empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions · 2 a. barrat et al.: empirical...

Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions Alain Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, F. Gesualdo, L. Isella, E. Pandolfi, J.-F. Pinton, L. Rav`a, C. Rizzo, M. Romano, et al. To cite this version: Alain Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, F. Gesualdo, L. Isella, et al.. Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions. European Journal of Physics Special Topics, 2013, 222, pp.1295. <10.1140/epjst/e2013-01927-7>. <hal-00861907> HAL Id: hal-00861907 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00861907 Submitted on 13 Sep 2013 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destin´ ee au d´ epˆ ot et ` a la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publi´ es ou non, ´ emanant des ´ etablissements d’enseignement et de recherche fran¸cais ou ´ etrangers, des laboratoires publics ou priv´ es.

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Page 1: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions · 2 A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions while preserving the information

Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human


Alain Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, F. Gesualdo, L. Isella, E. Pandolfi, J.-F.

Pinton, L. Rava, C. Rizzo, M. Romano, et al.

To cite this version:

Alain Barrat, C. Cattuto, V. Colizza, F. Gesualdo, L. Isella, et al.. Empirical temporal networksof face-to-face human interactions. European Journal of Physics Special Topics, 2013, 222,pp.1295. <10.1140/epjst/e2013-01927-7>. <hal-00861907>

HAL Id: hal-00861907


Submitted on 13 Sep 2013

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinee au depot et a la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publies ou non,emanant des etablissements d’enseignement et derecherche francais ou etrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou prives.

Page 2: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions · 2 A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions while preserving the information

EPJ manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)

Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face humaninteractions

A. Barrat1,2, C. Cattuto2, V. Colizza3,4,5, F. Gesualdo6, L. Isella2, E. Pandol�6, J.-F. Pinton7, L. Ravà6, C. Rizzo8,M. Romano6, J. Stehlé1,9, A. E. Tozzi6, and W. Van den Broeck2

1 Centre de Physique Théorique, Aix-Marseille Univ, CNRS UMR 6207, Univ Sud Toulon Var, 13288 Marseille cedex 9, France2 Data Science Laboratory, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy3 INSERM, U707, Paris F-75012, France4 UPMC Université Paris 06, Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR S 707, Paris F75012, France5 Computational Epidemiology Laboratory, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy6 Epidemiology Unit, Bambino Gesú Hospital, Rome, Italy7 Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5672, Lyon, France8 National Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion, Istituto Superiore di Sanità Rome, Italy9 Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique, ENSAE, 92240 Malako�, France

May 21, 2012

Abstract. The ever increasing adoption of mobile technologies and ubiquitous services allows to sensehuman behavior at unprecedented level of details and scale. Wearable sensors, in particular, open upa new window on human mobility and proximity in a variety of indoor environments. Here we reviewstylized facts on the structural and dynamical properties of empirical networks of human face-to-faceproximity, measured in three di�erent real-world contexts: an academic conference, a hospital ward, anda museum exhibition. First, we discuss the structure of the aggregated contact networks, that projectout the detailed ordering of contact events while preserving temporal heterogeneities in their weights. Weshow that the structural properties of aggregated networks highlight important di�erences and unexpectedsimilarities across contexts, and discuss the additional complexity that arises from attributes that aretypically associated with nodes in real-world interaction networks, such as role classes in hospitals. Wethen consider the empirical data at the �nest level of detail, i.e., we consider time-dependent networks offace-to-face proximity between individuals. To gain insights on the e�ects that causal constraints have onspreading processes, we simulate the dynamics of a simple susceptible-infected model over the empiricaltime-resolved contact data. We show that the spreading pathways for the epidemic process are stronglya�ected by the temporal structure of the network data, and that the mere knowledge of static aggregatednetworks leads to erroneous conclusions about the transmission paths on the corresponding dynamicalnetworks.

1 Introduction

Due to the development of sensors of various types andthe use of digital media and computational devices, weincreasingly leave digital traces of our daily activities. Thescale at which such data can be gathered and analyzeda�ords a novel, data-driven approach in the investigationof various aspects of human behavior at various scales,from mobility patterns [1�7] to instant messaging or emailexchange [8�13]. Proximity patterns [14�18] can also bedetected using Bluetooth and Wi� technologies, and evenface-to-face copresence of individuals can be resolved withhigh spatial and temporal resolution [19�22].

