interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

21FIUDAY The Island Of liegellelatlollfel- ted up two fallen breaches of palm hey ran to the beach opposite the nUance and waved the palra branches boy their heads It was too far for be voice to carry and there was too nuch noise from the breaker on the set if the distance had been snorter > ut the men In the boat evidently aught sight of tho signals and under toed them for she wax presently about and In a few moments they saw icr prow cut the blue waters of the jftgoon through the one entrance to the arrler The man and woman stood llently a little apart watching the wilt approach Unerringly steered it boat struck the gently shelving ach bows oa and a last sturdy ull drove her fairly out of the water rosePepped BfrUaped out on the sand The present wan In touch with the ut conventional faced the uncon- Solional civilisation and prlndtlvf >nfronted one another F ppalachian Exposition Greatest Ever Held In The South At Knoxville Tenn jPTEMBER 12 TO OCTOBER 12 l Magnificent and mammoth build Itlore to see and amuse than ever Bred at a Southern exposition 10900 In punea for running and Itlng races JO800 In aerial exploitation by ma des of Wright Brothers Stroebel d other aeranauti See te air w5WO la natchtas fire works grand itltyof the clouds and ralnPill PompeiiXalballs famous rind west and 33- er ihowi ot note Irratest bands In all America MISSION TO GROUNDS CO CENTS IN DAY AFTER 1 P M hg CENTSv member These Special Dates i stock and races Sept 3M it horse show Sept 13 II 15 b Show Sept 22 23 2 < on and pet stock show Sept 27 Oct I I try a bowOct 512 ilght Brothers aln lpda7s Sept 2223- j bV dirigible baloon Every Sept 12 Oct J- Zfs lire works every evening Sept 12 Oct 12 tie of the clouds Sept 191- o lorapcll Sept 26 Oct 1 pedal rates every day and re kably low railroad rates to Knox jt and return on Tuesday and radar as follows lord 8300 eland 370 tlon City 37 See This Great Exposition OLIVER President tITHING OFINTEREST TO YOU Ine Lincoln county tobacco farm 1 100 acres 1 ralle from railroad J s t ool u4 churches on good 60 acres la high state or cuiU 1 Sit suitable for corn wheat grass cco Corn made 60 bushels to the wheat 2L bushels to the acre tlccd last Beacon netted 140 to tho This Is practically a ROW farm- old and worn out land has two- I 1 dwelling bouse ono with three tts and jKHth the other a log d ol three roe sad porch has 1 stone fctttar wood house bug muse 2 food barns cora crib- n sheds and all out buildings a No 1 orchard good water for purposes the best fenced farm tie of the country 50 acres ils farm is in timber worth one the price asked for farm When timber I mean good timber and 1ulled over timber This farm will bid ata bargain If sold in the next kys Why pay real estate agents Buy direct from own It is imposelbl tlbinmlMlon farm in this small see It and the ad worth If you want a 1 write we and learn more about tlarrav S rJ ynolds U R No 3 Wayne K7 r CHATEftXV j Accusation and Admission Now that the great Moment tad- comefer Langford bad at test recog ¬ nised the woman whom he sought in eplte of her straign garbho became suddenly acutely conscious of trivial details and accurately reuponsible to matters of no moment lie stepped for instance wear the bow of the boat told thee coxswain that he might allow the men to land but that they must re maln close to the beach and within easy call and see that the boat was properly secured Then he turned and walked slowly singular how eager he had been for that moment and how tardy he was In availing himself of it when it cametoward the two who stood silently watching a little dis ¬ tance away He wan dressed in a boating suit of white and wore a white yachting esp He was distinctly good looking His repentance his anxiety his disap polntment had refined hS face to a certain degree and he was not an un ¬ worthy spfdasea of humanity in ap pearance The maid looked at him- with v1vldcnrloslty and a sudden- sense of dismay to mad the new comer to worthy ofr i eCes Abe ground ef appearanc atlea8f The glance that Lasgford gave the- o n was at once casual and Indiffer ¬ eat His whole Ictertit was centered upon the woman He found himself trembling violently In Iplteor the saperbBHjaneSofU be put forth At control It was only the most iron constraint ndfd that enabled bl to approach ber at all As he drew BUr to her JM took oS lilt cap bowed to her and strove to speak Katharine be said at last hoarse ly thank God that I have found yon Woman said the man by her side stepping swiftly forward and confront- ing ¬ Langford who Is this maat Ills nape returned the woman steadily is Valentine Arthur Lang fordWhat did you do to her asked the man with the bluntest possible direct near that she weeps at the thought of you that she la Sued with horror as you approach that pae looks at you as she do M DOW f I have aster seen that took upon her face since we have beer upon this Poland Lansferd turned sad faced the man as these singular queries were put to him