wa bantu - uj ir

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples ............. 10 pabllalt Go •• r- ... t NotlCft affectl •• N.U ... Vol. 15. No. 162_ 19T DZ( 'u .... 183". Price 3d RECORD RAND EISTEDDFOD Competitors From All Over Union Hopes That Mayor Will Preside T al .oartb Tra ... ,aaJ listed.'CHI, Ihe .,llIbul lor .... oh .u p.bll.beel 10 a ....... bla •• ' ''VmteleJl,'' Is to be ""d allb. Banta _,0'1 Soolal Cealre. lobuoeebatl. OD D.oemNt 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. 19. aDd tb. Deeelsal), arraDPmeali ar •• eII ad.aacld. A cordial la .... lalloD II .zleaded b, thl COlDmiUM to 001 ud all to aUend elth.r as eompeUlOrs or ., ,uHI.. 00 I ..... mber 30 the Elsteddlod Ball .m be .... Id. follo.ed III, a bll A!rlel. dUlel." demoDltr.HoD at Ibl Banlu Sports Club, 1011& •• ",'erc. 011 D.c.mber 7. "blch will be a pan Ollhl prollamml Tb,&.1914 proll'am", wlllibas ,. ,UIl more ambltloll,lbaD lis pndecllSou_ ,he ealallU,blllDt of nae AeDaal Eisleddfod bas erlaled 1011051 IDterest alDoDl Aid .... lIaprs eod Chose IDlern'eeI 10 mllslc aDd klodred arts. Tbe OcaulOD aIIord. OPPOlIIlOU, to AfrleaD compo,.rs, lIIusle leaellen, cODdueto" 01 cbolr .. aDd "ben. To", AlrlcaD Mo.,lc I. In d.mlad, and Iblra Is tbas aD opporlnoli, to IIre"rYe Its .harm, 10 dnl!op nd 10 brlnl AlrluD M.llc aDd LUer.tare IIroml.IDU, .. ,fore 11111 .orld. Tbls artistic mlssioD .W DeUb,r be 10f aD ladlvldaa! aor lor Ibl TraDI ..... 1 AfrlcaD Bisleddlod Committee bat lor all Arrleaas willa 11a, wtlfarl 01 Ibl rael at heart. Tile OraDge 'ree St.te Is rollowlar salt at Bloe.hatelD wltll IIr. MODalsa as ot(aDiser. Ii Dlfld hardl,. be miDtlolled ".1 tb. TnD,,,.1 Atrluo Bllteddfod Committel .111 .Ish tblm aU laeClIlI. llatlr 'ode"Ollr, aDd to meel th' WlDDlrs 01 1111 8101mlooilio J:lsle4dlod at tile TIa.lfnl 1111"dlod. Tbe)' wW b. madl .lleoml. RISE OF GREAT AFRICAN FESTIVAL THE African·, mn,icel berita,!:e i. COl of hi, gre.te.t poueMiOIU. previool year .. It ia bop,d thllt tbe Dew M.yor will Opell tbe festival tbip ytlr. Tbe Iyllabu. fIIc,otly publ'ithtd io- dieatn that tbe Aldeao .. peculiar uleDt of bil aDd tbat it it hi. doty to develop io order tbat he may oder tbe world the beet that i. iD him. The ri.e of Africao music feetivala io Soutb Africa, how they begao aod how they devllioped, will bl of particul.r ioter .. t to m.oy Africanl who reali.e the wcrtb cf lpeci.1 eDdowmeoh II .ingen aDd at ioatrumlntalieh. Greet Your Friends! SIR H Sl'.\XLEY, HIGH CmUlISS[QNER OF SOUTH AFRICA, AN 0 L -\ 0\ S r A:ol Lt:; Y, wbo bave proved tbemsel vee lincere friend. of the African. i:)lr H .. rloert'l recant to tbe Pr"toria Rotary Club i. referred Competitorl havi journlyed frOID ,II over the UoioD aDd the lutriel bavl exceeded a\l expectatione. A large oumber of fhatiDg ttophie. and prir;e, donatld by intereated Irieoda aDd organitatioD' were pre- laoted by ali .. C. Alba, daughter 01 Bir George Alba aow wlIe of the Bilbop of Pt.klria (Right Rev. Wilfrid Parker) at the BaDta Men'. fIooial CeDtre lOme yean ago. A ,pecial eoacert w.. ginD by tbe pri., wioDln. Eoth.,iaade millie Ionn puked tbe hall. At , ret.n of tbia '.00_, a lleCoDd veot.,. OD ,ha.iJar Iio. w .. UDder- _UD tha follo.log 1Mr wltb nea .,...ter neGln. Th., the Afriean Bieteddfod ... iait .. ted .. an annual event. The TlUrd Trauvaal E"teddiod ... oSoially opeaed b, llr. D. PeDr, Roberti, , .... tbe Mayor of lb. Cit, of ,otr. ....... Intt'. amidl' .... t '0''' __ ., eo_petitoH foOd ylai"H. on. Mayw who w .. preMDt thr:lbo" tM ern .... 00 of the Eie dfocl, ... eo ..... ,ed tb,' b. ther. aDd dr._ dloDMid" a L,o,.1 Shilld for t. 0,.. eho,.,1 MlCtioo ... bed ,..10 ... The et.aodatdl of m •• lc aDd otb .. an.., EialiOddfod w .. -defialt.ely ... tc!le, th.a. that of the to in our le.diog colomOI. "UmteteJi's" Xmas Offer To Readers IN order to encouuge tbe Ipirit of at Cbriajimae, "Umtlteli" offen ita "adere thl opportuoity of publiebing their Cbri&tmee greeting. to thlir fdeDda, 00 a apecili page, tb. charp:e to be 1/6 for about 20 worda. The greetingl woold be publilhed io the December 22 ilSue, aDd woald be tomewbat in accord'Dee with the followiog epecimeDI : NDABEZlTA-Mr. aDd Mrl. Z. alld family. Odando Town,hip, JohaDDeabarg, witb friend. a bappy Chriltmu aDda prOlperoul New Year. . , JINOYI.-U 110. •• lIO NkOlt. J. DOoui .. abo. bill Q\okeDi, Lu,iki . ,iki, baDqweoela izihlobo i Kreemeli emyoli DO Nyalta Omtlha .ovayo. ., TRABO.-Morena Ie Molumabali T. II bt.na b .. bona, b, Hokhotlong, Huaru, ba lableha mlhoaUe ... booa KeretelDMe e mooa1& II Iratleho Selemoo," Seoha. Native's Fall From Lorry AN open vardlct of "death due to multiple Injuria. received ill heiog thrown ott • lorry" WI09 tbe verdict of Mr. C. H_ Poppe, magi.trate, Pretoria, I"t week when he cODcluded an ioqu8It into the death of William Maloy. a Native. November 3 with a Mr. de Beer and t"o Nttivel. WAI travel- liog 00 a lorry 00 tbe JJhaone.burg Rcad toward. It wal raioing at the time, and OD approaching Wierd. Bridge the lorry n .. ned and struck a tree. Nurses' Successes The followioJ: candid.tea p .. 1ed in Oe' .. ber tbe fio.l eumin.tiDD for ml'dlcaJ aod .,.up;ical Qur_ of the SOIHI! African Ml'dical Cooncil: S \[b.t., Sir Henry Elliot Bo.pital, Um.tata; W. M. Miya, Minion Nor.iag Hom", Durbin; V. D. No.mo, Mi.lioD Nlmiol Home Durban; E. Ntouke. lIi.·j In N ureiog Home, Durban. All le10ten cooh.ioiDg Cbri,toU.I The follo"i08 clodidat.e. of the greetiap Ihould contain remittlocel Briol(mlo MemorIal Boepita), have or .tampa to tbe vIIM of 1(6. aDd ...d tbe Illumination fur midwive. D.a •• honld be writkln alearl1 to heIr! J .. t October: mitt.akel. . Adelaide JOlflph, Hannah B. It II hoped to 611 .. plge With tbe.e ,MOII"PI'lIi, Liodi.e C. D. llvabaza aad Elitabeth P. Seeco. , Fioed For Assault FOR ... aultiog. a piccaoio "ged H, Mendel Rg,bloowitz wa. filled 1:4, or 11 daya, and Morril Solomoo wa. fined £2, or .even daYI, by Mr. M. W. Bovill. mlgiet"te, of JohaoDeaburg, recently. Amol Malaogeni, tbe piOC&DiD, laid Ihat be workld a. bedroom."btly in • bo&rding.hooil iD Van Beek Street. DoornfoDteio, where Rabioowitlt ud SolomoD were Itaying. On O. tober 1 b. handld Mre. Rabi .. witz "' from hi. lieter onder tbreat, al Mn. Rabioowitz aaid be bad Itolen It from blr. Ue objected, and .he grabbed at him aod called Rablno.-itz and Solo moo . He lleaped to tho police ltatioD and mad, a report . Rabiaowitr; .aid that Amoa had "aUy at.olea tbemoalY, bu.t retDtoed it to MH. Rabiaowi\z 00 fflqueet. Tbea Amo' felled ber to the floor aod he nahrally came kl the re.coa of hi, ",ife. He did not hit the picaanin. Balutoland Resideot CommissioDer THE appointment of Mr. E. C. Rich.rda, Deputy.Chief Secretary of Tangt.oyika Territory, to be Re.i- deDt Gf BuutoJaad III 'oooee,ioo to Sir Joho Sturrock. C.M.G., it anoouDced,

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WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples ............. 10 pabllalt Go •• r-... t NotlCft affectl •• N.U ...

Vol. 15. No. 162_ JOB.L~SBUBO. 19T DZ('u.... 183". Price 3d


Over Union Hopes That Mayor Will Preside Tal .oartb Tra ... ,aaJ listed.'CHI, Ihe .,llIbul lor .... oh .u p.bll.beel 10 a

....... bla •• ' ''VmteleJl,'' Is to be ""d allb. Banta _,0'1 Soolal Cealre. lobuoeebatl. OD D.oemNt 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. 19. aDd tb. Deeelsal),

arraDPmeali ar •• eII ad.aacld. A cordial la .... lalloD II .zleaded b, thl COlDmiUM to 001 ud all to aUend

elth.r as eompeUlOrs or ., ,uHI.. 00 I ..... mber 30 the Elsteddlod Ball .m be .... Id. follo.ed III, a bll A!rlel. dUlel." demoDltr.HoD at Ibl Banlu Sports Club, 1011& •• ",'erc. 011 D.c.mber 7. "blch will be a pan Ollhl prollamml Tb,&.1914 proll'am", wlllibas ,. ,UIl more ambltloll,lbaD lis pndecllSou_ ,he ealallU,blllDt of nae AeDaal Eisleddfod bas erlaled 1011051 IDterest alDoDl Aid .... lIaprs eod Chose IDlern'eeI 10 mllslc aDd klodred arts. Tbe OcaulOD aIIord. OPPOlIIlOU, to AfrleaD compo,.rs, lIIusle leaellen, cODdueto" 01 cbolr .. aDd "ben.

To", AlrlcaD Mo.,lc I. In d.mlad, and Iblra Is tbas aD opporlnoli, to IIre"rYe Its .harm, 10 dnl!op nd 10 brlnl AlrluD M.llc aDd LUer.tare IIroml.IDU, .. ,fore 11111 .orld. Tbls artistic mlssioD .W DeUb,r be 10f aD ladlvldaa! aor lor Ibl TraDI ..... 1 AfrlcaD Bisleddlod Committee bat lor all Arrleaas willa 11a, wtlfarl 01 Ibl rael at heart. Tile OraDge 'ree St.te Is rollowlar salt at Bloe.hatelD wltll IIr. MODalsa as ot(aDiser. Ii Dlfld hardl,. be miDtlolled ".1 tb. TnD,,,.1 Atrluo Bllteddfod Committel .111 .Ish tblm aU laeClIlI. llatlr 'ode"Ollr, aDd b~pa to meel th' WlDDlrs 01 1111 8101mlooilio J:lsle4dlod at tile TIa.lfnl 1111"dlod. Tbe)' wW b. madl .lleoml.

RISE OF GREAT AFRICAN FESTIVAL THE African·, mn,icel berita,!:e i.

COl of hi, gre.te.t poueMiOIU. previool year ..

It ia bop,d thllt tbe Dew M.yor will Opell tbe festival tbip ytlr. Tbe Iyllabu. fIIc,otly publ'ithtd io­

dieatn that tbe Aldeao ba~ .. peculiar uleDt of bil OW~, aDd tbat it it hi. doty to develop i~ io order tbat he may oder tbe world the beet that i. iD him. The ri.e of Africao music feetivala io Soutb Africa, how they begao aod how they devllioped, will bl of particul.r ioter .. t to m.oy Africanl who reali.e the wcrtb cf th~ir lpeci.1 eDdowmeoh II .ingen aDd at ioatrumlntalieh.

• Greet Your Friends!

SIR H ~KBKKT Sl'.\XLEY, HIGH CmUlISS[QNER OF SOUTH AFRICA, AN 0 L -\ 0\ S r A:ol Lt:; Y, wbo bave proved tbemsel vee lincere friend. of the African. i:)lr H .. rloert'l recant addr~n to tbe Pr"toria Rotary Club i. referred

Competitorl havi journlyed frOID ,II over the UoioD aDd the lutriel bavl exceeded a\l expectatione. A large oumber of fhatiDg ttophie. and o~blr prir;e, donatld by intereated Irieoda aDd organitatioD' were pre­laoted by ali .. C. Alba, daughter 01 Bir George Alba aow wlIe of the Bilbop of Pt.klria (Right Rev. Wilfrid Parker) at the BaDta Men'. fIooial CeDtre lOme yean ago. A ,pecial eoacert w.. ginD by tbe pri., wioDln. Eoth.,iaade millie Ionn puked tbe hall.

At , ret.n of tbia '.00_, a lleCoDd veot.,. OD ,ha.iJar Iio. w .. UDder­_UD tha follo.log 1Mr wltb nea .,...ter neGln. Th., the Afriean Bieteddfod ... iait .. ted .. an annual event.

The TlUrd Trauvaal E"teddiod ... oSoially opeaed b, llr. D. PeDr, Roberti, , .... tbe Mayor of lb. Cit, of ,otr. ....... Intt'. amidl' .... t '0''' __ ., eo_petitoH foOd ylai"H. on. Mayw who w .. preMDt thr:lbo" tM ern .... 00 of the Eie dfocl, ... eo ..... ,ed tb,' b. ther. aDd dr._ dloDMid" a L,o,.1 Shilld for t. 0,.. eho,.,1 MlCtioo ... bed ,..10 ... The et.aodatdl of m •• lc aDd otb .. an.., ~. EialiOddfod w .. -defialt.ely ... tc!le, th.a. that of the

to in our le.diog colomOI.

"UmteteJi's" Xmas Offer To Readers

IN order to encouuge tbe Ipirit of ~oodwil\ at Cbriajimae, "Umtlteli"

offen ita "adere thl opportuoity of publiebing their Cbri&tmee greeting. to thlir fdeDda, 00 a apecili page, tb. charp:e to be 1/6 for about 20 worda. The greetingl woold be publilhed io the December 22 ilSue, aDd woald be tomewbat in accord'Dee with the followiog epecimeDI :

NDABEZlTA-Mr. aDd Mrl. Z. alld family. Odando Town,hip, JohaDDeabarg, witb friend. a bappy Chriltmu aDda prOlperoul New Year. . ,

JINOYI.-U 110. •• lIO NkOlt. J. DOoui .. abo. bill Q\okeDi, Lu,iki . ,iki, baDqweoela izihlobo i Kreemeli emyoli DO Nyalta Omtlha .ovayo. .,

TRABO.-Morena Ie Molumabali T. II bt.na b .. bona, b, Hokhotlong, Huaru, ba lableha mlhoaUe ... booa KeretelDMe e mooa1& II Iratleho Selemoo," Seoha.

Native's Fall From Lorry

AN open vardlct of "death due to multiple Injuria. received ill heiog

thrown ott • lorry" WI09 tbe verdict of Mr. C. H_ Poppe, magi.trate, Pretoria, I"t week when he cODcluded an ioqu8It into the death of William Maloy. a Native. O~ November 3 ~hloy, with a Mr.

de Beer and t"o Nttivel. WAI travel­liog 00 a lorry 00 tbe JJhaone.burg Rcad toward. Pretori~. It wal raioing at the time, and OD approaching Wierd. Bridge the lorry n .. ned and struck a tree.

• Nurses' Successes

The followioJ: candid.tea p .. 1ed in Oe' .. ber tbe fio.l eumin.tiDD for ml'dlcaJ aod .,.up;ical Qur_ of the SOIHI! African Ml'dical Cooncil:

S \[b.t., Sir Henry Elliot Bo.pital, Um.tata; W. M. Miya, Minion Nor.iag Hom", Durbin; V. D. No.mo, Mi.lioD Nlmiol Home Durban; E. Ntouke. lIi.·j In N ureiog Home, Durban.

All le10ten cooh.ioiDg Cbri,toU.I The follo"i08 clodidat.e. of the greetiap Ihould contain remittlocel Briol(mlo MemorIal Boepita), have or .tampa to tbe vIIM of 1(6. aDd pl~ ... d tbe Illumination fur midwive. D.a •• honld be writkln alearl1 to heIr! J .. t October: pre't'~Dt mitt.akel. . Adelaide JOlflph, Hannah B.

It II hoped to 611 .. plge With tbe.e ,MOII"PI'lIi, Liodi.e C. D. llvabaza gree'iD~. aad Elitabeth P. Seeco.


Fioed For Assault FOR ... aultiog. a piccaoio "ged H,

Mendel Rg,bloowitz wa. filled 1:4, or 11 daya, and Morril Solomoo wa. fined £2, or .even daYI, by Mr. M. W. Bovill. mlgiet"te, of JohaoDeaburg, recently.

Amol Malaogeni, tbe piOC&DiD, laid Ihat be workld a. bedroom."btly in • bo&rding.hooil iD Van Beek Street. DoornfoDteio, where Rabioowitlt ud SolomoD were Itaying. On O. tober 1 b. handld Mre. Rabi .. witz "' • from hi. lieter onder tbreat, al Mn. Rabioowitz aaid be bad Itolen It from blr. Ue objected, and .he grabbed at him aod called Rablno.-itz and Solo moo . He lleaped to tho police ltatioD and mad, a report .

Rabiaowitr; .aid that Amoa had "aUy at.olea tbemoalY, bu.t retDtoed it to MH. Rabiaowi\z 00 fflqueet. Tbea Amo' felled ber to the floor aod he nahrally came kl the re.coa of hi, ",ife. He did not hit the picaanin.

• Balutoland Resideot

CommissioDer THE appointment of Mr. E. C.

Rich.rda, Deputy.Chief Secretary of Tangt.oyika Territory, to be Re.i­deDt Comm.~iooff Gf BuutoJaad III 'oooee,ioo to Sir Joho Sturrock. C.M.G., it anoouDced,

r ~2""'''''''''''=='''''====''''1=~U~IIT::;~R;TR~L1:''':W~A~~B~AN~T~U;. ':'/~O~B~AN::;N1I~B~B~U~B~G~,~l~'~' ~D~E~C~R;M~B~R;B~.~IF·;";'===~~~~~""'~ Annual ExhibitioD Of

Students' HOUle Craft All commun'(lI/~r' to bf II1d fl R ,'d 10:

Bu~u .. :u ~L\1'.,.(Or; .. P.O. Dos: ":125,


SI7llIC&U'TION !\,\Tu-(Bv. P OltT) ,

Oae Ye.. 16/-

Sll: Montb. n.... Kootb.


lllmtrtcli wa ~antu 1st DECEMBER, 19M.

". .,-


SIR HERBERT STANLEY, High Commissioner of South

Africa. has certainly e .. ~ned the gratitude of th;e Afrtca.n races within the UOlon by his oonsistent championship of Native rights. In the course of hia recent address to the Pretoria Rota.ry Club. he re­marked: "I have had some personal experience of Native Administration though not the first-hand experience of the expert in close contaot with aertain tribes. It seems to me," he went on, I. that the question must not only be discollsed from the point of view of the Native, but also from the point of view of the ElUopean. The repression of the Natives is not only un­justifiable on ethical groonds, but in pr&otice it is doomed to failore." Mr. J. B. Hofmeyer stated in .. speech 8 few days ago that II repressionism is the resolt of fear. Fear is the root of an evil. Fear is not a motive of whioh anyone is proud, and,lif repression ism is the result of fear, it should be examined to see if it is justi­fiable, and to find out if there are any grounds for adhering to it. It should then be ap­proached from a different direction."

In one pasEage of very con­siderable wisdom, Sir Herbert combated fears of miscege­na.tion by mentioning that there was the fear of the inter­mingling of Europeans and Natives and the fear of u'nfair economic competition. He ad­ded, U Any decent man who possesses pride of race can view the intermixing of Natives and Europeans wlth deteetation only. Natives of the best type will do the same. The great protection against it ie mutual self respect. .. The real remedy is to raise the standard of self-respect of the Native people, and then, I think, one would find less opportuuity for Europeans of little qnality associatin~ with Native women, and Natives of little quality oommitting out­rage. on European women,"

Bir Herbert's words have .truck sympathetic echoes io the hearts of both raoea; and hia fioal advioe to ob· Be"e .. conaidera.teneaa, kind­,.esl. and courtsay," haa been

welcomed ag sound, downright commonsense. We feel, indeed, that Sir Herberts speech ought to be read, marked and learned by all who have control of Native policy.

We live in ohanging times. How rapidly changing they are few of us realize . :::icience is annihilating time and space, the far ends of the eartb are being bronght together, the frontiers of the NatioDs will sooo cease to exist if the aero­plane continuee 00 ite triumph­ant way. The general effect of it aU, indeed, ie that the inoreasing contact of one nation and another m uet create greater knowledge of the other men's, the other nationa', point of view. So also with Euro­pean and African. There are signs of better mutnal under­staudin?:, if Sir Herbert Stanley 8 address is to be re­garded as sympathetic of the new spirit that has been born.

Unfortona.tely, a.ccording to a statement made by Mr. Fonrie, Minieter of Labour, on Wednesday, a Bill ia to be introduced into Parliament, whicb, if passed, will throw maoy Natives into tbe ranks of the unemployed.

According to tbe Minieter's eta.temeut, the Bill will em­power the Minister of Labour, after notice of his intention in the Gazette, to prescribe a minimum wage not exceeding h. per hour which shall be payable to employes engaged on various scheduled occupa­tion! including:

(.) Drivillg or -oper.tinjl; meoh.­nically propeUtd vehicle', u­cept thOle ueed txcloai"ely for the transport of Indi.n. or N.tives·

(b) Oper.ting power.driven m.­chinery .nd or poeum.tic or electric tool. 'lId ioclodiog acetylene weldiog .nd or cut­ting unleu performpd under­ground :

(c) Attending t o locomoti'l'e'. eogine •• nd boi l.,rot unleu in uae uoderground,

(d) Operatiog elevaton, lifu .od hoiata ;

(e) Drm .ha.rpenioF: (f) Baking breut and m.king

confectionery (g) Such brancbu or u ctionlof

uoskilled lahnuriog onltu performed undpriZrouod .. tbe Mioiater may ,1- t ~ rmioe .

We siucerely tru .. t that this most unfair Bill will not be­come Law. It represents a complete reversal .,f thp I'pirit of Sir Herbert Stanley's ad­dres!. It must be Mtrenuously oppo!~d by the Natives and by the Natives' frieuds.

• A concert will be givtO hy St.

Peter'. Ichol.n of Crowo Mien at the Butn tleo'l Soci.1 Ceotre nut Thortd.y. A novel comtdy from Diokena'i "Nichol.a Nickleby" will be. futore of the progr.mme. The coocert will be lollo ... ed by d.nciog.

Contin,," jrOf1ll ntl't col"",,,. in the Union Cabinet today. will riM to ita gre.t opportonitiM and dni.e • ju.t N.tive Policy caloot.ted to Ie.d the N.tive r.ce. gradu.lIy into the brotherhood 01 Europe." ci.,ilil.lioa

The White Labour Policy

-Stimulates Race


A ZOLO write. •• follow. to • .. Umteteli." . Mr. I. W.Il.cb io hi. preeideatl.1

.ddrell to tbe .onu.l meetiog of the Pretoria aoei DI.~rict Ch.mber ~f Iodo.trie. ia reported to bave ,.Id 10

coaoectioa with the Government Unemployment Policy ;

.. With the Government' l unemploy· meot policy indultri.li.t. mU.lt d18-• gree from. pllotie.l at.ndpolnt ... they "ere not .. ti.fied to .upport iodiscrimio.te employment of goro· peaca io the uo.killad ranka 01 seeond.ry iodultry. They fe.red th.t tbie policy might bave tb~ elIeet 01 limply dilpl.cing oee lect~on of the popul.tion .0(1 giving theu work to .notber. It W.I r.ther by .n ex· teo,ioD of iudustriea with Govern­meut co.oper.tioo, th.t they would be .ble to .blorb more of the lell fortun.te .ection of the Europe.o population upon • 10.le of ~.~el commeolu,.te ... ith Eoropean 01'1'111-.. tion. They would oot deny the ol.im 01 the non·EuropeAn to em­ploymeot in the I.od of hil birth."

There i. not the leut doubt th.t tbe mOlt efficient io.tromeot in cre.ting .nd illitilling cia •• prejudice .nd hatred between the Wbitu .nd the Blacka in thil coontry il the Goveroment'. 10·0.Ued .. White Labour Policy," Tbe Natinl find tbemlel'l'el every "here being driveo to tbe w.n .nd not being given. chance to e.rn • Jiving 10 every employmeot "bere they m.yexpect to earn good wlget: fiut in. the R.il· w.y~, I.ter ill tlie publio ro.d g.Ogl, tol.yoothiog .... ith reg.ld 10 stmi­.killed employment. The demand i. inctel8iog .nd it i. m.de with full Gooreromeot lupport th.t the N.tivea moat not be employed and th.t their pl.ce8 abould be given to poor Whites.

Race Prejudice Stimulated The oboriou, re.ult il only to instil

iota tbe miode of poor Whitea th.t thfY must houlld the N.tives out of ev~ry employment, and the N.tive manea, 00 the otber h.nd, .re t.ught to dtPpi~l' the poor Wbitee .od to re@:tord tbtm u their n.tural enemie •. Tbo! quntioD m.y now be .sked , Wh.t il goiog to b.ppen to \\hite preatige iu tbia couotryl 1t need. 00 gre.t propbet to waro our 'l'ote c.tcber. tb.t tbey .re selliog for notbiDg Afric. ·, greateet .uet, the IZ nodlll'lli wbich .hould eubailt between White .nd B1.ck in tbia couotry.

The N.the p(lOp~ hope to welcome the oew Fu,ioni.t Puty. They be· lit'l'e tbd thi. gre.t Party will oot .hu ~e ita powtn by contiouing the (l Id Nati'l'e policiH of repre1l8iou whicb mu.t h.ve .eriou. repercua· , ion8 aod retard the progrell of thia Couotry bycrippliog prOper develop. ment of the mioda of itl chi ldrtu by Il.iving tbem tbe wortblell Itglcyof b.tred iDatead of love .Dd rupeet lor one aoother.

Rbodll$ia'$ Gain Our Loss The Native c.u.e will mili for

maDY ye.n to come, the wise .nd moet friwdly ieflueuce cf Sir Herbert St.oley, Hi. Brit.noio M.jesty'l High Commiuioner fot South Afric. "ho is 1000 le.ving u. to t.ke op hi. new poet •• Governor lor Southern Rhodeei,. 10 tbe memor.ble 'llt'orda of Sobhu2.&, n., the P.r.moont Chief 01 S"uiland : "We congr.tul.te OUt brother. of the North where Sir Herbert St.nley and Lady Stanley .re noW' going. Their pin i. onr great loel." Let 01 hope th.t South Alric. which h. produoed the mOlt eminent minda (the jolt eaT1 and the pride of the whole world) to be foond

Conlinutd in prtrioul colu",,,

AN outlltandiog uhibition olltlld· eoU ' work ••• It.ged.t lnd.ltLi

dUllDg tbe p • • t Wtell., in tbe miL~r eewing H.ll 01 the lnd.leni Biab Scboo l, Richmood , N.t.1. lbi. Stboloi h.e. long record of eocceuful JnelUI. tn.1 work for B.ntu atudeute n.d t.hi. ye.r'. exhibition w .. oOt> of tle mo.~ .uceenful in itt hl.tory. A number 01 vllitor. h.d the plealore ('1 leelog the work .lter it h.d b~Ul ex.mlned by the GoveromtLt In­lpeclor Mill F. B. Pecllblm the vrganiler of Dome.tic BCltLer. (.01 th. N.t.1 Educ.tion Dep.rtment.

