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GHM Anniversary


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Wednesday, February 23, 20112 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

“I wonder how many small businessesmanage to survive, and prosper, for 110years,” said Paul J. Mitchell, President ofthe GHM Insurance Agency in Waterville.

This is the story of one such business.It is the story of a local insurance agency

founded in Waterville at the turn of the lastcentury by John B. Friel, a prominent indi-vidual and business leader of the localcommunity.

“John B. Friel was a very well-knownand successful businessman in Waterville,”Mitchell said. “He was born in NorthVassalboro in 1862. Although I never knewMr. Friel personally, I began reading abouthim when I acquired the J.B. FrielCompany, and over the years I began tofeel as if I knew him somewhat. He was avery close friend of Walter Wyman, whowas the founder of Central Maine PowerCompany, and Harvey Eaton, one ofWaterville’s most prominent lawyers. Allthree of these men had distinguishedcareers; they contributed a great deal to thedevelopment of the city during the earlyyears of the century.”

“Among his many accomplishments,John Friel — one of the organizers — wasinstrumental in getting the Bishop of Maineto approve and support the organization andbuilding of Sacred Heart Roman CatholicChurch in Waterville,” Mitchell said.

Friel died in 1935 and his son-in-law,Paul Jullien, took over management of thebusiness.

Jullien was born in Washington, D.C. in

1891. He first attended GeorgetownUniversity and then graduated fromWentworth Institute in Boston. He servedin the U.S. Army in World War I and in1919 he married Friel’s daughter, Elizabeth.

Jullien worked at J.B. Friel Company ashort time prior to Friel’s death, and, as anexperienced insurance agent he managedthe agency until his unexpected death in1964.

Jullien also was active in civic and stateaffairs. He was an active member of theElks Lodge, the Lions Club and was a 4thdegree member of the Knights ofColumbus. He also was a member of theAmerican Legion, the Waterville CountryClub and the Maine Independent InsuranceAgents Association, serving on its board ofdirectors, as president in 1945-46 and asState National Director in 1958-59.

Paul Mitchell joins firmIt was during the latter years of Jullien’s

tenure as president of the J.B. FrielCompany that Paul J. Mitchell joined thefirm. Mitchell said his insurance careerbegan in New York City in January 1951with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.

“I had just graduated from ColumbiaUniversity with a master’s degree and Istarted with Liberty Mutual, first as aclaims adjuster and I then transferred intothe sales department.”

Mitchell said he remained with LibertyMutual in New York for six years until thecompany transferred him to the home office

in Boston, where he remained for one moreyear before returning to Waterville.Mitchell married the former Yvette Poolerin 1949 following his graduation from theUniversity of Maine. By 1958 the couplehad two children.

When he returned to Waterville inSeptember 1958, Mitchell said he went towork for Jullien, with the understandingthat he would purchase the agency at somelater date.

“I quickly became involved in civicaffairs and was elected to the WatervilleBoard of Aldermen (now Waterville CityCouncil),” Mitchell said.

In his second term, Mitchell becamechairman of the board until he resigned tobecome the first and only executive directorof the newly-created Waterville UrbanRenewal Authority. He worked as an insur-ance agent while the urban renewal authori-ty’s organizational structure and fundingwere being finalized.

“More quickly than expected, the situa-tion changed dramatically,” Mitchellrecalled.

“With Paul Julian’s sudden death, Iarranged to purchase the agency, with thetransaction being completed in November1964. At the same time, I was deeplyinvolved in the planning of the first urbanrenewal project, the Charles Street Project— now known as the Concourse — indowntown Waterville.”

Mitchell said he prearranged a mergerwith the Wayne Hodgdon Agency — so

upon his acquisition of the J.B. FrielCompany, he immediately merged withHodgdon Agency that same day.

“We began to operate as the Friel-Hodgdon-Mitchell Agency until January1972,” Mitchell said. “Wayne and I wereequal owners. He managed the insuranceagency while I remained with the urbanrenewal authority.”

Two agencies mergeIn 1972, the Friel-Hodgdon-Mitchell

Agency merged with the Goddard Agency.G. Cecil Goddard had purchased the L.O.Tebbetts Insurance Agency in 1950 andrenamed the company the Goddard Agency.

Sam Goddard had entered his father’sagency in 1961. When the agencies mergedin January 1972, G. Cecil Goddard retiredand the three owners — Sam Goddard,Wayne Hodgdon and Paul Mitchell, eachwith one-third ownership, renamed theircompany Goddard - Hodgdon - MitchellAgency, now known as GHM InsuranceAgency. Goddard became president,Hodgdon was treasurer and Mitchellremained with the urban renewal authority.

In May 1973, a major fire in downtownWaterville destroying several buildings onMain Street. At the time, the office buildingof Goddard - Hodgdon - Mitchell Agencywas located on Common Street and sus-tained substantial water damage as a result

GHM Agency celebrates 110 years of remarkable history

The J.B. Friel Co., Inc. Insuranceoffice was located on CommonStreet in Waterville, right aroundthe corner from the GHM officetoday.

More on HISTORY, Page 3

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3| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY

of the downtown fire.“All of the records stored in our base-

ment were destroyed,” Mitchell said. “Thebuildings were joined in the basement andunfortunately our basement was complete-ly flooded. All our historical records weredestroyed as a result.”

After the fire, the agency built its pres-ent facility at 51-55 Main Street, the sitewhere the fire had occurred.

In 1978, Mitchell returned full-time tothe agency. In 1980, he acquired majorityinterest and became president and chair-man of the board.

Mitchell later acquired the remainingownership interests of his partners –Hodgdon in 1981 and Goddard in 1991.

“In 1982, my son, Bill joined theagency,” he said. “Together, we began anin-depth evaluation of where we were andwhere we wanted to go. At that time, wewere operating a real estate agency in con-junction with the insurance business.Among many strategic decisions, wedecided to terminate the real estate busi-ness and focus solely on the insurancebusiness.

“Our objectives were to become a leaderin the insurance business in central Maineand to develop an insurance agency whereeveryone who entered our business wouldfeel comfortable and welcome.”

Insurance top priority“Our approach was simple,” Paul

Mitchell said. “We set out to treat everyoneopenly and honestly. We put an emphasison providing quality insurance coverage atthe lowest rates available in the industry

while maintaining a high level of personalservice.

“We take the time to explain things topeople so that they completely understandthe insurance policies they are purchasingfrom us. We also put a major emphasis onsettling claims promptly and fairly.”

Mitchell said when the firm merged withthe Goddard Agency, it had a strong baseof operation with excellent insurance carri-er representation.

“In the early 1980s, we were writing acomfortable volume of business, but we allknew we could do better,” Mitchell said.“We became more aggressive in marketingand advertising our services.”

Mitchell said he and his son knew ifthey talked to people about insurance, edu-cated them and gave them choices, withoutany high-pressure selling, that peoplewould listen to them and ultimately pur-chase their insurance from GHM.

“As a result, we’ve a much higher levelof customer satisfaction, resulting in a sig-nificant increase of our sales volume fromthe late 1980s to the present time,”Mitchell said.

“Our staff, many of whom have beenwith us for 15-20 years or more, is great,”he said.

Mitchell said members of the staff con-tinually train to improve themselves withinsurance knowledge, automation know-how and customer service excellence.