Who to this Man Katharine be ube an angry hub in hU taco 1 dont knew fir certain the WMUKJaMiurfd kit t think his same Ia iH itMa MJ naisete dowHh Jtl interrupted the saan p ralstnUy will aniwetagsiaettpsrw- hen I know who you are ud by ghat right you put them I will de cads wM Lastfcfds cwtessptudus answer The woman had never seen her com pABloo inaUeepcr hut lie wan peril outly star the breaking point sow sad Laagfefdi although he rHUte4t SlOt had never been and never be In 10 suck danger as at that Instant A swift glince showed her the man strung to the very outbreaking point The woman laid her hand upon his arm a calming touch In the world she said people are presented to one another How she loathed Langford She thought for a moment that she had only to say the word and her Island companion would tear bin to pieces She irczticred how fir after all she had succeeded In Instilling Into his mind the restraints of civilization She began to see dimly that such an achievement was beyond the power of any single Individual that It had been in the past and would always be In the future the result of the cooperation and restraint or the many Yet she forced herself to speak evenly to the visitor Mr Ldngford I believe this mans name to be John lUvtll Charnock I believe him to be an American a Vir ginian I found him here upon the IslandThis matters nothing said the is ¬ lander I dont care what this mans name is or who he Is I want to know why bo distresses you Sir said Langford wondering what was the best tone to take with this singular being pray let us withdraw yonder to the shade of the trees where we can be more private The men in the boat who had scram ¬ bled out upon the sands bAd bfton eager spectators and auditors of every ¬ thing that had gone on Their curt ¬ oUT was greatly excited and their propinquity was evidently distasteful to LangfordYou refusing to answer my questions said the man I will not be put off further Man said the woman laying her hand upon his arm It la my wish Oh If you wish It He turned without a word and Ud DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Why experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneath tho skin with greasy lotions or fancy hair dressings whon 1onneys Drug store will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO FOAP tf entirely rid the scalp of tho germ life that causes the trouble ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can bo ob ¬ tamed In any city or town in America am1 are recognized the best find most economical treatment for all after ¬ lions of tho skin or scalp whether 011 Infant or grown person Ono sham ¬ poo with ZEMO SOAP and applica ¬ tion of ZEMO will stop itching and cleanse the scalp ot dandruff and scurfWe invite you to try ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP and If not entirely satis fled we will refund your money Pen ays Drug Stored L eIItlet the other two He noticed that the woman was ghastly white and that Langford was scarcely less pale Sir said Langford firmly I de- cline to answer your question I have business with this lady and with her alone It does not concern you and I momentI me I quetlonlto I Everything that concerns her con sternlyWhat ODI looked as It he would have sprung upon the other hut he was so clearly no match for the wild stranger that discretion came to his aid and kept him still Besides brawllnrthe8 Katherjne he said I have much to say to you Cant you make this man hear reason T She bax made me hear reason for three yeah answered the man for her before1 she could speak but her- porereags in this hour The woman looked at him piteously and nodded hrr head She realised that the thread of dMtiny eras taken from her bands and forever sayto man she said at last Why tis Impossible cried the other It must b- And Interposed the man you shall say nothing to her until you hats answered my questions There must be no violence oiled the woman stepping between the two No vlolencel For answer the man gently but with Irresistible force lifted her out of the way She knew now where he got the strength to tear down the rocky wall and while she trembled she thrilled Katharine said Langford to do whatis I am nothing to her answered the man except that I love her And you 7 said Lsngfofd hotlyi still addressing the woman She loves me again answered the other and we were happy unUI you shoresSince ° yr Ood exclaimed Langford is it pesslblerIt said the woman flndlnt tteadll1troe Langford emotion now passed aM hound He had trembled hater hi shook now u tf with the palsy lie rche4 out and caught the trunk of one ateadthimlbljWkat t- urhe crls4 f tleeathe landed on this Island we live > eq friends good friends He WM a ejit apeecltHe child I taught him everything To love lout queried Langford In hot and bitter jealousy That was one thing I learned my- self answered the man And yes- terday you might call It chance but I call It God said the man gravely discovered to us the love we bore each other and that 1a11 Are you forgive the question