interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

s The Interior Journal and Eo C WALTONw a = WL MCARTYnl Ii a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln coun ¬ ty lubject to the action ot the democratic partybl M S QAUGHMAN- It a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county to the nctlon of the democratic subject JOHN J MOSERIi Ii a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln county subject to the action of the Democratic of pauySl I MBRUCE Is a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln county to the action of the Democratic abject JAMEt C HAYS 6f t Is a candidate forialter ot Democratic rrpariT r4 DINK FARMER Ii a candidate for the Democratic nomlna lion for Jailer of Lincoln county subject to the action of the democratic party D C ALLEN Ii a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun- ty ¬ subject to the action of the Democratic of partyC of JW FOLEY Ii a candidate forssouorofLincoln coun ¬ ty subject totbenctlon of the democratic party K J A DUDDERAR- ii a candidate for asse sor of Lincoln Coun ¬ tysubjectto the action of the democratic party DEMOCRATIC TICKET t ° For President 0 William of Nebnukah For Vlco President p J John Worth Kern of Indiana For Congress a HARVEY HELM of Lincoln county l V For County Judge John Sam OwtleyJr For Jullerj a ROBERT H COFFEYI For Magistrate JAMES MKECHNIE Tni election is only about 10 days offI and it behooves every good democrat toI do what he can in that short time to promote democratic success If youI know of a democrat who has a griev ance against some nominee go and reason with him and try to straighten out matters If you know of a demo ¬ crat who has no way to get to the polls inform County Campaign Chairman W H Shanks who will see that he gets there or if you know of one who has grown lukewarm show him the Impor- tance ¬ of staying with the party of par ¬ ties this year Vote the straight demo- cratic ticket then vote yes on the courthouse question and after having done this stop and think if your neigh- bors ¬ have done likewise If any ofI them have not take the trouble to see what the cause is and do all in power to remove that cause A stamp In the circle under the rooster is a vote for Bryan Kern Helm Owsley and Coffey Be sure you stamp there Re- member ¬ the rooster will be found in the second column of your ballot Dont make a mistake and vote in the first column or your vote will be recorded for the republicans By Kentucky go- ing ¬ republican last year the democrats lost first place on the ballot TilE Democrats were not in power during the panics of 1873 1883 and 190708 The election of Tilden and a Democratic Congress in 1876 and the election of Clevelaud in 1884 did not o cause any business disturbance while the panic of 1893 began before Cleve- land ¬ was inaugurated or the Wilson bill thought of The Republican effort to create a scare with reference to the upsetting of business If Bryah is elect ¬ ed is the merest poppycock and should not frighten even the babies The prospect of his election has even crea ¬ ted better feelings in the financial world WHILE William H Taft is traveling about Ohio rind elsewhere making fran ¬ tic appeals for the support of laboring men his running mate on the republi ¬ givr are composed largely of anarchists so¬ cialists and demagogues Mr Sher ¬ man heard the organized wage worker of the country thus denounced by a trust magnate who presided at a meet ¬ ing where he spoke and gave approval- of the sentiment expressed AN observant democrat remarked to us the other day that the busiest peo pfo he has seen this campaign are tho distillers and brewers who are arrang ¬ ing or rather are trying to arrange the personnel of the next Legislature Since we have come to think about it we no- t ¬ tice that there is something doing in the camps of these great concerns Arc the people going to stand aside and let a few corporations say who their lawmak ¬ ers shall beT We hardly think they will ACCORDING to the CourierJournal Times John Whallen who runs the theater and saloon in Louisville was the biggest man in the Bryan dem- onstration ¬ in the Falls City the other save Bryan himself Only a few months ago these papers refused to print advertisements of Whallens business how he is the bully boy with a glass eye with them I THINK it was the greatest demon stratton that I havo ever seen and I say that I mean it in every sense of the word I do not remember ever before reviewing a procession miles lopg or speaking to a more magnificent crowd William Jennings Bryan just after his several speeches in Louisville Tuesday night SIDNEY C TAPP was notified Tuesday his nomination for the presidency by the Liberal party which