In many cases, the corresponding information �nds aconvenient representation in terms of complex networksand the corresponding �network science� approach has ledto many interesting analysis and results [23�30], In thiscontext, the combination of technological advances and of

heterogeneous data sources opens new challenges and op-portunities, ranging from theoretical to applied issues. Inparticular, longitudinal data, which have been tradition-ally scarce in social network analysis [31,32], are becomingmore accessible. Thus, a dynamical perspective on interac-tion networks [33] becomes possible, and many new issuescan be investigated, such as the interplay of the networkdynamics with dynamical processes taking place on thesenetworks.

In this perspective, we review here stylized facts on thestructural and dynamical properties of empirical networksof human face-to-face proximity, measured in three di�er-ent real-world contexts: an academic conference, a hospi-tal ward, and a museum exhibition. We �rst describe thecorresponding data sets in Section 2. In Section 3, we de-scribe the structure of the aggregated contact networks,that project out the detailed ordering of contact events

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2 A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions

while preserving the information about temporal hetero-geneities in the duration of contacts. We expose the simi-larities and di�erences of these networks across contexts,and discuss the case in which individuals are divided intoa priori categories or roles. Section 4 is devoted to thestudy of a �toy� spreading process acting as a probe ofcausality constraints of a dynamical network. Finally, wediscuss some directions of future work in Section 5.

2 Data sets

We consider three data sets gathered in the context of theSocioPatterns project [19]. These data describe the face-to-face proximity of individuals in various contexts, with atemporal resolution of 20 seconds. More precisely, the datacollection infrastructure developed by the SocioPatternsproject is based on active Radio-Frequency Identi�cationDevices (RFID) that exchange ultra-low power radio pack-ets in a peer-to-peer fashion, as described in Refs. [19�22].As the human body acts as a RF shield at the carrier fre-quency used for communication, exchange of radio packetsbetween badges is only possible when two persons are atclose range (1 to 1.5m) and facing each other. Relations offace-to-face proximity (or �contact�, as we will refer to it inthe following) between the individuals wearing the RFIDtags are thus detected, and the operating parameters aresuch that contacts can be assessed with a probability inexcess of 99% over an interval of 20 seconds. Once a con-tact has been established, it is considered ongoing as longas the involved devices continue to exchange at least oneradio packet for every subsequent interval of 20 seconds.Conversely, a contact is considered terminated if an inter-val of 20 seconds elapses with no packets exchanged. Fora detailed description of the sensing platform and some ofits deployments, see Refs.[19�22].

The �rst data set we consider (�HT09� in the follow-ing) was collected at the ACM Hypertext 2009 conferencehosted by the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, from June29th to July 1st, 2009. The data collection involved about100 conference participants (75% of the conference atten-dees), and logged their mobility and respective proximityin the public spaces of the conference venue, as well asin the conference rooms [34,35]. The sensed informationon face-to-face proximity of attendees was used to deliversocial networking services for the participants [21,22]. Inthe context of such applications, the project also collectedrich personal metadata about the participants and theirsocial connections. The anonymized data set of the list ofcontacts between participants is publicly available on theSocioPatterns website [36].

The second data set studied (�SG� in the following)was gathered at the INFECTIOUS exhibition held at theScience Gallery museum in Dublin, Ireland, from April17th to July 17th, 2009 [35,37]. As part of an interactiveexhibit, visitors were equipped with a RFID tag upon en-tering the venue, and therefore almost the totality of themwere tracked as they streamed through the museum. Over3 months, the individual mobility and proximity relationsof more than 14, 000 persons were recorded. In this case

participants were anonymous and no attributes are avail-able about the nodes and the links of the measured net-works. The data set corresponding to this deployment isalso publicly avalable [38].

