them i place in-the-eity-before very long L. G. G..I have had two chanc es to get the man I love and 1 realize my mistake now. I wani him more than anything. Whai must I do? Ans: tlegin using your irresrtible charm on this fellow again . . I sincerely believe you can makt him propose fgy'n . JOHNSTON NEWS Bethel C. M .E. Church Sunday was a cold day but the services vlere well attended by the members and visiting friends at the above named church. De votions were conducted by Rev, Mv~M-." Davis-after whielr the pas tor brought us a burning message which was enjoyed by all who were picsent. Afr p. m. Sunday.srhnrv opened with a largo crowd pres ent. Bible class was taught by Prof. C. A. Rubens. We need more intfTl in uui tuvYii ime riui. ivuucua, Miss Lan^rum Holmes was ? visitor. We hope that she will jcornt; again. At 7:45 p. m. the pastor enterec the pulpit and delivered a wonder ful sermon. Little Miss Annie BsJle Toler of Jacksonville, Fla.,' is visitin; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Pope on Aiken S£T~._ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert William o^ N. J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Will Bass. Mr. William is a brother of Mrs. Bass. The Edgefield County 'Training school is looking forwafc&Jto the Joint County Teachers' Association of Western Carolina Saturday, ^February lB. The H&BOCiation comprjses teachers of four counties, namely: Aiken, Edgefield, Lexington, and Saluda. The officers of^the association are as follows: Z. Townsend, president; A. C. Hightower, vice-president; Mrs, S..X. Collins, treasurer; Wig. It. e. »im ytaiii, Miss Alice Shuler, Asst. secretary ^^JVfessrs J. D. Shaw and W.' E ^^T^arker, auditors. . Principal E. L. Bowman arnonces the^ following^ program: part i, assembly, 11:00-11'.30 a. m.; part II group meetings, 11:3012:30; part III, reassemble, 12:30o. o/\ rru-.XI^_ £. .caj. i ncirit:; cjuut«uuii anu notional Defense." Principal speaker Rev. Harold Roland, principal, Madedonia higfh Behoof, ^ Blacks-^ girls basketball games after th< program. DUE WEST NEWS ^ ~Tre people of this community are -experiencing a season of unusually cold weather at the present time;- ^ -* The usual services were held i. the churches of this communit; with good effects on last Sunday The Due West ColoredVhoe is moving along nicely" ¥3th its ^_work. The students have just com^stated their mid-term examinations »«e Interesting to tlwftn. Out team played the past weel r. l i...y^» ".in. v- tV .* '.<S-. - i'i;'" .. si Vi, - :-:: - I 1 iV* -;#< ij 't^ frlflk e> I "ARHOV Under the Bankhead-Jones Farr able them to buy farms of their Farms purchased by Negro bor .'quipment, ranges from $4,167 in ^BOVE.Upper Ibft: The new well in foreground. Upper light: behind. Lower right: Mrs. Oliver food nor VPflV fov on/*V» novenn in President of Coulter J Honored at Birthday I Cheravf1, S. Cv.PA. 6.Dr George Waldo Long, President ol Coulter Junior College, of Cheraw S. C., was the recipient of many I surprise parties and felicitation l on his birthday, February 6, given by class organizations, members f af the community, and the fa. culty of Coulter Memorial Acad ! emy. During the day members of the various classes went over to til' President's home and in their own way wished Dr, Long "many happy returns of the day." Most otiC" standing of these was Miss W. M Gillespie's seventh grade who were successful in getting Dr. Long out on tne porch, unaware of what was to happen and then, as if "rom no where, a host of "Happy Birthday to You" came from the hidden group. This class presented him with ties and socks. . The climax of the day was tfy? » Faculty Party given in Df. Long's - war m tftg mam dining timi a' ^;30 p. m. The decorative Schemewas patriotic) in that. February is the month of Presidents, an:' this, too, was -a President's birth dap. The table was beautifully arranged with red, white and blue _ streamers witr- a lamp of early design in the center and place cards firmly held rn place with George Washington's "original" hatchets » The colonial atmosphere prevailed with each male guest in a powdered wig,-wide white collar, and red or blue tie and the ladies attired .he boys and girls teams from Johnston, S. C- The scores were Soys, 17-34 in fa,vpr of Due West; girls 6-3 in favor of Due West Also Ninety-Six boys and girls Due West; girhj tied. We a*"* looking forward to ar mtresting game here on Tuesday February 11, with Bettis Academy We express our deepest sympathy for Mrs. Holmes in the pass ing of her uncle, Mr. William Wilson of ir The entire faculty of the DuWest school attended the meeting of the Abbeville County Teachers' Association at the Abbeville Coun ty Training school on last Satur day. i Wf. Lebanon A. M. E. Church Rev. Benjamin J. Glover, Pastoi We are glad to say that th< above named church, is making fine strides of progress undertthc capable leadership of its efficTlhvl * and energet\c young pasforT Jlev B. J. Gloyer. A11 the church auxiliaries have been reorganised and several new onea set up and alt *re function ing in a fine way. His sermon are always instructive add force ft.'