guÍa didÁctica para el docente con tÉcnicas activas …a... · 2018-01-23 · lic. aracely...


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Page 1: GUÍA DIDÁCTICA PARA EL DOCENTE CON TÉCNICAS ACTIVAS …a... · 2018-01-23 · Lic. Aracely Susana Noguera Yandún ... lenguaje se aprende mejor como un medio para interactuar y




Lic. Noguera Yandún Aracely Susana

MSc. Mejía Gavilánez Piedad Gisela



Page 2: GUÍA DIDÁCTICA PARA EL DOCENTE CON TÉCNICAS ACTIVAS …a... · 2018-01-23 · Lic. Aracely Susana Noguera Yandún ... lenguaje se aprende mejor como un medio para interactuar y



Lic. Aracely Susana Noguera Yandún

MSc. Piedad Gisela Mejía Gavilánez




GYRO Diseño Gráfico


Patricio Albán Vaca

Luis Albán Vaca

Telf.: 094523310



GYRO Diseño Gráfico

© EDICIEM, 2017

Telefax:(02)2 505417

Cel.: 09 8074164


Primera Edición

Talleres de Autoestima-Universitario

ISBN 978-9978-347-26-3

IEPI Derechos del Autor: 052626

Revisor de pares: MSc. Cristian Eduardo Ayala Mera

MSc. Ángel Modesto Suing



Tel.: 098064174

Libro de edición ecuatoriana

Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total Por cualquier medio. Reservado a favor del autor

Lic. Aracely Susana Noguera Yandún

• Lic. Ciencias de la Educación Especialización en


• Profesora del Colegio "Rosario Zarate”

MSc. Piedad Gisela Mejía

• Lic. Ciencias de la Educación Especialización

Inglés –Francés.

• Máster en Educación Superior

• Máster en Lingüística Aplicada a los Idiomas


• Profesora de la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y

Ciencias de la Educación- Universidad Central del


• Profesora del Colegio “Juan Montalvo”

• Profesora de IRFEYAL

• Profesora del Centro Universitario de Idiomas-

Universidad Central del Ecuador

• Profesora de español en el Instituto


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La elaboración de una Guía con técnicas activas del método directo, nace a raíz del

estudio que se ha llevado a cabo a lo largo de la elaboración del trabajo de grado, tras conocer

las fortalezas y debilidades de los docentes al elaborar y ejecutar las clases y el impacto que

esto conlleva en los estudiantes, que es el no desarrollo de competencia comunicativa. Pero

esto no se da solamente por responsabilidad del docente, sino más bien porque los textos que

facilita el gobierno aún no están diseñados para promover activamente la participación de

los estudiantes en instituciones educativas fiscales.

Sin embargo, frente a este problema El Ministerio de Educación (2016), desde la

Dirección Nacional de Currículo como parte de la política educativa ha diseñado un nuevo

currículo de lengua extranjera Inglés que responde a las necesidades de la realidad

ecuatoriana. La propuesta curricular es flexible, alineados con el perfil de salida y los valores

de justicia, innovación y solidaridad que promueve, así como con el Marco Común de

Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER).

La propuesta tiene como principios básico el enfoque de lenguaje comunicativo: el

lenguaje se aprende mejor como un medio para interactuar y comunicarse y no como un

conjunto de conocimientos que se memoriza. También es un Aprendizaje Integrado de

Contenido para las Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE): un modelo utilizado para integrar el

aprendizaje de la lengua con aspectos culturales y cognitivos, de modo que la adquisición de

este lenguaje sirve como motor para el desarrollo de los alumnos.

Midiendo la realidad y las necesidades de los docentes y estudiantes se ha recopilado y

seleccionado las técnicas activas que permitan transformar una clase pasiva en la que solo el

docente tiene la palabra a una clase participativa, que facilite al educando la interacción, que

aprenda jugando, que se equivoque y sea capaz de reflexionar acerca de sus errores

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promoviendo la autoevaluación, una clase en la que docente y estudiante van creando el

conocimiento juntos. Es por esto de gran importancia la implementación de esta guía dentro

de las horas clases de inglés.

Esta guía es una recopilación de juegos, como son: tick tack toe, hold it, gestures, truth

or dare, crossword, entre otros. Contiene también los pasos para elaborar exposiciones,

collage, debates y dramatizaciones, actividades que ayudan al desarrollo de la habilidad oral.

Ahora bien, Leyva (2011) y como bien lo dice Moreno (2002) “el juego es un fenómeno

antropológico, que hay que tener en cuenta para el estudio del ser humano. El juego es una

constante en todas las civilizaciones, ha estado siempre unido a la cultura de los pueblos, a

su historia, a lo mágico, a lo sagrado, al amor, al arte, a literatura, a las costumbres, a la

guerra. El juego ha servido de vínculo entre pueblos, ha facilitado la comunicación entre los

seres humanos” (p.11).

Comprendiendo entonces, cómo el rol del docente influye dentro de la situación de juego,

es además necesario entender que el juego y la enseñanza como bien se ha planteado desde

el principio de esta investigación, son íntimamente compatibles, donde se relacionan

mutuamente tanto que de la una puede derivar la otra. Como se citó en “Sarlé 2006, el juego

provee al niño de un contexto dentro del cual puede ejercitar no solo las funciones cognitivas

con las que ya cuenta, sino también crear estructuras cognitivas nuevas. La enseñanza y el

juego promueven el aprendizaje infantil al implicar una expansión de la zona de desarrollo

infantil del niño. El juego contextualiza a la enseñanza y facilita en los niños el aprendizaje

y los contenidos que se necesitan para jugar el juego” (p.173).

El juego es una actividad vital e indispensable en el desarrollo humano, no solo es una

actividad de auto expresión, sino también una forma de descubrimiento, exploración y

experimentación con sensaciones, movimientos y relaciones a través de las cuales, el alumno

llega a conocerse a sí mismo y al mundo que le rodea.

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Como material de apoyo de la guía didáctica de técnicas activas, se ha elaborado imágenes

fijas en este caso charts, los mismos que están focalizados al nivel y a las necesidades

cognitivas de los estudiantes por lo tanto se ha seleccionado las frases verbales más utilizadas

y se las ha plasmado en gráficos con el fin de lograr el entendimiento del significado con

facilidad, evitando de esta manera la traducción.

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Justificación ...................................................................................................................... 8

Funciones de la Guía Didáctica ...................................................................................... 10

Estructura base de la guía didáctica: ............................................................................... 11


CONTENTS OF THIS GUIDE ...................................................................................... 20

GAMES ...................................................................................................................... 20

DEBATES .................................................................................................................. 21

PRESENTATIONS ................................................................................................... 22

TONGUE TWISTERS ............................................................................................. 26

DRAMATIZATIONS ............................................................................................... 26

UNIT 1 ............................................................................................................................ 30

PERSONALITY ............................................................................................................. 30

1.1. GAMES ............................................................................................................... 30

1.1.2 Gap Fill Gamble ............................................................................................... 31

1.1.3 Personality game .............................................................................................. 34

1.1.4 Talking points ................................................................................................... 35

1.1.5 Pass the ball ...................................................................................................... 36

1.1.6 What's my line? ................................................................................................ 37

1.1.7 Truth or dare .................................................................................................... 38

1. 2 DEBATE .................................................................................................................. 40

1.3 PREPARE YOUR PRESENTATION .......................................................... 41

1.4 TONGUE TWISTERS ............................................................................................. 43

PRONUNCIATION ........................................................................................................ 43

1.5 ACTING TIME ......................................................................................................... 44

Little Red Riding Hood ........................................................................................ 44

UNIT 2 ............................................................................................................................ 48

FOOD .............................................................................................................................. 48

DO YOU HAVE ANY PIZZA DOUGH? ...................................................................... 48

2.1 GAMES ................................................................................................................ 48

2.1.2 Drawing dictations ........................................................................................... 49

2.1.3 Commands Game ............................................................................................. 50

2.1.4 Go shopping chain! .......................................................................................... 51

2.1.5 What's on my head? ........................................................................................ 53 2.2 DEBATE .............................................................................................................. 54

2.3 PREPARE YOUR PRESENTATION .............................................................. 56

2.4 TONGUE TWISTERS ....................................................................................... 57

2.5 ACTING TIME ................................................................................................... 58

A frog Dissection ................................................................................................... 58

UNIT 3 ............................................................................................................................ 64

LEISURE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 64

3.1.2 Mime game ....................................................................................................... 71

3.1.3 Triple pelmanisms ............................................................................................ 72

3.1.4 Deja vu .............................................................................................................. 73

3.1.5 Talking topics ................................................................................................... 75

3.1.6 Right or Wrong? Right or Left? ..................................................................... 78

3.1.7 Gestures ............................................................................................................ 79

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3.1.8 Tick tack toe ..................................................................................................... 80

3.2 DEBATE .............................................................................................................. 81

3.3 PREPARE YOUR PRESENTATION .............................................................. 83

3.4 TONGUE TWISTERS ............................................................................................. 85

PRONUNCIATION .............................................................................................. 85

3.5 ACTING TIME ......................................................................................................... 86

Dracula .................................................................................................................... 86

4. ADDITIONAL PAGES ........................................................................................ 98

CROSSWORDS ........................................................................................................... 102

CROSSWORD .............................................................................................................. 104

FOOD ............................................................................................................................ 104

CROSSWORD .............................................................................................................. 106

TRAVEL ....................................................................................................................... 106

CROSSWORD .............................................................................................................. 109

PHRASAL VERBS WTH UP ...................................................................................... 109

KEY ANSWERS .......................................................................................................... 111

GAMES RUBRIC ......................................................................................................... 113

DEBATE RUBRIC ....................................................................................................... 114

PRESENTATION RUBRIC ......................................................................................... 115

DRAMA PERFORMANCE RUBRIC ......................................................................... 116

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 118

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En 1912, desde hace más de un siglo, en los planteles educativos del país se empezó a

enseñar el idioma inglés. Pero la asignatura ingresó al currículo de modo más formal en los

cincuenta, durante el gobierno de Galo Plaza Lasso. Para ese entonces el mayor problema

era el déficit de profesores. Por ello, en las escuelas no se enseñaba el inglés, únicamente en

los colegios. Sin embargo, el tiempo de enseñanza estaba limitado a una hora a la semana.

En esa época no se puso a cargo de las clases a expertos sino a aficionados, que algo conocían

del idioma. Los futuros docentes empezaban a formarse en facultades como la de Filosofía

y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Central.

Por otra parte, EF EPI (2017) organización de educación más grande del mundo

manifiesto que el Ecuador se ubicó en el puesto 55 de 80 países. Es decir, tiene un nivel bajo,

de acuerdo a la prueba EF SET, que se aplicó a 132.493 estudiantes, donde alanzaron un

puntaje de 49 puntos sobre 100, todo esto se logró previamente con la firma de un convenio

con el Ministerio de Educación.

El país está después de Argentina, México, Perú, Panamá y otros países

latinoamericanos. Argentina es el de mejor nivel de inglés en la región. Países Bajos, Suiza

y Dinamarca lideraron la lista. La razón es que el sistema de educación pública se encarga

de la competencia del inglés y hay una exposición constante de ese idioma en la vida diaria.

Otra razón: la reforma educativa de la enseñanza de inglés.

Giorgio Iemmolo, director académico de la entidad EF EPI, recomendó que se debe

utilizar el inglés como idioma de enseñanza, pero también capacitar a docentes, reformar

currículos y pruebas estándar, utilizar oportunidades que da la tecnología.

Sobre las bases de las ideas expuestas, se justifica la creación de la guía de técnicas activas

del método directo, el mismo que será gran valor en el proceso de enseñanza, puesto que

facilita al docente una gama de actividades tales como; juegos, dramatizaciones, debates,

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exposiciones, entre otras, que puede desarrollar en la clase, las cuales están encaminadas a

fortalecer lo aprendido y permitiendo que el estudiante interactúe y sea un sujeto activo

durante las clases. Además, de la guía con las técnicas, se va a elaborar charts, los cuales

están acorde a las necesidades cognitivas de los estudiantes, tomando en cuenta los verbos

frasales más utilizados dentro de una conversación real.

