hero 5th edition sample power index

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  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index

    This index includes all of the Powers, and all of the "universal" Power Modifiers except Limited Power, that appear in the sidebar example powers in HERO System

    5th Edition. (Limited Power is excluded simply because its applications vary sowidely that listing it in an index is of questionable value.) This index does n

    ot include Power Modifiers that are specific to certain types of Powers (such asAblative for Defense Powers or STR Minimum for Weapons & Armor), nor does it in

    clude Adders or Power Modifiers that are specific to individual Powers (such asAmicable for Summon or Increased STUN Multiplier for Killing Attacks). It is assumed that if examples of such Power Modifiers are needed, you can find them by simply looking up the Powers they can apply to. The names of the example powers are not themselves listed as index items here because they are already indexed in

    the HERO System 5th Edition book.

    Absorption- - - - Strength Of My Enemies 89- - - - Warrior's Shield Spell 89Activation Roll

    - - - - Level III Kevlar Body Armor 90- - - - Mutation Leeching Gauntlet 151- - - - Anti-Laser Armor 181- - - - Experimental Blaster 181Affects Desolidified- - - - Ghostrending Sword 158- - - - Darkness Blast 158- - - - Necromancer's Chains 158Aid- - - - Tipsy Giant Potion 89- - - - Fast Time 90- - - - Cerebral Enhancement 90- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - Turbocharger 90- - - - Ch'i Focusing 199- - - - Berserk Strength 200Always On- - - - Stealth Plane Effect 123- - - - Spirit Form 182- - - - The Invisible Man Syndrome 182- - - - The Midas Touch 182AP -- see Armor PiercingArea Of Effect- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111

    - - - - Energy Dampening Field 145- - - - Fire Bolt 159- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - Power Maelstrom 159- - - - Contact Knockout Gas Grenades 161- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Energy Burst 168- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Song Of Destruction 192Armor- - - - Level III Kevlar Body Armor 90- - - - Powered Battle Armor 90

    - - - - Anti-Laser Armor 181- - - - Imperial Powered Armor, Mark I 197- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197

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    Armor Piercing- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Laser Sword 124- - - - Laser Pistol 124- - - - .41 Semiautomatic Pistol With Armor Piercing Ammunition 161- - - - Eversharp Sword 161- - - - Focused Energy Beam 161- - - - Throwing Blades 162- - - - Electrification Field 164- - - - Blaster Gauntlet 172- - - - Experimental Blaster 181Attack Versus Limited Defense- - - - Contact Knockout Gas Grenades 161- - - - Corrosive Acid 161- - - - Stunning Light Blast 161Autofire- - - - H&K MP5 9m Submachine Gun 162- - - - Viper Autoblaster 162- - - - Throwing Blades 162

    - - - - Dr. Spencer's Clockwork Gatling Cannon 199AVLD -- see Attack Versus Limited DefenseBased On EGO Combat Value- - - - Psychokinesis 147- - - - Psionic Surgery 152- - - - Mental Blast 162- - - - Agony Infliction Helmet 162- - - - Mind Razor 162BOECV -- see Based On EGO Combat ValueCE -- see Change EnvironmentChange Environment- - - - Pea Soup Fog 91- - - - Dr. Terror's Fear Aura 91

    - - - - Confusion Spell 91- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168Characteristics- - - - Super-Steroid Pills 92- - - - Presence Defense 92- - - - Spell Of Righteous Strength 92- - - - Steel Tentacles 112- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Enhanced Push 185- - - - Imperial Powered Armor, Mark I 197- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197Charges- - - - Tipsy Giant Potion 89- - - - Super-Steroid Pills 92- - - - Spell Of Righteous Strength 92- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. I 96- - - - Fire Extinguisher 99- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100- - - - Weakness Darts 100- - - - Blaster Pistol 104- - - - Handcuffs 109- - - - Glue Grenade 109- - - - Pepper Spray 114- - - - Stink Bomb 114- - - - Shrieker Alarm 114

    - - - - Jetpack 115- - - - Parachute 118- - - - Energy Gauntlets 119

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    - - - - Laser Pistol 124- - - - Colt M1911A Semiautomatic Handgun 125- - - - Gas Mask 127- - - - Stim Pill 127- - - - Dracoform Amulet 137- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145- - - - Jetski 146- - - - Escape Clause 149- - - - Mole Machine 155- - - - .41 Semiautomatic Pistol With Armor Piercing Ammunition 161- - - - Contact Knockout Gas Grenades 161- - - - Corrosive Acid 161- - - - H&K MP5 9m Submachine Gun 162- - - - Viper Autoblaster 162- - - - Throwing Blades 162- - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - Leech Blast Pistol 166- - - - Glue Grenade Mk. II 168

