experimental amitriptyline intoxication: treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate

sPECIAL CONTRIBUTION amitriptyline, intoxication, sodium bicarbonate; drug overdose, amitriptyline, sodium bicarbonate; tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline Experimental Amitriptyline Intoxication: Treatment of Cardiac Toxicity With Sodium Bicarbonate Overdose with amitriptyline and other tricyclic antidepressants can result in ventricular conduction abnormalities as well as severe ventricular ar- rhythmias. The arrhythmogenic effects of these compounds may be at- tributed to their direct local anesthetic actions in blocking sodium channels in cardiac membranes. Thus tricyclic-induced ventricular arrhythmias usu- ally do not respond well to therapy with standard Class I antiarrhythmic drugs that also have the same direct local anesthetic action and may poten- tiate the adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressants. Cardiac toxicity was produced in dogs by the administration of amitriptyline, both orally and IV. At serum concentrations less than 2,000 ng/mL, sinus tachycardia occurred with widened QRS complexes. At higher concentrations, QRS duration be- came more markedly prolonged and was followed by ventricular tachyar- rhythmias. Occurrence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias was associated with QRS durations of more than 0.Ii second. Sodium bicarbonate (18 to 36 mEq) administered IV over either 30 seconds or two minutes rapidly con- verted ventricular tachycardia to normal sinus rhythm. Conversion was as- sociated with abbreviation of the QRS complex and was accompanied by a rise in both systolic and diastolic pressures. The duration of sodium bicar- bonate effect paralleled the duration of the changes in arterial pH and plas- ma bicarbonate concentrations. In vitro studies in cardiac Purkinje fibers suggested that reversal of amitriptyline-induced cardiac membrane effects by sodium bicarbonate may be attributed not only to alkalinization but also to increases in extracellular sodium concentration, diminishing the lo- cal anesthetic action of amitriptyline and resulting in less sodium channel block. The direct depressant effect of amitriptyline on conduction is fre- quency dependent, and thus would be expected to be potentiated by the anticholinergic-mediated sinus tachycardia that accompanies toxicity. Counteracting the sinus tachycardia with either propranolo] or physostig- mine may reduce the direct cardiotoxic effect of the drug, but may exacer- bate the hypotensive effects. Our results suggest that alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate provides an effective therapeutic modality for the treat- ment of tricyclic-induced cardiac toxicity. [Sasyniuk BL Jhamandas V, Valois M: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate. Ann Emerg Med September 1986;15:1052-1059.] INTRODUCTION The tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are local anesthetic drugs with poten- tially useful antiarrhythmic as well as potentially harmful arrhythmogenic effects. Overdoses with amitriptyline and other tricyclic antidepressants can result in ventricular conduction abnormalities and severe ventricular ar- rhythmias. The generation of ventricular axrhythmias is due predominantly to a slowing of conduction in the His-Purkinje system and ventricular mus- cle. u3 This slowing has been shown to result almost entirely from a direct local anesthetic action in blocking fast sodium channels in cardiac mem- branes.a-7 In addition to their direct local anesthetic actions, these drugs also have potent anticholinergic actions and block reuptake of norepinephrine into adrenergic neurons. This latter effect probably does not play a major role in the induction of ventricular arrhythmias. However, sinus tachycardia, due ,to vagal blockade, can facilitate ventricular arrhythmias by enhancing the local Betty I Sasyniuk, PhD Vija Jhamandas Maria Valois Montreal, Canada From the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Received for publication February 14, 1986. Revision received June 17, 1986. Accepted for publication June 23, 1986. Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Quebec Heart Foundation. Presented at the UAEM/IRIEM Research Symposium on Toxicology in San Francisco, California, February 1986. Address for reprints: Betty I Sasyniuk, PhD, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, 3655 Drummond Street, Montreal, H3G 1Y6, Canada. 15:9 September 1986 Annals of Emergency Medicine 1052/97

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Page 1: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate

sPECIAL CONTRIBUTION amitriptyline, intoxication, sodium bicarbonate; drug overdose, amitriptyline, sodium bicarbonate; tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline

Experimental Amitriptyline Intoxication: Treatment of Cardiac Toxicity With Sodium Bicarbonate

