tiefatalleiflfiit affaeeid by flames, fflllsllefomdimlle. mu4


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First Edition.

T IE F A T A L lE i f lF i iTD eaths a t Chicago Caused h y the

Sun's F ierce R ays.


One Peeth Iterortled Tliere* mtul M siij FroilriillotiH»Ttiie AVurk o f lilg litn ln f Ik tk WliconMiii («inp-*iOiie Sktldler KIHeil

a t»l Bcvernl llnrt.

( ’HicAQO, JaJy liK-JSlx periooi were killed ky Ujo tjettt ycittrcluy, ou« Itidlrecily, ono oiUer wilt die and mauy were pruetrated. Foliovritig iB iLo list;

CJuiltive A-LiderMOii WR4 working on a roof wUea oTorcumu and roiled oO, broaking bU neck.

CbriBtcphcr Duif. tenniBtcr. prontsatad wbue at work« nud died alter being taken borne.

burkbarda Lorzol, proBtratod whllo work* lag, and died eliorUy alter being taken bomt.

J. A . Blmonif eieciriclau, oTcrcomo walk* log On the track and died hiittaully.

Cbarlei Urcblagrr, overcome wbllo work* iDg IQ Mleben'B Urewory, died an hour later.

Uuldenitfled man, found by the police, re* moved to county hoipltal and never re* gained eon*cfouBQCt«.

John Eilewortb Ma« overcome w llb Ibe heat, he will die.

llernard McUalre,a water dopartmont em< ploye; nvercome by heat, he luuy not live.

^T. July 15.*-Elght nieo were proa-tratedby tJte beat yetterday and: two o f the oascM proved fatal And two are in a crllic-al condlUun. Tbe weather i i having a diBaa- troui effect on hpraei and a great many have died from the e.xceaidve beat.


A TJolent Tlmnderttonn Wrncke Camp

Uouglai, K ill* One Boidler and Jiijurei Many Othora.

CAlii* DoroLAHH, Wii., July 15.—A severe wind and tbuudcr ulorni atruck Iho VVlacon* •In NHlIoual Uuard Camp last evening and llghtDlng Btrunk in the camp, killing Ueorgo Clary, o f Darlington, and abocklng aeveral oiUer», a il of wbom are recovering. The (Ut or tbedi’adand injured foilowat

The dead—(ieorgo Clary, Company F. ln> iurod—Hugh Clary, Company F ; Harry C ar)’ , Company F ; Uarry MarfbalJ, Com* pany*F* Anton Komner, Company F ; Kol>* eri L. Wood, W. J, McMahon, operator; Mp. Conley, wlfo of Captain Conley, aufferlug from H«vore nervous proitratlnD.

About 7 o’clock a terrific thunder ahower enme upfrom the west nnd Colonel Caldwell ordered the evontug parade auapended. The men and uffleera tcaik rufuvo In tbeir tenta.

A t tbe telegraph office sal MoMaboueend Ing In the report of the day In camp. With him were hie wife aud another woman. Suddenly McMahon atraightened out la bl« ehalr aud a woman’a acream rang above the din In the office.

SimuUaneoua with tbta a blinding ftaah aud deafening report occurred. Aruabwaa made for the office aud kind banda lifted the operator from hla chair and placed him on a litter brought from the boapltal.

Boon MoMabon revived, and bad nothing more occurred the regiment womd have alept with Joyoua hearla* but aa the men turuad to leave the office the Utile relief oorpa was Been running by with a man. Then came another and another, and they kept coming unlit eight had been carried In and laid on the ooU.

One poor ftUow waa beyond all help, he lay dead on a cot, while on each aide were men aullbrlDg ^om the terrible ahock.

Beaidaa tha electric atorm there waa a aevere wind and rain ttorm, and m u were blown down, oamp edulpage blown In all directtotti a ^ the greateat ooofttalim prw> taUed In oamp for a long tlma.

Colonel Caldwell waa itandlng In hla tent with aevtrai ofllom when the ahock came and hla ordarly waa atruok and Call In the CotoneFa arma

Governor Paok In the hoepital during moat o f the evening, Ue directed that no palni ba •pared to ralleve the aofffcrloga o f the Injored men, and placed, hla heedquarlera at the dia* poaat o f Major 'Byen for boapltal aerwioe.


[ llul the state linard U«1« « bcb and ParoleB Other PriiuMirri.

SrA (IlkT. July li.-Tliore wai n ipeclal iijt'fliug ufthc Xew Jeisry Court of Furdona hare yeaterdoy morning in ihe Ooveruof^a cottngA. Govvnior tVerla, the l^reildrnl of fbe bonril. tailed it lo order. Among those pre<ieul were Chahcellor MeUiH and Jndgee WlllUim Walter rticlps Kruegor, Clernenia, Siiiltb, Brown and Uogert, nud the AisUtant Hcerctury of Slaic, who In the clerk of the boarJ.

Tbo bunrd lind bcim Hitkoil to pardon Lib* bic Uarrubrant, tlir rnmou* poisoner, of Pal* erton, who i ui licrn Iti the State Prl»4>a tweniy-on« ytura. Whru Blxteou ahe pid- aoncU an old rruu with whom kha lived as acrvaul In order lo gel him out ofine way lO ,ii« m'pliew could marry her. The benevo­lent wuiiicii o f the Hialo t(Kifc an Iniereat In her, and uHer ft long flahl her aenlcnre was eoiiiTnuied to liiiprlBoiiiucnt lor HIV. The nlovom«;iit for Iht purflcn vrai atartcrt by Joluj P, Stockion; tilt’ AtiOTneydlcncral. Ho bcccnif lutcreiU'd in her case while visiting Ibc prison.

Whfu Llhlde wa* wen hyihe inerabcrM of tbu board TncAduy sbu frankly acknowledged that she bougbl (he ar»<Qnlc with which the old iiiBii wnt killed and plticod It In hla food. Afier u long dlM'us«toii the board voted solidly ftgfthiRt gruiUlug bora pardon,

Pioarly 10b oHior luson were couaideied. Full pnrdotm were granted tti W illiam J, Hmlib, the hlsaux Oiuiity forger; W illiam Hrady, who aloloa horiM'ln BomaTnat County; Georgu Gftllaway, cunvlcled of breaking into n Cathuhe oliurcli in Merrjs County, aud llnward VV. |*nrker, of ihirllugton County,

The following prlBoneri were paroled from Htiile Prison: Frauda lA^bu. the bigftinlat, of Camden ; Fre^leiick Locimrd and James K union, b HU nf Pasttic Coiinly, and Addl- ton Price, o f UluueoNter Comily. Isaac N. XbompHuu, ufWuMif*x, wiio aervod out hla term five yotira ugo for forgery, waa natoredto CltlBCUHhip,

Tbe foHowlug prlNonen, who had been comuiitti’d to (he Ksaex County Penliau* (Inry Instead o f ihn Plate Prlaon, wan granted purdoiii: Helena Humain, Henry M. I ’rice, Henry C. Kusa, Jamea CarragUer and baniuel U. Prrklua The caae o f John V., Uuymond, who was sent to Ktats Prison frcizu MiddieAcx for anon for twenty years, waa laid over.

AffAEEiD By FLAMES,E x d t if ig Scenes at a D e s tn e t iv e F ire

at E liia b e th p ort.


^u|ck Spread of the Flmine* Prevenlfi (he

Fire Department from Saving a ICuw of Unlldlngf—Truant* Lu«r A ll Their l*oi- ieiultini and the BnildlngB Destroyed.

TH O M A S a B A R R R E TIR E D .

Helene Itomaln was senlonc'd on Uarob 17 tn alx months In the penitentiary for keep­ing u disorderly bgiiae in Academy atratd.

Henry M. Paine, of 115 Uloomfleld avenua, an old man wbn had an honorabie and Inter* eiilDg record as a euldler, vria aentanoea to tbe pcnitcDtlary for elgbteeti moniba on Do* eeiiiber 12 o f Iasi year. H e ll an luveotor. HIh offeree was the endorsemeiit of notea made by him with the name of a bUBlDoaa man of this city, and having tba noiaa dla* goitnled by Warren N, Tniadell.

Henry C. Uuaa woi couvicied abnat a year ago of having attempted to com vlt a bQrg- lary In tbe bouse of John Huisell, 18 Houlh Tweinh alreet. Ifo was recently aealaaoad to eishtcen muntht Id the penlteiillary.

Perkins Is tbe mao wbo embscKled money bnlobglug to Ibe Kilemakors' Auembly of Kiilglits of liftbor. H ii sentence waa pro nouneed on Juno U of last year, and was Hd- prlaoumenV forelgblacQ iiiontha In tbe pant* tenllary.

The Court record here does tint show Ibo DAmea of Corragber or J. Bmlth.



Koomouth Park Aiaoclatlow ftn lk i O ff Two B «p o rl«ra »T h « New Tork

‘■Times** Baa Sued*

Lowo Brakch , July 15.—Tbe axecutlve com* mlttee o f tbe Mzmmouth Park Aisoclatlou threw a bombabell luto the preia row to-day In the ibapa of two reaolutlons adopted last ulgbt. They ruled od Tra^r Bronson, rep­resentative o f tbe New York TirneM, ahd Ar­thur T. Bowers, reporter for the New York TVfbune. The executive eommltleo complaltia that tbe crltlolamB of these two men have been entirely too Hbarp and uopleasani to tbe moo comprlalog tbe aaaocUtlOD.

M'urM. Brottson nnd Bowers gave up tbeir badges Thursday evening. Mr. Bronson, act­ing undoradvlceofblspaper, yesterday went to tbe Pennsylvania Railroad office in Jersey City and purchased a tlekat which entitled hi m to a ride to and from the track and ad* roUtlon to Ibe^randutand. He waa refused admission to tbe track and so telegraphed to bis employers, *'

Butt waa Immediately begtin against the railroad company for damages for breach of eoDtmct. Notice hoi been served on ibe aBsoclatlon,

•be Crashes Into Piv rs aTid Damages Ferryboat—The Injnred,

PBiLADELrutA, July 15k—Hiiapplng her bawiers and breaking loose from two tugl the big British ship Wanderer beenma a runaway in tbe Delaware yesterday afternoon, Biie ersahed into tbe ferryboat Cooper's Point Just ai it was leaving lu dock nt Vine street for Cam* deOf Creating a panie, knocking down paasen* gen and horses, injurlog several persons, but none aerlouily, The following are re* ported to have been Injured: Mrs. Buekn Ftlsgcrald, of Oamden; John M. Rltnar. o f UaddonAsld, and Alary Lsngbam, o f ^ i - myra, N. J,

The Wanderer la one of the largest Teiwla In tbe world’e commaroe, Bbe waa under low o f the tugs Bamuel McCaulley and Kva McCaulleyp moving from Fort Klcbmohd coal piers lo Point Brcesc. Tbe wind waa blowing stiffiy from the nonbeaai, and undea Ita influence tbe tide was ruanlng awlflly^ out. Just as they got well under way the tugs were Qompellad to change tbeir eouraa to avoid another vessel backlog out Into tbe stream further down the river, Instralgbt- eo lo f out the heavy wind and swift currant a wept the abip toward the wham a, while the tugs pulled la vein at her bow. Buddeniy there was a loud reporl. The great towing hawsers had parted and tbe huge ablp phinged madly toward Willow itroet wtiarl,

Tbe ablp ersahed Into Pier 22, receded for aa instant and tbeu crashed Into the next pier—23k Agalh abe receded under tbe forM o f tbe blow, and was then driven directly upon tbe bow of tbe ferryboat Coop Pa Pol Qti which was slowly puahlng out of the dock, Tbe crew of tbe police lag fitokley, which lay near the wharf, shouted to the ferryboat paasengen to run back for their lives.

In the midit of tba conniilou the ship drove with great force Ihlo tbe Cooper’s Point, her bow crushing a big bole In tbe ferryboat. Fosaengera who fled to tbe stem of the boat were thrown in every direction.

The anarp Iron prow of 1 he Wanderer cut through live Ibet of tbe solid plena guards o f tbe Cooper*! Point, and tbe bowsprit punched through tbe cabin, a close call from a terrible disaster through iba sinking o f tba forryboal, whiob had to be docked In Cam- don for repalra The Wsuderer waa finally pulled Awny from tbe Wbsrf and turned to Point Rroexe, where she is under charter to load 12U,000 cases of rellaod petroleum for Calcutuw

flpcflal lo (he KvrsiNo NrwM,Ki.tziAUFTK, July pj.—The lower part of

thiacity—Kilsabelbiiorl—Hius Ibo scene ls«l night or a deilructlvc Ilro (bat wiped nut half AhUKrk un Third street aud Imperiliod Hip lives ofadosea Ikmllles.

Flftmes were dleouvered at midnight la Arsine Hrouepl coofeotloaerj In Uco^o Neuritl4*r'i row, corner of Uiraball and Third ■(reels.

The row l« lOOiao foct, over three stories lu height, tmd tbe upper floors were occupied by u doicn families nearly all of whom have children. Un tbe ground floors were lucuiod (ho pharmacy of (Jenrgn Thuiu, TbunmH Atiderson'i iliucstorc, W illlstn Flshbougb's meat store and Drouri'i conlCcUoncry,

Tbt' confectionery store la on tho corner and the Iluinos spread with aucU raplaity tbst Dronel and bis with barely got out lu their nightclothes, In a few tnlnulos the entire upper storea of the row were filled with flatnrs and smoke AUd ibrllllng acencii were enacud In trylcg lo save the teoanls* Uvea, as all of (hem 'H'uro lu bed at tbe time,

(iallant deeds were perfunued by the neighbors nnd firt'inen lu rescuing tho un* fortunaie people, nearly all of whom lust everything hut their clothing.

BorDc wero linptlKoned In the upper floors tpd bad lo be takan out by moans of ladderH. A eouplo of frjgblonod Imuaien Jumped from the second storios sud inoklly escaped wlUi a fkw Hlight bruises.

For soma reason Red Jacket itaaiiier, which wee the first lo reach the Arc, was alow In gaUlug up sieam and the bo»o had to he temporarily sttaobed to.n hydrant. Mean­while the fiumei obtained groat headway and it WAS seen the entire row was duomed. Then carneamoal siubborn bHlIIotoaave the valuable property adjoin lag, as tbe neighborhood Is thickly built uii.

Charles Weltou's bou^e was oa fire oeverai limes nnd It was only by ibe liurdest kind of work that It was flually saved.

The sparks that fliied the air Ignited the roofs o f I^eary Mua 's two housuM, but tho firemau soon sitlngulsbed tbe ftames.

It Wsa 8 o’clock ibis morning when tbe fire was finally subdued, and the people living Id tbe vieiaity breathed freer.

The absence of wind alone prevented what wonld have been the greateat oonflfcgratiuu Eliiabsihporl bad evur experleuced,

Mr. Henrltler'a loia Is eatlrnated at from ttd.OOO to S20,000, covered by insurance'.

Tbe losses of bis ienAutaaru bard to learn, but they will reach, It Is said, from 812.0UU lu |i5,Q0Qi Several of the tcnanis lost watches, inooey and other valuallee In the flames, and ooinparailvely few managed to even save their clothln|. Tbe origin uf the fire is a mystery, aud there are atrang suspicious that It wds the work o f an Incendiary, as there was nothing Inflammable In thecou- fecticuery, where 11 steried.

At a Meeting o f the New Jersey 1 racllon CuiiipMiiy Dlrerttirs To-day He was

X>ruppeil from (he Hoard.At (he annual meeting ol ih$ Newark Fsa*

sengttr Railway ( umpsny held lo*day at the onlreM of the N’mv .Iprscy I tbcHou ('umpany, In Hie I'rudLMUliU Bulldlug, Thomas C. tlarr wiiM retired from the lumid of dlreclurs.

As nenriy all o f the sttu'k has |)Ma<ird Into the bunds of a few of the t'on- ootldAM'd Tructhm C«>iupany tnana* gers rt'CcuH). ilicrs were very few prck erjl. The l ‘.LhHi*ngcr c<Hnpauy’n llni's pSH'i'il Into the rmiirol of Hu.' New Jersey Trnriiuii L'omriiUiy yrur, on a Ivuie the terms of whkh have nut tu'cn krt>l. Tho Ni-nr JvriMiy TractUm (.'ommuiy gunrnn- lei'd to the NcwiirK FAKRcngcr t'omi>uuy Kiorlchoidcra’ Interi'Mi nr llii'lr holdings on IS gvsilad scale, varying irom half of ono per crul. to four ]Mr rent.

This would cxtciul over ft iwrtod of nbuiit eight ycAr». Oil Jrtimsiry 1, thenrsi divulend, at Hic ruio of tiirt>o*i|UArU'ni o f one per cout, wuh palU, but on July J of Jhls year no dlrlUcnd wiis |vald. Tho rnlo from .Isnimry I insi to Juuviary 1, IHiN, hhuuld be uiiu percent., but Hu're Is un pjoN^wet oi thv N.-h JerM'y Tr:Lctioii (joiiipsiiy i>ayini this out of Ita own funds. Ihe Conaoii- dated Trsctlun ('ompsny baring guarau- tficd to uiKUmn tne ohUgstloiiM of tho New Jersey TrHcllmi Cniupanj, will pay thesu tllvidi-nils, huL M>tno of ibo new man* ngera iboiighi (hat llic reuial slmiild Lc re- ducad, Tho leasi) o f lh« New Jersey TmciluD iuiiipauy frntu llic Newark Fas> aenger Cuinpauy has hemi broken by (he fuilure to pay this dividend, but AN the mujurdy ot tlio istockholdurs o f tbe latter cninpuuy, are loMsundated NtiKtkUoldcrs also, tliere was tud likely to hu any irlctlon. H luiended i<» allowtho N mw Jersey Trucllon Omipany to lull Into dlHUNu us ft rorjiomtlon, hut It Iiak been (Joeidod now to keep Us oorpn>raie ex- latenooftltvc In older Ibnt the fraiiublhON could not bo iilfecled In any way.

A director of Hu) Nouark I ’aiNOiiger t'om- pany and also uf Ibe Rapid TruusU t'uinpauy said to-day that tho Newark I'assenger t'umpsny, the New Jer- Mey Tractiun Coii>|>uny oud the lbH>hl Trnn- all C'ompuuy would be kepi going as cor}K>ritla cuncerjis, nulw IthHlanding tJiu fart Hm( ihn Consolidated Tmcilou Coinpuny had ubjiurbcd a 'I Hm* IhieN. Hr added (but neither the euhdltlooA o f the loANoa had been obi^yed nr ngl. Hioy would not be broken, and would bo main­tained by the Consolidated Trsedoa Com­pany.

M an y S tu rd y Wheeltcuu S t r u g g l in g

fo r G lory and R ich P riz^a.


Thft Full List or Knrries for th « Hare Numbered lA l, smi but Forty Failed to Start—Roads and Meat her Favorable to

Hood Tim e—Ono of the t'otHn llroHiara Blerta ITlth • Mishap—Atkinson Leads at l*rhico(uK—LliiiianiHii lild lug Hiroug.

H E R M IT P A L M E R D R O W N E D .



' a iD;:v 1

They ExcliADged Several Shots, hot theBobber TVon and Got •18,000^

and Then Escaped, ’

o f Crluendan County, Ark,, left bare IMe la&t “ *-*--•>,

■ ^^-^euunuf wuOlK'

■botatbim ,Hbarlfl Warner pQllad hts gan and let go,

but^la aasallant landed a jKcond shot In the BberlfTs right arm.

The Bherlfl’a shot went wide and hla gan fell from Ills grasp. Tbe robber then went through him for 812,000. Tbe Bberlff Is now « t Gaston's Hotel, this clly, where llio doo- toranre dresiiug bis wound. Hts asaalJani escaped.

Ascher Weinstein, Whose Fam ily la at X,ong Brandi, Drowned at fiea—Tbe

Death kai^ to Be Aocldentnl,

Q.rKkrrSTOWN, July lA—The Canard lino ateamcr Umbito, Captain McKay, from New York July 8 fur Liverpool, arrived here at 5 o’clock ihia morning, Bbe reporia that one of her poaaaDgers, Ascher NVeltistelo, o f a)5 l.^Xihgtoh avenue, New York, fall overboard from the saloon deck at 8 o’ clock yesterday morning.

The aieaimr m t flopped u noon as pomi* blc and a boat want lu search o f Weinstein, but he was not found. U ia presuoied that he Dll overboard aecldentally,

A Lidfbour previous be left hla room-mate aud oonpauloD, a Mr. BImiiiuns, In tbeir siaieroom, and waa tben.Jl& good spirits. Hla money aad vaJuablea were on hla peraou wbeD tba accident occurred, Mr. Weioaieln vrae a real estate ageut. H ii family la at Long Branch, Mr. Blmmona w ill return lo New York on the aleamcr Ktruria, which •alia from this port to-morrow.

Lake Denmark Loses ](• IteetuiA In Ibe Death o f nii Kcrontric—Fouitd

by Juliik Hates*

Spodftl SO tbe KvRjziNO Nkws,Muiikistow x , July l.i.—On Thursday John

JtatLS found tiip drowned body td an elderly man In IjuUo Denmark, a pond of water In tho norlhorn section of Morel* County, Cor­oner Huglmon, uf Morristown, «uv notified.

It wfts tubHeuuenily asuerlained that the flesd man waa James Faiincr. nged f)rty-ibn.<« years, who lived the life of a hermit In u •banly near tho Hhoreof tho lake.

Calmer has Imh u missing sluce July tl. On that date he WAS iftVt Keeuativoby Wilharu McMflLoii, frum whum he procured bait with which In go fitblng.

iJr. Flagge, who acenmpftiiled Coroner Hugbaoii, made nn exfimlnaliou uf the boiJy aud asceriahicd ihal the deceased rnet his (Icftth by drowning. Tiie Corouer dt'cldcd that DO Inquest was neccuary and gave a burial permn.

Almost with the first streak o f dawn thli murnliig ihu wbocimen who wure to take part 111 the ftonimi century nvid race to |*rln<H>tou and return, under ihe auspices o f ihu Atalaulft Wi celmen, were astlruiid tbe corridor* oMbe rontlnciitni Hold, where np- wnrd uf four-ieoru of Ibe cyclera pjiNHcd (he night, weie early filled wllh the eager ntb- leleo. A fter» husly brcakAist Ihe o) ulera, in pftriie* of (hroeN aud fours, set out for tho

BtartliiK pIscM', Alii worth's IJAilel, on Central uvemic, I-UlnI Hruoge, uiid by DiD o'clock the grcnlcr porilou uftbe rldur* wtiiou (ha socne.

iTedumitmtil among thecolors worn by the cycret'i was lUo rod aud orange o f the Naw- ark wheelmen, Ihe vigorous ofTspriiig of the defunct llusiuch* Mon's Cycling League. Of Hio forly-elghl N. W, riders entered, only (brCQ failed lu Appear oti time. One o f the tbree, speedy '*{Nxry” Huifhian, lo whom had horn Assigned a handicap o f twcnly-llvo iuluiUcN. kenl word Hint iUnes* would pre- Vi’ iil hl|]i from 4'ouit^'(U)g. An enterprising pdoHi^gjaplicr iccuri'd au Inlervicw w llh Dr. Fraser, uf Ihe NeWHrk lA'Ijvelmcn, and a mnment later the ir tlit had sui up hi* ma- chiue iitid trained It on the cyders who rangc4t up lu lino In front of the big tent eruciL'd on the fields opposite Avbworlh's flulcL

There were tol cnirloi nil tuld, H, H. Thotupiou, uf ihu Umi'ulu Fress Club, ami C. II. Kllery, N, W „ rernteb men, eidcred UH* niurnliig, Rut forty of the big list failed to NtMrt. ’J'lie flrNt lo start got sway at Mrigi o'clock At a fair rate of »i>eed. Theoiliur coutr*sLQ.iils toiluwed in Hiclr regular order, and there wqh iio cnuriislou or exoiiemenl.

Frnl Kcer, A. w\, aoleti ns slartor. Tbe relcrec Is Theodore Mcrseles, Jr., IL C. W, A. D. King. T. i'. 1'.; A. li. Cbiiuberlaln, 1.'.

R.. ami C. R. MaltliewHun, IN W., are the JlldgCR,

Tbu ftihicte* got uway In thoir proper places with thecxcrjnloM o f H. reiars, K. <■.

vho hud litjrty niluutcs’ handlrnp.


Alt tu



H ere of Weeks’s BascaRty.N ew Y obk, Ju ly lA -A u o lh ero f tbedeftil-

callonv o f the mlsalDg lawyer, Fraools FT, Weeks, cfthie out yesterday by his removal as trusiee, under a trust deed, o f Funny Thivles, now Mrs. Fanny D. MacOeogh, by Judge TruAX, o f tbe Bnprome Court, aud Ihe •ubslllntiou of the Real Estate Loan and Trust Company In hfs piece. Tbe deed wui given as nn anil-nupHul deed Just before the marriage of FAm y Davies to Thomas B .F. MacQewgli, of London. Weeks got bold of flbnut 849.750 under the deed, end Is alleged to have disposed of ibrec-fourlhs o f lL

llrlokinyuri Strike.JBR.SBV City , July Rh—Two hundred brick­

layers who belong to (he Jersey CUy Union have entered ^pon a strike because they ’de­cline to work w ith non-union men, Tbe boss tuasou* held' ft meeting Wednesday mgbt »nd determined lo deny, a petition tu dls- gharge noD-uiilun men sent to ihein by aaloumeu. When tne bricklayers were In­formed of this ilooltion, Thursday morning, they reffised lo resume work,

New Brans wick Beildents Lose Clothing ami Other Valuables*

Bpeelat to the RVEwika Nawi.N ew Bkunmwick, July 15.~Tbli city for

sometime bassutT^red from asucoestlon of burglaries nnd sneak thieving tba ti^k aa H seem probable that a systematic icbcme of robbery la being carried out. Tbe Aral suf- fCjerS..clotben-llnes wtro robbed sbP fli* w«ek ago.

clothes-line robberies were^ an c^ '^h M to value o f 13,000

iIDW rTwo nlgbts ago ttalaves broke into tbe bar­

ber shop o f Bliss IJoughton, on Now atrvet, aud stole razors, olgars and perfumery to tbe value of several hundred dollars.

On Tuesday a slMk-looking stranger called at the reildencc of Mrs, lioujse Stllcock, on CbDreb street, and proscnllng reeomtnenda- tione, asked fur a room and board, wblob he secured. He went to his room, then went through thq.rooms of Mveral boardera and then decanfped wUh about 8200 worth o f jewelry and some money. W'edneaday the laundry atlacliod to tbe residence o f F. ]i, Hoe, on George street, w(ks proken into and clothes aud linen were alolen (p Hie value o f 8100. The police, thoroughly arouNCd, went through the ilums with a dragnet, aud batfa dozen suspicious characters were ar- rcated, but all aucoeeded in proving tbeir In­nocence,

Thu thief; bowavsr, was eaugbi liiie In tbe Afternoon In a Nelson street lodglng-hnuie. A quantity o f ibe iluleh property was re­covered. He gave bis natno asThomae Mnr- phy, o f Newark, He looks like a tfaiup, but Is evidently possessed o f more than ordinary intelligence. Jl Is thought (hat some If not all uf the (bcfls were committed by him,

Aided by a Pretty Teung Woman^ They

Prepare for Liberty, Bui a Caavlot*s Confession Thwarts Them.

Db ac il , lod., July IS.—It was learned yes­terday I bat an attempt was made Thursday night by seventeen prisoners to esenpe from

Hie county Jail here, Id which a pretty young woman of an eiccUout family took a proml- DdDt part.

6be I* said to be desperately in love with one o f the prisouers BAinrd Walters, nnd was seen a few nights ago ataodlng on a obair outilde the jail posalugsotnetblng now supposed to b-J tools, through tbo oull wit > dows.

With these tools and Hie use o f the Jail hose the prisoner* bad lodkcnedthe oonieot In the north wall and only a loose slono siimd bstweun them and freedom, whin a colored prisoner named Johnioo, In JaH fbr burglary, weakened and sent a warulug to tbe BherllT; who arrived just lu time to drive the men back.

Friends o ftbe girl's family are endeavor­ing to prevent prosecutloD. Among tbe prlsoucrs was Owen, on alleged murderer.


Angry Crowd o f Cltlxuna Try Take H im trom the CoDita*'

hla to Lyneh Him.spociai tothe KvRiuso News.

CAhTBRET, July la.—Lvrry i^iwb, ag«d tbtny-flve, an einploya uf the Wlieuler (Jon* denser aud Kaglneerlng i^orapany, wss com* milled lo the county Jail by Justice Uusaeli to await the action of the Grand Jury on a charge of aitempled assault upon four Utile girls Of thia place.

CouBlftble Itoih, who arrested Lynch, bad tnueU lo do tu keep him from tbo bands of iba Indignant eillzcus,whO ware clamoring fur his life.

The constable, wllli ttio assistance of some uf tbe coolrr-heflded reildeuta. got a 'vagoa and succeeded in taking the man out o f town before any inlury was done biro.

It has beonlearned UiivlLyncb and anolber whoae name the aulhoriiles w lUnot

divulge, bave buen gulUy uf roTOltlng con­duct for several months.


It la Said That Warrants Have Itaen Is ­sued for Their Arrest.

W'e k tEn p , ItHAki'll, N. J., JulyJS-It ls rlljftorcd bere Ibis morning that war­rants have been Issued for tho arroil of Pink­erton men at Monmouth F.irk, which are to ba aerved this afternoon if the Flukertous attempt to show any authority.

Thu racing aaaocluliouM Jiava had (ho local Jualice of Ibe Feaco on the ground for tho pASt few days in autlclpallouof such a move. It la said Hie Justice ba* bis pookei filled with ball boDfis ready toreloaseauy Pinker­ton men arrested.

Tbe warrantM, It 1* said, were procured by Chief Haggerty, who A tjfc li to the prCMnuoe of (he I'lnkortoQS at tbu racotrnck. The local Justice left fur the racelraekearly inis inurn> lag.


Wnn tha Itrreders’ Prodafie ktakei. t-OWPOK, July 15.—The ntoi for U e Na­

tional Brooder*'Fro iuca stakes o f 6,000 sov- efclgns to-day at tho Handuwn Park second summer flienlliig, was won by C. J. Blake's chestnut colt BcipUos.br Necromancer, out cifRibyl. Daniel Cooper’* bay or brown Ally <jl*re, iD’ Ayrshire, out of FooillgUt, wns second, and Blr K. Johnstone's bay colt Matoblwxity Bh Simon, out o f MatoU Girl, Iblrd,

Ntt'cl Men the Scale*Bb a z il , lad,, July lA.—Tbe Central Iron

and Hteel Company signed the AnmlgireAted ■rale for ilie eniuiiig tear yesterday. This give* emplovnieni toftbontooo men. This is tbeOQiy mill tu theBtala ihafc i » a signed the •cal# and agreed to m u me opemtlona.

Free Exouraloti* to Coney laland. Tiokeii fur the ’'Mantia’ j* V ineyard” given

away wl1bevery88 worth ofehueabypreaeot^ f^ th ia *’ ad” at Uuii'i, 998 .MaikeUi. {New •)

Knighta o f Fytlilas Injiirefl,VtwcEw.vES, Lwl., July J6,—A siweial pa*,

■anger train beiirlns u dologallon o f J{jilghU ot Pythias io Ihli cKy toaitend the bniiqnel Iasi night ran Into ft oabonae at tbe Bvaus* Tlile and Terre Haute ynrUa last evening and Injured several Knights, ouq o f tbem fiiiatly. Tbe Injured are; Alberb James, t Bmncb, faiftlly bun; Hninttel M Her, Ml.Vernon; Jlcnry Nmeil. MI.VorDon; O. M. Tlohenor, Prliicotoo; liahiucl Berl.

L lile f o f the fileux De«d.Om a h a , Nub., Julyl5.-A special from Fine

Hldge Agency aiys! Y(mng-Mftn*A,frala*of- Hlk-Hor*e, the head chief of tbe Blotix Na­tion, dropped fiend at Newcastle. Wyo., yet- tafdny. By hit death tUemanlle o f chief- tulnihfp fulls to Llltle Wnuud. Yuung-Mau- AfroUl-oftuis-Horse waf a groat friend oftbe Uovernmeni. aa was proved by blseciloos In tbe outbreak st ttale ugeney la 1890 tfi.

Called to Pere Hyaelnthe's Churoh, WoRC£2»TEB, MttW., July 1&.—Rev, Dr. K, B.

Knowles, o f Wercesier, aunottaoea that be haa fieolingd • request to take ebarga ofthe Gallloiin Cburch in Faris, from wbleta the (Idled Fere Hyaciuihi has trilred. A i the church la now In (bs Jurlsdletloii o f tbe Arebhtshop of Utreebt, Father Byaomihe cunnot longer sems reeior heoaiitehetnsr-ried uRcr h la urdluatlon to ibe prieatbood.

liA Tt you aaen lo-duy’s Town Talk KniL'S?*

fieady for tbe Ceremony But the Groom- elect Hftd Gone.

ilAi.irftX, N.B., July 16.—Nine montbisgo an Eugliahiuan, giving bit hamo as W. B.

ArfjTfl.J Ih HnhfaXvjiejd he hud_held a pd>fllia(r%k^^riiir ai Lfbbi; Lug.-, Ma< piv- tented credeutlali that promptly sttcured |/uglo and W. C, Wlnstuulry, w^o formerlyblhvapcc:

Two Men Said to llavn Misappropriated Fortune.

iKPiAWAPCiua, Ind., July 15.—Judge Wood, or the United Blutei Circuit Court, yesterday iHSued ft restraining order In fnvor o f K. R. Vorlos Against the Bedford Wton© Quarry Coms>Any, prevciiUug Uio8aleoftbeprO|>criy for Hie presont. jTbo _p«tltlo£eP^^yali)tri 8276,0q0^oL Hiu•Tocit.ftnfl oBoiFge?’ Thai liVey'

QaorgRfA.CAn^'^ tdQlL.a:prutn.UU[ut part, ai

\V.’fters arrived too Iftlo lo go Wllh tbu thirty

minute mrn, bill, iiulblng daunted, ttegan tbe long jHumey ililrleen minutes boblnd Hie luru In Ii In cIahs.

A. L. Rlsuvrlt, ofihe fivi’-nilnuta pion, wss llio first to spun. RIhuvvH was (he last llv<- inlnutu plan lo grt nwsy, but by spuriltig he soon took (he Ji’ftd, and set ft lively pace fur tbeothiTB. 'J'liQllva icratcb men all kept well logeiber. Tbu route IhIiI out panees through Urstige, btmth Oraugr, Mllihum, Hprlugfield, I ’ lalnfloid, t)unelii*n,New Hiuuft- wlvk, Kranklhi, J ark Kingston and l^rhide- Ion, returning Ibrough Blawenborg, I ’lftin- flcld, Ikdl McftUe. HoiuervIlLe, Jtonmt Brook luid Buncllei), Iruin which point (ho luiurn will be inude over Ibe ssme nmle taken un the outward Juurtjuy.

Tbe full ilHt nfetatlrrs wllb bsnd]'*ftps and numbers altachcd to each eycii*i J* as fol­lows ;No. WItATtM.

....... ^ M ftg' rien, B, A. A-J, W, iJnneman. F. 11. (j.

4 --..... F. AVstter, ]nUlspu|Ki)ls.IW -......II. ThompROii, Rullalo Frets Club.

b....... C. H. Ellery, Newark NVhcelmeii.FlVf. MlNUTKfl

5 .II. H. Wylie, L t . c .H........(i, W. Coffin, N. W.7.... ....c. Ji.f'4iffin. N. W.

U BlauveK, 5. W.TEW MiXpTIQft,

A. Elh’oit, W. A. C.II,...... W. K. Hink. N. W.13-......,F. Hawley, K. 0. W'*1 4 . U. Mrl^ean, K, C, \V,

virrKEX N tM irn .Ifi........ n. K. Alayne, Wllrnlngloa,17........T. L Walili, A. W. C’.IS....... A. W. W. Fvsns, N. Y. A. 0,iW«...... li. M. .Mler, II. W.'.Si...... „J. U. Turner. H. U W,a ........U. K Fuge, K.C. W.24....... Isracr, 1'. F. W,

TWENTV MlNUTKa.28....... Q, A. Borer, K 0, C.2J....... W. J. Moiiney, U, U, iLa .... ....N. White, U. i n .au........G. WIUCJII, N. w.ai....... 1.1>. Fbiiiip*, K. c. w ,JIS........A, J, White. N, W,31 .:i;. Ihiedvr, N. W.J»........A. N. Lugjrou, N. W.

TW Eim -rivk MLvurEfl87........G. (f. WllBun, N, W.3V........(>. A. Brown, K. C. W'.42 .K. J. HuMerworth, A, W*46........ il. L. Lxuge, N. W.4H.... ...,F. Murray, N. W,43 .K H. Johnson, A. W',6.»........ fi. llarlmnii, H, c. W,61 .K. Rreck, N, W.62 .................. W. f . Huson. N. W,W........J. llinze. N, W'.64........ J. H. Villi Glouccstar.&■>........W. Miller, A. W.

....... H. M«z, N. W.t)U........ E. J. Becker. N. W.«L .......C. M. LflTerir. E. O. C.32 .................. W'. £b 'I'hninpH, K. U. C.m ....... <i. *IJller, N. Y, Uiy*G’k.,.... L H. I ’yle, W. A. (J.t>7....... L O. Leffrey, N. W.m ...... S. WHnoq, Jr., N. W'.ttU....... A. B. Hwiirhfuut, N. \V,

TIHMTY IKf!<tTFii,71 .................. .„\V. Trautvciler, N. W.72 .................. A. Alhhiion, S. B. JJ. 0,75 .................. W. .Mnyor. N. W,76 .................. C. C. FolU'S, N. W.77 .................. ..(LC. Wlieeler. Ml. V. W.Ttt...,...E. Lllilejnhn, CIndImm, N. fl.HI.......). Bunn. Alpha W.Hi........H. bi'bwAdcke, r , ot KM.......N. H, Warden, K. C W.K4....... A. \\\ Fuller, B. C. W'.ft'}....... G. II. Van Kinburg. ArllngiOK^.HO....... H. A. Hander*, t*, Norwail^ Ouan,M.... ....F. Hedge, K. U. \V.hU....... T, l.i}gas, K. C. W'.91....... W. H. Key, K. f . W.W....... T. M. Hariied, K. C. W'.fill...... O. M. hifiolthiHtm, K. C. W.81.......K. Boup. K.fJkJL

-HiWnTr.iiTrH. Js*. *103.......W. B, Ikilryniulc, N. W-lUL......C, Frolicb,_^W . _ __

toward Frinretun bo ml**sd Ills course and I.. Hire look iliv lead. They were clmely Ml- lowad by Hath and W tIUi. Five mimius Iftlcr F. N. Muchmorc nimo along. There set mod to b« suitiq mliiaks, for Uia cuuriu Wns laid out tha other vvny.

New Hhushwick. July 1.6 (^eciolJ.-Tha first man lo rmclv here w a* Asher AUUuiuu, thirty inluuiss* handlca;}. .^tliin«ou la A member of (ha New Brunswick Bicycle Club, end guincd hi* lead from Jiis knowledge of the roads surroundlugUilicUy, lie Was cloNcly fnUpwed hy Johnson, AUsnift WUecImrn, w ho reached thi* city ftl N ell o.ima Heorgu Wihmi nndB ard, Newark Mheidinm. with Van Aulnerp, .Mlunta W'herlmcu, flhh. Home delay was ca'isuU at th<* l.mdlng bridge near ihl* city u number of b ml* uere pass­ing through nnd tho ojxm draw prevented cruMlng. Tbo Newark wUetimeii showed up tn great shape. Uvur thirty W’ore mHII In Hie race, fixsh and with every­thing In Ihclr favor tor winning the (Hub pHse. Ercrythiug ws« yellow and red. The Newnrki'Ts had several relsye along the road to fix up broken whuals and Wftler (>all« were ready Mr them at evory lowo. In uH nlneiy-sevoii riders (xixtHMl Ihrough tlile idly, A I Kltigslou tbe numlxw had bi'cn lc««wnod hy the pmr roads.A dispatch r'Cidved hero from Frjncoton says llmt the llrstrldernikohiug tm hsir-aay |Kont WHS .Ukihton, New flrun'twUk Uicy- cte Club, who wont through ['rlncuioit ut 11:41 with (V good load. Ho wss riding strong, A dlspiituh from lUmtid Brook says Wllsuu bus tho lead there.

I'MiNrrm.v. July 1,6 [iS'iH*rMl].-A big erowd ofepectsturM gathered hi front of tho Nassau Motel hing brhire 11:110 o'cKtrk. (he hour ftt which the leaders in Hip raaiury road roon were expected to pas* through Ihe towii^ Among (he crowd weru several Suvurkers, who brought relays o f wheels downouthoi imln for use hi cu'*a o f ucrldetit. The father o f Hie (.'nfiin broiUer* WAS iimoiig this num­ber, At 11:40 uVluck ft ini'iiiber of Hie lltisc* vlUo A. A, rftoeil up tho road wnh 1h»» lu’Ws that the first man hud «tnp;H'd n. short dtsiance below to drink Ht H pump. One mlnulo Idler tho crowd wits n.'icerliig Ihe leader, A. Alklii- •oii, wj|0 rode freely and louki'd frcsti. Me WAS Mllovrod thlriy-fivo aeconds later hy ( l. il. Van KmlHirgh. The third miin, J. T. Murihiill, was grc**ie<i wlHi shnuis nf I'n- courageineiiL by tho Alatftiitft men. The next to pass wus .1. \S'. Llnnetnan, one of the serftteh men, followed close hv A. W, W. K.rans, 'J‘. L Walsh and I’. H. J‘diris<m ilm Jailer evidently very Hrud. HM'iiriwuulmid .lohnscni were ildiiigstow.

Then runic u break o f ihren nMnules. Then II. Ilurmn raced hy, followed in hiurmmuics by BlmivuM. tl. H. Wyllo, In coining down the bill just outaldu the luwii, broku the tint uf hie forward wheel and bad tuscek \i repair shop, loslug vHiuuhie lime. Hu wns riding fast when (iM siHihlenl lmp|ftH(, sml e.T- pressed much dtssppolntmoiil. At noon F. V. iminu passed with T, A, Webb three mliiutfs behind. W yllo caina huxt. C. W. Mayor withdraw for a rest nl (he botel. Then cauie a slrAggllng]}ri>(ius*lon. When Hartmftit arrived Lc wns Joined by Mayor, who had rested tweivti inmutvi. M'bni V'un Wngenen piiised the tiotei iic was loudly ebesred, and W. Muller, Inspired by tbe sbouls, ]>u( on speed tu catch litm.

A telegram rroelved At Ashworth's lintel At ^^sl Hrsngu siAtfd that three of the four Kcrslch iiiou hud takoii the wrong road ut BuneBcn.

Ihc list of prises ineUidns a 87 i0 ptKiio, a handsome Herkimer roll-top desk, an eia- gftul filumnnU rnednl, a silver cui>, L'ohtmbla bicycle, Lihrriy blcycla, gold wnlch. <Hik rocking chair, f1slilng‘ r<ni, gold-liiMde 1 eimc, roTnivIrle totJet id , racing suit, incUiiling fthues ; liiindHome chair, sliver sliMVlng sal, Mcycle siiddir, gold fountAlii poti, order for tih trouscTs, clclilng AUd frame, bicycle aud diu, hiuifiaomu link sicovn buttuna, bloomer bicyrlo suit, silver smoking »ei, ImmlRumu uiohrclla, bicycle lump, slmving Hei, order for gold ryeglnstcs, Now York ('lub rifle, Older Mr luurlpfs cycle bug, bicycle shucM, Iftmb’s-iirttol Hw<Mler, hW cigars, IW flim cigars, ineerMChAum cignr-holUvr, swcuirr and blcycl ‘ lioec, sweater, copv of “ (.Miii'4 Trump Hiid ^ubscriidloni lu various xpor'- liig dhperx. Tin* AlAlnnlft^ will not cufh|HMa Mr Hiu plAuo. 1 iKi rotl-toji fii'Kk g toH lo iho club ftitving inn>ii men finish. T m ■Mumo id medal Is Mr tient net time, the ftilvur cup is (or tUo second best ilmo.

fflLLSllEFOM DIM llE .W . A Coleman, o f Th is C ity , Charges

H is W ife W ith Being U n fe ith fu L


Tlie Woinaii 8ald lo Ifav# Ilecn Found Irsterday Altrruuon In a Mlaarabl* Boom In New York With a Variety IVr- former Named Lu lto'«A-«Khe Is 4 ha rgftd W ith llftvlng t<fd( KoiiiCi lltisliaud ftod fh U a tor the Staie wnd ft Fuel EJf«*


Efforts to Regain a Htove from Mania County Mouu^nlneerM Meet Wttb

ft F irm tCfslutance*

Rpofini (otho Kvr»i?r(j NrwM, itoUJCi.HTow'N, July l6.-“Two uhiploycs of a

Morrlaiiiwu Mtuvedouter hud a lively uxperl- Qiiou ycslurduyi. 'J hr stove dauMr sold a alnvo til A tnounlulnSL'r furniiy nuinadilink who live In (lift Wutitung 6foiiniuiu, about twu n»ilps norlhweKt of -Mnn Diown. The siovc WAS purcliA'^cd on the lusialrnont plan,

Yesterfijiy Mrs. Hlnk culled, with her ali­tor, (in Ibo deuk'r Atid lomplalned lhal her husband, £noeb lltnk, hud descried her ojtcI hftd taken with him the now stnvc, Tho women folksaiid two employia wurcHentout In ft wagnii to recover I he stove If pniNlhlc.

When ihey renched the inimiiULin home of Uiu older Hlnk, where Enoch wua staying, lljcy were met by futhcr and son, who ihrcut- ctjed to kill ull hand* If (hoy did not Irnmadi- Aluty ieftvti [he inoim(uli). Thu women were plucky and dared the men lo do Uioir wurat.

Hhotgunu were produced, uiid aa the tuouii- talncer* use (hem Juat ubout us quluk ue ihelr Kentucky bfvihrmi, liiotwu reMldriiis of MorrJilown, feitrliu Hml bol'h Hiey uuU (he woman would be htllod, provallrfi upon tho latter U) get Into the wngoh. which was rapidly driven buck to town.

The (nnlc memherauf the illnk rumlly rc- tHlhed poMSCaSlon of t|jn stove.

t.I|Mjii Uiulrruiurn lo Murr sioM-ntha womun vtilled on Justice o f Iho I'euro NllllwoH, nnd ihu luw w illbp eniorcefi on tlwdr (HinipJslnt tu suhdiio their wurllko inalo retiulvcs,

l( waa atalcd today In Ihe office o f Uayes A Limhcrt that divom* priMcedUiga will ihority Ih> insiHuied by ihem a* couioqI foy Wilihun A. roleiiifto, who la Aoxiout lo accura ho nlsuluiu divorce from hia wilt j.lsxlo Oh the ground o f infldllllyt, The prluclpiil c(}-fc*|MmficMi, It wni iilso sla- leti, Is i iiiHou hhelcT, better knuwn si ''Gus'* lot Ituse, Ik variety perfurmor, living In New Yi>rk, AbothiT uiinii' ml*''d up tnIhuCAMi la (hut uf Hurry Uumlolitb, k oompuailor formerly etnployed ou iba N«w Yurk /fcr<dd«

Tbe avldmic'In the cuae was ublulnrct by Bclecilvc John tirrgory, chief of tba Nsw Jersey IVUt Uvo Agency. According to the ■lorlei luld hy ths dclecUve and Mr. Cula> man, the wife of (he lAller hs* baen living at llii Fursyih siruet, New Yurk CUy, wU La Hose for acverul month* paaU Tho couple oreuplcii Init uiie rcsim, ami were known by the liclghburs as Mr. nnd Mrs. Ia IU>m*. Th(>y Were found tiigi’Hiar In Ibe room yuaterduy ancnioon by (wo of (hegory'a men. Tba husband m-aswcII aallhflefi tbat thoevldanca he had tuui procured lo ralsbilsli hliwlfu’s guilt WAN eiiiirely aufikic'iit to warrant blin In suing Mr divorce, •

The coiijdu Wi re married un Augusl 8,1888 by Hi'V. II. V, Bosuc, pastor uf ihe Houib Miirkot Hireet 51. K t'liurcb, A year luler ft child was bom to them, nnd, according to the husband, (hey lived happily together uuHt Inst year. On Bnnday, June li, 1HU2, Mra tUilcmsn vialted Kftgle Buck with u femule rciailvv. There thu women met Hurry ILamtolpb and Wlllliiin Jleddcn, wbmii they picked up an anpialiUHnoe ulHi. AHerenJoyliiilhem- selvi H all diiy Ihe men ocorteil (heir com- pHiilona to Mr. Columan'M home. Itcfgre purling MiO two men Invited their oum- iwuilons toa currlage ridi> (he followlug Sun­day, and the wiimeii accepu-fi.

Thai same nigtil, ( ’uleoiau says, he took hia wife |(} tusk r>r licr acthms, uiid the CH»tiple had aouio hutwitrds, the flrhir slhcc Ihrir marriage, NotwtHislandlbg Ihu ipturreli he duclsres Mrs. UtfiemsA ni'cmnpunleil iier new-found Mimil to Fatersoii the next Kun-ihkv aororillng to licr prnnilie,Tho hnnduy following the Irlp lu I'uterson, U l« ulte ied, Mrs. C'oli-mun Again inel llaa- dolph, ami iLPgvthcr wlili the olhcr woAian and MeddoD wenl ofT fur the day. 'In the evening tha womiiti broughi her frlenda to her iiomc unit liitroitucu 1 I hum to her hu*- Imnd for the nr»i ilmr. Afier K|M>ndlng arv- rral hours In the Inttiso (he mrii ue(isr(fd bill not imlll ihcy lunl been Invited toeell (ignlh on July 4 nml hpend tho day. When thu InvltttHim wus glvrn, CoirmHri suys, Mrs, ( ’ulemau llinugUl thut ho would ba nb«ent on the lifilcr dale, ns ho had made ftrrangrmenls Mr tukliig a abort trip. He wns prevented froni going, however, by hu«ttie«s innllora, and ruriiftlnrd about thS liiYUAu liiNteml. Ho a an nut a IliUe surprised to sue tho two innle visttora preienl thenisctvea jii the morning, anrthenoled he nnys, the wurmth wllh which they word r cuivvd by hi n IM. The husluiUd aays hli better hall irJed vurimiN wuy* of geUltig him out of Ihe ]jmi>«e, but under thi- circumsiunccs he nfiiscd to go. He (rcAied hh viftltors very cm>lly. hu snld, Imi kepi u simrp |(K*ki>iit all the lime (bey were In Ihe lienee. \Vhen the men hud gone 1)1* wife rcpriimir ded him fur Ihe man­ner In which h« had uciefi.

Tho fuilijwlng mornini, Monday, Jnly A he wetit iLWAy iiniJ did not ralurn uhtfi Tiiruliiy night, When he rSuclied home his wiM wns iiol there, nor did she return until II Inie hour. He usked her where sbu had been nnd Nhn ri'pllcd iluit she bud been on (iMMiigl)l bonl to ('imcy Ltand, Bhu wi^ulfi


L'naueooasful Kffurt (11 (,‘ loae the Furl Lee Fo(jlr<mni*.

JlArKENHAr'K, N, .1.. July |.“».-Thf? F.>rl Ia»o L'yw iiud Urder anHUted by BetecilvoCharles TuwhMcnd, of KnuleM oud. ullcmpied lu raid (hu pofil rouitis si Fort L le -yestoniuy allernixin, but «e re iiritucocM»fiil. Tnero v ^ e only (en ofilcors ngAhiNl ntiont two lbou*unJ gumblurs. Coiisluble f'url Jliimbc, Mu4**4y togUArdJ thu p(M>lrooni door*, rofijNed to udrnil tbu ojfliiirr«A. Jtu^wav

thaiervluua and bucamoalsy ruadur. In short time hu annoiitjced (hat Ue had celved l&forioatlon fronl. Kngland o f tUe duuib o f bis wlfo.

Ills period o f mourning was a brief one, for be almost Jmnicdlulcty began piiylug niion- tlou (o a young woiuad, a family oonnecllon o f ono of IJannda's liupremu Court Judges.

The inoTrlsgo war to have taken plai’ i Tliurfday. Tiio guests aatumblud und every- thing wai In rcsdlucsa; hut the groum-cieel WAS Abseiib Hu had (nkun tho previous nlgbl'a train for U TSlon without leaving anyFXplanatlOTi.

It Is believed (hat Wo^d^i crodonliAlfl were bogus, (list his ftlfo Ih siJIi Ilvuig and that It WAR Iba fanr of exposure that caused hla tUghi.,

A Fraud NIppecLUAkTfinonir, I. T., July 15.-»Un(ied Btaioa

Poaiolllee Biapeclor M, C. Bponnorand W, F, Houke effcclud an Important arrest hern yes­terday under thu 0barge o f fraudutent uses Of Hie mftili. They will turn over to tbe Fed­eral Court at Fort Hmlth. li^mot Joliuaon, J. C* Johnson, W. B. Jobnaon and llnies Jolm- SOD, fiitber and three rouf« who have for sev­eral months styled themseivua the * 'John­son Trftdlng CompAoy.*' Tbeir plan o f uper- atton WAS to obtain mercimudl«« irhuruvcr poasihts without puymeiit In advanee,oon- vert tha gnofia Into cash, and oegloi^ to pay the mcTP.hanta KAuana City. Lbul* and Chicago houses am ibuir principal vloUm*.

A Nephew o f Oiiwlatoue In America.PALTiMoitt, July 15.-Henry Ewart Hlftd*

atone, uepbew of the Grand Old Man, wua In BfttUniorv to-lAy, Mr. Glftdstono was tha guest o f Patrick Martin, who Is the tresiurer of the fuud Rtarted at the recout muismeet* lug beld in fiulthnore lo aid of tho Xrisb Horae Ituiu meeting. Mr, Glafistone iini bren nisklnga tonr of the United Btaiua fur (be past six tnonthiBiifi will sail for Euglsud wUblii tba next two weska,

Scc(iibI o f a Bank’s Failure*Manitowoc, W u„ July Jfii—Ueorgo Buiv

neti. cashier of tbe Btate Bank, w blob fklled a few weeks ago, was arrested yeaterday on a abarge of Illegal bAnklof aud eiabruJtft mem.

A Brakeman Kilted, PtAtTBBtjita, N, Y „ July 16.—Edward Don­

ovan, aged tweiily-aevan, a brakeroau on tba Delaware and Hudson ftallroad, was killed last nlgbt by being ran over by a train nt Mlilerstraeluroaslng lo tbU eity.

PrudenllM Ciiars, wboiasale aod retail. F« F. Fearey^ Uti atreoi.—Adv.



; ^ not uotfn.'iuci, itL

MINKN 1 0 HilUr DU4YN.

An Expirltig Lvaae Affeeta Ilnrdtown'aI'riiicipnl Industry—Iriin Mru** Flnua.

Bpeulftl fo Ite EvxNinn Nnwa.MoKiiiftTOWN. July lA--No(1ce 1ms been

given the owners of lUe Burdtoi^u iron oro rolnos iu Morris County thatou .\uguia A, ou which fiftlo Ibe IcQRU expires, mining by tbe Olendou Iron Compuoy, tbu lessees, will be dlaconllnued.

Furnace A, operated by the aame corajuiny, bAM been blown oul, tbrowlug out o f employ- tnent 1D(1 furnneu men, FurtiACU 2 I* b^ing roj)Alred. I f the Iron market Improves hoin furuuoeaiuuy resifmo early the cumlug uu-turon.


House Thieves Opcrstlnf at Oeeau flrove.Hotels, Cottages ami Camps Knlerad

by Them—The La«t Theft.OcEAsr QnoVE, July lA,—There la nn organ­

ised gang o f bouse tblevei nowoperaUng lu this vleiully.

Many boicla and cottages have been robbed during Hio past few nights. The campt'ri ulio complain that (buy htivu suffered from the operations oftlils gang.

Ia k night (bo Tronton Houie whs entered by me tblevaa and aovr.'rnl NeW Vorft guests Lad tbeir trunks broken open and looted.

lYhuloiale Indlctoieiila.TAonvA, Wash., July lS.-Jt is learned (bat

the UiiUod Hlato* Grand Jury Indlcied not only Frcaldeui Vunhorue, of tba CnuadJan FaqIQo, bat ai( lending ufficlnli fr(un the prutfid*Qi down in the local agents o f Ibis city, Tbe Huket on which tbu ip(-clfl>*dDbarge wa* made was bought J*nuur/ 18 liut by Miss Catharine Nellli, of Verraout, fortfiS, which wfta 812 loss ibao Hie regalsr rato. F. kk Kretssobrner, special aseiit of Ibe Biter- •laie Cointneroa ComraJsston, was here at (bst tlmv, and laarhlhgof tbe rastter HuHiutod legal proceeding*.

A Lightning Roll's Work*CANP Douolas, Wti., July U ^ A bolt o f

llgbtnlftgstruck at the oamp-grouDd yester­day afternoon, playing great hatno. George Clary was iHItad outright and Wlillam He- Mahon waa ffttaUy tojurrd. £lgbt others wer* burntd and bruUfd but hone of tbtm fatally.

..F; H; er«k. N, W ;



i*8.......Tc K;war, N. W,1(17.......J.Bosh. k W.lOh......Wurlujuti, N. \V',IW....... L lllutnuiiRluck, K.C. W.IW.......F. W. ItAlloti. A. W.IH .......T, CuJTftn, N, W.Urj.......L. N. Lohneiibcrgur, N. W*IJfl.......11. Turbin, N. W.117.......Il.Trguri, N. W.

W. VlHilis-m. N. W,iru...... fl. K.jcli, N. W.120 .................. T. K llHruett, N. W.121 .................. ....A- Ackorinnii. N. W,122 .................. F. N. Mnrlim.jr**, A, \V.Ijy....... W, I'l. ituckh-y, K. C. W.

^ fir b c u a t t o f i n A i r ^

TTr»|Vrf,'<ir'*1luukiUiKft(*k, it^dny. 'Jliu (‘rowU of gantblKr* d lapeiM’d >04lcrdiiy and liut i hMl (o Hjo ferrybonl lo iivcdil arrcsl, Tijey thruutei) to wUtp*Hu‘ otUcers It they iiiulesi them (iguiu.




...0. A. NfClMifi, K. C. W.

...I:. Ftiiera, Iv. C], W.TiH«TV-yivK MrjarTKii,

...T. M.Tufls. Jr.. U. C. It...J. Briivii., U. f . K.,,.W. H. L'. C. It..n.T.Hiurni, u.c. It,

1:11....... W. L I’hlillpb, A .^ '........................... !.ii. \r.VM.... ...A. Kluge, Ho. . .

m ........1'. GlorTtia, C of K.i j i .......w. tl. ifftU, N. w.I3fi....... A. Erbeck.N, W.m ...... ..J. T. Mtirai.ftft. A. W«l l7....,-..li.C. Trunk, N, W.m ........ T. i'fttrer, C. o f E.liM'..,.....K, Briii'kiiur, C, uf £.no....... T. A. Wrhh, A. W.

Aaron Ward <fe Hoiu supply the trade w llb tbe I2U FomIiu Wgarv.—Adv«

yOBTV HlfrUTFA142........8, Fraser, N, W.118....... H. IL Uiih, Jr., E. A. C.144...... ..A, Wim*. li. U W.U'i........li. BouglftS. —148........L. HICf. N. W.147........J. niftier, B. C W.

EovTHOKAHue, July 15[/^rfo ll ' 'L . Kice led tUe proceMiion through this vilisge. He reuebed tbe Juiiollon uf HrvuUi Qraugeovenue onci Bco(iandsirceiat&42 o'etuog. h. Fruaer wns but three nilnutos behiml the leader,

HPHiNtiFiEJJ], July 15 l^ o fo i| .* 'L . Uice, tbe Newark wheeDnan. leu Hjo oyclliis when they pafsed through this blitorlo town on the outwnrd (ripi Be reached here at ti*clook. A dbaaa wheelmen were clo»e Uc- blnd lilro. and ail wore puabing hard for the lead. C. Coffin, of the Neuftrk Wheel* men, puncturodhU tire wlille riding tbrough Main slroet, Bpnnefield. Uls brother Ufurgr, who was riding wUh him, promptly guVe hU good wheel lo Cbarles nnd druppcil from tbe race himself. Tne cyclists (WMcd tlirougboutof BprIngfleldlQ this order; 146,144, la , 145,147, lae. las, m , i4o, laa, 12:1, m181, l:«C ]«l. 183, 86, 85, 101. 124, M, 75.180. 77, 187, IFfc 72, 106. U8, IK iO, lUO. 127, tM. J16, il0, 71 Oil, iO0, 188, HOC 76i L2t, 121, 83, 67, 40, 84. 83; 108. 7«. 106, 120, 87, 105, 180, 107. 65. 80. 91, 86. 51, 05, 93. 103, 108. 117, 61, 51. 66 62,42. 60, 52.09,60. 56,116. JO, 02. 28. 30. B6, 148, 66. 48. 56. 41, 84, U, 27.88. 21,16, 26, 17, 81,Id. 10.18.14. It, 0, 6. .7, 5. 8 t, 4 ,15a

SoKbSViLMB, July l5[d6»eot(H}-'-K. A. Baun- degi armed ^6r« at lOtilO lb iu « leatL Uolbg


I’ lans Dlaruisrfi by ( l i « Agrirulltirul Hn-cietjr tthd Ollipj' I'rniiftrMttoil.

1 huHiftiu Agricut>u(’.*l Hooiiiiy ruM In the Jtontd of Trjide rnoliia yriilrrdny ittiernoon ond dlNGUMi'il iilftijH for llm coming biuiu fair. i'rvHliluiit U B- iiftUdl* mus lu the chair,

Keporta fron Hic vnrjou* fomuilMrcs showed (hut tho pri-]]'irntury work w:in well HdVmu'i'd and Winilil bo com]»lelcU M-scrsl ftcek^ n/fort Hieupf*ning o f the fair, *

All gooils win hu on Hlc hilr gi'uiliiclM on Hulurday, Hvp!emb«tr 3, aud on iJio fojiuwiug .vlunUny, i/ihorDa)*, ihu afiiiiUMluri prJou tu the fair wtH hu Iwunly-ftvo contc. The pruiu- him lut H'iil bo ready for dl*ir]Lul uu on und afieir next WciliH’SOny.

Siinuull !4rrup*.A goai'ifi meelthg, which m'HI ho conducted

hy Hydney Tlmmpauii, will Uiku plaeu lu Uroen'M Hull lO'iiiurrow evening utMu'elouk nuticrthu nuspicrv of Uie Ne w Ailvetillals,

Huv. K. Mv Uarlcm, puilor of the M, K dmreb, wboftUeurlcd !he recent couveiuiou In MouUiiftt of Ihu Nftiloufti ChristiHn to* (leuvor roi-loticpc, wilt preueh to-morrow fora* noon on the (pieailiHi ‘ ’ What U*u wn* (he rouvcntlun?" Iti Hje eveninghU Hiemo will be " Ih o Hplrjta ami Xi*^aons of Hm Conveu*t1nl).“

Itev. Dr. Rutidall will dlaausR * 'The Mighty 51ouir" at the HupHaL church lo-niQrruw ulght. ____

Ati Ktntmrgo on NewsUuy*,AftiirHY PAltK, July W.—Mn.vor Teiihrocck

has IvMicfi u tioiiuo t» nil poHcuineu to |iro- hlhll newsboys from crying nut tiiclr papers, }>arUculurly un iSuuday rnornlns*. bummer uoUAgaracoiupfuln thnl they Mrunvruk*'ned early bff Hiuiti, L.-isl sunduy morning itov. Dr. I IV . Bcufiilcr. o f tba Iteformi-d church, WH* furced IO stop in tha midst of bis prayer UDill aurae men irutn tbu cougregailon unnt out and requested Hiu uewshoya to slop ahoatlug thvir pupuri In thuvlolnUy of the churcb.

The (Vuftlber ^orueftst.The waalhor luillaftHona arc; Uenerolly

fair, with possibly A light abowor duringlo- nlgutoron^Junday; ■itgUlly warroert tgq b- eriy vlud*.

not tell ft hum she wun u'ltb.un W'cUncsdiiy nmnitug n loiter CAine for

5frs, ('nlopUftn, hut wna dellverud to tba buR'hHiid, lie uprnuil it und ficclarel (bill be found It to have heenwritten by Itandntph. Tbu writerWiinlad Mrs. Cnlrnmiri to ineot him on Rntur* duy nfimmun, or If Hint whs not convenient, Iti tbo eveniny. The ft'riter aisledlu the lutler Ituit It would bn *nf.>r for her la doRlKnuic u mi^otlng pteoe, (!■ bo did iiol ruru to run tiiu risk uf sguln incellUK IMT liLihb^nd.

Mr, I ’oiutimn did not show tbe letter to Ills wlft*, l>nt lii' Icftnivd tiiN r, he Rnys, that she iiftcl wriirco to lt;iMdol|ih to meether on ibe following Frlduy rveijlng,

Tbe uniipli' tnei aiid vent lu t'uney lalftiid, he ttllegPB, nnd cliT oie* iimi Mr*. folPiimb

did nut return honm iirLili ihe next dnyiit tHKOi. He u|diruUi<‘d her und shu declared Hiol hbu JiiL'l h<-i*n ^lopping wUli friends.

Mr. CoUunitn dlhcredlted her story, and sltur ft lung liilk, lu« aiaurhi, atin finally nd- mltkod Ifmt slin had ' Ih!c-ii ft'ltb Mr, llAmlolph In Ihu UuHcd Htales Hold lo N'w Yorif (!lly. They wore ruglaicn'd. sho koIiI, under the niLme uf Jlcnry ilnidlcy nnd wih'. Nhc >il*o adnilMi’d lliiit lirr fuihiile uconpoKluo Hhd uliu uf tha loeii ttlriMuly rnunliuned wore ftith them uit'lur Uiir ijumc uf Mr. uuii Mr*, \Vllliuin Hfiillli.

Tha wnywitril wife rhuti, nccordlog to Hia liU<ibuod'* Niorv, dcrhirud dial *hu Would iiol live ulHi him noy lunger, ila pleoded oMIi her tiiol promhed to forgive Hio poKt II Hho wmiUl only do right In Ibe fulurc. Miu aald slu'Cuuld hever live with him iiKido,

hhf dJCJi lo lu-r niieh'M home utSouih Kvt'udi ftiM-’ l, where

>lie nioulijed Liil n nhuil (Ime, j'iiu hUHhntid li>o}{ elmrgM ot die eidid uml WL'tiL (u l>ufltd will) hi* wifeVn paroniK, H» remulmMl wiiJi tliein^miil! thu luUfr pnrt uf Augut^l, when IiIn wjfo took Up bttr-iaWjUu ht-Uft! ttixft-Wuuid'iLufllvi; wllh litm, lie nlli-geH, hui eotidhiicd lo(cniLvu vJ*iL*ii'uM’ ifciivn.loiidi. Ufje tjuuduy

Ifyou WAPt vour ItiVenHan paiaulafi go to Qariitfy Jt w » t 781 Broad

SFfn. trOivTiftfit? Aa tils iaUefed ificibnule friA'r or-..liui. maia

lu which sto' wiia •iwnh'd TitTirrJhnlTliVir ' with tier vinilor Jor m veni] lioorN, ao ]ils nllegnlKiii rnini, Tho next diiv rolenmii left the liuuM> and weiiL to lire m :h:i IMoiuj sireut.

Hoiitli Or.iime MeitHon.Tho "sorilh” iiUn'n of Hie SuUth Orange

FJciii Cluh Htun l lUi IniIIow n : Miirvtn’K Leam, worn 7, lu«l I, fierrofilnge h'.'i; ('olgali 'n toum, won 4, lust ■(, P 'rrentnge .-Vid ; Nhillkiieebl'a h-aiiv, won 5 lost perccmni;e .:{T6; iluw u'i UMfU, won 7, loNl tl, perc4'iitai;e ,;V>0.

TJte lUjv. Hr. A, II Young, of Newark, w’lli oundiirt the servlec* nt the First Freiby- (erian Clinrcli, Hmith Urange, to-morrow.

M r>', l?i*hs|t! Slur Kuefer (ecLurcH on " 'J>m- fXT.toue" at the t'lrNt I'lcsbyturlau ChurcU nent MUek.

Till'cyclers of Iho HosevllU'Alhlcllc Club will rncu on Ihe Fluid Club giomulM next Kniurdnv, thu craul. Including quarter, balf, OIK! nnd iftx-mliB ?>afely rtices.

'J'ho Kuv. Klo|i|ieii F, llohncs, of Ml, Ver­non, will conduct ibe acrvlceti nli^t. Andiow 'a KpUcopiil Church, Cunlru airojt, Huuth Or­ange, to-morrow.

The IHouili dmngu FJ|kl Club wHI have for Ihclr nptMJTJcnls lo-Uir^ the Calumets ufBrooklyn.

Ilnriy F.f>ckftfcllnw has l>efin appointad rnprii1i» ofn ssrnb iiluu nf tbo l 'outb Orange Fluid Club in hlAcu of K. 1C Murvlu, rualgned, Mr. Mnrvln hits befn sumuded as cUntrinrin ot liic ixn<a hull comnilttoa by Frnd 1 Orant.

Fetor Kurniu^of Itidguwuod road, Is lo- journing at liuy Heiid.

Kinier C, Hherman, of Boutb Orange, la at WuRhlnatou, Cniin.

EL U. Murvsji Is at Altoona, Tft. Ha will slay (here uuill Oclubor.

Hurr (Jmwlukel, ulcctrlcal vnfliiaor and inumbt'i ufTho privy couiioH, Imperial Our- luin I'uiiofflce, cm ft vhit to lUa World's Fair on behalf of hla Goverumeiit, wa« tba gueal of Fftidck ll. IKdiinoy, (>f Scotland Htr.‘Ut, HfiiUh Orange, this wouk.

Hr. lluiiry A. .MamlovlHu and fsmity, uf MouU'us^, Icflfjr Heliport, Lung Dlftud.

F. I>. Hhepwrd ftud family, of Houtli Oraiig# avenue, sro at Hood Hrouud, Ijoug Islaud,

Ou Wednesday iiriernoon au 0|wn teiinli tourofthient fur moira duublai wilt begin at tbe Bomb Orango Field Club ground*. First ftodaecond jirisas will ba offered* Au en- trauue fenof fl per team will be obargad* W, W. lulen ImHCbarge of tho entries.

rrindp iil Amlerann Kesigns*Dr. D. U Atidpraub, prlueipal uf lb# Ballfr

villa Fub lc (<obuoljusi nlgbt luiudad till roslguutiun to Oliver H. Ferry, clerk uf Ibo Bcmrd ofriohool Trustees. He la going to take ft poat-grsduate uourte In inedlolne oufil iLeo deVDie bintsei/ ^ tuedlcwl practtoia

I B i ib jo e t t « ' F s i n i n t h o S t o m a c h .< H. lWM?er, uf M rA llU ltirvJIlr, .lu>! o U lU Cn., Pb .. ia y t his wlt« In subjMrt (o

rrrkhtp m th* Ltkvl S'tmntfrt itM l-iiBTtibrrtiiiii'i I'o iie, ('haii'i'H hiv<1

A f t * r J i i l v 9*\ th u W rtr lii ’fl P u ir W iH l^^rrlmsk U -m -dy U*r li . attd h b » mm h A i l o r d l l l j «>1 ini5 W O n U B f a i r W J l l , jdi'Bicd w uh tha «r«.^dy rchr/ ll nili-rd*-'!.I Ijhk ijnii'ii ii w hciiafar nf'fi"«M«ryj and foiiiitl ihnt U n evrr tAlla. I'lir ».h|a by t\

lltilxluiU<‘r, UroMil b hI MurliPl nUi'iur* *Close on Suudajs.


D lam ofida to tha V a lue af •K l.OO n <laUl to H ave It re iiHctr W ill'• Ita in p ia y tn f ir llihn *rrat>>A IM vorcr W a n lrd hy Mine. Itnlok. W ile UrtMl, lltiftliNtiil hijinrad O ther h rw a .

K rh u ir, iJpiNrviiio MTemte and O rlfiiiu l Mtr*- J , Hairjer, oraugn ulreft and lUpvevll.e hvu* mie, druvflMlM.

T h r W orld '! F a ir U .to U> doiaed.uu. Aui,- day* nflor Ju ly Hk thiJy Ih a l U ir udmtseltina ri4! l Htmilay are to lir nj>|)Jtad to ttir ruilnf nf ihe fanrUlui uf tUo llm n en who IdU iho ir llreN 111 l i jf rrceo l Are on llv) icruunil! tlio F iilr wimhi prubaUiy Im duscJ iitrxl bundojr.

Tii« Totcof IU« Chicago din-clury ri'?’tMiiJ- l i t ruriniMr uctlon uu» ovrrw iiulu iihgly lii

fhTor uf rlOKlnir, If Niundld^ ’Jt to 4. W*hoii it ir mi'ellnir or tho l)ir-‘cliO -3 Mr.m crdljd lutci 3'A**lfnlay «ft»'rn«on lu c nil n<ldrf*N*Mdrocatlug M undayoiosliig, ilgui-d by oil the leudluti C'tik'nKO clarKytufu, w a a ri'a l. Tiio close of i l i f add rats wu« th f iligr)«l Tor B Horloi of ■piMTdieM, a ll of lhT*ui In rnrtir uf o lo iln f Ihe F a ir .

Vire-PresUlent P iTk , irlio pnMlded In Ih r ■bMhce of P re iid ru i Ulgltihot liam, i hi^d rend thofoKdwlug rcNiihitlon vi'liU'ii wun at once •Uopledf Hud tha dlreclorii uJJuurDtrd b |> parriilty well plriMiod wtlh lltriaaelvat nod Ih c lrw o fk :

WllCiiicATs, T h r tfoarU ordtrrcU in int n rrgii- U r tiivetiUf Ut'id May Ih, IMftl. Adopird oeT' lalt' rMtdutiona provtilliiy jor lUv uprnliiy ol lUfi eX|HMllioti ou ^fundity In n'ltMinHo to

inrinherx being n l the n lU r In a dnr.ti condi­tion fliid Hint Joe wn« faniilnt; h e r They irere m arried, the rnlni«h<r not asklnK I'llhcr of them th rlr ngn.

KlIttiU'Mrf JIferi w iih Joe niid her futher did nut kiiotr of Ih r nm rih igc im lll Junm iry la*'*, when Jon wrote a le U rr Inf irm liig Ii I iin U«f«reo riiN rlra IL Morauii, who look the ICAtiTuony In Uie ca>:'. M|K>kfr of P^ntor Miytiy In fhem lAordei “ 'I'hc (‘o u d u rto f U iIr c Ii.'i * gyimin «*eniA to iiio t«i In v t lc BTui TiemMid a dlMflpMiiary lu m tU n t lc in hy IdH ttuhoji."

H I1 1 t .ll l> F)M 'K hV IN N U C IA T ?

liigeo i np^waia from i>vriioii« uod utryanUH* iliiiin repreM iulRK a 1 i

OAlJngliri', Jlom eslf ltd PolN iiiirr, nu3 » 1h.it fll» 4 oiifi-aithiiti >Vbm I - i Inc.

Puirlck J. linllitifhrrt ttin ilino^Ait'iid p<>k- uiTcrp wliime rvl'lrnT*o co'iVlrtad MiiAli-r W'orkiUQri llui^h F. In-nipM'y ns IhL'liiN lI' giiior of ihe |d il, nHiifeAtifii nlI'ltlMhiirg yVRlerduy II ih L lie hud llod and that hein|>Hov Is luriv(*eiit.

The ri-M utie r W 'orhiiian Is eerrlng nn blfh i ji'rut't' svfilunoe Ih ihe W eilerii Pciil- ti’n ilury . H irp eare n o w being tn h e n b y h U a lio rn cy ! to secure h i* reloHna.

Thu cooJctNloii was niqsin to tioo of scy'e Irtund* w liiino n u T is it to liaJUgQ er in prisou. I'ti him ilitn ijp'hrr »uhl:

*'U wne i)oi our tiitnullon tu im iiUnde iHrnipNry Hi lin t. la l i ic L wu nevo'r thought of It until MOVfral itrotighiuM's und a promise o flm in u it liy lo us haif-rrlfcliicned and hulf. coaxed uh in tornnklng IhM fnke coiifcnsioii. There were acTerul i;lh e r {juu^dc Ihleresled in

[ It, Hhil all I wnnli lo do uow Is to have a chance to lull th r U uU i Uhd clear H u k Ii

Inrgrt m sjiirtly of Uie lierupsey o fa chnrgo of w hich he is us Juno- puhIJc, uM w ell HM from NiucJtiiMUluri of liie | ct'ht a i any Mifih who w-nlks ihu direct*.” eerpotaLien, and also la Mccurduuce w illi li lilr lc t 'A lto rn e y Jlu ilclgh , w lih iH-tiiuarj'*!reaolullou udtiptcJ iiy the C ity fom icU of tlo* counsel, Mot-srs. Itrcnnan and Porter, weut lu

the penitentiary P i-dsy lo lienr the ronfevcity of ib lcag o , reprcei-ntini; ihe itcHnidal tiiteresta of lu« c l i i r In »ai4 axpoaUiuii tii ttieam m iiil of unil.

WliKRKAH, T ill* MCHon of tbe hoard lu .i been MUeiainofl by the Fn ltcd Hiates CoiirL of Aepcat!, and the right and power nr the Uoard of lUreciorN m cimirot the phyHlcAi ad m iu litra tlo ii of the F x ixm IHioi un hun- dny'M, u i u-cll a* on oiher oaya nr inc week, hae been upheld by mu llnuJ tU crcu o rsa iu o<Turt; and,

W iiriiKAA, U now appears liy lue actual adinl«Biuu» that the general lUibllr drws nth

lio n , but Warden W right JTlusi;d toMlIow tliuui lo In'crTlew the pi iKitier without an order of I'ouri, Thin Ihcy w ill get hi the mornliH',

The atu irnrys for Itie t^nmeglu I'o n ip a n j do not take Hiiv slock lu ihe i^>n{c^nlon. and tbey raler to Jurtgff Igniter's sluNnncnt when ho rcfiimd i>eii;psry a nrw trials that licinp- sey litul ndl Itthii coiivli.-ird w holly on ihc efldetjce nt Uullagtinr aud the o llior lufonn-

by Its a tlendanrc, inaulfcst a Jesir« that suhl er, Iti-ally ; lim l If such was ibe case hi. Rigpoetiioii atmuid be kept iipeii each day 4d . . . .....................the week, and l l further appearing that I f lt ieKxpo iU ion l l kept o|hu) on m inday M vrill 4 Ulie the atlena iin re o f more Itniri lu.ono Inboring meb and wurnen, the cm ployu* ul i he KaposJtion nnd others, atul while ih e K x - pcMlttaa a iilh o r lllc s oan f iv e l is a w h e u i* ployoi- one d ay «r rM io n io f cacti week, it •eems Im praetJeable for the eshihltunt and o lh e ri In p rovide aueh day of rest fur tbeir owh c erkM and ernplnyiui; noid,

WiikHRAH, tl In n h e r rviipt'iirstlialtbenuni- ber oi iatiorlng men and Women whose »er- y\on w ill be neeeisertly required to keep Ihu egpoeIttuQ npOTi on Hunday is dlsprnporMun* kt« to the num ber u itisitorN on said days, and therefore tbe fn leretls of iho piihlie a rt Pot promoted by keeping the etf.HiaUlon opeg on eenh and every r la y o f liiu w eek; now, tberefare, be it

/^so/urd. A ll the aald reeoliPInns so adopt* ed by ib l i body on May in, i^ ;i, and the am endm ents to the rule teintivu thnyetn adnpled on eald day, ss t a and c iocpc i he

Efleet of adm iasloi), be, and the aamo are erehy resoinded, lo take effect afler ttao tik *


F K A N C i : A S B nr A M .

A a B tp lan aM on u ff lie lla u c h a k In r id e n t, Ja K n g lan d In le rv s t c i l?

A •etnl-olVVatal note published at r a r l* e ip lk ln s the Rungkok incident a ifo llo w t ;

Freaee. le w a lu g ih a i Kngiand and u lher n a llo n i were ee;ndlng w ar vcHselt to Hang*

* A o l^ lA T t dotlce tp the t if myga tiOTi'Tnment on Ju ly B o f her Intention In lu b n ute (he Frtn b k fiaTkh io tc t at .tho m outbrnl ilie Mefaaaa r iv e r , wherHoiiljr the tunbuol L titm affurded pixileciion to the French resld enu , A i D oo lher th au H rlU th rew e it enteri^d the M elpam FUver, v ian i havlug objected to the prt^Doe of itujre than one /orelgu reaaal, F ra n c e ,' w h ile re tc rrln g ber form al Ireu iy t lg h U to en ter on nnnrying the ttlaiuese Ik ivernm en t, fustructed Tleur*Ai]mlrMl Hu* P ia a ii p o tto Afoes tUa bar of me M elnani R lT tr , and notified the hiwiqeae Ooyernnjeut Aflctmtlhgly, The urtter <giu received loo fate by ifu m ao it and the guuboaie Bieeridod to Hatigkok,'*

Toe B ankok rbriW potideni of the Ix»ndon A m rs says: *' J^ael night passed qu ietly , Ihn laco e a ia o le an d Cotnete drupplpg down* itream to a better aachfiragr, w lirre they re* inalned ti>day, dcaruU Pir aeUoii, N either Ibe forla noy tbe guabTHtls were damaged lu ih e ek lrm U ti yeeterday, but one niam eae gunboat ran down the Fren ch pitoih >at, and, It is sa id , su n k It. M, F a y lc iKnm cIi Miola* ter Heeideni) baa inrormud tha tiiamese Gnv* e m iiie n l th a t the cim im anders o M Iie iu - CDllataRte and Ib t Cuiiiyte yefueed 10 accept bls-ordev not to enter liie river, ■

TbeH laraeae w a n h lp e a ra rvwdy fur actio n , a a d 4,(40 truoiw art) under arm s around tbe palace.

The latest Issue of ibe Singapore fV er /*rr« received at (ten Kraualsou contains some In te re illu f o o inm euis ud ibu situ alion hi Rlam . Th ey were written on thb receipt of the news of Ih e occupailon of K im u s b y ih o French , but are alguKlvaiii as showing the ■trotig feeling of ihe Knglish, not only in ilu rum b , but lu Klngaporc and Hm ig*Kung, against tha deslgug of the French on tbe Mekong V a lley .

Tbe editorials of both thOUngapure sn d Hoog-Kong pa^»era sbow U ia tF n g llsb trade interests w ould -bo badly hurt lU otila ttm Fren ch succeed In their dwalgn«, Tim mrer- enoe is atropg that Flngland is backing iho K in g ofH lam in his opposllfun lotU e F rea cb demaude, for, w ithout the assurance of aid from some foreign powur. It would be foUy fc r Mfatu lo do w bat u he has Uoue.

T A L V A I I L E m A S K IN H S h T D L K N .

Hneak T h ie v a s ( le t Aw ay w ith AlOihOO IVorbii o f Frw H u uf Ktunci.

Hoeak tb leves last n lg U tcarrlcd ofTa ira y COolalnlng llO.OnO worth of dhimoiids, sUmes from the Jew elry store of Thouias V, IHckIn- •on on F a l ls street, near ibe corner LifHA'cond Street, N iagara FallH,

(tereral etistnm urs wuuo Inio the store early ia the evening to look ul hl» dlwnumds. A fter ehow ing them , 'Mr. P lcklnso n replaccu the (ray In tho sbuivi^ase am i w'cnt ii^ n c to •upper, IjHter an other cuKloinor, who had been looking nt Ibe Jewels, ruim* Into the atore and aeked lo se s them ugaln, hut They bad v a u iib cd . T b it whs Ihe flriL fn llm uiltjo of the robbery.

A b s ity search wgs m aib\ but tba ih ieves had fled. A l ih e euirance t#(1m J IlMc ] Por­ter, near the Jew elry Moft. utio u ftb e d u - iDDDjd^lagej Valin:4^M

Tb e rn lieecouilT iiied the st^Vebdown Fa it* street, I4UI n o iiip ilm ulalo i; weru cnib'd hack

. h r lb" ‘ibeHnfta.,Forter b(l^rooTn.

Mr, D lck ltisoo antt^ rcun-persons 10 Ih> show n dlMiuouils W4<r« a irmn and a W4»maii, who were n iq iarfiitly slr«n- acre In the c ity . Th ey were, Ji is |lioi»KLt, stopping at the Hotel Porlei. but ns ihure is a i pn'seni n» trace of them there It Is iho iight (hey th fy had left Iba j.lsce for gmfd, uni) quite probably are the uurs w‘lio did tbe sleai. I me.

There were forty*flve dlamourts to H id Iray , •J l large and cusny , uml iitlln settings.

W4!uld grant the new Ir ln , as he bad llltlc fs ltli Itv their verNcliy ; n il Itiey li^stlfled lu Will turrolKiniied hy T4>sf)onsthii> perKnus, and that Hriniisey was convicted on positive evidence and h u o w n testliciODy,

'1 be iipiiilon of irm hy is that IkTmpsey I* playing for a pardon and expects tiallsgbor's evidencu tu bring it,

M t tK m i . U / W A N T S A n iV O R C R ,

MayM ar Husband Not Y e t Foun<i**ftlie Rillt tbe V a r lo d iia l.

Mme. H iih ii, \riCa uf JJ. F lis r ie i HqIoe, editor of Ibe #fcs Jv h x .UuntUM, atHaris, wire has been ruined by tdackinAll* ert, has roade epp)l<‘ulfuti fo ra d lv u rrc ,

M nia Hulos, who m arried M. Iltilox In 1H73, Istb e iluuchU'r of Profeisor Klchet, 11 nisuitMir of.lbdrAi'adeAuy o f lreteuc.es, Hbe is d cfp iy grt9ved At, the tuauner in w hich her biisbsud h a i tiruaied h«r. J i is scarcely lu** heved that sn y delenca w ill h«t made l^ lh ls action,

U is reiH>rlcd that am ong the women im* plicated in the e ll itr are tlicef* who roii- iflbuti'd articles lo the ff^ruc d rj l i f v i J/ojiMfes. Tlio tua lle r Is now In the hands of thtt pullee, whowre looki 3g for M. Hulox,

Thu itiareholder* of the /ferire l itu i Mohiirtt w ill holU a m cullng iticutiMlder the Mlliiutluii. U }M prubHble that Mmo. HulhzWitt hn m adeedlLorof tbe periodkMt.

M. Hu Iuk succtdcd his brother r/u ils and his father In Ih e d irec lio n o iih n fferur tUn JVux ,Vnu(feir, and in u Je u n enviab le naiuu fur b lm se lf lu lite rary , n rilstlc und sclent Hr suclety. The exiuuaire of h is dorri ic lio iis intN been a great shock lu h is Irlendi, w ho alw ays brilovcd that h is u baractrr was above bus- plclon.


W IP K K l^ L E I t , m !* IIA N I> I X . i r R E I ) .

Death a l a Blind Kallruad C'rosslng*-No One fllamvd.

Henry J. While, Town Tr<*asar«r of Wos* tou, Mass., and hU sol) are at Uie Walihnm Hoepllal datigerouslv injured, while blv wKo lit* dewd and i?rrOdy mnniiled In con* iciliienre of bviug giruck by a train moving St a high speed at the Hastings crossing in Kendal flrcen at 4:Ai yesterday aflernoon. The mili'oad at Iblx pului makes a turn and (be od'upHnts of Mr. White’s carriage worn unable (u bear Ihe approach of the 1 rnln.

Thu borae, af-er being drivun utK>u (be track, auddeoly balked and ooiihl not bc ■laried again before li^uglne l^ L iu i crasiied lutn ih^ VBUUdc.

Kr<’ White WHS picked up dead and Mr, \VhiiH was Insensible rroni a severe cm 4»n (he bead and other Injuries, Thu hoy was badly culand brulMUd, At Waltham they were met by Hr. McOorniick anil the pMloj ambulance.^From the storlei * f the Iratninen no one WAS lo blame, as tbi) crushing is a himd one Aud Iheengineer rould not sec (tm otjiirur* Hon on Ihe likck lu lime to avert tbe accl* deni.

A lO K N lN i; N F W h l l l ( | K r 4 .

A r « c u l ls r F.xplDNUm un a Y ach t—O ther Notes F ro m r a r and N ear,

- f ’ommodore A, J. K licrh lan , nl the Pea c u n 'Y a c h l Club, asaUicd by ihe Milling ruus* ter, WHS lryl)ig to pry w ilh u knife a tightly, flltlng cartridge from a sm all bras* caituou ou the dwok of iila TKoht, Madcap, near Cold Sprlifg Jlpfhor, j« « le rd sy , wbou it pri'uiu* lu re V uxptodiil, d riv in g the knife lu lu the ctmynoiinru't leg mtd shnUertag tbe bone. The hAllIng m aster whs terrib ly burnedabout the face and had his right band m arly blown off.

- W illiam T. Mnhoui'y. a farmer Hv Iub near Far Hock away, SI as n lia e k cd by u Mleniou yeau-rduy aftcfiioon am i badly lujureii, Tin, borsu, wULcU b^'loiigecl (u Mabum y, wss at pHSttire -Jh n Ipl. .Mahoney slurli>U lni*ross Iliv Joi, Hml the hol'su gnilojied toward Jilm, and luToru the f«rmer could ruueb a place cif antoly had M»)r,«*d him by (ho left (.iuuHder, The furmoT a ns throw n to lh c grouml by ihe tnad (uilmnl, uiid w)>n)d no dunlit Inivp Ih'ouiriimptud to death hsd not a farinlm m l atmMrs, MUhohey gone (o h |s ah!. The liorsu wns driven iiway fmm iia v lrtlm i».v tbs njiui prnddlUK l l w llli a pUi h lo rk. The Injured tanner was ILeu retuovad lo Ills bouse and a ptiyslclaii was ralU>d.

- tiuorge ,J. (innld and h is fi'llow bslrH un­der iho w JU.qlJfty.M “ ‘'JW ***^.rday.jabUhum; A writ of certiorari from .th’ilgi* Truax, uf the

r re p n ra llo n s for the Hig A q iia lle F v a a t4*<» Merel y O ft- 'F liib l'endt>ine‘« k e i*

(l«al--Mlsc< klanroiift VpnHs.Kn irles for tue aqu atic event of the season,

lh« ragaUa of the M iddle S ta ll - Uowlng At- a>>ciuliou, Btlimluled Ui lak e place on Ju ly ou Ibe t'jis'iiic U lVrr course, w ill close w Kb fh'crclary Fred U . F « r ln u ‘3 cr on Monday* A large num ber uf ivm UisUuia has already b m i recorded an d there are s i ll l m any rnoru exp^Tlcd. T lie lis t nt senhir slugIC'BcuU e u iiie s in clud es “ Chris'* Houe- gait, AtuluJiia H. 'J iiom as ll lsg lh s , Worccs- l« r ; W. Atnuii, Fa lrtn o iiiit H. r . ; F.dwln H cd icr, FtiBM.ilc H. C., and h huinbcr uf olbvr>, o p ia lly well know n,

The I'assaic r iu b \s ill be rcpreicjitci! in Ihe Ncui'jr-duubic hcull rnco I13 Kdurln Hcdtey am i irmtc, w ilh a cr*;w irOm the AH>any

iuir I inU, coimIsMng 4>f MonoliuFi Hud iliilMcr ; tju h l and I'rc tllu rd Un* Yam nn s, are r'i|lcrt4l, ( Urr Vesper H.t'., jq illadel]dlla ivIM »<‘it<l S'lin Flf-e laiid Mctpnwu.

I.jgb l rowing c liihs w ill mmhI crew s locom - ti»*u- in ih i'Jiio i'ii' fotir-''«ri‘d im e, Tbcm> aie ihc Kurclia, V u rin is , Ncvlun, Mi-lrnpulilan, Meawaniikii, Astoria and Oic A iiu lnsian nnil I '<111)01 btii, (he tn u iu lle r crew s rum lng Iruiu >V a^tilngiun.

The eiK.iIbh lor the Junior eight race in- cliiilt-sllju lh s || lu i4M uhd ^^s^ak's, of New* a t k ; Fainm iU htx, of H hllndelpbla; Xep* 1 >m*'s, id lla llln itire ; Mauniless, Iionr Hlars, M rsI F fhcnilanM, Nnn|Hire|1s, Nuw York Atbleth-x, MiiilBoii<i, V'aruaHH, K ialeu Isiaud A rhlcilcs, l.'aio)!

For the hm iuri Jn ihe senior etgliL race (be A latiinta crew w ill iiu'Ct lue Palisade*, of 1 nok'‘r s ; F.-iIrmount li. rh llH 4l(‘l | i ! i l i ; Nt'W York A tlih 'ilcs. and the Malta crew, ol i'hilH ihIphiH. Tbt-ne a r t rmt a few of tbe cnirlos tor (he various even it.

'J’he o jlke rs who wiH lie In charge o( the re­gatta a rc :

Ucfiwev -C im ide H, /appeme, Aqsloalan lloat t'luh, W ttshlngtrui, H. C. llm ck ccp - c(?—H. J . Hchrcaa, NounurctI Hnal Chih, Nftw York : J . I I . Abell, Nassau Ihial Club. N ee Y o r k ; W alle r Htiraaon, Art* ingtem lloal M ub, Cambridge, Mass.; 1 ticodore V an li id e n , A la lA u ta Huai Cluf>,

Jndgea Ml the F in is b - C . McH.J.; K. .1. A. (', R Hh IH- FnlT-

i'lilIndelplilB, i ’s.;

New Y*»rk,W lll^ Triic iu Hoai Clui», New ark, N. F. A llen , New Jcr*«y A ih lM lc C lub ; Hnncl, A rth u r K u ll A ssociation; Montcl, A r .c l Ihmi Club, more, ild .; U. .1, l*rclB*ndHris,

Thimumt Rowing Club,

" '^ x b e .“ T(maaniunt offW

Fran k lliirke , A s lo r ia Uovriug Club, hb irlr i . .A. R Htevens. P sssa lc IkMt Club. N ew ark, N, .1. I :rrk of ihu (.‘nurse H. l l . ITIton, N en u s HoM CiUb, Hrooklyu,

L'ilih Vendiim c'a F e st iv a l.The Nc-wark Hhooling Hark wiH on Mon*

diLy !)• l!ic S4'0 iie nf an (-vent worth going m any nilleN in see. O.i (ha aflernoon and cvnulnu of (hat day Ibe C ub Veudomc w ill servo up to the sport-lnvlng public a senes of ghive c iu iic it* tliHi should excel nnything In (.he boxing Hue ever seen In K*scx ('(uinly, if iio l III llie Klalp of New Jersey, Tbe card prcjiared hy Die W nduute's inanagerK eclIpxcN Die best ever lunda'icd by any oibcr organlasllnn hvritahuuls. The club hti* dem- m isirolcd by 111 past le r o r j that ll has no use fur boxi-rs or o lhor a lh lH lc leiitui’cs that are not of the first c lass. The lah-nt selecied for Ib u uthluDc ca rn iv a l besprnks ancnler* la liim cn t of ra fe lucrlt. .Ausllu Dibbons, of Rntcr^on, tlghlnidgbt nlminidon of A m erica , w ill endravor to dc- fpHl Joe llsritiot}, oue of Nnw York's clever* asi ( XpotiHita of the noble art, and the cele­b ra ted " Hull*' M cCarthy* of Hfltladclphia, In hmr ruiiuda ruub. *' A ustra lian " Hilly M urphy atul Kd HhilniaTi, uf Ihn C llntoji A. i : of New York, w ill meet In n four-rounii coDiesi. uthvr bouta a 111 )>e partlclpaiad tu by H aiiu y Keefe, nf H cliev lllo ; Haddy . to* (iu lgaii's pel, YuLing (.‘otiw ay, of H arriso n ; l'r<ifc*Bi>f Charley Norlon's ''anknow n ,*’ said lo l>e Htd Drceniialgb. of Ulrrnlnghum, Kog* lurid ; Huruey KJejulng an a Deorgo Vslen* tine, nf Die A sh lan d A. C'., NewnrHs • .all hundvaro train ing hurd atu} rnlirirutty for the struggle. There w lllb e niustc and daoc- lug tmth nMernnon an I evening.

K n cln g on T l ir c e T ra c k s .Favorites wuii in i-rcry race but one n(

Mnnn-outh Hark yeslerday, luu the blgcrow*! cninp(dlcd ih c bookm akers lo do business on n losing htisls. The track was alow arid Ibe w calber Ihrealenlng. K liig slnu being cut of the optnlrtg race Torruentor. (he lavorltc, Imd as riv a ls W hite n<4eand T<>pgaltnnr, the la t icr show ing i\ lot uf K(wed. TupgnllATitgot KOcoiid muJicy and A inb iilaace third. 1'hcre were only two s lu ric rs In ibo aecoad nice, Joo K e lly and D loanilog equal favorites. At itio tun ) .Tr»e K e lly drew aw iiv am i won e istly. The K«*i)(ucky cult I>l«cf>tmt wa* fuvnrlte Id the ililrd rod*. A rn e Ian D)oued >«p«;d for half a m ile, but- w ah 1 ch ind l.<]ltlA Pirate and J'fliiallrtu when Hiscmint emsaed tho wire tti'at, A jax wfts a c ir ia in ty In the fourth nice, w inning I an Is down, w Ii Il ABtorlu second amt Ilq rvesI K u rd . Xp eulat^on, a Itricbtnn Hrach graduate, won the liq ii rucc. The Iruuii aster IXMitliik!: R -t H and easily fur Huioud ptacc. Ind ra , th ' ravurlte in iht Inst rticc, wa« beaten, and iNirhin wop with (ileuty ordlKtance lospnre. Despot beat Mam ie H. filly fur second ptoce, 'Lhe Bumniarx wns:

K lr i l K hcs —H eavy haniUcap Hwcppi-tfiJini for ul] Aires ufSl.) cHch, w llh 31,0(4 Added, nf w h id i FJWi fo second and 3I0U to Ih ird , live rurloug-4 ; Torm autor wotv, TopTAlInnt ner- oiid. Am bulance th,ird ; lim e, Postit •uteg—Nine to A Agaiusl Tonneiilor, B (o 1 A iiibidHUce. JO lu I Toiignllant.

Hccoiul Itnce—H antilcap awre)Milskes for lUrcc-ycsr* >ld* aud upw ard , of li'i eueb, ir liu $|,(j0» nitdcd, ol widolv g'JOO lo spcomi and 3100 lu (b ird , one m ile und a slxh-cnlh ; Joe Kui y won, UloaiiiDig socund ; tim e, HostUe(Dng-*'i'eu to 7 on Joe Kell>‘, d l» 6 ugslnai I iloamliMT'

Th ird It )cc--Hwfc^>alakc8 for two-yenr-olds wbiub have lu n and not won at th is hicciiug, of 515 cai'b, \) Hh 51,000 uiJdc-l, ol which T*^ lo secnml nncl Sll4 In th ird , sitikc wtuaerH (over' night HWL'cp-ilaki's not ouiiuDag) to esrry KO poumls, otbiT horses lllip i UiidH, malilcn^ 107 |H>unds five Hml a h a lf fn rinn g i; iMwounl won, JiUilQ Hlmte second, Kquailun tb ird ; ilnie, 1.10),,. P<nL ILcU lng ^ FIve lo 2 o n U (s- counl, I.l tu ! Kqunthiu, 15 t«t 1 L ittle H lralr,

Fourth lUu’O'M wropM akct for threo-ycAr* olus, uf 3K1 ciicb, wttti 31.000 ndded, nf wtileh 5;!0(Ho llU'SHcnnd and $100 10 1 bird, to carry ilVi I'Dunds, five fu rlon gs; A jax won. A siu ria sii'und, tio rvesi th ird ; tim e, I'osi Jtc>i- tJDg ' ■■'ive to 2 Ol) A ja x , 2 to 1 Hgalnsl As- lorlA, 20 l» 1 Harvest,

F ifth U:lcc- Mwcppilakesfor tliree->‘ear*o:di and upM srU, of $16caidi, wlDi 31,0Cnadded, of MhFChj'JOO to sccuiiU nnd 5100 tu (bird, w in­ner o f one rnco At ( li lt met I lug In CHI ly five |KUiiida exira, <d iwo rnccs, neven pi-timis, ibe w inner to be muM qI auction for |I,DUO, If for 3J,(dl>, h Mcvss' seven poiitid«, for i welve pemudv, Uk 'U otie |K>iind for each S1<D down I n $1,01)0. (MIA m ile and a x lx tcd itb ; H|iecii)a- tliu) am i, The 1r<4tU))aHlarK«cond, HckC Hruru) th ird ; Dine, Host Helling*^Ten ti> |> onMpecidaMaii, :i Uj 1 against Heat Hrund and 7 to 1 Till' liom naslcr,

H ixlU HfliT” Sweepstakes ior mnl(l(';i two* yefii-uld*', of $i:» viiel), wllti $1,000 Jithled, of <11101) ,yjM J o seeoqd. Jsj;,lbtCiU Juca ffT !l'i Hounds, llvu’ and ir in ilr fu iU m cs;

s*|Jtin''"«li.inrl, m Y u rk l'l(y fu ritic in ir “ u‘i. Uo»l»H Meoiiil, M Binlr ||, (illy

and M'ard's nttn are siiH lu eighth poalllou. rhlcAE; (> U on th« haela of HieM c lu b s being hut nine }>oliili lieb liu l Naw YorX. Tbd llruuklynH, lu the ir dcfeiit by At. I^oult, fell from Ililrd lo flflb place, Hitlaburg u utidayol rba M'ashiugtoiis and (MWcland gaVr Now Y o rk a))uUierki)utikout blo' y. HIHsburg and t'k'velaud arc uii avau Ic n n i for third place, tl)« farm er being a favorlie, TTiO race be­tween H bH adcIphiaand Ihnion for Ibv le a d li •o r)'c iu *« , ib a rt being opiy une gaiuu’sd lf* VrC iica bAlwmni them , Uulh w ns yestArday by speedy p ia r. Tliu Anson colta arc ou the bKLdi of New Y o r k s and IktUlm orc m ay pasa at an y ihne. The result* uf yuslvrday’t play were J

cicTciA ud ft, New York Z Kt, i.rf)u]s J, JIrtM)lclyu g.Hoslou 7, C ln c ln n a l) (I.H hllaijclpbla fl. Iioulsvilte 5i i'ltu b u rx Id, W aahlngiuii ft,HhK^gu 10, BaJlIm ore 1The record ol earl) club l l as (u llo w i:


n u b * . Won, 1/1*5 r r .n *l'}illadfl]rtila .... ......... ..42 '£ilU.sifin.,. ........... 41 .(illP lH hU urK.......... ...........:i7 •JH .fM*< 'levi'liim l,-......... ...........Sti i ’l ..iWIM nm hlyn.......... ..ViUl.'iiir liiiin u .......... ...........Ill ’M .Is4Hi . .............. ...........;u 31 ,4H0New V n rh ......................'a-K lib ,4!iHIhilnriHite,,,, ..'J7 -f) ,U iriilcrtgn, , ........ . ‘ ‘.ZZ'JT Ifh .-W)W'rislilfiKIUN____ ...........Ai .4(1(1iafUulsTiiie.......... ...........Ik ;l> J44d

.aportlng M Ise e lla iij.Tl)c K ist hide Flying Club ut a meeting

held tuBiL niviu Alacled the fonowlnt oflleei'Hi Heter l.yneh, pr«sidvut; Frad Helss. sec* re lary ; C'harlei (.ditubrecht, treasurer. Those desiring ineinberahlp shuUld nddrew Fred llelA«. HO Kirn road,

TI)a !(v(l hbocklng* and Young Men’s Ly ctu m («am t>f O rarg c wilt play at C rn lra t avenue grounds to d a y .

The Krunkim Athletic Cj^ of Nuticy and the JertbrNOii A. will play ou the Kljiuey street grm.iids to-day.

Among other games today tbe Orange Aihietio* will play the Acitiea uf Newark on th eU val; ibe Orange leiim will meet the crack IjcontDics of New York on (be Idncnln grminds, and Dm Llewellyns will iilay tbe New York Oorhams on (lie Weal Orange grounds.

Juhn Lawler will play loirry Ford and llarreit, of HrtKjklyn, at .WcC'all’e handball court, HurriMou, on (he next club (lay,

Bub FllsJuiinoui decUliea U> fight Jot ChoyjiHai at lll> p«>unds for any amount and sarshQ w lli never gn outslda the middle* wrtgOi cluss jtgaln. Unless l l ]i lo flghl for tha heavyweight chumploashlii oMhr world.

Tho ManliHliiin ana the .Newark cricket clubs wUl play on the llofevillogrouiids to* dav.

Olio Knecbler and Thomas 8ain|>iOD won a duutWi'-Hcull race from Frank and Jim Ho* burn, (d the InsiUnlea, over the reguUr courts la ii night by three lengths. Time, ku-i

f?ir A’A'U'.V A<M 110 bftlrr' pri*v ^ in Aihvif(j(aNJfur f/iRA rfi tiM-H ctiTuiruu prrKiU fr*im doy to ikty.

I lu r t c s and Huff* and Frdlle*Hum 'I and pafT<* and frills,

Flounncsanrt furbcl’iw s;F n ic k s hi u flu rry of lace,

T lia lS where the inone> goes I H rrthas and glgoi slsevei

Hoops and the npire waist— These arc the things they wear

T h is is t lie lr sln)ple (a»ic,P I110 eyes and brown and black,

(Juris nnd a dim pled cbln, Itlintbetk to shxnie UicruKe,

Th ai's where the rnugc comes in 1 Glances nnd sio lles nu(l sighs,

llintN of a breaking heart—ThesH nro the tr ick s iht«y try,

T h is la ib e lr naughty art. tN nm m rr and bloom nnd song,

M lsr iilc f ls cve ryw h rr .Uo, lllHo rhym e, abr«>ad, «

lud the poor lads iiew.ire !C u lls and a dim pled chin,

UniTl -sand putTiauU ft lll i,O n l/ |4> onteb a man,

hluine una to |iAy the bills '-L</r.

Everything Connected

with Butter-churns, pat­

ters, tubs, firkins —

ought to be washed with

Pearline. That gets at the soaked-tn

grease as nothing else in the world can.

Things may seem to be clean when you’ve washed them in the usual way; but use Pearline, and they really are clean. It might make all the difference, sometimes, be­tween good butter and bad. Wherever you want thorough cleanliness, or want to save your labor, the best thing to do is to use Pearline. m■.wire oflmltatiotu. JAMt^ PTLE.N .'T

D l i t r c u l n i S k in D U m m f ro m B i r t h , C u r r d to n W o r k * b j C u t l e u n .

K o w U r n l t b y l u C « n B e .

Nf (H IC K UK IV T K N T lIiA , IlUAHI I Htrastand WatarCanimlsBluAers.

Fu(4U.’nuUCp Is barchyglsrh lh a il i ls thslnt-ii- (Hn nytbr Hoanl uf Mrrr-t and Wal(*t iVtinntItokin- srso rili^ n ty Dt VetvHrk, midar and by vlrliiasr thf* pruvlstoiis ol the M'S cnlldcfl "ausL'l tn n<vis* Slid aniciwl ibA i-|iarier of rliHcUyof NawsrJe,''sp- •roved Man-h ll , is<*, aiH) Ike supplernsnu

M y baby hoy bad been auffcTlBg birth vittn sotus s (^ o t an un))itioQ. docu>n

I ilivr-to, atwl theper rrrailug tliv Jkiarrl i\t mreat ! aud iVutiT (’uuiuilshloiifn* o f .........................

m Uw l u w u u ia . U it m t l, w k - u on , n «M d-upoM d m au of n d , (ufliiuml flnth._ JHs arms iuhI across auil uutlor htithlgba, wtwrever tbs fat flfsn1 ■ ‘nubdoafuUl.wcra jtuit the same. For four week* after bis birth be suffered will) tb ii tru))tloh, aemI until I got the Cvtu'vha Kr.air.nira. there was little •leap fur Any one. In flve week She was co(n)iletely cured. H e w u nine woeka

Old Fehm arv U knd >ou ought to ace his skin now, snirxabf even, ami a heautifui pink anti(■■I'm, vw u , mmi ■ |IIU» MlU«)illr<'i>lnr. H r f iw h M U lh y u b R ra n t i , . T h , ('i Tu r m HBM Lvr.sT lu i R ln tt hint ton*, tlgor V hI i«n-iii;th. Ic in rln K b liu iirtra lt,

WM. A . U A E l lS E R , IM K. laW S L , K e * Yorlf.

CUTICURA WORKS WONDERSFrom the s{'« of two mouths my baby loffernd

with the ecxesna on her face and bniV- Hoc* tort'll without avail. VsetUNrriei'itA IlfiMKPlkA,’swUNrriiTRA IlfiMKPlkA, Fnm ul ih(>m in e^ery nwiieet aatlsfArtory. The chilli has uow alieAutifulaklnaiid lie u red. tft'e Cheerrully rei i'iiumemi the tame tnoU mothsra,

MJU, J . H U TlLKN BKlU i. iwu First Ave.. N% Y .

lla ( tty of NuMitrk spprovsil Msh-h iiis, nru, 10 uriler aihJ i-nase

l.l.Nr l,N I'ftllK,from iircaMi ^tiTvl U> u i-.iliLiigtim Niritt (lormsiiy kuuwu aaa I'sn u r i ’llniimavi'oue uiid

C14NTCN A\ L M ’Hfhon tVulilaatun sinwl lo ihv ^e-'tsrly Hue of I'.ltyjibrth ari'Aiis, to (»«• nqiBXk I situnhinugxraiille block iWTliuf MU esi'h i<lfti< of the hor^ car irtcks, with the ctc«i«ti()M of one !<•(>( oiilniile of eAvli track, tufeilierwill) all lb* appuruii.uii'i-- ii*cr''’4ary 10 oQiiipIcIf tlie oainc.

'Ihf rNll/o*(l ( iriHiMtlon nanlAg His ralluav tiVU'kH loi-ateo In S4kd avcime nha'l r*pavs i Im< re- maliilnx ai'fih of iliti nbrrlS4ie-« a}'>^Uh theHnnic materml and In llkv laann-r as that portion oulxiilB of thsLr tcjicka

Hiich iwnoAH ns itmy nhjHi tucrsitr nn* rs<iu*4ieil 10 pri'scrit ihrir uriJectloiiN In undiig at liu- uibcc of III* (Lianl uTHm*! iiiul Waii-r ( ‘iuinniwloiierm on or Iwfiirc tharxpiratiou of lun (lays iMiti ihc da(* of this nothw

lljT dlr *i’tiuii of (lie BiiHnl nf Mreet saJ \VBU r ronimliultiiM'ni of Ihsvily uf Ny-Aark.

r iiA H J .r> M t)(’<H. iipoeral i'*cpi»rlul -nUcai or Works.

» i iu r k , N. J , July K t«dDF

CUTICUM REMEDIESMave effected (he mnat woiulerfq] cares of toy* iuriog ami iklM •nd •calji dlacaaesof liiianta and children ever rcKXktited, They affonl Instant rwllef, permit rest and at^n, and ^dnt to a B|xeedy cure when ihe best phyaidlani fall. 1’knmta, save yonr children years of need- lees suffering. Cures nuida In chddbood are penuancDt, ________________

flold tbrongbont tbs world, Phes» Orrtnnti« iOr.i Soap 25c. i K is o l v im Ti |1 . PoTTia 1>RU» ANI> ('UBX. C'ORP., Bole Hroprielora, Boaum.

t v *' Dow to Cars Skin Disessss,** mailed fre*.Bklti and flealpw

c u So.BABY’S tiy CUTicCRA'dosp, AlwolubeJy pur*.'urifled aod basuUfted


RHEUMATIC PAINS CUREDIw onne M ixrrn tJiit C n ilctira A n ll- P a ln r iM t e r relieves rheumailo, sciatic, biPi kidney, chest, aud lum* cular (laliia and weaknosaes*

\ * n r i i ’K i)K IM ’KNTHIN J liA lt l) KtriTt util) WaUTt'onimiKs oni'rv

ruhMi-iiutioe l« h m b v irl\*it lint It D Dip inlrn llOMiiflb'* HiH»rd ul Mr.'elanrt WMisrt'inumlv.|ii»i- *rM (if (be cKv of NeWHrk, midpr ant tiy vii-iiei* uf pn)v|«loii«c>riliesci I'uUiiPti ** ti net iore%lwsa<i smvDd the iliarter uf ilu' city nf .S'*'.HHr*,''ap|iriivHi Mari'h II, Is-'iT, smUhr xupplrm-'Mls lhi‘r**i<Mind ili* sC(i-ri>stUU{ Ihe'BuMnl of m thu and WhI i r ( urn- irili-WiuiTS ofths cliy «'j Newsrk, appruvjil Manh

(HVl, U> onitr ami i^us*r l J F lo .S A \ yS V K ,

from n u h svrium to Hln<>intl<-ld avi'iutc, to h*pavsit » llh >0irct ui[iliAl|Uiti jiuviojt, iMi em'h *lil>*i>r lbs riiUway tracks, wirli ihn Mt -rpilun of one tiK)t uulsilp of MuLtfJuk. ItiKvthpr HlUi *U (ha utiimrieiiamws uerMaury ti> u>iaph'i* Uie saiiie I hi* rallruaRl ruriiuntiioii owul «g ihs rsllwHy (nickn, ICH'HttHl Insild sv rn u \ slmll ivj>HVe ths r*nialnhiv (vliltn of the I'arrlagsnay «>ithi>igraiiKf! block or MDhali ttuThiv. a i (h«* illutra of i treei nnd Waitr ( uniminslofMirii niMy (llrvct.

Hucti persims M niny uhjtN't (liurptn are re'ius'it'd In tiivscnt (lic)rohicril»&s In wrhluir a( th* nftic* of (hi* flnrtrd of rttn-et hikI VS'iitsr ('ouiiHlsiloncr* on or t'M'tlire the cxpIratlOD ol tea ilsys floiu <lau' of tbU bfUlce.

By dhvcllnn of the of )<lfeet and WaterCoiUAilaidun<i*rk uf tbe lity u) Newark.

L'llftH I.i'X MAUSlt, Orneral Hinh*rl6tcndtm uf Works.

Newark. N. J., July H, ixtn, :i«

tB A ILH O a D O .

>KNNi-Vr.%'aNlA ItA iL B n u * - TIIKfeTANU. ard ral)*sy of AaaerM- J'ri>tcctM} Uiruughnui

b3' the liilcriiM.-klUf swit -h and tilock %lsital sy^lsm.f " »ti>p« (Mity on iiotice U> ogriit. <)u an't after

July 1. iiwa. tratiis will tear* Markei surest isa* ilun, Newark, aatoDim's:

(f.2X A. M.. ColuuihlaM Kxpnw,. ruFInlSt) \W l* bole Hteepuiar l^an lo ( ‘iikwBu am'f (iuclntiaU, ixn- Ing, r*meklai and l ’aa<**'nger ( ‘osche' rmiii Near 1 ‘ork to < hlcaao. Arnv#!« tn (.'irK' Diuli (11.1 \.

iiNilauA|K)lis T;U A. .M., L'lihwco 1U.IW A. M. utci/il.1T 1'. M. IViirtsylvsiila l.lii)IUH(.-*runi|Kv;et

ekclualvriy uf t'uUmau Vvilibule Uraivlni uni Htal* liouin. A)«'e]ila';, IdAliiic. xmMklii.: aud Ob> BerratiiiQ Yara, piy^ntlnc (tiunclal n-puriv. Men* ographsrs hihI (yjiewri(er<. haihman^ ft»r (xiHiw>X**«, Indies’ umld, harlMr-nbop, ltbrar . and all (Its

h s iiiew offli'e. RigbiMi i>r fU-liviiary uDd niovMbI* slrctrlc lichta. Arrives C'Ui*CWlfO Itix> MOOD.

Si. HL iioui), nnciianati ao<l riihuvo KxorvMv-Ihilintan VeHtihulc sieejitug aod ruotss earn to Ht. 1-euln, ('incMfOi and ducIriiMll. t'CritUutle hmok'luff (Ur aod I'luiaeuger (.'uaehes U> ?<l. l.<(»nta AmveiU1aclniitil .|(i.,io A. M.. SI, L iuIh 7.30 P. ii. and I ’lilfHitn.Vlu I* M, next day. *

“ B.se J*. Sk. Wwitam ^.xpn*■v-T'lillman Ve lt*lull* Cara lo liti^btiTf, Chlcairu und (levikaiiil. Dluliig 1’Mnno I'lillad^liihU. and Ihliil, , , ...... « ---- - ---- «v.-liibU. and IhLliburylu(Dk-aru. A rr lv r .it Oevelaml ll.«) A. H., ihi- esffo B.3 ) P, M ti*x) day.

Kxprevi Huilmss \e*lll»U|e ■' k'epliig curt tu (TncUuiau, ."»rcuu>«ili aiKi **1. I-onK f Inlnc t'nr AIiihjou io IKchnioiH. Arrives Colunihu^i'iS P. M.. (innim a l «.(« P. I I . lialmiiepolla iai4 ('. M , an'l M. lAiiit 7.f» A. U. •(<4<ntu1 Mirirnlng

r as: r. yi. Hih-KIc Fapren^ rollij»au BuiTel M<«*p1h« fur New York to ( lilnwr i, Arrlvei dally

, rhk-a|cu7.-*) A. M. (w-cund im>rnlii|>, 1'iiJedu iH ) . P. .M„ • lyuinbiis 7-D t H. and I'lsvelNud, steak

dsva.kln f. .M ,f*.W p. N. hlclnutiAd nnd f^avliie Ktpretc>11* u'lili IlirA'Ifri, .iMHUtM lj. A , u . __dully, with IhrO'iirli jJen»er* U> AuKuata. .Meuiphlt.

ht»i S|iriiijin AfJiavIlls uihI New tjrieaiis lifiiingfa r lo Ifontgmuet)*. iNo

fV :ep , Id. tHilly fur ull pohit-i <m (luompesks aud Ohio haiiwHy. J hruiigli aiee|>lhf hihI IHuIni Cars,

p. Sr. Nhenandnab Valley S’xpm**, dslljr, Itiiiman jUufTeC nJespcf lo New urleana vU ('ImUa* no<«a,

'j.ViP. .M. ksprsw furH traMiga. 'Ibruiigh I'uff.tlri pafiur I ’nr.

For Haimaur*. WMSbln UME a)i<l the Aondi,X.S.\ H.S7.'' i .A.X.iIJimloil Vlxpr.-AH, Pullman liulf Parlor Purs, Vir ilbule Pnswiiger L'ltaului ami

I liluIrtaPar. lO.'JS A. M.j; ll.SS A. M., 7.;:X, 4.55, •'•.Jf nmi o.&i p.M, On Sunday. 1147, kM. n.5 < A.M.. (At,


C I T T A D YK RT IIIK M P iN Tft.a N iDitniNANC’fc T o P llO VlD K bXIK T l lK

u\|>UVluiOfj a m k x h t h k k t »

frum High Mrsel in Noabltt hlr«*l.Ill' It urdalueil by tbe Hoard uf street nn>| Water

funitiili-bmiTB uf the cliy of Newark, *1 follows; hii-tlou I. Thai

J .tN^» «TRKK1\fy.irn Ht(fh street to >e»t)m Mreet, sbsll he paved wUbpblmittKTnoU* block |'av||i|{, ptherwiiha|] lk»*ap|a*rlli>aw'es npceswwry in pumpTetetha same.

2. Tl)mi Imniefltaiely upon tb«- (viniiiteiluu ufMieli pnbile RafKTk or 1 nprovrmi»ui, the rJerk oftile Nisrd, In ouiijuticlUtn whn the $,ttxliierr und Heurral siqierUijenileiil uf Works uf The Kar<l.

( ih«l) csr*ruJ)y prepwrv anil fqrid*h a ) aeceioary Klau'meiiia, nrnpt. HperincailnnaaiHl ortier data pHr-


N o n eS u c b

(slhioB 10 'Uirli public *nrk or linpruvemetU. and till* I'r ■hidptu uf Ibe boant and MUd Pleric iliall thereupoo, on ts'kalf of the luiard of atreet and Mater f'umnDlMilmu'rs of ibr city uf Newark.ter- Mfr the aaini- trrilie <*uam)OM Poum-II of (lie city of Nf'Wurk, lh onler tbsisahi OmmiPD ( ‘ounuU tnsv 1liur«afl-T pna-ved to make uDd I'oUeut lbe]>roper AsucMtJneirt fur (he rust anil PipeoM* of such pdlilic wtwk or huprovemeni aa di«)‘ now or herMLlUr be rtsiuiri-d hy law.

hertt(iii4»huld pabllc work or unprori!meDt shall tw made atul cmnpleiHl under the iiqwrvbkm or Inspection of the Knglneer or Acting Krtgloaer andthe OoaendSDMiiiitrmlent of Works of tba lloa'd ofNIrert eud H'atpr Pommlwlunera, according tuthe iifiivtaluiis of the d ly charter and itae laws of Die state, and tbe onllnani'a* of tbs lity and by* laut, ru)e«a*Mt rcfulatlunH uf the Board of e>tr«H and Water Onmmlaaiouurs of tba tHty of Newark appllcahlelbarrtu

Kc<’ilnn 4. That ih li orairiao(?s sUkii take eflbci Iminsdlitely. ,

I'aawd June 21, ISM-Ill'DTI P. HKNimV,

rr.4flideni of tlis Board of Htr.' t and Water Com- uilpvlunen.

ENCa RP.NVON,Clerk Of the Board of Alteetaad Water CummlB'

slcMiers.The-foregolng rwtiinaru'e having been duty passedu — — J ------- iMtURI —by tha Hoartt iif Ktivat stid Wuter commlt'ifuuan,

firescntcd tu the Mayor and not liitvlng bei'u ro- iinted by liliii within the time prearrlheO by Uw,

Is liierefore a law und will- take effect at If It tia)l (•ven rtpilroveij •<‘C4ir<tlNg p) the pnrvtakins of the third sectlun of lbs charier uf ihe cliy.

KXl>H RDM YON,(lo I'lork ufUie Hoard.

OF•v ro T ii'f': n y i n t k .n t j o n . - b o a k d .1 V Hirci't SDd Wbter PoniinlMlooera

Public nobrs is hereby given that it Is (he Irtton- tlun uftlvu Huard Of Hin'ei nikI Water CuDuulMlun- ecs r.f Use clly uf Nfwark, iincler and by viruieof pr*rYl'loiT(* nr the oi'i emlilpd •• A n act lo revise an J jnu-ad the clisrtsr of the Hty of Newark," s |r- pnnart ll , lS57,Mnd (he siipplemeut' tbsru- lo. nml lha act oreAtilig the Jfdard uf Htroet nm| Wst>*r CuTimilMloiiers uf the clip of Newiifk, au- prvved Match 2S, IKil, (o order uml caUBO

CAMT* NTBriCT,from ilrctiahl Nireet in Mulberry .street, (o)w paved ivHli sUce) o.sphiltnm pHvlng: tiigi-thcr (vlih all tb«

! appiiriwfiiim'es iiecpsear.v t > ciuuplsie the same.I such persons as U)s< uhjet tUiersio, are requested I (Q pfe^ni liu lr ubjei'ilohi It) writing ut the milua uf I Ibr JKMird ol tsCravK and Wnler (’oniirilsAlunars, on • or Itefurv the expiration of teu days from date of

this jiuitce.I py ituTHc-tlof) of ths Hoard of Mreet and Watsr ; Commlaslonerv of (be ()lty of Newark.

C lU K L i- i l MAHNH.I r;etieral t^uiterinteiMleni ol Work*.

Newark. N. J.. J uly i, iww. L*fia

N't iT U K *iF IN T K ST ro N HnAlUl ^rreei and ^Va(er CunmilasiloEier*.

rubllc Nollcv It bMieby given tbai ll Isthetnten- Hon nfthe Hiiard of r irvi't imU Water 1 unnnissiuD- ersuftbe cMy 'rf Seaark, under aud hy virtue of pruvMoua uf the act eiilllletl “ An acl tu rHVlsu and ninend thn t'hsher (vf tlie city uf NVwark." approved Man-h ll, ]S5T, amt Umj Mipplemaiits therein, and tho a(i cpnilny (he hoanl ivf .Htrcat and Water ('rMiimiMiimer-R uf the city «»f Newark, aiipruvad Man-h !.:s, l^m, lu urtk-r ami cbu*« a brick >awyr to he cunstrm-te I hi

N»l T il T e N T II MTDKKr. from lilt ceuire of rprlughelil avenue In n loulh- erly dlrecUoirfiir a dU'ance of about eleven hun­dred and titty 11,lkh frit. or to Ibi-Oi'iJtre of (I'lnDd- laml a\euue, hb ilie HHine (a pruj)>cied. TcEtp-dRer with all tbe nupuricuances nei't'SHar?'tu 4'4*niple(e theoame; ivad orsuch lilmeuslons as the Pu«n| uf Hirt'vt Hiul Water CuiujnlwilMUrra oftlie city of New ark abail direct.

Such iienRUDsss tuny ob*«Kd thereto, are re tnoslad to pw ent their ohjevtloot* in writing al the oflire of Ills Hdard ufsireclauit Water 1 uimiilnsiuner*. on or before tha explrailuh of teu da y i from date of Ibis nuilce,

Hy dins'tion of the Hoanl of street and Water Commlaaloaers of tbs city nf Newark.

|-hA H I> > MAltSir,

Fur Halilnmre only, I'H p. M,AVTand gCtiP. M. weak days.

hor Philadelphia. Fxp-, 1147,4.1!. 7.Kl.AJ7t,8.T7.•.At <1(1.21 l.lmhed Kiinr<i’M\ J’ullniau VrsHlbiile Par­lor (kurs, VMUlHd* l*aNaenc«r Coarbas and HlnliigCurj, 11.2s A. M.; 1240, l.'JB. 1-35, .v>l. I$.32 ami S.SII J’. M. AciHimniedailou, II.HI A. M, 5.UT and 7.95 I'. M. On S'tnds.v. Kxpms, lX-17, 4,)* 1 . 5 7 , U.54. 10.11! A, M.. 4.1K. 4.I.V NTi end S.kl P. it. A(!oonimoilat.tun. I.Juand 7.1, P. M.

Fur Trenton, ll.(T.(l.4S, T.lX). 7.50, n..'i7,!i O O.'A(10.21 Miulted Kthresj. Pullm tu VeetUnile Parlur ('an, N'csllbule Pmutenger ('naclien nnd DiningCan. IJ 2Saml t i . l l A. Si.: I'iW. 1.2B. ZM, H.2(*.07 .NX S2r, T-U, H.S2and e.li) f. M. NxiidMy. LV47,S. W. S57. (i.'J-*. u\ nml 10.11 A. M.: t.'n, ft.77- 5.RAT. NV 9.U Slid H.SO P. M.

Ki>t .dlanth.' ( l iy AIM tKkln A. M. Satnniiiy onjv), H'>. ii-ki . M., ];iki r, M. iiiiH r. >1. nUh tbrcKigh )}uy ('uorh and Pullman |luft(*t Par t*»r Can, aud 23^ F. >1- wnekdiys. huiuIuj', e.4-1 A. M.

For Cane May iin'-ll M. sguinlay unlyj, U.3J A. M . 1'. M. week daysFor l.onB Hrajich. I'Jberju, Anbury Park. <>»ag

Drove, spring Imkc. Sea <drt, M>uum)U»u i, INUni■■■- ‘ ..................................... 'k J 'PleaMiit, and pohil« on tlie New York awl fjoug Branch Hallroad t... g.W, iu..*ir a . M.. f .* ' . i.i. 2 ,V , -il., 4.UJI. 4,41, .vw Mh I 7 r . M,. datiy e iiwnl Nimday. On Hunday, * t-i. lft.1- A. M and 5.M p.

[ Bi. l>o not Btop at Ocean Urove or Asbory I'arjc i un suwlav,

For hrOHlilH 1'urk, Island Meigbta and Toms Hlver, 7.2iu. t.l'i A. M.. oua J <« H.Sti. 5,.-Q p. M. weec days,

For Boslo^ wlibflUt change, 1144 P. M. weig

r (jetwr.il huiiertiitcudent uf Wurfcs. Newark, N. J., July h, i di. 27e

ro r nuniuiii wiianudays, I' M-daily.

For Hrooklyu, N. V-—All (htongh (rains conoM-i kl JerMty (1ty with bustsof ** Hn>ok(>'a Annex."

>r(K lT(:K IN M KliKBY d lV K N TO AM.I parties Inimrsled that the certlfleaU of nwieSH-

mentnftbe w)tu)t> siiiouut uf Oiu ixais and ex­pense*! or paving find repaving

nM HTIi A V kN CK has been dailvered tu me at'rurdItiK to (aw-.

enid oMseBameut 4'on>iir1ie« ull (lie lot*, tracts im l pari'eis uf luiuJ and n al eetsiu lying uu b*uL shies of

FO l'HTH A Y K N C E ,from Newark and I'Hter'Oii Haiir iwltu Ulnomdelil avenue.

The ow nen of lund sml ria! estate u>j-o«H«fl In saW <Brllii<*te of’ aaseaiDu'iit a*e h*-r*'by re<jiilrwl tu pay the amount an awieMW'il upon Ihcui arui i-acli ol thgiu, rvspe<‘tlvel,v. lu me. at my otlUe, Nu-5 City Kali, on or belurs Angiisi J‘J. IWH.

JA5IKH F. t'ONNFTJ.Y.Comptroller.

Ktvark, N. J-, July 9, lhsh. .hsc

>’'DTiCK (IF INTKNnnN. Hm aHD oF 4 Htreet and Water roiiiuils.slt>nert I'ubhc nothv Is lierchy given that It It ibe mten-

tlhijnfDie Hoanl of Wr«*el and Waicrtomnils^luo-uB.. * ..r . j> . . «.< 1. I J . _____ .,ere Ilf therlly nf Nnwark. mid 'r and hy viriue of prDviKlmi!i orthe acientl(le<l ' An act to rvvlik'and amend lUe ebarter ut ihe city nf Niwark " approx n|Ibe act rreehitg ihe Bnanl uf Mrevl and Water t.uintnlasluucrs of the city of Newark, approved

affiinihig rlIrflOt IrauBftT lo uSd rram Fiiilnii utreei, avoiding duublu terrUif* ami Journey acrus* tbe idly.

FO B NKW YO PK.1.4'ave Market Mlreet Mialfun. ^in, 5.47, Ann. A43,

AMi. B.As, 7.11 T.'bi, 7..Sk ADO MO, atM.A-in.AH S.4V Au7. P IA V.2A, ».H4, U.50. iu.4l, D1.4S, U.m), 11.17, ihVi. 1L.U A. M.: lltO, 11X\ 1.4«, I.JSk L H l.%4, 2IS,-;,A).Z.4n.l.W, Aik, 3.M. 4.11). fas, a.)f AU, AM,

) AOa, A.IAA,U,Ar<l,S.^, 7.UU,?.tH, T.-TJ, 7.-V4, AOS. ft.Kl,' S.'IS. lu.04, 11.15 H. M- and tl07 nlghr. Kumtav I (raiiSI, l.lH. A47, N.OQ, fl.oo, S.H4, 10.01 lliHO, |A4S, U.OO,

A. M.-. lito , I2.S,*. i.iK, 2.0-j, t.ki, k-.q, 4,ok 1 4.W. a.0n.s.4s. 0.21. T.flti, 7.2u.:.-a, T.40. ffp. HAL S-.7, MlOO, in.l) P. M., 12.00 iiighl.I Li-ave ( ‘enire .iirw i Jitatt^n. O-bl. n.l >, ft ,7.i>t,

T.T4. ?.(s. a.w. n.,t7. ukoa, lo .ii I'U ,. i i .« a. >1.1 I 1197, l.oft. HU. H.rj, 4 2:. -k(7. Tt.lt, 5.51, fl-W, 7 fti I M l MB'I 10.117 p. M. we»'k day's 1 La v e 1 bcMmii street Hlaii)>n. ■ •.17,0.10 A'Jk

T.iw, : . r i T..y,. S,07. 8.27. S.451 k.lH. 191 «-.'•% 1 lu.'jK, 10.S7, ln.,97. ti..rJ, 11,40 A . M.: 1112, J.IC. \ : y1 i.kV :.m, I'j., ita . a..w, a ia a m , a.10, M i. .Vfva.uA

M l, 7.0A 7.10. 7 «. A27. a.lB. 10.00, l U l P. M., I ]2.0.t nlghu t'uuday, AUV 8..V). b.HL •.■'•u. lii.lVlO.V , 1 U.4H S. M.; tlS5. 1-J.4T. 1.3s, I..W. Zm. 3.34. 3.'lA. 4 SI. ; fan. a.43, aio, (l-u , 7.1s, 7.2:, 8.21, 0.73, s..ki,iu.'.:ft and ! ii.as V. M.I Ix'avA Kniinel aireet ^tatlun, 5.51, Aos, a.3l, H.52. 1 7.07,7.«.h06,A'J5,A4l.9.U.y.'1U.S..’iS. 10,W. 10.*' and i JI.4S A. M., I’ifto. 1.21. l.-W. 'in . ;-:4 114,4.12 .\ri4,

a.2V. USD. 7.37. 7.4ft, A24, 0..59. IM1 J', M-, HOl•Igbt HuiirlayiAnt. Aftl. R.7ft. t.a«, IA31,11.44 A. M.;

Msicb 28,4001. to order and taaiie Pf.ANK >*TUfta:T,

from Market street lo Hm id street, tn be rrtiave] with AeetanUtalhm) paving. Uarciher ahh all the apiHirtfnam'es i<ec>'ssary tuefimi>(ete the same.

Micb perv>iis as may ubject thereto are ret|iiHSte1 lo peeseni (Heir objerlluns tu writing at Ihe otfli'e of (he Hoard of Mieel and Wa sr Cummts-inner*uu or hpfote tbeexplniltoii often days from dat.* of ttala notice.

By dlrertion of the JtonrU nf Hireet and Water Cuiumlasliinsrs of the city of .Newark.

4'Ha »M 'X MAHhJI,

l«.s-j, U44, 1.2’k, t «l. 144. .12], M l. 4.30, 4.H 5.4L MA «.I4. T.is, k.2|. ».M and IJ.-H R M.

Newark, N. J., July a,Hiperl

i, ISM. 2teOFN O T ICK 4>F IK T F N T JO N .-B O A H D

Ktreet indYtater roimnfantonera publN: nonce Is hereby gtveu tb>t H Is the Inten­

sion ef'tbe Hoard Street and Water (JonunlsMten

FHO.M M A K K K T H lR K F rR T A T ia N .Fur KllaiU-*th and llahway. 3.5J,jii.4l 7.«n,,

M t. B.40, u i l i 11.3.1 A. M.; I.0R. l.2>. ‘154, 5.U1, S.3) A4S, fan, 4.47, &.un. .V9(k 5.411, 5.M.A0I. UOT. M«. S.Tl «.4I,A17. 7.07, 7.U. A02, 11.Q7, H).4s, 11.31 P. M.,r i l l aixl 1147 night Himday, ii.43. A30, B i( 10.14 10.31. n.13 A. M.; 1148, l . l i , ‘1 « , 8.15, 4.5i a.(5k 5.30,7 oa, 7.U, 7.38,7-’», M l, k.on, B.S0, (y w, 10.11 D.tTP.M . and 1147 fg h k ^

For Kliaohetb fniv tl.aft A. M.. 1246 and Aft7 P. 3L vrerk days.

For New liruiMa-ink. 1147, Ms, 7.00.7.M, 3.57. t.4-\ •..5S kihU1.4S a . M-: tlM . l-2», ‘'Ss. 1-yi, fat), 5.17, A3U, &,aft. 6.27, AS2, 7.U, B.3it He unU 10.4S p, M, MUn day, 12.47, 6.40. 8.57. B-44 and 10.31 A. M.; 1131 l.iSt s.iu, T-U.w.oo B,8uan(l it,a; P. M.

For Wnoilbiidge onrl Perth Aiubi»T, 6.11 and ID. 41 A. U., AOa. A17. Xau 7-07 and ft.42 P M..aaU u .i|

erauf (becitv of NewarK, under amt ^ ’ viriuttorprovisJoikauf the Mi. enliUed "A n AdT to revise HOdatnend th« ohanerof ibeetrv of Newark." *p- provetl March 11,1N7. and (he anppteraenui thereto and tbe SCI creating the Foanl of Htn*«t and Wuler ( 'onmilaHlunera of Ihe city of Ngwarki approved March 28, l8tU,(o order amt cauve

CM N'K'N K'l HKKT.from nroa*l itrerl (o Mulberry sirert, to b#rppav*r|with sbeet a*)ihi(itiiin paving; lugemer wlta all the--- -.......... )1M ■appurrenunoet accwasuiy lo eomplHe the same.

4ucii perMinias may otilee-l thereto, biv* mtuesie 1 to present tbetr ubie<t1uns In writing at (beoftti-eof the Hoard nfAtreet adil W'ater CommlMlaiisra. ou or befuj-r tha expiration of ten days from date of tills notlee,

Hy dlretUion of ihe Bonrd of street and Water CooinilBsloners i»f the cliy ul Newurk.

(Tl ARLI-H MAliHH, (lenertl superlDleudvnt uf W‘orlci

Newark. X. J., July a, ihw. joo

OF>TI1TJ4.’K U F INTBi-NTION.-BOARD I Street aud W altr CoinmlE slorn'ra.

Ibjblio rioitce i« hereby given that It i l the tnten- Hull nf ilvd Board orsth-ei tnd Water (■obuuiow'oDera nf Ihe city uf Newark, under aud hy virtue of provision* uftiio ocEenLitied



P ( J l l .i r N c m i B'-UllDiN.^NCK UHDKIlKJi tu R third r.'ading.

55'e, Ibe mi'terMlgjied, hereby <*ertlfy that an r>r- dinaiMi- WM read a FCiromt time At n meeting <if the ikMinl of .'*(reet uml Waier (.oniuilisioDemrhr'luJuly Ik iftUi, raU duly unlurvJ to a third r s r lli if , to inovlils fnrtbc repAvIhguf


M a k e s an e v e ry -d .iy convenience of an olJ-tim e lu x u ry . Pure and wholesom e. Prepared w ith scrupulous care. H ighest aw ard at aHI Pure Fou d Exp ositio ns. E a c h packag e m a k e s tw o large pies. A vo id im ita tio n s— and in sist on h av in g th *

N d N E - S o c h ' fifana.OERRFI ( * SO'JLF .Sv»cu», N.Y*

from (JTHiu.'r street Ll K1gblb avenue, with oblong grttuKo bluck iM viug from curb lucurb from Orange Miri'Pl tu Kliite sdccl.aiid rromstalcHtrefitloKfthdi A(em)t, ou each Bide of (be horse mr lrac*k. with the exce|iil()Ei of one fuol outBlde of ibit troik, to- gel her wttb mII Uie appurteiuuii a(u<H.ti*sury lo ixim- pji-tf the saiua.

DaH*d July 7 ,18M.H iin ir r . m cNDHY,

PresKleiiL ofthe Hoard uf htreet and Water Com- niksilonierA

KNUh HUNYON,7ft n*tk

All act (0 revise end ameml Uie charier of the city of Newark," ap­proved Mdrcli if, lAt7,aiid tliesupplenieuts (berrto. aud tb** net rreallng the Hoanl o f street and Water ('uimutohltiiefreuf lbi> city of Newark, approv(*<l Marob 28, 1 A l. (0 order ami cause

M U iF F lE U iH lT lK K T ,fn»ib BmiMx ari-ntiR (o oranga Hrrvet, and frpm Vie Morris and 1-A«e t J^nllruod lu H**vuiitii avenue, tobe imvatl wtib ithloug. iraproek block psvlug;to- geilier w1,th nW ilm HiipurtenaiicMi. ntaainary loEHJiniileie (he tMsme

rweh perHXis a-s uiay object thereto, are requt^ted to peeseiil dinir objec-tlims in wtdliig nt tbe oftlce (if (be Hoanl of H(r<<et ami Water I'onimlVAluaers. oil orliefurellm expiration often days fh}Dttlateof Ibis imllci*.

lly dlrerllnn of the Board of Htroet and W'Blef ConmiiMloaers uftbetTiy of .Newark.

( T IA I IL M MAHBK, (ieneral Rii|terthteadcDi uf Works,

Newirk. N. J„ July 8. («);(. aia

ERIE RAILWAY.DEPOT FOURTH A V I. AND PASSAIC ST,('•nnecUng trutiia leav^ sa fbllows I

NHW AKK AN1> PAIKIVSON,Igsve Newark lor IMterson -4.215, 7.55,8.44, fo.2l,

A. M,-. I5US. h Lie, 2.341 A47. (.fit, 536, 11.(10, ft.SH, 7J)0. 8 07, I1U7 |>. M. a u d u n iA . M. Huiidsy,s.u, i.ia A. M.; 54D, 7.07; S..55,10,87 i ’. M.

I 4 ve Haterrtou fbr Newark 5 » , A12, 551,7.34. 7.A5, A'J4. 8.115,10TM U 2A . M.; 1.211. Z'H, 553. 4..Vi. 0.12, 7 35, KSI. 10.35 R M. I^umtay, 558, 8.35 and lD.85A. M.; LOU, 6.«7, 7.58,10.55 F, M.


M A It l t lK D A < *A lN kT l||-;it W IL I

E le a n o r IT 'm Tor PSecurmi u Mivnrce F ro m H e r lin y lIusliH iu l,

Judge P isclin !!, of the C u u n nf Cum inm i Pleas, New Y o rk , jcM ordiiy aunuIKKl ihe .liiarrlags of Kkm iior K iT o d o r lo JoaiU'b ll. titbiou, on i Ih> kroiitul IlmL llju curvtuuiiy w ie performed under (lurcsB, utid ilm i i(m R ir ld id tiol reolJxu what nhe wan doing. Klcn iior I* n b o iil tw enty ycaia of jigc, Hurt In I lia daiig liter of Frertorick K ri(K*lof, of

. liHrobrnoni, Young (Sihson is nlmuj, the Biiniftage and lived neur New Uocbellc.

Une day In .Mny, iVVi'j, Ihlla drovu io Neiv llocholfft to gi'l Bome ineillcliis, A«i alio flearert IHp vllluge slieovrrtiKiK J w , w lin w as w alk ing aioue. He got m tnilu ' T-cartjtnd abortly afierivartl naked, “ 5l'ould yuu dai'c lo gttl m arried lo nil.'?" Hho th(iu,<hihe mhb Joking Attd U ugti^ l at Iilm. lU iw cver, tks they drove piim l>r. CbHrlt's Jllgb>’A c ln irch At New Kochelle He Jumped out nnd asked the paHtor to m arry ihvm .

W hile bo wuB In lh e r s c lo ry F.tU vrh|p|>f(i

- - , ^..^^^**i-',,»,.«,^*oinr.>lBSlou^*re on ihoi's* J t.Hc. The heiTH conleiid IHal ihey Bhomu

iis lh e y rt ld not cofflf* flftopotieexNlon uftUo p a ta lo iu ll] Jam in i y i;i, hmr ( lay i afler tliu iiiv in g Hvw \vuri( Inht < llmu, 1 rtlio|('(juiT dnes iio l laku th li viuw nf i i the heirs sH,v they should nut bii ii'skeil lu pay «m imwe Hmn 12 UiO.rtiiO w orili of pci-Bomvl prun- erly. Thu (loii)d usiaie. howevor. Hlrsudy pnid fiKHUt iO ns cu IInUt u I inhcrilniK-e lux, and (Ills co]U'edt\ Ihu cxUilu lo he Worth (rt.I,t0(l.ilUd. Com ptroHiT m Iuj col­lected tills lux, eatiinaiud the cfttutu uv worth

—'Jlie N uHouaI Hunk nf Kansns C ity aiis- |»ehrtert puyiiieiil *il 2:j.'i «*’i'lork yejtU'rilay aflcrnuim »ml Is iioa- lu th i hainU of ilic C m npiru llcrof ihcCnri'em 'y. The uKHuia.FreM- di'iit t.'hick B.ihl .vi'sicriluv uuvruuun, 5>h( lu; helweuu fJ.tlMMKOainl ¥;{,un0,u(ri, aii lih cH u iiU - illes between fftOU,IKK) Hud Bl,(KIU,0H. lie K oun- fldeiil'lhu l the du|ii>silors w ill be paid iloDur lor fttjllai, I'reMident L'liK*k said Liiul the suspension wus lino lo A ia id y wRlirtrMivwl ui deposlu since liie lieghiiiiog Ol the tiuauolulBirliigoTiRy.

- Three niliHilns After R o'clock ye*limlHy iiflernioun u >'<d)oMTKli hluck cloud came n]t Irmu (lie wi'BL und swept ibrougli HUIJwuter Hlting Lu k e 1 1. C ru lx , ihgure acrusi the lithe, and spenL liseLf lu ihu WT coUnIh woodit io iLn suulheiul. 1 wo persona wero kllk-d, W llllau i ,Vuez mnl Hupuii'l Hltnun.»iin, >vhu, n iU i olhcrii, were nt w m k lu the raKliig siii ■!« of (he Alivobd M ill oil i.'iki) ts(. t.ndx, Hev- (Tiil b iilh llugs uvra bh^vii uwuy nnd ubimi h dor.eii puopU'were in jim jil hy flj in g debrib, u oiit, iiuwo5vr, la lully .

her horii»nDd irlf-d lo gel away, hut liu over- l4K>k JiePf grubbed the horoe's head and drugged h e ft o-4He ehurcb. HHe M ys she' re-

RELIABLE.M aM achUkellj essayers.<jr/y«»rs und UrngviBH^ um vC B B B T R U H . G R A V E S ^ SON'h, Sole V ri. p r ift >ra, ttoMiKE, >'»u

^i.U.inyiO f Uhl H o u t b r ill Hi* Huys reliHble und eudoiasd by (be cerMfl- calPH of iw o

For sale by a ll III hnhie« only,*.'Lr mm.r

A ( liun re for liiveut(»ra.From the bivnulng Htar,

'J'neiujin who lo ven tiin method nfjE^lnlug the Ica lbyro f mac^tiluery b e lli so ih a t il will be Hi Mlrniig u i liio poim nf union iisolae- wbure lias ah pm)rm<ni>4 furlilne la Mdilinii; fur blur. A inactiine belt ih rcc-ilx iecn ih s or an Inch th ick w ill sumIhI u U''! in iu iiJs uf

r in r.. •.Fullii-r HUi H.ily won iw o rsce* at llrighlon

; . ; j F h yester<Uyffnw -rTrtr'i?li!eii( and 'hnok- jiih Ic t b quit oh iihutU even tiu'ins. \ Irglida II, uoii lh i‘ first race by a leuK ili; Hindoo- in»u-e (ill* M-cimd liy vwo lungHui; FaK h lu l li lt 't lilrd h> li'hsHmn n length; i'aiiHy the fiUinh h y a l i i ' s d ; A lr j i ls i i l Ibu fifth by e li-nglh, nnrt (Jold l>o)lar (hu lust rucc liy had H length. The fi'MiUs were :

1‘Trhl U iicc--I’uriu* (riflO, sHMng, five fur- tnngK; \'HgHitH 11. Won, Adjust sei'uiid, .MjirP om'in* th ird ; Uuie. I.UI'^. Cost Jleltltig T w o I'l 1 Mgnli.Kl A d lu s i, 4 1 i> I V irg in ia I ! ., U lo 1 .MiiriouvH".

Si'ftiuot U iicf—rtirse Ibree-qnnriers n[ fi m lh*; lliiulnoiiverc wun, \Vcst'T*ark secmid,F ih lli Ih ln l; limo, J .l* ',. FuH lh*ithu jJ Svv(Mi to .1 iigninHl H iadooim ire, g to I Wust I'm k, I'l lo I i; J illL

I'Jilrd iL icc 1‘uihe for Ihrc'e-yPniMiirls, lluce-quarlvih of H m lU'I FnlH ifnl won, roiir I'idt unsitid, 8Vullni:»; I l i lrd ; limp, I.ltl^j. ruKi Ih'ltliiK ’i'uo lo 1 ugaliiMi Faith ful, -I'-y lo 1 iVulhicc, .0 Ue 1 I nroar ctdt.

KcMirili Ueci- Viirfte l-'iOJ, for thrce*yeHr-idd iimldus, ic llln x . five furlongt; r ,a )*y woii.\Vi«r C ry M'coiid, Sulndin th ird ; tim e, l»untlIvHIhg-- li^uthl IO 7) ugttHm Haladln, 2) in j 5S ur C ry , J t" I I'nn*>-.

F ilLh liMi't.* ' I ’nrst'jiftOO, of w lilcli lo ler- ondunilf.'Kl lo third, MclUng, Oiiti m do; Air* plniH Won, (oilfwuide st*cmHl, J\lug Cruli I l i lrd ; lime. 1.4,;':,. I 'ro tT le n iiu Fou r to 1 K lur Crul), Id tu I A lrp lao t, 12 (o J Ccjtiniinde.

Mxllv Hiicc' riiiBi'S.'KKI, IlVf fiirluugii; Ucild ]>i)llur Htiii, l.iiHaij avL'iihil, Fidgi-i t l i i r J ; time, l.iKl'/ l ‘o*l Iti'UlnR Heven to ld iga ln ii tJolU l)E»ll.ir, t lo 1 Jfullalj, ft (o I Kirtgei,

Three hivorltCA nhrt Ib n e outiliters won at Hloucciter yesterduy, the Httenduare bring big iiiul the truck fair. The rd iiU x uurv;

Flriit Kru'c—Kivv-eighihs of u m ile ; haw- dUbt. (<> in I, won, lluld H ardy, 1, Kteond, Addle C . (udr, even, ( b ir d ; lim e, li(KV4

becoud R are—Four BJid im r*hal8 lurlongs; Iku u u fn i, 7 lu 1(1, wop. Home Mure, u in I

P r m .H ’ N O TlCK ’-O lU H N A N fF OKDKRAH tlu a ihlrrt retMlIug. i

. . . \Vr. tUa imderiLq . her * ^n a i i c v a lOwml iiToe nr^ iiics-lrTig irtTiif^r Hoanl nf ) trrvt and Water ('(jmiHlnslunerH, held IJuly ll, 18U1, sud duly onU'rvd m • .ii'W*» ‘ * •'pruvIdskNT V


lioave Newark* (LOS, u,il. 7.aa. 7.53, ft.ai. A47. ».8s, 10.47 A. M.; lids. L.’ij, 2.V». 4,33. 525,«,.V5, AtH. U.3J. lUW P.M . Kiiuday.UI, ».0«,1U0 A. M.;t03, 6.W, M l, ILOil I'. 51.

lauv* Nrw York (fliumber* str(a>tj-.V4.5. 7.1.5, 8.117. 0.82. H.30 A.-M.; ll 1.2D. 2.00. 8.15, 4.15. 500, 522, 5,Vi 0.^*7^, I0,n0, liOO P. M. Kuuday, 9,00 A. M. t ; u K s c iv iv • nay Fipte-** leave Newark Al4 A. Kf. fin Hun-

dSVH, 7.U A. M. K'cfllbiile Llhillwl, leave Nowark, 4.* -i ^ Vf-MUt '!•»-*•• • ■ >■ .»

sight ( la ,'*u ndiiyx, 11.U A. M., lauo 1*. M. For — ....................._'or Woodbnftfi oaly. 10.15 A. M.nunftaya For KaM Ktlliitoiie, 7.00 A, H.; liftktaoaodM g

P. Mndolly, except Huuday.Fur kisgstoii and Kocky inil, 7.W A. « . act iVi,

5df I*. M..dsily.exM‘DlHui>ftay.For I'niidpstmrg. )<;ASton a»rt Helvlrtere, 7.60, ii.ss

A, M., and 3 2(. K.2T R M. Miiirtay, 5.U P. MFor Lambvrtvlllt., 7.50, I1.il A. 5L. iU , 524 and

ftR M .6.77 P. M. Huartsy, 5*0 , . .For Flemingtoii. 750. H.28 A. M. anrt 524 V. M.

ftailT'. exi'snt Hutklay,For Frlmo«tOii, 7.00 557. 11.35 A. M.; 1.29, 2.61 531

and 7.W J*. M„ dslly, eir^pt 4uiiday.For iJordanluwn, llurlfmrWia and Cinvlen. 53\

«.asaiMl l l .» A. M.; 1.2). il6 .5S s. 526 and 532 r . M. dally, *xceni Sunday, im i4uadar. lAftt At M. aiid7A5 P. M.

For Freehold. FarmhigdalA Manaiquiia and Soa (dri, via Mouronuth JiiDPthm, 7.511 iOU H,$3 A. U., 2 3H ana 4.80 R M. week daya i.>0.' huu ihv u ih t, s ijv.i'.'N *.'d .5. x|. For Freehold only, 507 P. S i' " * * ‘I*^ N K W YO RK TO SKW JtltK .

For Newark. 53.i, 5lKk 500,53u, 6.40, 7.on, 7.3i>,'7.4n. 510, «.1D. 9.15 i.40,10.10. lO.U, 11.00, 11.20, tlJO A.5t„ 1520, 12.40, l.fO, J.au, 1.5(1. ilu . iao. Xto, 530, 565 4.(15 4.1(1. 4.2u, 4.JHK 4.4». 4.50. 500,510, 52U, 530, 540. 5.kt, 6.00, 510, 6,; V '^»i 540, 7-00, 7-30. 8.40, |l.l5 m l5 ILOO, It.4-5 P. U., and 12.(4 midnlfliL hUBduy irxins, 4.L%kuo, u.oo, 9.45 lUtn. 10.50. ti.m, 11..10 a . m .; liru ttOfUJ, l2.», 1.«0, 1.30. iOO. 2.4.5 110, 4.0 ). 4.30. 500..VIA5*5.6 30, 5*5 7.00, 7.31). 7.45, H.«5 6.IU, 9 W, ».». lU.15 l l .Oil r . M., oml il if i midnight.

For fhrlltFT 1nfi>rmatlon eee H lue-tabtr.v in be 1i«l at thi'ticket uRIOh. TicksM for all puhite ooths Prnniytvaata ItBIlrood and ronnecllSiiyandfwttha, sts'Uona and haggogu checks^ thecoiH|uiiy'euiftue. N'u. 7i4i Hroa*l street, or at ticket olllce at Markel Ktreet HloUoii.B. M. i'RKViW T. J. IL WOOD,

(ipnerml Monoisr. Otneral I’ametifer AgenL


(Aulbracite cool used exoliislveiy, insuring clngii* b('«t and comforLi

I'nltman I'arlur aud Hleerdiit (Jari.'Jimelable in eff^i Jiiae23 ,18^

Trains leave viaI K l I I / m VAJ*LKV UAILHOAD. from Hrofui and Ferry Ht Hiailutis,

for SuflaJo, Koehpster, Niagara F uHm. Toronto, Oh* cage ancj the W’est, k'ii), 11 30 A. M.: 6.0ft, t.W P. U. bUiiiia.Vl, 505 ILUO A. M.;kU0,5W I*. M,

Fur FnhUm. 7.00, A2ft. ll.») A. M.i llW, 4.00, VftL 505 7.U l\ M. iSundays, T.055DQ, lOAU, ILQO A. U .: 4.00, 6.00, 3.D0 F. H.

Vi^ Heihlehcm, Allcnlown and Maitch (Tank, 7.(W,VM. 11,30 A. M.. i2.30, LOO. 505, «.(V5 7.M P. M,HuiHlMye, 7JM, 500, tlMKI, 11.00 A. M. ; AlVl, S.m :i(

Fur RjttSvDle. A. H . : 13.10, LOOP, M. iSuii- dayH. UkUi) A. M.

Fur Hazleton. 520 A. M .; 13.30, iOU, 5(u, 7.3ft P. M. hunduyt., H.oo, A. M,: 5U0 R M.

For p(viuls la the lialintiuy ( oal region at 6.30 A, M.', 12.»). 4.00 M. HundBys, 6.00 A. M.

For Wllkesbarrp. nttslon and! Hersnton, 5'gl, U.-ls As M „ I'J.aUi 6.0ft, 7 ’A F. M. ^UllrtsyA teiccM STiUilon), ri.OO, 11.00 A. M.; 500. 6.00 V. M.

VitT FJinira,6.'h) A- i l . ; 1530,7.63 F. 35 HuiidayaS.WK M.; 5001’ U

I'FN T R A I. lU r i.K O A D O F N FW JKlf^KV.

from Hflnieiit avenue ti'^turris rivpiina, with oh* **>^trapfock '.Uiw#<h#e.w'Uianpurieuaui.a4 ue>aiaar)' lii'ceRiplete (he'saaiu.

Hid'd July 7, i m HFlill C. IIKNOUV.J'rvslrtcnt of the Hoard of Htrwt anft Witer Ib w

mibiiloaerH.KNO» HUNYON,

71ft Clerk.

t'filmxo ExpresB, leiVc’^ ew dlt ftlW 'P^it,. — . „ — , iotn W tu a ,

tlniP(a)deN, cnit at thu n ty TInkot U(lio«. is2 MarkM itrifOL Teleiihone 35 or at itatimi____________________

M JTICK-OfUH N A N UK O linK lIKfi tu a thin! reading.

Wi-, Ibe im'lMdjiucd. hereby certify that sn nrtli naiii'e Was n ud a seruud t me *t h meeting of the

THE$i00W«VERL1,I'Tiiv m uilrLn ,;. (Ju,h or liiitah iirn ts.

liTMiHi Ilf )>irect and ft al•r ( uiiitiilsiduuvni. ht-ui July K. lNa.1.Hill] iluly onlered low lijlrd rrftihiig,(upruvlde lor the paving of

(low .........

THE ELDRiDGE RICTCIE CO24. a n d 2 6 C E N T R A L A V E .


. lll\VAlU> H TIIFFT, froin Hprliighpld avenue to rauith Orange avenirt , with obloiiif, treprock bliX'k iiavitiR; (ogethei'ulUi ull the upimrietiMiicau uiueMary (u COiuplitt! llmHiine.

imted July 7. 1905II c o n r . iiK N m iv ,

oflhe Hoard of Hireet ami Water Com- mbaluyena


P i'jii'.'i,'' NJini V-ti«tnlTmT"orij)Kui£5to a third reaftitig.

We, tho under.'*igEi , hereby certify that an nrdl- naiH'e w'iis read a seroiul time at a nie«thig uf die Hoanl t-f fttreel and VSaler ('ommlkNlnuerN. Jield July II, jsw.1, and duly ordered loa Iblrrt readlua to iiruvlds Ebr ihe retwivlDc of

H rt'Tit O llA N U F A V KN l'k , ftutu Hurlugfleld avenue tu Homh Mniti aireat with DhfoujffKranllg bhwk living, i»n mch side o r the railnaj* Inwhs. will) the ntewiuion of cwje tboX ouwlde of eAi'.f track 1 tOwiher with uP iheanuur- lenaDves t)W.nsaiiry 1ocf)niple(Q ttie Muie.

Dated July 7; I5Hi i r o H r . h k n d h v ,

President of tho Board of Hreel and Water Cota- iHl^luDiTa.

KNOft HUNYON,Citric.

P u s a g e T ic k e t s an d D ra f t s fo r a l l p a itaof E u ro p e ,

Martin R. Dennis & CoE S T A B L IS H E D 1848.

774 BROAD ST., near Market St

I jU t t u c ?< (rr(cK -o r.i.i .S A N ck ‘ uicuk:iuE1itn a Ihiipl leiMUng.

Gx’oiit (,’ut ill I;*ricca.,O.Y

We, (he uirdendaueft, hexeby t'ertlfy (hat an onll- nam-e was read a aecoiid ttm« hi il incftlng ofRr. .h m S ...i* M, teaMa K u ... a i- ...... . .. _. .

C a b in , In te im e d ia le a n d S te e ra g e T i c k ­e ts at lo w e st N e w Y o r k R a t e s on ait l in e s o f O c e a n S te am ers .

M o n e y se n t to G re a t B r ita in and Ire la n d , an d a ll p a rts o f E u ro p e .