At. the entr.nce to theB.H etoc.d.n exhibit in uphol.tery, .n old 1(01 • "hlch h.d been ukeD down re·.prelll! .. reatulIed .od ne'ltly uphol~teJtd in. taputryof dehc.te ,h.dlllg. All. old m.ttr,u t.ken do ... n .nd re·m.d. ...... nother exhibit.

'Ihe .p,noiog clna eholltd m.llY finelY worked woollen eb •• 11 _hilI!. b.d been made .t the lchool by the Itudentl, the .001 hein.g purcauecl direct frc.m the lalm ud "'''hed, oombed, ended, .nd .pun ., the Scbool. Experiment. nave bua m.de with lohe wool flom tblb AOI"r. r.bbit duriog tbe ynr Voltb «mllietl IUecelt. Rug •• Dd kDl\ttd .ork In gre.t variety wue .180 00 Ih(o ... fe· n.hog a hlBh It.nd.ld (.of _0111.

In the oet-die_orlL eectWio thele ••• much to be Ken: I.diu dnl&t'l d.1l .ottl u.d COIOOIl, DDderciotblDI, children'. clotbllll, childreo'e kmnt~ wear, .nd crochet "e.r; troueen .. a. luita for lmall boy ••

The exhibitiOn. of work un.ltdo that B.ntu gilLa tloder pu"ptr tralL­iog .Ie not a whit l>ehlLd ,btu European IIUtre in the DI"tttr ... , paodl"oril:. lor tbe hllLlehlllg of lhe home .nd tbe .dOlllDltnt d Ihen penon •.

Altogether leVIn e1 .. eu ... ere re· plueDt~d at tbe exhibition. fint came tbe worll. of the t ... o elu..,. tl eludent tucheu-girll ... ho hafl .Ire.dy qu.hfitd ., lome Norm.1:­Ichocl .nd who come to lDd.leni to t.ake the Domestic Science certlfic.te of the N.t.1 Educ.tion DepartmlDt to eoable them to t.ke dome.tic acieoce te._ching in d.y IchooLa and inetitutionl.

The lecood group of exhibit ...... tb.t diepl.)' ed by t.he 1ndu.tri.1a 01 the 6rlit, It cond, .nd thlld ye.re. This work formed. grut p.rt d the exhihiti~ n •• the Industrl.l. rutive • u.ioiog which cO'l'ers tbe wide 6.14 01 • womao'l home .nd f.mil, interelta.

Le.tly, though not 10 I.rge, yet good io qu.lity, waa the work of thlb Itudentl taking the High School Coulae (Junior Certlficatt").

Cbanges At School

DUling the year Ind.luli h .. u · perieLc! d m.ny changee. The Re1'. A. W, Cla@s, who b.1 been Prilldp •• of the . cbool for :!l yean, .1Id .ho "" reepooelble for the buddiog op of Iod.leni ••• tr.ining ceotle- flr B.ntu girla, left to live io hooour.ble retireml:lot in M.ritzburg, Bi. pl.cl' w .. taken by t,he Rev. St.nlty Le Grove Smith,. minlater with tweoty ye.rs' experienoe of work ill N.lal, .0 ex·oh.pl.in 01 Hil M.jeaty'l forctl duriog the Gre.t. Wlr, .nd • kern Itudeot of Baoto problema .nd modern edoc.tion. Mill F. B. Girdwood retired from the echool .fter 14 yeara ' aU'I'ice .a iDltroclo' in needlework, 'piooing, koilti"" I.ce .... ork, etc., her pl.ce beiol Ulun by Mi .. Joyce J. Williama of c.,.. town. Min Willi.ml wiil 'lien ,..r take over mOlt of the cooker, .ork .t the .chool, while tbe nl'ten.work and drellm.king will aleo be I. ber h.nda. Already the .Ia_" bin recogoieed Mill Willi .... • snat .bilit, ud .he hu won for htntIf • pl.ce nf re.ped and eatHat .... ,.

(Conti"tu'd ill ~ 3.)


The fullowing oODlInllnication wi t h regard to the Africa n Nation ... 1 Congr!!u bean the eignature of Dr. P . kilo L Seme, Prllident·Qeueral of the Afrlc8D National Coogre .. :

African National Congress Development

The Dispute In The Transvaal

Important Conferences At Phokeng And Bloemfontein

TBE Matlonal Executive Committee of Ibe African National Congress beld a

very hnporlant meellng OD November 21, 1934, In '- Mabon 's Cafe," 188 Market Street, Jobannesburg. Tbe meallng was well a ttended and Ih.

Eastern Brancb JobaDDI!sborr eo Wl rl.lned members to lea. Tbe meeting bad be.n caUed In. order to deal wllb Ibe programme 01 Ih.

g.neral aDnul conference wblcb bas been summooed 10 meel at Bloemfontein al tbe eod of Ibis year, from December 29 to Jaouar, 3, 1935. It was 8lpJalned tbat It was 080enar, tbal all Provlooes should make themselves roady to send delegates to tbis Conference and to bring reporls of tbe work being done In their respeetlve -provinces to tbe General Saoretary of the Congren. The raports sbould abow bow many branebes bid been establlsbed 10 eacb Province and wbat was tbe !!renltb of tbelr membersblp. Bvery braneh uould SInd two delegates to represent tbem tn tba! Annual Conference. Tbe Conslilnllon provides tbat ever, braneb sbould elect 1'11'0 delegates to represellt each brneb In tbe aonual conlereoee.


It i. ne co:nary therefore tbat Brancb sbould meet .nd to repre~t)n G t be w . od hringfull report. abo ut tho ef t heir rupective br. nche., to t he Goneral Suretary of ' he Congren at Bloemfont.ein .

T he following i. he la id before t he Conference at Bloemfontein. matters msy be added later further reprelleota tioDII by Province., namely :-

1. T he fin ... 1 eon. titut inn of Coogre... (Draft !l mendmeote he obtained .t J , 11, J.dE BO(llhtore, ISia C, mmlMioner Johannelbllrg).

2, OtgaoieatioJl for co llecting Genera l Nationlll Fund .


3. The incorp ,ration of the Pro­tectorate! int o the Union ,

4 . The ee tablishment of the Afrio.n Congre .. Club • .

.J. T he Nati ve Bill5 before Parli. _ ment.

6. The repeal of anti·Nati ve lat ion l och all t he fo llowing, Tho Nati ve Land Act ; the Sef\' i c~ Contr.ct Act ; the and Sf-rn nh Act j tbe Coloor Aot ; th e N. ti ve PUll LaWII, and Native Ad miuiitration Act ; Liquor L.lI' lI; t he Amendment of Urban Are .. Af t .

The Conference will iloilO deal.",. tbe following grie vlD cu :

I Municipal Adwiniatration of th.il Provin ce 11'111 lend repre. NativfI Aff.ir, at Durban, Johannel-l eotatlvee to thia meeting .. t hurg a od Bloemfontein . Phobng on D60ember 15 to elect 2. Sepnatist N.ti ve Churchel tbe. Prelident of the Tran" . .. 1 .bould be organiH d under cert.in AfrIcan Coogre.. All blanobn of graope to albw proper lopervilion the Coogren in tbe Trani vaal Pro- and control. vince sbould lend deleSltel to reo 3. Tbe "Pick Up Van ." prn ent them . 4. Tbe reduction of Nativ~ d irfct

Rlgbls or The Braocbes Tnatioo . Rver Pr vi '. 5 The Native etandard of w.gel

. yonce II requited to hold Ihould be rahed for the benefit of It; aonual ~oofeNlnce for the purpole th e country aa " Wha le. ~f preparing a report t o be I.id €I N.t i.e Edn cstion ehonld

ore the Gl'neral Annoal Confer. more finan cial .opp,,,' u ce at BIOf'mfontei D b· . "9 93 I) on ('cem et 7. Tbe Banta Pren . OOllll C' I '\ Evt'ly . Brancb of t be tbe Cong;rul gertoine lupport ' d J~ g ren 88 the light to eeod two I l ha, Id be done 1

e egatel to tbe Geo eral Confereooe. All Provioci~1 Secretarin are reo

qUel ted to communicate with t he Uenera! Secretary of the Coogre .. abou t any reeolution8 which tbeir rttpect ive Provin(;ea may delli re to be placed befo re th e Oene ral Annu. l Confe rence or any luggeeted amend­ment of the Conetitution.

• Exhibition of Studenls' HOUle Craft

Oontinljta from fXVJe 2.


year Indaleoi hope. to .tart ih ca reer lion

• will be ~;!~~to

ooone , .od t bat "'itbjn • Cn

will be able to go to the Matricul.t ion

• alter I pendiog a few left during the .eek:

Indaleni High School I. Unifeuity JUllier Certifi<lte

Course. Stda. V, VI, VII, VIII and lX. N B .-Thia coDfleia"IIOOpeo for a limited nomber of boYI.

Z. Teachen' Coune ill Domestic ScieDce,

For the Natal Education De­partment Certificate.

3. Domestic Sciell« & lodostri.l Trainiog for Girll. A tbree yea,,' con"e for which Std. IV il required.

Fees .£8 pn IMum, Apply f or pc1 rtinNara .-

THE PRINCIIAL, lnd. leni R i{ , Scbool.


THE National E:uootive Committee ooaoimoo.ly de.ired that every

Province ehonld lay before itl Pro· vincial Ell6Cutivee for their fnll diaoo"ion, aU tbe q1l:eltionl r.ited in the programme mentlooed below, Ind more partioularly the lubjed of the Aaleoded Conltitution of t.he African National Coogre" and tbe eatahli@h ­ment of the Afric.n Congreu Clubll .hiob ha' been acoepted al the im­mediate policy of the N.tional Executive Committee. Tbele clnbe will be tbe homel of the Africl n National Congrel8 witbin every Oil­-trict and through thel e club.I , .s the African Nation.l Con!!re .. will try to te.oh the African people to run their own hueineueaand to feed tbl'mselwlI a' obeaply al pou ible. Thil ... iII enable tbe African worken to pay for necee .. ry food and even clothing o ut of tbe email wagel whicb they earo every week. Tbis money 'hou ld be made to remain and to oirculate . m.oog the African. a, mu cb .. posai­b le and all long a' ponible . " ZlIln eebent el 'ekaya " ahoold beoor motto. AU nationl do tbat exce pt the Afric. n, "Siyilati lokllkwela , t onk' i t h:we :tik:wel. ngati ."


T be National EJ:ecu~ive oot('d with :regret t be eBortl of a lection of tbe Sout h Afrcao pren to make t he Africanl unwilliog to follow t he leaden hip of the AldCln National Congren in. pite of t~e b ct ~hat a! ' t hOle e::J·leadere bad I lgned a . manl· fea to" by which tbey defin it ely aC'cepted the leaden hip of the Committee. Thaokl lI'ere reco rded .. Umteleli " for prucbing uni ty t o t he African and for giving aupport to t be African National Congrees and all o tber national movementfl without any dietinction or prejudioe.

Tbe Dhlpute In tbe Transvaal Tbe Tranlva.l Province will b.ve

tbe opportonity to elrc t ita Provin-.. ial Pre.ident at Pbobng on Decem. bel' IS, 1934-. Tbe decil ion wa, taken hom the reportl of all previoua negotiation! which IIem to have I failed to bring aoy definite lettle· ment. The Pretori. election of Jon. 17, 1933 bal been ch.llenged al l iouUd by 'Mr. S. M. Makgatho and otber melDbe,. 01 bil EJ:eontive. Mr. Mol'" IIphahlele cb.llengel the notice which appeared over hil oame a. Provineial BecNltary. We oaonot allow any gronp of pnloOi to a"nme the right.. of appointing a Provincial Pretldeot of the Tran".al African Congreal, .hlob i.a Pro,-inci.1 Branch of thill DatiOGaI organilatioo . We hope, tberefore, that all C) ief.

INANDA SEMINARY, Phoenix, Natal.

An aeria l vi w of Inanda Seminary taken from the South .

FEES £8·0·0 per Year, Courses as follow: 'NATAL" J ,C.

Apply to :

St.ndard lX , , " ) INTBR!dED IA t B Standard VI


Sta ndard VII

INDUSTRIAL Fin-t Yelr Second Year Third Year




For Our Women Readers

Bantu Women In Business (BY BETTY VUMAZQNKE.)

OCCASIONALLY ontl bean tbat the I Bantu .iIl oever riM very higb

io the realm 01 bUliDe... 1 think luoh .. ,t.temeDt may euily ,be ignored. "aped.IIy .he,D P~lodlce prompt. tbe remark. TilDe will 000' vince the ptlelimyt. At t~e rate ~he Bantu i,advaocing, eveD Will ~be tide agaiDet him, we can vi.uailee the heighh be may lule. .

-=--::---=---Chief Denies

Allegations Tribal Case In Pretoria

---AfricaJI School Of Circumci.ion

10 this and in lobe6queo. artlclee I ,ball ~Dde.voUl' to bring to ligbt .ome of the Banto Women who are luccellllfol in BOlioe... . .

Some year. agO •• t,AogerlID Benool kne .... jOlt one place .bere they ?oold go in order to ~flp'eDI.lh tbe loDe, man with anything like.. decent meal, and tbit ..... tbe little reetaor­ant owned and rUD by Mn. H. M.llel •. She it of .. happy dilpo.it.ion aDd poulMlllN • r.re bueine.. .cumeD. qulit.iaa which have won for her not ollly al.rge cirele of friend. but. .110 m.ny e •• tomer.. .

aer bll.iDeea haa grown, aDd ta, perhap •• at ptellent, the moat 8ourilh­log of ih kind,on the Beef, among om people. She employ four women and .Iao gin employment to • few men_

Another olltet.ndiog ch.racter whn b mai:ing 50e progre •• ie butioNI, i. Itt •. I. B. Masole, of Brakp.n. She it weU known in .ocial circlN along the Boef and il very popular in Brakpan. She il among the few women c.r-ownefl who .re drivere ....

Her IiDe of bUlioeli il drapery.nd grocery. Thi. bOlinea. Ihe hall carried aQ(loellflllly now for Iflver.1 year •. She ,bnd, behind the counter heneU and employ •• oouple of men.

• Kimberley News

MESSRS J. Siting and B. Wilton arrived from Joh.nne.burg 1 ... ,

Sat.urday_ Kiu B. S. Koneight.,of Green Point.,

lI~ave. today by the Cape Town ma.il for Port Elit.beth.

Amoug the exodo. of holid.y­m.ken for Port Elizabeth, nut month, will be the memben of tb. "Pinqnet," who inteod .pending IMInn weeki in th.t city.

Ritt ' "agabond J.u. Band, uoder Ilr. Meikley Matlhikiza will .hortly rHnme their tour for the Eutern C.pe and Midland. going via Bloem­fontein. •

The Peneveranoe Training School, .. bich hal produced more tban 70"" of the local non· European teachera, haa added two new oourlell to the ordinary Primary Lower Conne thete .re :-One year'. cOUlle for the bfut Scbool CertiScau-, .nd two pan' ooalle for the Prim.ry Higber Teacher'. Certi6c.te. The new Prlncip.1 i. Mr. F. C. Beedle, B.Sc_. A.I.C .• nd tb. It to roll (Including Pueti,ing Scbool) i. 24 teach.n.

Nu,.., Sylt'i. E. V. Mlizi, of WeaL End, wu the cbief ho.tell lu' Sund.y .fternoon to her p.rty 01 guettt whom .he bad in't"ited. Mill A. ltleiumith, aD .bIOopl.yer .nd .inger entert.ined t.he plfty with her beantifol .oprano voice. Tea W.I lMIf'f"eci by the bOiteM, ... i.ted by Ili ... E. N. Anta, t.be party CODaI.ted .::.(: I(isee' L. Gonah, L. C"lim, O. JI.da1ane, A. Nibs, G. A. M.t.thikiu, A. Lou .. , A. K1elnllDith, E. N. Ant •• the hOlteN, Noree Sylvia E. V. Mlid aod Hr. E. B. Lekhel •.

Mr. Joaepb Set"ne,of Green Poiot., Beaconsfield, patted .w.y.t tbe ripe .ge of 102 }'Non. He .... born in 1832. The .ervlce..... condoet.d by &he Re ... J. Licb.be, .... i.ted by Rn.

Cmlli".tel i,. lofJ coI,u,na.

A cale of eonlideuble iuternt to Afrleanl wat receotly reported in

.. The St.r," wheD Chief Motzatze Thloloe of the Bathloekoe Tribe OrooUonteiD, Sled aD affid.vit In regard to.o .pplication made to the Bnpreme Court Pretoria by .n Afric.n wom.n, Rebek. Saneloe, for the rele.te of her bat band.

The report .t.tel tbat.t. pte· viotll he.rieg Rebek. .lIfgtd t.h.t her hoabaod, Titu. Seneloe, hid been removed foroibly from hia houte on the in.troction8 of the Chief of the tribe to which they belong, and that he h.d been compelled to attend. N.tive tchool where be .. ould be t.ught the cadom8 .nd ceremonie. of the tribe. She .pplied to the Court for an order calling upon the N .tin chief to rele •• e her ,boBb.nd,

On that occ •• ion tbe Conrt gr.nted • rule c.lling upon the chief to .how cauee wby he Ihould not be o.lIed upon to rele •• e TituI, or why he thonld not be called upon to brill. Titnl to Court 80 th.t Titu. might inlrom the Court whether he had been compelled to .ttend the Icbool, .nd if .0 by whom.

The m.tter came beforell'r. Ju.tiee GriDdley Ferris, and .eYer.1 Iffidavit. were eubmitted to tbe Court. In one of them the Chief denied tbe alleg.­tiOD' th.t Titu had been .bdncted on biB iD.trnction.. Be denitd tb,t be bad ever taken Titu. into cUltody and forcibly det.ined him. Be .Ito denied th,t he had .t any time ordered or comm.nded or induced any perlOns to t.ke Titol into cu.tody .nd to det.in him.

Customs or Forefathers During the period from the end d

Angn.t to November 5 bis tribe had held the u.u.1 Icbool of circumci.ion in .ccord.nce with the cUltom Cof hi. foref.then. He had not attended or viBited the achool perloD.lly, but be bad been ielormed tbat Titu., bad .ttended the Rcbool voluntarily, The • ebool of circomci.iol) cloled on November r., and the memben of thf tribe who attended retorned home. Titue alRo returned, and he wa. now at liberty to go wbererer he wi.hf(l.

Titne, in an affidavit, etated th.t in .ccord.nce with the cu.tom of tbeir forefat.here tbe tribe '1Zlin held a .chool of cifcnmcisioll tbi. year whioh ... attended by various mem here.of the tribe. Tito. I.id he voluntarity .ttended the echool thi, y~ar and re­torned bome on November 5. Be de­nied that he b.d been remond from hi. home by force.

The cale wu po.tponed to Decem­ber 4..

• .Mn. J. Buti w.e tbe promoter of •

d.nce In tbe lDcheape Ball l •• t S.turd.y, under the .nlpictt of the Joh.unubnrg Bantu Ladiel Civic Society. Mnsic w ... npplied by tbe new Broad_y B.nd. Among thOle preeeot were: Mr .• nd M,.. G. Mottieloa, M"eedame. Solomon, Noq.n., C. Kotohe, Mko, Ken; MiMe. L. Molioy, L. LuhoDd, D. Mpoodo, B. SWaartz, N. O.n., S. G.bel. ; Metln P. G. Ngoyi, A. lltimans, M. P. M. Nqolobe, Tho •. DinilO, A. M.iole, S. Bot.ni, A. Ntingane, W. D.d.ae, P. Kenneth, H. W. Jon .. , D. Peter.en, N. Mb.t. and T . MOln.

The Transvaal African Congress.

I Tr.utv .. ! African Congrell. The la.t . Iection of June 17, 1933, " •• no eleotioo at a\l.

Yonr, faithfully, S. M. M .U:O.lTDO, (Prelident).

Pretoril, 1--------------18th November, 1934.. To JUr. Moee, MphabJele, Gencral Seoretary, Tr.n8"Vul African

Congre .. , Job.one.burg. ne.r Sir,-You no doubt .re .w.re

tb.t • Conference 01 the Trauavaal Alrieao Congret. of whiob you are the General Secretary ha. been .ummoDed to meet.t Pboil:eng 00 December 15, 1934. Tb.t being so, it il .dvis.ble that you communic.te witb both the Additional N.tive Commillionerol RUIWlnburg, Cbief Molotlegi Mokgatle .nd tbe Organi.ing Ch.irm.n .nd Secret"yof the Bnltellborg Di.triet to plealHl .lIow •• id Cooference. Further tbat. you pIe ••• get ill touch with Chief •• nd branchel throughout the Tr.nn.al urging them to tend aa m.ny delegate ••• they po8libly c.n to thi. Conference. Let them come prepared for election of offieere of the

ConJinm from fir,' col""". J. Liking. Dec_eed Ie ..... widow, .nd .he and Mr .• nd Mn. M.. Sa.nne, Mr. and Mn. I..ecbolo and bit thue grandson. Robert., D ... id and Griffitbl were the ohief moornerl. Rev_ J. Seleke Ya, .1.0 pruent.t the grave­.ide.

The department.1 examin.tion fe .. the Junior Certi6cate comlllenced 00 17th November.t the Syndbarlt Second.ry Scbool. Thil .ehtol, I nndent.nd , will 'n,tain • lOll next quarter/al Miu V. N. Pla.tje h •• rtligned, and will enrol.t St. Paul'. of No.3 Loc.tioD

Ou beb.lf ef the St. Mattbew'. P.thfinden, the Midnigbt Follin a.rmony King. will perform to-nigh .. in Wind.orton. The.e voo.lilh a •• doe nut.t the Bay.


A School for the traj.,iztg cf Blnhl YO\lth b, Blot". COURSES. OFFERED:

NORMAL: ht, 21d a.d 3rd Yelr. HICH SCHOOL: Ju.i.r Certificate. PRIMAR Y HICHER: St .. dard. V lid IV. PRIMARY: Sub.Staudard. - Sta.dud IV.

With /acililiu /flf Ira."ing -in: Domutic So;:ie.,ce, Ho ..... M.nlgf~nt. Co;:u;merce, Printing ... d Wood. ork.

For pr08pfrtu, apply to 8UPERINTENDEf<iT, P.O. WILBERFORCE, ET'ATO!>".


(I) Full High School <ours .. up to a.d indudi., Matriculation; (2) All teachtrs' coursn up ta a.d indudi., 13; (3) Sprciall,du,trial (C"pfDtrrs' .. d Buildr .. ') <aars ...

Spacious groaad.. All Sport.. Large, airy dlll.rooms. Electric Ligbt.

A 'pecial featore i. made of inter·rlci.1 meetingl with Eorope.n .tudenta. Cilleel in probleme of Bantu life and le.denhip, Chri,ti.n etbiu and d"ici are gil'en to .11 lenior 6todenh penonaily hy the Prinoipal

(Dr. Edgar Brookes. M.A., D.Litt)

Fees from £10 to £11 per annum payable by a uew system of instalments.

Ai .ccomod.tioo i8 limited it i, advisable to write early.


Amanzimtoti In.titnle, Ad.m. MI .. ion Station,


POLELA INSTITUTION The School for African Girlt .nd Boy. In Upper Natal.




FEES: £600 PER ANNUM. Apply to:-

The Principal, Polela Institution,

Bulwer, Natal.


Bishop D. H. Sims On The White Man's Duty

AfricaDs ADd Others iD The News AT the Cape Annual Coneotion 01

the A(noao ""'hodi.t Bpi.oopal Cbnrch beld at Woroe.ter I .. t "eek. Biahop D. a. Siaae, in au add rea. to a mix,d auJienoe, .. id . "There are .ix millioo olloored people today In South Afrioa, aod they are people without hope."

TII.ere wa. need for Eoropeana to realias, be .. id, that tbl coloured racea did Dot uodentand Europeao ideal I. The creed of oolour WII dyinl oot. A cruaade w .. beginoiog io the ' Uaoiv.traitiea, .here ptople were try· iog to IIndefitand thao .. with .hom they c.me daily into contaot.

.. fhe Eaoropeao nead. to atudy the mentality of the ooloored raeel III Sooth Africa," declared the Bilhop. .. rbeir a.pir.tionl are often very imited. Wben people are without

hope they lie liable to do anything. Tbere i. a .. ery urrnt need for inlpiriol t.bem with bope.'·

Edne.tiOD aad the Chuteh eould belp to remo .. e the evil. under .hieh the oolOQred peoplee were labouriol!l' Tbe Churoh ioeolcated cer,.in prin. cip'ee thaS m.,chro eiviliaatioo d. maoded 8u~ how eouldlthey e:rpect the yoke to be lifted from. their necb if they did oot take their yoka off other p,gple'. a~oka' C)·operative and guetal upWArd W.lrk w.a e .. eo· tiaL

'Ilr BU'trl Staal.,'s Parllar Menare B ~fore I .... iag for S.lilbnry to

• "nlDe the G )veraollhip of S.lotbero Rbod.,.ia, Sir Berbert Stanley. Hil lI.juty'l High Co.milllioDer in Sluth "riu, at a Toc H goeat oight io Jahanolllbu'g, ... id that Toe H in fo,tare ahonld hke a h"od in attempt· io@; to lolve the N'.ti ... qOeltion. Sir Hilbert p}ioted out that aioce be firlt eaen, to Sloth Africa 25 year. ago, there h., beeo a greet improve. meot io. tbe relatiooa between tbe Earop"o aad N.tive 1II0tioo 01 tbe Unioa'i popolati"n.

There remaioed, however, • ~reat.

deal for Toc II to do for tbe Native and C.lloored commooiti.,a. If Too H "'n .bat it ough" to be that work wlold b, done. Too H, by de.lioft -.-ith tbe pr.lblelD iu the .pirit of trne Cbri~tiaoity on whicb it (Too H) w., fO\l1d,d, "'mid hllovea leaveaing iofl'leno, on tbe .bole eommooity. It eeemed to him tha.t the cru 01

DOD't Play With YODf

EYES You eaogot doro 1.0 pl.J' _,tb ,OW' eye. ••. There ... _orld 01 dil'fereoee iJl.gl_ ~od tbe belt ouIy .. _hat J'OtIlhould lOOK lor.

EnlCQ;1fT SIOUT fifmNO i. of tbe gre~tut impo.k.ooe aod re.ct.n of. "UQlt.et.eLi. ",a Bantu" _, aOW b.ve tbeu ere" ez.Ol, .. .ci witb 'be Q100rt lICieoti6c inst.ulDe"t. ... d b, EIlF;ioa ia 'belr modero CDDtloll.IDg r-ooma. The. wODderi'1l1 ioM.romeot. deWIC~ 'hi emall ... deleer. 01 IJi@;bt .... d if gl_ .... a._ry ELKINS _ill wppl, tile BEST.

anIeuf DJa'~

c.u ,0J' tilDe, ."'- da, (e:r.eept WedDuda,. ) betwuo 8.SO a.Q1. aod 5.30 p.Q1.


the matter ... oot 10 muob aotion ee oUlllUll. Too H mu.t adopt, aod try to m.te otberl adopt, a rlgbt "ttitude towarda the nou.Eoropeao peeplee. After an, if European civili,.tion in Southero Africa ••• to have a future. thl, queltion o.f raoi.1 attitudlll had to be put on the right (ootiog.

S N.S C Quartettl Cooeert The Baoto Meo'. Socill Ceotre

Quartette and Mr. Jobn V.lleodne gave a deligbtful eoocert 00 2ttb November at the Centre H.II, Johan. ne.borg.

Mr. Joho VaUentioe il an aocom· pli.bed operatio baritooe unger. He b .. appeared .t lome of tbe 6ne,t tbeatrea of Europe aDd America, .nd hll developed hi, taleot fioely. Be gave an evening of real joyoul enter· t.ioment. Hi, programme Included rollioking .Obgl of tbe out oldoon, the!TlIIue.Ule fanobetand Amerioan Negro .piritoalt. Hi. obar.cteri .. tion and ioterpretatioo of "Rio Rita" m.de ao hnpreuion 00 the audieuce.

