indeks harga pengeluar · 2014. 11. 17. · jadual 7 : indeks harga import (2005=100) mengikut...


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  • i


    Muka surat


    Penemuan ringkas 3

    Summary of findings

    Graf 1 : Indeks harga pengeluar - pengeluaran tempatan 9

    Graph 1 : Producer price index - local production

    Graf 2 : Indeks harga pengeluar mengikut peringkat pemprosesan 10

    Graph 2 : Producer price index by stage of processing

    Jadual 1 : Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori

    (MSIC 2000) dan peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia


    Table 1 : Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000) and stage of processing, Malaysia

    Jadual 1.1 : Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori,

    bahagian dan kumpulan (MSIC 2000), Malaysia


    Table 1.1 : Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category, division and group (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Jadual 1.1a

    : Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori

    (MSIC 2000), Malaysia - Indeks Purata


    Table 1.1a : Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000), Malaysia - Average Index

    Jadual 1.2 : Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat

    pemprosesan, Malaysia


    Table 1.2 : Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia

    Jadual 2 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori (MSIC 2000), Malaysia 20

    Table 2 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Jadual 3 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut bahagian (MSIC 2000), Malaysia 21

    Table 3 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by division (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Jadual 4 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia 24

    Table 4 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia

    Jadual 5 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi ekonomi domestik mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia 29

    Table 5 : PPI (2005=100) for domestic economy by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Jadual 5.1 : Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi ekonomi domestik mengikut seksyen

    barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia


    Table 5.1 : Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for domestic economy by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

  • ii

    Muka surat


    Jadual 6 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3),



    Table 6 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Jadual 7 : Indeks harga import (2005=100) mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia 32

    Table 7 : Import price index (2005=100) by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Nota teknikal 35

    Technical notes

    Lampiran A 45

    Appendix A

    Jadual tarikh pengeluaran indeks harga pengeluar - pengeluaran tempatan, Januari - Disember 2012 47

    Schedule of release dates for producer price index - local production, January - December 2012



  • 3

    Pengeluaran Tempatan

    Perubahan bulan ke bulan

    Indeks Harga Pengeluar (IHPR) bagi

    pengeluaran tempatan naik 0.9 peratus pada Julai

    2012 berbanding Jun tahun ini. Peningkatan indeks

    keseluruhan disebabkan oleh perubahan positif

    indeks Perlombongan (+7.2%), Pertanian (+1.1%)

    dan Perikanan (+0.6%). Walau bagaimanapun,

    indeks bagi sektor selebihnya yang terdiri daripada

    Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air dan Pembuatan

    masing-masing menurun 0.3 dan 0.1 peratus.

    Perubahan tahun ke tahun

    Berbanding Julai 2011, IHPR bagi pengeluaran

    tempatan bagi Julai tahun ini susut 0.5 peratus.

    Harga yang lebih rendah dilaporkan oleh pengeluar

    bagi tiga kategori iaitu Pertanian yang menurun

    sebanyak 5.4 peratus diikuti oleh Perlombongan

    dan Pembuatan masing-masing sebanyak 1.1 dan

    0.1 peratus. Sebaliknya, indeks Perikanan melonjak

    13.4 peratus dan Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air naik

    1.9 peratus. [Jadual 1]

    Perubahan IHPR bagi tempoh Januari–Julai


    Sepanjang tempoh Januari-Julai 2012/2011,

    IHPR purata bagi pengeluaran tempatan

    mencatatkan perubahan positif 2.3 peratus. Ia

    disebabkan oleh peningkatan harga yang

    Local Production

    Month-on-month change

    The Producer Price Index (PPI) for local

    production rose by 0.9 per cent in July 2012 as

    compared to June this year. The increase in the

    overall index was due to positive changes in the

    Mining (+7.2%), Agriculture (+1.1%) and

    Fishing (+0.6%) indices. However, the indices for

    the remaining sectors, namely Electricity, gas and

    water supply and Manufacturing decreased by 0.3

    and 0.1 per cent respectively.

    Year-on-year change

    As compared with July 2011, the PPI for local

    production for July this year declined by 0.5 per

    cent. Lower prices were reported by producers

    from three categories, that is Agriculture which

    dropped by 5.4 per cent, followed by Mining and

    Manufacturing by 1.1 and 0.1 per cent

    respectively. In contrast, the index for Fishing

    jumped by 13.4 per cent while Electricity, gas and

    water supply went up by 1.9 per cent. [Table 1]

    PPI changes for the period January–July


    During the period January−July 2012/2011,

    the average PPI for local production recorded a

    positive change of 2.3 per cent. This was due to

    the price increases reported by Mining (+14.6%),






  • 4

    dilaporkan oleh kategori Perlombongan (+14.6%),

    Perikanan (+12.2%), Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air

    (+5.2%) dan Pembuatan (+1.2%) manakala

    Pertanian menurun 6.3 peratus. [Jadual 1.1a]

    Fishing (+12.2%), Electricity, gas and water

    supply (+5.2%) and Manufacturing (+1.2%)

    categories while that for Agriculture dropped by

    6.3 per cent. [Table 1.1a]

    IHPR pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat


    Perubahan bulan ke bulan

    Peningkatan (+0.9%) IHPR pengeluaran

    tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan adalah

    terutamanya disebabkan oleh perubahan positif 5.2

    peratus yang direkodkan oleh Bahan mentah untuk

    diproseskan selanjutnya. Indeks Bahan

    perantaraan, bekalan dan komponen menurun 0.2

    peratus manakala indeks Barang siap tidak


    Perubahan tahun ke tahun

    Berbanding bulan yang sama setahun lalu,

    IHPR pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat

    pemprosesan bagi Julai 2012 menurun 0.5 peratus.

    Penurunan indeks keseluruhan disebabkan oleh

    perubahan negatif 3.6 peratus indeks Bahan mentah

    untuk diproseskan selanjutnya. Sementara itu,

    indeks Barang siap dan Bahan perantaraan, bekalan

    dan komponen masing-masing meningkat 0.3 dan

    0.1 peratus. [Jadual 1]

    PPI for local production by stage of processing

    Month-on-month change

    The increase (+0.9%) in PPI for local

    production by stage of processing (SOP) was

    mainly due to the positive change of 5.2 per cent

    recorded by Crude materials for further

    processing. The index for Intermediate materials,

    supplies and components dropped by 0.2 per cent

    while that for Finished goods remained


    Year-on-year change

    As compared with the same month a year

    ago, the PPI for local production by SOP for July

    2012 decreased by 0.5 per cent. The drop in the

    overall index was due to the negative change of

    3.6 per cent in the index for Crude materials for

    further processing. Meanwhile, the indices for

    Finished goods and Intermediate materials,

    supplies components increased by 0.3 and 0.1 per

    cent respectively. [Table 1]

  • 5

    Ekonomi Domestik

    Perubahan bulan ke bulan

    Pada masa yang sama, IHPR bagi ekonomi

    domestik adalah 0.5 peratus lebih tinggi pada Julai

    2012 berbanding Jun tahun ini. Peningkatan

    dilaporkan oleh tujuh daripada sepuluh seksyen

    komoditi yang diliputi dalam penyiasatan. Antara

    seksyen komoditi yang melaporkan perubahan

    positif adalah Bahan api galian, pelincir, dll

    (+2.5%), Pelbagai urus niaga dan barangan

    (+1.0%), Makanan (+0.4%) dan Bahan-bahan

    mentah tidak boleh dimakan (+0.4%). Sementara

    itu, indeks bagi Minyak dan lemak binatang dan

    sayur-sayuran (-1.0%) dan Bahan kimia (-0.9%)

    menurun manakala indeks Pelbagai barang

    keluaran kilang tidak berubah. [Jadual 5.1]

    Perubahan tahun ke tahun

    Berbanding bulan Julai 2011 IHPR ekonomi

    domestik bagi Julai 2012 merosot 0.2 peratus.

    Penurunan dilaporkan oleh enam seksyen komoditi

    termasuk Minyak dan lemak binatang dan sayur-

    sayuran (-7.1%), Bahan-bahan mentah tidak boleh

    dimakan (-6.4%), Bahan kimia (-0.8%) dan

    Barang-barang keluaran kilang (-0.7%). Namun

    begitu indeks Bahan api, galian pelincir, dll

    (+1.6%), Jentera dan kelengkapan pengangkutan

    (+1.6%) dan Pelbagai barang keluaran kilang

    (+0.3%) merekodkan peningkatan manakala indeks

    Makanan tidak berubah. [Jadual 5.1]

    Domestic Economy

    Month-on-month change

    Concurrently, the PPI for domestic economy

    was higher by 0.5 per cent in July 2012 as

    compared to June this year. Increases were

    reported by seven out of ten commodity sections

    surveyed. Among the commodity sections which

    reported positive changes were Mineral fuels,

    lubricants, etc (+2.5%), Miscellaneous

    transactions and commodities (+1.0%), Food

    (+0.4%) and Crude materials, inedible (+0.4%).

    Meanwhile, the indices for Animal and vegetable

    oils and fats (-1.0%) and Chemicals (-0.9%)

    declined while that for Miscellaneous

    manufactured articles remained unchanged.

    [Table 5.1]

    Year-on-year change

    As compared with July 2011 the PPI for

    domestic economy for July 2012 slipped by 0.2

    per cent. Decreases were reported by six

    commodity sections which included Animal and

    vegetable oils and fats (-7.1%), Crude materials,

    inedible (-6.4%), Chemicals (-0.8%) and

    Manufactured goods (-0.7%). Despite that, the

    indices for Mineral fuels, lubricants etc (+1.6%),

    Machinery and transport equipment (+1.6%) and

    Miscellaneous manufactured articles (+0.3%)

    recorded increases while that for Food remained

    unchanged. [Table 5.1]

  • GRAF


  • 80.0
















    J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    eks /In



    Graf 1 : Indeks harga pengeluar - pengeluaran tempatan Graph 1 : Producer price index - local production

    Bekalan elektrik, gas & air Electricity, gas & water supply

    Pembuatan Manufacturing

    Perlombongan Mining

    Perikanan Fishing

    Pertanian Agriculture

    Jumlah Total


  • 80.0














    J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J O S O N D J F M A M J J

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    eks /In



    Graf 2 : Indeks harga pengeluar mengikut peringkat pemprosesan Graph 2 : Producer price index by stage of processing

    Barang siap Finished goods

    Bahan perantaraan, bekalan & komponen

    Intermediate materials, supplies & components

    Bahan mentah untuk diproseskan selanjutnya Crude materials for further





  • Wajaran

    Code WeightJul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jumlah 100.00 137.0 135.1 136.3 0.9 -0.5


    Pertanian A 6.60 193.0 180.5 182.5 1.1 -5.4


    Perikanan B 0.81 137.6 155.1 156.1 0.6 13.4


    Perlombongan C 9.83 187.3 172.8 185.3 7.2 -1.1


    Pembuatan D 80.00 126.9 126.9 126.8 -0.1 -0.1


    Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air E 2.76 118.0 120.7 120.3 -0.3 1.9

    Electricity, gas and water supply

    IHPR mengikut peringkat pemprosesan 100.00 137.0 135.1 136.3 0.9 -0.5

    PPI by stage of processing

    Bahan mentah untuk diproseskan selanjutnya 1 14.88 190.0 174.1 183.2 5.2 -3.6

    Crude materials for further processing

    Bahan perantaraan, bekalan dan komponen 2 54.62 137.2 137.7 137.4 -0.2 0.1

    Intermediate materials, supplies and components

    Barang siap 3 30.50 111.0 111.3 111.3 0.0 0.3

    Finished goods

    Jadual 1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori (MSIC 2000) dan peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia

    Table 1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000) and stage of processing, Malaysia


    Kategori/CategoryPercentage changePerubahan peratus


  • Wajaran

    Code Weight Jul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jumlah 100.00 137.0 135.1 136.3 0.9 -0.5 Total

    Pertanian A 6.60 193.0 180.5 182.5 1.1 -5.4 Agriculture

    Pertanian, pemburuan dan aktiviti perkhidmatan yang berkaitan 01 5.33 196.1 179.2 181.7 1.4 -7.3 Agriculture, hunting & related service activities

    Penanaman tanaman, tanaman pasaran dan hortikultur 011 4.20 212.1 195.4 197.9 1.3 -6.7 Growing of crops, market gardening and horticulture

    Penternakan haiwan 012 1.13 136.6 118.8 121.3 2.1 -11.2 Livestock farming

    Aktiviti perhutanan, pembalakan dan perkhidmatan yang berkaitan 02 1.27 179.8 186.2 186.2 0.0 3.6 Forestry, logging & related service activities

    Aktiviti perhutanan, pembalakan dan perkhidmatan yang berkaitan 020 1.27 179.8 186.2 186.2 0.0 3.6 Forestry, logging & related services activities

    Perikanan B 0.81 137.6 155.1 156.1 0.6 13.4 Fishing

    Perikanan, operasi penetasan dan penternakan ikan; aktiviti 05 0.81 137.6 155.1 156.1 0.6 13.4 Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries & fish farms;

    perkhidmatan yang berkaitan dengan perikanan service activities incidental to fishing

    Penangkapan ikan dan aktiviti perkhidmatan iringan kepada perikanan 050 0.81 137.6 155.1 156.1 0.6 13.4 Fishing & services incidental to fishing

    Perlombongan C 9.83 187.3 172.8 185.3 7.2 -1.1 Mining

    Menggali minyak mentah dan gas asli; aktiviti perkhidmatan 11 9.83 187.3 172.8 185.3 7.2 -1.1 Extraction of crude oil & natural gas; service activities

    yang berkaitan penggalian minyak mentah dan gas asli incidental to crude oil & natural gas extraction

    kecuali mencarigali dan perlombongan bijih logam excluding surveying

    Pengekstrakan minyak mentah dan gas asli 111 9.83 187.3 172.8 185.3 7.2 -1.1 Extraction of crude oil & natural gas

    Pembuatan D 80.00 126.9 126.9 126.8 -0.1 -0.1 Manufacturing

    Pembuatan produk makanan dan minuman 15 9.51 167.2 160.8 159.6 -0.7 -4.5 Manufacture of food products & beverages

    Pengeluaran, prosesan dan pengawetan daging, ikan, buah-buahan, 151 6.39 183.9 174.5 172.7 -1.0 -6.1 Producing, processing and preserving of meat, fish, fruit,

    sayur-sayuran, minyak dan lemak vegetable, oils and fats

    Pembuatan produk tenusu 152 0.39 116.3 118.1 118.1 0.0 1.5 Manufacture of dairy products

    Pembuatan produk bijian, kanji, produk kanji dan makanan 153 0.84 135.7 138.2 139.6 1.0 2.9 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and

    haiwan tersedia starch product and prepared animal feeds

    Pembuatan produk makanan lain 154 1.47 141.5 139.4 138.7 -0.5 -2.0 Manufacture of other food products

    Pembuatan minuman 155 0.42 113.2 112.8 112.8 0.0 -0.4 Manufacture of beverages

    Pembuatan produk tembakau 16 0.23 102.2 102.2 102.7 0.5 0.5 Manufacture of tobacco products

    Pembuatan produk tembakau 160 0.23 102.2 102.2 102.7 0.5 0.5 Manufacture of tobacco products

    Jadual 1.1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori, bahagian dan kumpulan (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Table 1.1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category, division and group (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Kategori, Bahagian & KumpulanKod Category, Division & Group

    Percentage changePerubahan peratus



  • Wajaran

    Code Weight Jul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Pembuatan tekstil 17 0.87 120.8 117.0 116.1 -0.8 -3.9 Manufacture of textiles

    Pemintalan, penenunan dan penyiapan tekstil 171 0.64 128.0 123.0 121.8 -1.0 -4.8 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles

    Pembuatan tekstil lain 172 0.09 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 Manufacture of other textiles

    Pembuatan kain dan artikel yang dikait dan dikrusye 173 0.14 100.7 100.3 100.3 0.0 -0.4 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics and articles

    Pembuatan pakaian; pembersihan dan pewarnaan bulu 18 0.66 111.8 111.7 111.9 0.2 0.1 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing & dyeing of fur

    Pembuatan pakaian kecuali pakaian bulu 181 0.66 111.8 111.7 111.9 0.2 0.1 Manufacture of wearing apparel except fur apparel

    Penyamakan dan pembersihan kulit, pembuatan bagasi, 19 0.10 98.5 99.2 99.3 0.1 0.8 Tanning & dressing of leather; manufacture of

    beg tangan, pelana, abah-abah dan pembuatan kasut luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness & footwear

    Penyamakan dan pembersihan kulit, pembuatan bagasi, 191 0.04 90.1 92.0 92.4 0.4 2.6 Tanning & dressing of leather; manufacture of

    beg tangan, pelana dan abah-abah luggage, handbags, saddlery & harness

    Pembuatan kasut 192 0.06 102.6 102.6 102.6 0.0 0.0 Manufacture of footwear

    Pembuatan kayu dan produk daripada kayu dan gabus, 20 2.28 141.2 145.2 145.9 0.5 3.3 Manufacture of wood & product of wood & cork; except

    kecuali perabot; pembuatan barang daripada dan bahan menjalin furniture; manufacture of articles of straw & plaiting materials

    Pengilangan dan pengetaman kayu 201 0.97 175.6 187.3 187.3 0.0 6.7 Sawmilling and planing of wood

    Pembuatan produk kayu, gabus, bahan jerami dan 202 1.31 115.6 113.8 115.0 1.1 -0.5 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw

    bahan jalinan and plaiting materials

    Pembuatan kertas dan produk kertas 21 0.98 123.2 122.8 123.5 0.6 0.2 Manufacture of paper & paper products

    Pembuatan kertas dan produk kertas 210 0.98 123.2 122.8 123.5 0.6 0.2 Manufacture of paper and paper products

    Penerbitan, percetakan dan pengeluaran semula media rakaman 22 0.97 108.3 107.5 107.5 0.0 -0.7 Publishing, printing & reproduction of recorded media

    Penerbitan 221 0.52 109.3 107.4 107.4 0.0 -1.7 Publishing

    Percetakan dan aktiviti perkhidmatan berkaitan dengan percetakan 222 0.45 107.1 107.6 107.6 0.0 0.5 Printing and services activities related to printing

    Pembuatan kok, produk petroleum bertapis dan bahan api nuklear 23 9.31 176.2 186.4 187.1 0.4 6.2 Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products & nuclear fuel

    Pembuatan produk petroleum bertapis 232 9.31 176.2 186.4 187.1 0.4 6.2 Manufacture of refined petroleum products

    Pembuatan kimia dan produk kimia 24 7.36 130.1 126.7 125.2 -1.2 -3.8 Manufacture of chemical & chemical products

    Pembuatan kimia asas 241 5.22 137.3 131.0 129.3 -1.3 -5.8 Manufacture of basic chemicals

    Pembuatan produk kimia lain 242 2.11 112.5 116.1 115.3 -0.7 2.5 Manufacture of other chemical products

    Pembuatan serat buatan manusia 243 0.03 120.9 112.8 112.8 0.0 -6.7 Manufacture of man-made fibres

    Jadual 1.1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori, bahagian dan kumpulan (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (samb.)

    Table 1.1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category, division and group (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (cont'd)

    Category, Division & GroupKategori, Bahagian & KumpulanKod

    Perubahan peratusPercentage change



  • Wajaran

    Code Weight Jul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Pembuatan produk getah dan plastik 25 4.79 137.1 125.2 123.7 -1.2 -9.8 Manufacture of rubber & plastic products

    Pembuatan produk getah 251 2.43 163.7 140.2 137.4 -2.0 -16.1 Manufacture of rubber products

    Pembuatan produk plastik 252 2.36 109.6 109.6 109.5 -0.1 -0.1 Manufacture of plastic products

    Pembuatan produk galian bukan logam lain 26 1.76 115.3 118.0 118.1 0.1 2.4 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    Pembuatan kaca dan produk kaca 261 0.33 91.5 96.4 96.3 -0.1 5.2 Manufacture of glass and glass products

    Pembuatan produk galian bukan logam yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 269 1.43 120.7 123.0 123.1 0.1 2.0 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c

    Pembuatan logam asas 27 3.80 129.1 124.8 125.8 0.8 -2.6 Manufacture of basic metals

    Pembuatan besi asas dan keluli 271 2.28 125.7 125.9 125.9 0.0 0.2 Manufacture of basic iron and steel

    Pembuatan logam asas berharga dan logam asas bukan ferus 272 1.11 143.2 128.1 131.5 2.7 -8.2 Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals

    Penuangan logam 273 0.41 109.3 109.3 109.3 0.0 0.0 Casting of metals

    Pembuatan produk logam yang direka daripada logam, 28 2.29 118.8 118.2 118.0 -0.2 -0.7 Manufacture of fabricated metal products,

    kecuali jentera dan kelengkapannya except machinery & equipment

    Pembuatan produk struktur logam, tangki, takungan dan penjana wap 281 0.48 121.6 120.8 120.8 0.0 -0.7 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks,

    reservoirs and steam generators

    Pembuatan produk logam lain yang direka; aktiviti perkhidmatan 289 1.81 118.1 117.5 117.3 -0.2 -0.7 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products;

    kerja logam metal working service activities

    Pembuatan jentera dan kelengkapan yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 29 1.72 107.0 107.1 107.4 0.3 0.4 Manufacture of machinery & equipment n.e.c.

    Pembuatan jentera untuk kegunaan am 291 0.79 109.6 109.5 109.6 0.1 0.0 Manufacture of general purpose machinery

    Pembuatan jentera kegunaan khusus 292 0.40 113.9 114.1 115.0 0.8 1.0 Manufacture of special purpose machinery

    Pembuatan peralatan domestik yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 293 0.53 98.1 98.5 98.4 -0.1 0.3 Manufacture of domestic appliances n.e.c

    Pembuatan mesin pejabat, perakaunan dan pengira 30 8.12 97.8 99.4 98.8 -0.6 1.0 Manufacture of office, accounting & computing machinery

    Pembuatan mesin pejabat, perakaunan dan pengira 300 8.12 97.8 99.4 98.8 -0.6 1.0 Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery

    Pembuatan mesin dan perkakasan elektrik yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 31 2.21 105.9 108.2 107.8 -0.4 1.8 Manufacture of electrical machinery & apparatus n.e.c

    Pembuatan motor, penjana dan transformer elektrik 311 0.55 106.5 113.7 115.6 1.7 8.5 Manufacture of electrical motors, generators and transformers

    Pembuatan perkakas pengagih dan pengawal elektrik 312 0.54 98.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 2.0 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus

    Pembuatan wayar penebat dan kabel berpenebat 313 0.49 116.6 115.7 111.9 -3.3 -4.0 Manufacture of insulated wire and cable

    Pembuatan akumulator, sel primer dan bateri primer 314 0.09 100.4 100.4 100.4 0.0 0.0 Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries

    Pembuatan lampu elektrik dan kelengkapan pencahayaan 315 0.17 97.7 98.7 98.7 0.0 1.0 Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting equipment

    Pembuatan kelengkapan elektrik lain yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 319 0.37 107.4 108.4 108.4 0.0 0.9 Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c

    Jadual 1.1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori, bahagian dan kumpulan (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (samb.)