Finally, we will discuss a third data set (�OBG� in thefollowing) that was collected in a hospital ward [39], thepediatric ward of the Bambino Gesú Hospital in Rome,Italy. The ward under study has 44 beds arranged in 22rooms with 2 beds each, and mostly admits children withacute respiratory diseases who do not require intensivecare or surgery. Patients admitted into the ward are ac-companied by one parent or caregiver who spends thenight in the same room. The data collection campaignran from the 9th to the 16th of November 2009. In thiscase, the association of each RFID badge with the cate-gory of the person wearing it was recorded, according tothe following classes: ward assistants (A), physicians (D),nurses (N), patients (P), and caregivers (C).

3 Aggregated contact networks

The whole temporal resolution of the data sets gives accessto the temporal network of interactions as a dynamical ob-ject encoding the temporal structure of events. While wewill consider this very detailed information in the next sec-tion, we �rst consider contact networks aggregated over agiven time window, as very useful summaries of the con-tact dynamics: in such networks, nodes represent individ-uals and a weighted link between two nodes representsthe fact that the two corresponding individuals have beenin interaction. The weight of a link is given by the cumu-lated duration of the contacts that took place between thetwo corresponding individuals during the considered timewindow.

In this context, we note here that we are not deal-ing with bona �de social networks, as the measurementinfrastructure does not provide information about whathappens between two individuals while they are in face-to-face proximity. The data described here thus corre-spond to behavioral social networks. As often encounteredin other types of real-world networks [28], they can beexpected to display many non-trivial features, such as ahigh level of clustering, community structures and het-erogeneous weights. All these features have an importantimpact on the dynamical processes that unfold on thesenetworks [28].

3.1 Similar statistics, di�erent network structures

We �rst consider the SG and HT09 data sets, in which in-dividuals are not classi�ed into distinct categories. As an-alyzed in [20,35] and recalled in Fig. 1, the distribution ofcontact durations show a very strong similarity despite thedi�erences in the contexts. This similarity is also observedat the aggregated level of the distribution of link weights(i.e., of daily cumulated contact durations), as shown inFig. 2. The degree distributions of the daily aggregatedcontact networks, shown in Fig. 3, are short-tailed in both

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A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions 3













P(∆t ij)



Fig. 1. Distributions of the contact durations for the HT09(pluses) and SG (circles) deployments, averaged over all days.Despite the di�erences in the measurement contexts, the dis-tributions are superimposed.
















Fig. 2. Weight distributions for the daily aggregated networksof one HT09 conference day (pluses) and for the SG aggregatednetworks (circles), averaged over all daily aggregated networks.The weight of a link represents the total time spent in face-to-face proximity by the two linked individuals during the aggre-gation interval (here one day).

data sets, with exponential decreases at large degrees; thedi�erent behavioral patterns of conference attendees andmuseum visitors are only re�ected in the daily average de-grees, close to 8 for SG and much larger (close to 20) forHT09, which seems natural given that one of the goals ofa conference attendee is precisely to encounter colleagues.

The statistical similarities of the aggregated contactnetworks hide however important di�erences in their struc-tures, as the visual inspection of Figure 4 reveals: the ag-gregated network of interactions during a HT09 confer-ence day is much more �compact� than the ones describ-ing the interactions between museum visitors. Several ofthe SG daily aggregated networks are even composed ofvarious connected components. A more quantitative anal-ysis shows that a typical daily aggregated network is asmall-world network in a conference context, while it lacksthis property in the museum case [35]. This di�erence can

0 10 20 30 40 50











Fig. 3. Cumulative degree distributions for the daily aggre-gated networks of one HT09 conference day (pluses) and forthe SG aggregated networks (circles), averaged over all dailyaggregated networks.

be explained by the di�erent patterns of presence of theattendees on the premises: in the conference case, mostparticipants are present during the whole conference du-ration (or at least during entire days). In the museum caseon the contrary, the visit duration distribution is close toa log-normal, with geometric mean around 35 minutes.As a consequence, museum visitors are unlikely to inter-act directly with other visitors entering the venue morethan one hour after or before them, thus preventing theaggregated network from exhibiting small-world proper-ties. Figure 5 reports the SG aggregated networks for twodi�erent days, where the network diameter is highlightedand each node is colored according to the arrival time ofthe corresponding visitor (see also the visualizations of[40]): there is limited interaction among visitors enteringthe museum at di�erent times, and the network diame-ter clearly de�nes a path connecting visitors that enterthe venue at subsequent times, mirroring the longitudi-nal dimension of the network. These �ndings show thataggregated network topology and longitudinal/temporalproperties are deeply interwoven.

