ii kolokvijum iz engleskog

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  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    Elizabet of England, 80-86.

    1. Supply the missing forms of the following words (if the form exist):

     NOUN VER !"#E$%&VE 'REVO"

    !dultion !dulte !dultory Oo*+n,e- s/n,e

    'erse+ern0e 'erse+ere 'erse+ering &str,nostVenertion Venerte Venerle Strhopoto+n,e

    Su00ession Su00eed Su00essi+e Nsle2i+n,e

    "efin0e "efy "efint Odi,n,e

    !ugmenttion !ugment !ugmentti+e U+e3n,e

    Re0ession Re0ede Re0essi+e Re0esi,

    (Un)"etern0e (Un)"eter Undeterred 'o/oleti

    Vehemen0e Vehement Sng

    4. 5t0h the words on the left to the synonymous words on the right.

    !rdent urning 6 hot 6 7er+ent 6 Vehement !sor600ept

    %en0ious Ostinte 6 old 6 'erse+ering 6



    !uspi0ious Su00essful $lm 6 soothe

    &nstigntion Stimultion 6 !rousl 6



    8r+ity Seriousness Expressionless 6 not showing emotions

    %o imie !sor600ept 'rin0iples

    %enets 'rin0iples Seriousness

    Stun0hly 7ithful 6 +ery loyl Stimultion 6 !rousl 6 'ro+o0tion&mpssi+e Expressionless 6 not showing


    urning 6 hot 6 7er+ent 6 Vehement

    %o +eer wy $hnge dire0tion 7ithful 6 +ery loyl

    Unsoli0ited Unwrrnted 6 Not s/ed for Ostinte 6 old 6 'erse+ering 6 Resolute

    %o lly $lm 6 soothe Su00essful

    9llmr/s %rdemr/s 7it

    5gnilouen0e 8rndilouen0e 6 omsti0

    style of spe0h

    Unwrrnted 6 Not s/ed for 

    'rsimony Stinginess %o 0ourd 6 ttr0t%o woo %o 0ourd 6 ttr0t Stinginess

    u0rti+e 'rofitle 8rndilouen0e 6 omsti0 style of spe0h

    out 7it $hnge dire0tion

    ;. Use e0h word of the esily 0onfusle pirs in senten0e to illustrte the differen0e

     etween them.

    're0o0ious 6 're0utious

    • 're0o0iuos is something o+erly mture. %hey sy tht he ws +ery

     pre0o0ious oy.

    • 're0utious is someone +ery 0utious. %he gurdsmen stood pre0utious.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    &mminent 6 &mmnent

    • &mminent is something ound to hppen. "eth is imminent.

    • &mmnent is something 0hr0teristi0 to someone. 9e ws /nown for his

    immnent prsimony.

    "i+ert 6 "i+erge

    • "i+ert < S/renuti. %he ship di+erted its 0ourse.

    • "i+erge < R=il=iti se. %he group di+erged in +rious dire0tions.

    >. Use the 0orre0t prepositions.

    • %o e 0ommon ??to??? •  ??y??? no mens

    • @ey ???to?? stle su0ession

    • %o e eheded ???on?? 0hrges of dultery

    • %o e the third ???in?? line ???for?? the throne

    • %o e fluent ???in?? 7ren0h

    • %o urst ??into??? ters

    • %o e wedded ??to??? her /ingdom

    • %o e s/illed ???t?? mnipulting

    • %o +il oneself ??in??? someodyA s hospitlity

    • %o drw ???to?? 0lose

    B. 5t0h words from 0olumns ! nd to form 0ollo0tions:

    !d+ntgeous 5rrige 5onopolies

    "==ling "isply Ce

    %ngled Ce Strins

    itter "isppointment 5rrige

    u0rti+e 5onopolies "isppointment

    Enthusisti0 Cel0ome "isply

    "esperte !ttempt Cel0ome

    Se+ere Strins !ttempt

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    $ulture nd $i+il=tion in 5odern %imes- pge DF1GG

    &) Supply the missing form of words

     Noun Ver !d,e0ti+e 're+od

    'rolifertion 'roliferte 'rolifi0 Vi/- prolifer0i,

    (&n)"etermintion (&n)"etermine &ndeterminte (Ne)OdluHnost

    Elusi+eness Elude Elusi+e Neuh+tl,i+

    !undn0e !ound !undnt Oil,e

    %enden0y %end %endentious %e*n,

    !00umultion !00umulte $umulti+e N/upl,n,e

    !ppli0tion !pply !ppli0le 'ri,+- pli0irn,e

    #udgment #udge #udgmentl Osud- presud

    $ertinty !s0ertin !s0ertinle Ut+rditi

    &&) 5t0h the words nd synonyms- nd use them in the senten0es.