    Table 1.1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category, division and group (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (cont'd)

    Category, Division & GroupKategori, Bahagian & KumpulanKod

    Perubahan peratusPercentage change



  • Wajaran

    Code WeightJul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Pembuatan radio, televisyen dan kelengkapan dan peralatan komunikasi 32 17.05 101.7 104.1 104.8 0.7 3.0 Manufacture of radio, television & communication equipment & apparatus

    Pembuatan injap dan tiub elektronik dan komponen-komponen elektronik lain 321 10.72 102.2 106.2 107.2 0.9 4.9 Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components

    Pembuatan pemancar televisyen dan radio dan peralatan untuk 322 2.06 90.8 91.9 92.0 0.1 1.3 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus

    talian telefon dan telegraf for line telephony and line telegraphy

    Pembuatan penerima televisyen dan radio, rakaman bunyi atau 323 4.27 105.9 104.8 104.8 0.0 -1.0 Manufacture of television and radio receivers, sound or video

    video atau peralatan rakaman semula dan barangan berkaitan recording or reproducing apparatus, and associated goods

    Pembuatan instrumen perubatan, persisan dan optik, jam tangan dan jam 33 0.86 91.9 91.7 91.8 0.1 -0.1 Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks

    Pembuatan perkakasan dan instrumen perubatan dan perkakasan 331 0.40 91.0 90.6 90.9 0.3 -0.1 Manufacture of medical appliances and instruments and

    untuk menyukat, memeriksa, menguji, memandu arah dan kegunaan lain, appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and

    kecuali instrumen optik other purposes, except optical instruments

    Pembuatan instrumen optik dan kelengkapan fotografi 332 0.41 92.6 92.6 92.6 0.0 0.0 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment

    Pembuatan jam tangan dan jam 333 0.05 94.2 92.4 92.8 0.4 -1.5 Manufacture of watches and clocks

    Pembuatan kenderaan bermotor, treler dan semi-treler 34 3.19 103.4 102.6 102.6 0.0 -0.8 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers

    Pembuatan kenderaan bermotor 341 2.46 103.3 101.7 101.7 0.0 -1.5 Manufacture of motor vehicles

    Pembuatan badan (coachwork ) untuk kenderaan bermotor; 342 0.08 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles,

    pembuatan treler dan semi treler trailers and semi-trailers

    Pembuatan alat ganti dan aksesori untuk kenderaan 343 0.65 104.3 106.3 106.6 0.3 2.2 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles

    bermotor dan enjin and their engines

    Pembuatan kelengkapan pengangkutan lain 35 0.32 101.9 101.7 101.7 0.0 -0.2 Manufacture of other transport equipment

    Pembuatan kelengkapan pengangkutan yang tidak 359 0.32 101.9 101.7 101.7 0.0 -0.2 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c

    terkelas di mana-mana

    Pembuatan perabot; pembuatan yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 36 1.62 119.7 121.5 121.4 -0.1 1.4 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c

    Pembuatan perabot 361 1.11 111.0 113.3 113.3 0.0 2.1 Manufacture of furniture

    Pembuatan yang tidak terkelas di mana-mana 369 0.51 138.5 139.1 138.9 -0.1 0.3 Manufacturing n.e.c

    Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air E 2.76 118.0 120.7 120.3 -0.3 1.9 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Bekalan elektrik, gas, wap dan air panas 40 2.29 118.4 121.9 121.3 -0.5 2.4 Electricity, gas , steam & hot water supply

    Pengeluaran, pengumpulan dan pengagihan elektrik, gas & wap 401 2.18 116.2 119.8 119.6 -0.2 2.9 Production, collection & distribution of electricity, gas & steam

    Pembuatan gas, pengagihan bahan api berunsur gas 402 0.11 167.1 168.7 156.8 -7.1 -6.2 Manufacture of gas, distribution of gaseous fuels through mains

    melalui saluran paip

    Penakungan, pembersihan dan pengagihan air 41 0.47 116.0 114.8 115.7 0.8 -0.3 Collection, purification & distribution of water

    Penakungan, pembersihan dan pengagihan air 410 0.47 116.0 114.8 115.7 0.8 -0.3 Collection, purification & distribution of water

    Table 1.1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category, division and group (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (cont'd)

    Jadual 1.1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori, bahagian dan kumpulan (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (samb.)

    Category, Division & GroupKategori, Bahagian & KumpulanKod

    Perubahan peratusPercentage change



  • Perubahan peratus

    Jumlah 134.3 137.4 2.3 Total

    A Pertanian 202.0 189.2 -6.3 A Agriculture

    B Perikanan 132.6 148.8 12.2 B Fishing

    C Perlombongan 166.5 190.8 14.6 C Mining

    D Pembuatan 125.5 127.0 1.2 D Manufacturing

    E Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air 114.7 120.7 5.2 E Electricity, gas and water supply



    Table 1.1a: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000), Malaysia─Average Index

    Jadual 1.1a: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori (MSIC 2000), Malaysia─Indeks Purata


    CategoryKategoriPercentage change




  • Bahan mentah untuk diproseskan selanjutnya 190.0 174.1 183.2 5.2 -3.6 Crude materials for futher processing

    Bahan makanan dan makanan untuk binatang 191.6 179.8 183.3 1.9 -4.3 Foodstuffs and feedstuffs

    Bahan bukan makanan 189.4 171.8 183.1 6.6 -3.3 Non-food materials

    Bahan bukan makanan kecuali bahan api 214.2 159.5 157.8 -1.1 -26.3 Non-food materials except fuel

    Bahan api mentah 187.3 172.8 185.3 7.2 -1.1 Crude fuel

    Bahan perantaraan, bekalan dan komponen 137.2 137.7 137.4 -0.2 0.1 Intermediate materials, supplies and components

    Bahan dan komponen untuk pembuatan 145.6 139.0 138.1 -0.6 -5.2 Materials and components for manufacturing

    Bahan untuk pembuatan makanan 185.3 178.9 177.9 -0.6 -4.0 Materials for food manufacturing

    Bahan untuk pembuatan lain 131.6 124.9 123.9 -0.8 -5.9 Materials for other manufacturing

    Bahan dan komponen untuk pembinaan 138.6 141.6 141.3 -0.2 1.9 Materials and components for construction

    Bahan api yang diproses dan pelicin 164.4 173.5 173.4 -0.1 5.5 Processed fuel and lubricants

    Bekas 119.3 120.0 119.9 -0.1 0.5 Containers

    Bekalan 104.0 107.6 108.2 0.6 4.0 Supplies

    Industri pembuatan 101.6 105.5 106.2 0.7 4.5 Manufacturing industries

    Industri bukan pembuatan 116.6 118.1 118.3 0.2 1.5 Non-manufacturing industries

    Makanan binatang 146.6 149.7 150.5 0.5 2.7 Feeds

    Bekalan lain 109.1 110.2 110.2 0.0 1.0 Other supplies

    Barang siap 111.0 111.3 111.3 0.0 0.3 Finished goods

    Barangan pengguna siap 120.2 120.4 120.5 0.1 0.2 Finished consumer goods

    Makanan pengguna siap 139.4 142.9 142.8 -0.1 2.4 Finished consumer foods

    Mentah 155.9 164.0 164.1 0.1 5.3 Crude

    Diproses 130.6 131.6 131.4 -0.2 0.6 Processed

    Barangan pengguna siap kecuali makanan 113.1 112.1 112.3 0.2 -0.7 Finished consumer goods, excluding foods

    Tahan lama 105.4 105.6 105.5 -0.1 0.1 Durable

    Semi-tahan lama 113.0 114.1 114.4 0.3 1.2 Semi-durable

    Tidak tahan lama 124.7 121.1 121.6 0.4 -2.5 Non-durable

    Kelengkapan modal 100.3 100.7 100.6 -0.1 0.3 Capital equipment

    Industri pembuatan 103.9 104.5 105.0 0.5 1.1 Manufacturing industries

    Industri bukan pembuatan 99.2 99.6 99.4 -0.2 0.2 Non-manufacturing industries

    Jumlah 137.0 135.1 136.3 0.9 -0.5 Total

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Perubahan peratus

    Percentage change





    Stage of processingPeringkat pemprosesan

    Jadual 1.2: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia

    Table 1.2: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia





    Jun/June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012


  • Tempoh Jumlah A B C D E

    Pertanian Perikanan Perlombongan Pembuatan Bekalan elektrik, gas dan air

    Wajaran (Weight) 100.00 6.60 0.81 9.83 80.00 2.76

    2006 103.8 111.0 110.9 114.1 102.0 101.62007 111.2 143.0 118.3 121.7 107.4 103.92008 125.8 160.1 127.3 162.6 119.0 108.32009 112.2 137.3 127.0 112.0 110.0 113.42010 120.9 162.6 129.0 131.3 116.3 113.22011 135.4 196.2 134.8 177.6 125.8 117.4

    2011 Jan 129.9 208.4 130.0 141.7 122.5 114.1Feb 130.6 214.1 131.9 132.8 124.0 113.1Mac/Mar 134.1 199.5 131.6 169.7 125.0 114.7Apr 135.4 197.8 130.4 174.9 126.2 114.0Mei/May 136.3 202.3 132.9 177.0 126.7 114.2Jun/June 137.1 198.9 133.5 181.8 127.3 114.9Jul/July 137.0 193.0 137.6 187.3 126.9 118.0

    Ogos/Aug 137.9 192.6 138.2 197.2 126.7 120.0Sept 137.0 190.7 137.9 193.0 126.2 121.0Okt/Oct 136.7 182.5 135.7 193.8 126.4 120.6Nov 135.4 187.4 137.8 182.7 125.7 122.4Dis/Dec 137.2 186.6 140.2 199.0 126.1 121.3

    2012 Jan 136.7 190.4 142.7 185.2 126.8 121.5Feb 137.6 188.8 144.4 198.1 126.4 120.8Mac/Mar 139.3 194.2 143.7 208.2 126.8 121.7Apr 139.5 198.7 149.6 201.2 127.6 119.6Mei/May 137.6 189.3 150.2 184.8 128.0 120.4Jun/June 135.1 180.5 155.1 172.8 126.9 120.7Jul/July 136.3 182.5 156.1 185.3 126.8 120.3

    Period Total Agriculture Fishing Mining Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply

    Jadual 2: IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut kategori (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Table 2: PPI (2005=100) for local production by category (MSIC 2000), Malaysia


  • Tempoh 01 02 05 11 15 16 17 18 19

    Pertanian, Perhutanan, Perikanan, operasi Menggali minyak mentah dan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Penyamakan danpemburuan dan pembalakan dan penetasan dan gas asli;aktiviti perkhidmatan produk produk tekstil pakaian; pembersihan kulit,

    aktiviti aktiviti penternakan ikan; yang berkaitan penggalian makanan dan tembakau pembersihan pembuatan beg,perkhidmatan perkhidmatan aktiviti perkhidmatan minyak mentah dan gas asli minuman dan pewarnaan beg tangan,pelana,

    yang berkaitan yang berkaitan yang berkaitan kecuali mencarigali dan bulu abah-abah dandengan perikanan perlombongan bijih logam pembuatan kasut

    Wajaran (Weight) 5.33 1.27 0.81 9.83 9.51 0.23 0.87 0.66 0.10

    2006 109.4 117.6 110.9 114.1 98.8 101.6 101.7 105.8 100.92007 146.8 127.0 118.3 121.7 126.4 100.5 106.3 108.8 101.02008 167.2 130.1 127.3 162.6 149.9 100.9 107.4 109.0 101.42009 139.0 130.5 127.0 112.0 127.3 101.8 109.7 110.0 104.12010 169.7 133.2 129.0 131.3 143.3 103.3 114.9 110.1 100.72011 203.7 164.4 134.8 177.6 169.2 102.8 120.3 111.2 99.9

    2011 Jan 226.2 133.5 130.0 141.7 175.2 102.2 118.0 109.6 99.8Feb 232.4 137.6 131.9 132.8 181.0 102.2 121.4 110.2 99.0Mac/Mar 213.3 141.6 131.6 169.7 178.5 102.1 120.1 111.9 98.3

    Apr 211.1 141.6 130.4 174.9 173.7 102.0 122.1 111.5 98.2Mei/May 212.6 159.2 132.9 177.0 174.3 102.0 119.9 111.7 98.6Jun/June 208.4 159.2 133.5 181.8 173.1 101.3 121.6 112.0 98.3Jul/July 196.1 179.8 137.6 187.3 167.2 102.2 120.8 111.8 98.5Ogos/Aug 195.6 179.8 138.2 197.2 164.7 102.8 120.8 111.0 101.7

    Sept 192.8 182.0 137.9 193.0 164.4 103.7 120.6 111.4 101.7Okt/Oct 181.7 185.9 135.7 193.8 158.0 104.0 120.9 110.7 101.5

    Nov 187.7 186.3 137.8 182.7 158.8 105.4 118.7 111.1 102.0Dis/Dec 186.7 186.3 140.2 199.0 161.1 104.1 118.7 111.5 101.0

    2012 Jan 191.4 186.3 142.7 185.2 163.7 102.4 118.3 112.0 100.2Feb 189.4 186.3 144.4 198.1 162.5 102.2 117.2 111.9 99.6Mac/Mar 196.1 186.2 143.7 208.2 164.0 102.2 116.7 111.5 99.5

    Apr 201.7 186.2 149.6 201.2 168.5 102.2 116.3 111.3 99.2Mei/May 190.0 186.2 150.2 184.8 166.4 102.2 116.3 111.7 99.2Jun/June 179.2 186.2 155.1 172.8 160.8 102.2 117.0 111.7 99.2Jul/July 181.7 186.2 156.1 185.3 159.6 102.7 116.1 111.9 99.3

    Period Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, operation Extraction of crude oil Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture Tanning and

    hunting and logging and of fish hatcheries and natural gas; service of food of tobacco of textiles of wearing dressing of leather;

    related service related service and fish farms; activities incidental to products and products apparel; manufacture of

    activities activities service activities crude oil and natural gas beverages dressing and luggage, handbags,

    incidental to fishing extraction excluding surveying dyeing of fur saddlery,harness

    and mining of metal ores and footwear

    Jadual 3 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut bahagian (MSIC 2000), Malaysia

    Table 3 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by division (MSIC 2000), Malaysia


  • Tempoh 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    Pembuatan kayu dan Pembuatan Penerbitan, Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatanproduk daripada kayu kertas dan percetakan dan kok, produk kimia dan produk getah produk galian logam asas produk logam

    dan gabus, kecuali produk kertas pengeluaran petroleum produk kimia dan plastik bukan logam yang direka,perabot;pembuatan semula media bertapis dan kecuali mesin

    barang daripada yang dirakamkan bahan api dan peralatandan bahan menjalin nuklear

    Wajaran (Weight) 2.28 0.97 0.96 9.31 7.36 4.79 1.76 3.80 2.29

    2006 107.3 105.7 100.3 104.6 104.4 105.0 100.9 100.8 103.22007 108.9 108.2 100.3 106.4 110.2 106.8 102.5 107.3 107.32008 108.3 118.3 101.5 157.4 122.1 112.7 110.5 125.7 117.52009 108.9 109.7 103.2 117.3 104.0 107.3 116.9 118.6 116.72010 112.4 118.9 103.7 136.1 112.3 121.6 114.6 121.8 116.82011 134.1 122.5 108.3 167.3 129.5 135.7 115.4 128.2 118.6

    2011 Jan 113.4 125.9 108.3 142.1 124.4 136.5 114.9 126.0 118.5Feb 118.4 118.7 108.3 142.3 129.4 141.2 114.0 130.8 118.5Mac/Mar 122.9 119.4 108.3 150.1 133.2 137.3 114.4 132.2 118.8

    Apr 126.0 122.4 108.3 163.9 133.7 138.2 113.9 131.6 118.8Mei/May 134.6 123.2 108.3 164.6 133.4 136.4 115.4 130.7 118.3Jun/June 135.5 124.9 108.3 168.6 134.1 137.1 115.3 128.9 118.9Jul/July 141.2 123.2 108.3 176.2 130.1 137.1 115.3 129.1 118.8

    Ogos/Aug 140.8 122.5 108.3 180.2 127.4 136.8 115.2 126.7 118.6Sept 143.0 122.9 108.3 173.8 129.0 137.0 115.5 126.3 119.1Okt/Oct 145.1 123.3 108.3 183.2 128.1 135.0 116.6 125.9 118.7

    Nov 143.3 122.1 108.3 181.8 124.8 128.9 117.0 124.9 118.5Dis/Dec 144.8 121.5 108.3 180.9 126.2 127.4 117.3 125.6 118.2

    2012 Jan 145.1 121.3 107.3 182.8 127.1 127.0 116.9 126.2 117.8Feb 144.3 121.0 107.3 182.8 125.7 128.6 117.0 124.5 117.7Mac/Mar 143.9 122.3 107.3 181.1 127.7 129.7 116.3 126.2 117.8

    Apr 144.6 121.4 107.3 180.6 129.7 129.4 116.7 126.1 118.0Mei/May 145.1 123.5 107.3 187.6 130.0 127.9 117.0 124.7 117.7Jun/June 145.2 122.8 107.5 186.4 126.7 125.2 118.0 124.8 118.2Jul/July 145.9 123.5 107.5 187.1 125.2 123.7 118.1 125.8 118.0

    Period Manufacture of wood Manufacture of Publishing, Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture of

    and products of wood paper and printing and coke, refined of chemicals of rubber and non-metallic of basic metals fabricated

    and cork, except paper products reproduction of petroleum and chemical plastic products mineral metal products,

    furniture; manufacture recorded media products and products products except

    of articles of straw and nuclear fuel machinery

    plaiting materials and equipment

    Jadual 3 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut bahagian (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (samb.)Table 3 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by division (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (cont'd)


  • Tempoh 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41

    Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Pembuatan Bekalan elektrik, Penakungan,mesin dan mesin pejabat, mesin dan radio, televisyen peralatan kenderaan peralatan perabot; gas, wap dan pembersihan

    peralatan yang perakaunan perkakasan dan peralatan perubatan, bermotor, kenderaan lain pembuatan yang air panas dan pengagihantidak terkelas dan pengira elektrik yang dan perkakasan ketepatan dan treler dan tidak terkelas air

    di mana-mana tidak terkelas komunikasi optik,jam tangan semi-treler di mana-manadi mana-mana dan jam

    Wajaran (Weight) 1.72 8.12 2.21 17.05 0.86 3.19 0.32 1.62 2.29 0.47

    2006 103.3 102.4 101.1 100.0 101.7 99.8 100.0 101.2 100.7 106.22007 103.8 102.5 106.5 102.4 101.7 98.9 100.4 103.7 103.4 106.92008 105.1 101.7 108.0 101.5 101.5 98.9 102.2 107.8 108.8 106.22009 106.2 101.0 107.4 103.5 101.8 102.6 102.2 114.5 114.3 108.82010 107.4 100.3 105.9 104.7 100.1 103.6 100.4 115.7 114.1 108.92011 106.9 98.1 106.1 102.0 92.5 103.6 101.6 119.1 118.2 113.4

    2011 Jan 106.5 99.0 105.0 102.1 92.9 103.7 101.0 117.5 114.9 110.6Feb 106.7 98.7 105.6 100.9 92.8 103.6 101.0 117.3 113.6 110.6Mac/Mar 106.8 98.1 105.9 101.5 92.7 103.6 101.7 118.2 115.2 112.2

    Apr 106.7 97.3 105.2 101.5 92.7 103.6 101.9 118.3 114.5 111.7Mei/May 106.8 97.7 105.3 102.5 92.5 103.7 101.9 118.3 114.6 112.2Jun/June 106.7 97.8 106.0 103.6 92.5 103.3 101.9 118.3 115.3 112.9Jul/July 107.0 97.8 105.9 101.7 91.9 103.4 101.9 119.7 118.4 116.0

    Ogos/Aug 107.1 98.3 106.0 101.6 91.9 103.5 101.4 120.0 120.8 115.9

    Sept 107.3 98.4 106.3 101.8 92.2 103.6 101.4 120.3 122.4 114.2Okt/Oct 107.1 98.2 108.1 101.6 92.3 103.6 101.5 120.1 121.8 115.3

    Nov 107.1 98.5 107.4 102.3 92.7 103.6 101.5 120.5 124.0 114.6Dis/Dec 107.1 98.0 107.0 103.1 92.7 103.5 101.5 120.1 122.6 114.9

    2012 Jan 107.4 98.5 108.7 103.2 92.1 102.5 101.3 120.4 123.1 113.8Feb 107.4 98.2 108.6 103.3 91.6 102.6 101.7 119.4 122.1 114.5

    Mac/Mar 107.2 98.2 108.1 103.6 91.6 102.6 101.7 120.5 123.2 114.6

    Apr 107.0 98.6 108.1 104.2 91.3 102.7 101.7 119.5 120.9 113.3

    Mei/May 106.5 99.2 108.0 103.5 91.5 102.6 101.6 119.5 121.7 113.8

    Jun/June 107.1 99.4 108.2 104.1 91.7 102.6 101.7 121.5 121.9 114.8

    Jul/July 107.4 98.8 107.8 104.8 91.8 102.6 101.7 121.4 121.3 115.7

    Period Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture of Electricity, gas, Collection,

    machinery and of office, of electrical of radio, medical, precision of motor other transport furniture; steam and hot purification and

    equipment n.e.c accounting and machinery television and and optical vehicles, equipment manufacturing water supply distribution of

    computing and apparatus communication instruments, trailers and n.e.c water

    machinery n.e.c equipment watches and semi-trailers

    and apparatus clocks

    Jadual 3 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut bahagian (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (samb.)