    - - - - White Noise Generator 169- - - - Flying Blaster Platform 169- - - - Viper VB1-S "Whisper" Blaster 169- - - - Plastic Pistol 170- - - - Knockout Dart Gun 170- - - - .45 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol With Penetrating Frangible Ammunition 171- - - - Sniper Blaster 171- - - - Fatigue Ray 172- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Wand Of Protection 176- - - - Battle Mage's Staff 177

    - - - - Vari-Beam 177- - - - Experimental Blaster 181- - - - Ion Blaster 182- - - - Emergency Shelter 182- - - - Bow & Arrows 182- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. II 183- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Emplaced Laser Cannon 186- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Man-Portable Pulson Cannon 187- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Darts 192- - - - Intelligence-Sapping Drug 192- - - - Professor Horgenheissen's Miraculous Steam Gyropack 193- - - - Wand Of Fireballs 193- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Power Darts 197- - - - Voltaic Touch 197- - - - 10-Gauge Shotgun 198Clairsentience- - - - Spell Of Scrying 93- - - - Borescope 93- - - - Crystal Ball, Divinatory 93- - - - Television Teleportation 149- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187

    - - - - Prophetic Glimpses 196Clinging- - - - Cling-Grips 94

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    - - - - Perching 94Concentration- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Master Hypnosis 131- - - - Deductive Observation 148- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Focused Mental Control 184- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Wall Of Force 184- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187Continuous- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Psionic Pain Induction 103- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Corrosive Acid 161

    - - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Life-Leeching Aura 163- - - - Electrification Field 164- - - - Pain Induction 167- - - - Firelord's Consuming Flames 173- - - - Acidic Secretions 175- - - - The Midas Touch 182- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sword Of Light Spell 191- - - - Electric Field 195Costs Endurance- - - - Warrior's Shield Spell 89

    - - - - Light Form Travel 112- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Pseudopods 185- - - - Basic Bracing 185Cumulative- - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Mental Search And Locate 163Damage Reduction- - - - Magic Resistance 95- - - - Fiery Body 95Damage Resistance- - - - Tough Skin 96- - - - Iron Body 96Damage Shield- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Life-Leeching Aura 163- - - - Electrification Field 164- - - - The Midas Touch 182- - - - Electric Field 195Darkness- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. I 96- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - The Sphere Of Chaotic Sensations 96

    - - - - White Noise Generator 169- - - - Mystic Darkness 171- - - - Perpetual Shadow 175

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    - - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. II 183Delayed Effect- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186Density Increase- - - - Body Of Stone 97Desolidification- - - - Cloud Form 98- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Super-Contortionist Skill 98- - - - Elastic Body 141- - - - Ghostly Essence 167- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Spirit Form 182DI -- see Density IncreaseDifficult To Dispel

    - - - - Magic Circle of Protection 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164Dispel- - - - Spell Of Rusty Doom 99- - - - Dispel Magic Spell 99- - - - Fire Extinguisher 99- - - - Gift Of Banishing 173- - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185Does BODY- - - - Corrosive Acid 161- - - - Mind Razor 162- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - Mind Ripper 166

    - - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Poisoned Knife 195Does Knockback- - - - Impressive As All Get Out 166- - - - Leech Blast Pistol 166- - - - Deafening Shriek 167- - - - Mega-Punching 167Double Knockback- - - - Water Blast 167- - - - Cosmic Energy Eyebeams 167Drain- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100- - - - Weakness Darts 100- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Power Maelstrom 159- - - - Agony Infliction Helmet 162- - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Life-Leeching Aura 163- - - - Leech Blast Pistol 166- - - - Fatigue Ray 172- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Intelligence-Sapping Drug 192- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202Duplication

    - - - - Astral Form 101- - - - Telekinetic Sidekicks 101- - - - Nine-Headed Hydra 101

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    EB -- see Energy BlastEgo Attack- - - - Sleep Spell 103- - - - Psionic Pain Induction 103- - - - Mind Razor 162- - - - Mind Ripper 166- - - - Pain Induction 167- - - - Mindspear 202Endurance Reserve- - - - Turbocharger 90- - - - Powered Armor Battery 103- - - - Amulet Of Magic Power 103Energy Blast- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Light Blast 104- - - - Blaster Pistol 104- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Darkness Blast 158- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159