sajd Langford addressing the woman and there was agony in his voice as you were when I left your I urn a different woman thank r4Slfforent Yes but fn the sense In which you mean the question I am just as I was save that I love this man But you bad no right to love him or any one buret forth Langford bit terly And do you reproach me with that Do If- Think of your wife Shes dead said tho man hoarse- ly I have searched the world for you 1 have come back here to make amends to own my fault to marry you before God and man to take you back to do for you as long as I shall live all that a man can do There was such genuine panlou In his voice and in his appeal that the most Inimical and Indifferent would have recognized it but there was no response to it in the womans heart A greater love than his had com into her soul The whole current of her being flowed to the man by her side No she said Your words have no appeal for me They awaken no response In my heart I love this man not you Have you thought cried Langford meaningly that you are not tree to love any one but pieT By heaven cried the man spring fog forward this time I will be an ¬ swered Why is she not free to love me or any one Because said the other resolutely before she came Into your life she belonged to me Belonged to Pouf Yes to me And by what tleT Langford hesitated He was furl ¬ ously wrought up He saw that It was necessary to make a break a rupture between these two He thought that If he could do so his own suit might the better prosper He was In deadly earnest and therefore ho took the risk How frightful It was he had no pre conception lit did not understand that he was dealing with a primitive than How should hT He did not understand what pa lens slept bee 1It the Jljtft iii lP 1 jl Ij rjJ JdJ1t t IM4I understood to do him Justletf fer Ie IwAO1 tearless slain he would have freatwefl lest the SUM See was my mistreasl he said through his teeth Shame Shame cried the woman and then fell silent clasping her bands and waiting for what might come The hour of her travail was upon her Langford flashed a look at her and then his gaze reverted to the man The expected outbreak did not Instantly comeMistress said the other I know not what that mean but tis a word of bitterness Say further and more clearly your Intent Why you fool foolI Langford stared at him Where have you lived he cried Itbt you dont know the meaning of I I have lived nowhere but here and i have known no language but what this woman has taught me Yet she could easily have taught prou the meaning of that word the other responded with cruel ruthless meaning I 1 1 will take the lesson from you You will have It then 111111 She was my wife but without the I blessing of God or the law of man I owned her do you understand f I pos sessed her body and soul Not soul said the woman but the protest war lost You 111 cried the man swiftly leaping upon him I No tiger ever sprang with such hwlftness or such ferocity Langford i Woman Shall I Threw Him Down tr and Kill Him f Was prepared for an attack He dealt k plow at the oncosalnjf figure with al- ltkatotce of his arm and skill end Iratatig enabled him to put Into it BT than one would have fancied- jropt the sllghtnsss of his figure He the man fairly In the chest The Vtov apparently might have sta- garedan ox it had no effeot whatever Langfeed a whirlwind He was lifted from the earth and held high In the air For Itrugllehe a voice beneath him cry Woman shall I throw him down and kill him 7 Do him no hurt said the woman for what he has said as ho sees It Js true i CHAPTER XVI- I + Confronted I At these appalling words the strength seemd all at once to go out of the mans arm Heavily but not with purposeful ungentlfeneas he slowly set Langford down upon his feet on the sand You brute cried the other man trembling with Impotent anger There was nothing that he could do personally If he had possessed a weapon he would have killed the Is ¬ lander but he was unarmed and help less Therefore ho turned toward the beach and called to his men They had seen the sudden attack and were already running across the sands No said the woman that word belongs to you You have told the truth and yet not all She turned to her companion ill thoiiIand Matt she said you have loved me You must hear what I have to say You have said that It was true he muttered hoarsely And the man LivesI turned toward Langford again But by this itlme the six blur jackets who made Up the gigs crew were close at hand Ualey cried Langford to the cox- walar lIeIl84 that brute yondet and I The woman was still wearing the knife that she habitually carried She used It often and kept the blade bright k and of keen edge She whipped It out on the instant her civilization falling from her like a discarded garment when the man she loved was threat ¬ ened I Let no one lay hand upon him she cried aflame to defend him I swear that I will drive It into my own heart if he be touched Give me the knit said her com panlon suddenly Before she could prevent him ho whipped