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Tripti Purswani

Hello,I am Tripti PurswaniRoll no. HRD09-6174 College: BIMHRDSpecialization: PGDM (Marketing & Finance)Division: Dual CBatch: 2009-2011It is my immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with my juniors.

I got placed in one of the leading bank of India as a Relationship Manager (Priority Banking).My journey of placement started from the month of September when the first company visited our campus. That time I realized GD was my weakness being a soft spoken person. I was eligible for placement from company one. I sat in many companies irrespective of brand and package so that I can improve my performance in GD and to boost up self confidence. It was a tough time for me to prove myself and to achieve what I have aimed in my life. I started realizing worries and peer pressure. Seeing all my friends getting placed every day I was really tensed as to what will happen.Let me tell you my juniors, always have faith in yourself. If you do not get into the first company then you will definitely get into some! Who knows the last company might be the best one!The most awaited day finally arrived on 24th Jan 2011. A day before the process we came to know that company XYZ was coming for placement with a good profile and attractive package. Moreover, one of the leading bank of India.The process was on 21st Jan 2011. It was a pool campus in ASM Group of Institutes, Pune. There was an initial short listing by company on the basis of few criteria- 70% in 10th, 12th and graduation. 65% in Post- Graduation. No backlog. No gap in your academics.I felt so good when I got shortlisted for the process. Around 30 students get shortlisted from SBS. I was very excited and nervous too because this was the sector that attracted me so much and I did not to miss this opportunity. I started my preparation. I did a thorough study about the company and banking sector in India. I am from commerce background which gave me lot of advantage in understanding the technical terms.Selection process:1. Pre- Placement talk2. Aptitude test

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3. Group Discussion4. Personal InterviewEach round was an elimination round.1. Pre-Placement talk: The session starts with a pre-placement talk by the company executives. They have discussed about the company's background, market presence, growth component and work culture. This was followed by a brief explanation of the skill sets required for employment, compensation, place of posting and the procedure for selection.

2. Aptitude Test:Recruitment procedure started with an aptitude test. It comprised of questions testing the candidate's knowledge on logical reasoning, quantitative applications and verbal ability. The level of test was easy.

3. Group Discussion:My GD topic was 'Mobile number Portability'. I have neither initiated the discussion nor given the conclusion. But I made 2-3 valid points which gave a direction to the discussion. This time I was quite satisfied with my performance.Some suggestions for GD- Speak clearly. Make sensible points. Try to initiate the GD but not necessary. Make sure to bring the discussion on track. Listen carefully to others. Don't make a fish market. Keep eye contact while speaking.

Finally the moment of reckoning arrived and the list of students qualified for the next round was read out. There were sighs of disappointment and screams of joy. When I heard my name have been selected for the next round, I felt so good and excited for the interview.

4. Personal Interview: Interview is something in which I am comfortable and confident. I can be myself and have a good conversation. As soon as the process started and I got nervous but I controlled myself. When my name called for the interview I walked in very confidently and wished the panel members and took my seat. There were two panel members. The questions during the interview were the following: Tell me about yourself. Where did you do your internship? What was your contribution to the company during internship? What do you know about our company? What is the role of Relationship Manager?

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What is cross selling?Give 3 location preference and the reason behind that particular location.Will you be able to work apart those locations?Who is the Governor of RBI?

After two days I got a call from my friend saying that one of my friends has been selected and what about you? I was speechless because even I do not know that result was out. I thought that this time also I am not selected otherwise PAT member informed me. Then I called in PAT and asked about the result. They said, two students got selected from HRD but I do not know their names so you wait I just confirm. That time my heart beat was on peak. FINALLY I got the news that 'I GOT SELECTED'. I cannot tell you what my feeling at that point of time was. That was an awesome moment of my life.I got my offer letter in the month of May and joined in June.

Some suggestions:Ask your profile and job description in detail before joining any organization.Do not always give priority to 'BRAND' and 'COMPENSATION'.Keep your concepts very clear.Always believe in yourself and 'BALA SIR'.Have patience and work hard.

Please go through the company's website thoroughly before sitting for the company. Do not be dependent on the ppt, the questions asked about the company are beyond the scope of ppt.Read newspaper every day.Don't be nervous.Always learn from your mistakes.Never let yourself down at any point of time. Just have faith in GOD.


I would like to thanks our beloved BALA SIR, PAT team, my friends and family members. I must say the kind of theoretical exposure I got was really great and helpful in our corporate journey.Wish you ALL THE BEST to all my juniors and may you get success in all your future endeavors.

Regards,Tripti Purswani

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Tulika Verma

I am Tulika Verma

Registration No.:HRD-09-6074


Academic year :2009-11

Passed out in – :April 2011

My specialization is in Marketing and IT

It gives me immense pleasure to share my placement experience with you all.

Time flies and 2 years at Balaji Society were perhaps my best days. I still

remember the day when I stepped into the campus with loads of mixed

feelings. The only question that dreaded me was would I get into a good

company because I had always dreamt of getting a brand and of course, with a

good profile and package. But dreams at SBS do come true and I was no


I sat for 4 companies before getting placed into X Company on November 2nd,

2010.However it was not an easy nut to crack. Lot of hard work was put into

it.After returning from our Summer Internship, we were asked to socks as the

Placement Session was about to set In.Our College played an immense role in

getting us prepared for the D Day. People from the corporates were invited

every now and then to give us light on what actually happens in the corporate

world. Reading newspapers, magazines, solving case studies etc. were few of

the steps taken by us to make the foundation all the more strong.

Finally, the 1st company came to the campus on September 19th,2010.I was

not lucky enough to get into it as the competition was intense since none of the

Placement Criteria were applicable.

After this, students with more than 90% of class attendance and no backlogs

were eligible to sit for the next 50 companies. I was lucky enough as I had

maintained my attendance with no backlogs.

I sat for my the other upcoming companies and was not able to clear the GD

round. But that didn't disappoint me and kept the hard work going. And finally

got placed into the 5th company that I had sat for.

The company arrived the campus on November 1st,2010 with AVP-Knowledge

Management,3 Thread Leads and 2 HR Managers. Following is what they had in

store for us:

Job Profile: Business Analyst

POP: Hyderabad/Bangalore

Package:Rs.3.76 lac p.a.

The AVP walked us through the presentation and explained every bit of it.I was

pretty satisfied with the job profile and had made up my mind to give it a shot.

The whole process had following rounds:

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1. Aptitude Test/Essay

2. Group Task / Presentation

3. Versant

4. Final PI

About the Process:

According to me, the process was not that grilling. I could sail through the

whole thing calmly without becoming a bundle of nerves. I enjoyed the process

and took everything as it came.

1. Aptitude Test:

Around 250 students sat for the Aptitude test. There were around 35-40

questions based on Quant, Data Interpretation, Reasoning and English. And the

time limit was 30 minutes. The questions asked were not the tough nuts to

crack. The key to solve them was a complete presence of mind and speed. Also,

we were asked to write a composition on any of the topics related to Knowledge


2. Group Task / Presentation:

In this round, we were divided into groups and were asked to prepare a web

portal for the Deloitte employees. The topic given to my group was Smoking

Kills. Later on, we had to present our work in front of the panel members. It

was a complete fun and our group did a good job. The panel judged us on the

following parameters:

1. Leadership Skills

2. Group participation

3. Understanding of the Topic

4. Communication Skills

3. Versant

The 3rd round was that of Versant which is a quick spoken English test is. It

was conducted to evaluate language and literacy skills. We were sent to

different rooms and were asked to call up on the number provided by them. It

lasted for about 20 minutes. The panel was quite impressed with the

performance of the candidates. Around 30 students cleared this round.

Disclaimer: Each round was an elimination round.

4. Final Interview:

All the 30 candidates were called for the final round, the next day i.e. November

2nd.I was one of them. My PI lasted for about 45 minutes and few of the

questions asked were:

a.Describe yourself.

b.What are your areas of Academic Interest?

c.What is your understanding about Knowledge Management?

d.Why do you want to get into this company?

e.What are your strengths and weakness?

f. What have you learnt from two years Of MBA?

g.Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?

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h. How will you rank the following as per your priority – Role, Designation,

Package, Work Culture?

All in all my interview went really well. I was pretty much satisfied with the

answers that I gave and the interviewer seemed to be satisfied as well. But still,

you never no.

The panel had interviewed all the 30 candidates. But few of my colleagues were

again called by them. Don't know what was going on in their minds but that

made us little nervous.

Finally the results were declared and they picked up 11 students from the

marketing stream. I was one of them. What a moment it was!!!!

The panel congratulated all of us and they also distributed X Company T-shirts

to all of us. Also, they gave us some extra information as to when would our

offer letters be dispatched etc.

Certain piece of advice for my colleagues:

1. Never try to faff in an interview, if you don't know an answer say it frankly,

it'll be appreciated.

2. Be clear in whatever you say, an advanced preparation on certain HR

questions can be of immense help.

3. Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards

that area.

4. Never get drained out, keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a


5. Never underestimate the panel; even they do their homework before coming.

I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the

biggest brands. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, Hemendra Singh Sir, my

colleagues in PAT and my friends and family.

I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their


Thank You


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Vaibhav Misra


I am Vaibhav Misra

Registration number: HRD-09-6175


2009-2011 batch

Specialization: Operations

I'm placed in company 20.

My campus placement experience:-

My struggle for placement started 2-3 days earlier against what it was

scheduled officially. The first company that came for Operations was a software

company in which 01 student from our class got placed. I could not even clear

the Aptitude round of it so it was not the kind of beginning for me as i was

expecting. I started sitting for every company which came for our Operations

batch except for those which were consultancy firms, because truly speaking my

basic aim was to get a decent placement from the campus itself. And to achieve

this goal i was ready to work in any industry provided the profile should match

my area of interest.