Beyond the topological analysis and the statistical dis-tributions of node's and link's properties, the investigationof correlations between temporal and topological aspectsreveals also some interesting di�erences between the con-ference and museum contexts. Let us consider the strengths of each node, de�ned as the sum of the weights of alllinks starting from it [4]: it corresponds, for each individ-ual, to the cumulated time of interaction with other indi-viduals. Correlations between the strength and the degreeare quanti�ed by computing the average strength 〈s(k)〉 ofnodes of degree k: a random assignment of weights wouldyield a linear dependency with 〈s(k)〉 ∼ 〈w〉k, where 〈w〉is the average link weight. Other behaviors have been ob-served in various contexts [4,20,42]. A super-linear de-pendence such as the one observed in some conferencesettings [20] hints at the presence of super-spreader nodesthat play a prominent role in processes such as informationdi�usion [43,44]. On the other hand, the sub-linear depen-

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Fig. 4. Daily aggregated networks in the HT09 and SG de-ployments. Nodes represent individuals and edges are drawnbetween nodes if at least one contact event was detected dur-ing the aggregation interval. Top: aggregated network for oneday of the HT09 conference. Bottom: one representative day atthe SG deployment. The network visualizations were producedusing the Gephi software [41].

dence observed for large-scale phone call networks [42] cor-responds to the fact that more active individuals spend onaverage less time in each call. Figure 6 displays the ratio〈s(k)〉/(〈w〉k) for the SG and HT09 daily aggregated net-works, showing two opposite trends: an increasing trendin the conference setting, and a decreasing one in the mu-seum setting. In particular, 〈s(k)〉/(〈w〉k) can be �ttedlinearly for the HT09 case, with a positive slope, whilethe SG data can be �tted by a power law with a negativeexponent. These results indicate that individuals who en-countered the same number of distinct persons can havedi�erent spreading potentials, depending on the setting.It also gives a warning about characterizing the spread-ing potential of a node by only measuring the number ofdistinct encounters, which can yield a misleading view.

Fig. 5. (Color online) Aggregated networks for two days of theSG museum deployment (From [40]). Nodes are colored accord-ing to the corresponding visitor's entry time slot. The networkdiameter is highlighted. The circular bar chart displays therecorded number of social encounters over two-minute inter-vals. The position and angle of the bars are those of the hourhand of a 12-hour clock at the corresponding time. The colorsof the bars match those used for the arrival time of nodes inthe graph, so that the bar chart also serves as the legend forthe color-coding of time. See [40] for a visualization of all theSG museum deployment days.

0 20 40 60 80












1 10 k






Fig. 6. (Color online) Correlation between node's strength anddegree, as measured by the average strength 〈s(k)〉 of nodes ofdegree k. The �gure shows 〈s(k)〉/(〈w〉k), for the SG (circles)and the HT09 (pluses). The dashed lines stand for a linear �tand a power law �t to the data for the HT09 and SG deploy-ments, respectively. Distinct increasing and decreasing trendsare respectively observed. The inset shows the data for the SGdeployment on a doubly logarithmic scale (circles) togetherwith the power law �t to the data (dashed line).

