for gom hews. use empire line. lite* on icityof i raculat...

For Alaska ami the GoM HeWs. EMPIRE LINE. **"' llw " on tmut hum MYGt Nam, The United States government ha ring charter** »h- (Mo Indiana and Pennsylvania to transport trooo* »n th * «**amers r?. " « esied- Sailing: S. S. CONEMAUGH (2.500 Tons) \u25a0iking close rorne<»tlon at ST. MICHAEL with Company's ow-, fl~» a t vra VEMELB OS THE YUKON RIVEH. THKOtOU?o media*c points. The ALI>-W ATER ROUTE enables passengers to reach the Gold Ftelds irlthout the hardships, exposures and dangers of the overland route*. Apply EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO., 607 First Aveaae, Seattle, Wash. Or to th* INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY or anv of it. Agent* in the United States or Caoeda. * or »n * or "\u25a0 Before Buying Your Tickets .?..For Alaska Gall upon us and aes what we nave to offer. We have beer in the smp- Cng business for twenty-five years, and are coin* to stay in it. People who tvel over our lines receive the benefit of that experience in comfort, aafe- ty and rapid travel. One boats, the river steamers Monarch and Sovereign, ere now on the Yu- kon and operating successfully. They were the first to i>tart up the river this season, and among the few *4» 'o sUnd the ocean trip from Seattle to the mouth of the Yukon. T»iey have undergone United States inspection and ere in charge of experienced river men and capable white pilots aid In their navigation. We Will Dispatch the S. S. "PROTECTION" Con- necting With River Gleaner "MONARCH" en Aaftast 1,1898. S, S. "RIVAL," Connecting With River Steamer "SOVEREIGN" en August G, 1898. We will carry only as many passengers as our river l>oats can 4ate with berths, insuring r»ur passengers comfortable and speedy transpor- tation to their destination. Our tickets are sold aniy at the office of the company, and others have B0 authority or right to .ell tickets for our boata For further particulars apply to the office of the COLUMBIA NAVIGATION CO., RICHARD CHILCOTT. Agent. Mutual Life Building, corner Yesler and First Avenue. * The Best ud Host Economical Llftht Draft Steamer ti Existence. % THE VULCAN IRON WORKS m S?ttl»> W?h. LEWIS NIXON, SHIPBUILDER, Elizabeth, K J.,i stfrnwlnel. fidewieel a:;d j L.?_ irer fteamers of al! ss*es for ETJf H or . ° ean. Many \e«seU bu'l: for In? Amencan river*. Fifteen C*®T for VUska ln*l;iJln»f the «ix pro- ler ».''»'t-rs f jij:.. wt earner* for i».-«rtu-s of ,rr ' or :> sueoe«i«ful Uui' ler Whi-* ?actional .*!fel l»aat that un*k.i!ed {? put toother quivkly aiii »h-aj»- " . THE EVERETT & MONTE CRISTO RAILWAY. Th. ot.:> i ? t ,> \u25a0 . alar an J a live ! " vt **«*??? tK id-'?! &t- .?!?' :? ek S.lxerti n. Dees ' T *k '' i ??? »? <1 \!onte Cr.»to caaping ; ' ,n " t *' t!,h,Gt anJ it ion aillreM | ? V S N PAIRD. ' v . « \ e - Cvereti. Wa»h. | OR&R ?«i Oregon Short Line. " I ii \i | «?Mi«Mt I J * I Hull I. V . V ' S ' I.\u25a0<»ke > rt.s-t ;>ers\er ' « ?? ? tar*, upS«.- trrad V:.I r -.' r " ;V -?? ~ i" - ?&£ at, ;»Jvlrf-> K \u25a0 An..,' - FU.-M W. a. liurlburi, O. P. A.. For;- | 1)899$ ? *<? |§96ißS6ilßilßolßl9Bo|9 Use Germea 1 for Breakfast. | Johnson-Lock Mercantile Co, will | dispatch steamers for St. Michael and Dawson on or about July 20. ; ?204 COLLINS BUILDING. | HH6S®96@®l66S?6lß6®®® 5 <j» I. ?l*' V? 1*X* I.* I.* I? 1 ? I I Sitka & Ounalaska f f U.S. NAIL ROUTE. f £ ! '? The Al Steamer "EXCELSIOR" ® Connecting with P. f. S 8. Co '* ; ~ Steamer from Put- 1 s -ur.d por** ;; I Sails From SITKA About I ? Aug. 5, Sept. 5 and 1 1 Oct. 5. | Cnrrylac lulit, f r <?, 5; YAK I 'TAT. ORC*. OOPPCR HIVKK. fVOMSR CCMk MtO KO. )' ; DIAK KAHLIK UNIA SAND . S POINT. BBUOIfBKY and OUN- ?? ALASKA ti".;:, h H ITtMI * V Fo.* freight or }-a.--*as'. -> ? . PACIFIC STEAM WHALING : cn >iii A.V ;?> 31J Fit *: Ave <\u25a0- 't- v. ? «eat:.e 1 Or ; ? J F TROWBIUDOK. ! P S Sup!. P C S S «? -5 ?' * % Al'Si IN GLA! >R; V, utr.era! nt. ; . ........ . .. . . . . | LUMP | | OR NUT?^ | There In ?io«e Other *j' So iioo4 n«* IGILMANI I COAL ! Mk Cent SteamMp Ca lite* !VQ r ALASKA ?tesmship AL-K1 WUI BaU from Seaitfs Monday, Aug. 8, AT ? A. In For Victoria. Mary Island. Ketch- ikan, WrtsM Sum Dum, Douglas Island, Juneau. Skagway and Dye*. Steamsrtrp CITY OF TOPEKA Will tail from Seattle Wed., Aug. 13, ATI A. a. For Victoria. Mary inland. Ketch- ikan. Lorinic, WrinteL Juneau, DmigU* Inland. Dyea. Skagway. Killisnoo. Glacier Bay and Sitka. FASTEST TIME SUREST CONNECTIONS Safest, Easiest Route. Tea Days Ftmb Seattle to Dawsea Via PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO.'S superbly equipped Alaska fleet of passenger steamships. The magnificence of the service and completeneee of detail make these si* tin* iieit patronised of any on the Alaska route today. The one route towering pre-emi- nently above all others, from .Se- attle to UaWMn City. N. T. W? 10 to 13 days. The one route hav. !ng and making direct connect.ons with tramways for or Bennett. THKtHOH P.ILJiS OF I«ADIXG ISSI'KD FKOM SEATTLE TO DAWSON. For San Francisco. The Company's elegant Steamships Queen. Walla Walla and I'matilla leave Seattle at 8 a. m.. via Port Townsend and Victoria, B. C., Au- gust 2. 7, 12, 17. 22. 27. September 1, «. 11, 16. 21, 2*. October 1, and every fifth day thereafter. Leave San Francisco for Seattla at 10 a. m.. via Victoria, B. t\. and Port Townsend, August 4. ?. H, 19, 24. 29. September 3, ». 13. 18, 23, 28, O tob- r 3, and tvuy iiftu day thereafter. _ _ FOR ALASKA. The Company's elegant Su arnships City of Topeka, Cottage City and Al-Ki leave Seattle at 9 a m , via Port Town*en 1 and Victoria. B. C., August 3. S. 13. lA. 23 >. September 2. 