    - - - - Focused Energy Beam 161- - - - Contact Knockout Gas Grenades 161- - - - Corrosive Acid 161- - - - Stunning Light Blast 161- - - - Viper Autoblaster 162- - - - Mental Blast 162- - - - Electrification Field 164- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Water Blast 167- - - - Cosmic Energy Eyebeams 167- - - - Energy Burst 168- - - - Fist Of Earth Spell 169- - - - Flying Blaster Platform 169

    - - - - Viper VB1-S "Whisper" Blaster 169- - - - Megabomb 170- - - - Knockout Dart Gun 170- - - - Sonic Blast 170- - - - Piercing Fire 171- - - - Life Force Blast 171- - - - Sniper Blaster 171- - - - Blaster Gauntlet 172- - - - Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173- - - - Battle Mage's Staff 177- - - - Vari-Beam 177- - - - Invocation Of The Elements178- - - - Experimental Blaster 181- - - - Ion Blaster 182- - - - Man-Portable Pulson Cannon 187- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Darts 192- - - - Wand Of Fireballs 193- - - - Power Darts 197- - - - Sonic Lance 197Enhanced Senses- - - - Cybereyes 200Entangle- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Ice Bonds 109

    - - - - Handcuffs 109- - - - Glue Grenade 109- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145

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    - - - - Necromancer's Chains 158- - - - Glue Grenade Mk. II 168- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172- - - - Sap Globes Of The Tree People 173- - - - Giant Spider Webs 173- - - - Warding Spell 174Explosion- - - - Glue Grenade 109- - - - 40mm Fragmentation Grenade Round 168- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Glue Grenade Mk. II 168- - - - Megabomb 170- - - - Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173- - - - Radio-Controlled Bomb 174- - - - Wand Of Fireballs 193Extra Limbs- - - - Prehensile Tail 112- - - - Steel Tentacles 112- - - - Pseudopods 185

    Extra Time- - - - Spell Of Scrying 93- - - - Astral Form 101- - - - Starship Hyperdrive 112- - - - The Steel Fist 119- - - - Vampiric Regeneration 120- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Master Hypnosis 131- - - - Vari-Armor 137- - - - Scent Manipulation 139- - - - Super-Disguise 139- - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143

    - - - - Grapnel & Rope 147- - - - Deductive Observation 148- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Emplaced Laser Cannon 186- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187Extra-Dimensional Movement- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Time Machine 111Faster-Than-Light Travel- - - - Starship Hyperdrive 112- - - - Light Form Travel 112FF -- see Force FieldFind Weakness- - - - Holy Vengeance 113- - - - Super-Accuracy 113Flash- - - - Light Blast 104- - - - Spell Of Blinding Light 114- - - - Pepper Spray 114

    - - - - Stink Bomb 114- - - - Shrieker Alarm 114- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159

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    - - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Deafening Shriek 167- - - - Mace Of Blinding -- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197Flash Defense- - - - Sunglasses 115- - - - Earplugs 115- - - - Anti-Jamming Technology 115Flight- - - - Wings 115- - - - Jetpack 115- - - - Graviton Manipulation 115- - - - Super-Speed 115- - - - Supersonic Flight 170- - - - Professor Horgenheissen's Miraculous Steam Gyropack 193- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197- - - - Bat-Wings 200Focus- - - - Tipsy Giant Potion 89

    - - - - Cerebral Enhancement 90- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - Turbocharger 90- - - - Level III Kevlar Body Armor 90- - - - Powered Battle Armor 90- - - - Dr. Terror's Fear Aura 91- - - - Confusion Spell 91- - - - Super-Steroid Pills 92- - - - Spell Of Righteous Strength 92- - - - Spell Of Scrying 93- - - - Borescope 93- - - - Crystal Ball, Divinatory 93- - - - Cling-Grips 94

    - - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. I 96- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - Spell Of Rusty Doom 99- - - - Dispel Magic Spell 99- - - - Fire Extinguisher 99- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100- - - - Weakness Darts 100- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Sleep Spell 103- - - - Powered Armor Battery 103- - - - Amulet Of Magic Power 103- - - - Blaster Pistol 104- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Handcuffs 109- - - - Glue Grenade 109- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Time Machine 111- - - - Steel Tentacles 112- - - - Starship Hyperdrive 112- - - - Spell Of Blinding Light 114- - - - Pepper Spray 114- - - - Stink Bomb 114- - - - Shrieker Alarm 114- - - - Sunglasses 115

