interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

n 7 l PAGE TWO THE INTERIOR JrOUBNAL STANFORD KY APRIL 1jI t l J p f TIlE INTERIOR JOURNAL t Established 1872 iEVBRY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY At 1 Per Year in Advance k SHELTON SAUFUEY Publisher Entered at tho Post Office at Stan ¬ ford Ky as Second Class mall iHON HARVEY HELM i ol Lincoln county candidate for re- etrictiubieci to gfaea oftthu demo cratic party TUB meeting of the publicspirited F last Monday was a step in the twomen and will be productive good to the city if the intent t of the organization is kept constantly i gent ¬ ¬ 4nobly perform this duty In the home F each day It has been suggested that a day be set apart this spring for a gen ¬ eral spring cleaning of the city private homes backyards business houses and j public institutions and the women of this civic organization can find work to 1 do right at their hands by taking charge t of such a movement The influence of good womanhood has triumphed over almost every evil in the world and the organized womanhood of Stanford working intelligently can prove a power for both civic and moral good in tbe community A LEXINGTON widow is suing a clerk In the Capitol at Frankfort for 1500 damages for failure to comply with his promise to marry her She certainly puts a high value on the fellows who toil not neither do they spin but get big salaries all the same WILLIAM HOGG had his name changed by the Crittenden county court to coil jam Howard Since the hog has gotten so aristocratic in price having gone beyond the lie mark Mr HoggHow ard seems to have been a trifle fastid ious KEEP THE KIDH1YS WELL Health Is Worth Saving And Some Stanford People Know How To Save It Many Stanford people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kid- ney when they know these organs need help Sick kidneys are responsi ¬ ble for a vast amount of suffering and ill health but there is no need to suffer nor to remain in danger when all dis ¬ eases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly and permanent- ly cured by the use of Doans Kidney Pills The following statement leaves no ground for doubt Lani ¬ t I never fail to praise Doans Kidney Pills when I have the opportunity as they are certainly an excellent I havo not been without a supply in the house for years When ever my back becomes lame and painful a few doses bring me instant At one time I feared that I had serious kidney trouble The kidney secretions were unnatural and unmistakable evi ¬ dence of disordered kidneys At that time it was my good fortune to hear of Doans Kidney Pills and I began their use In a short time my kidneys were restored to a normal condition For sale by all dealers Price 50 eta FosterMIIburnCo Buffalo New York solo agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Rev J T Hoskins will preach at Fairview church on top of Halls Gap Sunday afternoon and night All are invited Theres more strength in a bowl of Quaker Oats than in the same quantityor the same value of anyother food you can eat Most nourishing least expensiveRe- gular site lOc packages and hermetically staled tint for hot climates U All Peavine 4092 withbeta byJoho NOTETc1 you are looking for the breed ol horses that are commanding the highest prices here oldPcayioe DALMAS This stallion is dark bay 5yerold 162 with best of bone and action with very heavy mane and tail 3rddAm what wp need to get stock big enough to breed work andsell He U well enough bred to get trot ten Will stand him at the very low price of 10 to insure lire colt At same time and place Will stand two Good jacks Jim Porter and Brignolia These jackare too well known to need advertising as I have made several orient with them and you all know how they breed Terms 8to insure live colt Service fee due with all the above advertised stock when colt it foaled mate traded soldor bud to to other stock Care taken to prevent excideni but not responsible should any occur RS ScudderPh- one in Residence McKINNEY KY RURAL TELEPHONES 1IR FARMER Make your home as modern for your family as a city residence and place yourself in a position to get the latest market quotutior at any time This can be accomplished by means of our telephone service which you and your neighbors can get for a sum that is small compared with the benefits received Call or address our nearest office or write direct tr headquartere Nashville Tenn for information regarding our specialClIar mere Lino raterif you are not at present enjoying telephone service wi KentuckyTeuuotlsee Illieok EAST TENNESSEE TEL do TEL CO IXCOBFOBtTBD < c jiii < j 0 J4 L h ltf I u How To Collect Your Notes and Accounts How can I cotectwhat is owing me1 This is tho all important question I with every merchant wholesale firm buGtncrS ami professional men far ¬ mers and in fact onctoda Never has the been so nccountltlmay tention knowledge or experience to tho adjustment or examination into some I claim in which you have an interest tony cause you tho lots of dollars Our province and our busiucis is to help you in these matters Whether it is n NOTE or ACCOUNT you arc not ablo to collect or