The B H.S C. Qlillftette alao gave lome ioteretting long recikl •• nob II "In Ableoce," "A Balen in Gile.d," and a fe •• piritu.lt whieb In.oluded "S.iog Lo .... "My W.y II Cloudy" and "Steal A.a,."; while Mr 61. Hlobi,lIr J. R. Ratbebe and lit. E Rad .. i lIog 10101 whiob .ere appre­oiated A choral gronp from Germia· ton, ODder Mr. J. S. Blong •• nll, kindly oame to a .. iat in 'he e .. ening' • programme, and laog a vlllnaoular piece "Botlni" and "N.ture'. Prais_."

.i{r.H the cooont thue "'Id.ueing to tbe mnlie 01 the Merry Black 8irde Birdl Bind. AmonlZ tbote prNeot were: M_n Griffitbl Mot.llielo., Walter S. Pela, D. Gqiba, hl"o Sai.ala, Philip Mk,i .. , J. D Mtimkulo, Abel Brown, N D.bule, J. Phoofolo, H. P. T"taoe, A Futile, J. B. R. Tatane, Edenund Rld"i, lch. J. Ding.,ayo, J. Denllane, I. and R. Monnathebe. C. Llle, Laocet P. Molebatei, Ab,,1 Gooela 'Oereni.tou) Joo" SehnenA, J J. Walau (Germia too), S. M Padi, J. II HlongwlIle (Germi.lon), J. Ntbako. Silberbaott PHilO, H_ W Jon ••. D. Kumalo .nd A. S. Vil·Nkomo· Mi'''1 M Sibia!, E. Kbolobeng, B Dira, Ptte"en Si,ten, Rl"becca MOlikare, Eather Uogoye, EBen Moekllhi, Jane C. Olipban~, E Stone, Palmer, Kate Mionie, Eliubeth S. Moabe]., A. Z.ane and Martba Moo.modi; Mel' damea O. L. Mogoye. E. JohnlOo, Rhoda aadebe and l. Rlubi.

Traiolng for H.tl,e NUrStS Mr. G. Findl.y aod Rev. H. P.

Junod, repreeenting the PretorIa Native Welfue AIIO<ii.tion, met tie Pretnria HOlpit.1 Bo.rd on 23.rd No .. ember to I!bake reprNent.tiolll for the training of noo-Europeao nunee. Tbe deput.tion w ... noted tbat tbe Board woold oarefolly coo· lider tbe matter. The Welfare A.· aociation w.. invited to .nbmit eogg .. tiool for 'be Board'. oonaider· atioa. It w-u poioud out th.t facilitiel for tr.ining e:liated. bot that aoeommodation """ not yet availble.

laUn Drln"

At a meeting of tbe Maritzbnrg branch of the N"tion.1 Conncil cf Women I •• t week, " .oggeation wee made for forwarding a retolotion to t.he Unioo Gove;n.ment .. kingt~at tbe illoeol drive,.. hoencea to Nat.'Vu be prohibited. At the .. me time Min

M. L_ Mun'hie deplored the way the I;!;uruprau ... aa trylog to abn' tbe NatlH, (.oU~ (.of Ivery pOHible w,y of tI .. rolog.u bullnt lI .. ing. The Native Iho~lId bave. abe .. id, lIVelY oppor· tUl:uty for progre... .. Europe.n, bave no moral fight," abe decl.red. "to keep the N.tive • helVer of wood and a dra .. er of water, and debar bim from evely poeeible avenue of work." NeIt followed ao addr"a by Councillor G. F. Robina 00 tbe aub· jeot 01 the work dooe by tbe PrllOoeu' Aid SO<ilety io South .\frlca. The work waa more or Ie .. being done quietly, aod tbe beat relolh were achievad hy penonal contact. Tbe conltitotion "f the local commit. tee "aa conahlHed unique in the Unioo, for it "'II compoled of Europeana, ColO/fired" Iodi.na and Nativ", wbo _II met 00 term. of .equality ooce a enootb to diacu .. the .,ork ,done in th.t period. The ape.ker contended th.t 'ar better work wee being done hy hriogiog the RIce. together.

Sathlne Areas For Noo-loupeaoJ In a ,ulgellioo I •• t week to tbe

Durban Town Council tb.t the non­European batbiD~ area b. removed to the Sooth Reacb to •• rd. the North Pier, tbe Durban Director of Publicity .. id tbat to. point lootb of the old Beaoh B.ttery i. an Iodlan area, after wbioh II a Native area to • poiot lip So tbe Country Olub Beaeb, .... here tbe bathing i. again for Europe.na only. Batbing i. permiUtd for European. under the bye-Ia.a up to the V]el drain, he .aid. To a p"iot .outh of the old BNCh B.ttery i. aD Indian area, .fl.er .hioh ia a Native area to a p()int 100 yard •• outh of the jUootion I of Water Gilbert Ro.d and Snell Parade, .,here tbe bathing i. ag.in for European~ only. B.thiog for Indi.os and N.tivlII II thn ... nd. wiched in betwtea two are .. delioed for Eoropean •. Vi.ito" and re.idente compl.in of the pr .. ent condit.iooa. bot. though mID,. people DOliit' bathe from tbe bllt. .. h in front of the BNoh h.ttery. they are actually nling an arM rMerved for N.ti ....

Social aod Penoo.llI ..... Mn. L. M~tiele and lIilll J. C.

Oliphaot will ~lve a ball in the Commuoal Ball, Weetero Native Townlhip, on 8th December. The Merry Black Bird. Band will be In .ttendance.

St. CyprilD'l IIld St. Mary Magdeleoe'. School. will hold their aODn~1 coocert .t the Ban'. Hen'l Bool.1 Centre on Frid.,., 7th Dfl:em. ber. Tbere _ill be dilpl.ya of drills, .btchea and rbythmie gymo .. tioa. A feature of the c(lncert will be e:ltrach from "Tbe Gondolltra" by Gilbert and SolJivan.

The .ooual oonvention of the

Trann.al Conference of the Afrilao ltletbodi.t Epil<·op.1 Cburcb will open at Potehehtroom out Tnead.y.

Rev. M. S. Dube, Pretid8nt, AfrkaQ Congreg.tional Churcb, left I .. t weell:; 'or Northern Nat.1 aod the Southern .Free St.te.

Mr. MoNeil D. MooYlke leh OD Suoday night for Bloemfontein to attend the O.F.8, annul conventioQ of the A.M.E. Cburch, to ad .. Biabop D. H. Sim.'. tecretary iu t.he allHnee o( Dr. F. H. Gow.

Mr. M .... Ii. captain, BolII.S.O. tennl. team, "a. defeated lalt. S.tur­day by Mr. A. J. Joliul, in tbe Blake Tournament. KINIn oompetition .al Ihown by the playerl.

Become A Leader Of Your People. THE ... _boll .dQeated eOlZlm .......

I'flIIpeet 01 ..... people .od beeo_ Ia. portao'. a. "1'CIt mOf't Q101U1J' ~ _ ba .. " COQlfortabJ. h __ ita • bf,ppy falWl,.. The U .. ioo College will .how ,OIl tbe •• ,. to beU •• ed_tio .. IUId aU .... ad.v_t.ac .. that DOCIle with it. Fill III. Mel poet tb. COIIpoG below fD. frealAfor .... I ••

n.. 8<leretu,o, UNION COLLEGE,

P,O. 80s: 3641, Job.no-".

PJon. lteod ate, _Itboot .,. o. oWlc-· tt_, faU laI..,_ti_ .... ot u.. _ 1 _ ........ ked wltb. X. Eac\ieb 8'-dardl IV, V Vl. vn Aln___ JImior 0ntl6eIIt.t ZoJ. ,­X_ 8ecboa" .Iri'tuzeti. '"'­Oeopp~

~lrwp"" Sbottt..Dd T)-pewrith!.c

KatrieulatiOll 'I'rao:Inaal N.u... Tn.a,,"

I .. 21ld. &ad".;j ,.ear. Natlo"1 Co_d=l

EslDllAatJ_ Degree EnmlOIUou Jo~_

Taalbolld Agr!CultON.

Name ______ • ___________ _

Add..- _______________ _

-----------------0, W, I, I/IZD. -- -UMPHUMULO INSTITUTION.

(Tbe Co.oper.ting Lutheran Milliona in Natal).


Training College: High School:

FEES from £8 to

T6, TS and T 4. Standard VII. £10 per annum.


Literary Society, Sportl, Library, Studeo'" Cbriatiao A ... ooiation. Waylarar and Pat.b6nder Activitilll. Commonily Service, ete.


P.O. Mapbumulo, Natal.



Kroonstad Jottings And Doings

Indus~rial Commission At Kroonstad THE Indu.trial ugi.latioD Com·

miMion appointed by tbe Govero· ment to enquire ioto the working of tbe legielatioo pertaioing to European and Natiye wagel. aDd to indultrial, urban .. nd rural conditionl in tbe Union, beld a brief lellion in Kroon· .t6d on 23rd November in order to tate evidence. Mr. Reenen J. van ReeneD, Cbairman of tbe Commillion, pr8lided. Profellor E. H. D. Arndt ".. 1000 prelent. Kroonltad wal npr~oted by Rev. Fr. Martin Knight S.S.M. (Secreta.ry Joint Coun· dl). Hr. J. R. Brent, B.A., loUd Meaan R. A. 8ello and HendenOD K. Binda.

Both tlul JOiDt Council and tbe Natiye Adviaory Bo.rd, on beh.lf of the B.ntu worken, lubmitted memn· randa dealing with l.boor cooditionl in KrooDlltad. the W.gel paid, effortl -to le-oure a minimum wage deter· mination and other .1peoh of economic conditiool affecting Na'inl. Both Mellin H. K. Binda loUd R. A. Sello "ere que.tioned It length on thue line •.

Minimum N.Un Wa,e The memorandum lobmitted by

the Native Advisory Bo.rd cont.ined .. Ichedule lilting the varion' group' onder wbioh Natht· •• Were gronped .. regardl the payment of wages in Kroonet.d, ineluding -6 group be.ded .. f.rm I.bouren... It trlced the hiatory of tbe effortl to Mcore I minimom ... ge determin.tion in Kroon.tld lioce lQ29, .nd It.ted thlt the .yerage N .. tiye w .. ge for adolt m.lee il I 6 per diem. The Board sobmittrd 3/6 a. • daily minimum wa2e for Kroonetad.

Tb. Joint· Council memorandum I11bllloitted by Rev. Fr. Martin Knight, S.S.M., m.de a specill point of the "civiHeed labour policy" mentioned by the Prime Miojlter in hil circolar of 311t October, 1924.

"We would m.int.in," .. id the mt .. oraodum, II th.t tbe inttrpreta­twn of the Ci"f"ililed .... bour Policy .. I Wbite Labour Polioy i, contrllY to the Ipirit of the Premier'e definition. It muet 8unlly be the Ilim of every gonroment to lid .. II itl .objecu, irre.pective of colour to mIke it im· pollible for the net mljority of the iDhabi'aoh of the couotry to reach the goal of c:ivili!latioo."

Sello. Afterw.rde tbe party villted Mr. and Mr,. J. Liogalo.

Mi.. }<'. Doogo, of the Bantu Uoited School, h •• ruigoed Ind il leaving for the Bridgman Snlpital for tllining. Mr. Ab. Morgan Mokbele of tbe lame Icbool i. goiog to tbe S. A. N. College, Fort Bart . for higher educatioo.

Tbe clOling Ichool cor;cut of tbe Roman Catbolio Bantu School will be held nut TneedlY in the Community H .. II. Mr.A. J. Combl, Mr, A .... Chaboe, Mi .. M. Bou"er (pianilt), Ind 6. r. J. Solomon "ill contribute to tbe programme.

Mr. FlIllr Koellne, Hoiorlecturer of tbe B. U. School, h .. ruigned in orda, to take In important poet at the N.tive Aftlin, lbtatiele. C.P. He "ill be moch milud at Kroonltad.

Mt.Berbert Lekgetbo. bu religned from the R. C. Scbool Ind i. going to the S. A. N.tive Collfge, Fort BUI, for hit degree courte

Mr. E. E. Li~hebe bIB betn Ip pointrd to the Bluto Uoittd School.

• Potchefslroom News And Notes

Location Tragedy

A LIGHTNING a.~h wbich .truck the relidence of Mr. J. Moremi

in tbe new Lo\!ation on WednudllY afternoon, .t 2.30, killed bi,t wife M". J. Moremi and .iattr in·llw, I lirl of 1\ yearl of Ilge. Mr. J. Mortmi. .. ho w .. It ill .t Invite, knew not bing of tbe incident, till be .,.as infQrmtd of it by telephone. Ha tben bllrritd to the 10c.tioD by <'It. 'Ihe lid .ccident ie much depJe rtd.

E:s:tenlive dunlse "" .ho du:e to the front door of tbe h(.uEe and to one of tbe will do" •• at d • ~mlll bole waa fouod It Inotller Cl1l.lr ollhe honae. It would eel m tba~ the Buh "lpHt" int~ It lust four ffctiolo' on I'rikiog the hOOlt. No maTke 1I"rre found on the dud bodin of the wom.n .nd girl. tboultb their clotbiog .. aa Icorched io pllcel.

Re"f". Mlld .. tee, P E. of the A.),I.E.

Bloemfontein News And Notes

Kaffir Beer In Locations A public meeting. under tbe aOlpic ..

of tbe CentrallJoard Committee 01 tbe Nltive A ... ilory Board, Ind pre­lided over by Mr. J. B. Seaiog(cbair_ m.u of tbe Central Board Committee W.I held in tbe Commonity B,Il 00

~uodlY. HHb November. to cODiider the questloo of tbe IIle of klflir beer io tUoemfonteln locationl. Tbe chlirm.n reporh'd thlt, follo"ing • ttaolution p.utd lome time Ilgo ttl­que"ing the .otboritin not to .boUlb the domaltic breWing 01 'otlt gaUonl d blllr beer for b1)me cODlnmp· tlon. a rtply "101 rreeind by the comwittte to the effect tbat drunktnnni in tbe ioeatioDl1l'ai be. ooming • frequeot occurreoce. The committee theo plu,d a further reo IOlutloo lupl'orting the rettntion of tbe four gaUonl on conditioo that the police .hl! be incr.lltd. A huttd di.cnuioQ. took plica.

Some mrmbrrewtre in flvour d the committe', rnolutioo, .. bile olbere .dvc:cattd the total abolitilJn o'tb. four gilloni. Tbe meeting ended with DO 1I0lutiOD blving bun Irrind at, .od tbe ch.hm.o IInnootcrd tb.t tbe committte', reeolution will he Itnt to the .utboritiu.

It "as allo decided to ItDd a de· putation of three to Pretoria to inter· vitw the ruponeible Committee on tbe l"Ot>jrct d tbe rightll of the sllrviving 'poule, lod .Ieo to Ilk tbat cbildrrn be nemphd Irem tbe PIlJ ment of Icdgeu' feee.

Colt On Dlngun's Day A friendly golf competition betwetn

Billy JICObe ud Erout Diop:alD Q(

Blo.mfonltin 1,li.lt Thai Poppiol lod Andrew ChanYlne of Kimberll'~

"ill be Itlged .t tha Home"ood oouua Dear Batbo lontioo, Bloem. lonteio 00 Dingllo'l day (lith, December thil yelf) .

Cricket At The Capital Chri.tm.. bolidaYI "ill be re·

cogniled by cricketa,. from variou. centre,; t"o cb.lleogu have been received by the Flir P1aye,. C.C. from the Trannul, while the Occident II. received a ohallenge from the Traon .. 1 .nd Doe from Aliwa} North. Tbe.be Ncho C.C. received .1.0 I cballenge from Balutollnd. It il expected tbat all cb.llengn will bave been dealt "ith by today (ht Dectm ber.) Clube Ite bOlY with tbe pu· paratioolof their rnpective pllylDg. groundl.

'el"lOD.1 Itlms I4re. Mari" p, R. Molilllpoli(motl:.er

of Stepheo, tbe lnterpreter It the Magil,"te', coort Ind Nebemi.b! celebrated ber 7let birtbdl,. at her home, No. 3058 Bochlbela, Blotm­fontrlo. on 26th Novu:nber.

}I". Lettcia Mllonga left lilt Frid .. y for Ledy G,e, to "i,it htl 100.

• Mr. E. 14. Mallula, of Benoni.

'pent lut week· end In JohlDnnbors' .. allo did Mfl. J. 8. RDwe.de.

Notice -

TO CHARLES GUI4.EDE ute of Pieung River .

Will tbe .bove, CBARlESGl::.,EDE . who lold lOme lind on the 27tb October, lQ19, deacribtd .. Lot 35, 8obdivieion Cela of A of S Df Pifung Rh·er,inu:ttDt .. terti 1 roed :msoo perchu, kindly commuoicate lIith the undulignfd immtdiately.

E. R. MNGADI. c/o Native Meat M .. rket,

Victoria ~tr~et, Durbac.

St. Hilda's-EDhloDhlweni·Diocesan High School FOR NA'IlVE GIRLS (Government Aided)

P·O. Ro.boom~ LadYlmith.

The neJ.t IHm .. ill commell,-e on Febro.ry 6.



llcerdu. Ife ,f(f.qd '" e""d,,d. Y, \"1. VII, YHI,nd;n IX for ONl\·ERSIT\· J.e. AI.o tbUf i •• large ~r~ci.llNDl'STRJ.\'L DEPARTlIEXT fo, Cookery.

DrfaJII.l;..iDg. etc .• fte. AI..o I SPINNING ,"d WEA YIXO SCHOOL .. beR buutil,,1 rol' .nd mltl .nd curt';n) .~ ... oven.

APPLY TO 'IHE PRlNCIPAL. The Blotu workell of Kroon,tld hlye labour leaden in Meaar. R. A. Bello and H. K. Bindl, al,o friendl io tl.ee IWv. Fr. Martin Knlgbt Ind Mr. J. R. Brent, B.A., Soperiotendent

.of Loc.tioD.!.

Church, i. lelving DO etoDe unturntd

in tha praperatioDI f(lr the Conference I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; "bich il to take pllre bere cn 4th December.

Location News A fancy ban· room dancing dilpl.y

will be given in the Community Blli on Thursd.y on:~ week by Millea G. Kotull .nd V. Ch.ka.

Hr .• od lin. Jac. B. Cruhe were the gueah of Mr. aod !dn. Kelble 'Yote. of B.blakoan .. Cottage, .t a puty held there. There were .110 preeent Mr. Ind l'lIr. H. K. Binda. Mr.lnd lin. A. A. Lecagee, Mr. and }In. E Molete, .nd Mr. and MtI.R. A.

£1 £1.

.. ~ ....... Qood .... ' ....

BJI ....... OEM. Ruooa...t ot._ __ of Cyol_ .. .u prtM..

Cult or Tetw. It ,£1 ~ ...tk. Cd or w, ...


n. ",.I...sa w .. a... ....... Of:&.ual .... ca. I 601U.NlfE8BUBG,

A Brlnd dance will Ie giveD iD tbe Springbck Hall. Potcbtf~troom Loca· tioo, on Monday evening, a,d December The flllOcu~ )fury Blick Bird'l Orcb"tra of Jvhaonuburg "iII.upply tbe muaie.

The funeral of llr. W. Pretcriu.!l took pllce On 23rl1 Novembtt from St. Michlel'a Churcb. Alloy friende atteodad tbe ~ervict'. Rtv. J. Lethl.ke condudp<i the ftr· "f"ice, The Rev. J Mollto .100 Ipoke. At tbe gravnide Mr. R. 800ymln of Joh.nneaburg " .. ilkI'd ~ thank thehieDdl"ho attended tbe faneral.

The third enooll concert of the Potehef.troom Amllllltllltrd Scbool will .. ke place on Wedonday. 12th December.

Ru. J. Ifatoleng paned tbrough Potchefltroom from Joblnoe,borg to Bloemhof. Be .pent I few houn .. t IIIr. Monta.io .. •• rtlidence.

Mr. J. BothlukD, of Veotetldorp, hal p&id I yilit to hil frieodl .. nd relativel io Potcbefetroom.

Mr. A. Montlia. left for Aftihnder Mine for the week·end.

MMln R. 80yman Ind J. PretoriOI arrived io Potchel.troom by motor· bike to Ithnd the fonelll of their uncle which took pllce on 23rd November.

UkuQaqamba komzanlsi womQolo ne nyonga KOMZANrSJ WOMQOLO



J"ulI;.:acaz\\a Il):..:>i;.uti Zm~(jafpmbo zamatam_ ? lamLo \\""~·on;'::,1 l'z.'n~a Lo ("'li.e ~inq("'ni nakll l..lIbd,o IIltllln~u ezell· mUIII.i l\olllqolo /c!in· Ii_a lilnat.tn:;a lu_e 'bh· qtni f . lutni. Ku,unella 1..unyangwc kom~invanf'. Vne_%. u,·el..d,·I,· i_ifo ~oJ..uqa(lalllbl komzanui womqolo nenyoD"".. Tengl ihhotile ,t' Jone~' Hheumaliruro IIq.lle ukupoloo .. lIlIC..:> lIl..ata1!ayo 'If'zil""auyo f'IUZIUII'tlli wako. 1 Jooe' Rheuwaticuro i::ubiso LUIW111 zi 3 6 ilrhotilc illye. l'kuba ugula njeo::;oko kucazwa n~t'ntla. kUIlp;aoi uJ..uba utenzc hicengc soluba uhe eoloko \\alala clul..uk"eni lokura honke uhorlll bal..o?-Tcnga i Jone,' Rht'umaticufO nomhlanje.


RHEUMATICURO .. , ...... "- ..... UftL ..

IIIoLuf .. nnn .. ~ LU20 :r.onke ILe"i,ri Nl""O"fDLilf. ~Ibbllmbi blQO kwJ 11M .. "-_.UN .... Co., P.o. a.a .3_, c.~ r.wn..

.'und~ f2L"r~ ;lui,o "It Jo,,~.' Rheuml';cufo ui). I.".~b m,;n.a L"rlil'fPl n;I·u. .. n~~,;f ...... , ......... -'-_.-a.. _ H)a-...


Mr. H. Selby Msimang On " Enquirer"

Too Much Hay On The African Fork Tbe l:Jitof, " Umteteli." •

MR. H. SELBY MSUIA~O write. : adVlnta(lOi eod ad\latllet of attemp~log to take too much hlY on our fork. Whit tbe Africln .aotalt tha tdut'totioo ... hicb will rOlble bim to keep abrellt of tb, timu in 'be lor •• rd monment of lodourill de· \·eloplDf!at. Be ~rtlinl1 doel DOt ortd to Ilttmp' to lpi the .bitemea btlt to do.lI in hil po.f!f to become lodoltrlal1y civilil~d .bile boldiol ~n to hll O.n culture .. nd dnelopinB It .. he tbinb fit .ad It. bil 0-'0 lel,ur"".

I Wo bave bad to Iborteo thll Irtlfr IOme.het-Edit.or, Ulllteteli I


t'ir, 10 your fuo'note to .. &lU1UI"f'l" Ilhar appelriog io your '"oe of ~ovembe, 2 ... ,You " .. te 'hit ha reiter .. ttl ill. ODe }*tlgllph hi. ,ulpicioo of tducltiuoll " uptrll" wbo, he t.hiok., Ira lotOlted bv "olt 1111'''1,,,141 d .. lih 01 AI"nUl,' furf',op, "g all f:uropen" /"". "r 0.""",;101'''1/ Jo.'.rollffJlt f'i,"lwll,',..'· 00 tbe flce of it tbi, impliu Ibat "Enquirer" ia ill. .I'·our 01 tbe Ahk ,n denltlpiog 00 gor('lp~1D liat'. elr "Iimill&iag Europ~o d.-ililatioD ~ome of o. _ould like to know .. hat he melD' hy it, D0" he mean tb.t tbe "friclt! .bou!d di,cltd hi. ~ult.ure Ind 11._

Tbe Editor." Omt.eteli." tempt to a"hnillh E'Jrorutl cuitorE1 Or 0o", he meln tht- I .. ,mil.tion of MIt .. :s, 11. BENNB1T NCWANA, the Welafo iodUitril1 (,L\·ilill,ion.. . Lelgbtooville, KioK.mi.mltown, di~tillct from tbe \futrrn cultul.I 'll'flt,,· Sir.-Chief rthle Arcbibald ialtitutionl: If l:>y cuhurll civilila- Siudil,. held of tbe Oailll oltion, i. ti('lu. it mlllat the pltorll lod trldi. uooutlkina 10 n.ttll.i,.. !.our of tbe tioo\1 In.li'otion.ol I ,ac •. nlmt-Iv priodpil jndUitril1 'rDtru d. tbe tbe I •• ~, n.aR~1 lad ('111'0181 01.. ,,'IPf Provioc~, Or.nge Fru State. uu developed by a .10. pro~.. lod Trlon .. l, The mi .. ion 01 tbe iDvol,jo.lI tbou,and. 01 'II", hu. toor il to eOdel'rour to "tabli.h caD the !Iric.o t'·fr h<lpe io ooe dinet cootaet bptwtto tbe Gaik .. , ."neratioo to. Ichieve 'll'blt h .. co.t 10 tbe dIfferent ceotru c I the Unioo, other rtCP' ceoturi .. to l:>uild op I Inri tbe "Great PI.ce" (II tbe CaiKII, p..,rhlp, "Eaqol'er' It 1I01"'1,.lly lod to Ifonle tbe loitrut of hi • .,aululed o"er thil qul!ttion of ,1' .,.ople iu tbe dlvtiopmeot of their limitatlDn IQd b.li",u It..t it il Terriklr, now that a CIDIl"II1 Cooo('iI p.,,,ible for I mloO, of 00.11." flce to be fo, the Ciekei bat be.a utlbll.hed. 'he IIllle .. I man 01 lootbrr _i&boo' Chid Ve1ile hili dtdd,d opoo tbi. tb, n~C" .. ary tarly incolutiODI. 10 cour., .. ith Ihe full coo<'1.nru:ce of the firt' pllClo ht .!'tome to believe hit 10YI: ('ouocillo .. wbo hlt'e been th&! e,llIc .. tioo Itaod. IQt culture lod urging him from tiDle to lillie to t .. ke Cb, .. tilllit.,· to tbe ntrllt tbat en 1I",ltu iolerut io ILe 1ItIfUE d bil edo<'a&ed African hu by fta'Gn (of people, btiDg tbe OCt'liPIOt 01 the M. foI)1.Ict.lioD,,1 IttaiolDeoh I. .. iOli. I :ulted poeition of bud (,f tht Glika I .. totd Europeao r~li!lion Il;Id cultort. ,ribet. It i, StoUllly hit by tbe He le~Ol~ uOlble t.J draw the line bulk of tbe c(,DlmllD&litl d tbe between colt ural lod iodUitrial Gaik .. tblt tbtlr trit,11 b\;mog~lltity dvili ... tion io It Dluch .. he fllill btl IUfJrred fN tbe lut hlf-crntury dilmallv to di6(rimill.te bet1l'tto .. tbe teeult. of tLI failure of tLl adulttr'ttd lor d uo,d ull. n t( d ebril- Olika people to ideoll'y tLrmlrl vu tiloity. Ulilort.uoately he il Tlot tbe .... itb tbe leldtrehip of their 0.0 tribe. ooly ODe amoog th. eduuted Alricilli Tbe tcheme coo.idtnd ftuible for .bo inei,t tb.t. al I rice in Oldrr '0 tbt' or~aoilatioo of tbe XCia people Ipp ar .. dvilUtd" (from the Buro· 'll'ilI tlke tbe form of Iribll 'yltem p~ln l\aodpoiotJ ae .boold lpe 'be _bkh il uodouhted]y b .. ttH uodu· wbite ma,. or, io other .ordl,.e Itood lod Icved by tbt XOI .. _ It i. .bould btcome bt,tlrdioed. lI.e pro poled Ihlt in elch orb.o centre a lec'pt,!Io1 .e ere bouud to do, tblt couocillor of the "Ortllt Pllce" to· tbe Africtnl b .. ve thtir own culture Jl;lltber with fivo Id"ilory cOliocilJotl .nd civili'ltioo, I ruult of ctnturill"l be appoioted by tbe Cbief to look upon ceoturiu 01 dnelol>mfnt which Ifter tbe iotertltl of tb. XOII com­hl'rl become pert 01 their olture aod muoity Iud to lIIitt local alltboritire '001, tbeo III talk of developiog in the mliotenaoce 01 peace lod cllhurtllyon European IiDeI il '0 order. It i. further boptd tbat loch mucb oonsen.e Europeaol tell 01 .. councillor will be recogoiud by tbat it. t')ok tbem two tboonod yUlI tbe Deplftmeot of Native AfJain .. to denlop tbelr oulture. We koolll', 10adviteriotbeNItiveCommiliioner of aoorN, thlt. iodo.tri.1 chililltion DO all mlt.te .. CODneoted with the it 01 receot a:rowtb lod tblt not I epplioati'lo of N .. tive Ilw IDd CUI' liosle race of maollind call cllilll to tolll oDder tbe proVlliool of the bl felpoo.ible for ita lIIir. '-01001 de- Nltive Affli" Admioi.hation Art of .. Iopment. lo.pite 01 Kiplin~'1 1927. It il farther lelt thlt.lUcb aa peMimiem that. tbe E.d and Wei' Ippointmeot of • Chie", ('ooocillor .. IhlU never me4t:' we koo'" tb .. t tbe of tbe "Grelt Pllce" io elch orblo di.covll"tl01 Ahica by tbe Eoropeal1 nel will he accepted II aD orgeot. rlOn ..... relult of tbe eerl1 ttlffic- neotllity in t.be helt interut of both king' bet.ween Europi aDd lodil and tbe Admioilttltioo •• d tbe peopll in otber Ea.tern cooatrilll. Indo.trill tbe dllpolal of kootty mitten uoder clvililltioD ;1 tbE civililliion 01 mao-i Nltive la .. ao~ ooeto~. T~e Deptrt. kiod and tbere il DO raee that. holdl meot of Native Affllt. 111'111 be "P' tbe monopoly. If" Eoquirer" metal prolClhed at lOme fotore d .. le, .hen that. lII'e .hould lI&imillte iodu.trial the tcbeme b .. completely mlterial· dvm,atioo, then I may lay Imeo. iNd, to coolider the Id"i8lbility of Bot .by call it Eoropeao civilila- recogoiaing tbe Cbid'i couodllor It. tion 1 each urblo ceohe to lalble Inoh

I wooder if "Eoquirer" lod hi, oOUDcillotl to lettle petty di.potel colt. heve ever coolidered the die· .hicb mly.ri.e Imoog hie people.