“Our customers and prospective cus-tomers expect and deserve more,” Mitchellsaid. “We combine technical insuranceskills with strong people skills into whatwe call ‘friendly professionalism. Westrive to be prompt, professional and cour-teous, again with a special emphasis on

51 Main StWaterville, ME 04901207-873-5101207-873-5784 Fax

12 Shuman AveLee Farm MallAugusta, ME 04330207-620-8878207-620-8879 Fax

155 Center StAuburn, ME 04210207-689-9171207-689-2287 Fax

GHM represents over 20 ofthe finest carriers availablethroughout the world. Withthree locations in Waterville,Augusta and Auburn, theAgency has 25 licensedagents on staff and over 350years of combined insuranceknowledge and expertise.

Toll Free All Locations 800-244-9046866-274-0005 FaxVisit them on the




Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

GHM Insurance Agency has three locations to serve you

HistoryContinued from Page 2

More on HISTORY, Page 4

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Wednesday, February 23, 20114 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

Paul Jullien, was born in Washington, D.C. in 1891. He first attended GeorgetownUniversity and then graduated fro Wentworth Institute. He served in the U.S. Army in WorkWar I and in 1919 he married Elizabeth Friel.

Mr. Jullien began working at the J.B. Friel Co. in 1934, and upon the death of John Friel,he took over as owner and manager of the company. Having previously been a successfulinsurance agent, he was able to manage the company until his unexpected death in July1964. Mr. Jullien was very active in civic and state affairs. He was the Democratic candidatefor governor in 1944 and was defeated in that election by Republican Horace Hildreth.Jullien remained involved in Democratic Party politics for many years.

He worked on the successful mayoral campaign of Paul Dundas; the successful gubernato-rial and senatorial campaigns of Edmund Muskie and the successful gubernatorial campaignof Clinton Clauson.

He was an active member of the Elks Club, the Lions Club and was a 4th degree memberof the Knights of Columbus. He was also a member of the American Legion, the WatervilleCountry Club, and the Maine Independent Insurance Agents Association, where he served onits board of directors, as president in 1945-46 and as State National Director in 1958-59.

John B. Friel was born March 27, 1862, in North Vassalboro.In 1900, Mr. Friel founded the J.B. Friel Co., a downtown Waterville insurance

agency that has evolved over the past 100 years into the current GHM Agency, whichremains in downtown Waterville today. John B. Friel was a very prominent, well-known individual as well as a successful business leader of the local community.

He contributed a great deal to the development of Waterville in the first quarter ofthe 20th century. Friel was involved with several civic and community organizations.

Among his many accomplishments, John Friel was instrumental as one of the organ-izers in getting the Bishop of Maine to approve and support the organization and build-ing of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Waterville.

Mr. Friel operated the J.B. Friel Co. until his death in 1935, at which time his son-in-law, Paul Jullien, took over the ownership and management of the agency.

Paul Jullien 1891-1964

John B. Friel 1862-1935

settling claims for our customers.”Bill Mitchell joined the agency in the

early 1980s, following his graduation fromthe University of Maine with a bachelor’sdegree in business management.

Mitchell immediately obtained his prop-erty casualty and life insurance licensesand then his designation as a certifiedinsurance counselor. To become a certifiedinsurance counselor, one must attend andsuccessfully complete five institutes cov-eraing all major areas of the insurancefield and five rigourous examinations. Toretain that designation, a person mustattend 20 hours of continuing educationevery year.

Mitchell said the agency installed itsfirst computer system in 1984. He said theoriginal network, purchased from Agency

Management Services — the largest ven-dor of automated systems for independentinsurance agents in the nation — was pri-marily to track the agency’s accounting.Within months, he said, they quickly addedmore features, such as the ability to rateauto and homeowner insurance.

“This ability gave us much more easeand flexibility in finding the most competi-tive rates for our customers and prospec-tive customers,” the younger Mitchell said.“It allowed us to shop rates with multiplecompanies with the push of a button.”

As additional automation featuresbecame available, the agency quicklyadded them. Updates included improve-ments to client services, vehicle changes,ID cards, insurance binders and claimsprocessing, as well as real-time rating,scanning, and an extensive use of the inter-net and internal intranet.

“Each of these features has allowed usto become much more efficient in servic-ing the needs of our customers,” he said.

Bill Mitchell said a major networkupgrade was accomplished in 2010,including replacement of multiple high-speed servers and a complete softwareupgrade.

The new network integrates personaland commercial rating with the client database; provides the agency with profession-al proposal software, e-mail and Internetaccess, scanning capability and improvedcustomer service efficiency, and allowsGHM Agency to completely track claimsactivity for its customers.

“We presently have 30 workstations onour network, three monitors and a printer-scanner at each workstation and sharedcolor printers throughout the offices,” hesaid.

GHM branches outIn 1988, the Mitchells decided to ven-

ture out and open a branch office fromscratch in Portland. Initially, the agencywas located in a 10-foot-by-10-foot room

in a South Portland real estate agencybuilding. Within four years, the agencypurchased its own office building onBrighton Avenue in Portland. In 2003,GHM opened a branch office in Augustaand another in Auburn in 2007.

“One of the most exciting moments inour history was in 1989, when “RoughNotes” magazine chose us to be the‘Marketing Agency of the Month,’ ” PaulMitchell said. “Rough Notes” is a nationaltrade journal sent to independent agentsacross the country.

“We were chosen out of 40,000 inde-pendent agencies nationwide, and I believewe are one of three or four agencies inMaine to ever receive this recognition. Weare proud to be part of this select group ofagencies throughout the country,” he said.

Bill Mitchell said the agency today has25 licensed agents on staff, represents

HistoryContinued from Page 4

More on HISTORY, Page 8

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Cecil Goddard was born in Hermon and graduated fromBrooks High School. In 1929, he graduated from ColbyCollege. He completed law studies at Harvard law School in1929-30. The following year he was appointed the first full-time alumni secretary of Colby College. He held this postuntil he entered the insurance business in 1950, when he andhis wife Pat decided to purchase the L.O. Tibbetts InsuranceAgency.

The agency was first known, in the 1950s, as G. CecilGoddard, Inc. His future daughter-in-law, Jan (Bard)Goddard, joined the agency and began an active, and continu-ing, role in the business in 1959. In 1961, Goddard’s sonSamuel N. Goddard, joined the agency after service in theU.S. Medical Corps, graduation from the University ofMaine, and Employers Insurance School of Boston. With hisarrival, the agency changed its name to the Goddard Agency.

During his years at his agency, G. Cecil Goddard servedthe profession as president of the Independent InsuranceAgents Association of Maine and was state national directorof the Independent Insurance Agents of America, Inc. Heretired from the insurance business in 1972 and the companymerged with the Friel-Hodgdon-Mitchell Agency.

Goddard served in several Waterville city government posi-

tions. When he retired in 1972, he received the DistinguishedCommunity Service Award from the Waterville AreaChamber of Commerce. Goddard was intensely engaged indeveloping the health care system in Maine. He was presidentand chair of the board at Waterville Osteopathic Hospital(now Inland Hospital), president of the Waterville Council ofHospitals and vice chair of the Maine Health FinanceManagement Commission and a trustee of the Maine HealthSystems Agency.

Goddard was a trustee of the Maine Hospital Associationand received its Distinguished Service Award in 1979. Aspresident of the Pine Tree Council of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, he received its Silver Beaver Award for service toboyhood.

He was associated with Rotary International since 1942 asa member of the Waterville Rotary Club. He was also a 32ndDegree Mason.

As a firm supporter of his church, Goddard was a trusteemoderator and life deacon of the First Baptist Church ofWaterville, treasurer of the Christian Civic League of Maineand a member of the board of the American Baptist Churchesof Maine.