A l l k in d s o f F o re ig n m o n ey exch an g ed . B i l l s of E x c h a n g e an d L e t te r s of

C re d it issu ed throu g h O r i^Xe l , M o r g a n fir C o .,^or B r o w n B r o t h e r s & C o ,

Fire Insurance in the best oompaniaa

For SIA, 7.IA Sat, IMA. j i.m a . w •CM, 7..M, ^5;ir i'i.w '.'t iA ivfliVa5c, ifl.'.'n y .'m'.

Foi Flatnitwion, T.ls, A. H.c i.en, «.(« a u . V. M. c-uiKlicrA CHI l>. M. w

I'uratatlona io High Brldgs connevtlng for sto- lloni rm High Hrldg# Unnich uQtl Ixikfl IlmialaoDa 51.5 KM, ll,3.'i A, M., 4.0ft P. M, h»undaya7 i r ^ jJ’

FurNlatlonioa Main lJn« Nvw Jvrspy (hiithti DIvEsIdb, Kashm, Bvtbloham. Alhiat^^wfin] M«srbChuuk.T.l556^ A. M., t.lift, 4.37.560 i7-94 to Alisa- town) I ’. M. KlMl'Iaj-j, 7. 30 A- M., l.io; 5ft0 V. M.

For Wt1k(?sb*rTij, FlUahm sim] iScnittiua, 5S3 A*Fnr Huiilniry. l«wl«hnrg and wiihanMDort via

Phlladflphin, 7.-j0 a , .\|., 1.45 T.ftft, ll.'Jft pTm .i ^o- i-spk Aalualay iiU liL Mindava n.dhP. 51.

N K W A B K A N I) F.LH^AJHirni h h a n c b T rains loavv Brmd Htraet HUiiua for tllisabHIi

and Hudulie al 515526; l-SlxalivUaiBl Hu(ktll6 al 515526; E’SlxaltvUkuarl iMdv, 7,L6,7 .'A 52J; Kllwbanipm only, R.ftft, 8.55 52ft, I0i«l, I0..XV 1LU6, tlAft A. M .; I'lIB, 1.55 l.*5 3.91. 5(V). 51&, 4.55 'A , K«lsa(K*tlin*»ri ou^yLA.iti, 5fi,.5W ,5’3o,7J5T.i5 to, 1505 11.23 r. hf. Hunrt*^, 7.-10, 5*5 555 555 .16. UM,A. U.\ 1.10, U5lM. 8.30, iUt, 4.«l545

k. iui»i . sr. A .let can ".Ll540,1IU.16. 11.43, A. » ‘ \ 1.10,1.45 53-5 8.3b, iUL 4.35 hgL S.U6. 6.55 7.20, 515 525.10.>1P. la. ww

iv r iv n ii Amlwiy. U.U. I,2A n.55 14.35 JL54 A. M.; 1JL3,'L2V. 4.05 4.8 ,6 I l 5M.52D, 7.1ft P .A L Hua- daya, aj». n 43 a . St.: 4.101*. >1.,

Fur Alianthr lllghlomlH via ftfalawan, 123. iLfts A. M.; 1.3ft, 4-03,0.20 L\ M. H(HKlay5V.*ft A. M.t 4,10 E*. 6[,

>\ir Frschnld, 523, ll.lftA . >1.: 1.554.0.5 520 P. 31gU>4ilsyM. H.'Xl A. .u.

For R r l Bank. J^jig 1IH.I6.UJ Hed I'aukL k '3, IS.L5 ll.3ft a . JiL; IM,' Zit,

llranub, Ooson titov*\ «fo, ’. ..... ---- 10.4.5 11.86 A. JtL; IM, ZiK4.06,4.5*1 ft.M, 520 P. M, Hnndaya exoimt lutX'fbtu (Jrov«, 523, )l.4*‘i A. 7d.; 4.10 t*. M,

Fur t4)k4wo(Ht,Ti)tn« lilvvr, iiam f^ t Fork awtIhirtiMat. 523 A . H.: L35 -Ll • P. M.

r V I...........................Fnr ViriviNTift and })rldg«ton, i.ftft F , If.Ftki AtlBtlUe 1'K.j, 1 .u p. If.

NKW AHK A N b NKW YORK. From Brnod and Furry Htnut Ntatloiui-At

560, «.20, e.-IU, T.lNik 7JS0, 7.40, 5(KL 530, 540. V.4L o!'j£ ».*), lais), 10,'JO, 10.40, ll.UO, I L » A. M.iliOfI M,;l'i.4iAl.W. I.IO, 3.UU. 3.IU. 500, a.l0, 4.0f), 4.10. 5(A 6 35 565 0A)6, (*.35 540, 74MI, 7.40, 7.M. 5RK P.M. 15X51 Lai r . if.; Iluft, 12.40 (ilihL e()ih^ys>-il4i), T.tfi 5oo

FO U S l t lT C A S H . KUlIM «0O V P rtKV K ElA U

wcljslil, |Mjr Inch of w idth. At llto N j)iloet/’**®^“<*t *(**'*■•■** t*> U Hurd ; llnue, ftftKaflvx t ilt btflt tills i>4‘s i i IwstcMird with rlvoia, ih)H Is roduccil toiM) pounds; IacIiik redijcus it slU l furiliRr lo LIX) pounds, wiiiiu satu Working utiihloll i l u iily about JIfty podmlH per iiu'lt. H th« bells could lie ifluda solid and HB strong al llJD JoI ii ib ms i-lBewhera the w orking tenalon rn igui l>« largely lucreaiL'd.

HuxBford'B alc'id r iio s p b a le i I f You are^ervoi)s»

A nd couDotitccp, try 11, a

My pbyslcian *aid l cmil.d tuy live, myliveraiit^rf opdvr, irequeotly v i s i t e d aVren- Isb mtiruii. ship y«lh>w, umalh dry bdinuri

^ e , kibnisch would not retain food. Bur- dOdfa Blood H1U«r*cured me. Kira, AdoiuldsCPJ^liMif^tT^J^IjtchaDgeBli., Budalu, £4, ¥ ** ,1 4

T h lr il U^'Ce^Fivt-elglithi of n mile ; Jeiw^v 01(11, won, F icu rc llv , 4tur},secood, Klntstone, A In I, th)r<l; tim e, 1.04,

Fourth 1(ac(—B cvrn hurt ft h a lf fiir:onff(; ChHlham , 2 to ,S, won, Drlxzlc^D l» l.secoud, Mnnojiollai, 2D 10 1, third ; tim e, l.JO);.

F lf lb llact— ESI* and u qimrt^r lu no ngs; A, (5 H „ 7 !o 10, M'ou, (Jreenwioh, 10 10 I,second, U ncer(a ln iy . fl to I, t h lr i l ; tlin s, 1.22*i.

h lx ih ItHi'S *-)4lx and a ijunrLor lurlcmgB; Poverty, M to 1, won. General (4uriJim^4 to &, lucDCd, Xtn(H>hon, 8 to 1, th ird ; time,

T h e ^ t r i if f la for Hie P e n n a n l. Brooklyn fail bhek trt ilitf rsce forih o pea-

n a iil yealerday, both P iu s b n r i and Cleve* hind having pasBed F u u is's m en. The Kew Y o rk s met defftat at tha han()a of O evsland, b u lib s Balllrao rM were b^W A by Cbloago

1 1 u m G l t . V D E M»:i W H E E L S ,M » T E H A T • i .w ,

E, ilSDORF A C0„ 695 BROAD ST„OlHH)8l|(i llie .C hu rcIi In M llltury I’»rk.

L E U A L N O T IC iM .

N-(VI'RK i >Ehfn'Or *lv»n ............................................ ..

Jnhti II. I'MIRlIur,!, uf lh , cUr i.f Umim. | . .v, , | . | hiS A S- Ik, A.Ia Ml. « MM k.. __ t. . _ . k

AHHKlNNh NT .N .ITK'K IM hfreijr J iv * 'i.ik * i. AI,MiMi« A. Wlili>nui •mlrt.,-iiilull an unlgiinii'iil 1.1 i.ia guibwniwr .if Ihalr Ittiinm ijii) rnUiB lor III, a.|ual briioHi of tartr .■r, m o ti; ntiU lliai ilioMid (■minor* niiM tiihlhit tlialnvipwtl?-, clalniA niKltr oaUi or affirniaiton,III Ihadilwcrllwr, *1 liU o n ic , No. .1 AMoniilaoo |.| ihoi'ljy iif.imnin., 001101701 l'>«ii anilKaw J w 7 . or Hi lllaao'.t'H ow i.i'liiii 'alHronaf (iranxa RaUoiial Rank ballilliy. tn aalil cHy of ur-

Uaiad JUI7 A lain.a . . « *'> H «K W O X *,A K I*n *ARl-Akk A U un ic. Atlomojn. u ,

lioar.l of M rrrt anil WalarConinii.iilaorr, bH i July 8,1X03, and duly ordrrril lu a (hml reading, to ]»ruvlde fur the (Tpavliii of

lltV FKH TU KPrr,fhim Ibe Morris (^usl brldKe tn 3ru1b«rry xIrMt, with ubloUK Brunite blot'k f>*vins. h>si%(iier n-IUi all Ihe uuporiPUBiicfvt nectvsary lu cumuk-ie (be Muue.

Dated Ju ly?, IW5 ^JIFAIH V. It5N B R Y ,

iTeeldeainf ibeBoaid ol riroet .eud Water ( ^ > nil«»li»iera

KM fo HUN VOX.______ __________ ' Clerk.

P l h L l l I Nivrii-'K. OBWSAN<“ K‘ ' ‘ intllCaKB (0 a (hibl iva ling.

We, the uuilerxIgheJ. hereby certify that an ordL )>anoewMr«*daj«c(.uult1nieata mtetlor of Hie Hf«rdur Mrefttaml Water ('ommlseloiiefB, be:d J Illy ft, iKgt, aiHt duly urdvrod Ur a third n ^ la g , (a provide fhi ihe ra.aivlni of

L*03iMK C K A T R FK T .Bom Mulberry s i rm to Market street, with oeLong graiille block pavhig Wrtli avuucrHiebM; tofSiher with all Uitappurtenauced oeoeASuy lo minp' Sle Ibe sanu;.

Dated Jufy Hat._ ^ i i r d H a h &x B i i y »l-ntM antufUHStnritrar utiori aM WsWr Com-

■aWoMi*.« 4 . ." '■ " • n t 'S V C R , ^

. ____ .2,40 (ilghL X iindiys-lllO , 7,tf6 5(0V.U0,Ki.UU, 11.00 A. M.l 1560 H.; 1.00,4.U0. S.6D, ft.(0, 7.,n0, H.(B5 5M). lauojI.OU. 12W) )> 3|.

FOR EUROPEG«t Yoiir TlekEtn and

Drafts Througli

u.w, «.w, j.'v, n.ioR, V.UW, MP.uu,|i*w. IX.UO r, o|Leava .Ntw Turk fniui Riot or l.lbany u tm t-A t

A30, ,!AU, ,IL». ll.Hk 7.1L _7.». 7.M. kill, kW. r -t.R). I0.IW, 10.15, lo u , ii.ni, n.*> a . iiiio j , 'i.oa, i.ao, lot, H M .0U. s»i, k « , tm , <.w. ajo, n-fiR Ru I. b l a Aa. a ■ as (* jM V 4M A a. ^ i... !. .*

J o s .M .B p e & G o ., 00, laou, 11*00, 1................

l u l l PHIlaAJ)KJ,F|llA, B A I.T fM O IlR a V d Wa h H!M *TOX. IlOYAJ* BhlfK TJNF*,

For I’hlledetpbla aud '* motoi) 7A3, SJILjtxolA.M.* 5(15 5(«, 5315^.1^M.;^ 1’- ^ .

0.O6,lO.»A.M.:Laft,,...w,7si-.a.-.*4'in' Hajflmnre «hn WaAb!ngtoi«,-ft.fiif iLg| jg,1.85 555 5(15 560.11.26 V, M. »nD<biyB. <k,gV.iiajiii1.85 555 5(k

A. M.1 l.U, A*). 4..VL IL0A V. 6!.'t hrough ikksbi to oil principal inlnixai Iqwmi

rr.tee ure en aile at llraftd rilrfOt hliwuiL

Hahne&(^ I800 Broad St. Totephane 369. jCoannlaalvoaforDsaitSi BoUrjr IhiUM. j

I full I lm n f U R ia a s 'B TR A N S- P A T T E H IJE . Alao IN IT IA L S

■ raarklDR 7 o ar T a b it L lu tn , Hand- kar«h l«a, ato. U o a 'ifa ll (u.ai|aitafin.


liilifeVaifh si


;-r i l

(. .

N E V V A H K E V - E N IN G N E W S , S A T U R D A Y , . r U L V 15. 18S)H.


4 a l l i « r ia r4 A««k«to ftor at• M m r «< M i

K v ^ a la v N fw a flraB vh r.9mW f, ifa n asa r . ■u ttd lns*• I t a a l a H i .

H K W A R K -P m I K, Nrlia4^k4^r. 0 7 Br«>a4 Mt. ja lM w F«>artfr B <'«•* ^ liw Iie iJ it.B. KCa^blrr. %f fl n r*a < lM . t\ m. D n P ifm , IW K im mt. r .W .B fit ln r . IM R m v m ^ 4 t « ,J. 4 , Hr«rlv1t. M i V l'M lila v ta a it . n > r * a W , M or*«. iM T b i r i 4 * * ,

■ A n * OB4KC^K-W , H. 4 ll^a . 44» Mmtm HI,

iO l 'T H O B4M 4IE -ItaA^H liT «U r, O ra a ta 4 t #,

M 4 B II IM IN -p . J .H a a ia ia a . t i l l la r r ls a a Avm

■ i.A o .M r iK i^ n -I l i r i iW i, X «w M l«a l«r » ai^i^, D r i«4 .

t r i i M I T -B iw a r i B- 1C«II7.

■ • ! i T I L . 4 I B -O a l r a l PbariMa^.v,

• B A lfta R V A L l . i lV -W llk a r L . F a raa a i. N r ir k i fa lr r .

t\ N . R la a f.

T H E XBWM A T r i l i r A u w .

P ra a i 1h# a p en ln v H a lil Ifc^ atib ^ C'aluiMblaik i 'a i r t lia r t ’ K lT I^U N R W i a l l l br on aala In C lilraan a l lh a a la a i aC B 'alto ll.N U ara, l i l l N Iale iU raa lt I 'a la a ib la n XeaH an il \o>t*ll.v 4'ani|»anjr, a l K a ftow liloa t ln » i in il» i *'Baa, J lfifD o N a lit t t W a a lila flu n btraal.

DEATHS,BUl’ HMrKK. -Ou Jql.v U UM, Ilfnry C.. nm of

lienrrC. Nnil .\nnk» A. Hui’hnilci*, kvid llynini ■ uiuiaHilavv lf<-U(lv»s rjh] frU'ialx uj lJif>

ffernlly *r» re>jtn'ifiiliy tnviiat to allrutl 1|in fmt(>nil IVom ttic rMlilMiot" ot tbi> N'li. .'t'l |lHt kln i•iiTrt. on r«iiTi«l4iv. July ir, law. nr: I'. M. fut^r- mi'Hl In \V<>cd[lurid <>iuel«ry,

ri.A irK . July n i»»i, AWt't \\, w iff o f HnimiAl II. i lark, Rf^l f i u*ari( l> inioiili<i. !ti>UllV(a aikI friAiidk, tola) niHmbi ni of (iraii1l»> l.oiltiR No. 7lA>1^0. K.j an- n-ii|ivtUuily Invilrnl tn Ritand ihf tlinarai rrem her UIr ijk Nortit si>vi>iitii■iiwt. ui) ^ulula}', July 1H, a l :: r. .M. Inifrmuul al ML lirK w ii (Vrnrtary. lUrrlauD aad Ki*aniv la jwn plf«a« cop],

<*EHH AUt)T.-i>\ KrJil»y, .fill/ H, iwrar K,. bi* loriMl dnl'U o f PaiiI R and .lohiuinAiicihanlt, nf#

iiKiil 1 ycnr 1 monrh 1.1 dava l(cJiitlTc%4tail frtamla atf very PMpC'-iruIi/ Invited fn nitcnd hh Paieral on MtiiiiL v, July Ifl, at o 'rlurkA.M . lu< lenhejit in Ka^rmouiit (Vmelury.

JIK>:R,*-Oh fiaiunJay, Jnl/ i\ Marla I ’ailiarlno 'Peer, widow of John iig-d <«7 :iaiiik. Kvia-tiTeaand frleiidiarc verv tva]H'i>ifuillv inslteil In atbind tier ftmeral Dll Mimday, July I7.at U):K) A. M., Iron) lint rei^ldiwoof Imr soii-In law, Mr, R B'lmite, No. ttA I'lane itirnL Interment Jn l.u tlieran tVmrtrr/. Irfiikx folan'I. N. V.

Ll£ONAitlJ,—On Jnl/ 14, Akhm. Imam ianirhter tif Jj.mcM and lliiMi*< LtuiiHM, a^isi ii iiionilv>( VI d«]'< Knofr*'froD) Hie renldeiv t o f h'T paienta, Nn. 18 Vewy Mroat.M 1 f M, Itriadrea uml rrleinm aie riTtl'll u> hiiHiid Intenneni In iha (■•inetcry of the Holj tMipnk-lirt.

Mi K.N‘Hi>l>.. urPMtuKlfly. Jiilv 17, l/iM. thera will be Hie llrat annlrenary Hl*th Mn-ia t>l aciiidem at bl. Joaepn’ariiunh, at 8 A. M.. fur th- rojwjvcuf Ibe «fmJ of Mra. .)Bii Mi-raror. JleUilvM ami fnaiida ait kimll/ lrivlri<d loaiiend.

N«^»HE.-Oa ThurartHv. July LI. I«nhol Mi>ore. • tH 78 yearn, i nnaral MirTUta from the rt*aidence til her aoo-ln lA^. .Mnbuiax noioiptun. I'Ninn HlIf‘ 'on Himday. July 18, at !i o c ocii .Sj, iiaiaiivci and frJomis are Invitwl toatb'nd. lutermaitt to ih« iP im Pry o f the Bve^fTetB'i,

►rilNlT/.KH, «)n harnrdfty. July t.i. Hatidi in- iermii hchnltKar, beloved <‘111111 of rniirwl anil

(inio N'hntU'cf, alr« l T ueeka. Fiini'ml prlvaU' tt nil pareiila’ la^ldence. Vu. l.Vt William atreet. mi Ki.nilay. July in, at JA) I*. M. Jiitermcnt In Pair mount Owater/.

HOKIKMi_|)n July H, Uvlna F., Irifatil dnu .bler of R 11. upd Klteu R ioa<>!d. acnl lit tn miha j l da/H. Kiiiifial from tl»ed urii ofb<rr i-arcnU, .><►. tt Nivi>idenii KtroHi, un ,MoiiUay, July 17. ni W':-« 0 <-lO'It A. M. Holutivvi and friend* hre lin lt»‘d lo atioud. In’cnncjit in Wixrfllaml Omelerj,

M A It liK m —i>n July H, I,aimi Mur, datiftiier nH'jil^ar uini I'lara Waniell,ajcml ] vnar l moniii (4 day*, RmaiwJ wrvh-K* will hv he'ldaiilir ifiHQil- p»n*nla(J4ilm l. |[i>jfl.‘ i rrMili'uie, No. 7i i-lulilli

\ araiiue, mi'^undn.v, J«i|y ifi m-i!. n' p tivea and friamJ* of ilit* lanillv urn reNju-clfiiUy in* Alffd. Intvrmetiiai Kaimimint L’emnipry.

r p H K KAMIJA O rT iJ F I.ATU OKMltOE H1 ifRlnwik'ilrH, itmiiiiMi thh nii*dlttin. In rooirii

tiielr alni'erc ibinkii lo llmuietnliap?, uf ihe KiniiN\‘aj-d Gn«rrt* fur Iheir ay mpathy «nd nileimoii lu Uielr rrtvnUmfMivfUveiii: idao fur till' kind re-nlu* t iinaj dopled by tiji-1 mar !■. upon iu<‘ d- iuhof Unrtt lellrrw tu<‘nibor and a.«aochitr.

M ’N IIA T N U T irB S .

Trln-lv Rar.irtnefl niiirrfa. 4*1 Kerr/ atroaf. Heo.II. R MUIAm , jMatiir. saiibaib-arhnol atVA'i A. M. I'rvurbhigHi i| A. M. by Die Mcv. A. R Lyle.

Triidly Kplu-opnl t'liun'h. Rev. l,oul« M. Oa> tiOrna, 1-iK Uir Mvrnmi prn/er ami aertuuii i t II A.M. I veiling prayer uiMi aiblivM al <‘i I', .M, Mtan- fi-ra no oimr,

The i ’ltun-our'Dodo 111 id'^'I at 73 nintoii alreet «n >midAy neat at KkJO A. M. bit wiiralilp. At llVMi Mr, tiMHNiflH will Mfieak. Mrantara ivrdiall/ In- vttfMU i^Mtaali fro*

llr «t l‘a|il*t iNMlilie MeniortaL-AUn;Vi A. M .Mr. F. r, la/lnr. ihc rhiin-ti Kvauf^Hd, alil Hp.Mk ou Two Vl iva ofi'Urura Lift*." No vvi-nlna sefvp'. emnda]MM:bmd It i tu ♦ " f *er%'k'«. . U ara laeji nine.

I'viitral Melho-IH Kpivntvl t'hiirdi. Marhoi a're«‘ i, imur Multerry. Mii‘ pi*tiM, dav. llt^urv IH'lliiitoiier. viilt iitMch h ur iliiiit. ihhI r\eiilnf.

! lv.-atli wiuHil ul V:M> P. M. h pwuiili l^ ir iie ut «:4.t 1'. U

Fen*ruJMi MenKirUt I'tturrl). llinWyii Mtvet, heat nraiiRi- atnvt. ib>- p-ainr, IIhv. I. II INilliamiit, eiper-ia Ml preai'li niftrinm'' a'i>l eMiilinc, *^rmoii at night In ih.'* hnithi'ilifXHl iif \mlr\‘W and rhlU|t.

l•lFlllmf a*irmoii uii " Paul a< .Uti'*na."Mount Pl'MiViiit Pa'itial itiun 'i. Itellivlllaave­

nue. M| puHtm «irl<iitai vire't. Lev. K r. \ Jojiok. [matnr. e«fv|ivaat lii:Sj M. nfni T:A) P M. eim- day-'H-ln)ul, i!:‘>u I*. M. Nnr.ti l*:ud and iiftn irte Matlia'i . .sim.iaya<-lim>1. :!:1i P. M. ^MUtVov. All welODinh.

•'U l*Kiit> M. ]■ 1 Imn-li, mrner Itroad an«l Mar- Khuli Mirei'i«. i,cv‘. llriirv Muker, ]i, |i., pasinr i'rettrliiii * «t Im.'Hi hy Pr-v. II. P. Urbane. nl !4mnh Markei^tri'l ,M. h. rimn li Nn evetdng aeiAlm*. Hicmg MeiiA lUiiun t>:1U A. M, Praiae mevlinf. '■:»> V. M.

ltB'lili'11 Meiimrial M. K. Lli:ifrli. New Vorka.'o ii'jen*f(M*r Aim «ra*t |’ie;n lllutf at ULW A. M. mnt ::r. P. M, by Hi*v. Witllaiii r l^iHuer. the pii - lor. r*aliliatli <uiiiMil 1 .In P, M. t'ravel* niH‘iliig ■I iua.iay. 7 4* |* M. Miraiiwni ainl vbltur' rofdlal- ly Mf'liulmtl tn all JW»r\|fe».

itikW'Vihii M. r. riniFi'li.iiirner nraQgeMreet and Italhirate iiltuc ||>e p^mer. iiei. A. Jt.'I'nilli*. ivUI iir>'ur'|) liY tikK mnniliia al 19:80 i/vlock and eieiifiitf al 7A\n‘(ioi’k. MUMday whoiil at 1:30 P. M. Kinvurili prayi-r wnl'-v 1*. .'I. Outtie. Vouur*- liuilerl (nail >‘ fvnvii.

nrm^''irnei I'M'iihi terlan I'hapol.-Brunei t»oh <ln ITlii' tn I’lmriiv. MiinUy ai.-lio.ila al H A. M.

lUid V‘3i 1'. M. t-Aeui m aervli-i*, alUi aitnclal dueli 'liiOtng. lit )t u'i-ltM-k. - u ** I Am (tod." IjuHm " .tilt ‘ iH-lafk tm>i<ia nn Momla/atiip. V andpiwyar. jiiw iinjon Friilayai h i». ,v1.

Hr*t MettimlUl Proteaiant f'nnn'flL Hill ^Ireet, near Mroail.- IHtlne wnraldp olfh preacltlltf by lUe niMtiir, Krv. I„ It. Dyiitt. al I0:3ti *. M. amf 7:4.1 P. .Mnrulng aiihje<-l, " Klernal l.tr*:" evening “ iillJiTl. •• I HHiiy-flvo MlnuKu With ICaeklal. ' Suinlny trhonl iil .':3o P. M. Wolwnio.

f*i. AmlrMi'n M. M. rliapal, 78 sua«i»a avetino,-. Kunday-wU ad al STO P. M. A l 4 n'ldnck lhi> imaiiel ieni|>«raiu'• nn-etlng Hill Ite In r-barn uf liroUior <•enTgf.MiMir-e.uf tymenafy rimndi. ( ‘onm and help Jtrinv yniir rriernla. (io<>d UikH ad<1 gemd aliigirig. ^eat*fr-ei. Allure Invited and i l l wel-I'OiJU*.

Ilalftoy Nreel M. F. I'lnm-h, llalai>y airopt.iear .a:oiv hIhn-l Hi'v. Xel»«m A. MaCftk'liul. juiainr. |d:.-K> A. 8f. and 7 4.1 P. M., preaching by Kav. Jaiin<a Muiiiriniierj-, of linxikiyii, a former paaior VAn P. M.. ■'ulibaib-acliiail rawafon. h:48 P. M-. t:pirur«b l.oulpii. veiia*r aan-k’O beala froa. J-^verytaidy Meir<ini<'.

Cenlcnary M K. rhiMTh. Iiev Winfield i'. htical' gniMH. pa’ilor. t . » .4, M.» Vmmg nien^a meeDng.III. 30A. M., pn'urhInK hy lit\, K M, AjLiwgrth. -V.Sii p. M,, Sunday w-hool. li:4. P. M., I pwortli l.eagne [iniyer nieellng. 7 Ai P. M.» wniion ha Die (HiaU.r. Huhject, “ I hv Kind uf Young Mmi N«

H R L r W A N T E ^ ’ ^ ^ B H .

N44TirK-.*Tr4naleM •derwHtalnt In the NKWw muat JoTnrlnbly be paid lo r In nd- v «n r*.

Nn nceownia wUI bo opotind ftnr aiieh, f in advorlionmnnt w ill bo rrco lved over

ib e telephone o ic o p i thoao aont by author- laed 4(enta>

IdnK TO AnK H , LOANk. rT T .


l lw , » e will Inaa yon any a*im llial vim wHh al tbe Inaani poNilble roiivi, In ibe .pik kioi Doa tldo time, ami for an> lengiU of (line lu 0111 vmi. You can pay Hie money iMck la an/ amouuis you wl*h, ajidalan/ iMne.aml etch payment au made wilt redwie the I*ooi o f cm rylng the lunn In |irniwtDmi 10 ibeaniuunt paid. You mu b»mi«r un hoiiMhold

VliFV I's w A vre-n .n. uk-i r I'l r v irv rttax p*auic«. !ion**t, wiennaami 1 arrUitei andaiA^r ‘ Oiberimrwiuol br.ijierly. and thopropeiiy to remaini i . f « “I In^nmni'e eoJ- j yonr pi*-v**««Iiin. Uih.i glvliji von ih o u*e uf laiih

f I ami the money, mii omiea «r* cunveulently . wwlml, and (imile* ealllBg on iiiifuibto wath*d on ■ n'lk'kiy and nmneiei^e. HoAira borrowtiur e l^

where mil and w u<. aiwl you will rtml If grenlly 10 , yiiiir Ktvaninoe.

NFW.4HK M^HTHAOI? tJUN OO.,VIA Mntket *1.. room* t. 4 V

le«‘iois ID make money aa ^kle line.1 AUa.NT. 1 ox ll, Npe'ioffli

i tiRNT UKNf u a I. AfJKXr- W AN IF IL ! iVn iiiai It*, tuo-v-aftd ranvaaoer: good wdftTi LARK (IXTAMIU NTHsKItll-S, ltmln«ler.

R E A L F iT A T E rO K K A L R -> r rrT .

\ A p rrK K A HOUK u\ »u h v TXHMm.• 1* J. i-HlKTIt. 78 eprlnghald avn., 3d floor

I a v a u a h m : p if i t : tip iv iu x k r p h o p - ' eny. liM‘Hrt| on S|fDi»«held ave., iwvlng 10 |i* netil.oii iiHiiiet hneittht* old he e iJd a* a iMi-galn, H* iin aer ka uidkod (u wdl A ild rirM ■etf HAlUi.UN, llo\ K. New* mure.

ro riL H m M Mot'MF: n im n CM, tar. iiiv aalrraml newer; lotV>xinu ; gu | apld

1'1-anilt; prliw umv fljim.•■Ht JnilN .1. nKVtNK. 33 (T tA ob tl.

R O O M i AN11 r f .A T A TO I.RT. R rn r r ie m o p F O R T i 'N i r i v t ,

1YLAT8 TO LET. 4-ltOOM PLATA, FLFllA ST 1/ ftirakhed I all runm* iigliled; water ami HAKKHV >xm FALK. llOH*<K. WADON.

linrnea* and route, at.rre flxluree aial baking aewer ftiHiiniinni; water ciowt' In honieai rent ' 'denillH, unmixinnl o f lll hoallb. Addrcta

.*|.pl.v n lUS. Hi M M ll’ BI-- Ml. ; :■» IH K KHV. Il.it », N.'Wl Hffl*

I |j’ * “ m n' fi r». 11 I I ri 11.1 f ri a n 11 1.(, 1( I pp>venv*‘ ui'«. 8n. vt* i 'a m i>f n ni., b*i*w...I lAlli and lilh ave* mg

INiitTl LAHIIK Him im h t iI I.I'I' a t 41 Uii^K al.'. rent t*30 ; amall (bnilly prefn

1 . 1a *

Ujf [itff.Tn.l lliiiiilrH n. |. IIA I SA .'II,.!. IVai.1 tl.

W iN i I h.JJfl nM 'UTII H'|„ , « r Iftrrli.m tv*.. ItMTlB.n.

T j o v m ; * t , T iu v H »v . f),\K iv irii i .iv k .h I fwllt. I.Ih l«rr.ilt Rr.il itu, lUmp WRIT mti.ii mmuli'.l. Hh'I.I.M t i l l INK, Hot A .X prti nHUf. I

/ lA l l l - l v n . l l * WA.\TKU* * N.C V..I.I.MAi(, IL'i Hoiilk OrBOfp fevo.

( lI.KK li V.lI NO MAN H AMM IHWITH.N lu Ilrinii* .tr Npw.irA R. i-lprll In ri>» liiuluMn :

iHlRivn.-M A.inr.iR* J. II.. lint H, -NfRH Oilin'. 1

IM .I'u l'M lA I, INSI H tM 'l.; JIKN VVANTri) t.» jiRli fflii.R.iRp,i i.ittiwrlx R.*T#n mil*. ft*m Now

' mpA I Unit ru.i.lmullnu imLtl .UiM h.:iK m .vT ,t A VniH, itt iir.«.iwR.r, n . v .

I .AT1IFIW W A .v icn . f-oiiitTi-aiNTH k i . J.VNII '-m iN llF IK M l AVr., MnlulRy luori.

'■m. ^ 1

I A T ir m h a n t f i .. c a m . s c x u .a v a t n .J.I..I1H.. J. n, (ll.KNN. t

'.AVm itTK II .* H'll.uIlN H AVF A V.V-M

\ A P P W A K n I. IIASKl l l lN PI 14• niture; im irmuvMl: prnnipt. nrlvale, rellaWc,

loM rmtea, «|iy re|w/it(eule; ui<eu i-venioc* until Or *•"* KKIUL i'A HriMtl at.

V A. MONKV I.'iANKh IN AS’ V M Mh • ai 3 per rent per month roo-l fur one w-,ip,

< • l>4 fiM A V, i'awnliruker. Id 1 lilar *l., iwer hrnmt at Leial-llauei^i-rt-L cii

■Y in X K V lt» r.tiAN itX M< ■r**KHOl,l» Ft It A»I nliun*. plaiuM, cirgHn* ami jH‘r-«uial pr«>i»rriv without foujovai: |v<ri)re liuiioraldy (Ica't Mith. and I an inak<’ repayitienla hy luvUilmenl*: iiU hU'iJuo*i Mrl-il.v i-oaftiletaila!. Cull u;i P. W. I 'll \ \V p. OllL ixhun :, broad »t. ti|<en effnlngi Until 7.

Mi>NLV l.<»*NL]t f)V PFliM^Ntl. Pimppil- t>-, piano*, orgauf ami innuiiire in iiw alt'mui

remotul: all b<i-»lueNB %iyli-t') wulltlenllal I'nUor aildre*a p. r. XDWa HH;*. room 0, U*t Market el-» ur lu 4 eder a t, day or eemilBr

ONAA* TV lAJAN f)X MOl;TDAD«LR V. ILL LAK. 810 Rroadw,

cmu«'y ft»r a you if man front 17 lo 18 yearn, a»

ainck clerk In llndr <i1aw anj YhlQA itvparuuent ;

tmewlth loine eii«rh*nre In Hie Ihie yrefrvrert.

Apply to Die HPPKttTNTttXDFVTR

_____ }7« to iai Market at.

MP'n w a .v i k h , w it h pt nii, t <j iNTUfV diK'e uew adtrle uiiiuug nieh-lianta and Mahte

nil'll III ev»-ry city a)i<l 10« 11 tn New Jenu')-: i«ay* I* fierdtov: «HIji mi night: no <vuMpidltlui; doiiT lake ihh fur H r.tke ,\ildre*a F. A, Itl'lU*.'M, Keil Dauk. X. J,

l'lU» 4 « 'tl.. Hut

P..S W AX i Kp. imi w tr iT * m f n .I Min HIHiA D a I .. KDijiloyiuHil iSiirecin.M

rpAlIuOU WANTKl4T4» iUIHlIKU i 1 HKNDKU'Mjn, i4(Tark IL. near Rivai.

A ITKK l-xm IIuTF Ia a t OM'P*_ « CKnAH

W ANlRJl IlhJ lITAW AV UKLlAHt.KMhX at liomeor tuiravid to keeii our ilioo cnr-l'

tp ’koil up III liwn*. UII ireenaiHl mm-eH aloirg jmh



Q M A M , w fM ^O F MtiNKV, FHtUI Ai TH li'i, Otu h*on i«n 'rTvelry. lirV'e hrer or uiiicr valua- hle* UII rcHionalile hum* Ailfirea*1v H(iN(mAMtR»<, Itox V, Neive ofth-e.

41Nv./Y/•A 71 ^^/aiiil niuriftceal 4 ami ’* «»‘P

Cent. In ninna nud fur peilml* to aull Ihe b*rpuwer; M I IWlNI’S N4IH l-nMMlHSlOV SN.^t-rM l; alt io*i-*aarv paiiPtw n efull - prepa'-eil. CltAS. A. Kl- [i K, riiun-iHliiral bur. 711 Jliiiwl at. Iv |

i k O r w t n LHAN n s IMINU ANI> i I i l l / .I 71 r1 7iimr1gutc at .'1 iierfeid. liMum* >

and fur perlmU to aiilt the iHirrMwerK: n<i iMimi* ur 1 ciMomtaKtifn charced . 8.‘i.<*>e |o lonii on i-hai tie niuri - gngi'III suma to niiii. KpM’ AILD Hl.Ai'K nmu j kePor at inn.. ro>>m *11 Priideni al IhiildhiH ; leb*- plmrie Nn, »-*-y

|2| *> f l i U \ T'H t/IkN ON IMtNh a n d V ■ -wtJtol l U I 7uiortf a«e In wim* 111 eull.

r. J. m tt iw x 777 Hruail |4, rogm t.

\ M .MHKH OP ITIOICK PllUPKin I 8>i a HH nn iHir hiiuk-i m *ei| « i tou ftcure* and e**r

lenn» Bk u SVN 4 sL'Hl.LAlXriMl, :*« anJ 74* tlro4d et, L

V UtKHMIlH.NKH ItChtNFriM Pnol'l'iKT V ON M ai erly pt. iwii ht> iMUight at a bargain,

1 .lolIN J. HKVINK 7: riintoii H

V IWLLN-K-majM iln fs K n\ ADAMS Ht, near Klrm;-v it ; twn t»e iMMiybt fop tl.eoiK


UrM 'iil K m ir s r puit k a i .k , n i n k P4H).mm■■ai-li : hnproveuienra ; e.i.*/ term* ; rant* fbr

> hiiai. Jn<|idre Jhjf Ml->i, Nahouel lYink Itulbhiiv, j or 111) I lie prpm>Kni. 18! Aldftn e t, ■ imuge. 'L-ic

I j,i\K C V n 'iH 'f*sA l.K

M. .1.0 ’CONSOU, ‘ AitoDuaver,. will ' f l l hy uitlernf h ‘ imJerYlgneiLmwnUw of tha : eMale >if p I . uuelh-her. dei-tveeil. al uleariMim, t laV Market «t . MiuiiEay. .Inly 17, Ht IV 0 cinrk m>oti, [ all Die right, line uImI mrereat In tot Xu. 3Jd un tUa

llaa’iborue aveium Imct.APOVSTPS nnNTDKN.

i ____ _______ Kyntmtor.

f,'*O ltSA t.R

1;^orn FINF. I.IUtlT ROOMS, m aPurML f1«id ave. htojulreln iiurv or ihint floor,

**if 111 H 4I,*KV St.

iM il It HooMs, W I i l l WkSH AND HA I If mmu. C4iK. OP P lIiM AM> NKW hTs. lai

IA irn x is ii i 'o nooM s -ru i i : r a i .i . imorwement'. bume cittnfnro.

Hg 71 o H A S r ST *eeo(i.i dour

1;>rHNIS|IKI> HiMtMS MtK OKNILKMFN ga*. Imth ; rereireiN<e nsnilr -I.

L- tl


te n tb Clalme I'n id In Newnra nuil V icin ity To-dmy by Metrupniltnn J,Hu ln «, co.

Dr.<lget Firrell, lOl InrnlBBTe,. Kearny, . ii lH ‘t,<io ; 4 . J-. WILLIAMS, Supi.

iAM>vi.tT Merket m . rnmar HaUay.

] )

I 'ltllK R S s lO N A L .

I'F ‘ntl-: U V M l


1 wenty-ih rt ■ j Wira of euii'etaful f»mrl [cm In New- kik and vh-inity Ijar made the unbie uf

im. Wir.T.IAM B, W ll.LSfAN

a hfuwhold iviinl. IiiijiimerAhle feetimonlaii to lih aroiirpa.«'a I !«|,;|ii |q (heir lrivllni«ut ]truvc llie nu nerlor.ty uf Ui» cur.dive i.vebin. Kverj- almornial f. notion of lb -grorit pnrlfler of lhi>hlcHe|-.Uie Liver

(ilam ^aiid i.f.anken ibe Duruiul t^'ojimic ufllft■ml AKbecia ti;her vlui urs.m-i lu dlHoa e, wh jv ayminum- rtpilre careful >UrfgutHda jiufl axtraur- uiiury «k!9l. rheay.j'|itoii4 a n :

IN ROTil HfrLXi-JkTt.repepaU. Cu-lpd 'tongue, f.ova o f Apitelire

lliaDhurn, \Vain.-hr^l). flaPiU-nc*. Xau-ai. i)fca- auunl Vmiiltlug and LlarrtMeu, ri«.wlacli«, Jdicxl- be>a. N'arltgo, i rriii>a« uf ihc 'lb<-uut. (ifTviia<ve Rinaih, t aterrl), It'llirtanea*. jHUJTdli*e, t <mi(Uta- tiof). l^itiveiM.4a. Pile*. Plain la. rlf«in irrha;,varilie Bowel*, shortcewul Itm.-ilh. Uumliur f'oiigh, l^tiu In tbe hldei. Hack, ^tuinach end AlHluiueti. (iem>ial

■Ikhlllly. LiN^ui'Nerve i*oue*', Seuilnil Wcakuciw, l.apae of Memory, Xe*iralvhL p:pilepr<y, Meiaii rhnltn. I'araiyM*. srnifHla.tdamlu>Mr.'«\Vii|ilug, cun- cerou* AflieoiluuaR Tuiuui* ClifituiRiii in, rifun,IdWaaefl of lUc bklii, Jnipurltv uf Die biooi,!, Im pure Cofnplegtnu, I'tirbid t'nue, Dmvel, Jitriuti- iu*«ca of L'hne. nlabelca, .swelling ufihr P!xt«viu;- tea. ifKipay, op-.


THfplacemoiilaof Die I'tasi*. Ciuig«'*tliin. T'trera- bun. l,etiPorrh<im. .'tcrilliy, irr.iahle \ mroia. Puiii flit periiub, J'rofiii:' I er.iHta, I’ali'ui'ii, NorvouHticia, hlenplewneiji Ijjw .‘»ptrlt<, iAUfrlhido, Hyatvria, «l. Y’ltua'a rtntice, and otlirr*.

B/rvaiurlof Ibe Liver and ihe whole dlgeittlve npparalua to their prowT fuikuilMn* tliewM-uiptuin't Oi diaeaae irlll not only dlaipivmr. Imt iha niu*i-h> will heiYinie flrni, the roniplc.iclu.) cl«nr, tiu> 03'H bright, Ibe nppotltf nioug. nlecu mtUI*liirbod, nil I nil mental lai'iiltlei vigurogs nod hrlgliL

OFFICE. 13 CRBAR ST., NEAR BROAO, n k w a r k , n . j.

roBwltJitkm MuDrtdi'8 and Tnpodavi, from.I to !i P. M.

W ILLIAM h. W n,LM AN, M. U.

U M fE R T A K A ilX .

E. ■r w o o d r u f f ,

riTDFTlTAFFR,Ramored from 84<) Hi-nad at. to

tot BHOAli NT.. COHNKrt (IRKKN. Ftraonal nttendntuw day and night. TnfaplKma BA


OPFIClCi M8 SOiri'H ORANDF. AVF-, Livery Niablea. ID to HA Frairteemh ava. 7Ln

JOYCE, l a t b w i t h MKTROPOIJTAN • iMUiaact Co.. UDdeDAker, liB Bowary akE

B H iiN icR i N f m e m . -*> ■%AA.»V» ACvi. #

TAMn.Y ik x ) T a k d s k o k h t o h k _kw-llpp«l huttan, fl.oo; ladIni'R na,

kttf-H|jp«d bultoD, i l . l . 1 lAdiRR kid lart niRiRi rr. (>rd U n,rv.: m l«n . hrci Udbuitoa Wc; man'., atfrad lacad, fL(K> i aian'a dna larad aad oaaarRHR

II.M ; naiel laoed, »l,in i num'i Bap kidlead. tlJO: hejfC flaa law t ihatR. Kc.; men'.

BRprad (Wfnaa, Me. At W il. J. MoKI.’iNEV'.i » « PlaaetT, atar WUHaia iL mt

D otolab-* KTisir wro** nitip w d w 16 K £ W 8T.. fcrmarly

at as BROAD »r .

1 - '

-\rKROir4 L A M BlCIflO mtOL'MMrdKJOU .. V kaatlnc, 6aihla( aod flafetne; lartt (ron a and

i ark .Xeeil.t"'I Ktuhtli Avenue M. F. 4 hnreh. between Rroa'I an<l j H igh ‘ treeiji. Ilec. C. s. M’uodrurt, j»-*U)r. Frem-h-

Im; nt in:»i A .M. and 7:44 F. M. by ih Hev. >V. ]I. J MurgHii, of Die aSewurk ('miferenru, In evrliangr I wlih Dif po*iL>r siMiday-nchuol ut S:-ln. YuUiig

SI |R>ople'« ini>rllng at (j;4.'i. AUni'altfree. Thn public madt'ii’i-lcuiue,

S4H*mil Pn'KbvIerlaii ( biVrch.—Open all aumtiier. Jtev. I'HUl F. sijiplien. H. Ik. i>n*Uir. •' ■rvk-v*. IU:8i> A. M.. 7:411*. M.; tlirlullaii ( nde;(vur, *4 i F. M.; Die |iu*U*r ulij iirnucli mornliur uml eveatrgr evn 1- liig aiihUN't.’*1* Tlien* H r'litiim Llfr*" Tliejw nil) lie Die hi*i !Hirvi<9*al which (he (itoatur will otHdaie iiiiDi seplemher.

|lu>ievlllf HapIltT Cliuich^ Warreu atr<‘et and (•umIiI Kianiip, Uev. Alhert Finler, |i. D.|iaitor. ] ‘n-ncltlugU/Die lui'ilur at lh;4-‘> .4. K. nod 7-4,-b F M, sim<lay w’ IkuiI al W;;ki .4 M. Prayer itjeetiiig uu Tiu'ailar evening al 7;4*V Yuiiiif J»'<»p!e‘i jifa.vej-- iiiei-fiiig (ill Th'imdftv ecrnhig aiAu’cim-k, Scare her. All HIV wHt'ome.

iH* liriNjI M, K, t hurrh. mrner I tftleton nnd SuiiDi orauge avenue*. Ituburl M. Ayleawonh, [ladinr. lujiu a . M . preac'iliiK hv the hev. W. c, Windtfra**. p.i*tor <if Ci-iHuuary churoh. In et- I'hange with Die |»HHlur. ‘l i j i’. M., sniutay-a<-iuj«(. HSki F. .M,. KDn-nrth t«eaifue, 7;41 F M..*i'rmoii by tlu’ |)(iarur . tulijvrf. "Tlie fllind Derrleinled."

,N>w 4’nrk .Wntiup Hi'fnrmetl Church, Hev. John S. Allen, pa-lor.-Freachlnv at 10:30 by Fmle^aof cixirKe St, tilhnnra, of Hnuklvn. ,\. Y* At the evi'iilngwrvlee ai 7:4.1 o'clocg Frofcanur Dtlmiire ntli (Icltver an ailrJn-ai uu "< 'ureu arnt Dia < 'oraurte.'* I odeavoT pra.>er-nie«*Hi)g *r (»:4-'« o 'rlo ’k, Churrh pm/eMiiivDiig mi Tui*silay evening ai s oN-lock.

s|. viephno'e Chiirrh, ciinlnn and KMxal>nih ava* niu*«. - h*‘v. H. M. sheruian. Jr., r*H-ior. servicva, Duly curmmmlnn. m .4. M Matin*. Ilf am-, ante- ctiinmiinluii huiI wrruon. 10:"0 M. ^unduy- echool *eivlc«, HIM# cta*a. '2:80 P, M. Hnniiny- ei'hfHil fervU.’f*, 1:30 F. M, Kvenaing ainl jtervkii*, 7.-Th I', -M. l uu an- crjrdjally Invileit to altnnd.

St. I.tike’* 3!, {'burch. 4‘llriton avenue and Murray eiieet. i p|»-»s|ie High street.-FrcacJihgr be the |tH’>ii)>. He> l-reO ( lara Rniilwlb, at 4. M. nnd 7:k"« F. .M. Moruln,,' lupli*, ♦’ 'I'he Virtue (ifS l'eiiv.'’ Id the evening the iW*tnr will pivur h n ••iiort e .nl n to ymitig laill<“*, .Hijthin\^cha d,

M. It • -.(HM.rtli l.esi,'ih..a:4.'» F. 31.; Vouiig Maii'a I'nlou, tIJO A. M.

*nuDi JWi|-.iiit r hiiri'h. Kait Kinrw*v atraef. near lln-ag. • I'lu- paMOT. Lev. H. M l.iDbcr, iJ. Ji.. wiJi prwM-li snnilay at 10: 1 .S. M. auiJ at ;:4.*i I’ M, The v*-f nlng "orvlie will lie alighily varied from the

?*prvli‘e. smubty pu'liool al 2:.1u F M. Young |u-.)pJi‘'»» meeting I uewlay evening, und the general l>r.i>er .ind cgni'.'reiH'e ineellng Tburwlay evening, bulb Hi ?:47i. AD are wcU'ome.

Belleville AvenueCongregallonal t.lmirli. Ilev. Samm'l Lane t.>aiiiil*R pHMur. FubDr wurshlp n( l< lu A. M. autl 7:4.) F. M. Simday-achorH itiime 4Ilately after tbe inorntug aervice. Cbrtetiaii ]..n- ileasor meHlngat 7 F. ,VI The paWor will firearh. Muriilag flubjeii, " Heilgloti In IhiUy Life." Kven* log m'bjeci, “ Rreait and M'uler In Dh* V4 |tderm>ei.‘ ' fSiraiigers Hiul viM.turfM-ordliiU.v weli^mied.

1 'jd>ern«<-le ciiiircb, fifteenth avenue atpl Bav' cnlU Mrwi. Ke\. 4t, vun Itarchuit*, paator. ’'er- vire-i diiroig the anmater hald in :t hkifre tent erect­ed 4in r Hiiuleii Htrevi, fe'tweeti Slvteenth and t-tf-

as'euue*. iMilb ti'o blurk* ftoru Sprlnrtetd uveniie. I’r*achlug niery sDuday at I0:w.4. M,, 4 F, M ab'ITrlur. M. iniHiwi misdlnga every even- ligtHt 7:4.1. WfHliieelay evening Hev. hi R, SValan, I'oiivcrted Trappht inoiik. wHl]irfwe|i

FDDi HupDiM hnrcli, corukT FntHpectand lathy- pllc Hi reel*. Ilev. i\ K. lapp, puati>r. - l ‘rv4/*hlDg aervlre^ M);3u A. M. and 7:4.7 I'. M. Jii ibe morning (lie pe^iur will e*rhau-e pulpit* with Ibe Rev. HrnokH. of Die I ninii siriwt M M 4 hiircb, and n-Hl

at hofneor bnravtd to keeii uur iliou CHr-l* .ed up III tiwn*. UII irevHaiHl frih-eH aloifg 11

lie foHiU : *li'aily Work hi yuur own county-. |r.' moll Di anil 1.1 u day e^jeuwa deiioHlteii bi your bank nUPii itarb*il. .1 ||. N ' l lA A f A tU ,Waiuut *t, auciiiunD, (L

l l^ T A M K ll A YfD'XD MAN iNTN4ILF' AS f f Iwnender; muil huve a w l refttrem i.

I_____ Aildrens-*lNi*|,|i., ikM Ll Newaoftre.

T ir K t iF F r .H AllKNTSultMI M UTliy fTI.KJv- V » rlnaive trrrliurj' : uur *afti fiell at alfhi inettv

or eonniry ; agaiita ftrat In field a^tiiAllv felling rh-h ; orie ag«ut In mie day idearml I8LM>; «o cmi you ; lataiogiie free AiMree* Al.j*lNK SAKK 4T>., -No. SiJui"! < 'lark *1. ClDc’Iniiallt O.

A / i n TO !X>.4\ f>\ ROND ANU *-’ 8 '" 7*v7* /iFmoilffageiii aiimi tuaim.

F y riT A H L K I.AM/ A.NU MOMTIIADR fw .897 TTUjJroadat.

:r AND l*F4\ A lt ! ) ‘m lAlAX ON P l’ KM- O i rliiire Make peruinal applhaiiun to T'"l ML H A KL K A>K, ;»7 smith lItU M.. Ito'wvllle,


t,<*AN8 W A N TR n .


IIR L F n A N TS D ^FP .H A l.C H .

H.IKrKllH W,4NTKn.ONLVtI001) nAfTCERS mi line veeia; acend t iiiA.

27li 9hSFHTN(Sn KI.U AVK^. pe^nd

G i 111. wRsiKM, (\ i'ii>rMi* 'K,ii FroiC'tniii iilrl for cliiid'" nttr' 'aiid bgJitb<)U*i'

work. Addre*a u. tl .r j Arlingruii ave.. 7.aa( «>r ange. x. J. 1

Ct im .. U. L M ilir 4YoHK;ALkO KtTCHKN Ifflr l; r ill MoridRj', V.I IIROAI) KT. I

G iu r jl W a MF.H. K .ir il RMRH'I'fllHIJI m fulnlii Dip (‘ fMiijiry to eurk uti ninklng inhale

BlTlng*. ChU al 3.v;c|,[pT(>N AVK..«iry. I

I I O l'sl AVOKK-^tLUUAXOlHl. K<Dt KODnK 1 I wnrk ; inust lieg>0(1 wunlu'r and Irunrr ; guo*l

wage*. 'Jl s iH 'lM K LfcV K Nm WL I

n nrsKWOHK iDHt, S4 ANTKii fO lt OKSR- ral hi>u*esorg: 1 ailidl*: wnahliig fur two:

(•ertiian preferewL 42 I'ul.l'MHI A sj', 1

I Aim-:-» .4X0 (M-NTLKVKN SVAXTLH:* jwu tvlJ! lias- you 1(1 f l i ps-r w-««k tn iln errlctly home work fur imalyunr lioniPi: uu uaiivaadug: Stoud self mldrcwteil envek>pe. it f. >MMo Xh A ( 'u,, Haltersmarch and Water at a . .Ma*a -'i f

TA iD r s w is m x o r u m a k k to a .DAV a t Wliniiie, aiUlfeaaing vriS'elupeHj iftnllintf etitnilHr*,

ek’„. w-n(e for partlinlara. eaclnHtug ataanp. In IriUTs K FAlHKtFr.D., Suulb fk-inl, Irak Hlj

] A ia > i TAV MK('ni6; 1U;U'Jnl tile emplo.vmeat tiftloe, 1173 BHOAlI RT. 1

OPKRATORs o n J|1»VS* 4X3ATN.I r.2 Hl*HIN4lKlKLO AVB„ let floor.

ON Fny*T noxn an*t> m o b t o a c if . Ilimrauieest jwcurltv ; cUy and Mduiruan j)iuperty.

ALL Al NmNDN.fT.fiflfi. H.1MU, 84C4I0. F"..Vm). %\,VA

lii(|idre of s fJ Il'V I.KR Ik J 4Cfcs<>-g, toll Tpi liroiiit 4L


J. WARD RMrnt,RYi Uruail al., room* 7, 8 atid fl.

SKIRT T ITKKH S WANTRD JdACHiXKS run by iiuwer; Meady work. STAM tARh

I'NDKUWFA ll tkj.. 7U-7N ^pringdeld av», 34b

W ANTM i-LADIKtS TO WJHTK AT HOM l; Inrlew- atamp.

Twr____ UkE.KN' v o u s o . Kalamatoo. Mlrb.


A RTYURIT imKRSMAKKR FllOM IfKW Turk vsUIhw work borne or hy day.

1 t'alini.’) kllOADRT.

BATlTKNIiRR W AN IX NprCATHlN ; FiVK yesart' 9s^rh*Mce : mivleiwie wigee.

1 I-’. II., IY4 rtuiHi) (trangp ave.

T> (X ^K -K R FrFR -A VmVXD M4X MAXTS .■.Fpiaitwib u asaihtant iKMik kiM>per, et4>.: guotl penman. Addrevagflg FK N ifAN , Jluy T, Newanffl(w.

I^itOK-KKFPKH - KXPKRlKXCr:ii Jkeeper dnalraa a iHMlUaB ; t»e*t o f reft-reDcea.

1 AildrvM WiLijI.ND, B4it A. Newi nfllce.

|l.o(N. II,.-inn. t;.nio, tyr/io, ft.nm. M.ooo can lie ploml oft HftH-l**''iH.nd « im1 innrtgftic ae CiiDly on |iro|i*'rtv wuMli double Dn* auiimul aud more h.v railing ult

4’DAIfLKR A FRICK.koiiiiaHiur m-I.Hw,

iMi 7:a hiHNid at.

a l s o |4.0llft WANTKlt DX 0 < ^ a *7 1 71 "abonil and istrigagB

K, HKY V A, 130 spiingflelr! ave.

S F t l 'I t lT IK R , IN VFSTM E Vn i, BTC,


O F F If'K T4l AXU :tl UH0A11 ST,

Nr w I UK, N. J., July 14, im

A aemLontiiial rllvldetul of ftve per rent.- per cent.) ha* heon ilfH-'aresI uu the rMpIlal Mork of tliia coni|ioiiy. iwyabta July r>. imn.

Hy orilet- o f Die boapLFH.4NK T. MrltRIOK.

I _ hcc-ielary,

'^ -y lLL tA 3| J.lXN ALI.KN A LOL,

PTOTK BROKFRABuy and wil atuCkA iHiada aoil grain 9lth«r fbr

caili or u(j margiu.

ISJMATIKKT RT.Trlephona 1039. New-ark. • Nawark, N’ . X

BRANCH O m C R Orange Natlowal Rank Hiilldinc.

telephone 4M Orange, Oranga, N. J. !

nO AR D IN r., I

A DKNTJ .KM AX M l l . l . VIXrXHKDl r o a k h . [ilettauiit ruoin4Bn<l eombut-ihii- bume wltbbi

mtuuiaa o f < I rsivu Ft siatliHi a< el Hectrh- i-ara, .NAh i I# MAFLK AVK., J-Ael 1 hange. __1

4 O^Kin HOME Lxm A U lT L K 4‘J llf.l) i l w l l h mother'* care at « hFMHivK A V K ; p^rwinal referem-**; term* rvaamiuldc Wig

A YOt'ND I.ABV CAN OBTAIN H O AltlT lN private fmiili} hy mddreMimg

J__ _ _ F ill \ A'1'K, Fill A, New* nfllce.

A LA lK tF KRCXT’ HMOM WTIU HOARD r ___^btral. Ct»K. BALRKVaiul SVa HRKN s t a W


i r

H fkAL K kTAT It f ;o R B A U I'-O IJX O FTOW N.


1,sf)n R.4T.F TRA4T 4)F A hUl'T 82 A f'nFROF land. Rlliialeon Hi'liuyler ave., near AHIngti-m

I iiloM ToWnHliip, Itergfu Coiinlv, ,\. J., being part (It Schuyler ivtate; deitrahle fur line raaliltoiti'ea. .ftcldrcea JirHN f., Jo i I.Sko.N, ronma « l « to «iS FrudeullHl BuDdlug, Nawark, S. J. mu

H e ll fv ll l f .T > T M .E V II.I.F FOR HAJ.r OB TIRXT, ?*■ J Friyub dHeltlnk. all Improvcuieiiu. fine nrOer. Iilfti gmiiMit. iHiriii'r. lUUiLi fr et i t<rtce f 1 ,3.ki, worth t7.ono ; reul to-‘i (wr mnnth : fbw DU Anguvt I. Adrtrise* .t. c. SHKldlM N. Fifth Ave. Bulol. New Ynrk City. *.-,g

KIJ.F.VlI.t.K F(»U R.4LX, tHH'NK i>F 8 rnniiuL alaidi'; mid chcAp. Adiln'w


\Ht M HT., 10 FrUM KHKn KDiiM; IfdtoKlred; nil Ifujiroveiin-iD*.

DAY'S 4VO|tK -W a XTKH HV WOMAN WMhIngorhuuvecleiHiltMt. .

t7g Al ItOWKRY'BT.

n lU-HHWOniC MlTITATtO^J WAN'TlllI Hy T (sJortd wooaii i >in.|i liiiiiK.

1 liB l-K.-iKlMH IIN ST, tWrl Boo,.

1 » . ,N K sT,. « ) - l i l i ; ) l l B il.m il A M ) M I 'K J >r»omii; table board. .’r4i>

1 >AN K ST.,fi7. COR W .4 sm xm n x XH-KF.V I f ftirnlvheil fp)Ul mom, e Ith flnilclaw hoard. 1

Iy v A i jH x rp a K a n d iy im i 'a n io n onearenfelck thlld hf traiavNl nurni; would go

Huay with iwtlent; hlghett refepem*. - 1 Si.VI LIR, 3.V4 NoDh i'arknt., l-ij DraagA, • J-

P a I aNt k i i w a n t s 4V(IRK w I T ? 1* 'SJmiwho will a|ipri;'<'Uile good aid fakbrui work ;

<an take charge uCrncn end iiili color*,-if reniiired. A'lC Addra** I'ALN'LKK. Hoi'J'. Sewn olHc >.

O A L F H W U M A X - PDRITION W‘ ANTK fT AS rN^aletiWomau. Addrea<*9l FUDhFKJTTHr. 8hil

OFAMSTHKHM l*OSJTIDN WANTKH HV A iNj4uoti4, girl g**eaDuitns* aixt maid; fonijietent tn iravel iiusl care ft>r obildrnn. Cali nr addre*R I____________________ aftH ID ll HT.,Orai)ga.

CKAMSTHTSR A(XRTHT<1MFT> to W'CJKKINri cNwith draa*maker would like to go out MwlDgiriy tbediiy. Addreea K. K, 1M l>'idrn»iiuitave. Hti

SITCATIDN WANTfCD AM H lirS K X K K rK lt; rafbreDie. Addrew R.. Hoi C, sNewi ofllsi*. 7!g

ffiO oL M A K K R W a NTm Pi'KlTtOX^.TUOf.M A K KH, Itm It, New* uflkv.

WUMa N W ANT8waehlDg lo du at limiic.

J4S F I I 'l fr’ A V R ,l1 w floor.

TT'y y 'A S ii iN D - (j k h m a n

\ i r A S B IN tl- « f r m a kTV waehlng at horns. Ipquihi


ggkftarpom; also AmtHidiiaH tialoDng. kaisonifotng atid gfmlbing at tbe tbratwit prttw In the ctiv ; mHl

* . ^ ’!>^o4yt)iir at the Brtiokiyn wail Nper Store.T9c__ DFXORA^^U.89 sprtngflelilave., Newark.

Br o o k l y n a n d n k w y o r k w a m , pXper tOs-Fleaes take notloa that 1 will paiwrany

ftlrwlted roottwUh gold rwiwrand wide border fur fllO a room, and alsido dritclaw painting and kal- MAlnlag a« ihs chaapeit prices in the city ; order* pmaptly aueoded tn by mall. JAt?nJt J.19VY, w No. 189 Warraa « i , Newark, N, J.

BJltTHHWlCK JtXPRERR-UFFICK 349 MAB- kat It.; Newark and N. S'. lUiily; also tdly eort-

Ib f ; Cboapratfndty; Tel. 977. FR ANK AY'HI<IS, Manager.

fX A R V « KCNNY,47J BKOa D ST NKW'AniL \ yFIne ciayuu ptrrtralia, lllb alie, with haadioma tn m u o f Our own roauufkclure, at fA to ‘Mo

<i<’cupv bin own puhdi III Ibe evening,' SudiI)i/< whiMi! ut 2:8(1 F. M.; Hlhle ntmly 1 hUr:ulav, 8 o'clwk r. M.; V. 1'. S, C. I , Tue*klay,8 H. Jl. t.e‘ the i>eo- pleMfclowd chiirrbM come uiib ua fbrtbeiummer sen icea

MiDi I'S'ebyterlaA ('hinrh, corner of Union na l l^ifayetle nin-etH. I’reyeruileettug al iu A. M,I'rruichliig at Hi;:» .4. 31. b,v Ihe Itev. J. A. Chamhlle^, l>. I1., ()t Dll'Haptlil f ‘iMirt'h o f KaM Drangc, N, j auil mi 7S.1 V. 31. by (he iWMnr. H«*v. Daviu W. I.iiak.) 'vira mii*ir. ibcimling Hevrrdl Inutrutiienle, ai the evcnliiuf’WrvIce. Sahhnh-achoul ftl I'. Jtf. so- rleiy ur Chri^Dun Kn«leavur al 7 J'. M. No |m*w reiiiH, All ure wcieonie. Frsjaraeetnur Tnewlay evening ai 1 o'clock,

Newark City rtiurcti fitenslnn Society Of the 3l.K. cinircb. sumnierdeUl i-lmrcb, comer bummer aiul KrtvJotilu a\eou*'H. motainjr, Rev. Iv4-'. Muh le r : evening, c. If, WaMiT. ml Jan^Vx Ciiumb,('orucr KiglDMeiiih avenue niirleniMh raiilh »4reet. muruing, Hi-v. J. Cretl Cryeri evening, Hk- unah Hriike, SL .4fldrAw'aChapel.Siiwas aveuup nenr t iH'k KinnU, t'venlug. John M. Dwiimall.Halilwlii .MriH'i clui|iel. Kaldwtn, near Itoa-an], evening. Hev. J. Freil I ’rjsr, Hey. c. Afwi­le r.

{'Mnlun Avnue Hefonupd fTiiitch. Rev, IMnlel K. .MiirDo. iHiHtoi'. I'raver meetlag 10 A. M. Hlvbie unriiit|i wlDi |tfrachii)gby the pastorwi indh A. M. mill 7;4-'( l‘. >1, Al the evaolo-r ocrvlra tbs pastor >rlR Kis'caii ur'cuiiiitcifhis vtitt In MoulniWi atwl tbe gn*at cbrhtiiin 9 n<h'UVorOonvoutkiu. A il l-^eaT- up>ra i-iinDaly web onirl. f‘ i^baDi-achonU2:30 F. M,I ueuday evening praycr-mwilng 8 o’clm'A, T^ls

1'hnri‘b n-maiii* uiwii everj' Sabbath and vlnibgv['a am made walctjinn. Next Habhalh nraralng Rev Hr. Iglvbart, of New York. ^

Fairmouut naptixt Church. Rank al/eett nanr Wii-klllfp, the Rev. K. .r. UUIkiiow Allllingtoh. pas* tor.- - nrvli-es (luring the week as follows: Lord^s day, tireachiug at 10:30; sublect, "HpirltnaS Adat- lery.'* flbndHy-ochool at 3:49. PrtawDng at T:A4 • suhject. “ ‘1 he Homan Calhollr CUurvb la the Light of ihsiory," Tbe local Judges nf Orangefnen will ■iiend tiie eveolng servlet I'lwing ptopie'a prayer- mei'tlog Oil ‘J'litvlay evening, and general prayer*^

• a AddriwaJOUN, HgiVl^'ewaoinne. H|iIlospUai or Rt, Bamahaa *'Comer Big)i and Ifontr

gpniMry aDwa a

si^nolanli ninatiah lempciAfTcn'Mreei, near Market. -BuRday meetl tigs at 4 and 1: tn rfaargr oftdwi«. T. and M rw BRrrttisvr;

Second Wnnian'k riirlellan Tempera net Union.41 HellevlUa avenne.~D»'it>el teniperamt at 4 o'clock. In chArgsnf the Yl At?-.89 o'riotif, Mrs.('los'lon.

Independent i^plrthialiits will hold Iheir m*o4lttgr a(7r> bias! Khiiwy itreal al 8 F. M. A Hlmn lecture. fnUosved hy tesla by II. c. Irom. Alao biislasas c lr rie Ob Wedasaday uvenlaf at 8 o'olcx'k,

W. C, T. r . t Hall. (.*orner Roulb Oranm asrenna andMiglli itreeL—Mrs. s. Fierce, PrsdUleut o f th« t*a/Kme Band anil Miiperintendent uf Sabbath tM»* asrvnnce, will addr«w ths lu^wtliig at 4 F. M. Mr.WUlhun V, Jr/mona ahd others a IU aid. Fra| to all.

IJOAUHKRS- WAN I'Ffi. A FKW BuA RHKIW J Itn uur pleaaant country borpA; term moderate. M. A. I ll 'flH ,4hraihnm. N. J. Hefepetu'e MrvC. II.BNlnian, .Ir, M WIvkllfTr sL: Mri. Cba*. Silk'i'N-kX lOZ 13Di avs., Nawark. iiig

( YKNTUK HT., 17 Fl.KAMANT RfMiMn, M 'lTII yboard ; also table iMiard. iho

CKNTRK WT, a.-FHONT IlfHlMB, W ITH 41H wlthuHt biiard : also tabl Isianl. ii2'

( t F.NTHK a t ., n J.ARDK IlnnM. viKt’ONH floor, fUrnlahaiJ. D lib ut wlibout board, bath

and gas. s;g

( I L IN T O N MT., 40 KVcKr .LKNT HOARD With fwonjid-atury from ruom siiltahlu lu* iwo ;

1*D l____________ ^ nog

( iL lNTtl.V ST., 47 RCMlM-i, i|,28 A M * V I ’-a'arri: with or wlllioiit buard. 1

TjNAMT PA RK MT„ 24-KRn.X r IMHIM WITH ^vconmi'tlag olfti'e ; with nr wliiinvit board. 'JVb


Fu l t o n b t ., 4: -K C H S is ifF H Kor>MH, m iT-ablto man at/d nlfti or gemluninn ; running

wilbr atvl nU cunvsnicni'eH, wiDi guQi) hunhl- npg

1-3 XC


179 RnoOkR RT.

W AM «IN (I-C (»LO IlKD WOMAN W ILL IK> washing and ironing by ihs day. «K K( VY'l' BT.t

W ............. ^AHRINO W'A.N'TKI) TO TAKR llftMR.

Coll ur nddrsa-i 13 RIIK IK HP.

W KT NURRK-A YOUNG WOMAN WlflllKS poaliion as wet aiirae.

P. HA LA MID, <3 Rmome sLi 3d floor.

I^YlIHNlMriKD H f«*M ,W m i ItoAltH; H.MAI.L Dertnan faunly. ul^iD.'TII niiA XOK AYR, Tiig

1;>t*nNlRriKO ro o m 1-N»H a tlKNU.ICMAN. with ui wlihout hoard. 129 IIALSFV HT. t

(YliO VR HT.. !H, HKAR (tcrilTflDCHK g^ianL furifeiatlemeD ; fiper ae<>k. 7g

V r M T L Y ' FUBNlHliKli IIOOSIH, W ITH llrat-ehwis hoanl aiul all l•ollVl•ull■nf■es ; cnii wv

coniinuil)iie tlHwea or ft>ur geiillcinnu ; prlvalc fjturlly ; near l-aat Park et.Kf Adflrew II. W., Hus F. N 'W^Ofllce.

OH A N tiK -V rilN lH IlK H K'HIMm. Ilu.4lll) IF dcDrad, or light hoitsekeaplns; all linuros'c-

msiits._Addraas k\ W. IL. 843 Oraugc nt. 1


4‘lnria ii(l.

I^^ATIM 1.' \CRFA FHUn. F HT.THV VATIM.7-ruoui iiiuiv. uulbulliJingH, stuck, IihjIh: crojig

liianted ; a bargibi; 7 m'rea lu fruit; f J.nui.H f _____________ M H01tFlf|>, Viocltinrl. X. .1


I W AN T Tfi BUY 2 OR .1 n riLM N lS IA*TS : 1 Rusevllle or Foai (irnngf. A'ldrc«i

t - f __________ .4. C„ |lo% .1, Neu* office.

1>KAT, 8hl’ 4TK WA VTLD I MAVK cfriT ll'iu iert for lioiui" above lllvb »t, r| prlcei frum

l-i.iMiHosLirin. jmt.N ,i. HKVlN V. jjriliHun m,

HDUMKr t o l « t .

A rn iA C T iY F iio i> F , r o k k v h .l i-:, 9 r<*>ms ami baLh. AOilk*'*" NKW, Bo.x J. News oJllrc.

1,i.\ *4 T OBANfiF TWi* HKVFNItOcM.chuUMui iiaarclfH-tficcora; |17 nn 1 8.IU Apply

1 .'fii Ma i n sr,

n fiCHK TO l.KT 8:J1'a HKl.I.KVfLLF AVK., n»'ur >■#''.111.1 j*vr.. ihreeMury brick, h rouniA

b*Di noil all mirilen) liji]ifu\eimuits : SuitUary ar- rankaineut) perf u-t; u ill lie rciite*! low hi a ginxl temiiit. Fur iurDu-r uartirulara apply 2:ig \V. Jl t.YON, «7 Houih Crmal »v

n oVH|-> To m :t . t w i i iiiiicK noUhiw.HnuDi ISEh SI ; nIi room^enrh, Impru^ementa;

rein moderaie. Inquire 1* u. KK3lFF, rare of Htoniaiiburgii A Cu., 7MLN(k> Hruad it. ?oh

n OVHFTO. LFT ‘.'1 KERRY HT; »KNT|h|..'0 per nioB^h ; ‘ en-cr cooim'tlon, water and water

chwet. ruqnlre D. L. HLXKHHT. oennaata Fife Ins. Co. ufMi'e. 7H2 Hfuad nl .sfi und flioir TJd

n OVHK TO L F T -X irR Ct»TrA(4F IIOUHR.Its < h;idwlck avi*. nnar eh*ctrlc sd<1 Imrae oar-*;

all inipro^HMU'iits; rruji luH-(to IIgiiod tauusL Ate p iyb (l!.K . D ii.v LL R^l«d anil Market •itH. |

HOCHR Tr> r.bT. TlTt linOAHHT, 7 RfMJMH, iaiiiidry andcallar; rriii f 2i‘>; poaseMsbui Itu-

medlaiely. Applj>Cig J. ll. MOMEHOUH. Iftaud It AllanDcst.

HOVSK TO LKTOH I’fhR k a l k a t a JIAILgain If sold Ht u.ir« ; all Rnprovpcn«utA hi

•|Uiie?7 ALPINF.HT., mar ciliilun nvi*. ais

n m'HK TO l.KT hf>44 LA ................... . ,AUd iMtli. all laipls., T,i8. Inquire o f owner,

144 ................... ... ■■

MT., 8 nO<}MK


A V FB Y L a ROS AftHORTMFlNT O? 0000,




If, J. OHONNOH, Audio ne«r,

Boast Ule Woman’s Ihrlntlan Tsnipsritiioe Uhipn, caritcrDf Fourteenth slr«-v| and tlonUI avenae.- UeeDpg nn Humlay iiRerBiain at 4 o’rliK'k. l*evdar, W. M. BuUn. J-'rank II. Jlohiii's will he preoeni wlih hiH Gonvrrb-d banjo. John H. H<pilre, atvam- pauiMt.

YouDg Man's Utristlan AwK'lhtlon, fTInion street, near Uruod.—Henry A.Coraeas. •soTStarv. 'ly.dntbf ciaescA meet from 9 to 10 A.M . .Men's meetlRg at 4;lv Coot riMina. Good singlttf, diiata andchnruisinging. Talk by Mr, WilUain K .'iV * lor. All men Invited.

Woman's'l>mp*raitra Rsiv'iis Band ofths HoiRU Market street M.K.Cb(iroh, I'oriier Markst andAdams slreels, 1^11 hold their guapal teiiiimratuw msptlug to-ntflitatlo'clonk. Meet lug In charge of the president, Mr*, ftarah Fierce, who w1R S|ieak

A l 8alesr(Xicn, m MARKKT HT., MONDAY,

JUT.Y 17, at 11 A. M.

7^0 Flaeos, Parlor Holts, In Buga, Hllk Plnsb and other coverlbgi; Wnliiut and Ouk Chamber Hulls, Wardrobes, Bookcasoa, r hina Cloesta, Jdrrorliack DiiflfbL Kttenslun, M, T. nnil oihsr Tables ; Drsis- era, Bureaus, Waihsianils, f»iingaa, 12 doxpii c. H. Cbairs, Hockero, Ilaltslamis, K. P. Pier aiul 3Isntsl HIrrora,ett^; about ftOtbrpets, misdt and second­hand, In all grades and Mm s ; 700 yards good new OUciotfa. ArtHqimrsa. Hmyrna Rugs, pure Curled Half and oQier Matirswea, HUows, Mprlnga, Hlaok- atOr I'M# (3irulii«, Portleiwi, Hetnres, lleDlgereiore and three Iruckloadt of Conitnoh KumliurJ and llooaefnriilshing Uooda 1

> l e a h a Nt room wrru iio.mdj...*-w ^

t yw tr**. . T S H F iT iTor wUhuui liuard : Impnivements. lof

T io o M H Tfi i . r r . w m r - O R ^ w iT ir r i i r r J VlHjard, In priraio flimiiy. <

“ h* * km t 'Bnt h t ., ciir.

KtKlW a n d HOAHI) ytiH 1'W(I D f NTI.K. rafn ; t « iH.r wf,li. w PLANK HT..ell,v, i

C p D T lI ST., M - HDAUll IN I-JIIVa TK PAM iL^tly : cniivenlsut 10 steann aial hureecar^ in

W A H IU N D IW HT., Ml ROOMK, W ITH board; all Ifttprewniema_______ _ 1


B oard wanted bv Twr* ciKXirKMKNlarige fmnl roont. w|D( use uf haih. iinAiniDhcd,

wtib or ufibout bnanl; old sih waAl iirefcrn'd,•|8lf Artiln*as T4VD, Jiot: 9 Ni-wi omi>e.

iN N fK U C lIO N .


n OCMK OF 12 HOOMH PART IXjNVENI- enr ea ; giKo] tocalkmfor bosMars,

MAftHjt,'Jii Uifkyarte si.

~ s-KT^w MV' : iLJ I or l»f> iHinflleA ]2#

F^Hl monig

Westvy dL; leaiiun. 8luo. Aiiilrsss I M RH. I . H. N.VMTIL W/onilni, N. J.

W T i ’ K 12 fU>OM Itm-MF: ATJ40 A FA in ^ xM meuts ofS pionia with inralsrn Improvantema

Mt . t a b d b -Vifhor,

tBg IJ.4 RHII. 38 Ijifayeite sL

A lt llOUhB TO LKT.Initulre U94 HIGH NT,

■r\0 YOU W ANT yOUB rn A IR H tlASBD OKI J n l t b botlonuB T Btod poaui lof i i CHAHLTO K. KflLIC, B M um r lit

i p iS K IK O TACKLi: AND M D S IC A i,''Iir

niBmIl At btir nfulAr prIoM

W fw lt th# ti»i, ».p!r niAll hooki, Ur, pn < « . ; t-plylApa™,!!,. «o l) . A nodrot mod nwl, no. ((KlfMlblAOk Ilna, so. Kodi

I foolo tram So; up ai

J-BAKl W .Aays, IB MiUBwrrol.


nCAAVl •* UV TAI4A n|’rHk.und sing, (toed ineaklug aa<l alnglug. A heiurty wsh'i-inie tn atl, ricli and p'jor, botwl aiul free. Come and bear them.

CJirON- i&u

TTKAD^VARTEHB I'OR HHOWCABKli Ja Rn j T a M candy at mWWARK'S CXIICPKC’ jU tY .»a n d to William s i

MACGORMACKr^NATCH K iiL jhidMtbcMfei maaoti^ tool bags

loBitrankiofMix ew » mankflidiaie: i r s ^ lo f aromptly aitendtd Ia Ib w j a d ot., dppoelto Waobli^lMi fhrk.


EJUIIURANT and DRIVEN W K L U WmII to pertMtoMs Hoadqnorten fbr Aott'freaiitiiff, Ib m and lift pnmpe.

Bttmo fizEuns and r^talnng In | •esiV

_ ,__ aWiBir *9 (l* i^atonB dMwiodMM■iff ft 4»U Ok addresa,aw-paws*

i t t^ ift ilt in t


OR. RFRCIKIC -A SURK ANDpofttivsGiire fbraUfliniale Irregularities Ad-

dreiH 141 BKiniKN nT., or oU dniggltiN. or C. Moll, High and OtilraJ ava, or C. ii. -Mmili, 881 Bread i l ; pritwH; yn t by mall. gjti

A D li 'i - ( ‘ItlCTlKKI EH'niiKlijAlRH FENKY- jroyal pUia (Diamond Brand), are tbs besi MaiJb,

reliable. l ake no other. Hand to. (statniw) for par*Ucuiars,'*llallal lor lAdJtA" In Mior hg leiiinimall. AtdrugffwM.

c m u u g r K R <;nxM iCALCa. phua., pa.

|3ROFEfWOHGKYHKH, MANHAUCAND M kI> i kkJ elftilrlHty. m PLANK B'l‘. Effpectal cars glrealoladlfts under elecirktmatmeai isb

Th y d r CllARLlUffH 4»ITBB c u r s t o r headacks ; at alt druggHUi; 190. B f

D ltBtftH AKrNO d

\ - A . - AC4I0f)L,0r a T. TA Y- •lorsyetam urnrvaM'uttlngt Dm

only system out a chart; easy and not dltneuit tu learn; open ail sum­mer; ctll and hivestlgale: iiilt ng, nttiDf and Mtleriin nit to messurs. U. X. CIIRIHTIK AlUH llfoad ml, opp. TrliiRy ( hurclL ' 3ih

A -SUR O FEAN TA1IA>R ritJI.KOF DBKNrt- •cutDllg ta iiflb l^ WAE>AMK VAN BANT.301

FLA N E B i^ near NEW;piipttsnialiethelrowagar* menu wbUa leaNithg; itnlugs affd paptrpaiUrffi etii w meanrs. Day amt emiltwt leseoiai. ,

FAHHIONAHLK DREHMMAKINQ-BPACIAL prkee fbr leu days 1 stills, 71c. up,

» g 89 PLANE HT.


MIW TOWNSEND'A BOARDING AND DAY srhool fhr girla, M R.lBK Flh, Newark, N. J.

Prloiary, Aoedemk and ('■ollefe l^reraratory Pa- partmsnl^ , .

ilroulara uw applteallMt ' ' 1#

N e w J K I tH K V H T A T k NgHMAI. ANII Model Bcboula,TrentiiO, N.J. Fall term n-lll

^irnnwm-e Tnwday. afplsiiiber 13, at 8:4.4 A.M. Rullditimi to Iteelfe tJudcDls on Monday. ?«ep- ivAibar lt.,Tae Normal RrheW Mllre<4 a tb'woiiirli pn>- te^koual Rralnlng fnt leachtpg: u^e Nudrt prdparra for bnslitim, thegenersl pimiiitMofnfs or eolJege,Total C4WI. Including boarri, washing, tKxiks, etc., at Ihc NiirntaL ||.44 tofieu |ier ysar; ni the .M(HteLl3ib }>er year. BulhMnga lighted lij gas aii<l healed h.v Ateaei] dormitories cuiif.irtahty loialsheil, pro­vided with baihi, etc. tTie rarllRIea, lioth ttfDie srluMd bnlhllnjrt a»d hoarfllug halls, have been greaDy incri'aMthl during the pre*ent year. Die foi-

W HHIUT HT„Nn. 81 Tit HGUhR OF T rdOLiH ; TixjiiiM iiqvsJUit lioeii •lecurated; rent

|ls p ir iiiotith. HCflUVLfiR ». JACK>iON, 770 Broad *L iwie


eewHih tVanl; hi friomM, mtKleru itnpmve- mfniM; a Ino hnuA'S and lotH in uilier rM’Duiii; we hivecu<Uun»erH. i iR i i t L A SCDKXT. 7Vi Jtruaii bU i«ee md floor.______ 22I1


.1. 0.10 let Inr tight huusfkMFing. fng

A gUKiDJtT ftT„ 3M KDVH NH?K fcnOMH On seonml Ilnur: tw-o-fkiiiily houv>; water. 4ii

| > A N K «T.. 41-LARftK F ir«S IH IIFD ROOM - JL>Mnitahle fur two geuUemcn: uw nf hath. l

1|A N K H T .. W l a r g e FL'ltXmriED K(KJ3f 1 rfor light houMikef'plug.

CIKN 'TIIAL AVE. 9-rW O M C K LV -F I’ H- atshed coDaecllni from ruoma to let, with nf

hath. f»ti

CIM S T O N MT.. is LAllGK FRONT ROo.M alaii two small roums. well fiirnhUnd : gmi:

bath. ^ I

iner by a properly e.piliiiied g}-miiaslum, lalmralo rlM. etc., the iMiter by liMTmieih'apai'iiy. For fur- lUerparllt^dan addresH J. M, iIHRKN, Prlnolpal,

LINTON MT., 47-FL'ltNJHUKD ll>Kl«,S ||..W I. and upward. 4iif{

Tieoton, K. J,

N b w a h m a c a i ik m y --

n U U 'M HIA NT, IS - Ft'llN lB lIKD l/hooiekceplug; f t aiul p2.to



MrDOW KU. DRBlBCUrriNG »C11CX)L-WR teodtitie sftUhvartof Krendh dressmaking;

rail nr seixl; fbr dreoiar; lens«D<i day or evealug'; Bkatilnffablc drseemaklnt': paimr patteriis or Mbliiffii ctittomeaaura ILATNJr a w DKY, 838 BroedaLV.e

IliQKMigh pi'ffperatlun fbr any eoHgfa or stdeaUfle ■cbnol or ftir Imeltieaa

CaUlugftsa appBciUKiii.H A, FA IIRAND,

dlv Head Master.

DO YOU W a n t a n ic e h o a ik ? t/y^K a tsecond and ihlM flat*, .11 llaet Kinney at; poa

sawlon at enco; rent free ro Augtint L U f M .U FELL. *26 Broadway. N .V.

r p i lK NKW a HK KFMIXATIY, 37 It lL L KT, X Him Whlbnore prlftcipal.—I t e ^ a WMlneeday, hsptember 37; iDdIvIdtial ahiniles carsftiliy trainM;

[p lV K LTCmT U04.11CM TO LKT. 131 ftOUEH- '■etstiiftlk ImililretaOBOHKHHKT. I9r

^ i r a n « k »»i9 iiM t;irrT iNa f lc R o > L -T i fn Ik lc y C L L 44 ABlRT)**LAlrt HHAFK^%. ^_/TajrhMK*atsm; tbemoift Mmple and atvsintieJ^dreaa, staDng pricet ffAkK X l, Boz C, Rtws ta the wofld; we Uauh sTuryaiyieof waloiaad flt

avevy fbrm : eoci pojdl Is taugbV In a oloan by

igwcial ertft. — — ____cutlon. tDtnrla and the lanfftoires; eerUAmt# admits 10 WeUssMy College; primary departhiciU Ihor-

aive. tlftiilarae

tin arc lltoratiirB, btstorr, ii«lc,el<v . . . . . . ------- rUllei ‘ ■'


EORT:fJGJlEKT PHICtt PAID ____XXtoetlUqg; mdeni ttr miQ promptly afteodffd l 4>w L MA OANBEY, to Cierowefoe st.

OAHT-nFFto■elf; na limit loDmeafjpssatM; open avery day and lioodav. Toeedsy and Thuradgy eveelnga iL LYNCII* 13 Main st.„ Jjacker billldljif.

n lGHRNT PRIDKrt PAID FOR CAHTOFF _ _^ th lig . RJCH.IU PriiKient,___ »7a

N j^ A R T E D -B A R J O u m PRICJS AMD W 8utl deecrlptlw, ___ _

girivWd In Ua'taMfHdetF^ amrff iseft sw I, tod thtit 6rfM Us nalMrol tenOC af offwrBsfaf IV a itoper Vito igc ftdtWMf (ipse to* sMitow « M «<r»ela • transuMaitoe AARBiRMlPA nts m K vM KtoffTfftolPMto


I OHT-oK 'im r i in A y T iu m B iito , a d u * jTTibftd eoarf pin, gotbf from J l inakls ave tbroiqrh

Avon avs. lo <Nlat«i ave. Trudelian nwera if rejarned to 16 commeroe it , lo imre of I FHANK JArRHOlf,:

aiul progTSMeive. tlftiilafa oti appn< atlun.

riir iF .M lN H rB AM Am TE 'H TNG LH ll.K il^^tfl .1 and Oerman boarding and day wbooi. New Hninswlek, N. J.; ooltege prriUkraUoQ, art and muste; ai^ty ftrr eiretilara

WARD OERHAM-KNOLEnH pCHOUtu I \FThe rsopenleg nf ibe school oeouri Monday.

July 17. H t ) : tbe school doniprlMsSclamMMDdft Kindenarten i imymeiits an ysey luw. Apidy tog 77 NlCHOLs NT,

Ijn V K RGOSfH. AM, IMPftOVKMKNTH, NKAH . raUwaya w hI'KUb k N ht., fast thPaftfa Mr


1J3IVK KOOMd To L E T ; to A MiLVTK.1 J7y -------------ItoNL'M VIT HT.

I^ L A T 1 0 LKT IN OIUKNTAL BUILDINH, *. cot, Reilsvllln Hvt. HUd tirieiital ffC, witb ail Im*

prtveuitnu and jffnl.toFfl s e n io r

....................... ' y-. . . - .......... ..,rp s i_______ - , .I^ N D AND UORTOAUK 00„ 776 Bnud sL

«b PfcTkit kELLKft. to C lln to ^ , room to

Fl a t - ty) i.ifi', u a j A k y K iT rK a « * . f l a t o f four roonts; nal>87u«rmoiitb. KCjFl rABLE

TPANJO TA U 0H T . ___ Xsleseon 1 hMtmMrtftt

LOBT, flTRAYVD OR BtftLEN, COtLtE HELLRC, • New st.f.,..,------------------------------- ----------- -

Hftslo.y NOTE. U CENTR

IXjwuiI iianHfd'NiDcy; eniW wWtt brfWH. sbai|. — ........ ....... ...... . j \f y c«ffL gulte U l l ibwerd st H Wefaettr pi, f l D I T A E BAtoJO, O TH ER AND MANDOLIN T 1 SrtvM ck fft^ J A iu to F R A d lE 1 xrtauftrt, A . l . w s r u T .e R tb lw to loy l

ffBtibed tnm Ibr lew nan iMr

jltJ lT 7 JPJDMH; ALL 1MFltOVJCMENT& *1 0»ai>toft st i ftiao §4 Pnmfeel el.


LA T TO LKT. W IT ff IM PROVEHENTB1 ** niffutw’ walk frorQ rUUtHi.

^ « NORTM If l l lt r R K N T a fT ,


____ _ _____ *7 MI LtlM tllV VT

I'D’ KNIKIILU F14GNT .^I.l. |vT’ pmvetnvuK 38.; Fl ANF v f , iioar Xu« %l 3*.

'l.lfB X fK II i:i> mtflM. CtNtL ,\NH FI.KAHAX f 1 all Iiu|im\omenta 79 Lt BKm tV a 1 oig

HAf.HKV .‘*T, 113 Ft BNlKUklt lUUi.MS liimwkeeiviuf : |3 and hailrouusti.

KIXKjEVhT.. 80. XKARM’ AMIIIXGKIN k Ck seni new dai, flnt Ilnur. •'•rni<r aii

fliiHK molerri Lm|^r»vainenu; rent mutUraL'. Can Oil preiiilies. 1

I ARtiK FC U M iH K D FfB>X I'ItiHiM |ii |,FT Jl

( v.\XDV MTGtIkS FiJit MALK- FOI’K CANDY aiul I'lgar nl ir#« ; gomt plafv: fnr rl?ht Birtwa.

InuiilreaiG. |(. FRi r/'M, ;.i7 Bnnil si <f

' iGVFFCTinNFItV, ICHCRF.AM ANBCUlAH I dorr lor oals w*nr { ‘lark's Thraa I Ka*'ior/.4ff .lUHiJtAM A V K . Kenmy,

H I FHV MTi>llK KGIl HAril*:; l|iS>U OJR. liar; will sell 1 heen; rvaam fur selling.

7h ST b ill'T II GHA.VGK AVS.

I F V «ir l>FMIKKTt> r.W K -a r iN A HKLlAaLII hivilnuwi iwll nil

t3a HTI- 4UXS. Bruim ai, soft nrooil at.

M KRCIIANT TAILOR HC’*lNf>6s T(» MKl.L niK ; sihhI hswD ,u and very r-htiap ; a Hirla

vaviiul In Hie ifiniMrv; iheonly nus tailor hi thff n>Hu Uolng II gtHMl trade iniulreai •"« »7‘ JHVKH m l , Newark.

M ||3|iL|.4<4K|i I 'A I IT ). 23 V e. All^'n^«« et|>eri(-iu ■ la it(id ah ml \sw 3'ork. hav-

iug M |p» Diipu^iimI tUiiLir^lr* lu\iwi. woiihi like ti I hear uf « niie gthe# i,r light iiiaiiuftu'turlug huslne‘«i

lu SuWHrk. Adilreas niaUng nntur of hualoe'w ami refereniw«, |.. (,.. 4', .Vewsolflre. I^f

T > U lT N M l W .W m i. A Hl'|.y:lAI. IMBT* I ner. broker hndnew. Aihlretv 1 UI.-'iNFHs. iWuJ. Xesinflli'e.

t l l . iV iN FOB '*AI,F A HTMI4TLV FfllHT* nah>nn luf nale In a dedrable uehrhbne-

hnml: Im iw ; rstii mui'ierale For carthiitara............ .............................. Bread sL8Jgatipl.v tn l.iil'GH i.lN A GGHMa X. 4!« I

f i n k t»r/)T o r l a n d o n w e r t r id e o r

r>iB4lRXK t k h r a c e

CRolre locatlnt), loiiulre at the

I-:a HT KN l) UKAL FvTATF E XC rtANtlE tlO


D F.rtinvnrr rRopKRTir'*H in t h e ia m t

FM> D iH in ic r r o i l m il k a n d k k -

i IEANGE. _________ toy


A fine rw'llence. C||K!^TNrT kT., near Rmad, Irit rixiina; all meilerii laiprureitieitti: tlaain hratliif aiBMiFaluN : R unenlent lo Cheunut Mlrvet Kallon, Peimaylvaula Kallrin I : alsitu hernecar^ aiul ruBriscDuf iiiiiM to al1|tari%nf the (iiya iid oohurLe . iMiMwiiloti July I : price 1#iv ; leriB* easy ; Ult ‘3M:«}iiik

1 or :^alo or K\rliarii;e -

A boiidtuimly-rurnii^hcil cottags at GRREN- I.Ak K. twelve ri8«ina:tol linprMVvmvnts |

near cluhtjQiLM.

A pi>l> tft


AIDKN I.AXK. 14 XrcLT V r i H S lK im t nanut, amall oral large; water and atuve wg

n .B M lR V MT.. 2ftfl FCRNIMilLtl mM>3l^; boiL«ekaeplMg: f j aiel fJ .vi.

l^At*tSA\ HT., 41 TO l.KW ', BtKlMK. NFW r.V I x paluie<l aiul |ia|wrvL rent f i i tn atanihvnf mluliM. lUHuIre l.s( 4Ht a n g K HT. ivh

N e w f t . 49 n v o c o x x F r r ix i i n i i nlahsl rooms WiDi ur nlthuul liglil hiiuaekfei' lug: all teai'miieiiivs 1

r ll 'K HiKiM FilH t.rUIIT lli>t'SKKKKlMNn; alunhallroum ; huth. 4M J llU ll HT Wg

It.A X L MT., 74 I'LKIM ANT m tM M IF D rooms to let ; ternw motlerah' 1




y.4L«8L\ FiiH h a l f , a tdMlTi HAIJIOB IN•^iii'lshtuolMeuI tif -wveral hf*r (h- turlew Itihalre


bJl3G4F n m M.U.E. r iG A Il AXD PAPKR '^siffra tui Die iiirnrr nf I , H ave and Wrtgtii st., nm». Fniiuet Ml Htatliiu; ivlil sell r|ir«p un ercoiini or nilii>r huiinsm. i

c r m iK ro il iiir i^ T T o r m irKi‘~wlu>olhuiiw*, UQ tu'cnuni gmur anav.■iv «7 l-\F\V K n ’KKT.

Iy i. lM HT.. Y. PLKAHAXr H KN U ltF I) front (Miom, suluhle fur Mxhl hno«''ke4'tiliit. iiUj

St\ NGGMff 131 LKT ; HKXT fl.r78; J'l HKI.LkVIl.I.E AVE.

ff^K NT OXK Ci^TTAUF. T9 NT, F l'L l.V FFB I liliheil: gim) Uieatlnii. A|>|dyl.ANF Vli.i.A .

iicruu Gruvt. H»iilf7k i

*| iim E K LAKOF RiMIMh TO LLr.f'OH. HUB I non kt. and CeuTral ave; llO. lutiiure

37s A. 'n P L lN . klicsuirel sve,

rp in iR K UANDAGhiK HtV'MH Tn l.KT; CITY I Hurer; rmt |t> livituire IK WARRkN t»>r V8e

■ i i r i M M i TO t-rm H An K * miniHTOHK ,T rriim a ilni(itl>t m.n Kill manair lha alnra ;

UM a|i akillr l.rruiaii |>n-r-,iail; will want WimoTl 4tiicU ami fl^hirs-* In a ilnairahls loc timi In Xen • ark. Htata wire Ilf )niir »tnre, ruii|b Mdmita nf *b«'k amt fluurov ami ur1«»eai « lilch yuu WlH sail. Aildrem IDXLF. F. o. Hni laHi. Nnv Vnrk nis.Wg


TkTCYCri: riiB HAI.K, 111(411 g Ka RH BU’Y ‘ I Ji‘le pm'iiuiaDr i lw : with all ImproTPinsnlit «4 giMKi oM uen , im-|i)d1uf 1>ell, lamp nt«ffiL I'arrleri nmnp. 1*^87 hk yi-!s»lmM: w IiI m iI eiitift* tot Apr |s-' tor vaui nl uwi. i hU or HildrsM I ________ Ito SVAMIIINCiTO.N HT,

nICVCr.F i I IF a F FOK C.iHII.TTNRIfrUHT Usill rtoulMer ; '9.1 wln'ol. AiblrwiH

Hl'bFli. Bus F. News offliw.

It rcVCLK W AItW K K HAFKl'V, FGK MAl.Kr IwrrW-tOrder. 79 IIILLM lIiR AVK. lb


J^lOHM Al.F-

V a BNIHIE FACTOItv; pi saea lon Inimedlaisly ;|iDi*n pioHVi

A I tftVINGI'OX Huiim, II rotuiia; all mipror*- nisnta . lot l.'Uiyn

IaH corner N«jrth Thlrteamh at ami MevetiDi ave,

AAHGX f. (XINEHT., ___ __ Gftloe 414 iTiiileiillal.

1,3(»K MALI: (III LKAHR TIEE FfNK IIKk L deureal 3:4) Mt I'lrAsant ava ; 14 nemta, a1l Uii

proi-emsnt^ ; irmumlN 71a70i>. nllh :«tabie ; irmils ns tfio 3) atfeeie ; Icrma lu «iili FuD parth-ulat^ Hi 1. A . KI.Sh k Y ’s. 1«Br**ad af. Vie

I^ U R M A l.F A T A flAllGALX, CFNTR AU .V Incaleil, ||J(-Mthft r#e(. With hiH)0e nf sls nxim«,

alaftls with da atadN aud uaguii ^led ; ciioiip tor ' l aSt* A F D . 4.1 tau leiHvi at. 7sv '

1,HiiR M il F. criEAP. A HMAE.I. M4l| rriERV Idaniatmn; plenty uffriiR ami giuel w-ater. For

psfDcuUrx a>1 dr» ViHOt-| 11, Bus tN e w a olI1ca-.:Bli

<»CHr. 1 WKN l'Y I-m'H RtKlMH. KGKKAl.Fa. oof iul UTKKNTil A V K

4tM)Ciiuionavs., emr Bergen ii,tT(M)niA an Im pnivsnisme

to? Bergau «t. ror Cllntoti ave.; t rooeio, all lin|irovsuieuta.

1171 ami 971 Derffnaat., two new huua a. 9 rnmua, all liapmventStJta.

flT.\ lleitrn at.: 8 ro*nia. all Improrfmeur*.Kln'lrii* imra poMi the mriier ufllnitoii avs aiul

Ih-r.'Sii at., itetr all IhU protmrt.v. i llsieiiav# hure' I'tra arul iirupumal MaMuuim Feim. H. H are wlihUi Ihree mlmiteV Malk. {..ni'atlna high ami hsaKliv.

imiulre m ItLItGRN KL, rrnni 9 A M. in 1 i\ M. B8(

riM t r.KT 41'AHTMKNTM IN |g AXIM3 IH I aei at.; nulls |)() aii’l III : one hlre-k fewm llrmid

at: ften hrh-k houtee with fhrtklahwl halla. ilumb waHcra, WHt''r i‘UueU ami eoalhii*# lueulrr » f McMaUou. IM flat Xu. in ; ilau tiala In T4'4 and 'ui^range at.; rent rrnm to (“ F*- liuiulrH lu grmvry■tnre. 7N Grauta si..34vv .1. Il 31 KFKFn. 830 Prudential Riiliniiiff.

f|3G !,KT HKCONI) KM'UIL WITH JilPHOVK1 ineuia. Inaaniail famlfy. J74I NKWTGVMT. **<

ri^ i» HKST- ITI3VFH PART 4>F HQimK 29 1 Hterling at. near Market and High, 4 ruonm,

tjalli and laundry; all inuderii liuprnvium'uta; ri'Hi fl-t Impilre wHlilii. I2g

»p W O NICE IDkIMH 1 0 LKT, IV HHIVa TK i Imuas. Inqiilra CO tha premium, 139 BA.XKMr.,

Xenark, or of nuiier, 4 Weahlrigioii at, Ikst

I ^iGM nrH HALE. HhTrKU PUPH. TllOft* I Fuughl.v broksii. with pnllgree. Apply kEILKM

l l l V ' I l K i r . BuU n'h Hat Fociory, VatleF ruiid. St eal Orange. |

I,HOIl HAf.F L o r BKl IHUKRA r4»ltH. ft Dp;•r-w nak wardruhe, fl2 : hue nler liaaa, 113; btol

rack, |4.o6: martde tup iahie.f1.Mi.I _ _ ___ »M M Eil.IA¥ MT.

|.HCHVITFKF Pg B HAI.K, FINK PIER I glass, t i l ; rsfrlgeraior. 81; rntdlug had. flO; per- Inr anil. 8C>: rhamb«>r suli, fa ; matictM. 81.M; wstiy carritge. |7 .'lU. let Hru>uiela i-ark>eia, vary cbMP : nntau.81"- '-‘8 vvtL L Ia M k t .

I CK 8'^'" PER Ti»N. B CKXTM PFIl HLNDRKD, I fill] n elgh I ; 'J duu tons or more uf pn re, riev Ice

•laUTrrett uii linarJ nagnii* al JGi ia LKMAN'H tc i’.IEiiCMF. mar Farmn’it (>rave, Htnyvaiaal ate., Irvlagl^Jn. tlwiH#s kept open iially Drum s a . M. HiTP. H. fjr the neat two iiiunDia. 28h

[CKgGX Itu kegs.

FOD h.i l f I'H KAp , w ir.L ifn i.r JUHEPII I'Kt'UJW, itoBnwery at.lOf

ICKbOX KSU SS'a g G.N HDlMAI.El I.NGOOB girder. Imiiilre In s.AL<MiN. 4«i Msrket at, 4*g

MArlllNF.RY n>HHAI,E LATintJAPLAX era, ahapera, drill pTuw. flait, Ntrew,drop

lavSr sad iK»aeT preia#N. gearj'uDlu|, meiaJ-wom* log maciilnery. iiiK T .D A KHKBIIa KDT, Green, Brusii sod N. J 14. Il nsa

Iy iA M t FOB KALK 4 I'U IG ir i. nllsT-CLAHR Uiiike, ienriy nan . Ml ■ hargatti : uloo Chh'ksr

IligwpinM'. rwav lemiA iffU NKWTGX Kf., JiSSf Mouth Grange ave jub

I orange. till

rpM 'G LAHGF Ft nSIKMF.D HOg Mh ; FRONT 1 mom; alcove : All ImpruvemaniA

1 __ __ I t MAKHHAI.L HT

H rK H T KIXNKV HT.. NKA H W AHlEINGTl>X W Klegaiilly furaiahed freiil ratmi, hay window.

Ill iirivnii' fkiKtly. 40 lebllenwti ; rcmreurvi re (lulrS.t. Addresi FJUVATK, Boa D, Newaofllce, 1

l ^ f l n iR K K LARGE RiMIUM, HtrlTAHI^K ilreaaniaker nriallor.

4'J> H fG lI mT., ror. Ai'ftdaniyal.

tl* I O ^ F L a T TO LKT, 4 I.ARGI-: JtOGMH, F? I MMaDonary mha.

I 4'JUlliG1l kT., corner Arndamy.

ifi 1 ItOOMft, a LEi IMPRGVKMKN'Ift.C H f> 374 MiirTH NIN'I’M NT..

I osar Milrieentti svt.

0 1 t T 1400MH. MKXXINU FIAK)H. IMPROVE0 I rJmsnta, new. Api4y 77 wMCHGE^Hl. iwg

ju i o m . i^ L .v n . i r r r . , ik A N T B D .

rp ilH K K R(K>MM w a n t e d , NGT Mf)UE tliHotT' MI1.H. uriiF.lM75T Morten at. ii4i

W r il '^ IW J.AfsY WOULD L IK E OSK (DtTWO unftirnlsiieil rooms in |m)i| IncaDoii J. N..

Ililt J., Ni'W-S (iflltV. I

i T o n m . LUFTR, ItTC., T4> l s t .

1 JIWl.\V.#l I-ilol'KBTV T (l t.KI - THKJjatnreanil hutf^man'i No. M Arademy at., lu-ar \S'a«hlugtun al.; lias been urcniplail ftir the piyd Dilriy yrara i»a a liakery an«i miihadiunery ; h gm>i eharM-e fur Miivnoa umnhig lo eugoga tn ihai IhirI- bcai. IftiiUlr** or THOM AH Mi-CA UK(>r.l„, 23.1 Warren at., ur at tnt prenil^aH, gif

1>1ANO -* M AG X ll'K 'KNT 4 J*IUrmT PIANO fnrsale 79HOf l lE OltA NGR A VK. tog


A TIER N F -W A Ilk ItORWH • market, Nos. 8|.S m g.’t Canliml avsk

A targH sini’k urdrot-rlaas hones o lw (^___ _ no hand ihr eale or eichauga at tee

lowsal m arkeliirh^; ilra>4gbt. drlvem and geesrat purpooF'hcraea: a fair IrUI given and oil stock oold wllba full riaraniee lo b#aa reprseeiitad or i-m Ii lefiindffiL Al.HKKT U FIPUN. prop., bfonob ■(ehleaal Newtun. *<ivseer Ciuiniv. N. J.

A E.WAVh o n H a M i. WAiJGXH OF KVKRY depuTtpiloti ; hnt rhonp woguna blit Wugoas

i^heapfur i«ah : aluible slspenctr bniter Ihott the alow-shllllnt; IfyiMtdunoi oav we have tbe bexl variety nf any other piMv tn iherlly will pay your car fare. o L IV k R M T G (V)., ftxK of Clay «L Halaaroum tl94'Jt Ogdru nt: telitpimne 948. Me

Ht'CKHGARD FtiH HAI.K, A VFRV HANIS M>mrjump seat buckhoard, flue ivmdHton.rlifap.

91g 121 HIGH tn\

( lAKHTAlfKM AT EATON'H RGHRVfJ'LR Kepuaitury. Konrieenth and omnge Mo,, Grange

elootrtp sera immii dour, uiay lie ftjuaiE Die largest varteiy of lurreya, lodlea' phaetoni, biirkhpuards, tup biigftea. moil waguiM and fiiLOcv Irene InHir. TlKaw who are ahoiii tu uiirrhaau are liivltwa lu In- ■ pert aur gooiU. Cljtip f»r caali, 9(^

/ lAKRIAG K H H)H HALE. ONK NEW AND uiie ws'iiml hiind aitrrey ; tls tiiiggtes. uns dspsi

H'Nguu: also heavy tiualneaa WH|un, chnap.»7C 131 IfEOH at.


barwagona feratiy purpoea tHiijl lo order; w e ^ r r

wogoni huslnewi wegrouA cerpaniet and plum ■' “ ’agtuje; aJau narrlagwa o f all kinds ttpeelally)*

a for ........ ......... *bert' mt

I )





n x DOTH.

about Tfrnurlag^ In atork all Ihs Uina

“p O R HAE.K CHKAi'. A MoitWE. WA(40N aV d I bariieis ; price fin. tnriulre I HTARLF^i, 11 and 14 Nursery st

I.IOR HAJ.F H G|t!.K *fOP harnHoN. Call Vih Itauk st


_________ « - J

OFFR’h>» TO r.KT. 4’LlNTON H VIU BX g . 26, K and '14 i HiWm si.; rouiiii Ei rip. Inquire

41y VlKNJA sli N* G. 'd I V I N K

. r r W ITH 7 koom h ,47s b h o a d ht .

J \ F F i c E rn I ) v/iMi

H041MH TO LKT WJ'I’II POWKU; MGDLRN Impruvemnnla; ;4-3n ItoudltUH M., and 81 and to

Miiihsrry st Apply 40Wv i«. W. G EtU Y. 7(10 llfundst.

^ T a I.LH'J'O l.E l, 40 FR AN K LIN hT., T4KAR.luqiilreuf K. D.HCliONKB.

SlVlRFH TO l.KT, 448 AND 4H« . I'LINTG.X Hvs., i-oruer Bergen at., twn sturwa; dmlrahle

lor*Hl1on for tirst-claia grocery, drua ur ulber i-elisll tmsiress :|K>8eessluii iimnedUtaly ; electric ears pss Ihedoon JiiQiilrr KHt (Uk'i RKKO''KOK.N HT.. from t» A. M. to I I'. M.



.120 I1RG.ID ST.

100 hes't nt prt vate nsie ; gn ii#iiil at aiiri ion, witiv uni reserve, autie uier<'y of ihs buyer. Aurlion

TDKHDAVaad FRIDA V, at 10:10 A. M.

Kvary horaeaa represent^, or mutter reftintljiL IturMH and carrlogm rsi-elvod from all pointt tu be Villi tm tiouimissloh. t'hi«rg«M, pt psr head lecestl-iiig.

S TGHK t o LKT, i .ARGK M90HE, HIGTa JH.I: ferxn.«vr>'. lusst or \egetolda market. B'lll

rent ftir ft.'per month until May next. K ijFH A-liLK LAND AND MOHrOADK CG, 770 lirund at .inii

C T iiH K FOR RKXr, A I.ABGK HTlDtE. .NO. vNto H]irtiif Held aVs . Sultshls fur a w hulcvils hquur or any utbrr biciioena. Irmntre Wv 73 M a KKE ThT.


■>r._________MOT4KnO|'s A-poTTKR.

HGHMRH, H a i IGSH. JCT(. t w o WGBKINB liursea. milk wmuub. (op wagon, 0!»en I tpriog

uuguii, ihletiarliugK} . heavy amt light hariiesi.■i4l FKhltV 8T-Ml

liewith or wl(hf»iti t*owsr.

78 N. .1 H. II. AVF.


UnHMK Frm h aj .K, a iHMiti. HOIND a n dkltiJ yuiiiign iHielmwA horv- (-heap.

log LKWlh BKOH., m Ferry Rt

OHHK FOR h a j .K < HKAp. RKAR 40 FKANKI-IN HT. ; ulen elaKs lu let. (Ilf

OKHBh TWO CH9JU* lEGltSKM FOR HALR ul 44 W a LI,AUK h t. 78f



A TI.A V IIC WINDOW.' SHAEtFR are tbs 4»esi bihI ciieapeni, qual­

ity (-niisldsred, made hi fast ryilon, and all urea lor Flati, Trlvaic DwH|. 1ug«, Muiek. HaloohR, siorea, ofllrrt AiWMFnrMrlwa.-

a h IhDc decorallodi, lettering, ■’ “-'-♦ad kIpWa,n»9

AN fj I(j«

MK 'II AFL WTFrpKfl. CTTV T.INF..HprltigOeld ave.: buRliiaai. draiighl

amt work noroc* always mi hand; sJl lionet guamiiieeii tu l « u reprcuuM 01 mnney reriiudrU.


A l l PFHlioSK S4 MO BGirGHT ANSTIIING at Jtale o f hoijoehoUi guodR o f widow o f t'lidlp Demiianor MalDiiaa Dennxn, urHprlugHreld. N J .

to 1841. will I'onrhragi-eit favur hy cummiMiiiniInK wIlli M A T I l I L l iK bC4 UDKfl DENM

^ ard 8t„ New llruH»n'Vck. N. J.AX, 130 lUy


ATTENTION L A ID W ’ ‘Mi;M M A ‘ 1U'hT‘Develnjier will enlarge ymtr hfiRl .1 Im'ljen;

guaranteed ; seidetl InHlniclIonx 'k'., or 'ft-iaigi' lllua- traied csla'niue ik-., t»y insll.

KMMA TOILET I4A/Ari, Bfwiub. Maa".

Hale and K.tchsoge Htabjes, i<t; BriMu sl, Hlirilaud p(jii1eH of all culort ami thor-

-LJ73b|#iftrtrinT '-for r^lldren w vn re w.,'4pe<-ial r-utiRiguiueui rtf ( (iorii. <-arrJagn ami Raddle hur94.g Jiml arrived Wpveritl imlrs uf hlj;h lines mliirsand RtMH.'dy ruadstern ; aImp teieral ftueead- 4hT4. imitahli- ftir truop wurk.

Aleourilinml A AuccrjIiecDuu uf heavy draiighi and gsiiunil purpoec hurw'8


.......... . . LADIKM'MATM I'KF.hHKD IMeach. 80 ORANGK: HT., near Ilroad, iiiHdalr-utTu

^ T T K N T U IN

g'lOKN (H 'KIiATtm CIIAIU.BH KI.FlM .Fll. V .‘ift Harlwra. imr. Niagara m .. iresm rnrn lo Ihrpe nilmitre : no knife ur i-ausllr used ; jialuleoa uuera Don i Biiaraiiteed to have ibr bent eflw 1 ; buniiiUR ami los-naU* icf-ntcd; orders by juall rvivKe prompt aitecDun. " f

I^G V O inV AN I' Yt>ri4 CHAIRH CANED 4lH I rush IwDumed * Heud |h>nisI tu

INg C H A K LM W. XHLK 2-T Murray st.

ADlkR* AND 4'HtLDnKN’ft HTRa W I Ia TS Juf ail kinds preosed over equal Innew; w* haTe

■very shape that is out, and dyo all m lun; also flfflab kala la Oom three to Avh dayi: gents' liats also reflijleb«<l. J. H liKNEGAN, *i.U Wadbliiitun at, bstweeu Marfcst amt Bank. 34w

I ADn>J4 A KrTeND in NBKD in a FJtlE.ND Jlndesit Ifynu wauta regulator that ncrer fallf,

sddrsaaTHR WDMAN'B MED-llDMK.Iluflklo.NT.

J ADIF-H W’ tHlJING PR IVATE NClLHlNG.il JHo Wa h Ji, upp. sterling Rt; cimtldeutlat treat

lusnt; Inrsiiie adopted; dra-ior lu attwodabcs. 3lg

O GDKV .Jlivl-iUiii U .nppoRllK 8E, a id

* ID'fiD, 21 TO *7 iPI«

K. ft. H -‘ iHriori. Ijirgmr varliUf ut r.irrlngr>. M'Aguii8 and fam-y Iriipn It) GMH'lty, l.uwe-41 julue-i.

-------- I>G NV[M.FIl, i |8«nr

t*l W lf.t. BCV VKR\ KIM- ItCMHiAN |ionr also %i'ry fki siimll road luars. dapple

grav, Ruiind and kind, gmcl driver and uuMler. pi-‘i ; aleo flue Urgi* hurs*-, f-'nO : Due new ruad rart nud liiuidlalliigg}-, iisw : aInu lop Imggy ami twoKeaied aa'.;u(i and set (d light Imrueia. uew,|l3, ur v lll trml# fnr gMyihliik. .s |CIIo I..‘>g N, f*ouih Gtaagy avi'.. ror. Muiiti avs , VatJtbiirg. 1

I>GNII-7H FDR land (wDles.

KllitahAih, X. J.

haj.K. WM. r.i

.V TKA.n tJF MHET- NDK.tv, Morris avs.,

« i> j| h rY H GOOD 4‘ART IfGRHK, M/1’ OF _ "olber hoMis very cheap : nr ivIll exchange,

LKVY .HI'AltLKH, 283 KoUrU'eiitll kVe. I

S(^ » FOR A NM 9, k i n d HGIIhk , ritAKTD.V i ila iid harnsoNiRiiltahle fur family urcollsctor;

|7i) fttr lulte h irik'. welgJiH Isolweiui 1,400 and LilOt iKmiide, ami other clioap hurasR and luunfiCN.'.ig __________________ 8M HIGH NT'.


IT IIO l____ _ .... , 18yce.ra'expelbarbiwa 2l8kluJn 'UJ

rlenot; wobisn imessdet - AVK, 4»u I

.M RM. DVRNKI.r^ MIDWEFK, 87 HPKHKX AVK,(lo4’ter Ina'ieedaftce; eaU evening. 4,l4»

OHTREl'II FEATIIERHCrJtr.KD, CLKAN'KO.dyed, repaired, and uiMte evsfwiual lo ae«v ;

ciirllbf done while you wait, tor HHA. U W ILLIH. U Orebard sf.

IllM PLKH-dihM O ft m R DIRKtifJflKfl Tii J. BAke end use a harmleas ind sure cure for

iilDipie4,.b}ia'kheartit, oily tklOp etc.; tua moke II lur («nts ; prsventa n linicisa

iib Jan;K b o x 4I, Newark Poittom*-c.

I fNJON KTIIAW JIA I’ BLFACJIKIlV ~ ' I,a(l1ea' straw bali prtiaeed In all the lataet

khapea F. FiT/PAYKICK« 188 Ifalsey at., luoir ball lower, -I8y

D im O L V T lO M N O T IO n .

x rO T iiV T m iikjTk h y " <i i v k n t h a t t h e.IT pertnenihlp lately sotwlRlIni belwevn MIehael A NiilUii siW Bernard p. Walsb. o f llarHeon, N. y., niKicr lbs Arm ne»»e o f ** M- A. MgRIn A (.0.," ■euadtrlakersand fuitend directors woi this day dlaeolvnd hy mutual oonseDt All debts owieg to Ibssatd jMHrveraltljjiiare iwhe received bySaHAer- hard P, WijRh. onn oil deiaaiHls en ths wldtiert- jwrdiln ers to be f reseated to bisn tor p«iys8«Rl.

liftied July 12,19ft. V , .M, A. NVU-UV. 1 BK B^Aninr. w a ( / r -

'b j Y b T CAIUTOK, OoBW U«r«t-Uwt N|


-FA TE N IT *-

O.^RTNER * ro., 784-:W BROAD HT.

The larfcst Palsnl OOce In IbeSUVh

h A fE N IB -

FREnKRiriC I!. FRAKNrZRIa huoroseur to ('ampbell db Co.

GLOBE BUfLHtNQ.804 BROAD &T. RoorDs M and I

] >Alf:NTH on .iK K 'A C4XHolicliors of AinerUnut and Foreign Potcnie.

Attnmevs lu itateuc befhre the U, B. CourtkMK-baukwl aud FJertrluHl Ktiflnsert and Ksperta. 4;oaauUalk>n free. 799 BHOAD HT. I'ht vkl^tev tabllahsd lieuss In the Htaut. Tweaty-ilveyeueF •itwriniict. Duriaeu spoken,ri8KN VEA|i»’ EXPKKIKNCr. - rRKNDH, I (lermaii, Hwt^Uh. Dsnlah and Kngllah spoken,

patent ei>il dnutgbt^ cdllcb of T R I^ H p W , MiOlfEL AOG., iu (TTdUui ak. ruotaa tt mhI H N'vwnrk, N. J. (OPP. Y. M. C. A. Itiilldluf). Opift Wednesday and VrEdftr sreninfs tUI Mffiyoleckl gsDsriil uUve boars. 8 A, M. bo 8 I*. M.


A FMV HKLKCT PKOIM.K CAN AlCURK ttriFclaie rommt 1b privftto Ainily,un qulttrew

idtmce otresu flvs blocks nwribFIftr-aevetiili street . entroboe to Wurld'a Fair. F Xparllculars, 8 DkW rrT BROWN, M18 JiOB Iffd 9T4K ^H i

bib surest w,ftdOieRS


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . S A ' n i H O A Y , J U L A ' 1 5 . I H O a .

N e w a r k Q u e u i n g N e w s .

re^uABBi>D A IL Y , E X C E P T 8 U R D A Y S ,

ErulM Hews Poblisblog Conpuj,At Ko. 8+4 8ROA0 STREET,

N tw a r k , N. J .[Afaivd at a t /M-OJbt at ucuHi-fUut mafitr.]

Oilivered byctrnef* in tnypirt of Now irk, The O 'onssi, Hirrison, Keirny, Summit, Bilitvilli, Montclkir, Bloomfieid, end ill niighborinj fowni.

Mill lubicripfion*, five dpllirt a y*ar. or fifty c ifiti a month, postage fiea. Single copies, ts. 0 cents Delivered by carriers in Nevrark. ten cents a week

Ordinary advertisements, ten cents a line,•gite.

Adverfltements under heads of Wanted,To Let, For Sale, Personal, etc., one cent • word, but no charge leia than ten cents each insertion.

8 A T IB U A Y , JL’ LY IS, JKa,

Order the hf:W5 to be mailed la you thli sem aer, Addreet chanted ai attsn ee re- neected. go cents a maath.

Pteue notify the office el eny Irrtiulerllgr in the aalla.

KAKnAK-it r o i ’irt.iHT m i l i t i a , Qovenior Lew ellyn, o f K u ia u , showed

more than th e ueiiil atnoont o f conning paoseiaad by deinagoguea when he reor- gnulzed the S tate tnllltfn by replacing the D em ocralle and Republican members by Fopniiita. T he " rule or ruin " policy of thia aggrefalloti o f political crank* could not be oarrled out with any half-way maaaaree and therefore It beboored them to rem ore the only obatacic Jo the path, th e S tate m ilitia, which, teat winter, pre- Tented th e Dairying out o f the reyolulioo- ary plane o f Lewellyn and hi* cohorti. The dtiaen toldiery, a* then compoecd, railited (he effort* o f th e Popullita to un- lea t th e Republican leglalatore, and a* a reward they have been summarily re­moved fo r iu ch "o ffeiu iv e partlsanehip.’J

No wonder, therefore, th at the Stale Printer, a leader In the movement, feels Jubilant and voioei the leutimenta o f h it fellow* when he rem arks that the oppo­nent* o f the PopuliaU a r* now placed In auoh a poalUon th at they will “ find tbem- ■elvee m arching into the ehadow of hell and In the face o f red-roaring gun* In the hand* o f men who reepect their oath and their G overnm ent” •

They hold the reins o f gorem m ent In Kansas and are determined to wreak ven­geance against any and all aggregation* o f wealth in th e shape o f banking Institu­tions, railway corporations and the like. *• Bed-rohriug guns " have been eelocled a* the proper instruinent* for their war- litre against capital, and the outside pub­lic is promised a most exciting spectacle in the threatened outbreak o f these wild- eyed catawampuse* o f the bonnilless West.

A h i n t t o M A M T A C T rB E B S .American m anufectnrer* o f agrlcultnrnl

’ imptements should feel satlsfled with the outlook for trade in their specialties In England. According to the report o f tlio United Slates Consul a t Soulhamplon, th is trade la steadily increasing, and the various farm ing appliances made in tills country are coualdcred as being better than any others Introduced to the notice o f the British gr.aiiger. This is esprcinlly true in the m atter o f reaping and binding m achinery and ploughs, nil o f wliich hiivo received the highest c<u«incnduUon at the annual agricultural show lield in Soullianipton, This gentleman gives many huggc.liona coiiccniing the pHshlng o f Am urics:: Great liritaln, notth e least o f wiiicli is the sending o f com-

Mrt/. IlO JCVAi*

expaflejjfce ^ d Ablllly. But there is anotherpnrpbeo tinder this, for if a count o f nose* proTci to the an tl-sllverlte. that they have power to choose th e romnilttce to which the bill for the repeal of the Hherman law shall ha referred, they will send it to the Couim illcc on Banking and Currency and thus Irave Mr. Bland and hi* Bsaociates In some kind o f a hole, for nothing that the Coinage Comiultteo might report In the way o f a subsUtute would he allowed to interfere with llie considrratlon o f the repeal hil).

But beioee the ehairnianship o f the Coinage Committee i i decided upon a canvaos will he made o f the relative party strength. Both sidei are evidently jire- psrlng fur a desperate struggle, and arc m t making any secret o f th e fucU

Fiinious Orijiatiizations to Which Men ol DiffiTcnt Classes Bfllong.

TIIK ItAII.tVAT klln tV IM l.The /■’iBOncfal Cfcronicf* makes the

eheering announcement th at the gross earnings o f UBy-one railroads during the fourth week In Ju n e were about four per c e n t greater than for the corresponding week last year, and tiiat for the whole month the earnings o f the seventy roads wboee slatemenU were at band exceeded Uioee in Ju n e o f last year by A66 per ceot.

There is no greater or surer ludex o f actual fluaiiciai and commercial condi­tions than the reporta o f railroad earning* and proilt*, espoclsUy when there arc no abnormal condition* to tinge them. Thfrefore, when it 1* shown that not only hav* lh *re been gain* In grom earnings, but also an actual tberease In' not earn­ings, without any advance In rate* to dis­turb the equity ofcomporlcnns, it becomes clear th at indurirlal interests have not been taflerlug so aevereiy aa some pewlm- tsts declare, for th ere must heve bean more people transported and more freight conveyed during the periods quoted for th is yeer than were transported or flelght ed during the oorrespondlng dates o f last year.

There i« no bneineas collapse in sight, though the faith o f producei* gnd middle­men may have been shaken byttnancitl apptebentlona.

I t may be true, and probably Is true, th a t all profit*, from those o f the manu­facturer down to those o f the retailer, hav* been proportionately less than they were two or three years ago ; but i t i s op astablished fact tb a t an era o f high prices does not mean financial proeperity for any length o f time. Over-production ie sure to ie t in and then a collapse muat come. The preeent outlook 1* aatlsfoctory, and oU hopee w ill be realised I f patriotism and not partisanship shall control the next Uongrese,

Germany enjoys th e pri'ud dittincllon o fb sr ln g th e fln e .it exhib it sent by any foreign government to th e t ’olumhinn Exposition. Everything connccifd with it is conducted on a scale o f gramleur ami eom plelenesi unequalled by any o f tho foreign uowers. Even In the inattor of apprnprlotlon for tho purpose ofc.vrryiiig out her plan of exhibit the K aiser’* Uov- ernnient h i* shown unimunded llht-rsllty. Two year* ago a sum total n flie tw i en f1 ,tlOO,000 and f1,750,000 was set aside for the piirpiM* from the revenue* o f the Em ­pire and o f individual Htates, th in exceed­ing both France and G reat Britain, Ac­cording to conservative ostim ate* llie value o f Germany's exliihits, Inehidliig the necessary expense o f tramporUition and display, is at least f 15,000,000. A vtili clearer idea o f tlio trno worth o f tlds showing f i n l»c gained by coinjiarlng it with that made a t the Centennial Exposi­tion. Germany Wa* acknowledged by all to have made a moat creditable exhibit at th at time, th e to tal nnmiicro f exhibllor* being 700, whichoernpled a trifle m ore I Ivan 7,000 square feet o f spnee. A t C’hleago Ihe number o f exhibUors Is 8,1,TJ and the floor Bpac* devoted to th eir diBjjLny In ail the buildings reaehe* the enormous total o f 500,000 square feet, o f which 100,000 square feet Is Ih tho M anufactures Build­ing. The general plan o f exhibition li also eminently siipcridr, being carried out with an eiaotnes* and mlmitenoss ot de- U ll that is a marvel in Itself. From its Inception tho Em peror has taken a gi-eat personal Interest in th is E ip o slllo n and in every way aided In bringing Ihe Ger­man display to Its present standard of perfection. His exam ple ho* had mueh to do in awakening and niistalning the interantof ht* subject*, w ith th e re a iiito f for exceeding any o f th eir elTorts made at previou* international exhihition*.

The action o f the W orld 's Fa ir dlrec- tors in deciding to close the Exposition gate* on Bnudays I* conelusive proof of (h e hypocrisy o f the p leat on which lliey broke their contract with th e Govern­ment and began tho Bun nay opening ex­periment, Then they were anxious lest some poor men, obliged to work during th e week, would be deprived o f the chance ofgcU ing to th e F a ir. They were fearfiil, too, of the w holesale demorallxa- lion that would result am ong visitor* cut off for a day from the great cducaliniial opportunities afforded by tho Fair. As a m atter o f fact tho whole Intcreal involved in the case, to their minds, was one of dollars and cents. T hey thought that there would be more money in on open Fair, and when they find th at more o f the people titan they bargained on are dis­posed to keep out on Bundays, they quick­ly abandon all concern for t li* wcllhro of the son* o f toll who cannot get to the show at any other tim e and do not cate a button into what wickedness visltora may fall. O f course they w ill contend that with the restoration o f Bunday closing the obligation to pay back th a t Qovermnent subsidy oeases.

Francis W helan, one o f th e bnllot-box stoffer* who was released from State Prison on parole, has been since writing and selling policy slip* in Jersey City. The Idea ander w hich th e ticket-of-lc*ve system w i* put into operation In New Jersey wa* tiw t when released from Jail llie convict* should lead honorable lives and should be employed in legitimate callinga Failing in this, provision is mode fur lliclr re-com m ittol to prison. T he policy business would hardly seem to come within the category o f tolerated occupations, but the port o f the Prison Parole law which relate* to supervision o f the tlcket-of-leave men 1ms from the first been honored In the l>reaoh and not at all regarded In the observance.

I t I* understood th a t one reason why the Erie Railroail lias rcfu!ied to comply with the reasonable demand o f the Essex County Hoad Board for the erection of g a te *a t the Avondale crossing 1* that it fears that inch action may be tonstriird a* au admission th a t th e precaution should have been taken before, and may have effect upon tlie verdicts siiould damage suit* be brought for the killing of Mrs, Williams and .Mrs. U iiic t and their children. This is no excuse at all. In fact if there Is any truth in Ihe theory it i* an added ground for the action that the Road Board is about to begin ugaiimt the company. The authorltloa should spare no cfi'nrt to compel tho erection o f gales at tills crossing.

ifTftAwould redound lod lie bem lit o f llieJr cm , ployera und firmly osbibllalL a market for tlielr goods. In nddltion to show ingtheir wares in this inamicr the salesmen coidd easily ascertain the wants o f prospective customers, and liy .attention t i the study u ftlic lr requlrcnients in tlie m atter of speolall.v-m.ule macliitic* eventimlty con­trol the m arket. Like any other elnau of worker* Ihe Briliali farmer has set no­tions as to pattern*, etc., ami win pur­chase an inferior article il' it pnsscssc* tile desired feature*.

The Brlti'di mamifnctiirers wlio Bell their products in otlier countries always m ake il a point to learn tlieae ideas,which aecouiils for tbelr miecc.s* in Houth and Central Am erica, Mexico, etc., in which countries they enjoy uluiost a monopoly ol trade in certain iliics. Yankee enter­prise is seldom cniiglit napping, but in this respect il is wanting. I t , may prove an expensive experim ent at first,' but tltp likelihood o f eventual success should prove SHlflcienl inceiillve for the adopUon o f such a plan.

« rt

Kdltorlftlly in tlip NewnrJ: Tinif,! o|>- I>ears this Ju rpKnrd lo railroadwrcldf'nt suiU In which Jicavy

fwamlMl ‘ ^ w * - i VptHieeHs of the railroad comjmiiloa U ono if^h^Cfinacrvators o f aafety... *

roftiJ neither likpH nor I d

have .llie. tfltmt fttliiiL . dutiKCion**.’ 'Ofeemrst? whflt applies to steatn rnilrmuls in A n u tter oflbiH kind applies to electric ones too* Kveti wtitf-n lliey oinplov an in- Hiiranee company to dofend danuiift Hiiits and pBy dnmaifM, (rooiUhiimplnK venheta against them arc salntury. There la tio telling what good may yet be done to Home local corpiiratloju i f only they aro mad** to pay hlg anmn when they kill, in­ju re or malm people.

Alnrd) 1'," Lnrd tiOTtl lie Elxic £'» ttmt n

Jew IVer inkPH hi* Kritt in iho Hthup of Ixirdi Miihln five from ihts data June 18,m-A"

The poUtleal rtivlalfn of Iiondon rliih# in mont miiiibic wllhaiTd helM-iH'ii the ('uriloa ntMl Mio Uffurm the palatial liem!-(liinrier* and lioinpE of llie two croul purlleM of KhKliviiil. roc h )lh torntcJ litI’nII Mull, 1 lio ttlndiW-Jof ihMjnc HlntORt lot kliic h)lo thoRMir the ntlipr^ ntid eiiUrely nHlUe from ilie IriWConclhibU* dixparlty of their polillral ii'«< hlnsta and • iri>riii, ih(*j’ arc eriuiilly nx riirnoiix In thnr rivnir.v n* Ifi whal niiithi he lurmed the e.uriiv:iKiiiiCM»f moUeru cliih

Tlie iMikonf We!1in"lnn wa* faiiiider of Ihe rarltoii, u l lilo uve.* n:iy years aifn. I[ KTiulnally hofume ih*' lieiirh|inr!erR of ilie liiridcd itrlHlrrrr'Cv, 'Ihnn lhoa« ffmit cor- pmHir Inst I lull mil of I'.rltaiii, inatuifjpuirlng and muiieinry, wlmsi* Juteruxts wnre Mm- Ileal wlltr iliURO of Hu* hi ruiliinry irrlsttirTucy enmeto havo rppro*»nn*4H|nn In li. Ii ;* o notorlouN f.iicl Unit moTe (honey Imsjtlwav* Lweii liMtnntly ava'I H>!v throuHh ihft t^irlion Elub lor pr>]hli’n1 porprs 'a Ihan throuL' i imy riHier Hhiile ]«iirlv J.-fl 'onee In Ivmip*, \S‘ 1jt'| her In or mil of p *\ver li Is tho nclinil IMhtliu head<iunrleri» of the rnllre ('ooNCrvit- live or Tory puny llrlliin . Thwlilgnlly nrol Kiun lm r of Ihe I'lrlinfi are ftpleinlM, Tlitj o.nerlor of the linlldinti: ]* muKi finp<'sliii;. [[lHslvenek■t, Nir^rii'ih, niin- pIleHyjuril pipli-mJm'H|>Fnk Irom Hu* Knuilu* \nilUund fln^hliii; oolumi)-. Thi*inii-rlor in

jjr.ivp, jiliil^ry and hiiiirpYHlv*, *' lliM’U-ruoifii ” th«* xiriHJini'K, a|»p<iijUiiictH*4, rt'ijlme ;m 1 Hio very mnnn**r, ulr, tlrrsN find lenjfiiu.C of 111!* Inbli iu'3, scoii\ (o Cfniv y. Ilni the Hph'U’llil eN'ahlKhrmmi in lomJire

D O Y O U D E 5 1 R E A PIANO?



The Csrtl on mill Ihe Keform ami the ildtjlor riiihs >VhU'h AeeuniiiiuidaleTliuEe \Valiio|[ to ifolti T h e m * - t l i e .'Koil Kirlitslve ArMtocrmllo Club In the ^Vorhl—lls rNinotii U ettlnc lltmk—Other NulOil I lube*


S ' F K A : S I K R A U R T XA M > M O .S T t .M P O I lT A N T ,


C<»rrfPtnn<Jpn(»e oMhe Nicim,IrONijMN, June'Jl-'-'lh'ttumnnland Pleteher,

Jnnnon, H jakeHpeur'*, Gnlii^mllh, !ir. .Inlm- ion n iil Itutwi'lU Hlr .loMhtiik [tevnoJilA. Addt- «on, hurke^ Nieele, Wa1jh>U* end Muirm in»re ranious men cfletiem Hml arh In their Hmo rfxnriiMl lo IIIHr, dingy uErl puhtir lioiiiLen for

e rrue, nle, gam lnf and rxrliun;;e ofa Norl of InleliPf'inal «nrngiry, Ihefrletion uf whieh nndoiihieiliy proriilHl a virile niiil nreUful ln«ptruHon ■ and Hie hixmry (^riUeMMinch'hl cofT. i-tjoiiHf*. Hie to f rinu»*rfLef ihfl grenl liAiidon rInhH of tn-dtiv, coniprheN nliiioit ihpkffohil htblory of t-incIlHh ixrl ami IKrr* ftiurr.

While there nre at Ihe pri'ient time more than one htiiidred wealUiy and ni>tpd l.on- (loo rlnb« there are ri »J|y no re*orlH aniwer- Ing llie knm ’ j.iirpi-ne at ' * \VII!’i ” Aiid “ ihUlon'H * of Ihe Augn*teii literary period i>( Anne. The ' JioynuN nelj*Jdmrliood ( f ('iiveiu. fiardfu,'^ an n>ackeray rcfnern- hcrod It jiriiMnlinltAbly de*erlbOil II.UouEy A neighborhood nfmeltow memurJeH;and Ihe otd-Mme genial eluhlnml alxnit hi, .InrneA PalHre in iraniformed Inlo n f^omhrr neighhorhooii which, like Ihe newer club- landauf Ph'rmUUy a'ld rHlIMuU, liopprcre (Ovft.m lUHpIcmloniml Alulcltneta

OfHiereryolrt rlnbitor fiordon itll) exht- Hijf. like Afiliur'a, llrmjk'e, White'o an'l the (\K5uairer, hU Ait nted In Hf. J hijuV a eirfor, Whlte^Mla by far Itie mnit nnle -««jriliy nmi nrlalocratle, U I* older lhan ihe [tank of Kagliinff, It v a t really Ihe fir.-il of Hia greal KtiglUh elnb* n% they an' known l<Hlny. Hut II Wilt NC Yf r ihe retort of IDcrnry men und wl|N* IL Upiirriy a tocial and lit intMnber* v,flrL' ehh'flv noMmien and IIjonp leader* of nrhtncinile gnvrrntiien’, Inrliid- Ing all of Kogland’a IVIme MlniiierA fnnn Walpole to J'i*«! and ihelr pnNvprinl eot«- lengue* Mho thnpod tinlinmil nieHturet and conlrfrlfud nature! aef|nlHUl4»n, Sioele olt nr* Iv defined ita eurllrtt K aint n* well at Ihul oflhenofed ‘'W11!’n** and “ G m 'lnn'' wheii lie v*roiP In the 7Vr//e»* tbal **nll aceoutit* nf gnllantry, plrnmiro mid eniertnliimimr thall Ix) imUor tho arllcle nf Whlie’H fMiooulatA Houie.^ while 'MVilF*.'" w rbIo furnith the poeiry nud tUefJrorJaii ihe Jearnlng.

WhMe'.fi Jt aim uiuloniitedly thuinoAtex- elu’iWe and nrlMh>rratln eliih !u (he world. ItH wlmlnivt Uiuk <uU Upon fhe rnrlnthlen fMcnde of the nitutiil ae arltloerntic and arelih U'omrnlly nioro tialely Uof at-uveilve i;.nb, opp^lioon HI. .TanitV» etre.-i, Ite dliinerH aro iTie thohi cereinonlout know n. AH of Hie old-liniie KngHHh foriMiiUiy li here Horredly preserved, And undoubtedly more hlu. bloodt'd KngliNhmcn have ogleil fxlrlarHet from fanioit^ how window than from any o th erf1i)|lijplaeelii Urlraln. I'orhnpH 11 hat not breji Hie aoeiia of the iiioaI daiigcrout gaming In lliigland, but thtro Ian n other purely twlal rMort In nil Ibo world where LelHtig lint r»een to eountanl, milveriial and provoked on to tlhHil preietl. Imbeitlnc' hook—whleh could lie anJd for thoQiniidt of p<MthdA Jnr Iti iiuble and fumoui aigmitnrea— lmn hi'rt) preterTcd and Is still in it<n. Tlimi- snncli of ihesa rejiRtered beU are of the mosl wuhiislcal elmriictpr, comprfRliig every eoii* eciVuUle dlflenMiee of Jiidgmeni, <ia iifTuJrH uf hjvp, marringe. imrlgue and poiitlrn. Here lire a lew lilerat irunicrlpllojis wj;li their dates ,*

" I,a1. Jjlnoohi beta l.d.WliirliltteaOne Hun- dreri Gniiiens to fifiy gnineus Hml the est I>a\VMger of Murlborongh doet Hot survive the iHichpNBl>uwugerorUereiu'id. Ucir. ye Tt, 174.1"

•* Jsord Montfnrd beta W, Krtiirinlcr rifty gnliieHt that Lady Juxnn ha«u chllil lw>rn alive hefovo Ijidy linrleigh. June K, 174H."

"M r. Ibklfonr belt Lord Ciynghain Ten gulTieHH to flvettiRt UnonapHrle It nllvo tlx (uoiiHis afii*r llie comuieneemeni of hotini- iletbwtueen Irlnglniid and Kranoo. Mtiy 14, fWV”

“ Mr. Tftibot hett rbnrlet rornewall ten RUliicat Hull we arc at w«r with Auicrlea this tirty fliz monih. AiigList L

“ Txmt Fulmonth be:s the Fiulte of Klch- ntondXilhtti mi ‘ rlnt^0 is (luallfled lo kill garne, Fel>. 10 ,

" liord GtaBnow bets J*ord lleiitlinek ilOO that Htr U'ibert rc’tl cnntiniicH first MIoIsIlt of the rrown umii ihiee ypurt benee, Jan. 27, 1810."

“ liord Hfrthleybrta Ixord Hath jCV) to Mr. J)'Israel I dors not nonllnue to ho I ’hun-' cellorol [he FzrhriDier front this dny iiniil

We Represent Only First-class Makers,------SUCH AS—

Chickering & Sons, Hardman,WIssner,Pease and Packard Organs.



( H o y i v m v B E A C H )


Lsflrss Elactric Liohl and faw tr Co. '3 Wharf far PAPtAC ertiy I DAY at 9 :30 A. M., aomimncias Wednetda/, June Slit. Hiti


4:30 P. ft.'urn ng, / e a in PAPtAC o f


- O F - II OUT


D o n ’ t fail to see our large .stock before purcliasing, or send for Special Prices (for sumnier inoutlis) and Term .s,

S . A. WARD,con. nitoAo nkw.

8. D. LAUTER CO.W e carry o n ly tlie Pianos o f reliable makes.

N o cheap or stencilled instrument,'! allowed on our floors. Fin e s t new Pianos sold on m o n th ly instal­m ents o f $ 10.

657-659 BROAD ST.gnUnry. which openi lo thcprliiclpnlapar'- in .'PIa of I Ilf dull. The CHireti-i'viom orciitdvi Ihe beauilfui gardAin front on rnriroa Huiinc Trrm ce; and thedrawliig-room, which riinit the entire lO'JKlh of Ihe building, Ju^l above. One of ihc Rallerleii of the central hull U filled witb rull-Jenglh porlraltAof the beroee of reform; end iJie otherpnnsfjiMf* liiugnincoiu fri‘«coc!i ItlQiitratlTik the flnu artt; wlHIf tho ■laliiar)*, Iho richest nmi most friqnnot in any friindon cliitihoose, lmmnrtahx«i the EfcHt leaders like Cobden, Hright, I ’almcrAton, Itusspll and Gladstone. There U only one Just appdhiUve to use when speaking ofevery fottture ot IIHr great club. That Ik hiAgolflcciH, Hoth thef'ai Iton and the Hefurm nre fjimoiis for their ouUlnci nnd chefa, and I he Udoriii 1m Raid (o liiivu the moil famutift piibllo wine «‘dU\r in h'u- ro])f.

W'lih the exIrnordinary presHge, ivcstih and iiitUiencf of both of Hh'imj clnb«, nndn Ijiiillcd iticmbersIHp—for Imionof, thef'nrl- LoD If Hmlicd ti> M)Ciiiher« mid thu H**- fornt ro 1,400—" overflow cUihs ” urtwe i\ nal- nnit fcqueuci's In tlie {'arllnD, wlncii eou' iain» Hio bluest bUK>d ui Knuinnd, doaUi vacn n clff arc th* imty nieaa!> of srcurlng en­trance* Men welt Jrum twenty (o tbfrfy years for admliilnn, nuto In cksck where some great leader of the Tories dten, wben hli heir U iiKually clecled la fill Ihe vacancy. Tlio .Innlor ('nrtion was conrcquenlly ev Iftbllfhed nn a “ ehai^el of rase'' for iho Cnrl- ton, and the National [itbenU, wUh the aamo rcliiHon to the Ueform. Tha former hoiin mcmber*hlpof2,UX), nnd thnlalier, with Its iplendid estublUhmcnt overlooking the Thames, has accormnodutlons fur 7,nK) ntetH' bHFi, There are also with Cou!*orVttHve or Tory afllllailoas the Coiuervatlve, City Carh Ion, NHlIonal, City Conscrvallvc, Hi. Stephen’s, LeHeonsflcId nnd the Constllu- tional; while among those taking tbo Hc- fiitin as Hioir lender and model and posses- slug Tarlotii phases ol Llbrrnl syinpaHiles, nre Hrook’s Naihmol, Idbcrah t'ubden, City Llbcrt.v and lievonshtrc.

The Alhenanjin Cluh is ihe chief lllernrr Huh, if not tiia resoG,of London* J i i huge, lime-worn walls and sitHelv portico have aBombre look In the splendid i’ull iMuU region where Jt stands at the pork arurnnee of

tifTnirmos' of grcil poiiu .j l■xrl1elllL•ll| ;iI here flu’ih '

Hoot liccr hit-1 come under tho Imn o f the Woimin'a CliriatiAn TemiuTaiico Cnion, hnvln^f been placed on the black list o f that orjyaniziUloii. T here is no claim that it is an t'ntoxlcaht, but n mnmi- faoturer has ponehod on the W, C. T. 1'. preservefl by using the w hite ribbon nym- bol o f the cold w ateriles on h h advertiap-ment«. Hucli an imwarrantriA apnropria- lion o !'their bodge hoa enufwd tho oovcott.

TUK CO.MING SIL^ KK HATILK. The plAnH Of battle between the silvor

•ad anll-ellver men in the lloiii. i o f Rep- resenUtivcH are baid lo be pretty well Oompleled- Ono o f the scheinea o f the aUver ipea fa to be ^an AtU.inpt to secure tbft Speakership for Ju lius Cicsnr Htirrow's, pfMiuhiguu, and thug defeat the aapira- tiODS o f Charios F , CrUp, o f Georgia* The xtext Mdien>A U to to impede actual organ- igaUon to use up lh e 'w holcof the mouth o f AU|ftiet before any silver legislation can b« teken u p j and, lutther, there may be ftllbuaterlnif against the introdactlon o f luftytidag In tho nature o f a closure rule. 4 J i tho ailvorites bellevo wiU give ihktzi tlm « to msrshiU Uieir forces, niake oonverta »Qd generally improve their

■ Ou tho ofbei* hand the supporters of Mr. Cfiep tattm ato k^at ahoutd ho be choftim Sp eaker ho ivlU Vet rid o f Mr. llland by luakiog him c h ^ > n o f the Committee 90 CoioagOi kUfCtilble bAsls o f hU

It is simply disgraceful th at the repeated fallurcfl o f the Common Votim’il License CominiUcc lo get a quorum and adopt au nlilcijil tag should hold Dog Warden Larue ba<'U from the path o f glory. That worthy public oflldal cannot extlrpalo hydrophobia by simply drawing his hrI-

1 * .ftiKl'*' fatlmi^ . j, ji;HV,*r which lx n iish jy ,If ff[o:i iiSlcni: ivf iTTb a rltrtil orudmtciilhiu fur ihu very {ulutnan1lm> clini- iicu-ri-r tUo<ie hipuam l lucasure^ )n IviifUml Hull Iiiivc, liy frUniily c liohlii g imilWii riHi ji g \lhf <1 Rmioh nij'l mu Jong,

Tin* Kciorm I luh Is iilvKit ^ixly .Vfur 4Nld. IlR nrlgi]] i!iroir;h the tiidncnce of i uh* dciv an I llrl«lir* iind w:i« a dlreci haHumit n> Bpt»u'»o to t\ prcunijs for a IL’Torm licnd- 4|«artciB *luilog tin* lnici»‘‘*» Inlcr**-.! artnk* eiH'J hi 1 h4‘ ruinous tiMI I.f Ifj* mriti-bers ciHjifiTiSf imiVv’* London nhU lihvliiciul iMlitor- ainl .oHHpuI wrUcri ihaii pcrJirtpH bi'hHijt lo all oiIiLT c lubs In Lotulim. Hut il nu.« truuii-n liiu acalHi arul many tlllcK jn iTU‘inhi‘ri*hl|i. t'nric hlniu'hc mjv4 givru for tin-coii'vtiUi'lNm of Ms InilKlIu:, WIiIl'Ii In at one M->lo ot the ciilmnro to A'ai'ltun Hoiill’ Tcrrncf, ihc f«rilo!i BraEiiUn^on the uppositi' Corjicr, and |nr Its lulcri'n’ *1.■coral I'uv an<l aptmlnlin nio. Noother Luiulon f'u b |>o«- ■CSM'i jMK||vL'r#!1li> I a membor»lilp in-Blalhiii. voc.iUuu anil rj( w»!; niH iis It roprett'Uis Hni* con(*i.*ii1r«illnn of all of.posUliJii lo Toryism, llion'll U ciiin|iris0K ai ilinev alinoit count* Ic4i iMc'hiiiul Hririiiiils, Hk wcnJiri, ttrcngUi uml iMMinuiu'jicy Juvu been fcuiarhabie.

The bullillng J* In the pure hall an si.vie,iiiH'Sivc. licU nml *ijiui»lc. Tho rciiirm hall, open irum (luor to ilomc, ifnil Mui ruuitOial by iiuusivi’ly coTounuUi il g.iUovU’!i, Im 4Hie gf tlio r:clH'st and luott M.iioly lulcrlors la Lnj:- Jnail. A »| lcn4id M'nIrr.Asc 1i»jh1'4 Iu Hietipra r

W iiicrioo pliico, jmrt oppo-qie the tursumiler* looking home o f ihe tYnlliH Service Club. It octMipicK purl of Ihe c iurlyanl of old Carl- lou Ilouite. TbCArchllechiro Is f 'f ih c Grecian orilcr, and o f severe Grecian order ut that. The frier.4' Is copied from tho Fnribcuoii. Over the Doric ponlcD In n roioKsul figure of .Minerva, Tin* only checiful Ihlngn lu thi* whole place are two huge fire* lila 'Ti In tlif» mfiliT hntl or cx-rlniiiijfe. Over iliriCHrc Ihe Dliina U abtng” and VenuM V lcirlx ,'' m marble. T ticen - tlrc nlmoNphorc of Iho placcKiurgeRtK nnirbie and lev. It Ik u resort fur venerable profciii- eorr, pi>iio.<40pticni, KeieutlfLlM, iiiHlqnarlanA aijil LkUlhorv o iil of svbnin tho IHo cheer G al> i-oady u ell flirered. Tliu club tiav the hne.st library of ooy club hi Hie inoinjmliH, aud a •lory w hich Hutton icUs qiujiiti-iiioit mk vuhm to hubJIuc-^* A mciivbrr ileiilTlnj; lofurcnce to Ihft F.itliem ou lom c throUigicnl noint In- ijulrcd o f n cIiiIn o lll'InM f “ .insllii M irlyr ” wrtH Iu Ihe ItbrJiry. " 1 aIoh’i Itilnk ho l« a member, Iho la llcr polllply rei»lled,•■bill Iw llta to m -c rL'^r to iiio llsr* nlr.”

'I Lkcre Is n Inrg ‘ nntnb >r of HinrongJily cn- Jnj uiiie clubK hi l^umhin, S' lne of Hil io ronlty fatm>u«, whici) have In-oii lH sor'billy to- gcliier Mtrh'lly prnfL"4Klo!i:il juaiple, or inch of mFiiuK whn are llberiil iiairon^ of ilie arlN. Ill tho miHU'thch frnipiciitorH are perxona ivhn have reiihy necoiupiiribcd sotncihlng; [lien who nn iinHior^ JuTfriaHsIs, nclors, artists, etiigers, ami even In low and ph>'i»lc, iiro progrcHstvr, nmhihuuH, liulcpcmleiil; In fad, tiu'Keoiiiiib'y cnlHvan-d geiiMomeii of [.midon. Tho-(c clubsiio not aKuiyii poHscse palrill.tl rNlabikshiiiQ Hf ; coirnncv f.;t>N und jiiiiiiml snbscVIpHoiis IHC I i|iml to ordinary

I lnca>iU's __ i^nl 1lji;Jj cxehisiVfl'icsiy duauxoiI cnmi’n Ise (pie^nmra'Tif 4t:o?i?Y, t in s ; pdnffraUI o|)1nlon or ivealtli, In Uie<e, I bHieve, czImI

rtsgr.c.', liioNe inie ‘ .which ace the hfo ami ])i’enervFf-lion o f gonitlno club loftoeinilou H m n ln a ll

2"::. eombinad.1 refer tN» Biich clubs as ihc G irricU, Green

Itoom, Mavnge, .^ruuitt'l. Lyrloand ll-crstcak, T h e la iie r unique IHHe eiub, wliich hax in liojuc over TtKile’e Thcairr* tpraiig out of the IJunoriihle Hoolely of HeFfsteiikK, In Ihoold beelslcrtk room of the Lyecum Theatre, which Rilll e.vlile. ami h ii»cd hy Irving for hlR cxqiUBllc private iiinner jinritos. The Iteeriteaki over Tuole% li «liailndivo In be­lu g a '*one-room ” club, and uiliijliiing no gMesti wliHicvur.

The Arundel has .Vjd to 400 niamb-rn. It wai once exclusively Uiet'si'.v iiml arthi),.. hlltuuM ^ollcllnri iiiid utnaicurs orAdlaoriii are now lulm llH d, nmj ulillu Its promlsru- ouMUIS Is r\ bar lo espoi’lal Inllnonct'* it server us a sw t of iii cessiir.i' ir.iliHiig sehool to hlgtisr ciitb houoiH, rt hlln iH[ irdlug juuny » dci^ervliig fellow u luuUiold ami bcglaidng ui rr*Nroiiloiml rccognlllou ivbich would be fUftlcuU In coiisci-vnilvoLnuilun tu oiherwlsa Niccn re.

The Lvrlc hni a moguincent dublim ise lu riccadllly , and with liMUillrc a|ipolnHnont*, Including a largo Hieulrc and ooucert hall. Ik atrionf th e lln e st InHLilliigH lor this purpuim

tbo world. It also has nu annex

i amiilcs. There a rc levcral flngnrlbs. Though ! not ths iR^eMf, tt Im the ni<i»t exquIsHelv

lieniifirul Htibhotiic lu Isottdon. nnd lu c li ib - Mfe, gonial, d lg n iflsl, ulinoit tlreamrul, la INistilvciy Idea’,

Tiie Green Ui>om Cluh, In Itodford street, which bad Hk origin about inuriron year* ago Jrorn dlsngrocnicnlB In the Ju n io r Garrhk and ih fl'A n in d el clubs, is (be real ncror»'Hub of Isondon. It la atrendv one ol the wealthiest o f Its im all eluus and owes Hi great iureesa to the adm lntsirattou o f Its honorary secretary, George Dvnncher, a gen- llemau o fa iiip ie mruns. a genuine art-lover with UitindlcM synipathle:') for ftclnrs and their profession. FerMoiiK in all the liberal arts ore adm itted to membernhlp: but no Acrive m anager ran become a member unlrrs lie fonnerty on actor nf goo<t alaiiding. I ’Inero lind Ixrrd tk\r|un, ilm m alisis ; Fur- (win, the author, and UharJea. Dickeus, editor tiud iitiHior, nml sou of ibo great iinvelifli, are am ong IU msmbcriL •

‘•M.Hiirdny Nlghia'*ailtl *'HaturJay IIoiiKe rUimcrs,* tho latter, splendidly avrved u( but ebrae ahtHliig!ii ouil sixprinco, nre Hie kind­liest, brlghirst, inelluwcst and mustgehlal oC4'ailcmv of nur time among men of heart nud brains. Oathcrci here wilt bo found such men ns Flnoro, Nont .MaMhews* Irvtug* .loUn flafp^ Iloyce Crirlcloa, Kendall* Fan! Merrill, Wyndbarn, <;unrlcs flai-tbury, Ihin- crofl, >>r:iande3i, iteerbohin Tree, Ted (iar- diner and Jleury IIuxtc ihe oldest actor oq the English stage.

Hesldcn these are hosti more clubs apon each of wtileh sn oniertnlulng article could bo written* Arnerleans nre principally found at the Ri. (Jef>rge* The Travelltm , near the R:iforrh, tcHt ita purpo'io lu tis »nme, lUpluniais tnnst thetr heels at Ihe Hi..jani4'i* Military folk are lioiiseil rl ihc M ivlor tJn ticd Service, ttie Ju n io r United Service, the Arm y and Navy, Hie Guard (.'lu‘i and tlie MklHnry and Navy ; while tin* Ea««t India {Tnited ^<r- vice ultil) la the home ol ihe nabobs of tho 1-:aM In d ia Bervlcc, and i t htled up lu Ortcu- lal luxury,

Jsoudnn clubs a rc RubitanlliH and splondtd In the m ain rather iliifh *^«murt” and duz- zltng.: T rd ly ilio fr distinguishing feutiiro la comfort. ' f th in k Hiclr hnsptiullty to well- nccrcdlled persona from.'other l.'snds Is leNi effusive thim Hint wunmnu th Am crlcau clubs; but rmcn esiencifl l U la gsniitue and worth •omelbMif to the ro.’ lplohl, TU“ K ig- lish c ln h ls iixiro the home of its membor. He Is mom pnrlleuLnr whom he Antertulns. UtU nll wlfe ushl«»t Lcuiiloii cluhmau o f «lr.-in- gcr never finds more true en j iy inent nnd snug* gchlAt. ull-enveiopkng com fort than wlHiln Che ulm ost cUhcdrni quiet and Ihc tioinoHki! warm th o f Uu> nverttgc London club. Kdoau L. W a k e m a n *

We AreHeadquarters

For the beat Wines iimk Mqimrslh tlie clly. GwAd I>nnHylv.Ti3la Hyo Whis­key from jtk** per qitiir; up. A full stock of Table c;n*rH(i. nuin»» Wines, Impifrlcd DOd T)OTne>ilc <Jlihnipagncs, Forlii, Hhcrrh s, etc., nlsays on hand nt hiwcm market prices, Don't full tot? it I*


ary, and tho dOff daya will pass away be­fore Christmas.

The consldcratinti shown for the <Je- t’atiUiiis Collector o f South Ornugo by some o f the Town.Hbip CornnilUecmcn whose RtupUUty or neglect o f duty made hisoffeuee poaslble, mnkot up a ca4 6 o f the pota cHlilnff the kettle whltc^

If ho wa* hke a good many otbcpH of hla kind who figured In the Panam a Canal scnndaki, that PurlHlan editor must have done some lively biaekm ailing o f other people to get the money to pay hU own blackmaUerSs

The French naval offlcera «!ationod at SiHiu pho d fir t and I t Iheir trovermneut explain matters afterward*


'i o gals sirCAigi h->HouiHs KjirsapurllJn,For KU'Udr uei ves—iliw)fl’j> WiiraHpH'Iihi, For pUfs hlocfd—P.ood’s J4ur.*upar*” • «4d

A crQBiu of tartar oivk mg puwdcr, UlKhait OJ aJf m ieavA>nJug hLrcii|il[i.»XraUf< vmwa6f<MM (ikaivmr?ian4 /bud JCNwrri.

hotAL liAkixu Fuwosa Co** liW WoU ttU »tww.

called the Lyric t'li;!) nt h:irncs-an-Thftmw, Irom u'hlHi Ijnjp.-rflcinjj And oHut riviT fclP# CHi be MltiiCYicd.The Li r;c. ts n dnimatieaud mtisirnl cluh whU nearly .1,000 mc!iii>er«. I'erI npH Ilh per CL'tU. of thc-c nre nefof^. LnriJ J.<»nuci. boiDugU, Fred (.'owt-n iHid Sir Arlhur Hullh VIH1 nro inriuhcrs.

The well-known Savage club, lllcrary and ariistic, which mieTclinngea privilege! with the jAdtH Cluh of New York, hn« about 700 members, nbuut i o ofwhom arc Icaulug Iiondon actorswho nro 4iI«o members uf (he Grceii llodiu C!uh. It hud Us origin twcnly-four yuarM ago Su a public hoUKC uenr Drury I*une ThcfHio, Since Uicn It ims Manucrcd'to Haxcra Hotel, llionco to the Savoy, and dually to ibe iVdciphl Terrstc, overlooking IhH Tlinmes.