Overdose with amitriptyline and other tricyclic antidepressants can result in ventricular conduction abnormalities as well as severe ventricular ar- rhythmias. The arrhythmogenic effects of these compounds may be at- tributed to their direct local anesthetic actions in blocking sodium channels in cardiac membranes. Thus tricyclic-induced ventricular arrhythmias usu- ally do not respond well to therapy with standard Class I antiarrhythmic drugs that also have the same direct local anesthetic action and may poten- tiate the adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressants. Cardiac toxicity was produced in dogs by the administration of amitriptyline, both orally and IV. At serum concentrations less than 2,000 ng/mL, sinus tachycardia occurred with widened QRS complexes. At higher concentrations, QRS duration be- came more markedly prolonged and was followed by ventricular tachyar- rhythmias. Occurrence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias was associated with QRS durations of more than 0.Ii second. Sodium bicarbonate (18 to 36 mEq) administered IV over either 30 seconds or two minutes rapidly con- verted ventricular tachycardia to normal sinus rhythm. Conversion was as- sociated with abbreviation of the QRS complex and was accompanied by a rise in both systolic and diastolic pressures. The duration of sodium bicar- bonate effect paralleled the duration of the changes in arterial pH and plas- ma bicarbonate concentrations. In vitro studies in cardiac Purkinje fibers suggested that reversal of amitriptyline-induced cardiac membrane effects by sodium bicarbonate may be attributed not only to alkalinization but also to increases in extracellular sodium concentration, diminishing the lo- cal anesthetic action of amitriptyline and resulting in less sodium channel block. The direct depressant effect of amitriptyline on conduction is fre- quency dependent, and thus would be expected to be potentiated by the anticholinergic-mediated sinus tachycardia that accompanies toxicity. Counteracting the sinus tachycardia with either propranolo] or physostig- mine may reduce the direct cardiotoxic effect of the drug, but may exacer- bate the hypotensive effects. Our results suggest that alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate provides an effective therapeutic modality for the treat- ment of tricyclic-induced cardiac toxicity. [Sasyniuk BL Jhamandas V, Valois M: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate. Ann Emerg Med September 1986;15:1052-1059.]

INTRODUCTION The tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are local anesthetic drugs with poten-

tially useful antiarrhythmic as well as potentially harmful arrhythmogenic effects. Overdoses with amitriptyline and other tricyclic antidepressants can result in ventricular conduction abnormalities and severe ventricular ar- rhythmias. The generation of ventricular axrhythmias is due predominantly to a slowing of conduction in the His-Purkinje system and ventricular mus- cle. u3 This slowing has been shown to result almost entirely from a direct local anesthetic action in blocking fast sodium channels in cardiac mem- branes.a-7

In addition to their direct local anesthetic actions, these drugs also have potent anticholinergic actions and block reuptake of norepinephrine into adrenergic neurons. This latter effect probably does not play a major role in the induction of ventricular arrhythmias. However, sinus tachycardia, due ,to vagal blockade, can facilitate ventricular arrhythmias by enhancing the local

Betty I Sasyniuk, PhD Vija Jhamandas Maria Valois Montreal, Canada

From the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Received for publication February 14, 1986. Revision received June 17, 1986. Accepted for publication June 23, 1986.

Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Quebec Heart Foundation.

Presented at the UAEM/IRIEM Research Symposium on Toxicology in San Francisco, California, February 1986.

Address for reprints: Betty I Sasyniuk, PhD, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, 3655 Drummond Street, Montreal, H3G 1Y6, Canada.

15:9 September 1986 Annals of Emergency Medicine 1052/97

Page 2: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate


o, ia r = 0 . 838


o.1, @ • A " "

~o.09 d" C~3

A A A ~

o e.o7 I ~ ~

0 . 0 5

0 2 0 0 0 4000 G 0 0 0





LL] 180

~ 1,1o





1 r = 0 . 589 L,

-i A

i 0 400 B00 1200 1600 2 0 0 0


FIGURE 1. Corre la t ion b e t w e e n serum levels of ami tr ip ty l ine and QRS duration. Solid symbols indicate QRS widening in animals with ven- tricular tachyarrhythmias . Results were obtained from six dogs during both oral and IV dosing.