7 12. 17. 22. 27. October 2, and ev- ery fifth day th'reafter. For further information obtain foWer. Tlie Company reserves the right to change without previous, steamers, sailiug dates and nouia of sailing. J. F TROWBRIDGE, P. 8. Supt.. Ocean IX- k. Seattle. City Ticket Agent. tfOt. F.rst Ave., S attie. tloodall. Perkins & Co., General ent . S F. .. ii . i f ALASKA... i * Z West Coast Steam % A <J\ t Navigation Co. | STEAMER FARALLON, I I AIWIiST 15. | T WILL. SAIL FOR T JUNEAU. BKAQWAV. DYE A AND WAY pours. r <?> . 2* PasHf-rigsr accommodation* are T Al. Ample room lor freight an J X £ ett>ck. «? ( j For freight ami parage apply to £ ... J Q. CA KROLL, Agent. <i% <1;. 'Phone, i'ike & ?i Sci wa ifhcr'i Wharf, foot of y Union Street. <£> A \u25bc L-T 1 :? SEATTLE I ¥f *? :\u2666 TO . .. J. I DAWSON t z* 9-: Days j: I fi To make trip la Udi llsltfd R »!:!\u25a0? > i siu't taH?> the UF'HEH ?? \u2666\u2666 N KO.V i 1 >MPANY"B at. imt .«: | \u2666! \u2666\u2666 »' -:r '<> m < -t'T-K ua.«. from SKAT ? *\u2666 TLX *-r ST'lf'T SOI Nlt J"> »1 NTS. \u2666, \u2666« This 'M'd; ?:»!".> .>}:« : *?«?« « % e-« V ;. ?. xs -*i\ ftFWKTT <*ll V ani \u2666, J. DAW >' »N i m»»K c«*!#.a conned *\u2666 a ' * # N St Bncin] % '\u2666 ind g ? billed 8 % from Seattle % % write *. » !T} ' H V! >- ov «, \u2666, a* n-..«. S-tr> P > V.v, j- Car % » «v C 3 . T >rr. > W ,«,i. .V**ka S Pennett, L>y»-.t ar i Ska« a : : :\u2666 V/A'»V.V»'»V.VV.V.VAV,V^ WASHINGTON * I ALASKA S.S.CO.'S j ICITYOF I | SEATTLE! J Leaves Seattle oa her ref alar J e excarsioa ma ? iu.lll9p.lj ? Caltiai at Wmgel, Jaaeau, ? e Skagway, Dyea. Sitka aad e J Glacier Bay. e J & 6. IKKES, Aint. S « Office 116 West Yesler Way. e e Telephone, Main 470 l e « Hi lAL HAIL Ll>*. $ Steaaer PIMA leaves Beaaett ev* I* try day for White Morse, coaaect- *l Intwlth Stealers OKA aaiHjMU Leaving White Horse every four da) s for S A it »ys. » The only line carrying Amerl- jfi can and «"anaduin to the Ifu- § k>n district. S Safe delivery of gold, specie and money guaranteed to and trom L>aw- s[ son and Victoria, g Kxpress company operating in W connection with fcteamers, Victoria % to Dawson SS The freight capacity of the s'atm- jj ers be up, i mited. the company will S only for** ird freight in order book- S ed. Those desirous of shipping to 8' Daweon should complete arrange* in«-nt.s at once. For freight and pae- S st-ngt-r rate, apply to 8 Bennett Ac Klondike Naviga- S tlon Co.. Ltd.. Victoria, B. C. 5* Agents?Chas. E. Pcahody. Alaska S. S. Co.: J F. Trowbridge. Pa. C. Jk S. S. Co.: Frank E. Pells, room 60 3 Boston Hlcc'k, S<attle. We have determined to close out our Elec- tric. Gas and Com- bination Fixtures, and will slaughter prices for the next ninety days. M)RTH*EhT FIXTURE COMPANY, tttll fr irat A>C|M» f Alaska Steamship Co. I | I-or Aia»ka and the Fieldt t ? Steamer ROSALIE i t Ait- io, t i: Steamer DIRIGO : Aus. 4. ? l.earr \e»ler Dork Seattle, for % « Vict ra. \ i»nc u\er, M «ry lilnnd. J *1 tlak htla, Ketchikan Wraugel, .. ?S .limeail «y ati«l H)t », c - . iifrtiuK with I(riin*U l.aKe and .. ?> ivloud.Navisati >u Co.** Meain- -4> er* for Daw son ( it . J \u2666 Through i.cketa .and bills of lad- \u2666 .. £ ixsu«-d to luwson. For further $ information apply to <*\u25a0 $ C. 11. J. STOLTENHERO, 4 \u2666 Tick* t Agent. <s> T CHARLES E PEA PODY, manager. <$ £ T lephont Mi!r, 257. $ Office Cor. First Ave. and Yes! - w \u25bc n tv. t*r. lef N. P. Ry. ofjj St. ? | at tie \u2666 $-«-? * "V* Mr? ; ? ? I ii? i«????? .. .. I DYEA-SKAGWAY I Steamship & UTOPIA } I Sails August 8. ? '5) From Colmtn'i Dock, foot of Co- 5, turn) la street. for WRANGE! ><r JINKAL", SKAGWAY A N D is' A DYKA. | ? Foi Freight or Pamn apply to ff ? SEATTLE STEAMSHIP e6. « F. A. BELL, Manager. ? 101* C'hei-rv Street. | ? ? ... ... ?:? -ytr?> f FOR ALASKA t <s? Steamer <i> : .. . DISCOVERY .. . Sails Aug. 5 t FOR I * Hrangtl, Juneau. Skagway, Dyea. j '?> I- r fr--i,BJ;t . ; r. Ij. arj ly to A J. || B Atkll ton. mr.M#* r; J. A. <& PaltM, tfcnt, 13-14 Bom >n Wtock. *p- A <s> ; -site post office. Trlt phone Main » * f». 4s *-, -- - -, . . Z ........ .............. . City Mflßf HHw Ticket office- Leav* irrtv* «i»n) r«"o?rrt»< Cifr*M..TiOVa.a till a.m. .Pm. Cmmmt Uifi..Vtlß p.n Japan-America Line STEAMSHIP BIOJIS H4Ri Vs>r Jtpu. CftiEt. anJ A.; a*.auc Peiata, About Aug. 25. ? Tor Hawaii. S%- IkUKh rrva, NrVk Z«*ianJ tPMH% and Aufftr&Ua, S*J m ~ M<r!{>o«a to Hcno- lulu, or W^ir.M- --jjaiancnn-' G<| >- *-*?«: '\u25a0*- iv.v a I p. m. T. a t,r '? *». *«*m. «r- Fn- avenue, flMttUe, J. U spttckt* A Bros Co., tea VMMIBCfe THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY. AUGUST 5, 169ft. USE IKE WIRES. Rave yoir (rrlght ant to Dawsoa ? T " tfce Ckilkoot Pas* Tramnir*. tkea dewa tk» rirtt by steaaier. Ten Days From Seattle THE Chilkoot Pass Route IS? Quick, Cheap and Easy. J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Sapt. P. C. S. S. Co., OMan Wharf, Seattle. R- R. SPESI KK, National Bank of Comurrrr, Seattle. S. G. lERKES, Act. Watk. At Alaska S. S. Co., lltt West lesler Way, Seattle. J. M. BL4HE, 006 First AT, Seattle. s PILLMA.N »LEEPKG t.%RS. ELEGANT DIMM. CARS, tolrist sleeping cars TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena, Butte. Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Boston. And All Points East and aoutn. TIME SCHEOI'LE. fa ESrcl trbruur) ll>, IVJS, TKAIXS LEA V K SEATTLE. For Walla Walla. Spokane, Ross- land, St. Paul ar:d East 4:00 p. m. Fur Portland D:ou a. in and 4:00 p. in. ?Jf'or Olynpia T.ooa.m. ?For Aberdeen 7:<Jua. in. Fur Tacoma.. .5:00, T.Ow and 11:00 a. ni.; 4.00 and 7:00 p. m. TRAIN'S ARRIVE AT S \TTLE. From Walla Walla, Spokane, Russian \, St. Paul and East.. 700 a. in. From Portland 6 20 and 11 n p. m. ?Front Olympia 6 20 p. m. ?From Aberdeen t>:2©p. m. From Taeoma. .7:00 and 8:10 a. m.; 12:15. *5:20 and - 11:30 p. m. *l»aity except Sunday. AU others dally. Tlds * card subject to change without notice. T rough tlt*kets to Japan and China via Northern Pacific Steamship Company. For rate?, routes and other Information call on or address I. A. KADEAVt General Agent, eattlo. C!tv Ticket Office, corner \'r«>r Way a"< ; Vir»t ivenue. Depot Ticket Office, corner Western a Venue ani Columbia street. A !>. CHARLTON. Assistant Genera! Passenger Agent. No. 235 Morrison street, corner Third, Portland. Or. t ?r ?~?> Iff ROUGH jflj|pt ncuas Pacific Ihe Over'and Route. Through Pullman rnlucc Slrrprri, thrungh Palliiinn Toarlnt M«-epers. flrnt-cl»i»» Hrrllnlnv tlml r Car*, daily from the Cannt to ( hlriigo and other K«»tf"i point* QnlrU terflrr, union d«*|»ot». lim«t r«tr«. For ml)'' or Informntlon nppl? to J. H. LOTIiHOP, (ietipml tgeat, las Third street, Portland. Ore. K. E. ELLIS. (?rnrral Audit O. R. Jk !*. Co., 018 First Airnnr, Seattle, \\ nnh. _ STEAMERS. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY- Steamer Stats of Wash;nMto:i leaves Seattle from Yeaier wharf dally except Saturday at 10 p. m. for Ever tt, Ana- cortes Fa;rhaven a;;d Whatcom, connect- ing at Whatcom for Vancouver and Blaine. ?Connection#?At Seattle. Flyer and N. P. R. R. for Taeoma and way twin:--. at Ev- erett. K. & M. C. It. II.; at Anaoortea, 3. N. R R.: at Whatcom. B R & B. C. R. R. and steamer Laviy of the Lake at \\ hatcom. Returning, 'eaves Whatcom except Sunday at S a. in. St< am< r Fairhaven leaves Seattle from Metier wharf da ly except Sunday at 8 a. m for Edm >nds. W hid by i '.and and r*>. r, raliins at Everett, north bound, Tue.siay, Thursday and Saturday; south bound. Mot, -ay. Wednesday and Fri- day. connecting at La Conner with stagea from Bay View, Whitney and Mount Ver- non. Returning, leaves Li Conn r daily ex- cept Sunday, t v m. Telephone, Main :>l7. FOR VIA ANACORTES, WHATCOM AND BLAINE The Elegant Side wheel Steamer NORTH PACIFIC. MeW,lliams, Master. Will leave Yesler wharf, ?? t tie. every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 11:30 p. m. for Altai ortes, Fjirhaven. What- com and Vancouv' r. Passenger- may go on beard and occupy rooms at p. rn. Returning wi.i l»a\e Vai.ooawr every Tuesday, Taut s lay and Saturday, at 11 p. m. Th * steamer has superior passenger ac- c mmodiition-. Table service unsurpassed. For freight or pas.-.ige ap, lj on board or at Y<sl t wharf WASH INiiTON STEAM NAV. CO, PL'GET SOUND & ALASKA STEAM- SHIP COMPANY. VICTORIA ROUTE. Steamer City of Kingston between T»- cotria, Wash., an.l Victoria. B. C. VOupm Lv Mi ?Taroma 110 Art l.OOpra 10:0opn.,Lv| 281 SEATTLE IC.Ari I:46pm l am Lv Pt Towns* d I v h 3 lam Ar UOt Victor.a M Lv. ?Daily except Saturday. This steamer furnishes first-clasa ac- comtn da: ion*. carrying both fre.ght and nassensers, and leaves from Yesler wharf, Seattle, far Victoria, at 10 p. m? and for Th om i at 2:15 p. m. Pass, ngern for_ Victoria can occupy s'a.erooius until 7 a. m. eoi rates, tickets, etc.. Inquire of E T. I OPE. Agent, Yeaier Wharf, Seattle. 1. A. N A DEAL, Generai Agent, N. P. Ry.. Seattla. SLAiTLE & EVERETT NAVIGATION COMPANY. GO ON THE OKEIYHOUND. SEATTLE, EVtRKIT AND 'CDMONDS ROUTE. Time Card?Leaves Seattle 7 a m., 12 rr.. and a p m. Leaves Everett 9:15 a.'m., 2:30 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. Three round trij v* dally except Sunday. Connections A' Seattle ";p t^am«r Flyer for Taroma. At Everett w! h the M Ka !i» f«T Snohimtsh. and with the Everett & Monte Cristo railway fcr Moi.ln Cr:Kto an 1 way s'atlona. Colman D~?k Seattle. Mere hints' Dock. Everett. Te.e;>r»wne. Seattle Re.i r.l. Ev- erett S3. E B sr )tt. Manager. WHATCOM. ANACORTES AND FAIR- HAVEN ROUTE. steamer hay city [,mvc« C'.tv <lork foot of Muln atr««t, Tut" !.i) Tl i;r«laya and Su?ur.l»v« at II p m Single far© from Seattle, u. rour.d trti> Ji.iw. from Ta.-omn, $1 25; rojn<? trip! J- W J. EL.I.IS. M*ri|fer. noon CANAT, ROUTE. U. S Ma'! Scanner HATTIE HAN'SFV X-r«v« dock Tuesday. Tv.r»diiy ti 3 «,ir.!iv f r K«*e»?on. Port lamhJ«. c *v and si! finNi Carta.' j>o!nt» R«- turnlni? alternate days. It AV«KN* TR AVS PORT ATTON ci«.. If ~~ «\N JUAN" ISLANDS. STEAMER EYDTA THOMPSON, STRAITS STEVMSHIP COMfAVY Carrv Unite 1 m*:: >iv»« Ot? flock f O' M ' " * ? ' Ban*!® 1 day aM T f?>' P'-rr 1 i * an In. in rr. \ Kew Wt itcorr,. !nr !'av«g \>w W K a ? >Tn T;-*< 4 *v Tivirjdny and Sa?jr- dav at 4 a m J It Tiom:«mr». *na*>asrr- o«tt. EHK * Co Ci-V rwk Telephone. Mtlr r a T p«J OARLAND AND AETPK OER- r" TIU'DK _ «r1 T Riv e-nrr»r A - Oertfrud* )»ave« r>j ty ~,r k M ! i%Y»" ' . r.d Friday* nt m JJ. . f I r* T>*n< Pr:\y i. Vt« I'u'su «"? Anaalea. P-irf fr»> ? r.«- <',\u25a0 tt\« « Pv-> v r. nvum Pay J, r .| S". \u25a0 . p.av r. - 7? arrtv.- at ft »?» <. f p ;r, <n c;: \u25a0? \u25a0 '»} ?? C«rt»nd u».», f t\ <lock f r Por* p or* A :»'\u25a0 -\u25a0 »"1 Vl'-*-r a Tu>» !iv». TV *! v » a St'urla:.« at 12 rr In jrh*; arr.v* .«>- <??*>*» it 2:10 p m. T»] Ma to W 3r Main C.5. PORT OH MAPIi ANJ> .PORT WAStT ROUTE STEAMER MARV f PERT.EY foot of W»'h!':»'or, 'laffy 3 30 p. m. " «*.« p. m.» for Plec*ic;t B a-.