Tho Garrick, lu Garrick itreel, covgiu Garden, ycherablc, Goh, timely, moHow and grand, has no inomhorshlp hitHiatluDs ng to prufeigloh, PerUnpii no more than twenty- live acton are a t present uinong l>Kmenu>erll, atihough ah Lnniiou niamigcrt of any promiucnce are iipmi Ms m iIm. u tm- dmihiOLlly posaesses the most viihiablocul- Icellon uf auuveuirs ui;d pNliilltma reltiling to Hi*} ilugo and )u most fuinmia reprcuenla* ilvex of nay aMoelallou or Inslltullou lu the world.

Imletd the Gvrrick Isa p?rfoct museitni of art trensuros. You can rc*a J upon ns vrnPs H.e eulira hlsioiy Ilf he KiiBllfli slagc* liar* low, lijiyoiaD, Z ffney, W Wlldi-, Cou-s uni UMiue nre all represeutvd iu prlcvian at-


1 4 : & - f t V t r i p f f t4 - s*.

Die of Hoior aiilN O . O, O P O I l A N O n , N . J . ,

- T O -

A S B L J R Y P A R K ,On Tlmitd IF. Jifiy I'-iB.





Trolh leav/i Itrogd fitrcoi Hlalinnat • A. M. fteturntnf leavea the Hark at • K M. Tickets ''or sills At the usual pliicci and uiitbs morn­ing of the sxciiriLloii,

111 (h t World, A delightful nail on fust stcninera. Two

Grand Uoncerts dalty. Wonderful foliage, rurc pianis, mid horticulturiil curlmlHe^. An unequalled MenagiTieand Aquarium. *'ATetis JVafjrcAfrmd," ^'Tiic Dniry." JkiHllng* iMtb tng, fl-blng. bowling, hqu blUlarda nleaio laiLinclivK. Guuulne Glen l»Luqd Ctambike, Dinner 4 luctiriH.

-STEAMKK.S I.E A V E !-rjK IU ^ N. jL, hKH G;»rtlaudt_HI.^


C O T Y E Y 1 8 E A I V D *

0:15.0:4^ 10:43 A*M-* LLDO M., 1:90* 2:39* »l30, 3:1 R .Vt*-RKTl-RNINQ, LKa VK GLEN ISLAND:— 10ii>* for i'lrr 15 nod Tb 1r1 y-'<ocond ■(,; 11:43

A. 31. for Fier Ig niily.For All liiindtorP, &:].V A, rj:3n, «. 7 aud 3 P,


STSAMER MARTHi'S EfREYARD DA/LKl*eave« (ornmcrclal Wharf, foot Market

street, at H;|* A, M. and 1:30 F. M., reiurntng leaves Su.» Itcjch Value* at 3;J0 *n<l ftliO F. .>L

P a rr, Koimd Trip, AO Cent*.KTeiili,* Trip— Naw. rX Bl 7r» F, M.

Fare, round trip, 2A ueivia.HRMIAY TiMKTAItJ.E.

PIgnmer Marihu's Vineyiiri and K"Ia.v llnoeox leave t ‘> mmerotal Wtmrf ai and liiid 10 o’clock A. ill, iinrt 1:10 and 7:10 F. M.. returnluf leavts Sea licach Fulacv at ''kJO, (1 mul 9:29 1\ 31.

H. F. AYJIK-S Pufierlnteiidenl.

Rockaway Beach.THE PEOPLE'S LfffE will mah* rtgutar trip! commineing Sundttf, July IS, iv ir f Sunday, Tutaday and Thuraday.

I.KAVIXIl NKWAtlK,llrlilx* HI, lirid::*.....,...................... At 8 ;'» A. M,Flt'cirJc l.tvlM D it'R........................At Wi'Xl A, HISalbacliN DtX'k................................At 9:1.1 A. M,

Good mmile on hniird. Uefreslimuati st city prtoci. FaredOc., round trip*

P I t I P L I X K 8 .



Hpeewill It'llve 41 h Avc.Hiu- iloii, Newark, ni IU:IU A. .M. every Huuday, Nti clmngo of carr. Mix honra at lUe Gien* Home nbuui h F. .M, Tickers Hi 1H2 M atk ‘t

or MtHtlon.

T H U O W E S t lE T J , 4 0 H B,

$28TO c m r A G n a n d

UETLIUN,TlmetuhicM and be,ok

free Hi nfJlce.

IIU KET OFFIUE. IH O M n r k ( - t .S t

E H. HOFFMAN,TlPkei Asent.

GreenvQod LakaO P E N S



eri «‘ihleX]>r.'»i* Nruiu Will Icive Ntirth New-rk Matlon A. M.

Six 'o fight lumrM ai the GlciiH, rh i'ice o f2 ripreNK inilti'', rvUurii- Jhg l>y 6:lil or fl P. M, TlckilH at l!(2 Market sr. Mf S'ni Ion.

WAIT FOR US! Kxourslnn of


'H it; yo d n h m k .n '.s c tiiiisT iA N ajwo 'n T O O C E A N C H IO V E I

On v e i ' nkh u a v , jt iiv a): w k d n k s d a y ,Aiiaii.l 1'*; vLi iprilr.il II. 1(. of N. J.

Trutiis <(‘,ivr lirn;n| Hi. Muilon iit S:1S *nd fi:'*, A. M. IIoinrnlnE nt U:*! unit S I*. M.

Tldcrlf, AI. i,'iiLiirt>n, CUc, Mi,


It P U H A H ! HUlilLViit UUHllAlll UtabK aro I'unning* For a gtHid day's

Ap'irl aud pjca'inri'go lu MayerhoTs & ^ rsi- hig 4 ('em rat ikiatiuriixf. Take '

NEWARK CITY EPWORTH ONION.To Asbury Park and Ocean Grove,

T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 , 1 8 9 3 , Train learps Hmad Sire« tStation, Central

IL K.. at 8;:!0 M.; rolurulug, leaven Ocean

................. Mouili OniiiKOnvemie Car down t\‘rry street; do iioU'harTXO on llntnliiirg piaoc; ride io cud of Hue; 10 riilnu fs' rtitik [<i vour rlglit und ymi ar« on t:emral Itrdifrojui briiliteand bnallicU'e. Y'uu wttl dud ihcr* abnuUOO or more ot the best

Grove nt 8 J'* M,Tlekeis, HduliH. m .o o : rlilHrcn. 50e. 2."» i

F IsjlIN U HANKS D.^ir.Y - lO-UENT

flffhlng houlR, scoop* iln>p nets aint hooks, athii Hieuin launch to hire. Beni wIucr nnu

qunr*. G-MYd cloim place. Pujliu serrlea and RitetilInti. 4<1

cbcck given faL'ti laisHciigvr fT ri‘fr''*Hli- incuts. Sicaiiier Sdiiuylair, went lOUi at,, N.Y.. 8 ; Franklin HI., T lckels at Pcuiisyl- vqiila and Krle Uallruid HiQitims* also .Mar­tin 's cigar sturc, UoiiMiH'iilal Itoli I. Fare, 7,‘t rents. l lA N ro X .

a m i 'hkmi<:nta .


A RRI-Fcnoif OF ITB'T-ri.Am ARTtJrm,We«k Commencing Monday, Juiy 10.

t SMITH A COOK. The GOLDENk. IHNNR AlUlKNS, WKSiON SlM’ILKS, WKNZEL A MAKFF, B K im iA UKUSII, JAB* BillTON,Efery Eirening at 8 from July 10th to 30th.

Oool and oomfortubla In the hottest weather. 31d


-A T -

S. SCHEDER & SON’S.Now HInr l.otKtpr, rolimibla IllTerHalmoii,

SiMiiicd .Moi'ln'ml 111 n-pimml tiiio. .Now HoltMockorel in Kim, H*rdliio* IuiwHtA) lvo*«nfi Cupi'r*; Cftiineil Luiioh ToMiio iiml Hum,Hil.niaii rovlnr, H. A !1. i'.iiloil Turkey a o j Clilokon, Il.ifUm A Olive oil, .VIoll’oI’liro riilor oiiil Wluo VinoKor.SPECIAL, ROOT BEER EXTRACT


Fred De Bary’s CelebratedClnrei, Suiiieriie mill Iturguiidy Wines, Hen-iips'^ey mul .Martel Urntidy, Finest Rve\Vhls- Iscy^. Iinp.>ricd i,iugiT Alt*. a'I", Gnln-noKs'H Siuiii, lluVH7m Cigars In iitrgu viirlc- ilea, I’liv ilnrn, strictly pure, for ih * h n lh ; New CmpT.'Us uml FluCsL Soloelad C'oflcoe u sficrlally,


8, &736 Broad St, 2, 4 and 6 Comrnorce St.

Itriuich MiciTf*—4H Ferry »l., cor. Union Ht.\ llurrismi iivo., jrarnson, N, *1.; 2711 «nn

2Hl Miiln hI„ {Jrangp, N, J., and Ituxter l>h c r, Ulonmllohl, N, ,T,

.. ** R T T ai»rm sa^_F ■* laW.

CipClltA TjS)N

STKAM YACHT HOWARD, LICKNMKD i« curry liO p ’Mengort mul tuily equipped,

will be chtirnjrpd in private finrries fx cu i- flnrilnis, etc.* by ll c day <»r week- For fiirtFer I n f o r m i r r m n , c ic ., npnly (o *\. \V. MC- l'.4ltF*. K4-7 Urnnd *trnet. ftivir. g4«

R ugs


Moquette Rugs

18x36Bsit tjttatity. !fow Fait Patten*

ia*. never ecld less th*g

This week only,

98c.2 7 x 6 3 Inf^sttat price $3 *7 3 ,

Special Sate Price, ta .g i

This week only,




T A S T E L E S S - E F F E C T U A LF O K A

DISORDERED LIVERTikon a» dirreted Ihcso firaona Pill* will

proTo marYelltifiii* rrifft mtiYAi 10 all eofMbled by the abof e or kltulrrd tl»Meie*<

S6 Conte a Box,but generally recondied In CnglAc eed. in feet throughout tba world U» be '‘worib e

r«Moa tbit toey CITm T! a wide raogo o f

plielQle>aad thefc they h*To enYed to many►utrrrera not meroly one bub etoey golueie. laitoQtore bllliLCovered with a Tastslots 4 Soluble CotUng Of all drucgUls* Prlca S 9 coutaabox*

New York Depot, 36.1 Canal St,

Don’ t pay mooey tor WaterA Sol fit Kv tract of Beef U imirc MHival lhan m Hqitid, lor ihc teuHon that It U concentrahMl. anu hnuac- kei'pers uHl find U much cheaper lu


of Beef,R solid, conccnlraloil exiriu*i,fri*e from lat and golailno 0 1 tuiy forrign huIk RtRhce and dlsvolvo U ihiiiii-ivef*

Thegonuluo ban thin

nlgnnlhyc ou the Jar

4n iHut.

arufCUi tar r,n«h«MrM Jraftj...................... l.’flWfiH

UML^I.W4 en*Lam«\\Sr iwu. Tnke^V^

. monti JtrattJ lu Hcd tixl i.nq hiAxw vith Miiv dh u. Tnhe \W eselllrr* Nt/nst dungrrstyi <wA«rJUip rimf aM MiafKfliini. 4ilLrq|fifiM,rirenhl4

1A«I# Tr."-hK"


36x7?la ., u«Al price Is-SQ.

BpociAl Sale Ptieo,


NKL^ON ri.ACK, from llliib Ktrcetio Ttoward *tre<>t.

Hp It nrilHlne<1. by ihe hoard of street and Water , f ormTil!L.*<l(irumi of tb» city uf Newark, cut foliowe :

Si i. Thai.NF.EJ^N Pf-.ACF,

S ta ir C ra sh , sc.i jlB . B igolu :

(roin THjfh aireel to UowunUlitid, alininK! puved rt'iih ohlung granite hlqfik pevlug, tnigcihcr wflh alt

Hassocks, 49c.till* HpiMirtcaaiK-oH uecHiH:trv to oompipte the aume.

Sefiioi' ± That lmiiic<hate!y n|H>n the tvinnhtloit___ - , . -- nnnf 7iiii-lt niihllc work or iumrovemenl, thfiTrrk ur Hid boam. In Cohjimcilon with Uih Klivlueer aniHCnernl KiitterlnieinieiU of Workn ol the hminlt-■iImiII (*arefijdr taTpure niiil fiinUNh hII ii«*CMi'iAry

■iiu- • • •niait'inpiipi, liuhN. liH' 'UU'aiiiKk'L and other daia ipt’rialnliig u> mioh untillo work or lmpro;*pmi‘iit. and liif* of thv iKuiril and uaM < 'lerk aha'I

All Moquette,Alfrayi Sold it n)

Compare these goods and prices 'triU Special Hidsummtr Sales.

thpn>ii]Vin, on behnlf of lbt> Hi'aril of rtn'^iand Wator UomnilMloiirr,* nf the (‘nyof.Vt'wanc.rf'r- lify the HMme to th* t.'oniainn (.rDnueJ of tbi>cliy of NvWrti-k, hi ontKr itmt nnid('naimont'ounrll may Hirri'atte'r pru«*eil lo hiakoamt fttllrci the projfier BH'tosjmeat for ihi* rvtkt hmI *x}irjie,* of nuGi pidtUv work or Imiiroveiiienl as may now or heie-iRer be reiuilred hy law.

HerUOna. s«hl \m\>\\c work or Impmvemnnl ■'holl II* mode und i‘umpl*‘iM iiiid«r ilin iu|terv|slcMi or luspevilonof llu* s.iighiifer or Acting Ku<nttN'rHiid


Goiieml Hupi'rliiteatient of M'urka nftlu-Hoanl ot fSln*et and Water (.'nnirn w'onera, JUN'orllrig to ElmprovletodN of the city eharlor and law* ol tlieMiip, and llin on)1nunoe<> of lliu elty bdiI hvlawN, riRea noil regiiUUi'ii’i * f Hi* Ihairil nr‘'1re»t and Water coTnm'Hntouenior Ihe tily of Nowarx,apjilic&bl• iLeivio.

Hecton4. That ih]<( ordinuuoo aliwll lakv pltbot Iminedtately,

lYtssed JunetJ, IW-T.iTrcnr c. h k n o r y ,

Prealdant of (he lk»;ird of Mtreel autl Water Com-rui*iHluaen.

E Sm HUNYOX, uierk oftbe Board of street auu Water Comiple-

aluuers.The IPregniiig onllrmnoo liavlnv been duly pRv<etl

by the tiUHrd of I' trrot and M'uier L'ummi«>a1or)eri4, jir*<wh(H| to the .Mayor uml not having he{>n re-

Williani Mun^Ie,.ornftctbv hlin wllhhi tho Lime pfearribed bylaw, la therefore 11 taw, and wilt take m If U had

- o e c l i v e b o r —

been appruved iircor’’na tr> tbv iiroviaiuna of Itm third amilnn 0. trie ('Uarier ot ihei-ttj.

KNiW ilUiN VON,4io fle rk o f the floird-

M AYOll'B PUOULAMAHON.Hgreeahl.v to the leEinlremcnta of aoolioii elx of

tb f nrtlixiaiu'e iierfitnafier relbrrad to. public riutirala hereby gIVeu tliat un June 1«, l8iU* (be Cionmm Gnuiie I ol Ihe Gty of ewaFK piuiHKl an or;1h>ar.4n, entitled " Auerdiiuuiiai to regelateaad ]>revetn ttie niUDliig at large ofdnga: li» nuihoriKn their de- a(rur.*tkHi and the ImpOKlilon of ta.ie^or llcenae (bes upon (be ownen or poeaenKir.A of the wim*:” that

ordlnaure wai approved by ttie 34ayor June 17*Notice laalM glvfiii that tbelloenvi fe • by said

ordiiinime rei]ulr«d in ih< iwid by the u 1 ii«n nr poa- ^ peyeWe u- the bogWarden wlihtn dayn after tba pitbltealloti

bereof; under tb<* penalty of ike atixure attdde-lAruetlou iifauchdoft

Dated at Newark, July teOd._ KDWABDGOEJsLKIl.

Airtutf «*/br.

McEwan's Finnon HaddieSgCalra’f Jams and Jellici, Ginger Cordial, Kaspberiy Cordial, Scott’s Oat Cakes, Gray’s Abernethy fiiscutta, Kippered Herrings, Finnon Had- dies, I.ime Juice, Mountain Dew, Edinburgh Oatmeal, Glasgow Peas Meal, Beef and Pork Ham,


WM..MUN6LE,t B B e l l e v i l l * A t o .

M an HOP aacaua u » a a. CDaraam

X E W A I i K E V E N I N G N E W S , S A T U R D A Y . J l ^ L Y l o , 1 8 9 3 .



Soon Old Hen W ho H ar« Long B3ea Noted as Actors.


S om * o f t h « M iiiiy T a r t * thftt l U H a t

F U yrrt-^C h Ftrle B ft. T h o r n e i f 'r ., arxl

E U w ln F u rre a t •• J n m e a 3S, K o b e rti

T e « e h ln g E I ovmU u u lq » T h «o lo g lc a l

S am litary M a t in , ffto d iljir l nn il Lo


Curfoipondaivcacrtlie N K W i,N r w Y o b k » J u ly H .-C l iu r t e i W alter TouV

d u e t, at tU eugouf le v iM iO ^jig h l, U now tUe olUcit a ctorou Iba A m e ric a a mI akc, 11c bat b e e u a p la ye r for l ln y -e lg h i yc u rt and la in eve iy way a t lr la ln g figure, tcrn ilu g ly morewa and crabbed, b u t w ltU a h ra rl cb tender and n ip o n ile o at tU u l of n ch ild . Jlo made hit deblU In Irfjnaou In A p r il , 1855, p ln /lb g Of/ktffa, and after a lotifr and arduuua a p i^ n tlt -a tb lp aeliloted d lttin e tlo o on the E iii^ l ih ilH ge.' Ifo cam e to A m e ric a In 1EH2, and a f ltr ibp|iortlng U ia rU ilte Guthm att fur tom e Hpie went to ib a W a h m t B trcrl Tlieatre, PbJIadelphlo, w b c r l be toraalncd four y e ir t a t teadlnc m a n , tfecomlng rv great fiiToritc. D uring Ih it ttnio the la m out M m r. i'uleate p layeJ a etar engagement ai the tlie itre and produced ‘* Tho W illo w Copw,'^ 111 w hich M r, C ouldook appeared a i I^uke T h l t w ut (.'oulU ock'i flrttg rra i h it. A lte r the p lay, on, o n tw e rln g a ca ll befure the e u ria in , E h c led Mnie, Colcaie forward, In e K a d o f a u a m ln g the o ra lJ tn fo be hert, th e pretented M r. Couldock to the audience, a n d ta ld to him r *^Tblt play belong! to yo u and you o n ly ,” B b o d ld more ibaii i b i t ; th e p rc ie n ie i b lm w ith a copy o f tiie p U y , and be conllnued to p 'a y In it for loaDy yeara.

M r, Coaldock wae connected vrllh one of ibe rooet Intereitlng tndldents In tn e h lito ry o f ih e A m erican itage. H e w n t ongiigeil to p luy fo rU ie iea ion oriSfiS-rWat l.a u ra Kecne^H IbeaLro In ib i i cUs'. T n e leaHon opened W i t h T h e M 'lllow CopNc,” w h ich ran one w eek^a long tim e In those d a y e -a o d wsh followed Ibe next week by M r. Couldock’x great Kucceii, *• E^onlft X i/* One d ay a play W Kfreed to Couldock a n d Houthern, w ho W iltniao a m em ber of ibe c o m p a n y, w U h a v ie w lo tholr takin g part.

"T h e re l i notbiiig in th a t for m e ,a n d I v O D t p lay It,*’ aald Oouldock .

Bothern aald tbeeama. T b la brough t M I m K eene to BM them. She to ld them th at her backer wae In love w ith I ha p U y . and deter- m ine d that It ib o u ld beprodttoed. Indeed, B h elullm ate d to the tw o acloni that they v o u la either h ir e to take ibe paria axilgned th em or leave ibe c o m p a n y. Hoth were rather bard op at ibe tim e and felt ro n - alralned to yie ld . M U a Keene, m oreover, Ih ro w a »op lo ih rm b y telling them to do a iiyrh ln g they liked w ith th e ir pana, m il- m u tin g at ibe w n e tim e th a t the p la y w ould p ro b ib ly run b eta week. A c t ln g o n ih l! hint, S .lhern " g n y e d " bla part w ith a v ie w to m a K ln g It rldiculoun. T h a t ])ia y w a t ilie cet« bruled ** A m v io a n Cousin,'* HotUern’a /.rord/^Mudrrarj/made h im fa m o u !, Juaeph Jeffereon'e A*<i TVericAord b rought repula* i l m lo th p inhiTPgrcHi H ip I'ljn JHai/c, ami Couldock'* .fftrl Murcr/tt eurcly did h im no harm . Th e jilay ei^Juyrd tbe longest run a :iy play bad ever hud in A iu e r io a u p to th a t lim e. M r, JoQprsoti n ficrw ard paid le veru l hundred dollars p re m iu m for a box at a benefit, to tlie m nn w ho, ns A(»p| bad helped b lm to m ake a nam e lor h im self in '* Th e Ainertran Copsln,^*

M r. C ou ld och 'i greatest part In recent years bns been ;<>unsrtm K irk e in tbe p lay of “ Ha* ■el K lrfce ,/w h ich waa m gge sw d b y " T n e W 'JIlow Copse,” tbe tw o being ve ry atm llar, B ut C'oaldock m aln la ln e th a t the old p lay Is im m en se ly stronger unu better than Ih e ne w one, M r, Ocmldock possesses a vein of hninor o f Ibe d ry am i unctuous sorr, and U the hero or m a Q y am ualog atorlra. One o i the best of ttieae b ai to do ivltb A lcK enn Kuebanan, another famous aetor Of tba old days, Couldock met " O ld Ttuck,” as be nas called, Id Cuiro, i lL I i was a ve ry storm y n lg br, and afler the perform ance they played p ok er Cnuldook waa not a good Flayer, aod Ibe m u l t w o i that nuebauan cleaned him out. N e x t tn o ra in g th ey m et again gad fiachanan told C ouldock ib a t he va a g o in g Wssi/>ii a ih u o t ln g exenrslon and w ould like to pl&y a few n ig h ts In Cheyenne. H e w auled a Id le r of In tro d uctio n to ih e inftoager of the theatre there, w ho was a M e n d of couidoek’a. T h e lo ite r w rote the m i .t r about as fo llo w i;

“ B i* — Th is w ill be banded to yo u b y m y friend, M cK ean Ituclianan, a n actor of m uch m e rit. Me goes lo y n u r to w n on professlnnat bustoess. H e plays " V l r g ln lu t . " " H a m i d ” *• lUcheJteu,” " lU o h a rd and p o k o r He plays poker the b etj," .

T lt k Vg|(BBABE,B r t t A K m R, TjrORSTR.A n o lb d r rare old p lacer, w ho ones filled a

large plaosftt tlnafrfcat Affairs, la Charles El. Tboroe^ S r. H e ls n ow liv in g In retirem ent In Ban FraDCtieo. H e Is tho hero of a k k m antle life. H e was on tbe stage for six deendea A s a yo ung m a n be was a great sucrets, and. the d ram a tic records tell the ito ry of hla ti;ium pha la the Mowery, Ban Franclsoo, Panama, A u s tra lia , C h in a and In d ia , A s leading m an of tbe best thcaires berv, long before tlie present genorstlon was born, be Nupporled the great acstors of'iiie past. I l ls experiences on the ruad ran tbe g am u t of hiD and frullc, of trouble kud dts* aster, of d lsappolntm entand defeat. H e was left for dead once la P anam a, was kept cap­tive for three weeks b y B outb Am ericans, was feted on a stage covered w ith Uim pn of gold in M e rysvllle Id the d a y s of '49, begged b is w ay threugb the w ilds o f A u stra lia , rude Jn t i iu n p h oa the back o f an elephant, fled, nea rly naked, from a g an g of n»iscreants I d Btdney, fought tbe flgiit o f a true A m e rlcaa against the prejudices of the E u g lU h M io& isti, and fkibered a fam ily, noted, as was their m oth e r, for tuleni, versA tn U y and physical beauty. Th e death o f Mrs. Thorne, som elblDg o v e r len y e a n Ago, was a heavy blow to b lm , and tho n n- expected death of bis bod C berles eeeiued for a tim e to uanerve b lm . H e went to Ban Fra nclico , and again aatoD libed big iriends b y w ed dib gtb e w id ow of one o f the oldest of hiBcom rades— James B ta rk , aoaoe popular tragedian. Htark was quite w ealthy, " H e died, but Ihe p ro p e n y s u rv iv e d ,” and M ra 0 (a rk as was, became M rs. T h o rn e as la. H e r second uulon has been la e very w ay a h appy one.

D u rin g his last v is it to N e w Y o r k 1 spent an (ifteraonn w ith the old aetor and found h im a most intorestiug CQinpnnIon. K<pcc- la ity notable ware bis rwcolleetlons of E d w in

.F o rre s t, " lo n o e . hgd a ^UFloua-xyparlofiga vflfh F o rr M T 'In FmrHcieipuVh, .Tbo rn e , ” I went from* Hoaioii Eo Phlladel-

engaa*mci)i ihere wa* a faMure. O n ed av I received a note from h lin saying woul I like lo seo me a l 3 o’clock, P ro m p ily at that huar he api>ear»d at m y ibeaire, shook hands u U b me, ami la b l r

" ‘ M r. T lio m n , 1 hav«.> inadp u failure al the olher bouHc, levant lo p la y aueiiuaiiErmetil

‘w H li y o u .’ ”“ ’ Vor.v wpIU H o w m iic h d o yo u w a m r ”” ' l w il l p lay a week for a thousand dol­

lar^.*"” 1 slep|>cd to tny desk, a role o cberk for

tbe am ount and banded It to h im , saving. ^Y o u are engngeU'.’ 1I l> cam s and played H llb m e a week, I auiipcTrllng hlRi and mat­ing the pieces In ntagm Uceut e ly lr, 1 made m oney out of tUc cnguaem enl and engaged him for a second week fo rth e a vin e amiMiui. A fter th at we were a lw ays liie best of fritud o,”

A PROTFfir o r T H E r i PER nnOTft.O v e r In l ’ lill<idfl]»h1a ih c olher d n y l r s n

across Hnotbcr<rf on r oldest aelers, James H. Iloberra H e was b o m in iniHaUcIpbla in 1818, and Is now profe-aor of eloeullon In a ihraloKloal Sem inary In l l ia te lty . Ib 'in u d e liN c le b u i at ihe W n ln u l wtrcei T h m tr e ln 1(1*51, plu\lug/ffM nfontf to the Jffcftord of H im e id iT H- o(|j. ' - j iijiTc'ofien wondered,” sold M r. 11 dieris In re r«llln g ihe Incldcnl, ‘‘ tlin l I wa< not la n gik d off the i ’.ufe, fur 1 was dressed In a suit of a rm o r that was a w orld loo big fur m y sniall figure, Ho.^ever. the audience received ra r k iii tly , and Mr. Bn<dh, after tbe p^rfuriuAUce, W a rm ly praised ray cffurls, H s urged me lu com ln uo m y studies, and, following hts advice, 1 eiudlcd for tw o years under t,«m ite l U . Wblb*. ihe p n f r p io r of EnrrcHt. T h e n ,, arm ed u|tl» a Ic iie r of rpcomniendfldon from M r. Ikvdli, 1 se<‘ured ri'Hiiliir »‘inp toym en t at the W alniil Btn'Pi 'J hcfiire. first i«uppurMna Korresl, Kor the followlDg liriQiu years 1 wus connected w ith various slock co m p in lc s . There vero giants in the profeistou i:i those daye. O n ly Ihe other day ! was lo ok in g over n cast of ' H a m ic i , 'lu which 1 appeared In IHII. For­rest WAS the nnd Jo h n U. BcoU,Jjuncs W , WiiUui k, K d m on H, Conner, W ill- lam K lturto:i, Jo h n K, Owens, Josephine i'l lf lo n and Mrs, U -o rg e Jones, wife of the f ount Joannes, were am ong the other m cni- hsrs of Ihe cosl. E v e ry oue w h o played In II Is dead cxeopl myself,

" I rtrsi appeared as a I 'a r In 1851, playing Iflrfiard nm) Jfavifft. 1 itnrre tl In Am erica u iiitl TUpti 1 u e n i to K u glaud and ro- inalnod tticre for elghiccn m onths, playlitg III tbe D ru ry Jikiie Th ea tre , tx>n<lin. and in Liverpool, MrLitrhcsier, H nbM n. l.tm erlck and iMdfHSl. JnlBoT 1 brt'Ughi t-iit I d Phlladolphia, eiiHc:1iig ^^fphht(^phi•{rM, w ith M rs, .\nnn Crow ell an M nrgurrit^. 1 played Fnnsi for nineteen successive seasons, and since 1 7fl have played Ife iU tig In Ibe ' U lack Crook ' at inlervnls. Im rln g the sea* sou of I inanngcd Mtsa M a rie Bulier, a pnplt ni itilne, Uu lsbe m iiiv IM at the end of her first w »*o d , m id I am i ow hpcudlug m y Inst daj'R try in g to tcacli cleigytm 'U how to deliver tlioir sermons,”

M r, Uoherls, deH}die bis seven1y*ilvc yours, Is Bllll half and vlgnrim s. W hen U turns upon the pa^t h it conversation Is fu lo f In­terest and cimrro. Th e elder lio o lh .ln his op in io n , WHS the greatest a rio r that ever lived. ” John W ilkes llo o lh ,* 'la id i>e,” had he lived V o tild have been as great as his father. l !s had Arc, genius and mArvellous physical lK*Auly, E d w in Hofitli, In dream y, retrospertlTC parts, was w lip p u t an equal. T rag ed y, asonucted hy the llootUs, is ifnsi b l­oo m ing extinct, Hnd I doubt If wc^shali ever look, upon (heir lik e again. We have no great Hliskespoariaii actors now . For­rest was huilt on berule lines and wss A apleudld AClor, H e tiad m u n v and serious fsn :is, but was great dc*p!l«» ibcm . Ills im ltiito rs liave never done m ore than copy bisdcfects. Fo rrcsl’s m arriage, i-esultiug us It did Iti separation and d lvo rre , had a most unfortunate etferton bl% professional ciirettr, a n d greatly euiblllercd his later years. Jl increased his moroscuossi anil reserve, and ofieii greatly m arred hla w ork as an actor. Jo h n It. Scott was one of the hnndinniost meu 1 Jiavo e ve rk n o w n , I f 3 liad more tmt- u m l la lcru than Forresi, but larked appllea- (lo n , and w asieduveul opportutillle*.”

T H E v e t p h a i v j a m k h ir. s t o d p a h t .Jam es I I . B ic d d irt , of A , Al. Palm er’s eotio-

p an y, has grow u nia so graceliiily that unn h a rd ly ib in k s of liim ns 6nc of the veteran* of the A m erican singe, Lu t such bets. Ho was born lu Yorkshire. E n glan d, kU I s'-sI x years ago. Ills fiithcr was for i wenfy yciirs nn a rln r nl Itic Theatre K o ya l, Glasgow. M r, B loddard cotnrn«nccd his career by plAylM g boys* parts un d er pnreutul tulilon. l ie aflerw ard appenred In the E'ngllsn provinces u n til lliVl, ivhen he raine to A m c r' tea and joined the com pany of the elder W alln ck . He was la le r under the manage- m eiU o f L a u ra Keene, H lnu Huuclcaiilt, Mrs. Jo h n W ood and Junior W alla ck , nqd finally In 187 ha became a m em ber of Mr, Palm er’s U n io n Bqnaff C om pany, where hs remained for ten years, subseauenily m igra tin g with hla m anager to ihn M adison Kquiire Theatre a n d 10 W allack's. D u rin g a' long and eX' Ire m o ly busy career be has crentod m any parts, K o luotropolllan p layer Is better kuow D or more populcirthnti he. In comedy and Iragcdy he Is e qu ally at homo aud equally efTeotlve.

PcrsoDAlJy, M r. B io d ^a rd Is of n q u le f, re­t ir in g disposition nud of a stron g ly domestic nature. Th e dealt], a ye ar nr so ago, of his with, kn ow n to the stage as Matildsi PJillllps, was a levere blow lo b lrn . H e Jives the year ro u nd o n bis Jersey farm , nenr R a h w a y, and and In the In le rva lsof bis profesiionivl labors devotes his tim e (o fine fa rm in g and fancy slock, from a ll of w hich, however, with gem iluo Bcoteb thrift, l^e Tuakca no Htiio profit, until from his large amt steady In­com e as an aelor he has become com para­tive ly w ealthy, w ealthy enough, ladeed, lo a d m it of bis retirem ent from the slago, an e vent w h ich the n inny w ho cherish his a rils- tic ImpcrsonattoDB sincerely hope w ill not bupjyen for years to come.

” It Ifeeolemn to th in k / ' said M r. fitoddart tbe other day, '* how tlie form er genernltun o f p ln y e n iB ilro p p ln g n u to rs ig h t and pars­ing beyond our ken, J u » t th in k o flh e grcnl com pany that play.>d a t the alder W alluck’.s Theatre, com er of Broom e street and Jlroad- w ay. th ir ty years a go f Th e re wos H u im Dinke. Jo h n D yoit, L y ia n d e r Thom pson, Cbarlee 'W'alcoll, Lester W H lIack, L iu ra K erne, M a ry Gannon and .Mrs. JuU u liony. W hore are th ey n o jv t AM dead aud gone save Mrs, Hony and myaeir. Th en 1 recull ^\ llllA m Duvidge, W illia m W arre n , John T . H aym on d, Jo h n I’arielle , Jo h n McCul­lough and K Iw ln Forrest, w U h nil of whom I have octod and been on Irn n s o rfr lo n d - sbtp In Ibis country, w hile I d Great B rit ilii 1 liavo act^d at dllTerent Mm esjviitiCf*urloiie C u sh m an , Mrs.'Charles K ean, Mm**. Coioun. Mrs. Fllzw U Uatiis, HUckatone, Paul Bedford and W rig h t,

A l l the old-tim e e c l^ rltte s o r the stage are d ro p p in g out otsight an J a now geuuraiion is elovtiig ia around P a r»e lk , DavJd^o and W a rrtn were am ong lb s last tu m a k e tb o ir final exit. W ith T'arsclte 1 wns ve ry In - tiriFate, and we were great friende, Couldock and D3y»-olf iro about the o n ly repreienta- t lv e B o rih o o ld s c h o n l of acting now left In ih ls coun try. D id I ever s ia rT Y r s ; I was once persuaded to go on tbo roiid in that ca­pacity. M a n y reraernbor the event. I t was when I left W a lln ck 'i 'i'bcAlro, ut ibo corner

w b lA .^ d p lays^ ap bvsh* so v i w r Theatre,

of ih Jrte eji.th AjLcgi RnaJJr<tttflwav4.a .u a t a . . over A icdfe 01 jv-rtfrand K«ickwe|l i

ITS Itm gorir on ttic road to


H r o t l ir r G a rd n e r D l> c m irs M o n the Death

nt <.'auletu|H» JolinKon*- U « llo e ilrd

Not t 'r ie n d ly A d vlee .

[C n p yrlg br, ^Ocb|are m y puln ful d o o iy ," said Urothor

G a rd u e r us lie arose « U b a lett»'f lu lilt baud, ” to nunoiiiicc lo d l^ c ln b d n ld e g r im d c ilro ye r has obcrlofjkcn atiothor member of d u club, Brudder (T.intr1i>pe Johnson, an b ouornry loem ber rA «ld ia ’ lu le iuU . luia pasFBd from dis froisn a lf ih aw av. 1 am perhaps dc o n ly in e m b rr present who per- som tlly knowoil do deciULsed. Ho had his good au* his biul side, same a* dc rest of us. I l i i toss wont cri'iUt iiny jwrllcASer vacuum lu 8|. j.o u if, nud y lt ba rtJlcd a sa rU n ii'Jv'o w hile he Ubed. H « a o u IJ hev HUclI a g(xxi deal Im igsr had li# bc«det.l niy advfoe, H e was de-Kirt of m an w lio c o u b lh ’ l bollevo a n y tjH h ’ ojikas bo saw U o ld hla own eyes. N^'heu dal O hio mnn InventLni Ue tor­pedo cEitrkeu, I w rit to B rud de r Johnson (o look t ill fu r it. 1 explained bow It worUo^l. 1 Dsnshuncil him dal d e a tb lu rk e d Id do lieu- c o n p a u ’ tlat he'd b rite r b uy b it fowls si do reg’lnr p rJre R n' lu do regMar w uy. Di* loiter am from B ru d d rr Johnson’s \Lldder, It snys dut bo WUH fniiua [\i an alb y all busU'il in pieces, nij’ she bollevcA d u l a pow der m «gn- slue bimvj'd u p a n n iw lia r or d nl ho. w niob e r- taken by an alrthqunkd. I'ore w o n m u ! Li urn better thus, aa' I lim lJ uu l iille in p l lu on- decHvo her,"

'iJiere was n genernl n’lo vcm e .il Iti ibe buEl, showing Intense exoitement, and afler n m lu - nto Brother G n rdn cr coiitituied t

" I liov d f pietur heft/ me. U s ih a U u r k n lg h i lu Bi, bniilR. A gculie ruin Uin dc-

" A n.^DK n k ; i i t i n a t . r .o ris .” scendbr B rud de r f iin l»'l'ip< 'Juhiiiou am l i l ­t in ’ by hi* ow n Ur.shli'. Ho sm ldanly fecH ibit he w ould like fried rlifck -Ti lu r Drenkho’, I>e niarkPt am sbm uj-. nn iie ca u 'i E)uy nufrtii. He r i - n up mnl la k e o n y rd a teller outer de lo p bnron draw nud roadalf. W hen bd cuins dow n lo dal port w lm r 11 'll Jilm dnl do torpedo rh iek 'o can’ t be u>ld lin k -d a rk from a rut puliut, he *tulh‘S in cunieinpi iii m y iDuercouse, He thinks of m e as a child­like old j'Ahoo w lio w o i^ d blow <iiU dc giiami go In bed sm ilin ’.

•'.Vow B rud de r Johnson Imx lurnad into de alley. N >\v lie ha<H ►lopi>od to j>c-rui.' l l ilc u . Nt>w he tlploes uhmg nn' reaches dv alley donb of de licnftK>p. H .a m ouf waler*, a il’ 1)0 feels h u n g ry as he ih ij^ k v o f dc uieal li.Rlde. -

” N o w B rud de r Joho*on h:fk pried o(T u bo’d ivid do ole elUsel he brung along. Now he craw ls into de ronp. J le cnii'l aec. Inn hi* ears lo ll h im d s i tw e n ty-iw o fine U l fowls am r o o t l in 'w ld ln reach of his baud. Now he keerfnlly rrnelU's e)u I his r ig h t bund ini' feels Hbout t ill U rcsis ou a li, ’-p o vu d hen. Mho does n o( g in do a larm , but acui Ukenht; was spectli/ h im to ciim un’ take b t ,

" F ix e m lnits JateT B ru d d e r Johnson am out d o ih s n-lrt an c in ply bag under his Arm. Hl.s Milo th in k s lie )iiii goin sn m w h ar fur sJiQvln’H, He r t rk o lre u A .surlin hene^n’ip In n H.irflti alley, an h h Rtepe turn d ul wnv.

" I fo llrr Bruddor JohliMon in IniHglns- shun. H o keeps ilot Name atnilo ou D Ih f.io.*. He feds l l his uu4)ly lu write to mo ancuti- Mhiin ute n g'iii bcitJji’ any m oney cm d esiring game.

“ Eoftk! I.D te n ! Now , B rud de r Johusou gilN n firm hold o' Unt hen and gins n sudden y a n k . i ! « am nirendy t a it lu 'f r ie d cideken when d a r n u n s a fl ish, a rosr. a brmm. an' all Is ober t He had tjot holil of dc torpedo chicken. H o had In v licd do g rim destroyer to cum an* bust h im nil to pieces. DalKunio sm ile of contem pt fur me was on h U taco when dey piCJsed ll up fo’ ty rods aw ay. I hev no doubt daf Jest as he yank ed at dat hen he wus L h in k ln 'h e u rlcr tclcgruph me not to soak tny ftfcL'ln kerosene a n ' stick ’em Into da oven to d ry ,

'• M y frcn’.i, I huv no IccHir* to roa«l yo'. 1 sbnii no* bold dlii cu<>o up us a w a rn in ’ to yo’. W e a tm il bang U cp m b icm of rm uim lii' on de a lley doah fur de iisiinl length of llm**, nn’ we i lia il ps)«a Uc usual reoolusliua of eon- dolcnoo w llh de inm ’ly . I f diiv am a ny odder m em ber o f dM c nb \rbo nin ao s]cein:ca1 dnl be m ust b :ow dow n de b ar'! of a gun to see if II am loaded a n ’ w ho w ont believe dal over 700,000 lor}v>dochick-.ns am s ilt lu ’ on de hen roosla of dis k e n try j w l Ucksss he hasu’ i liappoucd to s.'e one, 1 shall not ounsidor ll m y U uoty to a rg y w in h im . hUn find oiil fur hiMscIf, b ut Jet h im a lio rem ernbar dat dlN club doPLTi’ pay n » funeral apttu^es nor buy n o iiiJ iV 'H tiiu A ” .M, q u A D .

T H E I t U b K H O F !*iA M ,

A r ro g re s H v e M oTiaich tV h o K eeps F u lly A b re a s to l th e Tim es*

' Th e K in g cf B m m Lad prom ised to v is it the W o rld 's F a ir iviid sail around tbe u o rld und bad gone so fnr ns to order a magulfiecni ya vU i m ade in Bootlaiub B d t now becaunot come, for ho Is In Irouble # lth tho Frojich, and by* tho lirn c Ihls is read Ibay n m y he In B an gk ok. Th e K in g Is forty ye ari uld, has reigned since he was firicen, U a b ro lu tn mon- ut'Cii o fa b n iU T.OOO.UOO poupic, h:iEH.buUt slxiy wlx'GS and c.in have as lu n u y m ure as he UUcs, has nn Incom oof 710,003.000, and UIn full nainD Is B om d ltcb I'nru J’urm nltu le Maba K liu u ln iou k orn .

Z U H I A T l AM?<,

A ccu rdinK tn I 'H r m i t R e p o rt Th ese H 'rip cdAiibnaU Are saiacluna,

Ffutn the Iipudin i F lc U .Ja m c a S ^eclcrbCTjf lo ld m e th at h)a firm

a b o u M w o m o n th s a go b o u g h t e ig h t half- g ro w n tv iid le b ra s fro m a h u n te r nam edO ro b U a r , O r o b la a r c a u g h t them Jn a w ild alftte b e tw e e n fo u r and live m ontha ago b y r ld in i r n H e r and lAasolhff th em . P u r in ji th e U a t m o n th th ey h a re been In Irainin^r fo r harncAs, w it h tbe result th a t four o f th e m a re p e rfe ctly q uiet and w e ll trainm l a n d th e re m a in in g fo u r p a rt ia lly trained.

T h e p lace w h e re th e y are k e p t Is at the station at P e te rs b u rg , lu the d is tric t o f Xciutpansbefg, T ra n s v a a l. I t appears 4bnt th e y a re a litt le t im id at first w h e n , tlie harness U b e in g put on , but a fte rw a rd th ey are a ll r ig h t , a n d M r, Zeederbf'rg bo- Ueu?8 th a t in a m o n th o r tw o ’s tim e th e y w ill be 4ia s te a d y as burSLU. T h e y p u ll w ell and are v e r y w il l in g and n ever J lh , a vice w h ic h la v e ry p re v a le n t w ith the horst'8 o f th is c o u n try . In fact, one o f th em w il l do liia beat to p u ll the w h ole coach J iin m 'If .

Jiim ex Zecdert>erg sa>’s th e y are so satis- fiail w ith tb e e x p e rim e n t, so far as th e y have g on e, t h a t he is g o in g to exte nd il, w ith the o h je e l o f u lt im a te ly su h stltu lln g th em for m u les , « h t h r le b ra Is free fro m th at scourge o f H o u th A fr ic a c o m m o n ly called “ horse s ickne ss,“ w h ic h a n y o f y o u r readers w h o h a ve been out here w ill k n o w crMis AT) e n o rm o u s a m o u n t to coach p ro prieto rs In horso Heab d u rin g th e sum - iner seavon. In som e parts o f th q lo w c o u n try it U q u ite sufflo lent for a horse to be left ou t a ll n ig h t In Ih o veldt ignuw ) to insure Its d e a th fro m this dreaded disease.

T h e Ecbraa, w 'h rn Inspanned iharneraedto the cuacht s ta n d q u ite atlll and w a it io r the w o rd to g o , th e y p u ll up w h en req u ire d, and are p c r ie c l ly am en nh io lo the brid le , and a rc e o tW r-n u n ith e d th an the m ule. T h e y n e v e r k ic k , and th e o n ly th in g In the shape o f v ic e w h ic h ll ie y m anlfcBt ia thftf, w h in first h a n d le d , th e y have an In - c iin iition to b ite , b u t a s ihm>u as th e y g e l ui un d ersta nd t h a t th e re is no inte ntion U i h u rt tb e ia th e y g iv e th is up. F o u r of tbcM exchnis are n o w iiiN jm nned end d riv e n In u IcA in to g e th e r, and are as re liab le and good as tb e bent l im it s ; Ih e oth e r four, being o ld e r, re q u ire A lit lie m ore tan e to get tlie in p o rfe e tly tra in ed .

MYSTERIES!T h e N e r v o u s S )rs te m th e S e a t

o f L ife a r d M in d . R e c e n t W o n d e r fu l D is c o v e rie s .

No m fN tery has e ve r compnrc<| with th a t of human Hfo. khn>«lH 'ei) tho h-adln^ su lijivtif pn)fi-»sbm ;U n*.<'ari*li and fliudy Iri nil jiiti's.

........................... iB l iB u t uoiA kibbiauU Ing this fact B l i uor gi'iier- u lly k n o w titiiu t the ocitfof life l i loC:i- tcfl In Iho tip­per pari of I be

I hiplimi 4‘ u r d, iK-ar the '

\ J of Iho b r a I n ./' i utid BO S4<nsl-

/ / tivp Is 1 ll 1 ■' portion of tia

n«*rrrnis sys- tem itmf cv'eri the ui'li’k i>r : nci'iTic w 11 j caiiso lusiDUi duaib.

J^ccent d iw o v e rlcs havedernonstrated th t! lit the o rg a n ''o f tUu Ixxly are ncidor Hiy con­trol of th*' nerve ccnteri. lor’uleil In ftr ne:i' ilicb iH C o f Ih n b ra in , itruJ tliiit when theienri.leruiijied the uriJtatM whUiit they snpnJy witi

When ll l i n-■lervctliildiin! a lsoderunged.Ti'^mlHTt’d ih u t nscrioiiH In iufy to tliOKplnn

trd^wlll riiU'^e paralysis of ibo lio iy Iwlov lie in jured [Hjlnt, bcenijic f!n» ntTvu forc'c 1ivY'cnied hy the In ju iy fm ni n -i i ‘hinij ili

■ iruJy/eci p orllo ii, B w H flH ' utHler3t«M>d Jnviruly/e(11* (lerauifL'mejit of ib e in rvc centers w f lUSiMheUeruiicpiiienL ofiho vanoiiiorgitii liii'ii tlii'.v iu p n iy w ith nerve foroe, T s o -th l i 'd i o f cnronle di-euiCH nre due i io'irnp'‘rfc ct acH uii of the nm-vo comer-4 a.(Cbu^oof tho h n iin , not fntm a deruui^e-................................. ' l l !efni primarily originating in the oririm 'If. The great mistake of pliv*l<*l;ini Ir renting Iheso UiicaM'sIstUat ttiey tM-atthr •r;{Uii rather than tho nerve ccutcra wLkh r4.' tbe cause of ilto trouble,D i l F r a n k m n M il k s , iho rclchrated ppe-

■lalist.hiii pnjfouridlv BtudledtUlssubjcrf foriver 5!Jycur&, and bUn made lutiuy Im portant

‘ ‘ ‘ ■ li'f amongJI-s<'oveTU*i in connection w ith It. c li lr____ „rJirm being tit* fAct-i r-ouiAlacd ft) the alxivo ratement. and ih n t the o rdinary tDeibods ot

.rLmtnieni aru w rong. A l l boadaebe, dlzzi ficsi, dullncHH, couru'ii.m............. ......... ................ ......... prosaurc, blues,mania, m ela nch oly , iusunliy. epllep^y, Ht. VIluB (laQi'C, eio.. are nervoua ulbcascx no fnatterhuw caasod. T h e wonOerfUlaUi'cesHcif Hr. M llcV llestorutlvo .Nervine Is d u o io tliu fact that It b bused on thofoTegolm rprlm dnln.

Uki^TORATivx NEUVt.vt:Isnotu by all druggists on u jiOiitlveguarAh'.oe, or >ea( tllpoci hy Diu 3lii.>;g M E0ir.\!. Co.. E lk h a rr, Ind,, on n>cclpt o f prj«’e. I I te r b U io , aI v b o ttic ife r cxprcHS prepaid, l i ouatftUu celthor oplaK’ * no ■diiujoroujj d rm !».

Hold h v All tfrngglsts.

r iT Y * AnVKRTl«t|v>lK\T^.A N O ltfM NA.M F. TO A lT l lN U jZ K A M )

tbe tVniNJlHsteirt'ri*4-ii4Hi roini^ny. ll is>ri ar.^lki:! iiii-Orp'ir.itt-il ij;u1t>r (h« Jim-s. uf the snu)* uf Ao.v Jersey, !n Jo»-hio i-OHSiriirt, iqipnilA and niHlMliiln slrH-l rwiiwu.v* find appurti a un‘i-n Dvor Hiiil thiud»b 4;i-t1ivn >iln>i-l:%aV(>mivi imd Iilvh wfl\!i ill tlie i-lty ef.V.-wni-K.

Whi'iC'Ls, 'I'liH afttn- rivnsDifdntfsl Trw'-iJiiD roiiqMiuv, iiruaiil/«><t uai]i>r tliv jiniv-hlaiiii uf -A n A ^ 'it 'i nuil)«iri/e tie inrimUInu ol tru'tnni-iim'iniiii-n. ri<r Uie lunairui-lloD iiiiii iiiH-rAliiin rji'

iiiU«ui's or rallfi’U ] ♦ «M et ti'd ■'iri'ilmll- ways, imil in rp;n nt.‘ riic kiijP,'' njijirotvl Miirt'b 14, llLi. liHviuu first I'lle-i In ikeollltv of i|i«> 'pera tiiryor^tate of N» w JeiHi-j' a ‘U'K'Tijiluiu of th" ri.iil^ft, with di** liiiijw ftilil Miliwilu-ntmi',dl'I pu'W*)tt itivlr jM»lUkm to Iln- Uoar 14»r,Stri'i>t and ^Vftli-r roinmlwinai'm, of |jj»! rUy »'[' Newark, pr.iy lixr (hu a.i1il hourtl lo (-ninr aald roinimay lie-rl^ut Wf lo/jitr liH triic‘<a n y u lJ rli.v, .MmiiinriH lu itii- rooie- tUfol Id lln* omc4‘ u) Itie ’-i rrt tarv nf m a i* nf >4-iv .liTii-y, w ill-ll ro(it.-h Msru S'l uin ii4 ili«;A-n lion to tliK b oint:

Anil Whurfits |‘iil)llc Jiol^ra liaa twau given to all piiriies Im cneltd hy imlillruinm In IIia Ni'tViirk )^vefl1llf N i-W4. *>ywwrk ImlK* .In.iriifil. .Nh« Jtf-i'y

/woirig Bini ^l•w Jf*m**y iK-uiw'lii*/.i-n iiii<.four lUktly lll•vthJmpl■r • p iMInhed'iiiitl Vle'Ulni^ In wiM «-fly orX**wHrit, for lliv ’par-oi at leiHi^uif.p-i-u Uuya inrlor to ilu* dr-t ihy ofJiiru* rigii-AJi hnhilr 'll ao'l ii'n-My-ttiri-#*. Mo* dull- uf lbs mefUnv ufUii* Mitd tit>anl, w li-n itv h uni L neiil ivin-ldar ■ucli a|)j>>H'Mii(iir OH Ly rv'i'frtio' tii Kiid ap[>lti'.itlon wlJI iinne f.iUy iiii|a'iir:

And HI bernas, tSuLl applli’allon for m IiI locUmn n<< riiiitalix (] tn Ntiu tu'tkn, e,in)r on to Iw kjfSrd hefori-hAlil iHHiril on al<l iU v of Jimi>, a . li.p xlii«t*ii tiiiintr'ct nml iilm't.v-il;ns>. ninl all [htmoih lii(i-riS4le<.l nnd il.*^raiia (o hi> hoHrii Wi>n> given fiiufipourruiilly and wi-tv In 'Hnl. kihI Id nrdiT \i* utfunl rmtlMT tjO)K»itnhliy i ) lnl"T<*sii'il p.irilin to t>e heurJ. KntinjcariniE was rtmdiim il, on tJie ii>v«tiUi ilay of .hme. A. t>. ls!t.''.,uiHl iti ■ b>>aril ini'l and OYaln afinnli'tl a further lie;ir n.< i"Al! |Kiilli's de^lrouH of Ih-Iojt licrinl on Hiild u]i|)IUviU<m, naltl nil Mii-h Imd Ih-4-ii heard wJ)r>n itie liiHirlru; nts-i 4'l'iSfil;

^ ml VkliHn-as. >^1(1 .-qiplJcaitou f 'r h’K-aqnn ha Htm-e B-dd lifaUiu; lieen duly i-ntiAidi-i url by (he ( o n. inl-' 'onsrn ofilM'Ivmnl, no-v, ihi>n'ft'ri‘. tiu- .Mayor ami J'oanl OI stri-or ami Water ComiiihaLineri'of the I'lt)-nfAewrirk, for Mid IpiJIly tlieroof, do or.lalniis folJ‘>ax:

.'iM'iinft I. Jlml tl]o (ocLlluti uf tiui tnicksiiir qi«

MIDSUMMER SALE€ I T T A n T R a T im S i lR N T g .

A n o r p i n A N c K T o PK O VIH K F O l T IJ * conr>tnK'ilun ufAStwsrlu


-O F -

Carpets and Furniture7 3 MARKET ST„ STORE NEAREST TO PLANE ST.

AMOS H. VAN HORN( L I M l T T d D ) ,

X . I I . — X o t o t l i o n a m e , A M O . S , b e f o r e e u l e r h i j r t l i e u l o r c . II f e w m o r e ] i i e c c ! i o f C « r i » c t l e l l o f t b e O r e i i t C R r t i o t S a l e .

O i l I t

II . It .nl*ln..<1. t>r Ih . IIm ViI o r^ lr .v t.o tl W .tar t'ominUrtluners uf the city of Newark, as ftdiows;

HiH'Uoa 1. A plpt' atwer shall brODn-iirutiad la I t r n K M t K N a tH K K T AM * UOHVLANIt

N TR K K T.It s part In ( rlHendfiii atrevt, from Iteltevllisitvi^ nijs tn huwlami MreeL tu he twaiv# inches 1% dtmmner, avd (he (mJanre uf (ha irner lu rrilLso- tl ii au<l Umt In Uawland «ln>ft, to ^ tea Imdirt m dUmatar. togeiDsr with sU UisappuvtseDsm.i'B iitHMiiMry lu niniit'sin thsMUin,

^fi'llon I I'hut Imuiiilmtviyiipoii tliecomnlsikia fstirh imbUi* work oT linpmvcmfal, ilia (.lerk

thrlioaril, In ■'onjunctioii with ihs I'nftMMrsndui'Oetai eiiiivrlnleiHlrni of Wurka of (h# board. Kimit i*arerull.v }in'|»ai« and fiirrd-h all naresMary Matements. maps. e|H>4‘tnrallun« and olliat dataliertuliitnii; (u aui Ji mihltr work or linprovfmtnL* .................. ,iland tha I’ rsalilmt nf the board and aald Clark alialT Ihsrtnpon. Oil behalf gf tfu* Biwrd of IttrtsI aad W nur I'umniJ^swiiera of tbe city of Newark, ' oillJy ih»‘ aamc to ihpronitnon ('oumit of tbs rl(y nf Newark, in orriar that Mild ruuimoa C oun^may therrMner prot-eatl to make the prutwrs--------............................. " I'h n •

M o (| iiP lte , jie r y a n l o n l y ............................................................................................. ......................... 7 3 ,1

V e lv e t C 'ur(M 't, ( h t y a r d o n l y ...............: ............................................... ........... ...............................7 . je

H m ly llrucM -li* t 'a r in 't , jie r y a r d o n l y ........................................................................................ 7 H e

T a i i e s l r y lin ta s e la ('iir|M ‘t , | H 'r y a r t l o n l y ................................................................................. f iO e

A l l -w o o l I i iK r n l i i C a r iie t , iw r y a n l o n l y ............................................... ................................... .K O c

T h n i - i t l y C iir| )c l , (h t y a n l o n l y .............................. ......................... ........................................... (I ,1 c

I ' l i r lo r S u H it, In ( ih ia li, « i ik i - in , n in h o ^ ta n y t ln l ' l i e i l fn iiu e s , o n l y ............ l j l > 7 . 0 0

I ’a r io r S i il t . i, in a iio jp m .v l l n h l ie i l friin ie ii, In r n n e o v e r liiB , o n l y ................. Iji;t7 .0 < >

A n l l i i n e O u k i ie d ro t m i S iiU * , retlu e e d f r o m t i l ) d o w n iw lo w a a . ...............$ U ) . 0 0

l l o t « ' l i< t S n i D i l i e r H e a n r t a m i l l S u l i i m e r l l n i m l i i i ) ; l l o i i a e a w i l l u l n n y a U n d u l a r i t e l i n o o f tto < n lN a t i n y e . - t a b l l s l i m c i i t . a n d n t l o w

ti r lc e a a n d o n a v t c r i n a . F n n e y M a t l l i i g , lu r t t e a t o e k a n d l o w )> r lc « a . l o s t i m i k e a o f I t e l W g eL ir a t u n t a t t l i e I m v e i t i i r l c e a .

T E I . K P H O X E B H O . T K H M S T O S l l T P r H C H A S E l l S . T A K F A H E F A U ) .

GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL PARTS OF THE STATE.X . U .— J io te th e n a m e , A M O . ‘<, k - f o n j e n t e r in g th e H tore . I'lu a e o iK e r K le -

v n t o r t o e v e r y tliMir.

AMOS H. VAN H O R N ,» » )i


C I T Y A D T R R T H K M IC N T ^ ,

fTl.** aicing the r.'wtre Hu • of tti-nrrti alrovt t.>lhaoo ib r line nf EIDt-eiulj avFOuJr

Hiiide .Vn. ?, Bi’Bhininif III ttic tTOlrp Una of Ber wen FtiiH'i >\}iere tn^aiiii.a h lnUr<Hiitd hy itivrau tn* Itiis tif JldHiiioFnt*' o'eiiui* « i ilis -(HMherljp' iHiUhdury Jhie or Iho rlt> of NrwHTk : llirmi* fiMi-mug imrttiarly aD'inr hie r-'iicro Htie of Heriteii at reel lo Uie ivntre hue n| t'lliipnt ttvi m n-; llten< • e.iHisrJ>‘ Hjiin! (he line u f( Union avenue U) llo> ooii trr d.lellKl avenue.

loiiteNo.s hegiindnir tn tbe oi'htre line uf 4'eii- tralaxenne \4t)er>‘ llioMuita h liiierKe’red with tbe O 'ltri' 1 D“ of I iral arrest ; ilteiin- iiwrihOdalerl/ aliuiu the e-itlie hiiw or Hr-M strost lo tbe t-<‘ntTe uf 4)raii|i- air.>et,

Ihiuto Nti 9. llev unli'g In iharfiiti-* hue Teiilh tirn 'l « liore iiio M.*rne li tnU^raecteJ by the 'untherlv roni'lHfj tne uf ihe Hty iif Newark ; ibiu 4'ninniiig i.uiliierty tiltnig liie 'trn ih i line of >uuib ’Joiiih tirv'-r tn Ui. c4*iUn*llnei>t hi uk eirt-el.

I Hide Nu. jti, ro.itihina In the otiilro itiie ul I'lnb Hvriiii*, uln-ie (be • ine la hiieirifeil hy the westerly Imnh/lflTV line ul ib * ejiy Ne-Aark ; lUenie oMHleiiy a uat Ibe rrntie line of Finii ave­nue ig itt! reulip Ime of Blienillt-lil nveiiiM', hd .I then '4>«oi:lIieil>"MiflNgUis m ttfo line o( lUiHiiolta d HVt m.« In ilnr eeiitis linn uf lleUvvilU' Kvenuc, tok*! liuT (.Itli (be r'ght til «ruan all iutsrsep'l g MlreetK.ftvenuM nnd hlirii^ayii upon Ihs t'nn’aidnk rntili-e, ami ula-i Dm rlMlii In loniirlirf any and idi neei-mhfv rurTe'i. a|dlitjr». iTi'iMiverF^arift e«lt4 li4i-4 BiiK limy be leqidrvd for ill* [ifoper. and iiie iingt'.iiil lias nut ittH-iniliin fifaiiy or all of tlie f'lru- Kolng lUDH-H. Ami ihid mpd e4int)iEiiiy on ilie routes pd asiil >1ri-e( r.nlnin atmjl 1 x m * Ihe r’ght, [Kisier ■ihiJ nutlioriiv m n i\ 4-pn«lrm-t, h|i|>Iv amt rnatii- tnlii theivi.ii, i.inl 4i|i>r.ite rnlhvn\R (>|o^«IM hy lior S', innior*. 4M:dt-4i. eie-'irienl and oUjer0e\) iiiitl apjilliiMi’' s G U i i^iuer in eraci, coiMtri o . ii[i(>l.v und iimliiUimaiid tiw Hurli liiinicN, f'lr • hIiIs ', |rtil4a. n iidiiii’t nnd gjbur ile\ I< i*hfor Uafihuihltrig huiI ai4 im( elixUliai a'lii <dln>r forieM n'4. Hill |iruTlili' lur tin- Uiu'llnn uf ■'iirwur Mnel rahwiiya, iirnvldiel Ihet }io I ('itim the nr (lUn r eiu'lni' ln4• Inu mi Itn ih I|\ ublvh prn(>elle4l by ai«;mi. aiball Jm* ui>«d on aithlXHlIwtiy irui kt (n Ij)e eltv nf NiAwrk. t *

't he iierinteHifin niid roi.asnt hsretnlH-ftrrvi giardctl IwSlvi-Mtunl gruitiuil uixm the lenuN, iiunlihonT., lllnli^lhmaand n-ilricisuii"^ i’4inlidne(| |u itie pm vl4|.ina nf lire (dIIovkIng »4i tiona nf tIda urtlinatn'e ;

m 'l lm ii I he lUmrd of ^^reeL and HVafer 4 nni inta'luiiuihgf t];S i-liy i.f Newark -I'nll have tlie riklil mini tilin' In Uiin* in iiiake rtOAinndile reutlle- lhiii4 ituvi-riiliiv Die »)iiu<l i»r cart, Ihe ii.unner of hltippuKe ih 'r-o f nmi 1 lie iiumlier of 4'ar» Ul nim in * AMil Ibe »alil roiij(itutv In Ihe uprration of tie titeet iiilhiay or ra.'w iyii>lmj| betnverheil l>y the oruvl auiiie I f any l■llJllnn1•e gr onllnnne»*i< berefolnre luifl-ed Die add Ih^anl nfrlrnei amt vH'nt r 1 umnilp'^lon'IN uf Ibe rtty of N>niir.f. ]irih U.«i| ■e I h vmvi!*u^nniire nut h.i-utwiMieiu ia iln liiia irnil

C I T Y A D T F .H T U IB M lC N T f t .

anthortiiM uf ttiteiiy kball hale fuU nhil riiltr# 1*01%er ami antnorliy in make kin-u aitrratluiu retni- IhUud nr lni|>fomnHil, »lthuut r\-(* iirite go Die |iat-1 (if Ilia ^alil itntiipsns MCEdiml llieelty nr lit anihurMla< flu any nbatrucDuii nr ami arroaiiiiaiii Dtal the snid 4'inii)Mtiy n uy meet vihh. ininaeijoaut Upon aiirh «!l'*mimn. reenlatinn or ImnmvemeHl. prnvIdiHl, bodeiur, 'bat nn Die oiiiSiinn of any alUMMlIou. r'Xiiiulinu ur Impinvamsiu a- haretgtnra reeited. iiirt-eiad io be duns nr to iMwperrnmnd |iy anthorJlyiif Uih h i«rd ofHirevt andVlHier I'utn- ml'PLonera. uiMimi>'('r*4a;iry (IalA> shall Iw mude iir raiiMHl III any mnimer Ihst ahull xork prajtnlb'taliy til the Uitepsit nf <akl inmiwiiy.

N» 'tloti IA '1 hr aald eonipany, when Ihs work uf iHylng It^ (hu'ka nti tlu* runli's deitgnuiad eUnJI h tve b(H«ti nmimsik ttd, nIuDI pfre-ef-d wuhant anv delay to lilt'eunip|eilu)i id SUeh work nflavlrig ancli lio<'k or irtiokA wltlilu ib r limita of lh.> eltv, uml If Die u b l mmiMOK ^iinll atop or deiat iti iwM norl( be- lurr I nmi b tlini for a iiejiiKl of lour wivka lotianrii-lively, atmr i.utha lu prm'ii'il iherewltii him bei-n nnil||yib •'aid eompaiiv by nnier nf Din huard nfiifreei Hill Water ( ‘tniunlanhiiern. nsalei't, delay uf ornll tn pnaxi-d In rnnipliMfl ilm Murk of li'fi nirb Ir irk cir Inn ki'HI''nmiiieiic *d Pi belaid aa nfure- Mnkii. t ’leii Ihe (iarmla*lDii aiut enuamit her-'hy given tn lav men Uhcks nn aneii Mire*-L nr imrDon nf a "treat «4 hereim'nii'b ni'Kleti mnl delay i iimniilcleHin-J) NYork hbnil o('i-nr, alniM tm hull uml void, and Dt« inbi iHJurd altail t*e niithurirri at iliu co'it nbd eti|M*i.>e III' (In- rnntpniiy lu ttka nuMicJi iiu iid i pleie irnek nr Iraeka Iherelofore Inld b>-i!iernm ptinv and re>lore »uch a ue«: Inn prAper eomllDoa

T'e '-rliin 17. Ihni iiothltiu liinialni'I In tills nrdl- OAhi e Hhali Im doemsd. mnarr'jeLi or held in any way In iviiibran.4 rixhl nn anid I'niDiiany, in alteel Dio grote nt any virei-l nr til«liw.iy of Die eJtrai- lepi Ih nml null wjirewi itm-eni ami innhafliy «f the Cl aril nf r-irt^iHinl o'er 4'nniinl’uilniieni; ad Hit' rnlhvay (rurkaof aa) J i‘4i|iipany atmil ta> Juid nil iheatreein nr highway' of Ihe eitv, iil Dis eaiah-ilfhed graiit lb•-^'0 . and aiiall lM> wUhoiit delay tnkei) lip and relaid t>r 1h«* ccmipany al iK ow nev Vi'ii-e aini rO'l, and Wltimiit ni-mirae in the city fiir any iluniM ii un achiifint Dienvii^ 4'«ii)lnrinab)y lo tba kfatJe ol alriM*lM aii'l Irgnwaya Ihnmub ubteh 111 trSeka may Ite laid, ujetn Itie ultfiaTInti h)‘ the I'liy anitinritiea uf Ihe gmUe nf -•iich >(r>aisanilbUbwava

Him-Dud li, Tlist in '•ft*'' Ibepropflllng ponar itsi>il Oil the atni't riiJhvaya nf •«aiil rnoitmny a

ei‘tliiii!(. 'jhatalimild an'd rompany nei let't In ri:ii l Uii u) un their eiinairncteit niltnay^ tor ibe

Hcrunmiu tidliiEi uf tbe pnhhc for (be arnoe nf ihn-e rnn*e< uii\e mnotlM, tk'' Board gf Htreel und tv uisr rimimlKHlonera re w l've’4 bt right tn tgot luHi enii aDiiritsl rndwaya (o uiijr iiUi«r perituji 4ir enmpaiiywbn will Im e tIUni; in run 4Vk)H un tha samo ; nt In iheevfiit uf the Kkbl h<Ksrd tiuim{ nuiible a<i ti> rent eiiib tailHay.nr in piaiv iar'4 u|inn Die »HinB |nr nix mnulliH nfier ihu name aliall linse lH>en ab-imloni'd j]H itforeMald by the (vimpnhy, iheji amt In emli co-'e Die I i.aril rB'M-ne* ihe rtgjii lo eau'e Mieh niil- v,«y nr raUxu] 4 to tH> remos erJ fiuin the ainTia ami lilglhvay-' ut Die chy. und tuaell nr diaro’i 'u f lh>* nittterlaiH theri-of. and afier jia/Ji-g Difrefioin jiU eXi>Fitns orateli rejioival am) aaJeainl uf ienulrlm,* lte(l atrii'tor i.lrflmay. j»ay me hfitaii'-e, ff ajiy, t.

Die leml repic'eulutlvas oriiiecunipujiy,!iei'tlan 4. Nt» gf4*aier agin shall te* diarfrei] or re-

c-dved tiy aald mmiHhy h i faro or t >IJ fnr tbeoarry log nf |>aiv>eiiKi'ia fur nity (Hatiiiee ivliiiin liio duut -• of 1 lit'city uf Newark. Ihau Uvv ceiiia lur e.n-h |m > F#)i({er over len yenrant age; anil iiogrejlar *njh hhati be r nr hn-iivf-tt at lare Ilf ini] fur Di>'carryhif u: chlJilien M woen iheaveani tour and U*ii je,dra«.u any ul Die < uignany'a llut-p nJthUi Dm oily, ihMD thr<i‘ eenl'i Inr oiieli elillU. Gie Mu.wir !■< berelf. empijwereil inrevnke iiie llii-naeu/priV rar Him ll la Hot rim In nceurdaiios alUt Die iirnvIa^unH uf Itii' aerlloii.

''♦"•Hull X J Imt alt atroHa or hlMbw-uya hi the rliy Ilf Newark nh Ch so- iUiitave4l at ||m< ijniH Die •4n1>i luinikiny Uaiilburlaod lu Jay nttln’ay traek* tliert*-In, ilie cHid entTifniiiy aball u( ilia lime M l.iv* fA'IHay iriu'ka in SYirh imiMt# I atiV4-(, }aive the (rM-ks and lednci'ii Hie iraeka of It' ruliwai ufid livelve Inchi'aoiitddeul Ibt'oilier rtlls Dieru'if. vitli eimh ma'erlaJ u'ld ih amdi inaiiU‘'r lu* the Biaint g^^1 ee1 and W iii'r ( iiiDndi'.iMi”r4 uf said cl(,v aliall hy r--M)biduii djrpri.

rei'ilgn ll. .imi Wliene'.-or sah| i-nnipany shiiH lay K*' luUnv'id tiHike Hi any aircel aln-ady paveii anld iiiin|Hiny'hull !ay Ita raiia tu iHiru'nrni t ) the gradenl Niitii alie liiiuNkiDl k-eii hi gnod r'piur

p.iVeraei)t limli.e ihe ratu and Jadw.'a.j the tiO'-K^ Hiid fur twelve Im-hO'i utilaiije tho uulor raila.

■Unn ;. Wtierievi r any uavfKt elriu*! UirungJi nr . . . .. . . . .ii]Hm wIHi h the irarkt uftuild (ximpnny are mid \%ocdi-reo ri-paved hv ills dUijF c diniiiDt^ ninnk'itnil uuDiorlllei. (lien iLe ‘and rninpHny MhalJ repave In

14904* •'fifgir^ykCtr Oy iJDijjA Form t, Wltllam Forre-t, Mr. DutU's p'rinar, w k hikIliere my wlf<i m O 1 piaysd lradlE|< parti for UO a week. Till* was la tlie for- llei. In due time ■ Edwin Forreit wse ■nnoUQced Ar * wc*k'e •ng^emeiit la Hitlierolc ubaracler.1. f w u oaHi'to lappai t III in. Tbe eptaln* plsf wM Dr. Bird’* ‘ Or- ralooM ’ *nd I w.ie f*»t for i*iiarro. The day w» were to open I w»« very elck, aad Dr. MoCieliu, tbe tether of Ueueral MeCletlan, forbade my m int to the tb n tre , bnt Will­ie m ForrHt cemo to mo and eeld they eould not gel a eiibatlliito to pley my p erl; to I went anil did Ibe beit I ootili In lbs fo-itb tot, efirt a sword flgbt witb Forreit, In wbicb I weielaln, ho put ht« fbotoa me end eiaod In ebrmtoettlladens tbeeurlela went down. Ip doing Ibis be trod on me will, nu- ueceiiary force. Ho bad evldeatty loe'l hlra- self In the excitement of tbe moment. After tbe curtain was woil down t erase and said I

“ 'Mr, Forlflxl, I came ffom a eick-bed to play Ibla perl, and I think you ahoutd ai leiiet baye eoiiie lltllo coqilderaltob for an Kctor, IboitglHie'mHTnot be a* great at your- lelC.'

“ Tire only reepdnjfc I got was n grunt, and It angered me so tbat'l picked itp a sword I

nuolally . H elurn liig io Xt3w Y’ lu k

bad dtof»pcd wheD su p p e d to t>a lialD, aixlit at Mb " ■ ^ihrsw it at Mb head. U« dodged, and ejh

gaptd tertoui Injurya I wa^ very angry, and exclaimed as lihrewtbo weapon : 'That is Ipryou, ilr, iv«4l lam rcapoiislbla for Is ]' ***Thl<D^xA*higlit he woi ^nat for D'ltnon ■

gad Isks J ’ji/A/k/oj, bui be notified bis brntbsr that hewiiuJd Dot ptiiy with me. WUllAm Forrest took luy pJoeeunil Monyml to pluy the part, bul when be went on the au- dleiice abouledi * Where's Tborner Where’s Tborne r ead would d<A beep quit;, Mr. Fofrest sl9p|*ed to the fbwlHghla and aald:

' My biother, WUBadi Forrest, la pltiyiag tbIs part. Mr. Thorue does not play it,'

“ But ibis did hot saIJsfy Uieaudlsuce^ and ibey Jiept upa tumnU tbal uearly destroyed' tbe play. Alter tbe performance, 1 was atendinf Jnfrobiof the theatre, witsn Mr. Forrest came urouhd and passed Into tbe box ofilee to lettUi .bis acoottato. He wns always inuHiexaBt Id money matters, and got bit salary of pcresQlage every night after Ibe pcrftirniance. TLat was> an Inexorable rule wBli him, .W|j»n be%aw me be Leearoe Ttry UDgr)*, and snld 1 laad been (be cause of (be dlfilurbance. Idebled tills, and said I wislied nocottiiuunleatlon wllb him wUat- eter. Wo paried with tbla UPreetlng, and during the reimDnderof his engi^cmeni 1 peTrr wrntneni'Hte tbeatrw nguln. Alter ba jsfi, till brptitrr came and asbeU my wlfentid J to return, Wo did to, and played a success­ful siigagsmeDi. 1 then returned to New Yoris, au4i bcesme manager ol tbo New Cbat- bam Theatre. Mr.Forrest about iblsHme

tbe Bowery Tbe«irs, but b i t :

1 iiii]>*pened one d ay lo go to ki*o ' Led A s tra y ,’ at Ibe ITnlon Bqaarc TUcaire, And there 1 met Mr, I ’.tlnier. H o asked me;

“ 'A re yo u tlfod of starring ?’*” Y’es I am /said L" 'T b o ii yo n bad belter t ry It lu m y eo it-

p sD y AwUtie.'"1 accepted his propoalHon, T h a t wns

DflArty tw enty years ago, and 1 nm w ith M r. P a lm er y s i." ’

W IL LIA M J. LR MOYN'K’X CARERR.N o Bst Of our veteran players wouUI bo com­

plete u u 1«M It lijoloded ihn im iiio of W IIIJotq J . A^ M oyne, know n utid adm ired by every theatre-goer in Uils town. Ho Is a nntive of itoslon, u e n l nn the singe when ho w as ve iy yo u n g and Biowly worked ills w ay to the top, H e perfoTTned rxerU en t servlen tu m a n y stock compenleo, was severnl llnicin* (Tuve U ln g star, and d u rin g th «'w a r uii offi- cgr» and agouti one, too, in tbe U iilo u A rm y , F o r ten years bo hat boon the favorite come­d ia n and tiharscler actor o f DanU'! Fro b - m a il’s Lyce um com pany, and line p ard ci- paled In ah of the anenessCH of Hint j^nmous orgaiilaiuloD. D ry lu im o r, d ro ll eccentricity and a vein of deep tendemoae dm ninnte his w o rk on the singe. I f the m niiiiu of John G ilbert^ g loriou l and holoved. Itns fallen on a n y t m u tbai mtin Is 'W iliia in J , I jC iMoyne. F in e a rtist aud true genllicman, fArdiaiaD i be the d a y that lakes b lm fernn us. , f

Itu riTK U.

A d UnoaDny itbperatUlou.From the rbliadclphta ftccortt,

W beD Ibe Frln ce of W ales was seriously 111 some years ago, and as ilie crisis of iiie disease was approached, a sb4*ep was killed, opened and the Prlhce’e feoi placed on its bleeding body to keep op tbe a n im a l heat. K xacLly w h y tbe sheep BAS u s o l Instead of m ore easily applied tnentia has oflen been asked., Tb e m e o fo cbeep’s body was due to ■uperstitloQ v e iy co m m o n (n Europe, (hat t U e f ie s h o f a rcccDlly s la n g b k re d anlm nl bus IH c -flV lh g projiortlet. • luslnnc^s of sin*- B a r em ploym ent Of sheep are com m on even a t the present dAp*

C n t a r r i i , H eadache, N e n ra lg la a a d C old latbe Ucail*

pfrfkcL nonsense to p ay a tm itg cri all tbe w ay from IllM o 1)00 for s im p ly projulslug, but fttniitg, lo cu re the iihove dlise&ittis, wheb at the old-astAhMsbed ufito* ot H .'Y e ii BttO' k irk , IQ A cadem y stro4>t, N e w a rk , you canhave a free trial of a delightfully reffesbh]|

idlomedy, which Immedlitiply relieves ani. speedhy and Iwriumiantly ourea (he worst PMMte nl A cost not fxoecdlDg one or two dob lars. Thousands tn this cU.v have'triad andicsttiV lo Its efilcacy. Gfllou hoars, 0 A . M. to 7 t\ M* wsck diiys and M (Sunday. H okq

i l o j ra tooldaod bay fever are also iwimotllJiteiy re- Uevfld aud sptadlly curoU at r-boro pleet. **s


KINO OF STAN.A n d yet ho is not Jtuppy. He U tbo most

progressive ru ler Klam has over bud, baa ahcH ily Introduced rniinv re fo rm iiin d (ulnjit- cd m a n y W estern Idensand Is jtnxlutti in do m ore, bin thcra tronhlo on holli sides of his l(lD gdom . T h e BrlllNlt receniiy nnnex(.d lltiriuiDi, w liic l) hiJngs them ve ry close to b lm on tbu uest, nml ti*e French, having aniiexctl A n n m and nil ihe in «t of (be sotilii- ern part o f the pciDnsnIe, have got tip a quarrel about the b4mnrtijrli*s. T h e y ciulm nil Ihe te rrito ry tip lo the Mc-fCong K tver bt)- oanse It lo rm c rly belong to A u a m a n d b o - CAtnee U Is LCrupIpd by w ild tribi's which B iam enn not control. Blain clnim s the m o u nta ins touH i of (ho M c -K o iiy , as she drove Ih e A nnuiesc uu l uf thai valley a cen­t u ry Ago.

fio lu n g K h o u la M n k o rn I , AS be Is tisunlly cn1l«u, and Ills 7,£K)0.QiiiOyeoplehaveeuddeniy hrrom e o f great iinporiAnco to K uropc. Tin> K in g Is fa r In advance of bis subjects. Inl4?Jl

he abolitbcd alt the sinvlsb cerem nnlei ofthe old court. I l ls aatijecls un d miulst4:>rs no

irlonger have to drop on th eir f ices at thq dikor, c ra w l u p and bum p th e ir bonds on roalp, Qji th e y nreioen tn the old ploinresam i eotnlo operas. T h e y w alk In , how aud shake hands In the E iig B sh way.

T h e K in g Is tbe n lu ib mod of M aba Mnng- k u l, b is predecessor, and wee p icksd out nf e ig bty -rou r eblldreii to be m ade sovereign. H e is (•iuatl in slaturf, b ut has a n oU-s}nq>fd h^nd* w ith olive brown coinphixion, liquid black eyes nnd straight b lu rk - b a ir. He spesks H n tH s b fluently and bus sent two nf hts brother* to E .ig le nd io s lu d ye lv iU zu llo n . He bos sedulously culilvated Ibe art of pcai^ and labored to raise the staudlng oi Ms people.

>6hiA««. .fffUt* roifw* idAflirtJjftni' |g tlii-lr iHrli'dun smt llinil In Du- ullit'p uf Dik hveru-

. Utfy.u1 (hu uf N4*w .I«r4«y-that l«|gs).v i»uiniH'h ur'Huvb luvniiuiiuiL rauiLM iik h 'rslim ii'r d ; scrlbcrl:

hams No. I. ncglrntng In D>* ix'tura 1ii>(>of Ilnmil f-tw i where the j-fttm' 1 'lulerxcru-d hy Ihn fi'iilie line uf 4 Vdftr siioct; ibi-nr-* iiurDnvanifriy

, nluDg ihr o^nlre line of (. pfiar *|to 't tn lh>- IJiii'uf lluJwy Hir^H ; ihHuiT aurlhi'jniurly Hti'A'f

I tlifi 0"n(rc line ni'1lnl!N«y nire<*l to (be coetru line uf W urren F triT l; and Iheni'c rmitiiF S nuriliiwc^iarly alunir lnr> csnirs linu of WartCii xiiral tu tlir In* lia<'Ilf Knit'o Rtr>et; piovitiuJ, Dint only u Da - cl!‘ m o i shall be laid ovi't or tarve^b O J u r St n et. 4

Huiiiu No. 5. BCgInttliig nl tbf* cantrC lln* of Mruawlne strvoi wherf* Dk* Tim*' It IntiT-fciwI by (bf 4i*r)tru JiiM' of J-'niiilcf'^rd Hirm ; ihfnr4' norih- vvs^lrriy ulnug iho contr*' Jiia* of Miu;ar.ln« (o til* cfinr* line of Kofnuili fruu Ih-.'niT' nm-nlng Hiiiilh\vfHlPrl.r along tbpctuli* Jlnv of Kns«uth nU4»et to Dici'Piflro llu* «t ilwmbnrg |»lnfu; Disiks Mill soulhivt-sterly nlonx Uu* (Oidre line of Doti- hurt stievt to (be CMiire Jlin' uf 4 he^tnutsiroet: Dmcf* rumilng wcN'.erly slujig tiM> rentr* Ihie of clicstniii slr4 et tu ihc ci-ntn- tin* uf'droAd street, a( liK ln(ffr**'tton wllli CJiuiUJi a^onii* \ iboncu isouth* w04iei‘Jy ni4H(f ('Untuo av^miu lu tJo* C'-ut^s Jluw of Niintre siieet: Dicnre M-i-nlerly atung (he ronire I Ini’ {if hpritcu Htrt-ei to llie ccnti a line n( stouLli ’rvnih Pliwl ; rrovidud Dial unly « "iagla lrpc.t aliall be Jiit4t tnilM-HKiut S tm t, betscoi* Mulberry Mti'i't BR4j Broad ntmU,

lioiilo Nu. g, reglm4lng s( tbi'InlcrserDon of Ibe rftilrellne af Avenue A with (he centre Ihis uf KRimol street; thoura rtiaiilng NUMtht'tisterly akmg ih" renlM line of f<;m4net Rlri’H tu ih l centra lipu or A^>nt]eOt dteiK.'t' nurtiica^ittTly sfurtK tb*cenite |liu'4ff Avenue D to ibe i.'i'ntr' line ot'lWrkliiiri-t Ntraet I tlu'Ace soiiihenslorly aiunL' ihH 4'entre line of l^rhliuixt Htre.>i lo the <*enire lineulDawimn street t (hence rT4)r(hcBSIerly nJuiif the centre line of iHiWSoh Ntruat to the ocbtre line ul J4rMi(!i Htreet \ thence xguthi'ftMlerly nlonKibi* 4'cntre lina urHuUlh Htrsel to Ibe I'untreilne of I’aclhOi-treei, and ihenca riiimliig norlherly along the (xtntrr* Hue of Pai'lfiu etruet tu the reiKtr llrui of ( ‘bcHtnUl street.

JtuuteNo, 4. Beginning in ih" centre line of Mar­ket HfV4«t. where the ♦aine Ih Jntt'meetert hy the centre HOe of Adams street i Dienm rtlnnles Houth' wtsierlv along the cciKr? Uu« of Adaina streot (o (he fseiilro line of Hnnlh ntrect.

KuuteNo. A Baglimlnv; hi the renltv llneof Pre

fi4l • )|4 ruM», liutween i's ai)d fur Im H vciijrJ}t>s oiiikiiIh iiK’ iiitier nilH. tvltJi Htich limauUt ami ni riucii » m <uner ae ihe llu»rd u|' Aireul hijiI tVN lT ('■giimli''1ugen' msy 4h^'^l,

i tloii A ."J Id eum^nmy »Jiu|l aho isivc at Die In t *ri!*f* Jon iir fruS'lng nfuny other mllwav (nicks Du- 4% hole illsDiiice I elAeeii nil llu* ml in st'ihe su.li] cmSIng, jiDiJ ft! all ciU’Swaiks ihe soli) utivemi-ni iiAii lie cniiTiMieil ttlung Die mil. hIOI at iiiJ crgaDiig j| SI jietH Of Ih** Kui'er-'iheroiif whicli ib»' ImukH uf Mill tumtuiiy idiBlI rs'c.ovpr. a |iro|M>r ctilv«rt, cuv

(•red wIDi Jr4iA ur elutie the whole WitJUi ul ihe htrcFi. Hhnli i>e Iul4l ai Die i-u*t or cji|>«uh' of anid cumi fltiy. und -bnll be ouiiNirm-iotl mirlHr (he dlrcr- tnm III Die euKliiecr or curv. yur of rahl iMuiid, utid iiJI liai'k’i rliull Ire lonilu.l uiul luM under (he iJiriiO' Dmi ul the ••(Uil Ihmf.! oi r-iree: ati i Wnlei Dojiiml-i BlmicT4 mid eiibjr'i'i lu Die ai'provul Dierouf.

rv'cihm’J. All niM-Heur hieartu)'* which rmiulrc rnoliik, I'r.-Miirtiiury tu Jiiyinit rif Miirt irarJcu. Mhaii tegiumHl by or ut Die 4’.TpM'usi* uf-mlti rvjiujiuny, lu

the-tunic I'Meitl n* III rtlM uf J>hvIiu( nlurvc iui'tj lioiml.iiMd nfleri'anl k*|it In rejuir hy nan) (-luij |imiy ai ah iM) illrat-ii-i u]| wurk (u lie duue inulcr tli4' i|lrci(iu)i I fiu d uu notice hy (NeHuaidgfMreat aud Water I ’uiuiiiiM.cber* 4(f Ihe city g| ^ewarg.

i"'(.‘Don III. * bill Diu riald cunijuny alnilJ re.mn i* any-gravelj^jllri, fijsh^lula or otjij'r <»l»tfu(^tiiU)

alf47^r7iMf^^liHiTlmr(f hi^ji^fvuTi li, ur'lo ^nv^u ? llcer oMald rirmpniy by IlieueHenilHiijH'ilgiriulem

i.J[e.w*M;KLsu*| (IIU Mill! Ixja^d. H ul U lLH.eun-<«»-<«u,(b iiix,

-tfon, AmDiHujr 10 qie Icnue uf nuti-'e-bu h 'i v**!,Ibc4ieneml Mi|ierliitenUent <»f Work* ('ball caua- ^irb-gTwvi l, din, nudertrthi Ur'Wher uhMnicil ms lo he m iiiovH, 1104] i-aiise mi.v pavluf, reyavln^ jumI rcindringoi Hitch Nheets lo Ira dun* thacueturHii u nlcU ahali Ira pal I b,v HO(f t'.'lleUcif fr.iin Dm- umu- paiiy Ijy ualil Dt-iierol MiiienatciKlent ui Wur<4 Ana Die aald ronipany. IrGbr oiM iaddu uf lU iifgie' aald Hues uf railway in the cliy of Newera. •.hall, uhen ro'iidred hy (he Huid liMni <>r General etiirar- Inii'iulHit of W4>rka. reingveah angn' which may he (iiroivn ur t>la '0d hy it the itryoi* aloiiK trucks 111 clMtilug or ctearluf the Mine, nlihin iweiiir-four liuiir.4after iwn-lie of such iniDce, nr said bnurtl niuy order itatd cotnj>any to JeycJ ih > snow thrown hy It uil Die slilea of the sirtcis, u Il.i-Ii shall he (lone hy aahl coiii|>any wiDiln ilintlnraHu llmlual M alorcFHhi. And m cmm lAkl lianimriy hIjoII Inll to remove or ler el aiirh 4ne « )vlihln (weiu ly fgur litiurji liter Ih* acrvli'eoi nmu-i. (oihal cRVci a« afbreHBtd, then (he Nuirl Inmnt or ((crura) Mnprr liKSiuieiii of tt‘or!(h ihcrcot shall at ikkw |*rui"a.i co caiiw'snch ^n lu to be muiDvctWrurii luch KtC'ctH anil the ex] enue of sucb retcuvai kIihI! bu cUargi^ lo, pall) Mm uulh-oti d tmm such (.-ojiiimiiy.

P'tciloit II. 'Jim said corijumy ishHll puy m the flty C lerk ol'loe city uf New-ark. In tbn month (rf January of each yuur. for the use ofihu city of Mew- ark. the enm ot ten doJlam fur oHi'h cur In be rim un t(s hue or iJneK of rsilwa.y, and fur euch ami every esr ])iuc4-d ii|Mm l(a roid hofiire Ihe Hum bendii

shaU he'\ci-ir.4' uuaufS. -upiulel v'lih trum over-

i iieud 4KlrcP. Mild 'hall fur DD« |mrp h -> reijulro U>c , ua>‘ of [H-Uff tn Ih> |ilaccd within Di” |ci1>lic ain-ei

ilii'ii Aiiil Jit Midi CI4V '.b>- |H rnuminii end ci.iira-ui f.hF Dn» U4ca and |ui|-jMjfU't ufnrcmlii l-i ktimted ir|ii)]i Die fulh^wliic trrina aod I'lMiiliiion-c

l-'lrpl ■'uld cmiAiHiy la h»rebv aiiihODreii (u erect null ninhaulM *iui Ji iiuie- ai may bu iJH'4■H•4ar f4ir (lie Miia oM of Ms nverhejid 4'OHsiruc(luu, mid io airing Dg-rcnii I lie i.oc^-ary w in * '; stK*h (inkn ig I e lUH'H'iJ up|Mi%iie 4-iM ll other ou Dm aldei uf Die Siiw t" .'llhhi Dieeiirh tine, and |ii (he nf fron or aieet jif leoae t'VHiiy leet high. Slid the Wire* 11 tu' alriiiu Dicretiii lu l)c pru|>erly giiurikul.

Keniiid Thai (he Uh'miIoii iind ptactug of the poll a aliaU Jhi iimU-r Dm Nll|le iFlun nud illrn'tlun 1)1 U)c Ihant] ufF4U4-t-tanil Water i'uiMmVKNh.n- r)) uf Die eny uf Nsvv.ick ur h - niithtirtze I n te.ita.

1 hint -T h e (kiIc* shuU he plocral ouu hmujce l a'u) t\v*-niy-ft\el'e-‘-i u]utrt.

t'imrili— 'ihe said i'onaulldatrsi Traclhiti ( ‘om- poiv. hefure euiumeueliig ihe n*nH(ria’thi|t uf )ia iiu-rhcud [ila i|. or of niiy iinri (h c it if from Un)u lr» ■ line, diull Id (u inc ^ovl Hnurd • f ani)\Hiit r i omiid)«'lriuer* B def;Dlei] piun >>f aiirli pru- |)0«ril cin»ir<iciigii nr i-on-ntic loua, ifae'Hn)et4> i»e A|i|>rmcij oy (he •mhi b n d l)e|orc :iiiy xMirc hduiic uiitier (he iK'rmlsiiigi lu'icgs arHUunl.

Filth -rlin j -aid 4‘umpiiny fJihIJ •ilnhllth nnd innhii-i|M u I>.tiit4'in of iitiA''reri fur u cniritlnUuiH Dde vi.thui ih 'C d y limits lor a uhigJe Jar *. on all (he llne-4 owned niul ngTalud h j aald com|Niny,mnd Mtld coihtiany »|mil alau give aud Jlke LrunH>luru IO uNil rrnrii (be linen uf olher fdicet ridUaa^s, ujHm uny e<]Filiahti‘ t>a'*l4 that uuq bAAgreot upgn l>ft.ic4Mi niiiii (-»ui|i»ulfM, and In 4-asi uJ luDnre of nujij coiupuny aod eiiy oDier ntre.it reilxey cuiii- |im»y lu *)ri-e ii|uiu snv such wpiltablu Ija-lnof iiun-cfer. (he iineKtlun nholi be auJiUilucd tu uHilInc lorn, 4i»e (u be I'hu'en l>yrefh«)r thu dlaugieclug cujiipenlea, a Jllte minib4>r by (he nuld hour I uf Htri-i’t and Ma(>'r 4‘omml-<sJ. ru-rt. and a lirtbhy (hr>M "u ( Imeeu, tbe Uei'iatim off ha mojorlly o( imcb arbUrntura lo ira lliiul uudcuiiclnalve. auuhlndlngu|Min 4‘ucli uf the ('•mi] a’lies. l'(ovld4d, (he fur»>going imivKlon.^ <if Dili aectIuTi itmll nol ho do 'ined nr cunstr il'l io n'dulre trunafen to bu iDvcu ur re ccivixl tu idit| fio.u lino* riiimliig in the Hitme dl recDufi SDbaianilBlI/ jianilJel ; aulourt, limvnviT. lu un.v lu(i)n> riuntnlluus gf (lie Moud of eiruel aud \\ at-'F ( niui(i[a>'|unHr4 of the cdy of .Newark.

e iith 1 hi'Mid ('un'4u1lilai4i| I rm'.lou I'ompaiiy lx Ul i.iidnlidu gatea iqMhi Di>> niile'i of the jilairgrriin 4>f l l ' c.im, eo rliai lucre* qu<1 eirrre^ to mul from eaUI cii'Si'Hii only h 'had fruiu iJu> nldu uf Ihe car lu'urcd lo (he l■•lrb. .Hi earn jducu i iiiinn ine line* nr*Ald cnupiiiy ahnll heuf ih.< muni liniir.jved jist- lerij, wlDi lyiL'Iiiwd uJHlforuia.

neseiMii I hal nil the pn>vl'*luu« uf (hr> tinii puru'irjuli orsohiUviHluti u^^e''tillu f’lur ut a C4>r- tulii oruiriaiJCe ■>ik«*i.-d hy " 'ITic Jkninl ufKlruet eo'l SV'ntvr''umiibfrahnuTaof rbu iltv of Niuuerk,'"auii entitl'd " A n o n llm ru f KruriDn'-j tfic rtmscrtt gfi • Moarjl uf ><tr>-vt ujid WaU<r t'oininlMluiicra uf lii • city 4»f ,\VAiirk (0 ' 'I he Nc'.turkuin'l (boiilli i iruiin" Msllway I oui)Ki)iy ' to uwi eeotrtcilv an Die pro jraulu t ik^wcr uf Un CAfs,' jiaaa'd I d'cmijer IV iwr.', ivid hpl>ru\e 1 hy (he .Mnyoruf Ihe 1 Jiy of Newark, ( ‘oi'i'uiJ>i*r I'WJ. tie nnd liereby nre ciienilml und tjuideappllcsililc iuaiul liufKie-d uiuiu the nahl "4 'uik •ohdiiicd 'i r.'cHiiu rumimny ' urul lt>« a'lco'eu'irH

j'.lgliDi IVheu any olber Mieile-'l uf ft)rndit(liii( thu |'u\|’cr f4ir Ibu pruNilalim uf <‘nri4 hy elei-iririty ahulJ have duu-rndiied tu bu a pf.u’llc.iJ niu'ceiii hy .1 eoimn adun c inhhMn * of Dinn* eieriri''ul en- k h a -r-. uni) (o l>o srdet-li-tl by the raul Doird uf rilreul ami WnlurriTmiiil-doiiur*. one li.r Die-aid ciH]i|)auy uml the Ddrd by Die twi> au chuaen* micIi I'onijMiiy'ball Mhlu -lx io u iiDih nllxr the puM igi* ofn nfululliHi J>y the aald lU 'iirl of 'tM'"luiul \Vui‘>r I ouuiilanJerfr'. rettii-rihw rhe Dume o. Ih.- doiu- sinl uoTlefi tuerwif K^veii, 1aJ<« down Ji* over- i.ead •'oiHtmi'lliiu u<rl eub'titute Die.eiur 'UieJi m, \inmiuej gf piiipole.un ; ptuvided. sii<-ir c uriiuln'loa rfmy heuji|)))lmml a* uiiy tlnip Du iMnrd or s rum ami w atef 4'uf»:oil'al mer* m »y. by r-ulutluo, ci-- quire, iind the Mcd I'o-ii) an.) Htuilt uj>j)<dm Ihi ri'pr<' auKHtlves sstthhi thirty (luyn uKnr tJiu nppruvef uf

.diy«*H)Uillua,.'iLtutielt IRC c ni> ll' und iraroiD ■:«__ I f jrR'h--xfrft--^— '• - ■ ~-JW* tr srtR'd ufffftiYrtNflhii NTiJilT

ri-pofi In tuvor oflhe irit’Diml u fp r-p ■I'dun nf 'uu h by elecirlfiiy bereJiy t)friidt(»:il aipiiliRf

lnitbu)S('a avenue, VI here Dte Naiut is liiterMruul by the Humf — "

tlin Ite in o va l tff Traa o .Jb tht A auof (If the 3N'«44'f /

b ik '^ W t ib ibfl Tl4W of rtaeM D g Ibosa In a u tb o flty , I w o d M eiiggcst Itin rfiA oval uf K v e m l Ikrga trsof on CommcfV'n strost, Dear M u lb t r r r - T h a t they .gre a ninoAce In life was ^em oDstratefi b y th a storm on T b u n - dap. Heveral lim bs fell toibeatreei* Now that t h i Board of W orks b ia ordtrsd this i i n a l repaved, it's just tbe H i m tu ojtler tbeiD d o w n , for roois cro w d ou t liie curb aod ra tiA tb e w alks tn All ibiupeii. ,

A F u ol'A B X Y -O W K S a O K T i l t ttRfeKT.

by the Huciherly biMrirtary line uf the t'Uy uf New­ark, and ibecoc rnuntog uorllteoiiterly along the ceiitrc Hd* 4>f Frellugtmysen uvuniif tc ttii-cvniK Hue ut Aator ntroet \ Dirrtce northerly alung the cen­tre line of Aetor street (o (he kguthtriy Jliie (rf'Dihj- loh evebiiA; ttaemw rroMHiiig Clinton avenue In a northoAsti'ny directlun to Ibe reulre |1em» uf High ctrem; th<'hce AorDieaeterly along (bn realm line of High street lu (he cviDrc ilse of Omige street; iIk 'Hi'C euBleriy alo&g the centre Mh* of Orange llir •' “ ............ • ~nircetio Dm» uciitrairueot lUgb street, iMitasHam) rnna nurih of U ra iif) * trn ^; (hem's norlherljnlUDg the (vnire Hue ot High street to (b* centr.* ihie of N'a<4snu slrout { thence mesuriy along tbe cciilre Knu of NsHsaii itrout (o tbs oentre Unoof Hbctneld 4(iv e (: tbeoce Aortberly aiotig the centre Unn uf JthHiicid stivrat to Ike centre Uue of Beventh kVfliiuM lUencp wiwterty alout tho centre line of Keventh tvcnuc lo (he centre Use of Ciiilcr street: ibenoft northeasterly ainne the ct-nire line of Cutler street IO Uiu c*>titre JUia uf Fifth avenue; thiuh« easterly along the centre line of Fif.h aVentic (o Ih" ocktre Hue of Hloumfiebliv^imc; ihenoo north- wes(frly slung (be iraulre line uf lUoomneht avenue (Q Uierehtre line uf Huoinicraveaua; ibenuc nurlk- oastcrly stoiif (be centre lino ot HiijiDuer avenue lo thn noiiherly boundary of Ibe pity of .Newarli.

!Fq| l ic k , Dervouaaud iiF»nitfl«tigtidAc|iv < b # l a r t Qnre-Brorno*»4#it«jr.

Houte No, A Itegliinlag ^ tbeomdre Mae of Avon avenue u here ih f *«mv is Inierateifd by tbe cvnire

pruvIdHi for iNiyiug ihe lieeux# fee a prujiorMciiiHiM aura shsli (m> |snd until the aiiet'Scdlug Jauusry.anilno car nliall N* placed or run upun nn* ut its Huea until l( shall be rfgularly lIcviiHcrl add u ivilifl.-. t >, duly iiumtHirud, hung In a uouaplcuouK place In such car,

Section l l Thnt Ihe tracks to he |eld rtcwii fur any railway llnei uf saM <i*mnaHy in (hf streets deaifuated in tbls unllnaoco shall uul U< wider iliMi five B-ei two Dicties gouip*, and (he rails eiisll■4P‘be tlib bcai and jnuet oppruved patteru and dewrij) tluu fur city street rAlIwuys, nml Ihall lie «4ich as (uprceenl thu lesHt nhslructlnn in every OFilliiary iVAguh Iravel.aiid lalciiiau-d

reciwt tu >d. laid tn

fiuilliate as iiiu4’b OS Is pricth’able the u^e'tbereuf b)' urdlnary wagons and vehluirai.

htecDon tx That wbenHver ami wherever |i maybe found iiecps'4ary to Isy iron ytahwur Other ma­larial sertrss eny guder along the lines of railroaduf said cumimoy. (he «Mne ehsli Ih! laid hy and at the expeiiw* of the aald compariy from curbstone tu ciirhatune, ninler (he dlrecitun and suiH-rvlNlim of thu UelKTtl ^uperlniendent of \Vurk4 oJ iheaai-i board, nnd the Mdd oompatm shall keep Ibe Mid guUersnt ill] limes otwn and free from nti otMlrlK^ DonSi whether hydiri.lcegrfrorunny other enuM.

MrrllOn IS. All periuns driving TctUcles on Die strtel railways of said nompfiny laanyof the siTe>*ts afitreMid. In lh<'dliocltuA Lhat Die mr* travel tiii Miich tre<Jf, sbull have the rtfbi of ihe rallunvirAck wboh raeetiiig any other TebK'io going In the uie imilie direuDou: uno tba drlvdroriheveidcie goingII the uppu'Ks lilrec Ion vboU (eru hU vehicle eii

O Tofr ' .......................................Ifne 0

...................... ip : ......................... .. ............ ,the ringing ufb bell OMn»nfi or br a re4iiie-t of ihe

tlri'iyofi''orNiuMi t r iM ] aud kny driver nf a vehicle of DieOil n iy euHt ifne of^he pompany H'ken <H'«|riakca

fay gear oft he company ohaH, ou heittg named by

conductor, driver nr tnotunuan on *u4h car, Im- incOlaiely turn aod drive his vtbiclo entirely oft' ofsuck track, so as 10 iillmv euth railway car to {m m by. AndtheraisofsaM tom pauy shall have tbefirst rlskl of way over the ifM'ks of the ronipsnv. And (he driver nVanyveklrwfbr soy vloletlun oftill' brovisinus of Idle secilon sliall pay A penalty of

rollois and ctuttA ta top r*oavered befora any of the criimnat cmiDs of the vlty orNowark.ten G

Hecikni I&. 'Iliai whenever It shall he found necew saryoiiliehatrofthecl’y KM X^iprall ureny po^ Hou of any street or higljwayi whereupon iha sir* at mUraodnteeld onmra'ty may be cmMlnictud, lur

line of Bergeii street; from ikince ruiuithg uoith-

the purpose of rooklu Idiproreiaemi thereou, such os (Ch erts laying or wotsr pipes, or any alteration, regiiletlon ur mipmvrin*‘ni tkal may fcoin time totirus b* l ind oaceasary, tke priqifr mojiUk4|i«i

*n* may rraiiilr)- Jn Dienaiuv inuiiueriind »iib,(a-t lu the ssuic ($oinUD'(Ua

.«i;iuDi In cdH-*'*fi 'fn»riu".TiirWt‘firrhe fn)wcr !if pru])id*:ou le mi^Je, ur Die auMl c<^)ni).tnv Si))tlt fbr full the ]i«nid)u<i'>n b.v (he pn-crdlug imrMgtMkjih given by rrfu-al lo nppnini a memhi r ))f (he cinu nUafIfin aa tu Hie pn‘)’' ’'Mng naragr-tph of DilaSf'c Ihm la proi I'ImI, DiCii the ani l fluur.J u| iiiriM-l (lU'l Water 4,’«mriib;*lmicr4i may otder Ihe |)')|4*)4 and overhead nmsirucliuu'i nf tl)e aa’Q oomimiiy lakcit down, and thu >iaid c*in)|)»i)y ilinlf, «iithin ulnciydnya Iruin. Die Mr^’lco (triun-b urdcr uimui Igt! urea) dent orany dln^-iorof miM curiip,iny, lakeihmnami teinovoHiicIi pules and uverhead cnuncrin-tlgiH aud realoro fin- paveinriit of D;e street ur stri" ts nr Iilgtiwuy4 lo i(a nr Dieir nrtglnul rumlMloii wlitiiii Dut (liuH. In cnaetbi' iiidriftiMl <Di*rii4‘ad 4'<iimri{C- UotcHar* not r-Hngvi'il. or nn*'4irvcL'4 or hlgli'AAy!* ri-)'lurcd tu DielcorlKiniil crgnlltluji iiysiidroin^iany wiDiln ulnxiy from tha wrvjce of am-Ji order. DiOMtiKi afii'.ll tiH iMiui' li.v (ha sulil JicarU 4tf sirw-t and Viat“r I'oraml-vihdiefa, ur hy Km aulbnijft.41 agnnt*, at the espetDic nf a-ibl lonipm y.und said company shall In that cnio* |^iy all eg;rsua>s <-on- tiK ird (harealDi on d-'mnmi, urnl hi ca-ra Die city shall reinOM acicli (Hdcs ami ovurljcml iHiu^tnn- lions Die'is'Uic ahsll thvr.*uiHir) la-comu and Jra Diep n ^ i


fly cf tiir city Of Newark.tDb - III caw’ of Itrcliu' fire rIepHrtmaiit uf (be

lly% f Newark aliall hnvA (Un right wiihuut nultcaandwithuut conqraU'allon to cut or rcnov* any ovcibead wlrra nraald cuni|Minv I'nr the iiurpuH" (tf-UTf-|l*T-n'* ..isrr,-,-.muru readily and safely e:*ii)|giiljshlng such IDl's.

KU’veuDi -Ih .da ll jNi*ta ant-poies, wlrai hikI ovariiCA)! oonstriicUuflH mofle and cohsinicted (rum (luie to (Imn or al a.ny Dm" by aald rniiuiAiiyviih in (he cDy 4)f Ne^vsrk, mJmiII tn- inoflc, erreted and con4(niclcd under the ^npervislun Hud (u the ■.iDsrkcdon nf the flo:ird of btroet and Vt'kicr Cum- pDesioiier* nf said c((y.

..................... uieMH-lJuu J^i.'that I ooiiscnt and permission,rlkbisaod prlellefcs berahy grauU'4l and given Ihn I'ald Cubsohiialed J'roctioa (.'unij-any. nu uchair uftliH munlcliwIUy of the city of Newark, am lo l In­tended and shAll nut he il4ram«Ml. taken or cnnslnic^l to in auy wl.'ra be n*strtct4>4| or abrJdeiHl by any Jlml- UDnii. rettrlcliuourprovUluii l•UntalIle In any ex- tiling ordJtisiicPuf Die city nf Newark, in furiv or e f^ 't aulie Dm* of th4' iiasstiKe uf (his urdiuaiit'e. ex('ei)l Die ordliiaru-'C* of Dip Bu s d I uf l<trcct and Water t'umrulsiijpeiB herololure puawHi »m l re- ferriHl lu.

bcuiloti Ik). The said corapaoy upon the taking ef- and wltlDfrrl of this ordinance and within (hlrty day* (here­

after, and before etetcIflQf Aliy rlghta and prlvli- pset llicreby iublinnail and as a condKtun pm-r>- itsiK. shall file wMti the Auditor of Acrounisor (he cliy 4if Newark a coniroct to be ilruwu end ap* proved m io form by (he C4iiih<tl of the B Jtnl of Hirect anti Water Cuniinb'alsinern, oml tu *>o an- pMTcd by the said board, iher.^by an>1 ilier4)J» covenvnilng aud Agreeing with (he n)Uiilcli«|ity of the city of Newark, fora dona'iHKiut oflhe rlunts,

Erlvllf«es Hint ailvsilt ifcs hereby granled. to abuie y end fully perfurm all thu maMera and t/.ings in

Dlls urdlTisTice c.mlalnnd, to he obei*rvB4j, kept andp#fft)TnU'd.

r*ecliun‘i1. l i n t nil urrhninurt and parts of ortlh pabew of Die ci(y 11 ' e vArk, Incoimlatent with (he

EtuvIsJumi of (hi* ui'dutanct, Im smi the anne arc errby reiwoled. nnd (bis o rll. atii'U alioH Uks ef-

fen ImmcdlHiely.Paiiail June SJ, ISDI.

H iro ir r . i i f : k d u y ,Fresldent ofthe Board of Mtn-et and Water iora

Clerk of the Boaril of fltreal and W ater Comixtl*- slunera.Tbe foregotni ordinance wafl paseeA over tlie veM

oflhe Mayor at a mvid'nvufthe Itnard uf'dreet aod Water Com mlss'obera of (he (illy of Nevrarg, F . J., Ubld Jdiy Ilf IW*. S*<l IS • I s -


ttp-ni (hr (he cuAi ami exiranw uf ^uch public n -u ^ rir imiiruvetucui at now ur beteafter required fay law.

Hertlon M. fsM tmhllc work ur imprortmett shslJ In nietle ami cumplotwl imdcr Die eupervlsfoiiuriliattfcUim «if (he Rii^neer ur AcDug J-.pgliiDKr iuid tMi( Deueml eLpcTtnienden' nf W urkl of thel>oenl, occtmlliif to thi< pruvlstuiii r.f ihe city ctaarter *ud lawii uf the H ui«, and The nnliiianociuf Dip lily aial hi-lan v mil's and r»vilaDiins uf the Ihnrd uf Hinrai umi Water 4 ummtasloners of (fa« ( l ly ot Ncanrk, i|)ujiabtu ihereto.

hectUm 4. That (Lie erdhumoe iboJl (ak* «A «| Imimnitatcly-

1’aised Ju n e ::, IMbl H i’DH 4'. HgjfnHY,rrpolilMit nf Die Ikwra uf M nel and SS'aierUooi-


derk 4>f the Buanl uf btroi't and W'alor u m d * lulMloiiet\T Im fureeulnf onlluarKe havlbg been duly paoMri

. ......................................................lalonefs,by (he Ituurd uf wim -t and Water CunimJsaloners, •’Crararned tn Die Mnyur and aid hartiig E----------uroed hy him witimt 'ihe time uraMTliiett by law ts

Ihf'rehire a lew ^ lU will take ctf<i-l as if U had beepupproviHl ai^X'itUng to Uic pruviaJuas uf (ke tUIrd sr4,'Ut>hUf DiecLsricr of (hscltyFXOd HVNYDN.

Cterk of Om Board.

A n (i l in iX A N C K 141 IMIOVIDK IXIK T U * rurutrui'tlun of a aewer lu

W A l .M ’T J 'TU F K T,bctn»)'n Van Muren stirei aod landlord itcwet-

Me U (irflalned hy the Heard 4*r:*lre«t and W'aMV ('emn)lM(uneri nf ibe city uf Newark as fcdinwi;

Hi-cDon 1. A pipi'icwtr aliall beC4)tM(rucied In \Va I N | 'T hTRKICI'

hclneen Van ihireualreel anil'^^andrordslreet, to be tvselvi* liichea In dlamcier, logelhiT with all the S{e pnri4>uanu»'ft Jiet'eitwy lu compleie (lie i -idm .

wecDnn i 1 hat Immediately u )hhi tbs uomplellOD uf Hiifh piihllc wnrh ortmprovenieni thal’leri ol Ut# bnar<l. In coiOuocDoii wllh the Kiiglueer and Don- eral ^mrarintandeni of Works of (lie board, shall cafcfsily prcjuin' aoil fiirnUh all mn'esMry state­ment*, mn:'S, hiMKidcHiInns and other ileia t^ertaln- lag (0 Rtich tHihlic aurk ur Liujifvvement. end the I'rcvUlent uribc h4)Hrd uml a^id clerk shall (here- n|K)ii, uii traliaif ufDie hnar-t uf -*<iriH'l and Water ( umnda lutierAul thn t hy Ilf NeHerli, certify irta 1 eiue tu the ( (iminmi 1 'ihiucH of Die city of Newark, Id Older (hai anlil Common 4.miiicii, may Ditreafier pruieii) (>• make the pruiier asa-suriaut fbr th» Oust and CTpeii'W oranrii |iub|li* wnrk or ImproveiDtAt u U4)iv ur hereafter rHtulred J)y Law.

ewDuu-T Srihl public *4'urk or Improvement ahell lie Hindi' end cunipicieil under Ihe *u|perrLiloo ef hispn-tloji uf lb)‘ KuglJiecr or Acting Fiiglneeratut the Netit-ral Mipcrlnienderii uf Works of the boa^ animJIng lu the provtaluna of Ihe 4ity chsri4tf aM Ia\>* ufthe 'elute, und Die nrJinaiu'-Hi 4if (he (rlir and hy Ihak . rules nud regnlaiioni iifUu’ Ihierd uf AlreM sill Water (^u1umla•i]l)uera of the liiy of Newofg. npphrwble thi'retu

reriluu 1 llia M h U urilnance stioil (oks effcot iiuineiltiitely.

re''SMl June !3. laOAH l'n H C i lF N n K Y ,

] ’re*1<)frD of thallu im luf wtrrclamt Watert.oia> uiiMluners. KMH in ’NVoN,

Clerk of Die iTonntnl HtrwJt aiuI W strf Cummlfrshmet**.'i he fuD'goIng unllUAiir" having I>t4*n duly iigiK il

.. . . . . . . . _ ■ ariiners.hy Dw itoHrfI nrNtrcet hiuI Water CuinniLonrii___ ,prc'4>-ul4«il IO th'- Ma.vnr, anil not liavltig hwn Hiriwl hv iKrn within 111" iMiif prcurrlbeil by law, Is tlicD'Oire A Inw nltd will lake ettect os Iflt had hP4'ii eppruved ui'rnrdlni) I'l tlu‘ pnivlslons of Ihe III ltd si'4 thill uf lhi> cbaricr uf thu rliyKM)-4 itCNYDN.4mc tlerk of ihn Roard.

V N o ltH lN A N C K T O J 'U O V ID K r u l i T l IK c.)iiiiinieDgu of a sen*-r lu

M hH lIIN K A V F .N r i ';for n diitdiice of ahuiit 4Tb lest mnitb bf Clinton eMiiiie,

lie It urdoliMtl by Die tloarl uf Ntreet and W'atir t'iiaunl)4ihiiM'r4 tUi-4-lty ut Newark, os ItoJIowi;

tractUiii i. A tiltx- ti'wcr nhall he 4-onstrucled Ih CKjhI I IN K ' —K AVhPrrjc,

tor a liistAuce of alwiu 470 fbei south af (.llntun aieiiiic; (u h<) (m i le Inciu's In diameisr; togctbi^ with ull the ■i)pnr(etiniii'eM itccesaary to eunipieia the hinie.

Aei-Urni 1 Thai InimwIlAtely upon Ihacumnleiloe uf hUi'h public Murk i>r InqiruTeitieot the (NetkufDie iiiianlf JiKTiiipMictlua wItb Die »)|lii<*er aod Dcnrral ^npcrlotemleni of Works of the board, shnJi 4'An'fii!iy prenart* nml ftiriibh all iieuwMry siateiuauis. maps. Apccithiiihns nmt rtthcr data per lahtliig to JHit-h }iulilU'um k or Impriivemtnt, nnd Die I'lesblHit nf live iHiiid and said Cterit slioU tlicrenpuji, uu Js-iuiir -uf the Houril of ritreet and W ilier L ommi'Stuneri nf (he city of Newsrk,Certify DieMXue tu ll)0 CiiitiHiun 4'imiMcII lyt the I'liy'uf NeuarK, luupier tlinl eaid Cuuiinon Connnlltiiay iherenfter proriHMt to make Die proper a4SBMmcD| fur Du' ourt and c\])eiii4c of siirh pnblk'Wgrkor Jrji}>riHi'ineut us nuvi ui-herrnftar ra.|ulr^ bylaw,

eec4lou <(. Hold |iiihlic wurk ur iinjirovement shall (h* mode nml < (>ni|)Jete)l under the siiorrvlsloa Uf litsmrathto iif.llie F iigtiieer or Aciliig ICiigIneer mill liic iieju'ral htiierluleudeut o fW u rk su fD is brinrd, at'enrihiig in ihe pruvisioes uf (he city cliaa (cr irml taw)i uf Die HLnle, nud the onllnaarM of ths rtly anil hy-lnws. rules and regnisDonri of ths »r !->lreet and Wnler Commlsslnneri of tbe city

Newark, n|iplleahie Iberetis epcihm 4. Tliaf this ordltiaiic* shall lake eSbei

Jmma:Jiaia1y.IV^ed June ‘J2, lNl-1.

l i n H I ( M i r N T ) R Y ,I'rosltleatur Dm* Bo?nl of }*ir«).n aud Water Cum-

iiilwiluuerK.KN' to IH JSVD N,

Clerk nf Dip Board of Hli-pct and Water OoKialaH(4)IIPr4,'fhc loregqliif urdlnuiMT having been duly ivaosed

by (lie HnanWit .**irp'er otnl Tt'eb'r Comnilsslonara,prc«cuiert (o the Mayur and not bavlog been ra liirnet] hy him witiDn the time pcescrlbeii by law.• .1 .,<14. *.,.T |-LT*PV. # IVT'* fPf M**Tjl)i Diereforc a law aud wij] uke Btraci m If It hod )ra*!(i Approved acnrrtltng tu (h* pnivlniohs of U)b third m'liUD of tUa cbariur ol llic idty.FM'H UCNYOX,41 e Clerk Of tUs Board-

\ N iiH n iN A N C E T O I'JlO V iD tf FO B T H » lievlug of

JiUrHiM K toTIlFttr,from MpfliigQebl avenue tn Duuib Dnmge avenue,

Jh'll urrlHlrmi by the ihiaru uf J^treui and Wstaf Cgmiidtaluiier of tUe city ur.N'ownrk os follows t

eccUou I. ‘liiAlBRIIOM R HTI4RKT.

from Hpriurlb'ld avi-rius to toouiti Orange svpmje,■ “ ‘ " ------- ----------------------- ---- :*k Tiloukshall Ira paved with ohlnng trap ruck Tilook paV’

Ing ; (niicihcr with all the uptJiirieuatt(<es nnoeuary to I'unqiiete t be same.

toeclUm 'J. T ju t Jmnu'dIatcJy upon the curnpIstJon uf Slid: public Work or liuprnvemeut., the Clerk of the faiiaiti. to I'UQlum'tliin wllh the Riigineerond (jHiieial Kii]i«jr|pt4'rMle)ii nf Works of Die huofil, miull cnrefuliy prepnie nml furnlili all iicuraAary Mntenieiitn, map", l|H'i'lll4'AllunH niid othnr data tM-rbilidMk (u such Miitilii* wurk ur tmpravemefii, nml tlk' JTseui)^nt u| tbe huartl amt said CJerk ituJi ihereiijion. on belialf uf the Ihsirii of totreet and Waier Citriimlnslnuer* ol the d ly ul Newark.4«r- tify ilm aiiim lo thu Commgn Cuundl uf the rlly o( Newark. In4int«r that saUI Cumniuii (kmuHl may llicrpaJ^T iidxvhmI pi iiuke nud cUlliH.'t Die pru)»srHs<4***nmen( lur Die emt mill ejpi'nM of such i>«MtQ(»n*r bowork or Lmprnv'eiiitnt H« luav now or hbrwkn rrapjlrcd by Jaw.

Hm'tluii ^ iild pLihllr work ur Impruvpmont "hall hu iiniib' ami 4s»iMp|c(cii under lh«' lupervision ur In«|i4'i-Dun oi' Ihe Kiiglmrar ur Ai'llng Kngineer end IheDciierHl >up4-rlnl4'mli nt uf Wurk oi tbu f oerduf rtrtH'l niid Water Comnilsslomtra, ariurding UJ

........................... ■■ pftJiDu* proTHIuns ol (lie i-iiy 4'lnDieJ'and luwsoTtlie S(u(u, MriiMhc ur<l]ir>)iiii.f s uf Die I'lty uml bylaws, mJes Aioi ii-yniatlun-i ol' ihr* Huoril of Hireet and W Alcr t nmruiH'luiii-r* uf Di - 4lt.i of .\cwafJt. eppil’ <’nbl»' Ihl D'in

Hun I 'i'lml Dile urihhaii4a' shall lake t-fTmtImiiieiMiDHy,

I'Onind June 7J, Iriri.i m : i r ( . H K N liR V .

t resbleiiMif Dm nuufd of rir«*H ttrul Water CuOp inhtiiiunrs.

l;N ' *4 H i'N VnS',C lerk nf Ihu H-)ard of Sm-u! uiu! Wulur ('unimls*

)-l--iipr iI hl' 4i.j---L'u|iig uriliitnncr imvlni,* lii'i'ii duly psasol

hy 11141 liriitnl OP M rifUiM il Wh I»t CuminEssbiuers, pre*-4'iiied (o ib<' Mji>or ami not having irat'ii re- rniiic I by hhu within llu' (liijc un'ocrjhcd hv Inw. U Di'-riTure a U w nnd ivlll ink* rirn-i as If II had hceit ai'uegvcd. Accurilliij'to i.b.u.urcjviDum. uf tiig Jblidst'Ciiniruf fli"*<‘rtAnoTunnprrT>-....... -

LNC^fi til'N V i»N ,4«t* ^ ,.Y , t'lerli uf Die BneriL

. . -,+t f. it V '-i I i S' k n I u f T i i « * CuriimMsIoriera hcl-etuftirfl ii|iputntf>d b.v tba

Mayor of Dm c.ty c»r Newiirk lu luuke aui:AlUu»Nr nnd niuu-Ksmi'iH Uiuni mt Dm uu neri of ul] the IniigC' and r-Al ratam In Die 4‘ltv uf >enark jPM'Ultarly (raiiciltiKi bi uiiy bn-al (iiipruvenicilt III (hi' -aid cliy, In iPibporuoii an iiciDl.v uMiiiay Ira hi Dje luh iBnrsg*cjn-b was dcsuird to Jiuvc ai'fimred. liAVi made an i-sthnafe aud a'sesnnriii ui (rttfrlts upon ell Dim o w id ts nf sU the kimis mitl reiJ CHigte in Die


d iy gf .Snwfirk jractiliurly (>eiradu*n hy cbcIi of ih# Iblluwins Improvi-jncuts In <)uld oUy, Mamdy:

'Ibu n-MUVhig Ol'PARK MLAClv

from Nurlh cimsi siioet bi Ueutur street; end have lijed (hi-lr reiMirih uf -kid raisesimeiiLs fur heiiedti Jo Ui'm nl)l4*f* of Die Clerk of ihc circiiD I'ourl ufthe ( '•■ijuiy of F"iev. Aii-J that tlia Jndjireof sold cuuri lin-- JUedN A TIJU D A y, IN K F U T K F N T l I D A Y OF

J U .V . IN S TA N T.lit tn o'cluck III D)c rorciuHin, hi (he nreidW tmrt riKhn at the t'oijniiuiira In Du' cHy of Newark, a* the lime iDid plnci* of ticnriiis any 4Ai]4'c1Ioim thoS miiy Ira iiiiPln h> Die Mtbl unsi'rPMm'NlS.

l«iea July i, ISiyJ.W U .J.Ia N H. D n u » .

.I'C t My Cuniis^

J >UBI.IC F^'cHH’K -O n n iN .t N C K OKIJfcHKD to a third rea<liflr.

Wi'. Dh ' undersigued. hojrebyr>'rUf>'ihnt ah OrdU tmricc was read a MW-uiicI time At h tneeDngof the ikierd of totreet ami Water Cuiiimlesiuiier4, heldJuiy s, 19.1T, and uiUy urderpcl {/> a thini rtiutlitf, to provUle lur (he paving ami rcpaviiw of

M ir iliiA Y to'lYlKE^T.from Mroo'l street lo Dm R'nnsylvaula Railroad, wiDi ubhing. gr.aJilte hlui’k paving : tOKvliier wlib nU the a|ipurlcnaiiUo« iirct««Ar}‘ to t'Orapk-le UiaaiiM'-

Daiad, July T. i m n ro H c. nF,Ni>RY,PhHildaiit of the Board of htrert and Water Cooto

nilssiuuera.FN UtoltC N YO N ,

4H4 Clerk,

I ium .ic NOTlCK uhdinanck ordkbkolu a third rAAclmg-

We. (he imilorsigm’d, hereby rer(Ify (hat an ordl- (Isrice waa rua'I a ovcxid ilnm at e tneeihig of Ilia Hoard of riirtct ana U aier Coinmlselouera, heli Jiilyci. iHiil. and duly orderMi to a (bird treading, ta nruvlds for the repaving 4if

M C U llK U liy bTM KKT,fram Centre str-et tu Fair street, with obtcnig,

eouBgrbeii** block pnviiig, with a txincreie b(gw*, on eouB hide uf Dih tmrsu car Irscks, wllh Die a»L-euttou Of diM' foot uuteidu of each Ir.ick; tugetlier with a J IMa|ipnt(ei]Aiice9 neemiwury lu L'otnjbate (be suoie.

Hnl ‘ ' ‘ ..........Dnud. J u ly ? ,IS n i i im ii c. HKNimv,l'ias!di'nt ufthe Hoard of ktivei and Water Cons-mltoiloiujrs.

KNUK HUN YON,Okl (. Idrk.N O llC K .'U liO IN A H C lC OHHKHKD

to a third reodlag.We. the umterdgiied, hrrehy cerilfy Ihfti on ordl-

nance was read a seuorid Dma at a meeting gf tba Hoard of totrvel and Water lomniisidoners, heldJuly A ism. and duly onlerml toathlrd randlnih 10 provide for Die uevuig and re|wvluii of

M K K ANIf.' W THKirr,

OHHI/NFON. ■C M «ruw BauA-

from Hrteid street to Ailing street, with oblong grAitlte blouk paving, with » conurete boia; to- getber w.lh all (be BiipurlenauoMiiauaeeary loeoro- uieta (lie sa*ne-

Dated. July 7, IBU.IIU O K a H N N D B Y ,

Preeident of Die Board of W m i aod Whaler Coato ralMtouert.


e K E W A T ^ K E V E N I N G N E W S , S A T I I H D A Y , J I J T . Y ] 8 9 3 .

N£W8 OF TUB ORANOBS,Vikynr F aU U#ilii«A to V^to an OMInaneo

Fjkisfd hy C'otxmoa fo o n c il- 'tahmUffaiiderlAf llirungh ll*i> Mtrml*.

Mayor K#ll. of OiangF, ll J» tmaer't'irxl, WlJJ fl)A a vpiowltli CIU n# rn Kttiwm HJ-Jay of Ilk# rc«uluO^& al (be uriraKny ufUi#t^toinoii Couarll on July <1|rfTtliitC ond •u ib o rliln f Po'i dent 8«)rniAur to elgti ihe 40Atr«ci btiwecn tb i oily und Jolmo'KourIca fbr tb# ImpniTfuient* oJ Iflglt fclrrPJ. Tlt<* olty eh iftfr readtthat nil re«:>1til(<inAliivulv* Iflf lb# AXpAoClItiirr of II oiiry iheJl be higoei)by tijft Mayor. Tiiti. r<*«.uli«n riim# iin irr th a t h « d #0(1)1 WMiiiJiiJr Mill loGi# Miiyor by ibA U(y O r k lor liiKnpprueiil. Tin" ?*lo wilt h* pmmilml #1 lb* incrlloyof tt»d Gmin- ©Won SldrtUay ulitbl, ahou Mayor Fell will | t r # bti T#ftM>TiA for TeUilni th# reiNiluUon.

EugHic B (If*, ii Kr*n(*)itoaii, wailrtkr ri (0 lb# Onunitr- I'ollc** Kielmw i c-i rdiiy •firr- nooD by Sfirgaent li^nry, r^iio found kifm Wandfriof ar^iiinil ibii In n (1#xh1 :manner. |> f»b\ i4»>t W* honifwH*In Mmibeh, ill, m<( rathe* (r«i ii-b'grnMiifd lo by Cnlcf Mcl'h<-«iJ'*y, but no rchU' h i" yol bfeii irc*iv*fl. !i* ilon^e 1" ahuui thirty FMniutd. ilQlsiilll hriil at ihf jviUr# »ia> tlOQ.

About fifty of Ui# Otnnss Mmo-nrrohor, llirli* ll•tl•arwl ln*t nlfhi,inarehrM) In a body (o th« ri’iliiemv of l,il»ra- flan John Krug at Hi Ulllyer " ir# t, wtierru iurprtM Mrrvnd t i>vi< i him in honor of tb# lw«uiy-nfi b uonltrriary oriitK marrlagi-. Mr. Kruir Invitritli* rlirnr H> Hnh*ndrler'< Hotfi, whore ihry aoro tt:!U'rialt)oi!.' roaiQ]«»hrA. \Vi Coii'tti. of Oiahfa, portajor Iho IW‘at yi'nr endoi June 10 r Ki* pandihlrok, t >(iJ r«nelpif,AW.A7;ual rer« uiOp ilS,TiitHlL lh l« Miiuwi • a tncMhi"oof ffl.enl ov i iho nraThma yoar.

Tb# ir|>ort ul tho IhurNU of AMoi'laied CbarHIf# for the niunih of June ihosie that M necay Wero r*pnrlc<J, an IbereaM of M o**r Ul* provJon* month.

Ihohall BAin# brilweou Ihe Oratig# and W«it OiWIII# police wHii'h w aitohav# lioon piayrd nn July S . uflll not coni* off. Tiie | Orutijir pnlii** claim that ibe Orniige ;forc*ran< tiMationi; foriham.

Tt# UrAO|fr<flrMn l<odgt IVi, 1. (i. G. T,, bareonfaged .Mr«. PoA»ja Miar Ki-rferlodo' Jltar aaerlti (if leciur*! on if mperruic*.' I lia l##lurM will bt given In lli# Mlim-lng placo* next work; Mnndnr nivhi, Klr»t M. K, CKur«b{ Tuewlny iilghi, Wa^ihlngion Hirert Baptitt ChurAli; Wednoa ay night, Ifuiun lU lh

Oram# Vatloy Csthnlio riuhw ii) hold a picnic In UotilmoiriWooda (bli ailcrnoon M d evaninff.

•* A On*p«l Tbat Kinff*'* will ba tiio iubjeoi n f a aerroon tu Iha KJrat M. E Churcli, Or- AQgt, to*Tnorftw nigbt by lli* puiior, H*v, tW r^* P. ik'Umio,( D nrlhftb# rA*t wtrk the toniniUic# from lb# County Itonrd ot Aimikotm, rooHlttlng of Bmr mcmtien fyom Newark and from tka toanKiiipii, Including Jobn K. Hiundna*. from W#*t Ortng#, and John J'. of (kr anga, ha*# iietii •mlcarorliur to n n d o u tth o buiia of aaaeumeniM ibrougbout the oouniy. Tb# manoer la h UIcIi the enmmitir* hn« worked bn* baan to gain copy of lUu real tat# tran#frr« or the year, maiiMi the proji- •Hy and ennipore the aweteed rnlora of t l i tn with thal ol ilieanrnmqding piuperly. Tk* county board la ibis way will be enahted tn arrive a t aa (in<l"r"iand'n; of (he reintiee Taluatlonaly ib# dtllvraui Jocaltiiev, *n Hint lo oaM the county yaluallona are ordered In* crt«a«*d tba board will hare na egiiHabiQ bail* on whlcb lo order 11 madr.

Tti# Katf Oriing# Fire Impurtment wa* •aUo'1 cut <0 a die m WUtlani lUlgrlee'i iMvtn On NoreOoil itrrul, Klmwood, yeaterJay. About fUM damage waa dmau bifore the Same# Wert fr^ingnlktafd.

Tbe >'oft Orange TovniUlp Commltiee met 1a*t night and flt>iibad It* exitalnaUon of Ibe k>aM*or^abw>k«,

MU« Ikrthk 0«rbard« nf Herrffoa tireet, BaM Oraiig% left tht# morning for ilprlDg iA k*forn»ho, i tId i.

^ UtH H m ii kUr K**(^r will apeck at the opm airm etU iu tii the grove, corner ofKim ' wood uvenuoaiid iliutoii airaei, Elmwood, Baal Orange, twmdrrow ar.ernoon.


OKK FAIiCItAON’ acUOOL.Jk Bolldiag Whiob tteally Neetn* to R ein

Jfteil of huuia ti*pa1r*tFrom the Peleflbu Froei, The ftllftwlug VBport of ArnbUect John 11. Poatbi rrfirtnca to thecundlUon of Jdohuol Jfh.l‘Va* lUU Ufod by >4«fclary Hldgwky,

to o l 'Of tb# bebooi O m inltaion jFATkkeON, N‘. J., July !0.180A

JTb fk# rVMintf**(ii/4crA iif i*ublUi jnittructioti.■ .........Citjf qf Jh* crinit, A'. / . .CkKlLpilkX-dn bphool No. 1 I--------------- ^.......... . .aUlheceH*

Ingb Uiruugauutare likely to tall iti auy luu- , taeat, nr# pu«Ulv«iy dmigioone, HiuitiKiuid

b a u k e n od and repiac^ wttu “'rirck '’ <»r ' tlm tla t bard pUiLer limi win not fail oft, o r with #h#et m^tnl aetUngA Aboutmpr- half of Ibe »>d« wmIIn are ilahJ# to eoma otT at any mnmeJit. IJiea# «boulU lie lakfti oir and ropibCBil. Th# building reaulr*! a whole new rout iinmeillateiy, and beuira uuy fdavlcr li put on the wnlia or c«il* lug*. OurnicvM on u>tii aide* uf tba bultdinE

. a r t rotten. All floor* abouut hi* laken uul and repmrad w|tb d«w tlnort. Kuitieoribe floor* ar# ou t ot levti ao il shoe Id be letei iau. iffitrlj all tb# tU lri ar * in bad condlUon and euould be rrpiao -d with new ftiAlro, All

aaab anti Itulde blinaa ahould be

The I'ale of ita RD«rdliia<«choo1 GIrU and a tVicked M arauder,

!'roir> tb* Cblcu jo Itecoid,ThH I# a Jnne burglary atory and a true

Mnr}' a t that. The w-etic o f It 1* a aniall college town not th irty tn ile t from Chi- rugo.

MoreoTer, a ll good gold watchne and one bad, (julck^wlttcd m an are atlll at Urge.

1 hiring I he laat term o f achool hidf a durcii girl* have been occupying two ronma iti thcaecond aiory o f a houee clone by the, college. There ure tw o beda in Ibe large ttjwrtinenl, ruul plenty of cbnlra om) tabloH and Afiace. T he maiden# are cofigi'niftl, and crowded quarters have never prcvunt<4 their having th e bent kind of hexagonal la rks w henever oppor­tunity occurred.

On the evening of cnmmenrenu*nt day \ Fan WK* the licrolne of the crowd. Khe had captured the fWl elooutlon prize and gone home loaded dow'n w ith ftOMcn and honor. Hhe had UKiked an angel in the lluffv white mull gown th a t w'as hanging CO voliiminously on a chairhnek now.

Oirl#/^ #hc Maid, w here shall I put th i" money for the iilgig? T he responal* b llU yof lwof20 gold pieces weigha me down.*’

The lights were out and th a windows open, Thctr talk and laughter floated m ito n the KOfl n igbt air. A fter It waa Hnally di-dded that F an’s money would be safest Irmide the pIllow-cajH* i>etieath her head, another girl rem arked ;

I never do kuch thing*, bu ta ll thla fuoa has in.ide me nervous. I believe Fll hide rny wat(’h.’’

" Am! your shoe la the place for that,** •aid Fail, “ io lle n put m ine there. Just sec t"

Hhorlly after tha t a prim little row of shoes, cudi with a watch ktowed in Its toe, WAS ranged iiesr one o f the beds in th e larger room, while six pretty heads, w ith eyes fast closed, lay quietly upon thdir pillow*.

A man climbed to the veranda roof and silently entered thu window. Lifting F an ’s white gown Iroin the chair he drew th e sk irt over his head and ilel'tiy fustvnud i t around his waist. As he turned toward the drcwlng'iabie a head bobbed up from the bed in the corner.

” W ho’s lliut?’' cried a atar^led voice, 'flh, it 's nothing/* he whispered, trail­

ing his white sk irt across th e shadowy room, and the occupant of the corner bed euiifidvd a t the flrst swish o f th e gown.

It'a only F a n /’ she told the bed-fellow whom hvr voice had roused.

Tho Intruder knefl beside th e row of shm's. Two more girls woke up. " ’Bh-- 'sh I" he repeated ooftly, gliding into the o ther room with six w atches in hla pocket*

’‘One o fth e glrhi trying t«*flnd out the t im e / ’ the second couple decided.

F an’s eyP4 flew ojien as a Hand stole in to her pillow-case and grasped the f40 eiivoU^po, hi(t before she could sprak the m an drop]>od beside her on the bed and laid his head cloee to hers.

” I f you Npcak or m ake a aound i ’ll shoot y o u / ' he said in to her ear, and Fan lay petrirteft Ihlo « little ' snow'-widle gtitii#^ hut the girl a t th e o th e r side of the bed began to Mir. 8he drew hereelf up and tdinked her sleepy eyes. Fan’s head looked double, somehow, as i t lay there on the pillow in the m oonlight, and she reached out aimlessly. Suddenly, with a th rill o f horror, she touched and clutched a m an’s corduroy coat sleeve,

“ H u iij/’ he said calm ly, rising Into view, Don't make a noise; I ’m bunting for a burglar.”

W ith an instant'a vague idea th a t the man who lived downstairs had come Into Ibeir room she loosed her hold upon hH arm , only to see him lea]> wildly over the bed oil which she lay and through a sec- oJid-Rtory window into the night. The m osquito netting tore th is way and that as lie went through, and th e iady of the house, whose room was Just below, o]jenod tier eyes to see a dark object droiqjlilg part her window*.

He slMH’k with a thud, and, leaving F an 's dreot in a ta tte red heap upon the grass, picked himself up and darted tow­ard a grow of trees, followed by a pierc­ing shriek from the woman downstairs, w ith a simulUmeous six-fold achu from above.

A moment later a m atch was struck, and six wide-awake girls, each shaking an em pty shoe, confronted one another w ith reproachfni eyes. F o r they could n o t unde^ tand—Htid even yet no t one in all th e fix can undorsU nd—how th e o ther flve coilJd Sit there, nilent and awake, and It't th a t burglar burgle, undisturbed, in­stead of giving the alarm .

The Df*t1nrtlon fiivTltaby Coita a Greatn*M) tif tlujifiy.

From (h# Wpeelsior.There have been times ^ h e n a Court

WAS splendid and nearly starving, and King* were magulfleont w ho could have j

Ilk A K f FAIlAiRl:;.I t l l One of thf) l>Hiig«o'* Attendant Tpon

Any Irrcgnlnr t'uur** of IJf*.From 111* Hun.

Btatislics of m ortality are alwaya nnsat* lafactory In the portions devoted to ” cauaes o f d eath .” Phyaiofana Inrget

o f the M srtcr o f Kavenswood; but ail th a t has passed aw‘Sy, probably forever. T he Prince of to-day who la to be magnifleent a t all, who is to be free In his movements, to take trains when he likes, to entertain like any o ther dignitary, to show good boraciatid m any 'o f them , to keep ser­vants suffleient to secure th a t guests ac- ruslnmod to luxury be not ncglecU'd, to travel when be pleases, to patrouixe art, to encourage charity, and to live when necessary' among equal Princes, as t>«- oomes th e Nation he represents, must pay away money a t every turn, and always be rca<ly with more.

Kverything costa; from th e special train which lecurei punclualUy and free- dom from pressure, to the room# which loyal or liospltsble crow ding render ex­ceptionally dear. I t is all very well to •peak of good m ansgem ont, and, of course, there Is such a th ing , and ft la w orth perliapt thirty per c e n t o f addi­tional incom e; but no ex ten t o f good m atiagem ent will reduce the cost of any kind of magniflcencei or do away w ith th e feeling of the tnnnkeeper who charged a royal guest a franc apiece for eggs, no t l^ sau ie egg* w ere oesrea, but because Kings were.

We have heard of charges paid by an In­dian Viceroy a t a Paris hotel w hich would have made Mr. V anderbilt wince, and there Is not an uneducated man in any land who, If a Prince disputes h ii charges, doc* not become thencchflw ard a Repub­lican. Nor M'Uhin lim its is thia feeling al­together unreasonable, for th e dem ands of Princes, which are usually only demands for freedom, upse t the usual routine, Just us the Queen's train though her MaJssL)' esks only a little ex tra security and some privacy, upsets the rnutlnc traffic on the g reat railway by w hich she tr a v e k Moreover^ though ex* iravsgance Is a vice, economy is oh en a foible, and one rather sym pathizes with th e h in t given by the noble w ho aaslsted Louie Philippe in h b search after a lost sovereign by lighting a bank note. State, in fact, in our day costs money end it is as ex{)en*ive to be r Prince, if you live as a Prince, as tu be a Mpendthrill hoir.

IIAU Pl.ACK FOR t-|||.SA.MK^^,koBa# rMiiirteoUe* Apimmilly F^gardieg

Thftir Murd*r as l'AtrluU»ni.Frrim the Camden I’oit.

N ooom plain t was made by th e mal­treated Chinaman a t the Police Court hearings yesterday. I t is know n th a t parties a week ago conspired to kill him on tb s Fourth of July, and so tentify to th e ir appreciution o f “ L iberty through­out th e land to all the inhabitants there­of.” Independenor Day to them m eant liberty to afluse and kill a Chinam an, and th a t they did not succeed In the latter a ttem p t was no fault of theirs. But why should the poor frightened fellow com- plain T Is it not a m atter of public in­form ation th a t the attem pt was mode, as his riddled window and o th e r evidence prove?

W hy were not the conspiring .ssMssinn a t once apprehended and placed behind* the bars where they could do no fu rther harm ? Is a ChitieM ]aundr3*man o fso lit­tle account th a t no one cares to see to the punishm ent o f the perpetrators o f the dastardly deed? Were our law i made for the punishm ent of all crimlziah o r for only certulfl kinds, It being understood th a t the killing of a Chinaman in the N orth counts for no more than th e kill­ing of a negro in the Bouth, or o f an Indian in the West? We need a better code of ethics, but our authoritie# are not likely to le t the pace for ua.

REAk EilTATK THANSrERk.The r#ai estats trauiier* recorded la the

K«El*t*r'e ofliue Friday sod reported by lb* MdeiUy iKU aud Depo*U Lompaiy were:

SRwaitx. »Fruderlck BpeckmK&ii *l ux to Louie

Tiircli ttt ux. vr e Prince i t 187 e frHprurv at, x eiOO............................

Ktiiioa Uutler ot at to .Viigusl lluer* maun, # • Jobitiou av e fr C'llntoii av,iiu:7(J....................................................

Jo h n Is. Dii«cii(>erry lo U. Hmuh Woi d MhI, e * H gilt it lUO* Ir iglh av, 2jxim..

Jemoh i'arno<i toi'nriitlao keiseiiKpaa1.150

[Corp^ a w eorMassstne and AveuiieU 10XH5

. water-clOMeu in the yard ebould be torn dowu a t one* and repliioeti « u u mouern oaellary chtMla. I'he butldtog requiree rr* palDtlug inaldfl aod nut.

Many of the outside allh are brnKtn and


flecayed and ebnuld ho replaced with ii*h mil*. Ose or two of the ilotelK nrf brokao.T hebrk 'k work on the oiit>ideoribe hiiild>tu£ require* rtpolDilag In places.

To place ih* ouliding auU wiLii-r*rro**t" ingood eoadill >n it wniild coat ubuul 14,000. The playgraunds In ihe building are umtuii- ahle lor pla.vtcfoundt. IhecelllciE I* lUity aF u ieo v rrs lx feat In helgtii, nud tb# rcM,in>i

uTtlfro almost dark and ll


Tthont any veutll*.ilun wiiAiever.

TheBfavdttnJ cJaHinom require* liOOcubic feelofairepic#M ild fnuMKMi reetoi iloi>r«m‘ Ikoe to eseli pupil. ThelarEf-atoloMaruuniaiii seliool No. I Uuva lUd$<10 ciihic fr'jl of air .apses Mud twelve tbrpc'-li'iuh* h-et of floor surfree. TheemAlter roodt* have aeveoty flve cable (ear of atr Ppice und • ‘f#n aiul k half feet of fluiir tpnee, niul Ibe * inn Her rr«>nt> room in tlse (bird alury only nlloai liriN*nve cubic feel of «pnne aiul four rmU "Vvaii* twelfth* feel orflfini lo encrj juiplJ.

V helliernll (be fliKir bcuinH njirl vimben tbroaghoui the butldlug tireHound Hud in rood roiidliloii CAu not bo aoeit uutll the flonre areatrlppei],

.Mi nf which 1* reipeetfutly aubmltied WilhOUl ouiuineul. Y<mr* r.'V'CM'ifuily.

J ohn H. Tumt, .^ rdu irrl.OnrnotloQof AHetumii jC.'blny. ihe com<

. nDunioatlou wan «eui lo the t^miuHrei* <>n CoDfereuoe with (he Holionl t'nimitlk*|(,n, aft# ra dlBciii<>*1>>n by some of Hio Ahlermexi,

Q iAiNT liK u rm rH .

I V' 1

i f .

P re te rlp tlo n a W hieti I iaI w Rni'k to th e Thiie i»r tju rrii .VlHrir.

From RladcHood*" Mut;ay.!ne.N ot many remedies of Quocn M ary’s

the-euoriem pbar-- nacopoeia. Cardano rccoinmemlcd bark

insn, VJoIn,'tu rpen tine , hoj|rt, anise, a tnna, P«pny, T f l Q S i w r o , ' , r « ^ i n w o o d , agrlniuiiy, lichen, privet, rue, raiKlns, liy«wq>, tTocua, m arjoram , scabious, ftgK. honey nud many m o rs ; and he earnestly urges Ihe use o f a tem ody which he bad tried h tm srir fnr breathlessneiss accompanied by bud cough; T ak e the lungs of u fox and fo rthw ith wash them with wine imd dry it In a fQrnaco lo a cinder; pow der and mix wall w ith the yoik of an egg.

Among hi* external remedios, one w hich was evidently a prime tuvorite whs th a t w hich he applied over the Huinros of th e akull, and eepooially the csiroiial, and w hich he found a grand remedy lor bring* irig Rwoy the humors of the brain. It waa cotupoeed of Greek pitch and ship’# tar, w h ite muhtard, (>uphurt>iiun ami hoitay, abarpened, if ncct'*ear>% by tho addition

o f blister fly.H e had unbounded faith in the rfilcacy

o f e lalarlum -itw o grains dissolved in four otm ees of goat’e or cow's m ilk and aa znuch water, this to be drawn th rough the tioetrile when the pulienl was lasting. H t hod lound—and wc cun well l>ellc\'c i t— th k i when th is romedv w'us used a very copious dlecharga of Humor took ]ilacr from the iioetrile. 1 shall not littem pl tu follow him through the lot>g scrica o f m edicinae which he recom m tnacd to be Uicd,

A l.ueky Foil tiff ih# Kail* W ith » TrainAiipruHi'hlng.

From the rhlnaEu 'iMbniit.To fall under h ninnlng n llroad train,

to lie on the rail and ao# death approach­ing one at the rate o f flfU'en miloi or ao an hour and only a fow feet distant, is an experience not given to many to be able to relate. Yet this is what liappeoed to a Chicago man.

“ Huw did Ji happen ? What were you thinking about?” he was naked the other

.daj'.*^Vlr>ll/’ hn replied, had no tim e to

find out' hoWHrlikppuned, birt t do remem­ber a good luan^ thing* that 1 thought of while It wsA happening. Now H oec^ms utterly impossible that such a flood of thoughts could flaih through my brain and leave their individual and dirtinct im- preMlmi* A# did In the almost ImineoMur- ublc short space of time that 1 lay on the rail in front o f thme wheels. It is said thaijuM at the moment o f one’s death the whole doings of a lifetime are held tip for review in less time than it take* to wink one’s eye. I can readily believe il.

“ In tees than a second I thought of the ninny rsilnmd accidents o f which I had rciul. It flished through my mind that 4 had oflvn icon men crediied with wilful n cgligt'iu'c or rci'kieM Intention iu allow lug themHelves to ho killed or maimed, and there 1 waatiiriiibh another illustratfon."* Ym , eir; '

- thcT^J lay, flat on my back on th e rniU akfl MW tlio wlieels of th e altr» tlie car come rolling along and only a few feet nwQij', fr nJitlost Bcemect ae if J fell them crushing and grinding my bones, y d I Jmd, It seems, to th in k also o f how easily a fellow geta killed.

“ 1 thought huw foolish tt was to accuse others of foothardiucss in getting run over when i myself was about to become a liorriblc example. 1 thought of how oUen 1 bad ‘let up lightly ’ engineers and conducUirs and belpod to take tbe blaiiif i’roin tbcin and put It ou tho fellow who got killed. But my greatest r<’KPCt, tn the time 1 iiad lo think, w*aH thnt I had ho often adversely criticised the man who got run over.

“ fllrauge as It may Bcein, however, IhcHc were not hall iiiy thoughts, I real-

.IflxW...Krsnr'* .Mitckm bi j . No*>(.’k r,

w * K i§tti St i7ftfr iTihavJiixlOO.....William H. Howard to Jame^ c.

Tbunipton, w s * 8th *t n fr 11thBV, 21x11X1....................................... .......

AUoi V. i.'lerU to U w ark w, Kempf, n w cor 7tb Mt and I'beslcr mv, VAxldK......

Edward (*. Kempt to Humnel 1). Clark.**rne prem.... ........ ..............................

Cbarli'S r^iHaai'U aamr lo iTHiik U l^slnU, mullT H lot MuntEomery a r66 * fr William Morris. 156x110...........

Adolph Kitoli et ux to John F. Hrounn w * Hly S It wI(1p lying In rear lot pnr* %Y 7d iiarl on h w corUreetiberry amiHftwley eti, 6*00......... .........................

Joftsph ftevgreavcsel ux to Mary Ann Deiiultjg, n s Ciirop *1 836 # rr Mc<WhoneT ft, 25x100.....................

August Huermann el ux toKium i Itut- ier ami al. s w s Hsmburg p) 314 n wIr Jjafkymte *1,1’lxPO..........................

TOW'MBuira.John IL Fwaln ei ux to W’llllam C

Hwaiii, l.'llnlon, w* rbadwiek uv 126n fr rlioiou ar, 3O.X106.... .....................

FrederJck Maurer et u* to Kltza J. Oliver, Faci Oraiiee, * ■ Grove pi iW s t» f r U r o v * *1. STixHl.

JrtCDh llauiiling (sheriff') lo John 11, MrCracken, Belleville, w RFlephenbNlOUfrlloimee *1,6^x122....................

George !>, Aoherruan et li to Jaruee A.



'^acHign no more caiisM for natural phe­nom ena than arc neceaeary and sufficient fo explain the phenom pna,” The prob­lem of death is often an intricate one, and it le very cooy lo ooeign such an unsatie- faciory term aa “ heart failure,” for ex­am ple, to any particularly complicated case. OccAxionally, Indeed, it is difficult to oaalgn any o ther deflnitecauec of death. Take, for example, the not unusual coof w here a m e n who hoe brcii Buffering for years from Bright'# disease, complicated with dllatetioti of the heart end cong##- tion o f tb e liver, contractu pneumonia and then dice suddenly in the f ln t etagee of liie new (rnubl#. W hat is the cause of death? Obviouely each of hie troubUi wee A factor in extinguishing life; b u t u th e failure o f th e heart to fulfil its func­tion w u the proxim al cause of death, It is almplost and ooaiMt to net down the death to ” heart failure,” but such a coune ruins tho value o f all statistics on tho prevalence o f B right’s dlscoao or of pneumonia In a gtven locality.

Afl a m atter of fact, tbe vest m ajority of all death* are caused by “ heart failure,” for w hether the heart Is paralyzed by an apoplectic clot in tb e brain or poisoned by im pure blood or degenerated by dGesse o f its own substance o r deprived of power by Insiifflciency of blood or a clot In tbe orterie*, It is evident th a t thu extinction o f life Is a failure o f tb e heart to propel blood through the tiMues,

But in a restricted sense ” heart failure ” means a sudden failure o f innervation of the heart, resulting in its weakened ac­tivity or its com plete cessation of action. In )ta inont fam iliar form, a fainting spell, tho heart’s action is so weakened th a t an insufficient supply of blood is sent to the brain to preserve conoclousnes*. Thli may m u l t from a variety o f causes, nerv­ous dhork end sudden loss o f blood being the most common. Tho treatm ent of an ordinary fainting spell is familiar. The patient is laid prune upon hi* back to in- crease ihe cfUciency of tho pumping power o f hIs heart, he is given plenty ot freeh air, th a t the lessened quantity of blood may b« richly oxygenated, and heart and nervous stim ulants, such as al­cohol and am m onia, are freely adminis­tered. t'sua lly ill a few moments under this treatm ent the patien t revives, tbe heart resumes Its norm al power and all Is well again. Very rarely arc eimplc shocks to the nervous syrtem fatal unless the ■ystem Is greatly weakened by previous disease or the heart Itself affected. Buch caoea, however, if they occur in healthy Individuals, m ight properly be designated os deaths from heart failure. It Is safe to say th a t not one per cent, o f the deaths recorded ss due to failure of the heart is BO caused.

But where the syrtem has been weak­ened by the cflecta o f dlseoae or by the In­judicious use of tobacco or alooholic or other nervous stitnutaoU heart failure la a real and ever-present danger. As age In­creases the danger also Is increased, and a slight and apparently trivial aedden t may result in fatal collapse of the heart.

U Is never a subject of wonder to the phj'slologist th a t so m any people die. It. is ra ther a m arvel th a t any one survives. The wonderful organ, the heart, con­trolled in tbe most delicate manner through the nervous system, must keep up Its muscular action, sleeping or wak­ing, In strength or weakness, sickness or health, w ithout Intermission, or death re­sult# in a few minutes. Vet i t Is a muscle and liable to all Ibe degenerations which affect o ther muscular tissues. I t is lined outside and Id with most delicate mem­brane. I t ho# a t ioMt three separate sup- pliei o f nervous energy, one aelf-con- tained, two others external to Its sub- Btance, oud all apparently absolutely necessary to Us continued action. Yet from b irth to death this whole compli­cated system works in beautiful harmony In the m ajority o f Individuals, and it# course Is only in terrupted by accldento. How to avoid these accident* must be the study of each Individual, and especially those who are threatened w ith cardiac trouble. Avoidance o f over-exertion, of cardiac or nervous stlmulanU, and especially of tobacco,which has a directly depreosent action on the heart, should be insisted on In the case of all who are threatened by death from heart failure from any cause.




. 2,000

. 4,.500

'201MrCiiMouf h, ilflIrviHe, sscur Holmes

rtlMti ■ 2,760



Mufl CourtiMiitli Ht*. 97*1£.> .............Wsatherby A to Wm. A. l.«mb«rl,

Fraiikiln, lol 106 blk 7 msp jmriy flrtlpart........................................................

Mlplmtl llHOkHU (n WjIOmiii H.Dpllrvlll", ll I* 1. .Mill It h w lJui tuTyuuu, 1(14x181......................................

Wm. D- GlUUv tu MarEUPfito K,HftckvU, Ht‘U(:Vlllr, «Min« prem...........

L tu lc A. .fulic* (0 .Riiiirt u Allen, CUin- rnn. BH Clinton nv 176 w lr Grace si.2ixino.................... .................................

Jninf* A. Vreeland e( ux lo Uar^jirer VAti(lsrli<K>r. Cnld «i i. on a tl *bt10 bp oprned at cor BicUard C. Cainp-up», aixaw .................................. 400

HIniin E, lle#kluR #i ux lo lleurlsttA ■ ^Cllnlon, w •

m lnssst 88 Q fr Rudolph Window,TiOxlJM ----------- 2,450

3,000 —

IT SAVES BABIES' LIVES.undcratood (he pnaitlon in d fe lt the ; Newton'* A nt Uw o f pbltoaophizJng to

Thousands Owe T heir H appiness to L a c ta te d Food.

** fffthr. whul ft IrjvHy bahjr P*Y#«, when wrll ftil, kleklQf nnd coelng.

brsAklog r Till Inlofttrangesl *p«'Cuhs«. fingers end tofi ail motion und eye* ell wonder.

But Muuimsr brings grave d*ng' r*.AlitHtllon tuUlrl Unow Inipcrallvr. Thera

are diet* tu lie i to every agt, lo^vcrr o^lmale.For Infant*, tienUny moilisr'* milk I* tbe

Ideal food, but wtieii this I* out of the qiiev- Uon, ID iDfant food m ull be uicd Ibat #* clo*eiy a i potslblc rei^Jnble* hcallhy human milk The sxperisnee nf y ^ ra ha* proven that the best »ub*il(%ie In tbe world la lao tated food*

It* basil 1* the sam castbst of motbar^s milk ; that ]*, Biiier of milk, and with It nte combined the nutritive qualities of the great cereal*, wheat, barley and onl*, lo prepared as lo b* readily digc*1#d and aisltullated. TbesddlLlon of ibsiAlt* found In luothor’a milk make* Uetated food perfect.

LiKJc Moll)# Ward, wbose piciuro Is given above, ts tbe cbannlug dMicbler of Mr. M. I\ Ward, of ProvldSUrt), K. T., u bo Writ#*;

” ll gives toe pleasure to advice you tbal our m m MclHe I* just four year* uid today, end our youoycil lltUe girl, siraoge to tay , Is five inontba t< -<l*y, boUi b'log born ou the third of Ihe month. 1 think both of my babies uwe tbelr good Ije^liij to Inctsted food. It tl tue best food for Iniunis who can not en­joy raotber's milk Ibst t^ierc u on tho market.

*'Our bublei bftve both thrived on It, and when tesliilDE bad very tittle trouble.

**I liAVe recommsoded locLmted food hun­dreds of Tjmsi.”

Mr. Otbo L. Paine, 19 Edwin St., Provl- deoee, ssys:

**Our baby was bom dau.28, 1891, and be' ho* been fed wUU Uctuted food according to dlrecitpb*. I t bss ngrred wllb bim perfectly and be has grown like a wied, taia not been aick iluce he was boro. He cel all his teetb before he wim eighteen inoutbs old, and to­day be is a perfect picture of bssUb.