It out of hr band And now he said springing toe ward the huddled group of sailors the youIwtUtouch j the ma fhrank back There WI- UIoWalo nrles tn the aspect of e man his potter iriuiso evident < bis tcMHT M wU that none to preelpttatt a frar Continued on Page 7 i J j M TO CONTRACTORS I1lOTICE IHealed bids will be received for concrete pavements around the court house inside the yard and In front of the court house and for a con ¬ crete wall or coping around sameas per plans and specifications now on file in my office All bids must be sealed and filed with the undersigned on on before 10 oclock a m Wednesday Sept 21 1P10 673t 0 B COOPER Clerk HOW GOOD NEWS SPREADS I am 70 years old and travel most of the Ume writes B V Tolson of Ellzabet town Ky Everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters be- cause I owe my excellent health and vitality to them They effect a cute every lime They never fall to tono the stomach regulate the kidneys and bowes stimulate the liver in vlgorate the nerves and purify the strength vigor and health thats a dally joy Try them Only 50c Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by Pennys Drug Store A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladles In the field of Wireless or Hallway telegraphy Since the 8 hour law became effective and since the wlrelesii companies are establish Ing etatiops throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraph CM Positions pay beginners from 70 to 190 per month with good chance of advancement The National Tele graph Institute operates six official institutes in America under supervis- ion ¬ of H RandjAVireless Officials and places all Juatee Into posi ¬ tions It will ps you to write them Philadelphia Pa for full details at Cincinnati 0 or jjseem theres trouble Loss of Appetite lndlgAetionr Nervousness Despond ¬ ency Headache But such troubles PfIIspTho pCnnTDrug irt M NOTICE y In the district court of tho Unltetft States for the Eastern district or Kentucky In the matter of Clarence J BankruptBy entered by Ji BankruptcyN abovei styled case I as trustee of same will on Saturday the 22nd dty or October A D 1910 between tho hours ot 10 oclock a m and 3 oclock p m on the premises being 52 acres I of farm land situated in Lincoln county Kentucky on the waters oC Green river adjoining the Denhanu farm and lying near the postofflco ot Jumbo Kentucky expose to publics sale to the highest and best Udder for cash in baud the above described tract or parcel of land together wJth nineteen acres of land adjoining namcj now owned by Clarence J Sipplev mo bankrupt above named and alscn onehalf Interest in the growing aros > upon the said land Given under my band this the 19Kn day of Algust 1910 R A DYCHE Trustee APMIVISTRATORS NOTWB All persons having claims ogafssc the estate of M C Saufley dfccfiaseff will present the same to tne under- signed ¬ properly proven on or Before the 12th day of October 1910 and alB persons Indebted to said decedent Ml c Saufley will please settle sam I promptly I GEORGE E STONED Admr of M C SautTer Deceased September 28 1910 T T s h I will offer for sale on the premises my highly improved d v 212 ACRE FARM 0 on the best of pikes 5 miles from each Danville and Lancasteri 175 acres Tillable land 75 of which Is best tobacco land 25 acres of well timbered riverside land = Barytes indications are second to none and if mined should gay = 4 cost of land 0 THE DWELLING one of the best in the country Is a nine room modern built house heated by furnace and well finished It is noted for its beaUtifui healthy location good neighborhood and close proximity to best t schools and churches in the State There are three good tenant houses a 12acre tobacco bar vUlL 5 I excellent basement for stock 36x134 feet pi Considering location bulldlngsquallty land etc no more Ie r plrable farm home has been placed upon the market JAMES OTTER Danville Ky t l Cook Farms First Animal Sale t rx Greatest event of the kind ever Held In Kentucky 50 saddle m3r6C coltsnd fHllesr 50 jennets and colts All registered Catalogues nor ready Every one of these Jennets should be kept In Kentucky J F COOK CO Lexington Ky If you have anything to soil in the STOCK w LINE Take to Nunnelleys New Stock Yardss He buysand sel s every day in thaw year except Sunday Bring orr your stock Best market iu the State with plenty of IISTANFORD NorShap Barn Door Hanger The tubular track is easily put In position It is Impossible for this track to freeze up clog or stick The slot is on the lower side Note the tandem rojler carriage the wheels are round With a flange in the center which plumbs the slot compellingthecarriagetoworkfreely A The solid steel wheels are J mounted on roller 2iright making a shelter fronj II you want the rain or sun x best that money Ik MtlM tuck CMH U can buy Bomc ancIt teittlwaN aY thing that wiU tXHt ton tts be good not only for yean but for generations Invee tlgate the Nor SUp Tubu ¬ J4ra Door Hasfcc pAI uI w N I FOR SALE BY GEORGE H FARRIS STANFORD KY 1G M It 7 J- t