From there on many companies visited the campus and i appeared in all those

companies but luck was not favoring me as i could not even crack a single one

of those. The main problem happening with me was that whenever i clear the

GD of any company i use to get rejected in the interview round. There were few

companies where i hoped that i could make through, but to my surprise i got

rejected there also. By then i have already appeared in companies from several

industry, just to name a few like retail, engineering, software, food, logistics etc

and by now already 3 months have passed by. During this course one by one

almost all the batch mates got placed in many reputed companies belonging to

diverse industry type like Software, Engineering, Food & Beverages,

Automobiles, and Consultancy etc. By February there were only 06 students

who were yet to be placed and i was one of them. But then the D-day arrived in

the form of 04/02/2011 (Friday) when i went to sit for the process of this

company where i am currently working. My selection to this company has a little

exciting story behind it.

During the whole campus placement season there came were instances where

companies came only for MM students. So my company was also one of them.

Out of the 6 people remaining for the placement 4 were from MM and only 2

from HRD, and initially the company came only for MM but at the last moment

just one day prior to the process we got the information that HRD is also

allowed to sit for the process. All 06 of us went to their Mumbai head office for

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the process the next day. Now i will tell my experience of the whole process:

The process was started by a short brief about the company given by the VP

(HR). Then they conducted 02 rounds- Group Discussion and Personal


GD Topic: “Indian economy: Is it really booming or it is just on paper.”

The GD took place in the conference room in the presence of Vice President

(HR). First he took a general introduction of all of us one by one and then we

were given the topic as stated above. He gave 05 minutes to gather our

thoughts on the topic. I was in favor of the topic. I was supported by 2 friends

and rest all were against the topic. I exactly don't remember what all

justifications and arguments I had given to the HR at that time according to me

the sole reason of my getting selected must have been my performance in the

group discussion.

The GD continued for about 15 minutes wherein there were times where some

people amongst us became so aggressive that even the VP had to interfere. But

overall it was a very good discussion.

Personal Interview:

Then the round of personal interview started. The interview was taken in the VP

HR's cabin and he was accompanied by a panel which included the Vice

President (Production) and Head (R&D and Technology) of the company. One by

one they called all of us and I was the fourth person to go for the interview.

Some key highlights of the interview are as follows:

The first question was as it had always been that “Tell me something about

youself? So in response i gave my general introduction to all the 03 members.

Then soon after the technical round started and the questions started raining

on me like anything. I have no hesitation in accepting that i was totally “grilled

to the dust” by the duo of production head and the R&D head of the company.

But as it is said that if it's your day then no one can stop you and even your

mistakes are ignored/ overlooked. Same happened with me also.

There were several questions which were asked to me by the panel on subjects

like Transportation technique, Supply Chain Management, Quality, and

Production. I still remember that i was asked by my production head that

explain the methodology of VAM method in transportation technique and i kept

on thinking for about 4-5 minutes but ended in remembering North West Corner

method. At that time i really felt that it's curtains down for me.

Except for the above case, rest of the technical round went very smoothly

wherein i explained the supply chain and its importance to them by taking the

example of their own company and industry.

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Then i was asked by the R&D head of the company about “how would i manage

the Supply Chain of their company if given a role in that function”? theni replied

by explaining them the concept of end-to-end supplier management and stating

the importance of 'Forward Visibility' to them while handling such a vast nature

of suppliers.

Last but not the least HR interview round started and here the VP asked me

several questions on my family background, hobbies & interests, strength &

weaknesses etc which were pretty common.

I still remember that he asked me about my weaknesses and i replied him that I

find it very difficult in saying 'NO' to others despite of knowing the fact that he's

going to shatter me and he started asking me several questions on it and i was

completely exhausted by the time i'd finished my interview.

The very next day i.e. 05/02/2011 i was sitting for the process of a MNC and

was attending the presentation when my PAT team member called me out from

the class room right from the middle of the presentation and gave me the news

for which i had struggled for those 3-4 months. He showed me the written

confirmation via mail from the company about me getting selected for their

'Management Trainee' program for the year 2011-12 and becoming the first

student in the history of SBS getting placed in this company.

So this was all about my campus experience and i would like to share some of

my conclusions on which i had arrived while struggling for about 3.5 months

and are totally my personal opinion.

1. Understanding and reading an HR's mind is the toughest job. You never know

what he's going to do next. You think you have done very well in the entire

process but soon you'll find yourself being rejected. Many times it happened

with me also.

2. Just be true to yourself. In my interview the production head asked me about

whether I really remember VAM method of “Transportation Technique” or not

and i told him frankly that i don't remember it right now. You should never lie

on anything because they are sharp enough to catch it.

3. One thing was common all across the companies for which i sat that we

should never be over aggressive during the GD. It had cost me about 3-4

companies where i was rejected just because of my aggressiveness shown at

the time of Group Discussion.

Preparation Done:-

As far as the preparation for the campus placements is concerned i did not put

any special effort to be very honest. From my engineering days i had a deep

interest in areas like Production, Manufacturing and after joining my Operations

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management course- Supply Chain Management became my 3rd favorite area.

Therefore i use to read extensively books on these subjects & notes given to me

by my professors. Thankfully at last i got a job where my profile is Management

Trainee (Mfg.) and currently i am working as a Manufacturing Manager in one of

our Tie-Up units located in Guwahati. I would like to specially thank my

professors who taught me Production Management and Supply Chain

Management because during my personal interview majority of the questions

asked to me were from these 02 subjects and it would not have been possible

without the knowledge & notes which they shared during our classes.


Frustration is pretty common for all of us. When you see your friends are

getting placed one by one in front of you then there will come a time when you

will get frustrated and it started happening with me also when i was one

amongst the last 06 students who were yet to be placed from the campus. I

started thinking of doing a root cause analysis on myself that why i am not

being able to crack any company's process despite of performing well for many

companies. But i was sure of one thing that surely i will crack one company as i

was from operations batch and my confidence always gets boost up when i use

to see previous placements of Operations Batch and also seeing the nature of

companies coming in the campus for placement in our time.

Lastly one thing i would like to state here is that just believe that whatever

happens, it happens for a cause and that too for a good one. Right from the

very first day i.e. 07/11/10 when my battle started till the day when i got placed

i.e 05/02/11i was confident of one thing that no matter what, i will get placed

from the campus itself.

The kind of rigorous training and grooming we went throughout these 02 years

is now showing its effect when i had already completed 10 months in the

corporate. All the activities happened at that time in SBS which we all use to

curse like anything is showing its good effects now after joining the corporate


The schedule of 8-8 of SBS is reaping fruits now. I would like to specially thank

the whole SBS family and especially my PAT team members for their sincere and

continuous efforts throughout these 3-4 months of difficult time.

Golden Words- “Problems are opportunities”

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Varun Bhalla

Hi all,

I am Varun Bhalla

Registration no. - Hrd – 09 – 6246.

From - SBS (Finance) 2009-11.(BIMHRD)

Well, hard to decide where to start, what to write, what to skip…

So, let's keep it simple and honest.

My Campus placement experience started at around October 2010.

And it came to an end in June 2011.

Quite a span….

The experience can seriously be described as the most testing time of my life.

Never in my life, have I felt so vulnerable and under-confident.

I sat in more than 10 companies and got REJECTED (toughest word to use).

I remember waking up every day trying to cope up with this reality.

Every battle started with a group discussion, which I cleared almost every time,

but then something always went wrong and I always couldn't clear the last

round. I cleared GD in 10 companies to be specific and learned one thing

gradually. So, here is a pointer for all of you who are struggling with GD's. It

really does not matter how many times you speak until and unless you really

make sense. So try to understand the topic clearly and make one or two valid

points loud and clear. I do understand that it often becomes a fish market in

GD's , So, a few points that can help you to get into it and make some sensible

points are as follows.

1. In a GD, there are always patches where the tone of the GD falls, Enter then

and there and try making eye contact with the dominating participants. This

makes the crowd calm and you can always take advantage of the moment and

make you point.

2. Also when you are making your point, Be loud and clear in a way that does

not sound offensive but is firm and assertive. I know it sounds easy but in a fish

market, one tends to get irritated, so a useful ploy here is a smiling face. (no

matter how exasperated you are).

Now, From beginning to end, I was very choosy and didn't sit in a number of

companies. (I still believe, or at least want to believe that it was a good idea).

To be honest I still can't find the exact reason for this stage of continuous

failure of over 6 months. The only one, perhaps, is lack of desperation.

I know it sounds strange but it is true.

Yes I got placed when I became desperate for placement.

I was never 100% sure, whether I want this, Do I want to get placed in this

company, whenever I sat for an interview.

So I have shared my mantra for getting placed, i.e. Get desperate.

When you are sitting in an interview or GD, Say to yourself that this is it,

whatever may happen; I am going to get placed in this company.

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Ok. I am done. I have given you the secret to placement. Get desperate but

don't show it.

No friends. I wish I had a secret to placement. But I don't have one.

The above stated secret worked for me.

Your secret is with you. It can be general knowledge, subject knowledge……and

so on; the important point is that you should realize your secret.

The moment you find yours, your Job is done.

Ok just to make some sense of what I am writing, I should tell that I was

among the bottom 100 students (in all 4 colleges) to be placed. And honestly

that is a very tough fact to state.

But the good part is that in the end, I got 2 placement offers. (one from

campus and the other off Campus where I am currently working).

Both these offers were very good. It was hard for me to decide but I finally

chose the off campus offer.

First I would like to state my experience in the campus placement that I got.

The process in this XYZ company was a Personal interview straight away. No GD

or anything.

The interview consisted of a lot of technical questions related to finance and

also some HR questions. The interview was conducted by a Panel of four

Experts. My interview lasted for about half an hour. Some of these questions

which I remember and which I think all of us should be able to answer are as


Finance related questions.

What is PPP?

What is BOT?

Relationship between interest rates and inflation?

NPV, IRR. Which is better and Why?

Which is a better measure of performance.(cashflow or profit)

Other questions

Why do you want to work for XYZ?

How comfortable are you with southern India as Location of job?

Now I would like to talk about the off campus placement experience.

When I got a call from this ABC company, I went for the process at the

company office itself.

The process started with a GD in which 10 people from various backgrounds

participated. Again I cleared the GD easily by making a few valid points loud

and clear.

