etr 422 teaching reading in the second language classroom

1 ETR 422 TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM Intan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENT PAGE QUESTION 1 : To complete this task, you have to watch the following TWO video clips: a. VIDEO 1: Rick's Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson (In Group) b. VIDEO 2: Rick's Reading Workshop: One on One Critically evaluate the two videos in terms of the method or approach and the materials used by the teacher QUESTION 2 : On a very basic level, vocabulary is critical to the reading process. Fluent second language readers have large recognition vocabularies. Write a short essay on Reading Activities to Support Vocabulary Acquisition QUESTION 3 : Read the article “Using Comics with ESL/EFL Students” by Justine Derrick. Prepare a written summary and briefly discuss how you would use comics in your teaching. ETR 422 TEACHING READING IN THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOM

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Intan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 )______________________________________________________________________________________________________



To complete this task, you have to watch the following TWO video clips:

a. VIDEO 1: Rick's Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson (In Group)

b. VIDEO 2: Rick's Reading Workshop: One on One

Critically evaluate the two videos in terms of the method or approach and the materials

used by the teacher


On a very basic level, vocabulary is critical to the reading process. Fluent second

language readers have large recognition vocabularies. Write a short essay on Reading

Activities to Support Vocabulary Acquisition


Read the article “Using Comics with ESL/EFL Students” by Justine Derrick. Prepare a

written summary and briefly discuss how you would use comics in your teaching.



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Intan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 )______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child’s success in school, and, indeed

throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfillment and

job success will be lost. Richard Anderson and the Commission on Reading define reading as

a process of constructing meaning from written texts.

Meanwhile, vocabulary plays an important part in second language acquisition and academic

achievement. It is pointed out that there is a reciprocal, well-documented relationship

between vocabulary knowledge and reading activities. ( Laufer and Sim, 1985 ), Nation

( 1994 ) and Laufer ( 1997 ), among others, all agree that learners need to acquire a fairly

large set of basic vocabulary in order to read with any degree of success. They, like most

researchers, base their number on frequency lists – the higher the frequency the more likely it

is to be encountered and by extension the more important for a person to know. Laufer ( 1997

) sets the lexical threshold for reading comprehension at about 3,000 word families

approximately 5,000 words. He argues that this will cover about 95 % of the words in most

texts. Nation ( 1994 ) has suggested that 2000 words, actually ‘’ word families ‘’ are used so

often that they make up about 87 % of the running words in formal written texts and more

than 95 % of the word in informal spoken texts. ( Nation, 1994 p.3 )

Why should we be concerned about vocabulary development? From toddlers through

secondary school students, differences in vocabulary know exist among learners from

different ability and socioeconomic groups. Children enter kindergarten with “ meaningful

differences ” in early language and literacy experiences. ( Hart and Risley , 1995 ).

Vocabulary is known strongly related to reading proficiency and ultimately school

achievement. By the end of primary schooling, many children master phonics and can read

more words correctly than they understand in context. We can do more in the early years to

ensure rapid vocabulary development and greater comprehension of grade-level texts in the

upper grades. Materials and an environment that encourage children to communicate must be

accessible to all children. The activities need to be individualized for children speaking

different languages and children who require alternative communication methods. There are


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Intan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 )______________________________________________________________________________________________________

several activities for diverse learners that support vocabulary development. These methods

include the frequent reading of books in class and home. Books must suits with the children’s

level and rereading of books must be appropriate to the developmental level of the children at

home and school. The use of pictures, props and gestures are important to enhance the

meaning yet the books must be coordinated with ongoing classroom activities.

Extensive reading is one of the reading activities that support vocabulary acquisition. It

defines as reading as much as possible, for your own pleasure, at a difficulty level at which

you can read smoothly and quickly without looking up words or translating to English as you

go. In other words, instead of spending a half hour decoding a tiny part of one book, learners

read many simpler books that are at or slightly below the level at which learners read

fluently. The method exposes learners to ‘’ large quantities of material within their

linguistics competence ‘’ ( Grabe and Stoller , 2002 ; 259 ) , which is, at the same time,

pleasurable. There are several reasons why it is so attractive to develop language knowledge

and more specifically vocabulary through extensive reading. To mention a few, it is

considered a vocabulary acquisition and reading – occur at the same time. This approach

facilitates learner autonomy, can be very pleasant and motivating, provides learners with the

opportunity to meet words in their context of use ( Thornbury, 2002 ) , increases sight

vocabulary ( Coady, 1997 ) ; Nagy, Herman and Anderson, 1985 ; Nation and Coady,

1988 ) , and could theoretically result in substantial vocabulary learning, which seems

difficulty to achieve with explicit teaching during the relatively short period of time that

learners spend in the language classroom.

There is considerable evidence from first language studies that extensive reading for meaning

leads to vocabulary acquisition over time, and indeed that reading probably accounts for most

first language vocabulary expansion beyond the first few thousand words in common oral

usage. It is indicates that extensive reading programs are generally more effective than

systematic vocabulary instruction using decontextualized exercises. As pointed out by Nation

and Coady, “ the very redundancy or richness of information in a given context which

enables a reader to guess an unknown word successfully could also predict that the same

reader is less likely to learn the word because he or she was able to comprehend the text


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without knowing the word ”(1988, p. 101). Even though the process appears laborious and

uncertain, a better understanding of it would provide a starting point for attempts to enhance

its effectiveness.

Reading theory tells us that reading comprehension involves complex interaction between

reader and text in which the reader uses information from the surrounding text and from

other knowledge sources. Different levels of text comprehension can involve differential

analysis of unfamiliar or partially known individual words, corresponding to the kinds of

knowledge involved in “knowing a word”. It is reasonable to think that the amount and kinds

of cognitive processing required will be related to the “depth” of comprehension of

unfamiliar words attempted by the reader and yet determine the internalization of new

knowledge about them, with deeper processing leading to more acquisition.

In conclusion, although reading for meaning appears to produce significant results in

vocabulary acquisition, such reading supplemented with specific vocabulary exercises

produces greater gains for the targeted words. This suggests that although instruction makes a

difference, more focused instruction is desirable when the learning period is limited and

specific vocabulary outcomes are sought.


Novel Title: The Curse

Author: Lee Su Ann

Publisher: Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka

Date of Publication: 2010



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Intan Nurbaizurra binti Mohd Rosmi ( E30103110097 )______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Azreen hurriedly leaves her studies in England to return home after receiving news that

her sister had died. On the way back to Malaysia, Azreen experiences flashbacks of her

early days with Madhuri. Madhuri was well-liked by people because she was beautiful

and soft-spoken compared to herself, who was an obstinate child. When she reached her

village where is located on an island south of Langkawi Island, her neighbour was talking

with her daughter about their other neighbour, Normala, who is spreading rumours

about the death of Madhuri. She said that Madhuri was murdered and she spilt white

blood. The women folk gossip among themselves that Madhuri was murdered and she

had put a curse on everyone on the island. Normala, the rumour monger, spreads

rumours about what had happened to Madhuri. Actually, before the death of Madhuri, the

village headman, Haji Ghani, became attracted to Madhuri and married her after that.

Awang, the bomoh, makes an appearance as he dreams that a disaster is about to hit the

village soon. Awang is the person that responsible for a chicken stealing at Mohan’s farm

and causing a bull to escape. Asraf was blamed for the fiasco but Azreen bravely took the

blame on his behalf. The escaped bull knocked into the motorcycle that her parents were

on and caused her mother to be paralysed. Azreen looks for the Old Lady in the jungle

to catch up on old times. The Old Lady discloses that Madhuri was murdered. The Old

Lady relates to Azreen that she saw Madhuri’s lifeless body and the wound on her. She

suggests that Madhuri’s murder was covered up as investigation into her death would

reveal more secrets. The next morning, Azreen reads Madhuri’s letter of her marriage

and relationship with Kak Fatihah (Haji Ghani’s first wife). The letter also hints that

Madhuri has a secret to be revealed to Azreen when she returns home for her holidays.

Pn. Kamsiah and Normala are curious at the Old Lady’s presence at Mohd.Asraf’s house.

The Old Lady tries to cure Nek. When Azreen returns home, she sees the bomoh

scampering behind the bushes. As she confronts the bomoh, he informs her about the

mob incident at Mohd. Asraf’s house. She immediately runs to Asraf’s house. Normala

blames Azreen for bringing the Old Lady to Mohd. Asraf’s house and causing heavy

downpour to hit the village. An argument starts and Azreen’s father intervenes to stop the

commotion. Meanwhile, Nek is beginning to recover and Mohd. Asraf is extremely

relieved. They thank the Old Lady for bravely coming over to cure Nek and the rain

finally stops. Azreen awakes to a flurry of knocks on her door. She finds out that Nek has


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passed away and Mohd Asraf is heading towards Nek’s house with a few men for

revenge. Azreen tries to stop him and in a struggle, stabs him at the foot with a spade.

The torch that he was holding fell onto the wall of the house and soon the house was on

fire. Azreen finds Nek, barely alive lying beside the stove and she advises Azreen to learn

to forgive before it is too late. Azreen’s father saves her before the whole house

crumbles. Mohd Asraf confesses to Azreen that he loves Madhuri and they were planning

to abscond from the island when he was offered a teaching course in Kuala Lumpur.

Madhuri wanted to confess to her husband, parents and Azreen about her affair with

Mohd. Asraf. However, Madhuri was found dead at a rubber plantation. Azreen then

meets Awang, the bomoh, who tells her that Madhuri was not her real sister. Awang also

confesses that he was the one who left the gate open that led to the motorcycle accident

that paralysed her mother. Awang also confirms that he had seen Madhuri and Mohd

Asraf together several times in the rubber estate. The chapter ends with Haji Ghani, the

headman thinking about his young wife meeting her lover on that fateful day when she

was killed. Azreen encounters a shadow of a woman from behind the wooden fence

again that directs her to a woodpile a few feet away behind her house. Azreen and her

father walk towards the woodpile and see a “parang” that Saleh used to chop wood. There

is white and sticky stain at the edge of the parang. Azreen immediately recalls Normala’s

words “She had white blood” and she stares at her father in disbelief. Saleh recalls how

fond was he with Madhuri and how he found her as a baby at the paddy field. He

stumbles upon Madhuri and Mohd Asraf together at the rubber plantation. In his fury, he

kills Madhuri and her body knocks over the latex-filled container. Upon hearing this

revelation, Azreen runs away from her father. His father suffers a heart attack and dies.

These are some relation to the real world found in the novel:

The message of love is reiterated throughout the story. Parental Love: Both Saleh

Abdullah and his wife love Madhuri dearly like their own biological child. Azreen’s inner

conflict to garner her father’s love and affection. She always perceives the father as

having greater love towards her sister, Madhuri. Mohd. Asraf and Madhuri secretly loves

each other that eventually led to Madhuri’s death. Unrequited Love: • Azreen had a crush

on Mohd. Asraf during school days.


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Before the Old Lady draws her last breath, she advises Azreen to forgive others. When

Azreen discovers that it was her father who murdered Madhuri, she felt no anger or

resentment towards him. This shows forgiveness.

In real world there are many cases of violences against women. Some men believe

women to be the weaker sex and they are violent towards them. For instance, the Old

Lady’s husband was abusive towards her and repetitively abused her. He hit and kicked


There are many gender Stereotyping in real world. Through the novel, gender

stereotyping is portrayed through how females should behave. This can be seen

especially through Azreen. For example, Azreen’s school friends start to cast suspicious

eyes towards her when she behaves unlady-like. She plays hockey with the boys and even

“laughs like a bunch of hyenas” with them. To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected

to be tomboyish and hangs too closely with boys.

The other real world relation in the novel is belief in the supernatural The villagers seem

to believe in supernatural. For example, many villagers call upon Awang, the village

shaman to avert disasters. In another instance, Puan Normala tries to convince the

villagers that the village is cursed since Madhuri’s blood is white.

We always fear to the unknown.In this novel, the villagers are puzzled about how

Madhuri died. However, no one actually investigates the incident which is covered up

well by Haji Ghani and his followers. In another instance, the villagers assume that the

Old Lady is an evil witch that can turn anyone into squirrels or rats. Due to this

assumption, the villagers outcast the Old Lady.

This novel makes me to remember to the legendary character ‘Mahsuri’.

b. Mahsuri was the daughter of a Thai couple who moved from their native Phuket to

the island of Langkawi in search of a better life. She was the most beautiful in all of

Langkawi and married the warrior Wan Darus. Her husband had to go to war, leaving

Mahsuri behind. Mahsuri befriended a young man named Deraman. The village


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chiefs wife was jealous of Mahsuris beauty. She spread a rumour that Mahsuri was

unfaithful and was having an affair with Deraman in the absence of Wan Darus.

Eventually the rumours grew strong enough that the villagers openly accused her of

adultery. Though, Mahsuri pleaded her innocence, but no one believed her. Mahsuri

was to be tied to a tree (or pole) and stabbed to death but it did not work. After every

execution attempt failed, she told them to kill her with her familys keris. When she

was stabbed, white blood flowed from the wound, signifying her innocence. Before

dying, she cursed Langkawi for seven generations of bad luck. Many locals of

Langkawi believe the legend to be true, citing the decades of failed crops that

followed Mahsuris death. Langkawi was also attacked by Siam numerous times.

The novel is also has connection to my personal life as my character in children time

is same to azreen. I like to play with the boys because of my unlike-lady. Azreen’s

school friends start to cast suspicious eyes towards her when she behaves unlady-like.

She plays hockey with the boys and even “laughs like a bunch of hyenas” with them.

Same with me! To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected to be tomboyish and

hangs too closely with boys. This also happened to me. Just like Azreen I always feel

that my father did not love me as he love my siblings. My father is also as fierce as

Azreen’s father.


1. Rita Siver. Sandra Lee. ( 2007 ) Article_2 Feedback Writing. Volume 6. Number 1.

2 Norareiny Maarof.Hamidah Yamat. Kee Li Li. Article_1 Role of teacher, Peer and Teacher

Peer Feedback in Enhancing ESL Student’s Writing. World Applied Sciences Journal 15.

3. Lee Su Ann. ( 2010 ) The Curse. Retrieved Jun, 21, 2012 : Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka Sdn Bhd


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