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY tf entirely rid the scalp of tho germ life that causes the trouble ZEMO and

21FIUDAYThe Island Of


ted up two fallen breaches of palmhey ran to the beach opposite the

nUance and waved the palra branchesboy their heads It was too far for

be voice to carry and there was toonuch noise from the breaker on theset if the distance had been snorter

> ut the men In the boat evidentlyaught sight of tho signals and undertoed them for she wax presentlyabout and In a few moments they sawicr prow cut the blue waters of thejftgoon through the one entrance to thearrler The man and woman stoodllently a little apart watching thewilt approach Unerringly steeredit boat struck the gently shelvingach bows oa and a last sturdy

ull drove her fairly out of the water

rosePeppedBfrUaped out on the sandThe present wan In touch with theut conventional faced the uncon-

Solional civilisation and prlndtlvf>nfronted one another



ExpositionGreatest Ever Held In The South

At Knoxville TennjPTEMBER 12 TO OCTOBER 12


Magnificent and mammoth build

Itlore to see and amuse than everBred at a Southern exposition10900 In punea for running andItlng racesJO800 In aerial exploitation by mades of Wright Brothers Stroebel

d other aeranauti See te air

w5WO la natchtas fire works granditltyof the clouds and ralnPillPompeiiXalballs

famous rind west and 33-

er ihowi ot noteIrratest bands In all America




member These Special Datesi stock and races Sept 3Mit horse show Sept 13 II 15

b Show Sept 22 23 2<

on and pet stock showSept 27 Oct I

I try abowOct 512

ilght Brothers aln lpda7sSept 2223-

j bV dirigible baloon EverySept 12 Oct J-

Zfs lire works every eveningSept 12 Oct 12

tie of the clouds Sept 191-o lorapcll Sept 26 Oct 1

pedal rates every day and rekably low railroad rates to Knox

jt and return on Tuesday and

radar as follows

lord 8300

eland 370

tlon City 37

See This Great Exposition

OLIVER President



Ine Lincoln county tobacco farm

1 100 acres 1 ralle from railroad

J s t ool u4 churches on good

60 acres la high state or cuiU1Sit suitable for corn wheat grass

cco Corn made 60 bushels to thewheat 2L bushels to the acre

tlccd last Beacon netted 140 to thoThis Is practically a ROW farm-

old and worn out land has two-I

1 dwelling bouse ono with threetts and jKHth the other a log

d ol three roe sad porch has1 stone fctttar wood house bug

muse 2 food barns cora crib-

n sheds and all out buildings

a No 1 orchard good water forpurposes the best fenced farmtie of the country 50 acresils farm is in timber worth one

the price asked for farm Whentimber I mean good timber and

1ulled over timber This farm will

bid ata bargain If sold in the nextkys Why pay real estate agents

Buy direct from ownIt is imposelbl

tlbinmlMlon farm in this smallsee It and the ad

worth If you want a1 write we and learn more about

tlarravS rJ ynolds U R No 3 Wayne




j Accusation and AdmissionNow that the great Moment tad-

comefer Langford bad at test recog ¬

nised the woman whom he sought ineplte of her straign garbho becamesuddenly acutely conscious of trivialdetails and accurately reuponsible tomatters of no moment lie steppedfor instance wear the bow of the boattold thee coxswain that he might allowthe men to land but that they must remaln close to the beach and withineasy call and see that the boat wasproperly secured Then he turned andwalked slowly singular how eager hehad been for that moment and howtardy he was In availing himself ofit when it cametoward the two whostood silently watching a little dis ¬

tance awayHe wan dressed in a boating suit

of white and wore a white yachtingesp He was distinctly good lookingHis repentance his anxiety his disappolntment had refined hS face to acertain degree and he was not an un ¬

worthy spfdasea of humanity in appearance The maid looked at him-

with v1vldcnrloslty and a sudden-sense of dismay to mad the new comerto worthy ofr i eCes Abe ground efappearanc atlea8f

The glance that Lasgford gave the-

on was at once casual and Indiffer ¬

eat His whole Ictertit was centeredupon the woman He found himselftrembling violently In Iplteor thesaperbBHjaneSofU be put forth Atcontrol It was only the most ironconstraint ndfd that enabled bl toapproach ber at all As he drew BUrto her JM took oS lilt cap bowed toher and strove to speak

Katharine be said at last hoarsely thank God that I have found yon

Woman said the man by her sidestepping swiftly forward and confront-ing


Langford who Is this maatIlls nape returned the woman

steadily is Valentine Arthur Lang

fordWhat did you do to her asked theman with the bluntest possible directnear that she weeps at the thought ofyou that she la Sued with horror asyou approach that pae looks at youas she do M DOW f I have aster seenthat took upon her face since we havebeer upon this Poland