-' (V» ss lUik4vi, F?rem«*!f»n, r S, Pry Do*"*. C" ari»-fton. SSdri' V. Tra rron Chlrc. «nd RUvrdale. It»*-»rn!-.» !-av«r« Suverlaie p* « * *»-. «rrlv-« S<>a'rii» Jft-ao a. m Leaves Saturday n!«ht- At i>» p. a. »rr:v*« Sva'.Ui 7.3(1 p. ta T«i»- BkPb» Mala SA ill I lllflllfl 111 DIRECT LI^E TO THE GOLD FIELDS OF riount Baker. !fav,r,|f Seattle da.* a; " a T, * T5 ' close connect.ons wi?h V.w* fcr ail points in the M; Baker <1 strict. For Geaeto inf or-nation. speeinvas of auartt. etc.. app<y at A. A L lafortaaUoa Bureau, or to F. A- ALLEN. Gsn Pa« Agent, CoiumtMa ainmi rtauoa. 7 . rravMuu. FLT ON TtIK "TLTBh.- _ SRATTLR TO TACOMA. Four round trips IMly, txcept Sun4»jr. la one hour and twenty-TWe minntaa. _ THE STEAMER "FLYER." Raculat daily trips. S«*ttk-Tacom» nau««, aa follow*: TAKING EFFKCT "TUESDAY. MAY IL TIME CARD. U»» Seattle?;:* U;IA a. n».: 2.4 ft «:1» P. m. Leara TacoinaVM a. m.; L *A SUNDAYS. Lear* Seattle?7 30 a. m . 11 tn.; S p. m. }*»Taeomo?v »a. m.; SJD. rJO p. aa. at Northorn Padfio wharf. T»- eom*. and Commercial dock, foot of MA* Hon ttreot. SMCtlr. Bundiy* steamers Flyer ud StAto Og Washington. STR MULTNOMAH (DAILY) LEAVES FOR TACOMA \XO OLYMPIA AT 1 P. It FARE BETWEEN SEATTLE AND TAe COMA. CKNTS. ROUND TRIP, m CENT*. Tel.. Main S7. CITT DOCK. Asm CAi*T. U WILJLET, Maa«or PORT ORCHARD AND PORT WASH- -INUTON ROUT®. STKAMER A. It ROHNSOX. Carr > in* U. S. MaiL On Fort orcatuil and Port Washington route, leave* i"ity mock. root t»i street. S:3O a. ro.. calling at South Beach, Burcht'-U. Brick Yaro. Hremvrton, (j. & Navy Yard. Sidney. Charleston. Tracyton. Chlco. B»lverdaie. L«avss Port Navy Station at 2 p, m.; arrive Svauto at «p. m E. N. Ro»tn«on. :na>:e:. Lilly. Bogardus A Co.. ag*n?a T#l»phont, Main 87. FOR RELLINGHAM "*AY. ANACOR* TES AND OLA INK. Steamer George K. Starr ieave* Central Dock. Seattle, at 8 p. ro. Monday. \Ved« nesday and Friday. Ketuming, leaves Blame 2 p. n. ard Whatcom 4 j>. m. Tues- day Thursday and Saturday. LA CONNER TRAD!NO AND TRANS- PORTATION CO.. Tel.. Main 211. Central Dock, .v-attle. SEATTLE-PORT OAMBLE-TOWNSEND "OUTK. STEAMER PROSPER City dock dall> at " a. m. except Sundav for Port Madtaon. Kingston. Port Oamhle. Port 1.-kllow and Port Townssnd. Sundavs direct for Port Townserd at 9 a. m. Return'.nir. reaches Seattle at * m. daily. Te>ph©na #7. Lilly. Bogardus 4k C0.." Amenta. HOOD CANAL ROUT*. STEAMER DET.TA. Leave* Oalhralth dock, foot of W*»hlng- ton street. Monday. Wed need ay and Fi> day at " o'clock a. m for Kingston. Port OamMe. Scnl>eck. (J'*'lcene T«rho Bat, Br'.nnon. Holly Dew.»t:o. LCMwxup FfclU. Hoodsport aftd Union City. Returna alter- nate days. D. TROUTMAN. Mai tar. Telephone. Ma!n r>2B. SKAGIT RIVER ROUTE Steamer City of Champa'Rn; weekly time card: Leave* Seattle? Tuesday. August 2. at ? a. m.; Thursday. August 4, at 10 a. m.; Saturday. August *, at 11 a. m leaves Mount Vernon?Wednesday. August 3. at 2 p. m.. Friday. August 5. at 3 n. na.; Sunday. August 7. at 4 p. m. Call rig at Tuiallp. Star.wood. Fir. Skagit City. Mount Vernon an'' Avon. For piM Bard fr< Ight nt?e apply at Pity Dock; telephone. Main \V. P o 1- kfson. Mmig-r. H. 11 McDonald. Ma«'-r. PEOPLE'S BAV IN US BANK. Occidental bloc*. Seattle, Wash. Capita I F AND ' TRUSTEES* 00 '^ Jacob Furth .......President Arthur A Denry..... .. .Vice President John Learv Second Vice President James R. Ha.vden. Manager. Cash'r, y Jus T Gre< nieaf Assistant t ashler Sigmund Schwabacher, John Collins, K. C. Ncufelder. F. L Blodgeit. Transacts a savings bank business ex* Cl DeposTt's received from II to 110,000. Interest allowed ,>er annum: Six per cent, on term deposits; 4 per cent, on or- dinary deposits. Dividends declared last dsya of May and November. Loans made on real estate or approved collaterals only. DEXTER lIORTON & CO.. BANKSRSL Incorporated 1887. Capita. Surplus ????? lOO.uOt President A. A. Denny Vice President ...W. M. Ladd Manager ? N. H. Latimer Sight exchange and telegraphic trans* f*rs on New York. Chicago. Bt. Paul. Saa Franclseo Portland and various points la Oregon and Brit lab Columbia Sight Mils of exchange cn London ava.l- able else where Irs Europe. Collections maU« at all points on favor* able terms . Ponds stocks and other valuables ra» ce4ved on deposit tor safekeeping THE FIRST N A "HON A L BANK OF H KATT LIL. raid-up capital HOO.OOt Surplus 1&0.00* Maurice McMlcken President J H. McOraw Vice President Lester Turner Cashier General banking business transacted Sight and telegraphic exchange payable In all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Letter's of credit furnished on Alaska, payable at aa trading poets of the N. A. T. A T. Co. THE PI'OKT SOUND NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. Carnal stock paid in SS7*OQO Surplus tt.CQt Jacob Furth President E C. Ne-ifelder Vice President R. V. Ankeny Cashier Correspondents In ail the prlmtipal cltleg in the Unlte<l States and Europe NATIONAL BANK OF Cf MKH'Ti Paid-up capital tIM.'M Transacts a general banking btialnesa M. D Rsllard President H. C. Henry Vice President R R. Spencer .....Cashier Safety Deposit ftoxes for Rent. -ANIX- SOO LINE. Now selling tickets to Montreal, Toronto Detroit, nonton. Now York, Buffalo, First Class, $35; Sccoad Class, $29 Rt. I'jnil- Kirat cl»* lecoad flMa |!O.M Chicago? Klrat claaa 931.5 V. NeaM ftaaa |3t4t Equally low rates to all points East* >,O REBATES, ATLANTIC OCEAN TICKETS. Train leave* t£o a. ra. daily. For all Information apply to W K THOMSOJf, frttiht uid I'uwDitr inaL M Firm Av-nua, Taiavbon* Main flfc X. J. COTLE, ptatrtct rm>m»r Agsab 1 Vaaoauvcr. B. C. *