< and the interest is steadHy rising. fcast Stmday broke all record* in the history of Mt. Lebanon in ine ooservance 01 rounders uuy Two soul stirring messages wer« Slivered by the pastor morning and evening. The regular Founder'* Day program was presented in the aftavnoon. Mr. E. T. Holmes i masterly addreaa on tha modern V a / ' - ):< 'i i ' ..': ? *', ' "''{ --' vrr WW-'.: »« * : :-/v.it'5J:'4i',x$?x ivy ..' v- ,.,;, ,n,ya» .... ... ...v//''^t-v\iv '. ' $$ ';.; >*/ > * > >> ;}g** <*£ \ :- j*' ^; :>' .' ..>, .....V* '*' '. :;':$ *<^"v .' <* - - *|{y.w^Y v &> >>;£%' * mSIHIPn Tenant Act of 1937, approximatel own. Negro farm ten ants and cro rowers have averaged in- size fr6m the Souheast to $6,123 in the South farm home of Fred Oliver, near Ml Farmer Oliver's new team of muh and her daughter canning fruits ar the family. The Dress .i p mnWp>- a-ii Memorial Academy ^arty 'n Martha Washington regalia with >ows in their hair. As Dr. and Mrs. Long stepped into the darkened room a chorus of the simple, but sincere, Birthday ot You," filled the air Before eating the delicious full .ourse dinner which included a? original "Cherry Tree Salad," preDared under the supervision of Miss Annie Mae Stephen^. Mis; Lou Emma Pogue acted as spokes man for the group and told Dr Long the reasons for such a celebration. Then, Robert Emory Randolph led the group in singing "God Bless America." After eating, games and a grand march led by Dr. and Mrs. Long, were' enjoyed by all. Among those present were Mr Charleston Harrington of New "York,' N. Y.; Dr. and Mrs: J. Vin« :ent Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Marshall. Mrs. Ethelyne Wjl son, Miss wTaLGillespie, Misr fva HomptKjll, Mis. Annie IUHjmison, Miss Rachelle Swann of Anael- la, Va.; Miss Georgia McLall, Robert Emory Randolph of Albany N.Y.; Miss Lou Emma Pogue of Sumter, ST. C.I J. Qirard Benson of Charlotte, N. C; Miss Thelmn Drake of High Point, N. C.; John <S. Coe, Miss Annie Mae Stephens of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Robbin E. Washington of Greensboro, N. C. Miss. Elnora James of Augusta Georgia and Mrs. May me T». Ken (tricks of South Boston, Va. church. Miss.. Annie Belle Hav*-thorne gave the autobiography oJ Richard Allen. -. At this service a contribution of $28.60 was raised. Other con-tribtftibns for the day amounted to- $10.89. Total for the day $39.49 ;. At the evening service the fflllowing persons united witr the church: Mrs. Lois CHnkacales, Mrs. Margaret Hawthorne, little Miss SarB Belle Susaewell an' Mr. James Turman. f TL. 1 --J i. ...n»,l»^.-.,i'.T7 hloanipo the labors of thjs splendid young minister whose heart is set on doing all the good that he can. Plans are now being worked out for painting the interior oi nVinri^Vi ntiH n u mnf« wt*; v-nuivi. for th«r aisles. The~ trustees havq purchased a nice set tip of office equipment and a bulletin of the doings of the church is published weekly by the pastor. This set in eludes a typewriter and a memo graph machine. This has added new life to the financial Aide of the church. Our prayer is that God maj continue to use this young minlstei for greater kingdom building. TELE LADIES' AID; CLUB The I Ad lea' Aid. club of Bethlehem Baptist church of whom Mrs. Essie Davis is president gave a silver tea at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Davis, Sunday at ternoon, Feb. 2. The pastor ajvd a visitor Mr. AlW-t Red gave encouraging re erred. THE PALMETTO LEADI f > M ?/V "' ^te/*gl| .r- -.-. ?9K^^U9BI^HIhmF itwtffr J y 10;000 loans have been made to fa ppe-s have received 2,000 of these 97 acres in the Delta >5tates to 176 iwt&l. mr.irrgv S. C. Center: OliverVwifees. Lower left: Pork on the hoof f< id vegetables from the family garder 11 help Mrs. Oliver to reach her quot U n A N G E D U RCh.Eh-C, HI Williams Crapel A. M. E. Church Rev. R. J. Jefferson, Pastor Everything.with-regnrds.to the- services on Sunday seemed to have arranged. The pulpit beautifullj , Jawned, the choir in harmonou? songs, the building comfortable and warm, Sunday school largely attended and as the Sunday schoo1 dismissed a large crowd was'ready to enter for the morning service. The morning message was delivered by the pastor. His text was. taken from St. Luke 14:24, subject, "Opportunity Lost." A largo number of visitors \vere present We are always glad to welcome visiting friends. Promptly at 6 o'clock a Found er's Day program was sponsored by the league which was^yery much .appreciated. . At the. evening service the paBtor presented Mr. A. J. Coan, a young -man -of the church,.who \thaa .r&_ cently been granted license to ex-. i * t i i i .i j u TTOTtrire «enver«i-aft auuress, suuject, "uomp: ^(M'warn 111 yjJlll1."1" rea.