Lansferd turned sad faced the manas these singular queries were put tohim

Who to this Man Katharine beube an angry hub in hU taco

1 dont knew fir certain theWMUKJaMiurfd kit t think hissame Ia

iH itMa MJ naisete dowHh Jtlinterrupted the saan p ralstnUy

will aniwetagsiaettpsrw-hen I know who you are ud by

ghat right you put them I will decads wM Lastfcfds cwtessptudusanswer

The woman had never seen her compABloo inaUeepcr hut lie wan periloutly star the breaking point sow sadLaagfefdi although he rHUte4t SlOthad never been and never beIn 10 suck danger as at that InstantA swift glince showed her the manstrung to the very outbreaking pointThe woman laid her hand upon hisarm a calming touch

In the world she said people arepresented to one another

How she loathed Langford Shethought for a moment that she hadonly to say the word and her Islandcompanion would tear bin to piecesShe irczticred how fir after all shehad succeeded In Instilling Into hismind the restraints of civilization Shebegan to see dimly that such anachievement was beyond the power ofany single Individual that It had beenin the past and would always be In thefuture the result of the cooperationand restraint or the many Yet sheforced herself to speak evenly to thevisitor

Mr Ldngford I believe this mansname to be John lUvtll Charnock Ibelieve him to be an American a Virginian I found him here upon theIslandThis matters nothing said the is ¬

lander I dont care what this mansname is or who he Is I want to knowwhy bo distresses you

Sir said Langford wondering whatwas the best tone to take with thissingular being pray let us withdrawyonder to the shade of the trees wherewe can be more private

The men in the boat who had scram ¬

bled out upon the sands bAd bftoneager spectators and auditors of every ¬

thing that had gone on Their curt ¬

oUT was greatly excited and theirpropinquity was evidently distastefulto LangfordYou

refusing to answer myquestions said the man I will notbe put off further

Man said the woman laying herhand upon his arm It la my wish

Oh If you wish ItHe turned without a word and Ud



Why experiment trying to drivethe dandruff germ from underneaththo skin with greasy lotions or fancy

hair dressings whon 1onneys Drugstore will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO

FOAP tf entirely rid the scalp of thogerm life that causes the troubleZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can bo ob ¬

tamed In any city or town in Americaam1 are recognized the best find mosteconomical treatment for all after ¬

lions of tho skin or scalp whether 011

Infant or grown person Ono sham ¬

poo with ZEMO SOAP and applica ¬

tion of ZEMO will stop itching andcleanse the scalp ot dandruff and

scurfWeinvite you to try ZEMO and

ZEMO SOAP and If not entirely satisfled we will refund your money Penays Drug Stored


eIItletthe other twoHe noticed that the woman was

ghastly white and that Langford wasscarcely less pale

Sir said Langford firmly I de-cline to answer your question I havebusiness with this lady and with heralone It does not concern you and ImomentIme

I quetlonltoI Everything that concerns her consternlyWhatODIlooked as It

he would have sprung upon the otherhut he was so clearly no match forthe wild stranger that discretion cameto his aid and kept him still Besides

brawllnrthe8Katherjne he said I have muchto say to you Cant you make thisman hear reason T

She bax made me hear reason forthree yeah answered the man forher before1 she could speak but her-porereags in this hour

The woman looked at him piteouslyand nodded hrr head She realisedthat the thread of dMtiny eras takenfrom her bands and foreversaytoman she said at last

Why tis Impossible cried theother

It must b-

And Interposed the man youshall say nothing to her until you hatsanswered my questions

There must be no violence oiledthe woman stepping between the twoNo vlolencelFor answer the man gently but

with Irresistible force lifted her outof the way She knew now where hegot the strength to tear down therocky wall and while she trembledshe thrilled

Katharine said Langford to dowhatisI am nothing to her answeredthe man except that I love her

And you 7 said Lsngfofd hotlyistill addressing the woman

She loves me again answered theother and we were happy unUI you

shoresSince°yrOod exclaimed Langford is

it pesslblerItsaid the woman flndlnt

tteadll1troeLangford emotion now passed aMhound He had trembled hater hishook now u tf with the palsy lierche4 out and caught the trunk ofoneateadthimlbljWkat t-

urhe crls4 ftleeathelanded on this Island we live > eqfriends good friends He WM a eji tapeecltHechild I taught him everything

To love lout queried Langford Inhot and bitter jealousy

That was one thing I learned my-self answered the man And yes-terday you might call It chance butI call It God said the man gravelydiscovered to us the love we bore

each other and that 1a11Are you forgive the question

sajd Langford addressing the womanand there was agony in his voice asyou were when I left your