FIGURE 2. Correlat ion be t w een serum levels of ami tr ip ty l ine and sinus rate,

anesthetic block of sodium channels and causing further slowing of con- duction7 Thus tricyclic-induced ven- tricular arrhythmias usually do not re- spond to therapy with standard Class I ant iarrhythmic drugs, which them- selves possess the same direct local anesthetic effects. In fact, TCA ar- rhy thmias may be exacerbated by Glass I antiarrhythmics, s

Twenty years ago French investiga- tors recommended using sodium bi- carbonate for the t reatment of tri- cyclic-induced arrhythmias. 9ll Sim- ilar therapy has been used to treat quinidine toxicity. The effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate now has been confirmed in both animalsh12-14 and human beings. 15-21 The mechanism by which alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate is beneficial, however, has been debated.h11,2o,21 It has been sug- gested that sodium bicarbonate may be e f fec t ive on ly in ac idot ic pa- tients, ~2 suggesting that it is the rever- sal of acidosis rather than alkalotic therapy per se that is important. Oth- ers have suggested an increase in pro- tein binding resulting in a decrease of

biologically active free drug.iS, 2o We have shown previously that the

efficacy of sodium bicarbonate therapy is related to a direct cardiac effect in normalizing conduction parameters.7 We review these results and report our more recent work.

METHODS Our study was designed to deter-

mine the relationship between tri- cyclic antidepressant drug concentra- tion and cardiotoxic effects and to evaluate the efficacy of sodium bicar- bonate treatment. Studies were per- formed in awake mongrel dogs pre- t rea ted wi th 5 mg d iazepam and breathing room air spontaneously. Di- azepam was used to prevent signs of central nervous system toxicity that occurred at similar TCA concentra- tions as cardiac toxicity.

Eight animals were treated wi th three oral doses of 30 mg/kg amitrip- tyline administered during a 24-hour period. If cardiac toxici ty was not present after oral dosing, an additional IV infusion at a rate ranging from 0.3 to 1 m g / k g / m i n was administered. Several days prior to the experiment, the animals were anesthetized and catheters were inserted into the left carotid artery for recording of blood pressure; in the left femoral artery and vein for withdrawing blood samples for blood gas and drug analysis, re- spectively; and in the left cephalic vein for infusion of drug. Drug sam- ples usually were taken after the sec- ond and third oral doses and during IV infusion at the t ime ventricular ar- r h y t h m i a s had occurred. P l a sma

amitriptyline and nortriptyline con- centrations were measured by high- pressure liquid chromatographic tech- niques. I3 Arterial blood pressure and an ECG, usually leads II and aVr, were monitored throughout.

The significance of changes in acid- base parameters, QRS duration, ~heart rate, and blood pressure following so- dium bicarbonate treatment were ana- lyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Changes in potassium concentration were analyzed using Student's t test. A P < .05 was considered significant.

RESULTS Characteristics of Toxicity

Pretreatment of animals with oral doses of ami t r ip ty l ine resulted in serum drug levels ranging from 1,140 ng/mL to 1,960 ng/mL. Total serum drug levels (both amitr iptyl ine and nortriptyline) ranged from 1,601 ng/ mL to 2,390 ng/mL. All of the animals had sinus tachycardia with widened QRS complexes and some degree of hyper tension. None, however, had ventricular arrhythmias despite serum levels exceeding 1,000 ng/mL.

Ventricular t achyar rhy thmias oc- curred only after additional IV infu- sions and were preceded by more marked widening of the QRS complex (ie, longer than 0.11 second). A bundle branch block pattern usually preceded initiation of arrhythmias. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias occurred at serum levels of ami t r i p ty t i n e exceeding, 2,000 ng/mL (range, 2,091 to 5,9t5 ng/ mL). Total drug levels associated with ventricutar tachycardia ranged from 2,431 to 6,217 ng/mL.

98/1053 Annals of Emergency Medicine 15:9 September 1986

Page 3: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate

AFTER PRETREATMENT AMIT iNFUSION 3o ~l/'kl tool @ I mll/kg/mln

2 I / ; / f'. r ,:' "



! t



0 a

, , , , , r , '

' ¢" ~ '¢ ¢'t ' xF" " . / - ' '


QRS ' = - - DURATION ;,3

(reset) 55

7.54 1

pH 7,4s

7.3B "l H C O ~ - 27

(mEq/L )



EXCESS s (rnEq/L) .-


A I / A A i

/ A ~ A - - A

> "NA N A ~ / A

'N'N& ~ A ""A ~ A

f . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . L - 1 2 -8 - 4 0 4 8 t2 16 2 0

TIME (mln)

There was a significant correlation between the QRS duration and serum levels of amitriptyline (r = 0.838) (Fig- ure 1) as well as with total serum drug levels (r = 0.838). The correlation be- tween QRS duration and serum levels of nortriptyline was poor (r = 0.245). The range of concentrations after oral dosing was 375 to 566 ng/mL.