3.2 Population categories and contact networksubgraphs

In the case of the OBG data set, the fact that the individ-uals are divided into several categories implies a rich un-derlying structure of the aggregated networks. The globalaggregated network can indeed be divided into two di�er-ent types of subgraphs: (i) the subgraphs of the interac-tions taking place between individuals of a given category(e.g., nurse-nurse interactions), and (ii) the bipartite net-works of the interactions between members of a category A

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A A−●

A−D D D−




A−N D−N N N−





A−P D−P N−P P P−


A−C C−D C−N C−P C C−

Fig. 7. Subgraphs of the cumulative contact networks, for all pairs of categories and within each category. Nodes representindividuals, and edges between nodes represent the occurrence of at least one face-to-face proximity event over the wholemonitoring period. In the o�-diagonal layouts, nodes are positioned from left to right in increasing order of number of edges.

with members of a di�erent category B. The correspond-ing networks are displayed for the OBG data in Figure 7,unveiling important di�erences in the contact patterns ofdi�erent categories. The subgraphs describing the interac-tions between physicians, between nurses or between wardassistants are rather dense, indicating a large diversity ofcontacts: within a given role, each health care worker in-teracts with many others. The picture is completely dif-ferent for patients and caregivers: not only are there veryfew contacts among caregivers or among patients, but, as

expected, the patient-caregiver contacts are very speci�c.Each patient has contacts with essentially one caregiver,and vice-versa, which corresponds to the fact that eachpatient was accompanied by one caregiver.

As in other contexts, the durations of individual con-tact and the cumulated time spent in face-to-face proxim-ity by pairs of individuals are broadly distributed, span-ning several orders of magnitude. Figure 8 shows the dis-tributions of the weights of the subgraphs of the global ag-gregated network corresponding to the various role pairs

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6 A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions

Role pair



tive c


ct dura

tion w

t (sec)






15 minutes

1 hour


















Fig. 8. Boxplots for the distributions of cumulative contactdurations wt between individuals belonging to given role pairs(horizontal axis), given the occurrence of a contact. We onlyconsider non-zero values of wt, and contact durations are ex-pressed in seconds and normalized to a 24-hour interval. Onnormalizing, the experimental resolution of 20 seconds yieldsthe lowest value of 2.5 seconds visible in the �gure. The bot-tom and top of the boxes correspond to the 25th and 75th per-centiles, and the horizontal segment indicates the median. Theends of the whiskers correspond to the 5th and 95th percentiles.The dots are outliers located outside the 90% con�dence inter-val, i.e., events falling below the 5th percentile or above the95th percentile.

(i.e., the subgraphs shown in Fig. 7). Interestingly, all thedistributions are broad, showing that strong �uctuationsare observed for each category pair. However, the distri-butions are di�erent and cover distinct ranges, with thestrongest �uctuations for the pairs involving one caregiverand one patient.

The aggregated networks encode a rich informationabout the contact patterns within a category and betweencategories of individuals, that can be used to simulate dy-namical processes unfolding on the network, as discussedin the next section. Moreover, some interesting open ques-tions emerge, regarding for instance the possibility to au-tomatically infer the category of each individual, from theglobal aggregated network. As the interaction patternsseem to be assortative in some cases (nurses) and disassor-tative in other cases (patients and caregivers), usual com-munity detection algorithms that focus on �nding groupsof cohesively connected nodes would be unable to performsuch classi�cation, and more advanced machine learningalgorithms would most probably be needed.

4 Dynamical processes on dynamicalnetworks

The measurement infrastructure yields in each deploy-ment very detailed informations on the face-to-face in-teractions between individuals, including not only the du-ration, but also the starting time of each contact. Whileaggregated networks are static representations in whichthe order of appearance of links is unknown, the gathereddata sets contain the time-order of the contacts, i.e. it en-codes the causality of the events. These data sets representtherefore instances of dynamical networks, whose study

implies new challenges and opportunities [33]. In particu-lar, some e�orts have started to be devoted to the devel-opment of new characterization tools speci�c to tempo-rally evolving networks [45�47]. In this context, the studyof dynamical phenomena on dynamical networks can bean interesting way of exploring the role of causality insuch networks. To this aim, it is possible to consider a dy-namical process taking place (i) either on the dynamicalnetwork describing the real temporal sequence of events,or (ii) on an aggregated network in which the informa-tion about the precise order of events is discarded. Wefocus here on spreading processes, that can range fromvery schematic and simplistic models used as theoreticalinvestigation tools to increasingly complex and detailedmodels of practical relevance.