advocates wo¬ suffrage and the initiative and Tapp is the one horse At- lanta ¬ lawyer who came to Frankfort and made a speech before Gov Will son asking pardons for Powers and Howard A VOTE Judge L N Bethurum Mt Vernon is a vote for Joseph G for speaker If you are tired the old trust sympathizer vote for Mr Bethurums democratic opponent on Hon Harvey Helm VICE JALNOMINEE KERN has abandoned his campaign in the East- on account of the serious illness of his eightyearold son He will speak in cities nearer his home so as to visit his son frequently IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES John D Shepperson aged 73 died at home on Rolling Forke Columbia will vote on the graded school question on Nov 28thI Thomas Pendleton living over the Casey line in Adair blew his brains out Some 10 days ago he took mor- phine ¬ with suicidal intent Gov Willson commissioned Henry G Sandifer Jr as Police Judge of Dan- ville ¬ to succeed John C Voris resigned Mr Sandifer is a Democrat Allen Huddleston who killed his father in Metcalfe county a few months and who was acquitted at the last term of the Metcalfe circuit court has been arrested on a requisition from the governor of Tennessee and will be tak- en ¬ back to that State to answer to a charge of another shooting affray Virgil P Smith of Somerset was elected Grand Master of the Kentucky Grand Lodge at the meeting in Louis ¬ ville having been advanced from the position of Deputy Grand Master Mr Smiths election was no surprise as he simply advanced a grade which is in keeping with the custom of the order Daniel Elam and F S Shearer of Somerset were in Danville Saturday seeking to lease four lodge rooms for four different lodges of the railroad people which will be moved from Som ¬ erset to this place The Brotherhood- of Railway Trainmen the Order of Railway Conductors the Brotherhood- of Locomotive Engineers and the Broth ¬ erhood of Locomotive Firemen desire- r to establish their lodges here The four lodges have a total membership of 400 people The representatives of the lodges were unable to find lodge rooms here and it is not known what they will doAdvocate POLITICAL Fully 100000 people turned out to hear and to see Bryan and between 15000 and 18000 marched in the parade in Louisville says the Times Richard Croker has wired from Dub- lin ¬ Ireland 1000 for the national Democratic campaign fund and 500 for the New York State campaign in be- half ¬ of Lewis S Chanler President Roosevelt has signed a con- tract ¬ with the Outlook of New York to act as an associate editor of that publication after his retirement from the presidency in March next Congressman Moses P Kinkaid Re ¬ publican has put himself on record against the reelection of Joseph G Cannon as Speaker He is the fourth Nebraska Congressman to make this pledgeThe two Houses of the Vermont Leg ¬ islature voting separately reelected Senator William P Dillingham and elected former Gov Carroll S Page to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of the late Senator Redfield Proctor In a last desperate effort to save Ohio the Republican National Com ¬ mittee has determined to train its big ¬ gest guns on that State and ten or fif- teen of their best campaign orators will spend practically all their time until election day in the candidates home State Would Mortgage the Farm A Farmeron Rural Routed Empire Ga W A Floyd by name says BuckleniJ Arnica Salvo cured the two worst sores I over saw ono on my hand and one on my leg It is worth more than its weight in gold I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it Only 23c at Pennys Drug Store No cities of any size In the empire are without electric street cars There are 545 miles of trolley tracks CHURCH MATTERS Rev T W Barker will preach at McKinney Sunday at 3 r M nil Subject Sunday morning at tho Meth- odist ¬ and church Enoch Walking With GodEpworth League will hold a Mission- ary ¬ service Sunday at 615 p M at the Methodist church Prof S M Jefferson of Lexington will preach at the Christian church Sunday morning at 1045 Tho two official organs of the Metho- dist ly church South of Kentucky and West Virginia have been consolidated and publication headquarters establish- ed ¬ in Frankfort Isis many friends will be glad to know that Rev Robert J McMullen of Louisville will preach at the Presbyte- rian church next Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours PASTOR The Methodist pastor will deliver sand at third lecture on the Beatitudes Sunday evening at 715 Tho large increase in the night congregations has induced him to continue these lectures for sev- eral ¬ weeks Good Farm For Sale 1 jf I desire to sell privately my JOOacre farm ot tonvllle It Is Ml G improved ¬ easy payments