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Post on 31-Oct-2019




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Page 1: For GoM HeWs. USE EMPIRE LINE. lite* on ICITYOF I Raculat · For Alaska ami the GoM HeWs. EMPIRE LINE. **"

For Alaska ami the GoM HeWs.EMPIRE LINE.

**"' llw"ontmut hum MYGt Nam,

The United States government ha ring charter** »h-(Mo Indiana and Pennsylvania to transport trooo* »n th

* «**amersr?. " «esied-


S. S. CONEMAUGH(2.500 Tons)

\u25a0iking close rorne<»tlon at ST. MICHAEL with Company's ow-, fl~» a t vraVEMELB OS THE YUKON RIVEH. THKOtOU?omedia*c points.

The ALI>-W ATER ROUTE enables passengers to reach the Gold Fteldsirlthout the hardships, exposures and dangers of the overland route*.

Apply EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO.,607 First Aveaae, Seattle, Wash.

Or to th* INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY or anv of it.Agent* in the United States or Caoeda.

*or »n * or "\u25a0

Before BuyingYour Tickets

.?..For AlaskaGall upon us and aes what we nave to offer. We have beer in the smp-

Cng business for twenty-five years, and are coin* to stay in it. People whotvel over our lines receive the benefit of that experience in comfort, aafe-

ty and rapid travel.One boats, the river steamers Monarch and Sovereign, ere now on the Yu-

kon and operating successfully. They were the first to i>tart up the riverthis season, and among the few *4» 'o sUnd the ocean trip from Seattle tothe mouth of the Yukon. T»iey have undergone United States inspection andere in charge of experienced river men and capable white pilots aid In theirnavigation.

We Will Dispatch the S. S. "PROTECTION" Con-necting With River Gleaner "MONARCH"

en Aaftast 1,1898.S, S. "RIVAL,"Connecting With River Steamer

"SOVEREIGN" en August G, 1898.We will carry only as many passengers as our river l>oats can

4ate with berths, insuring r»ur passengers comfortable and speedy transpor-tation to their destination.

Our tickets are sold aniy at the office of the company, and others haveB0 authority or right to .ell tickets for our boata

For further particulars apply to the office of the


Mutual Life Building, corner Yesler and First Avenue.

* The Best ud Host Economical Llftht Draft Steamer tiExistence.% THE VULCAN IRON WORKS m S?ttl»> W?h.


Elizabeth, K J.,istfrnwlnel. fidewieel a:;d j

L.?_ irer fteamers of al! ss*es forETJf H

or . ° ean. Many \e«seU bu'l: forIn? Amencan river*. Fifteen

C*®T for VUska ln*l;iJln»f the «ix pro-ler ».''»'t-rs f jij:..wt earner* for i».-«rtu-s of,rr ' or :> sueoe«i«ful Uui' ler

Whi-* ?actional .*!fel l»aat that un*k.i!ed{? put toother quivkly aiii »h-aj»-" .


Th. ot.:> i ? t ,> \u25a0 . alar an J a live !" vt **«*??? tK id-'?!&t- .?!?' :? ek S.lxerti n. Dees

'T*k '' i ??? »? <1 \!onte Cr.»to

caaping ; ',n" t *' t!,h,Gt anJ

it ion aillreM |



S N PAIRD.' v . « \ e

- Cvereti. Wa»h. |

OR&R?«i Oregon Short Line." I ii\i | «?Mi«Mt I J * I Hull I.

V . V ' S 'I.\u25a0<»ke > rt.s-t ;>ers\er

' «?? ? tar*, upS«.- trrad

V:.Ir-.' r " ;V -??

~ i" - ?&£at, ;»Jvlrf-> K

\u25a0 .» An..,' - FU.-MW. a. liurlburi, O. P. A.. For;-


1)899$ ? *<? |§96ißS6ilßilßolßl9Bo|9

Use Germea 1for Breakfast. |

Johnson-Lock Mercantile Co, will |dispatch steamers for St. Michaeland Dawson on or about July 20. ;

?204 COLLINS BUILDING. |HH6S®96@®l66S?6lß6®®® 5

<j» I. ?l*' V? 1*X*I.* I.*I? 1 ? I

I Sitka & Ounalaska ff U.S. NAILROUTE. f£! '?

The Al Steamer

"EXCELSIOR"® Connecting with P. f. S 8. Co '* ;~ Steamer from Put- 1 s -ur.d por** ;;

I Sails From SITKA About I? Aug. 5, Sept. 5 and 11 Oct. 5. |

Cnrrylac lulit, f r <?,



ALASKA ti".;:, h H ITtMI*

V Fo.* freight or }-a.--*as'. -> ? .PACIFIC STEAM WHALING

: cn >iii A.V;?> 31J Fit *: Ave <\u25a0- 't- v.

? «eat:.e1 Or ;? J F TROWBIUDOK. !

'§ P S Sup!. P C S S «? -5?' *

% Al'Si IN GLA! >R;V, utr.era! nt. ;

. ........ . . . . . . .

| LUMP || OR NUT?^| There In ?io«e Other *j'

So iioo4 n«*


Mk Cent SteamMp Ca

lite*!VQ rALASKA


AL-K1WUI BaU from Seaitfs

Monday, Aug. 8,AT ? A. In

For Victoria. Mary Island. Ketch-ikan, WrtsM Sum Dum, DouglasIsland, Juneau. Skagway and Dye*.


CITY OF TOPEKAWill tail from Seattle

Wed., Aug. 13,ATIA. a.

For Victoria. Mary inland. Ketch-ikan. Lorinic, WrinteL Juneau,DmigU* Inland. Dyea. Skagway.Killisnoo. Glacier Bay and Sitka.


Safest, Easiest Route.Tea Days Ftmb Seattle to DawseaVia PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIPCO.'S superbly equipped Alaskafleet of passenger steamships. Themagnificence of the service andcompleteneee of detail make thesesi* tin* iieit patronisedof any on the Alaska route today.The one route towering pre-emi-nently above all others, from .Se-attle to UaWMn City. N. T. W?10 to 13 days. The one route hav.!ng and making direct connect.onswith tramways foror Bennett.


For San Francisco.The Company's elegant Steamships

Queen. Walla Walla and I'matillaleave Seattle at 8 a. m.. via PortTownsend and Victoria, B. C., Au-gust 2. 7, 12, 17. 22. 27. September 1,«. 11, 16. 21, 2*. October 1, and everyfifth day thereafter.