-wwtewt.on nmra fliiirtari ^through the day by the guiding hand of providence as members* were added to the church and more than $100.00 raised for the trustees. We are glad ta_s.ea"?ome of our shut irr members out to service ^ Miss Pernell Coan is among th< number of our members who b on the siclc list. We-are glad to reportvthat she is improving nice ly. GoJdie McDuffie, Reporter WATEREE A. M. E. CHURCH We are proud.to say that the pastor was able to-, be with us on Sunday and deliver a wonderful message from Hebrew 10:11. He wo pt.w«1 VJT luvu ***» Missed Harris and Xook of Book | er T. Washington high school ir Columbia, worshiped with us. Thej made some Very helpful talks. The Men Aid Society No. 40 met on Friday night and unan jmously reelected the -following Mr. C^W^TTerSe^fT^TJWBfBBTrtr" Mr. J. H. Abney, vice president; ( Mr. Willie Harp, Jr., secretary Mr. A. C. Caldwell, treasurer; am Mr. C». M. HertXJrt, Asst. sec- retary. With these efficient lead-«_| successful year's work. I Mr. Frank Wells Passes Both this community and Cross Road section were <Tentfy sad- j dened over tre passing of Mr. Frank Wells. His death came a? j "a sKbcK to his many friends and relatives, having been ill for only a short while. s H* joined the Cross Road \ M. E. church at an early age and ard where he faithfully served un- i til tfce end came. His exact age is , not known but we feel assured , that he has almost reached his j foun scores. he 1 f»jivm tj~> mnuni hia /tenth a -\srfe, Mrs. Magreie H. Wells seven sons ami two viaufchterar several prrand children and many relatives and frtehds. Faneral^arranprements are siih t lncumplsta brrt vritt be h«H at thr 1 Cross Road A. M. E. chtrrch. . af . ,f > a** t£J V 4 5* .ft" -w '* [<*mM ^y^vr.Trycrxi. ^;,h|,M* M... -,s .m R ' / .rm tenints in tho South by the Fa: tenant-purchase loans. totrvUiug-mtn In the SauTKivestT Average curt.^ Tmd children ^arrrmgrTrmwd foo<! jr the family smokchotire. with the 1. The FSA program 'in this area a. S1LVEK STREET NEWS Trinity A. M. 12. Church Kev. J, E. Dixon, Pastor Amid the cold day Sunday school-~ was attended with the Supt. a his duty. The class was taught by Mrs Rosa Tolard. After reassembling the lesson was timely reviewed by Mrs. Mamie Lake of Elisha. The entire scroo! was nrttr+r irppressed with Mrs. Lake. Dr. Dunham then spoke to Sunday a Anl rs CTS. "^-.,7.. ..o,. school prayer servrce was conducted by Mrs. Magpie Burton and Mrs. Lillia Sim. Dr. Dunham came before- tin audience with a woiulerfyj. message. His text }vas taken from S. John 12:7, "Let Her Alone.'* He spoke of. the Alabaster box Hov.' the Blessed Saviour >passe< by every second and o? Jesus' last laurr.ey into Jersalemit. It was quite an interesting sermon. The Elder's quarter was fine Main nf Lli.'lui' I'm ml i'i on Th'e._iiimilL,.. Mv J M* H Longshore, Mrs. Mamie Lake, Mrs, Devauht, Mrs..Bessie.Earr, M-r* Robertson, Mi4. Thomas LakeLongshore and others who I fat1 to recalL We werg.-pleased tOL haVe Mrs__ Mary Metts out wjth us again. Mr Metts was also in tfro He was hoiy.o from Russellville S, C. .7 Mr. John Boozer was in service He attended the Christian Buria Aid Convention-oa the fourth Sum-day last, and renorted a fine'time. The next meeting will be jn Union S. C. We hope all the shut-ins of thr church willTfe able to be present at the next meeting . Under the supervision of thr vocal choir of Trinity, electric lights have been installed. NEW BERRY NEWS Dreyton Street Splits wlTb Edgefield The Drayton Street basketball teams split a double-header here. w,th r.cigeireui APllfll'mi DILI Fll11" lay. Aiit'r a siuw siari, me rmvcefield girls finally began to click »nd as the final whistle blew, thu *core was 18-4 in favor of Edge field. For Edgefield..frh.H+dl«w»\ vas the high scorer and for Drtvyton. E. Sartor. Tthe Drayton Street boys got r sweet revenge over the Edgefield >ovs for a loss in Edgefield last Friday. Edgefield won then 11-f >ut this time the I.ions wehe bloodthirsty and won Shut-ottts are quite unusual in basketball 1 io the hoys probably made history Drayton Street's gym. is undei ;onstruction apd the teams ate inxiousty awaiting its comJiIetrorT rhis week's menu consists of Wit asboro, Whitmire. ancL Johnston ivith Elloree, Brewer, and Finlev n the near future. More sports next week. The County Teachers' Afww»ci*t»on Prof. H. B. Rikard, President The monthly meeting of the iaaociation was held in the junioi YX Ci u lilJir^ovTTvvi^vi^TTT^lK^TjT^ n^vioj ternoon at 1:00 o'clock with the . ' -qr-r- ' -1JU 'HI'jWBBMBl H' H $ I U f ^ h H~ n gyft-jy..ti i ' " lq < Wf * v :'S "i fiiv^Security Administration to en- * tTthan $10,000,000. per- faym. -4treiwHng.Hvestoeic and ! f ro nf smokehouse. Note dpitfen \ corn-crop ready for harv^gfTjust , nils fo<- fio quarts of home-canned j : i 1 m usitk'in presiding. i During the worship service, "Goo 1 Bless America," and "We are ( Climbing Jacob's Ladder," were sung by the g ro u p-Pray e r -by the- J. chaplajn. -Mrs. II. Y. Young, after udiich the president stated his regrets and cause of his absence at the last meeting. After the groups were dismiss ed and reassembled the unTihishec business was complted. Reports i li»»m i he groups were as follows-, j Primary, Mrs. Jennie K. Gilliam I rav«. excellent methods in^rteach- -I mg 3rd grade reading. The* teach- ' ing 