Page 1: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time A

Responsorial Psalm:

I love you Lord, my strength

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, Alleluia!

Open our hearts, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son. Alleluia!

Money Matters Offertory Collection last weekend:

£605.00 of which £331.90 was Gift Aided. Mission Sunday: £214.10

Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please consider filling out the Gift

Aid form which is in the church porch to receive a box of weekly

envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off

donation then please use the Green envelopes.

Please remember to write your name, address, sign and date the

green envelope. Thank you for supporting

our Parish.

Let us pray for the Sick

Jenny Mansley, Nancy Wil-son, Joe Goggin, Joe & Luisa Desena, Peggy Edwards, Sheelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,

Maureen Edwards, Frances and Leo McManus, and for those who care for them.

We remember in our prayers Those whose anniversaries

(25th) Antonio Pagani, (27th Oct) John Murphy, Noel Cameron (28th) Bridget Bilkyne (29th) Leonie Blass, Helen Hughes, John Davies, John Goodwin, Brenda Cresswell (30th) Jane Rimmer, John O’Neill, Cathe-rine Newbold

If you would like to receive the parish bulletin by email,

please let me know:

[email protected]

Embrace—Liverpool 2014 Youth Conference (16+)

1st November 2014,10am to 6pm Keynote Speakers, Holy Mass (4pm with Archbishop Malcolm Mcmahon), Adoration, Praise and Worship, Workshops, Confes-

sion. Free Admission. Please Register at

Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug

St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold

Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,

St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH

Email: [email protected] 01352 752087 Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121


25th October Saturday

Mass 5.30pm Frank Farrelly RIP

(Phyllis & Joe Goggin)

26th October Sunday Mass 10am

For People of the Parish

Monday : Liturgy of the day

27th Oct Mass 9.15am Int.John&Frances Holmes-Golden Wedding

Tuesday: No Mass (Clergy Conference)

28th Oct

Wednesday: No Mass (Clergy Conference)

29th Oct

Thursday Liturgy of the day

30th Oct Mass 9.15am

Antonio Lommano RIP (Maria Paletta)

Friday Liturgy of the day

31st Oct Mass 9.15am

Int.Margaret Bowman (Joan Shepherd)


Eucharistic Adoration with

Rosary and Benediction

Every Sunday At 4pm.

Everyone is Welcome

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)

Saturdays 10.30am to

11.30am & Before the Vigil

Mass (4.45-5.20pm)

Sundays before the Mass


And at any time on request

26th October 2014 30th Sunday Year A

2nd November Sunday

Mass 10am

For People of the Parish

1st November Saturday

Mass 5.30pm

GW.In.Maureen & Kingsley Briscoe (Patrick Oliver)

Page 2: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time A

W hen the teach-er asked the

class if they could name any of the seven deadly sins, Lucy put up her hand and answered, “Love, Miss”. “Love?” asked the teacher. “Were you not paying at tent ion?” “Well, that’s usually the answer!” replied Lucy.

Lucy does have a point. We tend to boil every-thing down to love when it comes to living a Christian life. Yet while love is the answer, it is not always very clear how it works out in practice. Maybe that’s why non-religious people laugh at Christians for being fixat-ed with a woolly idea of love. Many preachers get wobbly knees when they have to preach about the greatest commandments of loving God and neighbour, be-cause they are so all-embracing that it’s difficult to know how to break them down into practicalities. But we get a clue from our pas-

sage from Exodus today.

Throughout biblical history there are three categories of people who are the lit-mus test for whether our love is real or not. They are widows, orphans and for-eigners (or strangers). Why

these three types of peo-ple? If you think about it for a moment, these three groups have nothing going for them; they have no clout; they are all vulnera-ble. Widows had a low sta-tus in society because they had no “man” to speak up for them and protect them. Orphans were clearly vul-nerable since they were young and unattached with no one to fight their cause. Foreigners were away from

their natural surroundings and not culturally savvy, easy prey to those out to cheat them.

I f we are to follow the great commandment

of loving God and neigh-bour perhaps we can ask who the modern-day widows, orphans and foreigners are. Who are the people who have no clout in our society and how do we treat them? Who are the people who need our support because without it they would be vulnerable?

A nyone can love a friend. Anyone

can love a “nice” person. Anyone can love their fami-ly. But the test of our love of God is how we react to those who can offer us no advantage in return. And just in case we think that these people are invisible, perhaps we need look no further than our own street, our own place of work and our own small circles.


Congratulations to Isaac

Leighton and Eve Mailey on

gaining black belt in Tae

Kwando last weekend

Confirmation 2015 5th July 2015, 10am

Bishop Peter will be here on 5th July 2015, at the 10am Mass to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. There are application forms (year 8&9only) at the back of Church which may be returned to Mrs. Claire Smith directly or placed in an envelope at the back of Church marked for her attention. The deadline for applications is Sunday 7 December and the first meeting will be on Tuesday 9 December at 4.30pm in our Parish Hall. Claire’s email is [email protected].

Mission 2015 Calendars are in the porch.

Please take them. They are free.

Perhaps it is time to empty your APF Red Boxes. If so, please return them to Trisha Hird.

Flowers for the Altar There will be a Collection at the door this weekend for Flowers for the Altar

Thank you KSC– Race Night

The KSC council 614 would like to thank all parishioners & businesses that supported our race night at St David's church hall Mold on Friday 17th Oct,; it was a great successful evening enjoyed by all who at-tended. We raised a grand total of £1000, all of which will be going to the KSC Na-tional Action Project Mary's Meals who are striving to make effective use of our re-sources; they have now launched an emer-gency response to the Ebola outbreak by distributing food to children in their homes, because of school closures due to the Ebo-la out break. Moreover, Mary’s Meals is reacting quickly to requests from embattled health care workers to provide much-needed food aid to suspected Ebola suffer-ers. Please remember all the support care workers and Ebola sufferers in your pray-ers. Michael Cresswell Council 614 Secretary

Cafod– Memorial Mass

CAFOD North Wales’ Memorial Mass on Saturday, 8th November, at 12 noon. This Mass is being celebrated by Bishop Peter at the Cathedral in Wrexham, es-pecially for all those who are no longer with us but have left a legacy of love. There is a poster at the back of the church. Claire O’Connor

Cafod North Wales

Nursery and Playgroup Open Morning At our St.David’s School

Wednesday 5th November 2014 9.45am to 11am

All Welcome. Look forward to sharing

our School with you. Mr.S.P.Hughes,

Headteacher (01352 752651)

Café KIM, Mold Crown Court,

Volunteers Required

KIM - a women's mental health charity, based in Holywell, has just taken over the cafe at Mold County/Crown Court, near Theatre Clwyd. KIM is looking for more volunteers to help run it. Would you be interested? It is open every day from 9am to 2pm. Any time you could volunteer would be helpful. KIM Office: 01352872189

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