The sinus rate correlated with serum amitriptyline concentration up to a concentration of approximately 2,000 ng/mL (r = 0.589)(Figure 2). At higher concentrations there was no further increase in sinus rate and, in fact, the rate began to decrease at the highest concentrations. Thus max- imum changes in sinus rate occurred at much lower concentrations than those usually associated with marked prolongation of QRS duration and ventricular arrhythmias.

With low drug concentrations the QT interval was shortened in accor- dance with the drug's effect in abbre- viating action potential duration of both ventricular muscle and the spe- cialized ventricular conducting sys- tem.6,7 With higher concentrations the QT interval was prolonged as a re- sult of the increase in QRS duration. At high heart rates and high con- centrations, QT interval was not mea- surable.

All our animals had normal pH values prior to and following admin-

istration of amitriptyline. In a pre- vious study using anesthesized dogs that were artificially ventilated, it was more difficult to produce arrhythmias when the animals were hyperventi- lated. 13,14

T r e a t m e n t W i t h S o d i u m B i c a r b o n a t e

In a previous study we showed that sodium bicarbonate is extremely ef- fective in reversing conduction slow- ing and ar rhythmias produced by amitriptyline in awake and pentobar- bital-anesthetized dogs33 In this study we evaluated further the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate treatment.

In eight animals, either ventricular a r r h y t h m i a s or s u p r a v e n t r i c u l a r tachycardia with widened QRS com- plexes were produced by either oral doses or addi t ional infus ions of amitriptyline at doses ranging from 0.3 to 1 mg/kg/min. Ventricular arrhy- thmias reverted to a regular rhythm following administration of 18 to 36 mEq sodium bicarbonate (Figure 3). In every case reversion to normal rhythm was accompanied by an abbreviation of the QRS complex and an improve- ment in blood pressure without any consistent effect on the sinus rate. Su- praventricular tachycardias usually re- sponded with a slowing of the heart rate and an abbreviation of the QRS complex.

FIGURE 3. Abolition of ventricular arrhythmia following administration of NaHCO 3. During amitriptyline in- fusion heart rate increased from 140 to 200 beats per m i n u t e and ven- tricular tachycardia occurred wi th wide, bizarre QRS complexes. Thirty- six mEq NaHCO 3 were administered as two boluses during a one-minute period. By the end of the injection the QRS complexes narrowed and the rhy thm became clearly regular al- though the heart rate remained high.

FIGURE 4. Effects of administration of NaHCO 3 on electrical and acid base parameters in a dog with sinus tachycardia and marked widening of the QRS complex following oral ad- ministration of amitriptyline. Eigh- teen m E q N a H C O 3 were a d m in - istered during a two-minute period as ind ica ted by hor izonta l bar. De- creases in QRS duration paralleled in- creases in pH and b i c a r b o n a t e concentration.

A typical example of the effect of sodium bicarbonate administration on electrical and acid-base parameters in an an imal wi th supraven t r icu la r tachycardia and wide QRS complexes is shown (Figure 4). Abbreviation of the QRS complex paralleled changes in pH and bicarbonate levels, suggest-

15:9 S e p t e m b e r 1986 Anna ls of Emergency Medicine 1054/99

Page 4: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate

AMITRIPTYLINE INTOXICATION Sasyniuk, J h a m a n d a s & Valois

TABLE 1. Time course of changes in pH, bicarbonate ion, and base excess following administration of sodium bicarbonate to amitriptyline-toxic dogs*

Time After Beginning of Bicarbonate Administration (min)

Parameter Control 1-2 4-5 6-7 8-10 pH 7.38 ± .01t 7.50 -+ .01 7.46 _+ .02 7.45 _+ .02 7.44 ± .02

HCO~ mEq/L 20.14 _+ .99 29.13 _+ 1.62 25.35 + 1.66 25.02 ± 1.11 23.30 -+ .92

Base excess

15 20 7.42 ± .02 7.38 _+ .01

23.42 ± .99 21.30 _+ .50

mEq/L -2.78 ± .95 12.08 ± 1.66 5.88 ± 2.19 4.94 ± 1.68 3.34 _+ 1.49 2.16 _+ 1.68 12.13 ± .43

Data were obtained from five dogs. Changes in all parameters significantly different from control according to one-way ANOVA. *Either 18 or 36 mEq NaHCO3 were administered over two minutes during either a supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia. Average bicarbonate dose was 1.96 ± 0.27 mEq/kg.