2nd grade spelling and Mrs. Roberta Middle, methods in teachis were asked by the leader, Mrs Erline Gary, t& be ready with their de:vorstxations next montih. Th-' Intermediate's group speaker being disent." Mrs. GertVude Brown dis I cussed arithmetic, i *[Tu- Hie STool » 1 our. had an I '.prm discussion nrf English and problems Tfi classes cftle to poor environment. and accuracy in practical iljjj^W'W-frtoiMnnirm far navt . in unfit will hn Rnadingi 4 Niirse Sowell and Prof. U. S Gallmjin pave timely and helpful -emavks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brooks arc n<>w residing in a beautiful home _>n Call mart street. .llhe.p.;l>Itc.is cordially.invitee'- to attend, a program given .to commemorate Negro History Week Friday night", February 21 at 7:30 o'clock, at Calvary Presbyterian church for the benefit of a com- vr unity_ project. The Community Bible CIas< is the' sponsor and promisor am interesting speaker a»d beautiful music. , -Wc- are delighted to see Mrs I Btsste.Perrin. out.again after- Ihaving boon ill five weeks. She feels very grateful to her many friends-for their kindnesses. - -MT. 'AHtN X. M. P CHURCH 1 Rev. C. C. Mellwaln. Pastor Sunday was another grand day here. . J After a beautiful Sunday school our' prrstrrr came before us ano an winpiiing t'lmuiajn . from Genesis r>"Walking with Bod." The message was well re ceived. After church our Founder's Day program "as, i""'1*"'"'! F'ery one age.T.cd to have enjoyed it. Sunday night th^'Elephant Man preached for us. A large number d" people" were on* hand to hear fiimi There-will'be a rallv at Shiloh .hurch Sunday. February 16. Com^ yut and help L.s-tn~|nit over a good rally Sunday afternoon Revy C. M. Freeman and Tns 4?ood choir will be here ip behalf of the Will Do PTrffr. 7 : We areJVroud to say that every stnee \ye have had Rev. Mcllwajn rsith us we have heart able to keep a crowded church both morning j and night We are so proud to lave a man with such good draw 4 ing power. We hope that plenty visitors from varimm churches, both Raptist and Methodist, will come and worship with us. I am sure, with the cooporatjon that ~d to stay on top. " ^ - "T-: * :2d . P»r» !%** TRINITY A. M. E. CHURCH Spartanburg, ft. C7.On Monday ight, February 3, the mock an «al eohfere-i ee was held at Triu:y church with Rt. Rev. Bishop «'oah W. Johnson presiding. Tbr conference was quite a sue ess and all the presiding elder? "1 Teachers fftdde round reports 60.23 was raised. I ast Sunday was a lovely day unday school opened at the usuai >ur with a large attendance. The sson was- w*41 taught ami brief »'jsc ssed. At 1:15 Rev, Penny of Newerry, S. C-. preached a wonderful 'imnn from Matthew 5:8, "Blesa:) Are the Puic in IIea»t fbi they hall see God." All present enoyed the message. Thfe junior boir- rendered.Itrreiy mtisicr^-* The Livewire Club met at the ome of Mrs. Aneise Craig on 'hase St. at 4:30 with the presi ent. Mrs. Suber and a large group f members and friends present. This club surely deserves its ame, Livewh-e. It is really put ins, the program over, It has a ride awake president. If you want o en.ioy yourself, come to the lectins' each second and fourth unday afternoons. 7:.'U) o'clock a. very interesting 'minder's Day prosram was rendred. The papers read by Mrs nez H. Garrett and Mr. Wallace >rumlin on the life of Rich&fd Mien and the beginning of' the i. M. E. church, were wonderful V ".he poem, solos, duets rendered .'ere fn keeping with the founder *f the great A. M. E. dhurch. Several visitors were presentrCom< gy.in, you^.,are welcomed. The members of Trinity have riven their pastor a trip to the lishops' Council. We pray for him safe trip. gr UNTEYILLE circuit Sunday school was good at St. luke church Sunday. The school vas opened in order by the Supt. liss 44attie Wright. At 12:15 p. m. the pastor preachd a noble sermon from the subcct, "Stay on Board the Ship." [he spiritual tide ran very high, Svery one seemed to be a part >f the service. The Holy Comnunion was administered by th< lasfyor. ^At 7:30 p7~mrthe service began. the pastor's subject was "Go Youi Way." Thra too was a wonderful nessage and was enjoyed by all iresent. We wish to thank the member'' uid friends for the very fine re.Sunday.night made.by th« iresident of the Nickle Club, Mrs. 31ara Ferguson. Words of welcome were extend:d tcuQur, jnsny visitors. ; UAJW L Om wmw trmm OataMaMa UrtMMH f Ml VMktafUa TJ» / Philadelphia ltJft New..-York 11.44 .tea (via Ball 6»te . f| Pittsburgh _ llil Buffalo ----- itaa . St. PaUribarc ...... Ul Tarop« Ml W. Paha Baaah ...... Mi failaiailli Ul I J. L. Carter. DPA .' .T,' O lilh, ICL * . Ha l imit BU«. jUUMOlUJtUH HI AMEASntKOF I HI RESPONSIBHITT Th« sinoar# hiMHl I II director feels a <kfl- I nit* responsibility to I I I his community as tsaU I II aa to his alleot.end HE II BMOonfldmoadbotii I I r*®* upon hla unlmII peaohabl# Integrity. ^ 1 In this establishment ^H I est Ideals of a prole* ^H II Stem honestly dedl- I ^ 1 oatto to nmrmnnlty ^l__ Mrvto*. m jj JOHNSON ~ * 1 FUNERAL HOME 1401 P«ifc St. PIMM MM