For further particulars write to or call on C T Itolion Lebanon Ky MASONS MEET Lincoln Lodge No 00 F A A M will moot Instated communication on each first mud third Monday nights of each month at 730 oclock In their hull on Main street Htan ¬ ford Ky Members of sister lodges are fra ¬ ternally Invltod to bo present Penny WJIT W IVnnlngtonBec Eczema is Curabie ZBMO a scientific preparation fot external use Stops itching destroys the germs that cause skin diseases Eczema quickly and is- permanently cured by this remarkable medIcine Druggists Write for sam- ple EW Rose Med Co SuLoul8Mo Pennys Drug Store Good Farm For Rent I desire to rent for 100 my farm of 100 acres In the town limits of Urab Orchard 40 or so acres are In timothy meadow The land Is In splendid condition Large brick bouse of eight rooms and out houses good and numerous Plenty of water Wrlio or call on James F Jtoldnm Htanford Ky INSURANCEtrite loflldent None but the HTKONOKBT and JeST Companies Represented Lowest Pos able Kates Guarantied Lou Paying Ileo ltd Unequalled Talk with WAHONY Stanford Kentucky Residence Pbone NoM PUBLIC SALE determineddtobrenkuphousekeer lfavln ¬ ing 1 will sell at tbe James Pepples farm 1H miles Hast of Rowland on FillDAYNOV11Tlt 100 shocks of corn In held so shocks of sor- ghum ¬ cane tome fodder S brood innrvs one In foal to Jack and oneln fool by Preston Jr I suckling mule colt and one horse co I 8 mllkcow 2yeurllng mules 4 fat hogs 15 ewes 1 farm wagon I spring wagon 1 top buckboard 1 set buggy harness 1 sot spring wagon harness 3 sets and all farming implements household goods cook stove 1 extension table Jdishsalesund oth ¬ er things too tedlousto mention also bed ¬ ding chairs sewing machine carpets and lot of other things also some cedar posts TEUMHAII cash over that amount acrtdltof6montbs Note with good security and hearing 6 Pet cent Interest wilt bo required of the purchaser > Hide will begIn st V A M D IU DIBHON Howland J P Chandler Auctioneer Central Kentucky Real state nhangeI TITLE CO Notroacres on the Waynesburg pIke near Highland 6room house burn and oth ¬ outbuildings i nice orchard This proper- ty ¬ Is near nudschoolhoutu It well worth the JIM No yUOucres X tulles Houth of Grab Or ¬ chard on the Htnte road has a twostory house good barn orchard and Is well water ¬ ed about 100 acres of this land Is bottom land and produce One crops A bargain at f ItCW H cash balance one and two Mo 3118 acres on Duck Greek near WllI nesburg 4roolU houle barn other out buildings plenty of water Cash price IV booNo4icencres near Level Green Rock castle countKy This farm has a new y story would cost to build now MOUQ good crib Ac located near church and school This Is a nice home and can be bought tor ID per acre 14 cash re ¬ malnder In li months No rrhO acres adjoining the above farms 100 acres in of 4 rooms barn and other or- chard ¬ One of the best springtnibe coun ¬ ty Irlco SflOO half and 2 years No 611 acres adjoining ferns Nos 4 nnd Go 160 acres In cultivation balance in tim ¬ bur Good white oak hickory and some line cedar Hits 2story log huse and good orvli Iud well watered Uusli price 1UX> No 7 Stoiicres near Muretsburg KyltO acres In cultivation good dwelling house barn and necessary outbuildings line wntl and school church mud It It Station 1rlco 1600 H In ono and two years No l2U ncrvs near Conway Ky nearly nil of this faro is bottom land one for corn and meadow very good dwelling House m w roall16mllel tinNoOatlneros on Drakes from Grab Orchard This farm adjoins tile pike and is n purl of the lea Evans farm This Is line land and In good condition all necessary buildings n bargain at yV per owe No IG7H acres near Stanford Ky in bUlldlnGIetcse For full particulars In regard to all the above farms seu or write L R Hugb i or James I White Htantord Ky For Sale Privately I house and lot house contains eight roonuwith cistern and pantry rooms and necessary outbuildings uch as smoke- house ¬ bunny house coal home hen house a very good stable For further de ¬ scription culloii J II RItlu11T Htanfonl Ky The Truth Ever person in this city who is sub fering from Eczema Pimples Dand ¬ ruff or any form of skin or scalp dis case can find relief and be permanent ¬ cured by Zemo a clean liquid fot external use All durecis sell ZEMC PENNYS DRUG STORE McKINNEY MARBLE C GRANITE WORKS Jacobs Harris Prors nn Dealers In nod manufacturers Ornnltw Marble Monuments Flrst Uass Work Hensonnblo Prices ONce mud Works McKlnney Ky Whop closed on Boturdoy Itching Skin Diseases Arc readily cured by Zemo A liquid for external use Zemo gives instant relief and permanently cures any form Itching Skin or Scalp disease All Druggists Write for sample E W lose Mcd Co St Louis Mo L PENNYS DRUG