Leave San Francisco for Seattlaat 10 a. m.. via Victoria, B. t\. andPort Townsend, August 4. ?. H, 19,24. 29. September 3, ». 13. 18, 23, 28,O tob- r 3, and tvuy iiftu daythereafter.

_ _

FOR ALASKA.The Company's elegant Su arnships

City of Topeka, Cottage City andAl-Ki leave Seattle at 9 a m , viaPort Town*en 1 and Victoria. B. C.,August 3. S. 13. lA. 23 >. September2. 7 12. 17. 22. 27. October 2, and ev-ery fifth day th'reafter.

For further information obtainfoWer.

Tlie Company reserves the rightto change without previous,steamers, sailiug dates and nouia ofsailing.

J. F TROWBRIDGE,P. 8. Supt.. Ocean IX- k. Seattle.City Ticket Agent. tfOt. F.rst Ave.,

S attie.tloodall. Perkins & Co., General

ent . S F.

.. i i . i

f ALASKA...i *

Z West Coast Steam %A <J\t Navigation Co.




2* PasHf-rigsr accommodation* areT Al. Ample room lor freight an J X£ ett>ck. «?(j For freight ami parage apply to £... J Q. CA KROLL, Agent. <i%<1;. 'Phone, i'ike &

?i Sci wa ifhcr'i Wharf, foot ofy Union Street. <£>

A \u25bc

L-T 1:? SEATTLE I¥f *?

:\u2666 TO . . . J.


9-:Days j:

Ifi To make trip la Udi llsltfdR »!:!\u25a0? > i siu't taH?> the UF'HEH ??

\u2666\u2666 N KO.V i 1 >MPANY"B at. imt r« .«: | \u2666!\u2666\u2666 »' -:r '<> m < -t'T-K ua.«. from SKAT ?

*\u2666 TLX *-r ST'lf'T SOI Nlt J"> »1 NTS. \u2666,\u2666« This 'M'd; ?:»!".> .>}:« : *?«?« « %

J» e-« V;. ?. xs -*i\ ftFWKTT <*ll V ani \u2666,J. DAW >' »N i m»»K c«*!#.a conned*\u2666 a ' *


N St Bncin] %'\u2666 ind g ? billed 8% from Seattle %% write *.» !T} ' H V! >- ov «, \u2666,

a* n-..«. S-tr> P > V.v, j- Car %» «v C 3 . T >rr. > W ,«,i. .V**ka S

Pennett, L>y»-.t ar i Ska« a

: : :\u2666V/A'»V.V»'»V.VV.V.VAV,V^


ICITYOF I| SEATTLE!J Leaves Seattle oa her refalar Je excarsioa ma ?

iu.lll9p.lj? Caltiai at Wmgel, Jaaeau, ?

e Skagway, Dyea. Sitka aad eJ Glacier Bay. e

J & 6. IKKES, Aint. S« Office 116 West Yesler Way. e

e Telephone, Main 470 l e

« Hi lAL HAIL Ll>*.$ Steaaer PIMA leaves Beaaett ev*

I* try day for White Morse, coaaect-*l Intwlth Stealers OKA aaiHjMU

Leaving White Horse every fourda) s for

S A it»ys.» The only line carrying Amerl-jfi can and «"anaduin to the Ifu-§ k>n district.S Safe delivery of gold, specie and

money guaranteed to and trom L>aw-s[ son and Victoria,g Kxpress company operating inW connection with fcteamers, Victoria% to DawsonSS The freight capacity of the s'atm-jj ers be up, i mited. the company willS only for** ird freight in order book-S ed. Those desirous of shipping to8' Daweon should complete arrange*

in«-nt.s at once. For freight and pae-S st-ngt-r rate, apply to8 Bennett Ac Klondike Naviga-S tlon Co.. Ltd.. Victoria, B. C.5* Agents?Chas. E. Pcahody. Alaska2« S. S. Co.: J F. Trowbridge. Pa. C.Jk S. S. Co.: Frank E. Pells, room 603 Boston Hlcc'k, S<attle.

We have determinedto close out our Elec-tric. Gas and Com-

bination Fixtures,

and will slaughter

prices for the next

ninety days.


tttll fr irat A>C|M»

f Alaska Steamship Co. I| I-or Aia»ka and the Fieldt t

? Steamer ROSALIE it Ait- io, t

i: Steamer DIRIGO :

Aus. 4. ?

l.earr \e»ler Dork Seattle, for %« Vict ra. \ i»nc u\er, M «ry lilnnd. J

*1 tlak htla, Ketchikan Wraugel,..

?S .limeail «y ati«l H)t », c i» -

. iifrtiuK with I(riin*U l.aKe and ..

?> ivloud.Navisati >u Co.** Meain--4> er* for Daw son ( it . J

\u2666 Through i.cketa .and bills of lad-\u2666 .. £ ixsu«-d to luwson. For further$ information apply to <*\u25a0

$ C. 11. J. STOLTENHERO, 4\u2666 Tick*t Agent. <s>T CHARLES E PEA PODY, manager. <$£ T lephont Mi!r, 257. $

Office Cor. First Ave. and Yes! - w\u25bc n tv. t*r. lef N. P. Ry. ofjj St. ?

| at tie \u2666$-«-? * "V* Mr? ; ?

? I ii? i«????? .. . .


UTOPIA }I Sails August 8. ?

'5) From Colmtn'i Dock, foot of Co-5, turn) la street. for WRANGE! ><r

JINKAL", SKAGWAY A N D is'A DYKA. |? Foi Freight or Pamn apply to ff? SEATTLE STEAMSHIP e6. «

F. A. BELL, Manager.? 101* C'hei-rv Street. |? ?

... ... ?:? -ytr?>

f FOR ALASKA t<s? Steamer <i>

: .. . DISCOVERY .. .

Sails Aug. 5t FOR I* Hrangtl, Juneau. Skagway, Dyea. j

'?> I- r fr--i,BJ;t . ; r. Ij. arj ly to AJ. || B Atkll ton. mr.M#*r; J. A. <&PaltM, tfcnt, 13-14 Bom >n Wtock. *p- A

<s> ; -site post office. Trlt phone Main »

* f». 4s*-, -- -


. Z........ ..............



MflßfHHw Ticket office-

Leav* irrtv*«i»n) r«"o?rrt»< Cifr*M..TiOVa.atill a.m. .Pm. Cmmmt Uifi..Vtlß p.n


Vs>r Jtpu. CftiEt. anJ A.; a*.auc Peiata,

About Aug. 25.

? Tor Hawaii. S%-IkUKh rrva, NrVk Z«*ianJtPMH% and Aufftr&Ua, S*Jm~

M<r!{>o«a to Hcno-lulu, or W^ir.M-

--jjaiancnn-' G<| >- *-*?«: '\u25a0*-iv.v a I p. m. T.a t,r '? *». *«*m.«r- Fn- avenue,

flMttUe, J. U spttckt* A Bros Co., teaVMMIBCfe


USE IKE WIRES.Rave yoir (rrlght ant to Dawsoa

? T" tfce Ckilkoot Pas* Tramnir*.tkea dewa tk» rirtt by steaaier.

Ten Days From SeattleTHE

Chilkoot Pass RouteIS?

Quick, Cheap and Easy.J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Sapt. P. C. S. S. Co., OMan Wharf, Seattle.R- R. SPESI KK, National Bank of Comurrrr, Seattle.S. G. lERKES, Act. Watk. At Alaska S. S. Co., lltt West lesler

Way, Seattle.J. M. BL4HE, 006 First AT, Seattle.