Let us �rst focus on a simple deterministic snowballSI model of epidemic or information di�usion [44]. In thismodel, individuals are divided into two categories, suscep-tible (S) who have not yet been reached by the �infection�(or information), and infected ones (I), who carry the dis-ease (or have received the information) and can propagateit to other individuals. In the simplest, deterministic ver-sion, every contact between a susceptible individual andan infected one results in a transmission event in whichthe susceptible becomes infected, according to S+I → 2I.Moreover, infected individuals do not recover. The processis initiated by a single infected individual (�seed�) selectedat random. Through its simplicity, such a schematic modelgives interesting illustrations on the impact of causalityconstraints in dynamical networks, and on how di�erenttemporal contact patterns can lead to di�erent outcomes.

Let us �rst focus on the di�erence in the spreadingpaths on the dynamical network and on the correspond-ing aggregated network. More precisely, we de�ne, for eachseed, two distinct networks: the transmission network isthe network along which the infection spreads (i.e., thenetwork whose edges are given by S ↔ I contacts); thepartially aggregated network on the other hand is de�nedas the network aggregated from the time the seed appearsin the data set to the end of the day (as the infection canonly reach individuals present at the venue after the entryof the seed). The distance between the seed and anothernode i in the transmission network gives therefore the ac-tual number of transmission events that occurred in orderto reach i, and is therefore the length of the fastest seed-to-infected-individual path which respects causality. Onthe other hand, it is also possible to compute the short-est seed-to-infected-individual path on the partially ag-gregated network. As shown in Figure 9, the distributionof fastest paths turns out to be broader and shifted towardhigher values than the corresponding shortest path distri-bution, both for a conference day or a museum setting, asit is also observed in other cases [48]. This di�erence canbe understood through a simple example: if i is contami-nated and encounters j, who then encounters k, before iencounters k, the actual (fastest) spreading path betweeni and k is of length 2, while the shortest path is of length1.

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A. Barrat et al.: Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions 7

0 5 10 15 200






Transmission networkAggregated network

0 2 4 6 8 100




0 5 10 15 20nd








0 5 10 15 20nd





HT09, June 30th

SG, May 20th

SG, July 14th

SG, May 19th

Fig. 9. Distribution of the path lengths nd from the seed toall the infected individuals calculated over the transmissionnetwork (black circles) and the partially aggregated networks(red pluses). The distributions are computed, for each day, byvarying the choice of the seed over all individuals.

Simple processes such as the SI model also provide acomparison tool between di�erent data sets or di�erentdynamical networks. We illustrate from this point of viewthe di�erences between the dynamical networks of face-to-face interactions in a museum (SG data set) and during aconference (HT09 data set) in Figures 10 and 11.

As mentioned previously, the spreading process can-not reach individuals who have left the venue before theseed enters. Therefore, we consider the ratio of the �nalnumber of infected individuals,Ninf , to the numberNsus ofindividuals who can be potentially reached through causaltransmission paths starting at the seed. The distributionsof this ratio are reported in Fig. 10. In the case of HT09,almost all the potentially infected individuals will be in-fected by the end of the day, whereas the distribution ofNinf/Nsus is broader in the SG case. Within a static net-work description on the other hand, Ninf would always beequal to Nsus, a misleading approximation of reality. Fig-ure 11 gives additional insight into this issue, by showing,for each seed, the cumulative number of infected individ-uals as a function of time (i.e., the incidence curve), fora selected day of the HT09 conference and for one dayof the SG data. In the case of the HT09 conference, theearliest possible seeds are the conference organizers, butfew spreading events occur until conference participantsgather for the co�ee break and/or meet up at the end ofthe �rst talk, between 10:00 and 11:00. A strong increasein the number of infected individuals is then observed, anda second strong increase occurs during the lunch break.As a result of the concentration in time of transmissionevents, spreading processes reach very similar (and high)incidence levels after a few hours, regardless of the ini-tial seed or its arriving time. Even processes started after15:00 can reach about 80% of the conference participants.Thus, the crucial point for the spreading process does notconsist in knowing where and when the epidemic trajec-tory has started, but whether the seed or any other sub-sequently infected individual attend the co�ee break or

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 10






0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1










inf /N

sus )



