helping young people to have flourishing mental health€¦ · corey keyes’ model of mental...

Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health

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Page 1: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health

Page 2: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

What is Mental Health?

“a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

World Health Organization

Page 3: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

What is Mental Health?

“a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

World Health Organization

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Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health

Page 5: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

What is Flourishing?

Three Parts:

1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions and activities done for pleasure

2. The Good Life – Positive functioning in Relationships, Work, Play

3. The Meaningful Life – including positive social functioning

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What is Flourishing?

Three Parts:

1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions and activities done for pleasure

2. The Good Life – Positive functioning in Relationships, Work, Play

3. The Meaningful Life – including positive social functioning

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What is Flourishing?

Three Parts:

1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions and activities done for pleasure

2. The Good Life – Positive functioning in Relationships, Work, Play

3. The Meaningful Life – including positive social


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What is Flourishing?

Three Parts:

1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions and activities done for pleasure

2. The Good Life – Positive functioning in Relationships, Work, Play

3. The Meaningful Life – including positive social


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What is Languishing?

The absence of Flourishing/Happiness:

1. Negative sense of well-being

2. Not functioning in:

– Relationships

– Work

– Play

3. No sense of meaning or purpose

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Page 11: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

What is Moderate Mental Health?

Two types:

1. Settling – High Well-Being, Low Functioning

2. Striving – High Functioning, Low Well-Being

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1. Emotional Well-Being (“The Pleasurable Life”)

2. Psychological Well-Being (“The Good Life”)

3. Social Well-Being (“The Meaningful Life”)

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Flourishing: The Pleasurable Life

– Flourishing and Emotional Well-being vs. feeling “happy”

– Flourishing is characterized by a normal range of emotions including sadness when sad things happen or fear if you are in danger.

– Flourishing feelings also include: Gratitude, Serenity, Interest, Hope, Pride, Amusement, Inspiration, Awe, Love, Satisfaction, Peace, Calm

– AND….

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Page 15: Helping Young People to have Flourishing Mental Health€¦ · Corey Keyes’ Model of Mental Health. What is Flourishing? Three Parts: 1. The Pleasurable Life – positive emotions

How to encourage more positive emotional well-being

– Positivity ratio 1 to 3 (Fredrickson)

– How we experience an event depends on what we think

– Encourage savouring using mindfulness.

– Make time for fun

– Practice Gratitude

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The science of happiness video

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1. Emotional Well-Being (“The Pleasurable Life”)

2. Psychological Well-Being (“The Good Life”)

3. Social Well-Being (“The Meaningful Life”)

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Flourishing: The Good Life

– The realization of one’s own potential

– The ability to function well

– Can occur across various domains: relationships, work, play

– Characterized by vital engagement and “flow.”

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What is Flow?

– Being “in the zone”

– Time stands still and flies at the same time.

– Present in the moment

– Loose sense of self and you are immersed in the task

– Intense yet relaxed

– “Joyful Absorption”

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How to help International Students find Engagement

– Provide a variety of options and help students connect with things they may find intrinsically motivating (relationships, work, play)

– Help them think about and set goals that are meaningful for them

– Notice their growth and achievement

– Help them to set appropriate challenges that are well matched to the young person’s level of skill and interest

– Allow for time to engage that is relatively free from distraction

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1. Emotional Well-Being (“The Pleasurable Life”)

2. Psychological Well-Being (“The Good Life”)

3. Social Well-Being (“The Meaningful Life”)

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The Meaningful Life

– Desire for meaning is a basic human motivation and viewed as necessary for long term happiness.

– meaningfulness = positive functioning + life satisfaction/happiness

– meaninglessness = psychological distress + disengagement

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Four areas of Life Meaning

– Achievements/work (being committed to one’s work, believing in its worth, and liking challenge)

– Relationships/intimacy (Relating well to others, trusting others, and being altruistic and helpful)

– Religion/spirituality (sense of ultimate purpose, ethics, commitment to a higher power and seeking the divine in daily experience. “the recognition of a transcendent, meta-empirical dimension of reality and the desire to establish a relationship with that reality.)

– Self-transcendence/generativity (contributing to society, leaving a legacy, and transcending self-interest.)

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Meaning is Created from “Flow”

Sources: – Identification with the domain (Relationships,

Work, Play)

– A feeling of solidarity with the field and its practitioners

– A self-image arising from one’s own practice

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Storytelling and Meaning

– How do we narrate our lives?

– How do we create meaning from our experiences?

– TED talk – Emily Esfahani Smith – There’s More to Life than Being Happy

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Emily Esfahani Smith video – The Difference Between a Meaningful Life and a Happy Life

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What keeps some International Students from Flourishing?

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Stressors for International Students

– “Culture shock” – differences in social norms, food, attitudes, etc.

– Homesickness – loss of familiarity, security, connection (not necessarily “home”).

– Weather

– Racism and discrimination

– Language

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Stressors for International Students

– Isolation and loneliness

– Worries about family (financial, parent’s mental health)

– Academic pressure (from self or family)

– Change of role in the family (interpreter, caregiver, advisor)

– Living a “dual culture” with one set of norms at home and another at school or with friends.

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How are you helping International Students to have Flourishing Mental Health?

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Helpful Websites

Mind your Mind


Kids Help Phone Website

Stress Hacks

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Carney, P. (2015). Well aware: Developing resilient, active, and flourishing

students. Toronto, ON: Pearson.

Emmons, R. A. (2003). Personal Goals, Life Meaning, and Virtue:

Wellsprings of a positive life. In C. L. M. Keyes & J. Haidt (Eds.), Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived (pp. 105-125). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2009). Positivity. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press.

Haidt, J. (2003). Elevation and the positive psychology of morality. In C.

L.M. Keyes & J. Haidt (Eds.), Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived (pp. 275-289). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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Keyes, C. L.M. (2014, November). Flourishing: The fourth aim of Education.

Paper presented at Mental health and wellness: Educating for

action organized by Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Winnipeg, MB.

Keyes, C. L.M. (2003). Complete mental health: An agenda for the 21st

century. In C. L.M. Keyes & J. Haidt(Ed.), Flourishing:Positive psychology and the life well-lived (pp. 293-312). Washington, DC:American Psychological Association.

Nakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2003). The construction of meaning through vital engagement. In C. L. M. Keyes & J. Haidt (Eds.), Flourishinng: Positive psychology and the life well-lived (pp. 83-102).

Mental health first aid Canada: For adults who interact with youth (Mental

Health Commission of Canada, Comp.). (2010). Mental Health Commission of Canada.

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– Piliavin, J. A. (2003). Doing Well By Doing Good: Benefits for the benefactor. In C. L. M. Keyes & J. Haidt (Eds.), Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived (pp. 227-243). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

– Rising to the challenge: A strategic plan for mental health and well-being of Manitobans(Government of Manitoba, Comp.).(2011).

– SoulPancake (Producer). (2013). Gratitude = happiness:science of happiness [Video file]. Retrieved from The science of

happiness. On Gratitude = happiness: The watch?v=oHv6vTKD6lg

– TED Talks (Producer). (2017). Emily Esfahani Smith: There is more to life than being happy. Retrieved from


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TED Talks (Producer). (2004). Martin Seligman: The new era of positive

psychology. On Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology[Video file]. Retrieved from

Westerhof, G. J., & Keyes, C. L.M. (2009). Mental illness and mental health:

The two continua model across the lifespan. Journal of Adult Development, 17, 110-119.