El método directo forma parte de la metodología directa, la misma que conlleva 2 métodos

adicionales que son: el método oral y el método activo. La función de estos métodos es la

enseñanza de un segundo idioma de manera inductiva, la cual ayuda al estudiante a ser más

observador, suspicaz y creador del conocimiento, permitiéndole desarrollar la competencia


Vinculado al concepto, el método directo educa en primer lugar el oído y los órganos

vocales. Se fundamente esencialmente en la pronunciación. Dar a los estudiantes una buena

pronunciación será la primera tarea del profesor.

Harmer (1991) hace referencia sobre los sonidos del idioma y expone lo siguiente “la

escritura, se hace la representación de palabras y gramática mediante la ortografía. Cuando

hablamos, se la realiza de otra manera, nosotros construimos palabras y frases con sonidos

individuales, y también se usa el tono, la entonación y el acento a verbalizar diferentes

significados” (p.28).

Una guía didáctica es un instrumento escrito, encaminada a facilitar la adquisición de

contenidos de un texto, a través de actividades de índole motivador, que ayudan al estudiante

a receptar de manera natural la nueva información. Es un material pedagógico bien

estructurado que se caracteriza por ser flexible con tal efecto, que el docente puede adaptar

cada una de las actividades expuestas de acuerdo a la realidad de los educandos y las

necesidades cognitivas acordes al nivel, además de hacer del proceso de enseñanza-

aprendizaje dinámico.

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Funciones de la Guía Didáctica

El docente debe contar con este material en el aula en virtud de que se sienta respaldado

para cumplir con las siguientes funciones: motivadora, facilitadora de la comprensión y

actividades del aprendizaje, de orientación y diálogo, y además de la función evaluadora.

Función Motivadora:

Despierta el interés por la asignatura y mantiene la atención de los estudiantes.

Motiva y acompaña al docente en el proceso de enseñanza.

Sugiere actividades que promuevan a los estudiantes a resolver problemas a través

de interrogantes que obliguen al análisis y reflexión.

Función Facilitadora de la comprensión y actividades del aprendizaje

Establece las indicaciones oportunas para conducir y orienta el trabajo de estudiante.

Aclara en el desarrollo dudas que puedan surgir a lo largo del proceso de enseñanza-


Organiza actividades de acuerdo al texto habitual de trabajo.

Sugiere técnicas de trabajo intelectual que faciliten la comprensión del estudiantado.

Propone distintas actividades y ejercicios, en un esfuerzo por atender los distintos

estilos de aprendizaje.

Función de orientación y dialogo

Propone ejercicios recomendados como un mecanismo de evaluación continua y


Presenta ejercicios de autocomprobación del aprendizaje para que el estudiante

controle sus propios progresos, descubra vacíos posibles y se motive a superar las

deficiencias mediante el estudio.

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Realimenta constantemente al estudiante, a fin de provocar una reflexión sobre su

propio aprendizaje.

Anima a los estudiantes a comunicarse entre sí.

Proporciona actividades que pongan en práctica lo aprendido.

Especifica estrategias de trabajo para que el estudiante pueda realizar evaluaciones.

Función Evaluadora:

Propone estrategias de monitoreo para que el estudiante evalúe su progreso y lo

motive a compensar sus deficiencias mediante el estudio posterior.

Plantea ejercicios recomendados como un mecanismo de evaluación continua y


Presenta ejercicios de autocomprobación del aprendizaje.

Realimenta constantemente al estudiante, a fin de provocar una reflexión sobre su

propio aprendizaje.

Estructura base de la guía didáctica:

Según Contreras Lara Vega M.E, Facultad de Química. UAEM, Octubre 1999, los

componentes básicos de una Guía Didáctica que posibilitan sus características y funciones

son los siguientes:

Índice.- En él debe consignarse todos los títulos, y su correspondiente página para que el

destinatario pueda ubicarse rápidamente.

Presentación.- Antecede al cuerpo del texto y permite al autor exponer el propósito

general de su obra, orientar la lectura y hacer consideraciones previas que considere útiles

para la comprensión de los contenidos de la guía.

Recursos Didácticos.- Se ofrece una breve descripción de los recursos didácticos que se

utilizaran durante el curso, así como una presentación de la plataforma con su respectiva

dirección electrónica de acceso.

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Objetivo (s) General (es).- Permiten identificar el conocimiento, las habilidades, las

actitudes y las aptitudes, o bien las competencias que el estudiante debe desarrollar, a fin de

orientar el aprendizaje.

Objetivos Específicos.- La selección de contenidos y la forma de presentación que pueda

adoptar un autor, debe estar orientada siempre por la definición previa de objetivos


Criterio aconsejable: Hay que poner especial cuidado en la elaboración de los objetivos.

Es recomendable que se redacten en términos de acciones, habilidades y conductas concretas

medibles por el profesor, no como actitudes o capacidades mentales abstractas e intangibles.

Programa del curso.- Es el instrumento curricular donde se organizan las actividades de

enseñanza-aprendizaje, que permite orientar al docente en su práctica con respecto a los

objetivos a lograr, las conductas que deben manifestar los estudiantes, las actividades y

contenidos a desarrollar, así como las estrategias y recursos a emplear.

Desarrollo de Contenidos.- Presentación general de la unidad temática del programa,

ubicándola en su campo de estudio, en el contexto del curso general y destacando el valor y

la utilidad que tendrá para el futuro de la labor profesional del usuario.

Temática de la unidad.- Los contenidos básicos se presentan a manera de sumario o bien

de esquema según sea el caso, con la intención de exponer de manera concisa y

representativa, los temas y subtemas correspondientes a las lecturas sugeridas en la unidad.

Técnicas de Integración.- En el desarrollo del curso se implementaran diversas técnicas

para la integración y fortalecimiento del aprendizaje.

Lecturas.- Se establecen las referencias bibliográficas de las lecturas que habrán de

hacerse, señalando las páginas en las cuales se encuentran para facilitar su identificación y

localización por el estudiante.

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Actividades para el Estudiante.- Una vez presentados los nuevos contenidos, es

indispensable incluir actividades para que el estudiante trabaje y actúe sobre los contenidos

presentados, a fin de desarrollar las competencias o capacidades planteadas en los objetivos

generales y específicos.

Son tareas, ejercicios, prácticas, evaluaciones, foros, o actividades diversas que el autor

pide al estudiante para que se apropie del contenido y refuerce o amplíe uno o varios puntos

del desarrollo de la unidad o tema. Con ella se propone al estudiante que reúna datos de su

realidad, de su ámbito laboral, en relación al problema o tema estudiado para trabajar luego

sobre ellos y no sobre datos ajenos a su experiencia. Esto fomenta la transferencia de los

aprendizajes mediante la realización de prácticas en las que el alumno aplique los

conocimientos a situaciones nuevas.

Actividades Complementarias para la Formación Integral.- Deberán describirse

actividades destinadas a la formación integral del estudiante, de orden cultural, humanístico,

artístico, deportivo, recreativo, de cooperación y de servicio, salud y prevención de riesgo,

entre otros, en particular la promoción de:

a) seminarios, simposios, talleres, conferencias, otros;

b) visitas de estudio y prácticas profesionales;

c) actividades humanísticas y culturales;

d) actividades deportivas y recreativas;

e) prácticas para la salud;

f) la formación ética, bioética, ecológicas

g) programas de autoaprendizaje (lenguas, informática, otros), mediante el uso

de tecnologías de información y comunicación.

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Asesoría de apoyo al aprendizaje de los estudiantes.- Es necesario describir el

programa y los métodos de asesoría y tutoría de apoyo a los estudiantes para resolver

problemas puntuales de aprendizaje. Se debe especificar el procedimiento a seguir,

indicando las direcciones y medios para ello. Los estudiantes nunca deben quedar

desatendidos ante dudas de cualquier índole que influya en su aprendizaje.

Ejercicios de autoevaluación.- Tienen como propósito ayudar al alumno a que se evalúe

por sí mismo, en lo que respecta a la comprensión y transferencia del contenido del tema.

Incluye ejercicios de autoevaluación, cuestionarios de relación de columnas, falsa y

verdadera, complementación, preguntas de ensayo y de repaso, análisis de casos y por

supuesto, respuestas a los ejercicios y cuestionarios.

Las actividades propuestas no llevarán al estudiante muy lejos, a menos que se reciba una

forma de retroalimentación, es decir, estar informados de los progresos, si se está haciendo

lo correcto o no, ya que el estudiante a distancia no siempre puede comparar sus realizaciones

con las de sus compañeros, o preguntar a un profesor.

Es aconsejable que los materiales de estudio también ofrezcan esta posibilidad de

retroalimentación al estudiante, por lo que se sugiere: la inclusión de respuestas o soluciones

explicativas a todos los ejercicios; desarrollo paso a paso de los ejercicios; resúmenes e

instrucciones claras para la resolución de modelos de ejercicios.

Evaluación y Acreditación.- Define los mecanismos mediante los cuales el estudiante

será evaluado, además de ofrecer consejos o “tips” en la realización de la misma, así como

los requerimientos necesarios para acreditar el curso.

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The current guide is focus on teaching processes through the direct method helped by

active techniques to develop the communicative skills such as: listening, speaking, reading

and writing. The main purpose is on one hand, to avoid the use of mother tongue into the

class and on the other hand, to promote students to lead an active role into the teaching-

learning process instead of being passive entities.

In the teaching process of a second language is important to consider active techniques,

for instance: dramatizations, role plays, or traditional games adapted in English teaching,

that allow to explore the theoretical knowledge acquired by students and put these into

practice. Other interesting activities that you will find in this guide are gestures, tongue

twisters, and some keys to teach pronunciation, and vocabulary through illustrations, charts

and graphics. The activities in this Teaching Active Techniques Guide encourage students

to talk about themselves, compare opinions and views about the world, and practice the kind

of situations they are likely to encounter in real life.

To develop the class teachers must involve extra activities like: ice-breakers at the

beginning of the class. On the other hand, while a teacher will explain a new topic through

examples, they have to put emphasis in the pronunciation of certain difficult words. This

activity has to be used in every lesson with the new vocabulary acquired, it is going to be

taught through the use of phonetic charts that allows to teach the correct tongue position in

mouth when people produce the sound. But teachers will not spend the whole time

explaining it consonant by consonant. Instead, teachers will focus on the most commonly

consonants that are difficult to pronounce to Spanish speakers for instance: /ʤ/, /ʒ/, /r/. By

the way, the whole vowels sounds will be explained, moreover teacher has to explain the

correct stress and intonation into a statement to give intelligibility the message.

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The activities will be used depending on the number of English classes that students take.

Ice-breakers, vocabulary and pronunciation activities have to be developed every class, the

other activities such as: games, role plays, will be useful in different classes that depend on

the teacher decision. Furthermore, dramatization activities could be performed twice in the

scholar year, one will be performed at the end of the first term and the other one at the end

of the school term.

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The current Teacher´s Resource Guide is a compilation from different web pages

and books that contains many activities based on active techniques and further ideas to

use in daily classes. It has been written with two aims in mind:

To give teachers additional material that reinforce and extend the work in their


To provide students a huge quantity speaking practice.

Students at third year of secondary studies need lots of vocabulary and grammar

input. And to develop the communication skills such as: listening, speaking, reading and

writing. The activities in this book are designed to help your learners to do this, through

Games, Presentations and Dramatizations that encourage students to talk about

themselves, compare opinions and practice the kind of situations they are likely to

encounter in real life.

The main purpose is to avoid the use of mother tongue in class, on the flip side,

students will not be passive entities in the teaching-learning process but active entities.

The activities will be used depending on the number of hours that students receive

English. Games have to be developed every class, other activities such as: presentations and

debates will be useful in different classes that depend on the teacher decision. Furthermore,

dramatization activity could be performed twice in the scholar year, and one will be

performed at the end of the first term and the other one at the end of the school term.