    %o linger %o remin6loiter6sty ehind

    %o enhn0e %o impro+e6in0rese6de+elope

    %o en0ompss %o in0lude6in0orporte6emr0e

    %o reinfor0e %o strenghten6support

    Sus0eptile to Vulnerle6prone6lile

    %o wrrnt %o permitttriution !s0ription60redit

    %o designte %o lel6nme6refer to

    %o es0hew %o +oid6shun

    %o su00um to %o yield6surrender  

    7ul0rum of 'i+ot6hinge6support

    1. No mtter ws to smll to warrant  his ttention.

    4. %he 5inister sid his 0ountry would ne+er succumb to pressure.

    ;. Ioung people re prti0ulrly susceptible to d+ertisements.>. %hey wnted to reinforce the ide tht humn rights re ne+er to e +iolted.

    B. %he s0ent of her perfume lingered on in the room.

    J. %hey re /een to enhance their reputtion rod.

    . 9is repertoire encompasses wide rnge of 0omposers.

    K. 9e eschew puli0ity n +oided night0lus.

    D. %here is lot of attribution of e+il intent to those who h+e different +iews.

    1G. Ce shll designate this mn s L.

    11. 9e will shortly e0ome the fulcrum of the Englnd tem.

    &&&) &llustrte the differen0e etween these two words.

    iterlly < doslo+no. 9e t/es literlly ee+erything he hers.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    iterry < /n,i*e+no. %he ord of the Rings is literry msterpie0e.

    &V) 7ind the ntonyms.

    Superiority < inferiority

    %rue < flse

    Externl < internl5orl < immorl6morl

    Synonym < ntonym

    !ppli0le < inppli0le

    !sso0ited < dissso0ited

    $on0eptions < mis0on0eptions

    Sele0ti+e < nonFsele0ti+e6unsele0ti+e

    "esirility < undesirility

    !0ti+ity < in0ti+ityV) Use the 0orre0t prepositions

    %o deri+e something from something else

    %o refer to something

    Superiority over something6someoneWithin oneMs grsp

    %o ring something to light

    $ontrol over something6someone

    %o e 0onfined to 

     In terms of

    %o e sus0eptile to something

    On the one hnd on the other 

    %o e synonymous to

    %o seprte something from something

    %o su00um to something

     For fer of doing something


    1. 6

    Supply the missing forms of the following words (if the form exist)


  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    ;. 5t0h the words on the left to the synonymous words on the right.

    &mp0t &nfluen0e 6 effe0t 6 impression %o fight 6 push 6 struggle

    &mpetus Stimulus 6 moti+tion 6 dri+e %o per+de 6 fill

    9e0ti0 $hoti0 6 wild 6 frnti0 &nfluen0e 6 effe0t 6 impression

    %o d==le %o m=e 6 impress 6 stun Stimulus 6 moti+tion 6 dri+e

    %o flourish %o lossom 6 prosper 6 grow $hoti0 6 wild 6 frnti0

    %o 0mpign %o fight 6 push 6 struggle %o m=e 6 impress 6 stun

    ent &n0lintion %o lossom 6 prosper 6 grow

    %o 0on+ey %o express 6 get 0ross 6 t/e &n0lintion

    %o permete %o per+de 6 fill %o express 6 get 0ross 6 t/e

    • Rsism nd 0rime still ??????flourishing???????? in the ghetto.

    • %he two dys we spent there were en,oyle ut ?????he0ti0????????.

    • %he m,or ????????imp0t????? of this epidemi0 is yet to 0ome.

    • She needed new ??????impetus???????? for her tlent.

    • #ohn ?????d==led???????? us with his /nowledge of the world.

    • Ce ???????? 0mpigned ????????? for lw reform.

    • &n herwor/s she lwys ???????0on+eyed??????? sense of immedi0y.

    • 9e hd 0ler ?????????ent??????? for nturl history.

    • is ginst women ??????pernetes?????? e+ery le+el of this so0iety.