“ Of course, like all parents, w elblnk (here Is no baby Ilk# oure, but 1 believe it U tbrougb the uneof laclsted fjod that he U what be Is lo-dsy, and X >ball recommend U

wherever I have a ebsnee. I am tbenkfitl that It wa* ret dnAnienilMd to us ftud for the m a ils It haiaceomplJihad." ^

Mr. Rud Mrs, W. H, T. flolx,cf Woonsocket,R. r., write:

“ Our baby #01 given up for lo*ibyone of the doolor* of I hi* clly, when we cniltd lu Dr, E. N. Klt^eberry. He advl*cd ui to use loe- taied food. We did lO. Our baby 1* now eight m oulhi old, weighs twenty-lour and one-belf pound* and Is In the best of hsoltb. We believe, that lactated food saved our baby’s llfr.”

Mr*. iHinlel Brown, of Central Falls, IL L, says: “ I have three of the moit beittby lit­tle children In the Htate, nod I nju*t say they owe their health lo having been brought np oti Inctated food, by tbe advice of one of tbe leading doctors 1» FawtuclisL”

Mrs. Walter Mimroe, lU Denne F t, Provi­dence, say*: ** laclsted food has dune won­der* forourbaby, Before using U sh e w n down 10 dcatb’s door and now li fkt and rug­ged. It b*« saved her Ills! And wo would rccommond It to any one who ha* a baby.”

Mr. John Doyle, M HlcbardSon St., Provl- dence, says that he tried f.mrother foods end dlfl^rent oows'milk, *'all trying to sav to u r oldest baby, but nous of the above foods would rest upon her siomacb, and we were lnduce<1 lo try lactftled food. It bad tbe dw sired ifTJCt end ihe thrived wonderfully, She Is now a healthy child.

“ The doctor thought our younger baby would die, but laotatsd food was bis best tnedJclu#, and lie Improved and bos gituva lo b e a very heaHfay boy. He cut bis teeth In hottest jrenther.'’

Mr. C. H. Hopkins, 101 Doyle Ave., Provb denoe; Mrs. Fanble E. Loxlty, 109 Stanibury HI,; Mrs. C. W. Kpenee, 107 Allantlo Ave., Providence; Mra Wiliam J. Wllll*, Lone- dnte ; William F. Burdick, Nlantlo; Mrs. G.S, Mbippe#, Auburn ; Mrs. George E. Hoxsie, Canonebet; .Mrs. Ksuole K, Wa|*r,TiverloD, and hundreds of other happy pareoti m Ubode Island, wrole b tanfslt utisollciled testimonials sf rr their experience wltb this food during list sutnmcTU best.

lu It^i no houssboid wttu a baby In li ^ouid o# Without loctaied food. It Ji Inex- plaslve, pure, tucompaiabls.

11KK ItKASONt,They W ere Strung Eituugh {o Change HI*

Musical llablt*.From tbe New York Advertiier.

He had been w orkiug all w inter to get a place In the Hartw'eli-Muplewood Bras# Band as a oornetist, and Just u hi# hopes seemed to be on the verge of fulfliment she m et bim on hla way home from the pofltofflce, near M ajor DeCamp’s, and, linking her hand w ithin hli arm, walkeii on in silence until they reached the edge of the poplar row. There she stopped in tbe long shadows and cornered him.

George,” said ehe, “ I wish you wouldn’t play the cornet in the new band !”

” ^Vhy n o t? " eald he, anrprlsed, “ I t is the place o f honor, and I get a great deal of altentlon by It, dear.” -i

I k n o w /’ she said, coaxingly. ” It 1# nice lo have you notloed by every one and all th a t, b u t^ -> ”

8he paused and hung her curly h e a d s little lower In the hush.

But w hat?” said he, sharply. "Blowing the cornet makes—makes——

' Her voice sank to a pouting whisper.“ Makes th e lips no stiff and hardf” George will not blow the cornet in the

band this summer.

angt av ojU ft, 25xl8’2..


i/.cd thn t 1 wan yot alive, in the bcstlot'loimd,

I t . ! ' ■'

A 4 htnciie ibxnn,Ft'oin the Irrlg^ttluu Age.

Th# Cbinaniau h n wunderfnl irrigaior.a iid Ills presenco ou the big irrlym ed r4>ijr'iie* of

' d i r i b r n ta i s a great bufiti to the pm i r cu>r*.1* the ihb*rTHji'Jccl 'type of the MU'Vile

v.'baborer. and H, tlwroioiw, very KattsfaolMry to those who have iiu ohJi'Ctloti (o sitvII* labor. W hen there j* a go id Kjiiem nf irrifutlon •IfM Ciilnamsn^ariU IrrlgMis 1,000 Boreu-a day •ia ro o sto f rlv« ccjil* ]»er ai’r". They work w ith rcmttrkabU' siei-d aad urouracy ami ofieu htcuLti ciieck* ty llK'eyeltiHl Mould ordinarily require tbo Nerviceiruf a surveyor.

’ Tfte CIliuamau worksBou-ell nod bu cheap ib a t be would suou drive ouL all white tabor If no restriction* were imposed on ituinlgta-

r ttfxs. Il would require niueh spnee to set ' a ootnplete 11*1 of his points of stiperiur-

tty o ver|be usual hired help of lb# f#no.

good health, every bone and limb soiiR ao to ppeak, and the nex t instan t 1 would, 1 lelt, be ground into pieces and my flesh and b<me» spaltered over Ih© railroad track. There was no pow er In the world to help me, so 11 He(.'tncd ; not all th a t tb^ GiigineerH or conductors or brnkemen could do would of any avail. Then J Haahed through my mind th a t 1 wan on the brink of the u thcr world and I had not even a chance to muk# one repentant prayer. I wondured w hat it would meau for me.

"W h ile thfH© ld ''as were Binning through my mind 1 inuat have made #omo sort o f ail effort to escape. 1 have no

The Uev. fraulel H. Marlin sttsndsd !h# oouvcnilon of Chrlsilan Kmleavor et Mon­treal. To-morrow evsnlng b# will g1*a an account of tvhal he sfl w and beard there a t tlie trilnion Av*nue llefurmed Church.

The *#rv)c*i of ths IMane Kiroet Preiny. tcrion Chu rcb n 1H cohsfrl of n short sermon ; subject. “ (’rlltcal FoltUsln Life,’*alter vvUirh a serfjee oCsong will be rundsred byachurus cboir.

At iheHoutb Murkfl Sfreei M, 1C. Chnrck (o-morrow the pvrnliig sermon wiUhsilius- (ruled by sierooptlcon vleua

ll'V. Jam#* Vo ngomory, a former psslor- oMlsIsoy Htrect M. E. (•hiirch, will pr«'HCh In ilisl church to<Qiurrow botn morning and sveuln|.

knowledge of how 1 did it, but 1 did roll alloff'the. rati outward. Tho wheel caught

niy hOkd', though a t lirsl It seemed sm if my foot was cut off ubovo tho ankl© and i Wa# ppwcrioin to move H. f niatiaged tu got o n to iny right foot end balance myself on th a t for a accond, to g e l my thoiighta together aaW what I should next do. I t bftH taken me ten o r til teen m inutes to tell th is thing, but it did not, 1 should Ju^ge, from the rate the train was going, take anything like a second of lim e for It all to happen .’’_____

gtsisi of Ambition* of Miuiiei’y and TIrorl, Lifeless Faeling*, KIc., of Malaria

are speedily sod iterinauanUy cured only by SL VsD BSshlrk, 10 Academy streel, Newark,

pslAlrsi, Kd failures. Many thousand* of

1: te tSpUmoiflata Oflie* hours frnm 9 A. to 7 P. M., weak dayi. On kundoys from

t a l f . M,

The Tervers ty of Hoys.From sn Excbsiige.

A boy Is a Ktriitrge creature. J ii i te tp n i* enl be wlllsbnw Itln the m atler nf cberrl*i. He will Tsiard with Hlmual absolute ln> dUfe«i4nW’af>ist* ( f ripe cntrriea on the sup­per table, and then he will Immediately go o d i " ^ l '^Jik ^alUHln gnlbsriai^a few baif- rip^ Cherries 6b sense tree which he has bees jorbldAfa (ociimh.

Life and Death.HlXhln the heavens a bird winged tt#

flighr. Instinct with life It poured forth ll* prnlieM In Joyous aote*. Ths buri>> iHhvd Sim lumg pondsiil In the uxure sky. The soft wlud was illm nlaul M itb the wine of Ilf#. The whispering Ifftvri gossipped of Ul# sflrlng nud Ihe lif'mblliig biONsomt, In aromatic de­spair, fltrierM down lo earth, filfe and Juy wore mnalfesl,

A young f in, pure and beautiful, lay bat­tling with H#ato nn h cimcb. Hor Ungers luyed nerrelrstly with a Jav- mtii# cunningly woven into tbe irncery of her coverlei by Ih# baairt of an nrtincfr. Her pale, thin Ups strove Inespabl# to utter the hopi* for life which ill-dcfliiud pbissshstl her inliut and loul.

A sunbeam flsshed scm ti the couch. A gaudy buttertly fluilered Ihruugh the oiuAenanii and, full nf prliis, jiolicd on

^ ite wing K»IeL Ibe sbeon play upon * l» plutasfo.

Ho tbfl hours droned qai. ■A bird perched high upon Ihe topmost

spire of a leafy rUhedral, p ip 'd Its praltesio Ihe dying dey. The sun In a burst of glory expired In iho NS'esL Under the shuUs of a hlood-rod rose a gaudy butterfly prrensd lit plumage while Ibe whispering winds told ths dropping blofiioros that another day bed i«i*ed ewaj*. ■

Tbs pallid form of a fair young girl Uy streicnsd Upon a couch. Her ley An­ger*, m .p puiBsists grip, were olossd upon a JONnuns ciinnlngiy wevsn Into ihs tracery of bsreoverlel-shioud by lbs band of attarlifloer. ^•

*‘D e ( T r S i s l e r , ^

“ T h e y charp^e you \*fth he-■IV. —'' ' ' * • — -'.fc,- 1.1 -.1l l g A A '

and exacting', _______“ T h e y 'd o i i I irirofl' me /Ter­

ror that oppresses you," E very hour pains n in ram ­

pant through your body. You suffer secretly as long as you can, then go all to pieces and don't care ’ w hat happens.

“ T h e iron grip of female disease is upon you.

“ D e a r sister, L y d ia E . P in k - h a m s V i'gctah lc Com pound ha.s cured thousands like you.

“ I t has cured me, and 1 want to tell everybody.

“ I t k ills the pain. N o more backache, no more ‘ bearing- down,’ no m ore restless davs and sleepless nights. O h ! what a blcssiiig l take it and be well I it’s a sin to hes­itate." — M rs . P .A . Q n ie tt, N o r th H a m lin , N . J .

The New Cinderella.The ugly iiep-molber and two slatare tallHod in ^k#lr coach lo Iba youitf prlnci’ihOlLJu st like the old story wrtl-ilDuwu to ue au*And left 111 He Clody alone in

Iheoebes.To nonrtuwklle her rtgleg* ^©re off m aklna maihH, In pink mweUu gewni, otul blue oaUh sashes,"Ere you go to tbe bftlk ecrtih a il the doore," u b s .............. ................ ' ' ---------------Brrub all tha wlridowB, flcrbh all the floore."Thli, their oommaad when poor CTady Imploreo.

Bfil her god-nmtlier said r *'Come Cindy dear, haitie I Ifyoh'd go to Tho hall, take OOLD DtJITand buetie* IXiB't all Uiere and cIV without moving a lu uecie I"Ih leoe than an hour her bard task woe done.In blue silk* and dlamontls that shone Jlke tbe eniL Hho dODcod a t tbe boll, and the prlace'A heart woo.

. . - • , u„i wonar.I f you*d get through your work, and go out to play, Bur put'kage of 4>HLD DUglTi You'll and tt will psy.

OOLD DUSTWashing Powder

lathobesttileanerknciwn—asclentlficcombinatloti tha t gets away wlUi d irt on sight and which sells a t Half the price of »Mhe other kinds.'* Try it>

M»4*DDiyby N , R . F A I R B A N K & C O ., C h ic a g o ,St. Leal., Htw Vark, PUIadalphla, Boitan, H n lrn L

I I ........................... ...............

XN \ j y . K C j r j . ;

r H E R M A N & C O . ,



PKIUE. n tlL KAnphur Brand Collor^................ ................................. ........... .............. .. r*. each.A nchor hrand 01117 ....................—...................................... ........1.1c. #ich«Ksrl A WllKOn’i Uolhirs.......................... .................................................. IHc. each.Kiiri A tVll»m^'*Cufl'>'.................................................................... ............ SlSe.racb.HUinl#y Nesllxee Hhlrts, luuutierod....................................................... ethr, e*ohaIlAlorlycan Htilrls eau<1 Hmwer*.............................................................. ‘Acent*.NUhl Hhlrt*........................ ........................................ ............................... 48oeni*.Kllk T « k and fViur-lu-llftnd Hcnrf................................... ..................... He«hls.Hllk T w k anti Four-lii-HNnU K ean* ....................... ....... ........... iSoetiU.rtcstnlos* Hot kM......................................................................... .......... . 7)^caoU.

This slock coiislMis nf ahout 88,000 w onh of Flue Fum ish ing Ooods, mostly all for pressDt wear-Outiiig'Goo(tB slid L ightw eight We.ir, Bells, Hsib#s and Umbrelias,

15c. eeoli. 26c. each. 25c, racb. 40c. each, 11.50 eaeb, A5 oeot*!,W cent*.90 cams, ii(k\ and 75c. 16 oenli.


All driitrcLi* ftrll it. AdJrrsH in cotUitlcm*,

l.ltXA £ . Binkuah Mxd. Co., I.VNK, AIa**.

L ydtk K, P inkham 's L i v r ^ l l t , no cents.

IF YOU WANT A HOME,ADd ibc b n i iDTeslUKiit in Uir Clt}- of Newark, do not fall lotook OTcrtha

SILVER LAKE PROPERTY!Take th . Hloomfl-lrt aTcnu. car «ml ,e t o ffa t Norili H..»uth MrMt; tli.n Iwofl) blooka

norm. H lm u a n bi ing ir.ded nnd city water Isu p to tbeprupeny nowaud wiilco tlirouih a . iw ii a . grading la U iDlicd. *

READYMADE MUSTARD PLASTERSWe were Uie trg t laannraoturor, on thli

Gonttnenk Our la tM Improvement aarpaiMg annU ngeT erketarap tad i^ . ]Jo.«e.,lBa. pcrtin. 8<*mW)MnSB4BDfirit. Aik tor t/HOl iwiiSj eA aMton clMli.

Pfice $ 12 5 and Up. PER MOHTH.No tnvMiment can b* made. Do no t fail foeee the prou«rtA*, flAWUBL'U MOTT

Manager, 4.17 Broad *lro#|. F. J, BKYKR, Agent, ou Ihe gr.muJ every aff^hoou, ’

SEABURY’t SULPHUR CANDLES;IWTeiittOBi* better than onre, br burning

thewoaudlesbad iiinell.)n buemenla, cloietj Ao.aredettro]rad,aiiathiM(Mntaglouaillaeena arekeptawM i nieftH fsr eipoliteg tnoe- quIUm Md Irritiiinglnieotg. Friue, kOo. eaeb.

H a n You Used Any of Dr. James Brown Burnett's


vffUch £n barel frogmiiDerKreel l^ x of Ik Solm ^J L iE iV n ' .


c ioftineDtii, etc., use'Mdu*4 .PAS1

JI not, try e m and bn oonvlneed ib » t they ot« gate, aun and edbetlTa,Broncnlu,' Catarrh Cream, Oaiarrb Clgarnitei, Ihilmoiilcttyrun, tm n i kiraoeih.

! " i S * i ^ * , ^ * * * ' O r l p p e , Little kllloua Fltte, Malaria Ftlla, Neuralgia Tablela.TOnle k!,!*. lor W eakoeea,-to- Headaelie Fowdera,Port Tbnio for Dwblllly. Blood Puriller, DWnfcotlng ” ■ ----------------- . - - " rar uw

Mum,^ ■ ------ ----- Tlironl W aabibr 8ora Tkrbat, ato., Bb*anuUo A llilrand Coinpound Uentbol Uimler. " « i rTbM« reioedlaa a n iba naalt of m an r yaara' praellet. Ar* p a n and nllablA


A L l . B B 1 J € l « 1 I 8 T R i .O F E ^ I C E ; 1 6 O L e a t n i i t S t r e e t

There is a deal of meaning in these lines.

They are examples by illus­tration. They show in a way that appeals immediately to the sense of proportion the cir­culation of some of the daily and weekly newspapers ol Newark, of which the NEWS has sufficient knowledge to make what is intended to be a fair showing for all.

OirGUlation is P o w e r.

It is circulation that bringJ value to advertising.

It is circulation that gives influence to a newspaper.

These are the reasons why the EVENING NEW S de­fends its proud boast of hav­ing the largest circulation ol any newspaper published in the State of New Jersey.

TH E NEWSPAPERS OF NEWARKAs a rule, are more widely read than the newspapers printed in any other city in the State. And the EVEN- ING NEW S is read more than any of the others, as the descriptive lines show. The proportions of the lines arc fairly well maintained. For example, the circulation ol the EVENING NEW S is ovei sixteen times greater than that certain contemporary repre- seated by the fourth and last line. See how much greater the EVENING NEW S’S cir culation is than the second or the third. Here is the plan peated:

Not only has the NEW S the largest, but it enjoys the best circulation. What is meant by best refers to sta­bility and character of read­ers. The

COPIESOf the EVENING NEWSprinted every day go mainly into the homes of the people of Newark, and into the homes of the people residing in the towns round about Newark. The people who make up these homes wait for a n d d a i l y welcome the NEWS. They read its every column. They patronize the merchants and others who ad­vertise in its columns. They frequently use its columns themselves. That fact i- proved by the







And other special small ad. departments which give such a charm to the pages, And these ads. are but r cent a word.


That’s why the progressive firms ad-vertlsc in the NEWS.





C A L D m U S F E ST A L D A IThe Celebration In Honor of the Fighting PereoaA M'JLTITUDE IN THE VILLAGE.

T b « P i r ln s o f a ( 2u n a m i I h i t K lt iE in R o f t fa « ( . h u r c h A r o u iv d i h r M l l a g t r ef ^ r U»n C c le l i r a t lo n •• P a trA o iA c Ik o n j^ i H u n f , M u k to b y t i i o U a n d , D a n e l a f a n d 5pe6i-lien.

T b l i tb e d a y o f C a ld w f i r i g lo r y . T h f p r a t ly v lU a K e bpyunU ih * i n o u iu a ln t , r r a s l* d e n t C le v a ia i id 'i h lrU tp iiu -a , u \n h u l ld a y B i l l ra , 111]d t l r X c c c a o f n i l w h o d w*all o n tlJ ^ m u n t r jA l r io w U ld ii tt r a d lu f i o r n M m llc f i . A b ig p ic n ic I * io n k ln g n u f l ig i ib o r lQ g g ro v e l iu iT ^ T U cre a rc a n d n i t u i o a n dd a u c fn fp a n d iu v i r i o u i u ib c r p t i t lm o H p lc a iu r a 1« p u r« u r(b

A l t ih lN ! • In h iT no r o f ib e R e v . Jan)C » C a ld w e ll , " i b c f lg b t ln g p t i r ^ o n ' ' o f h l id o r y , a f i t r w b o m t b f ' v l l l a i c han b « rn n a m e d m i l l w liH M I r v g ic t f o i y w a a lo ld In \V e « ln c H d u y ’ N

C a ld n e l i D a y b a i bee n iuo o m m e m o ra t io n o f h i * lo r v lc e i to ih « T l l ln K e , » n d aUQ to a f fo rd a n e p p o r f im l t y l u ib e T l l la g e ra a n d n i r i n n b n b l t a n t i t t o m e e t a m i t a l k a n d d t k c u i i In ip r o v e m e n t t o f l u n d i .3 h e f i r i n g o f a c a n n o n a n d ib a r i n g in g o f th e t i l l a g e o h a r c l i b e l l R lEE ialted th e b re a k o l d a y fo r c e le b ra t io n . T h « t lU a g e rn w e ra m u e a r ly I d i b e l r bea t d rc M . a w a l l lh g tb e n p - p ro a o D o f tb o a # c u m lD g fro a a a d l i l a n c e . A * e a r ly aa 9 o 'c lo c k lh*e r o a d i l a lo C a ld w e l l b e g a n to t u i w i t h v e b ic le ia n d p c d e a ir la u i , a n d f r o m t h a t t im e o n Ib e i l r v a in s o f pfev u l c k e n p o u re d u n c e a i lD f ly (o tb e p o lD t o f e e U t ira t to n . T h e fa r m e r * c a m e l a a l l m a n * D t r o f v r b lc le t i th e e ld e r * w i t h i b e l r fa m * t l l a i , tb e y o u D g in e n w i t h t b e l r a w e e tb e a r ia . £ v e r y b y > ro u d fro m r tm o le f a r u i lo g dlP^ i r l i t f a d d tb r o n g h ih e w o o d e d h i l l * a d d e d to th e c r o w d * w h e e lin g a n d w a lk iD g o n th e m o re i te q u e r t te d I l in r o a g h fa re * . C l im b in g n

" C a ld w e l l n l H p rh ig d e td . 'o e lre d w i th g r e a ia p p U u * ^ .

T b e p oem , u i fu l i^ i * a * f o l lo w * :H e re '* 111* a p o t . a ro u D d y o u . A b o v e

o n tb o b e it iU tla *y Ib e l le H « ia D *e D o a m p e d . B y t b a l o b u n s h

on ih c r ig h th to o d Id a g a u n t J e ra e y fa r m e r * . A n d h e re

r t n u w a l l—Y o u m a y d ig a n y w h e r e a n d y c u M I t u r n u p a

tw i l .N o tU la g m o re . O r a i i« « e p r lh g ^ w a t m m o ,

f lo w e r* b b ^ iT r e l ly m u c h a * th e y d id D ln e ty * th r e e y e a r*

ago.N o th in g m o re , d id 1 a a y f H ia y . o n e m t>

in e n t t y o u 'v e h e a rdO f C a ld w e ll, Ib e p a r tu D , w h o ouoe p re a c h e d

lb # U u rdD o w n a t H p r ln g f ie ld T W h a i , N o t C o m e —

t b a i ' i b a d , V V b y be h a dA l l tb e J e r ie y a a f la m e ! A n d t h e y g a v e l i i m

t ' le n a m eo r th e **jrebel h ig h p r lc a i. '^ H e a u c k in

I h a ir g o rge ,F o r he love<l ib e L o r d G o d - ^ a d h e h a le d

K in g U .‘o rg e t

l i e b a d e a u ie , y o u m ig h t * a y I w h e n th e iU a> e la n * th a t w ay

M archT 'd u p w i t h K b y p h a u a e n , th e y a lo p p o d o t i t i i n l r w a y

A t th e " f a r r o a ' ' w h e re h i * W lfh , W ith a e b U d In h e r a rm * ,

H a l a lo n e In th e b o tw * . l l b w I t h a p p e n e d non e k n e w

H u t <}od—a rid t n u t o b e o f th e b l r b l lo g c re ws V h o f lre d t h e i t a u t i K n n i lg b {— th e re a lio l a y ,A u d C n id w e ll, th e c Q a p ln ln , h e r h u a b a u d ,

a w a y IU ld he p re a c h — l i d b e p r a y T T h in k o f b im

a * y o u * |a n dl l y th e o ld c h u rc h to - d d y ( • '^ ib la k o f b t m a n d

th a t b a n dI l f m l l l t a n l p lo u g h b o y a ! aee tb e a tn o k c a u d

Ib e b ea tO f t l u i l re c k le ta a d r a D e e ^ o f t h a t a t r a g g l in g

re ira a t iK e e p I he g liu « t o f t h a t w lfia , f b u l l y ( U I d , In

y o u r v ie wA n d w 'b a t c o u ld y o u , w h a t t h o u ld y o u , w h a t

w o u ld y o u d o ?W h y ju a t w h a t b e d id I T h e y w e re le f t to

ih e lu ro bF o r Ih e w a n t o f m o ra w a d d in g . H e ra n to

th e u l iu r c l i ,B ro k e t l ia d o o r , a l r lp p e d tb e p e w * a n d

d a ih e d o u t In Ib e ro a d> V ll l i b l* a ra if l f u l l o f k y m n > b o o k i , a n d

th re w d o w n I i I k Io h I

W K R B K PABHON rA I .P W E L I, M V g p ,

g o o d ^ lg e d b i l l a n d w in d in g lo tb e a n u th Ib e p e o p le re a c h e d Ib o g ro v e w h e re ib e p ic n ic l i

■ t a k in g p lace .I d th e g ro v e tb e m o rn in g h o u r * w e re p lv e o

to T a r lo u e p a s ttm e a . T b o *e w h o d id n o t c a re fo r a p o r l la lk e d w i t h f r ie n d * . T b e h a n d p la y e d a n d p a t r io t ic a o n g * w a re a i in g . W h i le a l l t i l l * w a i g o in g o n th e w i im e u b u * le i l t b e m ie lv * * w i t h ib e p rc p a r a i lo n * f o r th e fc a a t. I n a n o fd o v e n In ib e g ro v e b o l b la c u l t * w e re b a k e d , a n d a e v e ra l o i l a to v e * w e re u t i l i z e d fu r b * k ln g , T be n v e n h a d been a re c le U lo r th e 04>caa1o n , lo g i v e ^ g i tm p a e o f tb e o ld e n l l r o e i b e fo re H o v e * c a m e i n t o u»e a n d w h e n o v e n * w e re e m p lo y e d

A b u g le c a l l H o u n d rd th r o u g h tb e g ro v e . T i U l ' m i tb e s lfg a tt l. fD r th e b e g in n in g o f th e fe a a l. F r e i ld e i i i . H a v e n b e c k o n e d t h e p e o p le to g a th e r a ro u n d a ta b le o p r iM d w l l l r d a l* a b le * . A f t e r th e fe» i*t w a * o y e r a n d t h t b a u d h a d p la y e d e e v e ra l p a t r lo l lc u lra , l l i c pre>^h d e n t , M lO B H in ie a te r, m a de a a b o r t a d d re e n u f w e lc o m e a n d th e n a p o ko u p o n ib e “ e b a r* a o le r a n d s e rv ic e o f R e v . J a m e e Q p td w e ll . '* H ie r e m a rk a w e re lo M n e w t th w h a t w a * p u b - lU h e d in W e d n e s d a y ’* N s w a . C . T , H o l le n * b a c k re n d e re d b u in o ro u a re c U u t io n a .

A ld e r m a n lU ib e r t C, H y e ra o n . o f C a ld w e l l b o ro u g h , re a d b y r r q u e iL B re t H e r t e ’ a p o e m ,

A l t h a i r f ^ t l T h e n a b o v e a l l I b e z b o u t ln g a u d i h n l *

R a n g h i* v o i c e - " P n t W a t t * I n to ’e m —B o y * , f i v e 'e m W a ira r

A n d th e y d id . T h a t 1* a l t . G r * * a e i a p r ln g , f lo w e r* b lo w .

P r e t t y m u c h a * t h e y d id a in c t y d h r e e y e a rs ago.

Y o u m iiy d ig a n y w h e r e a n d y o u ' l l t u r n u p a h a ll—

B u t n o t a lw a y s a h e ro l i k e th le —a n d t h a t ' * a l l .

M r . P a ik o , th e s e c r e ta ry o f th e V l l la g a Im - p ro v e iu e n t B ^ l e t j , w h o b a d d o n e m u c h to in s u re th e succes* o f th e g re a t p ic n ic , m n d o A n I n le r t f t ln g a d d r e m o n " V i l la g e lm p ro v c < m e n u , " C a p ta in J a m e s P a r k e r , o f 1‘c r lb A m b o y , ta lk e d I n l e r e t l l n g l y o n “ N e w J e r ­se y in (he H e v o lm lo n . " B ie w a r t J., W o o d ­fo rd . o f N e w Y o r k , a n d A b r a m U H e w i t t w i l l a ls o m a k e a d d r e iM * .

A m o n g th e p ro m in e n t g n e e t* p re x e n t a t tb ia C id d w e li J u b ile e a re M r * . W l i l i a i u M u L l lg u n , o f P a lis a d e * . N . Y . , a n d V . H . l ^ i c u s , te r a n d fa m i ly , a l t o o f N e w Y o r k , w h o u re ilea cp D d a n ta o f i h e K e v . M r . I 'u ld w e l l . T h e y o c c u p ie d p r o m in e n t s e a t* u p o n t b e p la t fo r m . T h e c lose o f (h e p ic n ie w i l l be a t * u H e e t ,w b e n g u n s w i l l be f i f o d to r e t re a t ,

R l^ r o m f le ld a n d J I fo B t c la l r .E r ie E a U ro a d < le ie c t lv r i I r i v e b e e n a e a rc b *

I r g tb e c o u n t r y n o r t h o f M o n t c la i r f o r tb e p a n t th re e d a y * in th e hop e o r c iL p tu r ln g th e x n J a c re a iil w h o b « d bee n b u * / o f la te p la c in g t ie * oh tb e t r a c k a T h e L i t t l e F a l l * i t a lu . v b le h le a v e * th a t p lac e a t d A . ' w a s de* la y o d A t C a ld V l i l J u n c t io n u n ^ W e d n e a d a y b y a t i l . w h i le a t W a t c l i n i i i B la i lo o , n e a r M o n t c la ir , ib h s a m e t r a in w a s a iu p p c d a n o th e r t im e lu tb e s a m e w a y .

A la rg e n u m b e r o f l i io o m f le ld p e o p le h a v e le f t to w n fo r th e b u la n c e o f th e a u m iD e r . F r ln c lp a l J o h n B . D u u b a r a n d f a i t i l l y h a v e g o n e to P a w P a w , M Ic b . E r n e a tn u d Ed> w a rd B in g h a m ure in th e C a ts k il ls , M U * O rn c e M u u ld a U a t H B c k c tU io w i i . J , B. V a le a n d f a m i ly le a v e to > d u y fo r A k b u r y P a r k . P ro fe a s o r W . C> C a r l a n d M U * C u rt a r e a l T r o y , N , Y . M r * . F r a n k H . B a k e r a n d d a u g h te r a re a t S ura Logo. N . Y . K o v .C h a r ie a K . K n o x \* H i IV d iL t P L ^ N a n l.

B fs s lo H la r K re jv c r e n te r ta in e d n la rg e a n d U n c e lu tb e C a ld w e ll H n p t ls t C tu i r c h U » l M ig h t I n a i i a d d r e i i o n " T e m p a ra n c e . "

A le x a n d e r F . I r v in e , u f N e w Y o r k , w h o I* f io s - o tig A g e d lb C h r i i l l a u « q r k lu N e w Y o r k O J tv , w i l l s p e a k in T r l n l t r r r v * b y j l« r la n C h u rs ib , M o D te ia ir , o n i ] I * e x p e r ie n c e * a rm in g lp d g tn g - b o it * e * o f th a tc U y .

M e as r* . p r ic e . H io ne a n d B iA g g , m « m i4 rs o f i h e M o n t c la ir \V h e e )m e n , w i l l ta k e p a r t In 1| ie w h e e lm e n ’* rac e a t A * tm r y P a r k , J u l y 21 a n d 22.

M r . a n d M rs . T h o m a s P o w e ll, o f M o n t c la ir , i l n r t e d I b l i m o r n in g fo r H i* W o r ld '* F a ir ,

T o w n C o m iD llte e m n a D .'^W . S a w y e r a n d w i fe , o f M o n tc la ir , a rc in C h ic u g n .

M is * A n n a K n a rs o n , o f M o n to 'a l r , t a i le d to * d a y Jo (b e N o w Y o r k , to be a b t e u t tw o m o m h i ,

A , J . C ra n e , W a lle r M e fn io f b . R o b e r t T o T ra y , A r t h u r T r u e x a n d A lb e r t W l l l l a i ] ) * , A ll o f iM o iU r la lr , h a v e gone to G re e n P o n d , n e a r D a n v lU r , fo r tw o w eeks,

C a ld w e ll I> iv 1i l o n 240, S o n * o f T e m p e ra n c e , h i v e ch o se n ih e ie o f l lc e r * s W . P „ E l lx n W a r - d e l i ; W . A . , C n a r le a H a lt ; K , S „ I s a b e l la W n r d e l l ; I r e a tu r c r , M e r th a K e n t ; * 11. t i ,

■i^lr*. J o h n M o 4»re; A . H . S,, M i l l ie b h e w v e r ? e lk H p ln ln , J a m e s R in l ih ; P,

M o r r i s t o w a ' i N o » e B u d g e t .T n c B n s ln e s i M a u ’ i P ro te c t iv e A e ^ o o la t lo n

o f M o r r is to w n h a * g o n e o u t o f e x is te n c e . E x - M a y o r J a in e * S u lU v a n , w U o w a * t r e a s u re r u f tb e o rg a n lx a t lo T i, w a s In s t r u c te d to d i v i d e . a b a la n c e o f th e fa n d s le f t In b a n d l ia tw e a n A l l R o u l* a n d M e m c f la l h o ip iU i la K a o h In s U - L u tto n w i l l re c e iv e 167,67.

A t th e a n n u H l m e e t in g o f th e M a i le r H o u s e - p n l n t i r i a u d H e e u r n lo r * ' A s s o c ia t io n o f N e w

o rg a n tx A t lo n R e v . H r , G il le s p ie , o f N e w Y o r k , w i l l o c c u p y

th e p u lp i t o f lh « H o u th B t r a « t P re tb y t e r la n C h u rc h o f M o r r is to w n a t b o th ie rv tc e n t o ­m o rro w . R e v . D r . S r d m a u , p a s to r o f tb o c h u rc h , Is a b s e n t on, a tb e w e m o n t h s ’ s ic k leave .

DtstHel Deputy ‘ homae Alexander in­stalled (be following newiy-eleoied omceri of Morrliiowo Lodge m, K .o f P., last night: C C., Harry Uatley; V. C.. Arlliur Ball; prulnle, Frank 0, l^esler; M, of W.. J. Am- bro*e' M. of A., 4. Ko^er*; O. G., C. D. Wlli- bergeA and I. O., Tuutinw Wlldey,

IJ e n ry , th e tw e lv e - y e a r - o ld s o n o f J o h n O u io f l , w h o l iv e * n e a r K o e k a w a r , M o r r l i C o u n ty , w h i le p la y in g In th e g a rd e n b a re - f«)oted T h u rs d a y s te p p e d o n th e u p tu r n e d p ro n g * o f a ra k e , w h ic h p l e r c ^ m e tN>y’ s fo o t. L o c k ja w H i l u a n d re e u lte d l a th e b o y 's d e a l b .

S in c e tb e c lo s in g d o w n o f th e M L H o p e Ir o n m ln ok In M o r r is O p u n ty th e p o s tn ff le e n l m a t p lace a s w e ll a s th e s to re s la u g u is u . T h e T l l l a i e l * b e c o m ln f d e a e r te d , a * a l l Ih o m in e r * a re re rD o vJn g t o o th e r lo c a l i l le s w h e re th e y can p r o f u r e ■d'prk. P o s tm a s te r C o u r l r lg b t l u * re s ig n e d a iH td t la Q i i l t g p ro b ­a b le t h a t th e p o a ia i a u ih o r l t l c * w i l l d is c o a - l ln u e th e M l, H o pe P o s lo A o e ,

D ire c to r K in g a n d C n u n s o L lO f Q u a y le , o f th e M o rr is C o u n ty B o a rd o f F re e h o ld e rs , h a v e been e m p o w e re d to h a v e th e o o u n ty l in e b e iw e e a M o r r is a n d S o m e rs e t o o u iu ie * rcB u rvo ye d .

T b e L y c e u m In M o r r is t o w n w a s c ro w d e d I bnI n ig h t b y a fa ih lo u n b le a n d le n e e , w h ic h H p p rc d f t te d A iid c n lo y e - l th e p m d u e i lo n o f " w h o K il le d C i« k R o o i n " ' lb

b y. . I re n d e re dho D a ly (J itm p a n y _ N e w y o r k , . ^ _ lJ e. . . . R m h h ; P . W . l\ . J o h i i

W tH ire ; fo n d u c io r - R o y . T b o i j u . .M s la ia n J .T g y e o f — w . - •- -

T h e p a r is h o fR t , A lo v s H ls 'a C h u r c h a t C a ld - th e s u e c s a i tb er e l I w i l l go o n a u c x c u fjiIo d X a G r e e n i^La^m *7...';d*y. ■ I p la y iU 4t w l ih .

^ T b e N e w * o f H a d ls o n -T h o r c f u la f 'm o e t in g o f th e C o m n io i^ fe o u D -

o i lw u H h e l r l } i i th e C o u n c il r n o m * la s t e v e n - n r . C h A lr in a n B a rk e r , o f t i i e V Y n lo r a n d L ig h t C o in in l t ie f , re;w >rled th H t E ld r id g e A F o g f , th e Q u iitiife c to rs fu r th e n d d U ln u a l w a te r m a in * , h a d o o m p is ic d tb e lr w o r k a c c o r d in g to c o n tra c L a n d t h a ta t w o ln c l i p l|»o b a d been I n id . o o B r id g e s t re e t b y F „ L , C o o k , f r o m C d n y e n t a v e n u e td th e r a i l r o a d b i ld g e . A w a r r a n t w a * o rr tv re d d ra w n in f a v o r o f F ld r ld g e A i^ n g g t fo r «2,30-S.66. th e b a la n c e d o e ih e m . M r . T u i i l * , c l u l w u n o f th e S tre e t C o n » m f« e e , re p o n e d th a r l'J O to n s o f o ra o lc e d s to n e h a d b e e n re c e iv e d fo r m a c a d a m iz in g p u r p o w s e n d t h a t M a in s tre e t, f r o m W a ro r J y p la c e In th e C u u n o fl- ro o m s , b a d b e e n m u o a d - a m i t e ^ , V u r J o u i b i l l s w e re a u d i te d a n d o r*

p a id , a n d tb e C o u n c il a d jo u r n e d to F F Id n y , J u ly 2T.

H u u n ld M . O re n t, tb e o r g a n tA to f tb e F l r i t P ie tb y te r la n C h n re h , w i l l s a i l n e x t w e e k b y f i l e C i in a r d l in e fo r E u ro p e , w h e re h e w i l l s p e n d tb r e e m o b ib * p o r iu lo g m u s Ic H ta iu d le a .

^ ' lh e H tle p d e u c e a t tb e re a d h ig - r o o 'n o f th e Y . M . r . A . f i i r tb e m o n th w a s 979; f o r tb e o u r re s p o n d lu g m o n th la s t y e a r (h a a t te n d - a n c e w a s T O fl. <>

G . F . D re b e r , a d ru g g is t o f C h a th a m , b a a p u r o b a te d th e H . H . B u r y p r o p e r t y , n e a r M a d la o n .

A la rg e n u m b e r o f p e o p le l u th is b o r o u g h w e re n fle o te d b y th e fa i lu re o f th e C h a m b e r - l a l i t In v e s tm e n t U n ,, o f C o lo ra d o .

T l ja B o a rd o f H e a lth b ro u g h t n a t io n a g a ln a l M a r l l i i H o g a n U f o n J u a ilo e R a tfa b u u J h u r r a y fu r v io la i in g iv c t lo n o n u o f th e h m U h codB. T b ii JusT ioe g a v e J u d g m e n t A g s ln a t H o g a n a n d H e c re ta ry B o c k * , u f th e b o a r d , a l io u f d tb e f lu e to n« r e m i t te d b u t leave u D iIce t h a t h e n a f le r t h e f in e w o u ld h a v e tp bo i tn ld .

T h e M a d is o n ^ I h le t l e B a l l c lu b la a n- d e a v o rJ n a t o se e u r^ th e s e rv ic e s o f K e l i i v o f th e X T o p fU tfttv h r i n k tkm. . . .______ . 1

T h e u * u : i l p a r ly o f j^ o u u g m e n l e f t th e r to j /h S o f th e T , M ;C ; r f . l i n e a A e r i fd o ir T o s p e n d a few h o u r * a t S i lv e r L a k e P a r k . Base b a l l a n d o th e r f ie ld g a m e s w B l be p la y e d .

B c m in r y C ozzeo* l * h a c k a g a in f r o m th e W o r ld ’s tU u d e iu i ' C o n fe re n c a , h e ld a t N o r t h - f lu id , M ass., m e h o m e o f D . L . M o o d y . T b e cu n re re n o e w n * th n b en t e v e r h e ld , P ro fe ts o r D r a m m o u d , M o o d y a u d o th e r p r o m in e n t s u c u k e rs addreH sed th e g e tb e r ln g .

A l l H ie a s K o c la tlo n c o m m l t t c e i a re h a r i l a t w o r k a r r a n g in g fo r tb e f a l l a n d w in te r w o rk . D r . C. K. S to c k to n I * th e c h a ir m a n o f tb e e n le r tA lu m e n t e e m m IU e r , a n d a tn te a t h a t th e s ta r c o u rs e fo r th e c o m in g fa l l a n d w ln te<r w i l l be f in e r lh a n a n y p re o a d ln g se a so n . M a rs h a l l P. W i ld e r w i l l o p e n tb o o o u ra e In O c ioH er,

J . M . H a y rs Is lo o k in g a f le r tb e p o p u la r leo- tin re C fuirae a n d tb e e d u c a i io n a l c ls s te * . C b a r le s G. R o o k w o o d Li a a s o o la te d w i t h b tn * In th is d e p a r tm e j it .

T h e B ib le I n i t l t u t a w i l l c o n t in u e lU ie a - s to n s d u r in g th e s u m m e r . In ie r e a t in g ses­s io n s a re assu red .

A t tb e m e n 's m a s s m e e tlo g to - m o r r o w a fie rn O Q u a s h o r t a n d in ie r e s t in g t a lk w i l l be g iv e n b y th e fo r m e r s e o re ia ry u f t l ie Y . M . C. A . o f T ,awrenoe, M a ss ., W i l l i a m E . T a y lo r , M | rb I d a C lin e a n d M is s E d i t h C o o k w i l l s l i i g dU eU .

ESSEX TRADES COUNCILT h e W a l t e r * a m t B M r k i 'e p e r * ’ I 'n i o n W a n t

W h a t 1 1 1 M e m b e r * T t in u g h t tV a s A lt l i u u K T a k e n U a t k .

In a c o m m u n lc u t lu ik to t b * L kscx T ra d f* * C o u t ic l l r iM d a t th e j i ic e U n g o f t b a t Ik k I v la s t ■ lig h t ihi> W a lle r * a n d B u r X e tp v r * ' U u lo n a iiu n u u L 'e d a f i i r m H i p r u le t t u g a lu s t w h a t t t d r * c r ih e d a * a r e p o r t u f tb e o m u t ii lU e e h )^ I j o in t e j b y th< c u n n c t l ' l o ie i t j e lh e d itfV iv u c e -. b c lw e c u t l iu u n io n e n d tb e p r o p r l s t u r io f tb e d lf le re u t iv » r k - , T h u r o m m u i i io a t iu n s ta h H l l l u l U i l * re in n i- wa** p u b i ls b e d iu u t ie n n a n m u m l i g n e t i-s p a p e r a n d Oh th e s i te u g th o f tU ls t h i ’ w a l le r s a n d i ia r k e i 'p i ' r t d m iu n d e i i i l i a l U m‘ r o u n e l l " t a k e b a c k th e ln * u lU In s a id a r t ic le , " I n case o f re fu s a l th e y Ih r e a i- eued lu a ro p th e c o u n t * n n lo n c a ,a '> i lo o D - cn id c U b y * a y tu g t h a t th e y " n e v e r b a d n n y H '*« ii1t t n t '* f r o m ( l ia o u u u c t l , L u l w e re a lw a y s u ip ** ! te d to tw v ih e i r d u e * e v e ry i n o n ib . "

A f i c r o le n g th y d }*c a *« lu iL tb e r o i i i in u n lc a - l lo i ] u u k f l l iH l w iL h o u t a r i l u n . D i i r h i g t h e it ls e u ^ i lo n H d e le g a te a *k e i1 a b a t th e a l lr g e d lu » u U WHM u U o u i. T h e rj D v lc x ii ie is c b w e r i. u f i l i c n g g r ie v t-d n n ld i i . h a n d e d a r o p y o f th e n e n *p n |M ji' p> C u r re tp u n U li tg b ^ '> ' 'd x r y H e ck - TiH-yer, K i'u tu ( i-e H A n a la t io n U a p i v a m i ( I 'A t I t v a » m e re ly an ' t in o ft t iw e i le p o r t u f re - i i iH r k i w h ic h in e tn b c ia O f (b e cO iV itn llte e l ia d huHTd I r o n i v a r lo u * s o u rc e s fO n c e rn ln g U h * w a i itT * a n d b a r ic t ^ p u r * , a . id w k lc l : i h u c o in - n iil i ie . ' i r i i * i t a r iU - u la r t m n i f h i c ie x p le l i i a t ( b e t im o u * I 'v la g b t a r ia y . T h o t r a n s lu l f u n s h o w e d th a t D u U -gn ie H i lv e rs lo n b * d B *k n d ivU fU hi’ r th e r o in iu U te e w a * re a d y lo re |u > rt, HK i t H |v{'«Mrvd i b a t e v e r y l l i l n g w a s n o t * * ] ] h h n i i i i i t>e. T h e n i l l * c l i a l r n n i i i o f t h e c u r i ) - II II l i c e h a d e x p la in e d t h a t h« a n d h i * a s i iv e la te * b a d n o : l»een a b le t< v b r in g a o o u t a c u u - fs re n re a * y e i , A n o lb e r d d e g a ie d e c la re d th a t h e uD deraUKiH l t b a t a e s r ta ln r in g e g -

w U b iD th e V S 'ii i le r * a n d H a rk e e p ^ r * ’M e dI 'n iu n , a u d th a t m a n y m «Q w b o d e s tre d to )o ln 1 i w ere n o l p4‘ r in lU r c l .

D e lega te I t e ic n m a n a b i le d tb a t h e b a d c a lle d o n a | j t r k i i r u p r lv t o r a n d th a t (b o l« l- te r h a d to h l b lm t b u l A ll ia « w a l le r * m u s t j ' d i i ih o L inJu ii it t h a t b i« ly w o u ld a c c e p t ib e in . '• H iil> *i‘ i j u f l u t l y . " c o n t l i iu i 'd H e lc h - inH h, " 1 m e t a i n u t u lw r o f tb e W a lt e r * a n d l la r k e e p iT s ’ r q l u o . n n d ha to ld m e t i i h w r a ib y m iu m e r l l i a i h i * u n io n w o u ld d u am I t p IvH ted a b o u t a d m l l t lu g a p p l lc a n u fo r m e in lx r k h lp , » n d w o u ld n o t l>o d ic tu le d lo b y I h e c u u n c l l . "

Jh -U 'ga ie h l lv e r s t o n jt r o n o iu ic e d a * a p u re I k th e u n i t i i i 's a s h e r tk m ( b a t i t b a d n o t r i> celvQd a n y a v t ls tu m 'e i r u in th e e o m ic t l .

A ru ' id u U o n ( i ir .T c d b y U e c re la ry H y ro n w ji* p u s ^ d w h ic h e o m iu e n d r< l th e n L-llu n o f H iiiH ^rv iB ln g A r e l i l t y e l o f tb e T r c t is u r y O ’ l t c j i i r k f lu ih e e la 'K l ho bti«i la k e i i a g a lt iR t ( l ie o in p lu y a io n t o f c o n v ic t la b o r , o r tb o uh -? n l l i n y p ro d u c t * o f cn D V lo t lulM^r o n A l ly G o v e r n i i ie u t w o rk . T b e r e s o iu ito n f u r t h e r re c o m m e n d e d ib a l o rg a n iz e d la b o r t b r u o ^ l t - i j u t th e e o u d lr y i n d u n e M r . O 'R u u r k c 'x o rd e r , i in d a la o re c o im o e n d e d t h a t n i l p u b l ic a n d p r iV A ic e m p iu j ' r r a e m u b ite M r . O 'R o u rk e ’ s e x a m p le . M r . B y r u t i e x p J a ln c a th u l h ie re s o iu M o ti w a * ih e o i iio o m e o f a re p o r t o f M r . < r U o u r k c ’ * a c t io n p u b l ls b c d iu tb e N ew 's o f J u ly 6.

J . V. .^ tc D o n u e lJ , o f tb e e x e e u t lv s c o m m it ­tee o f i l i « H ta te F e d c ra i io n o f T ra d e s a n d IjB b o r U n io n * , s e n t a c a l l to r t b t f l f le e u th a n n u a l c o n g r e * i o f th e H ta ie F e d e r a t io n , u b ic h w i l l be h e ld o n M o n d a y , A u g u s i 21, a t H o l i ie D ’a H a l l , 100 B lu o u if l id d a ire c l, H o ­b o k e n , A f t e r .g iv in g In v t r u c t lo n * to tb e t i ib n r o rg A iH Z K tlo n * t b a t m u y s s n d d e le g a te * , tb e c a l l l a y s :

" D a n g e r c o n fr o n ts n s lb o u r ib o p i a n d c a n u id y be a v e r te d h y in iv lJ ig e n i, b o ld a n d de- le r iu iu e d u n l u d a c l iu n . TUe m u in te n a n c e o f i l i e r a ie o f w ages n o u p a l d u u d t b v l i i - CFCH*e o f u a g e s , as w o n u * I I i 9 r e d u c t Io n a n f w o r k l i i c l io n r * , d e iie n d POlely u p u u o u r o t r n e f fo r t* . I t Is fo r u * to f , i y w b e ih e r ih « l,e g lH - J n lu rc w i l t re p e a l la w * punhed f o r tb e g o o d o f (h e w o r k in g p e o p le n iu l d e fe a t m e a s u re s o flepod 111 i h t d r In te r e s t . "

D u U 'ga ie B e c k iu c y e r w u * e le c te d ns a d e ie - g t itc lo t h is c o n g re s * a n d J . F , ^ in l th a o D , o f l | iu U lo tb ln g S a le s m e n , w as c b o ee o a l io r - n a te . I n u r g lo g th e n e c e k s liy 't i f t f u p p o r l ln g th e c o n g re a * D e le g a ie H e n fry F o r th , u f ( 3g a r- in a k e r t ’ U n io n 117 l i fU rM r ig e , w b te b w a s a d - m i l te d tu th e c o u n c il Ia s i n ig h t , to o k occa - e iu ii t o r a p A s s e m b ly m a u T ln m th y B a r r e t t fl ip b la h a v in g l i i t r o d u o u t l tb s F l f t j - n l n e - h o u r la w . M r . F o r th d e c la re d i h a i b s fu re tu t * M r . B a r r e t t b u d ^ a s u fe d u l t u tb a t h e w a s a f r ie n d o f la b o r .

T he s p e a k e r p o in te d o u t th e d a n g e r o f re^ jH fa liD g tb e F i f t y - t l v e - ; iu u r la w , fo r w h ic h o rg a n iz e d la b o r b o * f o t ig h i so b a r d , a n d Awked t h a t a l l tb e d e le g a te s p re a e n l see to I t t h a t t b e l r r e s p e c t iv e b u d lea be v lg t lu n t , M r . F o r th d e ic r lb f d th e f a i lu r e to u rg a n lz s a ce n ­t r a l b o d y l i k e th e c o u n c il a t U ra u g e , " I d o n 't b e h o v e / 'h e s a id , " I h a l t h e r e l s a c t l y lu N e w J i r s f - y so 1n f? * lc d w i t h 's c a b l s i n ' a * 'O f i in g e . O u t o f 470 c a rp e n te r * , ^V } a re 'a o a b * . ' W e b o d a b a rb e r 's a o io n , b u t th e y g o t 1215 In th e t r e a s u r y a n d tb e i i s u s p e n d e d dues f o r O D e y e a r. T h e y h a v o n o u n io n n o w , b u t t h e y w a u l o n e .”

O n m o t io n th e o r g a n F s i t lo n o o tn m lt le e , to wUcM t i iu m b u r M r . F u c U i w a s a d d e d , w i l l g iv e tb e U ra n g e c lg ^ ir n m k e r * a s i is la n o e In o rg a n is in g v a r l o u * u n io n * .

A p o s te r f r o m C ig n r m a k e r * ' U n io n U 7 o f O ra n g e w a * ro a d , u b l c l i re q u e s te d H ie a r r e s t o f Jo s e p h M a l l lc n , tb o u n io n '* fo r m e r f i n a n ­c ia l H ^ c r^ tn ry , w b o l s a c ':u * c i l o f a b s c o a d tn g w U b I l f t i l S o f The u n io n 's f i i i id s . •

T h e U n io n t iH i t e r * fc p - ir tv d th a t th e yJ e rs e y , h e ld In J e rs e y C U y T h u r s d a y . J o h n . _____ _ ................... ^T b a te h e r , o f M o r r is t o w n , w a s a le c ta d v ic e - ^ ^ b u l d o D jc j t t o th e c o u n c i l a d i iH tU n g to l u p r o « ld e n to f i h i o rg a n ix n t lo n . ’ m e m b e r s h ip d e le g a te s f r o m th e U o J te d U a t -m e m b e r s l i lp d e le g a te * f r o m th e U o J te d H a t

te rs n l E sse x U o n n ty .M e aa rf. l le e k m a y e r , K e lc h ra s n a n d B y r o n

werD e p p u la te d a o o i3in l|U e e to in d u c e th e p ro p r le to ra o i E a g le to iD a 9c o n s a leu n io n c ig a rs . v

f ^ m u e l G a m p e rs , p re M d f ia U o l tHie . \ m c r i - c a ii F e d e ra t io n o f I jA b o r , p V u f i ' ^ t h e coU D cU t h a t * F iq u a , 0 „ r u r i i i t u r e d e a le r w K h w h o m la b o r m o n n t t h a t p in c e h a d ( ro u b le , h a tk a N e w a rk c u s to m e r . M e **r< . H eck m e y e r ,B y ro n a n d C o n k l in w e re a p p o l iu v d a c o m m li t e e to jfe r^un ide t l i o lo c a l d e a le r in d e i l i t f r u ta p a lr r in lK ln g th e P iq im o m ic e ru .

DeU'gai^* H c c k m e y e r r e p o r te d t h a t a t a o o n - v e n t iu n In tS o u ttle , W a s h .. t w o 1k ''e k s a g o , a t w h ic h There w a a T e p rc ag p td d 6S,(I00 m i io n w o rk e rs a lo n g tn e P i t e l f lC co a s t, th e w o r k u f l b * K se ex T r a d e * C o u n u lt w a s e n d o rs e d .

T H B P K IN O N B K E S C A P E D .

D e te o t iv * C a s a le L o M t H im n n d G e r a r d o B p n lo la L o s e * 9^00 i n C o n s c q iip n c B .

J o h n C asA lc , o f th e F r o ic c u iu r '* s t a f l o f d e tv c iiv e s , fu o k e d v e r y g lu m w h e n b o a r ­r iv e d a t Ih e C o ^ r t h o n ^ t h is m o rn in g . T h e onUKe o f h is low * I p i ^ t i i ' iIi'h * H in t A p r is o n e r b a d ascHped f r o m b t> rc u *k O d y , T h e m a n w a * G ia c o m o H ln b c lH , f o r t y y e a rs o ld , w b n w a s a r re s ic d In ISOQ rd r s ta b b in g o n * G . F a v iu a l * In th e a rm . H e w a s b a l lo d n t th e t im e b y G e ra rd o F p a to la , o f H o y d o u * t r e * ( , In th e s u m o f fiX n , a u d h e lo s t u o t im e In " J u t i ip -lt>E h i* b i i l l ^ ’

A fe w d a y * a g o th o P ro ic m u o T le a rn e d t h a t th e m a n w n * w o r k in g w i t h a g n o g o f lu b o r c r * n r a r W a tE ln s G J« n, N . Y / U p u n t ^ J o b a clSjff* AK r tni '*dU'Xawai*.^^long' a lo n g . T h e y a r re s te d h im , a n d o n T l iu t d d i i yn ig l i i *1 H o 'c lo c k B la r iv d I w — ------------E r ic U ' l l l t o a d t r a lo . M r fo ir n t fs r t o r i j * , a b o u t 3:^ } o ’ c lo c k y e s te r d n y h io rn in g , C u tm l*

- g o tU p fr o m h i * p la c e b e s id e ^w b o w a a iH d h a n d o u fT e d —a n d w e n t f o r w a r d ih ro u g h t h * a i * 1* t o g e t » d r i n k O f w a la r . T l ie . l r a l t i w a * r u i i n l o g a t th e r a t * o f a b o u t iw e iu y - f iv o m i le s a n h o u r . H p s io la , w h o s a t b e h in d th e p r is o n e r , *a ,w h im p u t h is ie e t u p o n th e o p e n w in d o w , a n d t h o u g h t h e w a s m e re ly s e e k in g a m o re c o m fiv rU b lf l p o s it io n , b u t b e fo re l ip c o u ld r e a l l f * w b M w hs h a p p e n ­in g K la b e U t b a d s lip p e d , Ib r o u g h (h e tv lu d o w a n d w a * gon e .

T h re e o r m u r m in u te s In te r th e t r a i n ■ topped a t F i . r t J e r v is , a n d c a s a le m id N pa- I c la r * n b u c k rx p i^ c H n g (o f in d a b le e d in g co rps e o n H ie rH ll« . N o tra c e o f th o m a n d e a d o r a l iv e c o u ld b e fo u h d .

T h e re 1* o n l y o n e m a o lO iN e w a r k lu lo w e r ^ i r i u o T c r th e H f lu l r th a n D o te c tlv e C u a le .

T b e . t i i l m a l I tm .p T h r u i i g l i I r v ln g to u ^ I t i t - lu g I l i r r e iM ig i u i i I I I * W tk}.

A m u d d<hl ra u th r o u g h l i v l n i j i o i k r e s ic i - d a y m o rn lu g , a n d f u r a . t im e e r « U M g r t a l a la r m . T b e A n im a l, u h le h n n s a b e a g le h o u n d , ra n l u t o t h e v H in g c J i is t a h e a d o f l l i e M M Ih u rn i ia g e . A i H ie o u n iv r o l W a l l s lr v u i U c a u g h t i l l f irR l v i r t i n i , a d o g , w h ose o w a e i- s h ip c o u ld n u t Iw A sre rU tn ed .

D o w n U p r lu g f lv ld a v i ' i iu o tb e m a d d og r J i i . b u t (Uu v lH u g e r t w e re q u ic k lu t a k v Ih e a la r m a n d g u i o iH o f th e a n y . A d e a r i s i lb w .lh le f t th e b r u t * U D il l I t re a c h e d ih e po>n>>fllc.\ l l e r e l l ikrIZ'-d n (>|g N v w fo u i id la u d b e lu n g lu g to M i* ^ t ' lu m tu ru I t * in u u lb b a d ly ,le f t U A nd ru N h rd a c r i^ s i ib e ro a d , w h e re I t a ro re d u Q id b e r In l u H a t u f b i t te n CAhUieo. T h e d j g c o n t in u e d o n I t * c a re e r lo w n r d N ew * e r k . \ n m n u h u c a m e a lo n g c u r r y l i t g a d O ftU le -tA rrc U c d s h u i-g u n w a *A p |w a le il tu . I t c J u m p e d o i l au < It I ' l r i c c a r a n d s i s r i c i l l : i p u r * s u it . T h e tn ir iCHin c a o g h ! t ip G) th e i i n in ia l . ' I l l * l iu i i ) f i ie o III I t , T t ie d ug n i l t e i l o v e r h u t g o i u p . T hu second s h u t i u I ks- u H iid (h e d>»i; e h i'a tw d In lU rt d i r c c H o u o f M y r t le A v e n u e Falk.

I'he M il lb i im stage d r iv e r a a y i th a t th e dug ra n a licsd o l i t l i i i a iiu iM l H ic w inda d l>- lA tice (rum 'i j l l b u r n m u l h iu h rc c o th e r dugH on H ic road lUpivri, W hen p ; ii« ln g a iK iu i o f w a te r Iho a iihha ll<M >k n f i l , K-id on recover­in g se ritipJ to ga in ireah f re n iv . Ih e p a s s a ii- go r* o r i l ie alu^'i-, w ho w<«re n u ic h a flV lE h ted ,

,bc^gcd tbe d r iv e r in keep c le a r u f th * c o ii l iie , and II k c p l h im puvy w nrd lD g o f l t b * w ild riith cH w h ich Hi>' U ru l* m ade ag a in and a s i i ln ( n a m 'd lU e lto rH c H .

O n * o f th e (IdgH J iU trn b e lo n g * to M rs . L y o n . I t IB u n o ld [>e( o f ( h e f a m U y a n d l u o w n e rs fee] d lM 'iM M o la tc , b u t h a v e d e te r lu l i ie d to Im te I t k i l le d . H ie v l l l a e r n , l io w * v e r , a r * w o r r ie d o v e r U ie lu-*! L tm l th e o th e r d o t:* b iH e u w e re n u t Id e n t l f lo d a n d U ia i tb e m a d d u g l i s f l f e-CAiH'd.

F R I 'IT L IC S S k R % K F H F O H E V A K H .

s e v e r a l A t l f> m p ( * l u C a tc h th e O y p * y Id u p v r F r i u l r a t c d h y J l ls Ik p p a r tu re .

i^ u j ic r l i i te n d e n l B ro w n a n d lA d c c t lv e i ( ja r - n d l A nd t'o s g ro v e r o iu r n c d to tU U c i t y la s t n ig h t a f te r a f r u U le * * s c u r rh lo r K d w u r d E v a t j* , ih e g y p > y , w h o , o u J u u * 8, uto]w>d w l l b b is flf ic u n -y L ‘a r - o ld « l* ( * r - ln - la w , M a r io I f u r e l l . I 'lv a iis le ft I I I * w ife w i t h !u>r f t t l l ie r , C h ie f C h lH O d lii* L o v e l l , w h o a * J l i t l * h a n d u f g y p v le i i* e n c a m p e d In G la s b y 'a W o uU * o n F r e ll i jg h u y s e n a v e u u o n e a r N o r t h Kilxalictii.

H i j r t T l i i lc n d e n t B ro w n i u * g o t ( r a ro n f E v a n s a n d t h i - g in a lu H f t l r m i s lp c rlu ‘ f ip d , in i i H ie m a n I t a r< v e r a i id Is im n l in k e e p i r m k o f f i r a n y le n g th o l iD n c . T h e .du- |vp r ln t u i i i l e i i t r in -e lv e d i i i f > rn iH i1i»n o n\V i d iK H d iiy ( h a l K v a h * w e t in i l i c lu w e r ie c - H o n u f tb e s iH ic , a n d (b e d e ic c i lv c s w e re h u r r ie d a w a y lu o e u rc li o f id m . T lm g y iw y , h o w e v e r ,d id in d lu r n u p a s w as c x p u c le i l. h c v e ru l wen-k* ago D e te c tiv e C a r ro l l w a * o n ly |w o b o u r i o e h l i id F .v a n s a n d ( h r g i r l , w h o u Ih o y leR U 'l h i iK m d , V n , so h u r r ie d ly t h u t E v a n a n rg ir c le d to la k e h l i c lo th in g w i t h h l in .

C h ie f L o v e l l la s o re ly d i i i r o s s e d a t b is d u i ig h tp r ’ i lo n g ah ie iu H * e n d hn m a k e * a t r i p d a l l y f r o m th e c a m p lu j io l lo * h e a d q u a r le r s fu r n e w s o f b la c h i ld . A t th e l im e n r th e d i i - a p iw a ra tu -e o r H ie c<»ut>le he o fle ru d a re w a rd o f T iiD fo r I h e lp a r ro s l. T lie o ld m a n i t so c A g rr fo r ib e r u iu r n o f h i * d u n g h ic r ( h t i i he C a rr ie * th e re w u rd In h i * p n c h o i a t a l l H iu es ,

T W O U E S A M I 'R A T .

T h e y L e f t N u H i*y f i» r N o w Y o r k W i t h a T e a m L a s t W e d n e s d a y .

L iv e ry m a n J o s e p h w i I r r u H , o f C h L * * in u l B lre e t,M c iii tw o m e n w U h a (e a m .o n W edneop d a y , to re tu o v o * p ia n o lo N e w Y o r k . HJnee th e t im e ih o y ipfL th e h o n *e w i t h l b * p ia n o n o th in g has ]> e rii h e a rd u f H ie m .

B l l r r a t t th o u g h t n u t h ln g o f l l w h e n t b * m e n d id n o t tu r n n p o u ‘W e d n e td a y n lg l i t , b u t w h e u (h e y w e re s t i l l tn la s ln g y e s te rd s y m o r a l i ig he (e le p h o iie d . lo H i* n n t h o r i i l o i o f i h l * c l l y , Je rse y C i t y u n d N e w Y o r k , h u t n o tra o o o f th e m u n v c h re n lo u n d , J , K d w s rd e , w b o hsH bes ii in t h * e m p lo y u f b t l r r a l t f o r u ■ h u r t t im e , re s id e * lo t h is c l iy . H e I ihcI c h a rg e o f th e le t iu i , a n d H lm n n H a y f i t . w h o re s id e * u i i C b e a ru u i a l ree l, N u H e y , w n i s e n t lo a n s is t In h a n d l in g Ih e p ia n o . B U r r u t h a s s f m u n io e ra lo N e w Y o r k lo *ee I f u n y i r s c s o f t h e in vD o r tb o ( c n iu c a ii be fo u n d . D. )* th o u g h t ih a i th e n ie u i j e l l v f r c d U ie p ia n o a n d A fte rw a rd h e c a in e in to a ic u ie d a n d g o t i n i o a ru w a u d a re lu c k e d u p s o m e w b s r* lu N e w Y o rk .

T H E F L K A N t N l D A l . K M V k T R R Y .

V u d e r la k s r C o n k I) r i i l» * « t b s a te r y A b o u t th e O re e u f l u i d —O th e r D e n ia ls ,

tw ie c l lv c V o lk , o f th e F rw ie c u to r 's o i f i . e , b e * ao fu r p ro g re s s e d w i t h h i * in v e s l lg a i io n o U h * a lle g e d m u rd e r o f M a r t in W a rn e r , u f P ie a s a n ld e lp , us to a lT u o s l o u a v lu c e b lm a c l f t h a t th e oB ie w as o n * o f s u ic id e .

U n d e r ta k e r C o o k ,, o f C a ld w e ll, w h o p re ­p a re d ih i i b o d y fo r b u rJa J , l ia s (o ld h in t U n i t be n e v e r s a id lo a u y o n e H i * i g re e n f lu id w a s la k e n f r o m th e in te s t in e * o f tb e d e a d m a n . T b * u n d e r ts k o r s a id , io u , i lm t rh e m a r k o f th e " d u tc h c o l la r " w a s oq th e tn a u ’s w ia d - p lp p .

A u c l* U os* w a * In te r v ie w e d b y ih e d e te c ­t iv e u ( H iB c o n v p il i In C a ld w e ll, b b e d e c lA f i'd t h a t she a n d b u r s tc p fK th e r w e re o u th e b e s t u f te rm s a lw a y s . H !ie d e n te d th e s t o r y a b o u t tb o b i t t e r U tU > o f th e cotTue,

T h e F ro s e o q to r s a id to -d a y (h a t as tb e cat^e lo o k s to h im a t prtfSE'Ut i t does n o t w a r r a n t th e d ls lo le r tn e n t o f H ie b o d y .

D ie A’ iiH'AI fituiut Offi^r of t(*'uivorUttnSvu^uf thiUtitM f>u>n eiiiHtitu* fmm Jtoy (o Jay.

F r a n k ] i l l a n d N u t l r y .T w o H t t lo h o y * H D M u e iln g l l i c d e s c rJ p ih m

o f t b e c h i ld r e n M b o w ii i id e re d a w u y f r o m t b e l r h o n ie * iu B td lu v t l le Em I b u r s i l a y w e re

* io c n In N u D o y e a r ly y e s te rd a y m o r n l i ig a i> n u t .5 o 'c lo c k . T h e y OHlled » t th e res idence ! o f K e n ja rn tn M a rs h a n d a s k e d fu r * d r in k u f w n ie r . M s r ih g a v e th e m s o m e th in g tn a a t a n d (b e y w e n t on . Y e M e rd a y n f ie rn o o n fo u r t i ie n w h o had been o i i i n i l p lE h t a n d a l l r o o m in g lo o k in g fo r th e c h i ld r e n c a m e a lo n g a n d M r . M a rs h deiM ;rlt>vd th e h o y s he b u d fe d . W h e n th e y le f t M a n h 's th e y i i e n t to w ­a rd P assa ic .

T b e F r a d a l ln F i fe a n d D r u m C o rp s w e re g iv e n a rs e c p tio n a t t h * L in c o ln H o use , o n A v o n d a le ro t)(], la s t n ig h t h y F m p r lo io r F . M o r t f l l l l . V o c a l a n d In s i r u m e n t f l l p u u t ic fo l- Jo w e d b y a d s t ic * h e lp e d lu ])a»* th e h o u rs . H peeehc* w e re m a d o b y M r . .M u rte J ll » i id l b * u f i ic o r t o f I he co rps .

M r . a u d M r * . J . l i , B u r t , o f B ro o k ly n . N . Y -, a re g u e iu o f M r . u m l M r * . E . N . V a n K Ic e c k . o f H ie K n u lu s u re n n Faasa lc a v e n u e .

E . K c ls e lc h a , u t K iu J u n c r g l , B ra z i l , Is v is ­i t i n g M r . * n d M r* . H o u itz a , r f K n e a v e a u o .

J , H. S hc a fe H a i ic r t b \ \A i i f ‘, o f H io c k to n P a r k , N u l le y s v c u u c . Is a t H a s t H a m p to n , L o n g Is la n d , fu r a fe w w eeks .

M is s G raon M a r t in , o f {{■‘ (U lle h o ro , V i. , Is v Is IH o g U r , a n d .M ra H. B . ' I j l p p , o f A v u n -

j j* *M r . S lid M rs . J . H u g e r K ln g s ia n d , o f H ig h -

A b o u t 6 ,Q0 (H »e le K M i« -s A t M ie C o n v e i iH o i i . ( l ie K t r i - ( U i i i o f f l f l l r e r * .

iM U A N .^ i ' i i i . u n , in . i , , J u ly h t.— B / y e U # r* <ts> i i j u r a ln g l i u a * u s H in a le d l l i s l th e re w e re a b o u t .\uaJ d e le g a te * in A tte iid a n u e u p o n ih s c o u v e n l lu a u f l u * H s p H i l V o t in g IV u p ls 's U n io n .

A t th e A fle n iC K itt s fM lu D Ih e i r r u u r e r , J . (>. H ti ip le s , o f C h k ’ SEo, r r a d h U re i> o rt, s s l- tU ig fo r th H ic r u l lo w ln g n g u r r * i ( h e In - d e h le d n c s * o f i im U n io n <n J u n e I . IS U . w p * t l t ) .2Sk.lt>. Ih C L irre il In s U r l ln g th e t in lu i i ' s P a p e r o rg a n . T h is p n iM ir h a d c o s t t h * u n io n 62.%2U3. l l l fo r I ts i i ia i t i le n . i iK 'e t b i * y e a r . T h e l o t * l i\A ‘i ' lp :B o f th e u n io n fu r l b * y e a r w e re $21,470.23. In c lu d in g 112,714.72o f re c e lp U f r o m Ib e iM p e r .

'J ' i i r i e A n s rd s o f b a n n e rs w a re m a i le —o n e l o j , 11. M i 'D i in i i ld . o f Am hpr>> t| N o v a l i t r o t ls , fu r e x e e l lp i ic e o f r c r o r t l In th e i h i d y o f Ib e l i f e 4»f C h r i s t ; u i ie (u W . K G il le s p ie , u f W u lt ^ r u ia n , H i. , f o r o z c l lv u c e in d a l ly Ih h 'e ro n U li ig * , a n d o n u in r .< a r l i '* F 'lo le , o f I t ro u a - l in e . S. D ., ib r e x c c Umc.! lu I h * s tu d y o f le - L g iu u s h b t u r y .

T h * e le e i lo n o f u B lr e fs r e n t l ie i l a * fo l lo w s : F r i .a ld e n i , J u b n K . r h i ip m a u , l l i lu o l s ; f i r s t v iu e -p r e s i i ie n t , F r a n k U - F ie ld , N e w Y o r k ; s e ru u d v U 't^ -p re * lU e iil, G .K . K a g a r, A ls h M im i ; H i l r a v ie « -p re * Id e ik i, f l . H. m a r k , l o r o n l o ; r e e o r t l ln g k iy< re t(try , A . M . H r ln c li le , I 'e n n - s y l v u n la ; D e a s u re c . J , O , M n p le s , Ch lC H go. .N ew im m HHW s o f th e b i*a rd o f m a n N g u r* : A . K i h i ie i i , o f T e x A K ; T h o m s * t ' r q u b a r f , n f G u la H o ; G e u rg * A u iW n u n , n f M is s is s ip p i ; ( . H . M u ld o n , o f N o r t h D a k o ta ; F re s id e iU H m ith la n d , o f iN i 'h r u s k a ; D . V . O v i * t l , o f V ^ 'y n tn l i ig ; W . K F d i iu lc k . o f L u u is la a a ; W . B. R o b e r ts , o f V * r r a o i i l ; G . H. T a y lo r , o f t f e o r g i t i ; W . R. W h i t * , o f W is o o n s l i i ; U. B, P r ic e , o l M lu iic s u la .

R A irO O N ISLA M ) HOTKl.,I tA c ru o n iH la m l, L a k « l ln p a l c u n f , N .J .—

H u |w rb a n d n n u iu i i i c w e m -rv ; v jo v o i la k e f iru m e v e ry r iK i i i i ; fiM lilu g u n e x i ' i l ie d ; m a la r ia a n d l in k Hum u ; e v e ry n u a ti-rDr o n v e i i iu n c o ‘ u h lv 40 m i le s l i o i i i .N s w a rk ; ra ta s f r o m S l i io | l . t p e r w e ek . A d d re s s

B U IE U K R .y D IK K K .N T H A L E R , M s iiH g e r* H u il l.es«e**,

_____ la iU illu E , M o rrlM C o u n ty , N . ,t.

I’AIIKEI! llltL'AK,L ld r e i l , A i i l l lv a i i 4'u i ia ly , N . V.

D e l lg h im i lu ru ia tA ii i n i r a n d *4>t>uery.. -c u e ry . K u r- r u n u i ie d h y se ve ra l b e s u l l lu t Ja ke *. G otK l f l i h l u g a n u s h o o tin g . N o m o sq uH o e e , F r i 'n l i m i l k a n d vt-Eehih liM - H o te l c a r r ia g e im pels t ia in s H t H h b h n ia , u n N . V ., 1 . K A \V . H . H . T e r m * . Id lo |? i ^ r w eek. H ik -c Ih I r a le * lo f i im l lb 's . J. V . I ’ A U K E R , F r u p r le lo r , K ld re -L s u H iv a n V* u n i ' . N , V . ,tTf

TliK AKLINCTUN.M u ir n i l a l m r , N . J . L in e D ., I . . A W . K , f t .

O n * h o u r I ro m N u n - n ik ; b e a u i iA i l l y n i i* - a t r d lu a c h e a lu u i a ro v e ; s u r ru u n n e i l b> ;lijo C 'd ta g e 'i ; e k T u H u u WS) (se i, IU le « f* i ia * r0a v , ^ t o | i J p<>r w <vk. A ro o tn iM o ila i ln n s K r» t- olaNN. S. n . ,\11 D D I.L T O N , F r o p r le tn r

LAKL llO I'A 'iro N i;.

T O U N O D K F E Y A T K IP a I IK f tO lH M -

A l i l s a « 1r< n is R i in i iw a y P r a r a n t a i l b y H is F r u i i i p t A c H n u .

J 'H A M 'ij , J u ly l.V— V o u n g " R « n n 1* * d e P v y s te r , u ig i i te e u y a n r* o ld , o f N e w Y o r k , a n * p b r w o f G e n e ra l de P * y i t * r , w m w a lk in g a r m lu a rm iv l i h h i * m o th e r o n t h * la w n o f ( h e i r b o m * o u O cvn ti a v e n u e T h u rs d a y * v i n - l i i g w h e n , h e n rh ig f r a n l lo ih u n t s fu r h e lp , h e ( u r u e d a n d s a w a r u n a w a y h o rs e a t ta c h e d to A h a n d s o m e '1- c a r i d a s h in g d o w n ih e a v e D U * .

T h e f in u E lc r r le v o f ib r^ o c c u p a n i* o f t b e c n r ( —tw o h id le « —iT u w d R d H ie lu w u w i t h n n e x c i te d th r o n g o f g u e s t* . O ne h u n d r e d fe e t n u a y w u * t h a t f i l i a l f o r k o f th e a v e n u e w i t h i b i ! h ru U c u . jN g g e d h lu f l i

A ten ru s h e d fu r u u rd a n d t r ie d to d r i v e th e l io rn e lu (h e c u iia g e r a i i * . A n d r e w J . H u - ;b o * w a s k u o < 'k e il d o w n a n d h a d a le v h ru U e ii i l l i i t l e n ip n i ia lo re n c li tb e h o rs e '* b r id le . T h e m a th le D e d h o rso ra n j i r r l l o u s ly c lo s e (0 H i * l i l u lT * udge u Q lU be re a c h e d H ie D * P * y * le r r o t lu g e .

H e re " B o n n ie , " d a r l i n f f r o m h is m o lh e r 's s id e , v a u i t e i o v e r (b e gatH, a n d c r i p p l i n g ( l ie b r id le o f t h * h n ra o s w e rv e d h im fre e f r o m (h e b lu f f . H a r r y M a n n , tb e N e w Y o r k ( b e a i r l r a l r o n n a g e r . g u t b e lw e c ii (h e ta o r* * a n d t h * b iu f i a n d d ro v e IH m s g a lu R t ( h * fe n o * o f th e U n i te d H ia i f * H o te l, w h e re h e w a * s e n u re d .

T b e o c r u p u i i t * o f l b * n « r t p ro v e d lo h * (h o B ljssee R y le s , o f N e w Y o r k , ' I h ^ c a r l w a s w re c k e d a n d th e t in r t * f a U i l y In ju re d .

T H K I K H O M E n R o K E N U P .

- to h n G *R u *>^* M ' t f * L e a v e s H L m - * n a y a T h e r e la A n o lh p r M rs . ^ n l i i i i .

f tp ee la l to i h * K v K s iN n n iw a .b t s iM iT , J u ly 16. - T h e d o in e * U o t T a n q i i l l l l y

w h ic h J iu t h e re lo fu re e x is te d In ( h o d o in ic l le o f J o h n Q u in n a n d h i * w ife , H ose , w h o l iv e d In AA'est h u n i in t l , o n in e to a n a b r u p t a u d h u f id e n iP im l r i ' iH o u y e itw r d a y u U e rn o n a . W h e n M r . Q i i l n n re tu rn e d h o m e f ro m b l * w n r lc la s t n ig h i h e w as R u rp r l*« d in f in d t h a t h U w ifa h a d ta k e n h e r d e p a r tu re d u r in g t h * d n y u n d b a d re m o v e d e l l o f tb e l io u s e b o ld f u r n l i u r f -

H e s i u n ro m a d e a n iD v e iU g a t lo n , e n d d is ­c o v e re d th a t 111* h o u s e h o ld g o o d * h a d been o a r te d a w a y lo th e b o n a * o f n m a n n a m e d C o r r u l l , w h u e o r id u c ls a L e c r -b u li l lD g e s tu h - h s h in e n t In N s w P ro v id e n c e , s u d t b a l b l * w i le t is d ta k e n u p h e r ro M d s n o * (h e re . H e M O D c e w e n i l o l n e h u ie r p la c e , h u t h is w ife r t fn a e d lo r c iu r n w i th n im . H e th e i ie a D e d u p o n J u s t ic e K e l ly , w b o ln fu r tm » d h l iu be c u u ld n u l la k e a n y a i 't lo n I n ^ e m a t te r .

M r * . Q n ln i i s a y s t h a t h e r h u s b a n d h a * a n - u l h v r H 'i f * w h o lIvc N a t J la c k e t t s io w u , a n d H m L w i t u t u th e p n s t tw o w e e k * h e h a * r< - e e lv c d c o m m u u lo a L lo D H fr o m h ia f i r s t spouse . M r . Q u in n d e i i ie i i th e a l i r g a t iu n .

M rs . Q u in n , w h o WA* fo r m e r ly M r * . H a r l , o w n e d c o n t l i le r u b le re a l e i in le a n d tw o t in e h u iis e n In W e s t H u u im it . Uhe h a s Lost a l l b e r p r o p e r t y .

COST OF T H E W O R L D 'S F A lI t i

T h e a i i d l t n r ' s R e p o r t F la r e s (h e F ig u r e s a t O v e r T w e n iy M i l l i o n K n l la r s .

T l i e O p e r a t in g K z | ie n * e s -C iu r a r m , .J u ly 15. — A n d J io r A c k e rm a n , o f

th e A V 'u rtd 's F a ir , p re s a n le d (b e f ln u i ic la l B ln t e i i ie n i o f th e e x p o s IH n u (u th e b o a rd n f d i r e c to r s y r s lc r d a y . T h e s t i i t e n ie u t c o v e r * th o e n t i r e p e i ln d u f H i i ' e x p u s li ln n u p to J u n i! 30. T h e re c e ip t* u i th e f i i l r f r o m th e l i c k e l stklcM, e o h c u ir t lu n * a u d o', h e r lo u r c e i a in c e J u ly I h a s t>c*n o v e r $ i,0iX),000 n n d a la rg e re- d n e l lo n in th e f lo a t in g d e b t b a t boon m a d e H lncu th a t d a t * .

A c c o r d lu g In th e N ln te m e n t I h r to la i g a l* re c e ip ts w e n ; • 2, ! 2l,b 6(i.7fi, I h c lm l lo g $ 2H2,4m i61 rc n e lv c d p r io r l - M a y I.

T h e to lu l c x tK T U lltu re s (o J u n e 39 w e re $30.- CI0, l iU .4(). G f i h k s m u u n i I nc lm rg tM l lo iH in s im o llo u . I l l * e iU m a ie * . h o w ­e v e r . p u t th o I p T . i t ln g e x p e n n e i (o r M i* v u l fruon.esja? a u d re ( !e lp ts a t $719,40171. T iu r in g J u n e l l i e e s t irn n ie d rn ro lp ts w e re H .(k9O.K'J0.21 a n d e xp ou h *-* t ^ ' 2,021.27, le a v iu g u h u ia u c e fu r l b * t w o m o n lM * o f S L l'27,417.7)1,

T h e r a t io o f r r c v lp ts to e x p e u N f* nI ho* J u ly 1. w h i le m d g iv e n in iI p I a II, I* s a id (o h b n w u v e r y in a le r lc i l g a in fo r 1h * r T | iu « ] i l<rD, b o l h i i i r h o re d u o H n n o f o } w ra l i | ]K e x p o iis t ’ i a n d iu - e rro s e d r r c f l p l a

T H E I R c l a i m i V i l R T l I •n ,rfoQ ,o O O -

A l le g e d J I fJ r r i I n L a n d W i l l F i g h t to K s ta h l in h T h e ir R ig h ts .

N r .w V o H K , J u ly ; 5.—T h e h u n d re d o r m o re h e ir * o f B a ro u e l D in g * * a n d a o lo m o n D ln g « c , b 'H h o f ^ rh o m l iv e d In r * iirtc h i'*L « ’r , W * « l- c h r s te r C o u n ly , In ib c i n t i t r p a r t o f ib e la s t c e n tu r y , a re i ib o u l lo l i i k e lo d a l a c t io n w i t h n v ie w to r e c o v o r in g p ro p e r ty e s H m a te d l o be w o r t h u b o u l $o.030.O)0. N le p h u n .M. H o y v , o f B r o o k ly n , h a t been re ia ln e d a * n t to r r ie y n n d w i l l a t m ic e U k c s te p s l o p r u lc c i ’i l j e l i i te re e ts o f 111* c l ie n t .

I t a p p e a rs th a t H o to m o o D in g e e .d u r in g th o R c v u lu l lu u , lided with th e B r lH s b , i iu d a f te r th e success o f th e p s t r ln l * c o n e lu d e d t b a t W e iU ;h * f l to r C o m ity tv m ild be u n s a fn fo r h im a t id e m i g r a t e d t f i' . - - - *~ V a r io u s p a r t ie s fo r a te r m o f n l i

T h e K e y f t lu h s l l e u s v , » lD ts te f lv e m ln - iile k .' w s lk H u iiib o f H o } ia t iM n g h ta H o ii , D ., I j. a W , It . H ., 1* n o w o p e n fo r t i ia < i( * i t n u id - CTHI* F u r m r lh s r i n f e r iu a l lu u ud-d r e s i w N l. K ' h k .M i l 'H , F m p r i f t u r , l * n ' ’ -1»e. ^lorrl* 1’’ ‘ivm . . \ . 1, cr

LA K E HOi'ATCOXi;, X.* ' I 'u r w iu ( o t t s g * " o n ” R iv e r S ijr s . ’ *

H s i id io m s iy fu r o N b e d ; f l r s l- e la s * la M s ; te r m * r e a iu n s b l f . $ 'o r f u r t h e r in fo rm s H o n In q u ir e o f J . J. C o l tW IN , TJV H ro a d H i, dJz' N'riiK m \ r

O c e a n G rn v * , N . «l. K i r i< l l * n t lo c a i io n . f l u * o re a i i v | * w ; lu w r h a tn in g g ro u n d s ; a lt m o d e rn Im p ro v n in e m * . L x ^ k b o x 2, i l L Hb IL K W O n j,s T O N . G ro a n G h ^ v * . N . J .

m : ( ’K X T R A h ,t l e l a w a r * H 'a le r G a p . F a * 1 o c a l ln n u n iu T '

passed , N e a r fs m u u * w s lk s a n d d r iv e * .Ninth season. K D. HVF.RFlKlili. 2c

C O U N T R Y B O A R D .\ l y A N T E D , A H B A lt l iK l l '4 A T F A l lM M t i rm - : IV s i D eokennw iu HussfL I'lM iU ty , .N .1 , p 'e i i iy

s h a d s ; frenb i i i l lk , I 'tg * . v*w i'U h ie«. eU'.: le rm *s i D eokennw iu Hu iiw l I'lM iUty,>)•1* ra w . r s I l a t M l l K n (h S '> , 4u J i>ih -s *L , h r

o rk . lb

S T R E E T T A R i r r i Q U E T T K .

T ile r* are Foinl* Ahiiul II Which RaveD lfT e re n t F h a s e i,

From the Flllaburg Blipaieh.* ' 1 w is h y o u w o u ld t o l l m e w h y a m a n

w i l l a lm o i t In v a r ia b ly re lV iM t o ta k e a v a c a n t aeat In a c a r w h e n th e r e la a la d y a U n d in s n e a r h im , ’ ’ r e m a rk e d a fe m in in e a c (|u a iB la n o e to m e . “ H e w o u ld n ’ t g e t u p a n d f f lv e th e aatne U d y a a e a t i f ahe w e re h a n ^ ^ ln t lo a a tra p d i r e c t ly In Ik o n t o f h im . D id y o u e v e r n o t ic e t b a t 7”

I re p l ie d t b a l 1 h a d n o t lo e d I t , b u t b a d n e v e r i|> e cu 1a te d u p o n th e re a so n .

“ I ' l l t e l l y o u w h y a m a n w i l l g iv e a v a ­c a n t se a t to a la d y , ” c o n t in u e d in y fe m in ­in e f r ie n d , Im i t a t in g u n ro n a c iu u a ly tb e i t y l e o f th e iu te r lo o u to r o f a n i ln a t re l ■ how . " I t la beca iiae he c a n n o t a b l l t th e re s p o iia ih lU ty . I l e ’ i a t f a t d . Y o u n e e d n 't la u g h —y o u k n o w I t la t n ie . I f he w e re a lr e a d y o c c u p y in g th e a e a t w h e n ahe c a m e In he w o u ld d iv id e t h e re a p o n e lb ll- I t y w i t h a l l th e o th e r m e n a l t t in g in th e c a r . W h e n a v a ca n cy la c re a te d b y a o m c o n e , a n d a la d y la s ta n d in g n e a r , th e m e n w h o a re a ta n d ln g In tb e na m e v ic in i t y w i l l p o l i t e ly a tan d as ide f o r h e r. 1 n o a rc e ly e v e r a fiw a m a n g ra b a a e a t u n d e r a u ch c irc u m a ta n c e a .

“ 1 o n ce d id , b u t o h , m y I y o u j i i a t o u g h t t o h a v e aeen th e b la c k lo o k a h e g o t ft-o m th e o th e r m en . A n 4 a o n ie o f th e m w e re a e a le d , to o . I t w as to o f t in n y f o r a n y - f h ia g . H e h a d ju s t aa g o o d a r i g h t t o tb e ■eat aa a n y o f th e m —th e r i g h t o f h a v in g g o t th e r e f l r a t . "

I auggea tod th a t m e n w e re q u e e r a o rta o f n n im a la —I t wae th e o n ly w a y t o a c c o u n t f o r I t .

" I t ’ a m o ra l c o w a rd ic e ; t h a t ’a w h a t I t la. A m a n a lo n e la a p o li te a n im a l. L ik e m o a t o th e r w o m e n ,” sh e a d d e d , w i t h a to u c h o l n a iv e lte , " I h a v e n o p a r t ic u la r o b je c t io n to h im a ln g ly a n d In d iv id u a l ly , h u t In d r o v e i he 's a p ig .

“ T h e b ig g e r th e d ro v e th e b ig g e r t h e p ig . T im a m e n a re m o re p o l i t e t o w o m e n o n a s u r fa c e c a r th a n th e y a re o n th e e le ­v a te d , a n d In an e le v a to r th e y a re m o re o o n a ld e ra le s t i l l . ” '

N o d o u b t Ih la o b s e rv e r la c o r re c t , b u t th e r u le o f m o ra l c o w a rd ic e a n d Im p o l i t e - ness u n d e r c e r ta in c irc u m s ta n c e s w i l l h o ld g o o d e q u a lly w i th t h e f a i r aex. W o m e n in d ro v e s a re p igs a ls o —ru d e a n d In s o le n t SH to w a r d each o th e r ; a e lltsh a n d b o ld as t o m e n . I n d iv id u a lly , 1 a d o re t h e m —c o l­le c t iv e ly , he a ve n sp a re m e !

I'he Poor of yaplet.From Scribner', M.khiI iic.

Hy dafrera It I, t'l Iw hoped that the tnbab- Uatili of Naplc, rich aud poor, will be In- durod lu go aud lire In the auljurbs. A t pres­ent there I, a population wbich baaliiorraicd rruni a little over 400,000 lo nearly HUO.OOO, crowded iivrr clybl kllometrra. Jieduct th- • pace occupied by churebe, ami piibllcbulld- tnga, and there li little more than levett aquarekllutnelrci. And lliti I, Ihe nnt great­est iii It fortune fur llic poor tb biaptaa. Tbe problem »r hoii.lna ilicm lulved. It will be, altar all, hut tbe alpha of the hutinai,. There la nclthrr ” bread nor work” ter the ma„ea, who Increata and multiply Ilka rabhlia In a warren. Ou till, point they are extremely wualtiva Fliidihg a lad of elghuen, tbr whom we were trying to get work, Juit mar­ried to agirl o f tlxieen, we ventured to re- mouitrale, aiking how they were to keep their children, “ lio you want even to e i- tlngulih the race of lulwrablHT" the hut- baud asked Indignantly.

Ttis A'A'II'.S An* Be fttvtr p n w l nf U j lu fi'u 'O riag lulurlSei. Hr erie. r..lujanj prrrrnr fm m itfiy to Hay,

F O L K N Y O U K N O W .

I n a m e la O e r a r ito H im U ile ,

the ytorriaiowb Club, for tbo ramaindef of Ibe aeiian.

Dover and h'earby.The Free Metbndlit oampmeallog beglna

next Wedneaday.Mra, A. K. McDougal and daughter, of

.Newark.areependlng thelriummrral Dover,Ilev, Dr. jjott. of Ftemlngton. will preach

In the I'reabytarlan ehnreh, Dover, next Bnnday morning and wviiilng.

& H. BlisoiM>n,or Newark, li anramariiix at Port Drum.

At the meeting of the CoumoQ Crumall held the other evening a eoinroanleatlan from ibe Eqnttable Home FarnliblDf CNi^s Company of Newark, requeetlng that the llna Impoted on thtir agent tor telling wlth- ou^a Jlcenia ha remitted, trea reoelved, Tbe line was not remltielt.

Mlea Annie Fnllagan, of Newark, la visit. iDf lira. Cole at ■aeeaaiwne, a Jkw mllae out ofDover,

IrrlD flao Item*.The sixth aunusi fiport o f ibe IrrlDfUiD

BuUdlogsiidl LcMin AsiocUHoDeJUbt Issued, ; sbowi a nei profit eince buslnei* wn* of |9,6ft3,07. There are tuUl ssieis of $50,049.57, of wiilcb $So,2FJ Is out On bond and mortgagee The lltb im if4 are $49,40i Joseph O, Ward le presldsut; Tuotass H. Osborne, Ylce'pr**' ident; FfM kllB KlHam, ssoretarf; James 14- Edwards, treasar*r;C W. Rjkergoouasellor,

Tomorrow rnornlDf ftee. Elb*ri Oleneiit, oftbe IrvJDf loo MethodlslEpIsoupel Churoli- will take OS bis subject" Wbiktf How f ' At nUbthew lll speak on ^'Wortnr Anceetrj.”

Tbs tsTolijr uf FostmasierTbnntM H* Jones, o f IrTlDflorii to (Q Ooean OrovsoD Moadsr to spend (bs remalDder o f tbs season*

Krtderiek MoDler, o f Neir BrBsIn, Onno., Is ibe foesl o f Urs. Goissr, o f Syerireeii aTentie, IrTtoKtOQ.

WJtllsm K, Wirdg of Lyons Fanni, has dhipped a eonsleniaeat of floe gooeelbarrlei to tbs World's Fslr- Tbs rmit was fro vn on $bs firm of XhoniM W. WIH^ of O naft avsnae, Irrlnfiao.

Maitbew Uofso and Aunfly, of Inrtaftong bare rsuroed from a Yaeatlon trip*

W afted from W*stflnldgTbe A seF sto r m e t w i th H ie T o w iis b ip C o m -

tn ltte o le s t n ig h t lo go o v e r th * new T a lu - a tloD s fo r Ib e year* T h e C o u n ty B oa rd o f Assessors w IB m se t a t E lz e b e ib on M o n d a y ! and Assessor M a rsh w i l l ha ve n u b o o k* i re a d y to la y be fo re th e bo a rd . I t is n o t a n - , H e lps led (h a t th e re w i l l be as n iu q h d is c o rd In th e o o s rd Ib is y e a r a i t b s r e was la s t o n i th e Increase o f v a U ia llo n * * Tbe a * * e s s u r io f j K H s a b rth w tQ m>$ be In $he m s ju r lt y th is year. M r* M a rs h m s ra is e d tbe e a lu a U o n s s lk s h t ly o v e r la s t ye a r.

The t ra m F n u is a n c e h i * h e e o m e io g re a t th a t tb e a u tb o r f t le i h a ve dee liled ih a i measiarse n m s t be ta k e n to p ro te c t th e peo­p le f ro m t b e l r Im pocLooU lee fo r food a n d p e tty p n fe fr in g a K en w ood T o^vosh ip bee posted a p ro o la m a llo u th a t d r l r t s th e m a l l m io th is towQShJp, A * m a n y a * tw e n iy a d a y h a ve bss ti o te n lo J u ra p o fT lb e c n s I t ra in s p o u lD g th ro u g h (o w n , A b o a it ta * m id d le o f tb e a fte rn o o n (h e y m e« t a lo n g th e rs llr u a d . d iv id e u p w h a t th e y have begged o r s to len , ce leb on a t r a in s p d de pa rt, to re pea t tb s p e rfo rm a nce th e n e x t day* O rders h a ve been Issued to tb e co n s ta b le s to arrnM a ll w h o can­n o t g iv e a s a t is fa c to ry a c co u n t o f tb s m - sslves*

T he re Is U l k b y pe np ts l iv in g a lo n g tb e b o D le ra rd o f p ro ce e d in g a g a in s t th e fo w n - ih lp fo r dam ageo . T b e ra ilw a y hae been to m o p fo r th ir te e n w s i^ k s ln tbei, process o f g ra d in g , a n d so m e o f ih s re s iden ts e re w on ­d e rin g w h e n U 'w lU b s . ' ln o o n d llle n a g a in . Messrs. D ra k e a n d R aygen t to o k th a o o n tra o t t o i t s It g ra d e d Id a p ro p e r m a n n e r.

i h d H r * , ^V jJ irK ifL 'K y rT *, o y fL l i ig t ln D d R tn ie l, I b is u iu r i i ln g , a f lo r i jw r id ln g

s c v r m l w eeks w l l l i r r lK i id * In T ro y , S . Y .M ls s lu t i s e rv lu * '*111 bo h rU I In th e b u u s e o f

th e F i 's o k l ln C lu b , u n H I I I s iAh u v iu im i , l o n io r r o w s f ie rn u o n , 1 'h * * * rv lc e s w lU be uDCtor theaU M pluos o f H ie F r u i i k l l n e b u ru h e s , a n d w H i b e c o n d n c ie d b y J . .M, W a s h b u rn ,

T h e E r ie lilA lU u M il w i l l p ro v id e fr«i$s ( ra o s - . p o r t a t lo n to C h lc s g o a n d r e tu r n I o m II I tn e m ^ p io y e * w h o h a v e been la th e e m p lo y o t t b e c o m p a n y th re e m o n th * o r m o re . T i l l * is d o n e lu e n a b le (b e c m p lo y c K ( o u lU ' t n l t h e W o r ld '* F a ir , n n d fiftcOTi d a y s w l l l b v a tJaw ed fu r ( b n t purpuHC.

A d o g , a p p a r e n t ly m a d , w n * k i l l e d b y a t r n i 'k w u ik e r n e a r Ks*(!X K iu t lo i i e a r ly th is in o r n iD g . T be d o g , w h ic h w n * n In rg e w b l tu h o u n d , r ro c s e d ih u t r u c k a n d m a d e a n n a p a t tb e n ts n , w b o H tr i ic k I t w i th s n i r o n w re n c h , k n o c k e d l l d o w n a n d p o u n d e d I ts t i r e o u L

M i ls F l o f f i i c * Page* o f N e w Y o r k , w h o b « * bean v iM ll in g M r* . W ll lJ a m Fagc, u f W s J u iir s t re e t, r e t u n i tU tu b e r h u n iM h l t m o ru in y .

'* .^ r t -^ p o n . w h ic h lU ar.ln liTH ''^w . . J:'

i ie (T *n liieGua

j m f t o r I t , rs b u i l t . B o iu m o n d ie d In n 'i , J o h n , N* - iD .H io p f iM t ’tJ lo ji U f a la ra ea m o u n t u t l / in d In N u v » ^ r o i ia n n d N e w B r u n s w ic k , I t a v lD g iiu d i r e c t h e ir lo in h e r i t bin Tnltliune,

U I * c la l tn e d t h a t th e Ia m i* o f t h * F o r t C h e s te r p r n j je r ly e n d s t h i * > e s r A * fa r as t lm C a i ia d l ia n p ro p e r ly I* c o n c e rn e d

— A r t io n g N o w s rK o r* a t tb e W o r ld ’ s F a i r a re M rs , C. C la rk n o d b e r d a u g h te r M a y .

' - M is * K I lH e K M a c A ln s b , n f 8S T a y lo r * t r e « t , Is r u i t l c s t la g a t H o iU h a m p lo n , L )og I s la n d .

— M r . a n d M r* . C h a r le s K . D «au , o f E a s t O ra n g e , a re s p e n d in g U ie Jr v a c a H u n s t Free* h u td *

— K r o s i t J. L ln d i le y w i l l he m a r r ie d n e x t Uur*idev-,^T*JI^'VV. UJlm Ja«.u (o P i-e a ld e f ie e o f i i j< i b H a V r ^ p i ir * iV t * r * ' ' lT m o m a v e n u e , O ra n g e V a l le y .



I f a n , c o t i i o t o u s l i t o n c e , a n d

w i l l f i t j ' t i i i i n H p a i r o f o u r s o f t ,

a r a i i i l c H s a b o e i i , i i i n d e e a p e c l a l l j

f o r l a d i r a w i m m i d t - r w i t h e u r i i i ,

I m i u I o i i ! , i i i i d t i t i i d e r f n e t .

OxfordTies,Blacks and Tans, Blucher and Opera Toe,$1, $1.25, $1.50,

$2, $2.50.

W. G. Uofeheaii & Co675 BROAD ST.

Have You Seen n r.

Hartdejfen’s New Shop,

B v * r y D w r l p t l f a In AM P r k . i l i

683B ro a d

S t ?


A N 'GW ID E A - .


Have You Seen Mr.

Hartdegen’s New Shop,


C IT Y A D V K f lT tH E M K N T S .

A N D U D L N A N I K TO Q P » N A N D W ID E N i l k . h K I.M O N T A V k M 'K ,fH in A v o n * v *n ii« In ('hrvton avenui'.

f l * U ifT fla lnw l by (h r itu s n l u f H ir p t i t p i l W s le f l'u tn iiili* luD i« rN o | the « liy o f N e w ark , os fo lk iw * 1

^•cU un L 'I 'l ia iItKJ .M O N T A V K N r K .

rm nii A vo n s v r tn i* to (U n io n s re n tia , shoU k t 'ip r iie d and t ilitM iM l, fo r s k id th u f one H u od rM nuuj fe e t, (ho fM ia r .v line tu be s H im lx h t cos* ^ ilhtutti<.ui o f the jia f t u f IW tinon t avenue, i io i ib ^ A vo n avenue, M now tq iru ieii

Keciinn 1 Fhe lloa n l u f r lre e t end W a |* f (ota> m U m oucreor lh« o liy o f N ew ark doch dwirre n lu v 10 take *n it uppToprls t* tb r le nd * and rwU in ta ie n*(<eedary lo h r ts k v s and a pp ro pria te d fo f u jie n lng u f

B E L M O N T A V k N U E ,sfureoaid ; am i (h*C'mnw<l o fth a b o a rd hi hereby

(llrec led 10 Hi>pl.v to ik v C ir v u it C ourt o f tb e o o u a tv nr >^s«* n il ( le lu ir 01 the "M a y o r amS Um nm oa

r l iv tvf N n lirK rk '' IKf (Ha AviMJvifc..ConacUofih* city of Newark'' Ibr (be appMul>i m*nt or eommlwloner*, who ibalt make as Mtp mate and eN*ea«in»nt nrihe demoget euelalnod by Ihe owner or owner* thereuf. anil so oaoMBrutbl of tb* hentdle rsrolviu hy ihe owner or owner* of all (he land* and rsHl nUite In nsid rBy periillerlybetifflied therr*by ln I'foponUnt ea aearly s« u »y be to thn hdvjmiikgw t'orh tliall Le deeoiod lo Ob*i|u )re, and III raa,-the ruM. dam ags i and e s p e o s il u f Mild Im provnm enc* nliaU etue iK l the am ount o f M ll] honetu*. Much e o i i i shall b# oseeseed Ufioa i n i paid by ik«- H ty .. f N a#ark.

Hoedoh 3. t h o t im iiie iita ia iy upon ib e coinpleUea o fe u cri pub lic w u i^ u r im p re v e is e n t tb u r r e r k o t ' (be liua ril. In ''ua ju bc iln n w ith Ih e E iu floeer o lld f HOneral n ii| ',rr liiii>u ile ]it n f W o rk s o f (he boord.l i l i i l l 4 ‘a n ‘ fu l l ) prnpam and fV irtilsh a l l necessaryI s iiite m a etti, m a |i*. ip i- lftc a U u n s and o i l ie r data p e ^ ' ta lh lo s III * in -ti p uh ltr w i r k o r Ih .p roT pm en l. and ilii> I 'r rS ld c u l t i f ihe Im ardsIm U thereupon, oo ho* h a ir o f l l i e Hoan] t j H trroLa iK l W » ie ri.o D im ta d ea - t n o f Ibe c ity o f N ew ark, c e r l liy the same to tb s I 'n in m 'in ro u o c l lu f ihn r t iy u f N e u -a rk ,tn o rde r Ih a i «ahi 1 'um u ion ( o u iir l l m ay tU e rea fie r p ro i’iiedto m sk r ' S lid co llec t Ike proper a>ue««m etii'fbr tbs

• ■ ' • it illcost A iii i r \ ir ir i i( in o f s i i fh |Ha(illc w o rk o r Im prove* ’ jn e j j i fi5 b a y rinw o r hereafter be requ ired hy law.

n n r ilo n 4. huIq in ih lk* w u rk o r Im p ro ve m e b t sha ll ba bO<le and f'un ip le led under the s u p e r v i^ n u f tn r iM i't lo ii o l the H is in e i> ro r A c ila g b.ngineer asd ( liu (Jeii*ri< l M ip rrluU <jid«fit o( W 'gree o f (be board. MCt'ordluK to II I* p ro v ls liiiis o f th e c i t y ch a rta ro a d la w * or tht- wiHte, and ihe o rd inance* u f ih e r i ly and hylMWK. ru le * and rc s u b tlo n * n t (he B oa rd n rH lrs s l Mild w 'a te r f 'n iun iha lonem o l Ib e c U v u f N e w ark ap id lcah le th c re p i

nevrion u, ' th a t ib la o rd inance s h a ll take S fiks i Im n ie d la te ly .

Vagiiiti Juu* 2;*,„ IH M iI I O. H K N P B V ,P re h ld r i i to f tl ie Hoard n fW ree ( and W a te r Cuni’

nUmloneni. ^K N fiH K K N Y O N ,

C U 'rk u f ih e llo a m o f K iroe l S lid W a te r ( 'o u tb idslutterH'('be foretrolng or<iluan(‘* b a v in s t ie e n d u ly n u n e j

hy l i ie l i iM rd o l h ir re t and W a te r rn m n ilb lo u e rs ,pruM'uPKl h i the .^ iiivur and no t h a v lp f l>#on rs- U iriie d by h im w lt l j lu the U n ir preai-rtbed h y law, la IliH re fo re m JsM’ a iu l w ill tnke e fle o l as I f I t h w l been ap]>rov«tl H i'conllns lo tliK p rovU lons o f tbsth ird set-lioD u f l i je c lja r le r o f the r i iy .

E N u s B t 'N Y n N ,n e r k o f (he ^ r d *A n n iu H N A .M 'K T(J I ' l lO V iD E

I'_ FO R T H »[ravlDS o f

K 1. I /A IH'JTH S T R E E T , (rruen H n m h iirs p Imi-a* iq N U e nra t irs e t.

l{ u rdn iiied , hy Ihe Kuanl u f H irs s t and W s te t Coinm lrsldQpra u l tlie v lty o f N e w ark , oe rsUsvrS:

Hectlun I, 'f’lia lh U Z A H K l H W TH R FT,

fm m M n inhn rit plm'e (o N io ifa ra afreet, s k a ll be p ,iV c d 'w ith uhhjuK K''aulte hJotrk pav ing , tu fe tb e f w ith a ll (hi* appurleiiaJiueH iiuro:«sary (u u s m p le tt tb<* M ine.

»*fv(h''i * ■fliai ImuiPdlsteJy upon ih e c u rn p ie tlp n o f auch puhlii* w iir* ur tm ]iru ve m e n l, Ihn ( le r k o fthe b o a 'll. In roB jim i'tloo w lu i Ihu hinidlneer and iiu ru -ra l M ip fr ln ie n d fu i o f W «irk^ « f iha board, Riiall t -a ic f ii l iy p u p iirb sod fu rn lsb a l l iieroe«ar/ N lHtcniFiils, luiiiiK. KiM-TirlradoiiH and o ih t r d il& lp e r-tnlu^c in nuch iM jh lir w ork or lin p ro ^ 'e n te iit, a nd 'ib s P rea idc iii I l f i l ip hi.urtj aud «aM c le rk sha ll tharc-

l i r e -

a r 'l m u ! ■ai«ri) jiu ) i, i j i i t«U rt'r <*r (he M'mrd u l H (ree i aud W ater ( u m n il'« d u iirr- «»f Ihc r l t y f»f V e e s rk . r e r f if y ihe same lu il ie (Vhtanioii I 'n iin c il o M h f cUy u f N ew ark, i l l u rd c r tiiH i la lr l ru iu in o n r o i i i i c l l tnay ih e re a fie r offH'oc.'l In u-iai'^ 01*0, pruLioc

>'ciV(,r4,n*f.-Tjfertsn u r j ^ « * n u f i ih ’ w u rlT o rV h * tcaflcrr be 1

u m L K iiS (H i\n p r o ix i r iy l * c o n re rn e d i i ie r s w i l l p ro b a b ly Imi a h o i lupaJ f ig l i i , Ka (b e G o v -e r u m u n i I * In poRsesslon n n d dues n o t w e n t

....... v i s i t 16 i 1is .W o rJd 'Vw L e re ii'bo w i l l m e e t h e r h u s b a u d ; w b u h a * rm n r fT s V e lM itg iTi fttC ltT ffe W S H .' ' ^

— M rs . f . l l , M rK e e h a * r e lu m e d fr o m T h l- S ig n a f t e r s r a o tu l i ’s v ih i t (u h e r f r ie n d . M r* . M c F f i fe , f u r m i ' r ly M is * M in n ie H u o J m tin n . u f t h i s c i t y , a n d ii)r-ue o f F a i i i B it c b n iia n . .Mr*. M c K e o n H e iir tv d I l ia T s l r w h i le n w a y .

ju 'uvcu ien i o s jiin y uuw ur natcaflcrr be requ ired by'fc b tic tU in i

t o p u r l w i t h I t ,n o t w e n t

A F U n o F e l l o n U l iU .A u g u s tu l F t's e e r, hoA d b rs k e rn a n o& th e

E h* iu u e x p re s s o f th e D e liiw u rs , L i t c k a w a n u * e n d W e s te rn H s i lr o a d , w a s b ad Jy In ju re d s t M o u n t T a h o r y e i le r d H y s f te rn o u Q . F ra s e r , w i t h tb e o th e r tn i lu b a n d a , w e re r c n i / iv lo g a p |s m k ( ru m th e e a r w b e u i t t ip p e d e v e r , b fo s k U ig o u p u f F ra z e r 's a r m * s b d l n j u r lb g h im lu te r t iH lIy .

A H o a r d u f l l r - a lH i lu I t « K u e d ,H pp c liil t o lh c K v k n in u N k w s ,

N k w B R rK H n ic K . J u ly l-V—T h e B o a rd n l H e a l t l i u f U iJ s c B y M I l i a q i i f ln d n r y . J iionio H m u ! a g o A i la n i T re b s n , o f N e w B ru n s w ic k , d ie d u fa t n a l lp i i x , a n d d u r in g th e p ro c e s s o f d lN lb fo c t l i ig tb e h o u se a f te r b la d e a t t i a u q c u - b e r u f b ed *, q u i l t * a n d o t i i r r h o i i t t h n ia a r t i ­c le s w a rs d e s tru y wJ. T h e m a n 's w ife d id n o t u f la l i t th e b u a r i l (o rm ik e a n In v e n to r y , d u r i n g th a t f lh * d id n o t w is h a n y ih ln g , a n d t h a t sh e n * v u r c a re d lo see th e g o o d s a g a in * 8 h e p ra c H c a lJ y n h a m lo i in d ih e h o tise , w h o s e c o n te i it a w e re ta k e n In p a y m e n t b y ih p u u r s e w h o h a d a t te n d e d T ra h a n * N o w M rs . T r e h a n d e m a n d s p a y m e n t fo r a l l b s r g o o d *, b o th th o M w h ic h W ere d e s iro y e d a n d ib o s e lu k e n b y th e n u rs e . T h e B o a rd o f H e s K h h a * re­fu s e d to c o n s id e r h e r d e m a n d s , a n d she h a s e n g a g e d c o u n s e l a n d w lH a t unc e b e g in s u i t

n s i th e tiuH Til.

c i U L m t s y w h o a r e p u n y , n a le , wuak, o r s c r o f i i l u u s , o u g h t to ta ke D oc to r P ierce’i G olden M edica l D iecovery. T h a t h u ll i l* up lo th th e ir fim h and

I tb e lr s tre n g th . F o r th is ,* and fo r p u r i fy in g the

blood, th e re ’s n o th in g in a l l m e d ld n e tb a t can sq tia) tb e D ljK 'ove ry .”

I n r e c o v e r in g f r o m “ G rippe,*’ o r in eon- va lM oenne f ro m pneu m on la . feve rs, o r o the r

w a i t in g diseases, I t sp eed ily and en re ly in - r i g o r a w a n d bu ilds up th e w ho le system. A s a n appn tix ing , re s to ra tiv e b n iic . I t a t w o r k a l l tbe procesies o f d ig e s tio n and n u tr i t io n , rouses e v e ry o rg a n in to n a tu ra l a c tio n , a n d b rin gs back b e w th and" s tre ng th .

M fiilr Hiul lim/Vr'rft**'K7pei?vlaruq ur|iM|XM(iuu u l du- U f A r t lo s (-.nikuetir■iKi i l i r . ‘ i'-u c ra f Hui«!»rlul,F»“ *'-w t,ur -iM t-tto

"MijAMT u rs iru '- t ' .u i i r vl'iiik-'t* f n m in iF iio n c r ‘ ,‘*«x*ra - Kuf iir i i i i* p r 'iv M u n * o f ih« r h y H ia rtep aiuJ lew * e f t l i^ "Alaic, iinfJ ih«‘ nrrUiuiDrt'H «»r ih ^ d r y and by* |R'A4, r i k n M ii'l re y iils l <0* ol th e Board ot M ree t HiiO W ater ru iiiA ili^ iu jifn a uT ih f: d l y o f .Newark KChlU'HMf the re in

I. ' l l jA i ib B u rrlln a iip t' sh a ll take eiTSul lDiu>Fdi»t**ly

Ca-ARfil June TJ, 1103.M f f i l l C IIR N D H Y ,

Pre^bt«*iit o f the Btiurd in rh tre 'ia n d X t's lurC oB l-m is ilu u c r i.KNfiH K (‘ W O > \

t ' lc r k or ih (-lloM rd o f ^ tro t il and W a te r i'oa tm IS 'l lu n c r i

•J he f <re({olr)j{ urflluM irM hnv)n< (wen d u ly pawed ............. m l o f and W * l« r l'o u m il* ^ lo n # r* ,h i (U f fioH _____ _______ _

prvM -iirt'ii In il) i ' M iiyn r uiii.l no t h a v ln s been t iiru e ti h r h im w ith in Uie tim e jirM rrU w U by U w , jH (Ife r^lurH IIJ iis( s n il-^ lin ll take «fTiM*( a* I f l i bod heoii an]irove i( u -v o n lln s to Uip p ru v litu n s M tSsth ird MH'tIuu I lf th(» d ia r ie r u f ih n r*ltv.

K.NOH B I N VON,4”s n * r k ot t i t * Board,

T w o W a n d e r in g | lo y « R u tu r n .J o h n K N I* a jp l C ha rles K m l l i , the tw o

■uvea-jraiLr-old lads w h o d liH iu H ia rsd fro m t b e l f b o rn e *o u N ew s fre e l, B e lle v ille , T U u rt* d a y , TO turaed hom e la s t n ig h t. A so a rcb ing p a r ty had Ixien lo o k in g fo r the b o fs i ln o u th e i r d lsa ppea rtinc t* Tbo la fiiF had m ade a t o u r o r (be U iw nsb ipe a n d ap e iit lU s n lg l i t a w a y fro m hom e In a ba rn n e a r;W £ *t Orange*

N e a r ly F a ta l C o B U lo n .A T t 'H ie o x * K a n . , J u ly ll>,—T he H a r l ln g to n

a n d M ia s u u r l B lv e r pas se ng e r t r a in s o o th Joe l n i r h t r u n i i i lu i v n o p e n s w i tc h a t S u g a r l-a ik e , M o., s i t m i le s so u tD , c o l l id in g w i th a f r u j g l j t i r e lb w J H c li w s a i i a o d i n f o n t b s s id e ( r a c k . E n g in e e r M a c k le a n d F ir e m a n B e c k b o tb J u m p e d a n d w e re s e r io u s ly I f n u t f a t a l l y l i i J u m J , N u n s o f tb e tx e$enge rH w e re I n ju r e d , r x V e p t Lu re c e iv e a s e v e re s h a k in g u p .

F o r a l l diseasee caused b r a to rp id l iv e r o r >ila, B J " '• ‘Im p u re b lood, Dyepopela, BJliounwaa* H crof-

u loua, S k in , and B ^ f p Diseases " e v e n C on ­s u m p tio n (o r Lung-ecrn fu laJ in i ts ea rlie r

t X ' H M ' N O rU K O R D IX a N C K O R D ftR R D .1 Hi * (b ird I'MdiMif

\ t> , ihn iM iik r it lg iit^ , b«r»by c e r t ify th a t a n ot4 I«n an i'r sKs^rsiid siiFt-om l i lm * a t s m e a lin g o f tb s ThMrd o f H(n-pt su ii M'Mt«>r f' 0m 1111s ilu tte rs , held J u ly $. ISH.1, *m i d u ly unlFrad te a th ir d readlag, to iiru vh le Tor Om' uf

H A \ i 'K h J \T l; A T B K R r.fro m C ouim erro «(r«et lu H a iiiU to it ^trftat', w ith ob* |un* i r s u l in him-k im vln ir, vviih a n m c rc ia b asa ; to* g4*ib(>t- w 'li ii itN t l is u|)piir(eaAi(ca« oei.'eeiary toOUiaidllH' M itHiiUU.

Dated J u ly 7, m s.IT U O n C. H K N D H V .

p re 'ilrlen t u f iti«* Hoard t i f K tn -c t am t W a te r O o i^ mleniuiiprn,

KNQS R U N Y O N *4id Clerk.

etagee— tiie “ D is c o v e ry " is tb a o n ly gua rrm - feca re tn ': rem edy.

I f i t doesn 't benefit o r cu re , ia s v s ry osae, y o u h a ve y o u r m oney back.

I y t l i l U i ' N O T IC K .-O B D IN A N C E O K D E B B OIu A ( l i lrd renrhiiK

e V T T H I N O U T IN e r v eTonic

B l o o d,Builder

tU ln r Miin*, F t .n . C ii.n ,w l. Dkkvki^ Col., July IS.—At A m«*llH(

lo rd .y of tho protnot.r, of lb« tit, l.nala con­vention. u lled for Ju ly IT, ll *«■ d«eld.d to abntidoti th i t inecltox .11^ d rro t. .It tta.tr. n e r j l c t o th e B i - t l . l i i l l i c f / > ! t f i i f l G a n ve n - l l o n ID C blO ftB o n i iq n o r l i x t W i i l i l a t U i o .

n i . F n c t l eb x n i jD B i .d lx t . M l l# ( u d ■ ■ p H d y , p iM t - ant and clnnly enra for .v.nr dcMrlptlon of pIlM, pin vonas, .la. Par n ic, wtlh fail dl*^ itD u L . t w Acodauiy MHat, pM talrt. o m c a h o « » : » A . M . M> 7 p . M , i r f « k d a r-sand I M dP. ILaoiidara.

a P E C IA L H O T lC Ita .B p . d -1 l o i r p r lM . d n r in p . n u m c r . M ow

l l l b . l l t n . t o b a v« y o U r fm w w r t t 'M e d I an d y o u r p ic tu n v f r a m d n , i h . y v l i l a « [ la a o y f o r y a u K b c n y o n re tu rn frn m y o u r

ru m m e r d in t i ip . C a ry A K«DDy, UO a n d t S B n a d i t r tM .


KarU(«|attke In Pelaware* >ViLHiaVOTOaV, DaI.. Jutr lo.*A allgbt

•elarolo qitlrrr«h(H>K Wllnitngton and vielit- Ity yesterUay afieruoeii* U wm not reoog- ulxed a* SB eartliquake shook s t first but no other cause, lor tb* tremor, which lasted shout Iwu aueands, bs* beea found.

fiflCar v la a #

'D r. W tLLlAM V K E D IC U fE C O .,

'Scbeaccuidy.N.T* udBrocln lU ^O nb

H eart Disease (he Caose*Speotsl Dlspstch to the NkWs,

BntpogTQN. Jnh- 16,-M lss Bl^en Nlobols was fiias.d desfi Ifi bed a t her bom* 1b Desr< field, lhlaco:in(y, yeaterds7 mOrBiag, Death W M o a i^ h y tm r i dlatas^

Free trip lo the World's Fair. " Make bay while tho iun ablnes.” Buy your meals st Chicago Jileef Coiurisny, 117 Mulberry Street, and aave luoaey. This i* lurely 1 be bent place In the Stale to get your roeuia cheep. Isrop BOthtng but ill* b«Ri, 1 ,00k s t my prloes aad compare Ihem with what you are paying;F r lm e H Ib U o s e U . . . . , ...................... . .10 J 2Gtiuek ilunst Slid Mtimk.H........ *..... . .08Hound Mieak,.............................. .14itirloln tfleak..... ...... .14PoiisrboiiH« Bieak.-...„.rt*............. . . IflJeriey Milk Vvai.............. .MIllndqnsrter Lsmti.......................... J 2

W(i, u n ilfm ls iifd . hersby re r t if i r th a t a n ord l* nsiKT WSA read a ^ecoull ilnu * a la m eoting o f tbs hoard o f s it'sot s iv l W s in r I'cn im lAslonere, h(*l<l J d ly (<, IMVl, Hud ilu>y o n lf f t 'd tom th ird re o d lig , le p ru v id o Jur th e ri-p iiv in j; u f

B A i I.U G AH 1T .A C K ,oM t Im f 'M i R liieu fU ie 1> n p « y lva n ia K a ilro a ^ , f io in M a rk f i f l ir ro i tu Kou h l'» u « l s ttv a l, w ith ro lo n ggranjie block i>avinsnlth t coiuTHe boot, togetUsc wHhallthe apiniriBoancee becssasry to eozaplote (be KSiue.

P aled J u ly 7, IMU.H U m t C. R E N D R Y ,

p re iiq e n t e f tb e Board o f •'^livot oiMl W a te r fn m ilewuuvn*.ml(s


t e a l ...................

Foreqsarier Lamb. H ie n -M u a tCoro Beef.,..... ........

R e s p e c t U i l l y ..04

J. B. FINGER.//7s 109 MULKm S m S LT J U iB F a O N S 8174.

- - - ________ . - o r & e A s om trd reading.

W e, (he uNderhlgueil. h e r ^ y o e it i fy th a t u o f- d is a u ro was lead u s h o ik I H n i ta tm is e e t ln f o f lb #B oard o f a lte e t and W a te r 4'e D im ls ilo n e n hold

................................................................. im n a d ta g , t«July A IBM. snd duly ordsred to a thin provide fjr tho paving uf

H O rn t TFNTH RTRBET, from HprlngAeKI avenue to dciiui Orange avease, wUh obloiix trsprock block paving, together with sl$ tbo appuriL'iiSttcee neceasary to compleis tha aama

M e d July 7, ISM.RUOH iX HENDRY,

Piwadeiitoruinjaeardor Street and Waiar O ei»m kstesera


8 X E W A l i K E V E X l X C i N E W S , S A T U J t D A Y , J U L Y ] 6 , 189JLLOCAL CHIT-CHAT.• to r t fttar)«« »xid Akalchat Aboul Propla

•ttd }liipi»«>nlti|pi and In ThUrU r and Elaanh*!**.

Tb* efforli o f Ibe yoiilhftil intrym who IM ib « oourii of IU« viTlom JuitIcM of ih« Smo# In wbicli to air tliair knon ltilfo of tlia U v and pracilcd tba art of orourfznmininj;. • f t T tr j oftaa th« <*coa«ion of conilUfrablo AABMrot&t to ihfl older prnrtllloDara who «nr«rh«Nr ibfm» Not Ions oRo ati ambtlioui potinf diActpk o f Ooko ami Dhickvinno m|. drtMod oDoot ibe Ju*ttcn In auminlin; up n Pmall cftaa ai *' The ItUht Jlm»on»hJa Ouirt,” ■od. It l i iald, won an oiherwUQ hojf> icii •Me bp ao dolof. ADoll^'r youngaier, M ter to win a uarie with thektne aad pecuniary WncAia which ftUMh Iberruoto^ waroed tbf wIIdciiri with InpPfedtT* nnphaala In the en*e that (hey were not requlteti under ihe law to tar ouj- th io f that would ijicrimlDkie or dltfrun- •blaetbem.^ lint a qiuRihm whh li, cnnlug frotn a lawyer of cuiiAldctabie iX|>«‘rleuee •eemed very rid leu toiiM, wat ttmt at a wu*

lb * cat# in one of I he ditl r|et courtt re- wully. TLewllue^#wanthekliHer-m4aw r>( OMoflheparuee io the tull and had been jo^bjecled toa eearchtiig ciox ■K-xamliinUoii. The lawyer heiMated a nuniienl' t t though bbenltoAUow her to leave lUe itaad. then •■ddanly atked j. ** A rt you a married vroraati, madam f

**Yaa, air, ibeaa oliie ycart,’* wat the Mktwer.

♦* It your hutband Itvlnt?'^•* Ti^t ilr, be it,”

now, madatn, wat your batbntid ; « » ln * at the Uiue tbit tran»actlon tookp la ce r

** Yet, Ilf, o f courte he wai," replied the

the eummnncl, “ arm i," nnd are re;idj in fxrcute. Knr all the ninvrmenUa c»'natn time li nlloiied. To t>eeome n memher of thli excellent nigHnlt:illoM a inillilnman muKt rrmaiD in the aukward »uuaa tlx raenltii,

Jt It n jt erery day ii,alahovcl U Itmrd from the local pteaa, but n preUlly^bourid volume jnti publitiiod by ihf Jltiu« Erlnilrix r-ompany la anntimcilTe and enirrUiliJna novel, cbUckI " ir je Karnicr** Nl'oe, a ll'-- njHiKH) of f be Mexican ’W'ar,'’ from lh«* jwu a foriiier Xcwarkrr, Tliroduro U. Er«r-r, who now hvot ni Ib»ckland L ike, N.V. In ciniinn hitbf)4ia "upon the nuCfr nin wave*of |jmUIc fancy," at he t nta it, ,Mr. KnutTo • i j* timi iie Irntrt It i^ay prove HuggeiMlveor (nleri'^Umf rcfl'*ciinoa iHi the todal and polltletJ »*venle Connected wUli all iinporlRur, lut to hit iiiiud tMihlly oTcrtoukeil, decade of otir counlry’e JilMory,

The hem of ihn ttory, William K<»tcoc, It well drawn, und liif «or«| plclurct o fllie vlllagOiceiiPry o f Xuw Vi>rk«UM! lire clev­erly dfp rted. The t'f>ry dP ilt wjtlj ariia- tx-Niim i-voiiti o f j)i>Ullcul liM-iry ■iijjfjni il Intrt th* loto Mlory i>[ n yoiiiij,'rwMKfi'-rri-’T unrt » NonijKrn 1) ■uilj-. Itllii.iua in ;tl(tcr--b it ii|H>n Hill mirliil lilf urtlii'biiiiihbEforo ihe ujllallun lur lliir nluillilnn i.r pilaviTybrsio. niii) niio or Now VuriJ. Jl !■ a good, uli!-ra>liloiipd mory.


ilut real bargalne ” rule the ruoti. '

Bee Hive 5ale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

VJtaett.**Thal will do, rnadami; thal’ t all," tald

the lawyer ae he revumed hit teat, entirely onawura o f the cant* of the li&iie which weol around the conriroorna

8o tu uawtpaper men were dUeawloc a MW deyi ago, in ibe prtttnoe uf jlerbcrt W. XDifbt, the deplorable condition o f people Who live out or reach of the produola oftholr eran, aua many a ia le waa lold of turprlee flh lb ltoa quite recently by fanakwooitR pm>> pie wbiD told o f tbeorueiftxlon, the death of deorge Waebington, and an on, and Ihrir qalckuau In E irm iog lliilr Igiinraiiw br plMdlug thedlfllcqlty of yetting the naw*- peperv. Mr. Knight eoiUendcd ihat there aroMorva oniiielllgontand fairly rdiicaied •uy peopt* who owe none or tbC r knowledge

in proof o f ibii, or ralber ae an Inetanoc o f li, bo told PMory wbkii made the llaiming now^pii'Pcr n eo i m Pe Jl war that a week ago ue ro-

SiTtd a le:tef from an oflleer of an lumraace •*penyi which ofllcrr li a lIM ong m ldent

i^ ih laoliy i Io the encci that ibepolloyou the llfli o f Mrr, Abim a Hiitberland wav RKHitio run out, and that Mr. KnJgbl,ae her lawyer, oftfht to look to it Irvl the DoUoy ■boiild lapae (

l^eatihli ahonld pntile aoma one In the •gwe atali o f mlnil aa the ineurnnee man ei>- Joya It }• now and hero elated ibnt lliia Mra UurberJand borttme the w lfrofUr, RnckooHn, wbojanow under ventcbM of deaib In New York for polaoning her, and that the irlal wa* one o f the moat ecDMilobai ereolii or ibe paat half oaatury.

There waa irmibpMiri m>e o f ihe aiilplur- roltJted arka nf tlio KprlnglHd evruu* eh'C* trio line a few evening* ngo. Wlllj nuirh difficulty, when all the jmwer uliaihHlde had been prenied inl<» aervlre, (ho ear reached

the iiaWci,” The mou>r UHug found lo i)o infact Llie car a aa eent on, and with dldiniil- 1y tfurhcfi the lic irl nl Ibe dip Into Irving- lon, Kmm thenco the irlp la iiatMiHy made on Iba " awlh’libii’k ” »lyle, l»y gr ivKy, hut on tJilaofi'iuhm till (he *'p<ifrer*' at imud waa needed lo fo ro the ark doati ihc ijirlhip, until 0)1 rcnrhlttg Ihe end of Ihedipat Hruen avenue a dead halt reaulleti, Ju,*l then it pasiengcr, probably buhnllng over with hiimcif, vnuyitod thiit ” inking offtlje liliul btuke " might improve mailer*, I i did. aivJ IheitUwua found that the ear hud been bucking ngalnvl the brake the wl»ole trip,

Tula iniiaiica <if umiiHlng ovenlglit la a reminder o f the expcrleuca of “ K** jw r i" Hoeka-eli, when he wai In charge, In lue early day* of the line, A car WA» afaUed off Myrtle ayoiiiio about 11 A, M.| ilui niotoniiaft oonld do nothing wUh It and aunt for ” Expert" HorkwHi. Timt electrical tclcniiat u«ui tlirongli ihe mi/tor arrangemenu inch byjncb, fiom fuan lo pilot, but wna bit died. An hour imaviid, and at noon achiKd " l»-t mil." Tim aniail hoy id the period negUcPdi hla dlimer to «eo Ihr fun. J'M'ienfJy u Iwi-and-ii-imif-fooi ai»ecl- men ofJuvouile mala btimunlly piped oui “ rerhapa i f you w,ia lo fiui ihal flalipolc under the wire abe'd gof* Roi*k>»cll look-jd arinind (ora knot hole tocrccp ihroiigb, nr aom« rockvio cover bla ccmluilon, and the car moved on when the trolley bad b<wu ahif’oJ from iho guide wire lo the jower wire.

I'pople who are well poated on whal ti gty log on declareihat ibe Mpial o f our *peciai qiile vaiura have never been put on *ala any- abrr* elae iu ib it or any oiber city.

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

It baa drawu ao well that we doubt there can be many icop lcln Newark who have uol been In lo allow ihclr npprcclallojiuf our offi-rlngi.

W A I*T A N II I'ilE n iAK TTeS .

tooator Jantca BmlDi. Jr., fi reilln f « t •aratofA, w ilth tr li* wvui from Hlwron BpriBgi. ila t o . he.u nuns .Inca ItilHiktur- toy. On tb . mhruliix of tbat tia j he left hi. «U b )o| tou p)*oeruKleno* in Kohb, In time (a ie l t o the •l■tloll wlltaout omltlUK bn.te »nij tahTebfew tnlnme. ti> apere belore the topertHHOf tb« irntn. One of two of hie ■neny ileTolrd fyiendt end edmiren went to M him off. The rls. with |u dliUnyul.hed Mrden, rolled blon* qnieUy forewhIle end Ibtn cema to q fall . 100,1101 not with the |trk or Jolt that tall, o f acold.nt,

“ Well, BOW, wtot'a up T” ramarked one ol lb * Mnator a eompaiiloue, a man not bJeued Ilka Job with pai leuoe. Tha cab wai tpuioo. kry tor a mumenip tban backrd a littleiw f^ a d aaJdc. waa Jerked forward, and then DOTed Of alo. One opened the dour, and theOOMtpiinta o f the Tehicle heard the lound ol^ba whip on bbc horac' a back and a nmiiercd MeoNBpaQlment by the drivar la a tnlnnr kty.

fianalor Smith puetaed opto (be door and J ^ d hie fool OQ tha eUp, about lo alight.

Hold oar* ha eallad to the driver, Tbt eomnand wee laetenlly obeyed, and ibe

koine o f the I 'r e t t j, I'ractLeal and Coiu- foHahle « j Ib* N ow rrevalllugw

Ittoyprlgb!, m ]Never bae there tiaea *ueh practical uml

thoroughly comfortabla atyiri at ihoeci now prevailing, partleuiarly eucli » rtlata to ordinary aumuter wear. Kvery week eae* ootna bawly-doveloped Idua tending toward comfon drat and plcturcequenrii or beauty next, a«, for In eta not, the aovel and pretty dcelgne In waleti iiicb a* are worn with

portly Banator aupped out on (be gran IU

toto Uiln|:a . (• n ll j ,” h* anlionwl • “ ih «t ’. toBt Wny," i{A ipoto In b li oompaniDht

M tU tlM bnru bad qntt- — - pnmcln* »od •BI*tndd«wD. Xbnn tan .Uppnd np ,i»tl*d It qn^ly ott tho bank, ruhbnd it otw thn u r . J * * 111* nn». Thun oarnM. quits•wundaBd cBliusd Itobons. torhspstwo mlaatM w u nynnt la thru kindly llitlt at. ItoUw s. “ Kow, sir, iry him ■gsln,'>Mid Ito toSBlor, M bn got Into ths osb. Tbs w lva r gava itaa word and ibe burae trotted away, Bad did not bsJfc Sfain bsfnrs tbs ita- Itoa w u rsaobnt, with ttms to sjurs,

Jnllni Vofsl ftinmJ a two-dolur bill on tbs NddWBlK at ths oornsr o f Marks! and Ualsey •trsaU tbs otbsr day. Folios Onmniliilonsr KaiM and John F. Maban wsrs wlm him at tbs tima Ths parly wont to tbs Hsib. Ksh Ifran a Mr. \u ,sl sptnl lbs mousy. Aftsr thsy bad lafi CommtHlonsr Kann nist Wat- M at Offlosr Mntpby, told blm about MrVofftl'i find aed dlrsetsd him lo sail oo Mr!

issht that bs bad lost n and do!Voqsl, nprsttb . soai os nad lost n and do- M u d I t Mr. Vofsl rtadily gavs Murphy u t monsy and the lattsr rslnrosd lo wbsrs t to Oommlaslonsr and Hr. Mahan wan wait- lag. Tbsn tbs tbrss went to asafson Ualtsy ■tnst and ipsnt fl-SO of tbs luonsy. Ths twanty csnls Ibsy Isa w lib lbs bartsndsr v ltb Instructions to uss Hr. Voist w ill when to eallsd.

Among ths thouwadi o f lettsrs bsndlsd dally at tbs Foitofflss tbsrs are always a tsw Wbisb g l»s 10ms lu lls anuoynnos to lbs ^ r k s who assort ths malla An InsUnssofIbis ooeurrsd last Wsek, whsa a mlsslss poslmarksd Now York was rssalrsd s i tbs office for dsllrery. The IstUr was tddresssd thus!

" mrs. flsforM>n for shsrtoan oork no sbtr- •fo, IfO antsrdso si."

Tbs myKtsrtouB Istler was btodsd around among tbs clerks, and ons after anothsr gays dp ihn attempt at intorprstlng lus ad-drsu. A t length ons bright genius struck li and banded It twek wliu tbs following irans. iaUon I

Mrs. rielbraon, for Pbrrmsn (Flofsnnn) llswsrk. New Jeriey, 270 Fluutsrdon slrrel. '

By Just wbat sysism o f occult rcnsonlng ths bright clerk urrlrsd at the soluUnn, wtaleb proTsd to bs tbs correct one, i. not Iwowu, bu illlB sarmltsd mni bu got Ills dustrom -iin terden ," wblcb plionctloslly I f notortbograpliloslly, resembled tbenmuu' a f tbs sttest. by following the pbouetic system It wai comparatively cs.y to malts -M s w .rk " o fn o r k , " and “ New Jern-y ■’ '- '"o o sh erg le ," Ths balance of ths dlreo-Uoa was plain enough then.

The llghlsst — - uiiils.lBtatcihas Jtutbeeit tnllt for Mr.. Jium. U.

of Illuoai^Hiq . >iv v «Daylob, _twsnly-'our.p.>:..- ■ '~tsf»[(,ibrc rhelighto l wheel ba. wstgbcd Iwenly-sls panvidfc.. jktr, WolT.u^. bldyJliiTias wooden rliii. m lgblng twslys ounce.. The mud guard, are of tbs Victor pattern and the wheel I.Aiiiahetl wHIi rasing tits*. The drs«. guard 1. made of lllk tsclug. The tubing it irraighl, eighteen Inch, new pullorn, Thespokt. sr. or piano Wire.

On tbs lad annlverenry o f ths adoption of tbs Fifteenth CouBillullonal Amendinsni ttosolorcd inon of this vlclnlly wore lo have badagrand celebration, clo.Lug with a pic­uls at Csttdonlau Fsrk, Maj-or llayiiss bad been Invited tu the picnic end wa.booked for an addreat Hut tbe eelebrstjon wai poit- pooid for a week on acr onut of ruin. Never- tbslss. ths City Hall flag wns thronti lo ihe brssse. on tbs day of the ploiilo H wu. again Sapping at the pole-tup. i t wa. observed by many people, who Inquired lu lc.ru liiat lha oecaifonwaa ihepleule si ('aledonlni Park at which Mayor Uaj ue. wa. to deliver au addreta

There waa nothing In tho way of dscord- tlous at tbs City Mall to advertise or call al- tcallou to tho recent Irish encumpiiiont. Mayor Usynca, so he says, had not been in- Tllsd to deliver an addrse.ul tbeencamp- msnl. Whether that w i . the rraaon 0- nol It wos generally nollcrU by clHiei,. of Irish CBiraeiloD that, a. far a. the t'ny Hau wu. eoncsriicd, the Irish encainpmeui might have been at the North Pole, ecirae anrcasllc people place aide by side the fuet. that the Sag waved Joyou.ly the duy the Mayor was making a ipscch and otherwise enjoying himself at tbe colored msn-s ptculc, and that It did not wave at all for the Irlth-Ainerlcen MUltory Untou, and they are drawing onvi- gnalnforsncss from them.

Osplain Marry Walsh, o f tbs Emmet ■usrdsof Wa.hlnglon, I). t;„ whose corn- pan* won the flrst prise at tbe encampment • f tto Irisb-Amerleao Military Union, te a SBOdeit soldier. " II wa. not I who wun ths prlas; It was iwsniy-four wslUdrlllid men," bs said to a N KW» reporter. " For three MOBlhs they drilled every uigbt lu the week for ibrsc taouis, and three murnlngssach Wodt they were up and drlljiug at 6 o'clock,"

Captain Walsh and bis men itndcrsland saCb otbsr thoroughly. The ootopuny no- dooblid ly could perform ell of llsexblbltlan moTSmsnta In the silent drill Cspiaiii Waltb Is continually on the move during a Still, and tho Unis bslwesn lbs giving of tbe saoltonsry coramatid and tbe order to tXsenta I. reguisriy dcilgaaied by lbs Cep- tain's parse. For Instance, when lbs com- paqy f* on a inarcb and he commands "Itory,** bs Is slepplsg with Iba msu. Jaat as. aftsr lour paces, Ito men Blrtks ibs door

"w llb tbs right foot, ttoy gsttlis last pen o f

•IftPUtTtXK WAItT AXD WW CIUUtgEm. diffsrsut skirls. They are known as flebu, Maris Antolnslls and aer[isnltne, Thsy art draptd over a lin in g andIsp from rign ito Isll or left to right, ns best suits tbs wearer, and thsy are quits as besoming to women wlib sborl, stout fliurss as to tto slender ones that usually oipturs Ibs prettlsitstyles.

Tbsss 'waists being built fur comfort ere very sttgktiy boned and era quits looss and easy, allowing for ths most perfect freedom of motlDO, Homs of tbsm bare no Onltb at all around tbo neck other ibsu thstsflorded by lbs nstoral folds; others have rolling collars mids plain and stiffened with buck­ram and olbern have the collars bordsred with a frill of Ues, deep or narrow, as the lasts of Ibe wearer suggests.

Onsoftbs preillssl ones of this kind of waist wasofuavv blue end wbits striped lalln surah, Tbssirlpas were very narrow aod wsrs set at Intervals of ons Inch. Tbs upper sleeves were lu loots puffs aod reached to ths elbow only. The forearm part was cut so tbal Ihe sirlpsi went srouud lbs arm and lbs puff, were made up and down. Tlie walat wsa French, gathered in tbs beck, and tbs front was draped >0 that tho l in e broke and tormsd a detsu pretty folds. Tbers wu» arolllngcollar, one point o f which wa. Inst In tbs rplds and tbs other naclied nearly tu thewalston Ibe je f l stda Ths collar was ■tlflsosd and ba4 a whits piping ou the outer edge.

Another o f ibCH dainty watits wa. of changeable .Ilk lu dun color, and mads in Ibe .sms way, only the oollar w »« llnl.hcd off with a ftill ruffle of black lace.'

Foulard with poiko dot. or any o f the figured .like arc all .ultalilu for Ihl. .tylo of want, and tu l i prreiile and ultnoil any cam- br|p or iBtern o f neat pattern. .1 iew ure mads ol delicately-colored ouLlng llutncl. There are pattern, to be obialno.l at iiio varluut patturo aloro, end niiy woman can make one In a couple of hour, provided aha baa ■ filled llntng on hand, whieu almoii every one lin*. Theae wnlsiN require about flveyardeof .Ilk Iweiily-lour liiclin. wide. They coat muds iipnll the way from tl.50 tu 111), ncoordlug to tho mnterint. They aiiould lo look llivlr beat bo all of 00. kind of .luff, though lbs upper pKrH of lUe ilcerc. could be lunos of aomethlng ol.c,

Ths cbtiuUcLh.'k..aro of while llneu,duak pique or sirlpcd rorenic. The pure while luoti the host,. When. lhe»s ciieinliuHtea are

- '^S A havC cn f:.- ' touIcIi, Tbseej., „.,c.wc<rciBmd Sinung the little adjhiicl. H if s lady’e lollot, und. ua Hub enya, one .1. (IBllged lobe clean In llicni, nod abioluie ucatnee. 1. n aiyleln lltrinhnl l.lhoronghly attrucllvo. 1 knew a Indy wlu» inn.Je It a role to alway. wear n while ijnmi col tar anil cuir. wlili ov.ry ilret., wlieihor calico or velvel. They were .p o ilc . nod nlwiiy. worn a i l f ihcy had grown on her, ujid eomebow .be appeared to hnvc n certain dl.linctlon l)i them or from them, and »hc wn. plea»aut lo look ub

Bee Hive Sale Ends

10 O’clock To-night.


A SET.IVorraiitsJ.

V E CAN iirt T o r n W O K K TO-DAY.

Teeth Extracted................................. Mcenle............................................... l ‘i cenls

FInsOold Fillings....................... ll.COnnd upSilver Eimngr,...............^ .......:o7Jccnl«Hold anil i'iallzium Alloj?......................... |] (jjrlean.lpig Tocth........ .... !".Ta centaIVirccliilii (Town....................................., 10.00I (old CfOtttJS,.............................. 1,1 jipoQA Eitll Hcl of Tceib................. g-jj,Very 11...1 Ijimtily, on ltub&er„,sg, wnrrnnh. IHold riuie. (ISk,;...... ............... jo-^op UPConllnuou. Ouni JTaluj............ ^ .............. (jpoo

flATIkFACnON la '.t l lA N IK F D .

BOSTONDENTil ASSOCIATION,22a Mnrkct .St., Newark.

W. K. HOLT. I». It. N., • Rlauaff«r,


JOHN M. MENTZ.685 Broad Street.

S P F X H j V L S T>T

l!ow, fnit bl.4ck, ip iial viiluaThe Proof of ihe Pudding is in the Eating.

" p H E


A ll klmlH of WIUKCij:(l8

rN'palrvNl ai Hio louMt chargrii, ChIU'U fur and dcllTrn-a freo.


Hunveliotd Nvi)«avt(ipn.Tiikr

€3 RANKSTk, Itcaler* In


ff! II8

proof of the beauty and quality of the lots on any tract is told by the number of houses built 1>3' individuals. People do not .build on a new

tract unless there is something to attract them. This being the ca.se, does it not prove that Myrtle Avenue Park has the.se attractions? Fifteen houses built already and occupied by their owners, ^^e claim tliis to be the finest tract now open, having all the facilities of stores, school and churches. Streets are all graded. A water supply provided. Streets lighted every night by electric lights. What mbre can be asked ? And then the plan of purchase is so easy— only $io cash required, then $5 per month. Ten per cent, discount for cash.

laAdleii*25c. }>oir.

ftiRt black. hlxli->pllpad beel and doubic iole*, jijc. palr;-4i puUi fur 1 1 .00. Kxtra 'vnlue.

J-itdie** Kiobcllcu u bbed Hone* fa il bt&cki double betrlii, SOr,

l.irtlCN* ami Mhic** ITose, (an ■hadcf, fib* bed fliid plain, lOc., IDe,, 2ic,, a.‘je.» 60o, pair.

Gcntii' IJote, fan black. Sic.Qm! iOc.pair.

The lnrir»‘?i( aiinrlrnpnt o f InfsnU" and W Hock*, cotton au<l rashmcrc, black, wbiio amt colors, klses S, and 6 inebea.

l.ndio*' Ribbed Coiiod Vesis, lOc., lie., 24c.a COc. Kpectui value.

Uonl«»ftna Hoys'outlnx t'lftnDelaDd BlU filrtpo BblrtSy 'file., 7ic. and |1 upward.

w i.noJ^f Tml’o i'",” “ noort H'fos'Xr-’W!) ynu take It. Speslal Inaiiwmsnt. off;rca lo thow wlshJjiK 10 build 111 um », Do jiui rail to see ihl* prckperiy b> f ire bttrlnv. Take Hortuirdpld Ave.uzv Aiifcirlc rur Ui Irvlng.fln. Tall the mniucior lo let you off ui .HyrUts iivcjrqa walk llinoVo Vi " P™?"'J*- lU-nicmbHr our prices und U-rms,‘ I/jU

per motiih. Ten per com. dl*cm;nr lur cu»li. Hrlng a di. i ome Aip any day. Agents on the ifruund at all limes, or inquire for tuapHwKii you.

1*19., of


T O C L O S E ;

P A R A 8 0 L SAND

Sun XJmbrellnsA T l.l>H TH.\N

MANUKA(TUai:H>!’ 1‘ llICIM,

A Lo t o f Ladioa* Sh irt W a ists

At 59 cents.Keducrd'froiu ll.’JS.

C h a s . A . C a t a l a n ! , 1>0 Y O U W A N T


— IX BJ-:8T----

I ^ d i Of goods are go­ing out every hour,ovary lulnute, every seooni*. Vnu have until IQ t i, Qtgbta

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

I t tueaut many a dollar thsi you can save for a rainy dny-> or clear one.

F A M I L Y A N D P A S T R Y F L O U R ,D R I E D F R U I T S ,

C A N N E D G O O D S , E T C .O i i r U g f i f i l H p c r i f t l . 3 , l b . B o s

O o o d T o i l i b r $ 1 . 0 0 .

350 L a d i e s ’ E t o n S u i t S )III All-wool Hergs, Duck uud rinld EffccU, wore sold In.t wwk

A t P r i c e s F r o m - $ 3.98 t o $ 8.98.THEY WEIIF. M OKTU IfOUtltn.

ON H a n d a h o u t 'J2o l a i i i e .w h i ’ itm w h ic h w e w i i i s p i r a tJ llE HAME llE D U O U O N -T ilAT W, AfJOUT O.Ni '-H a L f HeV u L V i


I nni||^ llin finn* nnii T nilinfil

A G S £ A T ( U T , G t i P n c M £/a6w h e r9 a m i C o m p a r t tHil/i T h t t t ,


V- L, ii''ii-No, I’rlcc.. f‘ i li i.«, No. I ’rlci's. I'ricw.J . . . . . . . . . . . . . }l H .ii i 1. . . . . . . . . . . n i t i ».i.«7

............ 3-W t,'l> S................ II SI 7.USI ......I.K7 a,IH 4................ 7 87 B.U8S................ i-kJ T.fo.5................ B.kj 11.47


U t w le tb e rff H a r d w o o d R e f r ig tr o to r s .No. Cut I'rlcea. Jteg. F,lcc«,

...................tlprlghl.m.lT 17.18)

.................... Uftflghl, 7 .« u.iiHU....—..............Uprlgtai, 9.17 ll.mtIk..... ................U prig hi I U.M I j.,sj

B E A T T I E ,The aa.ortinpiit 1"JUS lirgcit In Ilia ally. Our larm siit. are ull Mllor-randr lewn with

■Ilk. ])«rfecl a illog and thurooglily .ponged ; they will nslthcr ikdo nor .uoL *A U . THE 8TOOK8 ARE OFFERED THIS WEEK A T HALF I ’U lc a

1,000 I.AlJlEh’ TRIMMED MAILOR HATH- m . wA ll pilpT.-.^(foriU 11.25......... ;..... „ .............. .........................A t O W C e i l l *

T h t C i l t b r a t t d H a rd w o o d a n d C b a r c o a l- filltd M a t k m a w R t l r i g t r a l a r a . Tho

B t s t in tho eiorld.

tJtanaTJO RmadHt. sod H Bellevltle AveuutL

L o o k ! L o o k !F O R SA T ^ klil

1 1 W i l l ) L m s .

I n i BIG u000 caeca o f superior Claret Wins

D P e r C a s e ,NO DECEIT FRACTJ8ED! 30 VEAR3'


O L D E I G H T H W A H O .

I f bone III Immediately $400 EICN.

M Y R O N W . M O R SE ,139 T H IR D A V E N U E .

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

Now is the TimeTO BUY

U M B K E L L A S a n d

H U K U M B R E L L A S at

Gm m ii’s,As we said before, "Lnai

opportunlllei s e ld o m come back." Hava no esuH for regret, but .tan at ones tor No. 707 to 721 Broad iirast.

e A C A D E M Y S T R E E Trarn.ola made to match tulla.Match lug baby rariisgoi a specialty.

) f fl. HARRISON,1 iT T ccxasok Ttt


Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

Ton will And at B>y siora a fall llna of TUB

Best PaperGin And iM my itook ftad gal prtoi*.


I ’ K I lS O k V A L .

JlCLlTT flAAKwaLi,. uf WlDdham Couuty, Conn., fur iweuty-llvo yoar* Iim mailo in* home ainoEig ihu briiicho.4 uf i$u aucleiii cbeHnut Iroa on a farm ou'iied by uinv. JLi* reildonco^n Ibe treoltiin ii$ tho ru*uU lF w bei iimdo in J8H8 iimt H&rauo Ui'ymour wuuid be elwted i^foilUout.

Majdh W, T, JoilNftOM, Due of the fow aut- vlvor* uf the llr*( relk f of I.uekntw, Im* Ut-uu removed-by uenlli. Jiurltig Hie groat Indian mutiny ho cuiurmukdi'ii u squaGnm of mulrp cavalry and look pan lu ulUhv euguganicut* beiaeen Cavnpure and l.ucUnow qn me way IO Ibe relief of the belragut-red garrlstuu 'J hp campaign, howevor, bTi him wUh abnUured livalthund bowa* oomiioiltd torcilro ou hiilr pay at Hie concluatun o f Ibu mutluy.

Dll. jAMWi I'Biiiujr i-MiTu, iiR«$lRiiint pro- fri«<rr of pnliejuhMoiv ui l/oiuud Wluiford, Jr„ UnlVarsily, atcilsied by (Ivo kliidoiHH connected $vMli (hui insiliutujri, lutH Jumi made an tmporlauL geotoglcau-t^H>dllUni lo Mount Hlmsia, Hevcrul jqM‘cltiu-n* <>r fuMAlU bltbcrto uhramlllur lo ('.ilHiirnin wrreUlB- covered, nnd a large Cidlcctlon imiRiriitltig tho Dauojuiolngy of the euilre rojclon wm* K’ltliered, which will be displayed In the Uhiver*liy mu*cum. ^UKMEBAL W a UK tlA H lT O N , DnllcO S lM fS KNiJroiid i,'oiQ inl*sluht>r, im * returned Io WuahUigiuu nflor bln Joug lour o f InspecUou upon the Eaciflo rallroAde, during w hich be travailed 10,1X0 m ile*, H e i p« tik*ur the new Boiiili C afo liu a liquor law a* au ■•o u tra g e '• and a harm to Uie Hlaie .

JiiRMAHCK'n Oerman-American admlren lu Bail J'’ ranci«50 sent biin, on blH lum birih- day, an album o f pboiograpb# of C’alironila ■oenosln a redwood box ornamonied wlih •liver. He btfl wrliten Hk ibuiu agraleful autograph tetter.

BIhm Tjjounton, widow of llie lalo Cupl«ln James Bhappard Thornton, ihe cxtcuilve ofAcarorthe Kearsarge duritix tbo Ilgbl wHn ibe Alabsmn, will buiJd u flue mentoriaJ in lilB honor Jn Merrlmac. N. H. Caplahi Tliornioti was a Ilpeal deaojnUaiu o f Mat- ibow Thorn lot;, ouo 6f (b* slgoers of the liecJaralloa ol Xndepeudenee from New Uampiblre.

An Aticicnl Tuiitoitis From (ho Dhtiadclpnia noeprd,

I ’eopln ofte\ wonder why many of the Iron srililug vMicIa have while palnlOLl aide* pan. ellpfl III the khapo nf porta, rspccUtly thcoe trading toward tbe far EabI, Warships lined lo be paliMcd tho aame way, and were nfreu •enl to shell ibe vHlagoinf plrale* who killed Iho crews aod look'd the eargoci u( VKluable vuawla, Tbn.plrnlc* ^ooo learned toknoa ihovcnaeU by tbelr palnred aldea, mid keiit out nf alglit when u vr»»cl of that kind ap. pearcil. Tb) ailll f lghicii awav Ihe plraie* who even now exjal in China, Java and (hu Itoriu'o wuiiTs, the old eualom ofleu proves Useful.

S T A T i : N O T K S .

Mra. Charles Durand, of .Ml, H olly, who cowhldod Arunndu Tunk Tneiulny night for going with her bustmud, has left (own and

Jttdcd nrretl.Mb Holly's l$r>firit of HcpUb tins pnHRcd aa

ordlnno<j»' ftmt'UoJiln.F. ".o q——-w-then..-,.. . . . -------- , >by Augu*l ], under penalty o f u lu‘*vy line, - ao. iiiy|flM>»,ttu|>erD4sft3tottt of the Home for Kt’oliie-Julmlrd Cliildreu at Vineland, w-tiDsu life lia* been In pRrtk fur the past five days by reason of n severe otiack of hie- cnughF, iH better, und bis pbynlclaus are con- Udent tbal be will recover,

WllHuui Burns, ihe slxleen-jcar'Old lad wtin wai shot several dnyi ago by WilHani McCormick Daverlc. at CamdenJi Atltl la h criUcal coniHUon In the C^per JI(»flj>linL Tho nurgeoiiB are afraid loprube for ihu hall lu his breast, owing lo bla weak condition.

WlUiiUu J, Morrlx, a pbolugrapbcr of c$in- don. was commHIed lo Jail yesicrduy by Unlicd Slates ComuilRsloncr Cnasady for n further bearing next week on tho charge < f *emH«K u thrcalenlng postal card ihnniglj lln' ninilt Id Gately A Fitigcruld, n DhlUdei- phtuMrrn. Morris wu* urrrNtcd Wednesday at ( upci May by Meutcuniil BmUh, of ih Camden f jrcc.

Hurry .Intinvon, who in confined 1q the (!arndeii County Jail awaiting trial for tliv murder ot Michael Iturk, Is acitng ver) strangely. HnUclibor ineutnJIy unUatanc« tl ur Is KBumming Insanity. tJLMvalks uisceH ui night and uilki hiCDlicrcDtiy. Jolmsiui s:i> * his trial will Iasi bur five niinuiet im<l ii ■ M’ lll b i uc4iiiill>'d. Ill* frlmuls, lie say*, will bcwnlllng oniH do lb -ja il lu receive hini ivKii u brass bsnd.

MleliHci Htichionl rreoTcred a Jndgmcnl o 121811111)0 First Disirlci Court, .IcrsB-y Oily, yvsicfduy agnlnsi the Board of Fire Comniis- slonei-j. 111 18QI Uricliford furnished ihr board with coal and wood ainountlng in g2f0 Hlsclninv w .h iiol paid breaufe Hie I'onimfr- •loncis tmil greatly oxcL^eded (heir «ppro priaDun for supplies,* Tbe adUlUoiml 818 over the amount of Ufa Halm is Hilerctl,

For Hirlklng and kicking hlislsrer, s?ve;$ ly-lour years old, and culilt'g his IjroHicr.Jn- law's bead, James Donhm was yesierda^ ■•tiienoed by ibe Court of Hre<.-Jal Besdons at BHierson to one year In the Stale Erlson ai hanl labor. Those h4 aasnullcrl are .Mr. tmd Mrs. Teler WloUr*. They lire in a lUlJe'bu lu Wnyne Towniblp. Doniou Is a tiroii^ mail, n/iy years old.

Mayor Joseph F. Woolman, nf lUirllngton. nnd Tolice JusticerrJckottseltled roaUersm tl»e •trecl with blows yeiterUay murninr. Brickett repori* fora local newspaper. Widh acting In thslatlercftpeeily be went lo Inter view tbo Mayor yesterday In regard to sign­ing a number o f Bqunr Hcenses. The Inier view was uni salUtacUiry to either^ p.iritcn- liirly lilt) Muyor, when the report was pob- IlMliod, Till* morning, when tbe iwoauthoi- liieicame togcibor, ibere was acra»b« Tiu big Mayor and the lime Justice met, and tin Mayor rubbed him up and down A lamp- poHi. Justice Priokett ihreateued jo swear

I out a warraul lor tbe arrest of tbe J^yor.



Newark. N. J.

riiotM HIcodeilTeu....... .............. »«<.. poundFills tmions......................................»8 ,.tiood Kii.tl.h Rrenkrait TesA..... kflo.Mns Mnrncnibo ColfoF......................DSe, •'lArs« N p» Ifolilns......................... „...,8c. "Traulon R^lorX'nipker..................gc. "

I urp y iiW Ifc -j,"'! -:;..........................Ifl*. Ptllonlle«t l.iufoX4T5<f'i4f2q.....................Sto. i)oundR e t Hunstofoti Floor............... ■n.iiobsrralFor. W inw „.................. 7«o. lo S«.na ,sllonI’ lire Wtiiaku,!'...,.___ f f l . io to toi.oo •'I'ure lintndtM,..........*4.00 lo S l « .04i “t ’Uar.........................•l.BO lo * 18.00 per 100Purs ClKX-iilat. CroMii.................tio . poundPaniloga Carlsbad W sler............ *l.dO doi.q

*11 1


CHEBTfS. 1 U H tU H llH „ , Beg. Cat Keg.No. l»rlccs. Prlecii.iNo. Prices, l*rlce«.70.. fg,bJ |8.3Pr r.QS Ifl.n7

R.1B HQ.........„...|0.M7llI.ftVI.H............. I3.2f>iLBa'lOH.T........... JiU.5


78.............. fl,h7..... 8JiV

116........... 9,»7




and All other purposes,

Oo the I/srgcst Manufacturers In ilie Ktalc,

These ore moeily samples, with a fewdupll- c%(csuf*ome » 1sch, Vou may never agaiii got a chance lo buy a BcfrlgerAtor at the*o prirce. W© need the rm*m, hence these ex* rraordlnary low prices. Free Deliveries All Over the Stale.