AFRICAN AND INCLISH Tb,l<:ditor, "Umtetell." MR. CASWEL1~ M. T, MOLAPO

St. Peter', MI .. loo, Mlthokolo,' J.Bribe, Bllutollod, write, : Sir,-': The .ho,·, mentioned .ubjec~ .eem. to be ('T.,tlng •• plrh of controvtuy amooB thloking Ind lot.llectull eduutlon,li,t.. I 1m of the •• me oplolan II tho.. who eocour.ge E0811'b Ir.d Afrlka,o. to b, pr,cti.ed oftidall,lnd cODvHlationlly. The tIme bl, come when ,II Afrlcln. • bould be ablolute'y perfect 10 tbe" two dhclalllngulge.. The powerful OOUlllmeot through,.,ut l:ioutb Alriel roo. under lb, u •• of th •• ,llngu'gH. All lad feu of nceollif. duive from t:uropuo .... dilkll •.

I thiok Mr, 0 it. Tut. (Grlqollilld F.llt) Ihould 00', tbi' to do a'II"Y with EoSlilb loll AfrlkllOI both io IOcldin lod cooveflatltlll II fir lell iWI10rtallt tba" to do away with .as.urO]>eaD. ~OOdl, clotbiL'~ It,d mloy olbu chlllnd rordu t I Il1'j,,~. lod tben lollow OUf ((nhthru' lUClde d IitiOIl-IOt'h al putlir'fI on "'-tOMei, \,ol1dlol Imlll hOUHI "jlh LO WiD­dOWI, et<t_

I ,to .ure mloy Alrklo' Ire iluite prrfect in tbelitaatute aDd vocaboll r, 01 their Native ton~PI Why C'Ouldn't they, .. much I' tbey uo, pr.cti.e theM t-.o l'ORu,~, of their luperior 'th.e ~hite miD ' W. may Irkly in I "ld'''1 anel C',Qveuatiool u.e Eoalith or Afrikaan, .rill WI will remlio I oltion. AD Afri<'IO without tbl! un,leutloellDa of EnQ:lilh or A.tiktalll i. like, mn I('cked up in the BliCK Hole (I C.kUttl,

---The Editor, ·'UmtrltU."

MR ~ATH. 4?- KAUOTE, Thlba l'icbo lII'flttl, Sir.-Writir'g ••

In .Alrlcen "'ho il lohgooi'tic to Afflcln'lII'bo Clrry on their ordiolrY COn"rrlltionl in EogJilb wbtre uo­neefll.,)' I oo •• rntureto pot tbe 101. lo.iall! qunticI)I to III udeot rudfte of "Umtrleli" .. ho will ft_pond to tbem iotelligrotJ,. (ll Why do Afrie,ol pre-fft 10 blve Europtlo cbrillilo o,mtl ~ (2) It it bt'catl.e cbri.tiloity i. lrrn,tt to th(Dl by EUr(pulI" (3) "by do Dot tbey cbri.tro io thei, (wo motbtt tO~g08 olme-,t

I uk Ihete quelhool bec,ule I find tbat tbe Alricanl ue the o.oly eivj. lind pEople .ho dirctrd tbeir Ilaguese. Fcr ulmple Dutoh people do Dot . cbri.ttn io fortillO Olmet Tbey like tbeir 0.0 Dutch o.met e.g. Gerrit \'rater, J.n Pol,ieter, de. EogU,h prllple .od other EuropuD people do like. i .... I .m ohri,ttoEd with a Europtlo nlme lod wben I I.Ked Illy mothtr wh, tbey gave me the Dime Netblaie! .be refrrred me to my father .ho pI"rd away lOme yetr •• go; I pot the IIml qneetioo to levertl leerotd and edocatrd Africlnltod mlny .eid, "n il bt­cau.e thtu primitive p.reDt. did it." Thul lee .. it to.1I iotere.ttd to gi~e me wb,tever wile coooeptiool they ('10, Wbtli I bave alreldy been gi"en i. iOilloi6clnt aDd uoideel.

The Editor "limlet"li,"

u ONt; who II l'uturhed writu l:Jir,-My ooohoUoo. Ire II

1011011'. __ (1) Alriclol, btlog a .ubjEct rice, Ire ttmpttd b"yood coouol 10 ule tbe EOlllih luguI.e. (2) It il I laoiulie of I tlce who .. i[,JluIOCt il erooomlctlly, lerlilly .r.d lodult rlilly grut the world Ovtr. (3) 'J be tnt lood for brliol II .I<lud io thil Ilolu.g~, for io.tloce It. IItelltore il lecood '0 none 10 tbil ollinr"" (4) Itt people have .llway. dilpllyerJ it • retdioell to IIIIU io Id"'lldrg the Native ClUle, (5) To m'DY, EogJieb II tbe brud lod buttrt.

Tbeo Cln oDe woodu "by our dl 'ire II 10 IHlt for Dolbio({ elfe lot Eogli.h II We hlPP'o to be rldiculld .blu Ibu.log it,lhto we "1 to hllme. Wblt ttlUy ~ fill to oldrllfnd I, .by oue lpolklng Dol(:b i. lUI tutd .I~b .Imiler qUeitloOl tblo wbeo oo~ 'PUKI Eoglilh. Bo"ner ~ilh tbl, partkullr poiot I .m It II coo­~trlJed

10 couclulio?, it 'll'ould btl prrm .. tllre to me .. t Iblt prt~rl'lt JUZlcture 10 Idtoctte lUI "iogli.b It ... ill be tbl<lul!b tl.il largu'51f, I 1m terllin~ ~b.,~., .i/l rrlcb ollr (1(1'1. Tbtrd<lfe It It mOlt eu~ntitl tht tbil Iloguige t,,, mad" our IhppiIlfl·lh D~ t(O arbine tbe d\l.ired end •.

THE CONCERT AT SHAWBDRY. Tbo) Editor," ['mleteIJ"

MR. o. M, t1!,V., Str' _ 'uy, ·'Ea.y Wilkert, Mcunt} .. re, .ritu:


CAPE TOWN Yrll,.,i"" , ... tlobo IlIbin.i. Inll'<!flokobe rlin,.

ngt'Di ,uti n-llIln',

SIPQ SESlSA • n_ .. 6ih~r

~ l.-o.-..1,i Of ty.t •. "I&. _ .... rub ... nlk" bt. .. ,u 0"'" "It.. Dlluk" lume· l ....... I;~ .. "hi ... h·c>t.h,·


IfungelWQ Imlnyaka

25 I.-ol.hi .. Ir.-."je .. ",aha.wbi ",0 lDb4ioe 36;· ~I ne Qokobe if! Silvi SOl.

EDMn lwarun !fOlollt.t.llll,UJ IZlITLO.O 10~ h!fHO


lkataJogu ye ltJifanekiao No.6.

Ikw:i)'i! "" Itopi ,-e Nc.-.di uba Nkolld" E"octeeh.aa,1


ZAM-BUK Clears The Skin Of





What Our Readers Think

(Oonlinutd/rom pilIJ£ 7.)

Sir,-On behalf of the E •• y·W.lker. COlDP,\DY. I write to 6r;pre •• out gratitude to the Rev. W. Me.t" of Sb ..... bacy CaUege. Qumbu, for hi, kiodoOH 10 gr.Qtlog III perminioD to.

hold .. o.o.308rt.t the lo"itutioo H.II a' Sbait'bufl 0.11 Saturday, lO~h

fiol'ember Woj received .. very bearty weloolDo from him, loud w".11 fCllt at bOale tb,ilUgb. ~be rain In. pOliring. A oomfonable .belter "at

preparod for UI, aDd before we perl"IrID-,d .e weto .oned with wel­cOIDe refte.bIDeots.

&$'1'. ll,au acted ., c~.irlD.o lot

tb.e concert. We lIilO thao&: him much for .11 the kiod work be did.

Hu "..., gClod eo.ougb to ioviul tbe It~tf (~urope.O'l of db.whuey who. au"oded toe C')Dcert and .bo.ad moab Intetel' io tb~ iteml rendered.

At tbe end of the concert, Re ... W. Me ..... mtode • Ipeech .bout our Comp60Y, iuformiog tbe .udieuce that lioc~ tbO Sh ... bory College w .. enlbiilhed, 00 oompAoy of ellil kind b,d been .Uowod too gl .. e .. concert. Ho mentioDed tb.t we b.d mr.de appliclUiou for thia Ol)uoort noa.r1y tlf'.J yean ago, and that he ignored H ooly bect-olll it W.I an uouual thiog to allow a .. i.it from .. company of shil kind. He .. id he .... qoi&e utilfied .. ith the beha .. iour .. nd promiled too gr.at UI petmialion for. coocert "henever we.re deti:rool of giring one.

r o .. n only concludo by laying tb.t ",ltd. hil to Ol[preu our feoliup .. regltd6 thia great deed of kindoeaa by oor llthor Re ... W. Yeara.


Tho Edit.er. "Umtoteli."

MR. J. M. MAJIKlJELA writee; .::Iir.-I .m of opioion thlt it i.

oot fair aod rig!!.t to hllove oar N .. tive eduo .. tion.1 polioy dictated by "hi&e ·-uperts." r thiok th.t "0 .. re already a".ke to our greateat oeed., aod a! lUoh "a are folly eotitled to

cooaolt.tioa wb.eneTer raforml io oor educltH>o are beiog coaaiderod. It i. my belief too, tb.t the type of oduettioo "0 rflOei .. e i. duigoed to luep In io p"potua.l cbildhood. The idel of lop.utiog Ichool. 00 • racial bui. coo6.rml t.hle belief. It il merely a .uy of io~uliatiog iOferiority idul io tbe Ndive.

tb.!re are oertaioly mlny whito pupl~ "ho bave tb.e "olflro of the Nltive at halrt, and oor gte.telt dlffi;ulty i, to dutioguilh tbem from th, ntheu who forlll the msjority. We ID,IlJt therefore be forgiven if we he~it .. ~& h aceep~ the proffend frieod1hip. When the "el[perh" are es:parimantiog on Yltive educ .. tion. th-e OO'fetnmeo.t il .I" .. y. "illing to ani,t them fiClloGcially. Tbil ooly beigh-teot our Illspicion. Wh .. , the O)verolDeot policy ia, Mr. TY .. lIlulho CO:>"I. It doe. oot ,how- .. oy 'ym. plthy with Nltive upir .. tioo. The P)\ioy i. oot to divoroe the educ .. ted Yiotive Jr:>1Il hi. krl .. 1 brother; tboy .. re the '.11Ie .. ad ume treatmeot il meted to. them IU,

I Iloretervedly luh.cribe to tbe vii WI 01 ProfelsorB M.JioGwlci aod :\iLlrr .. y "hen ProfelllOr Malioo"aki uid, •. purely Afrie'n edoeltioo il impo~eible." I uoder.t&od bim to m~"o thlt. tbere .hould be 00 two t,pIU of eduo.tioa a. il the Cite io SJuth Africl-)Oe .y.tem for aU. Our intero.h, I. humIn beiogl Ire CJmIDOO, why not .. common ',Item of eJ:I~stioo! It duCi aot mltter where y"U lin. io AfriClor in Europe tbe worlt of eJ.ue .. tiOIl il one-to 6.t the recipieot for the future.

PrJfenor M.Llrr .. , lAid" Educa.tioo is a peJple·. 0"0 job," whioh 1 ioter· pr~t tJ m"an that thl Native .honld be the tJl~ jo16e to th! kind of ,


educ I~ioo belt loited to hla aeedl. Mind you. th.re i. 00 N.tivoednc.'ioa, but the N '*ti ve couue c .. o be oltved out of the Europelo Iyll.bol by tbe Nltivel thamlelvel .. nd not by tbe .. el[perh."

I hold no brief for" Eoqllirer" oor do I lub.crlbe to .. U bil .. iowi. Ho may bo wroog or right. but he il cert.io ly entitled to be he.rd. Be mut oat be decried ... an ell:tremllt.

[rbil letter bat beeo Ihortened cOlUidetably.-Edit.or Umtotoli.]


rhe Editor ... Umhteli,"

MR. P. D. SEGALE "rit8l: Sir.-Witb the coming in\o opora.

tion 00 October 1, of the ae" regnlatioo. "itb regard .to P"I I.". I.. promulgated In the Governmeot Gautte d.ted Augu.t 17,1934, Not.ice No. 150, ooe leell tb.t a word .hoold be .. id on theM long overdue ., reforme."

Alreldy .ome opinion b ... bMn Ol[pre .. ~d with reg .. rd to tho "whole­•• 10" gr .. nt.ing of letwn of flS-emption to certaio Alric.ol deemed fit. The geDer.1 vio" w., that the Go .. ern· Olent b.. ..t loog lut t.a.un a very .. ppreciable ltep io the rightdireotion. The PHlfIII, however, hive been made more complicated thaD before. Cer· taio lectiooa of the procl.mation .re difficult to compreb.eod.

To It .. rt with, the defioition of the "ord "Nati .. o" .. I giveo io lectioo 000 of thia proclam .. tion il "I.ny mile perlon of thl .. pparent .. ge of eighteen yean or over. , •• " From thil it i. qoite olear tb.t "am eo Ire not in­clnded .. a "011 .1 child ron _der the tho e.ge of 18 yearlj but "blot i. meaot by "No pa .. Ib.U includo the n .. me of more th .. n one petlOn, pro­..ided th .. t when .oy N .. tiye takiog ODt a pale i. acoompa.oied by hi. willi or childreD uoder the apparent ago of eighteen yea,. .. note la mllde on the p ... releni"lJ to aod .ettiog forth the n .. me of tbe wife .. Dd number of ohildreo Ihan be luOicient .. utbority for Inoh wife .. nd ohildroD to enter or lea .. e or tr .... el withia • p .... H" under looh p ....... (ride I~ct.ion 15). Who oooid ol!ldetlta.nd tb .. n The definitioD of tbe word" Nauye" ... mentiooed .. bo .. e h .. it olMrly thai Afric .. o women .. nd children uoder 18 Ite not m .. nt. I lo .... e th., .. , th.t. Sectioo 16 of the .ame I.w leem' p.rtionlarlyautocratio. It il ridicolonl thlt .. An .uthorleed officer Ihould be able t.o Hfnle to illae or .ndor.e. p ... \0 .. ny Nati .. ~ to enter or le.ve or tr .... el withiD .. p", .re .. for aoy re ... oo appearing to him .nffi~ient." One would havo im.gioed tbat reuonl given in aect.ion 10 woold have beea qnit.e eoongb, r.ther tb.D gtlotiog to certain iodi .. idu .. le luch uobridled powera.

Whd of the El[emption! Tho el[empted ooe i. beiog relieved- from the multiplicity of pa ...... I Stctioa l4. Sub· !fiction (I) h.. it ; but tbe ... me penoo will ltill undergo the inoonvenience experieoced by thOle clrryin~ oldinltY panea by beiag stopped by lOY policem.n wherever he may be. Moreo .. er, the boldor c.o oever be corhin of bow long "ill be rem.in e:umpt.ed. Section H .ub· aeetioa (I) p~ragraphl ( .. ) to (i) .bow that certaio AfriCIOl hitherto deaied tho pri .. ilege of thia .0 called eumption will beoefit. bnt oaly 10

long a. they hold thOle po.itioal. Whit i. going to h.ppen wbea they le.ve'

Plr.grapb (j) of thil .. me lection re.dll •• folio".: .. Any Nlti .. e of good ob.r.c&er Iud repute wbo i. corti Bid by the N.tive Clmmiuioner or where there il DO Na.ti"e Com­minioner by tbe M.gi.trate of the di.trict io which luch pef80D fnide. to b •• fit .nd proper perloa to be oumpted frtlm the provilionl of tb@te re~ulltion .ad ie '0 eJ:emptfd by the Mioi.ter." 8h.n '\'fA witoul aD Illlprecedeoted ioBulI: of men" of ~ood chsr&der .od repute," moat of wbom

will be oomiog from di.tancel u f.r .1 100 mile •• od who tho Nati .. Commillioner h .. oever .eoo or he.rd 01 ?

[fbi. letter hal been Ibortened coolider.bly .-Edlt.llr Umteteli.}


Tbe Editor, "Umteteli."

MR. M, J. MEl. Beohun.l.nd Protedorate. "ritel: Sir,-I read

"ith lpecia' ioterfllt the article by Rev. B. Ziogitwi .. boot Beolooule.

It com" oltor .. lIy thlt ooe i. pr.i,ed after de.th even wheo the prai.e any ~Ot be de4erved. R .... B. Ziogit"a .od otilen give prliae to tbe late Rev. Gao. Wea."er, but the Re ... G. WU"Vor hid DO broad oat. look .\8 to edun .. tioo. io my opinion. D Hiog bil goveraorlhip m.rlr.ett of ItOCIt and w,Jol were bigb, tr.n.port "., .. deqot.te, .nd Itodente were mlOy. What did b. do doriog euob favourable timet for he had better

ohaneet tuan "II hit lucce .. on' Hut through iOlUlticlontly Ioog .. iew of

adueatioo he did aot koow that J 935 "auld briog • dark olond over Ber· Ichel people &doc.tioo .. lIy.

Ben.on .... le .. nd Hea.ldkl"n uo Metboditt Io.titniion,. Striotly .peaklog tbere I. no ordinary common judice done to the former in ~duc .. -tioo. For io.Lanoe, thor. Ir. fi"e Afdcln gr .. duatel.t Bealdtowo and .t 8enIOovaie noae . Tbere il no defini&e re ... on why Bealdto'll"o .hoold moaopoli.e tbe African grldn.te, .od yet under tho .ama deoominatioo ir tbue it a.oy io.titutioo tad., 'll"bich hu ao Afric.o grldulte it. fnture ill uocert.io.

If the eleoted conncil for Heucbel educltion hal the "eUare for ita people at he~rt, Mr W. Nc ...... o. It Helldeo"a, Mr. V. K"inlol at Fort Harl •• ad Mr 8. MphutinR Ihould join the 8.a'on .... lo "aff if thiogs become normel (Upial umfo k .. J. Sikiti nu konj. 1)

The BAntu. Dr.uuatlc Society PRE8ENTh

"The Cheerful Knave" A Comedy in 3 parte-by K~ble HO'll"ard

A1' TIfII:

Ban.tu. :IVIeD'"s Social Cen.tre



vvednesd.:ay,. DeC6.:nber :1.2. :1.934. .t 11.30 p.m.

A.DMISSION: Re.erved .eab 2 /· . Caller,. 1 6.

80011:;"8' Banta Spor&. Club-Phone (1;;09 Q,,,t, Bantu MeD', Soeial ~ntl"e-Phc~ 33-\110.


The Pia,. will be followed by a Daoee.

I \

'OVALT][NIE' l "Or.1ldne··ilnn;lndi en,bonyen!. \"inhie impel:>. kubo bonke nll,oba nodOlel .. b"ll ylnhJe k .. kulu eku· qiniuni umlimb ... I .. O,-altine" yen.

dwe nAobi~i 0lUISh3, n .. n1l; .. m .. qJ.nd .... nl_ al!h .. nant .. m .. bel~. Izw31.;ala If"'n:l noswldL emlon)'en! fUI\ ipuUka kahle I q I n I s e .. m .. dod .. b .. bnlfJ.l:lna nezin. ianI'.

llombl,. • .... ,1010 .. llln' leU iMP. uO! hll"ll.iko l<l ... h I ••• O •• lIIno. '. .. .. kona Ip .. llano ~.'n'nl .lIll"'$b.l • .... 1 ... k .... ~""' .. o kanjul I ··0 ... 1 ........ T .... IdD.b~ I ........... 1 .. ' •.

" O"alline" ke senn Ie monate. E molcmn ho bohle ho etl'nl1; hore h", 5e l'm .. l<a!so ha Itnlt .. ka Ii buo .. k;, ~n .. moo h o h .. lleh""Q m .... tla. .. O.-..ll1nc. ,. ~ entSDe

",. lebue Ie lecha. m..... .. macha Ie 'mela. I:: mon.:ate Jo"lo".. Chokol ... ta ·me Ie hona I' bonolo ho e etsa hore leno.e &elle seo e rato;l.nt ke b .. nna b .. baholo, b .. roet.ana ba nonDena Ie b:ln.:a.

~::: __ ::~::::::::~_:::::::U:M:T~g:T~&:L:'~W::A~B:'~N~T~O~.:I:O:B:':N~NI~E:,"~B~U~R~O~'~I'~T~'~)I~~O:E~'M~B~E:R~'~l.~~~.~~:==-~~~~~~~.~. :- not till' Clld~r "l.(~tor in hflPllint .. , If E B kl

It Wf'(O, lilfll evaryoDe who bad zase ar y Ead RELIGION AND SERVICE

SOCIAL mtHwy wouhl 1..11 h" I'PY aud OV6!yOLo6 without it would be unhappy; bul Nor)W""OMA tb ... r., I/ore 10 man y wealthy people S1K E f who are uuba,'p, and 10 maoy p~ot .~ \lOUD. IImfitol.lel r /{J\'uIM

" ehho iJitWt! hbokeka ki.kulu. people who are cheerful , that runney, Jogqeie YODa 1011.0110 ilia 'pr. kud however Important or daairable, i, .,eikabinamiul ""a ,Iklle Dg.yO Dot tho detormlnlog oaUl6. It would hlanSII, 1010.110 nunl. )i1Iiq~,~. be fell y to Ipeak 1H8btiogly of N hi 3 k . Leal~h. No oneroaJlleawbat a bJeu- gom II W6 Wtpellle)o 'ille •• , I buk&la umdlalo WtntUletylO oLI> V,,'-CONDOCTED BY REV. RAY E. PHILLIPS I


ns health i. until one baB loet it; kat. i kwabebala bue.H. ddy l<,~~ll J 39) then ooe It .. to devote time aDd bfJong!lne nabale lAdy Orl:Y (M) bl!­(mer~y aod money to roooveriog it, baJa, I Barkly Ellllt nglmdJIOJ!J "'II Anyooe who iloarels .. of hie health lenuc iqubllill. plmLiJi r.jlllhrui:.i i •• traitor j booauee one'e 08efulne83, imidaka yona ayiva n(nhl H, •. one'. oapacity to do good in the Ngomhla "., 31 Octobtr u Nk<.u. world, i. ulually eeriouely leBiened E. C Ndlela ube Iwmbllie imlvl yo. by poor health . Y.,t even health ie kuzalwa kwake "flna i plirty . Abantu oot the .,inc qua T on, People witbout bampe amab'no bevoy1eanli llay6 it think tbey would be perfeot!y ukuba eyllumene lom/ni. B\ WIT.LtAM LYO:-l l'HELPS

LUUPIIUlI ProfeoU(Jl' 01 Eoglieh Literature, Yale Uoiv-eraity

bappy if they were well. A man Amakoeikazl 0 MallJ'lIloaee Methodist wibb Ito toothaohe imaglnel that Churoh ake 110M guda e Calli. kwi everyone in the world without a

No matteor wlut may 1.)\) one's u ... tiooality, I('X, age, phlloaopby,

or r~lilliou , e'Teryuoe .. i.ll", tithtr t o become or to rem",io happy- H~Dce defioition' of happious ar" ioterut­iog Oue 01 the but wae glHU in 10\- ,('niur \"t-6r at e..,I!PBE> by PII~liJent Timothy ·Dwight -, Tbe IJaI.piult penon ie tbe perton wbo tLln\;.e tbe most iot-ereatinl!-" thoughU ."

Thil definition plleee happioell "here i~ belonga-witbin aod nQ~ witbout. The principle of hllppineu ahould be lili:e the principle of virtne; it lilouid net be depeadeDt OP thingl, but be a part of penoDality_ Suppose vou went to a mem~r of a Legil­iature, and offered bim 6ve hundred pouods to vote for a otlltain bill. Huppole he kicked JOu out 01 bis office. Doel that prove he i, 'firtuoue1 No ; it pro vee you oan'~ buy him for fin buodred_ Supppae you "lint to the Bame man a month later Ind offered him a million poundll-that i., instead of making him a p.elent, YIlU make bim and hil IImil! independent tor life , for the best thing lbout having 1D0Dey ie tlu,t if you have It, you don' t have to think about it. Suppose, after listeniog to thie offer, he IIhould he~itate . That would !DUO he wal already damoed. He il not only not virtuooe, be koo"l nothing Ibout virtue_ Why t Becao,e hil virtue i~ dependent not 00 aDy interior Itandard, bot on the .he of the temptation. If the temptation il Ilight, he cao reaist : if alloring bie 80ul ;a io dlnger. Suoh .... irtue i8 likt' being brave wben there ie no dSD!!er, generoua "hen you bav:e nothin[l to give, cb~f:lrful when all IS

well_ JHllite "hen you are coorteouBly treated .

Fortunately there are in every Ll1'gialature eome men who have no price. who arl! ue."er for eale, who look upon all bribee with equal ecoro- aod tbeee Ire the virtuolla mt'o. After tbe Bama ordtr, tbl'fe are boye who are just &11 s.fe in Parillo as in Biogbemton ; juet " lale at tbree o'clook in tbe morning 18 at three o'clock in th .. afternoon j ju~t a~ safe with e'fil companiolls as with @ood companionl. Wby 1 Bec~uee these boys do not allow place, tIme, and people. to determine their con­docl , tbev attend to thllt matter tbemselvee_ Their eturiarda Ire within.

So far al it IS ponlble-it ii not alwaya pOlsibJe-bappiot .. Ihould be like virtue. It .bould be kt'pt or Joat, Dot by e:s:terior circum-

lpinda kabini impilo ye Shn­

zi lI:ako.

E lelefataa 00· phelo ba liahuae

tta hao habeli.

etancee, but by an iooer Itandard 01 toothaohe II hippy-but i~ ie not eo. Kangela kumhlati ongapambili life. ret .ome read ~u of thil page There are healthy people who 8r61===========;";==== will loee their happi.oell hefore nn.~ f oot happy; and there ar e inVilida .suoday, though I hO(M'they reCo\er whOle faen, ey~., aed convenatico it . But why 10le it, even for a S8&.Oll ( I renal an inoer .ouroe of b.ppioua There are people who ca rry thdr that ellablu them to triumph O'i'U happinen as a foolilh woman caHin bod ily iUI . 1 hey have overuc-me tbe a pune of money ill her haod wbile world, tbe f1t'1h, aod the devil.

