
Looking back at your preminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product ?

I have learnt many things since the preminary task and have progressed from it, in every single way because at first I didn't really know anything about the course or even how to use photoshop and in all honesty I never had heard of flickr at the time.

My college front cover magazine :

At this point when I had finished my college magazine front cover, I didn't even know how to get on photoshop and this is how bad I was with photoshop and this was because I had never actually used it before. However getting used to the toools helped me and there is a big difference between my finished front cover and my college front cover magazine.The front cover billow is my music magazine front cover and I believe I have progressed a lot in time I had to create and also learn how to use photoshop because my collge magazine doesn't even have a back round or any effective cover lines or even any effects on the cover lines, mast head and also the main image. I believe that my progression from my collge magazine front cover to my music magazine front cover is 110% because my music magazine front cover looks very effective and eye catching front cover however on the other hand my college magazine front cover is monotonous/boring , the image doesn't even stand out where as the picture billow does stand out and is very effective.

I feel that I have learnt a lot and have progressed a lot because I have managed to get better at photoshop while doing all my course work and this was very difficult ( some other students found it very easy because they knew how to use photoshop and have used it before so they didn't have to learn how to use it). I have learnt how to put effects on my images, mastehead or cover lines when I didn't know how to when I was doing my college front cover magazine so therefore I believe that I have learned many things after my college magazine.

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