330, 333 And 334 Jofanslon avenue, 'JEusEY a r y , x. j.

Take Newark uud Now York U. R. to LafayeUeBialiun,

IS CO., S H IP M A N ’S,4 7 7 -4 7 9 S R O A D S T R E E T ,

Three Door. Uelow Orange Utroek


A PIANOS_ . . 1 R f fN O W M E p FO R

T O N E & D U R A B I L IT ’/3M;oi:>X]H.A.a?:E] f k i o b s i


Olliltiu UiUat Ml ApiUmUmi,

n o Fifth Ave., cor. 16th StrasliM E W Y O R K O IT T . ______

FOAMINEKfcptiix *iralght hair Itla rrloe3>j and TiO ccau.

SULTANADr liuUiig 111,' lip* am

cheeMb Y'rioo <SA«<a«a

Uarian Xotion

Gfto lecbulc St.A fuH Biif of itje very bent quatliy o f silver

plated ware Always on band to ■elect from'lOur Own .Make,'’ guarHhieed not tohesoi^ pu**ed in quMlliy or reaionAhleness In price.

We aieo make a specialty in repairing and replaiiiiK ffid work, making It hs good a* new, ni les* than half tbe prlc * of new work. Borta »i*auntnlns repaired and repiated.

Gold, Hllverand Nickel Plating on all arti­cles for use nr nrnnmeni.


s a TO ea m e c h a n i c s t r e e t ,One Door from Mulberry Bt,

Walter P. Dunn,.PLUIBIHG VORK,


Iron r ip e »nd Filling^ Braii Word, Ily. drenta. Batha. Weahaiauda. Automntio^ H a r Dratnera, (Snultury Water C'io»eta,

Fnmpa, Garden llnaq, Heglitera,B tn to ,____ ___________Venlllatora, U « tllovea, Globem, ete.

Uaa Fixtures

9 8 M a r k e t S t . T e l e p h o n e 4 N 1 .

W . - L . D O U G L A SS3 SHOE aJVUe.

D « } M W W (h e m f W h ei neat In need tiji i p d h l0«*t In tft* world.15.08




* 2 . 0 0

4I.7SroR *ovt75


DrinkoroarreJuTeuntlndBeUxertoiuonadea. llae- Ing once felt Ha benrflrlal effecia yun vIHgladly uae it vben oat feeling qulia up to Ihe merit, Oiir artlat givoi you u foreibl* firallim. You know wimt la for your own good, nnd will call on ut when In need of Pure Driigi and Medlclnea. Yun will be ta l- ’ lafled with onr mtlhoda. It payi to pleaaa palroiii. How? By ebarging a low price, uud giving the Imal fur your money. Wo climb Fnii.e’a ladder by nn uiiaullted renuta- (lon. IlU YLE R ’s DELICIGUU l ANDIKst.

ir jrwnwwl I « ne DftESS SHQL irnda In Un Itfed r $3, $3.30, $4.00 orW m , (km’ t pay $ 6 to $6, t y iny 1

THE K E Y rnmnCor. Mailt and Kldge ils., Ofaoge, N. J.,


UK MOUDllINB, CIILDUAUl o c a x n I': a n d

lo u A cto UAniTaThu Jrratment I* tJciiHcfii wirii that given

by Dr, Li’sHi’ E. Kculey ui D « igHt, Dl.J<'or fail tnformailon nddresH

*q[ Atoivkus touoy gtKkliJdadulactured solc^ by_ l so lf^ b

M A D A M E Be W E S T E R V E L T ,2 1 3 W a s liiiij^ to n S t .I T B iV V ’

J 'B J '" ^ wfs-njjjrenvp, ant* bbatn t r r a it ■ " 'l-whl'; fr-r rtr’ tRrln, nifFlti AA, fr’ltii, Nffursl

Its. lTMi1*rft«. Nofvnui rn»iirnHor>. muiisd h7n1«>hot rlo^rd-o, \>*ksftilru-***. Mfnrsl 1>s|<*rtitFin«, BoftAn-

jnvnf Brnlri, osuRlny InRSnlly, jiiW yt, <leitiii,I’rsmwjaroDlrt Aka, HAr"RQh4NiRi, L-rwof Powtineirbsr wisnd slI FsToslBWsskrimidto. A mouth'i irsulinr'st, III R frr to, hr mnll. I Ir nu«nine«« R i>n^ to rur*. rjwh onler Tritli wrltt' n fiuar-S ' J J S . ' S ' "!!>'v«srk. N. J* liL sole oaLp ]U6 liariu^ dte

RUPTURE CURED'J ho Impjrovsil KhiiiHn Ti nn>* islhconjy tru»s

in cxlKlunce that I* wui-q ivllhAbsoJuiucom- loriuleht and day, UN U retains tbu rupture under thu hardeat cxorclM or •everest Miraim and will eAKila perinauenL uud a^Hi«dy oure wiihoul regard to lha age of the imiieuU ACx- anituullon free- liady iu allunUanoo fi>r tiles. Send for jMiinpiiluU

IMPBOVKD KLAHTIC Hl'ftDd kM Hrnu(lwuy» cor. l:kh si., N. Ya

S A N T A L - M I D YArfrOtM dischargee from Uu urlfui^otgaag

1& cither OCX m 48 bouru.It la itiperka tu (k>patha» Cubcbi cr lajMy

UojiA, and froo frum all kid uiuil or oUur Incoaveiileacci.SANTAL■M!DY r. .rLiM m

thnut which DORQ srq p*n«iiiw>.*Ca»iu]«i, vliioh b<>sr llio nsEMi l‘.i iils** ih . . . . . . . . .

^ .WILl R. DABB. Minager.A 1.I.KN Buitnira, lift I)., Medieal Director,

. (Heaenlfy.uf Dwigbl, lll.f

... „ pdblfv.i. ep-„ , *

13 Shoe. They flt equal to (uttom made and look an j eoarisweH, Ifyodwlshtoecononirrelnyourfootwear,* 110 ky purchailny W. L Doiiglai Shoes, Nime and rlca ttanped on the bottom, leokforllwfieiiycu buy ■

T7. Ito DOUGLAS, Ur^cktonf filaaa. Sold UEH.ll AN ■IOTy..rie - 'a rk e l *44., ra r .IIn l.

A re .! 44. It.• ! *.Y-er,T KI.J W .A . A T. f . Acm a,M.| JO)4e,l-|| n 11 * 4'0,.H7d 4>rn,i„e«l.. ™ e. f.Irv rn lh SH,i D. II. B IKR,1f.lN . 107 ■■arelann Are,, llai.rlaoci.


Y o i i r '

A"crd C!are f

Allow Ut Toaai Vottr Alien!ion lo

PrttdfiDtial Phamacy and 928 Broad Street


The Mutual Benefit


O. A. CAHILL,iFoimcf ly with E. G. Faitoulu & Co.,)


COALWholaaale and Retail.


mn FIRST ST.Tcleiilioiic ,N.i. IClt. Xewfiril. N. J.

EyesTrt thft Annum I'oti The Aftjtt

U t m t U n i nThe Slate.

LIPB INSURANCE COMPANY.-Nt.»',U iK, -X. J,AMXI .......... ....

A»«i'iH(Jliirkct VuUica),Jun.l,liSi),.sai UKuai ,3 Linblllliei. N.Y.aud ^aai. aiaud-

«rd ............. .......... ................... U,73lga^HKiirplui........................................ 3,«fLlAaaoifaurplus, by lormef N.Y.HtandHrd

(Am, Kx, per oenL. UeMivvtfi A3S5.45S 1)1 PeJicAva Abtornlvly a\oii<ri»rr«lM*»l» AftaV

Yenr.l^ CAMRoy I.AI*SK Ij.v jHillcy 1s COXTINllKD

IK yonc'if ut long us hsTuiue will pay Ibr; or, II pr*f(«i red, a Paid-up IkjUcy Jor lit full valua iDlsNUtid iu exchnugc.

AiUir iLie aecond year i ’ollclet are lNOOta> TSiTABhk, atiddU rettridioJti at to rtiiUg/tMk Irovtl «r OixjupaUon art removed.

Cabu LoATTfl Aro made to tba extaal o f at

assignments o f ibe poircm cuQ be made t f follftitral iccurlly,

Ia'oWM* *- '-<3'VJtaJlC : qL,QaT*vr*A<kflto->

f a « l

J. Kendall Smith,


Biliousness.C U R E S

Biliousness.C U R E S

Biliousness.EXPERT(U’TICXAN, 6 6 3 B R O A D S T .


106 and iOB Mulberry St,cos. CUHTOto ac.

liE new TURKISH BATH,No. so 'c lin ton Streot.



WALSff S SONS & CO.,l>eA]eri tn Armp Jroug Metaliv Wool aud Cotton Kogit Pam f Bioek. Me- ^iQDr/g Belting, Pulleyii, Hangers Eiiglnei, BoiJerto ^ u k i* ete.

2 0 0 to 2 0 4 W A S H IN G T O N ST.l i e n Y a r d . C t r l lx le p ia c o . I t i t p h o n o f o «.



A lb e r t C.Courben| k l D 3 y

j : , - ^ D R U G 3 lC h e m ic a ls .D Y E S T D P P a209 MARKET ST. bmvE«|

H old O n ! H old On ITo ihe Hliopplng Cetitre of Now Jontty, at

H6 ^uUkiKKUHY KiHl^iOT,Uiir rrk'«<ii Arc MAC loucftt W liy f nrcau«p

wi: havu HOexnrbliuiii riMifal ciumsps, buy All my iduuk iillieaiid drc*s It mysolf, get iiiq< iarg(**t dlscuuut AndafUiathfled with ruaiwit*

iirGrti*'.Prime jllbUooBr................... .to* le. )0c. ]2c.Prime PorierhonsoHi«ak....- ..121*. l-fe. JHc.Prime Hirioln Biuuk.H...................... ii*.’, 14c.jh mi** MttW 'li hiCHK........................ IJi*. Ji-.Prhn»» PhucK Hid'nk...................... gc.Jersey Milk Veal............................... gc. ]i c,ilhidquarler Hpi'iHtf Lninb............. ivc.Forr<)uarior Injj J timb......... . 8c.

........................................... -a. liU.Bhouidor.a.M........... TOoL l2ir.Hama........................... 18c, 14-.Corned B ^ f........ -....................... . 4c, lie.Btmn nnd Hiew Mcnti....................... lo. 6c,Bologna Kreih Kvery Ikiy...... Ho.

We lead, lei thns** ivhni'Hn f illoWaJ I K N K Y I IO I IN S .

110 Mallierry ■!., botwaan Mnrkct sad CIlnloD .La, t . . Trlapliobe fol, Nt:usrK. N, j .



L I V E R .

D IR E C T P R O o r .My Wile Jiei buvn iroubled

with Liver ConiplMlnt and PalplLailon of ihe il^uri fur over H year. Her case hafUfrd Iho skill u foiir bc*l piiynt- cIaii*. ARer ii'j]ng ihrce bai­lies uf your ItuituoCK IlLoop PlTTxitB sl.e is ikimusi en­tirety well. We iTtily recoin* hiend ynnr ineillclitc.

<1X0H(*R W. BlXATVlalto Montpelier, Wllllama Cobt Ol


Id A .

Ij ; -

T neT R IU M P H o fL O V E IA Happy, Fruitful

M M M O E !m tRe-S-hUyg.nUTJJBi tho Flsln

man wa w ill mail one copy fT n tlre iv


H E S L M M il j



D e a th s a t C h ic a g o C aused b y th a

S im 's P ie rc e R a j s .


O ne DrM li R eco rd ail T liere, aatl Mangr F ro ilra tiu n ff—Til* liVork o l L lg litn ln f In« YTlvconilu C »m p—Ono te ld U r K lll«d •n d ftev«riil lltirt»

CHlOAdo, Ju ly lA a-^lx p«Dionii were killed V.vtbe limit yealerdejr, one Ihdlrroity, one o t lm will die an d m in y were proNtmieda Foilowiiijf It the ilet t

Giiilavw AndertO!i wM working nn a roi»f when oTercume a n d rolled oU< breeklng bUDecka

< 'bniieplier Bum , tearuRter, pro tlm ted while a l work, and dlad a lte r being taken botne.

BurkbAM i Loetel, proeirated while w ork' Inge and d ied ebo rily a lte r being ta le q borne.

J . A. bImoDB, electrician^ OTereome welk- ing on the track an d died lii»tantly.

C liartn Uroblager, oTtrcuine wblle work- iDg Iti Hleben'e B rew ery, died sn hour U ler.

Unlileotm ed m an, found by the police, re* morL'd to county boepltal and n e te r re­gained eotbsoiouineM.

John IfilJeworllk w ai orerooma wUh the beat, be will dlo« ^

Iteniaid MeUuIre, a w aler departm onl em ­ploye; overcome by hent, he nuiy not lire.

r r . Loiiin , Ju ly 15,^KIght men were proa- Irated iiy tlie beat yesterday end two or the caw i k^ruwed fatal und two are In a critical condtiloD. Tbew cA lber i« h a rin g n dlia*- iro u i efl'ecl on b o n e i and a g rtd l m any b a re died f^otn tUe ezeeaetTe bent,


A T lelen t T h a n d e re to rm W reeke Cam p D ottglai, ICiLla O ne Soldier aod

tn jn r e i M any O theri.CAMpPuucJLAflv WIM., Ju ly lA -A MTero

wind and th u n d e r etorm etruck (he Wlvoon- •In National Guard Cam p ta il eTanlog iiud Ugbt&lnt atrunk Jo th e camp, killing George Clary, of DaMingloo, and nbockltig le re ra l olb^rA, all of w hom a re rfcuvertng, The l i i l of the dead a n d in ja r td fullowis

The (leud—George Clary, Company T, In ­ju red—Hugh C lary , Company F j i l a r r j C a ry , Company K; H urry H uriball, Com- pauy F ; A nton K em uer, ComjiaDy Rob­ert I*. W«:>od, W. J , McMahon, operator; Mrs. Conley, wife of O aplain Conley, suffering from le fe re n e rrn u t proetratlnn.

About 7 o''clook a terriHc thunder nhower eume up (rum the west aitd Colonrl Caldwell ordered the evening parade euspended. The m en and oflleer* took refuse lu theJr tents.

A t tbe telegraph otflee eat McMahon send­ing In ttie report of the day In camp. W ith him were hie wife and another woman. Buddeoly McMahon eiralgbiened out In hie e lia lre n d a w o tu au 'i eeream rang above the din In ibe tJIli'e.

tiim ultaneou* w ith this a blinding Hash aiiddea/enlP g rep o rt occurred. A rneh was made for tbeoffloe aod k ind handsilfied the operator Ironi his oba lr and placed blm on a Jitter brought from th e hosplial,

Houu McMahou re rlv ed , and bad nothing m ore occurred the reg im ent wouid baTe slept with Joyous hcarte, b u t as the men turned to leave the oOlco tbe tittle relief corps wae ■eeo runuing by w ith a mau. Theucanie another and an n lh e r, and they kept oomlng Qutli eight bad been carried Id and laid on Ibe ootf.

One poor fellow was beyond all help. He lay-dead on a oot, w b lleoneach side were m en tutfbrtnv from tb« terrible sboek.

Besides the eloctrle stortn there woe a severe wind and ra in etnriu. and tenU were blown down, cam p equipage blown lo all d in e lln n s sud the grvaleet eonfiuioa prw Tailed in o e m p lW a long time.

Colonel Caldwell w as etandlag lufale ten t with oeverat officers when the shook camo and bts orderly wae s truck and full In the Colonel*! arrus.

Oovernor Peck waa In tbe hospital during m ost of the evening. He direolert tb s in u pains be spared lo reliv^'e the auff. rlfvgs of tbe Injured men, und piiue i bitbeH dqusitera a t tbe dliposal of M ajor Byers for boepltal oerTlca


l*«s«al« C ount j*B G taiu l J u ry F ln d sT w en tj-tlve laAltctiueiitA an d B ellvers a Hcorcli*

lug l*r«*entm ent—Nu Namoju Aperlel Plsputch to TiiK N kwa

rATKHeow.July 16.—Fassalo County's coiirl* room was crowded n t noon to-day wllb eiiy officials and putiticleiis u bon the Grand J u ry banded ih a inrgo batch uf Indicl- nienio. Judge D izm was on thebench. Ofi'iil liiieri'st wns nmnlfestcd. Bi U WAS grnernlly nniliTsloodth a t a largo nuiiiber o f the county nfflt'ors had been lud lc lea for fraud and c(ij)«iHrury incouncfillm i with the p u rchaseo fasU e for the new Cuuhly Courthouse.

Ab(>ut tweni>-flve perA^ms were Indicted, bul no oameii were ntade piihlio. Tho»e In­d icted wMII be Eirrolcd on bejicb wurrunis. Judge Dixon discharged lue U m ud Ju ry , w llti b is thank I,

W llli the batch of Indictrnents was the pre- srn tinen t. which slated In strong langnegt' tim t the rn iin ly u irilrs for years w eir rotten; Ci'rlahi oittojal* inul received large suros tif m uupy from Ibe cuuiUy in excess of lawful frtw.

'liiA prenenttaenl also rclaied ths abtuee existing In various depariincnls of th eco au - ly governiueot.

I'he Indlolm entt proienled are suppo«ed to be against the eullru Board of Kreelioldcrs of IklU, with Iheexcoptirm of one m em ber.tbree ouunly officials an d four o r fiyo prum lnent ciitat-'us.


T lie AadMor*s R ep o r t P lace s th e Flgwres a t O ver Twvflty M illion D ollars,

T h e O p era tin g E x p ea ie t,CHiCAtJo, Ju ly 16,—A uditor Ackarm au, of

Ibe W orld 's Fair, presented the flnanciel •t.-^temeht of the i-xpusltlon to the hoard of (Ifrcctors y tslc rday . The s tatcm cht covera tho entire period of the exposition up to June SO. The recelpis of th e fa ir from the ticket Rstue, couoosalous and o^her sourest aince Ju ly 1 has been over 11,000,dOU and a large rw ducliun lo the floallug debt ha« been m ade aliice th a t date.

AccK»rdlDg to the stalonaenl tbe total gate recclpla were 12,121,060.79. Includlng.tSBi,449.61 received p rior bj May 1.

The total exiw nttltures t< June no were 930*' 910.160.40, Ot IhlM am o u u t Hd.4’i6,062.9S la nlmrgfrd to coniirualton . H is estlm siM , how­ever, put ihe operallug expensev for May a t 1600,19^97 and recelpu a t 9710,402,71. During June the estlmnlPd receipts were 11,600.920.21 aud expenoas 0tlii,02L37, leaving a balance for the tivo m onths of 91,127,4l7.7A

The ratio of recelpta to expenses since Ju ly 1, w hile dot given In detail, Is said to show a very m ateria l gain for tbe exp<MiUiuii, both Id the reduction of operalUtg •xpenies aad In­creased reoelpta

KDNAWAT A T RAHW AT.Th« Mayor*k U o rsa T akee F rig h t a ad

C auses M uch Trntibt#- Bpedai lo th e Kt b n ik o N bvb.

R a h w a y , Ju ly 15.—An oxclUng runaw ny occurred here last n lgb t, In which Mayor D aly 's s p i r i t s tro tte r ffgured, The Mayor was awny from borne, and h lscoachm aahad the b o n e and carriage ou t on the *lreet, and was dusting off the U tte r preparatory, U U said, to tak ing bl« best girl out for a drive.

Tber* were no b lludereon the horse's tyes^ and when the ccwohman sprung up the car­riage lop Ibe an im al look fright and tore down Main street a t a UrrlAo gall, colliding w ith a buggy In the street and wrecking IL

One of the carriage wheels of the M ayor's vehicle cam e off In the collision and w is sent sp inn ing through the Large platS'glass win­dow of Brown's pharm acy, caushig much ex- CUemeni am ong those lit tbe place.

The runaw ay horee dashed around some blocks and was flaaJly caught on Irvlnff street, w ith only tbe body of tbe carriage tra ilin g behind him , the o ibcr wheel having also been lorn off In bis ffighi.


M oum outh P a rk AssMclitii>n R ales Off Two R«pi>rlors--Tl4# New York

“ T im e s ” Hav Sued.Long Bra k™ , J u ly 16.—Theoxeeutlvccora-

niHlee of tbe M niim outh I*ark AssoclaliDD threw a bombshell In to the press row to-day iu the shiipe o f two reanluUons adopted tasl nlgbt. They ruled off Tracy IJronxoD, rep- resen tallveof Ihe New York rirars, and Ar­th u r T, Bowers, rep4>rtcr fur the New York 2>'15un«. Tbfi exeedtivo conimltlce cum plalni th u t the orlU cltius of tbcAO i\ro men have been entirely too sh a rp and impleaHaut to Ibii men com prising tlie ji>soclA(lon.

61' NKr*. Brnnsoii a n d Boivera gave up tbcir badges TiiUMd-iy crvuliig . Mr. Bronson, act­ing undoradviCLMif hi* paper, jCAierdny wbiu loibfl I'eausylvnnla Haitrtmd office lu Jerncy CHy and purchased u ilokot wuleh cniiilea blm lu ti ride to and rrutn iho track nndud- mlsHon lo llie gnuKl^tund. He whs refused admisBlou to ihe in ic k and so iHegrnpbed lo bis employer^.

>^ult wan I ni m edial el r begun ngalm t the rallr<#ad Oumpuny for Ubtuhso for breach of Cortlrnot. Notice has beeit served on the asMiCluilon,


T h ey FxeltAngml Aovvrul M ints bu t th e R obber tT on a n d Got Srt,0(HI

and T h en Kscaj^cd.Tejm., Ju ly 13.-HJieriff Wnrner,

ofCrUU'iideQ C ouuty^A t.;. iflilffbi on llic Iron M ountain I r a ln / iuHt .aerprs the yJvnr a l iliejhiu 'ijjph bijit«;

■ h ^ a lliU n . 4 ^Blicrlff W arner pulled hIs gun nnd lei go,

bill his jisHathint U n led u second shot In the B herlff't right arm .

The B herltr* sb o t w ent wide and tils gnu fi lj from bis grasp, 'JUe robber Uirn went through him for 112.000. The bhcrlir is nm* ai Gmbioii's Hoiel, ih l t cUy, where the doc- lo rsn re dressing iila wound. Ills an»ailniu escaped.

M ore of Weeki,*H llaHcallty.Nxw Yokk, Ju ly I5,—A nother of iLe defn1-

callons of lUe m isalug lawyer, Friinuis 11. Weeks, eame o iu yesterday by h\* removal SB trus:ee. under a tru ib deed, o6 Funny Davies, now Mrti. F an n y D. ^lacOcnuh, by Judge Truax, o f the Bupreme Court, Hud the subMtltntion o f the Iteal; Ksiaie Jioan and T rust Company in bis place, The deed wuigiven as an «tiiis-nuptl»l deed Jiisl before the u isrrlu g co f F jim y Duvio< u> Thomas F* F. MacOcngb. of London. Weeks got iio ldof about f4ft,7d0 under the dfrtl. uhd is nUegod to h a te d Is |>o#ecl of i b rof-fourl hs of | u

U riok layees Strike..IXfWKY CiTV, Ju ly 16,—Two hundred brick­

layers who I H ong lo iho Jersey c i!y Union bftveenterod upon a M rtks becuiiHo i Iujf de­cline to work uU b non-union men. The b4>ss m asons bold a m eefltig Wednesday night and de term llie i to dyiiy a polltlon to dls-th a ig e DOD-unlon m en emit to Miam by ftTloii men, Whun tho brlckluveis were in- fnrnied o flh ls dodam ii, Tm irsdny laorulng, they rWa^od lo resum e work.

W on (ho liriederM ' I'rodnev filnkes, liOFhoir, Jn iy lA—'i he ruci for the Na­

tional Bm>dcr*' Bru uce slakes of 5,001) sov­ereigns lo-day a t ilic Sniidowu I'u ik secondAumoier meeting, was w(ui byC . J . Bliike'e eliestpat coll Deiphos. b r Ncuromimccr, out ofFlbyl. Dsnlel Coi>Dcr's bay or brown Jlliy Glare, by A yrshire, o u t of Fooillglii, was second, and Hlr K, Johnstone's bay coU Maiobbox, by Bi. S im on, o u lo f Mntcb Girl, th ird , _________ __ ________ _

Uteel Men s ig n th e Heale,BkAXtb, ln d „ Ju ly 16.-Tlis Oenlrat Iron

in d Steel Uompany slgneil theAmHlgamatcd stale for Ibe eusuiirg your yesterday. This five* em plovineiii to abou t 900 hieii. This Is the Only » Iff m the y tu l# ibn t has signed (he sea e a n d avr.'ed lo resum e nperstloni.

F ree Exouvsloni to ConeyXetand, Ttoke<s fnr the “ H arihH '^ V ineyard" given

19 w orih o f shoe* by preaent- - l i v * Xloi«’e.S0IM ark * ii[, (Nawi),

Unencceaefnl R fihrt to C lose th e F o r t L ee roolroom s*

DACKxnaACEv N. J ., Ju ly 16*—The Fo rt Lee Law and O rder Booitty, assisted by Detective Charles Townsend, of Englewood, attem pted to ra id tbe pool room s a t F o r t Lee yeelerday afternoon, bu t were unsoiMessfUI. There were only tea officers again st about two thousand gam blers. Cnnstable Cari EUmbe, of F o r t Liee, engaged by Peter De L aej to gunrdi the puutrooni doors, refused to adm it the ofneers. He wa^ arrested , ns was also 611<.‘haet Helily, a ** spo tter." Hotel Proprie­to r Lon Is Broacb beoatne ib e lr uondtnien.

President Klscber will ask a id from Rberlff Bogerl, of H ackensack, to-day. Tbe crowd of gam blers d Ispcrsed yesterday and hurried lo tb e ferryboat lo avoid arrest. They th rea ten to whip the officers ir they molest them again.


I lo a s e T h ieves O p e ra tin g a t O cean Grove,H otels, C o ttages an d C am ps E nterei^

by T li«m »T he I>ait ThelLOCKAS GHovx. Ju ly l.'i.-There is an organ­

ized gang o f bouse Ib iev ri now operating lu th is vic in ity . -

6 lany hotelv and eottnges b a rs been robbed duriiiif ihs pawl few n lg h la The cam pers niNo com plsiu th a t they have suffered from the oporsilons of this gang.

lA^^rnlRbt the TretUort FIoiisc was entered by Ihe ib levcsand several New Ynrk guestshud the ir trunkii broken open and looted.

The R igh t o f P ro p er ly Cnsa,In the right of properly cap>e which was

tried j€*teidjiy liy Deputy hhaflffT Ilo sauaa Jury , on the claim o f Mrs Grace L, W ent- wurili, of Eu«l i.lrange, the Jury <leolded th a t she li'td H rlisht lo such of the goods IQ dIs- puto a* wore given lo her by others ib aa ber liusbuiid. goods were named, andover the bii lance the fiLiachment of Frederick H . I.arlep will itiiuU. Frederick F. Guild Ooonacl lor the tatler, uppllcdtiv-.iay lo Judge Child for an aud llo r In ihe m utter, au d Gt'orgu \V. ^ \. I’o n e r wqh appolnicd,

T lie H ra ltli (tflleers* Nevr Q iiurtert.The R:»nrd o( H ealth look poKHessJon of Its

qew ahd yonamwllous i'}u»eter*o4 94g s treet lo-J»y. The hoard 'h as live good-lli«d

^ w ^ V ro re iA*.f^blbncii rc inovH all oflH s i>ffVclf, John B.,Morris, si'cretury of the Assessm ent Cumnrii^ siobcrs, expected to I<»chI« In the oflloe, but h e le f i lh e C iiy Hall on bu'ilness, and when be re iu rn td tScblogel was lu posaeaston of the uinrt'.


Abivut 0,OOh I1elrgau‘s a t (he Convention.1 ho CU'cHon o f (tlllrni's.

iNpjAKAiHu.ja, lull., Ju ly 16.—By yester­day morning it wi.a e^tlm sted ih a t tiicrc were abtiut 6,000 ilelesulaa lu att**tal:ince QP(>n the eohvetillua o f ttic lluptist Young ]*egpie'a Union,

At the aflernooh session the irc<^urer, J , O. wtapies, of Clileuj;o. rcud hIs report, sei' ling forili Iho foll.iwiug flKurvs: ih e tu- deM rdnrs* of the tiunm ori June I, lavJ, was

liiciirreil lu s ta rlin g the union 's organ, Thi* foipcr hnd cost the union

S96,tMJ.le f<*r JU maltitehAueo th is year. The lola! rts'Hpu**:!!)® union f ir the year were 92l,f7U.23, tncluillng m iU .T i of receipts from the

Tlirte aH srdso f bwntivn were m ade—one lo j , H. MeDunnhl. of AmherH, NovaHcoilw, for excellence of record In the study o f the life o fC h rls I; nue tn W. M. Utllvsple, of \V Alerniim, IIL, for exc“llenoe In dallv Bible readings, utid oue to Cliarles I'ouU-, o f Hfiurk- Uhf, K D„ for PXMllencs In the sluUy of re- ilglmis history.

The eierlinii of nfltccra n^u lted as p illow s: P rrtidem , John K, ChapniAu, lilinuls ; ffrsl Vice-president, Frank I!, Field, New York ; second vlec-prrsldeui, il.B, Eager, A hibam a: th ird vii'e-pTesiclsar, IJ. H. Hiurk, T orrm to ; recording secretnry, A. M. Uriflckle, Beun- sy lvauJii; U'-Hiuicr, J, U. hluplci, Chlcagii. Nevr menituT* of the b'lard of inuimgers : A. K Bairn, of T exas; Thom as U rquhart, of O ntario ; George Ahder«»n, of M lssUsippi; C. If, Holden, nf North Jiskotu ; I'resldniil Hmiihlanrt, nf Nebraska • J>. V. GvieU, «f W ynm lhg; W.H. ivunluk , o fL fiu is lan a ; M . K lUiberis, of V o rm o u ijO . B. Tiiylor, of G eorg ia ; W. B, >S‘bllc, o f W lscouiin ; 0 . B. I'rlce, or Minnesota.

H e F in i s h e d A h e a d o f t h e F ie ld In

t h e B ig C e n t n r y R u n .


J o h n Q uinn's Wife L eaves I l tm —flays T here I« A iiiiU trr M rs. Q uhm .

Special to the F vj:m x g N ewa.Summit, July 15.—Ttic dom estic tranqu ility

which has berelororeczlaU 'd In tbe domlelic of John Qtiliin nnd tils wife, Rose, wbo lived in W est BuminK, cumo 10 an ab rup t and BUddcti Irrm lm itlon youurday afternoon. WLhm Mr. Quitm returned bonio from bis work Iasi nlgbl he wns surprised to find th a t his wife had taken licr Ucpurluro during the day dDd bad reinoved all of the hgutebold furu liure.

He a t once made an iQvpKltgaUoo, and dis­covered th a t h it houselpdd goods had been carted a itay to Urn house of u m an named CorruU, wboennducU a hecr-boiUIng cstab- Jishm eul in N*rw l»n*vldeuec, and th a t bis wife hiid tnketi up her rvaldcnce there. He a t once went* to tho luiier place, bu t his wife refUocil lo re tu rn with him. He then called upon Justice Kelly, who Inform sd blm ha eoQld nni take any acllon in the m atter.

Mrs. C^uiDii CAys thu t h er husbaud has a n ­other wife who llvr* at H ackftU iow n, and th a t wilhlD the (Hist two weeks he has ri'- oetved ootnmunloatlons from his first spouse. M r Quinn deules tbe alh'gatlon.

Mrs. Quinn, who was form erly Mrs, H art, owned oonsfderabla real oaiato and two fluo hom es In West Sum m it. She has lost all her property^________ ____________


A lc h e r W elnsU ln . W hose F am ily l a a t Long R rancb, D row ned a t flea—The

D eath kald to R e A oeldehloLQuepnmtown, Ju ly 16.—The Cunard Una

steam er U m bila, Captain McKay, from New Y*ork Ju ly 9 for Liverpool, arrived here a t 9 o'clock th is m orning. Bbe repnris th a t one of her peiseiigera, Aseber WelnHieln, nf BOB L eztu fton avenue, New Y'ork, fell overboard from tbo saloon deck a t S o'clock yesterday m orn tog.

T bs sleam er was stopped as soon as pomU ble and a boat went In search of W'eltistciD, bu t be was oot fou i^ . I t Is presum ed th a t he fell overboard scclosatally .

A half boar previous be left b li room-male and compaulon, a H r. B iium oni, In tbelr stateroom , and was Iben in good ipirlia. i l l s money and valuables were on his person when the accident occurred. Mr, W elniiein wae a real estate agent. Ilia fam ily is a t X/)bg Branch. Mr. B lm m ops will re tu rn lo New York on tbe steam er E tru ria , which sails fyom th is port to-m urrow.


A ided by a P re tty T om ig W om an, They P re p a re fo r L iberty , B u t a CoDVlet's

Confeislou T h w a rts T hem .BnaltiL. ind ., Ju ly 16.—It was learned yos-

lerday ib e ta n a ttem p t w a s ^ a d e Thursday Dlgbt by seveuleen prisoners to escape from

the county Jail here, Id which a pretty young womsD of an excelleut fam ily took a promi­nen t part,

Bhe Is said to be desperately lu love with one o f tbe prisoners nam ed W alters, and wus seen a few nlguis ago stand ing on a c tia tr outside the Jail rn sringsom stb lng now siippo<jed to bo tools, tb ru o g b th e cell wjn> dows.

W ith these tools and th e use of the jelJ bore the prlsonerji bad looBtfnert the c ’uicnt in tlie north wall and only 0 loose Htooe‘-t(Hjd between them and freedom, when a ouloroit prisoner named Johnson, in Jail for bursJaTy, weakened fturt sent a w urnlng to ihw Hherlff. who arrived Ju it m tim e to drive the men baric.

Friends o fth e girl's fam ily are endeavor­ing to prevent prosecunon. Among ibe prisoners was Owen, an alleged murdorer.

T H E A R M Y B IL L P A S S E D .


L lnnem an s ta r te d F ro m floratcli and Q u ln rd Htrailily a i | A long thnL ln r-B e se rlp tlo ti o f (hfi N larl W ith De­ta ils o f the G rra t UunlrMt from I'u in ts A long Ine 100-Hll« C o u rse—M ishaps aad O th e r IncldviiU .

J . W. LlnnPTUtin, of ihe ^lUl.V/s'i 1 ,a Blryclo Uub, one of tho ■crsich men In the big conUiry hand icap , wiu> rail to-dtiy lunler tho auvpicea o f tho Ala- laiUa Wheelmen, ero«sea tb s winning point in front of AMliworth's H otel a t East UrAUgo a t th re t m lnu los to 9 oVlock till* aflemmm, lu flrst-clasN ooadh Hun after b li long race.

Jlo was Jrvxh a n d atrong, but WPS Jllrratly covered w ith iniul. He did not s lo p u n til he had ridden lOd y n rd i p ast the post, where a nu tnbrr of friends chee re l him h ru r llly n n d shook his h an d a s h e ju m |ie d off Ills bicycle lightly.

Abunl twenty y a rd ! bclilud Ltn- nem uu w:it j . x . Mar- shull, of Ibe A tu iau ta W heelraao, who bad thirty-flvii V handicap,

was complciely jdayud out. IJ ii face

An K m bjirgo mi Newsboys. AamriiY P ahk , Ju ly l-l.—Maviir Teubrocck

has IsrtUi*,] u DuUctt (o nil pidlc<*men lo pro­h ib it newsboys from crying out their paper*, parilcu lorly on kunda)' m ornUiga Hummer cotiugcr* com idaln ib n l they nre awuk'Mied CHriy by ihfljn, Izifft hunnh.v m orning Rev. Dr. K. C. Hiiuddor, of iln* K'doriuvd church, WAS forced to Slop In th e m idst of bis prayer un illsu n io in e iu ro m tlio coiigiVTullcn w^rit oul niKl rei|uesled the newKn«.VM in pjfjn shoo ting tlK Ir popers Ju the vicinity gf tite church.

A J e rse y C ity fill] h issing .JXRHFY Cit y , N. J„ ju iy 16 - ilio .Terat-y

City police liHVo been usked loJook for Mury Aim Hmllh, sevetiteon years of a«.‘e, Unufflitcr o f M ark Hmith. n( aw Y n rk s in v t. ih isc ily , Miss Hnillh U lsappeurc.l Iroiii J.er Uom*i iny** terloHsly on 'J ueMriny bwi, Hbg l» five fi-et tn o h .oheshlgb , itghi cotiiplcxlnti, lips brown h n tr Mird eyes, ntiu wore n llgiit-colured dress and straw luiL a t (bo iiin v o f her disappear- ur.c

F lra In a N a p h th a HlllL rLEVBLAHD, Ju ly J6.—A lire lias Just been

sfaried hy tbe explosion of a uaplillia still a t thy Htundnrd OU W orks. The Ore Is spread­ing rap id ly and thrD ateni to deiirny a large M rllou o f,Ib e works and cause iiutnenAe diittiAge.

Ou HIs W ife's C om plain t.Charles 6 ltrk te Kurreudered h itn is lf a t

pul ce hoadquurierB. hist u lgh l tu an sw sr a c lia ig to f oasaall preferred by falswlfe, wbo Iscriiployod »■ a servan t a t the l>«sx Club, Hcrklo uoa unable lo fu ru ltb ball isud Judge KiiMMh OQinnjiiied h im loJalL

A X sw a rh s r In jo red aA M obakea,C. U Dennis; of 86 Nsw Mtreei, had u ii head

c tu an d kls fuoteruMhed by the cars n l Ho­boken last utghl. Tho injured man was b raught to ib is oily About U o'clock I his murniDg and was taken to bis bt)un> by tbe Hecohd itrelOQt patrol w a |o iu

P olloom en a t A sbury Park* A eom iuH teeo f the Police M utasl Aid Ao-

•oeiallon wcDtlnO oeau Grove and Asbury P a rk yesterday and ootnplsled the arrange­m ents lor th e excursion on Augiuti 7. Tbeex- ourslon isu will be furn ished wLn uiUTier in ffve places.

H a re you seen l o r y ' s Town <AdT»

I t R eceived 2 0 l V otes an d T h e re W ere 199 Votes Cast A g a in st Ihe Kin-

p e ro r's M easure*BXRMy. Ju ly 15.—TUe A rm y bill wns

passed by the HdohsLig th is afternoon by a insjorlly nf hIxm^ d.

The vote stood 201 lu favor of the measure toUt6 ugalnsl It.

A F rauil N ipped.nAB'r«iiORX, I. T., Ju ly 15.—UnHod .'■Hates

Postofllce Inspector M. C. H pooneraiid B', P, Houl^> offbcled an lEnportiuu nrroAt liern .vck- cvraTTy-finffer of friimlulcivl uTili’of ibo niiilJr. They will turn over in the Fed­eral f ’o.url el.Fot^W '-* '* -C. JOnfinvA, W, ... , ySjJfU nSllfSH .fbfllf-F■on, fa ther PMd three roiis, wlto have for hcv- e ra l juQU.Uyii. theson Trading Compimy." Their plan of opr-r- a ilon wAi to cibiuhi nicichmi'iliio wherever pniMihls ivllhniji piiyrneiil In advance, con­v e rt the sondH iijlo ciish, imd neglect lt> pay llio murchsnlM. Kpinsiis Uity, H , andChicago huij»rs hui ihH r principal vIcIIiuh,

I l l s Check W at Forged.A rcording to a dU piteh from Middle-

tow n. Conn., a man glvlo:? Ills nainu us 8 . , J . Hem'Cii, of W llm lngioii, D el, at- lempfed ycsierrtay lo pass n filYffi'd rhouk for 9461 ou the MlAdlulowp NuUoiial Bnuk. Tbe cheek wan draw n on ilia Mur* cUmiiti' NiiltnnuJ B ankof th is cMy. 'J'ho e-iib- ler of thcN Ciiurk In n k u a * Udi-grnjJiMfd 10, and ho proim uncrd (he clierlc a forjtcry. TIh) m an prom ptly left town, l ie bus buon traced to Uosloo.

F reeh o ld e r Cmiri»rn Im proving. Freelwildfr lloborl ll. Coiir-*un, nf (he Flfih

W ard, who Was hiiyi oti Momhiy bj’ f.illliig from tho Ht»cond "lory of n iMtuita on Hpruc-j ajircoi, Is rep<^rl^I us dnliig very nicely. Mr. C ounen, wHnUn Tnawon builder, waw < x»im- la h u ra ii "a iiohor," wheu itu av e way. pre- e pliu iing hint lo the ground. Two of hU rlbM were brokenam l Iwwns severolwlojureii luloriially. ? '

Tl’Jll Obey the IleaU h ftiiurd.F rank Thompson, of 277 JJr-tftd utreol, 11i ]n

c tly . went in Harrison Iht* aftiThoon to u t- pear befois the llourd of llo iU h In rufereneo ro Ib r well ut 41(1 llRoillton slreet, Harflsot), \ th r ra John l lilic r wuh nearly ssphyxislod. None of the members were pruseni, but Mr, Tnoro{>flon said t^mt tjc would obey lue sutliorltles. Tho well Is rioued. ,

T iione) Caved In .ritTHUt'KO, Fs., Ju ly lA—A report b a s

reachod lU s city th a t taonel No. 1 ou tbe F lllshu rgaud W sstsru Bullwuy, ueor Bharps- burg, ettV *d III cm a frelBlU tra in tills moi ip Ing, and that one mau woa k illed and otUtra badly Injured,

Bequal of a R an k 's F n lln re i Manitowoc. Wl*., July lA -G uorge Buiw

netl. cashier of iho B uio S in k , w hich fulled A few weeks Ago, was nrrested yesierdiiy on a eba^ge of 111^*1 b aukh ig a a d einbrsiie- m eal,

A R rakeiuan K illed . rLATTSBUBO. N. Y.. Ju ly lb--!Cdward Don­

ovan, tigtd twenty-seven, a bm kem ati 00 tho Driuwuro and Hudson liuHroMd, was kltleil la st n ight by being run over by a train a t M m efsiroeto rosslo f le tb ts oily,

Prudential cigars, wholesale Aiid retatl.F . F. Fsarey, ISJ M arket street.—Adv,

Hewns pAlo aud he ItHikml w esk. Friends lo fk tilrn off hla whreh Ut> Hiild th a t a t New Brunswick on Ihe wi»y out, tuelve m en broke down, blit the others a ll Ap|>carcd lu he lu good cundlliuii. UniiRiuau passr<d him iit Bound Brook, gu h it way liurus, a t 1;JJ oVluok.

A, W. Kvann arrived th ird , a t 2:.5f> o'clock, and T, L W alsh a t 3-Ol.fi o'clock, G, H. V an Kminug criiosed (be line a l k l i 4-6 o'clock ; P, H. John- sou, a t 8:J9*jj o’cUtek, and A. Alkinson, U. B. B. sL3:lri 1*6o'clock. All tiieiie were In ffrsi-ciMS Hhape b u t were oovered with du«t.

Tho elch tb to come In was K. U Iflauvelt a t 8:20 1-6. The nioiU was W* Jl. Irw in, wbo did tiol follow the routo Iroin Prluvilon buck. II. H. M'ylle finished len ih .

Llniiem an took the old irvIngton-AMIlburn courMa and was missed w hile lUe others pan*cd th rough tkm th Orange. T his fact, U was Blaiod by the judges nnd offlclal*, a t tb e fln lib would not dep riv e blni of the victory, Tbe offloluj tim e o f hi* arrival wns 2:oM 9-5 o ’clock, M artbail arrived a t k:59 4>6 o'clock.

i.lanem an oovered the d iitan ee In 6h. 48m. S-Im., Mi^rsball in gp, lu 6b. 4m.; AValsIi, gli. 6m. 3«a.; Van Krn- bergb, 6b. 85m. 4rni,; Johnson, 6 b. 36m. 8O1.

About iweuty-ffve luliss from ib e aUiritng po in t L lnncm an lull and s lra ln ed bis mu- cUliie. He plucklly rem ouuted and rude lUe rest of tbe d litancs ou a dam aged wheel.


N m n .. of M a r tm , W tih H a n d ic a p ., and > UcacrlptloD o f lu c ld e n la Alone

th e Kuutc o f Lho M ru e g l.,A lm ost with ih . U n i B ircak o f daw n th »

m o rn in , I h . wheelmen who w ere lo tuke part In t b . annnal ccntnrjr road race to rr lu ce to n and re turn , under tbe au tp lc i- of the A ta iau ta Wlieolmen. wore ae tlr aud the oorrldors of Ibe C untloental J lo ta l, where up­w ard of four-score o f the oyclers passed the n ight, w eteearljr fliled w ith Iho eager alli- lelei. After e besty breakfuel tb* cyclers. In p a n le . o f threes and fonrs, le t ou t for the

s tertlu g place, A shw orlli'i H o ld , on Ceniral OTonue, East Urange, an d by fl:30 o'clock tbe greater portion o fthe r id e r , was on the scene.

I'redain lnan i am ong tbe c o lo n w orn by the AlMilWBWU the rod a n d o range a l tbe New­ark wheelmen, the .Ig o ro u s o tfip rlng of tlie detunet Itusluesi Men's Cycling League. Of tbe fo rty -e igh t'r iders en tered , on ly three tailed to appear ou tim e. One of the three, speedy " l )o r y ’> HofTmuii, to whom bed been assigned a faandICHpof twenty-live m ln n le s , sent word th a t Illness would pre­vent h im from com peting. A n enterprising pbot€>grapk*r secured an In ie rv lcw with Hr. F raser, of the N ewark W hoelnien, and a m om ent la te t the a rtis t had i s i up b is roa China and (m ined It on tb e cyclers who ranged up la line In fron t o f th e big tent erected on UA flelds opposllo A shw orth 's Hotel. ' ^

There were j | l entries a ll told. H, H. Thom pson, of <Se ButTalo Press Club, and C. R Ellery, N. W ,,Atratoh m en, en tered this m orning, ItuUoMy o f th e big lis t failed to s tart. The first lo s ta r t got aw ny a t 8::gl o'clock a t a fnir rate of speed. The other contesianls followed in (he ir regular order, and there wes no eonfnslon o r excltem en I,

bred Kcer, A, \V„ acled as s tarte r, Tho relcrce Is't'heodore Meraclcs, J r„ II. c. W A. D. King, T. C. a . JI. Cliunibcrlaln, u ! tb H«, an d C* B. klntlliewsoo, H, bV., arc the Jndgep, Carl Von Longerke, o f the A le lan ia Wheelmen, was chsirn iaa of tu e ra c lu t bourd, of which J . H. Holmes, Jr«, In a proinlueiiL niombi*r.

The aiblclo* aw ay in th e ir prtsper places with tbe excepilon o f IL Feler*. K. 0. B’.. who bad iitiriy m lu u D s ' handlcnp' l ' ‘‘ier* arrived too late lo g o w ith tiva thlrty- iiilnute men, hilt, ngililng d aun ted , begno the lung Journey thlrlegn inhmn.*» bolilnil t1if> nieu lij'tilH class.

K. L. Dlsuvi'li, gf the flve-iu lnute men, was Hie ilrHt to ip u ri. B lauvoll was tbelaN tllve- m ln u u m an (o g^t aw ay, bu t Ly spurlltig he Kooo look Uieluid. uMd sat a lively pace far the ulhors, T h fltv e s c r iic h men nil kept well tofoibar. The roum la id ou t pB*ses thrnuKh Crniigr, hkiuih Gr.uigc, MlJiburo Hprhjgllcld, riaiufU'ld, DiinelJcu, .Vow Brumn wick, Franktlii, i 'n rk K lneaton and Prlticew fori, fciurn itig Utroiigh Itlaweiibcrg, L'lsin- Jk'til, Boll Meudr, Koiuervlllc, Bcuiia Jlr»n»k niKi DutieJk*n, irotii which po in t tho return will be nmUp over Hie mime roiile luken on Hi p nil I w a r d Jouroey,

'Ihi* full |iKi of niinter* w ith h und lrn rs aud *yofl*i laiiiiinbcjTfr AM

Io» m ;\ 0 - ^ WtJATftU-

tv. f,1nncman, T', fl. C. - "........ !']• W sher, Jnd lana i.ilis ,

iiiiiia tn j-frs i' CfftKV.......-C- U, Ellery, N ew ark W heelm en,

r iv k iiiK PTga «.........H. II. W jlle, U O , ( i«......... It. W. Cortln, N. W.I ......... I . II. <Wnn, N. W.•>.........E. H Jllauvell, N. W.

TEN h ir v t h .,0.........C. A. Rllioit, W. A. C.}1.........W. E. Itiuk. N, W. '18.........P. Hawley, K. C- W,H.........H. -McLean. K, f , W.

v jr rg y * M u rtm a .J?.........P -,K -Miiync, W llm lngico .! ' .........I. L. t ta l .n , A W. Cj,>.........A- Kyuhs, N. y . 0 .ill......... I-. M. -Micr, B. W.

......... t;. Turner, H. U. W.

......... IJ. K Pago, K, C. W,

I'. Itslrym pie,..., ■. Kroltch, N. W.... II, t 'o rcan . N. \V.....L B', llo:iii)i, W,,.-.r. H .l'ook . N. W.

1*. Halt, N. \V,....H, Sjwar, N, W......I, Hm’.U. N's \V.

W .irtmnii, N. \ \ \111*........li. llluinvunrtiCk, K, iS W«IW.......^F. B‘. IkilluH, A. W.1J*...«..., r. Uurmii, N. \V.i n .........I„ N, lUihnvJihiTgcr, N. W*H «........ir. Turbin, N. \V.IIT ........II. TPHriii, N. W.llHs...__H. W. Mi|diM-Mi, N. W,m ...... II. K'K'Ii, N, W.

9!. Hiirut'M, N. B'. *K‘J......... V. Ai'kormim, N, W.r-'J......... F. N. Mncluivorr. A. W.123.........\V. K. Burk Icy, K. i’.12*.........G. A. Ncohniu K, 0. >V.Ha....... Hs K. i \ W,

TlIIltTV-A'IVFI MINTtka.i r .....M. Tun*, Jr., \ l u. u.1211......... J. Hraviis, tM . B.127.........\V. B. ViHirnc-d, V. C. Ik12B -„»I, T. HiiiUh. U. D. II. .l«l.........W. L L'nlllliiM, A. W. 'IK.......... Kluge. Ksi. II. W.

urerlnv , C. "fK .Hit ...... W. M. Irw in, N. W,IH.'.......... Krbeok, aV. W.!«■..........I. T. Mnrsimll. A. \V,liT.........F . r . I r u n k , N. W.m .........T. I’fnri'r, i \ of K.I:W...... F. BiiK-kncr, U, of F.IW........T. A. Webb. A. W.

FOUTY XIM'TFAHJ......Frn#cr, N- W,

.........H. II. U itb . Jr., K. A. GIG........A. WHIG, li, C. \ \ \li'1....... II. Dmiglus, —i4H....... .la. Uioc. N. W,H7........J . HUier. B. U M'.

is u ’TU OUANdit. Ju ly 16[s^pfi(ir].—U R Ifg led tbs outgoing prooessloii Hirough this vll- Ingc, He read ied (he JuucHun ofHtJUth Ur- angc avenue and houUaiid street a t 8:43 o'clock. K F raser WON but tbrve ruluuie* he- hlrnl Ihc leader.

b inuK iiriK U i, Ju ly 16 tliViNawiirk wheetmnn, led ihe ri-ollMti when they pifoK-d lUruiigii liiU hiPiorlc tuwn Oil tbP ouiw ard trRi. He. rcQciicd here at k:r>6 o'clock, A duBi'ii whcclmeii were cJ»»u t v b ind Jilm, aud all Wtir« puNhtiig hard fur tU<i lead. C. JI. ('olTln, of (he Newark Whoel- nion, punrliired hi* lire while riding Ihrougb Mnlii hltTcl, Hprmgflvld. tJlN brntbiT Georgf, who WON rid ing w ith him, prumpUy gave b li g(H»a wheal lo Chirle* atid drupjwd from Ihe race UlmNclf,

Houkhv illk , Ju ly l5f.S>ien>*r|'—H* A,Hsiin- (IcrN tirrivod hare ullU:J>»it ii.u lead. Going luwarU L 'rluedou bo uilxicd IiIn ro iin e and Is. Utco tuuh Hio lead, They were closely fol­lowed by H ath and Wllllii, Five m iiiu lit U ler F, N, M qchmuro canio along, TJicro lecmod lo bo Nume inIsUko, for the cmirMo wn* laid uLil lha o ther way,

Ueiwccu 1: W and 2 o'clock tUlPicen cyelrri pnsfted Hie Nuurliiig piilMlhore. They were: F. Brock, (J* G. W lliim , F, JIhIIoil J. L, Turner, L. II, I'ylc, C A. Klliui!, t.', Baeder, C. Frullcb, U. W, Mayow, U. r , Wheeler, D* K. MnyiiCg A. W, Fuller iiid G. H artm an,

Nkw BmiNfiwirK, J n lf J6 Thsflrsl m an to reach here won A ilier A ikinion, th irty lu im o ea ' Landlcup. Atkln*nn is a m em ber of the Now Brunswick Hieycle n u b , Mid gained JHh lead from his UhowJedgo o f Uve voids lurrim ndlng tliUclIy. H e. wnw clos.ly followed by Johnim t, Aliiinnta W heelmen, who reachpd this clly lit N e i l cum e Georgii WIImhu andILcRfd. N ew ark Wheilmun, with Van Antwerp, A laiaiilu Whcrlm»*u, ffllh. Homs delay WON caused ul lb« landing bridge near this city , a nutuber of b ml* wera pnN't- ihg tbrougb and the opeu draw prevenied eroMltig. The N ew ark wheeliiien slmwed up In great sha|>c. Over th irty were Mtlll In the race, fresh and trlih evury- ib lug In tb e lr favor tor wliinlDg Hie d u b prixe, K vcrytb tng wnsyetlouMind red. The Newurkem bad HBveroi relays along the road to ffz up brokan whci'lsand wftler palls were ready for Hiem at every town. In all nlnely-seveii rlderw p:i**ed through ib li cliy, AlKlngNton Ihe num ber bad been IvNaeiied i^y the pruir roads.

rniWCKTOIf. Ju ly 16 big crowdof Spectators gnlberud in fron tof (he Nassau Hotel long before 11:90 o'clock, the hour nl which (he leaders In Hie r* ilury nind rnco were expected lo pass Ihrmigh Hio (own. Am ong the crow d were several Newnrki'rs, who b rought re liy s of wheels down <m ibc tram tor usn In cn*o of aoddciil, Tbe fsthiT of tb e Coffin brolhers was uinong ihls mini- her. A t 11:40 o 'clock a muiiiber of tho vHIc A, A. rwced u p the road wnii the news th a t the ffrsl niuu hnd stopped

' a tb u r t difltaoee below to drink a t a punip, nnc mlniUe Inter

I the crowd wa* cheering ibo lender, A. AIIHjk ioo, who rndo freely and looked rresh. He wa* followed tlilrly-flve seconds Islcr by G, H. Van R tuburgh, The th ird man, .1. M arshall, was greeted with ahoiitM of en- cogragem ent by tbe A laU nta men, 'J'he next lopnN* was J, W. Muncimin, cnic of tbe serai oh men, folio wnd rloso by A. W, W, Kvaos, T. L W alsh aud B. H. .Tohnsmi, the la tte r ev idently very tired, Hwiiriwoulnnd Johnwin were rldlUR slow.

Then camo n break of ihre*,mlmilM . Then Ci. Horton raced by. followi-d in hiur inlnutes by BlauvelL H. l i. WylU-, In.OMnilng down tho hill Just oulslde tho lown, broke tho hiit* ofU Isforw urd wheel nod had (o NOok a romilr shop, hmhig valuubiti tlnu!. Mo was rnling fust when the accident hapfaul, and cx- prCH*ed m uch dlaappoiiiim eni. At pooii F. V, BHllmi pasAiul w ith T. A. Webb three m lirtiea behind. Wylie camo riexl. i ‘. W, Mayor villhdrew fop a rci.l u t tho hotel. Then came n Htm^iglHig procosslon, Wbcii H artm an nrrlvi-d he wns Jollied by Mavor, who had reslctl twelve imuiites, When Van Wsgenoo passed the hotel JiH waH loudly cheered, anU W. MiHIcr, Inspired by the shoutf, pul on Hpeed U) catPli hJtn.

T. Luges, !, n. HhllMpi and i \ Buhlrr, who cam e In logeiber, stopped hir Inncli, Tiu-y were followed s e rm nilnutes lalcr by 0. Frnlich, J. Sinter, N. While and H. T. Sm ith rld lnvch iio 1o;{cMicr. f*. -N. Hobut.niHTKcr and A. N, M ggrcii sloppi-d icu rnlnulcH. \V, f . Hii-oii, c. Hurt, W. IJ. Dalrymple, W. hi* Thomas, B, Turblij aud M. D"itglu* were Hmnext a rriva ls nml five minute* jaicr, a t I2:i»o'clock, C. M, liCfruri* pul up for a resl. I* 0. l*iifff-ey, rldlDg Itdunrcly. foUnwed, aud Iben fc. L illlejohn am i J. IL Van Hesi rnoed up, the form er covered with, dust, Vup Hcsl reported th a t the roads were In gt>bcl DoutHHoii,

ChorlCN Coffin n 'tlrcd from the centest Just ouiMldo the town aricr uneiks of mlihapN. (.'olffn pt.ncliircdR lire at Bprlngllidd. and ufiersonielifne pro­cured ano lher u hre) which br<>l(a down neur Dunelien, He picked iip thebrukon machine and curried I', a inllii and a Lalf bofnre

ho rode to near IVlncelon.

leader*, exactly a lUMuHe laie, every muscle worlihig and every nerve sliuincd. Ih e three wen* m il of alKhi ulmoal. before nny tif the o lhers couhl be m m lng over the bill.

T. H. V'nu KmhurgU wuN the fourth nmii to reach here, he paRNlng th s corner nl V allry Ntreei a t ' i ’S, Four m lnnles U ler C* llaodar went by a t a lively (Mice. H« M*as follovf’d hy A. Alkliisim, 1', II. John*<in, !■* L Blniiveli, A, WlllJs, l i. A, Itu h, Jf,. and H, H. Wji lie lu the order ua tnn l.

Word had reached Kouth Oran^a th a t Llnui'niAii wnN far lu ib r lead a t KprlrigffHid, and ihe crowd wa* disappointed At nut sreliig ulin. i t was aup|His«d (hat Jm bod laken anm her cmirne. probably Hpriiigtleld aveuue, through |rvlng> (oh, and wvuiUl neat alt hands In.

TUMUl o f prises Ihcludeii a f7'i0 piano, a hnndNuntc l l r rk h n e r roll-top desk, an He- giiMt d iam ond inedol, a silver cup. (.'uUimbla bicycle, L ibcrly id c y d ^ gold watch, tu\k riH'klog chute, riHlt1hg-rod, xold-hcade l vuiie, r-iiiiMk'to lollel sel, racing suit, Im'lnditnt KhiWN; liandNomo chair, silver snaviog htt, blc>clr saddle, gold fountain pen, order lor |10lVou*er*, i-iehlugand Irajiic, bicycle sad ­dle, haudaninv link Nhw’Va builou*, iiloomer bh-vcle «ull, silver Minoking set, ImndMorne (imbrella. bicycia lam p, n luvlug lo-i, gritrr for gold ayaxhiNHeR, Nsw York Guib rifle, Older lor lourbl'M cycle liag. bicyclo i«]ioe*, ]umb'ii.wi.H>l *w<K(er, 100 cignr«» 100 flne cigar*, m oerschanm dg-ir-hoider, swenb-r and blcvcl''hnee, iWCiiier, copy nf 'MJcni'* T ram p ' 'a n d siihscriptlous |o varlmra si'Kirl- Ing natters, The Aial uita^ will not cuirH>ctc fnr (ho plHiid, 1 he roli-io(> desk goes lu the d u ll having mn*i man ffitlsh. Tiie diam ond medal Is for beii net time, (be a tiv tr cup is for tho secoad b 's t Hme,


flvma Ou*A F UllDfl,

D efaced a 1'uBca I te lle f A tio - d a l ln n NoHce.

The lll-feclliig cngcnderml am ong llio m em­bers of tho tw o polios rciler assoctatlons sini'ii Iho BoMce CummiMlonerN h iv e n ru e d ihclr convultdallun, cropped o:it In n ra the r un- pleuMunt nm nnor a t tho H*'co >d I'rt'olnci Bolli'n Htullon yestordny. U % (he door of tho offliwrs assem bly rfunii ihcro haa bvoii piistci] fur several wrnks an gid iiotlco (ho Keguiar Hollce lielU f AHVoclaHon's tneoHiig, w hich orenrred on .full 5 iaaf. I t wan signed by Andrew J, AtoKeiinoy, president, and I’, J . Fallon, recording >ecrelnry,

H4one Hina ym terday some one wrote In jicnciljuNf above ibo nam e of Mr. McKciiney the announcem ent, "H uckers w ill Iw black- ballod," Hclwi’cii the nuines of Mcii^ri, Mi*- Kennoy an d Ksllgn ware w ritten ' ' U no."

Beneath tlm punted nolle* waa a nollce of tho tCcguInr AsMocliUiutri A<«se!-anu'nt for Ju ly signed uy Llcuieuiiut Adiinii>. At tUa IhiIioiii o fH Hie tipiinown wroiu "A d a in i nnd McMcMiiitUt AsiocluHuti, I 'c le r Fallon, head suck—

This Inscrlptinn has been lorn off by the offiCiuU conosrnod, and an effort will U< Biitdt (u diocovrr the writer. A e e r t itit offi­cer is suspecied, and Hiuve a t whom tbo fllug Wan m ade holioro they cua have blm " caliiil dow n " for lU

ItlG lltO V NYNDlrATlC FAILS*— - - -fc-...

T lie KchleaiitgiiT SHnas la th e NorlhwoMt A llaubnd by lli«i fliiarlff.

Nkiv VoitM, Ju ly l.V—A dl.Hpatch from Negaunc*', M idi., nurmunces th a t l>cpmy- HhcrliHi have sliachod tbo p ro p o rty o f Iho Hclih'slnui'r HyiuHcnto mines a t Ihe Inslaaco of the C'hicugo and N urtbivaslera Uallway am i other crsdilors.

Tbo sym lloots oiwratcd a doxon nr inoro m ines on tho M onom m eeand M arqueite Iron ranges, h a v ln g a producLIvocaiiacUy un,4UU,- OOU Ions Aijhually.

Adolph H*'h1uslngi*r, one of tbo brnibers, who a d s as Iho New Vuik altornoy for (he syndicate, wsn seen nt Ills uffleH, Wall street, It^dai'. He w d ih l offt-r no ox- idHimtlon of tbo fullurc, nor give the H abllltlei loiit asaet*. I'he Riuieru] depi-PNsian in Iron was grna(cr than 111 u tb e r IlnoM of lauhieKa, and the Ktrikhi, he said, was hurdcr lo irteel. o th e r ha'al flinos rep resen tln t lh« sDino iradc grnnlcd readily the iru ih of ihia siatt^ tii.'tii. Mr. iso»ii4-sln’rcr know th a t th e synUl- eatc iiHd m dncj t the luilinit of Hio initios Iweiily-flve p4-r c a n t nf Ihe usual am ount, ami trt'llcvod m>w Unit the mines would h« shu t down allogoiher a t least fur a Umc.

rRK N CH U K N rlLlTK K N l7.E*


" .........H- K Fflgo.K. C, W24.........A* laraer, K F, W.

TWk^TY MIWVTia,JJ.........Q. A, JJoror,Ji 0. OL3?.........Wr, J , MiHmty, U, U. ft.

......... N. WhJlQ, H. d U,*m.........G. WllNon, N. \ \V '

.........I. r>, PUiiiJp<, K.x'., w .HB...... - A .J . While‘S if. viT’ " •Si........t'. Ha<.UT, N, W,* • .......A- K. L .« i'« ji, N, ft'.

TWKKTV-iriVK MISUTW.^ ..... —G. G. W||,riii. B. W.iilt- -’.... V; 4 ' K. C. W,f".....~ .F . J . Iiiinorn i.rtlj, A, W.W.........H. 1. I/ki(,c. K, \ s ,fH„---- 1'. Miiriny, N. W.IB...... H. Jutiii.on, A. W,/J .........«• Hiirtiimii, II. c . W.

B rne,, « , W, c. lluhiju. N. W,

UliMo, B, \V,^ ..........Ji H. Vnti (iiotiociuff.W......... H. .Mitx, N. W,fit).........E. J. U -rtitT, N. \V.fit......... f . M. l-plfrri., E. O. 0.tfi.....--W . K. Thiirn*.. K O. Gt®.....—-li. illlior, N. Y. Lily,fil.........u H. I'yiV, w . A. c;If?..........I . O. Liittny. N. W,U".......-'I. W il.on. Jr., W, W,W..........A. a. HwurlvvuuV, If, W.

TiriETV MIBL'TEfi,T1...-._,.W, T r.u ive iU r, S . W.12-.......A. A!K1iiM.n. N. B. K. (1

W, riliiyaw. N. WU Fiillen K. w .

T?.........G. C. Wliofifr. Mt. V. W.I*.........E. Lttilfjotm , C h n th .n i, W, J ,SJ......... J. iJimn. All'lw W.02......... 0 . BcUwancItH, C, o f K.WJ.........N. B. W»r<l*li, l i . C. W.fii.....- -A . W. Kullnr, fl. c , W.

H. v*n Em hur*. A rlington .(Ifi......—H* A. bamiers, H* N orw alk, Conm.

Hoiigo. K, c. W* 'Ilk......... 'J', Loges, JC, W.Hi.......«W. H* Kay, K, C. W.W.....-,*T. M, llurned, K . C* W.es........*U* M. llLUeblnsoiL K. C. W.W..........F. Duup, k . C. W.

U aup t,K .C . W»

. uiteio ihii liiHt whsfl ^ v e oo4* Anolher nm a-foo; wad '^ W -^o U ft(fv n io F cfhrM|,»„,

lobbed In a house on tlin outsk irls of the town. Ho recovered In a short tlinr, but did hot rc-onler tbn race. H. Max rode lu slowly. btf>e<Mug from acut on h is left knee. HI1 righ tbueo was l 6 ro<i* Thu Injuries worethe ro4«U or a collision onthe roiiii ijoKr New Brunswick.Be told H N bwh roiiorter ib u t bo lulvniloU to ffnlsn anylujw .

A party of tw enty riders niada np Of the K* C. W., N. W. am]odiers decided to ptko ihings <-u^y ou tho home tr ip and flnlMh w ithin Hmi tliiitf imitl* The party WHKjolned hy u ruunber of tlragglcr*. About A dosen rhler* rrinaliied At Iho houfl itiu ll ilm o fur ibe tra in , when they ivcnl homo by rail.

Bo u e h v im .k, Ju ly 15 J . W.Ltiincm uiJ lieaded ihe homeward pm cfsilon In passing ih rongh th is town. He rouclio] ticro Hi |»lx mlnutcH hiiiT G.H. Vhu Frijhcrgh, T* K WalN]i and a . W, W* Kvaijs hnvo in ilgbr, N ext lu ino H, A. Kntb, Jr,, aiidA. WHlifl, who passed a t J.go,Fulloutng these men in rjuick sue- oi'SNlfm wore J* T. MurKhiill, I*. H. Ji>hn*i»u, A. A iklnson, H. H. Wylie, A, L, Btauvelf] D. Muljean and IL Hjicar, Mm last mjo i»a»s- Jiuf at ItSij. All ihu k 'ud trs »ec[n lu gt.od tori- dluuii, •

Bound IJitonk^ Ju ly 15[.^>rcJn/|.-'Thiiflr»i innu lo reach lieig on Ibu Ijotm-waril trip was J , w . Lluueiim n. Uose bulilnd liim Clime T. L. Wnlslji and 0 . H, Van Kiabergh, Those Juon passed a t Jrl-i. Five inlnuies Islor A. W» \V, KvAQi and A. Acker­man went speeding by, Ttio i»uxt to cornu In s igh t ucre H. A, Ibdb, jr . , C, A. 'U llliri nnd J . T, MarshuN, Alalaiirn WhaeU msn, whft reached h e re a t ];gb, A. Alkl:i*oji canm (hm ugb uiuac a i l:Al riding hard to catch iholaudera.

Mil l b i;h x , Ju ly 15 l4Jpfrirt/].-Tbl» place Was rvHchoil hy the atisbUegrliHcd cvcllsti a t 2:l6o'GlCHk Ib is aflerm m n, J, W. Linneman Was lemlinx. he being eleven nilnulcs ahead of T. U WhIsIi, Ills nvurcst compeHior. A, W, W. E vans was th ird , followed by J. T. MarsbaU, G. H, Van Em burgb, A* Al- klnsoB, p, H, Jo b n to n , ft* A, Ituih, Jr., and A* wmiN,

iktUTii ORAwak, Ju ly J6 [.yperidf].—Tho loaders of tho oeniu ry race pawed VuJiey street and Mouth o range nvsnue ou iho last iiage of ih e i^ hoinrurard trip aLg;44 o'clock th is nficrnmin. t \ I* Walsb, A. ^ j U. was fully a m tiiuio in HUvnncuorA* W. W* Evans, the second mHii, and uas Walking vigurou'ly* U« wg* ridliig In goi:d f’urii, E rana was ul»o la good condition SDd was pressliix torwnrd a t a liTriy clip* J , T. M uribalh 'iliu Gilrd idan, shot pSHi iiw corner and spurted nfier the firing

C eleb ra tio n o f th e F a il o f Ika ttoS lile L ast N lgbt.

The one hundreil iiud foiirtb ann iversary o fth e fall tjf (ho JluhtlU' w«m celcbraled a l Fsicr's I 'a rk by tbe French arKsIcllas of New­ark la st evoning. Diiicliig ifkn enjoyed by (ho thmngM pTcsi’iir, imnilc being (UFtilshed Ly I'roh-itaor Habersuug's ttnnd.

The L'Aiiiitlo, I/U nlun < haeafe, NHtlonal Turuvcreln, Hi. Geurge'* M uiual UeiiefU twi-e le ty n n d n num ber of Frunco-UallaH socle- j A C oatless h trh n -c r U^s altcnilod.

Faul JkiuiHill addri'ssed the vJsliors in Frcnrii, and wAs folhmod by Aninffin Cnr- riiriv, whu spoke iii Uallati. In ihe ftbscncu of Haul llcm ilrc, who was In deliver speech in English, Fruitk Cavuncget spoke, ami thanked all who had kn- sl^h'd In the ©nU'rprUc. Tbo ptorceds of ihf* picnic will go lo 11)0 |H)ur and sick <jf Hh- L 'A m lU cand L’Hiiluii r iin ra Iv sfwlsile*,Ammig tho ie present were K, M. Tybrr;?’Iii lm, prcsldcu l; J. Khnonef, M. Midhler, K,I’reiot, l.H>ul*i and toeon (*emtnr<', c. .i|u-‘lior.M. KeliRiT, T. L'linl lli«ni, Haul N’nsseiir, Jiidgi) llcnrv , Fri'd Jiicohy, .\nuu*l K rppcr, Will- lain Lapp, Adam t'rodar und Ju lm Auderauu,

E x c i t in g S cen es a t a D e s t r u c t iv e F i r e

a t E t ix a b e t l ip o r L

ten a n t s n a v e narrow e s c a p e s .

IJiitck Vpvpud uf Hurt F lam e* r ra v e n ts tli« l 'l r « 1>« pnrtm auit froin Having a ftow o f Ita lld lugs—T cnaiits Lons AH T lialr Tao- leiakiUM am t Hi^ H nlbhags D«>»lruyeil«

H|iccln| to Hie KvRKiati N kwh,Fl.lXAMrTH, Ju ly ii'). —Ttiti lower p a n of

Ibiafllly—KiixiilwibiMirt—was Hii» bcvm Uat n ight of a diHitrucilvc rira that wiped out half s block 4>n Third street and linparilled Hie live* nf It duSPii 'amllliM,

FhtnicH tttn^ dim‘ovcri-4 a t in ldulght In Arsiuc JiioucFs I'imf.'cElQncry lu U eorfi NcurlUci's ruw, v u n ttru r M nrtba llandT h ird Mtrccis.

1 lie row ts 100x50 feet, over threo stories In lielgUt, and the upper lluurs wits occuptod tiy M d Dxvii fa in 11 to>, ncii rl y all of w Uuin bava vblliLrou, tm tbagrm m d floors wem lucated Hie pharm acy of licorge Tiium, Thomas Aiidcrsou's siuM} store, WiBlum F lshlougb 's lueal slurs amt Droucl's conlscHuunry*

The confccHunsry store U on lbs corner and the flurnt** spread wBli such rapid ity th a t b ra iic tau d his wir<j barely gul out In llielr nlgbtcJbllics. In n few m lnillH tb* en ilrcupp iT stores of ths row were filled wltb flemcA and siuoUe n nd IhrllBog scents wi-re criacud III iryfi g to save ih* teuants^ lives, IIS all of Hietn wf ro In bed at Ihe time*

Giillani dfi'dA were perinrniod by the neighbors ami tUunicn In Tvsculng (he un- fiTiunais people, aosrly all uf wbum lost evi'ryihlng but ihcir rloi hlng.

Home were tinpHsuned In the upper floora nrul hnd to ha inhcn out by m esnsuf laddtra* A couple of friglilciicil Ihimiici Jumped from liin Mccutid stories and luckily ewapsd with u few Mtlghl UriiUea,

For sum* r«a«on lied Jacket slsam er, wbicb was the ffr*t to reach the Are, wa* slow la ioHIng up sicinu and the iioao bad to be lerii|>oriirll,v attiic'.ied to a hydrant. Mean- while the flames gbialnoJ great headway nml U Was Seen tboeiiM re row vrai doomed, 'i lien Clime a most sn ibbora b.iulelO Bsve (he vnluniile properly adjoining, os tUa iii‘ighhorliniKl Is Ibickls' built up.

Charles W ettoii'a Jinuin wns on Are several Hnirs ond II was only by tbo tmrdust k ind of Work tim t It was flually suv<h1.

The hparks Gi»t lllloti the air Ignlled tli* rrHjfs of H rn ry Maas's two bouses, but tb« llrmucii smm exHiiguishuil the flumes.

U wi)R 3 o'clock this morning when Ihe flr* was Anally sub ilucj, stid the psuple lU lbg lu Ibe viclhU.v braaihctl irecr*

Tlicabsence o f wind alone prevculed wfaat would Imvo boi-in the greatest confl igratluQ FUsiibolhiMirl imd nv«r expi'rkMiood.

Mr. H enrlllcr's h»M In oillum bia a t from |IK,d>)0 lo fJl.tr'O, cnvcreil by IniurMiiw.

Tlie iosjit'* of iJis Uioatvift arv liuril to learn, bni they will roacli, |i is said, from Il'J.OJO to fl3,fti0. f4i-V(T*l of the tciianiNliHt walohes, inonay and other valnahle* to the flames, and eoinparnllvely frw m anured tu evenMiivu the ir cloihfng. Ih e origin of tbs Are U a inysiori\ und (here tire strong suiplotoas tUal It was Hm wi>rk of iiu incendiary, as there was uothltig lunam m alile la lbeuoh* fevliuuery, where it NteriiKi.

— • - DKATII ll.aTF, fM IliF rtsF O .

A D berease In (lie N nm tier of ( ontagloiislliSCMHVgi

H ealih Offlerr Ijcnthac-i’s report for the week ciidhiR H t noun to-d i.v shows the lolM num ber of ilculliM *iM he 124, an liicrcuM of l» AS ooiiip.ircd w ith the rtp o rt o | last week* 1 Ilf dcalh rate, ostlm atea on n (vr pu- UtUm of JUU.OUO. I«R2.'24. The rule 1* conilder- ably h igher iliuu Ihu rulln for Hi* same tlmo hi«i year, i'holer.i in lunlnm cao)o>rl 98 ilealbM; Infantllo inam«miis. U ; iliphtharlu, I ; typhiild fever, 1; senilef ferer. If; rHarriireil dl*en*i'*. 2 ; pultinmary ill-euse-, 13; rbruum lU m , ‘i ; bronchHU, 2; pneu­monia, 3; dlM'as■^Hof Ihe hr*In Hiitl u«rvous eyAiem, Ml; lumor*, 7; silM births, 3, and prem niim i hlrih*. '2.

There v as h rtt Crea«io fti iho luimlier of contagions dl«oii»<i>s riporPm. iMo<ie re­corded Itcliig: Thri'c rancM of (Hpiiibcrio, nine of s n ir lr t hvi-r cim] Ht i 'm of lyphoid fever. f.nNt wr-i k Hicte Ware a lolwl of lwuuly-1 wo cahTit M ported.

I>l‘>iFi;TLl> ItlN A I’F IA M KU.

ftendy fu r tb o Cerum oiiy llu l tlie G room - e leo t Elud (Hiiio.

H a m k a x . N.H., Ju ly ra .-N ln e rnoulhsagn an FiigllshTiian, g iv ing hi* imrne ns W. M, Wood*, a rrlv o I lu lla llfax , said he had held a poslilon iiM tunchera l Kfoii, Kng„ and pre- sentod credentials lh a t prompMy socurvd him a posllloa us Iruchcr In the Huilfnx BchiKils, ^JIc_also coniicolcd b lm self with Ku G«'o rge's f liu rc h , look a proiiHiieal purt la the stT vices and twcAimi u lay ruader, i n n short tim e he anaguneod thut ||o bad ro- celvcd tnfnrm nllun frorn Englaud of th* dcalh of Ills wife,

HIs period nf m ourning was a brief one, for be a lm ost fnim cdinicly begsu paying utlan- tloM to a young w om in, a fam ily c'miioctUui nfonp of t'anudii’s ?^upruine O nirl Judges,

The inarriago win 10 have luken plane ThurndHy. The guoMiH ftasemblnd ujkI everv- ihing was In r^-adlnciiB, but the grooni-t-io-i Was MbwnU iU» bad taken Hm provlou*

trait* ';p>»l*ag'auy^ p le a u tlo n * ^ ^

I t Is belj^cyed Ifiat VV'o-'jd’s credantIrvU

wai the fear uf exposure in fff cmiisua Ihs flight,

TO IN \ 'K a r it lA T F IIF K DKATII.

Gonf«M lon,of th e G iri'* L over .May Lead la IH h A rre«(.

Mount H o m .v. N. j ., Ju ly I&.-MIm r.’firrle Htcliiufgger, a young aiid pretty Gormim filri, liv ing III lUvershie. dlitdhurt Huiiday under jjuvullar clrcum-stiince*. Tim day brJore Itcr dTiilli an opernlloii was i»erformrd u]mn Iicr wiih a view of bid ing fhc fuel tliul shi* ivos about (o bvcninea inolhur. T hcgir! dh-d. Tliccljlld aUo died nfier a very hrloi rxjN[eiK-c.

A nmn immud J . Miller, a fcloneinnHUu, aoknon if-dgcd iho paicniH y o f th e child. He betrayed ihu jo m ig alrl nndiT prouiKe of triarriugc, but clulm*i tiuU liecould noi curry oul Hie cgniruei beenuso she w'a* u CalhoMc, he being n I'roicNluni* .Miller wa* protenl In tho huuNe H tih e i lm e o r MlvsHtiiliiiugger's dentb. Tiui Siiite'N A fiofney Im* Insirnctcd ihc Coronvr lu m ake a llHirtmgh InvcNCUallon,

BAHIKflDKK.Away WJtllW alks

T w o 4l ln IMHa,The head b t i r l rn d e r o l M u r ray Bro th er 's

saloon , u l ilOl Broad slr<*ct, wa* fle<>cetl o u t of 131 by a s t r a n g e r iihoul lt;l6 o'clock last night* A l Hmt Ih>ui ' u inuu w i ih u n l Ills c o s t eniBTutl Ho- *uiuon a n d m | n e t t a ' l a/*JCI bill for tw i'n ly 81 blllN. He u s p la ln e d Hiut he WHuted lo h « n d ihi ' in o i .f y nwjiy la s l e l l e r , a n d a t (lie MAinii IlniH he l•xiJililte«! un erivolope.

The s t rn i ig r r r i a e c d hi* hiiis on tho b u r i n d ri 'celvcd iw.T fill billfi. WIillHhfl W’ns lenlitig Ihe envtilojio ih** h a r k n ' p ' r called hi* al ien - li on lr» Ihe fACl t h a t thurTi were only till In Hie r«jll th e sir?itig4T h ad given him. Afte r express ing snrprJ*a ihecoatleNH m a n ham le d (be envelope (o Hui lmi kvejMT.iinkliig lilm to

kci^i It u n l l l hu reti irnoi l u Mh I tie mlNsIng floniir. A lh ' f wall Ing A reiiNonulthi Ilnu« Ihe buri%ei'p<<r iipi‘nr<l Hie unvefuiK, a n d lo hi* utnuKemcnl it MiiNcmpiy.

i \ iJ iK HFi'i it <on(r<4.N itp rc in e ro n rl llki*liinNN nn Mnnilay* f le re -

hHci'- ' I 'a rk I'luee .-tNi>ie-Ni]ieii1,,Ju d g e iv-ptM- ai iti imii ro l h>.iJuy i Iml ho will

not luiy nifjnf *it ii» u .iiisticc ui (he Hupiome (.‘uurt ou Huliirdays, but llui t sucli *es*lnns W'lll be held In'rciificr uu Alontlay*, beg inning Oh M onday, J u ly '21.

Caarles Borcliorling appcftred befori' .liirtga L'hlhl In Iho (.'Ircnil < uiirl iind begun his nrgomeul jigslnhi Hn> I'arJa iductrSNBrHNuienl, but H>u Jhdifu (old JiHn bu would o h i-fh-hi It, biui grant a r.ilo.to Nii'iw- Vauhc u by ll shuuld nut liH s?-L rii>hh-. ThjH uu* done.

^ I fy o u w a n ty o u r tnveniion paienlerlgo to OarinejT & Cix^s, 7M ftroad slrasu—AdVi

F lr i 'io en FrartlA s reftnonty*Thu rmuoh 'M uf Hook uhd f.ndUur ('oin-

p'lny 1 linve laid In Lhuir huu*ch>.iLd supply I f wliiliT wood, They were lilven Ihe hirge elm irro which was ronmved ir?im In front oflboFIrNL I'rcNhyiorhiii rh u rc li on Tuo*- day, anil they rolled ihu pieces jiilo ili9 n Jd l/urylhg ground tiinl HpUl ll Itiiu kliidllngii,

AT'tni»cfl of h tone Tliro'Wlrif.(Ill i'Oihptatnt of Mr*. Kailu (Jouk, of

5111 Huuth KIghtoohHi s ired , whg chsrgcil b lm with Lhroivhv^ sirme*, I.HU) iBccki'i', ihlrieun je s r* ojd, of4lH Hunth M oth s ire d , was balled for tUij G iuud Ju ry last n igh t by Judge JVcIsd.

CouUt Not Glv« l i a r N am e.Officer L indner, of tbo Fourth PrcoJoel

lhv<j Ntatloii, yeilcrdny arf*sl«3 K lix ibrtb Jtuckahorn, of W JJoward strooi. A t tb* slullon-houso ElissbcHi too d ru n k lo giTQ b*r n a in tu u d shcw iis rocordvd un tb* ■lalo os Mary Dot, Judge PrcUcl dlscbargsd b sr Ibis tnornihf.

— .................. - • — —

H e art fu snasc lb* Cau**.RpecisI DlMpstch lo (he> N tw s,

BafDriKTOK. Ju ly J&—M(m Ei:*a NIeholi 1VHN fuhnU duml U) bii'd a thcrliO tne luD oaiv ffeUI. tills ru m iy , yesterday morblng, D ^ tb w asoauicd by bearl diseujw.

' ' -------- « ----------------- *I l i a IV ealher FureuiioL

Tb* w«atli*r indJesHuui a re : G enerally’ fair, with poHsibly a ligh t shower during l o blg-tiurnuHuuiUky 1 slightly wafUier) soutli* •Hy wlndii.

TbriNc K stortion C ane*.Jimllcfl M'ljylu, uh'» a few iIji.v* ago gsv*

ball.to JjJNtice M'-bumhts e«mi { ior an cT.rrrrt- hntlon last nijrht uh a charge orexinrilm i,did po» ' 14H ' ’v«„.ulL .Hptieivimicc. ThU

. urtifV r flo ft) ruiaT nffleer ririuioiim ill (I IniVe ii II cxiun lutit iijo hir>( iihiiif. noi! us* cioiimltUnl to uwulL Uju jiclluii uf th e G ran d Jury.

A do lph MiiNt tVolk Itoiim.H<‘VcnlPOii-yi!ftr''i!d .\ilo lpli ktaud^ir. of llflt

Blink Klrci'i, who ran Hw.iy from h imu on Frlrtny liiihl,amt who Wii*jirrcBt*’,l in |Jil/T»ilo, N.V.. ha* m il yci relorjicd iu m i- cliy, W hni chief Hopper Seni Mr?*. hlsi,i h-r \x<»r l Ihai hcrsrm whs In cnslorly sfj,* n.intjed tbcC inef ilu i 'lh e o n ly way iho ki i*w 1 f f i r him h* «•#( boiruj ws* to corn mnucy anil pay IiIh pa>»- lo'ge. _______ ____

K;itvnl1fi»u acrvlurn I ’o'iiiorr.ixv. Adjnlaiil Jli-ll auif Cupiulii J1m'ii*ttnl wBl

lead tliu puriile rnuHIngs la ihe .Hiilv-ilbiri Cntatcl, Wanhlciglop «.ircel, (o-morr«iw, «Al 7 A. M. llict'c will lai a kie e d r i l l ; a t tl A. M„ Hullne** conacc/aGon ; ;i i \ Si,, frun tiiid unsy ;8 I'. M., great Hnivallon m n Log. AtlJntjiiil Bell wJU speiilc on t hn •* l '|- l in e lo Heuvuli and the Donn-Huc to Mcll."

*linn** iViis >’ot Dcoiviimt*

Daniel Huu.**, a bo.v ru'-ldlng on Klgblb nvenne, ciiIIh I m t h e .Second Dfcctnet l’f>llr* bltiUiiil tssi nli-1lt an I ehilincd o,h hi* Ul« cIuiIjoh foiiod on^he b in k s ul ihu ennui, hear Ihu Flflh MS'cnne brldgi-, Thtir*<lay night, Hu cxplnliic I ihut he imd h)* broHier wqre in bathing liiid wore rrtghhmi'd away.

Lpai1-l'1|Mi T h iev e* a t M 'ork , t'alrn llhun iltaatK rd]Hirlrd a l pul lue head*

rjuartcr* 1**1 .>li2ht Hial Uin loud pl{ie and wslof fiuiceis had been *b>leti irnm tbo vn- cam linusu ht 142 -Mulberry strcol. Tho house I* a Isrgo lhree-*iory brick, imd ibe iblevee dJa cuiislderable damage iu Hic prcialsei.

C l l ’V N B W .S . S U l K i .

Jtev, Dr. Jam es Boyd Brady will prcarli to-murroiv m urning ni F ranklin Hircoi M. K Church o h '* t’nllA|)V.’i uf the biinduy Fair," liev, t>r, Van UensoUuloh a III preach In Ihs evening,

itoiimismnn Tracy last night arrested Henry W illiams, colored, of Dlvlitrm s 'reH t' for nstau ltlng Jnbn Uarib, of 311 Academy sireai. WilUams fUrqishtd ball la lbs sum or lawi

Jam es Blatter, elgliTeoti y o an old, of If BelleviUo n reu u e ; Jusepb Blatter, iw eu ij- Lwtj ycHrsold, sam* addreas, ond WHlIam ft(ddsn« nlneiBsn yenrs old, of 118 (ImmEOfr HVuhUc, were a rraU nsd la ibetteohAd CrImL nsl (>>urt lust n lg b t.cb a rg ld wltb dlgordrrly conduct by Bossia Charles, of 183 Garsld* •trout, and were discbarged.

Aaron W ard A Bnns supply ib* trod# w llk to* Ll Pasha CiH«ri.'^AdT«

2 N H W A inC K V E N IN G NEW 8, S A T m iD A Y , J U L Y 15, 189J.Butyoct to P ain m tha Stom ach.K uirr K h. IteMvrr, of .lu-

! ntHiiA Co., Tu.. u j 'B bl% o ife l« tri

AftM July 23 the World’s F air Will Close on finadaya


P U m « B d t t o til* V ulue o f tin .O O Q fU14 1o I10T« B oon flta l« in » M » rrlv fl A fo lu k l H t r HAld ( • n «

U tvo rc tt tVAOtfid bjr Miii#* HuloSiW lf« DoiscI* K nibA Dd l i f j i f r v d -• O tliv r»w*>

Tb«W orld*« F « ir 1m to btd<TM d on Htin- d t y i tiru>r J u ly 16. O iily lb a t tUe AdinUiiouM n e x t b u nd iiy » re lo be AppUed lo th e re lie f o f tb» fAmilleM o f th« n rem eu mbo IuaL tb e ir llTM. 10 th 0 rec«Ql A feu o th e u ro u iid i tb e F o lr w ould prohAbly e lo K i n e x t N a o d a j .

The v u ie o f thcC hletC Q dlnK ttory reMOiod'log lo rm er Aclloii tvik ovA rw belm iugiy in fATorof uU«lo«[, llMiAaditsM; lo 4. W hen tho aioetlDg o f th e WA« onllsd U UjretiorilAx kfiArnoon o i Bh adclreM•drooM tlng Huml>iy^hMing, ilg n e d by »li tb* l«»dlng Chicago rl« rgym eo , w as re a l , T h tc lO M o f IhoaddreiM w as (ha a tg n a l for o a a r l* iio r ip 0«eA fP ,ali o f lUem lu fav o r of «lOMlng tb « F'Alr.

VlcV’l'reM ldeut l^eek. w ho prvMldod In tb* a lm o c e o f r re i id e iU fllg lnbo tha in^ th e n read tbofollow lD g re tid u tlo n , w 'bich w m atoDO * adop ted , a n d th e d lreclurn a d jo u rn ed ap* porauU y w elt ploaM d w ith tlw m ieJv ra a n d tb a lr w ork i

W II gakjijA, T b e board o f d treeto rn n l a regu-

......... ...........u< . . .Pi'iUrip li» Ilia .<»loroMi;ii, IamI s u m n it f %1m'lihs] HiainlH'i'tiklii’M <'u]h\ <'ho!rni andIhurrlHPL U '-n ifdy for H, and uaii fim elip irnerd w ill) ih e BUeedy relief Pi tilloh led , r*liH juis hhuht um il ii w l'eiiorer inMn-mary■ iji - i m a i-i i t n t , i I I n I’ I i j ..............................• jen d found th a t U neri-r tallK. K o r iu la h y < \ Hitlxbiitier, lln*N<] an d Alnrhet alroeiii; PSE'hmr, Ik lle v lile uvanne and O rl«iital «tre«-i; •If. lie liier, Oi-angs a lree i Hud Ib u e v il.e uvt»> Hue. d ru g g ls ii.

mehilx>r« being Ht th e a l ta r In a daxed rn r.d j- Ihm and th a t J i « w ts faunlng her. T hey wero in a r r M . ib a m iniN ler nul a sk in g e i lb e r of th i in th e ir age.

K lla never H eed w ith Joe an d h e r fa th e r did sioi k a o w of rlia n ia rrlngn iinlPt J a n u a ry laat. w hen Jna irrO U a le tte r In fitrm lug h im . Ilertree r i in r le a II, JSiloririih, who tu<>k th e le s llm o n y In i h« caM. Mffoke n< rn » tn r IJ Igby In Ibepo wnreU : " T h e eomluiM of tPiluctirr- gyniAh ■*ein« m e lo lnvlt«' ami d e m a n d a d lbc lp linary Invi'MllKatiou by hU ItlMtinp.'*

la r iucetiD g baid M ay Hi, JHIti, a d n jn rd e'er-'iJl ‘ *lalE reaotutJoQ i p ruv id lng lo r th e o pen ing of

th e eapoaltiuD on Kundwy in rcMiK>nie to u rg en t ap p e a l! from ueroona and Errgaiilia* Ilona repreM ialixg a la rge rnaj irU y o f th e |H ib lic ,aa wall a i from * m e iibo idari of tbe oorpfiraU ont a n d a ia o iu aeeurtianee wU)i a resoiuUotv adop iad by the C ity C'ounpii or th e o ity of U ilra fO , reprpertillrig the fln an e ta l In tareate or U iec lty in «aia enpualU ou lu th e am o tin i or IViOO.000; and .

W H iacA a , ' im i uctloji or tb e board liaabeen aueiaiur< | by I h t U nited S late* C ourt of A p p e ^ f , a n d th e rig h t Hud pow er oi m eH oard of liirec to ra m con tro l ihe phyNlnal adm lD la ira tlo ti o f th e E x p n titlo n <m Sun* d n y a ae well aa <ui o th e r l ia y t o r th c w eek, h aa been upheld by th e final ueorwee ufsA id c o u r t ; and .

W H SBiA a, I t now n p p e a n by th a e c iu a l ad in iiia lu tie th a t ih ^ g e n e ra l fu b ife dftPH iiui, t>V ttv a tia a d a n e e . m n n ircR tad t elre l l ie t s a ln K xpoelllon aunu ld ba k t'iit open eneli d a y of the w eek, an d i t fu rth e r ap p e a rin g l h a i i f th e

H ipoaltloB a n d iriberM, an d w n ite th e Kx^ p o e l tle a a u H io rin e i can g ive lia iT w iiein* ployee (w e d ay o r reel o a t o f each w eek, it ae tm e Im p ra m le tb le for t& e.exbihiiskri an d o ih e r t lo pfOTide auch d ay h r r e i t fb r tiie ir o w n o le rk n an d e m p lh y e N ; an d .

W u a a a a A Ii m r ib e r api>uM retbatU M tiuin’ M r o | Jaberlng m eu a n d w orneu wrhoen arr> flee* w ill be J iece iiarlly requ ired l a keep th e

. '• tp a a iU o a o pen o o tM nday !■ dUpiroporllon*- - ' • c>n aa ld daya .a t* to tb a n u m b e r o rv la lio ra on _______

a n d ifaerefnre tb w ln ie re ita o f th e puh lle e re n o t p rom oted b y k tc p ju g th e expu a ltiu n oik b o a each an d ev e ry d a y o f th e w eek : now . tba rern re , be I t . i .

/teenfaM . A ll Itaeaald reanluMon* ao adopt* ed by tb U body oo M ay 16. INMit, a n d th e a m e o d m e n te to ih» ru le re la tiv e iherw iu adop ted on ea ld dev , laT a a n d ex c ep t ih e b h cee o f adm iM ilon. be, an d th e Mkme a re h ereby n « d n d td f to U k * ed e c t a f te r Ihe a l l ' le em b U e t.

r S A N r e AMD a iA t f .

A a B lp la o a t lo r t u f th e l l a u g k o k f o n ld e n t.1* K n g lan tl lu te re M le d ?

A a*ra|>ofnelml no t* p u b lish e d a t P a r l i a x p la lo a tb e f ia u g k u k lo d d e n t a* fu llu w ir

F ranea . ie a rn iu g th a t K ogJaiid a n d o th e r BailoD i w ere eend lng w ar TONMla to Itang- k o k , gave oo tle* lo ib e HlainiMa tio v e rn m e n t on J u ly 8 of h e r In te b iio a to tu c ra u ie tJia F re n c h n a v a l fore# a t iha jo o u lb o t th e M eluam r tv e r , w here on ly tb e g o n b o a l L u im ■ f lb r te d p ro laciJoo to Um F ren ch re s ld e iiu . A* o o o th e r th a n H rlilip vnieela en te red th e t le J a a tn R iver. I^lani h a r in g ub je ried to ih e wreeenca o f m o re th a n one fo reign veMkot, F raboe, w h ile reae rv lu g her fo rm al (reu ty r ig b ta lo e n te r on tio ^ fy in g m e H U m eae G ovarom en t, In it ru c ie d R ea r-A d to lra l Uu< m a o n n o t t u o roet ib e b a r o f th e M eloam R iver, a o d o o tin ed th e H lam tas O o re rn n .e n t a e oo rd lng jy . T he o rd e r wam rece ived tno la te by H um aQ n a n d thegUDbcuiCi a tc e a ile d to B«itfkok,*’

T ae B en k o k oorroap^^ndebl o f lh a L ondon ftm ea eayat *■ lo u t n ig h t p a ised q u ie tly , iha J o c u o e ia a te a n d (.'oiiiaie d ru p p la g down* a tream to a b e tte r ancho rage , w hero th e y r ^ n a lo e d t^wday. cleared fur acUun. N e ith er tb e forte Dor th e g u e b o a ii w ere d am ag ed lu t b t e k lr iu ls h y es te rd ay , b u t one S lam eae f u n h o a t ra n dow n the F ^ u c l i p llo ib la t, an d , U la ea ld . Hunk iu M. F ay ie (Kiwucb M lnle- t t r R ee lden l) ha« Inform w l the U lam eae Uov> e rh m e h t t h a t tb e com m anderM o f Iho In* eo o a ta o ta a n d tb e C om et# refused lu accep t k l i o rd e r n o t to e n te r th e rive r,

The fMameae w arsh ip s a re ready fo r a c tio n , a o d 1,000 trou^w are u n d e r a rm * a ro u n d th e p a la c a

T h e la ta e t leeue o f tb e S ingapo re Fee# /VrA* received a t l ia n F ranciecu o u ii ia ln i sortie In te res tlQ f e o m m e n ta on th e s liu a tlo n jti Hlam. T hey w ere w rftten on ihn rece ip t of tb e n e w e o f The occupailon o f R h o n e b y lh e F reoeb , b n t a re i lg a id o a u i as sh o w in g th e it ro D f feeling o f the K ag llih , n o t on ly lo 'B a ro ia k . b u t In S ingapore a n d H ong-K ung , ^agatoel th e d a a lg a t of tb e F re n c h u& lu e U tkoD g V alley .

T be e d i to r ia l! o f b o th th e K in g a p o re a n d U o n g 'K u n g pape re ehow th a t K ngllsl) tra d e tu U ree ta w ould be bad ly h u r t ih o u la th e F ren ch auoceed l a i h e t r dcelgns. T h e lufcr* t n o e l e i t r o a g th a t K aglanfl I i h ac k in g tb e K in g o fH ian i la bln o p p m u ig n to ib e F ren ch d ctnaD d i. for. w ith o u t th e a a su ra u re of a id

,/ro ro aom e foreign fxiwer, It w u a ld be foUy fo r 8 la jn to do w b a t s he ba • doue.


■ a e a k T h le v e a G e t A w ay w ith StD.lHM IV o r lh u f F re c lo u * Ntuzica.

S n eak tb ie v e i la st u lg b t c a rr ie d oITa tra y b o o ta lo ln g flO.QDO w urib of d la m o n d a , aU>nea fToKi th e Jew elry fto re of Thrm iM V. D lck ln ' iOD Oh F a lls i f re s t , h ea r ilie co ru er of Second ■tiwvi, N lag a m ra U a

S evera l eu sto m era cam e In to tb e etore a a rly tn ib e even ing lo ]«>k a t h ts d la m o n d a . A fte r sh o w in g Uiera, Mr, n ic k lu e o a Mplgoed tb e tra y lu th e iib o w caa eu u d w en t h o m e lo supper* lA te r a n o th e r eu siu iner, w ho had been look ing a t fUe Jawels, c a m e ln to ib * • to re a n d asked to see th em agn tn , h m th e y h a d v an ish e d . T lile w as th e first fp iim a i io n o f th e robbery ,

A h a s ty sea rch w as m ade, b u t lb * th iev es h a d fled, A l tb e eniraD ce to Hie Ffotet For- ta r, u ee r Iho }t n e lry store, one o f ib o dia* IDond rin g s . valiiL'd a t t ^ , was found,

T hejioU co jo w n Fall*s tree t, tiiii-eomeliftrfe faw r w ei» culled back by th e f in d in g of (wn m o re ilia tn r ''''* m

,llL a * - ' ^ ^ * 1F o rte r b a ^ ib o n i. J*'

M r, D lchliiscm sa id to -n lg lit tlu ll th e le st p e r to n s lokw 'show n diarlloniTs w ere n m ana n d a w om an , w ho w ere Mp|i«T«»utlv elran* g e r s lu t b a c ity . They weru, u Is ihim gU t, s to pp ing a t th e H otel I’o ric i. brjt hn i l ie re is a t p resen t no tru c e of ilium th e re i t is th o u g h t th e y th e y h ad left ih s piece for good, a n d q u ite p robab ly a re Uieoucit w ho d id tb e s te a l­ings

There w ere fo rly 'f lv e d iam o n d s In th e tra y , a l l la rg e a n d coaU.v. an d a ll lu selling**.


14 H K iU J» r> ll'kK V l\? ^ (H L N 'T r

Lxp(wllio& le k sT ilope tiou n u n d ay It w ill re* q i l t e th e aU eadanoe o f m ore i hnn 16.000 la- b o r lu t m en a o d w om en, the em ploye* or the

f ia lla g lie r . I fu in e s tc a d TnlKknur, Suya t l i a l I l l s C unfr^^slfkii es I alstt,

P urrlck J , U a llag h er. tb e ifomeAlHtid puis, oner, w hose ev iJ rn c o couvIcPh) M usirr W o rk m an H ugh K iH-mpNcy as liu? in stl- gMlor o f th e pniK uniug |•l>»t, cnrifessM ni r i l ts l iu rg y ca lerdny itm t be b ad lied a u d tb a l Item pspv le tn tioccn t.

T bs ex M nsier W u rk m an i t M rv6ng an eight y e a rs ’ sen tence In th e M V ttarn Peni- U 'ullary. N ie p ta r e n o w being ta k en by b is a tto rn ey s lo secu re b is reluaae.

Tho i'orife«slon w as m a d e to nn# of rM inp. se y 'i fr lu n d i w h ile on a vHU to tia llw gber In prlAOQ, To b lin O utl.ighcr said i

* 'Jt w n i fH«t o u r Jiiieu iiim to Im p lica te liem paey a l llrs t, l a fuel we buver th o u g h t o f 11 u h il l s ev e ra l s tro n g hluiTi and a p ro m ise of Im m u n ity to uk balf>rrlghtannd a n d ha lf ' coaiMil ns In to m a k in g tha l fake confi^sslon. There w ere s».verai o th e r | m*o i-Io lu ltrcs lec l Ijl It. an d ail 1 w a n l tn d o now U lo h u v a a Chance to toll (h e t ru th and c lea r H u a li H sinpsey o f a eb a rg n o f w hich tic K us touo* cent a* a n y fonn w ho w alks Ibe o trrc tJi/'

J ils irleU A tlo rn cy R urisfgh, w ith IM hipsey'a Counsel, Messrs. H rv iiiiuuand Foriar, w en t lo the p m l tc n l la ry P ^ d a y to h rn r th e conffS ' sm n, b u t W a rd e n W rlg h l rofiued to n l ln w tbam lo Im erv lev r th e prisunar u U huui a n o rder o f courL 'Jh ls they w ill g i'i In ih e m orning.

Tho a tto rn ey * for (hcU arneglu i 'n m p a n y do n r a io k e u n y tUK'k l i th e coureisifiii, a u d Ih e j 're fe r to Ju d g e F o rlc r 's jsiaitnupiii w hen bn refused Iw m pkcy a tiew tria l, th a t D e m p ­sey had n o t Ta>en c*mTlcU<d whOily <rn th e ev ineuca of ( la lia g lie r and the o th e r in fo rm ­er, Iteaiiy ; U iat If such was (be com lie w ould g ra n t th e new th e . as he b a d H tiie falih In th e ir verw cliy ; nil th ey testlflod lu WHS co rm b u ra tsd by icsfK m ilble p e r s o n s a i id t l i s i I>vtnpsey was cc invlo iedou p u ti l iv e ev ldcn re a n d h ts ow n tosiltnm iy .

T h s o p l t i lo u o f m a n y lx (Kst D em psey Is p lay ing for a p a rd o n a n d expects O a lla g b a r 's svldeoctf tu b rJrif It.

H tL O Z W A N Tn A D IT tlR C E .

H e r H u s b a n d N o t Y s t F u n tid -A h e M ay K ill t tb e rai-liid lc tit.

Mm*, B jto x . w ife o f M. C harles H u lo i, ed ito r o f tb e 4r» /Max ^Ifond'*. a tV ans, w bo h as bwsD rb lned by b la c k m a il ' era, h a s m ade ap p lio a flo a for • d iv o rm

Mme. Huinx, w ho tn a r rh t i M. R u loa ]q u rn . is Ihe d u u ^ l o r o r rru fessu r U lcbet, a Vrietabef o f th e A cad em y o f Holeiicee. Bbe la deeply grieve'd u t ib e n ia n n e r In w h ich h e r husband h aa tre a te d her. U Is searce ly he- Ifsvfd (h a t a n y defence w ill be m a d e tn t i lls action.

H Is r e to r ta d Ib a t am ong th e -w o m e n tm* plicated In th e a ffa ir a rc llireo w ho ron - iT lhulrd a r l l f ic s Ut tb e R n u e tlr t f t n t t J/ondcr. Thu m a tte r le now lu th e b a n d s of Hie polios, w h(»are lo o k tig f>r M. K uioz,

Thfl shaiw bnlders TJf tho Hrvue Jh^ur J/ondcs w ilt bo ld a m erlin g lu c o n s ld e r th e slliia ilu n . U Is p robab le lh a l Mmo, Hulox will be m a d s e d lP ) r of th e perlodlc^Al.

M, ItuloK sneceded h ts h ro llis r L 'n ita an d b fi fa th e r lb Ihe dirvctiori o lfh e /f^ 'u c </si /Vii,z A/undrs, and in a d e u n env lnh lc iia iri0 for b im se ir In l i te ra ry , ar^ tsllc nud s c le n t lie sooieiy, T h s ex|N i«ure of h is den I VMtms hna been a g re a t shock lo h is iriends, n i im lw a y i Iwhcvcd th a t h la charnc ier was ab o v e siis* plclon.

WIFF KILLFIL HrHHA?ID INJIIRFd.B e a tk ' a t a n i i n d R s llro a d r r n s s in g » N o

U d s ll ta in e d .H etlry J . V h l ie , Tow n T reasure r o f Wca-

tnn. M ail., an d Ills son nra a t Ihc W a lih a tn H ospital daiigerrM isly in ju re d , w hile h is wife lies dead a n d te r r ib ly m atigicd In cnu> le q u c u re o f be ing fciniok by a Iriiln m ov ing a l a h igh sp»vd a l th e H usllngs cro a tlb g iti K endal ( I r an a t 4::i5 y c s tc n jsy afie rn o o n . The ra ilro ad a t th is p u ln l make'* a lu ru a n d (hfloccuiv iiilu o f Mr. W bH a's carrliigo w ere unsb ie to h e a r The ap p ro ach of (he t ra in .

T he horse , a f e r being d riven up o n (he tra c k , su d d en ly balked aud cnu]<i n o t be s ia rtw i a g a in befo re F u g ln* 121 b a d c ra sh e d lu tb (he vobk.de,

M r*.'W hIiA Was p icked n p dead a n d M r. W hite WHS loscuilb l© from a scru rc r u i o n (he head a n d (vliter In ju ries, T he hoy wim badly cu t an d brulm ui. A t W nU hain ih c y were m et by D r M cCurm iok and (be polio* am hitlancv,f. Kroini th e s to rie s < f th c (rn inm en no one v n s to h lam c, as th e rrosKlng is h b lin d one an d (b se u g lu e e r cou ld n u i s^n Ihu obsLruc- tiun OQ (he tra c k Id tim e to av e rt th e accl- deub


A F v c n lla r k a p lo s lo n on a Y a e h l - O th r r N u tr i F ro m F a r am i N ear.

-C io ram o d o ra A. J . H herhlun, o f th e Bea rilfT 'Y iieht Club, a s s is icd by iho sa ilin g tnae. Icr, was Iry ln g lo p ry wUli h k n lfn a IlglK ly- flU ing c a rtr id g e from u im a ll brass ca n u u ii on (be deck o f h ts y ac h t, M adcap, n e a r Cold Bprltig H arb o r, y c s le rd ay , w hen i t jirc iha- lu re ly e s p J o d id , d r iv in g th e knife In to lu e cm um oihirsi’e leg an d sha lle ring ibe hone. The ea lJlbg m a s te r wns (tr r ib ly b u rn e d■ bnul th e fRoe a n d h ad bis righ t b au d noarly blow n ufl.

E le a n o r P r n c tn r h e ru rp i a IH viiv re F ro n t l i r e Uciy lltishH ud .

Ju d g e R lschofl, Of th e C ourt o f C om m on Pleas, N ew Y ork , ycM erday enD uIled (he

|ta a r r ia g e o f E lean o r H. T nictor (o Jo sa p h li, G tbsou. on th e g round ilio t ih e ce rem o n y was perfo rm ed u n d er duriiss, a u d m a i tb e g ir l i i jd Dot rea lise wlinl she w as d o ing , K iPhnor le a b o u t Iw en ly yoais o f age, a n d Is lh a d a u g h te r o f F red erick F, I ’rtMJtor, of lA rc b m o n u Y oung tU biiin It ahciub Ihe sum e age a n d liv ed n ea r New H ochelle.

O ne d a y in May, m i . Kiln d ro v e to New Kocliclle (o gfH Buiau m eiiiiilim . A s she neured Ihe v illage she overlmUs Joe, w lm w as WAlklug alon«'. Me got m to th c I '-n ir i and • b o rlly a fte rw a rd asked. W ould you d a re I lo get ib e rr lc d (o m o?” Hbe tln n ig h t he w as j Jok ing an d laughod a t h im . H ow ever, na th e y d rove p a s t Dr, C harles lU g b y 's ch u rc h a l New U ociielle he ju m p ed o u t a u d Hsked th e pasiu r to m a rry ihcm .

W hile h e w as In th e rec to ry E lla w hipped her b o n e an d tr ied lo g c i nw ay, b u ( h e over-

her, g rabbed tbo Iiotnp’s h ea d an d

-W tlUiira T, M ahoney , a fa rrn c rllv ln g n ea r F a r U ockaw ay , w as aUacki<d by a s in lllo n y s s ts rd a y afleriK xiu an d badly h iju rca . T he h o n e , w h ich l>eloDgfd to M iibonty, w as a t p s iiu re h) a loi. M ahoney sla ricu lu c ru sa (ti« loi, a n d th e horse galloped tow ard h im , an d m'fort' Ihe fa rm e r could reach a jdaci* safely iigd eeiacd h im by ibo left sh o u ld er. The fa rm er w aa th ro w n to th e g round hy th e m ad aiitroHl. a n d w ould no doubt have t>v4'n tra m p le d to J s a tl i h ad n o t a fa rm h an d a u d Mrs. M ahohey gone ui Jils a id . T h eb o rn o WB* d riv en aw ay from | I h v ir llm by ilj* mftti p ro d d in g It w ith a pllchfurk .. The lo ju rv d lat ruer whs tb e u rem oved (o blk buUNc a n d a ]>hyilclnu w'Hm ca lk 'd ,

—Ih'Oigo J . Gonlil am i b is fellow -heirs u n ­der the will of J a y tk n ih l yeste rday y lila lircd 1^^^■ r \tn frrr \ir .7 -^:r : r r T - 4^ #MuprvitjH Hi Now Voi'k CJIY^forthu p u rp o i t t t j rev iew ing itie asKcssjuifhliJTilO.OUu ftsi luAUu b y tb u T a ir CouuuU ^lonChf Oh tauu-..Xf3*T>hulr* cuuU m d Ihui i h e y . r ' ^uiii n f iih e ia x e d a t a ll, a a t l i e y d ld iir)i cuiuc IiH o IMMscNslori c ifthe c s ta lc u n ti l JtinuH iy 16, four days a fte r tb e l a t l i ig Irtv wcui in io cnci-i, In i)e ;i,o U fi does u o l laku Ih ls view Iv liiu heirs say th e y s h o u ld n o t he usked to p ay on n to ro ih a u fil iikljM) w orth of personal eily . 'fUe l iu u ld e i la le , hnwovor, (is« already p s ld *U(n,0iVl a* col la teral li ih e rltn u ce tax , and th is coucedo i lUu cs la lr (o Im> w o rth HUCOO.nuO. t :o in p iro llc r Myers, w ho col- hictcd (Ills ta x , VHiitniued lUe u«latu a s w o rth t76.lXH.g.a

—ll ie N ad o n u l H ank cif Kansu* C ity Mie- pended p a y m e n t r1 o'viovk yvnU -nU y aftcruooii a n d l» mnv In Uii hnnilH ivj' th e (’o n ip iro llc ro r ih c C u r i’uncy.T lic aNHuts.iVcM- d '‘n H 'b l(‘k R:«lc1 y es te rd ay nllcrmHUi, k i l l ha lu-twcun nm l f:i.(W,<IO(), imtl lh<. H aim .lllCM Ireiwevn S(t0i,i,t)dl)anil l ie Is ru n -lldent (hut th e depoBHors will In.* paid d o lla r lor do lla r. rrcH ldviii ChtoK Bald th a t lh a suBpi. uslou WHS d u e (u Ktondy withdrH W at n[ du |K Jsiissince th e beg lun liig uf tb s fluaiK 'lai ilrlngcncy .

— Ih io e m in u te s uA er 8 o'clock vcM orday HfluriKion a y e tlow lsh b lack ci>*ud vam v u p Irom lha w est am j Kwapt tlm m gH WUIlwiUcr atoTig l>ftke Kl. r n d x , tlunioo, scrosii lUo Inkc, and Hpeni )ta<'lflii Lhc SViBcmiHln wood* io the NuutbeaKt. Tw o persom r were k illed , Vt lljiam .\u e s a n d KHrnviul M m ouhun, w ho, wUh<nhorK, w e re n lw o rk lu Hie TaCling bIim U of th e A lviuod M ill 0)1 M k o fei. C roix. S ev­era l bu ild in g s were b low n aw ny and H buul a dnsen people WM'Q In ju red by flying dchrln , hone, how ever, fa ta lly .


P re p H ra llo a t fu r th e lU g A q u a tic K v en t fiu S is rrl y O n " ( 'h ib VcudoM ie'a I c s -

th a f - 'H ls c E llaiieDUB F purfs.KnlrJcs for tne aq iia iic e v e n t nf tb e teaton«

th e rag H U au f th s M nldlii B ia tn l to w lo g s<'<>11111011, Rch«dutei| to ta k e place on J u ly 2‘i ON Iho FaK-»)c flivur cou rse , w ill chaia w ith H ccrciary Fred IL F<»rlnicyur on M onday . A large n u m b e r n f o u te s t a n t s hae a lread y h rea re^ordvd a n d th e re a re sLlJI m any iim re ex i^ 'c tcd . T he lis t of sen io r slngie-scL;l| L'tnriss In c lu d es “ C b r ls " Doiur- gnh, A U U iiIb H. r . ; T hom as l l ls g in i , W nreas- ( • r ; W. A inaii, F a lrm o n n t Jl. Folwln lludicv , FaKsale JS, l \ , a n d a iiu o ib er o f ollH-r*-. equally w ell know n.

1 J)c 1'h:*i s Ic O iib a 111 b ( rep resen ted lu f he s*'Uliir-Jouii|.‘ Bcitll race by K dwin J led icy mid rnab ', w ith a crew irm n the A lbany lUotlQg I'hili, cutiB iitlhg o f M onuhnn a n d HiiU«'r: <^uhl and F rcc th , of th - VarimMS, a r e ‘•iih'fvil, tMhl I he V esper H. I 'lillu ile lp b ta w ill Nfiid V.Eiv I 'k e t am i McHoWn.

I'Jnlil m w lng cJuhfl w ill crew s In com - |H-(u In lh rju n i(» r four-'>arc<] hoc . T hnsi-a ro Hie Furckii, V arum i, N cvIur, M«irojH»Ul«in, H caa .inaka , A slorln a n d ihn Aria|i>ftUin a n d ('oiuij)hLii, th e tw o iR licr crew s cum lng from Wa*>lHugUMi.

'rh e en tries for th e Ju n io r e ig h t race In- c lu d f 'i ih e Jo silin les a n d re s s a lc i , o f N ew ­a rk ; F .-ilrm ounls, o f F b lla d r lp h la ; Nep- lurm s, < f H iillhhorc; Dauntle**, l» n c Klar«, F irs t l i ih e m ln n i, NoniHtrelis, New Y ork AUitvilcs, IJudum a, V a ru n a i, B ialeo Is la n d A thle iics, Uulm^ Cmh.

F or Hie buQur* In th e sen io r e ig h t raoe tb a A iH lanla i-m w w ill in ra t tb e F alliadev , of lo u k - r * ; l>'airmoiijit It. C., F h lln d e lp h la ; ,St*H \ UI k A lh le lic t, a n d th e M alta crew , n f J 'litladclphln . I'lu-Be a re o u t a few o f tb e e tiir le s for th s v a rio u s even ts.

1'bu ofliesrs wUo w ill be Ui ch a rg e of (h e ra< g a tlu a rc :

Itcfurec—C laude R, Z appone, A Q slo tlan Jljtir Club, W ash ln g lo n , D. c . TIm eknep- ers- 11, J , H ehrens, N o n p are il HohI Club, New Y tirk ; J . II. A lirll, N jiu ru Jh>al H u b , New Y o rk ; W a lte r H lim so*, Arl- Inglon It is i Ciub, Carnhrldgp, Xtaas,: '1 tiuudure Van K .idea , A tH laiita Itoa t C lub, N ew Y 4,rk. Ju d g es a( Ihe F liiU b -C . McD. WlUt», T rifon D ual C lot', N ew srk , N. J ,; K. I’. A llen, New Je rsey A th le tlo Cliii» llHDd, A r th u r K u ll A asocta tion ;

A riel lk>al Club, niurr', Md.; V. .1. I ’rcJscudao i, m oun t iCnwiug C lub, I 'h ila ilo tph ia ,

h e r to th e ch u rch . K hpsw y ssh e re-

ti.U .T ay lo r Ciii] B o u r b o n al- w a y t reliab le a n d endorsed

I by th e cerilfl- . ca tes o f tw o

M a ie ie b d s e tf i M a y e n . F or aa le by a ll t»roo<-rs a n d D rug ris is , le bo tile* on lv

“ ■ «"■*''=» * »«'• *-«>FG6t-»^_BoKif)n, Mbhk.

R E L M B L E . I

A I'U rtnce fo r li iv en tu re .From Ihe F i'c u ln g Hiar.

The m a n w ho in v c tiis a m ethod of Jo in in g (he k a i h e r o f nm clilucry i>i>iis nn tUm U w ill be as Btrotig n l th e p o lm tjf m uon nscl.se- wUure h u i uu CDurinous focUino In w B lting bn h im , A im iolklne bell tiircc -iiiicen tliH o | air In c h ’lh lc k w ill su siu lu m ihuiikI k o f ; WsJghl pur lu p b . o f w!(Uh, At th e RpUcex, ' afier Llie bell h a s i^cei. fiihioacid w ith tIvcib, ihl* Is reduiicd to ysn p<iunds; lacing reduces It s illj n ir t lic r lu pounds, w hile u ^am Working len slou Is on ly abou t fllly p o iin (l« per iDt'h. I f th e h e lu could U- luade so lid an d lui Hlrofig a t th e J n lu ii e s fU ew h eru tbo (TorklDg leutluD rn lg i ith a largi-ty luc reascd .

R o rs fo rd 's A c id rh o s p h a ie . I f Y ou a r eN erv o u s,

A nd eaDDol ile ep , try tr. a

, My p h y s ic ian sa id 1 could n o t live, m y liver o u t of o rd e r , frequen tly vom ited green- Ish m ucus, ik jQ ycUow, sm ell, d ry h u m o rs ou face, s to m a ch w ould n o i re ta in rood. Jlur^ dock Blood Itltto ra cu red me. Mrs. AdelulOe O'BrJeUj 8Ti K xebouge » t., BuHiUo, K. Y .^ A d

F ran k B urke, A sto ria R ow ing Club. H larlcr ->A. H. Hievvn*. rAKSiEic Bunl Club, N ew ark . N, J. C lfik of th s Coll roe—U. I t , Pellun , N c rn ii B oat C ub, B rooklyn.

Cliiti V «n ilu iiii ''s F e s tiv a l,The N ew ark H hooling r a r k w l l t on Mon­

d ay lo) Ihe icoufl of III) w e n t w<irth go ing innn> inlU's to sfp. K i t h e nfioriuKin a n d even ing of Hint day tb e C u b V endoiivcw lll s rrv e up lo the ipo rt- lo v liig public a sen es o f glove Contests U tal sh o u ld e g e d a n y th in g In the boxing line ever seen hi h^sex C oun iy , U n o t in Iho Biaie of New Jersey . The ca rd prepnred by th e V endom e 's m a n ag e rs eclIpBCK the lies! ever fu rn ls 'ied by an y o lh e r u rgaiilsn tlon h^renbouts. Tho club h as dem - onairHU>d by Its p as t le co rd th a t i t h a s no use for boxers o r o th e r a th le l lc fea tu res t h a t a re u o l o f the first d a t a T he is le o t selecled for th is a lb le llc c a rn iv a l b c sp eak i a n e n ie r - lalUDLffut of r a re iDerU. A u stin O lbbons, of ra ie rrto a , M ghtw eigbt oliA tnplua of A m erica . wiK eu d eav o r to de­feat Ji>e H arm o n , one o f New Y ork 's d u f e r - esl ex|iOi>sniM n f ih e noble a r t , nnd th e crlc- bra«ed " Hull *' Jilcf^arthy, of F bU sdelph ia , III fnuT rounds each . “ A nslra llna ” Hilly M urj.hy am i ICd iJH im a n , o f t l ie C lin ton A. C. of New York, w ill m eet in a fou r-jo u n d n m tc i t . u th e r b on is w ill be pai4 lc lpated in hy D anny Keefe, o f B d lc v l l l e ; r a d d y Xlo (liilgA h's |tei, Y uung tkm w ay , o f H a r r is o n ; I ’ro ffs^o rC harley N o rton ’s "u n k n o w n ," 's a id to l*p Hid U recnhalgh . of lllrrn liigbun i. Kng- Inriil; Hitniey F lc tn lng uria Ueorgn V aten- line , o f lha A sb len d A. C„ N ew urk, A lt Uaiids a rs (ra in in g b a rd an d fn jtn fu lly f>ir Ih e s iru g flv , Tuere w ill be m usic au d dan c - iug b o th a fiernoon a n 1 evening .

K ac ln ^ o a T h re e I r a c k s .F av o rlies won In every race h u t one a t

M unniuiitli I'rtrk yeste rday , UiH (he hlg crow d comiH'llcd the b uukm akurs lo do hu^lness on n losing biisli. The tra ck w as slow nod ib e wcHllter ihrra ieD lng. KlngKinn being emt o f Ihu op<mliig race T o rm en io r. (he lavorfle , hnd as r lv a li 'W hite U » susud T opga llan t, th e la lie r sbow lug a lo t of !*i>eed. T n p g a ila u lg u t second luohcy a n d A m bulance th ird . T liere wore on ly tw o sluN crs Id th e second rat'C, Joe KHlIf an d H luain ing equa l favorllsB, A t th e lu m Jn eK i'ily d rew iL uny an d won easily . T he K entucky co lt DBcnutilw uN fA vorite in th e th ird race. AureilRn%hr>ae& hpeeU for liiiU H inlic, hut WBH beh in d L ittle F ira te an d FqUKllon w hen IH w u m t cruesuil th e w ire htiLt. A jax was h o r i a tn iy tn t'lo fo iir ib 1 uc-e, w iiu ilne h a n l s dow n, w lih ABUnla second Hiid HarvcMl th ird , k p cu lu lln n , a H rU h ion Brach grafliirH**. won the fifth race, Tlie IruniraM trr b -s tln v H ‘ I It a n d ea s ily for si'io iid place. In d ra , Ih-.-favorite Ih ibn IomI rncc,uH H beH len,«ud D nrlaii won w ith p len ty <vf <llB(«iji'e IOM|>ire. Dc'-pnl hea t Mum le R flilly fur second place. 'I h rm n irn a ry whkj

F irs t Hhi'C - H eavy h an d icap Kwepp-take* •for nil ac«K, of 91. each , wUhfl,COJ ad d e d ,* n f w hich to Kccnml Huct UOO tu (b ird , flve rurU rngv; T o rm en io r u o *, T op ifallan i ►cc- •Uid, A m bulnim e ll ilrd ; tim e . J.tVhi,. Host U-11 Ins—Nine lo 5 Hgnlust T oriudiilur, 8 lo 1 AintmlHnce. It) io 1 'lopgn llan t.

Hfcoml Itftco—H anillc .ip sw repB lskes for Ihrce-j ear- dd>* Hud u p w ard , o f llS ca d i, vilih f I.IWU ftdrtcd, ol wbloli WUO (u sscoiid iiml 9100 to (b ird , one m ile nnd a a lx leen lh ; .loc Kel y won, (H onnilng oecond ; lim e , l-5<>!-;. Fuel H citliig^T en to 7 on J ob K elly , 6 lo & u gn ln si t iloain tng .

T u irJ U iee - Sw eepstakes f.jir tw o y eA r-o ld t w hich liHve Tiin untl n o t won u t t id s m vohng, 111 |1& pseb, %rltiifl,UUO Hdded, o f w hich lo second iiiul |jfH> to ih l rd , s tu k e w inners (orcr* n t f b i sweepKinked n o t cmiMilnK) lo c a rry Rt> pim rnls, otlnT boriifii ll* pounds, iniildi'nj* lUT |)oundK, (ireD ud a h a lf lu r lo n g s ; D iscount woD, LIUlo P ira te second, K qualJon th i r d ; tim e, 1.10*;. I ’lHl H e tt ln g -F lv e iu2 i»u Die- co u o i, lo lu I F ijua ttun , 1. lo 1 L lu ln P tru lc ,

F o u rth Kacc- sw re p sin k es fo r ihrev-year- olds, o f 91.) each, w lih ll.Wm uddcd, of ad ilch $JCQ tu ihcHHCund an d IlOU to th ird , lo c a rry 105 puutjdR, fire furli ngn ; AJrx woo, A sto ria AM'uiid, J la rv e st (b ird ; Mnic.l.fU, P osi Hci- tlng- F iv a lu Ifoii AJrx , i’J ^ lo 1 agn lu st As- tiu In. tf) Ui 1 D arvest.

F ifth Racv—S w ei'p*lnkeH fortItrec-year-oldi a n d upw ard , o f9 J5 1'acli, w lrh 9l,0ii0 ad d e d , of w hich FJM) to second a n d 1100 lo th ird , w in ­n e r of uiia rai-e a t ih l* m.H'llng to ca rry flvo p o u n d s ex tra , of tw o races, sevon p o n n ili. th e w tm ior lo be »old nt au c tio n for^l.iXkl, If for lii.CxiO, allow seven pounds, for 92,ms), ( n c l r e |suuo(la, tiu 'ii uno po u n d for each 9100 dow n to 91,Odd, one m ile au d aR lx lccm h ; Bpccula- Lion w im .'J'hc Ironm nnlenw cuivd, Heat lln m d Ih in l ; Hniv. 1,51%. I 'oK llle liing—Ten lo t io n HpccuJatlim , 3 to 1 s g a tu i t Ucsl B rand qikI 7 lo 1 1 Im> IrouiJiiisler,

K lx ih i :a ( 'c - '’ wcepMakeB lo r fliiddcn (wo- , .vci»rM)ld«, of flu cjiclj, w llh 91.000 a ih lc j , uf > w nicii F-iK) to accond an d tKKi lu Ih lrd , (o

»i’CV I ‘ ’*TV.rrliilf w «nr th ’CixJf second, Maftiic lT,"fitly' Hilril* J.U . (''«■' ^ U l t ig - T i i r c e lo 1

F u lh tr l f t l i D alj iw oraceg ru tT rig n rtin Jk 'uch ychlcrdny Rud I Im U lc u t and tiuuk* m a k e rs q in t on u liunl fViin te r in i. V irg in ia 11. Mon llic flryl race by a lo tig ih ; H lndnu- inc rc the second by tw o Icng tha; F n llh fu l th e l l ilid by Ic ss tliau a lo n g lii; Pnnay Lhc f im n h Ijy n h«sd ; A lrptH ttl ib« llftti by ii d^tgUi, auti (iold iHill-ir tlie la s t race by h a ll a lengili, 'J'lm rrsu lls w ere;

l>'lrM t R hcc—Pu rse 9500, atdltng, flve fur- louya ; V irginiu II . w on, AilJusL second, Mnrl- u n o U M tiird ; tim e, I'.usi JleM|ug-.-Twnlu 1 Rcahia’ A d ju s t * (o J V irgJhla H ., V2 lo 1 M nrluncHe.

Bci'iiiid U at'f--P u rse 9700. lliroc-q ijs riers ol H m ill.'; llm au u m cru w on. \S>sl I 'a ik rccniMl, KdUli Ih lrd ; lim e, M 7'4. I'tist H cttlng— Ht'Vcri l o ’tn g n in sl il ln u u u in c rc . 6 lo 1 W est I 'n rk . 15 ■<> I IvUlh.

riiird ItiicD—Purse i<*>\ for Ih rce-ycaiK m ls, th rcc-ijim rlcra uf ft m ile ; K nllhfu l won, lip- ro a r I'u lt eccoiid, Wwllnce i i ilr r t ; itm e, J.l6%, Post ItH lU ig—Two to l a g a l u h l F a ith fu l, 4'^ S o l nVuIiucc, 5 ifi 1 D tiM iir colt,

F u u r ih Piinna f'EW, for (lirce-j-car-old m uldcs, selling, live rurinngh; Pioisy won, W a r Cry s ifo iu l. h a iad lri th i rd ; tliiif*, l.ro%, l*ot*l H tyrtiim -K iehi (o A n ((ahu i Beludiu, lu j W a r f r y .U lu J Pansv .

F lfib Um.... P urse SNM). o f w hich 9l.V) tu sc<>-r>mi uni] |0(J lu Ih lrd . at iling, wtic 'niiJu ; .Air- jd im t won, t « ‘lou«de second, K ing 'C ra b ih l rd ; lim e. PoKt H r u in j . F o u r lo IK ing I'nil), 10 to i A trp la n i, J:> (o | C (jltnnndc.

S ix th Hnci‘—Puraw 1500, five fa r lo n g s ' Unld PollHr won, l.uliaU .vtcoiid, Flflgot ih l r d ; lliiic, PoKt lIcUInK—H srpo lo 10 rgaiusi. tio ld liolljir, 4 lo I I^nilali, 8 to 1 FlUget*

Thi'ec iHVurllcs an d threu o u ts id e rs won a t (H nuccsicr y c i lc rd a y , tho a tlc tiJn n i'o be ing big ftiul (ho trnok fair. The roHulls w ere:

F ln ii lttn:c-i~Five-clghlhs of u n ille ; (-law- dus.1. 15 lu J. won, Hutu IL irdy , UOlo 1, accond, A tldio C. collj oveu, ( h i n l ; lim e, I.0T)*y-

HccoihI Hecc—F our a n d onc-haK in r lo n g s ; lU-uutUul, 7 to 10, w on. Kume Mure, 8 to 1 second, lA dy L islcr, 4 to I, th i rd ; lim e , o.As!

T liird R n rc-K lvc-e lgh th* uf ti m ile ; J euscv U lo 1, won. Fi(iurciu>,no5,Bflcon«t» L ln u io n e , b to 1, th i r d ; (Imp, J.lK.

F u u rd i Kacc—Hevon a n d a h a lf f u r lo n g ti ChalhAm , ti (o r», won, l>rl*tle, 5 to 1. secoud. M ono|vnllit, a i lu I, th i r d ; (Imp, 1.38* .

F ifth P»acc—H * au d a q u a rte r tu rlo u g s; A. O. n . ,7 tu lo, won, O rcunw lch, 10 (o l, second, U uccria ln ty , Qln v t b i r a ; lim e, \.2 i\i,

ts ix th Ihu 'C -S ix a n d u q u a r te r lurioDga ; Fuvurty , S to 1» w on. G enera l G ordon, 4 bi 6, second, X enophon, 8 b) i, ih l r J ; tim e, 1.259*

T h e M rn g g le fu r th e r e n n a n t . B rouklyh fell hack In tho race for (be pen ­

n a n t yeste rday , botli P lifsb u rg an d G e re - h ind hav ing passed P o u U 's m en. The N ew Y orks m e t defea l &l ih e h su d a o f G eve la iid , b u l th e B a ltlm o r tt w ere bea ten by C b lo n |o

a n d W ard 's m en nr# sIHl Id e ig h th position . I 'h ic sg o Is on Ihe heels o f th e se clubs, bring l>ut riliH' bu liiti b eh in d N ew Y ork . T he Hruoktyn*, in th e ir di f.>at by B|, Jam ie, fell fruhi Ih lrd lo firth place, JM ttsburg o u tp lay ed (he WashlugWuis nncl t ’lvT eland gave New Y ork en u ih c rk tiriek o u t h tnw . l*tDsburg a n d C 'kveland a re im even le rm s lo r th i rd place, th e farm er being a fav o rlie . I 'bv race tM eeu I'h liadelpliiR u n d R oaton fur ib e lesd is v9ry cluis. th e rs being o n ly cuie g am e 's d ll- fereuM belMeru (h em . H uth w on y e s te rd ay by Bpeeily p lay . T he A nson co k e are ou ih e biH 'lsuf New York*, a n d H alLim orc m a y ^>aaa a t a n y Um< . The re su lts o f y e s te rd a y 's play w eru j

P leveland fl, Now Y ork 1 Ht. t ^ i s : i , H nm klyn 2. lioslon 7, C luc lu iia ll 6.P lillade lph lu 9, IxmlBVille 5,P ittsb u rg to, ^S'as}llnglou 6. i'bicugolO , lU ltlin u rs 2.T he rec'urd o f each c lu b is a s follows t

(.'lubH. Wotio I/>M, I'r.C’t.rb iif tU e lp iili........ ......43 22 oib'idIb.K i)||(„.................. ....... 11 ■JS .bliI 'l l ta b iirg ........ ..... .......17 IWI'leTelaiiiii.............. ....... :ti Jfi .fdjtliro rik lyn ..... ........ ......Mt.'lDrliiiiaH............. .......51 ;ii .4MMu JoiuiIa .............. ...... 'Jl :ii -4«J, \ dw y ..r l i ............ .4.Wfln ilim u rr............ ......27 .i-'j ,4.5'ir ii le a n ti , . ............... ...... 27 .4;'0

aa lilnu io ii......... ......M ,41.41liOUJsTJlle......... . .......19 M i

LilTLE BABY WAS RAWD l i t m i t d g f lk J o n i* « M e f r o m B i r t i b

C u re d l u 5 W e e k * b y C u t l c i m * N o w H e u l t b y m C a a B e*

. My baby boy bail »tc«i suffeHtw from hfrtli w ith some so rt of an en ip thm . The docto rt called R ecaenia. ill* H itle neck was one n w

am i exposed loasa of red, iudaiiin l flesh. Ills arm* aa d acroiw u u l tiudcr bie thigUs, wherever ibe fa t flesh made ft fold, were Just the enuie. For four we<'ka a fte r his b irtb he sullcred w ith th is rrujiiion, aud un til I got the CiTtfTBA B emedika, there was little Bleep for any one. In five week abe was ooippletety run:;*!, llew aji nine weekj

old F eh n u ry L and you o iich i to sae hi* skin Binnoib, even, and a beautiful p luk andD O W , ■M M «P|.u , t: ______ ^ _______

White cv>lur. l ie Is n* healthy as he can l>e. The n T in HA H » ulve\ t has given him tone, vigor and iirenjrlb . 1 emdose h h portra it.

y tH , A . U ABDNEB, IM E. i m flt., New Vork«

G IT T AnVKRTlHKXTF.NTK. K A iL H o a n a .X rn 'n C K OF INTKXTJflK. -HOAKI*J.N f • • or


HUeci srHl Water ('orainlfsloscn.FubllTDoUc.'Is hereby given ilmt It Is the lD|n||.

lien c f The Hoard of m rw t Aikt Watei ITminilwioft. b n o f i l is U ty m Nrivark. luider arut hy v in u « ^ ih*-pf)>vlsliMi«4i( theaci endued “R iiact lo revise smt amend ilMMiioricr nf (he eiiy nf Newark,''«u- bruved M snh 11, !<•'. s )h( lh'> siipplcrnfitis (hi'XJtO. snii the R(!i cn-itriiig Hit Itonpc] uf HtrcPt and W*rt*r (Vnnhiiy-kmere of the t l i y o f N euark amtravitii Man:li 'X *K)1. h* urdsr and chubu

IJN i . LN IMHK,hum ItONid Rtrvei tiv Ma:>i1iiitgt()n ilreet (ftirmerly known asm iiaM un iin iu ii svfiuiei and

fU N T u N a V K M ’Kfrom \Vaslilng(r.n sirrvl (o Uie westerly Una I'f HIralicIh avcaiie, in (ic ivpasad wU» nbiohr gninlU' bliick i«vliig «N) I'scli hide nf the burse car (rack-, with iii« I'.'iCi'ptUin ol uno fint tHd-ilde of e«oli track, (nceihcr with a 'l iho a|)|>uiU'nai)ius un>*iiMry lo ooiiipMe Ibo

'Ibo milroBiI cnr|>cr4iion tmnl.ig ft'# railnav IrorkH l<H'at’-u ill jL ld HN I'tMio *liali ri-psvc tbi- n*- nialuiai; a t t th uf the rsrrl»sp any ))Uli (liC'uiiuamaterial am] in like uisimifr lu tUul ]>oiiloti outside ortbolrlnielfs.

Hucit jWTSlinK OS nisy ohjert tn<>reto art- rs |iic*lc(1 to prtwom ihelr oUJecthuvi in wrUliis vl llie utTlo- »f the th»ant offtiroctand W aiernm im idirner* nii or before tl>e oxplrsU*«u uf M'li ds3's ir uu the Ual« u( tills im(li>e.

Hy dlr.'cOnn of the Ik«n l of H rret end Wsier ('ouimlio'louera of the clly of .^ewa^k.

PHAUl.l-r* MAH^ll, (ienorst mipcrlnt'>uUi>nt or Works.

Newark, N. J , July «. isaA :rJe

J>K.\N.-*VI.VAN1A lUlLMO.U*- TftK bTAXD* ard rallwiiy of Amertca. I’rdec)^ tlirouqAout

by (be inlerliH'Icinf swlt -li an<l (•buk'^liiiia) lyAiero. ' ' f ” fetnp«MP<i]y nn lUHtoe hi ovenr. Un u n f after.Inly I, iKis, iraliiB wiii leave Market !»uv*l m o . tlun. Newark, u rollowH:

f S » A . M..(X»Jumh|ai» Kspre**, I’ldlman V r^lt bule titeejdiur Chdi (i> I'hicavu oft'l nuclntiaU. J>ln> •ng, t-nicklag omi I'ahwngcr *om'he* fmm .\sw Vurk to t bir-Hgii- Arrive!* In ClnciaiMU U tA M , (i)dlatwpoll«T:U A. .U.. LblcagOlQilW A. M. usx | day.

f U57 J*. M. iVniisylvanta -rum pow lexclii'Mvely IHiIIiuam VvBilbide ttrawlng anil b u ie Mooni. Hbvt'lar, IHnhtg. ’'•making ftiid ovi-vailaa ('ant, preacniiuv Ihiaiu-bil reports. s(em ograpliera and ry|M>w^ltcr^ iNithrOim* for (>o(h evEev. lodlcii' maid. tuirber-'>lioB. libmrv. oml all tbs (vmveDieiH-ea uf heme nr idth'r. l.lgliti<*l by mEm- (KHioryaiHi movable el'irUlo llg b u ArrlViMi Cbb coKit 12.UO noon.

1 J*. Is. K(. ]^)D . t'lnriatimU and Chli'iura Fxiiri*5<k-i'ulJman VeMibiiiit M>«|Hiig and Dinint «’«rs (oat- l^auis. IliiiKRn and riiii’lmial.L VeeDimlahmoklng (^ar and Pancjiger (.'leMhcs lu Kt lAHjla A rrtvei iim-lniisU bxw A. M.. hL Luuw 7.3b i \ U. iiml cldi'Hgo.Vlii V. if. iwxtdsy.

I a u I*. Mm We*t(irQ l<xpnaw lhallman V sd t

V t

bill** H id in g ( a n u> MitHbiirg. n ilcsgo ami ricv» )am1-, Idiiliif ( 'an (0 I'lilladHpiiU. nod rilt*bury

'V1'*TU'K u f INTKNTUlN JlOAllDA>i


H p o rtln f M lsceU a itj.T he Kust (<]d« F ly in g OUdi a t a m eeting

held laaL rila lu elected llie fo llo w in '' om cers t p e le r Lynch, p re s id e n t; F re d ile ta* , sec- r c ia ry ; U iarles I jim b rv c b t , treHSurer. Those d es ir lu g m rtn b e rih ip s h o u ld ad d re ss F red ilela*. go Krtn road.

T b i Red H iockings a n d Y’oung M en's L yceum learn o f U ninga w ill pl>ty a t C en tra l av e n u e grounds In-day.

T h e F ran k lin A tk le llc C lub of N u tle y an d tb e JefTenun A. w ill p lay o n th e K inney s tre e t g rounds UHlay,

A m ong o tb e r gam e* to -d ay tb e O ra o fe A ttiio ilce w ill play lh a A cm es o f N ew ark ou the O v a l; tb s O range te a m w ill m eet ih e c rack Iw ontines of Now Y'ork on Ibo Lincoln g rounds, end the L lsw e liy n s w ill play the N ew York tfu rb a m i o n tb e W e il O range g rounde.

Jo h n Law ler w ill p la y L a r ry F o rd and B urru lt, u f liruok lyn , a t McCaU'* h e a d ball co u rt, K arrison , ou tb e n e x t c lu b day.

Bub K llsJm m oni d ac lln ee to flgh t Jo# C h o jn s k l a t Idj pou n d s fur a n y a m o u n t nod ia y * he w ill never go o u ts id e th e iiilddie- w clgul cIhs* Hgslti, u n le ss i t is lo f lgh i for th e heavy w eight ch a m p lo n s b lp Of th e w orld .

T he -MRiibutiau a n a ib e N ew ark c rick e t c lubs w ill p lay on th e U osuvlllo g ro u n d s to* dav.

Omo K uechler and T h o m as H am p io n w on a doubie-scull ra re from F ra n k a u d J im Co­b u rn , of tbe Jn slH u les , o v e r Ihe reguD r cou rse last n li;h t by th re e I s n g th a T im e,

From tbe age o f tw o month* my bebr inffered w ith the crscina oq h e r face ami Immiv. Ik«o- torerl w ithout avail, I'MvK'cTici'RAUKiiliJtM - Fouml them In every respect a ttitfacto ry . l l io child has now alw ftu tlfu lsk lnaqd is cureii. W* Cheerfully rernmmeurl the same t o ^ l m othen .

JL U . J . U OTHENBElULlDflJFlnt Ave.pN-T*

m\mk REMEDIESH ave effected tbe teoet w onderful eure* o f ter*

•ease* They

tu rln g ami d littgu rlng sk in am i scalp dl n fan ti and children ever r e ra r i !^ .o f Infi

hlTord Instant relief, |ie rm lt real and elcep, and l^ lQ t to ^speedy cure when th e beet physician*

J lre n ta , aave your children year* of ueed- suffering. Cufoe made in cblldbood a r t

perm aueuL ____________

Bold throiifhout the world. Pi9ee, C cticvbft, K>c.; 9osr96e,; Ussoltimt. |L I h r m n DxcO ADI) t'UEk. C o ir ., dole Proprietors, bostocL

9 ^ ** Row to Cere Skin tdsessee,'' mailed freei

f i lD V ’C flkla and Scalp pqrlfted ood beauUflod D A v l V hyCvTicciA Boxy. Absolotalypure.

I (Street and tV atrrt ominls*lon< ni.Pilbllr iintlca lu'iYliV' )flicM that iM'Uhf’ Inivri-

tiori of IB- HimrU ui‘ Ntr ■viand (Auierinmmlcditn- er» uf ih« I'Uv nf Netvarlc, miller a irl by virtue ui provIsFais OTlIie arl eiiUtlcd »*An act (o rwln* anil snietul Ibe cbaiter of the clly i f Newark," HpprnstU M anit H. IHA7. and the BiipplemrtLU Ihrrsin.anil (he aclcrcaOng Ibe H*Mnl of nirvct mud Wat.T tuin- mls^lmicrB nf I he chy uf N ewati:, a pprovwl Msrrti

lesi, Ui order and cautefU K IO N AVKN17K,

from Fifth avemic to Tllonmd>']H seenue. to be psved ^Glb sheet aS|iliaiinni uavliis(, ud l•a^h -hi" of Ihe mllway trsi’kH. wiili the MsiTpllun nf nne (ooi i»ais lie of eocli track. Tiarelbvr with all i|i« appurieuances neieoSinry to m tnpltie ihe same, 'the milrtMd oorpomiJen nwnl'ig the r^iiln-ay ffticka located In ssbi svenu •, siisll rc)>Avs (be re­maining wItUh of Uic narrliuteway, wllb elibcr grwiihe Mock «r aspUalt pavlox. a s ih s Hoard of ntreet und Water I unimLoilonsr^ may direct.

Bui'b perv4U)B os ntay cMiJo-i tliervtn are r^ntili>d to jirHoenl ihc lr ohjei'iliuis In wrliln? at the ufllt-e of ibe llnttrd Of ruieet and Waier (Tuiiiu IndoiierR on or before the eipiralluii ul teu tlayi froui date of (hts Dnllo*.

]|y (Drecilnaof (he Bnard of htrcct and Water ('OEnmlakloiiers of llie city of Newark.

I'llA ltl.KH MAKrtK. Ocncral Kiipetit.(fDaeia of Works.

Newark, N, J.. July A IpsiI. •.-4a

loChicoim. "Arrtviwal'atveUml Yl.iu A. M., Ib b laga u ayp. M. next day,

, P. M., ftouinweiiern Express.- I’ullmsa V cMloula Hlecpbig la r* tu ducinnail, Mempkli and''•i. I..OUK i iniog I'ar Altoona (o iticbmond. A rd v o a ro li in d w iii p. M., flncnuiar! AOO P. M., IhiliuhapoMB 10.15 P. M , ua>i Kt LuuIe 7.00 A. M- fcis'ontl luorDlag.

f R.3J I’, ^l. 1'at‘lflc Kxprest, rulim an BuiftHMec|i1iic t ‘ar New'i'oric lo rbk-ag',1. arrlvex dslly <;bteaKu7.» A. .M._ (w>«,iml niormngi. ’Foleito 11.30p. .M.,'-oiumluts 7-15 P. U. and Usveloud. vi«ek ilacs. dm P M

ft.At r . M. ftlchmond and T>aiivllie Kxpr«s\ daily, vvlih tbrcMigh xlcepers |o Sugnvu. MsniphU. h u t 'Spriugi Aaiievills and New urltsoiis. Innlo t Car io Montguincry. (Ne (Oocsim.)

15.71(1', M. Jsdly for nil ptUiibi on ('heoapeska suil Ohio ]{aiiway, ibrougu rdeeplng sad h ln in i Cara

p. M, hhsnand-iab Volley Rxpraaa, dally* lliiliiiaa Bufliit Mesper to New urluansrlftClialt*- Boura.

Ifti P. M. Fxprw« (hr hara'Oga. 1 brmigh Iluffalo p.^rior I'ar.

For Halftisore, Washlagton and (he Soul h. 13.17, All, A5I, *.-• A.M.lLlmUwl K*i»rv««. l*UllinaB VeaU-


I DlnlXf C'HT'. 10.B1 A. M.AlM'.M,i i ^ r I'oai

ll.U A. M.. S.A 4..W, AJI andk.9ul'.M . OBBuiiday, |-,14;,I.57. R 5 'A .X ..t.5 \ kSTamlaZOP. M. For BaUlatoro ooly, l/JW P. M. week days.

For I'hlladelphia, Kip.. 7.M1,* U.AI7. s.11,BASi.m-Ni (.imned F:v|itfs\ ruiiuiAn Vesithoie |^s^ lor (Bra, Vestibule l'ossetiv*'r Cnuchsa and Dining IVrj, ll/*S A. M.: 13.4*. l.'-VJ.3,S, 1.24, 4.-W. .VJS. ft?;, A33 anij B.I0 P M. AcounmiodHttom IIAI A. M.* .*1.07 uad 1'. M. Dn Mindsv, Kxprew, l£,47. 6.4a

n IM.81 A. M.; 4--H, 4..>V 9.37. B.ri ande.'SiP H. Acoummo<lat1un.ftKlarvl7 9 tP . M.

For Trenton. 7.00, 7.6ii. S-iV C.*7.w.':-V 9-W <1(VM l.lmllvd K.tpraoi. I'lillm m VestllTule Parlor Cars. VesClhulo Fmoenevr CiHichm and IHrtlng Carl. 1l.3« iiHl ll.U A. 51.; 12,40. i.2». 3.X\ l.U , 5.H S07.Aami.27.7.»i.k«and»..'IUP. M. e-uiuiay. 12.47, 6 4S, S S7. » .i\ v-'vt and 10,11 a . M.; 4.2i i.'a. 5.JW


i n - ........................ UF

TB ONB MTNrTL TRK C u tlc u ra A lltl- p a in P la s te r mUeves rheumatlOi

. to latlc, hip, kidney, ctaret, and mug* ^oular pain* an d weakneeeee.

r v .VA'H'.V 5/U no b/dJT pniOf of ifs OdtVrdtUkKifM f/tuH tt* oicn presenf ffi»m d'lg to dug*

nufflns a n d Fuff^ a n d F rIU i*RtifllM and p u ffi a u d frlUo,

Flounces and f a rb c lo i r s ;F rocks In a flu rry o f lace,

T b s l's w here ttJ3 m o n e j g o e i f B 'r lliR sa iid f l |P i ileev es

Hoops an d 111* K u p !re w a i s t s These ure the th in g * th e y w ear,

This Is llie ir e lm ple la s ie .Blue eyes end b ro w n a u d b!a«k,

C'urU Slid a d im p led cb lu ,Blnshf'* to ih a n ie tu e rn s e ,

Tbai'M w here tb e rouge eo m ei l o t Olancee an d sm ite* *nd sighs,

H in ts o f a b reak in g h e a r t—These a re tbe ty ic k i th e y ir j»

T his is Ibelr u a u g b ty a rLB um m er and b loom a n d song,

M ischief l i ev e ry w hef'*Go, liille rhym e , ab ro n d .

Hid the poor ta d s bew are f C urls and a d im p led ob lo ,

K iif ll 'sa n d p u lT ia u d frills ,Only looa tch a in a a ,

Home one to pay lb s b ills t

I wtrrct and Water ComrnlsJHlor.ers.Ibjblli! Noilcels liercby given tbui it l*(hBlPtBD

linn nf the lloertl of Rir«4*t and W atert DOimis liiD- ers uf Ibe city uf N>)varkr iimlvr and liy virtue tif IimvIakiiiB or llie act eiititleil '*An a*t (o revise siul Hinvud iB-i rharier of iha clly uf NVwaik." approved Mar<‘h J], lA'iT, sod tb« ^u]>plf■Jll«l)tl (h*fv(o, Rtid (be Oct crBmlliig the Hoard iif S(rt>vi •lid W ater l'uniml»slniier^ of (be ilty «>f Newark, approved March 3a, JWI, to order ap'l i»uae • brick ■ewer io be onnslriiiiwl in ^ hULTH TeN TH hTJYKKr.from the renire of ►prliigrttld avnuiie In a south­erly dircrtlun (br a dbianca uf ebuiii eleven ban- 'Irwt and llUy (I,l50i fti't, or lo tliv ocuire uf vS'mul- latid a icnu r. os (be sumc Is projected. Tugelber Willi ftll tun appurtenaorrs necmMary io rninpicte Iheoani''. And of^urb dlmeiMinns on (be Hoarri df street and Waiercooimlusloners ufUic d ly of New­ark shall direct.

Kiich (lersuiiH os may ohJect lliereto, i n requested 10 preoent (heir et>ji>rilonR In writing ar (he nfllie of ihe Hoard of Mm*! and VVeicr cuiiiiubwluneri, nii orbefuid tbe exptrstiun of leu d t j’a lyotn date of (his iHdIre.

By dlructlnn of ibs Board o rh lrsc taad Waier CeuimlsStuDers of the city uf » w u rk ,

CMAHl.KH MAltftH, ttenenil MiiHTlutsndeiit of W urka

Newark, N. J., July 8. hhtl 27a






rr<im High Blrert to .Vctblu Htrcvt.He Unnlalueii by tb f Uu:inl uf M rfct and W ater

CumniU lotivrsur Uib clly of Newark, a t followi: CecUun 1. 'Hast

jA M w sTRKprr*flr.im H uh itrsM to Nesbiu sireet, shall (w paved

Everything Connected

with Butter —churns, pat­

ters, tubs, hrkins —

ought to be washed with

Pcarline.That gets at

the soaked-in grease as nothing else in the world can.

Things may seem to be clean when you’ve washed them in the usual way; but use Pearline, and they really are clean. It might make all the difference, sometimes, be­tween good butter and bad. Wherever you want thorough cleanliness, or want to save your labor, the best thing to do is to use Pearline. W8B ew aruonm lU itlo iu . JA M ES rV L S ,K .T


u lib ntibitig granite block itavInR, tugMbsr ftlih all ibe BUpoMVnHDM neoBoaary t i oumptele lli« name.

hei'tllMI !L 'I'lliHt iniliiMHatJtl ,• tmnn f li.. vi miilAtf...*hei tIuH SL Tbai ttmuc<liately upon ilw ('niapictiun of aueii public wt)rk vr inipruvrmeiii. H i t c l s ^ of th i l>oejd, In.'CunJuticiliuj wl'U the Fnglneerand (leuerftl >U|'«rlul#n'leitr of Works of (»• hoard shall nirefully prepare miv] ftmitsh a 1 Iwcessary Mstcmciils, speclAcadoni atHi other rlau Of>r- taliilnv to nijcb j)ublJr work nf Impruvemcnt, and the J r-Aldent uf tb* board aud wild Cl^rk shnll llivrvirpon, uu b rln lf of thn duard of Atrwl amt VVntpr C4jnimiMlo»crs of tb t cli.v uf .Newark, (vr-tlfy th ’ sanif (n the roinnionCuiim'il nf the rii>' ofNewark, In un!er that Mid I'umnmii Cminuii msy tbi'ifarii'r pniorod lu mshn eixt coitw-t thc]iro|ier s 4w*t«iik iit f>r ibBi'PSt ft'id cxproMofHucti pubhu Work nr luiproNemeot •• may now er hersiiltcr be- irqulr.-ij by law. 1

Krclti»n 3. HMld public laprk or improvcinent shall I be luarlBSTuI co ltplBf Hl under thv *upvTvlAlon or j Inspei'iinnorihr Kcglnsfr or Acting Kiifltirwruad ' tbi< (ieueral Mj)wiliUvnapnt ofW'orkH ufib* ftoa-d ofHiiTff mid Wat*r Commlvluncr*. acAurding tu rbB pruvislonv of Iho city charter aiitl IBb U ws of ibvMsu*, Olid the urdlnam'o^ <»f the cUvsnd by­laws, nilei and resulailonn uf tbe Bowd "of ulr#ot and Watur CumiutaSiOiivr^ of tbe city uf Newark ftpplirxhle (barctn.

berilnus. That this ordinaitoe oholl lake effiict ItnmedUtvl.v.

rua-U'd Juue 39.1*9-1TIUOH r . HENDRY,

Pr^^Meut of llie Hnard of Ntr.-rt sad Water Conv misstuiiBJ'S.

ENDH RDNYON,Clerk of (he Hoard of Hireei and Water CoinnDlS'

sl oilers.

purllea IntereMed ilial the certificate of as^cao- niBuLorihe whole atiuHinl of the ousts andsx- peneeaorpftvlognud repaving

FOUHTfl AVr.NUEbss been delivered (<> hie accurdtag to law. ■

hild aoeeasinent comprises all llie lots, trorei «nd paresis of iaod and real estate lying ub both sldBi of

lO C n iT J A V EN t‘F^from Newark ami I'atenoii Bailruod to Bloomfield aveuiiei

The owners o f lend spd rv*l f^twls omeised la •bM (e rtitlro teo f haseMOjf'Dt are 'hereby rsnulred to pay (he amotiBl so nssre.-wd upon th»>m and each of them, retpocilvcly, to me, at my uffliv, Nu, 5 <.117 HelJ* Oh or belore Aagiui 13. iws,

JAMI-JS F. CONNELLY,_ Cumptroller.Wewgrk, N. J , Jaly *, IN I a*c

N o t i c e o f i n t e n t i o n . - b o a r dK- - ...................... UF

’I he forefomk ordlmrire having been duly passed ........................................................................ lllOMiby Ibe Rusni of Hir<sr aiiil w alvr ('nEninlsHlonen,

pre.w<iitHt| (u (he Mnynr aiul nol having been r»>lurnw) by him within (be time prescribeil bylaw. Is Hipr..'ifore a Jaw und will take effect as If it hodKmiiiippruvetl lu't'unllnfr (n the priivlihmt of Ibe third seoiluu of ihs charier of the cl tv.

ENtW RCNYON.4le Clerk uf Ihe Roard.V * O T !i‘h; OK IXTENTUiX. - IIOAltl).AN y ............................................

OFKiri'tt and ^\'aicr Cnminlsalofier*.

I^ibllc is lirreby xlveii iha l It Is Ihe loien- ilun uflhp Hnard of ^irDetuiul Water Comuilsalon- ere<ifthe city uf Newark, nn'lcr and hv vim ieof prtivl-l.ms of the uctenililed "A n act to revise oa.l iimtmil (he Thanor of Hie otty of Newark," ■)>pm vnl Maroh il. 1W7, upd lha 'eupplcueiits 'there­to, af(H he Out creasiiti (be Is^nard nfM treetundW rier COinmlosloiiers of the city uf Newark* oikM.. Ikl.l .,„.*___ . ' -proved March is, Dbl, (o oMer amj cause

CAMP H------- ---. .. HTRKKT, from Orchard street tu Mulberry street, to he pared wKli iheei A!«pbHtllii]i paving; Cigether wllh ail lb# tpIMirieiiant-es necuMury I ■ c iiiipletv the same,

M cli imreoMs a* niav uhjyyt thereto, are requMted k> lire mill th- Ir ubjectlops In writing at theoiHce of the liuerd Ol Htreei and Water Cumrulssloners, on nr liefur.' (be explrsllua of leo dayi from date of liiis umice

Kv iiirecUnQ of th« Board of fttroei and Water Curumiutonrrs of tbe <;|ly uf News ric.

CIIAJtLFUS MAtlftlf, fteoersl >*upeTlalendept o( Work*.

' Newark, N. J., July *, 1S93. lAge te ia in ^ a e a j- j t I X IH.D' Ni^TK'K-URDlNANCE ORDKREDCO&DElKcD . 1 loalblrilrotwlinv.

t \ w ) c ^f\ e & i

We, 1I10 iindersiKiieil, hereby certify tha t aa or- dlnantc nos leHif a ^evond time at a meeting of Ihg Hnanl of htreet and Mater LommiHsluaeraUehl July li, Slid iiuly ordered to a UilrJ reo'llDg, teprovide fur UiH rv^uvlng uf

lUil STREET,j fhmi nr-inge street Elghih aventie, with oblutiv

gr^iiltc blo<’k jiuvlnv from curb tucurbfrom orange

Mak« an *v«ry-day convenience of >n cM-tlme luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care, Hip;hest award at all Pure Fond Expositions. Each package maltes two large pies. Avoid Imitations—and Insist on having tht

, Non.e Such, brand. . "' BERRELC XSOULti; Syracui*, N. y r

•ireet to Hlale tilrvH.aiHt Irom M aieetreettu K gbth avenue, uii fo4‘h able of the hcrae car tr*ck, with Ibe e.x(n*p(liiD'of one foot uulslde of ihe irsek,to- goihr r with oU Utv oppiirtenaBcei necessary lo com- p1fC>' (be huhie,


ITesIderil nf lha Board uf Htrevt and M’ater Cobo- iiils-iiooors.

KNOB KUKVON,7<i ae rk .

Ktrvet ami W ater ('omoilsitoneni.I'nbllc notHw (a hereby givfn ttiat It l i the (Olsn-

H onodhe Hoard of ntreyt and WaicrCommlaiioii- vrv of the r!iy of Newark, uixder und h y v lriueo f provleloiia u ilb e act enlHled ' Ai|A<-t to revise and H mend i ho ch arler ol 1 he cKy of Nt wurk." appravni Man'll 11, liV>7, and Ihe Mipplemeiitt thereto, and the ATI creating ihe Hot.rd uf i^ireel abd Water ( ommiMioiiera of the clly of Newtuk, apprevM Match SS, 19*1* to Order and raiasa

PLANK HTRKhrr,from Jilarkel street to Brood street, to be repaved with ■h»»'l asi'baltum paging, together with all ths appurtenaiicw urceevry tocomuleie the aatiie.

NicU peiiiuiiBas may ub>et-i thereto a r t retjuustel to preaent their nt^eci Ions In writing a t (be olAiw of the Rnard o f f tre e i and ^^a'er CuTmulsilonenou or hefttretheexpirai on of len days ftoai date of ihl«< noiiro.

By dlrvcllan of the Hoard of Htreet and Water CornmlMloom ufU iecliy of Newark.

CHAllLb>4 MARHH, neneril hiiperUitendeat of Works.

Wewgrk. N. J.* Ju ly *, 1*13. 31e

7.W, ATJ emlB.A0J'. M | ”For Aliamic City 94* Md.S* A.

II 2H. ll.lLl V II., lik* VM- HalurdBV

M. (I ll* y. if.''olyk.with through Day roach ami I'lillmao lluffct Par­lor Cftri, and «*-'■, ;i,344'. M. weekiUys* Munday, fl.4» A, M,

fo r Cftpe May <lo.?n a . M. Saturday only), ll.Xi A V . V >.'i V. M. week days.

F^r l*onn Hratirb, KJtairon, Asbiiry Park. Ocviaa drove, r^pring Ijike, Hea ifttl, Maoasnuan, Polni I'lsosant, ood potiila on ihe New York and IjOng Hrotich Hail rood 7.ai*l.M, m,ji a . M., Ufti, I.4a*

4.11*, 4.44 AMeaJ 7-iA r . M . dallv extentHiinday. nn Kumlay* s 4-1.10.15 A. Itf. and 5.1s P. ki. Jio not stop a t Qceou urovs or Ashtiry I’arK on Hundav.

For Heoulke liirk , islami Helgbte and Toro* River. 7.5(1.9- ki A* M.. and s n.w. &.iv P. M. wsaxdajra.

Fi>r Heaioiit without chance, 19.4* P. M. weekII, WlllltndavAk-ViF M.dolly.

r'or Urooklyn, N. Y.—All ihroiigh trains connert a t Jersey t1iy wllh bosisef ’’ Hrimklyo Aunex "alTnrilliig d ln ^ transforioseil from Kiiltun stroe^ ftvouilug double teriUfS aud Jooriiey ocru* Uie city.

FOR NEW YORK.lAravs Market Htreei Ktstinn, AIM, L47. a.nn, A ll

kao. e.w, 7.13. 7.», T ii, Am. Alo, s.i** 0.90, *.4VA. 'iT. B.IS, e.3^9.Hk.50, lO.W, lOiiw, 1U.41,10.4(1, H.OO,IU7. U.iS, ll.AS A. M.; 13.10,11S.S, l.ta. I .X 1.94, 1.5*, 11(1, 3.90, 3.4H* 3.55, 3.tB, 3.59, 4.(0, 4.M, A1I.5.SA. K A im , *.50,5.5*. 7.09,7.18, 7.43. 7.», *.0*. *.»«,B. Z3, 10.04, 11.15 r . 51. and iio7 nigin. nundaytTHina. Aid. 5.4T, *-0U. 9,00. H.AV 10.03, 10.30. ld.4*, U.OOl 11.51 A. M-; l i » . lU J, l.iA i « . -i.-io, 3.17, Am, 4.». 5.00, k4tt, *.31. 7,00*, 7.'W, 9.37,10.00, w ..» r, M*,j3.flni,ijfhh

l.eave Centra Htreet Mtallon* * 09, 6.1V «Jt, 7.01, 7-14. 7.4*. A3«. U..17. I W 10.41 li •&!, 11.5* a . M.; I2.3T, I.OH, 3.01. A21* 4.33, A17* AM, V5I, 6.M, 7.M, A ti, 9-24 »»rl ]r>.(lT P. M. week dayi.

Jeav« cheetnut hireet Atavloa, 3.12,5**, 6-10,6.9^ •A I, 7.U9, 7.42. T.M* 8.07. *.27, a4*. 9.J-V *.33, 9.-«, I0.3X, 10.37, 10.57. U.33. 11.50 A. M.l 13.M, 1.03. 1.39, l.Vk S.13, 'A:<* ftl*. aU . 4.1A 4.5a, 4.10, All, 5.45,gitX, g.ki, A44, 7.0*, 7.39, 7 4*. A37* ».|9, (0.00,11.(3 P. '^.04 nl|hL Huadsy, aoa VM. »,|I. 1.50. IU3.V J0.5 .11.44 A. M.; 1Z45, 1347. Vpi, I N. 3.44. L34,1.1*. 4 3IL............ . ‘ ‘ ,ad


OPN tiTlCK o r INTENTION. - BOARD K(r«pt and W ater CuinrnliiRlnrMrs.

iTiblic none* (s hereby given tha t It le the intea- tlou o ftbu Moerd of Mtreei and W ater tikunmlsaloa- em u fib e c ltv of Ne’-vark, uuder aud by virtue uf provlaloiM nf Ike a d enUtleii "A n Act to revise andarmend the eha riero f ihe city of Newark." ap­proved H, 18-*7, and the avppieiBABia tlieretoand (he act enn ttng ina Hoard of Atrcet and Waterconniilaaliimra o f the cUy ef Newark, approved Jiatvh 3*1 l6 tl,to order and calm

C U N ru N HTRKKT,from Hrood MreeMu Mulberry street, lo be repaved with Sheet n^phftUiiiii paving; logelAer wKh all the apjHirti'iiHni'ei qroeosary to complete the some.

Mich peTsutisas may u!)|ert (hereto, are requeaied tu pri B'iit Ihelr ub tetiouv iu writing a t the ufflee of llie Rxtaifl ofE«lreel and \S*Htor ComzhiKBiunem, oa or b*finre the e.tptrallod of lea days from data of this norioe,

tiy dirts tiOD u f Ihe Board of Htreet and Water CuuitDlaaiorkers uf the city ui Newurk.

CJiARLI H MABSFt, Hei>era( HkperiDteodent of Works.

Newark. N- J ., July 6, 1ai». 20a

OFXTHtreet and W'aier CummlMlonrn.Public uotlea I’f hereby given (bet I l l s the Ititen-

I lull uf lUtf Board ut Htrroi e a i Water <'ODim1v('on era uf the city nf Newark, under and hy virtue of priivlaluniof Uie act tnutied “* An net to revise and amend the charter uf ths city of Newark," ap­proved March llri*47.anrl ihssvipplemtfua thereto, and the act creating the HoarrlufMreel and Water rutealUlHtoneraofiDti city of Newark, approvedUarch 28,1*91, lo order and cause

HH KFKI ELD H I'H KICT,from Hiiaesx aveoue to ivraoge Hirret, and from the Morrla und F>wx Hallrood to Hevwnth avenue, to he Mved with nhlobg. (raprock block paving; to- RcLher with oil thn appurtenaiK-ea peceMftry to coiiipleie ths humc.

HtK'h perw ru oa may object thereto, ore requMted to present ihH r ohjn-tliiii* In wrltln* a t Ui» uftlue u fihe Hoard ofHlreel and Water Commisalnneni, on or liefore iheexplm ilou o flep days from dote of th Is iiutlce.

By dlfvctlob o f ihe Board of Htreet end W ater OemmLselotiers of 1 he City of Newark,

CHAULEH m a r h h ,General (Siiperialsodent of Works.

Newark, N. J., July 3, lAljtx._________________ ^


1)L'HLU' M y n t.’K—DJtUlNANCE OitDtSJtKD , lu a Ihlrd m d ln gW>* (iiB mideraiui^eil, hereby lertlfy that an ordl-

PfthVb'Wasfuoiiaa-'cuiulimiejit a luctUiig of the WeKi _..‘_rAnsr%-‘ai*/i#

.liiJyii. Ism.OHtl'dflly unlered to a third reading, to provide lur tuv pavitig uf


Lonnectlog iralna leave os fbilows:Ke.WAMK AND I'AfERAON.

la av a Newark for PaU rioti^.20, 7.41, A44, 16-911, A, M,; 12.0*. h I.U, 2.34, L4T. 4*31, AM, KtlO, * 29, 7.W, *07. Th.37 P. M. and 1131A.M. HUuday,9.39, l.U A. if.; A49, 7.U7; 8.9*. I(U7 P, M,

i ^ v e ]*atvi>»on for Newark -AM, All, A&l, 7.94, 7.45. A34. O.llMO.14, 11.33 A. Md 1.30. 124. 1.41,4.50, A12, 7 S4, A6I, luAI P. M. Nunday, *.&9, A95 and Hl*S A. 11.; l.ao, 5.90, T.U, 10.95 P, M.

N EW AKk AND NEW YORJL I ^ v e Neiverk—*.00, «,49. 7.3. T.63, * .» *.47, 9.93,

1047 A. M.; 12.ftS, 1.51. 2.55, 4.'2i. fi.K,*A5, 9.ffl 1 i.m I'. M. Nunday, 7-?t. 8.«f 11.10 a . M.; 2 04, 6.06, *■34,11.116 1*. M.

New York (OhainbcrB atrecl)-A4.V 7,1.1 *.0T, 0*:, 11.-W A. M .; Il I.9D,lUD, 9.M. 4.t6, ikOU, 5.23,

9.22.7-30.1U.0U, llUli P. M. Hlinday, 9.m A. M.; f (4). 3.(5, «.3i>, Ann. 10,00 P. >r. h NMurdoy obly.

.1,1 '1*'—-^ I c ^ y p ^ e w a r k H.44. A-,M. nn Ship* dk'.vd f'TSt'A, M, Vestibule Llmliert, leave Newark 1.51 t>, M, ^u1ldaya, 2-u3 P. M. (irnnd Trunk Kx-1 • -*eKri

4*0, 5.43, AI3, A5C., 9.W, 9.23,9.U* 10.26 sad le av e F^nniH ktroet HtaUa*,(k-U,Am, a.94, 4.-11, 8.05,3.3.1, A41. 9.13. 8.IU.II..V. 10A5, Idbi OUdn.4* A. N.. 12.30. 1.21, 1.51, 3 - 1 1 , U, A l t AO*. tv*, 4.10. «-42, T.47.7.46, *.34, 9.M, Il.ll P. M-, 1101 p lgh t NURday. AOI, A53, 0 2*. V .%, lazl, 11.46 A- M.t n ,» l 12.44, 1.25. Z44. 3.21, U I, 110, 4.H M L 1146A4, 7-lX, fl.2l,«.Mand II.M P. M.

FHOM MAHKErNTRKET HTATION.Fur Kllxabeih and Rahway-159,A.3I, 7.00,7.117.8*

441.9.40, ia44. 11.33 A.M.; IA4 1.29, 14*. AOft,44*. 4.3U, 4.37, 400, 430, 44*, 4M, 401, 6.07, 414 *.3^ 6.41,447 , 7.07, 7.14 *.02, 9.02, 9.42, 10.44 1L*I > . 12.K and 13.47 n igh t Hujiday* 440, 8,30, g.14, 1414 1031, ILU A. M.; 12U. l .b , 3.B, 4U , 4.K 4.05, 430, 7.08, 7.18,7.34 7Jie, 434,9.00, B.»* 10.00,10.4V 11.17 P. M. and 13.47 night

Fur F.I!tabcUi onlv 9A8 A. M., 1146 and 407 F, BL week days.

Vor New Brunawlclr, lM7i 4 « . 7.00. 7.S0, 447,9.4*, ■■Mend 11.13 A. M.; 1144, 1.9, i » t 4 9 . 410, 5.07,

‘ ' atKi 10.48 p. M, nae<A. M.; n lA

6.80, 456. 437. 4SZ, 7.36, 439. 9 5' i_ day, 13.47, 449. 457, B.S4 ood 10.11 L U bAO. T-65. 9JX1 t.3u ood H J7 P. M.

For W n^brtdge end Perth Ambor, 411 aod 1444 A. M., 406. 4.87, 6.01, 7.0T sod 8,43 P. M.,ond l l U nlK ht noNandaya, llAI A. 5t., 10.00 P-M.ih „ _ _______ ____ ______

Fur Woodbndgeohly. ie.L5 A- M-HundayL.Fur PAat Mlliaione, T.OoA. H*j 11*4 4 9 and 4 l i

T. M., doily- except Nunday.For KtBgMtoQ and Hocky Hill, 7-GO A. M- and 4.UL

407 P. M., dolly, exoepfflunday.For Philllpabam tC ^ i i and Beivtdera, 7 J4 IIAI

H-, and 8 34,4!7r P. M. Nunday, 4.10 P, U.f o r l^m terty itle , 1^28 A. M„ 4 9 and

VL 11.23 A. M. _ rtay.

For Prtiu;ei«n, 7.TO, 457, ll.M A. M.; 1-9, 134 4 9

>, 7.5QL It.fl Jl. " n w ia r .t io p . M.

For FlmUMKid. 7J0. ll.M A. H. nod IM P. K dally, except Htisday,

dolly, except Nunday.____ .owe, liurilngtoa and Camden, 424

9-58 and 11J3 A. M-: 1.29. 314 484 8.31 and 8 .aUn ftUBday. 14lt

and 7.35 P. M .For BordMilowu, Burl!

P. M. dully. »xcent Hunday. M. and 7,85 P. M.

For Frevboltl, FarmlDgdale, Mansequan and Baft via Munmouth Jun^on , 7.50 and 11,88^ , .........................A- M ,

3sana4-80P. M.weekdays. i50? r'kiunlav enlvi, RUud-%SM.47 A. M. For Freehold only,407 p, M, week days.

NEW YORK TO KKWABK. to r Newark, S.VI. LOO, 6.00, 4S0, 440, 7.00, 7,84 7-44A»), ,.io, 9.W, iaio.i(iio, u.oo.n.jo.ii.soA.M-

i i a x IH u, I.MI, J.»l, I.SO. 110. im , t.D0, 0.H, voo.m m t. MO, Aai, is.», s.,vi,

••“ >■.^10,120, 4J0, I.CIO, JJ», 0.J0, 8.15, lai*, ll.ool II.,.. P. W., bod 12.15 oildnlf hk ^und..y intno, 8.1A

’.•'“ '. 'S l*?'.J* 'A A- M.; Ii.n5A», &do,6.lA545. iso , A«, 7.0O, 7.30, r t l , f ---------------------*i,.«0>. M., io d . i i 5 i i d J i , £ ^ • ">

P'pr further tDfbrniatlon see tlms-tiUrs, to he hs4 at the Dcket offlem. 'rickets for oU points on the rennaylvanla Railroad and ronnerliftua, and berLhft sectioDS and baggage checksot the compsuy'a offloe,

7i« H r i^ street, or at ilukel ufflfie at blorks* htreet Station.it. M. PRKVOHT, j . H. w o o d .

Ueneral Manager* Geoara] Foaienger Ageqi

E KADlNti liAlLBOAD K Y dl^M -

{AdUkrecite cool used ncliiHlrviy, insurlagcleftBlk nrsh and comfort,)

Fiillman Parlor aud Mloeping Oara tim etable Id ellbct Jiitie 35, )8 ^

• . Tmlns leave via7.II.HKIH VAM.KV KAII.ROAD,

Tj Broad and Kerry HL Ntatlotis,fUT BurtaJu, i^K-httier, Niagara Falls. I oronto, CSiF cogouim (be Wwt, 8.3U, tl,30 A.M.; 405, T.*5 p jg, feuiidayi. klA n.iip a . P. M

im l em V oo p. M “ *’'*■ A- “ -I► AHenlgivn and Munch Chunk.d.0i»,4», n.MA.A\t., 12.50 .00, 5.04 K.0S, 7.58 p. M. bundoya, 7nj, fMW-10.0», ll.OO a . M. ; fi,ew, 4(W I- \L

rPmievllle, aau A. i l , ; lt30. 4.00 r . M. *iuiFurPmtavllle, *.9 A. il, • dsya, IIMIU A, M.

For Jlasleton. 8.S0 A. M.: 12,20* 4.00, 6 05.M- hiiiiduyits.00, A. M.: HWJ P. W.

For p u in^ ln tbe Mulianuy co*l regloD at 420 a.4.00 P.M. Niimlayp, s.fw A 51.

For WllkMbam*. Photon and htTuuiun, 420* 11 81 . M.» 13.30. K.U5, 7.55 I'. 51. Kiindiys lext'enl

-cMiiion), H.W, M.iWAyS.; Vm.'s.oo'lvM?'''

tJFNTR.AI. lUILTlO.AD OF NEW JKRSk y T rains l^ v u llrtuul and Kerry Htreet Stations'

V a v IV Ia ltif lA ljl il ir . I ■ L E t ■—n*

(roni h*uiilun* (rairruck bluck piivltiji; Uigenii'r wtin mu mu- appiN-twiuTu es ueiwa-sury tu complete the saaie.— ■ *•

HUGH C. HKNDRY,Presldcnl uf the Board of stree t aiul Water Cum-

Dowlonera.KNOB RCNYON,

71d Clefk,

I JtJBM C NuTICK~-.GHDJKAN(JkJ UHlHClGJ) t4) a Ihlrd rrudhig.

T H E $ I 0 0 W A V ER LY . “ ”

Wi-, iht' iiuil«»ralgnrd, hert'hy certify lhal sn ordl- uaiiue won n*od a N'rond tin e ut u meeilnguf tlii: Husnl uf street anil tt'a ler CflniliilSslunerH, held July N. laiiL Hiid duly ordered lu u tnird rtudlng, lu

litre.Kino rriwIrlTig. caaU o r l i i iU lm e b ts .


pru\lde for Uie paving ofiluvlluWAKD KrUKET, from Hprlngtield avenue to Hmith Urange avenue, with nhlimu, inipruck block paving; (o;ethvrwUh Hll Tbe uppurcuaiAwa uicvaoary LHiuipleie tbe aaiue,'

Duied July?. 1894in i f J t t f!. HRNDRY,

Tresident ofllks Board of Street aud Water Com tulMlupen.

ENOS llUKYfiN.'»! l>rlc.riflui.if



I> rU I.U ' N rtTICE-O RD IN A N fE OHDe BKD lo ft third reading.

We, (he undvraigMed, beirby certiry Ihnl an ordl> niuice WHN r'od u oin'uikI time nt a meeting uf Use Board <»f Nirfei ofKl vvalrf Cumihl-Mio!ier<, held July 9, IMi3, iind duly ottlem l iu a third reading to provide Sir the repaving of

H -CTn IIKANUK AVKNTK. from HprliiKfleld avenue to souili Mnth sireet, w llb oblong granite bpK'k pavlnx. un cncli aide of (Ko railway iroi'kA with the oxceniiuu oj one fboi miijildeof«aebtriU!k: logethur viilh all th e in u u r ' lensncea nn roeury to erm plrte 1 he same.

Dated July 7 .19^HtJOH C. HKNDRY.

Prealdeni of th* Board of WrfH i and Water Commlraluncrs.

AVt ENOS lip N YON,Clerk.

IXiui.iu ‘Nti'i'lulir-uiii)i,NANviTuBifEiiairto a.UlIrd reading.

Groat Cut in Prices.KOK B I W CASH, KEtOM •S O 1;1'. ON

b K V tU A I.


B. ALSDORF A CO., 60S BROAD ST.,O ppo iU elh » O lio reh En M tl1ti.ry I 'n rk .

M'e, ti ll imiEAniEi^, ti«reby mrllfy Eh*t ,n oMI.SliEiir, w ii rn d A tliiK .1 a liiwtSn* of IhA

ird*of KUeet aixl Wainr ('ommi'Mdunen held y b, ra98. and duly orderiNi tu a third reulljig, to vide fort*’- ------• ''th e repavtiid of

IUVJCRntHKET,fknni ihe Morrle I'anal hrkig* to Multjerry etreei wlUi oliloDv granite blo ’k itavlng, lEiireUior with all (heappiirlenaiiveHueosaaary tocuiopTete Uie locuo

Dated J Illy 7 ,1W4 ^lll 'C m V. HKNDRY

FtMtOenluf Ihe Board ot htreet aud Water C^m' lUlaaiutH'rs,

^ E.\tW IlDNYON,Clerk.

Kot ’llfilfrta. (fliaYnge twr lorailon,llmelatitefi, call at the City Tiokei Ofttoe, 192 Market ilnwC 'lalepiioue 30* or at i(aU<iu

Pttssage Tickets and Drafts for »]] partiof Europe,

Martin R. Dennis & CoESTABLISHED 1848.

774 BROAD ST., near Market St

Cabin. Intemiedialeaml Sicera^ Tick- eta at lowest New York Rates on all lines of Ocean Steamers.

andMoney sent to Great Britain Ireland, and all parts of Europe.

All kinds of Foreign money exchanged. Bills of Exchange nnd Letters of

Credit Issued through Drexel, Moroah & Co., or Brown Brothers St Co,

F in Insurance in Ihe oompaniiib

ilii'r..iGridkyCra C .TiiTa.av'RS’l 4lD..2,;i5wAUl. 5.4(1. l0.aa.lv Me •

For Fleminglon, 7,18, 4m a . M.; l.ift, 4nii k i \

E-urMAll.in* lo lIlHh BrM«o inm iecdoi n>r i Ia tlon» Oil H lrh HrW „ Bnin-h .n ,t lAko H o i u ? tf.l.., A..6, 11.56 A. M., 4.06 E*. M. HiioOay. 7 a -i1'

E‘i.rm«tlun»on Mnln U m Zttvt i r M r ' ,

f o r Euilhurj, Ltwlrioir* aiiiE WIlllAio-non rhSlA(li.|l>hui. 7.6tt A, M., 1.56,7.55. 11,J l l . ' T ! ? fe|)t AdtonlAX llUlil. 6uuriATi «,(W p. Si, *'

NKWAUK ANIJ Kl.lAAilKl IE n ilA K uiI TrAiiw l«A»p Hro«S M m i Hbuion tbr r im iv ti.

Aim Hi *.1.V 6.J6; KlI.Ahflliiwn oiil V, 7 I ? 76.1)1 >:il»Ali»ihn Jrt only, »,I6, 51.1,9.‘iv in.ir, in S ll.Oi, Et.Si A. ST) rilS, f.lB, 1 i JO i j . * 'S ■6.5 ,, ,;ilwUH'ini».rl IIU VI.6.H5, 6.7,1 6,60 o.'a, 7 15.7' S

W, 10.0A 11.73 P.SE. Kunoo)-., 7.ho,).sk lIT l, A. St.; t.iO, ].56, 731, I,To, ill), Asn A4A,iK £ at -T ssri a le >i n, in ii »■ sa ' ».*Wi T.tM, ili-m

(4.8 440,1lO.ti. ll.M, a . M.-, i.lO, l.»0, 1.41, 1,30. tiu . 454 444tm . fi.55, 7.39, 41.7, W.2\, 10.J.1 IV M. ^ ^

Fur I**rth Amboy, 415. 4 '£i. #,*5. 11 w aM-: 1.34. '2.30, 4.eo, U s 5 11. 5.5^ (J.30, 7.M i* jj . kuu! dayo,9.W (I *A A. M.H.IOF. M. “

For Aliahtfc ITighlaudit via Matawan, I 2T 11 sv 1.85, 4,» , 6.3U I*. Jl. limidftyA,425 A. W.jA. M.;

4.10 y. i i .For Frochold, 8.32, 11.33 A. M.; I.M, to .\ *.«i F v j.EilayN.k'-l A. jj. * w i-a a -


For lA k e rt^ .T o iiia hlver. Ilarnegal Pork aad Baraegat. A. M-; j.AAiJsj*. m

Fur VlnvlAml mud Rridgsioii, 1.15 F, If.Fur Allabtic City, i.M 1'. H.

NNWAtiK AM i ruKW v n n ir

F O R E U R O P EG e t Y u i i r T i c k e t s a n d

D r a f t s T h r o u g h

Jos. M. Byrne & Go.LEG A L N O T IC m , 011D[A*fANCK tiitDJ^ED

NOTICR o k ANH iONM KNT-N OTfOK If* bereov given that Alphviii A .W Iilisina aud

Jukii 11- Farkbunc.unhe city of oraugs. have this dayiuofleaM aMlgmiiviu (u uiw aubxturiiMr o f ihelr parliipralilu ealaiK tor the vr]UM beiiniu o f thvir fiftilltufa: mid lhal tbe wild r n ’diiora mind exhibit their mekW'tlve claima, uiulaf uaib o r affirmatlun- tu the MtilmurUier. a i hia ultli*#. No. 5 A Ideu plaoa, lu ttieG iy ofuranim. county of ^.oiix and nIm * uf New Jersey, ur to Blake A lluw v. Jus a1turD«fyB, i »T«pke National fisek buUdtog, in sold d ty e f ur-ftuge.

Dated July 1 ,1*94

to a (bird tva'llng.We, the unilepsigued* hereby certify tha t an erdl*

nance was read n oucuml time at a oiserlng of the t'cmmlMlottefa* hsid

July n iKfU, hito duty onteyiKl to a (blrtt leading, to provide fur ibe rs mvlng uf

COMMK <!F.NTRKKT, from « u berry street to Market sirN t. with oblong liS h imVing with n loru-reie boas; t0f« h 7

toe Bppi^ieiianwa necusory k/ctu apele

» A , QFOROK COOKE, Agslgueft Blakb a UtiWiK, A tto ruyo . jfo

Dated in ly 7 ,14fl4


I I ..rsfi —.wj^ w.ini, S W .W |ti.W s l^ U II I ' , M

6.5n, _3.W, H56. «.U, 7.15, 7,», 7.A5, M i, A*) a m" - -Ti Ik. .7.'.150,10(1, 1.10, a u , A.M.

f 3«, S6O, (l.oo, 0.25, B.«, 7,(», 7.70. 7.18,05(1, (i* ;11.li, liiB )-. SI, Aoii(Ia,»_7 jio, 5,00,0.00, lo « l iijf l A. Si.; 16.(W M.: 1.00, 2(SS SOO, 5,00, 6.o0, 000,0.^,700 000,0,60, 10.01, il.OO, (ioo IV N. .».«1,7,0*

>UK I'JiU .A U hU ’lllA , HAE.TIMURE A \ n SVANlEI.NimtN.ROVAJ.HMtK l.IV 'ii '

7 or l>l(llwl5l|)hlo iinil -l r»«ton. 7,05,065,10.00 A. Ml

00,'.; 10.05 A. M.; I.8.5,5,5I>. HOI l‘. I I . " '*®**'* For B olilm nnsnit WMblncKm.0.05, 11.35 a s i -

ISO, OIA, 006, OAO, 11.25 I-. sT holl(lH>'- O.M lOLal A. S1.;1.50. 070,4.,5(5 0U»P.M. HUt

7 lirooth Uollou Eo oil priiKlfoI polnu ot lowoil rolro HU DO n « 05 Hrood Mlrroi ntoiluo

Hahne&Cotw CKOS RUNYON, 800 Broad St Te/ophono 389.

ComtntssiomoT v t D o e li . N o lo r , P u b lla

£fio* BRtoas's TiiANaF E R P A T T E n N a AIM. IN IT lA L Bo ' 111’’?'”* Hon*k t r e h l e f t , o ic . D o n 't fo E l t o 5<H t h o n i .



Aatn#rl«<Hl A « « a t o• A c * MUe*t

•n jI lV flV --E v r a la s l f * w t K ra a rk €HEm . ftdw . F,

B a lld la f ,Minmmim Ut^

MEH A R K -F a a l K, R rlia tfltfert i l 7 B ra aA Rl, Jak«i« f> * r v T B i ' * „ IM M arA sIB L n . MlMrRIrr. m u R raa R Al«C. R , D M M ru , IM t : iH *1.F. W , U u llrr . IM R a fteT lII* A?a»J, A ,i lM r la H . M W iM l i l a i f a a ^ B r r a n W , Mo m , IM T U r d

■AMT A R A N I I t : -W . M, A il# n , i4 t M a la mu

• • i r T l i O M A IU IK -R oR ort t «a « l l» « R oa th O nM R o A v « l

M A R R IA O N -F , I ,B o o # a i » a , M l H a r r l «o a Ava,

■ L IM > M riK l.| l~M ln rlaa , A ow M a fU ar, o r^ I I « f o A

■ rM M lV ^EAw ard B, K a lt r .

■ • N T C L A I R .C o a lra l FR ara ia<7*

M A K K K F A L I « R T -W llk a r 1.. r a r > a M , 9T«wMI,alMh

A R L IH K T O W - V. H , m iaar.

T U B B B W B A T F H IC A r q ^

T ra m th « * F o a la « a a l l l lb * r la * « •< thm C o la m b la a F a ir t b * B T R X 1 M «

**111 Ac o a « a l « l a I 'b ic a s o at »U B d o r W m |« B. blsark. IM B laU

A l iM t i t 'a la a a b la a N o a a aa d V a v r ll^ ^ *M R a a j, a t fEmRoaltlaa ilro n a A * ! Cha». NaeJDaaald. M WaAtaiaRlua ■troai.

DCATHS.au cnJ fIK ll.—Oa JUI7 It. t w l Heztry C.. non nr

HtarrC. kod Aniil* A. Huehmler, M 4-d JjAnrw “ noniiM and 31 dafm. iU>l«Uv»ft find frJi'iiijK of th« ttmliy rwpwtAillr IbtUmI to attend Ui» fuDnrnl Irom tb« r?«ld»DO« or tlie pairnl*. No. tt Ilawkinfl OirMt, OB Aunilov, July It, in s .a t 'i 1’. U. IMt«^ B«Ql Id WoodUad Comotei'y,

CLAHK.<^uty Vk inu, Alko V., w lf« o f dirotitl H. ( Ifttk. ica l to M ra I munthi. Hplativfa &n(l OltiMli, alai mriuEH'm o f UiEJiita J.ody^No. 74, I a 0 . K.. *M ptB|»a tlully iriTUed to Attend ihe funonu from bor ut* ivMdoiii'f*, «7Ji North sovonlti •trwt.oD Kmiday, July la, ai 3 p M. Int^fni«ni at Ml fi«iUAat rpmoUiry. Uarrlaoti and Kiaruy piipan plMiip oopy.

OKBHARDT-- -ON Frtdar, July <br^r F., bp- loT«d fhlid o f Paul R. Add JotiBuaadorbardt, n«*a n«yer. AfCPd L ypar 1 mouth IS dar*. UfllHtlvM Atul friAndi ATf vAry re*perlfuily Invited otlpud bM funeral on iuiidav, July la. at » o'clork A. U, Jii- termentlB Fairmount C'emeiery,

lf> .K R -0n eatordoy, July 15, U vl% raihtrine Veer, w ld ^ o f Jobq iia-r, Afed tff .vonm. Hpia. tlr<»iAni1 fyiendiAro verv rpAi»H:lfblly Invited lo attend her funeral on ,MonilA>% July i:, at ll):W K, M .iroin iha rpNldenroof her eou-fn Iaw. Mr. a . V. Sc-biUte, NA I4fi l*!ane itreet Interment In l.ii- theran ^metpry, Long ttUarul, N. Y.

FuiM-rat from the reniden-Vor*hfr laronle. No. 9 Veary elrett. at 2 |». M, JiPlatlvA and rrletidK

inMTuit^m In tUet'euieteryof ibe Holy ^piUchra.

MvK>iK(>K. iin MiiodAy. Jutv 17, tbere will bolh«ftr*tAmilrera.iry High IU^k onu>4]Ulem at ht J0«‘pn'eCburi'b, at a A. H.. for the ^lm.^#.lr the Mul of Mre. ABn Mrihnrop. ftelatlvea and friendimro kindly Invited! 10 attend.

WOOKK,-On Thunday, July ll, raabe] Moore, ■|ed jS yearB. Funeral wrtlcee from the realdence of her loii-ln-law, MchoJaA l biirupeon. I'amp nlley,00 MuBday, July le,at k o'owk a . m. KaLaiivet aad frlendi are Invited to aih-od. i nterm»Di la m#1 etnet^ry o f tbe Kvergre^B^*.

h^H NITZER -Ob Saturday, July i.v Ralph Ab- 4er«ii hehulUar, belovad 4*htld « f Conrad and Muile scbBluer, aged 7 weoka Funeral private from parent*’ rwldenre. .Vo. IM winUm *tri*oi uu r«.nd.y,Jnly J«, a t l : » R l | . Interment in Fair D>ount (.eiiiMery.

N O nK LR -O n July 14. Uvlna K , inAuit rtautbter o f K, H. end Ellen K KofleW. aaml to m mihi IS day*. Foireral itervk-e Iroro the riN,i. d'DoeofheriarenM, No. 11 NapoleoB at raid, on

inuTl o'rlofic A. M. ItfilMtiVM atjd frtonds are Imlknl to aLoud. Imermeiit In Woodland r>me(ery.

July H, Laura Hay. daiighler M Fdear and t Ura Mrardell, ag«d 1 year 1 moiitli 14 day*. Funeral sarvlce^ will be beld at the giaad pi«reuti<Joba J, Hoffle> reslileiua, No. 71 FJaliih

ii]i hutnlav. .Inly 1«, Iton, at i P. M. HeJa- ttvei acdfrlende o f the bunUy are respeittflilly In­cited. laterm tnlai Falnoount C'amnery.


LKONARD.-On July i4. Afnee, luraul daiitliier r JhmM and lUule I.wjnkm, agt-d ll mmiilM Bjr*. FuiM-ra! from thp reniden-f nf,her

Falnoount C'amnery.

i )Ulne,dp,tre, thronililhia mwlluin, tn tiluru w * I « fi to Ihe inemtwm nf the Fifihward UuanU fbr their aympathy ^nd otteQiioi) In ihelrrejvBibereavimem; aia<ifl,rlhe kind resolu- t one adopi^ by the (luaM^ upon im* di>at li o f Uicii Cello r member and aasuclate.

U m M C la im * P a ia la N ew ark and V Ie le lty T#*day by M etropoU laa L ife Ina. Ce,

Bkld(etTaTrtlt.lOLlnooSDaTe.,Kearny, .21 il4?oo r. P. W IL L IA M ^ Supi. ’

MirkM M-, wim,r



T w n tj- lk n , rw n o f mircM,fiii pruOr, in M»ir- v fe w d TiciBity b u mnd, Lh* nnm* nr

*M L W 1U .IA U R. W IU ,M AN

9a houaekold word. rnmuBenibie teeilmonlaia to hit iBiurpewel iklll In their traatmeut prove the kii- oerlonty of hit curaUve eyaletn. Leery abnormal fuMtloe o f tbe f real purifier of the bJnoit-tha liver ; aod uemqfee the formal eooniimy r»f llfiand mhlecle ocher vital urgnei to dUeaee, whirtn tfCB^enu re t ir e oarefut dUnueit arid extraor- dlaaiy ekilL Tbeeyirptotwarei

1*V BOTH SKIES.Bj^Mpela, (>aled royen*. Imho o f AppeUle,

HeerlWti, tit aterbraab. Flatulenoo, Nefl*ea, r>opa. •lOiial Voaltln f and iJiAirbo^a, Heedacba, nit£|- Wfm. Virtlfo, iJtyaeie o f the ihiqat, offenelva Breath LbUrrh, B'lloiiineee, Jeuodli^e. ConeHiJa- tlou, OoetlvefieM, nira, Flatuia, Uecdorrhan o f theBowoUp hbortneea or Breath, UomlnfrOougb IWnaIn the Hidea. Back, stomach and Abdomen, iteoeral DehUlty. Low of Nerve Power. SetulBiil W eafciM lApM Of Memory, NeumlclH, Epilepey, Uelan- cholia. Faralyple, scrofula,tilaDitalarswrlline Cab- oeTone AlToctloue, Tumora, Hheumatwto, r»oul, Idwaaee of the Bklu, Impurity o f tbe Blood Im pure ComplezloD, 'rtirbld trine, tfmvel, lacoittu DrboBof I'rlBo, Ulebolek, HFoUliifiofibe Extremi- t.ee, Hropey, etc.


Neplaotmonu of the I'terue, Con«tMilon, ricere- llon. lAeueorrhcna. oterlllty, Jrritahlv Vagliia, fUJ Perloda, Profueo Periods, IhtlemiaiL iNerTOuaneis Hiteplmoea, Ia w wplrita, LasUude, Hyilerla, at. > iiue'i Dance, and outers,

^ Byreclorluf the liver and the whole dLceeilre euMraUte to their proper funotlons theselyrupiomi of dieeeee will Dot ouly dlsuppear, but the musclie will become nim, the ('ompieilou deer, the eye bright, tbe appetite strong. *leep undisturbed, and ail menul laculUee viforous and brlgbc.


roDioltatlon Hottdaye and Tuesdays, from 1 to S P. M.______________W ILL IA M R W ILLM AN, M. D.

V M F B K T A K R R a .


DNDKRTAKER,R,im»ir,d from M, llmMl t t to

•M BROAD MT., CORN'lCrt nUKRN. Fomtnml oUondMi', doi" u J DlBhl. T iltp lioo, W .


OFFICE: S.I BOITTM ORANOE AVK..l.iT,r>. Stable!,'ill to 1IA Fniiiinntll ATA 7lu

JOYCE, LATE tVITH imTROTOLITAN Aa.InjurooL-, Co.. onJ,rlAk,r, 111 Bowur ,L

B im iM E tn NOTJCIOI.

BR o o k iT : ; >. J .^ K V A P E n 's -ro itE '^ ^ pmior »B7 (blralied room with na<‘ lotd n,prr

»o4_wld, tan ler lojniiich, Inciuoln* -

a^o'a.fiiortiw oo vv .pea^ 4ftPd -Nnplvatir raliand saircl your paMfet the Brtioklyn Wall PaperWB__DKOOAa TOK.« s^rlniBtlJ IVi',, N » W » « r

BR O O jiv N AND NK\Y Y-OIIK W A U rV jC P « Co.^PlM*e ibRo Done Uint 1 will paiwiatiY

n iH lw l room with *oW t<»ror and wlil, borito. fur ( 1 » A room, «od llsoUo tlrabi laiw jwliitlnK imi knl- •omlnlDf At Ui, cbfAiwit price. Id thp d ir ; order, promptly AUoodrd to by mnl], JACCiJt l r V y w f No. iw Werreii It., NnwArk, N.’j.

TJRDIIBWICK KXPRH W -nFFIC E 2« UAH- XJIcttaL: XrwArlc ooil Y .da ilr: Alaocltv «irt InnohM jw iltnU lF ; ToL IT . I'R A N K A YR E ,

__________________ I________________ ,5,;

C* « V A KKNNY, EC RHOAD 8T., N W A R K , FIim F»roD portrait,, llfh lUe, with bAndMm,

CtAiDM of our owD jAADuikctiira. At to |9, imc

J li* '” ' ' ' ’ DDOT a n d SHOE STORR-. hbUon, (l.no; lAdln'a Hn,lilri-l]|.pwl iiuttoD, il.liJ: la.11,, kid Arid nirael oi- ford lli 'i.I fe : m m ,,' hwl kid biition IWti m«h'<•f n'wl lAi'Wl, fl.OO I Dipn’a Bn, Iat^ AOd ooDAraHf'-'*.’ S.'t!! ' • ‘ ■Wi nwu , ano klriJACd. |1.M : boyV Bda Iac abon, B5c.: man’,

M CKlNNEVs d r

|K*1, (1.M: boyV Bn* Ik w I ibon, HSc.; lAwrd (OuriH, Mft A t WK. J,K t FlihO !L. Dwr WUllAm iL '

B o ra L A N P x r n o s t o r e r e torawrtjoi iriJ BROAD AT,

IID? ’ 2 ” ^® OIIAIRB OANED ORrush bottomed T 8e&(i postal ro I l f C lf AKLE8 W, KBLE, 23 Mtirray st

p ia H in O T A O tliJ B AND H U S IC A lT lir

letnimenta et half revel)|r price*.

I We eeir the best Lpiy sb« u books. iJm. per doSai 3 doa,20ft 3'Pty leaderette, each. A * o ^ rod end roei, T3c. foo f*et black ll&e. So, R>di and nets from Se. up ai

f r a n k BLAW B, IM hliilberry *t,

FM K K a IBOMININO. PAPKR^ IIANOIIKl.bouae pshiMti*; c h e e ^ t pliu'e In the city i best

leftWlK'*. 134LAFAVK1TF;ST. ' juj


KRY.WandWWllliatti et.

MacCOHM ACKwraii A T C H ■ La, Puckeibook\ DuMoojf tool bafia

end tnmki o f our owe mauaftoceit; renartof jm m ptiy *tt*D**d la m b r o a d BT., oppoelte W aah lH ^ Farfe,

'O U R K W a TKR HUFPIiV-ABTfc^ I T bI a N, BORRD, d u g , TtLiL BM IURANT endBRIVKN W KLlJ euBk 10 perfrcHoe. Headeuarleci ihr ,snu-fro«slnc. ftitve and HR painpa.' Fuap axUire* *M repel n ii( la geo- •IRL

. . BErDmr**kii*nndaiiUra*cleaaed‘WB IBr A <tr addren,gwrmfwm^ C U A ilL W RU*lf»

- , MTCAmdeaMb

R17NI>AY N U T IC m ,

Trimly Merurtwed rhim:h, 44i FerTj- street* Rey. It IV .vitlllkeB, ijastnr. NibtMth srhoul al *:ei A jil. rreai-hittgatil A. M. by ib« Kev, A. F'. Lyle.

‘1 rlnliy F.piacuptil i hiirch. Hev. lAUki A. Ow borne, recHor .M Hrau\g pieyer ae<l sMriacHt at It a . M J vrniijg prayer ana eildnNwiii.»F. M. nlrau- fi^M we ^ iUJe.

The f’hnrcn o f <lod wHI tnsel at S t'linutn Mreet on ^01Ht«y iiexi bi lOJO A. M. wotsiflp. At ll Ao Mr. will speak, cilrsugsrs ourdlailir lavili*i|. .s m I All free.

Flnt I'aptlsl ITilille Slemorlal. -Al lOAO M. Ml. K K 'I’ayior, tbe i'borvb F:vaiif>.OlMt, elU si»Mik iiu “ Two Vletts uf (1iri-i‘s No ewmijg »*rvlr*. muiday-ailiool at clu auf svrvloe. All are wej. ome,

iviiirai Methodist FpW'opsl I'hnich, Market street, near MuMerry. Ibi' pastnri Per. HtMuy s iH'liuiF yer, will tirearh iiiOriihiir hihI eveiiiuf. tAthFalh K'huol at 1’. M. Fpiinrlh Liwgtie « i S:4e I'. H.

F'ewsmllh Menmrial Chiirrh, lliidson sneer, near Orsttfe street, ibe i i ’Sior. lt*>v. i. R INilbetiuiA• «l>evts to predlb inorntntf etnl eveiiluk. >ermon St lUght tif ih* HriiUieHiiwxl of Andn-waad l ’b||i}i. Murnlug sermon uti Haul at Athen.t."

Mouiu llpseniit raptlst i'hurt'i, llelleTUIe ave- niiH. n|'f>Nite tprlenlai stw t. i.uv. F,Ui A. Junes paMur. eervbws at InAt M. jupl 7 .« I* M. >*mh ila.v>erhoot. S-Vi I’ M. Nufili Lnd nnd tianude Siatioi4<- .siuuJsy M'liofd, U40 I'. M. ^eeu free. AU wiiieome.

Ht, 1'aul‘tM . Rthurrh . corner Bpotul eiid Mar ■tiH.l siresL", Hev. Henry Itaker, t>. D., ps'tur. Preurhlnit at ld;au hy Hev. ll. F. Ihmne. of Htmih Market rtr-ei R. j:. rhurrh. Noevenhif eervli*»*. In iiii* Mena I'nlou. k..iQ A. M, l’rai«e meetluf. • ill I‘. M.

iku-hlell Memorial M. K. Chiirrh, New York are- nuH nu-uer Ann street ITeiu hlog ai Kh.10 A. M. hiuj 7:4.'» I' M, by Hev. \\'illl.ini r., I'uiiuer, thep^n-

w'huul 2;3<J 1’. M. l-rayt-r meetinj niBSilay, r:A‘t 1’. M. Shattgen ami vla|pir»certl ly ueUiHUiHl loan «*rvlc»^t,

IlONi'vHItf M. F. i.inih'h, rntroer Hraage etreet end liaiiicatK nJai'e 'Iha pialrr. lev. a . H. TuHle. will prettoli In lbs moroloK *1 l«:k» oVIovk ami •vsiilhyat 7: « o’lifM-k. Mumlay-whiml at •::*) i\ ,M. Fpworilt [itayrr sarvb> at Bi4-V F. M. I'onjii. YOU art- lnviU*<l to ull services.

nruce Mreet Prcsbyiprlao ( ’htp*l--8anruiel l»ob- bins Prlro in charge. mim1a.vaubmile at » A. M. atnl j M. FAeiang eervjce. wlHi special rtuelt sinking ateoVliirk. .-uiijwM, - l Am Oi»d.‘' ladle*' Aid ^fKieiv meeis tin Mimdayat sl*. M.aod praier* iiutftingon Fritlay at s f, M.

First Mrthoiiht I'rolestant Churrh, Hill sireet, nror Hroatl.- Divine worship wliU prenrhiof hy tbena*tor. Hev. K H. Dyott ni IdM a. M. atkl 7:4o I.M . Mornliu: snlijeci, •■Fterjial l.lfb:" evening snlijert, “ '|•w1*llry•nv* Minutes M'ltli Ezekiel" Burnley-achijol at■J:.W I*. N. VS elcome.

1. Andrew's M. F rbapel. 7S 8u «ex avenue— wuuday 'chtiol at 2-.»0 P. M. At 4 o'cIr»ck Die Doauel le!U|i#tamv inroling will beln ( har«e uf Rrolber Uet*rg«'MiM»re. o f fenianory f'hBn*h. Come and help. Bring ynir friemla, CiOod latke and goml siiiflng. beats froe. Ail are Invlled and all wrl- comn.

Halsey Atreel M. F. rhim'h. Hsliry *treet,aear Fei - street, Hev. Nels<»n A. MKrnjfhnl, naaior, 10:.k) A. M and 7 :« P. M.. paNM'hlnt by Her. Jsmes Mouignmery. of Ifrooklyn, a ftjrmef pastor. 2:W p. M., s«til>aib s* bool sesalon. H;4A Pj. M., Epwimb I^ f i ie vw ^T service, deals fM . Fvetybialy veb'ojne.

Onlcnary M. K <5iurrU. -H er WInlleld (\ knnd. gra.ss, itasinr. *-30 A. Vuiiiig nicu's nteejiat;, rn;»i A. .M., prcmdiin* hy ll*v. K ll. Aylswonb.

1*. M , Simday e'hool. fi:4.S p. M,. Fpeorth L»agoe prayer meeting. T iS l\ M., aennou hv ibe rs ’dor subjet't, " Ih e Kind uf Yount MiuNew* ark NeeiK"

Rlglilii A venue M. R. t hnreh, between Broad and Hlgb htreeli, Itev. tl, H. WwidrulT, j«slur-ITeach- Ingai 10:30 A. M. and 7:4S p. M. by Ihe Hev. W. J|. M'ltxari. of iha Newark t'unfrrem'e, In exchange with the pastor Kuuday-erbuol nl 2;Sn. Vouiig

ruHctlng ml 0:43. AH Neat* free. Th* public mwleurelODinr.

Hecond iTesbyterlaar-hurch.—Open all aummsr, Hev. Puiil V. Sulphen, D* J>„ iHMOur. Nervjcea, H>;M> A. M., 7:43 P. Jd.i dtrlstlAn I U-I*avur, 0:4'» r. m - the |iaa1r>r will preach muriiluf uhd evenli f : even­ing iiiblHri, “ Is There a F'miips Life?" 'Ihes* will be Ihe lAHl eervbwa at whlcli tbe posior will omriate tiiilll Kepteniber.

Roseville Haptlet Church. Warren stireel and Ooiild »«,emie. Hev. Alh<‘rt Koater, D. it , pastor. - Preaching by the pastur al 10;45 A. M. aad 7-4« p M. Biindar-w'hno) at 9Ab A-M. Prayerineetliig mi Tneeday evettitur at 7:4.». 1'riiini iwuple'a prayee meeting on Tbursdiiy evenlDg at Mo'cux'k. rbata free. AH ere welcome.

l>e ffrmd M. K. rharch, cumer lUileton and Ri'nih lirnnfe avenues. Hubert M. ATlroWorih. pador-Uhk» A. M., presfllilng bv the Hev. \V, v wiudgmao. pastor o f C4-nr«narv Church, la e*- rliange with the pasmt. 2;,10 P. M., MmnJav-whf>ol fl:*» P. M.. Kpwtuth lyi-agne. 7:4'. p. M.,*erm(»a by Ihepuilur i luhjesi. “The Blind Hefrlemlpd."

New York Avenue Reformed Chiireb. Rev. John F'. Allen, piurof.- ProtM’hlnf at JOJO by Profeiwgr t.eorge vv. tHlmor*. of Rrooklva, N, V. At the evening servlr* at 7:4.\ o’clock J»rofi‘eiM»r frilmnre wilt rii-llver an wRJreason “CorH* ami the Coroans Fndcavnrpra.veriniwliug hi n:Vi o'clock. t ’Uur«-h prayvr-mei'tlng on Tutwday awning at 8 o'clock.

St. Stephen’*Churrh, t ’Moton ond KlUalwiL av*- huw.-Hgv. K. M. hhvrnian, Jr, rector. Ben-Ioee, Hilly, rojniwtnlon. * A. M Mating lltanv.ante^ rommunivn and sermon, ln:30 A. u. s'vndav- echool serth-a* Bible clam. 2Aj p. m . Ptinduy. whool rorviro, 8‘JO P. M. Kvenwmg ami service 7:Mp. Jd. You arocordlally Invited to attend.• ht. ].uke'* M. K f ’hnrcb. nintoo avemie and Murray alreet, i ppnstte High streel.-Preachlne br Ihe |wer4ir, Hev Fred riar* Haldwlo, at in-.So A, M. iind 7:4o P. M. Morning tonic, "The Vlrlite of Wiener. ’ lathe «vethn*the pasuw will prrach a sliort sernmn to young lad leu, sundny^hO'd I- ’U p. V K|mnrlU l!*agiie,tl:43 P.M.; Yourtg Men'* Union, 9:30 A. M.

''outli Jtaptl-t 1‘hiirch. Fait Kinnev str«et, near Bruau.-Th»!|Muir(ir. hev. R. M. l.u'hcr l». D wMll ps^ach siJBilny at 10*i A. M. and at 7:4,'. P. M Tha ev*-Blng service will l>« elighUy varied fpptn ihv usual service. Suuda.r-aohool at I:3o p. M. Voumr (w.ple's meellng 1 ui-wiay evening, and the gmcrai tiraver and ooucerern'e meet lag 'Ihurmlay cvanlttv boihai7:43. All are webrome.

RellevHl* Avenue PoDgregaitonal Cbnroh.—Her Hamiiel |j).ne i*H>iulv pwlor. Ihibltc uon-hln at btlU A. W. and 7:4i P. Bf. Sumiay-iwhool Imme­diately after the moruln^ service. L'fai'tstlan F:n- deavor meeclhg at 7 P. M . 'I1ie jianor will praaeb Morning snb}art, “ Rallgloit in I tally l.tfr." Rveli- lYig RubhMct, Bread and Wau-r la the \11ldertu>ia "Stranger* and vtaltorscopdlslly welcomed.

'rahernaclei'hiirch, Fifteenth avenue and Sev­enth street Hev. II. von harchwitx, lumtor. -•ser­vice* during the summer ha!d In a large tent era< t- ed on ramdan street, belneen Hixteenth and Flf. tM*Dtb avMuee. only two block* fiom e*urlngdeld avenue. Preaching every Nunday at 10:30 .aTm ., 4 Pi M. and “Jil P-M. iFOapel mei'llngB every even­ing at 7:4fi, Wsdneaday eveiiing itpv. K. IL Waian ciHiTerted TnppUt monk, will prewh.

Fifth Baptist Church, corner iroKpa.-M and fafay- ette alraeta. Hev. >» Liinp. paHmr.^prenrhiug •ervlras 10:30 A. M. and 7i48 P. M. In the ctortilnr the paaior will excbanie pulpits with tbs Jlav N Hrooka of Ihe Unlou Htreat M. K. church, and will occupy hla own pulpii In the evening. SutKlav- schoul at2J» P. M.: HfbJe study Thufjtdav, fl o’cl<^k P. M.; P. K c, F, Tuesday,# P. M, l * i the neo pie of closed churchei come with ua for th* summer aervira*,

hlxtb Presbyterian Church, comer of tfnlon sh>lI. alkyett* str>‘el<L->Fniyer-iiieeting * l m A. M I*r*ach1ng at Kh.D A. .M. by tbe Key. J, A.ChacnbllaVII. D., of the Baptlin Church o f Fiiit Orange, n . j and at 7-4.1 P, M. hy ihe pastor, Hev. Davis W. Lusk KxIramuHlc. Jucludlng»,»vefj»llnHtrtiQi«n,ta, at the evoniivg Mrvk'e. Sabboth-echool at 2*30 i* M ho- deiy of I'hrlstlao KhdeavuT al 7 W M. No m>w rent*. AU ore weloome. Prayermeellug TuewLiv evening a! 3 o'clock,

Newark n ty rhurch Fxlenston Rodtiy oftbe M F* rhurt’h.-?*Biunier(leUK-bufch, coruer hummer and Fr-donla avenues, luorning, itev. U r . Mul­le r : avsnlng, r. II. Warner, lit. James's f ’hnrcta rvirrer Klghtronth avenue and somh 'lanih tirect. morning. Hev. J. Fred i r je r; eveoint* J-lk- ■iiaU Drake. Ht. Andrew’s'Ohapel, Nin«w x avenue, near lock «rvel, evening, John 11. OwinnelL Baldwin Ktrcel ( ’hn|fel, Baldwin, near Howard avciiing, Rev. J. Ftad Ury*f, Itev. i* C. Niil- ier.

Clinton AvetMie Reformed rThurcb.>»-Rev. iHinlel H. Matllu. iNudor. Prayer meeting 10 A. M. Divine worship with preachlug by tbe pa*lor at lu;30 A. M. and7;f>P.M. A i the evening wrrvka tha paslor will give an acTuumofUls visit to Momrral and ihe grtal ChrMUn Flndeavnr ConvenUon. .au Kndeav- orertciirJtaly welooinad. eat9baLh-acUouts2;90 F. M Tnttday «vonluf prayer-meeting a o’oio<*k. This chuix'h remains oiWD every* ^ahbath and farangcr* are mad* welcome. Next i^abliaUi mormlng hev Dr. Jgluban,ofNew Vurk.

Fairmount Baptist Ohnnb, Bank itraet n*ar Wk'klHTi', tbe Rev. F'. J. LUdkuow Millington, pas­tor—'ervii ri during tbe week as tollowg^ lo rd ’s day,preachlug rit 10:30: snble<’l, “ hpirilual AdnP lery.’' Butiday-echool at 2 :^. Pronobliig at 7:Wi' Rtib)ect, “ Ihe lUituan Caihnilc Church In the Light o f JIlAtpry.’ ' The lOi’al lodges oftirangemen will attend the event ng service. Young peoufs’ s p^aTe^ nievting on Tuaaluy evening, and general prayer- mmlnKon I'hursday evening, both at 7:gv A sue* rinl hivlUtlun Is axtendi*d tp the Loid's day aven- Ingaarvlce.^luspHal otJ!A-B*reah'j:.wrorn*r High and lron^

gomery stnela. BunUay servica at 4 p. nu xu

"^W iM ww Maibwry^ ^ fand 7:43,

in tniarguiii «;n». *(ifPwnt Bitfringfr,lieeopd'Woman’* rbrtrtlaa TemArauca .Ualao,,

4t Belleville avenue,—(-*s|iel letnperaDca at 4 o'elDck, 1b cnarga of tha v a At 7:30 Q*dod(, Mr* t.'laytou. I '

Independent RpirtliiallstB will hold their meeting at 7A I'-ist Kinney street at 3 P. M. A shott lecture, tollowed by icsta by 11. c. Iwm. A I^ busiiieiai cir­cle on Wednewlay evealBg at 8 o'clock.

y*\ r. 7'. l'. 3 Hall, comer Houth Urauf* avenue and Hixth itreek-Mr*. H. Pk-fC*. Prealdenl o f the i e^iie Baud and ^uiberlulebdent of Aab‘aith ot>. lervaiice, will addieei tha meeting al 4 P. M. Mr, William F'. Jjy'iuodU a*4 alken w Ul aid. Free to dll.

Roseville Woman's < hiietlai) TemoeMnee Union, coruer of Fourteenth sirS“t und (toulil avenne.— Meeting on Miindsy afrerhoou lU I o’clock. Ijsader, W, 11. Kiitau. F'ntnk II. Holme* will be present with bisconvertrd banjo. John H, Hiiuln,aocDm- paninL

Tciui^ Msn'i Christian Aseoclntloii, Cllutoa slrosr, niar Broad.—Henry A.rozKcns, secratarv.Jrlining flaavii meet froiii * to ip A.Ff. Men's nipMlng i t 4;iv Cool rooms. Hood sinking, duel* aufl chtini* singing. Talk hy Mr. William E.'lay- lur. All men Invited.

Woman's Temparauoe Rescue Band of the Hontb Market Uroet M. E ihurob, conisr Market aud Adums streets, will hold lbelrui»ip*1 i«mp>ra»ca uiseUofto-ulgbt at 8 o'clock. Meeting In charge of the prealrteiit, .Mrs. Harnb Idcrce, who will speak and ling, liood iiteakln'; and singing. A beaViy weU-<»ma U) all, heb and pjor, bond and free. Coma and hear them.

^ l i r i . P W A N T R fr -M A L B L

N O TIC K --Tr*B sl*a t advartla lag Im Ihe NKWH iniist imvartahljr ba pa id lo r 1* ad- vanea.

1N« acpeoata krill Im •p M iad fb«r saeh.N o adverU soM M i adit ha rara lvad aver

th * letephttB* except Ihae* aent by author« (xefi agents.

* UFNTH Wa NTPD Tti KFLL CITY i.«>T?4 AT J\|.S per muntli; gi -Kl I'hnoca for Itisurani'e col­lators (p make luuuey ai shi**. a h KNT. Bi.x H. Newiomro.

HFNKHAI. A<tF.\T WANIFfJ, 'uim b*' sucivielVil canvHUser i gteid salary.

LAhK U.NTa HRi NUHsF;tUF>i. Boi'licsier,Ala

VtiKNT m

|>AnnFH w a n t k d ,J * i FHtriiTU ST., cor- Hafrlam ava . Harrison.

NFaT, t id y b o y . ONK w h o L iv t «8 *wnii hill j4 ri*uts aud raa come well renitu meiulert. RKl.f.M A » j IN|; Ho* A, News oftuw, I

( tAnpyNTLHH WANTKD.^ I ND’ Vol.i MAll, 2 l.v><oiitb Ormngeave.

/ 'ILK IIK VO fNu MAN WAN'rw PONlTli.N \ lm »r*nteor Newark r|erk la any biisIrM-w : reftrence*. Aildr-s* j. h., Box U, New* oflkv.

I NDI’^JHIAL lN s n iA .\ rK MF'N WANTFD <0 ■*ell gilt eilged prn|*fty .seven mllai from New

ork ; lance r-omniMsIon |kald dim n.21g lio v i '(F A FJlA, 2.*»* HriHMiway, N. V,

I ATlIFIt-a WANTFD, F'«UniTF:F;M II KT. J.IND HPHtNOFiKI.D A V K , Monday morn


\ * -A ,-A .-

D*4 Y 'or W AN T UONRV*

U m . ne will Uvin >nn any simi thai .v.iu wNh at Us kiwssi pcoeUdo roww, hit be nrit-ktat oosKlbla time, and torauy leugrb «>f iiui* u> suit you. Ymt ^■j iuy Ike money buck la any auiounU vuu whh, andatanj linte.and f>arb payukcai so uvads will leduae ibt ivist sarryliig Ihs Ii<an lu pn>|wirl<oa lo ue anmuDf |tat4. You roti burmw on honsehold ruruiinre, putvK, hniwex. wagikns<uul rarriagro and eiker twrwiiai pni|teHy, and iheproi'erty lik remain

I I* ^“ *7 F<’'«osaHkn, iijiis giving you lbs iiaa nf Ukib j M ahn Ihe money. i»ur oSias ar« iDavenleniiv I Jorated. and partlns oalltag on us can be wntUnl a.t I giilckly sad I'lMirtwtiksty. Before borfuwliig cIm - ; where call and set* us, aud yuo will find ll greaily to ' ypur advaiiiagfi,

n f :w a h k m d r t h a h k i/ia n m.,______ _ 213 Market al.. ruomi .3, 4 V

R F A l, FH TATK FO R R A I .E - r iT T .

H u r itK A n i.M t n.'« K.a h v T iitM s. 1. J. I'RIETH. :■ ava., H DoorA .

VV A U AH r.t PIFCK DF* C d R vrR PIUIP- eriy.I.HWtHl nu springfieM ave., paying t* p*r

rent. 4Mk inonrv int citisi ■ vtlil Iwi sold «a a liurgaiii, .1* (iwuer Is ulkilgcd tu axil .tddrrisi "*f ll * IHl.AlN, lt*kv F‘, Newa oiRca.

V*«Nn i |\j|'H.H'»nM .. fark-Hi* a lter and sewer

.\ .D


I AT ltm t W A N T ^ ir < 'ALI. » i :n u a v .Jli.illl'il, J. It. (M.KN.-<. 1

^ J i tn illt l 'K It * WILSON H AVE A V.t-

caiey ftir a youai matt, from 17 to IS years, t*

•lOk'k dark in their OUes and China rh‘par1n»ent ;

one with wiras aiperlenice In the Hue pn'ferred.

Apply to the Hl pICRINTFNDKNT,

______ _________ l ! » to \6S Market si,

MKN Wa M FD . w it h i r « l l , t o INTHtydm*e new s’ llclc ninnug meri'tiauts and "lul»le

Uicn In cvi ry city and lOwii In New Jersev ; pgvs |S r^r du.v: iwtls pu sighl: no compaditloi; don't take tbit fitra fake AddrpMF', A* jICHU 4 tti.i Hox Std, HhI Batik, N. J. 1

vva .v t f d . 100 w n n ' i m k n .IMO UlU)ADft1., F aiployaiest Bureau.M P

fpA U -O R Wa NTKD t o m-HHRI,.I I HKNDKIPhjN, u ria rk sL. near Rri>ad.


RKLlAm .KblEhr............ . (Mjr ihow o irl*

l^keil up III tkwnv,w>n trees and froi'e* aloug imt>- Itc rotul* : steady work III yonr 1IWQ iinipty i (j.'» n nj'»nth and a «uy ex|>etiHee deikosUai] in vmir twnk when aurbil, j. Ji. w ' I I a a F’ AC'S., M '\ainmsL. tlijcmnall.O. '

A. F7r, CPW AliO I iiANRD (jN J’l H.nlture: no retnovnl: pron^pt, nrlvste. reltHble,

low ratiw. im«y reiwymeiiu; open evenings mild *. I’D! KKHIi. 4ki llnad st.

V A.-MONF'V T.OASKD f-N A W M'MN • al 2 fi»T Cent. t>er month goo«l fur ohe yr«r.

f HleHM.VN, I’nw xu t'evlar at.. DearHr-wil St KeiaidUned

-keOXFV 1 0 1,4»AN ON IDH'WKIlOLn FTH- jVF niturr, plaiini, urgsm and iicTwinsi pmiH'riv wilbimi reiMikval: tv*nieR honorably dealt nilh. and ran make repaymenta by IriHtAluiema, all bu' lne < Rtrh'dy i-onfliienilal. Chll on F‘. M* f|iA WFYiRD, ruoni 7, Broad it. Diwii rvening* iiiilU 7.

MONKV J.OA N M ) i iv iK iiwoNA I, l>KnPi;||.ly, piano* erg,in* and rnrullure In u«w wltSout

removal: till bn*lliras driri,:^- rojitidpntial. Call «>r uldreM F. f KDVv.*RD'«. n>om a, hll Marks! m|_ or lo redar si , day or i'Wikliig.

Mo n e y tyiu jaaN o n m o r t o a o r .b V. u i ;lh |v. 410 Broadn,

OM -V-L WfMw o r M<iNKV, F'lHdd -T) yS] loan imi 'c«etry. lirU'-a bpsc or other valua­

bles ou rro*nafib;e lei tn-«. AUdref*IHINOKA HI.F, Hnx V. Newsom«W.

U IAN ON HiLND /ami mnogaire at 4 and Ti per

reiiL In sniiii ami Inr |••‘r1«H1H lo suit ihc borrower; NO HONl'^i \o|{ roM M l»s| i»N i :\ A lT F I i i all ni»ii'«*urv |>a|a<rw carcftilly nrepa eiU CHAK A. I'KIt'K, CounM-Uor-at-Uw, 7i1 Rroal *C By

LtiAN ON R n sn ANO t ♦ r4 F4 fmortgage at 8 percent. In sumi

and far perloda lo suit the lKkrrt>w<>rs; do IkniiuH 1 miufiilv*|or> i-liargcd . I.VisMHik loan os ^-bailie mort­gage lu *uins in auii. F-lKValtD HI.-ArK I'ouu- *Hli»r aMaw. riKiui *ll I'nidenl al Huhdtug , i«L •pUiUie N<(. "2-i.

lim 'B K ; Oivnii 4'FL............ r i lot '.VixHO ; nil l ipid

, , prft^onii■'iM JOHN J. HKVINK, 71 f t niooSt.

VNCMMI l< OF* fH lR l F FRh FKRTIICH AHF on our books to sell at loa- figures and ease

rtldiWN ,4 S4‘m,F54l\uKK, 74B and JMhioulsL t

Vi*iMilUNiH.NF:iUirs|NlC!<w rHoFF:HTV o nsVavf • ' ‘.verly p]. ran be bkught at a bargain.

Jo h n j . DKVINK. -kMllmon^t

\ IWKI.VK-UoiJM MOCMK ON a DAMH kt-, near Kimicy nI.; rou be bought ft>r|i,s(n

1 JtUIN J DF.VIN'K 2jr|lm«.ii St.

norm .F; i io i 'kk F i ih b a l k , n i n e hoom beacn ; improM-menis ; easy lenn*: rtnis for

fiNS’ Impdre Hot,MF?4, Satloual Hank Building, or on the premiM*. 187 .Aiden a i, nrauge, 4*0

- I

flOOME A N lI iX A T t TO LET,

INI.ATM TH LKT. 4-ROOM ri.AIB.FI.KnANT- . ly hirnlahed: a I roeai* llghlrd; water and

sewer coDikeitioTi*; water rioa-ti la hunies; reikt ll-Jattil III. Apply at 14i-. m MMl r HT. ,db

HliOMK, WlTJI H.VTII .ANO ALL IMpruvfmiMd*. |M .............. ..

IMIi and li Ih avra.

INOVH LAHifK HisiMHTit su B ill t&M , small randi]

:iig 1'

I^wot'u KINF, T.lllHT ROOM'*, wi WPUIN14. Held ave, > Ini^airslD iiors or Diinl ll(»r.

.hT .AT 41 IHWK small Ikndij prefrrred. Inquire

■ F BAI \A1 Jl.*4 W t'tsk

ik\ n a L 'F .y k t .

INOFR M im A\.AH|| .AND R.ATU’ room. IA>B. iiK F'lUwT a ND NKW KTw Ml

L^VnNlMirF'D RiX^MA i'u U-ir -A f.L IM-

|.,^XkCL’ rOR'B S jtL K -

SI. J-ONYINNo r . . . AiicHnieer.will v ll byiirderuf heiiTtdcndgne t.sxec'iiloroflh* evlaie of F. V. Duellcher, dek'ntaod, at salMroom, ]A‘> Market si., Stonday, Jaly I?, at 12 o rinrk nnoa, all the right, tlile and inisroal in lot No. 390 on the llawchurne aicims tract.

A l'fH ’ftTUR lONTOEN,I _ _ _________________ E l gut tor.


S 2 0 0 . 0 D 0 , ,

) ? 1 2 0 . 1 K ) 0 / "

r iN E pijTT o r r .A S » o » w e » t b id e o r


cknlra IwAitco, Iiqntra it tbt




K-NI) DISTRICT rOR SALE AND EE-Im u n ii f ! Id luni. tn tulr.

C. J, llltlItt N, 7 Rrowi It.. rnoiD

I 'l tA N d t

I M m MAl,E-

M- CJIX RlkiMri Ttt I.KT : RFNT~ “ :6l HH-LKVlf.LK .

W ANrF.DHlU lIT a w a y ... at home or bi frHVpl tu keen

r i f i n\ F" Fmoitgags lo sums to suit KarnABLSLAM i^M lAM uU TO AUF.fY I..

Hib T70 Broad It,

A M ) ri*W ART) Til TJ»AN o n F t'ltM - hitro Make pi'cvinat apiilli**llon to

TRI MH'ITAKl. k ANK, .'i7 '4nUlH IHh ii., HiMev'lll*.i ? 1 5 .

AA'll^ 'A N T E D A VnDNfi MAN (HTNULK- TT bartetidep: miiM havegixel refereuror-

J________ AddmHKiNiii.F, Jfox l>, Nowurtfllw.

\ i r F ; o f k k h a d r n t a f i iV it fH f ir iT N f x - T T ciu*lve lerrliory : iiur s«Mi »wli *1 alibt lu ni v

fit couniry; agaiitfl first In field ai^ualTjr gertlng rW i: one agenilii on* dgv Hearwl MLiW : So can you; cataUkgiie free. Adiireav ALFJaN'M Ka FF: f ’O., No, SBO-.37I I'lark ji! , • ■iikclimatl, O. 40

H E LP W iiN T E n - .r R M A L m . .

TJANTFIHN WANTF^D.ONf.YfBmJjHABTitHS I Foil fine veals; steady work, nh «0MfMlNiiKlK,I4) AVP.,,«w-onilflonr.

G I R L t W INTHD. K x i^ H IR M 'E llI’rut—l.Ml !|rl Id. child', nur-.* .nd hfllt Imu.,

AA.S li «2Arllnfton av*., Kaal i.r-

l. f lA N 4 AVANTRIL

j o \ f y w a n t e d

ON F IR «T n n vn a n d MORTOAOF.B ua ran leed security; city and auhuroan property.

ALl, A l Hosns.IT.Qfr). |A,vo, ff.noo, |3,uo. fj.ko. ft.7m

lD4|Ulro urK 'tID V i.EU B. JAI'K ‘<ON,Mu Hroad iL

S 'JAFE L\VrHl,MJ-:.NTri-

A fine re*l-lence, rH SwTVUT ST., *e*r Erooil, tr-11 rtioma; all modern Improvemefits : steam healing apiiaratiia ; otmvenli'ni to t 'he*innt Htreet Station. Penruaylvanla Hallroat; also lu hors* cars and ciiKiiecUng limn to all pirt* uf. the city and suburbs; poMewiloQ.July 1 : prlr-e low lermi assy ; loi 'JHxluj.

For Male or Kvehango-

A huudanmeiy-furninhrd cot fags at ORERN. i,AKF. twelve riMriiia: all Improysmstii*;


Apply I*


MX) Broad al., rooms 7, 8 and 8.

work Address il, H anjre. j.

/^itHL, \%. L ffilll-\.Igirl; mil Kouday.


ILfW. 91,iW). ti.fFM), 92,300, fi.onn, 94.nMcan be place<l 011 ttnf cla.M and luuriguge se­en rlly on property wikTfh double the atnuiuit and more by ( ailing ou

CHABLK8 A. FFICK. Connaellof-af-law,

I h 7,v Brrkfld si.



^ ir U J A AYAaVTED. F’M ril SM AKTHIHLk TO ' vgn itHo the couuiry i^ u r t ; os making Jouslr Mriiin. r’a i t a t s M r u r f t is A v r . ^ . i

n OUHJiWfjnK -nFHM ANm HI.rnll HDrwK Work ; must be g> od WBk>hvr and Jrtioer ; simhI

2 4 W »rn i K L K V K srll MT. 11 Work


rf ir «E 'fo R K D im , w a n t e d t o r « e n eml housework: 3 alulta: wsshlng |br two:

Herman prcfcrrsil. 4:t,X)|.UMBlA HT, I

I AlilKM AN’ i) HFNT1,FMF;n " W a NTKJ): s ,iwe will pay you 9-*' fo 9H» per w»y>K to ilr> strictly

home w-ork flir ns nt your hoaxea; no caiiraaslng ; Biuid Hielf-aildrnkaed envelope, ti. p. KMMH.N'VA

Hatter) hureband M ater sIS.. Boston. Man. &2f

I ADIFaMW|HHIX« TO M AKK « l A D A T A TJhome. addnssliig enveloprt. hiMlimir nlX*uls^^

etc. write fbf particular, eicJodiig etamp, mJaOUIHB KAlUFTEI-D^Hnutli BmhI, iMd. |dj

T ADIFM CAK HFCimK FlTlBT-ft^asA IIKLF Jal the employaierki ofllro. *78 RRt)A D H f. 1


SK IR T TrrKFRM WA.VTED — MACniNFH run hy iwwer; nearly work. STa NDAKD

L'NDFIHWFJAH Co.. ;tt-78eprlnffieM avf. 24h

W ANTKD-LADIKH t o w r i t e a t HOME;lacloM Stamp,

7*f .^HKJ(LN TOUKo, Kslamanoo. Mkh.


A~ *7 H T V r ,t « l l DHKRSMAKEH E U lliT ift-IE York wiAbee work bume or by lUiy.

f ’wil aiA HROAD HT.

- . FIVEyears eiptrleoce: nioderata wages.

y. ll., IIAHuutii OrsngSavs.Ba r t e n d e r w a n t s b it i a t io n

T:>OOK-KEKrKR-.A VOUNf* MAXJ*|ioelttob as assistant book*Rcvper, etcpsnman.

W .\ NTs, ---- -Uv; good

AddressFRNMAN. Bill T , N*a-s nffim

f * v lV l WANTED0 «B sF y i/ 1 r a burnt and marigagt,

F'. BFrVKlt,1 :!fiepilr9gfi*>ldave,

H K r r R iT ir k . in v k h t m r n t m , e t c ,

rp llK N F :W A R K f ir f : is h u r a m k tx>.,


N xw are . N. j .. Jnly 14, im

A semiannual dividend of Qv* per cent. f3 tier cenl-l ha* l>een dec;are«l on ihc capUal sKx k o f (Uia company, r<*yabl* July l.\ i«i®.

Hy order of tbs board.FRANK T. MnRRIDF,

t _____________________ Hecretary.

'^ I^ IL L IA M LINN AJJ.KN A ^ X, ~

ET0I:K BROKERSBuy and sell itockk Umda and grain either fhr |

caib or 0* margin.

IW M ARKET fit.Teleplions 1020. Newark. - * Newark, N. J.

BRA NT H O PnCK Oraoge Naltonal TUok Hulldlng.

Telephone 4A& Orange. Ora ngo. N. .7.


A d k n tl f lm a n ' w jt.r , f in d good bo .a h d , pleoAunt neuiisariil romfmtable bame wRhln three miutitea ufOnive Hi. siatiuii and iderdrii: furs,

a t^ X c m r il MAJ’LK A V k ., FAstUJaui;.!. J

A f*nOD HOSIK VUR A J.iriT.M I HTI.D JVwlih molher's rare at 4H HD MM I-IR A V K : prrttmal refyi-ore: term* reanuiahl>-. 65y

VARNIRH FACTORY; potseMlen ImmedUt^y ; price

AT lhVlNfJTf»N -Hou**, 14 rooml; all improve- lusnts ;lot l.Ux2U>.

I.oti-oraer North Thirteenth at amW^yeuth avA

AARON F, tX)Nj»IT._________ oglre 414 I’rudeiiilal.

LF:AHK T I IR F INE HEsJ : 14 roi>ma, nil iin-

provejueiiU : grounds T-l-tThO, altti stable; irDNU o o l«o I'.'i itrcei* : lertvi lo suit. Full panluilam al T. W, K1\SFJ^'>. .1-12 Broad *t. Sio

I^^OK HALF' AT A ilAHOAiN, CENTRa LI-Y located, ]i>t2)>xl«l feel, with house uf six riKims,

Slab!# hMIi 4ix sfaila and wagon kb(Hl ; cheap fur eaeli. N. F D,. 4* iawrence at, tuv

Fo b h a i .F o itdenre al 23A Ml Pieasaivl av*

I.^ORHALF. ('IIFA1\ .....................lilantallon; ph-ni y uf frull and giuKt water.

SMALL HorruK R V. . .. ...... Jl and giHKt water. Fur

particulars adilreas wfirTH. iio.t r , News oHlro-2gl:i

n fJDHK, TW ENTY F o r It RooMH. FOR Ma L £ ’-of ml Ful’ ItT K tN T tI a v f :.

r e a l lU T A T lt r o n BALV>*O trr o t_______ t o w n , ^ ^


I NOR h a l f -TRACT OF A B o rT *3 ACREF OP lam), sluiaieMb Hchuyler avo., near Arlliifton

t uiuh Tiiwnsliip, Bergen Ctumu.N J., being pari of Hfdiuyji r eaiah*; drolmbJp fnr Hue reaidcucM. .Aildp'sa JOHN Jt>JINMnN, rmims 0I« lo *l’i l'r*JeuHal Building, Newark. N J. Mu

TJRLI.KVILLE FY)R MALE OR RENT. 1»- J lriN)m ilweHiag. al] Imptovemeuls, fine order, high gruutid, ci»ruer. lOUilJl feet; |irli*e IK'I'id, worth f7-(liNi; rant E.i.o iwr mualh ; free till August I. AddiM‘H'* J. c. k iif jUOAN. Fifth AVe. Ifolel, ........ ......... d’ g

FOR HM,K. TinCHK uF 5Sold rdump, Adilr^w

202 lU.OO.M f ie l d AVK-

New \Ork City,

1 1k i .l e v i i j .f:nHiini, atnhic ;

provciQi'nli, home oitnfjrtx Uk -1 O h tM -A T , w o u j fbKir.

| .irllM H M KD HinrMA >t)U MKNTLFMFNI gas, bath ; rvfrreiii'e re<|uln-d.tjg _______ * 47 .Mt LIIFHHY HT.

FRONT muiMw, a l l IM-W I'l in f : ST., near Nhw »t. *e

■4rriNJ»l|l-:D TlfHl.M.IXUH. a n d I’ l.KASA.Vr"

HrRlNfSkM O rFO B T lT N IT lW .

Ha k e r y Fim h a l f ;, h o r s k . \v a l o ?l^hariHas and htuie, si m fixtures and bakiog

utemdK on acroiint of ||] Ucnlib. .vddr<‘'«s ■■M B IK kriV . fUtE A, News nfiloe,

/ lAN'DV H'hlHF.'* FMK %\l,V. F’DI lt C iN T )7 \ smi cigar ri.»r*i; gutsl plnroi fur rifht panes, imiulreat o. H. F'RI 1/'m, w BnaMl si. *r

/%>NFrcTIO.NKHV. tCKCHF KM A M M 'lf iA a’ slorj lur sate user I'hir'i'* I hread Kortory.SI* ™ i lK A M A\’ K,,K«irD j,

a n CKHV S'DIHK ,1111 H.II.L; IJIKJD tjllll.t«ir; H-lII trlliliraii; Tra-.m ft>r a-llltif.

-*> 1, MII T II llll.kM IK AVK.

1 T K I K f IlM IlIK 'I ’U iW K l.T IN A ItM .lA B L lI Abiiilr.i-SMcnll iiuj isTKa HNH. Hoom 4.\ SOO Fnmil sL

’ TsILM lt BTs I.NFIhh TO HkI.L lucKtltn MhJ very rheap ; a lltil*

wgvout Id the cijuiilr.v ; ths only uiio tallur In tb# I b>Wu Uoiiig AgtMsI tnale Inultlrest 1 17>. Ju.XF>t HT., Newark.

M FHtillKMm il. g(HHl Juratlin ait.|

I.ArRNlHllHh pmvemefits.

' all iuipruvemenlA t v LIBF-k i v h I, xig

IHN.IMS ; -iWg

Ma id e n 14 .rouliiA amail and large; waU r and *bive.

n A l^ F Y RT. « 2 FDIiMwifKlbouarkerpliif; 9 and I'l h); Lailrmims 91.

K 1NNEYBT..M, NEAR Wa SMINi iTo v F:l7 gant new flat, tint fhK>r, niriicr h< * 4*. all

fineii madaru tiupro\ain*uts; rrul imKlarsie. cai'l a » ph'inlaea. |

t AROE FDHNIillKD FRONT H0iT>rrii I .r T Adi JPHF.xvrjisr


MMlNtHJIF.D KtHt.Ms ;*l<

IX) LF r, \ RimMH, N'F-IVI.V1'snilly uf

■iiiiiin. lapUie l.j(i nU\NtiF. sT tuh

N'FW NT.. 4P 1 WO I’oNNKCTlN'd FCK- tilshel iooin«, with or wllbuiil light hiiuaekrop

lug; all leaveiiiciuiHi 1

Nr l l ’K Ht)OM FXiR l.lO ilT IlDl'HKK F:K1'| NO; I atsU'hallrouitt; (wlii. 4X2111011 HT


MIDDLK-eo fd I’ UITV V K a M ' Bt'Ht- ne«(iet|>eriMicr I* sod sbmit .New Vork.bav-

lUl a re«v lluMisnid itiiil.ir* lu Invest, w*i|Id Ilka to heur prsuiiie ufHrv* iir liglii iMaiiufwiiirlug builue%a III Newark Addreaa vuUng n,)hir' of biialues* Slid felefiUK'e*, U l»., Ihu « . New lofflce. |Kf

IJAItTNKn W4NTFD. A w!‘ lX !fA l/ " oer . broker hiiduesi, .tUdress

O a UMIX FV)U SALK ,4 Cecillia

Mr LRP.ltHV HT..3tthouaakeepliii; 92 and |'J.AV

■\TAHHAr HT„ 41 IXiLF-r, ^i V iHiln'wt and |i*|»erP4l, reiii fi

7S IMJCAHaNFlerirw inurieriPc.1>LANK MT.,

roorus lo le t ;

1>Ll^M WT.. »J - Pl.KAH^Sr FI ItV IH IkD frunt room, siilt;«bla for hghi houa<‘ keejdiig. dig


r|M KT O.vj: lYrtTAOF: TFAT, r i L l.v m t I uhliad; g(Hi-l htratiAii. Apply I.A.N'K V li.LA

Oei'gNOrm-a llenlfTs t

'|X1IRKE L A m ir IK'hiMH TO I-ET. COR, HUD-

3Tesoli si. aud Ceoiral ave: Iiu. Imiutre

T IP V in . kJ^reneuiral ave.

- .C IT YJuqulr* IIT WAIlilkN HI. use

fll l lH K E i£.4ND*'OMK HO“ M'4 1l>LKT A water ; real fa.

r jx o i.Frr, p ow rew ioN im m e d ia t e l y -

4au’llnlon ive., car. Btrgao t t , f ruoma, ail Im- provamenfx,

497 Bergen st, mr. L'tliilOn avt.; f rtM)iri, allimtirovenients.

n;i awl U73 Bergen sL, two new huiiie*, g lOtllS, all Itepruvsmeuis.

8TJ Jtergeh sL; 8 fviama, all Improvements,Rioi’lrir car* pasa the isinier «irr||utAii ava and

tb-r.an st., ti*,ir all this property. ( 1 intena\e. hor*e esm aud prnp«isml slatlonun I'eun. H. |l arewUhUi three mlmitei’ H-nlk. l,iH>ailou high ami healthy.

Inquir* m UKHOEN HI'., Inuii • A. H. Ui t M. Ml

TMt I.ET tJ^AHTMKNI-H IN |U ANDI7FH- sex si ircntatm aiij f l l nme hlrK'k fr^uii HrtMMl

*L; new hrlrk imusei with furalihed halls, dnmb Waller*, wst'erloaels and eoalbma Inquire of Mr.Meliou. tat fiat N<i. ID ; also figta Id 74>f and 76 Orange *1.; rent frnnitatol*. fnqulb> 14 gnu'ery suire, 76 Uranga <t. .44w J. II MEEKER, PM Brudentlal Bidifilnf

f p o t.KT HVC4>ND ytd OR, WITH lUFROVK' I m*iiu, to a small family, ifi NEWTON s t . 3*g

fivo rf:n t l o w e r b a h t o r m ovnr ?•.)I Merllng at, near Markei nml High, 4 ruum«.

bath and laundry; all modem Imfinivemcnla : rent 91^ Inquire w llhin. L.Ig

»p W O NICK IlfM nf* TO LET, IN PH IVATK 1 house. ‘ ------ —


nquireon Ihe nremtse*, tXf BANK HP., or o f owner, 4 W'seblngtoh aL, Flsit


1 room i alcove; all luiprovi'menii 1 I* MAIlHltAl.L BT.

WERT KINNP:Y NT.,NEAU\VAHHlN4iTnN’ r Klegshtly ftjrnished frnnl rocim, bny window,

in tuivule fatally, to geiillenttn ; relerence rc ijulred. Artdreaa P ltlVATE, Roi D, News ofllre. l

TIIUKE LAROR room s, Hl'ITAltf.F:%)«/fi>r dreaatimker nr fnllor.I7c 42U II Id 11 hT., enr Academy iL

^ 1 t> -F ‘LAT TO LFT. 4 l.AKOK JIOOMH, rp V ^stationary tulM.1-a fk) IlfO H BT., curiirr Academy.

hOOMH, At.!. IMFRDYKMKMH,•5 1 v> r4 ijo u rn n in t h ht„

oyar '1 hlrtreith av*.

C» 1 7 H(K)MN. RF'JV)ND KLlkJll, IMBHOVIC-f p I OniBuls, new. Apply 77 NI4'Iloi.M 8l. wg

RVOHR. MLAIW, K T r ,, W A N T B fr.

llOOilH WAN'TF’.D, Nt)T WOREM iiB. iiriii-'i,, T'>';r Morieft *t. luh

I illOK-KKKPFm _ KXI-KBIENCKII ItOOK- Jgeeper dealrea a poaltleo : beat of refrreaceji

I_______Addrero W'lLLINU, Box A. New* olllce.

DAY'S W'ORK- W'A NTE D------

«7gwaabldg or houaecleiujlDg.

HY w o m a n


SITI'ATION W a .NTED BY A .. . ; alcen Itrinie.

102 B E N M N filo .Y ST.. iMIrd floor.n m^fiEWOflK

colored wornari ; alcen home.

fN V Ar.lD NITPHF: a n d c o m p a n io nLenrenrslck iblld by trained ■nurse; would, go way wMJi natleut: lilghcai refcrenoei.

BIslFUL'i'ri ?•I North Pane sL, K (irahge, N, J.

P AINTER WANTS W O R K 'W im A BOSH Who will appredai* good *»A ttAthfhl work ;

ran taka charge uf nieu andriaiig CohiF*, If Fmalred SSg Addrow PAlXTKfL Hrtk 'B, KourHi^w-.

Sa l e s w o m a noiileswonian.

POSITION W a n t e d Addresa9l PROSPFxnT RT.

^EAM 'lTH KRfi-PnsnTO N W AN TED BY A ~ 'H ‘oirh girl asseamsrres* and maid; Competent to travel and rore for cblldren. Call or aildre a I aofi I l im i ST., Orange.

HF:a MSTBTSRh AICUSTOMKI) TO M”OBKINO with flressniaker would like to go out aawing hy

the dny. Address K, F», IS* Falriiiount ave. Mh

C IT l 'A T IO N w a n t e d a s M arSE K K E PK ll; lOrefiTenre. Addrevi K., Box C, .Newa olllce. 7ig

f pO oLM AKKRM ’ ANTH P ‘RlTlON, ADDHFXi t 1 IYk iLMa KKH, Itux l>, Sew* ofllcv.

T l/^ASiriNO - (iKHM.kN w o m a n W ANT0 TT waMilugtadoat hoiiM\

17h 143 F lF lH A V R , fin i floor.

W ARniKd-O RRM AN W OMAN ~, -•wouhliif Oi lioiue.WA.VIH

liiquli#170 BROOMR ST,

W AMJnND^frit.nHKI> WOMAN W IL L DO washing libil ironing by theday. ON bT4

W ABlllN'Q WANTED TO TA K K HOME.I i'allorntlilreft* 13 RlDllF: HT.

■\17Frr NlTRRKs^A YOl'NO WOMAN WIHHKS e fT posliiou03 wei nurse.

P- IlALAMID.63 Broome «L, 2d floor.

Y OUNO m a n DKAIRXR Ptm llTON IN HEAL etiale or Itisuratice olRcu; g >od writer and fljp-

uror. AddrCJ^lu^^ Bo.f T, Nra'aollice, n h

A ViH N 'U LA D Y t’AN DHTATN BOARD IN prlvtilr CariiU) by ad(ln>vslng

I______ PHI\'A TK. Hux A, New* olTlr-e.

A LARfiE FilONT HOiiH W ITH IPIAIID; <n‘atrmtCtXjH. H jU ^ K Y audWAfUlKX ftTs.gf

A Hnr ST.. 16 FT 'H M s MED RfXJM; Iin.riiD j y Ifdciired ; all liuproveiuciilji

%Tnelaii(l.\niEH FR U ir. piH 'LTHV FARM.

stunk. i Kila; crape

"1>ANK ST.. 60-flOOD BUAHD AND J f rrrooina; tuble boanl.

M f ’ KMe

N irE L ’)- IBa n k st -.u: , r.n?. w a h h in o io n .......

furnished fynot room, wlHi flrsf.cJaM hoanl

■l>OAltDERS“ \VANrB.r>. A FB\V HOA R DIDh4 1 Jtn our pleaanjit country home; terms moderalr. M. A. Ht'DD,rhaihHiii. N. J. Heforenee .Mrs,r. n. Feilmon, Jr. M WicklKTe at; Mr*. I'lias. Slllcwkv ID* 13tb ava,, Newark. Big

( llvNTHE HT.. 17-PLKASANT ROOM-*, W ITH aboard ; also table tmanl. Ipia

CENTRF, HT.. M^-FRo Nt ROOMU* W ITH OH wUlmtjt UiMrd : alHO table Imanl. f,2»

ClENTHF, NT., 83 LARDE HF</llwr, furulsbod, with or wtibuul le ard

and gas.HF.rOND

bull) *7g

l«ih.ivllb ecDund-atory fioui ituhu aulluble lur two :


AND_ *

■Jl F'HO.NT ROOM. W ITH with or vsithnut b<iaril. L".i|i


f iLINTON ST., *7- UOOM^ 9I.2&./ward: with or ultuom ixortl.

T; a s t p a r k s t ..vconncrling ifflce;

J jA'Jff W CKD.4U h'r„4'Uy.

F'l HNI.SHFlD BOOMS. st'IT-.. . __ . A'lfe <ic irejilbimjiii : eiinPKli

Water and alt convenience**.FPLTON H'P., 47

able mail and wife or gcuibMuaii ; rLmnliig , with gooi) iHNird

m u f i c a u

i ^ R . m piScI f il ' a n d17poiUlve euro fur oil frnial* IrragutarltlOii A d> (traflHill lIKriOEN sT., or oU druf^sta, or 4'. HoU. High sod Ofitnu ave., or c\ Ji. »mUk, ttl Broad tt,; prtce 91' sent by mail.________ _ *a>

I A D lK J ^ liJt'HFXl'KR'HBNHLTill FKNKy I l.jrovat ulU* fDlainond Brand), ora Ui* beat rellabla T'oke do other. Bend 4c. ratampa) for paO' ikeljua, "RclM lor LodUo,’* in lettw I f mura mail. At druggvflA


13R0FFJW0R DKYH9HL MAWAHB AND MK1> leal electricity. £22 PLANK B’l. BaoWtol

I care ictvm tojsdles au^r electrlu troatmaa t i;h

r p R v m t ciiAHr.Eh'H b u r b c u k k fd u

W A N T U i.

IJlCTCTiK W ARTRD -LAD V 'RBAFKTY. AD- Irdreiei, a t^ng price, b a f k TV , Bog Newt

AtJCTlON B A L ^ k . .w

j i VKWY T.iKoie ABHOHTMiwr 0^ oooi.r^' UEDHJM AND rOMMOS fU lLNITUEK,


M, I . O'CflNNOB, • - - AocUoDM,.


-Il'I.V 17, I t 11 A. M.

Two PUaei. Parlor Suita, In Rugs, Hllk Flush anJ othercoverhigs: Walnut tunioak f'hamber Sull*. Wardrobes, Dookro***, Ibhia C'loeeia, Mlrror-liwk KuflVt, Kxlenalim, M. T. uD<l other Table's ; Dre<&- erii, Hureava, Waalixiand*. Ixiung**. IS doxeii C. H. rbolra, Kockera, HRllstaiids, F. r. Iflcr and Mantel JKlrrora,tic.; about SK'arpeu, raisfli and af4*end- lioiHli in all grade* and alaes ; 700 yurda good new OtlrJotli. Ari Hquaiea, Smyrna RiigA pure LMrlad ILtif and other MaUresses, PlHours, Hfurluco, Blank- alMj lAiceriirialns, Purlleres, Ptctiirae, Refrlgernion and three truckload* of OBmmob FnrnJlure ood Houaeftirnlehlug fj nod*. 1

D R E M a iA K lK e .

A -A.-JK'UQOI# DF fl. T. TAY- alorsyBtemafdrvae-ciittlngi the

only syaiein not a chart ; easy sud not dtnirnit lo learn: open all Ufii- merl c ilr and InvesUgate: rui( ng, flttlRgand pattorn* cut (0 DieoHiir*.M. Kt^HIHSTlK. dll-dU Broad ML. cpp. Trinity Lbureb. Itb


FLa NBHt ,, near KEWipopUinruiketheirowdgar’ aaeot* k’bUe learnuag; lUDlBfa and p4 )er pouerm gut to meoaor*. Day and eventog lesednA

IitrKNJHirEl) UfHiM, w r n i RDAUD; H,WALL riennan family. <rj m h 'T I I h u a n d f : a VF,. 7<f

INritN lS IlE I) I’OnM F 'ni a i:E.VTr,|.;MAN. with Of wllbo+it hoard. v,Tii H a I^EY sT. 1

/ IH fiV K HT.. 2*. RF:a ik »n l tor geu l lemrn ;

KATLA' FLllN ISH ED ipbJMS. flist cluMS bonnl and all ronvcnleiic***

conimcMhu* three or four genllfiijen; faintly ; bear Frmi Park at, ijf_____ Adrirms II. W.. Bnx F", New* olllce.

O RANDK F’ t 'HMHHKD hiKJM:*. K i a Rd T f deslreil, or light hoiisekfeplu?; ull Improve-

ments, Addreiiii R W. H., M3 Draiig^ rt. )

OltAXdK HI’., 163 PLEASANT FI'HNIHHFDrcHiiU* willi iHMtril. .'*ir

XBLF'-kJtAia’ lUXHA-WFPM ^ Wg M (m rilARD H T.

RF:AR t:nrftTftOt’ .lH - per week. 7g

\m 'Ucan iKvprivate

1; « * r m7 ruum fiMuw*. ouftmildlijg'i,

plauliHl: H Lar,ifaln ; T ffCMtn fim f; fJjMl.-df M, HOHKRTm, \'UiHau(t. N. J,

I fK A L K H T A IE W A N T K D .'

I W a n t t d u v v 2 f)u a it r iL D iM i j.oVh JIKtxiei Llle or F:osi Orange. Addn-^*

"■ f___ A. Box J. Newaufllro.

1 > K A L FHI’ A’IE WANTFiD- I IfAYFl rt.'H-1 for linns'^ nboie IJUh at. at prlwn from

l-j.iiro U) » t .m ju j i N j. DKVINF:, 22f|lnitu> n. .'cig

rpMHKF;1 tliau 97.

W id o w i .a d v w o l i .d u k k o s k o u t w ounfurnkheil room* la good ha-alloii. J. H.,

lk)X L, .Nee* riRIc.y |

I t ;

iT O R R t, iA )r r R , r r r . , t o l b t «

MS PBOpKBfV TO |>n- t i i f : Ispiraartil bai'unents No. M Acoiletuy ar,,u*-ar

t ’osblngtun si.; kjs tw-eu m-cuplml for (be poet thirty ycarHAAg liakerr and oMilNtlnnery ; ag<KH) cliHMi-e fur iiiiviHie wmnhig to angogelii i Im i hnsl Bc*N. ioqiiire o f TJIo.MAS McLABUiHiL, ' i.% Warren si., or nl tiie preudses, hlf


Bl s in e .hh. Doe /, New* office.

B D T LY FiHSTV lusi valium n-r snlc hi a desirable nelghhoe-

ihhhI ; vivHlianw; rent iDiviieraic For parilmlare apply (•' UH’KlI r.lS .t OHUM.xN, 4U» iVr^abfr.M

^kU U LN l-‘i>lt H\Ll>:, A OOO!) SAliO(),N IN ‘^uelghboili.Mjd Ilf several h»g fa-lorle*. Inqtilro 3'g IB NKtV YOIIK a v f ;

TDHF sroie nil theS,

4'Pp Hiiimeto f utlirf biwluea*.


111R s.M r. r io .k fi a m * i'APKR rnef .if p. IL are ntid Wright *1.,

.1 L, ^li^p fig gpDaqgl 1

d. auiiim; npi «(.||,

^ T O K L FUR MU.I.- rHF;4l'. op H l^ ll'K*~N■-)|<>Olll(lll- ■, Oil aiSSiliul riiiuk HWay.i*tt »'7 1 . 1 F' H V FTTK NT.

MT a n i k i i To prtH II a h itrtHTOKS Irmn » (Iriigxisi uli!> m||| niaiiue the agorn :

nee i«ii ek uriieriiiaii preffie.l; will waul tnmova "tijcw amt lUlma* In aUorMhlu loe lion In New- ark. Male sltr uf v(M»r Nfctn*. rou*k esllutale o f Stm-k 111*1 flHnrei, nnd pru-e at nbIHi you wUl sen. address PI \ 11„ 1*. a rih t urk i hv


Hir v n .K F-oii su .K . i i iu i io h a w k ' r h ’y ’.Cle. pu-itniaric Ilri-r; wiRj all Iniprovenkentat

M g(HH) S4 ti«w ; Ini Imlliif Iwli. Itniu siaad, farrtet. puiiiji. I sir 47 li|i-yrie Sillies; wUt sell eiilirn Uil toe 9a-'i, for want .i| nxe ( hI| iir ndilross I WHlil.NfTTONHT.

I iM 'V iT .L f'H LA l' I'on cAHir, I.VNDHUIlHT I )li| lil roousiar; lit wb<'Ri. \i)tfrwss

HPKF'li. ibix F', N'twa ofllro.

HH'WI.F-, WAltWD K 'SAFETY. F'UK HALKt perfr*'t order. 76 II IM .sl |>f: A VIL i%

I VOI.H F'ltll h.U,K ‘il T IF H P t im TIIOIV I/mighD hrnken. wHli peillgn**. Apply MILKM A. llA N ' IH T l', Riuau'* HwL F'or'iory, VatleVriHid, \\ c»1 ilrsiqjC. I

lOttSU.I-: I.Ol IlKFKmKKATnH^, 93 I ’ EI eew nak wardrotie, 91'.': fluo pier |la4n, 912; bollny'k,94.'iil, marlilntop rable.|i 111.1 28 WI I.M AM HT.

ME FOB HAI.r. FINK PJKK _ . .. . rarriverator, 9 1 ; fhldlni bed. 91D; par>

InrsuH, fl-n ■•hamhor suti.t*; maiirau. ||.U: bohy chrnaff, ♦2..'V); tot ltn>N*et# t-urpels, very obean r urgau flM, Sn W ILLIAM N’l'.

f.^ l'llN n T M r I aa i.lll; 1

I r r fi.fti PER rtJN. a c e n i-w p e r mrNDRKD, I frill « ei| 111 : 1 trift 1 qus uf more of pure, clear Ice

deljVHreil on huafil wagons pi .tORALKMAN’H Ii'KH'd'RF:. urer F'arrow's uros-e, eiiiiyveiani avo., Irvinghm. Itoiisea Veptniis-M iially frourd A H. tp7 i ’. M .forlhew*liwotii.»u ihx 2*h

I ri.lH iX FOB k a LF: I'M KAI*. W ILL HOLD Ipn heH*. JOHKPH I'FlPlJiW, ItoKroery at.30f

11 F:Rri?C A M I WAOriNj-'riKHALK.; TNClOfJD onler liupilre In hAl.tkiN. 4uu Market *(, 41|

\ | A rm .\ K H \ FnK?<ALR, LATHF»4, FlM N .**1 art, etifipars, drill jireaaes. foot, aoresv,gnMi, lever ami iwuef presiies. gear-cuiUni, inirfat-work!- Ing mscliltiery. hfit'I.lr EUKHHABDT, (Jr*Mi Jiriien eml N, .1 ]L U. uve.

I l lA V n FOR HALE m ilH H T EIH^TTLA|5 make, nearly lU'U. m a bnri^ln ; nleo Cfakkef-

lugM|iiar*' : rosy cerma H*>ulU Drang* are.

ito NKW'I'ON HL, near 30B

JFIANO-A NAttNlF'D FNT DEUrilHT FIANO for *al». 7»Mirr I n O lUNOK a v f . M

IMHDlFH, r.AKUlAnr>>. FTfl.

A T D K N E W A R K HORqil smarket, N*s. Si.'* ro 3:3 Ontmlavsw

Alarge*iiK*k of ilfht-rlasa hunws olwraea . _ on haml fnr m Im or etrhaugn at toe

lowaAt market prkes: draugb-t, driver*«itd geeerol piirpnsf horses; a fk)r rrlnlgiven and all aloek sold tvith a full guarantee to bta« repreaeitied or cosh raftimleil Ai.HF.BT L ttPLl.S', proik; branch italiles pl NewUm. Hiissex ruiitiiy, N J.

\ r.W'.4YH ON Ma .Mi. WAiJDNH OF K V FR Y drsrrlpiliMi; m»1 4'lieap wAgrins. biit (rngona

Hieat» lor ''a"l> nluible blt|H-nc- tMirler than tbe slow Rhilling : tl rnii r|u Aot ear we hpve tUi hesi varleiy «daiiy olber pluce In (lie cBy will pay ygur car fiirc. o f.iV rR .M'F"D co.. lo d o f I'lpy at. Wewr mm I lM Il Ogden sL; |l•ll•phune M3. 34*

nr i KHOAHI) FOR h a l f ;, a VERY l lA S iT eolucJump seatbucklmard, DueisunlUlon.dieap.

121 m o j l HT.


\'Jrooiiie ami iuktb.

oMlce.Addrons NF:W. Box J. Neup

IlfI 1 A !>4T OBANOF TWO rtEVK.V-HDOM J jhimse* iiMr Heciric i*uri; 917 pn t |‘ju. Apidy

•Ai M AIN Hi*.

n ot'HE TO I.KTnear vefoiKl

iiF:i,f,EVir.r.F. a v f ;,. ........»'■*. three-story hrlck, a rooms,hftih and all tnulero Irnprovenienia; PaiiBaryar- niugpiueijfs iMTfH-t- will be rcnlmllow lo a gural lemiui. For lurihci*pprUciilars apply

M'. H. I, VON, «7 Niuih ('anal *1.

Hm'HKM . 'll) r.i-;T. t w o b b k ’K h o i 'hkm, Hguth HU) at; a|j( rooiiiawacb, ImpruVerueiUs:

rent nuHlfraie. Imtulre L. a KKMI'F'. car* of Hiimleiiburgh ifr ru., 7fw.*a-, Brued si. 7'ji,

n lit 'H E To J.Frr 24 EKBHT HT.l ^ iK N T Ilil-XI per MiiiQih : ►ewer iHinni- 'tlon, wHtcr and waier

cheiet. liiijulro U. E. HENEDHT. ileriiiatila F'Sre lap. l it. iifiUs*. 7112 Broad e t , aecoiul flix r. 1'JU

HDI’HK T o LICT—NM’ E ro frA U F ’. llflDHE, 11* 1 h irtu Irk aw . near elerlric aoil horse cars;





Mfl_______________ ON IMITK.

OFFD'VM TO I.ET, fL IH n iN BIDLDINO, TJanil 24 nlatoQ aU; rouiiii up. Inquire

lOy UeNJAM ITO . IHVIN/ IF E II'K TO J.ET w it h 7 lUKlUH.

474 h h o a p h t .

KiRjMh j.K r w it h POWER; m o iie Ivn impruveaifltils; 2I-*J6 JhiuiIlrMd st.. and Ql a ud 03 .Muiherry at, Apjdy tu

6!>v f*. W. IIFKDY, 7«1 Brnndsi,

St a l l s rt> i .f:t , 4u n iA M iL iN .hi-., h e a d .ime Jinpitre n fK D H.............

( lABHlAOrti AT EATON'H Rn-<KVtl.LK Oleptwllory, Fourieeurii and orang.* iia,. Omnge

elerirlc cant (>ass ipi te, may be fiuiud th** larg>*H variety of lurreys. Jsdies' phiecmi, huckiMarK jopimgaies. ycioil wraftms and fancy tra|M Incllv, . Tlioee wild pri* pImsu rn iKin-bs** arp Liivttea to 1» ’ |*eot onrgiaHli. rherp fur cash. tMa

/ ia h r ia o f ;h n>R h.\l f . o n e n fv\ ^ m >, \ iiite HiK'niid lieml *urrs>y ;-«tx bUMitle*. nn* depotwngou ; also haavy busln. ts wngmi. cheap.»-’t I ’ l i im i i HT.

/ II IA H L I^ OKLHF; Tan M.\BKF.1' HT.-FAH^T \ wagon*, hiisiiicai wuiiua. rorpenter and nliua ben* wagons; a'ki carrlagaa efa ll kinds lipMtMlyH apgeoe lor any piirpoB* bulU lo nrder; we carry alMiint T& carriages hi ri'irk all the tlii^, g jr

A MoilsE, WAUON ANDprhMrklo. rtit|ujre

HTA]ILF'»s, II and it Nuracry at.

1J*0|1 SALE rU F A I 1 hariie**

|.*ou HAf.v' imitHF'. ro i» w a w n r harmws. ijal) .kiu Dank H




yTO llEH TO T.KT. 4M AND 4*s’ i CLlN ToN l^ave.. mrr>er Hi-rgefi el., two siorea ; dAsIrahle iM'ailun for lliwt-cJaM gnarery, drut oruiher rciad bUHlras* ipOMOashloii iuiiuo*! lately :elrolrh‘ e.«nipaai IhadcMn Inquire

BF'r hKN HTm from I A. V. to l p m .

CTOBK*^I6r gritcery, maat

all Impr-oniiiMiit*; rom i.jw lo u guful leusnt. ply Pi F;. E. |Pi.’> |i. liriKid and Market Sis.


.. BBOAlF HT., 7 BluiMH, Immdry end cellar; rent fTA • iKMseiHbm Im­

mediately, ApplyUIg J. D. MuKEMOrH, tRand 31 Atlautlest

•TO LET. L.4U0K KroiiF . MTLA|si,|.- or vegt-tpida murkei. vs'iii

real Jur 91J p-r mnnth until May iiexi. Kgim 'A- HJ.F: l.AND AND MOItloAOK <1>.. Hu lUoa«l ■t. ^

CTOHK Fo il KKN’i', A r.AIlMR HTOBfi. \n. *~itt Hpriiifflald p\*.. siiilubi* fur a wbuirsal*hquur or any other bostnev. 8uv

iDipilre 71 Ma HK k t MT.

I L gain If "'O'd at ; alt Intproi HiDiilhlri'77 AI,FI.\RHT., iii«ar 1 'IlnPm ave.

, f is o Lirr- HFTOMI Fl/X'll, Wkr.L J.UiHTKD, J with nr wlllium luruer.

Ill' 71 N. J. H. H. A V r.




IQO haid l l prtvule sal* ; 47 N* id at Auction, w l^ oni reserve, atiba muroy oniiehuyrr, Aucium

TfF><DAVand FRrnAY,al li):B A. 3L

Ks'#ry bars* ns r^presHnted. or monay reflmded. IL.rw's and carrl«et rsi-eivai freui nil jrotnu to be "ul'j ofi coiniuhshn rhurgHs, par hcaxl Ter *slF- lUg.

MriUMtor** A |•l^^TEfT.

n nJtHEH, MAOnVH. K'lr. 'I'Wo WODKJVfll ln>rs<-s, milk Wftgiifi, fop wagr>ii. rmci) 1-eprluf

uagfio, sida-liar buggy, heavy ami llghi liairiusk *'‘1 ..31 l>:ftDV HT.

BHI- I'on *>A L,r. A O M»D, HOI ND AN D hid yoliiig bnstncM huru- >'ji»'iLp.

U-WlH HMOH., fii Ferry at.

n lll'NK III I.Kt n ow i.A .fn «T., . HooM »_ii I---...MUd lulli. all impla.. gJl. luqnireof owner,144 bKLl.KV lL l.K AVC,

HOI'HE DF 13 IBKJM.H -.pA RT rO NVFN l cine* ; goud lorotLou for lioiydera.

u6e M.4RH11, ju i.afayeite st.


I K ' ,

I i o b ^f; n mI 1 FBANKl.lN

1 at 44 W

^AJ> I'JIKAF ItFAll HT.; II s i MKlIs ro let

TWO rlli.A I*A lj..m :e v r

*DHF> l-'fHl HAr.K Dig

. . . i

rtN )V ii i l f X M , ' OK WITHOUTIboul), lo jir lT .lf (iinity. ________ . a .

■WPAJIKItl'BSr ST .cfl?,

'^ K t i RiHiMs. w r r i i

;0 ,V1T.H|-:KIIV i-l..; O.NH IJt


6T., elty.

So n 'l l «T ..ta -I(O A J il)l.V P lllV A TK li Ilj. I o>tiv*tiknt t* . t " . a «Hl U'lra. •’rira.

Wa b iu 'n o w s kt.. .r t - nooitfi*,' 'HWOl I nil iDpravBim-iju.


HOT-K t o I k t ____

MT. TAIIOIt^ I'OK KKIVT, roTTA O n .-nw ., Tnbhr, 7 rugp.* ■- — ■ ■

W'wti,). nl.r'fc.w.a. . . .I AI H.-I, T. 'A yotnftr%; . c /:

mfirt, ofl. hXJms IM»

I L ____________________ InnulralHK K H IIl AT.

W HIOHT MT , Nil. ,« To I.ET. llOltnl-, l ) f ^ r.>oiiu ; .iHiiiiM im vilu .: In-i'n ilpi-..r»li-1 : ram

ssaA t l a m t c w in d o w HRADEH

ar»ibel»e*t and cnaaue<.i, ipml- By coiiHidareil. mtile In Ta*i rulors

111* with inorlerii Imiiroveinents. MA BHII. 20 Jlivtayulte aU


l iO A lt fr TTANTfcD.

|»0AR D WANTKD HV TWO D KM LK M KN ; J llArge front room, with usenf liatb, iinftirniAlii'd, Willi or Mil hunt board ; old Hib vvaid |in>fi>rre.L Mg Addn-ws 'i'Wii, Bo.x FJ, oiTtce,

^INK rKjDCl lO V

ftnhonla.V f IW TOW yRENiVB ftoABDiNrt AND PA Y^ 1 BciiQ fiirglrfeA iM IM BK i 'L , Newark; N. J. Winary, AradeftiTc mmi Cdlege Ffri'anttegr Da- liariluaniv

L'lrttOai* nokpplIeaUpii. Ulr

N K W J R B R K V K T a T K K O ltIfA !/ a n dUfdHMrherde,'t'rvflUMi.'N-J. EaII term will

erimniabr** TiiMriay. Heuiiynber'li, ats;43A.M. BulldlDgs open lo rereUnatthlanie on Jtooflty, Hep- teuiherlljlThn Nonnal Hcfoel g t^a tka teu gh pro- AKSlonal trAlniug fbr leacning; Itae Moib'l preiHirtm fbr btislneae, til* geti*r*il punaiir* ofUfe r>r coUegc. Total coat, luclnrUiig tMienl. waaliiiig. IxHika. etc., at the Normal, fl-H Ui 9inn per vear; lU the M oilei.pc pur year. Buildings ilgliied by go* end broinl by vteom; clorniBofh'a cuuifirtahly ftiriilahed, pro- vldert with baths, etc. The fwllDla*. both i»nhe actioul bulldicgi and hoarding hall*, have Ireeu greaily' tnevvased during the pre«enl year, iba Air- merhy a pgowrly equlpixHl gyniiiashim, lileiratu- n*tktlc,,U)elMtU'r by locroaer^l vefiontiy. F'or ftih thrrimrtlruierf eUdrae* J. U. DKKKN, iTImtiuvi, TrentomN.J. 3.ih

918 P T iiioiltbHroad sL

b4'IM:YI.»:H B. JAVKHON, 7T0 6*e

U O l'4| ]» U A N T K D .

IkKtVA'I'K HULHE A T d NuK;new bill Wa/'L lo f"Otiia. luiHlern lu'iprove-

inenM; nUu boiia'Sand Uita in oiher xoMlon*' we liHvecuiroiucra. liRuEL A M lUKNT, 7Vi Br'dift *L, I'CC lud H<Hir. 2: 1,


^ R L I N L l l jN KT.. IU -FTR N IhHKD

and all aipc* lor Flpla, I'riveia DwHl- hig*. Hoieia, Miloon*. siorea, ami Fo<'toriei.

Aritsttc decogel Ion*. Icnerlng, mem igraui* ati4 •tub;* nia a Hwctwlty-

a Uroinuiud

Adr Fon|f ■«&.

A l l fkhhdaNh w h c i i t o v t i i ir a n v t i m m 4M ule of hou*ahold good* iif widow o f I’ lilllp

lieriman or Matihla* DeTiuiaii, of H|irlnglleld, N. J , In IMl, will confrra giiikf favur by CMmiuiintcKUng with Ma TJMLDK m 'l‘ DDF;ll p e n m a n , Iki ILy erd Ni, N*w ltrun*wick, .N, J. 7ig

A TTK M IO N LADIF>t1 "F 'M M A ” HI'ht Develoialr will enlarge your Inis4 Inches ;

giipranU'ert: aeiiled lUHtnicilons 'ji-., ur ,!4-i>Hge IIJus- Irpted cnlu otue Uc., by mall.3e EMMA 'IO IL IlT HA/.4R, IloKlon. Muss.

Mir j i4 F i. «T K r f fK H ,r iT Y u n f , HfirlngiHd nv*-.. bii*1riss«, draught

Mild work riuDu-s iilwavs on tniin); oU hor ex guariiniee<l tu in jh ie|irs4ant«d •>r iiiouvy rolijiidpil.

,^ 1 » n; i i . OF' .M A V K|'|;i lA r.'I'IKH '

AT BAM-:V IHD»V . > * *Hale and F!ii.-liPOfc>Uibie*, 4l j llroa^gr.

Hhe.flaml poiilM of all cnlnrs and si.***. thoF- ftaaldy-btuitii. .for clilUmuMkM. 'Ido and A„-spt-i'ial i‘fiu*linifiHii of < lurh, ,-iirnpge pnd lUvlilja hiUscH Jj*"l iifrivtHi, Ki*\)*rat pairs uf nlgti kno* ui'tnramill s|M*f'iy ro.uiiiiers : mI-wi several lluesaii- dh'n, Hiitiaidc fur Imop work.

Alsu mi liiind A flue inl|ei-|lim uflieavv draiiglil Hiidgeuarul juirixisc ln>r-«>-.

M il.IS w ii.K sr.v A nrf>.

. A

/\DDEN \ h>\\\H\o F. B i: '- tnUmi. i.arKr*':! variety Ilf rill ring* I iiiigiMJH aiii) Ikiiry trnimlii thi'Cli i. ].m)gel priros.

A Hri)D. 21 TO I f •*t, obposlle M. aa<1 Jmi. l.arKC-:! var

70*tu let jiir llgiit hmiankeeplng.

AQDF:di;<T mT„ 344-F*'>VH KIC’K Rr>0 >|q on aecund flonc; iwu family houoe; watar, 4b

| lA N K H r ..4 l- !iA R r iE EVRVruHIKlL^OOM : J Jioillahle fnr two geulLemen; usatif iMlh. i

l l A N K HT.. IW r,AK*!K ~l ) f b r light liou>ckeHplii.(.

ClEN ’n U L A V K . ®uLshedI <.'uiiiie4-l1nr L out room* to let, wUtj use of

each. 60 DRAN4IF HT., near llriAd. u|ist«lr-*.47:i

( tOUN OPFHtATOR t'U.VRI.FS KI.EIHI.EB .•:A narburn, ctir, Nlagiirp M.. tre*is rum tu three

muiiiins : no knifr orLaniUc iiie>!: tmliili's i.iM'ra Uon ; guaranteed lo have ill*' l eet Aib-ci : hiinioiis and tue-oalis irvatcd; order* by mail lecdie prompt ailetiiion. 77f

I sO YO D W A N 'r YOUR TH A iRk LAN tD (Ht Iruah iHitiomed t Kciiil jurilel to

_ |>i»NV ll, J |Hinv .

IN ( llAJtLFH >V. JtDLF; 33 Murray « .


A V K , ® TWO N ll.*t:LY.n ;K .


( ir.INTON Hi'.. IH LAIttIK FRONT R<XlM ;alio two email nxima, well foriiUnad ; go*:

beib. I

J AIIIKH* a n d f'Hn.DRKN'fi FfTIlAW HATH ..jof %Jl kinds pressed over equal lo iiFw; we liav*

eyenr obat** that In our, aud dye oil isdura; aioo floleli batk l l from ib/ro te tlvu daya: genu' iiata alao reilnlabe<1. J. H. HKMCUAN.323 Waablugiou BL. beUeen Markirtand Bonk, Mw

I APIKH A FRIEND IN NBF D IH A F'RIKNU .Jlfidead. I f you went a regulator Hitl never ikllA

eddrvaaTHK WUMAN'H UkUlloMK.JlufrMlo.NV.

2 ADIFH WIHHIKri PfllVATF. NCJI-IN* , « JHD1VA HD, upp. Eteri log at. -, isiulldeiilial treat

niant; lufimta w op ied ; doctor lu atlcmiance. 2lg

( 1 LINTON HT., sud upward.





a.pricea ibr letLdoyt; buII*»?«cl up.


McDOWRLL DKEHAOB'rTlNH IH :H00L-W E tMcfa ib f entire art Of Freneti diitomaklny i roli er aend Ibrdrctilar: lenoiu 'toy or aveniug :

fiuthkHiabl* dreaamikinv; pwper pattama orilnijica OQttOdMura K A T fC C ^ W L E Y , i fU B lM

OBANOBTaylor Hrstein i

H iq h k s t p r ic e p a i d fo r c a s t -o f fc letb liv ; ordei* by midi promptiy aUeuded to.

f ■ M A p * MriltY, aa Ctormueroe u.PRU'ER p a id fo i l Ca BT-OFF

RTCH^mPritteeau Wa

URERHCUTTIWO » ( ‘H O D t-T H E rstemi the aosl ilmple aod oedurat*

In Uie world j we teoah eirery niyle o f wolaliuid fit orery n rm e oc li popti ia laugtit In a cIam by her- M if; MilmlttoUioewlMaorMi oponevarvdayood Mandav.'TnNilajraiidTkuiiidayevaalHta. MARYK l y j id H, t a lb iu K , Deoker buUdtug. ,

Hio h r h t clotbllf*

V JCRONA LA K E PrCNlC UROUNJ7i4-«00D booUng. baUBogand tubing; largegroyt*and

oeM nos i f i i i is n l fk n l woten. Ijmuii* of f ig a U A X OOQE, VeroDA, X. i .

’^ I^ A ^ '^ n »-B A .'lJ O ;, j| j 'A t a '„ a S W » . *.Ni> „ TT full (IMWIDIIM. V ...

- seMO^'TiB<-e.3ft*<'8a««.I.,. I i,. I i,y I .’'ifaa/*^ prinUd in Ae jnfTfTf dan't loore iton

4<ri, evf tht$ krbig <A« wiCural raautt of odvertUinf ui a fxipfr tettb the advontoper of niabua and dreide- now roc/i tu r v ATAEVeiMovi. AareanUiareePtllNi

M m A X D rO lTXlk.

T ew T-D K TT ftS en jC iFTrS S iH ioC x b i a -' “ ■ miratiTii

nwu ii If

TbiiiDiiih prap«rutlnn tor u r m llw . or KHisUllo •obooi or ftir tiuiiite**.

CbUluftMi ttfkui apgllcatloD.rt A. FAKRAKn,

___________________________ ^ d Muter.

r i lH K NKW ABK HF:MlNAnY, 17 H ILL HT." X MInb tA’bllmore principal,—ite-opea Wedneedoy,

Feptembar 37; Individual ablMi1«e OMreftilly tralaeU; g p ^ l cioosea fb art, lUernUire, bMory, logic, elfw rollon, inuslo and tb* lengtiagn : cerUAroie adculta B> Welmlay ColJere; primary departmenl lho^

kPPlBailmi.rilllK lUH riltS ANAnLK*ri KNULlHU. FHKNCU I and frermon boarding and day acnooi, New

Bniriiwkik, N. oUlege preifaration, aK and mnatot apply Ibr dreulona

I JkTH WARD flFRVAn-KNQLIHH MCHfrOL. * VrTbe reopening o f the ecbonl oociirB Monday,

id ly 17. IM ; Ihe Nrhtiol compflsuScUetotiud g Kiodergertea i payraaBU ora vary jnw. Apply

TTM CH o L v *

( lO l.l MltlA KT.boiLsekeepBig; 92 ami p.fio.

D O YOU W A N T A ML'Fl HOMRT LOOK AT secoml auci iblrtl flat*, Kl FO-sl Kinney at; uoa-

■easlunaiohoe; rani fnw tu Aiigu.st 1.I i f M- L. FKLL, O iiroedwwy, X Y,

LXT, 12k SOMRIV Inquire 190 KDUERHET. « c

L pieiaa ; |# year*' eaperlenc*; ZlgilU H TlTAV iiL

wouwn miraedoi4thJ

ritH. D rn sF M f, M im viKF, 4t hehhkx

IJIIVK LIOHT HOOMH TO : n t e t ; 9lo.

I !4IVK ROOMH, ALL IMPROVEMF.NTR, NEAR roRwaya to KTEUHkN KT., kut urooga. 9U

F iv e n iu k BDOMiTTo l k t .2Qg Inquire U CLIFTON A V fi

J j f iy i t ROOHM TD 1.BT ! to A'•Jy lu HUH H IT IT .

« fAvon ave

Fl a t t o l e t i n o b ie n t a l b u il d in o ,cor. RellevlUe ave. and Ort<ntal at., wBb oU lOi-

r vajsetiu and Uultor'e eervice*,PKTJkH KKLLKB. t t CUulOP *L, r^ m 4ft-_

IftLAT-TO LET. 1IA1J4KV MT.. NO. gw, FJ.AT bflDurfoema; rontlf nermonth. EQt jrA B L E

fsss/nvAiv siT LAND AND M O RTyAok fO ,, 770 Brood ah 94c

returued to id I ’emnMrca tt., la ynre o f ^PBANIC JACKSON,

f (MT, STRAYED OR STOtJlN, OOLLIK XJbltoh Mmefl Naney *, 0n n t* wblipe bfeaeL * bag- sy coal, quit* fat; reward i4 17 WttMlef pL liffrk Chvicbu J A J tn fAAMEIU I



. leeecin; tuirumint furoiebed fre*' fur leuoa*, KLLKM, IN ew tt. 3Bf

tiTLAT T R*rO»fft; a L I, IMPROVEUENTlL 91 X* Oeoftoae a il Alee «4 Prospect at.Wy DAVID HIFLLY A SON.

/ ^ V IT A X BANJOjarPtlER a n d KAX fiO LIK IXlAOffbt, A « l . W £lfrT,i9rTti«toiif«k to r iF

l a t t o l ic t , w i t h t m p h o v k h s n t b ir - --------- - ------- - .......ibree mloutoa walk fTOmtUdoa.



ia it

A T A V K , d(jt-wr luarierMiitoro: call evening. 4lu

OKTUH II FE AT7ril5rr:(’ ItliED, ( ’LK lNKD , dred, reiMUred, atHi mode ov«r equal to new ;

rnrllng dune while you wilt, m MtlM. u WfLTJH, S4 Orchard sL

I PIMPI.KO—HF^ND |1 FOR DIBKn'IONW TO make and us* a hannieel and aurii cinw ibr

plinptea, hlafcklieodia, oLiy akin, etc.; nm idak* ll lur bcenu; pravents wrinkles, kib iXNjK B o x 46, Newark PDStofflee.

Un io nIfOdlea'

obapea, P. bell lower-

HTRa W IfA T R LFAn iR H Y - Biraw bate preaaed In i l l the lot»at P ITZPATltlC X IM Uolicy at., uror


J.ViWILf.Jtt V VEBV F'l.N'K IHXSIAM |Hinv . oJsu Ncry fat aiiiMlI road mnra, dappie

gmv, •iiHinil ami k imli •'»■<] U11 v«>r ami sH<tiller. ; also line l*ri:i' liur*><. fiU ' Hju' ntrw ruatl rurt am] •pitidle luitig]. i>a>v: ahn ln|> iiuggy anil two tcatf^d surun suit ler nf light Jinni> *s, new, 912. or iilIL triulernr miyiliinkr. |i tt<il.*>oN, c-uuili rirange avi-,, nif. Mnnu avw , VnMeluirg. 1

A t f :a m o f h h k t -Morrla av*.^IpoNfF^H EUR KAt.l'

land WM. MNDSAV.I'..llra1ietri, .1.

) j 1 o(H)n EABT h o r .s k : l o t o r"nthi-r hursf * very I'henp; nr will eachange,

IfKV V st A Hfil-HS, ixt Fuuriciuilh »ve. t

Sew - l-'t?|{ A \ irF ;K lN D IIOUMK, PHAKTON t # tnriil harness,HiiUMhlc fur family urrollectari

|7.‘j fur lurge iinrsc weighs Iwtiveen t.tOOand J,.VJf ihkjiuJh, uuiI uMhu clinap Uurtes arrd hUKKleB- ',tg :tu‘» tIlOH HT.

A .




db* largest Jqilent oiBro lu tbeState-


rnFDKRU'K r.T-’nAENTZKl*tiuix'tMaur to I'ampboll A Co.

OLOUA HVJLDINO.304 BR0.\I> AT. Honoii 46 and I

D IE IO ItD TIO N N O T ie m

VrO TIO K IK HEREBY OfVKN 'THAT TICK i V pertneriiblp lately aubaiatUif between Michael A Mttmu and tfernird P. Whlilif df Harrlouu, N. J-, uitder til* Arm name o f " M. A, Mulhn AC'o.," 0* undertuliaf* and ftatieral dlreotor*. w u lb l* day dissolved by noiitual uonsent. All d«bia otilng to the u 'd Mrintrabln Ara M ba rFeelvad bf Mid Ber­nard I', walab, en tail demAud* 00 ibe eaklpart- uriblp oro to bo FiAseated to him tor payotooL

J'Mfd July IX liM.M- A. M U LLIX SgRNABDP. W A;EH,

W Une»~E A R A Y C A ltrrQ X , OoustoUtrAblAWi tot

I JAI FNTK DllAKB A ( ’O.rtollclton of American and Knrelgo PotentA

Atlornev* In paU'm vMoa bafitre the U. 9. tMuna M4H.’baiilcal offil F Jictrlrol Kiiflneer* And Eaparta L'oaeuilatlon fh*a. 793 BHOAU M'l'. Tlia uidroi **• loblDlietl Ueuae in tha Mtat*. Twonty-ttvo jreAr/ aiiwriauuc. Oerigau * i> v k * i i .__________________

rp E N Y 'K A Ilf KXJ'KRIKNCK - FRIiNCH, X Oerunan, Mwerllali, Danish nnd Kiigllih m k*o«

patent and draughtlna uDlce uf TKldlOHOW, MICHEL dCX)., 22 dTuton »b, rooms 9 end Newark, N. J. {imp. V. M, C- A. Hulldlug). OpOR WeiineodM' and Friday rveulugs till Bflti/clock| geiferil ufneehouya. t A. W. tok P. M. _______



kf:lf ;c i ' p k o p l k c a n 'MJdcURE___ tlirit-dasa riHm>A In privata fbmily.ua quiet rto-Idruee atren, five bliFke from I'lrtv-MeVenlh etroto enirance to Wurld'a Fair. For parikutar*, oihtresa D K W iTt SHOWN, UlS J«B4fa«fl AtW, CUoag^


Kctoavk (^uentitg ^eiva.rrBviKir«t>

D A IL Y , iX O E P T 8 U N D A Y t» ^»T TBI

Inali Reis PtbllstilBg Compaq,At No. 6M BROAD STREET.

H < w * rk , N. J .(Jhrrmf t l Uu r»tt- OJta « t»m4-d*n

Delivored by c ir 'ie r i in tny ptrt of New- Wk, Th» Or»ng#», H*trl*on, Ke»rny, Summit,Belitvilla, Montclair, Bloomlieid, and allneighbonn£ towns.

Mail '. Ill tubscriplions, five dolltrt a year, or fifty cents a month, postage free. Single copies, two cents. Delivered by carriers in Newark, ten cents a week.

Ordinary advertisements, ten cents a lino, agate

Advertisements under heads of Wanted, To Let, For Sale, Personal, etc., one cent a word, but no charge less than ten cents each insertion.

B A T m iM Y , JULY IS. HWl

Order the NI:W5 to be Dialled te you this ■ummrr. AddrtSS chon([ed ns oftso or rt- eaested. go cents a ninntit.

Ptesao notify tbo oNlco of ony Irrofiilarlty In tho DMlIs.

TIIK i iA l i .n a T n iin w if to .The FTnnncial rHronicfe makee the

eheering aimounoeniont th a t the giotis sam iugs of Urty-one railroad* during tbo fourth week In Ju n e w ere about four per cent, greater than for the corrnapondlng week laat year, and th a t for tho whole month the eaxiilngn of th e eerenty roada whole statonieiiU were a t hand exceeded thoie In Ju n e of laat year by H.66 per oenl.

There ti no greater o r surer index of •cttial flnanclal and com m ercial condl- Uont than the reporta o f railroad earnings and prod la, espocUlly when there are no abnormal conditions to tinge them. Tiserefore, w hen i t i* shown th a t no t only h a re there been gains In gross esrotngs, but also an actual Increase in net earn-

'Ings, w ithout any advance in rates to &lt- torb the equity o f compCrlSoni, It becomes clear th a t indqptrlal Intereata have not been auffering so severely aa some peselm- IsU declare, for th e re m ust have been

• more people tranapocted and more freight conveyed during th e periods qnoted for th ia year th an were transported o r freigh t ed during the oorrespondlng date# o f laat year.

There Is no bnslneai collapse In sight, though the faith o f p ro d u een and iniddle- nteo may have been shaken by tlaanoial apprehenaloni.

I t may be true, and probably Is trne, th a t all profits, fboin those of the mann- (keturer down to those o f the retailer, have been proportionatety less tb sn they were two or th ree years ag o ; but It Is an established fact th a t an era o f high prices does not mean flnanoial prospsrlly for any length of tim e. O rei^prodaotlon is sure to set In and th en a collapse m utt come. The present outlook is saUsfsotory, and all hopes will be realUecl If pstriotlim and not partisanship ehall control the next Congress.

KAJWAa'B P o m .lB T S lIL IT Ii,Governor Lewellyn, o f Kansas, showed

more than the nsnal am ount o f cunning poesessed by demagogues when he r s o r ganired the S tate mItlUa by replacing the Democratic and Republican members by Populists. T h s “ ru lo o r ruin " policy of this aggregation o f political cranks could no t be carried ou t w ith any half-way measurea and thcre lo re It behooved them to remove the only obstacle In the path, th e Stale m ilitia , which, last winter, p re­vented the carrying ou t o f tho revolution­ary plans o f Lewellyn and hia cohorts. T hec ltlren soldiery, aa then com post d, realited th e efforta of the Populists to un­seat the Republican Isg lila to n , and a t a reward they have been souimarlly re­moved for such “ offensive partisanship .’*

No wonder, therefore, th a t the State Printer, a leader in the movement, feels Jub ilsn land voices the sentim ents o f his fellows when be rem arks th a t th e oppo- nenU of th e Fopuiista are now placed in •uoh a position th a t they will “ findthem ­selves m arching in to th e shadow of hell and In Ibe face o f red-roaring guns in the bands of men w ho respect th e ir oath and their G overnm ent."

They bold the reins o f governm ent in Kansas and are determ ined to wreak ven­geance against any and all aggregations o f wealth In the shape o f bonking institu­tions, railway corporations and the like. '* Red-roaiing gun.e ” hove been selected as the proper instrutnents for the ir w ar­fare against cap ital, and the ontslde pub­lic Is promised a moat exciting spectacle in the threatened outbreak of these vvild-eyed caUwanipuaes o f the boundless West.

A H IN T T » S IA M 'F A C T U R ItllS .American m anufacturers of agricultural

Implements should feel sattsfled with the outlook for trade In the ir speeiaUies In England. According to the report of the Unilod Btates Consul a t Soutliampton, th is trade la steadily lucretaing, and the various farm ing appliances made in th is eonnlry oro considered os being belter than any others Introduced to the notice of the British granger. T his Is especially true in th e m atter o f reaping and binding m achinery and ploughs, all of w hich Imvo received the liighcst commendation at the anhuul ugrioultural show held In flouthuuipton. This gentlem an gives many suggestions coiiccrulrig the pushing ofAmorrciin trade Tii lY rea t^ rila in , not the lee-* -.f -j- -tgjuding of com-V

m o t tliclr presencefa irs .would redound * ;^ibe benefit o f-th t> -em ­ployers and firmly establish a m arket for their goods. In addition to showing their wares in this momicr the salcHincn could easily usi’ertaiii tho waiibi o f priwpective customers, and by attention ta the stndy of their rccptlrcmcnt.s in Ibe m atter of speciully-mudc luucblncs eventually con­trol Ibe m arket. I.ike siiy o ther class of w orkers the Urltisb liirm er bus set no­tions U9 to patterns, etc., and will pur­chase an inferior article if it pos-eascs the desired features.

The British m am ifncturcrs who sell the ir products in o ther countries always make it a jioint to learjt these ideas,which aocounts for their suceeis in Houth and Central America, Mexico, etc., In which countries they enjoy alm ost a monopoly of trade in certain lines. Yankee enter­prise is seldom cmiglil napping, hut in this resjioct it la wanting. I t insy prove an expensive experim ent at first, but the likelihood o f eventual success should prove Buificicul Incentive for tho adoption o f such u plan.

experlencs and ability. But there li another purpose under this, for if a count of noses prove* to the anti-ellrorltes that they have pow er to choo 'c the coinmltlee to which th e bill for the repeal of the Nhcrmen law shall be referred, they will send It to the Committee on Banking and Currency and thus leave Mr. Bland and his oasoclstes In some kind of a hole, for nothing th a t th e Cofnuga Cominiltco m ight report in the way of a substitute would he allowed to interforo wlfh tho consjMkgaUow of th e rrp ra l bill,

B ut‘ J|e tgrg th iirn ian ih ip o f the Coinage Com m ittee la decided upon a canvass will he mode of the relative party strength. Both sides sre evidently pre­paring for a deeperate slrugglc, and ere not m aking any accrct o fth e facL

Germany cnj'.,vi the proud distinction of haring th e finest exhibit sent by any foreign govcrnnient to the Columbian Kipoeltion. E verything connected wllb It is conducted on a scale o f grandeur and completeness unequalled by any of the foreign powers. Even In tlie niattcr of appropriation for the purpose of carrying out her plan o f exhibit the Ksiser's Gov­ernm ent has shown unlinumled liberality. Two year* ago a sum total of between fl,60O,00Uendtt,TnO,O0O was set aside lor the purpose from th e revenues of tho Em­pire and of Individual RUtes, thus exceed­ing both France and Great Britain. Ac­cording to conservative esllinatos the value of Uerm nny’e exhibits, including the necessary expense of transportation and display, Is a t least (16,000,000. ' A still clearer Idea o f th e true worth o f th is showing can he gained by compering it with th a t m ade a t the Cuntennlul Exposi­tion. Germ any was acknowledged by all to b a re made a moat croditehle exhibit a t th a t tim e, the total nuniherof exhibitors being TOO, which occupied a trifle more tlian7,000 square feet o f space. A t Chicago the number o f exhibitors is 0,131 and the floor space devoted to their display in all the buildings reaches the enormous total of 600,000 squoro feet, of which 100.000 square feet Is in th e Manufactures Build­ing. Tho general p lan of exhibition it also eminently superior, being carried out with an exactness and minuteness o f de­tail tha t Is a m arvel in Itself. From Its Inception th e E m peror has taken i great personal Interest |n th is E ipasitiun and In every way aided in bringing the G er­man display to l i t present standard of perfection. H Isexam pIo has bad much to do In aw akening and sustaining the Interest of hi* iubjeeta, with the result of h r exceeding any o f their efforts made a t previou* lu ternalional exhibition*.

Tijk action of th* W orld's Fair direc­tors In deciding to (Rose the Exposition gates on Sundays is conclusive proof of the hypocrisy of th e pleas on which they broke their contract with tho Govern- mtgit and began th e Hunnay opening ex­periment. Then they were anxious lest some poor men, qbliged to work during the week, would bo deprived of the chance of getting to the Fair. They wore fearful, too, o f th e wholesale demoraliza­tion th a t wunid result among visitors cut off for a day from tho great educational opportunities affurded by tlie Fair. Aa a m atter of fact tho whole interest invoived In the case, to th e ir minds, was one of dollars and cents. They thought th a t there would be m ore money in an open Fair, and when they find that more of the people than they bargained on are dis­posed to keep ca l ou Sundays, they quick­ly abandofi all Coheern for the welfare of the sons o f toll who cannot get to the show at any o ther lim e and do not care a button Into w hat wickedness visitor* may fall. Of oourse they will conSend thn t w ith the restoration of Sunday dosing the obligation to imy hack th a t Government subsidy ceases.

Francis W helan, one of the ballot-box ituffcrs who was released from State Prison on parole, bn* been since w riting and selling policy slips In Jersey City. Th« Idea under w hich the tleliet-of-Ieave system was put Into operation In New Jersey was th a t w hen released from jail the convicts should lead honorable lives and should be employed in tegillmate callings. Falling In this, provision is made for their rc-eommIUnI to prison. The policy business would liardiy seem to come w ithin th e category of tu1cral(!d occupations, but llio part of the I’rist'n Parole law w hich reialcs to supervision o f the Uckot-of-leave men has from the first been honored in the breach and not a t all regarded In the ol)servance.

I t ia understood th a t one roaeon why tho Erie Railroad ho* refused to comply w ith the reasonable demand of the Essex Couuty Hoad Board for the erection of gates a t the Avondale crossitig Is th a t It fears th a t sue h netiun may be construed as an admission th a t the precaution should h a re been taken before, and may have effect tipon the verdlcU should damage suits he brought for tlie killing of Mrs. W llllum sand Mrs. Uiiiel and their children. This la no excuse a t all. In fact If there is any (ruth in the theory it Is an udded ground for the action tliat tho Koad Board is about to liegin against the company. The auUiurllles sbonld spare no effort to compel the erection of gates a t this orosslng.

Editorially In the Newark Times ap­pears this sta tem ent In regard to niltroad oculdeiit suit* in n'hieb heavy d a m ^ e s are awarded i *- rftffl, really, tliisBwc.itfhg' process 01 the railroad companies Is of tho conservators of piibHc"laiw.,. road neither likes to pay (lamages nor to have the. repu ta tion of beiug duiigerous,” Of course w hat npplies to steam railroad* in a m atter of this kind applies to electric ones too. Even when they employ an in­surance com pany to defend damage suits and, pay damages, good thum ping verdicts against them arc sulutnrv. There is no lelllng w hat go.rd may yet be done lo some loeal corporations if only they are made to pay big sums when they kill, In­jure o r inulm people.

Hoot lieer has come under the ban of the W oman’s Chrisiiun Temperanc* Union, having been“plaecd on tbo black list of tlin t organization. There is no claim th a t it is an Intoxicant, but n manu- faelurer has poached on the \V, C. ,T. U, preserves liy using the wlilte ribbon sym­bol of tho cold wiLterites on his artrertlae-ments. Much an unwarranted ti]ipro;iria- tiou of their budge has caused the buyeult.

N F .W A H K E V E N IN G N E W S . S A T r i t D A Y . .J U L Y 15, laD ll.

lONDOS'SFamons OrKailizatioDs to Whicb Hen

of D.ftrent Ctaasea Belong.


T lia C firU nn a u d tb « R e fo rm u nd th * jA in Id r M 'liieh A rc o in m o d iite T h u t*W a ll l i i f til J u ln Thetnw -TV hlt« 'i th e H o lt I-Ii c Iu Mt * A rL itncriillft ClQb In th « ^Tor1d*«IU rmnikiti lu llin g nuok-’O tker K o(« tl t i u b i .

^ THR C oaiIN G SlleVKK ll.-tTILK.The plfttifl pf biiUle between the silver

Iktid nuti-tiUver men in the Houezj Hep- resientativeB are said to be pretty weJl completed. One of the ^cheincfl of the silver men U Lo be an a ttem p t lo neciire theS peakersh ijj for JullunCiCiMir Burrowa, o f M lthisan, fli*d thuH defeat the Mplra- tionfl of Charle* F . Cdttp, o f Georjcla, Tho next achen*') Is to feo Impede actuu! organ>

. Uatiou aa to une up the whole uf the month o f August before any silver legislaUon can be taken u p ; and, further, the re may be fiUbuctetIng ngaiiMt th e lutroduction of anything in the nature o f a cioHure rule, AB thU th^ ttllverUea believe will give them tim e tu m antbal their foreea, make oonverU and geuerally Improve their

' tbanocfl. (f On the o ther hand Ihe Ropportcri of Mr.

CrupinUm iilo th a t ahould he ba chosen I B pw ker he wiU get rid o f M r.B lau d b y i making him chairm an of the CominUtee . on Coinage, on the otteiudble bails o f bis

U Is simply lUsprapeful that tho ropontod failuroi o f llio Tomnion fcHmcll Licence Cnminlltpo to g e t a <iuorum ami iidupl an oniuial lag ehould hold Dog SS'ardcn I^ruG back IVom the pjilh of glory. Thai wTorlhy public oflldal emmol extirpate hydrophobia by simply drawing his ttab ary, and tho dog days will putu uway bu' fore Chrl»lmujts

Correppondenoe of the Niwo*IsOKju)?!, JunrZ S .-'lleiiuinonland Pleteher*

JnnRon, HliikeNpeero, (inldtmHh. L)r. John* ■on and lUiiwell, HIr JoMhun HeytioUU, Addi­son, Burke, WnljHile aud icore iinoreInm oui men o fle lie r i and art, In tiiCtrUine reiorivd to lUlle, dlnsy > ld pidiMo house* for

r fT-e, gam lna Aiiil exchunxe of m ikirt of InU’tlfctual la ra g iry , the frlctiou of Mhich imdoubti'dly provUltNl a virile ami needful liiApira.Um ; and U»e hlutury of thpfto jincienl r<dr<‘ohciuiiCM, ih« fi/ff rniiiieTPor the tre a t J>)iillon cliihs i't lo«iluy, cornprfhen alm oit th e im iii l ht»lory of KoglieU a rt uudllifr*

a t LI re*W hile there are at the prcerni limn tnore

thiyi one hundred wrallliy and noicd IuQii- don Hub* ih tre are rnnity Jio re ta rd answer* Inn lhe»*ftin'' purpose a i ♦‘ Wlll’i ”niid * 'JiLitton'i*^ of Hit Augu^lau literary pt-rlod i‘( Anne. The "Joyous neh'hborhood of I'ovcnb liu rd en /' as Tbaokerny rrmcni- hemd H and Inlm llably deierlbnd It, di^i^iy a Joyous neltthborbood nf mt'iiuw ineinorU’s; and ihn (itd<lliue len la l ctublnud abnui Hi, Jam es ra liire Is iraniform ed Into a somhre neifhkEitivood u l le b , Ifke Ihe oewt ralub* la rd s of IhecHdllly au d r a i l Mull, Is opprei^ •Jve til Its splendor and aialellneia

o r Ihe very ntc e iu b io f leoridou sUll c tlil* Ing* tike Arihur's* lirtxjk’i, W hile's and the Cocoatree, all IceuUd In HI. James'* *ireel, W’biiAi'eia by far Ihe mu*4 Doteviorlhy nnd orlstucratie, J l la older ihnn Uie Bank of Kiialend. I t war renlly Ihe flrtl of Uio f f fn t K nxldb clubs a« (hey are know a (i>*day. But JL Will never Iho n ^ u r lo f tilernry men and wfl*. I t Jr purely a rocirI rlui>. and lU m em berR eere chh fly nublcmeu and thoRe ieadefj of arisLncraiJo goTcrnineiii, Inelud* Ing All of FnslatiU 'a Trlme Ministers from Wei|H)le in Tcet and Ihelr powerful col* lecguei, who lim ped nailonal m eainrei and pontroUed nalurnl aei;uli)llort. Hieele clear- Ir defined Be ea rlieu italuR as wril n i (h a t o r il ien q ic d " WHI'r* 'and "O rp c lan " wJien be u ro te In (be 7 h f/e rlh a t "a iloocouu ti uf anlilnnlry, p lm sare and en terta inm ent shall t>e under (ho iirllplp of W hile'* ChriPolnie House," while whr lo furniali thepoe> ry ami th e (treolan ihe Jpnrnlrtg.

WbUe's IR itlll uiidoubteAtly ibb tnont ex* e lu ilve ami nrlslocratlr eiub In (he world, III wUuloga lutilc out upon (he Corinthian farnde of LhenlmoRlAsarlilneradcrLiid archi* tpcuirndy more ila te iy ro i Rervnllve Club, np|Ti>aUeon Mt, Jam es's Krorr. I(i d inners a re the mosl eereniotilouH known. All o fth e o ld 'iline Fngilih (orniBlily Ir here sacredly preierved. And undnnL>tedly more blur- blorjtlpd HngliRhmen havo ogled fn irlad le i from its rnmous bmv wtudnw liiau from any u tber single place In Hrllaln. reriiaj>s It has no t been ihc icene of (tic most Uungerous gam ing In Knglund, but (here la non ther purely niplul re to rt tn nil tho world where te iittig bus bern Ro conslani, unlvoraat am i provoked on S4t i iJ iiit prelexU lls betting* bt>ok~-whlrh could besiilil for Umnaandi Of priumlH lor lU noble and furnonRslitmiluroR— has hesn iireserved iitid Is •Ull hi Use. Thou- su n d t uf iliojto registered hrlx are of ihe m uit wJilmsk’ut phufactrtf, oumpriiliig fv« ry con­ceivable dUTprcHicc orjudginpnt<m ttflKlra of love, inarrlnae, inirlgue ami poliiKw, Here iire a few literal InintcrJpiioni wliL ihelr da tea 2

** Ld. M nenin bffa 1.<L W lnchllipn One H un­dred nutapRR to flfiy guinPAR ihal tJie DupIf* esi powflgpr of Murlbomugli docs not lurvUve (he l>urhe>H Dowugerof C'lcvtla'id, Ucir. ye &,I Mil"

" Lord Mnntfnrd beti W, Fanr|uler Fifty ffiilneaRihuL lA d y Ju v n n ha*acliU(l born alive twfore Jzady BnrlelRh. .luno R, 17(!>.''

' ‘ Mr, HrtHoiir boii Lord C>yngham Ten guineas to flT eihiit Huonaparta Is iilive six m onths afier Ihe cnnim«ncpment of hostili­ties hotsteen Kuglund and Franco* liluy 14, i m "

'• Mr, Talbot belt Fhflrle* rornew all (en gn ineai that, wc are at wiir with America m il day a l l m onth. AnguRl 1. 1812.'

" L<ord fn lm iiu lh beia the Ihike of Ulch- rmmd uii K-quIrv i.s qualinod t>bklllguinc. Keb. 10, l&A"

" Lord Olnogow bpii L'lnl Bcnllnrk XlOO th.sl HIr It 'bert peel riit>llni;i*» tlrsl MlnlHlcr of the Crown milU tliico years hence, Jan . 27, IMO."

"Ivord Rlnntey bels I^ rd Bath £W lo £2f>, Mr. J>'Iiraeh docs not coniinuo to be Ctiam celior ol ihe l.xchcqucr Irnm Ihls day uiull March l\ m V *

' ‘ Lord {Uth heu Lord (le LUle th a t a JoLV I't er take* tiU s<ui lu ih« H onieof Ijords w lihlii five yeur.i fruin Ihjs date. June IS, IMA"

The pollMcnl division of liondon club* 1i inonnoiiililp with ami belw ccntbc t ‘«rllon and Ihe ILcform clubs, the pHlailaf head­quarte rs ami homes of Ihciw o ureat jKdlUral jnirilcs of Knglniid. T lieyare bivih ltK‘:A(Rd In PhII Mj«1I, Ibe wliul >wa of one nUno*l locking Into tboR'« nfihc m tie r ; nml entirely aside from the IneoMiiplUble dlfpiirlty of tlicJr poIPIral icnchlnijs and cirons, they are equally aa fLinous In tticir rivalry ha Ui vvhni m ight be lernied ihe PStruvaganuiof rnoderu d u h life.

Tii« Luke of WeiiiuEion wa* founder o fth e (*arlton. u Ltllo oyer ji:iy years ago. Ji g radually became (he jTOadqiuirlprA (d ilie landed arlRliicmcv. 'ihnn thosn* g n a t cor- |H>ralc tn'itlluMuns of Urltam. mam ifaeiurlng sn J moiieim y, whoso InIcrcRiR u rre Idcn- lical will) lhoM> of 111M hereditary urIiLocracy pum eto have rcprpsciiludnn In It. IL Is n notorious f jf t I lu)l more money litisahvays been InAianily iivnllsble Ihrougli iho CurUon ('iub for pi'lllJcal purpiTR^R 1 han ihroiigo any odier single puny hill ionce In Kumpe, Wti*ii1jer tu or uui <»f pnwer IL Is (he actual AghlUig boadquurici'R of me enllre ronserva- live o r Tory party of Itr lliln , The d ig n ity anil g ram b u r of Ihe C.irllon are iplendliJ. The exlerlur of lha biiiUlIng la m ost tmpC sing, M.isslTcness, Rlrenglh, sltu- p llclty and splentlnrspuak rmni Ihe granite w alls and nastiing C'jlumns. The in icrlo r Is gratul, grave, amicly and Impressive," Uork'rooted '* the itruouire* appoinlmeiKs, regim e Hn.1 ihe very m anner, ulr. dress and language of the iiabihics, seem to convey. lJuL Iho fp!ei)illd esialiljRliment 1b (ombra aftd utnr, .fin^onljr dnrh g goaeral eleclfon* or in of geval poUu>al cxoitemHiit a re

lin iu d e (b Immv iirt*ngtl) that ims t/emon* douM ouircad ilngs ; u poster wlUcU Is m ighty - U ofteji s i le n t; and 10 reoi altnoRia Ihrlll of adm ira tion for (lie very adntnantine char- a c ie ro f ibose tu tu nnd meuiures in Kiiglnrid IhnL buve, by sim ply o uUdilng, holdhig and w’ard lng g tln rd 10 much und «n long,

'J'lio Heturm Club 11 about sixty years old. - Ils origin M us through the iofliiouL'e of Cob- dvii and Bright, and wns a direct nHlUinal r ^ spGh*e to n prc'^ilhg iitfi'il fur » UGform head- • inartcrs during the laieiiNe iutvr«AiiktvAk- ouc lHky lha famiuis hill uf lS.10?tl 1|» inetti- bt'rs munj'rlse more London nnd pruvlorlal cdltor>< and pollltcal irrllers than prrba^w belong to all ol her chtbi m l/imlut>. MiU IL tins tromeurtous wealth niid lUikiiy tlilei In uuuitlwrkliip. Carte bluncliB wai given fikt* llic eonslruidlon of Iir bulidliii?, which t i u i one Hide of the eiilrrvtifo to Carllnri lltiusy Terrace, the Carlton ilundlng on ihc pppoMlte oorut-r, nhd f4>r its ta lerlor dccorailou and apiH)tiitin*'nta. Nootlier Lutidoii L'lUb pos- ■en^iis Hodlvrrslflud a incmbcrsliip In Nlatlun, VLMUitton and vuw s; but uh II roprcAents Die cnoccntraUnn nf alt opjnHlIlnu to TuryjAtii, though It <‘omr>rlHes at limes alm ost count* loi*t JacUoiJuJ i'ieinvntN, lis wealth, siruhgib and pcnimiionoy have been rcnimkiibie.

The hulhltrig Is in (be pure Ilulhin style, massive, rich uJid Nimple. The cctitrui hall, open from (hxir to dome, anti sin rounded byinioHJVdy vuhmjimtcd gallmics, l<i one of IliarliMcxi III) I ino^t HbiUdy interiors In Kng*

A Nplcndld slaJrciiv Icndi i«i liienpp(»r



A N D M O S T I M P O R T A N T ,

DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY ?We Represent Only First-class Makers,---- SUCH MS— -

Chickering & Sons, Hardman,Wissner,Pease and Packard Organs.


Don’t fail to sec our large stock before purchasing, or send for Special Prices (for suniiiicr montlis) and Terms.

S. A WARD,C O I t . B U O A 15 A N D N E W .

S. D. LAUTER CO.We carry only the Pianos of reliable makes.

No cheap or stencilled instruments allowed on our floors. Finest new Piaiio.s sold on monthly instal­ments of 510-

657-659 BROAD ST.gallery. Which opvuR to theprincipn iapari* m"iiiK of (ite club, 'J'he eofrt'^riHmi CH'cupIcs tho beautiful garden fron lon Curilon H nuie T errace; und lliv drawlug-room. which ru n t tb* en tire lo'igili uf the buiidUif. is Just nbuvp. One of the ga lle rle tu f tbeocn lra l bail 1i ailed wilb falUlenglti porlriilts of the beroei of reform^ and ihe olher poe^eMt'* miignlflccut frescocR lltUKlrutlng Ihe Hue art*: w hile the slalifary, the richest and rnoat frequent In any J/otidon cluhboURe, ImraorinliKes the gri'Hl leaders llko Uiibden, Bright, ru lm cn to n , Rusiidl and niadsione. There Is only uno Ju»l appi-Hatlve to unb when spenuing of every friuure ol HlIr great club, i'liAl li magnlncvnt. Hot uhcU nrllon and Ihn Keform are fariiGus fur iboir culsIiK*! and chefs, aud (he Befuriu Is said lo huvu the itio^L fatuous public wine cellar Id F u* rope.

WUh (he ex traord inary prrsilgp, wcnllh and ItifUiencB of boUi of (hene clubt, end a liinlied inembcrAhi|>—f»r Itisfance, tbeCnrl- (ou Ir llrnltL'd lo 1,600 niembcrR nnd the He- form to l,4tW—*' overflow rluba " were a nat­u ra l Rpqueiicfs In tJie Cnrltoii, winch con- lain* the bluest blood lu Mnuland. death vucaucIeH are the only means of securing en­trance. Men w all from iweuly to ib lriy year* for admlsRlon, nave in caies where some great ti'iuler of Ulb Tories dies, \rhen h it heir l« usually elecled to fill the Vacancy. The Ju n io r Unrtlon wai consequently es- (abllitied aa a *' chapel of enso *' fur the Carl­ton, find the National LiberH). wUh (be same rehitiou to the Heform. The former has a m em berchip 0(2,100, apd the tatter, with It* splendid cfitabllshmonl overlooking (he IliarntR , be* accommudatlonR fi>r ?,0(X> mem- brTH. There nfe also with' Conservative or Tory altll let Jour the ConservatSvc, f l ly Carl­ton, KuHonat, City Coiiservaltve, Hr, Klepben'*, Beaconsfleld and th« CoiistBu- llo n u ); while am ong ttio*« taking the K"- fonn ee their lund^r aud model nud pobnch- llu g vsirloui phiisei ot Liberal sym pathies, are llr«>ok’it NalloDal, Liberal^ Cubden, C'lly Liberty and Devonshire.

TbcA iIiem eum Ciub li Ihe chief tllerary d u b , Jf not the rcsuri, of Izoiidon, l i t huge, tlme-wiirn wallHand sialelv portico have a som bre look in tlue iplcndJd Pah Malt region whore U stands a t Thn park entrance of W aterloo place, Just oppotlie ihe lur suntiler- lonklug home o f lUo llnlied ftcrvlce Club, II occupies p a rt of (he courlyaM of old Carl­ton Ilriuie. Tlicnrcnlleciure iRof IlieO rcdan order, und n* severe Grecian order nl that. The frler.e ii copied from (he I'nrthcnon. Over (ho liurlc porrien 1* a coios>iiii flyure of Minerva. The only cht'erful ihlnge lti the whole place are two hUKo Ore* pla-'Cl In Uh rnalu hnll or ex-chnnire. Over iheieare the " Dl.iua R ublng '' and V euui VIcIrIx," In marble. T heeu - tire ainiOKphere of liie piai'c RUbrgrHiR m arhie and Ice. 11 It n resort fur venerable prt>rei- Rors, pldlninpb^r*, BCleiitlRls, unliqnurlauR and au lhors out of whnm the llEcciii-cr Is a l­ready well nuered. Tht> d o b n».s iho finest library of any club In the meirnpnlls, and u •tory w hich H atton (His llluslrales iik value1(1 bthituos, A meiubet deelrlug reference lo the F.ilhem on amne thenlogienl nolit In­quired of a chib oftljiiil If "JnsHii Miiriyr " was til the library. " L don'( think he li a membar, sir." (he latter polliply replied, " hut I wilt fti onc« refer (o ihe liq|, sir."

'Jbere Is a targ" mimb?r of thoroughly *n- joj able cUibs fu Lonclnri, some of ihctn really famous, which have brought toclally to- getiier iiriclly profesRloual people, or men of meatm who are IHieral patrons of iho aria. In (he main tUctr frequeuiora are persons who have really acrnin|ilishcd something; men wlio as iiutiiori. Jouri-atlslft, iictor*, artlslR, tlngers, and even In law and pbyNJe, are progreswlve, ambItiouB, independent; In fnet. (he gennlaeiy culllvutcd genilemeii of I>ondon. These clubs do not alunys poHsei* pulfltinl fRiuhlishmeiits; entrance fecR utid annual RUbscrlpifotiR nro cqiml in ordinary

’ ^-IhALx-eaclkuLvena** /kieanotcomprise quaitlons i f h'oikl, itUa, potldcHl opinion • *- * ' ■Miicvf,

IV - - •principles wuicu

Thb conahlcratiou shown for the de­faulting tIoUcctor of South Orange by Bome o f th e Tuwnsidp Coimuitieemua whose fittiputlry o r nogleot of duty mode hi* posaihle, makes up a ca50 oftho potti calling the kettle while.


I f he was like n good many olhor.i of hia kind who figured in the Panama Uaiial (Ksandals, th a t Parisian editor muHt have done lom e lively blackmailinK of other people to ge t the money to pay hia own black jiioUera.