Fig. 10. Distribution of the ratio Ninf/Nsus for the HT09 andthe SG data, averaged over all potential seeds. Ninf is the �nalnumber of infected individuals at the end of one day, whileNsus

is the number of individuals that could potentially be reachedby a causal transmission path starting at the seed.Nsus is givenby the number of individuals visiting the premises in the sameday, from the time the seed enters the premises, and belongingto the same connected component as the seed.

not. A di�erent picture is obtained in the SG case, evenin the case shown in the �gure, which is a favorable set-ting for spreading, as it corresponds to a day with manyvisitors and a globally connected aggregated network: theincidence curves do not present sharp gradients, and laterepidemics are unable to infect a large fraction of daily vis-itors. Once again, such di�erences in the spreading tem-poral patterns could not be detected from the study ofaggregated networks.

The quantitative description of face-to-face interac-tions between individuals can also be used to simulateand study the propagation of communicable diseases, us-ing more realistic models of illnesses [49]. In particular, itis possible to compare the simulated spread on the realdynamical contact network with the spreading on aggre-gated static networks. It turns out that, as the spreadingand recovery timescales of realistic disease models is usu-ally of the order of days, an aggregated network takinginto account the daily duration of contacts is a good ap-proximation to the full resolution network, whereas a ho-mogeneous representation which retains only the topologyof the contact network fails in reproducing the size of theepidemic.

In summary, the role and importance of the causal-ity constraints at a temporal resolution of 20s dependson the timescale of the dynamical process that unfoldson top of the dynamical network. On the other hand, theheterogeneity in the contact durations remains an essen-tial information in order to correctly model and simulatepropagation processes.

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HT09: June 30th











08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00

8:00 to 9:009:00 to 10:0010:00 to 11:0011:00 to 12:0012:00 to 13:0013:00 to 14:0014:00 to 15:0015:00 to 16:0016:00 to 17:00

SG: July 14th











12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00

12:00 to 13:0013:00 to 14:0014:00 to 15:0015:00 to 16:0016:00 to 17:0017:00 to 18:0018:00 to 19:0019:00 to 20:00

Fig. 11. (Color online) Incidence curves, giving the number ofinfected versus time for a spreading phenomenon simulated inthe HT09 and SG data. Top: HT09, June 30th (aggregated net-work consisting of N = 102 individuals); Bottom: SG networkfor July 14th (N = 282 individuals). Each curve correspondsto a di�erent seed, and is color-coded according to the startingtime of the spreading.

5 Conclusion

The availability of longitudinal data describing the in-teractions of individuals in di�erent contexts opens newissues and opportunities in the analysis of complex net-works. We have reviewed here recently gathered data setson behavioral networks of face-to-face proximity in threevery di�erent contexts and environments: in a conference,a group of individuals gathers and interacts in a repeatedfashion; in a museum on the contrary, a �ux of individu-als streams through the premises, following a prede�nedpath; �nally, in a hospital, individuals with very di�er-ent roles and mobility patterns interact repeatedly. Wehave shown how unexpected similar statistical propertiesemerge, sometimes hiding very important structural prop-

erties of the contact networks. The contact patterns arevery heterogeneous, as could be expected, and, in the hos-pital case, this heterogeneity is observed inside each cat-egory of individuals and in the duration of contacts foreach category pair, although di�erences are observed be-tween di�erent category pairs. From this point of view,it would be very interesting to develop automated way ofdetecting behavioral categories in the interaction patternsand to understand how they match the a priori roles ofindividuals.

The interplay of �toy� dynamical models such as a de-terministic spreading process and of the network temporaldimension has been shown to be an interesting investiga-tion tool for longitudinal data, as it uncovers importantdi�erences in the data sets. In this respect, an open issueregards the role of sampling: in many cases one could haveaccess to only a subset of the interactions taking placebetween the individuals, or even to the interactions of afraction of the population under study, and it would beinteresting to understand how this sampling would a�ectthe results. How the results of section 4 depend on therespective time scales of the dynamical process and of thenetwork is also an interesting direction for future work.

This study was partially supported by the FET-Open projectDYNANETS (grant no. 233847) funded by the European Com-mission.


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