Next in the process was a technical interview with a panel of four experts that

lasted for 15 minutes. They asked me some technical questions like:

What is IFRS.

What challenges would an Indian company face when implementing IFRS.

Then came some HR questions in which they asked me about my salary

expectations. My answer was: As per the policy of the company.

The final round was an interview with the Process Head(director).

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He asked me few HR questions and also allowed me to ask a few questions. I

took advantage of the opportunity and asked about the growth path.

I finally got a final offer from them after two days which I accepted with both


So is all well, that ends well?

I don't know the answer to it.

In fact I am not sure whether today, when I am well placed, is better than

those days when I so wanted to be here.

But, that I guess, Is the way life is.

In the end just want to wish a very good luck to all those who are walking in

the shoes which were once ours…

Hold on to your nerves. You are almost there.

Signing off

Thanks for reading.

I am Miss Vasudha Vashishtha,

Registration no- HRD 09-6075,

Class-PGDM Marketing Dual A, BIMHRD

Academic year- 2009-2011.

Hello to everyone reading this. Before jotting down my campus experience I

would like to thank my college, my friends and Bala Sir for all their support

throughout my session.

If I remember those days, I have a mixed feeling comprising mental agony,

mind-numbing pressure, envy and last but not the least JOY. But one year down

the line it's an experience though not worth recalling but nevertheless worth

sharing with you guys......!!

Though, I was eligible as I had no backlogs and had right percentage of

attendance, but I must say, at the time placement drive starts these things look

very futile in comparison to the fierce battle of grabbing a job…..!! In my first

company that is company 1, in which I was pretty sure of not getting through

as the competition was cutthroat and almost everyone was eligible for its

recruitment process. And I really stood right as per my expectations; I was not

even selected in the first round…!! It being a maiden experience so somehow I

didn't feel that bad. Days passed and we all were preparing for GD's and PI's.

Then came second company, Company 2. This time I was selected in the first

two rounds of the placement process and fortunately my best friend also got

selected along with me and we were waiting for final PI. Initially, I was very

nervous before the interview but it went good and interviewer only asked about

Vasudha Vashishtha

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my hometown and background so I considered it to be a good interview and

expected positive result but in contrary to this when result was announced, it

was not favorable and I dint get selected but my best friend did. It was a very

awkward situation as the feeling of my failure was sweeping over the delight of

my best friend getting selected. After the high of getting through the first two

rounds, I came down with a thud. The heat of competition was raging further…!

The companies kept on coming for the placement, but I didn't sit for all of

them. And gradually all my flat mates got placed. Quiet letting down, but I was

the only one draping the sari in the morning and going for the placement PPTs

and processes. The main disappointment was of getting rejected in the PI's

after getting past the initial GD rounds. I then sat for Company 3 and cleared

the first GD round as usual. The topic for the GD was that 'Why MBA is

necessary to get a job'. Before going to the PI I also studied about the

company's history and country wide presence. But in the PI, from Amul's annual

turnover to marketing strategies of APPLE the interviewer kept on bombarding

me with such bizarre questions that he literally ripped my confidence apart. My

sanguinity was turned into skepticism. It was probably my worst PI ever. I was

already losing my patience and after the previous, quiet insulting PI, I became

so desperate to get placed that I sat for a company, Company 4, which was

offering just 15k for the first 6 months. I was even selected for the first 2

rounds and final interview was in Mumbai, but thanks to all my friends as they

made me realize that I am taking a wrong decision. So, I dropped the idea of

going to Mumbai. Here I would like to express my gratitude towards my peers

as they really saved me from a false start.

As the exhaustion level was growing, there came a company in December end

for which I am still working, Company 5. The process of this company had many

rounds. First I cleared aptitude test and second round was GD. Our topic for the

GD was “Companies' strategies towards bottom of the pyramid segment”. It

went for 15 minutes and I was quiet confident like before that I would at least

clear it. And I was through. Then came 3rd round, first PI in which surprisingly

looking at my resume and hobbies interviewers asked me to sing a song as I

wrote singing as my hobby. So I sang which boosted up my confidence and it

was a very nice interview. I was selected in that interview also after which there

was an online psychometric test which the selected candidates had to give

within a week. So, out of all the candidates only 3 of us were selected and as it

was a pool campus placement process so 2 from Indira and 2 from PUMBA were

also selected. We were asked to come for the final rounds in Mumbai which is

the head-office of this company. So we all went and there were again 2 rounds.

First was GD wherein the topic was regarding BRIC countries. So it went well. It

was not an elimination round and every one of us had to go through PI also.

But this PI consisted of 6 member panel which was itself very scary for us to

face. Then after waiting for 2 hours, my turn came. I was asked questions from

my internship, a bit from my graduation, my vision and my future plans. I was

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even asked about my marriage plans and entrepreneurship. It went for 45

minutes and this time I was not that confident and I thought I would not be

able to make it. But ironically when results came, finally I WAS PLACED. At that

very moment I called up my parents and friends to inform them and share with

them that moment of delight and rejoice. My family was very happy and finally

my patience paid me…….

From my experience I would like to advise all the juniors that try to keep your

calm and patience and don't take any decision in your frustration and

desperation for job as this would be a very crucial decision of your life. A false

start could really hamper and delay your future growth prospects. But also don't

be that selective in your choice which can make you miss good opportunities.

Best of luck to all my juniors for their future..!!!

I am Vidyadhar Pandey,Registration number: HRD-09-6186 BIMHRD 2009-2011 batch.Specialisation: Marketing & I.T, PGDM- BPlaced in my 8th company

Moments !!!

Although I may Sound here quiet generic but Placements is the most awaited and eagerly looked after event for every Student enrolled in Management Course. It is not only a platform for an Individual showcases his/her talent and learning but in some respect it is also somehow related to prestige and Dignity of the Educational Institution.Talking about my journey of getting a corporate career via placement, this journey is all about wait for opportune time. From the very beginning I had a feeling that given a chance I can easily sail through any kind of Group Discussion and Interview, but call it my utter failure in reading placement process, I had to face utter disappointment all through Seven companies for which I sat but was rejected in some or other way. These failures made me more prudent of not to make any pre conception before you actually face real scenario. Equipped with these learning and by grace of God, my day too arrived, the long and painful agony of facing embargo of non participation in first fifty companies courtesy short attendance faded with myself being accepted as a Corporate netizen in one of India's Pioneer Real Estate Company M/S Ansal API. To recall It was 13'th of December 2011 when I got the news of my Selection in the above Company.

Vidyadhar Pandey

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Before formally starting the Placement process I would pause here a bit and would like take you to my exciting two Years of successful Stint with Sri Balaji Society. Though I was not fortunate enough to have immersed myself to the eventful month long Orientation programme for freshers. Also first Semester was marred by Swine flu and my Holidaying at Aditya Birla Hospital due to some medical Urgency, but after that I had a rollicking time in Pune. The clarity in thought, ready accessibility and Concern for Students of top Brass of SBS is unmatchable and impeccable. I would also like to thank SBS for providing best in Class Infrastructure and Great faculties viz C.Y Nimkar, Venkatraman Sir, Deshpande Sir, Abhijit Nag, Ajit Sane,Chetan Kadam,A.P Rao, Balaji Reddy Sir , who have showered me with their hard earned Knowledge and Experiences.

Before I recollect my placement moment I want to put forward one message that I have learned at SBS from our beloved Bala Sir that “Problems are opportunities” so always remain positive. Your actions should always have to have constructive objective. Nobody can pretend that life is bed of roses and there is no reason why it should be. Daily ups and downs are perfectly normal.My campus placement experienceJust like any Marketing student my I discovered my genre of Interest (Sectoral/ Company ) during my Interactions with various Subjects of PGDM Course.I dreamt of making my Career as a Researcher or Going into Infrastructure Sector, but destiny has other Ideas so when time came it handed over me an opportunity to contribute my part in India's service Sector as a real estate Chap .No qualms for whatever happened after all No one can go against God's will, who must have chosen the best for you.Due to Shortage of requisite attendance percentage a long gloomy phase was waiting for me So, Cracking LG the first company to be on Campus was not only necessitated, but it also a matter of pride for me so wanted to crack LG. Sadly I could not Crack LG's placement process and my painful period of hibernation for coming fifty companies got over me. This embargo has cost me very dearly and to somehow it has dented my confidence. But like every dark night comes a beautiful morning of hope, I quickly let the gloomy phase to pass on and prepared myself for battle ahead. It was 2'nd of December and Company was BILT from which I formally started to give myself chance to be in the selected lot of placed Students, It was in fact a cracker of a Start after being among the selected 26 students who were there to make it to the final cut. But Somehow I could not make through to final selection……… “Welcome to Campus Placement”

My placement into a Real Estate company was totally unexpected for me, the events of that fateful day Unfolded as follows.

Date:- 11'th December 2010Company:- Ansal APIPanel Members:-2 a)President H.R & Admin. Mr. Vivek Gandhi

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b) Additional General Manager HR. & Admin Mr. Ajay Khanna

The Process

The process started as same as that of others with a Pre Placement Talk. Thus the entire process can be summed up as……

Pre Placement Talk (College campus) First Round Group Discussion Personal Interview (Technical+ H.R Round)

Pre Placement Talk

The Pre Placement Talk included the description of company and the various areas they operate into, in such an interesting way of PPT. The presentation was good enough to help us understand. The PPT talked about India's economy,Status of India's Real Estate Industry, Competitive Positioning of Ansal , the working environment of the company, demographic profile etc.

Question Hour Session: - Time for Creating a mark.In SBS with close to over 1000 Competitive peers up to fight for every inche It becomes very imperative to break the clutter and get yourself noticed by recruiters so I strategically used the question hour session thrown open to us by asking two burning question that were question mark to Entire real estate Industry , result half the battle was won in auditorium itself.