University J. c . Coune may be oompleted


walking 0.0 a crowded thoroU8hfare_1 (To ' be cOllhllued). Girl. who have paaaed Staodard VII The lint man who is quick WIth hie fioger., nimble with hi, fe e t , and Ngqungqutela. Abuya epete indaba Apply to :-uotrammelled by oonecieuce, can and uimnaodi. Umaoy.oo Iwamadoda The Principal, will take the pune away, and dil· apa Dolwentombl eekomzuzu luqa appear wjth it. He will have "par- liwe. Lento yeocoZlleh kakolo kuba Inanda Seminary, ated the woman and her mooey . uimallyano hde ziRle, n80ko zimile PboeDI·x, Natal. Now, if ooe'l happinul il like that, llqi .

ao exterior thing, dependent 00 an ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: enemy'a volition, on a chaDce dil-alter, on an ill "ind, on anyone of a thoueand accidaoh to whioh we are h

aU e:s:poeed-then happioe .. can be Umfisi ka Chamberlal·n 101t.

All of U8 have ellemiu_ 1 regard myeelf al OD 'he whole an amiable penoo, and yet there are a conlider· aole number of people, who, when tbey hear of my deatb, "ill feel relieved. I care ae little about that flot nowae I .hall then, 1 do not intend to let other people, upecially thOle who do not like me anyhow, determine whether I shan have jX'ae8 of mind or not. If Bome one report. to you a malieioue word that lome. ooe I'lile hal .aid of you , aDd in COD­eeqoence of thlt, yoo become un­happy, you have allowed another peraon to hold the key of your beart, to lettle "hether you shill he happy or not. I inli&t that you ought. to determine that queltieo for youltelf, Instead of being angry or diltreurd "hen people hate you , suppole you regald it al amueing j for if you are honeatly trylog to do your beat, Ind incur hatred for your painl, there Ie Ibout euch a aituation something funoy. If you can appreciate the bumour of it, you a.re free.

It is impoBlIble for aoyone to feel every momeot exuberantly hiPPY : to feel, on rising froll! bed every moroing, like a young dog relea.ed from a chain. If you felt that way chronicilly, you would become an intolerable lluisance; you would get on e\'erybodY'1 nerVi'll. But I am certain that with tbe correct philo­aophy, it is poesible to have wlthio one'a perlonality lourcea of bappioen that cannot permanently be deltroyed. You will have daya aDd nightl of a.Dguilh , caueed by iIl-healtb, or "orry, or lOIIeI, or the death of frienda; but yoo will not rtmlin ill the Slough of neapond; you will riae above depreaaion and dieaater, be· caMe yon will have witbin your mind the inviDoible happioe81 that OOUlee from thioklng intereatiDg thought..

If the happieat penon is the pereo,," who thioke the moat interelting thoughtl, then the mind il more important than either of thoee tremendoua bleseings, wealth and health . I never indulge in slighting remarks about money, because if I did , I ehould be a hypocrite. Money is a blf:luing; I should be glad to distribute a large sum to every Ooe 01 my readen, of couree reeefving tile ueual oommission. But mo~ey Ie

ukntya k"aye na ngokohlwa ndingo­n.abi. Ekohambeni kwe:s:uha andi· blnga oako ukooyamezela intlungu elia"ini ezi1lllOezayo. Ndaya ko Maqetuka owandinika imicbiu yokn blaor;a eyahho ya qobela iliau pambili. Nda ndi ngaaaqoodi eyonanto emandi­yenze, ek"atl kobo butuba umlingani wam owaye nlmava amakolu nge mipitikezo yabamhlope, wandicebila ngelooa yeza awaye qooda okokoba Ii noku cb aoa leilo 8eikwafana Delli)

o.wayeke wakata zwa ai60. Watumela klloovenkile efuna imbodlela ye Cbamberlainl Colio and Diarrhoea Rlmf:ldy. Ngoku eendipete imbodlela yeaibini aendizlva ndifaoele okuaebe­nza , ndikuteoda Dokutya kwanjeoga_ pamhili ndil.la kakuhle oangokublwa.

we 1;; 'U u .. ::' •

"Be okl w .. kata_ z.a llailO nat" 90'1110 o Sondoda 01.kuxelela ngeoti1lDg1l e:&ihlabayo zipll1daoeyo awaye na­

". " I.nyaraga r;ibeliqe_

la ililo .am liDlandi pomozi ainga aebeD$i ok.aba nglUlobaogel" .okuba Ddi nga btand;

Ngonje ee kUDgati odiya pupa okokuba ndeke ndakatszwa si~i80."

KllZO zODke inkataze zeli,u, k"abad.la Debdo. DCloaoe, oikela itamo Ie Chamberlaius Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy eoga­funy~owa nakuyipioa i 'i'enkJle okanye ikemiei.


• •

Imanyano Ye Titsbala

Amatshatsbi e Alvani

(LI \" '(;It:t'"'I U LASB O I.,l I LI.)

SH'UHSANA kl.kulu ne Tihhala ulspa lel.;kolo lI:onke ngclinge

lol..uvulIA umanyano Iwaba hfa Titahal • . Ngapambili beeelude Iwa­qokeka. ngoku kumi,wlII pant,; kwe phlk:l iwe C.A.T.A. kakadll ; DIUtli ikomiti yalo : Aba Mou. B. W. Mcnyugwa (Ilmhlalipamuili) ; 8. W. Lipbuko, G. S. Mtombeni. K. D. Njemela, A. P. P. Sidlumo (onobhala), Arouol! .• Tlale, A. Mvambo no I. ~tlabati.

KntBba Dje ama T,hahhi (St. Peter 'e) pante; kompati '11'110'11'0 u Muu. W. B. Munyangwa, bebenengl:ikel, ,ekeouti, ebiququzelel •• og.manin. alaw\"ab& injongo ibikokohlangabua indleko .tobteng_ inhimbl, yec.wa. LckoD9ati iziuy",w. ngokub.ko tali.

banda DOIibcndaka:t.i be Dolopu k ... oo Dr. Lnke oli$rola leliblndla k.aba· mhlope nomfuodiei •• letyaUk" u Mlu. Shepherd, u Mnu. M.tthewlOn umele i Juint Oounoil. Ingoma inikelwa Jlgaba: AmaDina Dt'kw.y.la yeeaw. (Amat.batahiJ zipetwe IlgoMnn. W. B. lIeID),ang".; i Merly.Makeu ne Blaokmau Chori.ten ipetwe ogo Moo. J. OlipbaDt. Bauho k ... it. kungcme im.1i em.lung. De £5.

Obekekileyo oka H.veDp, nodye. bo .omdibanito (JiIiDietu of Finance)

uke WCUItlo umtti wl'nkaw u J"Reai.i · t.hlli kuteh. 0) (' , uttto oakubant.u a baotaundu abaninzi. Hll t-iuga oko­kuba yiutiangaoilo yake yokuy,ala iOjl;uye nabantluud u.

Kwielbikahika eembito kw," Duh· tole yokwamkela ialbonua uelihooda· k.d, Connoillor D. ~ . P. Aokermann u. Ramoaa, no Nkolk. Aok.rmaun u. Mamoll, ne 'fabalimani entaba ye Loki.hi oka Van Ul'f Walt u·Soma­hlwempu, ngalomini kw.mkel",e ne Kapteoi eotaba Ylma polin oka Lo.in, boDke batete klkuble . Kutete na ba kwababeko : Hudman Sejake, Mnu. Canoo owe Nltive Cbild Wei· fare SO(' iety, Dr. Luke o."i T.balmani Joint Council, De Nkulu Ylma Rlnna, u Monlignor Demont, oe mlut.yi ellkutu .. Ukw.yit.;weyi" u Vln der Walt, 00 Oilirayi, oka Lening uno lokubi. YayiDgurnnto pt'tU komnlu ont!undo ogllomiui , aliebaJa tWloa· bamblope. kuenla Ik",.y.I. tetikolo za tape. . U Memo.... ueibondakui, ugidwe ogumt.i ollhundu Dgeodya. tyambo, ezinikelwe yint.auol enci· nci yo Mnll . O. S. Kotaoi, u Limlkatto.


I CHAMBERLAIN'S Congh Remedy ikubeta eotJoko okok,lIqhweth.

eOlqaleni kuaoloko I>ukho usa yiva iDtUtuulo ylyO, ukuwli!a n.mlodla ukopilisa kwa oko. Akukbo kuqa. ehisa kU10-Ako.kho nam.lIo~a. Uku· be. uthabathe i Cb.mberllin I Congh Remedy uhrenzela okhoblelo uyaku. Itwui ukubaluy. kUPfla k,,,,, oko. I Chamberlain'. Cough RemedJ ikhulul. etinkohloukoblweni i.isuodnr:e mli. uya. Iteogi ... a %i'1o lcoke i knw.i De Vflnkile.

Intlanganiso Ye Titshala Zase Karroo

( f\ U II M UII~ l.I!Lf WA"J> 1 1 . 01/

I'IJ 'JXBALA t.a~e Karroo lIihhwgn., apa tlll[))\\.IJ\l1U1 z",b\.l.uku bolwui

Hlanu . IC'ihlalweni zODgaDye)"" e ngu Mllu. G. Magawu. PakaU kwenta· pane yuniehnbi kubtoko nale ; Jnd.be ,e pen.bini yetit,blla u;iot.undu ; atuko migllqo iyllO eml.elwe ogu Rulumente kwitit,bala. Pofu lomei· mbl aW\I:lol.wlnga ngokuviaekayo. Ngompopofho opume ku MOil. G. Peter kugullyazi8we une-bhala ukobl alpbe incwadi eyakwi Syetem Manager ye R.ilway. ieelwe uknbl kWI.Ir..i .. e i • eeond dan wlitiog roc.m ub.otu ablnhuvdu. 1m ali yombuto da.we ugu noodyebo (Nkolk.) F. J. mawane) e Blnkeni kohbl nje ibe yi 1:20. I Legll Defu('e Fund noko ineojoogo etipblkamileyo oje ngati .yinlml· ndla kwelleala.

Eli.eleyo itltebala tizonwabila nge draft, kU'lea, IIgo Mggibelo. Yazi­balola 11 po ioto .ka Bul~m buelaDdelwa ogu lIibonda leloklahi, u Moo. N. Nguoa. K",ibll. Ie teoete izikora t.ibengolubl~bo: Dlula no Williaml boyila 0 Bulembu 00 Bokwe 6-0; 6-2· 4-6. D1uh~ 00 Arrin boyi .. n Nguna DO Bleblli G 1; 6-4.

Sivuyi.loa no Nkou. Menre~n

Ndilikui iDtcmbi yo Mon. 00 Nko ••. J. C. K. Dlula ogokugqiba uoy.ka ngalo Mgqibelo iko elin·elli. Imnla· ninanga dpllele kuleveki. Ulotlba luyekoebltl ieaw. e Jlo.ellville kwi eikumbu7.O I. ml·Rabe 0 Mlu. J. N. Tnl •• D.. BasapilUe Ibl NllmzlDI Ma.tolengwe DO Kambela emlsqe!. Illpa.



Umtsbato e Kaladokwe

(Z\,. I V AIWL f UL!


NUOllBLA Wt 14 l\ovtmt.er .... a xakobi Oogewele u Mill. J. A.

C.latl t1bope u Moo. Koo. Sliwan. no J!:r.nily PI.tjia oge qloalomtlbato; bepelekwe DgU Mou. J. Meaoyanpa wodomo lwe Spring Roee DO Nkou.. Kate Price. Kwa ogalomini Amlko· lika:r.i R. Pokomell, M. Calata DO J\cob. benD i :tu enkolu klku)n enga qelebngl k welllwlOliWI bie.na neqela elitehl ek.akuko lama kouzlOa D. SHuba, M. Nt,iko, M. N'1imlode lIall manene Mlu. J. B. M'Vambo, A . Pokomela, Jlcoba, N. Sitell. C. T.bomell, C. Mdyelba lIabanye, o@a· pambi kokubl ipume k.ake kwako

nomJiko. Nge Cawa 18 November kwindlu

ye C •• a kwa LWlna k"ldiblna kona impi ye Tempile lleua inh;to main. nga nentHlo lib. iYlt.8b.balll~.

kunoba ipili.e kwi1iteti kWlkd:o n,a.ba mhlope: MDU. Van HeerdeD lie Nkosk. Die. KaDgolizi okovah .. liBa IIka.weleb kub Sarab Mke, ongewltywe nge Cawa. Kuln~oyo

okobeua ngomti u Mno. Mvambo ne .. ohapo ezokutata impilo Dj~Dgokub. impilo ye nkoaikazi yake ogati inb· lIenkeoe. No Nko.k. NCtlme .a.e Somaaeti uko apa, Dlatyelele elraY~Di like k"a MDD. Notabul .. alll. I.e week fODd u Mno. Nohbuhraoa. RamDewane walHl Bhai nyicbitele IFL U )lnu. )f'Zuzo WeD'le umbooi!() omhle ngokn qab. i'hiahini loko.~_

ngiea iokulli ote .atenga i IOrlfle-­l!ebeOU ogayo.


ludlu Eukulu Yomutla \

abaogaba b()o"h kulomlelltnu 1I. vu:: t· h!"a ukuba b .. tuDJel" I .. log(JI,.;to..l" kooobbaia uDlkolu oyak uti ak.uubbal.

(Noll Yn'.un WAn BISDOLOPU.) a~itumele e kbapa. I&iblobo 7.:etu

UNDLU Nkalo womotla wama 7.:lyaoetylewa uKoba ikomiti.yok.ujoDga Templle uyakuba leuy' apa ababooeh Dokoba bhala aylAyl kovo.

ukulokela Dgombla we 13 kuye kowe mela moto azoze inxuo oeDdawo 16 to De.temba. lodweDdwe aoob yohbo~uma de kobeko o~ooqiDa liyaeelwa okoba s.i6kelele sonb bokobt..logoloJh.aU.crowo) oYltoDlele ogobuaoko bugol.flli Ne, 13 Decem. koogeoJalo uylpete. her, kuba emva koloaoko akoyoballo S::wioyaoga ka September kubo· baoto baya kotooyel.a e atilbioi hbwe ngtqinalomtehato 0 Mllu. A. B. okaya kupatuma iodwend"e. Ul",a· Ma,oka, io~qooyela yetiubala nee St. moktlO Iweadweodwe loya Ir.ubl.ko Aodrew'l Eooye 00 Nkon G,trode .ogombla we 13 ogotubl.a. Abaotu Ntunto ."booga obe ogomnye waba-


Q.b b ho r"thume't..a rlt>aJU U ·tC IU'['I)I) b Clelll a clw:~

cmp;i cKng a bcw.,;.

E"", ho UhIda mc"i a I:a ket· Id~ a lM:11. Ebc u a uheb ItI

phu.no plI..antn@"catee.

T.holla rmHi ma a Ita pll~en~. ElM: u nb khat. ea lee u e lIane tee komik~ ell,lOC Ie engoe u

halLm& ho e Chao

Ebco u t1obf,l:I pll>&na C ana mel' toIM)ZIla C mdllaDO. Ka moraho, uheLa lee d,komikinll u ckclsc

k.a Icbcsc Ie iulwi.

Tekan)o ea bone l- lb. lekofela.

Ke lsela e chipileng. E else ka

tIokomelo, joaleka ba ditaelo

di u bolella. Enoa kopi elengoe

Ie ha ekaba hang hoseng hape

hang ka merili.

netd ll l 1.1I"i lhtbodilt higber million Icbool.

U Mou Aile J. L. N~ombella uyoku bhalt. imviwo n.ke e Alvani. U Mnn. Dlepu udlule apa nge maile y.ogo Mvulo, 19 November, evela e Rantioi "yiodlel. 10luuinga" TlOmo. Sike labooa aba NQm~. Sq.u Gama Mtombeol, Ntungo no A. MVelau, olma Kon. Z. Y. Oeilitlbaoe no Si.' Lillie, belapa DP moto. Ama ReveJlerl odumo kwue Dgoma ake aoe konaati ogombla we 16 kn Novem· bu. lte yapoxwa Ibolo. At..fana batimi"ele ukohb.be oomjiblo aba-

wenuyo ogo Dee,mba. Imidlalo ili le apa tuple cu i nh'oe­

tya oakont. i club ye Perteven t ee elabambileyo. Ngati oka Kulati 0

WMhingtoo yena (ongomaye we tit,bala UM St . Aodrew '.) uke wl:ee qomru ooka Ntombella u Mac all6-adawo ,okuvo.elelaiqakamba. Ink.lo abaoqatyelwe:dw UWl okal"ana Dje; kuyacaea ukoha oab.dlali at-Yi kub.ko. •

Im"f'nla iyaoa apa e Rautiui, .ku ..... peli veti iogaa.Dg&, konjalo DJ • ItIDiati igalel.a ogefatyL









Tee e molemo ho oena ha u

khalhelse kapa u n) oriloe. E

monale hape e ho elsa hore u

ikulloe u Ie malla hape u lhabile

mosebelsing oa hau.

"" ho e molelllO oena

r.~TSITSO J.l KE ",-OP A:\ O EA C EYLO ' TEE p 0 BOX I , 6 ! CAP E TOW N

C o. "E'. ·~ ' ·1"." .• ·.,' 1'1-.:": ,vce~.\. I COCPO.~::;j) TSilAYA I OFFl E~ ..... '" ... .... ... ~


Weozakele u Mou. Xabaoisa

Ulwamkelo Luka T sbawe Sandile (NGU QALAZIVE WASE BRAl .)

KUNGOSIZI e. ibika kulemihllti iogozi eyehlele u Moo. Partrick

T. Xabapiu., w&le Mgcwe e Dutyw •• olilungo elipambili Ie Hhung.l. Pelhl k"e Neiba. Lengozi imehlela epnm. ety.likeoi y.m. Methodiat. e M.kha· leoi e Konteo n80buauku be Caw. ye 1& November, ebe6lr.e e Bbli og.lo­nts ... ngokoputuma ilalam.oe lake eailap. eeigolayo. Xabef.lile beliqe­Ja, umnto olr.wupi kuye ingu Nkon. Ma,oli OIebenu .pa wue Tr.olkei. bagll .. e yimoto komoyam. ebonko evele ogemva kwabo. Salr.obe .im· booile e bo.pitili . u Mnu. Xabanil. uyichaUl ngokw.ke into emebleleyo, ebonair.ala ukuba Dleziotlungwioi ed­nkolo koba k •• poke imbhlmbho ezi.mbioi. kwical. lue koblo, ubu&O bake burhuzukile waoodum. ekhou, kodw. yaeinda imile0 7e neng.lo ne uodla. U Nkoe:r.. M.yoei oangonl _Geod •• o yoko ngabi moaodi, yeo. akalalanga boeipitiJi uyah.mba-b.· mba.

Nge ea". ye 18 November u Tabawe Velile Arcbie Sindile, wlma Ngqib., inkoozo uyiogene ety.likeni ,.ae Topiya ekat8h"e ogamapakati A. Pendll, J , Ngion.. E. Ngeei, J. N. Kate no D. NgIOVU. inkoo'tO ipatwe ogablfuodiei K. Ngxhw.o •• akon •• 00 S. O ... e W&118 Tahetlhi e Korlteo ,.yinkonzo endi1eke lunene ekote emva kwayo iokoogozelo ebeyi £5 6 Ylpi ... i Nk08i. MII.ng. kwalomioi eclleoi Ie 06ai yaee New Bri8bton. kohl.ngeoe indimbane yabantu aba· koma 300 ogolr.uza k.aziawl ku· mh lehzi a.edile . Ieihlalo eit.d"e DgU Moo. Pendtl emblekazi epahl"e Dgamlpe.bti .liqela Ike al.pa. Uaiblalo ute u Chief Saodile yeyooa Nkoli epezulu J,;weziku Moeoo we Nclb., kUlimbheko enkulu, ukuha· ojel". komtl w •• e Bbai uguye olele­tupel. kwake k.indlu y.k.a Sandile. Umhlekui uzekufunda imuko ah.hleli p.ntai kwayo lhemi bake a Bbai. J,;waye kuylmfaoelo ,alontlloganieo ukubooiaa umbulelo .IYo eokoeini u8010tyele10 . Lmali ingeoe em va koko k .. ati kuval... kwalekoko i HI. Ngol.eei Bini Iwe 20 November kwi.. i1.like fUll Tiyopiya. kubeko iogd. kela yomamnkelo we Xkoai Ie. apo ko.e luteto eband k.i%itbetbi uingo Klu. K. K. Ne"an •• P. J. Nikiwe. A. Pend la, E . Ngeli no Mlu. K . NgIhwloa . Kut.bolon!1 ikwayala ezintatu zo HoD. J . B. M.rw.oq • . Nkoak. T. Mlti no Cetu. ownkugqibe. 11 •• 1,00i .. umg.ogato opakamileyo

... kuvomi.eui oola ulo twe !.;w.ya'. 1ake. Obonge u Mble kazi n loge· n.yo ibe ogu Mou . W. B. Mq.yi . UOY.OI we Mbongi Yeeizwe. w.tlho J,;,walumel . lomflnl kuba umvuodl. u tek' iudlela. bale zone imbombo 10tYIUke, iluowambu kupela IWlbemi b ale Bbal . .. binqa emifotthloe ama Nina ale TopiYI nglmaloogiaelelo e zipuogo . iodibaoo y.puml ekuw oi kwenziwe \.12. 2. 11 . Umblekui uaazakuh.mbtla e Konten nile T i.na,. pambi kokuha a~odoke .

KUDgoIlti okob.ka kolemihl.ti uko· bbobh. kugl Sljini M.lobe .... " K ont.eo op I . Novemb.r em va ko· k Olol. itoba elide. DmB 10 ubeugu. md lali opambili 1II'e Fur Not C C. ...... a oe Cn~n R. 1:'. C. ,odomo I"&le Bbai . e tehltabele knlt midl.lo yoml. biDi. Ukulono! .. ukoubiltka kw.ke

:H::lIlI.A. TI N G.s PO WDE R


lI:ubadlali, idl.k. lake nge Caw. ye 18 November Iikokelwe ngab&dlali beodidi :tonke .bantu efihh'eni ba­nglml 260. 8ivellol DO Mnn. Abraham Giy. "UtI NeW' Brighton ogoku.weleka kooyana .ake u Sh&draeb Girl kwiboepitili y .. e Bhai nge IS November ko&uI fDl"'. koku­gula ituba elide, U MOll. P.C . g".lrtz ..... New Brighton ulumene Deiogo

olumni •• ngokubhubha liodlde .... bo e Bloemfontflio. oogu Nkollk. Betty Boiburo, oge 1::; r{o\""80lber

em .... kokugoll itoba elilut,b.a0l'l. Sivelaol no Moo. Robert D. Qalinge .alll* ngombiko wokulweld •• 100'

dade "'abo oogu Ameli. Qalloill e Zeleni "wee .. e Qonce lIge 13 No,-e· mbar, emvakokugula. ioyaoga ni. mbiDi. Ulioge kooa u Mou. Qalioge nge Cawa ye 26 Novembtr nknyakn. beb ili~ye. ~imte tehe e New Brighton u Nkolll: (MluJ J. N. Tullno. (Tinara) ehambele u Nkoll Velile Sandile oge 22 Novumhtr. Ngobukho bo Mhlekat.i Archie V. SandHe, Q Mnu. W. B. Mqayi wale Tinara uhele Bhai iqela lunhuku ngokozakubona u Mhlekazi. Sifuya nkupaula ukub. u Mnu. ChiliI'I Maok.zana •• ae Koraten udibloi .. omzi oogama Mfeogu ebhnoga ogoko. tunywa e Qooce kWlotlanganilo, blnzi 1am. Alfeogu enge 18 December OU, yo. U Nune JOlha W.II Rioi oee. holideoi, ug.leleke I Bb.i nge 16

November •• cit. iqela lentJ>oku kwa Nkolk. Loui.. MII.II:la e Ko rlten. Biny. okwniu. ukoba u Nkoek. Marg.ret Mak.yi •• Iapa upume tbe'l' pitHi oge ~ November tpllile akuhe el.po iveki niotatu. ~goknfa kWfI an.vntile yab.atw.n. L.m. Wuile .pa aebeluke baogdi aL.llt"'l ... a ba. dokedama ukudaol ngokuluoyuhu kwabo kwinto ebitlodw" ug.ho o.ba. ull blbo banlo. Nge 19 oe 20 November, u Chid lo.ptctc.r Welih • w •• e Kap. ubevav.ny. u Sid, \[ kwiaikolo .Ue New Brighton. unlell e Koraten .po .q.le kon. U Nko8l. L. Y.bo W.tII Komll,li oogum.ebtc.zi apl. liyuya ukobooa t <'b.ch. k.-i· mpilo ebimk.tlU Ol"'''eluoa ogol,;u. U Moo. C. D. Bhik. we Woodtrfol Pour SiogiogCo .• )' Iee Ehai o~.leltkf' kwepelilf'Yo ukuvtla kwi trip yalte yelue T~nakei nue NOlIII.

• Iqela Laba V umi

UMBLA _ e S NovemboPr I"ulokule ulib.leke ningqcvd1ff ni ubtmi

balapa e Dougl .. 'Imato /·ne mltatu e Bona Compaoy avel. e Bhli Ib.mba evum. ng.ba Nomz. /:) i1l< i'a, Mrwebi 00 Jacobi. Baoike io@em. e7imyoli kalondlu yaae St . AI .. rtiu ·l , iudlu izele imi ogembhambbo, e~uhl.lwt-oi

kungu M vaogeJi B. T.h , U b.D • . Alibo ngengoml n ioe DC ... . Latlho [email protected]. z.i .polileyo. b.ti t>.kutaho ime 0]l801.wO yooke indlu h.DJ:ibe illft le t.eoylmikni bekuJule k uoza iud l • . mo ogok"lkwa Zulu .

Sui ql1iwe ir:indlu e Br1p •• ' SCI

lokilhi entab. into e_i. lm.og. ziacj. n.De zI,.i 10 I 10 akuD jel' llo i;;o k.l k u vUDyel.,eoe okub. z,y. kuba yl 30 s: 15 ." .. ike og.ti olui uYlririu .

Ikwa1.1. ,.e c ... e ywe St . Ma rti o ·. 1i10kwenu ikon •• ti e Salt Lake.

....... e. ~ ... 4a. t-ht&..,.... , .... . t..kokuaba. 11 mb 0. .....

t.lIlt ,

, ..... llriIui. It...-m ..-a au k.".Ja.

Abutiwe amadodl e Filb B otk em.diLlteni ogt m.li 1entl l ko I m. 33 booke blgwet1el"e i U yeot-aka . l mk ile Impi nkuy. I!:we]()mb()u a e Traa.nl t baht.a 1 ilori Abllulmz. Y . P beete DO K , Pbeete balah~ lUUCI .

I MOU .ok .... k. ilokiahi tollbl . U .Mull S. M. Tehu.i b.oa abuye emit. btnzini .WIU 1~l.i . C Nkol.l.;. W&m.Iwld e ~chullCl K.ma uti..-e gqume o~amehlo.

I Rioi Neoto Zalo

(Nou K };l'SHE)

ITE klnti i H ome Improvement Uoity Club y.m.oenebzi ilHlko .

Ngolweai Tatll beklloyulw •• mlgon ,mateba .Iombuto. Nkoek. P . N . Moy.ke (pre.ideot) , Nkon. M. Doti (vice preaident), Nlloez. W. Malg.1 (eecretary), Nkolk. A. Xabana (trua · urer).

I B.oto Sooial Clob ral.pa ilahlekelwe kukuabiy ... a ngu ~of.

Bugh. wate Rhodea oblmbe imeyile ,aogol.eli HllDu okuein~a e K.pI eyindlela eeiug. e Montreal. Canad •. 1 club Ie uyellzele i.ipho ee grlmo· pboue ntqela Ie record ne IibrifY.