Each unit is composed of activities that involve English use:



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Tongue Twisters


Additional activities

In fact, this Teacher´s Resource Book is designed according to the topics that

contain the student´s book provided by the Government.

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Aim: To implement different funny ways for teaching English, through dynamism that

promotes students interaction.

Games can be very effective to learn a subject and have fun at the same time. The

task to the teacher when including games as a tool, provide to students the ability to keep

several concepts which can be applied in a near future. So the result is going to have active

and productive students who can use the knowledge to acquire in class in different context.

Why play educational games?

To teach a skill or concept

To build group teamwork

To develop trust among members

To provide healthy and monitors competition

To have fun while learning

The Guide provides you the next information for each game:

Aim: the main focus on the activity

Language: the grammar/function exploited

Skills: Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening, moreover vocabulary and

concentration skills.

Materials: The main resources that teachers need to do the activity.

Preparation: It indicates which sort of material teachers need to develop the activities.

Procedure: How to perform each activity step by step.

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Conclusion: The purpose of each activity

Source: Links and authors where the information was taken.


Aims of Debate:

To help students think critically about important social issues

To engage students as critical readers, moreover, students learn to evaluate sources, take

notes, determine the relative importance of arguments, and value counterarguments.

To connect language arts with their worlds.

To interact and understand multiple points of view.

Debate is an effective tool which helps the students to face the social issues or some

problems that affect their lives. So, with this technique students give their point of view and also

verbalize their thoughts.

Steps to perform a debate in class:

Divide the class in groups, 4 or 5 groups in large class.

Take an interesting topic this could be related with safety, education, work, health,

rights, language, pollution, and other.

After choosing the topic, engage students to seek out information about it, and you will

provide a format that helps them to classify and interpret what they find in books or web

pages. it will contain the following steps:


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Identify the problem

Identify someone who could address the problem.

Write a thesis statement that states students´ opinion about the problem and its solution.

Arguments to support students´ opinion

Strength arguments.


Students have to practice debating in their own groups, after the teacher invites them to

debate with another group, and so forth.

At the end one group choose someone to give the conclusion.

Variation: Teacher will do this activity just working in pairs, so each group can choose

a leader in order to debate in front of the class with another opponent.


Aims: To encourage in students their researchers’ skills through steps that help them to seek

out information and classify it.

To improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the English use.

It allows students to collect, organize information and materials in order to present

information in a short period, unfortunately this activity would be boring and not motivating to

the rest of the class, also, if the student does not execute an interesting exposition, it will produce

discipline mishaps, to avoid this kind of issues, teacher has to provide instructions and tips to

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get the whole class attention during the exposition. This guide provides a format and an example

which is a useful resource for teachers and students because the format is photocopiable in order

to be delivery when teachers required this material.

Steps to develop and perform an exposition:

Plan and Prepare.

Look for information it has to contain: Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

Use audio and Visual aids.


Breathe deeply and slowly.

Prepare some questions to the audience.

Presentation performance

Attention Getting- opener




Memorable Concluding Remarks

Ask the students if they have questions for you.

Delivery photocopies with certain questions taken from the presentation.

At the end, thank the audience for their attention.

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TOPIC: Extreme Sports


Every student in this room has something in common, because everybody wants to do

something out of the ordinary, such as to practice extreme sports.

Would you like to practice any extreme sport? What is it?


Today we will learn three main points about extreme sports.

Definition of extreme sports



TRANSITION: OK, let´s get started on our investigation of extreme sports by first looking

at the definition of extreme sports.



TRANSITION: Now you understand the definition of extreme sports. Let´s continue our

research by examining the classification of extreme sports.

Classification of extreme sports

Land sports (parkour)

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TRANSITION: Now that we know the land extreme sports, let´s continue with ski extreme


Ski sports (canopying)

TRANSITION: Now that we know the sky extreme sports, let´s continue with water extreme


Water sports (windsurfing)

TRANSITION: Now you know the classification of extreme sports. Let´s continue our

inquiry into extreme sports by looking at the motivation


TRANSITION: Now that you understand what motivates people to practice extreme sports,

our research is complete.


You should now understand three important facts about extreme sports.

Definition of extreme sports

Classification (land, air and water extreme sports)

What is the motivation of practicing extreme sports?


In conclusion, extreme sports are so funny to practice but keep in mind that the person who

practice parkour, canopying, and windsurfing, must to be careful with the equipment because if

you don´t care, you could suffer injuries.

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How many sort of extreme sport exist?

What does Parkour mean?

Write something about sky sports

What is windsurfing?

What do you think about extreme sports?

Would you like to practice any extreme sport?


Thank you for your attention, I hope that you enjoyed and learnt more about extreme sports.

Source: Speech principles

You have to explain these steps to students also they have to provide to you a photocopy

about their research.


Each unit contains certain tongue twisters which are useful to practice fluency and improve

students´ concentration, so the teacher has to do this activity in once a week at least.


Aim: To improve oral and written skills in young learners through dramatization with

respectful and honesty.

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First of all, teachers have to keep in mind that before starting with dramatization in class, you

have to choose a book to dramatize that is grade level appropriate and that may be related to

other content areas of study in the classroom, it could be traditional literature, such as folk tales,

myths and legends which may be related to study Ecuadorian history and American history, too.

Moreover, the genre of book will be different for instance: horror, science fiction, drama, and

thriller. The stories have to have clear story line, strong characters, repeated dialogue, and

especially a character or element that many students can play at the same time, so that all

students can be involved in each dramatization playing story. Since story dramatizations do not

require a written scrip, students should be very familiar with the story and characters so that

they can improvise a character´s actions and speech and so that different students can play

different roles each time the story is played.

According Cox C., (2012) the procedure to perform a dramatization are the following:


First reading

Read the book aloud to both older and younger students, and older students may read

different stories in groups describing a single genre of story. Lead discussions using reader

response questions and prompts, tapping into students' personal experiences of the story. The

teacher and students can then plan and play a story dramatization

Re-read and discuss the story

So that students are completely familiar with the story, students can discuss a story in groups.

Ask students to note the setting, characters, and sequence of events or plot.

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Make a story chart

The teacher can record students' ideas about each of these on chart paper for younger students

and to model planning a story dramatization, and older students may do this independently in



Setting (where) Characters (Who)

Make a story map

Use the whole classroom space, adjusting furniture as necessary. Make a map of the

classroom and place the settings needed for the story. Add the numbered sequence of events of

the plot, with arrows showing the direction of the flow of the action.

Take volunteers for the first cast

Do a walkthrough of the story with the first cast. All students can be engaged in each

dramatization by using stories that have a type of character that can be played by many students.

Or students not playing in the story can be the audience, and then vice versa.

Play the scene

A narrator can be added to read parts of the story. This could be the teacher, who would also

guide students through the actions.

Debrief and discuss

Ask questions that emphasize the positive and make plans for the next playing of the story:

What did you like?

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Who did something really interesting (or exciting, realistic, funny, etc.)?

What can we do next time to make the play even better?

Play the story again

The teacher can take new volunteers to play characters in the story so that all students have

the opportunity to step into one of the roles.

This guide contains three (3) scripts which teachers can use in their class according their

class plan.


Aim: To provide educators extra information such as: fill the gaps and match activities,

crosswords, and rubrics to assess games, debates, presentations and dramatizations

In this section, the teacher will provide photocopiable material to work in class, including

rubrics to realize the games, debates, presentation and dramatization assessment.

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Language: Present Simple, Possessives pronouns, whose?

Vocabulary: Personality traits.

1.1. GAMES

1.1.1 Concentration Game

Aim: To stimulate students’ concentration skill in order to get their attention at the beginning

of the class.

Skill: Concentration, writing.

Materials: Flashcards, board, markers.

Preparation: Get the flashcards or a list of words that you want to revise.


This game is flexible with all ages and levels of English.

Show your class a large group of words 15-20 words, that you want to revise. In this

case Verbs: (to allow, to scratch, to iron, to sweep, to do, to create, to whisper, to admire,

to forbid, to get, to have ,to develop, to cook, to believe, to meet.)

Tell the students they have to remember as many words as they can.

After two minutes, remove all the words or flashcards and get the students to write down

as many as they can remember.

Also they have to write the word and tell a sentence in present simple tense.

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Game variation: get them to try and remember the words in order. The tenses of verbs

can also be modified according to teacher’s criteria.

Conclusion: This game focuses on get students´ attention at the beginning of the class, it

also fits according the contents that instructor has been reviewing in class.

Source: by Eslkids games

1.1.2 Gap Fill Gamble

Aim: To motivate students to review grammatical contents in order to achieve correctly this


Skills: Speaking, listening, grammar.

Materials: An envelope, paper.

Preparation: Make some bits of paper and write some sentences with a missing word, the

missing word could be detail with the grammatical structure that you have reviewed or practice

prepositions, adverbs, collocations, after that you have got the pieces of paper, put them into an



You need an envelope full of small bits of paper.

Chop up a few pages of scrap paper for this.

Students compete against each other in pairs.

Give each pair a bunch of small bits of paper

to keep on their table.

Explain that they are going to compete against their partner to win as many bits of paper

as possible.

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Each one is worth one point.

You are going to read some sentences with gaps in.

When there’s a gap you’ll say ‘beep’.

They must write the beeped out word on a bit of paper without their partner seeing it.

Set a 5-second time limit and then say, “Okay, turn it over”.

Both of the students turn over their papers at the same time. If both are correct, leave

them on the table to accumulate. If both are wrong, leave them on the table to


When one student is right and the other wrong, the student who is right wins all the

accumulated cards that have gathered, and the piles start again on the next question.

This is great for practising possessive pronouns, adverbs or prepositions, such as the

time prepositions in/on/at which students often make mistakes with.

When you have done ten or so sentences, stop the game and get students to count how

many bits of paper they won. Rather than having just one or two winners in the class

after a game, the great thing about this one is that half of the class wins as each pair has

a winner.


Possessive Pronouns:

It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Granda, it´s__ theirs __ “beep”.

It belongs to the dog, it´s__ its __ “beep”.

It belongs to them, it´s __ theirs __ “beep”.

I like your flowers. Do you like __ mine __ “beep”?

It belongs to my father, it´s__ his __ “beep”.

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It belongs to me and my sister, it´s __ ours__ “beep”.

It belongs to her, it´s__ hers__ “beep”.

It belongs to me, it´s__ mine__ “beep”.

This camera belongs to my uncle, it´s it´s__his__ “beep”.

Here´s your pencil case. __ mine__ “beep” is over there.


My birthday is __on__ “beep” November 22nd.

I have English class _ on __ “beep” Wednesdays and Fridays.

School starts _ at_ “beep” 8.30 am.

I’m going to Cornwall _ on _ “beep” the holidays.


The moment he ___ set__ “beep” his eyes on the car, he knew he had to buy it.

You should go and tell the boss exactly what happened, otherwise he __put__ “beep”

the blame on me.

Conclusion: This game permits students to remember the vocabulary that they have acquired

in previous lessons in funny way, so they feel motivating and they realize the grammatical and

verbs that they have to review in order to perform a good participation next time.

Source: by Jo Budden.

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1.1.3 Personality game

Aim: To teach students useful vocabulary about

personalities through dynamism.

Skills: Speaking, listening, writing

Material: Bits of paper, markers,

Preparation: you have to write in bits of paper some

questions for example; What is your father like? ,

what are you like?, what is your best friend like?, what is your boyfriend or girlfriend like?,

what is your teacher like?. In addition, in other bits of paper or cardboard write adjectives to

describe personalities and add them into a bag, a cap, or bowl.


Start the class telling the students that they are going to talk about themselves, they have

to use the vocabulary acquired in previous class.

After they have talked about themselves, pass the bowl with the bits of paper related

with personality, they have to choose one or two adjectives. So they have to use it in

order to tell who in the class has that personality for example: The teacher is good

tempered and very friendly.

The whole class has to talk about their classmates personalities.

Then the teacher passes the other bowl that contains the questions, each student takes

one and do the question to the person who is sitting in her or his right side.

They have to ask the questions to their mates and talk about the different personalities

using the adjectives that they have learned.

