interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

The Interior Journal E C WALTON I M F NORTH If n candidate tor Ileprrgentntlvont Lincoln county nulijict to the action ot tbo IKino I oratlo party f Democratic Ticket For Uongress HARVEVHELM of Lincoln county FROM a letter to nn Indinnn Congress man it Is shown that Mr Roosevelt has determined that the standpat policy on t the tariff question shall be an issue in the congressional elections Speaker Cannon in his keynote speech said I have no hesitation in saying that the k present revenue law known us the Dingley law all things considered is the most nearly perfect and just cus- toms ¬ I law ever enacted Most of the other thinking people of tho country I who are not only not benefited but rob ¬ C bed by the Dingley law take the oppo i site view At any rato the Democrats r accept with delight the issue thus pro sented and with a platform declaring j as of old for a tariff for revenue only willsweep the country I Gov BECKIIAM has written a letter to Senator McCreary challenging him to joint discussions on tho issues entering into the campaign for United States Senator Gov Beckhams action is theI result of a reference made to the ky interests in an address by McCreary at Mt Sterling Monday The Senator will of course accept the challenge and then the fur will fly c IF the Danvillo New likes neither Hagcr nor Hays for governor it might substitute the name of Col R G f Evans of Boyle for that office on the ticket it is runing at the top of its ed ¬ itorial page In our estimation he is gubernatorial timber and of the very best kind TilE California Insurance Bureau fixes the net loss by fire in San Fran- Cisco ¬ at 132823067 This is a large l sum but not so large as at first esti ¬ lmated and if the companies will pay up the Gate City will soon recover from the disaster HOKB SMITH Grover Clevelands Secretary of the Interior swept things in the democratic primary in Georgia and he will be nominated for governor on the first ballot He carried 110 of the 145 counties 1I SENATOR MCCREARY accepts Gov It Beckhams challenge to meet him on F the stump and the twowill get togeth ¬ er during the coming week and map out their itinery JOHN D WHITE still has a following in Casey county but it is a mighty t small one Out of 735 votes cast in the 25lPOLITICAL t Ollie James says he will not make the race for governor t Capt Thomas D Marcum of Catlets burg is a candidate for Congress in the NinthCharles F Murphy Tammany leader I has virtually declared for Hearst for governorOhio in convention at Co ¬ lumbus cheered fortwo minutes when W J name was mentioned 1Reserved seat tickets for the Bryan reception in New York have been is ¬ t sued to the number of 2500 for the q various State delegations The Republicans of Illinois in con ¬ vention at Springfield nominated a State ticket and indorsed Speaker Can ¬ non for the presidential nomination in 1608 Former Senator Jones of Arkansas says the democrats should make revis ¬ ion of the tariff the issue in the next election He believes that on this a victory could be won Congressman J M Richardson will open his campaign for reelection at Ed- monton next Monday He has invited Dr A D James his republican oppo- nent ¬ to be present and divide time with himAfter a turbulent session the Illinois Democratic convention at Peoria nom- inated ¬ r a State ticket indorsed W J I Bayan for the presidency and voted for the resig ¬ I down a resolution calling nation of Roger Sullivan as National CommitteemanThe Baptist Associa- tion ¬ unanimously adopted resolutions praising and indorsing the actions of Gov Beckham and other officers for their endeavors to enforce the law clos ¬ ing saloons on Sunday and all who lent their influence to the passage of the County Unit Bill and other temperdnce lawsAn unknown man waa found In an unconscious condition lying in the weeds near the city limits of Paducah with his skull fractured He will die It is believed ho was assaultel1by footpads Lavinia Ray who was the daughter of a soldier in the Revolu home near Ed fallIlag roitteTsuJcae at Frankfort by the use of m t i IKINGSVILLE confined I to her homeforlseveral weeks with rhcumatismDr B F Walter of Lancaster was here in trio interest of his profession Bid J G Livingston begun a series of meetings at the Christian church i Sunday night which will last this week and until after Bro Livingstons regu ¬ SundayI j house The addition to our school building has made it a very commodious one The two teachers Mrs Laura Lee nnd Miss Laura Dye are conduct- ing an eightmonths term with good attendanceMiss Higncy has been visiting friends at McKinney Mrs Emily Gooch and children have been guests of relatives here Mrs Manfred Chevo lette of Ludlow is the guest of rela- tives ¬ here and at Highland Mrs Syl ¬ van Privitt and baby of Hamilton 0 arc the guests of her mother and broth ¬ ers here Miss Pearl Reynolds who was see- ing off some friends on No6 Sunday