STORE Fruit and Ornamental Trees Everything for Orchard Lawn and Garden We have no agents Free CatalogueII HltUJNMBYnU it SON- SLexington Ky When Ordering Clothes Slave your measure taken by a tailor of ex ¬ Then your clothes whethera low price business suit or the finest evening clothes will have that Individuality and nt which plainly Indicate they were suede to your mvasurv 1 win also take your roes ¬ ure for extra trouser fancy vests top coats and overcoats Pail nnd Winter sam ¬ plea on hand ready for your inspection H O UUlLK Y The Tailor Htanford Ky Adorinas Fox Is n handsome large young Jersey null de ¬ scended front n and unbroken line of the mOlt noted bulls and cows on the Is ¬ land of Jersey England and America Ills 1Ir II one of the best bull ever tmpottto and his dnlll Is a show cow that hOIIInll milk in one day K ho- hoveLike begets Like or the Likeuessof tomeAncestor and have n itrlotly good cow you should avail yourself of his ser vice Ho wilt bo allowed to serve n limited number of approved registered cows out side of our own herd this year for n fr ol IS each Make engagement before sending cow to be bred AOTTBU Telephone so Htanford Ky N IlVu havo to offer three extra choice bull calves that will be sold ut right pri- cesCONCRETING I We are In position to do all kinds of eon creting as Work Pavements anti In fact wu cnn make any thing from aI house down to a fence post We run ten you promptly and art lase work 111 Jail and get our price before you buy your material at leo t PHILLIPS BROS Stanford Ky r Heart Strength ITeart Btrenrth or Heart Weakness Deans X ernI Ptraigth or None Weakness nothing more itofc lUrelr not one weak heart In a hundred 1s In It self actually diseased It is almost always a nerve that really I all at fault This obscure nervethe Cardiac or Heart Nerve simply needs and mutt have more power more more OODllolUnJmure lorerninj strength Without continue to foil and the stomach and kidneys also ban these laID controlling nerves This clearly explains why as a medicine Dr Shoots Restorative has past done so much tor weak and allin Ueartl Dr Shoop aUI sought palplIaUnrlU1foraatn popular prescription Is alone directed to ttoij bulldllItrenrthens It you would have strong Hearts auont IUoo strengthen these nunsreestablish11- 10w u needed wIth Dr Shoops RestorativePENNYS HENRY WATTERSONS PAPER Weekly CourierJournal AND The Interior Journal BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONLY 150 Few people In the United States hnvo not heard of the CourierJournal Democratic In all things fair In all thing clean In all things It Is essentially family paper By a special arrangement we are enabled to of ¬ fer the WEKKLV COURIEBOUBNAL one year and this paper for the price name above Send your subscription fo > tbe cum blaatlon te usot tqthe urlerJouroa UMDR1ERThe rs cl1r 1m 1 must change our clothing to suit the season t1 We are especially well fixed this time in Undl1 I derwear dl The Royal Silk Plus d is unquestionably the best Underwear on the T j1 wo I market today Never fadesnever draws upJ medium weight but WARMER than anything tor else In shirts and drawers at 150 the gar- ment ¬ M WRIGHTS WOOL FLEECED is the standard Everybody knows it Thec wool a little softer and weight a little heavier 11 than other makes Shirts and Drawers at 1 the garmentI In COOPERS WRIGHTSCI ta ffor J ht r j- c d gl UNION SUITS soft warm balbrigan at 1 and 2 suit Of course the cheaper grades 50cC stuff we all have Some buy LIGHTER + c WEIGHTS and sell them a little less than rt 50c butthey are LIGHTER WEIGHTS AND Sj POORLY MADE Boys Union Suits 4 to 15rt years good ones for 50c the suiti H J McROBBRTS STANFORD I KENTUCKYtr d The Emporium Huston villeH- nvo y- s t now their Fall stock complete for your inspection rI c Our Millinery Surpasses all Former EffortsP ever Attempted in Hustonville fI t Our prices always conoratc See our Tailored Gowns new and luettrr We have just introduced this line Ladies Skirt our Fall lino of Cloak t Ladies Misses and Children you will find to he money savers to you ShooC t tock now completer AVo have handled the Sterling Shoo for yours to our I satisfaction and to the trade Try n pair and Ira convinced Everylleitart ¬ ment Is now complete and ready fur your inspection Yours for fair ox ¬ change CHAS WHEELER I HUSTONVILLE KY is I f BeechNut jI Brand 14 r cans il1 Onco tried always used Money back if not satisfactory Also Ideeclinu t Cranberry Sauce Sliced Bacon Currant Jelly Orange Marmalade Grapo I IJelly Pineapple Preserves Peanut Butter Always Call and see f lino on the market GEORGE FARRIS save The Dillerenee 1l Every little bit helps Inspect our line of Heaters before you buy1i f Geol Da Hopper Stanford Ky 55