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,Saturday, February 15, 1941T+-. -:^- --.^

I Hot**.Tow qu.tloa qffl bt uuw*a "bH la this column. For-* Futati toilj Mad 15c for my saw Armoioo* 4a Lvcxy Day Ckaat and iwidw hrw ratda*I m*H i eekfldwrtil lattar of btt aniN aai

1 all lattais and pUasa lncludo a a»H addraaaad. nxxrn anvalop* lor ron roplrnWrit* Tot.Abbs' Wbu age. out el nila PjUMSTTO ISABSS. lilt AMSMS&T ll«P Cmvnbia. S.

.L, W. C..I had a job and hadp to leave it so please tell me ilH I wi-11 get another. Now I have

oJA wiuiuAcu anu nu nusuttnu uiiu

I would appreciate anything you,.might tell me. , __

Ans: Indeed you need w.rk andsoon too. Register at all the ag"<encie8 this very week. Ru.i an ad

(in the paper too. Make a numberof personal oontacts around tovarious places that you have work^^ed.and I feel sure you will have

^^something to do within the nexl(ten days or so. Get out and search

diligently for a job. *

D. M,.My husband and I havebeen married, fdr seven yeaee andit has beeiL/a struggle, The laslshe pumths, pretty bad. Tell me ilwe will copfciji)* on in this rut ? ?

' Ans: not since you belliare working* The thing to do nowis to learn to lrve- cheaply andeconomize so that tyou can getby with less expense. Your husband will be willing.to help youcut expenses until you get on

your feet. This year is going tcbrintr »h»iif n phiinc**-


I. J. W,; Must my boy friend amI continue to pay on thrs furni[..ture as we are doing?Ans: Yes V . It "Would be wery

nice. Right now it is rather difficultfor .him to do his share . .

hut encourage him to get a betterjob. In all probability by spring

T or early summer you two will behi a position to get married.

G.. H. B..My Son is plnnning' to rent out his farm and come into,the city and live with me._Wil]

this be the best thing for him?Ans: Yes, it will. He has made

up his ivind to take the, job thaiwar, offered him a few weeks bachand he can't take rt if he lives inthe country. Do- everything.thaiyou can to make him comfortablewhile he, is with y°u and be sureto invite his wife to come tooThey will prpbably_ buy,'-them i

place in-the-eity-before very long

L. G. G..I have had two chances to get the man I love and 1realize my mistake now. I wanihim more than anything. Whaimust I do?Ans: tlegin using your irresrtible

charm on this fellow again . .

I sincerely believe you can makthim propose fgy'n


BethelC. M .E. Church

Sunday was a cold day but theservices vlere well attended bythe members and visiting friendsat the above named church. Devotions were conducted by Rev,Mv~M-." Davis-after whielr the pastor brought us a burning messagewhich was enjoyed by all who werepicsent.

Afr p. m. Sunday.srhnrvopened with a largo crowd present. Bible class was taught byProf. C. A. Rubens. We need moreintfTl in uui tuvYii ime riui. ivuucua,

Miss Lan^rum Holmes was ?visitor. We hope that she will jcornt;again.At 7:45 p. m. the pastor enterec

the pulpit and delivered a wonderful sermon.

Little Miss Annie BsJle Tolerof Jacksonville, Fla.,' is visitin;Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Pope on AikenS£T~._


Mr. and Mrs. Albert William o^N. J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs,Will Bass. Mr. William is a brotherof Mrs. Bass.The Edgefield County 'Training

school is looking forwafc&Jto theJoint County Teachers' Associationof Western Carolina Saturday,^February lB. The H&BOCiation comprjsesteachers of four counties,namely: Aiken, Edgefield, Lexington,and Saluda.The officers of^the association

are as follows: Z. Townsend, president;A. C. Hightower, vice-president;Mrs, S..X. Collins, treasurer;Wig. It. e. »im ytaiii,Miss Alice Shuler, Asst. secretary

^^JVfessrs J. D. Shaw and W.' E^^T^arker, auditors. .

Principal E. L. Bowman arnoncesthe^ following^ program:part i, assembly, 11:00-11'.30 a. m.;part II group meetings, 11:3012:30;part III, reassemble, 12:30o.o/\ rru-.XI^_£. .caj. i ncirit:; cjuut«uuii anu notionalDefense." Principal speakerRev. Harold Roland, principal,Madedonia higfh Behoof,

^ Blacks-^girls basketball games after th<program.


^ ~Tre people of this communityare -experiencing a season of unusuallycold weather at the presenttime;-



The usual services were held i.the churches of this communit;with good effects on last Sunday

The Due West ColoredVhoeis moving along nicely" ¥3th its

^_work. The students have just com^statedtheir mid-term examinations»«e Interesting to tlwftn.

Out team played the past weel

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"ARHOVUnder the Bankhead-Jones Farr

able them to buy farms of theirFarms purchased by Negro bor

.'quipment, ranges from $4,167 in^BOVE.Upper Ibft: The newwell in foreground. Upper light:behind. Lower right: Mrs. Oliverfood nor VPflV fov on/*V» novenn in

President of Coulter JHonored at Birthday I

Cheravf1, S. Cv.PA. 6.DrGeorge Waldo Long, President olCoulter Junior College, of CherawS. C., was the recipient of many

I surprise parties and felicitationl on his birthday, February 6, givenby class organizations, membersf af the community, and the fa.culty of Coulter Memorial Acad! emy.

During the day members of thevarious classes went over to til'President's home and in their ownway wished Dr, Long "many happyreturns of the day." Most otiC"standing of these was Miss W. MGillespie's seventh grade who weresuccessful in getting Dr. Longout on tne porch, unaware of whatwas to happen and then, as if"rom no where, a host of "HappyBirthday to You" came from thehidden group. This class presentedhim with ties and socks.

.The climax of the day was tfy?