was leaning on her parasol which gave way with her causing her to fall from tho platform on the track several feet below severely injuring her side She was assisted to her feet but fainted- and falling again to the track cut herI lip in twain and broke out three of her teeth Her mishap caused considerable excitementGreater preparations than ever are being made for the G A It reunion hnsI year ¬ tion As every one knows who has been on the grounds it is a delightful place for the occasion plenty of shade etc and the ground has already been well cleaned off and with prominent speakers and all the old attractions of a county fair minus the horse show the promoters hope to make the G A H reunion a decided success this year Dr C M Thompsons new building will be completed in a short time the best of work is being done throughout the best workmen have taken the ut ¬ most pains to make it most complete Dr Thompson and brother J W Thompson will carry a general line of goods a first class line of drugs furni- ture ¬ hardware etc The postoffice will be moved to the new building also Wallsbarber shop in the second story The doctors office will be in this build ¬ ing as will the Maccabee hall An in- vitation will be given Sir Knight Elkin to make a speech Misses Eva Sella and Minnie Leach of Lexington have spent the summer with relatives and friends here A R Lenox of Lexington spent a few days with friends here E W Creighton spent a week at Pleasant Hill Mo with relatives Mrs D M Creighton is back from a several months stay in Kansas City and Pleasant Hill Mo Miss Irene Rucker of Garrard has been the guest of Mrs Wm< Lane Miss Katie Dykes of Paris is the guest of her cousin Miss Effie Carey Miss Madge King of Oldham county is with her mother Mrs L H Taylor Miss Margaret Routen of Lexington who has been with relatives here has ret- urned home IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Grant Rice was crushed to death by a log in Knox county- V K Logan of Pulaski has been given a storekeeper and gaugers place in this district Attorney E V Puryear will enter ¬ tain the bench and bar of the 13th dis ¬ trict at Danville at a 6 oclock dinner on Sept 10- Rawlings Voris and Robert Hard ¬ ing of this city and Attorney Denny of Elkton Todd county have filed in the Todd Circuit Court a suit to break the will of the late Miss Ida Twidwell made shortly before her death The contestant is Mrs J C Johnston of Danville mother of the deceased Danville Advocat- efummer DiarrhoeaChfld ¬ ron During the hot weather of the Hum- mer ¬ months the first unnatural loose- ness of a childs bowels should have immediate attention so as to check the disease before it becomes serious All that Is necessary is afew doses of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system Rev M O Stockland Pastor of the first M E Church Little Falls Minn writes We have used Chambe- rlains ¬ Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find it a very valuable remedy especially for summer disorders in children Sold by Stanford Drug Co- MATRIMONIAL Jesse Mathis aged 62 and Nancy Releford 60 were married at Pittsburg Saturday London Local Miss Bertha F John who it will be remembered conducted the Singing School Beginment here several months ago was married at Blanchester 0 to J Bassett Willard 1Heat caused the death of four chil ¬ Paducah Wednesday all dying with Summer complaint brought by the recent torrid WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME Ah what is the meaning of life tome What work has the future stored away For each person has a goal to see And they draw nearer tiny by day Each has an aim in life A pace in this world to fill It may be or It may be strife For life begins ut the foot of the hill ItIs with us to do or die For lifes road is like the stormy sea It has and downs for you and I- Thats what liCe menns to me It means to me unearthly work Fraught with trouble and care And if my task I never shirk A crown in leaven I am heir Kind words and flowers that friends giveIs my heart most craves Id rather have the bud while I live Than the bush planted on my grave CONUOII CORNS CurEnCornExitwill pus tively remove corns in four days The treatment is simple and pleasant and we absolutely guarantee to refund the money to each and every customer whose corns are not promptly removed with entire satisfaction A bottle of this great preparation only costs 15 cents and nothing if n perfect cure s- not speedily effected G L Penny druggist Stanford Ky John W Langley was nominated by the republican of the Tenth district as i conIvention Commissioners Sale 1 I Lincoln Circuit Court I J Hliouni Inrtlnt Hi IUilutltT vs Henry Martin ot nl IvfiMulnntn SOUl ut Will Iurnunnt to n judgment of tho Lincoln circuit vouit rendered In thN ulov < Mvlcxl nctlon tilt undfTnlKiied Muster Com mlMloner of mild court will on MoS AY SKIT urril iww Utvreen 1 mid 1JI r M In font of therourt house iloor In Mtanford Kyell ut public outcry lo tilt