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY · s The Interior Journal and Eo C WALTONw a = WL MCARTYnl Ii a candidate for


The Interior Journal and


WL MCARTYnlIi a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln coun ¬

ty lubject to the action ot the democraticpartyblM S QAUGHMAN-

It a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln countyto the nctlon of the democraticsubject

JOHN J MOSERIiIi a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln countysubject to the action of the Democratic ofpauySlI MBRUCEIs a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln county

to the action of the Democraticabject


tIs a candidate forialter ot DemocraticrrpariTr4


Ii a candidate for the Democratic nomlnalion for Jailer of Lincoln county subject tothe action of the democratic party


Ii a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun-ty


subject to the action of the Democratic ofpartyCofJW FOLEY

Ii a candidate forssouorofLincoln coun ¬

ty subject totbenctlon of the democraticparty K


ii a candidate for asse sor of Lincoln Coun ¬

tysubjectto the action of the democraticparty


° For President0

Williamof Nebnukah

For Vlco Presidentp

J John Worth Kernof Indiana

For Congress

a HARVEY HELMof Lincoln county

lV For County JudgeJohn Sam OwtleyJr



Tni election is only about 10 days offIand it behooves every good democrat toIdo what he can in that short time topromote democratic success If youIknow of a democrat who has a grievance against some nominee go andreason with him and try to straightenout matters If you know of a demo¬

crat who has no way to get to the pollsinform County Campaign Chairman WH Shanks who will see that he getsthere or if you know of one who hasgrown lukewarm show him the Impor-tance


of staying with the party of par ¬

ties this year Vote the straight demo-cratic ticket then vote yes on thecourthouse question and after havingdone this stop and think if your neigh-



have done likewise If any ofIthem have not take the trouble to seewhat the cause is and do all inpower to remove that cause A stampIn the circle under the rooster is a votefor Bryan Kern Helm Owsley andCoffey Be sure you stamp there Re-


the rooster will be found in

the second column of your ballot Dontmake a mistake and vote in the firstcolumn or your vote will be recordedfor the republicans By Kentucky go-


republican last year the democratslost first place on the ballot

TilE Democrats were not in powerduring the panics of 1873 1883 and190708 The election of Tilden and aDemocratic Congress in 1876 and theelection of Clevelaud in 1884 did not

o cause any business disturbance whilethe panic of 1893 began before Cleve-


was inaugurated or the Wilsonbill thought of The Republican effortto create a scare with reference to theupsetting of business If Bryah is elect ¬

ed is the merest poppycock and shouldnot frighten even the babies Theprospect of his election has even crea ¬

ted better feelings in the financialworld

WHILE William H Taft is travelingabout Ohio rind elsewhere making fran ¬

tic appeals for the support of laboringmen his running mate on the republi ¬givrare composed largely of anarchists so¬

cialists and demagogues Mr Sher¬

man heard the organized wage workerof the country thus denounced by atrust magnate who presided at a meet¬

ing where he spoke and gave approval-of the sentiment expressed

AN observant democrat remarked tous the other day that the busiest peopfo he has seen this campaign are thodistillers and brewers who are arrang¬

ing or rather are trying to arrange thepersonnel of the next Legislature Sincewe have come to think about it we no-

tice that there is something doing in thecamps of these great concerns Arc thepeople going to stand aside and let afew corporations say who their lawmak ¬

ers shall beT We hardly think theywill

ACCORDING to the CourierJournalTimes John Whallen who runs the

theater and saloon in Louisvillewas the biggest man in the Bryan dem-


in the Falls City the othersave Bryan himself Only a few

months ago these papers refused to printadvertisements of Whallens business

how he is the bully boy with a glass

eye with them

I THINK it was the greatest demonstratton that I havo ever seen and

I say that I mean it in everysense of the word I do not remember

ever before reviewing a processionmiles lopg or speaking to a more

magnificent crowd William JenningsBryan just after his several speeches inLouisville Tuesday night