whether it is QUID claim in which you have an interest which needs looking into carefully 0I are prepared to do it and do if promptly This is our business wo muko a study Wo have the facilities and we have tho experience and tho fact that wo have collected many dollars which were given up as lost is one of our j best arguments in favor of what wo can do Our terms nro reasonable and wo make no charges unless we collect Wo make collections anywhere itt the 1 United States Wo recently collected an account for n firm in the adjoining a man in California If 011 have n claim which needs look ¬ howllarge business Batik references MAYS COLLECTION AGENCY WOODSON MAY Mgr Somerset Kentucky Insures Tobacco and Tobacco tarns I Nothing But Insurance Jesse D Wearen The Insurance Man STANFORD KY Residence Phone 86 Onice US Insure with mo and be fully protected J C McCIary Undertaker Embalmondo- ealcrInHarnoss Saddlery STANFORD KY Calc Phone ItT Nome Phone it SeD CARTER Now Livery Dopot Street Phono96 STANFORD KENT- A W CURD AUCTIONEER Burgin KentucKy lama of Jones National Hcbool of AucttoaeereOhtcagoand have hud ex In tbe big cattle inlei nt the Union stock YardsUhtcngo where wo told some- thoroughbreds ai high at 11100 Alto In horse solos where 8no sales were made each day Auctioneering Is n science and I have I studied It with this See or phone me before you arrange for your cnn make sales to your advantage PHONBJBH Fruit and Ornamental Trees 1 Everything for Orchard Lawn and Onrden One Hlrowberry Free UatalogutI No Agents H F Hillenmeyer Sons LKXISOTON KKNTOCKT Harry Jacobs Dealer In and Manufacturer of Marble and Granite Monu ¬ monts Markers and Posts Cemetery nnd Lawn Vase and Settee Omce end works Me Kinney Ky TO THE FARMERS 1 wlllcontlnue to handle Fertilizers In the Jumbo Dud and ask old patrons to remember me I also ask the patronage of many new customers U tl 81 PPL London Ivy Spring Summer Stock Haveyour measure taken by tailor of ox odcaUiInes suit your or theafnosthevening clothes wilt have that tndivhlusllty sad at which plainly Indicate they were made to our measure I will also take your meas- ure for extra trousers fancy yens top oats and overcoats Hprlng aDd Humtnn ample on hand ready for your Inspection ILO RUPLEY TalloJ8tanford I JLBeazleyCo Undertaken and Embaln en Also Dealers in Fur nitureMattingsRugs They exchange4Furniture for ill Kinds of Sacktff Give Them a Call Prices Right STANFORD KENTUCKY Fish Pennington Insurance and Real Estate All kinds of INSURANCE all kinds of property Only the larg ¬ est companies represented Rates as low as can be had any where Stanford Hy Phone 200 CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE I can furnish the public with tbe teat as well as the freshest 01 cut flowers plants of all kinds bulbs potted flowers on short notice Alto make a specialty of wreaths for for funeral purponet In connection with the above I have all kinds of vegetables on hand at reasonable prices OliniBTMAX UUEBN HOUSES ED ItUBOAHO laoa Htanford K- yCONCRETING conareting ¬ and In tact wn CAn make any from r house down to a fence post We cnn servo you promptly and guarantee flr telas pricesbefore PHILLIPS BROS Stanford Ky FARM FOR SALE My farm of C7 acres of good land well Im ¬ proved well watered and fenced Is for sate It Is located seven miles from Stanford In tbe May wood section house bns six rooms New barn nnd other necessary outbuildings A bargain If sold at once JT L1V1NOHTON R y U NolHtsnford K- yJ J4 BELDEN For home carriage and sign poInting deco rative paper hanging also trimming of nil kinds ouch as tops recovered curtains nnd boots made Hlopover Aldrtdgo blnok = mltb shop West ilula Ht Hlnnford Ky hone Nu d Yb J J BKhDKtf Stock of Merchandise for Sale I dMlre to sell privately my stock of Ore eerlei and Hardware Doing a good bust ness Will Involco SIIOO Heaso 111 health CEO D HOPPER Stanford Ky r R B MAHONEY Free J T WHITE SecyW S FISH Treas The Citizens Realty and l Title Co Farms houses and lots for rent ealeor exchange Persons desiring quick roles or purchases in realty of all kinds Gall on or write us at STANFORD KY Promptness and Reasonable Commissions Our Specialty Phone 200 p y A h Olt L- 4 It i lt u i z tdnM3F e EXTRAGOOD I That tells the tale if there is any J thing extragood in our stock it is oust r Hue of childrens and young mens suits I Your boys will look like these pictures t if you you allow us to dress them Blue Serges and Greys of course you know k are the real things this time but we 1 have also a few with tints of Brown or green Knickerbocker trousers with f every suit Sizes 4 to 17 years any 1 price 350to 10 A I H j McROBERTS STANFORD KENTUCKY I FtJFa aE E gaeaE a aB I fao L Penny II II Coney E Jt Column Dr > Hess Poultry Panacsa I 1 make hens lay euro them s t mmWill alO and keep them in thrifty condition 6 increase in the m of eggs laid will more numberm for the small expense of it r t It is soldat Penny m titorc Drugm m fB PENNYS DRUG STORE Il tVtSCan ford Kentucky When You Have r It Prc d ace To Sell Call I H 13e Northcott f t 1 Stanford Ky Phone 153 k tv r THURMAN TUDOR Manager lf 1 > > I rh A I j ± 4iwYr < h