hluhfht nml lit lilddiT Mvtll tenth7leptintlaNN11lllh of out tenth 1510 undivided Inlerett In tho tract ot lour hprelnafterile crltxil Thin title wiiHilocmd rumtits ceed of the 11 I of their liurei In the wild renleitute tonrrnrv duration etr and to lilt lor certain Ilin thereon tie hereinafter Mit forth towlt A lien of rnnnlo DoiiKhi for the main of Ilttl with Interval nt II per cent from ictober II owl to n credit ulturthUlldlvldrl7l0nuntlmurl further lien of Knnnle DotiRln biu of the undivided Intorent ordered old for nun of 1Ir with Interest thereon nt the rate of six per rent per nnnum from Jan II Ma tulleJnntnry and 1111 paid lct 35 Itucl ThrIdrealestatebidtunla In Lincoln County Kyon the water of 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIur- kcnlk and Is iHiunded tia follow- Beginning lit n chentnnt and larch rim nero to Mr I toriHi Dauuherty decentcdi thence her line HM Vnt poles to n lvnn tree hercarnegtheneNfar line S III v i I JIlhs ton take thence her lino rontlnuvd lumpthrIie nerUT MllrtlH1thUltK7I W U pukes to II stony J thnee Ida hilt H 4X K ISSpole toil ktnke hi corner thence lilt 1111 M 61411V IP pole 1o n tnke theno hi line Hil K2U poles to n slake wear the top or tit rltl 6 N tlienceHSI K III loler to n nml fallow oak thence N 17 W 5IV Moles to two chestnut ouka thence N A w to two chestnut wile one fallow thence N txi W 51 poles to the tjllIlIllIg laltho Martin and 1M known UK tho Wilton Martin farm The sale will he made on n credit of six requtredto approved porn mil security payable to tIi- Ncounnlstlonerutid hearing nt the notufeporcentpr annum fronn date of thllUrchllIIrlttIhn n OEO B SAUFLEY II C L C C Commissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court Murphy IlInwldellltt nt 1lnlntirti vs Viola Notice of Unit In Two tiN7s Pursuant to judgment of the Lincoln circuit court rrndrrtwllnlwntelolrutr cases therein each of which Is styled an shove the undrrlgtied dtnter CUllllllluloncr mild court will o- hMONUAYHRIT101101 between and Itittr wIn frontof the court Lout door In Htnnfonl Kystill at public outcry to the highest bidder the two tracts of Imal which are hereinafter de ncrlbed The plaintiff Murphy Utnwlddle Ollln < I nil the defendant viola Morton derived title to both the sold tracts hy decent Irons John O Dlnwlddle Fact tract will le sold separately this mile being Hindu fur the purpose of division Sloth sold tracts lire In Lincoln county Ky stud the first tract which to on the water of Hanging York Is IxMinded as follows IkKlnnlnK at O M Jlvens corner In center of pike tae pointer Bud running with said tllvens 14 W It poles H links to n stone thence H 60 Ul V3poles2 link ton stone thence H μ ll11polrNlflkelo it tuna In the center of the pike tlienco N K 14 K U conulilingt4 Tho Mecond tract Is war Turnersvlllc Lincoln county Ky and Is bounded os follows Ileglnnlng lit a stone corner to lot formerly bought by John U Dlnwlddle of 1101It thence NK with his lino IW4 IdleN to Jar mans corner on Howes lure thence with his line H6M11210krllnks Fount Ows leys corner thencu H OiJi with hU lack line 41yu lot tInctl N 65 > i W with said ftTen mid DlnwIilUle loll to the iKglnnlng containing 110 lien moro or lee The plnlntllT < Murphy Dlnwlddle Mlnnlo Dlnwltiatunmt Ollle IHnwIdillonnd lho < le rumlnnt Vlolu Jlorton winch own nn un- It Idtdt of each ot the uforesal1 Bud tho bond II for the purehnn prleu ot such or HIM nforeimlil tructn will IN iniia pnvulilu to wild owners The laud will tx iluo nnd in ench of nforeuilil plulutltlH and defomtnnt nrrlvu nt tliw ngo of tl year however should Ilolwrt Durham the KUiirdliin of plulntltl execute the rtqulml KimriUHUK hondo then In that weir the amount of the purchase price due Ills wardi nay Iwpnld to him nt any time after the- ale hindslioildxinluilMortonHUnrdlun of R of dlrllItiUllt Viol Morton execute the re ¬ quired guardian land then In thnt event paidtu shouldhee halilt only one ol them execute the land mention ¬ ed then the kiim due hli ward or wanU rte IIItor ¬ nmypOy mice to unitary tho coats of the two afore Maid action IncludlnR all attorney fes IroldoJool annumrronidate cecurehe told GEO D SAUFLEY M C L C C PA KER HAIR BALSAM Cttsowm and tramnm the tint 1nxnoltr a totuntnl fIOorth Nrer rally to 1116 Color C rjJ lhrtr ii Ot 1 DnrttoU I Residence For Sale I Hnvlng located permanently Mt Hler llne 1 over for III nt a ui run In my de slrabln residence on llustonvlllo Hln Minn fort Ky For pnrtloulnrs writ III tit M- IRrllll K lr I I bright tit tilt Idncol11utilityNntlonWliiltsI JOSKM FOR SALE OR RENT My home III Ors I Orehard lx catod IH IweenHprliijUiind tilt Urllb IIrehllnl Urade Hchool lHXl lioii e of eight rooms Lot contains kevwn anrexnnd has good young orrluml on It will alto tell my stwk ot groceries and infeetlon IL O PAYNK Crnb orchard Ky FARM FOR SALE Having moved to IllliertkPreok I desire Htanfn- nlA5rnbOnthnnlpike2Intlfrui rrnb Or ¬ chard Farm Is well Improved with rom reddoilcexn1outltouics11tlu