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Conclusion: This game focuses on develop speaking and listening skills, so students have to

use the vocabulary and the structures that they have learned during their school time.

Source: Aracely Noguera Yandún

1.1.4 Talking points

Aim: To develop speaking skills in students through

group work where they can decide main interesting and

current topics.

Skills: Speaking, Listening

Materials: Slips of paper, markers, 2 dice

Preparation: You need scraps of paper and dice for this activity. You will need 12 bits of

paper and two dice for each group of between 3 and 6 students.


Set the students into groups and ask each group to write 12 topics they are interested in

on the scraps of paper.

Tell the students to put the bits of paper face down on the table and to write the numbers

1 to 12 on the side facing up.

Give each group two dice. Students take turns to throw the dice, they turn over the

corresponding bit of paper and the whole group talks for two minutes about that topic.

After two minutes call out ‘throw again'. If a different number comes up they turn over

that paper and change topic, if it's the same number they keep talking about the same

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topic for another two minutes. And so on until they have no bits of paper left, or you run

out of time!

Conclusion: This is a great activity because it allows students to choose the topics that they

think are important to discuss in class, so help them to have confidence in teaching process.

Source: by Jo Budden

1.1.5 Pass the ball

Aim: To practice adjectives and adverbs,

furthermore, students have to be concentrating

and develop their speaking skills.

Skills: Speaking, listening, concentration

Materials: A ball or screwed up piece of

paper will work fine.

Preparation: Before starting with this

activity, you have to ask the students questions about adjectives and adverbs, if they do not

remember, you can give them a quick explanation about it, also students have to check their

notes about adverbs and adjectives for 5 minutes, after this, you can start the activity.


Students and you stand or sit in a circle.

Pass the ball to the person next to you in the circle and pretend the ball is really heavy

by miming.

Tell the person next to you that it is really heavy and heavy and give it to them.

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They continue passing the ball around the circle making out it's heavy.

Tell students to think of a new adjective each. The ball is going to take on different

characteristics as it goes around the circle.

When you say ‘the ball is changing' the student who has the ball must pass it to the next

student using their adverbs and adjective instead, and so it goes on until everyone has

had a chance to change the ball's form.

It could be “the ball is extremely hot, very cold, absolutely light, etc! At the end ask

students the adjectives and adverbs they remember and get them to mime them for the

others to guess.

Conclusion: This game enhances students´ concentration and their listening speaking skills.

Source: by ESL Classroom Games.

1.1.6 What's my line?

Aim: To encourage speaking skill and

grammatical knowledge through questions that

permit to student using the contents that have been

acquired in previous classes.

Skills: Speaking

Materials: students, slips of paper.

Preparation: Prepare the activity according with the grammatical contents that you have

been checking.

The classic guessing game! Players take it in turns to ask another player questions in order

to discover their job.

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Students take turns in coming to the front of the class or sitting in the ‘hot seat' and

thinking of a job.

The rest of the class must ask them questions in order to guess the job they're thinking

of. For example, ‘do you work at night?', ‘do you wear a uniform?' etc.

If the class ask ten questions without being able to guess the job the student who was

thinking of the job wins.

Conclusion: This is a motivational game, which is focused on students´ participation.

Source: by an eHow Contributor.

1.1.7 Truth or dare

Aim: To develop students´ speaking and

listening skills in order to answer certain questions.

Skills: Speaking, and listening

Materials: students, slips of paper, a bottle or

marker, 2 envelopes.

Preparation: Write in the slips of paper some questions such as: what is the craziest thing

that you have done?, Do you have boyfriend/ girlfriend?, What is your perfect person like?,

What is the most beautiful place that you have been?, who did you go to the beach last summer

with?, and so on, this questions you have to put into the envelope. In other slips of paper write

the punishment it could be: go out and shout “I´m crazy! or tell the next tongue twister (six silly

sisters selling shiny shoes). If you want write the questions and challenges with students.

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If the class is larger, divide into 3 or 4 groups, and they do a circle, each group has to

choose a leader.

Each group takes a bottle, and the envelopes with questions and punishments.

The group´s leader take the bottle in the middle, and turning it, so the person who is

pointed, has to choose truth or dare.

Then according student option choose one question and answer fast, they could choose

truth or dare just three times simultaneously.

Conclusion: This activity is quite fun, and it gets active the students actively involved using

the language in a different context, they also enjoy answering or asking questions.

Source: Aracely Noguera

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Instruction: Fill the information requires below in order to prepare and organize your

information, afterwards the debate will be start.

1) Topic: Day-care service for students with babies

2) Question: Should high schools provide day-care services for students with babies?

3) Identify the problem:




4) Identify someone who could address the problem:




5) Write a thesis statement that states your opinion about the problem and its solution.






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6) Arguments to support your opinion:





7) Strength arguments:




8) Conclusion





TOPIC: People personalities





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SOUNDS PRACTICE sh - /ʃ/ - /s/ and /tʃ/

1. She sells seashells by the seashore

The shells she sells are sea-shells, I’m sure.

For if she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore

Then I’m sure she sells sea-shore shells.

2. How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood?

3. I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

4. Swan swam over the pond,

Swim swan swim!

Swan swam back again

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Well swum swan!

5. Six silly sisters selling shiny shoes.

Six slimy snails sailed silently.


Little Red Riding Hood






- Red riding hood´s mother house.

- Forest

- Grandmother´s house

- Narrator

- Little Red Riding


- Mother

- Wolf

- Grandmother

- Woodsman


Narrator: Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived in a village near

the forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a very nice red riding cloak that

is why everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day…

Little Red Riding Hood: Did you call me, mother?

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Mother: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to

her house and take her this little basket with some bread and honey.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother.

Mother: But don´t stop in the forest, and don´t talk to stranger. Do as I say, and get soon to

your grandmother´s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother.

Narrator: And Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with the little basket for her

grandmother who lived in a nearby village. Along the way, she saw many beautiful flowers in

the forest.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what a beautiful flowers! I will take some to my grandmother.

Narrator: She left the little basket in the ground to pick up some flowers, when suddenly…

Wolf: Good morning Little Red Riding Hood! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

Wolf: Where are you going so early?

Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother´s house to take her this little basket

with some bread and honey.

Wolf: Ha,ha, ha, ha, ha… and does your grandmother live far from here, Little Red Riding


Little Red Riding Hood: Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest in the first little

house in the village… the one with the white door.

Wolf: Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do you see that


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Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, I do.

Wolf: Just follow that road and you will get soon to your grandmother´s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, yes I will, thank you!

Wolf: ¡Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her mother who told

her not to stop in the forest and to get soon to her grandmother´s house. Meanwhile, the wolf

knocked at Little Red Riding Hood grandmother´ house.

Grandmother: Who´s there?

Wolf: It´s me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a basket with some

bread and honey.

Grandmother: Come in my little daughter, push the door.

Narrator: As soon as the wolf entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood´s grandmother.

Then he put on a nightgown, jumped into bed and waited for the little girl. A few minutes later

Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother´s house. She knocked at the door.

Wolf: Who´s there?

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, it´s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding

Hood. I came to bring me a little basket with some bread and honey.

Wolf: Come in my little daughter, push the door.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight to her

grandmother´s room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her grandmother´s clothes.

Wolf: Come in, my little girl. Rest for a while

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood sat in a chair, and looked at her grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother how large arms you have!

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Wolf: They are to hug you better, darling.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, how big legs you have

Wolf: They are to run faster, sweetly.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, how big ears you have, grandmother!

Wolf: They are to hear you better, honey.

Little Red Riding Hood: And how big eyes you have!

Wolf: To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, and why do you have those big teeth and that

big mouth?

Wolf: They are to eat you better! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Narrator: And the Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf fell asleep.

Meanwhile a woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw the door opened. He

entered, looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf.

Woodsman: Oh! The wolf is sleeping! And he´s so fat! I hope I am on time!

Narrator: Then he took the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor Grandmother

and Little Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, thank you, good woodsman.

Grandmother: This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now you will never

disobey your mother again.

The End

Author: Brothers Grimm

Adapted by K I D S I N CO


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Language: Count and uncountable nouns, Expressions of quantity, imperatives (commands)

Vocabulary: Food for variations meals


2.1.1 A - Z race

Aim: To review students’ vocabulary.

Skills: Vocabulary and writing.

Materials: Board and markers.

Preparation: Review the vocabulary that students

have learnt in previous lessons, and use it to decide the

categories, this is a funny game that the teacher will

realise if the students study or not.


Divide the class into two teams each standing in line at the board.

Give them a topic like food and drink, sports, countries etc. (they must be very large

lexical sets).

The student at the front on each line runs to the board and must write a word in this

lexical set beginning with A on the board.

She/he then hands the chalk or pen to the next person in the row (and runs to the back of

the line), who adds a word beginning with B until they reach Z.

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If they cannot think of a word beginning with a particular letter they can leave a space,

but the team with most words at the end is the winner.

Conclusion: Students most of the time get interested in something that involves competition,

so this game stimulates students participation in good ways, and the teacher gets the attention

of whole class.



2.1.2 Drawing dictations

Aim: To practise vocabulary and to find out how well the students in your class listen to you.

You can make the dictation as easy or difficult as you

like, depending on the level of the group and you can use

drawing dictations to revise vocabulary you've studied

in class in a fun way.

Skills: listening, speaking and vocabulary.

Materials: Board, markers.

Preparation: review the grammar contents that will be teaching and write the main

instructions and sentences that you are going to dictate.


If you've been studying food, dictate instructions for your students to draw a fridge, with

the door open, and a range of different food items inside.

Keep the language simple and concise.

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For higher levels, have a picture in front of you and describe it to the class. See who, at

the end, has the most similar picture to the original. Students can take turns in giving the

dictation too.

Conclusion: It provides student develop their creativity, moreover their listening skill

through the comprehension.


by Jo Budden.

2.1.3 Commands Game

Aim: To review and reinforce imperatives.

Skills: Speaking and listening

Materials: Students

Preparation: Before perform this game

teacher has to teach the meaning of various

commands, and vocabulary.


Divide the class into groups

of four or five depending on the size of the class.

Select a leader for each group.

Each leader take turns at giving an instruction to a member of this group.

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If the instruction is followed correctly, the students get a point and the leader then directs

an instruction to another student.

The game continues until there is only one student left standing in the group. This student

becomes the new leader.

Variation: The game can also be played where students are divided into two teams. The

leader of each team takes turns at giving students of the opposing team instructions. Here a time

frame can be included. The game should be played within 10 minutes. The team with the most

students standing when the teacher blows, rings a bell or says "time up" is the winning team.

Conclusion: By means of this game, student can combine nouns, verbs, prepositions, and

other parts of speech in the form of commands and instructions.

Source: Have Some Fun with La Clase Vocabulary Activities, 2012

commands-using-la-clase-vocabulary/ by Audrey Alleyne

2.1.4 Go shopping chain!

Aim: To practice expressions of quantity

through a shopping list created by the students

Skills: Speaking and listening

Materials: a ball and a Timer.

Preparation: You have to carry a timer and a

small ball to class, also you are going to set the

timer up in 5 minutes.

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Divide the class in 3 groups.

Each group has to choose a name. For example The Gathering, The Others and The


They have to sit randomly, one person of each group is going to sit next to, or behind

the person from another group. So any person from the same group has to sit together.

Give the ball to first person, and you start telling the next sentence: Yesterday, I went

shopping and bought many Apples, so the next person has to complement the sentence,

and she or he says: Yesterday, I went shopping and bought many Apples, much


Students have to use expressions of quantity, and mention the products that they bought

in alphabetical order.

They have just 5 minutes to perform the activity.

Conclusion: This activity helps students think faster, and increase their concentration in

class, it is a sort of game that is focused in brain working.

Source: Headway book

Adopted by: Aracely Noguera

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2.1.5 What's on my head?

Aim: To practice and review vocabulary in

general or it can be related to a specific topic. It

works well with lower intermediate and higher

levels and it can be stretched and used as part of a

lesson, as a warmer or filler.

Skills: Speaking, vocabulary

Materials: Rubber bands, mini flashcards and

a timer.