The French uuval olflcen stationed a t | Biara sho>i Hr t and 1 t their Oovenm icnt , explain m attera afterw^ard* * j

J f h o i t t t f f yPure

To gain i i r n i g i h— Ksrsapurillfl. Fur sieadv itviveR—llnoU'sHartHpHrJilu. For pure blood—liyud’a Har»apii*'l-:;% "

A eraam or tartar taituig powdar* jUlghosI oiJ lu leavening Klrrugtti.^Lafait i/tuMa

(bfolw (j4MwnmttU /bod iigpori.. UOTAL lU k lN U POWUkH U>h WOU bl*


. ^ e « r v k ‘.itqu of gc iiu lneciuh asioctallon than fu aft

grunt clubs of LonlTdircoTDblncd.1 refer to such chib* as tfio G arrlckf (Ircen

Koorn^ Havage, Arundel. Lyrlcuud B 'eTMeak. Tite la tte r unique llLllo cJul\ wliich has Its home overTnoItt'i Theatre, sprimg out o fth e KouoriLble BocleLy o f . B^pfsirnkfi, Ir ihe old beefileak room «f thu I,ycciim Theatre, which RllU cxIrIr, and li used by Irving for his exquIiMo private a inner pitMips* The BcrliU 'uki over Ti>oii!'4 is dlsllnrtlve In be­i n g ! "one-rfHijn " %lub, and udm litlng no guests w Lalevtr.

The Arundel l)M !Vi0 to 400 mcmberi. It was once sxcUislTrly llieniry heiiI uril"il{\ Am- blllnu* Rullctturi and aimileurii of nil Boris are now adm liied , mid while Iih pruailscu- ousnigs (i A bar tu c»poc1u1 lulliiencc, It BtiTvcH HH A kurt uf iii'Ceisary iraiiilLg kcIiooL tu higher club honoti, Hhltciiirirdliig m any Ik deserving fellow a foothold uiul bi'siiiinlng ai urufesRioual rccugnJilnti which would be dllYlcuU in cuuyervuUve London lo olhvrwlse ■mire,

Tho Lyric hni n magnificent cUiblioiise In riccnd llty ,und with IlHeiiiire HppulnimentR, Including a large iheHtrs nod concert imll, is am ong thofIneRl buildings (or this jmrpokb ill the world, l i rImg has nii annex culled lliB Lyric Uhih ai Biinm*-on-Tltam**^ troin whieli hcai-iaclng and o ther river foies cun l»e whnofsed.'J he L jr ic is n dm im ulc and musical cluh kklih nearly H.0U0 mcnilieri. i'erhiips icn per cent, of thc^c are ueinrs, laird i/rxidrt- borough* Fred Cowen and HIr A rthur HiillU van are mem bers.

The well-known Hnvage (lui), IHcrary and arilHlic. which Interchanges prlvllegos with the ixdoe Club of New Y'urk, has about 700 m em bers about 500 ofw hom arc Icautng London actorswho are ulin members uf the Green Uoom Club. I t hud iLs origin iwoiuy-four years ago in a iiuidic hoiisu iieur Drury Lane Theatre. Blnco llion tl hut wniideroit -to KuxeL'a Holelf Ihencs 10 the Havuy, and dually to LbcAdelphl Tcrruce, oTuriouklng (tie Thame*.

The U arrlck, In Oarrlck slrcet, f'ovenL Ctarden, venem bic, iii‘*i, siHiely, aieUow and grand, bns iin niomberHlilp Hinliuiltins rn lo pruFeisloh. lVrliiip« no more ihati iweiity- tlive actura are a l preaenl among ItAnieniherSf alUmugli ail Jjumion niaimgcrM of any promliiende are upon Ils m IIk. l i un* dnubtodiy p<»ta>CHfi«s ihu most Vtiiuuhle cul- leution of ■uuvenii's and pHlnMugH rehillug to the itago und ((■ must lamoiis reprcNQuiik- Uves of ttuy aiBuclaiion or iusLliuMun lu The world.

Indeed the QsrMck 1i a prrhict museum of a r t iroaaurefl. Y'uu can read upon in walls ti.« eud r* hiatoiy nf dm KuHlisb slnae. llor- low, Uityinaa* Z ffiiey*'De Wllui** to u ii and Dauco are all cepmvuieU la pricuseis ex-

We AreHeadquarters

For (he best ^^Tne* nnd L lqtinrsln tho clly. Good i'enneylvania Hye Whis­key from Me. per q iisri up. A full stock of Table Ciurels. Hhine Wines* ImiKirled aud DnmcHtio Champagnes* rorts* Hherpies, etc.* alw ays on hand a t lowest ttiarket prices. D on't fttll too ilL



Opens Saturday, JuneFitECi JEN T D.ULY TRAINS BY CENTRAL R. a GF N. 1.

s t l l v :m t 5 R

17.ImtrM Cltclric Uqht and fowtr Co-'l Wharf for HMP/tC »r»r/ WtOHlSOif andSMTl/H-

DAral 9:30 A. if., commtneing Widnotdajf, Juno 2 h t Helurn na. ioaroi fAFIAC at 4:30 P. HA.RODND TRIP TlCKffi, • • MLTJ it, CEILDEER, 25t:2)lli ARNUAL EAGDESlOll

-or-W A S I I I N G T O N

JiOUTtaplt of Eoioi aoi TtiiraiieN O . 0 , O F O i t A N O E , N . J . ,



1 DAINmir

A S B t J H Y P A B K ,Oa Thursday, July 20, lb08,

V IA H E W J E R S E Y C E H T R A L R. R.Train leaves Brood Hired Biaiinnal 9 A* M.

Hemming Icavci the Burk atH B. M. Tlekcti fur sale at the umu&I plticos aii-'l ou Itie uiom- Iriff ofthnexcumlnn.

In th e W and.A deBlbtfcil Rail ou fast sieamers, Two

Grami Couoerla daily. Wonderful Mlage* rure plants, nnd hurtlciiim ral eurloNllJa*.^ . \n utiequalleii jjaD agcrleund Aquurluni. *'Ktein Deutxehltmti,*' "T h e Ikiiry ." Boatlug, natti* ing. flihlng, bowtintc, and hllliurds. Hleain Launches. Oonulue Oieu lih ind CJamb.'iko. D lh u era la cnrie.

■ftiTKAMRIW LKAVRi>r i E l U i N. H., r«an CorllandL HU, N. Y«S{4S............ ...................................


€ 0 ? f £ Y I H L A I V D .STEAMEH AtAttrjiA’S mEYARDDAtLY.Iseaves Commercial Whnrf* fool Market

1I;I5,9;4.L 10;T> A.M.* 12:1)0 M.. 1:30, d;33, ai30. AHi B. M.-IIR T U H N I.V G , LKAVK GLKN IHJ^AND*^ ICCl.)* fu ) 'i 'h 'r IB im d T hirty-Second «t.; IL i^

A. M. fo r B irr 1 | only.For All LnmMtucN, n:].VA,A:ao. 9.7 andUB. M*

40c. KXUUlWlOiN TICKKI'H, 40o. KXTHA H*)ATH o n KIJ.NDAYH.Rockavay Beach.

Mreot, a t tirir> A* M. and L'30 I*. M., renirnlng leaves Hoii iknch Bulitce a t ri;20 and 1>:2D B. M,

F a r e , I t o i i i u l T r i p , AO C p ti t4«Kveiilng T rip—Ta^ave Newark a t 7:30 B. M.

Fare, round trip, CYMmi.HUNDAY TIMlCTAHLtl

FlcnTncp .Martha's Vlnrynrd und Filca Hfiijcn.x leave rcitnincrrliil WUurf ni9:l'>and and lOn'clcick A. M. lUid 1:30 and 7:3U B. M..returning Jeaves Bea Heaoh Bailee a t 6:20* (I

):J0 V, M,ami U:;J

THE PEOPLE'S UfItE mtif makt rtgufar tripB commencing Sunday, July t$, $¥Bry Sunday, Tuesday and Thd aday.

( I.fAVIJrO NgWAllg*nTldge Kt. Ylrldve........... ............. Al 8rr» A, M,Klcnrlc Ltsht Dock............... ..... At llrUO A. M,IIalOaqh’4 Doi‘k...... ...................... At 9:16 A. M,

Good music on board. Uerre*»htaeati a i city prices. FafK ITOo., mund trip*

H. F. AY'HE^*, Bnnsrlntcndpnl,

E R I E L I N E 8 .


4 ^ 1 . 0 0f:VKKY HUNIIAY.

am pics . There are Rttvcral i ln g n r th s , Thnugli n o t th e largest* It Is th e m o s t ex q u is ite ly lM}nulir(il c lu b h o u te In Jjondon, (imt He club- IJfr, genial, dJgaifled* a lm o i l d ro an iiu l, Is positive ly ideal.

TM eG hten U oom Ciub. In B edford stree t, w h ich hud jls o rig in a b o u t io u rtceu yea rs ugo from cUsMgreeinenlH In th e J u n io r G u rr l:k an d (he A ru n d e l clubs* is th e real a c to r s 'c lu b o f IsondoTi. IL I i alr(4 idy one uf th e w calliitiH t o f j is sm all d u b s a n d owes He g rea t euccest to th e a d m lp lt i rn l lo n o f its h o n o ra ry scc rc la ry , G eorge P e n a c l je r .o g e n ' l l f tu a n o f am iile m e u n s, a g en u in e a rl-lovcr w llh bound lcsa H ym pathlcs for aclorR an d Ih e lr profe.NRltm. l'er*<ms in a ll th e libe ra l a r i l a re a d n ili tc d lo m e m b e rs h ip ; b u t uo av llv c m anager can bH com ea m e m b er uolffR ho w as fo rm erly a n a c to r o f good s iao d fn g . B inero a n d L ard Carton* d n im n l l s u ; Fur- Icon, tbo au thor* a n d C harJes Dickens* e a ito r «Qd au th o r, an d son o f th e g rea t novetlii* a rc n in o n g Its m em bers.

‘•H jilufilay N ig h ts " a n d " f la iu rd a y H ouse D inners ," tlie lu lte r , sp len d id ly served a t b u t ih reu shlillM gi and sixpenei** a re ih e k ln d - iicst* brlghieKr* m ellow est n nd m ost gen ia l occasions (if n u r (Irnc am cing m en (^f h e a r t nnd b ra in s. G a lh s rc t hern w ill bo found lu o h m en us Bintro* ^ n ^ ( M aiiliow s, I rv in g , ' J o h n (Inrc, Hoyce CarleWu* K endall* BnuJ M crrlU , W yn d h u in , C harles H nrtlru ry , Jinu- croft* Fernnnde*, Hcerb(^hm Tree, Ted G ar­d in e r a n d H en ry H ow e, th a o ld i 'i t a c to r on th e EngllBh stage. *

Besides these are hosts m ore clubs upon cBcU of which an en lcrta iu lug article could be w ritten . A tnerioans principallyfound At (he Kt. George- Tbe Traveilen* near the Reform* loUi Us purpose In its nnme. DipUiMmls toasi^thelr heeU ui llio Hi. James. .Mlittnry folk ure iimisud ut tlie Hen lor United S»‘rvJce, ti.o .luiilur United fjerrtee, the .array and Navy, tlie GuNrd Cluh and (he .Mllilnry an d Navy ; while (h;; KiihI India United ftb-r- vice Club Is ills hiim eof the nnixibs of the Ka^t India Service, and Is HUed up in Orlen- 111 lu x u ry .

Isondon c lu b i a re sn(>s(antla1 and sp lend id In th e naain ra th e r th a n " s m a r t ” n o d duE- x llng . T ru ly th e ir (iG tio g u ish in g fcuiuro ii con ifu rt, I ih ln U Ih e ir h u sp lin liiy to welL accr(*r|iled persons from oU ier i :m d t Is less cfriiHlvs th a n th a t com m on In A in c rira u c lu b s ; b u to n c o e x ten d ed i t is g en u in e and w«‘r ih so iiie ih lng to ihfj rec ip ien t. T h e Rug- l l s h e f u b l i m ore (he lioine o f Ils inom bor. H e Is m ore p a r i lc t i ia r w h o m -h e e n te ru l i is . U ul nil c|sp Asldo, Ijundon c lu b m a n <>r s tr a n ­ger naver finds m ore tru e e n j iy in e n t an d snsig, genial. olUcitveloplnar com fb rt (lisn w iih ln tUe a l r tb s i cx th ed rn l q u ie t a n d th e liom e-ilke w a rm th u f (he av e rag e London club . UmiA ii L. W akkkatc .

Greenwood LikeG L E N S


7 5 C e n t M ,EVEHY SUNDAY.

S o c ia l through (rath w^l Ifiivcith Ave.Nia-

T B E L O W E S T Y E Tlion, Newark* a t 10:10 A. Jli. every Sunday. No change of oars. Hix hour* Ht the Gle«'. Home about 9 B. M. T lckcisn t Ik3 Market Hr. or stiKinn,

$28TO CHICAGO a n d

RETUUN.Timetables and book

free a t nfllee.


1 8 0 sM a rk o t S t .

E. H. HOFFMAIJ,Ticket Agent.

t*»i cu«iuX])r«'*Will Irnvc North New­ark Klnllun 10:3) A. M. •Hix to eight Inmrs a t (lit Glens. ChoJeo of 2 express trnliis, rcturii- tng by U:30 or II B. M, TlckGs (It 1S2 Marketbi. urHtniloii.

lOLh AonualExcurilon of



T O O C E A N G B O V E !On W E P N E s I iAY, J uIv a i ; W EDN ESD AY ,

A uzU H iat; V I. c .m ir.1 jC U. uf N, J. T r iiln . l e v . Itruufi SC SL .tu .n nl S;l& n n d

8:30 A.M . R s tu n i ln , ml 0:3') snfi S 1’. M. Tlek.ls, Hi. L'lili.lrcn, aOv. Mb


R E W A R K C IT Y E P W O R TB O R IO l,To Askury P ark and Ocean Grove,

T H IT H S D A Y , A U & T JST 1 , 1893*Train lenves B road HI reel b iatiun. Central

R. It., al A. M.; returalng , loaves Oceau


Hu b 11A I f ! HURRAH I HUHBAHlCih I*s lire ronnlng, For it good day’s

Ki>orL imil pli-;iMu]re go (o Mt^ycriiolx & Dres- slg's Ceoiral Rnaliiuuie. TaksHoulh Orunge avenue csr down Ferry streu t; do no' change on lliiinbufg plHCf; ride to end of line; R) mtnntew' walk lo ’l our rig h t and you ar^ oik CenirHl Usllmud b rldxennd bnnthou^e. You will find there abou t iOO or m ore of tbc bestIJnhlng bofltii. scoop, d ro p n e is a u d hooks.

Besl Vrlues anua lsn tteam iHuncIi to hire, liquort. Gotid oleau place. FolUo and attonMon.

•ervlee Id

Urovoflt S l \ AI Tickets. Mdulis, SLOO; children. 50c,

F IK lilNG BANKH DAILY - IP-l'E.NT check given each passeiifer f>w refresh­

ments. yteam er Hrtitiyier, West I0;h st„ N. Y'., K; P ratik lln m .* H;ir>. Tickets at i'cnniiyl- vania and Krio K ailn jid siuH'ins, also Mar­lin 's cigar store* CoLrtiuviilal HoIpI. Fare. 7*1 cents, HANCOX.

STEA M '^ A CH T H O W A R D , L IC E N S E D (o carry tl) patveengers and fully equipped,

w ill be charierL 'd to p r iv a te parlleH, cxcur* e lonlsis, *10,, by th e d a y o r w eek. F o r ^ r t i ' e rInfoTtri'dlon. terms* eic., apply (o A. W. Mo­ca IIK, HF) Rronrt street, th ird flemr. Mu



A aif.ECTIOX OF FlH-tT-CLAAH AEmTS.Weak Commencing Monday, Jufy 10,

RMITH & COOK. The GOLDENS BiNNS A BURNS*. WKBiON BIRTKHH, WENZEL it MAKKK. BUHTHA BRUttH* J.\tk BIU'JON,Eeery Evening at 8 from Jufy 10th to 30th.

Coot a n d oo m fo rtab le In tb e h o tte s t w eatlu-r. Sid


- A T - Now.S. SCHEUEB & SON’S.New Ktar Lobster, Colnnnbla RiverRalmon,

nou»*ed Mackerel in 8<pound tins, New Ball MiK'kcrel In k lis , hard ines In oil, O lvesand Capers ; Canned L unch ToQgue and ilaro.*.-1 jp- * ..rk.iaiv*- ** I uv ****\* AABAU.Kus.slim t 'a v la r , H. & K. |Ni(1ed T u rk ey am t Chicken* Barlon A (iusHcr's Oil P ure C ider a n d W in n V inegar,

Ley u I, Uo

S P E C IA L , R O O T B E E R E X T H A O T 1 2 c . P E R B O T T L E .

Fred De Bary’s Celebrated*Ctarcl. H uuiertte a n d B urgundy W ines, H en­nessey and F ia rte i B ran d y , F in est H y a V h lt- keys, Im p a rte d tB n g a r Ale* Bass's A le, G uin­ness 's BUMit* H a v a n a C igars In la rge vnrlr- lies, Bay Rum* s lr lc t ly pure, for Ihe b a th ; New Crop Teas a n d F in e s t Beiectad CoUves specialty .


7SS Broad St, 2 ,4 and 0 Commomo StBrnnch SlorM—<9 iferry •(,, «or. Union iL:

---------- ■■ YlM '■ * —Iffl) Harrlaun avn., Ifnrrlion, N. J.; !!7II nnrt 2H1 Main St., Orange* N. J.* and Baxter hlcok, Bloomflehk N, .f.

MoquetteBntt QuUty. Rew Fall p*tt«ru

1 8 X 3 6 ia ., n«T*i t*ld l«t> tliaii t i .1)

This week only,

98c.$ 7 3 6 3 la., u o a l prlM (3 ,n .

Spadal Bil* Prte», b .|A

This week only,

$ 2 *4 9 *


4:84; J)i*oact ■

y ? ^ 0 o o '



DISORDERED LIVERTaken u dirsettd these fasaoot Pills will |

EroTs mittTSlIuuA reitoratiTts tu sll eafssblsd i / tko sbor* or kjndrsd diMASti.

35 Cents a Box,; bntgeaeraUr receantced la fingUnd and. in * , foot tbreaiQosl the world to be "wortb a !

fatMon tlisb iher! I W IL L C lfH E m w lda raiim preoai-1p la la tS i and tb i t 'ih s y hare savsd to insnrfufft^rurs no> inaraly one but many galnaas, mdoBtors’ blUa.Coversd with o Tatteltst & Soluble Coiling, Of all drUL'glate. price eenteabox.

New York Depot, 36it Uanal si.

D o n 't pay m oney fo r W ater IA Snltfi Kxtraci of Reef Is mure A’coa- onUcerf thnu a liquid, for the reason (hat It Is cmiceti(rated, and house* keepers will And U much chon per to

BUYL l c b l f f C O M P A N Y 'S

I C v t r a c t o f I l o e f ,a nolld, con ccntrnte.l« I rnct.f re* from lai nml aclafini. or nny fiirrlKo lub- aiaiiro aiiddliualve It llu;)n.clvnt.

I’ha„cnnliifl iiiia thit

liffnainruon tbeJar

(Ilah iMaiiapd Ileaai.mmfi! T

lAaixs wk iior ekuktatrif tlu H*d u)4 DMU oiAHl1l|«1

l•oxM *|rh Mu* rlMun. Tak« ■•Mhop. )rvu«d(ipf«Niii«va«li'np tiMAAAd AI Manage*

' “ mn* fpt iArii4uiMR. iffituewiiu uSii I........... ............... ...y tjllrf Ibr Lvllw- fa Win-. *r n t m MiU~l<6>** Tr<ilBi; ali. XiwKiw.


An irlHXNANClC Tu BliOVlDlsI FOii TlllC paving Of . _

NKIzWtN PT.AOK, from Ilidh Street 10 Howaril strest.

Jle It urdalaed, by Uis Board of Ntrest and Water CommlMlrmen of the clly of Newark, as fblluws i

Mi>cihia I, That.NI'lTiROTf PTiACF,

troiD High slrmil to Howard stiTot, ihall 1m nsved with Dliioug graoKs hlock paving, t-wtaher wuh alltliv a]i|jiir(uuaiK’pn neceisATy to oninplete the lamf.

hec'Uoi' i. Thai iinmf*dbilRly iitHmlhpromhU.tiun of siidi public work or Improveinant, (lip Pfork ot (he board, In rnnjunrtlon with tn« l<liiginfer and CiciipraJ Hupciinleudent of Wurkn ot the buaril, nIihJI careruily prepare and furiiinh all nveesMir/ fitstomenis, maps, vpeclftmioin and other data lieriahilog to such luiblic work or liupnnempnt. Slid (he Fmident of the IkmpI ami said l.'lerk sJtall theronp'm* on betialf of tbr nnarii of etrett sod Water CommlssirMterti uf ibcM'liy of Newark, cer­tify the name to the t'omnum rotmcll of the i‘liy of Newark, In ordpr that iald ('omnuntCotincll maythereafter proceed (o make and nollpct Uis |>ruj>er saieKiiiient for the cost und expense of such nnhllo work or improvenivntssmayiioworhereamrberMulredby law.

Hechonl >HtiXA piihJtc work or Improvempnl «hail be mnde and rompletiHl utuler the Biipervision nr liLspecilon of Iho l■.Lai|wi or Acihig iLUglnorrnnd(totieral Huwrijitendent of Wurks o/tJiefkmrd of mreei uiid'W>ler r'oinmlHSioriers, Aii-ohilog lo theproviilons of the city ehanersnd lawn of Che rt-tie, Aiul tho iirdlnanoes of the diy and bylaws, rulei Aid regnlaiinna of the n<0iTd of Rtrrel aui sVsier K'ujilunissioiKni of (lie city of Newark* applicabl* therelo

)4tctioii 4. T ha t this onllnsnce shall lake edket imniedluiely.

Iluised JuiielS, im11 r a n C, JTKNDRY,

Prseldrnt of (he Board of Htrcrui and tVaier Oom-luinsiunert.

KNOB RUNYON,rierkofthe Board of street aiut Water Ocminiia

sloners.Tbv fiiregolng ordinance having been duly pawed

by the honrit of 8lreei aqd Water UumimssrutienK,nrsMiiited 10 (he Kiujror lutd not having l>eeii re- hiriisd bv blm wlAbhi the iluie proRi'rllH<d by (ftw Is ihereforc a Jaw. ami will take eUk^i as if It hudbeen appni^erl aivtonihig u tlie pruvialouSor Llie (bird inviloB Ol the cJiarirf ut lUo nt.v.

FNilr* HUN VON,4ae Clerk of the Bonn).

M AYOfCB I'HtX'LAMatlOIf.Agreeably !n the rtvinlTonnenls of (Motion six of

ihonrdliiauee horAluafter reftirred t.i, pubJic wxioe Is bi-niiy aiVf'U that o n Jnoe 10, ISO-l. tlie C'Mttmoti I V)H ivu I ur(he ritv of 0 ewirtc puasod an erd1nai.es. tiitilHKl "All urdfiianoa In regulainanil prevent the ninihng at large of d>'igs ; tu aiilhuriio'theJr de- atriu'timi aiio tbo litqK^iloh nf inset or llcenM ree«‘ itpoh the owttore nr fHiasoiviurM of Uir s a m e | laid WhllUBboo was approved by tlia Mayor June J7*

Notki» Is also given tha t ihs lli'eavc fe- by said ordtoauiM mmlrfid be paid by Hie oa kk«ni ur uos-

>MDr»or((ng.s win be due and psynble to (he lH>xA<>{MDrsor((na5 _______ _____ „ ,...r ,.vWarden wl|.iilit iw«ii(y days after Vlie pubVrc ilou bermf, under th • (Mualty of ike udUuiii and de> ■iruoiien nf such dog*.

Baud at Newark, July 11 lipl.KDWARD UORI.LBH;

w Aotiai Hayoz;

lB.| Qgul prloe Ij.^tt

. V* Sttl* Stte*, •*,,!,

$3*®9*r e *

Stair Crash, 5c.B u t QottUty, i j in. a»gniu m i

Hassocks, 49c.All Hoqutttto,

Alwttjri (Sold *t 7M>

C onpire (beat goodi aad pricre witA SpKiAl Hifiiiqnuiur SalM.


ms,William IHungle,

— aECblV ER OP—

McEwan'a Finnon Haddie*,Cairn'i Jama and Jellies, Ginger Cordial, Raspberry Cordial, Scott’s Oat Cakes, Gray’s Abernethy Biscuits, K ipper^ Herrings, Finnon Had- dies, Lime Juice, Mountain Dew, Edinburgh Oatmeal, Glasgow Peai Meal, Beef and Pork Ham.


WM. MUNGIE7 8 B e lle T l l to A r e ,





8 o m « Old Mftn W h o H a re Beea N o ted aa Actors.

Lon g


S o m e o f tbe A leoy T a r l t tb u t H e H r*

l*Iisyed-*f'liArleft H . T h o r n e , |>'ri, end

X d w lt i I'orrcftt J e m e i 11. Ito b e rli

T e n c lt li is E lo cu tio n In n T h e e le fic e l

f t e m ln u r ;« H f i i n . StosUliirt end L «

B lo jn e .

0»TT«H«poadi'nro<>ftlie N k w s .N k w VOHK, J u l y l t ^ C h e r lo i W elter Crnih

doo ( , At tbti ufC Of M Y fnty'e lfhti, 1r now theo ld e itn iM e ro u tU« AttierlCAii lU ^ r , H e b u been e pleyer for n riy .4 lgh t pMrfe end l i to O Y f rf w e r e iW lE lD }( f ltu r« , ■ te m ln flr m o r o H ftud crmbbed, hut w ith e heart a i le ad e r e nd reapoQiive t h « i of n ebUd. He m ade h it debut I d lioudua In A p ril. ISGfi, p lu y lD f 0/A«Uo,and loun urauDUtnpprem ii*M lilp kohleved d liU n otlo a on the E iiu itiU Hitige, He came to Am arJon Jn ISII, a n d efter iupi>orlhig Charlotte Cuehnsnu for tom e tliue went to the W a ln u t tilreet Theatre, l^hiludelphli, where be rem aiued fo u r y e a n e« Jeediut m a n, iHM om inr a great favorite. D u rin g tble tim e the fauiout M in e. Cek-Hie played a elor engagement at the theatre aiul produced '*Th e W illo w CopMo,** In w hich U r . Couldoek eppoared aa L u k t I'iehUng, Th le w M Couidock'e flrat greet b il, After the ^ la y , ou a n iv e rlo g a e a ll before Use corlaln* be led Mme.Coleele forward. In ilra it of a iie m lD g the o va tio n lo be hera, the preaenlcd Mr,Cuuldt>clt to the audience, and eald to h im ;“ Th ia p lay beloiigi to you asid you o n ly / ’Bho d id m ore than llila ; ih e preaontel itlm w ith a copy of the play, aad lie cootluuod to p la y to It for m any year*.

M r, Couldoek w o i eouiiecled w ith one of the iDoei lu te riitliig lD c ld e n U In the history o f ih e Am orioen itage. H e w a« engaged to p in y for Use tcaiou of IS5S-5B at L a u rn K w n e ’* tbeatro in Uiie c ity. T h e emuoa opuued w ith " T h e W illo w Copst-,*' w h ic h ran ouo w eek— ^ io n g tim e In tliojie daya-^aud wan fullow ea the tio^l woeh by i l r , C onldock'i great eueceai, " Louie Xl/* One day a play Wbiareacl lo Uouldook aud Hiouthern, who we* ftlioa m em ber of the com pany, with a v ie w lo their taklug part.

** There ie noihm g in that fof me, and 1 w o n t p loy I V ’ oaid Couldoek

Buthern la id the u m e , T h l i brought M l i i Keene to loe them, She told them that her backer w a i In love w ith the p lay, and deter­m in e d that It ifaonld bo produced, Indcod,■he inlltiia ied to the tw o aclora that they w o u ld eitber have tu take tbe p a rti a n ilf ned th e m o r leave the com pany. Both were fa th e r hard up at tbo tim e and fell con- ■traloed to yie ld . Mloa Keene, moreover, th re w a lO p to them b y le lllng them to do a n y ib ln g they liked w ith th eir p arii, rntb m a tin g a t tbe lam e lim e that the p lay would p ro b a b ly run but a week. A ctin g on th li h in i,B otb ern " g u y e d " h li part w ith a view to m a k lD f It ildlCDloui. T h a t p lay waa Ihe oelvbrated *' A m erican C o u iiu ," BoHiem'M L o r d D undreary made h im fam oui. Joeeph Jeffe riQ u 'i A i u IVeticAcird brought reputii* tio n lo the fuiure great K ip T a n Winkle, and Oouldock*! Ab el Murcoit lu r e ly d id h im no b a rm . T h e play enjoyed the loiigeit run a n y p lay bod ever hud In A m e rica up lo th a t tim e, M r. JedTerion afterward paid oeverali hundred d o lJa n p re m ium for a box a t e beueAt bo the m an who, m A b r l Murcolt, b a d helped him to make a name tor h la M lf I d ** Th e An:>erican C otum /'

M r, Couldock’i grealeii p a rtln recent y e a n baa h rtij D untian JClrke in the play of " H a- e#l K irk e ,/ w h ic h wni'cuggeaied by " T n e W illo w C o p ie ," th e lw o being very ilm lia r .B u t Couldoek m altuaioe that ihe old play le tm m e n M ly ilro n g «r ana betlcr than the new « D « . M r. Couldoek poesoava a vein of h um or Of Ih e d r y and uuctuuiia ayr*. and la ihe hero o f m a n y a m u iln g ilorle i. Goo of the beat of tbeee has lo do with M cKean Buchanan, a nother b m o u i acinr of t h « old d ayi,Couldoek met " O ld Rtfck," i i he u a i calledp In Cairo, 111, I t wan a very etorm y n lg h i, and afler the perform ance they p layed poker. Cotudoek wae not n good p layer, and tbe re iu ll w a i th a t Buchnnaa cleaned him out. N e xt m o rn lo f llioy met again and Biichnnan told Couldoek that he w aagoing W e iiu n a ib u o tln g excaratonand w o u ld lik e lo p lay a few n lg u ti In Cheyenne.M e w auled a letter ot intro duction lo ih e m anager of the theitre lh«re, who wae a friend pf Couidock’ i. T h # la U e r w fo tr ib e

teti er about a i fo llo w i:“ k iR ^ T h ta w ill be banded to yo u b y m y

friend, BIcKean Buchanan, an actor of m uch m e rit . H e goei lo y o u r tow n on profoMalnnAl hualneia. H o p la y i •'V lr g lo lu i," " I l m n l ^ t "“ R ich e lieu ," Richard I I L ” and poker, lie playa poker the beal."

T U k v k N B K A p Lk c h a b l e u n. t u o k ^ k A n other rare old player, w ho once Ailed a

la rge place In tbeatrlcal aOillra, U C ba rie e R,T h o rn o , H r. H e J i now liv in g tn retirem ent in Ban m n e lo e o . H e la the hero of a n>. m a a llo life. U « w ot on the iia ge f o r i ix decudea, A i a young m a n he w a i a great lucceaip and tb « dm m atto recorda tell the i lo r y o f b it tr lu m p h i m Ihe Bow ery, ban Franclico p Panam a, A uatrallo , China and In d io . A i lewdlng m an of tbe bcMt ibeairea here, long before the praoau| gcsieratioo w:ia b o m , be lU pporied tbe greal a cto n of the paaU M il exiMrlenoM on the road ran the i « m at o f ftan and frolic, o f trouble a n d d ih - a ite r, o f d iia pp o ln tm vnta nd di'f^a l. He waa left fbr dead onoa In |*dnania, u-oa kept cap> tlve for three w eeki by Bouth A m e rlca iii, w a i feted on « stage covered w ith lum ps of gold In M e ry iv R Ie in (he d a y i o f '19, hrgged h u w a y through the w ild i of AuRtrnlia, ruJe in tr iu m p h on the back of an elephant, Aed, n e a rly naked, from a gong o f nslacreanla la tlldney, (otight the flg iu o f a true A m e ric a n against ihe projudicei of the E b K lI ih coiuniiti, aud rathertd a fam ily, noted, a i was th eir m other,, for talent, ve re a tllity iD d p h y ilo a l beauty. Th e dcaiii o f H ra , Tb o ro c , lo m elbiug ove r ten y t a n ago, w as a heavy hhnr lo h im , and the un­expected death o f hla eon C h s rle i leemed for • t im e to unnerve h im . H e w oui to Han FrauciicO f aud again astonlabed Uls irtciids b y w edding tbe w idow of one o f tbe oldeatof h l i comrades— Janjt*i b ta rk, aouee popular tragedian, H iurk w ai quite w eallby. " Ue died, but the p ro pe ny lu r v lv v d ," and M ri.S ta rk as waa, beeaine M m . Th orn e a i Is.H e r tecoDd union hoi been lu every w ay a h ap p y oae.

D u rin g his lA it v i l l i to N e w Y o rk I spent A D aflernooii w ith iho old actor and found ' b iin a m b it intereetlnf cornphnlon. ila lly notable were hlim coU ecUtm e of E d w in _______ . . . .

^ F o rc e a V " lo g c aw ith F o rre il In PDtfadclphi!i," Msld ’ M r. l o v e r n lotire

Bosion to Phi.ltvd©i

ei>K>ssremeni there wo# a failure. One day I received a nute from h im im yink he w o u H tike to sue me at t o'clock, r r i tn p .ly at fhal hour he appeared at lu y iticuire, lUouk bandN u i ih me, andesiiu :

" ‘ .Mr. Th o rn e , I have m nde afailn re atthe Ollier house, l u n u t to iilay au euKOUt-meul w llh y « ! i / '» •

*’ *V ery well. H o w m u ch do yo u w a n i r "*" I w lU p la y a week fur a thousaud dol-

la r* .'"" S te p p e d lo m y deek, w rolo a cheek for

the aniom ib and handed It to h im , saving, 'Y o u are e ningvd.' Hu came and pliiyed w llh | n a a v e rk , Is itp p u rlin g tiliik and roAt- Ing the pieces lu inugulOcent «'lylc, 1 made tuciucy out o f the cngatfvnipnt and engaged h im for a tocond wt'ek for iho la m e annm nl. A fter itia t we were a lw ays lu e besit of fr le n d v "

A P k O Tk O l OT T1IT IT .P K B POOTn.O v e r lu P hll.idclphia th e .n U icr di<y I rnn

acrosa a nother of our ohlc»t aclnrs, JamcMji. Roberis. H e was born In R h llad eip hla In I81ti and Is now prule gar C'f elitcutlon In a theolugicai oeinlnnry in th at c ity . Ilo mnde hla debut a t iha U 'a lu u i Htrret Theatre In Ift^l, pla'^Ing A'icltraomi lo the fjfcA nrd of th« eider B 'lo lli. " I huveoflVTi w ondered," Mnld M r. R*>l>#rts In recnlllng lha Incident, "H in t I was not laughed off the iio gc , fur I w m dreeied In a lu U of a rm o r th a i wax a world loo b ig for m y sm all fljvura. HowflVT>r, tbe audience raerived me k in d ly , and M r, Bootli, after tbs perform ance, w a rm ly praised m y eSurt^. H e urged m e to eontlniie m y studies, a nd , fottowm e h l i advice , 1 iludiatl for tw o years under lA m a e l G . W h tie , U.e t iv c c p io r of Forrest. Th e n , arm ed w lih a letter of reonm mends I Ion fruiti M r, Ihroih, I iiL 'urcd regular em ploym enL at (be W a ln u t Hireet Theuire , rtrst supporUns Forresi. For the fu lltiw ln i dlfiecQ ye a ri I was connecicd w U h variou s stock c o m p in ic i. There v'crp giants In the profemlOFi lu ih o ie d e y a .. O n ly the other d ay 1 vrai lo nklug o ve r a cai.t of 'H a m le t , ' lu w hich I appeHred In im i. F u r- rest was the Jiumlet, and .John 11. HcoG, JuineR \V. W ailiU 'k, K dinon s. Conner, W ill­iam E . B urton , Jt)hn K. Oweus, Josephine Clifton and Mrs. G ’orge Jone% wife of the Count Joutitiri!, ucre am ong (he other m em ­bers of the cast. E v e ry one w ho played In Jt l i dead o^eopt myself,

" I flrat appeared R ia H a r In lA&l, p laying J^icAurr/nud//am frf. 1 ita rre d in Am erica u n irl 18>d. Th e n I ivent lo K nglatu l and nv hialned there fur eighteen m m iih*, p luyliig at the D r u r y li^kne Theatre, l/in<lun, and in L iverp ool, Maneheetcr, D u b lin , Lim orlok nud IlolfaMi. in IS.' T 1 b ro U {h l ' F i iu h i ' In P h iladelphia , cnaoMng Mtphhf/ipfitrej, w ith M rs. .■Imva Crow ell a« M arffurrUr. i played Faust for nlno(oeMUco»'s?iivo Ncmuns, urul since liavt* playeil /lerlxoff In ilie ' B lack Crnotc ' at Intervals, D urliiK the Rea­son uf IKirj I luanagcd ,VHf>i M ario HtilU-r, a p upil ol TUlhS, b utsho in u rrle J III the end of her first season, iind I am now Hpi-ndlug m y lARl daye try in g to tra rh d e rg y m tn how lo deliver t lio lr lerm onR ."

M r. Unberis, dcsplie his R eventj-nvo years, l i s (l!l hale and vigorous. W h en a turns u|Hm (h o i>a«t h li oonveria llon Is full of In- t e m t and ch arm , Tb e elder B on ih , in his op iu lo u , w u i the greatest aclor th a t ever lived, " J o h n W Ukes B ooth," said he, " had he live d w ould have heeii oe great m h li father. H i hud A rc ,ge n iu s and marvcUoiiR physical beauty, E d w iu Booths In dream y, relroipcctive p arti, was w llh u u l an equal. T ra y c d y , as enacted hy Hie Booths, I n fast b - Gom lng extinct, and 1 doubt if we Rhnll ever look upon (h e ir like again. W e have no great Hiinkeipoarian actors now . F o r- ront w a i b u ilt on herulff lines a nd was a sp lendid actor, H e had im iny and seriouR faints, b ut w n i great desp te jh e m . Ills Im lln to rs have never done m ore tifkn copy his defect!. Forrest's m a rrlsg « rCsnUlnj; iii It d id In Kepamtlun nod divorce, had a most Unfortunate ctTbrt on hi* profhsslonal career, aud g re u tlr em bittered h l i later years. It lucreaM'd hi* nioroRcncsi and reserve, und o ro n g re a tly m arred h li w o rk as an acior. Jo h n H. H coU ua* one of the linndiorueit m i'll 1 have ever know n, H a had m ore nat­ural talent than Furresi, but lacked applica­tion, nnd wn*ied Br>.''ti oppo rlu iiltles."

T H E V ETEJIA N JAMES TI. BTOT>BAHT,Jam es H . B it'dd trt. of A . M. B.iliuer'a com -

pariy, has grow u old so g rn celu ily lhat one h trd E y^th ln k s of h im as one of Hie ve icra m o f ih e A m e rIcsT) Htai;e, Luii auoh be Is. Jle was born In Yorksh ire , E n glan d, i-lx ty -s li years Ago. I l ls father was for tw en ty y e a n an actor al the 'Iheatre R o ya l, Ulaogow. M r. K toddohl commenced h ii enreer by p lo y in g boys' purls under parental lu lllon . lie afie rw n rd appeared In the EirglU n provinces un tiU ltW , when he earn* to A m e r- ic'k and Joined the com pany o f tbe eldvr W a lly ck . J le was laler under the maungc- m e nl of L n iira Keene, D lou Bouclcaiilt, Mr*. Jo h n W ood Olid Losicr W a lla ck , aud flnoHy In IkTJhe bt'camc a m em ber of M r. I'u lm t-r 'i U nton t^qnaru Uom pany, whore he rem ained for ten years, subseouenlly m ig ra tin g with bis m nnagur lo the Madlstm Nqu ire Theatre and to W a lla c k ’e. D u rin g a lauj; and ex< trem e ly busy onreer be has crcftted m any parts. N o luetropcltlan p layer is belter know n o r m ore p up u liirU m n be. In com edy and tragedy bo U equaJly at hom o aud iq n a lty efTectlvc.

F u n o n a lly , M r. Htoddnrd Is of a quiet, re- t lr in g disposition nnd of a stro n g ly doineeiio nature. T h e death, a year o r so ago, of bis wife, k n o w n to lIieeLnge oe M iu lld a Fhtlllpe, wuB A ovvero bh<w to h im . H e i Ivor the year round on b is Jersey farm , near U n h w a y , attd and In (b e Intervals of hla profeRsiaiial labors devotes h it lim e to Ane fa n n in g aud fanr'y stock, from a ll of w h ich , lin w e vcr, with genuliia B cM e h ' (h rlft, he m akes n ^ little proflt, u n til from bis large and eU^ady in. come ns an actor he baa become com paru- llv e ly w e a tlh y, w ealthy enough, Indef-d. lo a d m it uf his reU rem ciU from the st«i(c. nn •vent w h ic h the m a ny w ho cherish his nrils> tic im pcrsonatione slucerciy hope w ill iiut happen for y e a n u> come.

" I t is lo le m h to tb liik , '’ Raid M r. fitoddart the other das’, " how Ib e lo rm crgen e nitlon of p layers Is clrooplug out o f s ight a nd pass- Ing beyond ou r ken. Ju*t th in k o fth e j;r?nt com pa n y (b a t p ls y .^ at Uie elder W allnck 's Theatre, corner of Uroorne stroet and B roa d ­w ay. th ir ty years ago 1 Th e r# was Rum * Blake, J o h n D yu it, Ly sa u d e r T h o m psoii, Charles M’alcolt, L o n e r W a llp ck , L iu r u Keene, M a ry GanD oa and Mrs. Jo b u lloey, W here are StToy n o w t A lt dead and gone save Mrs. Hoey aiid myself. Th o u I rceuB W illia m D avldge, W in ia iu W s m n ^ Jo lm T , U a ym o u d , Jo h n i'u n e lie , Jo h n M cCul­lough and E Iw lii Furrest, w ith u ll of w hom 1 have acted and beon on term s of friend­ship In ih ls coun try, w hile lu G reat B rit d a1 im vo ptetod Ht dlirerejit llm os w lih C b a rlu ttt C uabihuo, Mrs. Charles Keau, Mine.Mrs, F ilK w U lia ius , Buokstoae, Raul Bodiurd aud W right*

A l l (h e o ld -tim e celebrltlei o f ih e itagR are d ropp ing o u t uf plight and a i i« w generation iRolosliis lu arouud me. l^rs e lie . Davidge and W arre n wevL* nm oug ik o last Ip m iik e tbe lr fluul c x U . W ith Bursclle 1 was ve ry In­tim ate, and we were great friends. Couldoek and m y s e lf arc abaut the on ly represonlii- tlv»‘S of the old eclioni of acting now left In this c o u n try . D id I ever star? Y e s ; I w at once persuaded to go on the ro id tu tim t ca­pacity. M s tiy remupnb'.w the event, i t was when I left W alhu'k 'e Theatre, at the corner

T H E TO R PE D O CHICKEN,Ilrolber Gardner Dheonrseion (be Death

c l Cautelope Jobniunwlle Iteeilied Nat Krlrikdly Advice*

[C.ipy right, i m j" H are m y p ainfu l d ooly," said Brother

a a r d n r r as be srime u lib a letter In bla band, " to a n n a u u c i to d lsc lu b dst de g rim destroyer has o b trlo o k m nnother mem U*r ofd lH G lub, Urm lO er Cuut>b'|ie Jo1m *»n, an honorary m etnher residin' In Hi, Louis, has paarod fro m d l i froieu a lflh awaj-. la m perl aps de o n ly m ember prebtot w ho twr- lo u a lly kuow tiil de deceased. He bad his good i n ' his bad side, lam o h i de rest of us . ID s Inos w on t creuie a uy pertickler vocuuia In fit. Louie, niid y i i be filled A s .ir l lc plane w hile he llhed. He v o u ld Jmv llbcd a good deal longer had he heeded m y advice. H e won de sort of man w ho c o u ld n ’ i believe a n y ih la ’ o n lr i i ho saw It a id h iso w ii e y«a W iie n d m O hio mnn RtvenlC l de to r­pedo c h ick en , I w rit to Brudder Johnson (o look dUi fu r tr, I explained how It worked, I cauMiiutiint hl*n dat d eu th lu Tk e d lu do hen- opiop A n 'd a l he’d belter buv hla fowls a id e reg'lar price stt' In On reg'lnr w ay. Dls letter am fruni H rudder Johnsoh's widder, It says d:U he a as found In an atiry all busted to plecp'R, an* ehu believe* d<it u pniwiler m egn- lin o blowc-cl up su im vhur or del ho was obgr- tukeii by an alrlhqiM ko. Bore wuiniui I It nm better thus, an* I shuii uol uUciUpt to on- deceive her."

'J here was n geiicrsl movement In ihe ball, show ing ir.ti-tise cxcHenieiil, and after a ra lu - Ute B ru iiie r G ardner continued!

" ! ht*v d«* p lo lu r bofu' me. It am a d ark n ig h t lu B i. Louis, A gentls rain am de-

" A n \n ic N in iiT t n s t . b o ris ," icendin ' Ilrud ilt-r ranle^pn^ lak^sun am i l ' - t ln ’ by his ow n JlrtHl^b'; IlfTm U d e n ly frel* dnt he w o uld like fried ch1rk*r» fb r breakfn**, IX* uia rki't nm siiet uj-, mu becun’ I buy uuflln. H e r b c s u p ai>d inkei iny ole le tliT ouU'r de top bui cxp draw nnd read* II. W hen h^ cuiQ* d ow n lo dal part whur I ti'li h im dut do (or|)Odo chlekcii can't bo luld In dv d ark Irum a fat jmlbM, he sm il-a Iti coipUm u ) t nl m y Innercense. lie IhliiliK of inc as a clithl- tike old ya h oo w no would biuiv out d * gas un go to bod R iniiia ’,

"X ip w B ru ild cf • Joliiisun ha* t iirn e l Into d cn llu y , N .iw ho has ►iopi-ed to j c t h u ' liNlcn, N u w he Uptons iilong in i'rcaelick de olley dnali o f d«? hencoop. 11 s m m if wsileri, an' he feels h u n g ry as ho ib iu k s o f de meal iLsIde,

'* N o w B ru d d e r Johiiron hn^ pried o(T a bo 'd w id de ute chisel he hriiQg Along, N o w he craw ls in to de ronp. He can’t si>e, inu h li ears tell h im dat lvvcaty*iwo (luii b it fowl* am ruo>.tin' w id in rcuch of bl* hand. N o w h e k e e rfiilly rcachos n iu tils right hnnd an* feds about i l l l It rrsts ou a fo-pOTind lieu, fibe does n o t g in de a lan u, ( ut ncii lik e she was spectlu' h im lo cum iin* t^ko h r,

" F H e inlnllM later llru ld e r Johneon am out do:tha w ld nn ernply ba<! under his Arm . i l ls H l i i th in k s I.e am gulii sm iiw u ar fur ahavin'pi, Jle rccicoU'cUa y jftin hencoop Jn a N irtin alley, an Id* xieps turn dut way,

‘•1 loMi r B rud icr JoiiURou Li Itnuglua- aliun. H e keeps I at siitnc s in lloun Juts fiicc. H « feel* It III* d uoiy lu write lu me e n c a u - abun m e a g 'lu beltin ' any money ou d e s irin g game.

" l io n k l ^ D lc n l Now , IlrinJilsT Johnson gBs a (In n b o ld o' dat Ueti und giuR a sudden yn n k . H c a m u ire n d y la stin 'fried chicken when d a r ru m s a fl ish, a four, u boom , au' alt ts Ober I H e hnd got hold of de torpedo eltirkeu. H e had invllcd ilu grim desiroyifr to cum a n 'b u s t III lu nil lu pivces. Dut la m e amllu o fc o u ie m p t fur me was on his face when dey p lrk c d It up fi/iy rods-ti w ay, J uev up doubt, dat Jesi ur be y u iik c d u td n t ben lie was ib ln k lt i ’ be orter iclegrupli me not to souk m y feel lu kerustnie an' stick 'em Into de oven lo d ry ,

" M y frun’R, 1 h**v no leciur* to read yo*. I •hall no b o 'd i lH cu«e up ii* a wurDiri* tij yu*. \ ^ e «b a ll hang de emblem of n n m rn in ' on do n lir y doul> fu r d r lo im l l-^n<ih o f ilrnc,

’ wc Shull piNB deii«ual K'suluiUUU u f cun-dolouce w ith do lam 'iy. H >J>ir am uiiy ixidFr member o f d l* o iib who nm -u skeptical dat be ratiRi b ’ow d>'wu de bur’ l uf a gun lo see If il nm loaded ivn' who wont UiUivvi> dat oV'<r 700,GOQ lnr| >eUo chick nn nm KtUtii’ uii de hen ruosU o f d ll ktfmry JosL bukUHO bo Jihnu' i buppencil to s''o onr>, I s'til^ acd ru )*idcr it m y dooly tu argy wld him. 'l..'t him itnd out fur iilhMcif, but let him uUo ruHieiubcr dat dU club di>un'pay no fuueiiil spcusi>* nor buy no grav'sturjo." j j .

T H K lE U I.r :t l U V M A i L

A Fru grrsp iive M o iu irch W ho K eeps F u l ly A b re a s t of tbe T im e s.

Th e K in g c'f Rtnm had prom UvU to v lr it th e W o rld ’s F a ir end sail urnumJ the w o rld and had gone so fur iii to order u msguinociiit 3’Arb t m ade In Hcuilond. But now h ecanuui come, for lie Is In (rouble with tho Frenclh aud by the tim e tbl* in rciiiL they nm y be In B angk ok. T h o K lag Is forty yenr* old, hue reigned ^hlce lie was liriooti, U a b m lu le m on­arch o f About T.GXi.lXlD fH'upU', bnaulxjut stx iy w lvo i a n d can liiive a* inuny inure ae h r Ukes, hu* au Incom e of fLOjOC-MJiXI, and his full rmrne lx H u m d llcb r i ir u Baram lude M u b u Khoutaloakoru*

'^ e i^ t (u tbQ.Ar^- r- ~ -ffoagad by DvifFyA Forreil, w iflbm Eorretl, Mr. DulTy's p«k7-crw; Ifitrt-her -of’ E iw Iiif- ’ in ithere my wife and I playOd leading part# for IGO A week. This was in the for* ties, In due (line Edwin Forrest w m annonticed for a week’s engageraeut in h li beroJe ebaraeteri. I was east to nupport him. The opening play was Dr. Bird's • (jif. TAloosa/ and I whs,cost for Pisarro. The

we were to open I was very sick, and Dr. McClellan, the fatherof General MoCleUao, forbade my going to the theatre, but Will­iam Furrtstcame to mo and said they could not get a siibslliute l<> play my pari; so I went and did ib^^besi I could. In lUe fourth aot, after a sword light with Forrest, In wbioh I was slalit, he put hi* fool on me and ■food In a heroic attitude as the curial/i went down, In doing thU he trod on me with uu. necessary force. He bad evidently Lost him- oelf In theexclieinenlof the moiueuL After tbe curtaui was weU dowa I arusu Hud said t

" 'M r . Forrest, 1 came from a ilok-bed to pluy this part, mid I tlitnk yon should at lenel have some litlte couilderaiiojj for an Hctor, thougb be luuy not bo asgreut a* your- K lV

“ The only response,! got was a grnnk and It angered me XU ihnl 1 piokudi up a sword I had dropped when sup|>oacJ t » be slain, and tiirew It at bU head. Jla oodged, audlea- Oiiped sevloui injury, 1 whh very angry, and excluliutd os I ih »w the weapons T h at is for you. sir, and I nm res()oiislble for it 1'

** 'Jlie neJtt ntgbt he wni east for Ztamcri and Ig * buthe notifled l^s brotherthat he would not piny with me. Wliliam Forrest took myplueuund essayed to play (he part, hnl when he went cm the au­dience Shouted, ' Wliero*! ThorneT Where's Thorne t'and would nut keep quiet. ^Mr, Forrent stepped l » the footlights and mtld :

** 'M y brwihcr, Wnuam Forwet, !i pUying tbte part. Mr. Tburno does not pluy lu* .

**Uul this did n o lir ilify HisaurHonci, end they kept up a tumult that nearly destroyed tbe pia}'. After lUo pcrfonuattce, I was • landing In front o f the theatre, when Mr» Forrest enmearonnd and psised Into ibe box ufllce lo setlle his aucuunte* Ue was AlwayN Dtniteiaoi In mouey iDattors and got Uls Bhlbry uf percentage every night after thA pirtofmaiioe. Tlmt was nn Inexorable rule with him. When be saw igip be beekme very angry, mid snld 1 had been the esuee of the disiurbsQoe. 1 denied this, and said I w iab^ nocomumnloatlon with blm what­ever. ^ e parted wUb this Unreeling, end durlog the remAindvrof h li enfageinent 1 never went near Ihe theatre again, AHor be lefi, hlH brother came and askail my wifeamj I lo retoTi. We did so, aud played e sucoexe- m l ejigagptheni, 1 than rriurned to New York, and bcoume manager of the New Chat­ham Tbtatre, Mr. Pnrreat about tbU tlin* M M f to ploy e l the Oewery Tbvatreb but bla

iigtu ‘ Muiiugm'R Kioifuld and U »c U 'v i'll t u '' ' “**»i ''** - - ■* U r iH j1'— „8 lrlk ,pJ VUlUUty U...a ne ia iiy , tteturnfny lo N>JW Y o r k , 1 hup.

' pBW d tl^ilOtl(k]PTo 'gb In see a pHffdrTrirmo-j of * liCd A f t f A y , 'a t the U nion Square Th>‘ulre, and there I m et M r. B alm cr. H o a ik c d me;

" ‘A rc y o u U red u fs ia rrln g T ’Yes, I a m ,'s a id I.

"* T h e n y o u bad batter try I t In m y coin- puny iiw h ile ,'

* 'l accepted bis proposition. T h a t was n ea rly tw e n ty years ago, uud I a M W Ub M r. F u lm e r y e u ”

W IL L IA M J. Lie M0YNE*« CARRRR.N o list uf ou r veteran players w ould be com-

p'utc uniexs it included lha nam e of W illia m J , Le M oyne, know n ntid adiiilred b y every theatre-goer In tills Inwu, He is a n ailvo of BOKiun, u e n l on the stage when ho w.is VHiy yo un g a n d slow ly worked nle w ay to the top, l ie perforrued excrilent eervjce in m a n y stook'qompaiilcR, Whs several ilm c s n tra ve U liig star, and d u rin g tbs w ar nil ofl3- ccr, and a good one, too, In the U n io n A r m y . F o r ten y04ira he b ai been the favorlle c<ime- diAU and oharAcler aclor of P a n ld F m h - n ia h 'i L y c e u m ooiupany, utid htis p iirllc i- p n le d ln ult uf the SUCCPASOH n ft lm t t.iMious orgAula illo o . D ry hutiiar, d roll ccqcutrloiiy and A ve in of dui'p tcudern'-sa domfinatn b li w ork ou tbu aiuge. I f the mahkle of Joh n G ilbert, gtoHnus and licloved, iius fitJlen 6n n a y m a n ib n t roan Is W iltln m J , .Muyne. F in e a rtist and true genUeinan, fu rd U tu tu be tbe d a y that takes b lm from ns,

R u r u a it. W iijo M ,

A n U n c a n n y Utiperstitlom F ro m (b e P blln Jc lp o la Record.

W h en th e I ’rtnce of Wales was ocrlcusly 111 some years ago, and as Ihe crisis of ibe dtseafo w asapprouebed, a ibeep was killed, upetieil und ibu FrJuce’s feet placed on tU bleeding body to keep u p tbe u iilm n l heat. E x o c ily w h y Ibe sbeep v n uxod lostetid of m ute bAsMy applied inenQS U asoA en been a s k e tT .'T b o use o f a sheep's body was due to super^tllloa very ruQ im ou lu E urqpe, th at thu flesh of a recently Nluiigbiered anlm nl lias U fc-g lv ln g profioriies. fuslnm x'e of sim ­ila r e m ploym e ut ofaheep are com m ob even at Ibe p fesa utd uy.

C a t a r r h , H eadache* N e u ra lg ia a n d G o ld tu th e H e a d .

Pstfsei nonsense to pay strangers all Hiew a y from lJU to 1100 fur s im p ly protalsDig, but fn llitif, to cure the ahuve dieeasei, when a irb e o ld -e ila b lls h v l olBcu ot K . V a n Bus- k lik t 10 A c a d e m y street, N e w a rk , yo u can b iiveu free tria l of a d e iigb ifu ily refreiblng lenie ily, w hleb Imcnedlrtiely relieves ami •iwedliy and prrm atiently etirea the worst ONSii ut A cost im i rxee^dlng ,one or tw o dol- lara Thouoands Id ibis c ity have Irled and te iiiry to )t « siflosoy. Oflioe boars, b A . M. to 7 K M . w vck dtiyaand 2 to 4 Bund ay. Rose cold a n d b a y f*ver are also im m o d in te ly re­lieved a n d apeodlly cured a t Above ^

Z M I l t A T R A M S .

A r c o r d ln g to ( urr«'Mt U riH ^rt T U r s e S ir lp e d A n im al* A m ^n^aclone.

F ro m Ih r I*omlon F lrM .Ja m e s ^ c d r r b e r g told m e th a t bifl A rm

a b o u t tw o u iunths ago b o u g h t e ig h t h a lf- g ro w n w ild gebroe fVom a h u n te r nam e d G ru b t iA T . l i r o b U a r c a u g h t th e m In a w ild atatt! betw een four a n d fivo n io ntha a go b y r id in g o A e r and U o ao in g tb rro . D u r in g th e last u iotU h th e y h a v e been in lia ir u n g for harncNi, w ith th e rce ult th a t fo u r o f th em uro perfectly q u ie t a n d w e ll tra in e d a n d the re n u U n in g fo u r p a rU o lly tra in ed .

T h e place w h o re th e y are k e p t l i A t tbe sta tio n flt IV te rsb uTir, Jn th e d is tric t o f Z outpA nsberg , Tra n svA A l. I t appears I h a t lh e y a re a lU lle t im id at first w h e n tb e bnriu'ss L* being put o n , b u t a fle rw a rd th e y are a ll r ig h t, and M r . Z co d e rb e rg bo- licvc ii t lia t In a m o n th o r tw o 'a lim e th e y w i l l b e aa i t e i d y os h o n e s . T h e y p u ll w e ll and are v e ry w illin g a n d n e v e r J ib , a v ice w h ic h is v e ry p re v a le n t w it h the horses o f this c o u n try . I n fa ct, on e o f th e m w il l do his beat to p u ll U ie w h o le c oach h im se lf.

Ja m e s Zeederberg sa>'s th e y a re to oatis- fled w it h tUa e x p e rim e n t, so fa r m th e y have gone, i lm l ho is g o in g to e x te n d It, w it h th o object o f u lt iin a le ly sa ba tltutlng tb e m .fo r m ules, as the xebra is free fVom th a t scourge o f tiuuth A f r ic a c o m m o n ly ca lled “ horao sU k u cu e ," w h ic h a n y o f y o u r readers w h o have been o n l her* w il l k n o w costa an enorm ous a m o u n t to coach p ro p rie to rs lu horse Uesh d u r in g th o s u m ­m e r ae&Hon. Jn KMne p orts o f tb e lo w c o u n try i t la quite suftlcttm t fo r a horse to be le ft ou t nil n ig h t In th e v e ld t ig rA w ) to insure its d cu lh f ro m t h l i d rea de d disease.

T h e xebras, w h e n InvpAQ ncd (harnessed to tbe coach) stand quite stU i a n d w a it for th e w o rd to go, they p u ll u p w h e n re q u ire d , and are p o rle ctly am enable to th e b rid le , a n d are s o fU T -m o u th e d th a n th e m u le . T h e y n e v e r k ic k , and th e o n ly th in g In th e shape o f vice w h ic h th e y m a nU ua t is th a t, w h in first h andled, th e y h a v e a n tn - c lln u tio n lu bite, hut skA soon os th e y get to u n d erslan d th a t th ere is n o iiite u tio n tu h u r l th e m th e y g iv e th is u p . F o u r of th c a e iv b m a are lunv inxpaim ed a n d d riv e n Jn a team tog eth e r, and are as re lia b le and g o o d ns th e bust m uleaj Ihfc o th e r fo u r, b e in g o ld e r, re q u ire a litt lu m o re tu n e to get I Horn p c r b v i ly trained.

MTSTERIES!The Nervous System the Seat

of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries.

N o m ystery ha* e v rr eom panvl w ith th a t of huniiin life. Ttlia.HtK’Cn tiio loading Hub}e<'t • .f pri ffe>^lniial ri'Mmnqi uiid «t u d y lu a 11 rigcR. 0utUOt\YiUi:,tiUiiliUg Lills foct It A uot g r n r r -

id ly k n o w n l lu it th e oHut of life I* loca­ted In th o up ­per part of the eplnul c u r d , n ea r (b n bUM? Of the b r a in , And 00 fM'IU-b l iv e in t h lo portion of thf nervou* ay*- le m th a t even tho p ric k of a neodlo w i l l

Sa m o tnstani uath.

J to c cn l dliscovertes havadem onatratod thiil i l l the orgauH of tho body are un d er th u ran* trol of the nerve conler*. located In or noai ! ho bu -rf* of thu b rain, and t hat w hcji these an leraujzcd (ho ur^au s which U iey Hupply w lHnerve iluld nro alou deranged.

- ncm borf (1 (hat a acfIuur inj urfi^n 111 cause paralysln

fact th at Et In hii.*4‘d on the fpreiTOlng piTriolnla DK. MILISS' UE.HTOHA71VE N e |«VI?£K1S S<)1u h j

e n r AD V R lIT fSE X lE X T e.

Trj\ N n JU U N A N C K T o A lH f lo iu z t ; «m|Kjwrr' (lie {'uriholi^steil 'i rM.tlofl


Carpets and Furniture7 3 MARKET ST ., STORE HEAREST TO PLANE ST.

AMOS H. VAN HORN( l i :m i t k d ) ,

y , B .—N ote (lie n am e , AMOH. b efo re e n te r in g t l ie itlore. Only a few m ore iileees o f t 'a r p o t lo ft o f tlio G ro u t t 'l i rp o t Sulo.

Moqiieflo, per yard only.......................................... ..............................................7<ToVelvet Carpet, per yard only................................................................................ 7AcIlody HruuM'ls Carpet, per ynni only...................................................Tapestry llruawls CurjH't, per yard oidy.............................................All-wool Inpraln Car|H't, per yard only................................. .............Thno-jily t'ariiet, |>er yard only............................................................I'arlor Hulls, In plush, U phMv.'s niiihoKiuiy llnUhiMl rnune!i, only..I’arliir Hidl«, mahogany flnlslictl fniiin"., In rnn eoverliin, only.....Antltjiie Uuk ItcHlruom Hulta, mlueed from (I’d down iw low a.s.....

........... 75«. . . . . a o c. . . . . . fll(h;. . . . . . « A e...IH IIT.OO....$ :i7 .o o

.. .e u j. tM iH o te ls , S n n m ie r K c s n r t s m u l H u m m e r I t o a r d U i i ; llo iiN e s w il l

a h \ n y s f liu l u liirK:o H u e o f n o o iU H t m y e M in h Ils lim e n t, n n d at lo w tiriees u n d enwy t e r m s . F i i i io y M n t liu t r , la rK O H to ck n n d lo w p rlu e s. u e .s t luakeM u f l le t ^ l^ o r n t u r a H t th e lo w e s t p r ic o s .


n tu ry to (h o splrtii', . . ___ of tno bo ly bolor

tie IIIjur>^d puln t, becauM) t ho u c rv u torcu 1 >ruventbd by tbe {n ju ry from reoi'hlng tlv '^urulvzuct portiun, In r llJ b e understood ho < 'le aerangem eni of th e n e rre center* will lU^eihodurangeTnent of the v a riu tu organ filt h they *u|ij>Jy w hh nervefofce, rw o -tlilrd B O f cnrunlc dboa*ua are duo 1<

lu Im perfect AL'llunuf (}u> nerve conteis w noO asoof tho bruin, not from a derungv- le iu p rim a rily origloatlng In th u nruun It- ‘Jf. T h e great tulstake of phyiH'duns In

fcating th<>sc dlsea*e!»lsthnt th e y tre a t the rju t) ra th e r tlnin tho r.crvc centuru w hich re U jo rau-*B of t he trouble.Hit. I'iiA XKLiN MiLKa, the celebrated

lallfli.has prufDuadiy studiedtEiU»iubj(V't for ivcr youFH, und ha* tnudv' m nny Im ^u rtan t iisf'ovorlos In connection w ith lUcbleiunAong iictn being tlio la ctH co n iu ln cd in ilu* aljovc ridilcmenU aud t lia l th u o rd b m ijf tiu'tbodn <if rcutm ent tire wroue. A U hAvadiuJiu, dlxxl*

lesHj duihiCHS, conrusiuiu p TV !«urc, blue-*, Tianla, njtdancholy. Insanity. cpUcp*y, bt* V itu s danct. c lc., am nervous fliseuNeti nu m a tte r how caused. T h e w on d u rfu la u rco w o f Ilf . H I I l's ' RestomiJvG N ervine Is d iiu to tlie■ ■ pla

_____- ____________________ _______ byall drgggiht*un a positivuguanukre ',o r ^eiit dire ct by Dii. MiLog M k d u : a l Uo „ E lk h a rt , Ih d .. oft rccrJpi of prli'u. ?1 l e r b -tt le . six tx>ttlo*for 9r>< cxprfHS prepaid. U CAHitoliii aeUhor opia;r.*uui' daa^croux d ru j* .

Hold h.r all druggists.

JK1XQ Or.ftlAM.A n d re t ha 1* not hsppy. Ho U lb « moat

progressive rn ic r fiista, has ever had, ka* already Introduceil m nnv relorm tHCd fidopt- •d m a n y W cAtern Ideas and Is anxious lu do more, but there U trouble on bolh sidea of bis k ingdom . Th e BrMI.Nh rrcc n lly annexed B urm iih , w h ic h bring* them very closo to l » l ^ uQ the ue sl.H n d tha French, b a vln g snuexed A iin n i and n il Ihe ie«t of tlie south­ern p art o f tho pCnlnsnln, have got np quarrel ih o iit the hnuiidiirl»*s. T h c y c lu lm all tbe le rr ltu ry up lo the M e -K o n i I t l re r li»> cause il fu rm e rly belong (a A n n m end be­cause It Is occupied by w ild tribes w h ich filam can un t co n m 'l. filnm cm itna the m ountains souili of the HA'-Kuuy, us ifiie drove iho Aum iiese out of tbub viilU’y u cen- t u ry ago.

fio K in g K U oule lon k orn I., ut ho Is tiswnlly caBeo, e n d Ij Ih 7.COO.OOO people iiuvoANuddAuily

lii'cCme o f great ImpurinncB to Kurupe. T i i r K in g is le r In adviu iocul Ills Nubjccts. In 18711

bo ahwilshed a ll tho slavish c irc m u n lu l ol tbe old court. H lksubjecis imd m iuislcrs nu lotigor have to drop on ilic lr faces ut tlie d o o r,o ra w l up and bum p tbclr heads o u ' mnta^ os th e y nre seen in lUe old plciurus and ootnlo ojtornp. T h e y walk Iji, bow and shake bands in the E n g lis h way.

Th e K ju g Is lUe Jiiiitb huU of M nhu M nng- k nt. Uis predereRHtr, aud wns picked uui W • ig h iy -fh u r ohlldren to bo made (UAverelxn. He Is H U u li lu Nimure, but hits a uoM-sbiiped h s u d ^ w lih olive bruvrn cuuiploxlon, liq u id bbicK ry e s -n n d slrslgb i biiu'k h uir. H e speaks K n i l i i h fiueutly ujut hassaut two of h\i broLheis m K -ig U i id to stu d yciv ilix a tlo n . He has sedulously eulilviiLsd the rut of Irtiieenud labored to raise the strAUdlng o( bis people, _________ ■ , t

f iu g g e itin g th e Itcraoval o f T r a e i, lb ih$ Aditor qtth$ Ketc* i

Btft— W ith the 'riew of rSRchtng those In a u th o rity , I w ould suggest the rem ovnl of H v t » l large trees on Commereo strsat, near Mdlberry* T h a t th ey are a mousctf lo life was dem onstrated b y Ihs aiorni oaTliM rs* d ay. B evfra l lim b s fell to ib c s tis e i. N o w Ib ut the B oard f}t V 'h rk s has urdirod ib is ihreet repavod. It's Just live iHnt^ to o r ilf r tbem d o w n , for roots orptrd ont tiie curb and raise tbe w alk s In a ll Bbupsa ‘

A r i O P f R TY -O W K IB ON T U g SThgJIT.

F o r lic k , n h rv m ii an d ii ruralgic headache u *e T h s sure cure— Brom o-lM iU er, ***

A M J. umpsny,

f| urstluji iDcorpuraWU uiidar the law* uf the pi lo.-ii(o, <*jiis(rm'U njn*nile

SlidifialPitiln sifMit rMl<u-sya hu I sp|iort«'iiHHc ■* over nod ibruujfli Ci<nsUi HtrevU, svciiuite xml blgU- wsybln Lbu city uf Ni'nsrk.

vvliPie.i*. abS'IireciHis orth^rfim-olklsUHl T rs i‘-Unq (Vm.psuy. fjrgii/i|/t l uihI^T Uix pruvUlun* of " Au Act 1. siiiliorirr (lie lorniHtlon ot (fHCl on ciim|-iini''>, f-iT III* ronslrartlon iiin] i jiiTnlinri iti►truUjiUlMttym>r rHtir.jsilKfii>prtu*l se sireiU rail­way*, Slid lo [e.Mi xt<> tliH Hifro," H]ipr >vfd Mtifi'h H, ISal, liiiViiiff iirsi llte-i lu ttiv of ilix -ef is.(u ry o IX n te o f .N'» w Jersey a (Irix'fliiiioti uf die ruul^i, luyvlIuT wllh lIu* mH]Mi •shl'dllujrlhr'asmf*, di‘( iiri-senl their iM-tlrliui to Hoar 1 ot uml Walxr rooimlisKiner* of the city id .Newark. prHy- liifc (tie s.ild bo:m1 tOffuuit asld i‘urii|uuiy ihe rlxAit luJiMuie it* trsokN III ridil i'Uy, 4KiiiiuruiS’iln to (lie r6uLe4 tllcMl in die oJHcv ut'thnr-M'n-tsry uf uf .Nfw Jemey, which roukVvvxra ayti'Ut in llis petl- iloJi to IJaIn boird;

And WhvT MK*, riihUr' hullcC iuu lieeu riv tu to all rmiiics liiUirv.-.U'd hy iiiihUcalion lu llie »w a r lc Kvi uing NfW*. NoWark IJalW Jiiumnl, X hw Jersey 1 ri-le XeLimiif nnd NfW Jurxi<y In utAx ho/.eitiiii^, fa ir (laijy ()Haxpft|>er< p Alihs.uKi ami i-ln'iiisEed in HuKi i'lly iifNHwsfk. f.ir Uix ‘-psv-oA <ti lejxi tuur- lc<'II ftayH prior hi (hn flr<i day ofJuhu nixht-eit tiundriHi imd iiim'tv-lliri-<-. die dnti^ot'ihe ineeilqif ot the NUii buunl, wiisii th ' h s r j oijmidHrsuuh sii|i IraUon, ex liy reivretiuo U> s,vm apptli'ailon will mure fully ai’pi'ar^

AiiO \Vben‘nF, SuM application for ssid tooifton MS cuiitRlmd In xHiii ]ii-lil.on, mniu* oil lu ta- beard hxNipexsid (MiNhl nq said firu day uf June, A - D. rigiiieeu hurntr'd rmd iiirlhly-tbree, ntul all iM'rvm* liitcreHied end deximu* lu he hi^nrd were viven full oppiirdnilty soil Were heard, and In order tu elVord firther opU'iUDuliy i> Intfreitnl imriiea lu b« lierird. xeld heailojf wax i^iiilliiuoU uii the sevenDi day uf Jiiije. A. ]>. i*M:i,nrid tb - liuanl met and amain aduriU'd a fiirUier bearish lu sli pnrile* rie»iroiiH uf beliijf heard O'l ^ald spiilnatlori, mill 1 all nucb iuoi lie-ii heard whentbe lirsrintr wo* ciork-il;

.'•iitl lierro.’i. ^xld Hfip|l{Ml1on T jT locBtlori has •101*0 n ihl hi'S'liitf been ituly t-i^BHlilerefl by the ( o n- rnlsxlouer* nf [be bniiinl. iiiw, tberel .re. ihe Ms>or ami hfMAid ot sireet nml \V-'tar I'umruhslijiisrx. uX

''iftFriTy'ftr.NTWftrK-.'iior'mtn v - -fIp d!iy there >f, do oMatn xh folluwx; [

H- '4i-«v ’ ‘ of the Jrs(;_k* of HEie I

• rfk l.VurdxiermiQu, _________ JpK«s AiieiiUunedlu llirir iirtltl ui and bled Tu lh» umrv of ihx he<‘rH> raryT^f (he KtHTv '(Tr*Nfdr Je. Ttmr ■fVfrrghV'TUr (mu ll of lucb lueiiftuhed luuivoas iieisinaBer dj-

A-tuuia No. I. BcstunlM In thS venire line of Ilrnml xtivPl whf*ro tbe wnie I" biurHscicd by (he centra lino of (ted-ir Rtreek; (bonco northwesterly Rlujig ibo oniiiie line of c ^ a r ttre -t icube vemre line uf Hsiney ilrtu 't ; ibeni’u northe:ixierly ulong (be o-ntro Miia of llal.^ay hireel tu the reoire )Ii»a of Wsrreu street; aud ilieius rumilitg norlhwestnriy alone (ne criilre lliienf Warien strMt lo tbe uen> (re lln-'uf Jlrme xtreel: provitiP'l, iiiatanly a xta- fla tTfSk sball be iiod uver or turou^b CWdux street.

Houle ^'o. 3, rieglnnlng At th* centre line of Msaarlne Rtrxet where (be iwtnc In Inler'eAinl by tiMi retilre line uf Vhinkford xtreel; ibrnre nortli- vvedi-rly aiunc ihc centfn line of . ';u;azl||e slret.-t to tho (x^Diro iiJie of K<uiuib n>ire«>t; r ro u th ‘-nm> riin> nimr Huulhwexlcrly aloiiir Uiecsuiie ilnr uf Ku^suth street to (bo centre line ol Ilsnihuri; plseti: ilh-fua still snulbvvMterjy alonr thr taiurs line nf (ioU- hart rtiact to ibe oriiire line of (.be>tautH ir«t; (beuce rutinibg wofltsrly alontr tbe I'eiitro lii>« qf ( ’hestmu nlre»t to tbeiHmtre line uf Hroset street, at )Ui JntersecUott Wllli (.'Union svu-'iue; ihenuu mmlU- wenTSrly stoug Ullnton avenue lo the o.-Qire line «if Mpruce Mec o i; ihenoe sveetrrly slutix (he ft-nlrs line of, Hpnuw S(rrfk lo llie centia ltn«orx<iuLb Tenth ftreot: pr<>vid«l Ihst only u ‘ tnKla lm«N shall bo bdd loT'bestnal siruA bc-twvou MuUwrrjrHiriftHiid llrnad atm-t.

Houle No. t. flealmilTig at the Intersertlon of (be rertlrsUne af Avenue A wilh ihe o-ntroUneof Kinmel Street; ih*Dca runninx suulbcaetvrly along ihc coftire lino of Kmiuet xtn-cT to me c^ulfe Hue of Avenue (M Ihenre norlheaslorly aliint (he centre lint'uf Avenue G to tbe ci*niiv line orj-s rk bu rd ■irneti thence southeiiMiariy xionv itu-ceiiwe line of l*nrkiiur-il Nire*t to the crniu* Hue uninur<ojt x ln e t ; (benre burtlieRStrrly nJnoi the centra line urj)iiwKOD Nirost (othii oeutre liiw of i^uuiu sirw t i Iheucfi wulhessb'rly bIu iik iIii* centra I lui; uf>*fiiith streot tu the oetitre Uoe of Pacific xireei, and (huiiof running nunherly alonir (be centre line of FavlAc ilreel to ibe rvnire line o f (‘he*lnut sAit«st

Houle No. 4. kegluninf In Ihe ienus line of Silar- betsin-cl, where (hu mmn Is luterHn'ted by the erntiT line of AdaiusHlnet; tbi-iB'e nitinins «(»u(h- w«*^«r!y along Urn cenire Hue of Adams e im t lo the c Mitre line uf Koulh xireel.

ltuiitnNu.fi. Itegliinlnv iu the centre Una of Fro- li>iibu>tvn BVfiuix. wbor* the lUtiue Is lutereecieil

by (he xuuthnrly bourilory linn ufUiv t'hy of Nuw- ark, and thenee rnnntng iioithrsik-rty aluiig Uis centre line uf Kml1i»2bnr»*n nvriine to Ibe cvtilrt lliip nr Axb>r Kiroct; tbcunc norttierty aluna Ihe <vn' Ire ilm iuf Antorslreet lu (hosi/ulberly Uus ofciln - tun avenue; lUciue cr<H.*lnv Cibiton ayeniM- In s Burthi-itHt<.‘rly uire<tlon to the reutrellneof Tllgh

■street; liicBce tiOrtliciuotetly along rhx centra Uhe of Jliah etrcei to the cx'idrc line uf omiiee otreei

r i T Y A D T K R T l i K M R T n i l .

e rlys’nnfihe oi-BiTe line of lk>r|vn xtnwt icMbt Orutre line uf Finetnih avenue.

Itubie Nu. 7, Lhaiimuts b> the centre Use of ib-r (ffti wb**Tp (lie Ninie h Inu irw b'd by llie cen- iri* line uf Hawlhorne aveun* si the Niuihciiy lii'umtsry ilfb> 1)1 lha city of Newark; tlirii>*» nm< ulna ijorlJjefiy aiunr (he ci-ntn- Hue ut IWrsrn Blreei lu Uie Ventre line ul cilntun itvvuiiv : llien o ex* erJy abrng tlie lim -urcllniun nvemie lu llw m i. Ire utJetllA svcmie.

(louttNo. ». bcglntilttf hi theoentr* line of licn> (nil evi-nue where (he-tame la Inlxrxecti-d w|(b (bn o«'t (re |!n ‘ of >'1rxt Ninel : iheniN- nurth*«Hierly xlung tiiH esnlre lli-e uf A-'lrxi street lo (be leiiire ufUrntige xllrel,

houie Nu S, Iteffiontng lu Kierm lre line of (*eu(b Teiiib streel irher.- lue same It tutk‘r*ecie<l by iii» ooulherly I'oumJary loe of tb'* city i-fN ew ark; Iht n< • runulns northerly nluiig (he iculre line i»r bouih Teiilb xtiavu lu die oeiiliy lliieiif Mxiik Hireet.

r oute No. lu, i'c^iunuis lu (ht* Cinlr*- Ulm uf riftli flvemie, wh.ue the name Is liiteie -<de<l by hie wealerfy iHiitridary tihe ot ibe rl(> o< Newark ; Dienie aMlerl}* s o b s the c#n(te hue uf KtfUi ave­nue 10 (be centre Hue gf Hlouuilicbl avmue.oULl then ')' koulhcily Hloutrlhr c<-nbre Hue nrJduouii'.e d avtnoe U> die 4*eulie line of HcHevllle avenue, tofclber with tbe rtchi ci‘i>h« k H tiiiemecUr a BirrtAs, avenue* ami ruahws>’H upon the I'uresulug ruules, srni ulix) the rlabi lu couetruct any lutd all n^TBiwirv curves, sldhiKs, rra-ovi-r^ and swliihes Ihst may be iMjiilred for die pmiter. mife xml ♦*■«► nomicsil use aiiil upciaOun of any or all of Uie turi- /-.oliig romca Amf tlmi Nstd conipany on (hr routes ut fait] >trvet railv( ay xhuU I.Si^* Hie r'fhL iiuacr anil uiitliorlty (0 mske. rnusirui-l. Hpp1>- ami ttiHln. Uln uicre(<n, xiid <i|ier>ile railwaya prnj'Mlied liy hor a*, moiort. cauli’s, elpcIrK'al and KtherdwvlH* aud sp|ill»j.(:«‘s, wilU jNcacr lo eiect. ,apply sud inalitLunand use sndi im iueB,-ubcays fl)rI-Qb)e^ tailra. alci-a. irnduilfl and uiber devli'i'* for iraiisotittlug sml usina ekiotrICMi uimI udjHr fun**s ax niU provuie lor Uie trucilun of carsur ^1r^et railways, pruvided ihiit iiu |. i>«uii«ilive 4ir uibir > ngme mu* lug ou jL* ralF, which I* p.o|wNed by eteaui. shall be uxed on said railway Irsiks lu lb>' d tv i>r Ni'Sark..

'llifl iHriii-l.'shm Hiid iouaenl herelfiberore granted HyiVvnsmI gruntnit uimu the 1«rti^s. cuJMliil4ir,*, llrjhuilhms ami reatriclious rutiUilnetl lu Ihu pj-u- vlekisx of the lollowlug *4atj(ius nf this onHnarici*:

Hvuuu 11 I ii« Buxrii uf x*irb4'i ojkI Waicr 4 4>im. in!*ni4}heisof III* city uf Newark MiaU have lbs rlabt irtmi time lu time T4j muku renariiiable rcxul.i- tluh« soviTulnx the sp4*Hl of car*, the tnauiKT uf nopitOAc then-of smt the ttumlN'rof car>E In sifnlo. j(Bd the xaM C4'iiii>ahy iii tin* o[m rullnti id Usauwt rsllwfly 4T rs'lw i.vsxhall Iwaueerm-d by (he provt- ofous ( f suy urUinsrK'c 4>r ortllnaucee lier>-u>lore p»s-ed i>y dll' eaid Ituanl of Mrei-i and VMik r I uiiijulfwmii'f* uf Ibe «*lty nf Newark, pruvl-'eii x> cii pruvuuouxare uot ll•0(mslalrrll m iu thisurdb nairs

( ectlun X. 1 hkl ahnulrt eatfl company nCilert (u TUB n;rs III nil diciT cunstrv-cifHl rsiiwiiyx lor lha

ao-uiimiu.lkllun 4jf (be jitiblk fur the space uf UiTi'e niiv-n udvc luoDlh*, lb*' llourd ufMieet ami S*Mier t 'amuilMioiieni n w rv e i tn rig hi lu i«n t *m'h emt- xliurUnl rMllwnyx to any other jterMyu ur C4iaipaiiy who will IfA ullduR to run ckis un the asine ; <ir In the event of Ihe said bosnl ticriis U'nibje ou to r< m Buvh railwaj-.4»r tu plaiwcwre uprui tlw Mime lor sit niiuilhs after iLie xame xliiul h.ivi' Ixen abaudotiv'i as uforesald by thui uTupxiiy, tUcu uml In xiu b caw Hh* tiuanJ re#MTves ihe right to om-i- xucb rxii- way or rall'EMiys u» b*' reuiov4-il h<»iii the aucHis au<l hltfhWHydi oX Uia city, and to sell or dl9p4i>-eui' ibe tiian rlui*' tbeieuf, aud xfler jmylug ihcivriom »ii ex pen -4M of such (cmovut and aalc and of rxuui r xuch strwL or ulabway. puy me uatHnee, If any, the l«i[al represcittottvas of ihe rumtisny.

sc4-ttnD 1. No f ri-aier sum aliaU be chargcit or ro- oelvetl uy naid vouquuy as farec/r Udl lor im -airry lug of poMehscr* h>r any 4lULuirc wJihlu Hie iliuits ol tti*4'1tyof .Newark, ihun nrec>'Uis iorea>*U p-i^- xeuscr over len ycnisol sac; amt nu^iXHler ruiu shall bevbari;edor reivlv>-d ma. fare ur lud fi>r Ih - osrryinx ui cEjUdreu Iwlvvoeu iheoxierd l"ur itud Ixnyojrsun any ot Hie iiuntjauy'x Hues wllliln the ctiy, than lbrxi> cents Inr eecfj cijikl. The Jl.ivur I* hereby cmtwwerc<l m rcv^>k« the Ib'cioe ofunV cor which Is JvA ruu lu aucordouoe wiih the pruvLeio..* uf tbix secHou,

h(-ciluu &. liiAl all sireetaur Ijlghuruy* In the city of Newark uh cbarc unpavedat the ilme (IteHaid lomuntjy I*an1hi.riseil I4> lay railway truc-kn thin* III, (ftexsid toupaiiy sluili at iheiiius H la y * r i l- Way trockslti xm-b uupm el *tnwi. pave the trmks HMii hilweiui iLc ir.u'ki of ll-r.diwa.v aad tw4»iv« inches outmie ul the uuter rsJle tbure^r, w-lllj nucii luaieiinl Mndineui-h iiiaiiaer an the Ihaird ufHtrrf^t ami t'l nU*r t.'ouinilivd'iiii'M ul said city ehsft by rexohilluu direc t.

htvijuu u. • but whenever Sslfl cuminuy shall lev Us rahroo<] litwk* lu any -inH'l alr--ady pavxjj.

C I T Y A D V E H T lt a M K R T f t .

hlsbw'sys.Ki-clluM IS. I'hat In nUM* tbenrapHIIng power used

on Uie xlr4>4d rail wave uf nstd lurnparty xhsll l>x


Held i*uiu|iany fhsIMay lt» huU t4i couinrhi t i Ihe grude ol such Sin' k and shwii^.'ep m au<>'l r>'uair (tie pavement tushie ibe railx sud le'ItV'en tiie trSL-kH and fur twelve liiclix* onianli- the outer rails.

r'cctiuii 7. X^'henever any paved street iproush ur uiHMj wbliii Ihe iraus^pfauld ('oinpeny are laid li ordereit repaviul itv (U< dtiiy c >iNiti4i(ml iiiiinh-t|ail authorities, then (lie sold i>irm;tany sNult reieivu hi Side Its rails, between ps irs«.‘ks m-d lor iw«U-e Im-bee outside me outer fnll*, ivUh xuch luaii-dNt and in micb a ituinivcr MS the llourd of Mkrect undNValer I'lmmilsaiouera may 4l1ivcr.

A. ^bll] c-.impany hIihU uho juive nl the lii< (^raeciJou 4ir 4'T4ja'dtia oi aay ifthur railway ira^kH the wliole dluniiiw I.etweru all the rallx at ibe Mini crukRittR, and ai all cro-xwuiks the oahl imveuii'Ui >liall Ij" ruuiiuued ajung (be roll, and ut all rroiHlmi ol k(r<utH or llix xwlierx ihureof which (he trucks of Mid vompaiiy xliall pavi over, a |>ni[a-r c iilw ri, cuv- i‘r4-d With Iron or sloux ihu whuie wldili uf ihc ! ulre^l, nhall be laid i t Ihe 4*uh( or ex|eicH* of mi.<1 > emupaay. ami xhall be ojuslnickMl uiu1»r the turn ul ihr P4ialueer ur survi yur of raUi txiaid, und ull track* kkall \m looHied and laJit umK-r Uie 4Urec thunii the >uiil Ihierd ut htreeixti I \S uiei (;oiiuuL-* i Bluiiere und Nuhji'ct 10 the approTitl Hifreof.

M>cllonS. All sireeiA or hitfUWHl'x M'bi4*h nuiulre ! aiadliia, iireparat'.iry to luyins nf mHiI traikn. «iiaii j tw ifrauod by ur ai tbe exp4'ux« of nind cumiiHny, lo ' tbe lumc (.'xleul OM In chm 4jf {lavhia alxiva ji,en tioni'd, Httd nflcrwanl kepi In r4-p.ilr hy said cum , puity SI shHiNv rtlrecied all wurk lu be duue dbi'J't (ha (llret lion uf aiig im nulloe by the Hoard uf Mruet ojiil Wsier t'uniiD;-4,MBer-' uf llm clty uf .Newark.

rH-clIoii Id. I liAi the xahl cumpaiii xhsli reinnvesin' grsreb dirt, iBsieftele or oihsf olc'lruoiiim

ufler iiolhe slmil bttvem-en given U, or tu aiiv of- IJi'er^fsaUU’omp.tni^hy W'Jl"'ftnU'iuh!in

___C I T T A D V E it T U K lU F T f T f i -

A n (iltlWN.NNVh’ r i ’"l'Ko\Vu>rK)R TUB r«in'»ir(B*il'»n 4>f a sewer lo U U iTK M iX vN K T A N D JlOsVLANHHlKKl-T,

He It ordained, by the Hoard of*(reel aa-i Watet 4 'onsialiwitmara of th* cHy of New irK, sa f hkiws'

bEH'lhiB I, .( p ip if ewer Allah be o<:ti-'iru(*(a(|lJi(1 1 1 iTh .M iF :': H iU K ir r a m > k u w j . a a id

HTHtVJ,the part In ( rltkonJea atreet, from nellfvlJleavis nil* t4> lUiwIsn'l )-lieeL tu bn twelve tiwhea IH dlamrter. and tbe bsUnce orth^'SMwer In Crltteiw den Nln-et alBl (bui lu HowJaud air.vt, ten liicbea IB (llunieier. tnjtctber wlrh ail theappun^ pancs-a movesary lu <t>uip em ijj* sain*'.

Secth'n 1 Tlial liuniediatelyupui) IheiNunr^tloa ofeneb iiuhHc work ur (mprnVHmi'Qi, (be (lark 4if thxiMatnil, lu cnn|iiiio(l4tn wItJi (lie Mtelnexr sod

T F .L E P M O S IE 0 8 0 . T E R M S T O S U I T I ' l r R C H A S E H S . C A R F A R E P A IO .

GOODS D ELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL FARTS OF THE STATE.N. 11,—Note tho ntum-, .\MO.S, k'foro outorliij; the i*toro. I’lwik'infi-r Ele­

vator lo every tioor.


siJth')rhl4M pf the city slisll have full and eiiUre (MWi-»>r uiiil atithoj-lly to nuk.- such aUeralluu, r'trn- Uklon or Itupiovehu'ul. wllhnut rec gi*« on ihx ]tsri of Hiia Mi l (*>iup.my ogalust lhe4'lly 4tr It* •iiliieritles fljr an>- oba(ru<*1on ur eiBlarroaomeni iliai tb4'oald niimitaBy nixg rucet with, cuuvoiufiil upon aui'li aJlcrniiou, reguliHuB ur Improveinrith previd*d. however, chat ud Ibe nccnAhm uf any aJtarsiioB, reguiaiUmnr linprovemeiil se l.eivlofure retbUd iilriH-te4l (41 bedune «>t in (h» perfurrmwl by eutliorlty Ilf Uie Hoard ufiftrcSt aivr] Water tuui- nilwlunrr*, uo iinnNi-ioxry delay slisU l«e toade or CMUiMHi In any manner lhataball work prejudicially lu till' hitcre-t uf «aid (*iin|Htnv.

tW'cthiu lA 'I Iw sak4t rouipany, when tbe work of U y ltu It' tracks un the louii't dexlgnaied 'ball have h4-> n m>nmioM od sh.ill prexTod wltbonl snv delav lo t1i» ronvplctlun nl auen work of Ikying such (r*''K or (rack* wUhIti the il)uUi of Die citr, and If tbe Mill 4'0iB]iaity sball ntnp or delav HsoiH work be- furc itunii'letloti f>r s perk) 1 of four w i 4'lis<'ouset'U- lively.(filer BotUe to pnM-e«'d therewith hse Iwi'k gireii xeM m m iianr by order uf the Kuerd ufMireet itiid Walvr 1 XBniuiMU>iii*n4. iH‘al*H't, deUy or ornU cu priK'Scd (u 4umpl4)ik the work of la ilufsarU irurk ur [ro4‘i ; i *u cghw uhic d to be lsl4l iw shite- s-tld, then (he perrul«*hin ami rnhwut hereby rieen I ' Ixy Miru itvoke on xiu'h •in'et ur puriluB of a Kdcet nht’lftou 4ucii ocglevT sjkI delay |u <‘nmi>lt*te sni'h work shall (Mvttr. ebali be null lunl (olid, and ilio SiiM iHNirilshuH be xiithorlre l it Ihe rii<t nml (•Alienee Ilf the rorppsny lo tike up *uch iqcntu pl«le track or irer'cs ihereioiure laid by ibe cum puiiy sud restore nueb auret iu a pr4)|>er i-uudliEuit

xe4-ihiD IT.'J hal notblrik coiueined In Ibis unll- Dnmr nliiili be deeiiml, cuimlrj'ul or behl lu any way luciiiifeT say rlebi un *«1d cOmpiauy. P>allwi the gniiie tklaiiy street ur liLfhwuy of (be rllye x- cepi h>-Slid'krlih exprea* I'onw-nl an<1 anlharliyuf ihH III sru of Mreei Hii4l Ws'er <'0BmilMliiu«ra; all Uie ratiwe.v irsi k* uf aulJ >*41111 paijv sbaJI Iw laid un ilm sipH'ie ur hiebwuyt uf the n ly , at tin eviab- llNlieil g r^ e thereof, end shotl be wiibout litioy taken up aud rtdaid by the eoiMiMiiy st luuw nxs- pvn H aim < o-l. and w ithout rtniuirM* lo Ihe city for siiv damate* oil omHiunt Uierunf. muinriiiably tu the i;rsde ul BireeiN and li gJiweyM Ihrnusn which lu troi-ks na.v lie IsM.upuii (be slb'isMim by the City HMihurltiee of ttie grade uf such kln-ei* and

elinMrlc iniiliir*. ->u|i|iiie I with xle-'tiu lly inun ov*b bend wlreo, and tdisH .fur ihjs purpu*.> rfuuiire Hie ns»-of |vi|i-s H) lie idnced within 1h« publlaxlnet Uii4ai, then ami lb smh cmau vb" permiesKm ami 4*uiineiit ^ir the uie* Hn4l puriKiau* nfuresald 1* grsmed upmi Ihc ru])4)Wliigierni*kui] condtiion*;

A’lrsi >ald oouipany H hereby auHiorisi-a to e/M-i and iTieiuisku am b ]hU»h oe iiiey be uetiieMry lor Ibe au|i)>ort of I is nverbuod ( ntutmcilou. ami lu string tfaernon (he pioceA.-'ury wire* ; such pnlct lu (>e |da>*Hl 4i|i|Kisiie vpwh 4(ih-r uii (he shEei of ih« SHenl4 wlHilu tJieciirh line, ami tn fic uf (fiui 'jr sleeS III h'SNi tweuly {4-el lilrh, ami the nirrs I.1 b<< strung ihcrcou lolw properly guarded

Ke4i<iid *rha( (he ImMtloii and ploelng of (he poll s shall tie under the sii|tervtj>lnn suit nir-'*tum ul liic Ibmrd ufhtro-i niul Wal4<M 'miinlHsluiji'rH of the vpy of Nea-uTk ur It* midiorlretl ugeuu.

1 him Th* |ib|i's shall bo placed uuu Imudrc'l a'ul Iwei.iy hvn leel apsri.

yourib— lha «uJil C4miiolldatcil TrockUm Com piuy, tjcruro mniuieiiclEis (ho uttuslrucUnq of Its <>M'ili-'A4l iilenl. >ir ornhy |Mirl ihcieuf rnuii time lu llnir. Nhall presi'nl In me xMi 1 Ituard <*f Kic«ian4| W sl r coirmioet>Bicrs adeUlb'd i>Ja?i of such i>ru puNi-<( c inMnu-tJiiii » r 4*»M->tnir!iun*. Ih* -ame lo oe upiiniv inI by the «)<J b krd iMrIure any w urc lS4lui]A under thejH-rmlssUm ucuMjy griinu-d.

l*'iUh-Tlist raid i*um]iauy xhnil eilabllab and iniiliKi.lE) a R> si rill uf trad-<reis fora ooeuIiiuuda (ide wilhiii (tu‘ L'lty IliiilU, 1>ir R cljigle l.iru. ou all Hih iliiHB owned and opMratcd by oaid cutiqMiiy.aiHl said i-uuiiiu'iy aIuiII u Is" i; 1v« ued irtviie like Iranwh-ni lu sn<l from (he lines nf ulhcr Htreol rjctlwu^e, uix>n any i*<()iUable liaNt4 liiat can beagrea I up-ui i>etxf4-n such ciMiipunixs, anil In l as'' ul f-aJUrc uf u lil cohijiRny and aii.v ukhrr street railway ufiiu- pu;iy Lu a.-r,-« upun iniv xurh c<|iiltali!e bivlnuf transfer, the rtui-xkluu shall >h eubiiiltted luarUlini' lijis. une tu be i'hoi>eii i>y eacb uf (in'ilUnarcelng cuiiip,uileN, a like number by ihe nold J^onriJ >>rr Filrevl and Water Cm]iinl**l<<ai‘ra and a fifth by lUiioe Ml chuAcii. the di‘<.‘t*lon uf iht majuMy ufam ii arbltnitirH tu tw flnui niH cubcI|i*Ivo. uu<lblU4l!bK upuu 4*ii‘h of the S:iie*. i*r0viiN-r1, the furt-au[|igpn>vUiuusufttiUiiMr<-lion shsil U iiliuilu uu*! or cuinirire^I ( ii (erjulre liuiinfrrA U* Iw Klvejiur ra- cclvc'l tu aul frd.ij lln«-* ninning lu ihc nume i)i> reel on Biibitajiiiail/ p»ral^M ; xiihici-t, liuwever. i-i any fuinrv re-^ulaltou* of thu Ho«nl nf Mlrooi and IVnb'r l omiBleilunerN of tho eliy uf .No.i srk.

.'-I.vth I h>> Asht C(iri*ulbtKhi1 irdC.hDi i n!ii]>any l* tu lualntaln eu Im ujiUli t!i4> slilea of the idHtfuriiis uf tt--C'lre. Xu ihat Ingr ■* aud egres* in uuij iruni xabi UMn'isTi unly b* had from llis sbie of ibe car iicaroit iu the cirh. All cars piai* mI u|Nin lue huR* (if 'illl c:itji}i my ihsll be of tho ruusl luippjiud pat tern, vrlkli ondoseil piAtfornia

XMivenlh 1 lial all Hie |>rov1*lTna of the tiflh parniir.iBh ur snbdtviNlun ufMt'tl'Hi fiur >*f a 4vr- tain oHinaRcu isi-aetl by The Hnard ofAlreei aud Wiiter t'omnibemmura uf the cit.v » f Ni'Wark," slid •litrt.cd " An urdlaauca gfatitlD.! tliu consent Ilf ( • Jiu.ud of !*lF»*e( juiil Water LnituaiMUjiieri of ih» ctiv uf Newark (0 ' The New ark iin 1 Month orRiEK'' Hallway 1 omiwiiy ' (i> use uertricilv ax lha iiro |ieliin< power »n ts our*," i ctvnioer KV L r';, and iipuruvail by tb* .Mayur uf (he' liy ul Newark. Ja-ieBilMT ;:m, be aud liu(ei>y ere l•s[ellfl»•li and nixdeaupdc.ible lu and lmpoA'’d upon die m M “(>ou- »i;li4luimi '1 rcidl'di i.'oni|uiBy *' and il** suiT*eAs<>rs

h'lguih \Vhcu ally othi'r tiiuihH,ri1 ul furulxUbig Ihc |H,wiT Irir the (ironuisbin uf esr* by pU'cJrIcity sIimK have bi en ilcu-ruimud lu iw a ]ir iollc.ii mu’ccNS

a cnnuri iiluB cuija|vmi-{ of ihnt- eb'clrliuL #n s ire -1'^ ouo lu II* NoleH*)! by (tt# xaul HonnI uf Hirwtkiid Ws1*ri'i>itiails»luu«ra sn« hy tbei-skl rudipciiy ami III* tblr<l by the two sn sUuiicii, e>U''Ii coui]t*nv *bsll wllh III xla months nfl*r thx pa-aigi' ipfa n*uliMluii t»y til* SHld Huar<l ef MreH smi WuUir I oiBmlesluncrA, reipnrlMg Hie lame lu bu dime and BaHc.** theieuf givau, Uk* down Its over Jiearl l unxlTUitluii a'ul ribiHiuU* Uiei«ror nuuh new muihur] |nuptJlxloB. provldi-d s!frh o-nninl*'Jup may b^Hp|iolnl4ol ai sny tliiiM 1)1* JU)sr<l of hireia nnd W ai*r Cummbxl'mers msy. by r-xuluklyii, r*- rtnlre, ami (ha said I'limpaiiy yiiull appolui IU i*e)ir« l•Nl(Ullves within. UjU iv diiv* niter Hiu aiiuroval uf sarh ro'muMun, ijyjyrp'it ihi‘ u»ns«jit uq<l ](ennlH- ktu!) hi’rpbj''*TveTT' a ri'F V .tiiCn 'crflnfiTfrfliiri tiuili ^ ’Jl*}rl In hivur nf the mclbnd uf prupul*Luii of nucli

Ueueral cupenniciLilcBt of Works uf Ui* boant shall cursfufly pri‘|iare ami fliiutNh all becc--ar]r staiciusuls. Pixp-4. "iHu'Irlculinii'' ami olher data peidaintiif to ill h public work ur ImpruvepienL ami tU« rresldcQt uf ibe Nwira amt >ut(l Clerk alislt Ihereupou, vn behalf oflhu Hail’d uf M reetsM \Vut> r CfliiiuHiMuui'ra of Ihe vl(f uf N'rwsiiq reitliy (be eame tu iJi* cummuu t omncH of tlic cUF of Newark, In nrrier that oald I'uiiimon ('jiiinril may ihrn'ahcr iirtaiceii lu Tuekelhe pruficroseeaiw ju rn i;o r ibnixoKuml i’\|ieiise of Midi public wrofig or Inijiroveuirnt a* now ur hi'repfier rvtinlreil bv law.

Herihvo I, aakl public work or Lmprurvmeal sball be made and cmiiplRtcfl umlcr Ihc supsrvlAlun oriniiau'lmu of (he K'lglHecr ur Arling hBfiuc.'f and (nc Kenenil ^LtH*nul•lldcnl of WnrkS of thg boird, •>'4v»rdiug lo ihe Jl^(v>Ak)us uf tae o ty charter anil law* 4if (he HUic. ami the onllnanoesug the d ly and b'.-|B>va, rulu* ami rgulaUuns of the flnsrd nf Miri'Cl wmi Water 1 umiiilaslonen uf the City uf Newark, aputnilde (Jisr»t(K

KM’itun (. ihat this uirduumco shall take eFL-ea liBBicaLat.-1y.

I'OSM'd Juu«'.!3, ISri.H T’O IIC . J lF N U n y^

Trexldem of (be Buanl of btriet and VlaterOocoi tuhuiunvrt.

EJN'OP n r . ’ VON*.Clerk nf the Huard of Htrect and Water Cook-

inieoloiMra'IlM rureaulng iinllnaiK# having been duly pooMil

by (ho Huwrd uf Xitrcui sml Water (Jommliwruiirn^ prcnenteil the .Mu>ur ami md huvlng iMwn r*> iurncit by b|m within ihstiuio pnwcrilwtt by law la (hrrafur* a law atBi w Ul take eiiH^t a* if It had been s|ipriivi<(l uiivirdlua to Ute proviolopa uf the th lrj srcUtin uf Llio ciiartor gf the t^ty,

LNTw RT’NYON.47e Clerk ot ibe ikpard.

A n o h i h n a n c k i n p x u j v id k r u n T U i i ci»netriji.'(lNn uf a saw cr In

W A l.N C T riTHKRT,bclweuft ^'an Iturcn slroet and haudrord etreet-

He It iinialneit by Um Hoard u| Hlre«( ami W'oIm ' Cummiiaiuucr* af the i.-|iy uf Newark a« IliUuiver

beciluit I, A pipe eewer xhsll be euuslnicHM] iu W A l.M . r M ‘hKK‘1,

bciwcen Van Huron sitiwi andxandFunlstreet, toba twelve tib-hciln lUann itr Uigeihur with all the aj^ puricnnooee uc'erairy (» r^unpleic ihxssme.

xieeilon A 'lhal Ipvuh'UI ile|y iipon iiie omnpMIOilS pfeurXi pnbllu work urlnipruvemetnihrt Clerk ol (h t buard. In {'oujum'tlun wlin dm Nneiiicer and Hetv •ral Miperintendoni of Wurks uf ihe board, shsU carcfplly iuo^iarti and furulsh all ni-rcsoury stalOi mentx, ma?'*. siewidrallorui niwl other data ^rta ln - log le xuch publu-work ar improve tnsak, and tba ITeMldeiH uf Ihc Ixoird and sslj I'lrrk shall there- uiHin, fth bcUalfuf 1I1H iti.nrl Ilf Nrwd ainl Wstev 1 oiiimks luniTSul the (|e> uf NAwarK, remfy (im ri^Bf lu.lbe 4'<um)iuB I'uolU'll uf Ihoi-Uyuf Newark, In urder ituii Mild runxunu (.'uunvli uisy ihenaftor prui-cMi (u make ihcpmticraxxeAui'ani fur Ihe en*| oihi e\peji(p of siicii pubiit' work or improvoAnki Ki iiovi ur hurcafler rojuituil by Jnu *

!*et-HuB S Kahi public wmk ur IiiiyruvenicBl shall (w siHdr SEid ciimplried iiuilrr Ibesupcrvldoti ee Invpniionuf ihi’ l‘ M|rHi> «-rur Ariiiiv Kn«rlnMran4 iliu iicni-rel bupcriBimuJeiik uf Wurksof ihs board, aci-unliiitf tu lUu pruviMuuAuf (lji< c Liy i-Uixter oied law 14 uf tiiv '-'wti-. slid rli4’ urtiliiaiM'e* of lii* city endhy Inaw. mhaHiid rosulai.ims of tb" Ih tn l ofMoeli •ml \S atHM'ummlssh.iien uf (hu tlty of Newsro. applicwblc (herwtu

r-ei(tuii4. UikUhl* ur>lluaiu'« lUalt lake eflkel Iminefllntely.

Ha-oed Ju h c a . IMAi r n n i r. h k n h r v .

i'retulunt of IbeHuanXuf b| reel aud Water CMip uHssl'iUcra.

FN O » H I'N IO N .('Ififk of (be Hoard nf Mlreti and Water OpwioiM

ol'iuer*,'1 iio furccotua ufdloitnc* Jiavlnf bo*ii duly pBurit

by the IOium I ufi*(r>*"t oml W'au-r I'unuiiLeelntisr*, pri'xuniufl (0 lh*- Miivur, atii] out liavlne heem re- lurnedHy liimvi-HbMi lh>4iime nresctlbed by law,h Lhvri'luie a law uiuj niii take erlvctoslfH hs4Imi'b ai>piuii*l Di**u<ltna (u l>iv pnivlsMBl of the (hint euillunuf the rlisrtcr uf thediy.

K.'O* HCN VO K.« « ___________________________O rrk u fih w Hoard.

A N fHinr.N'A.'fl'R T(1 HllOVlDjfi FUM lU M VcuksiruotJun uf n eewor hi

I'l HJll-NH A V K N l’ K,fur a distance of about 470 feel amlli of i.'Uritonavenue.

B* it unlatnol by the Ihwf-l of fitreet and! Walov(.'uoimitasluBKr* »r ihu cliy uf Nuwurk. ra roilow*:

CHH'lluiJ I. A j ’lt.u M’wur sbkll Iw umstrUL'led l| f'K H lU N K AVKjtfCK,

fbr a ilistanre uf ainuu 470 fcei BuuLh Of (.llntuu avcuits' tn lie twelve In>'h4-s It) dleinsier ; tOKCther wllh all the •ppurleuamk'w ucesMarr ibouuiplee* tbs xami'.

Mei'Hu'i 2, That Ituuixiliatcly uikui lUei-ompItlluB of kui*li i'Ulilii-work >r lutpruvemi'Dt the t^erkor IhH ihm^ , lu omijuiieiiua with ibs }>;iig1a*er ae>I iifuema MiperlnteiidmK uf Works uf iho beanh shall curumily ph-per*' and lurnHh all iiiiriiesit|~ slaicuienia mapa s|hh-HI(''‘H ipi ajm ulber «lataper laliiluK lu Kuril iiuliliv witrk ur Imprurcuieut, Hitd Ihc l ’ri*nlileiit uf ihu ixiard sud m k I ('lark shall tbeniiitnii, nil Iwlioir of Ibe HumM uf Hintvt anig SSuter' unimi*nluu>'r-4ur the city uf Newark,certify the samo lu iho I ’uminuu ruuncll uf the city of Nvw'iira. Iu luilcr ihid tuiliJ I'uiiimrin I'oiincll may Ihcreaftar priH-eud to make llu> iiru|i«r avK*Niuixtt| iiif th** 4.*4j«( nm1 I'ViMUiA)' uf *m*h pobtir work of Ifupnivcmciitas now or iH'raiiftcr re^nlrnl bylaw.

ncciLou i. Hald public wnrk ur liripravonienS shall Is' mode aiul l umiMclcd ntirlcr thi> xiiucfylslull ur lii'-iiHrlJnfl of the I'nMini'dr ur Ar ting Knglrioar and Ihe (**m-rsl MiitcrliiH'B l<*ul uf Wurk* of (he tAmriJ, tu'ii»rUiBx 10 dll' pniviiiufls uf iherlty char­ter snri laws uf th* ^(Mtv. ami thu orillnoncea nf ihe city and by-lswx; rului and ri'i{u|*M»ns uf Him Mus^ uf i*ir*Hi mill Waicr 1 oriimlMUmers of tliecdly of Newark, applh'shic Ihari-lu.

KfM'iluri 4. 'J hilt (hill urdinaiu** shall lake elTbdS Imniwilslciv-

i'oaM U'Juut-’S.i r r u i f c. liK N im v .

t’rwildciiihf Uio llosnl of tUrc-b ami W’aiur l.'iiui- miMluiieni.

KNt.+i Rir.NYON,C'Jcrk nf the Hoard of hired au<l W'aier (JumB|l»

Kluueh*.Ih c rorvKolng urdlvucn havlugT>c*ii duly pHSsed

hr 1(1* Hnard >d Kiri**i mi l Water ro'iiiihaaiirncrn, pfc*i-utwl lu the Maviif um| mil liRVlug Itceft re- [itriMHl hy Iilm wKhIa Hi* llfti* iircacrilwil hy Uvq la iticreforv u Jiiw-uud will lake cdrcl ae if it hod Ih>hii Alipriived sc4'«uri1l*ig bi ih* pr-irlstuai of Use third wrtiun uf llic vhaiMr ul the i‘i(y,

N l ir N Y O f f ,4le Clerk of Hie D u a ^

V N o ltn tN A N c K i» TU ]>unvjiii£ r o a t u b.iiavlujf uf

B IP niM K HTHj':l*:r. frum MiTrinDrUeld avviuie lu hcuiHi Uranue avenue.

He IM»Mlulm*1 hy Hiif Huani uf»-lri-dami Wuler ('ummlasiiiii^r of the cUy uf Nuwurk ipi (uiluivs;

hevduD 1. ThatH CTlti*;KI',

frnm HprlTiprflcM avcmic W Houlh uranga avcmio, hIirII Ih' puV4<d nIUi utiluiig irii|xr(H'k blOrk jiuv- lug : ti« -H u -r will) all itm Rptiurtchanci'a itM 'vssary In I'umii'leii' tiic Minw.

Mui'llim 'J. Thui hitBicillftti'iy u|uiB the I'umplelinn ornich. puhllc wi.fk or Impruvciuviu, Uic Clark of (hu bi^SKb lu CMQjum'Huii wuh lh* KidHncerand (U'licriL Kuf'erlnii'i»i>'hi uf XVurkH of ihc hnant,Mmll cjirrTiiiiy [ircpur* su<l AiriiUii ah uweiAary xtalcihuBl*. mui|u, •[wi'Hh'utluiis Riitl oilier data {wrlalulny lu xiirlt publl'' wuik > r impruvi'tm’fiU ami Ihc i'residi'Ri ul thi* hoard aud *nid 1‘lcrk xboil ll]Br*ii|K>u. Ull lu'half uf (>■■< Hnttnl ol' Mri'cl ami NV'uicr i;umni1'<KluiM*rA u( Hi" ciiy uf Newark, cor- tifylhCHania tu lb* Comniun Cmini^t u f lh eiiiy uf Nawark. hi onh-r Hint Mild ( otBinuii (^uunvli may then aru-r pruCCiMl tn mukc nnil rellurt Ihe proper iiiwt^aiitCBi lur Ihc cuxl and ha|h-iimi uf such iiahllo work ur lintirnveineui u* tiiuv uuw or heruafter ber4*|iilrc(l tiy law.

Mertiiiii k haiil puhllc work i>r hnoruvemem shoU Im' uiiM'li-UM<) «-tuiijrh'(4vl iiFiihrr (hr* supsrvleluti ur in*iM-i (iuM uf (i)A l•l:■;lu14' ur Ai'tliif Nriginftvr and llic ricucrul HUi» finU'iKh'Ut uf M'nrk ut thu 1 uurd uf Sifiwt and VS atur i (•iiimlxxh'iimi. aETwirdlBit U> tlu' aruTliti'iix 4>l Iho 4 tty ilwitiur und laws uf tbe MuU', and |]|4-urdlumuxs ■I'f iJ.u cliy uml hylaws. riil*-aan>i rcfii'aituu* uf tlu* llniird 0f?(troM amf M'uler I 'nriiiviluitiiicrt uf Hi'* clly of .Ni'Wafk, appli- mli!* iJuTulu

N>>i'rN>ii 1. 4'hat this urdiusiu'e shall lake t(Teo|Imiiicillalcly, ,

Toa*i-d jeiio 2Z,H l'M I r, lIK N iiItY ,

I'ri'Shlent uf the ll<uir(l urM h-cl urn) Vruler Com- nil-Ukluiiera

I N' H m'.NVHN. r liT k nf lh.* EPerd of Kirret an>l Water

xluFter*'I1)u iiircrTuIng urdliimu'c liavini Iwiti duly pna-ved

Ejy ibi* H'uii'E 01 M(ni<i aiiU W'liV-r CunmilHXI'jmyra, ,>r*-u*ui«:l tu tli" Ms'l l.r m*d iiui liavimr bi-cii lurmx] by lilit) wlHiln ihu hinejin--rrim')l hv law, l« (lu'n'rnr* H Uw Hint will iiiku i-(Ti i I jf |i IiriI ituensj'pru) I'd. »M-corilliu( I-. Ili>> jiruvLiluii.i of Hie iP i 'a ..SK'tluu o r i iv I'liari^E 4'if (fic iTls*. ........

A-.NU.-* iif .W tiN ,44c . *’ ■ (■'lurk uf 111* ftnant^

Ihrnce easterly aloiiv (ho centre Hue of Grange sircetio (he c>ulrs Imcurtnrhatrevl.aatfaesaiuB run* poiili of Oraug* sirecl; thence nodhurly along the ccnlrc iJiis at liiah oirect loth*f*u(re line of Naaeaii street i Ihcnie wiwiiriy oJiMig the ci'iiiro lino of NasMut etni't to ibe oentre Uueul sbcflh'ld sircct i liK^niie northerly along (be centre line uf)4hpflitdd s(rc*( lo Ibi'centre Ho* of Mvonlh avenue: thunoe weatorly Hlonr the centre llm- oj Kcvenih avenue to Uis (ea(ra line uf CuUurstrvAi; tbchoe t)or(h<?ui4Lcrly almig iU4'C4>iitrellrM‘ ot 1‘ntleritrcct lo (he centra Mne 4if Kfltli avufnie; themwcAoteftyolung Uie ceiire Iii»s of KifJi avenue td 111 > ui ntrn line of HluoiuDcUSavehtm ; Uicncc M‘>rth- (VHiiuhy along tbe centre Hot'of Htdoniflcid avcuue lu (he renirc rinc of Miininier avenue; ihcotfo ourih- caviorty olung ibe centre line uf Mimimcrareaua to the ooftlierly heendary of tbf city of Newark-

!'(Mi(c Nn. g BrginDing In (!■• centre flue ot Avon avetme where ihe Kame »n Intcioecied hy ibe rwnire lin t of H t if en s lrttt ) figin tbvnct noolng north-

- . . W»TimT/ _Hon, atoof4lb ‘- ^ ’TiirS-a'iSJar- ao s«rve>1.the lii’ueral cniwrlrilciidHUt uf Work.* nhsit 4'uiis.» sucbrrtrri,'h iii';’irftf»rdt;.T«fli atinj: Mtrtu.', ^ w n j ‘ irt'rumuve'l, snd reu*c any paving, repiivlng and rctioliiris of auL'b siiWKla to he 4tonr. IbccM inl'aii wbitrli ehsH betwld hy olid u iilM4*UKl fr-uji Him i -u ii i- pany by said Amt Hie Held i

, , - ........... . 4‘Ulll-pany by said (iMueral MuueriamiKlcht of Words Ann Hie said i -o m p a n y .‘ ’ u ld Hurt uf rfaliway Ir

ipena, in tbe opvraUon of Its sfuie-

sy In the cliy of Newark, tljali, u-ben re-iulredhy (he laJd buard ur Heuerai huu*|>. InU'ndcut of Wiirks, remove all miio'a which puy Iw thrown urpla'*eil by || iqxiu ibv slrccis atong 114 iracki ht cleaning ur clearlHg (he same, wiihiri iwenly fuur buur>afler H irvheof eurh uullcc, or will hoard muy order said oomiiaiiy to lever ib* snow tlirupnii hy It on (bsshleM ofihe streeu, wbmii •hall l>« done hy said cuaipany wllhlii Uju Hme htulivd a'« aioiCKaid. And in cmhu Siitd ennipany shall fail (u rriuo%e ur teu'J eiicb snow mihin twcn> ly-fotir iKiursaHer ih^ acrvW*eDr nuuoe u> tl'ai cir>r( a* afun>sttUI. Hu u Ibe mud h .anl or (jcncfitl i*u{a>r- ituemieot uf Works tbcrt-ol shall ai once prcH- • 1 to voliscsucb to b4* reiitoviHi iruni kul-Ii xirtets and Lhe caramw uf lucb reniovai nXm U tie Giargeii lu, polil aud coihcud fruiu eucti <*oft)pany.

ceuHon ll . 'Ib e ssi<l company ><hall pay to tb* n ty ( Jerk oftKccIty of Nenark, lu (lie munth uf January of each year, rhr ihe ii*e urih«*<4ty orNciv> ark, tlift ouBi of ten doUare fur estih oar to be rim on lis line or lliiexof railway, ami fureneb aud every car p iu td u|NMi Ita road liefure the time lieri'ln provlrlcil Ibr poylug Hie liecnxe fe<> a liroporilouHtf sura shaM be |aud uutU Ibe MH-iwcdlfig Jaiiu:iry,aml no >!»r shall i>e plsoid or run upon nuy ui H* line* until II *1)all he T'loilarly ihxiiNKt Olid u reiurir t- duly iiuaiberwl, bung luacouspluiiuUHpluoe lusiub car.

t^ertlon 13. That ihc (rocks to ha UUl down fur any railway iiiirt of esl'l curnuanyln ibf sirpci* 4li'*tgnabKl In tble ordiBanew sball nut hx wider Ihan Hve feel two im'bae gauge, and th* rnUt shsii bu Ibe bc-et and qiosl appruved psilerh und di xcrip Hull fur cUy xlruet raljwaya, awl snail bo siicli as in prcecni the leaxl obetrucllMi In every p>urdinar) wnguo travel, and caluulai^sl ami laid m racfiltate as itiuch as is prsuthable ihe luu thareor by urtllnory wnguua and veblclcs.

Mt-cilou il. ibsL wlicui.'vvr an 1 wherever It may be found ncccamry tu lay Iron plai»*dr alliKr ina- lerUI acKMC any guUer along the lines of rshrusd ufsahl numpauv, tbe «ernnj'balUM!i laid by and ut Uir cxpi-Tiacoribe «ald 4'uaipany frun] cuHjiIuuc p* rurheUmc. imdoi* the dIriHiinm an>1 ■•upvrvtMnn uf thoHvnerai Mipvrlu(e-»ieot of Work* ui ihniuhi hiwnl, s)i|j tbe suht ouuii>aiiy sliall hm'p the s*l<l gij Iters At ull l1uu*s open nin] ftet fruiit ull on^iruc- Hu is, V hr I Ik r by il Irt, ke ur Hmin miy other 4'aitM>,

Mecilon 14. All pvre-’MS driving vutilclox on Hi* •tfcet raliwa.vs ofiMihl rompOby Inuoyof uie stre «(* oll»ri'*ai>l. lo HioiliavUuu that Ihu cars travel uu sSrii IradkiSUai) have ifacrtxhluf Ibe rHlIWN)' lm«k when mcwHrrg liny other tenk-le eulng in the up- poxlu* dhecllun; aim tha drtvvrof lUn vehicle guuis In Ul" inupfx-fledL-vc.luii kh.ill lurii ht* vehicle cm Orclr un uf luOb im cK; and auy driver ufa vi'hlc-ia uTi any sw hJhie of ilss renfipua.v when uvertsk-n by aoor tif In* coropauy enuJI, on lictiig warumt by IberinglngofaheUorinjQc, o rb y a m iu v n of Ihe cotuluGlihr. driver or mutunuan on such rar, Im- medlsteJy ititn and drive bis vi-blHc entirclv ofT of snob traok. «o ah to allow such niUway nir lu }tasH by. Ami lhe car»#sa1dlompouy suHil bava the first right of way over (he Irm'ks uf Ibe ifoinpauy, And (lie driver nf any v r j^ l r for any (lulnil.m of tbv provlaloiis uf I'lls xedtot] shall i-«y R pt'italiy of leii doilAwaBd r«Mi(At4»hA fHVivefoi befi^re auy of tb4» onurts oTthc i llr of Newark-

bCCHuti Vt '1 hai wbeuev>-r1l shall ire Pindd bocoh* sary nn Iwhiiref (hecl'y to occupy all nr any por il4Mi flf any el reel or highway, whereupon (he atnei niUromi ot sold ormira>iy nniy be eoh»irui*ted, lur Ibe purpoM of mekliiir impruvcmenta theieun, such M cuivcrta, laving ux*«alsri»(bes.i)C(iny olieration, ff-giilalkju orimprovemchKHatmay frfgn Hmc to Udie bt fodad ii«<tssary, Ih t proper tougiclpol r

jC f i i - t Ier* may rormre ra th» sea* the j*ui e, nd I tl IJ 11 s.• Nnttri rr/CJiy'SucnrsnbsIfrlTVTftfl'JTriTji pow7f7jr prujiulsion Is miMle, ur tbx Add I'uniiuny slisl) fbr i'tit Ihv {lerrnlvtlmi by Ih* prxi'edlhg pnrigrapb given by refu'Msl lu ap|K>hil a member of il>* vniu- mlislunaaln Ihx arecotmg uarugcuph 4>f Iblxieu- tluii le providxtl, tljeri Ihu ioid Muar<i 01 Klrnct and Water Tomm(s*<lunsrs inay order the pule* smi overhead 4*onHir(icHunx nf Die said oompsny taken down, and ihs xaid eunipany Khali, h IHiHi ntbuiy days fruin Hit service ul' such order upuu lb* pn-si- (lent uroiiy dtiw ior uf aahl ixmipany, luge uaian Htiil remuvQ such pules and orcrbesil cuustrucHunH ami respire the pavauienl of ih« slp'id or sirm*i« i«r Eilifliwsf* lo llAur tbcif uflgliml i umiiil ni wifniii

I that lime. In oaM Ibe jhiIoh and ov4-rii4’sd 4'•■n U'llC- liuiisarc not rmriuvi*i1, ur ibe siriH'lH ur hlvliway-< rw4inred (■' HtflroiigiiiAl c-mliliKii l\vstiilru.ii|'itny wiHiin nmet-y d iy< fiO'ti lb* HcrvX'H'of suen order, the Hanm shall Iw done h.v the luUl Hoarii itfNiriiH't and water rominiaeluuers. ur hy hs j>mhurli4Kl OjUBb*, el ihr ex|>eti.%e of asiil 4 0fup4ny, smi said coiiipiinyshtill 111 (hat esAc pny all ex|.«iis-s con riecicO ihcrewitli on dciituiid, and hi iw-e lJu> city sball remO'-B such ptdM and overlmad cfjiislrm' Huna thu xaina sball ihcrenixm b>.t;<iiH0 uud l>u thg property uf Hie city of N"wufic,

Tciilh -in CMC (if tire liie Mrc department of (hecUy of Newark sbalt have (he riglit wiHniiti noinw and without cimixtcnsiitlun tu nit or rvnkive any uwrlivjul wires uf PwHd cumjia-iy fur (he ]mr|i w* uf mure n'adUy ami salVly (‘XtJiiuuiMbIng snoti Jirc.i

bjovt-iiHi rU ita ll |aiMM nn I ihjIcs, wirei and overhead ounstriiciluiis intMlennd cu.nsirm-(4id lr»Mi lima lo Hnis ur al any Ihnu hy )*ild cumjiany M'liiiiii (h« c|[y uf Newark, nimllbc juade, criH;h-<E Mild conHlruciHit under iti4''•upervlslun uml lu Hi • Btitisfkuilon (if the huar-J of Mieat and Walt-r ('uni- lulsHiinivnuf oaid city.

i-evHuu IS. I hat the cunscnl sn>l j>erml*siou, rlrhlsaml prlrilcgc* hereby aranded eml given the .sahl I'Ud'xtlirlHtc*! I'recUun l.rmi pany, on heliuif uf (be niurdcElNdliy of thu i*Hy of Newark. arH md In­tended und xUa II not lw> deemed, tnkvn nr unnelnird lu In any w’lac be rvstri''tr4l or abrldguil by auy llinl- tstlun. rciirlclloo or provUldn 4’oiiUlm-d In .my cx- iHiliii nriHnumnpiif lb*cliy of .Nawark, In furca.ur Hli-i t at lha time uf tbu )iaa>uiiBP of this iinlirtaticc. exi'Cpt lb* of Ibw rhmnl of Hin-ct amiWnter f.'uniiutsiiuners hvretorurs iiassed eud ru- ferrwi lOr

eiHiihdi '40 The xeld cnmpnny npen the laklng ef- Ih'-t uf thli urMnfla''c rmd within thlriy days liierc' ah'T, ah I iMif.irn R.iaicts'nf any Hchts am) privil' cuQt (hereby ruulirmed-and as a ■'uiiUllluu proce- ilcm.siuJl flic with the A n dlin m f Acciiuiiti of thu cj r id* Newark a i*oiiti‘a>t h* dro'|4n jiml am prrivH ne tu form liy Hi ■ coiin’Ol uf the H>iavd Of Mr4N>l and Water (;onimJ>aioui‘»Vh .m iJ tu.ha.suf- j>r-»vod by the said (KinrU, jhrrjby Rrnl llien-bi 4iJVcB inH»if s'ld nifccliitc "VUk thdJBUnlcIpalHy of the I'My uf Nt'cark. for n d tmavouiiiit fiffhc iiglit'>. privIlegi'K and aiivaiitigcR heruuy graaied, to abi ic

sml jhlly pcTfoTBi all th*- Ilium* ■ ’ -

wrhirtiied.ptrtlonSI. 'Ihst all onJmsno** and parisorunll-

nah'Ts ii/Hii! cHf t f ' e 'a rk , l!iroh*t*bdit with the riravIslorM of ihl'XMl'uaiiic, l>c and H»c aamc are hereby repealed, slid this urJl.;aime shall take e^ , fact Imiiiodlslely.

Psiis.-d JniEe -N, \m .m 'm f r . u k n o r y ,

PrwJilentnrth© Board of Ktrcet end Waleriono

Clerk of (he Bnord of BifeetanU Water t^mmts-AloncT*.The ftjregnlng or>iliMin<» wa* passed over (he veto

onbo Mevor et a iiiiKHav ui tbR Hoard of Mtrrei and ’kValcr Cootmlsa o u rs of tne city uf Newark,K, L . hold JwEy t«, IW#, had \» (bertlVK*e n law.

* * N O b H VKVON.Citric of tus fiMtd.

riiiiimlx*i-nn'r* lii'refnrriic'-r..-* T , ■ asai-p'illiM hy th*

.Moxtu-juf Uw <WJCa^L.Ni*’:V-ik^ i-c iu--t •110 M'u »Kiiu-Bt up’Mi ml HiR uvnivi'k'i'irulT(lie iHiita and r<ul «>x(a'" In ■b" uf .>i-wiirk p4'''nllsr|y iH'Uctiir'l b.' till)' li'CuJ inipruvAEmiit In (tan 4 ld Oil)'. In pii>|Miriu<n as ni-uiiy nn muy he H) Hi* H.i« vaiitauv t'S4‘li was dccnii'd Jiavs a<'<iinre(l, tiave uiiKie an i-ntIniaiR and a-xcsiinoui >'l o n'His uponall III* owiicrR uf Ail Hie tiirnlK mid ie.d <>xi*to in rh* cliy of Ns'S ark |m<?uliur]y iwm«rii4Hi (lycin h uf lha IPlIuwinjr ItnjirnvHmfuts111 xaid ally, ueuciy:

'J hu repavm;^ ul

fruin NorMi i 'amaI j<tr>'''t lu M"«’iur Hirr‘" l : ami hara fllri) 1lH-lr reports " ( -h(d .i.eH'H'ujv'iit'i fur heindit.* In HieuiUreuf H»A ’ ’icr-r >d lh" nrcule Court of Hie I iimity uf Ks.su.'v. and Hiai Hie Judge uf sam4;uur( hai II kiHlr..V l'1 'H ii.iV , -I III'- E 'l lT K I -N T I l D A Y O F

J i l.V, IN X T.ANI.at 10 o'l’Tmik lu ,tb" fuiH'iim'B, III lh" I'lrcult Cotirl r'^oin nt the Conn'nouit' In tlm cUy of .Newark, at Illl'lld iv nnet place Of hi’iiring any obieulluns (hot may la- BiN>le (o ibn sniil uitU‘n*m4:n(a.

X amd July J, ibJAw if.x .fA N n. n r n .n ,

S70 city Cunneai

J jUHl.lC Nnl'Il K UlllHN.tNlJlj; OUXiKHKD (u a tbmi rca'liuf-

Wu. 1li>* uiuierxlgiicd, hcn’hycpfllfy tlmt an ordU nsnex Ita* ruaft a mm-uuiI time ul a maxong uf in# Hoard nf ■'Htreci ami tS'nU'r CumnilrtHlmicr*. held Ju<y'o lk,l. ami only nnicHHi tu a Hiud rtiodlug, to pruvidu lur tiiu piiviugaiid nuiuvtng uf

Y ci'l llKKl,from itroail xirod lo llio ri'iinsylvnnle nn||r»Ad, wdh ubluiig.xraidie tdiK-k p'lviug - tuxi'Uier with hH tiiti apparU>na)iE4M ticcvaxary tu uouiph-ta ibe miK*'.

i)uie<t, Jury 7. lHIiS. iiroii c. iTKNnnY,X’rp«ident rifiUo Hoard uf t-tr*et ami Waicr C'ou>

uHsa loners.UfiOH XtllNYUN.

end rjerk.

jy sml iniiy perrurm an m*' madersa ut iriJiigs in h li urdliuncc cunlnlnHt, to be ohecmil. kept rm.I

X H TIC K - U ilH INAN ClC OKDKHKO tuaihlrd rcHiling.

Wc, the tiqii4 r:ilBiiv>l, hereby certiry (hat an ordl- damv WAS rvn'l a ocn^nid Hmc at a moelinv of th* IpMfd uf Mirevt ami vs aisr CuminWiiucrs, bebl July K, ISUS. eud duly nnlvrcd lua iXilrd rrodlng, |g nrovlrtc ftir » i « r ’pavluf uf

M rl.H K U H Y f*T«Kl'-T,from C'»*iilre sir ut t i Pidr iiresl. wllh ohioac gFaiilln bpM-k paving, with a cunvrele Low, on eoeq xlilc of (he burH4'mr ri-uoks. with ihi* eiie-i(.oa af ut»H foul uut:>:4ln ofi'ot'Ji tr ick; togcilivr w.lh a I lh# apuiirici)HB4*eA ncrowiry to cuiupleic the iiaiulk

JiiilHl, Ju ly T. IMAIIU H II C. TXKNim Y.

PreaWl'Mit of (he Jtoard of Mrcel ami Wa(«M.'on»- lulivduiieni,

JCJflh! h u n v d n ,4M C'lork. ,

I j V H I J C N O TtO K -D H lX lN A N C Jii OUllJClUtll lu a third rcailing.

Wc, Hie undcralgBMl. hereby cerllfv that on ordi- mim*( woi rewi a aecund time sta nifHilJitg uf Ijie jUmni of direct and Water ( ommU-tioiiero. held July i, LM3, uml d niy urdervd to a third rtodingi M provide fur the paving and repaving of

M K i lA M C K i lt K L l’,frnm IlMOd xH*ect tn A Hint street, with t^lonji KiantiK btnok (u ivli«. with a uoimreie boa*; b> gelherw.th uU iLe appurWhaniMheveoMir/toohifr pleto Hie Maine.

U«tfd,J(ity 7,XIU. IirH H C Tf^'NDRY.president of iht Board of Htreet ohd Water Coso-


i 'e N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . S A T t l B H A Y , J U L Y 1 5 , 1 8 9 3 ,


A HORSJi; IN A BEDROOM.MankWay ta W hieh a M an U Ii^ur«<l aad

■ W oluku P rk«<ratk4-‘ roUuWk(l to l lo r RtMiiiL.

Spodkl I>lip«teh to th tLoso Hhahcii, Ju ly IV ^ lh l i m nrntnf

kboul 10o’clock JC, II. Ulotib. of Nvw Ynfk, vfao Ik llTJof i t tUo W ^at E liiI Hulci, waadrlTlDf k to n jtita ocMU driTcway »ltli Onk iDiorak atikched to an opaii.inti biigay. W bao In frooLot thtii Mayar c o d a ir . roriicr o f N ortb Bath aranua, th e horee trot fMahteaed aod M r hloch wa* unahlc to iuao< kf* btru.

Tba aolm at ran away^ 4 a « h ln t thea la itgrapb poJa wUlrb «tood ooar

tba ayanue.U r.iilocb WBf IbritTfo for aome dliU nre,

lakdlQg upon Ml^y^l''a laivn. Tho inuD wa« picked up aod waa uncnnaclr>ui. U In fekre<l ba wk» Injured InieroitUy.

The borae broke lotHia Irom the buggy and daibad up ib eav ru u r. W heutlit^ hor!>nffoi Id froDfc of tba AUmuIIc au elderly^WQinait.ona of ibe guasUs aiariod on a ru n ' out of lili way.

The anim al ln«taad of aworTlng out of (be way of tba bulldhvc, folloMT'! the Hiartiad wotnan, who ti a» ijiiriyiug i<> ht'r lx (lf<Kmi, wblcb wki atlukUd ou tlte llra t Aoor of the keial.

S h i opened ibadoor^ and before i t n oouH abut It tba bona wki In thn room, Sitajunt bad tim e ft) gel 10 ilie n ex t aparim t'nt, the door of wbteh Another w om an baatlly nloiied.

Thli wotimn acreamed a i llie it^p of her votdk and tba anim al ntoupad. In a Amt woman fril a i koon aa her nalaly war aa- lured, aod aha la pn^lraU id . l i 1r feared tb a l Her nervoni ayaietn baa rncalTad a aarloue ihock. I t wtui with d in iru tij that tbaboraa wa« rem oeed from tUa hitildlng.


Kaw Bruitewlck lte»id*»nU 1.^en Clulhlng and Otlifir Valuablek,

•paalkltoibaFvLMKa Nmi A.Nkw 9ud|ipwjr<K, J u ly J^ --T U U rily fur

' adnda time hab auffaraft fnftb a stcTetidtHi of burg larlam nd laeak tbioT li'g ihaininkeR n •aaid prubabla th a t a ayatam atio at^heme ttf robbery )i being corried out. Tna firif Miif* fbrari ware a num ber o f dU aeni wboae dloibea^llaei wara robbed ab o u t a werk ago. A tlaaat a daaao olotbaa-llaa rabberlw wara rtporiad, and clolUai to tba value of |St,00l} ware i(olan.

Two nlgbta ago th te rea broke Into the bar* b v a h p p o f kppR iloughtOD, on New Rtrecl, afidikola vaaon. olgara and perfumery to the T alnabratvaral hundred doHark.

On Tueaday a aleak-looking atrauger called altbara«ldaD oeofM ea. l» a iiia miieock. on Cbarcbakraal, and p ra io u tlu g reemnmeuda- UODA aakad for a room Kud board, whlhh be

B w w fb tto hik room, tbeu weal w m Q fb tba f b ^ i of apTeral boordera aod iban dacarapad w ith abou t BKU wortb of towalry aad goroe m one|^ W adacaday tbe M O M rr a ltad ied to th e raaJdenca of E. 11. Hoa, on Oaorga airaet^ waa broken ta io and alo tbaaaailU fianw erdaiQ tatv ib tte jrR lite of IkOd, Tbapolioa, tborM kbIg aboaidd, went tb roagh Sba aluma w ith a dragneL, and ItaU aae^D aaap lo loaa obarmcign were ur- raatad, ba t aUaaoM adad ta p ro v J« /tb a ir In- ■ w kw ii

TtM tbla^ baw arer, w a i e a u fh t laia (n the •HaraaoD la a Kalion a traa t lodglni-honae. A q m a o titie f tba atolaa property waa rw aataffd . B a t a t a fa la nam a naTbum aa Mur*

Sifi ocFaw ark, B e looka Ilka a tram p, but afldaaUy paaaaaaed of m ere than ordinary lalUftaoa. l l ta th o u g b i tb a tao m e If not a lla ftA a ib an a w araoom m lttudby him.

t g

TESMATWtD WITH SHOTOUNS.Kflbftv la K agala a t to v a from M ariia

OkMilr X a iu ila lflM ra X a a i W ith a T trm B M latanoa,

t f i i fal la tba ETXHiiro Mkwa.M O M atow jr, Ju ly l<5,-^Two amployaa of a

M omatowti itoTa daater had a lively tjcparl- aoM yaatarday* Tba atova d aaler aoKI a atova io a m o q a u lu a tr fUmlly nam ed K ink who Llvalu tka Watuopg M ountaio, about two Bailee uarthwaat of M orrlatow o. Tbe itove waa purebaaad on tba lu a ta im en t plan.

Yaatarday lira . H lnk ealied, wUb her ala- tar, ou the dealer and oom plalned th a t her buabaad, Snoeh H ink, bad daaertod bar ana had tak in w ith him tba uaw ateve. The w o n ea fotka and two employee were aent out Ida wagon torac 'orer thea to v o if poMliila

Whan ifaey reaobed tba m uuoU ln home of the alder Kink, where Snocb waa atAylng, they vara mat by fktbar and eon, who ihreui' anad toktU all baud«lf ibey did not Immedi­ately leave the m ountain . The woman were p lneky and dared the m au to do tbelr worau

hbotgun# were prcKlnced, an d a i ibo mouo- iainaara u«a them Juat abou t aa quick «• th t i r XentQeky braibran, th a tw o reeldaiiia o f llorriitow n, frarlUK t b ^ bo th t^ey no d tbe wamau would ba killed, prevailed upon the latter to get la lo tba wagon, wbieb wua rapidly driven back to town.

The BUle loemiM raof tba H lnk fam ily re­tained poaaeaalon of tbe atova.

Upon tbalrraiu rn |o A lornatow nlha woman oalladou Juelloeof ibe Pence KtUlwell, and tba law will be enforced on tbelr cotnplalut toaubdue tbelr warlike m ale relatlvee.HERMIT PALMER DROWNED.

'l .a h e D «nm ark L o i r . I t i B oclu io In kho Dooth o f on K<conti‘ic ..F o a itd

b , .lohn H olo i. .ApHlbllottwK^'KKINn M wh.

UOMIKTOvrtr, Ju ly I.V.-On T h n n d ay Jobu B o tfi found tbe drownod body of on oldirly ■ ntnln Lok* I ien ln a rk .o lif w iio r In tb* Boribirn leoUaD of M orrli Cotinly. Cor. OBOt Hughioii, of M orrlilo^rn, n o . notlOpd,

l lw M lubifquenlly a ioert-lned ItaBt lija V d u d uiBti WMjitm«*l*Biin«r. ngud dfty-lhiva

yoBn, wuo lltod tb e life o f a bero iit la a tb an ty a e i r tn« ihnre of tbe leke.

t^ lta e r b u berii m illin g ilnce July II, On tb a l d e ll b(i wni le.L ireu nU ru by W UlumHeMitann, fmio wUum be procured baltw ltb wlileb lo go fliblng.

Dr. Fl.gge, who aefoiii panted Coroner B ogbion, raudi an e*«m «iiatlou of tbe body Bod aieiTlalued that ibo ilonvuiott n u t bli dealb b y d reouing . Tue Curuner dirIdKi JbBl uq Innneil w ai uecenu ry and ga lo a burial penult.

i A CLAIM UN WHITMAN'S ESTATE..T ba Dead Poat'v U m teekeeper liTanti

A5|4fl0 to r a«rvU'f>* Iten ife rfd Dur- h if HIr I ’ro trae te d Slckneat*

BpaeUl lo the KVk'vixrji Nf-wo. *C'AMnrrf, July 15.—J udgo ('arrow ha i pre-

•enU'd a ilaltn AMiUnvi the W oll W hitnjan te la le for |j,400 on Inibalf of Mra Mary O.

. Che moQcy in deuiHuded for tc jv lrc i reu- '■ W .f i n '

•7,.... -per week rroM fObrnnry g, liiB , lo Mareh,

■' IWftWnoii.ftfliti'rtnitfi. - ^Loitmal <lvuri(e W. W hltronn, of Hurling-

ton, aJJiilnhtrator of the W hUmau c«(aiu, bAi rvfu«(>d lo iraiiRfirT the utnonul of Mm . D avIn'r claim. Mild .hiilge l.'arr«rw will bring hull In the Kuprem** L'(Uirt Golouel‘WliU-m an IiikUIi un reluMitiif. Kjv u li.Oiyi.

TLb poet Irft Mr*.

, c . .

A ttAiirrt of f le a ltli ti> He Kued« Bperlul lotbB E vysiN ii Nfcws,

*New Pnr^THWti K. Ju ly lA -T he IViard of HaaitU of tbi* rMy i t In n quandary , Hcnie tim e ago Adam TrMinii, of New Jlruniwii-k, died of Hitmllpox. nnd du ring the pnM-<*M of dlhlnfecUtiy ihv liou*c nflcr his tlemu n uum- her o f beds, qnll^^ himJ o ther housphold aril- c lfi were dciirnyed. 'J’b« m a n ’* wife did rmi aftslit ih« board lo mitlte an Inventory, de- d t r ln g that *bo dhi uol wish nuy thing, ninl lhal alic never ra rc d lo s c e Ui« guoiU *muh».

HJjc pmctteiiliy nbandoitcd th e liouie, whole roniviiU were faken In pnym riU by ibeiinrse wijo had nuaudeh Tri'ljKii, “Now Mrs. Treliiin <l«uiandn p tyuieiil for a ll her gooue, bi>iu Ikote wblcb wer« dcsIruTed and those iMkeu by the hursf. The Hoard oT Jlcalib h ta re­futed to consider her Ucmnndii. amt shehus engaged counHHt mid aU l a t once begin lu lt agal n»l Ihv boHrd,

C harged W ith Nelllng rorgM d Ticket*.NkwYOKK, July H urrlet Wnbb,

widow of the boied tick e t ■cnlpcr, Webb, and herself a prom tuem olocuilonist and Ru­d e ly wommi )ii fb isc lly , was under arrest in the Tombs Police C nurl tb l i uioriilijg, to- getlicr wMli (he m anager of tier uttice, tiuorge Levisou, oi vvr Hr ladvruy. They ‘were Jointly ehargiHl wliU liuvlng In lUHr uudpusilng certiiin tlo icn am i forged rattroml tiekelH. 'llicy were eu?|j ilUcrated lui ll.ClIXI ball for esttiiilnttUou August g.

Perhaps T rouh tv 1ii Egypt. VAJ.trr.A, Mniiu, Ju ly 15.—The Hrilisb bat-

llr ililp liifli'xUiit;, m o un iing twelve kuqa. liiu burn ordered lo i^rotved Immodlaiciy from Ibis port to A lexundrln, Kgytit. Hlie -will a ta ri iD-nlgbt. I t 1« ru inurcd th a t the hurried diapulch of the l«j|l?xibio is owing U> dlslurUNnces th a t have broken ou t in AlCkandi'l/L No details of tbe iroubis are known here.

Lose of Ainliiilong o f M em ory and T ired, |.asy» IJleleM PoeUng*, R lc , o fM alaria

•TV *l'vc‘i[ly kind ponnuneritly cured uuly by H. Vuu Uuskirk.lO A csdeniy s ire tl, Newark, u|i stairs* No lallurtfR, .Many ihouiandN of bofttv icvlliaonlala Offleo hours from 6 a .

M.i week d a y a O a Kundayi from IP to 4 r« M- *s«


But th e P la te tto e rri H eleaars and Paroles t> lher P risoners.

Ska G ix t , Ju ly IS,—There wa* a ipsrlal tnuftiiiK or tbe New Jarsey Cotirl of I^ rduu i brrs yeatrfdiiy m orning Ih the tbivernor'A cotUig*'. Ciovemor Wert*, tb s I’resldHil of the board, called It t» order. Among those preectit were i.'haucclJor StcOlH and Judges Wllliani W alter Phelp«, Krueger, t^em enti, nmllli, B rrw u and Hogert, and the A is tstaa t Htcreiary or K ale, wbo is th e clerk of tu t buartl,

Tbu board had ticen aaked to pardon Lib* h> U arrabreu t, llw» fammis pfdsoner, of Pal- arson, wtoe ties beesi in the Hinie Prluio i*.-eifiyvf>tie yvar*. W hen s lx tf 'n she poi- ooneU au uM n un With whom she tired as servant In order lo get him out of Ihe way »u nil nephew r<»uld m arry her, The l>r>novo- iCut Homuoi of Ibe Htale took nn Itiieresl In Iht, eiirl a fler a long fight her senlence was roiiirnuled to Im prlapniiicnl Jor llf^. The njn'reineut for her pardrui was startou i>y Jobs- P. HlurkHm. ttie AllormO'-Gi’lieral. He berniiie lu ie rts ied In ber case while r is l l iu | the prison.

W lti*n Ltnhie woR seen by (he TTjemb*r* o f tbv UHird l ’ue«day she frankly iicktiovrledged (hat she b u u g b u tie erMinlQ ulIU w him the old m an was k ilted and pliicwd if In his food. . \ t i r r a long dtscuRslon tlie board voted solidly ngalnst g ran ting bsr a pardon.

Ntwriy loo o ther oases were oobstdsted, Pull pardons uore g ran ted to W illiam j . Hmllh, the ?:>svx County forger; W illiam Hriidy. who stole u horAe In Humcrsel County; George iiallaw ay, rouvlcled of breaking luin A i^atlmlic churelL In M orn* County. hihI JlowanI VS'. Pariifr. of HiirlloKUkn County,

TJi«> following prisoners were paroled from M»ntj' Prison: Franeis L m Iir, tbo hlgsm iJi, i f r u m iln n ; Kraderick fx>rhurd and James E. Ulllen, hoiii of l'BH*alc fTounly, and Addt- sou Prl(v, of rUotiresier County. K aar N. Tliuin|j'>on, of Kua*rs, who sorved out his lerrn live yenrs ago for forgery, was resiorsd loclliKen«lil|i.

The following prienners, wbn bad besn eoinmltU'd to lha Ktsex County I’ciiMen- tlury ttiRicad of the Htale PriRou, were gfutiled jiarUon*: H elena lUimaln, itenry •M, Price. H enry <’. Hus*, Jem re Cerniglief and Haiiiual G. IV rk Ina The case of Jobu C, Hiiymond, w'hn was i*nl io Kiste iTlson f.'nm MidiliKMpg for ario ii f,*r tw enty years, was laid over.

iJelsiie lUmiatn whs sen lenrrd on March 27 to six m ou lb i In the peiilien itary for keep- ItigA disorderly bouse in Aeademv streeh

Henry M. P mIop. or lia Hioomflvld avenue, an old m an who had an bomirnble and ln ier- esllng record a» s soldier, was sehlenced to (he iwnlteDtlary fur eighteen m onths oi> Dt- errnber 13 of last year. He is an Invenior* Ills offence was the endorseineot of notes made h r him with tbe nam e of a business insi) of thU city, and liaving the botes dls- coimied by AVarren N. Trusdell.

Henry (’. Husa was convicted a b o u ta y sa r ago of having a ttem pted to com m it a burg­lary In tbe bouse of John Kuxseil, IS Hmilh Twelfth SI reel. U ew a i recently senfeuced lo elffbleen a io a tb s In th e peotbentlary,

l^ r k l iu la the reau wbn eznbeisled money beloDglng lo tbe F llam akers’ Amembly of Kulgbfte of Ijabor: H is sentence was pro* Boaiiced on Ju an U of lest year, and was im- prlaoom eni fe rs lc b te en m ootbs is the peub len ilary .

Tbe coort rseord here does no t show tbe names of O orragher o r W illiam J . Riaitb*GORED BY A BOLLF en u ip e F a M In ju r ie s tn flle led oa a

JlevMy City M oek H reedes, Tossed In tbe A ir,

JsitHgT CiTV. Ju ly 15.->Adolph Conrad, for­ty-one years of ege, em ployed by Cbartee B rin nerhufT, a stock bresder on West Bids aveouu. In tbe w esiara dlairiot ofJ srtsy CUy. waa, U Is fsawd. fatslly gored by a vicious b a ll tb l i morDing, lie was leading tbe an lipa l to pasture, and while psdslng th rough a grove tbe buil sud­denly attacked Conrad and gored h im badly under th e rlgbl a rm and tossed blm Jo tbe a i r

C«arad ita rle d to run and tbe buU followed blm, end before going m any yards egalu oaugnt Oonrad and gored blm oa the right •Ids o f his abdom en, lofllctlug a wound wblcb U likely lo prove fatal.

T |iti fltoe the bull tossed Courad several fhet tn th e air, and ' th e Injured man saved h1rakeirfnJ]!ii tu r lb e r a ttack by ssliing ib t Urub o f a ’*(fod. He m anaged to h<fia on to Uio lim b un til aRslitatice ram e. 8oiae farm- handR lassoed the hull aud securely lied him lo A stake.

Conrad, wUb the a iils lan o a of the fartu- handi, got down from the tree aud was con­veyed to the City H r^pital In an ambulance. Tbs Intestines p ro truded from .the wound In his abdomsi). and tb e doctors a t tne hospital say there Is Hllle cbauoe fur tbe tnaiPs re- ourery.

LARRY LYNCH’S BESTIAL CRIMES*A« A ngry Crow d « f C ltlieue T ry to

T a k e I ll in from th e C onsla- b le to L ynch H im .

Bpedat to (he K v sN ik a N ews.lAWTKRKT. Ju ly 15.—L srry Lynch, aged

ttilriy-Are, an em ploye o f tbC Wheeler Coo- denser and EDglitserJug Company, was com­m uted 10 the eounty Jail by Justice Kuueli tu aw ait the action o f the Grand Ju ry on a rhsrge of aiten ip ted aasuiilt upon four IlUie glrli of Ib ii place.

Constable Hotb, who arrested Lyoefa. had much to do to keep him from the bauds of the ludlgQaut c ltlzru t, who were clainoriag for his life.

The uunstable, w ith the assistance of some of the rooler-boaded rv*ldonu, got u wagon auil succeeded In tak ing the m an out of (own before a ny In jury was done him.

lb has been loam eil th a t Lynch andanother w bofs uume tbe auihorltleR will not

have bm n guilty of rcveltlngeou-inan.dlvulgo, duet for sAVernl munilks.

T H E pillA X lM A N HKVOLT*

A dm iral W aiu fru k o lk IVIM n« AUaoked l)y th e G overnm ent F leet.

LuviHiN, Ju l) ' U.—A telegram from Monte- vltleo, via Paris, receisert here to-day, Rtst->s (hat H inem hur of the H razitlan Ministry, re­plying to a question a ik«d m the Chamber of iicpuMes rcganllhg the Rltuaiiun lu Klo GtauUd (l<i Rp). sold Uiat A dm iral W 'anlen- koik, the land or uf th e Insurgent naval hirces, whu 1* now U ucknillug the purl of Ulo Grtinrte dtjKul with the s tra in e r .Iiipller, will shortly be a tia rk cd by ttm loyal IlccL

The diRv^lcb fu rther says th a t the Chsm- her of lH"puL1rR has voted confldvnoe Ih the M inistry. I'nbhc opinion In Hlo<le Jaueiro ]k favn-nble to the CnMnct, Ttipgovernm ent of I he 8tn»e of Hlo Graudo do K uils copfident lUat It will suppress the revolt.

W iiikletale Tm lletinents.TAIXKA. W stti,. Ju ly I6*-Jl Ih learuod th H

tIredH 'teC ^ •\ Hiruorue^ly.'TBe'V HOkcifliti

Padfle, but all leading ofnclals from ibo preRrdent'WdWirtu'th'e'Tlk^Hl agent* of IbTl rlly, The ticket on ivhlch ihe R[Wi'lbAd charge wa** m ade was bought Jn iiunry 18 last by Ml** C atharine Neins, uf Vormanl, torW>i, which WKR glJ less tiiun the regular rate, K. H, KrelEHchmer, riwvIhI ageat of Iho Iniur- slrtte fl'^ymmeree ('oinmlhRlou, wa* here at the lime, am t learn iD gof the m a tte r JnsUluted It'gul procredlngH,

T hey L h e d nn Leaves. ^IIa i .if a X, N. 8,, Ju ly 15.—nu Monday

Jntm'R McCurkic, aged eighty, and hi* daughter, who live a t W alron, Hants roun ly . went to the wood* to look for cows. They lost llietr way< Hearch parlies were organ- Iro! niid (he woods scoured. They were found yeaterday In H thoroughly eihuui.ied and cmHClatcd ro jd itio n , having hAit noth­ing bu t leave* h> eat fT f lv e da}'s. 1'hw old itian, whose v itality Is wundvrfui, Is likely to survive. ^ ^

K n ig h ts o f I’ytbla* In ju red ,V i x o :nxks, Iml.. Ju ly 15.—A siieeint pm-

*e»KPr tra in bciirhi j a dalogailou of Kiilglits of rytblBR to th is cliy tu a ttend the biUiquet last n igh t ran Inio a catHioia at Uio Evans- vllio H tid.Terre Knure yiinls last evening and Injured leveral Knlgbte, one of tlu-ni falaliy. The Injulwd urc: A lbert James, F>>rt • lieanrh, family Im rt; 8aniue1 MtUcr, ^ll.V crnoti; llen ry Schell, Mt.N'ornon; 0. M. Tirhenor, Prlneeton ; Samuel Hert.

C hief o f (he Mious Dead.Om a ha . N th., Ju ly 15.— s|)et’lii] from Tliu*

itUlKe Agency sa.vh: V '’ung-Mnn-Alral(I-(if- Itb-tlorBe, Ihc head chief uf tbe Sioux Na­ll uii, ilroppetl dead at Newcastle, Wyo,, yes­terday. Hy his death (he m anile of chief- ln|ps4iip falls to LMUe M’ouuU. Voung-Man- Afrald-of-HIa Horse w asu grual frloiid of the <kiVeThrr)4iil, us Was proved hy his ndlous In ibcou'tbrfhik a t th is itgeitey in l iNJ 61.

11e;(gar tT lIb T hn n san d i.Lke. Mass., Ju ly la.—Dablel Duggan, ha il­

ing irurn llosion, was arrested la it avsolng for l>egging. On h li person were found 1180 In money and bank books repreieoting over U.KXIdeposited in h li name, and uocordiag to h ls o w n eialem out he own* pm psrty in HosUm w urlh some $5,001

MKrer M en’e r i a n s Changed*1)B^VKU, Col., Ju ly 15.^A t a meeting yes­

terday o f ib e prum utere nr the Bi, Louis con- veiuioi), oallad for Ju ly 17, i t was decided to abapdem th a t meeting and devote all their energ lesto tbe Bl-Jletelllo League eonvcp* tiou ID Chldegn an d work a t M'kiUlDgif>n.

A m N A fT A T tH iP *

6be C rashes In to P ie rs an d H a a ia te s a Perrytm aU -Thn In ju red .

Piiir.AnFiiiutiA, July 15.—Hnapplog her baw icrs k ill breaking loiwe from Iwu tnge the big Hntl«b sh ip W anderer became a runaw ay in the iJelanare yesterday nfiernoon, 8he rrAShed into the ferryboat CoopsPs P o in t Juvt as It wa* Jeavltig its d<H;k m( Vine atreet lor (Ani- <fei), creating a jianlr, h nocking down passen­gers and hnrwR, lajurlDg several persons, but none s rlousiy. The following art) re- po^fea to have (feeii in ju red ; Mrs. 8iiHaii KUzgeraid, of Cam den; John M. Ullner, uf fUddoritletd. and Mary lnbthA °^» <>f m yra, N. J.

Thti W anderer la one of tbe large*! vesHsls In the world's comiuorre. 8he vra* under low of the luge Harjtucl M crautley and E ra Mcijttulley, moving from Port iMclimnnd coal piers to Point Krceic, The tslad whs blowing «!if!ly Irom the northeaai, and under Hr iiiflnence the tide was running swiftly out, J u s t as they got well under way ibe tugs were corapelled to change tbe lr courM« lo avoid ano ther vessel banking o n l ln io lh e ■(ream furiber dowu (he river. InairnighN enlng out the heavy iirliiil and hwlfl currant Rwept tlif sh ip toward the w bsrvss, while the tugs pulled In vain a( her b o a , HmJdaoIy ihere was a loud report. The great lowlog bawaera had parled and (be buge sh ip plunged n isdiy toward Willow etreet wharl.

Tbe sh ip crushed Into Pier 33, receded for an iustuni and (hen crashed io io the next p ier—33. Again she recedod under Ihe force of Um blow, aad w as-then driven directly upon the bow o f tbe f*^rrvboat Coop r's Point, which was Htuwiy p iuh ing o u to f lb e dock. Tbe crew of (be police tng Hu>kley, which luy near (lie wharf, shnuted to tbe ferryboat passengers to run back lur their lives.

In the m idst of tbe confusion (he ship d rove wlih great force in to tbs Cooper’s I’ntnt. her bow rru*blMg a hlg hole la tbe ferryboAi. I’assengers wbo lied to tb e s ie rq of the honi w«ru thruwn in every direction.

Tbe sriarp Iron prow of liie M 'aaderer cut through five feel of tbs eolid p lank guard* of the L‘or>par'i Polot, and tbe baw tpril piigcbeil through llie-mbla, ac laeeo a ll from a terrible diauster through tbe s ink ing of the ferryboHt, whieh bad to be docked In Cam­den for lepalrs. Tbs W anderer waa finally pulled away from the w harf and turned to

Biwes*, where aha is under charte r to loud IJii.uOO cates of rcUftcd petroleum for C alcu tta .__________WHERE IS HRS. RANSOM ?fihe H as ll* c H usband and Has Taken

Two of H er C lilM ren WHhn e t —The ranee* .o •

Special lo Ihe KvENirto Nr.Wa.Ha k w a y , Ju ly lA—There 1* considerable

ta lk here uver the disappearance of the pretty wife of John Kanton, a well-known bookbinder a t IJl Main slreet, who left Huh way yesterday wlib her tw oehfldren.

Mre. JUnsoii la a ra au d len by b irtb , y o n n | and altraotlye. Her husband some lim e ago took quite an iDteresi Ju the HalvaUon Army, he being a m en of deepyellglous convladona Ills wil*, however, wiu not aq religiously !»• ellaed. Jt Is aald they had occasional t i n .

Home lim e ago Ura. HaDton suddenly went aw ay end was gou t aonae we^ka whea, peaoa bavlog heen restored. It Is alleged, between tierseJfaod b«r husband, abe returned.