look over the place can call on Mr lleldun who lives on the farm 14 JM ITU lllliorts Creek Ky I A S PRICESu- rgeon Dentist STANFORD KENTUCKY Oflico over McRoberta Drug Store in the Oweley Bnildicg Waynesburg Marble and Gran lie WorksI HARRY JACOBS Proprietor IVuler In nUll Manufacturer of Granite Monuments Marble ItaUrd letters Hpeclnltsr Oflico and works WnynesburR Inegvll Allt FARM FOR SALE > Wo IIIIVK for sale n splendid Unrrnnl county farm It lien on the l xlncton pike nlKiutau iiille from IIIIta1Ier and con tain about att lien 7ft to lntlnetes of this farm nresultnble for hump und tobacco A lineien This farm Ilex welt lout hues n brick res ¬ idence on It This Is u line farm If you Iwlsh to ee usnlMiut It jrtm Mil find us at thin rosldencM of JIO Jennings In lj iua ter KyJOhlN M OIl Il IIN OHANll fo Reduce My Stock o- fSPECTACLES I will luring tho month of August sell at a liHouiit a- llFRAMESETC and give the Inoue guarantee of nit i filction us before Office over JIc Roberts Drug Store U to 12 A M 130 to 4P M W N Craig Stanford rPRES MI TIONSI I THREE HonestyAccuracy THINGS 1 nro n hurt Intolllgonco of every prescrip ¬ I tion we fill The doctor does tbeI I I you Stanford IItlBrlt talal Drug co1 PUBLIC SALE of Heal Kstatonnd Per ¬ sonal Property Commencing nt in oclock A M w V will offer tOrlqle on WKDNKHDAY AUJ rv hiss JWesley Kulmnksfarm of Kt acres The tanu Is located 6 tulle north of Stanford and Untie south of Hubble on the county road that Intersects the Htnnfonl nnd Dan villa and the Hush Branch pike Th i farm Is suitable for hemp tobacco corn and wheat nnd has 4 acre of uncultivated woodland Uood orchard of great variety of fruit nnd Harden I tool t story dwelling with K rooms it 1001 cistern nt the door and a never falling on the farm Darn and till necessary outbuildings The house Is situated In n sugar grove of about oIIhugnr trees and Is one 01 the healthiest places In the county nnd In rut excellent neighbor ¬ hood The personal property Is as follows Two mares I mare and both grad saddlers Three llOOIllIIlIk cows with young calves extra tine lot of chickens 0 large concon geese 2horse wagon 1 buggy nnd harness 1 heck board 1 doubt A harrow 1 1 new turning plow coder p1CM1 post digger hind other rrmllig tools and inn dunlente I m- iladys etutdhe 1 saddle bedsteads B feather beds Y dreihers 1 Now Homo Hewing Jlachlne 1 A cane bottom chitin s IPlt Imtlonichnlrsoplushliottomimrlorchairs with rocker to match jr 4Yrp f 7Myunls goat amttlag kltchlll 11111 nil lalde l tnrnilds clualr J glllllll front book rate I rustle chair 1 Cllrlloom and J spinning wheels nnd IIInn too to mention All or hnlf of the growhngcropwhil he sold with or seporato from the fnru- rTE1MHOrMAL1AIIneronnl property amounting to tlO In alld obot lotyabiU In I days with goof notes 1adown on the faun hemline in I and 1 years at 6 percent interest with lien renamed on farm until pnld- MILFORri KUHANKH OKO A EU BANKB UK W O YOU DANKH Admri ch EANING UPN Most housekeepers have Spring Cleaning but we have it both Spring and Fall i We are now in the midst of our FALL clean ¬ ing and we are trying to do it to the in etestill of both our customers and ourselves Our entire stock of I a Men Women Childrens Shoes t I MUST GO and the price is indeed low The Brockports now 175 the Ultras now 200 Sold the worldover for 250 and 300 4 A lot of off styles and small sizes at 50 75c and 100 a pair Childrens and Misses Low Shoes from 25c to 100 You need them and we dont They are bargains real HaJ McROBBRTS STANFORD KENTUCKY CAMII Summer Comfort and Cleanliness The pores of the skin are responsible fer molt complexion troubles Summer dust the stain ol vacation travel combined with the grease of perspiration clog and stifle the pores Keep them clear and healthso that the natural oils may do their work of softening the ski- nPOMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM 1 withdraws ever particle of Impurity from the poresall the way through and by gently excrciiing the facial muscles round them out to perfect development blackheads and wrinkles immediately disappear but the natural ol health glowI GENEROUS SAMPLE FREE If you call at our store we will gladly cive you 4 free a generous sample of the cream and a copy t of the famous book J Trutitt tn FttUl MilIUl PENNYS DRUG STORE STANFORD KENTUCKY saIrartaltalrilatr s w e aa laari t arr r InOT BISCUITS Ii i 1 have one steel range left for wood or coal Four shelf and warming closet with reservoir A bargain Ihigh Come pump quick to Alilridgeu Also tin work callI Is H Aldridge Tuner and Plumber STANFORD I KENTUCKYi tat s Give Your an SUE BENNETT MEMORIAL SCHOOL Established 10 years Una hail n rapid continual growth Nino Depart- ment ¬ as follotvat Academic Normal Intermediate Primary Music Business Industrial Physical Culture and Biblical t The cost is small instruction thorough location healthful influence whelceome Write for Catalogue J C LEWIS PRINCIPAL LONDON KYo rJJ