    - - - - Earplugs 115- - - - Anti-Jamming Technology 115- - - - Jetpack 115

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    - - - - Spell Of Protection From Fire 116- - - - Omnishield Generator Belt 116- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Questionite Shield 117- - - - Protective Energy Screen 117- - - - Parachute 118- - - - Glider Cape 118- - - - Club 119- - - - Energy Gauntlets 119- - - - Spell Of Healing 120- - - - Illusion Spell 122- - - - Flashlight 122- - - - Holograms 122- - - - Ring Of Invisibility 123- - - - Dagger 124- - - - Laser Sword 124- - - - Laser Pistol 124- - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Colt M1911A Semiautomatic Handgun 125

    - - - - Well-Constructed Armor 125- - - - Overcoat 125- - - - Spring-Boots 126- - - - Gas Mask 127- - - - Stim Pill 127- - - - Arctic Survival Suit 127- - - - Psionic Shield 129- - - - Spell Of Myriad Phantasms 129- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Closed Radio Link 132- - - - Psychic Viewing Crystal 134- - - - Shield 135- - - - Vari-Armor 137

    - - - - Dracoform Amulet 137- - - - Talisman Against Sorcery 138- - - - Skateboard 138- - - - Super-Disguise 139- - - - Lockgun 140- - - - Advanced Autopilot 140- - - - Autodoc 140- - - - Long Pike 141- - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143- - - - Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145- - - - Energy Dampening Field 145- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145- - - - Jetski 146- - - - Swimfins 146- - - - Jungle Vines 147- - - - Grapnel & Rope 147- - - - Truth Serum 148- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Mutation Leeching Gauntlet 151- - - - Man Into Frog Spell 152- - - - Beastman Spell 153- - - - Mole Machine 155- - - - Ghostrending Sword 158- - - - Necromancer's Chains 158

    - - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - .41 Semiautomatic Pistol With Armor Piercing Ammunition 161- - - - Eversharp Sword 161

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    - - - - Contact Knockout Gas Grenades 161- - - - Corrosive Acid 161- - - - H&K MP5 9m Submachine Gun 162- - - - Viper Autoblaster 162- - - - Throwing Blades 162- - - - Agony Infliction Helmet 162- - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Magic Circle of Protection 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - Leech Blast Pistol 166- - - - Cosmic Energy Eyebeams 167- - - - Energy Shield 167- - - - 40mm Fragmentation Grenade Round 168- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Glue Grenade Mk. II 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168

    - - - - White Noise Generator 169- - - - Flying Blaster Platform 169- - - - Viper VB1-S "Whisper" Blaster 169- - - - The Invisible Blade Of Kallose The Mysterious 169- - - - Plastic Pistol 170- - - - Orbital Cannon 170- - - - Megabomb 170- - - - Knockout Dart Gun 170- - - - .45 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol With Penetrating Frangible Ammunition 171- - - - Sniper Blaster 171- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172

    - - - - Fatigue Ray 172- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Blaster Gauntlet 172- - - - Sonic Sword 173- - - - Sap Globes Of The Tree People 173- - - - Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173- - - - Radio-Controlled Bomb 174- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Wand Of Protection 176- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Modular Firearm 177- - - - Battle Mage's Staff 177- - - - Vari-Beam 177- - - - Invocation Of The Elements 178- - - - Starship Weapons Pod 178- - - - Anti-Laser Armor 181- - - - Experimental Blaster 181- - - - Ion Blaster 182- - - - Bow & Arrows 182- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. II 183- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Wall Of Force 184- - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185- - - - Emplaced Laser Cannon 186

    - - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Circle Of Protection 187

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    - - - - Man-Portable Pulson Cannon 187- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Darts 192- - - - Intelligence-Sapping Drug 192- - - - Word Of Opening 192- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192- - - - Belgar's Mantle Of Concealment 193- - - - Professor Horgenheissen's Miraculous Steam Gyropack 193- - - - Wand Of Fireballs 193- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Power Darts 197- - - - Voltaic Touch 197- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - 10-Gauge Shotgun 198- - - - Dr. Spencer's Clockwork Gatling Cannon 199

    - - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202- - - - Force Field Spell Of Protection From Fire 116- - - - Omnishield Generator Belt 116- - - - Magic Circle of Protection 164- - - - Energy Shield 167- - - - Electric Field 195- - - - Heat Aura 200Force Wall- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Questionite Shield 117- - - - Protective Energy Screen 117- - - - Telekinetic Shield 117