Preparation: Little flashcards can either be made by the students themselves or given by the

teacher (time-consuming and more expensive e.g. if laminated, but worthwhile).

For the mini-flashcards you will need blank cut outs the size of a business card (or slightly

bigger) and markers. As a whole class, get students to think of... an animal, a fruit, an object, a

famous person, a colour, a place/country, etc. and ask them to write down each word on a

different card. Students can draw a picture next to the word for the most difficult ones. Collect

the cards and shuffle.


Divide the class into groups of 4's or more and get each student to wear a band around

their head. Give a bunch of cards to each group, making sure all cards are facing down.

In turns, each student grabs a card and, without looking at it, places it on his/her forehead,

so that the rest of the group can see it.

Each member of the group takes turns to ask questions until he/she guesses what is on

the card. The other members of the group should only say yes and no, or give short

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answers. Set a time limit per person (1-2 mins). Students should come up with questions


1. Am I a person? – No

2. Am I a place/country? - No

3. Am I an animal? – Yes

4. Where would you find me? - In the


5. Which country? - India

6. Do I live in the water? - No


Instruction: Fill the information requires below in order to prepare and organize your

information, afterwards the debate will be start.

Topic: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Question: ………………………………………………………………………………

Identify the problem:



Identify someone who could address the problem:



Write a thesis statement that states your opinion about the problem and its solution.



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Arguments to support your opinion:





Strength arguments:








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TOPIC: ………………………………………………………………………………………





















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SOUNDS PRACTICE /p/, /k/, /t/ and /ʃ/

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

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Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

2. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

3. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't

wish the wish you wish to wish.

4. There was a fisherman named Fisher

who fished for some fish in a fissure.

Till a fish with a grin,

pulled the fisherman in.

Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.

5. Paul, please pause for proper applause.

6. Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit and twat to learn

the letter T.

Source: Language Avenue your place for learning and teaching English, web side, by Frank.



A Frog Dissection







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Divide stage into two areas, the

classroom and the hallway. Lights up

and down on settings properly.

- Teacher Sarah

- Brett (Giant frog)

- Christopher (Pythagoras)

- Tommy


A TEACHER stands in front of the class checking attendance. TOMMY and

CHRISTOPHER sit together and BRETT and SARAH sit together.

Teacher: And... Jenkins... here.

Brett: Jenkins isn't here ma'am.

Teacher: (looks up) Ah. So he isn't. Sorry. Late night last night. Well, today we delve into

the amphibian anatomy as we dissect the frog.

Christopher: (raises hand) I didn't get a frog. I think you gave me a person instead.

Teacher: That's your lab partner.

Christopher: Well he keeps ribbitting.

TOMMY: I do not! I told you I do not!

Christopher: You don't suggest that I dissect him do you?

Teacher: No Christopher, the frogs are inside the boxes on your desks.

Christopher: Inside the boxes on our desk s, just to be clear, not sitting beside us.

Teacher: Yes, in the boxes, on your desks. We begin by mapping out our course. I want you to

take the marker on your desk and draw a line down the frog's back.

(CHRISTOPHER draws a line down the TOMMY’s back.)

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Tommy: Ah! Ms. Femur, Chris just drew a line down my back!

Teacher: Christopher! Stop pestering your lab partner! Tommy, stop interrupting class! Now,

if everyone will open their diagrams and draw your attention to the right centre...

Christopher: Ms. Femur, Tommy just caught a fly with his tongue and ate it!

Tommy: What?! I did not!

Sarah: Ewwwwwwwwww!

Tommy: (to SARAH) I did not!

Teacher: That is enough! Chris, stop annoying people! Tommy, stop denying things!

Tommy: But I didn't do it!

Teacher: What did I just say? You want detention? Now, class, on your desk you'll find a

set of pins. I want you to place the first one into your frog's left flipper.

(CHRISTOPHER places a pin in TOMMY's hand.)

Tommy: (in pain) Ah! Ow! Ah!!

Christopher: Hold still!

Tommy: (to TEACHER) He just jabbed me with a pin!

Christopher:: Stop moving your flippers!

Tommy: I don't have flippers!

Christopher: Ms. Femur, Tommy keeps lying to me!

Teacher: Tommy, stop lying to people! I've had enough of your outbursts. I'm separating

you! You're switching lab partners. Chris, you team up with Brett, Tommy, you team up with


Tommy: Thank you!

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(CHRISTOPHER switches places with BRETT. SARAH walks over to TOMMY's


Teacher: Good. Okay, now that the flippers are secure, I want you to remove the scalpel

from the kit beside you and make a small incision down the...

Christopher: Ms. Femur, Tommy just passed me a note that says "let's release all of the


Tommy: What?! I did not!

Teacher: Tommy!

Tommy: I didn't do it! I just switched seats! How could I possibly have had time to write a

note, let alone pass it?

Teacher: Are you questioning my understanding of time? I'm your science teacher! I was

learning about time back when you were in kindergarten!

Tommy: I was learning about time back when I was in kindergarten too.

Teacher: Ooohhhh that does it!

Tommy: Come on Ms. Femur. Sarah, did you see me writing a note?

SARAH: I am trying to learn. I'm not paying attention to your antics.

Tommy: What antics?!

Teacher: That's it! Tommy! You're out here! Go wait in the hall until class is over!

Tommy: This is unbelievable!

(TOMMY turns to leave)

Christopher: Ms. Femur, can I release my frog too?

Tommy: I'm not a frog you idiot!

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Teacher: Out!

(Lights down on the class. TOMMY storms out into the hall, furious.)

Tommy: Unreal!

(A GIANT FROG walks up.)

Giant frog: Hey man.

Tommy: Ahhhhh!!! Who are you?

Giant frog: I'm a giant frog. They kick you out too?

Tommy: What do you mean did they kick you out too? You weren't in my biology class!

Giant frog: No, I just got kicked out of geometry. I don't buy that whole Pythagorean


Tommy: I... What are you doing in a math class?

Giant frog: Trying to learn. So what did they get you for?

Tommy: This idiot in my class kept bothering me while we were dissecting.

Giant frog: And you're the one who got kicked out? Unreal. I hate when people bother me

while I'm trying to digest.

Tommy: No, not digest. Dissect. We were dissecting frogs.

Giant frog: Excuse me?

Tommy: We were dissecting... Oh man.

(The FROG becomes enraged.)

Giant frog: Ribbbiiittt!!!

(Lights back up on the classroom.)

Teacher: (to CLASS) Now that you've secured the right leg, I want you to make an


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(The GIANT FROG busts in)

Giant frog: Stop right there!

Teacher: Ahh!

Christopher: Ms. Femur, Tommy returned to class even though you kicked him out.

(TOMMY busts in.)

Tommy: That’s not me! I'm not a frog you idiot!

Giant frog: Everyone, put down your scalpels. Look at you! Monsters, all of you! Your

science book says what's inside of a frog, but oh no, you couldn't just take the book's word for

it; you had to slaughter dozens of innocent frogs!

Christopher: Not all of the frogs were that innocent. One of them disrupted class.

Tommy: Hey! Shut up!

Giant frog: Yes, that's right, shut up! Let me tell you what's going to happen now. We're all

going to take a nice field trip to the cemetery and give these frogs a proper burial!

Teacher: You don't have the permission slips to take these students on an unauthorized field


Giant frog: Ribbit! Well then, we'll just have to take a field trip... (dramatic pause) without

permission slips!

Teacher: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Source: Kochenderfer, Tim sketch night, 10 comedy skits for teens Brooklyn Publishers,

LLC. World Wide Web:

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Language: Adverbs of frequency, Present Simple and Present Simple, Adjectives (too,

enough), future arrangements.

Vocabulary: Sports activities, classroom activities, clothes, phrasal verbs.


3.1.1 Stop the Bus or Hold it

Aim: To revise vocabulary and use it with any age group and any level by changing the

category headings. It really gets students focused and working on task as a team and can be a

saviour to fill the last ten minutes on a class when you have run of ideas.

Skills: Speaking and listening

Materials: Board, Slips of paper.

Preparation: Identify the vocabulary that you have

taught in previous lessons in order for the students

reinforce the content and the vocabulary acquired.


Put the students into teams of three or four.

Draw on the board a table like the ones below and get each team to copy it onto a piece

of paper.

Students simply have to think of one item to go in each category beginning with the set


Give an example line of answers for the first time you play with a new group.

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The first team to finish shouts “Stop the Bus!

Check their answers and write them up on the board and if they are all okay that team wins a point. If there are any mistakes in

their words, let the game continue for another few minutes.

If it gets too difficult with certain letters (and you can’t think of one for each category) reduce the amount of words they have to

get. You can say. “Ok. For this round you can Stop the Bus with 4 columns”.

Example: this is an example for basic level, but in the next page you have some tables that you can print and give to each student.

Letter Animals Colours Food Clothes Countries Sports Total

P Penguin Purple Potato Pyjama Pakistan Polo

T Tiger Turquoise Tuna trousers Tunisia Tennis

For higher levels change the category headings.

Letter Somethi

ng in the


Something in the

living room


in the


Something in

the bathroom

Something in

the office

Something In the


S Sauce


Sideboard Sheet Soap tray Stapler Spade

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Or, for even higher levels:

Letter Something made of



made of glass


made of plastic


made of Wood


made of material

B Bike Bottle Bin Bench Belt

Conclusion: When students play this game not only have got good time, they learn or remember vocabulary, too. So they feel

motivating and they try to complete correctly the information into the boxes.

Source: by Jo Budden


Letter Animals Colours Food Clothes Countries Sports Total

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Sth = Something


Letter Sth in

the kitchen

Sth in the

living room

Sth in the


Sth in the


Sth in the


Sth in the



Sth = Something

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Or, for even higher levels:

Letter Sth made of


Sth made of


Sth made of


Sth made

of Wood

Sth made of



Sth = Something

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Letter Celebrity


Verb Adjective Country Places in a





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3.1.2 Mime game

Aims: To encourage the students´ skills in acting using their body

language, in order to improve their confidence in public.

To check if students are studying the contents learned in each

lesson individually in home.

Skills: Vocabulary and body language

Material: Slips of paper, a bowl, and a chair

Preparation: Prepare slips of paper with instructions like these:

You’re knitting on a fast train.

You’re eating spaghetti with chop sticks.

You’re sweeping leave outside on a windy day.

You’re washing a big, angry dog.

You’re a clumsy waiter.

You’re a drunk tightrope walker.

These can be relatively easy or very complicated linguistically depending on your students.


Give a slip of paper to one student with the instructions that she is going to mime the

activity and the others must guess what she is doing. No words, in any language, can be


The first person to guess – in English what she’s doing is the winner and gets the next

slip of paper. (If the same students always guess, let others have a chance to mime).

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Once they get the idea of the game, get students to write similar instructions on slips of


This can become incredibly fun.

Conclusion: This game develops students acting skills, so it permits students to use their

body language and on the other side reinforce vocabulary.

Source: by One

stop English.

3.1.3 Triple pelmanisms

Aim: To recognize the meaning of words in pictures.

Skills: Vocabulary, Reading

Materials: Board, flash cards (pictures and words)

and sticky tape

Preparation: write on cards certain words according

with the vocabulary that you have taught to students, for example phrasal verbs in other cards

draw pictures related with the vocabulary (phrasal verbs) stick the cards in from of the students

upside down, so they must take turns turning over two. If they get a word that matches the

picture they keep the cards. The student with most pairs at the end is the winner.


Cut up the cards, ensuring you cannot read the words when the card is upside down.

Spread them on the floor upside down and mixed up.

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Divide your class into up to five teams. Each team must nominate a secretary who will

choose the cards.

One at a time each secretary will ask the teacher to turn over three cards (great for ‘on

the right’, ‘that one near your foot’).

The team only wins the cards if the words are all in the same lexical set.

Otherwise the teacher turns them over again in exactly the same place as they were.

The teams with most ‘threes’ at the end is the winner.

Conclusion: The current game stimulates students´ concentration. Students really focus on

the position of the cards and think carefully about meaning of words and how they connect them.


pelmanisms/ by one stop English.