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY Interior Journal E C WALTON I M F NORTH If n candidate tor Ileprrgentntlvont

The Interior JournalE C WALTON


If n candidate tor Ileprrgentntlvont Lincolncounty nulijict to the action ot tbo IKino

I oratlo party

f Democratic TicketFor Uongress


of Lincoln county

FROM a letter to nn Indinnn Congressman it Is shown that Mr Roosevelt hasdetermined that the standpat policy on

t the tariff question shall be an issue in

the congressional elections SpeakerCannon in his keynote speech said I

have no hesitation in saying that thek

present revenue law known us theDingley law all things considered is

the most nearly perfect and just cus-


I law ever enacted Most of theother thinking people of tho country

I who are not only not benefited but rob ¬

C bed by the Dingley law take the oppoi site view At any rato the Democratsr accept with delight the issue thus pro

sented and with a platform declaring j

as of old for a tariff for revenue onlywillsweep the country I

Gov BECKIIAM has written a letterto Senator McCreary challenging him tojoint discussions on tho issues enteringinto the campaign for United StatesSenator Gov Beckhams action is

theIresult of a reference made to theky interests in an address byMcCreary at Mt Sterling MondayThe Senator will of course accept thechallenge and then the fur will fly


IF the Danvillo New likes neitherHagcr nor Hays for governor it mightsubstitute the name of Col R G

f Evans of Boyle for that office on theticket it is runing at the top of its ed¬

itorial page In our estimation he isgubernatorial timber and of the verybest kind

TilE California Insurance Bureaufixes the net loss by fire in San Fran-



at 132823067 This is a largel sum but not so large as at first esti ¬

lmated and if the companies will payup the Gate City will soon recover fromthe disaster

HOKB SMITH Grover ClevelandsSecretary of the Interior swept thingsin the democratic primary in Georgiaand he will be nominated for governoron the first ballot He carried 110 ofthe 145 counties


It Beckhams challenge to meet him onF the stump and the twowill get togeth ¬

er during the coming week and mapout their itinery

JOHN D WHITE still has a followingin Casey county but it is a mighty

tsmall one Out of 735 votes cast in the


Ollie James says he will not makethe race for governor

t Capt Thomas D Marcum of Catletsburg is a candidate for Congress in the

NinthCharlesF Murphy Tammany leader

I has virtually declared for Hearst for

governorOhio in convention at Co ¬

lumbus cheered fortwo minutes whenW J name was mentioned

1Reserved seat tickets for the Bryanreception in New York have been is ¬

t sued to the number of 2500 for theq various State delegations

The Republicans of Illinois in con¬

vention at Springfield nominated aState ticket and indorsed Speaker Can ¬

non for the presidential nomination in

1608Former Senator Jones of Arkansas

says the democrats should make revis ¬

ion of the tariff the issue in the nextelection He believes that on this avictory could be won

Congressman J M Richardson will

open his campaign for reelection at Ed-monton next Monday He has invited

Dr A D James his republican oppo-


to be present and divide time with

himAfter a turbulent session the Illinois

Democratic convention at Peoria nom-



r a State ticket indorsed W JI Bayan for the presidency and voted

for the resig ¬I down a resolution calling

nation of Roger Sullivan as National

CommitteemanThe Baptist Associa-



unanimously adopted resolutions

praising and indorsing the actions ofGov Beckham and other officers fortheir endeavors to enforce the law clos¬

ing saloons on Sunday and all who lenttheir influence to the passage of theCounty Unit Bill and other temperdnce


unknown man waa found In an

unconscious condition lying in the weeds

near the city limits of Paducah with

his skull fractured He will die It is

believed ho was assaultel1by footpads

Lavinia Ray who was thedaughter of a soldier in the Revolu

home near EdfallIlagroitteTsuJcae at Frankfort by the use

of m




to her homeforlseveral weeks withrhcumatismDr B F Walter ofLancaster was here in trio interest ofhis profession

Bid J G Livingston begun a seriesof meetings at the Christian church

i Sunday night which will last this weekand until after Bro Livingstons regu ¬

SundayIj house The addition to our schoolbuilding has made it a very commodiousone The two teachers Mrs LauraLee nnd Miss Laura Dye are conduct-ing an eightmonths term with good

attendanceMissHigncy has been visiting

friends at McKinney Mrs EmilyGooch and children have been guests ofrelatives here Mrs Manfred Chevolette of Ludlow is the guest of rela-tives


here and at Highland Mrs Syl ¬

van Privitt and baby of Hamilton 0arc the guests of her mother and broth ¬

ers hereMiss Pearl Reynolds who was see-

ing off some friends on No6 Sundaywas leaning on her parasol which gaveway with her causing her to fall fromtho platform on the track several feetbelow severely injuring her side Shewas assisted to her feet but fainted-

and falling again to the track cut herIlip in twain and broke out three of herteeth Her mishap caused considerable

excitementGreaterpreparations than ever are

being made for the G A It reunionhnsIyear ¬

tion As every one knows who hasbeen on the grounds it is a delightfulplace for the occasion plenty of shadeetc and the ground has already beenwell cleaned off and with prominentspeakers and all the old attractions of acounty fair minus the horse show thepromoters hope to make the G A H