ELEGANT DIMM. CARS,tolrist sleeping cars


St. Paul, Minneapolis,Dulutb, Fargo,Grand Forks, Crookston,Winnipeg, Helena,Butte. Chicago,Philadelphia, Washington,New York, Boston.

And All Points Eastand aoutn.


fa ESrcl trbruur) ll>, IVJS,

TKAIXS LEA V K SEATTLE.For Walla Walla. Spokane, Ross-

land, St. Paul ar:d East 4:00 p. m.Fur Portland D:ou a. in and 4:00 p. in.?Jf'or Olynpia T.ooa.m.?For Aberdeen 7:<Jua. in.

Fur Tacoma.. .5:00, T.Ow and 11:00a. ni.; 4.00 and 7:00 p. m.

TRAIN'S ARRIVE AT S \TTLE.From Walla Walla, Spokane,

Russian \, St. Paul and East.. 700 a. in.From Portland 6 20 and 11 n p. m.?Front Olympia 6 20 p. m.?From Aberdeen t>:2©p. m.From Taeoma. .7:00 and 8:10 a.

m.; 12:15. *5:20 and - 11:30 p. m.*l»aity except Sunday. AU others dally.Tlds


card subject to change withoutnotice.

T rough tlt*kets to Japan and China viaNorthern Pacific Steamship Company.

For rate?, routes and other Informationcall on or address

I. A. KADEAVtGeneral Agent, eattlo.

C!tv Ticket Office, corner \'r«>r Waya"< ; Vir»t ivenue.

Depot Ticket Office, corner Westerna Venue ani Columbia street.

A !>. CHARLTON.Assistant Genera! Passenger Agent.

No. 235 Morrison street, corner Third,Portland. Or.

t?r ?~?> IffROUGH

jflj|pt ncuas

PacificIhe Over'and Route.

Through Pullman rnlucc Slrrprri,

thrungh Palliiinn Toarlnt M«-epers.

flrnt-cl»i»» Hrrllnlnv tlmlr Car*,

daily from the Cannt to ( hlriigo and

other K«»tf"i point* QnlrU terflrr,union d«*|»ot». lim«t r«tr«.

For ml)'' or Informntlon nppl? to

J. H. LOTIiHOP, (ietipml tgeat, lasThird street, Portland. Ore.

K. E. ELLIS. (?rnrral Audit O. R. Jk

!*. Co., 018 First Airnnr, Seattle,\\ nnh.



PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY-Steamer Stats of Wash;nMto:i leaves

Seattle from Yeaier wharf dally exceptSaturday at 10 p. m. for Ever tt, Ana-cortes Fa;rhaven a;;d Whatcom, connect-ing at Whatcom for Vancouver andBlaine.?Connection#?At Seattle. Flyer and N. P.R. R. for Taeoma and way twin:--. at Ev-erett. K. & M. C. It. II.; at Anaoortea, 3.N. R R.: at Whatcom. B R & B. C. R.R. and steamer Laviy of the Lake at\\ hatcom.

Returning, 'eaves Whatcom exceptSunday at S a. in.

St< am< r Fairhaven leaves Seattle fromMetier wharf da ly except Sunday at 8a. m for Edm >nds. W hid by i '.and andr*>. r, raliins at Everett, northbound, Tue.siay, Thursday and Saturday;south bound. Mot, -ay. Wednesday and Fri-day. connecting at La Conner with stageafrom Bay View, Whitney and Mount Ver-non.

Returning, leaves Li Conn r daily ex-cept Sunday, t v m. Telephone, Main :>l7.



The Elegant Side wheel Steamer


MeW,lliams, Master.Will leave Yesler wharf, ?? t tie. everyMonday. Wednesday and Friday at 11:30p. m. for Altai ortes, Fjirhaven. What-com and Vancouv' r. Passenger- may goon beard and occupy rooms at p. rn.Returning wi.i l»a\e Vai.ooawr everyTuesday, Taut s lay and Saturday, at 11p. m.

Th * steamer has superior passenger ac-c mmodiition-. Table service unsurpassed.

For freight or pas.-.ige ap, lj on boardor at Y<sl t wharf




Steamer City of Kingston between T»-cotria, Wash., an.l Victoria. B. C.VOupm Lv Mi ?Taroma 110 Art l.OOpra

10:0opn.,Lv| 281 SEATTLE IC.Ari I:46pml am Lv Pt Towns* d I 3» v h3 lam Ar UOt Victor.a M Lv.?Daily except Saturday.This steamer furnishes first-clasa ac-

comtn da: ion*. carrying both fre.ght andnassensers, and leaves from Yesler wharf,Seattle, far Victoria, at 10 p. m? and forTh om i at 2:15 p. m.

Pass, ngern for_ Victoria can occupys'a.erooius until 7 a. m.

eoi rates, tickets, etc.. Inquire ofE T. I OPE.Agent, Yeaier Wharf, Seattle.

1. A. NADEAL,Generai Agent, N. P. Ry.. Seattla.




Time Card?Leaves Seattle 7 a m., 12rr.. and a p m. Leaves Everett 9:15 a.'m.,2:30 p. m. and 7:15 p. m.

Three round trijv* dally except Sunday.Connections A' Seattle ";p t^am«rFlyer for Taroma. At Everett w! h M Ka !i» f«T Snohimtsh. and withthe Everett & Monte Cristo railway fcrMoi.ln Cr:Kto an 1 way s'atlona.

Colman D~?k Seattle. Mere hints' Dock.Everett. Te.e;>r»wne. Seattle Re.i r.l. Ev-erett S3. E B sr )tt.



steamer hay city

[,mvc« C'.tv <lork foot of Muln atr««t,Tut" !.i) Tl i;r«laya and Su?ur.l»v« at IIp m Single far© from Seattle, u. rour.dtrti> Ji.iw. from Ta.-omn, $1 25; rojn<?trip! J- W J. EL.I.IS. M*ri|fer.



X-r«v« dock Tuesday. Tv.r»diiyti3 «,ir.!iv f r K«*e»?on. Port lamhJ«.

c *v and si! finNi Carta.' j>o!nt» R«-turnlni? alternate days.





STRAITS STEVMSHIP COMfAVYCarrv Unite 1 m*:: >iv»« Ot?flock f O' M ' " * ? ' Ban*!® 1day aM Tf?>' P'-rr 1 i


an In. in 5» rr. \

Kew Wt itcorr,. !nr !'av«g \>wW K a ? >Tn T;-*<4 *v Tivirjdny and Sa?jr-

dav at 4 a m J It Tiom:«mr». *na*>asrr-o«tt. EHK * CoCi-V rwk Telephone. Mtlr r



«r1 T Rive-nrr»r A - Oertfrud* )»ave« r>j ty ~,rkM ! i%Y»" ' . r.d Friday* nt mJJ. . f I r* T>*n< Pr:\y i.

Vt« I'u'su «"? Anaalea. P-irf fr»> ?r.«- <',\u25a0 tt\« « Pv-> vr. nvum Pay J, r .|

S". \u25a0 . p.av r. - 7? arrtv.- at ft »?» <. fp ;r, <n c;: \u25a0? \u25a0 '»} ?? C«rt»ndu».», f t\ <lock f r Por* por*A :»'\u25a0 -\u25a0 »"1 Vl'-*-r a Tu>» !iv». TV r« *!v »

a ?» St'urla:.« at 12 rr In jrh*; arr.v* .«>-<??*>*» it 2:10 p m. T»]

Ma to W 3r Main C.5.