3.1.4 Deja vu

Aim: To get students to think in English and use their

memory, simultaneously. It is a simple way of recycling

texts previously studied in class.

Skills: speaking and vocabulary

Materials: Texts/authentic articles previously studied or

quizzes completed in class.

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Preparation: Prepare few questions about factual information from the text(s) e.g. dates,

proper names, percentages, figures.

Procedure: Get students to read the recycled text(s) /article(s) again and make notes about

factual information they consider relevant. Ask students to compare notes with a partner.

Divide class into groups. Each group nominates a representative who will take turns to


The teacher asks the first question, but the student mustn’t reply.

The teacher asks the second question and the student answers the previous one (first


The teacher then asks the third question and the student answers the previous one (second

question), and so on - see samples below.

Each student should answer all the questions correctly in a row to win the round.

Sample 1 – General Knowledge Quiz

How many legs does a spider have? – (SKIP ANSWER)

What is the currency in India? – 8

Where will the next Olympic Games take place? – Rupee

What was Bob Marley’s birth name? – London

When is St Patrick’s Day celebrated? – Robert Nesta Marley

What is 6 + 3? - 17 March


Conclusion: This game is helpful to increase students ‘reading comprehension and promote

their speaking skill.

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Source: by Ender


3.1.5 Talking topics

Aim: To provide an excellent way to give students a

bit of free speaking practice.

Skills: speaking and listening

Materials: worksheet and dice

Preparation: You can choose your own topics either based on the topics you've covered in

lessons or topics that you think will be of interest to your students.


Print off a copy of the board and fill in the squares with topics your students could talk

about for one minute. Choose topics they’ve covered in classes with you or general ones

such as friends, family, music, TV, hobbies, last weekend, next weekend, holidays,

English classes, food, films etc. You could also add in a few ‘go back three spaces’ or

‘miss a go’ squares.

Making the game could be a class activity if you ask your students to prepare the boards

for each other in groups then they can swap boards and you’ll have a whole class set to


If talking for a minute is too difficult for your students, they can write questions in the

squares to ask the person to their right/left as they move around the board.

If you don’t have dice to use, use a coin and make heads mean they move on one space

and tails they move on two. This will obviously take longer than with a dice.

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If your students enjoy playing board games they could make their own in small groups.

Conclusion: This game helps students to talk and express their ideas about certain topic, also

encourage them to look for information about the question increased their knowledge.

Source: by Jo


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1. What are

you like?

2. Should

school uniforms

be required?

3. What is

your favourite

time of day?

4. Should sex

education be

taught in school?

9. To be or not to be?

Is that really the


8. What do you

want to achieve in

the next 5 years?

7. Should law


create a DNA

database for


6. What is

your favourite

place and why?

5. Should

government take

over the health

care system?

10. Should the death

penalty be abolished?

11. What was

the happiest event

in your life?


12. Should

students be

allowed to use

cell phones and

other electronic

devices during


13. Does the

Internet cause

more harm than


17. Is public

shame an

appropriate mode

of punishment?

16. Is it


acceptable to

experiment on


15. What do

you think about


14. Who is

your best friend?

How long have

you been friends


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3.1.6 Right or Wrong? Right or Left?

Aim: To check information acquired in class, in order to

encourage student participation, concentration and their

listening and speaking skills.

Skills: Listening and speaking

Materials: students and teacher

Preparation: You have to tell sentences according to the topic reviewed in class, explain the

students about the activity and its procedure.


Line up the class in a row facing you.

Say a sentence and students have to decide if the sentence is right or wrong. For example,

‘Today is Friday' or ‘There are 14 students in our class today' or ‘Mateu is wearing a

green jumper'.

If the sentence is right students should take a big step to the right. If it is wrong, they

should take a big step to the left.

When the students get the idea, one of them can make up the sentences.

If you like, the last person who stepped the wrong way can be eliminated.

Conclusion: This is helpful to check grammatical structure, and students have to be very

attentive in order to tell the correct answer.


right-or-left by Jo Budden.

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3.1.7 Gestures

Aim: To reinforce the vocabulary acquired in each lesson

in order to embrace it.

Skills: Vocabulary

Materials: Students, Cards, a timer.

Preparation: Make some cards according with the vocabulary that were reviewed.


The teacher has to prepare some cards with vocabulary; it could be, nouns, adjectives,

verbs. Besides, he or she has to explain how the game is going to develop.

The teacher puts the cards into a bowl, cap or any container.

The teacher chooses a student in a random way or he/she could ask for a number and

select one student from the role.

The student who is selected has to take one piece of paper from the container after that

he/she has to use his or her body language, the contestant isn´t allowed to talk, he/she

has just 60 seconds to perform the action.

On the other hand, the rest of the class has to guess what is the word performed,

The student who guesses the word has to tell a sentence using the it. If he/she says the

sentences correctly, he/she will have extra points.

Conclusion: Gestures help students to develop their English understanding and active


Source: Gestures game adapted by Aracely Noguera.

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3.1.8 Tick tack toe

Aim: to guess some words in order to remember the vocabulary acquired and reinforce it,

through the use of clues which are exposed in sentences.

Skills: Speaking, listening, writing

Materials: tick tack toe board, cards, markers.

Preparation: Teachers need to have a tic tac toe board, it

could be made by cardboard that will be laminated, also some

cards which contain examples or meanings of English words that students have to guess will be



The teacher draws the “tick tack toe” on the board, divides the class in 2 groups, the

teacher has to explain that she/he is going to tell a meaning of one word and they have

to guess which word is that.

The students have just 15 seconds to guess if they don´t guess on time, they lose their

turn and the other group has the chance. If they guess the word, they have to write it

correctly, also they are allowed to mark on “tick tack toe” a cross or circle.

The game is ending when one group completes a line with the same symbol; it will be

cross or circle.

Randomly, the teacher will choose some students and ask the meanings of the words

that were written on “tick tack toe”; this will help to identify if they were concentrated

or not in the activity.

Conclusion: This activity motivates students to get interested in reviewing vocabulary; they

learn the meanings of the difficult words in English so it is not necessary translation.

Adapted by: Aracely Noguera

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Instruction: Fill the information required below in order to prepare and organize your

information, afterwards the debate will start.





Identify the problem:



Identify someone who could address the problem:



Write a thesis statement that states your opinion about the problem and its solution.





Arguments to support your opinion:



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Strength arguments:












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TOPIC: ………………………………………………………………………………………





















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SOUNDS PRODUCTION /p/, /k/, /θ/, /ð̠/ and


1. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter,

'tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.

2. Three thin thieves thought a thousand

thoughts. Now if three thin thieves thought a

thousand thoughts how many thoughts did each thief think?

3. How many cookies could a good cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook

could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

4. If a dog chews shoes whose shoes des he choose?

5. What a shame such a shapely sash should show such shabby stitches.

6. I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too.

Source: by David Philips.

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The action takes place in

and around the Purley

Sanitorium on the west coast

of England in the late

nineteenth. There is also a

brief memory sequence in








.- Lucy

.- Arthur

.- Van Helsing




.-House Keeper´s wife

.-Woman 1

.- Woman 2

.- Lucy´s servant

.- Lucy´s mother

.- Jack Seward



The story began in 1897, Jonathan Harker a solicitor started business with a rich men in

Transylvania, called Count Dracula, for that reason Jonathan must go to Castle Dracula, at first

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Jonathan was disappointment because he didn´t want to leave to his fiancée Mina, but she told


Mina: you must go because after the Count will give you more work. My dear!

Jonathan: ok. I´m going to travel to Transylvania and meet with the Count

Narrator: Jonathan arrived to Bistritz on May 4th, it was a strange and beautiful town, Count

Dracula lived in the high of the mountain and got there took 6 hours approximately. So Jonathan

was waiting into a hotel that the coach from Castle Dracula came and carried him.

(Jonathan got into the hotel everybody there was laughing and talking)

Citizen: where are you going?

Jonathan: to castle Dracula

Narrator: suddenly the room was silent

House keeper´s wife: (takes a gold cross from her neck) take this, there is danger at Castle

Dracula. Perhaps this will help you

Narrator: few minutes later, the coach arrived and Jonathan got into it. He started his journey

to Castle Dracula, the road to go there was dark and narrow, and the wolves were howling.

Then he arrived and he was standing in front of the dark and silent castle, slowly, the door

opened, and a tall man stood in front of him, his hair was white and he was dressed in black

from head and feet.

Dracula: come in, Mr. Harker. I´m Count Dracula

Narrator: Jonathan went into the Castle and the Count carefully locked the door he asked to

Jonathan sit and eat, but the Count didn´t eat with him, then they talked by the fire and Jonathan

realized that the Count´s appearance was very strange he look as a wolf. The next morning

Jonathan found his breakfast and a letter on the table

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(Jonathan reads the letter) Go anywhere in the castle but some rooms are locked. Don´t try

to go into these rooms

Narrator: at night Dracula and Jonathan talked again. Now Dracula wanted to know about

his new house in England

Dracula: tell me Jonathan about my new house in England

Jonathan: it is very big house, old and dark, there are trees everywhere and a little church,

too. (he shows a picture)

Dracula: Ah! Mmm a church. So I shall be near the dead

Narrator: Jonathan never saw Dracula in the mornings only at nights, one night they talked


Dracula: tell me something about England. I have plans to go there myself soon. Tell me

about sending things to England by ship.

Jonathan: Well, sending things by ship to England is very safe. Oh! I miss England

Dracula: why? Mr. Harker

Jonathan: Because in England lives my fiancée Mina, we are thinking get married as soon

as I arrive to England, she has a friend called Lucy, Lucy and her mother are staying by the sea.

Narrator: In castle Dracula you couldn´t find any mirror but Jonathan has one, it was a

present from Mina. One morning Jonathan was shaving when Dracula got into his room and

Jonathan realized something.

Dracula: Good morning!

Jonathan: Good Morning! (Jonathan thinks) why I couldn´t see him in the mirror?

Narrator: Dracula takes the mirror and drop it, Dracula was really anger and Jonathan

realized that he was prisoner, at night Count Dracula talked with Jonathan again

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Dracula: you must write to your London office and tell Mr. Hawkin that you´ll be here for

another month.

Jonathan: another month? But what could I do here?

Dracula: only do that! You are so curious, but anyway, well, my young friend sleep only in

this room. You must never fall asleep in any other room in this castle. You´ll be in danger if you


Narrator: Jonathan couldn´t sleep and he started to walk around the castle all the rooms

were locked but one didn´t, so, he got into and saw a window and the night was really beautiful

and he decided to rest there, when he felt he saw three beautiful young women:

Woman 1: He is young and strong

Women 2: yes, there are kisses for all of us!

Jonathan: kiss me, kiss me

(Dracula got into the room)

Dracula: get off him! He is not for you, stay away from him

(Jonathan is alone in his room)

Jonathan: they were vampires, I´m in danger here

Narrator: two nights later, the Count came to Jonathan

Dracula: write to Mina, tell her that your work in Transylvania is finished and that you are

coming home. Say that you are in Bistritz and put June 29th on the letter.

(Dracula goes out the stage)

Jonathan: what could I do? He will kill me in that date, I must escape.

Narrator: Jonathan realized that he couldn´t be in danger in the mornings, so in the next

morning Jonathan went to Dracula´s room because he wanted to find the key for open the door,

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but when he was in the count´s room he only saw a coffins full of earth, but in one coffin was

Dracula he couldn´t find the key, but Jonathan wanted kill him. He listened some voices, the

workmen were coming back, they were getting the coffins ready for a Journey to England.

When the workmen drove away Jonathan tried to escape.

Mina: I´m very unhappy because I don´t have news about Jonathan, all the letters that he

sends me are very short and strange. Sometimes I think that Jonathan is in danger or maybe he

is ill.

Narrator: Mina received a letter from her friend Lucy

Mina reads the letter: I know that you will be happy for me, Arthur has asked me to marry

him! Isn´t it wonderful? I love him very much, he´s away just now, and you know that mother

and I are staying at Whitby, by the sea. Please come and stay with us, and I can tell you about


Narrator: Lucy and Mina met at the station.