1Mean _+ SE.


AMiT INFUSION o.a9 ~/kg/~


2 ~ 9 m~


AMIT INFUSION o.s mg /kg /m ln

PROPRANOLOL 0.1 mt l / ~

I min ~ 2 mln 12S ] :



FIGURE 5. Comparison of effects of physostigmine with those of NaHCO 3 administration. Physostigmine 1 mg f a i l e d to a b o l i s h a r r h y t h m i a . NaHCO 3 18 mEq administered dur- ing a two-minute period regularized the rhy thm before the end of the injection.

FIGURE 6. Abolition of ventricular arrhythmia by propranoloI 0.1 mg/kg administered during a one-minute pe- riod was accompanied by profound slowing of the heart rate (from 205 to 105 beats per minute) and a marked fall in blood pressure. QRS duration declined almost to predrug values de- spite an amitriptyline concentration of 3,399 ng/mL.

ing tha t the impor t an t improvemen t in conduc t ion was related largely to a l k a l i n i z a t i o n . T h e t i m e cour se of changes in pH, b icarbonate ion, and base excess fol lowing admin is t ra t ion

of 18 to 36 mEq sodium bicarbonate over two minutes in five of the ani- ma l s is s u m m a r i z e d (Table 1). The m e a n b ica rbona te dose was 1.96 -+ 0.27 mEq/kg (mean + SE).

There was a significant increase in all parameters by the end of the injec- tion; these then declined and reached control values wi th in 15 minutes . The t ime course of changes in QRS dura- tion, hear t rate, and systol ic and di- astolic pressures is summarized (Table 2). Maximal shortening of QRS dura- t ion is apparent by the end of the so- d ium bicarbonate injection and is ac- companied by a decrease in the heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. Al l p a r a m e t e r s rever ted toward pre- b icarbonate values after 15 minutes , and thus paralleled the changes in pH and b i c a r b o n a t e levels . Se rum po- tassium, measured in three of the ani- mals before adminis t ra t ion of bicarbo- nate and two to five minutes after the beginning of the injection, decreased

f rom 3.6 -+ 0.2 to 2.8 + 0.1 m M (mean -+ SE; P < .05).

In five animals, 1 mg physost igmine also was adminis tered to test its effec- tiveness. On two occasions physostig- m i n e was a d m i n i s t e r e d dur ing ven- t r i c u l a r t a c h y c a r d i a and on th ree occas ions dur ing a supraven t r i cu la r t achycard ia . P h y s o s t i g m i n e was not e f fec t ive in a b o l i s h i n g v e n t r i c u l a r tachycardia (Figure 5). Both rate and pressure were unchanged. In the ani- mals wi th supraventr icular tachycar- dia, there was a decline in heart rate of 30 + 13 beats per minu te and a de- cl ine in blood pressure of 15 _+ 3.0 m m Hg. QRS durat ion was shortened in only one of the three animals in which there was a 74 beats-per-min- u te dec l ine in hea r t rate. However, t h e r e was on ly a 0 .005- second de- crease in QRS duration. In the other two animals, QRS duration remained unchanged.

Propranolol 0.1 mg/kg was admin-

100/1055 Annals of Emergency Medicine 15:9 September 1986

Page 5: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate


~' Max


High pH-High Na-Normal pCO 2 High pH-Normal Na- Low pC02 ~

Normal i f I

7. 5 i i i W I I I I I II I n I l I I I I I • • & • & j • • • • & & • • • & 7 .5

7 . 4 • • 7 . 4

7 . 3 ~ ' e • • , , == ~' 7 . 3

9 5 0

9 0 0

8 5 0


7 5 0

7 0 0


I i

• m = i i • •


w@ @@mmmw•


• & A & • & & & &

6 5 0

6 0 0

= o o o


O 5 10 15 2 0 2 5 3 0 5 4 5




8 0 0

7 5 0

7 0 0


6 0 0

T , m e ( m i n ) 7

istered to two animals during ven- tricular tachyarrhythmia. In both ani- mals sinus rhythm was restored, but at a much slower rate despite the pres- ence of high TCA levels (Figure 6). In both animals, however, the beta block- er produced profound and progressive hypotension leading to death.