Group Discussion

The selection process formally started by Group Discussion which comprised of a moderator and 12 prospective Employees. Topic for group discussion was “Corruption: India's way of Living” announcement of this particular topic relatively eased my nerves as I was little bit acquainted with it. I spoke in middle and defined the topic according to my understanding and stated my views about the subject. I entered the G.D for two more times and throughout the G.D had shown utmost interest in listening the view point of other speakers. The G.D had its moment of getting out of track as well awry scene of one-to- one debate/heated exchange of views and cross arguments.G.D lasted for 18-20 minutes. I was very much content with my performance and quiet confident of getting through to next round.Result was on expected lines and I was preparing myself for Interview.

Last mile: Interview

After a long wait I was finally called for Personal Interview with the Panel consisting of both members, in fact I was second last Candidate to be called for

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Interview.With a healthy smile on my face I entered the room and greeted the Panel members, and asked permission to have seat.The Interaction Started with Panellist asking me to introduce myself, answer to this question given shape to how Interview will be driven forward.Next, I was asked about my Education?Which part of Delhi you like the most?Why you choose Management after doing Graduation in Physics?How you cultivated your Interest in Management?Name a few AIR/Hindu news correspondents whose reports were appreciated by you?Being an elder brother how you guide your younger brothers and how do they react to your suggestion/advice?How you see Indian Real Estate Industry?Who are Competitors of Ansal API?Explain the use of Subvention scheme in Real Estate?Have you ever visited any property developed by Ansal API?Name few Current Projects of Ansal API?Do you have any locational preferences?The interview lasted for 25 minutes, what I can draw Inference from the Interview was that, Interviewer was checking confidence level, knowledge, Intelligence, Common sense, and communication skills. On 13'th of December final result was declared and I found myself among the 7 successful candidates, It was very heartening news for me, my family, friends and my well wishers .

A few suggestions to my junior friends.

1. Sit for any process only if you have deep Interest in that Particular sector/Industry and Company?2. Gather sufficient Information regarding the company and Industry, Visit the company's website at least once .3. Be Confident while you speak, and no need to hesitate, to say no if you don't know any particular question's answer.4. It's very difficult to judge what H.R (Company Representative) is looking in a candidate, so never try to pre-empt or to have some pre conceived notion of them.5. Lastly , never get bogged down by failures as each failure is stepping stone of success, every failure has some valuable learning ,use this to be successful.... Best of luck for your future......and wishing a great success to BIMHRD and SBS family.Special Thanks to “Bala Sir” for providing this wonderful platform to share my experiences...!!!!!

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Vikash R Jain

Hello! Everyone,

I am Vikash R JainRegistration Number – HRD-09-6176Batch – 2009-2011Institute – BIMHRD(Dual B) Specialization – FinancePlaced in company ABC

My Campus Experience:

A Day Before:“So many of our DREAMS at first seem Impossible, then they seem Improbable, and then when we Summon the Will, they soon become Inevitable”. It gives me great pleasure to share with you my campus experience. It takes me 15 months back to 2nd week of Dec 2010 when the company ABC arrived at our campus and I came to know about it a day before. It was my 7th company out of which I reached the final round of 1 company but was not able to clear it .Initially I was thinking of leaving the company ABC since it came with contract conditions but once I went through the profile of the company ABC my mind change as it has some of the best finance profiles to work for ranging across different SBU's. So I decided to sit for the Pre Placement Talk and filled the long profile form handed to us by the company ABC , but still I wasn't 100% convinced to sit for other rounds as I was looking only for home location Chennai due to some personal problems. Though the company ABC has one of it's branch office in Chennai i wasn't sure of chances of getting the same. Due to the same reason I had already missed a few companies and was not able to clear the rounds of other companies which offered Chennai as location. Pre-Placement Talk:

Well this was my day… The company told in detail about the profile they had to offer under different SBU's. Though it's an Finance company, they were open to both Marketing & Finance Students as they were looking for students with right attitude more than anything else. Also they did not had any number in mind for the students to be recruited as they were open to any number of students with the right attitude, but their past experience with SBS shows that the maximum they had selected in an year from SBS was 3 students. Then came the best news for me when they told that students recruited by company ABC after clearing the Induction Program will have an 80% chance of getting their home location, provided they have a branch office at the home location. Then came another plus point…the package, they were offering Rs.21.5 lakhs for a 3 year period. So I was determined to give my best and convert this golden

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opportunity. The only hurdles left in my way to my dream job was Group discussion and a personal interview. But these tasks were never easy as I had to compete with around 600 Students who had the same goal as of mine. Soon different groups were made for the GD round.

Group Discussion:Well my funda for GD was clear… Try to be participative throughout the GD with good meaningful points at regular intervals. Sometimes it had worked in the past and sometimes it didn't. But I was confident of this method. Soon turn of our group which consist of 12 members came and we were called in the GD room where 2 Company ABC officials were present. The Topic was about the No-Vote Option in elections (Mentioned in different words which I was not able to get at first). Since I wasn't much clear about the topic I didn't took the risk of starting it and gave the chance to others. After a few minutes when I became clear about the topic, I started participating. Though I had missed the initial advantage of starting I was yet sure that if I can contribute at regular intervals I still has the chance of making it. And I did exactly the same; though it was very difficult to speak among such a competitive group I somehow managed it. I was excited yet nervous before the results as I knew I had a chance to get through but was waiting to see how good the chance was. Finally the results were announced and my name was there at the last. I was very happy to hear my name from coordinators and was congratulated by all my friends. Before i could celebrate the success of GD round the next announcement of Personal Interview (PI) Round was made and scheduled for 6 PM in the evening which gave me around 4 hours to go home and prepare for the same. Those 4 hours I spend on giving a glance to the basics of Finance, getting updated with the current news & spending a considerable amount of time on Company ABC website and learning more about the company, their SBU's and rating the SBU's I will like to work for and the profile they had asked us to fill up.

Personal Interview:When I reached the campus back at 6 P.M., I found that my turn for interview was second last. And there were already around 22 candidates ahead of me for the interview and I was told to report back at 10 PM. So during this time I went to my friend home and we discussed about some general knowledge questions. So I reached back at the campus at around 10 PM only to find out few candidates are still remaining. So finally it was 1:30 am when my turn came. There were 4 people who took my interview. The Question asked by them were of both General Knowlede& Finance Knowledge. It follows as

1. Tell me about yourself & your family background?2. Even after having family business why you want to join the Company ABC?3. Who is the CM of Andhra Pradesh?4. Who is the Governor of RBI?5. To which party does Jayalalitha Belongs?

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6. What is Coupon rate in bonds?7. What are T-Bills? Who issued it? Who can invest in it ?8. What is a difference between a bond and a debenture? 9. What is Non PerformingAssets(NPA)?10. What is economic value added (EVA)?11. Which are the stocks have you invested in?12. Do you have any questions for us?

The interview went for around 30 minutes and I was confident throughout the interview. The results were declared around 3 AM and 8 candidates were selected from around 24 candidates and I was one of them. At that time i was extremely happy and thought i will be finally going to work with Company ABC but soon it was declared that out of these 8 candidates a further selection will be done by HR and result will be announced the next day. I was determined that I will be through this hurdle also. Finally after 2 days the final results were out and 2 students were selected out of 8 which included my name too. This special moment of my life was followed by parties and then relaxation and enjoyment for the next few months.

The Present…Now I have completed 9 months in company ABC and it has been a fruitful 9 months where I learned a lot of things. And this Journey would not had been possible without the hard work of entire SBS team and the support of my family and friends. My special thanks to Bala Sir for laying such a wonderful platform for my life.

My Suggestion:Do not worry much about what's going to happen next? Just go out there and give your best…If you found you are lacking somewhere just work on it and come out and give your best. Future will be yours…

despite all the difficulties , all the frustrations , there is a joy in having done something as well as you could and better than others thought you could-jrdtata

Thank you,Vikash R JainBIMHRD2009-2011HRD 09 6176

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Vikram Goraksha Thete

I am Mr. Vikram Goraksha Thete,

Registration Number 09-6351

Class PGDM-PM &HRD, Division D from BIMHRD,

the academic year 2009-11,

passed out on April 2011.

My specialization is in PM & HRD.

I am finally placed in Company A.

The Campus Placement in Shri Balaji Society started with the company xxx & I

must say the first student in Campus who got selected was Mr, Soumovo

Chattergy from BIMHRD-PM & HRD. He was my room partner. At that time I

was doing my Winter Training. Those who were in Pune or nearby cities were

able to come for interview. I could not apply for Interview. That was the start of

my Placement. Before reaching to Pune after Winter Training there were two to

three companies who had Campus recruitment in Balaji Society. After reaching

Pune on 5th Nov 2010 I applied for company B. But I was not shortlisted after

written test. It was not a time of doing study but it was a time of preparing

myself for Interviews, Group Discussions, Written Tests. Few students were

searching for new companies by their own, few were trying to get connected

with some seniors, few were waiting for another companies, few were waiting

for those companies from where they did their summer or winter trainings, few

were applying a logic that they will not get selected because until and unless

toppers wont get selected they will not get chance of getting selected, few were

studying laws, few were theories & rules, few were in huge tension of selection,

few were trying to show that they are not bothered about selection, few were

waiting for good profiles, few were waiting for good package. What was I

doing? I was watching all of them! Actually I also don't know what I was doing.

It was 19th November 2010. I went with Lot of 'Best of Lucks'. The session

started with Pre Placement Talk. Company A. came with the criteria of

Graduation in Engineering with 60%, No Educational Gap and MBA with 60%.

Again there were students from ISBM Institute also. There was huge

competition but the criteria helped to reduce the competition. There were

around 400 students from HR, Marketing & Operations in Auditorium for

Interview. After pre-placement talk the number reduced to 45. Just because

students were not clear about the selection criteria & package. The package

offered was around 3.6 Lakhs per annum with Accommodation.

Then there was common written test of 30 marks. I was very happy & tension

free because it was my first company & also at the back of mind I was thinking

that I am studying in Shri Balaji Society so, there will be lot of companies

visiting Balaji this year. This thing was giving me confidence, courage to face

Interview. The questions were related to Mathematics, Logical Reasoning &

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English same as CAT/MAT etc exams. The test helped to reduce the no of

appearing students to 16.