U Mllu. L. J. NgclogC6 one holide ye'l'eki nimbioi. 1 Kaneele icemaog. okutengiea yooke imi blaba eae ty.· Itni ngo December 10. Ngoko wooke omntu .lIe Rioi oJ. pa 13ok.eo),e

babokeli libooe ukoti umdlalo ota. b.te uny.wo. Ubemble kakul.:. umdlalo ohouilwe ogamaneoekl:ti kwi .iogln %awo. Kwati kwakolika kweza maoeoe zaoim. ioqa". k.a tyomk. oeoIumhey.. Umdl.lo uy .. kugqityelw. kWe:layo, iDikelwe indete. Dwale .,eki omi ngolohlobo:-

Ng.ziki-ldoyake (meD·.) belt Baninzi-S. ,M.z.,ai 8- 3 ; Teotaobt­Mleo:tana (mi:nd) be.t. Nkoeiokulu­lIhbtmla i-4; G. M.tw.i (meo'l) beat S. linwli 6---0; lfahbik,_e (lldiu, btat H. Sodl.dll 6_6'

Tlotaobe-Mnw.i ( men'e) be.t

Tyamulhe and Foley 6-5, MO)'lke (men'l) beat eewu 8-3 ; SidlJ,i (lid it.} beat Dotl 7-4; Maz"ai-Mltehikwt (mixed) be.t Tyamulhe-Sodlldl. 6-6; T.ohobt-lflenZio. (miJ:ld) 10lt to Cewu-Doti l ...!. l Oj MOYlkE­Sidlai (mi'l:fd) but TYlmza~be­

Sodladl. 11-0.

• indlwo m.tlbl.ule kunge ojllo oya Um?:i "'l8e Weeile e Dool oftnt til)

kul.hltk •• ogumhlaba Wlke. u!ebublongwioi Ogolr.Ulllllr.o Mou A.

Uuqutywa omo),ad,Ja we Mpalal.,oligoRa 1.11 00110 ngollu13glpil ir

Ty.mzube Teflnia Cup. Kubuye twa a~ate ogqirl yi nkatl'Zo yninho,

qubi"n8 i Baoto L .T.C. oaba Qe:-zi Slmn'1:~enelela ukob •• p.keme u

I,;wi court ye Bantu. Nlmbla tiD. J DI.mlol 10.

~---- -,




Li furnoMoo ko, rntbafa ~rt.

Pampiri tae 6 tal CroJ:ley Cembric Pld It eo. velope e Ie 'ogoe Ii k. f( tnt loa ho III o. 1.1 Id


Impilo onke

elungileyo k u w o amankazana

Yintonina ukatele,

ubutataka ugula? IM-PILO, rk , l -~elr.t· ·mll\3 U1.ll .. , .\l. .u n< nl,l .. chut.it;tka. ,(Wal l -

1.11.) I t. t'lllllp.U:









I n<l]", C\ , d ..... t ,uku 1.1

l \m~"l.:' 1 hlallya . fllJ. 1)1,1:0 Heinl Glandular Tablets .. , elll

g llmm,ml.:<tli"rl> km. , ,n e loll'. ,, ;.1

11<jmWl\" nge mmi n 1\ ', J, ("tou-t ,it,.]..: .! kang')lIgt,ku~. ,nl.· n kWi'nl. ukuba k ub<'k" uk,onwaba " .. yen!

L ~kO!''' Elu..abeth Heniricic.s W ,l-'\(' h .• I'~ rmll ,,<"<loa U1fi(il.ma :l'2 ub· hall l s.:n I m n ,kolune ny.m!;=- e lOt ~C1W .ue 'lit lave hse II_

1'1lwt'':l.1 ' n'" kakll.h '~\1\ L

otakuba d "il:it: nj{ In n , ~ 11 "J

i 1)r I i<, '.1 ;dulal Tal' .....

.1don""·al.:· iii: n apJ.1 I


nMWID 0".,,,,

Lomf .. nekito ui>-)nin intlobo f'zmi nzl zama Di l la. ilS('"lTu:imberu . Xa lama(l!..a 'n~lr.d " umntu uk3.t,uw.1 }'IITI I'I J" emh. kak ulu. [ I I[

' {eU\Z (.Jam U: ~I l .. b a 'x ,l:-l -Wt ... ll nol n(J ,Il. <lh01W ble ngC.,11 IJuY I' ''' am lbl ok kab,\ §t b lite

mpJI.: Ii wnmnmh, . un · cedQI kwna , . ~ ,:,~ mpilo .1,I.1L


Pi lsi ali 00 kuzo wnl .:k ~i. E..U Pilisa ze .(.we n , 8' LIT <' I

e ..- J yo lr>waye t:: :=ltmiio kll Dvang:t lQu·J.zo %aIDa nUl'UU.

- ...... :_~. ' ••• - •• ,' '_~'. L" .: .' ." ..... .,



Iziganeko Zakwa Gompo KWI~rLANGANISO ka November C. K , S.kwe oeotombi y.bo b.ae

Dotyw.~ bebelap. Die nq.ele ,e Bhele ~h, bne IIgam.lGUgil,lel o okw.· od"a Illtombi leyo. U Moo . S.muel KU1l:o Tntu .. al.p., obe.eoen.ha He Qi)oce, o,iodl.1i yodomo 1epi,.lOe IP' kwa Ndl.mbe. D.atotunlel. .b.uli b.ke. Ngobo.gku be 8 kgle· oYlog. u Dr. R. T , Bok",e oy.kub. lun.dweodwe I.e Gompo Soci.1 Club. 1l.Imhoto eoga,iw.yo e St. Phillip' , a.lI ; Itoogenw. oge Iheleni.

ye Joiot Council, .m.loo"u .. oS.­ml Yerepu abeng.m. 21,). am. Afrika .... binl (2) kopel.. U Mou. M. WIIIOo , ulihl.lo, waaiee .mlosun e N.tioo.1 Council of Womeo .na MakoJk. N,wm.o, W.ddell 00 \'. Q Le .. i, hithetbi ibeogu Nko.illui Newman, ocne iojongo u Na,iooal Council of Women ol(okuogakumbi kwilllkimbi eogom Afrika . kanlugO' tub .. i " Sob Committee " y.bo yeli­aeb" I.M Mooti ipbete icebo 10kut.llD. ",kotek, ilkolo. Loki.bioi IOllufundi •• am. Nlr.auoa .1lI Afrik. imilMlb,01i y.1I m.lth.ya. Le Komiti p.n'ai koqnqgulelo luk. Nknak, W.ddell .. yeu&eimigDdu yokuyiplod.leod •• o ,..fgmaoi.a okokuba i Selle I •• kw. Rulumeote .e Mfund., we Poodn I ... e Klpa Mletembieile ukuyihl .. ul. iti. hhal.llu,i eookuti iqNhelwe lom,e­beuli, lI"aba iod.wo yokufuodi·ela iyafum'lIeu, k •• kooa .be oombloli we .;kol0 uyawu:u,a umcam.ogo Iowo, Kod... hieelo .em.1i ku a.lomente maeibelleundlelli nile e Kapa pambl koltob. udlule umbla we I:; D~oember 10. Kuko itemb .. loltub. ind •• o yokoqob. lom,ebeozi iy.ku· lomanek. kwi I.khi.o eaele ~iq.liwe It! L1C.tioo a.11. Implilbl. yokufu. odi .. iy"ltufolw. yi Natioo.1 Couocil of Women kw.ltunye 01 kit,bi lokg· pekel.. Ikbllt.t.iw., yi Joiot Council lend.wo yaoyulel ... i Komiti yolluce. bi.ao. oe N.tion.1 Conncil of Women, ,.anal .. ma Afrik. ", .. kati B .. oums. S. S. SJfute 00 R H. Godlo b.nik.a am.ggoya okoog-"ll .m. Afrii.k.zi am.bioi koll) Komiti. Ngoku.in~ieele k.itioto ogeu'n oge L'JC .. tioo a.lI, kugqity.e yi .Joiot Council okoba kuyilwe i 8bodi y"balaoli (Bolrd 01

Coutrol) Abotu Meolo Zabo

Imbuto ,0 Dldl Ngo Mgqibelo ooglpay •• g Mog,

00 Nkoall. J. D.eoi bal .... "babne· kb .. ' .Y." (At ~~me) kwi "gard,n party ekumenywe 1I:gyo ir.ihlobo ogotnh.oli. K.mbe i:e u Dweoi yi. odod.oa eyni •• yo lIunene .p". oey.b. oguvuliodlela Inri .bi.hlni Ie "'&:I.i" pakati k •• ma Afrika. OIg· Ig'Jr.u k.enu1l:e okokgb. lodiballe oomhla ab.zimaoy. oga.o 0 Mou. 00 Nk0811. DWell! k.imio,.all. emibi· oi oamblaoje betlb.tile. Int.eto so­kg.ula umlebeozi )owo ouokobome· leza uokobayal. r.enziwe IIgu Dr. W. B, RoboNoa no Mnu. Allao Baoi. Omquqouleli .omaebeozi iOlO MOD. Joly NRoqO. lI.aoamakolikasi Mari. Toi.e, Eather Mny.ndo. Lydia Mandi. Plkati kWfqel. elili.holn I.butu k ... lIulr.o lIab.. Maltoek. B. W. B. R;ubo,alll. A. Bool, Diodio. Mqoqo, Xnbe, M. Nom.ogeti M.pikll •. &inholn, G. W. M. Rubo .. o., Mnu. 00 N1I;oak, J. S M.ltni . B. GgOCU, B.ouru. J, Gubevn. -J. M.ndleoi T. PIIOY.O., R. Ndukwan •• S. D. Soci.be. B.beb.oioti oahojalo .b.· role Im.lizo eoto ogfnto.


Ikansele ne Zindlu Zase Lokishini

INt;!; YliBALJ:LI WASil: QQsca)

KWINTLANOANISO ye J oint Couocil y.lapa ebibl.ogeoe Ole 14

November kubaojeuwe ... 1I:olg 010-meimbl .eziodlu nio"'ha f!ng.nmi. yo I K.o.ele ye dolopu uiutil.k .. i ceillog .. Am.luogu e K.olele abonile gkoba 1 ceiling iyakubaog. iod •• o yokusimel. t.itiolmbuuoe nUu­tabab. I.empilo, kwaye J:8 iog.ma. doki od'II'. pelulu ilindlo za'Jr.obet. omoya j ns.pezu kolto i ceilioS iy.­Il .. eoger-elel. iodleko ell •• 'Jr.iweol ize ireote ib •• iode abaohuodu. Abec.­la lab.ntlundo b.te b.fon, isiodlo nipuoullileyo kgh. oabo eebekuml\:a. IIgato .ok.asi oknzigcina itindlo :.abo zieocekile. k •• ye im.lao. ey .. koolnelelwa ngoltullkwa kwe ceiling ynb. yi 6d ogeo,aog. kupela. Bate i Kaoeele maytotl' ukgb. itindlo ezintaba libncmbiuoe wobuhle Jtggqlt,,", ollob. lIutgoyelwe it.i joli tokgtat. oe Kateele. KuxoJ:i.e 01-IIIomcilDbi we Nune oo .. eb.la Ie midl.alo: o.yo Ie ytoyultl.a i komiti yokobon.oa lie K.o,el,.

I CHAMBERLAIN'S Cough Remedy ikobeta rutloko okoli:uqbwttba

emq.leoi kUlOloko kukho oy. yiva iotutozelo y.yo, okotoliea n.m.nd. okapili .. kw. oko. Allukbo kuq.· .bi,. koyo-Akukhoo.m.liog •. Ollg· b.othabatb. i Ch,mberl.io '. Cougb Remrdy ok.eoula okboblelo uy.ku· kwui ukuba Iny. kupela li. ... oko. I Chamberlaiu'. Congh Remedy ikhglul. etiollohlooublweoi i&ieuoduse m.i­oy.. Itengie •• zizo 1001;;e i ltemiai os V8okile.


Ngomhla we 16 No.ember bokuko i koua .. ti e Welile .ye01i .. e Illikolo .. i .. a QoalOla. inj~nlO illuk ... ou i plonic Ylb.otw,n .. , Kuvome ikwa­y.l. ezi ntatu , eYlkw. Qongqot. p •• nwi kuk. Mou, G .. otlO. 'yak.a Ml.k .. l,k. paot.i kull. MDu. "timk., oeyak •• Matiog.la paohi li.llh Mnu. Sokopo. Et.idYODgO zontato zi .. uyo. Ii.ile DID .. benzi ogehiti zu.o noku­t.mb. kw.baot ... o.. P.k.,i 'Jr. •• baotu ab.ointi .bnim .. e lomltbensi aibooe .b. :-Ml0 . DO Nkn,lI . S D. W. Mqomo. Banums. S, R GROt,bo. M.X, Diogi ••• yo (Iiblaln). E T,bdo. O. Magobi.ne, B. Gq.li.e. KOllai, MI'Jr.OIZ M M.kek:e, Seya . Nltolk. A. TYlmzube.

hikolo ... e Bigher MiMWlO aivi.e ng.m.pepa olomhla _ 19 oe 20 ku November panhi k.elieo Jill. Mlu S . D. W, Mqomo .

Knbefllodili .b.nbondo .bebu,e 'p. kwi Minion.ry CooooH ebibleJi o~e 20 lie 2111a No ... mber tiplul. u Min P Nkooy.kui (Middledrih) no );Ilu . F Both. (Fort Btufort). Sivgya ukuboo. u Mng. Robt Tutu, otiboodaw.le NgJ: •• laoe. ep.klmile komkohlaoe oboml.lise paut,. i.-elli etiutah U Moo. Totg 10,.inkoke1i ofp,hti eliplmbili kwioi:uodl. ye

KaJlgd4 kvmAlali U'f'.rib1J1'

Em ven! kollulIUl1i ituba elide. ,ivuya ollupllula ubllogeooo k.impilo Il. Nli:olli: J. Mb.tab .. wAllp!'. K.ano Mau. Mbat.eli Bbele •• Iap. okbavu· kut,.adw .. e Frere Hospit.1 upume k.i ell •• eog'p"y. ebluiyellile ngo· kuncamektyo f'mpilweoi y.klL Uoi· n~o olubukb.1i oluvele e Provincial HOlpit&1 s Bh.i k.ica'll'a edlulileyo lubiu u Mou. C. T. C. Xablloi ... no,apo lonke lakow.bo k .. iogo&i eba· b.,;jweyn ehle'e iJ:ep;o uyill u Muu. P.trick Xab.ni .. ogilwe:vi "motor" ephgma e caweoi e Konten .po ebeb.mbele kena evel. e Nq.makwe. NglkwengJ:fl<l ebouakele kwimibl.ti ye .. Weekly Staodud" umcimbi U Mltolk. Miuoie N, Mgoqi iollo.i. wokupuoyut.a koka Dr. W. B. kni yo Mou. AllanC. Mgoqi. oWlti.a Bubo •• na ebufuodi.ioi ogoklloik ... i ogeg.ma Ie "All Bllc"'" yodumo

ImpiIo ipuma Ematunjini aklini NANAMANDLA

" peo,ioo" ubuye w.pakaoyi ••• yi jlkelele It.elom Zalllhi ittke iti gnda I Coogreg.tiooal Unioo, ekuookwentek. k_elue Rolooi ukuy. ku bek. ilitye olwkllb •• pooyut.e u Gqir. uiub. kuyiee mltolo e Helbele. Unltg ngaba ku,beoxi''''a imiqat.olZo etHe pahlw. ogo Nllon.. \'iolet Emy ekutiw", makayivume lIoqal.. U MII-oqi, 0 Matebawe. Mou. Clemeot, Kadalie ola.ke -~.:...-------------j.icelo k.i NJ.::uodl. u. .. lfYo ye Jaji f Rioi yokuoyaoul'" i City Couo cil y.lap.. ukub. ironi&e i .. Lodger" Permit " yoltuhl .. l .. e Lo· kilbin i. kuba Ite \,;.mbe .... yeoSeh­daoflA •• yioill; .... Eli.uboyeni k .... ke k.i (.,Iomru lohutyalike ... Dikfoi k.i c.w. eos.p.y., u Min R.S. Njikelaol. B.A. wlee Ncisinind... _eblelo Ie Bantu Pr8lbyteri," Chu.rh ucite iohukwan •• p. fluodw"l d""e loia NknlJ,,; Simao.. U lIoo. DO Nkoak.

1I"',aap hifo ze Ntlou:le. hilo u O"Ii, labl .. za UI Sill,.;.


Il.£LCIN, Uml!.lambulati we o.d 0 .... .. dla .. piDdwe ka Biai, ua,. .. ..,. lulllluo ... ID_. i.pzi. I·Sioyi, Amallzi Ancalileyo, t.1!oad.. w.lIlambo, lal<w,,'u, U\nlkul .. .ltd ..... AmatuDlba. Umq .... 000 Hhmgu. .. RuDl .. tQe ..... V..,cito 0111 TJelu. Amahl,. boo, oku DuDliM, vln> Vuu, hilond. nl Bbfdlik .. yo. "Clrobaadezllfb. Ubul.lltalr.a., Iollayi .i Bukl .. k .. liIi T&b.iRk .. ; ~/6, 10/0 u. n/. . l _lIIeleia Oiata>eat ia,.aaa" .ua..: .. ~ . •• ObI1M'. AWIiIq.kuv •• Uku ... _Ia., h!.Itu. ".01' 119 a" J/4!.-RI,btbO<Ulil', CbemiOn. • Ogt.Ielallol,. BOI< 6.5911, 11. Lavtd-.y 8t ..... '~_bo.r.. whll"ko DJMIea.

Nll08i Ylm. Ntiode. Rub.otu .be· be te .pa kwit.ibeoo kum.bilDgo ,ibone n Mog. Harry Moyeogu. 00 Mou. no NllollI. Mn1l8. bue Hewn. 0 Mou. Nog .. n. ..Ie R.utioi odlole apa ellubuyeni kw.ke e Dohoe. Sivuya ukuv. itihb.l.kar.i z .. e Emgwali Training School sipete og.m.ndla omcimbi .okovul. omdl.io.e uoe .. p.ot.i kokoqnqoze!elwa ogo NkolZ. V. S.aartbooi . Ngnhulultu be I. ilia November i Cricket Doioo y.i.pa yeoze umd.oieo omkglo e NRC. B.n. lIulomdani.o k •• ko1l;o .mlueoe .Ie Mooti, kudl.l. i Gilden J.n Baod yaheb.l. b.le Mooti. Ngnmhl. we 18 k. Nnvember \I Mnu. 00 Nkolk. Ngeti be Temper.oce BOt81 b.bizeJe i ' tea' i c1ub,.e S •• lIo •• RF.C. y •• e Mooti oge,iuto lokuba Ie club it.ibute sooke illdebe sate Mooti. Abaotu b.beyiokoogu ne laog. obuniozi. lnd.eodwe umblel.e ek.,a kg,..· yilwao. IIUO ogaha Nuss, P. M. Ngeel, E_ G. Xini.e, If.tolk. M. Ty.mulbe . S. Mab.i.. Iodweod., tipeodulel.e og.ba Noms, P. M . • M.1I10, S. Ib,.lela no Nllnn. B.rll.ba, . Kol.odele iognma oe zipongo.

;'\okul>a yi pilla ipilisi yokurudisa rnamandla inoku ihbnll,a ,,,,,, J..:u,.into tllIla le)·o. Kodwa "bUIl;lIlI bamayaa ok "'Id, ~ bunr!! HI

n~';ha ncokll ,tbellza k"a .... o na:amindt~ .. t,hali ... "II·'.~ ." • en,e IIbe butilak.. .o\yuudi'l kod"a a],;amk, m .. "d~a (uto .• "".1.' 11'0.

l'ku.,lngdd< ... kukaulua kup;nd~le ngoba il uml>" lokwtlp" (Ilk"k. h'Pd lineu,,"nlc lifum",ne mlndl" ok"ent .. amicbf:nn w~\o. K II 10:( "I;"1.o,·uml,,elWt ngtSO IlUtll. apalfkr k;lkubl "gaprlu k" a],;"'1"l.l.

c: !t",1.ascbenzi" iyen lokutudisa.

I P .. rl" khl"l.iie 1., "0 wonkc amayct.:l oi<uru,j;,a 2ihlaIl8 .. ,,11 .ku.uolu& ~Gk .... 'b .... anoll... .o\z, ,dKnzi n80kU8'1lliultyo Ko" ...... "" ,clot. tk">tb~I\"'l\l k,,';un Zlgin)"," kll.ihlwa "J. K\lu>~.

Il~; ,t,h .. It b) .. He,i. urOJIVa .... ,anul.,k,l" lI~uya "l:r;op~ndl<'. 1,1>" .1.u tbt"U nl:l;okui,.,.~l.ilry, "'u"8c\-0 ~,','~"'~ K"n~cko ~ K ....... ",akuqGnoi. "1o,,li ,,_trUG _alto "kt;"i.

FIlti "rakup~ul>. uknt; ,~ ... u ~ .. \-" ~iSfbt"n l. .. kuh1< n~<,I.;o i P .. rto11S zikulult ipyo'" ntinta filii ullika am .. ndla ~ Hna1<"'llo ip~I' "kukl,,,hw:l ",,\-lIdla, KU}'indlda rau> yokllnl~" amandla ky"',

Z,)·akha f"l; ziruka amandl~

\' n ulumana umnlu "petr. ymllo~o. rnhlaurnh .... "1 rnzinu cron k ... kulya. t""ng.ld<ilr. tnen)·o ... "'. "c..:"i dibl. nomo,.a onllk:o.,.o. nokuba yilllp, up,,"'o lok .. ,onS'ck1. .. , mllsa ukutand .. b"u. m'·tb'1( "Ie·

r.rtons ."bahlobo bake baya kukuhulda "1((10 crbo 1.100 I Zilcnl:."aynn~. £'l1t ... ol u ile ,oyisck&.. inda.ro nIt lit.

i"hot ,) ~ tnc <(I

pills mhll"rol"

111M" k:l P 0 8n« 10-'2. ('~p~ TM' Ul.,mr'r .malo




T sa Steynsrust (K B S. M051111)

B EKENG he feti1eng n oiletloeng Leholimoog Ile mofu Mr. Sedbla

Benell .. l T.'oen . A ~to. ke Rev. E Mako., .. tb lOl8ittoe ke Rev. So l Ho .. i Ie Be ... . Too.ne. Batho ba Deog ba OlD fe lebelihe ba De ba fet .. 300.

Do bile Ie School Commitw,1II ka Ii ;) Puluogoaoa . B o bile Ie Lit.Un k~. ulll ng u Tapia Ie n.RC., ea fib. h· tekti te ken!keog ea Methodiet. .

H o bile Ie p itlO ea motile ka It 7 Puluogoaua. II mll miloe Ite Advilory Board. B . balo. leogolo Ie hopo· tuog ba melata . Molumo oa 100.10 0 te Ie U n YIDy.oe 88 hulel. Ola tho t Obing.

Ho bile Ie moket e oa ngoana h a Mr. Ie Mr •. P. Khuoyeli . E. ot&eog .. tboeitee bah olo I.kolong ke Mu. Nt.ote.

Ro bon pula e ogata mona Steynl' fo tt.

Math_"a .. teo oia .. mona .. itoki,a k. ml tl . .. maholo ho bit .. meUe e hauS ho ". pheba Ie booa ha lelemo Ie qaleba.

Re bona cde u BaWompbehi MOlibi Ie Ta'oe. e t.oela pele bantle.

Blahlobo ea Std. Vl e letile. Do tla ba Ie mokote oa koalo ea IOkolo ka la 12 T.'it.oe, 'me ba,lIoe baDa ba ntoe ba lokila ho ea bioh'a pbirima. DeDgeo ; E . L. Ntaote (principal) J . J . Ramatbe, I. A. &loeebi, KilO A. Mololo Ie Mre. G. Ntaote.

Eta maticnere a mODa Vatloaog­tloang a w'oer. ka tbata hore lebele lebet.eelemoog Ie tlaDg lena ba. it.oti· letaa ho mema Ie ho cb.akela metae eohle e had, Ie bODa.


U ka fen .. khathateo t .. Iftlalo ka bo IObelila ChamberlaIo'1 Salve

hooa .ajeoo. E _ makaya lebakeolt la ho roroha, !D.Ithopa Ie libebe, E Ie e thlllihe ba baoglta ba oeog ba tbathateoa ke lethcpbo. E rekilOa Iikemeteog Ie mabenkoleog oble,

Mesbetsi Ea Pula ( K II OA 'I'9A PBJRITO!U)

HABE pula koano te" ' Mabue·ta· t ate· u lebon.". Noka ea Ko.­

toatai e De e matba bole Ie mabopo a eona, motho a te te a hlola a neba Ie moo ook. e leog teng. E batlile e ete& toluoa koli ea maU. paka mablotnola. Mr. Piet Molotli Ie a. 141'11 Molotei bl t loha hae ka Saterdaba ho ea mawelieoog Edeoville, ha ha fi hla OOleog ba e f umana e II e hlaliile, metli a lea Ie mat.la hoo ba t ekeng ba t lela, empa moea 0 mat la oa ho pot la. kele ho ea fihla too ba eaog oa ba , u8llmetu. ka matla hore ba Iihele lipere metaiag. Pere t.aa hi. t . a h.na ho bula Ii elo 6hle moo metei a leng matla, Mr. Molotli a ba phehella mo­I16 li mobolo hore b. mpe ba khutle, ebile mOMlbet. i oa motooa 0 naog Ie t otli ho leta be khutliu lipere bar. metei, ta leh lonolo tea too..

Moroti Selepe Ie Moa 0 t lah. ka letaatli bo ila kereke mOIfl oaoe bo Koakoatli, o Uob.,oalo pola. eae nhe eoa, hOD. bileng a roabaleiea 1lJ0811 0 ko&n o, etloe Mr. Petru. Ntlabelle ea Ihileog pele DOg a hUle a 'mona. b. romela hore Moro,i. Ie ke • ba alek. ho teela ook. e MIn. Ie metei • .ma· oglta. HOHog ta Bontaha moe. oa mo lua'culIOla. ho till pb.tba thomo e. b.e, moDo. emoog 0 bile a itb.opa ho 'a IDO te'eli .. , Re Ita mpa rare moroti Ie IDODD. eo Ie tlgo.n. eo ba kJao,Hle ate'iDg tea lebi"a. Do ba,.. tlile ho e. wiki Ie Iipere Ie batho b. baruo.

Rev. P. N. Selepe Ie m.tum.b.li • mang a A.M.E.C. ba theoha nbDg eoa e tlang ho ea M.ngaoog ooolere· oceoR e. ileIemo. Moruti 8elepe 0 lehelitle b m.,I.le cIIeltlbo e leti· • ilaog.elemoltloa kaof.la, r. to'.pa hore repor' tie bae • tla ba IItl. babolo. lefroo Selepe ie eeD. 0 .bali,," h mati •• tnak.hang, kerue •• pbela leb. lin.ko teon. Ii otlO Ii Ie 'blot •. ED Jefron Seiepe 0 tla ke. ch.kele Tbaba Nobu ba a Uoh Mangaung, pele • kbotJel. hae.

1'01 ... ro~ H lotdo",

Mokete oa Kapeso F.a Mafumahali

(KB MOL~.&QU' 0.& IU.NO'&U'I'IO)

KA la 22 kboeling ea P uloogoao. eb ile leteahi I. leholo kerekeog

ea ConSlegational, bar '. mafumabali a kopano, e Ie t apelO . Ea eba mo· • ebeui 0 mot-Ie, kereke e tletle. Mo· eeb.tei ba 0 boleloa ke Morut i W. M&jodi oa oa Metbodilt Chorch lO b.· keog .. moroti Oil kereke ea ntleng ale bohloko, • bola k. k hothatlO e matla e ileog ea lilioya Iipelo t... b.m.· meli Ie booa b .. pe8uo(la , J efrou Mot leki a Uatlihoe lie J efrou Taodakaboo. ba ap"" mlfum.h.li. 16 Ie ho bOletia Beep.rong ba 2, boble e Ie IS.

lfr. GdOrgtl T . Lowe 0 oale mogo· polonyaoa 0 mootle 010 go leka go Ir.op.na Ie beog ba motee Ie baliaa ba oone, gore • ga b. take b. nuha mpbonyana ea go IIrela baboboli koa HOlpetaleDg ta teatli ya Kre.emeee .

K. La.booe koa kereung e. ea A. M. E . baitimi ba tl.lir. moletlo pa IipiDa mo m.iteibeeng • Ii 7 Deoember. Bathmai.i ba IIkoaere ke Mr. Bo •• letei oa Alleo St.r Ie Hr. Phakoe oa Star of NU.retb ; molula· I8tolo e tla ooa MorDti J. J . Lekoma.

MOloti S. S. lIotieki oa ureke ee Congreg.tioo .. 10 nke. Ie bohloko, e HI e Ie beke he peli jOllie, eke Molimo o Ua IDO tbola. Hr. Iebm .. el Lehlake o gopotee go et.ela G.oteDI goae mo beung eeoO a ea go boDa litlala.