Mechanism of Reversal of Toxic Effects

Is improvement in conduction fol- lowing administration of sodium bi- carbonate due to alkalinization alone, or does the increase in extracellular sodium concentrat ion contribute to the beneficial effect? To answer this question we superfused canine cardiac Purkinje fibers in vitro with 500 ng/ mL amitriptyline. We then recorded intracel lular action potent ia ls and monitored the action potential param- eters that correlate with conduction changes in vivo. 7

The fibers were exposed to the fol- lowing three superfusates: 1) normal sodium, high pH-Iow PCO 2 (respira- tory alkalosis), pH was increased by decreasing the CO 2 concentra t ion from 5% to 3% (Na, 144 mM; HCO3,

25 mM); 2) high sodium, normal pH- normal PCO 2 (hypernatremia), sodium was increased by increasing the con- centration of NaCI by 15 mM (Na, 159 m2"Vi; HCO3, 25 mM); and 3) high so- dium, high pH-normal PCO 2 (meta- bolic alkalosis), both sodium and pH were increased by increasing the con- centration of NaHCO 3 by 15 mM (Na, 159 raM; HCO3, 40 raM).

The effects of the three superfusates on the upstroke velocity (Vmax) of the action potential, one of the major determinants of conduction velocity in vivo, are compared (Figures 7 and 8). Both hypocapnia and increases in extracellular sodium concentrat ion cause an i m p r o v e m e n t in ;¢max. However, the improvement in Vmax in the presence of sodium bicarbonate markedly exceeds that of either of the other two interventions, suggesting that the beneficial effects of sodium bicarbonate may be a t t r ibuted not only to atkalinization, but also to the presence of the sodium ion. These re- sults suggest that hypervent i la t ion alone would be less effective in treat- ing amitriptyline toxicity than is ad- ministration of sodium bicarbonate.

FIGURE 7. Comparison of the effects of hypocapnea versus NaHCO 3 on the upstroke velocity (~7max) of a cardiac Purkinje fiber action potential super- f u s e d in v i t r o w i t h 500 n g / m L amitriptyline.

Frequency-Dependent Effects of Amitriptyline in Determining Arrhythmogenesis

It is well known that frequency has important effects on action potential characteristics and that drug effects are modified by changes in frequen- cy.2S The important relevance to the arrhythmogenic effect of amitriptyline is the progressively greater degree of sodium channel block with increases in stimulation frequency This is man- ifested as a progressive decrease in the Vmax of the cardiac action potential (Figure 9). Thus, in the presence of drug, Vmax is markedly frequency de- pendent over the range of heart rates tha t would be expected to occur clinically. This result would be man- ifested as a progressive prolongation of the QRS duration clue to progressive conduction delay. In accordance with our in vitro data, we found that in in- dividual animals the QRS duration varied with fluctuations in the sinus rate. Thus, in the presence of amitrip- tyline, the degree of QRS prolongation depended on both the frequency of ac- tivation and the serum level of the drug.

Frequency-dependent effects with a resultant decrease in sodium channel block may account for the shortening of QRS duration that may accompany administration of either propranolol or physostigmine. If there is no signifi- cant change in sinus rate the QRS du- ration may be largely unaffected by either drug. On the other .hand, so- dium bicarbonate improves Vmax and conduction regardless of the heart rate (Figure 9). In the presence of acidosis, amitriptyline is much more depres- sant at all heart rates, suggesting a greater susceptibility to arrhythmia.

DISCUSSION Three major mechanisms have been

identified as responsible for generation of ventricular arrhythmias, that is, enhancement of automaticity, initia- tion of triggered activity, or induction of reentry.24 Tricyclic antidepressants do not enhance automaticity; in fact, all available data demonstrate that these drugs depress spontaneous rate

15:9 September 1986 Annals of Emergency Medicine 1056/101

Page 6: Experimental amitriptyline intoxication: Treatment of cardiac toxicity with sodium bicarbonate

AMITRIPTYLINE INTOXICATION Sasyniuk, dhamandas & Valois




High pH-High Na- Normal pCO 2 Hi~lh Na-Normal pH

Normal' 7.6 '

7.5 f • • • S A A A A , A A A AAA

~ 4 7.3 • e e e j l i B = = , . = m • I l i a

8 0 0






550 I

== = i • • •

j l l 0 e =

AA A A A A A *,A I

5 10 15 20 25 3 0 35


OQ Q 0 0 0 0

h 4 0

Time (min)

7.6 7.S 7,4 7,3








E .>

8 0 0


6 6 0




z, control = alkalotic

I , , , , l l , r V l , l r , , , , , , i , , i , r r r , i i 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0

STIMULATION RATE (pulses/rain)

FIGURE 8. Comparison of the effects of increases in sodium concentration in the superfusate versus increases in N. aHCO 3 on the upstroke velocity Vmax of cardiac Purkinje fiber action

potential superfused in vitro with 500 ng/mL amitriptyline.