G. Cecil Goddard passed away January 14, 1996.

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C. Cecil Goddard 1910-1996

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Mitchell, born Jan. 20, 1926 inWestfield, Mass., the son of Mr. andMrs. George J. Mitchell. The familymoved to Waterville when Paul wasabout 4-years-old.

He received his early childhoodeducation in Waterville schools andgraduated from Waterville HighSchool in 1944. He participated infootball, basketball and baseball. In1944, he was a member of the leg-endary WHS basketball team,which won the New EnglandSchoolboy championship. His ath-letic career continued at BatesCollege, in Lewiston, where heplayed basketball and baseball, andthe University of Maine, where healso played baseball.

He enlisted in the U.S. Navy andattended Bates College and theUniversity of Iowa as a cadet in theNavy’s V-12 Flight TrainingProgram during World War II.

After a two-year tour he left the

service, completed his college edu-cation at UMO and earned hisbachelor of science degree in 1949.Mitchell enrolled in graduate schoolat Columbia University in NewYork City, where General DwightD. Eisenhower, the president of theUniversity, conferred the degree ofmaster of arts on him in 1950.

Mitchell began working forLiberty Mutual Life Insurance New York city, and remainedwith the company there until beingtransferred to the home office inBoston in 1957. Two years later,Mitchell and his family returned toWaterville, where he joined theinsurance firm of J.B. Friel Co.,working for Paul Jullien. UponJullien’s death in 1964, Mitchellpurchased the agency and thenmerged it with the HodgdonAgency.

Mitchell is a former DemocraticAlderman, serving as Chairman theBoard of Aldermen until 1962,when he resigned to become execu-tive director of the Waterville UrbanRenewal Authority.

Mitchell has a long history ofactive participation in city affairs,civic activities and professionalassociations.

He is past-president of theNorthern Kennebec ValleyIndependent Insurance AgentsAssociation of Maine for 12 years,including chairmanship of a govern-mental affairs subcommittee andpresident of the Association in

2002. During his tenure with the

renewal authority, Mitchell was amember of the National Associationof Housing and RedevelopmentOfficials and was a member of twonational committees.

He has served the city as chair-man and member of its planningboard, board member for theWaterville Sewer District andKennebec Sanitary TreatmentDistrict, among many other boardsand committees.

Mitchell said that one of his“proudest” moments was when heserved as chairman of theWaterville Housing Authority.

“I only served briefly — longenough to get it started and developits initial proposal we submitted toHUD. I was director of the renewalauthority, so it made sense for meto deal with them on housing aswell as urban renewal business.

“I believe the HUD program hasbeen very successful for the city. Ithas generated Elm Towers andother decent, safe, sanitary housingfor seniors and families.”

Mitchell is a member of theAmerican Legion, Knights ofColumbus Fourth Degree andRotary International. He has servedon the University of Maine Boardof Trustees since 2005 includingvarious sub-committees.

He is also a staunch family man,married to the former Yvette Poolersince 1949. The couple have four

children: Paul Jr., of Marblehead,Mass. married with 5 children;Linda, of Tulsa, Okla., married withone child; Jeffrey, of Winslow, mar-ried with 2 children; and William,of Waterville, married with onechild.

Mitchell remains an avid sportsfan and reader, especially about theCivil War. He plays tennis and golfand loves to travel.

“I’ve visited many part of theworld — Europe, South America,Saudi Arabia — I love to meet dif-ferent people and observe differentcultures.

“But I’ve come to one conclu-sion. There is just no place like theUnited States of America.Absolutely not; nothing even comesclose. I am so happy to have beenborn in the U.S.A.”

Wednesday, February 23, 20116 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

Paul J. Mitchell

Paul Mitchell, center back, with the Urban Renewal Authority in 1962.

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Bill Mitchell was born in 1961 inWaterville, Maine, son of Paul & YvetteMitchell. He graduated from Waterville HighSchool in 1980, and in 1984 he graduatedfrom University of Maine in Augusta with aBachelor’s Degree in BusinessAdministration. While attending college hebegan working for his father at GHMInsurance Agency. His first responsibilitieswere to empty the trash, vacuum the office

and clean the bathrooms. Eventually he grad-uated to answering the phones and doing thedaily deposits. In 1984, he passed the proper-ty casualty insurance exam, in 1985 passedthe life and health exam, and in 1987became a certified insurance counselor.

Mitchell worked closely with his dad tolearn about the insurance business, and hespent countless hours with his other mentor,Dick Caron, who helped teach him muchabout insurance. Under his leadership, GHMAgency has received numerous awardsincluding Marketing Agency of the month by“Rough Notes” magazine, BusinessAchievement Award from the Mid-MaineChamber of Commerce, the Governor’sAward for Business Excellence, the ShepLee Award for distinguished communityservice from the Institute for FamilyBusiness and was recently named a BestPractices Agency by the IndependentInsurance Agents of America. He recentlybecame an honored member of the JeremiahMilbank Society of the Boys & Girls Club ofAmerica, received the Millennium Awardfrom the Mitchell Scholarship Institute andthe William R. Cotter award from theWaterville Regional Arts Community Center.

In 2003, Mitchell opened a GHM branchin Augusta and another in Auburn in 2007.Over the years, he has served on numerousboards and councils including Big BrothersBig Sisters, Inland Hospital board oftrustees and past president of the Boys &Girls Club, and currently serves on theGeorge J. Mitchell Scholarship Instituteboard, is the incoming chair of the AlfondYouth Center Heritage Circle, a co-chair ofthe Waterville Opera House capital cam-paign, a trustee of Kennebec Savings Bank,and incoming chair of the HanoverInsurance Company National AgentsAdvisory Council. Over the years, Mitchell,his father and the staff of GHM Agencyhave supported many local organizationsthroughout the State of Maine.

Ken Walsh of the Alfond Youth Centersays that, “Bill Mitchell has been a goodfriend of the Greater Waterville Area hisentire lifetime. Not only has he developedan outstanding successful business in thecommunity, Bill gives back a good portionof his earnings to many of the non-profitorganizations throughout central Maine. TheAlfond Youth Center is one of them.Additionally, Bill’s volunteer efforts date

back to the late 1980’s working with a vari-ety of non-profit organizations over theyears. Bill has now been nominated to bethe President of the Alfond Youth CenterHeritage Circle. Bill Mitchell’s legacy iswell established in the community and espe-cially at the Boys & Girls Club and YMCAat the Alfond Youth Center. Congratulationsand thank you Bill!”

Mitchell’s ambition doesn’t stop withowning an insurance agency. In 2000, heand his father purchased what is knowntoday as KMD Plaza. Although the propertywas in disrepair at the time, he saw potentialin the property and after giving it a little“TLC” he secured three national tenants andshortly after broke ground on a third build-ing with six units. Today KMD Plaza isfully occupied with nine outstanding busi-nesses employing more than 45 people.

Mitchell attributes much of his success tothe hard work and commitment of all 29GHM employees, a strong work ethicinstilled in him by his parents, and theencouragement of his wife of 28 years,Vicki, and his adult daughter Beth, whohave been incredibly supportive of him in allhis business endeavors.

William E. Mitchell


Paul & Bill and the GHM Team

from all of us at

We are very proud to be associated with such a great company as

GHM Insurance Agency Happy 110th Anniversary

Mike Fortin Reggie Fortin

Page 8: GHM Anniversary

more than 20 insurance carriersand provides insurance to morethan 6,000 central Maine resi-dents and businesses.

“We provide 24-hour claimservice 365 days a year and, as aresult, we assisted our customersin settling an estimated $6 mil-lion in claims in 2010,” he said.