     NOUN VER !"#E$%&VE 'REVO"

    !ppern0e %o pper pprent po,+

    8lory %o glorify glorious Sl+

    !ppre0ition %o ppre0ite ppre0iti+e 0eniti

    Endowment %o endow endowed odriti

    &nspirtion %o inspire &nspiring6inspirtionl &nspir0i,

    "et %o e


    indeted "ug

    elief %o elie+e elie+le Ver

    &ntensity %o intensify intensi+e &nten=itet

    Enri0hment Enri0h Enri0hed6enri0hing Oogtiti

    tenden0y %end tendentious %enden0i,

    !ssumption !ssume 'retpost+/

    7ilure 7il filed neuspeh

     preser+tion 'reser+e preser+ing SHu+ti

    9rmony %o hrmoni=e 9rmonious 9rmoni,

    Regenertion %o regenerte Regenerti+e Regener0i,

    $omplement %o0omplement

    $omplementry 'odudrn,e6dopun,+n,e

    %rnuility %o trnuili=e %rnuil smirenost

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    >. Use e0h word of the esily 0onfusle pirs in senten0e to illustrte the differen0e

     etween them.

    %o orrow 6 %o lend

    • Ce orrowed something from someone.• Ce lend something to someone.

    %o own 6 %o owe

    • & own this house.

    • & owe you n pology.

    B. Supply the pproprite preposition.

    • %o 0ontriute ??to??? something

    • %lent ?in??? something

    • %o ex0el ???in?? something

    • %o deri+e something ??from??? something (else)

    • %o +ry ??in??? (intensity)

    •  ??on??? the whole

    J. 7ind the ntonyms of the following words:

    • %hin/le < unthin/le

    • 'rtil < inprtil

    • !ppro+e < disppro+e

    • Similr < dissimilr 

    • elief < diselief 

    . 'hrsl Ver. Use the 0orre0t preposition with the +er to loo/.

    1) %he mnul wor/ers in this 0ompny used to e loo/ed ?????down


    4) Ce were ll loo/ing ??????forwrd????? to 0oming here.

    ;) No de0ision should e re0hed efore we loo/ ?????into??? into prolem.

    >) oo/ ???up???? the mening of the word M/osherM.

    B) oo/ me ????up???? when you 0ome to ongon next time.

    J) %hey loo/ ??t???? resturnts s in+estments.

    ) & loo/ ?up??? ??to?? my mother. She is wonderful.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    K. 5t0h the foolowing +ers relted to the wys of loo/ing with their menings- nd

    use them in the senten0es elow:

    %o gpe- to peep- to peer- to glre- to gln0e- to stre- to g=e.

    ) %o loo/ t someone or something for long time (sho0/ed- ngry- interested)

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


     eliefs- nd per0eptions of the world tht lie ????ehind???????? 

     ??????oser+le??????? eh+iour- ut rther the shred idels- +lues- nd eliefs tht

     people use to interpret experien0e nd ???????generte???????? eh+iour nd whi0h re

    refle0ted in their eh+iour. !n ???????00eptle????????? modern definiton of 0ulture-

    then- runs s follows 0ulture is ????set????????? of tules or stndrds tht- when 0ted

     ?????upon?????? y the memers of so0iety- produ0e eh+iour tht flls within rnge

    of ?????+rin0e??????? the memers 0onsider ????????proper??????? nd 00eptle.


    1. 5t0h the words on the left with the explntions or synonymous words on the right

    nd use them in the senten0es elow.

    Utility Usefulness Ordinry 6 dull 6 routine 6 humdrum

    Su00in0t $on0ise 6 rief 6 to the point Usefulness

    %o profess %o de0lre 6 stte $on0ise 6 rief 6 to the point

    !w/wrdness Ner+ousness 6 unesiness 6


    oring6 dull 6 drery 6 monotonous 6 tiresome

    %edious oring6 dull 6 drery 6 monotonous 6


    %o de0lre 6 stte

    %o en0psulte %o summri=e 6 0pture Ner+ousness 6 unesiness 6 nxiety

    5undne Ordinry 6 dull 6 routine 6 humdrum !le to withstnd 0riti0ism

    Puotidin E+erydy %est of oneMs prien0e or endurn0e

    %hi0/ s/in !le to withstnd 0riti0ism E+erydy

    'ur+iew Extent6 rnge of


    %o 00ent 6 emphsi=e 6 stress

    %o foreground %o 00ent 6 emphsi=e 6 stress Stri/ingly o+ious

    leeding oious Stri/ingly o+ious %o summri=e 6 0pture

    %rils nd triultions %est of oneMs prien0e or endurn0e

    Extent6 rnge of (fun0tion-power-0ompeten0e)

    1) She went through ll the ????trils?????? ??nd? ?????triultions??????? 

    of eing dmitted to lw s0hool only to find she 0ouldnAt fford to go.