    - - - - Wand Of Protection 176- - - - Wall Of Force 184- - - - Circle Of Protection 187FTL Travel -- see Faster-Than-Light TravelFW -- see Force WallGestures- - - - Warrior's Shield Spell 89- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - Confusion Spell 91- - - - Spell Of Scrying 93- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - Spell Of Rusty Doom 99- - - - Dispel Magic Spell 99- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Sleep Spell 103- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Spell Of Blinding Light 114- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Spell Of Healing 120- - - - Illusion Spell 122- - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Spell Of Myriad Phantasms 129- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131

    - - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143- - - - Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145

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    - - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Man Into Frog Spell 152- - - - Beastman Spell 153- - - - Necromancer's Chains 158- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168- - - - Fist Of Earth Spell 169- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172- - - - Midnight's Curse 174- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Blessing Of The Battle God 176- - - - Invocation Of The Elements 178

    - - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Circle Of Protection 187- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sword Of Light Spell 191- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202Gliding

    - - - - Parachute 118- - - - Pass Without Trace 118- - - - Glider Cape 118Gradual Effect- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Darts 192- - - - Intelligence-Sapping Drug 192- - - - Poisoned Knife 195Growth- - - - Gargantuan Form 119HA -- see Hand-to-Hand AttackHand-to-Hand Attack- - - - Club 119- - - - The Steel Fist 119- - - - Energy Gauntlets 119- - - - Healing Spell Of Healing 120- - - - Vampiric Regeneration 120- - - - Lycanthropic Regeneration 120- - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201HKA -- see Killing Attack (HTH)Hole In The Middle- - - - Energy Burst 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168

    - - - - White Noise Generator 169Images- - - - Illusion Spell 122

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    - - - - Flashlight 122- - - - Holograms 122Incantations- - - - Warrior's Shield Spell 89- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - Confusion Spell 91- - - - Spell Of Scrying 93- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - Spell Of Rusty Doom 99- - - - Dispel Magic Spell 99- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Sleep Spell 103- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Spell Of Blinding Light 114- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Spell Of Healing 120- - - - Illusion Spell 122

    - - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Spell Of Myriad Phantasms 129- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143- - - - Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145- - - - Truth Serum 148- - - - Escape Clause 149- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Man Into Frog Spell 152- - - - Beastman Spell 153- - - - Necromancer's Chains 158- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159

    - - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168- - - - Fist Of Earth Spell 169- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172- - - - Midnight's Curse 174- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Blessing Of The Battle God 176- - - - Invocation Of The Elements 178- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Circle Of Protection 187- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Song Of Destruction 192- - - - Word Of Opening 192- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192

    - - - - Irresistable Suggestions 196- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202Increased Endurance Cost- - - - The Steel Fist 119- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184Enhanced- - - - Push 185- - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185Increased Maximum Range- - - - Sniper Blaster 171- - - - Wizard's Missile 172Independent- - - - Dracoform Amulet 137- - - - Eversharp Sword 161- - - - Battle Mage's Staff 177- - - - Circle Of Protection 187

    - - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187- - - - Belgar's Mantle Of Concealment 193- - - - Professor Horgenheissen's Miraculous Steam Gyropack 193- - - - Wand Of Fireballs 193- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195Indirect- - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Calling Down The Lightning 169- - - - Fist Of Earth Spell 169- - - - Flying Blaster Platform 169- - - - thereal Corruption 174- - - - Basilisk's Gaze 174Inherent

    - - - - Ghostly Essence 167Invisibility- - - - Ring Of Invisibility 123- - - - Stealth Plane Effect 123- - - - Advanced Hiding In Shadows 123- - - - Advanced Sneakiness 123- - - - The Invisible Man Syndrome 182- - - - Belgar's Mantle Of Concealment 193Invisible Power Effects- - - - Viper VB1-S "Whisper" Blaster 169- - - - The Invisible Blade Of Kallose The Mysterious 169- - - - Plastic Pistol 170IPE -- see Invisible Power EffectsKA -- see Killing Attack (HTH) or Killing Attack (Ranged)Killing Attack (HTH)- - - - Dagger 124- - - - Laser Sword 124- - - - Claws 124- - - - Long Pike 141- - - - Ghostrending Sword 158- - - - Throwing Blades 162- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - The Invisible Blade Of Kallose The Mysterious 169- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Sonic Sword 173

    - - - - Sword Of Light Spell 191- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195- - - - Electric Field 195

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - Stinger 200Killing Attack (Ranged)- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Dagger 124- - - - Laser Pistol 124- - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Colt M1911A Semiautomatic Handgun 125- - - - Fire Bolt 159- - - - .41 Semiautomatic Pistol With Armor Piercing Ammunition 161- - - - Eversharp Sword 161- - - - H&K MP5 9m Submachine Gun 162- - - - Throwing Blades 162- - - - Mind Razor 162- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - 40mm Fragmentation Grenade Round 168

    - - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Calling Down The Lightning 169- - - - Plastic Pistol 170- - - - Orbital Cannon 170- - - - .45 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol With Penetrating Frangible Ammunition 171- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Firelord's Consuming Flames 173- - - - thereal Corruption 174- - - - Radio-Controlled Bomb 174- - - - Acidic Secretions 175- - - - Modular Firearm 177

    - - - - Starship Weapons Pod 178- - - - Bow & Arrows 182- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Emplaced Laser Cannon 186- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Song Of Destruction 192- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Voltaic Touch 197- - - - 10-Gauge Shotgun 198- - - - Dr. Spencer's Clockwork Gatling Cannon 199Knockback Resistance- - - - Super-Dense Form 125- - - - Improved Bracing 125- - - - Basic Bracing 185- - - - Lack Of Weakness Well-Constructed Armor 125- - - - Overcoat 125Leaping- - - - Spring-Boots 126- - - - Acrobatic Leaping 126Life Support- - - - Gas Mask 127- - - - Stim Pill 127- - - - Arctic Survival Suit 127

    - - - - Emergency Shelter 182Limited Range- - - - Fire Extinguisher 99

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    Line Of Sight- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172Linked- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Light Blast 104- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195- - - - Electric Field 195- - - - Poisoned Knife 195LOS -- see Line Of SightLS -- see Life SupportLuck- - - - Blessing Of The Moon Goddess 128- - - - Fortunes Of Battle 128MegaScale- - - - Television Teleportation 149- - - - Escape Clause 149

    - - - - Supersonic Flight 170- - - - Orbital Cannon 170- - - - Megabomb 170- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187- - - - Mental Defense Psionic Shield 129- - - - Iron Will 185Mental Illusions- - - - Illusionary Disguise 129- - - - Spell Of Myriad Phantasms 129- - - - Phobic Manipulation 129- - - - Mind Control Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Master Hypnosis 131- - - - Cupid's Touch 131

    - - - - Fear Infliction 131- - - - Biochemical Control 171- - - - Focused Mental Control 184- - - - Irresistable Suggestions 196- - - - Argent Control 202Mind Link- - - - Closed Radio Link 132Mind Scan- - - - Psychic Sight 134- - - - Psychic Viewing Crystal 134- - - - Mental Search And Locate 163Missile Deflection- - - - Shield 135- - - - It's All In The Reflexes 135- - - - Psychokinetic Barrier 135- - - - Multiform Werewolf Forms 137- - - - Vari-Armor 137- - - - Dracoform Amulet 137- - - - Reversible Wereform 185NND -- see No Normal DefenseNo Conscious Control- - - - Phobic Manipulation 129- - - - Prophetic Glimpses 196- - - - Irresistable Suggestions 196- - - - Mind-Sifting 196

    No Normal Defense- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100- - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Knockout Dart Gun 170- - - - Sonic Blast 170- - - - Biochemical Control 171- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Darts 192- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Sonic Lance 197No Range- - - - Borescope 93- - - - Handcuffs 109- - - - Pepper Spray 114- - - - Flashlight 122- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - Master Hypnosis 131- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145- - - - Truth Serum 148- - - - Fire Bolt 159- - - - Fiery Shield 163

    - - - - Crimson Agony Poison 166- - - - Energy Burst 168- - - - Biochemical Control 171- - - - Giant Spider Webs 173- - - - Acidic Secretions 175- - - - Slow-Acting Poison 186- - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Voltaic Touch 197No Range Modifier- - - - Sniper Blaster 171- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Nonpersistent Iron Will 185

    - - - - Reversible Wereform 185OIHID -- see Only In Heroic IdentityOnly In Heroic Identity- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Electrification Field 164- - - - Imperial Powered Armor, Mark I 197- - - - Amulet Of Horus 197Penetrating- - - - .45 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol With Penetrating Frangible Ammunition 171- - - - Piercing Fire 171- - - - Firelord's Consuming Flames 173- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191Persistent- - - - Spell Of Righteous Strength 92- - - - Vampiric Regeneration 120- - - - Lycanthropic Regeneration 120- - - - Stealth Plane Effect 123- - - - Energy Shield 167- - - - Ghostly Essence 167- - - - Basilisk's Gaze 174- - - - Spirit Form 182- - - - The Invisible Man Syndrome 182- - - - The Midas Touch 182Personal Immunity