Mitchell said GHM agencyoffers on-line insurance quoterequests at www.ghmagency.comand currently is in the process ofredesigning its web site. He saidthe new site will be more user-friendly and will offer real-timequotes for automobile insurance,as well as quote requests for sev-eral other types of insurance.

It also will allow customers torequest ID cards, certificates ofinsurance and, most importantly,to report claims to the GHMAgency, he said.

“It is critical that we make itas easy as possible for our cus-tomers to do business with us,and our website helps us accom-plish this,” he said. “We willalways put a top priority onspeaking with our customersover the telephone and meetingwith them face-to-face, but wewant them to have the option ofcontacting us 24-hours-a-day bywhatever means are available.”

Paul Mitchell talked of thecompany’s history.

“We owe much, however, toour predecessors, beginning withJohn B. Friel, who was verymuch involved in the communi-ty, his family and his church,” hesaid.

Paul Jullien also was involvedin statewide and communityactivities. He served as statepresident of the MaineIndependent Insurance AgentsAssociation in 1945-46.

G. Cecil Goddard, a Rotarian,was actively involved in commu-nity organizations and hospitaland church activities as well.Goddard served the MaineIndependent Insurance AgentsAssociation as its president andstate national director during the1960s.

Wayne Hodgdon served theMaine Independent InsuranceAgents Association as a memberof its board of directors and as

president in 1978-79.He said his son, Bill, has

served as a member of the Cityof Waterville Zoning Board, aboard member of Big BrothersBig Sisters and past president ofWaterville Area Boys & GirlsClub.

The younger Mitchell also hasserved as a board member andofficer of the Harold & BibbyAlfond Youth RecreationalCenter, where he spent morethan two years as a volunteeroverseeing the collaboration,design and construction of theAlfond Youth Center, as well asassisting with securing fundingfor the Waterville’s new munici-pal swimming pool.

He also served as a trustee forInland Hospital and currentlyserves on the George J. MitchellScholarship Institute Board. Heis the incoming chairman of theAlfond Youth Center HeritageCircle, a co-chairman of theWaterville Opera House capitalcampaign, a trustee of KennebecSavings Bank, and incomingchairman of the HanoverInsurance Company NationalAgents Advisory Council.

“At GHM Agency, we prideourselves on many things,including our community andindustry involvement,” PaulMitchell said. “It’s very impor-tant for us to give back to thosewho have given so much to us.The GHM story would not becomplete without an acknowl-edgement of thanks to our manyfine insurance carriers. Our carri-ers are our partners and we arefortunate to represent some ofthe finest carriers available inMaine. We greatly appreciate allof the support and commitmentthey’ve given us throughout our110-year history.”

Paul Mitchell extended “avery special thank you” to RogerWoodman, formerly the presi-dent of Campbell, Payson &Noyes, representing theCommercial Union InsuranceCompany.

“Roger was instrumental inassisting me with the transitionand successful management ofour agency at a critical time inour history,” Paul Mitchell said.“Roger passed away severalyears ago, but his assistance tome, my family and to GHMAgency will never be forgotten.”

Bill Mitchell said that over thelast 10 years, the company has

changed in many ways.“In the 1990s there were many

employees who had been in thebusiness for 25 to 30 years andwere very accustomed to doingthings a certain way,” he said.

“As those individuals retiredfrom the company, the companybegan to hire new employeeswho brought fresh ideas and ahigh level of energy to the com-pany.”

In 2000, he said, the companybegan to re-engineer itselfthrough training and education

Wednesday, February 23, 20118 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

More on HISTORY, Page 9

HistoryContinued from Page 4

GHM Agency receives the Governors Award for Business Excellence in 2009. Bill and Paul Mitchell center,receive the award from John Richardson, then Commissioner of the Department of Economic andCommunity Development and then Governor John Baldacci.

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and a disciplined approach toimproving its skills across theboard.

“We pride ourselves on beinghonest, hard-working and ethi-cal,” he said. “We believe excep-tional customer service can beachieved at all levels by doingsimple things like being friendlyand appreciative to our cus-tomers, being respectful andhelpful to each other and com-municating laterally as well asvertically within our company.”

Bill Mitchell said GHMAgency also has an extensivetraining program that encouragesall new, non-licensed hires towork towards obtaining theirinsurance agent’s license. Hesaid 25 of the agency’s 29employees are licensed agents.

Ten of the employees haveadvanced insurance degrees,with one more working towardan advanced degree. All licensed

agents are required to attend 30hours of continuing educationcourses every two years, whichthe company funds 100 percent.

Agents with advanced degreesmust do additional continuingeducation, he said. Additionally,GHM Agency holds regular, in-house training sessions on topicsranging from delivering excep-tional service and sales training,to technical and practical train-ing for day-to-day situations thestaff encounters.

“All employees are given theopportunity to advance, and sev-eral of our current staff haveadvanced at least once,” BillMitchell said. “We have a varietyof recognition programs that notonly include management recog-nition of good performance, butpeer-to-peer and department-to-department recognition as well.”

Because of all the training andeducation, Mitchell said employ-ees are naturally better qualifiedto make front-line decisions,which he said they are encour-aged to do.

The company offers a widerange of employee benefits,

including paying more than 90percent of the cost of employeehealth insurance, long-term dis-ability and life insurance. GHMalso contributes annually to aSimple IRA program, offers acompany-wide incentive planand provides a wide range ofvoluntary benefits including den-tal, vision, cancer and many oth-ers. The company also provides agenerous vacation schedule, paidholidays and sick-time benefitsfor its employees.

In 2008, the company initiateda plan to become more “green”and environmentally friendly.Green initiatives were imple-mented, such as installing dualcomputer monitors to signifi-cantly reduce the amount ofpaper employees need to print,replacing incandescent lightbulbs with energy-efficient fluo-rescent bulbs, replacing old lightfixtures with highly-efficientones with the assistance ofEfficiency Maine, installingtimers and sensors to assurelights would not be left onunnecessarily, and creating arecycling program to redirect

significant amounts of papertrash from the landfill to thelocal recycling facility.

Paul Mitchell praised his son’swork. “Under Bill’s guidance,we have been very fortunate toreceive several awards in the lastfew years,” he said. Thoseawards have included a BusinessAchievement Award from theMid-Maine Chamber ofCommerce, the Governor’sAward for Business Excellenceand the Shep Lee Award forDistinguished CommunityService from the Institute forFamily Business, and recentrecognition as a Best PracticesAgency awarded by theIndependent Insurance Agents ofAmerica. Bill Mitchell alsorecently became an honoredmember of the Jeremiah MilbankSociety of the Boys & GirlsClub of America, received theMillennium Award from theMitchell Scholarship Instituteand also received the William R.Cotter award from WatervilleRegional Arts CommunityCenter. “Needless to say, I’mquite proud of my son,” he said.

Bill Mitchell said GHMInsurance Agency prides itselfon running a friendly, profes-sional and responsive company,while engaging and supportingthe needs of its employees, cus-tomers, vendors and the commu-nities it serves.

“As we look to the future, weare very optimistic,” he said.“We have an outstanding staff,one of the best groups of peopleI’ve ever worked with.”

He said the company intendsto continue emphasizing thebasic fundamentals of prompt,courteous service, while offeringcustomers the lowest insurancerates available in the industry.

“As a team, we are alwayslooking for ways to improve our-selves,” Mitchell said. “We willcontinue to put emphasis on edu-cation, common courtesy, old-fashioned customer service andwe will always work hard to dowhat we feel is best for our cus-tomers, our employees, and thecommunities we serve. After all,it is because of all of them wehave been successful for the last110 years – Thank you.”