    Table 3 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by division (MSIC 2000), Malaysia (cont'd)


  • 1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2

    Tempoh Jumlah Bahan mentah Bahan makanan Bahan Bahan bukan Bahan api

    untuk dan makanan bukan makanan mentah

    diproseskan untuk makanan kecuali

    selanjutnya binatang bahan api

    100.00 14.88 4.22 10.66 0.83 9.83

    2006 103.8 112.1 103.0 115.7 134.5 114.12007 111.2 129.9 150.8 121.6 121.0 121.72008 125.8 163.7 172.8 160.2 131.8 162.62009 112.2 120.2 141.8 111.7 107.8 112.02010 120.9 144.7 172.2 133.8 162.5 131.32011 135.4 186.5 203.4 179.8 205.9 177.6

    2011 Jan 129.9 171.6 232.5 147.5 216.6 141.7Feb 130.6 167.7 236.8 140.3 228.3 132.8Mac/Mar 134.1 185.1 215.8 172.9 211.1 169.7

    Apr 135.4 187.4 209.0 178.9 225.7 174.9Mei/May 136.3 189.3 211.3 180.6 223.4 177.0Jun/June 137.1 190.8 206.4 184.6 218.2 181.8Jul/July 137.0 190.0 191.6 189.4 214.2 187.3Ogos/Aug 137.9 196.7 192.6 198.3 211.8 197.2

    Sept 137.0 192.7 191.1 193.3 196.8 193.0Okt/Oct 136.7 189.1 177.1 193.8 193.5 193.8

    Nov 135.4 183.6 188.6 181.6 168.5 182.7Dis/Dec 137.2 193.9 188.1 196.2 162.7 199.0

    2012 Jan 136.7 186.3 193.7 183.4 162.4 185.2Feb 137.6 194.4 189.0 196.5 177.9 198.1Mac/Mar 139.3 203.8 197.8 206.1 181.3 208.2

    Apr 139.5 201.3 206.1 199.5 178.9 201.2Mei/May 137.6 185.9 191.6 183.7 171.0 184.8Jun/June 135.1 174.1 179.8 171.8 159.5 172.8Jul/July 136.3 183.2 183.3 183.1 157.8 185.3

    Period Total Crude Foodstuffs Non-food Non-food Crude fuel

    materials for and materials materialsfurther feedstuffs except fuel


    Wajaran (Weight)

    Jadual 4 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia Table 4 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia


  • 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2

    Tempoh Bahan Bahan dan Bahan untuk Bahan untuk Bahan dan Bahan api yang Bekas Bekalan Industri Industri Makanan Bekalan

    perantaraan komponen pembuatan pembuatan lain komponen diproses dan pembuatan bukan binatang lainbekalan dan untuk makanan untuk pelicin pembuatan

    komponen pembuatan pembinaan

    Wajaran (Weight) 54.62 21.67 5.67 16.00 6.57 11.11 0.65 14.62 12.21 2.41 0.48 1.93

    2006 102.0 102.0 98.4 103.3 106.2 104.2 102.7 98.5 98.1 100.4 101.7 100.02007 109.7 116.6 139.4 108.5 111.0 106.2 103.0 101.9 101.7 103.1 111.0 101.12008 125.9 132.2 169.8 118.9 116.8 150.0 111.5 102.7 100.2 115.6 135.8 110.52009 113.0 115.5 136.1 108.2 116.4 116.9 115.9 104.6 102.6 114.8 132.5 110.32010 121.8 127.6 156.0 117.5 118.3 132.6 116.6 106.9 105.3 114.7 139.2 108.52011 135.3 146.2 187.9 131.4 133.1 157.3 119.5 104.3 101.9 116.5 146.4 109.0

    2011 Jan 130.1 148.0 194.7 131.4 119.8 136.3 118.3 103.9 101.6 115.5 143.7 108.5Feb 132.2 153.2 201.9 135.9 122.7 136.2 117.9 103.0 100.5 115.4 142.9 108.5Mac/Mar 133.7 152.3 201.4 134.9 125.1 143.2 118.6 103.5 101.2 115.5 143.4 108.5

    Apr 135.3 150.5 194.2 135.1 126.1 154.1 118.8 103.4 101.0 115.6 143.9 108.5Mei/May 136.4 149.9 194.0 134.3 132.4 154.9 118.4 104.7 102.4 116.2 146.6 108.6Jun/June 137.2 149.4 191.6 134.5 133.0 158.2 119.3 106.0 103.9 116.7 147.3 109.0Jul/July 137.2 145.6 185.3 131.6 138.6 164.4 119.3 104.0 101.6 116.6 146.6 109.1Ogos/Aug 137.0 143.5 181.5 130.0 138.0 168.1 120.2 104.0 101.5 116.6 146.8 109.1

    Sept 136.3 143.7 180.0 130.9 139.5 163.1 122.1 104.2 101.7 117.3 147.4 109.7Okt/Oct 136.5 140.2 175.8 127.6 140.9 170.2 120.7 104.2 101.6 117.6 149.5 109.6

    Nov 135.8 138.2 175.6 125.0 140.1 169.7 120.8 105.2 102.8 117.5 149.3 109.6Dis/Dec 136.4 139.5 178.2 125.8 140.7 168.7 120.1 105.8 103.5 117.6 149.3 109.7

    2012 Jan 137.5 140.8 181.3 126.5 141.3 170.3 120.8 106.6 104.4 117.9 149.3 110.0

    Feb 136.9 139.7 180.1 125.4 141.0 169.7 120.3 106.7 104.4 117.8 148.2 110.2Mac/Mar 137.4 141.3 182.2 126.9 140.7 168.9 119.9 106.9 104.8 117.8 147.7 110.3

    Apr 138.4 143.7 189.5 127.5 141.1 168.2 120.3 107.6 105.5 118.0 148.1 110.5Mei/May 139.1 142.7 187.8 126.7 141.4 174.6 120.3 106.8 104.6 117.9 149.0 110.1Jun/June 137.7 139.0 178.9 124.9 141.6 173.5 120.0 107.6 105.5 118.1 149.7 110.2Jul/July 137.4 138.1 177.9 123.9 141.3 173.4 119.9 108.2 106.2 118.3 150.5 110.2

    Period Intermediate Materials Materials Materials Materials Processed Containers Supplies Manufacturing Non- Feeds Other

    materials and for food for other and fuels industries manufacturing suppliessupplies components manufacturing manufacturing components and industries

    and for for lubricantscomponents manufacturing construction

    Jadual 4 : IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia (samb.)

    Table 4 : PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia (cont'd)


  • 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2

    Tempoh Barang Barangan Makanan Mentah Diproses Barangan Tahan Semi-tahan Tidak Kelengkapan Industri Industri

    siap pengguna pengguna pengguna lama lama tahan modal pembuatan bukansiap siap siap lama pembuatan


    Wajaran (Weight) 30.50 16.40 4.41 1.54 2.87 11.99 6.24 1.57 4.18 14.10 3.11 10.99

    2006 103.0 104.1 105.6 112.2 102.1 103.5 104.1 102.9 102.8 101.7 102.6 101.52007 104.6 107.3 112.8 121.7 108.0 105.3 106.2 104.6 104.2 101.5 104.6 100.62008 107.0 111.2 123.3 135.5 116.7 106.8 106.0 105.6 108.3 102.1 105.6 101.12009 107.0 110.4 121.0 134.8 113.6 106.5 105.9 108.6 106.6 103.1 107.1 102.02010 107.6 112.3 123.2 134.9 117.0 108.2 105.8 110.7 111.0 102.1 105.1 101.22011 110.5 119.1 137.1 151.8 129.2 112.5 105.4 112.9 123.0 100.5 104.2 99.5

    2011 Jan 109.2 116.4 130.7 141.1 125.1 111.1 105.8 112.0 118.7 100.9 103.3 100.3Feb 109.6 117.3 133.3 145.7 126.6 111.5 105.0 112.2 120.8 100.6 103.4 99.9Mac/Mar 109.9 118.1 134.2 146.0 127.8 112.2 105.3 113.1 122.2 100.4 103.6 99.5Apr 110.1 118.9 135.2 149.0 127.7 112.9 105.3 113.0 124.1 99.9 103.6 98.8Mei/May 110.4 119.1 136.8 150.6 129.5 112.5 105.3 112.9 123.2 100.2 103.6 99.3Jun/June 110.7 119.5 138.4 153.2 130.5 112.5 105.2 113.2 123.2 100.5 104.0 99.5Jul/July 111.0 120.2 139.4 155.9 130.6 113.1 105.4 113.0 124.7 100.3 103.9 99.2

    Ogos/Aug 110.8 119.7 138.2 153.1 130.2 112.9 105.7 112.7 123.8 100.5 104.3 99.4Sept 111.0 120.0 139.3 154.4 131.2 112.9 105.5 113.0 123.8 100.6 104.2 99.6Okt/Oct 111.3 120.4 139.7 155.5 131.2 113.3 105.5 112.8 124.9 100.7 105.3 99.5Nov 111.1 119.9 139.6 157.6 130.0 112.7 105.2 113.1 123.7 100.9 105.4 99.6Dis/Dec 111.1 120.1 140.3 159.4 130.1 112.6 105.3 113.5 123.3 100.7 105.3 99.4

    2012 Jan 111.0 120.1 141.0 159.8 130.9 112.4 104.9 113.5 123.2 100.5 105.3 99.2Feb 111.1 120.5 141.0 159.0 131.4 112.9 104.9 113.7 124.5 100.2 104.8 98.9Mac/Mar 111.1 120.6 140.0 156.6 131.1 113.4 105.7 113.1 125.1 100.1 104.7 98.8Apr 111.2 120.6 140.6 158.4 131.0 113.2 105.4 112.8 124.9 100.2 104.4 99.1Mei/May 111.2 120.3 141.7 161.1 131.3 112.4 105.4 112.9 122.8 100.5 104.3 99.4

    Jun/June 111.3 120.4 142.9 164.0 131.6 112.1 105.6 114.1 121.1 100.7 104.5 99.6

    Jul/July 111.3 120.5 142.8 164.1 131.4 112.3 105.5 114.4 121.6 100.6 105.0 99.4

    Period Finished Finished Finished Crude Processed Finished Durable Semi-durable Non-durable Capital Manufacturing Non-

    goods consumer consumer consumer equipment industries manufacturinggoods foods goods industries


    Jadual 4: IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut peringkat pemprosesan, Malaysia (samb.)