Now it was time for Group Discussion. All of us were cool, talking with each

other, laughing & I will say it was a far matured group. In GD there were

students from HR, Marketing &Operations also. It was difficult for Interviewers

to give topic for GD because of mixture. They told us to decide topic. We were

smart enough to decide topic suitable to all of us. And the topic was 'Corruption

in India'. All of us were talking about Adarsh Society Scam, Suresh Kalmadi,

Telecom Scam by A. Raza, Required steps to be taken by youths like us and

what not. We were just talking and a point reached where all of us stopped

talking and Interviewer asked us What happened? Why you have stopped?

Again few students started talking. I was angry What was that? There was no

requirement of talking again fortunately somebody concluded the GD. After GD

six students were shortlisted. I was one of them from HR.

Now it was time of Personal Interview. Fortunately/Unfortunately they started

with HR Student and I was the person to be interviewed. I never thought that

Interview will continue for 72 minutes. Interview started with introducing me

which was expected. There were questions from Factories Act, 1948, Industrial

Disputes Act, 1947, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Provident Fund &

Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. The

common definitions of Factory, Industrial Dispute, Calculation of Bonus,

Contribution Period & Benefit Period were asked. There were questions from

Training & Development also. Some Situational questions were also asked. I was

confident & prepared so I could answer almost all of them except calculation of

Bonus. Interview ended with strengths & weaknesses. I was waiting for the

results for almost 3 hours because after my Interview there were 5 more


All of us were called and told that we are shortlisted but not selected. After

Personal Interview there was final round of Interview with President HR which

was scheduled at Gujarat next week. So I was not sure with my selection

though I was only one from HR who was got shortlisted from all the rounds of

selection procedure.

On 24th Nov we were called to Valsad. You can't imagine my situation for those

4 days. I was thinking about the Interview for 24 hours continuously. I was

trying to study some theories, Acts, Labour Laws but I could not. My mindset

was not ready to do that. I lost my sleep, my hunger and I left Pune on 23rd

Night to reach Valsad, Gujarat. That night sleep was important because I had to

give the Interview. But God was not with me. I could not sleep. Finally I

reached in the morning.

I was shocked there were candidates from XYZ Institute also. This time I was in

tension because I had to struggle once again. The questions in final interview

were totally different. There was not a single question from academics. The

questions were related with retention, culture fit, family background, willingness

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to join the company etc. It was really a nice Interview & was little bit sure about

my selection. I really felt that whatever I performed during selection process it

was only because of BIMHRD and its three pillars Discipline, Dedication &

Determination. I was conveyed that will come to know about the results on very

nest day but didn't get the results. I was worried about the selection again 1

day passed but no results, 2, 3, 4 days passed but know results I was still

thinking that I will get selected and I stopped for sitting another companies. It

was simply foolishness. But God was with me. I got offer letter after 8 days.

I got offer letter on 2nd December 2010 to join as Management Trainee on 17th

January 2011. Today I got confirmed & now working as Deputy Manager-HR



NAME: - Mr. Vikram Rajput

Registration Number: -HRD 09 6076

Class - 2009-11

Division:-PM& HRD

Academic year: -2009-11

Passed out on:- 26th April 2011

My specialization: - PM& HRD

I got placed in OFF CAMPUS on May 5th, as a Consultant - Recruitment and

Business Development in an London based HR firm.

But I am thankful to God Almighty and SBS for giving all of us a wonderful

opportunity to learn so many things for our future.

My Experience with SBS placements- :

1. The placements for HR students started as soon as we got back from our

internships. One of the biggest groups Group of Hotels was the first to recruit

from our batch. We were called to another College for the process as students

from other colleges were also called. (CTC-5 .2LPA)

The process was divided in 3 stages;

a> GD1

b> PI-1

c> PI-2

The GD was related to HR topic only coincidentally. So there was good

opportunity to speak loud with good points as we were in Hr only.

I have mentioned few points related to company only, which they have

discussed in their PPT.

Vikram Rajput

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It was nice to impress, coordinator of company. Around 25- 30 of us managed

to clear the GD from all four colleges for next round.

My interview was based on the Laws of MLL&LW. I unfortunately wasn't

shortlisted because of my carelessness. Even I was not prepared at that time

because our internship was going. But I had learned from that interview.

The first rejection came to me as a shock & prolonged disappointment because

it was 1st company for whole HR group.

I was very upset with myself for not having prepared for my PI.

2. The next company to come was from Finance sector offered more than an

average package.

The process was started with GDs, than PI-1 and PI2 (CTC-4.25 LPA)

The topic was- Related to Ethics in Corporate.

I spoke twice or thrice and selected in the GD.

Then, I went to send round which was PI. They asked me some logical general

questions and I answered well and provide me good feedback… but on the spot

they have told me to improve communication skills.

Second rejection added on to disappointment.

3. Another major company leading Auto-electrical Component company, came

on campus with a very tough and long process.

They had the process divided in 3 steps

Written Test, PI-1, PI-2 (CTC- 4.8 LPA)

I have well passed in written test.

Than went for 1st round of PI which was general introduction round. And I

cleared that round also.

But rejected in final round, after long discussion

I was lucky this time to manage to crack PI-1 but could never understand the

reason why I wasn't selected after PI-2.

4. One more rejection was lined up. This time again I was rejected in Final

Round of India's one of the leading conglomerate in Heavy Engg.. (CTC- 3.6


1st Round was GD, which went so long and it was a hot topic related to media.

We compete with whole college engineers including executive and marketing

batch also.

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I managed to speak well in GD with few good points which were related to Iran.

I cleared the GD round and went to PI, which was general round.

Just they asked about recruitment. And discussed generally about location, may

be they were checking about my geographical knowledge or Communication


But I was not in the list of a selected candidate as they had shortlisted only a


5. The fifth was very old company of India. I was hopeful to convert it. (CTC-

4.5 LPA)

The process had only 3 rounds.

Written test (Apti, HR and IR)

Case study


I have done well again 1st and 2nd round and went till final round, but at last

again rejected, which was VC with Sr. manager from Bangalore. He has asked

me about IR and HR both questions.

**There were 2 to 3 more companies in which I sat for process and went till

final round.

As I was also trying Off Campus for the job so I got a call. I sent my resume in

an London based Hrfirm .

There I had attended two rounds of interview.

1st Round with Sr. HR – which was general introduction with few technical and

HR questions.

2nd round of interview was with Managing Partner (MD) of Pune office. We

have discussed all points which were mentioned in my CV. And about my

projects, trainings, and study which I have done in my academics.

And I was able to proof my academics, my knowledge and skills which they

need for their organization. Finally I selected, Pune as a consultant –

recruitment and Business Development.

CTC was little lower side as compared to Top companies which were coming in

college but as a HR industry, I was getting Brand name of firm with good HR

domain profile.

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Today, I am proud to be associated with my company!

My Gyan :-

1. It is very important for students to have a thorough knowledge of the Sector

of the company coming on campus.

2. Don't give importance to CTC – it's the company and profile which should

matter. I have seen students giving the first preference to package offered by

companies;-they ended up compromising in the end.

3. Please go through the company's website before sitting for the process.

4. Don't sit for the processes just for experience if you're not interested, as it

ruins other's chance of getting the offer at times and you might end up getting

the unwanted offer!

5. Group Discussions – Please remember, GD topics are meant for discussion;

hence, a very important part is to LISTEN! – Please listen to what your

counterpart is talking.

6. Follow KISS rule in your PIs.

7. Some people have the competency to clear GDs but they can't clear

interviews because of the lack of subject knowledge. It's very important to have

the proper subject knowledge.

8. Tell me something about you is a very commonly asked question – nothing

wrong to be prepared beforehand.

9. As I always say, companies don't pick the best candidate, they pick the best

fit. Everyone's day comes, you just have to be patient and keep faith in yourself.

My placement experience taught me a lot of lessons which will be helpful for me

throughout life.

I am grateful to SBS to contribute towards making the campus placements

better every year by visiting hundreds of companies.

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Vivek Kumar

Hi Everyone,

I am Vivek Kumar.

Registration No : HRD 09-6184,

BIMHRD 2009-11.

Specialization:Marketing .

I was selected in company A on 21 may 2011 and yes it was a wonderful

experience that day.Like anybody else on the campus I was also desperately

waiting for the beginning of placement season in my 3rd sem. It was in

September when first company LG visited our campus. I was not very much

confident about clearing my GD as I thought I was very much worried about

clearing GD. I was one of them who could not clear GD. After that I thought I

had to work on my skills so that I could atleast clear the first step of any

process.. I was very much confident of clearing any aptitude test as I was also

preparing for Govt Exams, which gave me an added advantage over others. I

had set some bench marks for my self which included

1) Brand name : The name of the company which would be well established in

India for long time.

2) Profile: Though like you I also wanted to go for marketing profile but I

understood to reach marketing deptt I had to go through sales. So sales profile

was working fine with me. Also other reason why I preferred sales was because

of my interest in travelling.

3) Package: Though package was not a bench mark for me but I decided to sit

for companies which would pay me atleast 20k a month in hand.

4) Type of business: I wanted to be a part of a company which was from core


Though not many companies were coming to our campus which met my criteria

still few were there. Companies from Life Sciences sector and IT were a strict

NO NO for me. Why so big criteria landed me in trouble too as I got placed very

late. But my strict preference landed me in a company where I wanted to reach.

After being thrown out of GD in LG I started to work on it along with my

friends. Though initially it did not get me results initially later started to pay off.

After getting positive results of Mock GD we started mock interviews as well.

Though my friends were getting placed but they did not stopped working with

those unplaced.

I actually do not remember in how many companies did i appear before getting

fin lly placed. Only thing is that on campus it was 247th company.You can easily

understand as i was 2nd last to be placed from my class. But best part is that i

was placed in a company where i enjoy working. In last 8 months thought of

leaving the company has not crossed my mind.