Lucy: oh! Mina. I´m really happy. I love Arthur very much

Mina: I’m happy for you my friend, congratulations!

Narrator: Mina and Lucy slept in the same room, but Lucy started to walk in her sleep, so

her mother decided locked the door at night. That night was dark and stormy, Lucy was excited

about that and she sat by the window all the night and watched the sea. The next morning, there

was a Russian ship on the beach.

Lucy´s servant: it´s a Russian ship, from Varna on the Black Sea, there are coffins on it, and

they are full of earth, and a big black dog jumped off the ship and run up the hill

Lucy: And is everybody on the ship alive?

Servant: that`s the strange thing about it, there was no one on the ship, either dead or alive

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Narrator: that night as all the nights Lucy`s mother locked the door of her bedroom but that

night something strange happen, the door was open and Lucy wasn´t there.

Lucy´s mother: Mina, I´m afraid for Lucy, I don´t know why

Mina: don´t worry, I´m going to find Lucy, maybe she is in the churchyard, Lucy enjoy

sitting there.

Narrator: Mina was right, Lucy was in the churchyard and she called out Lucy! Lucy! (Mina

speaks), Lucy was alone, asleep in the moonlight, when Lucy woke Mina realized that Lucy had

2 little drops of blood in her neck. After than night Lucy was worst.

A day or two later Mina received a letter from Jonathan he was ill and she must go, when she

arrived to Budapest she saw that Jonathan was very ill but with the time he´ll better, Jonathan

couldn´t tell to Mina about what happen with him but he gave her his diary where Mina could

to know all the terrible things that Jonathan happened in castle Dracula. When Jonathan was

better they got married on September 1st, , but when they drove through the streets of London

something happened.

Jonathan: oh! Mina I love you

Mina: I love you, too Jonathan

(Jonathan saw the Count)

Jonathan: it´s the Count, here´s in London!

Narrator: Jonathan was very afraid for him, when they arrived home, there was a letter from

Arthur, it that letter Arthur told them that Lucy was dead.

Lucy´s death scene

Arthur: Hi Jack, I have terrible news for you, my dear Lucy is very ill

Jack Seward: oh! That´s terrible, I´m going to see her immediately

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Narrator: When Doctor Seward arrived and saw that Lucy was losing blood, he decided to

send for his old teacher Van Helsing from Holland.

Van Helsing: We must give her blood at once

Arthur: She can have my blood. All of it-to the last drop!

Van Helsing: Ok Arthur we are start with the blood transfusion, also put these garlic flowers

in her neck.

Arthur to Lucy: My dear, these are garlic flowers, don´t take them from your neck tonight,

and don´t open your window.

Van Helsing: You must watch Lucy every night, and be sure that she wears the garlic

flowers. I return to Holland in a few days I´ll come back, please be careful with Lucy

Narrator: Lucy´s mother was very ill, and Arthur had to go back home because his father

was dying, so Seward took care to Lucy. Also he had a note from Van Helsing

(Seward reads aloud) watch Lucy carefully, I shall with you tomorrow

But Seward read the letter too late Van Helsing arrived and he didn´t have an answered when

knocked the door

Van Helsing: What happened? Did you not get my note? Quick! Perhaps we are already too


Narrator: When finally they got into the room they saw the bodies of two women- Lucy and

her mother- lay on the bed

Van Helsing: the poor mother is dead, but Lucy it is not too late, Jack, put her in a hot bath.

Narrator: Lucy began to show some life, but she couldn´t eat anything, they sent for Arthur,

he came back very unhappy his father was now dead.

Van Helsing: the wounds on her neck have gone, she will soon be dead, bring Arthur

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Lucy to Arthur: (weak voice) Oh, Arthur, kiss me my love

(Arthur moved his head nearer to her)

Van Helsing: No!

Lucy to Van Helsing: My true friend

Van Helsing: She´s gone

Jack Seward: poor girl, it´s the end

Van Helsing: No, this is only the beginning

Narrator: Some years later there were strange stories in the newspaper, all these children

had drops of blood and two little wounds on their neck, Van Helsing read these stories and

brought the paper round Jack

Van Helsing: What do you think of that?

Jack: I don´t know, these two little wounds sound like poor Lucy´s wounds, but how can

that be?

Van helsing: Lucy was killed by a vampire, and when someone is biting by a vampire tend

to turn into a vampire, too

Jack: Are you saying that poor Lucy was killed by a vampire, and that now the vampire is

taking blood from these children too?

Van Helsing: No, you haven´t understood, the vampire which is taking blood from these

children is…Lucy

Jack (angry): that´s not true

Van Helsing: Come with me, and I´ll show you

Narrator: Van Helsing took jack to Lucy’s tomb, when Van Helsing open the coffin, it was

empty, and they saw something white moved in the trees near the tomb, they found a little child

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but she didn´t have wounds in her neck, so they were in time, they returned to Lucy´s coffin and

when Van Helsing opened again the coffin Lucy was there, they told about that to Arthur, and

the 3 men went the next day to Lucy´s tomb.

Arthur: it´s Lucy

Lucy: oh! Arthur, come to me. Leave those others, and come to me, my love

(Van helsing ran between them, and held out his little gold cross. Lucy stopped and stood

back from it, she went to the tomb and through the door)

Van Helsing: Now, Arthur, my friend, do you understand?

Arthur: I do! Oh, I do!

Narrator: the next day they were to Lucy´s coffin again

Arthur: is this really Lucy (when he opens the coffin)

Van Helsing: it is and it is not. But wait, and you will see the real Lucy again!

(van helsing took from his bag a long piece of wood and a hammer)

Van Helsing: You loved Lucy. You must bring her back to us. You must take this piece of

wood in your left hand, and the hammer in your right hand. Then you must drive the wood

through Lucy´s heart, it isn´t easy for you, but it will soon be done. Can you do this for her?

Arthur: I can

Narrator: the body turned from side to side and a horrible scream comes, at the last the body

stopped moving and lay quiet.

Van Helsing: Now you may kiss her. See! The vampire is dead, and the real Lucy has come


(Arthur kissed her)

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Van Helsing: now my friends, we have only just begun. We must find the vampire that killed

Lucy. It will be difficult and dangerous. Will you help me

Jack and Arthur: yes, we will

Mina in danger scene

Narrator: after that terrible facts, Van Helsing, met with Jonathan and Mina, they now knew

all that happen with Lucy and Mina gave to Van Helsing the diary of Jonathan and he learnt

about the Count.

Van Helsing: ah! Now I begin to understand many things! This count Dracula, he was the

vampire that killed poor Miss Lucy, will you help us to find him?

Mina and Jonathan: of course!

Narrator: So that night Van Helsing, Jack, Arthur and Jonathan went out together to the

Count´s house, Mina didn´t go with them, they found the coffins and they put into each coffin a

piece of holy bread, but when they are opening the last coffin, Count Dracula came back Van

Helsing held out his gold cross and the count stopped, they ran from the house.

Van Helsing: Quick! We must get back! Now he has seen us, Mina may be in danger!

Jonathan: oh Mina. I can´t lose Mina!

Narrator: When they arrived they found Mina and Dracula was drinking her blood

Van Helsing: get off! (he shows the gold cross)

Jonathan: Oh! Mina my love. What has happened? Tell us

Mina: Don´t leave me. Oh, please don’t leave me.

Narrator: the nest day Van Helsing, Jack Seward, Arthur, Jonathan, and Mina made plans,

they had to kill Dracula before Mina died.

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Van Helsing: if we don´t kill Dracula. Mina will die and will be a vampire forever I have

been back to Count´s house this morning, and the last coffin has gone. We must find it, Dracula

will be in it during the day. If we can find him before dark, we can kill him

Jonathan: but where is it now?

Mina: I felt that I´m half a vampire already, and sometimes strange thoughts come into my

head. I think that this thoughts are Count Dracula´s. just now, when you were speaking, I could

hear the sound of a ship moving through water

Van Helsing: of course. Dracula has decided to leave England. So he is going back

Transylvania by ship. So, the ship will take about 3 weeks to sail to Varna, but we will take the

train across Europe and get there much faster. We leave tomorrow!

Narrator: they left London on a cold October and Mina told then that the ship was not

coming to Varna, and was already to Galatz! When they got there were too late. The box wasn´t

longer on the ship, so Jack, Arthur and Jonathan, followed Dracula in another boat. Van Helsing

and Mina continued in carriage. By late afternoon on the next day, they were getting near to

Castle Dracula.

Mina: he has gone, and he is taking me with him. Oh my dear friends! Before I changed into

a vampire, you must kill me!

Van Helsing: she´s right. She is already beginning to change. We must find him and kill

him, before is too late. Ok, Dracula is traveling in boat, so Jack, Arthur and Jonathan, follow

him in boat , Mina and I will continue in carriage

Narrator: they followed the Count´s boat for five days, but they couldn´t catch it. Then they

learnt from some villagers that he was now travelling by road, so they bought horses

Jonathan: we are near to Castle Dracula, we must ride faster!

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Narrator: Finally Jonathan got to the cart and he jumped from his horse onto the cart, and

while Jack and Arthur fought the driver and the other men, Jonathan pushed the coffin to the

ground, Count Dracula lay there, he jumped down to the ground, held his knife high over his

heart, and brought it down as hard as he could. Count Dracula gave a horrible scream and they

lay quiet.

Mina was alive, so Jonathan and Mina began to live again.

AUTHOR: Bram Stoker

SCRIPT: Aracely Noguera Yandún.

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EXERCISE 1 Daily life

Choose the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box to replace the words in italics in the

sentences below. Put the verbs in the correct tense.

work out get up turn off put on go out take-off wake up

1. I (1) stopped sleeping very early this morning.


2. I (2) stop sleeping and get out of bed at 6:30 a.m. during the week.


3. She (3) removed her jacket as she came in.


4. I (4) donned a coat and left the house.


5. He (5) left the house for a social activity with some friends.


6. She (6) does physical exercise in the local gym every day.


7. Is the computer turned on? Will you (7) stop it working by pressing a button, please.


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Complete the sentences below using the correct form of phrasal verb from the box.

Rustle up dish up tuck into finish off eat out

1. The children were all at the table waiting for me to …………………………….

2. I´m afraid there isn´t any cake left we………………….

3. Judging by the way they………………………dinner, they must have been very hungry.

4. I can´t probably…………………a meal with what´s left in the fridge.

5. There are some very good restaurants in the city center if you like to……………….


Use the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box to replace the words in italics in

the sentences below.

Splash out save up fork out settle up dip into put down

1. I´ve paid a part of the cost and promised to pay the rest later a deposit on a new house.


2. I´m not spending when I do not want four hundred dollars on hiking shoes.


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3. I may have to take a small amount of money from my savings to pay for the repairs.


4. I´m keeping my money so I can use it in the future for a round the world trip.


5. If you pay for dinner I´ll pay you money I owe you at the end of the evening.


6. She´s just spent a lot of money on a smart phone.



EXERCISE 4: Travelling and transport

Complete the text with the phrasal verbs below. Put them in the correct tense.

Check in get on get off(2x) break down take off turn back

John and David´s flight home from Brazil was at nine in the morning. They had arranged to

meet with John´s friend Mark at half part six but Mark arrived at the hotel almost half an hour

late-that however, was just the beginning of their problems. On the way from the hotel to the

airport their car (1)…………………in the middle of a busy intersection, causing a traffic jam.

Then, David realized that he had left his mobile phone in the hotel, but it was too late for them

to (2)……………When they arrived at the airport, they had just enough time to (3)…………,

go through passport control and security check and (4)……………the plane. The plane

(5)………………very shortly after that and hours later, they landed in Chile, but they couldn´t

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(6)……………the plane because there was a problem on the runway. They felt a jet lag and

finally, forty-five minutes after landing, they (7)…………………. .

EXERCISE 5 Journey

Complete the conversation with a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form. The

definitions in brackets will help you.

Set off pick up hang on get in

A: You are arriving in Quito next Friday, right?