I urn a different woman thank

r4SlfforentYes but fn the sense In which you

mean the question I am just as I wassave that I love this man

But you bad no right to love himor any one buret forth Langford bitterly

And do you reproach me withthat

Do If-Think of your wifeShes dead said tho man hoarse-

ly I have searched the world foryou 1 have come back here to makeamends to own my fault to marryyou before God and man to take youback to do for you as long as I shalllive all that a man can do

There was such genuine panlou Inhis voice and in his appeal that themost Inimical and Indifferent wouldhave recognized it but there was noresponse to it in the womans heartA greater love than his had com intoher soul The whole current of herbeing flowed to the man by her side

No she said Your words haveno appeal for me They awaken noresponse In my heart I love this mannot you

Have you thought cried Langfordmeaningly that you are not tree tolove any one but pieT

By heaven cried the man springfog forward this time I will be an ¬

swered Why is she not free to loveme or any one

Because said the other resolutelybefore she came Into your life she

belonged to meBelonged to PoufYes to meAnd by what tleT

Langford hesitated He was furl ¬

ously wrought up He saw that It wasnecessary to make a break a rupturebetween these two He thought thatIf he could do so his own suit mightthe better prosper He was In deadlyearnest and therefore ho took the riskHow frightful It was he had no preconception lit did not understandthat he was dealing with a primitivethan How should hT He did notunderstand what pa lens slept bee

1It the Jljtft iii lP 1 jl

IjrjJ JdJ1t t

IM4I understood to do him Justletf ferIe IwAO1 tearless slain he would havefreatwefl lest the SUM

See was my mistreasl he saidthrough his teeth

Shame Shame cried the womanand then fell silent clasping her bandsand waiting for what might come Thehour of her travail was upon her

Langford flashed a look at her andthen his gaze reverted to the man Theexpected outbreak did not Instantly

comeMistress said the other I knownot what that mean but tis a wordof bitterness Say further and moreclearly your Intent

Why you foolfoolILangford stared at himWhere have you lived he cried

Itbt you dont know the meaning of

I I have lived nowhere but here andi have known no language but whatthis woman has taught me

Yet she could easily have taughtprou the meaning of that word theother responded with cruel ruthlessmeaning

I1 1 will take the lesson from you

You will have It then111111She was my wife but without the

Iblessing of God or the law of man Iowned her do you understand f I possessed her body and soul

Not soul said the woman but theprotest war lost

You 111 cried the man swiftlyleaping upon himI No tiger ever sprang with suchhwlftness or such ferocity Langfordi

Woman Shall I Threw Him Down

tr and Kill HimfWas prepared for an attack He dealtk plow at the oncosalnjf figure with al-ltkatotce of his arm and skill endIratatig enabled him to put Into itBT than one would have fancied-

jropt the sllghtnsss of his figure Hethe man fairly In the chest

The Vtov apparently might have sta-garedan ox it had no effeot whateverLangfeeda whirlwind He was lifted from theearth and held high In the air ForItrugllehea voice beneath him cry

Woman shall I throw him downand kill him 7

Do him no hurt said the womanfor what he has said as ho sees It

Js truei


ConfrontedI At these appalling words thestrength seemd all at once to go outof the mans arm Heavily but notwith purposeful ungentlfeneas heslowly set Langford down upon hisfeet on the sand

You brute cried the other mantrembling with Impotent anger

There was nothing that he coulddo personally If he had possessed aweapon he would have killed the Is ¬

lander but he was unarmed and helpless Therefore ho turned toward thebeach and called to his men Theyhad seen the sudden attack and werealready running across the sands

No said the woman that wordbelongs to you You have told thetruth and yet not all She turnedto her companion ill thoiiIand

Matt she said you have loved meYou must hear what I have to say

You have said that It was truehe muttered hoarsely And the manLivesI turnedtoward Langford again But by thisitlme the six blur jackets who madeUp the gigs crew were close at hand

Ualey cried Langford to the cox-

walar lIeIl84 that brute yondetandI The woman was still wearing theknife that she habitually carried Sheused It often and kept the blade bright


and of keen edge She whipped It outon the instant her civilization fallingfrom her like a discarded garmentwhen the man she loved was threat ¬

enedI Let no one lay hand upon him

she cried aflame to defend him I

swear that I will drive It into my ownheart if he be touched

Give me the knit said her companlon suddenly

Before she could prevent him howhipped It out of hr band

And now he said springing toeward the huddled group of sailors the

youIwtUtouchj the ma fhrank back There WI-UIoWalo nrles tn the aspect of

e man his potter iriuiso evident< bis tcMHT M wU that none

to preelpttatt a frarContinued on Page 7

iJ j M

TO CONTRACTORSI1lOTICEIHealed bids will be received forconcrete pavements around thecourt house inside the yard and Infront of the court house and for a con¬

crete wall or coping around sameasper plans and specifications now onfile in my office