    Table 4: PPI (2005=100) for local production by stage of processing, Malaysia (cont'd)




  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Tempoh Jumlah Makanan Minuman Bahan- Bahan api Minyak dan Bahan kimia Barang- Jentera Pelbagai Pelbagai

    dan bahan galian, lemak barang dan barang urus niagatembakau mentah pelincir, dll binatang keluaran kelengkapan keluaran dan

    tidak boleh dan sayur- kilang pengangkutan kilang barangan dimakan sayuran

    100.0 5.40 0.87 5.44 17.38 4.24 7.03 10.93 42.86 5.40 0.45

    2006 103.1 102.8 104.1 112.2 108.7 98.0 102.9 102.3 100.6 101.4 103.8

    2007 108.8 111.6 105.0 136.9 112.7 140.2 106.0 105.0 102.4 102.8 108.2

    2008 119.9 125.3 106.5 150.7 150.4 170.3 113.7 112.1 103.1 104.6 119.7

    2009 111.1 125.6 108.3 128.6 115.6 133.2 105.1 111.4 104.6 106.1 111.0

    2010 117.3 128.8 107.7 157.4 129.6 156.6 108.3 113.4 105.8 106.7 123.9

    2011 127.8 139.8 111.7 192.3 160.9 192.5 118.4 117.0 105.2 109.4 131.5

    2011 Jan 123.8 134.3 109.6 201.4 136.0 204.4 114.3 115.5 105.6 107.7 124.6

    Feb 124.3 136.5 110.0 207.7 133.5 214.2 116.5 116.5 105.1 108.2 121.3Mac/Mar 126.9 136.8 110.7 194.4 151.3 210.3 118.3 117.4 105.4 108.6 123.7

    Apr 127.9 137.7 111.2 193.6 159.2 202.1 119.2 117.6 105.0 108.8 126.1Mei/May 128.4 139.8 110.9 197.1 160.6 201.5 119.7 117.7 104.9 109.2 129.3Jun/June 129.1 141.3 111.0 194.0 163.3 198.8 120.7 117.8 105.6 109.4 132.7Jul/July 129.0 141.6 112.5 190.9 168.4 189.5 118.6 117.6 104.8 109.9 133.1Ogos/Aug 129.4 140.6 112.7 191.5 173.1 183.9 118.5 116.9 104.6 110.0 138.3

    Sept 129.0 142.5 112.6 189.3 169.6 181.8 120.2 116.9 105.0 110.3 140.8Okt/Oct 128.9 143.3 113.0 182.0 173.1 172.0 119.7 116.8 105.2 110.1 137.7Nov 128.1 142.3 113.0 182.7 168.3 173.5 117.5 116.5 105.7 110.3 135.4Dis/Dec 129.2 141.4 113.1 182.8 174.0 177.7 118.1 116.6 105.5 110.2 134.4

    2012 Jan 128.9 141.4 112.4 185.0 170.1 181.6 118.6 116.6 105.8 110.0 133.7Feb 129.6 139.8 112.3 185.0 175.4 180.7 117.3 115.9 105.9 109.8 134.4Mac/Mar 130.6 138.7 112.1 190.9 179.3 182.9 118.1 116.3 105.6 110.0 134.2

    Apr 130.9 139.1 111.7 195.5 176.9 190.5 118.7 116.3 105.9 109.9 132.2Mei/May 129.5 140.3 111.9 185.8 172.6 187.5 119.4 116.2 105.6 110.0 130.1Jun/June 128.0 141.0 112.1 177.9 166.9 177.9 118.7 116.5 106.2 110.2 131.3Jul/July 128.7 141.6 112.4 178.6 171.1 176.1 117.6 116.8 106.5 110.2 132.6

    Period Total Food Beverages Crude Mineral Animal and Chemicals Manufactured Machinery Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

    and materials, fuels, vegetable goods and manufactured transactions

    tobacco inedible lubricants, oils and fats transport articles and

    etc equipment commodities

    Jadual 5: IHPR (2005=100) bagi ekonomi domestik mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Table 5: PPI (2005=100) for domestic economy by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Wajaran (Weight)


  • Code Weight Jul/July






    Jun/ June 2012−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jul/July 2011−

    Jul/July 2012

    Jumlah 100.00 129.0 128.0 128.7 0.5 -0.2Total

    Makanan 0 5.40 141.6 141.0 141.6 0.4 0.0Food

    Minuman dan tembakau 1 0.87 112.5 112.1 112.4 0.3 -0.1Beverages and tobacco

    Bahan-bahan mentah tidak boleh dimakan 2 5.44 190.9 177.9 178.6 0.4 -6.4Crude materials, inedible

    Bahan api galian, pelincir, dll. 3 17.38 168.4 166.9 171.1 2.5 1.6Mineral fuels, lubricants, etc.

    Minyak dan lemak binatang dan sayur-sayuran 4 4.24 189.5 177.9 176.1 -1.0 -7.1Animal and vegetable oils and fats

    Bahan kimia 5 7.03 118.6 118.7 117.6 -0.9 -0.8Chemicals

    Barang-barang keluaran kilang 6 10.93 117.6 116.5 116.8 0.3 -0.7Manufactured goods

    Jentera dan kelengkapan pengangkutan 7 42.86 104.8 106.2 106.5 0.3 1.6Machinery and transport equipment

    Pelbagai barang keluaran kilang 8 5.40 109.9 110.2 110.2 0.0 0.3Miscellaneous manufactured articles

    Pelbagai urus niaga dan barangan 9 0.45 133.1 131.3 132.6 1.0 -0.4

    Miscellaneous transactions and commodities

    Jadual 5.1: Perubahan peratus IHPR (2005=100) bagi ekonomi domestik mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia Table 5.1: Percentage change of PPI (2005=100) for domestic economy by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Seksyen/SectionKod Wajaran

    Indeks/IndexPerubahan peratus

    Percentage change


  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Tempoh Jumlah Makanan Minuman Bahan- Bahan api Minyak dan Bahan kimia Barang- Jentera Pelbagai

    dan bahan galian, lemak barang dan barangtembakau mentah pelincir, dll binatang keluaran kelengkapan keluaran

    tidak boleh dan sayur- kilang pengangkutan kilang dimakan sayuran

    Wajaran (Weight) 100.0 6.13 1.20 7.02 21.92 6.15 6.81 11.47 33.41 5.89

    2006 103.8 102.9 104.5 113.3 108.9 98.0 103.1 102.3 100.8 101.5

    2007 111.2 110.9 105.4 141.1 113.2 140.1 106.7 106.3 102.4 103.5

    2008 125.8 125.2 106.9 156.3 154.0 169.8 117.5 116.2 102.0 105.9

    2009 112.2 123.8 108.9 131.1 114.0 132.1 104.0 114.6 103.1 107.7

    2010 120.9 127.3 108.1 164.2 131.2 156.4 109.2 116.8 103.7 108.6

    2011 135.4 139.3 112.2 204.1 165.9 192.9 123.7 121.4 101.8 111.8

    2011 Jan 129.9 133.5 110.2 215.0 138.6 205.4 118.1 119.5 102.0 110.0

    Feb 130.6 136.2 110.5 222.6 134.7 215.4 121.4 120.9 101.4 110.6Mac/Mar 134.1 136.2 111.2 207.1 155.1 211.3 124.0 122.0 101.5 111.2

    Apr 135.4 137.1 111.7 205.9 163.3 202.9 125.0 122.2 101.2 111.3Mei/May 136.3 139.5 111.3 209.7 164.5 202.0 125.6 122.4 101.9 111.8Jun/June 137.1 141.3 111.4 205.9 168.3 199.2 127.0 122.4 102.5 111.9Jul/July 137.0 141.3 113.2 202.3 174.1 189.7 123.9 122.1 101.6 112.4Ogos/Aug 137.9 139.8 113.3 203.0 180.2 184.1 123.6 121.1 101.6 112.5

    Sept 137.0 142.4 113.1 200.3 175.9 181.9 125.9 121.2 101.8 112.6

    Okt/Oct 136.7 142.8 113.6 191.9 180.1 171.9 124.9 121.3 101.8 112.3Nov 135.4 141.4 113.6 192.6 174.6 173.6 121.8 120.8 102.2 112.5Dis/Dec 137.2 140.2 113.7 192.8 181.5 177.9 122.6 120.9 102.4 112.1

    2012 Jan 136.7 141.1 112.9 195.7 176.2 181.9 123.4 120.9 102.6 111.8Feb 137.6 139.9 112.9 195.8 181.9 181.0 121.7 120.0 102.6 111.5Mac/Mar 139.3 138.4 112.7 202.7 186.2 183.2 122.8 120.6 102.8 111.8

    Apr 139.5 138.5 112.3 208.0 182.7 191.0 123.6 120.5 103.1 111.6Mei/May 137.6 139.9 112.5 196.8 178.2 188.0 124.5 120.4 102.8 111.7Jun/June 135.1 140.4 112.7 187.3 171.9 178.0 123.0 120.7 103.3 111.9Jul/July 136.3 140.8 113.0 188.0 177.6 176.3 121.6 121.2 103.4 111.8

    Period Total Food Beverages Crude Mineral Animal and Chemicals Manufactured Machinery Miscellaneous and materials, fuels, vegetable goods and manufactured tobacco inedible lubricants, oils and fats transport articles etc equipment

    Jadual 6: IHPR (2005=100) bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Table 6: PPI (2005=100) for local production by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia


  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Tempoh Jumlah Makanan Minuman Bahan- Bahan api Minyak dan Bahan kimia Barang-barang Jentera Pelbagai Pelbagai

    dan bahan galian, lemak keluaran dan barang urus niagatembakau mentah pelincir, dll binatang kilang kelengkapan keluaran dan

    tidak boleh dan sayur- pengangkutan kilang barangan dimakan sayuran

    100.0 3.96 0.20 2.32 8.41 0.47 7.48 9.87 61.52 4.44 1.33

    2006 101.6 102.6 99.2 105.4 107.5 97.9 102.6 102.2 100.4 100.9 103.8

    2007 104.0 113.7 101.0 111.2 109.6 141.8 104.7 102.3 102.4 100.9 108.2

    2008 108.2 125.7 101.5 116.9 132.2 183.8 107.0 102.8 104.2 101.1 119.7

    2009 108.8 130.9 101.8 114.0 123.5 163.6 107.1 103.9 106.2 101.9 111.0

    2010 110.2 133.3 102.9 116.8 121.1 161.9 106.6 105.4 108.2 101.7 123.9

    2011 112.8 141.4 105.3 121.8 134.9 180.2 109.1 106.8 108.9 103.2 131.5

    2011 Jan 111.6 136.5 102.4 120.1 122.9 176.7 107.4 106.2 109.5 101.7 124.6

    Feb 111.8 137.4 104.2 118.7 127.3 181.7 107.7 106.5 109.1 101.8 121.3Mac/Mar 112.6 138.6 104.7 118.3 132.0 182.8 108.2 106.9 109.6 102.0 123.7

    Apr 113.0 139.6 105.5 120.0 138.2 182.9 108.6 106.8 109.1 102.2 126.1Mei/May 112.8 140.7 106.1 122.3 140.4 188.0 109.1 106.9 108.2 102.6 129.3Jun/June 113.1 141.3 106.1 123.2 137.2 188.6 109.3 107.1 108.8 103.0 132.7Jul/July 113.0 142.4 105.3 123.0 138.9 184.1 109.1 107.2 108.4 103.3 133.1Ogos/Aug 112.5 143.0 105.9 122.8 136.4 179.2 109.3 107.1 107.8 103.6 138.3Sept 113.0 142.5 105.8 123.3 136.9 178.6 109.9 107.0 108.4 104.1 140.8Okt/Oct 113.4 145.1 105.3 122.8 137.4 174.9 110.3 106.7 108.9 104.3 137.7Nov 113.7 144.8 106.1 123.9 136.1 171.7 109.9 106.6 109.6 104.5 135.4Dis/Dec 113.2 144.9 105.7 122.8 135.5 173.2 110.0 106.8 108.9 105.1 134.4

    2012 Jan 113.5 142.5 105.5 121.1 138.8 174.4 109.9 106.6 109.2 105.2 133.7Feb 113.7 139.5 104.9 120.5 141.6 174.5 109.3 106.4 109.4 105.3 134.4Mac/Mar 113.4 139.6 104.8 120.2 143.7 173.3 109.6 106.5 108.6 105.2 134.2Apr 114.0 141.1 104.8 120.8 146.9 178.2 109.9 106.6 109.0 105.3 132.2Mei/May 113.5 141.6 105.1 120.6 143.8 176.5 110.3 106.4 108.7 105.5 130.1Jun/June 114.0 143.0 105.1 121.6 140.8 174.7 110.8 106.7 109.4 105.8 131.3Jul/July 113.9 144.2 105.4 122.3 137.4 171.5 110.3 106.6 109.7 106.2 132.6

    Period Total Food Beverages Crude Mineral Animal and Chemicals Manufactured Machinery Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

    and materials, fuels, vegetable goods and manufactured transactions

    tobacco inedible lubricants, oils and fats transport articles and

    etc equipment commodities

    Jadual 7: Indeks harga import (2005=100) mengikut seksyen barangan (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Table 7: Import price index (2005=100) by commodity section (SITC 3), Malaysia

    Wajaran (Weight)




  • 35


    1. Pengenalan

    1.1 Penerbitan ini mengandungi Indeks Harga

    Pengeluar bagi Pengeluaran Tempatan dan

    Ekonomi Domestik yang disusun

    menggunakan 2005 sebagai tahun asas.

