farley wanda 1974 puertorico

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  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico



    FIELD ADDRESS FORWARDING AGENTSWanda Farley Mr. Mrs. Ray FarleyP O Box 66 R t 2Catafio Puerto Rico 00632 McGregor Minnesota 55760


    I would tCkz to take thU oppoKtw^^rto ^iom you. oi thz u 0A k that I havebe,e.n involved In {oA, the LoAd tn the Ca/Ubbean oAea and al6o what I hope tobe^doZng In the neoA ^utafielTbrary

    I nou have the tiMaAy pretty voell le t wp jbi a temponaJiy TkU maynot be the be t 6y6tm but a t p^e ent JiX am what the UMjoJiy neexULANGUAGE SCHOOL

    At the beg^nntng of the lunwen. 6euenal oi the iaculty o{ College o{ WoKtdHC 6ton leit ioK Co6ta ZCca to take an Znten ^ited cou/ue Zn tJie SpaviUhlanguage SpanZ h l ven,y hand to leaAn fie/ie Zn Vuento lUco a6 tken.e oAe60 many EngtC h speaking people. t make6 >Lt ea6y to le t the itudces ilideby; however., to n.eally mn-k uUth the people you have to know theOi languageZn ondeA to fiojanh tkm ion. ChU t Co6ta ZCca doe not have tkU 6tnongEnglUh ^iluence; then.eioKe only Spanish spokenThU ia l l we pnay that a couple oi them will be back so that claries canbe taught In the Spanish language. This way ouJi owUieach hen.e will bemoKe eHojctJjoe iofi ouA Lond

    FAJARDO^ PUERTO RICOVoK the loMt month oA so Joyce fn.eese and I have been goiy^ oven, to fajaAdoon Sundays to help with the won.k theJie LaJUiy Gn.een has jwst come backin,om the Spanish language school in Costa Rica and the won,k is going ve/tyweJU in FajoAdo He also has thn.ee students {Aom Colegio Biblico EaglePass Texas helping him ^on. the surrmen.. This is a big heJtp as they alneadyknow the language I fieaily enjoy this wonk although i t is a long dfUveeach Sunday but when you anAive and see the VuoAto Rican child/ien aJiA^Cvingyou KQjaUjze was wonXh the tA^ip, We do have a pnoblem though in the iacttha t we know so t i t t le Spanish

    CARIBBEAN MISSIONS CLINICThe Canibbean Missions Clinic has aVieady taken p lace and was a venygood cl ini jc Joyce and I had tuoo Jamaican ginls staying at ouK howse andwe KZjoJUiy enjoyed having them, I believe ^e Tuesday night session was thebes t at tended and iX was a Jio un d 8 5 i n at tendance

  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico


    THE FUTURE a to my ptanit ^o the. ^utuAz, ioh.d iMLCyig I plan on mov-ing back to KokomoJndMina and woAk ivMi the. Ch/UMtCan BM^le. Hooie, Mutton SeAvice , Inc.I pnat4>z thz LoAd ^oa. the tu/o yeafu He alZoMed me to have heAe tn VaehtoR-cco and I pAay that I have been able to do a good mAk ^o my LoAd I do,hou^eveA ^eeZ that aX lii iime ioK me to A.etLUinI l Xint to thank each o^ you that have peA onally ^appoAted me both i-inan-CAnlly and tn pAayeA. JheAz oAe two pA ogAmi> that I am veAy dole to thJibbeJjng the College o^ OJoAld Mc64^k, JCU Inc. and H^^ton SeAv^cce^ Inc.I i^ould encouAage you to coni>ideA contcmUng to 6end the 6uppoAt that youhave lent to me to one oa the otheA. Ai MliiZon SeAvtcei a pAXntCngoAganizatCon ^o the ml ilonoAieii a l l ove^ the. uJoAld and luppoAted bythe ChAUt^Can ChuAchei/ChuAchei o^ ChAtlt, i t Mould go oa pai^ent on my-laloAy^ -- - - -

    PRESENT NEED^TheAe i6 one last need o( about 400- 500 oA. tAavetCng back to the i tateiI am lelltng the tittle bit luA.YUtuAe that I bAcugf^ dom to Vuehto Itccobat theAe oAe leveAal otheA things that I need to send back along ujith my-seZi Iij thts money can be Aoiied 6oon I loould l ike to be on my u)ay backaAound SeptembeA l i t 1974,I hope to be able to lee each oi you loon May the LoAd guide each o^ youand ble i youA l ivei

    SinceAeZy in ChAi^t,

    Wanda ^oAleyMa S Uai Rat/ VoAley 2McGAegoA Minnesota 55760

    VouA ieAvant ^oa Him

    Wanda. FoAley

  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico


    Wanda p a r l e y Ch r i s t i a n b i b l e hou s e o f kokohoWanda Par l ey Jo ined th e a t a t f o f