» Faculty Party given in Df. Long's- war m tftg mam dining timi a'^;30 p. m. The decorative Schemewaspatriotic) in that. Februaryis the month of Presidents, an:'this, too, was -a President's birthdap. The table was beautifully arrangedwith red, white and blue

_ streamers witr- a lamp of early designin the center and place cardsfirmly held rn place with GeorgeWashington's "original" hatchets

» The colonial atmosphere prevailedwith each male guest in a powderedwig,-wide white collar, and redor blue tie and the ladies attired.he boys and girls teams fromJohnston, S. C- The scores wereSoys, 17-34 in fa,vpr of Due West;girls 6-3 in favor of Due WestAlso Ninety-Six boys and girlsDue West; girhj tied.We a*"* looking forward to ar

mtresting game here on TuesdayFebruary 11, with Bettis AcademyWe express our deepest sympathyfor Mrs. Holmes in the pass

ing of her uncle, Mr. William Wilsonof irThe entire faculty of the DuWestschool attended the meeting

of the Abbeville County Teachers'Association at the Abbeville County Training school on last Saturday. i

Wf. Lebanon A. M. E. ChurchRev. Benjamin J. Glover, PastoiWe are glad to say that th<

above named church, is makingfine strides of progress undertthccapable leadership of its efficTlhvl

* and energet\c young pasforT JlevB. J. Gloyer.

A11 the church auxiliaries havebeen reorganised and several newonea set up and alt *re functioning in a fine way. His sermonare always instructive add forceft.'<and the interest is steadHy rising.

fcast Stmday broke all record*in the history of Mt. Lebanon inine ooservance 01 rounders uuyTwo soul stirring messages wer«Slivered by the pastor morningand evening. The regular Founder'*Day program was presented inthe aftavnoon. Mr. E. T. Holmes

i masterly addreaa on tha modernV a


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mSIHIPnTenant Act of 1937, approximatelown. Negro farm ten ants and crorowers have averaged in- size fr6mthe Souheast to $6,123 in the Southfarm home of Fred Oliver, near MlFarmer Oliver's new team of muhand her daughter canning fruits arthe family. The Dress .i p mnWp>- a-ii

Memorial Academy^arty'n Martha Washington regalia with>ows in their hair.As Dr. and Mrs. Long stepped

into the darkened room a chorusof the simple, but sincere,Birthday ot You," filled the airBefore eating the delicious full.ourse dinner which included a?original "Cherry Tree Salad," preDaredunder the supervision ofMiss Annie Mae Stephen^. Mis;Lou Emma Pogue acted as spokesman for the group and told DrLong the reasons for such a celebration.Then, Robert Emory Randolphled the group in singing"God Bless America." After eating,games and a grand marchled by Dr. and Mrs. Long, were'enjoyed by all.Among those present were Mr

Charleston Harrington of New"York,' N. Y.; Dr. and Mrs: J. Vin«:ent Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. HenryF. Marshall. Mrs. Ethelyne Wjlson, Miss wTaLGillespie, Misrfva HomptKjll, Mis. Annie IUHjmison,Miss Rachelle Swann of Anael-la, Va.; Miss Georgia McLall, RobertEmory Randolph of AlbanyN.Y.; Miss Lou Emma Pogue ofSumter, ST. C.I J. Qirard Benson ofCharlotte, N. C; Miss ThelmnDrake of High Point, N. C.; John<S. Coe, Miss Annie Mae Stephensof Brooklyn, N. Y.; Robbin E.Washington of Greensboro, N. C.Miss. Elnora James of AugustaGeorgia and Mrs. May me T». Ken(tricks of South Boston, Va.

church. Miss.. Annie Belle Hav*-thornegave the autobiography oJRichard Allen. -.At this service a contribution

of $28.60 was raised. Other con-tribtftibnsfor the day amountedto- $10.89. Total for the day $39.49;. At the evening service the fflllowingpersons united witr thechurch: Mrs. Lois CHnkacales,Mrs. Margaret Hawthorne, littleMiss SarB Belle Susaewell an'

Mr. James Turman.f

TL. 1 --J i. ...n»,l»^.-.,i'.T7 hloanipothe labors of thjs splendid youngminister whose heart is set on

doing all the good that he can.Plans are now being worked

out for painting the interior oinVinri^Vi ntiH n umnf«

wt*; v-nuivi.

for th«r aisles. The~ trustees havqpurchased a nice set tip of officeequipment and a bulletin of thedoings of the church is publishedweekly by the pastor. This set ineludes a typewriter and a memo

graph machine. This has addednew life to the financial Aide ofthe church.

Our prayer is that God majcontinue to use this young minlsteifor greater kingdom building.


The IAdlea' Aid. club of BethlehemBaptist church of whomMrs. Essie Davis is president gavea silver tea at the home of Rev.and Mrs. E. A. Davis, Sunday atternoon, Feb. 2.The pastor ajvd a visitor Mr.

AlW-t Red gave encouraging re



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y 10;000 loans have been made to fappe-s have received 2,000 of these97 acres in the Delta >5tates to 176iwt&l.

mr.irrgv S. C. Center: OliverVwifees.Lower left: Pork on the hoof f<id vegetables from the family garder11 help Mrs. Oliver to reach her quot

UnANG EDU RCh.Eh-C, HIWilliams Crapel A. M. E. Church

Rev. R. J. Jefferson, PastorEverything.with-regnrds.to the-

serviceson Sunday seemed to have

arranged. The pulpit beautifullj ,

Jawned, the choir in harmonou?songs, the building comfortableand warm, Sunday school largelyattended and as the Sunday schoo1dismissed a large crowd was'readyto enter for the morning service.The morning message was deliveredby the pastor. His text was.

taken from St. Luke 14:24, subject,"Opportunity Lost." A largonumber of visitors \vere presentWe are always glad to welcomevisiting friends.Promptly at 6 o'clock a Found

er's Day program was sponsoredby the league which was^yery much.appreciated.. At the. evening service the paBtorpresented Mr. A. J. Coan, a young-man -of the church,.who \thaa .r&_cently been granted license to ex-.

i * t i i i .i j uTTOTtrire «enver«i-aft auuress, suuject,"uomp: ^(M'warn 111 yjJlll1."1"

rea.-wwtewt.on nmra fliiirtari^through the day by the guidinghand of providence as members*were added to the church and morethan $100.00 raised for the trustees.We are glad ta_s.ea"?ome of our

shut irr members out to service^ Miss Pernell Coan is among th<number of our members who bon the siclc list. We-are glad toreportvthat she is improving nicely.