Maob .. e ne e Ie 'bibello e. B.f. , baan. ba fet.oB 60 ba lom.oo. ba elD pte, kotlo e. eba 51. b .. baDB 10e. t. koIOtilDB lemo tee peli Ie ho feta •

Mafum.ball • kenu e. Foea u mllOle a 'Dete, m.I .. I •.• ·I.uoe. Ba tlllile blr .. pula k. 8.terdab.. bo e. ba )lorena Leron., k. wmailll ea. Leottoe I. MOHO', b ••• re Ietho k. Utlietli t .. pul.. ukho"" la Baitimi Je ,Ul,iUloe IE. pula bo e. rota liter.· "kllg tla moke, bo hI.bal. IeOb.ba mokboei ka eer •• eo. e. aeolellB ee ripi'lao8 lecb.ba I. belD.


IJ keke oa khoblisoa ba n reka lieta tie DaDg Ie "Tiiso ea Lieta tse lokileng. Ha n bona lets'oao leDa seeteng u tsebe hore seeta leo se lokile. HobaDe se thata, setla qhoba nako e telele, se boloka cbelete ea bao. Lets'oao leDa hale be hoe leeteDg so sa tiang: mareDa amabolo a mekoti a boletle joalo. Ha motbe a u rekisetsa Iieta talima pele bore lets'oao leteng. HaDa bo reka Iieta tie leDaDg ts'ireletso.

Seeta sa Mekoti "Seeta se nang Ie Lets'oao la 'Nete.;.


Ho Thibela Mochecha

Mosall ·mobolo CIa 78 0 Harlu Kruseheu E re e II ha a II 5!i be m_Ii enOl a iu!Doa

to mocbeehl. A .. beLi .. Kru..o:hn :selte ho mo Ih .. .,... ' )Ie jOlle lie eDOI-O .. II.I ... oe a M'lla mocheeba--o II.lI a khlbanyl . ... ea roeh le el Kro...,hfll-jOlloka hi a lie a It ...... Li w,lIIo tee 2U l ee {et"fOr.

"Ke I blba haholo ho Ie bol~l1a:' _ ogol_ , .. hore I Mile ko IIoebeLi ... Kr • ..,hell. 8a1~ ka IIIlmo he 1II •• hame • ma~l ; toe. rel'~bg -~Ie ke .. Ie Eaaelloe. '"... 100M! ooa ke li~IlIO tae "'pileog, Ke De k .. e q l 1e Ell8el.ne bake0 8 .. moeheeh .. -'me ka l uml06 e 01 Ie Ill uto hn '01 , ea ua ku. I,jaeleka hn e ae~I' .. , Ua III" ..,k. Ite jeoalll" woeb ech"I"I.le b fihl. 1«)lon. KI ke ne aellm ang '. h, 'me ke U .. M'beli .. Kru""hen k. mehl. II .. ke otle ke phfill . II. khabloyloa ea tell8 e DyenyaDI" joalekl be ho bnlclOl,"--(:dn.I.E. B

),Iocheehl II. "Ilia h. 01al. a •• 1"I0Il ha .. ,le (delay )-nl hn eo mnboboh e seq ha ng.ta a e elellol ... g. E bolela h o bo~. II.oa hi h'; la malbo a .. I .. mohe me ho be Ie u . ;c ac id maholJ. HI <) un ka ba_ bob.le hlthip. be uri a acid e na II. no til u l lu i.i- I ho.,' mahl.ba a teog a b.k_ keng. Le b aoa ha <) no kl b ona bllloo K . ..... beo e bolanng bob.1e ba chef .. eDa k. tf'III!:, lot k lmoo e Ii q hibi!ilu .... ug kl teog ... lin tie L .. me ll b ore m o. iao. nna oa ... kh_ 0 teOloe lae h o <) hlah1ft' taa Ib .. .., b ntU akooJl b I moebe<:h •.

Kr u.eebe n SlLte e fumanoa m.beokelenlJ oble Ie li kl" miaeng h Zio botlolo ..

• BeDgbl1i David Ie Tbome Mobo. b.

lobaoouborg ba JobaDDuborg ba tla tbeob. bo e. hAe D.gaksaal lEa motokara ka beke e tlaog bo ea I •• nyoloog III Thom.e M.hoa Ie Mi .. Maria PauloMl lIIokl1flla o. Da,po k,aal; b .. tl.. feta Ie b. Moruti C. 1I11atje k. ttela e. Standedoo.

• Erekaba re 'e re kile r. bolela b,u

lirlpellfl taa kOf&ota ena bore IIr Philip Rampbomaoe o. E •• hrn N.~ ive Town_hip , JohaoDubllrr 0 a .... tii •• leoy.lo Ie ~ill A@n,. R&d.be ka I. 24 mane Prr' " ril, ho bile joelo ' 'me kajrao e tla be tie kamo~lo e~ ogoehi ba Mr. Rampbom.lle, E.N.T.


• ••



Indaba Zomtunywa Ngemicimbi Yetitshala

(NttOWAKO:-J .o\ I·; 'l'INARA) INTLANOAN180 )·,tit.lu\l. Ule b. :-';'IIIU. W, B. Niliol. O . Naon. , (1-

by •• pb. ltaI.lI •• o, ult.vl"tQt hvl.tl. J . Nd.',.oe no (I . ApJiI .. . .ate Rab. Illlkliput."ut. halat,a ... Kurulofo," , 1 .btoko II[ltul. II C. atllullanjlO ,bl,. lILa~' , flil'ai, .. b"to r\1I11ol . Niloik. NlIombll. , Nt.OIl. DIu Mou.~, lIuhyl. IIII.h.lankulu ltbnta 14.lIa. 11 , JI(' oLI. lhuu, H, K. ,... Ra .... II MOil , Ahlllo..~1 un· )&l,.dull, Id. e.l.t •. l.lluLuDJrl". .. I. ilDi('lmbl rlllny". Y.!"\1Ia Io. ... j . 1'111." d.bOl." aUaDaul10 'rbo loe~, ut.o \lnUI\HIIl\t!!1 Jil.l. II l'atbOnI!era .... Cr.dork •• lolDbu,o 0 .ilIIDU . t. f..ld. (or,au. p.lltll ko Mlu. J. Cal.t. 1i,.kll1o. miDi If\'rlYor)) okoku b. ttallpa allll : ntonlldbl. yl Koo •• " .pb •• Tinlr. ..... Iodlet>., 1Qoln.lel". mbl.llOll!1 oAombl. "II 17 Dtefmber 1I,.kUIH'fdl. .IeD" .m.dlall lr..imldDlbl, UQai· I •• oietel.ph • • Sivel.o. kakulu dtI "yo, ,.ol'pue),u'."'IYO. I. Mllu MUll, 00 Nko.k. V, M. Nlr.oOlo IIlPku. lleo"') I udweille eth11Olllh!Ola til.· UII.plll k.kllhl. bOlotwana •• bo. U ,,11'0 llkubt. kll IoOXI... lr.ull,.tel.. M Iu. DO Nkotk. NWlltfm. brk'baboo • . kalD; I. logll11111D y"'pell MI'-h. 1£.11 kwil.1I ,.k". T,ulu hUlku1. • • .. I Xoaa (Xo •• Or~~Dllra~b,). :l kubone I rlmeot. oalLuluDII:II.lmid. latlu,ul.o) .. eN I A. 3. IJNlp. mbl 'I T,.lib , U .. IIlc.bnl· ' .Ii&ab. (TM().hera JDurn,l) .rbo ku· NIr.OIk. M,.bl .knuml oil.uba armpilo ~ID. 1'0011.. 'ogu10 ,.ml< hDb! ,ul eoU. opo'1.f)lli ,fill. IIlmbt ... ,.o. .. h" •. Ikilbl.III •• Ipnl •• , 3 0,,' 10uleo,I ,. rllllf'oll ,al. R.be .,... .. UtuLa'u • .t . Jodl"l. ,.okudl. (Ellio' Mf!IJl , Cbu~bl loduluke D~ baDIo DatMrDlu. 0.1Ia .. 1I b.b.D' •• O., lori Dkollo .. I J,OHO,.iJI1 okll', ... lpeUMI14ba ... i \DU. e.iaIlDY·· k h • J I ., I. 0 ..... DCa R.lualeoWi .Uuod, .... 'Ii. IH". I au "'k Ib 00.; 1I:00 .. DI. DeDC'.adl Jiblell ,lloqol ••• Moa, M.kl •• ub .eou.ollltil •• -6. 1_lrlllDo ,1.IWII&Ia, ukube II"u. o .. ~.u OIl.plDdl. o __ I~lmbl ,belu, s.bN, milO'" lotl,ullal.o ,.11. Ilk~r,.o. U lin. A. 1I.I.-mplo.,., &_a1., .. lollxOlelllllr.o" 110 Iloi.rll. IlIt' .mbell al.t:0dll ora1:lal ,I, .. yo DUO IlDeU ,aiD i'.lr.ua' ...... mpHD eDga.o •• b 11,0 ,.olombl ,.11re Abalo .... lell a",\itehal ..... 1l&1li.01 II 1f.~lJdl ~lk.l. Umot •• a. h lII~u .

... loa I· II . b • 00 1I:kou, J. D. D.ka .k.oempIID iDe_ lICit' e •• 'p' .l~ e "I •. iD,I •. 1 ..... 1 I!hh II. udl._I1_ ... -.b. qbata. Si'.kuq.lI ..... lIIku.. • 0 Imu fudl • ik I. Di 0 ..... 1\13;.. Vb. ~11f)'o 01.U kuko 10t.ID.lb.,.ku·

• .... 0 II' ·-11 I 0 ,110.10., oomeebeoli I .bop. ou .. lal .. hko.la u lUI. 8. aoh,. oao· Ddll'leol OI""'lI"kll., U NIr.OIk. A. t.&ha,h. tnaml.lr.o ,okuu o.-od.be N joll (Rloi) ulaod •• od •• luk. Nko.k. .-0. lalolo .... Dhl H.bul. U Nail. L. lIb1,.be a,l.

cbltel.I·' .MIl·eod ". Bb.,.1 ku Nu .... MIIGI.. luJr.o)o 11\"11.. 011 12 'Dttrtmber.,.,e itit.bll.IUuoli.elrla ilr.oo .. li IDlluT.I •• Jr..no.



!taopi.1 ukllv.Ir..llu OkDkuba a Nkoak. P. Joo ... kalr.bo IlIIpil.lol. ... ,. 0'0 NkOlI, Mutif'1 Jacobe. DO •. Silnro, ode ... i •• UII.J*adl. og. aD ,..pI'o y.kl .0UDl'olr.'De, hi. koIo .. I.ph. siiaoliael""1 .vi.o 1"1 "8...,1" (liuDiei~1 Bo, .. ,,) .,..IIu. ,ala IIlIOlDhl ••• I Dec.mber, Siva· " ..... DlolDbl k.a lila. L. roid .. lb. a OIad,. epu .. ilelD komlt.hl .... bi· n.I), 1I;".au Mo 0, !'Oloa. obeo .. I Z 10 0 L WAN A lIim bal ••• Sf)ye klleyu

xioeak.tuo ,ollpttula k.ayo ku· hlal. ieilu .iqbioile, hI .. InIn.-ko­IDOtll abu"'lI'II.,o abolD Hlbe IOloko .qhiDile. Uknkbolola 1,110 .11.0101. uJaco..,. lOY. jato .looliJ,JO kllD., CbelDberl.io'l T.blet •. ZIDguDU'bo. dlei oomood lillI aibe tiogeoa aiqh.amo libi. Ziw,Dli ••• UIO 10nk. ikelDl,i o.veokil •.

.".'0 ebahlllDJu. U Iba . .IIn.Ge, atiteb.1a •• It!

8liakpoo,t aka •• 'i I~.de lkapaleoi k •• D,.Og' .... lDicimbi 1f'1ikolo .aaM •• ad •• lak. Mlu . J. Tal.a.na o Nkon. Juli • .aI,.bi lIh •• Ulxedl .b,. ogolulu nbeko 1.'leadJI, leikDID .. c. •• (Sond., S(;hooJ) .... S&_ AODl·. beliDlogsikrla ,. "rea." .,10ul ••• bIoat •• o. betlkolo. oak .. T'Ulo beoul". bapi.1 I,.i\i.i oga 1(111, J. SDlllo. Lom •• heoli u,.ueo- kll\lb •• ogu "011. R. R ..... b.I.I • • el.; •• oethlb,l. r.eeikolo III c. ••. lr..lolotlrti6l'a'. rtlk.hb .... 'IRot.r1 'i,..bulel •• ogemittodu f'liyeDtilf!Yo. Club. I .~Dod I,..fom.o •. DI"~ I

(b,of!mpuoulelo ilr.ootati Ylm.ko.t. clrt.16c.t. k.l~u I~ Club. K":I .. ,uor tui llIe T.betlbi .11. •• Tyula. tku· It bDlfl.kolr.D 1I..1r.. kod •• lllDmaa. 0tt.ti ogoko iyak.euri •• a Kirk.ood,' i c. rtifintl. kw.ku Ie Club. U Moo.. lk".y.l. nrimbloi (0 Ey.m.kolk. Trutll. (~YI. SeboDI l.o lptc ~r) ~te · pi-ahi ko Mao. R.koz:in. to'lotombi mbi .. I K.k. II Sen'Dr ChOir, e.I'~· p .. tti ko Moo. R M.roey. Zitabo; mloa Dkub. DUlJlgepaodl1 J ('bo',. ageugDm. aemidl.lo .mihh. ,,:ahbo 'UkUUDgeOll • . aUld ".pitireJ. Kobabtko .Ip.ol.. U MloogieeJeli Eo Nc •• o •• B ab.Do.m1. . W. roidJ.be. W. B, Nqlai, I .... Tlrk •• tad ueitei i I. D",ku (18011) A )f •• bl., mao~oe .• pa eh.mbel.iqel.le tui P. Dlk:O, R. '\'Ok91"", L, T',D. urlao Cborcb y.l.p •. .... 0.'. 8kD •• O', III. Mzutu. C. Nlr.olk:."Couotr," Sil •• o. !l8Olla . U Nko.k, Mbell 0'0

log.ikel. ,.e "Tn " e ... oyi"o.oD b ... 1100 00 NkOik. B. NII:Go. Dlrokotim.· • ,. t •• boogDmtlhato ibio.'mpulD.l .. IDIDtl.. I" ••• hateto R1.i1.ID ••• ·1

Seabulu Pharmacy, p,O, Be. 88, D.rb ...


Bbal. 110." ipet- lemitl y.h

I.BIlA Y AMAKOSIKAZf Umad OI"YO kubutu beel. tu...... __ hluab.1 yill:r.alo.

I ... i 10/. oge po.l.

.... abe o",oy •• b. yokufum.a •

bO"lry y.mio' .... emit.ta. U L, V.kaoy. olilDDgU 1e Big

o .. t. tli • Hooti k.lk.,. 1.11.1. E. Nlom. u •• ye e Rlotial .

k"'.Dd.eod.I ebedpahti kD' .• bed". k.i oompetltioo lipaule

.I;~!.;!~,:. B. Noogaou, R Ntlaota.· . Mlilal, M. 14I10y.o., ~ . 8Ik ••

N1:okDm. • bal.I tltI bll.

':f~:~d~!!U, Mau, St.ofDrd e ku , all·

Umnyandala Ngoma

We Ho Phekoloa Ha MOlali Ho MakahaDg,

K. M.r .. lao lilt •• h . HI,I. bl lao BDbol • • (No )! MIl.AUtI.1 .... , K fIIU. ' IJ _

NOOI.W";Hl1'.,u 110' ~I ke No .. m. " 11411,1, .. 1<1 1:1 ••• 1:1<,1,,,, ... t..i le ... "b.,I .... 1 • b.. h(l n, oJ .... _11 ' Ir", b,,,_ I •• ~ ' •• ~I.n".

rio, beku bl.IlIt'OI I oholr .. ,,~ bJ ~ I"I" .. ,,, ,,,"Il,,,~. '<.oliO ' ......... . l' l1. lkolo t.l.pa ku mOI.d.l. 1VI " .... boo". ba .... Io nl . " J. rollJ ., ... 1" k_ 0luOI. lielilo.Dlo (11·bool "boh l exo tn . 'ok"t... .:.1;0.,,, ....... ,' 10 0 ... ~o. h petition I " .... lbIID.U ~DU . N .... , kuil _ bllboJ" '" h .... II, .... b. h,.I, I- 1'0

,..... ~ . ....... ·M. II. bu,_ ",.lo brU.,. Ill r uteb.l'. 0lom. ( II uII(' I ai, I c it" J. m .. ' ,I.n., t.. . .. , .... U •• 'b.-." .. . ".1 •. I~ Ku".I. I Junior Cbolr. 0lll"uhl •• "'.'lto". 1\OJ>~n. . 1\. 11/ .. ... 0 1M P •• I. 10 0 10..10. M. W.Ilf!" 11.11, lI,el, Dllb • . ,.hel" b. loa h<> n(l boolh.tb.h • . b ,. ,,11 ... t.. . . b .. toh . ... ... ""I. "<n,hl., o u 1l0Re 0 o. OlD .wo,.o 1I 1.11. "' 1((1 10 ... ... ""I'le D.'. r •• ,.. •• _, .. II ( .. I. }o.m"elll kokuL. i Juotor l.buirt dvu· .~ .. ''''''.1;)' 11" ,.0. ' le,,,JI<l Ila: •• 1 . .. ' I" mil., !tuOlto. I ISrolor tbDlr1 ttl '" Ilh.m.· 1'1". I'll/I, '0;,. "1M II, ",,,, .. 0 1,,, mblDI kupel. , &,,1 Juoler Cbolu mll.ooab ,n.\'u.hhon. Ib ...... hl.b . 1\. Illpomo Ibeetlll (Ihbe) 11Idl,.Dd.ot b, rtt hoo. 100 .ob.la •• 100 Up"U. hi '~ I. ,

K, 1/ ... 1, ,,. 10" .i" r ... lip"'" I ...... ·m. ~, ip\lm. pIlIlbltl Die m.r", nll'II67, b..Lo, ,./.", 1, I, 'tnl .. bolol • • "h' b 'I,d". 01" M.dlc UlO u Nllon . M, T . I_II. bellll.. K',,,,,, , ... , ....... 11".1 .. bll,a DIOlluDI'I.11I ko AlLO , R. R. loa ba '- boplM'to 10" bol',, '_ loa bal. 10 .. Mpoodo. E,ealblol lbe yIIlDr.,.I.o Itlo,b ..... I,0Jlb.l. bo I"t, •• _bl.o, ••

1'.-1.. 1'''''01,,, '"'' 10,1 .. .... 11.""'0,_ f!IUmrD' I Ol.,kl ul,.1162 p'Dtll ko .. k ..... ,h_* 01 .. 1.00110 •• m,ol " MDU . J. D. Bn Mini. Kolttdtl. I/WIIIIO ... " .. '(D ' . ban. b .... f""' ... ,'llof. 6, . Aodr,,.·. 01' I.'.V J' ohl ko liDO, 11>.1_1 ......... . 10.',1 .... " I .... I ,""~. (Wankl.) LoU U I"'u U. J B.m.oo .boo ........... U • r:ro. ltO _11'-.... ,t> I •

• , ba .. h. "",II".. • • 1101. Ioh.!, .... Ire .p.ta I t boir ,. ••• 70pl,. •• 'OIO"Nlo • • t .. hc!lIkI hoo 111.".11 _ ~ .......... 1" .. he ell. m.rkt III,.i H4. a.l1.ok ••• I. """I' 'II" "011 , •• , ' !'toll , "lIa Ii tDU.

ulle Wuil" J.lohl ko 1100. N, T , bnJlhllo b ..... IIIOD .... I . ..... a..: ........ h KII., DII J~fI . I.ip~mo II 8f!olor 0,., •• ~u". "" _I> ~ .o<he. ' Clio I, .Ib .... 1: Hlgbtr )d1 .. 1{ 0 ltor ,.1 wbet> ... i~ I. bon(l I. n .... Dr. • I • • ". "'11l_. 1' .. 11 hilI, hr.'coll. h. rl' paDI. .rototll' a .. ~Ir.'''I . M. Dr. W,UI'_' If~dj "'.' Co" P.O. T. BDl. 01' mer" ul,.1 1M! •• ,1.1 1100 lUI, C" 1":".n. 2L Jot hoII'lIo, •• I.od.I". ,.1 fil . Aodre.'1 Ole bp. ""' I, . "". 1'1, h I ~~ 0.1. II lD.ru ul,i 16" lpt h. DIU MOb , L, 1.1. polO.

1II., •• oq •. SI,.ull,atl "0 1100 R. R. lIpolldo, • n.drbe, DI"kullkoI. I K.ka. Topi,. lID'. "dub. libl.U "00. Imlo,.k. tllllt.eta "'Iandeill •• 0.,0. 8JIr." ..... u,llIo. 0'0 Mou J. D. Bu iI.t.1 DIOkolOl('1r;o .-,1 efcood ImID,..... flDltatu el.odelel.ol,D . AIII.b •• o. jDofcr ,boi., fml 08Dlu.

• Lekhotla la Boroto

Koffiefontf in (Xa 8l-LOA!U.)

hlobo I flru lIum.ol i K'.k'. el. LEKBOTLA I. Ad,l.ory lrud I. 01 KQ"gt/Q h .. 1alat': O'flgopGmb\it II kop.ol IOGOI (r61111P." SDper.

=============== I iotfodeDt. B. bUnl 'eD" bo m.· "hoo. ke Ulookacoell oa m'tlO' (mlyor) :an 1W!lez:norlaD1

--NQANDt:LA.-lo 10.IDI lDelDory of

ODr dnr 1.lbn .Dd bD'baod, Thol. ( •. Nqlodel., wbo p •• rd .w.,. .t 'NII",a&1 BOD ... • Nonmber :.!';tb IQ33.

Tbtre.re Iriel. th.t ClDOO' BDd comfDrt.

Of bID" brlol •• i1ullur. IOlertrd by bit .U"" Otto, Clld,.

aod Robco,t.

IllettobD I. UI ITD.o Clelk). Be bue 11.. bo fokotea jD.I. bobMe bot •• hoe bo .UII IDOO. 1D0t.ul. U. bo k. ha DUO.DO •. h. bO.fWG. mor.o,

l)ecreh" t. LU, Wblte TlooiJI Clob. Mr. S. Seloan. '0 IUIDIDtI challtol' b.p •• tfC).o, J.t1Ibed.l . bD b.pII. bape I. boo. IhLleD,leio b Ii J"; T.'it('l.

K. Ii 6 Puluop:o"'. IibolokccolDl Ii oe Ii bD. bu' ... Dt .. bo pbahl. tb.k •• 6eba • UlDIOI talCll~ til liDg hore b. troe mohfDll

• Methodi,t Church 01 South Africa,

Nuttall TraiDiDg IDstitutioD for AfricaD Teachers ApplintieDI .rl DO. btlDI rtCf! ind for

T4, T5, T6 Teach.,..' Training COU" ••. Standard 7, High School. St.ndard 8, Int.rmed/ate.

}'or PrOl£lrctol lod all iolDrmatioa .pply . Till: P RUoll " P4 1 .•

NUTTALL TRAINING INSTITUTION. P.O. Edend.le, vi. Piettrmeritrburg.

SINGER £Iokilu, bo fell hDlde LeI.tHO,

MACHtNE OA HO ROKA • . U Il. ,..a. • Morbe·D1O<"b. BINGER b tbtko t,t_


Mofo Rabecca Lenong

(KK MO!tOOLLl 0.1 1"8A KaoOSSTAD)

BAAH[ b. mona N~ha b", ile b .. te'o· bl !ub.,lo In L10lhl.oo I. velto

I fotileog, ;!] Pilioogolnil ho otloa klo m.kllo nJr~ &~becca Lellong h'. u. pllela; 0 Il'lilolil:e lefu I. pelo. Molu o i1e • Pit". k' 800&Iob. as I. 2') P"IIlOglSo1o, 8feiliefu Ie Ie q"leog II. kob.,. 0 I~leb,lit.eoe ke eeoh"b" 18f~hog t}J). M)Joh~ui 0' kepelo 000 0 BllJl 1iJoII. ke !:tel'. P~tdok

Kuo,]i 01 k03r03ka II!I. 8eoh080.. 8. Illng ba kbl)thlt .. ebile Mt. M'llbe HBlepl II M;>fI10Hh"U El'odi. KCllo.1l6 Ie E:DHy Mlkoli. Re bilole b"eti b~ b10g.ta hI. t.8oaog liblkoog t9" 'Muilo, Kleritsdorp Ie Chri,ti801. ba neng b. phlllltee mokbo.1 ooa. alra b~oatek~ bolela Mr. J. Mogoro,i oa TlnoD\uenj Mr. Ie Mrs. Mateel. ba M ItllleDe. M,fu 0 ,i. mo.!ulo!l. Of, ba.e e. 1Io"",og • lIebetl8 MlIollog.o.Dg, Ie blo" 0.1 blof"ro. Mar" Oil. hae e monolo . ~h.'tllr Ndthewl Llioong ke eena mHc!lliti 0-. kHeIoQ~. eoa bu'a motll.

K,reka ea A.M.Il:. a oe eatee mo· kllllk) har'a uutte ka Sondab.. ho b,E03l1a D.,Uar Money.

fhv.A.W.Cr.ggol [od,leai ana etetll Se:';olo III. Kopano 'moho Ie M)foti Ie Jefrlu Tho •. Stao!.r)o. RIl'. Crllgg. nehela baoa pon e matla e mooatl ea k:botbatao. Ba ill bl chao k"la Jlblopbl hoble ha 11&010 ba tum:a.i.oa kl principal ea lIe\[Olo Mr. RIgin.ld Ciogo.

lit. O,orge Cb,k'l.O.e Olio RD~tig 0 na etlltse mloa h' Rev. J. S. Lltheko ka tu ISE,ln 811, b'lol •• BOiob.rJod, .eo rJ tb.\I)UIo! bo utlo, bore flk" hoja 'mil) I,) tl. Ie alD~hela h"ufi.

M,HU. FrUIr Moerloe, Abbey M H!'10 'dJkb,ele Ie Mi" F. O;)ogo b\ it JkiBU.I Ito tiob.ela IDoul'tet,i Oil. ubl'l fJ,t,IIClog e' ulem'). E tlaba ~,hlebl)l') I kl1)lo ruri Bekoioog 1&

K')p~o'. Mr. Chulu Ntbute 0. V trleaiol;iag 0 0' Itllt!e kOlno k. SJodlha.

H) !tila m)keto O. kbop)tso ba Mr. Ie lfn. H. Plukie h Sondal:ti. blkeog ''to bln I bl bon ba ling ba faletae. Kl)tek~ 1& R'Jm \ la etea mokolo'o bo 1\ n'l\?it1e:J.~ b) hbbooolol.tl& mllojoe a 116k •. •


U J,;~ ke 0.1 b .. Ie pel.olo ha I,) .obeli •• Ch.mberlalo'. Colia and Olarr·

b·)u Rilmedy. E pb.ki •• bo boote'a Ul~tl. a a"oa I. ho tlosa Iipelaelo t.eo eb.ng u Olio II Uon.. Chamberlaio', C)lIc and Diarrhoea Remedy e II e n. Ie Hlemo tal) mubJnle • IDIIIohlUlo I ut.e e aebeli.o. h1Qllile b .. ho moo I klteog (011 hl<>lo~ i.e lot.'ollo Ie m.~I.

k'plle l03r'lbelu. I!: rekilo. Iikellll­• 'og I., m'h~okeleQ!Ol ohle.

• Bookholane Boa Fela

{K.: O.t. If.t.nuo}

M0:-i.'- fl b.>na, b<>lb.,. bo at .. bo . teoela pele n'leDg 11 lefat.'e.

Cbe .k, b.,oEb.<)Jane b;) fokat.ehile 1""]8110 I" blob)lai b .. kbutJIUie m.hae a booa hb. bo DO bo t.heobile II ba kJAo. Tb,!)'oa·llorc!o. ho cJa bol.ea t.ie IDona i'ati,i.

r .. b .... bob.eli. 01_ Ii Kolo Ie ::\1k.l:sl'D& kU<l 0 l1&a\.6 efOp •• bl' .... e "I1IH b."ul" ke litoeb.. Lit(Mba 1\ hell lI.)l"O 11.4 m lkho. a lDak,h.3!. eM rot buQl bore \a MO& .. lemo hln, , ROlli r. tail.uiol .1. IIIr. .. ko­D,.oa ".111.,-' •.