HistoryContinued from Page 8

Page 10: GHM Anniversary

10 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vice president Donna Boutin joined GHMAgency in 1986 and has been a licensed propertycasualty agent since 1983. Responsible for servicingthe insurance needs of several of the company’slargest business clients, Boutin also assists with theday-to-day operations for the agency including com-mercial lines, personal lines, claims and many otherfunctions. Boutin is a native of Waterville and agraduate of the University of Maine at Orono, whereshe received a bachelor of science degree. She andher husband, Bill, live in Sidney and enjoy outsideactivities.

Lee Cabana is a Waterville native and graduate ofthe University of Maine at Farmington. After a suc-cessful career in the nonprofit world, he started hisinsurance career in Pennsylvania. A certified insur-ance counselor, Cabana joined the GHM staff in1997, bringing an expertise in employee benefits,annuities and life insurance. He lives in Winslow,with his wife, Nancie.

Gail Conway started in the insurance industry in1989, working in commercial insurance and in 1998earned her property casualty agent’s license. Aftertaking a year off from the insurance world, Conwaydecided to rejoin the insurance business with GHMAgency in 2002 as a receptionist, along with per-forming administrative functions, working on licens-ing producers with carriers, special programs andnumerous other duties.

Megan Cross joined GHM Agency in June of2003 after graduating from the University of Maineat Farmington with a bachelor of arts degree in psy-chology. A resident of Oakland, Cross earned herproperty and casualty license in June of 2004 and sheprimarily works in the processing department.

A licensed insurance agent since 1995, PattyDaveluy joined GHM Agency in 2001 after movingfrom Connecticut to Maine. She brought skills insales, service and small commercial insurance salesto the agency. Her primary responsibility is develop-ing new sales. Daveluy lives in Oakland with herhusband and their three sons.

After graduating from Husson University, P.J.Dowe began working at GHM Agency in June of2010. He obtained his property and casualty licensein July of 2010 and earned his designation as anaccredited advisor of insurance in January of 2011.He currently resides in Augusta.

Laurie Ferris joined the staff at GHM Agency inApril of 2003. She came to GHM as a licensed agentfor property casualty, life and health insurances. Herprimary responsibilities are in the processing depart-ment. Ferris and her husband live in Skowhegan.

Jen Graf joined GHM Agency in July of 2004 asthe receptionist and has moved into a customer serv-ice position. She came to GHM with three year’sexperience in the insurance industry and obtained herproperty casualty agent’s license in June of 2005.Graf has since become a certified insurance servicerepresentative and provides customer service to per-sonal lines clients. A graduate of Kennebec ValleyCommunity College, Graf lives in Skowhegan withher husband Rob, son, Robert Jr. and daughter,Kristen.

GHM Agency enjoys long list of loyal employeesGHM employees are at the heart of the GHM Agency









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11| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY

Diane Guerette, who came to GHM Agencywith an insurance background in March of 1998,was able to give immediate assistance to GHMclients during that year’s ice storm. Shortly afterjoining GHM Agency, she obtained her propertycasualty agent’s license and has since become anaccredited customer service representative and cer-tified insurance service representative. Guerette isresponsible for handling all personal lines claimsfor the agency’s clients, as well as the majority ofclaims for its business clients. Guerette and herchildren live in Shawmut.

In 2005, Ray Howe joined the GHM Agencysupport staff as property inspector. His additionalresponsibilities include opening and distributingincoming mail and performing the duties necessaryin the general maintenance of all of the agency’soffices

Silas T. Lawry joined the GHM team in 2008after working in the insurance industry for morethan 30 years. He has been a resident in theWaterville area for most of his life, graduatingfrom Lawrence High School in 1970 and fromColgate University in 1974. He joined his father’sFairfield insurance agency in 1975 and becamelicensed the next year. Lawry earned his designa-tion as a certified insurance counselor in 1980 anddesignation as a certified risk manager in 2003.Lawry is primarily involved in commercial insur-ance sales and service at GHM, but also works withclients on their personal insurance needs. Lawrylives in Fairfield with his fiancée, Kate O’Halloran.

Stephanie Leonard joined GHM Agency inSeptember of 2006 and soon obtained her propertyand casualty agent’s license. She currently works inthe personal lines department as a customer servicerepresentative and handles the remarketing of per-sonal lines accounts in house. Leonard, who livesin Vassalboro with her family, recently obtained heraccredited customer service representative designa-tion.

Melissa Mitchell joined GHM Agency in July of2005 and soon obtained her property and casualtyagent’s license. She currently works in the com-mercial lines department as a customer service rep-resentative. Mitchell came to GHM with an insur-ance background, working on-site for a large cor-poration in Connecticut, where she handled work-ers’ compensation claims.

Janice Muzerolle brought her strong accountingbackground to GHM Agency in 1988 and handlesall of the accounting for the agency. She earned abachelor of science degree in accounting from theUniversity of Maine. Muzerolle and her husband,Dick, live in Waterville and have two grown sons.

Mindy Noonan began her insurance career withGHM Agency in 2002. In 2003 she passed herproperty casualty agent’s license exam and, in2004, she passed her life and health exam. In 2010,she became a certified insurance counselor. Noonanenjoys watching baseball.

Gaye Perry joined GHM Agency in Septemberof 2003 as a customer service representative afterworking in the medical field for many years. She isa graduate of Thomas College and successfullypassed her property and casualty license exam.Perry, who lives in Skowhegan with her husband,Les, obtained her certified insurance service repre-sentative certification in March of 2009.

Bill Rafuse joined the team at GHM Agency inFebruary 2010. He obtained his property and casu-alty agent’s license in June 2010 and earned hisaccredited advisor in insurance designation inJanuary 2011. His primary responsibility withinthe agency is developing new sales in both com-mercial and personal lines of insurance. Rafuse, aWaterville native and a 2001 graduate of theUniversity of Maine at Farmington, lives inVassalboro with his wife, Emily.

After working in the retail field for many years,Karen Redman started her insurance career withGHM Agency in 2006. She was originally in thepersonal lines department, but has recently movedto commercial lines as a customer service represen-tative. A graduate of the University of NewEngland, Redman lives in Waterville with herdaughter, Kayla, and son, Matthew.











Page 12: GHM Anniversary

In 2000, Laura Rowe joined GHM Agency andobtained her property casualty agent’s license thatsame year. In 2009 she earned the designation ofaccredited advisor of insurance. Rowe currentlyworks in the commercial lines department, servicingmedium to large accounts. A Winslow native, Roweattended the University of Maine and received abachelor of science from Thomas College in 1993.An outdoor enthusiast, Rowe enjoys all seasons andlives in Benton with her husband, Jason.

James Sanborn began his insurance career withGHM Agency in 1993 while attending ThomasCollege. In 1995, he passed his property casualtyagent’s license exam and graduated from college in1997 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. In1997, he obtained his life insurance license and in2004 he became a certified insurance counselor.Sanborn, who completed his certified risk managerdesignation in 2007, is well-versed in personal insur-ance, business insurance and life insurance. His pri-mary responsibility is developing new sales; howev-er, he also is involved in routine servicing and claimsfor the agency’s clients. Sanborn plays an importantrole in maintaining the computer network for 30users and three locations. He lives in Hebron, withhis wife, Ellen, daughters, Elisabeth and Emily, andson, Donovan.

Brandy Tozier joined the GHM Agency in Marchof 2010 as an assistant account representative whosemain responsibility was at the payment desk. Agraduate of Thomas College, Tozier previouslyworked in the mental health field. Currently, she isworking toward obtaining her property and casualtylicense. Tozier’s activities include softball and discgolf and she also enjoys spending time with her fam-ily, especially her nephew, Memphis-Ryan. Toziercurrently resides in Waterville with her fiancé, Dave.