    Sebelum ini, indeks harga pengeluar bagi

    sektor pengeluaran tempatan diterbitkan dalam

    penerbitan Indeks Harga Pengeluar

    (2000=100) yang juga memuatkan indeks

    harga pengeluar bagi import dan ekonomi



    1. Introduction

    1.1 This publication comprised of the

    Producer Price Index (PPI) for Local

    Production and Domestic Economy compiled

    using 2005 as the base year. Prior to this, the

    producer price index for local production

    was published in the Producer Price Index

    (2000=100) publication which also

    incorporated the producer price indices for

    imports and domestic economy.

    1.2 IHPR yang pertama telah disusun bagi

    Semenanjung Malaysia untuk tahun rujukan

    1973 menggunakan tahun asas 1972. Sejak itu,

    ia telah melalui beberapa siri pembangunan

    yang bukan sahaja telah memperbaiki

    metodologi yang digunakan tetapi juga telah

    menjadikannya sebagai salah satu daripada

    penunjuk ekonomi utama negara. Selepas

    tahun asas 1972, IHPR telah dikira bagi tahun

    asas 1978, 1989, 2000 dan kini disusun

    menggunakan 2005 sebagai tahun asas.

    1.2 The first PPI was compiled for

    Peninsular Malaysia for the reference year

    1973 with 1972 as its base year. Since then,

    it has undergone a series of development

    which has not only improved the

    methodology but also placed itself as one of

    the leading economic indicators in the

    country. Subsequent to 1972 base year, the

    PPI was constructed for base years 1978,

    1989, 2000 and is currently compiled using

    2005 as the base year.

    1.3 Indeks harga pengeluar bagi pengeluaran

    tempatan merupakan indeks berasaskan

    output, yang mengukur perubahan harga

    komoditi untuk jualan pasaran tempatan yang

    dinilai pada harga di kilang. Indeks Harga

    Ekonomi Domestik ialah indeks komposit

    berdasarkan data harga yang diperoleh

    daripada indeks harga pengeluaran tempatan

    dan import. Indeks ekonomi domestik diwakili

    oleh 66.4 peratus wajaran dari pengeluaran

    tempatan dan 33.6 peratus wajaran dari


    1.3 The producer price index for local

    production is an output based index, which

    measures the change in the price of

    commodities sold to the domestic market

    valued at the ex-factory price. The Domestic

    Economy Price Index is a composite index

    which is based on the price data derived

    from that of the local production and import

    price indices. The domestic economy index is

    represented by 66.4 per cent weights from

    local production and 33.6 per cent weights

    from imports.

    1.4 IHPR bagi pengeluaran tempatan

    mengukur purata perubahan harga yang

    dikenakan oleh pengeluar barangan dalam

    sesuatu industri pada bulan rujukan

    berbanding tempoh asas. Oleh itu, ia

    merupakan penunjuk ekonomi makro yang

    digunakan bagi memantau pergerakan harga

    output tempatan dan sering dilihat sebagai

    penunjuk awal kepada Indeks Harga


    1.4 The PPI for local production measures

    the average change in the prices charged by

    producers of goods of an industry in a

    reference month compared with the base

    period. Thus, it is an important

    macroeconomic indicator used for

    monitoring the price movements of local

    outputs and is often viewed as a leading

    indicator of Consumer Price Index.

  • 36

    2. Skop dan Liputan

    2.1 Pengeluaran Tempatan

    IHPR meliputi lima sektor ekonomi, iaitu

    Pertanian, Perikanan, Perlombongan,

    Pembuatan dan Bekalan elektrik, gas & air.

    Indeks diterbitkan di peringkat kumpulan tiga

    digit, peringkat bahagian dua digit dan

    peringkat kategori satu digit untuk peringkat


    2. Scope and Coverage

    2.1 Local Production

    PPI covers the following five sectors of the

    economy, namely Agriculture, Fishing,

    Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity, gas

    & water supply.

    The indices are published at three digit

    group level, two digit division level and one

    digit category level for Malaysia.

    2.2 IHPR bagi Pengeluaran Tempatan

    mengikut Peringkat Pemprosesan

    IHPR bagi pengeluaran tempatan mengikut

    peringkat pemprosesan dibentuk setelah

    komoditi yang disusun semula dan dikelaskan

    kepada peringkat pemprosesan iaitu:

    (a) Bahan mentah untuk diproseskan selanjutnya

    (b) Bahan perantaraan, bekalan dan komponen

    (c) Barang siap

    2.2 PPI for Local Production by Stage of


    PPI for local production by stage of

    processing is compiled by reclassifying the

    commodities according to the following stage

    of processing:

    (a) Crude materials for further processing

    (b) Intermediate materials, supplies and


    (c) Finished goods

    2.3 Liputan Produk

    Satu koleksi komoditi yang pelbagai telah

    dipilih untuk mewakili pelbagai sektor

    ekonomi dan harga bagi komoditi ini dipungut

    setiap bulan. Sejumlah 630 item komoditi

    digunakan dalam penyusunan indeks harga

    pengeluar pengeluaran tempatan.

    2.3 Product Coverage

    A wide collection of commodities are

    selected to represent the various sectors of

    the economy and the prices for these

    commodities are collected on a monthly

    basis. A total of 630 commodity items are

    used in the compilation of the local

    production producer price index.

    3. Konsep

    3.1 Ia merujuk kepada harga yang diterima

    oleh pengeluar pada peringkat pertama

    pengkomersilan. Bagi barangan yang

    dikeluarkan, diproses atau dipasang di

    Malaysia, harga pengeluar merujuk kepada

    harga selepas ditolak diskaun dan rebet yang

    diberikan oleh pengilang dan tidak termasuk

    3. Concept

    3.1 This refers to prices received by the

    producer at the first stage of

    commercialisation. As for goods produced,

    processed or assembled in Malaysia,

    producer prices refer to prices which are

    net of discounts and rebates given by the

    manufacturers and net of freight by hired

  • 37

    kos pengangkutan yang disewa serta kos

    pengangkutan lain antara pengeluar dan


    transport and other transport costs between

    producer and purchaser.

    3.2 Kos pengangkutan bagi pertubuhan yang

    tidak menyewa perkhidmatan pengangkutan

    tetapi menggunakan kemudahan pengangkutan

    sendiri lazimnya merupakan sebahagian

    daripada kos item, dan ia telah diambilkira

    kerana sukar untuk mengasingkannya.

    3.2 The cost of transport for establishments

    which do not hire transport services but

    utilise their own transport facilities

    normally forms part of the cost of the item,

    are included as they are difficult to


    3.3 Harga pengeluar bagi pengeluaran

    tempatan untuk tahun asas 2005 merujuk

    kepada harga di kilang sahaja dan tidak

    termasuk duti eksais dan cukai jualan. Walau

    bagaimanapun, bagi tahun asas 1972, 1978,

    1989 dan 2000, duti eksais dan cukai jualan

    dimasukkan sebagai komponen dalam harga


    3.3 The producer price for local production

    for the base year 2005 refers to the ex-

    factory price only and excludes excise duty

    and sales tax. However, for base years

    1972, 1978, 1989 and 2000, excise duties

    and sales tax were included as components

    of the producer price.

    3.4 Pungutan harga bagi item komoditi terpilih

    merujuk kepada harga transaksi sebenar dan

    bukannya harga senarai.

    4. Pemilihan Produk

    4.1 Adalah penting untuk mengenalpasti

    produk yang mana data harga diperlukan

    kerana tidak mungkin untuk mengambil kira

    semua komoditi yang dikeluarkan dalam

    negara. Oleh itu, bilangan sampel bagi

    komoditi dalam penyiasatan IHPR adalah agak

    kecil berbanding dengan saiz populasi.

    3.4 The price collection for the selected

    commodity refers to the actual transacted

    price and not the list price.

    4. Selection of Products

    4.1 It is essential to identify the products for

    which price data are needed as it is not

    possible to include all the commodities

    produced in the country. Hence, the number

    of sample commodities in the PPI survey is

    relatively small compared to the population


    4.2 Pemilihan produk bagi penyiasatan

    harga bulanan adalah berdasarkan sumbangan

    item kepada jumlah output industri tersebut.

    Produk yang terpilih adalah mewakili

    kumpulannya. Item yang dimasukkan dalam

    pengiraan indeks secara kolektif menyumbang

    lebih 75 peratus daripada jumlah output bagi

    industri yang dipilih.

    4.2 The selection of the products for the

    monthly producer price survey is based on

    their contributions to the total output of the

    industry. The selected items are

    representative of their group. The items

    included in the compilation of the index

    collectively accounted for more than 75 per

    cent of the total output of the industry


  • 38

    5. Pemilihan Pertubuhan

    Pemilihan pertubuhan adalah berdasarkan

    sumbangan pertubuhan tersebut kepada

    jumlah output bagi industri yang telah terpilih.

    Pertubuhan yang terpilih mewakili produk

    masing-masing. Pertubuhan ini secara kolektif

    menyumbang 75 peratus daripada jumlah

    output produk yang terpilih. Senarai

    pertubuhan yang terlibat dalam pengeluaran

    tempatan diambil daripada Banci Ekonomi

    2005 dan sumber-sumber tambahan. Sampel

    tersebut meliputi 1,298 pertubuhan yang

    dipilih secara ‘cut-off’ daripada rangka

    penyiasatan pembuatan bulanan dan tahunan.

    5. Selection of Establishments

    The selection of establishments is based

    on their contributions to the total output of

    the selected industry. The selected

    establishments are representative of their

    products. These establishments collectively

    accounted for more than 75 per cent of the

    total output of the products selected. The

    lists of establishments are drawn from the

    Economic Census, 2005 as well as from

    other supplementary sources. The sample

    covers 1,298 establishments selected on a

    cut-off basis from the monthly and annual

    manufacturing frames.