FIGURE 9. Effects of increases in the stimulation rate on the upstroke ve- locity (~Zmax) of the action potential recorded from a cardiac Purkinje fiber superfused in vitro with 500 ng/mL amitriptyline. Triangles represent con- trol condition; squares, after addition of NaHCO 3 to the superfusate.

in the His-Purkinje system even when it is enhanced by catecholamines. 4-7 Because these drugs abolish triggered act ivi ty induced by digitalis-glyco- sides, the mechanism of the toxic ar- rhythmias is unlikely to be induction of triggered automaticity. 6

All TCAs studied to date slow con- duction in Purkinje fibers and ven- tricular muscle and abbreviate action potential duration and refractory peri- od in these fibers, particularly in the former. 4-z Marked slowing of conduc- tion, coupled with abbreviation of the refractory period, would favor genera- tion of arrhythmia by a reentry mech- anism.

The effects of amitriptyline on con- duction are highly frequency depen- dent. This action is related closely to the t ime-dependen t depress ion of 9max of cardiac action potentials pro- duced by amitriptyline as well as by other local anesthetic blocking drags. The mechanism of frequency-depen- dent drug effects on cardiac sodium c h a n n e l s has been de f ined by a number of models.23, 25 These models predict that drug-receptor association and dissociation rates depend on the state of the sodium channel, while ac- cess of drug to the receptor depends on the drug's biophysical properties and the state of the channel.

With each ventricular activation, amitriptyline binds to sodium chan- nels and begins to unbind during di- astole. If diastole is sufficiently long, sodium channels become completely unblocked between activations and conduction is unaltered. At high heart rates, the diastolic period is shortened and there is insufficient time for com- plete drug unbinding between beats. Thus c u m u l a t i v e sod ium channel block occurs until an equilibrium be- tween drug association and dissocia- tion is established. Frequency-depen- dent b lock is p o t e n t i a t e d in the presence of acidosis because drug un- binding is slowed. This will result in persistent blocked channels and re-

duction of conduction velocity with resultant QRS prolongation and in- duction of a reentrant mechanism.

Slowing heart rate in the presence of amitriptyline would allow more di- astolic time for drug unbinding from sodium channels and result in an im- provement in ventricular conduction, which may be sufficient to abolish a reentry mechanism. Thus a decrease in sinus rate may itself be effective in abolishing ventricular arrhythmias by el iminating rate-dependent conduc- tion slowing. This may be the mecha- nism for the occasional effectiveness of beta blockers or physostigmine in reversing cardiac toxicity.

The occurrence of rate-dependent conduction slowing may account for the lack of correlation between serum drug levels and occurrence of ven- tricular arrhythmias in the study of Bochnert and Lovejoy. 26 QRS duration may be markedly prolonged at lower serum levels if the sinus rate is high, particularly if metabolic acidosis also is present. Thus QRS duration may be a better indication of cardiac toxicity than is serum drug level.

Our results suggest that systemic alkalinization wi th sodium bicarbo- nate should be the first line of therapy for cardiac conduction abnormalities and ventricular tachyarrhythmias as- sociated with antidepressant intoxica-

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TABLE 2. Time course of changes in QRS duration, heart rate, and systolic and diastolic pressures following administration of NaHCO a to amitriptyline-toxic dogs*

Time After Beginning of Bicarbonate Administration (min)

Parameter Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 QRS duration

(msec) 108 _+ 9t 82 ± 5 79 ± 4 80 - - 4 86 -+ 5 83 ± 4 85 ± 4 87 ± 4 91 _+ 5 96 ± 8

Heart rate (beats/min) 203 ± 11 198 ± 9 184 ± 9 185 ± 9 185 ± 9 180 ± 10 184 __ 9 183 ± 9 194 _+ 1t 201 ± 9

Systolic pressure (mm Hg) 140 ± 9 148 ± 6 163 _+ 5 169 ± 5 166 _+ 7 160 ± 6 160 ± 6 154 ± 6 147 _+ 7 138 ± 6

Diastolic pressure (mm Hg) 95 ± 7 99 ± 6 112 ± 7 109 ± 8 109 _+ 10 102 ± 9 102 +_ 8 102 ± 7 99 _+ 8

Data were obta ined from five dogs. NaHCO3 was administered on 12 occasions in the five dogs. QRS durat ion and systolic pressure signif icant ly different from control accord ing to one-way ANOVA, *Either 18 or 36 mEq NaHCO3 was administered over two minutes dur ing either a supraventr icular or ventr icular tachycard ia . 1-Mean _+ SE.