All bids must be sealed and filedwith the undersigned on on before 10oclock a m Wednesday Sept 21

1P10673t 0 B COOPER Clerk


I am 70 years old and travel mostof the Ume writes B V Tolson ofEllzabet town Ky Everywhere Igo I recommend Electric Bitters be-cause I owe my excellent health andvitality to them They effect a cuteevery lime They never fall to tonothe stomach regulate the kidneysand bowes stimulate the liver invlgorate the nerves and purify thestrength vigor and health thats adally joy Try them Only 50cSatisfaction is positively guaranteedby Pennys Drug Store


Can be had by ambitious young menand ladles In the field of Wirelessor Hallway telegraphy Since the 8hour law became effective and sincethe wlrelesii companies are establishIng etatiops throughout the countrythere is a great shortage of telegraphCM Positions pay beginners from 70

to 190 per month with good chance ofadvancement The National Telegraph Institute operates six officialinstitutes in America under supervis-



of H RandjAVireless Officialsand places all Juatee Into posi ¬

tions It will ps you to write themPhiladelphia Pafor full details at Cincinnati 0 or

jjseemtheres trouble Loss of AppetitelndlgAetionr Nervousness Despond ¬ency Headache But such troublesPfIIspThopCnnTDrugirtM


In the district court of tho UnltetftStates for the Eastern district orKentucky In the matter of ClarenceJ BankruptBy entered by Ji

BankruptcyNaboveistyled case I as trustee of samewill on Saturday the 22nd dty orOctober A D 1910 between thohours ot 10 oclock a m and 3 oclockp m on the premises being 52 acres I

of farm land situated in Lincolncounty Kentucky on the waters oCGreen river adjoining the Denhanufarm and lying near the postofflco otJumbo Kentucky expose to publicssale to the highest and best Udderfor cash in baud the above describedtract or parcel of land together wJthnineteen acres of land adjoining namcjnow owned by Clarence J Sipplev mobankrupt above named and alscnonehalf Interest in the growing aros >

upon the said landGiven under my band this the 19Kn

day of Algust 1910R A DYCHE Trustee


All persons having claims ogafsscthe estate of M C Saufley dfccfiaseffwill present the same to tne under-signed


properly proven on or Beforethe 12th day of October 1910 and alBpersons Indebted to said decedent Mlc Saufley will please settle sam I

promptly I

GEORGE E STONEDAdmr of M C SautTer Deceased

September 28 1910 T T s

hI will offer for sale on the premises my highly improvedd

v 212 ACRE FARM0

on the best of pikes 5 miles from each Danville and Lancasteri175 acres Tillable land75 of which Is best tobacco land25 acres of well timbered riverside land =Barytes indications are second to none and if mined should gay = 4cost of land 0


one of the best in the country Is a nine room modern built househeated by furnace and well finished It is noted for its beaUtifuihealthy location good neighborhood and close proximity to best tschools and churches in the State

There are three good tenant houses a 12acre tobacco bar vUlL 5 I

excellent basement for stock 36x134 feet piConsidering location bulldlngsquallty land etc no more Ie r

plrable farm home has been placed upon the marketJAMES OTTER Danville Ky

t l

Cook Farms First Animal Sale trx

Greatest event of the kind ever Held In Kentucky 50 saddle m3r6C

coltsnd fHllesr 50 jennets and colts All registered Catalogues norready Every one of these Jennets should be kept In Kentucky

J F COOK CO Lexington Ky

If you have anything to soil

in the


Take toNunnelleys New Stock YardssHe buysand sel s every day in thaw

year except Sunday Bring orryour stock Best market iu

the State with plenty of


Barn Door HangerThe tubular track is easily put In

position It is Impossible forthis track to freeze up clog orstick The slot is on the lower

side Note the tandem rojler carriagethe wheels are round With a flange in thecenter which plumbs the slotcompellingthecarriagetoworkfreely A

The solid steel wheels are Jmounted on roller2irightmaking a shelter fronj II you want therain or sun x best that money

Ik MtlM tuck CMH U can buy BomcancIt teittlwaN aY thing that wiUtXHt ton tts be good not only for yean

but for generations Inveetlgate the Nor SUp Tubu ¬J4ra Door Hasfcc


1G M It 7 J-