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    l J p f

    TIlE INTERIOR JOURNALt Established 1872

    iEVBRY TUESDAY AND FRIDAYAt 1 Per Year in Advance

    k SHELTON SAUFUEY Publisher

    Entered at tho Post Office at Stan ¬ford Ky as Second Class mall

    iHON HARVEY HELMi ol Lincoln county candidate for re-etrictiubieci to

    gfaea oftthu democratic party

    TUB meeting of the publicspiritedF last Monday was a step in the

    twomen and will be productivegood to the city if the intentt of the organization is kept constantly

    igent ¬¬4nobly perform this duty In the homeF each day It has been suggested that

    a day be set apart this spring for a gen ¬eral spring cleaning of the city privatehomes backyards business houses and

    j public institutions and the women ofthis civic organization can find work to

    1 do right at their hands by taking charget of such a movement The influence of

    good womanhood has triumphed overalmost every evil in the world and theorganized womanhood of Stanfordworking intelligently can prove apower for both civic and moral good intbe community

    A LEXINGTON widow is suing a clerkIn the Capitol at Frankfort for 1500damages for failure to comply with hispromise to marry her She certainlyputs a high value on the fellows whotoil not neither do they spin but getbig salaries all the same

    WILLIAM HOGG had his name changedby the Crittenden county court to coiljam Howard Since the hog has gottenso aristocratic in price having gonebeyond the lie mark Mr HoggHoward seems to have been a trifle fastidious


    Health Is Worth Saving AndSome Stanford People Know

    How To Save ItMany Stanford people take their lives

    in their hands by neglecting the kid-ney when they know these organsneed help Sick kidneys are responsi ¬ble for a vast amount of suffering andill health but there is no need to suffernor to remain in danger when all dis ¬eases and aches and pains due to weakkidneys can be quickly and permanent-ly cured by the use of Doans KidneyPills The following statement leavesno ground for doubtLani ¬t I never fail to praise Doans KidneyPills when I have the opportunity asthey are certainly an excellentI havo not been without a supply inthe house for years When ever myback becomes lame and painful a fewdoses bring me instant At onetime I feared that I had serious kidneytrouble The kidney secretions wereunnatural and unmistakable evi ¬dence of disordered kidneys At thattime it was my good fortune to hear ofDoans Kidney Pills and I began theiruse In a short time my kidneys wererestored to a normal condition