    4) 9is oo/ ??????foregrounds??????? three m,or e+ents in their reltions

    with the medi.

    ;) Iou need ???thi0/???????? ?????s/in??????? to e0ome hedmster.

    >) Sometimes stting the ?????leeding?????? ?????o+ious???????? is the

    most diffi0ult thing to do.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    B) Chile most of the ,os they perform re routine nd

     ??????mundne6tedious??????- our wor/ers re in0resingly pri0ipting in

    outFofFtheFordinry pro,e0ts in the re.

    J) %ele+ision hs e0ome prt of our ?????uotidin?????? existen0e.

    ) &t ws diffi0ult to ????en0psulte??????? the story of the re+olution in

    single oneFhour do0umentry.

    K) 9is le0tures were +ery dry nd ?????tedious???????.

    D) 9e displyed ll the ??????w/wrdness???????? of doles0en0e.

    1G) She ??????professed??????? ignorn0e of the whole ffir- though & m not

    sure & elie+e her.

    11) @epp your letter ??????su00int??????? nd to the point.

    14) %he ?????utility?????? of this sustn0e hs een pro+ed in series of tests.

    1;) %his 0se is outside the ?????pur+iew?????? of this pri0ulr 0ourt.

    4. Q < && F

    ;. Use one of the following words in the senten0es elow:UpFtoFdte- modern- 0ontemporry- 0ontemporneous- pristine- fshionle- in +ogue-

    osolete- outFofFdte- n0iend- r0hi0- oldFfshioned.

    1) %he two e+ents were more or less ???????0ontemporneous??????? with

    only months etween them.

    4) !lthough it ws written two hundred yers go it still hs

     ??????modern??????? 6 ??????0ontemporry?????? feel to it.

    ;) Old uildings in the 0ity h+e een demolished nd repl0ed with

     ????modern?????? tower lo0/s.

    >) %hey left their offi0es in ?????pristine??????? 0ondition.

    B) &t is importnt to /eep ??????upFtoFdte?????? with the literture in your 


    J) %ht word is not ???in +ogue?????? ny longer.

    ) %hey spend most of their summers ,etFsetting round the

     ?????fshionle?????? Europen resorts.

    K) 8s lmps e0me ??????osolete????? when ele0tri0 lighting ws in+ented.

    D) %ht rdio is ?????outFofFdte?????????.

    1G) $ll me ????oldFfshioned????????- ut & li/e hndwritten letters.11) 9istory ???????n0ient??????? nd modern- hs tught these people n

    intense distrust of their neighours.

    14) ?????!r0hi0?????? pr0ti0es su0h s these re often put forwrd y people

    of limited outloo/.

    >. Use the 0orre0t preposition.

    • %o e su,e0t ???to?? (0riti0ism)

    •  ??for??? wnt of something

    •  ???to?? 0ertin extent

    • %o e stru0/ ??y??? something

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    • %o do something ??out?? ??of??? so0il hit

    • %o 0ollide ??with??? something

    B. 5t0h words from 0olumns ! nd to form 0ollo0tions:

    %o stir !ttention Ex0use

    %o spr/ &nterest $ondition

    Spirited "ete !ttention

    S/et0h $ontour "ete

    ene+olent emusement "uty

    (0i+i0) dereli0tion of "uty emusement

    uried 5ening &nterest

    'ristine $ondition $ontour  

    $stFiron Ex0use 5ening


    J. Supply the missing forms of the following words (if the form exist):

     NOUN VER !"#E$%&VE 'REVO"

    Origin %o originte originl 'ore/lo

    Explntion Explin (&n)expli0le O,n,en,e

    Otinment Otin Otinle N+iti

    Eulity Eul Eul #edn/ost'ersistn0e 'ersist 'ersistent Otpornost

    "i+inity6di+intion "i+ine "i+ine o*nst+o

    &gnorn0e &gnore &gnornt Ne=nn,e

    !llin0e6lly !lly !llied S+e=

    Restri0tion6restrint Restrin Unrestrined Restri/0i,6u=dr*+n,e

    'roximity !pproximte !pproximte li=in6prili*no

    . 5t0h the words on the left with the synonymous words or explntions on the right

    nd use them in the senten0es elow (0hnge the word form if ne0essry).