B: Yeah! That is right.

A: I´ll (1)………………you…………..if you like? (collect)

B: oh! That would be lovely. Thanks

A: What time does the plane (2)……………….? (arrive)

B: (3) ……………………(wait). I´ll just check on the ticket. Er… 18:30

A: ok. If I (4) ………………(leave the house) at 5:45 pm., I´ll be there on time.


EXERCISE 6 Emotions

These phrasal verbs all relate to emotions and feelings. Try to match them to their

meanings on the right:

1. calm down ……

a. to feel happier

2. chill out …….. b. an informal phrasal verb meaning to make

someone angry and upset.

3. cheer up……

c. To stop being angry, excited or upset.

4. look forward to something…....

d. an informal phrasal verb meaning relax.

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5. wind somebody up…....

e. to feel pleased and excited about

something that is going to happen.

6. freak out ….….

f. an informal phrasal verb meaning to be

very excited or emotional to cause someone be

this way.



Read carefully the hints given and complete the crossword with the correct



1) Capable of dealing with danger or pain, without seeming to be frightened BRAVE

2) Unhappy and

dissatisfied, often for no



4) Enjoying the pain or

distress of others………..

5) Very unpleasant to

taste, smell, see, or


6) Showing good






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7) Characteristic of or appropriate to a friend.

8) Lacking good fortune………………..

9) Determined to be successful, rich, famous………………….

12) Happy and positive because you are confident that you will get what you want………….

13) Overly proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements,

15) Meaning what you say or do, and not making a joke……………….

18) Having or showing understanding and good judgment………………….

19) Without culture, learning, or refinement…………………..


1) Behaving in a way that shows that you think you are very important or


2) Giving people more of your time or money than is usual or expected……………….

3) Someone who is liked by many people……………………..

10) (of a person) changing one's moods………………………

11) Neat and orderly, as in appearance or dress………………….

14) Relaxed and casual…………………

16) Having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability………………..

19) Agreeable…………………….

Source: Aracely Noguera

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Most of the words have relation with food and eating. Use you dictionary to

help you if necessary.


3. The most common

kind of fruit grown in


7. People often wear

this when working in the


8. America´s

favourite food, maybe?

10. A cup that does

not need a saucer.

11. A form in which

corn is often eaten.

14. Prepare a table for

a meal.

16. Evening meal.

17. Very small piece of bread.

20. Utensil for cooking in or making sauce in.




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21. Sometimes eating as a pudding, or else used to thicken soup or casseroles.

22. Where people cook. 23. Parsley is one, so is basil.


1. Orange jam MARMELADE

2. Gastropods much appreciated in France.

4. Dried plum.

5. Roast………..of mutton is a popular joint

in England.

6. Waiters do this.

9. Small whitish vegetables, served in a

tomato sauce.

12. Two slices of bread with a filling between them.

13. Drink made in a brewery. 15. A meal combining breakfast and lunch.

18. Wash………..after meal. 19. Synonym of mutton

20. A tart upside down. 21. Britain´s favourite drink.

Source: Linguapress Puzzle Zone EFL resources (2001 – 2012) World Wide Web

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Most of the answers to the crossword have something to do with travel and






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1. The train stops here. STATION

5. The people who work on a ship, or on a plane.

7. To invalidate, stop a booking or a planned journey.

10.You can cross the Channel by ferry……….

11. Stop.

13. A booking, a guaranteed place.

15. Luggage.

16. Section of a journey.

19. Person travelling on holiday.

24. Opposite of “finish”

25. Your destination must be…………on your booking form.

26. Entrance hall, or foyer.


2. He sells holidays.

3. You need them before you take

the plane.

4. To be the proprietor of.

5. This train is for Edinburg

CALLING at York, and Newcastle.

6. While you´re on holiday, others

are at………

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8. A flight that is not on a regular service, but has maybe been hires by a tour operator.

9. Perhaps you do this differently on holiday.

12. We´re going ……..the Coast Brava.

14. Visitors who are staying in your house, maybe.

17. A place where tourist often spend the night

18. Use soup and water.

20. I´m going to………….with my grandparents for a fortnight this summer.

21. A nice pale bronze colour on your skin.

23. Opposite of night.

Source: Linguapress Puzzle Zone EFL resources (2001 – 2012) World Wide Web:

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1. Did you _____ up for the course yet?

2. I really have to ______ up on my sleep.

5. If it continues to be too difficult, he

might _____ up.

6. We've been rehearsing for 6 hours.

Let's _____ it up.

7. We had to _____ up to get tickets.

8. It's difficult for a single mother to

______ up three children.

11. Why don't you _____ up painting or


13. ______ up the good work.

14. I was so sick I felt like I was going to

_____ up.


1. If you ____ up late again, I won't wait

for you.

3. This room is a mess! ______ it up.

4. I wonder when the new restaurant will

____ up.

7. If you don't know what it means, _____

it up in the dictionary

8. She decided to ______ up with her


9. I ___ up at six every morning.

10. When I ____ up, I want to be a


12. If the children _____ up, put them to

bed earlier.


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1. woke up

2. get up

3. took off

4. put on

5. went out

6. works out

7. turn it off


1. dish up

2. have finished it off

3. tucked into

4. rustle up

5. eat out


1. put down

2. forking out

3. dip into

4. saving up

5. settle up

6. splashed out


Travelling and transport

1. broke down

2. turn back

3. check in

4. get on

5. took off

6. get off

7. got off



1. pick you up

2. get in

3. hang on

4. set off



1. c

2. d

3. a

4. e

5. b

6. f

Crossword 1


Across Down

1. brave 1. big


Crossword 2


Across Down

Crossword 3


Across Down

1. Station 2. travel


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2. grumpy 2. generous

4. cruel 3. popular

5. nasty 10. moody

6. polite 11. tidy

7. friendly 14. easy-


8. unlucky 16. smart

9. ambitious 19. nice

12. upbeat 20. shy

13. vain

15. serious

17. lazy

18. honest

21. wise

22. rude

3. Apples 1.

Marmelade 7. Apron 2.


8. Hamburger 4. Prune

10. Mug 5. Leg

11. Flakes 6.Serve

12. Sandwich 9. Baked


13. Beer 14. Lay

16. Dinner 15. Brunch

17. Crum 18. Up

20. Pan 19. Lamb

21. Tapioca 21. Tea

22. Kitchen

23. Herbs

5. Crew 3. ticket

7. Cancel 4. Own

10. Or 5.Calling

11. Halt 6. Work



15. Bags 9. Eat

16. Stage 12. To

18. we 14. Guests

19. tourist 17. Hotel

22. and 18. Wash

24. Start 20. Stay

25. Stated 21. Tan

26. Lobby 23. Day

Crossword 4

Phrasal verb up

1. sign 2. catch 3. clean 4. open 5. give 6. wrap

7. line 8. (Across) bring 8. (down) break 9. get 10. grow

11. take 12. act 13. keep 14. Throw

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STUDENT´S NAME:………………………………………………….DATE:………………

GAME NAME:………………………………………………………………………………...

3 2 1 Points

Participation Student is

eager to

participate and

collaborate with

the activity.

Student is a

little bit eager to


Student does

not want to






Student listens

carefully the game

aim, instructions

and examples

Student listens

but is difficult to

she or he

understand the


Student does

not pay attention

the instructions at





Student follows

the instruction

correctly, and use

the material

appropriately if is


Student finds

some difficult in



Student cannot

develop the game



English use

in game

Student can

develop the game

because he or she

has checked the

contents learned


Student has

some difficult to

develop the game

because he or she

can remember the

answer fast.

Student has

not checked the

contents learned

previously, so he

or she cannot

develop the game




(depends the


All team



actively in game.


individual task,

but does not assist

group during the



little to the group

effort during the





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STUDENT´S NAME:………………………………….DATE:…………………………..

DEBATE TOPIC:…………………………………………………………………………

3 2 1 POINTS

Preparation Student

gathers much

information about

the debate topic to

support her or his



gathers just a little


about the topic

that is not enough

to support his or

her arguments

Student does

not gather

information about

the topic


Viewpoint His or her view

points are


and coordinated


viewpoints are


Viewpoints are





to support his

or her opinion

All supporting

arguments are


Many, but not

all, supporting

arguments are




arguments are





All arguments

are strong and



arguments are


Arguments are

not convincing


Participation Student has


confidence to

speak clear and

his or her voice

can always be


Student has

not enough

confidence, so her

or his voice

cannot be heard

most of the time.

Student has

lack of

confidence and is

difficult to

understand what

he or she says.




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STUDENT´S NAME:…………………………………………….DATE:…………………


3 2 1 Points


getting opener

Student use non-

verbal skills like:

eye contact and

body language, also

verbal skills like:

enthusiasm and

elocution to hold

attention of entire


Student displays

minimal non-verbal

and verbal skills

Student does

not show interest

in topic presented,

so he or she does

not hold the

attention of



Preview Student explains

the purpose clearly

about what he or she

is going to speak.

Student explains

the purpose.

The purpose is

not evident


Body Student prepare

logically, and

organized the

contents clearly and

fluid transitions.

The organization

of the content is


transitions are


The content

lacks organization,

transitions are

abrupt and



Summary and




The conclusion

gets the main points

of the presentation

and encourage

future discussion.

The conclusion

summarize main


The speech

ends without a



Questions to

the audience

The questions are

based on

presentation and

they are organized

and understandable

The questions are


The questions

are confused and

they aren´t




Visual aids Student prepares

the whole

presentation with

visual aids, these are



Most of the

presentation counts

with visual aids.

Student just use

a few pictures in

her or his




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Criteria 4 3 2 1 POINTS

VOICE Voice was

loud and clear;

words were



Student spoke

clearly but it was

difficult to understand

some of the script;

could’ve been louder.

Voice and language

was not very clear;

could’ve been much


Could not understand

what was being said due to

unclear and low speech.




felt like part of

the show.

Was aware and

well-connected to the


Needed more

audience awareness and


No audience awareness or

connection at all.



Good use of

stage and


did not turn

back to


Almost used entire

stage—turned away

from audience only

once or twice.

Could have used

more of the stage; must

concentrate on facing


Needed more blocking—

always face audience and use

the stage!




(When applicable)


vivid detail

used in


evident reasons

for the


Script/dialogue was


considerable detail

with good purpose.

Some detail used in

script/dialogue; needed

more of a purpose.

Script/dialogue contained

no purpose and very little





Script was



Script was almost

fully memorized-some

Script was partially

memorized; student did

Script was not at all

memorized; no improvisation



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(When applicable) student

improvised in

place of lines.

improv used to make

up for missed lines.

not attempt





Great use of

gestures, facial

expression and



Contained some

facial expression,

gestures & body


Needed more facial

expressions gestures &


Contained little to no

facial expression, gesture or



OVERALL Committed,

cooperated &




concentrated &



Almost committed,

cooperative &




No commitment,

cooperation or concentration






Source: UHill English 2011. World Wide Web:



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Budden, Jo (2012) British Council. Consulted on May 21st; 2014 from the World Wide Web:

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Bram, S, (1897) Dracula Jonathan Harker s diary

Brothers Grimm, Red riding hood World Wide Web:


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Esl teacher (2013) 10 best games for ESL teachers. Consulted on February 12th; 2014 World

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Master Esl, leading Sources for teaching and learnng. Consulted on May 21st;2014 World Wide


Mr.Twister 1996-2013 1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters. Consulted on May 19th;

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Ministerio de Educación (s/f) Lengua Extranjera .Obtenido de

Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador (2014). Acuerdo 052-14. Obtenido de


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Pellegrino, Joseph. (1998, 16 de decimetre) World Poetry Audio Library. Consulted on May

19th; 2014 World Wide Web:

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb with up,

UHill English (2011) Drama Performance Rubric. World Wide Web:

Wagner, B. J. (2003), Imaginative expression. In J. Flood, D. Lapp, M. R. Squire, & J. M. Jensen

(Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts (2nd ed., pp. 1 008-

1025). Sponsored by the International Reading Association/National Council of

Teachers of English. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum