essential questions to consider how does the vietnam war compare with wwii which is often described...

Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

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Page 1: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Essential Questions To Consider

• How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Page 2: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Essential Questions to Consider

• Many would argue that Americans lost faith in government by 1975. What factors brought about this situation and do you think that faith in government has been restored today?

Page 3: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

A few announcements- Reminders

• Its Crunch Time – 37 Days until AP exam --- Every minute counts get here early every day- We’ll be starting early.

• Check website regularly to look for review materials, information on review sessions etc.

• If you haven’t already done so, pick up a review book. Schedule at least 2-3 hours per week of review time on your own. Concentrate on your weak spots based on AP practice tests.

• Avoid trips and anything that will make you miss class.

• If you are not taking the test – help your classmates. If you find yourself thinking “I could do this.” You may be able to sign up still (late fee)

Page 4: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Key Issues/Essential Questions

• Foreign Policy – Cuba, Vietnam• Civil Rights• Economy – Great Society, War on Poverty• Cultural Upheaval – Counter culture

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONSWas there a cultural revolution in the 1960s?Did the Civil Rights movement appear lose momentum in the late 1960s?How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described

as a “good war” or “necessary war”? Is it possible to defend the claim that the U.S was successful in Vietnam?What were the positive and negative effects of LBJ’s Great Society

Programs? Did he extend the principles of the New Deal too far?Many would argue that Americans lost faith in government by 1975.

What factors brought about this situation and do you think that faith in government has been restored today? How successful was Jimmy Carter in dealing with this situation Explain your answers.

Page 5: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Chapters 38-39 Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter

61 (NF) 63(GS) 69 74 77

Page 6: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Kennedy - Plans

• Inaugural Address – Camelot• New Frontier Policies At home Tax cuts, Civil Rights, Medical Aid for

elderly, federal aid for education, Big Steel, Moon

Abroad Peace Corps, Flexible Response, Cuba, Berlin

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Remember issues of the 50s

• Brown v Board – 54• Montgomery Bus Boycott – 55 Rosa,

MLK• Little Rock 9 - 57• Civil Rights Act – 57• SCLC• Sit-Ins - 60• SNCC

Page 8: Essential Questions To Consider How does the Vietnam war compare with WWII which is often described as a “good war” or “necessary war”?

Kennedy – Civil Rights

• “Ink for Jack”• Freedom Riders 1961• Robert Kennedy• SNCC Voter Education Project• James Meredith - Ole Miss 1962• MLK “Bomb”ingham Ala.• 1963 March on Washington• Medgar Evers

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Kennedy Assassination

• Dallas• Lee Harvey Oswald• Jack Ruby• Warren Commission

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Kennedy Cold War Crisis

50s - Ho Chi Minh French lose, Conference, Elections Cancelled, Rise of Viet Cong


• Vietnam – 16,000 advisors 1961 Diem Assassinated 1963• Alliance for Progress 1961• Bay of Pigs 1961• Cuban Missile Crisis 1962• Limited Nuclear Test-Ban 1963• Hot Line 1963• Coexistence - Detente

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Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh Trail

17th parallel

Ho Chi Minh leads Communist North Vietnam and helps Vietcong rebels of South Vietnam. USSR and China also help with money and supplies.

United States supports non-Communist South Vietnam to fight rebels. Sometimes bombs North and fights in Laos and Cambodia

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• Gulf of Tonkin 64• Draft (Exemptions/Conscientious objectors)

• Operation Rolling Thunder- massive bombing

• Escalation 500,000 soldiers by 68• Search and Destroy -Vietcong• Hearts and Minds – Non combatants• Body Count

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Vietnam ‘68

• Tet• Johnson• Democrats – McCarthy, Kennedy,

Humphrey Chicago – SDS, Yippies• Republicans – Nixon• AIP Wallace

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Nixon Vietnam

• Vietnamization• Peace Talks – Kissinger• Bombing• My Lai• Cambodia• Kent State• Pentagon Papers

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End of the War

• Gulf of Tonkin Res Repealed• Détente China then Russia• 72 election – Peace is at hand• War Powers Act• 73 Cease Fire• 75 Fall of Saigon• 26th Amendment

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New Essential Question – Thanks Kim

• Could it be necessary for the government to lie to or mislead the nation?

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Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) and Civil Rights

• Civil Right Act 1964 Banned Racial Discrimination in private facilities

open to the public Strengthened Federal Power EEOC Title VII• ’65 Executive order – Affirmative Action (Limited and vague)

• ’64 “War on Poverty”• ’64 Election• 24th amendment• Freedom Summer 64 • Voting Rights Act 1965 Impact??

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Johnson’s Great Society

• Office of Economic Opportunity (Appalachia)• Dept of Transportation, Housing and Urban Dev. National Endowment for the Arts• Increased Education Funding - Head Start• Medicare, Medicaid• Immigration and Nationality Act 1965 (First Significant Change to the 1920s laws)

Abolished quotas, increased#, relatives Immigration shift

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Black Power - Be sure you can explain how each of the following illustrate a shift in the Civil Rights movement.

• Watts Riots• Malcolm X• Stokely Carmichael – Black Power• Black Panthers• Detroit, LosAngeles, Newark• MLK – Anti Vietnam,Economic

Improvement, 1968Success of Civil Rights??

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Nixon Domestic Policy

• Inflation – Wage and Price Contols• Yom Kippur War, OPEC – Gas shortage• Recession (Stagflation) Keynesianism?• Gold Standard• Expansion of Welfare – Food Stamps, AFDC, - Block

Grants ( New Federalism)• Civil Rights – Philadelphia Plan Extends AF AC• Silent Spring EPA, Clean Air Act, Endangered Species

Act• OSHA• Southern Strategy• School Bussing Milliken v Bradley

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Culture Changes

• Counter Culture• Rock and Roll• Sexual Revolution • Gay Rights Stonewall Inn• Women’s Rights NOW• AIM• Ceasar Chavez

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• CREEP• Democratic Headquarters• Woodward and Bernstein• Plumbers• Ellsberg• Tapes• Resignation

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Arab Israeli Conflict

• 1948• Suez Crisis• 1967 Six Day War • 1973 Yom Kippur War Oil Crisis• Camp David Accords Land for Peace Israel and Egypt (Jimmy Carter)

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Warren Court Judicial Activism

• Brown v Board• Griswold v Conn. (Right to Privacy Birth Control).

Roe v Wade (Burger)• Gideon v Wainwright, Escobeda,

Miranda (Rights of the Accused)

• Abbington v Schempp (School Prayer)

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Carter Administration - Outsider

Foreign Policy – Human RightsCamp DavidSouth Africa- Apartheid Panama Canal Treaty – Back to PanamaSALT II -Afghanistan – Détente endsIran – Hostage Crisis

DomesticStagflationEnergy Crisis- Gasoline RationingMalaise Speech

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AP Practice Test Analysis

• 75-100% 4 or 5 (70 %)

• 60-75% 3 or 4 (63%) or 5• 48-60% 2 or 3 (60%) or 4

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1980 Reagan Revolution – Conservativism

• Get Government off our back• Reaganomics (Mellon) – Tax Cuts – Supply Side

Economics - Trickle Down• Recession -1982• Income Gap• Deregulation• Balance Budget??• Air Traffic Controllers• Rise of the Religious Right – Moral Majority• Sandra Day O’connor• 1984 Election (Mondale/Ferraro)

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Reagan/ Foreign Policy Détente Ends

• Evil Empire• Arms Buildup SDI Star Wars• Cold War intensifies – Nicaragua, El Salvador,

Grenada• Lebanon• Iran- Contra /Scandal• Gorbachev – Glasnost, Perestroika• Solidarity• INF Agreement, START• Philippines Marcos- Aquino

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George HW Bush - 1988

• Tiananmen Square ‘89• Solidarity Movement - Poland• Berlin “I’m not going to dance on the wall”,• USSR Collapses – Yeltsin Russian President• Start I and II• Iraq War, PanamaDomestic• Americans with Disabilities Act• Clarence Thomas• No New Taxes? – Economic Slow down

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• 1992 election – Perot - Economy• Oklahoma City, Columbine• Healthcare• NAFTA, WTO – globalization • 1994 Contract with America (Republicans)• Bosnia• Welfare Reform• Balanced Budget • Impeachment

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Since 2000

• Disputed Election• Canceling ABM and Kyoto• Tax Cuts• September 11th – Afghanistan

• Iraq War• Globalization• Internet

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Last Thesis

• Analyze the factors that created widespread doubt and cynicism about American society and government in the mid to late 1970s? How effective was Jimmy Carter in his efforts to create a more positive climate.

• Be prepared to do the following after this thesis is returned tomorrow. List and describe the key elements in writing an effective thesis paragraph. Pick you best two paragraphs from this year and for each identify its strengths and how you might improve upon it.

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Essay Question

• Spend 5 minutes planning, 30 minutes writing

• What do the events of the Civil Rights movement between the years 1947 and 1968 tell you about the strengths and weaknesses  of tactic of non-violent civil disobedience as a tactic for bringing about change.  

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• Analyze the changes that occurred during the 1960s in the goals, strategies and support of the movement for African American civil rights.

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• Pardon• Helsinki Accords (Human Rights/Détente Continued)

• Fall of Saigon -75• Mayaguez• Bakke Case