evaluation question seven

Evaluation Question Seven- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Question Seven-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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When working on this project, I have had to perform a ton of research in to the typical conventions of different styles of


I had to study a variety of aspects, such as colours, font sizes and styles, images, sell lines, and general composition.

I had to consider why these things were done and why they were successful and apply these answers to my

own work

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I learnt that a plan of time and efficiency is also extremely important to the project

Looking back at my time plan I’ve realised how much I’ve relied on it

I do feel I managed my time well throughout the project and this was a result of consistently reflecting upon the time plan.

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I created different sections for each stage of my magazine and each aspect within that stage.

This allowed me to see all the tasks I had to complete at each stage of the process

It provided me efficiency and kept me on course

It allowed me too see what I would be moving on to, and therefore what to start considering

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The dates allowed me too see where exactly I was in the project.

The dates reminded me of how long I had for each task

I colour coded each stage of the project to make each section clear to me

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I used the colours in along with the right dates to create a chart to show myself how much time I had to complete each of the tasks.

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I learnt that planning and research is absolutely vital to the project.

When looking at my initial design layout and my final piece, I can see how useful it

was to me to of had that.

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I feel I really captured my original design layout

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Throughout the project I had to remember to be efficient with the equipment i had in order to meet the deadline and create a

piece that reflected the criteria

I had to remember to be realistic, and work with what equipment was

available and also reliable.

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I chose to use two friends of mine who were relevant to the models I was trying to create but more importantly because I knew they would be reliable and therefore I could stick to my time plan and complete the task, of my photo shoot for example, in the time given.

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I chose to use the Creative Centre at my own sixth form as I knew that by booking it for the day I required, it would be available, easy to get too, and would also be there again if I needed to re-shoot.

It also includes a range of camera’s and lighting in which would also always be available to me and would be consistent. (I wouldn’t have to worry about the weather est.)

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I learnt how to use a number of pieces of technology and how vital these are to

different media forms.

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Blog Spot Adobe Photoshop

Professional Cameras

I learnt how to use the two computer based programmes of Blog Spot (www.blogspot.com) Adobe Photoshop and also the Professional Cameras; all which were extremely important to me throughout the project.

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Looking back I feel I really progressed and developed regarding my skills towards the project.

When comparing the two I feel the

quality is much greater in my final

piece in contrast to my preliminary


I feel I have captured the connotations of a magazine, such as ‘ a bold masthead’ and sell lines in a variety of text sizes and fonts to a much greater extent that my first attempt.

I feel I focused more on why techniques were used and made these more successful by using them when they were much more relevant, such as when to have larger sized text, when I wanted to make a piece of text stand out

I feel I reflected the theme and genre of the magazine better the second time round. When looking at my masthead of each magazine, it’s clear I have considered my decisions much more. The font style on my music magazine reflects the indie genre I was trying to portray,

whilst the font used for my school magazine does not portray a school theme.