SIDNEY C TAPP was notified Tuesday

his nomination for the presidency by

the Liberal party which advocates wo¬

suffrage and the initiative andTapp is the one horse At-



lawyer who came to Frankfortand made a speech before Gov Will

son asking pardons for Powers and


A VOTE Judge LNBethurumMt Vernon is a vote for Joseph G

for speaker If you are tiredthe old trust sympathizer vote for

Mr Bethurums democratic opponenton

Hon Harvey Helm


has abandoned his campaign in the East-

on account of the serious illness of hiseightyearold son He will speak in

cities nearer his home so as to visit his

son frequently


John D Shepperson aged 73 died athome on Rolling ForkeColumbia will vote on the graded

school question on Nov 28thIThomas Pendleton living over

the Casey line in Adair blew his brains

out Some 10 days ago he took mor-



with suicidal intentGov Willson commissioned Henry G

Sandifer Jr as Police Judge of Dan-



to succeed John C Voris resigned

Mr Sandifer is a DemocratAllen Huddleston who killed his

father in Metcalfe county a few monthsand who was acquitted at the last

term of the Metcalfe circuit court hasbeen arrested on a requisition from thegovernor of Tennessee and will be tak-



back to that State to answer to acharge of another shooting affray

Virgil P Smith of Somerset waselected Grand Master of the KentuckyGrand Lodge at the meeting in Louis ¬

ville having been advanced from theposition of Deputy Grand Master Mr

Smiths election was no surprise as hesimply advanced a grade which is inkeeping with the custom of the order

Daniel Elam and F S Shearer of

Somerset were in Danville Saturdayseeking to lease four lodge rooms forfour different lodges of the railroadpeople which will be moved from Som ¬

erset to this place The Brotherhood-

of Railway Trainmen the Order ofRailway Conductors the Brotherhood-

of Locomotive Engineers and the Broth ¬

erhood of Locomotive Firemen desire-

r to establish their lodges here The fourlodges have a total membership of 400

people The representatives of thelodges were unable to find lodge rooms

here and it is not known what they will



Fully 100000 people turned out to hearand to see Bryan and between 15000and 18000 marched in the parade inLouisville says the Times

Richard Croker has wired from Dub-



Ireland 1000 for the nationalDemocratic campaign fund and 500 forthe New York State campaign in be-


of Lewis S ChanlerPresident Roosevelt has signed a con-


with the Outlook of New Yorkto act as an associate editor of thatpublication after his retirement fromthe presidency in March next

Congressman Moses P Kinkaid Re¬

publican has put himself on recordagainst the reelection of Joseph G

Cannon as Speaker He is the fourthNebraska Congressman to make this

pledgeThetwo Houses of the Vermont Leg ¬

islature voting separately reelectedSenator William P Dillingham andelected former Gov Carroll S Page tofill the remainder of the unexpired termof the late Senator Redfield Proctor

In a last desperate effort to saveOhio the Republican National Com ¬

mittee has determined to train its big¬

gest guns on that State and ten or fif-

teen of their best campaign orators willspend practically all their time untilelection day in the candidates homeState

Would Mortgage the FarmA Farmeron Rural Routed Empire

Ga W A Floyd by name saysBuckleniJ Arnica Salvo cured thetwo worst sores I over saw ono onmy hand and one on my leg It isworth more than its weight in goldI would not be without it if I had tomortgage the farm to get it Only23c at Pennys Drug Store

No cities of any size In theempire are without electric street carsThere are 545 miles of trolley tracks


Rev T W Barker will preach atMcKinney Sunday at 3 r M nil

Subject Sunday morning at tho Meth-


andchurch Enoch Walking With

GodEpworth League will hold a Mission-


service Sunday at 615 p M at theMethodist church

Prof S M Jefferson of Lexingtonwill preach at the Christian churchSunday morning at 1045

Tho two official organs of the Metho-dist


church South of Kentucky andWest Virginia have been consolidatedand publication headquarters establish-ed


in FrankfortIsis many friends will be glad to

know that Rev Robert J McMullen ofLouisville will preach at the Presbyte-rian church next Sunday morning andevening at the usual hours PASTOR

The Methodist pastor will deliver sandatthird lecture on the Beatitudes Sundayevening at 715 Tho large increase inthe night congregations has inducedhim to continue these lectures for sev-



Good Farm For Sale 1 jf

I desire to sell privately my JOOacre farmot tonvllle It Is Ml Gimproved ¬

easy payments For further particularswrite to or call on C T Itolion Lebanon Ky

MASONS MEETLincoln Lodge No 00 F A A M will moot

Instated communication on each first mudthird Monday nights of each month at 730oclock In their hull on Main street Htan ¬

ford Ky Members of sister lodges are fra¬

ternally Invltod to bo present PennyWJIT W IVnnlngtonBec

Eczema isCurabieZBMO a scientific preparation fot

external use Stops itchingdestroys the germs that cause skin

diseases Eczema quickly and is-

permanently cured by this remarkablemedIcine Druggists Write for sam-

ple E W Rose Med Co SuLoul8MoPennys Drug Store

Good Farm For RentI desire to rent for 100 my farm of 100

acres In the town limits of Urab Orchard40 or so acres are In timothy meadow Theland Is In splendid condition Large brickbouse of eight rooms and out houses goodand numerous Plenty of water Wrlio orcall on James F Jtoldnm