    For sale by all dealers Price 50 etaFosterMIIburnCo Buffalo New Yorksolo agents for the United States

    Remember the name Doans andtake no other

    Rev J T Hoskins will preach atFairview church on top of Halls GapSunday afternoon and night All areinvited

    Theres more strengthin a bowl of

    Quaker Oatsthan in the samequantityor the samevalue of anyotherfood you can eat

    Most nourishingleast expensiveRe-

    gular site lOc packages and hermeticallystaled tint for hot climates U

    All Peavine 4092withbetabyJohoNOTETc1 you are looking for the breed ol horses that are commanding the highest prices hereoldPcayioeDALMAS

    This stallion is dark bay 5yerold 162 with best of bone and action with very heavy maneand tail3rddAmwhat wp need to get stock big enough to breed work andsell He U well enough bred to get trotten Will stand him at the very low price of 10 to insure lire coltAt same time and place Will stand two Good

    jacks Jim Porter and Brignolia These jackaretoo well known to need advertising as I have

    made several orient with them and you all knowhow they breed Terms 8to insure live coltService fee due with all the above advertised

    stock when colt it foaled mate traded soldorbud to to other stock Care taken to preventexcideni but not responsible should any occur

    R S ScudderPh-one in Residence McKINNEY KY

    RURAL TELEPHONES1IR FARMER Make your home as modern for your family as a city

    residence and place yourself in a position to get the latest market quotutiorat any time This can be accomplished by means of our telephone servicewhich you and your neighbors can get for a sum that is small compared withthe benefits received Call or address our nearest office or write direct trheadquartere Nashville Tenn for information regarding our specialClIarmere Lino raterif you are not at present enjoying telephone service wiKentuckyTeuuotlseeIllieok EAST TENNESSEE TEL do TEL CO


    < c jiii <j 0 J4 L h ltf Iu

    How ToCollect Your Notes and Accounts

    How can I cotectwhat is owing me1 This is tho all important question Iwith every merchant wholesale firm buGtncrS ami professional men far¬mers and in fact onctoda Never has the been sonccountltlmaytention knowledge or experience to tho adjustment or examination into some I

    claim in which you have an interest tony cause you tho lots of dollarsOur province and our busiucis is to help you in these matters Whether itis n NOTE or ACCOUNT you arc not ablo to collect or whether it is QUIDclaim in which you have an interest which needs looking into carefully 0Iare prepared to do it and do if promptly This is our business wo mukoa study Wo have the facilities and we have tho experience and tho fact thatwo have collected many dollars which were given up as lost is one of our jbest arguments in favor of what wo can do Our terms nro reasonable andwo make no charges unless we collect Wo make collections anywhere itt the 1United States Wo recently collected an account for n firm in the adjoining

    a man in California If 011 have n claim which needs look ¬howllargebusiness Batik referencesMAYS COLLECTION AGENCY


    Somerset Kentucky

    Insures Tobacco and Tobaccotarns

    I Nothing But InsuranceJesse D Wearen

    The Insurance ManSTANFORD KY

    Residence Phone 86 Onice USInsure with mo and be fully


    J C McCIary

    Undertaker Embalmondo-ealcrInHarnoss Saddlery

    STANFORD KYCalc Phone ItT Nome Phone it

    SeD CARTERNow Livery

    Dopot StreetPhono96


    Burgin KentucKy

    lama of Jones National Hcboolof AucttoaeereOhtcagoand have hud ex

    In tbe big cattle inlei nt the Unionstock YardsUhtcngo where wo told some-thoroughbreds ai high at 11100 Alto Inhorse solos where 8no sales were made eachday Auctioneering Is n science and I have Istudied It with this See or phone mebefore you arrange for your cnnmake sales to your advantage PHONBJBH