reunion a decided success this yearDr C M Thompsons new building

will be completed in a short time thebest of work is being done throughoutthe best workmen have taken the ut¬

most pains to make it most completeDr Thompson and brother J WThompson will carry a general line ofgoods a first class line of drugs furni-


hardware etc The postofficewill be moved to the new building alsoWallsbarber shop in the second storyThe doctors office will be in this build ¬

ing as will the Maccabee hall An in-

vitation will be given Sir Knight Elkinto make a speech

Misses Eva Sella and Minnie Leachof Lexington have spent the summerwith relatives and friends here A RLenox of Lexington spent a few dayswith friends here E W Creightonspent a week at Pleasant Hill Mo

with relatives Mrs D M Creightonis back from a several months stay in

Kansas City and Pleasant Hill Mo

Miss Irene Rucker of Garrard hasbeen the guest of Mrs Wm < Lane MissKatie Dykes of Paris is the guest ofher cousin Miss Effie Carey MissMadge King of Oldham county is withher mother Mrs L H Taylor MissMargaret Routen of Lexington whohas been with relatives here has ret-

urned home


Grant Rice was crushed to death by alog in Knox county-

V K Logan of Pulaski has beengiven a storekeeper and gaugers placein this district

Attorney E V Puryear will enter ¬

tain the bench and bar of the 13th dis ¬

trict at Danville at a 6 oclock dinneron Sept 10-

Rawlings Voris and Robert Hard ¬

ing of this city and Attorney Dennyof Elkton Todd county have filed in

the Todd Circuit Court a suit to breakthe will of the late Miss Ida Twidwellmade shortly before her death Thecontestant is Mrs J C Johnston ofDanville mother of the deceasedDanville Advocat-

efummer DiarrhoeaChfld ¬

ronDuring the hot weather of the Hum-



months the first unnatural loose-ness of a childs bowels should haveimmediate attention so as to checkthe disease before it becomes seriousAll that Is necessary is afew doses ofChamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy followed by a doseof castor oil to cleanse the systemRev M O Stockland Pastor of thefirst M E Church Little Falls Minnwrites We have used Chambe-rlains


Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy for several years and find ita very valuable remedy especiallyfor summer disorders in childrenSold by Stanford Drug Co-


Jesse Mathis aged 62 and NancyReleford 60 were married at PittsburgSaturday London Local

Miss Bertha F John who it will beremembered conducted the SingingSchool Beginment here several monthsago was married at Blanchester 0to J Bassett Willard

1Heat caused the death of four chil ¬

Paducah Wednesday all dyingwith Summer complaint broughtby the recent torrid


Ah what is the meaning of life tomeWhat work has the future stored

awayFor each person has a goal to see

And they draw nearer tiny by day

Each has an aim in lifeA pace in this world to fill

It may be or It may be strifeFor life begins ut the foot of the


ItIs with us to do or dieFor lifes road is like the stormy sea

It has and downs for you and I-

Thats what liCe menns to me

It means to me unearthly workFraught with trouble and care

And if my task I never shirkA crown in leaven I am heir

Kind words and flowers that friends

giveIsmy heart most cravesId rather have the bud while I live

Than the bush planted on my graveCONUOII

CORNS CurEnCornExitwill pus

tively remove corns in four days Thetreatment is simple and pleasant andwe absolutely guarantee to refund themoney to each and every customerwhose corns are not promptly removedwith entire satisfaction A bottle ofthis great preparation only costs 15

cents and nothing if n perfect cure s-

not speedily effected G L Pennydruggist Stanford Ky

John W Langley was nominated bythe republican of the Tenth district as i

conIventionCommissioners Sale 1 I

Lincoln Circuit Court I

J Hliouni Inrtlnt Hi IUilutltT vsHenry Martin ot nl IvfiMulnntn SOUl utWill

Iurnunnt to n judgment of tho Lincolncircuit vouit rendered In thN ulov < Mvlcxlnctlon tilt undfTnlKiied Muster CommlMloner of mild court will on

MoS AY SKIT urril iwwUtvreen 1 mid 1JI r M In font of therourthouse iloor In Mtanford Kyell ut publicoutcry lo tilt hluhfht nml lit lilddiT Mvtlltenth7leptintlaNN11lllh of out tenth1510 undivided Inlerett In tho tract ot lourhprelnafterile crltxil Thin title wiiHilocmdrumtitsceed of the 11 I of their liurei In the wildrenleitute tonrrnrv duration etr and tolilt lor certain Ilin thereon tie hereinafterMit forth towlt A lien of rnnnlo DoiiKhifor the main of Ilttl with Interval nt II percent from ictober II owl to n creditulturthUlldlvldrl7l0nuntlmurlfurther lien of Knnnle DotiRln biu ofthe undivided Intorent ordered old for nunof 1Ir with Interest thereon nt the rate ofsix per rent per nnnum from Jan II MatulleJnntnryand 1111 paid lct 35 Itucl