    - - - - Power Maelstrom 159- - - - Life Force Blast 171- - - - Mystic Darkness 171

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Harp Of The Seven Slumbers 191- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195- - - - Power Defense Talisman Against Sorcery 138- - - - Chemical Resistance 138Range Based On Strength- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. I 96- - - - Weakness Darts 100- - - - Stink Bomb 114- - - - Dagger 124- - - - Glue Grenade Mk. II 168- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Sap Globes Of The Tree People 173- - - - Smoke Grenades, Mk. II 183- - - - Power Darts 197Ranged- - - - Fast Time 90- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - Stun Gas Grenades 100

    - - - - Weakness Darts 100- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Agony Infliction Helmet 162- - - - Leech Blast Pistol 166- - - - Fatigue Ray 172- - - - Soul Drinking 172- - - - Entombment 176- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202- - - - Reduced By Range Sonic Lance 197- - - - 10-Gauge Shotgun 198Reduced Endurance

    - - - - Dr. Terror's Fear Aura 91- - - - Borescope 93- - - - Energy Body 98- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Graviton Manipulation 115- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Questionite Shield 117- - - - Vampiric Regeneration 120- - - - Lycanthropic Regeneration 120- - - - Holograms 122- - - - Ring Of Invisibility 123- - - - Advanced Sneakiness 123- - - - Dagger 124- - - - Skateboard 138- - - - Scent Manipulation 139- - - - Super-Disguise 139- - - - Long Pike 141- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145- - - - Deductive Observation 148- - - - Ghostrending Sword 158- - - - Eversharp Sword 161- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Magic Circle of Protection 164- - - - Energy Shield 167- - - - Ghostly Essence 167

    - - - - The Invisible Blade Of Kallose The Mysterious 169- - - - Throwing Knife 172- - - - Blaster Gauntlet 172

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Sonic Sword 173- - - - Gift Of Banishing 173- - - - Basilisk's Gaze 174- - - - Wand Of Protection 176- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Modular Firearm 177- - - - Starship Weapons Pod 178- - - - Spirit Form 182- - - - The Invisible Man Syndrome 182- - - - The Midas Touch 182- - - - Focused Mental Control 184- - - - Wall Of Force 184- - - - Circle Of Protection 187- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Belgar's Mantle Of Concealment 193- - - - Mace Of Blinding 195- - - - Electric Field 195- - - - Poisoned Knife 195- - - - Prophetic Glimpses 196

    - - - - Irresistable Suggestions 196- - - - Mind-Sifting 196- - - - Heat Aura 200Reduced Penetration- - - - Claws 124- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - 10-Gauge Shotgun 198Requires A Skill Roll- - - - Spell Of The Hungry Flames 90- - - - Confusion Spell 91- - - - Crystal Ball, Divinatory 93- - - - Perching 94- - - - Super-Contortionist Skill 98

    - - - - Spell Of Rusty Doom 99- - - - Dispel Magic Spell 99- - - - Spell Of Fear 100- - - - Sleep Spell 103- - - - Fire Bolt Spell 104- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Invocation Of The Gate To Hell 111- - - - Starship Hyperdrive 112- - - - Spell Of Blinding Light 114- - - - Wall Of Fire Spell 117- - - - Spell Of Healing 120- - - - Illusion Spell 122- - - - Advanced Hiding In Shadows 123- - - - Advanced Sneakiness 123- - - - Lightning Bolt Spell 124- - - - Improved Bracing 125- - - - Acrobatic Leaping 126- - - - Spell Of Myriad Phantasms 129- - - - Basic Hypnosis 131- - - - It's All In The Reflexes 135- - - - Super-Disguise 139- - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143- - - - Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145- - - - Jungle Vines 147

    - - - - Deductive Observation 148- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Man Into Frog Spell 152

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Beastman Spell 153- - - - Super-Strength Smash-Through 155- - - - Necromancer's Chains 158- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - Ice Storm Spell 164- - - - Sunburst Spell 164- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168- - - - Fist Of Earth Spell 169- - - - Wizard's Missile 172- - - - Grasp Of The Earth 172- - - - Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173- - - - Midnight's Curse 174- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Invocation Of The Elements 178- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Basic Bracing 185

    - - - - Thaumaturgical Dispel 185- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186- - - - Crystal Ball, Farseeing 187- - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Sureshtar's Acidic Sphere 191- - - - Glandrusar's Invocation Of Enfeeblement 192- - - - Defender-Of-Forest's Claws 198- - - - Ch'i Focusing 199- - - - Inspired Terror 199- - - - Dr. Spencer's Clockwork Gatling Cannon 199- - - - Lucky Shot 199- - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201- - - - Wizardly Powers 202