Htanford Ky

INSURANCEtriteloflldent None but the HTKONOKBT andJeST Companies Represented Lowest Posable Kates Guarantied Lou Paying Ileoltd Unequalled Talk with

WAHONY Stanford Kentucky

Residence Pbone NoM

PUBLIC SALEdetermineddtobrenkuphousekeer

lfavln ¬

ing 1 will sell at tbe James Pepples farm 1Hmiles Hast of Rowland on

FillDAYNOV11Tlt100 shocks of corn In held so shocks of sor-ghum


cane tome fodder S brood innrvs oneIn foal to Jack and oneln fool by Preston JrI suckling mule colt and one horse co I 8mllkcow 2yeurllng mules 4 fat hogs 15ewes 1 farm wagon I spring wagon 1 topbuckboard 1 set buggy harness 1 sot springwagon harness 3 sets and allfarming implements household goods cookstove 1 extension table Jdishsalesund oth ¬

er things too tedlousto mention also bed ¬

ding chairs sewing machine carpets andlot of other things also some cedar posts

TEUMHAII cashover that amount acrtdltof6montbs Notewith good security and hearing 6 Pet centInterest wilt bo required of the purchaser> Hide will begIn st V A M

D IU DIBHON HowlandJ P Chandler Auctioneer

Central Kentucky

Real state nhangeI


Notroacres on the Waynesburg pIkenear Highland 6room house burn and oth ¬

outbuildings i nice orchard This proper-ty


Is near nudschoolhoutu It wellworth the JIM

No yUOucres X tulles Houth of Grab Or ¬

chard on the Htnte road has a twostoryhouse good barn orchard and Is well water¬

ed about 100 acres of this land Is bottomland and produce One crops A bargain atf ItCW H cash balance one and two

Mo 3118 acres on Duck Greek near WllInesburg 4roolU houle barn other outbuildings plenty of water Cash price IV

booNo4icencres near Level Green Rockcastle countKy This farm has a new ystory would cost to build nowMOUQ good crib Ac located nearchurch and school This Is a nice home andcan be bought tor ID per acre 14 cash re ¬

malnder In li monthsNo rrhO acres adjoining the above farms

100 acres in of 4 roomsbarn and other or-


One of the best springtnibe coun ¬

ty Irlco SflOO half and 2years

No 611 acres adjoining ferns Nos 4 nndGo 160 acres In cultivation balance in tim ¬

bur Good white oak hickory and some linecedar Hits 2story log huse and good orvliIud well watered Uusli price 1UX>

No 7 Stoiicres near Muretsburg KyltOacres In cultivation good dwelling housebarn and necessary outbuildings line wntland school church mud It It Station 1rlco

1600 H In ono and two yearsNo l2U ncrvs near Conway Ky nearly

nil of this faro is bottom land one for cornand meadow very good dwelling House m w

roall16mlleltinNoOatlneros on Drakesfrom Grab Orchard This farm adjoins tilepike and is n purl of the lea Evans farmThis Is line land and In good condition allnecessary buildings n bargain atyV per owe

No IG7H acres near Stanford Ky inbUlldlnGIetcseFor full particulars In regard to all the

above farms seu or write L R Hugb i orJames I White Htantord Ky

For Sale Privately I

house and lot house contains eightroonuwith cistern and pantry rooms and

necessary outbuildings uch as smoke-house


bunny house coal home hen housea very good stable For further de ¬

scription culloii J II RItlu11THtanfonl Ky

The TruthEver person in this city who is sub

fering from Eczema Pimples Dand ¬

ruff or any form of skin or scalp discase can find relief and be permanent ¬

cured by Zemo a clean liquid fot

external use All durecis sell ZEMC




Jacobs Harris Prors

nnDealers In nod manufacturers OrnnltwMarble Monuments Flrst Uass Work

Hensonnblo Prices ONce mud WorksMcKlnney Ky Whop closed on Boturdoy

Itching Skin DiseasesArc readily cured by Zemo A liquid

for external use Zemo gives instantrelief and permanently cures any form

Itching Skin or Scalp disease All

Druggists Write for sample E Wlose Mcd Co St Louis Mo


Fruit and Ornamental Trees

Everything for Orchard Lawn andGarden We have no agents Free

CatalogueIIHltUJNMBYnU it SON-

SLexington Ky

When Ordering ClothesSlave your measure taken by a tailor of ex ¬

Then your clothes whethera lowprice business suit or the finest eveningclothes will have that Individuality and ntwhich plainly Indicate they were suede toyour mvasurv 1 win also take your roes ¬