ThrIdrealestatebidtunla In LincolnCounty Kyon the water of 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIur-kcnlk and Is iHiunded tia follow-

Beginning lit n chentnnt and larch rimnero to Mr I toriHi Dauuherty decentcdithence her line HM Vnt poles to n lvnntree hercarnegtheneNfar line S III v i I

JIlhs ton take thence her lino rontlnuvdlumpthrIienerUT MllrtlH1thUltK7I W U pukes toII stony J thnee Ida hiltH 4X K ISSpole toil ktnke hi corner thencelilt 1111 M 61411V IP pole 1o n tnke thenohi line Hil K2U poles to n slake wear thetop or tit rltl 6 N tlienceHSI K III loler to n

nml fallow oak thence N 17 W 5IVMoles to two chestnut ouka thence N A w

to two chestnut wile one fallowthence N txi W 51 poles to the tjllIlIllIglalthoMartin and 1M known UK tho Wilton Martinfarm

The sale will he made on n credit of sixrequtredtoapproved porn mil security payable to tIi-Ncounnlstlonerutid hearing nt thenotufeporcentpr annum fronn date of

thllUrchllIIrlttIhn n


Commissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

Murphy IlInwldellltt nt 1lnlntirti vsViola Notice ofUnit In Two tiN7s

Pursuant to judgment of the Lincolncircuit court rrndrrtwllnlwntelolrutr casestherein each of which Is styled an shovethe undrrlgtied dtnter CUllllllluloncrmild court will o-

hMONUAYHRIT101101between and Itittr wIn frontof the courtLout door In Htnnfonl Kystill at publicoutcry to the highest bidder thetwo tracts of Imal which are hereinafter dencrlbed The plaintiff Murphy UtnwlddleOllln < I nil thedefendant viola Morton derived title toboth the sold tracts hy decent Irons JohnO Dlnwlddle Fact tract will le soldseparately this mile being Hindu fur thepurpose of division Sloth sold tracts lire InLincoln county Ky stud the first tractwhich to on the water of Hanging York IsIxMinded as follows IkKlnnlnK at O MJlvens corner In center of pike taepointer Bud running with said tllvens

14 W It poles H links to n stonethence H 60 Ul V3poles2 link ton stonethence H µll11polrNlflkelo it tuna Inthe center of the pike tlienco N K 14 K Uconulilingt4

Tho Mecond tract Is war TurnersvlllcLincoln county Ky and Is bounded osfollows Ileglnnlng lit a stone corner to lotformerly bought by John U Dlnwlddle of1101Itthence N K with his lino IW4 IdleN to Jarmans corner on Howes lure thence withhis line H6M11210krllnks Fount Owsleys corner thencu H OiJi with hU lack line41yulot tInctl N 65 >i W with said ftTen midDlnwIilUle loll to the iKglnnlng containing110 lien moro or lee

The plnlntllT < Murphy Dlnwlddle MlnnloDlnwltiatunmt Ollle IHnwIdillonnd lho < lerumlnnt Vlolu Jlorton winch own nn un-It Idtdt of each ot the uforesal1 Budtho bond II for the purehnn prleu ot such orHIM nforeimlil tructn will IN iniia pnvulilu towild owners The laud will tx iluo nnd

in ench of nforeuilil plulutltlH anddefomtnnt nrrlvu nt tliw ngo of tl year

however should Ilolwrt Durham theKUiirdliin of plulntltl execute the rtqulmlKimriUHUK hondo then In that weir theamount of the purchase price due Ills wardinay Iwpnld to him nt any time after the-ale hindslioildxinluilMortonHUnrdlun of

R ofdlrllItiUllt Viol Morton execute the re ¬

quired guardian land then In thnt eventpaidtushouldheehaliltonly one ol them execute the land mention ¬

ed then the kiim due hli ward or wanU rteIIItor ¬nmypOymice to unitary tho coats of the two aforeMaid action IncludlnR all attorney fesIroldoJoolannumrronidatececurehetold



Cttsowm and tramnm the tint1nxnoltr a totuntnl fIOorth

Nrer rally to 1116 ColorC rjJ lhrtriiOt 1 DnrttoU


Residence For Sale I

Hnvlng located permanently Mt Hlerllne 1 over for III nt a ui run In my deslrabln residence on llustonvlllo Hln Minnfort Ky For pnrtloulnrs writ III tit M-IRrllll K lr I I bright tit tiltIdncol11utilityNntlonWliiltsI JOSKM

FOR SALE OR RENTMy home III Ors I Orehard lx catod IH

IweenHprliijUiind tilt Urllb IIrehllnl UradeHchool lHXl lioii e of eight rooms Lotcontains kevwn anrexnnd has good youngorrluml on It will alto tell my stwk otgroceries and infeetlon

IL O PAYNK Crnb orchard Ky

FARM FOR SALEHaving moved to IllliertkPreok I desire

Htanfn-nlA5rnbOnthnnlpike2Intlfrui rrnb Or ¬

chard Farm Is well Improved with rom

reddoilcexn1outltouics11tlulook over the place can call on Mr lleldunwho lives on the farm