    - - - - The Spell Of The Invisible Path 202- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202- - - - Restrainable Wings 115- - - - Bat-Wings 200- - - - Stinger 200- - - - Cybereyes 200RKA -- see Killing Attack (Ranged)Running- - - - Super-Running 138- - - - Skateboard 138- - - - Ice Slides 138Shape Shift- - - - Basic Shape Shifting 139- - - - Advanced Shape Shifting 139- - - - Scent Manipulation 139- - - - Super-Disguise 139Shrinking- - - - Insect Size 140Side Effects- - - - Arkelos's Spell Of The Conjured Fetters 109- - - - Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145- - - - Prismatic Blast Spell 159- - - - Fireball Spell 168- - - - Fogweaving Spell 168- - - - Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173

    - - - - Midnight's Curse 174- - - - Word Of Power 183- - - - Curse Of Ugliness 186

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    - - - - Plague Of Hornets Spell 191- - - - Berserk Strength 200- - - - Heat Aura 200- - - - Empathic Healing Spell 201Skills- - - - Lockgun 140- - - - Advanced Autopilot 140- - - - Autodoc 140- - - - Blessing Of The Battle God 176- - - - Word Of Opening 192- - - - Inspired Terror 199- - - - Lucky Shot 199Sticky- - - - Firelord's Consuming Flames 173- - - - Sap Globes Of The Tree People 173- - - - Giant Spider Webs 173Stretching- - - - Long Pike 141- - - - Ki Punch 141

    - - - - Elastic Body 141Summon- - - - Create Vampire Spell 143- - - - Call Of The Wild 143- - - - Demonhorde Spell 143- - - - Demon-Summoning Spell 164- - - - Minor Undead Creation Spell 184- - - - Suppress Spell Of Diminished Enchantments 145- - - - Energy Dampening Field 145- - - - Power-Draining Cuffs 145Swimming- - - - Jetski 146- - - - Swimfins 146

    Swinging- - - - Jungle Vines 147- - - - Grapnel & Rope 147Telekinesis- - - - Psychokinesis 147- - - - Water Manipulation 147- - - - Telepathy Truth Serum 148- - - - Deductive Observation 148- - - - Mind-Sifting 196Teleportation- - - - Television Teleportation 149- - - - Escape Clause 149- - - - The Spell Of The Invisible Path 202- - - - Time Delay Dr. Demolition's Bomb 173- - - - Midnight's Curse 174TK -- see TelekinesisTransdimensional- - - - thereal Corruption 174- - - - Basilisk's Gaze 174Transfer- - - - Spell Of Necromantic Vitalization 151- - - - Mutation Leeching Gauntlet 151- - - - Soul Drinking 172Transform- - - - Instant Change 152

    - - - - Man Into Frog Spell 152- - - - Psionic Surgery 152- - - - Beastman Spell 153

  • 8/3/2019 HERO 5th Edition Sample Power Index


    - - - - Midnight's Curse 174- - - - Basilisk's Gaze 174- - - - The Midas Touch 182Trigger- - - - Shrieker Alarm 114- - - - Radio-Controlled Bomb 174- - - - Warding Spell 174- - - - Potion Of Giant Strength 175Tunneling- - - - Super-Strength Smash-Through 155- - - - Mole Machine 155- - - - Entombment 176- - - - Uncontrolled Turbocharger 90- - - - Will-Sapping Drug 163- - - - Fiery Shield 163- - - - Firelord's Consuming Flames 173- - - - Acidic Secretions 175- - - - Perpetual Shadow 175- - - - Wand Of Protection 176

    UOO -- see Usable On OthersUsable On Others- - - - Warrior's Shield Spell 89- - - - Spell Of Righteous Strength 92- - - - The Spell Of The Idle Tongue 96- - - - Phantom Form Spell 176- - - - Entombment 176- - - - Blessing Of The Battle God 176- - - - Variable Advantage Modular Firearm 177- - - - Battle Mage's Staff 177- - - - Vari-Beam 177- - - - Variable Limitations Wizardly Powers 202- - - - The Spell Of The Invisible Path 202

    - - - - Variable Special Effects Battle Mage's Staff 177- - - - Invocation Of The Elements 178- - - - Starship Weapons Pod 178- - - - Visible Body Of Stone 97- - - - Mindspear 202- - - - Argent Control 202- - - - The Spell Of Necromantic Ennui 202