    Fruit and Ornamental Trees 1

    Everything for Orchard Lawn and OnrdenOne Hlrowberry

    Free UatalogutINo Agents

    H F Hillenmeyer SonsLKXISOTON KKNTOCKT

    Harry JacobsDealer In and Manufacturer of

    Marble and Granite Monu ¬monts

    Markers and Posts Cemetery nnd LawnVase and Settee Omce end works MeKinney Ky


    1 wlllcontlnue to handle Fertilizers In theJumbo Dud and askold patrons to remember me I also ask thepatronage of many new customers

    U tl 81 PPLLondon Ivy

    Spring Summer StockHaveyour measure taken by tailor of oxodcaUiInes suit

    youror theafnosthevening

    clothes wilt have that tndivhlusllty sad atwhich plainly Indicate they were made toour measure I will also take your meas-ure for extra trousers fancy yens topoats and overcoats Hprlng aDd Humtnnample on hand ready for your Inspection

    ILO RUPLEYTalloJ8tanford

    I JLBeazleyCo

    Undertaken and Embalnen Also Dealers in FurnitureMattingsRugs Theyexchange4Furniture forill Kinds of Sacktff GiveThem a Call Prices Right


    Fish Pennington

    Insurance and Real


    All kinds of INSURANCE allkinds of property Only the larg ¬

    est companies representedRates as low as can be

    had anywhere

    Stanford Hy Phone 200


    I can furnish the public with tbe teat aswell as the freshest 01 cut flowers plants ofall kinds bulbs potted flowers on shortnotice Alto make a specialty of wreathsfor for funeral purponet

    In connection with the above I have allkinds of vegetables on hand at reasonableprices


    Htanford K-


    conareting ¬and In tact wn CAn make any from rhouse down to a fence post We cnn servoyou promptly and guarantee flr telaspricesbefore

    PHILLIPS BROSStanford Ky

    FARM FOR SALEMy farm of C7 acres of good land well Im ¬

    proved well watered and fenced Is for sateIt Is located seven miles from Stanford Intbe May wood section house bns six roomsNew barn nnd other necessary outbuildingsA bargain If sold at once

    J T L1V1NOHTONR y U NolHtsnford K-

    yJ J4 BELDENFor home carriage and sign poInting decorative paper hanging also trimmingof nil kinds ouch as tops recovered curtainsnnd boots made Hlopover Aldrtdgo blnok= mltb shop West ilula Ht Hlnnford Ky

    hone Nu d YbJ J BKhDKtf

    Stock of Merchandisefor Sale

    I dMlre to sell privately my stock of Oreeerlei and Hardware Doing a good bustness Will Involco SIIOO Heaso111 health

    CEO D HOPPER Stanford Kyr


    The Citizens Realty and lTitle Co

    Farms houses and lots for rent ealeor exchange Persons desiring quickroles or purchases in realty of all kinds Gall on or

    write us at STANFORD KY

    Promptness and Reasonable CommissionsOur Specialty Phone 200



    h OltL-

    4It i lt u i z tdnM3Fe

    EXTRAGOOD IThat tells the tale if there is any J

    thing extragood in our stock it is oust rHue of childrens and young mens suits IYour boys will look like these pictures tif you you allow us to dress them BlueSerges and Greys of course you know kare the real things this time but we 1have also a few with tints of Brown orgreen Knickerbocker trousers with fevery suit Sizes 4 to 17 years any 1price 350to 10 A




    FtJFa aE E gaeaE a aB Ifao L Penny II II Coney E Jt Column


    Hess Poultry Panacsa I1

    make hens lay euro thems


    mmWill alO and keep them inthrifty condition6

    increase in the

    m of eggs laid will more numbermfor the small expense of itr tIt is soldat Penny

    m titorc Drugmm fBPENNYS DRUG STORE IltVtSCan ford Kentucky

    When You Have rItPrcdaceTo Sell Call


    H 13e Northcott ft 1 Stanford Ky Phone 153 ktv rTHURMAN TUDOR Managerlf


    > > I

    rh A I j ± 4iwYr