    %o pry %o interfere 6 e inuisiti+e $use of troule

    $lir+oynt 'sy0hi0 6 frFsighted 6 intuiti+e %o interfere 6 e inuisiti+e

    $hry $utious 'sy0hi0 6 frFsighted 6 intuiti+e

    ogey $use of troule $utious

    Riddle 'u==le 6 enigm 'u==le 6 enigm

    !non &mmeditely 6 shortly !rri+l 6 eginning

    !d+ent !rri+l 6 eginning &mmeditely 6 shortly

    1) Iou did not h+e to e ???????0lir+oynt???????? to see tht the wr 

    would go on.

    4) !ge is nother ????ogey???????? for 0tresses.

    ;) Iou shll see him ??????non?????????.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    >) Stop ?????prying????????? into other peopleAs ffirs.

    B) & m rther ????????0hry?????? of m/ing too mny idioti0 mist/es.

    J) %he ??????d+ent??????? of wr led to greter usterity.

    ) Cho will sol+e the ????????riddle?????? of the irth od the Uni+erse.

    K. Use e0h word of the esily 0onfusle pirs in senten0e to illustrte the differen0e

     etween them.

    Ex0ess 6 !00ess

    • Vi/. Ce h+e ex0ess of money.

    • 'rsitup. !00ess denied.

    $ontention 6 $ontent (s) (n.) 6 $ontent (d,.)

    $lim6dispute. %ht hs een sour0e of 0ontention for yers.• Sdr*,. %he 0ontent of this oo/ is well orgni=ed.

    • do+ol,n. & m 0ontent with your ser+i0es.

    D. 7ill in the min forms of the following +ers:

    &nfiniti+e 'st tense 'st prti0iple

    melt 5elted 5olten

     end ent ent

    See/ sought Sought

    Stri/e Stru0/ Stru0/6stri0/en

    7ound founded 7ounded

    find 7ound 7ound

    8round grounden 8rounded

    8rind 8round6grinded 8round6grinded

    eget egot egot6egotten

    1G. 7ill in the gps with the following words:

    9en0e- 8em- 're0ious- 'reser+ti+e- O00ult- %lismn- 5s0ot- %o +oid- Essentil-

    "iseses- u0/- !tt0hed- $hrm.

    !n mulet (from the !r word hml to 0rry) is nything hung round the ne0/-

     pl0ed li/e r0elet on the wrist- or otherwise ?????tt0hed??????????? to the

     person- s n imgined ?????preser+ti+e???????? ginst si0/ness or other e+ils

     ????????0hrm?????? is ex0tly the sme thing- the only differen0e eing tht the

    woed itself 0onttins the notion of some humn 0tion imprting to the rti0le

    0ertin power fo good F ???????hen0e?????? the expression- AA 0hrmed lifeAA

     ???????gem????????? is simply the generl nme of

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


     ????????pre0ious?????????? stone- used in this sso0ition e0use of lleged

     ???????o00ult?????? powers ?????tlismn?????????? is spe0il /ind of 

    0hrm on whi0h is 0ut or engr+ed mgi0l figure- worn ???????to +oid???????? 

    disster to the werer. ! ??????ms0ot???????? is identi0l with tlismn- ex0ept

    tht the design need not e there. &t will e thus seen tht there is no

     ???????essentil???????? differen0e etween these rti0les: they re ll worn to

    wrd off ????????diseses?????? nd d ?????lu0/???????.


    J. 'hrsl Vers. Use the 0orre0t prepositions with the +ers to ring nd to 0ut.

    1) %he dministrtion helped ring ??out??? pe0eful settlement.

    4) ring your friend ??long???. Ce will e hppy to meed him.

    ;) 9e rought ??up??? two 0hildren lone.

    >) She will ring ??up??? the mtter t the next meeting.

    B) She hs 0ut ??down??? ??on??? smo/ing.