ure for extra trouser fancy vests topcoats and overcoats Pail nnd Winter sam ¬

plea on hand ready for your inspectionH O UUlLK Y The Tailor

Htanford Ky

Adorinas FoxIs n handsome large young Jersey null de¬

scended front n and unbroken line ofthe mOlt noted bulls and cows on the Is ¬

land of Jersey England and America Ills1Ir II one of the best bull ever tmpotttoand his dnlll Is a show cow that hOIIInll

milk in one day K ho-hoveLike begets Like or the LikeuessoftomeAncestor and have n itrlotly goodcow you should avail yourself of his service Ho wilt bo allowed to serve n limitednumber of approved registered cows outside of our own herd this year for n fr olIS each Make engagement before sendingcow to be bred AOTTBU

Telephone so Htanford KyN IlVu havo to offer three extra choice

bull calves that will be sold ut right pri-


We are In position to do all kinds of eoncreting as Work Pavementsanti In fact wu cnn make any thing from aIhouse down to a fence post We run tenyou promptly and art lasework 111 Jail and get our pricebefore you buy your material at leo t



Heart StrengthITeart Btrenrth or Heart Weakness Deans XernI

Ptraigth or None Weakness nothing more itofclUrelr not one weak heart In a hundred 1s In Itself actually diseased It is almost always a

nerve that really I all at faultThis obscure nervethe Cardiac or Heart Nerve

simply needs and mutt have more power moremore OODllolUnJmure lorerninj

strength Without continueto foil and the stomach and kidneys also banthese laID controlling nerves

This clearly explains why as a medicine DrShoots Restorative has past done so muchtor weak and allin Ueartl Dr Shoop aUI sought

palplIaUnrlU1foraatnpopular prescription Is alone directed to ttoij

bulldllItrenrthensIt you would have strong Hearts auontIUoo strengthen these nunsreestablish11-

10w u needed wIth

Dr ShoopsRestorativePENNYS




Weekly CourierJournal


The Interior Journal


ONLY 150Few people In the United States hnvo not

heard of the CourierJournal DemocraticIn all things fair In all thing clean In allthings It Is essentially family paper Bya special arrangement we are enabled to of ¬

fer the WEKKLV COURIEBOUBNAL oneyear and this paper for the price nameabove Send your subscription fo > tbe cumblaatlon te usot tqthe urlerJouroa





must change our clothing to suit the season t1

We are especially well fixed this time in Undl1Iderwear dl

The Royal Silk Plus d

is unquestionably the best Underwear on the T j1wo


market today Never fadesnever drawsupJmedium weight but WARMER than anythingtor

else In shirts and drawers at 150 the gar-



WRIGHTS WOOL FLEECEDis the standard Everybody knows it Thecwool a little softer and weight a little heavier


than other makes Shirts and Drawers at1 thegarmentI In







UNION SUITSsoft warm balbrigan at 1 and 2suit Of course the cheaper grades 50cCstuff we all have Some buy LIGHTER + c

WEIGHTS and sell them a little less thanrt

50c butthey are LIGHTER WEIGHTS AND Sj

POORLY MADE Boys Union Suits 4 to 15rtyears good ones for 50c thesuitiH J McROBBRTSSTANFORD I KENTUCKYtr


The Emporium Huston villeH-




now their Fall stock complete for your inspectionrI


Our Millinery Surpasses all Former EffortsPever Attempted in Hustonville



Our prices always conoratc See our Tailored Gowns new and luettrrWe have just introduced this line Ladies Skirt our Fall lino of Cloak t

Ladies Misses and Children you will find to he money savers to you ShooCttock now completer AVo have handled the Sterling Shoo for yours to our


satisfaction and to the trade Try n pair and Ira convinced Everylleitart ¬

ment Is now complete and ready fur your inspection Yours for fair ox ¬





BeechNut jIBrand 14 r

cans il1Onco tried always used Money back if not satisfactory Also Ideeclinu t

Cranberry Sauce Sliced Bacon Currant Jelly Orange Marmalade Grapo I

IJelly Pineapple Preserves Peanut Butter Always Call and see flino on the market


save The Dillerenee1l

Every little bit helps Inspect our line of

Heatersbefore you buy1i f

Geol Da Hopper Stanford Ky