Itt '1.). b,.1. I •• lIa.allall oe Sam~ul K.ba\j • ( .. loa .. lIon.ka,. MO. .... 1. bdi.",~ ."011 .. lillarD.

R •• 08-' h~ I ••• u '-biao I "

' .. bi ... ~ .b.JoN li.lf'BQti Bo~h""'a T'.lr.eJ" 1IhuM<lhOl..,. III..&-.,ill a .Iokah •• b.1.to "r1lal ... h.o,·. t. I \1I1.t. u\,. 1I.'~h .,.0,. .... 0 a. I. M • UI» r.wbe!l! 1., .... ,,-. p ....... k .... ,.11. ".aU." I) ... en. t.u.. bo.le be aUo .. M_M h •.


Lefo Le Qoleng Ea Kobo

(KE K.ll.o ... M..t.OKDiG)

K A muo.bi n tsebiaa b.ng):. oen. h.mmoho Ie meteoalle kilo ha lelo

I. Mill Agoel Nteo tl. la 7 November ml a pita8 k. Ie h1.hlam.ng. E oe e 1& II motho I mooha-moch. e. 1iI1-lemo Ii 22 'eela. 0 kntle • Ie ma"ol TheDollseo b. mangoanae Li1.Zie TI .. tli. Tl!'eheletao e ile e. ehoa ke Rev. E. Motlonngka mlootaoe a m.tla a bolel. bou,'epehi ba molo 10 lerato mal6bao. Ie Lenteoe 1110 Molimo. A bolela hare ho sa hoa p8tea ogo.o. Olio bo Agoel eteng Sopbia Nteo Ie 1ll'8 rooa mofo CarolioaNteo, kilo beke ea boboli mune TheDnielen ho no ho patoa ogo"'ollo oa Agoes; 'me ksjloo ho patoa eeoa. Moroti Thipaoyaoe o ile a etn thapelo e m .. t1a blbolo a bull. kilo pbomolo e mon.te eo Agnes " eaog ho ha Ie eona. :teholimoog. Mofo e no e II motbo ea ikokobeli· tteng ha!:lOlo; 'roe illu Ie mo kb.oba· ntle 10 moeebetai 0 mobolo 00 a Deng • 0 te'oerloa Io8kolo ma.ol setrekeng '1. Tbeoni8Ben. Be &opela bohle ba ntlo I. Nteo matll'ellio, haholo Ure. Maria. Nteo ('m'. mofu). Ko ba Deng bl Ie teog lefoog II. kbaU8eli ea rou. rl kilo bolel. Ren. P. E. Tehoe Ie Moabi MellIn. J. A. P. Thiplloyano Ie Co.ogae; Sieterl K. Mangali, Mangakane Ie Molibeli Ie b. b.ng. Bohle b. ea lobohoo •.

MR. D. R. HOKHESI, P. O. Bo:.: 8i6, Port Elizabeth, a ro ogoUa

are :-Ka la 5 Pulongoaoa re ile ra .Iooa kl Mr. D .. niel Forri. 0 ne a re ha hlbo ke Bethlehem Location. Ke mohlaokaoa e. kHeng a fibla koaoa Umtat", moo. ileog • fomana moae­tuna Olio Leeeteli (coloured). Joale h&

re taiima lobool certifioate re fum.oa hate kl lOath., oa Winborg, O.F.B. JOlle I03fuoah.li Ie eeoa h ... hebe b. h.bo mofu; eoo. 0 ot"" Ie koaoo. o oe a re kereke ea habo ke Dutch Reformld Chorob. Motbo eo te mo hebile a ee • II Iiph.teng ha lefn; re ee to ntlo. bothoe Mo.otho a teog fla lI:ol.og maaol Parliameote Street; h. ell motbo eo re mo taebileog oall:o I telell. Ke til. tbab. ha bang kilo eloa b. k" t.eba tab. en •.

K" ma,o.bi ra hebilla hore lefn Ie 01 Ie keoe munl hI. Moloi , BInooi, I" nka Mn. ~inah Moloi kilo I. 29 Mph.lane. Bona bt<k:eDI{ eo 1. nk. morati 010 ha" FMda Moloi ka I. I Pulungo.Q., &e U", Ie looa B.kg.tl •• M,uena a nil." Ie "limne, 0 boetll 0 latlle. Ruri Ida 11 ,"leog ea kobo.

Tiro •

ea Ma. Wesele I Lekoa

M.1· Welo8le. eme th.ta ha eeaie Ret". Rill'. 1'J.leui a hitlb. go leka go

koak:oanoya mali a go ega otlo e Ill'h. ea baroti. Tiro I t .. m.n Mode, f.ooog mo.holu a re nUo ". bogolo. golo Ilapioe. 'me otlo 10 gotboeng I I.piol i.e log.ga.

Bahllokaol b.Many.no b. boile mo tleilog ba ea ko. M.atlo.aa. 'ml b .. &lill b. lr;olobill &1 pul •.

Pola 1110 I.nooe J. HodltDO e nile o. n. mo Vereeaigi08 ~ke eoble IDa &aretl'Dg (loU be, 'me mo 11111 I Oil I Ie R.n. a.aheobeim.er. I

Mono re booa Roe... Pol.lo oa Vr.defort, 0 1M a .. gl'.too 'ee. b. a _aa I. mODO Vereeaiaio, go boll. b.... 0 bnetM pe b. .Freld.ga. I.e IIIr. ltaID.J&IW oa Oao~1 0 De • _toiM moDo; J. Mr. Ao.m&n Oo.eu,atcll 0 oa a Ie mODll CO bona dibolL .III.r. Q, ¥Oheoa .. MIl' a Mile ka "fO _ ~ ........ IM. KI leoogo II •• ~"I IO.llit.u.t.e. Eo 0

olle0l." Skelle moDO k. Ta&-.:her Pal.IIl, '1M! Ibt. 0 ,II. "'beta., '101

,ito .... kolo 0 QUe I. e ... hl!pdit.M_ a, •. V.Uie" __ a ... b mlOl.o

1<1 haw,. a.tlo •• brab.


., No. 229, 1934.] Under and by virtue of the po_en v-eated in me by Bention lIi'lt of tbe

Nativtl Administration Act, 1927 (No. 38 of 1921). I do hereby Doofer, with

ellact. from the lit December, 193-1. UP_Hl the Native Commissionua named

in the Scbedille hereto oriminal joriiJdictioD in respect of auy offen('!!', 8ubject

1.1) the jurisdiction of !to Magietrate'& Court, committed by II. Natin within

tb,ir u!pectiv8 areaa of jurisdiotion. Gon SAVE TUB KIN\).

Given onder my H&Ild and the Glut S('.1 (,f the Union d South Mrie.

at Pretoria this Fifteenth day of November Doe thouland Nine hundl'l'd and

Thirty.four. CLARENDON,

Go vernor ·General.

By Command of Hil Excellency the Gover oor·O, ner", i· in· Cound I.




Native Commillioner for the Dilltriot of KiogwilliamlltowD.


NativlI Commiuoollr for tbe Dietrict of Pretoria.


Native Commiuiooerfor the Dietriot of Durbin.

Native Commiasiooer lor the Di.triot of Pietermadt1.burg.

Oi Parton's Oia Itshekisa Gape Oia Nonohatsa.

L bo mtll.., .. di •• tlh

t ;J ga m .. la. Kt k .I,ph .. ,!

:;) Ii _;: y;o),,;1. 0; j, ta 0" I.rl .. k di)o d,:.dil I!'

1 mo 11 ka d, tl,;).n


I'flo ,p • IH' ... me mal. it"""

l )j '.iJ.; Yo II"" " ~'IIK h , , ,.

t~e my,)"

, Ie .. ij g Y' dl itarta, ,II 8"' n I .....

n y t\e.

, d "

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03 ~ hal ". K. k. 10 .. ". of; P.r\o",. eI. tlh.h"lntoe ........ u.. tb.L ...

r.u.. .... Ia I.re ....... I ...... DD.

l.1 IJ. '3 m;okct~" r 1'I'I31lo .. " ,m~ 1<)1-" l." I .ang hi a,u, ",

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Ihl\.& e II q::., 'qae maiM r boo .... «ltv ..

kal __ '*»,,&0 a" I ill b. I

I I I.e Jkll\.df "aoe ~ 'eM 01, . ~ P b. 1 6 &.01 H' ---,''PlI ,,..'


Il"r- :.. ... b ItloO" ~

110 0 Be,. .!. Cape 1'-. ':":'m Ie DIUi..

$I.e. r P. f.

-" ... , illWl,It',U"l!Pl! w.u1.lA: 'll.W.ll" jill;',

I On The ~

t"'M",,,~jS~~r?!' 'mmJ ALn~"UY a laf«11 I'utfl' UP bnD

",dl.i~l!d for tb, Athietil) t:lI'Ofl.' Ah.(!tlug to be bt!ld ,,~ t.h(l n"otu SPilttt Club groulIIlI, ,I\lh"tlllf'lburg, 00 !aloodllt,y , lith l),<"l'Imbl'f, '1'0018 .. 'abios to tak.e Jlart ~hoJ'li11 lIlalo." appliratioll for ('utry rOllu, to tbe Sporl. Orglll)l.~r. I' 0. lIux ,i~l'l:.l, JOh.Dll6.bur~ .

• • • 8everailUrprlioi att(\udell t,be flut

rouod (If ~be Ul6l..e '1'1110(\1' Tropby 'auru.ment at the Bantu Mem', ~O\li.l Ct'Gtft!, JobaODl'lbufll hut ~lIturd.J. No OM prllldiotl'U tllat a le .. oued plaYH like K, J MO"('IJ)UH~ could 80 down 80 hillel! to JIt.Wl" MOlal", or tbat F. H. M •• eli could \.w! bnu~D by A. Juliu.. Tbere "'a. very lIttlo doubt a. to tbe tetult of tbe M~lato­Luutbo m.t.ch ... ben Mel.to took ,Imel in UI)ld lu('co .. loo_ l.1lter In the day M,n.la pro .. idt·d •• tift' burdle for Melat.o, but ... ulu.1 tbe obetry M~l.t.o w •• t.be vietor. Tbe 'eC'ood rouod of t.he touro.ment will be ('oDtio.o~ t.od.'y (SIItuula) 1 .b~n the follOWing .tII take p.rt. N. Nt-baut., J. g, x.orite, E. C. R. Mpbele .nd A. P. Kbutl.ng . Mel.to, J. Olipb.nt, Julio •• nd D. Makoe bue qu.lified for t.he tbird ronod.

• • • • A \enoia racket prlllt'otu.l by Mf. H.

J.jbb.y, will btl comp"w,d fur In. Ruab Touro.ment to be ~tagtd .t. tbe B.otu Men', Soci.! CtontTe from l;lth December, and jt il hoped that the 60al will be pl.yed on l,lh Dt('~mber.

• • • •

A I.te foo~bill .ealon bad. telling ellectoo the BUIJ Bucll':.-B.M S.C. Red. ~ncoootu on tbe Wt'mmef Sport. Groond J.,t t)aturd,y. The footbailiaeked itl tbrill., benule tbe defencea of both .idr. tUlpt 00

ballooniog the ball. Early io tbe pme, bosh .ide "ere twu goall dowo. ODe of tbue goal. ... ••• cored by Mar.w., wh':l, on reeei.iDg • 10DII: , ..... from the opjlO,ite wing from. difficult .ogle, elll.rtly he.ded tbe b.U into the lafeOrner of tbe net. After the internl a -." apparent thlt botb aidea were tired. Individu.l effortl beuQle tbe fe.tor~. and bere Boab BllI::k~ out. bone tbtir opponent, and were tl:lw"dod by a g011 .bieh decided tbe V80\le (.f the City Cup. Fiollacoree: Bueb Buck. 3, H.M S.C. Red,2.

" . . . La,t ~unda;. Simmer and .Ja.rk

continued to") Ullt io th~ir mltch againet Stcne Sr".ken, and rlOllrd their iooing. witb221 rUOH. TOIIl"ard. tbis E. M!Iodzingana cootriboted tlr;, Stone Brealum iD tht'ir aecond inuio,,' .. ere diamiaaed fo"}t 141; ruoa· Their defeat wae DOW inevitable, anfl Simmer .nd JdoCI!: wi perl oot the dtfh'icllOY by tbe lou of ij wicket., tbul "inDi~g tlie ma.tch by 10 run •• od 4 wjekel"

• Cricket At Cape Town


raE m.tch betweeo A.C.C, and Fi.e Gre.t Power. C C. eoded in

• wio for the Five Gre.t Poweta C.C. 0.0. tbe firat d.y of the m.tcb flOth Not"ember) the F. G. P. made 50 (I. L •• I.12j. A. C,C. replied .. itb 38 (Y:. Mnam 7 for 91. In their 2Dd inningl F. G. P. made 75 .ad A. C. C. 78. Thul A. C. C. lost by

UM.TETJ~J.[ WA DANTU, JOIIANNI""I'!II'(), 1)1 01 MDI'" .... ~ 1'11' ,; ,; ~~. w:.u. '7

l'ho~~ by W. w· .rab",,"u, JUVENILE AND STONg BREAKERS Lt\WN TENNIS CLUBS: Beek row: Me,., •. MOYlb (upt.in); Mazwal Mill M.hblkwe, Mr. T~ohobe, MI .. Mlenun., M t. N~xlkl, Mr. Botha a.1l of Grab.m_town. Mlddl~ row: Mud.mell Kuoone, Alu, Mt.bir.ana; Mr. R.tele (o'ptaID); Mr •. Qube\·u. Front ro.. Mellr. Ty.H, Alu, Oubevu, Jjya

Imidlalo ye Cricket e Bhai

Kouten \lIt.p;", 1;,,,&.10. II B Dge 2 S'mel (16-4",. Kwibal. Ie Algo,. kuqubhene 1I A DO B wayo, k".~iol

lJ nge.tO Mlmel «(;7-li). Sut .... oIlG.uyo dukuiu o,u )100

J.m~. M. DIPP., oyi pruld .. otye Rug-(Noo Qau.z,I\'& ) by Boald ya.e Bb.i jike!tlr, ukoba

KWIBAL! Ie ifum'Il"ldle indrht' ylkudl.le .... tl@e Dgopelileyo, Je rUllby yl E .. t. HI Pr(jvj~, r

Not 00 Fight Fot1!Vtr, De }1idl&ud. Rugt-y l1Dt(>~

-- .. --I en nis At East London

R BAUEttS flf "UrntH(}U" 11'111 nlffll,m, ber tl.u"t ~IHl Juvllnlie LJ>wu

Tenul. Club f.,f U"rllflt falllf! mf't Lbe I:Jtooe Brl,.ker, f.,f Orllh.m,to1l'0 Ll)

Ott(.lbcr J. wLou the f:ltllD6 Breaker, WOfll be.teo. A. tbe f&lult III tid, game It haa bl'en h,rtl for tbe Juvenile to get team. to rotet tbem. Thty bave lellt Gut oi1aiJenge. III far &II AHwal North .nd llutterwort-h Th~y btovu now writteo to Stork.hOllto nod h.ve made arrallgemootl for a m&tcb 00 D&ocmbet 26_ Tho UUIVell&II,. eolourell group, Luo .gtud to play Juvenile. or.. Dcoomber J7, The vllit of tbe Stone Brelker. to Kilt LondOIl gave oow life to tb'~ olub for it DOW

counh among Ite metoLera Melin M. Jabavu (Editor, lmvo)' R. Uodlo (1~djtor, UmllodJ we N'Y.ng.); R. Mkutuka; !f1l1ea Dy.n, Wot.hel., Mbbawbaol, Mgobo, MvuDdlol., Q.baka .nd MaLluele.



Sunday League Saturday League

Entrance fee 216 per team. okoq.'.: Fear Not CiS, , .cndtbt' dillt.hwf'npu Mou. 84. Kw ... "ibloi amangeno: i M. P ,",ue Bbai. N(Zo- EDtr)' fOrull and further plrtitul ... ob· Forever 24 (J, C. M.ko •• y; %II .. Bhod! klliollllt'lIndto tlj""ble from tbe MIIIIg8T, Beotu Spon.

I M t· Club. \011 Weill'IIh S'rt'e.~,~, "lb. Pbon. for Hi funl). Fear Not 13 ruo, for 7 y.yo toot Itulllrnle y( kuqala U6!~, C""nt .. So:. 6{1jf>. JOh'''Df~1 ure;. Clo.iog wlcbtl (J. Monqo (j wicket. for 10) .. ve rugby idlll"a II Monti DgtboHde til da', 'CIT eetrin r,p,m" I'rlday, lJe«m~. 14.

K"tlinye ib..la, kllqubl.~De I Elllter euyo. Enter n"w' Ooo't wait 1l11ti1 J( o. wo lIto.

Otad,tcne ne 81. Cyprian yabeta ~u,1 ~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~;;:~ (B. Ncwabo 12, R, Gamlnda 21, W,): Ncw.bo 12). kumaogooo okuqala. y.llUdel. i GI&d.tone yt. bet. n.yo SO, (E, Oqomo 20. T. Llwani 12, T. Jaotju 14, T. Dorn 10) v.ngullldl.lo ov; dra__ -

- Kwi mateh:te Albany ne Wide A •• ke, knm.ngeno okuqal., I Wide A_.ke ixbomo 45 (J. M.eutu ;5, A. Jantj&l 14, O. C.k.ebe 14) II.odele i A1S.ny yuhOlll1 43 (W. Knl.ti 23, S. Nel 14 Dot nut). betbl lipele iB.og~ne i Hoond inninga uyo I Alb.DY iBikora Biyi 43 for I, blqobet. pambili umdilio nambl.oje.

ENe .. Brigbton, i tum lea Ed. N.kao! knmaogeno oknq&1f, iJ:ome 136, ell':a Ed. NgiDU 163, huba lipt'le eka Ngioza i,uhoroe H for I wioket.

Kuwnyhad.la _e ntenety •. t' New Bri~bton. kuqubieeoe u A no B _e Civio k .... wina. U B Dge 10 ~emtl. E Konten, kuqubieeDe liw! bala 1(\ Korlten Village u A DO B team. bl'>



9 nll)l.

Home Bachelora met Record E. C. R. MPHELE (left) who di:::'~~ Breaker. 0.0. the former'. grouDd. H . JAJBHAY (right) io. the I H_ B. m.de 148,and R. B. 55, total ~he Jajhhay Brotben Cnp".;·;.·nti;'~1 for both inning', Home Baohelora B.ntn Men'. Social Centre [, 'bu. "OD bY.II illoinp .nd 93 runa . There yere 58 competitor • •





A PLEASANT et'eoing .... tbat of 19tb NovemberaHbe Community

B.lI. The oeoMion .1' the prlteDta' tioo of ('liP' to t.be .. jooing t(,lmt (If the Bloemfooteig Afrioln FootbaU A"oei,tioD. Seveul EuropuD hiemli, and wollll:l\o_o Uantu people W,ttl

preteot. \"<>CII mUlin .... rendertd by tbe Kentuoky BlIck illrdl, Revellent aod }<~. P. Blnt Divert.

Mr, Molttt-di, who occupied the ahsil opened tbe I.~bering with. Ihort' .ddteu, Ind tbe Pre.ideot M~. D. Tlllmba.M,iltinYI, delinrfd bll pralidenti,L Be ufer.re~ to ~be achievement. of the A"OCLatIOD dutlOI the "MOD, the cbief of .. hich .re tbe foll.,.ing Hprnentatioo of the o F.S. by tbe Bloemfontein African Football Alllociation in the Soutb Alrio. Alden Football AMOCia'ioo TIlDrnameot, and the joiuiog of handa by Bethlahe ... and Kr~ut.ad ... ith ,the B.A.F.A. In formlog ao O.F.S.A '.A.

Councilor Ad,.ooate C. J. Sutton (.h'l illl.o pr.ideot of the 0 F.S, aud Bllntolnd Football Aeaoeiatloo), prueot.d tbe cup, to tbe (ollo.iog teallll, _ afloer deli,.eriug a Yery eneluragiD~ ,peeob:-

S~nior Lugol._Sanderaon'l Cnp to the Hibernianl F.C. (ruDnerl np, Y.U.C.A. and Young Tigerl F.C.)

Ooioo Cop to tbe Blue Bmh F.C. (rouDen up, Ho.o.gry Lion. F C.)

Juuior L"glle-Dr. !'doroll Cup: Rollin&: Blaeb F.C. (unnen·up Blne Birdl F.C, Ad.III,'Cup: BI.ci: Bird, F C. (rounen·up RoHing Blacb F.C. K"l'lci: OJ~ Cup: Black Toffo&l F.C.

Til.' Britt Medal fo)r merit Ind ex ~mplarv coodoct wla Iwuded to Mr. Po)lycup D .... id. ",b') i. tbe B'o, Bird clptain aDd .u 'be 0 F S. c 'phio io the III' «Ioutb AhirlO T JorOUI,ut. ('dr. Sattoo kiadly proll'rred another loeb medal for next.u,on).

O~b.er .p,,,ken ... ere Meun J. A. McG .. mley, eJ.:_Pre~ldeot of the O.~ S. Iud B F !U'Iciati<1o, Mt R N. Brltl, A'9i~t&Dt Superiohndent (If the L<)cltion~, and Mr. T. G. L")we of the o F.S. Coloured F A. Amooglt tbOle preileot WHe M .. llfl J. B. Se~illlr. T. M. Mlpii:ell, P. L. Mol.pi.i lod M. L. S,epe, allo Miesee A, M. Mapikel., E. M }.i~ko, !IIe.d.me Segce .nd mlny othen Tbe e ... eoin~ '11''' .oood up witb d,ociog to 'he mUlical.traiOI of th3 Ll1lLUOa Bind onder Mr. J. J. J .. gg~u,

Tbe m .. etiDg of tbe O.F.S A.F.A. Glnenl Couocil me~ .t Mr. Illd Mu. D TlJlDbl.~hikinya'. reaideuce 00

3td November. The follo"ing di.­trich "ere reptellnttd by deleli/lte.: Kuonltld Ind Bethlehem (Harri. IlDitb, Ficuburg and Reitz .. coveriog the North ENtern Free Stlte). The former Wil.l repHllflnted by Mr. R­Ciogo B.A .• od tbe Iitloer by Mr. P. T.Ila. Tbe meetiog " .. In uoqulli­fied .tlOC(llfl. The conltitotion w.a adopted and official. "ere eleoted.

Interest In Cricket In the lelgue matobee fortune. ate

floctuating; 10 fir the only exception ie tbe Orient.al e.c.

The Ii.C.C. who troaoced Occidental • 0 badly io tbe 6ut fixture, were de­feated by Thabl Nchu, by 10 innioge .nd 2 run., tbe acorel reldiog M.e.e. (ht iooiog.) 73. (LeilMreng 27, Vltl11121, Nt. ... 12, Schroeder 10) 2nd inni~ 53 (HltIeII 15, Scroeder 12, Leillflrlog 10). Thaba Ncbo: lit ianlng. 128 (I. M .. ike 41, Monyel7, Leobe 14, Lobere 13, Hot. .. 12. Tlakanelo 10).

Flirpllyen C.C. ("ho in I prior 6xtur~ beat Good Hope C.C) were out Ihone by Occident-I, ... ho woo by In ioniog. Ind 146 ron •. Soore.t:

Occlden'al lit loulogl 28:" (R. Mtyobile 113, "Irli. IN, lIIalDI 3:!, T. M.luogl 17); F.ir Playeu lit inoiDgl !Il (W, Lencoe 32, D. Ro ... 14, S. Burgell II, P. Motahumi 11,0 M.ikinYI 10), :!nd iooingl .. 5 (R. Sebllbakll" oo'out.)

Orieotal.cored Inotber "io~ry over tbe Good Hope, Scoree: Orieo,.1 ltjU (W. T"lyi .")9, W. Tlotaobe 45, Serota 20, M&rai. 18) j Gaod Hope lit iooioe. 7;, (VIO Wyk 18, Henuey l.J, Petell 10). 20d iooiogl tiO, (Dyer 25 out out, \-'In Wyk 14, lod POI""" 12). Orlent~1 "'00 by In ia:uogt and 12 runl. Tbll .in of tbe Oriental placee them ill tbe lead.

• Kimberley Cricket

AFr£R th'!! flilure of ollr bowlenlt tbe JOblODeebllrg tournlment ooe

would have thooght. tbe local Cricket Onioo would mike the eadeaf. pOllibMl .tlrt with it. fixturel io order ~ give ita howlere luffident practioe before 'be P. E. Marathon j bnt it wa. not till lalt Siturday 'hit .ome of tb. teaml COCDtDenced their fint fixturea, Ind It w .. only their secood mlkhl'l tbat the oth.r teame pllyed. None of tbe bo.len have .. yet .bown their belt form. bn' Gftl. (Eaglee) lod 8likaDYo (OOk6ll, both Ipinnell, hl\" gino glimpte. of th"ir lkill.

Tbere il every pro.pect of Oriqo •• 6eldiog the Itrong!!'lt blttio.R: .ide io 'be fllrtbcomiop: tournlment. Nomtuli, Ltogodi .nd W Mcw.beni Ire on I f.ir wly to .~Ied them.elvee.

glcelaior (Green point) beat Otto­man on th'!! fint iooiol" The Itr~ngth of tbe youthful Exceilionlifll in tbeir gllod If'ngtb bo.ling .nd in their bright 6eldiog.

Dolcel 10lt on the fint iUDiog1 I~alult Cre.aceoh. 011 a muddy pitcb Nomtuli 11'" tbe oDly batllXlln .ble to time the b.1I proP'f'rly.

L,,~t SlturdlY Cl'elcentl kept Ea!l;lel on tbe tiflld tbe whole .fter 1l00U collecting tbe rfllpectable total of 196. To tbil BUGM, juoior, con· tributfld I eoood century.

00 Dukee ~rouod E:J:Ct'leior totilled 101. Dukee replied "'itb Ii for no wicket. r.. •

Cricket At Tiger Kloof -

Willow. Be.l Fear.ols

ON SltordlY, lith November. OD I rainy dIY, WiIlo .... Iud Felrnot.

met. Willo.e b.tted tint and the fira' .ix wick-eta fell r.pidly. P. Motlhahe "'18 .000 bowled by J. Goji, lod 'hue WiIlo.e were In out for 69 ruo •.

Fearooti wben bitting, were puzded by the good bo ... liog of P. Motlhlbe Ind N. T, Joogqo, lod the Willo"l fieldiog '11'11 bri.k. Fellote were III out for 30.

Follo ... ing were the Willow. pl'yen: P. Motlhlbe, N T. Joogqo, T. H. Hkuli, S. Mtimknlo, E. 1IIotio&:,oa, M. Mocbkekel., D. Oteeleng, A. Nkall, J. Rabotopi, E. MaYlyiand J. MOtll"& .

• Uoder the au.pio&l of tbe Blntn

Sporta Clob I tive· .. ide Football Tournament i. to be staged .bottly. Thil ia IOmething new to local foot· ball, and i' I. hoped thlt all foot· bailers will enter. Any five men may enter I team. There.iII be t"'o leeguel (Satnrd.y aod SnodlY) Ind II I grand finale I knookout. Enqniriea mly be mad. to tbe Mln'glf, Blnto Sporte Club, Johlnoelburg.

Groop of CDoklltt.oh at the frieodly tpatcb, G"jdto Arrow 't'. lAd,

RoI' pla,ed recentl, at LIOgl. Capetown







BATS. Star Autograph, Don Bradman, Pat:sy Hendren, J. B. Hobbs,


Roy Kilner, Wally Hammond, Herbert SutCliffe, Leyland, H. B. Cameron, Warsop,

55· each,

all tbe above Ire perfect in blllnc~, grain acd coo.tructiOD.


:SONJA.R, 296. SUPERB DRIYER, 196 CANNON, 396. SPECIAL (LCB, 156 PADS. CANVAS. 136, 176,19,6,226,25_


CRICKET BALLB. LEATHER 5iG~. 46, 56, 66, 76, 8;6,96,106.

Score Booke. Stiff Coorers. 26, 36, 4/6. a,6.

W. K. Glove •. Rubber Flced. From 10/. to 4.5/ ••

Every bat lupplied by u. ie folly gUlnntted.

Bah oiled Ind f.ced FREE OF CHARGE

Special DiscouDt to Clubs aDd Schools.

Prilited ud hbllth", by 'be Propr'." H." .. h ....... hbUlhhl, 00 •• LkI •• 60 I:Dd BU.., Jolaaueab1lrl.