    J) 9er prents thought she ws 0ut ??out??? ??for??? eing s0hoolte0her.

    ) !ll trees in my street were 0ut ??down??? lst yer.

    K) & egn preply- ut he 0ut ??in??? gin.D) She felt 0ut ??out??? from the 0entrl life of the +illge.

    1G) %hey should not 0ut ??off??? e0onomi0 id.

    11) %he pi0tures of nimls were 0ut ??out??? of mg=ines.

    14) She hd ll her hir 0ut ??off??? li/e oy.


    1. Supply the missing forms of the following words (if the form exist):

     NOUN VER !"#E$%&VE 'REVO"

    'ro0ession pro0eed 'ro0essionl 'ro0esi,

    'rofusion 'rofuse Oil,e

    $omposure $ompose $omposed Sst+

    !ssilnt !ssil NpdH$omprehension $omprehend $omprehensi+e6



    Su+ersion Su+ert Su+ersi+e Su+er=i,



    Suspend Suspended6



    "ignity6dignitries "ignify "ignified "osto,nst+o

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    B. 5t0h words from 0olumns ! nd to form 0ollo0tions:

    Vst 'rofit Voi0e

    &nestimle +lue 8urded

    &mmedite !ttendn0e Struggles

    5ssi+e 8old $hrge7ier0e $hrge 'ressure

    %hi0/ 8loom 8old

    $on+ulsi+e Struggles 8loom

    %errile 'ressure 'ursued

    9otly 'ursued $omprehend

    Stentorin Voi0e 'rofit

    7ully $omprehend !ttendn0e

    $refully 8urded +lue

    J. 7ill the min forms of the following +ers:

    &nfiniti+e 'st tense 'st prti0iple

    Cer Core Corn

    $lothe $lothed $ld

    er ore orne

    "el "elt "elt

    urst urst urst

    9ng 9ung6hunged 9ung6hungedep ept ept

    Stri/e Stru0/ Stri0/en6stru0/  

    Ride Rode Riden

    Spred Spred Spred

    1.  Large-scale nu0ler wr would ring out glol destru0tion.

    4. Our 0ountry fought/waged three wars in 4Gth 0entury.

    ;. %he go+ernment still denies waging war ginst mus0h stronger enemy.

    >. Some 1Dth 0entury 0olonil powers made war on %hird Corld 0ountries in order to

    gin teritory.B. %hese two neighouring 0ountries h+e een at war for yers.

    J. %he 0onfli0t etween the two belligerent f0tions seems to e imminent.

    . Chen did the !meri0ns declare war on Germany?

    K. 9e ws e+entully seen s warmonger who led his 0ountry into unne0essry


    D. 7or the hawks in the go+ernment no pe0e lternti+e is 00eptile.

    1G. %he warring 0ountries re h+ing diffi0ulties funding the wr.

    11. %hose young soldiers were ,ust fed to the !llied 7or0es s cannon fodder .

    14. %he death toll  in this wr hs risen to 1GG GGG.

    1;. %roops fired on isurgents 0using mny casualties.

    1>. No 0ountry is so wild nd diffi0ult ut men will m/e it theater of war.

    1B. &n wartime food is often s0r0e.

  • 8/16/2019 II Kolokvijum Iz Engleskog


    'ge 1D.

    1. %hese photogrphs were t/en in stunning 0ountryside.

    4. &ssues li/e the Europen Union transcend  prty loylty.;. %he introdu0tion of new m0hines renders the existing ones useless.

    >. !lthough itMs ,ust the lo0l pper it somehow mnges not to e too  parochial  in its


    B. Some people ne+er outgrow their interest in gmes.

    J. & find them truculent nd unplesnt.

    . E+eryody thin/s of him s quintessentiall New Ior/er.

    K. eing o+erly 0utious- he surprised e+eryody with his in!udicious remr/.

    D. She plaed down the rumors tht she intends to le+e the 0ompny.

    1G. %he go+ernment dismissed ll llegtions of its in+ol+ement in the frud.

    11. & m  fervent dmirerer of your wor/.14. Cho coined the word Tlunti0Q

    1;. 9e is the mn whose nme is on e+eryoneMs lips t the moment.

    1>. %hey put the pro,e0t on hold  until they got enough money to finish it.

    1B. 9e is impervious to 0titi0ism nd rtionl rgument.