    6. Pemilihan Komoditi

    6.1 Adalah penting untuk menjalankan kajian

    awal bagi mengenal pasti jenis produk yang

    laris jualannya bagi setiap item komoditi yang

    terpilih di samping keterangan/spesifikasi

    yang terperinci tentang jenama, gred, saiz dan

    unit ukuran bagi item yang dikeluarkan atau

    diimport untuk tujuan pungutan harga. Borang

    soal selidik dihantar kepada semua pertubuhan

    terpilih pada peringkat awal bagi mendapatkan

    maklumat berikut:-

    6. Selection of Commodities

    6.1 It is necessary to conduct a preliminary

    survey to identify the major selling product

    varieties under each of the commodity item

    selected as well as detailed

    description/specification pertaining to the

    brand, grade, size and unit of measurement

    of items produced for price collection

    purposes. Questionnaires are dispatched to

    all selected establishments at the initial

    stage to enquire the following information:-

    (a) Jenama komoditi yang biasa dikeluarkan

    (b) Jenama komoditi yang memberikan sumbangan yang penting kepada

    pengeluaran syarikat

    (c) Keterangan dan spesifikasi terperinci bagi jenama yang dinyatakan di (a)

    and (b)

    (d) Brosur/katalog bagi jenama komoditi

    (a) Regularly produced commodity brands

    (b) Commodity brands that constitute a significant share of the companies’


    (c) Detailed descriptions and specifications of the brands stated

    in (a) and (b)

    (d) Brochures/catalogues of the

    commodity brands

    6.2 Pada masa ini, kira-kira 630 komoditi

    diliputi dari 1,298 pertubuhan bagi

    pengeluaran tempatan setiap bulan dalam

    pengiraan IHPR. Komoditi ini dipilih

    berdasarkan kepentingannya dalam

    pertubuhan. Kira-kira 2,414 produk telah

    dipilih bagi barangan keluaran tempatan bagi

    tahun asas 2005.

    6.2 At present, about 630 commodities are

    covered from 1,298 establishments for local

    production monthly in the compilation of

    PPI. These commodities are selected in view

    of their relative importance within the

    establishments. About 2,414 products had

    been selected for locally produced goods for

    the base year 2005.

  • 39

    7. Sumber Data /Pungutan Harga

    Secara keseluruhannya, sebanyak 2,663

    sebut harga dipungut setiap bulan daripada

    pertubuhan dan agensi kerajaan. Senarai

    agensi kerajaan yang diliputi penyiasatan

    adalah seperti berikut:

    (a) Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia (b) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar (c) Lembaga Lada Malaysia

    7. Data Sources/Price Collection

    Overall, 2,663 price quotations are

    collected, on a monthly basis, from both

    establishments and government agencies.

    The list of government agencies covered by

    the survey are as follows:

    (a) Department of Fisheries (b) Department of Veterinary Services (c) Malaysian Pepper Board

    (d) Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan

    (e) Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (f) Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd (g) Tenaga Nasional Berhad (h) Lembaga Koko Malaysia

    (i) Lembaga Perusahaan Kayu Malaysia

    (j) Lembaga Tembakau Negara (k) Lembaga Getah Malaysia (l) Petroliam Nasional Berhad

    (m) Jabatan Bekalan Air Negeri

    (d) Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA)

    (e) Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) (f) Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd (g) Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) (h) Malaysian Cocoa Board

    (i) Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)

    (j) National Tobacco Board (k) Malaysian Rubber Board (l) Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)

    (m) State Water Supply Department

    8. Kawalan Kualiti

    8.1 Satu siri semakan dibuat bagi menentukan

    data harga yang diterima adalah munasabah,

    konsisten dan tepat. Prosedur semakan harga

    termasuk membuat perbandingan harga

    semasa dengan harga yang dilaporkan pada

    bulan sebelumnya bagi responden yang sama,

    di samping harga yang dilaporkan oleh

    responden lain bagi item komoditi yang sama.

    Harga yang menunjukkan perbezaan yang luar

    biasa akan dirujuk kepada responden untuk

    penjelasan bagi menentukan ketepatan.

    8. Quality Control

    8.1 A series of checks on the prices received

    are carried out to ensure their

    reasonableness, consistency and accuracy.

    The checking procedures include

    comparisons of prices supplied for the

    month against those of the previous months

    of the same respondents as well as with

    prices reported by other respondents for the

    same commodity items. Prices that display

    unusual variations are clarified with

    respondents to ensure the accuracy.

    8.2 Harga yang dilaporkan dalam borang akan

    disahkan oleh pegawai luar semasa

    menjalankan kerja luar dan ia akan disemak

    selanjutnya di ibu pejabat. Perubahan harga

    yang ketara akan dirujuk kepada pegawai luar

    untuk pengesahan. Dalam keadaan tertentu,

    responden akan dihubungi terus untuk


    8.2 Prices quoted in the forms are verified

    on the ground by field supervisors and these

    are subjected to further scrutiny in the

    headquarters. Significant price changes are

    referred to the field supervisors for

    verifications and in certain cases, the

    respondents are directly contacted for


  • 40

    8.3 Data yang diterima akan disemak secara

    teliti sebelum tangkapan data dijalankan.

    8.3 The data are subjected to thorough

    checking before being captured.

    8.4 Anggota di Jabatan Perangkaan Negeri

    diberikan latihan sekurang-kurangnya sekali

    dalam setahun mengenai prosedur, konsep dan

    definisi serta sebarang perubahan tentang

    spesifikasi produk dan item yang dipilih.

    8.4 The staff of the Department of Statistics

    state office is given training at least once a

    year regarding procedures, concepts and

    definitions as well as any changes in the

    selected items and product specifications.

    9. Pengiraan Indeks

    9.1 Harga Asas

    Harga asas bagi setiap item adalah harga

    purata bagi jenama tertentu bagi tempoh 12

    bulan dalam tahun 2005.

    9. Index Calculation

    9.1 Base Price

    The base price for each item is the average

    of the prices for that particular brand for

    the 12 months of 2005.

    9.2 Formula Indeks

    a) IHPR disusun menggunakan formula

    Laspeyres base-weighted

    9.2 Index Formula

    a) The Laspeyres base-weighted formula is

    used to compile the PPI.

    Di mana = Wajaran nilai relatif/Relative value weights


    = Harga tempoh semasa/Current period prices

    = Harga tempoh asas/Base period prices

    = Kuantiti tempoh asas/Base period quantities

    n = Bilangan item/Number of items











    i s


















































  • 41

    b) Formula yang dipilih mempunyai satu

    kelebihan di mana ia dapat menentukan

    apakah harga tertentu atau kumpulan harga

    yang menyebabkan sesuatu perubahan dalam

    indeks agregat.

    b) The formula selected has an

    advantage of determining what specific

    price or group of prices are responsible

    for any change in the aggregate index.

    c) Harga relatif bagi setiap jenis item pada

    peringkat jenama komoditi merupakan

    peringkat asas bagi pengiraan indeks di

    peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Harga relatif

    dikira sebagai nisbah peratus harga semasa

    berbanding harga pada tahun asas. Ia

    diperoleh dengan membahagikan harga

    semasa dengan harga tahun asas bagi komoditi

    yang sama dan didarabkan dengan 100. Purata

    aritmetik mudah bagi harga relatif ini

    diperoleh untuk membentuk indeks pada

    peringkat item komoditi.

    c) The price relative of each item at the

    commodity brand level provides the basic

    level for the compilation of higher level

    indices. Price relatives are calculated as

    percentage ratios of the current prices to

    those prevailing in the base period and are

    obtained by dividing the current prices by

    the corresponding base year prices and

    multiplying them by 100. The simple

    arithmetic averages of these price relatives

    are obtained to form indices at the

    commodity item level.

    d) Pergerakan harga akan diberi wajaran bagi

    mencerminkan kepentingan komoditi tersebut

    pada tahun asas, di mana tahun asas yang

    terkini ialah 2005. Purata indeks harga

    komoditi berwajaran diperoleh untuk

    dijadikan indeks pada peringkat kumpulan.

    Indeks bahagian komoditi diperoleh daripada

    purata indeks komoditi berwajaran yang

    termasuk dalam bahagian tersebut, manakala

    indeks seksyen komoditi diperoleh daripada

    purata aritmetik indeks barangan berwajaran

    yang termasuk dalam seksyen tersebut

    d) The movements in these prices are

    weighted to reflect the relative importance

    of the commodities in the base year, which

    is currently 2005. The weighted average of

    commodity price indices is obtained to form

    price indices at the group level. The

    commodity division index is derived as

    weighted average of the indices of the

    commodities included in that division, while

    the commodity section index is obtained as

    weighted arithmetic average of the indices

    of all divisions included under that section.

    e) IHPR Pengeluaran Tempatan keseluruhan

    disusun secara berperingkat dari peringkat

    jenis komoditi (10 digit), kepada item

    komoditi (5 digit), kelas komoditi (4 digit),

    kumpulan komoditi (3 digit), bahagian

    komoditi (2 digit) dan seterusnya kepada

    peringkat kategori (1 digit).

    e) The overall PPI for local production is

    built up progressively from the commodity

    variety level (10 digit) to commodity item

    (5 digit), commodity class (4 digit),

    commodity group (3 digit), commodity

    division (2 digit) and commodity category

    level (1 digit).

    9.3 Wajaran

    a) Wajaran diperoleh daripada Banci

    Ekonomi 2005, Akaun Negara Muktamad

    2005 dan sumber data alternatif bagi nilai

    pengeluaran. Wajaran di peringkat sektor

    (1 digit), industri (5 digit) adalah berdasarkan

    9.3 Weights

    a) The weights are obtained from the

    Economic Census, 2005, Final National

    Accounts 2005 (FNA 2005) and other

    alternative sources of data for the value of

    production. The weights at sector (1 digit),

  • 42

    Akaun Negara Muktamad 2005 manakala

    sumbangan setiap komoditi (10 digit) dalam

    industri diperoleh berdasarkan nilai

    pengeluaran Banci Ekonomi 2005.

    industry (5 digit) are based on FNA 2005

    while contribution of each commodities (10

    digit) within the industry are obtained base

    on production value derived from Economic

    Census, 2005.

    b) Wajaran item diberikan mengikut

    perkadaran sumbangan item kepada jumlah

    nilai output dalam ekonomi. Wajaran

    peringkat sektor diberikan seperti pada

    Lampiran A.

    b) The item weights are assigned in

    proportion of their contributions to the total

    value of output in the economy. The weights

    at sector level are given in Appendix A.

    c) Polisi Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia adalah

    membuat pindaan berkala kepada struktur

    wajaran IHPR apabila data daripada banci

    ekonomi diperoleh, pada umumnya dalam

    tempoh lima tahun sekali.

    c) It is the policy of Department of

    Statistics to revise the PPI weighting

    structure periodically when data from

    economic censuses become available,

    generally at five-year intervals.

    9.4 Indeks Terkumpul

    Pada peringkat pertama pengagregatan, harga

    individu digabung dengan mengira purata

    aritmetik sebut harga di bawah item komoditi

    tersebut (contohnya, item A), di mana satu

    harga daripada setiap satu pertubuhan (X, Y,

    Z) digabung untuk mendapatkan agregat asas

    bagi item A. Indeks produk yang terperinci

    diberi wajaran keseluruhannya bagi

    mendapatkan indeks produk diperingkat yang

    lebih tinggi menggunakan nilai pengeluaran

    produk yang terperinci bagi keseluruhan

    ekonomi. Indeks industri diperoleh dengan

    memberi wajaran keseluruhan produk indeks

    yang relevan bagi setiap industri

    menggunakan nilai output bagi produk yang

    berbeza dalam industri tersebut.

    9.4 Aggregated Index

    At the first stage of elementary aggregation