elks of canada inspiring community leaders program 2013 saturday, november 16 th and sunday november...

Elks of Canada INSPIRING COMMUNITY LEADERS PROGRAM 2013 Saturday, November 16 th and Sunday November 17 th , 2013

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Page 1: Elks of Canada INSPIRING COMMUNITY LEADERS PROGRAM 2013 Saturday, November 16 th and Sunday November 17 th, 2013




Saturday, November 16th and Sunday November 17th, 2013

Page 2: Elks of Canada INSPIRING COMMUNITY LEADERS PROGRAM 2013 Saturday, November 16 th and Sunday November 17 th, 2013

“Leadership is not the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It is a process ordinary people use when they are bringing forth the best from themselves and others”.   - Kouzes and Posner

"Leadership is a choice you make, not a position you have". - John Maxwell

Page 3: Elks of Canada INSPIRING COMMUNITY LEADERS PROGRAM 2013 Saturday, November 16 th and Sunday November 17 th, 2013

The  Elks  of  Canada  are  taking  applications  from  any member of our Order to an Inspiring Community Leaders Program. Deadline is September 20th, 2013. 

Every  application  will  be  considered.  Will  you  step forward as one of our future Leaders? We are arranging for  one  of  the  best  leadership  experts  in  Canada  to facilitate the session, Jack Huntington.  

Leadership development is a key priority for Elks Canada. Ultimately  this  is  about  leadership  for  change  and developing  leadership  capacity  and  a  leadership  culture within our organization.

Page 4: Elks of Canada INSPIRING COMMUNITY LEADERS PROGRAM 2013 Saturday, November 16 th and Sunday November 17 th, 2013

Learning Goals:

• Understand  leadership  essentials  such  as  why  the  leadership imperative, what  is  leadership, who  is  leadership  for, and how do you learn leadership. 

• Learn the five practices of exemplary leaders. • Increase your self awareness of your leadership strengths and areas for  development  through  self  assessment,  using  the  Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).

• Clarify  your  personal  leadership  vision,  mission,  and  values  and alignment with the Elks mission/mandate, vision and values.

• Identify a tough/important leadership challenge or initiative in your leadership  role with  Elks  Canada  that  you want  to make progress on, and leave with next steps, putting your leadership into action. 

• Identify next steps in your ongoing leadership development• Develop a network with other leaders across the Order.• See how leadership translates to your volunteer, work and family life. 

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Program Approach:

• Highly  interactive with  small  and  large  group dialogue.

• Individual  self  assessment,  reflection  and leadership development planning.

• Short presentations,  and up  to date  resource material,  including a workbook and reference list. 

• In  an  atmosphere  of  trust,  reflection, participation, confidentiality and fun!

• Dress is business casual.

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• A commitment to work on a  leadership skill that you identify as important.

• A commitment to make progress on a leadership challenge  and/or  opportunity  in  your  leadership role with Elks of Canada.

• Follow up with members of the Member Services Committee  to  track  the  progress  of  your commitments.

• Taking part  in  an evaluation process  to enhance the seminar for future attendees.

• A  certificate  of  completion  to  be  presented  to each participant.

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The Facilitator

Jack Huntington 

• Bachelor of Education, University of Regina;• Post Graduate Diploma, Educational Administration, University of Regina;

• Executive Development Program, Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario. 

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The Inspiring Community Leaders Program

When: Saturday, November 16th, 2013 Sunday, November 17th, 2013

 Times: 8:30 am. – 4:30 pm on Day 1

9:00 am. – 3:30 pm on Day 2                   Location of Sessions:  Calgary, Alberta. Exact location to be 

           determined.  Provided:  Travel, accommodation & meal expenses, all materials,        refreshment and lunch during the sessions. See reverse for                 details.


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Contact the National Office, (1-888-843-3557)or fill out our online registration form at 