There are ell aorta of rnm ura afloat as to the cause of her Jateat diaappearanoe, one being th a t a eompOBiior who boarded In the bouee wae very alteDllve to her aud tb i t tbls excited Mr. R anaon 'i Jealouif,

H er brother. It Is aald, aocom pabted her to Ihe tra in and lisined to p u t the obliclreo «ti hoard. Tbe couple have th ree children and one baa been lefl behind w ith ibe foraaken buabead, who ie very inuoh worried over h ii wife’s cooducl. Ura. Hanson b a i run a ibablonabls boarding-house for over a j e a r past.

Tbe more iDtlmate friends of ibe family are Inetlned to believe tb e t M ri. Hanson will aooQ re tu rn ta her h usband.

TOCNQ 1>E F S r a n tH ’f HBftOlkM*

A M laaetroua R aaaw ay P vevoated by RkeP ro m p t Action.

Br a r ck . Ju ly id -Y o n n g ** Bennie’ de Peyiler. elfbteen years old, of New York, a nephew o f General de Feyater, was walking arm in arm wllb bla roolber on tbe lawn of th e ir home on Ocean avenue T hursday even­ing wbea, lies ring fraiiiie ib o u ta for help, be turned and saw a runaw ay horse atlaebed to a band some T-cart dashing down the avooue.

Tbe frantic erlea of lbs occupanta of tbe carl—two ladlfa-"-«rowded the lawn w ith an excited throng of gueita. One hundred feet aw ay was th a t fatal fork of tbe aveuus with the broken, Jagged bluiL

Men rushed furward and tried to d rive tbe horse lo tbe cottage re lla Andrew J. liughea « ea knocked down a n d had a leg broken In stiem pting to reach the bortu’a bridle. The maddened h o n e ran periiouaty close to Ibe blufTs edge u n til bereecbed the De Peyster cottage.

Hero “ Bonnie,” darting from h it m other's aide, vaulted over tbe gate, and g rip p ltn g tbe bridle o f tbe hOEse aw erred h im free from (he blufl; H arry M ann, tbe New York theatrical m anager, got between the horagand the bluff an d drove blm agalnat the fence of the United Hlates Hutel, where be waa secured.

Tbe oocupanla of tbe c a r t proved to be tbe MIssei llyiea, of New York* The cart was wrecked and tbe horse faU lly Injured.


I t la Hatd T h a t W arran ts H ave K een le ­aned for T h e ir A rrest.

W e h tE k p , LojiO Bk a sc h , N. J „ J u ly l6 » I t Is rum ored here ib is room ing th a t war- ra n ti have been Uiued for tbe arrest of Pink- erlob meu a t U o ^ o u lh Park , which are to b e se rv e d lb la aflernoau if tb e Pluksrtona a ttem p t to show any au thority .

The racing aaaoclatlous buve h id tbe local Ju stice o f tbe Fesaw oa the gruiiud for (be past few days in au tlc lpatlonof suobam nve. I t Is la id the Justice has hla pocket hlisd with ball bonds ready to release any Plokur- ton men arrealed.

The w errsn la, It Is said, were procured by Chief tiaggerly , who o ije c ti to the preRcnc* o fth e P inkertons a t the racetrack, The local Justice left for tbe racetrack early th is m orn­ing.


Two Men Said to Have Itf(ea|>pruprlatsd a V ortiine.

I.HmANAPoi.is, Ind., Ju ly lA—Judge Wood, o f th ^ United Htatea Circuit Court, yesterday Issued a restra in ing order Id favor of 8. R. Vorles again st the Bedford 8lone Quarry Com pany, p reven llaf the sale of the properly for the present,

Tbe peiUloner claim s 1375,000 of tbe flock , and charges t h a t , W illiam L, Brey- fogie atut' V*‘, ^■".,■...,.1 .' ^ .i^p k^orttJTinerty owni^d all o f the alock, b a te nilsaoprqpH-

though paib ^

Y o k A ir t i> b # N .

An E x p irin g Lease A ffects H nrd inw n 'iP rliit’lpai Iiiiliiktry—Iron M en's Plans.

Special lo the Kven ix o Nfwa.MoitiGHTOWN, July 46.—Notlca has been

givtiu I lie owners ot the H urdtow n Iron ore mines In M orris tX>uuty th a t on August K, ou which dntu the Icaae expires, m in ing hy me Olendon Iron com pany, the lessees, will be ilUoonlliuieil,

Furnai'eS. operated by tbe sam e company, has been hi ^wii out, throwing ou t o f employ­ment 300 furnace men, Eiirnace 3 Is bejiig repaired. If the Iran m arke t Imprcives bniu furnnee* may resumu early the oomliig au­tum n.

Caiixlit Uolihtiig a Rchool.Special lo ih e KvK:vtad News.

KLiIKAUEt u . July Jo.—Hugo Wick, olgbletn yeailt old, and Charles W'leklKT, twenly, werecHught last night a t Lyons Farm* In Ihe act of robhlog (he d ls irlc l school there, and were brought tu th is c ity by Constable Horemus. who, with the a silitau ee of some of tlio viiisgers, inaneged to secure them , lloih prlsunors gave tiieir home as Newark, h u tru rlb e r than tha t they refuse to talk . Justice Helfletd, before whom they were ar- THlgned lilts morulDg. coiuniK ted (hero to the UnluD County Ja il un a charge of break­ing and enierlng witb intent.C a lle d to I'e rv l ly a c liith n 's C h u r c h .

WoitckMTKR, Mas*., July Id,—Rev.-Dr. K R, Kaowic*. uf W'orcthler, announces th a t he has dvcllneU a request ijq lak e charge of tbe (tulllcsii (Church In IWrIs, from which the noted Peru Hyaciuthe has rrtlrcd . As tbe church U now lu the JurisdiellOD of the ArctihM iop of U lrechl, F ather H yactnibe cahiiut lonvor ecL as recior because he m ar­ried after his ordlriatlon to the prlcslbood.


A I.iftitn log llo ll 'a Work*Cam p DouiH.AO. Wis.. Jn ly lA—A boll of

IlghtDlng ilruuK al the eam p-groand yester­day afteruoQn, playing great havoc., (ieorge Clary was killed outrigh t and W illiam Me* Mahon was fatally injured. E ight others were burned aud bruised bu t noue of them falaliy. ___________ ____________

F*arthqnake to Detaw ars*WiLMiNOTOM* De)., Ju ly 15.-A ellgbt

Misrule quiver sbooK WHimlogton and vleln* Uy yseterclay afternooi). I t was not reei^* iilsfd as an earthquake ebock a t first but no o ther cauoe lor tbe trem ur, w hich lastad abou t tV u avoeads, h a i be ta foand*

six killed in SPAIN.T errib le R allrn ad A rrIdaH i In tk a Prov*

lane of H isrsya—T reia G oes O ver a P rrrip Jce lu lJ«ath*

Madrtd. Ju ly 15.—A dispalch from Bllbeov cepital o f th e rrovineeofT llscaya, In Norih* erit Hpsin, slates th s i n terrib le ra ilroad acci­dent occurred In th a t Province last n lgbt.

A Iraln eousIsOng of a ioromoHve and alx carriages while rounding a sh a rp curve In the m ounialns run off the ira rk am i went over a high precipice* Mix persons were

1(ll1ed aud (h irly Mrtnusiy In jured , Many of the victim s are members o f ihe best Ra»]Ue rain Hies.

Tne J'lovlncial G overnm ent au lhorliios and a num ber nf pb.vslcJani b av ee ia ried tor tbs aceiie of the accident. Owing to the moiintaloous character ot ihe co u n try sod the fact th a t Ibe train fall lu lu the vall«y, u Is extrem ely difficult tu get to th e e u ffe re rs^ relieve ihem.

Tbe place where (he tra in w ent over tbe preelplos is ai Ihe head of q vs Hey noted tor Its pleKirrsqneueiM. It is abou t m idw ay be- tween Ihe villages of A usuuta an d Vergara.

T V iriR CLAIM W ilK TH Sd.OOO.OOgi*

A lleged Heir* (a LaaU W ill F ig h t t« Estahllsla T heir KJghU.

New Yo«k, July IL-^The hundred o r m ore belft uf ham uei Dlngee and Bolomun Dlogse, holh of wfaojD lived 111 I'o rtchester, WeeU cheater Couoly. In ( b e la t ie rp a r t o f th e last century, sre ebm il lo lake legal action w ith a view lu reeoverlug properly eslim ared to be wortli abou t ttVOOO.OOO, ntepbea M, Hoys, of Hrookiyn, has bieii roiaitied as a tto rn ey nod will a t once lake slejw lo prolecU be iateresle of h ii cllvnl.

It apjwara th a t Bolomou Dlngee, d u ring ibe Hevolutlou, sided wllb the RrlltaU. an d nffer the sncceas of ihe p s irlo ti conoUided th a t W fstcheater Coutity would be unsafia for him and em igrated lo Canads, aCer iM sIng lo variijius parties for a term o f n ln tty -n lu e years land upon which It is cUlnuHl the vll- lege of fo r t Chester, or a t least tbe greater part of II, Is built. Holomon died In h i. Jobn, N. R , lu IMSB, Id tbe possession o f a large am ount of hind In Nova ’ ooMa ao d New Brunswick, leaving no direct b e lr to In h e rll h ism illloua.

Jt Is claim ed th a t the leaee o f th e Port ('heaterproperly emli th is year. As fisr as the Canadian propuriy u concierned there a lll probably be a not fegel fight, as th e Gov* ertitiient I* In posse^aluu and does no t w ant lo p a rt with It.


Aatne r s m d e n ite s A pp aren tly H egardlD g T h e ir A luriler n* P a tr io tism .

tVom Ihet.R inden PoshNorom pUint w » made by the mal­

treated Chinaman at the Police Court hearings yesterday. It Is known that parties a week ago oonaplred to k ill him on the Fourth of July^ and so testify to their appreciation of ^'Liberty through­out the land to all the inhabitAQta there­of.’* Independenee Pay to them meant liberty to abuse and kill a Chinaman^ and that they did not Mioceed in the latter attempt waa no fault o f thelra. But why shoulcl the poor frightened fellow com­plain f 1b it not a matter o f public in- forbsation that tbe attempt waa made, aa his riddled window and other evidence provet

Why were not the conspiring aesauina at once apprehended and placed behind the ban where they could do no further barm? Is aC hlneH lauudryman ofao lit­tle c o u n t that no one cares to see to the punishment o f the perpetrator! o f the dastardly deed T Were our laws made for the punishment o f all criminals or for only certain kinds, tt being understood that the kiniug of a Chinaman in tbe North oounU for no more than the kill­ing of a negro In the Bouth* or o f an Indian In the West? We need a better code of ethics, but our authorities are not likely to set the pace for ua







Tbe real eaiate irabsfen rseorded In tb s Rsglster's ofllcs Friday nnd reported by tbs kldellly Tills and lisposu Cuinpaay wsrsi

FKWARl.Frederick Bpeckmunn e l ux to T*oula

Turch et ux, w J Priocti f t 1 ^ i frhpruce St, 1^x100................................. . KitOO

Fm nia Butler n s i to A ugust Busr- m ann. e s Jobnson av s fr C llntog av*IHxLTi.....*............ .............................. ....... J

John U. Dusvnbsrrv to 0 , Hmith Wund ei al, u a 8 gill St tOO s ir ISlb av, 35x06.. 1,150

Jam es Carriuk toChrlsilati Feigeuspait (Corpl. s w corM agailne aud A venueI, 10x«............ ......... ........ ...................

Francis M sokm to Knuix j . Nueckvr, w s H Igih a i I7 t fr 17ib av, lOxloO......

WUIlatn II. Howard to Jam es O. Thompson, w s s 8lb i t 275 n fr l l ihav, 1S61IOO........*.............................. .........

Alice V. (.'lark.to Edward G, Kempf, dw cor 7(b St and C briter av, 00x168.... .

Edw ard O. K em pfloH am uei H . C lark,sam e prsro............ ............ ...... ............... .

Cbarlei Engelhard ad iiir lo F ran k L.Felnd, u u d tv H Int M onlgoroery av65 R fr UTlIlaro Morris, loOxllS.............

Adolph F lich e t ux to Jobe F. Brogan w s s ly 8 ft wide lyloy In rear lot par­ty 3d p a rt on n w cor G reenberry audRowley sts, 3x00......................................

Joseph H argreuvesst ux to M ary Ann Denning, n i Onmp s i JU5 e fr Mc­W horter It, 25x100........................ ......... .

August Ruerm ann (It ux U) Em m* Hut<Jar and al, s w 1 llHiuburg pi 5H n wrrLaCsyette st, atiOO..................... ..........

TOWKSnXES.John B. Rwaln e l ux to W llllatn C.

Hwalu, Clinton, w 1 Chadwick av TJ5n fr Clinton av, 30x105 ................

Frederick M aurer et ux 10 Elixa J. Oliver. East Orange, s s Grove pL 488 ■t f r Grove ir* 35xtll,........ ........................

Jacob H au u tln g (Mit^rlff) to Jobu 11. M cf'rarken, Bullerllle, w sHiepUensHi 01 ■ fr Holmes ■(, ^xTiJ..................... .

GeurgoU Ackerman et sL to Jam es A. MeCullough, Belleville, seeo r Holmesand Courtiandl H(a, 67xl2f......................

W eatherby A Hay to Wm. A. I-«aiuhtirt, F rank lin , lot 106 blk 7 map parly Hratp a rt.............. ................................................ A!io

Miehaci H ackelt to William D. (ilbby, Hfllevllle M S S Mill si n w I Jo h nTyaan, 161x131.......................................... 1

Win. H. Gibb.v t<> M ar^ ien ie F'.H ackelt, BulltvIHi', fam e prein ............ 1

1/)UU> A. Jime« lo Anna,]*. Alien, Clin­ton. s s Clinton av J75 w ir Grace si,STiHOO..., .................................................... 2,000

Jam es A. > revlaiul et ux U) MarRurei Vanderlioof.Caldwell.on a new si abt 10 be opened at wt lllchanl C. Camp-hell, ri3x30n.................................................. dOo

H iram K llasklpu et ux to ilervrieita Budilrniinxen, ('Union, w « Cum- m in ts St 88 it fr Rudolph M'ladow,w x m ............................................................ 2.4Ti0

CbarloGe M. l^aonarU Ui .hgiepii V, AiHi et ux, Clinton, n w s in fh at w fr U^SDge av SIO n . 15x182................... ............






C H U a u H A i i i > C H O IR .The Rev, Daniel II, M arllh n tteaded the

(,f chrlB lau- F^adeav j-i.^njorrnw evsnlns ha wlU g tr s an"

Recount of wh&L hs saw and heard thers a t the Clli^a«A#ptt*ie-U«toeroedh-cv,frrptr: - — *

Ths services of ttis Plane B trcet Pretby- iorlan Cbiircb will (‘OnsUinf a sh o rt serm on ; subject, " Critical Polnisln Life," u tter which a sorvics uf song will be rendered by aohurus chulr^

At the Houtta M arket Btreel M. K. Church to-inorrnw the eveuluk serm on w ill be Ulus- iraled by slereopllooii views,

Hfv. Jam es Montgotuery, a form er pasto r of Halsey Blroet M. E, Church, will preuch In lhai ciiuvcb to-inorrow both rtioroing and evenluf.

funs n»d kttupf to eonn’tAf end 4t$ m ttthfUirit ftoinA Pr.t.Vrain fSr ecen Ilene*(ht ttzfv« t|T fWi pojuT ne-A a* Ws KaW Jt■I imsdi'<»H»(np lUfdluiM for il!A*vn.

Life an d D eath.High In the heatiins a bird wingqd It*

fllghl. In s tln rt with life It poured forth Ilsp rs lH s 111 Joyous noifs. T heb iiru - lihed sun hung pendent In tb s sxure ■ky. Tbe soft wind was itlrm iJau t with tbe w ins of life. Tbe w hispering leaves gosalpped of tbe spring aiid the trem bling blossoms, In arum atlc de­spair, fluttered down to earth . Life and Joy were manlfesr,

A young g irl, pure and baautinil, lay bab illng w ith l>eata on a couch. Mor finaerfl toyed nerreJessly w ith n Jus- m ine cunningly woven in io tb s traeery o th e r coverlol by the hand of i h artificer. H er pals, thin lips s irovs Incapable to u tte r tbe hope for life wblcb Ill'deflQod potieased her m tud

%ad soul.A sunbeam flashed across the couch. A

gaudy butterfly fluttered llm m gh Ihe caaeroeiit and , full of pride, iKUscd on (hew ing to let ibe absen play upon t u ptum sgs.

Ko Ibe hours droned on,A bird psrotaed high upon th s topm ost

spire o f a leafy csihedral, pip$d Its praises lo (be dying day. Tbe sun In a bu rs t of glory expired Hi ibe West, U nder the shade of a blood-red rose a gaudy butler fly pnened iis plum age while (be w blipcrlux w inds told the dropplag blosnoma th a t an o tb e r day had r s —| d dhay . f

Tbe pallid forla o f a fair young g trl lay Btrelctaed upon a eoiiflh. H er Icy fln- gers, la a pulaolsM grip, were oioasd upon a Jasm iae cunningly woven Into Ibe tracery of b e re e v e r l t t ib ro a d by tb s houd of so arllflosr,


I t Is One o f (ha IFaagars A tte n d a jit UpOB Any Ir re g u la r C ourse o f L ife.

From the UeitlahirsBun.HUtiiitici of mortality ar* always oniat-

iifactory In tbe poi^ion* devoted to “ cauiea of death." Physioiana foricet Ntwton’a flrat law o f phlloaophiiini to " anl{,D no more cauaes for natural phe­nomena than are nrceeaary and mifDcient to explain the phenotnena." The prob­lem of death l i often an intricate one, and It la very eaay to aaalgn auch an nnaatla- factory term a i " heart failure," for ex­ample, lo any particularly oomplicated case. Occasionally, Inde^ , U la difficult to aiwlgn any other deftnll* cause of death. Take, for example, the not unuaual caae where a man who haa been tulferlnf for yearn from Bright’s disease, complicated with dilatation o f the heart and conyea- tlon of tbe liver, contracta pneumonia and then dlei suddenly in the first atafes of tbe new trouble. What b the cauae of deathT Obviously each o f h b troublea waa a factor in eztinguiahing itffi; bntaa the failure of the heart to fulfil ita func­tion was the proximal cauae of death, it la aimplcat and eoalest to set down the death to "heart failure," but auch a course ruins the value o f all ataUsUca on tbe prevalence o f Bright's disease or of pneumonia In a given tucallty.

Aa a matter of fact, the vast majority of all dealiia are enuaed by “ heart failure," for whether the heart ii paralyied by on apoplectic clot in the brain or poboned by impure blood or degenerated by diaeaae o f Ita own aubstnnee or deprived o f power by inauffirlency of blood or a clot in the arMrlca. It la evident that tho extinction of life la a falture o f the heart to propel blood through the tiaauea.

But In a rcatrlcted aense " heart failure " meana a audden failure of innervation of the heart, resulting In Its weakened ac­tivity or ita complete cessation o f action. In Its moat familiar form, a fainting spell, the heart's action is so weakened that an Inaufflcient supply of blood b sent to the brain lo preserve eoiisciousnesx This may reaiilt from a variety o f causea, nerv- OUB a hook and audden loan, o f blood being the most common. Tbe treatment o f an ordinary fainting apell b familiar. The patient b laid prone open hb back to in­crease the efficiency o t tbe pumping power of h b heart, he b given plenty ot fresh sir, that the lessened quantity of blood may be richly oxygenated, and heart and nervoua atlmulanU, such aa al­cohol and ammonia, are freely adminis­tered. Usually in a few momenti under thta treatment the patient revive*, the heart reeumes its normal power and all b well again. Very rarely are simple shocks to th« nervous system fatal unless ths ayitem b greatly weakened by previous dbeise or the heart Itself affected. Such cases, however. If they ocenr In healthy Indlvlduab, might properly be designated a* deaths from heart failure. It b safe to Bay that not one per cent, o f the deaths recorded at due to failure o f the heart it ao caused.

But where the system hsa been weak­ened by the eflects o f disease or by the in- JudlcioDB use o f tobacco or alcoholic or other nervoua stimulants heart failure la a real and ever-present danger. As age in­creases the danger also ts increased, and a slight and apparently trivial accident may result in fatal cotlapae o f the hearL

It b never a subject o f wonder to the phyalotogiat that ao many people die. It la rather a marvel that any one aurvlvea The wonderful organ, the heart, con­trolled In the most delicate manner through the neevous system, must keep np its mnsflular action, sleeping or wak­ing, In a t r e ^ h or weakness, sickness or health, wltBout Intermission, or death re­sult* In a few minutes. Yet It b a muscle and liable to all the degenerations which affect other muscular tissues. It b lined oulaids and in with most delicate mem­brane. It has at leaat three separate sup­plies of nervoua energy, one aelf-oon- tnlned, two others external to its anb- atonce, and all apparently absolutely necessary to it* continued <0 0 110 11. Yet from birth to death tbb whole compli­cated aystem works in beautiful harmony In tbe majority o f indtrldunls, and it* course is only interrupted by accldenta. How to avoid these accidents must be the study of each indivldnal, and especially those who are threatened with cardiac trouble. Avoidance o f over-exertion, of cardiac or nervous stimulants, and especially o f tobacco, which has a dfrectly depresaent action on the heart, should be insisted on in tbe case o f all who are threatened by death from heart' failure Ikom any cause.

h e k r e a k o n *.

They W ere S trang Knoiigli to C hange B li M iisleal Httbltf*

From tbe New York Advertiser.He had been working all winter lo get a

place in the Hartwell-Maplewood Brasa Band aa a eornetbt, and jnst a* h b hopes seemed to be on tbe verge o f fulfilment she met him on hb way home from tbe poetoffioe, near Mkjor DeCamp’s, and, linking her hand within h b arm, walked on in silence until they reached the edge o f the ipoplar row. There she stopped in the long shadows and cornered him.

" George,” said she, “ I w bb you wouldn’t ploy the cornet in the new band I”

“ Why not?" said he, surprised. " I t Is the place o f honor, and I get a great deal of attention by it, dear."

" Yes, I know,” she said, coazlngly, " It b nice to have you noticed by every one and alt that, but-----”

She paused and hung her curly heed a little lower in the hush.

" But whalT" said bo, sharply."Blowing the cornet makes—makes---- "Her voice sank to a pouting wbbper,“ Makes the lips so stiff and hard!"George will not blow the com et in the

bend thb summer.

*'Dear Sister,“They charge you \Tith be.

ing restless, irritable, excitable, and exacting.

“C Thpv Joe*-'- ’

for mar oppicssts'ybu — Every hour-pains Tun ram. pant through your body. You suffer secretly as long as you can, then go all to pieces and 'don't care’ what happens.

“The iron grip of female disease is upon you.

“ Dear sister, Lydia E. Pink- hams Vegetable Compound has cured thousands like you.

“ It has cured me, and I want to tell everybody.

"It kills the pain. No more backache, no more 'bearing- down,' no more restless day? and sleepless nights. Ol^what a blessing! take it and be well I it’s a sin to hes­itate." — i / r j . /»,A, Quiett, North Hamlin, N. J.

AlJ ilriljjRijst* Si ll It*Addre«.s ni ronfulrnce^LYUIA li . PiMKHSM M » < - - _

Cu.,L vi*k, Mays.

Xi<iESiri%ifXs, 09UtM.

IT SAVES BABIES' LIVES.Thousands Owe Their Happiness to

Lactated Fooi



W I ■I N '

'That t lOTeljr bxby T’ when well feJ, k lc k ltif Rnd er>oIu(,

brexldnf fonb lniutlr»ugeH t R^>uech«*yflDgera fiiid to ti all motion and «>«■ wll wonder.

Hut Riiniiuer b riug i g rave Uxiigero.Atieutlon to d ie t Ir dow ImperAtlve. Tberi

are d leti Rultetl to wrery age, loeTery climate.For InfuntP, healthy moiber'R milk ft tbe

Ideftl fuod, but wb«n thlR Is out of tne qtieR- Hon, an luletil food m u il be u*ed lhe( ■■ dORely t i poiRlble reetiubles lieaUby Ininixn rnltk The exp^rlinoA o f je a re lia i proTeu tbiit Ihe licAt aubitllute la the wurld | i lee- twicd

l u b u l l ii (he la m e ex tb e t of niother’B roilk; ihRi li, Riigar o f m ilk, and with It are combined the n u tr i tiv e qnalltleR o f the great cereftlx wbett^ barley wnd oaVr, io preiAred i t lo be readily dlgeRled end ■■•ImilHled. Tbe eddltlon o f thexAltR found in roother’R m ilk mnkr* IndAted food prrfccr.

LKIle Mollle M'wrd, w hote plenirw li given RbuTv, Ir the rtiArmiUK du iigh lrr uf Mr. M. r . Ward, of t ’rovidenre, H, w bo write* r

" I t gives me plea«iire lo advl* t you thwl our HUle MoHIe li Ju«t four yearA old today. ■Ddour youDgcfit little girl, RlrtADge loiay* Ie five montbs t- -d*y, both b-lng born on ihe Ihird of the m on th . J th in k bolh of m y btbleeow e tbelr gofid health lo lortated foixL It Ii the be*t food for Ininnte w boeao not en­joy motber*« loilk. th a t t^ tra la on the market.

**OurhHbfrA have both th rived on II, end When teelhlDg hxd very little trouble.

"1 have rfcom m eodoil i« ria ted food hno- dredxof tliuM ."

Mr. Otho I* Falue* 13 Edwiq Si., Provi­dence, feayii

"O ur baby w ai b o ra Jan . 23, lS61,niid be hRH been fed wUb U c ia ied food acuordlng to dlrccLioDR, I tb M n k rf« d i|1 th blm pcrfrolly and he ba t grown like n ured* baa not been lick tluce be waa ixvrn. J le eut a i lh l t ieetb before h e w a ie lk h tc rn rnonlh* old, and (c- day he I t a perfect plot u re of beat Hi.

"O feo u n r, like a ll parenli^ ne ib iak (here la no baby like unrov hut 1 bclieTe It Is tbnvufh Ihe use of lac ta ted food (bat he Ir what he It to-day, and 1 feball reooiniueod U

wherever 1 have a ehanct. l a m tbankflil ih a ( It wn* recommendod to u t and for ih« resullR It b a i aroom plltbed."

Mr. and M rt. il* T. Hola, of W oonaookelfH. ]., write:

Our baby w a t fIvan up tor lo a tb y o a e of the d o c io ra o fth ii city.klaen we called In Dr* R. N. K lng ib trry . He adrleed u i to uae lao- tarml IchkI. We did lo. Onr baby l i dow e igh t inotitbR old, welsba tw enty-tour and nne-half pouDdR aod 1* In the beet u f haallb* W> believe th a t lactalod food aaved ou r baby'* I lf ’."

Mix. lAanlel Brown, of CetKral Falla, R. L, ■uyR; " I tiAve I h rre of tbe moat h ealthy lit­tle ch ildren In the Btate, aud 1 jnuat aay they owe Mielr henilb to bav lu f been brought up on laclaled food, by tbe advice o f one o f tb a ioMdlDg docturi lu Pawtuokei."

Ura. W alter MunroVslU Deane 8t., ProTl* donee, u iy i; " lA ctited food baa done won* dera for our baby. Before uaiog 11 th e wee down to d e a th 'i door aud now !■ fkt a ud r u ^ ged. I t has aaved her life I And we would recomtuend it to any one who haa a baby.**

.M M ohn Doyle, 66 R lchardion Si.* Frovl- deucr, Ray« ib a t beJrled f ju r other food! aod dilfureatooK e'Q illk , " a il try ing lo ta r e our oldcflt baby* but nona of (he aboTi food! would re it upon bvr •(oroaeb, and we were ludoced to try lactated food. I l had tb a da* aired (ffirct and aba th rived wouderfuMys Sha li now a hsallby cblld.

" I h e doctor thought our younger baby would die, b u t lac lated food waa h it beat vnedlclue. aud he improved a n d baa grow s lo b e n very healthy boy. He en( b it teeth tu b o tle it woatlier."

Mr. i\ H. Kopkipt* 101 Doyle Avr., Provi-, dunce; Mr*. Fanole F. Loxley* M ll^lanabury; Hi,; Lra. G. W. bpenct* 107 A tlau ll! Ave., P rovidence; Kra. WlUam J . Wlllla, Lone*; d a le ; W llliani R* Uurdlck* N lau llo ; Mra*(V d Hhlppee* A u b u rn ; Urv* G e o r^ E. H oxile, UiinoncbeL; Mra. Fauule R. Wager, Tlvertokii .end hundreda of o ther bappy pareale tSi Rhode lalaud, wrote h ta r tf tR udioU elitd | ictilm oD lali af.er their cxperleuca w l lh th l i ’ f >od during laRl ■ummet*i hrat>

lu 1868 uo houaeboJd wlib a baby In II «bould be w ithout lactated fuo<L I t l! Ibeka peoalve* pure, Incomparabla.

The New Cinderella.T he ugly itap-m other uud tw o alatorf ta lln a d gone lu the ir ooaoh to th e young prtnea'a t jJ u i t u e tba old atory well-known to aa au .

And left lltUa Cindy nlone 1b | . the'aabea* fTo fnourn w hile h e r Rlitera were off m aking *" . IIn pkuk m uaiiu gow n^ anuL bine aaitln inabetL '*"Er« v -o t o to til* ball, scrub all Dm doors.Ecrub a ll th e wludowa, serub a ll tbe tio o ra"T U i, tb e lr com ioaod w bea peor O lndr Im p lo rta

B ut her tod-m otber s a id ; "Oome n in d r dear, b as tls t I f yuo'd *0 to the ball, take GOLD D bV Tand hustts,D on 't alt there and cry v lth o n t m ov ln i a m o a e te r 'tn is s s than an hour ber hard ta sk v a s dona.In blue silk, and d lam oodi th a tih o n e like th e ana. Ehe danced a t the ball, a n d tba prtaoe's h eart won.

stoBat.I f yon'd e c t th ro u g h your work, and fo o n t to play. I Buy R packnae o f GOLD Dtm T, 'You’ll find U will pay.

GOLD DUSTWashing Powder

Ir (be best c leane r know n—nHCientlflccoDfibiQDUoD th a t get! aw ay wUb d irt on e ig h t a u d which M ilt a t half th e price o f " tb e utJier k tuda" T r y ib

Uadi only by N . K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago,fit. Leal*, New York* Pblladtiphia* Beiten* U oatrial.

) .T I C E 1 __ _ .•■^"r.rvrrv*.

READYMADE M U ST A R IPL A IT E R IIfe wer* Uie first manafooturers on thi*

OoQliaenX Our latest tmurovement surpasses snythlOG ‘'Ver bctor* prediicwd. lie,. Mo., tba, w tin. Be sure to have U iA B D B n . i X lor thOD staead on eottoa oloth.

S E m R Y ’t SULPHUR CANDLES;Prevention If beUer than oure. hr borahw

J . “ H E R M A N & C O . ,



Ancbrir Bmnd ro llaru .................Anchor I rund Cuffi......................Eurl A WIIiou ' r GoUurf.... ..........

* W!i«,n^i Cnffii....................Htcinley Nepligee H hlits, lutindvreO,. lialbriviau H b tn i uud Drawere.N lfh i KhirtR......... ............... ............Hlfk Tffk and FouM n-Hawd H«**rL.., Kllk Tevk Rud Four-lQ-llauU b c a r .i . SmiuIvr* Sockv.....................................

HUGE.5r. i’lieh,

16:', each* lAe. each. 25c, vaeb, 66f. enuh. 39oenii. SB ceutf. 15 eetiiv. 38i'tqlfa

FHIUB.16c. eaek, 36c.eaolu 3Sc. raetu 40e. ta«b. 11.60 eaobfi 66 cetilA AI CfBU.86 cent!. BOr. a ad fie )6 centi.

This slock ooi.,Ji.i. r f aboiil 18,000 a o r th o f f i o , ru rn lsh la * Oloodi. m oelly oUM prsesal w ear-O u u o g Goods and h iib tw eigb t Wear, Bella, M ish n aad U rab riliS T " ^


IF YOU WANT A HOME, •And Ibe beet Inveitmesii lu ibe CKy of Newark, do not fall to look over th*

SILVER LAKE PROPERTY!Taka tbe Bloumft-ld nvehiio car mid ret ufTai NurM< H tciiLIi .tnuii. i...crL hin.»>

rJib a*.Tadl"n ^

Price $125 and up. MOUTH,NobelW inTCSlmcnlcan b-miirtp. D.) not full tn.e* i|,e nr, n . r l r HAUnt'M MOTT

«au.S6r,4,t7 Broad alreet. F .J , liEYKR. Ageol. oi. lUuTr 11 i v " y ^ r i i ^ ^

Han You Used Any o f Dr, James Brown Burnett's ^MEDICAL SPECIFICS 7

St not, Iry ll»m and be contlnoed that they are safr. sare and eUkeUva.

Snil‘Eo.^';^?n<rSl':SK'ol?n‘;:Ij*,“ '"' Ibr “»or.’T M r M . s s s i ? i ? 5 £ i ^These remedlec a n the rmult of many years' prisllce. A n pur* and nlloMa

A L L B B v e o i k mO F F I C E ; 1 6 C h e a t im t S tr e e ts


T h » Celebration in H onor o f the

f i g h t in g Parson .


Thu n r ln * o f a Gun and tli« R liifln t o f

lh « f hurrh Holla Aruuiod llio VllUfora for tlio rolobratloD - ra lrlotio Sim(a SUD*. Miulo by the Itaml, Uauclny m d bpo«t-bea*

Tlila la tlif day of Titld ucll’i (lory. The pretly rlllaxo 1‘eytiinl itia iiiounlnlaa, Prral- deni CleyetaiMl'a hlrslipla.e, la In holiday • Hire, ond Ihc Meteo of all wbu dwell on Ihe couulry»ia» wliniii a. radtua of live milea, a bln plchlc la tnalclUf a nelghburlng grove huin. Then, are eprOcliaa aim muain and dancing, unit in varlona utUer paallmt'i pleamre 1» pnraiinl.

Al^' llila la 111 honor o f ih* Rev, Janma (.■uiairill,.‘ 'th « Uniting paraon'* of hltiory, nflar whom llie Tlllgga hua been named and whnae tragic glory araa told In Weduoaday'a XKwa. Caidwell Day baa bean Inatltutad In eoniiuamuratlon o f tala aarvlcot to the village, and alao tn afford aa opportunity lo Ihe Vllingera and rural Inbabltanla to meet and talk and dlaeuai Improvamenlt of roada,

Ib e lt ring o f a cannon and tha rlaglagof the Tillage church bell algnalled the break dr day lor celebration, Tbo vlllagora were not early lu their beat drcaa, awaiting the ap- proueh of Ihoae coming from a dialanoe, Aa early ai 9 o'clock the roadg Into Caldwell began to Illl with veblclaa and pedealrlauk and from that lima on the alrcama of plr- iilekcra jioured iincenilngly to the point of relebrattun. The farmera eame In all man. bar of vehlclea, tbo eldera with their fim- lllea, the ynuag men with their aweethearla Kvery by-road from ramoia farming die- trieli and Ibroiigh Ihe wooded hllli added to the crowda wheeling and walklug on the

I more frequedted Iburoughfaree. Climbing a

! *“ Tula waa r«I i, *** I '* » t apoUiia*.1 lh a poem, |ti full, laaafoHowai

Here a Ihe apoi, lack urouud you. Ahore on the height

la y the Uradana encamped. By ilial church oil Ihe right

Hloodluegnmii Jertay farmera. And here Tfllt Ik wnll —

Y ou may dig auy where and you'll turn up a iwH.

Nolhingmore. Graaac< ipring, waten run, flowera blow,

I’ relly much aa iba j did nlnaty-tbrra ytaraago.

Nothing Diore. did I aayT Slay, one mo­ment ; you're heard

Of Caldwell, the paraon, who onoo preached the Word

Down at HprtngflaldT What, Not Coroe- lliai'abad. Why he had

A ll Ihe Jeraeya aflame 1 And they gave him Vii^ name

Of the high prleiita * 1I« Riuck tntb«ir ttorico.

For Up tovcil liia <JoiJ>->ikiid b« haifil King Ov-i rgc 1

He U«d caui«, y<,u might %&y I it lieu the Hfi- •lani ibHt day

UareluM] up wliu Kuypbaua«n, they etoppej on ttiPir way

At ihfi ** farme" when hie wife* with a cliiM In her arma«

Hat aiune in the houie. How It happened none Ituew

BntO'TTd^RQd loatoDa of the blnling ciowWho fired the abut I Roough r-^there-aUf Uy,And Caldwell, the obaplaln, her UueUattd,

Away I

Dm he preach—did he prayf Think o f Uim AM you MUnd

By the old i-nurch lo-deyi-lh lnk ofhlm end ttmt bend

Ofm lUunt pluugbboyil aeetha amokeancl ibe bent

OfthAireckleia adTanoB-of that itraggllni retreat I

Keep Ihe gh(Mt ofthat wife, foully elalu, in y<mr Tifw

And what could you, what abould you, what wiMild you dot

W hy,ju*l wbqt he did l They were left lo the lurch

Furtive wuni of more wadding. He ran to thecburcU,

Broke iije door, itrtpped the pewe and daihed oiil In the road

Willi biK arnti full of bymn-bookii, and (brew down bteload


^ted hill and winding lo tha louih ibe people reached the grove where the plonlo li taking plaor.

In thegroTa the tnornlnk boun wereflvea to Tarloua paitlmei. Tboie who old not care for apori talked with frlonda The band played and patrioticaonga were lung. While all thl4 Wat fo log on tha women biiaicd IhemselTts with ibe preparatioua for the feaii. lu an old oven Id (be grove hot bI euHa were baked, and aeveral oil eioTee were utniMd ibr baking. The oven had been erected for the occaalon, to give a gilmpac of Ibe oldeu times before atovea oameluto uie and when ovens wero employed.

A bugle call sounded through the grove. Thtkwaitbe algnal for the beginning of ihe fraet, Pre»ldeni Haven beckoned the people to gather around a labie upread with eal' abtei. ' After the fenst waa over and ihe band hod played several patrlollc aim, the pre ib dent, aa (orai master, made a short addreat of weloonveand Ihen spoke npon lb * “ eliar« acier and servire o f Hev. .lames Caldwell.'^ Ills remarks were in Hoe with whai was pub> lulled In M ednetday’s N ewh. C. F. Ilulien- back rendered bunvorous recltsttons, 'Aldermen Robert C. Kyerann. of Caldwell borougb, read by requevt Bret Uarlo'a poeiu,

At their feet! Then abova all Iheehoutlng and shots

Rang his voice—'* put W afti into *em—Boys, give 'em Watte

A ndlbeyd id . That ta all. Orastei spring, flowers blow,

Pretty much aa they did nlnely-three yenra ago.

You may dig anywhere and you'll turn up a ba ll-

But not alwaya a hero like ib li-and tbat's all.

Mr. Paslco, iheaecreiary of the Vlllagelm* provement Hncletir, who had done much lo Inanre the success of the great picnic, made an iDtereatlog addroas on ** Village Improve* inents.'* Captain .famet Parker, of Perih Amboy, talked Interesllngly on **New Jer* •ey In the Kevolutlon.” 8iewart L. Wood* ford, o f New York, and Abram L. HswHl will a lio make addreasec,

Amoug the promlDent gueats present at this Caldwell Jubilee era Mrs. Wlltlom Mul­ligan. o f Fahsades. N. V., anil V. K. liuncas, ter and family, also of New York, who are descendanta of (he Rev. Mr. Caldwell. They occupied promlneiiL seats upon the plaifurin. The close o f the picnte will he at iuueei,when guus will be fired lo retreat.


The Animat Ruus Through Irvlngtoa» Bit* Ing Three Dogs on HU Way*

A mad dog ran through Irvington yeeler* dsy morning, and for a limeereafed great atarm. Tbe animal, which was a beagle hound, ran Into (be vlllsgejust ahead of (he Mlitburn stage, A i (lie corner of Wall street U caught 1(8 first victim, a dog, whoteowutr- sbtp cou^d not be ueceruined.

Down Kpringfleld avenue Ibe road dog ran, bhtihe vlllugen were quick to (nko tbe alarm and get out of the way. A Hear jvalh was l< fl the brute until It reached the poaiotfioe. UereUaeUed a big N'ewfouudlaud bclougthg 1 0 Mias C4ain Lynns, tore its nvouib bedj3% left It and roshed across the road, where It scored another In lU Uat bf bitien eantnei. The d^i eOtTlloued oa Us career loward New­ark. A mau who oaraa along carr>lug a doiihffrharrelled shot-gun wusappaaled to. lie Jumped ntf an elfolrli! oar and sisried in pur- auH. Tbe car soon caught up to tbe anltuai, The man flred at It, Tbe dog rolled over but got'up. Th,e second shot tnUsed and the dug eticap^ In the dlreoilou of Myrtle Aveeue Park.

Tb« MHEburn stage driver saya that the dog ran ahead orntm almoat the whole dis- Unoe Irom Mlilbum and bit three other ditgu on (be roud down. When patsing a pool o f water Ibe aollnal look a lit, and on recovsr- log seemed in gain Avail frensy. Tbepauen- gers of the stage, who were nmoh aiDightcd, bagged tbe di'lver to keep clear of lbs canine, end Itkepl Jkliu tuSy warding offthewHd nisbes Which tbe brule made agalu and agalo reward (be homes.

One df tbe dogs bitten belongs to Mrs. Lyon* U la an old pel o f (be fainily and Ha |•WD«rsfaot dlsooQ»ola(e, but have detrrin hied to bave li ktlled. The vlUavera, bouevsr, ard worried over lb** fan that tha other dogs biueo were not idenilfled and ihsi the road uog itself encaped.


Several Attempts to ( atch the Gypsy Eloper Frustrated by Ula Departure,

Superlalendent Brown and Detectives Ckr mil and Coagrove returned to this city laot Digbt after a fruitless search for Edward Evans, the gypsy, who, on June 8, eloped wHb hts flflcen*year-old aU(er-ln-law, Marie Lovell. F:vani left his wife with her father, Chief Chtsodlne Lovell, whose IKile band o f gypsies Is encamped lu Olnsby's Woods on FreJlngUnysta avenue near Nurtb Ellas both*

tsuperintendent hrown bat got^trace o f Evniisandihegtrl a half doien tlm f« since be lied, but the roan Is a reveraud Is bard to keep track of for any leu gib of i line. The hiu* perlnlendent received information mi WednoMdsy t hat Evans was in the lower sec­tion of Ihe Blale, and tbe detecllvrs were hurried away Id eearcb of him. The gypsy, however, did not (urn up as was expected, i^cveral weeks ago Dstectlve Carroll was only two boun behind Evantand tbo girl, when itiey left Richmond, Va., so hurriedly ihu( Evans neglected (o taka bla eiothlni with him.

Chief liorell It atrsly ditfrvssod at hli diugbter's ion f absence and be makes a trip dally from (be camp to polloe hoadquariers for news o f bis child. A t Ihe Mine ol the ai«- apnearanhe nf tbe couple be oftered a reaard o fm > for ilieir arresr, Tbe old man Is so eager for tbe return of bis daoghirr thal he carnet tbe reward in bis pocket ai all limes.

Re&ult o f th e N ew a rk Passenger

Gom iiany's A nnu al Eleetion.


-llrisrs. Lt niassena, Clay, Akarman am] l>rnU(on, Friends nf Vrcsitlent Harr, m i- persedeil ]iv Those o f ( nnsnlhhilril Cutii|ian>--Tlirre WHi He Mn l.easrs I'rokeii, anil A ll the litrurpAirailnns W ill Cuutlime.

At Uip aniiuiil mi‘f-tlng uf the Newark 1'ns- sriiger lU llw;iy Coinp.iiiy liolil Un.Ihv lit Iho olflciiN of tiH* Nee Jej -ey iTHCtlou Coinpaiiv, ill Ihe FriidiMUlal llullUlnj:, TinMiuia C, Ibtri’ Will rHlrrd fr«>m Ihe bmird uf itlreeions.

As nearly ull uf the vlui k lit i (lasKrd Uilo tlie htMid.'A ut u tew of tlio Ceil- willilaied Tiacllun t'nmfmny iiiBiia* gers rcc»*n|iy, their wen* very few prCMnl. The P.i^s*'naer compnuy's lines IJiiJiKpd iiiio ibo eoniruj of (he New Jersey TrftciloM Coiii|iA|]y lu.'ii year, mi a leaHe the (erini o f which Imvemd lj «n kepi. The New Jersey Triiclltin Coiupany guarnn* teed (o tiie Newark PaMSenser Company stockholdiTii* Imereal un Uii'lr hold lugs on n griided Brule, viirying trcmi half uf one per ccui, tu (uiti piT ct'hi.

'Ibis would extend uver a i>crlod of about elgiil yearn. thi Januiry I, JWV. llieflrii dividend, ut tbe rule of lhrL>e-qunrierji of one per rent, was paid, but on July 1 uf tills year Uo (llvldeml was puid. 'Ihe rm** irom January 1 Lustto January 1, 1 H|, shoiiiil b*one percenl., hiU iliere l« im |iirw(ieui ol ihe N.-w Jersey 'friicllmi Conipnuy pjiying llils out of H* own funds. llis Umsoll- d«Ud Tr.iciliin Cuitipnny biivlng gUuruh-

to usMiime (Ur ubllg iiKniis ofleedIbeNcwJerscj 'J'rucilon Coiupiii), wlU pivy tUose dividends, hut >ome of (be new mnu- agers Uu.ugbt that Uiu rental ahmild i>e re- rtiicod. Tbe Iras; of tliu New Jersey TriicHon Company from the Newark Pi4*- leuger Company has been brokoti by the failure to pay ib|« dividend, but us ibu rnsjurily ol tho istnckholdors of (be taller rompany srn Coiisolliliilvd sfocRholdcrs alio, liiere wns doI likely lo be ony IrlctJon. It inien>ied allowthe Nf'W JeriU'y TraCllon (.V>mpiny to fad inlo diiuvc us a <*urp>>ralih;t, tmt U Iiub been decided now to kuep lU ourporaie e i- Ivleitua alive in order ibai Lhe franchixea could fjoI be alTected 4U any way.

At (he m-ellnp lo-day ibuie present were : A. tit. KeHNlu'y, Thoiiiijs C. Rirt. Dr. Under- wm»d, Kduanl Clay und E. R.’Uuddli* Mr. (iaddls held a Wg buircli of proxy eertincuUs wliich. I l ls said, creHicd the majomy. Dr, Underwood was appmuied teller, ani when lhe lint of i(ock holdiwa bad been read and tbe proxies verlfled. tbu voteM were rial. TbU was

hortly aficr 12:30 and a rtTess wns laken until 1:15, en (hni the votes rouU becoqnled, Mr. Keasbey and Recmhiry Clay remalneii In ihv ofTlce lo Uo this, while Mr. Oatldls and Mr. Barr went out tu lunch. At 1:2D o'nkwk the latter rt'iurueJ iind received ibe follow- lug lilt o f now rtirHCtiirs: A. Kciisbey, Heiiry CoiigHr, .loiin U, Hardin, Frier Hauck, Yl li, Gaddis, tfcurge Durj'ee, K *i. Moore, llnmms J. Wd»on, William A. Illpley.

Ml sirs, Hurr, Loinusscna, Itlchard W, Chiy, J<mn Aknrmun and Kdtvnri] Denistoc arn retired. .Messrs. John U. IJsnltn, (George

Duryee, Peter Hnuck, 'rbonias J. Wli«un end W. A. Ulpley lake ihetr places. None of Uk‘ gentleineri present would have anyihlng 1ai Kuy in expiaiiutUiu of the clieuge* None of tlumi aecrned surprised, and I'reildont Harr In handing lhe list of hew directors lu the NKWa reporter, rennirkitd;

'*'Jhu hew Uottid will meet early In tba week, to onranlBe niid abeot nfflcark. Tliare Is nothing else lo rcpurl, and 1 Have nothing lo lay."

Mr, Keaabej aald there Srsi uottilnq else done, lhe meeting hejiig CHlhd merely t<F elect offirer'i and keepullvo the corporation of the Newark Pjssengpr RsUvray Coinpuny.

it was slated that tbe meeting RtmplIJIed matters for the ConsoHaated Company, ii* Ibc new director* elected were favorable u> the Consolidiited Company* Work ob the new llnei Is ifi be ]>ualied ahead at once.

A director of tbe Newark FaHRenger Com­pany and also o f the Rapid Transit Company said to-day ibat the Newark Passenger Company, the New Jer­sey Tractioo Company and tbo Uapld Traii- «ltConi}iauy would bt* kepi going as curpornie concerns, noLwllhstandlng tbe fact that the Consolidated Traotlop Company had absorbed aM the lines. He added tbal wheihcr the coudUloiis of the leaM;s bad Irren obeyed or not, they would not be brokeu, and would be main- lalued by the Cgusuhduted Tracliuo Uum- pahy.


They Lett Nutley fo r New York With a Team La*t Wednesday,

Liveryman Joseph Bttr^U, of Chest nat street,sent two raen with a leant, 4in Wedaes* day, to remove ablnoe Ibo time they (eft the houne Wird the piano poiblQg bas beard ofibero.

, Slirratt Ibougbl notblng of 11 when (he men did not turn up on Wednesday qIhIK, but when they were rUU missing yesierJay morning be teiephuned to the authorlites of this city, Jersey Clly and New York. Imt no

.trace o f llicm nave bnea found. J. Edwards, - Who bM been In tba employ o f btlrraU for a short tliUR, residea in this oily. He bad otiarff of tbe leana, and Blmoa Hayes, who reaiusi on CbesiDui lUveL Nutley, was ssut (pasalat in.baiidllujr the pluno* Hilrral taai arm offleeri to New York (o see If any trnoe of the men or tbe teeqi can be found. It is ttiougbt that tbe men delivered tbe piano and aftertrard became inioxloated aod got Into a row and are locked up somewhere In New York.


Undanak^r Cook Denies the Itirty About tha Orsan Flnld-Otlibr Denials.

Detective Volk, of the Prosecutor's offl-e, bsseofur progreeeed wlib hit lavesiigailon of the alleged murder o f Martin Warner, of Fieaeanidale, as to almost eonvlaoe himself that (he case was ons ofiuleida.

Und erlaker Cook, of Caldwell, who pre­pared tbe body for btirlal, has loid him that be never said lo any one that green fluid was lakeo from the fnlestlnet of tbe dead^Riai). The undertaker said, iuo, that the mark of tbe " dutch collar ** was on the mao's wlad-

---------- - .r— tlH M red by the detec­tive at the convent In Caldwell, Bbe declared that she and her ilepfatber were on the best of terms al ways. Bhe denied the story about tfad bitter iHste oftbecoffre.

The Proseoulor said lodiiy tbal ae tbe esse looks lo him at prearut4t doeg ocA warrant tbadlilnilrrineniof the body. *


Irr ln F to ik I te m s*,T b f B^tb annual rjport o f (he Irvington Building hud Loan Asioclutlnn, Just issued, ibowsanat protl^ since bustneas was begun of There are total assets of tLie,0tf.&7,of wiiioh fS5,20k Is out on bond and raortgoge, Tbe UablMtlea aro H8.454. Joseph Q, Ward Is presldeni; Thoinas S. Osborito, vlc^-preia Jdant; Fraakllu Kisiani, secrelAryj JomeeR, Edwards, treasurer; C* W. Kilter, oounsettor.

To-morrow morning Rev. Elbert Cleiniiat, o f the iFvlngton Meibodiet Epleeopst Cburoli, wm take as bis subject** W h a it H o w f At night be will speak on. “ Worthy Ancestry."

The fkroiiy o f Fosimasier Thomas H. Joaes* oflrvlDgtpn.go toOcean Oroveon Monday to spendthe remainder o ftba season*

Frederlok Monter, o fN ew Brltiain, Conn., U the giteit o f Mrs. Gasser, o f Evergrssh avenne, Irvington*

Will lam U. Ward, o f Lyons Farms, has sbl}iped n ooiislgbinent o f floa gooMberrlei to the World's Fair. Tho frnit wasgrowo on (ha farm of Tbainos W* Wills, of OraDse aveniir, Irvitijfton.

Matthew Hogan and family, of'lrvLngtoOb have rsluruvd irum a vocation trip.

A Flano F e ll on Him,Augustus Fraxer, bead brekeman on tbe

' CsitdQ express o f the Deiawa re. Istcka wanna and Wcsinrn Railroad, was badly Injured aV Mount Tabor yesterday afternoon. Frsitr, Willi tbe other Iralnbandt, were removing a piano rrom tbe oar wbao It tipped over, breaking one o f Frakcr's arms and Injnjlng him Inleraally.

Tw e Wandering Boys J^tnrn.John Ellis and Obarles Eoitls, lbs two

isvfn-yeaivoid lads who d liappea i^ from tbeir bomei on New street, Bellevllls, Thiire- day, returned borne last n igh t A searotalog party bad been looking lor ibe boys slnoe their disappnaranee* Tns lads bad made a tour o f tbe towbsblpi and spent tbsnlgbt ovsy frocnboiM tn ibarn nonr WestOrnnis*

Plaae Dlscasead by tha Agrleallaral 9e- ciety and O lh tr Buslneis Traniaoted.; ^

Tba tiiale AirlouKoral Society met In tbe Board o f Trade roomi yesterday anernooii and diicuieed plant far (be conilng Slate fair. Fresideot F.. B. Gaddis wae In tbe ebair*

Reports from tbe various eommUtees ■bowed tbst tbe preparatory work was well advanced and would be completed Hverai weeks before Ihe opening of tbe fair.

A ll goods will be on the fair ground! on Baturdny, September 8, and on the followitig Monday, Labor Day, ihe admission price to tbwtslr w ill be Swetily-flve cenla Tha prem­ium list will be ready for distribution on and afler next Wedueaday.

C 'h rlstla it A s s o c ia t io n Notes*Tbe usual p^irty of young men left the

rooms o f tha Y. M* C, A. Ib li afternoon to ■pend a few hours at Kltver Luke Fnrk. Base ball and other field games will be played.

Hccreiary Coaseas Is bsck again from the World's Btudeiiie' Confrrenoe, held at North- Held, -Mass*, tbe heitie o f D, la Moody* Tbe coaierance was tha bMthrer held* Prolbisor Drummond, Moody and other promlnsnt epeakers addressed tbe aatbering.

A ll the association oommlilees are hard at work arranging for tha fall and winter work. Dr, Ca H* Stockton Is tbe obairman o f tbe enlertalDinabl oammllts*, and states Ibst I be star course for the oomlog foil and winter will be finer than any praoedlng season, MarihaJl P. Wilder will opes ibe course In Ocioher.

J* M, Bayre l i looking after tbe popular lec­ture course and tbe eduoalicnal classes. Ubarlea G* Horkwood Is associated with him tn this department.

Tbe Bible Institute will coodnae Us ses­sions during the aumnisr, Inierestlnf see- •Ions are aasnred. «

A t tbe men’s nwasraseLlng h^raorrowaflernooD a abort and iniereiiing talk w lilte given by the forinsreecrefary ofthe Y* M* Cf* A. o f Lawrence, Mata., William £* Taylor.Hina ld » ClJne and Mias Kdiih Cook will stbg dueU.

Ftle Fawsilcl i t a Immedlau relief; and a speedy, pleas-ant and olaaniy cure for every descripiron o f plies, pin worms, eic* Fur sale, with fall dl- reetlousi at 10 Acsdaiuy street, upstairs. Oflioe )io «rtt 9 A M * to 7 P* U. wseg davs, and a to 4 P. IL Bundaya ^

Harrison and Rearny.It was raporied to tbe police at Eeariiy

yssterday that two bSU of carpenter toofi Ivsd been sfolen from the new building lu eourso or erection for Mr. Carter caArJIng- ton Heights,

*Mr. nud Mrs. Charles Blckles and fam ily,of ArlIhgLon, are preparing to retiiove to Or­ange.

Miss Bloat, delegate from the Arlington FrvHbyierlaii Church to the CbriiUan F niloa- vor Ht>clcly (.lonveulluh held recently at Mon­treal, hi>s relumed ra her kioroe.

Treasurer Dorlaod, ul Kearny^ bad bis fare and bead bruised last uigbl by being thrown from Ills carriage near bis reiddencj In Ar- llnKlun. The young bone he drives buoame (rigiitLMted and aiarred oa a run.' Tba car­riage was iiadiy damaged by ootiidlog wllb u lice im Kearuv avpiiue,

'Tke 1U'\. John ilulchlDSOQ, of Freeport, I^ng Island, will pronch to-morrovr morn- log In tbe Arlington Fresbyterfati Ohurcb.

Mr. (Til'd Mrn. W, W. Cbace, of Arlington, have gone to hbelicj' lulaad, N. Y., where they uiL rvmuin until Heplembor.

On luviitttlon* tbe ArMuglou Brase Band rendered some eeveral svleuiloUR of music last uiglil on the vorunJu of the Uoine of Jo­seph Ferkvr* Jr., afler which refreihmeuti were served.

Robert Allen and family, of Arllnglon* h«v ? gone to Hast Uplism, N. J.

The ufficort o f Gui'fleld (jouncll, of tbe Goldeu HiHf FraieriiJty, who were Inslalieil by (be grand ofllcec^Thursday nlgbi, are: Moderator,CbsrJes Turnbull; vlce-modsra(or, JiMeph W'eslerflt'lil; recording e.'creiaiy, George Wllllatiie; flunnolal secretary,'i'hoiDat

I CiFe; ireahurer, Fbillp i^ K b ; gufdr, Jeuuie Wilkenscii; loislRtaut guide, itcrihu Allen; cbftpibi, Ann M 'iggeoi; warden, George Dixon; eecrelniy,Tbomaa Wlndle; orgauist, Addle Nlcbois.

Kearny (Sclionl CotnrotsRioner JoDalhan W'oodi and family left lo-day for the Adiromlhcks. Rieburd Woods, of ArliJig* ton, aroornpank'd them.

Amerios ( ’ouiicll P104, Royal Arcaniina, Arliugloh* beUl an Imporunt meeilng lubl p gbt at wlileh tuembers of cll were In attendance.

Fgter Hauck Company 19. Indeptsdcat SobuciEeubund. will liold u meeting Monday ' QigliiHt Its l>eudqiuir;er» on Harrison avcuue.

Judge .Michart *M. Furrest and family, of Arltikgtou, are euuiincring a( Hbuher Istaud, N, Y,

A permanent organization wae effected Tbursilny iilgiit of an urond ur drsmatluas- nrx'iaUori 111 Arllogloti, A number of young people held an adjourned meeting at the reMldencoof .Mias IkiuSton. oa Beech street, andelectod as preslaepit Milliam F*Grant; vlce-presldeni, MIrkW. Hognri; secretary, W, Forrest, and treasurer, Miss B, Rogers, Tbe name adopted was the Arllnglon Dramnllo Boctety. U wiPt decided dial, wlththeex- cspUonofdjs charier membt^rs, npplIrJants fur membership Nbail be restrlcU'd to ladles at least eighteen years of ago and genlleioea who are twenty-one years old.

the Hudson i'onuty Hoard of Equslfsatioa o f Taxes bas received from James Matthews, Koarnj Township Assessor, the Vslualihns fo rJ t^ They are as follows: Ileal, |4,g9i,bii0; pefrciial* 8820,050; to(Ml* 86,2i.‘{.70a Tbs .ip- ersnse over RAKi for real is 1139,^0; personal, •8,000* toiai, 81411.130. The total valuations In Kearny exceed thmui of JlarrlsOn, pre­viously .publlsbed,

Mnu'lsaniii Wynn, <>r Kearny avenue, hni iMMtwd ikSHSage for Europe, where she wlU mbka an oxfrnded Umr.

Miss K ltUy Rice, sister of Aldertnan Hies, o f liaitlsoh. Is ipendlug her vacatloo at A l­bany, N.

A dauelQf platform hat been bQlU on the gmuDd* o f tl|* West ArllngtOQ Houl on Fassalc avenue*

The Misses Nellie Costsllo, Mamie Yearns, Kalte Hehretber and Mafole Dugan, of Har- rjson avenue, are aujoying the boautles of Enilewood*

A list o f the delinquent (axpayert o f IBBl In Hjirrison has been ordered published*

JusUoe Mulligan, o f tbe ilarrlSun Follee Court, yeeierdoy afternoon received a teie- gramfrom tbe town o f Canaan Four Ckiroers, Columbia County, N. Y „ slating that at that place yesterday Ubauiioey Vintu, o f 228 Cleveland avenue, Harriecm, Iwd dropped dead on tbe si reH*

Tbi Vulon Atbielie Club, composed o f boys living In ArllngtoD, has been orgaolEed. Masters Fred Parker,'Wtllle Edmuna** La­fayette Crowell and Jesae Rogers are (be olfl- cere of ( li# new nrga nlsatlom

The Edison laimp Works, Humson. will rssumeopeniiloDs Monday, aJler being closed for two wrtksfor repairs and aliaraHotis*

The H 'nlirr* niiit ltarkrv|>4-rO I'lilim Want \Vh«i tt-. MfmUrrs Thuuglit Was

Hit Jn^ult Taken lUvk.

Ill a commiiuloatlnn \o lUs F.so'x Trad<'S (.VtujK'll read at tbe mortlnk ufttuit lioitv lu»( night 111-- Walter-- uml lliirhc* p T-t' I'lilnu announced It f irin.il pndetl agitli)>l whai Itdr'WTllied 4M a n*;mr( uf lltc fumhilltee a]>- jKJlmvdejy in-i'iumell htscHiMlicdlirrrf'iicoi belHi-ni lilt niiluK uitd tbo pro|irlet«fs t»f llie ilMlereut |)rtrk'<. 'Ibi- r-nmh.unk'iiMon smietl tbal ihl-- u-rti- published in n Genmiiimorui g ue 8t>api-r nnd nu Iho siri'ngili of lhU (bv uttiurs und L>srki[-e|>crN Uvuiumled ihiil (III-c iin iic iitake bark Uto hiRiiUs lu snid ariiele." in caV’ ul nUnsnl iliey thrrut- viied t>, nrop the eminel»4Uoue'',nti|e.iii* e iinJed by j-ayui; iliul tlo-y “ lU'verhud nn.v «NsjRl«iieci li-iHn the Cuuneil, bill weiuulw.tys eX|M* ted lo Pity ibeir Unr» every month."

.\flern lenglhy dUeus-luu the coinluuiuca- (lun a'HN nu-d wUhrivU liriluti. During thedtvciusloii rt delegiiir anked wh«( tb«* slleitoil lit 'U ll hlimiU TliBfi D e le 'iiie I^bw iirr., nfUie fli?gr:rvi'd union, tiaiulml u copy uf H.fl in‘wsj>niH-r lu t'urresjMindliig NciTeiHry meyer. Kioni llie (ralistnilon H appeared iiKit li wmh an niHiffleial rcpori of re-marks wbicti mnnlrers of the euininitrcu had lieiird Ironi vurloun euureca tonci'rulng Ilia nullersaiitl biirkei-pi-rs, a-id uhleii the(uuu- millce waa paMleuiar Hi<iU!?h locxpliilii ai lhe lime iiM hCHtsay, Thn ttnnsliitlouHliowed lluii D. Jiu iie Kilrerston had unki'd wbOlher 1 be rommlllee was rvaily t<» report. HI It apfH'jited ihHi everything was not ns 11 kUmiiu be. Then tbe ctiairm.in id (he ruin- mlLiee had rxjiliiineO tbal be nnd Ii Im as%(»- r In tea had bu: t een nlilo to bring nboui a inm- lerenne a-* y«l. AuutbiT dcDgale UK-lured ibat he utuIerstirtKl ihul a c<-rtnln rliix i x- Med within (lie WHirem and llarkve|wri’ Union, and thut many meq wbu dtslreil lo loin It were nnl pennlurU.

ItolCKHle Rcicnnian atulod thaf be had railed on a piuk pmprlaior mid Unit tho bil­ler bad b)hl him thal all hi« wallors inunl Join tho uiilun II rbai h>dy wmiM aerepl them. '• HulM#‘qiu>nlly,” uontiiiued Helch-

1 inrt u meiiilMsr of tbe Waitert and

W . A. Coleman, o f T h is C ity , Charges

H is W ife W ith B e in g U n fa ith iu l.


Tlie Women *-al<l l l a i « Kern FonniL leairrtUy .tUi‘ rniHin III a Miserable K immii (n Now VsirK W'llh a Vnrlrty Fer- lormer Nainrd I.m 1{o»r--shn U Charged



llarroiMi lakand, Luke HopatrmsB. N.J.— Kuprrbaud lomMiille wmorv ; vie v of iuke frora every rouip; llRblng unt'.xivMfJ; msluriit and mn»qulba<« unkn<>wii; every mmb rn tx>nvrnlenc‘« ' : onlv Mi mitre fiom Newark ; rales from 8IJ lu ll'i |>er we<‘k. Addn-M

iSkllKUKIt A MKKKNTHAJAIU, Munagereand I*<-M-ines

_________ IjtiHllos, Morris Ciuiiity* N. J.

\ \ w \ m i m m ,KIdi-eii, anlJIVHii t oiiHly, N. V.

r^llgtitfiil mi uutain « lr undsi*t‘iier3', Hur- ruiiiuled by m-verul b>uuillni JuRim. Gvjud

•vKt. I I . * 4 1 J. >1 •- t. J f nhliing utui Mbnulbig, No mosuititin'-, h'tH'vliW llli llaUiitf I.H I Home, Itiubaud and S vramahire. Iloiri ?.u,lage(h lld Uir (be -lag«> and a 1 a«t Life* + Hhtiluda.oi, N Y., I*. K .t W. |(. H.

leTTTi'aHi to ir rrr W^eli. K|wiMi*I rnh-n io

Burkeet>ers' Union, and ha (old ma In a wrnth) manner ibiit iilM uhlon would do as It I'leM^ed iibmit ailiulKing A|j|dLeant4 fur meiubfruhlp. iiiVd wuuJd uul be diciuied lo by I III' eotinidb"

Itolrgute SilvnrMnn pronounced as a pure llK Ibe uniou't Mxhenlim Ihul il (lud hot re­ceived tiuy uMMlhLiirin) from ih.' council.

A resolution orlTeil liy Secreiiiry Elyron was pjisneii which comroemird IheHciUmor Kiv|UTvising ArciJllrct Of the Trc.ihUry O'Uouikoln Ihesluiil ht* tm« lukeu iigA)n>.tibe cntpInytiU’Hi uf ci'iivk-i laUrn, ortbe useof any prodnriN ol cunvict labor on any Government wurk. Tin* reiioluilon funher rei'ommeiidi'd ibu( orginlted labor fhroiJKii- uut (bo couiHiy iiL(liT-e Mr. O'iiourku'K order, }<nd uDn rmniMUciided (hat hH ptililic and ])rlTUle lorp’oyfrs einulule Mr. (VHuiirks's exstnph'. Mr, Byrou explained tliat hU rettUuiiuii was (he oulnune of g report of Mr. u'Uourku's acitoD publlsbed lu the N kwh uf July A

J* r. .McDonm ll, nf the execnllve commll* tee o f Kie stiilu Federation ol '1'radt‘S and I«h or Unlona* sent a call lor tlm nfl''cnlii annual rniigms u( the Hinte I'cdf'railot), which wilt hu held on Momlay, August 21, nl Hmsteii'i Hiitl* 100 Hlwirnbi'lii sired* Ho- bok«Q. Afler giving fmiLi'aciloQa to the Inbor orgnn xatiuus that muy send delegalcs, the call Nays:

" JiMigcr crmfroniH uv In nur shops and can only bo nvertud h> hitelllgenl, tiolii ond de- teriulufld milted hoUou. Tlie iiislntenanoe of Iho rate uf wuicor now pidd and (be ln> crensont wagRR, as well hr tUi> tediicIlunM of working houi's, depend *-otdy upon own efTorla. Ii Is for us to twy wUeiber ihe l^egls- biime will rcpoiil lawn pHsjied for tbe gr uej of Iho working p<’ople and defoat jucusurvs offered In llojtr biU^rosl.*’

I>cb-gnie Hi'Ckhieyer was elected ah a dele- gatulutbla cungri-sa aud J. I\ smllbeon. of tbe Clothing ^olcimcn, waN chosen alter- UHte, III urging l(>e nccnsiiy <if hupporling IhecongrcHA Delegnie Henry Dorm, or cigar- mukerv' Union 117 oi Orange, wbU'b wuk ad­mitted to the council last n(kid, look rern- cloii to rap ANRcmblyrnan Tlinnihy Barrelt for his bnvln;; Introduced (be Kiriy-riirii'- hdur law. Mr. I'orlb ctcclnrcd lhai. beforo thiH Mr. Barrett bad assured bim that be was a rriemi of labor.

The speaker-polnied nqt (he danger of ro pealing (lie Killy.flve-tjoiir law, for which organized labor has foughi ao bard, ami asked that nil the deleguteK prcMcnl ace b) It ttiHt tbetr rpspeellvc ImmI les be v;g4ltti>i. .Mr. I‘orth deierltji'd the failure to organize a cen­tral bo<ly hka thu council at Orange. *'l don't believe," ha raUI,'• ilist there la a oliy In New Jertcy so lofeslvil with 'acablsni' at Orangn. Out of 470 carpi^nipra, HiO are 'HcabR.» We had a barber's onion* billIhevgol TJ15 In tbe treasury Hhd th^u RUapeuaeAl ducH for ooeyenr* They have no uu on now, but they want one."

OumoMnu Ihe orgxnlz'Jtlon commiUee* In wbOKe iuiiiiber Mr. Tortti WE Hddwl, will give tbe Orange clgarmakera nsslatauce iJi organizing various unions,

A rosier Irom Clgarmakera' TTnUm 117 of OrungewuR read, whlih rcriueatei! iheiirrc«t of JrMeph Maliicu* tbo urjlon'n former fliiaii- clal secretary, who 1i acvuacU nf abacundliig with 8102.IS ufthe unbui’tf funiU.

The ['ninn Halters repurtod lliat thej' would onje^i to lhe council uilmiulng to iih momi erKhlpdelcgHios from (ire United HhI- lera ol F>oex County*

Mesars* Beckineyer* Relchroan and Hy roii were appointed n coinmlUee to induce the proprluutrs oi Eagle U Kik; tu place on naic union Glgani*

Hamue] Gompers, presidenr nf ihn .\Ttier1- esn Fndcradon of Labor, nuun.-d tlrectnihcil thnta Uiqua, O., funilLure <leah>r with whom labor men at that place iiad truiible. hnd a NewarkcmitOTuer. .Mvssr*. Ikjckineycr.Byroii and Cun kiln were AptToliUed a coimnIKee lu perruide the local denier lo desist from j^aironlztng the Plqna ormt-ara.

Delegate Iteckmeyer rej>orted that at a cou- ventlou in Hoallle, Wash., two wcekM ago, at which there w*it repn'ieutmi (I8.00() union workers aloag the I'ucidc coast, tbe work of the Essex Trades Council way cndorsacL


___Special low aommer- Now

Is tbe time tn bavryottr tranie* regllded ADd your plcfuret frafoed an they will be ready for yoa wheo yoo reiitrn from your sQitiroer cmilbg. Cary A Keooy,590an4dt|t Broad etraeu

Deteetlve Casale Lost Him and.Gerardo Spatula Lose« Bd(H> In Ci»useqiit«ncr.

Jubu Cflsnle, of the l*ro'«f*fnu»r‘* siiitl of deiecllves, looked very glum uhea buai- rlved at the CcurthouKe ibis nioriifng. Tbe cause o f bis low eplrlia wai ilm ia prisoner bad esenped from bis custody. Tho man wna Gliiconio Btabelll, iCurty S’carN old, wiio w»s arrested tn 1890 for stabbing one G, Pa-' qualc In tbe arm, He wan hitllcd ut tbe Gmu by Gerardo Spnlola, o f Boydnu Alrrei, iti the sum o f 8500, and be lost no time in " Jmuj>- Ing uls bali.''

A few days avo (he rrosm iior learned (bat the man was working with a gniigot Jabom n irear WatKlQR <llen, N. V. He HeiiL Jabn Casaio liber iiim nml Cavah; Imik M]MitoT4h along. TliPjr acreilcd hum, nml on Thur*itae'

' jtpek *tari"ct forN'.'wark nn an Erieii. ii.fintd fraln. When near f'ort Jervis, about 3:W o'clock ycitcL'diiy tiiornlng, Cu» Uo gatwp from his place br-iilde the t>rl*nnn*r— who WHSDOl haiulcuffntl —A'ld wem furwanl through the ainle to get a drink of water. The train was runulDg at the rate of abnnt iwetity-flve miles an Innir. (spnlola, wtm sat behind tbe prisoner, m w tvim put his led up on ths npeu wjndow, und Ibuugbt be wus merely tteeklug u inori? cinnforlable position, but before be coilhl realise whiLt whs liuppen- Ing Klubelll hud slipped ibrougb the wluduW and was goacr

Three or four minutes later the train slopjied at P**ri Jervis, and Casule end Bpu- (ole run buck expanding to (lind a btreLlliig cori«e on Iho rull«. No truce of tbe *U)mu dead ur ailve could he found.

'J'berc Is only one man in Newark In lower spirits over thn Hftalr than Duleedve Cusale* Hisy DHine is Gerardo Npatota.

Tractfon Company's Crnvltj.Colonel Edward tj. Kdwtirds made com­

plaint In Justioe Uupp's court (hiM morning ■gatiist tbe New Jersry Traction Com p.my for driving a burse to ODG of Ms dura when the ardmal was In fuch an rxbuusted physi­cal oonditlon tbal il could hardly walk. The complaint tillages that after the horse had been ordered to be laieeii from Its work and cared for tbe company put U lo work ugnia' on nnulhef pari <>Hhe road before lie cundt« lion bad at ail Improved*

Llcanaa Committee Didn't Meet.Chairman Kiilslniniona was tbi? only mem*

beruf tUe Uororntm Council Cumrolttre on Uceoira who appeared at lhe Cliy fla il l.isi night to allead the curamitlec’a piopoM-d uieetlDg. Tbeeomrnltteeintended louppoiut tbe Assisbret Dog Wardens, nuke rules for Dog Warden lAtrue and Jils men, arrange (or the locution of lhe jiound and adopt a suit­able lloense tag (o worn by tire iloss.



rir k*ii.In ta.iD<

, flndlkrInrtlDMmp*PHl*lirt

b r .V IL L lA M V HEDIOnE CO^

Scbeiiectady, N.T* u4&nKkTlUe.0at.

|( wax stutrd lo-(luy In the nnire of Hayes A- LimlH-rt thnl lUvon’e pr»Ht"dlngs will nbi>r(K (X' liiRillnlt-Lllty ihi’ m us ciMiiiia'I for WlJtInm A> f'uJi'mutt, who is uuxluUi lu ■rcurv (in absnitilo divorce from Ills wile l.l/zlu on me ground of Iuflde1ll3'< Tbo prli'fljad 4%Hri'*taimleiii, Jt wustiUo stu- li'<l* Is GurIhv Hbeler, heller kauwoa* 'Gus'' isk Ito’.r,Ik VATiety |»erfornier, living (n New York. AnotiMT name mixed U(> tn (irecase Is (hat of Marry Hundnlpb, n eomposlior formerly employed on the » w York Hrruld,

The rridchc' In (he case was obialned by Ix'tecilvr John Gregor), ch ief of the New Jora»*y lK*t 'rtire Agency. Aixiordlng to the Stories (old hy the drleeiive andMr, Co|» jnan, (be wlft- nf (Ire laiier has l>e«ii living at liU For-tylli Ktreel, Now York City, wlih La Itosi* for xfverat inmilhi |ioat. Tbe couple o.ctipil'd bill oin‘ room, and were known by (Ho neighbors as *Mr, and Mrs. LAJtose, Tliey weru found ingi tlier In the ruom yeeterdwy afrernooii by two of Gregory's men. The husbarkd Whs Well snllsfled tbal Ibe I'Vldeiice b4i had Kuit ppHUtred lo vstahllsli hli wife’s guilt wns entirely ■aOlc:out lo warrant him In suing lor <l)rort’v.

The CHiupie w» re married on AugnsI 8. 1888, by Krv, H, r. Ikmue, jbislor of tire boiiib MsTkei Hiri'ci M* E, I'hurcb, A year liter a oliild -was born lo llrem, and, aix-ordlug to (bo husband, Hioy happily (Ogelhor unill iHst year, (m Hiiinlay, June 14, I8P2. Mr*, ( ’oleinsu vIsUmI litgie UiM'k with Ik feintklo ri-Ullve. Tut'rn (liv wumcn iiiei IL irry Handolpb and WllJUtm lleddnn, whom they picked up ATk in-quHlntauk-e e llb . A fU r enjoying tbeni- m Ivas all dny Hie men escorted their com- piinlnnx to Mr. t'nlcinnii's honre. Before pHt'ditg Ihn iw<» OH'ii luvitt'd rlreir enm- fianloii* to a currluge rJde the (ollowlng Hun- day, and tire vvonicn acceph'd*

ThatHHmv nlghl, Odeman snys, he took hli wife to lunk ftre her arthmi, and tbe cmipln had some but words, GiA first since their niarriige, NcAsvl'hMikndlug lire quarrel, lie dt-rlurei Mrs.Colstimn iivcutuiHvuUd her Dsw-foutid friend lo I’HhTMiti tbe next Buu- dny arcordlug to her promise.The Huaday fnilowipg the Irtp lo l•aln^snll,U Is alleged, Mr*. CuirniAii again met Jtare doipli, and tugether w|(h lire ntbcrwonian and HeUduu went ol! for the day. In the evening llreaoman brought her friends (o her horiie and latrodui'e I tirem to her hue- tund for Ibe Arxl ilmr, A fior speading sev­eral hners In Ihe hoiifte tho men neiiarlcil. but not until iht-y had been luvlied lo call again nii July 4 and epeud lhe day, t\‘ben the l-nvhntlnn wns gls'en. ('okuiiin snyi, Mrs. C'olenitm ibougiitihal be would l»e nl>»enL ou lov 1 nier date, us he had runde arruugeincnU for taking a sEurrt trip. He wii* prevenred fr<»in going* however, by hirsinesH maders, and remained ubuul tire linost! Itisieiid. He ua* not a little kurjreKctl lo stcn the two mate visitors prsRent thciiiHelvei in the morning, afidlrenolrd, he saya, (he wnrmih wllii which (bey were received by hll wife. The huthabd says lilt beder half tried various ways ofgelMng him out of the house, but under (he clifurostanccs he refused to fo . He trealed hts vIsKora very Cunily, be suit), l>nt kepi a sharp JiMiknul all lhe Imre they were tn Ihe hnuec. When ihc men hud gone hilt wife roi>i Idtiindod hitn for the man­ner lu u'hU'li ho had acted.

Tlio followltig roornfnr, Monday, July a, Ire went «wuy and did not reiurn until Tu«>Uay nighr. When he leavited hoine h!s wife was not (here,nor did who return untilu late hour. He ashed her where she bad been and hbo replied that she bad l>ei<n on the night boat lo Toney Dlnnd, Bbe wjiuld not lell ivhom siie wa* with.

Gn Wmlireidiiy itiornlng a leiier eanie for .Mr*, ('oleniau, liui wns dHivercd lo (bo hnubHEid. He ojicned 11 and dcclarvR lhal he found It (o have l>ecnwritten by Hiin<inlph. Thu writer wantsd Mrs. Coleman (o lOpct him on Kslur-

, (lay afternejon. or If (^lAt was not (.'ouvenlenl*; In the evening* Tire wrller xiaifil ; III His iMIcr ihal II wtmld ; bo sfifpr for her lo designate a meellns pbjt’i', a* he did not care to run lire rlik o f ngnln meeiing her Jiuxbaiid.

Mr. Toleritiin did not show I hs leiier lo EiK wife, hm hf jcnriied later, lie wiys, tl.ul she had wrlHen , to Hiudolpb (t> meelher on Kio following Friday I'Venlijg, 7"Ij€ rouplv met and weutto C(jtrey J-ilKini, he allcBrs. nmJ denlAiC'* that Mrx. fok-nmu

did not rciurii home uuill (he next dsy at noon. He upbrnldcd her and sire declarnd lhal x|)i' bud brcii stopping m ih i frleiid".

Mr, Colcmiiii dlacrcdlie'l her story, uud afler a lung talk, ireasNerts, she riiuiily nd- inltted that she had Ireen wuhMr. UttiKiofph hi the United BuresHold in New Yofg City. They woreri'glsiered, sire said, under lire nutue of Henry Bradley nml wde. Hht also (idmltlcd (hill her fomalo chnipmifon and one of the nicn already meuMimrd ware wlih themunder tbe uuine oi Mr. and Mr*. William Bjolth.

The wayunrd wife (hen, according to the luisbaod's store, declared ibuL aho would niil live wIili him any longer. Hr plesdcd wlHi her and pi'orolsedto forgive Ore past If siie would only do rigtii In lire nmire. Bhe said ebe could ireverilve with bim HgHtii*

Sh^ tlipu went (o her uncle's hmiie ut Houib Kevanih itrcv-i, where

Mfie reinnlncd init a abort lime.Tire husband t<Kik eburge <d the child and weiilui boaVd with Jila wife's parcQls, Hn remained w-lih ih eb until (ire latter psri of August* when Ola wife look . up hnraijode lu ti e kume hi>naf. Bhe would not live Willi him, lio MllcgcH. but etJoUnued lo reo- lve visit* imin Handolph. Hire huudiiy iiigbi he Hiiys lie loturnod home and fiiumJ IfaudiOidi 111 lire parlor wlih *Mi‘s. I'olomtiii. As liD entered Ibe house the womnn (losca iim door o f (Ire room in willed xiic waa scaled ruid remained with her vlsllor for several hours, so hh alieualion run*. Ih e irex td n v ('oleinan left the Uou^rjijid ikpui M* Jive ai I'ltine siriad,

Horm Ibat time Ifoiidolph d!*«p-pvarr'd und ire has not been heard nf sltirc.

O'clolrer Jji»I .Mrs, TolamAb and bee female reliilUvIadorf! niriitiouf'rt went (n Now Yorkduring ’ •'51engHijiOd nsiserlo-crim^ra in (he ninf'earuaSuru on tlif'IfoMery. Here Mrs. < nlemnii fell in with Tikjtnsp, s h> is a trick cU(h-<.uingei, IJercompsnlnn Orel u leHnw cHlIod "Char- Jlf,*'uhoRf surname 1< iiiktKiwn. TIi* f-mr lived In oijo io3m on Hre Ihtwery near I''onrih avonue, Cotemuij declares, unid November when they were ordered out by ibeir luud- iurty.

Tbe next Mr. C-olemati heard o fljls vlfl?’s wlrereabcuts was no Cbrt«ltras Day.'wtieD she visited her mnUiei’ s boma tn unm]>any with Iwk Uoie, M ho Slates. Bbe would not tell where she war living,

On February 21 the case wni placed lu Tbief Gregory's liaiicts. Jledeiniled iwo meu to work It u]), hut l( was not nnill March 6 that they recured a ofuc, On that day, the Chief alleges, Mis* Ck>kmnn again vUiied lit'r parents’ Ijojuo In the company of hrr artmlrvr. 1'1‘ey were ’ 'shadowed" to 116 Forsyth slfeel. New York, which home they entored et 11 R M. 'Tho delecGves reporird that (hey walicd around for liifre hours, but the couple did notlv^appcnr.

OuRnreUTthe same olfloeni visited tbe hoQse and aalncd adjnitianoa under tbo pretext of being hesltb oftlcers. Tbe woman waa alone, and etrer a while beiwme quite lalkallTc. Tlreofllurrs say that they men- tloued Newark during ibHr ooiiverastloD, and tbe woman (old (hem that she formerly lived III lijjw e .ty ] (ba i she said herhus-band's name was WHIlatn A. Coleman, but ■he left hlro brciiuse "h a wa* too slow* and not foal enongh for her* Reside#, be wai loo much ofacburch member,"

After euoiber v|*lt to the houoe tbe deUc-tlvCH repwted that they were tfiformcd by a iMre, FortbouiiCf who orcopied spartmeuiR ln tha house, (hut the eoupio were maRquerset' Ing undcrlhe namcaof Mr* and Mrs. La Uonc, atid ilml when one o f lh**in preteudod lo cu- gfig-ilrit Uusanud the woman for a season at Coney Is and. tbe* man adniUled that they iiau nui been married* but were Hving as mutt Slid wife. He did not accept the offer of (he sngagemeiil* but promised to prreur*] A Jusu In bl» place yriterday.

Ycaft'rday afrerauuu the deiecHve*again vUticd ttie room, and they say ihuy found

1 oleman aliifng on Hre bed lewing. f*a

l.Mnllh’K. J, \ . I'A ltK Kit, l*r<»i«rlvlor, KMrf MuUlvnn O u iil '. N. Y. : 7(

THK ARLlMiTDN.Mount labor, N. J. |.lu«» D., |„ * \\\ k . n,

One liour fmm NVwnrk ; hrauiifuliy sim- alptl In a c h ca tiu il grovi*; snrrm inuoil hy :luo cUtMf«-R; eb-VHlln t Uw frttM, itu ir-fi trerdur, pi lu | I 2 per w eek, Acci'm i’ i ia la tliv is ||r*i* C uss. K H, M10l>l.l-rrON. rmprlrt^re.

U K K H()I'AT(’()N(J,Tha Kf<yRtf»iia tluusti* sUuatr flvs min­

ute*' walk Ruuih ui Hupaicoiig mallon, I).-, L A W. R R , i« now u(h>u for su4<«(s at run<l- (irwiu prlcpfc. Fur fiirllrer inforinaflon sd' dress \VM. K mKa UCII, I'rnprjrlor. lAtid. his. Mnn ls T Mtnlv, .tvf

LAKB HOrATCONfi, N. J.Corwin I oltAga '» on “ Itlvrr MjtSl

H endaonrely fu rn lx h cd ; flrst-cJssH la h lr; le n n t rra to tis lilr , F u r fu rtlie r infurm atfon Inquire of J. J. t’HHWIN, 72» Broad bi. H2x

THE c e m ;Orean Grovr, N. J. KiAHlfcnt locatton,

fine (H’van vlrw ; m-arhatbliig gmundi; all modern iinprrAVrnrents. Lrek bi»x 2,2it.8b R K WOGI.STUN, Gccsji Grnvo, N. J.

THE ('ENTHAL,DalawarnHaterGap, t'a* l.<K-atlcii qnsuh

baaifd. Near famous walks and drive#. Nlnt(i «ea»on. W. D, OVEKFIKLD. 'Jo

c o r? iT R T iio A im .

AltnMi-i .\v F.kKMmU'KK , Tnnnty. .1,; pii-uiy

shwlo; fre lj tiilht, fge*. pir.: ii rniNni'Mlerair. ThII at Mils. kUmrea xt, ^p«■Vk- R

’ITTANTKp. .'i Hi>A 1V fti herfo'r nwn, I

lUMI'EcTED o r ROItllEltV.

nrensrheck's Old llutuu-inaie t'aiisM fit# Arrait ami Acrusrs Him nfThcH*

Marlin Grensrhok. a Hunghrlau Inborrr, was arrested at Ah early hour this ninrrjlng by I'flliulmen Leary and liu»ova!i* He hnd 111 hta posr»fSs|uit a silverhuntlug cose ustch, ■ sliver cbatelalMS wnieh, a silver inareli-box, a heavy silver timbtrlla baiidic, a di>uiil<s barrelled Lrearh-ioadlug aittMiuu andtGlu muuay.

George Jahn^ of 2 Madison nireni, ciuse I Greneeliek'aarrtsi, derlarlnig th.H he Hole a cost and veal and kid from bltn. Jahnesay' Ihal Grensi'hfk was h li rooin-nnile. aud thai afler the ihclt lhe Haugarlan left toun and went lo I «n g laladil lo work on a fsrni. A « yvl Jahue lias niada uo formal cuiaplatiM a ia ln il the prisoner.

L.int night Greii#p!.«k went to hli oM iMiardlng-houRe at 157 Buuth Tatiil street and twid isii uld board hill, TbU morning wjjen Jaime learned that he wni lu the Imiiia (re wrumnily nnl 1 fled the police. Tire pulua be* lleva i*ren-chek slule lire properly found In his ptjsseshbxi, and he wMi Iredeialired at imj* lice iisadquaneis for #evrrai day#.

Prhkidpal Aiiilerson Hesigiis.Dr. I>. f*. Andrrsou, princliml «'f the RHIc-

vllle Public BebiHil, last night hamlmi nis rcRlguatiun (o Oliver H* Terry, clerk * f Hie Hoard of rtcbtxH Trustee*. He is going ui lake a pOKt-grA(tua(« course lu mediclire and tlren devnie iiimself to medical prsctlce.


The range o f lo-d «y ’ s pilces for (be more active slocks o f tire New York market are given bcifiw. The quotallons show the iqwii- Ing and dosing arid the hlghast uiul lowest price* reuvlred b> the eecurlHes listed. Tbe quoimlons ure from ttie New York K.YCbunKe and ure rep#>ned for ih eN i:w « tlirougb Will­iam Llim Allen A Uo * s(«Hk hrokers, IHb Mark( t strict, lit is city, ami Urangc NuOotrel Hank tiulldlng, Gnmge;

Open- High- !<ovr- Cloi* hur.

N. J. fa iiirs !.........I>e1. A Huilhuu........Lrei., liUCk A W>»i. i'ml, A U Hditre.....U., G., C„ A B(, L ...{.uki' HJui. r...........N. Y. rciitrui.......Alch., Tu. A B. te.t ’.. H.rQ........ .......

M. A bl J’iUI)--.Chi. A *\. W..........I'., H. 1. A rtMUfii' .Iilliiiils t -'nirat........Allshtiurl I 'h'IIU*.......l#nilsvHU- A N'uMiv'luUulun ThcaIIc ..........I'aciflc Sfali.......X>*ierii Uouiit.........Mji nbullH'i,........... .N. V. A N Kugi..ud... .■■U'.. Kiiii. A I> XiL>.....N. Y., K K. A W, ......thiUriu A W rxteru....With., Bl. II. 1'hc.......Wuh., Br, I*, A Tjii' |iiTrios l'«clftc....... .Iticli. A W eil ih>h)t...Noriheni rntlflc.... ..S'urtbern I'uciilc p) ..Amer. CoHun 4)l|....Anrer. Coi.Ull p r ....Niirih Ann‘ rlc>ni.... .i'hlcugu Ufi4.............NsI iouhI UfjrUoge....Amer. But, K^f. Co,.. NstIdUiil i^ad.....^|lv♦»r ^Vr(iflo»i(fS ....Biu-il. A \V<(item.... .Bull]. A Wesioin pr..('hexap. A Ohio........ .I>. c. F..................... .I'. U A K.............. .T. A. N .....................

WS .. MH .. 144 , H '..... ll^t* .. 101 . 2tP,'.. 8 ’ x.. d \\ . lul‘ 4• 8'»-„





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7.11 2 ',


HANK NTATkMrST,lUjNrvc, iricrensr........................I/Hiiiis, derrt'nsc,.................Bprcle, lut riKsu...........................I<6kal lender. di‘t‘rea*e....... ......Jiepoiiu, decropsp...... ............. ...Clrculat.on, IncrcnNe...................

m r m.>,lh(>jiXJ


, 117.000

F O L l iH V O U K N O W .

Kusewas sMtlng on I he opposite sidv uf tbs bed. 1 be ri#giii-was ainali uud poorly fur­nished.

During all the ttnie (hat Cnlcnian and bis wife have been «epHr..fad, Uielr little (laugbieer, Mn.v Edna, a swret-fsced child of about fiuir years* has been slaying wIili her tuuther's peuple* nbo retlUe at $4 Madisutk slroeL

When Hr* Colsroan beard the rep «;to f wbsl the Ueieeilvea had seen ycMernay bent ooce uttenipted lu regaih posies4lon of hli child* Ke TiHlted it»a Msdlsoti strret houM last mghi, i*ui the peuj la ibare would not give her up. This morniog Ueogalnweut lar hH daughler.'-«i-flompaDied by one nf Chief Grrfurv's into. This time he was mo- cesofuf. In his «uit ha wH| eadeavnr to o|>- itiB thcoittiapoeoasetoii oCthi IRHaglru

— Among Newarkers at Ibe World's Fair are Mrs* C. lUark and her daiighier May.

— MUs KMlIe K MacAli)s|», uf 38 Tnylor street, Is rustloailog at Buuihamptuu, Lmg Island.

—Mr. and *Mr>. Charles K. I>enn, of Fast Grunge, are speuding tbeir vacutfon at Frt-e- hultl,

—Krneil J, l.lndstey will he married TJiuruday evi'Ulng lo MIrrJIHIk I’ lersun at tbe resNleuce uf lire hrMu’s parojiis, 8:rrre> hioQi aveuuc, OsdTtgc V'all.cy.

— 3frs, .J'l A. AUnm luH tiiw u th is mor*'lt»g for an ( x icu tie l v is it l» ih e W orld'* Kulr, w here she w ill iiiiHij hur Im stiaud, who has been iru velllu K ih rout tire Wuiu.

— Mrs* c . i l . &l(>Ke(< lure le tu n ie il frimi C hi­cago i f u r a niM udi's v M l t(C p er frit-hd. Mrh. M ci'liue, foMiUTly .Mis# M lu iilu Hticliuiiuu, of th is fitly , an il n lfce ^ if P a u l Ihiciiauatt, Mrs, M cK m a l ic n d fd (iio F a ir wJi|]i« uvrs v.

C n iL D R E y Who Wfa puny, hale, weak, or e rro fu lo iis , ought to take Doctor Pierre’s Golden Mollrril Disrovery. That builds up both their flesh and their strength. Kurtbih, oQil for purifying ^ 0 blfxwl, there's nathing in all medicine thut can equal tbe *' Discovery."

lu recovering from “ Grlpjie," or in con valesvehre from pneu­monia, fevers, or other

wasting dleeaaee. It speedily and surely in­vigorates and builds up tbo whole system. Ajs an appetising, restorative (tmic, it sets at work all tbe prooeasee of digestion and nutrition, rotioce everv organ into natural action, and brings back hedtb and strength.

For all dlsfioaes caused by a torpid liver or Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Blliouniees, ISrmf- uloiu, Akin, and B ^ p Dioeues—even Oon- sumption (or Lung-scrofulal in Its earlier stages—tbe ** DhK'ovory’ is the only guaran- Ufa ronedy.

I f it doesn't boncAt or cure, in every oaee you have your money back.



Blacks and Tans, Blucher and Opera Toa

$1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50.

W. G. Mofehead k Coi|

Have You 5een Hr.

Hartdegen's New Shop,

E v e ry D e sciip tlea In All PrfcM I

683B ro a d

S t .?




Have You Seen Mr.

Hartdegen’s New Shop,


r iT v A PvrR T taE M rN Ta ,


In iiHkp aii'l finllei't lire prijp«i atufiiAiireiU'nir tbs c-OM atid HT|>i'ii’-p nf Mich j'uulli- wmkar linpn>v«.

'I liH fiirrgolut! ordlnunt'p having hecn duty irnwifd by lire Hnnrd id rini-l und \Vj*Ut ( 'nmmlMloners,

A n r^ llTU N .L S V K T O I 'h t iV I H R Fl>R T D B■ •fl.irc rwf —l»svhie nt

iM.iz.tuL'ni .Mrn*->:T, mini HiiMihiir# 10 Miitfiiia niroel.

ire H oiT'l.iliii d. t>jf lire Uijsril of f-i|reei and Wstec Comml-Nliiui-iH rij ttii' Hly of NVwiiric, w# foUowi:

^ i tiuti I. I Imtl.f.lZAHKl II P.IKKKT,

fruni Mariibnrf? pla^KUt Muiuura -irvpI.HksIl be p'lvril Hlihii-ione ur.mllA* hjiK'k jisvliig, logethsr wUhi<lliiM: iKt*(‘-vHLiy (u iompltlelire Jiitdre.

r-ucUon 1 'I liAi Imiim littick' upon th « oomulfiloa of tu rh |,iii>ilc tvurk or lEiiprovsjireat, tire C re rk u f IbfltiOaril. Ill 4->ia]imi'i!eii ^AiMl lliu Kuulneer to d ireireral ^u(u•^hlreiJdHll of Worlds of ilie board, lliAiJ I'arrfiiii' pn-|'>ur« nnd furiil<-h all iii-i'^ssary ^tiirein<'Ui*>. tiiupA, •*(>r-('Uii'Ritur]ii Mii't ulljur dslaijiRi- hiUiu Ihi niH-li Liutilli' ivork u i liupruvAiucnr, and tba rrr^U lio il of [[i>> hoKnl null Ntlil M ark vball ih rrr- iiP'Mi, rill iH'Joi'f of t'lH n<>i«ril*.i| Mr#tvi mid Wuisrrummlvalont-r of tfar' rlt> vf Nauurk. I'crtUy ihe Kiuire to the t Viiumoii nimu 11 u( (Ire city of Nsvsark, lu <inJiTihHi Kiiii] riuniiioii ri>mir*i1 uiMy (hcresfiar uriH-i-wj OMioiki'hiilI i’L'IIii t lire |>ro|we for tin- I'o-t Mill H,<i[ii<ii > of RiU'h puhiir inirlt ur Im- provfuisu' muy now irr liufetiqer )io rci|ulredl by

-*iTiw„-. * . kbelllie nijuja iind nnitpreioii under tn* iJtO'ryitfna or ln'<Ere<’1tori of Ho- r-hKUrerr or AiMliiu yitylnerp till] lire iM-ireial Hnireilitt-iid>>nl 111'WrorkR ot ihe IIomhI of >'■ roi'i tiiui M $rer rHiuml-RiotiHrA, atvr ril- lti.£ to lire proV'^hni' of tiia <ity and liwi oftire‘-tare. Hiiil (hr oriJImJKi' i>r tho I'hy and by-

niU'H Aiul rH iilalloiiA oi' tho ut tl(N tand VVjtti'r ' o(iiiii15i'iIoim-i'> of ihc i^llyof Ntwsrk ■ |i|*Eu-Hl>re llrerrln

>*N-ii<in L ilinl llils unlliiai)(»e shall lOk« $(TSc| Uiiiio'<iiui«'l.v.

Pavu-d June '."i. h(i3.lIlUiH C. JfKNDRY,

Proflldi-nt of lliu/loHJ'd ufeiriret anil Wtiter Cool*inihsiiiiit-rx.

J-l.vnH lU’XYoN,f'lork of I bs iluurd of .-iii'fi't mipI W'uirr (roninll

llunrr ,‘1 Ire f irocohic itnlliiMin'o liuvlnx bean d uly tatsed

by lire Hoiuil of stnrei um] Wuler'.omiulv«{oii#ni, jirsreiitod In Ure Miiyor und iiM bAVlng bRvu re- ium<-*l h.r hmiM'ltlPn ilio iluu- pri-ficrllii by law,

tin rp|ni*i'M Hinl nliall (ahe flfi-cl hr II U bod ' twciT anp''"Vt-il mx'ordliiK to tire pmvlsloui ol (he (bird sfi'tlou of llnj uliArrer of ih* cllv.

LNUh lU NV1>N,47e ( irrk Ol lhe Heard.

T y i RLII’ NOTirK -OIIDINA.NUE OnDRRKD J IP R Ihiri ri'inllug

C U T T H I d O I J T I

ilt(» niiderslKired, h$rf>hjr certify that an ordi* nsno-ua#r>'»ir ouic'uid tiins a t a luaeimg of th« Ihmrd of :niriret und XH'itcr I ’onimlsiinnt^rt, betd JnlyK, INUA,and duly onU-rit l lo * third raadiug, to tifavlde for tJre rrpnv n« nl

l.A w ilK N C K ATItM-.T.frorn 1'omfiieM'o sirr-i't lo ItaiulMon w ltlio^loB^lThnUH biiH'k jjuvjbs. > l(h a ('imcrela haw ; l» fclbi-r wlih ull the appurt»iiauuo.4 uei-csuirr fo otiOiliMr 1 h* SHiire.

Liaied July T. mu.I!U1IR C. IlK N D R Y ,

President of Uir hoard of Hiraaiand Water ODSi* iiiluilouvra

KSOm BUNVOaV,Sid Clerk.

jy rm .n ; n o tic k .-

Frte,trip (o lbs Wurld'e Fair* ''Msketiay while'the sub stUiifs*'* Uuv your mtaleat L'bloago ll«a( Company* 117 Mklbtrry (Mroal* aud savr iiioney* This is surely the bcatpkieo lu ibti Kin's to got your iur« I s cheup* 1 keep iROlhlng but Hh- hfi*i(* liOok at my prlues aud compare ilreiiii wJHi what you are payiuc:Fdme Hitifonat......*................... *i() ,iaChuck IWrel and htenk.**..,. ......Rniud Bleak..................... ............Birloln Htvak...................................I ’ortrrbou^fi wteuk..........................Jersey Milk V fjt'.... ................. .....Hliidqnarier L a m b . .............

OKTJINANCE ORDKRBDlo a third rvHillag

We, the imdfixlgued. hereby cerlify that on crdF nam-e was r«‘Md a Kr«>iuid time a l a meeting of the IhHird o f street and Waler ( omuilva(ouer$, held Ju lys, IMU, uuil iiu.y oniurvd: to sU ilrd readlhg, (o piuvldu lor lire rcjiHViDf of

llA.LItO.AD I'LACF,OU the rust Nlde of the I'enn^ylvtuila fiallrosd, froro Markei stiest, to Hiiu b CbumI street, wlih oblong grvnNe block iwvUig with a coiicrvle base, together with ult the Mppurteuauues uecesaury to compist* tire Hnnre,

DsUmJ July 7.180.1.TlUOli G HENDRY,

rrrsidsntof the Ikrsrd of Street and Water Coifr mbolousrH.

RNOS UVNVDN,4sd Clesk*

FonquMrtcir J.iirab..Hl.w Mttllt...,Cern U**r............. ............................(H

R e s p e c t O i lb ,


IjUnLUI Nrn'I(;K-tRlUNANUS OHDXaiDto a third leartltig.

vt>, tbe uiiderHigned.hereby eerUfy that oa o^ (llnance wM lead nK-cOhdi lime at a meeclng o f U14 h oarder ^lre•t anti W ater t'pmmlssliiners held July II. lAU, and duiv ordered to a third nodlag, to provide for ih** j>avliig uf

BOt^ril t e n t h HlTtFET, from FprlngdriLl avriiiii iri South O rM geareaue, aK iitib loiig traprock block paving, loselbor with all Ihv ■ ppiirtL-uanus* iieceeaery to oompkle the same.

Dated July T, ikAHUGH U H E N D R Y ,

r n s k te n to n tie Hoard o f htreet Olid Waloe Oem» mUeloaenu



[ f AO, C om o tn ua n t o n c e , n n d w o

w i l l o t j'O ii In a i in ir o f o n r g o f t ,

NFHiiiICNs .sliooH, i it iH le eA pecia lljT

l o r h u lIcA avIm) A i i l lo r w i t h coruH ,

b iiu lo iiA uiMl tc iid e t* to e U

675 BROAD.ST. ?

frem Avun HVtbue Pi riini .u avi-ntir.lie it nr<lalMi#<l b% ih«> 1b »nl uf Kiroetend Walsg

Cnniixlialoni-re n rib eclly nf .Newark, hi IMluw*: recUnu I. That

ULI MD.M- AVKKt P:,rrnm .avon avt-niie Ui I’lliiK.i, HVriiut, lAall be ( peiietl and uiliU'irel. lo re -vldth o f uim litirHlred {PMi}' le e t : tlie eavier V line to its a ntraitlit <na- iliiitNitmi ufthe itHft nf Kt-lihoiit aveuue, north of Avuii aveuiie.aa now lipr-tiiwl.

> eel Inn'J lire Ritanl of M revi Mid Water Coiu- ml$aio*nninl lire rliy ■>( Neu'ark ilnth Irereby d^ leriitliie 10 u k v smt HpprnprlaU' Ure kaudn msU real itttare iii'rwi>.ery lo bt‘ lakva and ajipiuptlatMl fof opciiliig of

HKr..MI>NT . t t ’ FNUF.aa afore-iild : and tlrei 'inmrej oftliebuartl |s bereby Ulftoii (t (o lipply 10 Ik ■ riri uit 1 iiiiri of ihe coontr ur I f-aev on heli.ilf nl II111 " Slayor and Cotmnoh ( ouiifii of lue «i> of .Niaark'^ for lhe appolnt- mi-iii ut C'lhnnliHKnrerN, who ihaM make an Mil- mate and of Ore namaires Muatalued bylire Owiit-r nr rwuetatherrof. Hiid an anseMmeet nf ib«- h#r^hl« iM-etveu bv ihe owner nr o n , eri nf all lire laiKli nimI leul iMlat- m riald rliy pec-u.Urly bnirellUHl llrervUy In I'ruiMorlInu aa nearly On ioay bf Jo Ihn JXanlHS‘- ''a<‘fi shall t*e ileouiod (0 ac* ■ jidre. Mini hi I'iian lire i-nsl, (lauiiu;o' aiiil expeosee nf *Hiil tn<pto\>iupiiia nliah exceeti lire Bimtuhl of sii'l iieiret(t\ e^ is shad be aaetsied upon and l>a)i| by thn nliy nf .Nawitrk.

hih'iIou I 'I list lUhiiHlliiU'ly o t i b e ctimpleikui of imUi put.lli' work nr Imprnvrmenl ihnCrerktij lire iHiaril, In •iinjuju-diin with tlis Knflneer and itetrehil Mii>:'ilnreii(lenr of VVo’-ka ol the noard, ahhil i-Mreftiily |ii-r|uit>- oriil fiirohb all irerewary Ai.iinnifut'. iiiHjti AiK-ulFU-aniHia arel uUrer daia |kir- lalnlh.; tu^iui'li piih|l<- wi>rk ur lri«provi>mi'ul. and Ure I r ald-'iii < f lire lamril *-liall tlrereu[Mm,o* he* half Ilf Jin' liiiaiil • f street ami iVitrer rtiminlwiloa* erA o f lhe I lly of Ni'wai k, le rtlfy Ihe *ame U» the Cnmnmii I uuiM'tl of Uo- uhy ur Newark. In onier Uiat ^alii ('i.)nnir>ii 1 'uniu-ll may iherewfier prureM

urehi aam uy mm nr Ijerrafor Ire reqiilr^ hy law.rreciloB 4. sail] imliHi' work or IruprovnurentHhall

be ma'li'Hiul i-i'iiupioirtl mnler lire auirervlslnn nr rjf Jim , nalueer or A ^ ing t ug iieer and

Ihu ire> er.>l >ii|i -iliireiutt-nt nl lIlMrks o f ihe itoarti, ac-nnlliu to (liH jirovihlonn of the uliy cbifleranci lavMiil till- t>iaie, ai»l Ureon|mnnre>M>rthe city and hyluWM. rtJln«t and r-gntatlMii n( tire Jti>ari| ofMireSt anti Water CnmmlNiilgnari o| tiiv city uf Neivsrk a|ipih'Mbl- thereto.

p«'tlu]i i. that (hlH ordliumce shall take effrel lmini-dhiii-]y.

I'aaaed June SI!, liWi.l i n J i r f*. H ENDRY,

PretsliU'iit of Uif Hnard ofi-lruet an f Water ('one- iniJMiuirers.

FNIm lirN V O V ,<’lerk o f 111* H'jum of Nlfwei amJ Water rnniiute'


pn- enied 111 Liir Ma>ur ami noi liav'Uui Ireen iuriwd hy hitii wKliln Ure tltm- tm'tvcrlta-d by law, la Urerefurn H Inw ami ^ lll like rflecl a«i If u lial heen Hp|in>ve'l HCtonJiuk tu (Ire pruvlsloris of ihe Uilfil j e 4‘t:oD of (III.- (‘tiurter nf ifo- <-1iy.

LNn> K fN Y f'N .-tSe Clerk of lh« Board.



LOCAL CHIT-CHAT.th * H nod AU«at P#opU

llappeqiQ ft and i« « a » a in n i a Cllr and Eliawlirra,

Tba cfforti o f 1b« roulbflil lAvr^eri who MM tba eouria o f tha Tarlouf Junlicox o f iba Fm m la vE^«li Id air Ib^lr kuofftodga o f the la v and praotlaa the arf of erow ^iam m itis. MTa d t r j oRan Ibe ocMiton o f mnaidrrabie Mm«aamtni to ihe older practuiooera who •derbaar Lb#m, Not loi>| ago anam blllou i pounc dU dplo of Oiko and lilackaiooe ad’ S w aad on#of lb* Ju*tlcn in ■onimltia op a •mall caee aa *' Tlie UJsht linuoratle Court, and, 4t li laid, von an otborwlae hu^>rl('*» M M b7 to dolOf. Another juuofaler, M it r to win a great name wUb ilm Ibnia and pecuniary brneflia wUlch Ettaeb thereunto, warned tba wline«M« with tmpraistee emphaila 111 Uie €a«-e that they Mere not rogtihed under the law to lav ait j- thing I hat would incrlnilDkie or dlifran* eblMIhcin,'* Hut a qurnllon wblrli, cotnlhg from a lawyer of coiiniderablfl rafterleuce •eemed very fidlcutoua, nhot at a lUt- ■••• In a caae In our uftbe dlatrlul court* re* MtiUy. The wltDa^t wak tbeffateMijJnw of one oJ the |M«rlita to the iuU and had been eubjacied toaernrehing cr«a*-rianUiiation. The lawyer hCAiinud a maincnt at though Ebnui to allow her fo leAVe the itiiiid, ibeti iuddenly aekedj

** Are you a married woman, raadem t****Yai, air, Iboee alne je a re /’ waa the

MDiwer.** N ynar buabaad llv lb gr '** Ve% tlr, be la,'** 'Weil, now, madam, wae your boaband

llv iiif at tbe Uiuo ibla iranMactloii took place T"

** Yee, Hr, o f four:e be waij* replied the WUbaaa

*^That will do, mil dam ; that^a all,*' eatd the lawyer ne be reanmed bla leat, enttrely Mnaware o f the caiiae of the am iiewblcb

•went around the courtroom.

Die tmipi^end, "arnia,” and are rendy (o iiocute. For nil the nuiTemetita a r>-T:u|a ttme Ja alNiUed. To become a member o f ihiv excellent nrgnnlautloii a lallttlaijian muat remain In the awkward »quud elx moathe.

Soma Dewapaper men were dlieuaitng a tew daye ago, fn the preeenoe o f tlerberl W. K B lfbt, the depiofablecondlilon o f poopfe who t hre oq i o f reaeb o f tbe prod ueti o f ibelr •raft, and mnay a tale wae told o f eurpriie exbibltad quite recently by bnokwondi peo> P * whea told e f the enHiflxlen, the death of Oeerge Waehtngtou, abd ao on, aod thMr qatekneea in racuaJng ihelr Ignorance by plaadlog thedimculty of setting the Hewn* paper*, blr. Kiiigbt coutendrd tlint there a re a co m o f intalHgeni ami fairly t'diiculed ally people who owe none o f iheJr knowiodge Ut I be preiA. Jn proof o f till*, tw rather a* an Intianr* o f if, be told E itory which made the Jletenlof newi^puper meti n a p . it wai that a week ago be re< e ^ e d a leiter from an ofTliwrof anlniurauM •ctepany, which olHecr laa lircJong r^aldent ^ th ta c lly , to ibe effeet that Ib e p o lio y o p W»e lid* o f Mfr* Anna H. timberlund was about io run out, and that Ur. Knight, as her lawyer, ought to look to It list tba policy abouid leptel

Xaeitble ahould pusile eoma one tn the fam e state o f mind aa the Inauranoe m an e»- ^ ■ J t Is now and here elated Ibat ibla Mra. iraiherlaDd beoatne the wife o f Dr, Huebanen, w b o la a ow Bnd**reentet)ce o f death In New York ft>r poisoning Jn‘f, and that the trial waa one oi the most icniailonal erenta o flL e past half century,

8M*tOT J e m il Hinllh, Jr., I« m t i n , at Mratnga, wbliher he went from Mbaron ■prioge. K o hae be#a gone since laatHatur> day. 0 « tbe morning of that day ha left his WaablngUm placereaideneeioacab, 1q time W g a lto the •latlon wlibout m aking tuuie and b araa few minatas to spars before the departure o f the iratn. One or two o f Jiia m any deyoted frlcud* nnd admlrera went to •ae him off, TbeTly, with lu dUilngulsbed irardeu, roiled aloag quietly for awhile and Utea M m e to a run aiop, but not wUb the Jerk or jo| i that tells of accldenl,

" Well, now, whaf* upT* remarked one of fS ? •f***^''** ®''mpanloD*, a man not blenacd Ilka Job with pAtlenee, Tba eab was atnllon- ary for a moment, then backfa a lUtle, ^ e rv e d ieldr, Was Jvrked forward, and then M cked again. One npened ibe door, and the •oewpsnie o f tbe vehicle heard ibe eound of the w h ip Oh the hbree*a beek and a mattered apeompanlmeut by the driver la a minor key.

Senator Smilh pushed open Ibe door and reejad b li foot on the slep, nboui to alight, ” Hold on!'* he called to the driver, Tbe •oromand was Instamly obeyed, and the p rtiy Senator stepped out on the granite •thek*. Take ihitige gtiUly, elr, E say : take tliloff* gently,** be cautioned; *• that's

keel Way.” lie spoke to bJe ooinpanlons Mntll tbe h on e bad quit pranoliig and quieted down. Then be stepped up, patied It really on the beck, rnbbed It over theeare •Md down ?be n<we. The** carenei quite >*•••*1* ubii ce^med the boree. Ferhapeiwo SBlauleewai epeiU u these kindly 1 In le at- tenUoba ” Now, sir, try him again,** said u a Senator, as be got Into tba cab, Tbe driver gavb tbe word and the Uerse trotted away, and did not bn Ik agala before tbe alar lion Wat rcacned, wllh time to spare.

JuUue Vi^gel found a two-dollar hill on tbe •IdewaU aiibecorim r o f Market and lialM y » r e « u the other day. Rollce Ctuuiuis*loner Xaue and John F, Malian were with him attbeU m e, The parly wi^nt to the Batbs Keblerndd Mr. Vogel n,eiii ilie money. After they bad left Conimluioner Kane met War- ra iitO ffiojr Murpuy, mid him about MrmV r. - ^ ----Him «uwMk PIT,V o t t l . find .i i ld lr M t .d Dim lo call on Mr. V o f»i, r .p r e a fn ib .t h . b*d loct H mid U,-n u n a II. Mr. Vu,»l m d lly Murpby tb* m on ,}' mill ibo lati.r ratnriiad to whers tba Comnilulnner and Mr. Mabau wara wnl|. lQ|b Than iba t b n . w«ut hi a oata on Unlarr •iraai and aptm tl.W ol Iba monar. 'Jha iaranly cania iliaj lall wllh Ilia bartandar with lu.ituclloua to ui« Mr. Voaal vr.a wb«n hataliMl.

a * aA n o n , Iha Ihaoiaiida o f latl,r« hnndlsd

dally HI tba I^.loOlce ibar. aro almaya a Jaw Vtalob (Ira auma lltlla. aunuyonoa lu tba alarkt w buaawrltlia malla An lutUinoiiur tbit ooourntd laat weak, wb«u a mltalaa ^nainarltad New York wai nwalaad at ibe omoa for delivery, Ihelathiy vaaeddm aad itauat

“ lora flelbrann for ibernan nork no ibar- fK . 2^ unierden ei.”

fbenyh lorloualetler hM handed nroqnd am ou f the oU'fk., jii.d ona iillvr auoibrr ,a » e op tbu aitrinDl ai InlerpraUna tbe a 1- d ieiA At leuclb oria brlylil keolua ntruiik it aud bandad it biivk ivlib iha tullowliia Iraiia- k llon ;

Mi*. Fleferaon, for Sliermnn (Flefaraoii) Nawark, N .w Jeriey, J70 Iluiilprdun «tivei. '

B y ja .ttv liu l eyaiein o f orculi rt-Haonln, th« bright dark arrirail at the eujatlun H blcb proved lo be the corrrrt one, li not known, but It I. turinlnid tl.ut be got lili elua from *’ uDlardan," which pbonelloilty, Ifnotortbograplilcally, rinembled Iho nnma’ Of the alreni. lly fullnwlng me phim dic ayalem It was ooiuiuirmlvalr eaiy to mnke ’ Nawi.rlt " o f -n o r k ," and "N e w jer»cy " o f o n o aiiergle.” The babinea o f the direc­tion w'ui plain tuou^h Uic:i.

Tba.UkbltslJri’ mab'giiioyo'A ^ “ “ •' "yA S ta in bu. Juet bo"ii I ulit tor Jlr«. JanV'i It. W .lren , o f Itloomd Id, by PI K. A O, W.Mijilou —*■ - - ‘ - -Y otaage,--Mlweni,v- our piiuhd.. Mereio'orc iha Ugbto I wtical b a iv e lib cd t ir e n t j-u piuuda. .Mie. WoIv. u’ h b :cvde bo, Moodt ii riot, weighing ia e lv e ounci.w. 'Jheimid go.rtU arc o f ibo Victor pnltcro oil I the iiiiecl la dti sb ‘d « ith racing tiica Tbo drew gunrU In iii i<le of alih nteljig. The tubing It .'rolgUf, e lgiim n lui b, new puiioru. Tbe.foScu, nr* uf iilauu Wire.

On the Inal iinnlvi-rmiry uf iho odopi Inn o f fbe Finrciitli C<m,miilH)iinl Aniendnionl, Ibaoolorcd men ol Ibli. \ leluity acre to Imvo b ad a itron d cdcbration, rliwiug with « pio- m e a t Onledoiilnn .Mnyor Ilnynes budbeen liivilr.l It; Uju piciilc and tiuibnolied for an aiidiaoB. llui Ibecchbratiou iw.* puai- ponad for u n c 'k on lo-eoiitit i.f ruin. N.-ver- IheleSilhn tTl.V Hull Hog wn« Ibroo-n In Ihe btee»e. On ilie tji.y i,l n.r plonle It w ib ngain Sapping at the ju K-bip. It n u , ub.erved by Bllliii p 'njjle. ulio 1 (iiilrill lo leoril lb il Ibo oeen to n uua ih , p’cnie lit t'alciiuiilnn fnrii at wi.ieh Jlnjur l la j i ie « « u » to deliver an add reuB.

There woe noililrig In Ibo way o f derorn- tloUM nt Ihe CHy lliitl In iidvertlHc or cull lit-teollon lu the recent JrlBli eneiunp e.it,. Mayor liBynm, , i be Miy«, nud no', i cm nj.vltrd lo deliver an nddrCBB ul Ibe vnoiimpV Biam. Wbetlo r ili.it win. the ri a«uii i.r not.'It wtia gcnernlly iinilo. d by fjli/.eus of Inali akiruelloii Hint, en f ,r a » Itie f d y Italj wua oomo'ined, the iflnh eiituminnoiit might Intve been el Ibe Itortb Pole, eomi' leireuBlIe Jieoiilo pteee aidu by iildc ihe rncu. Unit thebug V aved H*- ‘**'**ly Ihf* (liiy lint .Mtiyor ivsh inakliitf frjk'ich und oilu'tulac ciijuying blm iwlfnl 1 tjo r()li>ri'il msnV idcnii*, anU ihui

U dIU n«« wavf m 4i l f«.r the lrnih-.\niHricMn MlJUitry Uhuji). HMcl they arc drawing o it .- oua luferfuci'ii Rum ili«uv.

It D n.*)! avery buy tL alanurcl ti ittued from ih f IaosI pieaa, l.ut n prellHy<lj(Jund voMimajiiit publlihed liy ihe Hrtna Printing CV>mi>auyl« aivaliradivo and aomriitlnltig uuv ’ l, called '*Tlic Farmer'* Nh-ce, iv K<*' niuiice ofthn aMi‘ xlcan W ar," from Ihc uf a farmer Newarsur, Tiirudore D. FraS 'e. who now hvus at li>c'{land L ikc. N.V. hi caiMiig lilii "uiKiw I he ini('«f am wsve*uf piililio fancy,” a« he fuU It, .Mr. Erju-s «ay* that h* triiftii It iijny pruVii uriggaikiitt* ur lnlarr<iMiig fcfliTlIon* on Ibe *c>clalaiid iiuiltlriil rvcnl* cunatcled wffh nn fmixirtaiu, bur la lili mind slightly overloukeil, ilec:ida of our Oountry** hRfor.r.

The hero o f ib#' story, ^S'Dltam Boscnc, l* well drawn, and ihe uurcl picture* uflhe village acpiicry o f N'*w Vork Htur are clev­erly dcp cte-1. The siory dHul* with aahu hcllurii («vaiil* of ikHKIcaI liDtnry anirnfi 'd inm thc iovu Mory o( 0 ymiiig A lUila riicr and ti Narlbcnt hmiity. Iith ru «* co islder- able light upon Ihe •'trial life of (,1m-Kmitti brfir>re the asItaUon for the HholMloit of slavery began, and nlsu o f New York, It Is agouti, old-r«shlbheil *lary.

There wa* trouble <ih ojffl o f the sulphur-colored arks of the HprlnKlI'id hvenu# BlvtJatrie line M few evrttuige ngo, W llh murh Ounoulty, whflT) all ibe tu)wcr attainable had been prcNsctl iut>i service, ihe car reached ” thesiables ” Ttif motor bslug louod to be Inlaci Ujo cur was Nvit on, and with dlfftcal' ty reeobed the head of the dip into Irvlog- toij, FrtJin tbencfi Die Irip le usually imade on the ” swiirbbtrk ” *lrie, hy gr ivlty, but on this ocfatloh all ttia "ptfvrer” at itniid was needed lo foroi Ihe ark d oaq the Incline, unlit on resrblns ihc end ufthe dip ai IJrueu avenue a deed halt reMilicil. Ju«t Uieu a passt'nger, probably lubollag over with humor, tmsgvsied that *' laklog o ff the hind bmhe *' might Raprove inalters, l l did, ond then It was found that the car bed been bucking against tbe brake the whole trip.

Tble iiiiibuoe o f amusing uveratgnt U a reraJmier of the cxpcrienoe o f '•Ex­pert ” Ubckwell. wb«o he was in charge, In Ihe early duy* o f the line. A car Was stalled off Myrtle aveime about li A. M,; the bioiormn n qouM do 04>ii]loE wUh ll and sent fur *’ Expert” Rockwell. That alectrlrti| scleutisi. want through the motor arrangeincnli li>r»i Uy Inch, Itoio fuse lo pilot) but wn* hiflled, An hour passed,and at noon sciiool ” Ut oui.” The ainnti i>uy of tbe pertnd ncglicird hi* (lluhi'r lo ssf» ibo fun, Frcifloily n lwt-uod-a*hnlf*f<iOt sj>ccl- nieu orjiivfltiila rnato buimitilly piped null “ Perhaps if yon wni tf» pm liial Ralipnli' under tbe wire she'd go I” Ihktkuell J<tok'm around .'ora kiioiJiuio locn-cp ihrutigh. or some rook* to cover hi* confUMloD) and ihe csr moved on when tha irollry had bcfjn shired from the guide wire iu the lo e c r wira

W AW T A M ) n iK M lH K T T bl.

Bocpa o f the I'rcUyp Practical and Com- fortahie fttyle* Now Prevailing.

[Ooyprtghl, IWKLfNever ha* ihtre been ruch practical and

thoroughly eoinforlahla slylfs as llioso iiuw profaning, parilou.arly sucU aa rdaie tu ordinary summer wear. E.very weuk wes •oma oewly-dcveloped Idea tendlug toward oumfori first and pictun squencss or beauty nextt aa, fhr Jnsiance, the aovtl and pretty designs in wslsta aueb ai are worn with

•ERitirmn vaut and hew caiuiairm.dllTerent skirts. They are known aaflehu, Marla Antutneitn and lerpeutlne. They are drai>ed over a lining and lap from right to le.'t or left to right, as best su lu tba wr^rer, and they are quite ns becoming to wutnen w|ib short, sloul Hgure* as lo tbeilcnder ones lhat uiiinlly oftptiirc Ibe pretllesi st$ffes.

These wsUt4 being ballt h»r comfort are very slMRily'bunL'd and are quits looia and easy, allowing for tbe mest perfect freedom uf rooUDn, dome of them have no flnlsii at at| around the nrrk other than thnt anui-ded by Ibe iiafiiral folds; olhors hnvo ruhJng cottar* iDsde plalu snd srifTiMCd wllh biiok- rsin nnd oilier* bsvo the collars bordered wllh a frill of leec, deep or narrow, a* Ibe taslo uf the w**rur tu^gesti,

One of the prettiest onea o f this kind of wulst iiasurituvv blue and white striped satlri fUrnha Thesirlpni were very narr»>w and were set At Intervals ufuije Inch. Th« upper sleeves were lu loose puffs and readied to the elbow only, The lureurin part was cut to that Ihe stripe^ wbtiI Hfumui the enn nnd tba pulf4 were imido u)> aud duwn. Tbr walht Wiis KretidJ, gMliered In tUt' back, and the front WAS dnit>eii so liml tho linos broke and formed n *«n pretty ff*ldii. There wni a ruliJug collar, one puliit of which wai lost In the Tuldi and IhQ uiher ruuchrd nearly |o the waist on the left side, 'J'he o.d nr wus slIflcLied and huii a white piping uu theuiiier edge.

Anoiher of fb e « dainty wnisis was of fhaogi-Able silk lu dun mlurs u!id nmdn iti the sum* wuy, citily Uu* collar wns UDsiicd off with A full rultinoi tilucK Iacc,

Fiminrd with pnihH ihRi or nny of the Hgutsd silk* arc alt Mtilitbh'rnr ihJs style uf wiiiii, uiid so Is perc.ih* uijd iilinost uiiy ciini- brlD or ■ulern «jf neat fMiltcrii, A U w nre mndc o| UellctilelyBOolnra'Yi oniing There nre iMrtums to be utiijiinol uitl.e varliiU* j.attcn^ iiorei, and uiiy wornan cuu NiHkC one in A couplu uf hours pruvldeil she has a fl lcd lining on liuixl, wlitoli almoiit every one ini'. Tlinsu ivalsli n-quiie m,oul flvi) ynrilN «il nIIU Iwchl.v-liinr tuencs wide, TIjcv cost muile UiMill liio uoiy irom 91.50 to ll-Y iicourdlnK'|Vlhc rtiuli rlal. 'HtC)’ i*limild lo look ttirlr bi'it he nil of one kind o f slnff lUuiigh (he up|H‘r p.ins of Iho sluuvcs could tH* rnnae of HiMui'ilihig H*4c.

TJ»e vhi*iiiKoll4'% a lo o f white linen, duck plqUh"’by *1rlpfd tctf’nTr- ’TTie" |mre w hlie looks the lies I, Whim theu' chcmi*.u(!cs uro

UUav ......... — a -b- - - -

a htuy'N imli'i, and, im Ihib nnys, one 1;4 ubUgcii ip.Uu.xlca.a.. Lu. .Uuiiiu. u.ud.„ab^dula tieauicsn Ih h sSj Iv in liself Oiiil |h thoroughly udrucllvc. 1 aiiu'w ll Jndy who miKie ll h nile to nlwsy.i wem* n whiu- llnmi is»:iur and ChlD whh rv 'iy dr- A'', a luilnT uallcu or veivui. ’iticy wi re s|>o;lf*sand nlwiiys worn AS if Iticy lijoi ^i'ouiMiu her, oi:il soinUiow «hoop|WAnMt In liuvnn i-crinUi diKtiiictUm in iheui or from ihem, ami Gw vias pleiisaut lu look at.


Hut rt al bargaiiis **rui« tba ruust.”

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O'clock To-night.

Bee Hive Sale End5

IO O.'clock To-night.

Bee Hive Sale Ends

10 O’clock To-night.

Ijoads o f goods art g o I ng out avery hour,every mihule, every aecoin*. You have until iO nlgbl.

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night.

It meant many a dollar ibu iyou cau save for a rainy day— oroltar oaa

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night,

A t we laid befbre. "Lnit opportuoltle* t e l d on ) coma back.” l ia v j nn cause for ragrei, but itari at onoe for No. ?C7 lo 7&1 Broad aireet*

Bee Hive Sale Ends

IO O’clock To-night,

An Ancient ( iislum.I'‘roni thr I'hlladclphiA Record.

People oHvn wonder wfiy irmny o f the Imn sailing vessels have white jmlnlc i sides j an- died in the ►hup*? o f porw, cspccl.illy tin i ‘- trading irx» nrd the (nriKi*l, Wamhl ps usrd to ix-pniriird iIic same wnv, nnd were I'fieusent to hill'll Ihe villARcs of ptrAicN who kIItod llifl crews aud loiUcd the eargiH'-s ot valuable Toshds. Tin* rlfiiit'i soon h•a^ned to knou ihpvrso'ls t.y 'tic lr pshiteil slde^nixl Keid out uf alftu wm*o n V'-sscI of Hmt kuvi a |i> |»cnr'-d. To hUII f Ightim ftwny ihc idrutc:", who tiVen now vk >Nl in I'Uiim, Java und Iht Rorncii wulei'i, the ohl euslom often pruvesusefah

S T A T I C \ (> T K S ,


Cap'nlit Harry Walsh, o f the E m m -i Ouurd* o f Wait liigtnii, I). C., whose cum- pauy Won ibetlrsl prise at the enramtonrut uf tbe IrUh-Arncrlcan MilfUry Ualuii, ] » a niodenl suldtcr. " It was nut i who won the piU*'; It AS iwfiiiy-'our wdl-drJIleti men,” Utf KAld to a Nkws icjnrlcr. "F o r three xnonihs :boy drllu-d every m ghi in tlio week gor ibrra Hour*, and ibree tuurulugs each week lli»0y were up and«rilliag at 6 u'clocka”

Caplilt) Wiilih nnd bis meu iimteraland •Abb ottiber thoruiigiiiy. The oomi^atiy uu- doubtediy eould perform all o f Its exhibition m uveuienu lu ihe Mlent drill. CepUtln W alsb la continually on the m ove during a drlil« and the time batueen the giving o f ibe •autlonery coixnntud and tbe order to •EcobU 1«regularly (letignalad by ihe Cap- talri'Apaces, FoMnsUticr, when (he coin- p a b j i* on a march abd he commands •'Carry,” lie le siepplng with ibe mwn. Just ■s, after four paces, Ibe men atrllia ibe Aeor

. wilt) |hi rIfU tiM i, they gel tbe la*l pari W

lU'i.MT llAZKWKi.i., ui Winilham County, Cumi., for twe»ty-dvu y»-or* hat made hu iioimt among Uiu i>r.inches ut un niM'leni i!liai>.tiiut (ri'O uti a faimoWMBd lay him, ills residenvu In. ihu iroHop U ihc rosuli« f u bet made Jn isStK ihui iluratio i^eymour u-uuid be cJect'.'U I'rvaicli'til.

Majoii \V. T, Jou .saox, one o f the f**w sitr* Vivurs u; the tlrnl H'ln-1 id I.ucknuw, lin ticvii rcmovi'd hy iU-hIJi,. l>nrlt;g ibogrewt Indian nmllny lie romuinniU.'ii u Kqtiioij'uii of imihe caviili'/'nnu look p.u't in nl-(lie cnnisgi-nicnts bvD^een t'.ia ii|>uiu ami liVicknow on ^ho uny (u iJif rvliiif I.f iliu Ll hagin rcil i:an*|soii, 'J hV o«mpaisn, lio. cvi-r, IvU j.lm wHh s iuuiernl Uoallii i«:al ln! Wii'i compeil d to nulro un half p:iy u4 lliLi iM>iu.'lu<'hi;i ut Uo'inuLliiy.

IMI. JAMks I’Kiuujf KuiTit, aKi,i».hint pro- fvhsor lit p.i le iiiiolo'V 111 iai-:aoil tjt lUfurJ, Jr,, I’ .ilviTsl y, aislst"U I’ .v live Nlurh-uiH euniiuolcd niih iliiit Instluiijinii, Ini* just mndehri ImpoiTmt goulii^li'al i xpydniDii lo MoilUt W JttMU. f'l.ViMal hprCillK'li-, uf fyS'lln hItiRTtu uiUuniltLir lu C.i.llumla v,*ii'>iil|. ouvi-riMi, nml a liirgi* lo i iIUHlriilngtiiy 0-1 a« m ini'gy of llie < ii>|ri' rcfilun ua-* e-llHi'i'U, whiicli wi:i 1>U Uii'iiluyi-J lu me U.ilvnisii^ imiHi'Uh),

DkNrH.il. W a RH llAMi’t'oy, Eniictl Mtate* Uailru.,il t omailsNlmiei', lus rclurnol lo Wushlngion iifier IjIh long Umr of Io.ipi*cl low u jon Iho TacIAc rftihoiils, dnrlifg ivtiicJi hotrnvi'ik'd 10.000 iitlt>>i. He ‘ p.*nks of the oewHuuih Caroliua Bqilu.'law as im ''outrugu ” and a harm to ihc Muie,

RiiikCAKCK'A (ierimm-Atnerlcan admirers 111 Han 'r^nol^ol> sent him, on hU last birth­day, an album of phuiogi'Aphs o f Califorultt ecetios In A redwood box ornauieiited wlih silver. He )iA* wrlltcu to ibi'in ugratel'ul aulr,graph leiler.

Mka ‘IjioitSTOK, widow ofUie laleCuptnIn James Bhepimrii Thnrijton, ilie- executive olllctfr of the KenrsHig* fluring iho light wlin Ibo Alabainu, will hiitid i\ line uioinorlal In hU liouof In Msrrliunr, N. M, Cipiahi Tbrirnlcm was a Ubml dewjJnclAni uf .Ua(- Ibew Thornlua, one o f lhi> signer* of ihe Declarallob o f lud^pamJeuco from Nvw Ham pi hi re.

Mrs- Charles Uuraml, o f .Ml. H uily.w hn cowhlilcfl Aniondu I’cnk Tuesday night fi>r going will) her huihamJ, has left ton n andtiiq*-Cluilcilj»nteiU__________ ____________ __

Ml. Itnlly's R jard o f rteiUtli bns passed an ordlimnoe cnupelHiig utl iwrson* living on

"-■'^or « i^btto Hewer locumiect will) itpenally o f u hn.ivy Anc.

H.0. ilarfiHon,tjuiierfiiloniU'nl of ihc Ifumr

whose Ulf has been In p;Tll for iliu past flve days ‘jy rcusiin o f a severe atinckol hl<s onugli^, N liHlcr, and his pbyAiclaiu are eon. Adeiii Iliiit he uHI rtcover.

Wlllluin Burna iho ilxteen-ycar-old Iml who wttsshot seveml da^e ago by WiLiiani McCurmn'k liiverlo, at Cani'ien, H still in t. orlliOil ooiialHon In Ipe Oou|>er Himpllnl. Tho snrjeuns are iifrulrl ro probe fur the baE In hi* bruuM, owing lo hi* weak eundIMon.

William J. Morris, a photogrxphor iTy.mu den, was cmrimllied in Jail ypHierdnv bj United HI nil's Co in mlsslonrr Cessady fur k furtiinr bearing next Wi'ck on Ihurhnrgci i f senutng n ihreFirening postal card Itirongh ttie iiinllN loU alely A Kllaijeralcl, ii I'hllatleb pblallriTi. ^.orris was arrested Weilaesdni al rnp” May by Lleutourtul Hmilh, of ih CMimlwn f 'ri**.

Ilim y .h>hn«on, who is conftnect In tin I'arndeu County Jnll nuaKing m al lor Ihi minder ut Mivtiui't Hnrk. in acting ver> hlrm B»'iy, Uc DerherineiHHHyiiul>a-nner‘i- or Ik H nimmtr.g InsHDity. lie walks hisM l. at nklit null irtlk* tneMlir-n ru l;. Johnson Siiys h!w trial will hist hm five mlniitoMind ll ' win In* iicnu lied. Mi* Irlends, lie Hn)>. wHl be unit lug uu:« d,* Ih ' J*il W recrlvu Ll in v.Uh A hfciHS bind,

.Mlehflpl iUichford recovered a.lndgmenl of'JlH In the First i^iairlel (’uiirt. Jersey Cliy, yesU'iflay OKahiet the Rnnrd of fr’lro Cum in I* kloiicrs. In 1801 Rnchlnrd furnished the br*ard wIMi eoal ami wonil Ainoiinllnt iu gSiq HlMOlaim u'jiB not |mld tMcauve Iho romrnt— sloiu'is had urt'Kily exced eJ ibefr npprfi- prmlhih for MUpplleK, Thu additional $1.H OUT tbe aniount uf hU claim t* fnicrfsl.

For striking Au-i kickhig file alftier, * ve i ty-fuur y ii>H old, and cm iii g hi* broiher-ln luw'* in-ad, James Donhm was ycaicrdiij scnioaccU by the Court of H| eclat Bes->h)n* m FhIithuu lo one year In the H(nic Frison hi liurd luhnr, T uomj tu a«HaiilU-d are ,Mr. and Mr*. I'eicr Winlerm They live lu u liiiie b u ­ilt Wnybe Township, Doaluu 1* a strmi ' m*T), fifty year* uUI.

Mayor Jotspti P. WooimAn, o f nnrllngton. nnd Tollce Ju«iico FrlckelleclUed inAtterso' Ihtf street with bluwH yesterday niornlnv, I'rlekeU reports lorn loeat newsp*per, Whlh auiiriR In tiielaiier en}Miotty he went to Inler- view the Mayor yimlerdar In rii'gard to sign- Lnga number uf liquor lloenxes. The Inter view was not raiialuulory to eiiber, p trileu- lurly ihi’ Mayor, when the report was pqb ii' 'lieda TbU m orolag, when the two puihm- lUescAnifl together, there was a craao. Tin Ltg Mayor and the Hitle Juiilco met, and Ih Mayor rubbed him up and down a lampN post. Jufetice Prloketi tbreateuM toawcai out a aarraut lor Ibe arrest of tbe JJayor.


A SET.Wnrranieda

People who era well pOitrd oil wltnl la g o lag on declaie ibAl ib<- rqual ul our •premj •Mile valufs have never i>feii put ou sale any- where else in tbi* or any oibercU y.

T ir r .^ v i)(V T o r n H flliM TO-PAV.

I eetli Ki;racteU.......................................... (..ntiUtta....„.................... ....................................KliielTiJ I Ki.llii*s„............ upm iiar Ylllln*..............................Me. loTSconUliuldaiid l-tBitnum Alloy,,...... ................. fi.ijj«.'lrHii.l!i(j Ti-ciii................................... „7iceiil«.■*‘ '"-«l"iii Cruwue.......................... ji.iiq („ jiouoflulij ........................... ja,yj IO 110,00-V l-‘ull S.I ui 'J'l'oUj................. fS.00Vrrj host liiiBlIlj-, „n liul,t,ar„.}8, uorriimc 1

J'liuci fiv.00 toHl.(J0roiilliiuiiuii ( in 111 J’lare............................ -VW.oo

IRVINGTON, N. J.The Proof o f the Pudding is in ihe Eating.


BOSTON INTALASmiATION,2L»a Murkot St., iVcwiirk.

W , E, flOLTt I)t l>a Hi* * * - Manager,

p ro o f o f th e be a u ty . i i id q u a lity o f the lo ts on I ■ * ^ .-luy tra c t is to ld b y th e n u m b e r o f liouses b u i lt

b y in d iv id u a ls . People do no t b u ild on a new tra c t un less the re is som e th in g to a ttra c t t lie m . T h is be ing th e case, does I t no t prove th a t M y r t le A ve m ie P a rk has these a ttra c t io n s ? P 'ifteen houses b u i l t a lre a d y and occupied b y th e ir owders. W e c la im th is to be th e fines t tra c t now open, h a v in g a ll t l ie fa c ilit ie s o f stores, school aud churches. S tree ts are a ll graded. A w a te r s u p p ly provided. S treets lig h te d every n ig h t b y e lec tr ic l ig h ts . W h a t m ore can be asked ? A u d th e n the p lan o f pu rchase is so easy— o n ly 5io cash requ ired , th e n $5 pe r m o n th . T e n pe r cent, d iscoun t fo r cash.


It b*t drawD 16 wi'll lhat we doubt tb*r* fan be many jeop le in Newark who have not been III lo iUow Ibelr apprrclatloD ofour ullf ring*,


Wl e.i TOI, hBTF a good Ihlnfoir.Ted you lake U, Hpeetal InducemanH ofT.-red to tboee rlalilns loljiilld 111 oiiue. Ilo iioi fail lo aoa Ihle properly li f-re hiiyliui, TbI;-‘ Hpr.nilli-lil

B »e>iuo.':niiric(!irlolrTln)jrtn. J>ll the roiMuclor m li t y- u-jn or Myrtto ovr-ime, o-nlk u irih (Wo itlockN »nd V 'u • lllb e o n ih a prupery. uur prir'e* nnd terms*. L:>liti'gnu to S-t^A, UlO e HO, lb*ii •.! |»er tii'tnib. Ten per v^ni. dDronnt mr i-jikb. B 'ln g a d i- p*uill wtib yuu, Lome up any day. Agent* on ih* ground at all llnifiH, or Inoulre fur mwrw. etc., of 1 n I .

All ktml* or WRlNRERfl roiftlreti ui III* louexl rliBrgen, Cm! led for and delivered fret.



lienlcri InlloiiHOimui Neu4-Mkiiu'». a*'ekJy FuymcuL*


Wb Are Ofeii fiariis.— IN nrax—

f a m i l y a n d p a s t r y FLOUH,D RIED FR U IT S,

C A N N E D G O O D S , E T C .

Our Vkim l Spockil U-lb. ItoxG o o d T o i l I 'o r * 1 ,0 0 .

B E A T T I E ,724 and rm Rnaul nt, andU BelitvHle AveLUOi

Look! Look!«

L ’ O B B A L K


ImmedlutoL' $400 EACH. M T H O N W . M O R S E ,

1 3 9 T H I f l D A V E N U E .

Chas. A. Catalan!,689 BROAD STREET.

350 Ladies’ Eton Suits,111 A ll-u oo l Merge, Duck and I’ laSd K(Tr(!li. were eotd In.t week

A t P r i c e s F r o m $ 3.98 t o $ 8 . 98 .TU K Y W E llE W O B T U IK Jl'ltl.i:.

W ?; IIA V K M TIIX ON H A N D ABOUT WO LAIUKH- Hl'It.H W f l i r i t WK W JI.l, BKLL AT I H t HAMK l lK I iU O -n o N -lH A T IM, A ltoU 1 O .M M IA I.K Ju 'u u ’ a U I 'U iC E ^

O r R S P E C I A L T Y

Lais' SisIS

' IThe u-unrlmpiit la Iha lartca l In the c lly . Our u-rrm eiiti are all tallor-raadv, aewn w llh

■Ilk, perft-ft flilln iran d tli<irou,tily apoiiKed ; they ivlll nelihec fade nor Kpot A I X TH K BTOCItS ARK O K reU E D 'r l l lt t W E Iilv A T H AI.K MUCK.

1,000 LADIE.-I- /U lJ U lE n HAILOR JIATM- » 4. a a ______ 4Alt co lor ., «u r ih | i.2 9 ........................... ...................................... .. . A t O i l C C I l l S

A GREAT eiG LEADER!too cuaei o f in parlor Clarat vvloa

$3 Per Casi.NO DECEIl' t-KACTHiKDI 30 YEARS'


Now is the TimeT o BUY

U M l t l t l l L L A S >h h I S U N U M U R E L L A S a t

G A R D im S ,8 A C A D E M Y S T R E E T

P»r**oli ra*d* to ninl«h *ut1«.MalOiitug baby carriage* a iptfClxUy,


H A R R I S O N & H OAG.

Too will find at my Here a full Hue of xaa

Best PaperCall and m y . lo c k * • “ A T L O W E S Tand gel prKwa. P R IC E S .

20 CUNTQN ST. Newark. N. J.

Fiffia iTX&puios_____ ^ R E N O W N E D TOR..U N O W N E D rO R

t o n e & O U R A 3 I L I T Y3 M 0 3 D B K J4 .T B ] I » R I o a :3

U3T im !3 . n m n o i s .ENDORStD BY LEADING ARTISTS.

CaltUfoalltlM caAppltoaUaD,

110 Fifth Av8., cor. IGthStrsiCH E W Y O R K C IT Y .

FOAMINEFor kci'iMiUj Minilgbl hatr Id

curl. PriooliSaui] .‘tJ ueuL*.

SULTANAFor iiiiuug kiiv Ji|)ri aud

Parian lotionJConrbiicnlogtuoi'kiii^ I'rJcedOo.

* ■ii*itf^bTli3drui‘nTin[(!ni't!i AiRi /minriiawif- T l i l i . M adulaoiuratl eultiy hy

M AJD A M E ,B - . w e S T E f l V E , iT . ._ _ .2 l ( J W a s s l i i n w t o u H t .

“Vi ......... t/Rlnrup.Flt#, Npht*1re, JtMf1«h", NerfouA Pr'fcUittl«n, mn-j'd hjrnlfNvhol!-r M'nlipfultu w, !it«nldl IJopyw-Jifla. KultPiie■ a ni.c-er, ri RP r(t: inr m, J)ty>D1 ............. ...... .........giuof llraJa, ra«*lii*t iiisRiiltr, jnl'wrv. drtow.'dintiL, l rnmatTir OM Aijo, Hai'N-uLtiw, LoRHcf Pi>yrir Inelthir•ei Aurttit Fpinii'v Wwkm-t'iMf-. .\ m<'a!h’!i rponimneL itia ftir tA b| lufttl. l.l'inranlre I ixiip,. to cur*. F»rhftrderfflr6^iA*.wiih^,'»r|ll^ni! wiltt*n puar-mlrr-lorfininii u jtot oiipvn. tSiieU‘ritiur’Rrjuiicd


RUPTURE CURED'J lir hnpruvi'il KIklHc TruHk li iiuhuiIj' irut*

In c.xjKlcnco limt 1* worn wllbnUkolutaunni- lurt night Mild day. M* H retain* tLo rupture nndpr ihu bardeel cxcrolne gr aerereit xtrain,. Mild will cflect a penuaupiiL aud ipoedy cure wlthtiui regard ig the ago of tbe putinuL Ex- • mltiMtiou trve, I..ady lu attcuuuuou for ia- die*, bund fur pbmpblPl.

IMl'UOVKD KLAHTir TUUftS 00.,i;:u ud bL'i iJruudwuy, cor. 12u$ hi., N. Y.

S A N T A L i - i E I D YAitoctt dbdbiirgc.i from tho urltuty orgug

In oitber *c-x id 49 hours.It ti luporlor to Copaiba, Cubcb, or IqIq

t1nn am) fn o Irobi Lll led uiuiL or otber tbcouveokacci.

SANTAL-MIDY“h"i‘MCap iilei, whii ll K?«r th a**no la I4(u;k>...... ......................... ..............

wMhft'U yUkh p3*'>nrr

THE NEW TURKISH BATH,No. 39 Clinton Gtroot.



M alera In Mernp I m u, .Melnla, W oolaud CnUon Raci, F a » r HKm i , lUh. . .........................ihDuary, Ualiln,, Pullaya, Unnfarh Entlnet, Bnlleri, Tanki, atn.

a o o t o a 0 4 W A S H I N G T O N ST*licb Yaid, Carllile pisco, TdcpIioDbU Ik

Cholffl Bleoded Twi:......................A .lc, poundPlUL'Oolong............................ ....Sate. “flood filnglteh Jlri'iik1a*t Tea*........‘iSe.-—<•*•Fine Maracnlbo Coffbu.....,.,,..........abo. ♦*I.argo New Ruleln*.... ........ *♦Trenton Hulier Omoltef.«..................Re. •*iie«i LMUndty Alnrob.................................... "Fur* Vinegar..,.!....'........... ia « . gslloaBe*t Long Pirt 'J alhieco...................Ske, pound}>*( iJiingMyiaA Wunr................ S.l.bO barrelPur* Ii> ai.dO fatlonPure Wbiexf'y-t,...... rte * l-4 0 lo Afl.OO “Pure iirHndle*.........^.*4.DO to vik.fKi ••I ................ ...................Al.dO lo •ift.oo per 100Purp ChocoIhIo CrentoH..... ............l4o. pHbundBamtuga Cari*bad WatorN............tl.dO doun



RESTAURANTS,Go the Largext Huuufaclitrer* In the Hiate,

jm t i.65 MARKET ST.

U to &2 lecbaoic 31.A full l ln e «r ih * very be^t qtiiillly Of utlver

plated warealwavi on hand to ottvet fr<Hu ” 0ur Oa’ ii Mttki*. gviuranleed uoi lobeHur-piixsed In qunlliy nr ruai^nAhlenp.** lu price.

ouiTt: ' —We aU o im ik ea KpcoUiTty In repairlag and roplulliig Yiid work, m iiking it a* good >ui nr*w, Ai lea* Then half tbe price o f new work. Bndft Fnuntnin* r*-jvilred en d replnted.

G old, 8 l lv e /a i id N ickel Pluilnk on uU arlF doM for UHp nr ornamertt.


6 8 T O 6 2 M E C H A N I C S T R E E T ,Ouc lH>or iruju MuUterry Sc.

Oir. .Mntn and lildge at*., Orange, N. J.,


Oil .IkOUFlJlaNl!; CHI,ORAL, ilKWhNK a n d tK

t o ^ a c a o H A ^ traThe treatment I* MctilleMl wlHi Ihal given

by Dr. L"<ilie ZL Kreley ai D$vlghl, Hi.For full Inforinaltun iiildruas

WILL R. DA&B, Manager.AfnKir-RtriTfffrK,’ h»*aipi.rDrMrtsr;'(RKk-ii.iy (if Uwiym, 111,): 1! "“J t f r " “TiMfw!»


3110, 33d nnd 334 Julinslon uTanun, JKIWEY CITY, X. J.

Take Nawnrk uud Nea Y'urk U. ILlo Lifayt-lieMiuilou,’

W a lte r P. Dunn JPLUMBING WORK,


Iron r ip o a n d Filling*, Bra** W ork, Uy- dranta, Eatb*, Wethiianda, AufotnatlQ Cellar l>raln*r*, Santinry Wuter C’cacti,

Pomp*. Utirdeu lloae, Keglai^rt, VenUiatoro, Oa* Stuvei. Ga« Flxiureo, Globe*, etc.

9 8 Market St. TilepLooe 4 8 1 .


9 s you r a r OumT W)uii Mxt In need t r j ■ plM ]■ •• t In th» world.

15.00 j lO D .1^58

*2.08roRumt*«2.D8H .7 5 ron tayr! ' : 7 5

I f JOB v u t t Hit* DRESS SHOE, tnada In Itie Intert ^ I m. don’ t piY t 6 to try my$3, S3.5S, td.CO or B$ Shoe. They El equal (o taatom made and look »nd •W M willi [fyeiiwlalitoecoiienilielnyetr^tweer, do u by purchMlns W. L, Dou(^«( Shoes. Kano nnd yrtee itamped on the bottom, fcok for Ituhcn you boy X7.1_ DOCOLAS, Brockton, S lu e . Sold byH E R n A N UO t'd.-y3M■H-rrr I W.tl. .:e l!VU a r k e i n i .. r«ri!ft i '-l-

.aa ------------ tU7 Broml at.j K.‘ -*ii'i<« 4v»-i «■ H. II F .-rrym ., R . 4 . * T . V. A n -..., ■113 n.-i,n<l « « ,! N. TlOltyntTRI^I. 17 tlnrhoLN i.,3 0 n t :p i f n . t » « t-o...t74 nriiMjrFmi. n r , K lFvrnth tt'.i O. II. [ilK H JIA \ , 107IlH Trl.U K A . r „ ItnrrlM ln .


O. A. CAHILL,(Funner]y with FL O. Faltoutu A Co.')


COALWholesale anil Retail.

O l'K irl! .\Nll YARD

18? FIRST ST.Telephone.* N 'l lOlL Newark, N. j .


106 and 108 Mulberry S t,COB. OUMTOK n .



A lb ert C .C ourterl A C I D 3 ,

D R U G 5.1C h em ic als ,D Y E S T U F F S . ,

|a 0 9 M A IIK E r5 T .to U l« l

Cni'cT Allow Uu IoCall Your Allenlion lo Oiwo p W c a l

. - ' W - TV'tft lMH — *A ssure J*eit__The Mont Salls/arlort/ Mesult) in The State.

JOHN M. M ENTZ,685 Broad Street.

f t l ’P lCTALft I X

ilil>ni1iea' llu*o, fait black, tpeclal valua

26c. pair.Idiidlo*' Iloa*, fast black. blKh'<pH'*^d heel

nnd doiihle aolri, ;jjc. pair; 11 pair* fur ll.OCt Uxim value,

liiidlFfa* UichclIiMi RbUed IIokc, fait black, dnublo hgtl*, 00<*, p:tlr,

Juidks’ and MUaoi* Ho*r, inn ihadet, rU> bed aiiil pluln, Ul lOv*., 2<>o., Uikfi, hOc. pair.

Gfni*' Bicycle llq tf, fa il biciek. Li}c.uDd iXIa.pair.

The larscat ANBortmani o f Jnfiinl*’ nnd % Hockt, cotton aod cnRtimcrr, black, wblla and colur*. *!■** 6, and 6 luchei.

IkidtcV JilblFcd Golloo V**!*, 10c., Igc,, 2ic*, Wt'. Hpcclul value.

GunlR'aud Jb'y^'GUltiig Flannel nnd BUk Binpe bblrt*, 4tle>. "Jic. und 11 upward.

T O C L O S E :


Sun U m brollasAT Lh>H TllA .':


A L o t o f L a d io s ' S h ir t W a is t s

At 59 cents.Hviluced from 11.26.

D l> Y O U W A N T

A REFRIGERATOR?A OMEAT cur. 6t( Pncti Eltewhtr*

aeU Cwnpart Wllh Tkae.MACK’M (,iiK «r


No.Cm li(7- t'Ul

l*rK'-M, No. Priit'*. Prior*.*2...... . IB.il7|l........ .........fl.iuJ.... . ...... JI.U7 fttols..... . .........« S4 7.tMi4.......... ....... liU .■i.iwii........ .........7d7 U.lUta.......... 7.W|4........ 11.17

H i» Icsherg Hardmaad R e lrig tra lo rt,No. Cul PrlrcA Rig. I*rli-p.,I'i......................... Vprlkhi, |e.(7 iT.usIS......................... .U prlihl, IMIS17................. Uprliht, 3.17 ll.liSla .........................UjirllRl, 11.33 13.eT

The Cskbrattd Hardwood end Charcoat~fillod Heckman Refngoretor}. - Jhe

Bast in tho World.CHE-ITM. U P iU fiiim

Cut Ib'g. Cut Hot.No. Prlrv*. *rloi'* Kn. Prior*. Pflco*.Td... .......... K.:h> fO„ ............ ti.Ult »K{1776... ...........fi.K7 S.US ilM.. ...... ....Jfl.N? Jlk'iM2.,. ........... 10% 161.. ............18 i i l.r“fl

ii«... ll.v- m.. ........... 13,70 IH.lfi1V7.. .......... ..U.U8 ias7m.. ............iH.h) 2iK7■Mil.. ........... IT.it'j 21.U6Idt).. ............i:i.2n l\Wm.. 1M.M7

Thawnro nioatly samples, n-Rh afewdnpll- GHteaof*ome *!*<■», You may never uviiln get a chance uj buy a UcfiigcTalor ai the** pricer. We n*r<1 the r<Kmi, In-ucalbi’Be ex- iraordluHry low price*. Free Dellverle* All Over ihc Biarr.

SH IPM A N ’S,4 7 7 - 4 7 9 B R O A D S T R E E T ,

Tbre* Door* Below Orange bireeU

Take a DrinkorGurreJuveDflilugSelU^rLemonalc*. liar* Ing OUCH iclt It* benrflvtal ofTecl* you will glHdlv u*n it tt-hrn not reeling quite up in Ih* innrk. Uur artial give* you n forcible Ului* irntlnua You know wjmt la for jiour own Eood, and will call on u* when In need of Pure Drug* and Medlelner, Y<>n will be *ai. I*fled wlib our ineihoda. It pay» ii,i pieaie patron*. How? Hr charging a low pile*, mill giving dig be.«i for >'o|tr money. W* oHinb Ff*ti'i'« ladder by an unnullled fepui# tlofi. IlUYLKR'H DELICIOUS CANDIE14.

Prodential Pliaraacy asd 025 Broad Street.

PETTL HE r U T « UPPHE.'suitiPnoNa


4JJKI O O D » _________A »'i'l» (j l . rki-L Va lura). Jan. I ,l8i)!)..Mi,3ns UUj Llubtlltln, N.Y. uuu Jluiu. ttia.m-

• r t .............. .................................... 17,Tin,DM 51fiurpiUA....................................... U,11.1,350IIIburuluAby loriner N. V.HMniJard

(Am. K i, 4U K f caiiL RL-.cmci S,3AI,4S3 ]| ra lle laa Abauralaly 3f»i.-ruriulliabla enaa

H>ee*wu(i Vewr.laS CAIK o r JUAfEiK il u policy >* COa^TllHDKb

jK roBC i ji« Uyiig a* It* Value will pay i o r ; or,ll preferred, a Paid-up Pulley tor it* fail valfie i*litiu*d lu c x ( '

J. Kendall Smith,6S3 BROAD ST.FXTKIIT

oi-ricuM ,

U o l d O n I H o ld O n I


To itir Hbopptiif t>htrp of Jer*cy, ai 116 jhOLUFUHY SIRFFT.

Our prlie* are the Jo •• L. W by 7 Uccau Wi‘ i3ave iioexarU iant rpolhl ix eii***. buy all my *toc*k ullvc anil dJ0 «it ^ tnyf>olfag»'t Uu* J.’i j f dii4H.ual anil nm iuibnid n iib ri'anun-ifhl** IPrime RlbHoaxT...................Prime Porierbouxe Mtcak...iTlme Hirlolf) 8i«tik........ .P ilno ' '•’ 'U -M N 'm g............Prime Chuck Hleqlt............Jentey Milk Veal,:,.............'nim lquarter Wiwi.ii Lamb Fgirquarler «Jm Irig Loriih.,Pnrh.....a............. ...................M b o u ld e r . .a .4M ....a ......................Uam*...,.......a........... .............Cornyd B»‘of.


^ n p nnd Hb'w Mciab- e}|r


piotoshb Fresh iCvetf|r Day,.....We lend, tpt Uio*'' 'rin>vnn f ‘)!ofr,

H K N l i V IIO K N M ,llA M ulberry ■(-, hetween Market and Clinton

*LR. . a a 'J'elephun* Ufil, a\t*»ark, > . J,

TneTRIUMPHofLOVEIA Happy, Fruitful

M M BttOE!I M a v s

w bo would

-raUTHB, tba 1-l.ln«nd tb^aw 'DlenoVerlp.’ofS ? * n * '’ !*'’ ’ h?'**'* ''Il<® forMir l l ii la h o u h .

+VN8001V T oa a j--

T IS v ..;* “ERIE MEDIORLOO.. Buffilo.N.Y.

egchaiigtf.Attar the second yesr Pollcic* aro JbOoat-

TXATABLXf OTid oU rMfricMn* lU to retUionto, tmvolor QooupafJaa or* rtntoMd.

Caaif Loass ar* umdo to ib* fxtenb o f SI per cout, (tf 1 1 1* reoerv* valuo, wht'r* rallcl aHlgnments o f tb* pullole* caa b* mad* aa cnUnifral oecnrlty. *

l^obsxflpHl^ iQiiqcKilAU'UcupoftfConabltUAa-T' *■■■■’ '1. ■ H ■ '


CURES "Biliousness.






D IRECT PROOF.6dy Yvl.e hg* Um*a irouuled

with driver CamplMlnt aud PaipUailuQ (if (ho H^ari fur over a year. Her case buffled Ihu ikiil o f OUT 1>e*i ph>-a|« cluiiv. Aftrr u^lng ihrrt* btLO 'Iv* ■ f your JJuiiDOCK Plooo lirfTyR^ hI>* ]r iiirntiKL ('u-kttreywL’JI. \V* Iruiy revom*niri.d y<mr iriedli lor.

{JROKQr Vk\ HllAWLLa aMonipi’ller, Wliltaina Co., O.

3 0 0 nnil 3 0 3 M A E K R T ST.Birdfirs, IroD..Flpl Sippllei, SiMi