GoJdie McDuffie, Reporter


We are proud.to say that thepastor was able to-, be with us

on Sunday and deliver a wonderfulmessage from Hebrew 10:11. He

wo pt.w«1 VJT luvu ***»

Missed Harris andXook of Book |er T. Washington high school ir

Columbia,worshiped with us. Thejmade some Very helpful talks.The Men Aid Society No. 40

met on Friday night and unan

jmously reelected the -following

Mr. C^W^TTerSe^fT^TJWBfBBTrtr"Mr. J. H. Abney, vice president; (

Mr. Willie Harp, Jr., secretaryMr. A. C. Caldwell, treasurer; amMr. C». M. HertXJrt, Asst. sec-

retary. With these efficient lead-«_|successful year's work. I

Mr. Frank Wells PassesBoth this community and Cross

Road section were <Tentfy sad- jdened over tre passing of Mr.Frank Wells. His death came a? j"a sKbcK to his many friends andrelatives, having been ill for onlya short while. sH* joined the Cross Road \

M. E. church at an early age and

ard where he faithfully served un- itil tfce end came. His exact age is ,not known but we feel assured ,that he has almost reached his jfoun scores.he 1 f»jivm tj~> mnuni hia /tenth

a -\srfe, Mrs. Magreie H. Wellsseven sons ami two viaufchterarseveral prrand children and manyrelatives and frtehds.

Faneral^arranprements are siih t

lncumplsta brrt vritt be h«H at thr 1Cross Road A. M. E. chtrrch. . af

. ,f > a** t£J V



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.rm tenints in tho South by the Fa:tenant-purchase loans. totrvUiug-mtnIn the SauTKivestT Average curt.^

Tmd children ^arrrmgrTrmwd foo<!jr the family smokchotire. with the1. The FSA program 'in this areaa.


TrinityA. M. 12. ChurchKev. J, E. Dixon, Pastor

Amid the cold day Sunday school-~was attended with the Supt. ahis duty.The class was taught by Mrs

Rosa Tolard. After reassemblingthe lesson was timely reviewedby Mrs. Mamie Lake of Elisha.The entire scroo! was nrttr+r irppressedwith Mrs. Lake.Dr. Dunham then spoke to Sundaya Anl rs CTS."^-.,7.. ..o,.

school prayer servrce was conductedby Mrs. Magpie Burton andMrs. Lillia Sim.

Dr. Dunham came before- tinaudience with a woiulerfyj. message.His text }vas taken fromS. John 12:7, "Let Her Alone.'*He spoke of. the Alabaster boxHov.' the Blessed Saviour >passe<by every second and o? Jesus' lastlaurr.ey into Jersalemit. It was

quite an interesting sermon.The Elder's quarter was fine

Main nf Lli.'lui' I'm ml i'i on

Th'e._iiimilL,.. Mv J M* H

Longshore, Mrs. Mamie Lake, Mrs,Devauht, Mrs..Bessie.Earr, M-r*Robertson, Mi4. Thomas LakeLongshoreand others who I fat1to recalL

We werg.-pleased tOL haVe Mrs__Mary Metts out wjth us again. MrMetts was also in tfroHe was hoiy.o from RussellvilleS, C. .7Mr. John Boozer was in serviceHe attended the Christian BuriaAid Convention-oa the fourth Sum-daylast, and renorted a fine'time.The next meeting will be jn UnionS. C.We hope all the shut-ins of thr

church willTfe able to be presentat the next meeting .

Under the supervision of thrvocal choir of Trinity, electriclights have been installed.


Dreyton Street Splits wlTbEdgefield

The Drayton Street basketballteams split a double-header here.w,th r.cigeireui APllfll'mi DILI Fll11"lay. Aiit'r a siuw siari, me rmvcefieldgirls finally began to click»nd as the final whistle blew, thu*core was 18-4 in favor of Edgefield. For Edgefield..frh.H+dl«w»\vas the high scorer and for Drtvyton.E. Sartor.

Tthe Drayton Street boys got rsweet revenge over the Edgefield>ovs for a loss in Edgefield lastFriday. Edgefield won then 11-f>ut this time the I.ions wehe bloodthirstyand won Shut-otttsare quite unusual in basketball 1

io the hoys probably made historyDrayton Street's gym. is undei

;onstruction apd the teams ateinxiousty awaiting its comJiIetrorTrhis week's menu consists of Witasboro, Whitmire. ancL Johnstonivith Elloree, Brewer, and Finlevn the near future.More sports next week.

The County Teachers'Afww»ci*t»on

Prof. H. B. Rikard, PresidentThe monthly meeting of the

iaaociation was held in the junioiYX Ci ulilJir^ovTTvvi^vi^TTT^lK^TjT^ n^vioj

ternoon at 1:00 o'clock with the.



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tTthan $10,000,000.per- faym. -4treiwHng.Hvestoeic and !

fronf smokehouse. Note dpitfen \corn-crop ready for harv^gfTjust ,

nils fo<- fio quarts of home-canned j: i

1 m usitk'in presiding. iDuring the worship service, "Goo 1

Bless America," and "We are (Climbing Jacob's Ladder," weresung by the g roup-Prayer -by the- J.chaplajn. -Mrs. II. Y. Young, afterudiich the president stated his regretsand cause of his absence atthe last meeting.