14 J M ITU lllliorts Creek Ky


A S PRICESu-rgeon Dentist

STANFORD KENTUCKYOflico over McRoberta Drug Store in

the Oweley Bnildicg

Waynesburg Marble and Granlie WorksI

HARRY JACOBS ProprietorIVuler In nUll Manufacturer of

Granite Monuments Marble

ItaUrd letters Hpeclnltsr Oflico and worksWnynesburR Inegvll Allt


Wo IIIIVK for sale n splendid Unrrnnlcounty farm It lien on the l xlncton pikenlKiutau iiille from IIIIta1Ier and contain about att lien 7ft to lntlnetes of thisfarm nresultnble for hump und tobacco AlineienThis farm Ilex welt lout hues n brick res ¬

idence on It This Is u line farm If youIwlsh to ee usnlMiut It jrtm Mil find us atthin rosldencM of JIO Jennings In lj iua terKyJOhlN M OIl Il IIN OHANll

fo Reduce My Stock o-


I will luring tho month of Augustsell at a liHouiit a-

llFRAMESETCand give the Inoue guarantee of niti filction us before Office over JIcRoberts Drug Store U to 12 A M

130 to 4 P M

W N Craig Stanford



I THREEHonestyAccuracy


nro n hurtIntolllgonco

of every prescrip¬ Ition we fill The doctor does

tbeI I



StanfordIItlBrlt talal

Drug co1

PUBLIC SALEof Heal Kstatonnd Per ¬

sonal Property

Commencing nt in oclock A M w V willoffer tOrlqle on

WKDNKHDAY AUJ rv hissJWesley Kulmnksfarm of Kt acres Thetanu Is located 6 tulle north of Stanfordand Untie south of Hubble on the countyroad that Intersects the Htnnfonl nnd Danvilla and the Hush Branch pike Th i

farm Is suitable for hemp tobacco cornand wheat nnd has 4 acre of uncultivatedwoodland Uood orchard of great varietyof fruit nnd Harden I tool t story dwellingwith K rooms it 1001 cistern nt the door anda never falling on the farm Darnand till necessary outbuildings The houseIs situated In n sugar grove of about oIIhugnrtrees and Is one 01 the healthiest places Inthe county nnd In rut excellent neighbor ¬

hoodThe personal property Is as follows Two

mares I mare and both gradsaddlers Three llOOIllIIlIk cows with youngcalves extra tine lot of chickens 0 largeconcon geese 2horse wagon 1 buggy nndharness 1 heck board 1 doubt A harrow 1

1 new turning plowcoder p1CM1 post digger hind other rrmlligtools and inn dunlente I m-iladys

etutdhe 1

saddle bedsteads B feather beds Y

dreihers 1 Now Homo Hewing Jlachlne 1

A cane bottom chitin s IPltImtlonichnlrsoplushliottomimrlorchairswith rocker to match jr 4Yrp f7Myunls goat amttlag kltchlll11111 nil lalde l tnrnilds clualr J glllllll frontbook rate I rustle chair 1 Cllrlloom and Jspinning wheels nnd IIInn too

to mention All or hnlf of thegrowhngcropwhil he sold with or seporatofrom the fnru-

rTE1MHOrMAL1AIIneronnl propertyamounting to tlO Inalld obot lotyabiU In I days with goofnotes 1adown on the faun hemline in Iand 1 years at 6 percent interest with lienrenamed on farm until pnld-


chEANING UPNMost housekeepers have Spring Cleaning

but we have it both

Spring and Falli

We are now in the midst of our FALL clean ¬

ing and we are trying to do it to the in etestillof both our customers and ourselves Ourentire stock of

I a

Men WomenChildrens

Shoes t


MUST GO and the price isindeed low

The Brockports now 175 the Ultras

now 200 Sold the worldoverfor 250 and 300


A lot of off styles and small sizes at 50 75cand 100 a pair Childrens and Misses LowShoes from 25c to 100 You need themand we dont They are bargains real



Summer Comfort and CleanlinessThe pores of the skin are responsible fer molt complexion

troubles Summer dust the stain ol vacation travel combinedwith the grease of perspiration clog and stifle the pores Keepthem clear and healthso that the natural oils may do theirwork of softening the ski-


withdraws ever particle of Impurity from the poresall the waythrough and by gently excrciiing the facial muscles roundthem out to perfect development blackheads and wrinklesimmediately disappear but the naturalol health glowI


If you call at our store we will gladly cive you4

free a generous sample of the cream and a copy tof the famous book J Trutitt tn FttUl MilIUl


saIrartaltalrilatr sw e aa laari t arr rInOT BISCUITS Ii i

1 have one steel range left for wood or coal Fourshelf and warming closet with reservoir A bargain

Ihigh Comepump

quick to Alilridgeu Also tin work callI

Is H AldridgeTuner and Plumber



Established 10 years Una hail n rapid continual growth Nino Depart-ment


as follotvatAcademic Normal Intermediate Primary Music BusinessIndustrial Physical Culture and Biblical t

The cost is small instruction thorough location healthful influencewhelceome Write for Catalogue