95 ± 5

tion. Administration of sodium bicar- bonate is effective whether or not underlying metabolic acidosis is pres- ent and whether or not there is a sig- nificant change in the sinus rate.

Several possible mechanisms have been suggested for the beneficial ef- fects of sodium bicarbonate. Increases in protein binding resulting in a de- crease in the amount of biologically active free drug have been suggested by Brown and associates, is This mechanism has been debated. Al- though amitriptyline is bound exten- sively to serum proteins and this bind- ing is pH dependent, redistribution of amitr iptyl ine from peripheral sites might diminish the reduction in free drug concentration in serum caused by alkalinization. 21

A more plausible explanation for so- dium bicarbonate efficacy is a direct cardiac effect in normalizing conduc- tion parameters, as demonstrated in our study. Reversal of conduction slowing would be expected to abolish the conditions permitting reentrant arrhythmias. Increases in pH have been shown to accelerate the recovery of s o d i u m c h a n n e l s b locked by amitriptyline, presumably by decreas- ing protonation of the drug-receptor complex. 27 An increase in pH would increase the proportion of amitrip- tyline that is nonionized, thus facili- tating egress of drug from the receptor site in the sodium channel. The direct cardiac effect also would be dimin- ished as a result of the lowering of serum potassium levels in the pres- ence of increased bicarbonate levels. The resultant membrane hypopolari-

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zation would diminish block of so- dium channels by amitriptyline be- cause block is voltage dependent.7

Although alkalinization plays a ma- jor role in reversal of conduction ab- normalities, increases in extracellular sodium concentration contribute also. Increases in extracellular sodium con- centration have been shown to dimin- ish the local anesthetic action of drags. 2s Thus sodium bicarbonate ad- ministration would be expected to be more effective than hyperventilation, as has been borne out in a recent study. 14

Sodium bicarbonate reverses con- duction abnormalities regardless of heart rate. Furthermore, unlike most other treatment modalities (eg, physo- stigmine, beta blockers), alkaliniza- tion with sodium bicarbonate also re- verses the hypotensive effects of the drug. Sodium bicarbonate is effective not only in patients with acidosis, but also in patients with respiratory al- kalosis. 20 It is effective immediately after administration and, although its effects do not last long (a maximum of ten to 20 minutes), repeated admin- istration is always effective.

Concern has been expressed about the hazard of sodium overload, which may predispose to pulmonary ede- ma. 29 If this is a concern in a particu- lar patient, we suggest administration of sodium bicarbonate for rapid effec- tive conversion of a ventricular ta- chyarrhythrnia and the use of hyper- ventilation to prevent the develop- ment of arrhythmias. Several case reports support the beneficial effect of hyperventilation in tricyclic-induced

Annals of Emergency Medicine

cardiac arrhythmias.29, 30

C O N C L U S I O N Amitriptyline and other TCAs are

local anesthetic drugs that result in ventricular tachyarrhythmias at high serum concentrations. Like other lo- cal anesthetic drags, they produce fre- quency-dependent slowing of intra- ventricular conduction. The mecha- nism of amitriptyline toxic arrhyth- mias is probably a form of ventricular reentry due to the severe conduction slowing. Our s tudy showed tha t NaHCO 3 effectively reverses these ar- r h y t h m i a s . A l k a l i n i z a t i o n w i t h NaHCO 3 partially reversed QRS. pro- longation in vivo and improved Vmax of the cardiac action potential in vitro. These findings are compatible with the concept that NaHCO 3 reverses ar- r hy thmias by accelera t ing intra- ventricular conduction, abolishing the conditions that allow reentry to occur. In vitro studies suggest that the bene- fit from NaHCO 3 can be attributed both to alkalinization and to the so- dium moiety. Both diminish the local anesthetic action of amitriptyline, result ing in less sodium channel block. Our study supports the use of NaHCO 3 for the effective treatment of TCA-induced cardiac toxicity.

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