Debbie Tracy joined the GHM team in 2000 tofill a new position created to streamline back officeprocessing. She had previously developed a stronginsurance background while working for a southernKennebec County insurance carrier for several years.Tracy, who lives in Mercer, obtained her propertycasualty agents license in November 2000 after com-pleting an extensive self-study program and attend-ing a three-day license preparation class.

Wednesday, February 23, 201112 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY






Cathy Taylor joined GHM inNovember of 2009. She had workedfor many years in the medical field,had owned her own retail gift shopand worked in financial services.She obtained her property and casu-alty producer’s license in August of2010 and currently is studying forher life and health license exam.Taylor serves as assistant to thecommercial lines department, worksin processing and shares receptionistduties. She lives in Waterville withher husband, Bill. 12 Sanger Avenue, Waterville 872-5526

Congratulations GHM Agency On Your 110th Anniversary

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Page 13: GHM Anniversary

13| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY





Wendy VanAntwerp came to GHM after graduat-ing from Thomas College in Waterville in 1993 witha bachelor of science degree in accounting.VanAntwerp joined GHM Agency and obtained herproperty casualty agent’s license in 1995. She hassince become a certified insurance service represen-tative. VanAntwerp provides customer service toboth personal and business clients. With her input,the company has established guidelines and hasbecome more efficient in servicing the needs of itsclients. VanAntwerp, a graduate of Washburn DistrictHigh School, lives in Winslow with her husband,Jim, and their son, Zachary.

Ray Watson has been employed at GHM Agencysince 2001. Prior to joining the agency, he was com-mercial department manager at a large insuranceagency in Augusta for 15 years. Watson is a certifiedinsurance counselor with more than 30 years ofexperience in the industry. Watson began his insur-ance career in San Francisco, California soon afterdischarge from the U. S. Air Force in 1970. Watsonattended the advanced insurance school offered byHartford Insurance Company in San Francisco andcontinues to attend annual insurance seminars tokeep abreast of the changing conditions. Watson haslived in Oakland since 1982 with his wife of 40years, Clara.

A licensed insurance agent since 1996, MarthaWentworth brings strong skills in both sales andservice of personal and business insurance to theGHM team. She obtained her life insurance licensein 2002 and currently holds the certified insurancecounselor designation. Wentworth joined GHM inJanuary 2000 and works very closely with a widerange of agency clients. She lives in South Chinawith her husband, James and their son, Justin.

Melissa Wildes joined GHM Agency in April of2010 to work as a customer services representativein the commercial lines department. Wildes bringswith her a background handling workers’ compensa-tion claims for several years for a local company.She attended Fairfield University in Connecticut andreceived a bachelor of science degree in 1989.Wildes, who lives in Winslow with her family, cur-rently is working to obtain her property and casualtyagent’s license.

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Page 14: GHM Anniversary

BY DAN CASSIDYCorrespondent

Bill Mitchell, chief executiveofficer of GHM Insurance Agency,has been selected to receive the2010 Business Person of the Yearaward from the Mid-MaineChamber of Commerce. The cham-ber presents the annual award tohonor members of the businesscommunity.

The 48th Annual Awards Dinneris scheduled for Wednesday, March16 at the Waterville Elks Banquetand Conference Center onIndustrial Drive. Cocktail hourbegins at 5:30 p.m., dinner is at6:30 p.m.

Mitchell, the son of Paul andYvette Mitchell, graduated fromWaterville High School in 1980 andobtained a bachelor’s degree inbusiness administration from theUniversity of Maine at Augusta in1984. Mitchell began his careerwhile attending college, workingfor his father at GHM InsuranceAgency. By 1987 he became a cer-tified insurance counselor.

Working closely with his father,the younger Mitchell said helearned a lot about the insurancebusiness. He spent countless hourswith his other mentor, Dick Caron.Under Bill Mitchell's leadership,

GHM Agency has received numer-ous awards, including MarketingAgency of the Month from “RoughNotes” magazine and the BusinessAchievement Award from the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce.Other recognition includes theGovernor’s Award for BusinessExcellence and the Shep Lee Awardfor distinguished community serv-ice from the Institute for FamilyBusiness. GHM also was named aBest Practices Agency by theIndependent Insurance Agents ofAmerica.

Bill Mitchell recently became anhonored member of the JeremiahMilbank Society of the Boys &Girls Club of America, received theMillennium Award from theMitchell Scholarship Institute andwas presented the William R. Cotteraward by the Waterville RegionalArts Community Center.

In 2003, Bill Mitchell opened aGHM branch office in Augusta andanother in Auburn in 2007. Over

the years, he has served on numer-ous boards and councils, includingBig Brothers Big Sisters. He also ispast president of the WatervilleArea Boys & Girls Club, a memberof the Inland Hospital board oftrustees and currently serves on theGeorge J. Mitchell ScholarshipInstitute Board. Mitchell is incom-ing chairman of the

Alfond Youth Center HeritageCircle, co-chairman of theWaterville Opera House capitalcampaign, a trustee of KennebecSavings Bank and incoming chair-

man of the Hanover InsuranceCompany National AgentsAdvisory Council. Over the years,Mitchell has supported many localorganizations throughout Maine.

In 2000, Mitchell and his fatherpurchased what is known today asKMD Plaza, a strip mall inWaterville. Bill Mitchell developedthe property, which now has threebuildings and is fully occupied withnine outstanding businessesemploying more than 45 people.

“Bill Mitchell has been selectedas the Mid-Maine Chamber’s 2010

Business Person of the Yearbecause of his ability to continuallygrow GHM Insurance Agency,” saidKimberly N. Lindlof, president andchief executive officer of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce.“By adding new locations and staffthroughout central Maine, Billserves as a business leader in thecommunity, all the while givingback to the greater Waterville areathat he loves. Bill models thebehavior that he advocates with hisstaff by volunteering in leadershiproles to strengthen our region.”

Mitchell attributes much of hissuccess to the hard work and com-mitment of all 29 employees atGHM, a strong work ethic instilledin him by his parents, and theencouragement of his wife of 28years and their adult daughter, Beth,who he says have been very sup-portive of his business endeavors.

Wednesday, February 23, 201114 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

Bill Mitchell named business person of theyear by Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce

“By adding new locations and staff throughout central Maine, Bill serves as a business leader in the community, all the while giving back to the greaterWaterville area that he loves. Bill models the behavior that he advocates with hisstaff by volunteering in leadership roles to strengthen our region.”



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Page 15: GHM Anniversary

15| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY

BY DAN CASSIDYCorrespondent

GHM Agency is an independent agencyrepresenting over 20 carriers of varied sizesand specialties.

“Our insurance carriers are very importantto our agency and we greatly value the rela-tionships we have with each of them,” saidBill Mitchell, chief executive officer of GHMAgency. “We strive to work very closely withour carriers to provide a broad range of prod-ucts and stable markets for our clients at thelowest rates available in the industry.”

This diversity allows GHM Agency tosecure coverage for virtually any type of risk,whether it is for auto insurance or the mostcomplex of businesses.

Carriers for GHM hold some of the bestrecords in the industry.

The Hanover insurance Group hasoffices at 27 Pearl Street in Portland and pro-vides valuable insurance protection for indi-viduals, families and businesses. Throughnatural disasters and economic turmoil, TheHanover has continued to deliver on its prom-ises to independent agents, such as GHM,and their customers in Maine, earning its rep-utation for strength and dependability.