After the groups were dismissed and reassembled the unTihishecbusiness was complted. Reports ili»»m i he groups were as follows-, jPrimary, Mrs. Jennie K. Gilliam Irav«. excellent methods in^rteach- -Img 3rd grade reading. The* teach- '

ing 2nd grade spelling and Mrs.Roberta Middle, methods in teachiswere asked by the leader, MrsErline Gary, t& be ready with theirde:vorstxations next montih. Th-'Intermediate's group speaker beingdisent." Mrs. GertVude Brown dis Icussed arithmetic, i

*[Tu- Hie STool » 1 our. had an I'.prm discussion nrf English andproblems Tfi classes cftle to poorenvironment. and accuracy in practicaliljjj^W'W-frtoiMnnirm far navt .

in unfit will hn Rnadingi 4Niirse Sowell and Prof. U. S

Gallmjin pave timely and helpful-emavks.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brooks arcn<>w residing in a beautiful home_>n Call mart street.

.llhe.p.;l>Itc.is cordially.invitee'-toattend, a program given .to

commemorate Negro History WeekFriday night", February 21 at 7:30o'clock, at Calvary Presbyterianchurch for the benefit of a com-vr unity_ project. The CommunityBible CIas< is the' sponsor andpromisor am interesting speakera»d beautiful music. ,

-Wc- are delighted to see Mrs IBtsste.Perrin. out.again after-

Ihavingboon ill five weeks. Shefeels very grateful to her manyfriends-for their kindnesses. -

-MT. 'AHtN X. M. P CHURCH 1Rev. C. C. Mellwaln. Pastor

Sunday was another grand dayhere. . JAfter a beautiful Sunday schoolour' prrstrrr came before us ano

an winpiiing t'lmuiajn .

from Genesis r>"Walking withBod." The message was well received.

After church our Founder's Dayprogram "as, i""'1*"'"'! F'ery oneage.T.cd to have enjoyed it.Sunday night th^'Elephant Man

preached for us. A large numberd" people" were on* hand to hearfiimi

There-will'be a rallv at Shiloh.hurch Sunday. February 16. Com^yut and help L.s-tn~|nit over a goodrally

Sunday afternoon Revy C. M.Freeman and Tns 4?ood choir willbe here ip behalf of the Will DoPTrffr. 7 :

We areJVroud to say that everystnee \ye have had Rev. Mcllwajnrsith us we have heart able to keepa crowded church both morning j

and night We are so proud tolave a man with such good draw 4ing power. We hope that plentyvisitors from varimm churches,both Raptist and Methodist, willcome and worship with us. I amsure, with the cooporatjon that

~d to stay on top. "^

- "T-:* :2d

. P»r» !%**TRINITY A. M. E. CHURCH

Spartanburg, ft. C7.On Mondayight, February 3, the mock an«al eohfere-i ee was held at Triu:ychurch with Rt. Rev. Bishop«'oah W. Johnson presiding.Tbr conference was quite a sue

ess and all the presiding elder?"1 Teachers fftdde round reports60.23 was raised.

I ast Sunday was a lovely dayunday school opened at the usuai>ur with a large attendance. Thesson was- w*41 taught ami brief»'jsc ssed.At 1:15 Rev, Penny of Newerry,S. C-. preached a wonderful'imnn from Matthew 5:8, "Blesa:)Are the Puic in IIea»t fbi theyhall see God." All present enoyedthe message. Thfe juniorboir- rendered.Itrreiy mtisicr^-*The Livewire Club met at theome of Mrs. Aneise Craig on'hase St. at 4:30 with the presient. Mrs. Suber and a large groupf members and friends present.This club surely deserves itsame, Livewh-e. It is really putins, the program over, It has aride awake president. If you wanto en.ioy yourself, come to thelectins' each second and fourthunday afternoons.7:.'U) o'clock a. very interesting

'minder's Day prosram was rendred.The papers read by Mrsnez H. Garrett and Mr. Wallace>rumlin on the life of Rich&fdMien and the beginning of' thei. M. E. church, were wonderful V".he poem, solos, duets rendered.'ere fn keeping with the founder*f the great A. M. E. dhurch.Several visitors were presentrCom<gy.in, you^.,are welcomed.The members of Trinity have

riven their pastor a trip to thelishops' Council. We pray for himsafe trip.

gr UNTEYILLE circuitSunday school was good at St.

luke church Sunday. The schoolvas opened in order by the Supt.liss 44attie Wright.At 12:15 p. m. the pastor preachda noble sermon from the subcct,"Stay on Board the Ship."

[he spiritual tide ran very high,Svery one seemed to be a part>f the service. The Holy Comnunionwas administered by th<lasfyor.^At 7:30 p7~mrthe service began.the pastor's subject was "Go YouiWay." Thra too was a wonderfulnessage and was enjoyed by alliresent.We wish to thank the member''

uid friends for the very finere.Sunday.nightmade.by th«iresident of the Nickle Club, Mrs.31ara Ferguson.Words of welcome were extend:dtcuQur,jnsny visitors. ;


Om wmw trmm OataMaMaUrtMMH f MlVMktafUa TJ» /Philadelphia ltJftNew..-York 11.44.tea (via Ball 6»te .


Pittsburgh _ llilBuffalo ----- itaa .

St. PaUribarc ...... UlTarop« MlW. Paha Baaah ...... Mifailaiailli UlI J. L. Carter. DPA .' .T,'

O lilh, ICL* . Ha l imit BU«.



Th« sinoar# hiMHl III director feels a <kfl- Init* responsibility to I

I I his community as tsaU III aa to his alleot.end HEII BMOonfldmoadbotiiI I r*®* upon hla unlmIIpeaohabl# Integrity.^ 1 In this establishment ^HI est Ideals of a prole* ^HII Stem honestly dedl- I

^ 1 oatto to nmrmnnlty ^l__Mrvto*.

m jj



1401 P«ifc St. PIMM MM