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Though you may feel that i was not good thats why it took so long but i take it

other way. I feel that it took me so long because i had my own priorities which

were not in terms of money but the working culture and kind of job. Also it is

not true that only A company was suiting my needs but there were list of

companies ( around 10) where i was dying to get selected but could not make it


Company A, which visited our campus 2nd time in 3rd week of May. The

company was only for engineers and at that time only around 50 people were

eligible.The process started with a short presentation. then there was an

aptitude test which i could easily clear. After the aptitude test 15 people were

short listed for the GD. There were 2 GD, the topics were " Do you agree with

Wikileaks method of exposing governments". I gave few points which were

different from the group but were valid enough to push me through. The points

that I raised were like

1) In democracy it is expected that the people of the country should know what

their respective governments are up to.

2) People like Julian assange are doing a favour to the humanity by doing this

3) If Julian Assange was not right why the government of US and UK would not

have caught him on the crime of having unwanted sex with a prostitute. Where

the crime was bailable he was kept in prison.

4) If he was not right why his accounts were seized.

I feel these points supported my view and also showed my knowledge of

current affairs which impressed them. Finally me and my 14 friends cleared the


After GD 8 people were short listed for case study in which we were given a

case and to present it. My case was " to sell a technically same product at

double price than competitors".

After presentation 3 people were shortlisted for the final PI which was

scheduled a week later at the company premises in pune. The PI was not tough

one. The questions asked were general like

a) Tell something about yourself.

b) any location preferences?

c) Any issues with relocation.

d) Knowledge about company and its divisions.

As i had gone through website i was well aware of company and its divisions,

turnover etc.

At the end of interview they offered CTC 3.67 for 6 months and then 4 lacs.

after 1 year we will be getting Santro with petrol paid by the company along

with laptops and all.

As expected i was very haapy. but after 4 days of confirmation we got a mail

from the company that offer was cancelled because my B Tech ( Biotech)

background was not ok with the company.

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Later with follow ups by Dimple mam and Bala sir, we finally got selected again

in the same company.

I was glad to get selected.

Finally i would like to suggest a few things to my juniors who are struggling to

get place

1) Guys please believe in yourself more than anybody else has in you.

2) Don't worry to get placed, you will surely get placed. just keep in mind the

job keeps you happy and you do not start searching job again in 2 months

Hello Everyone

I am

Vivek Kumar Mishra,

Registration Number.HRD 09-6077,

Marketing & IT, Division A

College - BIMHRD,

Academic year - 2009-11.

Specialization - Marketing & IT.

Almost every one of us wants to live a life of purpose and do something and

become someone in life. Most of us do it by trying to do what we think is best in

our life. Our decisions are based on what we know, and what we think is right.

There by the more we know, the better we are equipped with the knowledge of

making decisions. And what can be possibly the best source of knowledge in

ones lives: Education. Time and again, we as individuals and society as whole

have given importance to education in our lives. An MBA from Sri Balaji Society

was on such decision of mine to gain this ever more insatiable thirst for


Before doing my MBA from Sri Balaji Society I was working with an Event

Management firm handling all the Below the Line (BTL) Activities for companies

and before that I did my B.Sc. (COMPUTER APPLICATION) from St. Xavier's

College and Intermediate Science from the same college.

I could perfectly remember my campus placement experience, before my final

placement I appeared in 7 to 8 companies apx.. It was zero day at our college

campus and there were three companies arrived for the campus on 8th

December, 2010.

Selection Process –

1. Pre Placement Talk (PPT)

2. Group Discussion (GD)

3. Mind Mapping through Picture based Story writing

Vivek Kumar Mishra

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4. Interview

The process started sharp at 9:30 am in the Auditorium, it began with Pre

Placement Talk (PPT) of Wipro and then GD. I cleared the 2 GD rounds and 1

round of Personal Interview.

After waiting for the whole day for HCL, they arrived the campus at 6:00pm and

directly started their PPT.

It was sales profile and I was so fascinated with the same as it was quite

challenging and of course the salary was good for those who had a prior work


After the completion of the PPT, we are divided into groups of 10(apx.). When I

entered the GD room it was totally different, the HR person started discussing

that what should be the topic of the GD, I suddenly answered, “Sir, you decide

the topic”. Then he answered, this is the topic you all want to discuss (You

decide It). Then after brain storming, we decided particular topic and started

the discussion and after the defined time he asked every member to summarize

the GD.

Out of the 10 members only 3 of us got shortlisted for the next round. At 9:40

pm results were declared and after that we got 20 min break for dinner. We

assembled again 10:00pm for the next round of the process, it was “Writing skill

based on abstract pictures”.

It was basically to know the imagining power of the aspirants and they showed

a particular pictures for 2 minutes and then followed by 10 min writing related

to it and we had to write in a way that it signifies what is the reason I.e. what

happened in the past, what is happening and what could be the probable

future. The same thing we did for 4 pictures shown by them.

The results were declared at 11:40pm and again shortlisted candidates were

asked to assemble for the Personal Interview round at 8:30 am next day.

Again we assembled next day for the final round. When my round came and I

entered the PI room, they didn't ask me the generic questions like tell me

something about yourself and all.

They asked me about my previous job profile and experience as I was having 1

year of experience in the field of event management, I answered their question

in a gentle way.

Then they gave me a situation and seeking my idea and execution plan for the


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Situation –

Suppose you are in the Marketing Team and you've to develop the BTL Activities

plan to promote our products and your target customers are students and the

condition is that you'll be getting 25% of the profit achieved by the company

from those events.

Suggestions given by me –

Since the Revenue was not given I took the forecasted sales and took 25%

profit amount and segregated this amount into the various events' expenditure

to promote our products in our target segment. After the calculation and

everything I proposed a complete plan to market our products and shown them

a good profit.

After this round they asked me that are ready for any location and I answered

YES without taking a single minute.

That was the last question and I greeted the panellist after the end of the


So, the 2 days were mesmerizing and one of the most memorable experiences

of my life and today I'm happily working with this prestigious organization and

proud to be the part of Sri Balaji Society Family.

I thank Balaji Society and all my respected faculties who have helped me

achieve this. Even the GD sessions conducted in the auditorium were helpful.

Subject knowledge was very important but even more important was to present

ourselves with confidence. Recruiters just see your attitude. They don't want

you to know everything they ask they just want to see whether you have that

learning instinct or not. They don't want to see you as the strongest candidate

but they want to see you as most adaptable and one who can survive any


My Suggestions to my juniors:-

1. Be what you are and give your best.

2. Beware about the current news and have a proper analytical view on it.

3. Confidence is the key of success but never be over confident

4. Have good knowledge about the domain

5. Have good understand about the functionality of the industry you wish to join

in (E.g. IT, Retail or Automobile etc).

6. Have good knowledge about the domain

All the best to my juniors and Balajians for the great career and prosperous


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Vyoma Verma,


I am MsVyomaVerma,

Registration Number - HRD09-6078 ,

from Class DUAL A ( Marketing & IT )


from the academic year 2009 passed out on 2011.

My specialization is in MARKETING &IT . I am finally placed in Company 25.

I didn't realize that placement season has started till I heard its first knock with

Company 1 calling . So now it was time to buck up and I could feel the shiver of

getting placed running through my spine 24x7. Suddenly everyone started

preparing their CV's, Getting their Formal attire ready , going through latest

happenings in the market.

But there are some basic things you need to be ready while appearing for any

company –

1. Written paper – In the format of CAT / MAT

2. Group Discussion – abstract topics , Latest News ( I worked a lot on famous

one – liners by big industrialists & other renowned personalities and it really

helped me a lot )

3. PI skills – Mock Interview sessions provided y Bala Sir really helped me a lot !

So I was ready to face my first Company which will actually weigh my

proficiency in monetary terms . I was wondering how these professional can

measure my productivity in a fraction of seconds. Though I messed up my

Company CD's Group Discussion and I was out with not a big shock!! That day I

realized a sudden urge of competition that grew amongst all the friends.

Next task was to know THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA….

ALL exams Clear – yes

Attendance……no…89.6 %....

Alas!!I was just .4 % far from being eligible and this feelings hurt and the rule

that followed it was “ people with less than 90% attendance can't sit for first 50

companies” and the companies I missed were total 5 in number and one of the

best in their respective industries but to God's Grace Bala Sir allowed some

concession with people having attendance very near to 90% and I was one of


Now it was the time for me to charge up and know my worth I thought that by

no chance I can be placed before 0 Day that was 8th Dec'10. Companies came

some with good package and not a good brand or vice versa but like all other

students I wanted both.

Company 16 came I could clear written test ,I had no worries.

Company 17 came. Out of approx 600 student 150 cleared written paper which

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was completely CAT paper based and I was amongst them but couldn't clear

Group Discussion, but Thanks to

Bala Sir's Group Discussion sessions I was able to develop Group Discussion

skills multifold. I was little surprised and taken aback.

In any Group Discussion one of the most important things is to lead the group

in an authoritative way by giving chance to each and everyone in your group to

speak up shoeing your leadership skills as well as ending any group discussion

by asking everybody's conclusion in a one-liner.

Company 20 came…I cleared all the 2 initials rounds – 2 Group Discussion

rounds but couldn't clear up the interview, but I was not sad cause I have learnt

how to crack Group Discussion by now only Thing left was to learn how to crack


Company 24 came on 24th Nov'10, I had a gut feeling that I'll be able to make

through it.GD session started; I led the whole group and I was happy with my

performance but I was shocked I couldn't crack it up.I couldn't understand

reason why!?! I was shattered, I have already sat in 20 companies; I know how

to crack GD;than what was the reason behind it that I was not able to crack it

up. But then one of my friend who was in that GD with me made me aware of

how aggressive I get when I try to lead the group and that day my roommate

told me made me work on my expressions so that I don't look aggressive and

that really was going to help me a lot.

I came to know that on 25th Nov'10 my dream company is coming from where

I did my intern-Company 25 . I had to be fully prepared ;now no more coming

back with nothing in hand.I had to have the offer letter of Company 25 in my

Hand after all I had experience of 2 months and that day I told God that today

by any chance you have to be with me and yes group discussion came ,it was

time for me to be relaxed calm & composed but also lead the group and yes I

did that and I cleared the Group Discussion. Thank you God for being with me .