MMG Insurance Company is a regionalproperty and casualty insurance company that

carries an A.M. Best A- (Stable) rating. TheCompany was started in 1897 and does busi-ness in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont andPennsylvania and recently received its licens-es to do business in Virginia and New York.MMG had gained a prominent position in thePersonal and Commercial Lines marketplaceby offering a wide array of insurance prod-ucts. The Company currently writes $125million in premiums exclusively throughmore than 2,500 licensed independent agentsin more than 380 agency locations.

MEMIC is Maine’s largest workers’ com-pensation insurer, covering nearly 19,000Maine employers. Through its focus onworkplace safety, injuries as well as workers’comp insurance costs are down by about 40percent since MEMIC’s inception. MEMIC,with offices in Portland, Maine, has returneddividends to policyholders in Maine totalingmore than $121 million since 1998.

Acadia Insurance Company is a regionalproperty casualty insurance company thatoffers commercial and specialty coveragethrough independent agents. Acadia is com-mitted to providing the highest caliber ofunderwriting, claim and loss control supportat the local level, with offices located inConnecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, NewHampshire, New York and Vermont.

Union Mutual of Vermont companieshave been providing quality insurance prod-ucts for more than 130 years. Union Mutualoperates through its extensive network ofindependent agents, which includes the GHMInsurance Agency.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield inMaine has been bringing innovative healthbenefit plans to Maine businesses for over70 years. Anthem is the only health insur-ance company with a large Maine-basedworkforce, employing over 1,000 Mainepeople in providing health coverage to near-ly half of Maine’s population, serving everyzip code in the state. Anthem supports com-munities throughout Maine through charita-ble contributions, foundation grants and arobust, local associate giving campaign, andis a leading advocate for worksite and com-munity wellness programs that encourageadults and children to make healthy lifestylechanges.

Peerless Insurance™ is proud to haveGHM Agency represent our companybecause they share the same core belief wedo: to help people live safer, more securelives. Congratulations on this remarkablemilestone, we wish you 110 more!

Travelers is committed to bringing itscustomers innovative insurance solutions.

It’s a commitment built on their 140-yearheritage of industry-leading firsts — fromissuing the first auto and flight insurance, topioneering identity theft protection and dis-counts on hybrid vehicles. Today, their per-sonal insurance offerings include homeown-ers, condominium, renters, automobile,flood, boat, yacht, personal liability (umbrel-la), valuable items, identity theft and wed-ding. Travelers full line of companion cover-ages offers the convenience of dealing withjust one company, and the benefits of specialmulti-policy pricing.

Patriot Insurance Company is head-quartered in Yarmouth, Maine and has beenin business since 1966. We protect homes,automobiles and businesses throughoutNorthern New England from property dam-age and liability claims. Our 60 employeesservice over 45,000 policyholders. LincolnJ. Merrill, Jr., CPCU is President & CEO.

GHM Agency is more than a place to getan insurance policy. The dedicated and pro-fessional agents and staff are part of thelocal community and they truly understandthe risks people face and how best to protectbusinesses, employees, homes, and families.It is a testament to this dedication that GHMAgency has been doing business for 110years.

Insurance carriers are key to GHM Agency



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Happy 110 th Anniversary from your friends at

Page 16: GHM Anniversary

Some of the many organizations GHM has supported over the years:BY DAN CASSIDY


There is a lot to be said aboutgiving back to the community, andat GHM Agency there are manyemployees who do just that.

From spending time volunteeringfor service organizations to doingmissionary work in Africa, many ofthe agency’s staff help out in manyways.

Take Debbie Tracy, for instance,who has worked at GHM for 11years and is currently the process-ing supervisor.

Tracy volunteers her time as thechurch secretary for RiversideWorship Center, located betweenSkowhegan and Norridgewock.She teaches school classes onWednesday nights and has beendoing so since 2002. She lovesworking with kids and takes themon field trips. In 2007, she took athree-month leave of absence andwent to Cameroon, Africa to domissionary work. She worked for aBible school, printing out booksand teaching materials, and didstreet evangelizing.

Donna Boutin, who has beenemployed by GHM for 25 years, isvice president of operations.Boutin lives in Sidney with herfamily and has been very muchinvolved with local sports, includ-ing Sidney softball and basketball.She also was the Girl Scout leaderfor nearly 10 years. As members ofthe Messalonskee Boosters Club,

she and her crew worked in thefood shack doing whatever wasnecessary. Boutin also was part ofthe allocations committee for the

United Way in Waterville andwas a board member of theWaterville Hospice Volunteers ofGreater Waterville area.

Currently, Boutin is on the boardat the Waterville Country Club.During the holidays, she helped outat GHM Agency with a food driveduring December and January toraise money for area food banks.The agency also has dress-downdays, during which employees pay$2 a week to wear jeans, and GHMmatches the money, according toBoutin. She said every quarter,they send the proceeds to severalcharity organizations; if there is adisaster somewhere in the world, itis sent to the Red Cross.

For eight years, Mindy Noonanhas worked at GHM as a salesexecutive in personal insurance.From Norridgewock, Noonanserves on the business breakfastcommittee for the Chamber ofCommerce. Once a year, she helpsplan breakfasts for the year for themembers to hear about issuesinvolving customer service. Duringthe year, Noonan does the Walk forHope for breast cancer in Augusta,and for the past four years hashelped MaineGeneral MedicalCenter get donations from fellow

Wednesday, February 23, 201116 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

GHM Agency employees give back to communities

More on GIVE, Page 17

Alzheimer’s AssociationAmerican Liver FoundationAmerican Lung AssociationAugusta Food BankAugusta Rotary & KiwanisBelgrade Regional Conservation AllianceBig Brothers Big SistersCentral Maine Growth CouncilCentral Maine Youth HockeyChambers of CommerceChina DaysChina Youth LeagueCity of Auburn National Anthem ProjectDana-Farber Cancer InstituteDARE AmericaGood Will-Hinckley SchoolHospiceInland Hospital & Lakewood ManorKennebec Behavioral HealthKennebec Messalonskee Trail SystemKennebec Valley Community CollegeKV YMCALakewood TheatreLe Club CalumetLiteracy VolunteersMaine Children’s Home for Little WanderersMaineGeneral HospitalMaine Independent Agents Association

Mid-Maine Homeless ShelterMorrison Development CenterMount Merici SchoolMuscular DystrophyNational Association of Insurance WomenOdyssey of the MindPine Tree SocietyRed Cross Haiti Relief CampaignRedington MuseumREMRiverside Worship CenterScience OlympiadSenator George J. Mitchell Scholarship ResearchInstituteSenior SpectrumThe Jimmy FundThe Theater at MonmouthUnited Valley Red CrossUnited Way of Mid-MaineWaterville Area Boys & Girls Club and YMCAWaterville Humane SocietyWaterville Kiwanis ClubWaterville Main StreetWaterville Opera HouseWaterville Public LibraryWaterville Rotary ClubWinslow Family 4th of JulyYMCA Camp of Maine

Page 17: GHM Anniversary

co-workers for the program.A 14-year veteran of GHM, Lee

Cabana works in the benefitsdepartment as an agent for employ-ee benefits and annuities. Cabanavolunteers at the Maine StateCredit Union and has served on theboard of directors for a number ofyears. He currently is serving aschairman of the supervisory com-mittee, which does the audit andhas been nominated to serve on theboard of directors again at theMarch annual meeting.