STEAMER MARV f PERT.EYfoot of W»'h!':»'or, 'laffy *»

3 30 p. m. " «*.« p. m.» for Plec*ic;tB a-.-' (V» ss lUik4vi, F?rem«*!f»n, r S,Pry Do*"*. C" ari»-fton. SSdri' V. Tra rronChlrc. «nd RUvrdale. It»*-»rn!-.» !-av«r«Suverlaie p* « * *»-. «rrlv-« S<>a'rii» Jft-aoa. m Leaves Saturday n!«ht- Ati>» p. a. »rr:v*« Sva'.Ui 7.3(1 p. ta T«i»-BkPb» Mala SA

illI lllflllfl111



riount Baker.!fav,r,|f Seattle da.* a; " aT, *T5'

close connect.ons wi?h V.w*fcr ail points in the M; Baker <1 strict.

For Geaeto infor-nation. speeinvas ofauartt. etc.. app<y at A. A L lafortaaUoaBureau, or to

F. A- ALLEN. Gsn Pa« Agent,CoiumtMa ainmi rtauoa.

7 .


FLT ON TtIK "TLTBh.-_ SRATTLR TO TACOMA.Four round trips IMly, txcept Sun4» one hour and twenty-TWe minntaa._

THE STEAMER "FLYER."Raculat daily trips. S«*ttk-Tacom»nau««, aa follow*:


U»» Seattle?;:* U;IA a. n».: 2.4ft «:1»P. m.

Leara TacoinaVM a. m.; L *A lp.liSUNDAYS.

Lear* Seattle?7 30 a. m . 11 tn.; S p. m.}*»Taeomo?v »a. m.; SJD. rJO p. at Northorn Padfio wharf. T»-

eom*. and Commercial dock, foot of MA*Hon ttreot. SMCtlr.

Bundiy* steamers Flyer ud StAto OgWashington.





Tel.. Main S7. CITT DOCK. AsmCAi*T. U WILJLET, Maa«or


STKAMER A. It ROHNSOX.Carr > in* U. S. MaiL

On Fort orcatuil and Port Washingtonroute, leave* i"ity mock. root t»istreet. S:3O a. ro.. calling at South Beach,Burcht'-U. Brick Yaro. Hremvrton, (j. &Navy Yard. Sidney. Charleston. Tracyton.Chlco. B»lverdaie. L«avss PortNavy Station at 2 p, m.; arrive Svautoat «p. m E. N. Ro»tn«on. :na>:e:. Lilly.Bogardus A Co.. ag*n?a T#l»phont,Main 87.


Steamer George K. Starr ieave* CentralDock. Seattle, at 8 p. ro. Monday. \Ved«nesday and Friday. Ketuming, leavesBlame 2 p. n. ard Whatcom 4 j>. m. Tues-day Thursday and Saturday.LA CONNER TRAD!NO AND TRANS-

PORTATION CO..Tel.. Main 211. Central Dock, .v-attle.


STEAMER PROSPERCity dock dall> at


a. m. exceptSundav for Port Madtaon. Kingston. PortOamhle. Port 1.-kllow and Port Townssnd.Sundavs direct for Port Townserd at 9 a.m. Return'.nir. reaches Seattle at * m.daily. Te>ph©na #7. Lilly. Bogardus 4kC0.." Amenta.


Leave* Oalhralth dock, foot of W*»hlng-ton street. Monday. Wed need ay and Fi>day at

" o'clock a. m for Kingston. PortOamMe. Scnl>eck. (J'*'lcene T«rho Bat,Br'.nnon. Holly Dew.»t:o. LCMwxup FfclU.Hoodsport aftd Union City. Returna alter-nate days.

D. TROUTMAN. Mai tar.Telephone. Ma!n r>2B.

SKAGIT RIVER ROUTE Steamer Cityof Champa'Rn; weekly time card:Leave* Seattle? Tuesday. August 2. at ?

a. m.; Thursday. August 4, at 10 a. m.;Saturday. August *, at 11 a. m leavesMount Vernon?Wednesday. August 3. at2 p. m.. Friday. August 5. at 3 n. na.;Sunday. August 7. at 4 p. m. Call rig atTuiallp. Star.wood. Fir. Skagit City. MountVernon an'' Avon.

For piM Bard fr< Ight nt?e apply atPity Dock; telephone. Main \V. P o 1-kfson. Mmig-r. H. 11 McDonald. Ma«'-r.

PEOPLE'S BAV IN US BANK.Occidental bloc*. Seattle, Wash.

Capita IF AND ' TRUSTEES* 00'^

Jacob Furth .......PresidentArthur A Denry..... .. .Vice PresidentJohn Learv Second Vice PresidentJames R. Ha.vden. Manager. Cash'r, S« y

Jus T Gre< nieaf Assistant t ashlerSigmund Schwabacher, John Collins,

K. C. Ncufelder. F. L Blodgeit.

Transacts a savings bank business ex*Cl DeposTt's received from II to 110,000.

Interest allowed ,>er annum: Six percent, on term deposits; 4 per cent, on or-dinary deposits.

Dividends declared last dsya of May andNovember. Loans made on real estate orapproved collaterals only.


Incorporated 1887.

Capita.Surplus ????? lOO.uOt

President A. A. DennyVice President ...W. M. LaddManager ? N. H. Latimer

Sight exchange and telegraphic trans*f*rs on New York. Chicago. Bt. Paul. SaaFranclseo Portland and various points laOregon and Brit lab Columbia

Sight Mils of exchange cn London ava.l-able else where Irs Europe.

Collections maU« at all points on favor*able terms .

Ponds stocks and other valuables ra»ce4ved on deposit tor safekeeping


raid-up capital HOO.OOtSurplus 1&0.00*

Maurice McMlcken PresidentJ H. McOraw Vice PresidentLester Turner Cashier

General banking business transactedSight and telegraphic exchange payable

In all the principal cities of the UnitedStates and Europe.

Letter's of credit furnished on Alaska,payable at aa trading poets of the N. A. T.A T. Co.


Carnal stock paid in SS7*OQOSurplus tt.CQt

Jacob Furth PresidentE C. Ne-ifelder Vice PresidentR. V. Ankeny Cashier

Correspondents In ail the prlmtipal cltlegin the Unlte<l States and Europe


Paid-up capital tIM.'M

Transacts a general banking btialnesa

M. D Rsllard PresidentH. C. Henry Vice PresidentR R. Spencer .....Cashier

Safety Deposit ftoxes for Rent.


SOO LINE.Now selling tickets to

Montreal, TorontoDetroit, nonton.

Now York, Buffalo,First Class, $35; Sccoad Class, $29Rt. I'jnil-Kirat cl»* lecoad flMa |!O.M

Chicago?Klrat claaa 931.5 V. NeaM ftaaa |3t4t

Equally low rates to all points East*>,O REBATES,

ATLANTIC OCEAN TICKETS.Train leave* t£o a. ra. daily.

For all Information apply toW K THOMSOJf,

frttiht uid I'uwDitr inaLM Firm Av-nua,

Taiavbon* Main flfcX. J. COTLE,

ptatrtct rm>m»r Agsab 1Vaaoauvcr. B. C.