Next round was initial interview round.I went inside.I told in my PI about by

intern and answered all questions about my intern correct to Mr. XYZ ( West

Zone HR) and then it was time to announce that out of 60 people who cleared

the Group Discussion who have cleared the initial interview but butbut - THE



Mr. xyz Sir came inside and said “ Out of all interviews we have taken , WE



1. AnchalKaul – BIMM

2. Randeep Singh Bhatia – BIMM

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3. VaibhavsinghRaghuvanshi – BIMM

MY heartbeat stopped….please God let this 4th Name be mine…and he said


4. VyomaVerma – BIMHRD……

And yes …….I not only skipped my heartbeat but also felt the breathlessness

inside me.I could feel the Goosebumps coming up on me ,suddenly felt that I

have shed 1 of my biggest responsibilities of proving to my parents that I can

actually stand on my feet.I was dreaming.We 4 people were asked to come on

the podium,all eyes were on us and then one by one we got our offer letters

and when I got it…I had tears in my eyes…my hands were shivering…

holding my own baby in my hand….yes I was in the end my own baby gifted to

me by my god……in which my worth was written in big BOLD Letters

VyomaVerma CTC – Rs. 4,35,352 /-


released out of this responsibility of making their daughter stand on their

feet…….and I will be always obliged to all of them ….ever….:)

Campus placement experience: Yamini Meduri HRD - 09 - 6352BIMHRD 09-11I had seen the dream of becoming an HR person blooming since the day I joined SBS. The seminars, workshops, lectures, assignments and what not, everything at SBS was a learning. I could now appreciate the “round the clock” culture of SBS which I couldn't do as a student. SBS has trained me enough to live the responsibilities well and balance my work and family time. List goes on as there are too many learnings to be treasured.

I can proudly say that Bala sir had kept his words of the day one to my parents. He did turn this stone, if not for a corporate, definitely for life. I am a different person the day I left the campus which I am happy about. Joining SBS was indeed the best part of my life. Though I had a bad time regarding my placement, I truly treasure the experience.

Campus placement is a difficult time to any student and it was no difficult for me. I did have a PPO with Logistics Company, Hyderabad but due to bad business they weren't hiring so I was asked to wait but wasn't given in writing. Without any written communication, I wasn't ready to wait. So I didn't accept my PPO.

Yamini Meduri

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My campus placement experience was a total rollercoaster ride. Though I did not sit for many companies, I learnt some of the best lessons of my life. I always had a location preference which directly eliminated some of the companies but certain profiles did attract my attention. I thought I was strong for a GD but where I entered the real war zone, I understood that the GD rules I knew from my teachers were not applicable and I most of the times I couldn't speak atleast once.

During the whole process of getting placed, I also had to improve my Hindi as I was also asked by some companies to give my interview in Hindi which was difficult given my background. But, my English did help me confidently go through the process.

But, the process degraded my confidence as I couldn't clear any of the few companies that I attended. This did change over a period of time and the day arrived when I appeared for “the” company which is an NGO and totally my type. So, I attended the interview. Though I had a location preference, this one wasn't from my place of interest. I really liked the job, as they said it to be, so I convinced my parents and myself and took the interview seriously.

I wasn't sure if my decision to join this company was right then, but as the days passed I learnt some real lessons about life and importance of ethics. The process of my placement is briefly penned down.Total number of students shortlisted: 12Total appeared for first round of interview:12One personal interview and one telephonic interviewThe questions asked were:1. Tell me about yourself.2. Scope of HR in the social sector.3. Why not employed till now?4. Why our NGO when you own one?5. Topic you like the most. (I said IR). Some questions were asked about grievance resolution, ID Act, PF Act etc.6. Strengths and weakness.

The remuneration pattern, career ladder, growth, terms etc were all explained. I was asked to give my decision about relocating to Mumbai within three days which would confirm my next level of the process. I decided to relocate and convinced my parents for the same and informed the concerned officials in a day.

Two days later, 16th February 2011, I had my final interview (telephonic), with the head HR of the NGO. It was a HR round where nothing related to the subjects was asked.

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1. Take me through your profile.2. Inspiration to social service at such young age (about my NGO).3. Plans for the next five years.I did answer them with confidence, thanks to Mrs. Sumitra Das' workshop and I was also appreciated for the same. I got the call about my selection on 17th February 2011. I joined the organization on 1st March 2011 but resigned my job on 15th March 2011 as my values were hurt. During my days on the job, people who knew Bala sir and our college even did ask me “Being a student of that college, how are you doing this??” this hurt me the most. The day I resigned, I decided that never in my life will I do anything that would hurt not only my values but also hurt my teacher's insights.

So, I was placed in the month of February, started working in the month of March and being a person who respects values and ethics more, I couldn't work for them for a long time though it was my field of interest. I resigned and came back to Pune and joined college again, completed my term and returned home empty handed.

Today, I no way regret this phase of my life as it has the best learning of my life so far. My experience didn't end the way the most of them had here but it did end the way I decided to. Thanks to Bala sir for injecting the courage in me to reject anything that is wrong and go ahead.

Now, I am currently in Hyderabad working as a Research Assistant at a B-School and looking forward to pursue my Ph.D and make a career in the field of education. Hope I have all the blessings and good wishes of SBS family.The dream of becoming an HR person is fulfilled if not for corporate, but for life. Today, when I attend conferences, workshops etc. I meet people who know Balaji society some or the other way, I really feel proud of being an alumnus of this college.

Key points to remember while attending an interview:1. Talk sense and with confidence.2. Say what is right for you. Don't try to bluff.3. Wear a smile. Its' of best help.4. Get your basics right.5. Read more.6. Be updated with current affairs.7. Patience gets paid.8. Always remember “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES”.

All the bestRegardsYamini Meduri

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Yashita Batra

I am Yashita BatraRegistration no.- HRD 09-6247Class- Marketing and Finance Division- “c” from BIMHRDFrom the academic year 2009-11 passed out in 2011 ( 1st January 2011)My specialization is in Marketing & Finance.I was placed in the 3rd companyRespected Bala Sir and my dear Juniors,

It gives me great pleasure to write down about my campus placement experience We go through a lot of phases in life. This is one such phase where you are actually standing in the crowd and you've to strive hard to be the best in the crowd. If you become vulnerable at this point of time, you miss out the opportunity! And when opportunity knocks the door once, grab it with both the hands.

All emotions come into play at this time, when you think about your family, friends, teachers, competitors, etc. The sooner you realize it and work for it, the easier it would be to hit the bull's eye!

A gazillion questions pounded me over the course of a couple of weeks. Everything from the obvious career choice and growth dilemmas to geographical preferences to personal life assessments. From the relevant and interesting to the irrelevant and the downright stupid and the whole nine yards in between, my thoughts did a round-trip. But if I was to crystallize the crux of what was otherwise a messy brainstorm, it was all about 2 questions. Where do I ideally see myself in a specific point in the future (5, 10, 25 years – you name it)? What do I need to do now or in the foreseeable future to be able to get there?Straight-forward, perfectly plausible questions, right? Questions any sane person with some semblance of planning and a hope for moulding a desired future will ask oneself, surely? I did all the thinking that needed to be done, and was fairly pleased with the answers I found for myself. A hazy, uncertain, jumbled-up image of the future and a loosely strung zigzag path to potentially get there. But hey, I patted myself for at least having a plan.With this haphazard train of thought, I went ahead to give my best shot in the placement process.

The entire placement process with its rough ride was indeed something to cherish about. You've to go through tough times before you finally emerge as a winner.

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I sat in 4 companies overall.In the first company , 90 people were shortlisted from the 4 colleges based on achieving 70% above in 1st year. After the shortlisting, there was a presentation given by the Company people, and then the GD took place for the shortlisted people.

The Gd topic was "Has Education become a Business Venture. “Heated discussion went on for around 10-15 minutes. I didnt involve myself in that discussion for about 7-8 minutes just for the fact that it didn't make any sense to me to speak unnecessarily. Later on I gave my point and sat back, and in the end,i was shortlisted from my group for the final interview round.Out of 90 people, only 14 could make it to the interview .

30 minutes per interview , three people took the interview together. Questions like "your background"," your college experience" . "If you have to sell a pen, how would you go about it? what marketing strategies would you apply to make it a success?" "Give one instance of a successful self motivation." "How would you explain yourself as a person? " (based on the explanation, they shoot questions at you so make sure that you speak only what you know about.) "Are you willing to travel to a different city and do sales there?" "Do you have the qualities of a good sales person, if yes, reason it out!"And some general questions.

The second company had a lengthy process of selection. It started with the shortlisting of students who had above 70% throughout their academic career. After the process of shortlisting got over, we had around 300 students from all the four colleges sitting for the next process. After the shortlisting, the HR of the company gave an introduction about their company, the product that they deal in, their presence in different cities, and what are they looking forward to from us.

Then started the aptitude test. It was again a flashback of the days when we were preparing for our MBA entrance exams. I would really like to advise my juniors to keep practicing these mock papers during your MBA time also, so that you don't go blank when you see the paper ! After the aptitude test got over, which had questions from all the sections- logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude, English, passage, etc, the result came after lunch time. The waiting was getting difficult as there were so many students eyeing their hope on this company, and each process just magnified the tension.

After the lunch time, the results were announced. 40% of the students got shortlisted for the next round . I was one of them. There were many rounds of Group Discussions that happened. My group was given the topic “ George Bush

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vs Barack Obama “ . Again, some 20 minutes discussion went on, and everyone was given the opportunity to express their views, and the moderator was closely observing every sentence that was uttered.

Finally, after the Group discussion round got over, there were about 10 students shortlisted for the interview round that took place the next day, which gave them the chance to be mentally well prepared. Unfortunately I wasn't shortlisted after the group discussion round, but I learnt from this experience as to where did I falter, and not to repeat it in the next company that I would sit for.