Cabana said he grew up in acredit union family. His fathermanaged the St. Francis de SalesCredit Union for many years in the1960s to the 1970s. Cabana saidhe has always loved the organiza-tion that is owned by its membersand has been volunteering there forabout 10 years. He said it giveshim great pleasure to live out hisfather’s legacy. He has also beenvery active with the University of

Maine at Farmington. After gradu-ating from UMF in 1975, Cabanaleft Maine until 1997 and beganvolunteering at the college. He hasserved as chairman of the alumnicommittee, was the president of thealumni foundation and helped co-chair the college’s capital cam-paign for the education buildingthat was built three years ago.

Raymond Watson, employed atGHM for 10 years, is commerciallines account manager. Very activeat the United Methodist church inOakland, Watson is past chairmanof the board and has taught Sundayschool. He currently is vice presi-dent of the Oakland Lions Cluband also is a representative of thelocal council of churches that han-dles the food bank in Oakland.Watson also volunteers at the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter inWaterville.

Martha Wentworth has workedat GHM for 11 years and currentlyis an account executive and person-al lines supervisor. Wentworth vol-unteers her time with the BigBrothers, Big Sisters Program ofKennebec Valley and is activelyinvolved with Central Maine Youth

Hockey. She is the current presi-dent for the China Youth Leaguebaseball organization and is treas-urer for China Recreational Sports-basketball and soccer. She also issecretary for the Dirigo BaseballLeague, which comprises China,

Vassalboro, Whitefield, Windsor,Jefferson, and Palermo and againfor District V Little League base-ball organization. Activelyinvolved in China CommunityDays — a three-day event eachAugust, Wentworth until last year

worked annually on the ChinaHouse of Horrors.

Wentworth is currently a studentin the Kennebec Valley LeadershipInstitute KV Chamber program andworks on the annual appreciationday for the KV Chamber ofCommerce, providing gifts andcards of thanks to current mem-bers.

Employed at GHM since 1993,James Sanborn works with thecommercial lines producer primari-ly in the Auburn office.

Former chairman of the Personaland Professional DevelopmentCommittee, Sanborn works for theYoung Professionals of theLewiston Auburn Area organiza-tion. The group is a division of theAndroscoggin Chamber ofCommerce for Young Professionalsunder the age of 40 that works tostrengthen a vibrant young profes-sional community by promotingcareer, social and communitydevelopment. During Sanborn’stime as chairman, the group imple-mented a number of lunchtime pro-

17| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY

GHM Agency was awarded the 2010 Shep Lee Award for communityservice from the Institute for Family-Owned Businesses in Maine. PaulMitchell center, with his granddaughter Bethany and daughter-in-lawVicki, as he accepts the award for the company.

GiveContinued from Page 16

More on GIVE, Page 19

We help you grow!

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Congratulations, GHM, On Your 110th Anniversary

Page 18: GHM Anniversary

“Patrice and I buy our insurance through GHMbecause of their exceptional service and competi-tive rates. I highly recommend you call GHMAgency for an insurance quote.”

~ Sandy Maisel, Professor of Government, Colby College

“Mark and I have insured with GHM for eightyears. Since that time, we have been very satisfied.They’ve always given us exceptional service, solidadvice and provided competitive rates for our auto,home and business insurance. And with Gregory incollege now, GHM has worked closely with us tohelp us understand and cover the unique exposurescollege students have. I would definitely recom-mend GHM. Thanks GHM for protecting our fami-ly and business.”

~ Sandy Ford

“I’ve been insured with GHM Insurance Agencyfor over 15 years. And they’ve proven it to me timeand time again. Whether it’s related to my businessinsurance, employee benefits or my auto andhomeowner insurance, the folks at GHM havealways been there for me. I know I can count onthem 24/7...thanks GHM. I recommend that youcall GHM Insurance Agency today.”

~ Andy Couture, Owner of Sparetime Recreation

Wednesday, February 23, 201118 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY

Here’s what our customers are saying...






“GHM has been our insur-ance agent since we bought ourfirst cars. We have all our per-sonal, business, and life insur-ance with GHM and recom-mend you call GHM for a quoteon your insurance.”

~ John and Mark Nale, Nale Law Offices


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“In 2006, Kennebec Savings Bank placed its busi-ness insurance with GHM. Since that time, we havebeen very satisfied with the service, advice and com-petitive rates we have received from them. So much sothat in 2007 we transferred our employee benefit pro-gram over to GHM and have received great servicefrom them in that part of our insurance program aswell. The more we work with the folks at GHM, themore we appreciate the exceptional service they pro-vide to our institution. And, they’ve been aroundalmost as long as we have (GHM can trace its rootsback to 1901; we were founded in 1870). ThanksGHM for protecting Kennebec Savings Bank and ourvalued employees.”

~ Mark Johnston, President & CEO

“I have been insured with GHM for over 10 yearsand fully trust and rely upon the GHM team to pro-vide me with the best guidance, care, and job servic-ing my insurance. If exceptional service and competi-tive rates are important to you, I suggest you callGHM today for a quote for your auto and homeownerinsurance.”

~ Lauren Sterling, Child and Youth Advocate

Page 19: GHM Anniversary

grams and a six-part ProfessionalDevelopment Series.

Stephanie Leonard, employed atGHM for more than four years, is apersonal lines customer servicerepresentative and re-marketer.This year will be her third year vol-unteering as a team captain repre-senting GHM in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake inWaterville. Leonard also is current-ly growing her hair out in order tomake her third donation to the can-cer benefit “Locks for Love.”

Wendy VanAntwerp, an employ-ee at GHM for 17 years, is a cus-tomer service representative agent,servicing current clients and writ-ing policies for new clients.

She is a volunteer and memberof Winslow Parent TeacherOrganization at WinslowElementary School, which has amajor fundraiser, a craft fair andauction, which earns the bulk of itsfunds. The organization sponsors

two to three free bingo nights eachyear, a free pancake breakfast oncea year, at least one movie night peryear and square dancing. Theorganization purchasesThanksgiving baskets for familiesat the school and has sponsoredfund-raising spaghetti suppers forstudents who have had serious ill-nesses, such as cancer. It donatesitems for fund-raising raffles at theschool. Members also provideschool supplies for the teachers,school and custodians that are notin the budget; items have includedtwo-way radios for the custodians,audio headsets for classroomlearning and overhead projectors.The PTO funds a monthlynewsletter that is sent home forparents and students. Last year,and again this year, the organiza-tion is sponsoring WildlifeAdventures, a traveling zoo thatteaches students about animalsand their habitat, eating habits,etc. And at the end of the schoolyear, the organization provides afree barbecue for all school fami-lies.

Cathy Taylor, with GHM for

more than a year as a receptionistwho assists with commercial linesand does processing. She volun-teers for the Maine DemocraticParty and has worked with theMaine People’s Alliance to advo-cate for affordable health care forsmall businesses. Most recently

she served on the committee tostudy the facility needs of theWaterville Police Department.Taylor said she was interested inthis because she was concernedthat the only solution being soughtwas to move the police into therecently renovated fire headquar-

ters and she was not certain thatthis was the most desirable solu-tion. Taylor said she feels thecommittee did a very thoughtfuland thorough review of theoptions and she is looking forwardto seeing their recommendationsbrought to fruition.

19| Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special SupplementWednesday, February 23, 2011 GHM ANNIVERSARY

GiveContinued from Page 17

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Congratulations GHM on your

110 Year Anniversary

Page 20: GHM Anniversary

Wednesday, February 23, 201120 Kennebec Journal | Morning Sentinel | Special Supplement | GHM ANNIVERSARY


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Central Maine Motors - Chevy - Pontiac - Buick 420 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville

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Congratulations Paul & Bill Mitchell

and Everyone at GHM on your 110 Year Anniversary

from all your friends at