    Mission Servlees In the spring o f 1966She s e r v ed a s c l e r k I n t h e Ch r i s t i a n Bl h ie House I n Jo l l e t I l l i no i s La t e rshe became th e bookkeeper f o r th e books t o r e When Mis s i o n S e r v i c e s s ioved f romJo l l e tv I l l i no i s to Tlpton County I nd l -and I n 1971 Wanda accep ted th e cha l l engeto help Mrs W McGllvrey s t a r t ano th e r books to re In Kokomoy Indiana La t e rshe was o f f e r ed th e po s i t i o n o f l i b r a ri a n i f l t h th e I n te r n a ti o n a l C h r i s t i a n Unive r s i t y In P^ierto Rico and s t a r t ed Sep tember 1 , 1972 She ?ave two years Inservi j? ? R i c o an d feel t h e y we r e

    vc a r g . r e t t i r ned t o Kokoraot I n d -w

    i ana i n 5?c-;?? >ey 1974 to s e rve a bookkeeper and c le rk a t th e Chr i s t i an BibleHouse The re ha been a g r adua l growthI n t h i s books to ro and Wanda is busy I nM i ss io n S e rv ic e s a ga in .

    Wanda Parley was bom Peb 28 19^5In Ladysmlth Wisconsin She was gradua ted from Plambeau High School I n TonyWiscons in She was t r a i n e d t Minneso ta Bible Col lege now a t Roches te r ,Minneso ta She came t o Miss i on Se r v i c e ssho r t l y a f t e r gradua t ion from M C

  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico


    W I D FAftiUST pagO S

    H a r ffilBeloKi a t f d r a a WendlaFarXeyt hr i e t i a a ible Hdcisa o t SolKra vlOXO ast MarfisJUmtl vaauot Sle

  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico


    amyCB-NAIL s k e i t c h p o r m s s i o h a h y f a m i l i e sG3iis information will help with the preparation and publicity of the Missionary Pictujre Book,197^.H u s b a n d sName Bom (Place)

    D a t e

    W i fe sMaiden Name Wa nHa T?pr>i ay Bom Place) T nrly qm i hh ^ VJi^nnry^ir^Date ?eb . 28. 1Q4S

    Address 1010 E. Markland Ave. / City/State Kokomo, Ind. 46901Nation United States of America ZIP Code



    City/stateSCHOOLINGFigh School Flambeau

    Z I P C o d e

    City/state Tony, V/iscons inCollege Minnesota Bible College City/State Rochester. MinnesotaSeminary/Graduate City/stateWhen Where B a p t i z e dr e J ia p ti ze aCity/^tate July, 19^8 Ladysmith, V/isconsinFAMILY FACTS _ Married Single, ^CHILDEEN

    N a m e s P l a c e of irth Month/Day/lear


    M i s s i o n M e r v i

    W h a t

    RonkVpppPT ,qt n . R. TT.When

    1 Q PJoliet l i o K o m oCollege of V/orld Missi o n L i b r a r i a n

    1 9 7 2 - 7 4S a n J u a n i r ^ e r t o K i c oM i s si o n S e r v i c e s Bookkeeper a t C. B. H. 197 +-Kokomo, I n d .


    S t a r t i n g DateS e c o n d T e r mT h i r d T e r mF o u r t h T e r mFifth T e r m

    Furlough DateFurlough DateFurlough DateFurlough DateFurlough Date

    M i s s i o n L o c a t i o nM i s s io n L o c a ti o nM i s s io n L o c at i o nM i s s io n L o c at i o nM i s s io n L o c a t i o n

    Shor t summary o f presen t missionary service and accomplishments ; se back of this sheet or second sheet, i f needed.)

  • 8/13/2019 Farley Wanda 1974 PuertoRico


    H f i w u i rUpon gradmation from Minnesota Bible College in 1965 I wasoffered a job v/ith Mission Services in J o l i e t I l l i no i s I acceptedt h i s o f f e r and felt t b a t I was doing v/hat th e Lord w ould w ant me tod o I w as l o c a t e d in t h e hristi n B i b l e H o u s e a s clerk t th tt i m e L a t e r I a l s o accep ted th e job of bookkeeper

    When Miss ion S e r v i c e s re loc i i t ed i n Kempton In d I accep tedthe chal lenged l a id before me as I helped Mrs VI, E McGilVreyst rt an o th e r books t o r e i n PCokomo I nd

    ^ ^

    Ji ^Sy9^ ^2^ 30,4? -/ X Pft^ f f