My company 3 had its process in Mumbai . It started with the shortlisting of the CVs depending upon the marks, 2 rounds of interviews , one with the HR of the organisation, if selected in it, then the final round with the General Manager .First was with the HR, where questions were based on your CV

Final round was with the General Manager , questions like "why service sector?" "give me instances where you have experienced a bad service and a good service." "Why do you think you should be selected?" "How would be your sales pitch if you have to sell a property?" "Why CRM is so important?" etc And finally i was selected.

The entire campus placement session gives you time to groom yourself, to know where do you stand, to maintain your cool under immense pressure and competition, to keep your motivation levels high. Always remember, it is not how hard you work, it is about how smartly you put the hard work into place when the time is right! Be confident and be well prepared !

Nothing provides you with better firepower to accomplish great things in your today, if it isn't to fulfil the ambition of reaching a coveted goal in your tomorrow. But let's not overestimate our faculties as humans to be in complete control of the tomorrow. Do your best today, and rest will follow.

Best of Luck !Regards,Yashita BatraBIMHRD 2009-11 batch

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Yashvi Jain

I am Yashvi JainHRD-09-6079BIMHRDFrom academic year 2009-11Passed out on 26-april-2011My Specialization is in financeI got placed in Company no: 5

I realize one's worries and peer pressures once you enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement! But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some!

I discussed with some of my senior friends & got really valuable inputs. The discussion with the seniors can be concluded as; the important thing is good/desired profile & not dreams company. Also make sure that do not discuss unnecessary points related to placements/package with your friends. The only thing which is important is your preparation (Aptitude, GD/PI)

I still remember the day when first company for finance came to our campus. I cleared almost every round of the process starting from English aptitude, LR, telephonic interview to 1st round of personal interview. English aptitude was mainly related to unseen short passages, LR included questions related to picture presentations, blood relations and tablet questions, telephonic interview was just to understand the accent and your communication skills, and ist round of interview was to understand the flexible at work and location as these profile demanded for night shifts and long working hours during busy seasons. I was pretty confident that I would make it but unfortunately I could not. The day was really disappointing for me but friends life never ends.

There after I missed 3 companies and two of them were very good to go but then I introspected myself and the reason why I was not able to get through these companies and I realized that my weakness was aptitude as all the three companies first process was aptitude only and then I started working on Aptitude.

I suggest the institute to provide some sessions on aptitude during placements season as most of the company first scrutiny will be through aptitude only.

It was 24th November when my company, company E visited our campus. Everybody knew that this company offers one of the best profiles for finance (Business Analyst) and so do I. The package offered was also quite good for a fresher i.e., 4.75lacs. It is an IT company and that is why I was so tensed about

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how will I be able to make it as this focus more on engineers but trust me guys its nothing like that as all of us who got selected are from commerce backgrounds only, the only that was required was to be strong enough in your concepts of finance.

It was a one day process which covered the following processes:

Group Discussion: around 50 students sat for the company, 4 groups were made of 12-13 students each. The topic for our GD was “role of regulators in the financial market”. The discussion started with the explanation of what is a regulatory body and its role. At the start of the discussion I was not able to come up with anything as points were getting covered by others easily but then I thought of giving it a new direction and came up with points like “ where actually is the requirement of a regulatory body and specially during financial crises”. The time allowed was 20 mins followed by a summary of the discussion. Opportunities will not always be given to you; sometimes you just need to ask for it showing your interest towards it. And that's what I did. When the panelist asked for the summary I thought to grab this opportunity and this was the reason I got selected in the GD. I would also like to say that the mock GD's conducted by the college were really helpful.

1st interview: around 12-14 of us cleared the GD for the interview. This round was totally based on finance. The interviewer first asked my area of interest and then he asked me almost everything related to it. I choose my topic as corporate finance as I knew that I will be able to answer the questions related to it. Not only this, he also asked me questions related to financial crises and subprime mortgage. He also asked me in detail about my SIP. Apart from this as I was doing Mcom also, he asked me things related to that too. In short he covered almost everything related to various areas of finance that he could ask me in 15 mins.

HR interview: around 8 of us cleared the 1st interview and were eligible for the 2nd interview. This round was just to know that how much flexible you are to work like the shift timings, location, and your willingness to work for a longer duration. This round was just for 3-5 mins only.

Finally the results came and when I heard my name I was just not able to believe it thanks a lot to my friend who was sitting next to me and made me realized by pinching me. Really it just can't be explained through words. But after this I realized one thing that it just has to be your day and then no one can stop you. Out of 8 students, 5 were selected out which two were from BIMHRD.

Piece of advice:Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area, never get drained out, and keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes

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a difference. Believe in your ability, Don't rush behind companies for package, Be Patient, Learn and read thoroughly about the company you are applying for. Be thorough with the current affairs.

I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family.

I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors.


I am Zeeshan Khan,

Roll Number. HRD09 6353,

from Class PM & HRD, Division PM & HRD from BIMHRD,

from the academic year 2009-11, passed out on May 2011

My specialization is in PM & HRD.

I am finally placed in Company A (It was the 9th company for me).

10th july 2011, one of the most memorable days in my life.

Company 1- rejected in the final interview.

Company 2- was not interested as it was not a company of my choice, but had

to sit as it was compulsory for the shortlisted people to attend the process.

Company 3- rejected in final interview.

Company4- dint perform well as they indicated that it would be a night shift.

Company 5- rejected in final interview.

Company 6- dint clear the GD round.

Company 7- rejected in the final interview

Company 8- got selected in a bank

Company 9- Company A- Selected the offer

I never really prepared for the placement season but took a learning experience

from every process I attended. This was the ninth company for me. I never had

a feeling of been rejected and never was my morale low, because I always

knew that even if I do perform well in the interview all boils down to whether

you match their job profile or not and as an HR person I knew that pretty well,

so there was no point in being depressed. My concepts were very clear from

day one and I never really had a backlog in any semester. I stressed quite a lot

for the quality of education that was coming my way, and it was very

Zeeshan Khan

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competitive and I always knew that burning the mid-night oil would pay me

back some day.

By the time the company I got selected in I knew a few ground rules for which I

had a pretty clear answers. For e.g. questions on internship project, your

favorite subject, why this company, my interest and hobbies, what do you know

about our company, family background and why HR (I guess a lot of people

would agree with that) and there is never a right answer to it.

Each process that I had gone through helped me gain more knowledge about

different subjects which really helped me in nailing company A. I never really

thought I had a chance to crack the process as they wanted only one HR from

all over India; however I did give it a try. I missed the pre-placement talk as it

was raining and the process took place in some other college and I reached

late, however I asked my colleagues about it. The process was divided into five

parts and took nearly 1.5 month approx till I finally gave my final interview.

1-Aptitude test

2- One-on one interview

3-Panel Interview

4- Assessment Centre

5-Final Interview

Aptitude test-

Mathematics and logical reasoning 45 questions in 30 minutes

One-on one interview-

All process related to HR I had to speak for 40 minutes about whatever I knew

in the HR field.

I spoke about recruitment, training & development, PMS process and HR


Panel Interview-

I was questioned on general topics like family background, how to deal with

customers even when you don't interact with them being in HR, state some

instances from your project where you successfully handled an employee

personal problem.

I answered all the questions keeping in mind what they were looking for and

not what was right according to me, because I had made the same mistakes in

previous companies and was rejected by most of them in the final round. I

observed that each interview lasted for not more than 10 minutes so I had to be

precise and quick in my response.

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Assessment Centre-

Luckily we did have an assessment center in college, so I had an idea about

how it functioned. We had case studies, personality test, statistical analysis

spread over 2 days in Bangalore. There were about 11 people in the assessment

center and 2 were to be selected one each for operations and HR, for the third

person they had a separate process as they wanted a mechanical engineer from


Final Interview-

We were 5 of us who got through for the final interview. I knew that I had to

give my best shot and this time around I was myself as there were no technical

questions so I was at ease and full of confidence. It was a half an hour

interview which had typical questions like why do you want to join our company,

what do you know about our company, what makes you feel that you are

suitable for the post, exactly the questions that I had answers to. One

challenging question according to me was who else do you think is suitable for

the post if not you? I answered this person because of these qualities. They

were quite happy with the promptness and honesty.

Meanwhile, I also was going through some other process for company 8(bank)

while going through the process for company A. They had three rounds aptitude

test, GD and personal interview.

Aptitude test was for about 1.5 hour, don't remember the exact time.

GD topic- world is flat- in the business scenario I related it to organizational

hierarchy and I guess that's how I cleared it.

Personal interview-

As it was a bank and my graduation was in finance, I had quite some

knowledge about the financial terms and I was asked questions like,

What is CRR. SLR, repo rate, reverse repo rate, base rate, bank rate?

I answered almost all questions and I was almost certain that I would get

through this company 8.

I got a call from Pat saying that I had got through company 8 and that I need

to fill in the formalities and send your acceptance before xyz date. I started

doing the same but I dint send it until the very last date as the results of

company A was still pending. On the very last date when I was just about to

sign the appointment letter and courier it, I got a call from company A saying

that you have cleared our selection process successfully and whether I was

interested in joining them.

I selected Company A, as it was a MNC and gave me a global profile-

(international trainee) and since the selection process itself was quite

challenging, I knew that the kind of work and development that I will have

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would be enriching. The feeling got even better when I came to know after

joining the company that more than 3000 people globally had applied for the

same position (HR) which I got through. The program took one person each

from HR, Logistics and a mechanical engineer from IIT. It a program where in

22 people from all over the world are selected, 3 from each country and gives a

chance to work in a global environment. I get to travel places with this

achievement and that's something I am really proud of.

Special thanks

1.Almighty ALLAH and My parents

2.Bala Sir- for believing in me and guiding me as to why I will be a better HR


3.PAT Team- for pushing me to all the companies, each company did give me

the areas where I had to work on.

4.My batch mates for having faith in me and helping in all possible ways.

Zeeshan Khan,


BIMHRD 2009-11 batch

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